(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(require("bignumber.js"), require("@azure/core-rest-pipeline"), require("tweetnacl"), require("varuint-bitcoin"), require("bs58"), require("buffer"), require("rlp"), require("@azure/core-client"), require("@aeternity/aepp-calldata"), require("canonicalize"), require("eventemitter3"), require("json-bigint"), require("@scure/bip39"), require("tweetnacl-auth"), require("websocket"), require("events"), require("isomorphic-ws")); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define(["bignumber.js", "@azure/core-rest-pipeline", "tweetnacl", "varuint-bitcoin", "bs58", "buffer", "rlp", "@azure/core-client", "@aeternity/aepp-calldata", "canonicalize", "eventemitter3", "json-bigint", "@scure/bip39", "tweetnacl-auth", "websocket", "events", "isomorphic-ws"], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["Aeternity"] = factory(require("bignumber.js"), require("@azure/core-rest-pipeline"), require("tweetnacl"), require("varuint-bitcoin"), require("bs58"), require("buffer"), require("rlp"), require("@azure/core-client"), require("@aeternity/aepp-calldata"), require("canonicalize"), require("eventemitter3"), require("json-bigint"), require("@scure/bip39"), require("tweetnacl-auth"), require("websocket"), require("events"), require("isomorphic-ws")); else root["Aeternity"] = factory(root["bignumber.js"], root["@azure/core-rest-pipeline"], root["tweetnacl"], root["varuint-bitcoin"], root["bs58"], root["buffer"], root["rlp"], root["@azure/core-client"], root["@aeternity/aepp-calldata"], root["canonicalize"], root["eventemitter3"], root["json-bigint"], root["@scure/bip39"], root["tweetnacl-auth"], root["websocket"], root["events"], root["isomorphic-ws"]); })(global, (__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__6168__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__833__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__1655__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__4054__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__4578__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__18__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__6514__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__1081__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__2853__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__6016__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__1891__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__4146__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__8380__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__5196__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__8963__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__761__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__7250__) => { return /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ 4156: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { // Blake2B in pure Javascript // Adapted from the reference implementation in RFC7693 // Ported to Javascript by DC - https://github.com/dcposch const util = __webpack_require__(829) // 64-bit unsigned addition // Sets v[a,a+1] += v[b,b+1] // v should be a Uint32Array function ADD64AA (v, a, b) { const o0 = v[a] + v[b] let o1 = v[a + 1] + v[b + 1] if (o0 >= 0x100000000) { o1++ } v[a] = o0 v[a + 1] = o1 } // 64-bit unsigned addition // Sets v[a,a+1] += b // b0 is the low 32 bits of b, b1 represents the high 32 bits function ADD64AC (v, a, b0, b1) { let o0 = v[a] + b0 if (b0 < 0) { o0 += 0x100000000 } let o1 = v[a + 1] + b1 if (o0 >= 0x100000000) { o1++ } v[a] = o0 v[a + 1] = o1 } // Little-endian byte access function B2B_GET32 (arr, i) { return arr[i] ^ (arr[i + 1] << 8) ^ (arr[i + 2] << 16) ^ (arr[i + 3] << 24) } // G Mixing function // The ROTRs are inlined for speed function B2B_G (a, b, c, d, ix, iy) { const x0 = m[ix] const x1 = m[ix + 1] const y0 = m[iy] const y1 = m[iy + 1] ADD64AA(v, a, b) // v[a,a+1] += v[b,b+1] ... in JS we must store a uint64 as two uint32s ADD64AC(v, a, x0, x1) // v[a, a+1] += x ... x0 is the low 32 bits of x, x1 is the high 32 bits // v[d,d+1] = (v[d,d+1] xor v[a,a+1]) rotated to the right by 32 bits let xor0 = v[d] ^ v[a] let xor1 = v[d + 1] ^ v[a + 1] v[d] = xor1 v[d + 1] = xor0 ADD64AA(v, c, d) // v[b,b+1] = (v[b,b+1] xor v[c,c+1]) rotated right by 24 bits xor0 = v[b] ^ v[c] xor1 = v[b + 1] ^ v[c + 1] v[b] = (xor0 >>> 24) ^ (xor1 << 8) v[b + 1] = (xor1 >>> 24) ^ (xor0 << 8) ADD64AA(v, a, b) ADD64AC(v, a, y0, y1) // v[d,d+1] = (v[d,d+1] xor v[a,a+1]) rotated right by 16 bits xor0 = v[d] ^ v[a] xor1 = v[d + 1] ^ v[a + 1] v[d] = (xor0 >>> 16) ^ (xor1 << 16) v[d + 1] = (xor1 >>> 16) ^ (xor0 << 16) ADD64AA(v, c, d) // v[b,b+1] = (v[b,b+1] xor v[c,c+1]) rotated right by 63 bits xor0 = v[b] ^ v[c] xor1 = v[b + 1] ^ v[c + 1] v[b] = (xor1 >>> 31) ^ (xor0 << 1) v[b + 1] = (xor0 >>> 31) ^ (xor1 << 1) } // Initialization Vector const BLAKE2B_IV32 = new Uint32Array([ 0xf3bcc908, 0x6a09e667, 0x84caa73b, 0xbb67ae85, 0xfe94f82b, 0x3c6ef372, 0x5f1d36f1, 0xa54ff53a, 0xade682d1, 0x510e527f, 0x2b3e6c1f, 0x9b05688c, 0xfb41bd6b, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x137e2179, 0x5be0cd19 ]) const SIGMA8 = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3, 11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4, 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8, 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13, 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9, 12, 5, 1, 15, 14, 13, 4, 10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8, 11, 13, 11, 7, 14, 12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0, 15, 4, 8, 6, 2, 10, 6, 15, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 12, 2, 13, 7, 1, 4, 10, 5, 10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5, 15, 11, 9, 14, 3, 12, 13, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 ] // These are offsets into a uint64 buffer. // Multiply them all by 2 to make them offsets into a uint32 buffer, // because this is Javascript and we don't have uint64s const SIGMA82 = new Uint8Array( SIGMA8.map(function (x) { return x * 2 }) ) // Compression function. 'last' flag indicates last block. // Note we're representing 16 uint64s as 32 uint32s const v = new Uint32Array(32) const m = new Uint32Array(32) function blake2bCompress (ctx, last) { let i = 0 // init work variables for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { v[i] = ctx.h[i] v[i + 16] = BLAKE2B_IV32[i] } // low 64 bits of offset v[24] = v[24] ^ ctx.t v[25] = v[25] ^ (ctx.t / 0x100000000) // high 64 bits not supported, offset may not be higher than 2**53-1 // last block flag set ? if (last) { v[28] = ~v[28] v[29] = ~v[29] } // get little-endian words for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { m[i] = B2B_GET32(ctx.b, 4 * i) } // twelve rounds of mixing // uncomment the DebugPrint calls to log the computation // and match the RFC sample documentation // util.debugPrint(' m[16]', m, 64) for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { // util.debugPrint(' (i=' + (i < 10 ? ' ' : '') + i + ') v[16]', v, 64) B2B_G(0, 8, 16, 24, SIGMA82[i * 16 + 0], SIGMA82[i * 16 + 1]) B2B_G(2, 10, 18, 26, SIGMA82[i * 16 + 2], SIGMA82[i * 16 + 3]) B2B_G(4, 12, 20, 28, SIGMA82[i * 16 + 4], SIGMA82[i * 16 + 5]) B2B_G(6, 14, 22, 30, SIGMA82[i * 16 + 6], SIGMA82[i * 16 + 7]) B2B_G(0, 10, 20, 30, SIGMA82[i * 16 + 8], SIGMA82[i * 16 + 9]) B2B_G(2, 12, 22, 24, SIGMA82[i * 16 + 10], SIGMA82[i * 16 + 11]) B2B_G(4, 14, 16, 26, SIGMA82[i * 16 + 12], SIGMA82[i * 16 + 13]) B2B_G(6, 8, 18, 28, SIGMA82[i * 16 + 14], SIGMA82[i * 16 + 15]) } // util.debugPrint(' (i=12) v[16]', v, 64) for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { ctx.h[i] = ctx.h[i] ^ v[i] ^ v[i + 16] } // util.debugPrint('h[8]', ctx.h, 64) } // reusable parameterBlock const parameterBlock = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0: outlen, keylen, fanout, depth 0, 0, 0, 0, // 4: leaf length, sequential mode 0, 0, 0, 0, // 8: node offset 0, 0, 0, 0, // 12: node offset 0, 0, 0, 0, // 16: node depth, inner length, rfu 0, 0, 0, 0, // 20: rfu 0, 0, 0, 0, // 24: rfu 0, 0, 0, 0, // 28: rfu 0, 0, 0, 0, // 32: salt 0, 0, 0, 0, // 36: salt 0, 0, 0, 0, // 40: salt 0, 0, 0, 0, // 44: salt 0, 0, 0, 0, // 48: personal 0, 0, 0, 0, // 52: personal 0, 0, 0, 0, // 56: personal 0, 0, 0, 0 // 60: personal ]) // Creates a BLAKE2b hashing context // Requires an output length between 1 and 64 bytes // Takes an optional Uint8Array key // Takes an optinal Uint8Array salt // Takes an optinal Uint8Array personal function blake2bInit (outlen, key, salt, personal) { if (outlen === 0 || outlen > 64) { throw new Error('Illegal output length, expected 0 < length <= 64') } if (key && key.length > 64) { throw new Error('Illegal key, expected Uint8Array with 0 < length <= 64') } if (salt && salt.length !== 16) { throw new Error('Illegal salt, expected Uint8Array with length is 16') } if (personal && personal.length !== 16) { throw new Error('Illegal personal, expected Uint8Array with length is 16') } // state, 'param block' const ctx = { b: new Uint8Array(128), h: new Uint32Array(16), t: 0, // input count c: 0, // pointer within buffer outlen: outlen // output length in bytes } // initialize parameterBlock before usage parameterBlock.fill(0) parameterBlock[0] = outlen if (key) parameterBlock[1] = key.length parameterBlock[2] = 1 // fanout parameterBlock[3] = 1 // depth if (salt) parameterBlock.set(salt, 32) if (personal) parameterBlock.set(personal, 48) // initialize hash state for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { ctx.h[i] = BLAKE2B_IV32[i] ^ B2B_GET32(parameterBlock, i * 4) } // key the hash, if applicable if (key) { blake2bUpdate(ctx, key) // at the end ctx.c = 128 } return ctx } // Updates a BLAKE2b streaming hash // Requires hash context and Uint8Array (byte array) function blake2bUpdate (ctx, input) { for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if (ctx.c === 128) { // buffer full ? ctx.t += ctx.c // add counters blake2bCompress(ctx, false) // compress (not last) ctx.c = 0 // counter to zero } ctx.b[ctx.c++] = input[i] } } // Completes a BLAKE2b streaming hash // Returns a Uint8Array containing the message digest function blake2bFinal (ctx) { ctx.t += ctx.c // mark last block offset while (ctx.c < 128) { // fill up with zeros ctx.b[ctx.c++] = 0 } blake2bCompress(ctx, true) // final block flag = 1 // little endian convert and store const out = new Uint8Array(ctx.outlen) for (let i = 0; i < ctx.outlen; i++) { out[i] = ctx.h[i >> 2] >> (8 * (i & 3)) } return out } // Computes the BLAKE2B hash of a string or byte array, and returns a Uint8Array // // Returns a n-byte Uint8Array // // Parameters: // - input - the input bytes, as a string, Buffer or Uint8Array // - key - optional key Uint8Array, up to 64 bytes // - outlen - optional output length in bytes, default 64 // - salt - optional salt bytes, string, Buffer or Uint8Array // - personal - optional personal bytes, string, Buffer or Uint8Array function blake2b (input, key, outlen, salt, personal) { // preprocess inputs outlen = outlen || 64 input = util.normalizeInput(input) if (salt) { salt = util.normalizeInput(salt) } if (personal) { personal = util.normalizeInput(personal) } // do the math const ctx = blake2bInit(outlen, key, salt, personal) blake2bUpdate(ctx, input) return blake2bFinal(ctx) } // Computes the BLAKE2B hash of a string or byte array // // Returns an n-byte hash in hex, all lowercase // // Parameters: // - input - the input bytes, as a string, Buffer, or Uint8Array // - key - optional key Uint8Array, up to 64 bytes // - outlen - optional output length in bytes, default 64 // - salt - optional salt bytes, string, Buffer or Uint8Array // - personal - optional personal bytes, string, Buffer or Uint8Array function blake2bHex (input, key, outlen, salt, personal) { const output = blake2b(input, key, outlen, salt, personal) return util.toHex(output) } module.exports = { blake2b: blake2b, blake2bHex: blake2bHex, blake2bInit: blake2bInit, blake2bUpdate: blake2bUpdate, blake2bFinal: blake2bFinal } /***/ }), /***/ 829: /***/ ((module) => { const ERROR_MSG_INPUT = 'Input must be an string, Buffer or Uint8Array' // For convenience, let people hash a string, not just a Uint8Array function normalizeInput (input) { let ret if (input instanceof Uint8Array) { ret = input } else if (typeof input === 'string') { const encoder = new TextEncoder() ret = encoder.encode(input) } else { throw new Error(ERROR_MSG_INPUT) } return ret } // Converts a Uint8Array to a hexadecimal string // For example, toHex([255, 0, 255]) returns "ff00ff" function toHex (bytes) { return Array.prototype.map .call(bytes, function (n) { return (n < 16 ? '0' : '') + n.toString(16) }) .join('') } // Converts any value in [0...2^32-1] to an 8-character hex string function uint32ToHex (val) { return (0x100000000 + val).toString(16).substring(1) } // For debugging: prints out hash state in the same format as the RFC // sample computation exactly, so that you can diff function debugPrint (label, arr, size) { let msg = '\n' + label + ' = ' for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 2) { if (size === 32) { msg += uint32ToHex(arr[i]).toUpperCase() msg += ' ' msg += uint32ToHex(arr[i + 1]).toUpperCase() } else if (size === 64) { msg += uint32ToHex(arr[i + 1]).toUpperCase() msg += uint32ToHex(arr[i]).toUpperCase() } else throw new Error('Invalid size ' + size) if (i % 6 === 4) { msg += '\n' + new Array(label.length + 4).join(' ') } else if (i < arr.length - 2) { msg += ' ' } } console.log(msg) } // For performance testing: generates N bytes of input, hashes M times // Measures and prints MB/second hash performance each time function testSpeed (hashFn, N, M) { let startMs = new Date().getTime() const input = new Uint8Array(N) for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { input[i] = i % 256 } const genMs = new Date().getTime() console.log('Generated random input in ' + (genMs - startMs) + 'ms') startMs = genMs for (let i = 0; i < M; i++) { const hashHex = hashFn(input) const hashMs = new Date().getTime() const ms = hashMs - startMs startMs = hashMs console.log('Hashed in ' + ms + 'ms: ' + hashHex.substring(0, 20) + '...') console.log( Math.round((N / (1 << 20) / (ms / 1000)) * 100) / 100 + ' MB PER SECOND' ) } } module.exports = { normalizeInput: normalizeInput, toHex: toHex, debugPrint: debugPrint, testSpeed: testSpeed } /***/ }), /***/ 2017: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { try { var util = __webpack_require__(9023); /* istanbul ignore next */ if (typeof util.inherits !== 'function') throw ''; module.exports = util.inherits; } catch (e) { /* istanbul ignore next */ module.exports = __webpack_require__(6698); } /***/ }), /***/ 6698: /***/ ((module) => { if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { if (superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { constructor: { value: ctor, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }) } }; } else { // old school shim for old browsers module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { if (superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor var TempCtor = function () {} TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype ctor.prototype = new TempCtor() ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor } } } /***/ }), /***/ 2861: /***/ ((module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { /*! safe-buffer. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */ /* eslint-disable node/no-deprecated-api */ var buffer = __webpack_require__(18) var Buffer = buffer.Buffer // alternative to using Object.keys for old browsers function copyProps (src, dst) { for (var key in src) { dst[key] = src[key] } } if (Buffer.from && Buffer.alloc && Buffer.allocUnsafe && Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow) { module.exports = buffer } else { // Copy properties from require('buffer') copyProps(buffer, exports) exports.Buffer = SafeBuffer } function SafeBuffer (arg, encodingOrOffset, length) { return Buffer(arg, encodingOrOffset, length) } SafeBuffer.prototype = Object.create(Buffer.prototype) // Copy static methods from Buffer copyProps(Buffer, SafeBuffer) SafeBuffer.from = function (arg, encodingOrOffset, length) { if (typeof arg === 'number') { throw new TypeError('Argument must not be a number') } return Buffer(arg, encodingOrOffset, length) } SafeBuffer.alloc = function (size, fill, encoding) { if (typeof size !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number') } var buf = Buffer(size) if (fill !== undefined) { if (typeof encoding === 'string') { buf.fill(fill, encoding) } else { buf.fill(fill) } } else { buf.fill(0) } return buf } SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe = function (size) { if (typeof size !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number') } return Buffer(size) } SafeBuffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function (size) { if (typeof size !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number') } return buffer.SlowBuffer(size) } /***/ }), /***/ 392: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var Buffer = (__webpack_require__(2861).Buffer) // prototype class for hash functions function Hash (blockSize, finalSize) { this._block = Buffer.alloc(blockSize) this._finalSize = finalSize this._blockSize = blockSize this._len = 0 } Hash.prototype.update = function (data, enc) { if (typeof data === 'string') { enc = enc || 'utf8' data = Buffer.from(data, enc) } var block = this._block var blockSize = this._blockSize var length = data.length var accum = this._len for (var offset = 0; offset < length;) { var assigned = accum % blockSize var remainder = Math.min(length - offset, blockSize - assigned) for (var i = 0; i < remainder; i++) { block[assigned + i] = data[offset + i] } accum += remainder offset += remainder if ((accum % blockSize) === 0) { this._update(block) } } this._len += length return this } Hash.prototype.digest = function (enc) { var rem = this._len % this._blockSize this._block[rem] = 0x80 // zero (rem + 1) trailing bits, where (rem + 1) is the smallest // non-negative solution to the equation (length + 1 + (rem + 1)) === finalSize mod blockSize this._block.fill(0, rem + 1) if (rem >= this._finalSize) { this._update(this._block) this._block.fill(0) } var bits = this._len * 8 // uint32 if (bits <= 0xffffffff) { this._block.writeUInt32BE(bits, this._blockSize - 4) // uint64 } else { var lowBits = (bits & 0xffffffff) >>> 0 var highBits = (bits - lowBits) / 0x100000000 this._block.writeUInt32BE(highBits, this._blockSize - 8) this._block.writeUInt32BE(lowBits, this._blockSize - 4) } this._update(this._block) var hash = this._hash() return enc ? hash.toString(enc) : hash } Hash.prototype._update = function () { throw new Error('_update must be implemented by subclass') } module.exports = Hash /***/ }), /***/ 4107: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { /** * A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-256, as defined * in FIPS 180-2 * Version 2.2-beta Copyright Angel Marin, Paul Johnston 2000 - 2009. * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet * */ var inherits = __webpack_require__(2017) var Hash = __webpack_require__(392) var Buffer = (__webpack_require__(2861).Buffer) var K = [ 0x428A2F98, 0x71374491, 0xB5C0FBCF, 0xE9B5DBA5, 0x3956C25B, 0x59F111F1, 0x923F82A4, 0xAB1C5ED5, 0xD807AA98, 0x12835B01, 0x243185BE, 0x550C7DC3, 0x72BE5D74, 0x80DEB1FE, 0x9BDC06A7, 0xC19BF174, 0xE49B69C1, 0xEFBE4786, 0x0FC19DC6, 0x240CA1CC, 0x2DE92C6F, 0x4A7484AA, 0x5CB0A9DC, 0x76F988DA, 0x983E5152, 0xA831C66D, 0xB00327C8, 0xBF597FC7, 0xC6E00BF3, 0xD5A79147, 0x06CA6351, 0x14292967, 0x27B70A85, 0x2E1B2138, 0x4D2C6DFC, 0x53380D13, 0x650A7354, 0x766A0ABB, 0x81C2C92E, 0x92722C85, 0xA2BFE8A1, 0xA81A664B, 0xC24B8B70, 0xC76C51A3, 0xD192E819, 0xD6990624, 0xF40E3585, 0x106AA070, 0x19A4C116, 0x1E376C08, 0x2748774C, 0x34B0BCB5, 0x391C0CB3, 0x4ED8AA4A, 0x5B9CCA4F, 0x682E6FF3, 0x748F82EE, 0x78A5636F, 0x84C87814, 0x8CC70208, 0x90BEFFFA, 0xA4506CEB, 0xBEF9A3F7, 0xC67178F2 ] var W = new Array(64) function Sha256 () { this.init() this._w = W // new Array(64) Hash.call(this, 64, 56) } inherits(Sha256, Hash) Sha256.prototype.init = function () { this._a = 0x6a09e667 this._b = 0xbb67ae85 this._c = 0x3c6ef372 this._d = 0xa54ff53a this._e = 0x510e527f this._f = 0x9b05688c this._g = 0x1f83d9ab this._h = 0x5be0cd19 return this } function ch (x, y, z) { return z ^ (x & (y ^ z)) } function maj (x, y, z) { return (x & y) | (z & (x | y)) } function sigma0 (x) { return (x >>> 2 | x << 30) ^ (x >>> 13 | x << 19) ^ (x >>> 22 | x << 10) } function sigma1 (x) { return (x >>> 6 | x << 26) ^ (x >>> 11 | x << 21) ^ (x >>> 25 | x << 7) } function gamma0 (x) { return (x >>> 7 | x << 25) ^ (x >>> 18 | x << 14) ^ (x >>> 3) } function gamma1 (x) { return (x >>> 17 | x << 15) ^ (x >>> 19 | x << 13) ^ (x >>> 10) } Sha256.prototype._update = function (M) { var W = this._w var a = this._a | 0 var b = this._b | 0 var c = this._c | 0 var d = this._d | 0 var e = this._e | 0 var f = this._f | 0 var g = this._g | 0 var h = this._h | 0 for (var i = 0; i < 16; ++i) W[i] = M.readInt32BE(i * 4) for (; i < 64; ++i) W[i] = (gamma1(W[i - 2]) + W[i - 7] + gamma0(W[i - 15]) + W[i - 16]) | 0 for (var j = 0; j < 64; ++j) { var T1 = (h + sigma1(e) + ch(e, f, g) + K[j] + W[j]) | 0 var T2 = (sigma0(a) + maj(a, b, c)) | 0 h = g g = f f = e e = (d + T1) | 0 d = c c = b b = a a = (T1 + T2) | 0 } this._a = (a + this._a) | 0 this._b = (b + this._b) | 0 this._c = (c + this._c) | 0 this._d = (d + this._d) | 0 this._e = (e + this._e) | 0 this._f = (f + this._f) | 0 this._g = (g + this._g) | 0 this._h = (h + this._h) | 0 } Sha256.prototype._hash = function () { var H = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32) H.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0) H.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4) H.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8) H.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12) H.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16) H.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20) H.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24) H.writeInt32BE(this._h, 28) return H } module.exports = Sha256 /***/ }), /***/ 7016: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = require("url"); /***/ }), /***/ 9023: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = require("util"); /***/ }), /***/ 2853: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__2853__; /***/ }), /***/ 1081: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__1081__; /***/ }), /***/ 833: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__833__; /***/ }), /***/ 8380: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__8380__; /***/ }), /***/ 6168: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__6168__; /***/ }), /***/ 4578: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__4578__; /***/ }), /***/ 18: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__18__; /***/ }), /***/ 6016: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__6016__; /***/ }), /***/ 1891: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__1891__; /***/ }), /***/ 761: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__761__; /***/ }), /***/ 7250: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__7250__; /***/ }), /***/ 4146: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__4146__; /***/ }), /***/ 6514: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__6514__; /***/ }), /***/ 1655: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__1655__; /***/ }), /***/ 5196: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__5196__; /***/ }), /***/ 4054: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__4054__; /***/ }), /***/ 8963: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__8963__; /***/ }), /***/ 2730: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { module.exports = __webpack_require__(4055); /***/ }), /***/ 533: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _Object$defineProperty = __webpack_require__(591); var toPropertyKey = __webpack_require__(4704); function _defineProperty(e, r, t) { return (r = toPropertyKey(r)) in e ? _Object$defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; } module.exports = _defineProperty, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports; /***/ }), /***/ 6973: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _Symbol$toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(8130); var _typeof = (__webpack_require__(1234)["default"]); function toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != _typeof(t) || !t) return t; var e = t[_Symbol$toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i = e.call(t, r || "default"); if ("object" != _typeof(i)) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); } module.exports = toPrimitive, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports; /***/ }), /***/ 4704: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _typeof = (__webpack_require__(1234)["default"]); var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(6973); function toPropertyKey(t) { var i = toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == _typeof(i) ? i : i + ""; } module.exports = toPropertyKey, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports; /***/ }), /***/ 1234: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _Symbol = __webpack_require__(3071); var _Symbol$iterator = __webpack_require__(4473); function _typeof(o) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return module.exports = _typeof = "function" == typeof _Symbol && "symbol" == typeof _Symbol$iterator ? function (o) { return typeof o; } : function (o) { return o && "function" == typeof _Symbol && o.constructor === _Symbol && o !== _Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o; }, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports, _typeof(o); } module.exports = _typeof, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports["default"] = module.exports; /***/ }), /***/ 6040: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(8251); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 7264: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(4139); __webpack_require__(768); __webpack_require__(8549); __webpack_require__(7152); __webpack_require__(1372); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 9692: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(7045); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 5663: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(70); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 974: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var isPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(8280); var flags = __webpack_require__(8804); var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype; module.exports = function (it) { return (it === RegExpPrototype || isPrototypeOf(RegExpPrototype, it)) ? flags(it) : it.flags; }; /***/ }), /***/ 1926: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; __webpack_require__(6750); var path = __webpack_require__(2046); var Object = path.Object; var defineProperty = module.exports = function defineProperty(it, key, desc) { return Object.defineProperty(it, key, desc); }; if (Object.defineProperty.sham) defineProperty.sham = true; /***/ }), /***/ 8804: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; __webpack_require__(9164); var getRegExpFlags = __webpack_require__(663); module.exports = getRegExpFlags; /***/ }), /***/ 3842: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; __webpack_require__(8545); __webpack_require__(3643); __webpack_require__(4452); __webpack_require__(3997); __webpack_require__(5084); __webpack_require__(2596); __webpack_require__(5721); __webpack_require__(4954); __webpack_require__(4123); __webpack_require__(3377); __webpack_require__(2230); __webpack_require__(5344); __webpack_require__(1660); __webpack_require__(4610); __webpack_require__(3669); __webpack_require__(4810); __webpack_require__(3325); __webpack_require__(7024); __webpack_require__(8172); __webpack_require__(5205); var path = __webpack_require__(2046); module.exports = path.Symbol; /***/ }), /***/ 1730: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; __webpack_require__(9363); __webpack_require__(3643); __webpack_require__(7057); __webpack_require__(4954); var WrappedWellKnownSymbolModule = __webpack_require__(560); module.exports = WrappedWellKnownSymbolModule.f('iterator'); /***/ }), /***/ 1661: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; __webpack_require__(8537); __webpack_require__(3669); var WrappedWellKnownSymbolModule = __webpack_require__(560); module.exports = WrappedWellKnownSymbolModule.f('toPrimitive'); /***/ }), /***/ 591: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __webpack_require__(4997); /***/ }), /***/ 3071: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __webpack_require__(2321); /***/ }), /***/ 4473: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __webpack_require__(2231); /***/ }), /***/ 8130: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; module.exports = __webpack_require__(9280); /***/ }), /***/ 4997: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(6040); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 2321: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(7264); __webpack_require__(3939); __webpack_require__(1785); __webpack_require__(1697); __webpack_require__(4664); // TODO: Remove from `core-js@4` __webpack_require__(3422); __webpack_require__(36); __webpack_require__(8703); __webpack_require__(6878); __webpack_require__(9671); __webpack_require__(359); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 2231: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(9692); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 9280: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(5663); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 2159: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var tryToString = __webpack_require__(4640); var $TypeError = TypeError; // `Assert: IsCallable(argument) is true` module.exports = function (argument) { if (isCallable(argument)) return argument; throw new $TypeError(tryToString(argument) + ' is not a function'); }; /***/ }), /***/ 43: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var isPossiblePrototype = __webpack_require__(4018); var $String = String; var $TypeError = TypeError; module.exports = function (argument) { if (isPossiblePrototype(argument)) return argument; throw new $TypeError("Can't set " + $String(argument) + ' as a prototype'); }; /***/ }), /***/ 2156: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = function () { /* empty */ }; /***/ }), /***/ 6624: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var isObject = __webpack_require__(6285); var $String = String; var $TypeError = TypeError; // `Assert: Type(argument) is Object` module.exports = function (argument) { if (isObject(argument)) return argument; throw new $TypeError($String(argument) + ' is not an object'); }; /***/ }), /***/ 4436: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(7374); var toAbsoluteIndex = __webpack_require__(4849); var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(575); // `Array.prototype.{ indexOf, includes }` methods implementation var createMethod = function (IS_INCLUDES) { return function ($this, el, fromIndex) { var O = toIndexedObject($this); var length = lengthOfArrayLike(O); if (length === 0) return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length); var value; // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check if (IS_INCLUDES && el !== el) while (length > index) { value = O[index++]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check if (value !== value) return true; // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not } else for (;length > index; index++) { if ((IS_INCLUDES || index in O) && O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0; } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; }; }; module.exports = { // `Array.prototype.includes` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.includes includes: createMethod(true), // `Array.prototype.indexOf` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.indexof indexOf: createMethod(false) }; /***/ }), /***/ 726: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var bind = __webpack_require__(8311); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var IndexedObject = __webpack_require__(6946); var toObject = __webpack_require__(9298); var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(575); var arraySpeciesCreate = __webpack_require__(6968); var push = uncurryThis([].push); // `Array.prototype.{ forEach, map, filter, some, every, find, findIndex, filterReject }` methods implementation var createMethod = function (TYPE) { var IS_MAP = TYPE === 1; var IS_FILTER = TYPE === 2; var IS_SOME = TYPE === 3; var IS_EVERY = TYPE === 4; var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE === 6; var IS_FILTER_REJECT = TYPE === 7; var NO_HOLES = TYPE === 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX; return function ($this, callbackfn, that, specificCreate) { var O = toObject($this); var self = IndexedObject(O); var length = lengthOfArrayLike(self); var boundFunction = bind(callbackfn, that); var index = 0; var create = specificCreate || arraySpeciesCreate; var target = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER || IS_FILTER_REJECT ? create($this, 0) : undefined; var value, result; for (;length > index; index++) if (NO_HOLES || index in self) { value = self[index]; result = boundFunction(value, index, O); if (TYPE) { if (IS_MAP) target[index] = result; // map else if (result) switch (TYPE) { case 3: return true; // some case 5: return value; // find case 6: return index; // findIndex case 2: push(target, value); // filter } else switch (TYPE) { case 4: return false; // every case 7: push(target, value); // filterReject } } } return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : target; }; }; module.exports = { // `Array.prototype.forEach` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.foreach forEach: createMethod(0), // `Array.prototype.map` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.map map: createMethod(1), // `Array.prototype.filter` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.filter filter: createMethod(2), // `Array.prototype.some` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.some some: createMethod(3), // `Array.prototype.every` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.every every: createMethod(4), // `Array.prototype.find` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.find find: createMethod(5), // `Array.prototype.findIndex` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.findIndex findIndex: createMethod(6), // `Array.prototype.filterReject` method // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-array-filtering filterReject: createMethod(7) }; /***/ }), /***/ 7171: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var V8_VERSION = __webpack_require__(798); var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species'); module.exports = function (METHOD_NAME) { // We can't use this feature detection in V8 since it causes // deoptimization and serious performance degradation // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/677 return V8_VERSION >= 51 || !fails(function () { var array = []; var constructor = array.constructor = {}; constructor[SPECIES] = function () { return { foo: 1 }; }; return array[METHOD_NAME](Boolean).foo !== 1; }); }; /***/ }), /***/ 3427: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); module.exports = uncurryThis([].slice); /***/ }), /***/ 4010: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var isArray = __webpack_require__(1793); var isConstructor = __webpack_require__(5468); var isObject = __webpack_require__(6285); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species'); var $Array = Array; // a part of `ArraySpeciesCreate` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-arrayspeciescreate module.exports = function (originalArray) { var C; if (isArray(originalArray)) { C = originalArray.constructor; // cross-realm fallback if (isConstructor(C) && (C === $Array || isArray(C.prototype))) C = undefined; else if (isObject(C)) { C = C[SPECIES]; if (C === null) C = undefined; } } return C === undefined ? $Array : C; }; /***/ }), /***/ 6968: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var arraySpeciesConstructor = __webpack_require__(4010); // `ArraySpeciesCreate` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-arrayspeciescreate module.exports = function (originalArray, length) { return new (arraySpeciesConstructor(originalArray))(length === 0 ? 0 : length); }; /***/ }), /***/ 5807: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var toString = uncurryThis({}.toString); var stringSlice = uncurryThis(''.slice); module.exports = function (it) { return stringSlice(toString(it), 8, -1); }; /***/ }), /***/ 3948: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = __webpack_require__(2623); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var classofRaw = __webpack_require__(5807); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); var $Object = Object; // ES3 wrong here var CORRECT_ARGUMENTS = classofRaw(function () { return arguments; }()) === 'Arguments'; // fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error var tryGet = function (it, key) { try { return it[key]; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } }; // getting tag from ES6+ `Object.prototype.toString` module.exports = TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT ? classofRaw : function (it) { var O, tag, result; return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null' // @@toStringTag case : typeof (tag = tryGet(O = $Object(it), TO_STRING_TAG)) == 'string' ? tag // builtinTag case : CORRECT_ARGUMENTS ? classofRaw(O) // ES3 arguments fallback : (result = classofRaw(O)) === 'Object' && isCallable(O.callee) ? 'Arguments' : result; }; /***/ }), /***/ 7382: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); module.exports = !fails(function () { function F() { /* empty */ } F.prototype.constructor = null; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getprototypeof -- required for testing return Object.getPrototypeOf(new F()) !== F.prototype; }); /***/ }), /***/ 9550: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; // `CreateIterResultObject` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-createiterresultobject module.exports = function (value, done) { return { value: value, done: done }; }; /***/ }), /***/ 1626: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var definePropertyModule = __webpack_require__(4284); var createPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(5817); module.exports = DESCRIPTORS ? function (object, key, value) { return definePropertyModule.f(object, key, createPropertyDescriptor(1, value)); } : function (object, key, value) { object[key] = value; return object; }; /***/ }), /***/ 5817: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = function (bitmap, value) { return { enumerable: !(bitmap & 1), configurable: !(bitmap & 2), writable: !(bitmap & 4), value: value }; }; /***/ }), /***/ 5543: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var definePropertyModule = __webpack_require__(4284); var createPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(5817); module.exports = function (object, key, value) { if (DESCRIPTORS) definePropertyModule.f(object, key, createPropertyDescriptor(0, value)); else object[key] = value; }; /***/ }), /***/ 9251: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineProperty = __webpack_require__(4284); module.exports = function (target, name, descriptor) { return defineProperty.f(target, name, descriptor); }; /***/ }), /***/ 8055: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var createNonEnumerableProperty = __webpack_require__(1626); module.exports = function (target, key, value, options) { if (options && options.enumerable) target[key] = value; else createNonEnumerableProperty(target, key, value); return target; }; /***/ }), /***/ 2532: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; module.exports = function (key, value) { try { defineProperty(globalThis, key, { value: value, configurable: true, writable: true }); } catch (error) { globalThis[key] = value; } return value; }; /***/ }), /***/ 9447: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); // Detect IE8's incomplete defineProperty implementation module.exports = !fails(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- required for testing return Object.defineProperty({}, 1, { get: function () { return 7; } })[1] !== 7; }); /***/ }), /***/ 9552: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var isObject = __webpack_require__(6285); var document = globalThis.document; // typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE var EXISTS = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement); module.exports = function (it) { return EXISTS ? document.createElement(it) : {}; }; /***/ }), /***/ 8024: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; var $TypeError = TypeError; var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF; // 2 ** 53 - 1 == 9007199254740991 module.exports = function (it) { if (it > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) throw $TypeError('Maximum allowed index exceeded'); return it; }; /***/ }), /***/ 9287: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; // iterable DOM collections // flag - `iterable` interface - 'entries', 'keys', 'values', 'forEach' methods module.exports = { CSSRuleList: 0, CSSStyleDeclaration: 0, CSSValueList: 0, ClientRectList: 0, DOMRectList: 0, DOMStringList: 0, DOMTokenList: 1, DataTransferItemList: 0, FileList: 0, HTMLAllCollection: 0, HTMLCollection: 0, HTMLFormElement: 0, HTMLSelectElement: 0, MediaList: 0, MimeTypeArray: 0, NamedNodeMap: 0, NodeList: 1, PaintRequestList: 0, Plugin: 0, PluginArray: 0, SVGLengthList: 0, SVGNumberList: 0, SVGPathSegList: 0, SVGPointList: 0, SVGStringList: 0, SVGTransformList: 0, SourceBufferList: 0, StyleSheetList: 0, TextTrackCueList: 0, TextTrackList: 0, TouchList: 0 }; /***/ }), /***/ 376: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; // IE8- don't enum bug keys module.exports = [ 'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf' ]; /***/ }), /***/ 6794: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var navigator = globalThis.navigator; var userAgent = navigator && navigator.userAgent; module.exports = userAgent ? String(userAgent) : ''; /***/ }), /***/ 798: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var userAgent = __webpack_require__(6794); var process = globalThis.process; var Deno = globalThis.Deno; var versions = process && process.versions || Deno && Deno.version; var v8 = versions && versions.v8; var match, version; if (v8) { match = v8.split('.'); // in old Chrome, versions of V8 isn't V8 = Chrome / 10 // but their correct versions are not interesting for us version = match[0] > 0 && match[0] < 4 ? 1 : +(match[0] + match[1]); } // BrowserFS NodeJS `process` polyfill incorrectly set `.v8` to `0.0` // so check `userAgent` even if `.v8` exists, but 0 if (!version && userAgent) { match = userAgent.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/); if (!match || match[1] >= 74) { match = userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/); if (match) version = +match[1]; } } module.exports = version; /***/ }), /***/ 1091: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var apply = __webpack_require__(6024); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(2361); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = (__webpack_require__(3846).f); var isForced = __webpack_require__(7463); var path = __webpack_require__(2046); var bind = __webpack_require__(8311); var createNonEnumerableProperty = __webpack_require__(1626); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); // add debugging info __webpack_require__(6128); var wrapConstructor = function (NativeConstructor) { var Wrapper = function (a, b, c) { if (this instanceof Wrapper) { switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return new NativeConstructor(); case 1: return new NativeConstructor(a); case 2: return new NativeConstructor(a, b); } return new NativeConstructor(a, b, c); } return apply(NativeConstructor, this, arguments); }; Wrapper.prototype = NativeConstructor.prototype; return Wrapper; }; /* options.target - name of the target object options.global - target is the global object options.stat - export as static methods of target options.proto - export as prototype methods of target options.real - real prototype method for the `pure` version options.forced - export even if the native feature is available options.bind - bind methods to the target, required for the `pure` version options.wrap - wrap constructors to preventing global pollution, required for the `pure` version options.unsafe - use the simple assignment of property instead of delete + defineProperty options.sham - add a flag to not completely full polyfills options.enumerable - export as enumerable property options.dontCallGetSet - prevent calling a getter on target options.name - the .name of the function if it does not match the key */ module.exports = function (options, source) { var TARGET = options.target; var GLOBAL = options.global; var STATIC = options.stat; var PROTO = options.proto; var nativeSource = GLOBAL ? globalThis : STATIC ? globalThis[TARGET] : globalThis[TARGET] && globalThis[TARGET].prototype; var target = GLOBAL ? path : path[TARGET] || createNonEnumerableProperty(path, TARGET, {})[TARGET]; var targetPrototype = target.prototype; var FORCED, USE_NATIVE, VIRTUAL_PROTOTYPE; var key, sourceProperty, targetProperty, nativeProperty, resultProperty, descriptor; for (key in source) { FORCED = isForced(GLOBAL ? key : TARGET + (STATIC ? '.' : '#') + key, options.forced); // contains in native USE_NATIVE = !FORCED && nativeSource && hasOwn(nativeSource, key); targetProperty = target[key]; if (USE_NATIVE) if (options.dontCallGetSet) { descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nativeSource, key); nativeProperty = descriptor && descriptor.value; } else nativeProperty = nativeSource[key]; // export native or implementation sourceProperty = (USE_NATIVE && nativeProperty) ? nativeProperty : source[key]; if (!FORCED && !PROTO && typeof targetProperty == typeof sourceProperty) continue; // bind methods to global for calling from export context if (options.bind && USE_NATIVE) resultProperty = bind(sourceProperty, globalThis); // wrap global constructors for prevent changes in this version else if (options.wrap && USE_NATIVE) resultProperty = wrapConstructor(sourceProperty); // make static versions for prototype methods else if (PROTO && isCallable(sourceProperty)) resultProperty = uncurryThis(sourceProperty); // default case else resultProperty = sourceProperty; // add a flag to not completely full polyfills if (options.sham || (sourceProperty && sourceProperty.sham) || (targetProperty && targetProperty.sham)) { createNonEnumerableProperty(resultProperty, 'sham', true); } createNonEnumerableProperty(target, key, resultProperty); if (PROTO) { VIRTUAL_PROTOTYPE = TARGET + 'Prototype'; if (!hasOwn(path, VIRTUAL_PROTOTYPE)) { createNonEnumerableProperty(path, VIRTUAL_PROTOTYPE, {}); } // export virtual prototype methods createNonEnumerableProperty(path[VIRTUAL_PROTOTYPE], key, sourceProperty); // export real prototype methods if (options.real && targetPrototype && (FORCED || !targetPrototype[key])) { createNonEnumerableProperty(targetPrototype, key, sourceProperty); } } } }; /***/ }), /***/ 8828: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = function (exec) { try { return !!exec(); } catch (error) { return true; } }; /***/ }), /***/ 6024: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var NATIVE_BIND = __webpack_require__(1505); var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype; var apply = FunctionPrototype.apply; var call = FunctionPrototype.call; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-reflect -- safe module.exports = typeof Reflect == 'object' && Reflect.apply || (NATIVE_BIND ? call.bind(apply) : function () { return call.apply(apply, arguments); }); /***/ }), /***/ 8311: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(2361); var aCallable = __webpack_require__(2159); var NATIVE_BIND = __webpack_require__(1505); var bind = uncurryThis(uncurryThis.bind); // optional / simple context binding module.exports = function (fn, that) { aCallable(fn); return that === undefined ? fn : NATIVE_BIND ? bind(fn, that) : function (/* ...args */) { return fn.apply(that, arguments); }; }; /***/ }), /***/ 1505: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); module.exports = !fails(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-function-prototype-bind -- safe var test = (function () { /* empty */ }).bind(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins -- safe return typeof test != 'function' || test.hasOwnProperty('prototype'); }); /***/ }), /***/ 3930: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var NATIVE_BIND = __webpack_require__(1505); var call = Function.prototype.call; module.exports = NATIVE_BIND ? call.bind(call) : function () { return call.apply(call, arguments); }; /***/ }), /***/ 6833: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var getDescriptor = DESCRIPTORS && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var EXISTS = hasOwn(FunctionPrototype, 'name'); // additional protection from minified / mangled / dropped function names var PROPER = EXISTS && (function something() { /* empty */ }).name === 'something'; var CONFIGURABLE = EXISTS && (!DESCRIPTORS || (DESCRIPTORS && getDescriptor(FunctionPrototype, 'name').configurable)); module.exports = { EXISTS: EXISTS, PROPER: PROPER, CONFIGURABLE: CONFIGURABLE }; /***/ }), /***/ 1871: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var aCallable = __webpack_require__(2159); module.exports = function (object, key, method) { try { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe return uncurryThis(aCallable(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, key)[method])); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } }; /***/ }), /***/ 2361: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var classofRaw = __webpack_require__(5807); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); module.exports = function (fn) { // Nashorn bug: // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/1128 // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/1130 if (classofRaw(fn) === 'Function') return uncurryThis(fn); }; /***/ }), /***/ 1907: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var NATIVE_BIND = __webpack_require__(1505); var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype; var call = FunctionPrototype.call; var uncurryThisWithBind = NATIVE_BIND && FunctionPrototype.bind.bind(call, call); module.exports = NATIVE_BIND ? uncurryThisWithBind : function (fn) { return function () { return call.apply(fn, arguments); }; }; /***/ }), /***/ 5582: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var path = __webpack_require__(2046); var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var aFunction = function (variable) { return isCallable(variable) ? variable : undefined; }; module.exports = function (namespace, method) { return arguments.length < 2 ? aFunction(path[namespace]) || aFunction(globalThis[namespace]) : path[namespace] && path[namespace][method] || globalThis[namespace] && globalThis[namespace][method]; }; /***/ }), /***/ 6656: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var isArray = __webpack_require__(1793); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var classof = __webpack_require__(5807); var toString = __webpack_require__(160); var push = uncurryThis([].push); module.exports = function (replacer) { if (isCallable(replacer)) return replacer; if (!isArray(replacer)) return; var rawLength = replacer.length; var keys = []; for (var i = 0; i < rawLength; i++) { var element = replacer[i]; if (typeof element == 'string') push(keys, element); else if (typeof element == 'number' || classof(element) === 'Number' || classof(element) === 'String') push(keys, toString(element)); } var keysLength = keys.length; var root = true; return function (key, value) { if (root) { root = false; return value; } if (isArray(this)) return value; for (var j = 0; j < keysLength; j++) if (keys[j] === key) return value; }; }; /***/ }), /***/ 9367: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var aCallable = __webpack_require__(2159); var isNullOrUndefined = __webpack_require__(7136); // `GetMethod` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getmethod module.exports = function (V, P) { var func = V[P]; return isNullOrUndefined(func) ? undefined : aCallable(func); }; /***/ }), /***/ 5951: /***/ (function(module) { "use strict"; var check = function (it) { return it && it.Math === Math && it; }; // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028 module.exports = // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-global-this -- safe check(typeof globalThis == 'object' && globalThis) || check(typeof window == 'object' && window) || // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals -- safe check(typeof self == 'object' && self) || check(typeof global == 'object' && global) || check(typeof this == 'object' && this) || // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func -- fallback (function () { return this; })() || Function('return this')(); /***/ }), /***/ 9724: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var toObject = __webpack_require__(9298); var hasOwnProperty = uncurryThis({}.hasOwnProperty); // `HasOwnProperty` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-hasownproperty // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-hasown -- safe module.exports = Object.hasOwn || function hasOwn(it, key) { return hasOwnProperty(toObject(it), key); }; /***/ }), /***/ 8530: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = {}; /***/ }), /***/ 2416: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(5582); module.exports = getBuiltIn('document', 'documentElement'); /***/ }), /***/ 3648: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var createElement = __webpack_require__(9552); // Thanks to IE8 for its funny defineProperty module.exports = !DESCRIPTORS && !fails(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- required for testing return Object.defineProperty(createElement('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a !== 7; }); /***/ }), /***/ 6946: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var classof = __webpack_require__(5807); var $Object = Object; var split = uncurryThis(''.split); // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings module.exports = fails(function () { // throws an error in rhino, see https://github.com/mozilla/rhino/issues/346 // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins -- safe return !$Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0); }) ? function (it) { return classof(it) === 'String' ? split(it, '') : $Object(it); } : $Object; /***/ }), /***/ 2647: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var store = __webpack_require__(6128); var functionToString = uncurryThis(Function.toString); // this helper broken in `core-js@3.4.1-3.4.4`, so we can't use `shared` helper if (!isCallable(store.inspectSource)) { store.inspectSource = function (it) { return functionToString(it); }; } module.exports = store.inspectSource; /***/ }), /***/ 4932: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var NATIVE_WEAK_MAP = __webpack_require__(551); var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var isObject = __webpack_require__(6285); var createNonEnumerableProperty = __webpack_require__(1626); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var shared = __webpack_require__(6128); var sharedKey = __webpack_require__(2522); var hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(8530); var OBJECT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED = 'Object already initialized'; var TypeError = globalThis.TypeError; var WeakMap = globalThis.WeakMap; var set, get, has; var enforce = function (it) { return has(it) ? get(it) : set(it, {}); }; var getterFor = function (TYPE) { return function (it) { var state; if (!isObject(it) || (state = get(it)).type !== TYPE) { throw new TypeError('Incompatible receiver, ' + TYPE + ' required'); } return state; }; }; if (NATIVE_WEAK_MAP || shared.state) { var store = shared.state || (shared.state = new WeakMap()); /* eslint-disable no-self-assign -- prototype methods protection */ store.get = store.get; store.has = store.has; store.set = store.set; /* eslint-enable no-self-assign -- prototype methods protection */ set = function (it, metadata) { if (store.has(it)) throw new TypeError(OBJECT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED); metadata.facade = it; store.set(it, metadata); return metadata; }; get = function (it) { return store.get(it) || {}; }; has = function (it) { return store.has(it); }; } else { var STATE = sharedKey('state'); hiddenKeys[STATE] = true; set = function (it, metadata) { if (hasOwn(it, STATE)) throw new TypeError(OBJECT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED); metadata.facade = it; createNonEnumerableProperty(it, STATE, metadata); return metadata; }; get = function (it) { return hasOwn(it, STATE) ? it[STATE] : {}; }; has = function (it) { return hasOwn(it, STATE); }; } module.exports = { set: set, get: get, has: has, enforce: enforce, getterFor: getterFor }; /***/ }), /***/ 1793: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var classof = __webpack_require__(5807); // `IsArray` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-isarray // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-array-isarray -- safe module.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(argument) { return classof(argument) === 'Array'; }; /***/ }), /***/ 2250: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-IsHTMLDDA-internal-slot var documentAll = typeof document == 'object' && document.all; // `IsCallable` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-iscallable // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-typeof-undefined -- required for testing module.exports = typeof documentAll == 'undefined' && documentAll !== undefined ? function (argument) { return typeof argument == 'function' || argument === documentAll; } : function (argument) { return typeof argument == 'function'; }; /***/ }), /***/ 5468: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var classof = __webpack_require__(3948); var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(5582); var inspectSource = __webpack_require__(2647); var noop = function () { /* empty */ }; var construct = getBuiltIn('Reflect', 'construct'); var constructorRegExp = /^\s*(?:class|function)\b/; var exec = uncurryThis(constructorRegExp.exec); var INCORRECT_TO_STRING = !constructorRegExp.test(noop); var isConstructorModern = function isConstructor(argument) { if (!isCallable(argument)) return false; try { construct(noop, [], argument); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } }; var isConstructorLegacy = function isConstructor(argument) { if (!isCallable(argument)) return false; switch (classof(argument)) { case 'AsyncFunction': case 'GeneratorFunction': case 'AsyncGeneratorFunction': return false; } try { // we can't check .prototype since constructors produced by .bind haven't it // `Function#toString` throws on some built-it function in some legacy engines // (for example, `DOMQuad` and similar in FF41-) return INCORRECT_TO_STRING || !!exec(constructorRegExp, inspectSource(argument)); } catch (error) { return true; } }; isConstructorLegacy.sham = true; // `IsConstructor` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-isconstructor module.exports = !construct || fails(function () { var called; return isConstructorModern(isConstructorModern.call) || !isConstructorModern(Object) || !isConstructorModern(function () { called = true; }) || called; }) ? isConstructorLegacy : isConstructorModern; /***/ }), /***/ 7463: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var replacement = /#|\.prototype\./; var isForced = function (feature, detection) { var value = data[normalize(feature)]; return value === POLYFILL ? true : value === NATIVE ? false : isCallable(detection) ? fails(detection) : !!detection; }; var normalize = isForced.normalize = function (string) { return String(string).replace(replacement, '.').toLowerCase(); }; var data = isForced.data = {}; var NATIVE = isForced.NATIVE = 'N'; var POLYFILL = isForced.POLYFILL = 'P'; module.exports = isForced; /***/ }), /***/ 7136: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; // we can't use just `it == null` since of `document.all` special case // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-IsHTMLDDA-internal-slot-aec module.exports = function (it) { return it === null || it === undefined; }; /***/ }), /***/ 6285: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); module.exports = function (it) { return typeof it == 'object' ? it !== null : isCallable(it); }; /***/ }), /***/ 4018: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var isObject = __webpack_require__(6285); module.exports = function (argument) { return isObject(argument) || argument === null; }; /***/ }), /***/ 7376: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = true; /***/ }), /***/ 5594: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(5582); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var isPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(8280); var USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID = __webpack_require__(1175); var $Object = Object; module.exports = USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID ? function (it) { return typeof it == 'symbol'; } : function (it) { var $Symbol = getBuiltIn('Symbol'); return isCallable($Symbol) && isPrototypeOf($Symbol.prototype, $Object(it)); }; /***/ }), /***/ 7181: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var IteratorPrototype = (__webpack_require__(5116).IteratorPrototype); var create = __webpack_require__(8075); var createPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(5817); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(4840); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(3742); var returnThis = function () { return this; }; module.exports = function (IteratorConstructor, NAME, next, ENUMERABLE_NEXT) { var TO_STRING_TAG = NAME + ' Iterator'; IteratorConstructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: createPropertyDescriptor(+!ENUMERABLE_NEXT, next) }); setToStringTag(IteratorConstructor, TO_STRING_TAG, false, true); Iterators[TO_STRING_TAG] = returnThis; return IteratorConstructor; }; /***/ }), /***/ 183: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var call = __webpack_require__(3930); var IS_PURE = __webpack_require__(7376); var FunctionName = __webpack_require__(6833); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var createIteratorConstructor = __webpack_require__(7181); var getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(5972); var setPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(9192); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(4840); var createNonEnumerableProperty = __webpack_require__(1626); var defineBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(8055); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(3742); var IteratorsCore = __webpack_require__(5116); var PROPER_FUNCTION_NAME = FunctionName.PROPER; var CONFIGURABLE_FUNCTION_NAME = FunctionName.CONFIGURABLE; var IteratorPrototype = IteratorsCore.IteratorPrototype; var BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = IteratorsCore.BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS; var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); var KEYS = 'keys'; var VALUES = 'values'; var ENTRIES = 'entries'; var returnThis = function () { return this; }; module.exports = function (Iterable, NAME, IteratorConstructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) { createIteratorConstructor(IteratorConstructor, NAME, next); var getIterationMethod = function (KIND) { if (KIND === DEFAULT && defaultIterator) return defaultIterator; if (!BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS && KIND && KIND in IterablePrototype) return IterablePrototype[KIND]; switch (KIND) { case KEYS: return function keys() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); }; case VALUES: return function values() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); }; case ENTRIES: return function entries() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); }; } return function () { return new IteratorConstructor(this); }; }; var TO_STRING_TAG = NAME + ' Iterator'; var INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME = false; var IterablePrototype = Iterable.prototype; var nativeIterator = IterablePrototype[ITERATOR] || IterablePrototype['@@iterator'] || DEFAULT && IterablePrototype[DEFAULT]; var defaultIterator = !BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS && nativeIterator || getIterationMethod(DEFAULT); var anyNativeIterator = NAME === 'Array' ? IterablePrototype.entries || nativeIterator : nativeIterator; var CurrentIteratorPrototype, methods, KEY; // fix native if (anyNativeIterator) { CurrentIteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf(anyNativeIterator.call(new Iterable())); if (CurrentIteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && CurrentIteratorPrototype.next) { if (!IS_PURE && getPrototypeOf(CurrentIteratorPrototype) !== IteratorPrototype) { if (setPrototypeOf) { setPrototypeOf(CurrentIteratorPrototype, IteratorPrototype); } else if (!isCallable(CurrentIteratorPrototype[ITERATOR])) { defineBuiltIn(CurrentIteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis); } } // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators setToStringTag(CurrentIteratorPrototype, TO_STRING_TAG, true, true); if (IS_PURE) Iterators[TO_STRING_TAG] = returnThis; } } // fix Array.prototype.{ values, @@iterator }.name in V8 / FF if (PROPER_FUNCTION_NAME && DEFAULT === VALUES && nativeIterator && nativeIterator.name !== VALUES) { if (!IS_PURE && CONFIGURABLE_FUNCTION_NAME) { createNonEnumerableProperty(IterablePrototype, 'name', VALUES); } else { INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME = true; defaultIterator = function values() { return call(nativeIterator, this); }; } } // export additional methods if (DEFAULT) { methods = { values: getIterationMethod(VALUES), keys: IS_SET ? defaultIterator : getIterationMethod(KEYS), entries: getIterationMethod(ENTRIES) }; if (FORCED) for (KEY in methods) { if (BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS || INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME || !(KEY in IterablePrototype)) { defineBuiltIn(IterablePrototype, KEY, methods[KEY]); } } else $({ target: NAME, proto: true, forced: BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS || INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME }, methods); } // define iterator if ((!IS_PURE || FORCED) && IterablePrototype[ITERATOR] !== defaultIterator) { defineBuiltIn(IterablePrototype, ITERATOR, defaultIterator, { name: DEFAULT }); } Iterators[NAME] = defaultIterator; return methods; }; /***/ }), /***/ 5116: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var isObject = __webpack_require__(6285); var create = __webpack_require__(8075); var getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(5972); var defineBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(8055); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var IS_PURE = __webpack_require__(7376); var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); var BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = false; // `%IteratorPrototype%` object // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-%iteratorprototype%-object var IteratorPrototype, PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype, arrayIterator; /* eslint-disable es/no-array-prototype-keys -- safe */ if ([].keys) { arrayIterator = [].keys(); // Safari 8 has buggy iterators w/o `next` if (!('next' in arrayIterator)) BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = true; else { PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf(getPrototypeOf(arrayIterator)); if (PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype) IteratorPrototype = PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype; } } var NEW_ITERATOR_PROTOTYPE = !isObject(IteratorPrototype) || fails(function () { var test = {}; // FF44- legacy iterators case return IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR].call(test) !== test; }); if (NEW_ITERATOR_PROTOTYPE) IteratorPrototype = {}; else if (IS_PURE) IteratorPrototype = create(IteratorPrototype); // `%IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]()` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-%iteratorprototype%-@@iterator if (!isCallable(IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR])) { defineBuiltIn(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, function () { return this; }); } module.exports = { IteratorPrototype: IteratorPrototype, BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS: BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS }; /***/ }), /***/ 3742: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = {}; /***/ }), /***/ 575: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var toLength = __webpack_require__(3121); // `LengthOfArrayLike` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-lengthofarraylike module.exports = function (obj) { return toLength(obj.length); }; /***/ }), /***/ 1176: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; var ceil = Math.ceil; var floor = Math.floor; // `Math.trunc` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-math.trunc // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-math-trunc -- safe module.exports = Math.trunc || function trunc(x) { var n = +x; return (n > 0 ? floor : ceil)(n); }; /***/ }), /***/ 8075: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; /* global ActiveXObject -- old IE, WSH */ var anObject = __webpack_require__(6624); var definePropertiesModule = __webpack_require__(2220); var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(376); var hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(8530); var html = __webpack_require__(2416); var documentCreateElement = __webpack_require__(9552); var sharedKey = __webpack_require__(2522); var GT = '>'; var LT = '<'; var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var SCRIPT = 'script'; var IE_PROTO = sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); var EmptyConstructor = function () { /* empty */ }; var scriptTag = function (content) { return LT + SCRIPT + GT + content + LT + '/' + SCRIPT + GT; }; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use ActiveX Object with cleared prototype var NullProtoObjectViaActiveX = function (activeXDocument) { activeXDocument.write(scriptTag('')); activeXDocument.close(); var temp = activeXDocument.parentWindow.Object; // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-assignment -- avoid memory leak activeXDocument = null; return temp; }; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype var NullProtoObjectViaIFrame = function () { // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug var iframe = documentCreateElement('iframe'); var JS = 'java' + SCRIPT + ':'; var iframeDocument; iframe.style.display = 'none'; html.appendChild(iframe); // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/475 iframe.src = String(JS); iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document; iframeDocument.open(); iframeDocument.write(scriptTag('document.F=Object')); iframeDocument.close(); return iframeDocument.F; }; // Check for document.domain and active x support // No need to use active x approach when document.domain is not set // see https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim/issues/150 // variation of https://github.com/kitcambridge/es5-shim/commit/4f738ac066346 // avoid IE GC bug var activeXDocument; var NullProtoObject = function () { try { activeXDocument = new ActiveXObject('htmlfile'); } catch (error) { /* ignore */ } NullProtoObject = typeof document != 'undefined' ? document.domain && activeXDocument ? NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(activeXDocument) // old IE : NullProtoObjectViaIFrame() : NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(activeXDocument); // WSH var length = enumBugKeys.length; while (length--) delete NullProtoObject[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[length]]; return NullProtoObject(); }; hiddenKeys[IE_PROTO] = true; // `Object.create` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.create // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-create -- safe module.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) { var result; if (O !== null) { EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O); result = new EmptyConstructor(); EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = null; // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill result[IE_PROTO] = O; } else result = NullProtoObject(); return Properties === undefined ? result : definePropertiesModule.f(result, Properties); }; /***/ }), /***/ 2220: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG = __webpack_require__(8661); var definePropertyModule = __webpack_require__(4284); var anObject = __webpack_require__(6624); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(7374); var objectKeys = __webpack_require__(2875); // `Object.defineProperties` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.defineproperties // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperties -- safe exports.f = DESCRIPTORS && !V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) { anObject(O); var props = toIndexedObject(Properties); var keys = objectKeys(Properties); var length = keys.length; var index = 0; var key; while (length > index) definePropertyModule.f(O, key = keys[index++], props[key]); return O; }; /***/ }), /***/ 4284: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(3648); var V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG = __webpack_require__(8661); var anObject = __webpack_require__(6624); var toPropertyKey = __webpack_require__(470); var $TypeError = TypeError; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe var $defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var ENUMERABLE = 'enumerable'; var CONFIGURABLE = 'configurable'; var WRITABLE = 'writable'; // `Object.defineProperty` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.defineproperty exports.f = DESCRIPTORS ? V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG ? function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { anObject(O); P = toPropertyKey(P); anObject(Attributes); if (typeof O === 'function' && P === 'prototype' && 'value' in Attributes && WRITABLE in Attributes && !Attributes[WRITABLE]) { var current = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P); if (current && current[WRITABLE]) { O[P] = Attributes.value; Attributes = { configurable: CONFIGURABLE in Attributes ? Attributes[CONFIGURABLE] : current[CONFIGURABLE], enumerable: ENUMERABLE in Attributes ? Attributes[ENUMERABLE] : current[ENUMERABLE], writable: false }; } } return $defineProperty(O, P, Attributes); } : $defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { anObject(O); P = toPropertyKey(P); anObject(Attributes); if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try { return $defineProperty(O, P, Attributes); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw new $TypeError('Accessors not supported'); if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value; return O; }; /***/ }), /***/ 3846: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var call = __webpack_require__(3930); var propertyIsEnumerableModule = __webpack_require__(2574); var createPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(5817); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(7374); var toPropertyKey = __webpack_require__(470); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(3648); // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; // `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertydescriptor exports.f = DESCRIPTORS ? $getOwnPropertyDescriptor : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) { O = toIndexedObject(O); P = toPropertyKey(P); if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try { return $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if (hasOwn(O, P)) return createPropertyDescriptor(!call(propertyIsEnumerableModule.f, O, P), O[P]); }; /***/ }), /***/ 5407: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; /* eslint-disable es/no-object-getownpropertynames -- safe */ var classof = __webpack_require__(5807); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(7374); var $getOwnPropertyNames = (__webpack_require__(4443).f); var arraySlice = __webpack_require__(3427); var windowNames = typeof window == 'object' && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : []; var getWindowNames = function (it) { try { return $getOwnPropertyNames(it); } catch (error) { return arraySlice(windowNames); } }; // fallback for IE11 buggy Object.getOwnPropertyNames with iframe and window module.exports.f = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) { return windowNames && classof(it) === 'Window' ? getWindowNames(it) : $getOwnPropertyNames(toIndexedObject(it)); }; /***/ }), /***/ 4443: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var internalObjectKeys = __webpack_require__(3045); var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(376); var hiddenKeys = enumBugKeys.concat('length', 'prototype'); // `Object.getOwnPropertyNames` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertynames // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertynames -- safe exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) { return internalObjectKeys(O, hiddenKeys); }; /***/ }), /***/ 7170: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { "use strict"; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertysymbols -- safe exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; /***/ }), /***/ 5972: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var toObject = __webpack_require__(9298); var sharedKey = __webpack_require__(2522); var CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER = __webpack_require__(7382); var IE_PROTO = sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); var $Object = Object; var ObjectPrototype = $Object.prototype; // `Object.getPrototypeOf` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.getprototypeof // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getprototypeof -- safe module.exports = CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER ? $Object.getPrototypeOf : function (O) { var object = toObject(O); if (hasOwn(object, IE_PROTO)) return object[IE_PROTO]; var constructor = object.constructor; if (isCallable(constructor) && object instanceof constructor) { return constructor.prototype; } return object instanceof $Object ? ObjectPrototype : null; }; /***/ }), /***/ 8280: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); module.exports = uncurryThis({}.isPrototypeOf); /***/ }), /***/ 3045: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(7374); var indexOf = (__webpack_require__(4436).indexOf); var hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(8530); var push = uncurryThis([].push); module.exports = function (object, names) { var O = toIndexedObject(object); var i = 0; var result = []; var key; for (key in O) !hasOwn(hiddenKeys, key) && hasOwn(O, key) && push(result, key); // Don't enum bug & hidden keys while (names.length > i) if (hasOwn(O, key = names[i++])) { ~indexOf(result, key) || push(result, key); } return result; }; /***/ }), /***/ 2875: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var internalObjectKeys = __webpack_require__(3045); var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(376); // `Object.keys` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.keys // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-keys -- safe module.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) { return internalObjectKeys(O, enumBugKeys); }; /***/ }), /***/ 2574: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { "use strict"; var $propertyIsEnumerable = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; // Nashorn ~ JDK8 bug var NASHORN_BUG = getOwnPropertyDescriptor && !$propertyIsEnumerable.call({ 1: 2 }, 1); // `Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable` method implementation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.prototype.propertyisenumerable exports.f = NASHORN_BUG ? function propertyIsEnumerable(V) { var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, V); return !!descriptor && descriptor.enumerable; } : $propertyIsEnumerable; /***/ }), /***/ 9192: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; /* eslint-disable no-proto -- safe */ var uncurryThisAccessor = __webpack_require__(1871); var isObject = __webpack_require__(6285); var requireObjectCoercible = __webpack_require__(4239); var aPossiblePrototype = __webpack_require__(43); // `Object.setPrototypeOf` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.setprototypeof // Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects. // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-setprototypeof -- safe module.exports = Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} ? function () { var CORRECT_SETTER = false; var test = {}; var setter; try { setter = uncurryThisAccessor(Object.prototype, '__proto__', 'set'); setter(test, []); CORRECT_SETTER = test instanceof Array; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto) { requireObjectCoercible(O); aPossiblePrototype(proto); if (!isObject(O)) return O; if (CORRECT_SETTER) setter(O, proto); else O.__proto__ = proto; return O; }; }() : undefined); /***/ }), /***/ 4878: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = __webpack_require__(2623); var classof = __webpack_require__(3948); // `Object.prototype.toString` method implementation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.prototype.tostring module.exports = TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT ? {}.toString : function toString() { return '[object ' + classof(this) + ']'; }; /***/ }), /***/ 581: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var call = __webpack_require__(3930); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var isObject = __webpack_require__(6285); var $TypeError = TypeError; // `OrdinaryToPrimitive` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-ordinarytoprimitive module.exports = function (input, pref) { var fn, val; if (pref === 'string' && isCallable(fn = input.toString) && !isObject(val = call(fn, input))) return val; if (isCallable(fn = input.valueOf) && !isObject(val = call(fn, input))) return val; if (pref !== 'string' && isCallable(fn = input.toString) && !isObject(val = call(fn, input))) return val; throw new $TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; /***/ }), /***/ 2046: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = {}; /***/ }), /***/ 5606: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var anObject = __webpack_require__(6624); // `RegExp.prototype.flags` getter implementation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-get-regexp.prototype.flags module.exports = function () { var that = anObject(this); var result = ''; if (that.hasIndices) result += 'd'; if (that.global) result += 'g'; if (that.ignoreCase) result += 'i'; if (that.multiline) result += 'm'; if (that.dotAll) result += 's'; if (that.unicode) result += 'u'; if (that.unicodeSets) result += 'v'; if (that.sticky) result += 'y'; return result; }; /***/ }), /***/ 663: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var call = __webpack_require__(3930); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var isPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(8280); var regExpFlags = __webpack_require__(5606); var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype; module.exports = function (R) { var flags = R.flags; return flags === undefined && !('flags' in RegExpPrototype) && !hasOwn(R, 'flags') && isPrototypeOf(RegExpPrototype, R) ? call(regExpFlags, R) : flags; }; /***/ }), /***/ 4239: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var isNullOrUndefined = __webpack_require__(7136); var $TypeError = TypeError; // `RequireObjectCoercible` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-requireobjectcoercible module.exports = function (it) { if (isNullOrUndefined(it)) throw new $TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); return it; }; /***/ }), /***/ 4840: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = __webpack_require__(2623); var defineProperty = (__webpack_require__(4284).f); var createNonEnumerableProperty = __webpack_require__(1626); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var toString = __webpack_require__(4878); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); module.exports = function (it, TAG, STATIC, SET_METHOD) { var target = STATIC ? it : it && it.prototype; if (target) { if (!hasOwn(target, TO_STRING_TAG)) { defineProperty(target, TO_STRING_TAG, { configurable: true, value: TAG }); } if (SET_METHOD && !TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT) { createNonEnumerableProperty(target, 'toString', toString); } } }; /***/ }), /***/ 2522: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var shared = __webpack_require__(5816); var uid = __webpack_require__(6499); var keys = shared('keys'); module.exports = function (key) { return keys[key] || (keys[key] = uid(key)); }; /***/ }), /***/ 6128: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var IS_PURE = __webpack_require__(7376); var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var defineGlobalProperty = __webpack_require__(2532); var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'; var store = module.exports = globalThis[SHARED] || defineGlobalProperty(SHARED, {}); (store.versions || (store.versions = [])).push({ version: '3.38.1', mode: IS_PURE ? 'pure' : 'global', copyright: '© 2014-2024 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)', license: 'https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/v3.38.1/LICENSE', source: 'https://github.com/zloirock/core-js' }); /***/ }), /***/ 5816: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var store = __webpack_require__(6128); module.exports = function (key, value) { return store[key] || (store[key] = value || {}); }; /***/ }), /***/ 1470: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var toIntegerOrInfinity = __webpack_require__(5482); var toString = __webpack_require__(160); var requireObjectCoercible = __webpack_require__(4239); var charAt = uncurryThis(''.charAt); var charCodeAt = uncurryThis(''.charCodeAt); var stringSlice = uncurryThis(''.slice); var createMethod = function (CONVERT_TO_STRING) { return function ($this, pos) { var S = toString(requireObjectCoercible($this)); var position = toIntegerOrInfinity(pos); var size = S.length; var first, second; if (position < 0 || position >= size) return CONVERT_TO_STRING ? '' : undefined; first = charCodeAt(S, position); return first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || position + 1 === size || (second = charCodeAt(S, position + 1)) < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF ? CONVERT_TO_STRING ? charAt(S, position) : first : CONVERT_TO_STRING ? stringSlice(S, position, position + 2) : (first - 0xD800 << 10) + (second - 0xDC00) + 0x10000; }; }; module.exports = { // `String.prototype.codePointAt` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.codepointat codeAt: createMethod(false), // `String.prototype.at` method // https://github.com/mathiasbynens/String.prototype.at charAt: createMethod(true) }; /***/ }), /***/ 9846: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; /* eslint-disable es/no-symbol -- required for testing */ var V8_VERSION = __webpack_require__(798); var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var $String = globalThis.String; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertysymbols -- required for testing module.exports = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !fails(function () { var symbol = Symbol('symbol detection'); // Chrome 38 Symbol has incorrect toString conversion // `get-own-property-symbols` polyfill symbols converted to object are not Symbol instances // nb: Do not call `String` directly to avoid this being optimized out to `symbol+''` which will, // of course, fail. return !$String(symbol) || !(Object(symbol) instanceof Symbol) || // Chrome 38-40 symbols are not inherited from DOM collections prototypes to instances !Symbol.sham && V8_VERSION && V8_VERSION < 41; }); /***/ }), /***/ 3467: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var call = __webpack_require__(3930); var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(5582); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var defineBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(8055); module.exports = function () { var Symbol = getBuiltIn('Symbol'); var SymbolPrototype = Symbol && Symbol.prototype; var valueOf = SymbolPrototype && SymbolPrototype.valueOf; var TO_PRIMITIVE = wellKnownSymbol('toPrimitive'); if (SymbolPrototype && !SymbolPrototype[TO_PRIMITIVE]) { // `Symbol.prototype[@@toPrimitive]` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.prototype-@@toprimitive // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -- required for .length defineBuiltIn(SymbolPrototype, TO_PRIMITIVE, function (hint) { return call(valueOf, this); }, { arity: 1 }); } }; /***/ }), /***/ 2595: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(5582); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var Symbol = getBuiltIn('Symbol'); var keyFor = Symbol.keyFor; var thisSymbolValue = uncurryThis(Symbol.prototype.valueOf); // `Symbol.isRegisteredSymbol` method // https://tc39.es/proposal-symbol-predicates/#sec-symbol-isregisteredsymbol module.exports = Symbol.isRegisteredSymbol || function isRegisteredSymbol(value) { try { return keyFor(thisSymbolValue(value)) !== undefined; } catch (error) { return false; } }; /***/ }), /***/ 9197: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var shared = __webpack_require__(5816); var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(5582); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var isSymbol = __webpack_require__(5594); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var Symbol = getBuiltIn('Symbol'); var $isWellKnownSymbol = Symbol.isWellKnownSymbol; var getOwnPropertyNames = getBuiltIn('Object', 'getOwnPropertyNames'); var thisSymbolValue = uncurryThis(Symbol.prototype.valueOf); var WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared('wks'); for (var i = 0, symbolKeys = getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol), symbolKeysLength = symbolKeys.length; i < symbolKeysLength; i++) { // some old engines throws on access to some keys like `arguments` or `caller` try { var symbolKey = symbolKeys[i]; if (isSymbol(Symbol[symbolKey])) wellKnownSymbol(symbolKey); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } } // `Symbol.isWellKnownSymbol` method // https://tc39.es/proposal-symbol-predicates/#sec-symbol-iswellknownsymbol // We should patch it for newly added well-known symbols. If it's not required, this module just will not be injected module.exports = function isWellKnownSymbol(value) { if ($isWellKnownSymbol && $isWellKnownSymbol(value)) return true; try { var symbol = thisSymbolValue(value); for (var j = 0, keys = getOwnPropertyNames(WellKnownSymbolsStore), keysLength = keys.length; j < keysLength; j++) { // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq -- polyfilled symbols case if (WellKnownSymbolsStore[keys[j]] == symbol) return true; } } catch (error) { /* empty */ } return false; }; /***/ }), /***/ 4411: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var NATIVE_SYMBOL = __webpack_require__(9846); /* eslint-disable es/no-symbol -- safe */ module.exports = NATIVE_SYMBOL && !!Symbol['for'] && !!Symbol.keyFor; /***/ }), /***/ 4849: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var toIntegerOrInfinity = __webpack_require__(5482); var max = Math.max; var min = Math.min; // Helper for a popular repeating case of the spec: // Let integer be ? ToInteger(index). // If integer < 0, let result be max((length + integer), 0); else let result be min(integer, length). module.exports = function (index, length) { var integer = toIntegerOrInfinity(index); return integer < 0 ? max(integer + length, 0) : min(integer, length); }; /***/ }), /***/ 7374: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; // toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings var IndexedObject = __webpack_require__(6946); var requireObjectCoercible = __webpack_require__(4239); module.exports = function (it) { return IndexedObject(requireObjectCoercible(it)); }; /***/ }), /***/ 5482: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var trunc = __webpack_require__(1176); // `ToIntegerOrInfinity` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tointegerorinfinity module.exports = function (argument) { var number = +argument; // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check return number !== number || number === 0 ? 0 : trunc(number); }; /***/ }), /***/ 3121: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var toIntegerOrInfinity = __webpack_require__(5482); var min = Math.min; // `ToLength` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tolength module.exports = function (argument) { var len = toIntegerOrInfinity(argument); return len > 0 ? min(len, 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF) : 0; // 2 ** 53 - 1 == 9007199254740991 }; /***/ }), /***/ 9298: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var requireObjectCoercible = __webpack_require__(4239); var $Object = Object; // `ToObject` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toobject module.exports = function (argument) { return $Object(requireObjectCoercible(argument)); }; /***/ }), /***/ 6028: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var call = __webpack_require__(3930); var isObject = __webpack_require__(6285); var isSymbol = __webpack_require__(5594); var getMethod = __webpack_require__(9367); var ordinaryToPrimitive = __webpack_require__(581); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var $TypeError = TypeError; var TO_PRIMITIVE = wellKnownSymbol('toPrimitive'); // `ToPrimitive` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toprimitive module.exports = function (input, pref) { if (!isObject(input) || isSymbol(input)) return input; var exoticToPrim = getMethod(input, TO_PRIMITIVE); var result; if (exoticToPrim) { if (pref === undefined) pref = 'default'; result = call(exoticToPrim, input, pref); if (!isObject(result) || isSymbol(result)) return result; throw new $TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); } if (pref === undefined) pref = 'number'; return ordinaryToPrimitive(input, pref); }; /***/ }), /***/ 470: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(6028); var isSymbol = __webpack_require__(5594); // `ToPropertyKey` abstract operation // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-topropertykey module.exports = function (argument) { var key = toPrimitive(argument, 'string'); return isSymbol(key) ? key : key + ''; }; /***/ }), /***/ 2623: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); var test = {}; test[TO_STRING_TAG] = 'z'; module.exports = String(test) === '[object z]'; /***/ }), /***/ 160: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var classof = __webpack_require__(3948); var $String = String; module.exports = function (argument) { if (classof(argument) === 'Symbol') throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string'); return $String(argument); }; /***/ }), /***/ 4640: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; var $String = String; module.exports = function (argument) { try { return $String(argument); } catch (error) { return 'Object'; } }; /***/ }), /***/ 6499: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var id = 0; var postfix = Math.random(); var toString = uncurryThis(1.0.toString); module.exports = function (key) { return 'Symbol(' + (key === undefined ? '' : key) + ')_' + toString(++id + postfix, 36); }; /***/ }), /***/ 1175: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; /* eslint-disable es/no-symbol -- required for testing */ var NATIVE_SYMBOL = __webpack_require__(9846); module.exports = NATIVE_SYMBOL && !Symbol.sham && typeof Symbol.iterator == 'symbol'; /***/ }), /***/ 8661: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); // V8 ~ Chrome 36- // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3334 module.exports = DESCRIPTORS && fails(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- required for testing return Object.defineProperty(function () { /* empty */ }, 'prototype', { value: 42, writable: false }).prototype !== 42; }); /***/ }), /***/ 551: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var WeakMap = globalThis.WeakMap; module.exports = isCallable(WeakMap) && /native code/.test(String(WeakMap)); /***/ }), /***/ 366: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var path = __webpack_require__(2046); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule = __webpack_require__(560); var defineProperty = (__webpack_require__(4284).f); module.exports = function (NAME) { var Symbol = path.Symbol || (path.Symbol = {}); if (!hasOwn(Symbol, NAME)) defineProperty(Symbol, NAME, { value: wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule.f(NAME) }); }; /***/ }), /***/ 560: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); exports.f = wellKnownSymbol; /***/ }), /***/ 6264: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var shared = __webpack_require__(5816); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var uid = __webpack_require__(6499); var NATIVE_SYMBOL = __webpack_require__(9846); var USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID = __webpack_require__(1175); var Symbol = globalThis.Symbol; var WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared('wks'); var createWellKnownSymbol = USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID ? Symbol['for'] || Symbol : Symbol && Symbol.withoutSetter || uid; module.exports = function (name) { if (!hasOwn(WellKnownSymbolsStore, name)) { WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = NATIVE_SYMBOL && hasOwn(Symbol, name) ? Symbol[name] : createWellKnownSymbol('Symbol.' + name); } return WellKnownSymbolsStore[name]; }; /***/ }), /***/ 8545: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var isArray = __webpack_require__(1793); var isObject = __webpack_require__(6285); var toObject = __webpack_require__(9298); var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(575); var doesNotExceedSafeInteger = __webpack_require__(8024); var createProperty = __webpack_require__(5543); var arraySpeciesCreate = __webpack_require__(6968); var arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = __webpack_require__(7171); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var V8_VERSION = __webpack_require__(798); var IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE = wellKnownSymbol('isConcatSpreadable'); // We can't use this feature detection in V8 since it causes // deoptimization and serious performance degradation // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/679 var IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT = V8_VERSION >= 51 || !fails(function () { var array = []; array[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE] = false; return array.concat()[0] !== array; }); var isConcatSpreadable = function (O) { if (!isObject(O)) return false; var spreadable = O[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE]; return spreadable !== undefined ? !!spreadable : isArray(O); }; var FORCED = !IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT || !arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('concat'); // `Array.prototype.concat` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.concat // with adding support of @@isConcatSpreadable and @@species $({ target: 'Array', proto: true, arity: 1, forced: FORCED }, { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -- required for `.length` concat: function concat(arg) { var O = toObject(this); var A = arraySpeciesCreate(O, 0); var n = 0; var i, k, length, len, E; for (i = -1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { E = i === -1 ? O : arguments[i]; if (isConcatSpreadable(E)) { len = lengthOfArrayLike(E); doesNotExceedSafeInteger(n + len); for (k = 0; k < len; k++, n++) if (k in E) createProperty(A, n, E[k]); } else { doesNotExceedSafeInteger(n + 1); createProperty(A, n++, E); } } A.length = n; return A; } }); /***/ }), /***/ 9363: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(7374); var addToUnscopables = __webpack_require__(2156); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(3742); var InternalStateModule = __webpack_require__(4932); var defineProperty = (__webpack_require__(4284).f); var defineIterator = __webpack_require__(183); var createIterResultObject = __webpack_require__(9550); var IS_PURE = __webpack_require__(7376); var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var ARRAY_ITERATOR = 'Array Iterator'; var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set; var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(ARRAY_ITERATOR); // `Array.prototype.entries` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.entries // `Array.prototype.keys` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.keys // `Array.prototype.values` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.values // `Array.prototype[@@iterator]` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype-@@iterator // `CreateArrayIterator` internal method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-createarrayiterator module.exports = defineIterator(Array, 'Array', function (iterated, kind) { setInternalState(this, { type: ARRAY_ITERATOR, target: toIndexedObject(iterated), // target index: 0, // next index kind: kind // kind }); // `%ArrayIteratorPrototype%.next` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-%arrayiteratorprototype%.next }, function () { var state = getInternalState(this); var target = state.target; var index = state.index++; if (!target || index >= target.length) { state.target = null; return createIterResultObject(undefined, true); } switch (state.kind) { case 'keys': return createIterResultObject(index, false); case 'values': return createIterResultObject(target[index], false); } return createIterResultObject([index, target[index]], false); }, 'values'); // argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-createunmappedargumentsobject // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-createmappedargumentsobject var values = Iterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array; // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype-@@unscopables addToUnscopables('keys'); addToUnscopables('values'); addToUnscopables('entries'); // V8 ~ Chrome 45- bug if (!IS_PURE && DESCRIPTORS && values.name !== 'values') try { defineProperty(values, 'name', { value: 'values' }); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } /***/ }), /***/ 8537: /***/ (() => { // empty /***/ }), /***/ 9721: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(5582); var apply = __webpack_require__(6024); var call = __webpack_require__(3930); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(2250); var isSymbol = __webpack_require__(5594); var arraySlice = __webpack_require__(3427); var getReplacerFunction = __webpack_require__(6656); var NATIVE_SYMBOL = __webpack_require__(9846); var $String = String; var $stringify = getBuiltIn('JSON', 'stringify'); var exec = uncurryThis(/./.exec); var charAt = uncurryThis(''.charAt); var charCodeAt = uncurryThis(''.charCodeAt); var replace = uncurryThis(''.replace); var numberToString = uncurryThis(1.0.toString); var tester = /[\uD800-\uDFFF]/g; var low = /^[\uD800-\uDBFF]$/; var hi = /^[\uDC00-\uDFFF]$/; var WRONG_SYMBOLS_CONVERSION = !NATIVE_SYMBOL || fails(function () { var symbol = getBuiltIn('Symbol')('stringify detection'); // MS Edge converts symbol values to JSON as {} return $stringify([symbol]) !== '[null]' // WebKit converts symbol values to JSON as null || $stringify({ a: symbol }) !== '{}' // V8 throws on boxed symbols || $stringify(Object(symbol)) !== '{}'; }); // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-well-formed-stringify var ILL_FORMED_UNICODE = fails(function () { return $stringify('\uDF06\uD834') !== '"\\udf06\\ud834"' || $stringify('\uDEAD') !== '"\\udead"'; }); var stringifyWithSymbolsFix = function (it, replacer) { var args = arraySlice(arguments); var $replacer = getReplacerFunction(replacer); if (!isCallable($replacer) && (it === undefined || isSymbol(it))) return; // IE8 returns string on undefined args[1] = function (key, value) { // some old implementations (like WebKit) could pass numbers as keys if (isCallable($replacer)) value = call($replacer, this, $String(key), value); if (!isSymbol(value)) return value; }; return apply($stringify, null, args); }; var fixIllFormed = function (match, offset, string) { var prev = charAt(string, offset - 1); var next = charAt(string, offset + 1); if ((exec(low, match) && !exec(hi, next)) || (exec(hi, match) && !exec(low, prev))) { return '\\u' + numberToString(charCodeAt(match, 0), 16); } return match; }; if ($stringify) { // `JSON.stringify` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-json.stringify $({ target: 'JSON', stat: true, arity: 3, forced: WRONG_SYMBOLS_CONVERSION || ILL_FORMED_UNICODE }, { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -- required for `.length` stringify: function stringify(it, replacer, space) { var args = arraySlice(arguments); var result = apply(WRONG_SYMBOLS_CONVERSION ? stringifyWithSymbolsFix : $stringify, null, args); return ILL_FORMED_UNICODE && typeof result == 'string' ? replace(result, tester, fixIllFormed) : result; } }); } /***/ }), /***/ 7024: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(4840); // JSON[@@toStringTag] property // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-json-@@tostringtag setToStringTag(globalThis.JSON, 'JSON', true); /***/ }), /***/ 8172: /***/ (() => { // empty /***/ }), /***/ 6750: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var defineProperty = (__webpack_require__(4284).f); // `Object.defineProperty` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.defineproperty // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe $({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: Object.defineProperty !== defineProperty, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, { defineProperty: defineProperty }); /***/ }), /***/ 5264: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var NATIVE_SYMBOL = __webpack_require__(9846); var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = __webpack_require__(7170); var toObject = __webpack_require__(9298); // V8 ~ Chrome 38 and 39 `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols` fails on primitives // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3443 var FORCED = !NATIVE_SYMBOL || fails(function () { getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f(1); }); // `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertysymbols $({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: FORCED }, { getOwnPropertySymbols: function getOwnPropertySymbols(it) { var $getOwnPropertySymbols = getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f; return $getOwnPropertySymbols ? $getOwnPropertySymbols(toObject(it)) : []; } }); /***/ }), /***/ 3643: /***/ (() => { // empty /***/ }), /***/ 5205: /***/ (() => { // empty /***/ }), /***/ 9164: /***/ (() => { // empty /***/ }), /***/ 7057: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var charAt = (__webpack_require__(1470).charAt); var toString = __webpack_require__(160); var InternalStateModule = __webpack_require__(4932); var defineIterator = __webpack_require__(183); var createIterResultObject = __webpack_require__(9550); var STRING_ITERATOR = 'String Iterator'; var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set; var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(STRING_ITERATOR); // `String.prototype[@@iterator]` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype-@@iterator defineIterator(String, 'String', function (iterated) { setInternalState(this, { type: STRING_ITERATOR, string: toString(iterated), index: 0 }); // `%StringIteratorPrototype%.next` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-%stringiteratorprototype%.next }, function next() { var state = getInternalState(this); var string = state.string; var index = state.index; var point; if (index >= string.length) return createIterResultObject(undefined, true); point = charAt(string, index); state.index += point.length; return createIterResultObject(point, false); }); /***/ }), /***/ 3997: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.asyncIterator` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.asynciterator defineWellKnownSymbol('asyncIterator'); /***/ }), /***/ 3674: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var call = __webpack_require__(3930); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(1907); var IS_PURE = __webpack_require__(7376); var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(9447); var NATIVE_SYMBOL = __webpack_require__(9846); var fails = __webpack_require__(8828); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var isPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(8280); var anObject = __webpack_require__(6624); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(7374); var toPropertyKey = __webpack_require__(470); var $toString = __webpack_require__(160); var createPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(5817); var nativeObjectCreate = __webpack_require__(8075); var objectKeys = __webpack_require__(2875); var getOwnPropertyNamesModule = __webpack_require__(4443); var getOwnPropertyNamesExternal = __webpack_require__(5407); var getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = __webpack_require__(7170); var getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = __webpack_require__(3846); var definePropertyModule = __webpack_require__(4284); var definePropertiesModule = __webpack_require__(2220); var propertyIsEnumerableModule = __webpack_require__(2574); var defineBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(8055); var defineBuiltInAccessor = __webpack_require__(9251); var shared = __webpack_require__(5816); var sharedKey = __webpack_require__(2522); var hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(8530); var uid = __webpack_require__(6499); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule = __webpack_require__(560); var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); var defineSymbolToPrimitive = __webpack_require__(3467); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(4840); var InternalStateModule = __webpack_require__(4932); var $forEach = (__webpack_require__(726).forEach); var HIDDEN = sharedKey('hidden'); var SYMBOL = 'Symbol'; var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set; var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(SYMBOL); var ObjectPrototype = Object[PROTOTYPE]; var $Symbol = globalThis.Symbol; var SymbolPrototype = $Symbol && $Symbol[PROTOTYPE]; var RangeError = globalThis.RangeError; var TypeError = globalThis.TypeError; var QObject = globalThis.QObject; var nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f; var nativeDefineProperty = definePropertyModule.f; var nativeGetOwnPropertyNames = getOwnPropertyNamesExternal.f; var nativePropertyIsEnumerable = propertyIsEnumerableModule.f; var push = uncurryThis([].push); var AllSymbols = shared('symbols'); var ObjectPrototypeSymbols = shared('op-symbols'); var WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared('wks'); // Don't use setters in Qt Script, https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/173 var USE_SETTER = !QObject || !QObject[PROTOTYPE] || !QObject[PROTOTYPE].findChild; // fallback for old Android, https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=687 var fallbackDefineProperty = function (O, P, Attributes) { var ObjectPrototypeDescriptor = nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(ObjectPrototype, P); if (ObjectPrototypeDescriptor) delete ObjectPrototype[P]; nativeDefineProperty(O, P, Attributes); if (ObjectPrototypeDescriptor && O !== ObjectPrototype) { nativeDefineProperty(ObjectPrototype, P, ObjectPrototypeDescriptor); } }; var setSymbolDescriptor = DESCRIPTORS && fails(function () { return nativeObjectCreate(nativeDefineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return nativeDefineProperty(this, 'a', { value: 7 }).a; } })).a !== 7; }) ? fallbackDefineProperty : nativeDefineProperty; var wrap = function (tag, description) { var symbol = AllSymbols[tag] = nativeObjectCreate(SymbolPrototype); setInternalState(symbol, { type: SYMBOL, tag: tag, description: description }); if (!DESCRIPTORS) symbol.description = description; return symbol; }; var $defineProperty = function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { if (O === ObjectPrototype) $defineProperty(ObjectPrototypeSymbols, P, Attributes); anObject(O); var key = toPropertyKey(P); anObject(Attributes); if (hasOwn(AllSymbols, key)) { if (!Attributes.enumerable) { if (!hasOwn(O, HIDDEN)) nativeDefineProperty(O, HIDDEN, createPropertyDescriptor(1, nativeObjectCreate(null))); O[HIDDEN][key] = true; } else { if (hasOwn(O, HIDDEN) && O[HIDDEN][key]) O[HIDDEN][key] = false; Attributes = nativeObjectCreate(Attributes, { enumerable: createPropertyDescriptor(0, false) }); } return setSymbolDescriptor(O, key, Attributes); } return nativeDefineProperty(O, key, Attributes); }; var $defineProperties = function defineProperties(O, Properties) { anObject(O); var properties = toIndexedObject(Properties); var keys = objectKeys(properties).concat($getOwnPropertySymbols(properties)); $forEach(keys, function (key) { if (!DESCRIPTORS || call($propertyIsEnumerable, properties, key)) $defineProperty(O, key, properties[key]); }); return O; }; var $create = function create(O, Properties) { return Properties === undefined ? nativeObjectCreate(O) : $defineProperties(nativeObjectCreate(O), Properties); }; var $propertyIsEnumerable = function propertyIsEnumerable(V) { var P = toPropertyKey(V); var enumerable = call(nativePropertyIsEnumerable, this, P); if (this === ObjectPrototype && hasOwn(AllSymbols, P) && !hasOwn(ObjectPrototypeSymbols, P)) return false; return enumerable || !hasOwn(this, P) || !hasOwn(AllSymbols, P) || hasOwn(this, HIDDEN) && this[HIDDEN][P] ? enumerable : true; }; var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) { var it = toIndexedObject(O); var key = toPropertyKey(P); if (it === ObjectPrototype && hasOwn(AllSymbols, key) && !hasOwn(ObjectPrototypeSymbols, key)) return; var descriptor = nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key); if (descriptor && hasOwn(AllSymbols, key) && !(hasOwn(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key])) { descriptor.enumerable = true; } return descriptor; }; var $getOwnPropertyNames = function getOwnPropertyNames(O) { var names = nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(toIndexedObject(O)); var result = []; $forEach(names, function (key) { if (!hasOwn(AllSymbols, key) && !hasOwn(hiddenKeys, key)) push(result, key); }); return result; }; var $getOwnPropertySymbols = function (O) { var IS_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE = O === ObjectPrototype; var names = nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(IS_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE ? ObjectPrototypeSymbols : toIndexedObject(O)); var result = []; $forEach(names, function (key) { if (hasOwn(AllSymbols, key) && (!IS_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE || hasOwn(ObjectPrototype, key))) { push(result, AllSymbols[key]); } }); return result; }; // `Symbol` constructor // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol-constructor if (!NATIVE_SYMBOL) { $Symbol = function Symbol() { if (isPrototypeOf(SymbolPrototype, this)) throw new TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor'); var description = !arguments.length || arguments[0] === undefined ? undefined : $toString(arguments[0]); var tag = uid(description); var setter = function (value) { var $this = this === undefined ? globalThis : this; if ($this === ObjectPrototype) call(setter, ObjectPrototypeSymbols, value); if (hasOwn($this, HIDDEN) && hasOwn($this[HIDDEN], tag)) $this[HIDDEN][tag] = false; var descriptor = createPropertyDescriptor(1, value); try { setSymbolDescriptor($this, tag, descriptor); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof RangeError)) throw error; fallbackDefineProperty($this, tag, descriptor); } }; if (DESCRIPTORS && USE_SETTER) setSymbolDescriptor(ObjectPrototype, tag, { configurable: true, set: setter }); return wrap(tag, description); }; SymbolPrototype = $Symbol[PROTOTYPE]; defineBuiltIn(SymbolPrototype, 'toString', function toString() { return getInternalState(this).tag; }); defineBuiltIn($Symbol, 'withoutSetter', function (description) { return wrap(uid(description), description); }); propertyIsEnumerableModule.f = $propertyIsEnumerable; definePropertyModule.f = $defineProperty; definePropertiesModule.f = $defineProperties; getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor; getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f = getOwnPropertyNamesExternal.f = $getOwnPropertyNames; getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f = $getOwnPropertySymbols; wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule.f = function (name) { return wrap(wellKnownSymbol(name), name); }; if (DESCRIPTORS) { // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-Symbol-description defineBuiltInAccessor(SymbolPrototype, 'description', { configurable: true, get: function description() { return getInternalState(this).description; } }); if (!IS_PURE) { defineBuiltIn(ObjectPrototype, 'propertyIsEnumerable', $propertyIsEnumerable, { unsafe: true }); } } } $({ global: true, constructor: true, wrap: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL, sham: !NATIVE_SYMBOL }, { Symbol: $Symbol }); $forEach(objectKeys(WellKnownSymbolsStore), function (name) { defineWellKnownSymbol(name); }); $({ target: SYMBOL, stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL }, { useSetter: function () { USE_SETTER = true; }, useSimple: function () { USE_SETTER = false; } }); $({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, { // `Object.create` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.create create: $create, // `Object.defineProperty` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.defineproperty defineProperty: $defineProperty, // `Object.defineProperties` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.defineproperties defineProperties: $defineProperties, // `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertydescriptors getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $getOwnPropertyDescriptor }); $({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL }, { // `Object.getOwnPropertyNames` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertynames getOwnPropertyNames: $getOwnPropertyNames }); // `Symbol.prototype[@@toPrimitive]` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.prototype-@@toprimitive defineSymbolToPrimitive(); // `Symbol.prototype[@@toStringTag]` property // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.prototype-@@tostringtag setToStringTag($Symbol, SYMBOL); hiddenKeys[HIDDEN] = true; /***/ }), /***/ 5084: /***/ (() => { // empty /***/ }), /***/ 3313: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(5582); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var toString = __webpack_require__(160); var shared = __webpack_require__(5816); var NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY = __webpack_require__(4411); var StringToSymbolRegistry = shared('string-to-symbol-registry'); var SymbolToStringRegistry = shared('symbol-to-string-registry'); // `Symbol.for` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.for $({ target: 'Symbol', stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY }, { 'for': function (key) { var string = toString(key); if (hasOwn(StringToSymbolRegistry, string)) return StringToSymbolRegistry[string]; var symbol = getBuiltIn('Symbol')(string); StringToSymbolRegistry[string] = symbol; SymbolToStringRegistry[symbol] = string; return symbol; } }); /***/ }), /***/ 2596: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.hasInstance` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.hasinstance defineWellKnownSymbol('hasInstance'); /***/ }), /***/ 5721: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.isConcatSpreadable` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.isconcatspreadable defineWellKnownSymbol('isConcatSpreadable'); /***/ }), /***/ 4954: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.iterator` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.iterator defineWellKnownSymbol('iterator'); /***/ }), /***/ 4452: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; // TODO: Remove this module from `core-js@4` since it's split to modules listed below __webpack_require__(3674); __webpack_require__(3313); __webpack_require__(751); __webpack_require__(9721); __webpack_require__(5264); /***/ }), /***/ 751: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(9724); var isSymbol = __webpack_require__(5594); var tryToString = __webpack_require__(4640); var shared = __webpack_require__(5816); var NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY = __webpack_require__(4411); var SymbolToStringRegistry = shared('symbol-to-string-registry'); // `Symbol.keyFor` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.keyfor $({ target: 'Symbol', stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY }, { keyFor: function keyFor(sym) { if (!isSymbol(sym)) throw new TypeError(tryToString(sym) + ' is not a symbol'); if (hasOwn(SymbolToStringRegistry, sym)) return SymbolToStringRegistry[sym]; } }); /***/ }), /***/ 3377: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.matchAll` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.matchall defineWellKnownSymbol('matchAll'); /***/ }), /***/ 4123: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.match` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.match defineWellKnownSymbol('match'); /***/ }), /***/ 2230: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.replace` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.replace defineWellKnownSymbol('replace'); /***/ }), /***/ 5344: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.search` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.search defineWellKnownSymbol('search'); /***/ }), /***/ 1660: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.species` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.species defineWellKnownSymbol('species'); /***/ }), /***/ 4610: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.split` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.split defineWellKnownSymbol('split'); /***/ }), /***/ 3669: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); var defineSymbolToPrimitive = __webpack_require__(3467); // `Symbol.toPrimitive` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.toprimitive defineWellKnownSymbol('toPrimitive'); // `Symbol.prototype[@@toPrimitive]` method // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.prototype-@@toprimitive defineSymbolToPrimitive(); /***/ }), /***/ 4810: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(5582); var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(4840); // `Symbol.toStringTag` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.tostringtag defineWellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); // `Symbol.prototype[@@toStringTag]` property // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.prototype-@@tostringtag setToStringTag(getBuiltIn('Symbol'), 'Symbol'); /***/ }), /***/ 3325: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.unscopables` well-known symbol // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-symbol.unscopables defineWellKnownSymbol('unscopables'); /***/ }), /***/ 768: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(6264); var defineProperty = (__webpack_require__(4284).f); var METADATA = wellKnownSymbol('metadata'); var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype; // Function.prototype[@@metadata] // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-decorator-metadata if (FunctionPrototype[METADATA] === undefined) { defineProperty(FunctionPrototype, METADATA, { value: null }); } /***/ }), /***/ 8549: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.asyncDispose` well-known symbol // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-explicit-resource-management defineWellKnownSymbol('asyncDispose'); /***/ }), /***/ 1697: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.customMatcher` well-known symbol // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pattern-matching defineWellKnownSymbol('customMatcher'); /***/ }), /***/ 7152: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.dispose` well-known symbol // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-explicit-resource-management defineWellKnownSymbol('dispose'); /***/ }), /***/ 3939: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var isRegisteredSymbol = __webpack_require__(2595); // `Symbol.isRegisteredSymbol` method // https://tc39.es/proposal-symbol-predicates/#sec-symbol-isregisteredsymbol $({ target: 'Symbol', stat: true }, { isRegisteredSymbol: isRegisteredSymbol }); /***/ }), /***/ 3422: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var isRegisteredSymbol = __webpack_require__(2595); // `Symbol.isRegistered` method // obsolete version of https://tc39.es/proposal-symbol-predicates/#sec-symbol-isregisteredsymbol $({ target: 'Symbol', stat: true, name: 'isRegisteredSymbol' }, { isRegistered: isRegisteredSymbol }); /***/ }), /***/ 1785: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var isWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(9197); // `Symbol.isWellKnownSymbol` method // https://tc39.es/proposal-symbol-predicates/#sec-symbol-iswellknownsymbol // We should patch it for newly added well-known symbols. If it's not required, this module just will not be injected $({ target: 'Symbol', stat: true, forced: true }, { isWellKnownSymbol: isWellKnownSymbol }); /***/ }), /***/ 36: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(1091); var isWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(9197); // `Symbol.isWellKnown` method // obsolete version of https://tc39.es/proposal-symbol-predicates/#sec-symbol-iswellknownsymbol // We should patch it for newly added well-known symbols. If it's not required, this module just will not be injected $({ target: 'Symbol', stat: true, name: 'isWellKnownSymbol', forced: true }, { isWellKnown: isWellKnownSymbol }); /***/ }), /***/ 8703: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.matcher` well-known symbol // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pattern-matching defineWellKnownSymbol('matcher'); /***/ }), /***/ 6878: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; // TODO: Remove from `core-js@4` var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.metadataKey` well-known symbol // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-decorator-metadata defineWellKnownSymbol('metadataKey'); /***/ }), /***/ 1372: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.metadata` well-known symbol // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-decorators defineWellKnownSymbol('metadata'); /***/ }), /***/ 4664: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.observable` well-known symbol // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-observable defineWellKnownSymbol('observable'); /***/ }), /***/ 9671: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; // TODO: remove from `core-js@4` var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); // `Symbol.patternMatch` well-known symbol // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pattern-matching defineWellKnownSymbol('patternMatch'); /***/ }), /***/ 359: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; // TODO: remove from `core-js@4` var defineWellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(366); defineWellKnownSymbol('replaceAll'); /***/ }), /***/ 2560: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; __webpack_require__(9363); var DOMIterables = __webpack_require__(9287); var globalThis = __webpack_require__(5951); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(4840); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(3742); for (var COLLECTION_NAME in DOMIterables) { setToStringTag(globalThis[COLLECTION_NAME], COLLECTION_NAME); Iterators[COLLECTION_NAME] = Iterators.Array; } /***/ }), /***/ 4055: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(974); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 8251: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(1926); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 4139: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(3842); __webpack_require__(2560); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 7045: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(1730); __webpack_require__(2560); module.exports = parent; /***/ }), /***/ 70: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var parent = __webpack_require__(1661); module.exports = parent; /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { /******/ return cachedModule.exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ // no module.id needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ () => (module['default']) : /******/ () => (module); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be in strict mode. (() => { "use strict"; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS: () => (/* reexport */ AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS), AbiVersion: () => (/* reexport */ AbiVersion), AccountBase: () => (/* reexport */ AccountBase), AccountError: () => (/* reexport */ AccountError), AccountGeneralized: () => (/* reexport */ AccountGeneralized), AccountLedger: () => (/* reexport */ AccountLedger), AccountLedgerFactory: () => (/* reexport */ AccountLedgerFactory), AccountMetamask: () => (/* reexport */ AccountMetamask), AccountMetamaskFactory: () => (/* reexport */ AccountMetamaskFactory), AccountMnemonicFactory: () => (/* reexport */ AccountMnemonicFactory), AeSdk: () => (/* reexport */ AeSdk), AeSdkAepp: () => (/* reexport */ AeSdkAepp), AeSdkBase: () => (/* reexport */ AeSdkBase), AeSdkMethods: () => (/* reexport */ src_AeSdkMethods), AeSdkWallet: () => (/* reexport */ AeSdkWallet), AensError: () => (/* reexport */ AensError), AensPointerContextError: () => (/* reexport */ AensPointerContextError), AeppError: () => (/* reexport */ AeppError), AlreadyConnectedError: () => (/* reexport */ AlreadyConnectedError), AmbiguousEventDefinitionError: () => (/* reexport */ AmbiguousEventDefinitionError), ArgumentCountMismatchError: () => (/* reexport */ ArgumentCountMismatchError), ArgumentError: () => (/* reexport */ ArgumentError), BaseError: () => (/* reexport */ BaseError), BrowserRuntimeConnection: () => (/* reexport */ BrowserRuntimeConnection), BrowserWindowMessageConnection: () => (/* reexport */ BrowserWindowMessageConnection), BytecodeMismatchError: () => (/* reexport */ BytecodeMismatchError), CallReturnType: () => (/* reexport */ CallReturnType), Channel: () => (/* reexport */ ChannelContract), ChannelCallError: () => (/* reexport */ ChannelCallError), ChannelConnectionError: () => (/* reexport */ ChannelConnectionError), ChannelError: () => (/* reexport */ ChannelError), ChannelIncomingMessageError: () => (/* reexport */ ChannelIncomingMessageError), ChannelPingTimedOutError: () => (/* reexport */ ChannelPingTimedOutError), CompilerBase: () => (/* reexport */ CompilerBase), CompilerCli: () => (/* reexport */ CompilerCli), CompilerError: () => (/* reexport */ CompilerError), CompilerHttp: () => (/* reexport */ CompilerHttp), CompilerHttpNode: () => (/* reexport */ CompilerHttpNode), ConsensusProtocolVersion: () => (/* reexport */ ConsensusProtocolVersion), Contract: () => (/* reexport */ contract_Contract), ContractError: () => (/* reexport */ ContractError), CryptographyError: () => (/* reexport */ CryptographyError), DRY_RUN_ACCOUNT: () => (/* reexport */ DRY_RUN_ACCOUNT), DecodeError: () => (/* reexport */ DecodeError), DelegationTag: () => (/* reexport */ DelegationTag), DryRunError: () => (/* reexport */ DryRunError), DuplicateContractError: () => (/* reexport */ DuplicateContractError), DuplicateNodeError: () => (/* reexport */ DuplicateNodeError), Encoded: () => (/* reexport */ encoder_types_namespaceObject), Encoding: () => (/* reexport */ Encoding), EntryTag: () => (/* reexport */ EntryTag), IllegalArgumentError: () => (/* reexport */ IllegalArgumentError), IllegalBidFeeError: () => (/* reexport */ IllegalBidFeeError), InactiveContractError: () => (/* reexport */ InactiveContractError), InsufficientBalanceError: () => (/* reexport */ InsufficientBalanceError), InsufficientNameFeeError: () => (/* reexport */ InsufficientNameFeeError), InternalError: () => (/* reexport */ InternalError), InvalidAensNameError: () => (/* reexport */ InvalidAensNameError), InvalidAuthDataError: () => (/* reexport */ InvalidAuthDataError), InvalidChecksumError: () => (/* reexport */ InvalidChecksumError), InvalidMethodInvocationError: () => (/* reexport */ InvalidMethodInvocationError), InvalidRpcMessageError: () => (/* reexport */ InvalidRpcMessageError), InvalidSignatureError: () => (/* reexport */ InvalidSignatureError), InvalidTxError: () => (/* reexport */ InvalidTxError), LogicError: () => (/* reexport */ LogicError), MAX_AUTH_FUN_GAS: () => (/* reexport */ MAX_AUTH_FUN_GAS), MESSAGE_DIRECTION: () => (/* reexport */ MESSAGE_DIRECTION), METHODS: () => (/* reexport */ METHODS), MIN_GAS_PRICE: () => (/* reexport */ MIN_GAS_PRICE), MemoryAccount: () => (/* reexport */ AccountMemory), MerkleTreeHashMismatchError: () => (/* reexport */ MerkleTreeHashMismatchError), Middleware: () => (/* reexport */ Middleware), MiddlewarePageMissed: () => (/* reexport */ MiddlewarePageMissed), MiddlewareSubscriber: () => (/* reexport */ MiddlewareSubscriber), MiddlewareSubscriberDisconnected: () => (/* reexport */ MiddlewareSubscriberDisconnected), MiddlewareSubscriberError: () => (/* reexport */ MiddlewareSubscriberError), MissingCallbackError: () => (/* reexport */ MissingCallbackError), MissingContractAddressError: () => (/* reexport */ MissingContractAddressError), MissingContractDefError: () => (/* reexport */ MissingContractDefError), MissingEventDefinitionError: () => (/* reexport */ MissingEventDefinitionError), MissingFunctionNameError: () => (/* reexport */ MissingFunctionNameError), MissingNodeInTreeError: () => (/* reexport */ MissingNodeInTreeError), MissingParamError: () => (/* reexport */ MissingParamError), NAME_BID_RANGES: () => (/* reexport */ NAME_BID_RANGES), NAME_BID_TIMEOUT_BLOCKS: () => (/* reexport */ NAME_BID_TIMEOUT_BLOCKS), NAME_FEE_BID_INCREMENT: () => (/* reexport */ NAME_FEE_BID_INCREMENT), NAME_FEE_MULTIPLIER: () => (/* reexport */ NAME_FEE_MULTIPLIER), NAME_MAX_LENGTH_FEE: () => (/* reexport */ NAME_MAX_LENGTH_FEE), Name: () => (/* reexport */ Name), NoSerializerFoundError: () => (/* reexport */ NoSerializerFoundError), NoSuchContractFunctionError: () => (/* reexport */ NoSuchContractFunctionError), NoWalletConnectedError: () => (/* reexport */ NoWalletConnectedError), Node: () => (/* reexport */ Node), NodeError: () => (/* reexport */ NodeError), NodeInvocationError: () => (/* reexport */ NodeInvocationError), NodeNotFoundError: () => (/* reexport */ NodeNotFoundError), NotImplementedError: () => (/* reexport */ NotImplementedError), NotPayableFunctionError: () => (/* reexport */ NotPayableFunctionError), ORACLE_TTL_TYPES: () => (/* reexport */ ORACLE_TTL_TYPES), Oracle: () => (/* reexport */ Oracle), OracleClient: () => (/* reexport */ OracleClient), PayloadLengthError: () => (/* reexport */ PayloadLengthError), PrefixNotFoundError: () => (/* reexport */ PrefixNotFoundError), RPC_STATUS: () => (/* reexport */ RPC_STATUS), RequestTimedOutError: () => (/* reexport */ RequestTimedOutError), RpcConnectionDenyError: () => (/* reexport */ RpcConnectionDenyError), RpcConnectionError: () => (/* reexport */ RpcConnectionError), RpcError: () => (/* reexport */ RpcError), RpcInternalError: () => (/* reexport */ RpcInternalError), RpcInvalidTransactionError: () => (/* reexport */ RpcInvalidTransactionError), RpcMethodNotFoundError: () => (/* reexport */ RpcMethodNotFoundError), RpcNoNetworkById: () => (/* reexport */ RpcNoNetworkById), RpcNotAuthorizeError: () => (/* reexport */ RpcNotAuthorizeError), RpcPermissionDenyError: () => (/* reexport */ RpcPermissionDenyError), RpcRejectedByUserError: () => (/* reexport */ RpcRejectedByUserError), RpcUnsupportedProtocolError: () => (/* reexport */ RpcUnsupportedProtocolError), SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES: () => (/* reexport */ SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES), SchemaNotFoundError: () => (/* reexport */ SchemaNotFoundError), Tag: () => (/* reexport */ Tag), TagNotFoundError: () => (/* reexport */ TagNotFoundError), TransactionError: () => (/* reexport */ TransactionError), TxNotInChainError: () => (/* reexport */ TxNotInChainError), TxTimedOutError: () => (/* reexport */ TxTimedOutError), TypeError: () => (/* reexport */ errors_TypeError), UnAuthorizedAccountError: () => (/* reexport */ UnAuthorizedAccountError), UnavailableAccountError: () => (/* reexport */ UnavailableAccountError), UnexpectedChannelMessageError: () => (/* reexport */ UnexpectedChannelMessageError), UnexpectedTsError: () => (/* reexport */ UnexpectedTsError), UnknownChannelStateError: () => (/* reexport */ UnknownChannelStateError), UnknownNodeLengthError: () => (/* reexport */ UnknownNodeLengthError), UnknownPathNibbleError: () => (/* reexport */ UnknownPathNibbleError), UnknownRpcClientError: () => (/* reexport */ UnknownRpcClientError), UnsubscribedAccountError: () => (/* reexport */ UnsubscribedAccountError), UnsupportedPlatformError: () => (/* reexport */ UnsupportedPlatformError), UnsupportedProtocolError: () => (/* reexport */ UnsupportedProtocolError), UnsupportedVersionError: () => (/* reexport */ UnsupportedVersionError), VmVersion: () => (/* reexport */ VmVersion), WALLET_TYPE: () => (/* reexport */ WALLET_TYPE), WalletConnectorFrame: () => (/* reexport */ WalletConnectorFrame), WalletConnectorFrameWithNode: () => (/* reexport */ WalletConnectorFrameWithNode), WalletError: () => (/* reexport */ WalletError), _getPollInterval: () => (/* reexport */ _getPollInterval), awaitHeight: () => (/* reexport */ awaitHeight), buildAuthTxHash: () => (/* reexport */ buildAuthTxHash), buildAuthTxHashByGaMetaTx: () => (/* reexport */ buildAuthTxHashByGaMetaTx), buildContractId: () => (/* reexport */ buildContractId), buildContractIdByContractTx: () => (/* reexport */ buildContractIdByContractTx), buildTx: () => (/* reexport */ buildTx), buildTxAsync: () => (/* reexport */ buildTxAsync), buildTxHash: () => (/* reexport */ buildTxHash), commitmentHash: () => (/* reexport */ commitmentHash), computeAuctionEndBlock: () => (/* reexport */ computeAuctionEndBlock), computeBidFee: () => (/* reexport */ computeBidFee), connectionProxy: () => (/* reexport */ connection_proxy), createGeneralizedAccount: () => (/* reexport */ createGeneralizedAccount), decode: () => (/* reexport */ decode), encode: () => (/* reexport */ encode), encodeContractAddress: () => (/* reexport */ encodeContractAddress), encodeUnsigned: () => (/* reexport */ encodeUnsigned), ensureJwt: () => (/* reexport */ ensureJwt), ensureName: () => (/* reexport */ ensureName), formatAmount: () => (/* reexport */ formatAmount), genSalt: () => (/* reexport */ genSalt), getAccount: () => (/* reexport */ getAccount), getBalance: () => (/* reexport */ getBalance), getContract: () => (/* reexport */ getContract), getContractByteCode: () => (/* reexport */ getContractByteCode), getCurrentGeneration: () => (/* reexport */ getCurrentGeneration), getDefaultPointerKey: () => (/* reexport */ getDefaultPointerKey), getExecutionCost: () => (/* reexport */ getExecutionCost), getExecutionCostBySignedTx: () => (/* reexport */ getExecutionCostBySignedTx), getExecutionCostUsingNode: () => (/* reexport */ getExecutionCostUsingNode), getFileSystem: () => (/* reexport */ getFileSystem), getGeneration: () => (/* reexport */ getGeneration), getHeight: () => (/* reexport */ getHeight), getKeyBlock: () => (/* reexport */ getKeyBlock), getMicroBlockHeader: () => (/* reexport */ getMicroBlockHeader), getMicroBlockTransactions: () => (/* reexport */ getMicroBlockTransactions), getMinimumNameFee: () => (/* reexport */ getMinimumNameFee), getName: () => (/* reexport */ getName), getTransactionSignerAddress: () => (/* reexport */ getTransactionSignerAddress), hash: () => (/* reexport */ hash), hashDomain: () => (/* reexport */ hashDomain), hashJson: () => (/* reexport */ hashJson), hashTypedData: () => (/* reexport */ hashTypedData), isAddressValid: () => (/* reexport */ isAddressValid), isAuctionName: () => (/* reexport */ isAuctionName), isJwt: () => (/* reexport */ isJwt), isNameValid: () => (/* reexport */ isNameValid), messageToHash: () => (/* reexport */ messageToHash), oracleQueryId: () => (/* reexport */ oracleQueryId), packDelegation: () => (/* reexport */ packDelegation), packEntry: () => (/* reexport */ packEntry), payForTransaction: () => (/* reexport */ payForTransaction), poll: () => (/* reexport */ poll), prefixedAmount: () => (/* reexport */ prefixedAmount), produceNameId: () => (/* reexport */ produceNameId), readInt: () => (/* reexport */ readInt), resolveName: () => (/* reexport */ resolveName), sendTransaction: () => (/* reexport */ sendTransaction), signJwt: () => (/* reexport */ signJwt), spend: () => (/* reexport */ spend), toAe: () => (/* reexport */ toAe), toAettos: () => (/* reexport */ toAettos), toBytes: () => (/* reexport */ toBytes), transferFunds: () => (/* reexport */ transferFunds), txDryRun: () => (/* reexport */ txDryRun), unpackDelegation: () => (/* reexport */ unpackDelegation), unpackEntry: () => (/* reexport */ unpackEntry), unpackJwt: () => (/* reexport */ unpackJwt), unpackTx: () => (/* reexport */ unpackTx), verify: () => (/* reexport */ verify), verifyJwt: () => (/* reexport */ verifyJwt), verifyMessage: () => (/* reexport */ verifyMessage), verifyTransaction: () => (/* reexport */ verifyTransaction), waitForTxConfirm: () => (/* reexport */ waitForTxConfirm), walletDetector: () => (/* reexport */ wallet_detector) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/utils/encoder-types.ts var encoder_types_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(encoder_types_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(encoder_types_namespaceObject, { Encoding: () => (Encoding) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/chain.ts var chain_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(chain_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(chain_namespaceObject, { _getPollInterval: () => (_getPollInterval), awaitHeight: () => (awaitHeight), getAccount: () => (getAccount), getBalance: () => (getBalance), getContract: () => (getContract), getContractByteCode: () => (getContractByteCode), getCurrentGeneration: () => (getCurrentGeneration), getGeneration: () => (getGeneration), getHeight: () => (getHeight), getKeyBlock: () => (getKeyBlock), getMicroBlockHeader: () => (getMicroBlockHeader), getMicroBlockTransactions: () => (getMicroBlockTransactions), getName: () => (getName), poll: () => (poll), resolveName: () => (resolveName), txDryRun: () => (txDryRun), waitForTxConfirm: () => (waitForTxConfirm) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/apis/node/models/mappers.ts var mappers_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(mappers_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(mappers_namespaceObject, { Account: () => (Account), AuctionEntry: () => (AuctionEntry), ByteCode: () => (ByteCode), Channel: () => (Channel), ChannelCloseMutualTx: () => (ChannelCloseMutualTx), ChannelCloseSoloTx: () => (ChannelCloseSoloTx), ChannelCreateTx: () => (ChannelCreateTx), ChannelDepositTx: () => (ChannelDepositTx), ChannelForceProgressTx: () => (ChannelForceProgressTx), ChannelSetDelegatesTx: () => (ChannelSetDelegatesTx), ChannelSettleTx: () => (ChannelSettleTx), ChannelSlashTx: () => (ChannelSlashTx), ChannelSnapshotSoloTx: () => (ChannelSnapshotSoloTx), ChannelWithdrawTx: () => (ChannelWithdrawTx), CheckTxInPoolResponse: () => (CheckTxInPoolResponse), CommitmentId: () => (CommitmentId), ContractCallObject: () => (ContractCallObject), ContractCallTx: () => (ContractCallTx), ContractCreateTx: () => (ContractCreateTx), ContractObject: () => (ContractObject), CountResponse: () => (CountResponse), CreateContractUnsignedTx: () => (CreateContractUnsignedTx), Currency: () => (Currency), Delegates: () => (Delegates), DryRunAccount: () => (DryRunAccount), DryRunCallContext: () => (DryRunCallContext), DryRunCallReq: () => (DryRunCallReq), DryRunInput: () => (DryRunInput), DryRunInputItem: () => (DryRunInputItem), DryRunResult: () => (DryRunResult), DryRunResults: () => (DryRunResults), EncodedTx: () => (EncodedTx), ErrorModel: () => (ErrorModel), Event: () => (Event), GAAttachTx: () => (GAAttachTx), GAMetaTx: () => (GAMetaTx), GAObject: () => (GAObject), GasPricesItem: () => (GasPricesItem), Generation: () => (Generation), HashResponse: () => (HashResponse), Header: () => (Header), HeightResponse: () => (HeightResponse), Image: () => (Image), KeyBlock: () => (KeyBlock), MicroBlockHeader: () => (MicroBlockHeader), NameClaimTx: () => (NameClaimTx), NameEntry: () => (NameEntry), NameHash: () => (NameHash), NamePointer: () => (NamePointer), NamePreclaimTx: () => (NamePreclaimTx), NameRevokeTx: () => (NameRevokeTx), NameTransferTx: () => (NameTransferTx), NameUpdateTx: () => (NameUpdateTx), NextNonceResponse: () => (NextNonceResponse), OffChainCallContract: () => (OffChainCallContract), OffChainDeposit: () => (OffChainDeposit), OffChainNewContract: () => (OffChainNewContract), OffChainTransfer: () => (OffChainTransfer), OffChainUpdate: () => (OffChainUpdate), OffChainWithdrawal: () => (OffChainWithdrawal), OracleExtendTx: () => (OracleExtendTx), OracleQueries: () => (OracleQueries), OracleQuery: () => (OracleQuery), OracleQueryTx: () => (OracleQueryTx), OracleRegisterTx: () => (OracleRegisterTx), OracleRespondTx: () => (OracleRespondTx), PayingForTx: () => (PayingForTx), PeerConnections: () => (PeerConnections), PeerCount: () => (PeerCount), PeerCountAvailable: () => (PeerCountAvailable), PeerCountConnected: () => (PeerCountConnected), PeerDetails: () => (PeerDetails), PeerPubKey: () => (PeerPubKey), Peers: () => (Peers), PoI: () => (PoI), PostTxResponse: () => (PostTxResponse), Protocol: () => (Protocol), PubKey: () => (PubKey), RegisteredOracle: () => (RegisteredOracle), RelativeTTL: () => (RelativeTTL), SignedTx: () => (SignedTx), SignedTxs: () => (SignedTxs), SpendTx: () => (SpendTx), Status: () => (Status), SyncStatus: () => (SyncStatus), TokenSupply: () => (TokenSupply), Ttl: () => (Ttl), Tx: () => (Tx), TxInfoObject: () => (TxInfoObject), UnsignedTx: () => (UnsignedTx), discriminators: () => (discriminators) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/spend.ts var spend_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(spend_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(spend_namespaceObject, { payForTransaction: () => (payForTransaction), spend: () => (spend), transferFunds: () => (transferFunds) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/contract/ga.ts var ga_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(ga_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(ga_namespaceObject, { buildAuthTxHash: () => (buildAuthTxHash), buildAuthTxHashByGaMetaTx: () => (buildAuthTxHashByGaMetaTx), createGeneralizedAccount: () => (createGeneralizedAccount) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/apis/compiler/models/mappers.ts var models_mappers_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(models_mappers_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(models_mappers_namespaceObject, { ApiVersion: () => (ApiVersion), ByteCodeInput: () => (ByteCodeInput), BytecodeCallResultInput: () => (BytecodeCallResultInput), Calldata: () => (Calldata), CompileOpts: () => (CompileOpts), CompileResult: () => (CompileResult), CompilerError: () => (mappers_CompilerError), CompilerVersion: () => (CompilerVersion), Contract: () => (mappers_Contract), DecodeCalldataBytecode: () => (DecodeCalldataBytecode), DecodeCalldataSource: () => (DecodeCalldataSource), DecodedCalldata: () => (DecodedCalldata), DecodedCallresult: () => (DecodedCallresult), ErrorModel: () => (mappers_ErrorModel), ErrorPos: () => (ErrorPos), FateAssembler: () => (FateAssembler), FunctionCallInput: () => (FunctionCallInput), SophiaBinaryData: () => (SophiaBinaryData), SophiaCallResultInput: () => (SophiaCallResultInput), SophiaJsonData: () => (SophiaJsonData), ValidateByteCodeInput: () => (ValidateByteCodeInput) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/channel/handlers.ts var handlers_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(handlers_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(handlers_namespaceObject, { appendSignature: () => (appendSignature), awaitingChannelCreateTx: () => (awaitingChannelCreateTx), awaitingCompletion: () => (awaitingCompletion), awaitingConnection: () => (awaitingConnection), awaitingLeave: () => (awaitingLeave), awaitingOnChainTx: () => (awaitingOnChainTx), awaitingReconnection: () => (awaitingReconnection), awaitingReestablish: () => (awaitingReestablish), awaitingShutdownTx: () => (awaitingShutdownTx), channelClosed: () => (channelClosed), channelOpen: () => (channelOpen), handleUnexpectedMessage: () => (handleUnexpectedMessage), signAndNotify: () => (signAndNotify) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./src/apis/middleware/models/mappers.ts var middleware_models_mappers_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(middleware_models_mappers_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(middleware_models_mappers_namespaceObject, { Activity: () => (Activity), ActivityPayload: () => (ActivityPayload), Aex141Response: () => (Aex141Response), Aex141TemplateTokensResponse: () => (Aex141TemplateTokensResponse), Aex141TemplatesResponse: () => (Aex141TemplatesResponse), Aex141TokenResponse: () => (Aex141TokenResponse), Aex141TransferEvent: () => (Aex141TransferEvent), Aex9BalanceResponse: () => (Aex9BalanceResponse), Aex9ContractBalanceResponse: () => (Aex9ContractBalanceResponse), Aex9Response: () => (Aex9Response), Aex9TransferEvent: () => (Aex9TransferEvent), Aex9TransferResponse: () => (Aex9TransferResponse), Auction: () => (Auction), AuctionLastBid: () => (AuctionLastBid), Channel: () => (mappers_Channel), Contract: () => (models_mappers_Contract), ContractCall: () => (ContractCall), ContractLog: () => (ContractLog), DeltaStat: () => (DeltaStat), DexSwap: () => (DexSwap), DexSwapAmounts: () => (DexSwapAmounts), ErrorResponse: () => (ErrorResponse), Get200ApplicationJsonAllOfPropertiesItemsItem: () => (Get200ApplicationJsonAllOfPropertiesItemsItem), Get200ApplicationJsonProperties: () => (Get200ApplicationJsonProperties), InternalContractCallEvent: () => (InternalContractCallEvent), InternalTransferEvent: () => (InternalTransferEvent), KeyBlock: () => (mappers_KeyBlock), MicroBlock: () => (MicroBlock), Miner: () => (Miner), Name: () => (mappers_Name), NameClaim: () => (NameClaim), NameClaimEvent: () => (NameClaimEvent), NameOwnership: () => (NameOwnership), NameTransfer: () => (NameTransfer), NameTx: () => (NameTx), NameTxTx: () => (NameTxTx), NameUpdate: () => (NameUpdate), NotFoundResponse: () => (NotFoundResponse), Oracle: () => (mappers_Oracle), OracleExtend: () => (OracleExtend), OracleExtendTx: () => (mappers_OracleExtendTx), OracleExtendTxOracleTtl: () => (OracleExtendTxOracleTtl), OracleFormat: () => (OracleFormat), OracleQuery: () => (mappers_OracleQuery), OracleResponse: () => (OracleResponse), OracleTx: () => (OracleTx), OracleTxOracleTtl: () => (OracleTxOracleTtl), OracleTxTx: () => (OracleTxTx), PaginatedResponse: () => (PaginatedResponse), Paths107D9HzV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleExtendTx: () => (Paths107D9HzV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleExtendTx), Paths108B3VtV3Aex9ContractidBalancesAccountidHistoryGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof1: () => (Paths108B3VtV3Aex9ContractidBalancesAccountidHistoryGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof1), Paths10Kk1UxV3ContractsLogsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths10Kk1UxV3ContractsLogsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths10OmbqhV3MinerstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths10OmbqhV3MinerstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths10T1AqyV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSnapshotSoloTx: () => (Paths10T1AqyV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSnapshotSoloTx), Paths1159W94V3KeyBlocksHashOrKbiMicroBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1159W94V3KeyBlocksHashOrKbiMicroBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths12S1Nd4V3NamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths12S1Nd4V3NamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths139X1XaV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNamePreclaimTx: () => (Paths139X1XaV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNamePreclaimTx), Paths13Ss1Q2V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSetDelegatesTx: () => (Paths13Ss1Q2V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSetDelegatesTx), Paths150Ou6YV3StatisticsTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths150Ou6YV3StatisticsTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths15Bkk50V3MicroBlocksHashTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths15Bkk50V3MicroBlocksHashTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths15Mi2TaV3Aex141ContractidTemplatesTemplateidTokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths15Mi2TaV3Aex141ContractidTemplatesTemplateidTokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths16B89KuV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesPayingForTx: () => (Paths16B89KuV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesPayingForTx), Paths181AjwxV3Aex141ContractidTemplatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths181AjwxV3Aex141ContractidTemplatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths181Cs9V3NamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths181Cs9V3NamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths184Oz8CV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleRegisterTx: () => (Paths184Oz8CV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleRegisterTx), Paths18L84JcV3ContractsCallsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths18L84JcV3ContractsCallsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths19IxhsmV3Aex9CountGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths19IxhsmV3Aex9CountGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1A8Ah39V3Aex141ContractidTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1A8Ah39V3Aex141ContractidTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1Ceolv9V3AccountsAccountIdDexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Ceolv9V3AccountsAccountIdDexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Cnk4LbV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelOffchainTx: () => (Paths1Cnk4LbV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelOffchainTx), Paths1Di8FnjV3DexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Di8FnjV3DexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1E14NekV3OraclesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1E14NekV3OraclesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Ec8CltV3NamesIdUpdatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Ec8CltV3NamesIdUpdatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Ent1R1V3AccountsIdActivitiesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1Ent1R1V3AccountsIdActivitiesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1F98AqgV3NamesIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1F98AqgV3NamesIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Fbvaw8V3Aex141ContractidTokensTokenidGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Fbvaw8V3Aex141ContractidTokensTokenidGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Gc4HwtV3AccountsIdNamesPointeesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Gc4HwtV3AccountsIdNamesPointeesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Gime4MV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSettleTx: () => (Paths1Gime4MV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSettleTx), Paths1Hacjy0V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameClaimTx: () => (Paths1Hacjy0V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameClaimTx), Paths1L5C64RV3OraclesIdExtendsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1L5C64RV3OraclesIdExtendsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Ljyzq7V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesSpendTx: () => (Paths1Ljyzq7V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesSpendTx), Paths1N61UurV3Aex9ContractidBalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1N61UurV3Aex9ContractidBalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1O7Q6IhV3Aex141ContractidTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1O7Q6IhV3Aex141ContractidTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Opead5V3AccountsIdActivitiesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Opead5V3AccountsIdActivitiesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Pymq07V3TransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Pymq07V3TransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Q9E32FV3AccountsAccountidAex141TokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1Q9E32FV3AccountsAccountidAex141TokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1R08F8HV3NamesAuctionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1R08F8HV3NamesAuctionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1R3Fb8MV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameRevokeTx: () => (Paths1R3Fb8MV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameRevokeTx), Paths1Raw8PV3NamesIdTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Raw8PV3NamesIdTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1RkuxepV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesGaAttachTx: () => (Paths1RkuxepV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesGaAttachTx), Paths1Syc8AnV3StatisticsTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1Syc8AnV3StatisticsTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1Tcj5A9V3OraclesIdResponsesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1Tcj5A9V3OraclesIdResponsesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1TkisghV3Aex141ContractidTokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1TkisghV3Aex141ContractidTokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1Txblx8V3ContractsCallsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Txblx8V3ContractsCallsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Ukwk06V3NamesIdTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1Ukwk06V3NamesIdTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1Uni7AtV3OraclesIdQueriesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1Uni7AtV3OraclesIdQueriesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1Uqqby0V3Aex9GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1Uqqby0V3Aex9GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1Uybd4PV3Aex9ContractidBalancesAccountidHistoryGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Uybd4PV3Aex9ContractidBalancesAccountidHistoryGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1VkyqhtV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameUpdateTx: () => (Paths1VkyqhtV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameUpdateTx), Paths1Vms155V3TotalstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1Vms155V3TotalstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths1Vr3Y2EV3Aex9GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1Vr3Y2EV3Aex9GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1W3C1Z4V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelCreateTx: () => (Paths1W3C1Z4V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelCreateTx), Paths1XwlyjtV3Aex141GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths1XwlyjtV3Aex141GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths1Ymnu9GV3AccountsAccountIdDexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths1Ymnu9GV3AccountsAccountIdDexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths277OngV3KeyBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths277OngV3KeyBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths3EzhapV3ChannelsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths3EzhapV3ChannelsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths3Hsv3GV3AccountsAccountidAex141TokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths3Hsv3GV3AccountsAccountidAex141TokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths5Shu25V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesContractCreateTx: () => (Paths5Shu25V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesContractCreateTx), Paths6Vze8ZV3DexContractIdSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths6Vze8ZV3DexContractIdSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths7A1M6RV3ContractsLogsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths7A1M6RV3ContractsLogsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths8722JhV3OraclesIdQueriesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (Paths8722JhV3OraclesIdQueriesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), Paths8I0YgwV3Aex141GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths8I0YgwV3Aex141GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), Paths9Yfxl2V3DexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (Paths9Yfxl2V3DexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsA7P0KiV3TransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsA7P0KiV3TransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsAc89GqV3StatisticsNamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsAc89GqV3StatisticsNamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsC0UvfgV3AccountsIdNamesPointeesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsC0UvfgV3AccountsIdNamesPointeesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsChduayV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesContractCallTx: () => (PathsChduayV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesContractCallTx), PathsCrb9BgV3NamesAuctionsIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsCrb9BgV3NamesAuctionsIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsD2HmjxV3StatisticsNamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsD2HmjxV3StatisticsNamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsEeiffwV3Aex9ContractidBalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsEeiffwV3Aex9ContractidBalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsEue6HzV3KeyBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsEue6HzV3KeyBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsFrvc1LV3TotalstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsFrvc1LV3TotalstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsGcr9MrV3OraclesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsGcr9MrV3OraclesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsHa9C78V3TransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsHa9C78V3TransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsJd68YV3StatisticsBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsJd68YV3StatisticsBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsKcpsuzV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelCloseSoloTx: () => (PathsKcpsuzV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelCloseSoloTx), PathsKjq4D4V3NamesAuctionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsKjq4D4V3NamesAuctionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsKm52GqV3AccountsAccountidAex9BalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsKm52GqV3AccountsAccountidAex9BalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsKr825V3Aex9ContractidBalancesAccountidGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsKr825V3Aex9ContractidBalancesAccountidGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsKwxlzlV3DexContractIdSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsKwxlzlV3DexContractIdSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsLm5DjtV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleResponseTx: () => (PathsLm5DjtV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleResponseTx), PathsLv15NfV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsLv15NfV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsMxcme6V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelForceProgressTx: () => (PathsMxcme6V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelForceProgressTx), PathsMyl4W2V3NamesIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsMyl4W2V3NamesIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsNn60D7V3KeyBlocksHashOrKbiMicroBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsNn60D7V3KeyBlocksHashOrKbiMicroBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsQklaaxV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesGaMetaTx: () => (PathsQklaaxV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesGaMetaTx), PathsQmewnaV3ChannelsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsQmewnaV3ChannelsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsQtodvgV3DeltastatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsQtodvgV3DeltastatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsRay4X0V3Aex141ContractidTemplatesTemplateidTokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsRay4X0V3Aex141ContractidTemplatesTemplateidTokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsRcnvllV3NamesIdUpdatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsRcnvllV3NamesIdUpdatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsS6Nx2KV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleQueryTx: () => (PathsS6Nx2KV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleQueryTx), PathsTr523PV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelWithdrawTx: () => (PathsTr523PV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelWithdrawTx), PathsTvtzmvV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelDepositTx: () => (PathsTvtzmvV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelDepositTx), PathsV2Gh3TV3StatisticsBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsV2Gh3TV3StatisticsBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsVdg67V3TransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsVdg67V3TransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsVn5L1LV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSlashTx: () => (PathsVn5L1LV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSlashTx), PathsVron83V3OraclesIdResponsesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsVron83V3OraclesIdResponsesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsWkpcwaV3Aex141ContractidTemplatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsWkpcwaV3Aex141ContractidTemplatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsWl652MV3Aex141ContractidTokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsWl652MV3Aex141ContractidTokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsXhlqwrV3MicroBlocksHashTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsXhlqwrV3MicroBlocksHashTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsYpljbvV3DeltastatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsYpljbvV3DeltastatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsZ2B507V3MinerstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema: () => (PathsZ2B507V3MinerstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema), PathsZ4L2QlV3OraclesIdExtendsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0: () => (PathsZ4L2QlV3OraclesIdExtendsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0), PathsZ92TkfV3AccountsAccountidAex9BalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof1: () => (PathsZ92TkfV3AccountsAccountidAex9BalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof1), PathsZdcclfV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameTransferTx: () => (PathsZdcclfV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameTransferTx), Pointee: () => (Pointee), Stat: () => (Stat), Stats: () => (Stats), Status: () => (mappers_Status), StatusMdwAsyncTasks: () => (StatusMdwAsyncTasks), TotalStat: () => (TotalStat), Transaction: () => (Transaction), Transfer: () => (Transfer) }); // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "bignumber.js" var external_bignumber_js_ = __webpack_require__(6168); ;// ./src/utils/bignumber.ts /** * Big Number Helpers */ /** * Check if value is BigNumber, Number, BigInt or number string representation * @param number - number to check */ const isBigNumber = number => { if (typeof number === 'bigint') return true; return ['number', 'object', 'string'].includes(typeof number) && ( // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals !isNaN(number) || Number.isInteger(number) || external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber.isBigNumber(number)); }; /** * BigNumber ceil operation */ const ceil = bigNumber => bigNumber.integerValue(external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber.ROUND_CEIL); ;// ./src/utils/errors.ts // eslint-disable-next-line max-classes-per-file /** * aepp-sdk originated error * @category exception */ class BaseError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'BaseError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class AccountError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'AccountError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class AensError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'AensError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class AeppError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'AeppError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class ChannelError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'ChannelError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class CompilerError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'CompilerError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class ContractError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'ContractError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class CryptographyError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'CryptographyError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class NodeError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'NodeError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class TransactionError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'TransactionError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class WalletError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'WalletError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class ArgumentError extends BaseError { constructor(argumentName, requirement, argumentValue) { super(`${argumentName} should be ${requirement}, got ${argumentValue} instead`); this.name = 'ArgumentError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class IllegalArgumentError extends CryptographyError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'IllegalArgumentError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class ArgumentCountMismatchError extends BaseError { constructor(functionName, requiredCount, providedCount) { super(`${functionName} expects ${requiredCount} arguments, got ${providedCount} instead`); this.name = 'ArgumentCountMismatchError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class InsufficientBalanceError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'InsufficientBalanceError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class MissingParamError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'MissingParamError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class NoSerializerFoundError extends BaseError { constructor() { super('Byte serialization not supported'); this.name = 'NoSerializerFoundError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class RequestTimedOutError extends BaseError { constructor(height) { super(`Giving up at height ${height}`); this.name = 'RequestTimedOutError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class TxTimedOutError extends BaseError { constructor(blocks, th) { super(`Giving up after ${blocks} blocks mined, transaction hash: ${th}`); this.name = 'TxTimedOutError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class errors_TypeError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'TypeError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnsupportedPlatformError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'UnsupportedPlatformError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnsupportedProtocolError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'UnsupportedProtocolError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class NotImplementedError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'NotImplementedError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnsupportedVersionError extends BaseError { constructor(dependency, version, geVersion, ltVersion) { super(`Unsupported ${dependency} version ${version}. Supported: >= ${geVersion}` + (ltVersion == null ? '' : ` < ${ltVersion}`)); this.name = 'UnsupportedVersionError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class LogicError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'LogicError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class InternalError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'InternalError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnexpectedTsError extends InternalError { constructor(message = 'Expected to not happen, required for TS') { super(message); this.name = 'UnexpectedTsError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnavailableAccountError extends AccountError { constructor(address) { super(`Account for ${address} not available`); this.name = 'UnavailableAccountError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class AensPointerContextError extends AensError { constructor(nameOrId, prefix) { super(`Name ${nameOrId} don't have pointers for ${prefix}`); this.name = 'AensPointerContextError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class InsufficientNameFeeError extends AensError { constructor(nameFee, minNameFee) { super(`the provided fee ${nameFee.toString()} is not enough to execute the claim, required: ${minNameFee.toString()}`); this.name = 'InsufficientNameFeeError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class InvalidAensNameError extends AensError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'InvalidAensNameError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class InvalidRpcMessageError extends AeppError { constructor(message) { super(`Received invalid message: ${message}`); this.name = 'InvalidRpcMessageError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class MissingCallbackError extends AeppError { constructor(id) { super(`Can't find callback for this messageId ${id}`); this.name = 'MissingCallbackError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnAuthorizedAccountError extends AeppError { constructor(onAccount) { super(`You do not have access to account ${onAccount}`); this.name = 'UnAuthorizedAccountError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnknownRpcClientError extends AeppError { constructor(id) { super(`RpcClient with id ${id} do not exist`); this.name = 'UnknownRpcClientError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnsubscribedAccountError extends AeppError { constructor() { super('You are not subscribed for an account.'); this.name = 'UnsubscribedAccountError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class ChannelCallError extends ChannelError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'ChannelCallError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class ChannelConnectionError extends ChannelError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'ChannelConnectionError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class ChannelPingTimedOutError extends ChannelError { constructor() { super('Server pong timed out'); this.name = 'ChannelPingTimedOutError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnexpectedChannelMessageError extends ChannelError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'UnexpectedChannelMessageError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class ChannelIncomingMessageError extends ChannelError { constructor(handlerError, incomingMessage) { super(handlerError.message); this.handlerError = handlerError; this.incomingMessage = incomingMessage; this.name = 'ChannelIncomingMessageError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnknownChannelStateError extends ChannelError { constructor() { super('State Channels FSM entered unknown state'); this.name = 'UnknownChannelStateError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class InvalidAuthDataError extends CompilerError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'InvalidAuthDataError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class BytecodeMismatchError extends ContractError { constructor(source) { super(`Contract ${source} do not correspond to the bytecode deployed on the chain`); this.name = 'BytecodeMismatchError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class DuplicateContractError extends ContractError { constructor() { super('Contract already deployed'); this.name = 'DuplicateContractError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class InactiveContractError extends ContractError { constructor(contractAddress) { super(`Contract with address ${contractAddress} not active`); this.name = 'InactiveContractError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class InvalidMethodInvocationError extends ContractError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'InvalidMethodInvocationError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class MissingContractAddressError extends ContractError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'MissingContractAddressError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class MissingContractDefError extends ContractError { constructor() { super('Either ACI or sourceCode or sourceCodePath is required'); this.name = 'MissingContractDefError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class MissingFunctionNameError extends ContractError { constructor() { super('Function name is required'); this.name = 'MissingFunctionNameError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class NodeInvocationError extends ContractError { constructor(message, transaction) { super(`Invocation failed${message == null ? '' : `: "${message}"`}`); this.name = 'NodeInvocationError'; this.transaction = transaction; } } /** * @category exception */ class NoSuchContractFunctionError extends ContractError { constructor(name) { super(`Function ${name} doesn't exist in contract`); this.name = 'NoSuchContractFunctionError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class NotPayableFunctionError extends ContractError { constructor(amount, fn) { super(`You try to pay "${amount}" to function "${fn}" which is not payable. ` + 'Only payable function can accept coins'); this.name = 'NotPayableFunctionError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class MissingEventDefinitionError extends ContractError { constructor(eventNameHash, eventAddress) { super(`Can't find definition of ${eventNameHash} event emitted by ${eventAddress}` + ' (use omitUnknown option to ignore events like this)'); this.name = 'MissingEventDefinitionError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class AmbiguousEventDefinitionError extends ContractError { constructor(eventAddress, matchedEvents) { super(`Found multiple definitions of "${matchedEvents[0][1]}" event with different types emitted by` + ` ${eventAddress} in ${matchedEvents.map(([name]) => `"${name}"`).join(', ')} contracts` + ' (use contractAddressToName option to specify contract name corresponding to address)'); this.name = 'AmbiguousEventDefinitionError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class InvalidChecksumError extends CryptographyError { constructor() { super('Invalid checksum'); this.name = 'InvalidChecksumError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class MerkleTreeHashMismatchError extends CryptographyError { constructor() { super('Node hash is not equal to provided one'); this.name = 'MerkleTreeHashMismatchError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class MissingNodeInTreeError extends CryptographyError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'MissingNodeInTreeError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnknownNodeLengthError extends CryptographyError { constructor(nodeLength) { super(`Unknown node length: ${nodeLength}`); this.name = 'UnknownNodeLengthError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class UnknownPathNibbleError extends CryptographyError { constructor(nibble) { super(`Unknown path nibble: ${nibble}`); this.name = 'UnknownPathNibbleError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class DuplicateNodeError extends NodeError { constructor(name) { super(`Node with name ${name} already exist`); this.name = 'DuplicateNodeError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class NodeNotFoundError extends NodeError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'NodeNotFoundError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class DecodeError extends TransactionError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'DecodeError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class PayloadLengthError extends TransactionError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'PayloadLengthError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class DryRunError extends TransactionError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'DryRunError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class IllegalBidFeeError extends TransactionError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'IllegalBidFeeError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class InvalidSignatureError extends TransactionError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'InvalidSignatureError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class PrefixNotFoundError extends TransactionError { constructor(tag) { super(`Prefix for id-tag ${tag} not found.`); this.name = 'PrefixNotFoundError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class SchemaNotFoundError extends TransactionError { constructor(key, version) { super(`Transaction schema not implemented for tag ${key} version ${version}`); this.name = 'SchemaNotFoundError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class TagNotFoundError extends TransactionError { constructor(prefix) { super(`Id tag for prefix ${prefix} not found.`); this.name = 'DecodeError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class TxNotInChainError extends TransactionError { constructor(txHash) { super(`Transaction ${txHash} is removed from chain`); this.name = 'TxNotInChainError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class AlreadyConnectedError extends WalletError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'AlreadyConnectedError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class NoWalletConnectedError extends WalletError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'NoWalletConnectedError'; } } /** * @category exception */ class RpcConnectionError extends WalletError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'RpcConnectionError'; } } ;// ./src/utils/amount-formatter.ts let AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS = /*#__PURE__*/function (AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS) { AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS["AE"] = "ae"; AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS["MILI_AE"] = "miliAE"; AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS["MICRO_AE"] = "microAE"; AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS["NANO_AE"] = "nanoAE"; AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS["PICO_AE"] = "picoAE"; AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS["FEMTO_AE"] = "femtoAE"; AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS["AETTOS"] = "aettos"; return AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS; }({}); /** * DENOMINATION_MAGNITUDE */ const DENOMINATION_MAGNITUDE = { [AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AE]: 0, [AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.MILI_AE]: -3, [AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.MICRO_AE]: -6, [AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.NANO_AE]: -9, [AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.PICO_AE]: -12, [AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.FEMTO_AE]: -15, [AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AETTOS]: -18 }; /** * Convert amount from one to other denomination * @param value - amount to convert * @param options - options * @param options.denomination - denomination of amount, can be ['ae', 'aettos'] * @param options.targetDenomination - target denomination, * can be ['ae', 'aettos'] */ const formatAmount = (value, { denomination = AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AETTOS, targetDenomination = AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AETTOS }) => { if (!isBigNumber(value)) throw new ArgumentError('value', 'a number', value); return new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(typeof value === 'bigint' ? value.toString() : value).shiftedBy(DENOMINATION_MAGNITUDE[denomination] - DENOMINATION_MAGNITUDE[targetDenomination]).toFixed(); }; /** * Convert amount to AE * @param value - amount to convert * @param options - options * @param options.denomination - denomination of amount, can be ['ae', 'aettos'] */ const toAe = (value, { denomination = AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AETTOS } = {}) => formatAmount(value, { denomination, targetDenomination: AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AE }); /** * Convert amount to aettos * @param value - amount to convert * @param options - options * @param options.denomination - denomination of amount, can be ['ae', 'aettos'] */ const toAettos = (value, { denomination = AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AE } = {}) => formatAmount(value, { denomination }); const prefixes = [{ name: 'exa', magnitude: 18 }, { name: 'giga', magnitude: 9 }, { name: '', magnitude: 0 }, { name: 'pico', magnitude: -12 }]; const getNearestPrefix = exponent => prefixes.reduce((p, n) => Math.abs(n.magnitude - exponent) < Math.abs(p.magnitude - exponent) ? n : p); const getLowerBoundPrefix = exponent => { var _prefixes$find; return (_prefixes$find = prefixes.find(p => p.magnitude <= exponent)) !== null && _prefixes$find !== void 0 ? _prefixes$find : prefixes[prefixes.length - 1]; }; const prefixedAmount = rawValue => { var _value$e; const value = new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(rawValue); const exp = (_value$e = value.e) !== null && _value$e !== void 0 ? _value$e : 0; const { name, magnitude } = (exp < 0 ? getNearestPrefix : getLowerBoundPrefix)(exp); const v = value.shiftedBy(-magnitude).precision(9 + Math.min(exp - magnitude, 0)).toFixed(); return `${v}${name !== '' ? ' ' : ''}${name}`; }; // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "@azure/core-rest-pipeline" var core_rest_pipeline_ = __webpack_require__(833); ;// ./src/utils/other.ts const pause = async duration => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, duration); }); const mapObject = (object, fn) => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(object).map(fn)); // remove after dropping webpack4 support const isWebpack4Buffer = (() => { try { Buffer.concat([Uint8Array.from([])]); return false; } catch (error) { return true; } })(); const concatBuffers = isWebpack4Buffer ? (list, totalLength) => Buffer.concat(list.map(el => Buffer.from(el)), totalLength) : Buffer.concat; /** * Object key type guard * @param key - Maybe object key * @param object - Object */ function isKeyOfObject(key, object) { return key in object; } /** * Array item type guard * @param item - Maybe array item * @param array - Array */ function isItemOfArray(item, array) { return array.includes(item); } function isAccountNotFoundError(error) { return error instanceof core_rest_pipeline_.RestError && error.statusCode === 404 && error.message.includes('Account not found'); } // based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/50375286 // based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/61108377 function ensureError(error) { if (error instanceof Error) return; throw error; } ;// ./src/utils/wrap-proxy.ts function wrapWithProxy(valueCb) { return new Proxy({}, Object.fromEntries(['apply', 'construct', 'defineProperty', 'deleteProperty', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', 'getPrototypeOf', 'isExtensible', 'ownKeys', 'preventExtensions', 'set', 'setPrototypeOf', 'get', 'has'].map(name => [name, (t, ...args) => { const target = valueCb(); if (target == null) throw new ArgumentError('wrapped value', 'defined', target); if (name === 'get' && args[0] === '_wrappedValue') return target; const res = Reflect[name](target, ...args); return typeof res === 'function' && name === 'get' ? res.bind(target) : res; }]))); } function unwrapProxy(value) { var _wrappedValue; return (_wrappedValue = value._wrappedValue) !== null && _wrappedValue !== void 0 ? _wrappedValue : value; } // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "tweetnacl" var external_tweetnacl_ = __webpack_require__(1655); var external_tweetnacl_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_tweetnacl_); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/blakejs/blake2b.js var blake2b = __webpack_require__(4156); // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "varuint-bitcoin" var external_varuint_bitcoin_ = __webpack_require__(4054); ;// ./src/utils/encoder-types.ts /** * @category transaction builder * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/master/node/api/api_encoding.md} * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/aeserialization/blob/eb68fe331bd476910394966b7f5ede7a74d37e35/src/aeser_api_encoder.erl#L205-L230} */ let Encoding = /*#__PURE__*/function (Encoding) { Encoding["KeyBlockHash"] = "kh"; Encoding["MicroBlockHash"] = "mh"; Encoding["BlockPofHash"] = "bf"; Encoding["BlockTxHash"] = "bx"; Encoding["BlockStateHash"] = "bs"; Encoding["Channel"] = "ch"; Encoding["ContractAddress"] = "ct"; Encoding["ContractBytearray"] = "cb"; Encoding["ContractStoreKey"] = "ck"; Encoding["ContractStoreValue"] = "cv"; Encoding["Transaction"] = "tx"; Encoding["TxHash"] = "th"; Encoding["OracleAddress"] = "ok"; Encoding["OracleQuery"] = "ov"; Encoding["OracleQueryId"] = "oq"; Encoding["OracleResponse"] = "or"; Encoding["AccountAddress"] = "ak"; Encoding["AccountSecretKey"] = "sk"; Encoding["Signature"] = "sg"; Encoding["Commitment"] = "cm"; Encoding["PeerPubkey"] = "pp"; Encoding["Name"] = "nm"; Encoding["State"] = "st"; Encoding["Poi"] = "pi"; Encoding["StateTrees"] = "ss"; Encoding["CallStateTree"] = "cs"; Encoding["Bytearray"] = "ba"; return Encoding; }({}); // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "bs58" var external_bs58_ = __webpack_require__(4578); var external_bs58_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_bs58_); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/sha.js/sha256.js var sha256 = __webpack_require__(4107); var sha256_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(sha256); ;// ./src/utils/encoder.ts // js extension is required for mjs build, not importing the whole package to reduce bundle size // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions /** * Calculate SHA256 hash of `input` * @param input - Data to hash * @returns Hash */ function sha256hash(input) { return new (sha256_default())().update(input).digest(); } /** * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/aeserialization/blob/eb68fe331bd476910394966b7f5ede7a74d37e35/src/aeser_api_encoder.erl#L177-L202} */ const base64Types = [Encoding.ContractBytearray, Encoding.ContractStoreKey, Encoding.ContractStoreValue, Encoding.Transaction, Encoding.OracleQuery, Encoding.OracleResponse, Encoding.State, Encoding.Poi, Encoding.StateTrees, Encoding.CallStateTree, Encoding.Bytearray]; const base58Types = [Encoding.KeyBlockHash, Encoding.MicroBlockHash, Encoding.BlockPofHash, Encoding.BlockTxHash, Encoding.BlockStateHash, Encoding.Channel, Encoding.ContractAddress, Encoding.TxHash, Encoding.OracleAddress, Encoding.OracleQueryId, Encoding.AccountAddress, Encoding.AccountSecretKey, Encoding.Signature, Encoding.Commitment, Encoding.PeerPubkey, Encoding.Name]; /** * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/aeserialization/blob/eb68fe331bd476910394966b7f5ede7a74d37e35/src/aeser_api_encoder.erl#L261-L286} */ const byteSizeForType = { [Encoding.KeyBlockHash]: 32, [Encoding.MicroBlockHash]: 32, [Encoding.BlockPofHash]: 32, [Encoding.BlockTxHash]: 32, [Encoding.BlockStateHash]: 32, [Encoding.Channel]: 32, [Encoding.ContractAddress]: 32, [Encoding.TxHash]: 32, [Encoding.OracleAddress]: 32, [Encoding.OracleQueryId]: 32, [Encoding.AccountAddress]: 32, [Encoding.AccountSecretKey]: 32, [Encoding.Signature]: 64, [Encoding.Commitment]: 32, [Encoding.PeerPubkey]: 32, [Encoding.State]: 32 }; function ensureValidLength(data, type) { if (!isKeyOfObject(type, byteSizeForType)) return; const reqLen = byteSizeForType[type]; if (reqLen == null || data.length === reqLen) return; throw new PayloadLengthError(`Payload should be ${reqLen} bytes, got ${data.length} instead`); } const getChecksum = payload => sha256hash(sha256hash(payload)).slice(0, 4); const addChecksum = payload => concatBuffers([payload, getChecksum(payload)]); function getPayload(buffer) { const payload = buffer.slice(0, -4); if (!getChecksum(payload).equals(buffer.slice(-4))) throw new InvalidChecksumError(); return payload; } const base64 = { encode: buffer => addChecksum(buffer).toString('base64'), decode: string => getPayload(Buffer.from(string, 'base64')) }; const base58 = { encode: buffer => external_bs58_default().encode(addChecksum(buffer)), decode: string => getPayload(Buffer.from(external_bs58_default().decode(string))) }; const parseType = maybeType => { const base64Type = base64Types.find(t => t === maybeType); if (base64Type != null) return [base64Type, base64]; const base58Type = base58Types.find(t => t === maybeType); if (base58Type != null) return [base58Type, base58]; throw new ArgumentError('prefix', `one of ${[...base58Types, ...base64Types].join(', ')}`, maybeType); }; /** * Decode data using the default encoding/decoding algorithm * @param data - An Base58/64check encoded and prefixed string * (ex tx_..., sg_..., ak_....) * @returns Decoded data */ function decode(data) { const [prefix, encodedPayload, extra] = data.split('_'); if (encodedPayload == null) throw new DecodeError(`Encoded string missing payload: ${data}`); if (extra != null) throw new DecodeError(`Encoded string have extra parts: ${data}`); const [type, encoder] = parseType(prefix); const payload = encoder.decode(encodedPayload); ensureValidLength(payload, type); return payload; } /** * Encode data using the default encoding/decoding algorithm * @param data - An decoded data * @param type - Prefix of Transaction * @returns Encoded string Base58check or Base64check data */ function encode(data, type) { const [, encoder] = parseType(type); ensureValidLength(data, type); return `${type}_${encoder.encode(data)}`; } ;// ./src/utils/crypto.ts // js extension is required for mjs build, not importing the whole package to reduce bundle size // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions /** * Check if address is valid * @param maybeAddress - Address to check */ /** * Check if data is encoded in one of provided encodings * @param maybeEncoded - Data to check * @param encodings - Rest parameters with encodings to check against */ function isAddressValid(maybeEncoded, ...encodings) { if (encodings.length === 0) encodings = [Encoding.AccountAddress]; try { decode(maybeEncoded); const encoding = maybeEncoded.split('_')[0]; if (!isItemOfArray(encoding, encodings)) { throw new ArgumentError('Encoded string type', encodings.length > 1 ? `one of ${encodings.join(', ')}` : encodings[0], encoding); } return true; } catch (error) { return false; } } /** * Generate a random salt (positive integer) * @returns random salt */ function genSalt() { const [random] = new BigUint64Array(external_tweetnacl_default().randomBytes(8).buffer); return Number(random % BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)); } /** * Converts a positive integer to the smallest possible * representation in a binary digit representation * @param value - Value to encode * @returns Encoded number */ function encodeUnsigned(value) { const binary = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4); binary.writeUInt32BE(value); return binary.slice(binary.findIndex(i => i !== 0)); } /** * Calculate 256bits Blake2b hash of `input` * @param input - Data to hash * @returns Hash */ function hash(input) { return Buffer.from((0,blake2b.blake2b)(input, undefined, 32)); // 256 bits } // Todo Duplicated in tx builder. remove /** * Compute contract address * @category contract * @param owner - Address of contract owner * @param nonce - Round when contract was created * @returns Contract address */ function encodeContractAddress(owner, nonce) { const publicKey = decode(owner); const binary = concatBuffers([publicKey, encodeUnsigned(nonce)]); return encode(hash(binary), Encoding.ContractAddress); } /** * Verify that signature was signed by public key * @param data - Data that was signed * @param signature - Signature of data * @param address - Address to verify against * @returns is data was signed by address */ function verify(data, signature, address) { return external_tweetnacl_default().sign.detached.verify(data, signature, decode(address)); } const messagePrefix = Buffer.from('aeternity Signed Message:\n', 'utf8'); const messagePrefixLength = (0,external_varuint_bitcoin_.encode)(messagePrefix.length).buffer; // TODO: consider rename to hashMessage function messageToHash(message) { const msg = Buffer.from(message, 'utf8'); return hash(concatBuffers([messagePrefixLength, messagePrefix, (0,external_varuint_bitcoin_.encode)(msg.length).buffer, msg])); } /** * Verify that message was signed by address * @param message - Message that was signed * @param signature - Signature of message * @param address - Address to verify against * @returns is data was signed by address */ // TODO: deprecate in favour of `verify(messageToHash(message), ...`, also the name is confusing // it should contain "signature" function verifyMessage(message, signature, address) { return verify(messageToHash(message), signature, address); } ;// ./src/utils/bytes.ts /** * Convert string, number, or BigNumber to byte array * @param val - value to convert * @param big - enables force conversion to BigNumber * @returns Buffer */ // eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export function toBytes(val, big = false) { // Encode a value to bytes. // If the value is an int it will be encoded as bytes big endian // Raises ValueError if the input is not an int or string if (val == null) return Buffer.from([]); if (Number.isInteger(val) || external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber.isBigNumber(val) || big) { if (!external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber.isBigNumber(val)) val = new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(val); if (!val.isInteger()) throw new errors_TypeError(`Unexpected not integer value: ${val.toFixed()}`); let hexString = val.toString(16); if (hexString.length % 2 === 1) hexString = `0${hexString}`; return Buffer.from(hexString, 'hex'); } if (typeof val === 'string') { return Buffer.from(val); } throw new NoSerializerFoundError(); } ;// ./src/tx/builder/constants.ts const DRY_RUN_ACCOUNT = { pub: 'ak_11111111111111111111111111111111273Yts', amount: 100000000000000000000000000000000000n }; const MAX_AUTH_FUN_GAS = 50000; const MIN_GAS_PRICE = 1e9; // TODO: don't use number for ae // # see https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/blob/72e440b8731422e335f879a31ecbbee7ac23a1cf/apps/aecore/src/aec_governance.erl#L67 const NAME_FEE_MULTIPLIER = 1e14; // 100000000000000 const NAME_FEE_BID_INCREMENT = 0.05; // # the increment is in percentage // # see https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/blob/72e440b8731422e335f879a31ecbbee7ac23a1cf/apps/aecore/src/aec_governance.erl#L272 const NAME_BID_TIMEOUT_BLOCKS = 480; // # ~1 day // # this is the max length for a domain that requires a base fee to be paid const NAME_MAX_LENGTH_FEE = 31; // # https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/blob/72e440b8731422e335f879a31ecbbee7ac23a1cf/apps/aecore/src/aec_governance.erl#L290 // # https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/master/AENS.md#protocol-fees-and-protection-times // # bid ranges: const NAME_BID_RANGES = mapObject({ 31: 3, 30: 5, 29: 8, 28: 13, 27: 21, 26: 34, 25: 55, 24: 89, 23: 144, 22: 233, 21: 377, 20: 610, 19: 987, 18: 1597, 17: 2584, 16: 4181, 15: 6765, 14: 10946, 13: 17711, 12: 28657, 11: 46368, 10: 75025, 9: 121393, 8: 196418, 7: 317811, 6: 514229, 5: 832040, 4: 1346269, 3: 2178309, 2: 3524578, 1: 5702887 }, ([key, value]) => [key, new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(value).times(NAME_FEE_MULTIPLIER)]); let ConsensusProtocolVersion = /*#__PURE__*/function (ConsensusProtocolVersion) { ConsensusProtocolVersion[ConsensusProtocolVersion["Ceres"] = 6] = "Ceres"; return ConsensusProtocolVersion; }({}); /** * @category transaction builder * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/0f6dee3d9d1e8e2469816798f5c7587a6c918f94/contracts/contract_vms.md#virtual-machines-on-the-%C3%A6ternity-blockchain} */ let VmVersion = /*#__PURE__*/function (VmVersion) { VmVersion[VmVersion["NoVm"] = 0] = "NoVm"; VmVersion[VmVersion["Sophia"] = 1] = "Sophia"; VmVersion[VmVersion["SophiaImprovementsMinerva"] = 3] = "SophiaImprovementsMinerva"; VmVersion[VmVersion["SophiaImprovementsFortuna"] = 4] = "SophiaImprovementsFortuna"; VmVersion[VmVersion["Fate"] = 5] = "Fate"; VmVersion[VmVersion["SophiaImprovementsLima"] = 6] = "SophiaImprovementsLima"; VmVersion[VmVersion["Fate2"] = 7] = "Fate2"; VmVersion[VmVersion["Fate3"] = 8] = "Fate3"; return VmVersion; }({}); /** * @category transaction builder * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/0f6dee3d9d1e8e2469816798f5c7587a6c918f94/contracts/contract_vms.md#virtual-machines-on-the-%C3%A6ternity-blockchain} */ let AbiVersion = /*#__PURE__*/function (AbiVersion) { AbiVersion[AbiVersion["NoAbi"] = 0] = "NoAbi"; AbiVersion[AbiVersion["Sophia"] = 1] = "Sophia"; AbiVersion[AbiVersion["Fate"] = 3] = "Fate"; return AbiVersion; }({}); /** * Enum with tag types * @category transaction builder * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/0f6dee3d9d1e8e2469816798f5c7587a6c918f94/serializations.md#binary-serialization} * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/aeserialization/blob/eb68fe331bd476910394966b7f5ede7a74d37e35/src/aeser_chain_objects.erl#L39-L97} */ // TODO: implement serialisation for commented-out tags let Tag = /*#__PURE__*/function (Tag) { Tag[Tag["SignedTx"] = 11] = "SignedTx"; Tag[Tag["SpendTx"] = 12] = "SpendTx"; Tag[Tag["OracleRegisterTx"] = 22] = "OracleRegisterTx"; Tag[Tag["OracleQueryTx"] = 23] = "OracleQueryTx"; Tag[Tag["OracleResponseTx"] = 24] = "OracleResponseTx"; Tag[Tag["OracleExtendTx"] = 25] = "OracleExtendTx"; Tag[Tag["NameClaimTx"] = 32] = "NameClaimTx"; Tag[Tag["NamePreclaimTx"] = 33] = "NamePreclaimTx"; Tag[Tag["NameUpdateTx"] = 34] = "NameUpdateTx"; Tag[Tag["NameRevokeTx"] = 35] = "NameRevokeTx"; Tag[Tag["NameTransferTx"] = 36] = "NameTransferTx"; Tag[Tag["ContractCreateTx"] = 42] = "ContractCreateTx"; Tag[Tag["ContractCallTx"] = 43] = "ContractCallTx"; Tag[Tag["ChannelCreateTx"] = 50] = "ChannelCreateTx"; Tag[Tag["ChannelDepositTx"] = 51] = "ChannelDepositTx"; Tag[Tag["ChannelWithdrawTx"] = 52] = "ChannelWithdrawTx"; Tag[Tag["ChannelForceProgressTx"] = 521] = "ChannelForceProgressTx"; Tag[Tag["ChannelCloseMutualTx"] = 53] = "ChannelCloseMutualTx"; Tag[Tag["ChannelCloseSoloTx"] = 54] = "ChannelCloseSoloTx"; Tag[Tag["ChannelSlashTx"] = 55] = "ChannelSlashTx"; Tag[Tag["ChannelSettleTx"] = 56] = "ChannelSettleTx"; Tag[Tag["ChannelOffChainTx"] = 57] = "ChannelOffChainTx"; Tag[Tag["ChannelSnapshotSoloTx"] = 59] = "ChannelSnapshotSoloTx"; Tag[Tag["GaAttachTx"] = 80] = "GaAttachTx"; Tag[Tag["GaMetaTx"] = 81] = "GaMetaTx"; Tag[Tag["PayingForTx"] = 82] = "PayingForTx"; return Tag; }({}); ;// ./src/tx/builder/helpers.ts /** * JavaScript-based Transaction builder helper function's */ /** * Build a contract public key * @category contract * @param ownerId - The public key of the owner account * @param nonce - the nonce of the transaction * @returns Contract public key */ function buildContractId(ownerId, nonce) { const ownerIdAndNonce = Buffer.from([...decode(ownerId), ...toBytes(nonce)]); const b2bHash = hash(ownerIdAndNonce); return encode(b2bHash, Encoding.ContractAddress); } /** * Build a oracle query id * @category oracle * @param senderId - The public key of the sender account * @param nonce - the nonce of the transaction * @param oracleId - The oracle public key * @returns Contract public key */ function oracleQueryId(senderId, nonce, oracleId) { function _int32(val) { const nonceBE = toBytes(val, true); return concatBuffers([Buffer.alloc(32 - nonceBE.length), nonceBE]); } const b2bHash = hash(Buffer.from([...decode(senderId), ..._int32(nonce), ...decode(oracleId)])); return encode(b2bHash, Encoding.OracleQueryId); } const AENS_SUFFIX = '.chain'; function nameToPunycode(maybeName) { const [name, suffix, ...other] = maybeName.split('.'); if (other.length !== 0) throw new ArgumentError('aens name', 'including only one dot', maybeName); if (suffix !== AENS_SUFFIX.slice(1)) { throw new ArgumentError('aens name', `suffixed with ${AENS_SUFFIX}`, maybeName); } if (/\p{Emoji_Presentation}/u.test(name)) { throw new ArgumentError('aens name', 'not containing emoji', maybeName); } if (name[2] === '-' && name[3] === '-') { throw new ArgumentError('aens name', 'without "-" char in both the third and fourth positions', maybeName); } if (name[0] === '-') { throw new ArgumentError('aens name', 'starting with no "-" char', maybeName); } if (name.at(-1) === '-') { throw new ArgumentError('aens name', 'ending with no "-" char', maybeName); } let punycode; try { const u = new URL(`http://${name}.${suffix}`); if (u.username + u.password + u.port + u.search + u.hash !== '' || u.pathname !== '/') { throw new ArgumentError('aens name', 'valid', maybeName); } punycode = u.host; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof TypeError && error.message.includes('Invalid URL')) { throw new ArgumentError('aens name', 'valid', maybeName); } throw error; } if (!/^[a-z0-9.-]+$/i.test(punycode)) { throw new ArgumentError('aens name', 'without illegal chars', maybeName); } if (punycode.length > 63 + AENS_SUFFIX.length) { throw new ArgumentError('aens name', 'not too long', maybeName); } return punycode; } /** * Encode an AENS name * @category AENS * @param name - Name to encode * @returns `nm_` prefixed encoded AENS name */ function produceNameId(name) { return encode(hash(nameToPunycode(name)), Encoding.Name); } /** * Generate the commitment hash by hashing the salt and * name, base 58 encoding the result and prepending 'cm_' * @category transaction builder * @param name - Name to be registered * @param salt - Random number * @returns Commitment hash */ function commitmentHash(name, salt = genSalt()) { return encode(hash(concatBuffers([Buffer.from(nameToPunycode(name)), Buffer.from(salt.toString(16).padStart(64, '0'), 'hex')])), Encoding.Commitment); } /** * Utility function to convert bytes to int * @category transaction builder * @param buf - Value * @returns Buffer Buffer from number(BigEndian) */ function readInt(buf = Buffer.from([])) { return new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(Buffer.from(buf).toString('hex'), 16).toString(10); } /** * Ensure that name is valid AENS name, would throw an exception otherwise * @category AENS * @param maybeName - AENS name */ function ensureName(maybeName) { nameToPunycode(maybeName); } /** * Is AENS name valid * @category AENS * @param maybeName - AENS name */ // TODO: consider renaming to isName function isNameValid(maybeName) { try { ensureName(maybeName); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } } const encodingToPointerKey = [[Encoding.AccountAddress, 'account_pubkey'], [Encoding.OracleAddress, 'oracle_pubkey'], [Encoding.ContractAddress, 'contract_pubkey'], [Encoding.Channel, 'channel']]; /** * @category AENS * @param identifier - account/oracle/contract address, or channel * @returns default AENS pointer key */ function getDefaultPointerKey(identifier) { decode(identifier); const encoding = identifier.substring(0, 2); const result = encodingToPointerKey.find(([e]) => e === encoding)?.[1]; if (result != null) return result; throw new ArgumentError('identifier', `prefixed with one of ${encodingToPointerKey.map(([e]) => `${e}_`).join(', ')}`, identifier); } /** * Get the minimum AENS name fee * @category AENS * @param name - the AENS name to get the fee for * @returns the minimum fee for the AENS name auction */ function getMinimumNameFee(name) { const nameLength = nameToPunycode(name).length - AENS_SUFFIX.length; return NAME_BID_RANGES[Math.min(nameLength, NAME_MAX_LENGTH_FEE)]; } /** * Compute bid fee for AENS auction * @category AENS * @param name - the AENS name to get the fee for * @param options - Options * @param options.startFee - Auction start fee * @param options.increment - Bid multiplier(In percentage, must be between 0 and 1) * @returns Bid fee */ function computeBidFee(name, { startFee, increment = NAME_FEE_BID_INCREMENT } = {}) { if (!(Number(increment) === increment && increment % 1 !== 0)) throw new IllegalBidFeeError(`Increment must be float. Current increment ${increment}`); if (increment < NAME_FEE_BID_INCREMENT) throw new IllegalBidFeeError(`minimum increment percentage is ${NAME_FEE_BID_INCREMENT}`); // FIXME: increment should be used somehow here return ceil(new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(startFee !== null && startFee !== void 0 ? startFee : getMinimumNameFee(name)).times(new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(NAME_FEE_BID_INCREMENT).plus(1))); } /** * Compute auction end height * @category AENS * @param name - Name to compute auction end for * @param claimHeight - Auction starting height * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/blob/72e440b8731422e335f879a31ecbbee7ac23a1cf/apps/aecore/src/aec_governance.erl#L273} * @returns Auction end height */ function computeAuctionEndBlock(name, claimHeight) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3; const length = nameToPunycode(name).length - AENS_SUFFIX.length; const h = (_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = length <= 4 ? 62 * NAME_BID_TIMEOUT_BLOCKS : null) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : length <= 8 ? 31 * NAME_BID_TIMEOUT_BLOCKS : null) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : length <= 12 ? NAME_BID_TIMEOUT_BLOCKS : null) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0; return h + claimHeight; } /** * Is name accept going to auction * @category AENS */ function isAuctionName(name) { return nameToPunycode(name).length < 13 + AENS_SUFFIX.length; } ;// ./src/chain.ts /** * @category chain * @param type - Type * @param options - Options */ async function _getPollInterval(type, { _expectedMineRate, _microBlockCycle, onNode }) { var _ref, _await$getVal; const getVal = async (t, val, devModeDef, def) => { if (t !== type) return null; if (val != null) return val; return (await onNode?.getNetworkId()) === 'ae_dev' ? devModeDef : def; }; const base = (_ref = (_await$getVal = await getVal('key-block', _expectedMineRate, 0, 180000)) !== null && _await$getVal !== void 0 ? _await$getVal : await getVal('micro-block', _microBlockCycle, 0, 3000)) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : (() => { throw new InternalError(`Unknown type: ${type}`); })(); return Math.floor(base / 3); } const heightCache = new WeakMap(); /** * Obtain current height of the chain * @category chain * @param options - Options * @param options.cached - Get height from the cache. The lag behind the actual height shouldn't * be more than 1 block. Use if needed to reduce requests count, and approximate value can be used. * For example, for timeout check in transaction status polling. * @returns Current chain height */ async function getHeight({ cached = false, ...options }) { const onNode = unwrapProxy(options.onNode); if (cached) { const cache = heightCache.get(onNode); if (cache != null && cache.time > Date.now() - (await _getPollInterval('key-block', options))) { return cache.height; } } const { height } = await onNode.getCurrentKeyBlockHeight(); heightCache.set(onNode, { height, time: Date.now() }); return height; } /** * Return transaction details if it is mined, fail otherwise. * If the transaction has ttl specified then would wait till it leaves the mempool. * Otherwise would fail if a specified amount of blocks were mined. * @category chain * @param th - The hash of transaction to poll * @param options - Options * @param options.interval - Interval (in ms) at which to poll the chain * @param options.blocks - Number of blocks mined after which to fail if transaction ttl is not set * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns The transaction as it was mined */ async function poll(th, { blocks = 5, interval, ...options }) { var _interval; (_interval = interval) !== null && _interval !== void 0 ? _interval : interval = await _getPollInterval('micro-block', options); let max; do { const tx = await options.onNode.getTransactionByHash(th); if (tx.blockHeight !== -1) return tx; if (max == null) { max = tx.tx.ttl !== 0 ? -1 : (await getHeight({ ...options, cached: true })) + blocks; } await pause(interval); } while (max === -1 ? true : (await getHeight({ ...options, cached: true })) < max); throw new TxTimedOutError(blocks, th); } /** * Wait for the chain to reach a specific height * @category chain * @param height - Height to wait for * @param options - Options * @param options.interval - Interval (in ms) at which to poll the chain * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns Current chain height */ async function awaitHeight(height, { interval, ...options }) { var _interval2; (_interval2 = interval) !== null && _interval2 !== void 0 ? _interval2 : interval = Math.min(await _getPollInterval('key-block', options), 5000); let currentHeight; do { if (currentHeight != null) await pause(interval); currentHeight = await getHeight(options); } while (currentHeight < height); return currentHeight; } /** * Wait for transaction confirmation * @category chain * @param txHash - Transaction hash * @param options - Options * @param options.confirm - Number of micro blocks to wait for transaction confirmation * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns Current Height */ async function waitForTxConfirm(txHash, { confirm = 3, onNode, ...options }) { const { blockHeight } = await onNode.getTransactionByHash(txHash); const height = await awaitHeight(blockHeight + confirm, { onNode, ...options }); const { blockHeight: newBlockHeight } = await onNode.getTransactionByHash(txHash); switch (newBlockHeight) { case -1: throw new TxNotInChainError(txHash); case blockHeight: return height; default: return waitForTxConfirm(txHash, { onNode, confirm, ...options }); } } /** * Get account by account public key * @category chain * @param address - Account address (public key) * @param options - Options * @param options.height - Get account on specific block by block height * @param options.hash - Get account on specific block by micro block hash or key block hash * @param options.onNode - Node to use */ async function getAccount(address, { height, hash, onNode }) { if (height != null) return onNode.getAccountByPubkeyAndHeight(address, height); if (hash != null) return onNode.getAccountByPubkeyAndHash(address, hash); return onNode.getAccountByPubkey(address); } /** * Request the balance of specified account * @category chain * @param address - The public account address to obtain the balance for * @param options - Options * @param options.format * @param options.height - The chain height at which to obtain the balance for * (default: top of chain) * @param options.hash - The block hash on which to obtain the balance for (default: top of chain) */ async function getBalance(address, { format = AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AETTOS, ...options }) { const addr = address.startsWith('ok_') ? encode(decode(address), Encoding.AccountAddress) : address; const { balance } = await getAccount(addr, options).catch(error => { if (!isAccountNotFoundError(error)) throw error; return { balance: 0n }; }); return formatAmount(balance, { targetDenomination: format }); } /** * Obtain current generation * @category chain * @param options - Options * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns Current Generation */ async function getCurrentGeneration({ onNode }) { return onNode.getCurrentGeneration(); } /** * Get generation by hash or height * @category chain * @param hashOrHeight - Generation hash or height * @param options - Options * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns Generation */ async function getGeneration(hashOrHeight, { onNode }) { if (typeof hashOrHeight === 'number') return onNode.getGenerationByHeight(hashOrHeight); return onNode.getGenerationByHash(hashOrHeight); } /** * Get micro block transactions * @category chain * @param hash - Micro block hash * @param options - Options * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns Transactions */ async function getMicroBlockTransactions(hash, { onNode }) { return (await onNode.getMicroBlockTransactionsByHash(hash)).transactions; } /** * Get key block * @category chain * @param hashOrHeight - Key block hash or height * @param options - Options * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns Key Block */ async function getKeyBlock(hashOrHeight, { onNode }) { if (typeof hashOrHeight === 'number') return onNode.getKeyBlockByHeight(hashOrHeight); return onNode.getKeyBlockByHash(hashOrHeight); } /** * Get micro block header * @category chain * @param hash - Micro block hash * @param options - Options * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns Micro block header */ async function getMicroBlockHeader(hash, { onNode }) { return onNode.getMicroBlockHeaderByHash(hash); } const txDryRunRequests = new Map(); async function txDryRunHandler(key, onNode) { const rs = txDryRunRequests.get(key); txDryRunRequests.delete(key); if (rs == null) throw new InternalError("Can't get dry-run request"); let dryRunRes; try { const top = typeof rs[0].top === 'number' ? (await getKeyBlock(rs[0].top, { onNode })).hash : rs[0].top; dryRunRes = await onNode.protectedDryRunTxs({ top, txEvents: rs[0].txEvents, txs: rs.map(req => ({ tx: req.tx })), accounts: Array.from(new Set(rs.map(req => req.accountAddress))).map(pubKey => ({ pubKey, amount: DRY_RUN_ACCOUNT.amount })) }); } catch (error) { rs.forEach(({ reject }) => reject(error)); return; } const { results, txEvents } = dryRunRes; results.forEach(({ result, reason, ...resultPayload }, idx) => { const { resolve, reject, tx, accountAddress } = rs[idx]; if (result === 'ok') resolve({ ...resultPayload, txEvents });else reject(Object.assign(new DryRunError(reason), { tx, accountAddress })); }); } /** * Transaction dry-run * @category chain * @param tx - transaction to execute * @param accountAddress - address that will be used to execute transaction * @param options - Options * @param options.top - hash of block on which to make dry-run * @param options.txEvents - collect and return on-chain tx events that would result from the call * @param options.combine - Enables combining of similar requests to a single dry-run call * @param options.onNode - Node to use */ async function txDryRun(tx, accountAddress, { top, txEvents, combine, onNode }) { var _txDryRunRequests$get; const key = combine === true ? [top, txEvents].join() : 'immediate'; const requests = (_txDryRunRequests$get = txDryRunRequests.get(key)) !== null && _txDryRunRequests$get !== void 0 ? _txDryRunRequests$get : []; txDryRunRequests.set(key, requests); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var _requests$timeout; requests.push({ tx, accountAddress, top, txEvents, resolve, reject }); if (combine !== true) { void txDryRunHandler(key, onNode); return; } (_requests$timeout = requests.timeout) !== null && _requests$timeout !== void 0 ? _requests$timeout : requests.timeout = setTimeout(() => { void txDryRunHandler(key, onNode); }); }); } /** * Get contract byte code * @category contract * @param contractId - Contract address * @param options - Options * @param options.onNode - Node to use */ async function getContractByteCode(contractId, { onNode }) { return onNode.getContractCode(contractId); } /** * Get contract entry * @category contract * @param contractId - Contract address * @param options - Options * @param options.onNode - Node to use */ async function getContract(contractId, { onNode }) { return onNode.getContract(contractId); } /** * Get name entry * @category AENS * @param name - AENS name * @param options - Options * @param options.onNode - Node to use */ async function getName(name, { onNode }) { return onNode.getNameEntryByName(name); } /** * Resolve AENS name and return name hash * @category AENS * @param nameOrId - AENS name or address * @param key - in AENS pointers record * @param options - Options * @param options.verify - To ensure that name exist and have a corresponding pointer * // TODO: avoid that to don't trust to current api gateway * @param options.resolveByNode - Enables pointer resolving using node * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns Address or AENS name hash */ async function resolveName(nameOrId, key, { verify = true, resolveByNode = false, onNode }) { if (isNameValid(nameOrId)) { if (verify || resolveByNode) { const name = await onNode.getNameEntryByName(nameOrId); const pointer = name.pointers.find(p => p.key === key); if (pointer == null) throw new AensPointerContextError(nameOrId, key); if (resolveByNode) return pointer.id; } return produceNameId(nameOrId); } try { decode(nameOrId); return nameOrId; } catch (error) { throw new InvalidAensNameError(`Invalid name or address: ${nameOrId}`); } } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/ct-version.ts /* * First abi/vm by default * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/71cf111/contracts/contract_vms.md#virtual-machines-on-the-æternity-blockchain} */ const ProtocolToVmAbi = { [ConsensusProtocolVersion.Ceres]: { 'contract-create': { vmVersion: [VmVersion.Fate3], abiVersion: [AbiVersion.Fate] }, 'contract-call': { vmVersion: [], abiVersion: [AbiVersion.Fate] }, 'oracle-call': { vmVersion: [], abiVersion: [AbiVersion.NoAbi, AbiVersion.Fate] } } }; function getProtocolDetails(protocolVersion, type) { var _protocol$vmVersion$; const protocol = ProtocolToVmAbi[protocolVersion][type]; return { vmVersion: (_protocol$vmVersion$ = protocol.vmVersion[0]) !== null && _protocol$vmVersion$ !== void 0 ? _protocol$vmVersion$ : VmVersion.Fate2, abiVersion: protocol.abiVersion[0] }; } /* harmony default export */ const ct_version = ({ serialize(value, params, { consensusProtocolVersion = ConsensusProtocolVersion.Ceres }) { var _value; (_value = value) !== null && _value !== void 0 ? _value : value = getProtocolDetails(consensusProtocolVersion, 'contract-create'); return Buffer.from([value.vmVersion, 0, value.abiVersion]); }, async prepare(value, params, // TODO: { consensusProtocolVersion: ConsensusProtocolVersion } | { onNode: Node } | {} options) { if (value != null) return value; if (options.consensusProtocolVersion != null) return undefined; if (Object.keys(ConsensusProtocolVersion).length === 2) return undefined; if (options.onNode != null) { return getProtocolDetails((await options.onNode.getNodeInfo()).consensusProtocolVersion, 'contract-create'); } return undefined; }, deserialize(buffer) { const [vm,, abi] = buffer; return { vmVersion: +vm, abiVersion: +abi }; } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/abi-version.ts /* harmony default export */ const abi_version = ({ _getProtocolDetails(c, tag) { const kind = Tag.ContractCallTx === tag || Tag.GaMetaTx === tag ? 'contract-call' : 'oracle-call'; return getProtocolDetails(c, kind).abiVersion; }, serialize(value, { tag }, { consensusProtocolVersion = ConsensusProtocolVersion.Ceres }) { const result = value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : this._getProtocolDetails(consensusProtocolVersion, tag); return Buffer.from([result]); }, async prepare(value, { tag }, // TODO: { consensusProtocolVersion: ConsensusProtocolVersion } | { onNode: Node } | {} options) { if (value != null) return value; if (options.consensusProtocolVersion != null) return undefined; if (Object.keys(ConsensusProtocolVersion).length === 2) return undefined; if (options.onNode != null) { return this._getProtocolDetails((await options.onNode.getNodeInfo()).consensusProtocolVersion, tag); } return undefined; }, deserialize(buffer) { return buffer[0]; } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/address.ts /** * Map of prefix to ID tag constant * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/master/serializations.md#the-id-type} * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/aeserialization/blob/eb68fe331bd476910394966b7f5ede7a74d37e35/src/aeser_id.erl#L97-L102} * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/aeserialization/blob/eb68fe331bd476910394966b7f5ede7a74d37e35/src/aeser_api_encoder.erl#L163-L168} */ const idTagToEncoding = [Encoding.AccountAddress, Encoding.Name, Encoding.Commitment, Encoding.OracleAddress, Encoding.ContractAddress, Encoding.Channel]; function genAddressField(...encodings) { return { /** * Utility function to create and _id type * @param hashId - Encoded hash * @returns Buffer Buffer with ID tag and decoded HASh */ serialize(hashId) { const enc = hashId.slice(0, 2); if (!isItemOfArray(enc, idTagToEncoding)) throw new TagNotFoundError(enc); if (!isItemOfArray(enc, encodings)) { throw new ArgumentError('Address encoding', encodings.join(', '), enc); } const idTag = idTagToEncoding.indexOf(enc) + 1; return Buffer.from([...toBytes(idTag), ...decode(hashId)]); }, /** * Utility function to read and _id type * @param buf - Data * @returns Encoded hash string with prefix */ deserialize(buf) { const idTag = Buffer.from(buf).readUIntBE(0, 1); const enc = idTagToEncoding[idTag - 1]; if (enc == null) throw new PrefixNotFoundError(idTag); if (!isItemOfArray(enc, encodings)) { throw new ArgumentError('Address encoding', encodings.join(', '), enc); } return encode(buf.subarray(1), enc); } }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/array.ts function genArrayField(itemHandler) { return { serialize(items, params) { return items.map(item => itemHandler.serialize(item, params)); }, deserialize(buffers, params) { return buffers.map(buffer => itemHandler.deserialize(buffer, params)); } }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/u-int.ts /* harmony default export */ const u_int = ({ serialize(value) { if (Number(value) < 0) throw new ArgumentError('value', 'greater or equal to 0', value); return toBytes(value, true); }, deserialize(value) { return readInt(value); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/coin-amount.ts /* harmony default export */ const coin_amount = ({ ...u_int, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars serializeAettos(value, params, options) { return value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : '0'; }, serialize(value, params, { denomination = AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AETTOS, ...options }) { return u_int.serialize(this.serializeAettos(value != null ? formatAmount(value, { denomination }) : value, params, options)); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/encoded.ts function genEncodedField(encoding, optional) { return { serialize(encodedData) { if (encodedData == null) { if (optional === true) return Buffer.from([]); throw new ArgumentError('Encoded data', 'provided', encodedData); } return decode(encodedData); }, deserialize(buffer) { return encode(buffer, encoding); } }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/entry.ts function genEntryField(tag) { return { serialize(txParams, { packEntry }) { if (ArrayBuffer.isView(txParams)) return Buffer.from(txParams); if (typeof txParams === 'string' && txParams.startsWith('tx_')) { return decode(txParams); } return decode(packEntry({ ...txParams, ...(tag != null && { tag }) })); }, deserialize(buf, { unpackEntry }) { return unpackEntry(encode(buf, Encoding.Bytearray), tag); } }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/enumeration.ts function genEnumerationField(enm) { const values = Object.values(enm).filter(v => typeof v === 'number'); return { serialize(value) { if (typeof value !== 'number') throw new ArgumentError('value', 'to be a number', value); if (value > 0xff) throw new ArgumentError('value', 'to be less than 256', value); if (!isItemOfArray(value, values)) { throw new ArgumentError('value', 'to be a value of Enum', value); } return Buffer.from([value]); }, deserialize(buffer) { if (buffer.length !== 1) { throw new ArgumentError('buffer', 'to have single element', buffer.length); } const value = buffer[0]; if (!isItemOfArray(value, values)) { throw new ArgumentError('value', 'to be a value of Enum', value); } return value; } }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/gas-price.ts const gasPriceCache = new WeakMap(); async function getCachedIncreasedGasPrice(node) { const cache = gasPriceCache.get(node); if (cache != null && cache.time > Date.now() - 20 * 1000) { return cache.gasPrice; } const { minGasPrice, utilization } = (await node.getRecentGasPrices())[0]; let gasPrice = utilization < 70 ? 0n : BigInt(new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(minGasPrice.toString()).times(1.01).integerValue().toFixed()); const maxSafeGasPrice = BigInt(MIN_GAS_PRICE) * 100000n; // max microblock fee is 600ae or 35usd if (gasPrice > maxSafeGasPrice) { console.warn(`Estimated gas price ${gasPrice} exceeds the maximum safe value for unknown reason.` + ` It will be limited to ${maxSafeGasPrice}.` + ' To overcome this restriction provide `gasPrice`/`fee` in options.'); gasPrice = maxSafeGasPrice; } gasPriceCache.set(node, { gasPrice, time: Date.now() }); return gasPrice; } // TODO: use withFormatting after using a single type for coins representation /* harmony default export */ const gas_price = ({ ...coin_amount, async prepare(value, params, { onNode, denomination }) { if (value != null) return value; if (onNode == null) { throw new ArgumentError('onNode', 'provided (or provide `gasPrice` instead)', onNode); } const gasPrice = await getCachedIncreasedGasPrice(onNode); if (gasPrice === 0n) return undefined; return formatAmount(gasPrice, { targetDenomination: denomination }); }, serializeAettos(value = MIN_GAS_PRICE.toString()) { if (+value < MIN_GAS_PRICE) { throw new IllegalArgumentError(`Gas price ${value.toString()} must be bigger than ${MIN_GAS_PRICE}`); } return value; } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/fee.ts const BASE_GAS = 15000; const GAS_PER_BYTE = 20; const KEY_BLOCK_INTERVAL = 3; /** * Calculate the base gas * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/master/consensus/README.md#gas} * @param txType - The transaction type * @returns The base gas * @example * ```js * TX_BASE_GAS(Tag.ChannelForceProgressTx) => 30 * 15000 * ``` */ const TX_BASE_GAS = txType => { var _feeFactors; const feeFactors = { [Tag.ChannelForceProgressTx]: 30, [Tag.ChannelOffChainTx]: 0, [Tag.ContractCreateTx]: 5, [Tag.ContractCallTx]: 12, [Tag.GaAttachTx]: 5, [Tag.GaMetaTx]: 5, [Tag.PayingForTx]: 1 / 5 }; const factor = (_feeFactors = feeFactors[txType]) !== null && _feeFactors !== void 0 ? _feeFactors : 1; return factor * BASE_GAS; }; /** * Calculate gas for other types of transactions * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/master/consensus/README.md#gas} * @param txType - The transaction type * @param txSize - The transaction size * @returns parameters - The transaction parameters * @returns parameters.relativeTtl - The relative ttl * @returns parameters.innerTxSize - The size of the inner transaction * @returns The other gas * @example * ```js * TX_OTHER_GAS(Tag.OracleResponseTx, 10, { relativeTtl: 12, innerTxSize: 0 }) * => 10 * 20 + Math.ceil(32000 * 12 / Math.floor(60 * 24 * 365 / 3)) * ``` */ const TX_OTHER_GAS = (txType, txSize, { relativeTtl, innerTxSize }) => { switch (txType) { case Tag.OracleRegisterTx: case Tag.OracleExtendTx: case Tag.OracleQueryTx: case Tag.OracleResponseTx: return txSize * GAS_PER_BYTE + Math.ceil(32000 * relativeTtl / Math.floor(60 * 24 * 365 / KEY_BLOCK_INTERVAL)); case Tag.GaMetaTx: case Tag.PayingForTx: return (txSize - innerTxSize) * GAS_PER_BYTE; default: return txSize * GAS_PER_BYTE; } }; function getOracleRelativeTtl(params) { const ttlKeys = { [Tag.OracleRegisterTx]: 'oracleTtlValue', [Tag.OracleExtendTx]: 'oracleTtlValue', [Tag.OracleQueryTx]: 'queryTtlValue', [Tag.OracleResponseTx]: 'responseTtlValue' }; const { tag } = params; if (!isKeyOfObject(tag, ttlKeys)) return 1; return params[ttlKeys[tag]]; } /** * Calculate gas based on tx type and params */ function buildGas(builtTx, unpackTx, buildTx) { const { length } = decode(builtTx); const txObject = unpackTx(builtTx); let innerTxSize = 0; if (txObject.tag === Tag.GaMetaTx || txObject.tag === Tag.PayingForTx) { innerTxSize = decode(buildTx(txObject.tx.encodedTx)).length; } return TX_BASE_GAS(txObject.tag) + TX_OTHER_GAS(txObject.tag, length, { relativeTtl: getOracleRelativeTtl(txObject), innerTxSize }); } /** * Calculate min fee * @category transaction builder * @param rebuildTx - Callback to get built transaction with specific fee */ function calculateMinFee(rebuildTx, unpackTx, buildTx) { let fee = new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(0); let previousFee; do { previousFee = fee; fee = new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(MIN_GAS_PRICE).times(buildGas(rebuildTx(fee), unpackTx, buildTx)); } while (!fee.eq(previousFee)); return fee; } // TODO: Get rid of this workaround. Transaction builder can't accept/return gas price instead of // fee because it may get a decimal gas price. So, it should accept the optional `gasPrice` even // if it is not a contract-related transaction. And use this `gasPrice` to calculate `fee`. const gasPricePrefix = '_gas-price:'; /* harmony default export */ const fee = ({ ...coin_amount, async prepare(value, params, { onNode }) { if (value != null) return value; if (onNode == null) { throw new ArgumentError('onNode', 'provided (or provide `fee` instead)', onNode); } const gasPrice = await getCachedIncreasedGasPrice(onNode); if (gasPrice === 0n) return undefined; return gasPricePrefix + gasPrice; }, serializeAettos(_value, { rebuildTx, unpackTx, buildTx, _computingMinFee }, { _canIncreaseFee }) { if (_computingMinFee != null) return _computingMinFee.toFixed(); const minFee = calculateMinFee(fee => rebuildTx({ _computingMinFee: fee }), unpackTx, buildTx); const value = _value?.startsWith(gasPricePrefix) === true ? minFee.dividedBy(MIN_GAS_PRICE).times(_value.replace(gasPricePrefix, '')) : new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(_value !== null && _value !== void 0 ? _value : minFee); if (minFee.gt(value)) { if (_canIncreaseFee === true) return minFee.toFixed(); throw new IllegalArgumentError(`Fee ${value.toString()} must be bigger than ${minFee}`); } return value.toFixed(); }, serialize(value, params, options) { if (typeof value === 'string' && value.startsWith(gasPricePrefix)) { return u_int.serialize(this.serializeAettos(value, params, options)); } return coin_amount.serialize.call(this, value, params, options); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/short-u-int.ts /* harmony default export */ const short_u_int = ({ serialize(value) { return u_int.serialize(value); }, deserialize(value) { return +u_int.deserialize(value); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/gas-limit.ts function calculateGasLimitMax(gasMax, rebuildTx, unpackTx, buildTx) { return gasMax - +buildGas(rebuildTx(gasMax), unpackTx, buildTx); } /* harmony default export */ const gas_limit = ({ ...short_u_int, serialize(_value, { tag, rebuildTx, unpackTx, buildTx, _computingGasLimit }, { gasMax = 6e6 }) { if (_computingGasLimit != null) return short_u_int.serialize(_computingGasLimit); const gasLimitMax = tag === Tag.GaMetaTx ? MAX_AUTH_FUN_GAS : calculateGasLimitMax(gasMax, gasLimit => rebuildTx({ _computingGasLimit: gasLimit, _canIncreaseFee: true }), unpackTx, buildTx); const value = _value !== null && _value !== void 0 ? _value : gasLimitMax; if (value > gasLimitMax) { throw new IllegalArgumentError(`Gas limit ${value} must be less or equal to ${gasLimitMax}`); } return short_u_int.serialize(value); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/field.ts /* harmony default export */ const field = ({ serialize(value) { return Buffer.from(value); }, deserialize(value) { return value.toString(); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/name.ts /* harmony default export */ const field_types_name = ({ /** * @param value - AENS name */ serialize(value) { return field.serialize(value); }, /** * @param value - AENS name */ deserialize(value) { return field.deserialize(value); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/name-fee.ts /* harmony default export */ const name_fee = ({ ...coin_amount, serializeAettos(_value, txFields) { const minNameFee = getMinimumNameFee(txFields.name); const value = new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(_value !== null && _value !== void 0 ? _value : minNameFee); if (minNameFee.gt(value)) throw new InsufficientNameFeeError(value, minNameFee); return value.toFixed(); }, /** * @param value - AENS name fee * @param txFields - Transaction fields * @param txFields.name - AENS Name in transaction */ serialize(value, txFields, parameters) { return coin_amount.serialize.call(this, value, txFields, parameters); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/name-id.ts const addressName = genAddressField(Encoding.Name); /* harmony default export */ const name_id = ({ ...addressName, /** * @param value - AENS name ID */ serialize(value) { return addressName.serialize(isNameValid(value) ? produceNameId(value) : value); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/nonce.ts function genNonceField(senderKey) { return { ...short_u_int, serialize(value, { tag }) { if (Tag.GaAttachTx === tag && value !== 1) { throw new ArgumentError('nonce', 'equal 1 if GaAttachTx', value); } return short_u_int.serialize(value); }, async prepare(value, params, options) { if (value != null) return value; // TODO: uncomment the below line // if (options._isInternalBuild === true) return 0; const { onNode, strategy } = options; const senderId = options[senderKey]; const requirement = 'provided (or provide `nonce` instead)'; if (onNode == null) throw new ArgumentError('onNode', requirement, onNode); if (senderId == null) throw new ArgumentError('senderId', requirement, senderId); return (await onNode.getAccountNextNonce(senderId.replace(/^ok_/, 'ak_'), { strategy }).catch(error => { if (!isAccountNotFoundError(error)) throw error; return { nextNonce: 1 }; })).nextNonce; }, senderKey }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/pointers.ts const ID_TAG = Buffer.from([1]); const DATA_TAG = Buffer.from([2]); const DATA_LENGTH_MAX = 1024; const addressAny = genAddressField(...idTagToEncoding); // TODO: remove after fixing node types /* harmony default export */ const pointers = (allowRaw => ({ /** * Helper function to build pointers for name update TX * @param pointers - Array of pointers * `([ { key: 'account_pubkey', id: 'ak_32klj5j23k23j5423l434l2j3423'} ])` * @returns Serialized pointers array */ serialize(pointers) { if (pointers.length > 32) { throw new IllegalArgumentError(`Expected 32 pointers or less, got ${pointers.length} instead`); } return pointers.map(({ key, id }) => { let payload; if (isAddressValid(id, ...idTagToEncoding)) { payload = [...(allowRaw ? [ID_TAG] : []), addressAny.serialize(id)]; } if (isAddressValid(id, Encoding.Bytearray)) { const data = decode(id); if (data.length > DATA_LENGTH_MAX) { throw new ArgumentError('Raw pointer', `shorter than ${DATA_LENGTH_MAX + 1} bytes`, `${data.length} bytes`); } payload = [DATA_TAG, data]; } if (payload == null) throw new DecodeError(`Unknown AENS pointer value: ${id}`); return [toBytes(key), Buffer.concat(payload)]; }); }, /** * Helper function to read pointers from name update TX * @param pointers - Array of pointers * @returns Deserialize pointer array */ deserialize(pointers) { return pointers.map(([bKey, bId]) => { if (!allowRaw) return { key: bKey.toString(), id: addressAny.deserialize(bId) }; const tag = bId.subarray(0, 1); const payload = bId.subarray(1); let id; if (tag.equals(ID_TAG)) id = addressAny.deserialize(payload); // TS can't figure out the real type depending on allowRaw if (tag.equals(DATA_TAG)) id = encode(payload, Encoding.Bytearray); if (id == null) throw new DecodeError(`Unknown AENS pointer tag: ${tag}`); return { key: bKey.toString(), id }; }); } })); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/query-fee.ts /** * Oracle query fee */ /* harmony default export */ const query_fee = ({ ...coin_amount, async prepare(value, params, options) { if (value != null) return value; const { onNode, oracleId } = options; const requirement = 'provided (or provide `queryFee` instead)'; if (onNode == null) throw new ArgumentError('onNode', requirement, onNode); if (oracleId == null) throw new ArgumentError('oracleId', requirement, oracleId); return (await onNode.getOracleByPubkey(oracleId)).queryFee.toString(); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/raw.ts /* harmony default export */ const raw = ({ serialize(buffer) { return Buffer.from(buffer); }, deserialize(buffer) { return buffer; } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/short-u-int-const.ts function genShortUIntConstField(constValue, optional) { return { serialize(value) { if ((optional !== true || value != null) && value !== constValue) { throw new ArgumentError('ShortUIntConst', constValue, value); } return short_u_int.serialize(constValue); }, deserialize(buf) { const value = short_u_int.deserialize(buf); if (value !== constValue) throw new ArgumentError('ShortUIntConst', constValue, value); return constValue; }, constValue, constValueOptional: optional === true }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/string.ts /* harmony default export */ const string = ({ serialize(string) { return toBytes(string); }, deserialize(buffer) { return buffer.toString(); } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/transaction.ts function genTransactionField(tag) { return { serialize(txParams, { buildTx }) { if (ArrayBuffer.isView(txParams)) return Buffer.from(txParams); if (typeof txParams === 'string' && txParams.startsWith('tx_')) { return decode(txParams); } return decode(buildTx({ ...txParams, ...(tag != null && { tag }) })); }, deserialize(buf, { unpackTx }) { return unpackTx(encode(buf, Encoding.Transaction), tag); } }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/ttl.ts /** * Time to leave */ /* harmony default export */ const ttl = ({ ...short_u_int, serialize(value) { return short_u_int.serialize(value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : 0); }, async prepare(value, params, // TODO: { absoluteTtl: true } | { absoluteTtl: false, onNode: Node } { onNode, absoluteTtl, _isInternalBuild, ...options }) { if (absoluteTtl !== true && value !== 0 && (value != null || _isInternalBuild === true)) { var _value; if (onNode == null) throw new ArgumentError('onNode', 'provided', onNode); value = ((_value = value) !== null && _value !== void 0 ? _value : 3) + (await getHeight({ ...options, onNode, cached: true })); } return value; } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/with-default.ts function withDefault(defaultValue, field) { return { ...field, serialize(value, params) { return field.serialize(value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : defaultValue, params); } }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/with-formatting.ts function withFormatting(format, field) { return { ...field, serialize(value, params, options) { return field.serialize(format(value), params, options); } }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/entry/constants.ts let CallReturnType = /*#__PURE__*/function (CallReturnType) { CallReturnType[CallReturnType["Ok"] = 0] = "Ok"; CallReturnType[CallReturnType["Error"] = 1] = "Error"; CallReturnType[CallReturnType["Revert"] = 2] = "Revert"; return CallReturnType; }({}); /** * @category entry building */ let EntryTag = /*#__PURE__*/function (EntryTag) { EntryTag[EntryTag["Account"] = 10] = "Account"; EntryTag[EntryTag["Oracle"] = 20] = "Oracle"; EntryTag[EntryTag["Name"] = 30] = "Name"; EntryTag[EntryTag["Contract"] = 40] = "Contract"; EntryTag[EntryTag["ContractCall"] = 41] = "ContractCall"; EntryTag[EntryTag["ChannelOffChainUpdateTransfer"] = 570] = "ChannelOffChainUpdateTransfer"; EntryTag[EntryTag["ChannelOffChainUpdateDeposit"] = 571] = "ChannelOffChainUpdateDeposit"; EntryTag[EntryTag["ChannelOffChainUpdateWithdraw"] = 572] = "ChannelOffChainUpdateWithdraw"; EntryTag[EntryTag["ChannelOffChainUpdateCreateContract"] = 573] = "ChannelOffChainUpdateCreateContract"; EntryTag[EntryTag["ChannelOffChainUpdateCallContract"] = 574] = "ChannelOffChainUpdateCallContract"; EntryTag[EntryTag["Channel"] = 58] = "Channel"; EntryTag[EntryTag["TreesPoi"] = 60] = "TreesPoi"; EntryTag[EntryTag["StateTrees"] = 62] = "StateTrees"; EntryTag[EntryTag["Mtree"] = 63] = "Mtree"; EntryTag[EntryTag["MtreeValue"] = 64] = "MtreeValue"; EntryTag[EntryTag["ContractsMtree"] = 621] = "ContractsMtree"; EntryTag[EntryTag["CallsMtree"] = 622] = "CallsMtree"; EntryTag[EntryTag["ChannelsMtree"] = 623] = "ChannelsMtree"; EntryTag[EntryTag["NameserviceMtree"] = 624] = "NameserviceMtree"; EntryTag[EntryTag["OraclesMtree"] = 625] = "OraclesMtree"; EntryTag[EntryTag["AccountsMtree"] = 626] = "AccountsMtree"; EntryTag[EntryTag["GaMetaTxAuthData"] = 810] = "GaMetaTxAuthData"; return EntryTag; }({}); ;// ./src/tx/builder/schema.ts /** * Transaction Schema for TxBuilder */ // # RLP version number // # https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/master/serializations.md#binary-serialization let ORACLE_TTL_TYPES = /*#__PURE__*/function (ORACLE_TTL_TYPES) { ORACLE_TTL_TYPES[ORACLE_TTL_TYPES["delta"] = 0] = "delta"; ORACLE_TTL_TYPES[ORACLE_TTL_TYPES["block"] = 1] = "block"; return ORACLE_TTL_TYPES; }({}); // TODO: figure out how to omit overriding types of recursive fields const transactionAny = genTransactionField(); const transactionSignedTx = genTransactionField(Tag.SignedTx); const entryTreesPoi = genEntryField(EntryTag.TreesPoi); const clientTtl = withDefault(60 * 60, short_u_int); // https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/fd17982/AENS.md#update /** * Name ttl represented in number of blocks (Max value is 50000 blocks) */ const nameTtl = withFormatting(value => { var _value; const NAME_TTL = 180000; (_value = value) !== null && _value !== void 0 ? _value : value = NAME_TTL; if (value >= 1 && value <= NAME_TTL) return value; throw new ArgumentError('nameTtl', `a number between 1 and ${NAME_TTL} blocks`, value); }, short_u_int); /** * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/c007deeac4a01e401238412801ac7084ac72d60e/serializations.md#accounts-version-1-basic-accounts} */ const txSchema = [{ tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.SignedTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), signatures: genArrayField(raw), // TODO: use sg_ (Encoding.Signature) instead encodedTx: transactionAny }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.SpendTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), senderId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), // TODO: accept also an AENS name recipientId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress, Encoding.ContractAddress, Encoding.Name), amount: coin_amount, fee: fee, ttl: ttl, nonce: genNonceField('senderId'), payload: genEncodedField(Encoding.Bytearray, true) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.NamePreclaimTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('accountId'), commitmentId: genAddressField(Encoding.Commitment), fee: fee, ttl: ttl }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.NameClaimTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(2, true), accountId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('accountId'), name: field_types_name, nameSalt: withDefault(0, u_int), nameFee: name_fee, fee: fee, ttl: ttl }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.NameUpdateTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('accountId'), nameId: name_id, nameTtl, pointers: pointers(false), clientTtl, fee: fee, ttl: ttl }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.NameUpdateTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(2), accountId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('accountId'), nameId: name_id, nameTtl, pointers: pointers(true), clientTtl, fee: fee, ttl: ttl }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.NameTransferTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('accountId'), nameId: name_id, // TODO: accept also an AENS name recipientId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress, Encoding.Name), fee: fee, ttl: ttl }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.NameRevokeTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('accountId'), nameId: name_id, fee: fee, ttl: ttl }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ContractCreateTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), ownerId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('ownerId'), code: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray), ctVersion: ct_version, fee: fee, ttl: ttl, deposit: withFormatting((value = 0) => { if (+value === 0) return value; throw new ArgumentError('deposit', 'equal 0 (because is not refundable)', value); }, coin_amount), amount: coin_amount, gasLimit: gas_limit, gasPrice: gas_price, callData: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ContractCallTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), callerId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('callerId'), // TODO: accept also an AENS name contractId: genAddressField(Encoding.ContractAddress, Encoding.Name), abiVersion: abi_version, fee: fee, ttl: ttl, amount: coin_amount, gasLimit: gas_limit, gasPrice: gas_price, callData: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.OracleRegisterTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('accountId'), queryFormat: string, responseFormat: string, queryFee: coin_amount, oracleTtlType: withDefault(ORACLE_TTL_TYPES.delta, genEnumerationField(ORACLE_TTL_TYPES)), oracleTtlValue: withDefault(500, short_u_int), fee: fee, ttl: ttl, abiVersion: abi_version }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.OracleExtendTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), // TODO: accept also an AENS name oracleId: genAddressField(Encoding.OracleAddress, Encoding.Name), nonce: genNonceField('oracleId'), oracleTtlType: withDefault(ORACLE_TTL_TYPES.delta, genEnumerationField(ORACLE_TTL_TYPES)), oracleTtlValue: withDefault(500, short_u_int), fee: fee, ttl: ttl }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.OracleQueryTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), senderId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('senderId'), // TODO: accept also an AENS name oracleId: genAddressField(Encoding.OracleAddress, Encoding.Name), query: string, queryFee: query_fee, queryTtlType: withDefault(ORACLE_TTL_TYPES.delta, genEnumerationField(ORACLE_TTL_TYPES)), queryTtlValue: withDefault(10, short_u_int), responseTtlType: withDefault(ORACLE_TTL_TYPES.delta, genEnumerationField(ORACLE_TTL_TYPES)), responseTtlValue: withDefault(10, short_u_int), fee: fee, ttl: ttl }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.OracleResponseTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), oracleId: genAddressField(Encoding.OracleAddress), nonce: genNonceField('oracleId'), queryId: genEncodedField(Encoding.OracleQueryId), response: string, responseTtlType: withDefault(ORACLE_TTL_TYPES.delta, genEnumerationField(ORACLE_TTL_TYPES)), responseTtlValue: withDefault(10, short_u_int), fee: fee, ttl: ttl }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ChannelCreateTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(2, true), initiator: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), initiatorAmount: u_int, responder: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), responderAmount: u_int, channelReserve: u_int, lockPeriod: u_int, ttl: ttl, fee: fee, initiatorDelegateIds: genArrayField(genAddressField(...idTagToEncoding)), responderDelegateIds: genArrayField(genAddressField(...idTagToEncoding)), stateHash: genEncodedField(Encoding.State), nonce: genNonceField('initiator') }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ChannelCloseMutualTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), channelId: genAddressField(Encoding.Channel), fromId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), initiatorAmountFinal: u_int, responderAmountFinal: u_int, ttl: ttl, fee: fee, nonce: genNonceField('fromId') }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ChannelCloseSoloTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), channelId: genAddressField(Encoding.Channel), fromId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), payload: genEncodedField(Encoding.Transaction), poi: entryTreesPoi, ttl: ttl, fee: fee, nonce: genNonceField('fromId') }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ChannelSlashTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), channelId: genAddressField(Encoding.Channel), fromId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), payload: genEncodedField(Encoding.Transaction), poi: entryTreesPoi, ttl: ttl, fee: fee, nonce: genNonceField('fromId') }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ChannelDepositTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), channelId: genAddressField(Encoding.Channel), fromId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), amount: u_int, ttl: ttl, fee: fee, stateHash: genEncodedField(Encoding.State), round: short_u_int, nonce: genNonceField('fromId') }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ChannelWithdrawTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), channelId: genAddressField(Encoding.Channel), toId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), amount: u_int, ttl: ttl, fee: fee, stateHash: genEncodedField(Encoding.State), round: short_u_int, nonce: genNonceField('fromId') }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ChannelSettleTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), channelId: genAddressField(Encoding.Channel), fromId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), initiatorAmountFinal: u_int, responderAmountFinal: u_int, ttl: ttl, fee: fee, nonce: genNonceField('fromId') }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ChannelForceProgressTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), channelId: genAddressField(Encoding.Channel), fromId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), payload: genEncodedField(Encoding.Transaction), round: short_u_int, update: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray), stateHash: genEncodedField(Encoding.State), offChainTrees: genEncodedField(Encoding.StateTrees), ttl: ttl, fee: fee, nonce: genNonceField('fromId') }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ChannelOffChainTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(2, true), channelId: genAddressField(Encoding.Channel), round: short_u_int, stateHash: genEncodedField(Encoding.State) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.ChannelSnapshotSoloTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), channelId: genAddressField(Encoding.Channel), fromId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), payload: genEncodedField(Encoding.Transaction), ttl: ttl, fee: fee, nonce: genNonceField('fromId') }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.GaAttachTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), ownerId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('ownerId'), code: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray), authFun: raw, ctVersion: ct_version, fee: fee, ttl: ttl, gasLimit: gas_limit, gasPrice: gas_price, callData: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.GaMetaTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(2, true), gaId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), authData: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray), abiVersion: abi_version, fee: fee, gasLimit: gas_limit, gasPrice: gas_price, tx: transactionSignedTx }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(Tag.PayingForTx), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), payerId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nonce: genNonceField('payerId'), fee: fee, tx: transactionSignedTx }]; // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "rlp" var external_rlp_ = __webpack_require__(6514); ;// ./src/tx/builder/common.ts function getSchema(schemas, Tag, tag, version) { const subSchemas = schemas.filter(s => s.tag.constValue === tag); if (subSchemas.length === 0) throw new SchemaNotFoundError(`${Tag[tag]} (${tag})`, 0); if (version == null) { const defaultSchema = subSchemas.find(schema => schema.version.constValueOptional); if (defaultSchema == null) throw new InternalError(`Can't find default schema of ${Tag[tag]} (${tag})`); version = defaultSchema.version.constValue; } const schema = subSchemas.find(s => s.version.constValue === version); if (schema == null) throw new SchemaNotFoundError(`${Tag[tag]} (${tag})`, version); return Object.entries(schema); } function packRecord(schemas, Tag, params, extraParams, encoding) { const schema = getSchema(schemas, Tag, params.tag, params.version); const binary = schema.map(([key, field]) => field.serialize(params[key], { ...params, ...extraParams }, params)); return encode((0,external_rlp_.encode)(binary), encoding); } function unpackRecord(schemas, Tag, encodedRecord, expectedTag, extraParams) { const binary = (0,external_rlp_.decode)(decode(encodedRecord)); const tag = +readInt(binary[0]); const version = +readInt(binary[1]); const schema = getSchema(schemas, Tag, tag, version); if (expectedTag != null && expectedTag !== tag) { throw new DecodeError(`Expected ${Tag[expectedTag]} tag, got ${Tag[tag]} instead`); } if (binary.length !== schema.length) { throw new ArgumentError('RLP length', schema.length, binary.length); } return Object.fromEntries(schema.map(([name, field], index) => [name, field.deserialize(binary[index], extraParams)])); } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/boolean.ts /* harmony default export */ const field_types_boolean = ({ serialize(value) { return Buffer.from([value ? 1 : 0]); }, deserialize(buffer) { return buffer[0] === 1; } }); ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/map.ts function genMapField(encoding, tag) { return { serialize(object, { packEntry }) { return decode(packEntry({ tag: EntryTag.Mtree, values: Object.entries(object).map(([key, value]) => ({ tag: EntryTag.MtreeValue, key: decode(key), value: decode(packEntry({ ...value, tag })) })) })); }, deserialize(buffer, { unpackEntry }) { const { values } = unpackEntry(encode(buffer, Encoding.Bytearray), EntryTag.Mtree); return Object.fromEntries(values // TODO: remove after resolving https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/issues/4066 .filter(({ key }) => encoding !== Encoding.ContractAddress || key.length === 32).map(({ key, value }) => [encode(key, encoding), unpackEntry(encode(value, Encoding.Bytearray), tag)])); }, recursiveType: true }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/mptree.ts var _MPTree; function _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(e, a) { _checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, a), a.add(e); } function _classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { _checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function _checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function _classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function _classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function _assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } var NodeType = /*#__PURE__*/function (NodeType) { NodeType[NodeType["Branch"] = 0] = "Branch"; NodeType[NodeType["Extension"] = 1] = "Extension"; NodeType[NodeType["Leaf"] = 2] = "Leaf"; return NodeType; }(NodeType || {}); var _rootHash = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _isComplete = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _nodes = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _encoding = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _tag = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _unpackEntry = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _MPTree_brand = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); class MPTree { get isComplete() { return _classPrivateFieldGet(_isComplete, this); } /** * Deserialize Merkle Patricia Tree * @param binary - Binary * @param tag - Tag to use to decode value * @param unpEnt - Implementation of unpackEntry use to decode values * @returns Merkle Patricia Tree */ constructor(binary, encoding, tag, unpEnt) { /** * Retrieve value from Merkle Patricia Tree * @param _key - The key of the element to retrieve * @returns Value associated to the specified key */ _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _MPTree_brand); _classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _rootHash, void 0); _classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _isComplete, true); _classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _nodes, void 0); _classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _encoding, void 0); _classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _tag, void 0); _classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _unpackEntry, void 0); _classPrivateFieldSet(_encoding, this, encoding); _classPrivateFieldSet(_tag, this, tag); _classPrivateFieldSet(_unpackEntry, this, unpEnt); _classPrivateFieldSet(_rootHash, this, binary[0].toString('hex')); _classPrivateFieldSet(_nodes, this, Object.fromEntries(binary[1].map(node => [node[0].toString('hex'), node[1]]))); if (_classPrivateFieldGet(_nodes, this)[_classPrivateFieldGet(_rootHash, this)] == null) { if (Object.keys(_classPrivateFieldGet(_nodes, this)).length !== 0) { throw new MissingNodeInTreeError("Can't find a node by root hash"); } _classPrivateFieldSet(_isComplete, this, false); return; } Object.entries(_classPrivateFieldGet(_nodes, this)).forEach(([key, node]) => { if (_nodeHash.call(MPTree, node) !== key) throw new MerkleTreeHashMismatchError(); const { type } = _parseNode.call(MPTree, node); switch (type) { case NodeType.Branch: node.slice(0, 16).filter(n => n.length).forEach(n => { // TODO: enable after resolving https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/issues/4066 // if (n.length !== 32) { // throw new ArgumentError('MPTree branch item length', 32, n.length); // } if (_classPrivateFieldGet(_nodes, this)[n.toString('hex')] == null) _classPrivateFieldSet(_isComplete, this, false); }); break; case NodeType.Extension: if (_classPrivateFieldGet(_nodes, this)[node[1].toString('hex')] == null) { throw new MissingNodeInTreeError("Can't find a node by hash in extension node"); } break; case NodeType.Leaf: break; default: throw new InternalError(`Unknown MPTree node type: ${type}`); } }); } isEqual(tree) { return _classPrivateFieldGet(_rootHash, this) === _classPrivateFieldGet(_rootHash, tree); } /** * Serialize Merkle Patricia Tree * @returns Binary */ serialize() { return [Buffer.from(_classPrivateFieldGet(_rootHash, this), 'hex'), Object.entries(_classPrivateFieldGet(_nodes, this)).map(([mptHash, value]) => [Buffer.from(mptHash, 'hex'), value])]; } /** * Retrieve value from Merkle Patricia Tree * @param key - The key of the element to retrieve * @returns Value associated to the specified key */ get(key) { const d = _assertClassBrand(_MPTree_brand, this, _getRaw).call(this, decode(key).toString('hex')); if (d == null) return d; return _classPrivateFieldGet(_unpackEntry, this).call(this, encode(d, Encoding.Bytearray), _classPrivateFieldGet(_tag, this)); } toObject() { return Object.fromEntries(_assertClassBrand(_MPTree_brand, this, _entriesRaw).call(this) // TODO: remove after resolving https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/issues/4066 .filter(([k]) => _classPrivateFieldGet(_encoding, this) !== Encoding.ContractAddress || k.length !== 66).map(([k, v]) => [encode(Buffer.from(k, 'hex'), _classPrivateFieldGet(_encoding, this)), _classPrivateFieldGet(_unpackEntry, this).call(this, encode(v, Encoding.Bytearray), _classPrivateFieldGet(_tag, this))])); } } _MPTree = MPTree; function _nodeHash(node) { return Buffer.from(hash((0,external_rlp_.encode)(node))).toString('hex'); } function _parseNode(node) { switch (node.length) { case 17: return { type: NodeType.Branch, ...(node[16].length !== 0 && { value: node[16] }) }; case 2: { const nibble = node[0][0] >> 4; // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise if (nibble > 3) throw new UnknownPathNibbleError(nibble); const type = nibble <= 1 ? NodeType.Extension : NodeType.Leaf; const slice = [0, 2].includes(nibble) ? 2 : 1; return { type, ...(type === NodeType.Leaf && { value: node[1] }), path: node[0].toString('hex').slice(slice) }; } default: throw new UnknownNodeLengthError(node.length); } } function _getRaw(_key) { let searchFrom = _classPrivateFieldGet(_rootHash, this); let key = _key; while (true) { // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition const node = _classPrivateFieldGet(_nodes, this)[searchFrom]; if (node == null) { if (!this.isComplete) return undefined; throw new InternalError("Can't find node in complete tree"); } const { type, value, path } = _parseNode.call(_MPTree, node); switch (type) { case NodeType.Branch: if (key.length === 0) return value; searchFrom = node[+`0x${key[0]}`].toString('hex'); key = key.substring(1); break; case NodeType.Extension: if (key.substring(0, path?.length) !== path) return undefined; searchFrom = node[1].toString('hex'); key = key.substring(path.length); break; case NodeType.Leaf: if (path !== key) return undefined; return value; default: throw new InternalError(`Unknown MPTree node type: ${type}`); } } } function _entriesRaw() { const entries = []; const rec = (searchFrom, key) => { const node = _classPrivateFieldGet(_nodes, this)[searchFrom]; if (node == null) { if (!this.isComplete) return; throw new InternalError("Can't find node in complete tree"); } const { type, value, path } = _parseNode.call(_MPTree, node); switch (type) { case NodeType.Branch: node.slice(0, 16).map((t, idx) => [t, idx]).filter(([t]) => t.length).forEach(([t, idx]) => rec(t.toString('hex'), key + idx.toString(16))); if (value != null) entries.push([key, value]); break; case NodeType.Extension: rec(node[1].toString('hex'), key + path); break; case NodeType.Leaf: if (value == null) throw new UnexpectedTsError(); entries.push([key + path, value]); break; default: throw new InternalError(`Unknown MPTree node type: ${type}`); } }; rec(_classPrivateFieldGet(_rootHash, this), ''); return entries; } function genMPTreeField(encoding, tag) { return { serialize(value) { return value.serialize(); }, deserialize(value, { unpackEntry }) { return new MPTree(value, encoding, tag, unpackEntry); } }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/field-types/wrapped.ts function genWrappedField(tag) { return { serialize(payload, { packEntry }) { return decode(packEntry({ tag, payload })); }, deserialize(buffer, { unpackEntry }) { return unpackEntry(encode(buffer, Encoding.Bytearray), tag).payload; }, recursiveType: true }; } ;// ./src/tx/builder/entry/schema.ts const entryMtreeValueArray = genArrayField(genEntryField(EntryTag.MtreeValue)); const mapContracts = genMapField(Encoding.ContractAddress, EntryTag.Contract); const mapAccounts = genMapField(Encoding.AccountAddress, EntryTag.Account); const mapCalls = genMapField(Encoding.Bytearray, EntryTag.ContractCall); const mapChannels = genMapField(Encoding.Channel, EntryTag.Channel); const mapNames = genMapField(Encoding.Name, EntryTag.Name); const mapOracles = genMapField(Encoding.OracleAddress, EntryTag.Oracle); /** * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/8a9d1d1206174627f6aaef86159dc9c643080653/contracts/fate.md#from-ceres-serialized-signature-data} */ const schemas = [{ tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.Account), version: genShortUIntConstField(1), nonce: short_u_int, balance: u_int }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.Account), version: genShortUIntConstField(2, true), flags: u_int, nonce: short_u_int, balance: u_int, gaContract: genAddressField(Encoding.ContractAddress, Encoding.Name), gaAuthFun: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.Name), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), nameTtl: short_u_int, status: raw, /** * a suggestion as to how long any clients should cache this information */ clientTtl: short_u_int, pointers: pointers }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.Contract), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), owner: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), ctVersion: ct_version, code: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray), log: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray), active: field_types_boolean, referers: genArrayField(genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress)), deposit: coin_amount }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.ContractCall), version: genShortUIntConstField(2, true), callerId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), callerNonce: short_u_int, height: short_u_int, contractId: genAddressField(Encoding.ContractAddress), // TODO: rename after resolving https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/issues/506 gasPrice: u_int, gasUsed: short_u_int, returnValue: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray), returnType: genEnumerationField(CallReturnType), // TODO: add serialization for // :: [ {
:: id, [ :: binary() }, :: binary() } ] log: genArrayField(raw) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.Oracle), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountId: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), queryFormat: string, responseFormat: string, queryFee: coin_amount, oracleTtlValue: short_u_int, abiVersion: abi_version }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.Channel), version: genShortUIntConstField(3, true), initiator: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), responder: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), channelAmount: u_int, initiatorAmount: u_int, responderAmount: u_int, channelReserve: u_int, initiatorDelegateIds: genArrayField(genAddressField(...idTagToEncoding)), responderDelegateIds: genArrayField(genAddressField(...idTagToEncoding)), stateHash: genEncodedField(Encoding.State), round: short_u_int, soloRound: u_int, lockPeriod: u_int, lockedUntil: u_int, initiatorAuth: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray), responderAuth: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.ChannelOffChainUpdateTransfer), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), from: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), to: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), amount: u_int }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.ChannelOffChainUpdateDeposit), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), from: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), amount: u_int }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.ChannelOffChainUpdateWithdraw), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), from: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), amount: u_int }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.ChannelOffChainUpdateCreateContract), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), owner: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), ctVersion: ct_version, code: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray), deposit: u_int, callData: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.ChannelOffChainUpdateCallContract), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), caller: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), contract: genAddressField(Encoding.ContractAddress), abiVersion: abi_version, amount: u_int, callData: genEncodedField(Encoding.ContractBytearray), callStack: raw, gasPrice: gas_price, gasLimit: gas_limit }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.TreesPoi), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), // TODO: inline an extra wrapping array after resolving https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/issues/505 accounts: genArrayField(genMPTreeField(Encoding.AccountAddress, EntryTag.Account)), calls: genArrayField(genMPTreeField(Encoding.Bytearray, EntryTag.ContractCall)), channels: genArrayField(genMPTreeField(Encoding.Channel, EntryTag.Channel)), contracts: genArrayField(genMPTreeField(Encoding.ContractAddress, EntryTag.Contract)), ns: genArrayField(genMPTreeField(Encoding.Name, EntryTag.Name)), oracles: genArrayField(genMPTreeField(Encoding.OracleAddress, EntryTag.Oracle)) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.StateTrees), version: genShortUIntConstField(0, true), contracts: genWrappedField(EntryTag.ContractsMtree), calls: genWrappedField(EntryTag.CallsMtree), channels: genWrappedField(EntryTag.ChannelsMtree), ns: genWrappedField(EntryTag.NameserviceMtree), oracles: genWrappedField(EntryTag.OraclesMtree), accounts: genWrappedField(EntryTag.AccountsMtree) }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.Mtree), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), values: entryMtreeValueArray }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.MtreeValue), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), key: raw, value: raw }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.ContractsMtree), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), payload: mapContracts }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.CallsMtree), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), payload: mapCalls }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.ChannelsMtree), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), payload: mapChannels }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.NameserviceMtree), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), payload: mapNames }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.OraclesMtree), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), payload: mapOracles }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.AccountsMtree), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), payload: mapAccounts }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(EntryTag.GaMetaTxAuthData), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), fee: coin_amount, gasPrice: gas_price, txHash: genEncodedField(Encoding.TxHash) }]; ;// ./src/tx/builder/entry/index.ts const encodingTag = [[EntryTag.CallsMtree, Encoding.CallStateTree], [EntryTag.StateTrees, Encoding.StateTrees], [EntryTag.TreesPoi, Encoding.Poi]]; /** * Pack entry * @category entry builder * @param params - Params of entry * @returns Encoded entry */ function packEntry(params) { var _encodingTag$find$; const encoding = (_encodingTag$find$ = encodingTag.find(([tag]) => tag === params.tag)?.[1]) !== null && _encodingTag$find$ !== void 0 ? _encodingTag$find$ : Encoding.Bytearray; return packRecord(schemas, EntryTag, params, { packEntry }, encoding); } /** * Unpack entry * @category entry builder * @param encoded - Encoded entry * @param expectedTag - Expected entry type * @returns Params of entry */ function unpackEntry(encoded, expectedTag) { var _expectedTag; (_expectedTag = expectedTag) !== null && _expectedTag !== void 0 ? _expectedTag : expectedTag = encodingTag.find(([, enc]) => encoded.startsWith(enc))?.[0]; return unpackRecord(schemas, EntryTag, encoded, expectedTag, { unpackEntry }); } ;// ./src/tx/builder/index.ts /** * JavaScript-based Transaction builder */ function builder_getSchema(tag, version) { return getSchema(txSchema, Tag, tag, version); } /** * Build transaction * @category transaction builder * @param params - Transaction params */ function buildTx(params) { return packRecord(txSchema, Tag, params, { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define unpackTx, buildTx, rebuildTx: overrideParams => buildTx({ ...params, ...overrideParams }), packEntry: packEntry }, Encoding.Transaction); } // TODO: require onNode because it is the only reason this builder is async [breaking change] /** * Build transaction async (may request node for additional data) * @category transaction builder * @param params - Transaction params * @returns tx_-encoded transaction */ async function buildTxAsync(params) { await Promise.all(builder_getSchema(params.tag, params.version).map(async ([key, field]) => { if (field.prepare == null) return; // @ts-expect-error the type of `params[key]` can't be determined accurately params[key] = await field.prepare(params[key], params, params); })); // @ts-expect-error after preparation properties should be compatible with sync tx builder return buildTx(params); } /** * Unpack transaction encoded as string * @category transaction builder * @param encodedTx - Encoded transaction * @param txType - Expected transaction type * @returns Transaction params */ function unpackTx(encodedTx, txType) { return unpackRecord(txSchema, Tag, encodedTx, txType, { unpackTx, unpackEntry: unpackEntry }); } /** * Build a transaction hash * @category transaction builder * @param rawTx - base64 or rlp encoded transaction * @returns Transaction hash */ function buildTxHash(rawTx) { const data = typeof rawTx === 'string' && rawTx.startsWith('tx_') ? decode(rawTx) : rawTx; return encode(hash(data), Encoding.TxHash); } /** * Build a contract public key by contractCreateTx, gaAttach or signedTx * @category contract * @param contractTx - Transaction * @returns Contract public key */ function buildContractIdByContractTx(contractTx) { let params = unpackTx(contractTx); if (Tag.SignedTx === params.tag) params = params.encodedTx; if (Tag.ContractCreateTx !== params.tag && Tag.GaAttachTx !== params.tag) { throw new ArgumentError('contractTx', 'a contractCreateTx or gaAttach', params.tag); } return buildContractId(params.ownerId, params.nonce); } // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "@azure/core-client" var core_client_ = __webpack_require__(1081); ;// ./src/utils/semver-satisfies.ts function verCmp(a, b) { const getComponents = v => v.split(/[-+]/)[0].split('.').map(i => +i); const aComponents = getComponents(a); const bComponents = getComponents(b); const base = Math.max(...aComponents, ...bComponents) + 1; const componentsToNumber = components => components.reverse().reduce((acc, n, idx) => acc + n * base ** idx, 0); return componentsToNumber(aComponents) - componentsToNumber(bComponents); } function semverSatisfies(version, geVersion, ltVersion) { return verCmp(version, geVersion) >= 0 && (ltVersion == null || verCmp(version, ltVersion) < 0); } ;// ./src/utils/autorest.ts const bigIntPrefix = '_sdk-big-int-'; const createSerializer = (...args) => { const serializer = (0,core_client_.createSerializer)(...args); const { serialize, deserialize } = serializer; return Object.assign(serializer, { serialize(...[mapper, object, objectName, options]) { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support if (mapper.type.name !== 'BigInt' || object == null) { return serialize.call(this, mapper, object, objectName, options); } if (typeof object !== 'bigint') { var _objectName; (_objectName = objectName) !== null && _objectName !== void 0 ? _objectName : objectName = mapper.serializedName; throw new Error(`${objectName} with value ${object} must be of type bigint.`); } return object.toString(); }, deserialize(...[mapper, responseBody, objectName, options]) { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support if (mapper.type.name !== 'BigInt' || responseBody == null) { if (typeof responseBody === 'string' && responseBody.startsWith(bigIntPrefix)) { console.warn(`AeSdk internal error: BigInt value ${responseBody} handled incorrectly`); responseBody = +responseBody.replace(bigIntPrefix, ''); } const result = deserialize.call(this, mapper, responseBody, objectName, options); // TODO: remove after fixing https://github.com/aeternity/ae_mdw/issues/1891 // and https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/issues/4386 if (result instanceof Date) return new Date(+result / 1000); return result; } if (typeof responseBody === 'number' && responseBody > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { throw new InternalError(`Number ${responseBody} is not accurate to be converted to BigInt`); } return BigInt(responseBody.toString().replace(bigIntPrefix, '')); } }); }; const safeLength = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.toString().length; const bigIntPropertyRe = new RegExp(String.raw`("\w+":\s*)(\d{${safeLength},})(\s*[,}])`, 'm'); const bigIntArrayItemRe = new RegExp(String.raw`([[,]\s*)(\d{${safeLength},})\b`, 'm'); const parseBigIntPolicy = { name: 'parse-big-int', async sendRequest(request, next) { const response = await next(request); if (response.bodyAsText == null) return response; // TODO: replace with https://caniuse.com/mdn-javascript_builtins_json_parse_reviver_parameter_context_argument when it gets support in FF and Safari response.bodyAsText = response.bodyAsText.replaceAll(new RegExp(bigIntPropertyRe, 'g'), matched => { const match = matched.match(bigIntPropertyRe); if (match == null) throw new UnexpectedTsError(); const [, name, value, end] = match; return [name, +value > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? `"${bigIntPrefix}${value}"` : value, end].join(''); }); // FIXME: may break strings inside json response.bodyAsText = response.bodyAsText.replaceAll(new RegExp(bigIntArrayItemRe, 'g'), matched => { const match = matched.match(bigIntArrayItemRe); if (match == null) throw new UnexpectedTsError(); const [, prefix, value] = match; return `${prefix}"${bigIntPrefix}${value}"`; }); return response; } }; const genRequestQueuesPolicy = () => { const requestQueues = new Map(); return { policy: { name: 'request-queues', async sendRequest(request, next) { var _requestQueues$get; const key = request.headers.get('__queue'); request.headers.delete('__queue'); const getResponse = async () => next(request); if (key == null) return getResponse(); const req = ((_requestQueues$get = requestQueues.get(key)) !== null && _requestQueues$get !== void 0 ? _requestQueues$get : Promise.resolve()).then(getResponse); requestQueues.set(key, req.catch(() => {})); return req; } }, position: 'perCall' }; }; const genCombineGetRequestsPolicy = () => { const pendingGetRequests = new Map(); return { policy: { name: 'combine-get-requests', async sendRequest(request, next) { var _pendingGetRequests$g; if (request.method !== 'GET') return next(request); const key = JSON.stringify([request.url, request.body]); const response = (_pendingGetRequests$g = pendingGetRequests.get(key)) !== null && _pendingGetRequests$g !== void 0 ? _pendingGetRequests$g : next(request); pendingGetRequests.set(key, response); try { return await response; } finally { pendingGetRequests.delete(key); } } }, position: 'perCall' }; }; const genAggressiveCacheGetResponsesPolicy = () => { const getRequests = new Map(); return { policy: { name: 'aggressive-cache-get-responses', async sendRequest(request, next) { var _getRequests$get; if (request.method !== 'GET') return next(request); const key = JSON.stringify([request.url, request.body]); const response = (_getRequests$get = getRequests.get(key)) !== null && _getRequests$get !== void 0 ? _getRequests$get : next(request); getRequests.set(key, response); return response; } }, position: 'perCall' }; }; const genErrorFormatterPolicy = getMessage => ({ policy: { name: 'error-formatter', async sendRequest(request, next) { try { return await next(request); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof core_rest_pipeline_.RestError) || error.request == null || error.message.startsWith('Error ')) throw error; const prefix = `${new URL(error.request.url).pathname.slice(1)} error`; if (error.response?.bodyAsText == null) { if (error.message === '') error.message = `${prefix}: ${error.code}`; throw error; } const body = error.response.parsedBody; error.message = prefix; const message = body == null ? ` ${error.response.status} status code` : getMessage(body); if (message !== '') error.message += `:${message}`; throw error; } } }, position: 'perCall' }); const genVersionCheckPolicy = (name, versionCb, geVersion, ltVersion) => ({ policy: { name: 'version-check', async sendRequest(request, next) { if (request.headers.has('__version-check')) { request.headers.delete('__version-check'); return next(request); } const options = { requestOptions: { customHeaders: { '__version-check': 'true' } } }; const args = [await versionCb(options), geVersion, ltVersion]; if (!semverSatisfies(...args)) throw new UnsupportedVersionError(name, ...args); return next(request); } }, position: 'perCall' }); const genRetryOnFailurePolicy = (retryCount, retryOverallDelay) => ({ policy: { name: 'retry-on-failure', async sendRequest(request, next) { var _request$headers$get; const retryCode = (_request$headers$get = request.headers.get('__retry-code')) !== null && _request$headers$get !== void 0 ? _request$headers$get : NaN; request.headers.delete('__retry-code'); const statusesToNotRetry = [200, 400, 403, 410, 500].filter(c => c !== +retryCode); const intervals = new Array(retryCount).fill(0).map((_, idx) => ((idx + 1) / retryCount) ** 2); const intervalSum = intervals.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); const intervalsInMs = intervals.map(e => Math.floor(e / intervalSum * retryOverallDelay)); let error = new core_rest_pipeline_.RestError('Not expected to be thrown'); for (let attempt = 0; attempt <= retryCount; attempt += 1) { if (attempt !== 0) { await pause(intervalsInMs[attempt - 1]); const urlParsed = new URL(request.url); urlParsed.searchParams.set('__sdk-retry', attempt.toString()); request.url = urlParsed.toString(); } try { return await next(request); } catch (e) { var _e$response$status; if (!(e instanceof core_rest_pipeline_.RestError)) throw e; if (statusesToNotRetry.includes((_e$response$status = e.response?.status) !== null && _e$response$status !== void 0 ? _e$response$status : 0)) throw e; error = e; } } throw error; } }, position: 'perCall' }); ;// ./src/apis/node/models/mappers.ts const Account = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Account", modelProperties: { id: { serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, balance: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "balance", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, payable: { serializedName: "payable", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, kind: { serializedName: "kind", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["basic", "generalized"] } }, contractId: { serializedName: "contract_id", type: { name: "String" } }, authFun: { serializedName: "auth_fun", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ErrorModel = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ErrorModel", modelProperties: { reason: { serializedName: "reason", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "error_code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const NextNonceResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NextNonceResponse", modelProperties: { nextNonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "next_nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const SignedTxs = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "SignedTxs", modelProperties: { transactions: { serializedName: "transactions", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "SignedTx" } } } } } } }; const SignedTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "SignedTx", modelProperties: { tx: { serializedName: "tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Tx" } }, blockHeight: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: -1 }, serializedName: "block_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, blockHash: { serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, hash: { serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, encodedTx: { serializedName: "encoded_tx", type: { name: "String" } }, signatures: { serializedName: "signatures", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } } } } }; const Tx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Tx", modelProperties: { recipientId: { serializedName: "recipient_id", type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, senderId: { serializedName: "sender_id", type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, payload: { serializedName: "payload", type: { name: "String" } }, initiatorId: { serializedName: "initiator_id", type: { name: "String" } }, initiatorAmount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "initiator_amount", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, responderId: { serializedName: "responder_id", type: { name: "String" } }, responderAmount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "responder_amount", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, channelReserve: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "channel_reserve", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, lockPeriod: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "lock_period", type: { name: "Number" } }, stateHash: { serializedName: "state_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, delegateIds: { serializedName: "delegate_ids", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Delegates" } }, channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "String" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", type: { name: "String" } }, round: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "round", type: { name: "Number" } }, toId: { serializedName: "to_id", type: { name: "String" } }, update: { serializedName: "update", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OffChainUpdate" } }, offchainTrees: { serializedName: "offchain_trees", type: { name: "String" } }, initiatorAmountFinal: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "initiator_amount_final", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, responderAmountFinal: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "responder_amount_final", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, poi: { serializedName: "poi", type: { name: "String" } }, initiatorDelegateIds: { serializedName: "initiator_delegate_ids", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, responderDelegateIds: { serializedName: "responder_delegate_ids", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, queryFormat: { serializedName: "query_format", type: { name: "String" } }, responseFormat: { serializedName: "response_format", type: { name: "String" } }, queryFee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "query_fee", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, oracleTtl: { serializedName: "oracle_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "RelativeTTL" } }, accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", type: { name: "String" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", type: { name: "Number" } }, oracleId: { serializedName: "oracle_id", type: { name: "String" } }, query: { serializedName: "query", type: { name: "String" } }, queryTtl: { serializedName: "query_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Ttl" } }, responseTtl: { serializedName: "response_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "RelativeTTL" } }, queryId: { serializedName: "query_id", type: { name: "String" } }, response: { serializedName: "response", type: { name: "String" } }, commitmentId: { serializedName: "commitment_id", type: { name: "String" } }, name: { serializedName: "name", type: { name: "String" } }, nameSalt: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "name_salt", type: { name: "Number" } }, nameFee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "name_fee", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nameId: { serializedName: "name_id", type: { name: "String" } }, nameTtl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "name_ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, pointers: { serializedName: "pointers", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NamePointer" } } } }, clientTtl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "client_ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, ownerId: { serializedName: "owner_id", type: { name: "String" } }, code: { serializedName: "code", type: { name: "String" } }, vmVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "vm_version", type: { name: "Number" } }, deposit: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "deposit", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, gas: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas", type: { name: "Number" } }, gasPrice: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas_price", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, callData: { serializedName: "call_data", type: { name: "String" } }, callerId: { serializedName: "caller_id", type: { name: "String" } }, contractId: { serializedName: "contract_id", type: { name: "String" } }, authFun: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^(0x|0X)?[a-fA-F0-9]+$") }, serializedName: "auth_fun", type: { name: "String" } }, gaId: { serializedName: "ga_id", type: { name: "String" } }, authData: { serializedName: "auth_data", type: { name: "String" } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "SignedTx" } }, payerId: { serializedName: "payer_id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, type: { serializedName: "type", required: true, type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["SpendTx", "ChannelCreateTx", "ChannelDepositTx", "ChannelWithdrawTx", "ChannelForceProgressTx", "ChannelCloseMutualTx", "ChannelCloseSoloTx", "ChannelSlashTx", "ChannelSettleTx", "ChannelSnapshotSoloTx", "ChannelSetDelegatesTx", "OracleRegisterTx", "OracleExtendTx", "OracleQueryTx", "OracleRespondTx", "NamePreclaimTx", "NameClaimTx", "NameUpdateTx", "NameTransferTx", "NameRevokeTx", "ContractCreateTx", "ContractCallTx", "GAAttachTx", "GAMetaTx", "PayingForTx"] } } } } }; const Delegates = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Delegates", modelProperties: { initiator: { serializedName: "initiator", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, responder: { serializedName: "responder", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } } } } }; const OffChainUpdate = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OffChainUpdate", uberParent: "OffChainUpdate", polymorphicDiscriminator: { serializedName: "op", clientName: "op" }, modelProperties: { op: { serializedName: "op", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const RelativeTTL = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "RelativeTTL", modelProperties: { type: { defaultValue: "delta", isConstant: true, serializedName: "type", type: { name: "String" } }, value: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "value", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Ttl = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Ttl", modelProperties: { type: { serializedName: "type", required: true, type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["delta", "block"] } }, value: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "value", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const NamePointer = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NamePointer", modelProperties: { key: { serializedName: "key", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, encodedKey: { serializedName: "encoded_key", type: { name: "String" } }, id: { serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const AuctionEntry = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "AuctionEntry", modelProperties: { id: { serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, startedAt: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "started_at", type: { name: "Number" } }, endsAt: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ends_at", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, highestBidder: { serializedName: "highest_bidder", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, highestBid: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "highest_bid", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Channel = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Channel", modelProperties: { id: { serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, initiatorId: { serializedName: "initiator_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, responderId: { serializedName: "responder_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, channelAmount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "channel_amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, initiatorAmount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "initiator_amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, responderAmount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "responder_amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, channelReserve: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "channel_reserve", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, delegateIds: { serializedName: "delegate_ids", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Delegates" } }, stateHash: { serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, round: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "round", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, soloRound: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "solo_round", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, lockPeriod: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "lock_period", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, lockedUntil: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "locked_until", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const ContractObject = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContractObject", modelProperties: { id: { serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ownerId: { serializedName: "owner_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, vmVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "vm_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, active: { serializedName: "active", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, referrerIds: { serializedName: "referrer_ids", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, deposit: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "deposit", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } } } } }; const ByteCode = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ByteCode", modelProperties: { bytecode: { serializedName: "bytecode", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const PoI = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PoI", modelProperties: { poi: { serializedName: "poi", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const Currency = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Currency", modelProperties: { name: { serializedName: "name", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, symbol: { serializedName: "symbol", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, subunit: { serializedName: "subunit", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, subunitsPerUnit: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "subunits_per_unit", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, fiatConverstionUrl: { serializedName: "fiat_converstion_url", type: { name: "String" } }, fiatConversionUrl: { serializedName: "fiat_conversion_url", type: { name: "String" } }, logo: { serializedName: "logo", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Image" } }, primaryColour: { serializedName: "primary_colour", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, secondaryColour: { serializedName: "secondary_colour", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, networkName: { serializedName: "network_name", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const Image = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Image", modelProperties: { type: { serializedName: "type", type: { name: "String" } }, data: { serializedName: "data", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const DryRunInput = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunInput", modelProperties: { top: { serializedName: "top", type: { name: "String" } }, accounts: { serializedName: "accounts", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunAccount" } } } }, txs: { serializedName: "txs", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunInputItem" } } } }, txEvents: { defaultValue: false, serializedName: "tx_events", type: { name: "Boolean" } } } } }; const DryRunAccount = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunAccount", modelProperties: { pubKey: { serializedName: "pub_key", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } } } } }; const DryRunInputItem = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunInputItem", modelProperties: { tx: { serializedName: "tx", type: { name: "String" } }, txHash: { serializedName: "tx_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, callReq: { serializedName: "call_req", type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunCallReq" } } } } }; const DryRunCallReq = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunCallReq", modelProperties: { calldata: { serializedName: "calldata", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, contract: { serializedName: "contract", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, gas: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas", type: { name: "Number" } }, caller: { serializedName: "caller", type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", type: { name: "Number" } }, context: { serializedName: "context", type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunCallContext" } } } } }; const DryRunCallContext = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunCallContext", modelProperties: { tx: { serializedName: "tx", type: { name: "String" } }, txHash: { serializedName: "tx_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, stateful: { serializedName: "stateful", type: { name: "Boolean" } } } } }; const DryRunResults = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunResults", modelProperties: { results: { serializedName: "results", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunResult" } } } }, txEvents: { serializedName: "tx_events", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } } } }; const DryRunResult = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DryRunResult", modelProperties: { type: { serializedName: "type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, result: { serializedName: "result", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, reason: { serializedName: "reason", type: { name: "String" } }, callObj: { serializedName: "call_obj", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContractCallObject" } } } } }; const ContractCallObject = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContractCallObject", modelProperties: { callerId: { serializedName: "caller_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, callerNonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "caller_nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, height: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, contractId: { serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, gasPrice: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas_price", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, gasUsed: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas_used", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, log: { serializedName: "log", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Event" } } } }, returnValue: { serializedName: "return_value", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, returnType: { serializedName: "return_type", required: true, type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["ok", "error", "revert"] } } } } }; const Event = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Event", modelProperties: { address: { serializedName: "address", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, topics: { serializedName: "topics", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } } } }, data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const Generation = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Generation", modelProperties: { keyBlock: { serializedName: "key_block", type: { name: "Composite", className: "KeyBlock" } }, microBlocks: { serializedName: "micro_blocks", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } } } } }; const KeyBlock = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "KeyBlock", modelProperties: { hash: { serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, prevHash: { serializedName: "prev_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prevKeyHash: { serializedName: "prev_key_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, stateHash: { serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, miner: { serializedName: "miner", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, beneficiary: { serializedName: "beneficiary", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, target: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "target", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, pow: { constraints: { MinItems: 42, MaxItems: 42 }, serializedName: "pow", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, type: { name: "Number" } } } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, time: { serializedName: "time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, version: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, info: { serializedName: "info", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const Header = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Header", modelProperties: { hash: { serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, prevHash: { serializedName: "prev_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prevKeyHash: { serializedName: "prev_key_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, stateHash: { serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, miner: { serializedName: "miner", type: { name: "String" } }, beneficiary: { serializedName: "beneficiary", type: { name: "String" } }, target: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "target", type: { name: "Number" } }, pow: { constraints: { MinItems: 42, MaxItems: 42 }, serializedName: "pow", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, type: { name: "Number" } } } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, time: { serializedName: "time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, version: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, info: { serializedName: "info", type: { name: "String" } }, pofHash: { serializedName: "pof_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, txsHash: { serializedName: "txs_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, signature: { serializedName: "signature", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const HashResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "HashResponse", modelProperties: { hash: { serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const HeightResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "HeightResponse", modelProperties: { height: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const MicroBlockHeader = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "MicroBlockHeader", modelProperties: { hash: { serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, pofHash: { serializedName: "pof_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prevHash: { serializedName: "prev_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prevKeyHash: { serializedName: "prev_key_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, stateHash: { serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, txsHash: { serializedName: "txs_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, signature: { serializedName: "signature", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, time: { serializedName: "time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, version: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const CountResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CountResponse", modelProperties: { count: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "count", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const NameEntry = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameEntry", modelProperties: { id: { serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, owner: { serializedName: "owner", type: { name: "String" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, pointers: { serializedName: "pointers", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NamePointer" } } } } } } }; const RegisteredOracle = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "RegisteredOracle", modelProperties: { id: { serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, queryFormat: { serializedName: "query_format", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, responseFormat: { serializedName: "response_format", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, queryFee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "query_fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const OracleQueries = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleQueries", modelProperties: { oracleQueries: { serializedName: "oracle_queries", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleQuery" } } } } } } }; const OracleQuery = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleQuery", modelProperties: { id: { serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, senderId: { serializedName: "sender_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, senderNonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "sender_nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, oracleId: { serializedName: "oracle_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, query: { serializedName: "query", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, response: { serializedName: "response", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, responseTtl: { serializedName: "response_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Ttl" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } } } } }; const PeerPubKey = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PeerPubKey", modelProperties: { pubkey: { serializedName: "pubkey", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const GasPricesItem = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "GasPricesItem", modelProperties: { minGasPrice: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "min_gas_price", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, utilization: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 100, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "utilization", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, minutes: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "minutes", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Status = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Status", modelProperties: { genesisKeyBlockHash: { serializedName: "genesis_key_block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, solutions: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "solutions", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, difficulty: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "difficulty", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, hashrate: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "hashrate", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, syncing: { serializedName: "syncing", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, syncProgress: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 100, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "sync_progress", type: { name: "Number" } }, uptime: { serializedName: "uptime", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, listening: { serializedName: "listening", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, protocols: { serializedName: "protocols", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Protocol" } } } }, nodeVersion: { serializedName: "node_version", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nodeRevision: { serializedName: "node_revision", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, peerCount: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "peer_count", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, peerConnections: { serializedName: "peer_connections", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PeerConnections" } }, pendingTransactionsCount: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "pending_transactions_count", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, networkId: { serializedName: "network_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, peerPubkey: { serializedName: "peer_pubkey", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, topKeyBlockHash: { serializedName: "top_key_block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, topBlockHeight: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "top_block_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Protocol = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Protocol", modelProperties: { version: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, effectiveAtHeight: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "effective_at_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PeerConnections = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PeerConnections", modelProperties: { inbound: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "inbound", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, outbound: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "outbound", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const SyncStatus = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "SyncStatus", modelProperties: { progress: { serializedName: "progress", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, target: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "target", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, speed: { serializedName: "speed", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, estimate: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "estimate", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const EncodedTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "EncodedTx", modelProperties: { tx: { serializedName: "tx", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const PostTxResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PostTxResponse", modelProperties: { txHash: { serializedName: "tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const TxInfoObject = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "TxInfoObject", modelProperties: { callInfo: { serializedName: "call_info", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContractCallObject" } }, gaInfo: { serializedName: "ga_info", type: { name: "Composite", className: "GAObject" } }, txInfo: { serializedName: "tx_info", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const GAObject = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "GAObject", modelProperties: { callerId: { serializedName: "caller_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, gasPrice: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas_price", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, gasUsed: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas_used", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, returnValue: { serializedName: "return_value", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, returnType: { serializedName: "return_type", required: true, type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["ok", "error"] } }, innerObject: { serializedName: "inner_object", type: { name: "Composite", className: "TxInfoObject" } } } } }; const ChannelCloseMutualTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ChannelCloseMutualTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, initiatorAmountFinal: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "initiator_amount_final", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, responderAmountFinal: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "responder_amount_final", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const ChannelCloseSoloTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ChannelCloseSoloTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, payload: { serializedName: "payload", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, poi: { serializedName: "poi", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ChannelCreateTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ChannelCreateTx", modelProperties: { initiatorId: { serializedName: "initiator_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, initiatorAmount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "initiator_amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, responderId: { serializedName: "responder_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, responderAmount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "responder_amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, channelReserve: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "channel_reserve", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, lockPeriod: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "lock_period", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, stateHash: { serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, delegateIds: { serializedName: "delegate_ids", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Delegates" } } } } }; const ChannelDepositTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ChannelDepositTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, stateHash: { serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, round: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "round", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const ChannelForceProgressTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ChannelForceProgressTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, payload: { serializedName: "payload", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, round: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "round", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, update: { serializedName: "update", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OffChainUpdate" } }, stateHash: { serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, offchainTrees: { serializedName: "offchain_trees", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ChannelSetDelegatesTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ChannelSetDelegatesTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, initiatorDelegateIds: { serializedName: "initiator_delegate_ids", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, responderDelegateIds: { serializedName: "responder_delegate_ids", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, stateHash: { serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, round: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "round", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, payload: { serializedName: "payload", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const ChannelSettleTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ChannelSettleTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, initiatorAmountFinal: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "initiator_amount_final", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, responderAmountFinal: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "responder_amount_final", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const ChannelSlashTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ChannelSlashTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, payload: { serializedName: "payload", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, poi: { serializedName: "poi", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ChannelSnapshotSoloTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ChannelSnapshotSoloTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, payload: { serializedName: "payload", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const ChannelWithdrawTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ChannelWithdrawTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, toId: { serializedName: "to_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, stateHash: { serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, round: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "round", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const CheckTxInPoolResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CheckTxInPoolResponse", modelProperties: { status: { serializedName: "status", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const CommitmentId = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CommitmentId", modelProperties: { commitmentId: { serializedName: "commitment_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ContractCallTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContractCallTx", modelProperties: { callerId: { serializedName: "caller_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, contractId: { serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, gas: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, gasPrice: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas_price", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, callData: { serializedName: "call_data", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ContractCreateTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContractCreateTx", modelProperties: { ownerId: { serializedName: "owner_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, code: { serializedName: "code", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, vmVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "vm_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, deposit: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "deposit", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, gas: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, gasPrice: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas_price", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, callData: { serializedName: "call_data", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const UnsignedTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "UnsignedTx", modelProperties: { tx: { serializedName: "tx", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const GAAttachTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "GAAttachTx", modelProperties: { ownerId: { serializedName: "owner_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, code: { serializedName: "code", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, vmVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "vm_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, gas: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, gasPrice: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas_price", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, callData: { serializedName: "call_data", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, authFun: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^(0x|0X)?[a-fA-F0-9]+$") }, serializedName: "auth_fun", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const GAMetaTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "GAMetaTx", modelProperties: { gaId: { serializedName: "ga_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, gas: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, gasPrice: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas_price", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, authData: { serializedName: "auth_data", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "SignedTx" } } } } }; const NameClaimTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameClaimTx", modelProperties: { name: { serializedName: "name", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nameSalt: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "name_salt", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, nameFee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "name_fee", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const NameHash = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameHash", modelProperties: { nameId: { serializedName: "name_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const NamePreclaimTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NamePreclaimTx", modelProperties: { commitmentId: { serializedName: "commitment_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const NameRevokeTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameRevokeTx", modelProperties: { nameId: { serializedName: "name_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const NameTransferTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameTransferTx", modelProperties: { nameId: { serializedName: "name_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, recipientId: { serializedName: "recipient_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const NameUpdateTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameUpdateTx", modelProperties: { nameId: { serializedName: "name_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nameTtl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "name_ttl", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, pointers: { serializedName: "pointers", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NamePointer" } } } }, clientTtl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "client_ttl", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PeerDetails = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PeerDetails", modelProperties: { host: { serializedName: "host", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, port: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "port", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, firstSeen: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "first_seen", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, lastSeen: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "last_seen", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, genesisHash: { serializedName: "genesis_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, topHash: { serializedName: "top_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, topDifficulty: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "top_difficulty", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, networkId: { serializedName: "network_id", type: { name: "String" } }, nodeVersion: { serializedName: "node_version", type: { name: "String" } }, nodeRevision: { serializedName: "node_revision", type: { name: "String" } }, nodeVendor: { serializedName: "node_vendor", type: { name: "String" } }, nodeOs: { serializedName: "node_os", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const OracleExtendTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleExtendTx", modelProperties: { fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, oracleTtl: { serializedName: "oracle_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "RelativeTTL" } }, oracleId: { serializedName: "oracle_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const OracleQueryTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleQueryTx", modelProperties: { oracleId: { serializedName: "oracle_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, query: { serializedName: "query", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, queryFee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "query_fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, queryTtl: { serializedName: "query_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Ttl" } }, responseTtl: { serializedName: "response_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "RelativeTTL" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, senderId: { serializedName: "sender_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const OracleRegisterTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleRegisterTx", modelProperties: { queryFormat: { serializedName: "query_format", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, responseFormat: { serializedName: "response_format", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, queryFee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "query_fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, oracleTtl: { serializedName: "oracle_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Ttl" } }, accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const OracleRespondTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleRespondTx", modelProperties: { queryId: { serializedName: "query_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, response: { serializedName: "response", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, responseTtl: { serializedName: "response_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "RelativeTTL" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, oracleId: { serializedName: "oracle_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PayingForTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PayingForTx", modelProperties: { payerId: { serializedName: "payer_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "SignedTx" } } } } }; const PeerCount = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PeerCount", modelProperties: { connected: { serializedName: "connected", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PeerCountConnected" } }, available: { serializedName: "available", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PeerCountAvailable" } }, blocked: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "blocked", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PeerCountConnected = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PeerCountConnected", modelProperties: { inbound: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "inbound", type: { name: "Number" } }, outbound: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "outbound", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PeerCountAvailable = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PeerCountAvailable", modelProperties: { verified: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "verified", type: { name: "Number" } }, unverified: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "unverified", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Peers = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Peers", modelProperties: { peers: { serializedName: "peers", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, blocked: { serializedName: "blocked", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } } } } }; const PubKey = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PubKey", modelProperties: { pubKey: { serializedName: "pub_key", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const SpendTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "SpendTx", modelProperties: { recipientId: { serializedName: "recipient_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, fee: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ttl: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, senderId: { serializedName: "sender_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, payload: { serializedName: "payload", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const TokenSupply = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "TokenSupply", modelProperties: { accounts: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "accounts", type: { name: "Number" } }, contracts: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "contracts", type: { name: "Number" } }, contractOracles: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "contract_oracles", type: { name: "Number" } }, locked: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "locked", type: { name: "Number" } }, oracles: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "oracles", type: { name: "Number" } }, oracleQueries: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "oracle_queries", type: { name: "Number" } }, pendingRewards: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "pending_rewards", type: { name: "Number" } }, total: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "total", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const OffChainCallContract = { serializedName: "OffChainCallContract", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OffChainCallContract", uberParent: "OffChainUpdate", polymorphicDiscriminator: OffChainUpdate.type.polymorphicDiscriminator, modelProperties: { ...OffChainUpdate.type.modelProperties, caller: { serializedName: "caller", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, contract: { serializedName: "contract", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, gas: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, gasPrice: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "gas_price", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, callData: { serializedName: "call_data", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const OffChainDeposit = { serializedName: "OffChainDeposit", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OffChainDeposit", uberParent: "OffChainUpdate", polymorphicDiscriminator: OffChainUpdate.type.polymorphicDiscriminator, modelProperties: { ...OffChainUpdate.type.modelProperties, from: { serializedName: "from", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } } } } }; const OffChainNewContract = { serializedName: "OffChainNewContract", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OffChainNewContract", uberParent: "OffChainUpdate", polymorphicDiscriminator: OffChainUpdate.type.polymorphicDiscriminator, modelProperties: { ...OffChainUpdate.type.modelProperties, owner: { serializedName: "owner", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, vmVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "vm_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, abiVersion: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 65535, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "abi_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, code: { serializedName: "code", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ByteCode" } }, deposit: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "deposit", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, callData: { serializedName: "call_data", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const OffChainTransfer = { serializedName: "OffChainTransfer", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OffChainTransfer", uberParent: "OffChainUpdate", polymorphicDiscriminator: OffChainUpdate.type.polymorphicDiscriminator, modelProperties: { ...OffChainUpdate.type.modelProperties, from: { serializedName: "from", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, to: { serializedName: "to", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } } } } }; const OffChainWithdrawal = { serializedName: "OffChainWithdrawal", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OffChainWithdrawal", uberParent: "OffChainUpdate", polymorphicDiscriminator: OffChainUpdate.type.polymorphicDiscriminator, modelProperties: { ...OffChainUpdate.type.modelProperties, to: { serializedName: "to", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } } } } }; const CreateContractUnsignedTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CreateContractUnsignedTx", modelProperties: { ...UnsignedTx.type.modelProperties, contractId: { serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; let discriminators = { OffChainUpdate: OffChainUpdate, "OffChainUpdate.OffChainCallContract": OffChainCallContract, "OffChainUpdate.OffChainDeposit": OffChainDeposit, "OffChainUpdate.OffChainNewContract": OffChainNewContract, "OffChainUpdate.OffChainTransfer": OffChainTransfer, "OffChainUpdate.OffChainWithdrawal": OffChainWithdrawal }; ;// ./src/apis/node/models/parameters.ts const accept = { parameterPath: "accept", mapper: { defaultValue: "application/json", isConstant: true, serializedName: "Accept", type: { name: "String" } } }; const $host = { parameterPath: "$host", mapper: { serializedName: "$host", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, skipEncoding: true }; const pubkey = { parameterPath: "pubkey", mapper: { serializedName: "pubkey", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const parameters_hash = { parameterPath: "hash", mapper: { serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const height = { parameterPath: "height", mapper: { constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 18446744073709552000, InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } }; const strategy = { parameterPath: ["options", "strategy"], mapper: { defaultValue: "max", serializedName: "strategy", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["max", "continuity"] } } }; const parameters_name = { parameterPath: "name", mapper: { serializedName: "name", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const contentType = { parameterPath: ["options", "contentType"], mapper: { defaultValue: "application/json", isConstant: true, serializedName: "Content-Type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const body = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: DryRunInput }; const index = { parameterPath: "index", mapper: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 1 }, serializedName: "index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } }; const nameHash = { parameterPath: "nameHash", mapper: { serializedName: "name_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const fromParam = { parameterPath: ["options", "from"], mapper: { serializedName: "from", type: { name: "String" } } }; const limit = { parameterPath: ["options", "limit"], mapper: { defaultValue: 20, constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 1000, InclusiveMinimum: 1 }, serializedName: "limit", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const typeParam = { parameterPath: ["options", "type"], mapper: { defaultValue: "all", serializedName: "type", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["open", "closed", "all"] } } }; const queryId = { parameterPath: "queryId", mapper: { serializedName: "query-id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const body1 = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: EncodedTx }; ;// ./src/apis/node/node.ts class node_Node extends core_client_.ServiceClient { /** * Initializes a new instance of the Node class. * @param $host server parameter * @param options The parameter options */ constructor($host, options) { var _ref, _options$endpoint; if ($host === undefined) { throw new Error("'$host' cannot be null"); } // Initializing default values for options if (!options) { options = {}; } const defaults = { requestContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" }; const packageDetails = `azsdk-js-node/1.0.0-beta.1`; const userAgentPrefix = options.userAgentOptions && options.userAgentOptions.userAgentPrefix ? `${options.userAgentOptions.userAgentPrefix} ${packageDetails}` : `${packageDetails}`; const optionsWithDefaults = { ...defaults, ...options, userAgentOptions: { userAgentPrefix }, endpoint: (_ref = (_options$endpoint = options.endpoint) !== null && _options$endpoint !== void 0 ? _options$endpoint : options.baseUri) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : "{$host}" }; super(optionsWithDefaults); // Parameter assignments this.$host = $host; } /** * Get an account by public key * @param pubkey The public key of the account * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountByPubkey(pubkey, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, options }, getAccountByPubkeyOperationSpec); } /** * Get an account by public key after the block indicated by hash. Can be either a micro block or a * keyblock hash * @param pubkey The public key of the account * @param hash The hash of the block - either a keyblock or a microblock * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountByPubkeyAndHash(pubkey, hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, hash, options }, getAccountByPubkeyAndHashOperationSpec); } /** * Get an account by public key after the opening key block of the generation at height * @param pubkey The public key of the account * @param height The height * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountByPubkeyAndHeight(pubkey, height, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, height, options }, getAccountByPubkeyAndHeightOperationSpec); } /** * Get an account's next nonce; This is computed according to whatever is the current account nonce and * what transactions are currently present in the transaction pool * @param pubkey The public key of the account * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountNextNonce(pubkey, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, options }, getAccountNextNonceOperationSpec); } /** * Get pending account transactions by public key * @param pubkey The public key of the account * @param options The options parameters. */ getPendingAccountTransactionsByPubkey(pubkey, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, options }, getPendingAccountTransactionsByPubkeyOperationSpec); } /** * Get auction entry from naming system * @param name The name key of the name entry * @param options The options parameters. */ getAuctionEntryByName(name, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ name, options }, getAuctionEntryByNameOperationSpec); } /** * Get channel by public key * @param pubkey The pubkey of the channel * @param options The options parameters. */ getChannelByPubkey(pubkey, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, options }, getChannelByPubkeyOperationSpec); } /** * Get a contract by pubkey * @param pubkey Contract pubkey to get proof for * @param options The options parameters. */ getContract(pubkey, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, options }, getContractOperationSpec); } /** * Get contract code by pubkey * @param pubkey Contract pubkey to get proof for * @param options The options parameters. */ getContractCode(pubkey, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, options }, getContractCodeOperationSpec); } /** * Get a proof of inclusion for a contract * @param pubkey Contract pubkey to get proof for * @param options The options parameters. */ getContractPoI(pubkey, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, options }, getContractPoIOperationSpec); } /** * Get the currency metadata of a node * @param options The options parameters. */ getCurrency(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getCurrencyOperationSpec); } /** * Dry-run unsigned transactions on top of a given block. Supports all TXs except GAMetaTx, PayingForTx * and OffchainTx. The maximum gas limit of all calls is capped. The maximum gas limit per request is a * global node setting. Since DryRunCallReq object do not have a mandatory gas field, if not set a * default value of 1000000 is being used instead. * @param body transactions * @param options The options parameters. */ protectedDryRunTxs(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, protectedDryRunTxsOperationSpec); } /** * Get the current generation * @param options The options parameters. */ getCurrentGeneration(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getCurrentGenerationOperationSpec); } /** * Get a generation by hash * @param hash The hash of the key block * @param options The options parameters. */ getGenerationByHash(hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, options }, getGenerationByHashOperationSpec); } /** * Get a generation by height * @param height The height * @param options The options parameters. */ getGenerationByHeight(height, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ height, options }, getGenerationByHeightOperationSpec); } /** * Get the top header (either key or micro block) * @param options The options parameters. */ getTopHeader(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getTopHeaderOperationSpec); } /** * Get the current key block * @param options The options parameters. */ getCurrentKeyBlock(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getCurrentKeyBlockOperationSpec); } /** * Get the hash of the current key block * @param options The options parameters. */ getCurrentKeyBlockHash(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getCurrentKeyBlockHashOperationSpec); } /** * Get the height of the current key block * @param options The options parameters. */ getCurrentKeyBlockHeight(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getCurrentKeyBlockHeightOperationSpec); } /** * Get a key block by hash * @param hash The hash of the block - either a keyblock or a microblock * @param options The options parameters. */ getKeyBlockByHash(hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, options }, getKeyBlockByHashOperationSpec); } /** * Get a key block by height * @param height The height * @param options The options parameters. */ getKeyBlockByHeight(height, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ height, options }, getKeyBlockByHeightOperationSpec); } /** * Get the pending key block * @param options The options parameters. */ getPendingKeyBlock(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getPendingKeyBlockOperationSpec); } /** * Get a micro block header by hash * @param hash The hash of the block - either a keyblock or a microblock * @param options The options parameters. */ getMicroBlockHeaderByHash(hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, options }, getMicroBlockHeaderByHashOperationSpec); } /** * Get micro block transactions by hash * @param hash The hash of the micro block * @param options The options parameters. */ getMicroBlockTransactionsByHash(hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, options }, getMicroBlockTransactionsByHashOperationSpec); } /** * Get micro block transaction count by hash * @param hash The hash of the micro block * @param options The options parameters. */ getMicroBlockTransactionsCountByHash(hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, options }, getMicroBlockTransactionsCountByHashOperationSpec); } /** * Get a micro block transaction by hash and index * @param hash The hash of the micro block * @param index The index of the transaction in a block * @param options The options parameters. */ getMicroBlockTransactionByHashAndIndex(hash, index, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, index, options }, getMicroBlockTransactionByHashAndIndexOperationSpec); } /** * Get name entry from naming system * @param name The name key of the name entry * @param options The options parameters. */ getNameEntryByName(name, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ name, options }, getNameEntryByNameOperationSpec); } /** * Get name entry from naming system * @param nameHash The name hash of the name entry * @param options The options parameters. */ getNameEntryByNameHash(nameHash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ nameHash, options }, getNameEntryByNameHashOperationSpec); } /** * Get an oracle by public key * @param pubkey The public key of the oracle * @param options The options parameters. */ getOracleByPubkey(pubkey, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, options }, getOracleByPubkeyOperationSpec); } /** * Get oracle queries by public key * @param pubkey The public key of the oracle * @param options The options parameters. */ getOracleQueriesByPubkey(pubkey, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, options }, getOracleQueriesByPubkeyOperationSpec); } /** * Get an oracle query by public key and query ID * @param pubkey The public key of the oracle * @param queryId The ID of the query * @param options The options parameters. */ getOracleQueryByPubkeyAndQueryId(pubkey, queryId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ pubkey, queryId, options }, getOracleQueryByPubkeyAndQueryIdOperationSpec); } /** * Get peer public key * @param options The options parameters. */ getPeerPubkey(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getPeerPubkeyOperationSpec); } /** * Get minimum gas prices in recent blocks * @param options The options parameters. */ getRecentGasPrices(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getRecentGasPricesOperationSpec); } /** * Get the status of a node * @param options The options parameters. */ getStatus(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getStatusOperationSpec); } /** * Get oldest keyblock hashes counting from genesis including orphans * @param options The options parameters. */ getChainEnds(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getChainEndsOperationSpec); } /** * Get the sync status of a node * @param options The options parameters. */ getSyncStatus(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getSyncStatusOperationSpec); } /** * Post a new transaction * @param body The new transaction * @param options The options parameters. */ postTransaction(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, postTransactionOperationSpec); } /** * Get a transaction by hash * @param hash The hash of the transaction * @param options The options parameters. */ getTransactionByHash(hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, options }, getTransactionByHashOperationSpec); } /** * @param hash The hash of the transaction * @param options The options parameters. */ getTransactionInfoByHash(hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, options }, getTransactionInfoByHashOperationSpec); } } // Operation Specifications const serializer = createSerializer(mappers_namespaceObject, /* isXml */false); const getAccountByPubkeyOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/accounts/{pubkey}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Account }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, pubkey], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getAccountByPubkeyAndHashOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/accounts/{pubkey}/hash/{hash}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Account }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, pubkey, parameters_hash], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getAccountByPubkeyAndHeightOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/accounts/{pubkey}/height/{height}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Account }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 410: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, pubkey, height], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getAccountNextNonceOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/accounts/{pubkey}/next-nonce", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: NextNonceResponse }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [strategy], urlParameters: [$host, pubkey], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getPendingAccountTransactionsByPubkeyOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/accounts/{pubkey}/transactions/pending", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: SignedTxs }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, pubkey], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getAuctionEntryByNameOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/auctions/{name}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: AuctionEntry }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, parameters_name], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getChannelByPubkeyOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/channels/{pubkey}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Channel }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, pubkey], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getContractOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/contracts/{pubkey}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: ContractObject }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, pubkey], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getContractCodeOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/contracts/{pubkey}/code", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: ByteCode }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, pubkey], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getContractPoIOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/contracts/{pubkey}/poi", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PoI }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, pubkey], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getCurrencyOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/currency", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Currency } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const protectedDryRunTxsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/dry-run", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: DryRunResults }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 403: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, requestBody: body, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept, contentType], mediaType: "json", serializer }; const getCurrentGenerationOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/generations/current", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Generation }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getGenerationByHashOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/generations/hash/{hash}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Generation }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, parameters_hash], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getGenerationByHeightOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/generations/height/{height}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Generation }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, height], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getTopHeaderOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/headers/top", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Header }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getCurrentKeyBlockOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/key-blocks/current", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: KeyBlock }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getCurrentKeyBlockHashOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/key-blocks/current/hash", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: HashResponse }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getCurrentKeyBlockHeightOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/key-blocks/current/height", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: HeightResponse }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getKeyBlockByHashOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/key-blocks/hash/{hash}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: KeyBlock }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, parameters_hash], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getKeyBlockByHeightOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/key-blocks/height/{height}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: KeyBlock }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, height], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getPendingKeyBlockOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/key-blocks/pending", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: KeyBlock }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getMicroBlockHeaderByHashOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/micro-blocks/hash/{hash}/header", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: MicroBlockHeader }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, parameters_hash], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getMicroBlockTransactionsByHashOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/micro-blocks/hash/{hash}/transactions", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: SignedTxs }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, parameters_hash], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getMicroBlockTransactionsCountByHashOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/micro-blocks/hash/{hash}/transactions/count", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: CountResponse }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, parameters_hash], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getMicroBlockTransactionByHashAndIndexOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/micro-blocks/hash/{hash}/transactions/index/{index}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: SignedTx }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, parameters_hash, index], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getNameEntryByNameOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names/{name}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: NameEntry }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, parameters_name], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getNameEntryByNameHashOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names/hash/{name_hash}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: NameEntry }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, nameHash], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getOracleByPubkeyOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/oracles/{pubkey}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: RegisteredOracle }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, pubkey], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getOracleQueriesByPubkeyOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/oracles/{pubkey}/queries", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: OracleQueries }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [fromParam, limit, typeParam], urlParameters: [$host, pubkey], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getOracleQueryByPubkeyAndQueryIdOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/oracles/{pubkey}/queries/{query-id}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: OracleQuery }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, pubkey, queryId], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getPeerPubkeyOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/peers/pubkey", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PeerPubKey } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getRecentGasPricesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/recent-gas-prices", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "GasPricesItem" } } } } }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getStatusOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/status", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Status } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getChainEndsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/status/chain-ends", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } } } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getSyncStatusOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/sync-status", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: SyncStatus }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const postTransactionOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/transactions", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PostTxResponse }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, requestBody: body1, urlParameters: [$host], headerParameters: [accept, contentType], mediaType: "json", serializer }; const getTransactionByHashOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/transactions/{hash}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: SignedTx }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, parameters_hash], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; const getTransactionInfoByHashOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/transactions/{hash}/info", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: TxInfoObject }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true }, 410: { bodyMapper: ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [$host, parameters_hash], headerParameters: [accept], serializer }; ;// ./src/Node.ts function Node_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { Node_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function Node_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function Node_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(Node_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function Node_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(Node_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function Node_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } // eslint-disable-next-line max-classes-per-file var _cachedStatusPromise = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); class Node extends node_Node { /** * @param url - Url for node API * @param options - Options * @param options.ignoreVersion - Don't ensure that the node is supported * @param options.retryCount - Amount of extra requests to do in case of failure * @param options.retryOverallDelay - Time in ms to wait between all retries */ constructor(url, { ignoreVersion = false, retryCount = 3, retryOverallDelay = 800, ...options } = {}) { const getVersion = async opts => (await this._getCachedStatus(opts)).nodeVersion; // eslint-disable-next-line constructor-super super(url, { allowInsecureConnection: true, additionalPolicies: [...(ignoreVersion ? [] : [genVersionCheckPolicy('node', getVersion, '7.1.0', '8.0.0')]), genRequestQueuesPolicy(), genCombineGetRequestsPolicy(), genRetryOnFailurePolicy(retryCount, retryOverallDelay), genErrorFormatterPolicy(body => [' ', body.reason, body.errorCode == null ? '' : ` (${body.errorCode})`].join(''))], ...options }); Node_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _cachedStatusPromise, void 0); this.pipeline.addPolicy(parseBigIntPolicy, { phase: 'Deserialize' }); this.pipeline.removePolicy({ name: core_rest_pipeline_.userAgentPolicyName }); this.pipeline.removePolicy({ name: core_rest_pipeline_.setClientRequestIdPolicyName }); // TODO: use instead our retry policy this.pipeline.removePolicy({ name: 'defaultRetryPolicy' }); } async _getCachedStatus(options) { if (Node_classPrivateFieldGet(_cachedStatusPromise, this) != null) return Node_classPrivateFieldGet(_cachedStatusPromise, this); return this.getStatus(options); } async getStatus(...args) { const promise = super.getStatus(...args); promise.then(() => { Node_classPrivateFieldSet(_cachedStatusPromise, this, promise); }, () => {}); return promise; } /** * Returns network ID provided by node. * This method won't do extra requests on subsequent calls. */ async getNetworkId() { return (await this._getCachedStatus()).networkId; } async getNodeInfo() { const { nodeVersion, networkId: nodeNetworkId, protocols, topBlockHeight } = await this.getStatus(); const consensusProtocolVersion = protocols.filter(({ effectiveAtHeight }) => topBlockHeight >= effectiveAtHeight).reduce((acc, p) => p.effectiveAtHeight > acc.effectiveAtHeight ? p : acc, { effectiveAtHeight: -1, version: 0 }).version; if (ConsensusProtocolVersion[consensusProtocolVersion] == null) { const version = consensusProtocolVersion.toString(); const versions = Object.values(ConsensusProtocolVersion).filter(el => typeof el === 'number').map(el => +el); const geVersion = Math.min(...versions).toString(); const ltVersion = (Math.max(...versions) + 1).toString(); throw new UnsupportedVersionError('consensus protocol', version, geVersion, ltVersion); } return { url: this.$host, nodeNetworkId, version: nodeVersion, consensusProtocolVersion }; } } ;// ./src/tx/transaction-signer.ts /** * Returns account address that signed a transaction * @param transaction - transaction to get a signer of */ function getTransactionSignerAddress(transaction) { const params = unpackTx(transaction); switch (params.tag) { case Tag.SignedTx: return getTransactionSignerAddress(buildTx(params.encodedTx)); case Tag.GaMetaTx: return params.gaId; default: } const nonce = builder_getSchema(params.tag, params.version).find(([name]) => name === 'nonce')?.[1]; if (nonce == null) throw new TransactionError(`Transaction doesn't have nonce: ${Tag[params.tag]}`); if (!('senderKey' in nonce)) throw new UnexpectedTsError(); const address = params[nonce.senderKey]; return address.replace(/^ok_/, 'ak_'); } ;// ./src/account/Base.ts /** * Account is one of the three basic building blocks of an * {@link AeSdk} and provides access to a signing key pair. */ class AccountBase {} // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "@aeternity/aepp-calldata" var aepp_calldata_ = __webpack_require__(2853); // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "canonicalize" var external_canonicalize_ = __webpack_require__(6016); var external_canonicalize_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_canonicalize_); ;// ./src/utils/typed-data.ts /** * Hashes arbitrary object, can be used to inline the aci hash to contract source code */ function hashJson(data) { var _canonicalize; return hash((_canonicalize = external_canonicalize_default()(data)) !== null && _canonicalize !== void 0 ? _canonicalize : ''); } // TODO: move this type to calldata library https://github.com/aeternity/aepp-calldata-js/issues/215 // based on https://github.com/aeternity/aepp-calldata-js/blob/82b5a98f9b308482627da8d7484d213e9cf87151/src/AciTypeResolver.js#L129 /** * Hashes domain object, can be used to inline domain hash to contract source code */ function hashDomain(domain) { const domainAci = { record: [{ name: 'name', type: { option: ['string'] } }, { name: 'version', type: { option: ['int'] } }, { name: 'networkId', type: { option: ['string'] } }, { name: 'contractAddress', type: { option: ['contract_pubkey'] } }] }; const domainType = new aepp_calldata_.TypeResolver().resolveType(domainAci, {}); const fateValue = new aepp_calldata_.ContractByteArrayEncoder().encodeWithType(domain, domainType); return hash(decode(fateValue)); } function hashTypedData(data, aci, domain) { return hash(concatBuffers([messagePrefixLength, new Uint8Array([0]), hashDomain(domain), hashJson(aci), hash(decode(data))])); } ;// ./src/account/Memory.ts function Memory_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { Memory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function Memory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function Memory_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(Memory_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function Memory_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(Memory_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function Memory_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } function getBufferToSign(transaction, networkId, innerTx) { const prefixes = [networkId]; if (innerTx) prefixes.push('inner_tx'); const rlpBinaryTx = decode(transaction); return concatBuffers([Buffer.from(prefixes.join('-')), hash(rlpBinaryTx)]); } /** * In-memory account class */ var _secretKeyDecoded = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); class AccountMemory extends AccountBase { /** * @param secretKey - Secret key */ constructor(secretKey) { super(); Memory_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _secretKeyDecoded, void 0); this.secretKey = secretKey; const keyPair = external_tweetnacl_default().sign.keyPair.fromSeed(decode(secretKey)); Memory_classPrivateFieldSet(_secretKeyDecoded, this, keyPair.secretKey); this.address = encode(keyPair.publicKey, Encoding.AccountAddress); } /** * Generates a new AccountMemory using a random secret key */ static generate() { const secretKey = encode(external_tweetnacl_default().randomBytes(32), Encoding.AccountSecretKey); return new AccountMemory(secretKey); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars async sign(data, options) { return external_tweetnacl_default().sign.detached(Buffer.from(data), Memory_classPrivateFieldGet(_secretKeyDecoded, this)); } async signTransaction(transaction, { innerTx, networkId, ...options } = {}) { if (networkId == null) { throw new ArgumentError('networkId', 'provided', networkId); } const rlpBinaryTx = decode(transaction); const txWithNetworkId = getBufferToSign(transaction, networkId, innerTx === true); const signatures = [await this.sign(txWithNetworkId, options)]; return buildTx({ tag: Tag.SignedTx, encodedTx: rlpBinaryTx, signatures }); } async signMessage(message, options) { return this.sign(messageToHash(message), options); } async signTypedData(data, aci, { name, version, networkId, contractAddress, ...options } = {}) { const dHash = hashTypedData(data, aci, { name, version, networkId, contractAddress }); const signature = await this.sign(dHash, options); return encode(signature, Encoding.Signature); } async signDelegation(delegation, { networkId } = {}) { if (networkId == null) throw new ArgumentError('networkId', 'provided', networkId); const payload = concatBuffers([messagePrefixLength, new Uint8Array([1]), Buffer.from(networkId), decode(delegation)]); const signature = await this.sign(payload); return encode(signature, Encoding.Signature); } } ;// ./src/tx/execution-cost.ts /** * Calculates the cost of transaction execution * Provides an upper cost of contract-call-related transactions because of `gasLimit`. * Also assumes that oracle query fee is 0 unless it is provided in options. * * The idea is that if you need to show transaction details with some accuracy you can define * expense fields that you want to show separately. And to show `getExecutionCost` result as a fee, * subtracting all fields shown separately. * * @example * ```vue * * ``` * * Doing this way you won't worry to show wrong fee for a transaction you may not support. Because * the SDK calculates the overall price of any transaction on its side. * * @param transaction - Transaction to calculate the cost of * @param options - Options * @param options.innerTx - Should be provided if transaction wrapped with Tag.PayingForTx * @param options.gasUsed - Amount of gas actually used to make calculation more accurate * @param options.queryFee - Oracle query fee * @param options.isInitiator - Is transaction signer an initiator of state channel */ function getExecutionCost(transaction, { innerTx, gasUsed, queryFee, isInitiator } = {}) { const params = unpackTx(transaction); if (params.tag === Tag.SignedTx) { throw new IllegalArgumentError("Transaction shouldn't be a SignedTx, use `getExecutionCostBySignedTx` instead"); } let res = 0n; if ('fee' in params && innerTx !== 'freeloader') { res += BigInt(params.fee); } if (params.tag === Tag.NameClaimTx) { res += BigInt(params.nameFee); } if (params.tag === Tag.OracleQueryTx) { res += BigInt(params.queryFee); } if (params.tag === Tag.OracleResponseTx) { res -= BigInt(queryFee !== null && queryFee !== void 0 ? queryFee : 0); } if (params.tag === Tag.ChannelSettleTx) { if (isInitiator === true) res -= BigInt(params.initiatorAmountFinal); if (isInitiator === false) res -= BigInt(params.responderAmountFinal); } if ((params.tag === Tag.SpendTx || params.tag === Tag.ContractCreateTx || params.tag === Tag.ContractCallTx || params.tag === Tag.ChannelDepositTx) && innerTx !== 'fee-payer') { res += BigInt(params.amount); } if (params.tag === Tag.ContractCreateTx) res += BigInt(params.deposit); if ((params.tag === Tag.ContractCreateTx || params.tag === Tag.ContractCallTx || params.tag === Tag.GaAttachTx || params.tag === Tag.GaMetaTx) && innerTx !== 'freeloader') { res += BigInt(params.gasPrice) * BigInt(gasUsed !== null && gasUsed !== void 0 ? gasUsed : params.gasLimit); } if (params.tag === Tag.GaMetaTx || params.tag === Tag.PayingForTx) { res += getExecutionCost(buildTx(params.tx.encodedTx), params.tag === Tag.PayingForTx ? { innerTx: 'fee-payer' } : {}); } return res; } /** * Calculates the cost of signed transaction execution * @param transaction - Transaction to calculate the cost of * @param networkId - Network id used to sign the transaction * @param options - Options */ function getExecutionCostBySignedTx(transaction, networkId, options) { const params = unpackTx(transaction, Tag.SignedTx); if (params.encodedTx.tag === Tag.GaMetaTx) { return getExecutionCost(buildTx(params.encodedTx), options); } const tx = buildTx(params.encodedTx); const address = getTransactionSignerAddress(tx); const [isInnerTx, isNotInnerTx] = [true, false].map(f => verify(getBufferToSign(tx, networkId, f), params.signatures[0], address)); if (!isInnerTx && !isNotInnerTx) throw new TransactionError("Can't verify signature"); return getExecutionCost(buildTx(params.encodedTx), { ...(isInnerTx && { innerTx: 'freeloader' }), ...options }); } /** * Calculates the cost of signed and not signed transaction execution using node * @param transaction - Transaction to calculate the cost of * @param node - Node to use * @param options - Options * @param options.isMined - Is transaction already mined or not */ async function getExecutionCostUsingNode(transaction, node, { isMined, ...options } = {}) { let params = unpackTx(transaction); const isSignedTx = params.tag === Tag.SignedTx; const txHash = isSignedTx && isMined === true && buildTxHash(transaction); if (params.tag === Tag.SignedTx) params = params.encodedTx; // TODO: set gasUsed for PayingForTx after solving https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/issues/4087 if (options.gasUsed == null && txHash !== false && [Tag.ContractCreateTx, Tag.ContractCallTx, Tag.GaAttachTx, Tag.GaMetaTx].includes(params.tag)) { const { callInfo, gaInfo } = await node.getTransactionInfoByHash(txHash); const combinedInfo = callInfo !== null && callInfo !== void 0 ? callInfo : gaInfo; if (combinedInfo == null) { throw new InternalError(`callInfo and gaInfo is not available for transaction ${txHash}`); } options.gasUsed = combinedInfo.gasUsed; } if (options.queryFee == null && Tag.OracleResponseTx === params.tag) { options.queryFee = (await node.getOracleByPubkey(params.oracleId)).queryFee.toString(); } if (options.isInitiator == null && Tag.ChannelSettleTx === params.tag && isMined !== true) { const { initiatorId } = await node.getChannelByPubkey(params.channelId); options.isInitiator = params.fromId === initiatorId; } return isSignedTx ? getExecutionCostBySignedTx(transaction, await node.getNetworkId(), options) : getExecutionCost(transaction, options); } ;// ./src/tx/validator.ts const validators = []; async function verifyTransactionInternal(tx, node, parentTxTypes) { const address = getTransactionSignerAddress(buildTx(tx)); const [account, { height }, { consensusProtocolVersion, nodeNetworkId }] = await Promise.all([node.getAccountByPubkey(address).catch(error => { if (!isAccountNotFoundError(error)) throw error; return { id: address, balance: 0n, nonce: 0 }; }) // TODO: remove after fixing https://github.com/aeternity/aepp-sdk-js/issues/1537 .then(acc => ({ ...acc, id: acc.id })), node.getCurrentKeyBlockHeight(), // TODO: don't request height on each validation, use caching node.getNodeInfo()]); return (await Promise.all(validators.map(async v => v(tx, { node, account, height, consensusProtocolVersion, nodeNetworkId, parentTxTypes })))).flat(); } /** * Transaction Validator * This function validates some transaction properties, * to make sure it can be posted it to the chain * @category transaction builder * @param transaction - Base64Check-encoded transaction * @param nodeNotCached - Node to validate transaction against * @returns Array with verification errors * @example const errors = await verifyTransaction(transaction, node) */ async function verifyTransaction(transaction, nodeNotCached) { const pipeline = nodeNotCached.pipeline.clone(); pipeline.removePolicy({ name: 'parse-big-int' }); const node = new Node(nodeNotCached.$host, { ignoreVersion: true, pipeline, additionalPolicies: [genAggressiveCacheGetResponsesPolicy()] }); return verifyTransactionInternal(unpackTx(transaction), node, []); } validators.push((tx, { account, nodeNetworkId, parentTxTypes }) => { if (tx.tag !== Tag.SignedTx) return []; const { encodedTx, signatures } = tx; if ((encodedTx !== null && encodedTx !== void 0 ? encodedTx : signatures) == null) return []; if (signatures.length !== 1) return []; // TODO: Support multisignature like in state channels const prefix = Buffer.from([nodeNetworkId, ...(parentTxTypes.includes(Tag.PayingForTx) ? ['inner_tx'] : [])].join('-')); const txBinary = decode(buildTx(encodedTx)); const txWithNetworkId = concatBuffers([prefix, txBinary]); const txHashWithNetworkId = concatBuffers([prefix, hash(txBinary)]); if (verify(txWithNetworkId, signatures[0], account.id) || verify(txHashWithNetworkId, signatures[0], account.id)) return []; return [{ message: 'Signature cannot be verified, please ensure that you transaction have' + ' the correct prefix and the correct private key for the sender address', key: 'InvalidSignature', checkedKeys: ['encodedTx', 'signatures'] }]; }, async (tx, { node, parentTxTypes }) => { let nestedTx; if ('encodedTx' in tx) nestedTx = tx.encodedTx; if ('tx' in tx) nestedTx = tx.tx; if (nestedTx == null) return []; return verifyTransactionInternal(nestedTx, node, [...parentTxTypes, tx.tag]); }, (tx, { height }) => { if (!('ttl' in tx)) return []; if (tx.ttl === 0 || tx.ttl > height) return []; return [{ message: `TTL ${tx.ttl} is already expired, current height is ${height}`, key: 'ExpiredTTL', checkedKeys: ['ttl'] }]; }, async (tx, { account, parentTxTypes, node }) => { if (parentTxTypes.length !== 0) return []; const cost = await getExecutionCostUsingNode(buildTx(tx), node).catch(() => 0n); if (cost <= account.balance) return []; return [{ message: `Account balance ${account.balance} is not enough to execute the transaction that costs ${cost}`, key: 'InsufficientBalance', checkedKeys: ['amount', 'fee', 'nameFee', 'gasLimit', 'gasPrice'] }]; }, async (tx, { node }) => { if (tx.tag !== Tag.SpendTx || isAddressValid(tx.recipientId, Encoding.Name)) return []; const recipient = await node.getAccountByPubkey(tx.recipientId).catch(error => { if (!isAccountNotFoundError(error)) throw error; return null; }); if (recipient == null || recipient.payable === true) return []; return [{ message: 'Recipient account is not payable', key: 'RecipientAccountNotPayable', checkedKeys: ['recipientId'] }]; }, (tx, { account }) => { let message; if (tx.tag === Tag.SignedTx && account.kind === 'generalized' && tx.signatures.length !== 0) { message = "Generalized account can't be used to generate SignedTx with signatures"; } if (tx.tag === Tag.GaMetaTx && account.kind === 'basic') { message = "Basic account can't be used to generate GaMetaTx"; } if (message == null) return []; return [{ message, key: 'InvalidAccountType', checkedKeys: ['tag'] }]; }, // TODO: revert nonce check // TODO: ensure nonce valid when paying for own tx (tx, { consensusProtocolVersion }) => { var _ref, _ref2; const oracleCall = Tag.OracleRegisterTx === tx.tag; const contractCreate = Tag.ContractCreateTx === tx.tag || Tag.GaAttachTx === tx.tag; const contractCall = Tag.ContractCallTx === tx.tag || Tag.GaMetaTx === tx.tag; const type = (_ref = (_ref2 = oracleCall ? 'oracle-call' : null) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : contractCreate ? 'contract-create' : null) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : contractCall ? 'contract-call' : null; if (type == null) return []; const protocol = ProtocolToVmAbi[consensusProtocolVersion][type]; let ctVersion; if ('abiVersion' in tx) ctVersion = { abiVersion: tx.abiVersion }; if ('ctVersion' in tx) ctVersion = tx.ctVersion; if (ctVersion == null) throw new UnexpectedTsError(); if (!protocol.abiVersion.includes(ctVersion.abiVersion) || contractCreate && !protocol.vmVersion.includes(ctVersion.vmVersion)) { return [{ message: `ABI/VM version ${JSON.stringify(ctVersion)} is wrong, supported is: ${JSON.stringify(protocol)}`, key: 'VmAndAbiVersionMismatch', checkedKeys: ['ctVersion', 'abiVersion'] }]; } return []; }, async (tx, { node }) => { if (Tag.ContractCallTx !== tx.tag) return []; // TODO: remove after solving https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/issues/3669 if (tx.contractId.startsWith('nm_')) return []; try { const { active } = await node.getContract(tx.contractId); if (active) return []; return [{ message: `Contract ${tx.contractId} is not active`, key: 'ContractNotActive', checkedKeys: ['contractId'] }]; } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof core_rest_pipeline_.RestError) || error.response?.bodyAsText == null) throw error; return [{ message: JSON.parse(error.response.bodyAsText).reason, // TODO: use parsedBody instead key: 'ContractNotFound', checkedKeys: ['contractId'] }]; } }); ;// ./src/send-transaction.ts /** * @category exception */ class InvalidTxError extends TransactionError { constructor(message, validation, transaction) { super(message); this.name = 'InvalidTxError'; this.validation = validation; this.transaction = transaction; } } /** * Signs and submits transaction for mining * @category chain * @param txUnsigned - Transaction to sign and submit * @param options - Options * @returns Transaction details */ async function sendTransaction(txUnsigned, { onNode, onAccount, verify = true, waitMined = true, confirm, innerTx, ...options }) { const tx = await onAccount.signTransaction(txUnsigned, { ...options, onNode, innerTx, networkId: await onNode.getNetworkId() }); if (innerTx === true) return { hash: buildTxHash(tx), rawTx: tx }; if (verify) { const validation = await verifyTransaction(tx, onNode); if (validation.length > 0) { const message = `Transaction verification errors: ${validation.map(v => v.message).join(', ')}`; throw new InvalidTxError(message, validation, tx); } } try { let __queue; try { __queue = onAccount != null ? `tx-${onAccount.address}` : null; } catch (error) { __queue = null; } const { txHash } = await onNode.postTransaction({ tx }, { requestOptions: { customHeaders: { // TODO: remove __retry-code after fixing https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/issues/3803 '__retry-code': '400', ...(__queue != null ? { __queue } : {}) } } }); if (waitMined) { const pollResult = await poll(txHash, { onNode, ...options }); const txData = { ...pollResult, hash: pollResult.hash, rawTx: tx }; // wait for transaction confirmation if (confirm != null && +confirm > 0) { const c = typeof confirm === 'boolean' ? undefined : confirm; return { ...txData, confirmationHeight: await waitForTxConfirm(txHash, { onNode, confirm: c, ...options }) }; } return txData; } return { hash: txHash, rawTx: tx }; } catch (error) { ensureError(error); throw Object.assign(error, { rawTx: tx, verifyTx: async () => verifyTransaction(tx, onNode) }); } } ;// ./src/utils/jwt.ts // TODO: use Buffer.from(data, 'base64url') after solving https://github.com/feross/buffer/issues/309 const toBase64Url = data => Buffer.from(data).toString('base64').replaceAll('/', '_').replaceAll('+', '-').replace(/=+$/, ''); const fromBase64Url = data => Buffer.from(data.replaceAll('_', '/').replaceAll('-', '+'), 'base64'); const objectToBase64Url = data => { var _canonicalize; return toBase64Url((_canonicalize = external_canonicalize_default()(data)) !== null && _canonicalize !== void 0 ? _canonicalize : ''); }; const header = 'eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9'; // objectToBase64Url({ alg: 'EdDSA', typ: 'JWT' }) /** * JWT including specific header * @category JWT */ /** * Generate a signed JWT * Provide `"sub_jwk": undefined` in payload to omit signer public key added by default. * @param originalPayload - Payload to sign * @param account - Account to sign by * @category JWT */ async function signJwt(originalPayload, account) { const payload = { ...originalPayload }; if (!('sub_jwk' in payload)) { payload.sub_jwk = { kty: 'OKP', crv: 'Ed25519', x: toBase64Url(decode(account.address)) }; } if (payload.sub_jwk === undefined) delete payload.sub_jwk; const body = `${header}.${objectToBase64Url(payload)}`; const signature = await account.sign(body); return `${body}.${toBase64Url(signature)}`; } /** * Unpack JWT. It will check signature if address or "sub_jwk" provided. * @param jwt - JWT to unpack * @param address - Address to check signature * @category JWT */ function unpackJwt(jwt, address) { var _payload$sub_jwk; const components = jwt.split('.'); if (components.length !== 3) throw new ArgumentError('JWT components count', 3, components.length); const [h, payloadEncoded, signature] = components; if (h !== header) throw new ArgumentError('JWT header', header, h); const payload = JSON.parse(fromBase64Url(payloadEncoded).toString()); const jwk = (_payload$sub_jwk = payload.sub_jwk) !== null && _payload$sub_jwk !== void 0 ? _payload$sub_jwk : {}; const signer = jwk.x == null || jwk.kty !== 'OKP' || jwk.crv !== 'Ed25519' ? address : encode(fromBase64Url(jwk.x), Encoding.AccountAddress); if (address != null && signer !== address) { throw new ArgumentError('address', `${signer} ("sub_jwk")`, address); } if (signer != null && !verify(Buffer.from(`${h}.${payloadEncoded}`), fromBase64Url(signature), signer)) { throw new InvalidSignatureError(`JWT is not signed by ${signer}`); } return { payload, signer }; } /** * Check is string a JWT or not. Use to validate the user input. * @param maybeJwt - A string to check * @returns True if argument is a JWT * @category JWT */ function isJwt(maybeJwt) { try { unpackJwt(maybeJwt); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } } /** * Throws an error if argument is not JWT. Use to ensure that a value is JWT. * @param maybeJwt - A string to check * @category JWT */ function ensureJwt(maybeJwt) { unpackJwt(maybeJwt); } /** * Check is JWT signed by address from arguments or "sub_jwk" * @param jwt - JWT to check * @param address - Address to check signature * @category JWT */ function verifyJwt(jwt, address) { try { const { signer } = unpackJwt(jwt, address); return signer != null; } catch (error) { return false; } } ;// ./src/tx/builder/delegation/schema.ts /** * @category delegation signature */ let DelegationTag = /*#__PURE__*/function (DelegationTag) { DelegationTag[DelegationTag["AensWildcard"] = 1] = "AensWildcard"; DelegationTag[DelegationTag["AensName"] = 2] = "AensName"; DelegationTag[DelegationTag["AensPreclaim"] = 3] = "AensPreclaim"; DelegationTag[DelegationTag["Oracle"] = 4] = "Oracle"; DelegationTag[DelegationTag["OracleResponse"] = 5] = "OracleResponse"; return DelegationTag; }({}); const oracleAddressField = genAddressField(Encoding.OracleAddress); /** * Oracle query ID to reply by a contract */ const queryIdField = { serialize(value) { return oracleAddressField.serialize(encode(decode(value), Encoding.OracleAddress)); }, deserialize(value) { return encode(decode(oracleAddressField.deserialize(value)), Encoding.OracleQueryId); } }; /** * Address of a contract to delegate permissions to */ const contractAddress = genAddressField(Encoding.ContractAddress); /** * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/8a9d1d1206174627f6aaef86159dc9c643080653/contracts/fate.md#from-ceres-serialized-signature-data} */ const schema_schemas = [{ tag: genShortUIntConstField(DelegationTag.AensWildcard), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountAddress: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), contractAddress }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(DelegationTag.AensName), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountAddress: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), /** * AENS name to manage by a contract */ nameId: name_id, contractAddress }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(DelegationTag.AensPreclaim), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountAddress: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), contractAddress }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(DelegationTag.Oracle), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), accountAddress: genAddressField(Encoding.AccountAddress), contractAddress }, { tag: genShortUIntConstField(DelegationTag.OracleResponse), version: genShortUIntConstField(1, true), queryId: queryIdField, contractAddress }]; ;// ./src/tx/builder/delegation/index.ts /** * Pack delegation * @category delegation signature * @param params - Params of delegation * @returns Encoded delegation */ function packDelegation(params) { return packRecord(schema_schemas, DelegationTag, params, {}, Encoding.Bytearray); } /** * Unpack delegation * @category delegation signature * @param encoded - Encoded delegation * @param expectedTag - Expected delegation signature type * @returns Params of delegation */ function unpackDelegation(encoded, expectedTag) { return unpackRecord(schema_schemas, DelegationTag, encoded, expectedTag, {}); } ;// ./src/aens.ts function aens_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { aens_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function aens_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function aens_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(aens_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function aens_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(aens_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function aens_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } /** * Aens methods - routines to interact with the æternity naming system * * The high-level description of the naming system is * https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/master/AENS.md in the protocol * repository. */ var _salt = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); /** * @category AENS * @example * ```js * const name = new Name('test.chain', aeSdk.getContext()) * ``` */ class Name { /** * @param value - AENS name * @param options - Options * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @param options.onAccount - Account to use */ constructor(value, options) { aens_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _salt, void 0); this.value = value; this.options = options; this.options = options; } /** * Revoke a name * @param options - Options * @returns mined transaction details * @example * ```js * await name.revoke({ fee, ttl, nonce }) * ``` */ async revoke(options = {}) { const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const tx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.NameRevokeTx, nameId: this.value, accountId: opt.onAccount.address }); return sendTransaction(tx, opt); } /** * Update a name * @param pointers - Map of pointer keys to corresponding addresses * @param options - Options * @example * ```js * const name = 'test.chain' * const channel = 'ch_2519mBs...' * const pointers = { * account_pubkey: 'ak_asd23dasdas...,', * contract_pubkey: 'ct_asdf34fasdasd...', * [getDefaultPointerKey(channel)]: channel, * } * await name.update(pointers, { nameTtl, ttl, fee, nonce, clientTtl }) * ``` */ async update(pointers, options = {}) { const { extendPointers, ...opt } = { ...this.options, ...options }; const allPointers = { ...(extendPointers === true && Object.fromEntries((await getName(this.value, opt)).pointers.map(({ key, id }) => [key, id]))), ...pointers }; const hasRawPointers = Object.values(allPointers).some(v => isAddressValid(v, Encoding.Bytearray)); const tx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.NameUpdateTx, version: hasRawPointers ? 2 : 1, nameId: this.value, accountId: opt.onAccount.address, pointers: Object.entries(allPointers).map(([key, id]) => ({ key, id })) }); return sendTransaction(tx, opt); } /** * Transfer a name to another account * @param address - Recipient account public key * @param options - Options * @returns mined transaction details * @example * ```js * await name.transfer('ak_asd23dasdas...', { ttl, fee, nonce }) * ``` */ async transfer(address, options = {}) { const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const tx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.NameTransferTx, nameId: this.value, accountId: opt.onAccount.address, recipientId: address }); return sendTransaction(tx, opt); } /** * Query the AENS name info from the node * and return the object with info and predefined functions for manipulating name * @param options - Options * @example * ```js * const nameEntry = await name.getState() * console.log(nameEntry.owner) * ``` */ async getState(options = {}) { var _this$options$onNode; const onNode = (_this$options$onNode = this.options.onNode) !== null && _this$options$onNode !== void 0 ? _this$options$onNode : options.onNode; const nameEntry = await onNode.getNameEntryByName(this.value); return { ...nameEntry, id: nameEntry.id, owner: nameEntry.owner }; } /** * * @param nameTtl - represents in number of blocks (max and default is 180000) * @param options - Options * @returns mined transaction details */ async extendTtl(nameTtl, options = {}) { return this.update({}, { ...options, nameTtl, extendPointers: true }); } /** * Claim a previously preclaimed registration. This can only be done after the preclaim step * @param options - options * @returns mined transaction details * @example * ```js * await name.claim({ ttl, fee, nonce, nameFee }) * ``` */ async claim(options = {}) { const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const tx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.NameClaimTx, accountId: opt.onAccount.address, nameSalt: aens_classPrivateFieldGet(_salt, this), name: this.value }); return sendTransaction(tx, opt); } /** * Preclaim a name. Sends a hash of the name and a random salt to the node * @param options - Options * @example * ```js * await name.preclaim({ ttl, fee, nonce }) * ``` */ async preclaim(options = {}) { const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const salt = genSalt(); const tx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.NamePreclaimTx, accountId: opt.onAccount.address, commitmentId: commitmentHash(this.value, salt) }); const result = await sendTransaction(tx, opt); aens_classPrivateFieldSet(_salt, this, salt); return result; } /** * Bid to name auction * @param nameFee - Name fee (bid fee) * @param options - Options * @returns mined transaction details * @example * ```js * const bidFee = computeBidFee(name.value, { startFee, increment: 0.42 }) * await name.bid(213109412839123, { ttl, fee, nonce }) * ``` */ async bid(nameFee, options = {}) { if (!isAuctionName(this.value)) { throw new LogicError('This is not auction name, so cant make a bid!'); } const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const tx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.NameClaimTx, accountId: opt.onAccount.address, nameSalt: 0, name: this.value, nameFee }); return sendTransaction(tx, opt); } } ;// ./src/contract/Contract.ts var _Contract; function Contract_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { Contract_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function Contract_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(e, a) { Contract_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, a), a.add(e); } function Contract_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function Contract_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(Contract_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function Contract_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(Contract_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function Contract_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } /** * Contract module - routines to interact with the æternity contract * * High level documentation of the contracts are available at * https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/tree/master/contracts and */ var _Contract_brand = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _aciContract = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); /** * Generate contract ACI object with predefined js methods for contract usage - can be used for * creating a reference to already deployed contracts * @category contract * @param options - Options object * @returns JS Contract API * @example * ```js * const contractIns = await Contract.initialize({ ...aeSdk.getContext(), sourceCode }) * await contractIns.$deploy([321]) or await contractIns.init(321) * const callResult = await contractIns.$call('setState', [123]) * const staticCallResult = await contractIns.$call('setState', [123], { callStatic: true }) * ``` * Also you can call contract like: `await contractIns.setState(123, options)` * Then sdk decide to make on-chain or static call (dry-run API) transaction based on function is * stateful or not */ class Contract { /** * Compile contract * @returns bytecode */ async $compile() { if (this.$options.bytecode != null) return this.$options.bytecode; if (this.$options.onCompiler == null) throw new IllegalArgumentError("Can't compile without compiler"); if (this.$options.sourceCode != null) { const { bytecode } = await this.$options.onCompiler.compileBySourceCode(this.$options.sourceCode, this.$options.fileSystem); this.$options.bytecode = bytecode; } if (this.$options.sourceCodePath != null) { const { bytecode } = await this.$options.onCompiler.compile(this.$options.sourceCodePath); this.$options.bytecode = bytecode; } if (this.$options.bytecode == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentError("Can't compile without sourceCode and sourceCodePath"); } return this.$options.bytecode; } async $getCallResultByTxHash(hash, fnName, options) { const { callInfo } = await this.$options.onNode.getTransactionInfoByHash(hash); if (callInfo == null) { throw new ContractError(`callInfo is not available for transaction ${hash}`); } const callInfoTyped = callInfo; return { ...Contract_assertClassBrand(_Contract_brand, this, _getCallResult).call(this, callInfoTyped, fnName, undefined, options), result: callInfoTyped }; } async _estimateGas(name, params, options = {}) { const { result } = await this.$call(name, params, { ...options, callStatic: true }); if (result == null) throw new UnexpectedTsError(); const { gasUsed } = result; // taken from https://github.com/aeternity/aepp-sdk-js/issues/1286#issuecomment-977814771 return Math.floor(gasUsed * 1.25); } /** * Deploy contract * @param params - Contract init function arguments array * @param options - Options * @returns deploy info */ async $deploy(params, options) { var _opt$gasLimit; const { callStatic, ...opt } = { ...this.$options, ...options }; if (this.$options.bytecode == null) await this.$compile(); if (callStatic === true) return this.$call('init', params, { ...opt, callStatic }); if (this.$options.address != null) throw new DuplicateContractError(); if (opt.onAccount == null) throw new IllegalArgumentError("Can't deploy without account"); const ownerId = opt.onAccount.address; if (this.$options.bytecode == null) throw new IllegalArgumentError("Can't deploy without bytecode"); const tx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.ContractCreateTx, gasLimit: (_opt$gasLimit = opt.gasLimit) !== null && _opt$gasLimit !== void 0 ? _opt$gasLimit : await this._estimateGas('init', params, opt), callData: this._calldata.encode(this._name, 'init', params), code: this.$options.bytecode, ownerId }); const { hash, ...other } = await Contract_assertClassBrand(_Contract_brand, this, _sendAndProcess).call(this, tx, 'init', { ...opt, onAccount: opt.onAccount }); this.$options.address = buildContractIdByContractTx(other.rawTx); return { ...other, ...(other.result?.log != null && { decodedEvents: this.$decodeEvents(other.result.log, opt) }), owner: ownerId, transaction: hash, address: this.$options.address }; } /** * Get function schema from contract ACI object * @param name - Function name * @returns function ACI */ /** * Call contract function * @param fn - Function name * @param params - Array of function arguments * @param options - Array of function arguments * @returns CallResult */ async $call(fn, params, options = {}) { var _opt$gasLimit2; const { callStatic, top, ...opt } = { ...this.$options, ...options }; const fnAci = Contract_assertClassBrand(_Contract_brand, this, _getFunctionAci).call(this, fn); const { address, name } = this.$options; // TODO: call `produceNameId` on buildTx side const contractId = name != null ? produceNameId(name) : address; const { onNode } = opt; if (fn == null) throw new MissingFunctionNameError(); if (fn === 'init' && callStatic !== true) throw new InvalidMethodInvocationError('"init" can be called only via dryRun'); if (fn !== 'init' && opt.amount != null && Number(opt.amount) > 0 && !fnAci.payable) { throw new NotPayableFunctionError(opt.amount, fn); } let callerId; try { if (opt.onAccount == null) throw new InternalError('Use fallback account'); callerId = opt.onAccount.address; } catch (error) { const useFallbackAccount = callStatic === true && (error instanceof errors_TypeError && error.message === 'Account should be an address (ak-prefixed string), or instance of AccountBase, got undefined instead' || error instanceof NoWalletConnectedError || error instanceof InternalError && error.message === 'Use fallback account'); if (!useFallbackAccount) throw error; callerId = DRY_RUN_ACCOUNT.pub; } const callData = this._calldata.encode(this._name, fn, params); if (callStatic === true) { if (opt.nonce == null) { const topOption = top != null && { [typeof top === 'number' ? 'height' : 'hash']: top }; const account = await getAccount(callerId, { ...topOption, onNode }).catch(error => { if (!isAccountNotFoundError(error)) throw error; return { kind: 'basic', nonce: 0 }; }); opt.nonce = account.kind === 'generalized' ? 0 : account.nonce + 1; } const txOpt = { ...opt, onNode, callData }; let tx; if (fn === 'init') { if (this.$options.bytecode == null) throw new IllegalArgumentError('Can\'t dry-run "init" without bytecode'); tx = await buildTxAsync({ ...txOpt, tag: Tag.ContractCreateTx, code: this.$options.bytecode, ownerId: callerId }); } else { if (contractId == null) throw new MissingContractAddressError("Can't dry-run contract without address"); tx = await buildTxAsync({ ...txOpt, tag: Tag.ContractCallTx, callerId, contractId }); } const { callObj, ...dryRunOther } = await txDryRun(tx, callerId, { ...opt, top }); if (callObj == null) { throw new InternalError(`callObj is not available for transaction ${tx}`); } const callInfoTyped = callObj; return { ...dryRunOther, ...Contract_assertClassBrand(_Contract_brand, this, _getCallResult).call(this, callInfoTyped, fn, tx, opt), tx: unpackTx(tx), result: callInfoTyped, rawTx: tx, hash: buildTxHash(tx), txData: undefined }; } if (top != null) throw new IllegalArgumentError("Can't handle `top` option in on-chain contract call"); if (contractId == null) throw new MissingContractAddressError("Can't call contract without address"); const tx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.ContractCallTx, gasLimit: (_opt$gasLimit2 = opt.gasLimit) !== null && _opt$gasLimit2 !== void 0 ? _opt$gasLimit2 : await this._estimateGas(fn, params, opt), callerId, contractId, callData }); if (opt.onAccount == null) throw new IllegalArgumentError("Can't call contract on chain without account"); return Contract_assertClassBrand(_Contract_brand, this, _sendAndProcess).call(this, tx, fn, { ...opt, onAccount: opt.onAccount }); } /** * @param ctAddress - Contract address that emitted event * @param nameHash - Hash of emitted event name * @param options - Options * @returns Contract name * @throws {@link MissingEventDefinitionError} * @throws {@link AmbiguousEventDefinitionError} */ /** * Decode Events * @param events - Array of encoded events (callRes.result.log) * @param options - Options * @returns DecodedEvents */ $decodeEvents(events, { omitUnknown, ...opt } = {}) { return events.map(event => { let contractName; try { contractName = Contract_assertClassBrand(_Contract_brand, this, _getContractNameByEvent).call(this, event.address, event.topics[0], opt); } catch (error) { if ((omitUnknown !== null && omitUnknown !== void 0 ? omitUnknown : false) && error instanceof MissingEventDefinitionError) return null; throw error; } const decoded = this._calldata.decodeEvent(contractName, event.data, event.topics); const [name, args] = Object.entries(decoded)[0]; return { name, args, contract: { name: contractName, address: event.address } }; }).filter(e => e != null); } static async initialize({ onCompiler, onNode, bytecode, aci, address, sourceCodePath, sourceCode, fileSystem, validateBytecode, ...otherOptions }) { if (aci == null && onCompiler != null) { let res; if (sourceCodePath != null) res = await onCompiler.compile(sourceCodePath); if (sourceCode != null) res = await onCompiler.compileBySourceCode(sourceCode, fileSystem); if (res != null) { var _bytecode; aci = res.aci; (_bytecode = bytecode) !== null && _bytecode !== void 0 ? _bytecode : bytecode = res.bytecode; } } if (aci == null) throw new MissingContractDefError(); let name; if (address != null) { address = await resolveName(address, 'contract_pubkey', { resolveByNode: true, onNode }); if (isNameValid(address)) name = address; } if (address == null && sourceCode == null && sourceCodePath == null && bytecode == null) { throw new MissingContractAddressError("Can't create instance by ACI without address"); } if (address != null) { const contract = await getContract(address, { onNode }); if (contract.active == null) throw new InactiveContractError(address); } if (validateBytecode === true) { if (address == null) throw new MissingContractAddressError("Can't validate bytecode without contract address"); const onChanBytecode = (await getContractByteCode(address, { onNode })).bytecode; let isValid = false; if (bytecode != null) isValid = bytecode === onChanBytecode;else if (sourceCode != null) { if (onCompiler == null) throw new IllegalArgumentError("Can't validate bytecode without compiler"); isValid = await onCompiler.validateBySourceCode(onChanBytecode, sourceCode, fileSystem); } else if (sourceCodePath != null) { if (onCompiler == null) throw new IllegalArgumentError("Can't validate bytecode without compiler"); isValid = await onCompiler.validate(onChanBytecode, sourceCodePath); } if (!isValid) { throw new BytecodeMismatchError((sourceCode !== null && sourceCode !== void 0 ? sourceCode : sourceCodePath) != null ? 'source code' : 'bytecode'); } } return new ContractWithMethods({ onCompiler, onNode, sourceCode, sourceCodePath, bytecode, aci, address, name, fileSystem, ...otherOptions }); } /** * @param options - Options */ constructor({ aci, ...otherOptions }) { Contract_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _Contract_brand); Contract_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _aciContract, void 0); this._aci = aci; const aciLast = aci[aci.length - 1]; if (aciLast.contract == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentError(`The last 'aci' item should have 'contract' key, got ${Object.keys(aciLast)} keys instead`); } Contract_classPrivateFieldSet(_aciContract, this, aciLast.contract); this._name = Contract_classPrivateFieldGet(_aciContract, this).name; this._calldata = new aepp_calldata_.Encoder(aci); this.$options = otherOptions; /** * Generate proto function based on contract function using Contract ACI schema * All function can be called like: * ```js * await contract.testFunction() * ``` * then sdk will decide to use dry-run or send tx * on-chain base on if function stateful or not. * Also, you can manually do that: * ```js * await contract.testFunction({ callStatic: true }) // use call-static (dry-run) * await contract.testFunction({ callStatic: false }) // send tx on-chain * ``` */ Object.assign(this, Object.fromEntries(Contract_classPrivateFieldGet(_aciContract, this).functions.map(({ name, arguments: aciArgs, stateful }) => { const callStatic = name !== 'init' && !stateful; return [name, async (...args) => { const options = args.length === aciArgs.length + 1 ? args.pop() : {}; if (typeof options !== 'object') throw new errors_TypeError(`Options should be an object: ${options}`); if (name === 'init') return this.$deploy(args, { callStatic, ...options }); return this.$call(name, args, { callStatic, ...options }); }]; }))); } } _Contract = Contract; function _getCallResult({ returnType, returnValue, log }, fnName, transaction, options) { let message; switch (returnType) { case 'ok': { const fnAci = Contract_assertClassBrand(_Contract_brand, this, _getFunctionAci).call(this, fnName); return { decodedResult: this._calldata.decode(this._name, fnAci.name, returnValue), decodedEvents: this.$decodeEvents(log, options) }; } case 'revert': message = this._calldata.decodeFateString(returnValue); break; case 'error': message = decode(returnValue).toString(); if (/Expected \d+ arguments, got \d+/.test(message)) { throw new ContractError(`ACI doesn't match called contract. Error provided by node: ${message}`); } break; default: throw new InternalError(`Unknown return type: ${returnType}`); } throw new NodeInvocationError(message, transaction); } async function _sendAndProcess(tx, fnName, options) { const txData = await sendTransaction(tx, { ...this.$options, ...options }); return { hash: txData.hash, tx: unpackTx(txData.rawTx), txData, rawTx: txData.rawTx, ...(txData.blockHeight != null && (await this.$getCallResultByTxHash(txData.hash, fnName, options))) }; } function _getFunctionAci(name) { const fn = Contract_classPrivateFieldGet(_aciContract, this).functions.find(f => f.name === name); if (fn != null) { return fn; } if (name === 'init') { return { arguments: [], name: 'init', payable: false, returns: 'unit', stateful: true }; } throw new NoSuchContractFunctionError(name); } function _getContractNameByEvent(ctAddress, nameHash, { contractAddressToName }) { const addressToName = { ...this.$options.contractAddressToName, ...contractAddressToName }; if (addressToName[ctAddress] != null) return addressToName[ctAddress]; // TODO: consider using a third-party library const isEqual = (a, b) => JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b); const contracts = this._aci.map(({ contract }) => contract).filter(contract => contract?.event); const matchedEvents = contracts.map(contract => [contract.name, contract.event.variant]).map(([name, events]) => events.map(event => [name, Object.keys(event)[0], Object.values(event)[0]])).flat().filter(([, eventName]) => BigInt(`0x${hash(eventName).toString('hex')}`) === nameHash).filter(([,, type], idx, arr) => !arr.slice(0, idx).some(el => isEqual(el[2], type))); switch (matchedEvents.length) { case 0: throw new MissingEventDefinitionError(nameHash.toString(), ctAddress); case 1: return matchedEvents[0][0]; default: throw new AmbiguousEventDefinitionError(ctAddress, matchedEvents); } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-redeclare const ContractWithMethods = Contract; /* harmony default export */ const contract_Contract = (ContractWithMethods); ;// ./src/oracle/OracleBase.ts function decodeQuery(queryEntry) { return { ...queryEntry, id: queryEntry.id, decodedQuery: decode(queryEntry.query).toString(), decodedResponse: decode(queryEntry.response).toString() }; } /** * This class is needed because `getOracleQuery` would return different values depending on the * oracle type. */ class OracleBase { /** * @param address - Oracle public key */ constructor(address, options) { this.address = address; this.options = options; } /** * Get oracle entry from the node * @param options - Options object */ async getState(options = {}) { const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; return opt.onNode.getOracleByPubkey(this.address); } /** * Get oracle query entry from the node * @param queryId - Oracle query ID * @param options - Options object */ async getQuery(queryId, options = {}) { const { onNode } = { ...this.options, ...options }; const queryEntry = await onNode.getOracleQueryByPubkeyAndQueryId(this.address, queryId); return decodeQuery(queryEntry); } } ;// ./src/oracle/Oracle.ts function Oracle_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { Oracle_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function Oracle_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function Oracle_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(Oracle_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function Oracle_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(Oracle_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function Oracle_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } var _handleQueriesPromise = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); /** * @category oracle */ class Oracle extends OracleBase { /** * @param account - Account to use as oracle * @param options - Options object */ constructor(account, options) { super(encode(decode(account.address), Encoding.OracleAddress), options); Oracle_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _handleQueriesPromise, void 0); this.account = account; this.options = options; } // TODO: support abiVersion other than 0 /** * Register oracle * @param queryFormat - Format of query * @param responseFormat - Format of query response * @param options - Options object */ async register(queryFormat, responseFormat, options = {}) { const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const oracleRegisterTx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.OracleRegisterTx, accountId: this.account.address, queryFormat, responseFormat }); return sendTransaction(oracleRegisterTx, { ...opt, onAccount: this.account }); } /** * Extend oracle ttl * @param options - Options object */ async extendTtl(options = {}) { const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const oracleExtendTx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.OracleExtendTx, oracleId: this.address }); return sendTransaction(oracleExtendTx, { ...opt, onAccount: this.account }); } /** * Poll for oracle queries * @param onQuery - OnQuery callback * @param options - Options object * @param options.interval - Poll interval (default: 5000) * @returns Callback to stop polling function */ pollQueries(onQuery, options = {}) { const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const knownQueryIds = new Set(); let isChecking = false; const checkNewQueries = async () => { var _await$opt$onNode$get; if (isChecking) return; isChecking = true; const queries = (_await$opt$onNode$get = (await opt.onNode.getOracleQueriesByPubkey(this.address)).oracleQueries) !== null && _await$opt$onNode$get !== void 0 ? _await$opt$onNode$get : []; const filtered = queries.filter(({ id }) => !knownQueryIds.has(id)).map(query => decodeQuery(query)).filter(query => options.includeResponded === true || query.decodedResponse === ''); filtered.forEach(query => knownQueryIds.add(query.id)); isChecking = false; await Promise.all(filtered.map(query => onQuery(query))); }; checkNewQueries(); const idPromise = (async _opt$interval => { const interval = (_opt$interval = opt.interval) !== null && _opt$interval !== void 0 ? _opt$interval : await _getPollInterval('micro-block', opt); return setInterval(async () => checkNewQueries(), interval); })(); return async () => { const id = await idPromise; clearInterval(id); }; } /** * Respond to a query * @param queryId - Oracle query id * @param response - The response to query * @param options - Options object */ async respondToQuery(queryId, response, options = {}) { const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const oracleRespondTx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.OracleResponseTx, oracleId: this.address, queryId, response }); return sendTransaction(oracleRespondTx, { ...opt, onAccount: this.account }); } /** * Respond to queries to oracle based on callback value * @param getResponse - Callback to respond on query * @param options - Options object * @param options.interval - Poll interval (default: 5000) * @returns Callback to stop polling function */ handleQueries(getResponse, options = {}) { if (Oracle_classPrivateFieldGet(_handleQueriesPromise, this) != null) { throw new LogicError('Another query handler already running, it needs to be stopped to run a new one'); } const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; let queuePromise = Promise.resolve(); const handler = async q => { const response = await getResponse(q); const respondPromise = queuePromise.then(async () => this.respondToQuery(q.id, response, opt)); queuePromise = respondPromise.then(() => {}, () => {}); await respondPromise; }; Oracle_classPrivateFieldSet(_handleQueriesPromise, this, Promise.resolve()); const stopPoll = this.pollQueries(async query => { const promise = handler(query); if (Oracle_classPrivateFieldGet(_handleQueriesPromise, this) == null) throw new UnexpectedTsError(); Oracle_classPrivateFieldSet(_handleQueriesPromise, this, Oracle_classPrivateFieldGet(_handleQueriesPromise, this).then(async () => promise).then(() => {}, () => {})); return promise; }, opt); return async () => { stopPoll(); await Oracle_classPrivateFieldGet(_handleQueriesPromise, this); Oracle_classPrivateFieldSet(_handleQueriesPromise, this, undefined); }; } } ;// ./src/oracle/OracleClient.ts /** * @category oracle */ class OracleClient extends OracleBase { /** * @param address - Oracle public key * @param options - Options object * @param options.onAccount - Account to use * @param options.onNode - Node to use */ constructor(address, options) { super(address, options); this.options = options; } /** * Post query to oracle * @param query - Query to oracle * @param options - Options object * @returns Transaction details and query ID */ async postQuery(query, options = {}) { const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const senderId = opt.onAccount.address; const oracleQueryTx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...opt, tag: Tag.OracleQueryTx, oracleId: this.address, senderId, query }); const { nonce } = unpackTx(oracleQueryTx, Tag.OracleQueryTx); return { ...(await sendTransaction(oracleQueryTx, opt)), queryId: oracleQueryId(senderId, nonce, this.address) }; } /** * Poll for oracle response to query * @param queryId - Oracle Query id * @param options - Options object * @param options.interval - Poll interval * @returns Oracle response */ async pollForResponse(queryId, options = {}) { var _opt$interval; const opt = { ...this.options, ...options }; const interval = (_opt$interval = opt.interval) !== null && _opt$interval !== void 0 ? _opt$interval : await _getPollInterval('micro-block', opt); let height; let ttl; let response; do { ({ response, ttl } = await opt.onNode.getOracleQueryByPubkeyAndQueryId(this.address, queryId)); const responseBuffer = decode(response); if (responseBuffer.length > 0) return responseBuffer.toString(); await pause(interval); height = await getHeight({ ...opt, cached: true }); } while (ttl >= height); throw new RequestTimedOutError(height); } /** * Post query to oracle and wait for response * @param query - Query to oracle * @param options - Options object * @returns Oracle response */ async query(query, options = {}) { const { queryId } = await this.postQuery(query, options); return this.pollForResponse(queryId, options); } } ;// ./src/spend.ts // TODO: name verify should not overlap with transaction verify /** * Send coins to another account * @category chain * @param amount - Amount to spend * @param recipientIdOrName - Address or name of recipient account * @param options - Options * @returns Transaction */ async function spend(amount, recipientIdOrName, options) { return sendTransaction(await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...options, tag: Tag.SpendTx, senderId: options.onAccount.address, recipientId: await resolveName(recipientIdOrName, 'account_pubkey', options), amount }), options); } // TODO: Rename to spendFraction /** * Spend a fraction of coin balance to another account. Useful if needed to drain account balance * completely, sending funds to another account (with fraction set to 1). * @category chain * @param fraction - Fraction of balance to spend (between 0 and 1) * @param recipientIdOrName - Address or name of recipient account * @param options - Options * @example * ```js * // `fraction` * 100 = % of AE to be transferred (e.g. `0.42` for 42% or `1` for 100%) * const { blockHeight } = await aeSdk.transferFunds( * 0.42, * 'ak_21A27UVVt3hDkBE5J7rhhqnH5YNb4Y1dqo4PnSybrH85pnWo7E', * ); * console.log('Transaction mined at', blockHeight); * ``` */ async function transferFunds(fraction, // TODO: accept only number recipientIdOrName, options) { if (+fraction < 0 || +fraction > 1) { throw new ArgumentError('fraction', 'a number between 0 and 1', fraction); } const recipientId = await resolveName(recipientIdOrName, 'account_pubkey', options); const senderId = options.onAccount.address; const balance = new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(await getBalance.bind(options.onAccount)(senderId, options)); const desiredAmount = balance.times(fraction).integerValue(external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_UP); const { fee } = unpackTx(await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...options, tag: Tag.SpendTx, senderId, recipientId, amount: desiredAmount }), Tag.SpendTx); // Reducing of the amount may reduce transaction fee, so this is not completely accurate const amount = desiredAmount.plus(fee).gt(balance) ? balance.minus(fee) : desiredAmount; return sendTransaction(await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...options, tag: Tag.SpendTx, senderId, recipientId, amount }), options); } /** * Submit transaction of another account paying for it (fee and gas) * @category chain * @param transaction - tx_-encoded transaction * @param options - Options * @returns Object Transaction */ async function payForTransaction(transaction, options) { return sendTransaction(await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...options, tag: Tag.PayingForTx, payerId: options.onAccount.address, tx: transaction }), options); } ;// ./src/contract/ga.ts /** * Generalized Account module - routines to use generalized account */ /** * Convert current account to GA * @category contract * @param authFnName - Authorization function name * @param args - init arguments * @param options - Options * @returns General Account Object */ async function createGeneralizedAccount(authFnName, args, { onAccount, onCompiler, onNode, bytecode, aci, sourceCodePath, sourceCode, fileSystem, ...options }) { var _options$gasLimit; const ownerId = onAccount.address; if ((await getAccount(ownerId, { onNode })).kind === 'generalized') { throw new IllegalArgumentError(`Account ${ownerId} is already GA`); } const contract = await contract_Contract.initialize({ onAccount, onCompiler, onNode, bytecode, aci, sourceCodePath, sourceCode, fileSystem }); const tx = await buildTxAsync({ _isInternalBuild: true, ...options, tag: Tag.GaAttachTx, onNode, code: await contract.$compile(), gasLimit: (_options$gasLimit = options.gasLimit) !== null && _options$gasLimit !== void 0 ? _options$gasLimit : await contract._estimateGas('init', args, options), ownerId, callData: contract._calldata.encode(contract._name, 'init', args), authFun: hash(authFnName) }); const { hash: transaction, rawTx } = await sendTransaction(tx, { onNode, onAccount, onCompiler, ...options }); const contractId = buildContractIdByContractTx(rawTx); return Object.freeze({ owner: ownerId, transaction, rawTx, gaContractId: contractId }); } /** * Build a transaction hash the same as `Auth.tx_hash` by GaMetaTx payload * @category contract * @param transaction - tx-encoded transaction * @param options - Options * @param options.fee - GaMetaTx fee, required in Ceres * @param options.gasPrice - GaMetaTx gasPrice, required in Ceres * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns Transaction hash */ async function buildAuthTxHash(transaction, { fee, gasPrice, onNode }) { const { nodeNetworkId, consensusProtocolVersion } = await onNode.getNodeInfo(); let payload = hash(concatBuffers([Buffer.from(nodeNetworkId), decode(transaction)])); if (consensusProtocolVersion === ConsensusProtocolVersion.Ceres) { if (fee == null) throw new ArgumentError('fee', 'provided (in Ceres)', fee); if (gasPrice == null) throw new ArgumentError('gasPrice', 'provided (in Ceres)', gasPrice); payload = hash(decode(packEntry({ tag: EntryTag.GaMetaTxAuthData, fee, gasPrice, txHash: encode(payload, Encoding.TxHash) }))); } return payload; } /** * Build a transaction hash the same as `Auth.tx_hash` by GaMetaTx * @category contract * @param transaction - tx-encoded signed GaMeta transaction * @param options - Options * @param options.onNode - Node to use * @returns Transaction hash */ async function buildAuthTxHashByGaMetaTx(transaction, { onNode }) { const txParams = unpackTx(transaction, Tag.SignedTx); if (txParams.encodedTx.tag !== Tag.GaMetaTx) { throw new ArgumentError('transaction', 'to include GaMetaTx', Tag[txParams.encodedTx.tag]); } return buildAuthTxHash(buildTx(txParams.encodedTx.tx.encodedTx), { fee: txParams.encodedTx.fee, gasPrice: txParams.encodedTx.gasPrice, onNode }); } // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/defineProperty.js var defineProperty = __webpack_require__(533); var defineProperty_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(defineProperty); ;// ./src/AeSdkMethods.ts function AeSdkMethods_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { AeSdkMethods_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function AeSdkMethods_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function AeSdkMethods_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(AeSdkMethods_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function AeSdkMethods_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(AeSdkMethods_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function AeSdkMethods_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } const methods = { ...chain_namespaceObject, sendTransaction: sendTransaction, ...spend_namespaceObject, ...ga_namespaceObject }; var _wrappedOptions = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); /** * AeSdkMethods is the composition of: * - chain methods * - tx methods * - aens methods * - spend methods * - oracle methods * - contract methods * - contract ga methods * * While these methods can be used separately, this class provides a handy way to store * their context (current account, network, and compiler to use). */ class AeSdkMethods { /** * @param options - Options */ constructor(options = {}) { defineProperty_default()(this, "_options", {}); AeSdkMethods_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _wrappedOptions, void 0); Object.assign(this._options, options); AeSdkMethods_classPrivateFieldSet(_wrappedOptions, this, { onAccount: wrapWithProxy(() => this._options.onAccount), onNode: wrapWithProxy(() => this._options.onNode), onCompiler: wrapWithProxy(() => this._options.onCompiler) }); } /** * Returns sdk instance options with references to current account, node, compiler. * Used to create an instance (Contract, Oracle) bound to AeSdk state. * @param mergeWith - Merge context with these extra options * @returns Context object */ getContext(mergeWith = {}) { return { ...this._options, ...AeSdkMethods_classPrivateFieldGet(_wrappedOptions, this), ...mergeWith }; } // TODO: omit onNode from options, because it is already in context async buildTx(options) { // TODO: remove `any` at the same time as AeSdk class return buildTxAsync({ ...this.getContext(), ...options }); } } Object.assign(AeSdkMethods.prototype, mapObject(methods, ([name, handler]) => [name, function methodWrapper(...args) { args.length = handler.length; const options = args[args.length - 1]; args[args.length - 1] = this.getContext(options); return handler(...args); }])); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-redeclare const AeSdkMethodsTyped = AeSdkMethods; /* harmony default export */ const src_AeSdkMethods = (AeSdkMethodsTyped); ;// ./src/AeSdkBase.ts function AeSdkBase_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { AeSdkBase_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function AeSdkBase_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function AeSdkBase_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(AeSdkBase_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function AeSdkBase_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(AeSdkBase_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function AeSdkBase_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } var AeSdkBase_wrappedOptions = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); /** * Basic AeSdk class implements: * - node selector, * - integrated compiler support, * - wrappers of account methods mapped to the current account. */ class AeSdkBase extends src_AeSdkMethods { /** * @param options - Options * @param options.nodes - Array of nodes */ constructor({ nodes = [], ...options } = {}) { super(options); defineProperty_default()(this, "pool", new Map()); AeSdkBase_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, AeSdkBase_wrappedOptions, void 0); nodes.forEach(({ name, instance }, i) => this.addNode(name, instance, i === 0)); AeSdkBase_classPrivateFieldSet(AeSdkBase_wrappedOptions, this, { onNode: wrapWithProxy(() => this.api), onCompiler: wrapWithProxy(() => this.compilerApi), onAccount: wrapWithProxy(() => this._resolveAccount()) }); } // TODO: consider dropping this getter, because: // compiler is not intended to be used separately any more (functionality limited to sdk needs) // and user creates its instance by himself get compilerApi() { if (this._options.onCompiler == null) { throw new CompilerError("You can't use Compiler API. Compiler is not ready!"); } return this._options.onCompiler; } get api() { this.ensureNodeConnected(); return this.pool.get(this.selectedNodeName); } /** * Add Node * @param name - Node name * @param node - Node instance * @param select - Select this node as current * @example * ```js * // add and select new node with name 'testNode' * aeSdkBase.addNode('testNode', new Node({ url }), true) * ``` */ addNode(name, node, select = false) { if (this.pool.has(name)) throw new DuplicateNodeError(name); this.pool.set(name, node); if (select || this.selectedNodeName == null) { this.selectNode(name); } } /** * Select Node * @param name - Node name * @example * nodePool.selectNode('testNode') */ selectNode(name) { if (!this.pool.has(name)) throw new NodeNotFoundError(`Node with name ${name} not in pool`); this.selectedNodeName = name; } /** * Check if you have selected node * @example * nodePool.isNodeConnected() */ isNodeConnected() { return this.selectedNodeName != null; } ensureNodeConnected() { if (!this.isNodeConnected()) { throw new NodeNotFoundError("You can't use Node API. Node is not connected or not defined!"); } } /** * Get information about node * @example * ```js * nodePool.getNodeInfo() // { name, version, networkId, protocol, ... } * ``` */ async getNodeInfo() { this.ensureNodeConnected(); return { name: this.selectedNodeName, ...(await this.api.getNodeInfo()) }; } /** * Get array of available nodes * @example * nodePool.getNodesInPool() */ async getNodesInPool() { return Promise.all(Array.from(this.pool.entries()).map(async ([name, node]) => ({ name, ...(await node.getNodeInfo()) }))); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this addresses() { return []; } /** * Resolves an account * @param account - ak-address, instance of AccountBase, or keypair */ _resolveAccount(account = this._options.onAccount) { if (typeof account === 'string') throw new NotImplementedError('Address in AccountResolver'); if (typeof account === 'object') return account; throw new errors_TypeError('Account should be an address (ak-prefixed string), ' + `or instance of AccountBase, got ${String(account)} instead`); } get address() { return this._resolveAccount().address; } /** * Sign data blob * @param data - Data to sign * @param options - Options */ async sign(data, { onAccount, ...options } = {}) { return this._resolveAccount(onAccount).sign(data, options); } /** * Sign encoded transaction * @param tx - Transaction to sign * @param options - Options */ async signTransaction(tx, { onAccount, ...options } = {}) { const networkId = this.selectedNodeName !== null ? await this.api.getNetworkId() : undefined; return this._resolveAccount(onAccount).signTransaction(tx, { networkId, ...options }); } /** * Sign message * @param message - Message to sign * @param options - Options */ async signMessage(message, { onAccount, ...options } = {}) { return this._resolveAccount(onAccount).signMessage(message, options); } /** * Sign typed data * @param data - Encoded data to sign * @param aci - Type of data to sign * @param options - Options */ async signTypedData(data, aci, { onAccount, ...options } = {}) { return this._resolveAccount(onAccount).signTypedData(data, aci, options); } /** * Sign delegation, works only in Ceres * @param delegation - Delegation to sign * @param options - Options */ async signDelegation(delegation, { onAccount, ...options } = {}) { var _options$networkId; (_options$networkId = options.networkId) !== null && _options$networkId !== void 0 ? _options$networkId : options.networkId = this.selectedNodeName !== null ? await this.api.getNetworkId() : undefined; return this._resolveAccount(onAccount).signDelegation(delegation, options); } /** * The same as AeSdkMethods:getContext, but it would resolve ak_-prefixed address in * `mergeWith.onAccount` to AccountBase. */ getContext(mergeWith = {}) { return { ...this._options, ...AeSdkBase_classPrivateFieldGet(AeSdkBase_wrappedOptions, this), ...mergeWith, ...(mergeWith.onAccount != null && { onAccount: this._resolveAccount(mergeWith.onAccount) }) }; } } ;// ./src/AeSdk.ts class AeSdk extends AeSdkBase { /** * @param options - Options */ constructor({ accounts, ...options } = {}) { super(options); defineProperty_default()(this, "accounts", {}); accounts?.forEach((account, idx) => this.addAccount(account, { select: idx === 0 })); } _resolveAccount(account = this.selectedAddress) { if (typeof account === 'string') { const address = account; decode(address); if (this.accounts[address] == null) throw new UnavailableAccountError(account); account = this.accounts[address]; } return super._resolveAccount(account); } /** * Get accounts addresses * @example addresses() */ addresses() { return Object.keys(this.accounts); } /** * Add specific account * @param account - Account instance * @param options - Options * @param options.select - Select account * @example addAccount(account) */ addAccount(account, { select } = {}) { const { address } = account; this.accounts[address] = account; if (select === true) this.selectAccount(address); } /** * Remove specific account * @param address - Address of account to remove * @example removeAccount(address) */ removeAccount(address) { if (this.accounts[address] == null) throw new UnavailableAccountError(address); delete this.accounts[address]; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete if (this.selectedAddress === address) delete this.selectedAddress; } /** * Select specific account * @param address - Address of account to select * @example selectAccount('ak_xxxxxxxx') */ selectAccount(address) { decode(address); if (this.accounts[address] == null) throw new UnavailableAccountError(address); this.selectedAddress = address; } } ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/schema.ts // eslint-disable-next-line max-classes-per-file /** * @category aepp wallet communication */ let MESSAGE_DIRECTION = /*#__PURE__*/function (MESSAGE_DIRECTION) { MESSAGE_DIRECTION["to_waellet"] = "to_waellet"; MESSAGE_DIRECTION["to_aepp"] = "to_aepp"; return MESSAGE_DIRECTION; }({}); /** * @category aepp wallet communication */ let WALLET_TYPE = /*#__PURE__*/function (WALLET_TYPE) { WALLET_TYPE["window"] = "window"; WALLET_TYPE["extension"] = "extension"; return WALLET_TYPE; }({}); /** * @category aepp wallet communication */ let SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES = /*#__PURE__*/function (SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES) { SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES["subscribe"] = "subscribe"; SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES["unsubscribe"] = "unsubscribe"; return SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES; }({}); /** * @category aepp wallet communication */ let METHODS = /*#__PURE__*/function (METHODS) { METHODS["readyToConnect"] = "connection.announcePresence"; METHODS["updateAddress"] = "address.update"; METHODS["address"] = "address.get"; METHODS["connect"] = "connection.open"; METHODS["unsafeSign"] = "data.unsafeSign"; METHODS["sign"] = "transaction.sign"; METHODS["signMessage"] = "message.sign"; METHODS["signTypedData"] = "typedData.sign"; METHODS["signDelegation"] = "delegation.sign"; METHODS["subscribeAddress"] = "address.subscribe"; METHODS["updateNetwork"] = "networkId.update"; METHODS["closeConnection"] = "connection.close"; return METHODS; }({}); /** * @category aepp wallet communication */ let RPC_STATUS = /*#__PURE__*/function (RPC_STATUS) { RPC_STATUS["CONNECTED"] = "CONNECTED"; RPC_STATUS["DISCONNECTED"] = "DISCONNECTED"; RPC_STATUS["WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION_REQUEST"] = "WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION_REQUEST"; return RPC_STATUS; }({}); const rpcErrors = []; /** * @category exception */ class RpcError extends BaseError { toJSON() { return { code: this.code, message: this.message, data: this.data }; } static deserialize(json) { const RpcErr = rpcErrors.find(cl => cl.code === json.code); if (RpcErr == null) throw new InternalError(`Can't find RpcError with code: ${json.code}`); return new RpcErr(json.data); } } /** * @category exception */ class RpcInvalidTransactionError extends RpcError { constructor(data) { super('Invalid transaction'); defineProperty_default()(this, "code", 2); this.data = data; this.name = 'RpcInvalidTransactionError'; } } defineProperty_default()(RpcInvalidTransactionError, "code", 2); rpcErrors.push(RpcInvalidTransactionError); /** * @category exception */ class RpcRejectedByUserError extends RpcError { constructor(data) { super('Operation rejected by user'); defineProperty_default()(this, "code", 4); this.data = data; this.name = 'RpcRejectedByUserError'; } } defineProperty_default()(RpcRejectedByUserError, "code", 4); rpcErrors.push(RpcRejectedByUserError); /** * @category exception */ class RpcUnsupportedProtocolError extends RpcError { constructor() { super('Unsupported Protocol Version'); defineProperty_default()(this, "code", 5); this.name = 'RpcUnsupportedProtocolError'; } } defineProperty_default()(RpcUnsupportedProtocolError, "code", 5); rpcErrors.push(RpcUnsupportedProtocolError); /** * @category exception */ class RpcConnectionDenyError extends RpcError { constructor(data) { super('Wallet deny your connection request'); defineProperty_default()(this, "code", 9); this.data = data; this.name = 'RpcConnectionDenyError'; } } defineProperty_default()(RpcConnectionDenyError, "code", 9); rpcErrors.push(RpcConnectionDenyError); /** * @category exception */ class RpcNotAuthorizeError extends RpcError { constructor() { super('You are not connected to the wallet'); defineProperty_default()(this, "code", 10); this.name = 'RpcNotAuthorizeError'; } } defineProperty_default()(RpcNotAuthorizeError, "code", 10); rpcErrors.push(RpcNotAuthorizeError); /** * @category exception */ class RpcPermissionDenyError extends RpcError { constructor(address) { super(`You are not subscribed for account ${address}`); defineProperty_default()(this, "code", 11); this.data = address; this.name = 'RpcPermissionDenyError'; } } defineProperty_default()(RpcPermissionDenyError, "code", 11); rpcErrors.push(RpcPermissionDenyError); /** * @category exception */ class RpcInternalError extends RpcError { constructor() { super('The peer failed to execute your request due to unknown error'); defineProperty_default()(this, "code", 12); this.name = 'RpcInternalError'; } } defineProperty_default()(RpcInternalError, "code", 12); rpcErrors.push(RpcInternalError); /** * @category exception */ class RpcNoNetworkById extends RpcError { constructor(networkId) { super(`Wallet can't find a network by id "${networkId}"`); defineProperty_default()(this, "code", 13); this.data = networkId; this.name = 'RpcNoNetworkById'; } } defineProperty_default()(RpcNoNetworkById, "code", 13); rpcErrors.push(RpcNoNetworkById); /** * @category exception */ class RpcMethodNotFoundError extends RpcError { constructor() { super('Method not found'); defineProperty_default()(this, "code", -32601); this.name = 'RpcMethodNotFoundError'; } } defineProperty_default()(RpcMethodNotFoundError, "code", -32601); rpcErrors.push(RpcMethodNotFoundError); ;// ./src/account/Rpc.ts /** * Account provided by wallet * @param params - Params * @param params.rpcClient - RpcClient instance * @param params.address - RPC account address * @returns AccountRpc instance */ class AccountRpc extends AccountBase { constructor(rpcClient, address) { super(); this._rpcClient = rpcClient; this.address = address; } async sign(dataRaw) { const data = encode(Buffer.from(dataRaw), Encoding.Bytearray); const { signature } = await this._rpcClient.request(METHODS.unsafeSign, { onAccount: this.address, data }); return decode(signature); } async signTransaction(tx, { innerTx, networkId } = {}) { if (networkId == null) throw new ArgumentError('networkId', 'provided', networkId); const res = await this._rpcClient.request(METHODS.sign, { onAccount: this.address, tx, returnSigned: true, networkId, innerTx }); if (res.signedTransaction == null) { throw new UnsupportedProtocolError('signedTransaction is missed in wallet response'); } return res.signedTransaction; } async signMessage(message) { const { signature } = await this._rpcClient.request(METHODS.signMessage, { onAccount: this.address, message }); return Buffer.from(signature, 'hex'); } async signTypedData(data, aci, { name, version, contractAddress, networkId } = {}) { const { signature } = await this._rpcClient.request(METHODS.signTypedData, { onAccount: this.address, domain: { name, version, networkId, contractAddress }, aci, data }); return signature; } async signDelegation(delegation) { const { signature } = await this._rpcClient.request(METHODS.signDelegation, { delegation, onAccount: this.address }); return signature; } } ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/rpc/types.ts const RPC_VERSION = 1; ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/rpc/RpcClient.ts function RpcClient_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(e, a) { RpcClient_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, a), a.add(e); } function RpcClient_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { RpcClient_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function RpcClient_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function RpcClient_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(RpcClient_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function RpcClient_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(RpcClient_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function RpcClient_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } var _callbacks = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _messageId = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _methods = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _RpcClient_brand = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); /** * Contain functionality for using RPC conection * @category aepp wallet communication * @param connection - Connection object * @param onDisconnect - Disconnect callback * @param methods - Object containing handlers for each request by name */ class RpcClient { constructor(connection, onDisconnect, methods) { RpcClient_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _RpcClient_brand); RpcClient_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _callbacks, new Map()); RpcClient_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _messageId, 0); RpcClient_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _methods, void 0); this.connection = connection; RpcClient_classPrivateFieldSet(_methods, this, methods); connection.connect(RpcClient_assertClassBrand(_RpcClient_brand, this, _handleMessage).bind(this), onDisconnect); } /** * Make a request * @param name - Method name * @param params - Method params * @returns Promise which will be resolved after receiving response message */ async request(name, params) { RpcClient_assertClassBrand(_RpcClient_brand, this, _sendRequest).call(this, RpcClient_classPrivateFieldSet(_messageId, this, RpcClient_classPrivateFieldGet(_messageId, this) + 1), name, params); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { RpcClient_classPrivateFieldGet(_callbacks, this).set(RpcClient_classPrivateFieldGet(_messageId, this), { resolve, reject }); }); } /** * Make a notification * @param name - Method name * @param params - Method params */ notify(name, params) { RpcClient_assertClassBrand(_RpcClient_brand, this, _sendRequest).call(this, undefined, name, params); } /** * Process response message * @param msg - Message object */ } async function _handleMessage(msg, origin) { if (msg?.jsonrpc !== '2.0') throw new InvalidRpcMessageError(JSON.stringify(msg)); if ('result' in msg || 'error' in msg) { RpcClient_assertClassBrand(_RpcClient_brand, this, _processResponse).call(this, msg); return; } const request = msg; let result; let error; try { if (!(request.method in RpcClient_classPrivateFieldGet(_methods, this))) throw new RpcMethodNotFoundError(); const methodName = request.method; result = await RpcClient_classPrivateFieldGet(_methods, this)[methodName](request.params, origin); } catch (e) { ensureError(e); error = e; } if (request.id != null) { RpcClient_assertClassBrand(_RpcClient_brand, this, _sendResponse).call(this, request.id, request.method, result, error == null || error instanceof RpcError ? error : new RpcInternalError()); } if (error != null && !(error instanceof RpcError)) throw error; } function _sendRequest(id, method, params) { this.connection.sendMessage({ jsonrpc: '2.0', ...(id != null ? { id } : {}), method, ...(params != null ? { params } : {}) }); } function _sendResponse(id, method, // TODO: remove as far it is not required in JSON RPC result, error) { this.connection.sendMessage({ jsonrpc: '2.0', id, method, ...(error != null ? { error: error.toJSON() } : { result }) }); } function _processResponse({ id, error, result }) { const callbacks = RpcClient_classPrivateFieldGet(_callbacks, this).get(id); if (callbacks == null) throw new MissingCallbackError(id); if (error != null) callbacks.reject(RpcError.deserialize(error));else callbacks.resolve(result); RpcClient_classPrivateFieldGet(_callbacks, this).delete(id); } ;// ./src/AeSdkAepp.ts /** * RPC handler for AEPP side * Contain functionality for wallet interaction and connect it to sdk * @deprecated use WalletConnectorFrame instead * @category aepp wallet communication */ class AeSdkAepp extends AeSdkBase { /** * @param options - Options * @param options.name - Aepp name * @param options.onAddressChange - Call-back function for update address event * @param options.onDisconnect - Call-back function for disconnect event * @param options.onNetworkChange - Call-back function for update network event */ constructor({ name, onAddressChange = () => {}, onDisconnect = () => {}, onNetworkChange = () => {}, ...other }) { super(other); this.onAddressChange = onAddressChange; this.onDisconnect = onDisconnect; this.onNetworkChange = onNetworkChange; this.name = name; } _resolveAccount(account = this.addresses()[0]) { if (typeof account === 'string') { const address = account; decode(address); if (!this.addresses().includes(address)) throw new UnAuthorizedAccountError(address); this._ensureConnected(); account = new AccountRpc(this.rpcClient, address); } if (account == null) this._ensureAccountAccess(); return super._resolveAccount(account); } addresses() { if (this._accounts == null) return []; const current = Object.keys(this._accounts.current)[0]; return [...(current != null ? [current] : []), ...Object.keys(this._accounts.connected)]; } /** * Connect to wallet * @param connection - Wallet connection object * @param options - Options * @param options.connectNode - Request wallet to bind node * @param options.name - Node name */ async connectToWallet(connection, { connectNode = false, name = 'wallet-node' } = {}) { if (this.rpcClient != null) throw new AlreadyConnectedError('You are already connected to wallet'); let disconnectParams; const updateNetwork = params => { if (connectNode) { if (params.node?.url == null) throw new RpcConnectionError('Missing URLs of the Node'); this.pool.delete(name); this.addNode(name, new Node(params.node.url), true); } this.onNetworkChange(params); }; const client = new RpcClient(connection, () => { delete this.rpcClient; delete this._accounts; this.onDisconnect(disconnectParams); }, { [METHODS.updateAddress]: params => { this._accounts = params; this.onAddressChange(params); }, [METHODS.updateNetwork]: updateNetwork, [METHODS.closeConnection]: params => { disconnectParams = params; client.connection.disconnect(); }, [METHODS.readyToConnect]: () => {} }); const walletInfo = await client.request(METHODS.connect, { name: this.name, version: RPC_VERSION, connectNode }); updateNetwork(walletInfo); this.rpcClient = client; return walletInfo; } /** * Disconnect from wallet */ disconnectWallet() { this._ensureConnected(); this.rpcClient.notify(METHODS.closeConnection, { reason: 'bye' }); this.rpcClient.connection.disconnect(); } /** * Ask addresses from wallet * @returns Addresses from wallet */ async askAddresses() { this._ensureConnected(); return this.rpcClient.request(METHODS.address, undefined); } /** * Subscribe for addresses from wallet * @param type - Subscription type * @param value - Should be one of 'current' (the selected account), 'connected' (all) * @returns Accounts from wallet */ async subscribeAddress(type, value) { this._ensureConnected(); const result = await this.rpcClient.request(METHODS.subscribeAddress, { type, value }); this._accounts = result.address; return result; } /** * Ask wallet to select a network */ async askToSelectNetwork(network) { this._ensureConnected(); await this.rpcClient.request(METHODS.updateNetwork, network); } _ensureConnected() { if (this.rpcClient != null) return; throw new NoWalletConnectedError('You are not connected to Wallet'); } _ensureAccountAccess() { this._ensureConnected(); if (this.addresses().length !== 0) return; throw new UnsubscribedAccountError(); } } // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "eventemitter3" var external_eventemitter3_ = __webpack_require__(1891); ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/WalletConnectorFrameBase.ts function WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(e, a) { WalletConnectorFrameBase_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, a), a.add(e); } function WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { WalletConnectorFrameBase_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function WalletConnectorFrameBase_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(WalletConnectorFrameBase_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(WalletConnectorFrameBase_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function WalletConnectorFrameBase_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } var _rpcClient = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _WalletConnectorFrameBase_brand = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _accounts = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); class WalletConnectorFrameBase extends external_eventemitter3_.EventEmitter { /** * Is connected to wallet */ get isConnected() { return WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldGet(_rpcClient, this) != null; } /** * Accounts provided by wallet over subscription */ get accounts() { return WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldGet(_accounts, this); } constructor() { super(); WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _WalletConnectorFrameBase_brand); WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _rpcClient, void 0); WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _accounts, []); } static async _connect(name, connection, connector, connectNode) { let disconnectParams; const client = new RpcClient(connection, () => { WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldSet(_rpcClient, connector, undefined); WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldSet(_accounts, connector, []); connector.emit('disconnect', disconnectParams); }, { [METHODS.updateAddress]: WalletConnectorFrameBase_assertClassBrand(_WalletConnectorFrameBase_brand, connector, _updateAccounts).bind(connector), [METHODS.updateNetwork]: connector._updateNetwork.bind(connector), [METHODS.closeConnection]: params => { disconnectParams = params; client.connection.disconnect(); }, [METHODS.readyToConnect]: () => {} }); WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldSet(_rpcClient, connector, client); const walletInfo = await WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldGet(_rpcClient, connector).request(METHODS.connect, { name, version: RPC_VERSION, connectNode }); connector._updateNetwork(walletInfo); } /** * Disconnect from wallet */ disconnect() { const client = WalletConnectorFrameBase_assertClassBrand(_WalletConnectorFrameBase_brand, this, _getRpcClient).call(this); client.notify(METHODS.closeConnection, { reason: 'bye' }); client.connection.disconnect(); } /** * Request accounts from wallet */ async getAccounts() { const client = WalletConnectorFrameBase_assertClassBrand(_WalletConnectorFrameBase_brand, this, _getRpcClient).call(this); const addresses = await client.request(METHODS.address, undefined); return addresses.map(address => new AccountRpc(client, address)); } /** * Subscribe for wallet accounts, get account updates adding handler to `accountsChange` event * @param type - Subscription type * @param value - Should be one of 'current' (the selected account), 'connected' (all) * @returns Accounts from wallet */ async subscribeAccounts(type, value) { const result = await WalletConnectorFrameBase_assertClassBrand(_WalletConnectorFrameBase_brand, this, _getRpcClient).call(this).request(METHODS.subscribeAddress, { type, value }); WalletConnectorFrameBase_assertClassBrand(_WalletConnectorFrameBase_brand, this, _updateAccounts).call(this, result.address); return WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldGet(_accounts, this); } /** * Ask wallet to select a network */ async askToSelectNetwork(network) { await WalletConnectorFrameBase_assertClassBrand(_WalletConnectorFrameBase_brand, this, _getRpcClient).call(this).request(METHODS.updateNetwork, network); } } function _getRpcClient() { if (WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldGet(_rpcClient, this) == null) throw new NoWalletConnectedError('You are not connected to Wallet'); return WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldGet(_rpcClient, this); } function _updateAccounts(params) { const addresses = [...new Set([...Object.keys(params.current), ...Object.keys(params.connected)])]; WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldSet(_accounts, this, addresses.map(address => new AccountRpc(WalletConnectorFrameBase_assertClassBrand(_WalletConnectorFrameBase_brand, this, _getRpcClient).call(this), address))); this.emit('accountsChange', WalletConnectorFrameBase_classPrivateFieldGet(_accounts, this)); } ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/WalletConnectorFrame.ts function WalletConnectorFrame_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { WalletConnectorFrame_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function WalletConnectorFrame_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function WalletConnectorFrame_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(WalletConnectorFrame_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function WalletConnectorFrame_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(WalletConnectorFrame_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function WalletConnectorFrame_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } var _networkId = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); /** * Connect to wallet as iframe/web-extension * @category aepp wallet communication */ class WalletConnectorFrame extends WalletConnectorFrameBase { constructor(...args) { super(...args); WalletConnectorFrame_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _networkId, ''); } /** * The last network id reported by wallet */ get networkId() { return WalletConnectorFrame_classPrivateFieldGet(_networkId, this); } _updateNetwork(params) { WalletConnectorFrame_classPrivateFieldSet(_networkId, this, params.networkId); this.emit('networkIdChange', WalletConnectorFrame_classPrivateFieldGet(_networkId, this)); } /** * Connect to wallet * @param name - Aepp name * @param connection - Wallet connection object */ static async connect(name, connection) { const connector = new WalletConnectorFrame(); await WalletConnectorFrame._connect(name, connection, connector, false); return connector; } } ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/WalletConnectorFrameWithNode.ts function WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } var _node = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); /** * Connect to wallet as iframe/web-extension, asks wallet to provide node url * In comparison with WalletConnectorFrame, this would work better for decentralized applications * @category aepp wallet communication */ class WalletConnectorFrameWithNode extends WalletConnectorFrameBase { constructor(...args) { super(...args); WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _node, null); } /** * The node instance provided by wallet */ get node() { return WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_classPrivateFieldGet(_node, this); } _updateNetwork(params) { if (params.node?.url == null) throw new RpcConnectionError('Missing URLs of the Node'); WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_classPrivateFieldSet(_node, this, new Node(params.node.url)); this.emit('nodeChange', WalletConnectorFrameWithNode_classPrivateFieldGet(_node, this)); } /** * Connect to wallet * @param name - Aepp name * @param connection - Wallet connection object */ static async connect(name, connection) { const connector = new WalletConnectorFrameWithNode(); await super._connect(name, connection, connector, true); return connector; } } // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "json-bigint" var external_json_bigint_ = __webpack_require__(4146); var external_json_bigint_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_json_bigint_); ;// ./src/utils/json-big.ts const jsonBig = external_json_bigint_default()({ storeAsString: true }); const convertValuesToBigNumbers = value => { if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && value.constructor === Object) { return mapObject(value, ([k, v]) => [k, convertValuesToBigNumbers(v)]); } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value.map(item => convertValuesToBigNumbers(item)); } if (typeof value === 'string' && new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(value).toString(10) === value) { const bn = new external_bignumber_js_.BigNumber(value); bn.toJSON = () => bn.toString(10); return bn; } return value; }; /* harmony default export */ const json_big = ({ stringify: (...args) => jsonBig.stringify(convertValuesToBigNumbers(args[0]), ...args.slice(1)), parse: jsonBig.parse }); ;// ./src/AeSdkWallet.ts /** * Contain functionality for aepp interaction and managing multiple aepps * @category aepp wallet communication */ class AeSdkWallet extends AeSdk { /** * @param options - Options * @param options.name - Wallet name * @param options.id - Wallet id * @param options.type - Wallet type * @param options.onConnection - Call-back function for incoming AEPP connection * @param options.onSubscription - Call-back function for incoming AEPP account subscription * @param options.onAskAccounts - Call-back function for incoming AEPP get address request * @param options.onAskToSelectNetwork - Call-back function for incoming AEPP select network * request. If the request is fine then this function should change the current network. * @param options.onDisconnect - Call-back function for disconnect event */ constructor({ name, id, type, onConnection, onSubscription, onDisconnect, onAskAccounts, onAskToSelectNetwork, ...options }) { super(options); defineProperty_default()(this, "_clients", new Map()); this.onConnection = onConnection; this.onSubscription = onSubscription; this.onDisconnect = onDisconnect; this.onAskAccounts = onAskAccounts; this.onAskToSelectNetwork = onAskToSelectNetwork; this.name = name; this.id = id; this._type = type; } _getAccountsForClient({ addressSubscription }) { const { current, connected } = this.getAccounts(); return { current: addressSubscription.has('current') || addressSubscription.has('connected') ? current : {}, connected: addressSubscription.has('connected') ? connected : {} }; } _pushAccountsToApps() { if (this._clients == null) return; Array.from(this._clients.keys()).filter(clientId => this._isRpcClientConnected(clientId)).map(clientId => this._getClient(clientId)).filter(client => client.addressSubscription.size !== 0).forEach(client => client.rpc.notify(METHODS.updateAddress, this._getAccountsForClient(client))); } selectAccount(address) { super.selectAccount(address); this._pushAccountsToApps(); } addAccount(account, options) { super.addAccount(account, options); this._pushAccountsToApps(); } _getNode() { this.ensureNodeConnected(); return { node: { url: this.api.$host, name: this.selectedNodeName } }; } async selectNode(name) { super.selectNode(name); const networkId = await this.api.getNetworkId(); Array.from(this._clients.keys()).filter(clientId => this._isRpcClientConnected(clientId)).map(clientId => this._getClient(clientId)).forEach(client => { client.rpc.notify(METHODS.updateNetwork, { networkId, ...(client.connectNode && this._getNode()) }); }); } _getClient(clientId) { const client = this._clients.get(clientId); if (client == null) throw new UnknownRpcClientError(clientId); return client; } _isRpcClientConnected(clientId) { return RPC_STATUS.CONNECTED === this._getClient(clientId).status && this._getClient(clientId).rpc.connection.isConnected(); } _disconnectRpcClient(clientId) { const client = this._getClient(clientId); client.rpc.connection.disconnect(); client.status = RPC_STATUS.DISCONNECTED; client.addressSubscription = new Set(); } /** * Remove specific RpcClient by ID * @param id - Client ID */ removeRpcClient(id) { this._disconnectRpcClient(id); this._clients.delete(id); } /** * Add new client by AEPP connection * @param clientConnection - AEPP connection object * @returns Client ID */ addRpcClient(clientConnection) { // @TODO detect if aepp has some history based on origin???? // if yes use this instance for connection const id = Buffer.from(external_tweetnacl_default().randomBytes(8)).toString('base64'); let disconnectParams; const client = { id, status: RPC_STATUS.WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION_REQUEST, addressSubscription: new Set(), connectNode: false, rpc: new RpcClient(clientConnection, () => { this._clients.delete(id); this.onDisconnect(id, disconnectParams); // also related info }, { [METHODS.closeConnection]: params => { disconnectParams = params; this._disconnectRpcClient(id); }, // Store client info and prepare two fn for each client `connect` and `denyConnection` // which automatically prepare and send response for that client [METHODS.connect]: async ({ name, version, icons, connectNode }, origin) => { if (version !== RPC_VERSION) throw new RpcUnsupportedProtocolError(); await this.onConnection(id, { name, icons, connectNode }, origin); client.status = RPC_STATUS.CONNECTED; client.connectNode = connectNode; return { ...(await this.getWalletInfo()), ...(connectNode && this._getNode()) }; }, [METHODS.subscribeAddress]: async ({ type, value }, origin) => { if (!this._isRpcClientConnected(id)) throw new RpcNotAuthorizeError(); switch (type) { case SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES.subscribe: // TODO: remove `type` as it always subscribe await this.onSubscription(id, { type, value }, origin); client.addressSubscription.add(value); break; case SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES.unsubscribe: client.addressSubscription.delete(value); break; default: throw new InternalError(`Unknown subscription type: ${type}`); } return { subscription: Array.from(client.addressSubscription), address: this._getAccountsForClient(client) }; }, [METHODS.address]: async (params, origin) => { if (!this._isRpcClientConnected(id)) throw new RpcNotAuthorizeError(); await this.onAskAccounts(id, params, origin); return this.addresses(); }, [METHODS.sign]: async ({ tx, onAccount = this.address, returnSigned, innerTx }, origin) => { if (!this._isRpcClientConnected(id)) throw new RpcNotAuthorizeError(); if (!this.addresses().includes(onAccount)) { throw new RpcPermissionDenyError(onAccount); } const parameters = { onAccount, aeppOrigin: origin, aeppRpcClientId: id, innerTx }; if (returnSigned || innerTx === true) { return { signedTransaction: await this.signTransaction(tx, parameters) }; } try { return json_big.parse(json_big.stringify({ transactionHash: await this.sendTransaction(tx, { ...parameters, verify: false }) })); } catch (error) { const validation = await verifyTransaction(tx, this.api); if (validation.length > 0) throw new RpcInvalidTransactionError(validation); throw error; } }, [METHODS.signMessage]: async ({ message, onAccount = this.address }, origin) => { if (!this._isRpcClientConnected(id)) throw new RpcNotAuthorizeError(); if (!this.addresses().includes(onAccount)) { throw new RpcPermissionDenyError(onAccount); } const parameters = { onAccount, aeppOrigin: origin, aeppRpcClientId: id }; return { signature: Buffer.from(await this.signMessage(message, parameters)).toString('hex') }; }, [METHODS.signTypedData]: async ({ domain, aci, data, onAccount = this.address }, origin) => { if (!this._isRpcClientConnected(id)) throw new RpcNotAuthorizeError(); if (!this.addresses().includes(onAccount)) { throw new RpcPermissionDenyError(onAccount); } const parameters = { ...domain, onAccount, aeppOrigin: origin, aeppRpcClientId: id }; return { signature: await this.signTypedData(data, aci, parameters) }; }, [METHODS.unsafeSign]: async ({ data, onAccount = this.address }, origin) => { if (!this._isRpcClientConnected(id)) throw new RpcNotAuthorizeError(); if (!this.addresses().includes(onAccount)) throw new RpcPermissionDenyError(onAccount); const parameters = { onAccount, aeppOrigin: origin, aeppRpcClientId: id }; const signature = encode(await this.sign(decode(data), parameters), Encoding.Signature); return { signature }; }, [METHODS.signDelegation]: async ({ delegation, onAccount = this.address }, origin) => { if (!this._isRpcClientConnected(id)) throw new RpcNotAuthorizeError(); if (!this.addresses().includes(onAccount)) throw new RpcPermissionDenyError(onAccount); const parameters = { onAccount, aeppOrigin: origin, aeppRpcClientId: id }; const signature = await this.signDelegation(delegation, parameters); return { signature }; }, [METHODS.updateNetwork]: async (params, origin) => { if (!this._isRpcClientConnected(id)) throw new RpcNotAuthorizeError(); await this.onAskToSelectNetwork(id, params, origin); return null; } }) }; this._clients.set(id, client); return id; } /** * Send shareWalletInfo message to notify AEPP about wallet * @param clientId - ID of RPC client send message to */ async shareWalletInfo(clientId) { this._getClient(clientId).rpc.notify(METHODS.readyToConnect, await this.getWalletInfo()); } /** * Get Wallet info object * @returns Object with wallet information */ async getWalletInfo() { const { origin } = window.location; return { id: this.id, name: this.name, networkId: await this.api.getNetworkId(), origin: origin === 'file://' ? '*' : origin, type: this._type }; } /** * Get Wallet accounts * @returns Object with accounts information (\{ connected: Object, current: Object \}) */ getAccounts() { return { current: this.selectedAddress != null ? { [this.selectedAddress]: {} } : {}, connected: this.addresses().filter(a => a !== this.selectedAddress).reduce((acc, a) => ({ ...acc, [a]: {} }), {}) }; } } // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "@scure/bip39" var bip39_ = __webpack_require__(8380); // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "tweetnacl-auth" var external_tweetnacl_auth_ = __webpack_require__(5196); var external_tweetnacl_auth_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_tweetnacl_auth_); ;// ./src/account/BaseFactory.ts /** * A factory class that generates instances of AccountBase by index. */ class AccountBaseFactory { /** * Get an instance of AccountBase for a given account index. * @param accountIndex - Index of account */ /** * Discovers accounts in set that already have been used (has any on-chain transactions). * It returns an empty array if none of accounts been used. * If a used account is preceded by an unused account then it would be ignored. * @param node - Instance of Node to get account information from */ async discover(node) { let index = 0; const result = []; let account; do { if (account != null) result.push(account); account = await this.initialize(index); index += 1; } while (await node.getAccountByPubkey(account.address).then(() => true, () => false)); return result; } } ;// ./src/account/MnemonicFactory.ts function MnemonicFactory_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(e, a) { MnemonicFactory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, a), a.add(e); } function MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { MnemonicFactory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function MnemonicFactory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(MnemonicFactory_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(MnemonicFactory_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function MnemonicFactory_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } const ED25519_CURVE = Buffer.from('ed25519 seed'); const HARDENED_OFFSET = 0x80000000; function deriveKey(message, key) { const I = external_tweetnacl_auth_default().full(message, key); const IL = I.slice(0, 32); const IR = I.slice(32); return { secretKey: IL, chainCode: IR }; } function derivePathFromKey(key, segments) { return segments.reduce(({ secretKey, chainCode }, segment) => { const indexBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4); indexBuffer.writeUInt32BE(segment + HARDENED_OFFSET, 0); const data = concatBuffers([Buffer.alloc(1, 0), secretKey, indexBuffer]); return deriveKey(data, chainCode); }, key); } var _mnemonic = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _wallet = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _AccountMnemonicFactory_brand = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); /** * A factory class that generates instances of AccountMemory based on provided mnemonic phrase. */ class AccountMnemonicFactory extends AccountBaseFactory { /** * @param mnemonicOrWallet - BIP39-compatible mnemonic phrase or a wallet derived from mnemonic */ constructor(mnemonicOrWallet) { super(); MnemonicFactory_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _AccountMnemonicFactory_brand); MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _mnemonic, void 0); MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _wallet, void 0); if (typeof mnemonicOrWallet === 'string') MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(_mnemonic, this, mnemonicOrWallet);else MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(_wallet, this, mnemonicOrWallet); } /** * Get a wallet to initialize AccountMnemonicFactory instead mnemonic phrase. * In comparison with mnemonic, the wallet can be used to derive aeternity accounts only. */ async getWallet() { if (MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(_wallet, this) != null) return MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(_wallet, this); if (MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(_mnemonic, this) == null) throw new InternalError('AccountMnemonicFactory should be initialized with mnemonic or wallet'); const seed = await (0,bip39_.mnemonicToSeed)(MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(_mnemonic, this)); const masterKey = deriveKey(seed, ED25519_CURVE); const walletKey = derivePathFromKey(masterKey, [44, 457]); MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(_wallet, this, { secretKey: encode(walletKey.secretKey, Encoding.Bytearray), chainCode: encode(walletKey.chainCode, Encoding.Bytearray) }); return MnemonicFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(_wallet, this); } /** * Get an instance of AccountMemory for a given account index. * @param accountIndex - Index of account */ async initialize(accountIndex) { return new AccountMemory(await MnemonicFactory_assertClassBrand(_AccountMnemonicFactory_brand, this, _getAccountSecretKey).call(this, accountIndex)); } } async function _getAccountSecretKey(accountIndex) { const wallet = await this.getWallet(); const walletKey = { secretKey: decode(wallet.secretKey), chainCode: decode(wallet.chainCode) }; const raw = derivePathFromKey(walletKey, [accountIndex, 0, 0]).secretKey; return encode(raw, Encoding.AccountSecretKey); } ;// ./src/account/Generalized.ts function Generalized_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { Generalized_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function Generalized_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function Generalized_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(Generalized_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function Generalized_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(Generalized_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function Generalized_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } /** * Generalized account class */ var _authFun = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); class AccountGeneralized extends AccountBase { /** * @param address - Address of generalized account */ constructor(address) { super(); Generalized_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _authFun, void 0); decode(address); this.address = address; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async sign() { throw new NotImplementedError("Can't sign using generalized account"); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async signMessage() { throw new NotImplementedError("Can't sign using generalized account"); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async signTypedData() { throw new NotImplementedError("Can't sign using generalized account"); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async signDelegation() { throw new NotImplementedError('signing delegation using generalized account'); } async signTransaction(tx, { authData, onCompiler, onNode }) { if (authData == null || onCompiler == null || onNode == null) { throw new ArgumentError('authData, onCompiler, onNode', 'provided', null); } const { callData, sourceCode, args, fee, gasLimit, gasPrice } = typeof authData === 'function' ? await authData(tx) : authData; const authCallData = callData !== null && callData !== void 0 ? callData : await (async () => { if (Generalized_classPrivateFieldGet(_authFun, this) == null) { const account = await getAccount(this.address, { onNode }); if (account.kind !== 'generalized') { throw new ArgumentError('account kind', 'generalized', account.kind); } Generalized_classPrivateFieldSet(_authFun, this, account.authFun); } if (Generalized_classPrivateFieldGet(_authFun, this) == null) { throw new InternalError('Account in generalised, but authFun not provided'); } if (sourceCode == null || args == null) { throw new InvalidAuthDataError('Auth data must contain sourceCode and args or callData.'); } const contract = await contract_Contract.initialize({ onCompiler, onNode, sourceCode }); return contract._calldata.encode(contract._name, Generalized_classPrivateFieldGet(_authFun, this), args); })(); const gaMetaTx = await buildTxAsync({ tag: Tag.GaMetaTx, tx: { tag: Tag.SignedTx, encodedTx: decode(tx), signatures: [] }, gaId: this.address, authData: authCallData, fee, gasLimit, gasPrice, onNode }); return buildTx({ tag: Tag.SignedTx, encodedTx: decode(gaMetaTx), signatures: [] }); } } ;// ./src/account/Ledger.ts const CLA = 0xe0; const GET_ADDRESS = 0x02; const SIGN_TRANSACTION = 0x04; const GET_APP_CONFIGURATION = 0x06; const SIGN_PERSONAL_MESSAGE = 0x08; /** * Ledger wallet account class */ class AccountLedger extends AccountBase { /** * @param transport - Connection to Ledger to use * @param index - Index of account * @param address - Address of account */ constructor(transport, index, address) { super(); this.transport = transport; this.index = index; this.address = address; transport.decorateAppAPIMethods(this, ['signTransaction', 'signMessage'], 'w0w'); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async sign() { throw new NotImplementedError('RAW signing using Ledger HW'); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async signTypedData() { throw new NotImplementedError('Typed data signing using Ledger HW'); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async signDelegation() { throw new NotImplementedError('signing delegation using Ledger HW'); } async signTransaction(tx, { innerTx, networkId } = {}) { if (innerTx != null) throw new NotImplementedError('innerTx option in AccountLedger'); if (networkId == null) throw new ArgumentError('networkId', 'provided', networkId); const rawTx = decode(tx); let offset = 0; const headerLength = 4 + 1 + 4; const networkIdBuffer = Buffer.from(networkId); const toSend = []; while (offset !== rawTx.length) { const maxChunkSize = offset === 0 ? 150 - headerLength - networkIdBuffer.length : 150; const chunkSize = offset + maxChunkSize > rawTx.length ? rawTx.length - offset : maxChunkSize; const buffer = Buffer.alloc(offset === 0 ? headerLength + networkIdBuffer.length + chunkSize : chunkSize); if (offset === 0) { let bufferOffset = buffer.writeUInt32BE(this.index, 0); bufferOffset = buffer.writeUInt32BE(rawTx.length, bufferOffset); bufferOffset = buffer.writeUInt8(networkIdBuffer.length, bufferOffset); bufferOffset += networkIdBuffer.copy(buffer, bufferOffset, 0, networkIdBuffer.length); rawTx.copy(buffer, bufferOffset, 0, 150 - bufferOffset); } else { rawTx.copy(buffer, 0, offset, offset + chunkSize); } toSend.push(buffer); offset += chunkSize; } const response = await toSend.reduce(async (previous, data, i) => { await previous; return this.transport.send(CLA, SIGN_TRANSACTION, i === 0 ? 0x00 : 0x80, 0x00, data); }, Promise.resolve(Buffer.alloc(0))); const signatures = [response.subarray(0, 64)]; return buildTx({ tag: Tag.SignedTx, encodedTx: rawTx, signatures }); } async signMessage(messageStr) { let offset = 0; const message = Buffer.from(messageStr); const toSend = []; while (offset !== message.length) { const maxChunkSize = offset === 0 ? 150 - 4 - 4 : 150; const chunkSize = offset + maxChunkSize > message.length ? message.length - offset : maxChunkSize; const buffer = Buffer.alloc(offset === 0 ? 4 + 4 + chunkSize : chunkSize); if (offset === 0) { buffer.writeUInt32BE(this.index, 0); buffer.writeUInt32BE(message.length, 4); message.copy(buffer, 4 + 4, offset, offset + chunkSize); } else { message.copy(buffer, 0, offset, offset + chunkSize); } toSend.push(buffer); offset += chunkSize; } const response = await toSend.reduce(async (previous, data, i) => { await previous; return this.transport.send(CLA, SIGN_PERSONAL_MESSAGE, i === 0 ? 0x00 : 0x80, 0x00, data); }, Promise.resolve(Buffer.alloc(0))); return response.subarray(0, 64); } } ;// ./src/account/LedgerFactory.ts function LedgerFactory_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(e, a) { LedgerFactory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, a), a.add(e); } function LedgerFactory_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { LedgerFactory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function LedgerFactory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function LedgerFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(LedgerFactory_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function LedgerFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(LedgerFactory_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function LedgerFactory_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } var _ensureReadyPromise = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _AccountLedgerFactory_brand = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); /** * A factory class that generates instances of AccountLedger based on provided transport. */ class AccountLedgerFactory extends AccountBaseFactory { /** * @param transport - Connection to Ledger to use */ constructor(transport) { super(); LedgerFactory_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _AccountLedgerFactory_brand); LedgerFactory_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _ensureReadyPromise, void 0); this.transport = transport; transport.decorateAppAPIMethods(this, ['getAddress', 'getAppConfiguration'], 'w0w'); } /** * It throws an exception if Aeternity app on Ledger has an incompatible version, not opened or * not installed. */ async ensureReady() { const { version } = await LedgerFactory_assertClassBrand(_AccountLedgerFactory_brand, this, _getAppConfiguration).call(this); const args = [version, '0.4.4', '0.5.0']; if (!semverSatisfies(...args)) throw new UnsupportedVersionError('Aeternity app on Ledger', ...args); LedgerFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(_ensureReadyPromise, this, Promise.resolve()); } /** * @returns the version of Aeternity app installed on Ledger wallet */ async getAppConfiguration() { return LedgerFactory_assertClassBrand(_AccountLedgerFactory_brand, this, _getAppConfiguration).call(this); } /** * Get `ak_`-prefixed address for a given account index. * @param accountIndex - Index of account * @param verify - Ask user to confirm address by showing it on the device screen */ async getAddress(accountIndex, verify = false) { await LedgerFactory_assertClassBrand(_AccountLedgerFactory_brand, this, _ensureReady).call(this); const buffer = Buffer.alloc(4); buffer.writeUInt32BE(accountIndex, 0); const response = await this.transport.send(CLA, GET_ADDRESS, verify ? 0x01 : 0x00, 0x00, buffer); const addressLength = response[0]; return response.subarray(1, 1 + addressLength).toString('ascii'); } /** * Get an instance of AccountLedger for a given account index. * @param accountIndex - Index of account */ async initialize(accountIndex) { return new AccountLedger(this.transport, accountIndex, await this.getAddress(accountIndex)); } } async function _ensureReady() { var _classPrivateFieldGet2; (_classPrivateFieldGet2 = LedgerFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(_ensureReadyPromise, this)) !== null && _classPrivateFieldGet2 !== void 0 ? _classPrivateFieldGet2 : LedgerFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(_ensureReadyPromise, this, this.ensureReady()); return LedgerFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(_ensureReadyPromise, this); } async function _getAppConfiguration() { const response = await this.transport.send(CLA, GET_APP_CONFIGURATION, 0x00, 0x00); return { version: [response[1], response[2], response[3]].join('.') }; } ;// ./src/account/Metamask.ts const snapId = 'npm:@aeternity-snap/plugin'; async function invokeSnap(provider, method, params, key) { const response = await provider.request({ method: 'wallet_invokeSnap', params: { snapId, request: { method, params } } }); if (response == null) throw new InternalError('Empty MetaMask response'); if (!(key in response)) { throw new InternalError(`Key ${key} missed in response ${JSON.stringify(response)}`); } return response[key]; } /** * Account connected to Aeternity Snap for MetaMask * https://www.npmjs.com/package/\@aeternity-snap/plugin */ class AccountMetamask extends AccountBase { /** * @param address - Address of account */ constructor(provider, index, address) { super(); this.provider = provider; this.index = index; this.address = address; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async sign() { throw new NotImplementedError('RAW signing using MetaMask'); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async signTypedData() { throw new NotImplementedError('Typed data signing using MetaMask'); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async signDelegation() { throw new NotImplementedError('signing delegation using MetaMask'); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async signTransaction(tx, { innerTx, networkId } = {}) { if (innerTx != null) throw new NotImplementedError('innerTx option in AccountMetamask'); if (networkId == null) throw new ArgumentError('networkId', 'provided', networkId); return invokeSnap(this.provider, 'signTransaction', { derivationPath: [`${this.index}'`, "0'", "0'"], tx, networkId }, 'signedTx'); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async signMessage(message) { const signature = await invokeSnap(this.provider, 'signMessage', { derivationPath: [`${this.index}'`, "0'", "0'"], message: Buffer.from(message).toString('base64') }, 'signature'); return Buffer.from(signature, 'base64'); } } ;// ./src/account/MetamaskFactory.ts function MetamaskFactory_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { MetamaskFactory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function MetamaskFactory_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(e, a) { MetamaskFactory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, a), a.add(e); } function MetamaskFactory_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function MetamaskFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(MetamaskFactory_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function MetamaskFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(MetamaskFactory_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function MetamaskFactory_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } const snapMinVersion = '0.0.9'; const snapMaxVersion = '0.1.0'; var _AccountMetamaskFactory_brand = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var MetamaskFactory_ensureReadyPromise = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); /** * A factory class that generates instances of AccountMetamask. */ class AccountMetamaskFactory extends AccountBaseFactory { /** * @param provider - Connection to MetaMask to use */ constructor(provider) { super(); /** * It throws an exception if MetaMask has an incompatible version. */ MetamaskFactory_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _AccountMetamaskFactory_brand); MetamaskFactory_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, MetamaskFactory_ensureReadyPromise, void 0); if (provider != null) { this.provider = provider; return; } if (window == null) { throw new UnsupportedPlatformError('Window object not found, you can run AccountMetamaskFactory only in browser or setup a provider'); } if (!('ethereum' in window) || window.ethereum == null) { throw new UnsupportedPlatformError('`ethereum` object not found, you can run AccountMetamaskFactory only with Metamask enabled or setup a provider'); } this.provider = window.ethereum; } /** * Request MetaMask to install Aeternity snap. */ async installSnap() { await MetamaskFactory_assertClassBrand(_AccountMetamaskFactory_brand, this, _ensureMetamaskSupported).call(this); const details = await this.provider.request({ method: 'wallet_requestSnaps', params: { [snapId]: { version: snapMinVersion } } }); MetamaskFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(MetamaskFactory_ensureReadyPromise, this, Promise.resolve()); return details[snapId]; } /** * It throws an exception if MetaMask or Aeternity snap has an incompatible version or is not * installed. */ async ensureReady() { const snapVersion = await this.getSnapVersion(); const args = [snapVersion, snapMinVersion, snapMaxVersion]; if (!semverSatisfies(...args)) throw new UnsupportedVersionError('Aeternity snap in MetaMask', ...args); MetamaskFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(MetamaskFactory_ensureReadyPromise, this, Promise.resolve()); } /** * @returns the version of snap installed in MetaMask */ async getSnapVersion() { await MetamaskFactory_assertClassBrand(_AccountMetamaskFactory_brand, this, _ensureMetamaskSupported).call(this); const snaps = await this.provider.request({ method: 'wallet_getSnaps' }); const version = snaps[snapId]?.version; if (version == null) throw new UnsupportedPlatformError('Aeternity snap is not installed to MetaMask'); return version; } /** * Get an instance of AccountMetaMask for a given account index. * @param accountIndex - Index of account */ async initialize(accountIndex) { await MetamaskFactory_assertClassBrand(_AccountMetamaskFactory_brand, this, MetamaskFactory_ensureReady).call(this); const address = await invokeSnap(this.provider, 'getPublicKey', { derivationPath: [`${accountIndex}'`, "0'", "0'"] }, 'publicKey'); return new AccountMetamask(this.provider, accountIndex, address); } } async function _ensureMetamaskSupported() { const version = await this.provider.request({ method: 'web3_clientVersion' }); if (version == null) throw new InternalError("Can't get Ethereum Provider version"); const metamaskPrefix = 'MetaMask/v'; if (!version.startsWith(metamaskPrefix)) { throw new UnsupportedPlatformError(`Expected Metamask, got ${version} instead`); } const args = [version.slice(metamaskPrefix.length), '12.2.4']; if (!semverSatisfies(...args)) throw new UnsupportedVersionError('Metamask', ...args); } async function MetamaskFactory_ensureReady() { var _classPrivateFieldGet2; (_classPrivateFieldGet2 = MetamaskFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(MetamaskFactory_ensureReadyPromise, this)) !== null && _classPrivateFieldGet2 !== void 0 ? _classPrivateFieldGet2 : MetamaskFactory_classPrivateFieldSet(MetamaskFactory_ensureReadyPromise, this, this.ensureReady()); return MetamaskFactory_classPrivateFieldGet(MetamaskFactory_ensureReadyPromise, this); } ;// ./src/contract/compiler/Base.ts /** * A base class for all compiler implementations */ class CompilerBase {} ;// ./src/apis/compiler/models/mappers.ts const mappers_Contract = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Contract", modelProperties: { code: { serializedName: "code", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, options: { serializedName: "options", type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompileOpts" } } } } }; const CompileOpts = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompileOpts", modelProperties: { fileSystem: { serializedName: "file_system", type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } }, srcFile: { serializedName: "src_file", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const mappers_CompilerError = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompilerError", modelProperties: { type: { serializedName: "type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, pos: { serializedName: "pos", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ErrorPos" } }, message: { serializedName: "message", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, context: { serializedName: "context", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ErrorPos = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ErrorPos", modelProperties: { file: { serializedName: "file", type: { name: "String" } }, line: { serializedName: "line", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, col: { serializedName: "col", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const CompileResult = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompileResult", modelProperties: { bytecode: { serializedName: "bytecode", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, aci: { serializedName: "aci", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } }, warnings: { serializedName: "warnings", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompilerError" } } } } } } }; const SophiaCallResultInput = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "SophiaCallResultInput", modelProperties: { source: { serializedName: "source", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, options: { serializedName: "options", type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompileOpts" } }, function: { serializedName: "function", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, callResult: { serializedName: "call-result", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, callValue: { serializedName: "call-value", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BytecodeCallResultInput = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "BytecodeCallResultInput", modelProperties: { bytecode: { serializedName: "bytecode", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, function: { serializedName: "function", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, callResult: { serializedName: "call-result", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, callValue: { serializedName: "call-value", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const DecodedCallresult = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DecodedCallresult", modelProperties: { function: { serializedName: "function", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, result: { serializedName: "result", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } }; const FunctionCallInput = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "FunctionCallInput", modelProperties: { source: { serializedName: "source", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, options: { serializedName: "options", type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompileOpts" } }, function: { serializedName: "function", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, arguments: { serializedName: "arguments", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } } } } }; const Calldata = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Calldata", modelProperties: { calldata: { serializedName: "calldata", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const DecodeCalldataBytecode = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DecodeCalldataBytecode", modelProperties: { calldata: { serializedName: "calldata", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, bytecode: { serializedName: "bytecode", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const DecodedCalldata = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DecodedCalldata", modelProperties: { function: { serializedName: "function", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, arguments: { serializedName: "arguments", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } } } }; const mappers_ErrorModel = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ErrorModel", modelProperties: { reason: { serializedName: "reason", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const DecodeCalldataSource = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DecodeCalldataSource", modelProperties: { source: { serializedName: "source", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, options: { serializedName: "options", type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompileOpts" } }, calldata: { serializedName: "calldata", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, function: { serializedName: "function", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ByteCodeInput = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ByteCodeInput", modelProperties: { bytecode: { serializedName: "bytecode", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const FateAssembler = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "FateAssembler", modelProperties: { fateAssembler: { serializedName: "fate-assembler", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ValidateByteCodeInput = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ValidateByteCodeInput", modelProperties: { bytecode: { serializedName: "bytecode", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, source: { serializedName: "source", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, options: { serializedName: "options", type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompileOpts" } } } } }; const CompilerVersion = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompilerVersion", modelProperties: { version: { serializedName: "version", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ApiVersion = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ApiVersion", modelProperties: { apiVersion: { serializedName: "api-version", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const SophiaBinaryData = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "SophiaBinaryData", modelProperties: { sophiaType: { serializedName: "sophia-type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const SophiaJsonData = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "SophiaJsonData", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } }; ;// ./src/apis/compiler/models/parameters.ts const parameters_contentType = { parameterPath: ["options", "contentType"], mapper: { defaultValue: "application/json", isConstant: true, serializedName: "Content-Type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const parameters_body = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: mappers_Contract }; const parameters_accept = { parameterPath: "accept", mapper: { defaultValue: "application/json", isConstant: true, serializedName: "Accept", type: { name: "String" } } }; const parameters_$host = { parameterPath: "$host", mapper: { serializedName: "$host", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, skipEncoding: true }; const parameters_body1 = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: SophiaCallResultInput }; const body2 = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: BytecodeCallResultInput }; const body3 = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: FunctionCallInput }; const body4 = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: DecodeCalldataBytecode }; const body5 = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: DecodeCalldataSource }; const body6 = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: ByteCodeInput }; const body7 = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: ValidateByteCodeInput }; ;// ./src/apis/compiler/compiler.ts class Compiler extends core_client_.ServiceClient { /** * Initializes a new instance of the Compiler class. * @param $host server parameter * @param options The parameter options */ constructor($host, options) { var _ref, _options$endpoint; if ($host === undefined) { throw new Error("'$host' cannot be null"); } // Initializing default values for options if (!options) { options = {}; } const defaults = { requestContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" }; const packageDetails = `azsdk-js-compiler/1.0.0-beta.1`; const userAgentPrefix = options.userAgentOptions && options.userAgentOptions.userAgentPrefix ? `${options.userAgentOptions.userAgentPrefix} ${packageDetails}` : `${packageDetails}`; const optionsWithDefaults = { ...defaults, ...options, userAgentOptions: { userAgentPrefix }, endpoint: (_ref = (_options$endpoint = options.endpoint) !== null && _options$endpoint !== void 0 ? _options$endpoint : options.baseUri) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : "{$host}" }; super(optionsWithDefaults); // Parameter assignments this.$host = $host; } /** * Generate an Aeternity Contract Interface (ACI) for contract * @param body contract code * @param options The options parameters. */ generateACI(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, generateACIOperationSpec); } /** * Compile a sophia contract from source and return byte code and ACI * @param body contract code * @param options The options parameters. */ compileContract(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, compileContractOperationSpec); } /** * Decode the result of contract call * @param body Binary data in Sophia ABI format * @param options The options parameters. */ decodeCallResult(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, decodeCallResultOperationSpec); } /** * Decode the result of contract call from Bytecode * @param body Call result + compiled contract * @param options The options parameters. */ decodeCallResultBytecode(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, decodeCallResultBytecodeOperationSpec); } /** * Encode Sophia function call according to sophia ABI. * @param body Sophia function call - contract code + function name + arguments * @param options The options parameters. */ encodeCalldata(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, encodeCalldataOperationSpec); } /** * Identify function name and arguments in Calldata for a compiled contract * @param body Calldata + compiled contract * @param options The options parameters. */ decodeCalldataBytecode(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, decodeCalldataBytecodeOperationSpec); } /** * Identify function name and arguments in Calldata for a (partial) contract * @param body Calldata + contract (stub) code * @param options The options parameters. */ decodeCalldataSource(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, decodeCalldataSourceOperationSpec); } /** * Get FATE assembler code from bytecode * @param body contract byte array * @param options The options parameters. */ getFateAssemblerCode(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, getFateAssemblerCodeOperationSpec); } /** * Verify that an encoded byte array is the result of compiling a given contract * @param body contract byte array and source code * @param options The options parameters. */ validateByteCode(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, validateByteCodeOperationSpec); } /** * Extract compiler version from bytecode * @param body contract byte array * @param options The options parameters. */ getCompilerVersion(body, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ body, options }, getCompilerVersionOperationSpec); } /** * Get the version of the underlying Sophia compiler version * @param options The options parameters. */ version(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, versionOperationSpec); } /** * Get the version of the API * @param options The options parameters. */ apiVersion(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, apiVersionOperationSpec); } /** * Get the Api description * @param options The options parameters. */ api(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, apiOperationSpec); } } // Operation Specifications const compiler_serializer = core_client_.createSerializer(models_mappers_namespaceObject, /* isXml */false); const generateACIOperationSpec = { path: "/aci", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } }, 400: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompilerError" } } } }, isError: true } }, requestBody: parameters_body, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_contentType, parameters_accept], mediaType: "json", serializer: compiler_serializer }; const compileContractOperationSpec = { path: "/compile", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: CompileResult }, 400: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompilerError" } } } }, isError: true } }, requestBody: parameters_body, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_contentType, parameters_accept], mediaType: "json", serializer: compiler_serializer }; const decodeCallResultOperationSpec = { path: "/decode-call-result", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "any" } } }, 400: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompilerError" } } } }, isError: true } }, requestBody: parameters_body1, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_contentType, parameters_accept], mediaType: "json", serializer: compiler_serializer }; const decodeCallResultBytecodeOperationSpec = { path: "/decode-call-result/bytecode", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: DecodedCallresult }, 400: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompilerError" } } } }, isError: true } }, requestBody: body2, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_contentType, parameters_accept], mediaType: "json", serializer: compiler_serializer }; const encodeCalldataOperationSpec = { path: "/encode-calldata", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Calldata }, 400: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompilerError" } } } }, isError: true } }, requestBody: body3, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_contentType, parameters_accept], mediaType: "json", serializer: compiler_serializer }; const decodeCalldataBytecodeOperationSpec = { path: "/decode-calldata/bytecode", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: DecodedCalldata }, 400: { bodyMapper: mappers_ErrorModel, isError: true } }, requestBody: body4, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_contentType, parameters_accept], mediaType: "json", serializer: compiler_serializer }; const decodeCalldataSourceOperationSpec = { path: "/decode-calldata/source", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: DecodedCalldata }, 400: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompilerError" } } } }, isError: true } }, requestBody: body5, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_contentType, parameters_accept], mediaType: "json", serializer: compiler_serializer }; const getFateAssemblerCodeOperationSpec = { path: "/fate-assembler", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: FateAssembler }, 400: { bodyMapper: mappers_ErrorModel, isError: true } }, requestBody: body6, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_contentType, parameters_accept], mediaType: "json", serializer: compiler_serializer }; const validateByteCodeOperationSpec = { path: "/validate-byte-code", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: {}, 400: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CompilerError" } } } }, isError: true } }, requestBody: body7, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_contentType, parameters_accept], mediaType: "json", serializer: compiler_serializer }; const getCompilerVersionOperationSpec = { path: "/compiler-version", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: CompilerVersion }, 400: { bodyMapper: mappers_ErrorModel, isError: true } }, requestBody: body6, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_contentType, parameters_accept], mediaType: "json", serializer: compiler_serializer }; const versionOperationSpec = { path: "/version", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: CompilerVersion }, 500: { bodyMapper: mappers_ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_accept], serializer: compiler_serializer }; const apiVersionOperationSpec = { path: "/api-version", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: ApiVersion }, 500: { bodyMapper: mappers_ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_accept], serializer: compiler_serializer }; const apiOperationSpec = { path: "/api", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } }, 400: { bodyMapper: mappers_ErrorModel, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [parameters_$host], headerParameters: [parameters_accept], serializer: compiler_serializer }; ;// ./src/contract/compiler/Http.ts /** * Contract Compiler over HTTP * * This class include api call's related to contract compiler functionality. * @category contract * @example CompilerHttp('COMPILER_URL') */ class CompilerHttp extends CompilerBase { /** * @param compilerUrl - Url for compiler API * @param options - Options * @param options.ignoreVersion - Don't check compiler version */ constructor(compilerUrl, { ignoreVersion = false } = {}) { super(); let version; const getVersion = async opts => { if (version != null) return version; version = (await this.api.apiVersion(opts)).apiVersion; return version; }; this.api = new Compiler(compilerUrl, { allowInsecureConnection: true, additionalPolicies: [...(ignoreVersion ? [] : [genVersionCheckPolicy('compiler', getVersion, '8.0.0', '9.0.0')]), genErrorFormatterPolicy(body => { let message = ''; if ('reason' in body) { message += ` ${body.reason}${body.parameter != null ? ` in ${body.parameter}` : '' // TODO: revising after improving documentation https://github.com/aeternity/aesophia_http/issues/78 }${body.info != null ? ` (${JSON.stringify(body.info)})` : ''}`; } if (Array.isArray(body)) { message += `\n${body.map(e => `${e.type}:${e.pos.line}:${e.pos.col}: ${e.message}${e.context != null ? ` (${e.context})` : ''}`).join('\n')}`; } return message; })] }); this.api.pipeline.removePolicy({ name: core_rest_pipeline_.userAgentPolicyName }); this.api.pipeline.removePolicy({ name: core_rest_pipeline_.setClientRequestIdPolicyName }); } async compileBySourceCode(sourceCode, fileSystem) { try { const cmpOut = await this.api.compileContract({ code: sourceCode, options: { fileSystem } }); const warnings = cmpOut.warnings.map(({ type, ...warning }) => warning); const res = { ...cmpOut, warnings }; // TODO: should be fixed when the compiledAci interface gets updated return res; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof core_rest_pipeline_.RestError && error.statusCode === 400) { throw new CompilerError(error.message); } throw error; } } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars async compile(path) { throw new NotImplementedError('File system access, use CompilerHttpNode instead'); } async generateAciBySourceCode(sourceCode, fileSystem) { try { return await this.api.generateACI({ code: sourceCode, options: { fileSystem } }); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof core_rest_pipeline_.RestError && error.statusCode === 400) { throw new CompilerError(error.message); } throw error; } } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars async generateAci(path) { throw new NotImplementedError('File system access, use CompilerHttpNode instead'); } async validateBySourceCode(bytecode, sourceCode, fileSystem) { try { await this.api.validateByteCode({ bytecode, source: sourceCode, options: { fileSystem } }); return true; } catch { return false; } } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars async validate(bytecode, path) { throw new NotImplementedError('File system access, use CompilerHttpNode instead'); } async version() { return (await this.api.version()).version; } } ;// ./src/utils/string.ts /** * Convert string from snake_case to PascalCase * @param s - String to convert * @returns Converted string */ function snakeToPascal(s) { return s.replace(/_./g, match => match[1].toUpperCase()); } /** * Convert string from PascalCase to snake_case * @param s - String to convert * @returns Converted string */ function pascalToSnake(s) { return s.replace(/[A-Z]/g, match => `_${match.toLowerCase()}`); } // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "websocket" var external_websocket_ = __webpack_require__(8963); var external_websocket_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_websocket_); ;// ./src/channel/internal.ts const { w3cwebsocket: W3CWebSocket } = (external_websocket_default()); // TODO: SignTx shouldn't return number or null /** * @see {@link https://github.com/aeternity/protocol/blob/6734de2e4c7cce7e5e626caa8305fb535785131d/node/api/channels_api_usage.md#channel-establishing-parameters} */ // Send ping message every 10 seconds const PING_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000; // Close connection if pong message is not received within 15 seconds const PONG_TIMEOUT_MS = 15000; function emit(channel, ...args) { const [eventName, ...rest] = args; channel._eventEmitter.emit(eventName, ...rest); } function enterState(channel, nextState) { if (nextState == null) { throw new UnknownChannelStateError(); } channel._debug('enter state', nextState.handler.name); channel._fsm = nextState; if (nextState?.handler?.enter != null) { nextState.handler.enter(channel); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define void dequeueAction(channel); } // TODO: rewrite to enum function changeStatus(channel, newStatus, debug) { channel._debug(newStatus, `(prev. ${channel._status})`, debug !== null && debug !== void 0 ? debug : ''); if (newStatus === channel._status) return; channel._status = newStatus; emit(channel, 'statusChanged', newStatus); } function changeState(channel, newState) { channel._state = newState; emit(channel, 'stateChanged', newState); } function send(channel, message) { channel._debug('send message', message.method, message.params); channel._websocket.send(json_big.stringify({ jsonrpc: '2.0', ...message })); } function notify(channel, method, params = {}) { send(channel, { method, params }); } async function dequeueAction(channel) { if (channel._isActionQueueLocked) return; const queue = channel._actionQueue; if (queue.length === 0) return; const index = queue.findIndex(action => action.guard(channel, channel._fsm)); if (index === -1) return; channel._actionQueue = queue.filter((_, i) => index !== i); channel._isActionQueueLocked = true; const nextState = await queue[index].action(channel, channel._fsm); channel._isActionQueueLocked = false; enterState(channel, nextState); } async function enqueueAction(channel, guard, action) { const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { channel._actionQueue.push({ guard, action() { const res = action(); return { ...res, state: { ...res.state, resolve, reject } }; } }); }); void dequeueAction(channel); return promise; } async function handleMessage(channel, message) { const { handler, state: st } = channel._fsm; const nextState = await Promise.resolve(handler(channel, message, st)); enterState(channel, nextState); // TODO: emit message and handler name (?) to move this code to Contract constructor if (message?.params?.data?.updates?.[0]?.op === 'OffChainNewContract' && // if name is channelOpen, the contract was created by other participant nextState?.handler.name === 'channelOpen') { const round = channel.round(); if (round == null) throw new UnexpectedTsError('Round is null'); const owner = message?.params?.data?.updates?.[0]?.owner; emit(channel, 'newContract', encodeContractAddress(owner, round + 1)); } } async function dequeueMessage(channel) { if (channel._isMessageQueueLocked) return; channel._isMessageQueueLocked = true; while (channel._messageQueue.length > 0) { const message = channel._messageQueue.shift(); if (message == null) throw new UnexpectedTsError(); try { await handleMessage(channel, message); } catch (error) { ensureError(error); emit(channel, 'error', new ChannelIncomingMessageError(error, message)); } } channel._isMessageQueueLocked = false; } function disconnect(channel) { channel._websocket.close(); clearTimeout(channel._pingTimeoutId); } function ping(channel) { clearTimeout(channel._pingTimeoutId); channel._pingTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => { notify(channel, 'channels.system', { action: 'ping' }); channel._pingTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => { disconnect(channel); emit(channel, 'error', new ChannelPingTimedOutError()); }, PONG_TIMEOUT_MS); }, PING_TIMEOUT_MS); } function onMessage(channel, data) { const message = json_big.parse(data); channel._debug('received message', message.method, message.params); if (message.id != null) { const callback = channel._rpcCallbacks.get(message.id); if (callback == null) { emit(channel, 'error', new ChannelError(`Can't find callback by id: ${message.id}`)); return; } try { callback(message); } finally { channel._rpcCallbacks.delete(message.id); } return; } if (message.method === 'channels.message') { emit(channel, 'message', message.params.data.message); return; } if (message.method === 'channels.system.pong') { if (message.params.channel_id === channel._channelId || channel._channelId == null) { ping(channel); } return; } channel._messageQueue.push(message); void dequeueMessage(channel); } async function call(channel, method, params) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const id = channel._nextRpcMessageId; channel._nextRpcMessageId += 1; channel._rpcCallbacks.set(id, message => { if (message.error != null) { var _message$error$data$; const details = (_message$error$data$ = message.error.data[0].message) !== null && _message$error$data$ !== void 0 ? _message$error$data$ : ''; reject(new ChannelCallError(message.error.message + details)); } else resolve(message.result); }); send(channel, { method, id, params }); }); } async function initialize(channel, connectionHandler, openHandler, { url, ...channelOptions }) { channel._options = { url, ...channelOptions }; const wsUrl = new URL(url); Object.entries(channelOptions).filter(([key]) => !['sign', 'debug'].includes(key)).forEach(([key, value]) => wsUrl.searchParams.set(pascalToSnake(key), value.toString())); wsUrl.searchParams.set('protocol', 'json-rpc'); changeStatus(channel, 'connecting'); channel._websocket = new W3CWebSocket(wsUrl.toString()); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Object.assign(channel._websocket, { onerror: reject, onopen: async event => { resolve(); changeStatus(channel, 'connected', event); enterState(channel, { handler: connectionHandler }); ping(channel); }, onclose: event => { changeStatus(channel, 'disconnected', event); clearTimeout(channel._pingTimeoutId); }, onmessage: ({ data }) => onMessage(channel, data) }); }); } ;// ./src/channel/handlers.ts /* eslint-disable consistent-return */ /* eslint-disable default-case */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */ async function appendSignature(tx, signFn) { const { signatures, encodedTx } = unpackTx(tx, Tag.SignedTx); const payloadTx = buildTx(encodedTx); const result = await signFn(payloadTx); if (typeof result === 'string') { const { signatures: signatures2 } = unpackTx(result, Tag.SignedTx); return buildTx({ tag: Tag.SignedTx, signatures: signatures.concat(signatures2), encodedTx: decode(payloadTx) }); } return result; } async function signAndNotify(channel, method, data, signFn) { var _signedTx; let signedTx; if (data.tx != null) signedTx = await signFn(data.tx);else if (data.signed_tx != null) signedTx = await appendSignature(data.signed_tx, signFn);else throw new ChannelError("Can't find transaction in message"); const isError = typeof signedTx !== 'string'; const key = data.tx != null ? 'tx' : 'signed_tx'; notify(channel, method, isError ? { error: (_signedTx = signedTx) !== null && _signedTx !== void 0 ? _signedTx : 1 } : { [key]: signedTx }); return isError; } function handleUnexpectedMessage(_channel, message, state) { state?.reject?.(Object.assign(new UnexpectedChannelMessageError(`Unexpected message received:\n\n${JSON.stringify(message)}`), { wsMessage: message })); return { handler: channelOpen }; } function awaitingCompletion(channel, message, state, onSuccess) { if (onSuccess != null && message.method === 'channels.update') { return onSuccess(channel, message, state); } if (message.method === 'channels.conflict') { state.resolve({ accepted: false, errorCode: message.params.data.error_code, errorMessage: message.params.data.error_msg }); return { handler: channelOpen }; } if (message.method === 'channels.info') { if (message.params.data.event === 'aborted_update') { state.resolve({ accepted: false }); return { handler: channelOpen }; } } if (message.error != null) { const codes = message.error.data.map(d => d.code); if (codes.includes(1001)) { state.reject(new InsufficientBalanceError('Insufficient balance')); } else if (codes.includes(1002)) { state.reject(new IllegalArgumentError('Amount cannot be negative')); } else { state.reject(new ChannelConnectionError(message.error.message)); } return { handler: channelOpen }; } return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message, state); } function awaitingConnection(channel, message) { if (message.method === 'channels.info') { const channelInfoStatus = message.params.data.event; let nextStatus = null; if (channelInfoStatus === 'channel_accept') nextStatus = 'accepted'; if (channelInfoStatus === 'funding_created') nextStatus = 'halfSigned'; if (nextStatus != null) { changeStatus(channel, nextStatus); return { handler: awaitingChannelCreateTx }; } if (message.params.data.event === 'channel_reestablished') { return { handler: awaitingOpenConfirmation }; } if (message.params.data.event === 'fsm_up') { channel._fsmId = message.params.data.fsm_id; return { handler: awaitingConnection }; } return { handler: awaitingConnection }; } if (message.method === 'channels.error') { emit(channel, 'error', new ChannelConnectionError(message?.payload?.message)); return { handler: channelClosed }; } } async function awaitingReestablish(channel, message, state) { if (message.method === 'channels.info' && message.params.data.event === 'fsm_up') { channel._fsmId = message.params.data.fsm_id; return { handler: function awaitingChannelReestablished(_, message2, state2) { if (message2.method === 'channels.info' && message2.params.data.event === 'channel_reestablished') return { handler: awaitingOpenConfirmation }; return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message2, state2); } }; } return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message, state); } async function awaitingReconnection(channel, message, state) { if (message.method === 'channels.info' && message.params.data.event === 'fsm_up') { channel._fsmId = message.params.data.fsm_id; const { signedTx } = await channel.state(); changeState(channel, signedTx == null ? '' : buildTx(signedTx)); return { handler: channelOpen }; } return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message, state); } async function awaitingChannelCreateTx(channel, message) { const tag = channel._options.role === 'initiator' ? 'initiator_sign' : 'responder_sign'; if (message.method === `channels.sign.${tag}`) { await signAndNotify(channel, `channels.${tag}`, message.params.data, async tx => channel._options.sign(tag, tx)); return { handler: awaitingOnChainTx }; } } function awaitingOnChainTx(channel, message) { function awaitingBlockInclusion(_, message2) { if (message2.method === 'channels.info') { switch (message2.params.data.event) { case 'funding_created': case 'own_funding_locked': return { handler: awaitingBlockInclusion }; case 'funding_locked': return { handler: awaitingOpenConfirmation }; } } if (message2.method === 'channels.on_chain_tx') { emit(channel, 'onChainTx', message2.params.data.tx, { info: message2.params.data.info, type: message2.params.data.type }); return { handler: awaitingBlockInclusion }; } } if (message.method === 'channels.on_chain_tx') { const { info } = message.params.data; const { role } = channel._options; if (info === 'funding_signed' && role === 'initiator' || info === 'funding_created' && role === 'responder') { return { handler: awaitingBlockInclusion }; } } if (message.method === 'channels.info' && message.params.data.event === 'funding_signed' && channel._options.role === 'initiator') { channel._channelId = message.params.channel_id; changeStatus(channel, 'signed'); return { handler: awaitingOnChainTx }; } } function awaitingOpenConfirmation(channel, message, state) { if (message.method === 'channels.info' && message.params.data.event === 'open') { channel._channelId = message.params.channel_id; return { handler: function awaitingChannelsUpdate(_, message2, state2) { if (message2.method === 'channels.update') { changeState(channel, message2.params.data.state); return { handler: channelOpen }; } return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message2, state2); } }; } return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message, state); } async function channelOpen(channel, message, state) { switch (message.method) { case 'channels.info': switch (message.params.data.event) { case 'update': case 'withdraw_created': case 'deposit_created': return { handler: awaitingTxSignRequest }; case 'own_withdraw_locked': case 'withdraw_locked': case 'own_deposit_locked': case 'deposit_locked': case 'peer_disconnected': case 'channel_reestablished': case 'open': // TODO: Better handling of peer_disconnected event. // // We should enter intermediate state where offchain transactions // are blocked until channel is reestablished. emit(channel, snakeToPascal(message.params.data.event)); return { handler: channelOpen }; case 'fsm_up': channel._fsmId = message.params.data.fsm_id; return { handler: channelOpen }; case 'timeout': case 'close_mutual': return { handler: channelOpen }; case 'closing': changeStatus(channel, 'closing'); return { handler: channelOpen }; case 'closed_confirmed': changeStatus(channel, 'closed'); return { handler: channelClosed }; case 'died': changeStatus(channel, 'died'); return { handler: channelClosed }; case 'shutdown': return { handler: channelOpen }; } break; case 'channels.on_chain_tx': emit(channel, 'onChainTx', message.params.data.tx, { info: message.params.data.info, type: message.params.data.type }); return { handler: channelOpen }; case 'channels.leave': // TODO: emit event return { handler: channelOpen }; case 'channels.update': changeState(channel, message.params.data.state); return { handler: channelOpen }; case 'channels.sign.shutdown_sign_ack': return awaitingTxSignRequest(channel, message, state); } } channelOpen.enter = channel => { changeStatus(channel, 'open'); }; async function awaitingTxSignRequest(channel, message, state) { var _message$method$match; const [, tag] = (_message$method$match = message.method.match(/^channels\.sign\.([^.]+)$/)) !== null && _message$method$match !== void 0 ? _message$method$match : []; if (tag == null) return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message, state); const isError = await signAndNotify(channel, `channels.${tag}`, message.params.data, async tx => channel._options.sign(tag, tx, { updates: message.params.data.updates })); function awaitingUpdateConflict(_, message2) { if (message2.error != null) { return { handler: awaitingUpdateConflict, state }; } if (message2.method === 'channels.conflict') { return { handler: channelOpen }; } return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message2, state); } return isError ? { handler: awaitingUpdateConflict, state } : { handler: channelOpen }; } async function awaitingShutdownTx(channel, message, state) { if (message.method !== 'channels.sign.shutdown_sign') { return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message, state); } await signAndNotify(channel, 'channels.shutdown_sign', message.params.data, async tx => state.sign(tx)); return { handler(_, message2) { if (message2.method !== 'channels.on_chain_tx') { return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message2, state); } // state.resolve(message.params.data.tx) return { handler: channelClosed, state }; }, state }; } function awaitingLeave(channel, message, state) { if (message.method === 'channels.leave') { state.resolve({ channelId: message.params.channel_id, signedTx: message.params.data.state }); disconnect(channel); return { handler: channelClosed }; } if (message.method === 'channels.error') { state.reject(new ChannelConnectionError(message.data.message)); return { handler: channelOpen }; } return handleUnexpectedMessage(channel, message, state); } function channelClosed(_channel, message, state) { if (state == null) return { handler: channelClosed }; if (message.params.data.event === 'closing') return { handler: channelClosed, state }; if (message.params.data.info === 'channel_closed') { state.closeTx = message.params.data.tx; return { handler: channelClosed, state }; } if (message.params.data.event === 'closed_confirmed') { state.resolve(state.closeTx); return { handler: channelClosed }; } return { handler: channelClosed, state }; } // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "events" var external_events_ = __webpack_require__(761); var external_events_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_events_); ;// ./src/channel/Base.ts function Base_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { Base_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function Base_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function Base_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(Base_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function Base_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(Base_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function Base_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } function snakeToPascalObjKeys(obj) { return Object.entries(obj).reduce((result, [key, val]) => ({ ...result, [snakeToPascal(key)]: val }), {}); } let channelCounter = 0; /** * Channel * @example * ```js * await Channel.initialize({ * url: 'ws://localhost:3001', * role: 'initiator' * initiatorId: 'ak_Y1NRjHuoc3CGMYMvCmdHSBpJsMDR6Ra2t5zjhRcbtMeXXLpLH', * responderId: 'ak_V6an1xhec1xVaAhLuak7QoEbi6t7w5hEtYWp9bMKaJ19i6A9E', * initiatorAmount: 1e18, * responderAmount: 1e18, * pushAmount: 0, * channelReserve: 0, * ttl: 1000, * host: 'localhost', * port: 3002, * lockPeriod: 10, * async sign (tag, tx) => await account.signTransaction(tx) * }) * ``` */ var _debugId = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); class Base_Channel { constructor() { defineProperty_default()(this, "_eventEmitter", new (external_events_default())()); defineProperty_default()(this, "_nextRpcMessageId", 0); defineProperty_default()(this, "_rpcCallbacks", new Map()); defineProperty_default()(this, "_messageQueue", []); defineProperty_default()(this, "_isMessageQueueLocked", false); defineProperty_default()(this, "_actionQueue", []); defineProperty_default()(this, "_isActionQueueLocked", false); defineProperty_default()(this, "_status", 'disconnected'); defineProperty_default()(this, "_state", ''); Base_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _debugId, void 0); channelCounter += 1; Base_classPrivateFieldSet(_debugId, this, channelCounter); } _debug(...args) { if (this._options.debug !== true) return; console.debug(`Channel #${Base_classPrivateFieldGet(_debugId, this)}`, ...args); } /** * @param options - Channel params */ static async initialize(options) { return Base_Channel._initialize(new Base_Channel(), options); } static async _initialize(channel, options) { var _options$existingFsmI; const reconnect = ((_options$existingFsmI = options.existingFsmId) !== null && _options$existingFsmI !== void 0 ? _options$existingFsmI : options.existingChannelId) != null; if (reconnect && (options.existingFsmId == null || options.existingChannelId == null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentError('`existingChannelId`, `existingFsmId` should be both provided or missed'); } const reconnectHandler = handlers_namespaceObject[options.reestablish === true ? 'awaitingReestablish' : 'awaitingReconnection']; await initialize(channel, reconnect ? reconnectHandler : awaitingConnection, channelOpen, options); return channel; } /** * Register event listener function * * Possible events: * * - "error" * - "stateChanged" * - "statusChanged" * - "message" * - "peerDisconnected" * - "onChainTx" * - "ownWithdrawLocked" * - "withdrawLocked" * - "ownDepositLocked" * - "depositLocked" * - "channelReestablished" * - "newContract" * * * @param eventName - Event name * @param callback - Callback function */ on(eventName, callback) { this._eventEmitter.on(eventName, callback); } /** * Remove event listener function * @param eventName - Event name * @param callback - Callback function */ off(eventName, callback) { this._eventEmitter.removeListener(eventName, callback); } /** * Close the connection */ disconnect() { return disconnect(this); } /** * Get current status */ status() { return this._status; } /** * Get current state */ async state() { const res = snakeToPascalObjKeys(await call(this, 'channels.get.offchain_state', {})); return { calls: unpackEntry(res.calls), ...(res.halfSignedTx !== '' && { halfSignedTx: unpackTx(res.halfSignedTx, Tag.SignedTx) }), ...(res.signedTx !== '' && { signedTx: unpackTx(res.signedTx, Tag.SignedTx) }), trees: unpackEntry(res.trees) }; } /** * Get current round * * If round cannot be determined (for example when channel has not been opened) * it will return `null`. */ round() { if (this._state === '') { return null; } const params = unpackTx(this._state, Tag.SignedTx).encodedTx; switch (params.tag) { case Tag.ChannelCreateTx: return 1; case Tag.ChannelOffChainTx: case Tag.ChannelWithdrawTx: case Tag.ChannelDepositTx: return params.round; default: return null; } } /** * Get channel id * */ id() { if (this._channelId == null) throw new ChannelError('Channel is not initialized'); return this._channelId; } /** * Get channel's fsm id * */ fsmId() { if (this._fsmId == null) throw new ChannelError('Channel is not initialized'); return this._fsmId; } async enqueueAction(action) { return enqueueAction(this, (channel, state) => state?.handler === channelOpen, action); } /** * Leave channel * * It is possible to leave a channel and then later reestablish the channel * off-chain state and continue operation. When a leave method is called, * the channel fsm passes it on to the peer fsm, reports the current mutually * signed state and then terminates. * * The channel can be reestablished by instantiating another Channel instance * with two extra params: existingChannelId and existingFsmId. * * @example * ```js * channel.leave().then(({ channelId, signedTx }) => { * console.log(channelId) * console.log(signedTx) * }) * ``` */ async leave() { return this.enqueueAction(() => { notify(this, 'channels.leave'); return { handler: awaitingLeave }; }); } /** * Trigger mutual close * * At any moment after the channel is opened, a closing procedure can be triggered. * This can be done by either of the parties. The process is similar to the off-chain updates. * * @param sign - Function which verifies and signs mutual close transaction * @example * ```js * channel.shutdown( * async (tx) => await account.signTransaction(tx) * ).then(tx => console.log('on_chain_tx', tx)) * ``` */ async shutdown(sign) { return this.enqueueAction(() => { notify(this, 'channels.shutdown'); return { handler: awaitingShutdownTx, state: { sign } }; }); } } ;// ./src/channel/Spend.ts class ChannelSpend extends Base_Channel { /** * Trigger a transfer update * * The transfer update is moving coins from one channel account to another. * The update is a change to be applied on top of the latest state. * * Sender and receiver are the channel parties. Both the initiator and responder * can take those roles. Any public key outside the channel is considered invalid. * * @param from - Sender's public address * @param to - Receiver's public address * @param amount - Transaction amount * @param sign - Function which verifies and signs offchain transaction * @param metadata - Metadata * @example * ```js * channel.update( * 'ak_Y1NRjHuoc3CGMYMvCmdHSBpJsMDR6Ra2t5zjhRcbtMeXXLpLH', * 'ak_V6an1xhec1xVaAhLuak7QoEbi6t7w5hEtYWp9bMKaJ19i6A9E', * 10, * async (tx) => await account.signTransaction(tx) * ).then(({ accepted, signedTx }) => * if (accepted) { * console.log('Update has been accepted') * } * ) * ``` */ async update(from, to, amount, sign, metadata = []) { return this.enqueueAction(() => { notify(this, 'channels.update.new', { from, to, amount, meta: metadata }); const awaitingOffChainTx = async (_, message, state) => { if (message.method === 'channels.sign.update') { const isError = await signAndNotify(this, 'channels.update', message.params.data, async tx => sign(tx, { updates: message.params.data.updates })); if (isError) return { handler: awaitingOffChainTx, state }; return { handler: (_2, message2) => awaitingCompletion(this, message2, state, () => { changeState(this, message2.params.data.state); state.resolve({ accepted: true, signedTx: message2.params.data.state }); return { handler: channelOpen }; }), state }; } if (message.method === 'channels.error') { state.reject(new ChannelConnectionError(message.data.message)); return { handler: channelOpen }; } return awaitingCompletion(this, message, state); }; return { handler: awaitingOffChainTx }; }); } /** * Get proof of inclusion * * If a certain address of an account or a contract is not found * in the state tree - the response is an error. * * @param addresses - Addresses * @param addresses.accounts - List of account addresses to include in poi * @param addresses.contracts - List of contract addresses to include in poi * @example * ```js * channel.poi({ * accounts: [ * 'ak_Y1NRjHuoc3CGMYMvCmdHSBpJsMDR6Ra2t5zjhRcbtMeXXLpLH', * 'ak_V6an1xhec1xVaAhLuak7QoEbi6t7w5hEtYWp9bMKaJ19i6A9E' * ], * contracts: ['ct_2dCUAWYZdrWfACz3a2faJeKVTVrfDYxCQHCqAt5zM15f3u2UfA'] * }).then(poi => console.log(poi)) * ``` */ async poi({ accounts, contracts }) { const { poi } = await call(this, 'channels.get.poi', { accounts, contracts }); return unpackEntry(poi); } /** * Get balances * * The accounts param contains a list of addresses to fetch balances of. * Those can be either account balances or a contract ones, encoded as an account addresses. * * If a certain account address had not being found in the state tree - it is simply * skipped in the response. * * @param accounts - List of addresses to fetch balances from * @example * ```js * channel.balances([ * 'ak_Y1NRjHuoc3CGMYMvCmdHSBpJsMDR6Ra2t5zjhRcbtMeXXLpLH', * 'ak_V6an1xhec1xVaAhLuak7QoEbi6t7w5hEtYWp9bMKaJ19i6A9E' * 'ct_2dCUAWYZdrWfACz3a2faJeKVTVrfDYxCQHCqAt5zM15f3u2UfA' * ]).then(balances => * console.log(balances['ak_Y1NRjHuoc3CGMYMvCmdHSBpJsMDR6Ra2t5zjhRcbtMeXXLpLH']) * ) * ``` */ async balances(accounts) { return Object.fromEntries((await call(this, 'channels.get.balances', { accounts })).map(item => [item.account, item.balance])); } async awaitingActionTx(action, message, state) { if (message.method !== `channels.sign.${action}_tx`) { return handleUnexpectedMessage(this, message, state); } const awaitingActionCompletion = (_, message2) => { if (message2.method === 'channels.on_chain_tx') { state.onOnChainTx?.(message2.params.data.tx); return { handler: awaitingActionCompletion, state }; } if (message2.method === 'channels.info' && [`own_${action}_locked`, `${action}_locked`].includes(message2.params.data.event)) { const Action = action === 'deposit' ? 'Deposit' : 'Withdraw'; const isOwn = message2.params.data.event.startsWith('own_'); state[`on${isOwn ? 'Own' : ''}${Action}Locked`]?.(); return { handler: awaitingActionCompletion, state }; } return awaitingCompletion(this, message2, state, () => { changeState(this, message2.params.data.state); state.resolve({ accepted: true, signedTx: message2.params.data.state }); return { handler: channelOpen }; }); }; const { sign } = state; await signAndNotify(this, `channels.${action}_tx`, message.params.data, async tx => sign(tx, { updates: message.params.data.updates })); return { handler: awaitingActionCompletion, state }; } /** * Withdraw coins from the channel * * After the channel had been opened any of the participants can initiate a withdrawal. * The process closely resembles the update. The most notable difference is that the * transaction has been co-signed: it is channel_withdraw_tx and after the procedure * is finished - it is being posted on-chain. * * Any of the participants can initiate a withdrawal. The only requirements are: * * - Channel is already opened * - No off-chain update/deposit/withdrawal is currently being performed * - Channel is not being closed or in a solo closing state * - The withdrawal amount must be equal to or greater than zero, and cannot exceed * the available balance on the channel (minus the channel_reserve) * * After the other party had signed the withdraw transaction, the transaction is posted * on-chain and onOnChainTx callback is called with on-chain transaction as first argument. * After computing transaction hash it can be tracked on the chain: entering the mempool, * block inclusion and a number of confirmations. * * After the minimum_depth block confirmations onOwnWithdrawLocked callback is called * (without any arguments). * * When the other party had confirmed that the block height needed is reached * onWithdrawLocked callback is called (without any arguments). * * @param amount - Amount of coins to withdraw * @param sign - Function which verifies and signs withdraw transaction * @param callbacks - Callbacks * @example * ```js * channel.withdraw( * 100, * async (tx) => await account.signTransaction(tx), * { onOnChainTx: (tx) => console.log('on_chain_tx', tx) } * ).then(({ accepted, signedTx }) => { * if (accepted) { * console.log('Withdrawal has been accepted') * } else { * console.log('Withdrawal has been rejected') * } * }) * ``` */ async withdraw(amount, sign, { onOnChainTx, onOwnWithdrawLocked, onWithdrawLocked } = {}) { return this.enqueueAction(() => { notify(this, 'channels.withdraw', { amount }); return { handler: async (_, message, state) => this.awaitingActionTx('withdraw', message, state), state: { sign, onOnChainTx, onOwnWithdrawLocked, onWithdrawLocked } }; }); } /** * Deposit coins into the channel * * After the channel had been opened any of the participants can initiate a deposit. * The process closely resembles the update. The most notable difference is that the * transaction has been co-signed: it is channel_deposit_tx and after the procedure * is finished - it is being posted on-chain. * * Any of the participants can initiate a deposit. The only requirements are: * * - Channel is already opened * - No off-chain update/deposit/withdrawal is currently being performed * - Channel is not being closed or in a solo closing state * - The deposit amount must be equal to or greater than zero, and cannot exceed * the available balance on the channel (minus the channel_reserve) * * After the other party had signed the deposit transaction, the transaction is posted * on-chain and onOnChainTx callback is called with on-chain transaction as first argument. * After computing transaction hash it can be tracked on the chain: entering the mempool, * block inclusion and a number of confirmations. * * After the minimum_depth block confirmations onOwnDepositLocked callback is called * (without any arguments). * * When the other party had confirmed that the block height needed is reached * onDepositLocked callback is called (without any arguments). * * @param amount - Amount of coins to deposit * @param sign - Function which verifies and signs deposit transaction * @param callbacks - Callbacks * @example * ```js * channel.deposit( * 100, * async (tx) => await account.signTransaction(tx), * { onOnChainTx: (tx) => console.log('on_chain_tx', tx) } * ).then(({ accepted, state }) => { * if (accepted) { * console.log('Deposit has been accepted') * console.log('The new state is:', state) * } else { * console.log('Deposit has been rejected') * } * }) * ``` */ async deposit(amount, sign, { onOnChainTx, onOwnDepositLocked, onDepositLocked } = {}) { return this.enqueueAction(() => { notify(this, 'channels.deposit', { amount }); return { handler: async (_, message, state) => this.awaitingActionTx('deposit', message, state), state: { sign, onOnChainTx, onOwnDepositLocked, onDepositLocked } }; }); } /** * Send generic message * * If message is an object it will be serialized into JSON string * before sending. * * If there is ongoing update that has not yet been finished the message * will be sent after that update is finalized. * * @param message - Message * @param recipient - Address of the recipient * @example * ```js * channel.sendMessage( * 'hello world', * 'ak_Y1NRjHuoc3CGMYMvCmdHSBpJsMDR6Ra2t5zjhRcbtMeXXLpLH' * ) * ``` */ async sendMessage(message, recipient) { const info = typeof message === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(message) : message; if (this.status() === 'connecting') { await new Promise(resolve => { const onStatusChanged = status => { if (status === 'connecting') return; resolve(); this.off('statusChanged', onStatusChanged); }; this.on('statusChanged', onStatusChanged); }); // For some reason we can't immediately send a message when connection is // established. Thus we wait 500ms which seems to work. await pause(500); } notify(this, 'channels.message', { info, to: recipient }); } } ;// ./src/channel/Contract.ts function Contract_snakeToPascalObjKeys(obj) { return Object.entries(obj).reduce((result, [key, val]) => ({ ...result, [snakeToPascal(key)]: val }), {}); } class ChannelContract extends ChannelSpend { static async initialize(options) { return Base_Channel._initialize(new ChannelContract(), options); } /** * Trigger create contract update * * The create contract update is creating a contract inside the channel's internal state tree. * The update is a change to be applied on top of the latest state. * * That would create a contract with the poster being the owner of it. Poster commits initially * a deposit amount of coins to the new contract. * * @param options - Options * @param options.code - Api encoded compiled AEVM byte code * @param options.callData - Api encoded compiled AEVM call data for the code * @param options.deposit - Initial amount the owner of the contract commits to it * @param options.vmVersion - Version of the Virtual Machine * @param options.abiVersion - Version of the Application Binary Interface * @param sign - Function which verifies and signs create contract transaction * @example * ```js * channel.createContract({ * code: 'cb_HKtpipK4aCgYb17wZ...', * callData: 'cb_1111111111111111...', * deposit: 10, * vmVersion: 3, * abiVersion: 1 * }).then(({ accepted, signedTx, address }) => { * if (accepted) { * console.log('New contract has been created') * console.log('Contract address:', address) * } else { * console.log('New contract has been rejected') * } * }) * ``` */ async createContract({ code, callData, deposit, vmVersion, abiVersion }, sign) { return this.enqueueAction(() => { notify(this, 'channels.update.new_contract', { code, call_data: callData, deposit, vm_version: vmVersion, abi_version: abiVersion }); return { handler: async (_, message, state) => { if (message.method !== 'channels.sign.update') { return handleUnexpectedMessage(this, message, state); } await signAndNotify(this, 'channels.update', message.params.data, async tx => state.sign(tx)); return { handler: (_2, message2, state2) => awaitingCompletion(this, message2, state2, () => { const params = unpackTx(message2.params.data.state, Tag.SignedTx).encodedTx; if (params.tag !== Tag.ChannelOffChainTx) { throw new ChannelError(`Tag should be ${Tag[Tag.ChannelOffChainTx]}, got ${Tag[params.tag]} instead`); } const addressKey = this._options.role === 'initiator' ? 'initiatorId' : 'responderId'; const owner = this._options[addressKey]; changeState(this, message2.params.data.state); const address = encodeContractAddress(owner, params.round); emit(this, 'newContract', address); state2.resolve({ accepted: true, address, signedTx: message2.params.data.state }); return { handler: channelOpen }; }), state }; }, state: { sign } }; }); } /** * Trigger call a contract update * * The call contract update is calling a preexisting contract inside the channel's * internal state tree. The update is a change to be applied on top of the latest state. * * That would call a contract with the poster being the caller of it. Poster commits * an amount of coins to the contract. * * The call would also create a call object inside the channel state tree. It contains * the result of the contract call. * * It is worth mentioning that the gas is not consumed, because this is an off-chain * contract call. It would be consumed if it were an on-chain one. This could happen * if a call with a similar computation amount is to be forced on-chain. * * @param options - Options * @param sign - Function which verifies and signs contract call transaction * @example * ```js * channel.callContract({ * contract: 'ct_9sRA9AVE4BYTAkh5RNfJYmwQe1NZ4MErasQLXZkFWG43TPBqa', * callData: 'cb_1111111111111111...', * amount: 0, * abiVersion: 1 * }).then(({ accepted, signedTx }) => { * if (accepted) { * console.log('Contract called succesfully') * } else { * console.log('Contract call has been rejected') * } * }) * ``` */ async callContract({ amount, callData, contract, abiVersion }, sign) { return this.enqueueAction(() => { notify(this, 'channels.update.call_contract', { amount, call_data: callData, contract_id: contract, abi_version: abiVersion }); return { handler: async (_, message, state) => { if (message.method !== 'channels.sign.update') { return handleUnexpectedMessage(this, message, state); } await signAndNotify(this, 'channels.update', message.params.data, async tx => state.sign(tx, { updates: message.params.data.updates })); return { handler: (_2, message2, state2) => awaitingCompletion(this, message2, state2, () => { changeState(this, message2.params.data.state); state2.resolve({ accepted: true, signedTx: message2.params.data.state }); return { handler: channelOpen }; }), state }; }, state: { sign } }; }); } /** * Trigger a force progress contract call * This call is going on-chain * @param options - Options * @param sign - Function which verifies and signs contract force progress transaction * @param callbacks - Callbacks * @example * ```js * channel.forceProgress({ * contract: 'ct_9sRA9AVE4BYTAkh5RNfJYmwQe1NZ4MErasQLXZkFWG43TPBqa', * callData: 'cb_1111111111111111...', * amount: 0, * abiVersion: 1, * gasPrice: 1000005554 * }).then(({ accepted, signedTx }) => { * if (accepted) { * console.log('Contract force progress call successful') * } else { * console.log('Contract force progress call has been rejected') * } * }) * ``` */ async forceProgress({ amount, callData, contract, abiVersion, gasLimit = 1000000, gasPrice = MIN_GAS_PRICE }, sign, { onOnChainTx } = {}) { return this.enqueueAction(() => { notify(this, 'channels.force_progress', { amount, call_data: callData, contract_id: contract, abi_version: abiVersion, gas_price: gasPrice, gas: gasLimit }); return { handler: async (_, message, state) => { if (message.method !== 'channels.sign.force_progress_tx') { return handleUnexpectedMessage(this, message, state); } await signAndNotify(this, 'channels.force_progress_sign', message.params.data, async tx => state.sign(tx, { updates: message.params.data.updates })); return { handler: (_2, message2, state2) => { if (message2.method === 'channels.on_chain_tx') { state2.onOnChainTx?.(message2.params.data.tx); emit(this, 'onChainTx', message2.params.data.tx, { info: message2.params.data.info, type: message2.params.data.type }); state2.resolve({ accepted: true, tx: message2.params.data.tx }); // TODO: shouldn't be unexpected message in this case } return handleUnexpectedMessage(this, message2, state2); }, state }; }, state: { sign, onOnChainTx } }; }); } /** * Call contract using dry-run * * In order to get the result of a potential contract call, one might need to * dry-run a contract call. It takes the exact same arguments as a call would * and returns the call object. * * The call is executed in the channel's state, but it does not impact the state * whatsoever. It uses as an environment the latest channel's state and the current * top of the blockchain as seen by the node. * * @param options - Options * @example * ```js * channel.callContractStatic({ * contract: 'ct_9sRA9AVE4BYTAkh5RNfJYmwQe1NZ4MErasQLXZkFWG43TPBqa', * callData: 'cb_1111111111111111...', * amount: 0, * abiVersion: 1 * }).then(({ returnValue, gasUsed }) => { * console.log('Returned value:', returnValue) * console.log('Gas used:', gasUsed) * }) * ``` */ async callContractStatic({ amount, callData, contract, abiVersion }) { return Contract_snakeToPascalObjKeys(await call(this, 'channels.dry_run.call_contract', { amount, call_data: callData, contract_id: contract, abi_version: abiVersion })); } /** * Get contract call result * * The combination of a caller, contract and a round of execution determines the * contract call. Providing an incorrect set of those results in an error response. * * @param options - Options * @param options.caller - Address of contract caller * @param options.contract - Address of the contract * @param options.round - Round when contract was called * @example * ```js * channel.getContractCall({ * caller: 'ak_Y1NRjHuoc3CGMYMvCmdHSBpJsMDR6Ra2t5zjhRcbtMeXXLpLH', * contract: 'ct_9sRA9AVE4BYTAkh5RNfJYmwQe1NZ4MErasQLXZkFWG43TPBqa', * round: 3 * }).then(({ returnType, returnValue }) => { * if (returnType === 'ok') console.log(returnValue) * }) * ``` */ async getContractCall({ caller, contract, round }) { return Contract_snakeToPascalObjKeys(await call(this, 'channels.get.contract_call', { caller_id: caller, contract_id: contract, round })); } /** * Get the latest contract state * * @param contract - Address of the contract * @example * ```js * channel.getContractState( * 'ct_9sRA9AVE4BYTAkh5RNfJYmwQe1NZ4MErasQLXZkFWG43TPBqa' * ).then(({ contract }) => { * console.log('deposit:', contract.deposit) * }) * ``` */ async getContractState(contract) { const result = await call(this, 'channels.get.contract', { pubkey: contract }); return Contract_snakeToPascalObjKeys({ ...result, contract: Contract_snakeToPascalObjKeys(result.contract) }); } /** * Clean up all locally stored contract calls * * Contract calls are kept locally in order for the participant to be able to look them up. * They consume memory and in order for the participant to free it - one can prune all messages. * This cleans up all locally stored contract calls and those will no longer be available for * fetching and inspection. */ async cleanContractCalls() { return this.enqueueAction(() => { notify(this, 'channels.clean_contract_calls'); return { handler(_, message, state) { if (message.method === 'channels.calls_pruned.reply') { state.resolve(); return { handler: channelOpen }; } state.reject(new UnexpectedChannelMessageError('Unexpected message received')); return { handler: channelClosed }; } }; }); } } // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "isomorphic-ws" var external_isomorphic_ws_ = __webpack_require__(7250); var external_isomorphic_ws_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_isomorphic_ws_); ;// ./src/MiddlewareSubscriber.ts function MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(e, a) { MiddlewareSubscriber_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, a), a.add(e); } function MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { MiddlewareSubscriber_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function MiddlewareSubscriber_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function _classPrivateGetter(s, r, a) { return a(MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(s, r)); } function MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } /* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */ var Source = /*#__PURE__*/function (Source) { Source["Middleware"] = "mdw"; Source["Node"] = "node"; Source["All"] = "all"; return Source; }(Source || {}); class MiddlewareSubscriberError extends BaseError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'MiddlewareSubscriberError'; } } class MiddlewareSubscriberDisconnected extends MiddlewareSubscriberError { constructor(closeEvent) { super('Connection closed'); this.closeEvent = closeEvent; this.name = 'MiddlewareSubscriberDisconnected'; } } var _subscriptions = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _requestQueue = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _webSocket = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _MiddlewareSubscriber_brand = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); class MiddlewareSubscriber { get webSocket() { return MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_webSocket, this); } constructor(url) { MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _MiddlewareSubscriber_brand); MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _subscriptions, []); MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _requestQueue, []); MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _webSocket, void 0); this.url = url; } async reconnect() { MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _disconnect).call(this); MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldSet(_webSocket, this, await new Promise(resolve => { const webSocket = new (external_isomorphic_ws_default())(this.url); Object.assign(webSocket, { onopen: () => resolve(webSocket), onerror: errorEvent => { MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _emit).call(this, () => true, undefined, errorEvent.error); }, onmessage: event => { if (typeof event.data !== 'string') { throw new InternalError(`Unknown incoming message type: ${typeof event.data}`); } MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _messageHandler).call(this, JSON.parse(event.data)); }, onclose: event => { MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _emit).call(this, () => true, undefined, new MiddlewareSubscriberDisconnected(event)); MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _disconnect).call(this, true); } }); })); await Promise.all([..._classPrivateGetter(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _get_targets)].map(target => MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _sendSubscribe).call(this, true, target))); } // TODO: replace p?: any with a proper type definition subscribeKeyBlocks(cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, 'KeyBlocks', Source.Middleware, cb); } subscribeKeyBlocksNode(cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, 'KeyBlocks', Source.Node, cb); } subscribeKeyBlocksAll(cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, 'KeyBlocks', Source.All, cb); } subscribeMicroBlocks(cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, 'MicroBlocks', Source.Middleware, cb); } subscribeMicroBlocksNode(cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, 'MicroBlocks', Source.Node, cb); } subscribeMicroBlocksAll(cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, 'MicroBlocks', Source.All, cb); } subscribeTransactions(cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, 'Transactions', Source.Middleware, cb); } subscribeTransactionsNode(cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, 'Transactions', Source.Node, cb); } subscribeTransactionsAll(cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, 'Transactions', Source.All, cb); } subscribeObject(target, cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, target, Source.Middleware, cb); } subscribeObjectNode(target, cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, target, Source.Node, cb); } subscribeObjectAll(target, cb) { return MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _subscribe).call(this, target, Source.All, cb); } } function _get_targets(_this) { return new Set(MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_subscriptions, _this).map(([target]) => target)); } function _sendMessage(message) { if (MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_webSocket, this) == null) throw new UnexpectedTsError(); MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_webSocket, this).send(JSON.stringify(message)); } function _sendSubscribe(isSubscribe, target) { if (MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_webSocket, this) == null) return; const payload = ['KeyBlocks', 'MicroBlocks', 'Transactions'].includes(target) ? target : 'Object'; MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _sendMessage).call(this, { op: isSubscribe ? 'Subscribe' : 'Unsubscribe', payload, ...(payload === 'Object' && { target }) }); MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_requestQueue, this).push([isSubscribe, target]); } function _emit(condition, p, e) { MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_subscriptions, this).filter(([target, source]) => condition(target, source)).forEach(([,, cb]) => cb(p, e)); } function _disconnect(onlyReset = false) { if (MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_webSocket, this) == null) return; if (!onlyReset) MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_webSocket, this).close(); Object.assign(MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_webSocket, this), { onopen: undefined, onerror: undefined, onmessage: undefined }); MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldSet(_webSocket, this, undefined); } function _messageHandler(message) { if (typeof message === 'string' || Array.isArray(message)) { const request = MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_requestQueue, this).shift(); if (request == null) throw new InternalError('Request queue is empty'); const [isSubscribe, target] = request; let error; if (typeof message === 'string') error = new MiddlewareSubscriberError(message); if (message.includes(target) !== isSubscribe) { error = new InternalError(`Expected ${target} to be${isSubscribe ? '' : ' not'} included into ${message}`); } if (error != null) MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _emit).call(this, t => target === t, undefined, error); return; } MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _emit).call(this, (target, source) => (target === message.subscription || target === message.target) && (source === message.source || source === Source.All), message.payload); } function _subscribe(target, source, cb) { const subscription = [target, source, cb]; if (_classPrivateGetter(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _get_targets).size === 0) this.reconnect(); if (!_classPrivateGetter(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _get_targets).has(target)) MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _sendSubscribe).call(this, true, target); MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_subscriptions, this).push(subscription); return () => { MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldSet(_subscriptions, this, MiddlewareSubscriber_classPrivateFieldGet(_subscriptions, this).filter(item => item !== subscription)); if (!_classPrivateGetter(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _get_targets).has(target)) MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _sendSubscribe).call(this, false, target); if (_classPrivateGetter(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _get_targets).size === 0) MiddlewareSubscriber_assertClassBrand(_MiddlewareSubscriber_brand, this, _disconnect).call(this); }; } ;// ./src/apis/middleware/models/parameters.ts const models_parameters_accept = { parameterPath: "accept", mapper: { defaultValue: "application/json", isConstant: true, serializedName: "Accept", type: { name: "String" } } }; const models_parameters_$host = { parameterPath: "$host", mapper: { serializedName: "$host", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, skipEncoding: true }; const parameters_limit = { parameterPath: ["options", "limit"], mapper: { defaultValue: 10, constraints: { InclusiveMaximum: 100, InclusiveMinimum: 1 }, serializedName: "limit", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const direction = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const accountId = { parameterPath: "accountId", mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "accountId", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const contract = { parameterPath: ["options", "contract"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction1 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const accountId1 = { parameterPath: "accountId", mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "account_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const id = { parameterPath: "id", mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const ownedOnly = { parameterPath: ["options", "ownedOnly"], mapper: { serializedName: "owned_only", type: { name: "Boolean" } } }; const parameters_typeParam = { parameterPath: ["options", "type"], mapper: { serializedName: "type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const scope = { parameterPath: ["options", "scope"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("(txi|gen):\\d+(-\\d+)?") }, serializedName: "scope", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction2 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction3 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const by = { parameterPath: ["options", "by"], mapper: { serializedName: "by", type: { name: "String" } } }; const prefix = { parameterPath: ["options", "prefix"], mapper: { serializedName: "prefix", type: { name: "String" } } }; const exact = { parameterPath: ["options", "exact"], mapper: { serializedName: "exact", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction4 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const contractId = { parameterPath: "contractId", mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contractId", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction5 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const templateId = { parameterPath: "templateId", mapper: { serializedName: "templateId", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } }; const direction6 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const tokenId = { parameterPath: "tokenId", mapper: { serializedName: "tokenId", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } }; const direction7 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const parameters_fromParam = { parameterPath: ["options", "from"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "from", type: { name: "String" } } }; const to = { parameterPath: ["options", "to"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "to", type: { name: "String" } } }; const id1 = { parameterPath: "id", mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction8 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const by1 = { parameterPath: ["options", "by"], mapper: { serializedName: "by", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction9 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const by2 = { parameterPath: ["options", "by"], mapper: { serializedName: "by", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blockHash = { parameterPath: ["options", "blockHash"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", type: { name: "String" } } }; const models_parameters_hash = { parameterPath: ["options", "hash"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction10 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction11 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const state = { parameterPath: ["options", "state"], mapper: { serializedName: "state", type: { name: "String" } } }; const id2 = { parameterPath: "id", mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ch_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction12 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const contractId1 = { parameterPath: ["options", "contractId"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_id", type: { name: "String" } } }; const parameters_event = { parameterPath: ["options", "event"], mapper: { serializedName: "event", type: { name: "String" } } }; const functionParam = { parameterPath: ["options", "function"], mapper: { serializedName: "function", type: { name: "String" } } }; const functionPrefix = { parameterPath: ["options", "functionPrefix"], mapper: { serializedName: "function_prefix", type: { name: "String" } } }; const data = { parameterPath: ["options", "data"], mapper: { serializedName: "data", type: { name: "String" } } }; const aexnArgs = { parameterPath: ["options", "aexnArgs"], mapper: { serializedName: "aexn-args", type: { name: "Boolean" } } }; const direction13 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction14 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction15 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const contractId2 = { parameterPath: "contractId", mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction16 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const hashOrKbi = { parameterPath: "hashOrKbi", mapper: { serializedName: "hash_or_kbi", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction17 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const hash1 = { parameterPath: "hash", mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const ownedBy = { parameterPath: ["options", "ownedBy"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "owned_by", type: { name: "String" } } }; const state1 = { parameterPath: ["options", "state"], mapper: { serializedName: "state", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction18 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction19 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const id3 = { parameterPath: "id", mapper: { serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction20 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction21 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction22 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction23 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction24 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction25 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const id4 = { parameterPath: "id", mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ok_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const intervalBy = { parameterPath: ["options", "intervalBy"], mapper: { serializedName: "interval_by", type: { name: "String" } } }; const minStartDate = { parameterPath: ["options", "minStartDate"], mapper: { serializedName: "min_start_date", type: { name: "String" } } }; const maxStartDate = { parameterPath: ["options", "maxStartDate"], mapper: { serializedName: "max_start_date", type: { name: "String" } } }; const typeParam1 = { parameterPath: ["options", "type"], mapper: { serializedName: "type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction26 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction27 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction28 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const intervalBy1 = { parameterPath: ["options", "intervalBy"], mapper: { serializedName: "interval_by", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction29 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction30 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const intervalBy2 = { parameterPath: ["options", "intervalBy"], mapper: { serializedName: "interval_by", type: { name: "String" } } }; const txType = { parameterPath: ["options", "txType"], mapper: { serializedName: "tx_type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction31 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const typeParam2 = { parameterPath: ["options", "type"], mapper: { serializedName: "type", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, collectionFormat: "Multi" }; const typeGroup = { parameterPath: ["options", "typeGroup"], mapper: { serializedName: "type_group", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, collectionFormat: "Multi" }; const account = { parameterPath: ["options", "account"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "account", type: { name: "String" } } }; const channel = { parameterPath: ["options", "channel"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ch_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "channel", type: { name: "String" } } }; const oracle = { parameterPath: ["options", "oracle"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ok_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "oracle", type: { name: "String" } } }; const senderId = { parameterPath: ["options", "senderId"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "sender_id", type: { name: "String" } } }; const recipientId = { parameterPath: ["options", "recipientId"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "recipient_id", type: { name: "String" } } }; const entrypoint = { parameterPath: ["options", "entrypoint"], mapper: { serializedName: "entrypoint", type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction32 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; const id5 = { parameterPath: ["options", "id"], mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "id", type: { name: "String" } } }; const hash2 = { parameterPath: "hash", mapper: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } }; const direction33 = { parameterPath: ["options", "direction"], mapper: { serializedName: "direction", type: { name: "String" } } }; ;// ./src/apis/middleware/models/mappers.ts const Paths1Q9E32FV3AccountsAccountidAex141TokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Q9E32FV3AccountsAccountidAex141TokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex141TokenResponse" } } } } } } }; const Aex141TokenResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex141TokenResponse", modelProperties: { contractId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ownerId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "owner_id", type: { name: "String" } }, tokenId: { serializedName: "token_id", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PaginatedResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PaginatedResponse", modelProperties: { next: { serializedName: "next", required: true, nullable: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prev: { serializedName: "prev", required: true, nullable: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ErrorResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ErrorResponse", modelProperties: { error: { serializedName: "error", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const PathsZ92TkfV3AccountsAccountidAex9BalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof1 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsZ92TkfV3AccountsAccountidAex9BalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof1", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex9BalanceResponse" } } } } } } }; const Aex9BalanceResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex9BalanceResponse", modelProperties: { amount: { serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, blockHash: { serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, contractId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, decimals: { serializedName: "decimals", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, tokenName: { serializedName: "token_name", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, tokenSymbol: { serializedName: "token_symbol", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, txHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, txIndex: { serializedName: "tx_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, txType: { serializedName: "tx_type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const Paths1Ymnu9GV3AccountsAccountIdDexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Ymnu9GV3AccountsAccountIdDexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DexSwap" } } } } } } }; const DexSwap = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DexSwap", modelProperties: { action: { serializedName: "action", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amounts: { serializedName: "amounts", type: { name: "Composite", className: "DexSwapAmounts" } }, caller: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "caller", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fromAmount: { serializedName: "from_amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, fromContract: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "from_contract", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fromDecimals: { serializedName: "from_decimals", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, fromToken: { serializedName: "from_token", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, logIdx: { serializedName: "log_idx", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microTime: { serializedName: "micro_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, toAccount: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "to_account", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, toAmount: { serializedName: "to_amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, toContract: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "to_contract", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, toDecimals: { serializedName: "to_decimals", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, toToken: { serializedName: "to_token", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, txHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const DexSwapAmounts = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DexSwapAmounts", modelProperties: { amount0In: { serializedName: "amount0_in", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, amount0Out: { serializedName: "amount0_out", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, amount1In: { serializedName: "amount1_in", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, amount1Out: { serializedName: "amount1_out", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } } } } }; const Paths1Ent1R1V3AccountsIdActivitiesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Ent1R1V3AccountsIdActivitiesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Activity" } } } } } } }; const Activity = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Activity", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, blockTime: { serializedName: "block_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, payload: { serializedName: "payload", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ActivityPayload" } }, type: { serializedName: "type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ActivityPayload = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ActivityPayload", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, blockHeight: { serializedName: "block_height", type: { name: "Number" } }, encodedTx: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^tx_\\w+$") }, serializedName: "encoded_tx", type: { name: "String" } }, hash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", type: { name: "String" } }, microIndex: { serializedName: "micro_index", type: { name: "Number" } }, microTime: { serializedName: "micro_time", type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, signatures: { serializedName: "signatures", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^sg_\\w+$") }, type: { name: "String" } } } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } }, amount: { serializedName: "amount", type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, contractId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_id", type: { name: "String" } }, logIdx: { serializedName: "log_idx", type: { name: "Number" } }, recipientId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "recipient_id", type: { name: "String" } }, senderId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "sender_id", type: { name: "String" } }, txHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "tx_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, recipient: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "recipient", type: { name: "String" } }, sender: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "sender", type: { name: "String" } }, tokenId: { serializedName: "token_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, callTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "call_tx_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, contractTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_tx_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, function: { serializedName: "function", type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", type: { name: "Number" } }, internalTx: { serializedName: "internal_tx", type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } }, kind: { serializedName: "kind", type: { name: "String" } }, refTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "ref_tx_hash", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const PathsC0UvfgV3AccountsIdNamesPointeesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsC0UvfgV3AccountsIdNamesPointeesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Pointee" } } } } } } }; const Pointee = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Pointee", modelProperties: { active: { serializedName: "active", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, blockHeight: { serializedName: "block_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, blockTime: { serializedName: "block_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, key: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "key", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, name: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^\\w+\\.chain$") }, serializedName: "name", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sourceTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "source_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sourceTxType: { serializedName: "source_tx_type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } }; const NotFoundResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NotFoundResponse", modelProperties: { error: { serializedName: "error", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const PathsLv15NfV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsLv15NfV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { channelCloseMutualTx: { serializedName: "channel_close_mutual_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Get200ApplicationJsonProperties" } }, channelCloseSoloTx: { serializedName: "channel_close_solo_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsKcpsuzV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelCloseSoloTx" } }, channelCreateTx: { serializedName: "channel_create_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1W3C1Z4V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelCreateTx" } }, channelDepositTx: { serializedName: "channel_deposit_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsTvtzmvV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelDepositTx" } }, channelForceProgressTx: { serializedName: "channel_force_progress_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsMxcme6V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelForceProgressTx" } }, channelOffchainTx: { serializedName: "channel_offchain_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Cnk4LbV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelOffchainTx" } }, channelSetDelegatesTx: { serializedName: "channel_set_delegates_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths13Ss1Q2V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSetDelegatesTx" } }, channelSettleTx: { serializedName: "channel_settle_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Gime4MV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSettleTx" } }, channelSlashTx: { serializedName: "channel_slash_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsVn5L1LV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSlashTx" } }, channelSnapshotSoloTx: { serializedName: "channel_snapshot_solo_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths10T1AqyV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSnapshotSoloTx" } }, channelWithdrawTx: { serializedName: "channel_withdraw_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsTr523PV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelWithdrawTx" } }, contractCallTx: { serializedName: "contract_call_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsChduayV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesContractCallTx" } }, contractCreateTx: { serializedName: "contract_create_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths5Shu25V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesContractCreateTx" } }, 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"name_transfer_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsZdcclfV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameTransferTx" } }, nameUpdateTx: { serializedName: "name_update_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1VkyqhtV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameUpdateTx" } }, oracleExtendTx: { serializedName: "oracle_extend_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths107D9HzV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleExtendTx" } }, oracleQueryTx: { serializedName: "oracle_query_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsS6Nx2KV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleQueryTx" } }, oracleRegisterTx: { serializedName: "oracle_register_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths184Oz8CV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleRegisterTx" } }, oracleResponseTx: { serializedName: "oracle_response_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsLm5DjtV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleResponseTx" } }, payingForTx: { serializedName: "paying_for_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths16B89KuV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesPayingForTx" } }, spendTx: { serializedName: "spend_tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Ljyzq7V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesSpendTx" } }, total: { serializedName: "total", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Get200ApplicationJsonProperties = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Get200ApplicationJsonProperties", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsKcpsuzV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelCloseSoloTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsKcpsuzV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelCloseSoloTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths1W3C1Z4V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelCreateTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1W3C1Z4V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelCreateTx", modelProperties: { initiatorId: { serializedName: "initiator_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, responderId: { serializedName: "responder_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsTvtzmvV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelDepositTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsTvtzmvV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelDepositTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsMxcme6V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelForceProgressTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsMxcme6V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelForceProgressTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths1Cnk4LbV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelOffchainTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Cnk4LbV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelOffchainTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths13Ss1Q2V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSetDelegatesTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths13Ss1Q2V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSetDelegatesTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths1Gime4MV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSettleTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Gime4MV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSettleTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsVn5L1LV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSlashTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsVn5L1LV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSlashTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths10T1AqyV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSnapshotSoloTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths10T1AqyV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelSnapshotSoloTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, fromId: { serializedName: "from_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsTr523PV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelWithdrawTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsTr523PV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesChannelWithdrawTx", modelProperties: { channelId: { serializedName: "channel_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, toId: { serializedName: "to_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsChduayV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesContractCallTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsChduayV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesContractCallTx", modelProperties: { callerId: { serializedName: "caller_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, contractId: { serializedName: "contract_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths5Shu25V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesContractCreateTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths5Shu25V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesContractCreateTx", modelProperties: { ownerId: { serializedName: "owner_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths1RkuxepV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesGaAttachTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1RkuxepV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesGaAttachTx", modelProperties: { ownerId: { serializedName: "owner_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsQklaaxV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesGaMetaTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsQklaaxV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesGaMetaTx", modelProperties: { gaId: { serializedName: "ga_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths1Hacjy0V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameClaimTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Hacjy0V3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameClaimTx", modelProperties: { accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; 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"PathsZdcclfV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameTransferTx", modelProperties: { accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, nameId: { serializedName: "name_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, recipientId: { serializedName: "recipient_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths1VkyqhtV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameUpdateTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1VkyqhtV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesNameUpdateTx", modelProperties: { accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, nameId: { serializedName: "name_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths107D9HzV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleExtendTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths107D9HzV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleExtendTx", modelProperties: { oracleId: { serializedName: "oracle_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsS6Nx2KV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleQueryTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsS6Nx2KV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleQueryTx", modelProperties: { oracleId: { serializedName: "oracle_id", type: { name: "Number" } }, senderId: { serializedName: "sender_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths184Oz8CV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleRegisterTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths184Oz8CV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaPropertiesOracleRegisterTx", modelProperties: { accountId: { serializedName: "account_id", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const 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type: { name: "String" } }, creationTime: { serializedName: "creation_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, extensions: { serializedName: "extensions", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, invalid: { serializedName: "invalid", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, limits: { serializedName: "limits", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } }; const PathsWkpcwaV3Aex141ContractidTemplatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsWkpcwaV3Aex141ContractidTemplatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex141TemplatesResponse" } } } } } } }; const Aex141TemplatesResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex141TemplatesResponse", modelProperties: { contractId: { 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"Composite", className: "Paths1Uqqby0V3Aex9GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex9Response" } } } } } } }; const Aex9Response = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex9Response", modelProperties: { contractId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, contractTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, decimals: { serializedName: "decimals", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, eventSupply: { serializedName: "event_supply", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, extensions: { serializedName: "extensions", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, holders: { serializedName: "holders", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, initialSupply: { serializedName: "initial_supply", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, invalid: { serializedName: "invalid", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, name: { serializedName: "name", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, symbol: { serializedName: "symbol", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const Paths19IxhsmV3Aex9CountGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths19IxhsmV3Aex9CountGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsEeiffwV3Aex9ContractidBalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsEeiffwV3Aex9ContractidBalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex9ContractBalanceResponse" } } } } } } }; const Aex9ContractBalanceResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex9ContractBalanceResponse", modelProperties: { accountId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "account_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, blockHash: { serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, contractId: { serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, lastLogIdx: { serializedName: "last_log_idx", 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"Composite", className: "Paths108B3VtV3Aex9ContractidBalancesAccountidHistoryGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof1", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Get200ApplicationJsonAllOfPropertiesItemsItem" } } } } } } }; const Get200ApplicationJsonAllOfPropertiesItemsItem = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Get200ApplicationJsonAllOfPropertiesItemsItem", modelProperties: { account: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "account", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, amount: { serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, contract: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } 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lockedUntil: { serializedName: "locked_until", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, responder: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "responder", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, responderAmount: { serializedName: "responder_amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, round: { serializedName: "round", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, soloRound: { serializedName: "solo_round", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, stateHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^st_\\w+$") }, serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, updatesCount: { serializedName: "updates_count", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths18L84JcV3ContractsCallsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths18L84JcV3ContractsCallsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContractCall" } } } } } } }; const ContractCall = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContractCall", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, callTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "call_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, contractId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, contractTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, function: { serializedName: "function", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, internalTx: { serializedName: "internal_tx", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } }, localIdx: { serializedName: "local_idx", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microIndex: { serializedName: "micro_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths10Kk1UxV3ContractsLogsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths10Kk1UxV3ContractsLogsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContractLog" } } } } } } }; const ContractLog = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContractLog", modelProperties: { args: { serializedName: "args", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "String" } } } 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RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "ext_caller_contract_id", required: true, nullable: true, type: { name: "String" } }, extCallerContractTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "ext_caller_contract_tx_hash", required: true, nullable: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, logIdx: { serializedName: "log_idx", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microIndex: { serializedName: "micro_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, parentContractId: { serializedName: "parent_contract_id", required: true, nullable: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const models_mappers_Contract = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Contract", modelProperties: { aexnType: { serializedName: "aexn_type", required: true, nullable: true, type: { name: "String" } }, blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, contract: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, createTx: { serializedName: "create_tx", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } }, sourceTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "source_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sourceTxType: { serializedName: "source_tx_type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const Paths9Yfxl2V3DexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths9Yfxl2V3DexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DexSwap" } } } } } } }; const 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serializedName: "beneficiary_reward", type: { name: "Number" } }, hash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^kh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, info: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^cb_\\w+$") }, serializedName: "info", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, microBlocksCount: { serializedName: "micro_blocks_count", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, miner: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "miner", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { serializedName: "nonce", type: { name: "Number" } }, pow: { serializedName: "pow", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Number" } } } }, prevHash: { serializedName: "prev_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prevKeyHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^kh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "prev_key_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, stateHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^bs_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, target: { serializedName: "target", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, time: { serializedName: "time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, transactionsCount: { serializedName: "transactions_count", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, version: { serializedName: "version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsNn60D7V3KeyBlocksHashOrKbiMicroBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsNn60D7V3KeyBlocksHashOrKbiMicroBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "MicroBlock" } } } } } } }; const MicroBlock = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "MicroBlock", modelProperties: { hash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microBlockIndex: { serializedName: "micro_block_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, pofHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^no_fraud|bf_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "pof_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prevHash: { serializedName: "prev_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prevKeyHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^kh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "prev_key_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, signature: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^sg_\\w+$") }, serializedName: "signature", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, stateHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^bs_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "state_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, time: { serializedName: "time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, transactionsCount: { serializedName: "transactions_count", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, txsHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^bx_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "txs_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsXhlqwrV3MicroBlocksHashTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsXhlqwrV3MicroBlocksHashTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Transaction" } } } } } } }; const Transaction = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Transaction", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, blockHeight: { serializedName: "block_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, encodedTx: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^tx_\\w+$") }, serializedName: "encoded_tx", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, hash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, microIndex: { serializedName: "micro_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microTime: { serializedName: "micro_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, signatures: { serializedName: "signatures", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^sg_\\w+$") }, type: { name: "String" } } } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } }; const Paths181Cs9V3NamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths181Cs9V3NamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Name" } } } } } } }; const mappers_Name = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Name", modelProperties: { active: { serializedName: "active", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, activeFrom: { serializedName: "active_from", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, approximateActivationTime: { serializedName: "approximate_activation_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, approximateExpireTime: { serializedName: "approximate_expire_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, auction: { serializedName: "auction", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Auction" } }, auctionTimeout: { serializedName: "auction_timeout", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, expireHeight: { serializedName: "expire_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, hash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^nm_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, name: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^\\w+\\.chain$") }, serializedName: "name", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nameFee: { serializedName: "name_fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, ownership: { serializedName: "ownership", type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameOwnership" } }, pointers: { serializedName: "pointers", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } }, revoke: { serializedName: "revoke", type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameTx" } } } } }; const Auction = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Auction", modelProperties: { activationTime: { serializedName: "activation_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, approximateExpireTime: { serializedName: "approximate_expire_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, auctionEnd: { serializedName: "auction_end", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, lastBid: { serializedName: "last_bid", type: { name: "Composite", className: "AuctionLastBid" } }, name: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^\\w+\\.chain$") }, serializedName: "name", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nameFee: { serializedName: "name_fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } } } } }; const AuctionLastBid = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "AuctionLastBid", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, blockHeight: { serializedName: "block_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, encodedTx: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^tx_\\w+$") }, serializedName: "encoded_tx", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, hash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, microIndex: { serializedName: "micro_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microTime: { serializedName: "micro_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, signatures: { serializedName: "signatures", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^sg_\\w+$") }, type: { name: "String" } } } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } }; const NameOwnership = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameOwnership", modelProperties: { current: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "current", type: { name: "String" } }, original: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "original", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const NameTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameTx", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, blockHeight: { serializedName: "block_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, hash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, microIndex: { serializedName: "micro_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microTime: { serializedName: "micro_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, signatures: { serializedName: "signatures", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^sg_\\w+$") }, type: { name: "String" } } } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameTxTx" } } } } }; const NameTxTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameTxTx", modelProperties: { accountId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "account_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fee: { serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nameId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^nm_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "name_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nonce: { serializedName: "nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, ttl: { serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, type: { serializedName: "type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths1R08F8HV3NamesAuctionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1R08F8HV3NamesAuctionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Auction" } } } } } } }; const PathsCrb9BgV3NamesAuctionsIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsCrb9BgV3NamesAuctionsIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameClaim" } } } } } } }; const NameClaim = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameClaim", modelProperties: { activeFrom: { serializedName: "active_from", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, internalSource: { serializedName: "internal_source", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, sourceTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "source_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sourceTxType: { serializedName: "source_tx_type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } }; const PathsMyl4W2V3NamesIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsMyl4W2V3NamesIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameClaim" } } } } } } }; const Paths1Ukwk06V3NamesIdTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Ukwk06V3NamesIdTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameTransfer" } } } } } } }; const NameTransfer = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameTransfer", modelProperties: { activeFrom: { serializedName: "active_from", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, internalSource: { serializedName: "internal_source", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, sourceTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "source_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sourceTxType: { serializedName: "source_tx_type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } }; const PathsRcnvllV3NamesIdUpdatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsRcnvllV3NamesIdUpdatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameUpdate" } } } } } } }; const NameUpdate = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "NameUpdate", modelProperties: { activeFrom: { serializedName: "active_from", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, internalSource: { serializedName: "internal_source", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, sourceTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "source_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sourceTxType: { serializedName: "source_tx_type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } } } } }; const PathsGcr9MrV3OraclesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsGcr9MrV3OraclesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Oracle" } } } } } } }; const mappers_Oracle = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Oracle", modelProperties: { active: { serializedName: "active", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, activeFrom: { serializedName: "active_from", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, approximateExpireTime: { serializedName: "approximate_expire_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, expireHeight: { serializedName: "expire_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, format: { serializedName: "format", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleFormat" } }, oracle: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ok_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "oracle", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, queryFee: { serializedName: "query_fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, register: { serializedName: "register", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleTx" } }, registerTime: { serializedName: "register_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, registerTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "register_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const OracleFormat = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleFormat", modelProperties: { query: { serializedName: "query", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, response: { serializedName: "response", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const OracleTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleTx", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, blockHeight: { serializedName: "block_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, encodedTx: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^tx_\\w+$") }, serializedName: "encoded_tx", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, hash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, microIndex: { serializedName: "micro_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microTime: { serializedName: "micro_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, signatures: { serializedName: "signatures", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^sg_\\w+$") }, type: { name: "String" } } } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleTxTx" } }, txHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const OracleTxTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleTxTx", modelProperties: { abiVersion: { serializedName: "abi_version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, accountId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "account_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, fee: { serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { serializedName: "nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, oracleId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ok_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "oracle_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, oracleTtl: { serializedName: "oracle_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleTxOracleTtl" } }, queryFee: { serializedName: "query_fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, queryFormat: { serializedName: "query_format", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, responseFormat: { serializedName: "response_format", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ttl: { serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } }, type: { serializedName: "type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "version", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const OracleTxOracleTtl = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleTxOracleTtl", modelProperties: { type: { serializedName: "type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, value: { serializedName: "value", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsZ4L2QlV3OraclesIdExtendsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsZ4L2QlV3OraclesIdExtendsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleExtend" } } } } } } }; const OracleExtend = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleExtend", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, sourceTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "source_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sourceTxType: { serializedName: "source_tx_type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, tx: { serializedName: "tx", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleExtendTx" } } } } }; const mappers_OracleExtendTx = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleExtendTx", modelProperties: { fee: { serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, nonce: { serializedName: "nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, oracleId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ok_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "oracle_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, oracleTtl: { serializedName: "oracle_ttl", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleExtendTxOracleTtl" } }, ttl: { serializedName: "ttl", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const OracleExtendTxOracleTtl = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleExtendTxOracleTtl", modelProperties: { type: { serializedName: "type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, value: { serializedName: "value", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths1Uni7AtV3OraclesIdQueriesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Uni7AtV3OraclesIdQueriesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleQuery" } } } } } } }; const mappers_OracleQuery = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleQuery", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, blockTime: { serializedName: "block_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, fee: { serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, nonce: { serializedName: "nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, oracleId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ok_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "oracle_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, query: { serializedName: "query", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, queryFee: { serializedName: "query_fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, queryId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^oq_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "query_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, queryTtl: { serializedName: "query_ttl", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } }, response: { serializedName: "response", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleResponse" } }, responseTtl: { serializedName: "response_ttl", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } }, senderId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "sender_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sourceTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "source_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sourceTxType: { serializedName: "source_tx_type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ttl: { serializedName: "ttl", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const OracleResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleResponse", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, blockTime: { serializedName: "block_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, fee: { serializedName: "fee", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, nonce: { serializedName: "nonce", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, oracleId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ok_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "oracle_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, query: { serializedName: "query", type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleResponse" } }, queryId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^oq_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "query_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, response: { serializedName: "response", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, responseTtl: { serializedName: "response_ttl", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } }, sourceTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "source_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sourceTxType: { serializedName: "source_tx_type", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, ttl: { serializedName: "ttl", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Paths1Tcj5A9V3OraclesIdResponsesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Tcj5A9V3OraclesIdResponsesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "OracleResponse" } } } } } } }; const Stats = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Stats", modelProperties: { feesTrend: { serializedName: "fees_trend", type: { name: "Number" } }, last24HsAverageTransactionFees: { serializedName: "last_24hs_average_transaction_fees", type: { name: "Number" } }, last24HsTransactions: { serializedName: "last_24hs_transactions", type: { name: "Number" } }, maxTransactionsPerSecond: { serializedName: "max_transactions_per_second", type: { name: "Number" } }, maxTransactionsPerSecondBlockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^kh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "max_transactions_per_second_block_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, minersCount: { serializedName: "miners_count", type: { name: "Number" } }, transactionsTrend: { serializedName: "transactions_trend", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsV2Gh3TV3StatisticsBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsV2Gh3TV3StatisticsBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Stat" } } } } } } }; const Stat = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Stat", modelProperties: { count: { serializedName: "count", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, endDate: { serializedName: "end_date", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, startDate: { serializedName: "start_date", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const PathsYpljbvV3DeltastatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsYpljbvV3DeltastatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "DeltaStat" } } } } } } }; const DeltaStat = { type: { name: "Composite", 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support name: "BigInt" } }, contracts: { serializedName: "contracts", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, inactiveNames: { serializedName: "inactive_names", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, inactiveOracles: { serializedName: "inactive_oracles", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, lastTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "last_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, lockedInAuctions: { serializedName: "locked_in_auctions", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, lockedInChannels: { serializedName: "locked_in_channels", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, openChannels: { serializedName: "open_channels", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, sumBlockReward: { serializedName: "sum_block_reward", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, sumDevReward: { serializedName: "sum_dev_reward", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, totalTokenSupply: { serializedName: "total_token_supply", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } } } } }; const Paths1Syc8AnV3StatisticsTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Syc8AnV3StatisticsTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Stat" } } } } } } }; const mappers_Status = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Status", modelProperties: { mdwAsyncTasks: { serializedName: "mdw_async_tasks", type: { name: "Composite", className: "StatusMdwAsyncTasks" } }, mdwGensPerMinute: { serializedName: "mdw_gens_per_minute", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, mdwHeight: { serializedName: "mdw_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, mdwLastMigration: { serializedName: "mdw_last_migration", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, mdwRevision: { serializedName: "mdw_revision", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, mdwSynced: { serializedName: "mdw_synced", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, mdwSyncing: { serializedName: "mdw_syncing", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, mdwTxIndex: { serializedName: "mdw_tx_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, mdwVersion: { serializedName: "mdw_version", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nodeHeight: { serializedName: "node_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, nodeProgress: { serializedName: "node_progress", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, nodeRevision: { serializedName: "node_revision", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, nodeSyncing: { serializedName: "node_syncing", required: true, type: { name: "Boolean" } }, nodeVersion: { serializedName: "node_version", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const StatusMdwAsyncTasks = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "StatusMdwAsyncTasks", modelProperties: { longTasks: { serializedName: "long_tasks", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, producerBuffer: { serializedName: "producer_buffer", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, totalPending: { serializedName: "total_pending", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const PathsHa9C78V3TransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0 = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsHa9C78V3TransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0", modelProperties: { data: { serializedName: "data", required: true, type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", 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RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "ref_block_hash", required: true, nullable: true, type: { name: "String" } }, refTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "ref_tx_hash", required: true, nullable: true, type: { name: "String" } }, refTxType: { serializedName: "ref_tx_type", required: true, nullable: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const Aex9TransferEvent = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex9TransferEvent", modelProperties: { amount: { serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, blockHeight: { serializedName: "block_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, contractId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, logIdx: { serializedName: "log_idx", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microIndex: { serializedName: "micro_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microTime: { serializedName: "micro_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, recipientId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "recipient_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, senderId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "sender_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, txHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const Aex9TransferResponse = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Aex9TransferResponse", modelProperties: { amount: { serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, blockHeight: { serializedName: "block_height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, callTxi: { serializedName: "call_txi", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, contractId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, logIdx: { serializedName: "log_idx", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, microTime: { serializedName: "micro_time", required: true, type: { name: "UnixTime" } }, recipient: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "recipient", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, sender: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ak_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "sender", required: true, type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const InternalContractCallEvent = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "InternalContractCallEvent", modelProperties: { blockHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^mh_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "block_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, callTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "call_tx_hash", type: { name: "String" } }, contractId: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^ct_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_id", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, contractTxHash: { constraints: { Pattern: new RegExp("^th_\\w{38,50}$") }, serializedName: "contract_tx_hash", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, function: { serializedName: "function", required: true, type: { name: "String" } }, height: { serializedName: "height", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } }, internalTx: { serializedName: "internal_tx", required: true, type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "any" } } } }, microIndex: { serializedName: "micro_index", required: true, type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const InternalTransferEvent = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "InternalTransferEvent", modelProperties: { amount: { serializedName: "amount", required: true, type: { // @ts-expect-error we are extending autorest with BigInt support name: "BigInt" } }, kind: { serializedName: "kind", 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...PathsEue6HzV3KeyBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths1159W94V3KeyBlocksHashOrKbiMicroBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1159W94V3KeyBlocksHashOrKbiMicroBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsNn60D7V3KeyBlocksHashOrKbiMicroBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths15Bkk50V3MicroBlocksHashTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths15Bkk50V3MicroBlocksHashTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsXhlqwrV3MicroBlocksHashTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths12S1Nd4V3NamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths12S1Nd4V3NamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...Paths181Cs9V3NamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const PathsKjq4D4V3NamesAuctionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsKjq4D4V3NamesAuctionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...Paths1R08F8HV3NamesAuctionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths1F98AqgV3NamesIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1F98AqgV3NamesIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsMyl4W2V3NamesIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths1Raw8PV3NamesIdTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Raw8PV3NamesIdTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...Paths1Ukwk06V3NamesIdTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths1Ec8CltV3NamesIdUpdatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Ec8CltV3NamesIdUpdatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsRcnvllV3NamesIdUpdatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths1E14NekV3OraclesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1E14NekV3OraclesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsGcr9MrV3OraclesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths1L5C64RV3OraclesIdExtendsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1L5C64RV3OraclesIdExtendsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsZ4L2QlV3OraclesIdExtendsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths8722JhV3OraclesIdQueriesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths8722JhV3OraclesIdQueriesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...Paths1Uni7AtV3OraclesIdQueriesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const PathsVron83V3OraclesIdResponsesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsVron83V3OraclesIdResponsesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...Paths1Tcj5A9V3OraclesIdResponsesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const PathsJd68YV3StatisticsBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsJd68YV3StatisticsBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsV2Gh3TV3StatisticsBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const PathsQtodvgV3DeltastatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsQtodvgV3DeltastatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsYpljbvV3DeltastatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const PathsZ2B507V3MinerstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsZ2B507V3MinerstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...Paths10OmbqhV3MinerstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const PathsD2HmjxV3StatisticsNamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsD2HmjxV3StatisticsNamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsAc89GqV3StatisticsNamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const PathsFrvc1LV3TotalstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsFrvc1LV3TotalstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...Paths1Vms155V3TotalstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths150Ou6YV3StatisticsTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths150Ou6YV3StatisticsTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...Paths1Syc8AnV3StatisticsTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const Paths1Pymq07V3TransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "Paths1Pymq07V3TransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsHa9C78V3TransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; const PathsA7P0KiV3TransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema = { type: { name: "Composite", className: "PathsA7P0KiV3TransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema", modelProperties: { ...PathsVdg67V3TransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchemaAllof0.type.modelProperties, ...PaginatedResponse.type.modelProperties } } }; ;// ./src/apis/middleware/middleware.ts class middleware_Middleware extends core_client_.ServiceClient { /** * Initializes a new instance of the Middleware class. * @param $host server parameter * @param options The parameter options */ constructor($host, options) { var _ref, _options$endpoint; if ($host === undefined) { throw new Error("'$host' cannot be null"); } // Initializing default values for options if (!options) { options = {}; } const defaults = { requestContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" }; const packageDetails = `azsdk-js-middleware/1.0.0-beta.1`; const userAgentPrefix = options.userAgentOptions && options.userAgentOptions.userAgentPrefix ? `${options.userAgentOptions.userAgentPrefix} ${packageDetails}` : `${packageDetails}`; const optionsWithDefaults = { ...defaults, ...options, userAgentOptions: { userAgentPrefix }, endpoint: (_ref = (_options$endpoint = options.endpoint) !== null && _options$endpoint !== void 0 ? _options$endpoint : options.baseUri) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : "{$host}" }; super(optionsWithDefaults); // Parameter assignments this.$host = $host; } /** * Get tokens owned by an account. * @param accountId The account id Account address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex141OwnedTokens(accountId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ accountId, options }, getAex141OwnedTokensOperationSpec); } /** * Get all AEX9 balances for an account on the last block. * @param accountId Account id Account address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex9AccountBalances(accountId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ accountId, options }, getAex9AccountBalancesOperationSpec); } /** * Get DEX swap tokens * @param accountId The account id Account address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountDexSwaps(accountId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ accountId, options }, getAccountDexSwapsOperationSpec); } /** * Get an account activities. * @param id The account address Account address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountActivities(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getAccountActivitiesOperationSpec); } /** * Get account pointees * @param id The account that names point to Account address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountPointees(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getAccountPointeesOperationSpec); } /** * Get transactions count and its type for given aeternity ID. * @param id The ID of the address/name/oracle/etc Account address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountTransactionsCount(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getAccountTransactionsCountOperationSpec); } /** * Get AEX141 contracts sorted by creation time, name or symbol. * @param options The options parameters. */ getSortedAex141Contracts(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getSortedAex141ContractsOperationSpec); } /** * Get templates AEX-141 contract tokens. * @param contractId The contract id Contract address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex141ContractTemplates(contractId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ contractId, options }, getAex141ContractTemplatesOperationSpec); } /** * Get AEX-141 template tokens. * @param contractId Contract id Contract address * @param templateId Template id * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex141TemplateTokens(contractId, templateId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ contractId, templateId, options }, getAex141TemplateTokensOperationSpec); } /** * Get owners of tokens of a AEX-141 contract. * @param contractId The contract id Contract address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex141ContractTokens(contractId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ contractId, options }, getAex141ContractTokensOperationSpec); } /** * Get owner of a NFT (AEX-141 token). * @param contractId The contract id Contract address * @param tokenId The nft token id * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex141TokenOwner(contractId, tokenId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ contractId, tokenId, options }, getAex141TokenOwnerOperationSpec); } /** * Get AEX-141 transfers on a contract. * @param contractId Contract id Contract address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex141ContractTransfers(contractId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ contractId, options }, getAex141ContractTransfersOperationSpec); } /** * Get AEX141 contract meta-info, extensions, limits and stats. * @param id The contract id Contract address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex141ByContract(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getAex141ByContractOperationSpec); } /** * Get AEX9 tokens sorted by creation time, name or symbol. * @param options The options parameters. */ getSortedAex9Tokens(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getSortedAex9TokensOperationSpec); } /** * Get AEX9 tokens count. * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex9TokensCount(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getAex9TokensCountOperationSpec); } /** * Get AEX9 balances on a contract. * @param contractId Contract id Contract address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex9ContractBalances(contractId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ contractId, options }, getAex9ContractBalancesOperationSpec); } /** * Get AEX9 balance for an account on a contract. * @param contractId Contract id Contract address * @param accountId Account id Account address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex9ContractAccountBalance(contractId, accountId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ contractId, accountId, options }, getAex9ContractAccountBalanceOperationSpec); } /** * Get AEX9 account balance on a contract throughout all heights when changed. * @param contractId Contract id Contract address * @param accountId Account id Account address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex9ContractAccountBalanceHistory(contractId, accountId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ contractId, accountId, options }, getAex9ContractAccountBalanceHistoryOperationSpec); } /** * Get AEX9 creation and meta_info information by contract id. * @param id The contract id Contract address * @param options The options parameters. */ getAex9ByContract(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getAex9ByContractOperationSpec); } /** * Get multiple channels. * @param options The options parameters. */ getChannels(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getChannelsOperationSpec); } /** * Get a single channel. * @param id The channel Channel ID * @param options The options parameters. */ getChannel(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getChannelOperationSpec); } /** * Get contract calls. * @param options The options parameters. */ getContractCalls(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getContractCallsOperationSpec); } /** * Get contract logs. * @param options The options parameters. */ getContractLogs(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getContractLogsOperationSpec); } /** * Gets contract creation info. * @param id Contract that emitted the logs Contract address * @param options The options parameters. */ getContract(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, middleware_getContractOperationSpec); } /** * Get DEX swap tokens * @param options The options parameters. */ getDexSwaps(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getDexSwapsOperationSpec); } /** * Get DEX swap tokens * @param contractId The contract id Contract address * @param options The options parameters. */ getDexSwapsByContractId(contractId, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ contractId, options }, getDexSwapsByContractIdOperationSpec); } /** * Get multiple key blocks. * @param options The options parameters. */ getKeyBlocks(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getKeyBlocksOperationSpec); } /** * Get a single key block. * @param hashOrKbi The key block encoded hash or key block index * @param options The options parameters. */ getKeyBlock(hashOrKbi, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hashOrKbi, options }, getKeyBlockOperationSpec); } /** * Get the key block micro blocks. * @param hashOrKbi The key block encoded hash or key block index * @param options The options parameters. */ getKeyBlockMicroBlocks(hashOrKbi, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hashOrKbi, options }, getKeyBlockMicroBlocksOperationSpec); } /** * Get a micro block * @param hash The micro block encoded hash Micro block hash * @param options The options parameters. */ getMicroBlock(hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, options }, getMicroBlockOperationSpec); } /** * Get a micro block transactions * @param hash The micro block encoded hash Micro block hash * @param options The options parameters. */ getMicroBlockTransactions(hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, options }, getMicroBlockTransactionsOperationSpec); } /** * Get multiple names. * @param options The options parameters. */ getNames(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getNamesOperationSpec); } /** * Get multiple names. * @param options The options parameters. */ getNamesAuctions(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getNamesAuctionsOperationSpec); } /** * Get name auction * @param id The name * @param options The options parameters. */ getNameAuction(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getNameAuctionOperationSpec); } /** * Get name auction claims * @param id The name * @param options The options parameters. */ getNameAuctionClaims(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getNameAuctionClaimsOperationSpec); } /** * Get the total number of active names. * @param options The options parameters. */ getNamesCount(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getNamesCountOperationSpec); } /** * Get a single name. * @param id The name * @param options The options parameters. */ getName(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getNameOperationSpec); } /** * Get name claims * @param id The name or name hash * @param options The options parameters. */ getNameClaims(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getNameClaimsOperationSpec); } /** * Get name transfers * @param id The name or name hash * @param options The options parameters. */ getNameTransfers(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getNameTransfersOperationSpec); } /** * Get name updates * @param id The name or name hash * @param options The options parameters. */ getNameUpdates(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getNameUpdatesOperationSpec); } /** * Get multiple oracles. * @param options The options parameters. */ getOracles(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getOraclesOperationSpec); } /** * Get a single oracle. * @param id The oracle Oracle address * @param options The options parameters. */ getOracle(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getOracleOperationSpec); } /** * Get an oracle's extensions. * @param id The oracle Oracle address * @param options The options parameters. */ getOracleExtends(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getOracleExtendsOperationSpec); } /** * Get an oracle's queries. * @param id The oracle Oracle address * @param options The options parameters. */ getOracleQueries(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getOracleQueriesOperationSpec); } /** * Get an oracle's responses. * @param id The oracle Oracle address * @param options The options parameters. */ getOracleResponses(id, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ id, options }, getOracleResponsesOperationSpec); } /** * Get stats. * @param options The options parameters. */ getStats(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getStatsOperationSpec); } /** * Get total blocks count stats. * @param options The options parameters. */ getBlocksStats(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getBlocksStatsOperationSpec); } /** * Get delta stats. * @param options The options parameters. */ getDeltaStats(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getDeltaStatsOperationSpec); } /** * Get miners list with total rewards obtained through mining. * @param options The options parameters. */ getMinerStats(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getMinerStatsOperationSpec); } /** * Get total names count stats. * @param options The options parameters. */ getNamesStats(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getNamesStatsOperationSpec); } /** * Get total accumulated stats. * @param options The options parameters. */ getTotalStats(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getTotalStatsOperationSpec); } /** * Get total transactions count stats. * @param options The options parameters. */ getTransactionsStats(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getTransactionsStatsOperationSpec); } /** * Gets the current syncing status of both middleware and the node * @param options The options parameters. */ getStatus(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, middleware_getStatusOperationSpec); } /** * Get multiple transactions. * @param options The options parameters. */ getTransactions(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getTransactionsOperationSpec); } /** * Get count of transactions at the latest height. * @param options The options parameters. */ getTransactionsCount(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getTransactionsCountOperationSpec); } /** * Get a single transaction. * @param hash The transaction encoded hash Transaction hash * @param options The options parameters. */ getTransaction(hash, options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ hash, options }, getTransactionOperationSpec); } /** * Get multiple transfers. * @param options The options parameters. */ getTransfers(options) { return this.sendOperationRequest({ options }, getTransfersOperationSpec); } } // Operation Specifications const middleware_serializer = createSerializer(middleware_models_mappers_namespaceObject, /* isXml */false); const getAex141OwnedTokensOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/accounts/{accountId}/aex141/tokens", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths3Hsv3GV3AccountsAccountidAex141TokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, direction, contract], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, accountId], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex9AccountBalancesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/accounts/{accountId}/aex9/balances", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsKm52GqV3AccountsAccountidAex9BalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, accountId], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAccountDexSwapsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/accounts/{account_id}/dex/swaps", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Ceolv9V3AccountsAccountIdDexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [direction1], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, accountId1], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAccountActivitiesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/accounts/{id}/activities", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Opead5V3AccountsIdActivitiesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, ownedOnly, parameters_typeParam, scope, direction2], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAccountPointeesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/accounts/{id}/names/pointees", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Gc4HwtV3AccountsIdNamesPointeesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAccountTransactionsCountOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/transactions/count/{id}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsLv15NfV3TransactionsCountIdGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getSortedAex141ContractsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex141", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1XwlyjtV3Aex141GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, direction3, by, prefix, exact], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex141ContractTemplatesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex141/{contractId}/templates", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths181AjwxV3Aex141ContractidTemplatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, direction4], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, contractId], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex141TemplateTokensOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex141/{contractId}/templates/{templateId}/tokens", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths15Mi2TaV3Aex141ContractidTemplatesTemplateidTokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, direction5], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, contractId, templateId], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex141ContractTokensOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex141/{contractId}/tokens", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsWl652MV3Aex141ContractidTokensGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, direction6], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, contractId], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex141TokenOwnerOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex141/{contractId}/tokens/{tokenId}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Fbvaw8V3Aex141ContractidTokensTokenidGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, contractId, tokenId], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex141ContractTransfersOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex141/{contractId}/transfers", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1O7Q6IhV3Aex141ContractidTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, direction7, parameters_fromParam, to], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, contractId], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex141ByContractOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex141/{id}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Aex141Response }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id1], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getSortedAex9TokensOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex9", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Vr3Y2EV3Aex9GetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, prefix, exact, direction8, by1], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex9TokensCountOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex9/count", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths19IxhsmV3Aex9CountGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex9ContractBalancesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex9/{contractId}/balances", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1N61UurV3Aex9ContractidBalancesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, direction9, by2, blockHash], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, contractId], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex9ContractAccountBalanceOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex9/{contractId}/balances/{accountId}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsKr825V3Aex9ContractidBalancesAccountidGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [models_parameters_hash], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, accountId, contractId], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex9ContractAccountBalanceHistoryOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex9/{contractId}/balances/{accountId}/history", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Uybd4PV3Aex9ContractidBalancesAccountidHistoryGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction10], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, accountId, contractId], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getAex9ByContractOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/aex9/{id}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Aex9Response }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id1], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getChannelsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/channels", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths3EzhapV3ChannelsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction11, state], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getChannelOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/channels/{id}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: mappers_Channel }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id2], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getContractCallsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/contracts/calls", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Txblx8V3ContractsCallsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction12], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getContractLogsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/contracts/logs", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths7A1M6RV3ContractsLogsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, contractId1, parameters_event, functionParam, functionPrefix, data, aexnArgs, direction13], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const middleware_getContractOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/contracts/{id}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: models_mappers_Contract }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id1], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getDexSwapsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/dex/swaps", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Di8FnjV3DexSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [direction14], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getDexSwapsByContractIdOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/dex/{contract_id}/swaps", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsKwxlzlV3DexContractIdSwapsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [direction15], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, contractId2], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getKeyBlocksOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/key-blocks", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths277OngV3KeyBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction16], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getKeyBlockOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/key-blocks/{hash_or_kbi}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: mappers_KeyBlock }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, hashOrKbi], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getKeyBlockMicroBlocksOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/key-blocks/{hash_or_kbi}/micro-blocks", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1159W94V3KeyBlocksHashOrKbiMicroBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction17], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, hashOrKbi], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getMicroBlockOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/micro-blocks/{hash}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: MicroBlock }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, hash1], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getMicroBlockTransactionsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/micro-blocks/{hash}/transactions", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths15Bkk50V3MicroBlocksHashTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, hash1], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getNamesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths12S1Nd4V3NamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, prefix, by2, ownedBy, state1, direction18], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getNamesAuctionsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names/auctions", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsKjq4D4V3NamesAuctionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction19], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getNameAuctionOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names/auctions/{id}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Auction }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction20], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id3], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getNameAuctionClaimsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names/auctions/{id}/claims", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsCrb9BgV3NamesAuctionsIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction21], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id3], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getNamesCountOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names/count", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Number" } } }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [ownedBy], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getNameOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names/{id}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: mappers_Name }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id3], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getNameClaimsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names/{id}/claims", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1F98AqgV3NamesIdClaimsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction22], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id3], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getNameTransfersOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names/{id}/transfers", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Raw8PV3NamesIdTransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction23], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id3], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getNameUpdatesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/names/{id}/updates", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Ec8CltV3NamesIdUpdatesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction24], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id3], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getOraclesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/oracles", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1E14NekV3OraclesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, state1, direction25], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getOracleOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/oracles/{id}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: mappers_Oracle }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id4], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getOracleExtendsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/oracles/{id}/extends", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1L5C64RV3OraclesIdExtendsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id4], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getOracleQueriesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/oracles/{id}/queries", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths8722JhV3OraclesIdQueriesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id4], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getOracleResponsesOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/oracles/{id}/responses", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsVron83V3OraclesIdResponsesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, id4], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getStatsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/stats", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Stats }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getBlocksStatsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/statistics/blocks", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsJd68YV3StatisticsBlocksGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, intervalBy, minStartDate, maxStartDate, typeParam1, direction26], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getDeltaStatsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/deltastats", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsQtodvgV3DeltastatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction27], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getMinerStatsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/minerstats", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsZ2B507V3MinerstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, direction28], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getNamesStatsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/statistics/names", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsD2HmjxV3StatisticsNamesGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, minStartDate, maxStartDate, intervalBy1, direction29], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getTotalStatsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/totalstats", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsFrvc1LV3TotalstatsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction30], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getTransactionsStatsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/statistics/transactions", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths150Ou6YV3StatisticsTransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, minStartDate, maxStartDate, intervalBy2, txType, direction31], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const middleware_getStatusOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/status", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: mappers_Status } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getTransactionsOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/transactions", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Paths1Pymq07V3TransactionsGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, contract, scope, typeParam2, typeGroup, account, channel, oracle, senderId, recipientId, entrypoint, direction32], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getTransactionsCountOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/transactions/count", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Number" } } } }, queryParameters: [scope, txType, id5], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getTransactionOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/transactions/{hash}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: Transaction }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true }, 404: { bodyMapper: NotFoundResponse, isError: true } }, urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host, hash2], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const getTransfersOperationSpec = { path: "/v3/transfers", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PathsA7P0KiV3TransfersGetResponses200ContentApplicationJsonSchema }, 400: { bodyMapper: ErrorResponse, isError: true } }, queryParameters: [parameters_limit, scope, direction33], urlParameters: [models_parameters_$host], headerParameters: [models_parameters_accept], serializer: middleware_serializer }; const operationSpecs = [getAex141OwnedTokensOperationSpec, getAex9AccountBalancesOperationSpec, getAccountDexSwapsOperationSpec, getAccountActivitiesOperationSpec, getAccountPointeesOperationSpec, getAccountTransactionsCountOperationSpec, getSortedAex141ContractsOperationSpec, getAex141ContractTemplatesOperationSpec, getAex141TemplateTokensOperationSpec, getAex141ContractTokensOperationSpec, getAex141TokenOwnerOperationSpec, getAex141ContractTransfersOperationSpec, getAex141ByContractOperationSpec, getSortedAex9TokensOperationSpec, getAex9TokensCountOperationSpec, getAex9ContractBalancesOperationSpec, getAex9ContractAccountBalanceOperationSpec, getAex9ByContractOperationSpec, getChannelsOperationSpec, getChannelOperationSpec, getContractCallsOperationSpec, getContractLogsOperationSpec, middleware_getContractOperationSpec, getDexSwapsOperationSpec, getDexSwapsByContractIdOperationSpec, getKeyBlocksOperationSpec, getKeyBlockOperationSpec, getKeyBlockMicroBlocksOperationSpec, getMicroBlockOperationSpec, getMicroBlockTransactionsOperationSpec, getNamesOperationSpec, getNamesAuctionsOperationSpec, getNameAuctionOperationSpec, getNameAuctionClaimsOperationSpec, getNamesCountOperationSpec, getNameOperationSpec, getNameClaimsOperationSpec, getNameTransfersOperationSpec, getNameUpdatesOperationSpec, getOraclesOperationSpec, getOracleOperationSpec, getOracleExtendsOperationSpec, getOracleQueriesOperationSpec, getOracleResponsesOperationSpec, getStatsOperationSpec, getBlocksStatsOperationSpec, getDeltaStatsOperationSpec, getMinerStatsOperationSpec, getNamesStatsOperationSpec, getTotalStatsOperationSpec, getTransactionsStatsOperationSpec, middleware_getStatusOperationSpec, getTransactionsOperationSpec, getTransactionsCountOperationSpec, getTransactionOperationSpec, getTransfersOperationSpec]; ;// ./src/utils/MiddlewarePage.ts function MiddlewarePage_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { MiddlewarePage_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function MiddlewarePage_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function MiddlewarePage_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(MiddlewarePage_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function MiddlewarePage_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(MiddlewarePage_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function MiddlewarePage_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } /* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */ function isMiddlewareRawPage(maybePage) { const testPage = maybePage; return testPage?.data != null && Array.isArray(testPage.data) && 'next' in testPage && 'prev' in testPage; } /** * @category exception */ class MiddlewarePageMissed extends BaseError { constructor(isNext) { super(`There is no ${isNext ? 'next' : 'previous'} page`); this.name = 'MiddlewarePageMissed'; } } /** * A wrapper around the middleware's page allowing to get the next/previous pages. */ var _middleware = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); class MiddlewarePage { constructor(rawPage, middleware) { MiddlewarePage_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _middleware, void 0); this.data = rawPage.data; this.nextPath = rawPage.next; this.prevPath = rawPage.prev; MiddlewarePage_classPrivateFieldSet(_middleware, this, middleware); } /** * Get the next page. * Check the presence of `nextPath` to not fall outside existing pages. * @throws MiddlewarePageMissed */ async next() { if (this.nextPath == null) throw new MiddlewarePageMissed(true); return MiddlewarePage_classPrivateFieldGet(_middleware, this).requestByPath(this.nextPath); } /** * Get the previous page. * Check the presence of `prevPath` to not fall outside existing pages. * @throws MiddlewarePageMissed */ async prev() { if (this.prevPath == null) throw new MiddlewarePageMissed(false); return MiddlewarePage_classPrivateFieldGet(_middleware, this).requestByPath(this.prevPath); } } ;// ./src/Middleware.ts class Middleware extends middleware_Middleware { /** * @param url - Url for middleware API * @param options - Options * @param options.ignoreVersion - Don't ensure that the middleware is supported * @param options.retryCount - Amount of extra requests to do in case of failure * @param options.retryOverallDelay - Time in ms to wait between all retries */ constructor(url, { ignoreVersion = false, retryCount = 3, retryOverallDelay = 800, ...options } = {}) { let version; const getVersion = async opts => { if (version != null) return version; version = (await this.getStatus(opts)).mdwVersion; return version; }; // eslint-disable-next-line constructor-super super(url, { allowInsecureConnection: true, additionalPolicies: [...(ignoreVersion ? [] : [genVersionCheckPolicy('middleware', getVersion, '1.81.0', '2.0.0')]), genRequestQueuesPolicy(), genCombineGetRequestsPolicy(), genRetryOnFailurePolicy(retryCount, retryOverallDelay), genErrorFormatterPolicy(body => ` ${body.error}`)], ...options }); this.pipeline.addPolicy(parseBigIntPolicy, { phase: 'Deserialize' }); this.pipeline.removePolicy({ name: core_rest_pipeline_.userAgentPolicyName }); this.pipeline.removePolicy({ name: core_rest_pipeline_.setClientRequestIdPolicyName }); // TODO: use instead our retry policy this.pipeline.removePolicy({ name: 'defaultRetryPolicy' }); } /** * Get a middleware response by path instead of a method name and arguments. * @param pathWithQuery - a path to request starting with `/v3/` */ async requestByPath(pathWithQuery) { const queryPos = pathWithQuery.indexOf('?'); const path = pathWithQuery.slice(0, queryPos === -1 ? pathWithQuery.length : queryPos); const query = pathWithQuery.slice(queryPos === -1 ? pathWithQuery.length : queryPos + 1); const operationSpec = operationSpecs.find(os => { let p = path; if (os.path == null) return false; const groups = os.path.replace(/{\w+}/g, '{param}').split('{param}'); while (groups.length > 0) { const part = groups.shift(); if (part == null) throw new InternalError(`Unexpected operation spec path: ${os.path}`); if (!p.startsWith(part)) return false; p = p.replace(part, ''); if (groups.length > 0) p = p.replace(/^[\w.]+/, ''); } return p === ''; }); if (operationSpec == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentError(`Can't find operation spec corresponding to ${path}`); } return this.sendOperationRequest({}, { ...operationSpec, path, urlParameters: operationSpec.urlParameters?.filter(({ parameterPath }) => parameterPath === '$host'), queryParameters: Array.from(new URLSearchParams(query)).map(([key, value]) => ({ parameterPath: ['options', key], mapper: { defaultValue: value.toString(), serializedName: key, type: { name: 'String' } } })) }); } async sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, operationSpec) { const response = await super.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, operationSpec); if (!isMiddlewareRawPage(response)) return response; return new MiddlewarePage(response, this); } } ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/connection-proxy.ts /** * Browser connection proxy * Provide functionality to easily forward messages from one connection to another and back * @category aepp wallet communication * @param con1 - first connection * @param con2 - second connection * @returns a function to stop proxying */ /* harmony default export */ const connection_proxy = ((con1, con2) => { con1.connect(msg => con2.sendMessage(msg), () => con2.disconnect()); con2.connect(msg => con1.sendMessage(msg), () => con1.disconnect()); return () => { con1.disconnect(); con2.disconnect(); }; }); ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/connection/Browser.ts /** * Browser connection base interface * @category aepp wallet communication */ class BrowserConnection { constructor({ debug = false }) { this.debug = debug; } /** * Connect * @param onMessage - Message handler * @param onDisconnect - trigger when runtime connection in closed */ connect( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars onMessage, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars onDisconnect) { if (this.isConnected()) throw new AlreadyConnectedError('You already connected'); } /** * Disconnect */ disconnect() { if (!this.isConnected()) throw new NoWalletConnectedError('You dont have connection. Please connect before'); } /** * Receive message */ receiveMessage(message) { if (this.debug) console.log('Receive message:', message); } /** * Send message */ sendMessage(message) { if (this.debug) console.log('Send message:', message); } /** * Check if connected * @returns Is connected */ } ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/connection/BrowserWindowMessage.ts function BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { BrowserWindowMessage_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function BrowserWindowMessage_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(BrowserWindowMessage_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(BrowserWindowMessage_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function BrowserWindowMessage_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } var _onDisconnect = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _target = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _self = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); /** * Browser window Post Message connector module * @category aepp wallet communication */ class BrowserWindowMessageConnection extends BrowserConnection { /** * @param options - Options * @param options.target Target window for message * @param options.self Host window for message * @param options.origin Origin of receiver * @param options.sendDirection Wrapping messages into additional struct * `({ type: 'to_aepp' || 'to_waellet', data })` * Used for handling messages between content script and page * @param options.receiveDirection Unwrapping messages from additional struct */ constructor({ target, self = window, origin, sendDirection, receiveDirection = MESSAGE_DIRECTION.to_aepp, ...options } = {}) { super(options); BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _onDisconnect, void 0); BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _target, void 0); BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _self, void 0); BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldSet(_target, this, target); BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldSet(_self, this, self); this.origin = origin; this.sendDirection = sendDirection; this.receiveDirection = receiveDirection; } isConnected() { return this.listener != null; } connect(onMessage, onDisconnect) { super.connect(onMessage, onDisconnect); this.listener = message => { var _message$data$jsonrpc; // TODO: strict validate origin and source instead of checking message structure if (typeof message.data !== 'object' || ((_message$data$jsonrpc = message.data.jsonrpc) !== null && _message$data$jsonrpc !== void 0 ? _message$data$jsonrpc : message.data.data?.jsonrpc) !== '2.0') return; if (this.origin != null && this.origin !== message.origin) return; if (BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldGet(_target, this) != null && BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldGet(_target, this) !== message.source) return; this.receiveMessage(message); let { data } = message; if (data.type != null) { if (message.data.type !== this.receiveDirection) return; data = data.data; } onMessage(data, message.origin, message.source); }; BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldGet(_self, this).addEventListener('message', this.listener); BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldSet(_onDisconnect, this, onDisconnect); } disconnect() { super.disconnect(); if (this.listener == null || BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldGet(_onDisconnect, this) == null) { throw new InternalError('Expected to not happen, required for TS'); } BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldGet(_self, this).removeEventListener('message', this.listener); delete this.listener; BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldGet(_onDisconnect, this).call(this); BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldSet(_onDisconnect, this, undefined); } sendMessage(msg) { var _this$origin; if (BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldGet(_target, this) == null) throw new RpcConnectionError("Can't send messages without target"); const message = this.sendDirection != null ? { type: this.sendDirection, data: msg } : msg; super.sendMessage(message); BrowserWindowMessage_classPrivateFieldGet(_target, this).postMessage(message, (_this$origin = this.origin) !== null && _this$origin !== void 0 ? _this$origin : '*'); } } ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/wallet-detector.ts /** * A function to detect available wallets * @category aepp wallet communication * @param connection - connection to use to detect wallets * @param onDetected - call-back function which trigger on new wallet * @returns a function to stop scanning */ /* harmony default export */ const wallet_detector = ((connection, onDetected) => { if (window == null) throw new UnsupportedPlatformError('Window object not found, you can run wallet detector only in browser'); const wallets = {}; connection.connect(({ method, params }, origin, source) => { if (method !== METHODS.readyToConnect || wallets[params.id] != null) return; const wallet = { info: params, getConnection() { return new BrowserWindowMessageConnection({ target: source, ...(params.type === 'extension' ? { sendDirection: MESSAGE_DIRECTION.to_waellet, receiveDirection: MESSAGE_DIRECTION.to_aepp, ...(window.origin !== 'null' && { origin: window.origin }) } : { origin: params.origin }) }); } }; wallets[wallet.info.id] = wallet; onDetected({ wallets, newWallet: wallet }); }, () => {}); return () => connection.disconnect(); }); ;// ./src/aepp-wallet-communication/connection/BrowserRuntime.ts function BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { BrowserRuntime_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function BrowserRuntime_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(BrowserRuntime_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(BrowserRuntime_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function BrowserRuntime_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } /** * BrowserRuntimeConnection * Handle browser runtime communication * @category aepp wallet communication */ var _listeners = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); class BrowserRuntimeConnection extends BrowserConnection { /** * @param options - Options */ constructor({ port, ...options }) { super(options); BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _listeners, void 0); this.port = port; } disconnect() { super.disconnect(); this.port.disconnect(); if (BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldGet(_listeners, this) == null) throw new UnexpectedTsError(); this.port.onMessage.removeListener(BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldGet(_listeners, this)[0]); this.port.onDisconnect.removeListener(BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldGet(_listeners, this)[1]); BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldSet(_listeners, this, undefined); } connect(onMessage, onDisconnect) { super.connect(onMessage, onDisconnect); BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldSet(_listeners, this, [(message, port) => { var _port$sender$url; this.receiveMessage(message); // TODO: make `origin` optional because sender url is not available on aepp side onMessage(message, (_port$sender$url = port.sender?.url) !== null && _port$sender$url !== void 0 ? _port$sender$url : '', port); }, onDisconnect]); this.port.onMessage.addListener(BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldGet(_listeners, this)[0]); this.port.onDisconnect.addListener(BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldGet(_listeners, this)[1]); } sendMessage(message) { super.sendMessage(message); this.port.postMessage(message); } isConnected() { return BrowserRuntime_classPrivateFieldGet(_listeners, this) != null; } } ;// ./src/index-browser.ts // TODO: move to constants ;// external "child_process" const external_child_process_namespaceObject = require("child_process"); ;// external "os" const external_os_namespaceObject = require("os"); ;// external "path" const external_path_namespaceObject = require("path"); ;// external "fs/promises" const promises_namespaceObject = require("fs/promises"); // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "url" var external_url_ = __webpack_require__(7016); ;// ./src/contract/compiler/Cli.ts function Cli_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(e, a) { Cli_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, a), a.add(e); } function Cli_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(e, t, a) { Cli_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t), t.set(e, a); } function Cli_checkPrivateRedeclaration(e, t) { if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } function Cli_classPrivateFieldGet(s, a) { return s.get(Cli_assertClassBrand(s, a)); } function Cli_classPrivateFieldSet(s, a, r) { return s.set(Cli_assertClassBrand(s, a), r), r; } function Cli_assertClassBrand(e, t, n) { if ("function" == typeof e ? e === t : e.has(t)) return arguments.length < 3 ? t : n; throw new TypeError("Private element is not present on this object"); } const getPackagePath = () => { const path = (0,external_path_namespaceObject.dirname)((0,external_url_.fileURLToPath)((__webpack_require__(7016).pathToFileURL)(__filename).toString())); if ((0,external_path_namespaceObject.basename)(path) === 'dist') return (0,external_path_namespaceObject.resolve)(path, '..'); if ((0,external_path_namespaceObject.basename)(path) === 'compiler') return (0,external_path_namespaceObject.resolve)(path, '../../..'); throw new InternalError("Can't get package path"); }; /** * A wrapper around aesophia_cli, available only in Node.js. * Requires Erlang installed, assumes that `escript` is available in PATH. * @category contract */ var _path = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _ensureCompatibleVersion = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); var _CompilerCli_brand = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); class CompilerCli extends CompilerBase { /** * @param compilerPath - A path to aesophia_cli binary, by default uses the integrated one * @param options - Options * @param options.ignoreVersion - Don't ensure that the compiler is supported */ constructor(compilerPath = (0,external_path_namespaceObject.resolve)(getPackagePath(), './bin/aesophia_cli'), { ignoreVersion } = {}) { super(); Cli_classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _CompilerCli_brand); Cli_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _path, void 0); Cli_classPrivateFieldInitSpec(this, _ensureCompatibleVersion, Promise.resolve()); Cli_classPrivateFieldSet(_path, this, compilerPath); if (ignoreVersion !== true) { Cli_classPrivateFieldSet(_ensureCompatibleVersion, this, this.version().then(version => { const versions = [version, '8.0.0', '9.0.0']; if (!semverSatisfies(...versions)) throw new UnsupportedVersionError('compiler', ...versions); })); } } async compile(path) { await Cli_classPrivateFieldGet(_ensureCompatibleVersion, this); try { const [compileRes, aci] = await Promise.all([Cli_assertClassBrand(_CompilerCli_brand, this, _runWithStderr).call(this, path), this.generateAci(path)]); return { bytecode: compileRes.stdout.trimEnd(), aci, warnings: compileRes.stderr.split('Warning in ').slice(1).map(warning => { const reg = /^'(.+)' at line (\d+), col (\d+):\n(.+)$/s; const match = warning.match(reg); if (match == null) throw new InternalError(`Can't parse compiler output: "${warning}"`); return { message: match[4].trimEnd(), pos: { ...(match[1] !== path && { file: match[1] }), line: +match[2], col: +match[3] } }; }) }; } catch (error) { ensureError(error); throw new CompilerError(error.message); } } async compileBySourceCode(sourceCode, fileSystem) { const tmp = await _saveContractToTmpDir.call(CompilerCli, sourceCode, fileSystem); try { return await this.compile(tmp); } finally { await (0,promises_namespaceObject.rm)((0,external_path_namespaceObject.dirname)(tmp), { recursive: true }); } } async generateAci(path) { await Cli_classPrivateFieldGet(_ensureCompatibleVersion, this); try { return JSON.parse(await Cli_assertClassBrand(_CompilerCli_brand, this, _run).call(this, '--no_code', '--create_json_aci', path)); } catch (error) { ensureError(error); throw new CompilerError(error.message); } } async generateAciBySourceCode(sourceCode, fileSystem) { const tmp = await _saveContractToTmpDir.call(CompilerCli, sourceCode, fileSystem); try { return await this.generateAci(tmp); } finally { await (0,promises_namespaceObject.rm)((0,external_path_namespaceObject.dirname)(tmp), { recursive: true }); } } async validate(bytecode, path) { await Cli_classPrivateFieldGet(_ensureCompatibleVersion, this); try { return (await Cli_assertClassBrand(_CompilerCli_brand, this, _run).call(this, path, '--validate', bytecode)).includes('Validation successful.'); } catch (error) { return false; } } async validateBySourceCode(bytecode, sourceCode, fileSystem) { const tmp = await _saveContractToTmpDir.call(CompilerCli, sourceCode, fileSystem); try { return await this.validate(bytecode, tmp); } finally { await (0,promises_namespaceObject.rm)((0,external_path_namespaceObject.dirname)(tmp), { recursive: true }); } } async version() { const verMessage = await Cli_assertClassBrand(_CompilerCli_brand, this, _run).call(this, '--version'); const ver = verMessage.match(/Sophia compiler version ([\d.]+.*)\n/)?.[1]; if (ver == null) throw new CompilerError("Can't get compiler version"); return ver; } } async function _runWithStderr(...parameters) { return new Promise((pResolve, pReject) => { (0,external_child_process_namespaceObject.execFile)('escript', [Cli_classPrivateFieldGet(_path, this), ...parameters], (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error != null) pReject(error);else pResolve({ stdout, stderr }); }); }); } async function _run(...parameters) { const { stderr, stdout } = await Cli_assertClassBrand(_CompilerCli_brand, this, _runWithStderr).call(this, ...parameters); if (stderr !== '') throw new CompilerError(stderr); return stdout; } async function _saveContractToTmpDir(sourceCode, fileSystem = {}) { const randomName = () => Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); const path = (0,external_path_namespaceObject.resolve)((0,external_os_namespaceObject.tmpdir)(), `aepp-sdk-js-${randomName()}`); await (0,promises_namespaceObject.mkdir)(path); const sourceCodePath = (0,external_path_namespaceObject.resolve)(path, `${randomName()}.aes`); await (0,promises_namespaceObject.writeFile)(sourceCodePath, sourceCode); await Promise.all(Object.entries(fileSystem).map(async ([name, src]) => { const p = (0,external_path_namespaceObject.resolve)(path, name); await (0,promises_namespaceObject.mkdir)((0,external_path_namespaceObject.dirname)(p), { recursive: true }); return (0,promises_namespaceObject.writeFile)(p, src); })); return sourceCodePath; } // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/@babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js-stable/instance/flags.js var flags = __webpack_require__(2730); var flags_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(flags); ;// ./src/contract/compiler/getFileSystem.ts const defaultIncludes = ['List.aes', 'Option.aes', 'String.aes', 'Func.aes', 'Pair.aes', 'Triple.aes', 'BLS12_381.aes', 'Frac.aes', 'Set.aes', 'Bitwise.aes']; const includeRegExp = /^include\s*"([\w/.-]+)"/im; const includesRegExp = new RegExp(includeRegExp.source, `${flags_default()(includeRegExp)}g`); async function getFileSystemRec(root, relative) { var _sourceCode$match; const sourceCode = await (0,promises_namespaceObject.readFile)((0,external_path_namespaceObject.resolve)(root, relative), 'utf8'); const filesystem = {}; await Promise.all(((_sourceCode$match = sourceCode.match(includesRegExp)) !== null && _sourceCode$match !== void 0 ? _sourceCode$match : []).map(include => { const m = include.match(includeRegExp); if (m?.length !== 2) throw new InternalError('Unexpected match length'); return m[1]; }).filter(include => !defaultIncludes.includes(include)).map(async include => { const includePath = (0,external_path_namespaceObject.resolve)(root, include); filesystem[include] = await (0,promises_namespaceObject.readFile)(includePath, 'utf8'); Object.assign(filesystem, await getFileSystemRec(root, include)); })); return filesystem; } /** * Reads all files included in the provided contract * Available only in Node.js * @param path - a path to the main contract source code */ async function getFileSystem(path) { return getFileSystemRec((0,external_path_namespaceObject.dirname)(path), (0,external_path_namespaceObject.basename)(path)); } ;// ./src/contract/compiler/HttpNode.ts /** * Contract Compiler over HTTP for Nodejs * * Inherits CompilerHttp and implements `compile`, `validate` methods * @category contract * @example CompilerHttpNode('COMPILER_URL') */ class CompilerHttpNode extends CompilerHttp { async compile(path) { const fileSystem = await getFileSystem(path); const sourceCode = await (0,promises_namespaceObject.readFile)(path, 'utf8'); return this.compileBySourceCode(sourceCode, fileSystem); } async generateAci(path) { const fileSystem = await getFileSystem(path); const sourceCode = await (0,promises_namespaceObject.readFile)(path, 'utf8'); return this.generateAciBySourceCode(sourceCode, fileSystem); } async validate(bytecode, path) { const fileSystem = await getFileSystem(path); const sourceCode = await (0,promises_namespaceObject.readFile)(path, 'utf8'); return this.validateBySourceCode(bytecode, sourceCode, fileSystem); } } ;// ./src/index.ts })(); /******/ return __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ; }); //# sourceMappingURL=aepp-sdk.cjs.map