"use strict"; Object.defineProperties(exports, { __esModule: { value: true }, [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: "Module" } }); const drei = require("@react-three/drei"); const fiber = require("@react-three/fiber"); const rapier = require("@aeonlabs/rapier"); const React = require("react"); const THREE = require("three"); const leva = require("leva"); const zustand = require("zustand"); const middleware = require("zustand/middleware"); const three = require("@react-spring/three"); function _interopNamespaceDefault(e) { const n = Object.create(null, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: "Module" } }); if (e) { for (const k in e) { if (k !== "default") { const d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k); Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : { enumerable: true, get: () => e[k] }); } } } n.default = e; return Object.freeze(n); } const THREE__namespace = /* @__PURE__ */ _interopNamespaceDefault(THREE); const useFollowCam = function(props) { const { scene, camera, gl } = fiber.useThree(); const disableFollowCam = props.disableFollowCam; const disableFollowCamPos = props.disableFollowCamPos; const disableFollowCamTarget = props.disableFollowCamTarget; let isMouseDown = false; let previousTouch1 = null; let previousTouch2 = null; let originZDis = props.camInitDis; const camMaxDis = props.camMaxDis; const camMinDis = props.camMinDis; const camInitDir = props.camInitDir; const camMoveSpeed = props.camMoveSpeed; const camZoomSpeed = props.camZoomSpeed; const camCollisionOffset = props.camCollisionOffset; const pivot = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Object3D(), []); const followCam = React.useMemo(() => { const origin = new THREE__namespace.Object3D(); origin.position.set(0, 0, originZDis); return origin; }, []); let smallestDistance = null; let cameraDistance = null; let intersects = null; let intersectObjects = []; const cameraRayDir = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const cameraRayOrigin = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const cameraPosition = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const camLerpingPoint = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const camRayCast = new THREE__namespace.Raycaster( cameraRayOrigin, cameraRayDir, 0, -camMaxDis ); const onDocumentMouseMove = (e) => { if (document.pointerLockElement || isMouseDown) { pivot.rotation.y -= e.movementX * 2e-3 * camMoveSpeed; const vy = followCam.rotation.x + e.movementY * 2e-3 * camMoveSpeed; cameraDistance = followCam.position.length(); if (vy >= -0.5 && vy <= 1.5) { followCam.rotation.x = vy; followCam.position.y = -cameraDistance * Math.sin(-vy); followCam.position.z = -cameraDistance * Math.cos(-vy); } } return false; }; const onDocumentMouseWheel = (e) => { const vz = originZDis - e.deltaY * 2e-3 * camZoomSpeed; const vy = followCam.rotation.x; if (vz >= camMaxDis && vz <= camMinDis) { originZDis = vz; followCam.position.z = originZDis * Math.cos(-vy); followCam.position.y = originZDis * Math.sin(-vy); } return false; }; const onTouchEnd = (e) => { previousTouch1 = null; previousTouch2 = null; }; const onTouchMove = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); const touch1 = e.targetTouches[0]; const touch2 = e.targetTouches[1]; if (previousTouch1 && !previousTouch2) { const touch1MovementX = touch1.pageX - previousTouch1.pageX; const touch1MovementY = touch1.pageY - previousTouch1.pageY; pivot.rotation.y -= touch1MovementX * 5e-3 * camMoveSpeed; const vy = followCam.rotation.x + touch1MovementY * 5e-3 * camMoveSpeed; cameraDistance = followCam.position.length(); if (vy >= -0.5 && vy <= 1.5) { followCam.rotation.x = vy; followCam.position.y = -cameraDistance * Math.sin(-vy); followCam.position.z = -cameraDistance * Math.cos(-vy); } } if (previousTouch2) { const prePinchDis = Math.hypot( previousTouch1.pageX - previousTouch2.pageX, previousTouch1.pageY - previousTouch2.pageY ); const pinchDis = Math.hypot( e.touches[0].pageX - e.touches[1].pageX, e.touches[0].pageY - e.touches[1].pageY ); const vz = originZDis - (prePinchDis - pinchDis) * 0.01 * camZoomSpeed; const vy = followCam.rotation.x; if (vz >= camMaxDis && vz <= camMinDis) { originZDis = vz; followCam.position.z = originZDis * Math.cos(-vy); followCam.position.y = originZDis * Math.sin(-vy); } } previousTouch1 = touch1; previousTouch2 = touch2; }; const joystickCamMove = (movementX, movementY) => { pivot.rotation.y -= movementX * 5e-3 * camMoveSpeed * 3; const vy = followCam.rotation.x + movementY * 5e-3 * camMoveSpeed * 3; cameraDistance = followCam.position.length(); if (vy >= -0.5 && vy <= 1.5) { followCam.rotation.x = vy; followCam.position.y = -cameraDistance * Math.sin(-vy); followCam.position.z = -cameraDistance * Math.cos(vy); } }; function customTraverse(object) { if (object.userData && object.userData.camExcludeCollision === true) { return; } if (object.isMesh && object.geometry.type !== "InstancedBufferGeometry") { intersectObjects.push(object); } object.children.forEach((child) => { customTraverse(child); }); } const cameraCollisionDetect = (delta) => { cameraRayOrigin.copy(pivot.position); camera.getWorldPosition(cameraPosition); cameraRayDir.subVectors(cameraPosition, pivot.position); intersects = camRayCast.intersectObjects(intersectObjects); if (intersects.length && intersects[0].distance <= -originZDis) { smallestDistance = -intersects[0].distance * camCollisionOffset < -0.7 ? -intersects[0].distance * camCollisionOffset : -0.7; } else { smallestDistance = originZDis; } camLerpingPoint.set( followCam.position.x, smallestDistance * Math.sin(-followCam.rotation.x), smallestDistance * Math.cos(-followCam.rotation.x) ); followCam.position.lerp(camLerpingPoint, delta * 4); }; React.useEffect(() => { pivot.rotation.y = camInitDir.y; followCam.rotation.x = camInitDir.x; }, []); React.useEffect(() => { if (disableFollowCam) { camera.position.set(disableFollowCamPos.x, disableFollowCamPos.y, disableFollowCamPos.z); camera.lookAt(new THREE__namespace.Vector3(disableFollowCamTarget.x, disableFollowCamTarget.y, disableFollowCamTarget.z)); } else { camera.position.set(0, 0, 0); } }, [disableFollowCam]); React.useEffect(() => { scene.children.forEach((child) => customTraverse(child)); disableFollowCam ? followCam.remove(camera) : followCam.add(camera); pivot.add(followCam); gl.domElement.addEventListener("mousedown", () => { isMouseDown = true; }); gl.domElement.addEventListener("mouseup", () => { isMouseDown = false; }); gl.domElement.addEventListener("mousemove", onDocumentMouseMove); gl.domElement.addEventListener("mousewheel", onDocumentMouseWheel); gl.domElement.addEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd); gl.domElement.addEventListener("touchmove", onTouchMove, { passive: false }); return () => { gl.domElement.removeEventListener("mousedown", () => { isMouseDown = true; }); gl.domElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", () => { isMouseDown = false; }); gl.domElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", onDocumentMouseMove); gl.domElement.removeEventListener("mousewheel", onDocumentMouseWheel); gl.domElement.removeEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd); gl.domElement.removeEventListener("touchmove", onTouchMove); followCam.remove(camera); }; }); return { pivot, followCam, cameraCollisionDetect, joystickCamMove }; }; const useGame = /* @__PURE__ */ zustand.create( /* @__PURE__ */ middleware.subscribeWithSelector((set, get) => { return { /** * Point to move point */ moveToPoint: null, /** * Check is camera based movement */ isCameraBased: false, /** * Character animations state manegement */ // Initial animation curAnimation: null, animationSet: {}, initializeAnimationSet: (animationSet) => { set((state) => { if (Object.keys(state.animationSet).length === 0) { return { animationSet }; } return {}; }); }, reset: () => { set((state) => { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.idle }; }); }, idle: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curAnimation === state.animationSet.jumpIdle) { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.jumpLand }; } else if (state.curAnimation !== state.animationSet.action1 && state.curAnimation !== state.animationSet.action2 && state.curAnimation !== state.animationSet.action3 && state.curAnimation !== state.animationSet.action4) { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.idle }; } return {}; }); }, walk: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curAnimation !== state.animationSet.action4) { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.walk }; } return {}; }); }, run: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curAnimation !== state.animationSet.action4) { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.run }; } return {}; }); }, jump: () => { set((state) => { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.jump }; }); }, jumpIdle: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curAnimation === state.animationSet.jump) { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.jumpIdle }; } return {}; }); }, jumpLand: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curAnimation === state.animationSet.jumpIdle) { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.jumpLand }; } return {}; }); }, fall: () => { set((state) => { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.fall }; }); }, action1: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curAnimation === state.animationSet.idle) { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.action1 }; } return {}; }); }, action2: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curAnimation === state.animationSet.idle) { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.action2 }; } return {}; }); }, action3: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curAnimation === state.animationSet.idle) { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.action3 }; } return {}; }); }, action4: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curAnimation === state.animationSet.idle || state.curAnimation === state.animationSet.walk || state.curAnimation === state.animationSet.run) { return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.action4 }; } return {}; }); }, /** * Additional animations */ // triggerFunction: ()=>{ // set((state) => { // return { curAnimation: state.animationSet.additionalAnimation }; // }); // } /** * Set/get point to move point */ setMoveToPoint: (point) => { set(() => { return { moveToPoint: point }; }); }, getMoveToPoint: () => { return { moveToPoint: get().moveToPoint }; }, /** * Set/get camera based movement */ setCameraBased: (isCameraBased) => { set(() => { return { isCameraBased }; }); }, getCameraBased: () => { return { isCameraBased: get().isCameraBased }; } }; }) ); const useJoystickControls = /* @__PURE__ */ zustand.create( /* @__PURE__ */ middleware.subscribeWithSelector((set, get) => { return { /** * Joystick state manegement */ // Initial joystick/button state curJoystickDis: 0, curJoystickAng: 0, curRunState: false, curButton1Pressed: false, curButton2Pressed: false, curButton3Pressed: false, curButton4Pressed: false, curButton5Pressed: false, setJoystick: (joystickDis, joystickAng, runState) => { set(() => { return { curJoystickDis: joystickDis, curJoystickAng: joystickAng, curRunState: runState }; }); }, resetJoystick: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curJoystickDis !== 0 || state.curJoystickAng !== 0) { return { curJoystickDis: 0, curJoystickAng: 0, curRunState: false }; } return {}; }); }, pressButton1: () => { set((state) => { if (!state.curButton1Pressed) { return { curButton1Pressed: true }; } return {}; }); }, pressButton2: () => { set((state) => { if (!state.curButton2Pressed) { return { curButton2Pressed: true }; } return {}; }); }, pressButton3: () => { set((state) => { if (!state.curButton3Pressed) { return { curButton3Pressed: true }; } return {}; }); }, pressButton4: () => { set((state) => { if (!state.curButton4Pressed) { return { curButton4Pressed: true }; } return {}; }); }, pressButton5: () => { set((state) => { if (!state.curButton5Pressed) { return { curButton5Pressed: true }; } return {}; }); }, releaseAllButtons: () => { set((state) => { if (state.curButton1Pressed) { return { curButton1Pressed: false }; } if (state.curButton2Pressed) { return { curButton2Pressed: false }; } if (state.curButton3Pressed) { return { curButton3Pressed: false }; } if (state.curButton4Pressed) { return { curButton4Pressed: false }; } if (state.curButton5Pressed) { return { curButton5Pressed: false }; } return {}; }); }, getJoystickValues: () => { return { joystickDis: get().curJoystickDis, joystickAng: get().curJoystickAng, runState: get().curRunState, button1Pressed: get().curButton1Pressed, button2Pressed: get().curButton2Pressed, button3Pressed: get().curButton3Pressed, button4Pressed: get().curButton4Pressed, button5Pressed: get().curButton5Pressed }; } }; }) ); function EcctrlAnimation(props) { const group = React.useRef(); const { animations } = drei.useGLTF(props.characterURL); const { actions } = drei.useAnimations(animations, group); const curAnimation = useGame((state) => state.curAnimation); const resetAnimation = useGame((state) => state.reset); const initializeAnimationSet = useGame( (state) => state.initializeAnimationSet ); React.useEffect(() => { initializeAnimationSet(props.animationSet); }, []); React.useEffect(() => { const action = actions[curAnimation ? curAnimation : props.animationSet.jumpIdle]; if (curAnimation === props.animationSet.jump || curAnimation === props.animationSet.jumpLand || curAnimation === props.animationSet.action1 || curAnimation === props.animationSet.action2 || curAnimation === props.animationSet.action3 || curAnimation === props.animationSet.action4) { action.reset().fadeIn(0.2).setLoop(THREE__namespace.LoopOnce, void 0).play(); action.clampWhenFinished = true; } else { action.reset().fadeIn(0.2).play(); } action._mixer.addEventListener("finished", () => resetAnimation()); return () => { action.fadeOut(0.2); action._mixer.removeEventListener( "finished", () => resetAnimation() ); action._mixer._listeners = []; }; }, [curAnimation]); return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(React.Suspense, { fallback: null }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("group", { ref: group, dispose: null, userData: { camExcludeCollision: true } }, props.children)); } const JoystickComponents = (props) => { let joystickCenterX = 0; let joystickCenterY = 0; let joystickHalfWidth = 0; let joystickHalfHeight = 0; let joystickMaxDis = 0; let joystickDis = 0; let joystickAng = 0; const touch1MovementVec2 = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector2(), []); const joystickMovementVec2 = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector2(), []); const [windowSize, setWindowSize] = React.useState({ innerHeight, innerWidth }); const joystickDiv = document.querySelector("#ecctrl-joystick"); const [springs, api] = three.useSpring( () => ({ topRotationX: 0, topRotationY: 0, basePositionX: 0, basePositionY: 0, config: { tension: 600 } }) ); const joystickBaseGeo = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.CylinderGeometry(2.3, 2.1, 0.3, 16), []); const joystickStickGeo = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.CylinderGeometry(0.3, 0.3, 3, 6), []); const joystickHandleGeo = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.SphereGeometry(1.4, 8, 8), []); const joystickBaseMaterial = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.MeshNormalMaterial({ transparent: true, opacity: 0.3 }), []); const joystickStickMaterial = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.MeshNormalMaterial({ transparent: true, opacity: 0.3 }), []); const joystickHandleMaterial = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.MeshNormalMaterial({ transparent: true, opacity: 0.7 }), []); const setJoystick = useJoystickControls((state) => state.setJoystick); const resetJoystick = useJoystickControls((state) => state.resetJoystick); const onTouchMove = React.useCallback((e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); const touch1 = e.targetTouches[0]; const touch1MovementX = touch1.pageX - joystickCenterX; const touch1MovementY = -(touch1.pageY - joystickCenterY); touch1MovementVec2.set(touch1MovementX, touch1MovementY); joystickDis = Math.min(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(touch1MovementX, 2) + Math.pow(touch1MovementY, 2)), joystickMaxDis); joystickAng = touch1MovementVec2.angle(); joystickMovementVec2.set(joystickDis * Math.cos(joystickAng), joystickDis * Math.sin(joystickAng)); const runState = joystickDis > joystickMaxDis * 0.7; api.start({ topRotationX: -joystickMovementVec2.y / joystickHalfHeight, topRotationY: joystickMovementVec2.x / joystickHalfWidth, basePositionX: joystickMovementVec2.x * 2e-3, basePositionY: joystickMovementVec2.y * 2e-3 }); setJoystick(joystickDis, joystickAng, runState); }, [api, windowSize]); const onTouchEnd = (e) => { api.start({ topRotationX: 0, topRotationY: 0, basePositionX: 0, basePositionY: 0 }); resetJoystick(); }; const onWindowResize = () => { setWindowSize({ innerHeight: window.innerHeight, innerWidth: window.innerWidth }); }; React.useEffect(() => { const joystickPositionX = joystickDiv.getBoundingClientRect().x; const joystickPositionY = joystickDiv.getBoundingClientRect().y; joystickHalfWidth = joystickDiv.getBoundingClientRect().width / 2; joystickHalfHeight = joystickDiv.getBoundingClientRect().height / 2; joystickMaxDis = joystickHalfWidth * 0.65; joystickCenterX = joystickPositionX + joystickHalfWidth; joystickCenterY = joystickPositionY + joystickHalfHeight; joystickDiv.addEventListener("touchmove", onTouchMove, { passive: false }); joystickDiv.addEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd); window.visualViewport.addEventListener("resize", onWindowResize); return () => { joystickDiv.removeEventListener("touchmove", onTouchMove); joystickDiv.removeEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd); window.visualViewport.removeEventListener("resize", onWindowResize); }; }); return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(React.Suspense, { fallback: "null" }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(three.animated.group, { "position-x": springs.basePositionX, "position-y": springs.basePositionY }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: joystickBaseGeo, material: joystickBaseMaterial, rotation: [-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0], ...props.joystickBaseProps })), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(three.animated.group, { "rotation-x": springs.topRotationX, "rotation-y": springs.topRotationY }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: joystickStickGeo, material: joystickStickMaterial, rotation: [-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0], position: [0, 0, 1.5], ...props.joystickStickProps }), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: joystickHandleGeo, material: joystickHandleMaterial, position: [0, 0, 4], ...props.joystickHandleProps }))); }; const ButtonComponents = ({ buttonNumber = 1, ...props }) => { const buttonLargeBaseGeo = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.CylinderGeometry(1.1, 1, 0.3, 16), []); const buttonSmallBaseGeo = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.CylinderGeometry(0.9, 0.8, 0.3, 16), []); const buttonTop1Geo = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.CylinderGeometry(0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 16), []); const buttonTop2Geo = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.CylinderGeometry(0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 16), []); const buttonTop3Geo = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.CylinderGeometry(0.7, 0.7, 0.5, 16), []); const buttonTop4Geo = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.CylinderGeometry(0.7, 0.7, 0.5, 16), []); const buttonTop5Geo = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.CylinderGeometry(0.7, 0.7, 0.5, 16), []); const buttonBaseMaterial = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.MeshNormalMaterial({ transparent: true, opacity: 0.3 }), []); const buttonTop1Material = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.MeshNormalMaterial({ transparent: true, opacity: 0.5 }), []); const buttonTop2Material = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.MeshNormalMaterial({ transparent: true, opacity: 0.5 }), []); const buttonTop3Material = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.MeshNormalMaterial({ transparent: true, opacity: 0.5 }), []); const buttonTop4Material = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.MeshNormalMaterial({ transparent: true, opacity: 0.5 }), []); const buttonTop5Material = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.MeshNormalMaterial({ transparent: true, opacity: 0.5 }), []); const buttonDiv = document.querySelector("#ecctrl-button"); const [springs, api] = three.useSpring( () => ({ buttonTop1BaseScaleY: 1, buttonTop1BaseScaleXAndZ: 1, buttonTop2BaseScaleY: 1, buttonTop2BaseScaleXAndZ: 1, buttonTop3BaseScaleY: 1, buttonTop3BaseScaleXAndZ: 1, buttonTop4BaseScaleY: 1, buttonTop4BaseScaleXAndZ: 1, buttonTop5BaseScaleY: 1, buttonTop5BaseScaleXAndZ: 1, config: { tension: 600 } }) ); const pressButton1 = useJoystickControls((state) => state.pressButton1); const pressButton2 = useJoystickControls((state) => state.pressButton2); const pressButton3 = useJoystickControls((state) => state.pressButton3); const pressButton4 = useJoystickControls((state) => state.pressButton4); const pressButton5 = useJoystickControls((state) => state.pressButton5); const releaseAllButtons = useJoystickControls((state) => state.releaseAllButtons); const onPointerDown = (number) => { switch (number) { case 1: pressButton1(); api.start({ buttonTop1BaseScaleY: 0.5, buttonTop1BaseScaleXAndZ: 1.15 }); break; case 2: pressButton2(); api.start({ buttonTop2BaseScaleY: 0.5, buttonTop2BaseScaleXAndZ: 1.15 }); break; case 3: pressButton3(); api.start({ buttonTop3BaseScaleY: 0.5, buttonTop3BaseScaleXAndZ: 1.15 }); break; case 4: pressButton4(); api.start({ buttonTop4BaseScaleY: 0.5, buttonTop4BaseScaleXAndZ: 1.15 }); break; case 5: pressButton5(); api.start({ buttonTop5BaseScaleY: 0.5, buttonTop5BaseScaleXAndZ: 1.15 }); break; } }; const onPointerUp = () => { releaseAllButtons(); api.start({ buttonTop1BaseScaleY: 1, buttonTop1BaseScaleXAndZ: 1, buttonTop2BaseScaleY: 1, buttonTop2BaseScaleXAndZ: 1, buttonTop3BaseScaleY: 1, buttonTop3BaseScaleXAndZ: 1, buttonTop4BaseScaleY: 1, buttonTop4BaseScaleXAndZ: 1, buttonTop5BaseScaleY: 1, buttonTop5BaseScaleXAndZ: 1 }); }; React.useEffect(() => { buttonDiv.addEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp); return () => { buttonDiv.removeEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp); }; }); return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(React.Suspense, { fallback: "null" }, buttonNumber > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( three.animated.group, { "scale-x": springs.buttonTop1BaseScaleXAndZ, "scale-y": springs.buttonTop1BaseScaleY, "scale-z": springs.buttonTop1BaseScaleXAndZ, rotation: [-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0], position: props.buttonGroup1Position || (buttonNumber === 1 ? [0, 0, 0] : [2, 1, 0]) }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: buttonLargeBaseGeo, material: buttonBaseMaterial, ...props.buttonLargeBaseProps, onPointerDown: () => onPointerDown(1) }), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: buttonTop1Geo, material: buttonTop1Material, position: [0, -0.3, 0], ...props.buttonTop1Props }) ), buttonNumber > 1 && /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( three.animated.group, { "scale-x": springs.buttonTop2BaseScaleXAndZ, "scale-y": springs.buttonTop2BaseScaleY, "scale-z": springs.buttonTop2BaseScaleXAndZ, rotation: [-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0], position: props.buttonGroup2Position || [0.5, -1.3, 0] }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: buttonLargeBaseGeo, material: buttonBaseMaterial, ...props.buttonLargeBaseProps, onPointerDown: () => onPointerDown(2) }), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: buttonTop2Geo, material: buttonTop2Material, position: [0, -0.3, 0], ...props.buttonTop2Props }) ), buttonNumber > 2 && /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( three.animated.group, { "scale-x": springs.buttonTop3BaseScaleXAndZ, "scale-y": springs.buttonTop3BaseScaleY, "scale-z": springs.buttonTop3BaseScaleXAndZ, rotation: [-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0], position: props.buttonGroup3Position || [-1, 1, 0] }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: buttonSmallBaseGeo, material: buttonBaseMaterial, ...props.buttonSmallBaseProps, onPointerDown: () => onPointerDown(3) }), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: buttonTop3Geo, material: buttonTop3Material, position: [0, -0.3, 0], ...props.buttonTop3Props }) ), buttonNumber > 3 && /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( three.animated.group, { "scale-x": springs.buttonTop4BaseScaleXAndZ, "scale-y": springs.buttonTop4BaseScaleY, "scale-z": springs.buttonTop4BaseScaleXAndZ, rotation: [-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0], position: props.buttonGroup4Position || [-2, -1.3, 0] }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: buttonSmallBaseGeo, material: buttonBaseMaterial, ...props.buttonSmallBaseProps, onPointerDown: () => onPointerDown(4) }), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: buttonTop4Geo, material: buttonTop4Material, position: [0, -0.3, 0], ...props.buttonTop4Props }) ), buttonNumber > 4 && /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( three.animated.group, { "scale-x": springs.buttonTop5BaseScaleXAndZ, "scale-y": springs.buttonTop5BaseScaleY, "scale-z": springs.buttonTop5BaseScaleXAndZ, rotation: [-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0], position: props.buttonGroup5Position || [0.4, 2.9, 0] }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: buttonSmallBaseGeo, material: buttonBaseMaterial, ...props.buttonSmallBaseProps, onPointerDown: () => onPointerDown(5) }), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("mesh", { geometry: buttonTop5Geo, material: buttonTop5Material, position: [0, -0.3, 0], ...props.buttonTop5Props }) )); }; const EcctrlJoystick = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => { const joystickWrapperStyle = { userSelect: "none", MozUserSelect: "none", WebkitUserSelect: "none", msUserSelect: "none", touchAction: "none", pointerEvents: "none", overscrollBehavior: "none", position: "fixed", zIndex: "9999", height: props.joystickHeightAndWidth || "200px", width: props.joystickHeightAndWidth || "200px", left: props.joystickPositionLeft || "0", bottom: props.joystickPositionBottom || "0" }; const buttonWrapperStyle = { userSelect: "none", MozUserSelect: "none", WebkitUserSelect: "none", msUserSelect: "none", touchAction: "none", pointerEvents: "none", overscrollBehavior: "none", position: "fixed", zIndex: "9999", height: props.buttonHeightAndWidth || "200px", width: props.buttonHeightAndWidth || "200px", right: props.buttonPositionRight || "0", bottom: props.buttonPositionBottom || "0" }; return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", { ref }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", { id: "ecctrl-joystick", style: joystickWrapperStyle, onContextMenu: (e) => e.preventDefault() }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( fiber.Canvas, { shadows: true, orthographic: true, camera: { zoom: props.joystickCamZoom || 26, position: props.joystickCamPosition || [0, 0, 50] } }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(JoystickComponents, { ...props }), props.children )), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", { id: "ecctrl-button", style: buttonWrapperStyle, onContextMenu: (e) => e.preventDefault() }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( fiber.Canvas, { shadows: true, orthographic: true, camera: { zoom: props.buttonCamZoom || 26, position: props.buttonCamPosition || [0, 0, 50] } }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement(ButtonComponents, { ...props }), props.children ))); }); const getMovingDirection = (forward, backward, leftward, rightward, pivot) => { if (!forward && !backward && !leftward && !rightward) return null; if (forward && leftward) return pivot.rotation.y + Math.PI / 4; if (forward && rightward) return pivot.rotation.y - Math.PI / 4; if (backward && leftward) return pivot.rotation.y - Math.PI / 4 + Math.PI; if (backward && rightward) return pivot.rotation.y + Math.PI / 4 + Math.PI; if (backward) return pivot.rotation.y + Math.PI; if (leftward) return pivot.rotation.y + Math.PI / 2; if (rightward) return pivot.rotation.y - Math.PI / 2; if (forward) return pivot.rotation.y; }; const Ecctrl = ({ children, debug = false, capsuleHalfHeight = 0.35, capsuleRadius = 0.3, floatHeight = 0.3, characterInitDir = 0, // in rad followLight = false, disableFollowCam = false, disableFollowCamPos = { x: 0, y: 0, z: -5 }, disableFollowCamTarget = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, // Follow camera setups camInitDis = -5, camMaxDis = -7, camMinDis = -0.7, camInitDir = { x: 0, y: 0 }, // in rad camTargetPos = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, camMoveSpeed = 1, camZoomSpeed = 1, camCollision = true, camCollisionOffset = 0.7, // Follow light setups followLightPos = { x: 20, y: 30, z: 10 }, // Base control setups maxVelLimit = 2.5, turnVelMultiplier = 0.2, turnSpeed = 15, sprintMult = 2, jumpVel = 4, jumpForceToGroundMult = 5, slopJumpMult = 0.25, sprintJumpMult = 1.2, airDragMultiplier = 0.2, dragDampingC = 0.15, accDeltaTime = 8, rejectVelMult = 4, moveImpulsePointY = 0.5, camFollowMult = 11, fallingGravityScale = 2.5, fallingMaxVel = -20, wakeUpDelay = 200, // Floating Ray setups rayOriginOffest = { x: 0, y: -capsuleHalfHeight, z: 0 }, rayHitForgiveness = 0.1, rayLength = capsuleRadius + 2, rayDir = { x: 0, y: -1, z: 0 }, floatingDis = capsuleRadius + floatHeight, springK = 1.2, dampingC = 0.08, // Slope Ray setups showSlopeRayOrigin = false, slopeMaxAngle = 1, // in rad slopeRayOriginOffest = capsuleRadius - 0.03, slopeRayLength = capsuleRadius + 3, slopeRayDir = { x: 0, y: -1, z: 0 }, slopeUpExtraForce = 0.1, slopeDownExtraForce = 0.2, // AutoBalance Force setups autoBalance = true, autoBalanceSpringK = 0.3, autoBalanceDampingC = 0.03, autoBalanceSpringOnY = 0.5, autoBalanceDampingOnY = 0.015, // Animation temporary setups animated = false, // Mode setups mode = null, // Controller setups controllerKeys = { forward: 12, backward: 13, leftward: 14, rightward: 15, jump: 2, action1: 11, action2: 3, action3: 1, action4: 0 }, // Other rigibody props from parent ...props }, ref) => { const characterRef = ref || React.useRef(); const characterModelRef = React.useRef(); const characterModelIndicator = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Object3D(), []); const defaultControllerKeys = { forward: 12, backward: 13, leftward: 14, rightward: 15, jump: 2, action1: 11, action2: 3, action3: 1, action4: 0 }; let isModePointToMove = false; const setCameraBased = useGame((state) => state.setCameraBased); const getCameraBased = useGame((state) => state.getCameraBased); if (mode) { if (mode === "PointToMove") isModePointToMove = true; if (mode === "CameraBasedMovement") setCameraBased(true); } const modelFacingVec = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const bodyFacingVec = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const bodyBalanceVec = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const bodyBalanceVecOnX = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const bodyFacingVecOnY = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const bodyBalanceVecOnZ = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const vectorY = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(0, 1, 0), []); const vectorZ = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(0, 0, 1), []); const crossVecOnX = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const crossVecOnY = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const crossVecOnZ = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const bodyContactForce = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const slopeRayOriginUpdatePosition = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const camBasedMoveCrossVecOnY = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const idleAnimation = !animated ? null : useGame((state) => state.idle); const walkAnimation = !animated ? null : useGame((state) => state.walk); const runAnimation = !animated ? null : useGame((state) => state.run); const jumpAnimation = !animated ? null : useGame((state) => state.jump); const jumpIdleAnimation = !animated ? null : useGame((state) => state.jumpIdle); const fallAnimation = !animated ? null : useGame((state) => state.fall); const action1Animation = !animated ? null : useGame((state) => state.action1); const action2Animation = !animated ? null : useGame((state) => state.action2); const action3Animation = !animated ? null : useGame((state) => state.action3); const action4Animation = !animated ? null : useGame((state) => state.action4); let characterControlsDebug = null; let floatingRayDebug = null; let slopeRayDebug = null; let autoBalanceForceDebug = null; if (debug) { characterControlsDebug = leva.useControls( "Character Controls", { maxVelLimit: { value: maxVelLimit, min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.01 }, turnVelMultiplier: { value: turnVelMultiplier, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 }, turnSpeed: { value: turnSpeed, min: 5, max: 30, step: 0.1 }, sprintMult: { value: sprintMult, min: 1, max: 5, step: 0.01 }, jumpVel: { value: jumpVel, min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.01 }, jumpForceToGroundMult: { value: jumpForceToGroundMult, min: 0, max: 80, step: 0.1 }, slopJumpMult: { value: slopJumpMult, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 }, sprintJumpMult: { value: sprintJumpMult, min: 1, max: 3, step: 0.01 }, airDragMultiplier: { value: airDragMultiplier, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 }, dragDampingC: { value: dragDampingC, min: 0, max: 0.5, step: 0.01 }, accDeltaTime: { value: accDeltaTime, min: 0, max: 50, step: 1 }, rejectVelMult: { value: rejectVelMult, min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.1 }, moveImpulsePointY: { value: moveImpulsePointY, min: 0, max: 3, step: 0.1 }, camFollowMult: { value: camFollowMult, min: 0, max: 15, step: 0.1 } }, { collapsed: true } ); maxVelLimit = characterControlsDebug.maxVelLimit; turnVelMultiplier = characterControlsDebug.turnVelMultiplier; turnSpeed = characterControlsDebug.turnSpeed; sprintMult = characterControlsDebug.sprintMult; jumpVel = characterControlsDebug.jumpVel; jumpForceToGroundMult = characterControlsDebug.jumpForceToGroundMult; slopJumpMult = characterControlsDebug.slopJumpMult; sprintJumpMult = characterControlsDebug.sprintJumpMult; airDragMultiplier = characterControlsDebug.airDragMultiplier; dragDampingC = characterControlsDebug.dragDampingC; accDeltaTime = characterControlsDebug.accDeltaTime; rejectVelMult = characterControlsDebug.rejectVelMult; moveImpulsePointY = characterControlsDebug.moveImpulsePointY; camFollowMult = characterControlsDebug.camFollowMult; floatingRayDebug = leva.useControls( "Floating Ray", { rayOriginOffest: { x: 0, y: -capsuleHalfHeight, z: 0 }, rayHitForgiveness: { value: rayHitForgiveness, min: 0, max: 0.5, step: 0.01 }, rayLength: { value: capsuleRadius + 2, min: 0, max: capsuleRadius + 10, step: 0.01 }, rayDir: { x: 0, y: -1, z: 0 }, floatingDis: { value: capsuleRadius + floatHeight, min: 0, max: capsuleRadius + 2, step: 0.01 }, springK: { value: springK, min: 0, max: 5, step: 0.01 }, dampingC: { value: dampingC, min: 0, max: 3, step: 0.01 } }, { collapsed: true } ); rayOriginOffest = floatingRayDebug.rayOriginOffest; rayHitForgiveness = floatingRayDebug.rayHitForgiveness; rayLength = floatingRayDebug.rayLength; rayDir = floatingRayDebug.rayDir; floatingDis = floatingRayDebug.floatingDis; springK = floatingRayDebug.springK; dampingC = floatingRayDebug.dampingC; slopeRayDebug = leva.useControls( "Slope Ray", { showSlopeRayOrigin: false, slopeMaxAngle: { value: slopeMaxAngle, min: 0, max: 1.57, step: 0.01 }, slopeRayOriginOffest: { value: capsuleRadius, min: 0, max: capsuleRadius + 3, step: 0.01 }, slopeRayLength: { value: capsuleRadius + 3, min: 0, max: capsuleRadius + 13, step: 0.01 }, slopeRayDir: { x: 0, y: -1, z: 0 }, slopeUpExtraForce: { value: slopeUpExtraForce, min: 0, max: 5, step: 0.01 }, slopeDownExtraForce: { value: slopeDownExtraForce, min: 0, max: 5, step: 0.01 } }, { collapsed: true } ); showSlopeRayOrigin = slopeRayDebug.showSlopeRayOrigin; slopeMaxAngle = slopeRayDebug.slopeMaxAngle; slopeRayLength = slopeRayDebug.slopeRayLength; slopeRayDir = slopeRayDebug.slopeRayDir; slopeUpExtraForce = slopeRayDebug.slopeUpExtraForce; slopeDownExtraForce = slopeRayDebug.slopeDownExtraForce; autoBalanceForceDebug = leva.useControls( "AutoBalance Force", { autoBalance: { value: true }, autoBalanceSpringK: { value: autoBalanceSpringK, min: 0, max: 5, step: 0.01 }, autoBalanceDampingC: { value: autoBalanceDampingC, min: 0, max: 0.1, step: 1e-3 }, autoBalanceSpringOnY: { value: autoBalanceSpringOnY, min: 0, max: 5, step: 0.01 }, autoBalanceDampingOnY: { value: autoBalanceDampingOnY, min: 0, max: 0.1, step: 1e-3 } }, { collapsed: true } ); autoBalance = autoBalanceForceDebug.autoBalance; autoBalanceSpringK = autoBalanceForceDebug.autoBalanceSpringK; autoBalanceDampingC = autoBalanceForceDebug.autoBalanceDampingC; autoBalanceSpringOnY = autoBalanceForceDebug.autoBalanceSpringOnY; autoBalanceDampingOnY = autoBalanceForceDebug.autoBalanceDampingOnY; } function useIsInsideKeyboardControls() { try { return !!drei.useKeyboardControls(); } catch (e) { return false; } } const isInsideKeyboardControls = useIsInsideKeyboardControls(); const [subscribeKeys, getKeys] = isInsideKeyboardControls ? drei.useKeyboardControls() : [null]; const presetKeys = { forward: false, backward: false, leftward: false, rightward: false, jump: false, run: false }; const { rapier: rapier$1, world } = rapier.useRapier(); const getJoystickValues = useJoystickControls((state) => state.getJoystickValues); const pressButton1 = useJoystickControls((state) => state.pressButton1); const pressButton2 = useJoystickControls((state) => state.pressButton2); const pressButton3 = useJoystickControls((state) => state.pressButton3); const pressButton4 = useJoystickControls((state) => state.pressButton4); const pressButton5 = useJoystickControls((state) => state.pressButton5); const releaseAllButtons = useJoystickControls((state) => state.releaseAllButtons); const setJoystick = useJoystickControls((state) => state.setJoystick); const resetJoystick = useJoystickControls((state) => state.resetJoystick); let controllerIndex = null; const gamepadKeys = { forward: false, backward: false, leftward: false, rightward: false }; const gamepadJoystickVec2 = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector2(), []); let gamepadJoystickDis = 0; let gamepadJoystickAng = 0; const gamepadConnect = (e) => { controllerIndex = e.gamepad.index; }; const gamepadDisconnect = () => { controllerIndex = null; }; const mergedKeys = React.useMemo(() => Object.assign({}, defaultControllerKeys, controllerKeys), [controllerKeys]); const handleButtons = (buttons) => { gamepadKeys.forward = buttons[mergedKeys.forward].pressed; gamepadKeys.backward = buttons[mergedKeys.backward].pressed; gamepadKeys.leftward = buttons[mergedKeys.leftward].pressed; gamepadKeys.rightward = buttons[mergedKeys.rightward].pressed; if (buttons[mergedKeys.action4].pressed) { pressButton2(); } else if (buttons[mergedKeys.action3].pressed) { pressButton4(); } else if (buttons[mergedKeys.jump].pressed) { pressButton1(); } else if (buttons[mergedKeys.action2].pressed) { pressButton3(); } else if (buttons[mergedKeys.action1].pressed) { pressButton5(); } else { releaseAllButtons(); } }; const handleSticks = (axes) => { if (Math.abs(axes[0]) > 0 || Math.abs(axes[1]) > 0) { gamepadJoystickVec2.set(axes[0], -axes[1]); gamepadJoystickDis = Math.min(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(gamepadJoystickVec2.x, 2) + Math.pow(gamepadJoystickVec2.y, 2)), 1); gamepadJoystickAng = gamepadJoystickVec2.angle(); const runState = gamepadJoystickDis > 0.7; setJoystick(gamepadJoystickDis, gamepadJoystickAng, runState); } else { resetJoystick(); } if (Math.abs(axes[2]) > 0 || Math.abs(axes[3]) > 0) { joystickCamMove(axes[2], axes[3]); } }; let canJump = false; let isFalling = false; const initialGravityScale = React.useMemo(() => props.gravityScale || 1, []); let massRatio = 1; let isOnMovingObject = false; const standingForcePoint = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const movingObjectDragForce = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const movingObjectVelocity = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const movingObjectVelocityInCharacterDir = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const distanceFromCharacterToObject = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const objectAngvelToLinvel = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const velocityDiff = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); let dirLight = null; const cameraSetups = { disableFollowCam, disableFollowCamPos, disableFollowCamTarget, camInitDis, camMaxDis, camMinDis, camInitDir, camMoveSpeed, camZoomSpeed, camCollisionOffset }; const { pivot, cameraCollisionDetect, joystickCamMove } = useFollowCam(cameraSetups); const pivotPosition = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const modelEuler = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Euler(), []); const modelQuat = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Quaternion(), []); const moveImpulse = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const movingDirection = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const moveAccNeeded = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const jumpVelocityVec = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const jumpDirection = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const currentVel = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const currentPos = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const dragForce = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const dragAngForce = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const wantToMoveVel = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const rejectVel = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); let floatingForce = null; const springDirVec = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const characterMassForce = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const rayOrigin = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const rayCast = new rapier$1.Ray(rayOrigin, rayDir); let rayHit = null; let slopeAngle = null; let actualSlopeNormal = null; let actualSlopeAngle = null; const actualSlopeNormalVec = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const floorNormal = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(0, 1, 0), []); const slopeRayOriginRef = React.useRef(); const slopeRayorigin = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const slopeRayCast = new rapier$1.Ray(slopeRayorigin, slopeRayDir); let slopeRayHit = null; let isBodyHitWall = false; let isPointMoving = false; const crossVector = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const pointToPoint = React.useMemo(() => new THREE__namespace.Vector3(), []); const getMoveToPoint = useGame((state) => state.getMoveToPoint); const bodySensorRef = React.useRef(); const handleOnIntersectionEnter = () => { isBodyHitWall = true; }; const handleOnIntersectionExit = () => { isBodyHitWall = false; }; let characterRotated = true; const moveCharacter = (_, run, slopeAngle2, movingObjectVelocity2) => { if (actualSlopeAngle < slopeMaxAngle && Math.abs(slopeAngle2) > 0.2 && Math.abs(slopeAngle2) < slopeMaxAngle) { movingDirection.set(0, Math.sin(slopeAngle2), Math.cos(slopeAngle2)); } else if (actualSlopeAngle >= slopeMaxAngle) { movingDirection.set( 0, Math.sin(slopeAngle2) > 0 ? 0 : Math.sin(slopeAngle2), Math.sin(slopeAngle2) > 0 ? 0.1 : 1 ); } else { movingDirection.set(0, 0, 1); } movingDirection.applyQuaternion(characterModelIndicator.quaternion); movingObjectVelocityInCharacterDir.copy(movingObjectVelocity2).projectOnVector(movingDirection).multiply(movingDirection); const angleBetweenCharacterDirAndObjectDir = movingObjectVelocity2.angleTo(movingDirection); const wantToMoveMeg = currentVel.dot(movingDirection); wantToMoveVel.set( movingDirection.x * wantToMoveMeg, 0, movingDirection.z * wantToMoveMeg ); rejectVel.copy(currentVel).sub(wantToMoveVel); moveAccNeeded.set( (movingDirection.x * (maxVelLimit * (run ? sprintMult : 1) + movingObjectVelocityInCharacterDir.x) - (currentVel.x - movingObjectVelocity2.x * Math.sin(angleBetweenCharacterDirAndObjectDir) + rejectVel.x * (isOnMovingObject ? 0 : rejectVelMult))) / accDeltaTime, 0, (movingDirection.z * (maxVelLimit * (run ? sprintMult : 1) + movingObjectVelocityInCharacterDir.z) - (currentVel.z - movingObjectVelocity2.z * Math.sin(angleBetweenCharacterDirAndObjectDir) + rejectVel.z * (isOnMovingObject ? 0 : rejectVelMult))) / accDeltaTime ); const moveForceNeeded = moveAccNeeded.multiplyScalar( characterRef.current.mass() ); characterRotated = Math.sin(characterModelIndicator.rotation.y).toFixed(3) == Math.sin(modelEuler.y).toFixed(3); if (!characterRotated) { moveImpulse.set( moveForceNeeded.x * turnVelMultiplier * (canJump ? 1 : airDragMultiplier), // if it's in the air, give it less control slopeAngle2 === null || slopeAngle2 == 0 ? 0 : movingDirection.y * turnVelMultiplier * (movingDirection.y > 0 ? slopeUpExtraForce : slopeDownExtraForce) * (run ? sprintMult : 1), moveForceNeeded.z * turnVelMultiplier * (canJump ? 1 : airDragMultiplier) // if it's in the air, give it less control ); } else { moveImpulse.set( moveForceNeeded.x * (canJump ? 1 : airDragMultiplier), slopeAngle2 === null || slopeAngle2 == 0 ? 0 : movingDirection.y * (movingDirection.y > 0 ? slopeUpExtraForce : slopeDownExtraForce) * (run ? sprintMult : 1), moveForceNeeded.z * (canJump ? 1 : airDragMultiplier) ); } characterRef.current.applyImpulseAtPoint( moveImpulse, { x: currentPos.x, y: currentPos.y + moveImpulsePointY, z: currentPos.z }, true ); }; const autoBalanceCharacter = () => { bodyFacingVec.set(0, 0, 1).applyQuaternion(rapier.quat(characterRef.current.rotation())); bodyBalanceVec.set(0, 1, 0).applyQuaternion(rapier.quat(characterRef.current.rotation())); bodyBalanceVecOnX.set(0, bodyBalanceVec.y, bodyBalanceVec.z); bodyFacingVecOnY.set(bodyFacingVec.x, 0, bodyFacingVec.z); bodyBalanceVecOnZ.set(bodyBalanceVec.x, bodyBalanceVec.y, 0); if (getCameraBased().isCameraBased) { modelEuler.y = pivot.rotation.y; pivot.getWorldDirection(modelFacingVec); slopeRayOriginUpdatePosition.set(movingDirection.x, 0, movingDirection.z); camBasedMoveCrossVecOnY.copy(slopeRayOriginUpdatePosition).cross(modelFacingVec); slopeRayOriginRef.current.position.x = slopeRayOriginOffest * Math.sin(slopeRayOriginUpdatePosition.angleTo(modelFacingVec) * (camBasedMoveCrossVecOnY.y < 0 ? 1 : -1)); slopeRayOriginRef.current.position.z = slopeRayOriginOffest * Math.cos(slopeRayOriginUpdatePosition.angleTo(modelFacingVec) * (camBasedMoveCrossVecOnY.y < 0 ? 1 : -1)); } else { characterModelIndicator.getWorldDirection(modelFacingVec); } crossVecOnX.copy(vectorY).cross(bodyBalanceVecOnX); crossVecOnY.copy(modelFacingVec).cross(bodyFacingVecOnY); crossVecOnZ.copy(vectorY).cross(bodyBalanceVecOnZ); dragAngForce.set( (crossVecOnX.x < 0 ? 1 : -1) * autoBalanceSpringK * bodyBalanceVecOnX.angleTo(vectorY) - characterRef.current.angvel().x * autoBalanceDampingC, (crossVecOnY.y < 0 ? 1 : -1) * autoBalanceSpringOnY * modelFacingVec.angleTo(bodyFacingVecOnY) - characterRef.current.angvel().y * autoBalanceDampingOnY, (crossVecOnZ.z < 0 ? 1 : -1) * autoBalanceSpringK * bodyBalanceVecOnZ.angleTo(vectorY) - characterRef.current.angvel().z * autoBalanceDampingC ); characterRef.current.applyTorqueImpulse(dragAngForce, true); }; const sleepCharacter = () => { if (characterRef.current) { if (document.visibilityState === "hidden") { characterRef.current.sleep(); } else { setTimeout(() => { characterRef.current.wakeUp(); }, wakeUpDelay); } } }; const pointToMove = (delta, slopeAngle2, movingObjectVelocity2) => { const moveToPoint = getMoveToPoint().moveToPoint; if (moveToPoint) { pointToPoint.set(moveToPoint.x - currentPos.x, 0, moveToPoint.z - currentPos.z); crossVector.crossVectors(pointToPoint, vectorZ); modelEuler.y = (crossVector.y > 0 ? -1 : 1) * pointToPoint.angleTo(vectorZ); if (characterRef.current) { if (pointToPoint.length() > 0.3 && !isBodyHitWall) { moveCharacter(delta, false, slopeAngle2, movingObjectVelocity2); isPointMoving = true; } else { isPointMoving = false; } } } }; React.useEffect(() => { if (followLight) { dirLight = characterModelRef.current.parent.parent.children.find( (item) => { return item.name === "followLight"; } ); } }); if (isInsideKeyboardControls) { React.useEffect(() => { const unSubscribeAction1 = subscribeKeys( (state) => state.action1, (value) => { if (value) { animated && action1Animation(); } } ); const unSubscribeAction2 = subscribeKeys( (state) => state.action2, (value) => { if (value) { animated && action2Animation(); } } ); const unSubscribeAction3 = subscribeKeys( (state) => state.action3, (value) => { if (value) { animated && action3Animation(); } } ); const unSubscribeAction4 = subscribeKeys( (state) => state.action4, (value) => { if (value) { animated && action4Animation(); } } ); return () => { unSubscribeAction1(); unSubscribeAction2(); unSubscribeAction3(); unSubscribeAction4(); }; }); } React.useEffect(() => { const unSubPressButton2 = useJoystickControls.subscribe( (state) => state.curButton2Pressed, (value) => { if (value) { animated && action4Animation(); } } ); const unSubPressButton3 = useJoystickControls.subscribe( (state) => state.curButton3Pressed, (value) => { if (value) { animated && action2Animation(); } } ); const unSubPressButton4 = useJoystickControls.subscribe( (state) => state.curButton4Pressed, (value) => { if (value) { animated && action3Animation(); } } ); const unSubPressButton5 = useJoystickControls.subscribe( (state) => state.curButton5Pressed, (value) => { if (value) { animated && action1Animation(); } } ); return () => { unSubPressButton2(); unSubPressButton3(); unSubPressButton4(); unSubPressButton5(); }; }); React.useEffect(() => { characterRef.current.setEnabledRotations( autoBalance ? true : false, autoBalance ? true : false, autoBalance ? true : false, false ); return () => { if (characterRef.current && characterModelRef.current) { characterModelRef.current.quaternion.set(0, 0, 0, 1); characterRef.current.setRotation({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1 }, false); } }; }, [autoBalance]); React.useEffect(() => { modelEuler.y = characterInitDir; window.addEventListener("visibilitychange", sleepCharacter); window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", gamepadConnect); window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", gamepadDisconnect); return () => { window.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", sleepCharacter); window.removeEventListener("gamepadconnected", gamepadConnect); window.removeEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", gamepadDisconnect); }; }, []); fiber.useFrame((state, delta) => { var _a, _b, _c; if (delta > 1) delta %= 1; if (characterRef.current) { currentPos.copy(characterRef.current.translation()); currentVel.copy(characterRef.current.linvel()); characterRef.current.userData.canJump = canJump; characterRef.current.userData.slopeAngle = slopeAngle; characterRef.current.userData.characterRotated = characterRotated; characterRef.current.userData.isOnMovingObject = isOnMovingObject; } if (followLight && dirLight) { dirLight.position.x = currentPos.x + followLightPos.x; dirLight.position.y = currentPos.y + followLightPos.y; dirLight.position.z = currentPos.z + followLightPos.z; dirLight.target = characterModelRef.current; } if (controllerIndex !== null) { const gamepad = navigator.getGamepads()[controllerIndex]; handleButtons(gamepad.buttons); handleSticks(gamepad.axes); modelEuler.y = ((movingDirection2) => movingDirection2 === null ? modelEuler.y : movingDirection2)(getMovingDirection(gamepadKeys.forward, gamepadKeys.backward, gamepadKeys.leftward, gamepadKeys.rightward, pivot)); } const { joystickDis, joystickAng, runState, button1Pressed } = getJoystickValues(); if (joystickDis > 0) { modelEuler.y = pivot.rotation.y + (joystickAng - Math.PI / 2); moveCharacter(delta, runState, slopeAngle, movingObjectVelocity); } const { forward, backward, leftward, rightward, jump, run } = isInsideKeyboardControls ? getKeys() : presetKeys; modelEuler.y = ((movingDirection2) => movingDirection2 === null ? modelEuler.y : movingDirection2)(getMovingDirection(forward, backward, leftward, rightward, pivot)); if (forward || backward || leftward || rightward || gamepadKeys.forward || gamepadKeys.backward || gamepadKeys.leftward || gamepadKeys.rightward) moveCharacter(delta, run, slopeAngle, movingObjectVelocity); if ((jump || button1Pressed) && canJump) { jumpVelocityVec.set( currentVel.x, run ? sprintJumpMult * jumpVel : jumpVel, currentVel.z ); characterRef.current.setLinvel( jumpDirection.set(0, (run ? sprintJumpMult * jumpVel : jumpVel) * slopJumpMult, 0).projectOnVector(actualSlopeNormalVec).add(jumpVelocityVec), true ); characterMassForce.y *= jumpForceToGroundMult; (_a = rayHit.collider.parent()) == null ? void 0 : _a.applyImpulseAtPoint(characterMassForce, standingForcePoint, true); } modelQuat.setFromEuler(modelEuler); characterModelIndicator.quaternion.rotateTowards( modelQuat, delta * turnSpeed ); if (!autoBalance) { if (getCameraBased().isCameraBased) { characterModelRef.current.quaternion.copy(pivot.quaternion); } else { characterModelRef.current.quaternion.copy(characterModelIndicator.quaternion); } } pivotPosition.set( currentPos.x + camTargetPos.x, currentPos.y + (camTargetPos.y || capsuleHalfHeight + capsuleRadius / 2), currentPos.z + camTargetPos.z ); pivot.position.lerp(pivotPosition, 1 - Math.exp(-camFollowMult * delta)); !disableFollowCam && state.camera.lookAt(pivot.position); rayOrigin.addVectors(currentPos, rayOriginOffest); rayHit = world.castRay( rayCast, rayLength, true, // this exclude sensor 16, null, null, characterRef.current, // this exclude any collider with userData: excludeEcctrlRay (collider) => collider.parent().userData && !collider.parent().userData.excludeEcctrlRay ); if (rayHit && rayHit.toi < floatingDis + rayHitForgiveness) { if (slopeRayHit && actualSlopeAngle < slopeMaxAngle) { canJump = true; } } else { canJump = false; } if (rayHit && canJump) { if (rayHit.collider.parent()) { standingForcePoint.set( rayOrigin.x, rayOrigin.y - rayHit.toi, rayOrigin.z ); const rayHitObjectBodyType = rayHit.collider.parent().bodyType(); const rayHitObjectBodyMass = rayHit.collider.parent().mass(); massRatio = characterRef.current.mass() / rayHitObjectBodyMass; if (rayHitObjectBodyType === 0 || rayHitObjectBodyType === 2) { isOnMovingObject = true; distanceFromCharacterToObject.copy(currentPos).sub(rayHit.collider.parent().translation()); const movingObjectLinvel = rayHit.collider.parent().linvel(); const movingObjectAngvel = rayHit.collider.parent().angvel(); movingObjectVelocity.set( movingObjectLinvel.x + objectAngvelToLinvel.crossVectors( movingObjectAngvel, distanceFromCharacterToObject ).x, movingObjectLinvel.y, movingObjectLinvel.z + objectAngvelToLinvel.crossVectors( movingObjectAngvel, distanceFromCharacterToObject ).z ).multiplyScalar(Math.min(1, 1 / massRatio)); velocityDiff.subVectors(movingObjectVelocity, currentVel); if (velocityDiff.length() > 30) movingObjectVelocity.multiplyScalar(1 / velocityDiff.length()); if (rayHitObjectBodyType === 0) { if (!forward && !backward && !leftward && !rightward && canJump && joystickDis === 0 && !isPointMoving && !gamepadKeys.forward && !gamepadKeys.backward && !gamepadKeys.leftward && !gamepadKeys.rightward) { movingObjectDragForce.copy(bodyContactForce).multiplyScalar(delta).multiplyScalar(Math.min(1, 1 / massRatio)).negate(); bodyContactForce.set(0, 0, 0); } else { movingObjectDragForce.copy(moveImpulse).multiplyScalar(Math.min(1, 1 / massRatio)).negate(); } rayHit.collider.parent().applyImpulseAtPoint( movingObjectDragForce, standingForcePoint, true ); } } else { massRatio = 1; isOnMovingObject = false; bodyContactForce.set(0, 0, 0); movingObjectVelocity.set(0, 0, 0); } } } else { massRatio = 1; isOnMovingObject = false; bodyContactForce.set(0, 0, 0); movingObjectVelocity.set(0, 0, 0); } slopeRayOriginRef.current.getWorldPosition(slopeRayorigin); slopeRayorigin.y = rayOrigin.y; slopeRayHit = world.castRay( slopeRayCast, slopeRayLength, true, // this exclude sensor 16, null, null, characterRef.current, // this exclude any collider with userData: excludeEcctrlRay (collider) => collider.parent().userData && !collider.parent().userData.excludeEcctrlRay ); if (slopeRayHit) { actualSlopeNormal = (_b = slopeRayHit.collider.castRayAndGetNormal( slopeRayCast, slopeRayLength, false )) == null ? void 0 : _b.normal; if (actualSlopeNormal) { actualSlopeNormalVec == null ? void 0 : actualSlopeNormalVec.set( actualSlopeNormal.x, actualSlopeNormal.y, actualSlopeNormal.z ); actualSlopeAngle = actualSlopeNormalVec == null ? void 0 : actualSlopeNormalVec.angleTo(floorNormal); } } if (slopeRayHit && rayHit && slopeRayHit.toi < floatingDis + 0.5) { if (canJump) { slopeAngle = Number( Math.atan( (rayHit.toi - slopeRayHit.toi) / slopeRayOriginOffest ).toFixed(2) ); } else { slopeAngle = null; } } else { slopeAngle = null; } if (rayHit != null) { if (canJump && rayHit.collider.parent()) { floatingForce = springK * (floatingDis - rayHit.toi) - characterRef.current.linvel().y * dampingC; characterRef.current.applyImpulse( springDirVec.set(0, floatingForce, 0), false ); characterMassForce.set(0, floatingForce > 0 ? -floatingForce : 0, 0); (_c = rayHit.collider.parent()) == null ? void 0 : _c.applyImpulseAtPoint(characterMassForce, standingForcePoint, true); } } if (!forward && !backward && !leftward && !rightward && canJump && joystickDis === 0 && !isPointMoving && !gamepadKeys.forward && !gamepadKeys.backward && !gamepadKeys.leftward && !gamepadKeys.rightward) { if (!isOnMovingObject) { dragForce.set( -currentVel.x * dragDampingC, 0, -currentVel.z * dragDampingC ); characterRef.current.applyImpulse(dragForce, false); } else { dragForce.set( (movingObjectVelocity.x - currentVel.x) * dragDampingC, 0, (movingObjectVelocity.z - currentVel.z) * dragDampingC ); characterRef.current.applyImpulse(dragForce, true); } } isFalling = currentVel.y < 0 && !canJump ? true : false; if (characterRef.current) { if (currentVel.y < fallingMaxVel) { if (characterRef.current.gravityScale() !== 0) { characterRef.current.setGravityScale(0, true); } } else { if (!isFalling && characterRef.current.gravityScale() !== initialGravityScale) { characterRef.current.setGravityScale(initialGravityScale, true); } else if (isFalling && characterRef.current.gravityScale() !== fallingGravityScale) { characterRef.current.setGravityScale(fallingGravityScale, true); } } } if (autoBalance && characterRef.current) autoBalanceCharacter(); camCollision && cameraCollisionDetect(delta); isModePointToMove && pointToMove(delta, slopeAngle, movingObjectVelocity); if (animated) { if (!forward && !backward && !leftward && !rightward && !jump && !button1Pressed && joystickDis === 0 && !isPointMoving && !gamepadKeys.forward && !gamepadKeys.backward && !gamepadKeys.leftward && !gamepadKeys.rightward && canJump) { idleAnimation(); } else if ((jump || button1Pressed) && canJump) { jumpAnimation(); } else if (canJump && (forward || backward || leftward || rightward || joystickDis > 0 || isPointMoving || gamepadKeys.forward || gamepadKeys.backward || gamepadKeys.leftward || gamepadKeys.rightward)) { run || runState ? runAnimation() : walkAnimation(); } else if (!canJump) { jumpIdleAnimation(); } if (rayHit == null && isFalling) { fallAnimation(); } } }); return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( rapier.RigidBody, { colliders: false, ref: characterRef, position: props.position || [0, 5, 0], friction: props.friction || -0.5, onContactForce: (e) => bodyContactForce.set(e.totalForce.x, e.totalForce.y, e.totalForce.z), onCollisionExit: () => bodyContactForce.set(0, 0, 0), userData: { canJump: false }, ...props }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( rapier.CapsuleCollider, { name: "character-capsule-collider", args: [capsuleHalfHeight, capsuleRadius] } ), isModePointToMove && /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( rapier.CylinderCollider, { ref: bodySensorRef, sensor: true, args: [capsuleHalfHeight / 2, capsuleRadius], position: [0, 0, capsuleRadius / 2], onIntersectionEnter: handleOnIntersectionEnter, onIntersectionExit: handleOnIntersectionExit } ), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("group", { ref: characterModelRef, userData: { camExcludeCollision: true } }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( "mesh", { position: [ rayOriginOffest.x, rayOriginOffest.y, rayOriginOffest.z + slopeRayOriginOffest ], ref: slopeRayOriginRef, visible: showSlopeRayOrigin, userData: { camExcludeCollision: true } }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("boxGeometry", { args: [0.15, 0.15, 0.15] }) ), children) ); }; const Ecctrl$1 = React.forwardRef(Ecctrl); exports.EcctrlAnimation = EcctrlAnimation; exports.EcctrlJoystick = EcctrlJoystick; exports.default = Ecctrl$1; exports.useFollowCam = useFollowCam; exports.useGame = useGame; exports.useJoystickControls = useJoystickControls; //# sourceMappingURL=Ecctrl.cjs.map