/** * Bundle of @devexpress/dx-react-grid-bootstrap4 * Generated: 2024-09-11 * Version: 4.0.9 * License: https://js.devexpress.com/Licensing */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('react'), require('prop-types'), require('@devexpress/dx-react-grid'), require('clsx'), require('@devexpress/dx-react-core'), require('react-dom'), require('react-popper'), require('@devexpress/dx-grid-core')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'react', 'prop-types', '@devexpress/dx-react-grid', 'clsx', '@devexpress/dx-react-core', 'react-dom', 'react-popper', '@devexpress/dx-grid-core'], factory) : (global = global || self, factory((global.DevExpress = global.DevExpress || {}, global.DevExpress.DXReactGridBootstrap4 = {}), global.React, global.PropTypes, global.dxReactGrid, global.classNames, global.dxReactCore, global.ReactDOM, global.reactPopper, global.dxGridCore)); }(this, (function (exports, React, PropTypes, dxReactGrid, classNames, dxReactCore, ReactDOM, reactPopper, dxGridCore) { 'use strict'; if (typeof process === "undefined") { var process = { env: {} }; } PropTypes = PropTypes && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(PropTypes, 'default') ? PropTypes['default'] : PropTypes; classNames = classNames && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(classNames, 'default') ? classNames['default'] : classNames; function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } const BodyColorContext = /*#__PURE__*/React.createContext(); const getBodyColor = () => { const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; const { backgroundColor } = window.getComputedStyle(body); return backgroundColor; }; class Root extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { backgroundColor: undefined }; } componentDidMount() { this.setState({ backgroundColor: getBodyColor() }); } render() { const { children, className, rootRef, ...restProps } = this.props; const { backgroundColor } = this.state; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: classNames('d-flex flex-column', className), ref: rootRef }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(BodyColorContext.Provider, { value: backgroundColor }, children)); } } process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Root.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node)]), rootRef: PropTypes.object } : void 0; Root.defaultProps = { className: undefined, children: undefined, rootRef: undefined }; const Grid = ({ children, ...props }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(dxReactGrid.Grid, _extends({ rootComponent: Root }, props), children); Grid.Root = Root; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Grid.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]).isRequired } : void 0; const DefaultArrowComponent = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(({ placement, ...restProps }, ref) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: "arrow", ref: ref }, restProps))); DefaultArrowComponent.propTypes = { placement: PropTypes.string.isRequired }; class Popover extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); // These two fields should be created only if `isOpen && toggle` condition is true // and destroyed when condition turns false. // But it would require usage of `this.state` and other code complications. // So let's not change it for now. Maybe a better solution would be found. this.contentRef = /*#__PURE__*/React.createRef(); this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const { isOpen, toggle } = this.props; if (isOpen && toggle) { this.attachDocumentEvents(); } } componentDidUpdate() { const { isOpen, toggle } = this.props; if (isOpen && toggle) { this.attachDocumentEvents(); } else { this.detachDocumentEvents(); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.detachDocumentEvents(); } handleClick(e) { const { target: eventTarget } = e; const { current: contentNode } = this.contentRef; const { toggle, target } = this.props; if (contentNode && !contentNode.contains(eventTarget) && !target.contains(eventTarget)) { toggle(); } } attachDocumentEvents() { if (!this.listenersAttached) { this.toggleDocumentEvents('addEventListener'); this.listenersAttached = true; } } detachDocumentEvents() { if (this.listenersAttached) { this.toggleDocumentEvents('removeEventListener'); this.listenersAttached = false; } } toggleDocumentEvents(method) { ['click', 'touchstart'].forEach(eventType => { document[method](eventType, this.handleClick, true); }); } renderPopper() { const { children, target, renderInBody, arrowComponent: ArrowComponent, modifiers = [], ...restProps } = this.props; const popperModifiers = [{ name: 'offset', options: { offset: [0, 8] } }, ...modifiers]; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(reactPopper.Popper, _extends({ referenceElement: target, modifiers: popperModifiers }, restProps), ({ ref, style, arrowProps, placement }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: `popover show bs-popover-${placement}`, ref: ref, style: style }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: "popover-inner", ref: this.contentRef }, children), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ArrowComponent, _extends({}, arrowProps, { placement: restProps.placement })))); } render() { const { isOpen, renderInBody } = this.props; if (!isOpen) return null; return renderInBody ? /*#__PURE__*/ReactDOM.createPortal(this.renderPopper(), document.body) : this.renderPopper(); } } process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Popover.propTypes = { renderInBody: PropTypes.bool, placement: PropTypes.string, isOpen: PropTypes.bool, children: PropTypes.node.isRequired, target: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.instanceOf(typeof Element !== 'undefined' ? Element : Object), PropTypes.object]), toggle: PropTypes.func, arrowComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; Popover.defaultProps = { target: null, renderInBody: true, isOpen: false, placement: 'auto', toggle: undefined, arrowComponent: DefaultArrowComponent }; const Overlay = ({ visible, children, target, onHide, ...restProps }) => { const handleToggle = () => { if (visible) onHide(); }; return target ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Popover, _extends({ placement: "bottom", isOpen: visible, target: target, renderInBody: false, toggle: handleToggle }, restProps), children) : null; }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Overlay.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node.isRequired, onHide: PropTypes.func.isRequired, visible: PropTypes.bool, target: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.func]) } : void 0; Overlay.defaultProps = { visible: false, target: null }; const Container = ({ children, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: classNames('py-2', className) }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Container.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; Container.defaultProps = { className: undefined }; const handleMouseDown = e => { e.currentTarget.style.outline = 'none'; }; const handleBlur = e => { e.currentTarget.style.outline = ''; }; const Item = ({ item: { column, hidden }, onToggle, className, disabled, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("button", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'dropdown-item dx-g-bs4-column-chooser-item': true, 'dx-g-bs4-cursor-pointer': !disabled }, className), type: "button", onClick: onToggle, onMouseDown: handleMouseDown, onBlur: handleBlur, disabled: disabled }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("input", { type: "checkbox", className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-cursor-pointer': !disabled, 'dx-g-bs4-column-chooser-checkbox': true }), tabIndex: -1, checked: !hidden, disabled: disabled, onChange: onToggle, onClick: e => e.stopPropagation() }), column.title || column.name); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Item.propTypes = { item: PropTypes.shape({ column: PropTypes.shape({ name: PropTypes.string, title: PropTypes.string }), hidden: PropTypes.bool }).isRequired, onToggle: PropTypes.func, className: PropTypes.string, disabled: PropTypes.bool } : void 0; Item.defaultProps = { onToggle: () => {}, className: undefined, disabled: false }; const ToggleButton = ({ onToggle, className, getMessage, buttonRef, active, ...restProps }) => { const buttonClasses = classNames({ btn: true, 'btn-outline-secondary': true, 'border-0': true, active }, className); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("button", _extends({ type: "button", className: buttonClasses, onClick: onToggle, ref: buttonRef }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { className: "oi oi-eye" })); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? ToggleButton.propTypes = { onToggle: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, buttonRef: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, active: PropTypes.bool } : void 0; ToggleButton.defaultProps = { className: undefined, active: false }; const ColumnChooser = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Container, Item, Overlay, ToggleButton })(dxReactGrid.ColumnChooser); const Container$1 = ({ clientOffset, style, className, children, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("ul", _extends({ className: classNames('list-group d-inline-block position-fixed dx-g-bs4-drag-drop', className), style: { transform: `translate(calc(${clientOffset.x}px - 50%), calc(${clientOffset.y}px - 50%))`, msTransform: `translateX(${clientOffset.x}px) translateX(-50%) translateY(${clientOffset.y}px) translateY(-50%)`, zIndex: 1000, left: 0, top: 0, ...style } }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Container$1.propTypes = { clientOffset: PropTypes.shape({ x: PropTypes.number.isRequired, y: PropTypes.number.isRequired }).isRequired, style: PropTypes.object, className: PropTypes.string, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node)]) } : void 0; Container$1.defaultProps = { style: {}, className: undefined, children: undefined }; const Column = /*#__PURE__*/React.memo(({ column, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("li", _extends({ className: classNames('list-group-item', className) }, restProps), column.title)); Column.propTypes = { column: PropTypes.object.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string }; Column.defaultProps = { className: undefined }; const DragDropProvider = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Container: Container$1, Column })(dxReactGrid.DragDropProvider); const PaginationLink = ({ previous, next, children, ...restProps }) => { let ariaLabel = ''; let content = children; if (next || previous) { let angleQuote; if (next) { angleQuote = '\u00bb'; ariaLabel = 'Next'; } if (previous) { angleQuote = '\u00ab'; ariaLabel = 'Previous'; } content = [/*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { "aria-hidden": "true", key: "caret" }, children || angleQuote), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { className: "sr-only", key: "sr" }, ariaLabel)]; } return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("a", _extends({ className: "page-link", "aria-label": ariaLabel }, restProps), content); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? PaginationLink.propTypes = { previous: PropTypes.bool, next: PropTypes.bool, children: PropTypes.node } : void 0; PaginationLink.defaultProps = { previous: false, next: false, children: undefined }; const PaginationItem = ({ active, disabled, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("li", _extends({ className: classNames('page-item', { active, disabled }) }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? PaginationItem.propTypes = { active: PropTypes.bool, disabled: PropTypes.bool } : void 0; PaginationItem.defaultProps = { active: false, disabled: false }; const Pagination = ({ className, listClassName, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("nav", { className: className }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("ul", _extends({ className: classNames('pagination', listClassName) }, restProps))); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Pagination.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, listClassName: PropTypes.string } : void 0; Pagination.defaultProps = { className: undefined, listClassName: undefined }; const PageSizeSelector = ({ pageSize, onPageSizeChange, pageSizes, getMessage }) => { const showAll = getMessage('showAll'); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: "d-inline-block" }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("select", { className: "form-control d-sm-none", value: pageSize, onChange: e => onPageSizeChange(parseInt(e.target.value, 10)) }, pageSizes.map(val => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("option", { key: val, value: val }, val || showAll))), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Pagination, { className: "d-none d-sm-flex", listClassName: "m-0" }, pageSizes.map(item => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationItem, { key: item, active: item === pageSize && true }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationLink, { href: "#", onClick: e => { e.preventDefault(); onPageSizeChange(item); } }, item || showAll))))); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? PageSizeSelector.propTypes = { pageSize: PropTypes.number.isRequired, onPageSizeChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, pageSizes: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isRequired, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired } : void 0; const renderPageButtons = (currentPage, totalPageCount, currentPageChange) => { const pageButtons = []; const maxButtonCount = 3; let startPage = 1; let endPage = totalPageCount || 1; // NOTE: take into account last button and ellipsis (T1004797) if (maxButtonCount < totalPageCount - 2) { startPage = dxGridCore.calculateStartPage(currentPage + 1, maxButtonCount, totalPageCount); endPage = startPage + maxButtonCount - 1; } if (startPage > 1) { pageButtons.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationItem, { key: 1 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationLink, { href: "#", onClick: e => currentPageChange(e, 0) }, 1))); if (startPage > 2) { pageButtons.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationItem, { key: "ellipsisStart", disabled: true }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationLink, null, '...'))); } } for (let page = startPage; page <= endPage; page += 1) { pageButtons.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationItem, { key: page, active: page === currentPage + 1, disabled: startPage === endPage }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationLink, { href: "#", onClick: e => currentPageChange(e, page - 1) }, page))); } if (endPage < totalPageCount) { if (endPage < totalPageCount - 1) { pageButtons.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationItem, { key: "ellipsisEnd", disabled: true }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationLink, null, '...'))); } pageButtons.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationItem, { key: totalPageCount }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationLink, { href: "#", onClick: e => currentPageChange(e, totalPageCount - 1) }, totalPageCount))); } return pageButtons; }; const Pagination$1 = ({ totalPages, currentPage, onCurrentPageChange, totalCount, pageSize, getMessage }) => { const from = dxGridCore.firstRowOnPage(currentPage, pageSize, totalCount); const to = dxGridCore.lastRowOnPage(currentPage, pageSize, totalCount); const currentPageChange = (e, nextPage) => { e.preventDefault(); onCurrentPageChange(nextPage); }; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Pagination, { className: "float-right d-none d-sm-flex", listClassName: "m-0" }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationItem, { disabled: currentPage === 0 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationLink, { previous: true, href: "#", onClick: e => currentPageChange(e, currentPage - 1) })), renderPageButtons(currentPage, totalPages, currentPageChange), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationItem, { disabled: currentPage === totalPages - 1 || totalCount === 0 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationLink, { next: true, href: "#", onClick: e => currentPageChange(e, currentPage + 1) }))), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Pagination, { className: "float-right d-sm-none", listClassName: "m-0" }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationItem, { disabled: currentPage === 0 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationLink, { previous: true, href: "#", onClick: e => currentPageChange(e, currentPage - 1) })), "\xA0", /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationItem, { disabled: currentPage === totalPages - 1 || totalCount === 0 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PaginationLink, { next: true, href: "#", onClick: e => currentPageChange(e, currentPage + 1) }))), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { className: "float-right d-sm-none mr-4" }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { className: "d-inline-block align-middle" }, getMessage('info', { from, to, count: totalCount })))); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Pagination$1.propTypes = { totalPages: PropTypes.number.isRequired, currentPage: PropTypes.number.isRequired, onCurrentPageChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, totalCount: PropTypes.number.isRequired, pageSize: PropTypes.number.isRequired, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired } : void 0; const PagerBase = ({ currentPage, onCurrentPageChange, totalPages, pageSize, onPageSizeChange, pageSizes, totalCount, getMessage, className, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: classNames('clearfix card-footer dx-g-bs4-paging-panel', className), ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), !!pageSizes.length && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(PageSizeSelector, { pageSize: pageSize, onPageSizeChange: onPageSizeChange, pageSizes: pageSizes, getMessage: getMessage }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Pagination$1, { totalPages: totalPages, totalCount: totalCount, currentPage: currentPage, onCurrentPageChange: page => onCurrentPageChange(page), pageSize: pageSize, getMessage: getMessage })); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? PagerBase.propTypes = { currentPage: PropTypes.number.isRequired, onCurrentPageChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, totalPages: PropTypes.number.isRequired, pageSize: PropTypes.number.isRequired, onPageSizeChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, pageSizes: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isRequired, totalCount: PropTypes.number.isRequired, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; PagerBase.defaultProps = { className: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const Pager = dxReactGrid.withKeyboardNavigation('paging', 'none')(PagerBase); const PagingPanel = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Container: Pager })(dxReactGrid.PagingPanel); const GroupPanelContainer = ({ children, className, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef, className: classNames('w-100 mt-1', className) }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? GroupPanelContainer.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]), className: PropTypes.string, forwardedRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; GroupPanelContainer.defaultProps = { children: null, className: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const SortingIndicator = /*#__PURE__*/React.memo(({ direction, className }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { className: classNames({ 'oi dx-g-bs4-sorting-indicator mx-2': true, 'oi-arrow-thick-bottom': direction === 'desc', 'oi-arrow-thick-top': direction !== 'desc', invisible: !direction }, className) })); SortingIndicator.propTypes = { direction: PropTypes.oneOf(['asc', 'desc']), className: PropTypes.string }; SortingIndicator.defaultProps = { direction: null, className: undefined }; const ENTER_KEY_CODE = 13; const SPACE_KEY_CODE = 32; const isActionKey = keyCode => keyCode === ENTER_KEY_CODE || keyCode === SPACE_KEY_CODE; const GroupPanelItem = ({ item: { column, draft }, onGroup, showGroupingControls, showSortingControls, sortingDirection, onSort, className, groupingEnabled, sortingEnabled, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => { const handleSortingChange = e => { const isActionKeyDown = isActionKey(e.keyCode); const isMouseClick = e.keyCode === undefined; if (!showSortingControls || !sortingEnabled || !(isActionKeyDown || isMouseClick)) return; const cancelSortingRelatedKey = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey; const direction = (isMouseClick || isActionKeyDown) && cancelSortingRelatedKey ? null : undefined; e.preventDefault(); onSort({ direction, keepOther: cancelSortingRelatedKey }); }; const handleUngroup = e => { if (!groupingEnabled) return; const isActionKeyDown = isActionKey(e.keyCode); const isMouseClick = e.keyCode === undefined; if (!isActionKeyDown && !isMouseClick) return; onGroup(); }; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef, className: classNames({ 'btn-group mb-1 mr-1': true, 'dx-g-bs4-inactive': draft }, className) }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'btn btn-outline-secondary': true, disabled: !sortingEnabled && (showSortingControls || !groupingEnabled) }), onClick: handleSortingChange, onKeyDown: handleSortingChange }, sortingEnabled ? { tabIndex: 0 } : null), column.title || column.name, showSortingControls && sortingDirection && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", null, "\xA0", /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SortingIndicator, { direction: sortingDirection }))), showGroupingControls && /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { className: classNames({ 'btn btn-outline-secondary': true, disabled: !groupingEnabled }), onClick: handleUngroup }, "\xA0", /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { className: "oi oi-x dx-g-bs4-group-panel-item-icon" }))); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? GroupPanelItem.propTypes = { item: PropTypes.shape({ column: PropTypes.shape({ name: PropTypes.string, title: PropTypes.string }).isRequired, draft: PropTypes.bool }).isRequired, showSortingControls: PropTypes.bool, sortingDirection: PropTypes.oneOf(['asc', 'desc', null]), className: PropTypes.string, onSort: PropTypes.func, onGroup: PropTypes.func, showGroupingControls: PropTypes.bool, groupingEnabled: PropTypes.bool, sortingEnabled: PropTypes.bool, forwardedRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; GroupPanelItem.defaultProps = { showSortingControls: false, sortingDirection: undefined, className: undefined, onSort: undefined, onGroup: undefined, showGroupingControls: false, sortingEnabled: false, groupingEnabled: false, forwardedRef: undefined }; const GroupPanelEmptyMessage = ({ getMessage, className, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef, className: classNames('dx-g-bs4-group-panel-empty-message', className) }, restProps), getMessage('groupByColumn')); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? GroupPanelEmptyMessage.propTypes = { getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, forwardedRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; GroupPanelEmptyMessage.defaultProps = { className: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const GroupingPanel = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Container: GroupPanelContainer, Item: GroupPanelItem, EmptyMessage: GroupPanelEmptyMessage })(dxReactGrid.GroupingPanel); const ENTER_KEY_CODE$1 = 13; const SPACE_KEY_CODE$1 = 32; const handleMouseDown$1 = e => { e.target.style.outline = 'none'; }; const handleBlur$1 = e => { e.target.style.outline = ''; }; const ExpandButton = ({ visible, expanded, onToggle, className, ...restProps }) => { const fireToggle = () => { if (!visible) return; onToggle(!expanded); }; const handleClick = e => { e.stopPropagation(); fireToggle(); }; const handleKeyDown = e => { if (e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY_CODE$1 || e.keyCode === SPACE_KEY_CODE$1) { e.preventDefault(); fireToggle(); } }; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("i", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'oi p-2 text-center dx-g-bs4-toggle-button': true, 'oi-chevron-bottom': expanded, 'oi-chevron-right': !expanded, 'dx-g-bs4-toggle-button-hidden': !visible }, className), tabIndex: visible ? 0 : undefined // eslint-disable-line jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-tabindex , onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onMouseDown: handleMouseDown$1, onBlur: handleBlur$1, onClick: handleClick }, restProps)); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? ExpandButton.propTypes = { visible: PropTypes.bool, expanded: PropTypes.bool, onToggle: PropTypes.func, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; ExpandButton.defaultProps = { visible: true, expanded: false, onToggle: () => {}, className: undefined }; const TableDetailToggleCell = ({ expanded, onToggle, tableColumn, tableRow, row, className, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ className: classNames('text-center align-middle', className), ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ExpandButton, { expanded: expanded, onToggle: onToggle })); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableDetailToggleCell.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, expanded: PropTypes.bool, onToggle: PropTypes.func, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, tableRow: PropTypes.object, row: PropTypes.any, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableDetailToggleCell.defaultProps = { className: undefined, expanded: false, onToggle: () => {}, tableColumn: undefined, tableRow: undefined, row: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableDetailCell = ({ colSpan, children, className, tableColumn, tableRow, row, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ colSpan: colSpan, ref: forwardedRef, className: classNames('table-active', className) }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableDetailCell.propTypes = { style: PropTypes.object, colSpan: PropTypes.number, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]), className: PropTypes.string, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, tableRow: PropTypes.object, row: PropTypes.any, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableDetailCell.defaultProps = { style: null, colSpan: 1, className: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, tableRow: undefined, row: undefined, children: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableRow = ({ children, row, tableRow, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("tr", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableRow.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, row: PropTypes.any, tableRow: PropTypes.object, forwardedRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; TableRow.defaultProps = { children: null, row: undefined, tableRow: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableRowDetailWithWidth = props => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(dxReactGrid.TableRowDetail, _extends({ toggleColumnWidth: 40 }, props)); TableRowDetailWithWidth.components = dxReactGrid.TableRowDetail.components; const TableRowDetail = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Row: TableRow, Cell: TableDetailCell, ToggleCell: TableDetailToggleCell })(TableRowDetailWithWidth); TableRowDetail.COLUMN_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableRowDetail.COLUMN_TYPE; TableRowDetail.ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableRowDetail.ROW_TYPE; const Cell = ({ className, colSpan, row, column, expanded, onToggle, children, tableRow, tableColumn, iconComponent: Icon, contentComponent: Content, inlineSummaryComponent: InlineSummary, inlineSummaryItemComponent: InlineSummaryItem, inlineSummaries, getMessage, containerComponent: Container, side, position, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => { const handleClick = () => onToggle(); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ colSpan: colSpan, className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-group-cell': true, 'text-nowrap': !(tableColumn && tableColumn.wordWrapEnabled) }, className), ref: forwardedRef, onClick: handleClick }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Container, { side: side, position: position }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Icon, { expanded: expanded, onToggle: onToggle, className: "mr-2" }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Content, { column: column, row: row }, children), inlineSummaries.length ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InlineSummary, { inlineSummaries: inlineSummaries, getMessage: getMessage, inlineSummaryItemComponent: InlineSummaryItem }) : null)); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Cell.propTypes = { contentComponent: PropTypes.func.isRequired, iconComponent: PropTypes.func.isRequired, containerComponent: PropTypes.func.isRequired, inlineSummaryComponent: PropTypes.func.isRequired, inlineSummaryItemComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]).isRequired, inlineSummaries: PropTypes.array, row: PropTypes.any, column: PropTypes.object, expanded: PropTypes.bool, className: PropTypes.string, colSpan: PropTypes.number, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onToggle: PropTypes.func, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node)]), tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, side: PropTypes.string, position: PropTypes.string, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; Cell.defaultProps = { row: {}, column: {}, expanded: false, inlineSummaries: [], className: undefined, colSpan: 1, onToggle: () => {}, children: undefined, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, side: 'left', position: '', forwardedRef: undefined }; const Content = ({ column, row, children, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", restProps, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("strong", null, column.title || column.name, ":", ' '), children || String(row.value)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Content.propTypes = { row: PropTypes.any, column: PropTypes.object, children: PropTypes.node } : void 0; Content.defaultProps = { row: {}, column: {}, children: undefined }; const Container$2 = ({ children, className, style, side, position, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: classNames('position-sticky dx-g-bs4-fixed-group-cell', className), style: { ...style, [side]: position } }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Container$2.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, className: PropTypes.string, style: PropTypes.object, side: PropTypes.string, position: PropTypes.string } : void 0; Container$2.defaultProps = { children: undefined, className: undefined, style: null, side: 'left', position: '' }; const IndentCell = ({ tableRow, tableColumn, row, column, style, className, position, side, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ className: classNames('position-sticky dx-g-bs4-fixed-cell', className), style: { ...style, [side]: position }, ref: forwardedRef }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? IndentCell.propTypes = { tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, row: PropTypes.any, column: PropTypes.object, className: PropTypes.string, style: PropTypes.object, side: PropTypes.string, position: PropTypes.number, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; IndentCell.defaultProps = { tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, row: {}, column: {}, className: undefined, style: null, side: 'left', position: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const Row = ({ children, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TableRow, _extends({}, restProps, { className: classNames('dx-g-bs4-cursor-pointer', className) }), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Row.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; Row.defaultProps = { children: null, className: undefined }; const InlineSummary = ({ inlineSummaries, getMessage, inlineSummaryItemComponent: InlineSummaryItem, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", _extends({ className: classNames('ml-2', className) }, restProps), '(', inlineSummaries.map(s => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InlineSummaryItem, { key: s.type, summary: s, getMessage: getMessage })).reduce((acc, summary) => acc.concat(summary, ', '), []).slice(0, -1), ')'); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? InlineSummary.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, inlineSummaries: PropTypes.array, inlineSummaryItemComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]).isRequired } : void 0; InlineSummary.defaultProps = { className: undefined, inlineSummaries: [] }; const TableCell = ({ column, value, children, tableRow, tableColumn, row, forwardedRef, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-table-cell': true, 'text-nowrap': !(tableColumn && tableColumn.wordWrapEnabled), 'text-right': tableColumn && tableColumn.align === 'right', 'text-center': tableColumn && tableColumn.align === 'center' }, className), ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), children || value); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableCell.propTypes = { value: PropTypes.any, column: PropTypes.object, row: PropTypes.any, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node)]), tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, className: PropTypes.string, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableCell.defaultProps = { value: undefined, column: undefined, row: undefined, children: undefined, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, className: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const SummaryCell = ({ onToggle, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TableCell, _extends({}, restProps, { onClick: onToggle })); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? SummaryCell.propTypes = { onToggle: PropTypes.func } : void 0; SummaryCell.defaultProps = { onToggle: () => {} }; const TableSummaryItem = ({ children, type, value, getMessage, className, tagName: Tag, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Tag, _extends({ className: classNames('dx-g-bs4-table-summary-item', className) }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, getMessage(type), ":\xA0\xA0", children)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableSummaryItem.propTypes = { tagName: PropTypes.string, value: PropTypes.number, type: PropTypes.string.isRequired, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, children: PropTypes.node } : void 0; TableSummaryItem.defaultProps = { tagName: 'div', value: null, className: undefined, children: undefined }; const TableGroupRowWithIndent = props => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(dxReactGrid.TableGroupRow, _extends({ indentColumnWidth: 33, contentCellPadding: "0.75rem" }, props)); TableGroupRowWithIndent.components = dxReactGrid.TableGroupRow.components; const StubCell = SummaryCell; const TableGroupRow = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Row, Cell, IndentCell, Container: Container$2, Content, Icon: ExpandButton, InlineSummary, InlineSummaryItem: dxReactGrid.InlineSummaryItem, SummaryCell, SummaryItem: TableSummaryItem, StubCell })(TableGroupRowWithIndent); TableGroupRow.COLUMN_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableGroupRow.COLUMN_TYPE; TableGroupRow.ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableGroupRow.ROW_TYPE; const SelectionControl = ({ disabled, checked, indeterminate, onChange, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("input", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'd-inline-block': true, 'dx-g-bs4-cursor-pointer': !disabled }, className), type: "checkbox", disabled: disabled, checked: checked, ref: ref => { if (ref) { ref.indeterminate = indeterminate; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign } }, onChange: () => { if (disabled) return; onChange(); }, onClick: e => e.stopPropagation() }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? SelectionControl.propTypes = { disabled: PropTypes.bool, checked: PropTypes.bool, indeterminate: PropTypes.bool, onChange: PropTypes.func, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; SelectionControl.defaultProps = { disabled: false, checked: false, indeterminate: false, onChange: () => {}, className: undefined }; const TableSelectAllCell = ({ className, allSelected, someSelected, disabled, onToggle, tableColumn, tableRow, rowSpan, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("th", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'text-center': true, 'align-middle': !rowSpan, 'align-bottom': !!rowSpan }, className), rowSpan: rowSpan, ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SelectionControl, { disabled: disabled, checked: allSelected, indeterminate: someSelected, onChange: onToggle })); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableSelectAllCell.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, allSelected: PropTypes.bool, someSelected: PropTypes.bool, disabled: PropTypes.bool, onToggle: PropTypes.func, tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, rowSpan: PropTypes.number, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableSelectAllCell.defaultProps = { className: undefined, allSelected: false, someSelected: false, disabled: false, onToggle: () => {}, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, rowSpan: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableSelectCell = ({ className, selected, onToggle, row, tableRow, tableColumn, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ className: classNames('text-center align-middle', className), ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SelectionControl, { checked: selected, onChange: onToggle })); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableSelectCell.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, selected: PropTypes.bool, onToggle: PropTypes.func, row: PropTypes.any, tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableSelectCell.defaultProps = { className: undefined, selected: false, onToggle: () => {}, row: undefined, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableSelectRow = ({ highlighted, children, style, onToggle, selectByRowClick, className, tableRow, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("tr", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef, style: style, className: classNames({ 'table-active': highlighted }, className), onClick: e => { if (!selectByRowClick) return; e.stopPropagation(); onToggle(); } }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableSelectRow.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, className: PropTypes.string, onToggle: PropTypes.func, selectByRowClick: PropTypes.bool, highlighted: PropTypes.bool, style: PropTypes.object, tableRow: PropTypes.object, forwardedRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; TableSelectRow.defaultProps = { children: null, className: undefined, onToggle: () => {}, selectByRowClick: false, highlighted: false, style: null, tableRow: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableSelectionWithWidth = props => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(dxReactGrid.TableSelection, _extends({ selectionColumnWidth: 40 }, props)); TableSelectionWithWidth.components = dxReactGrid.TableSelection.components; const TableSelection = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Row: TableSelectRow, Cell: TableSelectCell, HeaderCell: TableSelectAllCell })(TableSelectionWithWidth); TableSelection.COLUMN_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableSelection.COLUMN_TYPE; const TableHead = ({ isFixed, className, style, ...restProps }) => { const backgroundColor = React.useContext(BodyColorContext); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("thead", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-fixed-header': isFixed, 'dx-g-bs4-table-sticky': isFixed }, className), style: { ...(isFixed && { backgroundColor }), ...style } }, restProps)); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableHead.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, isFixed: PropTypes.bool, style: PropTypes.object } : void 0; TableHead.defaultProps = { isFixed: undefined, style: undefined, className: undefined }; const TableBody = ({ isFixed, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("tbody", restProps); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableBody.propTypes = { isFixed: PropTypes.bool } : void 0; TableBody.defaultProps = { isFixed: undefined }; const TableFooter = ({ isFixed, ...restProps }) => { const backgroundColor = React.useContext(BodyColorContext); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("tfoot", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-fixed-footer': isFixed, 'dx-g-bs4-table-sticky': isFixed }), style: { ...(isFixed && { backgroundColor }) } }, restProps)); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableFooter.propTypes = { isFixed: PropTypes.bool } : void 0; TableFooter.defaultProps = { isFixed: undefined }; const MINIMAL_COLUMN_WIDTH = 150; const TableLayout = props => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(dxReactGrid.TableLayout, _extends({ layoutComponent: dxReactGrid.StaticTableLayout, minColumnWidth: MINIMAL_COLUMN_WIDTH }, props)); const TableStubCell = ({ className, tableRow, tableColumn, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef, className: classNames('p-0', className) }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableStubCell.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, forwardedRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; TableStubCell.defaultProps = { className: undefined, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableStubHeaderCell = ({ className, tableRow, tableColumn, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("th", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'p-0': true }, className), ref: forwardedRef }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableStubHeaderCell.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableStubHeaderCell.defaultProps = { className: undefined, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableNoDataCell = ({ className, colSpan, getMessage, tableRow, tableColumn, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ className: classNames('py-5 dx-g-bs4-no-data-cell', className), colSpan: colSpan }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: "dx-g-bs4-fixed-block" }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("big", { className: "text-muted" }, getMessage('noData')))); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableNoDataCell.propTypes = { colSpan: PropTypes.number, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; TableNoDataCell.defaultProps = { className: undefined, colSpan: 1, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined }; const Table = ({ children, use, style, className, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => { const backgroundColor = React.useContext(BodyColorContext); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("table", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef, className: classNames({ 'table dx-g-bs4-table': true, 'dx-g-bs4-table-sticky': !!use, 'dx-g-bs4-table-head': use === 'head', 'dx-g-bs4-table-foot': use === 'foot' }, className) }, restProps, { style: { ...style, ...(use ? { backgroundColor } : null) } }), children); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Table.propTypes = { use: PropTypes.oneOf(['head', 'foot']), children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]).isRequired, style: PropTypes.object, className: PropTypes.string, forwardedRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; Table.defaultProps = { className: undefined, use: undefined, style: null, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableContainer = ({ children, className, style, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef, className: classNames('table-responsive dx-g-bs4-table-container', className), style: { msOverflowStyle: 'auto', ...style } }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", null, children)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableContainer.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]).isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, style: PropTypes.object, forwardedRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; TableContainer.defaultProps = { className: undefined, style: null, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableStubRow = ({ children, tableRow, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("tr", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableStubRow.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node, tableRow: PropTypes.object, forwardedRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; TableStubRow.defaultProps = { children: null, tableRow: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const Table$1 = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Table: Table, TableHead, TableBody, TableFooter, Container: TableContainer, Layout: TableLayout, Row: TableRow, Cell: TableCell, NoDataRow: TableRow, NoDataCell: TableNoDataCell, StubRow: TableStubRow, StubCell: TableStubCell, StubHeaderCell: TableStubHeaderCell })(dxReactGrid.Table); Table$1.COLUMN_TYPE = dxReactGrid.Table.COLUMN_TYPE; Table$1.ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.Table.ROW_TYPE; Table$1.NODATA_ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.Table.NODATA_ROW_TYPE; const TableSkeletonCell = ({ className, tableRow, tableColumn, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ className: classNames('dx-g-bs4-skeleton-cell', className) }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableSkeletonCell.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object } : void 0; TableSkeletonCell.defaultProps = { className: undefined, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined }; const MINIMAL_COLUMN_WIDTH$1 = 150; const VirtualTableLayout = props => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(dxReactGrid.TableLayout, _extends({ layoutComponent: dxReactGrid.VirtualTableLayout, minColumnWidth: MINIMAL_COLUMN_WIDTH$1 }, props)); const FixedHeader = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef((props, ref) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Table, _extends({ use: "head", ref: ref }, props))); const FixedFooter = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef((props, ref) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Table, _extends({ use: "foot", ref: ref }, props))); const VirtualTable = dxReactGrid.makeVirtualTable(Table$1, { VirtualLayout: VirtualTableLayout, FixedHeader, FixedFooter, SkeletonCell: TableSkeletonCell, defaultEstimatedRowHeight: 49, defaultHeight: 530 }); VirtualTable.COLUMN_TYPE = Table$1.COLUMN_TYPE; VirtualTable.ROW_TYPE = Table$1.ROW_TYPE; VirtualTable.NODATA_ROW_TYPE = Table$1.NODATA_ROW_TYPE; const TableFilterCell = ({ filter, onFilter, children, column, tableRow, tableColumn, getMessage, filteringEnabled, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("th", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: "input-group" }, children)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableFilterCell.propTypes = { filter: PropTypes.object, onFilter: PropTypes.func, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node)]), column: PropTypes.object, tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, getMessage: PropTypes.func, filteringEnabled: PropTypes.bool, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableFilterCell.defaultProps = { filter: null, onFilter: () => {}, children: undefined, column: undefined, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, getMessage: undefined, filteringEnabled: true, forwardedRef: undefined }; const Editor = ({ value, disabled, getMessage, onChange, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("input", _extends({ type: "text", className: classNames('form-control', className), value: value, onChange: event => onChange(event.target.value), readOnly: disabled, placeholder: getMessage('filterPlaceholder') }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Editor.propTypes = { value: PropTypes.any, disabled: PropTypes.bool, onChange: PropTypes.func, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; Editor.defaultProps = { value: '', disabled: false, onChange: () => {}, className: undefined }; class FilterSelector extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { opened: false }; this.handleButtonClick = () => { this.setState(prevState => ({ opened: !prevState.opened })); }; this.handleOverlayToggle = () => { const { opened } = this.state; if (opened) this.setState({ opened: false }); }; this.handleMenuItemClick = nextValue => { const { onChange } = this.props; this.setState({ opened: false }); onChange(nextValue); }; } render() { const { value, availableValues, disabled, getMessage, iconComponent: Icon, toggleButtonComponent: ToggleButton, className, ...restProps } = this.props; const { opened } = this.state; return availableValues.length ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: classNames('input-group-prepend', className) }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ToggleButton, { disabled: disabled || availableValues.length === 1, onToggle: this.handleButtonClick, buttonRef: ref => { this.targetElement = ref; } }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Icon, { type: value })), this.targetElement ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Popover, { placement: "bottom", isOpen: opened, target: this.targetElement, toggle: this.handleOverlayToggle }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: "py-2" }, availableValues.map(valueItem => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("button", { type: "button", key: valueItem, className: classNames({ 'dropdown-item d-flex align-items-center': true, 'dx-g-bs4-cursor-pointer dx-g-bs4-filter-selector-item': true, active: valueItem === value }), onClick: () => this.handleMenuItemClick(valueItem) }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Icon, { type: valueItem }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { className: "dx-g-bs4-filter-selector-item-text" }, getMessage(valueItem)))))) : null) : null; } } process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? FilterSelector.propTypes = { value: PropTypes.string, availableValues: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), onChange: PropTypes.func, disabled: PropTypes.bool, // oneOfType is a workaround because React.memo returns react object iconComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]).isRequired, toggleButtonComponent: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; FilterSelector.defaultProps = { value: undefined, availableValues: [], onChange: () => {}, disabled: false, className: undefined }; const ToggleButton$1 = ({ buttonRef, onToggle, disabled, children, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("button", _extends({ type: "button", className: classNames('btn btn-outline-secondary', className), disabled: disabled, onClick: onToggle, ref: buttonRef }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? ToggleButton$1.propTypes = { buttonRef: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onToggle: PropTypes.func.isRequired, children: PropTypes.node, disabled: PropTypes.bool, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; ToggleButton$1.defaultProps = { children: undefined, className: undefined, disabled: false }; const AVAILABLE_PATHS = { contains: 'M6.094 19.563l-2.031 0.281c-0.646 0.094-1.13 0.266-1.453 0.516-0.302 0.24-0.453 0.646-0.453 1.219 0 0.438 0.138 0.799 0.414 1.086s0.664 0.419 1.164 0.398c0.708 0 1.281-0.24 1.719-0.719 0.427-0.49 0.641-1.125 0.641-1.906v-0.875zM8.234 24.641h-2.172v-1.641c-0.677 1.24-1.661 1.859-2.953 1.859-0.927 0-1.682-0.276-2.266-0.828-0.552-0.552-0.828-1.292-0.828-2.219 0-1.927 1.068-3.052 3.203-3.375l2.875-0.438c0-1.469-0.656-2.203-1.969-2.203-1.177 0-2.224 0.427-3.141 1.281v-2.078c1.010-0.656 2.198-0.984 3.563-0.984 2.458 0 3.687 1.302 3.687 3.906v6.719zM14.734 16.797c0.521-0.583 1.167-0.875 1.938-0.875 0.74 0 1.323 0.281 1.75 0.844 0.448 0.583 0.672 1.38 0.672 2.391 0 1.188-0.24 2.13-0.719 2.828-0.49 0.677-1.13 1.016-1.922 1.016-0.719 0-1.302-0.271-1.75-0.813-0.427-0.51-0.641-1.141-0.641-1.891v-1.266c-0.021-0.906 0.203-1.651 0.672-2.234zM16.969 24.859c1.375 0 2.443-0.521 3.203-1.562 0.781-1.042 1.172-2.427 1.172-4.156 0-1.542-0.354-2.771-1.063-3.688-0.688-0.958-1.651-1.438-2.891-1.438-1.427 0-2.531 0.693-3.313 2.078v-6.781h-2.156v15.328h2.172v-1.5c0.677 1.146 1.635 1.719 2.875 1.719zM22.266 6.125c0.135 0 0.245 0.063 0.328 0.188 0.104 0.073 0.156 0.182 0.156 0.328v22.953c0 0.125-0.052 0.24-0.156 0.344-0.083 0.115-0.193 0.172-0.328 0.172h-12.281c-0.146 0-0.266-0.057-0.359-0.172-0.115-0.115-0.172-0.229-0.172-0.344v-22.953c0-0.135 0.057-0.245 0.172-0.328 0.094-0.125 0.214-0.188 0.359-0.188h12.281zM31.531 24.141c-0.76 0.479-1.693 0.719-2.797 0.719-1.427 0-2.589-0.479-3.484-1.438-0.865-0.958-1.286-2.198-1.266-3.719 0-1.688 0.448-3.052 1.344-4.094 0.917-1.042 2.208-1.573 3.875-1.594 0.854 0 1.63 0.177 2.328 0.531v2.156c-0.677-0.531-1.391-0.792-2.141-0.781-0.938 0-1.714 0.339-2.328 1.016-0.594 0.677-0.891 1.552-0.891 2.625 0 1.042 0.297 1.88 0.891 2.516 0.521 0.615 1.25 0.922 2.188 0.922 0.813 0 1.573-0.297 2.281-0.891v2.031z', notContains: 'M5.828 20.469v0.328c0 0.385-0.057 0.667-0.172 0.844-0.052 0.083-0.117 0.177-0.195 0.281s-0.174 0.224-0.289 0.359c-0.458 0.521-1.031 0.771-1.719 0.75-0.521 0-0.927-0.141-1.219-0.422-0.292-0.292-0.438-0.661-0.438-1.109 0-0.156 0.010-0.273 0.031-0.352s0.052-0.141 0.094-0.188 0.094-0.086 0.156-0.117 0.141-0.078 0.234-0.141c0.031-0.031 0.078-0.070 0.141-0.117s0.146-0.086 0.25-0.117h3.125zM14.016 18.328c0.010-0.406 0.070-0.729 0.18-0.969s0.289-0.49 0.539-0.75c0.479-0.604 1.13-0.906 1.953-0.906 0.75 0 1.344 0.292 1.781 0.875 0.198 0.25 0.349 0.495 0.453 0.734s0.172 0.578 0.203 1.016h-5.109zM19.078 20.469c-0.063 0.427-0.146 0.708-0.25 0.844-0.052 0.073-0.109 0.159-0.172 0.258l-0.219 0.352c-0.469 0.688-1.135 1.031-2 1.031-0.708 0-1.297-0.271-1.766-0.813l-0.305-0.359c-0.089-0.104-0.159-0.198-0.211-0.281-0.104-0.167-0.156-0.448-0.156-0.844v-0.188h5.078zM33.344 18.328l-6.875 0c0.031-0.198 0.070-0.372 0.117-0.523s0.107-0.284 0.18-0.398 0.154-0.224 0.242-0.328l0.305-0.344c0.604-0.688 1.391-1.031 2.359-1.031 0.771 0 1.51 0.266 2.219 0.797v-2.234c-0.75-0.333-1.552-0.5-2.406-0.5-1.667 0-2.974 0.531-3.922 1.594-0.396 0.427-0.708 0.859-0.938 1.297s-0.385 0.995-0.469 1.672h-2.719c-0.021-0.719-0.117-1.31-0.289-1.773s-0.424-0.914-0.758-1.352c-0.729-0.938-1.719-1.417-2.969-1.438-1.479 0-2.615 0.708-3.406 2.125v-6.953h-2.266v9.391h-3.75v-0.594c0-2.646-1.25-3.969-3.75-3.969-1.365 0-2.583 0.328-3.656 0.984v2.125c0.99-0.865 2.063-1.297 3.219-1.297 1.344 0 2.016 0.75 2.016 2.25l-2.953 0.125c-0.25 0.021-0.487 0.070-0.711 0.148l-0.633 0.227h-3.328v2.141h1.828l-0.281 0.594c-0.073 0.135-0.109 0.37-0.109 0.703 0 0.938 0.276 1.682 0.828 2.234 0.542 0.573 1.313 0.859 2.313 0.859 1.281 0 2.297-0.635 3.047-1.906v1.656h2.172v-4.141h3.75v4.141h2.297v-1.516c0.677 1.188 1.661 1.776 2.953 1.766 1.385 0 2.464-0.531 3.234-1.594 0.302-0.385 0.557-0.792 0.766-1.219 0.198-0.385 0.339-0.911 0.422-1.578h2.703c0.021 0.708 0.141 1.25 0.359 1.625 0.115 0.198 0.253 0.401 0.414 0.609s0.346 0.427 0.555 0.656c0.906 1 2.099 1.5 3.578 1.5 1.104 0 2.057-0.245 2.859-0.734v-2.109c-0.75 0.604-1.526 0.917-2.328 0.938-0.979 0-1.74-0.318-2.281-0.953l-0.328-0.328c-0.094-0.094-0.177-0.195-0.25-0.305s-0.13-0.234-0.172-0.375-0.073-0.315-0.094-0.523h6.906v-2.141zM33.297 5.688c0.146 0 0.266 0.047 0.359 0.141 0.104 0.104 0.156 0.229 0.156 0.375v23.484c0 0.135-0.052 0.255-0.156 0.359-0.094 0.115-0.214 0.172-0.359 0.172h-35.078c-0.135 0-0.26-0.057-0.375-0.172-0.094-0.115-0.135-0.234-0.125-0.359v-23.484c0-0.104 0.042-0.229 0.125-0.375 0.104-0.094 0.229-0.141 0.375-0.141h35.078z', startsWith: 'M6.109 20.688c0 0.813-0.219 1.474-0.656 1.984-0.448 0.531-1.010 0.786-1.688 0.766-0.51 0-0.896-0.141-1.156-0.422-0.302-0.292-0.443-0.667-0.422-1.125 0-0.615 0.151-1.042 0.453-1.281 0.177-0.135 0.378-0.245 0.602-0.328s0.497-0.146 0.82-0.188l2.047-0.313v0.906zM8.203 18.063c0-2.688-1.219-4.031-3.656-4.031-1.333 0-2.51 0.339-3.531 1.016v2.141c0.917-0.885 1.948-1.328 3.094-1.328 1.333 0 2 0.766 2 2.297l-2.891 0.453c-2.115 0.333-3.161 1.516-3.141 3.547 0 0.958 0.266 1.724 0.797 2.297 0.542 0.573 1.292 0.859 2.25 0.859 1.292 0 2.26-0.641 2.906-1.922v1.688h2.172v-7.016zM14.703 16.906c0.479-0.604 1.109-0.906 1.891-0.906 0.76 0 1.344 0.297 1.75 0.891 0.438 0.615 0.656 1.443 0.656 2.484 0 1.219-0.229 2.198-0.688 2.938-0.469 0.719-1.109 1.078-1.922 1.078-0.719 0-1.286-0.281-1.703-0.844-0.448-0.542-0.672-1.208-0.672-2v-1.313c-0.010-0.938 0.219-1.714 0.688-2.328zM16.906 25.313c1.365 0 2.422-0.542 3.172-1.625 0.771-1.115 1.156-2.563 1.156-4.344 0-1.604-0.339-2.885-1.016-3.844-0.698-0.979-1.661-1.469-2.891-1.469-1.438 0-2.531 0.719-3.281 2.156v-7.078h-2.188v15.969h2.172v-1.563c0.667 1.198 1.625 1.797 2.875 1.797zM31.375 24.563c-0.75 0.5-1.672 0.75-2.766 0.75-1.427 0-2.583-0.505-3.469-1.516-0.885-0.969-1.318-2.26-1.297-3.875 0-1.74 0.464-3.161 1.391-4.266 0.927-1.063 2.198-1.604 3.813-1.625 0.844 0 1.62 0.172 2.328 0.516v2.25c-0.688-0.563-1.406-0.828-2.156-0.797-0.927 0-1.688 0.349-2.281 1.047-0.583 0.698-0.875 1.609-0.875 2.734 0 1.094 0.281 1.969 0.844 2.625 0.542 0.656 1.286 0.984 2.234 0.984 0.781 0 1.526-0.323 2.234-0.969v2.141zM22.172 5.844c0.115 0 0.224 0.052 0.328 0.156 0.094 0.125 0.141 0.25 0.141 0.375v23.844c0 0.156-0.047 0.286-0.141 0.391-0.115 0.094-0.224 0.141-0.328 0.141h-23.469c-0.125 0-0.24-0.047-0.344-0.141-0.094-0.104-0.141-0.234-0.141-0.391v-23.844c0-0.125 0.047-0.25 0.141-0.375 0.104-0.104 0.219-0.156 0.344-0.156h23.469z', endsWith: 'M6.234 19.344l-2.047 0.313c-0.625 0.083-1.104 0.26-1.438 0.531-0.302 0.24-0.453 0.651-0.453 1.234 0 0.469 0.141 0.852 0.422 1.148s0.672 0.435 1.172 0.414c0.677 0 1.234-0.25 1.672-0.75 0.448-0.51 0.672-1.167 0.672-1.969v-0.922zM8.359 24.578h-2.141v-1.656c-0.667 1.26-1.656 1.891-2.969 1.891-0.938 0-1.698-0.276-2.281-0.828-0.542-0.573-0.813-1.328-0.813-2.266 0-2.021 1.063-3.188 3.188-3.5l2.891-0.484c0-1.51-0.661-2.266-1.984-2.266-1.167 0-2.214 0.443-3.141 1.328v-2.125c1.042-0.677 2.224-1.016 3.547-1.016 2.469 0 3.703 1.333 3.703 4v6.922zM14.906 16.516c0.49-0.615 1.13-0.922 1.922-0.922 0.76 0 1.339 0.297 1.734 0.891 0.438 0.615 0.656 1.438 0.656 2.469 0 1.208-0.229 2.182-0.688 2.922-0.469 0.698-1.115 1.047-1.938 1.047-0.708 0-1.276-0.276-1.703-0.828-0.458-0.552-0.688-1.214-0.688-1.984v-1.281c-0.010-0.948 0.224-1.719 0.703-2.313zM17.125 24.813c1.354 0 2.417-0.531 3.188-1.594 0.781-1.073 1.172-2.505 1.172-4.297 0-1.604-0.349-2.87-1.047-3.797-0.698-0.979-1.661-1.469-2.891-1.469-1.438 0-2.542 0.714-3.313 2.141v-7h-2.203v15.781h2.188v-1.531c0.677 1.177 1.646 1.766 2.906 1.766zM31.688 21.969c-0.698 0.635-1.453 0.953-2.266 0.953-0.958 0-1.703-0.323-2.234-0.969-0.563-0.667-0.849-1.536-0.859-2.609 0-1.115 0.297-2.016 0.891-2.703 0.594-0.698 1.359-1.047 2.297-1.047 0.76 0 1.484 0.266 2.172 0.797v-2.219c-0.708-0.344-1.49-0.516-2.344-0.516-1.625 0-2.906 0.536-3.844 1.609-0.938 1.083-1.406 2.495-1.406 4.234 0 1.594 0.438 2.875 1.313 3.844 0.885 0.979 2.052 1.469 3.5 1.469 1.083 0 2.010-0.245 2.781-0.734v-2.109zM33.188 5.563c0.104 0 0.219 0.047 0.344 0.141 0.094 0.146 0.141 0.276 0.141 0.391v23.578c0 0.146-0.047 0.281-0.141 0.406-0.125 0.094-0.24 0.141-0.344 0.141h-23.625c-0.125 0-0.24-0.047-0.344-0.141-0.094-0.135-0.135-0.271-0.125-0.406v-23.578c0-0.115 0.042-0.245 0.125-0.391 0.094-0.094 0.208-0.141 0.344-0.141h23.625z', equal: 'M29.438 11.797v2.75h-26.922v-2.75h26.922zM29.438 17.406v2.75h-26.922v-2.75h26.922z', notEqual: 'M16.906 11.797l3.016-6.547 2.094 1-2.547 5.547h9.969v2.75h-11.234l-1.328 2.859h12.563v2.75h-13.828l-2.875 6.281-2.094-0.984 2.438-5.297h-10.563v-2.75h11.828l1.297-2.859h-13.125v-2.75h14.391z', greaterThan: 'M24.125 16.047l-14.906 8.625-1.375-2.375 10.781-6.25-10.781-6.234 1.375-2.375z', greaterThanOrEqual: 'M23.031 14.328l-14.906 8.625-1.375-2.375 10.797-6.25-10.797-6.234 1.375-2.375zM23.828 15.641l1.375 2.391-14.938 8.609-1.375-2.375z', lessThan: 'M22.75 7.438l1.375 2.375-10.781 6.234 10.781 6.25-1.375 2.375-14.906-8.609z', lessThanOrEqual: 'M23.828 5.719l1.375 2.375-10.813 6.234 10.813 6.25-1.375 2.375-14.922-8.609zM23.047 24.266l-1.375 2.375-14.922-8.609 1.375-2.391z' }; const Icon = /*#__PURE__*/React.memo(({ type, className, ...restProps }) => { const path = AVAILABLE_PATHS[type]; return path ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("svg", _extends({ className: classNames('d-block dx-g-bs4-filter-selector-icon', className), viewBox: "0 0 32 32" }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("path", { d: path })) : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", _extends({ className: classNames('d-block', 'oi', 'oi-magnifying-glass', 'dx-g-bs4-filter-selector-icon', className) }, restProps)); }); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Icon.propTypes = { type: PropTypes.string, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; Icon.defaultProps = { type: undefined, className: undefined }; const TableFilterRow = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Row: TableRow, Cell: TableFilterCell, Editor, FilterSelector, Icon, ToggleButton: ToggleButton$1 })(dxReactGrid.TableFilterRow); TableFilterRow.ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableFilterRow.ROW_TYPE; class ResizingControl extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { resizing: false }; this.onResizeStart = ({ x }) => { this.resizeStartingX = x; this.setState({ resizing: true }); }; this.onResizeUpdate = ({ x }) => { const { onWidthDraft } = this.props; if (x >= 0) { onWidthDraft({ shift: x - this.resizeStartingX }); } }; this.onResizeEnd = ({ x }) => { const { onWidthChange, onWidthDraftCancel } = this.props; onWidthDraftCancel(); onWidthChange({ shift: x - this.resizeStartingX }); this.setState({ resizing: false }); }; } render() { const { resizing } = this.state; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(dxReactCore.Draggable, { onStart: this.onResizeStart, onUpdate: this.onResizeUpdate, onEnd: this.onResizeEnd }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-resizing-control-wrapper': true, 'dx-g-bs4-resizing-control-wrapper-active': resizing }) }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-resize-control-line dx-g-bs4-resize-control-line-first bg-primary': true, 'dx-g-bs4-resize-control-line-active': resizing }) }), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-resize-control-line dx-g-bs4-resize-control-line-second bg-primary': true, 'dx-g-bs4-resize-control-line-active': resizing }) }))); } } process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? 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CellLayout.propTypes = { tableColumn: PropTypes.object, tableRow: PropTypes.object, column: PropTypes.object, dragging: PropTypes.bool, draggingEnabled: PropTypes.bool, resizingEnabled: PropTypes.bool, onWidthChange: PropTypes.func, onWidthDraft: PropTypes.func, onWidthDraftCancel: PropTypes.func, className: PropTypes.string, children: PropTypes.node, getCellWidth: PropTypes.func, forwardedRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]) } : void 0; CellLayout.defaultProps = { column: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, tableRow: undefined, dragging: false, draggingEnabled: false, resizingEnabled: false, onWidthChange: undefined, onWidthDraft: undefined, onWidthDraftCancel: undefined, className: undefined, children: undefined, getCellWidth: () => {}, forwardedRef: undefined }; class TableHeaderCell extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { dragging: false }; this.dragRef = /*#__PURE__*/React.createRef(); this.onDragStart = () => { this.setState({ dragging: true }); }; this.onDragEnd = () => { if (this.dragRef.current) { this.setState({ dragging: false }); } }; } render() { const { column, draggingEnabled } = this.props; const { dragging } = this.state; return draggingEnabled ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(dxReactCore.DragSource, { ref: this.dragRef, payload: [{ type: 'column', columnName: column.name }], onStart: this.onDragStart, onEnd: this.onDragEnd }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(CellLayout, _extends({}, this.props, { dragging: dragging }))) : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(CellLayout, _extends({}, this.props, { dragging: dragging })); } } process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableHeaderCell.propTypes = { tableColumn: PropTypes.object, tableRow: PropTypes.object, column: PropTypes.object, className: PropTypes.string, draggingEnabled: PropTypes.bool, resizingEnabled: PropTypes.bool, onWidthChange: PropTypes.func, onWidthDraft: PropTypes.func, onWidthDraftCancel: PropTypes.func, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]), getCellWidth: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableHeaderCell.defaultProps = { column: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, tableRow: undefined, className: undefined, draggingEnabled: false, resizingEnabled: false, onWidthChange: undefined, onWidthDraft: undefined, onWidthDraftCancel: undefined, children: undefined, getCellWidth: () => {} }; const handleMouseDown$2 = e => { e.currentTarget.style.outline = 'none'; }; const handleBlur$2 = e => { e.currentTarget.style.outline = ''; }; const ENTER_KEY_CODE$2 = 13; const SPACE_KEY_CODE$2 = 32; const onClick = (e, onSort) => { const isActionKeyDown = e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY_CODE$2 || e.keyCode === SPACE_KEY_CODE$2; const isMouseClick = e.keyCode === undefined; if (!(isActionKeyDown || isMouseClick)) return; const cancelSortingRelatedKey = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey; const direction = (isMouseClick || isActionKeyDown) && cancelSortingRelatedKey ? null : undefined; const keepOther = e.shiftKey || cancelSortingRelatedKey; e.preventDefault(); onSort({ direction, keepOther }); }; const SortLabel = ({ align, direction, disabled, children, onSort, getMessage, className, column, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'd-inline-flex flex-direction-row align-items-center mw-100 dx-g-bs4-user-select-none': true, 'dx-g-bs4-cursor-pointer': !disabled, 'flex-row-reverse': align === 'right', 'text-primary': direction }, className), tabIndex: disabled ? -1 : 0, onMouseDown: handleMouseDown$2, onBlur: handleBlur$2 }, !disabled ? { onKeyDown: e => onClick(e, onSort), onClick: e => onClick(e, onSort) } : null, restProps), children, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SortingIndicator, { direction: direction, className: direction ? '' : 'dx-g-bs4-sort-indicator-invisible' })); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? SortLabel.propTypes = { column: PropTypes.object, align: PropTypes.string, direction: PropTypes.oneOf(['asc', 'desc']), children: PropTypes.node, onSort: PropTypes.func.isRequired, disabled: PropTypes.bool, className: PropTypes.string, getMessage: PropTypes.func } : void 0; SortLabel.defaultProps = { column: undefined, direction: null, disabled: false, children: undefined, className: undefined, align: 'left', getMessage: () => {} }; const GroupButton = ({ disabled, onGroup, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-grouping-control': true }, className), onClick: e => { if (disabled) return; e.stopPropagation(); onGroup(); } }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { className: classNames({ 'oi oi-list dx-g-bs4-grouping-control-icon': true, 'dx-g-bs4-cursor-pointer': !disabled, 'dx-g-bs4-inactive': disabled }) })); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? GroupButton.propTypes = { onGroup: PropTypes.func.isRequired, disabled: PropTypes.bool, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; GroupButton.defaultProps = { disabled: false, className: undefined }; const Title = ({ children, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", _extends({ className: classNames('dx-rg-bs4-table-header-title', className) }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Title.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]), className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; Title.defaultProps = { className: null, children: undefined }; const Content$1 = ({ column, children, align, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-header-cell-content w-100 d-flex flex-row align-items-end': true, 'justify-content-center': align === 'center', 'justify-content-end': align === 'right' }, className) }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Content$1.propTypes = { column: PropTypes.object, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]), align: PropTypes.string, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; Content$1.defaultProps = { column: undefined, align: 'left', className: null, children: undefined }; const TableHeaderRow = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Cell: TableHeaderCell, Row: TableRow, Content: Content$1, SortLabel, Title, GroupButton })(dxReactGrid.TableHeaderRow); TableHeaderRow.ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableHeaderRow.ROW_TYPE; const Cell$1 = ({ column, children, beforeBorder, tableRow, tableColumn, row, forwardedRef, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("th", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-banded-cell dx-g-bs4-table-cell text-nowrap border-right': true, 'border-left': beforeBorder }, className), ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Cell$1.propTypes = { column: PropTypes.object, row: PropTypes.any, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node)]), tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, className: PropTypes.string, beforeBorder: PropTypes.bool, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; Cell$1.defaultProps = { column: undefined, row: undefined, children: undefined, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, className: undefined, beforeBorder: false, forwardedRef: undefined }; const BandedHeaderCell = ({ component: HeaderCellComponent, className, beforeBorder, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(HeaderCellComponent, _extends({ className: classNames({ 'dx-g-bs4-banded-header-cell border-right': true, 'border-left': beforeBorder }, className) }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? BandedHeaderCell.propTypes = { component: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, beforeBorder: PropTypes.bool } : void 0; BandedHeaderCell.defaultProps = { className: undefined, beforeBorder: false }; const InvisibleCell = () => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("th", { className: "d-none" }); const TableBandHeader = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Cell: Cell$1, Row: TableRow, BandedHeaderCell, InvisibleCell })(dxReactGrid.TableBandHeader); TableBandHeader.ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableBandHeader.ROW_TYPE; const EditCell = ({ column, value, onValueChange, className, children, row, tableRow, tableColumn, editingEnabled, autoFocus, onBlur, onFocus, onKeyDown, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => { const patchedChildren = children ? /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(children, { autoFocus, onBlur, onFocus, onKeyDown }) : children; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'align-middle dx-g-bs4-table-edit-cell': true }, className), ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), patchedChildren || /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("input", { type: "text", className: classNames({ 'form-control w-100': true, 'text-right': tableColumn && tableColumn.align === 'right', 'text-center': tableColumn && tableColumn.align === 'center' }), readOnly: !editingEnabled, value: value, onChange: e => onValueChange(e.target.value) // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/no-autofocus , autoFocus: autoFocus, onBlur: onBlur, onFocus: onFocus, onKeyDown: onKeyDown })); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? EditCell.propTypes = { column: PropTypes.object, row: PropTypes.any, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, tableRow: PropTypes.object, value: PropTypes.any, onValueChange: PropTypes.func, className: PropTypes.string, editingEnabled: PropTypes.bool, children: PropTypes.node, autoFocus: PropTypes.bool, onBlur: PropTypes.func, onFocus: PropTypes.func, onKeyDown: PropTypes.func, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; EditCell.defaultProps = { column: undefined, row: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, tableRow: undefined, className: undefined, children: undefined, editingEnabled: true, value: '', onValueChange: () => {}, autoFocus: false, onBlur: () => {}, onFocus: () => {}, onKeyDown: () => {}, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableEditRow = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Row: TableRow, Cell: EditCell })(dxReactGrid.TableEditRow); TableEditRow.ADDED_ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableEditRow.ADDED_ROW_TYPE; TableEditRow.EDIT_ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableEditRow.EDIT_ROW_TYPE; const CommandButton = ({ onExecute, text, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("button", _extends({ type: "button", className: classNames('btn btn-link dx-g-bs4-table-edit-command-cell', className), onClick: e => { e.stopPropagation(); onExecute(); } }, restProps), text); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? CommandButton.propTypes = { text: PropTypes.string.isRequired, onExecute: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; CommandButton.defaultProps = { className: undefined }; const EditCommandHeadingCell = ({ children, className, tableColumn, tableRow, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("th", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'text-center p-0 text-nowrap': true }, className), ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? EditCommandHeadingCell.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]), tableColumn: PropTypes.object, tableRow: PropTypes.object, className: PropTypes.string, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; EditCommandHeadingCell.defaultProps = { children: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, tableRow: undefined, className: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const EditCommandCell = ({ tableColumn, tableRow, row, children, className, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ className: classNames({ 'text-center p-0 text-nowrap': true }, className), ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? EditCommandCell.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]), tableColumn: PropTypes.object, tableRow: PropTypes.object, row: PropTypes.any, className: PropTypes.string, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; EditCommandCell.defaultProps = { children: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, tableRow: undefined, row: undefined, className: undefined, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableEditColumn = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Cell: EditCommandCell, HeaderCell: EditCommandHeadingCell, Command: CommandButton })(dxReactGrid.TableEditColumn); TableEditColumn.COLUMN_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableEditColumn.COLUMN_TYPE; const EmptyMessage = ({ getMessage, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: classNames('py-5 text-center', className) }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("big", { className: "text-muted" }, getMessage('noColumns'))); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? EmptyMessage.propTypes = { getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; EmptyMessage.defaultProps = { className: undefined }; const TableColumnVisibility = dxReactCore.withComponents({ EmptyMessage })(dxReactGrid.TableColumnVisibility); const TableInvisibleRow = ({ className, ...restParams }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TableRow, _extends({ className: classNames('dx-g-bs4-table-invisible-row', className) }, restParams)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableInvisibleRow.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; TableInvisibleRow.defaultProps = { className: undefined }; const TableReorderingCell = ({ style, getCellDimensions }) => { const refHandler = node => node && getCellDimensions(() => dxGridCore.getCellGeometries(node)); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", { ref: refHandler, className: "p-0 border-0", style: style }); }; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableReorderingCell.propTypes = { getCellDimensions: PropTypes.func.isRequired, style: PropTypes.object } : void 0; TableReorderingCell.defaultProps = { style: null }; const TableColumnReordering = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Row: TableInvisibleRow, Cell: TableReorderingCell })(dxReactGrid.TableColumnReordering); class TableColumnResizing extends React.PureComponent { render() { const { minColumnWidth, maxColumnWidth, ...restProps } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(dxReactGrid.TableColumnResizing, _extends({}, restProps, { minColumnWidth: minColumnWidth, maxColumnWidth: maxColumnWidth })); } } process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableColumnResizing.propTypes = { minColumnWidth: PropTypes.number, maxColumnWidth: PropTypes.number } : void 0; TableColumnResizing.defaultProps = { minColumnWidth: 55, maxColumnWidth: Infinity }; const ToolbarBase = ({ children, className, style, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: classNames('card-header py-2 d-flex position-relative dx-g-bs4-toolbar', className), ref: forwardedRef, style: style }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? ToolbarBase.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node]).isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, style: PropTypes.object, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; ToolbarBase.defaultProps = { className: undefined, style: null, forwardedRef: undefined }; const Toolbar = dxReactGrid.withKeyboardNavigation('toolbar', 'none')(ToolbarBase); const FlexibleSpace = () => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: "d-flex ml-auto" }); const Toolbar$1 = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Root: Toolbar, FlexibleSpace })(dxReactGrid.Toolbar); const TableTreeExpandButton = ({ className, visible, expanded, onToggle, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ExpandButton, _extends({ visible: visible, expanded: expanded, onToggle: onToggle, className: classNames('mr-3', className) }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableTreeExpandButton.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, visible: PropTypes.bool, expanded: PropTypes.bool, onToggle: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableTreeExpandButton.defaultProps = { className: undefined, visible: false, expanded: false, onToggle: () => {} }; const TableTreeCheckbox = ({ className, checked, indeterminate, disabled, onChange, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SelectionControl, _extends({ disabled: disabled, checked: checked, indeterminate: indeterminate, onChange: onChange, className: classNames('mr-4', className) }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableTreeCheckbox.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, checked: PropTypes.bool, indeterminate: PropTypes.bool, disabled: PropTypes.bool, onChange: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableTreeCheckbox.defaultProps = { className: undefined, checked: false, indeterminate: false, disabled: false, onChange: () => {} }; const TableTreeIndent = /*#__PURE__*/React.memo(({ level }) => Array.from({ length: level }).map((value, currentLevel) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key key: currentLevel, className: "d-inline-block mr-4" }))); TableTreeIndent.propTypes = { level: PropTypes.number }; TableTreeIndent.defaultProps = { level: 0 }; const TableTreeCell = ({ column, children, tableRow, tableColumn, row, forwardedRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("td", _extends({ ref: forwardedRef }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: classNames({ 'd-flex flex-direction-row align-items-center': true, 'text-nowrap': !(tableColumn && tableColumn.wordWrapEnabled), 'text-right': tableColumn && tableColumn.align === 'right', 'text-center': tableColumn && tableColumn.align === 'center' }) }, children)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableTreeCell.propTypes = { column: PropTypes.object, row: PropTypes.any, children: PropTypes.node, tableRow: PropTypes.object, tableColumn: PropTypes.object, style: PropTypes.object, forwardedRef: PropTypes.func } : void 0; TableTreeCell.defaultProps = { column: undefined, row: undefined, children: undefined, tableRow: undefined, tableColumn: undefined, style: null, forwardedRef: undefined }; const TableTreeContent = ({ children, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ className: classNames('w-100 dx-g-bs4-table-tree-content', className) }, restProps), children); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableTreeContent.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, children: PropTypes.node } : void 0; TableTreeContent.defaultProps = { className: undefined, children: undefined }; const TableTreeColumn = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Cell: TableTreeCell, Content: TableTreeContent, Indent: TableTreeIndent, ExpandButton: TableTreeExpandButton, Checkbox: TableTreeCheckbox })(dxReactGrid.TableTreeColumn); const SearchPanelInput = ({ onValueChange, value, getMessage, className, inputRef, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("input", _extends({ ref: inputRef, type: "text", className: classNames('form-control w-25', className), onChange: e => onValueChange(e.target.value), value: value, placeholder: getMessage('searchPlaceholder') }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? SearchPanelInput.propTypes = { value: PropTypes.any, onValueChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, inputRef: PropTypes.object } : void 0; SearchPanelInput.defaultProps = { value: null, className: undefined, inputRef: undefined }; const SearchPanel = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Input: SearchPanelInput })(dxReactGrid.SearchPanel); class FixedCell extends React.PureComponent { render() { const { className, component: CellPlaceholder, position, selected, showLeftDivider, showRightDivider, side, style, ...restProps } = this.props; const backgroundColor = selected ? 'inherit' : this.context; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(CellPlaceholder, _extends({ className: classNames({ 'border-left': showLeftDivider, 'border-right': showRightDivider, 'dx-g-bs4-fixed-cell': true, 'position-sticky': true }, className), style: { backgroundColor, [side]: position, ...style } }, restProps)); } } FixedCell.contextType = BodyColorContext; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? FixedCell.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, component: PropTypes.func.isRequired, position: PropTypes.number, selected: PropTypes.bool, showLeftDivider: PropTypes.bool, showRightDivider: PropTypes.bool, side: PropTypes.string.isRequired, style: PropTypes.object } : void 0; FixedCell.defaultProps = { className: undefined, position: undefined, selected: false, showLeftDivider: false, showRightDivider: false, style: null }; const TableBorderlessStubCell = ({ className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TableStubCell, _extends({ className: classNames('border-0', className) }, restProps)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableBorderlessStubCell.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; TableBorderlessStubCell.defaultProps = { className: undefined }; const TableListenerCell = ({ listen, onSizeChange, ...restProps }) => listen ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(dxReactCore.Sizer, _extends({ containerComponent: TableBorderlessStubCell, onSizeChange: onSizeChange }, restProps)) : /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TableBorderlessStubCell, restProps); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? TableListenerCell.propTypes = { listen: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onSizeChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired } : void 0; const TableFixedColumns = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Cell: FixedCell, ListenerRow: TableInvisibleRow, ListenerCell: TableListenerCell })(dxReactGrid.TableFixedColumns); const TableSummaryRow = dxReactCore.withComponents({ TotalRow: TableRow, GroupRow: TableRow, TreeRow: TableRow, TotalCell: TableCell, GroupCell: TableCell, TreeCell: TableCell, TableTreeCell, TableTreeContent, TableTreeIndent, Item: TableSummaryItem })(dxReactGrid.TableSummaryRow); TableSummaryRow.TREE_ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableSummaryRow.TREE_ROW_TYPE; TableSummaryRow.GROUP_ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableSummaryRow.GROUP_ROW_TYPE; TableSummaryRow.TOTAL_ROW_TYPE = dxReactGrid.TableSummaryRow.TOTAL_ROW_TYPE; const TableInlineCellEditing = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Cell: EditCell })(dxReactGrid.TableInlineCellEditing); const ToggleButton$2 = ({ onToggle, getMessage, buttonRef, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("button", _extends({ type: "button", className: classNames('btn btn-outline-secondary border-0', className), onClick: onToggle, ref: buttonRef }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", { className: "oi oi-data-transfer-download" })); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? ToggleButton$2.propTypes = { onToggle: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, buttonRef: PropTypes.func.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; ToggleButton$2.defaultProps = { className: undefined }; const Menu = ({ visible, target, onHide, children, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Popover, _extends({ placement: "bottom", isOpen: visible, target: target, toggle: onHide }, restProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", { className: "py-2" }, children)); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Menu.propTypes = { onHide: PropTypes.func.isRequired, children: PropTypes.node.isRequired, visible: PropTypes.bool, target: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.func]) } : void 0; Menu.defaultProps = { visible: false, target: null }; const MenuItem = ({ text, onClick, className, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("button", _extends({ type: "button", className: classNames('dx-g-bs4-cursor-pointer dropdown-item', className), onClick: onClick }, restProps), text); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? MenuItem.propTypes = { text: PropTypes.string.isRequired, onClick: PropTypes.func, className: PropTypes.string } : void 0; MenuItem.defaultProps = { onClick: () => {}, className: undefined }; const ExportPanel = dxReactCore.withComponents({ ToggleButton: ToggleButton$2, Menu, MenuItem })(dxReactGrid.ExportPanel); class FocusCellBase extends React.PureComponent { render() { const { className, component: CellPlaceholder, focused, ...restProps } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(CellPlaceholder, _extends({ className: classNames({ 'border border-primary dx-g-bs-focus-cell': !!focused, 'dx-g-bs4-simple-cell': true }, className) }, restProps)); } } process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? FocusCellBase.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, component: PropTypes.func.isRequired, focused: PropTypes.bool } : void 0; FocusCellBase.defaultProps = { className: undefined, focused: undefined }; const FocusCell = dxReactGrid.withKeyboardNavigation()(FocusCellBase); class FocusRow extends React.PureComponent { render() { const { component: RowPlaceholder, className, focused, ...restProps } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(RowPlaceholder, _extends({ className: classNames({ 'bg-light': !!focused }, className) }, restProps)); } } process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? FocusRow.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, component: PropTypes.func.isRequired, focused: PropTypes.bool } : void 0; FocusRow.defaultProps = { focused: false, className: undefined }; const TableKeyboardNavigation = dxReactCore.withComponents({ Cell: FocusCell, Row: FocusRow })(dxReactGrid.TableKeyboardNavigation); exports.ColumnChooser = ColumnChooser; exports.DragDropProvider = DragDropProvider; exports.ExportPanel = ExportPanel; exports.Grid = Grid; exports.GroupingPanel = GroupingPanel; exports.PagingPanel = PagingPanel; exports.SearchPanel = SearchPanel; exports.Table = Table$1; exports.TableBandHeader = TableBandHeader; exports.TableColumnReordering = TableColumnReordering; exports.TableColumnResizing = TableColumnResizing; exports.TableColumnVisibility = TableColumnVisibility; exports.TableEditColumn = TableEditColumn; exports.TableEditRow = TableEditRow; exports.TableFilterRow = TableFilterRow; exports.TableFixedColumns = TableFixedColumns; exports.TableGroupRow = TableGroupRow; exports.TableHeaderRow = TableHeaderRow; exports.TableInlineCellEditing = TableInlineCellEditing; exports.TableKeyboardNavigation = TableKeyboardNavigation; exports.TableRowDetail = TableRowDetail; exports.TableSelection = TableSelection; exports.TableSummaryRow = TableSummaryRow; exports.TableTreeColumn = TableTreeColumn; exports.Toolbar = Toolbar$1; exports.VirtualTable = VirtualTable; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); }))); //# sourceMappingURL=dx-react-grid-bootstrap4.umd.cjs.map