"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() { return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res; }; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var __decorateClass = (decorators, target, key, kind) => { var result = kind > 1 ? void 0 : kind ? __getOwnPropDesc(target, key) : target; for (var i3 = decorators.length - 1, decorator; i3 >= 0; i3--) if (decorator = decorators[i3]) result = (kind ? decorator(target, key, result) : decorator(result)) || result; if (kind && result) __defProp(target, key, result); return result; }; // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/extensions/Extensions.mjs var ExtensionType, normalizeExtension, normalizeExtensionPriority, extensions; var init_Extensions = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/extensions/Extensions.mjs"() { "use strict"; ExtensionType = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ExtensionType2) => { ExtensionType2["Application"] = "application"; ExtensionType2["WebGLPipes"] = "webgl-pipes"; ExtensionType2["WebGLPipesAdaptor"] = "webgl-pipes-adaptor"; ExtensionType2["WebGLSystem"] = "webgl-system"; ExtensionType2["WebGPUPipes"] = "webgpu-pipes"; ExtensionType2["WebGPUPipesAdaptor"] = "webgpu-pipes-adaptor"; ExtensionType2["WebGPUSystem"] = "webgpu-system"; ExtensionType2["CanvasSystem"] = "canvas-system"; ExtensionType2["CanvasPipesAdaptor"] = "canvas-pipes-adaptor"; ExtensionType2["CanvasPipes"] = "canvas-pipes"; ExtensionType2["Asset"] = "asset"; ExtensionType2["LoadParser"] = "load-parser"; ExtensionType2["ResolveParser"] = "resolve-parser"; ExtensionType2["CacheParser"] = "cache-parser"; ExtensionType2["DetectionParser"] = "detection-parser"; ExtensionType2["MaskEffect"] = "mask-effect"; ExtensionType2["BlendMode"] = "blend-mode"; ExtensionType2["TextureSource"] = "texture-source"; ExtensionType2["Environment"] = "environment"; ExtensionType2["ShapeBuilder"] = "shape-builder"; ExtensionType2["Batcher"] = "batcher"; return ExtensionType2; })(ExtensionType || {}); normalizeExtension = (ext) => { if (typeof ext === "function" || typeof ext === "object" && ext.extension) { if (!ext.extension) { throw new Error("Extension class must have an extension object"); } const metadata = typeof ext.extension !== "object" ? { type: ext.extension } : ext.extension; ext = { ...metadata, ref: ext }; } if (typeof ext === "object") { ext = { ...ext }; } else { throw new Error("Invalid extension type"); } if (typeof ext.type === "string") { ext.type = [ext.type]; } return ext; }; normalizeExtensionPriority = (ext, defaultPriority) => normalizeExtension(ext).priority ?? defaultPriority; extensions = { /** @ignore */ _addHandlers: {}, /** @ignore */ _removeHandlers: {}, /** @ignore */ _queue: {}, /** * Remove extensions from PixiJS. * @param extensions - Extensions to be removed. * @returns {extensions} For chaining. */ remove(...extensions22) { extensions22.map(normalizeExtension).forEach((ext) => { ext.type.forEach((type) => this._removeHandlers[type]?.(ext)); }); return this; }, /** * Register new extensions with PixiJS. * @param extensions - The spread of extensions to add to PixiJS. * @returns {extensions} For chaining. */ add(...extensions22) { extensions22.map(normalizeExtension).forEach((ext) => { ext.type.forEach((type) => { const handlers = this._addHandlers; const queue = this._queue; if (!handlers[type]) { queue[type] = queue[type] || []; queue[type]?.push(ext); } else { handlers[type]?.(ext); } }); }); return this; }, /** * Internal method to handle extensions by name. * @param type - The extension type. * @param onAdd - Function handler when extensions are added/registered {@link StrictExtensionFormat}. * @param onRemove - Function handler when extensions are removed/unregistered {@link StrictExtensionFormat}. * @returns {extensions} For chaining. */ handle(type, onAdd, onRemove) { const addHandlers = this._addHandlers; const removeHandlers = this._removeHandlers; if (addHandlers[type] || removeHandlers[type]) { throw new Error(`Extension type ${type} already has a handler`); } addHandlers[type] = onAdd; removeHandlers[type] = onRemove; const queue = this._queue; if (queue[type]) { queue[type]?.forEach((ext) => onAdd(ext)); delete queue[type]; } return this; }, /** * Handle a type, but using a map by `name` property. * @param type - Type of extension to handle. * @param map - The object map of named extensions. * @returns {extensions} For chaining. */ handleByMap(type, map) { return this.handle( type, (extension) => { if (extension.name) { map[extension.name] = extension.ref; } }, (extension) => { if (extension.name) { delete map[extension.name]; } } ); }, /** * Handle a type, but using a list of extensions with a `name` property. * @param type - Type of extension to handle. * @param map - The array of named extensions. * @param defaultPriority - Fallback priority if none is defined. * @returns {extensions} For chaining. */ handleByNamedList(type, map, defaultPriority = -1) { return this.handle( type, (extension) => { const index = map.findIndex((item) => item.name === extension.name); if (index >= 0) return; map.push({ name: extension.name, value: extension.ref }); map.sort((a2, b2) => normalizeExtensionPriority(b2.value, defaultPriority) - normalizeExtensionPriority(a2.value, defaultPriority)); }, (extension) => { const index = map.findIndex((item) => item.name === extension.name); if (index !== -1) { map.splice(index, 1); } } ); }, /** * Handle a type, but using a list of extensions. * @param type - Type of extension to handle. * @param list - The list of extensions. * @param defaultPriority - The default priority to use if none is specified. * @returns {extensions} For chaining. */ handleByList(type, list, defaultPriority = -1) { return this.handle( type, (extension) => { if (list.includes(extension.ref)) { return; } list.push(extension.ref); list.sort((a2, b2) => normalizeExtensionPriority(b2, defaultPriority) - normalizeExtensionPriority(a2, defaultPriority)); }, (extension) => { const index = list.indexOf(extension.ref); if (index !== -1) { list.splice(index, 1); } } ); } }; } }); // node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js var require_eventemitter3 = __commonJS({ "node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var prefix = "~"; function Events() { } if (Object.create) { Events.prototype = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); if (!new Events().__proto__) prefix = false; } function EE(fn, context2, once) { this.fn = fn; this.context = context2; this.once = once || false; } function addListener(emitter, event, fn, context2, once) { if (typeof fn !== "function") { throw new TypeError("The listener must be a function"); } var listener = new EE(fn, context2 || emitter, once), evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event; if (!emitter._events[evt]) emitter._events[evt] = listener, emitter._eventsCount++; else if (!emitter._events[evt].fn) emitter._events[evt].push(listener); else emitter._events[evt] = [emitter._events[evt], listener]; return emitter; } function clearEvent(emitter, evt) { if (--emitter._eventsCount === 0) emitter._events = new Events(); else delete emitter._events[evt]; } function EventEmitter4() { this._events = new Events(); this._eventsCount = 0; } EventEmitter4.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() { var names = [], events, name; if (this._eventsCount === 0) return names; for (name in events = this._events) { if (has.call(events, name)) names.push(prefix ? name.slice(1) : name); } if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { return names.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(events)); } return names; }; EventEmitter4.prototype.listeners = function listeners(event) { var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, handlers = this._events[evt]; if (!handlers) return []; if (handlers.fn) return [handlers.fn]; for (var i3 = 0, l2 = handlers.length, ee = new Array(l2); i3 < l2; i3++) { ee[i3] = handlers[i3].fn; } return ee; }; EventEmitter4.prototype.listenerCount = function listenerCount(event) { var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, listeners = this._events[evt]; if (!listeners) return 0; if (listeners.fn) return 1; return listeners.length; }; EventEmitter4.prototype.emit = function emit(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) { var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event; if (!this._events[evt]) return false; var listeners = this._events[evt], len = arguments.length, args, i3; if (listeners.fn) { if (listeners.once) this.removeListener(event, listeners.fn, void 0, true); switch (len) { case 1: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context), true; case 2: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1), true; case 3: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2), true; case 4: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3), true; case 5: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4), true; case 6: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5), true; } for (i3 = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); i3 < len; i3++) { args[i3 - 1] = arguments[i3]; } listeners.fn.apply(listeners.context, args); } else { var length = listeners.length, j2; for (i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) { if (listeners[i3].once) this.removeListener(event, listeners[i3].fn, void 0, true); switch (len) { case 1: listeners[i3].fn.call(listeners[i3].context); break; case 2: listeners[i3].fn.call(listeners[i3].context, a1); break; case 3: listeners[i3].fn.call(listeners[i3].context, a1, a2); break; case 4: listeners[i3].fn.call(listeners[i3].context, a1, a2, a3); break; default: if (!args) for (j2 = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); j2 < len; j2++) { args[j2 - 1] = arguments[j2]; } listeners[i3].fn.apply(listeners[i3].context, args); } } } return true; }; EventEmitter4.prototype.on = function on(event, fn, context2) { return addListener(this, event, fn, context2, false); }; EventEmitter4.prototype.once = function once(event, fn, context2) { return addListener(this, event, fn, context2, true); }; EventEmitter4.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(event, fn, context2, once) { var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event; if (!this._events[evt]) return this; if (!fn) { clearEvent(this, evt); return this; } var listeners = this._events[evt]; if (listeners.fn) { if (listeners.fn === fn && (!once || listeners.once) && (!context2 || listeners.context === context2)) { clearEvent(this, evt); } } else { for (var i3 = 0, events = [], length = listeners.length; i3 < length; i3++) { if (listeners[i3].fn !== fn || once && !listeners[i3].once || context2 && listeners[i3].context !== context2) { events.push(listeners[i3]); } } if (events.length) this._events[evt] = events.length === 1 ? events[0] : events; else clearEvent(this, evt); } return this; }; EventEmitter4.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(event) { var evt; if (event) { evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event; if (this._events[evt]) clearEvent(this, evt); } else { this._events = new Events(); this._eventsCount = 0; } return this; }; EventEmitter4.prototype.off = EventEmitter4.prototype.removeListener; EventEmitter4.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter4.prototype.on; EventEmitter4.prefixed = prefix; EventEmitter4.EventEmitter = EventEmitter4; if ("undefined" !== typeof module2) { module2.exports = EventEmitter4; } } }); // node_modules/eventemitter3/index.mjs var import_index, eventemitter3_default; var init_eventemitter3 = __esm({ "node_modules/eventemitter3/index.mjs"() { "use strict"; import_index = __toESM(require_eventemitter3(), 1); eventemitter3_default = import_index.default; } }); // node_modules/@pixi/colord/index.mjs var r, t, n, e, u, a, o, i, s, h, b, g, d, f, c, l, p, v, m, y, N, x, M, H, $, j, w, S, k; var init_colord = __esm({ "node_modules/@pixi/colord/index.mjs"() { "use strict"; r = { grad: 0.9, turn: 360, rad: 360 / (2 * Math.PI) }; t = function(r2) { return "string" == typeof r2 ? r2.length > 0 : "number" == typeof r2; }; n = function(r2, t2, n2) { return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = 0), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = Math.pow(10, t2)), Math.round(n2 * r2) / n2 + 0; }; e = function(r2, t2, n2) { return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = 0), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = 1), r2 > n2 ? n2 : r2 > t2 ? r2 : t2; }; u = function(r2) { return (r2 = isFinite(r2) ? r2 % 360 : 0) > 0 ? r2 : r2 + 360; }; a = function(r2) { return { r: e(r2.r, 0, 255), g: e(r2.g, 0, 255), b: e(r2.b, 0, 255), a: e(r2.a) }; }; o = function(r2) { return { r: n(r2.r), g: n(r2.g), b: n(r2.b), a: n(r2.a, 3) }; }; i = /^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/i; s = function(r2) { var t2 = r2.toString(16); return t2.length < 2 ? "0" + t2 : t2; }; h = function(r2) { var t2 = r2.r, n2 = r2.g, e2 = r2.b, u2 = r2.a, a2 = Math.max(t2, n2, e2), o2 = a2 - Math.min(t2, n2, e2), i3 = o2 ? a2 === t2 ? (n2 - e2) / o2 : a2 === n2 ? 2 + (e2 - t2) / o2 : 4 + (t2 - n2) / o2 : 0; return { h: 60 * (i3 < 0 ? i3 + 6 : i3), s: a2 ? o2 / a2 * 100 : 0, v: a2 / 255 * 100, a: u2 }; }; b = function(r2) { var t2 = r2.h, n2 = r2.s, e2 = r2.v, u2 = r2.a; t2 = t2 / 360 * 6, n2 /= 100, e2 /= 100; var a2 = Math.floor(t2), o2 = e2 * (1 - n2), i3 = e2 * (1 - (t2 - a2) * n2), s2 = e2 * (1 - (1 - t2 + a2) * n2), h2 = a2 % 6; return { r: 255 * [e2, i3, o2, o2, s2, e2][h2], g: 255 * [s2, e2, e2, i3, o2, o2][h2], b: 255 * [o2, o2, s2, e2, e2, i3][h2], a: u2 }; }; g = function(r2) { return { h: u(r2.h), s: e(r2.s, 0, 100), l: e(r2.l, 0, 100), a: e(r2.a) }; }; d = function(r2) { return { h: n(r2.h), s: n(r2.s), l: n(r2.l), a: n(r2.a, 3) }; }; f = function(r2) { return b((n2 = (t2 = r2).s, { h: t2.h, s: (n2 *= ((e2 = t2.l) < 50 ? e2 : 100 - e2) / 100) > 0 ? 2 * n2 / (e2 + n2) * 100 : 0, v: e2 + n2, a: t2.a })); var t2, n2, e2; }; c = function(r2) { return { h: (t2 = h(r2)).h, s: (u2 = (200 - (n2 = t2.s)) * (e2 = t2.v) / 100) > 0 && u2 < 200 ? n2 * e2 / 100 / (u2 <= 100 ? u2 : 200 - u2) * 100 : 0, l: u2 / 2, a: t2.a }; var t2, n2, e2, u2; }; l = /^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i; p = /^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*(?:\/\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i; v = /^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i; m = /^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*(?:\/\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i; y = { string: [[function(r2) { var t2 = i.exec(r2); return t2 ? (r2 = t2[1]).length <= 4 ? { r: parseInt(r2[0] + r2[0], 16), g: parseInt(r2[1] + r2[1], 16), b: parseInt(r2[2] + r2[2], 16), a: 4 === r2.length ? n(parseInt(r2[3] + r2[3], 16) / 255, 2) : 1 } : 6 === r2.length || 8 === r2.length ? { r: parseInt(r2.substr(0, 2), 16), g: parseInt(r2.substr(2, 2), 16), b: parseInt(r2.substr(4, 2), 16), a: 8 === r2.length ? n(parseInt(r2.substr(6, 2), 16) / 255, 2) : 1 } : null : null; }, "hex"], [function(r2) { var t2 = v.exec(r2) || m.exec(r2); return t2 ? t2[2] !== t2[4] || t2[4] !== t2[6] ? null : a({ r: Number(t2[1]) / (t2[2] ? 100 / 255 : 1), g: Number(t2[3]) / (t2[4] ? 100 / 255 : 1), b: Number(t2[5]) / (t2[6] ? 100 / 255 : 1), a: void 0 === t2[7] ? 1 : Number(t2[7]) / (t2[8] ? 100 : 1) }) : null; }, "rgb"], [function(t2) { var n2 = l.exec(t2) || p.exec(t2); if (!n2) return null; var e2, u2, a2 = g({ h: (e2 = n2[1], u2 = n2[2], void 0 === u2 && (u2 = "deg"), Number(e2) * (r[u2] || 1)), s: Number(n2[3]), l: Number(n2[4]), a: void 0 === n2[5] ? 1 : Number(n2[5]) / (n2[6] ? 100 : 1) }); return f(a2); }, "hsl"]], object: [[function(r2) { var n2 = r2.r, e2 = r2.g, u2 = r2.b, o2 = r2.a, i3 = void 0 === o2 ? 1 : o2; return t(n2) && t(e2) && t(u2) ? a({ r: Number(n2), g: Number(e2), b: Number(u2), a: Number(i3) }) : null; }, "rgb"], [function(r2) { var n2 = r2.h, e2 = r2.s, u2 = r2.l, a2 = r2.a, o2 = void 0 === a2 ? 1 : a2; if (!t(n2) || !t(e2) || !t(u2)) return null; var i3 = g({ h: Number(n2), s: Number(e2), l: Number(u2), a: Number(o2) }); return f(i3); }, "hsl"], [function(r2) { var n2 = r2.h, a2 = r2.s, o2 = r2.v, i3 = r2.a, s2 = void 0 === i3 ? 1 : i3; if (!t(n2) || !t(a2) || !t(o2)) return null; var h2 = function(r3) { return { h: u(r3.h), s: e(r3.s, 0, 100), v: e(r3.v, 0, 100), a: e(r3.a) }; }({ h: Number(n2), s: Number(a2), v: Number(o2), a: Number(s2) }); return b(h2); }, "hsv"]] }; N = function(r2, t2) { for (var n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++) { var e2 = t2[n2][0](r2); if (e2) return [e2, t2[n2][1]]; } return [null, void 0]; }; x = function(r2) { return "string" == typeof r2 ? N(r2.trim(), y.string) : "object" == typeof r2 && null !== r2 ? N(r2, y.object) : [null, void 0]; }; M = function(r2, t2) { var n2 = c(r2); return { h: n2.h, s: e(n2.s + 100 * t2, 0, 100), l: n2.l, a: n2.a }; }; H = function(r2) { return (299 * r2.r + 587 * r2.g + 114 * r2.b) / 1e3 / 255; }; $ = function(r2, t2) { var n2 = c(r2); return { h: n2.h, s: n2.s, l: e(n2.l + 100 * t2, 0, 100), a: n2.a }; }; j = function() { function r2(r3) { this.parsed = x(r3)[0], this.rgba = this.parsed || { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }; } return r2.prototype.isValid = function() { return null !== this.parsed; }, r2.prototype.brightness = function() { return n(H(this.rgba), 2); }, r2.prototype.isDark = function() { return H(this.rgba) < 0.5; }, r2.prototype.isLight = function() { return H(this.rgba) >= 0.5; }, r2.prototype.toHex = function() { return r3 = o(this.rgba), t2 = r3.r, e2 = r3.g, u2 = r3.b, i3 = (a2 = r3.a) < 1 ? s(n(255 * a2)) : "", "#" + s(t2) + s(e2) + s(u2) + i3; var r3, t2, e2, u2, a2, i3; }, r2.prototype.toRgb = function() { return o(this.rgba); }, r2.prototype.toRgbString = function() { return r3 = o(this.rgba), t2 = r3.r, n2 = r3.g, e2 = r3.b, (u2 = r3.a) < 1 ? "rgba(" + t2 + ", " + n2 + ", " + e2 + ", " + u2 + ")" : "rgb(" + t2 + ", " + n2 + ", " + e2 + ")"; var r3, t2, n2, e2, u2; }, r2.prototype.toHsl = function() { return d(c(this.rgba)); }, r2.prototype.toHslString = function() { return r3 = d(c(this.rgba)), t2 = r3.h, n2 = r3.s, e2 = r3.l, (u2 = r3.a) < 1 ? "hsla(" + t2 + ", " + n2 + "%, " + e2 + "%, " + u2 + ")" : "hsl(" + t2 + ", " + n2 + "%, " + e2 + "%)"; var r3, t2, n2, e2, u2; }, r2.prototype.toHsv = function() { return r3 = h(this.rgba), { h: n(r3.h), s: n(r3.s), v: n(r3.v), a: n(r3.a, 3) }; var r3; }, r2.prototype.invert = function() { return w({ r: 255 - (r3 = this.rgba).r, g: 255 - r3.g, b: 255 - r3.b, a: r3.a }); var r3; }, r2.prototype.saturate = function(r3) { return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = 0.1), w(M(this.rgba, r3)); }, r2.prototype.desaturate = function(r3) { return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = 0.1), w(M(this.rgba, -r3)); }, r2.prototype.grayscale = function() { return w(M(this.rgba, -1)); }, r2.prototype.lighten = function(r3) { return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = 0.1), w($(this.rgba, r3)); }, r2.prototype.darken = function(r3) { return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = 0.1), w($(this.rgba, -r3)); }, r2.prototype.rotate = function(r3) { return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = 15), this.hue(this.hue() + r3); }, r2.prototype.alpha = function(r3) { return "number" == typeof r3 ? w({ r: (t2 = this.rgba).r, g: t2.g, b: t2.b, a: r3 }) : n(this.rgba.a, 3); var t2; }, r2.prototype.hue = function(r3) { var t2 = c(this.rgba); return "number" == typeof r3 ? w({ h: r3, s: t2.s, l: t2.l, a: t2.a }) : n(t2.h); }, r2.prototype.isEqual = function(r3) { return this.toHex() === w(r3).toHex(); }, r2; }(); w = function(r2) { return r2 instanceof j ? r2 : new j(r2); }; S = []; k = function(r2) { r2.forEach(function(r3) { S.indexOf(r3) < 0 && (r3(j, y), S.push(r3)); }); }; } }); // node_modules/@pixi/colord/plugins/names.mjs function names_default(e2, f2) { var a2 = { white: "#ffffff", bisque: "#ffe4c4", blue: "#0000ff", cadetblue: "#5f9ea0", chartreuse: "#7fff00", chocolate: "#d2691e", coral: "#ff7f50", antiquewhite: "#faebd7", aqua: "#00ffff", azure: "#f0ffff", whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5", papayawhip: "#ffefd5", plum: "#dda0dd", blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd", black: "#000000", gold: "#ffd700", goldenrod: "#daa520", gainsboro: "#dcdcdc", cornsilk: "#fff8dc", cornflowerblue: "#6495ed", burlywood: "#deb887", aquamarine: "#7fffd4", beige: "#f5f5dc", crimson: "#dc143c", cyan: "#00ffff", darkblue: "#00008b", darkcyan: "#008b8b", darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b", darkkhaki: "#bdb76b", darkgray: "#a9a9a9", darkgreen: "#006400", darkgrey: "#a9a9a9", peachpuff: "#ffdab9", darkmagenta: "#8b008b", darkred: "#8b0000", darkorchid: "#9932cc", darkorange: "#ff8c00", darkslateblue: "#483d8b", gray: "#808080", darkslategray: "#2f4f4f", darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f", deeppink: "#ff1493", deepskyblue: "#00bfff", wheat: "#f5deb3", firebrick: "#b22222", floralwhite: "#fffaf0", ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff", darkviolet: "#9400d3", magenta: "#ff00ff", green: "#008000", dodgerblue: "#1e90ff", grey: "#808080", honeydew: "#f0fff0", hotpink: "#ff69b4", blueviolet: "#8a2be2", forestgreen: "#228b22", lawngreen: "#7cfc00", indianred: "#cd5c5c", indigo: "#4b0082", fuchsia: "#ff00ff", brown: "#a52a2a", maroon: "#800000", mediumblue: "#0000cd", lightcoral: "#f08080", darkturquoise: "#00ced1", lightcyan: "#e0ffff", ivory: "#fffff0", lightyellow: "#ffffe0", lightsalmon: "#ffa07a", lightseagreen: "#20b2aa", linen: "#faf0e6", mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa", lemonchiffon: "#fffacd", lime: "#00ff00", khaki: "#f0e68c", mediumseagreen: "#3cb371", limegreen: "#32cd32", mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a", lightskyblue: "#87cefa", lightblue: "#add8e6", midnightblue: "#191970", lightpink: "#ffb6c1", mistyrose: "#ffe4e1", moccasin: "#ffe4b5", mintcream: "#f5fffa", lightslategray: "#778899", lightslategrey: "#778899", navajowhite: "#ffdead", navy: "#000080", mediumvioletred: "#c71585", powderblue: "#b0e0e6", palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa", oldlace: "#fdf5e6", paleturquoise: "#afeeee", mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc", mediumorchid: "#ba55d3", rebeccapurple: "#663399", lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de", mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee", thistle: "#d8bfd8", tan: "#d2b48c", orchid: "#da70d6", mediumpurple: "#9370db", purple: "#800080", pink: "#ffc0cb", skyblue: "#87ceeb", springgreen: "#00ff7f", palegreen: "#98fb98", red: "#ff0000", yellow: "#ffff00", slateblue: "#6a5acd", lavenderblush: "#fff0f5", peru: "#cd853f", palevioletred: "#db7093", violet: "#ee82ee", teal: "#008080", slategray: "#708090", slategrey: "#708090", aliceblue: "#f0f8ff", darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f", darkolivegreen: "#556b2f", greenyellow: "#adff2f", seagreen: "#2e8b57", seashell: "#fff5ee", tomato: "#ff6347", silver: "#c0c0c0", sienna: "#a0522d", lavender: "#e6e6fa", lightgreen: "#90ee90", orange: "#ffa500", orangered: "#ff4500", steelblue: "#4682b4", royalblue: "#4169e1", turquoise: "#40e0d0", yellowgreen: "#9acd32", salmon: "#fa8072", saddlebrown: "#8b4513", sandybrown: "#f4a460", rosybrown: "#bc8f8f", darksalmon: "#e9967a", lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2", snow: "#fffafa", lightgrey: "#d3d3d3", lightgray: "#d3d3d3", dimgray: "#696969", dimgrey: "#696969", olivedrab: "#6b8e23", olive: "#808000" }, r2 = {}; for (var d2 in a2) r2[a2[d2]] = d2; var l2 = {}; e2.prototype.toName = function(f3) { if (!(this.rgba.a || this.rgba.r || this.rgba.g || this.rgba.b)) return "transparent"; var d3, i3, n2 = r2[this.toHex()]; if (n2) return n2; if (null == f3 ? void 0 : f3.closest) { var o2 = this.toRgb(), t2 = 1 / 0, b2 = "black"; if (!l2.length) for (var c2 in a2) l2[c2] = new e2(a2[c2]).toRgb(); for (var g2 in a2) { var u2 = (d3 = o2, i3 = l2[g2], Math.pow(d3.r - i3.r, 2) + Math.pow(d3.g - i3.g, 2) + Math.pow(d3.b - i3.b, 2)); u2 < t2 && (t2 = u2, b2 = g2); } return b2; } }; f2.string.push([function(f3) { var r3 = f3.toLowerCase(), d3 = "transparent" === r3 ? "#0000" : a2[r3]; return d3 ? new e2(d3).toRgb() : null; }, "name"]); } var init_names = __esm({ "node_modules/@pixi/colord/plugins/names.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/color/Color.mjs var _Color, Color; var init_Color = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/color/Color.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_colord(); init_names(); k([names_default]); _Color = class _Color2 { /** * @param {ColorSource} value - Optional value to use, if not provided, white is used. */ constructor(value = 16777215) { this._value = null; this._components = new Float32Array(4); this._components.fill(1); this._int = 16777215; this.value = value; } /** Get red component (0 - 1) */ get red() { return this._components[0]; } /** Get green component (0 - 1) */ get green() { return this._components[1]; } /** Get blue component (0 - 1) */ get blue() { return this._components[2]; } /** Get alpha component (0 - 1) */ get alpha() { return this._components[3]; } /** * Set the value, suitable for chaining * @param value * @see Color.value */ setValue(value) { this.value = value; return this; } /** * The current color source. * * When setting: * - Setting to an instance of `Color` will copy its color source and components. * - Otherwise, `Color` will try to normalize the color source and set the components. * If the color source is invalid, an `Error` will be thrown and the `Color` will left unchanged. * * Note: The `null` in the setter's parameter type is added to match the TypeScript rule: return type of getter * must be assignable to its setter's parameter type. Setting `value` to `null` will throw an `Error`. * * When getting: * - A return value of `null` means the previous value was overridden (e.g., {@link Color.multiply multiply}, * {@link Color.premultiply premultiply} or {@link Color.round round}). * - Otherwise, the color source used when setting is returned. */ set value(value) { if (value instanceof _Color2) { this._value = this._cloneSource(value._value); this._int = value._int; this._components.set(value._components); } else if (value === null) { throw new Error("Cannot set Color#value to null"); } else if (this._value === null || !this._isSourceEqual(this._value, value)) { this._value = this._cloneSource(value); this._normalize(this._value); } } get value() { return this._value; } /** * Copy a color source internally. * @param value - Color source */ _cloneSource(value) { if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number" || value instanceof Number || value === null) { return value; } else if (Array.isArray(value) || ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) { return value.slice(0); } else if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) { return { ...value }; } return value; } /** * Equality check for color sources. * @param value1 - First color source * @param value2 - Second color source * @returns `true` if the color sources are equal, `false` otherwise. */ _isSourceEqual(value1, value2) { const type1 = typeof value1; const type2 = typeof value2; if (type1 !== type2) { return false; } else if (type1 === "number" || type1 === "string" || value1 instanceof Number) { return value1 === value2; } else if (Array.isArray(value1) && Array.isArray(value2) || ArrayBuffer.isView(value1) && ArrayBuffer.isView(value2)) { if (value1.length !== value2.length) { return false; } return value1.every((v2, i3) => v2 === value2[i3]); } else if (value1 !== null && value2 !== null) { const keys1 = Object.keys(value1); const keys2 = Object.keys(value2); if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) { return false; } return keys1.every((key) => value1[key] === value2[key]); } return value1 === value2; } /** * Convert to a RGBA color object. * @example * import { Color } from 'pixi.js'; * new Color('white').toRgb(); // returns { r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1 } */ toRgba() { const [r2, g2, b2, a2] = this._components; return { r: r2, g: g2, b: b2, a: a2 }; } /** * Convert to a RGB color object. * @example * import { Color } from 'pixi.js'; * new Color('white').toRgb(); // returns { r: 1, g: 1, b: 1 } */ toRgb() { const [r2, g2, b2] = this._components; return { r: r2, g: g2, b: b2 }; } /** Convert to a CSS-style rgba string: `rgba(255,255,255,1.0)`. */ toRgbaString() { const [r2, g2, b2] = this.toUint8RgbArray(); return `rgba(${r2},${g2},${b2},${this.alpha})`; } toUint8RgbArray(out2) { const [r2, g2, b2] = this._components; if (!this._arrayRgb) { this._arrayRgb = []; } out2 = out2 || this._arrayRgb; out2[0] = Math.round(r2 * 255); out2[1] = Math.round(g2 * 255); out2[2] = Math.round(b2 * 255); return out2; } toArray(out2) { if (!this._arrayRgba) { this._arrayRgba = []; } out2 = out2 || this._arrayRgba; const [r2, g2, b2, a2] = this._components; out2[0] = r2; out2[1] = g2; out2[2] = b2; out2[3] = a2; return out2; } toRgbArray(out2) { if (!this._arrayRgb) { this._arrayRgb = []; } out2 = out2 || this._arrayRgb; const [r2, g2, b2] = this._components; out2[0] = r2; out2[1] = g2; out2[2] = b2; return out2; } /** * Convert to a hexadecimal number. * @example * import { Color } from 'pixi.js'; * new Color('white').toNumber(); // returns 16777215 */ toNumber() { return this._int; } /** * Convert to a BGR number * @example * import { Color } from 'pixi.js'; * new Color(0xffcc99).toBgrNumber(); // returns 0x99ccff */ toBgrNumber() { const [r2, g2, b2] = this.toUint8RgbArray(); return (b2 << 16) + (g2 << 8) + r2; } /** * Convert to a hexadecimal number in little endian format (e.g., BBGGRR). * @example * import { Color } from 'pixi.js'; * new Color(0xffcc99).toLittleEndianNumber(); // returns 0x99ccff * @returns {number} - The color as a number in little endian format. */ toLittleEndianNumber() { const value = this._int; return (value >> 16) + (value & 65280) + ((value & 255) << 16); } /** * Multiply with another color. This action is destructive, and will * override the previous `value` property to be `null`. * @param {ColorSource} value - The color to multiply by. */ multiply(value) { const [r2, g2, b2, a2] = _Color2._temp.setValue(value)._components; this._components[0] *= r2; this._components[1] *= g2; this._components[2] *= b2; this._components[3] *= a2; this._refreshInt(); this._value = null; return this; } /** * Converts color to a premultiplied alpha format. This action is destructive, and will * override the previous `value` property to be `null`. * @param alpha - The alpha to multiply by. * @param {boolean} [applyToRGB=true] - Whether to premultiply RGB channels. * @returns {Color} - Itself. */ premultiply(alpha, applyToRGB = true) { if (applyToRGB) { this._components[0] *= alpha; this._components[1] *= alpha; this._components[2] *= alpha; } this._components[3] = alpha; this._refreshInt(); this._value = null; return this; } /** * Premultiplies alpha with current color. * @param {number} alpha - The alpha to multiply by. * @param {boolean} [applyToRGB=true] - Whether to premultiply RGB channels. * @returns {number} tint multiplied by alpha */ toPremultiplied(alpha, applyToRGB = true) { if (alpha === 1) { return (255 << 24) + this._int; } if (alpha === 0) { return applyToRGB ? 0 : this._int; } let r2 = this._int >> 16 & 255; let g2 = this._int >> 8 & 255; let b2 = this._int & 255; if (applyToRGB) { r2 = r2 * alpha + 0.5 | 0; g2 = g2 * alpha + 0.5 | 0; b2 = b2 * alpha + 0.5 | 0; } return (alpha * 255 << 24) + (r2 << 16) + (g2 << 8) + b2; } /** * Convert to a hexadecimal string. * @example * import { Color } from 'pixi.js'; * new Color('white').toHex(); // returns "#ffffff" */ toHex() { const hexString = this._int.toString(16); return `#${"000000".substring(0, 6 - hexString.length) + hexString}`; } /** * Convert to a hexadecimal string with alpha. * @example * import { Color } from 'pixi.js'; * new Color('white').toHexa(); // returns "#ffffffff" */ toHexa() { const alphaValue = Math.round(this._components[3] * 255); const alphaString = alphaValue.toString(16); return this.toHex() + "00".substring(0, 2 - alphaString.length) + alphaString; } /** * Set alpha, suitable for chaining. * @param alpha */ setAlpha(alpha) { this._components[3] = this._clamp(alpha); return this; } /** * Normalize the input value into rgba * @param value - Input value */ _normalize(value) { let r2; let g2; let b2; let a2; if ((typeof value === "number" || value instanceof Number) && value >= 0 && value <= 16777215) { const int = value; r2 = (int >> 16 & 255) / 255; g2 = (int >> 8 & 255) / 255; b2 = (int & 255) / 255; a2 = 1; } else if ((Array.isArray(value) || value instanceof Float32Array) && value.length >= 3 && value.length <= 4) { value = this._clamp(value); [r2, g2, b2, a2 = 1] = value; } else if ((value instanceof Uint8Array || value instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) && value.length >= 3 && value.length <= 4) { value = this._clamp(value, 0, 255); [r2, g2, b2, a2 = 255] = value; r2 /= 255; g2 /= 255; b2 /= 255; a2 /= 255; } else if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "object") { if (typeof value === "string") { const match = _Color2.HEX_PATTERN.exec(value); if (match) { value = `#${match[2]}`; } } const color = w(value); if (color.isValid()) { ({ r: r2, g: g2, b: b2, a: a2 } = color.rgba); r2 /= 255; g2 /= 255; b2 /= 255; } } if (r2 !== void 0) { this._components[0] = r2; this._components[1] = g2; this._components[2] = b2; this._components[3] = a2; this._refreshInt(); } else { throw new Error(`Unable to convert color ${value}`); } } /** Refresh the internal color rgb number */ _refreshInt() { this._clamp(this._components); const [r2, g2, b2] = this._components; this._int = (r2 * 255 << 16) + (g2 * 255 << 8) + (b2 * 255 | 0); } /** * Clamps values to a range. Will override original values * @param value - Value(s) to clamp * @param min - Minimum value * @param max - Maximum value */ _clamp(value, min = 0, max = 1) { if (typeof value === "number") { return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max); } value.forEach((v2, i3) => { value[i3] = Math.min(Math.max(v2, min), max); }); return value; } /** * Check if the value is a color-like object * @param value - Value to check * @returns True if the value is a color-like object * @static * @example * import { Color } from 'pixi.js'; * Color.isColorLike('white'); // returns true * Color.isColorLike(0xffffff); // returns true * Color.isColorLike([1, 1, 1]); // returns true */ static isColorLike(value) { return typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "string" || value instanceof Number || value instanceof _Color2 || Array.isArray(value) || value instanceof Uint8Array || value instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || value instanceof Float32Array || value.r !== void 0 && value.g !== void 0 && value.b !== void 0 || value.r !== void 0 && value.g !== void 0 && value.b !== void 0 && value.a !== void 0 || value.h !== void 0 && value.s !== void 0 && value.l !== void 0 || value.h !== void 0 && value.s !== void 0 && value.l !== void 0 && value.a !== void 0 || value.h !== void 0 && value.s !== void 0 && value.v !== void 0 || value.h !== void 0 && value.s !== void 0 && value.v !== void 0 && value.a !== void 0; } }; _Color.shared = new _Color(); _Color._temp = new _Color(); _Color.HEX_PATTERN = /^(#|0x)?(([a-f0-9]{3}){1,2}([a-f0-9]{2})?)$/i; Color = _Color; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/culling/cullingMixin.mjs var cullingMixin; var init_cullingMixin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/culling/cullingMixin.mjs"() { "use strict"; cullingMixin = { cullArea: null, cullable: false, cullableChildren: true }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/misc/const.mjs var PI_2, RAD_TO_DEG, DEG_TO_RAD; var init_const = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/misc/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; PI_2 = Math.PI * 2; RAD_TO_DEG = 180 / Math.PI; DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/point/Point.mjs var Point, tempPoint; var init_Point = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/point/Point.mjs"() { "use strict"; Point = class _Point { /** * Creates a new `Point` * @param {number} [x=0] - position of the point on the x axis * @param {number} [y=0] - position of the point on the y axis */ constructor(x2 = 0, y2 = 0) { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.x = x2; this.y = y2; } /** * Creates a clone of this point * @returns A clone of this point */ clone() { return new _Point(this.x, this.y); } /** * Copies `x` and `y` from the given point into this point * @param p - The point to copy from * @returns The point instance itself */ copyFrom(p2) { this.set(p2.x, p2.y); return this; } /** * Copies this point's x and y into the given point (`p`). * @param p - The point to copy to. Can be any of type that is or extends `PointData` * @returns The point (`p`) with values updated */ copyTo(p2) { p2.set(this.x, this.y); return p2; } /** * Accepts another point (`p`) and returns `true` if the given point is equal to this point * @param p - The point to check * @returns Returns `true` if both `x` and `y` are equal */ equals(p2) { return p2.x === this.x && p2.y === this.y; } /** * Sets the point to a new `x` and `y` position. * If `y` is omitted, both `x` and `y` will be set to `x`. * @param {number} [x=0] - position of the point on the `x` axis * @param {number} [y=x] - position of the point on the `y` axis * @returns The point instance itself */ set(x2 = 0, y2 = x2) { this.x = x2; this.y = y2; return this; } toString() { return `[pixi.js/math:Point x=${this.x} y=${this.y}]`; } /** * A static Point object with `x` and `y` values of `0`. Can be used to avoid creating new objects multiple times. * @readonly */ static get shared() { tempPoint.x = 0; tempPoint.y = 0; return tempPoint; } }; tempPoint = new Point(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/matrix/Matrix.mjs var Matrix, tempMatrix, identityMatrix; var init_Matrix = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/matrix/Matrix.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const(); init_Point(); Matrix = class _Matrix { /** * @param a - x scale * @param b - y skew * @param c - x skew * @param d - y scale * @param tx - x translation * @param ty - y translation */ constructor(a2 = 1, b2 = 0, c2 = 0, d2 = 1, tx = 0, ty = 0) { this.array = null; this.a = a2; this.b = b2; this.c = c2; this.d = d2; this.tx = tx; this.ty = ty; } /** * Creates a Matrix object based on the given array. The Element to Matrix mapping order is as follows: * * a = array[0] * b = array[1] * c = array[3] * d = array[4] * tx = array[2] * ty = array[5] * @param array - The array that the matrix will be populated from. */ fromArray(array) { this.a = array[0]; this.b = array[1]; this.c = array[3]; this.d = array[4]; this.tx = array[2]; this.ty = array[5]; } /** * Sets the matrix properties. * @param a - Matrix component * @param b - Matrix component * @param c - Matrix component * @param d - Matrix component * @param tx - Matrix component * @param ty - Matrix component * @returns This matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ set(a2, b2, c2, d2, tx, ty) { this.a = a2; this.b = b2; this.c = c2; this.d = d2; this.tx = tx; this.ty = ty; return this; } /** * Creates an array from the current Matrix object. * @param transpose - Whether we need to transpose the matrix or not * @param [out=new Float32Array(9)] - If provided the array will be assigned to out * @returns The newly created array which contains the matrix */ toArray(transpose, out2) { if (!this.array) { this.array = new Float32Array(9); } const array = out2 || this.array; if (transpose) { array[0] = this.a; array[1] = this.b; array[2] = 0; array[3] = this.c; array[4] = this.d; array[5] = 0; array[6] = this.tx; array[7] = this.ty; array[8] = 1; } else { array[0] = this.a; array[1] = this.c; array[2] = this.tx; array[3] = this.b; array[4] = this.d; array[5] = this.ty; array[6] = 0; array[7] = 0; array[8] = 1; } return array; } /** * Get a new position with the current transformation applied. * Can be used to go from a child's coordinate space to the world coordinate space. (e.g. rendering) * @param pos - The origin * @param {Point} [newPos] - The point that the new position is assigned to (allowed to be same as input) * @returns {Point} The new point, transformed through this matrix */ apply(pos, newPos) { newPos = newPos || new Point(); const x2 = pos.x; const y2 = pos.y; newPos.x = this.a * x2 + this.c * y2 + this.tx; newPos.y = this.b * x2 + this.d * y2 + this.ty; return newPos; } /** * Get a new position with the inverse of the current transformation applied. * Can be used to go from the world coordinate space to a child's coordinate space. (e.g. input) * @param pos - The origin * @param {Point} [newPos] - The point that the new position is assigned to (allowed to be same as input) * @returns {Point} The new point, inverse-transformed through this matrix */ applyInverse(pos, newPos) { newPos = newPos || new Point(); const a2 = this.a; const b2 = this.b; const c2 = this.c; const d2 = this.d; const tx = this.tx; const ty = this.ty; const id3 = 1 / (a2 * d2 + c2 * -b2); const x2 = pos.x; const y2 = pos.y; newPos.x = d2 * id3 * x2 + -c2 * id3 * y2 + (ty * c2 - tx * d2) * id3; newPos.y = a2 * id3 * y2 + -b2 * id3 * x2 + (-ty * a2 + tx * b2) * id3; return newPos; } /** * Translates the matrix on the x and y. * @param x - How much to translate x by * @param y - How much to translate y by * @returns This matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ translate(x2, y2) { this.tx += x2; this.ty += y2; return this; } /** * Applies a scale transformation to the matrix. * @param x - The amount to scale horizontally * @param y - The amount to scale vertically * @returns This matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ scale(x2, y2) { this.a *= x2; this.d *= y2; this.c *= x2; this.b *= y2; this.tx *= x2; this.ty *= y2; return this; } /** * Applies a rotation transformation to the matrix. * @param angle - The angle in radians. * @returns This matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ rotate(angle) { const cos = Math.cos(angle); const sin = Math.sin(angle); const a1 = this.a; const c1 = this.c; const tx1 = this.tx; this.a = a1 * cos - this.b * sin; this.b = a1 * sin + this.b * cos; this.c = c1 * cos - this.d * sin; this.d = c1 * sin + this.d * cos; this.tx = tx1 * cos - this.ty * sin; this.ty = tx1 * sin + this.ty * cos; return this; } /** * Appends the given Matrix to this Matrix. * @param matrix - The matrix to append. * @returns This matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ append(matrix) { const a1 = this.a; const b1 = this.b; const c1 = this.c; const d1 = this.d; this.a = matrix.a * a1 + matrix.b * c1; this.b = matrix.a * b1 + matrix.b * d1; this.c = matrix.c * a1 + matrix.d * c1; this.d = matrix.c * b1 + matrix.d * d1; this.tx = matrix.tx * a1 + matrix.ty * c1 + this.tx; this.ty = matrix.tx * b1 + matrix.ty * d1 + this.ty; return this; } /** * Appends two matrix's and sets the result to this matrix. AB = A * B * @param a - The matrix to append. * @param b - The matrix to append. * @returns This matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ appendFrom(a2, b2) { const a1 = a2.a; const b1 = a2.b; const c1 = a2.c; const d1 = a2.d; const tx = a2.tx; const ty = a2.ty; const a22 = b2.a; const b22 = b2.b; const c2 = b2.c; const d2 = b2.d; this.a = a1 * a22 + b1 * c2; this.b = a1 * b22 + b1 * d2; this.c = c1 * a22 + d1 * c2; this.d = c1 * b22 + d1 * d2; this.tx = tx * a22 + ty * c2 + b2.tx; this.ty = tx * b22 + ty * d2 + b2.ty; return this; } /** * Sets the matrix based on all the available properties * @param x - Position on the x axis * @param y - Position on the y axis * @param pivotX - Pivot on the x axis * @param pivotY - Pivot on the y axis * @param scaleX - Scale on the x axis * @param scaleY - Scale on the y axis * @param rotation - Rotation in radians * @param skewX - Skew on the x axis * @param skewY - Skew on the y axis * @returns This matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ setTransform(x2, y2, pivotX, pivotY, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, skewX, skewY) { this.a = Math.cos(rotation + skewY) * scaleX; this.b = Math.sin(rotation + skewY) * scaleX; this.c = -Math.sin(rotation - skewX) * scaleY; this.d = Math.cos(rotation - skewX) * scaleY; this.tx = x2 - (pivotX * this.a + pivotY * this.c); this.ty = y2 - (pivotX * this.b + pivotY * this.d); return this; } /** * Prepends the given Matrix to this Matrix. * @param matrix - The matrix to prepend * @returns This matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ prepend(matrix) { const tx1 = this.tx; if (matrix.a !== 1 || matrix.b !== 0 || matrix.c !== 0 || matrix.d !== 1) { const a1 = this.a; const c1 = this.c; this.a = a1 * matrix.a + this.b * matrix.c; this.b = a1 * matrix.b + this.b * matrix.d; this.c = c1 * matrix.a + this.d * matrix.c; this.d = c1 * matrix.b + this.d * matrix.d; } this.tx = tx1 * matrix.a + this.ty * matrix.c + matrix.tx; this.ty = tx1 * matrix.b + this.ty * matrix.d + matrix.ty; return this; } /** * Decomposes the matrix (x, y, scaleX, scaleY, and rotation) and sets the properties on to a transform. * @param transform - The transform to apply the properties to. * @returns The transform with the newly applied properties */ decompose(transform2) { const a2 = this.a; const b2 = this.b; const c2 = this.c; const d2 = this.d; const pivot = transform2.pivot; const skewX = -Math.atan2(-c2, d2); const skewY = Math.atan2(b2, a2); const delta = Math.abs(skewX + skewY); if (delta < 1e-5 || Math.abs(PI_2 - delta) < 1e-5) { transform2.rotation = skewY; transform2.skew.x = transform2.skew.y = 0; } else { transform2.rotation = 0; transform2.skew.x = skewX; transform2.skew.y = skewY; } transform2.scale.x = Math.sqrt(a2 * a2 + b2 * b2); transform2.scale.y = Math.sqrt(c2 * c2 + d2 * d2); transform2.position.x = this.tx + (pivot.x * a2 + pivot.y * c2); transform2.position.y = this.ty + (pivot.x * b2 + pivot.y * d2); return transform2; } /** * Inverts this matrix * @returns This matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ invert() { const a1 = this.a; const b1 = this.b; const c1 = this.c; const d1 = this.d; const tx1 = this.tx; const n2 = a1 * d1 - b1 * c1; this.a = d1 / n2; this.b = -b1 / n2; this.c = -c1 / n2; this.d = a1 / n2; this.tx = (c1 * this.ty - d1 * tx1) / n2; this.ty = -(a1 * this.ty - b1 * tx1) / n2; return this; } /** Checks if this matrix is an identity matrix */ isIdentity() { return this.a === 1 && this.b === 0 && this.c === 0 && this.d === 1 && this.tx === 0 && this.ty === 0; } /** * Resets this Matrix to an identity (default) matrix. * @returns This matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ identity() { this.a = 1; this.b = 0; this.c = 0; this.d = 1; this.tx = 0; this.ty = 0; return this; } /** * Creates a new Matrix object with the same values as this one. * @returns A copy of this matrix. Good for chaining method calls. */ clone() { const matrix = new _Matrix(); matrix.a = this.a; matrix.b = this.b; matrix.c = this.c; matrix.d = this.d; matrix.tx = this.tx; matrix.ty = this.ty; return matrix; } /** * Changes the values of the given matrix to be the same as the ones in this matrix * @param matrix - The matrix to copy to. * @returns The matrix given in parameter with its values updated. */ copyTo(matrix) { matrix.a = this.a; matrix.b = this.b; matrix.c = this.c; matrix.d = this.d; matrix.tx = this.tx; matrix.ty = this.ty; return matrix; } /** * Changes the values of the matrix to be the same as the ones in given matrix * @param matrix - The matrix to copy from. * @returns this */ copyFrom(matrix) { this.a = matrix.a; this.b = matrix.b; this.c = matrix.c; this.d = matrix.d; this.tx = matrix.tx; this.ty = matrix.ty; return this; } /** * check to see if two matrices are the same * @param matrix - The matrix to compare to. */ equals(matrix) { return matrix.a === this.a && matrix.b === this.b && matrix.c === this.c && matrix.d === this.d && matrix.tx === this.tx && matrix.ty === this.ty; } toString() { return `[pixi.js:Matrix a=${this.a} b=${this.b} c=${this.c} d=${this.d} tx=${this.tx} ty=${this.ty}]`; } /** * A default (identity) matrix. * * This is a shared object, if you want to modify it consider creating a new `Matrix` * @readonly */ static get IDENTITY() { return identityMatrix.identity(); } /** * A static Matrix that can be used to avoid creating new objects. * Will always ensure the matrix is reset to identity when requested. * Use this object for fast but temporary calculations, as it may be mutated later on. * This is a different object to the `IDENTITY` object and so can be modified without changing `IDENTITY`. * @readonly */ static get shared() { return tempMatrix.identity(); } }; tempMatrix = new Matrix(); identityMatrix = new Matrix(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/point/ObservablePoint.mjs var ObservablePoint; var init_ObservablePoint = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/point/ObservablePoint.mjs"() { "use strict"; ObservablePoint = class _ObservablePoint { /** * Creates a new `ObservablePoint` * @param observer - Observer to pass to listen for change events. * @param {number} [x=0] - position of the point on the x axis * @param {number} [y=0] - position of the point on the y axis */ constructor(observer, x2, y2) { this._x = x2 || 0; this._y = y2 || 0; this._observer = observer; } /** * Creates a clone of this point. * @param observer - Optional observer to pass to the new observable point. * @returns a copy of this observable point */ clone(observer) { return new _ObservablePoint(observer ?? this._observer, this._x, this._y); } /** * Sets the point to a new `x` and `y` position. * If `y` is omitted, both `x` and `y` will be set to `x`. * @param {number} [x=0] - position of the point on the x axis * @param {number} [y=x] - position of the point on the y axis * @returns The observable point instance itself */ set(x2 = 0, y2 = x2) { if (this._x !== x2 || this._y !== y2) { this._x = x2; this._y = y2; this._observer._onUpdate(this); } return this; } /** * Copies x and y from the given point (`p`) * @param p - The point to copy from. Can be any of type that is or extends `PointData` * @returns The observable point instance itself */ copyFrom(p2) { if (this._x !== p2.x || this._y !== p2.y) { this._x = p2.x; this._y = p2.y; this._observer._onUpdate(this); } return this; } /** * Copies this point's x and y into that of the given point (`p`) * @param p - The point to copy to. Can be any of type that is or extends `PointData` * @returns The point (`p`) with values updated */ copyTo(p2) { p2.set(this._x, this._y); return p2; } /** * Accepts another point (`p`) and returns `true` if the given point is equal to this point * @param p - The point to check * @returns Returns `true` if both `x` and `y` are equal */ equals(p2) { return p2.x === this._x && p2.y === this._y; } toString() { return `[pixi.js/math:ObservablePoint x=${0} y=${0} scope=${this._observer}]`; } /** Position of the observable point on the x axis. */ get x() { return this._x; } set x(value) { if (this._x !== value) { this._x = value; this._observer._onUpdate(this); } } /** Position of the observable point on the y axis. */ get y() { return this._y; } set y(value) { if (this._y !== value) { this._y = value; this._observer._onUpdate(this); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/data/uid.mjs function uid(name = "default") { if (uidCache[name] === void 0) { uidCache[name] = -1; } return ++uidCache[name]; } function resetUids() { for (const key in uidCache) { delete uidCache[key]; } } var uidCache; var init_uid = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/data/uid.mjs"() { "use strict"; uidCache = { default: -1 }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/logging/deprecation.mjs function deprecation(version2, message, ignoreDepth = 3) { if (warnings[message]) { return; } let stack = new Error().stack; if (typeof stack === "undefined") { console.warn("PixiJS Deprecation Warning: ", `${message} Deprecated since v${version2}`); } else { stack = stack.split("\n").splice(ignoreDepth).join("\n"); if (console.groupCollapsed) { console.groupCollapsed( "%cPixiJS Deprecation Warning: %c%s", "color:#614108;background:#fffbe6", "font-weight:normal;color:#614108;background:#fffbe6", `${message} Deprecated since v${version2}` ); console.warn(stack); console.groupEnd(); } else { console.warn("PixiJS Deprecation Warning: ", `${message} Deprecated since v${version2}`); console.warn(stack); } } warnings[message] = true; } var warnings, v8_0_0, v8_3_4; var init_deprecation = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/logging/deprecation.mjs"() { "use strict"; warnings = {}; v8_0_0 = "8.0.0"; v8_3_4 = "8.3.4"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/pool/Pool.mjs var Pool; var init_Pool = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/pool/Pool.mjs"() { "use strict"; Pool = class { /** * Constructs a new Pool. * @param ClassType - The constructor of the items in the pool. * @param {number} [initialSize] - The initial size of the pool. */ constructor(ClassType, initialSize) { this._pool = []; this._count = 0; this._index = 0; this._classType = ClassType; if (initialSize) { this.prepopulate(initialSize); } } /** * Prepopulates the pool with a given number of items. * @param total - The number of items to add to the pool. */ prepopulate(total) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < total; i3++) { this._pool[this._index++] = new this._classType(); } this._count += total; } /** * Gets an item from the pool. Calls the item's `init` method if it exists. * If there are no items left in the pool, a new one will be created. * @param {unknown} [data] - Optional data to pass to the item's constructor. * @returns {T} The item from the pool. */ get(data) { let item; if (this._index > 0) { item = this._pool[--this._index]; } else { item = new this._classType(); } item.init?.(data); return item; } /** * Returns an item to the pool. Calls the item's `reset` method if it exists. * @param {T} item - The item to return to the pool. */ return(item) { item.reset?.(); this._pool[this._index++] = item; } /** * Gets the number of items in the pool. * @readonly * @member {number} */ get totalSize() { return this._count; } /** * Gets the number of items in the pool that are free to use without needing to create more. * @readonly * @member {number} */ get totalFree() { return this._index; } /** * Gets the number of items in the pool that are currently in use. * @readonly * @member {number} */ get totalUsed() { return this._count - this._index; } /** clears the pool - mainly used for debugging! */ clear() { this._pool.length = 0; this._index = 0; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/pool/PoolGroup.mjs var PoolGroupClass, BigPool; var init_PoolGroup = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/pool/PoolGroup.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Pool(); PoolGroupClass = class { constructor() { this._poolsByClass = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } /** * Prepopulates a specific pool with a given number of items. * @template T The type of items in the pool. Must extend PoolItem. * @param {PoolItemConstructor} Class - The constructor of the items in the pool. * @param {number} total - The number of items to add to the pool. */ prepopulate(Class, total) { const classPool = this.getPool(Class); classPool.prepopulate(total); } /** * Gets an item from a specific pool. * @template T The type of items in the pool. Must extend PoolItem. * @param {PoolItemConstructor} Class - The constructor of the items in the pool. * @param {unknown} [data] - Optional data to pass to the item's constructor. * @returns {T} The item from the pool. */ get(Class, data) { const pool = this.getPool(Class); return pool.get(data); } /** * Returns an item to its respective pool. * @param {PoolItem} item - The item to return to the pool. */ return(item) { const pool = this.getPool(item.constructor); pool.return(item); } /** * Gets a specific pool based on the class type. * @template T The type of items in the pool. Must extend PoolItem. * @param {PoolItemConstructor} ClassType - The constructor of the items in the pool. * @returns {Pool} The pool of the given class type. */ getPool(ClassType) { if (!this._poolsByClass.has(ClassType)) { this._poolsByClass.set(ClassType, new Pool(ClassType)); } return this._poolsByClass.get(ClassType); } /** gets the usage stats of each pool in the system */ stats() { const stats = {}; this._poolsByClass.forEach((pool) => { const name = stats[pool._classType.name] ? pool._classType.name + pool._classType.ID : pool._classType.name; stats[name] = { free: pool.totalFree, used: pool.totalUsed, size: pool.totalSize }; }); return stats; } }; BigPool = new PoolGroupClass(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/data/removeItems.mjs function removeItems(arr, startIdx, removeCount) { const length = arr.length; let i3; if (startIdx >= length || removeCount === 0) { return; } removeCount = startIdx + removeCount > length ? length - startIdx : removeCount; const len = length - removeCount; for (i3 = startIdx; i3 < len; ++i3) { arr[i3] = arr[i3 + removeCount]; } arr.length = len; } var init_removeItems = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/data/removeItems.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/childrenHelperMixin.mjs var childrenHelperMixin; var init_childrenHelperMixin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/childrenHelperMixin.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_removeItems(); init_deprecation(); childrenHelperMixin = { allowChildren: true, /** * Removes all children from this container that are within the begin and end indexes. * @param beginIndex - The beginning position. * @param endIndex - The ending position. Default value is size of the container. * @returns - List of removed children * @memberof scene.Container# */ removeChildren(beginIndex = 0, endIndex) { const end = endIndex ?? this.children.length; const range = end - beginIndex; const removed = []; if (range > 0 && range <= end) { for (let i3 = end - 1; i3 >= beginIndex; i3--) { const child = this.children[i3]; if (!child) continue; removed.push(child); child.parent = null; } removeItems(this.children, beginIndex, end); const renderGroup = this.renderGroup || this.parentRenderGroup; if (renderGroup) { renderGroup.removeChildren(removed); } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < removed.length; ++i3) { this.emit("childRemoved", removed[i3], this, i3); removed[i3].emit("removed", this); } return removed; } else if (range === 0 && this.children.length === 0) { return removed; } throw new RangeError("removeChildren: numeric values are outside the acceptable range."); }, /** * Removes a child from the specified index position. * @param index - The index to get the child from * @returns The child that was removed. * @memberof scene.Container# */ removeChildAt(index) { const child = this.getChildAt(index); return this.removeChild(child); }, /** * Returns the child at the specified index * @param index - The index to get the child at * @returns - The child at the given index, if any. * @memberof scene.Container# */ getChildAt(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.children.length) { throw new Error(`getChildAt: Index (${index}) does not exist.`); } return this.children[index]; }, /** * Changes the position of an existing child in the container container * @param child - The child Container instance for which you want to change the index number * @param index - The resulting index number for the child container * @memberof scene.Container# */ setChildIndex(child, index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.children.length) { throw new Error(`The index ${index} supplied is out of bounds ${this.children.length}`); } this.getChildIndex(child); this.addChildAt(child, index); }, /** * Returns the index position of a child Container instance * @param child - The Container instance to identify * @returns - The index position of the child container to identify * @memberof scene.Container# */ getChildIndex(child) { const index = this.children.indexOf(child); if (index === -1) { throw new Error("The supplied Container must be a child of the caller"); } return index; }, /** * Adds a child to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown. * If the child is already in this container, it will be moved to the specified index. * @param {Container} child - The child to add. * @param {number} index - The absolute index where the child will be positioned at the end of the operation. * @returns {Container} The child that was added. * @memberof scene.Container# */ addChildAt(child, index) { if (!this.allowChildren) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "addChildAt: Only Containers will be allowed to add children in v8.0.0"); } const { children } = this; if (index < 0 || index > children.length) { throw new Error(`${child}addChildAt: The index ${index} supplied is out of bounds ${children.length}`); } if (child.parent) { const currentIndex = child.parent.children.indexOf(child); if (child.parent === this && currentIndex === index) { return child; } if (currentIndex !== -1) { child.parent.children.splice(currentIndex, 1); } } if (index === children.length) { children.push(child); } else { children.splice(index, 0, child); } child.parent = this; child.didChange = true; child._updateFlags = 15; const renderGroup = this.renderGroup || this.parentRenderGroup; if (renderGroup) { renderGroup.addChild(child); } if (this.sortableChildren) this.sortDirty = true; this.emit("childAdded", child, this, index); child.emit("added", this); return child; }, /** * Swaps the position of 2 Containers within this container. * @param child - First container to swap * @param child2 - Second container to swap * @memberof scene.Container# */ swapChildren(child, child2) { if (child === child2) { return; } const index1 = this.getChildIndex(child); const index2 = this.getChildIndex(child2); this.children[index1] = child2; this.children[index2] = child; const renderGroup = this.renderGroup || this.parentRenderGroup; if (renderGroup) { renderGroup.structureDidChange = true; } this._didContainerChangeTick++; }, /** * Remove the Container from its parent Container. If the Container has no parent, do nothing. * @memberof scene.Container# */ removeFromParent() { this.parent?.removeChild(this); }, /** * Reparent the child to this container, keeping the same worldTransform. * @param child - The child to reparent * @returns The first child that was reparented. * @memberof scene.Container# */ reparentChild(...child) { if (child.length === 1) { return this.reparentChildAt(child[0], this.children.length); } child.forEach((c2) => this.reparentChildAt(c2, this.children.length)); return child[0]; }, /** * Reparent the child to this container at the specified index, keeping the same worldTransform. * @param child - The child to reparent * @param index - The index to reparent the child to * @memberof scene.Container# */ reparentChildAt(child, index) { if (child.parent === this) { this.setChildIndex(child, index); return child; } const childMat = child.worldTransform.clone(); child.removeFromParent(); this.addChildAt(child, index); const newMatrix = this.worldTransform.clone(); newMatrix.invert(); childMat.prepend(newMatrix); child.setFromMatrix(childMat); return child; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/FilterEffect.mjs var FilterEffect; var init_FilterEffect = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/FilterEffect.mjs"() { "use strict"; FilterEffect = class { constructor() { this.pipe = "filter"; this.priority = 1; } destroy() { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.filters.length; i3++) { this.filters[i3].destroy(); } this.filters = null; this.filterArea = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/MaskEffectManager.mjs var MaskEffectManagerClass, MaskEffectManager; var init_MaskEffectManager = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/MaskEffectManager.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_PoolGroup(); MaskEffectManagerClass = class { constructor() { this._effectClasses = []; this._tests = []; this._initialized = false; } init() { if (this._initialized) return; this._initialized = true; this._effectClasses.forEach((test) => { this.add({ test: test.test, maskClass: test }); }); } add(test) { this._tests.push(test); } getMaskEffect(item) { if (!this._initialized) this.init(); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._tests.length; i3++) { const test = this._tests[i3]; if (test.test(item)) { return BigPool.get(test.maskClass, item); } } return item; } returnMaskEffect(effect) { BigPool.return(effect); } }; MaskEffectManager = new MaskEffectManagerClass(); extensions.handleByList(ExtensionType.MaskEffect, MaskEffectManager._effectClasses); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/effectsMixin.mjs var effectsMixin; var init_effectsMixin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/effectsMixin.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_FilterEffect(); init_MaskEffectManager(); effectsMixin = { _maskEffect: null, _maskOptions: { inverse: false }, _filterEffect: null, /** * @todo Needs docs. * @memberof scene.Container# * @type {Array} */ effects: [], /** * @todo Needs docs. * @param effect - The effect to add. * @memberof scene.Container# * @ignore */ addEffect(effect) { const index = this.effects.indexOf(effect); if (index !== -1) return; this.effects.push(effect); this.effects.sort((a2, b2) => a2.priority - b2.priority); const renderGroup = this.renderGroup || this.parentRenderGroup; if (renderGroup) { renderGroup.structureDidChange = true; } this._updateIsSimple(); }, /** * @todo Needs docs. * @param effect - The effect to remove. * @memberof scene.Container# * @ignore */ removeEffect(effect) { const index = this.effects.indexOf(effect); if (index === -1) return; this.effects.splice(index, 1); if (this.parentRenderGroup) { this.parentRenderGroup.structureDidChange = true; } this._updateIsSimple(); }, set mask(value) { const effect = this._maskEffect; if (effect?.mask === value) return; if (effect) { this.removeEffect(effect); MaskEffectManager.returnMaskEffect(effect); this._maskEffect = null; } if (value === null || value === void 0) return; this._maskEffect = MaskEffectManager.getMaskEffect(value); this.addEffect(this._maskEffect); }, /** * Used to set mask and control mask options. * @param options * @example * import { Graphics, Sprite } from 'pixi.js'; * * const graphics = new Graphics(); * graphics.beginFill(0xFF3300); * graphics.drawRect(50, 250, 100, 100); * graphics.endFill(); * * const sprite = new Sprite(texture); * sprite.setMask({ * mask: graphics, * inverse: true, * }); * @memberof scene.Container# */ setMask(options) { this._maskOptions = { ...this._maskOptions, ...options }; if (options.mask) { this.mask = options.mask; } }, /** * Sets a mask for the displayObject. A mask is an object that limits the visibility of an * object to the shape of the mask applied to it. In PixiJS a regular mask must be a * {@link Graphics} or a {@link Sprite} object. This allows for much faster masking in canvas as it * utilities shape clipping. Furthermore, a mask of an object must be in the subtree of its parent. * Otherwise, `getLocalBounds` may calculate incorrect bounds, which makes the container's width and height wrong. * To remove a mask, set this property to `null`. * * For sprite mask both alpha and red channel are used. Black mask is the same as transparent mask. * @example * import { Graphics, Sprite } from 'pixi.js'; * * const graphics = new Graphics(); * graphics.beginFill(0xFF3300); * graphics.drawRect(50, 250, 100, 100); * graphics.endFill(); * * const sprite = new Sprite(texture); * sprite.mask = graphics; * @memberof scene.Container# */ get mask() { return this._maskEffect?.mask; }, set filters(value) { if (!Array.isArray(value) && value) value = [value]; const effect = this._filterEffect || (this._filterEffect = new FilterEffect()); value = value; const hasFilters = value?.length > 0; const hadFilters = effect.filters?.length > 0; const didChange = hasFilters !== hadFilters; value = Array.isArray(value) ? value.slice(0) : value; effect.filters = Object.freeze(value); if (didChange) { if (hasFilters) { this.addEffect(effect); } else { this.removeEffect(effect); effect.filters = value ?? null; } } }, /** * Sets the filters for the displayObject. * IMPORTANT: This is a WebGL only feature and will be ignored by the canvas renderer. * To remove filters simply set this property to `'null'`. * @memberof scene.Container# */ get filters() { return this._filterEffect?.filters; }, set filterArea(value) { this._filterEffect || (this._filterEffect = new FilterEffect()); this._filterEffect.filterArea = value; }, /** * The area the filter is applied to. This is used as more of an optimization * rather than figuring out the dimensions of the displayObject each frame you can set this rectangle. * * Also works as an interaction mask. * @memberof scene.Container# */ get filterArea() { return this._filterEffect?.filterArea; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/findMixin.mjs var findMixin; var init_findMixin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/findMixin.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_deprecation(); findMixin = { /** * The instance label of the object. * @memberof scene.Container# * @member {string} label */ label: null, /** * The instance name of the object. * @deprecated since 8.0.0 * @see scene.Container#label * @member {string} name * @memberof scene.Container# */ get name() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Container.name property has been removed, use Container.label instead"); return this.label; }, set name(value) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Container.name property has been removed, use Container.label instead"); this.label = value; }, /** * @method getChildByName * @deprecated since 8.0.0 * @param {string} name - Instance name. * @param {boolean}[deep=false] - Whether to search recursively * @returns {Container} The child with the specified name. * @see scene.Container#getChildByLabel * @memberof scene.Container# */ getChildByName(name, deep = false) { return this.getChildByLabel(name, deep); }, /** * Returns the first child in the container with the specified label. * * Recursive searches are done in a pre-order traversal. * @memberof scene.Container# * @param {string|RegExp} label - Instance label. * @param {boolean}[deep=false] - Whether to search recursively * @returns {Container} The child with the specified label. */ getChildByLabel(label, deep = false) { const children = this.children; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { const child = children[i3]; if (child.label === label || label instanceof RegExp && label.test(child.label)) return child; } if (deep) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { const child = children[i3]; const found = child.getChildByLabel(label, true); if (found) { return found; } } } return null; }, /** * Returns all children in the container with the specified label. * @memberof scene.Container# * @param {string|RegExp} label - Instance label. * @param {boolean}[deep=false] - Whether to search recursively * @param {Container[]} [out=[]] - The array to store matching children in. * @returns {Container[]} An array of children with the specified label. */ getChildrenByLabel(label, deep = false, out2 = []) { const children = this.children; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { const child = children[i3]; if (child.label === label || label instanceof RegExp && label.test(child.label)) { out2.push(child); } } if (deep) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { children[i3].getChildrenByLabel(label, true, out2); } } return out2; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/Rectangle.mjs var tempPoints, Rectangle; var init_Rectangle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/Rectangle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Point(); tempPoints = [new Point(), new Point(), new Point(), new Point()]; Rectangle = class _Rectangle { /** * @param x - The X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle * @param y - The Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle * @param width - The overall width of the rectangle * @param height - The overall height of the rectangle */ constructor(x2 = 0, y2 = 0, width = 0, height = 0) { this.type = "rectangle"; this.x = Number(x2); this.y = Number(y2); this.width = Number(width); this.height = Number(height); } /** Returns the left edge of the rectangle. */ get left() { return this.x; } /** Returns the right edge of the rectangle. */ get right() { return this.x + this.width; } /** Returns the top edge of the rectangle. */ get top() { return this.y; } /** Returns the bottom edge of the rectangle. */ get bottom() { return this.y + this.height; } /** Determines whether the Rectangle is empty. */ isEmpty() { return this.left === this.right || this.top === this.bottom; } /** A constant empty rectangle. This is a new object every time the property is accessed */ static get EMPTY() { return new _Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); } /** * Creates a clone of this Rectangle * @returns a copy of the rectangle */ clone() { return new _Rectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); } /** * Converts a Bounds object to a Rectangle object. * @param bounds - The bounds to copy and convert to a rectangle. * @returns Returns itself. */ copyFromBounds(bounds) { this.x = bounds.minX; this.y = bounds.minY; this.width = bounds.maxX - bounds.minX; this.height = bounds.maxY - bounds.minY; return this; } /** * Copies another rectangle to this one. * @param rectangle - The rectangle to copy from. * @returns Returns itself. */ copyFrom(rectangle) { this.x = rectangle.x; this.y = rectangle.y; this.width = rectangle.width; this.height = rectangle.height; return this; } /** * Copies this rectangle to another one. * @param rectangle - The rectangle to copy to. * @returns Returns given parameter. */ copyTo(rectangle) { rectangle.copyFrom(this); return rectangle; } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this Rectangle * @param x - The X coordinate of the point to test * @param y - The Y coordinate of the point to test * @returns Whether the x/y coordinates are within this Rectangle */ contains(x2, y2) { if (this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0) { return false; } if (x2 >= this.x && x2 < this.x + this.width) { if (y2 >= this.y && y2 < this.y + this.height) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this rectangle including the stroke. * @param x - The X coordinate of the point to test * @param y - The Y coordinate of the point to test * @param strokeWidth - The width of the line to check * @returns Whether the x/y coordinates are within this rectangle */ strokeContains(x2, y2, strokeWidth) { const { width, height } = this; if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return false; const _x = this.x; const _y = this.y; const outerLeft = _x - strokeWidth / 2; const outerRight = _x + width + strokeWidth / 2; const outerTop = _y - strokeWidth / 2; const outerBottom = _y + height + strokeWidth / 2; const innerLeft = _x + strokeWidth / 2; const innerRight = _x + width - strokeWidth / 2; const innerTop = _y + strokeWidth / 2; const innerBottom = _y + height - strokeWidth / 2; return x2 >= outerLeft && x2 <= outerRight && y2 >= outerTop && y2 <= outerBottom && !(x2 > innerLeft && x2 < innerRight && y2 > innerTop && y2 < innerBottom); } /** * Determines whether the `other` Rectangle transformed by `transform` intersects with `this` Rectangle object. * Returns true only if the area of the intersection is >0, this means that Rectangles * sharing a side are not overlapping. Another side effect is that an arealess rectangle * (width or height equal to zero) can't intersect any other rectangle. * @param {Rectangle} other - The Rectangle to intersect with `this`. * @param {Matrix} transform - The transformation matrix of `other`. * @returns {boolean} A value of `true` if the transformed `other` Rectangle intersects with `this`; otherwise `false`. */ intersects(other, transform2) { if (!transform2) { const x02 = this.x < other.x ? other.x : this.x; const x12 = this.right > other.right ? other.right : this.right; if (x12 <= x02) { return false; } const y02 = this.y < other.y ? other.y : this.y; const y12 = this.bottom > other.bottom ? other.bottom : this.bottom; return y12 > y02; } const x0 = this.left; const x1 = this.right; const y0 = this.top; const y1 = this.bottom; if (x1 <= x0 || y1 <= y0) { return false; } const lt = tempPoints[0].set(other.left, other.top); const lb = tempPoints[1].set(other.left, other.bottom); const rt = tempPoints[2].set(other.right, other.top); const rb = tempPoints[3].set(other.right, other.bottom); if (rt.x <= lt.x || lb.y <= lt.y) { return false; } const s2 = Math.sign(transform2.a * transform2.d - transform2.b * transform2.c); if (s2 === 0) { return false; } transform2.apply(lt, lt); transform2.apply(lb, lb); transform2.apply(rt, rt); transform2.apply(rb, rb); if (Math.max(lt.x, lb.x, rt.x, rb.x) <= x0 || Math.min(lt.x, lb.x, rt.x, rb.x) >= x1 || Math.max(lt.y, lb.y, rt.y, rb.y) <= y0 || Math.min(lt.y, lb.y, rt.y, rb.y) >= y1) { return false; } const nx = s2 * (lb.y - lt.y); const ny = s2 * (lt.x - lb.x); const n00 = nx * x0 + ny * y0; const n10 = nx * x1 + ny * y0; const n01 = nx * x0 + ny * y1; const n11 = nx * x1 + ny * y1; if (Math.max(n00, n10, n01, n11) <= nx * lt.x + ny * lt.y || Math.min(n00, n10, n01, n11) >= nx * rb.x + ny * rb.y) { return false; } const mx = s2 * (lt.y - rt.y); const my = s2 * (rt.x - lt.x); const m00 = mx * x0 + my * y0; const m10 = mx * x1 + my * y0; const m01 = mx * x0 + my * y1; const m11 = mx * x1 + my * y1; if (Math.max(m00, m10, m01, m11) <= mx * lt.x + my * lt.y || Math.min(m00, m10, m01, m11) >= mx * rb.x + my * rb.y) { return false; } return true; } /** * Pads the rectangle making it grow in all directions. * If paddingY is omitted, both paddingX and paddingY will be set to paddingX. * @param paddingX - The horizontal padding amount. * @param paddingY - The vertical padding amount. * @returns Returns itself. */ pad(paddingX = 0, paddingY = paddingX) { this.x -= paddingX; this.y -= paddingY; this.width += paddingX * 2; this.height += paddingY * 2; return this; } /** * Fits this rectangle around the passed one. * @param rectangle - The rectangle to fit. * @returns Returns itself. */ fit(rectangle) { const x1 = Math.max(this.x, rectangle.x); const x2 = Math.min(this.x + this.width, rectangle.x + rectangle.width); const y1 = Math.max(this.y, rectangle.y); const y2 = Math.min(this.y + this.height, rectangle.y + rectangle.height); this.x = x1; this.width = Math.max(x2 - x1, 0); this.y = y1; this.height = Math.max(y2 - y1, 0); return this; } /** * Enlarges rectangle that way its corners lie on grid * @param resolution - resolution * @param eps - precision * @returns Returns itself. */ ceil(resolution = 1, eps = 1e-3) { const x2 = Math.ceil((this.x + this.width - eps) * resolution) / resolution; const y2 = Math.ceil((this.y + this.height - eps) * resolution) / resolution; this.x = Math.floor((this.x + eps) * resolution) / resolution; this.y = Math.floor((this.y + eps) * resolution) / resolution; this.width = x2 - this.x; this.height = y2 - this.y; return this; } /** * Enlarges this rectangle to include the passed rectangle. * @param rectangle - The rectangle to include. * @returns Returns itself. */ enlarge(rectangle) { const x1 = Math.min(this.x, rectangle.x); const x2 = Math.max(this.x + this.width, rectangle.x + rectangle.width); const y1 = Math.min(this.y, rectangle.y); const y2 = Math.max(this.y + this.height, rectangle.y + rectangle.height); this.x = x1; this.width = x2 - x1; this.y = y1; this.height = y2 - y1; return this; } /** * Returns the framing rectangle of the rectangle as a Rectangle object * @param out - optional rectangle to store the result * @returns The framing rectangle */ getBounds(out2) { out2 = out2 || new _Rectangle(); out2.copyFrom(this); return out2; } toString() { return `[pixi.js/math:Rectangle x=${this.x} y=${this.y} width=${this.width} height=${this.height}]`; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/Bounds.mjs var defaultMatrix, Bounds; var init_Bounds = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/Bounds.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_Rectangle(); defaultMatrix = new Matrix(); Bounds = class _Bounds { constructor(minX = Infinity, minY = Infinity, maxX = -Infinity, maxY = -Infinity) { this.minX = Infinity; this.minY = Infinity; this.maxX = -Infinity; this.maxY = -Infinity; this.matrix = defaultMatrix; this.minX = minX; this.minY = minY; this.maxX = maxX; this.maxY = maxY; } /** * Checks if bounds are empty. * @returns - True if empty. */ isEmpty() { return this.minX > this.maxX || this.minY > this.maxY; } /** The bounding rectangle of the bounds. */ get rectangle() { if (!this._rectangle) { this._rectangle = new Rectangle(); } const rectangle = this._rectangle; if (this.minX > this.maxX || this.minY > this.maxY) { rectangle.x = 0; rectangle.y = 0; rectangle.width = 0; rectangle.height = 0; } else { rectangle.copyFromBounds(this); } return rectangle; } /** Clears the bounds and resets. */ clear() { this.minX = Infinity; this.minY = Infinity; this.maxX = -Infinity; this.maxY = -Infinity; this.matrix = defaultMatrix; return this; } /** * Sets the bounds. * @param x0 - left X of frame * @param y0 - top Y of frame * @param x1 - right X of frame * @param y1 - bottom Y of frame */ set(x0, y0, x1, y1) { this.minX = x0; this.minY = y0; this.maxX = x1; this.maxY = y1; } /** * Adds sprite frame * @param x0 - left X of frame * @param y0 - top Y of frame * @param x1 - right X of frame * @param y1 - bottom Y of frame * @param matrix */ addFrame(x0, y0, x1, y1, matrix) { matrix || (matrix = this.matrix); const a2 = matrix.a; const b2 = matrix.b; const c2 = matrix.c; const d2 = matrix.d; const tx = matrix.tx; const ty = matrix.ty; let minX = this.minX; let minY = this.minY; let maxX = this.maxX; let maxY = this.maxY; let x2 = a2 * x0 + c2 * y0 + tx; let y2 = b2 * x0 + d2 * y0 + ty; if (x2 < minX) minX = x2; if (y2 < minY) minY = y2; if (x2 > maxX) maxX = x2; if (y2 > maxY) maxY = y2; x2 = a2 * x1 + c2 * y0 + tx; y2 = b2 * x1 + d2 * y0 + ty; if (x2 < minX) minX = x2; if (y2 < minY) minY = y2; if (x2 > maxX) maxX = x2; if (y2 > maxY) maxY = y2; x2 = a2 * x0 + c2 * y1 + tx; y2 = b2 * x0 + d2 * y1 + ty; if (x2 < minX) minX = x2; if (y2 < minY) minY = y2; if (x2 > maxX) maxX = x2; if (y2 > maxY) maxY = y2; x2 = a2 * x1 + c2 * y1 + tx; y2 = b2 * x1 + d2 * y1 + ty; if (x2 < minX) minX = x2; if (y2 < minY) minY = y2; if (x2 > maxX) maxX = x2; if (y2 > maxY) maxY = y2; this.minX = minX; this.minY = minY; this.maxX = maxX; this.maxY = maxY; } /** * Adds a rectangle to the bounds. * @param rect - The rectangle to be added. * @param matrix - The matrix to apply to the bounds. */ addRect(rect, matrix) { this.addFrame(rect.x, rect.y, rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height, matrix); } /** * Adds other {@link Bounds}. * @param bounds - The Bounds to be added * @param matrix */ addBounds(bounds, matrix) { this.addFrame(bounds.minX, bounds.minY, bounds.maxX, bounds.maxY, matrix); } /** * Adds other Bounds, masked with Bounds. * @param mask - The Bounds to be added. */ addBoundsMask(mask) { this.minX = this.minX > mask.minX ? this.minX : mask.minX; this.minY = this.minY > mask.minY ? this.minY : mask.minY; this.maxX = this.maxX < mask.maxX ? this.maxX : mask.maxX; this.maxY = this.maxY < mask.maxY ? this.maxY : mask.maxY; } /** * Adds other Bounds, multiplied with matrix. * @param matrix - The matrix to apply to the bounds. */ applyMatrix(matrix) { const minX = this.minX; const minY = this.minY; const maxX = this.maxX; const maxY = this.maxY; const { a: a2, b: b2, c: c2, d: d2, tx, ty } = matrix; let x2 = a2 * minX + c2 * minY + tx; let y2 = b2 * minX + d2 * minY + ty; this.minX = x2; this.minY = y2; this.maxX = x2; this.maxY = y2; x2 = a2 * maxX + c2 * minY + tx; y2 = b2 * maxX + d2 * minY + ty; this.minX = x2 < this.minX ? x2 : this.minX; this.minY = y2 < this.minY ? y2 : this.minY; this.maxX = x2 > this.maxX ? x2 : this.maxX; this.maxY = y2 > this.maxY ? y2 : this.maxY; x2 = a2 * minX + c2 * maxY + tx; y2 = b2 * minX + d2 * maxY + ty; this.minX = x2 < this.minX ? x2 : this.minX; this.minY = y2 < this.minY ? y2 : this.minY; this.maxX = x2 > this.maxX ? x2 : this.maxX; this.maxY = y2 > this.maxY ? y2 : this.maxY; x2 = a2 * maxX + c2 * maxY + tx; y2 = b2 * maxX + d2 * maxY + ty; this.minX = x2 < this.minX ? x2 : this.minX; this.minY = y2 < this.minY ? y2 : this.minY; this.maxX = x2 > this.maxX ? x2 : this.maxX; this.maxY = y2 > this.maxY ? y2 : this.maxY; } /** * Resizes the bounds object to include the given rectangle. * @param rect - The rectangle to be included. */ fit(rect) { if (this.minX < rect.left) this.minX = rect.left; if (this.maxX > rect.right) this.maxX = rect.right; if (this.minY < rect.top) this.minY = rect.top; if (this.maxY > rect.bottom) this.maxY = rect.bottom; return this; } /** * Resizes the bounds object to include the given bounds. * @param left - The left value of the bounds. * @param right - The right value of the bounds. * @param top - The top value of the bounds. * @param bottom - The bottom value of the bounds. */ fitBounds(left, right, top, bottom) { if (this.minX < left) this.minX = left; if (this.maxX > right) this.maxX = right; if (this.minY < top) this.minY = top; if (this.maxY > bottom) this.maxY = bottom; return this; } /** * Pads bounds object, making it grow in all directions. * If paddingY is omitted, both paddingX and paddingY will be set to paddingX. * @param paddingX - The horizontal padding amount. * @param paddingY - The vertical padding amount. */ pad(paddingX, paddingY = paddingX) { this.minX -= paddingX; this.maxX += paddingX; this.minY -= paddingY; this.maxY += paddingY; return this; } /** Ceils the bounds. */ ceil() { this.minX = Math.floor(this.minX); this.minY = Math.floor(this.minY); this.maxX = Math.ceil(this.maxX); this.maxY = Math.ceil(this.maxY); return this; } /** Clones the bounds. */ clone() { return new _Bounds(this.minX, this.minY, this.maxX, this.maxY); } /** * Scales the bounds by the given values * @param x - The X value to scale by. * @param y - The Y value to scale by. */ scale(x2, y2 = x2) { this.minX *= x2; this.minY *= y2; this.maxX *= x2; this.maxY *= y2; return this; } /** the x value of the bounds. */ get x() { return this.minX; } set x(value) { const width = this.maxX - this.minX; this.minX = value; this.maxX = value + width; } /** the y value of the bounds. */ get y() { return this.minY; } set y(value) { const height = this.maxY - this.minY; this.minY = value; this.maxY = value + height; } /** the width value of the bounds. */ get width() { return this.maxX - this.minX; } set width(value) { this.maxX = this.minX + value; } /** the height value of the bounds. */ get height() { return this.maxY - this.minY; } set height(value) { this.maxY = this.minY + value; } /** the left value of the bounds. */ get left() { return this.minX; } /** the right value of the bounds. */ get right() { return this.maxX; } /** the top value of the bounds. */ get top() { return this.minY; } /** the bottom value of the bounds. */ get bottom() { return this.maxY; } /** Is the bounds positive. */ get isPositive() { return this.maxX - this.minX > 0 && this.maxY - this.minY > 0; } get isValid() { return this.minX + this.minY !== Infinity; } /** * Adds screen vertices from array * @param vertexData - calculated vertices * @param beginOffset - begin offset * @param endOffset - end offset, excluded * @param matrix */ addVertexData(vertexData, beginOffset, endOffset, matrix) { let minX = this.minX; let minY = this.minY; let maxX = this.maxX; let maxY = this.maxY; matrix || (matrix = this.matrix); const a2 = matrix.a; const b2 = matrix.b; const c2 = matrix.c; const d2 = matrix.d; const tx = matrix.tx; const ty = matrix.ty; for (let i3 = beginOffset; i3 < endOffset; i3 += 2) { const localX = vertexData[i3]; const localY = vertexData[i3 + 1]; const x2 = a2 * localX + c2 * localY + tx; const y2 = b2 * localX + d2 * localY + ty; minX = x2 < minX ? x2 : minX; minY = y2 < minY ? y2 : minY; maxX = x2 > maxX ? x2 : maxX; maxY = y2 > maxY ? y2 : maxY; } this.minX = minX; this.minY = minY; this.maxX = maxX; this.maxY = maxY; } /** * Checks if the point is contained within the bounds. * @param x - x coordinate * @param y - y coordinate */ containsPoint(x2, y2) { if (this.minX <= x2 && this.minY <= y2 && this.maxX >= x2 && this.maxY >= y2) { return true; } return false; } toString() { return `[pixi.js:Bounds minX=${this.minX} minY=${this.minY} maxX=${this.maxX} maxY=${this.maxY} width=${this.width} height=${this.height}]`; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/utils/matrixAndBoundsPool.mjs var matrixPool, boundsPool; var init_matrixAndBoundsPool = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/utils/matrixAndBoundsPool.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_Pool(); init_Bounds(); matrixPool = new Pool(Matrix); boundsPool = new Pool(Bounds); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/getGlobalBounds.mjs function getGlobalBounds(target, skipUpdateTransform, bounds) { bounds.clear(); let parentTransform; let pooledMatrix; if (target.parent) { if (!skipUpdateTransform) { pooledMatrix = matrixPool.get().identity(); parentTransform = updateTransformBackwards(target, pooledMatrix); } else { parentTransform = target.parent.worldTransform; } } else { parentTransform = Matrix.IDENTITY; } _getGlobalBounds(target, bounds, parentTransform, skipUpdateTransform); if (pooledMatrix) { matrixPool.return(pooledMatrix); } if (!bounds.isValid) { bounds.set(0, 0, 0, 0); } return bounds; } function _getGlobalBounds(target, bounds, parentTransform, skipUpdateTransform) { if (!target.visible || !target.measurable) return; let worldTransform; if (!skipUpdateTransform) { target.updateLocalTransform(); worldTransform = matrixPool.get(); worldTransform.appendFrom(target.localTransform, parentTransform); } else { worldTransform = target.worldTransform; } const parentBounds = bounds; const preserveBounds = !!target.effects.length; if (preserveBounds) { bounds = boundsPool.get().clear(); } if (target.boundsArea) { bounds.addRect(target.boundsArea, worldTransform); } else { if (target.addBounds) { bounds.matrix = worldTransform; target.addBounds(bounds); } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < target.children.length; i3++) { _getGlobalBounds(target.children[i3], bounds, worldTransform, skipUpdateTransform); } } if (preserveBounds) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < target.effects.length; i3++) { target.effects[i3].addBounds?.(bounds); } parentBounds.addBounds(bounds, Matrix.IDENTITY); boundsPool.return(bounds); } if (!skipUpdateTransform) { matrixPool.return(worldTransform); } } function updateTransformBackwards(target, parentTransform) { const parent = target.parent; if (parent) { updateTransformBackwards(parent, parentTransform); parent.updateLocalTransform(); parentTransform.append(parent.localTransform); } return parentTransform; } var init_getGlobalBounds = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/getGlobalBounds.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_matrixAndBoundsPool(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/logging/warn.mjs function warn(...args) { if (warnCount === maxWarnings) return; warnCount++; if (warnCount === maxWarnings) { console.warn("PixiJS Warning: too many warnings, no more warnings will be reported to the console by PixiJS."); } else { console.warn("PixiJS Warning: ", ...args); } } var warnCount, maxWarnings; var init_warn = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/logging/warn.mjs"() { "use strict"; warnCount = 0; maxWarnings = 500; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/getLocalBounds.mjs function getLocalBounds(target, bounds, relativeMatrix) { bounds.clear(); relativeMatrix || (relativeMatrix = Matrix.IDENTITY); _getLocalBounds(target, bounds, relativeMatrix, target, true); if (!bounds.isValid) { bounds.set(0, 0, 0, 0); } return bounds; } function _getLocalBounds(target, bounds, parentTransform, rootContainer, isRoot) { let relativeTransform; if (!isRoot) { if (!target.visible || !target.measurable) return; target.updateLocalTransform(); const localTransform = target.localTransform; relativeTransform = matrixPool.get(); relativeTransform.appendFrom(localTransform, parentTransform); } else { relativeTransform = matrixPool.get(); relativeTransform = parentTransform.copyTo(relativeTransform); } const parentBounds = bounds; const preserveBounds = !!target.effects.length; if (preserveBounds) { bounds = boundsPool.get().clear(); } if (target.boundsArea) { bounds.addRect(target.boundsArea, relativeTransform); } else { if (target.renderPipeId) { bounds.matrix = relativeTransform; target.addBounds(bounds); } const children = target.children; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { _getLocalBounds(children[i3], bounds, relativeTransform, rootContainer, false); } } if (preserveBounds) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < target.effects.length; i3++) { target.effects[i3].addLocalBounds?.(bounds, rootContainer); } parentBounds.addBounds(bounds, Matrix.IDENTITY); boundsPool.return(bounds); } matrixPool.return(relativeTransform); } function getParent(target, root, matrix) { const parent = target.parent; if (!parent) { warn("Item is not inside the root container"); return; } if (parent !== root) { getParent(parent, root, matrix); parent.updateLocalTransform(); matrix.append(parent.localTransform); } } var init_getLocalBounds = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/getLocalBounds.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_warn(); init_matrixAndBoundsPool(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/checkChildrenDidChange.mjs function checkChildrenDidChange(container, previousData) { const children = container.children; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { const child = children[i3]; const uid3 = child.uid; const didChange = (child._didViewChangeTick & 65535) << 16 | child._didContainerChangeTick & 65535; const index = previousData.index; if (previousData.data[index] !== uid3 || previousData.data[index + 1] !== didChange) { previousData.data[previousData.index] = uid3; previousData.data[previousData.index + 1] = didChange; previousData.didChange = true; } previousData.index = index + 2; if (child.children.length) { checkChildrenDidChange(child, previousData); } } return previousData.didChange; } var init_checkChildrenDidChange = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/checkChildrenDidChange.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/measureMixin.mjs var tempMatrix2, measureMixin; var init_measureMixin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/measureMixin.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_Bounds(); init_getGlobalBounds(); init_getLocalBounds(); init_checkChildrenDidChange(); tempMatrix2 = new Matrix(); measureMixin = { _localBoundsCacheId: -1, _localBoundsCacheData: null, _setWidth(value, localWidth) { const sign = Math.sign(this.scale.x) || 1; if (localWidth !== 0) { this.scale.x = value / localWidth * sign; } else { this.scale.x = sign; } }, _setHeight(value, localHeight) { const sign = Math.sign(this.scale.y) || 1; if (localHeight !== 0) { this.scale.y = value / localHeight * sign; } else { this.scale.y = sign; } }, /** * Retrieves the local bounds of the container as a Bounds object. * @returns - The bounding area. * @memberof scene.Container# */ getLocalBounds() { if (!this._localBoundsCacheData) { this._localBoundsCacheData = { data: [], index: 1, didChange: false, localBounds: new Bounds() }; } const localBoundsCacheData = this._localBoundsCacheData; localBoundsCacheData.index = 1; localBoundsCacheData.didChange = false; if (localBoundsCacheData.data[0] !== this._didViewChangeTick) { localBoundsCacheData.didChange = true; localBoundsCacheData.data[0] = this._didViewChangeTick; } checkChildrenDidChange(this, localBoundsCacheData); if (localBoundsCacheData.didChange) { getLocalBounds(this, localBoundsCacheData.localBounds, tempMatrix2); } return localBoundsCacheData.localBounds; }, /** * Calculates and returns the (world) bounds of the display object as a [Rectangle]{@link Rectangle}. * @param skipUpdate - Setting to `true` will stop the transforms of the scene graph from * being updated. This means the calculation returned MAY be out of date BUT will give you a * nice performance boost. * @param bounds - Optional bounds to store the result of the bounds calculation. * @returns - The minimum axis-aligned rectangle in world space that fits around this object. * @memberof scene.Container# */ getBounds(skipUpdate, bounds) { return getGlobalBounds(this, skipUpdate, bounds || new Bounds()); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/onRenderMixin.mjs var onRenderMixin; var init_onRenderMixin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/onRenderMixin.mjs"() { "use strict"; onRenderMixin = { _onRender: null, set onRender(func) { const renderGroup = this.renderGroup || this.parentRenderGroup; if (!func) { if (this._onRender) { renderGroup?.removeOnRender(this); } this._onRender = null; return; } if (!this._onRender) { renderGroup?.addOnRender(this); } this._onRender = func; }, /** * This callback is used when the container is rendered. This is where you should add your custom * logic that is needed to be run every frame. * * In v7 many users used `updateTransform` for this, however the way v8 renders objects is different * and "updateTransform" is no longer called every frame * @example * const container = new Container(); * container.onRender = () => { * container.rotation += 0.01; * }; * @memberof scene.Container# */ get onRender() { return this._onRender; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/sortMixin.mjs function sortChildren(a2, b2) { return a2._zIndex - b2._zIndex; } var sortMixin; var init_sortMixin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/sortMixin.mjs"() { "use strict"; sortMixin = { _zIndex: 0, /** * Should children be sorted by zIndex at the next render call. * * Will get automatically set to true if a new child is added, or if a child's zIndex changes. * @type {boolean} * @memberof scene.Container# */ sortDirty: false, /** * If set to true, the container will sort its children by `zIndex` value * when the next render is called, or manually if `sortChildren()` is called. * * This actually changes the order of elements in the array, so should be treated * as a basic solution that is not performant compared to other solutions, * such as {@link https://github.com/pixijs/layers PixiJS Layers} * * Also be aware of that this may not work nicely with the `addChildAt()` function, * as the `zIndex` sorting may cause the child to automatically sorted to another position. * @type {boolean} * @memberof scene.Container# */ sortableChildren: false, /** * The zIndex of the container. * * Setting this value, will automatically set the parent to be sortable. Children will be automatically * sorted by zIndex value; a higher value will mean it will be moved towards the end of the array, * and thus rendered on top of other display objects within the same container. * @see scene.Container#sortableChildren * @memberof scene.Container# */ get zIndex() { return this._zIndex; }, set zIndex(value) { if (this._zIndex === value) return; this._zIndex = value; this.depthOfChildModified(); }, depthOfChildModified() { if (this.parent) { this.parent.sortableChildren = true; this.parent.sortDirty = true; } if (this.parentRenderGroup) { this.parentRenderGroup.structureDidChange = true; } }, /** * Sorts children by zIndex. * @memberof scene.Container# */ sortChildren() { if (!this.sortDirty) return; this.sortDirty = false; this.children.sort(sortChildren); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/toLocalGlobalMixin.mjs var toLocalGlobalMixin; var init_toLocalGlobalMixin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/container-mixins/toLocalGlobalMixin.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_Point(); init_getGlobalBounds(); toLocalGlobalMixin = { /** * Returns the global position of the container. * @param point - The optional point to write the global value to. * @param skipUpdate - Should we skip the update transform. * @returns - The updated point. * @memberof scene.Container# */ getGlobalPosition(point = new Point(), skipUpdate = false) { if (this.parent) { this.parent.toGlobal(this._position, point, skipUpdate); } else { point.x = this._position.x; point.y = this._position.y; } return point; }, /** * Calculates the global position of the container. * @param position - The world origin to calculate from. * @param point - A Point object in which to store the value, optional * (otherwise will create a new Point). * @param skipUpdate - Should we skip the update transform. * @returns - A point object representing the position of this object. * @memberof scene.Container# */ toGlobal(position, point, skipUpdate = false) { if (!skipUpdate) { this.updateLocalTransform(); const globalMatrix = updateTransformBackwards(this, new Matrix()); globalMatrix.append(this.localTransform); return globalMatrix.apply(position, point); } return this.worldTransform.apply(position, point); }, /** * Calculates the local position of the container relative to another point. * @param position - The world origin to calculate from. * @param from - The Container to calculate the global position from. * @param point - A Point object in which to store the value, optional * (otherwise will create a new Point). * @param skipUpdate - Should we skip the update transform * @returns - A point object representing the position of this object * @memberof scene.Container# */ toLocal(position, from, point, skipUpdate) { if (from) { position = from.toGlobal(position, point, skipUpdate); } if (!skipUpdate) { this.updateLocalTransform(); const globalMatrix = updateTransformBackwards(this, new Matrix()); globalMatrix.append(this.localTransform); return globalMatrix.applyInverse(position, point); } return this.worldTransform.applyInverse(position, point); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/instructions/InstructionSet.mjs var _tick, InstructionSet; var init_InstructionSet = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/instructions/InstructionSet.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_uid(); _tick = 0; InstructionSet = class { constructor() { this.uid = uid("instructionSet"); this.instructions = []; this.instructionSize = 0; this.renderables = []; this.tick = 0; } /** reset the instruction set so it can be reused set size back to 0 */ reset() { this.instructionSize = 0; this.tick = _tick++; } /** * Add an instruction to the set * @param instruction - add an instruction to the set */ add(instruction) { this.instructions[this.instructionSize++] = instruction; } /** * Log the instructions to the console (for debugging) * @internal * @ignore */ log() { this.instructions.length = this.instructionSize; console.table(this.instructions, ["type", "action"]); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/RenderGroup.mjs var RenderGroup; var init_RenderGroup = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/RenderGroup.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_InstructionSet(); RenderGroup = class { constructor() { this.renderPipeId = "renderGroup"; this.root = null; this.canBundle = false; this.renderGroupParent = null; this.renderGroupChildren = []; this.worldTransform = new Matrix(); this.worldColorAlpha = 4294967295; this.worldColor = 16777215; this.worldAlpha = 1; this.childrenToUpdate = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.updateTick = 0; this.childrenRenderablesToUpdate = { list: [], index: 0 }; this.structureDidChange = true; this.instructionSet = new InstructionSet(); this._onRenderContainers = []; } init(root) { this.root = root; if (root._onRender) this.addOnRender(root); root.didChange = true; const children = root.children; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { this.addChild(children[i3]); } } reset() { this.renderGroupChildren.length = 0; for (const i3 in this.childrenToUpdate) { const childrenAtDepth = this.childrenToUpdate[i3]; childrenAtDepth.list.fill(null); childrenAtDepth.index = 0; } this.childrenRenderablesToUpdate.index = 0; this.childrenRenderablesToUpdate.list.fill(null); this.root = null; this.updateTick = 0; this.structureDidChange = true; this._onRenderContainers.length = 0; this.renderGroupParent = null; } get localTransform() { return this.root.localTransform; } addRenderGroupChild(renderGroupChild) { if (renderGroupChild.renderGroupParent) { renderGroupChild.renderGroupParent._removeRenderGroupChild(renderGroupChild); } renderGroupChild.renderGroupParent = this; this.renderGroupChildren.push(renderGroupChild); } _removeRenderGroupChild(renderGroupChild) { const index = this.renderGroupChildren.indexOf(renderGroupChild); if (index > -1) { this.renderGroupChildren.splice(index, 1); } renderGroupChild.renderGroupParent = null; } addChild(child) { this.structureDidChange = true; child.parentRenderGroup = this; child.updateTick = -1; if (child.parent === this.root) { child.relativeRenderGroupDepth = 1; } else { child.relativeRenderGroupDepth = child.parent.relativeRenderGroupDepth + 1; } child.didChange = true; this.onChildUpdate(child); if (child.renderGroup) { this.addRenderGroupChild(child.renderGroup); return; } if (child._onRender) this.addOnRender(child); const children = child.children; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { this.addChild(children[i3]); } } removeChild(child) { this.structureDidChange = true; if (child._onRender) { if (!child.renderGroup) { this.removeOnRender(child); } } child.parentRenderGroup = null; if (child.renderGroup) { this._removeRenderGroupChild(child.renderGroup); return; } const children = child.children; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { this.removeChild(children[i3]); } } removeChildren(children) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { this.removeChild(children[i3]); } } onChildUpdate(child) { let childrenToUpdate = this.childrenToUpdate[child.relativeRenderGroupDepth]; if (!childrenToUpdate) { childrenToUpdate = this.childrenToUpdate[child.relativeRenderGroupDepth] = { index: 0, list: [] }; } childrenToUpdate.list[childrenToUpdate.index++] = child; } updateRenderable(renderable) { if (renderable.globalDisplayStatus < 7) return; this.instructionSet.renderPipes[renderable.renderPipeId].updateRenderable(renderable); renderable.didViewUpdate = false; } onChildViewUpdate(child) { this.childrenRenderablesToUpdate.list[this.childrenRenderablesToUpdate.index++] = child; } get isRenderable() { return this.root.localDisplayStatus === 7 && this.worldAlpha > 0; } /** * adding a container to the onRender list will make sure the user function * passed in to the user defined 'onRender` callBack * @param container - the container to add to the onRender list */ addOnRender(container) { this._onRenderContainers.push(container); } removeOnRender(container) { this._onRenderContainers.splice(this._onRenderContainers.indexOf(container), 1); } runOnRender() { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._onRenderContainers.length; i3++) { this._onRenderContainers[i3]._onRender(); } } destroy() { this.renderGroupParent = null; this.root = null; this.childrenRenderablesToUpdate = null; this.childrenToUpdate = null; this.renderGroupChildren = null; this._onRenderContainers = null; this.instructionSet = null; } getChildren(out2 = []) { const children = this.root.children; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { this._getChildren(children[i3], out2); } return out2; } _getChildren(container, out2 = []) { out2.push(container); if (container.renderGroup) return out2; const children = container.children; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { this._getChildren(children[i3], out2); } return out2; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/assignWithIgnore.mjs function assignWithIgnore(target, options, ignore = {}) { for (const key in options) { if (!ignore[key] && options[key] !== void 0) { target[key] = options[key]; } } } var init_assignWithIgnore = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/assignWithIgnore.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/Container.mjs var defaultSkew, defaultPivot, defaultScale, UPDATE_COLOR, UPDATE_BLEND, UPDATE_VISIBLE, UPDATE_TRANSFORM, Container; var init_Container = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/Container.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_Color(); init_cullingMixin(); init_Matrix(); init_const(); init_ObservablePoint(); init_uid(); init_deprecation(); init_PoolGroup(); init_childrenHelperMixin(); init_effectsMixin(); init_findMixin(); init_measureMixin(); init_onRenderMixin(); init_sortMixin(); init_toLocalGlobalMixin(); init_RenderGroup(); init_assignWithIgnore(); defaultSkew = new ObservablePoint(null); defaultPivot = new ObservablePoint(null); defaultScale = new ObservablePoint(null, 1, 1); UPDATE_COLOR = 1; UPDATE_BLEND = 2; UPDATE_VISIBLE = 4; UPDATE_TRANSFORM = 8; Container = class _Container extends eventemitter3_default { constructor(options = {}) { super(); this.uid = uid("renderable"); this._updateFlags = 15; this.renderGroup = null; this.parentRenderGroup = null; this.parentRenderGroupIndex = 0; this.didChange = false; this.didViewUpdate = false; this.relativeRenderGroupDepth = 0; this.children = []; this.parent = null; this.includeInBuild = true; this.measurable = true; this.isSimple = true; this.updateTick = -1; this.localTransform = new Matrix(); this.relativeGroupTransform = new Matrix(); this.groupTransform = this.relativeGroupTransform; this.destroyed = false; this._position = new ObservablePoint(this, 0, 0); this._scale = defaultScale; this._pivot = defaultPivot; this._skew = defaultSkew; this._cx = 1; this._sx = 0; this._cy = 0; this._sy = 1; this._rotation = 0; this.localColor = 16777215; this.localAlpha = 1; this.groupAlpha = 1; this.groupColor = 16777215; this.groupColorAlpha = 4294967295; this.localBlendMode = "inherit"; this.groupBlendMode = "normal"; this.localDisplayStatus = 7; this.globalDisplayStatus = 7; this._didContainerChangeTick = 0; this._didViewChangeTick = 0; this._didLocalTransformChangeId = -1; this.effects = []; assignWithIgnore(this, options, { children: true, parent: true, effects: true }); options.children?.forEach((child) => this.addChild(child)); options.parent?.addChild(this); } /** * Mixes all enumerable properties and methods from a source object to Container. * @param source - The source of properties and methods to mix in. */ static mixin(source7) { Object.defineProperties(_Container.prototype, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source7)); } /** * We now use the _didContainerChangeTick and _didViewChangeTick to track changes * @deprecated since 8.2.6 * @ignore */ set _didChangeId(value) { this._didViewChangeTick = value >> 12 & 4095; this._didContainerChangeTick = value & 4095; } get _didChangeId() { return this._didContainerChangeTick & 4095 | (this._didViewChangeTick & 4095) << 12; } /** * Adds one or more children to the container. * * Multiple items can be added like so: `myContainer.addChild(thingOne, thingTwo, thingThree)` * @param {...Container} children - The Container(s) to add to the container * @returns {Container} - The first child that was added. */ addChild(...children) { if (!this.allowChildren) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "addChild: Only Containers will be allowed to add children in v8.0.0"); } if (children.length > 1) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { this.addChild(children[i3]); } return children[0]; } const child = children[0]; if (child.parent === this) { this.children.splice(this.children.indexOf(child), 1); this.children.push(child); if (this.parentRenderGroup) { this.parentRenderGroup.structureDidChange = true; } return child; } if (child.parent) { child.parent.removeChild(child); } this.children.push(child); if (this.sortableChildren) this.sortDirty = true; child.parent = this; child.didChange = true; child._updateFlags = 15; const renderGroup = this.renderGroup || this.parentRenderGroup; if (renderGroup) { renderGroup.addChild(child); } this.emit("childAdded", child, this, this.children.length - 1); child.emit("added", this); this._didViewChangeTick++; if (child._zIndex !== 0) { child.depthOfChildModified(); } return child; } /** * Removes one or more children from the container. * @param {...Container} children - The Container(s) to remove * @returns {Container} The first child that was removed. */ removeChild(...children) { if (children.length > 1) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { this.removeChild(children[i3]); } return children[0]; } const child = children[0]; const index = this.children.indexOf(child); if (index > -1) { this._didViewChangeTick++; this.children.splice(index, 1); if (this.renderGroup) { this.renderGroup.removeChild(child); } else if (this.parentRenderGroup) { this.parentRenderGroup.removeChild(child); } child.parent = null; this.emit("childRemoved", child, this, index); child.emit("removed", this); } return child; } /** @ignore */ _onUpdate(point) { if (point) { if (point === this._skew) { this._updateSkew(); } } this._didContainerChangeTick++; if (this.didChange) return; this.didChange = true; if (this.parentRenderGroup) { this.parentRenderGroup.onChildUpdate(this); } } set isRenderGroup(value) { if (!!this.renderGroup === value) return; if (value) { this.enableRenderGroup(); } else { this.disableRenderGroup(); } } /** * Returns true if this container is a render group. * This means that it will be rendered as a separate pass, with its own set of instructions */ get isRenderGroup() { return !!this.renderGroup; } /** * Calling this enables a render group for this container. * This means it will be rendered as a separate set of instructions. * The transform of the container will also be handled on the GPU rather than the CPU. */ enableRenderGroup() { if (this.renderGroup) return; const parentRenderGroup = this.parentRenderGroup; parentRenderGroup?.removeChild(this); this.renderGroup = BigPool.get(RenderGroup, this); this.groupTransform = Matrix.IDENTITY; parentRenderGroup?.addChild(this); this._updateIsSimple(); } /** This will disable the render group for this container. */ disableRenderGroup() { if (!this.renderGroup) return; const parentRenderGroup = this.parentRenderGroup; parentRenderGroup?.removeChild(this); BigPool.return(this.renderGroup); this.renderGroup = null; this.groupTransform = this.relativeGroupTransform; parentRenderGroup?.addChild(this); this._updateIsSimple(); } /** @ignore */ _updateIsSimple() { this.isSimple = !this.renderGroup && this.effects.length === 0; } /** * Current transform of the object based on world (parent) factors. * @readonly */ get worldTransform() { this._worldTransform || (this._worldTransform = new Matrix()); if (this.renderGroup) { this._worldTransform.copyFrom(this.renderGroup.worldTransform); } else if (this.parentRenderGroup) { this._worldTransform.appendFrom(this.relativeGroupTransform, this.parentRenderGroup.worldTransform); } return this._worldTransform; } // / ////// transform related stuff /** * The position of the container on the x axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent. * An alias to position.x */ get x() { return this._position.x; } set x(value) { this._position.x = value; } /** * The position of the container on the y axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent. * An alias to position.y */ get y() { return this._position.y; } set y(value) { this._position.y = value; } /** * The coordinate of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent. * @since 4.0.0 */ get position() { return this._position; } set position(value) { this._position.copyFrom(value); } /** * The rotation of the object in radians. * 'rotation' and 'angle' have the same effect on a display object; rotation is in radians, angle is in degrees. */ get rotation() { return this._rotation; } set rotation(value) { if (this._rotation !== value) { this._rotation = value; this._onUpdate(this._skew); } } /** * The angle of the object in degrees. * 'rotation' and 'angle' have the same effect on a display object; rotation is in radians, angle is in degrees. */ get angle() { return this.rotation * RAD_TO_DEG; } set angle(value) { this.rotation = value * DEG_TO_RAD; } /** * The center of rotation, scaling, and skewing for this display object in its local space. The `position` * is the projection of `pivot` in the parent's local space. * * By default, the pivot is the origin (0, 0). * @since 4.0.0 */ get pivot() { if (this._pivot === defaultPivot) { this._pivot = new ObservablePoint(this, 0, 0); } return this._pivot; } set pivot(value) { if (this._pivot === defaultPivot) { this._pivot = new ObservablePoint(this, 0, 0); } typeof value === "number" ? this._pivot.set(value) : this._pivot.copyFrom(value); } /** * The skew factor for the object in radians. * @since 4.0.0 */ get skew() { if (this._skew === defaultSkew) { this._skew = new ObservablePoint(this, 0, 0); } return this._skew; } set skew(value) { if (this._skew === defaultSkew) { this._skew = new ObservablePoint(this, 0, 0); } this._skew.copyFrom(value); } /** * The scale factors of this object along the local coordinate axes. * * The default scale is (1, 1). * @since 4.0.0 */ get scale() { if (this._scale === defaultScale) { this._scale = new ObservablePoint(this, 1, 1); } return this._scale; } set scale(value) { if (this._scale === defaultScale) { this._scale = new ObservablePoint(this, 0, 0); } typeof value === "number" ? this._scale.set(value) : this._scale.copyFrom(value); } /** * The width of the Container, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set. * @memberof scene.Container# */ get width() { return Math.abs(this.scale.x * this.getLocalBounds().width); } set width(value) { const localWidth = this.getLocalBounds().width; this._setWidth(value, localWidth); } /** * The height of the Container, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set. * @memberof scene.Container# */ get height() { return Math.abs(this.scale.y * this.getLocalBounds().height); } set height(value) { const localHeight = this.getLocalBounds().height; this._setHeight(value, localHeight); } /** * Retrieves the size of the container as a [Size]{@link Size} object. * This is faster than get the width and height separately. * @param out - Optional object to store the size in. * @returns - The size of the container. * @memberof scene.Container# */ getSize(out2) { if (!out2) { out2 = {}; } const bounds = this.getLocalBounds(); out2.width = Math.abs(this.scale.x * bounds.width); out2.height = Math.abs(this.scale.y * bounds.height); return out2; } /** * Sets the size of the container to the specified width and height. * This is faster than setting the width and height separately. * @param value - This can be either a number or a [Size]{@link Size} object. * @param height - The height to set. Defaults to the value of `width` if not provided. * @memberof scene.Container# */ setSize(value, height) { const size = this.getLocalBounds(); if (typeof value === "object") { height = value.height ?? value.width; value = value.width; } else { height ?? (height = value); } value !== void 0 && this._setWidth(value, size.width); height !== void 0 && this._setHeight(height, size.height); } /** Called when the skew or the rotation changes. */ _updateSkew() { const rotation = this._rotation; const skew = this._skew; this._cx = Math.cos(rotation + skew._y); this._sx = Math.sin(rotation + skew._y); this._cy = -Math.sin(rotation - skew._x); this._sy = Math.cos(rotation - skew._x); } /** * Updates the transform properties of the container (accepts partial values). * @param {object} opts - The options for updating the transform. * @param {number} opts.x - The x position of the container. * @param {number} opts.y - The y position of the container. * @param {number} opts.scaleX - The scale factor on the x-axis. * @param {number} opts.scaleY - The scale factor on the y-axis. * @param {number} opts.rotation - The rotation of the container, in radians. * @param {number} opts.skewX - The skew factor on the x-axis. * @param {number} opts.skewY - The skew factor on the y-axis. * @param {number} opts.pivotX - The x coordinate of the pivot point. * @param {number} opts.pivotY - The y coordinate of the pivot point. */ updateTransform(opts) { this.position.set( typeof opts.x === "number" ? opts.x : this.position.x, typeof opts.y === "number" ? opts.y : this.position.y ); this.scale.set( typeof opts.scaleX === "number" ? opts.scaleX || 1 : this.scale.x, typeof opts.scaleY === "number" ? opts.scaleY || 1 : this.scale.y ); this.rotation = typeof opts.rotation === "number" ? opts.rotation : this.rotation; this.skew.set( typeof opts.skewX === "number" ? opts.skewX : this.skew.x, typeof opts.skewY === "number" ? opts.skewY : this.skew.y ); this.pivot.set( typeof opts.pivotX === "number" ? opts.pivotX : this.pivot.x, typeof opts.pivotY === "number" ? opts.pivotY : this.pivot.y ); return this; } /** * Updates the local transform using the given matrix. * @param matrix - The matrix to use for updating the transform. */ setFromMatrix(matrix) { matrix.decompose(this); } /** Updates the local transform. */ updateLocalTransform() { const localTransformChangeId = this._didContainerChangeTick; if (this._didLocalTransformChangeId === localTransformChangeId) return; this._didLocalTransformChangeId = localTransformChangeId; const lt = this.localTransform; const scale = this._scale; const pivot = this._pivot; const position = this._position; const sx = scale._x; const sy = scale._y; const px = pivot._x; const py = pivot._y; lt.a = this._cx * sx; lt.b = this._sx * sx; lt.c = this._cy * sy; lt.d = this._sy * sy; lt.tx = position._x - (px * lt.a + py * lt.c); lt.ty = position._y - (px * lt.b + py * lt.d); } // / ///// color related stuff set alpha(value) { if (value === this.localAlpha) return; this.localAlpha = value; this._updateFlags |= UPDATE_COLOR; this._onUpdate(); } /** The opacity of the object. */ get alpha() { return this.localAlpha; } set tint(value) { const tempColor = Color.shared.setValue(value ?? 16777215); const bgr = tempColor.toBgrNumber(); if (bgr === this.localColor) return; this.localColor = bgr; this._updateFlags |= UPDATE_COLOR; this._onUpdate(); } /** * The tint applied to the sprite. This is a hex value. * * A value of 0xFFFFFF will remove any tint effect. * @default 0xFFFFFF */ get tint() { const bgr = this.localColor; return ((bgr & 255) << 16) + (bgr & 65280) + (bgr >> 16 & 255); } // / //////////////// blend related stuff set blendMode(value) { if (this.localBlendMode === value) return; if (this.parentRenderGroup) { this.parentRenderGroup.structureDidChange = true; } this._updateFlags |= UPDATE_BLEND; this.localBlendMode = value; this._onUpdate(); } /** * The blend mode to be applied to the sprite. Apply a value of `'normal'` to reset the blend mode. * @default 'normal' */ get blendMode() { return this.localBlendMode; } // / ///////// VISIBILITY / RENDERABLE ///////////////// /** The visibility of the object. If false the object will not be drawn, and the transform will not be updated. */ get visible() { return !!(this.localDisplayStatus & 2); } set visible(value) { const valueNumber = value ? 2 : 0; if ((this.localDisplayStatus & 2) === valueNumber) return; if (this.parentRenderGroup) { this.parentRenderGroup.structureDidChange = true; } this._updateFlags |= UPDATE_VISIBLE; this.localDisplayStatus ^= 2; this._onUpdate(); } /** @ignore */ get culled() { return !(this.localDisplayStatus & 4); } /** @ignore */ set culled(value) { const valueNumber = value ? 0 : 4; if ((this.localDisplayStatus & 4) === valueNumber) return; if (this.parentRenderGroup) { this.parentRenderGroup.structureDidChange = true; } this._updateFlags |= UPDATE_VISIBLE; this.localDisplayStatus ^= 4; this._onUpdate(); } /** Can this object be rendered, if false the object will not be drawn but the transform will still be updated. */ get renderable() { return !!(this.localDisplayStatus & 1); } set renderable(value) { const valueNumber = value ? 1 : 0; if ((this.localDisplayStatus & 1) === valueNumber) return; this._updateFlags |= UPDATE_VISIBLE; this.localDisplayStatus ^= 1; if (this.parentRenderGroup) { this.parentRenderGroup.structureDidChange = true; } this._onUpdate(); } /** Whether or not the object should be rendered. */ get isRenderable() { return this.localDisplayStatus === 7 && this.groupAlpha > 0; } /** * Removes all internal references and listeners as well as removes children from the display list. * Do not use a Container after calling `destroy`. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * have been set to that value * @param {boolean} [options.children=false] - if set to true, all the children will have their destroy * method called as well. 'options' will be passed on to those calls. * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Only used for children with textures e.g. Sprites. If options.children * is set to true it should destroy the texture of the child sprite * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Only used for children with textures e.g. Sprites. * If options.children is set to true it should destroy the texture source of the child sprite * @param {boolean} [options.context=false] - Only used for children with graphicsContexts e.g. Graphics. * If options.children is set to true it should destroy the context of the child graphics */ destroy(options = false) { if (this.destroyed) return; this.destroyed = true; let oldChildren; if (this.children.length) { oldChildren = this.removeChildren(0, this.children.length); } this.removeFromParent(); this.parent = null; this._maskEffect = null; this._filterEffect = null; this.effects = null; this._position = null; this._scale = null; this._pivot = null; this._skew = null; this.emit("destroyed", this); this.removeAllListeners(); const destroyChildren = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.children; if (destroyChildren && oldChildren) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < oldChildren.length; ++i3) { oldChildren[i3].destroy(options); } } this.renderGroup?.destroy(); this.renderGroup = null; } }; Container.mixin(childrenHelperMixin); Container.mixin(toLocalGlobalMixin); Container.mixin(onRenderMixin); Container.mixin(measureMixin); Container.mixin(effectsMixin); Container.mixin(findMixin); Container.mixin(sortMixin); Container.mixin(cullingMixin); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/FederatedEvent.mjs var FederatedEvent; var init_FederatedEvent = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/FederatedEvent.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Point(); FederatedEvent = class _FederatedEvent { /** * @param manager - The event boundary which manages this event. Propagation can only occur * within the boundary's jurisdiction. */ constructor(manager) { this.bubbles = true; this.cancelBubble = true; this.cancelable = false; this.composed = false; this.defaultPrevented = false; this.eventPhase = _FederatedEvent.prototype.NONE; this.propagationStopped = false; this.propagationImmediatelyStopped = false; this.layer = new Point(); this.page = new Point(); this.NONE = 0; this.CAPTURING_PHASE = 1; this.AT_TARGET = 2; this.BUBBLING_PHASE = 3; this.manager = manager; } /** @readonly */ get layerX() { return this.layer.x; } /** @readonly */ get layerY() { return this.layer.y; } /** @readonly */ get pageX() { return this.page.x; } /** @readonly */ get pageY() { return this.page.y; } /** * Fallback for the deprecated @code{InteractionEvent.data}. * @deprecated since 7.0.0 */ get data() { return this; } /** The propagation path for this event. Alias for {@link EventBoundary.propagationPath}. */ composedPath() { if (this.manager && (!this.path || this.path[this.path.length - 1] !== this.target)) { this.path = this.target ? this.manager.propagationPath(this.target) : []; } return this.path; } /** * Unimplemented method included for implementing the DOM interface {@code Event}. It will throw an {@code Error}. * @deprecated * @param _type * @param _bubbles * @param _cancelable */ initEvent(_type, _bubbles, _cancelable) { throw new Error("initEvent() is a legacy DOM API. It is not implemented in the Federated Events API."); } /** * Unimplemented method included for implementing the DOM interface {@code UIEvent}. It will throw an {@code Error}. * @deprecated * @param _typeArg * @param _bubblesArg * @param _cancelableArg * @param _viewArg * @param _detailArg */ initUIEvent(_typeArg, _bubblesArg, _cancelableArg, _viewArg, _detailArg) { throw new Error("initUIEvent() is a legacy DOM API. It is not implemented in the Federated Events API."); } /** Prevent default behavior of PixiJS and the user agent. */ preventDefault() { if (this.nativeEvent instanceof Event && this.nativeEvent.cancelable) { this.nativeEvent.preventDefault(); } this.defaultPrevented = true; } /** * Stop this event from propagating to any addition listeners, including on the * {@link FederatedEventTarget.currentTarget currentTarget} and also the following * event targets on the propagation path. */ stopImmediatePropagation() { this.propagationImmediatelyStopped = true; } /** * Stop this event from propagating to the next {@link FederatedEventTarget}. The rest of the listeners * on the {@link FederatedEventTarget.currentTarget currentTarget} will still be notified. */ stopPropagation() { this.propagationStopped = true; } }; } }); // node_modules/ismobilejs/esm/isMobile.js function createMatch(userAgent) { return function(regex) { return regex.test(userAgent); }; } function isMobile(param) { var nav = { userAgent: "", platform: "", maxTouchPoints: 0 }; if (!param && typeof navigator !== "undefined") { nav = { userAgent: navigator.userAgent, platform: navigator.platform, maxTouchPoints: navigator.maxTouchPoints || 0 }; } else if (typeof param === "string") { nav.userAgent = param; } else if (param && param.userAgent) { nav = { userAgent: param.userAgent, platform: param.platform, maxTouchPoints: param.maxTouchPoints || 0 }; } var userAgent = nav.userAgent; var tmp = userAgent.split("[FBAN"); if (typeof tmp[1] !== "undefined") { userAgent = tmp[0]; } tmp = userAgent.split("Twitter"); if (typeof tmp[1] !== "undefined") { userAgent = tmp[0]; } var match = createMatch(userAgent); var result = { apple: { phone: match(appleIphone) && !match(windowsPhone), ipod: match(appleIpod), tablet: !match(appleIphone) && (match(appleTablet) || isAppleTabletOnIos13(nav)) && !match(windowsPhone), universal: match(appleUniversal), device: (match(appleIphone) || match(appleIpod) || match(appleTablet) || match(appleUniversal) || isAppleTabletOnIos13(nav)) && !match(windowsPhone) }, amazon: { phone: match(amazonPhone), tablet: !match(amazonPhone) && match(amazonTablet), device: match(amazonPhone) || match(amazonTablet) }, android: { phone: !match(windowsPhone) && match(amazonPhone) || !match(windowsPhone) && match(androidPhone), tablet: !match(windowsPhone) && !match(amazonPhone) && !match(androidPhone) && (match(amazonTablet) || match(androidTablet)), device: !match(windowsPhone) && (match(amazonPhone) || match(amazonTablet) || match(androidPhone) || match(androidTablet)) || match(/\bokhttp\b/i) }, windows: { phone: match(windowsPhone), tablet: match(windowsTablet), device: match(windowsPhone) || match(windowsTablet) }, other: { blackberry: match(otherBlackBerry), blackberry10: match(otherBlackBerry10), opera: match(otherOpera), firefox: match(otherFirefox), chrome: match(otherChrome), device: match(otherBlackBerry) || match(otherBlackBerry10) || match(otherOpera) || match(otherFirefox) || match(otherChrome) }, any: false, phone: false, tablet: false }; result.any = result.apple.device || result.android.device || result.windows.device || result.other.device; result.phone = result.apple.phone || result.android.phone || result.windows.phone; result.tablet = result.apple.tablet || result.android.tablet || result.windows.tablet; return result; } var appleIphone, appleIpod, appleTablet, appleUniversal, androidPhone, androidTablet, amazonPhone, amazonTablet, windowsPhone, windowsTablet, otherBlackBerry, otherBlackBerry10, otherOpera, otherChrome, otherFirefox, isAppleTabletOnIos13; var init_isMobile = __esm({ "node_modules/ismobilejs/esm/isMobile.js"() { "use strict"; appleIphone = /iPhone/i; appleIpod = /iPod/i; appleTablet = /iPad/i; appleUniversal = /\biOS-universal(?:.+)Mac\b/i; androidPhone = /\bAndroid(?:.+)Mobile\b/i; androidTablet = /Android/i; amazonPhone = /(?:SD4930UR|\bSilk(?:.+)Mobile\b)/i; amazonTablet = /Silk/i; windowsPhone = /Windows Phone/i; windowsTablet = /\bWindows(?:.+)ARM\b/i; otherBlackBerry = /BlackBerry/i; otherBlackBerry10 = /BB10/i; otherOpera = /Opera Mini/i; otherChrome = /\b(CriOS|Chrome)(?:.+)Mobile/i; otherFirefox = /Mobile(?:.+)Firefox\b/i; isAppleTabletOnIos13 = function(navigator2) { return typeof navigator2 !== "undefined" && navigator2.platform === "MacIntel" && typeof navigator2.maxTouchPoints === "number" && navigator2.maxTouchPoints > 1 && typeof MSStream === "undefined"; }; } }); // node_modules/ismobilejs/esm/index.js var init_esm = __esm({ "node_modules/ismobilejs/esm/index.js"() { "use strict"; init_isMobile(); init_isMobile(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/isMobile.mjs var isMobileCall, isMobile2; var init_isMobile2 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/isMobile.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_esm(); isMobileCall = isMobile.default ?? isMobile; isMobile2 = isMobileCall(globalThis.navigator); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/accessibility/AccessibilitySystem.mjs var KEY_CODE_TAB, DIV_TOUCH_SIZE, DIV_TOUCH_POS_X, DIV_TOUCH_POS_Y, DIV_TOUCH_ZINDEX, DIV_HOOK_SIZE, DIV_HOOK_POS_X, DIV_HOOK_POS_Y, DIV_HOOK_ZINDEX, AccessibilitySystem; var init_AccessibilitySystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/accessibility/AccessibilitySystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_FederatedEvent(); init_Extensions(); init_isMobile2(); init_removeItems(); KEY_CODE_TAB = 9; DIV_TOUCH_SIZE = 100; DIV_TOUCH_POS_X = 0; DIV_TOUCH_POS_Y = 0; DIV_TOUCH_ZINDEX = 2; DIV_HOOK_SIZE = 1; DIV_HOOK_POS_X = -1e3; DIV_HOOK_POS_Y = -1e3; DIV_HOOK_ZINDEX = 2; AccessibilitySystem = class { // 2fps // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-param /** * @param {WebGLRenderer|WebGPURenderer} renderer - A reference to the current renderer */ constructor(renderer, _mobileInfo = isMobile2) { this._mobileInfo = _mobileInfo; this.debug = false; this._isActive = false; this._isMobileAccessibility = false; this._pool = []; this._renderId = 0; this._children = []; this._androidUpdateCount = 0; this._androidUpdateFrequency = 500; this._hookDiv = null; if (_mobileInfo.tablet || _mobileInfo.phone) { this._createTouchHook(); } const div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.width = `${DIV_TOUCH_SIZE}px`; div.style.height = `${DIV_TOUCH_SIZE}px`; div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.top = `${DIV_TOUCH_POS_X}px`; div.style.left = `${DIV_TOUCH_POS_Y}px`; div.style.zIndex = DIV_TOUCH_ZINDEX.toString(); this._div = div; this._renderer = renderer; this._onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.bind(this); this._onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this); globalThis.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown, false); } /** * Value of `true` if accessibility is currently active and accessibility layers are showing. * @member {boolean} * @readonly */ get isActive() { return this._isActive; } /** * Value of `true` if accessibility is enabled for touch devices. * @member {boolean} * @readonly */ get isMobileAccessibility() { return this._isMobileAccessibility; } get hookDiv() { return this._hookDiv; } /** * Creates the touch hooks. * @private */ _createTouchHook() { const hookDiv = document.createElement("button"); hookDiv.style.width = `${DIV_HOOK_SIZE}px`; hookDiv.style.height = `${DIV_HOOK_SIZE}px`; hookDiv.style.position = "absolute"; hookDiv.style.top = `${DIV_HOOK_POS_X}px`; hookDiv.style.left = `${DIV_HOOK_POS_Y}px`; hookDiv.style.zIndex = DIV_HOOK_ZINDEX.toString(); hookDiv.style.backgroundColor = "#FF0000"; hookDiv.title = "select to enable accessibility for this content"; hookDiv.addEventListener("focus", () => { this._isMobileAccessibility = true; this._activate(); this._destroyTouchHook(); }); document.body.appendChild(hookDiv); this._hookDiv = hookDiv; } /** * Destroys the touch hooks. * @private */ _destroyTouchHook() { if (!this._hookDiv) { return; } document.body.removeChild(this._hookDiv); this._hookDiv = null; } /** * Activating will cause the Accessibility layer to be shown. * This is called when a user presses the tab key. * @private */ _activate() { if (this._isActive) { return; } this._isActive = true; globalThis.document.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, true); globalThis.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown, false); this._renderer.runners.postrender.add(this); this._renderer.view.canvas.parentNode?.appendChild(this._div); } /** * Deactivating will cause the Accessibility layer to be hidden. * This is called when a user moves the mouse. * @private */ _deactivate() { if (!this._isActive || this._isMobileAccessibility) { return; } this._isActive = false; globalThis.document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, true); globalThis.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown, false); this._renderer.runners.postrender.remove(this); this._div.parentNode?.removeChild(this._div); } /** * This recursive function will run through the scene graph and add any new accessible objects to the DOM layer. * @private * @param {Container} container - The Container to check. */ _updateAccessibleObjects(container) { if (!container.visible || !container.accessibleChildren) { return; } if (container.accessible && container.isInteractive()) { if (!container._accessibleActive) { this._addChild(container); } container._renderId = this._renderId; } const children = container.children; if (children) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { this._updateAccessibleObjects(children[i3]); } } } /** * Runner init called, view is available at this point. * @ignore */ init(options) { this.debug = options?.debug ?? this.debug; this._renderer.runners.postrender.remove(this); } /** * Runner postrender was called, ensure that all divs are mapped correctly to their Containers. * Only fires while active. * @ignore */ postrender() { const now = performance.now(); if (this._mobileInfo.android.device && now < this._androidUpdateCount) { return; } this._androidUpdateCount = now + this._androidUpdateFrequency; if (!this._renderer.renderingToScreen || !this._renderer.view.canvas) { return; } if (this._renderer.lastObjectRendered) { this._updateAccessibleObjects(this._renderer.lastObjectRendered); } const { x: x2, y: y2, width, height } = this._renderer.view.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const { width: viewWidth, height: viewHeight, resolution } = this._renderer; const sx = width / viewWidth * resolution; const sy = height / viewHeight * resolution; let div = this._div; div.style.left = `${x2}px`; div.style.top = `${y2}px`; div.style.width = `${viewWidth}px`; div.style.height = `${viewHeight}px`; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._children.length; i3++) { const child = this._children[i3]; if (child._renderId !== this._renderId) { child._accessibleActive = false; removeItems(this._children, i3, 1); this._div.removeChild(child._accessibleDiv); this._pool.push(child._accessibleDiv); child._accessibleDiv = null; i3--; } else { div = child._accessibleDiv; let hitArea = child.hitArea; const wt = child.worldTransform; if (child.hitArea) { div.style.left = `${(wt.tx + hitArea.x * wt.a) * sx}px`; div.style.top = `${(wt.ty + hitArea.y * wt.d) * sy}px`; div.style.width = `${hitArea.width * wt.a * sx}px`; div.style.height = `${hitArea.height * wt.d * sy}px`; } else { hitArea = child.getBounds().rectangle; this._capHitArea(hitArea); div.style.left = `${hitArea.x * sx}px`; div.style.top = `${hitArea.y * sy}px`; div.style.width = `${hitArea.width * sx}px`; div.style.height = `${hitArea.height * sy}px`; if (div.title !== child.accessibleTitle && child.accessibleTitle !== null) { div.title = child.accessibleTitle || ""; } if (div.getAttribute("aria-label") !== child.accessibleHint && child.accessibleHint !== null) { div.setAttribute("aria-label", child.accessibleHint || ""); } } if (child.accessibleTitle !== div.title || child.tabIndex !== div.tabIndex) { div.title = child.accessibleTitle || ""; div.tabIndex = child.tabIndex; if (this.debug) { this._updateDebugHTML(div); } } } } this._renderId++; } /** * private function that will visually add the information to the * accessibility div * @param {HTMLElement} div - */ _updateDebugHTML(div) { div.innerHTML = `type: ${div.type}
title : ${div.title}
tabIndex: ${div.tabIndex}`; } /** * Adjust the hit area based on the bounds of a display object * @param {Rectangle} hitArea - Bounds of the child */ _capHitArea(hitArea) { if (hitArea.x < 0) { hitArea.width += hitArea.x; hitArea.x = 0; } if (hitArea.y < 0) { hitArea.height += hitArea.y; hitArea.y = 0; } const { width: viewWidth, height: viewHeight } = this._renderer; if (hitArea.x + hitArea.width > viewWidth) { hitArea.width = viewWidth - hitArea.x; } if (hitArea.y + hitArea.height > viewHeight) { hitArea.height = viewHeight - hitArea.y; } } /** * Adds a Container to the accessibility manager * @private * @param {Container} container - The child to make accessible. */ _addChild(container) { let div = this._pool.pop(); if (!div) { div = document.createElement("button"); div.style.width = `${DIV_TOUCH_SIZE}px`; div.style.height = `${DIV_TOUCH_SIZE}px`; div.style.backgroundColor = this.debug ? "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" : "transparent"; div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.zIndex = DIV_TOUCH_ZINDEX.toString(); div.style.borderStyle = "none"; if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("chrome")) { div.setAttribute("aria-live", "off"); } else { div.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"); } if (navigator.userAgent.match(/rv:.*Gecko\//)) { div.setAttribute("aria-relevant", "additions"); } else { div.setAttribute("aria-relevant", "text"); } div.addEventListener("click", this._onClick.bind(this)); div.addEventListener("focus", this._onFocus.bind(this)); div.addEventListener("focusout", this._onFocusOut.bind(this)); } div.style.pointerEvents = container.accessiblePointerEvents; div.type = container.accessibleType; if (container.accessibleTitle && container.accessibleTitle !== null) { div.title = container.accessibleTitle; } else if (!container.accessibleHint || container.accessibleHint === null) { div.title = `container ${container.tabIndex}`; } if (container.accessibleHint && container.accessibleHint !== null) { div.setAttribute("aria-label", container.accessibleHint); } if (this.debug) { this._updateDebugHTML(div); } container._accessibleActive = true; container._accessibleDiv = div; div.container = container; this._children.push(container); this._div.appendChild(container._accessibleDiv); container._accessibleDiv.tabIndex = container.tabIndex; } /** * Dispatch events with the EventSystem. * @param e * @param type * @private */ _dispatchEvent(e2, type) { const { container: target } = e2.target; const boundary = this._renderer.events.rootBoundary; const event = Object.assign(new FederatedEvent(boundary), { target }); boundary.rootTarget = this._renderer.lastObjectRendered; type.forEach((type2) => boundary.dispatchEvent(event, type2)); } /** * Maps the div button press to pixi's EventSystem (click) * @private * @param {MouseEvent} e - The click event. */ _onClick(e2) { this._dispatchEvent(e2, ["click", "pointertap", "tap"]); } /** * Maps the div focus events to pixi's EventSystem (mouseover) * @private * @param {FocusEvent} e - The focus event. */ _onFocus(e2) { if (!e2.target.getAttribute("aria-live")) { e2.target.setAttribute("aria-live", "assertive"); } this._dispatchEvent(e2, ["mouseover"]); } /** * Maps the div focus events to pixi's EventSystem (mouseout) * @private * @param {FocusEvent} e - The focusout event. */ _onFocusOut(e2) { if (!e2.target.getAttribute("aria-live")) { e2.target.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"); } this._dispatchEvent(e2, ["mouseout"]); } /** * Is called when a key is pressed * @private * @param {KeyboardEvent} e - The keydown event. */ _onKeyDown(e2) { if (e2.keyCode !== KEY_CODE_TAB) { return; } this._activate(); } /** * Is called when the mouse moves across the renderer element * @private * @param {MouseEvent} e - The mouse event. */ _onMouseMove(e2) { if (e2.movementX === 0 && e2.movementY === 0) { return; } this._deactivate(); } /** Destroys the accessibility manager */ destroy() { this._destroyTouchHook(); this._div = null; globalThis.document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, true); globalThis.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown); this._pool = null; this._children = null; this._renderer = null; } }; AccessibilitySystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "accessibility" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/accessibility/accessibilityTarget.mjs var accessibilityTarget; var init_accessibilityTarget = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/accessibility/accessibilityTarget.mjs"() { "use strict"; accessibilityTarget = { /** * Flag for if the object is accessible. If true AccessibilityManager will overlay a * shadow div with attributes set * @member {boolean} * @memberof scene.Container# */ accessible: false, /** * Sets the title attribute of the shadow div * If accessibleTitle AND accessibleHint has not been this will default to 'container [tabIndex]' * @member {string} * @memberof scene.Container# */ accessibleTitle: null, /** * Sets the aria-label attribute of the shadow div * @member {string} * @memberof scene.Container# */ accessibleHint: null, /** * @member {number} * @memberof scene.Container# * @todo Needs docs. */ tabIndex: 0, /** * @member {boolean} * @memberof scene.Container# * @private */ _accessibleActive: false, /** * @memberof scene.Container# * @private */ _accessibleDiv: null, /** * Specify the type of div the accessible layer is. Screen readers treat the element differently * depending on this type. Defaults to button. * @member {string} * @memberof scene.Container# * @default 'button' */ accessibleType: "button", /** * Specify the pointer-events the accessible div will use * Defaults to auto. * @type {PointerEvents} * @memberof scene.Container# * @default 'auto' */ accessiblePointerEvents: "auto", /** * Setting to false will prevent any children inside this container to * be accessible. Defaults to true. * @member {boolean} * @memberof scene.Container# * @default true */ accessibleChildren: true, /** * @member {number} * @memberof scene.Container# * @private */ _renderId: -1 }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/accessibility/init.mjs var init_init = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/accessibility/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Container(); init_AccessibilitySystem(); init_accessibilityTarget(); extensions.add(AccessibilitySystem); Container.mixin(accessibilityTarget); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/app/ResizePlugin.mjs var ResizePlugin; var init_ResizePlugin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/app/ResizePlugin.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); ResizePlugin = class { /** * Initialize the plugin with scope of application instance * @static * @private * @param {object} [options] - See application options */ static init(options) { Object.defineProperty( this, "resizeTo", /** * The HTML element or window to automatically resize the * renderer's view element to match width and height. * @member {Window|HTMLElement} * @name resizeTo * @memberof app.Application# */ { set(dom) { globalThis.removeEventListener("resize", this.queueResize); this._resizeTo = dom; if (dom) { globalThis.addEventListener("resize", this.queueResize); this.resize(); } }, get() { return this._resizeTo; } } ); this.queueResize = () => { if (!this._resizeTo) { return; } this._cancelResize(); this._resizeId = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.resize()); }; this._cancelResize = () => { if (this._resizeId) { cancelAnimationFrame(this._resizeId); this._resizeId = null; } }; this.resize = () => { if (!this._resizeTo) { return; } this._cancelResize(); let width; let height; if (this._resizeTo === globalThis.window) { width = globalThis.innerWidth; height = globalThis.innerHeight; } else { const { clientWidth, clientHeight } = this._resizeTo; width = clientWidth; height = clientHeight; } this.renderer.resize(width, height); this.render(); }; this._resizeId = null; this._resizeTo = null; this.resizeTo = options.resizeTo || null; } /** * Clean up the ticker, scoped to application * @static * @private */ static destroy() { globalThis.removeEventListener("resize", this.queueResize); this._cancelResize(); this._cancelResize = null; this.queueResize = null; this.resizeTo = null; this.resize = null; } }; ResizePlugin.extension = ExtensionType.Application; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/ticker/const.mjs var UPDATE_PRIORITY; var init_const2 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/ticker/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; UPDATE_PRIORITY = /* @__PURE__ */ ((UPDATE_PRIORITY2) => { UPDATE_PRIORITY2[UPDATE_PRIORITY2["INTERACTION"] = 50] = "INTERACTION"; UPDATE_PRIORITY2[UPDATE_PRIORITY2["HIGH"] = 25] = "HIGH"; UPDATE_PRIORITY2[UPDATE_PRIORITY2["NORMAL"] = 0] = "NORMAL"; UPDATE_PRIORITY2[UPDATE_PRIORITY2["LOW"] = -25] = "LOW"; UPDATE_PRIORITY2[UPDATE_PRIORITY2["UTILITY"] = -50] = "UTILITY"; return UPDATE_PRIORITY2; })(UPDATE_PRIORITY || {}); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/ticker/TickerListener.mjs var TickerListener; var init_TickerListener = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/ticker/TickerListener.mjs"() { "use strict"; TickerListener = class { /** * Constructor * @private * @param fn - The listener function to be added for one update * @param context - The listener context * @param priority - The priority for emitting * @param once - If the handler should fire once */ constructor(fn, context2 = null, priority = 0, once = false) { this.next = null; this.previous = null; this._destroyed = false; this._fn = fn; this._context = context2; this.priority = priority; this._once = once; } /** * Simple compare function to figure out if a function and context match. * @param fn - The listener function to be added for one update * @param context - The listener context * @returns `true` if the listener match the arguments */ match(fn, context2 = null) { return this._fn === fn && this._context === context2; } /** * Emit by calling the current function. * @param ticker - The ticker emitting. * @returns Next ticker */ emit(ticker) { if (this._fn) { if (this._context) { this._fn.call(this._context, ticker); } else { this._fn(ticker); } } const redirect = this.next; if (this._once) { this.destroy(true); } if (this._destroyed) { this.next = null; } return redirect; } /** * Connect to the list. * @param previous - Input node, previous listener */ connect(previous) { this.previous = previous; if (previous.next) { previous.next.previous = this; } this.next = previous.next; previous.next = this; } /** * Destroy and don't use after this. * @param hard - `true` to remove the `next` reference, this * is considered a hard destroy. Soft destroy maintains the next reference. * @returns The listener to redirect while emitting or removing. */ destroy(hard = false) { this._destroyed = true; this._fn = null; this._context = null; if (this.previous) { this.previous.next = this.next; } if (this.next) { this.next.previous = this.previous; } const redirect = this.next; this.next = hard ? null : redirect; this.previous = null; return redirect; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/ticker/Ticker.mjs var _Ticker, Ticker; var init_Ticker = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/ticker/Ticker.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const2(); init_TickerListener(); _Ticker = class _Ticker2 { constructor() { this.autoStart = false; this.deltaTime = 1; this.lastTime = -1; this.speed = 1; this.started = false; this._requestId = null; this._maxElapsedMS = 100; this._minElapsedMS = 0; this._protected = false; this._lastFrame = -1; this._head = new TickerListener(null, null, Infinity); this.deltaMS = 1 / _Ticker2.targetFPMS; this.elapsedMS = 1 / _Ticker2.targetFPMS; this._tick = (time) => { this._requestId = null; if (this.started) { this.update(time); if (this.started && this._requestId === null && this._head.next) { this._requestId = requestAnimationFrame(this._tick); } } }; } /** * Conditionally requests a new animation frame. * If a frame has not already been requested, and if the internal * emitter has listeners, a new frame is requested. * @private */ _requestIfNeeded() { if (this._requestId === null && this._head.next) { this.lastTime = performance.now(); this._lastFrame = this.lastTime; this._requestId = requestAnimationFrame(this._tick); } } /** * Conditionally cancels a pending animation frame. * @private */ _cancelIfNeeded() { if (this._requestId !== null) { cancelAnimationFrame(this._requestId); this._requestId = null; } } /** * Conditionally requests a new animation frame. * If the ticker has been started it checks if a frame has not already * been requested, and if the internal emitter has listeners. If these * conditions are met, a new frame is requested. If the ticker has not * been started, but autoStart is `true`, then the ticker starts now, * and continues with the previous conditions to request a new frame. * @private */ _startIfPossible() { if (this.started) { this._requestIfNeeded(); } else if (this.autoStart) { this.start(); } } /** * Register a handler for tick events. Calls continuously unless * it is removed or the ticker is stopped. * @param fn - The listener function to be added for updates * @param context - The listener context * @param {number} [priority=UPDATE_PRIORITY.NORMAL] - The priority for emitting * @returns This instance of a ticker */ add(fn, context2, priority = UPDATE_PRIORITY.NORMAL) { return this._addListener(new TickerListener(fn, context2, priority)); } /** * Add a handler for the tick event which is only execute once. * @param fn - The listener function to be added for one update * @param context - The listener context * @param {number} [priority=UPDATE_PRIORITY.NORMAL] - The priority for emitting * @returns This instance of a ticker */ addOnce(fn, context2, priority = UPDATE_PRIORITY.NORMAL) { return this._addListener(new TickerListener(fn, context2, priority, true)); } /** * Internally adds the event handler so that it can be sorted by priority. * Priority allows certain handler (user, AnimatedSprite, Interaction) to be run * before the rendering. * @private * @param listener - Current listener being added. * @returns This instance of a ticker */ _addListener(listener) { let current = this._head.next; let previous = this._head; if (!current) { listener.connect(previous); } else { while (current) { if (listener.priority > current.priority) { listener.connect(previous); break; } previous = current; current = current.next; } if (!listener.previous) { listener.connect(previous); } } this._startIfPossible(); return this; } /** * Removes any handlers matching the function and context parameters. * If no handlers are left after removing, then it cancels the animation frame. * @param fn - The listener function to be removed * @param context - The listener context to be removed * @returns This instance of a ticker */ remove(fn, context2) { let listener = this._head.next; while (listener) { if (listener.match(fn, context2)) { listener = listener.destroy(); } else { listener = listener.next; } } if (!this._head.next) { this._cancelIfNeeded(); } return this; } /** * The number of listeners on this ticker, calculated by walking through linked list * @readonly * @member {number} */ get count() { if (!this._head) { return 0; } let count2 = 0; let current = this._head; while (current = current.next) { count2++; } return count2; } /** Starts the ticker. If the ticker has listeners a new animation frame is requested at this point. */ start() { if (!this.started) { this.started = true; this._requestIfNeeded(); } } /** Stops the ticker. If the ticker has requested an animation frame it is canceled at this point. */ stop() { if (this.started) { this.started = false; this._cancelIfNeeded(); } } /** Destroy the ticker and don't use after this. Calling this method removes all references to internal events. */ destroy() { if (!this._protected) { this.stop(); let listener = this._head.next; while (listener) { listener = listener.destroy(true); } this._head.destroy(); this._head = null; } } /** * Triggers an update. An update entails setting the * current {@link ticker.Ticker#elapsedMS|elapsedMS}, * the current {@link ticker.Ticker#deltaTime|deltaTime}, * invoking all listeners with current deltaTime, * and then finally setting {@link ticker.Ticker#lastTime|lastTime} * with the value of currentTime that was provided. * This method will be called automatically by animation * frame callbacks if the ticker instance has been started * and listeners are added. * @param {number} [currentTime=performance.now()] - the current time of execution */ update(currentTime = performance.now()) { let elapsedMS; if (currentTime > this.lastTime) { elapsedMS = this.elapsedMS = currentTime - this.lastTime; if (elapsedMS > this._maxElapsedMS) { elapsedMS = this._maxElapsedMS; } elapsedMS *= this.speed; if (this._minElapsedMS) { const delta = currentTime - this._lastFrame | 0; if (delta < this._minElapsedMS) { return; } this._lastFrame = currentTime - delta % this._minElapsedMS; } this.deltaMS = elapsedMS; this.deltaTime = this.deltaMS * _Ticker2.targetFPMS; const head = this._head; let listener = head.next; while (listener) { listener = listener.emit(this); } if (!head.next) { this._cancelIfNeeded(); } } else { this.deltaTime = this.deltaMS = this.elapsedMS = 0; } this.lastTime = currentTime; } /** * The frames per second at which this ticker is running. * The default is approximately 60 in most modern browsers. * **Note:** This does not factor in the value of * {@link ticker.Ticker#speed|speed}, which is specific * to scaling {@link ticker.Ticker#deltaTime|deltaTime}. * @member {number} * @readonly */ get FPS() { return 1e3 / this.elapsedMS; } /** * Manages the maximum amount of milliseconds allowed to * elapse between invoking {@link ticker.Ticker#update|update}. * This value is used to cap {@link ticker.Ticker#deltaTime|deltaTime}, * but does not effect the measured value of {@link ticker.Ticker#FPS|FPS}. * When setting this property it is clamped to a value between * `0` and `Ticker.targetFPMS * 1000`. * @member {number} * @default 10 */ get minFPS() { return 1e3 / this._maxElapsedMS; } set minFPS(fps) { const minFPS = Math.min(this.maxFPS, fps); const minFPMS = Math.min(Math.max(0, minFPS) / 1e3, _Ticker2.targetFPMS); this._maxElapsedMS = 1 / minFPMS; } /** * Manages the minimum amount of milliseconds required to * elapse between invoking {@link ticker.Ticker#update|update}. * This will effect the measured value of {@link ticker.Ticker#FPS|FPS}. * If it is set to `0`, then there is no limit; PixiJS will render as many frames as it can. * Otherwise it will be at least `minFPS` * @member {number} * @default 0 */ get maxFPS() { if (this._minElapsedMS) { return Math.round(1e3 / this._minElapsedMS); } return 0; } set maxFPS(fps) { if (fps === 0) { this._minElapsedMS = 0; } else { const maxFPS = Math.max(this.minFPS, fps); this._minElapsedMS = 1 / (maxFPS / 1e3); } } /** * The shared ticker instance used by {@link AnimatedSprite} and by * {@link VideoResource} to update animation frames / video textures. * * It may also be used by {@link Application} if created with the `sharedTicker` option property set to true. * * The property {@link ticker.Ticker#autoStart|autoStart} is set to `true` for this instance. * Please follow the examples for usage, including how to opt-out of auto-starting the shared ticker. * @example * import { Ticker } from 'pixi.js'; * * const ticker = Ticker.shared; * // Set this to prevent starting this ticker when listeners are added. * // By default this is true only for the Ticker.shared instance. * ticker.autoStart = false; * * // FYI, call this to ensure the ticker is stopped. It should be stopped * // if you have not attempted to render anything yet. * ticker.stop(); * * // Call this when you are ready for a running shared ticker. * ticker.start(); * @example * import { autoDetectRenderer, Container } from 'pixi.js'; * * // You may use the shared ticker to render... * const renderer = autoDetectRenderer(); * const stage = new Container(); * document.body.appendChild(renderer.view); * ticker.add((time) => renderer.render(stage)); * * // Or you can just update it manually. * ticker.autoStart = false; * ticker.stop(); * const animate = (time) => { * ticker.update(time); * renderer.render(stage); * requestAnimationFrame(animate); * }; * animate(performance.now()); * @member {ticker.Ticker} * @readonly * @static */ static get shared() { if (!_Ticker2._shared) { const shared = _Ticker2._shared = new _Ticker2(); shared.autoStart = true; shared._protected = true; } return _Ticker2._shared; } /** * The system ticker instance used by {@link BasePrepare} for core timing * functionality that shouldn't usually need to be paused, unlike the `shared` * ticker which drives visual animations and rendering which may want to be paused. * * The property {@link ticker.Ticker#autoStart|autoStart} is set to `true` for this instance. * @member {ticker.Ticker} * @readonly * @static */ static get system() { if (!_Ticker2._system) { const system = _Ticker2._system = new _Ticker2(); system.autoStart = true; system._protected = true; } return _Ticker2._system; } }; _Ticker.targetFPMS = 0.06; Ticker = _Ticker; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/app/TickerPlugin.mjs var TickerPlugin; var init_TickerPlugin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/app/TickerPlugin.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_const2(); init_Ticker(); TickerPlugin = class { /** * Initialize the plugin with scope of application instance * @static * @private * @param {object} [options] - See application options */ static init(options) { options = Object.assign({ autoStart: true, sharedTicker: false }, options); Object.defineProperty( this, "ticker", { set(ticker) { if (this._ticker) { this._ticker.remove(this.render, this); } this._ticker = ticker; if (ticker) { ticker.add(this.render, this, UPDATE_PRIORITY.LOW); } }, get() { return this._ticker; } } ); this.stop = () => { this._ticker.stop(); }; this.start = () => { this._ticker.start(); }; this._ticker = null; this.ticker = options.sharedTicker ? Ticker.shared : new Ticker(); if (options.autoStart) { this.start(); } } /** * Clean up the ticker, scoped to application. * @static * @private */ static destroy() { if (this._ticker) { const oldTicker = this._ticker; this.ticker = null; oldTicker.destroy(); } } }; TickerPlugin.extension = ExtensionType.Application; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/app/init.mjs var init_init2 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/app/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_ResizePlugin(); init_TickerPlugin(); extensions.add(ResizePlugin); extensions.add(TickerPlugin); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/EventTicker.mjs var EventsTickerClass, EventsTicker; var init_EventTicker = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/EventTicker.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const2(); init_Ticker(); EventsTickerClass = class { constructor() { this.interactionFrequency = 10; this._deltaTime = 0; this._didMove = false; this._tickerAdded = false; this._pauseUpdate = true; } /** * Initializes the event ticker. * @param events - The event system. */ init(events) { this.removeTickerListener(); this.events = events; this.interactionFrequency = 10; this._deltaTime = 0; this._didMove = false; this._tickerAdded = false; this._pauseUpdate = true; } /** Whether to pause the update checks or not. */ get pauseUpdate() { return this._pauseUpdate; } set pauseUpdate(paused) { this._pauseUpdate = paused; } /** Adds the ticker listener. */ addTickerListener() { if (this._tickerAdded || !this.domElement) { return; } Ticker.system.add(this._tickerUpdate, this, UPDATE_PRIORITY.INTERACTION); this._tickerAdded = true; } /** Removes the ticker listener. */ removeTickerListener() { if (!this._tickerAdded) { return; } Ticker.system.remove(this._tickerUpdate, this); this._tickerAdded = false; } /** Sets flag to not fire extra events when the user has already moved there mouse */ pointerMoved() { this._didMove = true; } /** Updates the state of interactive objects. */ _update() { if (!this.domElement || this._pauseUpdate) { return; } if (this._didMove) { this._didMove = false; return; } const rootPointerEvent = this.events["_rootPointerEvent"]; if (this.events.supportsTouchEvents && rootPointerEvent.pointerType === "touch") { return; } globalThis.document.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent("pointermove", { clientX: rootPointerEvent.clientX, clientY: rootPointerEvent.clientY, pointerType: rootPointerEvent.pointerType, pointerId: rootPointerEvent.pointerId })); } /** * Updates the state of interactive objects if at least {@link interactionFrequency} * milliseconds have passed since the last invocation. * * Invoked by a throttled ticker update from {@link Ticker.system}. * @param ticker - The throttled ticker. */ _tickerUpdate(ticker) { this._deltaTime += ticker.deltaTime; if (this._deltaTime < this.interactionFrequency) { return; } this._deltaTime = 0; this._update(); } }; EventsTicker = new EventsTickerClass(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/FederatedMouseEvent.mjs var FederatedMouseEvent; var init_FederatedMouseEvent = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/FederatedMouseEvent.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Point(); init_FederatedEvent(); FederatedMouseEvent = class extends FederatedEvent { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.client = new Point(); this.movement = new Point(); this.offset = new Point(); this.global = new Point(); this.screen = new Point(); } /** @readonly */ get clientX() { return this.client.x; } /** @readonly */ get clientY() { return this.client.y; } /** * Alias for {@link FederatedMouseEvent.clientX this.clientX}. * @readonly */ get x() { return this.clientX; } /** * Alias for {@link FederatedMouseEvent.clientY this.clientY}. * @readonly */ get y() { return this.clientY; } /** @readonly */ get movementX() { return this.movement.x; } /** @readonly */ get movementY() { return this.movement.y; } /** @readonly */ get offsetX() { return this.offset.x; } /** @readonly */ get offsetY() { return this.offset.y; } /** @readonly */ get globalX() { return this.global.x; } /** @readonly */ get globalY() { return this.global.y; } /** * The pointer coordinates in the renderer's screen. Alias for {@code screen.x}. * @readonly */ get screenX() { return this.screen.x; } /** * The pointer coordinates in the renderer's screen. Alias for {@code screen.y}. * @readonly */ get screenY() { return this.screen.y; } /** * This will return the local coordinates of the specified container for this InteractionData * @param {Container} container - The Container that you would like the local * coords off * @param {PointData} point - A Point object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise * will create a new point) * @param {PointData} globalPos - A Point object containing your custom global coords, optional * (otherwise will use the current global coords) * @returns - A point containing the coordinates of the InteractionData position relative * to the Container */ getLocalPosition(container, point, globalPos) { return container.worldTransform.applyInverse(globalPos || this.global, point); } /** * Whether the modifier key was pressed when this event natively occurred. * @param key - The modifier key. */ getModifierState(key) { return "getModifierState" in this.nativeEvent && this.nativeEvent.getModifierState(key); } /** * Not supported. * @param _typeArg * @param _canBubbleArg * @param _cancelableArg * @param _viewArg * @param _detailArg * @param _screenXArg * @param _screenYArg * @param _clientXArg * @param _clientYArg * @param _ctrlKeyArg * @param _altKeyArg * @param _shiftKeyArg * @param _metaKeyArg * @param _buttonArg * @param _relatedTargetArg * @deprecated since 7.0.0 */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-params initMouseEvent(_typeArg, _canBubbleArg, _cancelableArg, _viewArg, _detailArg, _screenXArg, _screenYArg, _clientXArg, _clientYArg, _ctrlKeyArg, _altKeyArg, _shiftKeyArg, _metaKeyArg, _buttonArg, _relatedTargetArg) { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/FederatedPointerEvent.mjs var FederatedPointerEvent; var init_FederatedPointerEvent = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/FederatedPointerEvent.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_FederatedMouseEvent(); FederatedPointerEvent = class extends FederatedMouseEvent { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.isPrimary = false; } // Only included for completeness for now getCoalescedEvents() { if (this.type === "pointermove" || this.type === "mousemove" || this.type === "touchmove") { return [this]; } return []; } // Only included for completeness for now getPredictedEvents() { throw new Error("getPredictedEvents is not supported!"); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/FederatedWheelEvent.mjs var FederatedWheelEvent; var init_FederatedWheelEvent = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/FederatedWheelEvent.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_FederatedMouseEvent(); FederatedWheelEvent = class extends FederatedMouseEvent { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL = 0; this.DOM_DELTA_LINE = 1; this.DOM_DELTA_PAGE = 2; } }; FederatedWheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL = 0; FederatedWheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE = 1; FederatedWheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PAGE = 2; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/EventBoundary.mjs var PROPAGATION_LIMIT, tempHitLocation, tempLocalMapping, EventBoundary; var init_EventBoundary = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/EventBoundary.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_Point(); init_warn(); init_EventTicker(); init_FederatedMouseEvent(); init_FederatedPointerEvent(); init_FederatedWheelEvent(); PROPAGATION_LIMIT = 2048; tempHitLocation = new Point(); tempLocalMapping = new Point(); EventBoundary = class { /** * @param rootTarget - The holder of the event boundary. */ constructor(rootTarget) { this.dispatch = new eventemitter3_default(); this.moveOnAll = false; this.enableGlobalMoveEvents = true; this.mappingState = { trackingData: {} }; this.eventPool = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._allInteractiveElements = []; this._hitElements = []; this._isPointerMoveEvent = false; this.rootTarget = rootTarget; this.hitPruneFn = this.hitPruneFn.bind(this); this.hitTestFn = this.hitTestFn.bind(this); this.mapPointerDown = this.mapPointerDown.bind(this); this.mapPointerMove = this.mapPointerMove.bind(this); this.mapPointerOut = this.mapPointerOut.bind(this); this.mapPointerOver = this.mapPointerOver.bind(this); this.mapPointerUp = this.mapPointerUp.bind(this); this.mapPointerUpOutside = this.mapPointerUpOutside.bind(this); this.mapWheel = this.mapWheel.bind(this); this.mappingTable = {}; this.addEventMapping("pointerdown", this.mapPointerDown); this.addEventMapping("pointermove", this.mapPointerMove); this.addEventMapping("pointerout", this.mapPointerOut); this.addEventMapping("pointerleave", this.mapPointerOut); this.addEventMapping("pointerover", this.mapPointerOver); this.addEventMapping("pointerup", this.mapPointerUp); this.addEventMapping("pointerupoutside", this.mapPointerUpOutside); this.addEventMapping("wheel", this.mapWheel); } /** * Adds an event mapping for the event `type` handled by `fn`. * * Event mappings can be used to implement additional or custom events. They take an event * coming from the upstream scene (or directly from the {@link EventSystem}) and dispatch new downstream events * generally trickling down and bubbling up to {@link EventBoundary.rootTarget this.rootTarget}. * * To modify the semantics of existing events, the built-in mapping methods of EventBoundary should be overridden * instead. * @param type - The type of upstream event to map. * @param fn - The mapping method. The context of this function must be bound manually, if desired. */ addEventMapping(type, fn) { if (!this.mappingTable[type]) { this.mappingTable[type] = []; } this.mappingTable[type].push({ fn, priority: 0 }); this.mappingTable[type].sort((a2, b2) => a2.priority - b2.priority); } /** * Dispatches the given event * @param e - The event to dispatch. * @param type - The type of event to dispatch. Defaults to `e.type`. */ dispatchEvent(e2, type) { e2.propagationStopped = false; e2.propagationImmediatelyStopped = false; this.propagate(e2, type); this.dispatch.emit(type || e2.type, e2); } /** * Maps the given upstream event through the event boundary and propagates it downstream. * @param e - The event to map. */ mapEvent(e2) { if (!this.rootTarget) { return; } const mappers = this.mappingTable[e2.type]; if (mappers) { for (let i3 = 0, j2 = mappers.length; i3 < j2; i3++) { mappers[i3].fn(e2); } } else { warn(`[EventBoundary]: Event mapping not defined for ${e2.type}`); } } /** * Finds the Container that is the target of a event at the given coordinates. * * The passed (x,y) coordinates are in the world space above this event boundary. * @param x - The x coordinate of the event. * @param y - The y coordinate of the event. */ hitTest(x2, y2) { EventsTicker.pauseUpdate = true; const useMove = this._isPointerMoveEvent && this.enableGlobalMoveEvents; const fn = useMove ? "hitTestMoveRecursive" : "hitTestRecursive"; const invertedPath = this[fn]( this.rootTarget, this.rootTarget.eventMode, tempHitLocation.set(x2, y2), this.hitTestFn, this.hitPruneFn ); return invertedPath && invertedPath[0]; } /** * Propagate the passed event from from {@link EventBoundary.rootTarget this.rootTarget} to its * target {@code e.target}. * @param e - The event to propagate. * @param type - The type of event to propagate. Defaults to `e.type`. */ propagate(e2, type) { if (!e2.target) { return; } const composedPath = e2.composedPath(); e2.eventPhase = e2.CAPTURING_PHASE; for (let i3 = 0, j2 = composedPath.length - 1; i3 < j2; i3++) { e2.currentTarget = composedPath[i3]; this.notifyTarget(e2, type); if (e2.propagationStopped || e2.propagationImmediatelyStopped) return; } e2.eventPhase = e2.AT_TARGET; e2.currentTarget = e2.target; this.notifyTarget(e2, type); if (e2.propagationStopped || e2.propagationImmediatelyStopped) return; e2.eventPhase = e2.BUBBLING_PHASE; for (let i3 = composedPath.length - 2; i3 >= 0; i3--) { e2.currentTarget = composedPath[i3]; this.notifyTarget(e2, type); if (e2.propagationStopped || e2.propagationImmediatelyStopped) return; } } /** * Emits the event {@code e} to all interactive containers. The event is propagated in the bubbling phase always. * * This is used in the `globalpointermove` event. * @param e - The emitted event. * @param type - The listeners to notify. * @param targets - The targets to notify. */ all(e2, type, targets = this._allInteractiveElements) { if (targets.length === 0) return; e2.eventPhase = e2.BUBBLING_PHASE; const events = Array.isArray(type) ? type : [type]; for (let i3 = targets.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) { events.forEach((event) => { e2.currentTarget = targets[i3]; this.notifyTarget(e2, event); }); } } /** * Finds the propagation path from {@link EventBoundary.rootTarget rootTarget} to the passed * {@code target}. The last element in the path is {@code target}. * @param target - The target to find the propagation path to. */ propagationPath(target) { const propagationPath = [target]; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < PROPAGATION_LIMIT && (target !== this.rootTarget && target.parent); i3++) { if (!target.parent) { throw new Error("Cannot find propagation path to disconnected target"); } propagationPath.push(target.parent); target = target.parent; } propagationPath.reverse(); return propagationPath; } hitTestMoveRecursive(currentTarget, eventMode, location, testFn, pruneFn, ignore = false) { let shouldReturn = false; if (this._interactivePrune(currentTarget)) return null; if (currentTarget.eventMode === "dynamic" || eventMode === "dynamic") { EventsTicker.pauseUpdate = false; } if (currentTarget.interactiveChildren && currentTarget.children) { const children = currentTarget.children; for (let i3 = children.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) { const child = children[i3]; const nestedHit = this.hitTestMoveRecursive( child, this._isInteractive(eventMode) ? eventMode : child.eventMode, location, testFn, pruneFn, ignore || pruneFn(currentTarget, location) ); if (nestedHit) { if (nestedHit.length > 0 && !nestedHit[nestedHit.length - 1].parent) { continue; } const isInteractive = currentTarget.isInteractive(); if (nestedHit.length > 0 || isInteractive) { if (isInteractive) this._allInteractiveElements.push(currentTarget); nestedHit.push(currentTarget); } if (this._hitElements.length === 0) this._hitElements = nestedHit; shouldReturn = true; } } } const isInteractiveMode = this._isInteractive(eventMode); const isInteractiveTarget = currentTarget.isInteractive(); if (isInteractiveTarget && isInteractiveTarget) this._allInteractiveElements.push(currentTarget); if (ignore || this._hitElements.length > 0) return null; if (shouldReturn) return this._hitElements; if (isInteractiveMode && (!pruneFn(currentTarget, location) && testFn(currentTarget, location))) { return isInteractiveTarget ? [currentTarget] : []; } return null; } /** * Recursive implementation for {@link EventBoundary.hitTest hitTest}. * @param currentTarget - The Container that is to be hit tested. * @param eventMode - The event mode for the `currentTarget` or one of its parents. * @param location - The location that is being tested for overlap. * @param testFn - Callback that determines whether the target passes hit testing. This callback * can assume that `pruneFn` failed to prune the container. * @param pruneFn - Callback that determiness whether the target and all of its children * cannot pass the hit test. It is used as a preliminary optimization to prune entire subtrees * of the scene graph. * @returns An array holding the hit testing target and all its ancestors in order. The first element * is the target itself and the last is {@link EventBoundary.rootTarget rootTarget}. This is the opposite * order w.r.t. the propagation path. If no hit testing target is found, null is returned. */ hitTestRecursive(currentTarget, eventMode, location, testFn, pruneFn) { if (this._interactivePrune(currentTarget) || pruneFn(currentTarget, location)) { return null; } if (currentTarget.eventMode === "dynamic" || eventMode === "dynamic") { EventsTicker.pauseUpdate = false; } if (currentTarget.interactiveChildren && currentTarget.children) { const children = currentTarget.children; const relativeLocation = location; for (let i3 = children.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) { const child = children[i3]; const nestedHit = this.hitTestRecursive( child, this._isInteractive(eventMode) ? eventMode : child.eventMode, relativeLocation, testFn, pruneFn ); if (nestedHit) { if (nestedHit.length > 0 && !nestedHit[nestedHit.length - 1].parent) { continue; } const isInteractive = currentTarget.isInteractive(); if (nestedHit.length > 0 || isInteractive) nestedHit.push(currentTarget); return nestedHit; } } } const isInteractiveMode = this._isInteractive(eventMode); const isInteractiveTarget = currentTarget.isInteractive(); if (isInteractiveMode && testFn(currentTarget, location)) { return isInteractiveTarget ? [currentTarget] : []; } return null; } _isInteractive(int) { return int === "static" || int === "dynamic"; } _interactivePrune(container) { if (!container || !container.visible || !container.renderable || !container.includeInBuild || !container.measurable) { return true; } if (container.eventMode === "none") { return true; } if (container.eventMode === "passive" && !container.interactiveChildren) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks whether the container or any of its children cannot pass the hit test at all. * * {@link EventBoundary}'s implementation uses the {@link Container.hitArea hitArea} * and {@link Container._maskEffect} for pruning. * @param container - The container to prune. * @param location - The location to test for overlap. */ hitPruneFn(container, location) { if (container.hitArea) { container.worldTransform.applyInverse(location, tempLocalMapping); if (!container.hitArea.contains(tempLocalMapping.x, tempLocalMapping.y)) { return true; } } if (container.effects && container.effects.length) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < container.effects.length; i3++) { const effect = container.effects[i3]; if (effect.containsPoint) { const effectContainsPoint = effect.containsPoint(location, this.hitTestFn); if (!effectContainsPoint) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Checks whether the container passes hit testing for the given location. * @param container - The container to test. * @param location - The location to test for overlap. * @returns - Whether `container` passes hit testing for `location`. */ hitTestFn(container, location) { if (container.hitArea) { return true; } if (container?.containsPoint) { container.worldTransform.applyInverse(location, tempLocalMapping); return container.containsPoint(tempLocalMapping); } return false; } /** * Notify all the listeners to the event's `currentTarget`. * * If the `currentTarget` contains the property `on`, then it is called here, * simulating the behavior from version 6.x and prior. * @param e - The event passed to the target. * @param type - The type of event to notify. Defaults to `e.type`. */ notifyTarget(e2, type) { if (!e2.currentTarget.isInteractive()) { return; } type = type ?? e2.type; const handlerKey = `on${type}`; e2.currentTarget[handlerKey]?.(e2); const key = e2.eventPhase === e2.CAPTURING_PHASE || e2.eventPhase === e2.AT_TARGET ? `${type}capture` : type; this._notifyListeners(e2, key); if (e2.eventPhase === e2.AT_TARGET) { this._notifyListeners(e2, type); } } /** * Maps the upstream `pointerdown` events to a downstream `pointerdown` event. * * `touchstart`, `rightdown`, `mousedown` events are also dispatched for specific pointer types. * @param from - The upstream `pointerdown` event. */ mapPointerDown(from) { if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent)) { warn("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } const e2 = this.createPointerEvent(from); this.dispatchEvent(e2, "pointerdown"); if (e2.pointerType === "touch") { this.dispatchEvent(e2, "touchstart"); } else if (e2.pointerType === "mouse" || e2.pointerType === "pen") { const isRightButton = e2.button === 2; this.dispatchEvent(e2, isRightButton ? "rightdown" : "mousedown"); } const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId); trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button] = e2.composedPath(); this.freeEvent(e2); } /** * Maps the upstream `pointermove` to downstream `pointerout`, `pointerover`, and `pointermove` events, in that order. * * The tracking data for the specific pointer has an updated `overTarget`. `mouseout`, `mouseover`, * `mousemove`, and `touchmove` events are fired as well for specific pointer types. * @param from - The upstream `pointermove` event. */ mapPointerMove(from) { if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent)) { warn("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } this._allInteractiveElements.length = 0; this._hitElements.length = 0; this._isPointerMoveEvent = true; const e2 = this.createPointerEvent(from); this._isPointerMoveEvent = false; const isMouse = e2.pointerType === "mouse" || e2.pointerType === "pen"; const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId); const outTarget = this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.overTargets); if (trackingData.overTargets?.length > 0 && outTarget !== e2.target) { const outType = from.type === "mousemove" ? "mouseout" : "pointerout"; const outEvent = this.createPointerEvent(from, outType, outTarget); this.dispatchEvent(outEvent, "pointerout"); if (isMouse) this.dispatchEvent(outEvent, "mouseout"); if (!e2.composedPath().includes(outTarget)) { const leaveEvent = this.createPointerEvent(from, "pointerleave", outTarget); leaveEvent.eventPhase = leaveEvent.AT_TARGET; while (leaveEvent.target && !e2.composedPath().includes(leaveEvent.target)) { leaveEvent.currentTarget = leaveEvent.target; this.notifyTarget(leaveEvent); if (isMouse) this.notifyTarget(leaveEvent, "mouseleave"); leaveEvent.target = leaveEvent.target.parent; } this.freeEvent(leaveEvent); } this.freeEvent(outEvent); } if (outTarget !== e2.target) { const overType = from.type === "mousemove" ? "mouseover" : "pointerover"; const overEvent = this.clonePointerEvent(e2, overType); this.dispatchEvent(overEvent, "pointerover"); if (isMouse) this.dispatchEvent(overEvent, "mouseover"); let overTargetAncestor = outTarget?.parent; while (overTargetAncestor && overTargetAncestor !== this.rootTarget.parent) { if (overTargetAncestor === e2.target) break; overTargetAncestor = overTargetAncestor.parent; } const didPointerEnter = !overTargetAncestor || overTargetAncestor === this.rootTarget.parent; if (didPointerEnter) { const enterEvent = this.clonePointerEvent(e2, "pointerenter"); enterEvent.eventPhase = enterEvent.AT_TARGET; while (enterEvent.target && enterEvent.target !== outTarget && enterEvent.target !== this.rootTarget.parent) { enterEvent.currentTarget = enterEvent.target; this.notifyTarget(enterEvent); if (isMouse) this.notifyTarget(enterEvent, "mouseenter"); enterEvent.target = enterEvent.target.parent; } this.freeEvent(enterEvent); } this.freeEvent(overEvent); } const allMethods = []; const allowGlobalPointerEvents = this.enableGlobalMoveEvents ?? true; this.moveOnAll ? allMethods.push("pointermove") : this.dispatchEvent(e2, "pointermove"); allowGlobalPointerEvents && allMethods.push("globalpointermove"); if (e2.pointerType === "touch") { this.moveOnAll ? allMethods.splice(1, 0, "touchmove") : this.dispatchEvent(e2, "touchmove"); allowGlobalPointerEvents && allMethods.push("globaltouchmove"); } if (isMouse) { this.moveOnAll ? allMethods.splice(1, 0, "mousemove") : this.dispatchEvent(e2, "mousemove"); allowGlobalPointerEvents && allMethods.push("globalmousemove"); this.cursor = e2.target?.cursor; } if (allMethods.length > 0) { this.all(e2, allMethods); } this._allInteractiveElements.length = 0; this._hitElements.length = 0; trackingData.overTargets = e2.composedPath(); this.freeEvent(e2); } /** * Maps the upstream `pointerover` to downstream `pointerover` and `pointerenter` events, in that order. * * The tracking data for the specific pointer gets a new `overTarget`. * @param from - The upstream `pointerover` event. */ mapPointerOver(from) { if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent)) { warn("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId); const e2 = this.createPointerEvent(from); const isMouse = e2.pointerType === "mouse" || e2.pointerType === "pen"; this.dispatchEvent(e2, "pointerover"); if (isMouse) this.dispatchEvent(e2, "mouseover"); if (e2.pointerType === "mouse") this.cursor = e2.target?.cursor; const enterEvent = this.clonePointerEvent(e2, "pointerenter"); enterEvent.eventPhase = enterEvent.AT_TARGET; while (enterEvent.target && enterEvent.target !== this.rootTarget.parent) { enterEvent.currentTarget = enterEvent.target; this.notifyTarget(enterEvent); if (isMouse) this.notifyTarget(enterEvent, "mouseenter"); enterEvent.target = enterEvent.target.parent; } trackingData.overTargets = e2.composedPath(); this.freeEvent(e2); this.freeEvent(enterEvent); } /** * Maps the upstream `pointerout` to downstream `pointerout`, `pointerleave` events, in that order. * * The tracking data for the specific pointer is cleared of a `overTarget`. * @param from - The upstream `pointerout` event. */ mapPointerOut(from) { if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent)) { warn("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId); if (trackingData.overTargets) { const isMouse = from.pointerType === "mouse" || from.pointerType === "pen"; const outTarget = this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.overTargets); const outEvent = this.createPointerEvent(from, "pointerout", outTarget); this.dispatchEvent(outEvent); if (isMouse) this.dispatchEvent(outEvent, "mouseout"); const leaveEvent = this.createPointerEvent(from, "pointerleave", outTarget); leaveEvent.eventPhase = leaveEvent.AT_TARGET; while (leaveEvent.target && leaveEvent.target !== this.rootTarget.parent) { leaveEvent.currentTarget = leaveEvent.target; this.notifyTarget(leaveEvent); if (isMouse) this.notifyTarget(leaveEvent, "mouseleave"); leaveEvent.target = leaveEvent.target.parent; } trackingData.overTargets = null; this.freeEvent(outEvent); this.freeEvent(leaveEvent); } this.cursor = null; } /** * Maps the upstream `pointerup` event to downstream `pointerup`, `pointerupoutside`, * and `click`/`rightclick`/`pointertap` events, in that order. * * The `pointerupoutside` event bubbles from the original `pointerdown` target to the most specific * ancestor of the `pointerdown` and `pointerup` targets, which is also the `click` event's target. `touchend`, * `rightup`, `mouseup`, `touchendoutside`, `rightupoutside`, `mouseupoutside`, and `tap` are fired as well for * specific pointer types. * @param from - The upstream `pointerup` event. */ mapPointerUp(from) { if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent)) { warn("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } const now = performance.now(); const e2 = this.createPointerEvent(from); this.dispatchEvent(e2, "pointerup"); if (e2.pointerType === "touch") { this.dispatchEvent(e2, "touchend"); } else if (e2.pointerType === "mouse" || e2.pointerType === "pen") { const isRightButton = e2.button === 2; this.dispatchEvent(e2, isRightButton ? "rightup" : "mouseup"); } const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId); const pressTarget = this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button]); let clickTarget = pressTarget; if (pressTarget && !e2.composedPath().includes(pressTarget)) { let currentTarget = pressTarget; while (currentTarget && !e2.composedPath().includes(currentTarget)) { e2.currentTarget = currentTarget; this.notifyTarget(e2, "pointerupoutside"); if (e2.pointerType === "touch") { this.notifyTarget(e2, "touchendoutside"); } else if (e2.pointerType === "mouse" || e2.pointerType === "pen") { const isRightButton = e2.button === 2; this.notifyTarget(e2, isRightButton ? "rightupoutside" : "mouseupoutside"); } currentTarget = currentTarget.parent; } delete trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button]; clickTarget = currentTarget; } if (clickTarget) { const clickEvent = this.clonePointerEvent(e2, "click"); clickEvent.target = clickTarget; clickEvent.path = null; if (!trackingData.clicksByButton[from.button]) { trackingData.clicksByButton[from.button] = { clickCount: 0, target: clickEvent.target, timeStamp: now }; } const clickHistory = trackingData.clicksByButton[from.button]; if (clickHistory.target === clickEvent.target && now - clickHistory.timeStamp < 200) { ++clickHistory.clickCount; } else { clickHistory.clickCount = 1; } clickHistory.target = clickEvent.target; clickHistory.timeStamp = now; clickEvent.detail = clickHistory.clickCount; if (clickEvent.pointerType === "mouse") { const isRightButton = clickEvent.button === 2; this.dispatchEvent(clickEvent, isRightButton ? "rightclick" : "click"); } else if (clickEvent.pointerType === "touch") { this.dispatchEvent(clickEvent, "tap"); } this.dispatchEvent(clickEvent, "pointertap"); this.freeEvent(clickEvent); } this.freeEvent(e2); } /** * Maps the upstream `pointerupoutside` event to a downstream `pointerupoutside` event, bubbling from the original * `pointerdown` target to `rootTarget`. * * (The most specific ancestor of the `pointerdown` event and the `pointerup` event must the * `{@link EventBoundary}'s root because the `pointerup` event occurred outside of the boundary.) * * `touchendoutside`, `mouseupoutside`, and `rightupoutside` events are fired as well for specific pointer * types. The tracking data for the specific pointer is cleared of a `pressTarget`. * @param from - The upstream `pointerupoutside` event. */ mapPointerUpOutside(from) { if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent)) { warn("EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event"); return; } const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId); const pressTarget = this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button]); const e2 = this.createPointerEvent(from); if (pressTarget) { let currentTarget = pressTarget; while (currentTarget) { e2.currentTarget = currentTarget; this.notifyTarget(e2, "pointerupoutside"); if (e2.pointerType === "touch") { this.notifyTarget(e2, "touchendoutside"); } else if (e2.pointerType === "mouse" || e2.pointerType === "pen") { this.notifyTarget(e2, e2.button === 2 ? "rightupoutside" : "mouseupoutside"); } currentTarget = currentTarget.parent; } delete trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button]; } this.freeEvent(e2); } /** * Maps the upstream `wheel` event to a downstream `wheel` event. * @param from - The upstream `wheel` event. */ mapWheel(from) { if (!(from instanceof FederatedWheelEvent)) { warn("EventBoundary cannot map a non-wheel event as a wheel event"); return; } const wheelEvent = this.createWheelEvent(from); this.dispatchEvent(wheelEvent); this.freeEvent(wheelEvent); } /** * Finds the most specific event-target in the given propagation path that is still mounted in the scene graph. * * This is used to find the correct `pointerup` and `pointerout` target in the case that the original `pointerdown` * or `pointerover` target was unmounted from the scene graph. * @param propagationPath - The propagation path was valid in the past. * @returns - The most specific event-target still mounted at the same location in the scene graph. */ findMountedTarget(propagationPath) { if (!propagationPath) { return null; } let currentTarget = propagationPath[0]; for (let i3 = 1; i3 < propagationPath.length; i3++) { if (propagationPath[i3].parent === currentTarget) { currentTarget = propagationPath[i3]; } else { break; } } return currentTarget; } /** * Creates an event whose {@code originalEvent} is {@code from}, with an optional `type` and `target` override. * * The event is allocated using {@link EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent}. * @param from - The {@code originalEvent} for the returned event. * @param [type=from.type] - The type of the returned event. * @param target - The target of the returned event. */ createPointerEvent(from, type, target) { const event = this.allocateEvent(FederatedPointerEvent); this.copyPointerData(from, event); this.copyMouseData(from, event); this.copyData(from, event); event.nativeEvent = from.nativeEvent; event.originalEvent = from; event.target = target ?? this.hitTest(event.global.x, event.global.y) ?? this._hitElements[0]; if (typeof type === "string") { event.type = type; } return event; } /** * Creates a wheel event whose {@code originalEvent} is {@code from}. * * The event is allocated using {@link EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent}. * @param from - The upstream wheel event. */ createWheelEvent(from) { const event = this.allocateEvent(FederatedWheelEvent); this.copyWheelData(from, event); this.copyMouseData(from, event); this.copyData(from, event); event.nativeEvent = from.nativeEvent; event.originalEvent = from; event.target = this.hitTest(event.global.x, event.global.y); return event; } /** * Clones the event {@code from}, with an optional {@code type} override. * * The event is allocated using {@link EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent}. * @param from - The event to clone. * @param [type=from.type] - The type of the returned event. */ clonePointerEvent(from, type) { const event = this.allocateEvent(FederatedPointerEvent); event.nativeEvent = from.nativeEvent; event.originalEvent = from.originalEvent; this.copyPointerData(from, event); this.copyMouseData(from, event); this.copyData(from, event); event.target = from.target; event.path = from.composedPath().slice(); event.type = type ?? event.type; return event; } /** * Copies wheel {@link FederatedWheelEvent} data from {@code from} into {@code to}. * * The following properties are copied: * + deltaMode * + deltaX * + deltaY * + deltaZ * @param from - The event to copy data from. * @param to - The event to copy data into. */ copyWheelData(from, to) { to.deltaMode = from.deltaMode; to.deltaX = from.deltaX; to.deltaY = from.deltaY; to.deltaZ = from.deltaZ; } /** * Copies pointer {@link FederatedPointerEvent} data from {@code from} into {@code to}. * * The following properties are copied: * + pointerId * + width * + height * + isPrimary * + pointerType * + pressure * + tangentialPressure * + tiltX * + tiltY * @param from - The event to copy data from. * @param to - The event to copy data into. */ copyPointerData(from, to) { if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent && to instanceof FederatedPointerEvent)) return; to.pointerId = from.pointerId; to.width = from.width; to.height = from.height; to.isPrimary = from.isPrimary; to.pointerType = from.pointerType; to.pressure = from.pressure; to.tangentialPressure = from.tangentialPressure; to.tiltX = from.tiltX; to.tiltY = from.tiltY; to.twist = from.twist; } /** * Copies mouse {@link FederatedMouseEvent} data from {@code from} to {@code to}. * * The following properties are copied: * + altKey * + button * + buttons * + clientX * + clientY * + metaKey * + movementX * + movementY * + pageX * + pageY * + x * + y * + screen * + shiftKey * + global * @param from - The event to copy data from. * @param to - The event to copy data into. */ copyMouseData(from, to) { if (!(from instanceof FederatedMouseEvent && to instanceof FederatedMouseEvent)) return; to.altKey = from.altKey; to.button = from.button; to.buttons = from.buttons; to.client.copyFrom(from.client); to.ctrlKey = from.ctrlKey; to.metaKey = from.metaKey; to.movement.copyFrom(from.movement); to.screen.copyFrom(from.screen); to.shiftKey = from.shiftKey; to.global.copyFrom(from.global); } /** * Copies base {@link FederatedEvent} data from {@code from} into {@code to}. * * The following properties are copied: * + isTrusted * + srcElement * + timeStamp * + type * @param from - The event to copy data from. * @param to - The event to copy data into. */ copyData(from, to) { to.isTrusted = from.isTrusted; to.srcElement = from.srcElement; to.timeStamp = performance.now(); to.type = from.type; to.detail = from.detail; to.view = from.view; to.which = from.which; to.layer.copyFrom(from.layer); to.page.copyFrom(from.page); } /** * @param id - The pointer ID. * @returns The tracking data stored for the given pointer. If no data exists, a blank * state will be created. */ trackingData(id3) { if (!this.mappingState.trackingData[id3]) { this.mappingState.trackingData[id3] = { pressTargetsByButton: {}, clicksByButton: {}, overTarget: null }; } return this.mappingState.trackingData[id3]; } /** * Allocate a specific type of event from {@link EventBoundary#eventPool this.eventPool}. * * This allocation is constructor-agnostic, as long as it only takes one argument - this event * boundary. * @param constructor - The event's constructor. */ allocateEvent(constructor) { if (!this.eventPool.has(constructor)) { this.eventPool.set(constructor, []); } const event = this.eventPool.get(constructor).pop() || new constructor(this); event.eventPhase = event.NONE; event.currentTarget = null; event.defaultPrevented = false; event.path = null; event.target = null; return event; } /** * Frees the event and puts it back into the event pool. * * It is illegal to reuse the event until it is allocated again, using `this.allocateEvent`. * * It is also advised that events not allocated from {@link EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent} * not be freed. This is because of the possibility that the same event is freed twice, which can cause * it to be allocated twice & result in overwriting. * @param event - The event to be freed. * @throws Error if the event is managed by another event boundary. */ freeEvent(event) { if (event.manager !== this) throw new Error("It is illegal to free an event not managed by this EventBoundary!"); const constructor = event.constructor; if (!this.eventPool.has(constructor)) { this.eventPool.set(constructor, []); } this.eventPool.get(constructor).push(event); } /** * Similar to {@link EventEmitter.emit}, except it stops if the `propagationImmediatelyStopped` flag * is set on the event. * @param e - The event to call each listener with. * @param type - The event key. */ _notifyListeners(e2, type) { const listeners = e2.currentTarget._events[type]; if (!listeners) return; if ("fn" in listeners) { if (listeners.once) e2.currentTarget.removeListener(type, listeners.fn, void 0, true); listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, e2); } else { for (let i3 = 0, j2 = listeners.length; i3 < j2 && !e2.propagationImmediatelyStopped; i3++) { if (listeners[i3].once) e2.currentTarget.removeListener(type, listeners[i3].fn, void 0, true); listeners[i3].fn.call(listeners[i3].context, e2); } } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/EventSystem.mjs var MOUSE_POINTER_ID, TOUCH_TO_POINTER, _EventSystem, EventSystem; var init_EventSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/EventSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_EventBoundary(); init_EventTicker(); init_FederatedPointerEvent(); init_FederatedWheelEvent(); MOUSE_POINTER_ID = 1; TOUCH_TO_POINTER = { touchstart: "pointerdown", touchend: "pointerup", touchendoutside: "pointerupoutside", touchmove: "pointermove", touchcancel: "pointercancel" }; _EventSystem = class _EventSystem2 { /** * @param {Renderer} renderer */ constructor(renderer) { this.supportsTouchEvents = "ontouchstart" in globalThis; this.supportsPointerEvents = !!globalThis.PointerEvent; this.domElement = null; this.resolution = 1; this.renderer = renderer; this.rootBoundary = new EventBoundary(null); EventsTicker.init(this); this.autoPreventDefault = true; this._eventsAdded = false; this._rootPointerEvent = new FederatedPointerEvent(null); this._rootWheelEvent = new FederatedWheelEvent(null); this.cursorStyles = { default: "inherit", pointer: "pointer" }; this.features = new Proxy({ ..._EventSystem2.defaultEventFeatures }, { set: (target, key, value) => { if (key === "globalMove") { this.rootBoundary.enableGlobalMoveEvents = value; } target[key] = value; return true; } }); this._onPointerDown = this._onPointerDown.bind(this); this._onPointerMove = this._onPointerMove.bind(this); this._onPointerUp = this._onPointerUp.bind(this); this._onPointerOverOut = this._onPointerOverOut.bind(this); this.onWheel = this.onWheel.bind(this); } /** * The default interaction mode for all display objects. * @see Container.eventMode * @type {EventMode} * @readonly * @since 7.2.0 */ static get defaultEventMode() { return this._defaultEventMode; } /** * Runner init called, view is available at this point. * @ignore */ init(options) { const { canvas: canvas2, resolution } = this.renderer; this.setTargetElement(canvas2); this.resolution = resolution; _EventSystem2._defaultEventMode = options.eventMode ?? "passive"; Object.assign(this.features, options.eventFeatures ?? {}); this.rootBoundary.enableGlobalMoveEvents = this.features.globalMove; } /** * Handle changing resolution. * @ignore */ resolutionChange(resolution) { this.resolution = resolution; } /** Destroys all event listeners and detaches the renderer. */ destroy() { this.setTargetElement(null); this.renderer = null; this._currentCursor = null; } /** * Sets the current cursor mode, handling any callbacks or CSS style changes. * @param mode - cursor mode, a key from the cursorStyles dictionary */ setCursor(mode) { mode = mode || "default"; let applyStyles = true; if (globalThis.OffscreenCanvas && this.domElement instanceof OffscreenCanvas) { applyStyles = false; } if (this._currentCursor === mode) { return; } this._currentCursor = mode; const style = this.cursorStyles[mode]; if (style) { switch (typeof style) { case "string": if (applyStyles) { this.domElement.style.cursor = style; } break; case "function": style(mode); break; case "object": if (applyStyles) { Object.assign(this.domElement.style, style); } break; } } else if (applyStyles && typeof mode === "string" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.cursorStyles, mode)) { this.domElement.style.cursor = mode; } } /** * The global pointer event. * Useful for getting the pointer position without listening to events. * @since 7.2.0 */ get pointer() { return this._rootPointerEvent; } /** * Event handler for pointer down events on {@link EventSystem#domElement this.domElement}. * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch event. */ _onPointerDown(nativeEvent) { if (!this.features.click) return; this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered; const events = this._normalizeToPointerData(nativeEvent); if (this.autoPreventDefault && events[0].isNormalized) { const cancelable = nativeEvent.cancelable || !("cancelable" in nativeEvent); if (cancelable) { nativeEvent.preventDefault(); } } for (let i3 = 0, j2 = events.length; i3 < j2; i3++) { const nativeEvent2 = events[i3]; const federatedEvent = this._bootstrapEvent(this._rootPointerEvent, nativeEvent2); this.rootBoundary.mapEvent(federatedEvent); } this.setCursor(this.rootBoundary.cursor); } /** * Event handler for pointer move events on on {@link EventSystem#domElement this.domElement}. * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch events. */ _onPointerMove(nativeEvent) { if (!this.features.move) return; this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered; EventsTicker.pointerMoved(); const normalizedEvents = this._normalizeToPointerData(nativeEvent); for (let i3 = 0, j2 = normalizedEvents.length; i3 < j2; i3++) { const event = this._bootstrapEvent(this._rootPointerEvent, normalizedEvents[i3]); this.rootBoundary.mapEvent(event); } this.setCursor(this.rootBoundary.cursor); } /** * Event handler for pointer up events on {@link EventSystem#domElement this.domElement}. * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch event. */ _onPointerUp(nativeEvent) { if (!this.features.click) return; this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered; let target = nativeEvent.target; if (nativeEvent.composedPath && nativeEvent.composedPath().length > 0) { target = nativeEvent.composedPath()[0]; } const outside = target !== this.domElement ? "outside" : ""; const normalizedEvents = this._normalizeToPointerData(nativeEvent); for (let i3 = 0, j2 = normalizedEvents.length; i3 < j2; i3++) { const event = this._bootstrapEvent(this._rootPointerEvent, normalizedEvents[i3]); event.type += outside; this.rootBoundary.mapEvent(event); } this.setCursor(this.rootBoundary.cursor); } /** * Event handler for pointer over & out events on {@link EventSystem#domElement this.domElement}. * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch event. */ _onPointerOverOut(nativeEvent) { if (!this.features.click) return; this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered; const normalizedEvents = this._normalizeToPointerData(nativeEvent); for (let i3 = 0, j2 = normalizedEvents.length; i3 < j2; i3++) { const event = this._bootstrapEvent(this._rootPointerEvent, normalizedEvents[i3]); this.rootBoundary.mapEvent(event); } this.setCursor(this.rootBoundary.cursor); } /** * Passive handler for `wheel` events on {@link EventSystem.domElement this.domElement}. * @param nativeEvent - The native wheel event. */ onWheel(nativeEvent) { if (!this.features.wheel) return; const wheelEvent = this.normalizeWheelEvent(nativeEvent); this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered; this.rootBoundary.mapEvent(wheelEvent); } /** * Sets the {@link EventSystem#domElement domElement} and binds event listeners. * * To deregister the current DOM element without setting a new one, pass {@code null}. * @param element - The new DOM element. */ setTargetElement(element) { this._removeEvents(); this.domElement = element; EventsTicker.domElement = element; this._addEvents(); } /** Register event listeners on {@link Renderer#domElement this.domElement}. */ _addEvents() { if (this._eventsAdded || !this.domElement) { return; } EventsTicker.addTickerListener(); const style = this.domElement.style; if (style) { if (globalThis.navigator.msPointerEnabled) { style.msContentZooming = "none"; style.msTouchAction = "none"; } else if (this.supportsPointerEvents) { style.touchAction = "none"; } } if (this.supportsPointerEvents) { globalThis.document.addEventListener("pointermove", this._onPointerMove, true); this.domElement.addEventListener("pointerdown", this._onPointerDown, true); this.domElement.addEventListener("pointerleave", this._onPointerOverOut, true); this.domElement.addEventListener("pointerover", this._onPointerOverOut, true); globalThis.addEventListener("pointerup", this._onPointerUp, true); } else { globalThis.document.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onPointerMove, true); this.domElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onPointerDown, true); this.domElement.addEventListener("mouseout", this._onPointerOverOut, true); this.domElement.addEventListener("mouseover", this._onPointerOverOut, true); globalThis.addEventListener("mouseup", this._onPointerUp, true); if (this.supportsTouchEvents) { this.domElement.addEventListener("touchstart", this._onPointerDown, true); this.domElement.addEventListener("touchend", this._onPointerUp, true); this.domElement.addEventListener("touchmove", this._onPointerMove, true); } } this.domElement.addEventListener("wheel", this.onWheel, { passive: true, capture: true }); this._eventsAdded = true; } /** Unregister event listeners on {@link EventSystem#domElement this.domElement}. */ _removeEvents() { if (!this._eventsAdded || !this.domElement) { return; } EventsTicker.removeTickerListener(); const style = this.domElement.style; if (style) { if (globalThis.navigator.msPointerEnabled) { style.msContentZooming = ""; style.msTouchAction = ""; } else if (this.supportsPointerEvents) { style.touchAction = ""; } } if (this.supportsPointerEvents) { globalThis.document.removeEventListener("pointermove", this._onPointerMove, true); this.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerdown", this._onPointerDown, true); this.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerleave", this._onPointerOverOut, true); this.domElement.removeEventListener("pointerover", this._onPointerOverOut, true); globalThis.removeEventListener("pointerup", this._onPointerUp, true); } else { globalThis.document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onPointerMove, true); this.domElement.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._onPointerDown, true); this.domElement.removeEventListener("mouseout", this._onPointerOverOut, true); this.domElement.removeEventListener("mouseover", this._onPointerOverOut, true); globalThis.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._onPointerUp, true); if (this.supportsTouchEvents) { this.domElement.removeEventListener("touchstart", this._onPointerDown, true); this.domElement.removeEventListener("touchend", this._onPointerUp, true); this.domElement.removeEventListener("touchmove", this._onPointerMove, true); } } this.domElement.removeEventListener("wheel", this.onWheel, true); this.domElement = null; this._eventsAdded = false; } /** * Maps x and y coords from a DOM object and maps them correctly to the PixiJS view. The * resulting value is stored in the point. This takes into account the fact that the DOM * element could be scaled and positioned anywhere on the screen. * @param {PointData} point - the point that the result will be stored in * @param {number} x - the x coord of the position to map * @param {number} y - the y coord of the position to map */ mapPositionToPoint(point, x2, y2) { const rect = this.domElement.isConnected ? this.domElement.getBoundingClientRect() : { x: 0, y: 0, width: this.domElement.width, height: this.domElement.height, left: 0, top: 0 }; const resolutionMultiplier = 1 / this.resolution; point.x = (x2 - rect.left) * (this.domElement.width / rect.width) * resolutionMultiplier; point.y = (y2 - rect.top) * (this.domElement.height / rect.height) * resolutionMultiplier; } /** * Ensures that the original event object contains all data that a regular pointer event would have * @param event - The original event data from a touch or mouse event * @returns An array containing a single normalized pointer event, in the case of a pointer * or mouse event, or a multiple normalized pointer events if there are multiple changed touches */ _normalizeToPointerData(event) { const normalizedEvents = []; if (this.supportsTouchEvents && event instanceof TouchEvent) { for (let i3 = 0, li = event.changedTouches.length; i3 < li; i3++) { const touch = event.changedTouches[i3]; if (typeof touch.button === "undefined") touch.button = 0; if (typeof touch.buttons === "undefined") touch.buttons = 1; if (typeof touch.isPrimary === "undefined") { touch.isPrimary = event.touches.length === 1 && event.type === "touchstart"; } if (typeof touch.width === "undefined") touch.width = touch.radiusX || 1; if (typeof touch.height === "undefined") touch.height = touch.radiusY || 1; if (typeof touch.tiltX === "undefined") touch.tiltX = 0; if (typeof touch.tiltY === "undefined") touch.tiltY = 0; if (typeof touch.pointerType === "undefined") touch.pointerType = "touch"; if (typeof touch.pointerId === "undefined") touch.pointerId = touch.identifier || 0; if (typeof touch.pressure === "undefined") touch.pressure = touch.force || 0.5; if (typeof touch.twist === "undefined") touch.twist = 0; if (typeof touch.tangentialPressure === "undefined") touch.tangentialPressure = 0; if (typeof touch.layerX === "undefined") touch.layerX = touch.offsetX = touch.clientX; if (typeof touch.layerY === "undefined") touch.layerY = touch.offsetY = touch.clientY; touch.isNormalized = true; touch.type = event.type; normalizedEvents.push(touch); } } else if (!globalThis.MouseEvent || event instanceof MouseEvent && (!this.supportsPointerEvents || !(event instanceof globalThis.PointerEvent))) { const tempEvent = event; if (typeof tempEvent.isPrimary === "undefined") tempEvent.isPrimary = true; if (typeof tempEvent.width === "undefined") tempEvent.width = 1; if (typeof tempEvent.height === "undefined") tempEvent.height = 1; if (typeof tempEvent.tiltX === "undefined") tempEvent.tiltX = 0; if (typeof tempEvent.tiltY === "undefined") tempEvent.tiltY = 0; if (typeof tempEvent.pointerType === "undefined") tempEvent.pointerType = "mouse"; if (typeof tempEvent.pointerId === "undefined") tempEvent.pointerId = MOUSE_POINTER_ID; if (typeof tempEvent.pressure === "undefined") tempEvent.pressure = 0.5; if (typeof tempEvent.twist === "undefined") tempEvent.twist = 0; if (typeof tempEvent.tangentialPressure === "undefined") tempEvent.tangentialPressure = 0; tempEvent.isNormalized = true; normalizedEvents.push(tempEvent); } else { normalizedEvents.push(event); } return normalizedEvents; } /** * Normalizes the native {@link https://w3c.github.io/uievents/#interface-wheelevent WheelEvent}. * * The returned {@link FederatedWheelEvent} is a shared instance. It will not persist across * multiple native wheel events. * @param nativeEvent - The native wheel event that occurred on the canvas. * @returns A federated wheel event. */ normalizeWheelEvent(nativeEvent) { const event = this._rootWheelEvent; this._transferMouseData(event, nativeEvent); event.deltaX = nativeEvent.deltaX; event.deltaY = nativeEvent.deltaY; event.deltaZ = nativeEvent.deltaZ; event.deltaMode = nativeEvent.deltaMode; this.mapPositionToPoint(event.screen, nativeEvent.clientX, nativeEvent.clientY); event.global.copyFrom(event.screen); event.offset.copyFrom(event.screen); event.nativeEvent = nativeEvent; event.type = nativeEvent.type; return event; } /** * Normalizes the `nativeEvent` into a federateed {@link FederatedPointerEvent}. * @param event * @param nativeEvent */ _bootstrapEvent(event, nativeEvent) { event.originalEvent = null; event.nativeEvent = nativeEvent; event.pointerId = nativeEvent.pointerId; event.width = nativeEvent.width; event.height = nativeEvent.height; event.isPrimary = nativeEvent.isPrimary; event.pointerType = nativeEvent.pointerType; event.pressure = nativeEvent.pressure; event.tangentialPressure = nativeEvent.tangentialPressure; event.tiltX = nativeEvent.tiltX; event.tiltY = nativeEvent.tiltY; event.twist = nativeEvent.twist; this._transferMouseData(event, nativeEvent); this.mapPositionToPoint(event.screen, nativeEvent.clientX, nativeEvent.clientY); event.global.copyFrom(event.screen); event.offset.copyFrom(event.screen); event.isTrusted = nativeEvent.isTrusted; if (event.type === "pointerleave") { event.type = "pointerout"; } if (event.type.startsWith("mouse")) { event.type = event.type.replace("mouse", "pointer"); } if (event.type.startsWith("touch")) { event.type = TOUCH_TO_POINTER[event.type] || event.type; } return event; } /** * Transfers base & mouse event data from the {@code nativeEvent} to the federated event. * @param event * @param nativeEvent */ _transferMouseData(event, nativeEvent) { event.isTrusted = nativeEvent.isTrusted; event.srcElement = nativeEvent.srcElement; event.timeStamp = performance.now(); event.type = nativeEvent.type; event.altKey = nativeEvent.altKey; event.button = nativeEvent.button; event.buttons = nativeEvent.buttons; event.client.x = nativeEvent.clientX; event.client.y = nativeEvent.clientY; event.ctrlKey = nativeEvent.ctrlKey; event.metaKey = nativeEvent.metaKey; event.movement.x = nativeEvent.movementX; event.movement.y = nativeEvent.movementY; event.page.x = nativeEvent.pageX; event.page.y = nativeEvent.pageY; event.relatedTarget = null; event.shiftKey = nativeEvent.shiftKey; } }; _EventSystem.extension = { name: "events", type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.CanvasSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], priority: -1 }; _EventSystem.defaultEventFeatures = { /** Enables pointer events associated with pointer movement. */ move: true, /** Enables global pointer move events. */ globalMove: true, /** Enables pointer events associated with clicking. */ click: true, /** Enables wheel events. */ wheel: true }; EventSystem = _EventSystem; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/FederatedEventTarget.mjs var FederatedContainer; var init_FederatedEventTarget = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/FederatedEventTarget.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_EventSystem(); init_FederatedEvent(); FederatedContainer = { /** * Property-based event handler for the `click` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onclick = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on click * } */ onclick: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mousedown` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmousedown = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mousedown * } */ onmousedown: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseenter` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseenter = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseenter * } */ onmouseenter: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseleave` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseleave = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseleave * } */ onmouseleave: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mousemove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmousemove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mousemove * } */ onmousemove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `globalmousemove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onglobalmousemove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on globalmousemove * } */ onglobalmousemove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseout` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseout = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseout * } */ onmouseout: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseover` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseover = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseover * } */ onmouseover: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseup` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseup = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseup * } */ onmouseup: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `mouseupoutside` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onmouseupoutside = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on mouseupoutside * } */ onmouseupoutside: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointercancel` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointercancel = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointercancel * } */ onpointercancel: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerdown` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerdown = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerdown * } */ onpointerdown: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerenter` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerenter = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerenter * } */ onpointerenter: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerleave` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerleave = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerleave * } */ onpointerleave: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointermove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointermove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointermove * } */ onpointermove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `globalpointermove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onglobalpointermove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on globalpointermove * } */ onglobalpointermove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerout` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerout = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerout * } */ onpointerout: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerover` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerover = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerover * } */ onpointerover: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointertap` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointertap = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointertap * } */ onpointertap: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerup` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerup = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerup * } */ onpointerup: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `pointerupoutside` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onpointerupoutside = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on pointerupoutside * } */ onpointerupoutside: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `rightclick` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onrightclick = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on rightclick * } */ onrightclick: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `rightdown` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onrightdown = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on rightdown * } */ onrightdown: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `rightup` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onrightup = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on rightup * } */ onrightup: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `rightupoutside` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onrightupoutside = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on rightupoutside * } */ onrightupoutside: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `tap` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontap = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on tap * } */ ontap: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `touchcancel` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontouchcancel = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on touchcancel * } */ ontouchcancel: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `touchend` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontouchend = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on touchend * } */ ontouchend: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `touchendoutside` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontouchendoutside = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on touchendoutside * } */ ontouchendoutside: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `touchmove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontouchmove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on touchmove * } */ ontouchmove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `globaltouchmove` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onglobaltouchmove = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on globaltouchmove * } */ onglobaltouchmove: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `touchstart` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.ontouchstart = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on touchstart * } */ ontouchstart: null, /** * Property-based event handler for the `wheel` event. * @memberof scene.Container# * @default null * @example * this.onwheel = (event) => { * //some function here that happens on wheel * } */ onwheel: null, /** * Enable interaction events for the Container. Touch, pointer and mouse * @memberof scene.Container# */ get interactive() { return this.eventMode === "dynamic" || this.eventMode === "static"; }, set interactive(value) { this.eventMode = value ? "static" : "passive"; }, /** * @ignore */ _internalEventMode: void 0, /** * Enable interaction events for the Container. Touch, pointer and mouse. * There are 5 types of interaction settings: * - `'none'`: Ignores all interaction events, even on its children. * - `'passive'`: **(default)** Does not emit events and ignores all hit testing on itself and non-interactive children. * Interactive children will still emit events. * - `'auto'`: Does not emit events but is hit tested if parent is interactive. Same as `interactive = false` in v7 * - `'static'`: Emit events and is hit tested. Same as `interaction = true` in v7 * - `'dynamic'`: Emits events and is hit tested but will also receive mock interaction events fired from a ticker to * allow for interaction when the mouse isn't moving * @example * import { Sprite } from 'pixi.js'; * * const sprite = new Sprite(texture); * sprite.eventMode = 'static'; * sprite.on('tap', (event) => { * // Handle event * }); * @memberof scene.Container# * @since 7.2.0 */ get eventMode() { return this._internalEventMode ?? EventSystem.defaultEventMode; }, set eventMode(value) { this._internalEventMode = value; }, /** * Determines if the container is interactive or not * @returns {boolean} Whether the container is interactive or not * @memberof scene.Container# * @since 7.2.0 * @example * import { Sprite } from 'pixi.js'; * * const sprite = new Sprite(texture); * sprite.eventMode = 'static'; * sprite.isInteractive(); // true * * sprite.eventMode = 'dynamic'; * sprite.isInteractive(); // true * * sprite.eventMode = 'none'; * sprite.isInteractive(); // false * * sprite.eventMode = 'passive'; * sprite.isInteractive(); // false * * sprite.eventMode = 'auto'; * sprite.isInteractive(); // false */ isInteractive() { return this.eventMode === "static" || this.eventMode === "dynamic"; }, /** * Determines if the children to the container can be clicked/touched * Setting this to false allows PixiJS to bypass a recursive `hitTest` function * @memberof scene.Container# */ interactiveChildren: true, /** * Interaction shape. Children will be hit first, then this shape will be checked. * Setting this will cause this shape to be checked in hit tests rather than the container's bounds. * @example * import { Rectangle, Sprite } from 'pixi.js'; * * const sprite = new Sprite(texture); * sprite.interactive = true; * sprite.hitArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100); * @member {IHitArea} * @memberof scene.Container# */ hitArea: null, /** * Unlike `on` or `addListener` which are methods from EventEmitter, `addEventListener` * seeks to be compatible with the DOM's `addEventListener` with support for options. * @memberof scene.Container * @param type - The type of event to listen to. * @param listener - The listener callback or object. * @param options - Listener options, used for capture phase. * @example * // Tell the user whether they did a single, double, triple, or nth click. * button.addEventListener('click', { * handleEvent(e): { * let prefix; * * switch (e.detail) { * case 1: prefix = 'single'; break; * case 2: prefix = 'double'; break; * case 3: prefix = 'triple'; break; * default: prefix = e.detail + 'th'; break; * } * * console.log('That was a ' + prefix + 'click'); * } * }); * * // But skip the first click! * button.parent.addEventListener('click', function blockClickOnce(e) { * e.stopImmediatePropagation(); * button.parent.removeEventListener('click', blockClickOnce, true); * }, { * capture: true, * }); */ addEventListener(type, listener, options) { const capture = typeof options === "boolean" && options || typeof options === "object" && options.capture; const signal = typeof options === "object" ? options.signal : void 0; const once = typeof options === "object" ? options.once === true : false; const context2 = typeof listener === "function" ? void 0 : listener; type = capture ? `${type}capture` : type; const listenerFn = typeof listener === "function" ? listener : listener.handleEvent; const emitter = this; if (signal) { signal.addEventListener("abort", () => { emitter.off(type, listenerFn, context2); }); } if (once) { emitter.once(type, listenerFn, context2); } else { emitter.on(type, listenerFn, context2); } }, /** * Unlike `off` or `removeListener` which are methods from EventEmitter, `removeEventListener` * seeks to be compatible with the DOM's `removeEventListener` with support for options. * @memberof scene.Container * @param type - The type of event the listener is bound to. * @param listener - The listener callback or object. * @param options - The original listener options. This is required to deregister a capture phase listener. */ removeEventListener(type, listener, options) { const capture = typeof options === "boolean" && options || typeof options === "object" && options.capture; const context2 = typeof listener === "function" ? void 0 : listener; type = capture ? `${type}capture` : type; listener = typeof listener === "function" ? listener : listener.handleEvent; this.off(type, listener, context2); }, /** * Dispatch the event on this {@link Container} using the event's {@link EventBoundary}. * * The target of the event is set to `this` and the `defaultPrevented` flag is cleared before dispatch. * @memberof scene.Container * @param e - The event to dispatch. * @returns Whether the {@link FederatedEvent.preventDefault preventDefault}() method was not invoked. * @example * // Reuse a click event! * button.dispatchEvent(clickEvent); */ dispatchEvent(e2) { if (!(e2 instanceof FederatedEvent)) { throw new Error("Container cannot propagate events outside of the Federated Events API"); } e2.defaultPrevented = false; e2.path = null; e2.target = this; e2.manager.dispatchEvent(e2); return !e2.defaultPrevented; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/init.mjs var init_init3 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/events/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Container(); init_EventSystem(); init_FederatedEventTarget(); extensions.add(EventSystem); Container.mixin(FederatedContainer); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/LoaderParser.mjs var LoaderParserPriority; var init_LoaderParser = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/LoaderParser.mjs"() { "use strict"; LoaderParserPriority = /* @__PURE__ */ ((LoaderParserPriority2) => { LoaderParserPriority2[LoaderParserPriority2["Low"] = 0] = "Low"; LoaderParserPriority2[LoaderParserPriority2["Normal"] = 1] = "Normal"; LoaderParserPriority2[LoaderParserPriority2["High"] = 2] = "High"; return LoaderParserPriority2; })(LoaderParserPriority || {}); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-browser/BrowserAdapter.mjs var BrowserAdapter; var init_BrowserAdapter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-browser/BrowserAdapter.mjs"() { "use strict"; BrowserAdapter = { createCanvas: (width, height) => { const canvas2 = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas2.width = width; canvas2.height = height; return canvas2; }, getCanvasRenderingContext2D: () => CanvasRenderingContext2D, getWebGLRenderingContext: () => WebGLRenderingContext, getNavigator: () => navigator, getBaseUrl: () => document.baseURI ?? window.location.href, getFontFaceSet: () => document.fonts, fetch: (url, options) => fetch(url, options), parseXML: (xml) => { const parser = new DOMParser(); return parser.parseFromString(xml, "text/xml"); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment/adapter.mjs var currentAdapter, DOMAdapter; var init_adapter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment/adapter.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_BrowserAdapter(); currentAdapter = BrowserAdapter; DOMAdapter = { /** * Returns the current adapter. * @returns {environment.Adapter} The current adapter. */ get() { return currentAdapter; }, /** * Sets the current adapter. * @param adapter - The new adapter. */ set(adapter) { currentAdapter = adapter; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/path.mjs function assertPath(path2) { if (typeof path2 !== "string") { throw new TypeError(`Path must be a string. Received ${JSON.stringify(path2)}`); } } function removeUrlParams(url) { const re = url.split("?")[0]; return re.split("#")[0]; } function escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); } function replaceAll(str, find, replace) { return str.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(find), "g"), replace); } function normalizeStringPosix(path2, allowAboveRoot) { let res = ""; let lastSegmentLength = 0; let lastSlash = -1; let dots = 0; let code = -1; for (let i3 = 0; i3 <= path2.length; ++i3) { if (i3 < path2.length) { code = path2.charCodeAt(i3); } else if (code === 47) { break; } else { code = 47; } if (code === 47) { if (lastSlash === i3 - 1 || dots === 1) { } else if (lastSlash !== i3 - 1 && dots === 2) { if (res.length < 2 || lastSegmentLength !== 2 || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 1) !== 46 || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 2) !== 46) { if (res.length > 2) { const lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf("/"); if (lastSlashIndex !== res.length - 1) { if (lastSlashIndex === -1) { res = ""; lastSegmentLength = 0; } else { res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex); lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf("/"); } lastSlash = i3; dots = 0; continue; } } else if (res.length === 2 || res.length === 1) { res = ""; lastSegmentLength = 0; lastSlash = i3; dots = 0; continue; } } if (allowAboveRoot) { if (res.length > 0) { res += "/.."; } else { res = ".."; } lastSegmentLength = 2; } } else { if (res.length > 0) { res += `/${path2.slice(lastSlash + 1, i3)}`; } else { res = path2.slice(lastSlash + 1, i3); } lastSegmentLength = i3 - lastSlash - 1; } lastSlash = i3; dots = 0; } else if (code === 46 && dots !== -1) { ++dots; } else { dots = -1; } } return res; } var path; var init_path = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/path.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); path = { /** * Converts a path to posix format. * @param path - The path to convert to posix */ toPosix(path2) { return replaceAll(path2, "\\", "/"); }, /** * Checks if the path is a URL e.g. http://, https:// * @param path - The path to check */ isUrl(path2) { return /^https?:/.test(this.toPosix(path2)); }, /** * Checks if the path is a data URL * @param path - The path to check */ isDataUrl(path2) { return /^data:([a-z]+\/[a-z0-9-+.]+(;[a-z0-9-.!#$%*+.{}|~`]+=[a-z0-9-.!#$%*+.{}()_|~`]+)*)?(;base64)?,([a-z0-9!$&',()*+;=\-._~:@\/?%\s<>]*?)$/i.test(path2); }, /** * Checks if the path is a blob URL * @param path - The path to check */ isBlobUrl(path2) { return path2.startsWith("blob:"); }, /** * Checks if the path has a protocol e.g. http://, https://, file:///, data:, blob:, C:/ * This will return true for windows file paths * @param path - The path to check */ hasProtocol(path2) { return /^[^/:]+:/.test(this.toPosix(path2)); }, /** * Returns the protocol of the path e.g. http://, https://, file:///, data:, blob:, C:/ * @param path - The path to get the protocol from */ getProtocol(path2) { assertPath(path2); path2 = this.toPosix(path2); const matchFile = /^file:\/\/\//.exec(path2); if (matchFile) { return matchFile[0]; } const matchProtocol = /^[^/:]+:\/{0,2}/.exec(path2); if (matchProtocol) { return matchProtocol[0]; } return ""; }, /** * Converts URL to an absolute path. * When loading from a Web Worker, we must use absolute paths. * If the URL is already absolute we return it as is * If it's not, we convert it * @param url - The URL to test * @param customBaseUrl - The base URL to use * @param customRootUrl - The root URL to use */ toAbsolute(url, customBaseUrl, customRootUrl) { assertPath(url); if (this.isDataUrl(url) || this.isBlobUrl(url)) return url; const baseUrl = removeUrlParams(this.toPosix(customBaseUrl ?? DOMAdapter.get().getBaseUrl())); const rootUrl = removeUrlParams(this.toPosix(customRootUrl ?? this.rootname(baseUrl))); url = this.toPosix(url); if (url.startsWith("/")) { return path.join(rootUrl, url.slice(1)); } const absolutePath = this.isAbsolute(url) ? url : this.join(baseUrl, url); return absolutePath; }, /** * Normalizes the given path, resolving '..' and '.' segments * @param path - The path to normalize */ normalize(path2) { assertPath(path2); if (path2.length === 0) return "."; if (this.isDataUrl(path2) || this.isBlobUrl(path2)) return path2; path2 = this.toPosix(path2); let protocol = ""; const isAbsolute = path2.startsWith("/"); if (this.hasProtocol(path2)) { protocol = this.rootname(path2); path2 = path2.slice(protocol.length); } const trailingSeparator = path2.endsWith("/"); path2 = normalizeStringPosix(path2, false); if (path2.length > 0 && trailingSeparator) path2 += "/"; if (isAbsolute) return `/${path2}`; return protocol + path2; }, /** * Determines if path is an absolute path. * Absolute paths can be urls, data urls, or paths on disk * @param path - The path to test */ isAbsolute(path2) { assertPath(path2); path2 = this.toPosix(path2); if (this.hasProtocol(path2)) return true; return path2.startsWith("/"); }, /** * Joins all given path segments together using the platform-specific separator as a delimiter, * then normalizes the resulting path * @param segments - The segments of the path to join */ join(...segments) { if (segments.length === 0) { return "."; } let joined; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < segments.length; ++i3) { const arg = segments[i3]; assertPath(arg); if (arg.length > 0) { if (joined === void 0) joined = arg; else { const prevArg = segments[i3 - 1] ?? ""; if (this.joinExtensions.includes(this.extname(prevArg).toLowerCase())) { joined += `/../${arg}`; } else { joined += `/${arg}`; } } } } if (joined === void 0) { return "."; } return this.normalize(joined); }, /** * Returns the directory name of a path * @param path - The path to parse */ dirname(path2) { assertPath(path2); if (path2.length === 0) return "."; path2 = this.toPosix(path2); let code = path2.charCodeAt(0); const hasRoot = code === 47; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; const proto = this.getProtocol(path2); const origpath = path2; path2 = path2.slice(proto.length); for (let i3 = path2.length - 1; i3 >= 1; --i3) { code = path2.charCodeAt(i3); if (code === 47) { if (!matchedSlash) { end = i3; break; } } else { matchedSlash = false; } } if (end === -1) return hasRoot ? "/" : this.isUrl(origpath) ? proto + path2 : proto; if (hasRoot && end === 1) return "//"; return proto + path2.slice(0, end); }, /** * Returns the root of the path e.g. /, C:/, file:///, http://domain.com/ * @param path - The path to parse */ rootname(path2) { assertPath(path2); path2 = this.toPosix(path2); let root = ""; if (path2.startsWith("/")) root = "/"; else { root = this.getProtocol(path2); } if (this.isUrl(path2)) { const index = path2.indexOf("/", root.length); if (index !== -1) { root = path2.slice(0, index); } else root = path2; if (!root.endsWith("/")) root += "/"; } return root; }, /** * Returns the last portion of a path * @param path - The path to test * @param ext - Optional extension to remove */ basename(path2, ext) { assertPath(path2); if (ext) assertPath(ext); path2 = removeUrlParams(this.toPosix(path2)); let start = 0; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; let i3; if (ext !== void 0 && ext.length > 0 && ext.length <= path2.length) { if (ext.length === path2.length && ext === path2) return ""; let extIdx = ext.length - 1; let firstNonSlashEnd = -1; for (i3 = path2.length - 1; i3 >= 0; --i3) { const code = path2.charCodeAt(i3); if (code === 47) { if (!matchedSlash) { start = i3 + 1; break; } } else { if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) { matchedSlash = false; firstNonSlashEnd = i3 + 1; } if (extIdx >= 0) { if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) { if (--extIdx === -1) { end = i3; } } else { extIdx = -1; end = firstNonSlashEnd; } } } } if (start === end) end = firstNonSlashEnd; else if (end === -1) end = path2.length; return path2.slice(start, end); } for (i3 = path2.length - 1; i3 >= 0; --i3) { if (path2.charCodeAt(i3) === 47) { if (!matchedSlash) { start = i3 + 1; break; } } else if (end === -1) { matchedSlash = false; end = i3 + 1; } } if (end === -1) return ""; return path2.slice(start, end); }, /** * Returns the extension of the path, from the last occurrence of the . (period) character to end of string in the last * portion of the path. If there is no . in the last portion of the path, or if there are no . characters other than * the first character of the basename of path, an empty string is returned. * @param path - The path to parse */ extname(path2) { assertPath(path2); path2 = removeUrlParams(this.toPosix(path2)); let startDot = -1; let startPart = 0; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; let preDotState = 0; for (let i3 = path2.length - 1; i3 >= 0; --i3) { const code = path2.charCodeAt(i3); if (code === 47) { if (!matchedSlash) { startPart = i3 + 1; break; } continue; } if (end === -1) { matchedSlash = false; end = i3 + 1; } if (code === 46) { if (startDot === -1) startDot = i3; else if (preDotState !== 1) preDotState = 1; } else if (startDot !== -1) { preDotState = -1; } } if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || preDotState === 0 || preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1) { return ""; } return path2.slice(startDot, end); }, /** * Parses a path into an object containing the 'root', `dir`, `base`, `ext`, and `name` properties. * @param path - The path to parse */ parse(path2) { assertPath(path2); const ret = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" }; if (path2.length === 0) return ret; path2 = removeUrlParams(this.toPosix(path2)); let code = path2.charCodeAt(0); const isAbsolute = this.isAbsolute(path2); let start; const protocol = ""; ret.root = this.rootname(path2); if (isAbsolute || this.hasProtocol(path2)) { start = 1; } else { start = 0; } let startDot = -1; let startPart = 0; let end = -1; let matchedSlash = true; let i3 = path2.length - 1; let preDotState = 0; for (; i3 >= start; --i3) { code = path2.charCodeAt(i3); if (code === 47) { if (!matchedSlash) { startPart = i3 + 1; break; } continue; } if (end === -1) { matchedSlash = false; end = i3 + 1; } if (code === 46) { if (startDot === -1) startDot = i3; else if (preDotState !== 1) preDotState = 1; } else if (startDot !== -1) { preDotState = -1; } } if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || preDotState === 0 || preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1) { if (end !== -1) { if (startPart === 0 && isAbsolute) ret.base = ret.name = path2.slice(1, end); else ret.base = ret.name = path2.slice(startPart, end); } } else { if (startPart === 0 && isAbsolute) { ret.name = path2.slice(1, startDot); ret.base = path2.slice(1, end); } else { ret.name = path2.slice(startPart, startDot); ret.base = path2.slice(startPart, end); } ret.ext = path2.slice(startDot, end); } ret.dir = this.dirname(path2); if (protocol) ret.dir = protocol + ret.dir; return ret; }, sep: "/", delimiter: ":", joinExtensions: [".html"] }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/convertToList.mjs var convertToList; var init_convertToList = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/convertToList.mjs"() { "use strict"; convertToList = (input, transform2, forceTransform = false) => { if (!Array.isArray(input)) { input = [input]; } if (!transform2) { return input; } return input.map((item) => { if (typeof item === "string" || forceTransform) { return transform2(item); } return item; }); }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/createStringVariations.mjs function processX(base, ids, depth, result, tags) { const id3 = ids[depth]; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < id3.length; i3++) { const value = id3[i3]; if (depth < ids.length - 1) { processX(base.replace(result[depth], value), ids, depth + 1, result, tags); } else { tags.push(base.replace(result[depth], value)); } } } function createStringVariations(string) { const regex = /\{(.*?)\}/g; const result = string.match(regex); const tags = []; if (result) { const ids = []; result.forEach((vars) => { const split = vars.substring(1, vars.length - 1).split(","); ids.push(split); }); processX(string, ids, 0, result, tags); } else { tags.push(string); } return tags; } var init_createStringVariations = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/createStringVariations.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/isSingleItem.mjs var isSingleItem; var init_isSingleItem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/isSingleItem.mjs"() { "use strict"; isSingleItem = (item) => !Array.isArray(item); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/resolver/Resolver.mjs function getUrlExtension(url) { return url.split(".").pop().split("?").shift().split("#").shift(); } var Resolver; var init_Resolver = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/resolver/Resolver.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_warn(); init_path(); init_convertToList(); init_createStringVariations(); init_isSingleItem(); Resolver = class { constructor() { this._defaultBundleIdentifierOptions = { connector: "-", createBundleAssetId: (bundleId, assetId) => `${bundleId}${this._bundleIdConnector}${assetId}`, extractAssetIdFromBundle: (bundleId, assetBundleId) => assetBundleId.replace(`${bundleId}${this._bundleIdConnector}`, "") }; this._bundleIdConnector = this._defaultBundleIdentifierOptions.connector; this._createBundleAssetId = this._defaultBundleIdentifierOptions.createBundleAssetId; this._extractAssetIdFromBundle = this._defaultBundleIdentifierOptions.extractAssetIdFromBundle; this._assetMap = {}; this._preferredOrder = []; this._parsers = []; this._resolverHash = {}; this._bundles = {}; } /** * Override how the resolver deals with generating bundle ids. * must be called before any bundles are added * @param bundleIdentifier - the bundle identifier options */ setBundleIdentifier(bundleIdentifier) { this._bundleIdConnector = bundleIdentifier.connector ?? this._bundleIdConnector; this._createBundleAssetId = bundleIdentifier.createBundleAssetId ?? this._createBundleAssetId; this._extractAssetIdFromBundle = bundleIdentifier.extractAssetIdFromBundle ?? this._extractAssetIdFromBundle; if (this._extractAssetIdFromBundle("foo", this._createBundleAssetId("foo", "bar")) !== "bar") { throw new Error("[Resolver] GenerateBundleAssetId are not working correctly"); } } /** * Let the resolver know which assets you prefer to use when resolving assets. * Multiple prefer user defined rules can be added. * @example * resolver.prefer({ * // first look for something with the correct format, and then then correct resolution * priority: ['format', 'resolution'], * params:{ * format:'webp', // prefer webp images * resolution: 2, // prefer a resolution of 2 * } * }) * resolver.add('foo', ['bar@2x.webp', 'bar@2x.png', 'bar.webp', 'bar.png']); * resolver.resolveUrl('foo') // => 'bar@2x.webp' * @param preferOrders - the prefer options */ prefer(...preferOrders) { preferOrders.forEach((prefer) => { this._preferredOrder.push(prefer); if (!prefer.priority) { prefer.priority = Object.keys(prefer.params); } }); this._resolverHash = {}; } /** * Set the base path to prepend to all urls when resolving * @example * resolver.basePath = 'https://home.com/'; * resolver.add('foo', 'bar.ong'); * resolver.resolveUrl('foo', 'bar.png'); // => 'https://home.com/bar.png' * @param basePath - the base path to use */ set basePath(basePath) { this._basePath = basePath; } get basePath() { return this._basePath; } /** * Set the root path for root-relative URLs. By default the `basePath`'s root is used. If no `basePath` is set, then the * default value for browsers is `window.location.origin` * @example * // Application hosted on https://home.com/some-path/index.html * resolver.basePath = 'https://home.com/some-path/'; * resolver.rootPath = 'https://home.com/'; * resolver.add('foo', '/bar.png'); * resolver.resolveUrl('foo', '/bar.png'); // => 'https://home.com/bar.png' * @param rootPath - the root path to use */ set rootPath(rootPath) { this._rootPath = rootPath; } get rootPath() { return this._rootPath; } /** * All the active URL parsers that help the parser to extract information and create * an asset object-based on parsing the URL itself. * * Can be added using the extensions API * @example * resolver.add('foo', [ * { * resolution: 2, * format: 'png', * src: 'image@2x.png', * }, * { * resolution:1, * format:'png', * src: 'image.png', * }, * ]); * * // With a url parser the information such as resolution and file format could extracted from the url itself: * extensions.add({ * extension: ExtensionType.ResolveParser, * test: loadTextures.test, // test if url ends in an image * parse: (value: string) => * ({ * resolution: parseFloat(Resolver.RETINA_PREFIX.exec(value)?.[1] ?? '1'), * format: value.split('.').pop(), * src: value, * }), * }); * * // Now resolution and format can be extracted from the url * resolver.add('foo', [ * 'image@2x.png', * 'image.png', * ]); */ get parsers() { return this._parsers; } /** Used for testing, this resets the resolver to its initial state */ reset() { this.setBundleIdentifier(this._defaultBundleIdentifierOptions); this._assetMap = {}; this._preferredOrder = []; this._resolverHash = {}; this._rootPath = null; this._basePath = null; this._manifest = null; this._bundles = {}; this._defaultSearchParams = null; } /** * Sets the default URL search parameters for the URL resolver. The urls can be specified as a string or an object. * @param searchParams - the default url parameters to append when resolving urls */ setDefaultSearchParams(searchParams) { if (typeof searchParams === "string") { this._defaultSearchParams = searchParams; } else { const queryValues = searchParams; this._defaultSearchParams = Object.keys(queryValues).map((key) => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(queryValues[key])}`).join("&"); } } /** * Returns the aliases for a given asset * @param asset - the asset to get the aliases for */ getAlias(asset) { const { alias, src } = asset; const aliasesToUse = convertToList( alias || src, (value) => { if (typeof value === "string") return value; if (Array.isArray(value)) return value.map((v2) => v2?.src ?? v2); if (value?.src) return value.src; return value; }, true ); return aliasesToUse; } /** * Add a manifest to the asset resolver. This is a nice way to add all the asset information in one go. * generally a manifest would be built using a tool. * @param manifest - the manifest to add to the resolver */ addManifest(manifest) { if (this._manifest) { warn("[Resolver] Manifest already exists, this will be overwritten"); } this._manifest = manifest; manifest.bundles.forEach((bundle) => { this.addBundle(bundle.name, bundle.assets); }); } /** * This adds a bundle of assets in one go so that you can resolve them as a group. * For example you could add a bundle for each screen in you pixi app * @example * resolver.addBundle('animals', [ * { alias: 'bunny', src: 'bunny.png' }, * { alias: 'chicken', src: 'chicken.png' }, * { alias: 'thumper', src: 'thumper.png' }, * ]); * // or * resolver.addBundle('animals', { * bunny: 'bunny.png', * chicken: 'chicken.png', * thumper: 'thumper.png', * }); * * const resolvedAssets = await resolver.resolveBundle('animals'); * @param bundleId - The id of the bundle to add * @param assets - A record of the asset or assets that will be chosen from when loading via the specified key */ addBundle(bundleId, assets) { const assetNames = []; let convertedAssets = assets; if (!Array.isArray(assets)) { convertedAssets = Object.entries(assets).map(([alias, src]) => { if (typeof src === "string" || Array.isArray(src)) { return { alias, src }; } return { alias, ...src }; }); } convertedAssets.forEach((asset) => { const srcs = asset.src; const aliases = asset.alias; let ids; if (typeof aliases === "string") { const bundleAssetId = this._createBundleAssetId(bundleId, aliases); assetNames.push(bundleAssetId); ids = [aliases, bundleAssetId]; } else { const bundleIds = aliases.map((name) => this._createBundleAssetId(bundleId, name)); assetNames.push(...bundleIds); ids = [...aliases, ...bundleIds]; } this.add({ ...asset, ...{ alias: ids, src: srcs } }); }); this._bundles[bundleId] = assetNames; } /** * Tells the resolver what keys are associated with witch asset. * The most important thing the resolver does * @example * // Single key, single asset: * resolver.add({alias: 'foo', src: 'bar.png'); * resolver.resolveUrl('foo') // => 'bar.png' * * // Multiple keys, single asset: * resolver.add({alias: ['foo', 'boo'], src: 'bar.png'}); * resolver.resolveUrl('foo') // => 'bar.png' * resolver.resolveUrl('boo') // => 'bar.png' * * // Multiple keys, multiple assets: * resolver.add({alias: ['foo', 'boo'], src: ['bar.png', 'bar.webp']}); * resolver.resolveUrl('foo') // => 'bar.png' * * // Add custom data attached to the resolver * Resolver.add({ * alias: 'bunnyBooBooSmooth', * src: 'bunny{png,webp}', * data: { scaleMode:SCALE_MODES.NEAREST }, // Base texture options * }); * * resolver.resolve('bunnyBooBooSmooth') // => { src: 'bunny.png', data: { scaleMode: SCALE_MODES.NEAREST } } * @param aliases - the UnresolvedAsset or array of UnresolvedAssets to add to the resolver */ add(aliases) { const assets = []; if (Array.isArray(aliases)) { assets.push(...aliases); } else { assets.push(aliases); } let keyCheck; keyCheck = (key) => { if (this.hasKey(key)) { warn(`[Resolver] already has key: ${key} overwriting`); } }; const assetArray = convertToList(assets); assetArray.forEach((asset) => { const { src } = asset; let { data, format, loadParser } = asset; const srcsToUse = convertToList(src).map((src2) => { if (typeof src2 === "string") { return createStringVariations(src2); } return Array.isArray(src2) ? src2 : [src2]; }); const aliasesToUse = this.getAlias(asset); Array.isArray(aliasesToUse) ? aliasesToUse.forEach(keyCheck) : keyCheck(aliasesToUse); const resolvedAssets = []; srcsToUse.forEach((srcs) => { srcs.forEach((src2) => { let formattedAsset = {}; if (typeof src2 !== "object") { formattedAsset.src = src2; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._parsers.length; i3++) { const parser = this._parsers[i3]; if (parser.test(src2)) { formattedAsset = parser.parse(src2); break; } } } else { data = src2.data ?? data; format = src2.format ?? format; loadParser = src2.loadParser ?? loadParser; formattedAsset = { ...formattedAsset, ...src2 }; } if (!aliasesToUse) { throw new Error(`[Resolver] alias is undefined for this asset: ${formattedAsset.src}`); } formattedAsset = this._buildResolvedAsset(formattedAsset, { aliases: aliasesToUse, data, format, loadParser }); resolvedAssets.push(formattedAsset); }); }); aliasesToUse.forEach((alias) => { this._assetMap[alias] = resolvedAssets; }); }); } // TODO: this needs an overload like load did in Assets /** * If the resolver has had a manifest set via setManifest, this will return the assets urls for * a given bundleId or bundleIds. * @example * // Manifest Example * const manifest = { * bundles: [ * { * name: 'load-screen', * assets: [ * { * alias: 'background', * src: 'sunset.png', * }, * { * alias: 'bar', * src: 'load-bar.{png,webp}', * }, * ], * }, * { * name: 'game-screen', * assets: [ * { * alias: 'character', * src: 'robot.png', * }, * { * alias: 'enemy', * src: 'bad-guy.png', * }, * ], * }, * ] * }; * * resolver.setManifest(manifest); * const resolved = resolver.resolveBundle('load-screen'); * @param bundleIds - The bundle ids to resolve * @returns All the bundles assets or a hash of assets for each bundle specified */ resolveBundle(bundleIds) { const singleAsset = isSingleItem(bundleIds); bundleIds = convertToList(bundleIds); const out2 = {}; bundleIds.forEach((bundleId) => { const assetNames = this._bundles[bundleId]; if (assetNames) { const results = this.resolve(assetNames); const assets = {}; for (const key in results) { const asset = results[key]; assets[this._extractAssetIdFromBundle(bundleId, key)] = asset; } out2[bundleId] = assets; } }); return singleAsset ? out2[bundleIds[0]] : out2; } /** * Does exactly what resolve does, but returns just the URL rather than the whole asset object * @param key - The key or keys to resolve * @returns - The URLs associated with the key(s) */ resolveUrl(key) { const result = this.resolve(key); if (typeof key !== "string") { const out2 = {}; for (const i3 in result) { out2[i3] = result[i3].src; } return out2; } return result.src; } resolve(keys) { const singleAsset = isSingleItem(keys); keys = convertToList(keys); const result = {}; keys.forEach((key) => { if (!this._resolverHash[key]) { if (this._assetMap[key]) { let assets = this._assetMap[key]; const preferredOrder = this._getPreferredOrder(assets); preferredOrder?.priority.forEach((priorityKey) => { preferredOrder.params[priorityKey].forEach((value) => { const filteredAssets = assets.filter((asset) => { if (asset[priorityKey]) { return asset[priorityKey] === value; } return false; }); if (filteredAssets.length) { assets = filteredAssets; } }); }); this._resolverHash[key] = assets[0]; } else { this._resolverHash[key] = this._buildResolvedAsset({ alias: [key], src: key }, {}); } } result[key] = this._resolverHash[key]; }); return singleAsset ? result[keys[0]] : result; } /** * Checks if an asset with a given key exists in the resolver * @param key - The key of the asset */ hasKey(key) { return !!this._assetMap[key]; } /** * Checks if a bundle with the given key exists in the resolver * @param key - The key of the bundle */ hasBundle(key) { return !!this._bundles[key]; } /** * Internal function for figuring out what prefer criteria an asset should use. * @param assets */ _getPreferredOrder(assets) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < assets.length; i3++) { const asset = assets[0]; const preferred = this._preferredOrder.find((preference) => preference.params.format.includes(asset.format)); if (preferred) { return preferred; } } return this._preferredOrder[0]; } /** * Appends the default url parameters to the url * @param url - The url to append the default parameters to * @returns - The url with the default parameters appended */ _appendDefaultSearchParams(url) { if (!this._defaultSearchParams) return url; const paramConnector = /\?/.test(url) ? "&" : "?"; return `${url}${paramConnector}${this._defaultSearchParams}`; } _buildResolvedAsset(formattedAsset, data) { const { aliases, data: assetData, loadParser, format } = data; if (this._basePath || this._rootPath) { formattedAsset.src = path.toAbsolute(formattedAsset.src, this._basePath, this._rootPath); } formattedAsset.alias = aliases ?? formattedAsset.alias ?? [formattedAsset.src]; formattedAsset.src = this._appendDefaultSearchParams(formattedAsset.src); formattedAsset.data = { ...assetData || {}, ...formattedAsset.data }; formattedAsset.loadParser = loadParser ?? formattedAsset.loadParser; formattedAsset.format = format ?? formattedAsset.format ?? getUrlExtension(formattedAsset.src); return formattedAsset; } }; Resolver.RETINA_PREFIX = /@([0-9\.]+)x/; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/copySearchParams.mjs var copySearchParams; var init_copySearchParams = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/copySearchParams.mjs"() { "use strict"; copySearchParams = (targetUrl, sourceUrl) => { const searchParams = sourceUrl.split("?")[1]; if (searchParams) { targetUrl += `?${searchParams}`; } return targetUrl; }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/matrix/groupD8.mjs function init() { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < 16; i3++) { const row = []; rotationCayley.push(row); for (let j2 = 0; j2 < 16; j2++) { const _ux = signum(ux[i3] * ux[j2] + vx[i3] * uy[j2]); const _uy = signum(uy[i3] * ux[j2] + vy[i3] * uy[j2]); const _vx = signum(ux[i3] * vx[j2] + vx[i3] * vy[j2]); const _vy = signum(uy[i3] * vx[j2] + vy[i3] * vy[j2]); for (let k2 = 0; k2 < 16; k2++) { if (ux[k2] === _ux && uy[k2] === _uy && vx[k2] === _vx && vy[k2] === _vy) { row.push(k2); break; } } } } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < 16; i3++) { const mat = new Matrix(); mat.set(ux[i3], uy[i3], vx[i3], vy[i3], 0, 0); rotationMatrices.push(mat); } } var ux, uy, vx, vy, rotationCayley, rotationMatrices, signum, groupD8; var init_groupD8 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/matrix/groupD8.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); ux = [1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1]; uy = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1]; vx = [0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1]; vy = [1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1]; rotationCayley = []; rotationMatrices = []; signum = Math.sign; init(); groupD8 = { /** * | Rotation | Direction | * |----------|-----------| * | 0° | East | * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ E: 0, /** * | Rotation | Direction | * |----------|-----------| * | 45°↻ | Southeast | * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ SE: 1, /** * | Rotation | Direction | * |----------|-----------| * | 90°↻ | South | * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ S: 2, /** * | Rotation | Direction | * |----------|-----------| * | 135°↻ | Southwest | * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ SW: 3, /** * | Rotation | Direction | * |----------|-----------| * | 180° | West | * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ W: 4, /** * | Rotation | Direction | * |-------------|--------------| * | -135°/225°↻ | Northwest | * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ NW: 5, /** * | Rotation | Direction | * |-------------|--------------| * | -90°/270°↻ | North | * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ N: 6, /** * | Rotation | Direction | * |-------------|--------------| * | -45°/315°↻ | Northeast | * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ NE: 7, /** * Reflection about Y-axis. * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ MIRROR_VERTICAL: 8, /** * Reflection about the main diagonal. * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ MAIN_DIAGONAL: 10, /** * Reflection about X-axis. * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ MIRROR_HORIZONTAL: 12, /** * Reflection about reverse diagonal. * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @constant {GD8Symmetry} */ REVERSE_DIAGONAL: 14, /** * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {GD8Symmetry} ind - sprite rotation angle. * @returns {GD8Symmetry} The X-component of the U-axis * after rotating the axes. */ uX: (ind) => ux[ind], /** * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {GD8Symmetry} ind - sprite rotation angle. * @returns {GD8Symmetry} The Y-component of the U-axis * after rotating the axes. */ uY: (ind) => uy[ind], /** * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {GD8Symmetry} ind - sprite rotation angle. * @returns {GD8Symmetry} The X-component of the V-axis * after rotating the axes. */ vX: (ind) => vx[ind], /** * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {GD8Symmetry} ind - sprite rotation angle. * @returns {GD8Symmetry} The Y-component of the V-axis * after rotating the axes. */ vY: (ind) => vy[ind], /** * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {GD8Symmetry} rotation - symmetry whose opposite * is needed. Only rotations have opposite symmetries while * reflections don't. * @returns {GD8Symmetry} The opposite symmetry of `rotation` */ inv: (rotation) => { if (rotation & 8) { return rotation & 15; } return -rotation & 7; }, /** * Composes the two D8 operations. * * Taking `^` as reflection: * * | | E=0 | S=2 | W=4 | N=6 | E^=8 | S^=10 | W^=12 | N^=14 | * |-------|-----|-----|-----|-----|------|-------|-------|-------| * | E=0 | E | S | W | N | E^ | S^ | W^ | N^ | * | S=2 | S | W | N | E | S^ | W^ | N^ | E^ | * | W=4 | W | N | E | S | W^ | N^ | E^ | S^ | * | N=6 | N | E | S | W | N^ | E^ | S^ | W^ | * | E^=8 | E^ | N^ | W^ | S^ | E | N | W | S | * | S^=10 | S^ | E^ | N^ | W^ | S | E | N | W | * | W^=12 | W^ | S^ | E^ | N^ | W | S | E | N | * | N^=14 | N^ | W^ | S^ | E^ | N | W | S | E | * * [This is a Cayley table]{@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cayley_table} * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {GD8Symmetry} rotationSecond - Second operation, which * is the row in the above cayley table. * @param {GD8Symmetry} rotationFirst - First operation, which * is the column in the above cayley table. * @returns {GD8Symmetry} Composed operation */ add: (rotationSecond, rotationFirst) => rotationCayley[rotationSecond][rotationFirst], /** * Reverse of `add`. * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {GD8Symmetry} rotationSecond - Second operation * @param {GD8Symmetry} rotationFirst - First operation * @returns {GD8Symmetry} Result */ sub: (rotationSecond, rotationFirst) => rotationCayley[rotationSecond][groupD8.inv(rotationFirst)], /** * Adds 180 degrees to rotation, which is a commutative * operation. * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {number} rotation - The number to rotate. * @returns {number} Rotated number */ rotate180: (rotation) => rotation ^ 4, /** * Checks if the rotation angle is vertical, i.e. south * or north. It doesn't work for reflections. * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {GD8Symmetry} rotation - The number to check. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the direction is vertical */ isVertical: (rotation) => (rotation & 3) === 2, // rotation % 4 === 2 /** * Approximates the vector `V(dx,dy)` into one of the * eight directions provided by `groupD8`. * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {number} dx - X-component of the vector * @param {number} dy - Y-component of the vector * @returns {GD8Symmetry} Approximation of the vector into * one of the eight symmetries. */ byDirection: (dx, dy) => { if (Math.abs(dx) * 2 <= Math.abs(dy)) { if (dy >= 0) { return groupD8.S; } return groupD8.N; } else if (Math.abs(dy) * 2 <= Math.abs(dx)) { if (dx > 0) { return groupD8.E; } return groupD8.W; } else if (dy > 0) { if (dx > 0) { return groupD8.SE; } return groupD8.SW; } else if (dx > 0) { return groupD8.NE; } return groupD8.NW; }, /** * Helps sprite to compensate texture packer rotation. * @memberof maths.groupD8 * @param {Matrix} matrix - sprite world matrix * @param {GD8Symmetry} rotation - The rotation factor to use. * @param {number} tx - sprite anchoring * @param {number} ty - sprite anchoring */ matrixAppendRotationInv: (matrix, rotation, tx = 0, ty = 0) => { const mat = rotationMatrices[groupD8.inv(rotation)]; mat.tx = tx; mat.ty = ty; matrix.append(mat); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/misc/NOOP.mjs var NOOP; var init_NOOP = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/misc/NOOP.mjs"() { "use strict"; NOOP = () => { }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/misc/pow2.mjs function nextPow2(v2) { v2 += v2 === 0 ? 1 : 0; --v2; v2 |= v2 >>> 1; v2 |= v2 >>> 2; v2 |= v2 >>> 4; v2 |= v2 >>> 8; v2 |= v2 >>> 16; return v2 + 1; } function isPow2(v2) { return !(v2 & v2 - 1) && !!v2; } function log2(v2) { let r2 = (v2 > 65535 ? 1 : 0) << 4; v2 >>>= r2; let shift = (v2 > 255 ? 1 : 0) << 3; v2 >>>= shift; r2 |= shift; shift = (v2 > 15 ? 1 : 0) << 2; v2 >>>= shift; r2 |= shift; shift = (v2 > 3 ? 1 : 0) << 1; v2 >>>= shift; r2 |= shift; return r2 | v2 >> 1; } var init_pow2 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/misc/pow2.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/definedProps.mjs function definedProps(obj) { const result = {}; for (const key in obj) { if (obj[key] !== void 0) { result[key] = obj[key]; } } return result; } var init_definedProps = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/definedProps.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/TextureStyle.mjs function createResourceIdFromString(value) { const id3 = idHash[value]; if (id3 === void 0) { idHash[value] = uid("resource"); } return id3; } var idHash, _TextureStyle, TextureStyle; var init_TextureStyle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/TextureStyle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_uid(); init_deprecation(); idHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); _TextureStyle = class _TextureStyle2 extends eventemitter3_default { /** * @param options - options for the style */ constructor(options = {}) { super(); this._resourceType = "textureSampler"; this._touched = 0; this._maxAnisotropy = 1; this.destroyed = false; options = { ..._TextureStyle2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this.addressMode = options.addressMode; this.addressModeU = options.addressModeU ?? this.addressModeU; this.addressModeV = options.addressModeV ?? this.addressModeV; this.addressModeW = options.addressModeW ?? this.addressModeW; this.scaleMode = options.scaleMode; this.magFilter = options.magFilter ?? this.magFilter; this.minFilter = options.minFilter ?? this.minFilter; this.mipmapFilter = options.mipmapFilter ?? this.mipmapFilter; this.lodMinClamp = options.lodMinClamp; this.lodMaxClamp = options.lodMaxClamp; this.compare = options.compare; this.maxAnisotropy = options.maxAnisotropy ?? 1; } set addressMode(value) { this.addressModeU = value; this.addressModeV = value; this.addressModeW = value; } /** setting this will set wrapModeU,wrapModeV and wrapModeW all at once! */ get addressMode() { return this.addressModeU; } set wrapMode(value) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "TextureStyle.wrapMode is now TextureStyle.addressMode"); this.addressMode = value; } get wrapMode() { return this.addressMode; } set scaleMode(value) { this.magFilter = value; this.minFilter = value; this.mipmapFilter = value; } /** setting this will set magFilter,minFilter and mipmapFilter all at once! */ get scaleMode() { return this.magFilter; } /** Specifies the maximum anisotropy value clamp used by the sampler. */ set maxAnisotropy(value) { this._maxAnisotropy = Math.min(value, 16); if (this._maxAnisotropy > 1) { this.scaleMode = "linear"; } } get maxAnisotropy() { return this._maxAnisotropy; } // TODO - move this to WebGL? get _resourceId() { return this._sharedResourceId || this._generateResourceId(); } update() { this.emit("change", this); this._sharedResourceId = null; } _generateResourceId() { const bigKey = `${this.addressModeU}-${this.addressModeV}-${this.addressModeW}-${this.magFilter}-${this.minFilter}-${this.mipmapFilter}-${this.lodMinClamp}-${this.lodMaxClamp}-${this.compare}-${this._maxAnisotropy}`; this._sharedResourceId = createResourceIdFromString(bigKey); return this._resourceId; } /** Destroys the style */ destroy() { this.destroyed = true; this.emit("destroy", this); this.emit("change", this); this.removeAllListeners(); } }; _TextureStyle.defaultOptions = { addressMode: "clamp-to-edge", scaleMode: "linear" }; TextureStyle = _TextureStyle; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/TextureSource.mjs var _TextureSource, TextureSource; var init_TextureSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/TextureSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_pow2(); init_definedProps(); init_uid(); init_TextureStyle(); _TextureSource = class _TextureSource2 extends eventemitter3_default { /** * @param options - options for creating a new TextureSource */ constructor(options = {}) { super(); this.options = options; this.uid = uid("textureSource"); this._resourceType = "textureSource"; this._resourceId = uid("resource"); this.uploadMethodId = "unknown"; this._resolution = 1; this.pixelWidth = 1; this.pixelHeight = 1; this.width = 1; this.height = 1; this.sampleCount = 1; this.mipLevelCount = 1; this.autoGenerateMipmaps = false; this.format = "rgba8unorm"; this.dimension = "2d"; this.antialias = false; this._touched = 0; this._batchTick = -1; this._textureBindLocation = -1; options = { ..._TextureSource2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this.label = options.label ?? ""; this.resource = options.resource; this.autoGarbageCollect = options.autoGarbageCollect; this._resolution = options.resolution; if (options.width) { this.pixelWidth = options.width * this._resolution; } else { this.pixelWidth = this.resource ? this.resourceWidth ?? 1 : 1; } if (options.height) { this.pixelHeight = options.height * this._resolution; } else { this.pixelHeight = this.resource ? this.resourceHeight ?? 1 : 1; } this.width = this.pixelWidth / this._resolution; this.height = this.pixelHeight / this._resolution; this.format = options.format; this.dimension = options.dimensions; this.mipLevelCount = options.mipLevelCount; this.autoGenerateMipmaps = options.autoGenerateMipmaps; this.sampleCount = options.sampleCount; this.antialias = options.antialias; this.alphaMode = options.alphaMode; this.style = new TextureStyle(definedProps(options)); this.destroyed = false; this._refreshPOT(); } /** returns itself */ get source() { return this; } /** the style of the texture */ get style() { return this._style; } set style(value) { if (this.style === value) return; this._style?.off("change", this._onStyleChange, this); this._style = value; this._style?.on("change", this._onStyleChange, this); this._onStyleChange(); } /** setting this will set wrapModeU,wrapModeV and wrapModeW all at once! */ get addressMode() { return this._style.addressMode; } set addressMode(value) { this._style.addressMode = value; } /** setting this will set wrapModeU,wrapModeV and wrapModeW all at once! */ get repeatMode() { return this._style.addressMode; } set repeatMode(value) { this._style.addressMode = value; } /** Specifies the sampling behavior when the sample footprint is smaller than or equal to one texel. */ get magFilter() { return this._style.magFilter; } set magFilter(value) { this._style.magFilter = value; } /** Specifies the sampling behavior when the sample footprint is larger than one texel. */ get minFilter() { return this._style.minFilter; } set minFilter(value) { this._style.minFilter = value; } /** Specifies behavior for sampling between mipmap levels. */ get mipmapFilter() { return this._style.mipmapFilter; } set mipmapFilter(value) { this._style.mipmapFilter = value; } /** Specifies the minimum and maximum levels of detail, respectively, used internally when sampling a texture. */ get lodMinClamp() { return this._style.lodMinClamp; } set lodMinClamp(value) { this._style.lodMinClamp = value; } /** Specifies the minimum and maximum levels of detail, respectively, used internally when sampling a texture. */ get lodMaxClamp() { return this._style.lodMaxClamp; } set lodMaxClamp(value) { this._style.lodMaxClamp = value; } _onStyleChange() { this.emit("styleChange", this); } /** call this if you have modified the texture outside of the constructor */ update() { if (this.resource) { const resolution = this._resolution; const didResize = this.resize(this.resourceWidth / resolution, this.resourceHeight / resolution); if (didResize) return; } this.emit("update", this); } /** Destroys this texture source */ destroy() { this.destroyed = true; this.emit("destroy", this); this.emit("change", this); if (this._style) { this._style.destroy(); this._style = null; } this.uploadMethodId = null; this.resource = null; this.removeAllListeners(); } /** * This will unload the Texture source from the GPU. This will free up the GPU memory * As soon as it is required fore rendering, it will be re-uploaded. */ unload() { this._resourceId = uid("resource"); this.emit("change", this); this.emit("unload", this); } /** the width of the resource. This is the REAL pure number, not accounting resolution */ get resourceWidth() { const { resource } = this; return resource.naturalWidth || resource.videoWidth || resource.displayWidth || resource.width; } /** the height of the resource. This is the REAL pure number, not accounting resolution */ get resourceHeight() { const { resource } = this; return resource.naturalHeight || resource.videoHeight || resource.displayHeight || resource.height; } /** * the resolution of the texture. Changing this number, will not change the number of pixels in the actual texture * but will the size of the texture when rendered. * * changing the resolution of this texture to 2 for example will make it appear twice as small when rendered (as pixel * density will have increased) */ get resolution() { return this._resolution; } set resolution(resolution) { if (this._resolution === resolution) return; this._resolution = resolution; this.width = this.pixelWidth / resolution; this.height = this.pixelHeight / resolution; } /** * Resize the texture, this is handy if you want to use the texture as a render texture * @param width - the new width of the texture * @param height - the new height of the texture * @param resolution - the new resolution of the texture * @returns - if the texture was resized */ resize(width, height, resolution) { resolution = resolution || this._resolution; width = width || this.width; height = height || this.height; const newPixelWidth = Math.round(width * resolution); const newPixelHeight = Math.round(height * resolution); this.width = newPixelWidth / resolution; this.height = newPixelHeight / resolution; this._resolution = resolution; if (this.pixelWidth === newPixelWidth && this.pixelHeight === newPixelHeight) { return false; } this._refreshPOT(); this.pixelWidth = newPixelWidth; this.pixelHeight = newPixelHeight; this.emit("resize", this); this._resourceId = uid("resource"); this.emit("change", this); return true; } /** * Lets the renderer know that this texture has been updated and its mipmaps should be re-generated. * This is only important for RenderTexture instances, as standard Texture instances will have their * mipmaps generated on upload. You should call this method after you make any change to the texture * * The reason for this is is can be quite expensive to update mipmaps for a texture. So by default, * We want you, the developer to specify when this action should happen. * * Generally you don't want to have mipmaps generated on Render targets that are changed every frame, */ updateMipmaps() { if (this.autoGenerateMipmaps && this.mipLevelCount > 1) { this.emit("updateMipmaps", this); } } set wrapMode(value) { this._style.wrapMode = value; } get wrapMode() { return this._style.wrapMode; } set scaleMode(value) { this._style.scaleMode = value; } /** setting this will set magFilter,minFilter and mipmapFilter all at once! */ get scaleMode() { return this._style.scaleMode; } /** * Refresh check for isPowerOfTwo texture based on size * @private */ _refreshPOT() { this.isPowerOfTwo = isPow2(this.pixelWidth) && isPow2(this.pixelHeight); } static test(_resource) { throw new Error("Unimplemented"); } }; _TextureSource.defaultOptions = { resolution: 1, format: "bgra8unorm", alphaMode: "premultiply-alpha-on-upload", dimensions: "2d", mipLevelCount: 1, autoGenerateMipmaps: false, sampleCount: 1, antialias: false, autoGarbageCollect: false }; TextureSource = _TextureSource; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/BufferImageSource.mjs var BufferImageSource; var init_BufferImageSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/BufferImageSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_TextureSource(); BufferImageSource = class extends TextureSource { constructor(options) { const buffer = options.resource || new Float32Array(options.width * options.height * 4); let format = options.format; if (!format) { if (buffer instanceof Float32Array) { format = "rgba32float"; } else if (buffer instanceof Int32Array) { format = "rgba32uint"; } else if (buffer instanceof Uint32Array) { format = "rgba32uint"; } else if (buffer instanceof Int16Array) { format = "rgba16uint"; } else if (buffer instanceof Uint16Array) { format = "rgba16uint"; } else if (buffer instanceof Int8Array) { format = "bgra8unorm"; } else { format = "bgra8unorm"; } } super({ ...options, resource: buffer, format }); this.uploadMethodId = "buffer"; } static test(resource) { return resource instanceof Int8Array || resource instanceof Uint8Array || resource instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || resource instanceof Int16Array || resource instanceof Uint16Array || resource instanceof Int32Array || resource instanceof Uint32Array || resource instanceof Float32Array; } }; BufferImageSource.extension = ExtensionType.TextureSource; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/TextureMatrix.mjs var tempMat, TextureMatrix; var init_TextureMatrix = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/TextureMatrix.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); tempMat = new Matrix(); TextureMatrix = class { /** * @param texture - observed texture * @param clampMargin - Changes frame clamping, 0.5 by default. Use -0.5 for extra border. */ constructor(texture, clampMargin) { this.mapCoord = new Matrix(); this.uClampFrame = new Float32Array(4); this.uClampOffset = new Float32Array(2); this._textureID = -1; this._updateID = 0; this.clampOffset = 0; if (typeof clampMargin === "undefined") { this.clampMargin = texture.width < 10 ? 0 : 0.5; } else { this.clampMargin = clampMargin; } this.isSimple = false; this.texture = texture; } /** Texture property. */ get texture() { return this._texture; } set texture(value) { if (this.texture === value) return; this._texture?.removeListener("update", this.update, this); this._texture = value; this._texture.addListener("update", this.update, this); this.update(); } /** * Multiplies uvs array to transform * @param uvs - mesh uvs * @param [out=uvs] - output * @returns - output */ multiplyUvs(uvs, out2) { if (out2 === void 0) { out2 = uvs; } const mat = this.mapCoord; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < uvs.length; i3 += 2) { const x2 = uvs[i3]; const y2 = uvs[i3 + 1]; out2[i3] = x2 * mat.a + y2 * mat.c + mat.tx; out2[i3 + 1] = x2 * mat.b + y2 * mat.d + mat.ty; } return out2; } /** * Updates matrices if texture was changed * @returns - whether or not it was updated */ update() { const tex = this._texture; this._updateID++; const uvs = tex.uvs; this.mapCoord.set(uvs.x1 - uvs.x0, uvs.y1 - uvs.y0, uvs.x3 - uvs.x0, uvs.y3 - uvs.y0, uvs.x0, uvs.y0); const orig = tex.orig; const trim = tex.trim; if (trim) { tempMat.set( orig.width / trim.width, 0, 0, orig.height / trim.height, -trim.x / trim.width, -trim.y / trim.height ); this.mapCoord.append(tempMat); } const texBase = tex.source; const frame = this.uClampFrame; const margin = this.clampMargin / texBase._resolution; const offset = this.clampOffset / texBase._resolution; frame[0] = (tex.frame.x + margin + offset) / texBase.width; frame[1] = (tex.frame.y + margin + offset) / texBase.height; frame[2] = (tex.frame.x + tex.frame.width - margin + offset) / texBase.width; frame[3] = (tex.frame.y + tex.frame.height - margin + offset) / texBase.height; this.uClampOffset[0] = this.clampOffset / texBase.pixelWidth; this.uClampOffset[1] = this.clampOffset / texBase.pixelHeight; this.isSimple = tex.frame.width === texBase.width && tex.frame.height === texBase.height && tex.rotate === 0; return true; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/Texture.mjs var Texture; var init_Texture = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/Texture.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_groupD8(); init_Rectangle(); init_uid(); init_deprecation(); init_NOOP(); init_BufferImageSource(); init_TextureSource(); init_TextureMatrix(); Texture = class extends eventemitter3_default { /** * @param {rendering.TextureOptions} options - Options for the texture */ constructor({ source: source7, label, frame, orig, trim, defaultAnchor, defaultBorders, rotate, dynamic } = {}) { super(); this.uid = uid("texture"); this.uvs = { x0: 0, y0: 0, x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, x3: 0, y3: 0 }; this.frame = new Rectangle(); this.noFrame = false; this.dynamic = false; this.isTexture = true; this.label = label; this.source = source7?.source ?? new TextureSource(); this.noFrame = !frame; if (frame) { this.frame.copyFrom(frame); } else { const { width, height } = this._source; this.frame.width = width; this.frame.height = height; } this.orig = orig || this.frame; this.trim = trim; this.rotate = rotate ?? 0; this.defaultAnchor = defaultAnchor; this.defaultBorders = defaultBorders; this.destroyed = false; this.dynamic = dynamic || false; this.updateUvs(); } set source(value) { if (this._source) { this._source.off("resize", this.update, this); } this._source = value; value.on("resize", this.update, this); this.emit("update", this); } /** the underlying source of the texture (equivalent of baseTexture in v7) */ get source() { return this._source; } /** returns a TextureMatrix instance for this texture. By default, that object is not created because its heavy. */ get textureMatrix() { if (!this._textureMatrix) { this._textureMatrix = new TextureMatrix(this); } return this._textureMatrix; } /** The width of the Texture in pixels. */ get width() { return this.orig.width; } /** The height of the Texture in pixels. */ get height() { return this.orig.height; } /** Call this function when you have modified the frame of this texture. */ updateUvs() { const { uvs, frame } = this; const { width, height } = this._source; const nX = frame.x / width; const nY = frame.y / height; const nW = frame.width / width; const nH = frame.height / height; let rotate = this.rotate; if (rotate) { const w2 = nW / 2; const h2 = nH / 2; const cX = nX + w2; const cY = nY + h2; rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, groupD8.NW); uvs.x0 = cX + w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate); uvs.y0 = cY + h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate); rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, 2); uvs.x1 = cX + w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate); uvs.y1 = cY + h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate); rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, 2); uvs.x2 = cX + w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate); uvs.y2 = cY + h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate); rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, 2); uvs.x3 = cX + w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate); uvs.y3 = cY + h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate); } else { uvs.x0 = nX; uvs.y0 = nY; uvs.x1 = nX + nW; uvs.y1 = nY; uvs.x2 = nX + nW; uvs.y2 = nY + nH; uvs.x3 = nX; uvs.y3 = nY + nH; } } /** * Destroys this texture * @param destroySource - Destroy the source when the texture is destroyed. */ destroy(destroySource = false) { if (this._source) { if (destroySource) { this._source.destroy(); this._source = null; } } this._textureMatrix = null; this.destroyed = true; this.emit("destroy", this); this.removeAllListeners(); } /** * Call this if you have modified the `texture outside` of the constructor. * * If you have modified this texture's source, you must separately call `texture.source.update()` to see those changes. */ update() { if (this.noFrame) { this.frame.width = this._source.width; this.frame.height = this._source.height; } this.updateUvs(); this.emit("update", this); } /** @deprecated since 8.0.0 */ get baseTexture() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Texture.baseTexture is now Texture.source"); return this._source; } }; Texture.EMPTY = new Texture({ label: "EMPTY", source: new TextureSource({ label: "EMPTY" }) }); Texture.EMPTY.destroy = NOOP; Texture.WHITE = new Texture({ source: new BufferImageSource({ resource: new Uint8Array([255, 255, 255, 255]), width: 1, height: 1, alphaMode: "premultiply-alpha-on-upload", label: "WHITE" }), label: "WHITE" }); Texture.WHITE.destroy = NOOP; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/spritesheet/Spritesheet.mjs var _Spritesheet, Spritesheet; var init_Spritesheet = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/spritesheet/Spritesheet.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Rectangle(); init_Texture(); _Spritesheet = class _Spritesheet2 { /** * @param texture - Reference to the source BaseTexture object. * @param {object} data - Spritesheet image data. */ constructor(texture, data) { this.linkedSheets = []; this._texture = texture instanceof Texture ? texture : null; this.textureSource = texture.source; this.textures = {}; this.animations = {}; this.data = data; const metaResolution = parseFloat(data.meta.scale); if (metaResolution) { this.resolution = metaResolution; texture.source.resolution = this.resolution; } else { this.resolution = texture.source._resolution; } this._frames = this.data.frames; this._frameKeys = Object.keys(this._frames); this._batchIndex = 0; this._callback = null; } /** * Parser spritesheet from loaded data. This is done asynchronously * to prevent creating too many Texture within a single process. */ parse() { return new Promise((resolve) => { this._callback = resolve; this._batchIndex = 0; if (this._frameKeys.length <= _Spritesheet2.BATCH_SIZE) { this._processFrames(0); this._processAnimations(); this._parseComplete(); } else { this._nextBatch(); } }); } /** * Process a batch of frames * @param initialFrameIndex - The index of frame to start. */ _processFrames(initialFrameIndex) { let frameIndex = initialFrameIndex; const maxFrames = _Spritesheet2.BATCH_SIZE; while (frameIndex - initialFrameIndex < maxFrames && frameIndex < this._frameKeys.length) { const i3 = this._frameKeys[frameIndex]; const data = this._frames[i3]; const rect = data.frame; if (rect) { let frame = null; let trim = null; const sourceSize = data.trimmed !== false && data.sourceSize ? data.sourceSize : data.frame; const orig = new Rectangle( 0, 0, Math.floor(sourceSize.w) / this.resolution, Math.floor(sourceSize.h) / this.resolution ); if (data.rotated) { frame = new Rectangle( Math.floor(rect.x) / this.resolution, Math.floor(rect.y) / this.resolution, Math.floor(rect.h) / this.resolution, Math.floor(rect.w) / this.resolution ); } else { frame = new Rectangle( Math.floor(rect.x) / this.resolution, Math.floor(rect.y) / this.resolution, Math.floor(rect.w) / this.resolution, Math.floor(rect.h) / this.resolution ); } if (data.trimmed !== false && data.spriteSourceSize) { trim = new Rectangle( Math.floor(data.spriteSourceSize.x) / this.resolution, Math.floor(data.spriteSourceSize.y) / this.resolution, Math.floor(rect.w) / this.resolution, Math.floor(rect.h) / this.resolution ); } this.textures[i3] = new Texture({ source: this.textureSource, frame, orig, trim, rotate: data.rotated ? 2 : 0, defaultAnchor: data.anchor, defaultBorders: data.borders, label: i3.toString() }); } frameIndex++; } } /** Parse animations config. */ _processAnimations() { const animations = this.data.animations || {}; for (const animName in animations) { this.animations[animName] = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < animations[animName].length; i3++) { const frameName = animations[animName][i3]; this.animations[animName].push(this.textures[frameName]); } } } /** The parse has completed. */ _parseComplete() { const callback = this._callback; this._callback = null; this._batchIndex = 0; callback.call(this, this.textures); } /** Begin the next batch of textures. */ _nextBatch() { this._processFrames(this._batchIndex * _Spritesheet2.BATCH_SIZE); this._batchIndex++; setTimeout(() => { if (this._batchIndex * _Spritesheet2.BATCH_SIZE < this._frameKeys.length) { this._nextBatch(); } else { this._processAnimations(); this._parseComplete(); } }, 0); } /** * Destroy Spritesheet and don't use after this. * @param {boolean} [destroyBase=false] - Whether to destroy the base texture as well */ destroy(destroyBase = false) { for (const i3 in this.textures) { this.textures[i3].destroy(); } this._frames = null; this._frameKeys = null; this.data = null; this.textures = null; if (destroyBase) { this._texture?.destroy(); this.textureSource.destroy(); } this._texture = null; this.textureSource = null; this.linkedSheets = []; } }; _Spritesheet.BATCH_SIZE = 1e3; Spritesheet = _Spritesheet; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/spritesheet/spritesheetAsset.mjs function getCacheableAssets(keys, asset, ignoreMultiPack) { const out2 = {}; keys.forEach((key) => { out2[key] = asset; }); Object.keys(asset.textures).forEach((key) => { out2[key] = asset.textures[key]; }); if (!ignoreMultiPack) { const basePath = path.dirname(keys[0]); asset.linkedSheets.forEach((item, i3) => { const out22 = getCacheableAssets([`${basePath}/${asset.data.meta.related_multi_packs[i3]}`], item, true); Object.assign(out2, out22); }); } return out2; } var validImages, spritesheetAsset; var init_spritesheetAsset = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/spritesheet/spritesheetAsset.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_LoaderParser(); init_Resolver(); init_copySearchParams(); init_Extensions(); init_Texture(); init_path(); init_Spritesheet(); validImages = [ "jpg", "png", "jpeg", "avif", "webp", "basis", "etc2", "bc7", "bc6h", "bc5", "bc4", "bc3", "bc2", "bc1", "eac", "astc" ]; spritesheetAsset = { extension: ExtensionType.Asset, /** Handle the caching of the related Spritesheet Textures */ cache: { test: (asset) => asset instanceof Spritesheet, getCacheableAssets: (keys, asset) => getCacheableAssets(keys, asset, false) }, /** Resolve the resolution of the asset. */ resolver: { extension: { type: ExtensionType.ResolveParser, name: "resolveSpritesheet" }, test: (value) => { const tempURL = value.split("?")[0]; const split = tempURL.split("."); const extension = split.pop(); const format = split.pop(); return extension === "json" && validImages.includes(format); }, parse: (value) => { const split = value.split("."); return { resolution: parseFloat(Resolver.RETINA_PREFIX.exec(value)?.[1] ?? "1"), format: split[split.length - 2], src: value }; } }, /** * Loader plugin that parses sprite sheets! * once the JSON has been loaded this checks to see if the JSON is spritesheet data. * If it is, we load the spritesheets image and parse the data into Spritesheet * All textures in the sprite sheet are then added to the cache */ loader: { name: "spritesheetLoader", extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.Normal, name: "spritesheetLoader" }, async testParse(asset, options) { return path.extname(options.src).toLowerCase() === ".json" && !!asset.frames; }, async parse(asset, options, loader) { const { texture: imageTexture, // if user need to use preloaded texture imageFilename // if user need to use custom filename (not from jsonFile.meta.image) } = options?.data ?? {}; let basePath = path.dirname(options.src); if (basePath && basePath.lastIndexOf("/") !== basePath.length - 1) { basePath += "/"; } let texture; if (imageTexture instanceof Texture) { texture = imageTexture; } else { const imagePath = copySearchParams(basePath + (imageFilename ?? asset.meta.image), options.src); const assets = await loader.load([imagePath]); texture = assets[imagePath]; } const spritesheet = new Spritesheet( texture.source, asset ); await spritesheet.parse(); const multiPacks = asset?.meta?.related_multi_packs; if (Array.isArray(multiPacks)) { const promises = []; for (const item of multiPacks) { if (typeof item !== "string") { continue; } let itemUrl = basePath + item; if (options.data?.ignoreMultiPack) { continue; } itemUrl = copySearchParams(itemUrl, options.src); promises.push(loader.load({ src: itemUrl, data: { ignoreMultiPack: true } })); } const res = await Promise.all(promises); spritesheet.linkedSheets = res; res.forEach((item) => { item.linkedSheets = [spritesheet].concat(spritesheet.linkedSheets.filter((sp) => sp !== item)); }); } return spritesheet; }, async unload(spritesheet, _resolvedAsset, loader) { await loader.unload(spritesheet.textureSource._sourceOrigin); spritesheet.destroy(false); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/spritesheet/init.mjs var init_init4 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/spritesheet/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_spritesheetAsset(); extensions.add(spritesheetAsset); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/data/updateQuadBounds.mjs function updateQuadBounds(bounds, anchor, texture, padding) { const { width, height } = texture.orig; const trim = texture.trim; if (trim) { const sourceWidth = trim.width; const sourceHeight = trim.height; bounds.minX = trim.x - anchor._x * width - padding; bounds.maxX = bounds.minX + sourceWidth; bounds.minY = trim.y - anchor._y * height - padding; bounds.maxY = bounds.minY + sourceHeight; } else { bounds.minX = -anchor._x * width - padding; bounds.maxX = bounds.minX + width; bounds.minY = -anchor._y * height - padding; bounds.maxY = bounds.minY + height; } return; } var init_updateQuadBounds = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/data/updateQuadBounds.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/view/ViewContainer.mjs var ViewContainer; var init_ViewContainer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/view/ViewContainer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Bounds(); init_Container(); ViewContainer = class extends Container { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.canBundle = true; this.allowChildren = false; this._roundPixels = 0; this._lastUsed = 0; this._lastInstructionTick = -1; this._bounds = new Bounds(0, 1, 0, 0); this._boundsDirty = true; } /** @private */ _updateBounds() { } /** * Whether or not to round the x/y position of the sprite. * @type {boolean} */ get roundPixels() { return !!this._roundPixels; } set roundPixels(value) { this._roundPixels = value ? 1 : 0; } /** * Checks if the object contains the given point. * @param point - The point to check */ containsPoint(point) { const bounds = this.bounds; const { x: x2, y: y2 } = point; return x2 >= bounds.minX && x2 <= bounds.maxX && y2 >= bounds.minY && y2 <= bounds.maxY; } /** @private */ onViewUpdate() { this._didViewChangeTick++; if (this.didViewUpdate) return; this.didViewUpdate = true; const renderGroup = this.renderGroup || this.parentRenderGroup; if (renderGroup) { renderGroup.onChildViewUpdate(this); } } destroy(options) { super.destroy(options); this._bounds = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite/Sprite.mjs var Sprite; var init_Sprite = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite/Sprite.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_ObservablePoint(); init_Texture(); init_updateQuadBounds(); init_ViewContainer(); Sprite = class _Sprite extends ViewContainer { /** * @param options - The options for creating the sprite. */ constructor(options = Texture.EMPTY) { if (options instanceof Texture) { options = { texture: options }; } const { texture = Texture.EMPTY, anchor, roundPixels, width, height, ...rest } = options; super({ label: "Sprite", ...rest }); this.renderPipeId = "sprite"; this.batched = true; this._sourceBounds = { minX: 0, maxX: 1, minY: 0, maxY: 0 }; this._sourceBoundsDirty = true; this._anchor = new ObservablePoint( { _onUpdate: () => { this.onViewUpdate(); } } ); if (anchor) { this.anchor = anchor; } else if (texture.defaultAnchor) { this.anchor = texture.defaultAnchor; } this.texture = texture; this.allowChildren = false; this.roundPixels = roundPixels ?? false; if (width !== void 0) this.width = width; if (height !== void 0) this.height = height; } /** * Helper function that creates a new sprite based on the source you provide. * The source can be - frame id, image, video, canvas element, video element, texture * @param source - Source to create texture from * @param [skipCache] - Whether to skip the cache or not * @returns The newly created sprite */ static from(source7, skipCache = false) { if (source7 instanceof Texture) { return new _Sprite(source7); } return new _Sprite(Texture.from(source7, skipCache)); } set texture(value) { value || (value = Texture.EMPTY); const currentTexture = this._texture; if (currentTexture === value) return; if (currentTexture && currentTexture.dynamic) currentTexture.off("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); if (value.dynamic) value.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); this._texture = value; if (this._width) { this._setWidth(this._width, this._texture.orig.width); } if (this._height) { this._setHeight(this._height, this._texture.orig.height); } this.onViewUpdate(); } /** The texture that the sprite is using. */ get texture() { return this._texture; } /** * The local bounds of the sprite. * @type {rendering.Bounds} */ get bounds() { if (this._boundsDirty) { this._updateBounds(); this._boundsDirty = false; } return this._bounds; } /** * The bounds of the sprite, taking the texture's trim into account. * @type {rendering.Bounds} */ get sourceBounds() { if (this._sourceBoundsDirty) { this._updateSourceBounds(); this._sourceBoundsDirty = false; } return this._sourceBounds; } /** * Checks if the object contains the given point. * @param point - The point to check */ containsPoint(point) { const bounds = this.sourceBounds; if (point.x >= bounds.maxX && point.x <= bounds.minX) { if (point.y >= bounds.maxY && point.y <= bounds.minY) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds the bounds of this object to the bounds object. * @param bounds - The output bounds object. */ addBounds(bounds) { const _bounds = this._texture.trim ? this.sourceBounds : this.bounds; bounds.addFrame(_bounds.minX, _bounds.minY, _bounds.maxX, _bounds.maxY); } onViewUpdate() { this._sourceBoundsDirty = this._boundsDirty = true; super.onViewUpdate(); } _updateBounds() { updateQuadBounds(this._bounds, this._anchor, this._texture, 0); } _updateSourceBounds() { const anchor = this._anchor; const texture = this._texture; const sourceBounds = this._sourceBounds; const { width, height } = texture.orig; sourceBounds.maxX = -anchor._x * width; sourceBounds.minX = sourceBounds.maxX + width; sourceBounds.maxY = -anchor._y * height; sourceBounds.minY = sourceBounds.maxY + height; } /** * Destroys this sprite renderable and optionally its texture. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * have been set to that value * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the renderable as well * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the renderable as well */ destroy(options = false) { super.destroy(options); const destroyTexture = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.texture; if (destroyTexture) { const destroyTextureSource = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.textureSource; this._texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } this._texture = null; this._bounds = null; this._sourceBounds = null; this._anchor = null; } /** * The anchor sets the origin point of the sprite. The default value is taken from the {@link Texture} * and passed to the constructor. * * The default is `(0,0)`, this means the sprite's origin is the top left. * * Setting the anchor to `(0.5,0.5)` means the sprite's origin is centered. * * Setting the anchor to `(1,1)` would mean the sprite's origin point will be the bottom right corner. * * If you pass only single parameter, it will set both x and y to the same value as shown in the example below. * @example * import { Sprite } from 'pixi.js'; * * const sprite = new Sprite({texture: Texture.WHITE}); * sprite.anchor.set(0.5); // This will set the origin to center. (0.5) is same as (0.5, 0.5). */ get anchor() { return this._anchor; } set anchor(value) { typeof value === "number" ? this._anchor.set(value) : this._anchor.copyFrom(value); } /** The width of the sprite, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set. */ get width() { return Math.abs(this.scale.x) * this._texture.orig.width; } set width(value) { this._setWidth(value, this._texture.orig.width); this._width = value; } /** The height of the sprite, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set. */ get height() { return Math.abs(this.scale.y) * this._texture.orig.height; } set height(value) { this._setHeight(value, this._texture.orig.height); this._height = value; } /** * Retrieves the size of the Sprite as a [Size]{@link Size} object. * This is faster than get the width and height separately. * @param out - Optional object to store the size in. * @returns - The size of the Sprite. */ getSize(out2) { out2 || (out2 = {}); out2.width = Math.abs(this.scale.x) * this._texture.orig.width; out2.height = Math.abs(this.scale.y) * this._texture.orig.height; return out2; } /** * Sets the size of the Sprite to the specified width and height. * This is faster than setting the width and height separately. * @param value - This can be either a number or a [Size]{@link Size} object. * @param height - The height to set. Defaults to the value of `width` if not provided. */ setSize(value, height) { if (typeof value === "object") { height = value.height ?? value.width; value = value.width; } else { height ?? (height = value); } value !== void 0 && this._setWidth(value, this._texture.orig.width); height !== void 0 && this._setHeight(height, this._texture.orig.height); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/utils/addMaskBounds.mjs function addMaskBounds(mask, bounds, skipUpdateTransform) { const boundsToMask = tempBounds; mask.measurable = true; getGlobalBounds(mask, skipUpdateTransform, boundsToMask); bounds.addBoundsMask(boundsToMask); mask.measurable = false; } var tempBounds; var init_addMaskBounds = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/utils/addMaskBounds.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Bounds(); init_getGlobalBounds(); tempBounds = new Bounds(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/utils/addMaskLocalBounds.mjs function addMaskLocalBounds(mask, bounds, localRoot) { const boundsToMask = boundsPool.get(); mask.measurable = true; const tempMatrix7 = matrixPool.get().identity(); const relativeMask = getMatrixRelativeToParent(mask, localRoot, tempMatrix7); getLocalBounds(mask, boundsToMask, relativeMask); mask.measurable = false; bounds.addBoundsMask(boundsToMask); matrixPool.return(tempMatrix7); boundsPool.return(boundsToMask); } function getMatrixRelativeToParent(target, root, matrix) { if (!target) { warn("Mask bounds, renderable is not inside the root container"); return matrix; } if (target !== root) { getMatrixRelativeToParent(target.parent, root, matrix); target.updateLocalTransform(); matrix.append(target.localTransform); } return matrix; } var init_addMaskLocalBounds = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/utils/addMaskLocalBounds.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_getLocalBounds(); init_matrixAndBoundsPool(); init_warn(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/alpha/AlphaMask.mjs var AlphaMask; var init_AlphaMask = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/alpha/AlphaMask.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Sprite(); init_addMaskBounds(); init_addMaskLocalBounds(); AlphaMask = class { constructor(options) { this.priority = 0; this.inverse = false; this.pipe = "alphaMask"; if (options?.mask) { this.init(options.mask); } } init(mask) { this.mask = mask; this.renderMaskToTexture = !(mask instanceof Sprite); this.mask.renderable = this.renderMaskToTexture; this.mask.includeInBuild = !this.renderMaskToTexture; this.mask.measurable = false; } reset() { this.mask.measurable = true; this.mask = null; } addBounds(bounds, skipUpdateTransform) { if (!this.inverse) { addMaskBounds(this.mask, bounds, skipUpdateTransform); } } addLocalBounds(bounds, localRoot) { addMaskLocalBounds(this.mask, bounds, localRoot); } containsPoint(point, hitTestFn) { const mask = this.mask; return hitTestFn(mask, point); } destroy() { this.reset(); } static test(mask) { return mask instanceof Sprite; } }; AlphaMask.extension = ExtensionType.MaskEffect; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/color/ColorMask.mjs var ColorMask; var init_ColorMask = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/color/ColorMask.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); ColorMask = class { constructor(options) { this.priority = 0; this.pipe = "colorMask"; if (options?.mask) { this.init(options.mask); } } init(mask) { this.mask = mask; } destroy() { } static test(mask) { return typeof mask === "number"; } }; ColorMask.extension = ExtensionType.MaskEffect; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/stencil/StencilMask.mjs var StencilMask; var init_StencilMask = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/stencil/StencilMask.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Container(); init_addMaskBounds(); init_addMaskLocalBounds(); StencilMask = class { constructor(options) { this.priority = 0; this.pipe = "stencilMask"; if (options?.mask) { this.init(options.mask); } } init(mask) { this.mask = mask; this.mask.includeInBuild = false; this.mask.measurable = false; } reset() { this.mask.measurable = true; this.mask.includeInBuild = true; this.mask = null; } addBounds(bounds, skipUpdateTransform) { addMaskBounds(this.mask, bounds, skipUpdateTransform); } addLocalBounds(bounds, localRoot) { addMaskLocalBounds(this.mask, bounds, localRoot); } containsPoint(point, hitTestFn) { const mask = this.mask; return hitTestFn(mask, point); } destroy() { this.reset(); } static test(mask) { return mask instanceof Container; } }; StencilMask.extension = ExtensionType.MaskEffect; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/CanvasSource.mjs var CanvasSource; var init_CanvasSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/CanvasSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_TextureSource(); CanvasSource = class extends TextureSource { constructor(options) { if (!options.resource) { options.resource = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(); } if (!options.width) { options.width = options.resource.width; if (!options.autoDensity) { options.width /= options.resolution; } } if (!options.height) { options.height = options.resource.height; if (!options.autoDensity) { options.height /= options.resolution; } } super(options); this.uploadMethodId = "image"; this.autoDensity = options.autoDensity; const canvas2 = options.resource; if (this.pixelWidth !== canvas2.width || this.pixelWidth !== canvas2.height) { this.resizeCanvas(); } this.transparent = !!options.transparent; } resizeCanvas() { if (this.autoDensity) { this.resource.style.width = `${this.width}px`; this.resource.style.height = `${this.height}px`; } if (this.resource.width !== this.pixelWidth || this.resource.height !== this.pixelHeight) { this.resource.width = this.pixelWidth; this.resource.height = this.pixelHeight; } } resize(width = this.width, height = this.height, resolution = this._resolution) { const didResize = super.resize(width, height, resolution); if (didResize) { this.resizeCanvas(); } return didResize; } static test(resource) { return globalThis.HTMLCanvasElement && resource instanceof HTMLCanvasElement || globalThis.OffscreenCanvas && resource instanceof OffscreenCanvas; } /** * Returns the 2D rendering context for the canvas. * Caches the context after creating it. * @returns The 2D rendering context of the canvas. */ get context2D() { return this._context2D || (this._context2D = this.resource.getContext("2d")); } }; CanvasSource.extension = ExtensionType.TextureSource; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/ImageSource.mjs var ImageSource; var init_ImageSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/ImageSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_warn(); init_TextureSource(); ImageSource = class extends TextureSource { constructor(options) { if (options.resource && (globalThis.HTMLImageElement && options.resource instanceof HTMLImageElement)) { const canvas2 = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(options.resource.width, options.resource.height); const context2 = canvas2.getContext("2d"); context2.drawImage(options.resource, 0, 0, options.resource.width, options.resource.height); options.resource = canvas2; warn("ImageSource: Image element passed, converting to canvas. Use CanvasSource instead."); } super(options); this.uploadMethodId = "image"; this.autoGarbageCollect = true; } static test(resource) { return globalThis.HTMLImageElement && resource instanceof HTMLImageElement || typeof ImageBitmap !== "undefined" && resource instanceof ImageBitmap || globalThis.VideoFrame && resource instanceof VideoFrame; } }; ImageSource.extension = ExtensionType.TextureSource; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/detectVideoAlphaMode.mjs async function detectVideoAlphaMode() { promise ?? (promise = (async () => { const canvas2 = document.createElement("canvas"); const gl = canvas2.getContext("webgl"); if (!gl) { return "premultiply-alpha-on-upload"; } const video = await new Promise((resolve) => { const video2 = document.createElement("video"); video2.onloadeddata = () => resolve(video2); video2.onerror = () => resolve(null); video2.autoplay = false; video2.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; video2.preload = "auto"; video2.src = "data:video/webm;base64,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"; video2.load(); }); if (!video) { return "premultiply-alpha-on-upload"; } const texture = gl.createTexture(); gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture); const framebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer); gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0 ); gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, false); gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL, gl.NONE); gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, video); const pixel = new Uint8Array(4); gl.readPixels(0, 0, 1, 1, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixel); gl.deleteFramebuffer(framebuffer); gl.deleteTexture(texture); gl.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context")?.loseContext(); return pixel[0] <= pixel[3] ? "premultiplied-alpha" : "premultiply-alpha-on-upload"; })()); return promise; } var promise; var init_detectVideoAlphaMode = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/detectVideoAlphaMode.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/VideoSource.mjs var _VideoSource, VideoSource; var init_VideoSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/VideoSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Ticker(); init_detectVideoAlphaMode(); init_TextureSource(); _VideoSource = class _VideoSource2 extends TextureSource { constructor(options) { super(options); this.isReady = false; this.uploadMethodId = "video"; options = { ..._VideoSource2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this._autoUpdate = true; this._isConnectedToTicker = false; this._updateFPS = options.updateFPS || 0; this._msToNextUpdate = 0; this.autoPlay = options.autoPlay !== false; this.alphaMode = options.alphaMode ?? "premultiply-alpha-on-upload"; this._videoFrameRequestCallback = this._videoFrameRequestCallback.bind(this); this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle = null; this._load = null; this._resolve = null; this._reject = null; this._onCanPlay = this._onCanPlay.bind(this); this._onCanPlayThrough = this._onCanPlayThrough.bind(this); this._onError = this._onError.bind(this); this._onPlayStart = this._onPlayStart.bind(this); this._onPlayStop = this._onPlayStop.bind(this); this._onSeeked = this._onSeeked.bind(this); if (options.autoLoad !== false) { void this.load(); } } /** Update the video frame if the source is not destroyed and meets certain conditions. */ updateFrame() { if (this.destroyed) { return; } if (this._updateFPS) { const elapsedMS = Ticker.shared.elapsedMS * this.resource.playbackRate; this._msToNextUpdate = Math.floor(this._msToNextUpdate - elapsedMS); } if (!this._updateFPS || this._msToNextUpdate <= 0) { this._msToNextUpdate = this._updateFPS ? Math.floor(1e3 / this._updateFPS) : 0; } if (this.isValid) { this.update(); } } /** Callback to update the video frame and potentially request the next frame update. */ _videoFrameRequestCallback() { this.updateFrame(); if (this.destroyed) { this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle = null; } else { this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle = this.resource.requestVideoFrameCallback( this._videoFrameRequestCallback ); } } /** * Checks if the resource has valid dimensions. * @returns {boolean} True if width and height are set, otherwise false. */ get isValid() { return !!this.resource.videoWidth && !!this.resource.videoHeight; } /** * Start preloading the video resource. * @returns {Promise} Handle the validate event */ async load() { if (this._load) { return this._load; } const source7 = this.resource; const options = this.options; if ((source7.readyState === source7.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA || source7.readyState === source7.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA) && source7.width && source7.height) { source7.complete = true; } source7.addEventListener("play", this._onPlayStart); source7.addEventListener("pause", this._onPlayStop); source7.addEventListener("seeked", this._onSeeked); if (!this._isSourceReady()) { if (!options.preload) { source7.addEventListener("canplay", this._onCanPlay); } source7.addEventListener("canplaythrough", this._onCanPlayThrough); source7.addEventListener("error", this._onError, true); } else { this._mediaReady(); } this.alphaMode = await detectVideoAlphaMode(); this._load = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.isValid) { resolve(this); } else { this._resolve = resolve; this._reject = reject; if (options.preloadTimeoutMs !== void 0) { this._preloadTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this._onError(new ErrorEvent(`Preload exceeded timeout of ${options.preloadTimeoutMs}ms`)); }); } source7.load(); } }); return this._load; } /** * Handle video error events. * @param event - The error event */ _onError(event) { this.resource.removeEventListener("error", this._onError, true); this.emit("error", event); if (this._reject) { this._reject(event); this._reject = null; this._resolve = null; } } /** * Checks if the underlying source is playing. * @returns True if playing. */ _isSourcePlaying() { const source7 = this.resource; return !source7.paused && !source7.ended; } /** * Checks if the underlying source is ready for playing. * @returns True if ready. */ _isSourceReady() { const source7 = this.resource; return source7.readyState > 2; } /** Runs the update loop when the video is ready to play. */ _onPlayStart() { if (!this.isValid) { this._mediaReady(); } this._configureAutoUpdate(); } /** Stops the update loop when a pause event is triggered. */ _onPlayStop() { this._configureAutoUpdate(); } /** Handles behavior when the video completes seeking to the current playback position. */ _onSeeked() { if (this._autoUpdate && !this._isSourcePlaying()) { this._msToNextUpdate = 0; this.updateFrame(); this._msToNextUpdate = 0; } } _onCanPlay() { const source7 = this.resource; source7.removeEventListener("canplay", this._onCanPlay); this._mediaReady(); } _onCanPlayThrough() { const source7 = this.resource; source7.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", this._onCanPlay); if (this._preloadTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._preloadTimeout); this._preloadTimeout = void 0; } this._mediaReady(); } /** Fired when the video is loaded and ready to play. */ _mediaReady() { const source7 = this.resource; if (this.isValid) { this.isReady = true; this.resize(source7.videoWidth, source7.videoHeight); } this._msToNextUpdate = 0; this.updateFrame(); this._msToNextUpdate = 0; if (this._resolve) { this._resolve(this); this._resolve = null; this._reject = null; } if (this._isSourcePlaying()) { this._onPlayStart(); } else if (this.autoPlay) { void this.resource.play(); } } /** Cleans up resources and event listeners associated with this texture. */ destroy() { this._configureAutoUpdate(); const source7 = this.resource; if (source7) { source7.removeEventListener("play", this._onPlayStart); source7.removeEventListener("pause", this._onPlayStop); source7.removeEventListener("seeked", this._onSeeked); source7.removeEventListener("canplay", this._onCanPlay); source7.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", this._onCanPlayThrough); source7.removeEventListener("error", this._onError, true); source7.pause(); source7.src = ""; source7.load(); } super.destroy(); } /** Should the base texture automatically update itself, set to true by default. */ get autoUpdate() { return this._autoUpdate; } set autoUpdate(value) { if (value !== this._autoUpdate) { this._autoUpdate = value; this._configureAutoUpdate(); } } /** * How many times a second to update the texture from the video. * Leave at 0 to update at every render. * A lower fps can help performance, as updating the texture at 60fps on a 30ps video may not be efficient. */ get updateFPS() { return this._updateFPS; } set updateFPS(value) { if (value !== this._updateFPS) { this._updateFPS = value; this._configureAutoUpdate(); } } /** * Configures the updating mechanism based on the current state and settings. * * This method decides between using the browser's native video frame callback or a custom ticker * for updating the video frame. It ensures optimal performance and responsiveness * based on the video's state, playback status, and the desired frames-per-second setting. * * - If `_autoUpdate` is enabled and the video source is playing: * - It will prefer the native video frame callback if available and no specific FPS is set. * - Otherwise, it will use a custom ticker for manual updates. * - If `_autoUpdate` is disabled or the video isn't playing, any active update mechanisms are halted. */ _configureAutoUpdate() { if (this._autoUpdate && this._isSourcePlaying()) { if (!this._updateFPS && this.resource.requestVideoFrameCallback) { if (this._isConnectedToTicker) { Ticker.shared.remove(this.updateFrame, this); this._isConnectedToTicker = false; this._msToNextUpdate = 0; } if (this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle === null) { this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle = this.resource.requestVideoFrameCallback( this._videoFrameRequestCallback ); } } else { if (this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle !== null) { this.resource.cancelVideoFrameCallback(this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle); this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle = null; } if (!this._isConnectedToTicker) { Ticker.shared.add(this.updateFrame, this); this._isConnectedToTicker = true; this._msToNextUpdate = 0; } } } else { if (this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle !== null) { this.resource.cancelVideoFrameCallback(this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle); this._videoFrameRequestCallbackHandle = null; } if (this._isConnectedToTicker) { Ticker.shared.remove(this.updateFrame, this); this._isConnectedToTicker = false; this._msToNextUpdate = 0; } } } static test(resource) { return globalThis.HTMLVideoElement && resource instanceof HTMLVideoElement; } }; _VideoSource.extension = ExtensionType.TextureSource; _VideoSource.defaultOptions = { ...TextureSource.defaultOptions, /** If true, the video will start loading immediately. */ autoLoad: true, /** If true, the video will start playing as soon as it is loaded. */ autoPlay: true, /** The number of times a second to update the texture from the video. Leave at 0 to update at every render. */ updateFPS: 0, /** If true, the video will be loaded with the `crossorigin` attribute. */ crossorigin: true, /** If true, the video will loop when it ends. */ loop: false, /** If true, the video will be muted. */ muted: true, /** If true, the video will play inline. */ playsinline: true, /** If true, the video will be preloaded. */ preload: false }; _VideoSource.MIME_TYPES = { ogv: "video/ogg", mov: "video/quicktime", m4v: "video/mp4" }; VideoSource = _VideoSource; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/cache/Cache.mjs var CacheClass, Cache; var init_Cache = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/cache/Cache.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_warn(); init_convertToList(); CacheClass = class { constructor() { this._parsers = []; this._cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._cacheMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } /** Clear all entries. */ reset() { this._cacheMap.clear(); this._cache.clear(); } /** * Check if the key exists * @param key - The key to check */ has(key) { return this._cache.has(key); } /** * Fetch entry by key * @param key - The key of the entry to get */ get(key) { const result = this._cache.get(key); if (!result) { warn(`[Assets] Asset id ${key} was not found in the Cache`); } return result; } /** * Set a value by key or keys name * @param key - The key or keys to set * @param value - The value to store in the cache or from which cacheable assets will be derived. */ set(key, value) { const keys = convertToList(key); let cacheableAssets; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.parsers.length; i3++) { const parser = this.parsers[i3]; if (parser.test(value)) { cacheableAssets = parser.getCacheableAssets(keys, value); break; } } const cacheableMap = new Map(Object.entries(cacheableAssets || {})); if (!cacheableAssets) { keys.forEach((key2) => { cacheableMap.set(key2, value); }); } const cacheKeys = [...cacheableMap.keys()]; const cachedAssets = { cacheKeys, keys }; keys.forEach((key2) => { this._cacheMap.set(key2, cachedAssets); }); cacheKeys.forEach((key2) => { const val = cacheableAssets ? cacheableAssets[key2] : value; if (this._cache.has(key2) && this._cache.get(key2) !== val) { warn("[Cache] already has key:", key2); } this._cache.set(key2, cacheableMap.get(key2)); }); } /** * Remove entry by key * * This function will also remove any associated alias from the cache also. * @param key - The key of the entry to remove */ remove(key) { if (!this._cacheMap.has(key)) { warn(`[Assets] Asset id ${key} was not found in the Cache`); return; } const cacheMap2 = this._cacheMap.get(key); const cacheKeys = cacheMap2.cacheKeys; cacheKeys.forEach((key2) => { this._cache.delete(key2); }); cacheMap2.keys.forEach((key2) => { this._cacheMap.delete(key2); }); } /** All loader parsers registered */ get parsers() { return this._parsers; } }; Cache = new CacheClass(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/utils/textureFrom.mjs function autoDetectSource(options = {}) { return textureSourceFrom(options); } function textureSourceFrom(options = {}) { const hasResource = options && options.resource; const res = hasResource ? options.resource : options; const opts = hasResource ? options : { resource: options }; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < sources.length; i3++) { const Source = sources[i3]; if (Source.test(res)) { return new Source(opts); } } throw new Error(`Could not find a source type for resource: ${opts.resource}`); } function resourceToTexture(options = {}, skipCache = false) { const hasResource = options && options.resource; const resource = hasResource ? options.resource : options; const opts = hasResource ? options : { resource: options }; if (!skipCache && Cache.has(resource)) { return Cache.get(resource); } const texture = new Texture({ source: textureSourceFrom(opts) }); texture.on("destroy", () => { if (Cache.has(resource)) { Cache.remove(resource); } }); if (!skipCache) { Cache.set(resource, texture); } return texture; } function textureFrom(id3, skipCache = false) { if (typeof id3 === "string") { return Cache.get(id3); } else if (id3 instanceof TextureSource) { return new Texture({ source: id3 }); } return resourceToTexture(id3, skipCache); } var sources; var init_textureFrom = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/utils/textureFrom.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Cache(); init_Extensions(); init_TextureSource(); init_Texture(); sources = []; extensions.handleByList(ExtensionType.TextureSource, sources); Texture.from = textureFrom; TextureSource.from = textureSourceFrom; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/init.mjs var init_init5 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_AlphaMask(); init_ColorMask(); init_StencilMask(); init_BufferImageSource(); init_CanvasSource(); init_ImageSource(); init_VideoSource(); init_textureFrom(); extensions.add(AlphaMask, ColorMask, StencilMask, VideoSource, ImageSource, CanvasSource, BufferImageSource); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/BindGroup.mjs var BindGroup; var init_BindGroup = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/BindGroup.mjs"() { "use strict"; BindGroup = class { /** * Create a new instance eof the Bind Group. * @param resources - The resources that are bound together for use by a shader. */ constructor(resources) { this.resources = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._dirty = true; let index = 0; for (const i3 in resources) { const resource = resources[i3]; this.setResource(resource, index++); } this._updateKey(); } /** * Updates the key if its flagged as dirty. This is used internally to * match this bind group to a WebGPU BindGroup. * @internal * @ignore */ _updateKey() { if (!this._dirty) return; this._dirty = false; const keyParts = []; let index = 0; for (const i3 in this.resources) { keyParts[index++] = this.resources[i3]._resourceId; } this._key = keyParts.join("|"); } /** * Set a resource at a given index. this function will * ensure that listeners will be removed from the current resource * and added to the new resource. * @param resource - The resource to set. * @param index - The index to set the resource at. */ setResource(resource, index) { const currentResource = this.resources[index]; if (resource === currentResource) return; if (currentResource) { resource.off?.("change", this.onResourceChange, this); } resource.on?.("change", this.onResourceChange, this); this.resources[index] = resource; this._dirty = true; } /** * Returns the resource at the current specified index. * @param index - The index of the resource to get. * @returns - The resource at the specified index. */ getResource(index) { return this.resources[index]; } /** * Used internally to 'touch' each resource, to ensure that the GC * knows that all resources in this bind group are still being used. * @param tick - The current tick. * @internal * @ignore */ _touch(tick) { const resources = this.resources; for (const i3 in resources) { resources[i3]._touched = tick; } } /** Destroys this bind group and removes all listeners. */ destroy() { const resources = this.resources; for (const i3 in resources) { const resource = resources[i3]; resource.off?.("change", this.onResourceChange, this); } this.resources = null; } onResourceChange(resource) { this._dirty = true; if (resource.destroyed) { const resources = this.resources; for (const i3 in resources) { if (resources[i3] === resource) { resources[i3] = null; } } } else { this._updateKey(); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/getTestContext.mjs function getTestContext() { if (!context || context?.isContextLost()) { const canvas2 = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(); context = canvas2.getContext("webgl", {}); } return context; } var context; var init_getTestContext = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/getTestContext.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gl/utils/checkMaxIfStatementsInShader.mjs function generateIfTestSrc(maxIfs) { let src = ""; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < maxIfs; ++i3) { if (i3 > 0) { src += "\nelse "; } if (i3 < maxIfs - 1) { src += `if(test == ${i3}.0){}`; } } return src; } function checkMaxIfStatementsInShader(maxIfs, gl) { if (maxIfs === 0) { throw new Error("Invalid value of `0` passed to `checkMaxIfStatementsInShader`"); } const shader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); try { while (true) { const fragmentSrc = fragTemplate.replace(/%forloop%/gi, generateIfTestSrc(maxIfs)); gl.shaderSource(shader, fragmentSrc); gl.compileShader(shader); if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { maxIfs = maxIfs / 2 | 0; } else { break; } } } finally { gl.deleteShader(shader); } return maxIfs; } var fragTemplate; var init_checkMaxIfStatementsInShader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gl/utils/checkMaxIfStatementsInShader.mjs"() { "use strict"; fragTemplate = [ "precision mediump float;", "void main(void){", "float test = 0.1;", "%forloop%", "gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);", "}" ].join("\n"); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gl/utils/maxRecommendedTextures.mjs function getMaxTexturesPerBatch() { if (maxTexturesPerBatchCache) return maxTexturesPerBatchCache; const gl = getTestContext(); maxTexturesPerBatchCache = gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS); maxTexturesPerBatchCache = checkMaxIfStatementsInShader( maxTexturesPerBatchCache, gl ); gl.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context")?.loseContext(); return maxTexturesPerBatchCache; } var maxTexturesPerBatchCache; var init_maxRecommendedTextures = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gl/utils/maxRecommendedTextures.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_getTestContext(); init_checkMaxIfStatementsInShader(); maxTexturesPerBatchCache = null; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gpu/getTextureBatchBindGroup.mjs function getTextureBatchBindGroup(textures, size) { let uid3 = 2166136261; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < size; i3++) { uid3 ^= textures[i3].uid; uid3 = Math.imul(uid3, 16777619); uid3 >>>= 0; } return cachedGroups[uid3] || generateTextureBatchBindGroup(textures, size, uid3); } function generateTextureBatchBindGroup(textures, size, key) { const bindGroupResources = {}; let bindIndex = 0; if (!maxTextures) maxTextures = getMaxTexturesPerBatch(); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < maxTextures; i3++) { const texture = i3 < size ? textures[i3] : Texture.EMPTY.source; bindGroupResources[bindIndex++] = texture.source; bindGroupResources[bindIndex++] = texture.style; } const bindGroup = new BindGroup(bindGroupResources); cachedGroups[key] = bindGroup; return bindGroup; } var cachedGroups, maxTextures; var init_getTextureBatchBindGroup = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gpu/getTextureBatchBindGroup.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_BindGroup(); init_Texture(); init_maxRecommendedTextures(); cachedGroups = {}; maxTextures = 0; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/data/ViewableBuffer.mjs var ViewableBuffer; var init_ViewableBuffer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/data/ViewableBuffer.mjs"() { "use strict"; ViewableBuffer = class { constructor(sizeOrBuffer) { if (typeof sizeOrBuffer === "number") { this.rawBinaryData = new ArrayBuffer(sizeOrBuffer); } else if (sizeOrBuffer instanceof Uint8Array) { this.rawBinaryData = sizeOrBuffer.buffer; } else { this.rawBinaryData = sizeOrBuffer; } this.uint32View = new Uint32Array(this.rawBinaryData); this.float32View = new Float32Array(this.rawBinaryData); this.size = this.rawBinaryData.byteLength; } /** View on the raw binary data as a `Int8Array`. */ get int8View() { if (!this._int8View) { this._int8View = new Int8Array(this.rawBinaryData); } return this._int8View; } /** View on the raw binary data as a `Uint8Array`. */ get uint8View() { if (!this._uint8View) { this._uint8View = new Uint8Array(this.rawBinaryData); } return this._uint8View; } /** View on the raw binary data as a `Int16Array`. */ get int16View() { if (!this._int16View) { this._int16View = new Int16Array(this.rawBinaryData); } return this._int16View; } /** View on the raw binary data as a `Int32Array`. */ get int32View() { if (!this._int32View) { this._int32View = new Int32Array(this.rawBinaryData); } return this._int32View; } /** View on the raw binary data as a `Float64Array`. */ get float64View() { if (!this._float64Array) { this._float64Array = new Float64Array(this.rawBinaryData); } return this._float64Array; } /** View on the raw binary data as a `BigUint64Array`. */ get bigUint64View() { if (!this._bigUint64Array) { this._bigUint64Array = new BigUint64Array(this.rawBinaryData); } return this._bigUint64Array; } /** * Returns the view of the given type. * @param type - One of `int8`, `uint8`, `int16`, * `uint16`, `int32`, `uint32`, and `float32`. * @returns - typed array of given type */ view(type) { return this[`${type}View`]; } /** Destroys all buffer references. Do not use after calling this. */ destroy() { this.rawBinaryData = null; this._int8View = null; this._uint8View = null; this._int16View = null; this.uint16View = null; this._int32View = null; this.uint32View = null; this.float32View = null; } /** * Returns the size of the given type in bytes. * @param type - One of `int8`, `uint8`, `int16`, * `uint16`, `int32`, `uint32`, and `float32`. * @returns - size of the type in bytes */ static sizeOf(type) { switch (type) { case "int8": case "uint8": return 1; case "int16": case "uint16": return 2; case "int32": case "uint32": case "float32": return 4; default: throw new Error(`${type} isn't a valid view type`); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/buffer/utils/fastCopy.mjs function fastCopy(sourceBuffer, destinationBuffer) { const lengthDouble = sourceBuffer.byteLength / 8 | 0; const sourceFloat64View = new Float64Array(sourceBuffer, 0, lengthDouble); const destinationFloat64View = new Float64Array(destinationBuffer, 0, lengthDouble); destinationFloat64View.set(sourceFloat64View); const remainingBytes = sourceBuffer.byteLength - lengthDouble * 8; if (remainingBytes > 0) { const sourceUint8View = new Uint8Array(sourceBuffer, lengthDouble * 8, remainingBytes); const destinationUint8View = new Uint8Array(destinationBuffer, lengthDouble * 8, remainingBytes); destinationUint8View.set(sourceUint8View); } } var init_fastCopy = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/buffer/utils/fastCopy.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/state/const.mjs var BLEND_TO_NPM, STENCIL_MODES; var init_const3 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/state/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; BLEND_TO_NPM = { normal: "normal-npm", add: "add-npm", screen: "screen-npm" }; STENCIL_MODES = /* @__PURE__ */ ((STENCIL_MODES2) => { STENCIL_MODES2[STENCIL_MODES2["DISABLED"] = 0] = "DISABLED"; STENCIL_MODES2[STENCIL_MODES2["RENDERING_MASK_ADD"] = 1] = "RENDERING_MASK_ADD"; STENCIL_MODES2[STENCIL_MODES2["MASK_ACTIVE"] = 2] = "MASK_ACTIVE"; STENCIL_MODES2[STENCIL_MODES2["INVERSE_MASK_ACTIVE"] = 3] = "INVERSE_MASK_ACTIVE"; STENCIL_MODES2[STENCIL_MODES2["RENDERING_MASK_REMOVE"] = 4] = "RENDERING_MASK_REMOVE"; STENCIL_MODES2[STENCIL_MODES2["NONE"] = 5] = "NONE"; return STENCIL_MODES2; })(STENCIL_MODES || {}); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/state/getAdjustedBlendModeBlend.mjs function getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(blendMode, textureSource) { if (textureSource.alphaMode === "no-premultiply-alpha") { return BLEND_TO_NPM[blendMode] || blendMode; } return blendMode; } var init_getAdjustedBlendModeBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/state/getAdjustedBlendModeBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const3(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/BatchTextureArray.mjs var BatchTextureArray; var init_BatchTextureArray = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/BatchTextureArray.mjs"() { "use strict"; BatchTextureArray = class { constructor() { this.ids = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.textures = []; this.count = 0; } /** Clear the textures and their locations. */ clear() { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.count; i3++) { const t2 = this.textures[i3]; this.textures[i3] = null; this.ids[t2.uid] = null; } this.count = 0; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/Batcher.mjs function getBatchFromPool() { return batchPoolIndex > 0 ? batchPool[--batchPoolIndex] : new Batch(); } function returnBatchToPool(batch) { batchPool[batchPoolIndex++] = batch; } var Batch, batchPool, batchPoolIndex, BATCH_TICK, _Batcher, Batcher; var init_Batcher = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/Batcher.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_uid(); init_ViewableBuffer(); init_fastCopy(); init_getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(); init_maxRecommendedTextures(); init_BatchTextureArray(); Batch = class { constructor() { this.renderPipeId = "batch"; this.action = "startBatch"; this.start = 0; this.size = 0; this.textures = new BatchTextureArray(); this.blendMode = "normal"; this.canBundle = true; } destroy() { this.textures = null; this.gpuBindGroup = null; this.bindGroup = null; this.batcher = null; } }; batchPool = []; batchPoolIndex = 0; BATCH_TICK = 0; _Batcher = class _Batcher2 { constructor(options = {}) { this.uid = uid("batcher"); this.dirty = true; this.batchIndex = 0; this.batches = []; this._elements = []; _Batcher2.defaultOptions.maxTextures = _Batcher2.defaultOptions.maxTextures ?? getMaxTexturesPerBatch(); options = { ..._Batcher2.defaultOptions, ...options }; const { maxTextures: maxTextures2, attributesInitialSize, indicesInitialSize } = options; this.attributeBuffer = new ViewableBuffer(attributesInitialSize * 4); this.indexBuffer = new Uint16Array(indicesInitialSize); this.maxTextures = maxTextures2; } begin() { this.elementSize = 0; this.elementStart = 0; this.indexSize = 0; this.attributeSize = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.batchIndex; i3++) { returnBatchToPool(this.batches[i3]); } this.batchIndex = 0; this._batchIndexStart = 0; this._batchIndexSize = 0; this.dirty = true; } add(batchableObject) { this._elements[this.elementSize++] = batchableObject; batchableObject._indexStart = this.indexSize; batchableObject._attributeStart = this.attributeSize; batchableObject._batcher = this; this.indexSize += batchableObject.indexSize; this.attributeSize += batchableObject.attributeSize * this.vertexSize; } checkAndUpdateTexture(batchableObject, texture) { const textureId = batchableObject._batch.textures.ids[texture._source.uid]; if (!textureId && textureId !== 0) return false; batchableObject._textureId = textureId; batchableObject.texture = texture; return true; } updateElement(batchableObject) { this.dirty = true; const attributeBuffer = this.attributeBuffer; if (batchableObject.packAsQuad) { this.packQuadAttributes( batchableObject, attributeBuffer.float32View, attributeBuffer.uint32View, batchableObject._attributeStart, batchableObject._textureId ); } else { this.packAttributes( batchableObject, attributeBuffer.float32View, attributeBuffer.uint32View, batchableObject._attributeStart, batchableObject._textureId ); } } /** * breaks the batcher. This happens when a batch gets too big, * or we need to switch to a different type of rendering (a filter for example) * @param instructionSet */ break(instructionSet) { const elements = this._elements; if (!elements[this.elementStart]) return; let batch = getBatchFromPool(); let textureBatch = batch.textures; textureBatch.clear(); const firstElement = elements[this.elementStart]; let blendMode = getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(firstElement.blendMode, firstElement.texture._source); if (this.attributeSize * 4 > this.attributeBuffer.size) { this._resizeAttributeBuffer(this.attributeSize * 4); } if (this.indexSize > this.indexBuffer.length) { this._resizeIndexBuffer(this.indexSize); } const f32 = this.attributeBuffer.float32View; const u32 = this.attributeBuffer.uint32View; const indexBuffer = this.indexBuffer; let size = this._batchIndexSize; let start = this._batchIndexStart; let action = "startBatch"; const maxTextures2 = this.maxTextures; for (let i3 = this.elementStart; i3 < this.elementSize; ++i3) { const element = elements[i3]; elements[i3] = null; const texture = element.texture; const source7 = texture._source; const adjustedBlendMode = getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(element.blendMode, source7); const breakRequired = blendMode !== adjustedBlendMode; if (source7._batchTick === BATCH_TICK && !breakRequired) { element._textureId = source7._textureBindLocation; size += element.indexSize; if (element.packAsQuad) { this.packQuadAttributes( element, f32, u32, element._attributeStart, element._textureId ); this.packQuadIndex( indexBuffer, element._indexStart, element._attributeStart / this.vertexSize ); } else { this.packAttributes( element, f32, u32, element._attributeStart, element._textureId ); this.packIndex( element, indexBuffer, element._indexStart, element._attributeStart / this.vertexSize ); } element._batch = batch; continue; } source7._batchTick = BATCH_TICK; if (textureBatch.count >= maxTextures2 || breakRequired) { this._finishBatch( batch, start, size - start, textureBatch, blendMode, instructionSet, action ); action = "renderBatch"; start = size; blendMode = adjustedBlendMode; batch = getBatchFromPool(); textureBatch = batch.textures; textureBatch.clear(); ++BATCH_TICK; } element._textureId = source7._textureBindLocation = textureBatch.count; textureBatch.ids[source7.uid] = textureBatch.count; textureBatch.textures[textureBatch.count++] = source7; element._batch = batch; size += element.indexSize; if (element.packAsQuad) { this.packQuadAttributes( element, f32, u32, element._attributeStart, element._textureId ); this.packQuadIndex( indexBuffer, element._indexStart, element._attributeStart / this.vertexSize ); } else { this.packAttributes( element, f32, u32, element._attributeStart, element._textureId ); this.packIndex( element, indexBuffer, element._indexStart, element._attributeStart / this.vertexSize ); } } if (textureBatch.count > 0) { this._finishBatch( batch, start, size - start, textureBatch, blendMode, instructionSet, action ); start = size; ++BATCH_TICK; } this.elementStart = this.elementSize; this._batchIndexStart = start; this._batchIndexSize = size; } _finishBatch(batch, indexStart, indexSize, textureBatch, blendMode, instructionSet, action) { batch.gpuBindGroup = null; batch.bindGroup = null; batch.action = action; batch.batcher = this; batch.textures = textureBatch; batch.blendMode = blendMode; batch.start = indexStart; batch.size = indexSize; ++BATCH_TICK; this.batches[this.batchIndex++] = batch; instructionSet.add(batch); } finish(instructionSet) { this.break(instructionSet); } /** * Resizes the attribute buffer to the given size (1 = 1 float32) * @param size - the size in vertices to ensure (not bytes!) */ ensureAttributeBuffer(size) { if (size * 4 <= this.attributeBuffer.size) return; this._resizeAttributeBuffer(size * 4); } /** * Resizes the index buffer to the given size (1 = 1 float32) * @param size - the size in vertices to ensure (not bytes!) */ ensureIndexBuffer(size) { if (size <= this.indexBuffer.length) return; this._resizeIndexBuffer(size); } _resizeAttributeBuffer(size) { const newSize = Math.max(size, this.attributeBuffer.size * 2); const newArrayBuffer = new ViewableBuffer(newSize); fastCopy(this.attributeBuffer.rawBinaryData, newArrayBuffer.rawBinaryData); this.attributeBuffer = newArrayBuffer; } _resizeIndexBuffer(size) { const indexBuffer = this.indexBuffer; let newSize = Math.max(size, indexBuffer.length * 1.5); newSize += newSize % 2; const newIndexBuffer = newSize > 65535 ? new Uint32Array(newSize) : new Uint16Array(newSize); if (newIndexBuffer.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT !== indexBuffer.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < indexBuffer.length; i3++) { newIndexBuffer[i3] = indexBuffer[i3]; } } else { fastCopy(indexBuffer.buffer, newIndexBuffer.buffer); } this.indexBuffer = newIndexBuffer; } packQuadIndex(indexBuffer, index, indicesOffset) { indexBuffer[index] = indicesOffset + 0; indexBuffer[index + 1] = indicesOffset + 1; indexBuffer[index + 2] = indicesOffset + 2; indexBuffer[index + 3] = indicesOffset + 0; indexBuffer[index + 4] = indicesOffset + 2; indexBuffer[index + 5] = indicesOffset + 3; } packIndex(element, indexBuffer, index, indicesOffset) { const indices = element.indices; const size = element.indexSize; const indexOffset = element.indexOffset; const attributeOffset = element.attributeOffset; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < size; i3++) { indexBuffer[index++] = indicesOffset + indices[i3 + indexOffset] - attributeOffset; } } destroy() { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.batches.length; i3++) { returnBatchToPool(this.batches[i3]); } this.batches = null; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._elements.length; i3++) { this._elements[i3]._batch = null; } this._elements = null; this.indexBuffer = null; this.attributeBuffer.destroy(); this.attributeBuffer = null; } }; _Batcher.defaultOptions = { maxTextures: null, attributesInitialSize: 4, indicesInitialSize: 6 }; Batcher = _Batcher; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/buffer/const.mjs var BufferUsage; var init_const4 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/buffer/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; BufferUsage = /* @__PURE__ */ ((BufferUsage2) => { BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["MAP_READ"] = 1] = "MAP_READ"; BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["MAP_WRITE"] = 2] = "MAP_WRITE"; BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["COPY_SRC"] = 4] = "COPY_SRC"; BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["COPY_DST"] = 8] = "COPY_DST"; BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["INDEX"] = 16] = "INDEX"; BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["VERTEX"] = 32] = "VERTEX"; BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["UNIFORM"] = 64] = "UNIFORM"; BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["STORAGE"] = 128] = "STORAGE"; BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["INDIRECT"] = 256] = "INDIRECT"; BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["QUERY_RESOLVE"] = 512] = "QUERY_RESOLVE"; BufferUsage2[BufferUsage2["STATIC"] = 1024] = "STATIC"; return BufferUsage2; })(BufferUsage || {}); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/buffer/Buffer.mjs var Buffer2; var init_Buffer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/buffer/Buffer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_uid(); init_const4(); Buffer2 = class extends eventemitter3_default { /** * Creates a new Buffer with the given options * @param options - the options for the buffer */ constructor(options) { let { data, size } = options; const { usage, label, shrinkToFit } = options; super(); this.uid = uid("buffer"); this._resourceType = "buffer"; this._resourceId = uid("resource"); this._touched = 0; this._updateID = 1; this.shrinkToFit = true; this.destroyed = false; if (data instanceof Array) { data = new Float32Array(data); } this._data = data; size = size ?? data?.byteLength; const mappedAtCreation = !!data; this.descriptor = { size, usage, mappedAtCreation, label }; this.shrinkToFit = shrinkToFit ?? true; } /** the data in the buffer */ get data() { return this._data; } set data(value) { this.setDataWithSize(value, value.length, true); } /** whether the buffer is static or not */ get static() { return !!(this.descriptor.usage & BufferUsage.STATIC); } set static(value) { if (value) { this.descriptor.usage |= BufferUsage.STATIC; } else { this.descriptor.usage &= ~BufferUsage.STATIC; } } /** * Sets the data in the buffer to the given value. This will immediately update the buffer on the GPU. * If you only want to update a subset of the buffer, you can pass in the size of the data. * @param value - the data to set * @param size - the size of the data in bytes * @param syncGPU - should the buffer be updated on the GPU immediately? */ setDataWithSize(value, size, syncGPU) { this._updateID++; this._updateSize = size * value.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; if (this._data === value) { if (syncGPU) this.emit("update", this); return; } const oldData = this._data; this._data = value; if (oldData.length !== value.length) { if (!this.shrinkToFit && value.byteLength < oldData.byteLength) { if (syncGPU) this.emit("update", this); } else { this.descriptor.size = value.byteLength; this._resourceId = uid("resource"); this.emit("change", this); } return; } if (syncGPU) this.emit("update", this); } /** * updates the buffer on the GPU to reflect the data in the buffer. * By default it will update the entire buffer. If you only want to update a subset of the buffer, * you can pass in the size of the buffer to update. * @param sizeInBytes - the new size of the buffer in bytes */ update(sizeInBytes) { this._updateSize = sizeInBytes ?? this._updateSize; this._updateID++; this.emit("update", this); } /** Destroys the buffer */ destroy() { this.destroyed = true; this.emit("destroy", this); this.emit("change", this); this._data = null; this.descriptor = null; this.removeAllListeners(); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/utils/ensureIsBuffer.mjs function ensureIsBuffer(buffer, index) { if (!(buffer instanceof Buffer2)) { let usage = index ? BufferUsage.INDEX : BufferUsage.VERTEX; if (buffer instanceof Array) { if (index) { buffer = new Uint32Array(buffer); usage = BufferUsage.INDEX | BufferUsage.COPY_DST; } else { buffer = new Float32Array(buffer); usage = BufferUsage.VERTEX | BufferUsage.COPY_DST; } } buffer = new Buffer2({ data: buffer, label: index ? "index-mesh-buffer" : "vertex-mesh-buffer", usage }); } return buffer; } var init_ensureIsBuffer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/utils/ensureIsBuffer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Buffer(); init_const4(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/utils/getGeometryBounds.mjs function getGeometryBounds(geometry, attributeId, bounds) { const attribute = geometry.getAttribute(attributeId); if (!attribute) { bounds.minX = 0; bounds.minY = 0; bounds.maxX = 0; bounds.maxY = 0; return bounds; } const data = attribute.buffer.data; let minX = Infinity; let minY = Infinity; let maxX = -Infinity; let maxY = -Infinity; const byteSize = data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const offset = (attribute.offset || 0) / byteSize; const stride = (attribute.stride || 2 * 4) / byteSize; for (let i3 = offset; i3 < data.length; i3 += stride) { const x2 = data[i3]; const y2 = data[i3 + 1]; if (x2 > maxX) maxX = x2; if (y2 > maxY) maxY = y2; if (x2 < minX) minX = x2; if (y2 < minY) minY = y2; } bounds.minX = minX; bounds.minY = minY; bounds.maxX = maxX; bounds.maxY = maxY; return bounds; } var init_getGeometryBounds = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/utils/getGeometryBounds.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/Geometry.mjs function ensureIsAttribute(attribute) { if (attribute instanceof Buffer2 || Array.isArray(attribute) || attribute.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) { attribute = { buffer: attribute }; } attribute.buffer = ensureIsBuffer(attribute.buffer, false); return attribute; } var Geometry; var init_Geometry = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/Geometry.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_Bounds(); init_uid(); init_Buffer(); init_ensureIsBuffer(); init_getGeometryBounds(); Geometry = class extends eventemitter3_default { /** * Create a new instance of a geometry * @param options - The options for the geometry. */ constructor(options = {}) { super(); this.uid = uid("geometry"); this._layoutKey = 0; this.instanceCount = 1; this._bounds = new Bounds(); this._boundsDirty = true; const { attributes, indexBuffer, topology } = options; this.buffers = []; this.attributes = {}; if (attributes) { for (const i3 in attributes) { this.addAttribute(i3, attributes[i3]); } } this.instanceCount = options.instanceCount || 1; if (indexBuffer) { this.addIndex(indexBuffer); } this.topology = topology || "triangle-list"; } onBufferUpdate() { this._boundsDirty = true; this.emit("update", this); } /** * Returns the requested attribute. * @param id - The name of the attribute required * @returns - The attribute requested. */ getAttribute(id3) { return this.attributes[id3]; } /** * Returns the index buffer * @returns - The index buffer. */ getIndex() { return this.indexBuffer; } /** * Returns the requested buffer. * @param id - The name of the buffer required. * @returns - The buffer requested. */ getBuffer(id3) { return this.getAttribute(id3).buffer; } /** * Used to figure out how many vertices there are in this geometry * @returns the number of vertices in the geometry */ getSize() { for (const i3 in this.attributes) { const attribute = this.attributes[i3]; const buffer = attribute.buffer; return buffer.data.length / (attribute.stride / 4 || attribute.size); } return 0; } /** * Adds an attribute to the geometry. * @param name - The name of the attribute to add. * @param attributeOption - The attribute option to add. */ addAttribute(name, attributeOption) { const attribute = ensureIsAttribute(attributeOption); const bufferIndex = this.buffers.indexOf(attribute.buffer); if (bufferIndex === -1) { this.buffers.push(attribute.buffer); attribute.buffer.on("update", this.onBufferUpdate, this); attribute.buffer.on("change", this.onBufferUpdate, this); } this.attributes[name] = attribute; } /** * Adds an index buffer to the geometry. * @param indexBuffer - The index buffer to add. Can be a Buffer, TypedArray, or an array of numbers. */ addIndex(indexBuffer) { this.indexBuffer = ensureIsBuffer(indexBuffer, true); this.buffers.push(this.indexBuffer); } /** Returns the bounds of the geometry. */ get bounds() { if (!this._boundsDirty) return this._bounds; this._boundsDirty = false; return getGeometryBounds(this, "aPosition", this._bounds); } /** * destroys the geometry. * @param destroyBuffers - destroy the buffers associated with this geometry */ destroy(destroyBuffers = false) { this.emit("destroy", this); this.removeAllListeners(); if (destroyBuffers) { this.buffers.forEach((buffer) => buffer.destroy()); } this.attributes = null; this.buffers = null; this.indexBuffer = null; this._bounds = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/BatchGeometry.mjs var placeHolderBufferData, placeHolderIndexData, BatchGeometry; var init_BatchGeometry = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/BatchGeometry.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Buffer(); init_const4(); init_Geometry(); placeHolderBufferData = new Float32Array(1); placeHolderIndexData = new Uint32Array(1); BatchGeometry = class extends Geometry { constructor() { const vertexSize = 6; const attributeBuffer = new Buffer2({ data: placeHolderBufferData, label: "attribute-batch-buffer", usage: BufferUsage.VERTEX | BufferUsage.COPY_DST, shrinkToFit: false }); const indexBuffer = new Buffer2({ data: placeHolderIndexData, label: "index-batch-buffer", usage: BufferUsage.INDEX | BufferUsage.COPY_DST, // | BufferUsage.STATIC, shrinkToFit: false }); const stride = vertexSize * 4; super({ attributes: { aPosition: { buffer: attributeBuffer, format: "float32x2", stride, offset: 0 }, aUV: { buffer: attributeBuffer, format: "float32x2", stride, offset: 2 * 4 }, aColor: { buffer: attributeBuffer, format: "unorm8x4", stride, offset: 4 * 4 }, aTextureIdAndRound: { buffer: attributeBuffer, format: "uint16x2", stride, offset: 5 * 4 } }, indexBuffer }); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/utils/createIdFromString.mjs function createIdFromString(value, groupId) { let id3 = idHash2[value]; if (id3 === void 0) { if (idCounts[groupId] === void 0) { idCounts[groupId] = 1; } idHash2[value] = id3 = idCounts[groupId]++; } return id3; } var idCounts, idHash2; var init_createIdFromString = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/utils/createIdFromString.mjs"() { "use strict"; idCounts = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); idHash2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/getMaxFragmentPrecision.mjs function getMaxFragmentPrecision() { if (!maxFragmentPrecision) { maxFragmentPrecision = "mediump"; const gl = getTestContext(); if (gl) { if (gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat) { const shaderFragment = gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, gl.HIGH_FLOAT); maxFragmentPrecision = shaderFragment.precision ? "highp" : "mediump"; } } } return maxFragmentPrecision; } var maxFragmentPrecision; var init_getMaxFragmentPrecision = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/getMaxFragmentPrecision.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_getTestContext(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/preprocessors/addProgramDefines.mjs function addProgramDefines(src, isES300, isFragment) { if (isES300) return src; if (isFragment) { src = src.replace("out vec4 finalColor;", ""); return ` #ifdef GL_ES // This checks if it is WebGL1 #define in varying #define finalColor gl_FragColor #define texture texture2D #endif ${src} `; } return ` #ifdef GL_ES // This checks if it is WebGL1 #define in attribute #define out varying #endif ${src} `; } var init_addProgramDefines = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/preprocessors/addProgramDefines.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/preprocessors/ensurePrecision.mjs function ensurePrecision(src, options, isFragment) { const maxSupportedPrecision = isFragment ? options.maxSupportedFragmentPrecision : options.maxSupportedVertexPrecision; if (src.substring(0, 9) !== "precision") { let precision = isFragment ? options.requestedFragmentPrecision : options.requestedVertexPrecision; if (precision === "highp" && maxSupportedPrecision !== "highp") { precision = "mediump"; } return `precision ${precision} float; ${src}`; } else if (maxSupportedPrecision !== "highp" && src.substring(0, 15) === "precision highp") { return src.replace("precision highp", "precision mediump"); } return src; } var init_ensurePrecision = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/preprocessors/ensurePrecision.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/preprocessors/insertVersion.mjs function insertVersion(src, isES300) { if (!isES300) return src; return `#version 300 es ${src}`; } var init_insertVersion = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/preprocessors/insertVersion.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/preprocessors/setProgramName.mjs function setProgramName(src, { name = `pixi-program` }, isFragment = true) { name = name.replace(/\s+/g, "-"); name += isFragment ? "-fragment" : "-vertex"; const nameCache = isFragment ? fragmentNameCache : VertexNameCache; if (nameCache[name]) { nameCache[name]++; name += `-${nameCache[name]}`; } else { nameCache[name] = 1; } if (src.indexOf("#define SHADER_NAME") !== -1) return src; const shaderName = `#define SHADER_NAME ${name}`; return `${shaderName} ${src}`; } var fragmentNameCache, VertexNameCache; var init_setProgramName = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/preprocessors/setProgramName.mjs"() { "use strict"; fragmentNameCache = {}; VertexNameCache = {}; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/preprocessors/stripVersion.mjs function stripVersion(src, isES300) { if (!isES300) return src; return src.replace("#version 300 es", ""); } var init_stripVersion = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/preprocessors/stripVersion.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/GlProgram.mjs var processes, programCache, _GlProgram, GlProgram; var init_GlProgram = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/GlProgram.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_createIdFromString(); init_getMaxFragmentPrecision(); init_addProgramDefines(); init_ensurePrecision(); init_insertVersion(); init_setProgramName(); init_stripVersion(); processes = { // strips any version headers.. stripVersion, // adds precision string if not already present ensurePrecision, // add some defines if WebGL1 to make it more compatible with WebGL2 shaders addProgramDefines, // add the program name to the shader setProgramName, // add the version string to the shader header insertVersion }; programCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); _GlProgram = class _GlProgram2 { /** * Creates a shiny new GlProgram. Used by WebGL renderer. * @param options - The options for the program. */ constructor(options) { options = { ..._GlProgram2.defaultOptions, ...options }; const isES300 = options.fragment.indexOf("#version 300 es") !== -1; const preprocessorOptions = { stripVersion: isES300, ensurePrecision: { requestedFragmentPrecision: options.preferredFragmentPrecision, requestedVertexPrecision: options.preferredVertexPrecision, maxSupportedVertexPrecision: "highp", maxSupportedFragmentPrecision: getMaxFragmentPrecision() }, setProgramName: { name: options.name }, addProgramDefines: isES300, insertVersion: isES300 }; let fragment7 = options.fragment; let vertex5 = options.vertex; Object.keys(processes).forEach((processKey) => { const processOptions = preprocessorOptions[processKey]; fragment7 = processes[processKey](fragment7, processOptions, true); vertex5 = processes[processKey](vertex5, processOptions, false); }); this.fragment = fragment7; this.vertex = vertex5; this._key = createIdFromString(`${this.vertex}:${this.fragment}`, "gl-program"); } /** destroys the program */ destroy() { this.fragment = null; this.vertex = null; this._attributeData = null; this._uniformData = null; this._uniformBlockData = null; this.transformFeedbackVaryings = null; } /** * Helper function that creates a program for a given source. * It will check the program cache if the program has already been created. * If it has that one will be returned, if not a new one will be created and cached. * @param options - The options for the program. * @returns A program using the same source */ static from(options) { const key = `${options.vertex}:${options.fragment}`; if (!programCache[key]) { programCache[key] = new _GlProgram2(options); } return programCache[key]; } }; _GlProgram.defaultOptions = { preferredVertexPrecision: "highp", preferredFragmentPrecision: "mediump" }; GlProgram = _GlProgram; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/utils/getAttributeInfoFromFormat.mjs function getAttributeInfoFromFormat(format) { return attributeFormatData[format] ?? attributeFormatData.float32; } var attributeFormatData; var init_getAttributeInfoFromFormat = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/utils/getAttributeInfoFromFormat.mjs"() { "use strict"; attributeFormatData = { uint8x2: { size: 2, stride: 2, normalised: false }, uint8x4: { size: 4, stride: 4, normalised: false }, sint8x2: { size: 2, stride: 2, normalised: false }, sint8x4: { size: 4, stride: 4, normalised: false }, unorm8x2: { size: 2, stride: 2, normalised: true }, unorm8x4: { size: 4, stride: 4, normalised: true }, snorm8x2: { size: 2, stride: 2, normalised: true }, snorm8x4: { size: 4, stride: 4, normalised: true }, uint16x2: { size: 2, stride: 4, normalised: false }, uint16x4: { size: 4, stride: 8, normalised: false }, sint16x2: { size: 2, stride: 4, normalised: false }, sint16x4: { size: 4, stride: 8, normalised: false }, unorm16x2: { size: 2, stride: 4, normalised: true }, unorm16x4: { size: 4, stride: 8, normalised: true }, snorm16x2: { size: 2, stride: 4, normalised: true }, snorm16x4: { size: 4, stride: 8, normalised: true }, float16x2: { size: 2, stride: 4, normalised: false }, float16x4: { size: 4, stride: 8, normalised: false }, float32: { size: 1, stride: 4, normalised: false }, float32x2: { size: 2, stride: 8, normalised: false }, float32x3: { size: 3, stride: 12, normalised: false }, float32x4: { size: 4, stride: 16, normalised: false }, uint32: { size: 1, stride: 4, normalised: false }, uint32x2: { size: 2, stride: 8, normalised: false }, uint32x3: { size: 3, stride: 12, normalised: false }, uint32x4: { size: 4, stride: 16, normalised: false }, sint32: { size: 1, stride: 4, normalised: false }, sint32x2: { size: 2, stride: 8, normalised: false }, sint32x3: { size: 3, stride: 12, normalised: false }, sint32x4: { size: 4, stride: 16, normalised: false } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/extractAttributesFromGpuProgram.mjs function extractAttributesFromGpuProgram({ source: source7, entryPoint }) { const results = {}; const mainVertStart = source7.indexOf(`fn ${entryPoint}`); if (mainVertStart !== -1) { const arrowFunctionStart = source7.indexOf("->", mainVertStart); if (arrowFunctionStart !== -1) { const functionArgsSubstring = source7.substring(mainVertStart, arrowFunctionStart); const inputsRegex = /@location\((\d+)\)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_<>]+)(?:,|\s|$)/g; let match; while ((match = inputsRegex.exec(functionArgsSubstring)) !== null) { const format = WGSL_TO_VERTEX_TYPES[match[3]] ?? "float32"; results[match[2]] = { location: parseInt(match[1], 10), format, stride: getAttributeInfoFromFormat(format).stride, offset: 0, instance: false, start: 0 }; } } } return results; } var WGSL_TO_VERTEX_TYPES; var init_extractAttributesFromGpuProgram = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/extractAttributesFromGpuProgram.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_getAttributeInfoFromFormat(); WGSL_TO_VERTEX_TYPES = { f32: "float32", "vec2": "float32x2", "vec3": "float32x3", "vec4": "float32x4", vec2f: "float32x2", vec3f: "float32x3", vec4f: "float32x4", i32: "sint32", "vec2": "sint32x2", "vec3": "sint32x3", "vec4": "sint32x4", u32: "uint32", "vec2": "uint32x2", "vec3": "uint32x3", "vec4": "uint32x4", bool: "uint32", "vec2": "uint32x2", "vec3": "uint32x3", "vec4": "uint32x4" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/extractStructAndGroups.mjs function extractStructAndGroups(wgsl2) { const linePattern = /(^|[^/])@(group|binding)\(\d+\)[^;]+;/g; const groupPattern = /@group\((\d+)\)/; const bindingPattern = /@binding\((\d+)\)/; const namePattern = /var(<[^>]+>)? (\w+)/; const typePattern = /:\s*(\w+)/; const structPattern = /struct\s+(\w+)\s*{([^}]+)}/g; const structMemberPattern = /(\w+)\s*:\s*([\w\<\>]+)/g; const structName = /struct\s+(\w+)/; const groups = wgsl2.match(linePattern)?.map((item) => ({ group: parseInt(item.match(groupPattern)[1], 10), binding: parseInt(item.match(bindingPattern)[1], 10), name: item.match(namePattern)[2], isUniform: item.match(namePattern)[1] === "", type: item.match(typePattern)[1] })); if (!groups) { return { groups: [], structs: [] }; } const structs = wgsl2.match(structPattern)?.map((struct) => { const name = struct.match(structName)[1]; const members = struct.match(structMemberPattern).reduce((acc, member) => { const [name2, type] = member.split(":"); acc[name2.trim()] = type.trim(); return acc; }, {}); if (!members) { return null; } return { name, members }; }).filter(({ name }) => groups.some((group) => group.type === name)) ?? []; return { groups, structs }; } var init_extractStructAndGroups = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/extractStructAndGroups.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/const.mjs var ShaderStage; var init_const5 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; ShaderStage = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ShaderStage2) => { ShaderStage2[ShaderStage2["VERTEX"] = 1] = "VERTEX"; ShaderStage2[ShaderStage2["FRAGMENT"] = 2] = "FRAGMENT"; ShaderStage2[ShaderStage2["COMPUTE"] = 4] = "COMPUTE"; return ShaderStage2; })(ShaderStage || {}); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/generateGpuLayoutGroups.mjs function generateGpuLayoutGroups({ groups }) { const layout = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < groups.length; i3++) { const group = groups[i3]; if (!layout[group.group]) { layout[group.group] = []; } if (group.isUniform) { layout[group.group].push({ binding: group.binding, visibility: ShaderStage.VERTEX | ShaderStage.FRAGMENT, buffer: { type: "uniform" } }); } else if (group.type === "sampler") { layout[group.group].push({ binding: group.binding, visibility: ShaderStage.FRAGMENT, sampler: { type: "filtering" } }); } else if (group.type === "texture_2d") { layout[group.group].push({ binding: group.binding, visibility: ShaderStage.FRAGMENT, texture: { sampleType: "float", viewDimension: "2d", multisampled: false } }); } } return layout; } var init_generateGpuLayoutGroups = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/generateGpuLayoutGroups.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const5(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/generateLayoutHash.mjs function generateLayoutHash({ groups }) { const layout = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < groups.length; i3++) { const group = groups[i3]; if (!layout[group.group]) { layout[group.group] = {}; } layout[group.group][group.name] = group.binding; } return layout; } var init_generateLayoutHash = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/generateLayoutHash.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/removeStructAndGroupDuplicates.mjs function removeStructAndGroupDuplicates(vertexStructsAndGroups, fragmentStructsAndGroups) { const structNameSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const dupeGroupKeySet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const structs = [...vertexStructsAndGroups.structs, ...fragmentStructsAndGroups.structs].filter((struct) => { if (structNameSet.has(struct.name)) { return false; } structNameSet.add(struct.name); return true; }); const groups = [...vertexStructsAndGroups.groups, ...fragmentStructsAndGroups.groups].filter((group) => { const key = `${group.name}-${group.binding}`; if (dupeGroupKeySet.has(key)) { return false; } dupeGroupKeySet.add(key); return true; }); return { structs, groups }; } var init_removeStructAndGroupDuplicates = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/removeStructAndGroupDuplicates.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/GpuProgram.mjs var programCache2, GpuProgram; var init_GpuProgram = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/GpuProgram.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_createIdFromString(); init_extractAttributesFromGpuProgram(); init_extractStructAndGroups(); init_generateGpuLayoutGroups(); init_generateLayoutHash(); init_removeStructAndGroupDuplicates(); programCache2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); GpuProgram = class _GpuProgram { /** * Create a new GpuProgram * @param options - The options for the gpu program */ constructor(options) { this._layoutKey = 0; this._attributeLocationsKey = 0; const { fragment: fragment7, vertex: vertex5, layout, gpuLayout, name } = options; this.name = name; this.fragment = fragment7; this.vertex = vertex5; if (fragment7.source === vertex5.source) { const structsAndGroups = extractStructAndGroups(fragment7.source); this.structsAndGroups = structsAndGroups; } else { const vertexStructsAndGroups = extractStructAndGroups(vertex5.source); const fragmentStructsAndGroups = extractStructAndGroups(fragment7.source); this.structsAndGroups = removeStructAndGroupDuplicates(vertexStructsAndGroups, fragmentStructsAndGroups); } this.layout = layout ?? generateLayoutHash(this.structsAndGroups); this.gpuLayout = gpuLayout ?? generateGpuLayoutGroups(this.structsAndGroups); this.autoAssignGlobalUniforms = !!(this.layout[0]?.globalUniforms !== void 0); this.autoAssignLocalUniforms = !!(this.layout[1]?.localUniforms !== void 0); this._generateProgramKey(); } // TODO maker this pure _generateProgramKey() { const { vertex: vertex5, fragment: fragment7 } = this; const bigKey = vertex5.source + fragment7.source + vertex5.entryPoint + fragment7.entryPoint; this._layoutKey = createIdFromString(bigKey, "program"); } get attributeData() { this._attributeData ?? (this._attributeData = extractAttributesFromGpuProgram(this.vertex)); return this._attributeData; } /** destroys the program */ destroy() { this.gpuLayout = null; this.layout = null; this.structsAndGroups = null; this.fragment = null; this.vertex = null; } /** * Helper function that creates a program for a given source. * It will check the program cache if the program has already been created. * If it has that one will be returned, if not a new one will be created and cached. * @param options - The options for the program. * @returns A program using the same source */ static from(options) { const key = `${options.vertex.source}:${options.fragment.source}:${options.fragment.entryPoint}:${options.vertex.entryPoint}`; if (!programCache2[key]) { programCache2[key] = new _GpuProgram(options); } return programCache2[key]; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/addBits.mjs function addBits(srcParts, parts, name) { if (srcParts) { for (const i3 in srcParts) { const id3 = i3.toLocaleLowerCase(); const part = parts[id3]; if (part) { let sanitisedPart = srcParts[i3]; if (i3 === "header") { sanitisedPart = sanitisedPart.replace(/@in\s+[^;]+;\s*/g, "").replace(/@out\s+[^;]+;\s*/g, ""); } if (name) { part.push(`//----${name}----//`); } part.push(sanitisedPart); } else { warn(`${i3} placement hook does not exist in shader`); } } } } var init_addBits = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/addBits.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_warn(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/compileHooks.mjs function compileHooks(programSrc) { const parts = {}; const partMatches = programSrc.match(findHooksRx)?.map((hook) => hook.replace(/[{()}]/g, "")) ?? []; partMatches.forEach((hook) => { parts[hook] = []; }); return parts; } var findHooksRx; var init_compileHooks = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/compileHooks.mjs"() { "use strict"; findHooksRx = /\{\{(.*?)\}\}/g; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/compileInputs.mjs function extractInputs(fragmentSource, out2) { let match; const regex = /@in\s+([^;]+);/g; while ((match = regex.exec(fragmentSource)) !== null) { out2.push(match[1]); } } function compileInputs(fragments, template, sort = false) { const results = []; extractInputs(template, results); fragments.forEach((fragment7) => { if (fragment7.header) { extractInputs(fragment7.header, results); } }); const mainInput = results; if (sort) { mainInput.sort(); } const finalString = mainInput.map((inValue, i3) => ` @location(${i3}) ${inValue},`).join("\n"); let cleanedString = template.replace(/@in\s+[^;]+;\s*/g, ""); cleanedString = cleanedString.replace("{{in}}", ` ${finalString} `); return cleanedString; } var init_compileInputs = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/compileInputs.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/compileOutputs.mjs function extractOutputs(fragmentSource, out2) { let match; const regex = /@out\s+([^;]+);/g; while ((match = regex.exec(fragmentSource)) !== null) { out2.push(match[1]); } } function extractVariableName(value) { const regex = /\b(\w+)\s*:/g; const match = regex.exec(value); return match ? match[1] : ""; } function stripVariable(value) { const regex = /@.*?\s+/g; return value.replace(regex, ""); } function compileOutputs(fragments, template) { const results = []; extractOutputs(template, results); fragments.forEach((fragment7) => { if (fragment7.header) { extractOutputs(fragment7.header, results); } }); let index = 0; const mainStruct = results.sort().map((inValue) => { if (inValue.indexOf("builtin") > -1) { return inValue; } return `@location(${index++}) ${inValue}`; }).join(",\n"); const mainStart = results.sort().map((inValue) => ` var ${stripVariable(inValue)};`).join("\n"); const mainEnd = `return VSOutput( ${results.sort().map((inValue) => ` ${extractVariableName(inValue)}`).join(",\n")});`; let compiledCode = template.replace(/@out\s+[^;]+;\s*/g, ""); compiledCode = compiledCode.replace("{{struct}}", ` ${mainStruct} `); compiledCode = compiledCode.replace("{{start}}", ` ${mainStart} `); compiledCode = compiledCode.replace("{{return}}", ` ${mainEnd} `); return compiledCode; } var init_compileOutputs = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/compileOutputs.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/injectBits.mjs function injectBits(templateSrc, fragmentParts) { let out2 = templateSrc; for (const i3 in fragmentParts) { const parts = fragmentParts[i3]; const toInject = parts.join("\n"); if (toInject.length) { out2 = out2.replace(`{{${i3}}}`, `//-----${i3} START-----// ${parts.join("\n")} //----${i3} FINISH----//`); } else { out2 = out2.replace(`{{${i3}}}`, ""); } } return out2; } var init_injectBits = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/injectBits.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/compileHighShader.mjs function compileHighShader({ template, bits }) { const cacheId = generateCacheId(template, bits); if (cacheMap[cacheId]) return cacheMap[cacheId]; const { vertex: vertex5, fragment: fragment7 } = compileInputsAndOutputs(template, bits); cacheMap[cacheId] = compileBits(vertex5, fragment7, bits); return cacheMap[cacheId]; } function compileHighShaderGl({ template, bits }) { const cacheId = generateCacheId(template, bits); if (cacheMap[cacheId]) return cacheMap[cacheId]; cacheMap[cacheId] = compileBits(template.vertex, template.fragment, bits); return cacheMap[cacheId]; } function compileInputsAndOutputs(template, bits) { const vertexFragments = bits.map((shaderBit) => shaderBit.vertex).filter((v2) => !!v2); const fragmentFragments = bits.map((shaderBit) => shaderBit.fragment).filter((v2) => !!v2); let compiledVertex = compileInputs(vertexFragments, template.vertex, true); compiledVertex = compileOutputs(vertexFragments, compiledVertex); const compiledFragment = compileInputs(fragmentFragments, template.fragment, true); return { vertex: compiledVertex, fragment: compiledFragment }; } function generateCacheId(template, bits) { return bits.map((highFragment) => { if (!bitCacheMap.has(highFragment)) { bitCacheMap.set(highFragment, CACHE_UID++); } return bitCacheMap.get(highFragment); }).sort((a2, b2) => a2 - b2).join("-") + template.vertex + template.fragment; } function compileBits(vertex5, fragment7, bits) { const vertexParts = compileHooks(vertex5); const fragmentParts = compileHooks(fragment7); bits.forEach((shaderBit) => { addBits(shaderBit.vertex, vertexParts, shaderBit.name); addBits(shaderBit.fragment, fragmentParts, shaderBit.name); }); return { vertex: injectBits(vertex5, vertexParts), fragment: injectBits(fragment7, fragmentParts) }; } var cacheMap, bitCacheMap, CACHE_UID; var init_compileHighShader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/compileHighShader.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_addBits(); init_compileHooks(); init_compileInputs(); init_compileOutputs(); init_injectBits(); cacheMap = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); bitCacheMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); CACHE_UID = 0; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/defaultProgramTemplate.mjs var vertexGPUTemplate, fragmentGPUTemplate, vertexGlTemplate, fragmentGlTemplate; var init_defaultProgramTemplate = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/defaultProgramTemplate.mjs"() { "use strict"; vertexGPUTemplate = /* wgsl */ ` @in aPosition: vec2; @in aUV: vec2; @out @builtin(position) vPosition: vec4; @out vUV : vec2; @out vColor : vec4; {{header}} struct VSOutput { {{struct}} }; @vertex fn main( {{in}} ) -> VSOutput { var worldTransformMatrix = globalUniforms.uWorldTransformMatrix; var modelMatrix = mat3x3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); var position = aPosition; var uv = aUV; {{start}} vColor = vec4(1., 1., 1., 1.); {{main}} vUV = uv; var modelViewProjectionMatrix = globalUniforms.uProjectionMatrix * worldTransformMatrix * modelMatrix; vPosition = vec4((modelViewProjectionMatrix * vec3(position, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0); vColor *= globalUniforms.uWorldColorAlpha; {{end}} {{return}} }; `; fragmentGPUTemplate = /* wgsl */ ` @in vUV : vec2; @in vColor : vec4; {{header}} @fragment fn main( {{in}} ) -> @location(0) vec4 { {{start}} var outColor:vec4; {{main}} var finalColor:vec4 = outColor * vColor; {{end}} return finalColor; }; `; vertexGlTemplate = /* glsl */ ` in vec2 aPosition; in vec2 aUV; out vec4 vColor; out vec2 vUV; {{header}} void main(void){ mat3 worldTransformMatrix = uWorldTransformMatrix; mat3 modelMatrix = mat3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); vec2 position = aPosition; vec2 uv = aUV; {{start}} vColor = vec4(1.); {{main}} vUV = uv; mat3 modelViewProjectionMatrix = uProjectionMatrix * worldTransformMatrix * modelMatrix; gl_Position = vec4((modelViewProjectionMatrix * vec3(position, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0); vColor *= uWorldColorAlpha; {{end}} } `; fragmentGlTemplate = /* glsl */ ` in vec4 vColor; in vec2 vUV; out vec4 finalColor; {{header}} void main(void) { {{start}} vec4 outColor; {{main}} finalColor = outColor * vColor; {{end}} } `; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/globalUniformsBit.mjs var globalUniformsBit, globalUniformsUBOBitGl, globalUniformsBitGl; var init_globalUniformsBit = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/globalUniformsBit.mjs"() { "use strict"; globalUniformsBit = { name: "global-uniforms-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` struct GlobalUniforms { uProjectionMatrix:mat3x3, uWorldTransformMatrix:mat3x3, uWorldColorAlpha: vec4, uResolution: vec2, } @group(0) @binding(0) var globalUniforms : GlobalUniforms; ` ) } }; globalUniformsUBOBitGl = { name: "global-uniforms-ubo-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` uniform globalUniforms { mat3 uProjectionMatrix; mat3 uWorldTransformMatrix; vec4 uWorldColorAlpha; vec2 uResolution; }; ` ) } }; globalUniformsBitGl = { name: "global-uniforms-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` uniform mat3 uProjectionMatrix; uniform mat3 uWorldTransformMatrix; uniform vec4 uWorldColorAlpha; uniform vec2 uResolution; ` ) } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compileHighShaderToProgram.mjs function compileHighShaderGpuProgram({ bits, name }) { const source7 = compileHighShader({ template: { fragment: fragmentGPUTemplate, vertex: vertexGPUTemplate }, bits: [ globalUniformsBit, ...bits ] }); return GpuProgram.from({ name, vertex: { source: source7.vertex, entryPoint: "main" }, fragment: { source: source7.fragment, entryPoint: "main" } }); } function compileHighShaderGlProgram({ bits, name }) { return new GlProgram({ name, ...compileHighShaderGl({ template: { vertex: vertexGlTemplate, fragment: fragmentGlTemplate }, bits: [ globalUniformsBitGl, ...bits ] }) }); } var init_compileHighShaderToProgram = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compileHighShaderToProgram.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_GlProgram(); init_GpuProgram(); init_compileHighShader(); init_defaultProgramTemplate(); init_globalUniformsBit(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/colorBit.mjs var colorBit, colorBitGl; var init_colorBit = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/colorBit.mjs"() { "use strict"; colorBit = { name: "color-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` @in aColor: vec4; ` ), main: ( /* wgsl */ ` vColor *= vec4(aColor.rgb * aColor.a, aColor.a); ` ) } }; colorBitGl = { name: "color-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` in vec4 aColor; ` ), main: ( /* glsl */ ` vColor *= vec4(aColor.rgb * aColor.a, aColor.a); ` ) } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/generateTextureBatchBit.mjs function generateBindingSrc(maxTextures2) { const src = []; if (maxTextures2 === 1) { src.push("@group(1) @binding(0) var textureSource1: texture_2d;"); src.push("@group(1) @binding(1) var textureSampler1: sampler;"); } else { let bindingIndex = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < maxTextures2; i3++) { src.push(`@group(1) @binding(${bindingIndex++}) var textureSource${i3 + 1}: texture_2d;`); src.push(`@group(1) @binding(${bindingIndex++}) var textureSampler${i3 + 1}: sampler;`); } } return src.join("\n"); } function generateSampleSrc(maxTextures2) { const src = []; if (maxTextures2 === 1) { src.push("outColor = textureSampleGrad(textureSource1, textureSampler1, vUV, uvDx, uvDy);"); } else { src.push("switch vTextureId {"); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < maxTextures2; i3++) { if (i3 === maxTextures2 - 1) { src.push(` default:{`); } else { src.push(` case ${i3}:{`); } src.push(` outColor = textureSampleGrad(textureSource${i3 + 1}, textureSampler${i3 + 1}, vUV, uvDx, uvDy);`); src.push(` break;}`); } src.push(`}`); } return src.join("\n"); } function generateTextureBatchBit(maxTextures2) { if (!textureBatchBitGpuCache[maxTextures2]) { textureBatchBitGpuCache[maxTextures2] = { name: "texture-batch-bit", vertex: { header: ` @in aTextureIdAndRound: vec2; @out @interpolate(flat) vTextureId : u32; `, main: ` vTextureId = aTextureIdAndRound.y; `, end: ` if(aTextureIdAndRound.x == 1) { vPosition = vec4(roundPixels(vPosition.xy, globalUniforms.uResolution), vPosition.zw); } ` }, fragment: { header: ` @in @interpolate(flat) vTextureId: u32; ${generateBindingSrc(maxTextures2)} `, main: ` var uvDx = dpdx(vUV); var uvDy = dpdy(vUV); ${generateSampleSrc(maxTextures2)} ` } }; } return textureBatchBitGpuCache[maxTextures2]; } function generateSampleGlSrc(maxTextures2) { const src = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < maxTextures2; i3++) { if (i3 > 0) { src.push("else"); } if (i3 < maxTextures2 - 1) { src.push(`if(vTextureId < ${i3}.5)`); } src.push("{"); src.push(` outColor = texture(uTextures[${i3}], vUV);`); src.push("}"); } return src.join("\n"); } function generateTextureBatchBitGl(maxTextures2) { if (!textureBatchBitGlCache[maxTextures2]) { textureBatchBitGlCache[maxTextures2] = { name: "texture-batch-bit", vertex: { header: ` in vec2 aTextureIdAndRound; out float vTextureId; `, main: ` vTextureId = aTextureIdAndRound.y; `, end: ` if(aTextureIdAndRound.x == 1.) { gl_Position.xy = roundPixels(gl_Position.xy, uResolution); } ` }, fragment: { header: ` in float vTextureId; uniform sampler2D uTextures[${maxTextures2}]; `, main: ` ${generateSampleGlSrc(maxTextures2)} ` } }; } return textureBatchBitGlCache[maxTextures2]; } var textureBatchBitGpuCache, textureBatchBitGlCache; var init_generateTextureBatchBit = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/generateTextureBatchBit.mjs"() { "use strict"; textureBatchBitGpuCache = {}; textureBatchBitGlCache = {}; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/roundPixelsBit.mjs var roundPixelsBit, roundPixelsBitGl; var init_roundPixelsBit = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/roundPixelsBit.mjs"() { "use strict"; roundPixelsBit = { name: "round-pixels-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` fn roundPixels(position: vec2, targetSize: vec2) -> vec2 { return (floor(((position * 0.5 + 0.5) * targetSize) + 0.5) / targetSize) * 2.0 - 1.0; } ` ) } }; roundPixelsBitGl = { name: "round-pixels-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` vec2 roundPixels(vec2 position, vec2 targetSize) { return (floor(((position * 0.5 + 0.5) * targetSize) + 0.5) / targetSize) * 2.0 - 1.0; } ` ) } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/types.mjs var UNIFORM_TYPES_VALUES, UNIFORM_TYPES_MAP; var init_types = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/types.mjs"() { "use strict"; UNIFORM_TYPES_VALUES = [ "f32", "i32", "vec2", "vec3", "vec4", "mat2x2", "mat3x3", "mat4x4", "mat3x2", "mat4x2", "mat2x3", "mat4x3", "mat2x4", "mat3x4" ]; UNIFORM_TYPES_MAP = UNIFORM_TYPES_VALUES.reduce((acc, type) => { acc[type] = true; return acc; }, {}); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/utils/getDefaultUniformValue.mjs function getDefaultUniformValue(type, size) { switch (type) { case "f32": return 0; case "vec2": return new Float32Array(2 * size); case "vec3": return new Float32Array(3 * size); case "vec4": return new Float32Array(4 * size); case "mat2x2": return new Float32Array([ 1, 0, 0, 1 ]); case "mat3x3": return new Float32Array([ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]); case "mat4x4": return new Float32Array([ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]); } return null; } var init_getDefaultUniformValue = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/utils/getDefaultUniformValue.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/UniformGroup.mjs var _UniformGroup, UniformGroup; var init_UniformGroup = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/UniformGroup.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_uid(); init_createIdFromString(); init_types(); init_getDefaultUniformValue(); _UniformGroup = class _UniformGroup2 { /** * Create a new Uniform group * @param uniformStructures - The structures of the uniform group * @param options - The optional parameters of this uniform group */ constructor(uniformStructures, options) { this._touched = 0; this.uid = uid("uniform"); this._resourceType = "uniformGroup"; this._resourceId = uid("resource"); this.isUniformGroup = true; this._dirtyId = 0; this.destroyed = false; options = { ..._UniformGroup2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this.uniformStructures = uniformStructures; const uniforms = {}; for (const i3 in uniformStructures) { const uniformData = uniformStructures[i3]; uniformData.name = i3; uniformData.size = uniformData.size ?? 1; if (!UNIFORM_TYPES_MAP[uniformData.type]) { throw new Error(`Uniform type ${uniformData.type} is not supported. Supported uniform types are: ${UNIFORM_TYPES_VALUES.join(", ")}`); } uniformData.value ?? (uniformData.value = getDefaultUniformValue(uniformData.type, uniformData.size)); uniforms[i3] = uniformData.value; } this.uniforms = uniforms; this._dirtyId = 1; this.ubo = options.ubo; this.isStatic = options.isStatic; this._signature = createIdFromString(Object.keys(uniforms).map( (i3) => `${i3}-${uniformStructures[i3].type}` ).join("-"), "uniform-group"); } /** Call this if you want the uniform groups data to be uploaded to the GPU only useful if `isStatic` is true. */ update() { this._dirtyId++; } }; _UniformGroup.defaultOptions = { /** if true the UniformGroup is handled as an Uniform buffer object. */ ubo: false, /** if true, then you are responsible for when the data is uploaded to the GPU by calling `update()` */ isStatic: false }; UniformGroup = _UniformGroup; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/getBatchSamplersUniformGroup.mjs function getBatchSamplersUniformGroup(maxTextures2) { let batchSamplersUniformGroup = batchSamplersUniformGroupHash[maxTextures2]; if (batchSamplersUniformGroup) return batchSamplersUniformGroup; const sampleValues = new Int32Array(maxTextures2); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < maxTextures2; i3++) { sampleValues[i3] = i3; } batchSamplersUniformGroup = batchSamplersUniformGroupHash[maxTextures2] = new UniformGroup({ uTextures: { value: sampleValues, type: `i32`, size: maxTextures2 } }, { isStatic: true }); return batchSamplersUniformGroup; } var batchSamplersUniformGroupHash; var init_getBatchSamplersUniformGroup = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/getBatchSamplersUniformGroup.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_UniformGroup(); batchSamplersUniformGroupHash = {}; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/types.mjs var RendererType; var init_types2 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/types.mjs"() { "use strict"; RendererType = /* @__PURE__ */ ((RendererType2) => { RendererType2[RendererType2["WEBGL"] = 1] = "WEBGL"; RendererType2[RendererType2["WEBGPU"] = 2] = "WEBGPU"; RendererType2[RendererType2["BOTH"] = 3] = "BOTH"; return RendererType2; })(RendererType || {}); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/Shader.mjs var Shader; var init_Shader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/Shader.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_GlProgram(); init_BindGroup(); init_GpuProgram(); init_types2(); init_UniformGroup(); Shader = class _Shader extends eventemitter3_default { constructor(options) { super(); this._uniformBindMap = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._ownedBindGroups = []; let { gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, glProgram: glProgram3, groups, resources, compatibleRenderers, groupMap } = options; this.gpuProgram = gpuProgram3; this.glProgram = glProgram3; if (compatibleRenderers === void 0) { compatibleRenderers = 0; if (gpuProgram3) compatibleRenderers |= RendererType.WEBGPU; if (glProgram3) compatibleRenderers |= RendererType.WEBGL; } this.compatibleRenderers = compatibleRenderers; const nameHash = {}; if (!resources && !groups) { resources = {}; } if (resources && groups) { throw new Error("[Shader] Cannot have both resources and groups"); } else if (!gpuProgram3 && groups && !groupMap) { throw new Error("[Shader] No group map or WebGPU shader provided - consider using resources instead."); } else if (!gpuProgram3 && groups && groupMap) { for (const i3 in groupMap) { for (const j2 in groupMap[i3]) { const uniformName = groupMap[i3][j2]; nameHash[uniformName] = { group: i3, binding: j2, name: uniformName }; } } } else if (gpuProgram3 && groups && !groupMap) { const groupData = gpuProgram3.structsAndGroups.groups; groupMap = {}; groupData.forEach((data) => { groupMap[data.group] = groupMap[data.group] || {}; groupMap[data.group][data.binding] = data.name; nameHash[data.name] = data; }); } else if (resources) { groups = {}; groupMap = {}; if (gpuProgram3) { const groupData = gpuProgram3.structsAndGroups.groups; groupData.forEach((data) => { groupMap[data.group] = groupMap[data.group] || {}; groupMap[data.group][data.binding] = data.name; nameHash[data.name] = data; }); } let bindTick = 0; for (const i3 in resources) { if (nameHash[i3]) continue; if (!groups[99]) { groups[99] = new BindGroup(); this._ownedBindGroups.push(groups[99]); } nameHash[i3] = { group: 99, binding: bindTick, name: i3 }; groupMap[99] = groupMap[99] || {}; groupMap[99][bindTick] = i3; bindTick++; } for (const i3 in resources) { const name = i3; let value = resources[i3]; if (!value.source && !value._resourceType) { value = new UniformGroup(value); } const data = nameHash[name]; if (data) { if (!groups[data.group]) { groups[data.group] = new BindGroup(); this._ownedBindGroups.push(groups[data.group]); } groups[data.group].setResource(value, data.binding); } } } this.groups = groups; this._uniformBindMap = groupMap; this.resources = this._buildResourceAccessor(groups, nameHash); } /** * Sometimes a resource group will be provided later (for example global uniforms) * In such cases, this method can be used to let the shader know about the group. * @param name - the name of the resource group * @param groupIndex - the index of the group (should match the webGPU shader group location) * @param bindIndex - the index of the bind point (should match the webGPU shader bind point) */ addResource(name, groupIndex, bindIndex) { var _a, _b; (_a = this._uniformBindMap)[groupIndex] || (_a[groupIndex] = {}); (_b = this._uniformBindMap[groupIndex])[bindIndex] || (_b[bindIndex] = name); if (!this.groups[groupIndex]) { this.groups[groupIndex] = new BindGroup(); this._ownedBindGroups.push(this.groups[groupIndex]); } } _buildResourceAccessor(groups, nameHash) { const uniformsOut = {}; for (const i3 in nameHash) { const data = nameHash[i3]; Object.defineProperty(uniformsOut, data.name, { get() { return groups[data.group].getResource(data.binding); }, set(value) { groups[data.group].setResource(value, data.binding); } }); } return uniformsOut; } /** * Use to destroy the shader when its not longer needed. * It will destroy the resources and remove listeners. * @param destroyPrograms - if the programs should be destroyed as well. * Make sure its not being used by other shaders! */ destroy(destroyPrograms = false) { this.emit("destroy", this); if (destroyPrograms) { this.gpuProgram?.destroy(); this.glProgram?.destroy(); } this.gpuProgram = null; this.glProgram = null; this.removeAllListeners(); this._uniformBindMap = null; this._ownedBindGroups.forEach((bindGroup) => { bindGroup.destroy(); }); this._ownedBindGroups = null; this.resources = null; this.groups = null; } static from(options) { const { gpu, gl, ...rest } = options; let gpuProgram3; let glProgram3; if (gpu) { gpuProgram3 = GpuProgram.from(gpu); } if (gl) { glProgram3 = GlProgram.from(gl); } return new _Shader({ gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, glProgram: glProgram3, ...rest }); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/DefaultShader.mjs var DefaultShader; var init_DefaultShader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/DefaultShader.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_compileHighShaderToProgram(); init_colorBit(); init_generateTextureBatchBit(); init_roundPixelsBit(); init_getBatchSamplersUniformGroup(); init_Shader(); DefaultShader = class extends Shader { constructor(maxTextures2) { const glProgram3 = compileHighShaderGlProgram({ name: "batch", bits: [ colorBitGl, generateTextureBatchBitGl(maxTextures2), roundPixelsBitGl ] }); const gpuProgram3 = compileHighShaderGpuProgram({ name: "batch", bits: [ colorBit, generateTextureBatchBit(maxTextures2), roundPixelsBit ] }); super({ glProgram: glProgram3, gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, resources: { batchSamplers: getBatchSamplersUniformGroup(maxTextures2) } }); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/DefaultBatcher.mjs var defaultShader, _DefaultBatcher, DefaultBatcher; var init_DefaultBatcher = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/DefaultBatcher.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Batcher(); init_BatchGeometry(); init_DefaultShader(); defaultShader = null; _DefaultBatcher = class _DefaultBatcher2 extends Batcher { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.geometry = new BatchGeometry(); this.shader = defaultShader || (defaultShader = new DefaultShader(this.maxTextures)); this.name = _DefaultBatcher2.extension.name; this.vertexSize = 6; } /** * Packs the attributes of a DefaultBatchableMeshElement into the provided views. * @param element - The DefaultBatchableMeshElement to pack. * @param float32View - The Float32Array view to pack into. * @param uint32View - The Uint32Array view to pack into. * @param index - The starting index in the views. * @param textureId - The texture ID to use. */ packAttributes(element, float32View, uint32View, index, textureId) { const textureIdAndRound = textureId << 16 | element.roundPixels & 65535; const wt = element.transform; const a2 = wt.a; const b2 = wt.b; const c2 = wt.c; const d2 = wt.d; const tx = wt.tx; const ty = wt.ty; const { positions, uvs } = element; const argb = element.color; const offset = element.attributeOffset; const end = offset + element.attributeSize; for (let i3 = offset; i3 < end; i3++) { const i22 = i3 * 2; const x2 = positions[i22]; const y2 = positions[i22 + 1]; float32View[index++] = a2 * x2 + c2 * y2 + tx; float32View[index++] = d2 * y2 + b2 * x2 + ty; float32View[index++] = uvs[i22]; float32View[index++] = uvs[i22 + 1]; uint32View[index++] = argb; uint32View[index++] = textureIdAndRound; } } /** * Packs the attributes of a DefaultBatchableQuadElement into the provided views. * @param element - The DefaultBatchableQuadElement to pack. * @param float32View - The Float32Array view to pack into. * @param uint32View - The Uint32Array view to pack into. * @param index - The starting index in the views. * @param textureId - The texture ID to use. */ packQuadAttributes(element, float32View, uint32View, index, textureId) { const texture = element.texture; const wt = element.transform; const a2 = wt.a; const b2 = wt.b; const c2 = wt.c; const d2 = wt.d; const tx = wt.tx; const ty = wt.ty; const bounds = element.bounds; const w0 = bounds.maxX; const w1 = bounds.minX; const h0 = bounds.maxY; const h1 = bounds.minY; const uvs = texture.uvs; const argb = element.color; const textureIdAndRound = textureId << 16 | element.roundPixels & 65535; float32View[index + 0] = a2 * w1 + c2 * h1 + tx; float32View[index + 1] = d2 * h1 + b2 * w1 + ty; float32View[index + 2] = uvs.x0; float32View[index + 3] = uvs.y0; uint32View[index + 4] = argb; uint32View[index + 5] = textureIdAndRound; float32View[index + 6] = a2 * w0 + c2 * h1 + tx; float32View[index + 7] = d2 * h1 + b2 * w0 + ty; float32View[index + 8] = uvs.x1; float32View[index + 9] = uvs.y1; uint32View[index + 10] = argb; uint32View[index + 11] = textureIdAndRound; float32View[index + 12] = a2 * w0 + c2 * h0 + tx; float32View[index + 13] = d2 * h0 + b2 * w0 + ty; float32View[index + 14] = uvs.x2; float32View[index + 15] = uvs.y2; uint32View[index + 16] = argb; uint32View[index + 17] = textureIdAndRound; float32View[index + 18] = a2 * w1 + c2 * h0 + tx; float32View[index + 19] = d2 * h0 + b2 * w1 + ty; float32View[index + 20] = uvs.x3; float32View[index + 21] = uvs.y3; uint32View[index + 22] = argb; uint32View[index + 23] = textureIdAndRound; } }; _DefaultBatcher.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.Batcher ], name: "default" }; DefaultBatcher = _DefaultBatcher; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/utils/buildUvs.mjs function buildUvs(vertices, verticesStride, verticesOffset, uvs, uvsOffset, uvsStride, size, matrix = null) { let index = 0; verticesOffset *= verticesStride; uvsOffset *= uvsStride; const a2 = matrix.a; const b2 = matrix.b; const c2 = matrix.c; const d2 = matrix.d; const tx = matrix.tx; const ty = matrix.ty; while (index < size) { const x2 = vertices[verticesOffset]; const y2 = vertices[verticesOffset + 1]; uvs[uvsOffset] = a2 * x2 + c2 * y2 + tx; uvs[uvsOffset + 1] = b2 * x2 + d2 * y2 + ty; uvsOffset += uvsStride; verticesOffset += verticesStride; index++; } } function buildSimpleUvs(uvs, uvsOffset, uvsStride, size) { let index = 0; uvsOffset *= uvsStride; while (index < size) { uvs[uvsOffset] = 0; uvs[uvsOffset + 1] = 0; uvsOffset += uvsStride; index++; } } var init_buildUvs = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/utils/buildUvs.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/utils/transformVertices.mjs function transformVertices(vertices, m2, offset, stride, size) { const a2 = m2.a; const b2 = m2.b; const c2 = m2.c; const d2 = m2.d; const tx = m2.tx; const ty = m2.ty; offset = offset || 0; stride = stride || 2; size = size || vertices.length / stride - offset; let index = offset * stride; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < size; i3++) { const x2 = vertices[index]; const y2 = vertices[index + 1]; vertices[index] = a2 * x2 + c2 * y2 + tx; vertices[index + 1] = b2 * x2 + d2 * y2 + ty; index += stride; } } var init_transformVertices = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/utils/transformVertices.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/multiplyHexColors.mjs function multiplyHexColors(color1, color2) { if (color1 === 16777215 || !color2) return color2; if (color2 === 16777215 || !color1) return color1; const r1 = color1 >> 16 & 255; const g1 = color1 >> 8 & 255; const b1 = color1 & 255; const r2 = color2 >> 16 & 255; const g2 = color2 >> 8 & 255; const b2 = color2 & 255; const r3 = r1 * r2 / 255; const g3 = g1 * g2 / 255; const b3 = b1 * b2 / 255; return (r3 << 16) + (g3 << 8) + b3; } var init_multiplyHexColors = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/multiplyHexColors.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/BatchableGraphics.mjs var identityMatrix2, BatchableGraphics; var init_BatchableGraphics = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/BatchableGraphics.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_multiplyHexColors(); identityMatrix2 = new Matrix(); BatchableGraphics = class { constructor() { this.packAsQuad = false; this.batcherName = "default"; this.applyTransform = true; this.roundPixels = 0; this._batcher = null; this._batch = null; } get uvs() { return this.geometryData.uvs; } get positions() { return this.geometryData.vertices; } get indices() { return this.geometryData.indices; } get blendMode() { if (this.applyTransform) { return this.renderable.groupBlendMode; } return "normal"; } get color() { const rgb = this.baseColor; const bgr = rgb >> 16 | rgb & 65280 | (rgb & 255) << 16; const renderable = this.renderable; if (renderable) { return multiplyHexColors(bgr, renderable.groupColor) + (this.alpha * renderable.groupAlpha * 255 << 24); } return bgr + (this.alpha * 255 << 24); } get transform() { return this.renderable?.groupTransform || identityMatrix2; } copyTo(gpuBuffer) { gpuBuffer.indexOffset = this.indexOffset; gpuBuffer.indexSize = this.indexSize; gpuBuffer.attributeOffset = this.attributeOffset; gpuBuffer.attributeSize = this.attributeSize; gpuBuffer.baseColor = this.baseColor; gpuBuffer.alpha = this.alpha; gpuBuffer.texture = this.texture; gpuBuffer.geometryData = this.geometryData; } reset() { this.applyTransform = true; this.renderable = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildCircle.mjs var buildCircle, buildEllipse, buildRoundedRectangle; var init_buildCircle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildCircle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); buildCircle = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.ShapeBuilder, name: "circle" }, build(shape, points) { let x2; let y2; let dx; let dy; let rx; let ry; if (shape.type === "circle") { const circle = shape; x2 = circle.x; y2 = circle.y; rx = ry = circle.radius; dx = dy = 0; } else if (shape.type === "ellipse") { const ellipse = shape; x2 = ellipse.x; y2 = ellipse.y; rx = ellipse.halfWidth; ry = ellipse.halfHeight; dx = dy = 0; } else { const roundedRect = shape; const halfWidth = roundedRect.width / 2; const halfHeight = roundedRect.height / 2; x2 = roundedRect.x + halfWidth; y2 = roundedRect.y + halfHeight; rx = ry = Math.max(0, Math.min(roundedRect.radius, Math.min(halfWidth, halfHeight))); dx = halfWidth - rx; dy = halfHeight - ry; } if (!(rx >= 0 && ry >= 0 && dx >= 0 && dy >= 0)) { return points; } const n2 = Math.ceil(2.3 * Math.sqrt(rx + ry)); const m2 = n2 * 8 + (dx ? 4 : 0) + (dy ? 4 : 0); if (m2 === 0) { return points; } if (n2 === 0) { points[0] = points[6] = x2 + dx; points[1] = points[3] = y2 + dy; points[2] = points[4] = x2 - dx; points[5] = points[7] = y2 - dy; return points; } let j1 = 0; let j2 = n2 * 4 + (dx ? 2 : 0) + 2; let j3 = j2; let j4 = m2; let x0 = dx + rx; let y0 = dy; let x1 = x2 + x0; let x22 = x2 - x0; let y1 = y2 + y0; points[j1++] = x1; points[j1++] = y1; points[--j2] = y1; points[--j2] = x22; if (dy) { const y222 = y2 - y0; points[j3++] = x22; points[j3++] = y222; points[--j4] = y222; points[--j4] = x1; } for (let i3 = 1; i3 < n2; i3++) { const a2 = Math.PI / 2 * (i3 / n2); const x02 = dx + Math.cos(a2) * rx; const y02 = dy + Math.sin(a2) * ry; const x12 = x2 + x02; const x222 = x2 - x02; const y12 = y2 + y02; const y222 = y2 - y02; points[j1++] = x12; points[j1++] = y12; points[--j2] = y12; points[--j2] = x222; points[j3++] = x222; points[j3++] = y222; points[--j4] = y222; points[--j4] = x12; } x0 = dx; y0 = dy + ry; x1 = x2 + x0; x22 = x2 - x0; y1 = y2 + y0; const y22 = y2 - y0; points[j1++] = x1; points[j1++] = y1; points[--j4] = y22; points[--j4] = x1; if (dx) { points[j1++] = x22; points[j1++] = y1; points[--j4] = y22; points[--j4] = x22; } return points; }, triangulate(points, vertices, verticesStride, verticesOffset, indices, indicesOffset) { if (points.length === 0) { return; } let centerX = 0; let centerY = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < points.length; i3 += 2) { centerX += points[i3]; centerY += points[i3 + 1]; } centerX /= points.length / 2; centerY /= points.length / 2; let count2 = verticesOffset; vertices[count2 * verticesStride] = centerX; vertices[count2 * verticesStride + 1] = centerY; const centerIndex = count2++; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < points.length; i3 += 2) { vertices[count2 * verticesStride] = points[i3]; vertices[count2 * verticesStride + 1] = points[i3 + 1]; if (i3 > 0) { indices[indicesOffset++] = count2; indices[indicesOffset++] = centerIndex; indices[indicesOffset++] = count2 - 1; } count2++; } indices[indicesOffset++] = centerIndex + 1; indices[indicesOffset++] = centerIndex; indices[indicesOffset++] = count2 - 1; } }; buildEllipse = { ...buildCircle, extension: { ...buildCircle.extension, name: "ellipse" } }; buildRoundedRectangle = { ...buildCircle, extension: { ...buildCircle.extension, name: "roundedRectangle" } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/const.mjs var closePointEps, curveEps; var init_const6 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; closePointEps = 1e-4; curveEps = 1e-4; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/utils/getOrientationOfPoints.mjs function getOrientationOfPoints(points) { const m2 = points.length; if (m2 < 6) { return 1; } let area = 0; for (let i3 = 0, x1 = points[m2 - 2], y1 = points[m2 - 1]; i3 < m2; i3 += 2) { const x2 = points[i3]; const y2 = points[i3 + 1]; area += (x2 - x1) * (y2 + y1); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } if (area < 0) { return -1; } return 1; } var init_getOrientationOfPoints = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/utils/getOrientationOfPoints.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildLine.mjs function square(x2, y2, nx, ny, innerWeight, outerWeight, clockwise, verts) { const ix = x2 - nx * innerWeight; const iy = y2 - ny * innerWeight; const ox = x2 + nx * outerWeight; const oy = y2 + ny * outerWeight; let exx; let eyy; if (clockwise) { exx = ny; eyy = -nx; } else { exx = -ny; eyy = nx; } const eix = ix + exx; const eiy = iy + eyy; const eox = ox + exx; const eoy = oy + eyy; verts.push(eix, eiy); verts.push(eox, eoy); return 2; } function round(cx, cy, sx, sy, ex, ey, verts, clockwise) { const cx2p0x = sx - cx; const cy2p0y = sy - cy; let angle0 = Math.atan2(cx2p0x, cy2p0y); let angle1 = Math.atan2(ex - cx, ey - cy); if (clockwise && angle0 < angle1) { angle0 += Math.PI * 2; } else if (!clockwise && angle0 > angle1) { angle1 += Math.PI * 2; } let startAngle = angle0; const angleDiff = angle1 - angle0; const absAngleDiff = Math.abs(angleDiff); const radius = Math.sqrt(cx2p0x * cx2p0x + cy2p0y * cy2p0y); const segCount = (15 * absAngleDiff * Math.sqrt(radius) / Math.PI >> 0) + 1; const angleInc = angleDiff / segCount; startAngle += angleInc; if (clockwise) { verts.push(cx, cy); verts.push(sx, sy); for (let i3 = 1, angle = startAngle; i3 < segCount; i3++, angle += angleInc) { verts.push(cx, cy); verts.push( cx + Math.sin(angle) * radius, cy + Math.cos(angle) * radius ); } verts.push(cx, cy); verts.push(ex, ey); } else { verts.push(sx, sy); verts.push(cx, cy); for (let i3 = 1, angle = startAngle; i3 < segCount; i3++, angle += angleInc) { verts.push( cx + Math.sin(angle) * radius, cy + Math.cos(angle) * radius ); verts.push(cx, cy); } verts.push(ex, ey); verts.push(cx, cy); } return segCount * 2; } function buildLine(points, lineStyle, flipAlignment, closed, vertices, _verticesStride, _verticesOffset, indices, _indicesOffset) { const eps = closePointEps; if (points.length === 0) { return; } const style = lineStyle; let alignment = style.alignment; if (lineStyle.alignment !== 0.5) { let orientation = getOrientationOfPoints(points); if (flipAlignment) orientation *= -1; alignment = (alignment - 0.5) * orientation + 0.5; } const firstPoint = new Point(points[0], points[1]); const lastPoint = new Point(points[points.length - 2], points[points.length - 1]); const closedShape = closed; const closedPath = Math.abs(firstPoint.x - lastPoint.x) < eps && Math.abs(firstPoint.y - lastPoint.y) < eps; if (closedShape) { points = points.slice(); if (closedPath) { points.pop(); points.pop(); lastPoint.set(points[points.length - 2], points[points.length - 1]); } const midPointX = (firstPoint.x + lastPoint.x) * 0.5; const midPointY = (lastPoint.y + firstPoint.y) * 0.5; points.unshift(midPointX, midPointY); points.push(midPointX, midPointY); } const verts = vertices; const length = points.length / 2; let indexCount = points.length; const indexStart = verts.length / 2; const width = style.width / 2; const widthSquared = width * width; const miterLimitSquared = style.miterLimit * style.miterLimit; let x0 = points[0]; let y0 = points[1]; let x1 = points[2]; let y1 = points[3]; let x2 = 0; let y2 = 0; let perpX = -(y0 - y1); let perpY = x0 - x1; let perp1x = 0; let perp1y = 0; let dist = Math.sqrt(perpX * perpX + perpY * perpY); perpX /= dist; perpY /= dist; perpX *= width; perpY *= width; const ratio = alignment; const innerWeight = (1 - ratio) * 2; const outerWeight = ratio * 2; if (!closedShape) { if (style.cap === "round") { indexCount += round( x0 - perpX * (innerWeight - outerWeight) * 0.5, y0 - perpY * (innerWeight - outerWeight) * 0.5, x0 - perpX * innerWeight, y0 - perpY * innerWeight, x0 + perpX * outerWeight, y0 + perpY * outerWeight, verts, true ) + 2; } else if (style.cap === "square") { indexCount += square(x0, y0, perpX, perpY, innerWeight, outerWeight, true, verts); } } verts.push( x0 - perpX * innerWeight, y0 - perpY * innerWeight ); verts.push( x0 + perpX * outerWeight, y0 + perpY * outerWeight ); for (let i3 = 1; i3 < length - 1; ++i3) { x0 = points[(i3 - 1) * 2]; y0 = points[(i3 - 1) * 2 + 1]; x1 = points[i3 * 2]; y1 = points[i3 * 2 + 1]; x2 = points[(i3 + 1) * 2]; y2 = points[(i3 + 1) * 2 + 1]; perpX = -(y0 - y1); perpY = x0 - x1; dist = Math.sqrt(perpX * perpX + perpY * perpY); perpX /= dist; perpY /= dist; perpX *= width; perpY *= width; perp1x = -(y1 - y2); perp1y = x1 - x2; dist = Math.sqrt(perp1x * perp1x + perp1y * perp1y); perp1x /= dist; perp1y /= dist; perp1x *= width; perp1y *= width; const dx0 = x1 - x0; const dy0 = y0 - y1; const dx1 = x1 - x2; const dy1 = y2 - y1; const dot = dx0 * dx1 + dy0 * dy1; const cross = dy0 * dx1 - dy1 * dx0; const clockwise = cross < 0; if (Math.abs(cross) < 1e-3 * Math.abs(dot)) { verts.push( x1 - perpX * innerWeight, y1 - perpY * innerWeight ); verts.push( x1 + perpX * outerWeight, y1 + perpY * outerWeight ); if (dot >= 0) { if (style.join === "round") { indexCount += round( x1, y1, x1 - perpX * innerWeight, y1 - perpY * innerWeight, x1 - perp1x * innerWeight, y1 - perp1y * innerWeight, verts, false ) + 4; } else { indexCount += 2; } verts.push( x1 - perp1x * outerWeight, y1 - perp1y * outerWeight ); verts.push( x1 + perp1x * innerWeight, y1 + perp1y * innerWeight ); } continue; } const c1 = (-perpX + x0) * (-perpY + y1) - (-perpX + x1) * (-perpY + y0); const c2 = (-perp1x + x2) * (-perp1y + y1) - (-perp1x + x1) * (-perp1y + y2); const px = (dx0 * c2 - dx1 * c1) / cross; const py = (dy1 * c1 - dy0 * c2) / cross; const pDist = (px - x1) * (px - x1) + (py - y1) * (py - y1); const imx = x1 + (px - x1) * innerWeight; const imy = y1 + (py - y1) * innerWeight; const omx = x1 - (px - x1) * outerWeight; const omy = y1 - (py - y1) * outerWeight; const smallerInsideSegmentSq = Math.min(dx0 * dx0 + dy0 * dy0, dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1); const insideWeight = clockwise ? innerWeight : outerWeight; const smallerInsideDiagonalSq = smallerInsideSegmentSq + insideWeight * insideWeight * widthSquared; const insideMiterOk = pDist <= smallerInsideDiagonalSq; if (insideMiterOk) { if (style.join === "bevel" || pDist / widthSquared > miterLimitSquared) { if (clockwise) { verts.push(imx, imy); verts.push(x1 + perpX * outerWeight, y1 + perpY * outerWeight); verts.push(imx, imy); verts.push(x1 + perp1x * outerWeight, y1 + perp1y * outerWeight); } else { verts.push(x1 - perpX * innerWeight, y1 - perpY * innerWeight); verts.push(omx, omy); verts.push(x1 - perp1x * innerWeight, y1 - perp1y * innerWeight); verts.push(omx, omy); } indexCount += 2; } else if (style.join === "round") { if (clockwise) { verts.push(imx, imy); verts.push(x1 + perpX * outerWeight, y1 + perpY * outerWeight); indexCount += round( x1, y1, x1 + perpX * outerWeight, y1 + perpY * outerWeight, x1 + perp1x * outerWeight, y1 + perp1y * outerWeight, verts, true ) + 4; verts.push(imx, imy); verts.push(x1 + perp1x * outerWeight, y1 + perp1y * outerWeight); } else { verts.push(x1 - perpX * innerWeight, y1 - perpY * innerWeight); verts.push(omx, omy); indexCount += round( x1, y1, x1 - perpX * innerWeight, y1 - perpY * innerWeight, x1 - perp1x * innerWeight, y1 - perp1y * innerWeight, verts, false ) + 4; verts.push(x1 - perp1x * innerWeight, y1 - perp1y * innerWeight); verts.push(omx, omy); } } else { verts.push(imx, imy); verts.push(omx, omy); } } else { verts.push(x1 - perpX * innerWeight, y1 - perpY * innerWeight); verts.push(x1 + perpX * outerWeight, y1 + perpY * outerWeight); if (style.join === "round") { if (clockwise) { indexCount += round( x1, y1, x1 + perpX * outerWeight, y1 + perpY * outerWeight, x1 + perp1x * outerWeight, y1 + perp1y * outerWeight, verts, true ) + 2; } else { indexCount += round( x1, y1, x1 - perpX * innerWeight, y1 - perpY * innerWeight, x1 - perp1x * innerWeight, y1 - perp1y * innerWeight, verts, false ) + 2; } } else if (style.join === "miter" && pDist / widthSquared <= miterLimitSquared) { if (clockwise) { verts.push(omx, omy); verts.push(omx, omy); } else { verts.push(imx, imy); verts.push(imx, imy); } indexCount += 2; } verts.push(x1 - perp1x * innerWeight, y1 - perp1y * innerWeight); verts.push(x1 + perp1x * outerWeight, y1 + perp1y * outerWeight); indexCount += 2; } } x0 = points[(length - 2) * 2]; y0 = points[(length - 2) * 2 + 1]; x1 = points[(length - 1) * 2]; y1 = points[(length - 1) * 2 + 1]; perpX = -(y0 - y1); perpY = x0 - x1; dist = Math.sqrt(perpX * perpX + perpY * perpY); perpX /= dist; perpY /= dist; perpX *= width; perpY *= width; verts.push(x1 - perpX * innerWeight, y1 - perpY * innerWeight); verts.push(x1 + perpX * outerWeight, y1 + perpY * outerWeight); if (!closedShape) { if (style.cap === "round") { indexCount += round( x1 - perpX * (innerWeight - outerWeight) * 0.5, y1 - perpY * (innerWeight - outerWeight) * 0.5, x1 - perpX * innerWeight, y1 - perpY * innerWeight, x1 + perpX * outerWeight, y1 + perpY * outerWeight, verts, false ) + 2; } else if (style.cap === "square") { indexCount += square(x1, y1, perpX, perpY, innerWeight, outerWeight, false, verts); } } const eps2 = curveEps * curveEps; for (let i3 = indexStart; i3 < indexCount + indexStart - 2; ++i3) { x0 = verts[i3 * 2]; y0 = verts[i3 * 2 + 1]; x1 = verts[(i3 + 1) * 2]; y1 = verts[(i3 + 1) * 2 + 1]; x2 = verts[(i3 + 2) * 2]; y2 = verts[(i3 + 2) * 2 + 1]; if (Math.abs(x0 * (y1 - y2) + x1 * (y2 - y0) + x2 * (y0 - y1)) < eps2) { continue; } indices.push(i3, i3 + 1, i3 + 2); } } var init_buildLine = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildLine.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Point(); init_const6(); init_getOrientationOfPoints(); } }); // node_modules/earcut/src/earcut.js var require_earcut = __commonJS({ "node_modules/earcut/src/earcut.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; module2.exports = earcut2; module2.exports.default = earcut2; function earcut2(data, holeIndices, dim) { dim = dim || 2; var hasHoles = holeIndices && holeIndices.length, outerLen = hasHoles ? holeIndices[0] * dim : data.length, outerNode = linkedList(data, 0, outerLen, dim, true), triangles = []; if (!outerNode || outerNode.next === outerNode.prev) return triangles; var minX, minY, maxX, maxY, x2, y2, invSize; if (hasHoles) outerNode = eliminateHoles(data, holeIndices, outerNode, dim); if (data.length > 80 * dim) { minX = maxX = data[0]; minY = maxY = data[1]; for (var i3 = dim; i3 < outerLen; i3 += dim) { x2 = data[i3]; y2 = data[i3 + 1]; if (x2 < minX) minX = x2; if (y2 < minY) minY = y2; if (x2 > maxX) maxX = x2; if (y2 > maxY) maxY = y2; } invSize = Math.max(maxX - minX, maxY - minY); invSize = invSize !== 0 ? 32767 / invSize : 0; } earcutLinked(outerNode, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize, 0); return triangles; } function linkedList(data, start, end, dim, clockwise) { var i3, last; if (clockwise === signedArea(data, start, end, dim) > 0) { for (i3 = start; i3 < end; i3 += dim) last = insertNode(i3, data[i3], data[i3 + 1], last); } else { for (i3 = end - dim; i3 >= start; i3 -= dim) last = insertNode(i3, data[i3], data[i3 + 1], last); } if (last && equals(last, last.next)) { removeNode(last); last = last.next; } return last; } function filterPoints(start, end) { if (!start) return start; if (!end) end = start; var p2 = start, again; do { again = false; if (!p2.steiner && (equals(p2, p2.next) || area(p2.prev, p2, p2.next) === 0)) { removeNode(p2); p2 = end = p2.prev; if (p2 === p2.next) break; again = true; } else { p2 = p2.next; } } while (again || p2 !== end); return end; } function earcutLinked(ear, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize, pass) { if (!ear) return; if (!pass && invSize) indexCurve(ear, minX, minY, invSize); var stop = ear, prev, next; while (ear.prev !== ear.next) { prev = ear.prev; next = ear.next; if (invSize ? isEarHashed(ear, minX, minY, invSize) : isEar(ear)) { triangles.push(prev.i / dim | 0); triangles.push(ear.i / dim | 0); triangles.push(next.i / dim | 0); removeNode(ear); ear = next.next; stop = next.next; continue; } ear = next; if (ear === stop) { if (!pass) { earcutLinked(filterPoints(ear), triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize, 1); } else if (pass === 1) { ear = cureLocalIntersections(filterPoints(ear), triangles, dim); earcutLinked(ear, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize, 2); } else if (pass === 2) { splitEarcut(ear, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize); } break; } } } function isEar(ear) { var a2 = ear.prev, b2 = ear, c2 = ear.next; if (area(a2, b2, c2) >= 0) return false; var ax = a2.x, bx = b2.x, cx = c2.x, ay = a2.y, by = b2.y, cy = c2.y; var x0 = ax < bx ? ax < cx ? ax : cx : bx < cx ? bx : cx, y0 = ay < by ? ay < cy ? ay : cy : by < cy ? by : cy, x1 = ax > bx ? ax > cx ? ax : cx : bx > cx ? bx : cx, y1 = ay > by ? ay > cy ? ay : cy : by > cy ? by : cy; var p2 = c2.next; while (p2 !== a2) { if (p2.x >= x0 && p2.x <= x1 && p2.y >= y0 && p2.y <= y1 && pointInTriangle2(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, p2.x, p2.y) && area(p2.prev, p2, p2.next) >= 0) return false; p2 = p2.next; } return true; } function isEarHashed(ear, minX, minY, invSize) { var a2 = ear.prev, b2 = ear, c2 = ear.next; if (area(a2, b2, c2) >= 0) return false; var ax = a2.x, bx = b2.x, cx = c2.x, ay = a2.y, by = b2.y, cy = c2.y; var x0 = ax < bx ? ax < cx ? ax : cx : bx < cx ? bx : cx, y0 = ay < by ? ay < cy ? ay : cy : by < cy ? by : cy, x1 = ax > bx ? ax > cx ? ax : cx : bx > cx ? bx : cx, y1 = ay > by ? ay > cy ? ay : cy : by > cy ? by : cy; var minZ = zOrder(x0, y0, minX, minY, invSize), maxZ = zOrder(x1, y1, minX, minY, invSize); var p2 = ear.prevZ, n2 = ear.nextZ; while (p2 && p2.z >= minZ && n2 && n2.z <= maxZ) { if (p2.x >= x0 && p2.x <= x1 && p2.y >= y0 && p2.y <= y1 && p2 !== a2 && p2 !== c2 && pointInTriangle2(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, p2.x, p2.y) && area(p2.prev, p2, p2.next) >= 0) return false; p2 = p2.prevZ; if (n2.x >= x0 && n2.x <= x1 && n2.y >= y0 && n2.y <= y1 && n2 !== a2 && n2 !== c2 && pointInTriangle2(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, n2.x, n2.y) && area(n2.prev, n2, n2.next) >= 0) return false; n2 = n2.nextZ; } while (p2 && p2.z >= minZ) { if (p2.x >= x0 && p2.x <= x1 && p2.y >= y0 && p2.y <= y1 && p2 !== a2 && p2 !== c2 && pointInTriangle2(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, p2.x, p2.y) && area(p2.prev, p2, p2.next) >= 0) return false; p2 = p2.prevZ; } while (n2 && n2.z <= maxZ) { if (n2.x >= x0 && n2.x <= x1 && n2.y >= y0 && n2.y <= y1 && n2 !== a2 && n2 !== c2 && pointInTriangle2(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, n2.x, n2.y) && area(n2.prev, n2, n2.next) >= 0) return false; n2 = n2.nextZ; } return true; } function cureLocalIntersections(start, triangles, dim) { var p2 = start; do { var a2 = p2.prev, b2 = p2.next.next; if (!equals(a2, b2) && intersects(a2, p2, p2.next, b2) && locallyInside(a2, b2) && locallyInside(b2, a2)) { triangles.push(a2.i / dim | 0); triangles.push(p2.i / dim | 0); triangles.push(b2.i / dim | 0); removeNode(p2); removeNode(p2.next); p2 = start = b2; } p2 = p2.next; } while (p2 !== start); return filterPoints(p2); } function splitEarcut(start, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize) { var a2 = start; do { var b2 = a2.next.next; while (b2 !== a2.prev) { if (a2.i !== b2.i && isValidDiagonal(a2, b2)) { var c2 = splitPolygon(a2, b2); a2 = filterPoints(a2, a2.next); c2 = filterPoints(c2, c2.next); earcutLinked(a2, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize, 0); earcutLinked(c2, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize, 0); return; } b2 = b2.next; } a2 = a2.next; } while (a2 !== start); } function eliminateHoles(data, holeIndices, outerNode, dim) { var queue = [], i3, len, start, end, list; for (i3 = 0, len = holeIndices.length; i3 < len; i3++) { start = holeIndices[i3] * dim; end = i3 < len - 1 ? holeIndices[i3 + 1] * dim : data.length; list = linkedList(data, start, end, dim, false); if (list === list.next) list.steiner = true; queue.push(getLeftmost(list)); } queue.sort(compareX); for (i3 = 0; i3 < queue.length; i3++) { outerNode = eliminateHole(queue[i3], outerNode); } return outerNode; } function compareX(a2, b2) { return a2.x - b2.x; } function eliminateHole(hole, outerNode) { var bridge = findHoleBridge(hole, outerNode); if (!bridge) { return outerNode; } var bridgeReverse = splitPolygon(bridge, hole); filterPoints(bridgeReverse, bridgeReverse.next); return filterPoints(bridge, bridge.next); } function findHoleBridge(hole, outerNode) { var p2 = outerNode, hx = hole.x, hy = hole.y, qx = -Infinity, m2; do { if (hy <= p2.y && hy >= p2.next.y && p2.next.y !== p2.y) { var x2 = p2.x + (hy - p2.y) * (p2.next.x - p2.x) / (p2.next.y - p2.y); if (x2 <= hx && x2 > qx) { qx = x2; m2 = p2.x < p2.next.x ? p2 : p2.next; if (x2 === hx) return m2; } } p2 = p2.next; } while (p2 !== outerNode); if (!m2) return null; var stop = m2, mx = m2.x, my = m2.y, tanMin = Infinity, tan; p2 = m2; do { if (hx >= p2.x && p2.x >= mx && hx !== p2.x && pointInTriangle2(hy < my ? hx : qx, hy, mx, my, hy < my ? qx : hx, hy, p2.x, p2.y)) { tan = Math.abs(hy - p2.y) / (hx - p2.x); if (locallyInside(p2, hole) && (tan < tanMin || tan === tanMin && (p2.x > m2.x || p2.x === m2.x && sectorContainsSector(m2, p2)))) { m2 = p2; tanMin = tan; } } p2 = p2.next; } while (p2 !== stop); return m2; } function sectorContainsSector(m2, p2) { return area(m2.prev, m2, p2.prev) < 0 && area(p2.next, m2, m2.next) < 0; } function indexCurve(start, minX, minY, invSize) { var p2 = start; do { if (p2.z === 0) p2.z = zOrder(p2.x, p2.y, minX, minY, invSize); p2.prevZ = p2.prev; p2.nextZ = p2.next; p2 = p2.next; } while (p2 !== start); p2.prevZ.nextZ = null; p2.prevZ = null; sortLinked(p2); } function sortLinked(list) { var i3, p2, q, e2, tail, numMerges, pSize, qSize, inSize = 1; do { p2 = list; list = null; tail = null; numMerges = 0; while (p2) { numMerges++; q = p2; pSize = 0; for (i3 = 0; i3 < inSize; i3++) { pSize++; q = q.nextZ; if (!q) break; } qSize = inSize; while (pSize > 0 || qSize > 0 && q) { if (pSize !== 0 && (qSize === 0 || !q || p2.z <= q.z)) { e2 = p2; p2 = p2.nextZ; pSize--; } else { e2 = q; q = q.nextZ; qSize--; } if (tail) tail.nextZ = e2; else list = e2; e2.prevZ = tail; tail = e2; } p2 = q; } tail.nextZ = null; inSize *= 2; } while (numMerges > 1); return list; } function zOrder(x2, y2, minX, minY, invSize) { x2 = (x2 - minX) * invSize | 0; y2 = (y2 - minY) * invSize | 0; x2 = (x2 | x2 << 8) & 16711935; x2 = (x2 | x2 << 4) & 252645135; x2 = (x2 | x2 << 2) & 858993459; x2 = (x2 | x2 << 1) & 1431655765; y2 = (y2 | y2 << 8) & 16711935; y2 = (y2 | y2 << 4) & 252645135; y2 = (y2 | y2 << 2) & 858993459; y2 = (y2 | y2 << 1) & 1431655765; return x2 | y2 << 1; } function getLeftmost(start) { var p2 = start, leftmost = start; do { if (p2.x < leftmost.x || p2.x === leftmost.x && p2.y < leftmost.y) leftmost = p2; p2 = p2.next; } while (p2 !== start); return leftmost; } function pointInTriangle2(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, px, py) { return (cx - px) * (ay - py) >= (ax - px) * (cy - py) && (ax - px) * (by - py) >= (bx - px) * (ay - py) && (bx - px) * (cy - py) >= (cx - px) * (by - py); } function isValidDiagonal(a2, b2) { return a2.next.i !== b2.i && a2.prev.i !== b2.i && !intersectsPolygon(a2, b2) && // dones't intersect other edges (locallyInside(a2, b2) && locallyInside(b2, a2) && middleInside(a2, b2) && // locally visible (area(a2.prev, a2, b2.prev) || area(a2, b2.prev, b2)) || // does not create opposite-facing sectors equals(a2, b2) && area(a2.prev, a2, a2.next) > 0 && area(b2.prev, b2, b2.next) > 0); } function area(p2, q, r2) { return (q.y - p2.y) * (r2.x - q.x) - (q.x - p2.x) * (r2.y - q.y); } function equals(p1, p2) { return p1.x === p2.x && p1.y === p2.y; } function intersects(p1, q1, p2, q2) { var o1 = sign(area(p1, q1, p2)); var o2 = sign(area(p1, q1, q2)); var o3 = sign(area(p2, q2, p1)); var o4 = sign(area(p2, q2, q1)); if (o1 !== o2 && o3 !== o4) return true; if (o1 === 0 && onSegment(p1, p2, q1)) return true; if (o2 === 0 && onSegment(p1, q2, q1)) return true; if (o3 === 0 && onSegment(p2, p1, q2)) return true; if (o4 === 0 && onSegment(p2, q1, q2)) return true; return false; } function onSegment(p2, q, r2) { return q.x <= Math.max(p2.x, r2.x) && q.x >= Math.min(p2.x, r2.x) && q.y <= Math.max(p2.y, r2.y) && q.y >= Math.min(p2.y, r2.y); } function sign(num) { return num > 0 ? 1 : num < 0 ? -1 : 0; } function intersectsPolygon(a2, b2) { var p2 = a2; do { if (p2.i !== a2.i && p2.next.i !== a2.i && p2.i !== b2.i && p2.next.i !== b2.i && intersects(p2, p2.next, a2, b2)) return true; p2 = p2.next; } while (p2 !== a2); return false; } function locallyInside(a2, b2) { return area(a2.prev, a2, a2.next) < 0 ? area(a2, b2, a2.next) >= 0 && area(a2, a2.prev, b2) >= 0 : area(a2, b2, a2.prev) < 0 || area(a2, a2.next, b2) < 0; } function middleInside(a2, b2) { var p2 = a2, inside = false, px = (a2.x + b2.x) / 2, py = (a2.y + b2.y) / 2; do { if (p2.y > py !== p2.next.y > py && p2.next.y !== p2.y && px < (p2.next.x - p2.x) * (py - p2.y) / (p2.next.y - p2.y) + p2.x) inside = !inside; p2 = p2.next; } while (p2 !== a2); return inside; } function splitPolygon(a2, b2) { var a22 = new Node(a2.i, a2.x, a2.y), b22 = new Node(b2.i, b2.x, b2.y), an = a2.next, bp = b2.prev; a2.next = b2; b2.prev = a2; a22.next = an; an.prev = a22; b22.next = a22; a22.prev = b22; bp.next = b22; b22.prev = bp; return b22; } function insertNode(i3, x2, y2, last) { var p2 = new Node(i3, x2, y2); if (!last) { p2.prev = p2; p2.next = p2; } else { p2.next = last.next; p2.prev = last; last.next.prev = p2; last.next = p2; } return p2; } function removeNode(p2) { p2.next.prev = p2.prev; p2.prev.next = p2.next; if (p2.prevZ) p2.prevZ.nextZ = p2.nextZ; if (p2.nextZ) p2.nextZ.prevZ = p2.prevZ; } function Node(i3, x2, y2) { this.i = i3; this.x = x2; this.y = y2; this.prev = null; this.next = null; this.z = 0; this.prevZ = null; this.nextZ = null; this.steiner = false; } earcut2.deviation = function(data, holeIndices, dim, triangles) { var hasHoles = holeIndices && holeIndices.length; var outerLen = hasHoles ? holeIndices[0] * dim : data.length; var polygonArea = Math.abs(signedArea(data, 0, outerLen, dim)); if (hasHoles) { for (var i3 = 0, len = holeIndices.length; i3 < len; i3++) { var start = holeIndices[i3] * dim; var end = i3 < len - 1 ? holeIndices[i3 + 1] * dim : data.length; polygonArea -= Math.abs(signedArea(data, start, end, dim)); } } var trianglesArea = 0; for (i3 = 0; i3 < triangles.length; i3 += 3) { var a2 = triangles[i3] * dim; var b2 = triangles[i3 + 1] * dim; var c2 = triangles[i3 + 2] * dim; trianglesArea += Math.abs( (data[a2] - data[c2]) * (data[b2 + 1] - data[a2 + 1]) - (data[a2] - data[b2]) * (data[c2 + 1] - data[a2 + 1]) ); } return polygonArea === 0 && trianglesArea === 0 ? 0 : Math.abs((trianglesArea - polygonArea) / polygonArea); }; function signedArea(data, start, end, dim) { var sum = 0; for (var i3 = start, j2 = end - dim; i3 < end; i3 += dim) { sum += (data[j2] - data[i3]) * (data[i3 + 1] + data[j2 + 1]); j2 = i3; } return sum; } earcut2.flatten = function(data) { var dim = data[0][0].length, result = { vertices: [], holes: [], dimensions: dim }, holeIndex = 0; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < data.length; i3++) { for (var j2 = 0; j2 < data[i3].length; j2++) { for (var d2 = 0; d2 < dim; d2++) result.vertices.push(data[i3][j2][d2]); } if (i3 > 0) { holeIndex += data[i3 - 1].length; result.holes.push(holeIndex); } } return result; }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/utils/triangulateWithHoles.mjs function triangulateWithHoles(points, holes, vertices, verticesStride, verticesOffset, indices, indicesOffset) { const triangles = (0, import_earcut.default)(points, holes, 2); if (!triangles) { return; } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < triangles.length; i3 += 3) { indices[indicesOffset++] = triangles[i3] + verticesOffset; indices[indicesOffset++] = triangles[i3 + 1] + verticesOffset; indices[indicesOffset++] = triangles[i3 + 2] + verticesOffset; } let index = verticesOffset * verticesStride; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < points.length; i3 += 2) { vertices[index] = points[i3]; vertices[index + 1] = points[i3 + 1]; index += verticesStride; } } var import_earcut; var init_triangulateWithHoles = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/utils/triangulateWithHoles.mjs"() { "use strict"; import_earcut = __toESM(require_earcut(), 1); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildPolygon.mjs var emptyArray, buildPolygon; var init_buildPolygon = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildPolygon.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_triangulateWithHoles(); emptyArray = []; buildPolygon = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.ShapeBuilder, name: "polygon" }, build(shape, points) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < shape.points.length; i3++) { points[i3] = shape.points[i3]; } return points; }, triangulate(points, vertices, verticesStride, verticesOffset, indices, indicesOffset) { triangulateWithHoles(points, emptyArray, vertices, verticesStride, verticesOffset, indices, indicesOffset); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildRectangle.mjs var buildRectangle; var init_buildRectangle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildRectangle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); buildRectangle = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.ShapeBuilder, name: "rectangle" }, build(shape, points) { const rectData = shape; const x2 = rectData.x; const y2 = rectData.y; const width = rectData.width; const height = rectData.height; if (!(width >= 0 && height >= 0)) { return points; } points[0] = x2; points[1] = y2; points[2] = x2 + width; points[3] = y2; points[4] = x2 + width; points[5] = y2 + height; points[6] = x2; points[7] = y2 + height; return points; }, triangulate(points, vertices, verticesStride, verticesOffset, indices, indicesOffset) { let count2 = 0; verticesOffset *= verticesStride; vertices[verticesOffset + count2] = points[0]; vertices[verticesOffset + count2 + 1] = points[1]; count2 += verticesStride; vertices[verticesOffset + count2] = points[2]; vertices[verticesOffset + count2 + 1] = points[3]; count2 += verticesStride; vertices[verticesOffset + count2] = points[6]; vertices[verticesOffset + count2 + 1] = points[7]; count2 += verticesStride; vertices[verticesOffset + count2] = points[4]; vertices[verticesOffset + count2 + 1] = points[5]; count2 += verticesStride; const verticesIndex = verticesOffset / verticesStride; indices[indicesOffset++] = verticesIndex; indices[indicesOffset++] = verticesIndex + 1; indices[indicesOffset++] = verticesIndex + 2; indices[indicesOffset++] = verticesIndex + 1; indices[indicesOffset++] = verticesIndex + 3; indices[indicesOffset++] = verticesIndex + 2; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildTriangle.mjs var buildTriangle; var init_buildTriangle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildTriangle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); buildTriangle = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.ShapeBuilder, name: "triangle" }, build(shape, points) { points[0] = shape.x; points[1] = shape.y; points[2] = shape.x2; points[3] = shape.y2; points[4] = shape.x3; points[5] = shape.y3; return points; }, triangulate(points, vertices, verticesStride, verticesOffset, indices, indicesOffset) { let count2 = 0; verticesOffset *= verticesStride; vertices[verticesOffset + count2] = points[0]; vertices[verticesOffset + count2 + 1] = points[1]; count2 += verticesStride; vertices[verticesOffset + count2] = points[2]; vertices[verticesOffset + count2 + 1] = points[3]; count2 += verticesStride; vertices[verticesOffset + count2] = points[4]; vertices[verticesOffset + count2 + 1] = points[5]; const verticesIndex = verticesOffset / verticesStride; indices[indicesOffset++] = verticesIndex; indices[indicesOffset++] = verticesIndex + 1; indices[indicesOffset++] = verticesIndex + 2; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/utils/buildContextBatches.mjs function buildContextBatches(context2, gpuContext) { const { geometryData, batches } = gpuContext; batches.length = 0; geometryData.indices.length = 0; geometryData.vertices.length = 0; geometryData.uvs.length = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < context2.instructions.length; i3++) { const instruction = context2.instructions[i3]; if (instruction.action === "texture") { addTextureToGeometryData(instruction.data, batches, geometryData); } else if (instruction.action === "fill" || instruction.action === "stroke") { const isStroke = instruction.action === "stroke"; const shapePath = instruction.data.path.shapePath; const style = instruction.data.style; const hole = instruction.data.hole; if (isStroke && hole) { addShapePathToGeometryData(hole.shapePath, style, null, true, batches, geometryData); } addShapePathToGeometryData(shapePath, style, hole, isStroke, batches, geometryData); } } } function addTextureToGeometryData(data, batches, geometryData) { const { vertices, uvs, indices } = geometryData; const indexOffset = indices.length; const vertOffset = vertices.length / 2; const points = []; const build = shapeBuilders.rectangle; const rect = tempRect; const texture = data.image; rect.x = data.dx; rect.y = data.dy; rect.width = data.dw; rect.height = data.dh; const matrix = data.transform; build.build(rect, points); if (matrix) { transformVertices(points, matrix); } build.triangulate(points, vertices, 2, vertOffset, indices, indexOffset); const textureUvs = texture.uvs; uvs.push( textureUvs.x0, textureUvs.y0, textureUvs.x1, textureUvs.y1, textureUvs.x3, textureUvs.y3, textureUvs.x2, textureUvs.y2 ); const graphicsBatch = BigPool.get(BatchableGraphics); graphicsBatch.indexOffset = indexOffset; graphicsBatch.indexSize = indices.length - indexOffset; graphicsBatch.attributeOffset = vertOffset; graphicsBatch.attributeSize = vertices.length / 2 - vertOffset; graphicsBatch.baseColor = data.style; graphicsBatch.alpha = data.alpha; graphicsBatch.texture = texture; graphicsBatch.geometryData = geometryData; batches.push(graphicsBatch); } function addShapePathToGeometryData(shapePath, style, hole, isStroke, batches, geometryData) { const { vertices, uvs, indices } = geometryData; const lastIndex = shapePath.shapePrimitives.length - 1; shapePath.shapePrimitives.forEach(({ shape, transform: matrix }, i3) => { const indexOffset = indices.length; const vertOffset = vertices.length / 2; const points = []; const build = shapeBuilders[shape.type]; build.build(shape, points); if (matrix) { transformVertices(points, matrix); } if (!isStroke) { if (hole && lastIndex === i3) { if (lastIndex !== 0) { console.warn("[Pixi Graphics] only the last shape have be cut out"); } const holeIndices = []; const otherPoints = points.slice(); const holeArrays = getHoleArrays(hole.shapePath); holeArrays.forEach((holePoints) => { holeIndices.push(otherPoints.length / 2); otherPoints.push(...holePoints); }); triangulateWithHoles(otherPoints, holeIndices, vertices, 2, vertOffset, indices, indexOffset); } else { build.triangulate(points, vertices, 2, vertOffset, indices, indexOffset); } } else { const close = shape.closePath ?? true; const lineStyle = style; buildLine(points, lineStyle, false, close, vertices, 2, vertOffset, indices, indexOffset); } const uvsOffset = uvs.length / 2; const texture = style.texture; if (texture !== Texture.WHITE) { const textureMatrix = style.matrix; if (textureMatrix) { if (matrix) { textureMatrix.append(matrix.clone().invert()); } buildUvs(vertices, 2, vertOffset, uvs, uvsOffset, 2, vertices.length / 2 - vertOffset, textureMatrix); } } else { buildSimpleUvs(uvs, uvsOffset, 2, vertices.length / 2 - vertOffset); } const graphicsBatch = BigPool.get(BatchableGraphics); graphicsBatch.indexOffset = indexOffset; graphicsBatch.indexSize = indices.length - indexOffset; graphicsBatch.attributeOffset = vertOffset; graphicsBatch.attributeSize = vertices.length / 2 - vertOffset; graphicsBatch.baseColor = style.color; graphicsBatch.alpha = style.alpha; graphicsBatch.texture = texture; graphicsBatch.geometryData = geometryData; batches.push(graphicsBatch); }); } function getHoleArrays(shape) { if (!shape) return []; const holePrimitives = shape.shapePrimitives; const holeArrays = []; for (let k2 = 0; k2 < holePrimitives.length; k2++) { const holePrimitive = holePrimitives[k2].shape; const holePoints = []; const holeBuilder = shapeBuilders[holePrimitive.type]; holeBuilder.build(holePrimitive, holePoints); holeArrays.push(holePoints); } return holeArrays; } var shapeBuilders, tempRect; var init_buildContextBatches = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/utils/buildContextBatches.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Rectangle(); init_buildUvs(); init_transformVertices(); init_Texture(); init_PoolGroup(); init_BatchableGraphics(); init_buildCircle(); init_buildLine(); init_buildPolygon(); init_buildRectangle(); init_buildTriangle(); init_triangulateWithHoles(); shapeBuilders = {}; extensions.handleByMap(ExtensionType.ShapeBuilder, shapeBuilders); extensions.add(buildRectangle, buildPolygon, buildTriangle, buildCircle, buildEllipse, buildRoundedRectangle); tempRect = new Rectangle(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/GraphicsContextSystem.mjs var GpuGraphicsContext, GraphicsContextRenderData, _GraphicsContextSystem, GraphicsContextSystem; var init_GraphicsContextSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/GraphicsContextSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_getTextureBatchBindGroup(); init_DefaultBatcher(); init_InstructionSet(); init_deprecation(); init_PoolGroup(); init_buildContextBatches(); GpuGraphicsContext = class { constructor() { this.batches = []; this.geometryData = { vertices: [], uvs: [], indices: [] }; } }; GraphicsContextRenderData = class { constructor() { this.batcher = new DefaultBatcher(); this.instructions = new InstructionSet(); } init() { this.instructions.reset(); } /** * @deprecated since version 8.0.0 * Use `batcher.geometry` instead. * @see {Batcher#geometry} */ get geometry() { deprecation(v8_3_4, "GraphicsContextRenderData#geometry is deprecated, please use batcher.geometry instead."); return this.batcher.geometry; } }; _GraphicsContextSystem = class _GraphicsContextSystem2 { constructor(renderer) { this._gpuContextHash = {}; this._graphicsDataContextHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuContextHash"); renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_graphicsDataContextHash"); } /** * Runner init called, update the default options * @ignore */ init(options) { _GraphicsContextSystem2.defaultOptions.bezierSmoothness = options?.bezierSmoothness ?? _GraphicsContextSystem2.defaultOptions.bezierSmoothness; } getContextRenderData(context2) { return this._graphicsDataContextHash[context2.uid] || this._initContextRenderData(context2); } // Context management functions updateGpuContext(context2) { let gpuContext = this._gpuContextHash[context2.uid] || this._initContext(context2); if (context2.dirty) { if (gpuContext) { this._cleanGraphicsContextData(context2); } else { gpuContext = this._initContext(context2); } buildContextBatches(context2, gpuContext); const batchMode = context2.batchMode; if (context2.customShader || batchMode === "no-batch") { gpuContext.isBatchable = false; } else if (batchMode === "auto") { gpuContext.isBatchable = gpuContext.geometryData.vertices.length < 400; } context2.dirty = false; } return gpuContext; } getGpuContext(context2) { return this._gpuContextHash[context2.uid] || this._initContext(context2); } _initContextRenderData(context2) { const graphicsData = BigPool.get(GraphicsContextRenderData); const { batches, geometryData } = this._gpuContextHash[context2.uid]; const vertexSize = geometryData.vertices.length; const indexSize = geometryData.indices.length; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < batches.length; i3++) { batches[i3].applyTransform = false; } const batcher = graphicsData.batcher; batcher.ensureAttributeBuffer(vertexSize); batcher.ensureIndexBuffer(indexSize); batcher.begin(); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < batches.length; i3++) { const batch = batches[i3]; batcher.add(batch); } batcher.finish(graphicsData.instructions); const geometry = batcher.geometry; geometry.indexBuffer.setDataWithSize(batcher.indexBuffer, batcher.indexSize, true); geometry.buffers[0].setDataWithSize(batcher.attributeBuffer.float32View, batcher.attributeSize, true); const drawBatches = batcher.batches; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < drawBatches.length; i3++) { const batch = drawBatches[i3]; batch.bindGroup = getTextureBatchBindGroup(batch.textures.textures, batch.textures.count); } this._graphicsDataContextHash[context2.uid] = graphicsData; return graphicsData; } _initContext(context2) { const gpuContext = new GpuGraphicsContext(); gpuContext.context = context2; this._gpuContextHash[context2.uid] = gpuContext; context2.on("destroy", this.onGraphicsContextDestroy, this); return this._gpuContextHash[context2.uid]; } onGraphicsContextDestroy(context2) { this._cleanGraphicsContextData(context2); context2.off("destroy", this.onGraphicsContextDestroy, this); this._gpuContextHash[context2.uid] = null; } _cleanGraphicsContextData(context2) { const gpuContext = this._gpuContextHash[context2.uid]; if (!gpuContext.isBatchable) { if (this._graphicsDataContextHash[context2.uid]) { BigPool.return(this.getContextRenderData(context2)); this._graphicsDataContextHash[context2.uid] = null; } } if (gpuContext.batches) { gpuContext.batches.forEach((batch) => { BigPool.return(batch); }); } } destroy() { for (const i3 in this._gpuContextHash) { if (this._gpuContextHash[i3]) { this.onGraphicsContextDestroy(this._gpuContextHash[i3].context); } } } }; _GraphicsContextSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem, ExtensionType.CanvasSystem ], name: "graphicsContext" }; _GraphicsContextSystem.defaultOptions = { /** * A value from 0 to 1 that controls the smoothness of bezier curves (the higher the smoother) * @default 0.5 */ bezierSmoothness: 0.5 }; GraphicsContextSystem = _GraphicsContextSystem; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/state/State.mjs var blendModeIds, BLEND, OFFSET, CULLING, DEPTH_TEST, WINDING, DEPTH_MASK, _State, State; var init_State = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/state/State.mjs"() { "use strict"; blendModeIds = { normal: 0, add: 1, multiply: 2, screen: 3, overlay: 4, erase: 5, "normal-npm": 6, "add-npm": 7, "screen-npm": 8, min: 9, max: 10 }; BLEND = 0; OFFSET = 1; CULLING = 2; DEPTH_TEST = 3; WINDING = 4; DEPTH_MASK = 5; _State = class _State2 { constructor() { this.data = 0; this.blendMode = "normal"; this.polygonOffset = 0; this.blend = true; this.depthMask = true; } /** * Activates blending of the computed fragment color values. * @default true */ get blend() { return !!(this.data & 1 << BLEND); } set blend(value) { if (!!(this.data & 1 << BLEND) !== value) { this.data ^= 1 << BLEND; } } /** * Activates adding an offset to depth values of polygon's fragments * @default false */ get offsets() { return !!(this.data & 1 << OFFSET); } set offsets(value) { if (!!(this.data & 1 << OFFSET) !== value) { this.data ^= 1 << OFFSET; } } /** The culling settings for this state none - No culling back - Back face culling front - Front face culling */ set cullMode(value) { if (value === "none") { this.culling = false; return; } this.culling = true; this.clockwiseFrontFace = value === "front"; } get cullMode() { if (!this.culling) { return "none"; } return this.clockwiseFrontFace ? "front" : "back"; } /** * Activates culling of polygons. * @default false */ get culling() { return !!(this.data & 1 << CULLING); } set culling(value) { if (!!(this.data & 1 << CULLING) !== value) { this.data ^= 1 << CULLING; } } /** * Activates depth comparisons and updates to the depth buffer. * @default false */ get depthTest() { return !!(this.data & 1 << DEPTH_TEST); } set depthTest(value) { if (!!(this.data & 1 << DEPTH_TEST) !== value) { this.data ^= 1 << DEPTH_TEST; } } /** * Enables or disables writing to the depth buffer. * @default true */ get depthMask() { return !!(this.data & 1 << DEPTH_MASK); } set depthMask(value) { if (!!(this.data & 1 << DEPTH_MASK) !== value) { this.data ^= 1 << DEPTH_MASK; } } /** * Specifies whether or not front or back-facing polygons can be culled. * @default false */ get clockwiseFrontFace() { return !!(this.data & 1 << WINDING); } set clockwiseFrontFace(value) { if (!!(this.data & 1 << WINDING) !== value) { this.data ^= 1 << WINDING; } } /** * The blend mode to be applied when this state is set. Apply a value of `normal` to reset the blend mode. * Setting this mode to anything other than NO_BLEND will automatically switch blending on. * @default 'normal' */ get blendMode() { return this._blendMode; } set blendMode(value) { this.blend = value !== "none"; this._blendMode = value; this._blendModeId = blendModeIds[value] || 0; } /** * The polygon offset. Setting this property to anything other than 0 will automatically enable polygon offset fill. * @default 0 */ get polygonOffset() { return this._polygonOffset; } set polygonOffset(value) { this.offsets = !!value; this._polygonOffset = value; } toString() { return `[pixi.js/core:State blendMode=${this.blendMode} clockwiseFrontFace=${this.clockwiseFrontFace} culling=${this.culling} depthMask=${this.depthMask} polygonOffset=${this.polygonOffset}]`; } /** * A quickly getting an instance of a State that is configured for 2d rendering. * @returns a new State with values set for 2d rendering */ static for2d() { const state = new _State2(); state.depthTest = false; state.blend = true; return state; } }; _State.default2d = _State.for2d(); State = _State; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/gpu/colorToUniform.mjs function colorToUniform(rgb, alpha, out2, offset) { out2[offset++] = (rgb >> 16 & 255) / 255; out2[offset++] = (rgb >> 8 & 255) / 255; out2[offset++] = (rgb & 255) / 255; out2[offset++] = alpha; } function color32BitToUniform(abgr, out2, offset) { const alpha = (abgr >> 24 & 255) / 255; out2[offset++] = (abgr & 255) / 255 * alpha; out2[offset++] = (abgr >> 8 & 255) / 255 * alpha; out2[offset++] = (abgr >> 16 & 255) / 255 * alpha; out2[offset++] = alpha; } var init_colorToUniform = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/gpu/colorToUniform.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/GraphicsPipe.mjs var GraphicsPipe; var init_GraphicsPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/GraphicsPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_State(); init_PoolGroup(); init_colorToUniform(); init_BatchableGraphics(); GraphicsPipe = class { constructor(renderer, adaptor) { this.state = State.for2d(); this._graphicsBatchesHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this); this.renderer = renderer; this._adaptor = adaptor; this._adaptor.init(); this.renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_graphicsBatchesHash"); } validateRenderable(graphics) { const context2 = graphics.context; const wasBatched = !!this._graphicsBatchesHash[graphics.uid]; const gpuContext = this.renderer.graphicsContext.updateGpuContext(context2); if (gpuContext.isBatchable || wasBatched !== gpuContext.isBatchable) { return true; } return false; } addRenderable(graphics, instructionSet) { const gpuContext = this.renderer.graphicsContext.updateGpuContext(graphics.context); if (graphics.didViewUpdate) { this._rebuild(graphics); } if (gpuContext.isBatchable) { this._addToBatcher(graphics, instructionSet); } else { this.renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add(graphics); } } updateRenderable(graphics) { const batches = this._graphicsBatchesHash[graphics.uid]; if (batches) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < batches.length; i3++) { const batch = batches[i3]; batch._batcher.updateElement(batch); } } } destroyRenderable(graphics) { if (this._graphicsBatchesHash[graphics.uid]) { this._removeBatchForRenderable(graphics.uid); } graphics.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); } execute(graphics) { if (!graphics.isRenderable) return; const renderer = this.renderer; const context2 = graphics.context; const contextSystem = renderer.graphicsContext; if (!contextSystem.getGpuContext(context2).batches.length) { return; } const shader = context2.customShader || this._adaptor.shader; this.state.blendMode = graphics.groupBlendMode; const localUniforms = shader.resources.localUniforms.uniforms; localUniforms.uTransformMatrix = graphics.groupTransform; localUniforms.uRound = renderer._roundPixels | graphics._roundPixels; color32BitToUniform( graphics.groupColorAlpha, localUniforms.uColor, 0 ); this._adaptor.execute(this, graphics); } _rebuild(graphics) { const wasBatched = !!this._graphicsBatchesHash[graphics.uid]; const gpuContext = this.renderer.graphicsContext.updateGpuContext(graphics.context); if (wasBatched) { this._removeBatchForRenderable(graphics.uid); } if (gpuContext.isBatchable) { this._initBatchesForRenderable(graphics); } graphics.batched = gpuContext.isBatchable; } _addToBatcher(graphics, instructionSet) { const batchPipe = this.renderer.renderPipes.batch; const batches = this._getBatchesForRenderable(graphics); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < batches.length; i3++) { const batch = batches[i3]; batchPipe.addToBatch(batch, instructionSet); } } _getBatchesForRenderable(graphics) { return this._graphicsBatchesHash[graphics.uid] || this._initBatchesForRenderable(graphics); } _initBatchesForRenderable(graphics) { const context2 = graphics.context; const gpuContext = this.renderer.graphicsContext.getGpuContext(context2); const roundPixels = this.renderer._roundPixels | graphics._roundPixels; const batches = gpuContext.batches.map((batch) => { const batchClone = BigPool.get(BatchableGraphics); batch.copyTo(batchClone); batchClone.renderable = graphics; batchClone.roundPixels = roundPixels; return batchClone; }); if (this._graphicsBatchesHash[graphics.uid] === void 0) { graphics.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); } this._graphicsBatchesHash[graphics.uid] = batches; return batches; } _removeBatchForRenderable(graphicsUid) { this._graphicsBatchesHash[graphicsUid].forEach((batch) => { BigPool.return(batch); }); this._graphicsBatchesHash[graphicsUid] = null; } destroy() { this.renderer = null; this._adaptor.destroy(); this._adaptor = null; this.state = null; for (const i3 in this._graphicsBatchesHash) { this._removeBatchForRenderable(i3); } this._graphicsBatchesHash = null; } }; GraphicsPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "graphics" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/init.mjs var init_init6 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_GraphicsContextSystem(); init_GraphicsPipe(); extensions.add(GraphicsPipe); extensions.add(GraphicsContextSystem); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/shared/BatchableMesh.mjs var BatchableMesh; var init_BatchableMesh = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/shared/BatchableMesh.mjs"() { "use strict"; BatchableMesh = class { constructor() { this.batcherName = "default"; this.packAsQuad = false; this.indexOffset = 0; this.attributeOffset = 0; this.roundPixels = 0; this._batcher = null; this._batch = null; this._uvUpdateId = -1; this._textureMatrixUpdateId = -1; } get blendMode() { return this.renderable.groupBlendMode; } reset() { this.renderable = null; this.texture = null; this._batcher = null; this._batch = null; this.geometry = null; this._uvUpdateId = -1; this._textureMatrixUpdateId = -1; } get uvs() { const geometry = this.geometry; const uvBuffer = geometry.getBuffer("aUV"); const uvs = uvBuffer.data; let transformedUvs = uvs; const textureMatrix = this.texture.textureMatrix; if (!textureMatrix.isSimple) { transformedUvs = this._transformedUvs; if (this._textureMatrixUpdateId !== textureMatrix._updateID || this._uvUpdateId !== uvBuffer._updateID) { if (!transformedUvs || transformedUvs.length < uvs.length) { transformedUvs = this._transformedUvs = new Float32Array(uvs.length); } this._textureMatrixUpdateId = textureMatrix._updateID; this._uvUpdateId = uvBuffer._updateID; textureMatrix.multiplyUvs(uvs, transformedUvs); } } return transformedUvs; } get positions() { return this.geometry.positions; } get indices() { return this.geometry.indices; } get color() { return this.renderable.groupColorAlpha; } get groupTransform() { return this.renderable.groupTransform; } get attributeSize() { return this.geometry.positions.length / 2; } get indexSize() { return this.geometry.indices.length; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/shared/MeshPipe.mjs var MeshPipe; var init_MeshPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/shared/MeshPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Matrix(); init_BindGroup(); init_UniformGroup(); init_getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(); init_PoolGroup(); init_colorToUniform(); init_BatchableMesh(); MeshPipe = class { constructor(renderer, adaptor) { this.localUniforms = new UniformGroup({ uTransformMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uColor: { value: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), type: "vec4" }, uRound: { value: 0, type: "f32" } }); this.localUniformsBindGroup = new BindGroup({ 0: this.localUniforms }); this._meshDataHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._gpuBatchableMeshHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this); this.renderer = renderer; this._adaptor = adaptor; this._adaptor.init(); renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuBatchableMeshHash"); renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_meshDataHash"); } validateRenderable(mesh) { const meshData = this._getMeshData(mesh); const wasBatched = meshData.batched; const isBatched = mesh.batched; meshData.batched = isBatched; if (wasBatched !== isBatched) { return true; } else if (isBatched) { const geometry = mesh._geometry; if (geometry.indices.length !== meshData.indexSize || geometry.positions.length !== meshData.vertexSize) { meshData.indexSize = geometry.indices.length; meshData.vertexSize = geometry.positions.length; return true; } const batchableMesh = this._getBatchableMesh(mesh); const texture = mesh.texture; if (batchableMesh.texture._source !== texture._source) { if (batchableMesh.texture._source !== texture._source) { return !batchableMesh._batcher.checkAndUpdateTexture(batchableMesh, texture); } } } return false; } addRenderable(mesh, instructionSet) { const batcher = this.renderer.renderPipes.batch; const { batched } = this._getMeshData(mesh); if (batched) { const gpuBatchableMesh = this._getBatchableMesh(mesh); gpuBatchableMesh.texture = mesh._texture; gpuBatchableMesh.geometry = mesh._geometry; batcher.addToBatch(gpuBatchableMesh, instructionSet); } else { batcher.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add(mesh); } } updateRenderable(mesh) { if (mesh.batched) { const gpuBatchableMesh = this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[mesh.uid]; gpuBatchableMesh.texture = mesh._texture; gpuBatchableMesh.geometry = mesh._geometry; gpuBatchableMesh._batcher.updateElement(gpuBatchableMesh); } } destroyRenderable(mesh) { this._meshDataHash[mesh.uid] = null; const gpuMesh = this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[mesh.uid]; if (gpuMesh) { BigPool.return(gpuMesh); this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[mesh.uid] = null; } mesh.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); } execute(mesh) { if (!mesh.isRenderable) return; mesh.state.blendMode = getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(mesh.groupBlendMode, mesh.texture._source); const localUniforms = this.localUniforms; localUniforms.uniforms.uTransformMatrix = mesh.groupTransform; localUniforms.uniforms.uRound = this.renderer._roundPixels | mesh._roundPixels; localUniforms.update(); color32BitToUniform( mesh.groupColorAlpha, localUniforms.uniforms.uColor, 0 ); this._adaptor.execute(this, mesh); } _getMeshData(mesh) { return this._meshDataHash[mesh.uid] || this._initMeshData(mesh); } _initMeshData(mesh) { this._meshDataHash[mesh.uid] = { batched: mesh.batched, indexSize: mesh._geometry.indices?.length, vertexSize: mesh._geometry.positions?.length }; mesh.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); return this._meshDataHash[mesh.uid]; } _getBatchableMesh(mesh) { return this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[mesh.uid] || this._initBatchableMesh(mesh); } _initBatchableMesh(mesh) { const gpuMesh = BigPool.get(BatchableMesh); gpuMesh.renderable = mesh; gpuMesh.texture = mesh._texture; gpuMesh.transform = mesh.groupTransform; gpuMesh.roundPixels = this.renderer._roundPixels | mesh._roundPixels; this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[mesh.uid] = gpuMesh; return gpuMesh; } destroy() { for (const i3 in this._gpuBatchableMeshHash) { if (this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[i3]) { BigPool.return(this._gpuBatchableMeshHash[i3]); } } this._gpuBatchableMeshHash = null; this._meshDataHash = null; this.localUniforms = null; this.localUniformsBindGroup = null; this._adaptor.destroy(); this._adaptor = null; this.renderer = null; } }; MeshPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "mesh" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/init.mjs var init_init7 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_MeshPipe(); extensions.add(MeshPipe); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/gl/GlParticleContainerAdaptor.mjs var GlParticleContainerAdaptor; var init_GlParticleContainerAdaptor = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/gl/GlParticleContainerAdaptor.mjs"() { "use strict"; GlParticleContainerAdaptor = class { execute(particleContainerPop, container) { const state = particleContainerPop.state; const renderer = particleContainerPop.renderer; const shader = container.shader || particleContainerPop.defaultShader; shader.resources.uTexture = container.texture._source; shader.resources.uniforms = particleContainerPop.localUniforms; const gl = renderer.gl; const buffer = particleContainerPop.getBuffers(container); renderer.shader.bind(shader); renderer.state.set(state); renderer.geometry.bind(buffer.geometry, shader.glProgram); const byteSize = buffer.geometry.indexBuffer.data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const glType = byteSize === 2 ? gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT : gl.UNSIGNED_INT; gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, container.particleChildren.length * 6, glType, 0); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/utils/createIndicesForQuads.mjs function createIndicesForQuads(size, outBuffer = null) { const totalIndices = size * 6; if (totalIndices > 65535) { outBuffer = outBuffer || new Uint32Array(totalIndices); } else { outBuffer = outBuffer || new Uint16Array(totalIndices); } if (outBuffer.length !== totalIndices) { throw new Error(`Out buffer length is incorrect, got ${outBuffer.length} and expected ${totalIndices}`); } for (let i3 = 0, j2 = 0; i3 < totalIndices; i3 += 6, j2 += 4) { outBuffer[i3 + 0] = j2 + 0; outBuffer[i3 + 1] = j2 + 1; outBuffer[i3 + 2] = j2 + 2; outBuffer[i3 + 3] = j2 + 0; outBuffer[i3 + 4] = j2 + 2; outBuffer[i3 + 5] = j2 + 3; } return outBuffer; } var init_createIndicesForQuads = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/utils/createIndicesForQuads.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/utils/generateParticleUpdateFunction.mjs function generateParticleUpdateFunction(properties) { return { dynamicUpdate: generateUpdateFunction(properties, true), staticUpdate: generateUpdateFunction(properties, false) }; } function generateUpdateFunction(properties, dynamic) { const funcFragments = []; funcFragments.push(` var index = 0; for (let i = 0; i < ps.length; ++i) { const p = ps[i]; `); let offset = 0; for (const i3 in properties) { const property = properties[i3]; if (dynamic !== property.dynamic) continue; funcFragments.push(`offset = index + ${offset}`); funcFragments.push(property.code); const attributeInfo = getAttributeInfoFromFormat(property.format); offset += attributeInfo.stride / 4; } funcFragments.push(` index += stride * 4; } `); funcFragments.unshift(` var stride = ${offset}; `); const functionSource = funcFragments.join("\n"); return new Function("ps", "f32v", "u32v", functionSource); } var init_generateParticleUpdateFunction = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/utils/generateParticleUpdateFunction.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_getAttributeInfoFromFormat(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/ParticleBuffer.mjs function getParticleSyncKey(properties) { const keyGen = []; for (const key in properties) { const property = properties[key]; keyGen.push(key, property.code, property.dynamic ? "d" : "s"); } return keyGen.join("_"); } var ParticleBuffer; var init_ParticleBuffer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/ParticleBuffer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Buffer(); init_const4(); init_Geometry(); init_getAttributeInfoFromFormat(); init_ViewableBuffer(); init_createIndicesForQuads(); init_generateParticleUpdateFunction(); ParticleBuffer = class { constructor(options) { this._size = 0; this._generateParticleUpdateCache = {}; const size = this._size = options.size ?? 1e3; const properties = options.properties; let staticVertexSize = 0; let dynamicVertexSize = 0; for (const i3 in properties) { const property = properties[i3]; const attributeInfo = getAttributeInfoFromFormat(property.format); if (property.dynamic) { dynamicVertexSize += attributeInfo.stride; } else { staticVertexSize += attributeInfo.stride; } } this._dynamicStride = dynamicVertexSize / 4; this._staticStride = staticVertexSize / 4; this.staticAttributeBuffer = new ViewableBuffer(size * 4 * staticVertexSize); this.dynamicAttributeBuffer = new ViewableBuffer(size * 4 * dynamicVertexSize); this.indexBuffer = createIndicesForQuads(size); const geometry = new Geometry(); let dynamicOffset = 0; let staticOffset = 0; this._staticBuffer = new Buffer2({ data: new Float32Array(1), label: "static-particle-buffer", shrinkToFit: false, usage: BufferUsage.VERTEX | BufferUsage.COPY_DST }); this._dynamicBuffer = new Buffer2({ data: new Float32Array(1), label: "dynamic-particle-buffer", shrinkToFit: false, usage: BufferUsage.VERTEX | BufferUsage.COPY_DST }); for (const i3 in properties) { const property = properties[i3]; const attributeInfo = getAttributeInfoFromFormat(property.format); if (property.dynamic) { geometry.addAttribute(property.attributeName, { buffer: this._dynamicBuffer, stride: this._dynamicStride * 4, offset: dynamicOffset * 4, format: property.format }); dynamicOffset += attributeInfo.size; } else { geometry.addAttribute(property.attributeName, { buffer: this._staticBuffer, stride: this._staticStride * 4, offset: staticOffset * 4, format: property.format }); staticOffset += attributeInfo.size; } } geometry.addIndex(this.indexBuffer); const uploadFunction = this.getParticleUpdate(properties); this._dynamicUpload = uploadFunction.dynamicUpdate; this._staticUpload = uploadFunction.staticUpdate; this.geometry = geometry; } getParticleUpdate(properties) { const key = getParticleSyncKey(properties); if (this._generateParticleUpdateCache[key]) { return this._generateParticleUpdateCache[key]; } this._generateParticleUpdateCache[key] = this.generateParticleUpdate(properties); return this._generateParticleUpdateCache[key]; } generateParticleUpdate(properties) { return generateParticleUpdateFunction(properties); } update(particles, uploadStatic) { if (particles.length > this._size) { uploadStatic = true; this._size = Math.max(particles.length, this._size * 1.5 | 0); this.staticAttributeBuffer = new ViewableBuffer(this._size * this._staticStride * 4 * 4); this.dynamicAttributeBuffer = new ViewableBuffer(this._size * this._dynamicStride * 4 * 4); this.indexBuffer = createIndicesForQuads(this._size); this.geometry.indexBuffer.setDataWithSize( this.indexBuffer, this.indexBuffer.byteLength, true ); } const dynamicAttributeBuffer = this.dynamicAttributeBuffer; this._dynamicUpload(particles, dynamicAttributeBuffer.float32View, dynamicAttributeBuffer.uint32View); this._dynamicBuffer.setDataWithSize( this.dynamicAttributeBuffer.float32View, particles.length * this._dynamicStride * 4, true ); if (uploadStatic) { const staticAttributeBuffer = this.staticAttributeBuffer; this._staticUpload(particles, staticAttributeBuffer.float32View, staticAttributeBuffer.uint32View); this._staticBuffer.setDataWithSize( staticAttributeBuffer.float32View, particles.length * this._staticStride * 4, true ); } } destroy() { this._staticBuffer.destroy(); this._dynamicBuffer.destroy(); this.geometry.destroy(); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/shader/particles.frag.mjs var fragment; var init_particles_frag = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/shader/particles.frag.mjs"() { "use strict"; fragment = "varying vec2 vUV;\nvarying vec4 vColor;\n\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\n\nvoid main(void){\n vec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vUV) * vColor;\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/shader/particles.vert.mjs var vertex; var init_particles_vert = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/shader/particles.vert.mjs"() { "use strict"; vertex = "attribute vec2 aVertex;\nattribute vec2 aUV;\nattribute vec4 aColor;\n\nattribute vec2 aPosition;\nattribute float aRotation;\n\nuniform mat3 uTranslationMatrix;\nuniform float uRound;\nuniform vec2 uResolution;\nuniform vec4 uColor;\n\nvarying vec2 vUV;\nvarying vec4 vColor;\n\nvec2 roundPixels(vec2 position, vec2 targetSize)\n{ \n return (floor(((position * 0.5 + 0.5) * targetSize) + 0.5) / targetSize) * 2.0 - 1.0;\n}\n\nvoid main(void){\n float cosRotation = cos(aRotation);\n float sinRotation = sin(aRotation);\n float x = aVertex.x * cosRotation - aVertex.y * sinRotation;\n float y = aVertex.x * sinRotation + aVertex.y * cosRotation;\n\n vec2 v = vec2(x, y);\n v = v + aPosition;\n\n gl_Position = vec4((uTranslationMatrix * vec3(v, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n\n if(uRound == 1.0)\n {\n gl_Position.xy = roundPixels(gl_Position.xy, uResolution);\n }\n\n vUV = aUV;\n vColor = aColor * uColor;\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/shader/particles.wgsl.mjs var wgsl; var init_particles_wgsl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/shader/particles.wgsl.mjs"() { "use strict"; wgsl = "\nstruct ParticleUniforms {\n uProjectionMatrix:mat3x3,\n uResolution:vec2,\n uRoundPixels:f32,\n};\n\n@group(0) @binding(0) var uniforms: ParticleUniforms;\n\n@group(1) @binding(0) var uTexture: texture_2d;\n@group(1) @binding(1) var uSampler : sampler;\n\nstruct VSOutput {\n @builtin(position) position: vec4,\n @location(0) uv : vec2,\n @location(1) color : vec4,\n };\n@vertex\nfn mainVertex(\n @location(0) aVertex: vec2,\n @location(1) aPosition: vec2,\n @location(2) aUV: vec2,\n @location(3) aColor: vec4,\n @location(4) aRotation: f32,\n) -> VSOutput {\n \n let v = vec2(\n aVertex.x * cos(aRotation) - aVertex.y * sin(aRotation),\n aVertex.x * sin(aRotation) + aVertex.y * cos(aRotation)\n ) + aPosition;\n\n let position = vec4((uniforms.uProjectionMatrix * vec3(v, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n\n return VSOutput(\n position,\n aUV,\n aColor,\n );\n}\n\n@fragment\nfn mainFragment(\n @location(0) uv: vec2,\n @location(1) color: vec4,\n @builtin(position) position: vec4,\n) -> @location(0) vec4 {\n\n var sample = textureSample(uTexture, uSampler, uv) * color;\n \n return sample;\n}"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/shader/ParticleShader.mjs var ParticleShader; var init_ParticleShader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/shader/ParticleShader.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_Matrix(); init_GlProgram(); init_GpuProgram(); init_Shader(); init_Texture(); init_TextureStyle(); init_particles_frag(); init_particles_vert(); init_particles_wgsl(); ParticleShader = class extends Shader { constructor() { const glProgram3 = GlProgram.from({ vertex, fragment }); const gpuProgram3 = GpuProgram.from({ fragment: { source: wgsl, entryPoint: "mainFragment" }, vertex: { source: wgsl, entryPoint: "mainVertex" } }); super({ glProgram: glProgram3, gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, resources: { // this will be replaced with the texture from the particle container uTexture: Texture.WHITE.source, // this will be replaced with the texture style from the particle container uSampler: new TextureStyle({}), // this will be replaced with the local uniforms from the particle container uniforms: { uTranslationMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uColor: { value: new Color(16777215), type: "vec4" }, uRound: { value: 1, type: "f32" }, uResolution: { value: [0, 0], type: "vec2" } } } }); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/ParticleContainerPipe.mjs var ParticleContainerPipe; var init_ParticleContainerPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/ParticleContainerPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_UniformGroup(); init_getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(); init_State(); init_colorToUniform(); init_ParticleBuffer(); init_ParticleShader(); ParticleContainerPipe = class { /** * @param renderer - The renderer this sprite batch works for. * @param adaptor */ constructor(renderer, adaptor) { this.state = State.for2d(); this._gpuBufferHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this); this.localUniforms = new UniformGroup({ uTranslationMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uColor: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4" }, uRound: { value: 1, type: "f32" }, uResolution: { value: [0, 0], type: "vec2" } }); this.renderer = renderer; this.adaptor = adaptor; this.defaultShader = new ParticleShader(); this.state = State.for2d(); } validateRenderable(_renderable) { return false; } addRenderable(renderable, instructionSet) { this.renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add(renderable); } getBuffers(renderable) { return this._gpuBufferHash[renderable.uid] || this._initBuffer(renderable); } _initBuffer(renderable) { this._gpuBufferHash[renderable.uid] = new ParticleBuffer({ size: renderable.particleChildren.length, properties: renderable._properties }); renderable.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); return this._gpuBufferHash[renderable.uid]; } updateRenderable(_renderable) { } destroyRenderable(renderable) { const buffer = this._gpuBufferHash[renderable.uid]; buffer.destroy(); this._gpuBufferHash[renderable.uid] = null; renderable.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); } execute(container) { const children = container.particleChildren; if (children.length === 0) { return; } const renderer = this.renderer; const buffer = this.getBuffers(container); container.texture || (container.texture = children[0].texture); const state = this.state; buffer.update(children, container._childrenDirty); container._childrenDirty = false; state.blendMode = getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(container.blendMode, container.texture._source); const uniforms = this.localUniforms.uniforms; const transformationMatrix = uniforms.uTranslationMatrix; container.worldTransform.copyTo(transformationMatrix); transformationMatrix.prepend(renderer.globalUniforms.globalUniformData.projectionMatrix); uniforms.uResolution = renderer.globalUniforms.globalUniformData.resolution; uniforms.uRound = renderer._roundPixels | container._roundPixels; color32BitToUniform( container.groupColorAlpha, uniforms.uColor, 0 ); this.adaptor.execute(this, container); } /** Destroys the ParticleRenderer. */ destroy() { if (this.defaultShader) { this.defaultShader.destroy(); this.defaultShader = null; } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/GlParticleContainerPipe.mjs var GlParticleContainerPipe; var init_GlParticleContainerPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/GlParticleContainerPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_GlParticleContainerAdaptor(); init_ParticleContainerPipe(); GlParticleContainerPipe = class extends ParticleContainerPipe { constructor(renderer) { super(renderer, new GlParticleContainerAdaptor()); } }; GlParticleContainerPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes ], name: "particle" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/gpu/GpuParticleContainerAdaptor.mjs var GpuParticleContainerAdaptor; var init_GpuParticleContainerAdaptor = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/gpu/GpuParticleContainerAdaptor.mjs"() { "use strict"; GpuParticleContainerAdaptor = class { execute(particleContainerPop, container) { const renderer = particleContainerPop.renderer; const shader = container.shader || particleContainerPop.defaultShader; shader.groups[0] = renderer.renderPipes.uniformBatch.getUniformBindGroup(particleContainerPop.localUniforms, true); shader.groups[1] = renderer.texture.getTextureBindGroup(container.texture); const state = particleContainerPop.state; const buffer = particleContainerPop.getBuffers(container); renderer.encoder.draw({ geometry: buffer.geometry, shader: container.shader || particleContainerPop.defaultShader, state, size: container.particleChildren.length * 6 }); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/GpuParticleContainerPipe.mjs var GpuParticleContainerPipe; var init_GpuParticleContainerPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/GpuParticleContainerPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_GpuParticleContainerAdaptor(); init_ParticleContainerPipe(); GpuParticleContainerPipe = class extends ParticleContainerPipe { constructor(renderer) { super(renderer, new GpuParticleContainerAdaptor()); } }; GpuParticleContainerPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes ], name: "particle" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/init.mjs var init_init8 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_GlParticleContainerPipe(); init_GpuParticleContainerPipe(); extensions.add(GlParticleContainerPipe); extensions.add(GpuParticleContainerPipe); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite/BatchableSprite.mjs var BatchableSprite; var init_BatchableSprite = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite/BatchableSprite.mjs"() { "use strict"; BatchableSprite = class { constructor() { this.batcherName = "default"; this.attributeSize = 4; this.indexSize = 6; this.packAsQuad = true; this.roundPixels = 0; this._attributeStart = 0; this._batcher = null; this._batch = null; } get blendMode() { return this.renderable.groupBlendMode; } get color() { return this.renderable.groupColorAlpha; } reset() { this.renderable = null; this.texture = null; this._batcher = null; this._batch = null; this.bounds = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/canvas/CanvasTextPipe.mjs var CanvasTextPipe; var init_CanvasTextPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/canvas/CanvasTextPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_updateQuadBounds(); init_PoolGroup(); init_BatchableSprite(); CanvasTextPipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._gpuText = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this); this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.runners.resolutionChange.add(this); this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuText"); } resolutionChange() { for (const i3 in this._gpuText) { const gpuText = this._gpuText[i3]; if (!gpuText) continue; const text = gpuText.batchableSprite.renderable; if (text._autoResolution) { text._resolution = this._renderer.resolution; text.onViewUpdate(); } } } validateRenderable(text) { const gpuText = this._getGpuText(text); const newKey = text._getKey(); if (gpuText.currentKey !== newKey) { return true; } return false; } addRenderable(text, instructionSet) { const gpuText = this._getGpuText(text); const batchableSprite = gpuText.batchableSprite; if (text._didTextUpdate) { this._updateText(text); } this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.addToBatch(batchableSprite, instructionSet); } updateRenderable(text) { const gpuText = this._getGpuText(text); const batchableSprite = gpuText.batchableSprite; if (text._didTextUpdate) { this._updateText(text); } batchableSprite._batcher.updateElement(batchableSprite); } destroyRenderable(text) { text.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); this._destroyRenderableById(text.uid); } _destroyRenderableById(textUid) { const gpuText = this._gpuText[textUid]; this._renderer.canvasText.decreaseReferenceCount(gpuText.currentKey); BigPool.return(gpuText.batchableSprite); this._gpuText[textUid] = null; } _updateText(text) { const newKey = text._getKey(); const gpuText = this._getGpuText(text); const batchableSprite = gpuText.batchableSprite; if (gpuText.currentKey !== newKey) { this._updateGpuText(text); } text._didTextUpdate = false; const padding = text._style.padding; updateQuadBounds(batchableSprite.bounds, text._anchor, batchableSprite.texture, padding); } _updateGpuText(text) { const gpuText = this._getGpuText(text); const batchableSprite = gpuText.batchableSprite; if (gpuText.texture) { this._renderer.canvasText.decreaseReferenceCount(gpuText.currentKey); } gpuText.texture = batchableSprite.texture = this._renderer.canvasText.getManagedTexture(text); gpuText.currentKey = text._getKey(); batchableSprite.texture = gpuText.texture; } _getGpuText(text) { return this._gpuText[text.uid] || this.initGpuText(text); } initGpuText(text) { const gpuTextData = { texture: null, currentKey: "--", batchableSprite: BigPool.get(BatchableSprite) }; gpuTextData.batchableSprite.renderable = text; gpuTextData.batchableSprite.transform = text.groupTransform; gpuTextData.batchableSprite.bounds = { minX: 0, maxX: 1, minY: 0, maxY: 0 }; gpuTextData.batchableSprite.roundPixels = this._renderer._roundPixels | text._roundPixels; this._gpuText[text.uid] = gpuTextData; text._resolution = text._autoResolution ? this._renderer.resolution : text.resolution; this._updateText(text); text.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); return gpuTextData; } destroy() { for (const i3 in this._gpuText) { this._destroyRenderableById(i3); } this._gpuText = null; this._renderer = null; } }; CanvasTextPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "text" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/CanvasPool.mjs var CanvasPoolClass, CanvasPool; var init_CanvasPool = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/CanvasPool.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_pow2(); CanvasPoolClass = class { constructor(canvasOptions) { this._canvasPool = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.canvasOptions = canvasOptions || {}; this.enableFullScreen = false; } /** * Creates texture with params that were specified in pool constructor. * @param pixelWidth - Width of texture in pixels. * @param pixelHeight - Height of texture in pixels. */ _createCanvasAndContext(pixelWidth, pixelHeight) { const canvas2 = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(); canvas2.width = pixelWidth; canvas2.height = pixelHeight; const context2 = canvas2.getContext("2d"); return { canvas: canvas2, context: context2 }; } /** * Gets a Power-of-Two render texture or fullScreen texture * @param minWidth - The minimum width of the render texture. * @param minHeight - The minimum height of the render texture. * @param resolution - The resolution of the render texture. * @returns The new render texture. */ getOptimalCanvasAndContext(minWidth, minHeight, resolution = 1) { minWidth = Math.ceil(minWidth * resolution - 1e-6); minHeight = Math.ceil(minHeight * resolution - 1e-6); minWidth = nextPow2(minWidth); minHeight = nextPow2(minHeight); const key = (minWidth << 17) + (minHeight << 1); if (!this._canvasPool[key]) { this._canvasPool[key] = []; } let canvasAndContext = this._canvasPool[key].pop(); if (!canvasAndContext) { canvasAndContext = this._createCanvasAndContext(minWidth, minHeight); } return canvasAndContext; } /** * Place a render texture back into the pool. * @param canvasAndContext */ returnCanvasAndContext(canvasAndContext) { const canvas2 = canvasAndContext.canvas; const { width, height } = canvas2; const key = (width << 17) + (height << 1); canvasAndContext.context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); this._canvasPool[key].push(canvasAndContext); } clear() { this._canvasPool = {}; } }; CanvasPool = new CanvasPoolClass(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/TexturePool.mjs var count, TexturePoolClass, TexturePool; var init_TexturePool = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/TexturePool.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_pow2(); init_TextureSource(); init_Texture(); count = 0; TexturePoolClass = class { /** * @param textureOptions - options that will be passed to BaseRenderTexture constructor * @param {SCALE_MODE} [textureOptions.scaleMode] - See {@link SCALE_MODE} for possible values. */ constructor(textureOptions) { this._poolKeyHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._texturePool = {}; this.textureOptions = textureOptions || {}; this.enableFullScreen = false; } /** * Creates texture with params that were specified in pool constructor. * @param pixelWidth - Width of texture in pixels. * @param pixelHeight - Height of texture in pixels. * @param antialias */ createTexture(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, antialias) { const textureSource = new TextureSource({ ...this.textureOptions, width: pixelWidth, height: pixelHeight, resolution: 1, antialias, autoGarbageCollect: true }); return new Texture({ source: textureSource, label: `texturePool_${count++}` }); } /** * Gets a Power-of-Two render texture or fullScreen texture * @param frameWidth - The minimum width of the render texture. * @param frameHeight - The minimum height of the render texture. * @param resolution - The resolution of the render texture. * @param antialias * @returns The new render texture. */ getOptimalTexture(frameWidth, frameHeight, resolution = 1, antialias) { let po2Width = Math.ceil(frameWidth * resolution - 1e-6); let po2Height = Math.ceil(frameHeight * resolution - 1e-6); po2Width = nextPow2(po2Width); po2Height = nextPow2(po2Height); const key = (po2Width << 17) + (po2Height << 1) + (antialias ? 1 : 0); if (!this._texturePool[key]) { this._texturePool[key] = []; } let texture = this._texturePool[key].pop(); if (!texture) { texture = this.createTexture(po2Width, po2Height, antialias); } texture.source._resolution = resolution; texture.source.width = po2Width / resolution; texture.source.height = po2Height / resolution; texture.source.pixelWidth = po2Width; texture.source.pixelHeight = po2Height; texture.frame.x = 0; texture.frame.y = 0; texture.frame.width = frameWidth; texture.frame.height = frameHeight; texture.updateUvs(); this._poolKeyHash[texture.uid] = key; return texture; } /** * Gets extra texture of the same size as input renderTexture * @param texture - The texture to check what size it is. * @param antialias - Whether to use antialias. * @returns A texture that is a power of two */ getSameSizeTexture(texture, antialias = false) { const source7 = texture.source; return this.getOptimalTexture(texture.width, texture.height, source7._resolution, antialias); } /** * Place a render texture back into the pool. * @param renderTexture - The renderTexture to free */ returnTexture(renderTexture) { const key = this._poolKeyHash[renderTexture.uid]; this._texturePool[key].push(renderTexture); } /** * Clears the pool. * @param destroyTextures - Destroy all stored textures. */ clear(destroyTextures) { destroyTextures = destroyTextures !== false; if (destroyTextures) { for (const i3 in this._texturePool) { const textures = this._texturePool[i3]; if (textures) { for (let j2 = 0; j2 < textures.length; j2++) { textures[j2].destroy(true); } } } } this._texturePool = {}; } }; TexturePool = new TexturePoolClass(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/canvas/getCanvasBoundingBox.mjs function checkRow(data, width, y2) { for (let x2 = 0, index = 4 * y2 * width; x2 < width; ++x2, index += 4) { if (data[index + 3] !== 0) return false; } return true; } function checkColumn(data, width, x2, top, bottom) { const stride = 4 * width; for (let y2 = top, index = top * stride + 4 * x2; y2 <= bottom; ++y2, index += stride) { if (data[index + 3] !== 0) return false; } return true; } function getCanvasBoundingBox(canvas2, resolution = 1) { const { width, height } = canvas2; const context2 = canvas2.getContext("2d", { willReadFrequently: true }); if (context2 === null) { throw new TypeError("Failed to get canvas 2D context"); } const imageData = context2.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); const data = imageData.data; let left = 0; let top = 0; let right = width - 1; let bottom = height - 1; while (top < height && checkRow(data, width, top)) ++top; if (top === height) return Rectangle.EMPTY; while (checkRow(data, width, bottom)) --bottom; while (checkColumn(data, width, left, top, bottom)) ++left; while (checkColumn(data, width, right, top, bottom)) --right; ++right; ++bottom; return new Rectangle(left / resolution, top / resolution, (right - left) / resolution, (bottom - top) / resolution); } var init_getCanvasBoundingBox = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/canvas/getCanvasBoundingBox.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Rectangle(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/fill/FillGradient.mjs var _FillGradient, FillGradient; var init_FillGradient = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/fill/FillGradient.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_adapter(); init_Matrix(); init_ImageSource(); init_Texture(); init_uid(); _FillGradient = class _FillGradient2 { constructor(x0, y0, x1, y1) { this.uid = uid("fillGradient"); this.type = "linear"; this.gradientStops = []; this._styleKey = null; this.x0 = x0; this.y0 = y0; this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; } addColorStop(offset, color) { this.gradientStops.push({ offset, color: Color.shared.setValue(color).toHexa() }); this._styleKey = null; return this; } // TODO move to the system! buildLinearGradient() { const defaultSize = _FillGradient2.defaultTextureSize; const { gradientStops } = this; const canvas2 = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(); canvas2.width = defaultSize; canvas2.height = defaultSize; const ctx = canvas2.getContext("2d"); const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, _FillGradient2.defaultTextureSize, 1); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < gradientStops.length; i3++) { const stop = gradientStops[i3]; gradient.addColorStop(stop.offset, stop.color); } ctx.fillStyle = gradient; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, defaultSize, defaultSize); this.texture = new Texture({ source: new ImageSource({ resource: canvas2, addressModeU: "clamp-to-edge", addressModeV: "repeat" }) }); const { x0, y0, x1, y1 } = this; const m2 = new Matrix(); const dx = x1 - x0; const dy = y1 - y0; const dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); const angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx); m2.translate(-x0, -y0); m2.scale(1 / defaultSize, 1 / defaultSize); m2.rotate(-angle); m2.scale(256 / dist, 1); this.transform = m2; this._styleKey = null; } get styleKey() { if (this._styleKey) { return this._styleKey; } const stops = this.gradientStops.map((stop) => `${stop.offset}-${stop.color}`).join("-"); const texture = this.texture.uid; const transform2 = this.transform.toArray().join("-"); return `fill-gradient-${this.uid}-${stops}-${texture}-${transform2}-${this.x0}-${this.y0}-${this.x1}-${this.y1}`; } }; _FillGradient.defaultTextureSize = 256; FillGradient = _FillGradient; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/fill/FillPattern.mjs var repetitionMap, FillPattern; var init_FillPattern = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/fill/FillPattern.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_uid(); repetitionMap = { repeat: { addressModeU: "repeat", addressModeV: "repeat" }, "repeat-x": { addressModeU: "repeat", addressModeV: "clamp-to-edge" }, "repeat-y": { addressModeU: "clamp-to-edge", addressModeV: "repeat" }, "no-repeat": { addressModeU: "clamp-to-edge", addressModeV: "clamp-to-edge" } }; FillPattern = class { constructor(texture, repetition) { this.uid = uid("fillPattern"); this.transform = new Matrix(); this._styleKey = null; this.texture = texture; this.transform.scale( 1 / texture.frame.width, 1 / texture.frame.height ); if (repetition) { texture.source.style.addressModeU = repetitionMap[repetition].addressModeU; texture.source.style.addressModeV = repetitionMap[repetition].addressModeV; } } setTransform(transform2) { const texture = this.texture; this.transform.copyFrom(transform2); this.transform.invert(); this.transform.scale( 1 / texture.frame.width, 1 / texture.frame.height ); this._styleKey = null; } get styleKey() { if (this._styleKey) return this._styleKey; this._styleKey = `fill-pattern-${this.uid}-${this.texture.uid}-${this.transform.toArray().join("-")}`; return this._styleKey; } }; } }); // node_modules/parse-svg-path/index.js var require_parse_svg_path = __commonJS({ "node_modules/parse-svg-path/index.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; module2.exports = parse2; var length = { a: 7, c: 6, h: 1, l: 2, m: 2, q: 4, s: 4, t: 2, v: 1, z: 0 }; var segment = /([astvzqmhlc])([^astvzqmhlc]*)/ig; function parse2(path2) { var data = []; path2.replace(segment, function(_, command, args) { var type = command.toLowerCase(); args = parseValues(args); if (type == "m" && args.length > 2) { data.push([command].concat(args.splice(0, 2))); type = "l"; command = command == "m" ? "l" : "L"; } while (true) { if (args.length == length[type]) { args.unshift(command); return data.push(args); } if (args.length < length[type]) throw new Error("malformed path data"); data.push([command].concat(args.splice(0, length[type]))); } }); return data; } var number = /-?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:e[-+]?\d+)?/ig; function parseValues(args) { var numbers = args.match(number); return numbers ? numbers.map(Number) : []; } } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/svg/SVGToGraphicsPath.mjs function SVGToGraphicsPath(svgPath, path2) { const commands = (0, import_parse_svg_path.default)(svgPath); const subpaths = []; let currentSubPath = null; let lastX = 0; let lastY = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < commands.length; i3++) { const command = commands[i3]; const type = command[0]; const data = command; switch (type) { case "M": lastX = data[1]; lastY = data[2]; path2.moveTo(lastX, lastY); break; case "m": lastX += data[1]; lastY += data[2]; path2.moveTo(lastX, lastY); break; case "H": lastX = data[1]; path2.lineTo(lastX, lastY); break; case "h": lastX += data[1]; path2.lineTo(lastX, lastY); break; case "V": lastY = data[1]; path2.lineTo(lastX, lastY); break; case "v": lastY += data[1]; path2.lineTo(lastX, lastY); break; case "L": lastX = data[1]; lastY = data[2]; path2.lineTo(lastX, lastY); break; case "l": lastX += data[1]; lastY += data[2]; path2.lineTo(lastX, lastY); break; case "C": lastX = data[5]; lastY = data[6]; path2.bezierCurveTo( data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], lastX, lastY ); break; case "c": path2.bezierCurveTo( lastX + data[1], lastY + data[2], lastX + data[3], lastY + data[4], lastX + data[5], lastY + data[6] ); lastX += data[5]; lastY += data[6]; break; case "S": lastX = data[3]; lastY = data[4]; path2.bezierCurveToShort( data[1], data[2], lastX, lastY ); break; case "s": path2.bezierCurveToShort( lastX + data[1], lastY + data[2], lastX + data[3], lastY + data[4] ); lastX += data[3]; lastY += data[4]; break; case "Q": lastX = data[3]; lastY = data[4]; path2.quadraticCurveTo( data[1], data[2], lastX, lastY ); break; case "q": path2.quadraticCurveTo( lastX + data[1], lastY + data[2], lastX + data[3], lastY + data[4] ); lastX += data[3]; lastY += data[4]; break; case "T": lastX = data[1]; lastY = data[2]; path2.quadraticCurveToShort( lastX, lastY ); break; case "t": lastX += data[1]; lastY += data[2]; path2.quadraticCurveToShort( lastX, lastY ); break; case "A": lastX = data[6]; lastY = data[7]; path2.arcToSvg( data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], lastX, lastY ); break; case "a": lastX += data[6]; lastY += data[7]; path2.arcToSvg( data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], lastX, lastY ); break; case "Z": case "z": path2.closePath(); if (subpaths.length > 0) { currentSubPath = subpaths.pop(); if (currentSubPath) { lastX = currentSubPath.startX; lastY = currentSubPath.startY; } else { lastX = 0; lastY = 0; } } currentSubPath = null; break; default: warn(`Unknown SVG path command: ${type}`); } if (type !== "Z" && type !== "z") { if (currentSubPath === null) { currentSubPath = { startX: lastX, startY: lastY }; subpaths.push(currentSubPath); } } } return path2; } var import_parse_svg_path; var init_SVGToGraphicsPath = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/svg/SVGToGraphicsPath.mjs"() { "use strict"; import_parse_svg_path = __toESM(require_parse_svg_path(), 1); init_warn(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/Circle.mjs var Circle; var init_Circle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/Circle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Rectangle(); Circle = class _Circle { /** * @param x - The X coordinate of the center of this circle * @param y - The Y coordinate of the center of this circle * @param radius - The radius of the circle */ constructor(x2 = 0, y2 = 0, radius = 0) { this.type = "circle"; this.x = x2; this.y = y2; this.radius = radius; } /** * Creates a clone of this Circle instance * @returns A copy of the Circle */ clone() { return new _Circle(this.x, this.y, this.radius); } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this circle * @param x - The X coordinate of the point to test * @param y - The Y coordinate of the point to test * @returns Whether the x/y coordinates are within this Circle */ contains(x2, y2) { if (this.radius <= 0) return false; const r2 = this.radius * this.radius; let dx = this.x - x2; let dy = this.y - y2; dx *= dx; dy *= dy; return dx + dy <= r2; } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this circle including the stroke. * @param x - The X coordinate of the point to test * @param y - The Y coordinate of the point to test * @param width - The width of the line to check * @returns Whether the x/y coordinates are within this Circle */ strokeContains(x2, y2, width) { if (this.radius === 0) return false; const dx = this.x - x2; const dy = this.y - y2; const r2 = this.radius; const w2 = width / 2; const distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); return distance < r2 + w2 && distance > r2 - w2; } /** * Returns the framing rectangle of the circle as a Rectangle object * @param out * @returns The framing rectangle */ getBounds(out2) { out2 = out2 || new Rectangle(); out2.x = this.x - this.radius; out2.y = this.y - this.radius; out2.width = this.radius * 2; out2.height = this.radius * 2; return out2; } /** * Copies another circle to this one. * @param circle - The circle to copy from. * @returns Returns itself. */ copyFrom(circle) { this.x = circle.x; this.y = circle.y; this.radius = circle.radius; return this; } /** * Copies this circle to another one. * @param circle - The circle to copy to. * @returns Returns given parameter. */ copyTo(circle) { circle.copyFrom(this); return circle; } toString() { return `[pixi.js/math:Circle x=${this.x} y=${this.y} radius=${this.radius}]`; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/Ellipse.mjs var Ellipse; var init_Ellipse = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/Ellipse.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Rectangle(); Ellipse = class _Ellipse { /** * @param x - The X coordinate of the center of this ellipse * @param y - The Y coordinate of the center of this ellipse * @param halfWidth - The half width of this ellipse * @param halfHeight - The half height of this ellipse */ constructor(x2 = 0, y2 = 0, halfWidth = 0, halfHeight = 0) { this.type = "ellipse"; this.x = x2; this.y = y2; this.halfWidth = halfWidth; this.halfHeight = halfHeight; } /** * Creates a clone of this Ellipse instance * @returns {Ellipse} A copy of the ellipse */ clone() { return new _Ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.halfWidth, this.halfHeight); } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this ellipse * @param x - The X coordinate of the point to test * @param y - The Y coordinate of the point to test * @returns Whether the x/y coords are within this ellipse */ contains(x2, y2) { if (this.halfWidth <= 0 || this.halfHeight <= 0) { return false; } let normx = (x2 - this.x) / this.halfWidth; let normy = (y2 - this.y) / this.halfHeight; normx *= normx; normy *= normy; return normx + normy <= 1; } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this ellipse including stroke * @param x - The X coordinate of the point to test * @param y - The Y coordinate of the point to test * @param width * @returns Whether the x/y coords are within this ellipse */ strokeContains(x2, y2, width) { const { halfWidth, halfHeight } = this; if (halfWidth <= 0 || halfHeight <= 0) { return false; } const halfStrokeWidth = width / 2; const innerA = halfWidth - halfStrokeWidth; const innerB = halfHeight - halfStrokeWidth; const outerA = halfWidth + halfStrokeWidth; const outerB = halfHeight + halfStrokeWidth; const normalizedX = x2 - this.x; const normalizedY = y2 - this.y; const innerEllipse = normalizedX * normalizedX / (innerA * innerA) + normalizedY * normalizedY / (innerB * innerB); const outerEllipse = normalizedX * normalizedX / (outerA * outerA) + normalizedY * normalizedY / (outerB * outerB); return innerEllipse > 1 && outerEllipse <= 1; } /** * Returns the framing rectangle of the ellipse as a Rectangle object * @param out * @returns The framing rectangle */ getBounds(out2) { out2 = out2 || new Rectangle(); out2.x = this.x - this.halfWidth; out2.y = this.y - this.halfHeight; out2.width = this.halfWidth * 2; out2.height = this.halfHeight * 2; return out2; } /** * Copies another ellipse to this one. * @param ellipse - The ellipse to copy from. * @returns Returns itself. */ copyFrom(ellipse) { this.x = ellipse.x; this.y = ellipse.y; this.halfWidth = ellipse.halfWidth; this.halfHeight = ellipse.halfHeight; return this; } /** * Copies this ellipse to another one. * @param ellipse - The ellipse to copy to. * @returns Returns given parameter. */ copyTo(ellipse) { ellipse.copyFrom(this); return ellipse; } toString() { return `[pixi.js/math:Ellipse x=${this.x} y=${this.y} halfWidth=${this.halfWidth} halfHeight=${this.halfHeight}]`; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/misc/squaredDistanceToLineSegment.mjs function squaredDistanceToLineSegment(x2, y2, x1, y1, x22, y22) { const a2 = x2 - x1; const b2 = y2 - y1; const c2 = x22 - x1; const d2 = y22 - y1; const dot = a2 * c2 + b2 * d2; const lenSq = c2 * c2 + d2 * d2; let param = -1; if (lenSq !== 0) { param = dot / lenSq; } let xx; let yy; if (param < 0) { xx = x1; yy = y1; } else if (param > 1) { xx = x22; yy = y22; } else { xx = x1 + param * c2; yy = y1 + param * d2; } const dx = x2 - xx; const dy = y2 - yy; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } var init_squaredDistanceToLineSegment = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/misc/squaredDistanceToLineSegment.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/Polygon.mjs var Polygon; var init_Polygon = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/Polygon.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_squaredDistanceToLineSegment(); init_Rectangle(); Polygon = class _Polygon { /** * @param points - This can be an array of Points * that form the polygon, a flat array of numbers that will be interpreted as [x,y, x,y, ...], or * the arguments passed can be all the points of the polygon e.g. * `new Polygon(new Point(), new Point(), ...)`, or the arguments passed can be flat * x,y values e.g. `new Polygon(x,y, x,y, x,y, ...)` where `x` and `y` are Numbers. */ constructor(...points) { this.type = "polygon"; let flat = Array.isArray(points[0]) ? points[0] : points; if (typeof flat[0] !== "number") { const p2 = []; for (let i3 = 0, il = flat.length; i3 < il; i3++) { p2.push(flat[i3].x, flat[i3].y); } flat = p2; } this.points = flat; this.closePath = true; } /** * Creates a clone of this polygon. * @returns - A copy of the polygon. */ clone() { const points = this.points.slice(); const polygon = new _Polygon(points); polygon.closePath = this.closePath; return polygon; } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates passed to this function are contained within this polygon. * @param x - The X coordinate of the point to test. * @param y - The Y coordinate of the point to test. * @returns - Whether the x/y coordinates are within this polygon. */ contains(x2, y2) { let inside = false; const length = this.points.length / 2; for (let i3 = 0, j2 = length - 1; i3 < length; j2 = i3++) { const xi = this.points[i3 * 2]; const yi = this.points[i3 * 2 + 1]; const xj = this.points[j2 * 2]; const yj = this.points[j2 * 2 + 1]; const intersect = yi > y2 !== yj > y2 && x2 < (xj - xi) * ((y2 - yi) / (yj - yi)) + xi; if (intersect) { inside = !inside; } } return inside; } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this polygon including the stroke. * @param x - The X coordinate of the point to test * @param y - The Y coordinate of the point to test * @param strokeWidth - The width of the line to check * @returns Whether the x/y coordinates are within this polygon */ strokeContains(x2, y2, strokeWidth) { const halfStrokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2; const halfStrokeWidthSqrd = halfStrokeWidth * halfStrokeWidth; const { points } = this; const iterationLength = points.length - (this.closePath ? 0 : 2); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < iterationLength; i3 += 2) { const x1 = points[i3]; const y1 = points[i3 + 1]; const x22 = points[(i3 + 2) % points.length]; const y22 = points[(i3 + 3) % points.length]; const distanceSqrd = squaredDistanceToLineSegment(x2, y2, x1, y1, x22, y22); if (distanceSqrd <= halfStrokeWidthSqrd) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the framing rectangle of the polygon as a Rectangle object * @param out - optional rectangle to store the result * @returns The framing rectangle */ getBounds(out2) { out2 = out2 || new Rectangle(); const points = this.points; let minX = Infinity; let maxX = -Infinity; let minY = Infinity; let maxY = -Infinity; for (let i3 = 0, n2 = points.length; i3 < n2; i3 += 2) { const x2 = points[i3]; const y2 = points[i3 + 1]; minX = x2 < minX ? x2 : minX; maxX = x2 > maxX ? x2 : maxX; minY = y2 < minY ? y2 : minY; maxY = y2 > maxY ? y2 : maxY; } out2.x = minX; out2.width = maxX - minX; out2.y = minY; out2.height = maxY - minY; return out2; } /** * Copies another polygon to this one. * @param polygon - The polygon to copy from. * @returns Returns itself. */ copyFrom(polygon) { this.points = polygon.points.slice(); this.closePath = polygon.closePath; return this; } /** * Copies this polygon to another one. * @param polygon - The polygon to copy to. * @returns Returns given parameter. */ copyTo(polygon) { polygon.copyFrom(this); return polygon; } toString() { return `[pixi.js/math:PolygoncloseStroke=${this.closePath}points=${this.points.reduce((pointsDesc, currentPoint) => `${pointsDesc}, ${currentPoint}`, "")}]`; } /** * Get the last X coordinate of the polygon * @readonly */ get lastX() { return this.points[this.points.length - 2]; } /** * Get the last Y coordinate of the polygon * @readonly */ get lastY() { return this.points[this.points.length - 1]; } /** * Get the first X coordinate of the polygon * @readonly */ get x() { return this.points[this.points.length - 2]; } /** * Get the first Y coordinate of the polygon * @readonly */ get y() { return this.points[this.points.length - 1]; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/RoundedRectangle.mjs var isCornerWithinStroke, RoundedRectangle; var init_RoundedRectangle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/RoundedRectangle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Rectangle(); isCornerWithinStroke = (pX, pY, cornerX, cornerY, radius, halfStrokeWidth) => { const dx = pX - cornerX; const dy = pY - cornerY; const distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); return distance >= radius - halfStrokeWidth && distance <= radius + halfStrokeWidth; }; RoundedRectangle = class _RoundedRectangle { /** * @param x - The X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rounded rectangle * @param y - The Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rounded rectangle * @param width - The overall width of this rounded rectangle * @param height - The overall height of this rounded rectangle * @param radius - Controls the radius of the rounded corners */ constructor(x2 = 0, y2 = 0, width = 0, height = 0, radius = 20) { this.type = "roundedRectangle"; this.x = x2; this.y = y2; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.radius = radius; } /** * Returns the framing rectangle of the rounded rectangle as a Rectangle object * @param out - optional rectangle to store the result * @returns The framing rectangle */ getBounds(out2) { out2 = out2 || new Rectangle(); out2.x = this.x; out2.y = this.y; out2.width = this.width; out2.height = this.height; return out2; } /** * Creates a clone of this Rounded Rectangle. * @returns - A copy of the rounded rectangle. */ clone() { return new _RoundedRectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, this.radius); } /** * Copies another rectangle to this one. * @param rectangle - The rectangle to copy from. * @returns Returns itself. */ copyFrom(rectangle) { this.x = rectangle.x; this.y = rectangle.y; this.width = rectangle.width; this.height = rectangle.height; return this; } /** * Copies this rectangle to another one. * @param rectangle - The rectangle to copy to. * @returns Returns given parameter. */ copyTo(rectangle) { rectangle.copyFrom(this); return rectangle; } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this Rounded Rectangle * @param x - The X coordinate of the point to test. * @param y - The Y coordinate of the point to test. * @returns - Whether the x/y coordinates are within this Rounded Rectangle. */ contains(x2, y2) { if (this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0) { return false; } if (x2 >= this.x && x2 <= this.x + this.width) { if (y2 >= this.y && y2 <= this.y + this.height) { const radius = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.radius, Math.min(this.width, this.height) / 2)); if (y2 >= this.y + radius && y2 <= this.y + this.height - radius || x2 >= this.x + radius && x2 <= this.x + this.width - radius) { return true; } let dx = x2 - (this.x + radius); let dy = y2 - (this.y + radius); const radius2 = radius * radius; if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius2) { return true; } dx = x2 - (this.x + this.width - radius); if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius2) { return true; } dy = y2 - (this.y + this.height - radius); if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius2) { return true; } dx = x2 - (this.x + radius); if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius2) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this rectangle including the stroke. * @param pX - The X coordinate of the point to test * @param pY - The Y coordinate of the point to test * @param strokeWidth - The width of the line to check * @returns Whether the x/y coordinates are within this rectangle */ strokeContains(pX, pY, strokeWidth) { const { x: x2, y: y2, width, height, radius } = this; const halfStrokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2; const innerX = x2 + radius; const innerY = y2 + radius; const innerWidth = width - radius * 2; const innerHeight = height - radius * 2; const rightBound = x2 + width; const bottomBound = y2 + height; if ((pX >= x2 - halfStrokeWidth && pX <= x2 + halfStrokeWidth || pX >= rightBound - halfStrokeWidth && pX <= rightBound + halfStrokeWidth) && pY >= innerY && pY <= innerY + innerHeight) { return true; } if ((pY >= y2 - halfStrokeWidth && pY <= y2 + halfStrokeWidth || pY >= bottomBound - halfStrokeWidth && pY <= bottomBound + halfStrokeWidth) && pX >= innerX && pX <= innerX + innerWidth) { return true; } return ( // Top-left pX < innerX && pY < innerY && isCornerWithinStroke(pX, pY, innerX, innerY, radius, halfStrokeWidth) || pX > rightBound - radius && pY < innerY && isCornerWithinStroke(pX, pY, rightBound - radius, innerY, radius, halfStrokeWidth) || pX > rightBound - radius && pY > bottomBound - radius && isCornerWithinStroke(pX, pY, rightBound - radius, bottomBound - radius, radius, halfStrokeWidth) || pX < innerX && pY > bottomBound - radius && isCornerWithinStroke(pX, pY, innerX, bottomBound - radius, radius, halfStrokeWidth) ); } toString() { return `[pixi.js/math:RoundedRectangle x=${this.x} y=${this.y}width=${this.width} height=${this.height} radius=${this.radius}]`; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildAdaptiveBezier.mjs function buildAdaptiveBezier(points, sX, sY, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, eX, eY, smoothness) { const scale = 1; const smoothing = Math.min( 0.99, // a value of 1.0 actually inverts smoothing, so we cap it at 0.99 Math.max(0, smoothness ?? GraphicsContextSystem.defaultOptions.bezierSmoothness) ); let distanceTolerance = (PATH_DISTANCE_EPSILON - smoothing) / scale; distanceTolerance *= distanceTolerance; begin(sX, sY, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, eX, eY, points, distanceTolerance); return points; } function begin(sX, sY, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, eX, eY, points, distanceTolerance) { recursive(sX, sY, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, eX, eY, points, distanceTolerance, 0); points.push(eX, eY); } function recursive(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, points, distanceTolerance, level) { if (level > RECURSION_LIMIT) { return; } const pi = Math.PI; const x12 = (x1 + x2) / 2; const y12 = (y1 + y2) / 2; const x23 = (x2 + x3) / 2; const y23 = (y2 + y3) / 2; const x34 = (x3 + x4) / 2; const y34 = (y3 + y4) / 2; const x123 = (x12 + x23) / 2; const y123 = (y12 + y23) / 2; const x234 = (x23 + x34) / 2; const y234 = (y23 + y34) / 2; const x1234 = (x123 + x234) / 2; const y1234 = (y123 + y234) / 2; if (level > 0) { let dx = x4 - x1; let dy = y4 - y1; const d2 = Math.abs((x2 - x4) * dy - (y2 - y4) * dx); const d3 = Math.abs((x3 - x4) * dy - (y3 - y4) * dx); let da1; let da2; if (d2 > FLT_EPSILON && d3 > FLT_EPSILON) { if ((d2 + d3) * (d2 + d3) <= distanceTolerance * (dx * dx + dy * dy)) { if (mAngleTolerance < curveAngleToleranceEpsilon) { points.push(x1234, y1234); return; } const a23 = Math.atan2(y3 - y2, x3 - x2); da1 = Math.abs(a23 - Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)); da2 = Math.abs(Math.atan2(y4 - y3, x4 - x3) - a23); if (da1 >= pi) da1 = 2 * pi - da1; if (da2 >= pi) da2 = 2 * pi - da2; if (da1 + da2 < mAngleTolerance) { points.push(x1234, y1234); return; } if (mCuspLimit !== 0) { if (da1 > mCuspLimit) { points.push(x2, y2); return; } if (da2 > mCuspLimit) { points.push(x3, y3); return; } } } } else if (d2 > FLT_EPSILON) { if (d2 * d2 <= distanceTolerance * (dx * dx + dy * dy)) { if (mAngleTolerance < curveAngleToleranceEpsilon) { points.push(x1234, y1234); return; } da1 = Math.abs(Math.atan2(y3 - y2, x3 - x2) - Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)); if (da1 >= pi) da1 = 2 * pi - da1; if (da1 < mAngleTolerance) { points.push(x2, y2); points.push(x3, y3); return; } if (mCuspLimit !== 0) { if (da1 > mCuspLimit) { points.push(x2, y2); return; } } } } else if (d3 > FLT_EPSILON) { if (d3 * d3 <= distanceTolerance * (dx * dx + dy * dy)) { if (mAngleTolerance < curveAngleToleranceEpsilon) { points.push(x1234, y1234); return; } da1 = Math.abs(Math.atan2(y4 - y3, x4 - x3) - Math.atan2(y3 - y2, x3 - x2)); if (da1 >= pi) da1 = 2 * pi - da1; if (da1 < mAngleTolerance) { points.push(x2, y2); points.push(x3, y3); return; } if (mCuspLimit !== 0) { if (da1 > mCuspLimit) { points.push(x3, y3); return; } } } } else { dx = x1234 - (x1 + x4) / 2; dy = y1234 - (y1 + y4) / 2; if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= distanceTolerance) { points.push(x1234, y1234); return; } } } recursive(x1, y1, x12, y12, x123, y123, x1234, y1234, points, distanceTolerance, level + 1); recursive(x1234, y1234, x234, y234, x34, y34, x4, y4, points, distanceTolerance, level + 1); } var RECURSION_LIMIT, FLT_EPSILON, PATH_DISTANCE_EPSILON, curveAngleToleranceEpsilon, mAngleTolerance, mCuspLimit; var init_buildAdaptiveBezier = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildAdaptiveBezier.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_GraphicsContextSystem(); RECURSION_LIMIT = 8; FLT_EPSILON = 11920929e-14; PATH_DISTANCE_EPSILON = 1; curveAngleToleranceEpsilon = 0.01; mAngleTolerance = 0; mCuspLimit = 0; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildAdaptiveQuadratic.mjs function buildAdaptiveQuadratic(points, sX, sY, cp1x, cp1y, eX, eY, smoothness) { const scale = 1; const smoothing = Math.min( 0.99, // a value of 1.0 actually inverts smoothing, so we cap it at 0.99 Math.max(0, smoothness ?? GraphicsContextSystem.defaultOptions.bezierSmoothness) ); let distanceTolerance = (PATH_DISTANCE_EPSILON2 - smoothing) / scale; distanceTolerance *= distanceTolerance; begin2(sX, sY, cp1x, cp1y, eX, eY, points, distanceTolerance); return points; } function begin2(sX, sY, cp1x, cp1y, eX, eY, points, distanceTolerance) { recursive2(points, sX, sY, cp1x, cp1y, eX, eY, distanceTolerance, 0); points.push(eX, eY); } function recursive2(points, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, distanceTolerance, level) { if (level > RECURSION_LIMIT2) { return; } const pi = Math.PI; const x12 = (x1 + x2) / 2; const y12 = (y1 + y2) / 2; const x23 = (x2 + x3) / 2; const y23 = (y2 + y3) / 2; const x123 = (x12 + x23) / 2; const y123 = (y12 + y23) / 2; let dx = x3 - x1; let dy = y3 - y1; const d2 = Math.abs((x2 - x3) * dy - (y2 - y3) * dx); if (d2 > FLT_EPSILON2) { if (d2 * d2 <= distanceTolerance * (dx * dx + dy * dy)) { if (mAngleTolerance2 < curveAngleToleranceEpsilon2) { points.push(x123, y123); return; } let da = Math.abs(Math.atan2(y3 - y2, x3 - x2) - Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)); if (da >= pi) da = 2 * pi - da; if (da < mAngleTolerance2) { points.push(x123, y123); return; } } } else { dx = x123 - (x1 + x3) / 2; dy = y123 - (y1 + y3) / 2; if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= distanceTolerance) { points.push(x123, y123); return; } } recursive2(points, x1, y1, x12, y12, x123, y123, distanceTolerance, level + 1); recursive2(points, x123, y123, x23, y23, x3, y3, distanceTolerance, level + 1); } var RECURSION_LIMIT2, FLT_EPSILON2, PATH_DISTANCE_EPSILON2, curveAngleToleranceEpsilon2, mAngleTolerance2; var init_buildAdaptiveQuadratic = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildAdaptiveQuadratic.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_GraphicsContextSystem(); RECURSION_LIMIT2 = 8; FLT_EPSILON2 = 11920929e-14; PATH_DISTANCE_EPSILON2 = 1; curveAngleToleranceEpsilon2 = 0.01; mAngleTolerance2 = 0; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildArc.mjs function buildArc(points, x2, y2, radius, start, end, clockwise, steps) { let dist = Math.abs(start - end); if (!clockwise && start > end) { dist = 2 * Math.PI - dist; } else if (clockwise && end > start) { dist = 2 * Math.PI - dist; } steps = steps || Math.max(6, Math.floor(6 * Math.pow(radius, 1 / 3) * (dist / Math.PI))); steps = Math.max(steps, 3); let f2 = dist / steps; let t2 = start; f2 *= clockwise ? -1 : 1; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < steps + 1; i3++) { const cs = Math.cos(t2); const sn = Math.sin(t2); const nx = x2 + cs * radius; const ny = y2 + sn * radius; points.push(nx, ny); t2 += f2; } } var init_buildArc = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildArc.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildArcTo.mjs function buildArcTo(points, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) { const fromX = points[points.length - 2]; const fromY = points[points.length - 1]; const a1 = fromY - y1; const b1 = fromX - x1; const a2 = y2 - y1; const b2 = x2 - x1; const mm = Math.abs(a1 * b2 - b1 * a2); if (mm < 1e-8 || radius === 0) { if (points[points.length - 2] !== x1 || points[points.length - 1] !== y1) { points.push(x1, y1); } return; } const dd = a1 * a1 + b1 * b1; const cc = a2 * a2 + b2 * b2; const tt = a1 * a2 + b1 * b2; const k1 = radius * Math.sqrt(dd) / mm; const k2 = radius * Math.sqrt(cc) / mm; const j1 = k1 * tt / dd; const j2 = k2 * tt / cc; const cx = k1 * b2 + k2 * b1; const cy = k1 * a2 + k2 * a1; const px = b1 * (k2 + j1); const py = a1 * (k2 + j1); const qx = b2 * (k1 + j2); const qy = a2 * (k1 + j2); const startAngle = Math.atan2(py - cy, px - cx); const endAngle = Math.atan2(qy - cy, qx - cx); buildArc( points, cx + x1, cy + y1, radius, startAngle, endAngle, b1 * a2 > b2 * a1 ); } var init_buildArcTo = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildArcTo.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_buildArc(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildArcToSvg.mjs function approxUnitArc(ang1, ang2) { const a1 = ang2 === -1.5707963267948966 ? -0.551915024494 : 4 / 3 * Math.tan(ang2 / 4); const a2 = ang2 === 1.5707963267948966 ? 0.551915024494 : a1; const x1 = Math.cos(ang1); const y1 = Math.sin(ang1); const x2 = Math.cos(ang1 + ang2); const y2 = Math.sin(ang1 + ang2); return [ { x: x1 - y1 * a2, y: y1 + x1 * a2 }, { x: x2 + y2 * a2, y: y2 - x2 * a2 }, { x: x2, y: y2 } ]; } function buildArcToSvg(points, px, py, cx, cy, rx, ry, xAxisRotation = 0, largeArcFlag = 0, sweepFlag = 0) { if (rx === 0 || ry === 0) { return; } const sinPhi = Math.sin(xAxisRotation * TAU / 360); const cosPhi = Math.cos(xAxisRotation * TAU / 360); const pxp = cosPhi * (px - cx) / 2 + sinPhi * (py - cy) / 2; const pyp = -sinPhi * (px - cx) / 2 + cosPhi * (py - cy) / 2; if (pxp === 0 && pyp === 0) { return; } rx = Math.abs(rx); ry = Math.abs(ry); const lambda = Math.pow(pxp, 2) / Math.pow(rx, 2) + Math.pow(pyp, 2) / Math.pow(ry, 2); if (lambda > 1) { rx *= Math.sqrt(lambda); ry *= Math.sqrt(lambda); } getArcCenter( px, py, cx, cy, rx, ry, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, sinPhi, cosPhi, pxp, pyp, out ); let { ang1, ang2 } = out; const { centerX, centerY } = out; let ratio = Math.abs(ang2) / (TAU / 4); if (Math.abs(1 - ratio) < 1e-7) { ratio = 1; } const segments = Math.max(Math.ceil(ratio), 1); ang2 /= segments; let lastX = points[points.length - 2]; let lastY = points[points.length - 1]; const outCurvePoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < segments; i3++) { const curve = approxUnitArc(ang1, ang2); const { x: x1, y: y1 } = mapToEllipse(curve[0], rx, ry, cosPhi, sinPhi, centerX, centerY, outCurvePoint); const { x: x2, y: y2 } = mapToEllipse(curve[1], rx, ry, cosPhi, sinPhi, centerX, centerY, outCurvePoint); const { x: x3, y: y3 } = mapToEllipse(curve[2], rx, ry, cosPhi, sinPhi, centerX, centerY, outCurvePoint); buildAdaptiveBezier( points, lastX, lastY, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ); lastX = x3; lastY = y3; ang1 += ang2; } } var TAU, out, mapToEllipse, vectorAngle, getArcCenter; var init_buildArcToSvg = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/buildCommands/buildArcToSvg.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_buildAdaptiveBezier(); TAU = Math.PI * 2; out = { centerX: 0, centerY: 0, ang1: 0, ang2: 0 }; mapToEllipse = ({ x: x2, y: y2 }, rx, ry, cosPhi, sinPhi, centerX, centerY, out2) => { x2 *= rx; y2 *= ry; const xp = cosPhi * x2 - sinPhi * y2; const yp = sinPhi * x2 + cosPhi * y2; out2.x = xp + centerX; out2.y = yp + centerY; return out2; }; vectorAngle = (ux2, uy2, vx2, vy2) => { const sign = ux2 * vy2 - uy2 * vx2 < 0 ? -1 : 1; let dot = ux2 * vx2 + uy2 * vy2; if (dot > 1) { dot = 1; } if (dot < -1) { dot = -1; } return sign * Math.acos(dot); }; getArcCenter = (px, py, cx, cy, rx, ry, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, sinPhi, cosPhi, pxp, pyp, out2) => { const rxSq = Math.pow(rx, 2); const rySq = Math.pow(ry, 2); const pxpSq = Math.pow(pxp, 2); const pypSq = Math.pow(pyp, 2); let radicant = rxSq * rySq - rxSq * pypSq - rySq * pxpSq; if (radicant < 0) { radicant = 0; } radicant /= rxSq * pypSq + rySq * pxpSq; radicant = Math.sqrt(radicant) * (largeArcFlag === sweepFlag ? -1 : 1); const centerXp = radicant * rx / ry * pyp; const centerYp = radicant * -ry / rx * pxp; const centerX = cosPhi * centerXp - sinPhi * centerYp + (px + cx) / 2; const centerY = sinPhi * centerXp + cosPhi * centerYp + (py + cy) / 2; const vx1 = (pxp - centerXp) / rx; const vy1 = (pyp - centerYp) / ry; const vx2 = (-pxp - centerXp) / rx; const vy2 = (-pyp - centerYp) / ry; const ang1 = vectorAngle(1, 0, vx1, vy1); let ang2 = vectorAngle(vx1, vy1, vx2, vy2); if (sweepFlag === 0 && ang2 > 0) { ang2 -= TAU; } if (sweepFlag === 1 && ang2 < 0) { ang2 += TAU; } out2.centerX = centerX; out2.centerY = centerY; out2.ang1 = ang1; out2.ang2 = ang2; }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/path/roundShape.mjs function roundedShapeArc(g2, points, radius) { const vecFrom = (p2, pp) => { const x2 = pp.x - p2.x; const y2 = pp.y - p2.y; const len = Math.sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2); const nx = x2 / len; const ny = y2 / len; return { len, nx, ny }; }; const sharpCorner = (i3, p2) => { if (i3 === 0) { g2.moveTo(p2.x, p2.y); } else { g2.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y); } }; let p1 = points[points.length - 1]; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < points.length; i3++) { const p2 = points[i3 % points.length]; const pRadius = p2.radius ?? radius; if (pRadius <= 0) { sharpCorner(i3, p2); p1 = p2; continue; } const p3 = points[(i3 + 1) % points.length]; const v1 = vecFrom(p2, p1); const v2 = vecFrom(p2, p3); if (v1.len < 1e-4 || v2.len < 1e-4) { sharpCorner(i3, p2); p1 = p2; continue; } let angle = Math.asin(v1.nx * v2.ny - v1.ny * v2.nx); let radDirection = 1; let drawDirection = false; if (v1.nx * v2.nx - v1.ny * -v2.ny < 0) { if (angle < 0) { angle = Math.PI + angle; } else { angle = Math.PI - angle; radDirection = -1; drawDirection = true; } } else if (angle > 0) { radDirection = -1; drawDirection = true; } const halfAngle = angle / 2; let cRadius; let lenOut = Math.abs( Math.cos(halfAngle) * pRadius / Math.sin(halfAngle) ); if (lenOut > Math.min(v1.len / 2, v2.len / 2)) { lenOut = Math.min(v1.len / 2, v2.len / 2); cRadius = Math.abs(lenOut * Math.sin(halfAngle) / Math.cos(halfAngle)); } else { cRadius = pRadius; } const cX = p2.x + v2.nx * lenOut + -v2.ny * cRadius * radDirection; const cY = p2.y + v2.ny * lenOut + v2.nx * cRadius * radDirection; const startAngle = Math.atan2(v1.ny, v1.nx) + Math.PI / 2 * radDirection; const endAngle = Math.atan2(v2.ny, v2.nx) - Math.PI / 2 * radDirection; if (i3 === 0) { g2.moveTo( cX + Math.cos(startAngle) * cRadius, cY + Math.sin(startAngle) * cRadius ); } g2.arc(cX, cY, cRadius, startAngle, endAngle, drawDirection); p1 = p2; } } function roundedShapeQuadraticCurve(g2, points, radius, smoothness) { const distance = (p1, p2) => Math.sqrt((p1.x - p2.x) ** 2 + (p1.y - p2.y) ** 2); const pointLerp = (p1, p2, t2) => ({ x: p1.x + (p2.x - p1.x) * t2, y: p1.y + (p2.y - p1.y) * t2 }); const numPoints = points.length; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < numPoints; i3++) { const thisPoint = points[(i3 + 1) % numPoints]; const pRadius = thisPoint.radius ?? radius; if (pRadius <= 0) { if (i3 === 0) { g2.moveTo(thisPoint.x, thisPoint.y); } else { g2.lineTo(thisPoint.x, thisPoint.y); } continue; } const lastPoint = points[i3]; const nextPoint = points[(i3 + 2) % numPoints]; const lastEdgeLength = distance(lastPoint, thisPoint); let start; if (lastEdgeLength < 1e-4) { start = thisPoint; } else { const lastOffsetDistance = Math.min(lastEdgeLength / 2, pRadius); start = pointLerp( thisPoint, lastPoint, lastOffsetDistance / lastEdgeLength ); } const nextEdgeLength = distance(nextPoint, thisPoint); let end; if (nextEdgeLength < 1e-4) { end = thisPoint; } else { const nextOffsetDistance = Math.min(nextEdgeLength / 2, pRadius); end = pointLerp( thisPoint, nextPoint, nextOffsetDistance / nextEdgeLength ); } if (i3 === 0) { g2.moveTo(start.x, start.y); } else { g2.lineTo(start.x, start.y); } g2.quadraticCurveTo(thisPoint.x, thisPoint.y, end.x, end.y, smoothness); } } var init_roundShape = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/path/roundShape.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/path/ShapePath.mjs var tempRectangle, ShapePath; var init_ShapePath = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/path/ShapePath.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Circle(); init_Ellipse(); init_Polygon(); init_Rectangle(); init_RoundedRectangle(); init_Bounds(); init_buildAdaptiveBezier(); init_buildAdaptiveQuadratic(); init_buildArc(); init_buildArcTo(); init_buildArcToSvg(); init_roundShape(); tempRectangle = new Rectangle(); ShapePath = class { constructor(graphicsPath2D) { this.shapePrimitives = []; this._currentPoly = null; this._bounds = new Bounds(); this._graphicsPath2D = graphicsPath2D; } /** * Sets the starting point for a new sub-path. Any subsequent drawing commands are considered part of this path. * @param x - The x-coordinate for the starting point. * @param y - The y-coordinate for the starting point. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ moveTo(x2, y2) { this.startPoly(x2, y2); return this; } /** * Connects the current point to a new point with a straight line. This method updates the current path. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the new point to connect to. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the new point to connect to. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ lineTo(x2, y2) { this._ensurePoly(); const points = this._currentPoly.points; const fromX = points[points.length - 2]; const fromY = points[points.length - 1]; if (fromX !== x2 || fromY !== y2) { points.push(x2, y2); } return this; } /** * Adds an arc to the path. The arc is centered at (x, y) * position with radius `radius` starting at `startAngle` and ending at `endAngle`. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the arc's center. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the arc's center. * @param radius - The radius of the arc. * @param startAngle - The starting angle of the arc, in radians. * @param endAngle - The ending angle of the arc, in radians. * @param counterclockwise - Specifies whether the arc should be drawn in the anticlockwise direction. False by default. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ arc(x2, y2, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterclockwise) { this._ensurePoly(false); const points = this._currentPoly.points; buildArc(points, x2, y2, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterclockwise); return this; } /** * Adds an arc to the path with the arc tangent to the line joining two specified points. * The arc radius is specified by `radius`. * @param x1 - The x-coordinate of the first point. * @param y1 - The y-coordinate of the first point. * @param x2 - The x-coordinate of the second point. * @param y2 - The y-coordinate of the second point. * @param radius - The radius of the arc. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) { this._ensurePoly(); const points = this._currentPoly.points; buildArcTo(points, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius); return this; } /** * Adds an SVG-style arc to the path, allowing for elliptical arcs based on the SVG spec. * @param rx - The x-radius of the ellipse. * @param ry - The y-radius of the ellipse. * @param xAxisRotation - The rotation of the ellipse's x-axis relative * to the x-axis of the coordinate system, in degrees. * @param largeArcFlag - Determines if the arc should be greater than or less than 180 degrees. * @param sweepFlag - Determines if the arc should be swept in a positive angle direction. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the arc's end point. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the arc's end point. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ arcToSvg(rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, x2, y2) { const points = this._currentPoly.points; buildArcToSvg( points, this._currentPoly.lastX, this._currentPoly.lastY, x2, y2, rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag ); return this; } /** * Adds a cubic Bezier curve to the path. * It requires three points: the first two are control points and the third one is the end point. * The starting point is the last point in the current path. * @param cp1x - The x-coordinate of the first control point. * @param cp1y - The y-coordinate of the first control point. * @param cp2x - The x-coordinate of the second control point. * @param cp2y - The y-coordinate of the second control point. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the end point. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the end point. * @param smoothness - Optional parameter to adjust the smoothness of the curve. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x2, y2, smoothness) { this._ensurePoly(); const currentPoly = this._currentPoly; buildAdaptiveBezier( this._currentPoly.points, currentPoly.lastX, currentPoly.lastY, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x2, y2, smoothness ); return this; } /** * Adds a quadratic curve to the path. It requires two points: the control point and the end point. * The starting point is the last point in the current path. * @param cp1x - The x-coordinate of the control point. * @param cp1y - The y-coordinate of the control point. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the end point. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the end point. * @param smoothing - Optional parameter to adjust the smoothness of the curve. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ quadraticCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, x2, y2, smoothing) { this._ensurePoly(); const currentPoly = this._currentPoly; buildAdaptiveQuadratic( this._currentPoly.points, currentPoly.lastX, currentPoly.lastY, cp1x, cp1y, x2, y2, smoothing ); return this; } /** * Closes the current path by drawing a straight line back to the start. * If the shape is already closed or there are no points in the path, this method does nothing. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ closePath() { this.endPoly(true); return this; } /** * Adds another path to the current path. This method allows for the combination of multiple paths into one. * @param path - The `GraphicsPath` object representing the path to add. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the path before adding it. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ addPath(path2, transform2) { this.endPoly(); if (transform2 && !transform2.isIdentity()) { path2 = path2.clone(true); path2.transform(transform2); } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < path2.instructions.length; i3++) { const instruction = path2.instructions[i3]; this[instruction.action](...instruction.data); } return this; } /** * Finalizes the drawing of the current path. Optionally, it can close the path. * @param closePath - A boolean indicating whether to close the path after finishing. False by default. */ finish(closePath = false) { this.endPoly(closePath); } /** * Draws a rectangle shape. This method adds a new rectangle path to the current drawing. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. * @param w - The width of the rectangle. * @param h - The height of the rectangle. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the rectangle. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ rect(x2, y2, w2, h2, transform2) { this.drawShape(new Rectangle(x2, y2, w2, h2), transform2); return this; } /** * Draws a circle shape. This method adds a new circle path to the current drawing. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the circle. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the circle. * @param radius - The radius of the circle. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the circle. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ circle(x2, y2, radius, transform2) { this.drawShape(new Circle(x2, y2, radius), transform2); return this; } /** * Draws a polygon shape. This method allows for the creation of complex polygons by specifying a sequence of points. * @param points - An array of numbers, or or an array of PointData objects eg [{x,y}, {x,y}, {x,y}] * representing the x and y coordinates of the polygon's vertices, in sequence. * @param close - A boolean indicating whether to close the polygon path. True by default. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the polygon. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ poly(points, close, transform2) { const polygon = new Polygon(points); polygon.closePath = close; this.drawShape(polygon, transform2); return this; } /** * Draws a regular polygon with a specified number of sides. All sides and angles are equal. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the polygon. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the polygon. * @param radius - The radius of the circumscribed circle of the polygon. * @param sides - The number of sides of the polygon. Must be 3 or more. * @param rotation - The rotation angle of the polygon, in radians. Zero by default. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the polygon. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ regularPoly(x2, y2, radius, sides, rotation = 0, transform2) { sides = Math.max(sides | 0, 3); const startAngle = -1 * Math.PI / 2 + rotation; const delta = Math.PI * 2 / sides; const polygon = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < sides; i3++) { const angle = i3 * delta + startAngle; polygon.push( x2 + radius * Math.cos(angle), y2 + radius * Math.sin(angle) ); } this.poly(polygon, true, transform2); return this; } /** * Draws a polygon with rounded corners. * Similar to `regularPoly` but with the ability to round the corners of the polygon. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the polygon. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the polygon. * @param radius - The radius of the circumscribed circle of the polygon. * @param sides - The number of sides of the polygon. Must be 3 or more. * @param corner - The radius of the rounding of the corners. * @param rotation - The rotation angle of the polygon, in radians. Zero by default. * @param smoothness - Optional parameter to adjust the smoothness of the rounding. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ roundPoly(x2, y2, radius, sides, corner, rotation = 0, smoothness) { sides = Math.max(sides | 0, 3); if (corner <= 0) { return this.regularPoly(x2, y2, radius, sides, rotation); } const sideLength = radius * Math.sin(Math.PI / sides) - 1e-3; corner = Math.min(corner, sideLength); const startAngle = -1 * Math.PI / 2 + rotation; const delta = Math.PI * 2 / sides; const internalAngle = (sides - 2) * Math.PI / sides / 2; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < sides; i3++) { const angle = i3 * delta + startAngle; const x0 = x2 + radius * Math.cos(angle); const y0 = y2 + radius * Math.sin(angle); const a1 = angle + Math.PI + internalAngle; const a2 = angle - Math.PI - internalAngle; const x1 = x0 + corner * Math.cos(a1); const y1 = y0 + corner * Math.sin(a1); const x3 = x0 + corner * Math.cos(a2); const y3 = y0 + corner * Math.sin(a2); if (i3 === 0) { this.moveTo(x1, y1); } else { this.lineTo(x1, y1); } this.quadraticCurveTo(x0, y0, x3, y3, smoothness); } return this.closePath(); } /** * Draws a shape with rounded corners. This function supports custom radius for each corner of the shape. * Optionally, corners can be rounded using a quadratic curve instead of an arc, providing a different aesthetic. * @param points - An array of `RoundedPoint` representing the corners of the shape to draw. * A minimum of 3 points is required. * @param radius - The default radius for the corners. * This radius is applied to all corners unless overridden in `points`. * @param useQuadratic - If set to true, rounded corners are drawn using a quadraticCurve * method instead of an arc method. Defaults to false. * @param smoothness - Specifies the smoothness of the curve when `useQuadratic` is true. * Higher values make the curve smoother. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ roundShape(points, radius, useQuadratic = false, smoothness) { if (points.length < 3) { return this; } if (useQuadratic) { roundedShapeQuadraticCurve(this, points, radius, smoothness); } else { roundedShapeArc(this, points, radius); } return this.closePath(); } /** * Draw Rectangle with fillet corners. This is much like rounded rectangle * however it support negative numbers as well for the corner radius. * @param x - Upper left corner of rect * @param y - Upper right corner of rect * @param width - Width of rect * @param height - Height of rect * @param fillet - accept negative or positive values */ filletRect(x2, y2, width, height, fillet) { if (fillet === 0) { return this.rect(x2, y2, width, height); } const maxFillet = Math.min(width, height) / 2; const inset = Math.min(maxFillet, Math.max(-maxFillet, fillet)); const right = x2 + width; const bottom = y2 + height; const dir = inset < 0 ? -inset : 0; const size = Math.abs(inset); return this.moveTo(x2, y2 + size).arcTo(x2 + dir, y2 + dir, x2 + size, y2, size).lineTo(right - size, y2).arcTo(right - dir, y2 + dir, right, y2 + size, size).lineTo(right, bottom - size).arcTo(right - dir, bottom - dir, x2 + width - size, bottom, size).lineTo(x2 + size, bottom).arcTo(x2 + dir, bottom - dir, x2, bottom - size, size).closePath(); } /** * Draw Rectangle with chamfer corners. These are angled corners. * @param x - Upper left corner of rect * @param y - Upper right corner of rect * @param width - Width of rect * @param height - Height of rect * @param chamfer - non-zero real number, size of corner cutout * @param transform */ chamferRect(x2, y2, width, height, chamfer, transform2) { if (chamfer <= 0) { return this.rect(x2, y2, width, height); } const inset = Math.min(chamfer, Math.min(width, height) / 2); const right = x2 + width; const bottom = y2 + height; const points = [ x2 + inset, y2, right - inset, y2, right, y2 + inset, right, bottom - inset, right - inset, bottom, x2 + inset, bottom, x2, bottom - inset, x2, y2 + inset ]; for (let i3 = points.length - 1; i3 >= 2; i3 -= 2) { if (points[i3] === points[i3 - 2] && points[i3 - 1] === points[i3 - 3]) { points.splice(i3 - 1, 2); } } return this.poly(points, true, transform2); } /** * Draws an ellipse at the specified location and with the given x and y radii. * An optional transformation can be applied, allowing for rotation, scaling, and translation. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse. * @param radiusX - The horizontal radius of the ellipse. * @param radiusY - The vertical radius of the ellipse. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the ellipse. This can include rotations. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ ellipse(x2, y2, radiusX, radiusY, transform2) { this.drawShape(new Ellipse(x2, y2, radiusX, radiusY), transform2); return this; } /** * Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. * The corner radius can be specified to determine how rounded the corners should be. * An optional transformation can be applied, which allows for rotation, scaling, and translation of the rectangle. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. * @param w - The width of the rectangle. * @param h - The height of the rectangle. * @param radius - The radius of the rectangle's corners. If not specified, corners will be sharp. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the rectangle. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ roundRect(x2, y2, w2, h2, radius, transform2) { this.drawShape(new RoundedRectangle(x2, y2, w2, h2, radius), transform2); return this; } /** * Draws a given shape on the canvas. * This is a generic method that can draw any type of shape specified by the `ShapePrimitive` parameter. * An optional transformation matrix can be applied to the shape, allowing for complex transformations. * @param shape - The shape to draw, defined as a `ShapePrimitive` object. * @param matrix - An optional `Matrix` for transforming the shape. This can include rotations, * scaling, and translations. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ drawShape(shape, matrix) { this.endPoly(); this.shapePrimitives.push({ shape, transform: matrix }); return this; } /** * Starts a new polygon path from the specified starting point. * This method initializes a new polygon or ends the current one if it exists. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the starting point of the new polygon. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the starting point of the new polygon. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ startPoly(x2, y2) { let currentPoly = this._currentPoly; if (currentPoly) { this.endPoly(); } currentPoly = new Polygon(); currentPoly.points.push(x2, y2); this._currentPoly = currentPoly; return this; } /** * Ends the current polygon path. If `closePath` is set to true, * the path is closed by connecting the last point to the first one. * This method finalizes the current polygon and prepares it for drawing or adding to the shape primitives. * @param closePath - A boolean indicating whether to close the polygon by connecting the last point * back to the starting point. False by default. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ endPoly(closePath = false) { const shape = this._currentPoly; if (shape && shape.points.length > 2) { shape.closePath = closePath; this.shapePrimitives.push({ shape }); } this._currentPoly = null; return this; } _ensurePoly(start = true) { if (this._currentPoly) return; this._currentPoly = new Polygon(); if (start) { const lastShape = this.shapePrimitives[this.shapePrimitives.length - 1]; if (lastShape) { let lx = lastShape.shape.x; let ly = lastShape.shape.y; if (lastShape.transform && !lastShape.transform.isIdentity()) { const t2 = lastShape.transform; const tempX = lx; lx = t2.a * lx + t2.c * ly + t2.tx; ly = t2.b * tempX + t2.d * ly + t2.ty; } this._currentPoly.points.push(lx, ly); } else { this._currentPoly.points.push(0, 0); } } } /** Builds the path. */ buildPath() { const path2 = this._graphicsPath2D; this.shapePrimitives.length = 0; this._currentPoly = null; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < path2.instructions.length; i3++) { const instruction = path2.instructions[i3]; this[instruction.action](...instruction.data); } this.finish(); } /** Gets the bounds of the path. */ get bounds() { const bounds = this._bounds; bounds.clear(); const shapePrimitives = this.shapePrimitives; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < shapePrimitives.length; i3++) { const shapePrimitive = shapePrimitives[i3]; const boundsRect = shapePrimitive.shape.getBounds(tempRectangle); if (shapePrimitive.transform) { bounds.addRect(boundsRect, shapePrimitive.transform); } else { bounds.addRect(boundsRect); } } return bounds; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/path/GraphicsPath.mjs function adjustTransform(currentMatrix, transform2) { if (currentMatrix) { return currentMatrix.prepend(transform2); } return transform2.clone(); } var GraphicsPath; var init_GraphicsPath = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/path/GraphicsPath.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Point(); init_uid(); init_warn(); init_SVGToGraphicsPath(); init_ShapePath(); GraphicsPath = class _GraphicsPath { /** * Creates a `GraphicsPath` instance optionally from an SVG path string or an array of `PathInstruction`. * @param instructions - An SVG path string or an array of `PathInstruction` objects. */ constructor(instructions) { this.instructions = []; this.uid = uid("graphicsPath"); this._dirty = true; if (typeof instructions === "string") { SVGToGraphicsPath(instructions, this); } else { this.instructions = instructions?.slice() ?? []; } } /** * Provides access to the internal shape path, ensuring it is up-to-date with the current instructions. * @returns The `ShapePath` instance associated with this `GraphicsPath`. */ get shapePath() { if (!this._shapePath) { this._shapePath = new ShapePath(this); } if (this._dirty) { this._dirty = false; this._shapePath.buildPath(); } return this._shapePath; } /** * Adds another `GraphicsPath` to this path, optionally applying a transformation. * @param path - The `GraphicsPath` to add. * @param transform - An optional transformation to apply to the added path. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ addPath(path2, transform2) { path2 = path2.clone(); this.instructions.push({ action: "addPath", data: [path2, transform2] }); this._dirty = true; return this; } arc(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "arc", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } arcTo(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "arcTo", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } arcToSvg(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "arcToSvg", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } bezierCurveTo(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "bezierCurveTo", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } /** * Adds a cubic Bezier curve to the path. * It requires two points: the second control point and the end point. The first control point is assumed to be * The starting point is the last point in the current path. * @param cp2x - The x-coordinate of the second control point. * @param cp2y - The y-coordinate of the second control point. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the end point. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the end point. * @param smoothness - Optional parameter to adjust the smoothness of the curve. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ bezierCurveToShort(cp2x, cp2y, x2, y2, smoothness) { const last = this.instructions[this.instructions.length - 1]; const lastPoint = this.getLastPoint(Point.shared); let cp1x = 0; let cp1y = 0; if (!last || last.action !== "bezierCurveTo") { cp1x = lastPoint.x; cp1y = lastPoint.y; } else { cp1x = last.data[2]; cp1y = last.data[3]; const currentX = lastPoint.x; const currentY = lastPoint.y; cp1x = currentX + (currentX - cp1x); cp1y = currentY + (currentY - cp1y); } this.instructions.push({ action: "bezierCurveTo", data: [cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x2, y2, smoothness] }); this._dirty = true; return this; } /** * Closes the current path by drawing a straight line back to the start. * If the shape is already closed or there are no points in the path, this method does nothing. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ closePath() { this.instructions.push({ action: "closePath", data: [] }); this._dirty = true; return this; } ellipse(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "ellipse", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } lineTo(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "lineTo", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } moveTo(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "moveTo", data: args }); return this; } quadraticCurveTo(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "quadraticCurveTo", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } /** * Adds a quadratic curve to the path. It uses the previous point as the control point. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the end point. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the end point. * @param smoothness - Optional parameter to adjust the smoothness of the curve. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ quadraticCurveToShort(x2, y2, smoothness) { const last = this.instructions[this.instructions.length - 1]; const lastPoint = this.getLastPoint(Point.shared); let cpx1 = 0; let cpy1 = 0; if (!last || last.action !== "quadraticCurveTo") { cpx1 = lastPoint.x; cpy1 = lastPoint.y; } else { cpx1 = last.data[0]; cpy1 = last.data[1]; const currentX = lastPoint.x; const currentY = lastPoint.y; cpx1 = currentX + (currentX - cpx1); cpy1 = currentY + (currentY - cpy1); } this.instructions.push({ action: "quadraticCurveTo", data: [cpx1, cpy1, x2, y2, smoothness] }); this._dirty = true; return this; } /** * Draws a rectangle shape. This method adds a new rectangle path to the current drawing. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. * @param w - The width of the rectangle. * @param h - The height of the rectangle. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the rectangle. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ rect(x2, y2, w2, h2, transform2) { this.instructions.push({ action: "rect", data: [x2, y2, w2, h2, transform2] }); this._dirty = true; return this; } /** * Draws a circle shape. This method adds a new circle path to the current drawing. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the circle. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the circle. * @param radius - The radius of the circle. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the circle. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ circle(x2, y2, radius, transform2) { this.instructions.push({ action: "circle", data: [x2, y2, radius, transform2] }); this._dirty = true; return this; } roundRect(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "roundRect", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } poly(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "poly", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } regularPoly(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "regularPoly", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } roundPoly(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "roundPoly", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } roundShape(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "roundShape", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } filletRect(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "filletRect", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } chamferRect(...args) { this.instructions.push({ action: "chamferRect", data: args }); this._dirty = true; return this; } /** * Draws a star shape centered at a specified location. This method allows for the creation * of stars with a variable number of points, outer radius, optional inner radius, and rotation. * The star is drawn as a closed polygon with alternating outer and inner vertices to create the star's points. * An optional transformation can be applied to scale, rotate, or translate the star as needed. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the star. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the star. * @param points - The number of points of the star. * @param radius - The outer radius of the star (distance from the center to the outer points). * @param innerRadius - Optional. The inner radius of the star * (distance from the center to the inner points between the outer points). * If not provided, defaults to half of the `radius`. * @param rotation - Optional. The rotation of the star in radians, where 0 is aligned with the y-axis. * Defaults to 0, meaning one point is directly upward. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the star. * This can include rotations, scaling, and translations. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining further drawing commands. */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len star(x2, y2, points, radius, innerRadius, rotation, transform2) { innerRadius = innerRadius || radius / 2; const startAngle = -1 * Math.PI / 2 + rotation; const len = points * 2; const delta = Math.PI * 2 / len; const polygon = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < len; i3++) { const r2 = i3 % 2 ? innerRadius : radius; const angle = i3 * delta + startAngle; polygon.push( x2 + r2 * Math.cos(angle), y2 + r2 * Math.sin(angle) ); } this.poly(polygon, true, transform2); return this; } /** * Creates a copy of the current `GraphicsPath` instance. This method supports both shallow and deep cloning. * A shallow clone copies the reference of the instructions array, while a deep clone creates a new array and * copies each instruction individually, ensuring that modifications to the instructions of the cloned `GraphicsPath` * do not affect the original `GraphicsPath` and vice versa. * @param deep - A boolean flag indicating whether the clone should be deep. * @returns A new `GraphicsPath` instance that is a clone of the current instance. */ clone(deep = false) { const newGraphicsPath2D = new _GraphicsPath(); if (!deep) { newGraphicsPath2D.instructions = this.instructions.slice(); } else { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.instructions.length; i3++) { const instruction = this.instructions[i3]; newGraphicsPath2D.instructions.push({ action: instruction.action, data: instruction.data.slice() }); } } return newGraphicsPath2D; } clear() { this.instructions.length = 0; this._dirty = true; return this; } /** * Applies a transformation matrix to all drawing instructions within the `GraphicsPath`. * This method enables the modification of the path's geometry according to the provided * transformation matrix, which can include translations, rotations, scaling, and skewing. * * Each drawing instruction in the path is updated to reflect the transformation, * ensuring the visual representation of the path is consistent with the applied matrix. * * Note: The transformation is applied directly to the coordinates and control points of the drawing instructions, * not to the path as a whole. This means the transformation's effects are baked into the individual instructions, * allowing for fine-grained control over the path's appearance. * @param matrix - A `Matrix` object representing the transformation to apply. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining further operations. */ transform(matrix) { if (matrix.isIdentity()) return this; const a2 = matrix.a; const b2 = matrix.b; const c2 = matrix.c; const d2 = matrix.d; const tx = matrix.tx; const ty = matrix.ty; let x2 = 0; let y2 = 0; let cpx1 = 0; let cpy1 = 0; let cpx2 = 0; let cpy2 = 0; let rx = 0; let ry = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.instructions.length; i3++) { const instruction = this.instructions[i3]; const data = instruction.data; switch (instruction.action) { case "moveTo": case "lineTo": x2 = data[0]; y2 = data[1]; data[0] = a2 * x2 + c2 * y2 + tx; data[1] = b2 * x2 + d2 * y2 + ty; break; case "bezierCurveTo": cpx1 = data[0]; cpy1 = data[1]; cpx2 = data[2]; cpy2 = data[3]; x2 = data[4]; y2 = data[5]; data[0] = a2 * cpx1 + c2 * cpy1 + tx; data[1] = b2 * cpx1 + d2 * cpy1 + ty; data[2] = a2 * cpx2 + c2 * cpy2 + tx; data[3] = b2 * cpx2 + d2 * cpy2 + ty; data[4] = a2 * x2 + c2 * y2 + tx; data[5] = b2 * x2 + d2 * y2 + ty; break; case "quadraticCurveTo": cpx1 = data[0]; cpy1 = data[1]; x2 = data[2]; y2 = data[3]; data[0] = a2 * cpx1 + c2 * cpy1 + tx; data[1] = b2 * cpx1 + d2 * cpy1 + ty; data[2] = a2 * x2 + c2 * y2 + tx; data[3] = b2 * x2 + d2 * y2 + ty; break; case "arcToSvg": x2 = data[5]; y2 = data[6]; rx = data[0]; ry = data[1]; data[0] = a2 * rx + c2 * ry; data[1] = b2 * rx + d2 * ry; data[5] = a2 * x2 + c2 * y2 + tx; data[6] = b2 * x2 + d2 * y2 + ty; break; case "circle": data[4] = adjustTransform(data[3], matrix); break; case "rect": data[4] = adjustTransform(data[4], matrix); break; case "ellipse": data[8] = adjustTransform(data[8], matrix); break; case "roundRect": data[5] = adjustTransform(data[5], matrix); break; case "addPath": data[0].transform(matrix); break; case "poly": data[2] = adjustTransform(data[2], matrix); break; default: warn("unknown transform action", instruction.action); break; } } this._dirty = true; return this; } get bounds() { return this.shapePath.bounds; } /** * Retrieves the last point from the current drawing instructions in the `GraphicsPath`. * This method is useful for operations that depend on the path's current endpoint, * such as connecting subsequent shapes or paths. It supports various drawing instructions, * ensuring the last point's position is accurately determined regardless of the path's complexity. * * If the last instruction is a `closePath`, the method iterates backward through the instructions * until it finds an actionable instruction that defines a point (e.g., `moveTo`, `lineTo`, * `quadraticCurveTo`, etc.). For compound paths added via `addPath`, it recursively retrieves * the last point from the nested path. * @param out - A `Point` object where the last point's coordinates will be stored. * This object is modified directly to contain the result. * @returns The `Point` object containing the last point's coordinates. */ getLastPoint(out2) { let index = this.instructions.length - 1; let lastInstruction = this.instructions[index]; if (!lastInstruction) { out2.x = 0; out2.y = 0; return out2; } while (lastInstruction.action === "closePath") { index--; if (index < 0) { out2.x = 0; out2.y = 0; return out2; } lastInstruction = this.instructions[index]; } switch (lastInstruction.action) { case "moveTo": case "lineTo": out2.x = lastInstruction.data[0]; out2.y = lastInstruction.data[1]; break; case "quadraticCurveTo": out2.x = lastInstruction.data[2]; out2.y = lastInstruction.data[3]; break; case "bezierCurveTo": out2.x = lastInstruction.data[4]; out2.y = lastInstruction.data[5]; break; case "arc": case "arcToSvg": out2.x = lastInstruction.data[5]; out2.y = lastInstruction.data[6]; break; case "addPath": lastInstruction.data[0].getLastPoint(out2); break; } return out2; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/svg/SVGParser.mjs function SVGParser(svg, graphicsContext) { if (typeof svg === "string") { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = svg.trim(); svg = div.querySelector("svg"); } const session = { context: graphicsContext, path: new GraphicsPath() }; renderChildren(svg, session, null, null); return graphicsContext; } function renderChildren(svg, session, fillStyle, strokeStyle) { const children = svg.children; const { fillStyle: f1, strokeStyle: s1 } = parseStyle(svg); if (f1 && fillStyle) { fillStyle = { ...fillStyle, ...f1 }; } else if (f1) { fillStyle = f1; } if (s1 && strokeStyle) { strokeStyle = { ...strokeStyle, ...s1 }; } else if (s1) { strokeStyle = s1; } session.context.fillStyle = fillStyle; session.context.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; let x2; let y2; let x1; let y1; let x22; let y22; let cx; let cy; let r2; let rx; let ry; let points; let pointsString; let d2; let graphicsPath; let width; let height; switch (svg.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case "path": d2 = svg.getAttribute("d"); graphicsPath = new GraphicsPath(d2); session.context.path(graphicsPath); if (fillStyle) session.context.fill(); if (strokeStyle) session.context.stroke(); break; case "circle": cx = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "cx", 0); cy = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "cy", 0); r2 = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "r", 0); session.context.ellipse(cx, cy, r2, r2); if (fillStyle) session.context.fill(); if (strokeStyle) session.context.stroke(); break; case "rect": x2 = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "x", 0); y2 = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "y", 0); width = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "width", 0); height = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "height", 0); rx = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "rx", 0); ry = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "ry", 0); if (rx || ry) { session.context.roundRect(x2, y2, width, height, rx || ry); } else { session.context.rect(x2, y2, width, height); } if (fillStyle) session.context.fill(); if (strokeStyle) session.context.stroke(); break; case "ellipse": cx = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "cx", 0); cy = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "cy", 0); rx = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "rx", 0); ry = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "ry", 0); session.context.beginPath(); session.context.ellipse(cx, cy, rx, ry); if (fillStyle) session.context.fill(); if (strokeStyle) session.context.stroke(); break; case "line": x1 = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "x1", 0); y1 = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "y1", 0); x22 = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "x2", 0); y22 = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "y2", 0); session.context.beginPath(); session.context.moveTo(x1, y1); session.context.lineTo(x22, y22); if (strokeStyle) session.context.stroke(); break; case "polygon": pointsString = svg.getAttribute("points"); points = pointsString.match(/\d+/g).map((n2) => parseInt(n2, 10)); session.context.poly(points, true); if (fillStyle) session.context.fill(); if (strokeStyle) session.context.stroke(); break; case "polyline": pointsString = svg.getAttribute("points"); points = pointsString.match(/\d+/g).map((n2) => parseInt(n2, 10)); session.context.poly(points, false); if (strokeStyle) session.context.stroke(); break; case "g": case "svg": break; default: { console.info(`[SVG parser] <${svg.nodeName}> elements unsupported`); break; } } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { renderChildren(children[i3], session, fillStyle, strokeStyle); } } function parseFloatAttribute(svg, id3, defaultValue2) { const value = svg.getAttribute(id3); return value ? Number(value) : defaultValue2; } function parseStyle(svg) { const style = svg.getAttribute("style"); const strokeStyle = {}; const fillStyle = {}; let useFill = false; let useStroke = false; if (style) { const styleParts = style.split(";"); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < styleParts.length; i3++) { const stylePart = styleParts[i3]; const [key, value] = stylePart.split(":"); switch (key) { case "stroke": if (value !== "none") { strokeStyle.color = Color.shared.setValue(value).toNumber(); useStroke = true; } break; case "stroke-width": strokeStyle.width = Number(value); break; case "fill": if (value !== "none") { useFill = true; fillStyle.color = Color.shared.setValue(value).toNumber(); } break; case "fill-opacity": fillStyle.alpha = Number(value); break; case "stroke-opacity": strokeStyle.alpha = Number(value); break; case "opacity": fillStyle.alpha = Number(value); strokeStyle.alpha = Number(value); break; } } } else { const stroke = svg.getAttribute("stroke"); if (stroke && stroke !== "none") { useStroke = true; strokeStyle.color = Color.shared.setValue(stroke).toNumber(); strokeStyle.width = parseFloatAttribute(svg, "stroke-width", 1); } const fill = svg.getAttribute("fill"); if (fill && fill !== "none") { useFill = true; fillStyle.color = Color.shared.setValue(fill).toNumber(); } } return { strokeStyle: useStroke ? strokeStyle : null, fillStyle: useFill ? fillStyle : null }; } var init_SVGParser = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/svg/SVGParser.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_GraphicsPath(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/utils/convertFillInputToFillStyle.mjs function isColorLike(value) { return Color.isColorLike(value); } function isFillPattern(value) { return value instanceof FillPattern; } function isFillGradient(value) { return value instanceof FillGradient; } function handleColorLike(fill, value, defaultStyle) { const temp = Color.shared.setValue(value ?? 0); fill.color = temp.toNumber(); fill.alpha = temp.alpha === 1 ? defaultStyle.alpha : temp.alpha; fill.texture = Texture.WHITE; return { ...defaultStyle, ...fill }; } function handleFillPattern(fill, value, defaultStyle) { fill.fill = value; fill.color = 16777215; fill.texture = value.texture; fill.matrix = value.transform; return { ...defaultStyle, ...fill }; } function handleFillGradient(fill, value, defaultStyle) { value.buildLinearGradient(); fill.fill = value; fill.color = 16777215; fill.texture = value.texture; fill.matrix = value.transform; return { ...defaultStyle, ...fill }; } function handleFillObject(value, defaultStyle) { const style = { ...defaultStyle, ...value }; if (style.texture) { if (style.texture !== Texture.WHITE) { const m2 = style.matrix?.invert() || new Matrix(); m2.translate(style.texture.frame.x, style.texture.frame.y); m2.scale(1 / style.texture.source.width, 1 / style.texture.source.height); style.matrix = m2; } const sourceStyle = style.texture.source.style; if (sourceStyle.addressMode === "clamp-to-edge") { sourceStyle.addressMode = "repeat"; sourceStyle.update(); } } const color = Color.shared.setValue(style.color); style.alpha *= color.alpha; style.color = color.toNumber(); style.matrix = style.matrix ? style.matrix.clone() : null; return style; } function toFillStyle(value, defaultStyle) { if (value === void 0 || value === null) { return null; } const fill = {}; const objectStyle = value; if (isColorLike(value)) { return handleColorLike(fill, value, defaultStyle); } else if (isFillPattern(value)) { return handleFillPattern(fill, value, defaultStyle); } else if (isFillGradient(value)) { return handleFillGradient(fill, value, defaultStyle); } else if (objectStyle.fill && isFillPattern(objectStyle.fill)) { return handleFillPattern(objectStyle, objectStyle.fill, defaultStyle); } else if (objectStyle.fill && isFillGradient(objectStyle.fill)) { return handleFillGradient(objectStyle, objectStyle.fill, defaultStyle); } return handleFillObject(objectStyle, defaultStyle); } function toStrokeStyle(value, defaultStyle) { const { width, alignment, miterLimit, cap, join, ...rest } = defaultStyle; const fill = toFillStyle(value, rest); if (!fill) { return null; } return { width, alignment, miterLimit, cap, join, ...fill }; } var init_convertFillInputToFillStyle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/utils/convertFillInputToFillStyle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_Matrix(); init_Texture(); init_FillGradient(); init_FillPattern(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/GraphicsContext.mjs var tmpPoint, tempMatrix3, _GraphicsContext, GraphicsContext; var init_GraphicsContext = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/GraphicsContext.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_Color(); init_Matrix(); init_Point(); init_Texture(); init_uid(); init_deprecation(); init_Bounds(); init_GraphicsPath(); init_SVGParser(); init_convertFillInputToFillStyle(); tmpPoint = new Point(); tempMatrix3 = new Matrix(); _GraphicsContext = class _GraphicsContext2 extends eventemitter3_default { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.uid = uid("graphicsContext"); this.dirty = true; this.batchMode = "auto"; this.instructions = []; this._activePath = new GraphicsPath(); this._transform = new Matrix(); this._fillStyle = { ..._GraphicsContext2.defaultFillStyle }; this._strokeStyle = { ..._GraphicsContext2.defaultStrokeStyle }; this._stateStack = []; this._tick = 0; this._bounds = new Bounds(); this._boundsDirty = true; } /** * Creates a new GraphicsContext object that is a clone of this instance, copying all properties, * including the current drawing state, transformations, styles, and instructions. * @returns A new GraphicsContext instance with the same properties and state as this one. */ clone() { const clone = new _GraphicsContext2(); clone.batchMode = this.batchMode; clone.instructions = this.instructions.slice(); clone._activePath = this._activePath.clone(); clone._transform = this._transform.clone(); clone._fillStyle = { ...this._fillStyle }; clone._strokeStyle = { ...this._strokeStyle }; clone._stateStack = this._stateStack.slice(); clone._bounds = this._bounds.clone(); clone._boundsDirty = true; return clone; } /** * The current fill style of the graphics context. This can be a color, gradient, pattern, or a more complex style defined by a FillStyle object. */ get fillStyle() { return this._fillStyle; } set fillStyle(value) { this._fillStyle = toFillStyle(value, _GraphicsContext2.defaultFillStyle); } /** * The current stroke style of the graphics context. Similar to fill styles, stroke styles can encompass colors, gradients, patterns, or more detailed configurations via a StrokeStyle object. */ get strokeStyle() { return this._strokeStyle; } set strokeStyle(value) { this._strokeStyle = toStrokeStyle(value, _GraphicsContext2.defaultStrokeStyle); } /** * Sets the current fill style of the graphics context. The fill style can be a color, gradient, * pattern, or a more complex style defined by a FillStyle object. * @param style - The fill style to apply. This can be a simple color, a gradient or pattern object, * or a FillStyle or ConvertedFillStyle object. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ setFillStyle(style) { this._fillStyle = toFillStyle(style, _GraphicsContext2.defaultFillStyle); return this; } /** * Sets the current stroke style of the graphics context. Similar to fill styles, stroke styles can * encompass colors, gradients, patterns, or more detailed configurations via a StrokeStyle object. * @param style - The stroke style to apply. Can be defined as a color, a gradient or pattern, * or a StrokeStyle or ConvertedStrokeStyle object. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ setStrokeStyle(style) { this._strokeStyle = toFillStyle(style, _GraphicsContext2.defaultStrokeStyle); return this; } texture(texture, tint, dx, dy, dw, dh) { this.instructions.push({ action: "texture", data: { image: texture, dx: dx || 0, dy: dy || 0, dw: dw || texture.frame.width, dh: dh || texture.frame.height, transform: this._transform.clone(), alpha: this._fillStyle.alpha, style: tint ? Color.shared.setValue(tint).toNumber() : 16777215 } }); this.onUpdate(); return this; } /** * Resets the current path. Any previous path and its commands are discarded and a new path is * started. This is typically called before beginning a new shape or series of drawing commands. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ beginPath() { this._activePath = new GraphicsPath(); return this; } fill(style, alpha) { let path2; const lastInstruction = this.instructions[this.instructions.length - 1]; if (this._tick === 0 && lastInstruction && lastInstruction.action === "stroke") { path2 = lastInstruction.data.path; } else { path2 = this._activePath.clone(); } if (!path2) return this; if (style != null) { if (alpha !== void 0 && typeof style === "number") { deprecation(v8_0_0, "GraphicsContext.fill(color, alpha) is deprecated, use GraphicsContext.fill({ color, alpha }) instead"); style = { color: style, alpha }; } this._fillStyle = toFillStyle(style, _GraphicsContext2.defaultFillStyle); } this.instructions.push({ action: "fill", // TODO copy fill style! data: { style: this.fillStyle, path: path2 } }); this.onUpdate(); this._initNextPathLocation(); this._tick = 0; return this; } _initNextPathLocation() { const { x: x2, y: y2 } = this._activePath.getLastPoint(Point.shared); this._activePath.clear(); this._activePath.moveTo(x2, y2); } /** * Strokes the current path with the current stroke style. This method can take an optional * FillInput parameter to define the stroke's appearance, including its color, width, and other properties. * @param style - (Optional) The stroke style to apply. Can be defined as a simple color or a more complex style object. If omitted, uses the current stroke style. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ stroke(style) { let path2; const lastInstruction = this.instructions[this.instructions.length - 1]; if (this._tick === 0 && lastInstruction && lastInstruction.action === "fill") { path2 = lastInstruction.data.path; } else { path2 = this._activePath.clone(); } if (!path2) return this; if (style != null) { this._strokeStyle = toStrokeStyle(style, _GraphicsContext2.defaultStrokeStyle); } this.instructions.push({ action: "stroke", // TODO copy fill style! data: { style: this.strokeStyle, path: path2 } }); this.onUpdate(); this._initNextPathLocation(); this._tick = 0; return this; } /** * Applies a cutout to the last drawn shape. This is used to create holes or complex shapes by * subtracting a path from the previously drawn path. If a hole is not completely in a shape, it will * fail to cut correctly! * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ cut() { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < 2; i3++) { const lastInstruction = this.instructions[this.instructions.length - 1 - i3]; const holePath = this._activePath.clone(); if (lastInstruction) { if (lastInstruction.action === "stroke" || lastInstruction.action === "fill") { if (lastInstruction.data.hole) { lastInstruction.data.hole.addPath(holePath); } else { lastInstruction.data.hole = holePath; break; } } } } this._initNextPathLocation(); return this; } /** * Adds an arc to the current path, which is centered at (x, y) with the specified radius, * starting and ending angles, and direction. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the arc's center. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the arc's center. * @param radius - The arc's radius. * @param startAngle - The starting angle, in radians. * @param endAngle - The ending angle, in radians. * @param counterclockwise - (Optional) Specifies whether the arc is drawn counterclockwise (true) or clockwise (false). Defaults to false. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ arc(x2, y2, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterclockwise) { this._tick++; const t2 = this._transform; this._activePath.arc( t2.a * x2 + t2.c * y2 + t2.tx, t2.b * x2 + t2.d * y2 + t2.ty, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterclockwise ); return this; } /** * Adds an arc to the current path with the given control points and radius, connected to the previous point * by a straight line if necessary. * @param x1 - The x-coordinate of the first control point. * @param y1 - The y-coordinate of the first control point. * @param x2 - The x-coordinate of the second control point. * @param y2 - The y-coordinate of the second control point. * @param radius - The arc's radius. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) { this._tick++; const t2 = this._transform; this._activePath.arcTo( t2.a * x1 + t2.c * y1 + t2.tx, t2.b * x1 + t2.d * y1 + t2.ty, t2.a * x2 + t2.c * y2 + t2.tx, t2.b * x2 + t2.d * y2 + t2.ty, radius ); return this; } /** * Adds an SVG-style arc to the path, allowing for elliptical arcs based on the SVG spec. * @param rx - The x-radius of the ellipse. * @param ry - The y-radius of the ellipse. * @param xAxisRotation - The rotation of the ellipse's x-axis relative * to the x-axis of the coordinate system, in degrees. * @param largeArcFlag - Determines if the arc should be greater than or less than 180 degrees. * @param sweepFlag - Determines if the arc should be swept in a positive angle direction. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the arc's end point. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the arc's end point. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ arcToSvg(rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, x2, y2) { this._tick++; const t2 = this._transform; this._activePath.arcToSvg( rx, ry, xAxisRotation, // should we rotate this with transform?? largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, t2.a * x2 + t2.c * y2 + t2.tx, t2.b * x2 + t2.d * y2 + t2.ty ); return this; } /** * Adds a cubic Bezier curve to the path. * It requires three points: the first two are control points and the third one is the end point. * The starting point is the last point in the current path. * @param cp1x - The x-coordinate of the first control point. * @param cp1y - The y-coordinate of the first control point. * @param cp2x - The x-coordinate of the second control point. * @param cp2y - The y-coordinate of the second control point. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the end point. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the end point. * @param smoothness - Optional parameter to adjust the smoothness of the curve. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x2, y2, smoothness) { this._tick++; const t2 = this._transform; this._activePath.bezierCurveTo( t2.a * cp1x + t2.c * cp1y + t2.tx, t2.b * cp1x + t2.d * cp1y + t2.ty, t2.a * cp2x + t2.c * cp2y + t2.tx, t2.b * cp2x + t2.d * cp2y + t2.ty, t2.a * x2 + t2.c * y2 + t2.tx, t2.b * x2 + t2.d * y2 + t2.ty, smoothness ); return this; } /** * Closes the current path by drawing a straight line back to the start. * If the shape is already closed or there are no points in the path, this method does nothing. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ closePath() { this._tick++; this._activePath?.closePath(); return this; } /** * Draws an ellipse at the specified location and with the given x and y radii. * An optional transformation can be applied, allowing for rotation, scaling, and translation. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse. * @param radiusX - The horizontal radius of the ellipse. * @param radiusY - The vertical radius of the ellipse. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ ellipse(x2, y2, radiusX, radiusY) { this._tick++; this._activePath.ellipse(x2, y2, radiusX, radiusY, this._transform.clone()); return this; } /** * Draws a circle shape. This method adds a new circle path to the current drawing. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the circle. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the circle. * @param radius - The radius of the circle. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ circle(x2, y2, radius) { this._tick++; this._activePath.circle(x2, y2, radius, this._transform.clone()); return this; } /** * Adds another `GraphicsPath` to this path, optionally applying a transformation. * @param path - The `GraphicsPath` to add. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ path(path2) { this._tick++; this._activePath.addPath(path2, this._transform.clone()); return this; } /** * Connects the current point to a new point with a straight line. This method updates the current path. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the new point to connect to. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the new point to connect to. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ lineTo(x2, y2) { this._tick++; const t2 = this._transform; this._activePath.lineTo( t2.a * x2 + t2.c * y2 + t2.tx, t2.b * x2 + t2.d * y2 + t2.ty ); return this; } /** * Sets the starting point for a new sub-path. Any subsequent drawing commands are considered part of this path. * @param x - The x-coordinate for the starting point. * @param y - The y-coordinate for the starting point. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ moveTo(x2, y2) { this._tick++; const t2 = this._transform; const instructions = this._activePath.instructions; const transformedX = t2.a * x2 + t2.c * y2 + t2.tx; const transformedY = t2.b * x2 + t2.d * y2 + t2.ty; if (instructions.length === 1 && instructions[0].action === "moveTo") { instructions[0].data[0] = transformedX; instructions[0].data[1] = transformedY; return this; } this._activePath.moveTo( transformedX, transformedY ); return this; } /** * Adds a quadratic curve to the path. It requires two points: the control point and the end point. * The starting point is the last point in the current path. * @param cpx - The x-coordinate of the control point. * @param cpy - The y-coordinate of the control point. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the end point. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the end point. * @param smoothness - Optional parameter to adjust the smoothness of the curve. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x2, y2, smoothness) { this._tick++; const t2 = this._transform; this._activePath.quadraticCurveTo( t2.a * cpx + t2.c * cpy + t2.tx, t2.b * cpx + t2.d * cpy + t2.ty, t2.a * x2 + t2.c * y2 + t2.tx, t2.b * x2 + t2.d * y2 + t2.ty, smoothness ); return this; } /** * Draws a rectangle shape. This method adds a new rectangle path to the current drawing. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. * @param w - The width of the rectangle. * @param h - The height of the rectangle. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ rect(x2, y2, w2, h2) { this._tick++; this._activePath.rect(x2, y2, w2, h2, this._transform.clone()); return this; } /** * Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. * The corner radius can be specified to determine how rounded the corners should be. * An optional transformation can be applied, which allows for rotation, scaling, and translation of the rectangle. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. * @param w - The width of the rectangle. * @param h - The height of the rectangle. * @param radius - The radius of the rectangle's corners. If not specified, corners will be sharp. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ roundRect(x2, y2, w2, h2, radius) { this._tick++; this._activePath.roundRect(x2, y2, w2, h2, radius, this._transform.clone()); return this; } /** * Draws a polygon shape by specifying a sequence of points. This method allows for the creation of complex polygons, * which can be both open and closed. An optional transformation can be applied, enabling the polygon to be scaled, * rotated, or translated as needed. * @param points - An array of numbers, or an array of PointData objects eg [{x,y}, {x,y}, {x,y}] * representing the x and y coordinates, of the polygon's vertices, in sequence. * @param close - A boolean indicating whether to close the polygon path. True by default. */ poly(points, close) { this._tick++; this._activePath.poly(points, close, this._transform.clone()); return this; } /** * Draws a regular polygon with a specified number of sides. All sides and angles are equal. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the polygon. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the polygon. * @param radius - The radius of the circumscribed circle of the polygon. * @param sides - The number of sides of the polygon. Must be 3 or more. * @param rotation - The rotation angle of the polygon, in radians. Zero by default. * @param transform - An optional `Matrix` object to apply a transformation to the polygon. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ regularPoly(x2, y2, radius, sides, rotation = 0, transform2) { this._tick++; this._activePath.regularPoly(x2, y2, radius, sides, rotation, transform2); return this; } /** * Draws a polygon with rounded corners. * Similar to `regularPoly` but with the ability to round the corners of the polygon. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the polygon. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the polygon. * @param radius - The radius of the circumscribed circle of the polygon. * @param sides - The number of sides of the polygon. Must be 3 or more. * @param corner - The radius of the rounding of the corners. * @param rotation - The rotation angle of the polygon, in radians. Zero by default. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ roundPoly(x2, y2, radius, sides, corner, rotation) { this._tick++; this._activePath.roundPoly(x2, y2, radius, sides, corner, rotation); return this; } /** * Draws a shape with rounded corners. This function supports custom radius for each corner of the shape. * Optionally, corners can be rounded using a quadratic curve instead of an arc, providing a different aesthetic. * @param points - An array of `RoundedPoint` representing the corners of the shape to draw. * A minimum of 3 points is required. * @param radius - The default radius for the corners. * This radius is applied to all corners unless overridden in `points`. * @param useQuadratic - If set to true, rounded corners are drawn using a quadraticCurve * method instead of an arc method. Defaults to false. * @param smoothness - Specifies the smoothness of the curve when `useQuadratic` is true. * Higher values make the curve smoother. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ roundShape(points, radius, useQuadratic, smoothness) { this._tick++; this._activePath.roundShape(points, radius, useQuadratic, smoothness); return this; } /** * Draw Rectangle with fillet corners. This is much like rounded rectangle * however it support negative numbers as well for the corner radius. * @param x - Upper left corner of rect * @param y - Upper right corner of rect * @param width - Width of rect * @param height - Height of rect * @param fillet - accept negative or positive values */ filletRect(x2, y2, width, height, fillet) { this._tick++; this._activePath.filletRect(x2, y2, width, height, fillet); return this; } /** * Draw Rectangle with chamfer corners. These are angled corners. * @param x - Upper left corner of rect * @param y - Upper right corner of rect * @param width - Width of rect * @param height - Height of rect * @param chamfer - non-zero real number, size of corner cutout * @param transform */ chamferRect(x2, y2, width, height, chamfer, transform2) { this._tick++; this._activePath.chamferRect(x2, y2, width, height, chamfer, transform2); return this; } /** * Draws a star shape centered at a specified location. This method allows for the creation * of stars with a variable number of points, outer radius, optional inner radius, and rotation. * The star is drawn as a closed polygon with alternating outer and inner vertices to create the star's points. * An optional transformation can be applied to scale, rotate, or translate the star as needed. * @param x - The x-coordinate of the center of the star. * @param y - The y-coordinate of the center of the star. * @param points - The number of points of the star. * @param radius - The outer radius of the star (distance from the center to the outer points). * @param innerRadius - Optional. The inner radius of the star * (distance from the center to the inner points between the outer points). * If not provided, defaults to half of the `radius`. * @param rotation - Optional. The rotation of the star in radians, where 0 is aligned with the y-axis. * Defaults to 0, meaning one point is directly upward. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining further drawing commands. */ star(x2, y2, points, radius, innerRadius = 0, rotation = 0) { this._tick++; this._activePath.star(x2, y2, points, radius, innerRadius, rotation, this._transform.clone()); return this; } /** * Parses and renders an SVG string into the graphics context. This allows for complex shapes and paths * defined in SVG format to be drawn within the graphics context. * @param svg - The SVG string to be parsed and rendered. */ svg(svg) { this._tick++; SVGParser(svg, this); return this; } /** * Restores the most recently saved graphics state by popping the top of the graphics state stack. * This includes transformations, fill styles, and stroke styles. */ restore() { const state = this._stateStack.pop(); if (state) { this._transform = state.transform; this._fillStyle = state.fillStyle; this._strokeStyle = state.strokeStyle; } return this; } /** Saves the current graphics state, including transformations, fill styles, and stroke styles, onto a stack. */ save() { this._stateStack.push({ transform: this._transform.clone(), fillStyle: { ...this._fillStyle }, strokeStyle: { ...this._strokeStyle } }); return this; } /** * Returns the current transformation matrix of the graphics context. * @returns The current transformation matrix. */ getTransform() { return this._transform; } /** * Resets the current transformation matrix to the identity matrix, effectively removing any transformations (rotation, scaling, translation) previously applied. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ resetTransform() { this._transform.identity(); return this; } /** * Applies a rotation transformation to the graphics context around the current origin. * @param angle - The angle of rotation in radians. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ rotate(angle) { this._transform.rotate(angle); return this; } /** * Applies a scaling transformation to the graphics context, scaling drawings by x horizontally and by y vertically. * @param x - The scale factor in the horizontal direction. * @param y - (Optional) The scale factor in the vertical direction. If not specified, the x value is used for both directions. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ scale(x2, y2 = x2) { this._transform.scale(x2, y2); return this; } setTransform(a2, b2, c2, d2, dx, dy) { if (a2 instanceof Matrix) { this._transform.set(a2.a, a2.b, a2.c, a2.d, a2.tx, a2.ty); return this; } this._transform.set(a2, b2, c2, d2, dx, dy); return this; } transform(a2, b2, c2, d2, dx, dy) { if (a2 instanceof Matrix) { this._transform.append(a2); return this; } tempMatrix3.set(a2, b2, c2, d2, dx, dy); this._transform.append(tempMatrix3); return this; } /** * Applies a translation transformation to the graphics context, moving the origin by the specified amounts. * @param x - The amount to translate in the horizontal direction. * @param y - (Optional) The amount to translate in the vertical direction. If not specified, the x value is used for both directions. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ translate(x2, y2 = x2) { this._transform.translate(x2, y2); return this; } /** * Clears all drawing commands from the graphics context, effectively resetting it. This includes clearing the path, * and optionally resetting transformations to the identity matrix. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ clear() { this._activePath.clear(); this.instructions.length = 0; this.resetTransform(); this.onUpdate(); return this; } onUpdate() { if (this.dirty) return; this.emit("update", this, 16); this.dirty = true; this._boundsDirty = true; } /** The bounds of the graphic shape. */ get bounds() { if (!this._boundsDirty) return this._bounds; const bounds = this._bounds; bounds.clear(); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.instructions.length; i3++) { const instruction = this.instructions[i3]; const action = instruction.action; if (action === "fill") { const data = instruction.data; bounds.addBounds(data.path.bounds); } else if (action === "texture") { const data = instruction.data; bounds.addFrame(data.dx, data.dy, data.dx + data.dw, data.dy + data.dh, data.transform); } if (action === "stroke") { const data = instruction.data; const padding = data.style.width / 2; const _bounds = data.path.bounds; bounds.addFrame( _bounds.minX - padding, _bounds.minY - padding, _bounds.maxX + padding, _bounds.maxY + padding ); } } return bounds; } /** * Check to see if a point is contained within this geometry. * @param point - Point to check if it's contained. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the point is contained within geometry. */ containsPoint(point) { if (!this.bounds.containsPoint(point.x, point.y)) return false; const instructions = this.instructions; let hasHit = false; for (let k2 = 0; k2 < instructions.length; k2++) { const instruction = instructions[k2]; const data = instruction.data; const path2 = data.path; if (!instruction.action || !path2) continue; const style = data.style; const shapes = path2.shapePath.shapePrimitives; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < shapes.length; i3++) { const shape = shapes[i3].shape; if (!style || !shape) continue; const transform2 = shapes[i3].transform; const transformedPoint = transform2 ? transform2.applyInverse(point, tmpPoint) : point; if (instruction.action === "fill") { hasHit = shape.contains(transformedPoint.x, transformedPoint.y); } else { hasHit = shape.strokeContains(transformedPoint.x, transformedPoint.y, style.width); } const holes = data.hole; if (holes) { const holeShapes = holes.shapePath?.shapePrimitives; if (holeShapes) { for (let j2 = 0; j2 < holeShapes.length; j2++) { if (holeShapes[j2].shape.contains(transformedPoint.x, transformedPoint.y)) { hasHit = false; } } } } if (hasHit) { return true; } } } return hasHit; } /** * Destroys the GraphicsData object. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * have been set to that value * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the fill/stroke style? * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the texture source of the fill/stroke style? */ destroy(options = false) { this._stateStack.length = 0; this._transform = null; this.emit("destroy", this); this.removeAllListeners(); const destroyTexture = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.texture; if (destroyTexture) { const destroyTextureSource = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.textureSource; if (this._fillStyle.texture) { this._fillStyle.texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } if (this._strokeStyle.texture) { this._strokeStyle.texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } } this._fillStyle = null; this._strokeStyle = null; this.instructions = null; this._activePath = null; this._bounds = null; this._stateStack = null; this.customShader = null; this._transform = null; } }; _GraphicsContext.defaultFillStyle = { /** The color to use for the fill. */ color: 16777215, /** The alpha value to use for the fill. */ alpha: 1, /** The texture to use for the fill. */ texture: Texture.WHITE, /** The matrix to apply. */ matrix: null, /** The fill pattern to use. */ fill: null }; _GraphicsContext.defaultStrokeStyle = { /** The width of the stroke. */ width: 1, /** The color to use for the stroke. */ color: 16777215, /** The alpha value to use for the stroke. */ alpha: 1, /** The alignment of the stroke. */ alignment: 0.5, /** The miter limit to use. */ miterLimit: 10, /** The line cap style to use. */ cap: "butt", /** The line join style to use. */ join: "miter", /** The texture to use for the fill. */ texture: Texture.WHITE, /** The matrix to apply. */ matrix: null, /** The fill pattern to use. */ fill: null }; GraphicsContext = _GraphicsContext; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/utils/generateTextStyleKey.mjs function generateTextStyleKey(style) { const key = []; let index = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < valuesToIterateForKeys.length; i3++) { const prop = `_${valuesToIterateForKeys[i3]}`; key[index++] = style[prop]; } index = addFillStyleKey(style._fill, key, index); index = addStokeStyleKey(style._stroke, key, index); index = addDropShadowKey(style.dropShadow, key, index); return key.join("-"); } function addFillStyleKey(fillStyle, key, index) { if (!fillStyle) return index; key[index++] = fillStyle.color; key[index++] = fillStyle.alpha; key[index++] = fillStyle.fill?.styleKey; return index; } function addStokeStyleKey(strokeStyle, key, index) { if (!strokeStyle) return index; index = addFillStyleKey(strokeStyle, key, index); key[index++] = strokeStyle.width; key[index++] = strokeStyle.alignment; key[index++] = strokeStyle.cap; key[index++] = strokeStyle.join; key[index++] = strokeStyle.miterLimit; return index; } function addDropShadowKey(dropShadow, key, index) { if (!dropShadow) return index; key[index++] = dropShadow.alpha; key[index++] = dropShadow.angle; key[index++] = dropShadow.blur; key[index++] = dropShadow.distance; key[index++] = Color.shared.setValue(dropShadow.color).toNumber(); return index; } var valuesToIterateForKeys; var init_generateTextStyleKey = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/utils/generateTextStyleKey.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); valuesToIterateForKeys = [ "align", "breakWords", "cssOverrides", "fontVariant", "fontWeight", "leading", "letterSpacing", "lineHeight", "padding", "textBaseline", "trim", "whiteSpace", "wordWrap", "wordWrapWidth", "fontFamily", "fontStyle", "fontSize" ]; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/TextStyle.mjs function convertV7Tov8Style(style) { const oldStyle = style; if (typeof oldStyle.dropShadow === "boolean" && oldStyle.dropShadow) { const defaults = TextStyle.defaultDropShadow; style.dropShadow = { alpha: oldStyle.dropShadowAlpha ?? defaults.alpha, angle: oldStyle.dropShadowAngle ?? defaults.angle, blur: oldStyle.dropShadowBlur ?? defaults.blur, color: oldStyle.dropShadowColor ?? defaults.color, distance: oldStyle.dropShadowDistance ?? defaults.distance }; } if (oldStyle.strokeThickness !== void 0) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "strokeThickness is now a part of stroke"); const color = oldStyle.stroke; let obj = {}; if (Color.isColorLike(color)) { obj.color = color; } else if (color instanceof FillGradient || color instanceof FillPattern) { obj.fill = color; } else if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(color, "color") || Object.hasOwnProperty.call(color, "fill")) { obj = color; } else { throw new Error("Invalid stroke value."); } style.stroke = { ...obj, width: oldStyle.strokeThickness }; } if (Array.isArray(oldStyle.fillGradientStops)) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "gradient fill is now a fill pattern: `new FillGradient(...)`"); let fontSize; if (style.fontSize == null) { style.fontSize = TextStyle.defaultTextStyle.fontSize; } else if (typeof style.fontSize === "string") { fontSize = parseInt(style.fontSize, 10); } else { fontSize = style.fontSize; } const gradientFill = new FillGradient(0, 0, 0, fontSize * 1.7); const fills = oldStyle.fillGradientStops.map((color) => Color.shared.setValue(color).toNumber()); fills.forEach((number, index) => { const ratio = index / (fills.length - 1); gradientFill.addColorStop(ratio, number); }); style.fill = { fill: gradientFill }; } } var _TextStyle, TextStyle; var init_TextStyle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/TextStyle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_Color(); init_deprecation(); init_FillGradient(); init_FillPattern(); init_GraphicsContext(); init_convertFillInputToFillStyle(); init_generateTextStyleKey(); _TextStyle = class _TextStyle2 extends eventemitter3_default { constructor(style = {}) { super(); convertV7Tov8Style(style); const fullStyle = { ..._TextStyle2.defaultTextStyle, ...style }; for (const key in fullStyle) { const thisKey = key; this[thisKey] = fullStyle[key]; } this.update(); } /** * Alignment for multiline text, does not affect single line text. * @member {'left'|'center'|'right'|'justify'} */ get align() { return this._align; } set align(value) { this._align = value; this.update(); } /** Indicates if lines can be wrapped within words, it needs wordWrap to be set to true. */ get breakWords() { return this._breakWords; } set breakWords(value) { this._breakWords = value; this.update(); } /** Set a drop shadow for the text. */ get dropShadow() { return this._dropShadow; } set dropShadow(value) { if (value !== null && typeof value === "object") { this._dropShadow = this._createProxy({ ..._TextStyle2.defaultDropShadow, ...value }); } else { this._dropShadow = value ? this._createProxy({ ..._TextStyle2.defaultDropShadow }) : null; } this.update(); } /** The font family, can be a single font name, or a list of names where the first is the preferred font. */ get fontFamily() { return this._fontFamily; } set fontFamily(value) { this._fontFamily = value; this.update(); } /** The font size (as a number it converts to px, but as a string, equivalents are '26px','20pt','160%' or '1.6em') */ get fontSize() { return this._fontSize; } set fontSize(value) { if (typeof value === "string") { this._fontSize = parseInt(value, 10); } else { this._fontSize = value; } this.update(); } /** * The font style. * @member {'normal'|'italic'|'oblique'} */ get fontStyle() { return this._fontStyle; } set fontStyle(value) { this._fontStyle = value.toLowerCase(); this.update(); } /** * The font variant. * @member {'normal'|'small-caps'} */ get fontVariant() { return this._fontVariant; } set fontVariant(value) { this._fontVariant = value; this.update(); } /** * The font weight. * @member {'normal'|'bold'|'bolder'|'lighter'|'100'|'200'|'300'|'400'|'500'|'600'|'700'|'800'|'900'} */ get fontWeight() { return this._fontWeight; } set fontWeight(value) { this._fontWeight = value; this.update(); } /** The space between lines. */ get leading() { return this._leading; } set leading(value) { this._leading = value; this.update(); } /** The amount of spacing between letters, default is 0. */ get letterSpacing() { return this._letterSpacing; } set letterSpacing(value) { this._letterSpacing = value; this.update(); } /** The line height, a number that represents the vertical space that a letter uses. */ get lineHeight() { return this._lineHeight; } set lineHeight(value) { this._lineHeight = value; this.update(); } /** * Occasionally some fonts are cropped. Adding some padding will prevent this from happening * by adding padding to all sides of the text. */ get padding() { return this._padding; } set padding(value) { this._padding = value; this.update(); } /** Trim transparent borders. This is an expensive operation so only use this if you have to! */ get trim() { return this._trim; } set trim(value) { this._trim = value; this.update(); } /** * The baseline of the text that is rendered. * @member {'alphabetic'|'top'|'hanging'|'middle'|'ideographic'|'bottom'} */ get textBaseline() { return this._textBaseline; } set textBaseline(value) { this._textBaseline = value; this.update(); } /** * How newlines and spaces should be handled. * Default is 'pre' (preserve, preserve). * * value | New lines | Spaces * --- | --- | --- * 'normal' | Collapse | Collapse * 'pre' | Preserve | Preserve * 'pre-line' | Preserve | Collapse * @member {'normal'|'pre'|'pre-line'} */ get whiteSpace() { return this._whiteSpace; } set whiteSpace(value) { this._whiteSpace = value; this.update(); } /** Indicates if word wrap should be used. */ get wordWrap() { return this._wordWrap; } set wordWrap(value) { this._wordWrap = value; this.update(); } /** The width at which text will wrap, it needs wordWrap to be set to true. */ get wordWrapWidth() { return this._wordWrapWidth; } set wordWrapWidth(value) { this._wordWrapWidth = value; this.update(); } /** A fillstyle that will be used on the text e.g., 'red', '#00FF00'. */ get fill() { return this._originalFill; } set fill(value) { if (value === this._originalFill) return; this._originalFill = value; if (this._isFillStyle(value)) { this._originalFill = this._createProxy({ ...GraphicsContext.defaultFillStyle, ...value }, () => { this._fill = toFillStyle( { ...this._originalFill }, GraphicsContext.defaultFillStyle ); }); } this._fill = toFillStyle( value === 0 ? "black" : value, GraphicsContext.defaultFillStyle ); this.update(); } /** A fillstyle that will be used on the text stroke, e.g., 'blue', '#FCFF00'. */ get stroke() { return this._originalStroke; } set stroke(value) { if (value === this._originalStroke) return; this._originalStroke = value; if (this._isFillStyle(value)) { this._originalStroke = this._createProxy({ ...GraphicsContext.defaultStrokeStyle, ...value }, () => { this._stroke = toStrokeStyle( { ...this._originalStroke }, GraphicsContext.defaultStrokeStyle ); }); } this._stroke = toStrokeStyle(value, GraphicsContext.defaultStrokeStyle); this.update(); } _generateKey() { this._styleKey = generateTextStyleKey(this); return this._styleKey; } update() { this._styleKey = null; this.emit("update", this); } /** Resets all properties to the default values */ reset() { const defaultStyle = _TextStyle2.defaultTextStyle; for (const key in defaultStyle) { this[key] = defaultStyle[key]; } } get styleKey() { return this._styleKey || this._generateKey(); } /** * Creates a new TextStyle object with the same values as this one. * @returns New cloned TextStyle object */ clone() { return new _TextStyle2({ align: this.align, breakWords: this.breakWords, dropShadow: this._dropShadow ? { ...this._dropShadow } : null, fill: this._fill, fontFamily: this.fontFamily, fontSize: this.fontSize, fontStyle: this.fontStyle, fontVariant: this.fontVariant, fontWeight: this.fontWeight, leading: this.leading, letterSpacing: this.letterSpacing, lineHeight: this.lineHeight, padding: this.padding, stroke: this._stroke, textBaseline: this.textBaseline, whiteSpace: this.whiteSpace, wordWrap: this.wordWrap, wordWrapWidth: this.wordWrapWidth }); } /** * Destroys this text style. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * have been set to that value * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the texture of the this style * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the this style */ destroy(options = false) { this.removeAllListeners(); const destroyTexture = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.texture; if (destroyTexture) { const destroyTextureSource = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.textureSource; if (this._fill?.texture) { this._fill.texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } if (this._originalFill?.texture) { this._originalFill.texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } if (this._stroke?.texture) { this._stroke.texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } if (this._originalStroke?.texture) { this._originalStroke.texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } } this._fill = null; this._stroke = null; this.dropShadow = null; this._originalStroke = null; this._originalFill = null; } _createProxy(value, cb) { return new Proxy(value, { set: (target, property, newValue) => { target[property] = newValue; cb?.(property, newValue); this.update(); return true; } }); } _isFillStyle(value) { return (value ?? null) !== null && !(Color.isColorLike(value) || value instanceof FillGradient || value instanceof FillPattern); } }; _TextStyle.defaultDropShadow = { /** Set alpha for the drop shadow */ alpha: 1, /** Set a angle of the drop shadow */ angle: Math.PI / 6, /** Set a shadow blur radius */ blur: 0, /** A fill style to be used on the e.g., 'red', '#00FF00' */ color: "black", /** Set a distance of the drop shadow */ distance: 5 }; _TextStyle.defaultTextStyle = { /** * See {@link TextStyle.align} * @type {'left'|'center'|'right'|'justify'} */ align: "left", /** See {@link TextStyle.breakWords} */ breakWords: false, /** See {@link TextStyle.dropShadow} */ dropShadow: null, /** * See {@link TextStyle.fill} * @type {string|string[]|number|number[]|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern} */ fill: "black", /** * See {@link TextStyle.fontFamily} * @type {string|string[]} */ fontFamily: "Arial", /** * See {@link TextStyle.fontSize} * @type {number|string} */ fontSize: 26, /** * See {@link TextStyle.fontStyle} * @type {'normal'|'italic'|'oblique'} */ fontStyle: "normal", /** * See {@link TextStyle.fontVariant} * @type {'normal'|'small-caps'} */ fontVariant: "normal", /** * See {@link TextStyle.fontWeight} * @type {'normal'|'bold'|'bolder'|'lighter'|'100'|'200'|'300'|'400'|'500'|'600'|'700'|'800'|'900'} */ fontWeight: "normal", /** See {@link TextStyle.leading} */ leading: 0, /** See {@link TextStyle.letterSpacing} */ letterSpacing: 0, /** See {@link TextStyle.lineHeight} */ lineHeight: 0, /** See {@link TextStyle.padding} */ padding: 0, /** * See {@link TextStyle.stroke} * @type {string|number} */ stroke: null, /** * See {@link TextStyle.textBaseline} * @type {'alphabetic'|'top'|'hanging'|'middle'|'ideographic'|'bottom'} */ textBaseline: "alphabetic", /** See {@link TextStyle.trim} */ trim: false, /** * See {@link TextStyle.whiteSpace} * @type {'normal'|'pre'|'pre-line'} */ whiteSpace: "pre", /** See {@link TextStyle.wordWrap} */ wordWrap: false, /** See {@link TextStyle.wordWrapWidth} */ wordWrapWidth: 100 }; TextStyle = _TextStyle; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/utils/getPo2TextureFromSource.mjs function getPo2TextureFromSource(image, width, height, resolution) { const bounds = tempBounds2; bounds.minX = 0; bounds.minY = 0; bounds.maxX = image.width / resolution | 0; bounds.maxY = image.height / resolution | 0; const texture = TexturePool.getOptimalTexture( bounds.width, bounds.height, resolution, false ); texture.source.uploadMethodId = "image"; texture.source.resource = image; texture.source.alphaMode = "premultiply-alpha-on-upload"; texture.frame.width = width / resolution; texture.frame.height = height / resolution; texture.source.emit("update", texture.source); texture.updateUvs(); return texture; } var tempBounds2; var init_getPo2TextureFromSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/utils/getPo2TextureFromSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_TexturePool(); init_Bounds(); tempBounds2 = new Bounds(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/canvas/utils/fontStringFromTextStyle.mjs function fontStringFromTextStyle(style) { const fontSizeString = typeof style.fontSize === "number" ? `${style.fontSize}px` : style.fontSize; let fontFamilies = style.fontFamily; if (!Array.isArray(style.fontFamily)) { fontFamilies = style.fontFamily.split(","); } for (let i3 = fontFamilies.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) { let fontFamily = fontFamilies[i3].trim(); if (!/([\"\'])[^\'\"]+\1/.test(fontFamily) && !genericFontFamilies.includes(fontFamily)) { fontFamily = `"${fontFamily}"`; } fontFamilies[i3] = fontFamily; } return `${style.fontStyle} ${style.fontVariant} ${style.fontWeight} ${fontSizeString} ${fontFamilies.join(",")}`; } var genericFontFamilies; var init_fontStringFromTextStyle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/canvas/utils/fontStringFromTextStyle.mjs"() { "use strict"; genericFontFamilies = [ "serif", "sans-serif", "monospace", "cursive", "fantasy", "system-ui" ]; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/canvas/CanvasTextMetrics.mjs var contextSettings, _CanvasTextMetrics, CanvasTextMetrics; var init_CanvasTextMetrics = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/canvas/CanvasTextMetrics.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_fontStringFromTextStyle(); contextSettings = { // TextMetrics requires getImageData readback for measuring fonts. willReadFrequently: true }; _CanvasTextMetrics = class _CanvasTextMetrics2 { /** * Checking that we can use modern canvas 2D API. * * Note: This is an unstable API, Chrome < 94 use `textLetterSpacing`, later versions use `letterSpacing`. * @see TextMetrics.experimentalLetterSpacing * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ICanvasRenderingContext2D/letterSpacing * @see https://developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3585991203293757441 */ static get experimentalLetterSpacingSupported() { let result = _CanvasTextMetrics2._experimentalLetterSpacingSupported; if (result !== void 0) { const proto = DOMAdapter.get().getCanvasRenderingContext2D().prototype; result = _CanvasTextMetrics2._experimentalLetterSpacingSupported = "letterSpacing" in proto || "textLetterSpacing" in proto; } return result; } /** * @param text - the text that was measured * @param style - the style that was measured * @param width - the measured width of the text * @param height - the measured height of the text * @param lines - an array of the lines of text broken by new lines and wrapping if specified in style * @param lineWidths - an array of the line widths for each line matched to `lines` * @param lineHeight - the measured line height for this style * @param maxLineWidth - the maximum line width for all measured lines * @param {FontMetrics} fontProperties - the font properties object from TextMetrics.measureFont */ constructor(text, style, width, height, lines, lineWidths, lineHeight, maxLineWidth, fontProperties) { this.text = text; this.style = style; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.lines = lines; this.lineWidths = lineWidths; this.lineHeight = lineHeight; this.maxLineWidth = maxLineWidth; this.fontProperties = fontProperties; } /** * Measures the supplied string of text and returns a Rectangle. * @param text - The text to measure. * @param style - The text style to use for measuring * @param canvas - optional specification of the canvas to use for measuring. * @param wordWrap * @returns Measured width and height of the text. */ static measureText(text = " ", style, canvas2 = _CanvasTextMetrics2._canvas, wordWrap = style.wordWrap) { const textKey = `${text}:${style.styleKey}`; if (_CanvasTextMetrics2._measurementCache[textKey]) return _CanvasTextMetrics2._measurementCache[textKey]; const font = fontStringFromTextStyle(style); const fontProperties = _CanvasTextMetrics2.measureFont(font); if (fontProperties.fontSize === 0) { fontProperties.fontSize = style.fontSize; fontProperties.ascent = style.fontSize; } const context2 = _CanvasTextMetrics2.__context; context2.font = font; const outputText = wordWrap ? _CanvasTextMetrics2._wordWrap(text, style, canvas2) : text; const lines = outputText.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/); const lineWidths = new Array(lines.length); let maxLineWidth = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < lines.length; i3++) { const lineWidth = _CanvasTextMetrics2._measureText(lines[i3], style.letterSpacing, context2); lineWidths[i3] = lineWidth; maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, lineWidth); } const strokeWidth = style._stroke?.width || 0; let width = maxLineWidth + strokeWidth; if (style.dropShadow) { width += style.dropShadow.distance; } const lineHeight = style.lineHeight || fontProperties.fontSize; let height = Math.max(lineHeight, fontProperties.fontSize + strokeWidth) + (lines.length - 1) * (lineHeight + style.leading); if (style.dropShadow) { height += style.dropShadow.distance; } const measurements = new _CanvasTextMetrics2( text, style, width, height, lines, lineWidths, lineHeight + style.leading, maxLineWidth, fontProperties ); return measurements; } static _measureText(text, letterSpacing, context2) { let useExperimentalLetterSpacing = false; if (_CanvasTextMetrics2.experimentalLetterSpacingSupported) { if (_CanvasTextMetrics2.experimentalLetterSpacing) { context2.letterSpacing = `${letterSpacing}px`; context2.textLetterSpacing = `${letterSpacing}px`; useExperimentalLetterSpacing = true; } else { context2.letterSpacing = "0px"; context2.textLetterSpacing = "0px"; } } const metrics = context2.measureText(text); let metricWidth = metrics.width; const actualBoundingBoxLeft = -metrics.actualBoundingBoxLeft; const actualBoundingBoxRight = metrics.actualBoundingBoxRight; let boundsWidth = actualBoundingBoxRight - actualBoundingBoxLeft; if (metricWidth > 0) { if (useExperimentalLetterSpacing) { metricWidth -= letterSpacing; boundsWidth -= letterSpacing; } else { const val = (_CanvasTextMetrics2.graphemeSegmenter(text).length - 1) * letterSpacing; metricWidth += val; boundsWidth += val; } } return Math.max(metricWidth, boundsWidth); } /** * Applies newlines to a string to have it optimally fit into the horizontal * bounds set by the Text object's wordWrapWidth property. * @param text - String to apply word wrapping to * @param style - the style to use when wrapping * @param canvas - optional specification of the canvas to use for measuring. * @returns New string with new lines applied where required */ static _wordWrap(text, style, canvas2 = _CanvasTextMetrics2._canvas) { const context2 = canvas2.getContext("2d", contextSettings); let width = 0; let line = ""; let lines = ""; const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); const { letterSpacing, whiteSpace } = style; const collapseSpaces = _CanvasTextMetrics2._collapseSpaces(whiteSpace); const collapseNewlines = _CanvasTextMetrics2._collapseNewlines(whiteSpace); let canPrependSpaces = !collapseSpaces; const wordWrapWidth = style.wordWrapWidth + letterSpacing; const tokens = _CanvasTextMetrics2._tokenize(text); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < tokens.length; i3++) { let token = tokens[i3]; if (_CanvasTextMetrics2._isNewline(token)) { if (!collapseNewlines) { lines += _CanvasTextMetrics2._addLine(line); canPrependSpaces = !collapseSpaces; line = ""; width = 0; continue; } token = " "; } if (collapseSpaces) { const currIsBreakingSpace = _CanvasTextMetrics2.isBreakingSpace(token); const lastIsBreakingSpace = _CanvasTextMetrics2.isBreakingSpace(line[line.length - 1]); if (currIsBreakingSpace && lastIsBreakingSpace) { continue; } } const tokenWidth = _CanvasTextMetrics2._getFromCache(token, letterSpacing, cache, context2); if (tokenWidth > wordWrapWidth) { if (line !== "") { lines += _CanvasTextMetrics2._addLine(line); line = ""; width = 0; } if (_CanvasTextMetrics2.canBreakWords(token, style.breakWords)) { const characters = _CanvasTextMetrics2.wordWrapSplit(token); for (let j2 = 0; j2 < characters.length; j2++) { let char = characters[j2]; let lastChar = char; let k2 = 1; while (characters[j2 + k2]) { const nextChar = characters[j2 + k2]; if (!_CanvasTextMetrics2.canBreakChars(lastChar, nextChar, token, j2, style.breakWords)) { char += nextChar; } else { break; } lastChar = nextChar; k2++; } j2 += k2 - 1; const characterWidth = _CanvasTextMetrics2._getFromCache(char, letterSpacing, cache, context2); if (characterWidth + width > wordWrapWidth) { lines += _CanvasTextMetrics2._addLine(line); canPrependSpaces = false; line = ""; width = 0; } line += char; width += characterWidth; } } else { if (line.length > 0) { lines += _CanvasTextMetrics2._addLine(line); line = ""; width = 0; } const isLastToken = i3 === tokens.length - 1; lines += _CanvasTextMetrics2._addLine(token, !isLastToken); canPrependSpaces = false; line = ""; width = 0; } } else { if (tokenWidth + width > wordWrapWidth) { canPrependSpaces = false; lines += _CanvasTextMetrics2._addLine(line); line = ""; width = 0; } if (line.length > 0 || !_CanvasTextMetrics2.isBreakingSpace(token) || canPrependSpaces) { line += token; width += tokenWidth; } } } lines += _CanvasTextMetrics2._addLine(line, false); return lines; } /** * Convenience function for logging each line added during the wordWrap method. * @param line - The line of text to add * @param newLine - Add new line character to end * @returns A formatted line */ static _addLine(line, newLine = true) { line = _CanvasTextMetrics2._trimRight(line); line = newLine ? `${line} ` : line; return line; } /** * Gets & sets the widths of calculated characters in a cache object * @param key - The key * @param letterSpacing - The letter spacing * @param cache - The cache * @param context - The canvas context * @returns The from cache. */ static _getFromCache(key, letterSpacing, cache, context2) { let width = cache[key]; if (typeof width !== "number") { width = _CanvasTextMetrics2._measureText(key, letterSpacing, context2) + letterSpacing; cache[key] = width; } return width; } /** * Determines whether we should collapse breaking spaces. * @param whiteSpace - The TextStyle property whiteSpace * @returns Should collapse */ static _collapseSpaces(whiteSpace) { return whiteSpace === "normal" || whiteSpace === "pre-line"; } /** * Determines whether we should collapse newLine chars. * @param whiteSpace - The white space * @returns should collapse */ static _collapseNewlines(whiteSpace) { return whiteSpace === "normal"; } /** * Trims breaking whitespaces from string. * @param text - The text * @returns Trimmed string */ static _trimRight(text) { if (typeof text !== "string") { return ""; } for (let i3 = text.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) { const char = text[i3]; if (!_CanvasTextMetrics2.isBreakingSpace(char)) { break; } text = text.slice(0, -1); } return text; } /** * Determines if char is a newline. * @param char - The character * @returns True if newline, False otherwise. */ static _isNewline(char) { if (typeof char !== "string") { return false; } return _CanvasTextMetrics2._newlines.includes(char.charCodeAt(0)); } /** * Determines if char is a breaking whitespace. * * It allows one to determine whether char should be a breaking whitespace * For example certain characters in CJK langs or numbers. * It must return a boolean. * @param char - The character * @param [_nextChar] - The next character * @returns True if whitespace, False otherwise. */ static isBreakingSpace(char, _nextChar) { if (typeof char !== "string") { return false; } return _CanvasTextMetrics2._breakingSpaces.includes(char.charCodeAt(0)); } /** * Splits a string into words, breaking-spaces and newLine characters * @param text - The text * @returns A tokenized array */ static _tokenize(text) { const tokens = []; let token = ""; if (typeof text !== "string") { return tokens; } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < text.length; i3++) { const char = text[i3]; const nextChar = text[i3 + 1]; if (_CanvasTextMetrics2.isBreakingSpace(char, nextChar) || _CanvasTextMetrics2._isNewline(char)) { if (token !== "") { tokens.push(token); token = ""; } tokens.push(char); continue; } token += char; } if (token !== "") { tokens.push(token); } return tokens; } /** * Overridable helper method used internally by TextMetrics, exposed to allow customizing the class's behavior. * * It allows one to customise which words should break * Examples are if the token is CJK or numbers. * It must return a boolean. * @param _token - The token * @param breakWords - The style attr break words * @returns Whether to break word or not */ static canBreakWords(_token, breakWords) { return breakWords; } /** * Overridable helper method used internally by TextMetrics, exposed to allow customizing the class's behavior. * * It allows one to determine whether a pair of characters * should be broken by newlines * For example certain characters in CJK langs or numbers. * It must return a boolean. * @param _char - The character * @param _nextChar - The next character * @param _token - The token/word the characters are from * @param _index - The index in the token of the char * @param _breakWords - The style attr break words * @returns whether to break word or not */ static canBreakChars(_char, _nextChar, _token, _index, _breakWords) { return true; } /** * Overridable helper method used internally by TextMetrics, exposed to allow customizing the class's behavior. * * It is called when a token (usually a word) has to be split into separate pieces * in order to determine the point to break a word. * It must return an array of characters. * @param token - The token to split * @returns The characters of the token * @see CanvasTextMetrics.graphemeSegmenter */ static wordWrapSplit(token) { return _CanvasTextMetrics2.graphemeSegmenter(token); } /** * Calculates the ascent, descent and fontSize of a given font-style * @param font - String representing the style of the font * @returns Font properties object */ static measureFont(font) { if (_CanvasTextMetrics2._fonts[font]) { return _CanvasTextMetrics2._fonts[font]; } const context2 = _CanvasTextMetrics2._context; context2.font = font; const metrics = context2.measureText(_CanvasTextMetrics2.METRICS_STRING + _CanvasTextMetrics2.BASELINE_SYMBOL); const properties = { ascent: metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent, descent: metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent, fontSize: metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent + metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent }; _CanvasTextMetrics2._fonts[font] = properties; return properties; } /** * Clear font metrics in metrics cache. * @param {string} [font] - font name. If font name not set then clear cache for all fonts. */ static clearMetrics(font = "") { if (font) { delete _CanvasTextMetrics2._fonts[font]; } else { _CanvasTextMetrics2._fonts = {}; } } /** * Cached canvas element for measuring text * TODO: this should be private, but isn't because of backward compat, will fix later. * @ignore */ static get _canvas() { if (!_CanvasTextMetrics2.__canvas) { let canvas2; try { const c2 = new OffscreenCanvas(0, 0); const context2 = c2.getContext("2d", contextSettings); if (context2?.measureText) { _CanvasTextMetrics2.__canvas = c2; return c2; } canvas2 = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(); } catch (ex) { canvas2 = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(); } canvas2.width = canvas2.height = 10; _CanvasTextMetrics2.__canvas = canvas2; } return _CanvasTextMetrics2.__canvas; } /** * TODO: this should be private, but isn't because of backward compat, will fix later. * @ignore */ static get _context() { if (!_CanvasTextMetrics2.__context) { _CanvasTextMetrics2.__context = _CanvasTextMetrics2._canvas.getContext("2d", contextSettings); } return _CanvasTextMetrics2.__context; } }; _CanvasTextMetrics.METRICS_STRING = "|\xC9q\xC5"; _CanvasTextMetrics.BASELINE_SYMBOL = "M"; _CanvasTextMetrics.BASELINE_MULTIPLIER = 1.4; _CanvasTextMetrics.HEIGHT_MULTIPLIER = 2; _CanvasTextMetrics.graphemeSegmenter = (() => { if (typeof Intl?.Segmenter === "function") { const segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter(); return (s2) => [...segmenter.segment(s2)].map((x2) => x2.segment); } return (s2) => [...s2]; })(); _CanvasTextMetrics.experimentalLetterSpacing = false; _CanvasTextMetrics._fonts = {}; _CanvasTextMetrics._newlines = [ 10, // line feed 13 // carriage return ]; _CanvasTextMetrics._breakingSpaces = [ 9, // character tabulation 32, // space 8192, // en quad 8193, // em quad 8194, // en space 8195, // em space 8196, // three-per-em space 8197, // four-per-em space 8198, // six-per-em space 8200, // punctuation space 8201, // thin space 8202, // hair space 8287, // medium mathematical space 12288 // ideographic space ]; _CanvasTextMetrics._measurementCache = {}; CanvasTextMetrics = _CanvasTextMetrics; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/canvas/utils/getCanvasFillStyle.mjs function getCanvasFillStyle(fillStyle, context2) { if (fillStyle.texture === Texture.WHITE && !fillStyle.fill) { return Color.shared.setValue(fillStyle.color).setAlpha(fillStyle.alpha ?? 1).toHexa(); } else if (!fillStyle.fill) { const pattern = context2.createPattern(fillStyle.texture.source.resource, "repeat"); const tempMatrix7 = fillStyle.matrix.copyTo(Matrix.shared); tempMatrix7.scale(fillStyle.texture.frame.width, fillStyle.texture.frame.height); pattern.setTransform(tempMatrix7); return pattern; } else if (fillStyle.fill instanceof FillPattern) { const fillPattern = fillStyle.fill; const pattern = context2.createPattern(fillPattern.texture.source.resource, "repeat"); const tempMatrix7 = fillPattern.transform.copyTo(Matrix.shared); tempMatrix7.scale( fillPattern.texture.frame.width, fillPattern.texture.frame.height ); pattern.setTransform(tempMatrix7); return pattern; } else if (fillStyle.fill instanceof FillGradient) { const fillGradient = fillStyle.fill; if (fillGradient.type === "linear") { const gradient = context2.createLinearGradient( fillGradient.x0, fillGradient.y0, fillGradient.x1, fillGradient.y1 ); fillGradient.gradientStops.forEach((stop) => { gradient.addColorStop(stop.offset, Color.shared.setValue(stop.color).toHex()); }); return gradient; } } warn("FillStyle not recognised", fillStyle); return "red"; } var init_getCanvasFillStyle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/canvas/utils/getCanvasFillStyle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_Matrix(); init_Texture(); init_warn(); init_FillGradient(); init_FillPattern(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/canvas/CanvasTextSystem.mjs var CanvasTextSystem; var init_CanvasTextSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/canvas/CanvasTextSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_Extensions(); init_pow2(); init_CanvasPool(); init_TexturePool(); init_getCanvasBoundingBox(); init_deprecation(); init_TextStyle(); init_getPo2TextureFromSource(); init_CanvasTextMetrics(); init_fontStringFromTextStyle(); init_getCanvasFillStyle(); CanvasTextSystem = class { constructor(_renderer) { this._activeTextures = {}; this._renderer = _renderer; } getTextureSize(text, resolution, style) { const measured = CanvasTextMetrics.measureText(text || " ", style); let width = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, measured.width) + style.padding * 2) * resolution); let height = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, measured.height) + style.padding * 2) * resolution); width = Math.ceil(width - 1e-6); height = Math.ceil(height - 1e-6); width = nextPow2(width); height = nextPow2(height); return { width, height }; } getTexture(options, resolution, style, _textKey) { if (typeof options === "string") { deprecation("8.0.0", "CanvasTextSystem.getTexture: Use object TextOptions instead of separate arguments"); options = { text: options, style, resolution }; } if (!(options.style instanceof TextStyle)) { options.style = new TextStyle(options.style); } const { texture, canvasAndContext } = this.createTextureAndCanvas( options ); this._renderer.texture.initSource(texture._source); CanvasPool.returnCanvasAndContext(canvasAndContext); return texture; } createTextureAndCanvas(options) { const { text, style } = options; const resolution = options.resolution ?? this._renderer.resolution; const measured = CanvasTextMetrics.measureText(text || " ", style); const width = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, measured.width) + style.padding * 2) * resolution); const height = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, measured.height) + style.padding * 2) * resolution); const canvasAndContext = CanvasPool.getOptimalCanvasAndContext(width, height); const { canvas: canvas2 } = canvasAndContext; this.renderTextToCanvas(text, style, resolution, canvasAndContext); const texture = getPo2TextureFromSource(canvas2, width, height, resolution); if (style.trim) { const trimmed = getCanvasBoundingBox(canvas2, resolution); texture.frame.copyFrom(trimmed); texture.updateUvs(); } return { texture, canvasAndContext }; } getManagedTexture(text) { text._resolution = text._autoResolution ? this._renderer.resolution : text.resolution; const textKey = text._getKey(); if (this._activeTextures[textKey]) { this._increaseReferenceCount(textKey); return this._activeTextures[textKey].texture; } const { texture, canvasAndContext } = this.createTextureAndCanvas(text); this._activeTextures[textKey] = { canvasAndContext, texture, usageCount: 1 }; return texture; } _increaseReferenceCount(textKey) { this._activeTextures[textKey].usageCount++; } decreaseReferenceCount(textKey) { const activeTexture = this._activeTextures[textKey]; activeTexture.usageCount--; if (activeTexture.usageCount === 0) { CanvasPool.returnCanvasAndContext(activeTexture.canvasAndContext); TexturePool.returnTexture(activeTexture.texture); const source7 = activeTexture.texture.source; source7.resource = null; source7.uploadMethodId = "unknown"; source7.alphaMode = "no-premultiply-alpha"; this._activeTextures[textKey] = null; } } getReferenceCount(textKey) { return this._activeTextures[textKey].usageCount; } /** * Renders text to its canvas, and updates its texture. * * By default this is used internally to ensure the texture is correct before rendering, * but it can be used called externally, for example from this class to 'pre-generate' the texture from a piece of text, * and then shared across multiple Sprites. * @param text * @param style * @param resolution * @param canvasAndContext */ renderTextToCanvas(text, style, resolution, canvasAndContext) { const { canvas: canvas2, context: context2 } = canvasAndContext; const font = fontStringFromTextStyle(style); const measured = CanvasTextMetrics.measureText(text || " ", style); const lines = measured.lines; const lineHeight = measured.lineHeight; const lineWidths = measured.lineWidths; const maxLineWidth = measured.maxLineWidth; const fontProperties = measured.fontProperties; const height = canvas2.height; context2.resetTransform(); context2.scale(resolution, resolution); context2.textBaseline = style.textBaseline; if (style._stroke?.width) { const strokeStyle = style._stroke; context2.lineWidth = strokeStyle.width; context2.miterLimit = strokeStyle.miterLimit; context2.lineJoin = strokeStyle.join; context2.lineCap = strokeStyle.cap; } context2.font = font; let linePositionX; let linePositionY; const passesCount = style.dropShadow ? 2 : 1; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < passesCount; ++i3) { const isShadowPass = style.dropShadow && i3 === 0; const dsOffsetText = isShadowPass ? Math.ceil(Math.max(1, height) + style.padding * 2) : 0; const dsOffsetShadow = dsOffsetText * resolution; if (isShadowPass) { context2.fillStyle = "black"; context2.strokeStyle = "black"; const shadowOptions = style.dropShadow; const dropShadowColor = shadowOptions.color; const dropShadowAlpha = shadowOptions.alpha; context2.shadowColor = Color.shared.setValue(dropShadowColor).setAlpha(dropShadowAlpha).toRgbaString(); const dropShadowBlur = shadowOptions.blur * resolution; const dropShadowDistance = shadowOptions.distance * resolution; context2.shadowBlur = dropShadowBlur; context2.shadowOffsetX = Math.cos(shadowOptions.angle) * dropShadowDistance; context2.shadowOffsetY = Math.sin(shadowOptions.angle) * dropShadowDistance + dsOffsetShadow; } else { context2.fillStyle = style._fill ? getCanvasFillStyle(style._fill, context2) : null; if (style._stroke?.width) { context2.strokeStyle = getCanvasFillStyle(style._stroke, context2); } context2.shadowColor = "black"; } let linePositionYShift = (lineHeight - fontProperties.fontSize) / 2; if (lineHeight - fontProperties.fontSize < 0) { linePositionYShift = 0; } const strokeWidth = style._stroke?.width ?? 0; for (let i22 = 0; i22 < lines.length; i22++) { linePositionX = strokeWidth / 2; linePositionY = strokeWidth / 2 + i22 * lineHeight + fontProperties.ascent + linePositionYShift; if (style.align === "right") { linePositionX += maxLineWidth - lineWidths[i22]; } else if (style.align === "center") { linePositionX += (maxLineWidth - lineWidths[i22]) / 2; } if (style._stroke?.width) { this._drawLetterSpacing( lines[i22], style, canvasAndContext, linePositionX + style.padding, linePositionY + style.padding - dsOffsetText, true ); } if (style._fill !== void 0) { this._drawLetterSpacing( lines[i22], style, canvasAndContext, linePositionX + style.padding, linePositionY + style.padding - dsOffsetText ); } } } } /** * Render the text with letter-spacing. * @param text - The text to draw * @param style * @param canvasAndContext * @param x - Horizontal position to draw the text * @param y - Vertical position to draw the text * @param isStroke - Is this drawing for the outside stroke of the * text? If not, it's for the inside fill */ _drawLetterSpacing(text, style, canvasAndContext, x2, y2, isStroke = false) { const { context: context2 } = canvasAndContext; const letterSpacing = style.letterSpacing; let useExperimentalLetterSpacing = false; if (CanvasTextMetrics.experimentalLetterSpacingSupported) { if (CanvasTextMetrics.experimentalLetterSpacing) { context2.letterSpacing = `${letterSpacing}px`; context2.textLetterSpacing = `${letterSpacing}px`; useExperimentalLetterSpacing = true; } else { context2.letterSpacing = "0px"; context2.textLetterSpacing = "0px"; } } if (letterSpacing === 0 || useExperimentalLetterSpacing) { if (isStroke) { context2.strokeText(text, x2, y2); } else { context2.fillText(text, x2, y2); } return; } let currentPosition = x2; const stringArray = CanvasTextMetrics.graphemeSegmenter(text); let previousWidth = context2.measureText(text).width; let currentWidth = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < stringArray.length; ++i3) { const currentChar = stringArray[i3]; if (isStroke) { context2.strokeText(currentChar, currentPosition, y2); } else { context2.fillText(currentChar, currentPosition, y2); } let textStr = ""; for (let j2 = i3 + 1; j2 < stringArray.length; ++j2) { textStr += stringArray[j2]; } currentWidth = context2.measureText(textStr).width; currentPosition += previousWidth - currentWidth + letterSpacing; previousWidth = currentWidth; } } destroy() { this._activeTextures = null; } }; CanvasTextSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem, ExtensionType.CanvasSystem ], name: "canvasText" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/init.mjs var init_init9 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_CanvasTextPipe(); init_CanvasTextSystem(); extensions.add(CanvasTextSystem); extensions.add(CanvasTextPipe); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/Graphics.mjs var Graphics; var init_Graphics = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/Graphics.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_deprecation(); init_ViewContainer(); init_GraphicsContext(); Graphics = class _Graphics extends ViewContainer { /** * @param options - Options for the Graphics. */ constructor(options) { if (options instanceof GraphicsContext) { options = { context: options }; } const { context: context2, roundPixels, ...rest } = options || {}; super({ label: "Graphics", ...rest }); this.renderPipeId = "graphics"; if (!context2) { this._context = this._ownedContext = new GraphicsContext(); } else { this._context = context2; } this._context.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); this.allowChildren = false; this.roundPixels = roundPixels ?? false; } set context(context2) { if (context2 === this._context) return; this._context.off("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); this._context = context2; this._context.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); this.onViewUpdate(); } get context() { return this._context; } /** * The local bounds of the graphic. * @type {rendering.Bounds} */ get bounds() { return this._context.bounds; } /** * Adds the bounds of this object to the bounds object. * @param bounds - The output bounds object. */ addBounds(bounds) { bounds.addBounds(this._context.bounds); } /** * Checks if the object contains the given point. * @param point - The point to check */ containsPoint(point) { return this._context.containsPoint(point); } /** * Destroys this graphics renderable and optionally its context. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * * If the context was created by this graphics and `destroy(false)` or `destroy()` is called * then the context will still be destroyed. * * If you want to explicitly not destroy this context that this graphics created, * then you should pass destroy({ context: false }) * * If the context was passed in as an argument to the constructor then it will not be destroyed * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should destroy the texture of the graphics context * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should destroy the texture source of the graphics context * @param {boolean} [options.context=false] - Should destroy the context */ destroy(options) { if (this._ownedContext && !options) { this._ownedContext.destroy(options); } else if (options === true || options?.context === true) { this._context.destroy(options); } this._ownedContext = null; this._context = null; super.destroy(options); } _callContextMethod(method, args) { this.context[method](...args); return this; } // --------------------------------------- GraphicsContext methods --------------------------------------- /** * Sets the current fill style of the graphics context. The fill style can be a color, gradient, * pattern, or a more complex style defined by a FillStyle object. * @param {FillInput} args - The fill style to apply. This can be a simple color, a gradient or * pattern object, or a FillStyle or ConvertedFillStyle object. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ setFillStyle(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("setFillStyle", args); } /** * Sets the current stroke style of the graphics context. Similar to fill styles, stroke styles can * encompass colors, gradients, patterns, or more detailed configurations via a StrokeStyle object. * @param {StrokeInput} args - The stroke style to apply. Can be defined as a color, a gradient or pattern, * or a StrokeStyle or ConvertedStrokeStyle object. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ setStrokeStyle(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("setStrokeStyle", args); } fill(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("fill", args); } /** * Strokes the current path with the current stroke style. This method can take an optional * FillStyle parameter to define the stroke's appearance, including its color, width, and other properties. * @param {FillStyle} args - (Optional) The stroke style to apply. Can be defined as a simple color or a more * complex style object. If omitted, uses the current stroke style. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ stroke(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("stroke", args); } texture(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("texture", args); } /** * Resets the current path. Any previous path and its commands are discarded and a new path is * started. This is typically called before beginning a new shape or series of drawing commands. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ beginPath() { return this._callContextMethod("beginPath", []); } /** * Applies a cutout to the last drawn shape. This is used to create holes or complex shapes by * subtracting a path from the previously drawn path. If a hole is not completely in a shape, it will * fail to cut correctly! */ cut() { return this._callContextMethod("cut", []); } arc(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("arc", args); } arcTo(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("arcTo", args); } arcToSvg(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("arcToSvg", args); } bezierCurveTo(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("bezierCurveTo", args); } /** * Closes the current path by drawing a straight line back to the start. * If the shape is already closed or there are no points in the path, this method does nothing. * @returns The instance of the current object for chaining. */ closePath() { return this._callContextMethod("closePath", []); } ellipse(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("ellipse", args); } circle(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("circle", args); } path(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("path", args); } lineTo(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("lineTo", args); } moveTo(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("moveTo", args); } quadraticCurveTo(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("quadraticCurveTo", args); } rect(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("rect", args); } roundRect(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("roundRect", args); } poly(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("poly", args); } regularPoly(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("regularPoly", args); } roundPoly(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("roundPoly", args); } roundShape(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("roundShape", args); } filletRect(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("filletRect", args); } chamferRect(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("chamferRect", args); } star(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("star", args); } svg(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("svg", args); } restore(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("restore", args); } /** Saves the current graphics state, including transformations, fill styles, and stroke styles, onto a stack. */ save() { return this._callContextMethod("save", []); } /** * Returns the current transformation matrix of the graphics context. * @returns The current transformation matrix. */ getTransform() { return this.context.getTransform(); } /** * Resets the current transformation matrix to the identity matrix, effectively removing * any transformations (rotation, scaling, translation) previously applied. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ resetTransform() { return this._callContextMethod("resetTransform", []); } rotateTransform(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("rotate", args); } scaleTransform(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("scale", args); } setTransform(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("setTransform", args); } transform(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("transform", args); } translateTransform(...args) { return this._callContextMethod("translate", args); } /** * Clears all drawing commands from the graphics context, effectively resetting it. This includes clearing the path, * and optionally resetting transformations to the identity matrix. * @returns The instance of the current GraphicsContext for method chaining. */ clear() { return this._callContextMethod("clear", []); } /** * The fill style to use. * @type {ConvertedFillStyle} */ get fillStyle() { return this._context.fillStyle; } set fillStyle(value) { this._context.fillStyle = value; } /** * The stroke style to use. * @type {ConvertedStrokeStyle} */ get strokeStyle() { return this._context.strokeStyle; } set strokeStyle(value) { this._context.strokeStyle = value; } /** * Creates a new Graphics object. * Note that only the context of the object is cloned, not its transform (position,scale,etc) * @param deep - Whether to create a deep clone of the graphics object. If false, the context * will be shared between the two objects (default false). If true, the context will be * cloned (recommended if you need to modify the context in any way). * @returns - A clone of the graphics object */ clone(deep = false) { if (deep) { return new _Graphics(this._context.clone()); } this._ownedContext = null; const clone = new _Graphics(this._context); return clone; } // -------- v7 deprecations --------- /** * @param width * @param color * @param alpha * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#setStrokeStyle} instead */ lineStyle(width, color, alpha) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Graphics#lineStyle is no longer needed. Use Graphics#setStrokeStyle to set the stroke style."); const strokeStyle = {}; width && (strokeStyle.width = width); color && (strokeStyle.color = color); alpha && (strokeStyle.alpha = alpha); this.context.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; return this; } /** * @param color * @param alpha * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#fill} instead */ beginFill(color, alpha) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Graphics#beginFill is no longer needed. Use Graphics#fill to fill the shape with the desired style."); const fillStyle = {}; color && (fillStyle.color = color); alpha && (fillStyle.alpha = alpha); this.context.fillStyle = fillStyle; return this; } /** * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#fill} instead */ endFill() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Graphics#endFill is no longer needed. Use Graphics#fill to fill the shape with the desired style."); this.context.fill(); const strokeStyle = this.context.strokeStyle; if (strokeStyle.width !== GraphicsContext.defaultStrokeStyle.width || strokeStyle.color !== GraphicsContext.defaultStrokeStyle.color || strokeStyle.alpha !== GraphicsContext.defaultStrokeStyle.alpha) { this.context.stroke(); } return this; } /** * @param {...any} args * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#circle} instead */ drawCircle(...args) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Graphics#drawCircle has been renamed to Graphics#circle"); return this._callContextMethod("circle", args); } /** * @param {...any} args * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#ellipse} instead */ drawEllipse(...args) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Graphics#drawEllipse has been renamed to Graphics#ellipse"); return this._callContextMethod("ellipse", args); } /** * @param {...any} args * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#poly} instead */ drawPolygon(...args) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Graphics#drawPolygon has been renamed to Graphics#poly"); return this._callContextMethod("poly", args); } /** * @param {...any} args * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#rect} instead */ drawRect(...args) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Graphics#drawRect has been renamed to Graphics#rect"); return this._callContextMethod("rect", args); } /** * @param {...any} args * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#roundRect} instead */ drawRoundedRect(...args) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Graphics#drawRoundedRect has been renamed to Graphics#roundRect"); return this._callContextMethod("roundRect", args); } /** * @param {...any} args * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use {@link Graphics#star} instead */ drawStar(...args) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Graphics#drawStar has been renamed to Graphics#star"); return this._callContextMethod("star", args); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/sdfShader/shader-bits/localUniformMSDFBit.mjs var localUniformMSDFBit, localUniformMSDFBitGl; var init_localUniformMSDFBit = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/sdfShader/shader-bits/localUniformMSDFBit.mjs"() { "use strict"; localUniformMSDFBit = { name: "local-uniform-msdf-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` struct LocalUniforms { uColor:vec4, uTransformMatrix:mat3x3, uDistance: f32, uRound:f32, } @group(2) @binding(0) var localUniforms : LocalUniforms; ` ), main: ( /* wgsl */ ` vColor *= localUniforms.uColor; modelMatrix *= localUniforms.uTransformMatrix; ` ), end: ( /* wgsl */ ` if(localUniforms.uRound == 1) { vPosition = vec4(roundPixels(vPosition.xy, globalUniforms.uResolution), vPosition.zw); } ` ) }, fragment: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` struct LocalUniforms { uColor:vec4, uTransformMatrix:mat3x3, uDistance: f32 } @group(2) @binding(0) var localUniforms : LocalUniforms; ` ), main: ( /* wgsl */ ` outColor = vec4(calculateMSDFAlpha(outColor, localUniforms.uColor, localUniforms.uDistance)); ` ) } }; localUniformMSDFBitGl = { name: "local-uniform-msdf-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` uniform mat3 uTransformMatrix; uniform vec4 uColor; uniform float uRound; ` ), main: ( /* glsl */ ` vColor *= uColor; modelMatrix *= uTransformMatrix; ` ), end: ( /* glsl */ ` if(uRound == 1.) { gl_Position.xy = roundPixels(gl_Position.xy, uResolution); } ` ) }, fragment: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` uniform float uDistance; ` ), main: ( /* glsl */ ` outColor = vec4(calculateMSDFAlpha(outColor, vColor, uDistance)); ` ) } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/sdfShader/shader-bits/mSDFBit.mjs var mSDFBit, mSDFBitGl; var init_mSDFBit = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/sdfShader/shader-bits/mSDFBit.mjs"() { "use strict"; mSDFBit = { name: "msdf-bit", fragment: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` fn calculateMSDFAlpha(msdfColor:vec4, shapeColor:vec4, distance:f32) -> f32 { // MSDF var median = msdfColor.r + msdfColor.g + msdfColor.b - min(msdfColor.r, min(msdfColor.g, msdfColor.b)) - max(msdfColor.r, max(msdfColor.g, msdfColor.b)); // SDF median = min(median, msdfColor.a); var screenPxDistance = distance * (median - 0.5); var alpha = clamp(screenPxDistance + 0.5, 0.0, 1.0); if (median < 0.01) { alpha = 0.0; } else if (median > 0.99) { alpha = 1.0; } // Gamma correction for coverage-like alpha var luma: f32 = dot(shapeColor.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)); var gamma: f32 = mix(1.0, 1.0 / 2.2, luma); var coverage: f32 = pow(shapeColor.a * alpha, gamma); return coverage; } ` ) } }; mSDFBitGl = { name: "msdf-bit", fragment: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` float calculateMSDFAlpha(vec4 msdfColor, vec4 shapeColor, float distance) { // MSDF float median = msdfColor.r + msdfColor.g + msdfColor.b - min(msdfColor.r, min(msdfColor.g, msdfColor.b)) - max(msdfColor.r, max(msdfColor.g, msdfColor.b)); // SDF median = min(median, msdfColor.a); float screenPxDistance = distance * (median - 0.5); float alpha = clamp(screenPxDistance + 0.5, 0.0, 1.0); if (median < 0.01) { alpha = 0.0; } else if (median > 0.99) { alpha = 1.0; } // Gamma correction for coverage-like alpha float luma = dot(shapeColor.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)); float gamma = mix(1.0, 1.0 / 2.2, luma); float coverage = pow(shapeColor.a * alpha, gamma); return coverage; } ` ) } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/sdfShader/SdfShader.mjs var gpuProgram, glProgram, SdfShader; var init_SdfShader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/sdfShader/SdfShader.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_maxRecommendedTextures(); init_compileHighShaderToProgram(); init_colorBit(); init_generateTextureBatchBit(); init_roundPixelsBit(); init_getBatchSamplersUniformGroup(); init_Shader(); init_UniformGroup(); init_localUniformMSDFBit(); init_mSDFBit(); SdfShader = class extends Shader { constructor() { const uniforms = new UniformGroup({ uColor: { value: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), type: "vec4" }, uTransformMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uDistance: { value: 4, type: "f32" }, uRound: { value: 0, type: "f32" } }); const maxTextures2 = getMaxTexturesPerBatch(); gpuProgram ?? (gpuProgram = compileHighShaderGpuProgram({ name: "sdf-shader", bits: [ colorBit, generateTextureBatchBit(maxTextures2), localUniformMSDFBit, mSDFBit, roundPixelsBit ] })); glProgram ?? (glProgram = compileHighShaderGlProgram({ name: "sdf-shader", bits: [ colorBitGl, generateTextureBatchBitGl(maxTextures2), localUniformMSDFBitGl, mSDFBitGl, roundPixelsBitGl ] })); super({ glProgram, gpuProgram, resources: { localUniforms: uniforms, batchSamplers: getBatchSamplersUniformGroup(maxTextures2) } }); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/AbstractBitmapFont.mjs var AbstractBitmapFont; var init_AbstractBitmapFont = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/AbstractBitmapFont.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_deprecation(); AbstractBitmapFont = class extends eventemitter3_default { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.chars = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.lineHeight = 0; this.fontFamily = ""; this.fontMetrics = { fontSize: 0, ascent: 0, descent: 0 }; this.baseLineOffset = 0; this.distanceField = { type: "none", range: 0 }; this.pages = []; this.applyFillAsTint = true; this.baseMeasurementFontSize = 100; this.baseRenderedFontSize = 100; } /** * The name of the font face. * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use `fontFamily` instead. */ get font() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "BitmapFont.font is deprecated, please use BitmapFont.fontFamily instead."); return this.fontFamily; } /** * The map of base page textures (i.e., sheets of glyphs). * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use `pages` instead. */ get pageTextures() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "BitmapFont.pageTextures is deprecated, please use BitmapFont.pages instead."); return this.pages; } /** * The size of the font face in pixels. * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use `fontMetrics.fontSize` instead. */ get size() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "BitmapFont.size is deprecated, please use BitmapFont.fontMetrics.fontSize instead."); return this.fontMetrics.fontSize; } /** * The kind of distance field for this font or "none". * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use `distanceField.type` instead. */ get distanceFieldRange() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "BitmapFont.distanceFieldRange is deprecated, please use BitmapFont.distanceField.range instead."); return this.distanceField.range; } /** * The range of the distance field in pixels. * @deprecated since 8.0.0 Use `distanceField.range` instead. */ get distanceFieldType() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "BitmapFont.distanceFieldType is deprecated, please use BitmapFont.distanceField.type instead."); return this.distanceField.type; } destroy(destroyTextures = false) { this.emit("destroy", this); this.removeAllListeners(); for (const i3 in this.chars) { this.chars[i3].texture?.destroy(); } this.chars = null; if (destroyTextures) { this.pages.forEach((page) => page.texture.destroy(true)); this.pages = null; } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/utils/resolveCharacters.mjs function resolveCharacters(chars) { if (chars === "") { return []; } if (typeof chars === "string") { chars = [chars]; } const result = []; for (let i3 = 0, j2 = chars.length; i3 < j2; i3++) { const item = chars[i3]; if (Array.isArray(item)) { if (item.length !== 2) { throw new Error(`[BitmapFont]: Invalid character range length, expecting 2 got ${item.length}.`); } if (item[0].length === 0 || item[1].length === 0) { throw new Error("[BitmapFont]: Invalid character delimiter."); } const startCode = item[0].charCodeAt(0); const endCode = item[1].charCodeAt(0); if (endCode < startCode) { throw new Error("[BitmapFont]: Invalid character range."); } for (let i22 = startCode, j22 = endCode; i22 <= j22; i22++) { result.push(String.fromCharCode(i22)); } } else { result.push(...Array.from(item)); } } if (result.length === 0) { throw new Error("[BitmapFont]: Empty set when resolving characters."); } return result; } var init_resolveCharacters = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/utils/resolveCharacters.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/DynamicBitmapFont.mjs var _DynamicBitmapFont, DynamicBitmapFont; var init_DynamicBitmapFont = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/DynamicBitmapFont.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_Rectangle(); init_CanvasPool(); init_ImageSource(); init_Texture(); init_deprecation(); init_CanvasTextMetrics(); init_fontStringFromTextStyle(); init_getCanvasFillStyle(); init_TextStyle(); init_AbstractBitmapFont(); init_resolveCharacters(); _DynamicBitmapFont = class _DynamicBitmapFont2 extends AbstractBitmapFont { /** * @param options - The options for the dynamic bitmap font. */ constructor(options) { super(); this.resolution = 1; this.pages = []; this._padding = 0; this._measureCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._currentChars = []; this._currentX = 0; this._currentY = 0; this._currentPageIndex = -1; this._skipKerning = false; const dynamicOptions = { ..._DynamicBitmapFont2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this._textureSize = dynamicOptions.textureSize; this._mipmap = dynamicOptions.mipmap; const style = dynamicOptions.style.clone(); if (dynamicOptions.overrideFill) { style._fill.color = 16777215; style._fill.alpha = 1; style._fill.texture = Texture.WHITE; style._fill.fill = null; } this.applyFillAsTint = dynamicOptions.overrideFill; const requestedFontSize = style.fontSize; style.fontSize = this.baseMeasurementFontSize; const font = fontStringFromTextStyle(style); if (dynamicOptions.overrideSize) { if (style._stroke) { style._stroke.width *= this.baseRenderedFontSize / requestedFontSize; } } else { style.fontSize = this.baseRenderedFontSize = requestedFontSize; } this._style = style; this._skipKerning = dynamicOptions.skipKerning ?? false; this.resolution = dynamicOptions.resolution ?? 1; this._padding = dynamicOptions.padding ?? 4; this.fontMetrics = CanvasTextMetrics.measureFont(font); this.lineHeight = style.lineHeight || this.fontMetrics.fontSize || style.fontSize; } ensureCharacters(chars) { const charList = resolveCharacters(chars).filter((char) => !this._currentChars.includes(char)).filter((char, index, self2) => self2.indexOf(char) === index); if (!charList.length) return; this._currentChars = [...this._currentChars, ...charList]; let pageData; if (this._currentPageIndex === -1) { pageData = this._nextPage(); } else { pageData = this.pages[this._currentPageIndex]; } let { canvas: canvas2, context: context2 } = pageData.canvasAndContext; let textureSource = pageData.texture.source; const style = this._style; let currentX = this._currentX; let currentY = this._currentY; const fontScale = this.baseRenderedFontSize / this.baseMeasurementFontSize; const padding = this._padding * fontScale; let maxCharHeight = 0; let skipTexture = false; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < charList.length; i3++) { const char = charList[i3]; const metrics = CanvasTextMetrics.measureText(char, style, canvas2, false); const textureGlyphWidth = Math.ceil((style.fontStyle === "italic" ? 2 : 1) * metrics.width); metrics.lineHeight = metrics.height; const width = metrics.width * fontScale; const height = metrics.height * fontScale; const paddedWidth = textureGlyphWidth + padding * 2; const paddedHeight = height + padding * 2; skipTexture = false; if (char !== "\n" && char !== "\r" && char !== " " && char !== " ") { skipTexture = true; maxCharHeight = Math.ceil(Math.max(paddedHeight, maxCharHeight)); } if (currentX + paddedWidth > this._textureSize) { currentY += maxCharHeight; maxCharHeight = paddedHeight; currentX = 0; if (currentY + maxCharHeight > this._textureSize) { textureSource.update(); const pageData2 = this._nextPage(); canvas2 = pageData2.canvasAndContext.canvas; context2 = pageData2.canvasAndContext.context; textureSource = pageData2.texture.source; currentY = 0; } } const xAdvance = width / fontScale - (style.dropShadow?.distance ?? 0) - (style._stroke?.width ?? 0); this.chars[char] = { id: char.codePointAt(0), xOffset: -this._padding, yOffset: -this._padding, xAdvance, kerning: {} }; if (skipTexture) { this._drawGlyph( context2, metrics, currentX + padding, currentY + padding, fontScale, style ); const px = textureSource.width * fontScale; const py = textureSource.height * fontScale; const frame = new Rectangle( currentX / px * textureSource.width, currentY / py * textureSource.height, paddedWidth / px * textureSource.width, paddedHeight / py * textureSource.height ); this.chars[char].texture = new Texture({ source: textureSource, frame }); currentX += Math.ceil(paddedWidth); } } textureSource.update(); this._currentX = currentX; this._currentY = currentY; this._skipKerning && this._applyKerning(charList, context2); } /** * @deprecated since 8.0.0 * The map of base page textures (i.e., sheets of glyphs). */ get pageTextures() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "BitmapFont.pageTextures is deprecated, please use BitmapFont.pages instead."); return this.pages; } _applyKerning(newChars, context2) { const measureCache = this._measureCache; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < newChars.length; i3++) { const first = newChars[i3]; for (let j2 = 0; j2 < this._currentChars.length; j2++) { const second = this._currentChars[j2]; let c1 = measureCache[first]; if (!c1) c1 = measureCache[first] = context2.measureText(first).width; let c2 = measureCache[second]; if (!c2) c2 = measureCache[second] = context2.measureText(second).width; let total = context2.measureText(first + second).width; let amount = total - (c1 + c2); if (amount) { this.chars[first].kerning[second] = amount; } total = context2.measureText(first + second).width; amount = total - (c1 + c2); if (amount) { this.chars[second].kerning[first] = amount; } } } } _nextPage() { this._currentPageIndex++; const textureResolution = this.resolution; const canvasAndContext = CanvasPool.getOptimalCanvasAndContext( this._textureSize, this._textureSize, textureResolution ); this._setupContext(canvasAndContext.context, this._style, textureResolution); const resolution = textureResolution * (this.baseRenderedFontSize / this.baseMeasurementFontSize); const texture = new Texture({ source: new ImageSource({ resource: canvasAndContext.canvas, resolution, alphaMode: "premultiply-alpha-on-upload", autoGenerateMipmaps: this._mipmap }) }); const pageData = { canvasAndContext, texture }; this.pages[this._currentPageIndex] = pageData; return pageData; } // canvas style! _setupContext(context2, style, resolution) { style.fontSize = this.baseRenderedFontSize; context2.scale(resolution, resolution); context2.font = fontStringFromTextStyle(style); style.fontSize = this.baseMeasurementFontSize; context2.textBaseline = style.textBaseline; const stroke = style._stroke; const strokeThickness = stroke?.width ?? 0; if (stroke) { context2.lineWidth = strokeThickness; context2.lineJoin = stroke.join; context2.miterLimit = stroke.miterLimit; context2.strokeStyle = getCanvasFillStyle(stroke, context2); } if (style._fill) { context2.fillStyle = getCanvasFillStyle(style._fill, context2); } if (style.dropShadow) { const shadowOptions = style.dropShadow; const rgb = Color.shared.setValue(shadowOptions.color).toArray(); const dropShadowBlur = shadowOptions.blur * resolution; const dropShadowDistance = shadowOptions.distance * resolution; context2.shadowColor = `rgba(${rgb[0] * 255},${rgb[1] * 255},${rgb[2] * 255},${shadowOptions.alpha})`; context2.shadowBlur = dropShadowBlur; context2.shadowOffsetX = Math.cos(shadowOptions.angle) * dropShadowDistance; context2.shadowOffsetY = Math.sin(shadowOptions.angle) * dropShadowDistance; } else { context2.shadowColor = "black"; context2.shadowBlur = 0; context2.shadowOffsetX = 0; context2.shadowOffsetY = 0; } } _drawGlyph(context2, metrics, x2, y2, fontScale, style) { const char = metrics.text; const fontProperties = metrics.fontProperties; const stroke = style._stroke; const strokeThickness = (stroke?.width ?? 0) * fontScale; const tx = x2 + strokeThickness / 2; const ty = y2 - strokeThickness / 2; const descent = fontProperties.descent * fontScale; const lineHeight = metrics.lineHeight * fontScale; if (style.stroke && strokeThickness) { context2.strokeText(char, tx, ty + lineHeight - descent); } if (style._fill) { context2.fillText(char, tx, ty + lineHeight - descent); } } destroy() { super.destroy(); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.pages.length; i3++) { const { canvasAndContext, texture } = this.pages[i3]; CanvasPool.returnCanvasAndContext(canvasAndContext); texture.destroy(true); } this.pages = null; } }; _DynamicBitmapFont.defaultOptions = { textureSize: 512, style: new TextStyle(), mipmap: true }; DynamicBitmapFont = _DynamicBitmapFont; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/utils/getBitmapTextLayout.mjs function getBitmapTextLayout(chars, style, font, trimEnd) { const layoutData = { width: 0, height: 0, offsetY: 0, scale: style.fontSize / font.baseMeasurementFontSize, lines: [{ width: 0, charPositions: [], spaceWidth: 0, spacesIndex: [], chars: [] }] }; layoutData.offsetY = font.baseLineOffset; let currentLine = layoutData.lines[0]; let previousChar = null; let firstWord = true; const currentWord = { spaceWord: false, width: 0, start: 0, index: 0, // use index to not modify the array as we use it a lot! positions: [], chars: [] }; const nextWord = (word) => { const start = currentLine.width; for (let j2 = 0; j2 < currentWord.index; j2++) { const position = word.positions[j2]; currentLine.chars.push(word.chars[j2]); currentLine.charPositions.push(position + start); } currentLine.width += word.width; firstWord = false; currentWord.width = 0; currentWord.index = 0; currentWord.chars.length = 0; }; const nextLine = () => { let index = currentLine.chars.length - 1; if (trimEnd) { let lastChar = currentLine.chars[index]; while (lastChar === " ") { currentLine.width -= font.chars[lastChar].xAdvance; lastChar = currentLine.chars[--index]; } } layoutData.width = Math.max(layoutData.width, currentLine.width); currentLine = { width: 0, charPositions: [], chars: [], spaceWidth: 0, spacesIndex: [] }; firstWord = true; layoutData.lines.push(currentLine); layoutData.height += font.lineHeight; }; const scale = font.baseMeasurementFontSize / style.fontSize; const adjustedLetterSpacing = style.letterSpacing * scale; const adjustedWordWrapWidth = style.wordWrapWidth * scale; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < chars.length + 1; i3++) { let char; const isEnd = i3 === chars.length; if (!isEnd) { char = chars[i3]; } const charData = font.chars[char] || font.chars[" "]; const isSpace = /(?:\s)/.test(char); const isWordBreak = isSpace || char === "\r" || char === "\n" || isEnd; if (isWordBreak) { const addWordToNextLine = !firstWord && style.wordWrap && currentLine.width + currentWord.width - adjustedLetterSpacing > adjustedWordWrapWidth; if (addWordToNextLine) { nextLine(); nextWord(currentWord); if (!isEnd) { currentLine.charPositions.push(0); } } else { currentWord.start = currentLine.width; nextWord(currentWord); if (!isEnd) { currentLine.charPositions.push(0); } } if (char === "\r" || char === "\n") { if (currentLine.width !== 0) { nextLine(); } } else if (!isEnd) { const spaceWidth = charData.xAdvance + (charData.kerning[previousChar] || 0) + adjustedLetterSpacing; currentLine.width += spaceWidth; currentLine.spaceWidth = spaceWidth; currentLine.spacesIndex.push(currentLine.charPositions.length); currentLine.chars.push(char); } } else { const kerning = charData.kerning[previousChar] || 0; const nextCharWidth = charData.xAdvance + kerning + adjustedLetterSpacing; currentWord.positions[currentWord.index++] = currentWord.width + kerning; currentWord.chars.push(char); currentWord.width += nextCharWidth; } previousChar = char; } nextLine(); if (style.align === "center") { alignCenter(layoutData); } else if (style.align === "right") { alignRight(layoutData); } else if (style.align === "justify") { alignJustify(layoutData); } return layoutData; } function alignCenter(measurementData) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < measurementData.lines.length; i3++) { const line = measurementData.lines[i3]; const offset = measurementData.width / 2 - line.width / 2; for (let j2 = 0; j2 < line.charPositions.length; j2++) { line.charPositions[j2] += offset; } } } function alignRight(measurementData) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < measurementData.lines.length; i3++) { const line = measurementData.lines[i3]; const offset = measurementData.width - line.width; for (let j2 = 0; j2 < line.charPositions.length; j2++) { line.charPositions[j2] += offset; } } } function alignJustify(measurementData) { const width = measurementData.width; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < measurementData.lines.length; i3++) { const line = measurementData.lines[i3]; let indy = 0; let spaceIndex = line.spacesIndex[indy++]; let offset = 0; const totalSpaces = line.spacesIndex.length; const newSpaceWidth = (width - line.width) / totalSpaces; const spaceWidth = newSpaceWidth; for (let j2 = 0; j2 < line.charPositions.length; j2++) { if (j2 === spaceIndex) { spaceIndex = line.spacesIndex[indy++]; offset += spaceWidth; } line.charPositions[j2] += offset; } } } var init_getBitmapTextLayout = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/utils/getBitmapTextLayout.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/BitmapFontManager.mjs var fontCount, BitmapFontManagerClass, BitmapFontManager; var init_BitmapFontManager = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/BitmapFontManager.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Cache(); init_deprecation(); init_warn(); init_TextStyle(); init_DynamicBitmapFont(); init_getBitmapTextLayout(); init_resolveCharacters(); fontCount = 0; BitmapFontManagerClass = class { constructor() { this.ALPHA = [["a", "z"], ["A", "Z"], " "]; this.NUMERIC = [["0", "9"]]; this.ALPHANUMERIC = [["a", "z"], ["A", "Z"], ["0", "9"], " "]; this.ASCII = [[" ", "~"]]; this.defaultOptions = { chars: this.ALPHANUMERIC, resolution: 1, padding: 4, skipKerning: false }; } /** * Get a font for the specified text and style. * @param text - The text to get the font for * @param style - The style to use */ getFont(text, style) { let fontFamilyKey = `${style.fontFamily}-bitmap`; let overrideFill = true; if (style._fill.fill && !style._stroke) { fontFamilyKey += style._fill.fill.styleKey; overrideFill = false; } else if (style._stroke || style.dropShadow) { let key = style.styleKey; key = key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("-")); fontFamilyKey = `${key}-bitmap`; overrideFill = false; } if (!Cache.has(fontFamilyKey)) { const fnt = new DynamicBitmapFont({ style, overrideFill, overrideSize: true, ...this.defaultOptions }); fontCount++; if (fontCount > 50) { warn("BitmapText", `You have dynamically created ${fontCount} bitmap fonts, this can be inefficient. Try pre installing your font styles using \`BitmapFont.install({name:"style1", style})\``); } fnt.once("destroy", () => { fontCount--; Cache.remove(fontFamilyKey); }); Cache.set( fontFamilyKey, fnt ); } const dynamicFont = Cache.get(fontFamilyKey); dynamicFont.ensureCharacters?.(text); return dynamicFont; } /** * Get the layout of a text for the specified style. * @param text - The text to get the layout for * @param style - The style to use * @param trimEnd - Whether to ignore whitespaces at the end of each line */ getLayout(text, style, trimEnd = true) { const bitmapFont = this.getFont(text, style); return getBitmapTextLayout([...text], style, bitmapFont, trimEnd); } /** * Measure the text using the specified style. * @param text - The text to measure * @param style - The style to use * @param trimEnd - Whether to ignore whitespaces at the end of each line */ measureText(text, style, trimEnd = true) { return this.getLayout(text, style, trimEnd); } // eslint-disable-next-line max-len install(...args) { let options = args[0]; if (typeof options === "string") { options = { name: options, style: args[1], chars: args[2]?.chars, resolution: args[2]?.resolution, padding: args[2]?.padding, skipKerning: args[2]?.skipKerning }; deprecation(v8_0_0, "BitmapFontManager.install(name, style, options) is deprecated, use BitmapFontManager.install({name, style, ...options})"); } const name = options?.name; if (!name) { throw new Error("[BitmapFontManager] Property `name` is required."); } options = { ...this.defaultOptions, ...options }; const textStyle = options.style; const style = textStyle instanceof TextStyle ? textStyle : new TextStyle(textStyle); const overrideFill = style._fill.fill !== null && style._fill.fill !== void 0; const font = new DynamicBitmapFont({ style, overrideFill, skipKerning: options.skipKerning, padding: options.padding, resolution: options.resolution, overrideSize: false }); const flatChars = resolveCharacters(options.chars); font.ensureCharacters(flatChars.join("")); Cache.set(`${name}-bitmap`, font); font.once("destroy", () => Cache.remove(`${name}-bitmap`)); return font; } /** * Uninstalls a bitmap font from the cache. * @param {string} name - The name of the bitmap font to uninstall. */ uninstall(name) { const cacheKey = `${name}-bitmap`; const font = Cache.get(cacheKey); if (font) { font.destroy(); } } }; BitmapFontManager = new BitmapFontManagerClass(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/BitmapTextPipe.mjs function syncWithProxy(container, proxy) { proxy.groupTransform = container.groupTransform; proxy.groupColorAlpha = container.groupColorAlpha; proxy.groupColor = container.groupColor; proxy.groupBlendMode = container.groupBlendMode; proxy.globalDisplayStatus = container.globalDisplayStatus; proxy.groupTransform = container.groupTransform; proxy.localDisplayStatus = container.localDisplayStatus; proxy.groupAlpha = container.groupAlpha; proxy._roundPixels = container._roundPixels; } var BitmapTextPipe; var init_BitmapTextPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/BitmapTextPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Cache(); init_Extensions(); init_PoolGroup(); init_Graphics(); init_SdfShader(); init_BitmapFontManager(); init_getBitmapTextLayout(); BitmapTextPipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._gpuBitmapText = {}; this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this); this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuBitmapText"); } validateRenderable(bitmapText) { const graphicsRenderable = this._getGpuBitmapText(bitmapText); if (bitmapText._didTextUpdate) { bitmapText._didTextUpdate = false; this._updateContext(bitmapText, graphicsRenderable); } return this._renderer.renderPipes.graphics.validateRenderable(graphicsRenderable); } addRenderable(bitmapText, instructionSet) { const graphicsRenderable = this._getGpuBitmapText(bitmapText); syncWithProxy(bitmapText, graphicsRenderable); if (bitmapText._didTextUpdate) { bitmapText._didTextUpdate = false; this._updateContext(bitmapText, graphicsRenderable); } this._renderer.renderPipes.graphics.addRenderable(graphicsRenderable, instructionSet); if (graphicsRenderable.context.customShader) { this._updateDistanceField(bitmapText); } } destroyRenderable(bitmapText) { bitmapText.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); this._destroyRenderableByUid(bitmapText.uid); } _destroyRenderableByUid(renderableUid) { const context2 = this._gpuBitmapText[renderableUid].context; if (context2.customShader) { BigPool.return(context2.customShader); context2.customShader = null; } BigPool.return(this._gpuBitmapText[renderableUid]); this._gpuBitmapText[renderableUid] = null; } updateRenderable(bitmapText) { const graphicsRenderable = this._getGpuBitmapText(bitmapText); syncWithProxy(bitmapText, graphicsRenderable); this._renderer.renderPipes.graphics.updateRenderable(graphicsRenderable); if (graphicsRenderable.context.customShader) { this._updateDistanceField(bitmapText); } } _updateContext(bitmapText, proxyGraphics) { const { context: context2 } = proxyGraphics; const bitmapFont = BitmapFontManager.getFont(bitmapText.text, bitmapText._style); context2.clear(); if (bitmapFont.distanceField.type !== "none") { if (!context2.customShader) { context2.customShader = BigPool.get(SdfShader); } } const chars = Array.from(bitmapText.text); const style = bitmapText._style; let currentY = bitmapFont.baseLineOffset; const bitmapTextLayout = getBitmapTextLayout(chars, style, bitmapFont, true); let index = 0; const padding = style.padding; const scale = bitmapTextLayout.scale; let tx = bitmapTextLayout.width; let ty = bitmapTextLayout.height + bitmapTextLayout.offsetY; if (style._stroke) { tx += style._stroke.width / scale; ty += style._stroke.width / scale; } context2.translate(-bitmapText._anchor._x * tx - padding, -bitmapText._anchor._y * ty - padding).scale(scale, scale); const tint = bitmapFont.applyFillAsTint ? style._fill.color : 16777215; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < bitmapTextLayout.lines.length; i3++) { const line = bitmapTextLayout.lines[i3]; for (let j2 = 0; j2 < line.charPositions.length; j2++) { const char = chars[index++]; const charData = bitmapFont.chars[char]; if (charData?.texture) { context2.texture( charData.texture, tint ? tint : "black", Math.round(line.charPositions[j2] + charData.xOffset), Math.round(currentY + charData.yOffset) ); } } currentY += bitmapFont.lineHeight; } } _getGpuBitmapText(bitmapText) { return this._gpuBitmapText[bitmapText.uid] || this.initGpuText(bitmapText); } initGpuText(bitmapText) { const proxyRenderable = BigPool.get(Graphics); this._gpuBitmapText[bitmapText.uid] = proxyRenderable; this._updateContext(bitmapText, proxyRenderable); bitmapText.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); return this._gpuBitmapText[bitmapText.uid]; } _updateDistanceField(bitmapText) { const context2 = this._getGpuBitmapText(bitmapText).context; const fontFamily = bitmapText._style.fontFamily; const dynamicFont = Cache.get(`${fontFamily}-bitmap`); const { a: a2, b: b2, c: c2, d: d2 } = bitmapText.groupTransform; const dx = Math.sqrt(a2 * a2 + b2 * b2); const dy = Math.sqrt(c2 * c2 + d2 * d2); const worldScale = (Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy)) / 2; const fontScale = dynamicFont.baseRenderedFontSize / bitmapText._style.fontSize; const distance = worldScale * dynamicFont.distanceField.range * (1 / fontScale); context2.customShader.resources.localUniforms.uniforms.uDistance = distance; } destroy() { for (const uid3 in this._gpuBitmapText) { this._destroyRenderableByUid(uid3); } this._gpuBitmapText = null; this._renderer = null; } }; BitmapTextPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "bitmapText" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/init.mjs var init_init10 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BitmapTextPipe(); extensions.add(BitmapTextPipe); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/HTMLTextPipe.mjs var HTMLTextPipe; var init_HTMLTextPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/HTMLTextPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Texture(); init_updateQuadBounds(); init_PoolGroup(); init_BatchableSprite(); HTMLTextPipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._gpuText = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this); this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.runners.resolutionChange.add(this); this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuText"); } resolutionChange() { for (const i3 in this._gpuText) { const gpuText = this._gpuText[i3]; if (!gpuText) continue; const text = gpuText.batchableSprite.renderable; if (text._autoResolution) { text._resolution = this._renderer.resolution; text.onViewUpdate(); } } } validateRenderable(htmlText) { const gpuText = this._getGpuText(htmlText); const newKey = htmlText._getKey(); if (gpuText.textureNeedsUploading) { gpuText.textureNeedsUploading = false; return true; } if (gpuText.currentKey !== newKey) { return true; } return false; } addRenderable(htmlText, instructionSet) { const gpuText = this._getGpuText(htmlText); const batchableSprite = gpuText.batchableSprite; if (htmlText._didTextUpdate) { this._updateText(htmlText); } this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.addToBatch(batchableSprite, instructionSet); } updateRenderable(htmlText) { const gpuText = this._getGpuText(htmlText); const batchableSprite = gpuText.batchableSprite; if (htmlText._didTextUpdate) { this._updateText(htmlText); } batchableSprite._batcher.updateElement(batchableSprite); } destroyRenderable(htmlText) { htmlText.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); this._destroyRenderableById(htmlText.uid); } _destroyRenderableById(htmlTextUid) { const gpuText = this._gpuText[htmlTextUid]; this._renderer.htmlText.decreaseReferenceCount(gpuText.currentKey); BigPool.return(gpuText.batchableSprite); this._gpuText[htmlTextUid] = null; } _updateText(htmlText) { const newKey = htmlText._getKey(); const gpuText = this._getGpuText(htmlText); const batchableSprite = gpuText.batchableSprite; if (gpuText.currentKey !== newKey) { this._updateGpuText(htmlText).catch((e2) => { console.error(e2); }); } htmlText._didTextUpdate = false; const padding = htmlText._style.padding; updateQuadBounds(batchableSprite.bounds, htmlText._anchor, batchableSprite.texture, padding); } async _updateGpuText(htmlText) { htmlText._didTextUpdate = false; const gpuText = this._getGpuText(htmlText); if (gpuText.generatingTexture) return; const newKey = htmlText._getKey(); this._renderer.htmlText.decreaseReferenceCount(gpuText.currentKey); gpuText.generatingTexture = true; gpuText.currentKey = newKey; const resolution = htmlText.resolution ?? this._renderer.resolution; const texture = await this._renderer.htmlText.getManagedTexture( htmlText.text, resolution, htmlText._style, htmlText._getKey() ); const batchableSprite = gpuText.batchableSprite; batchableSprite.texture = gpuText.texture = texture; gpuText.generatingTexture = false; gpuText.textureNeedsUploading = true; htmlText.onViewUpdate(); const padding = htmlText._style.padding; updateQuadBounds(batchableSprite.bounds, htmlText._anchor, batchableSprite.texture, padding); } _getGpuText(htmlText) { return this._gpuText[htmlText.uid] || this.initGpuText(htmlText); } initGpuText(htmlText) { const gpuTextData = { texture: Texture.EMPTY, currentKey: "--", batchableSprite: BigPool.get(BatchableSprite), textureNeedsUploading: false, generatingTexture: false }; const batchableSprite = gpuTextData.batchableSprite; batchableSprite.renderable = htmlText; batchableSprite.transform = htmlText.groupTransform; batchableSprite.texture = Texture.EMPTY; batchableSprite.bounds = { minX: 0, maxX: 1, minY: 0, maxY: 0 }; batchableSprite.roundPixels = this._renderer._roundPixels | htmlText._roundPixels; htmlText._resolution = htmlText._autoResolution ? this._renderer.resolution : htmlText.resolution; this._gpuText[htmlText.uid] = gpuTextData; htmlText.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); return gpuTextData; } destroy() { for (const i3 in this._gpuText) { this._destroyRenderableById(i3); } this._gpuText = null; this._renderer = null; } }; HTMLTextPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "htmlText" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/isSafari.mjs function isSafari() { const { userAgent } = DOMAdapter.get().getNavigator(); return /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(userAgent); } var init_isSafari = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/isSafari.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/HTMLTextRenderData.mjs var nssvg, nsxhtml, HTMLTextRenderData; var init_HTMLTextRenderData = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/HTMLTextRenderData.mjs"() { "use strict"; nssvg = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; nsxhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; HTMLTextRenderData = class { constructor() { this.svgRoot = document.createElementNS(nssvg, "svg"); this.foreignObject = document.createElementNS(nssvg, "foreignObject"); this.domElement = document.createElementNS(nsxhtml, "div"); this.styleElement = document.createElementNS(nsxhtml, "style"); this.image = new Image(); const { foreignObject, svgRoot, styleElement, domElement } = this; foreignObject.setAttribute("width", "10000"); foreignObject.setAttribute("height", "10000"); foreignObject.style.overflow = "hidden"; svgRoot.appendChild(foreignObject); foreignObject.appendChild(styleElement); foreignObject.appendChild(domElement); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/textStyleToCSS.mjs function textStyleToCSS(style) { const stroke = style._stroke; const fill = style._fill; const cssStyleString = [ `color: ${Color.shared.setValue(fill.color).toHex()}`, `font-size: ${style.fontSize}px`, `font-family: ${style.fontFamily}`, `font-weight: ${style.fontWeight}`, `font-style: ${style.fontStyle}`, `font-variant: ${style.fontVariant}`, `letter-spacing: ${style.letterSpacing}px`, `text-align: ${style.align}`, `padding: ${style.padding}px`, `white-space: ${style.whiteSpace === "pre" && style.wordWrap ? "pre-wrap" : style.whiteSpace}`, ...style.lineHeight ? [`line-height: ${style.lineHeight}px`] : [], ...style.wordWrap ? [ `word-wrap: ${style.breakWords ? "break-all" : "break-word"}`, `max-width: ${style.wordWrapWidth}px` ] : [], ...stroke ? [strokeToCSS(stroke)] : [], ...style.dropShadow ? [dropShadowToCSS(style.dropShadow)] : [], ...style.cssOverrides ].join(";"); const cssStyles = [`div { ${cssStyleString} }`]; tagStyleToCSS(style.tagStyles, cssStyles); return cssStyles.join(" "); } function dropShadowToCSS(dropShadowStyle) { const color = Color.shared.setValue(dropShadowStyle.color).setAlpha(dropShadowStyle.alpha).toHexa(); const x2 = Math.round(Math.cos(dropShadowStyle.angle) * dropShadowStyle.distance); const y2 = Math.round(Math.sin(dropShadowStyle.angle) * dropShadowStyle.distance); const position = `${x2}px ${y2}px`; if (dropShadowStyle.blur > 0) { return `text-shadow: ${position} ${dropShadowStyle.blur}px ${color}`; } return `text-shadow: ${position} ${color}`; } function strokeToCSS(stroke) { return [ `-webkit-text-stroke-width: ${stroke.width}px`, `-webkit-text-stroke-color: ${Color.shared.setValue(stroke.color).toHex()}`, `text-stroke-width: ${stroke.width}px`, `text-stroke-color: ${Color.shared.setValue(stroke.color).toHex()}`, "paint-order: stroke" ].join(";"); } function tagStyleToCSS(tagStyles, out2) { for (const i3 in tagStyles) { const tagStyle = tagStyles[i3]; const cssTagStyle = []; for (const j2 in tagStyle) { if (transform[j2]) { cssTagStyle.push(transform[j2](tagStyle[j2])); } else if (templates[j2]) { cssTagStyle.push(templates[j2].replace("{{VALUE}}", tagStyle[j2])); } } out2.push(`${i3} { ${cssTagStyle.join(";")} }`); } } var templates, transform; var init_textStyleToCSS = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/textStyleToCSS.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); templates = { fontSize: `font-size: {{VALUE}}px`, fontFamily: `font-family: {{VALUE}}`, fontWeight: `font-weight: {{VALUE}}`, fontStyle: `font-style: {{VALUE}}`, fontVariant: `font-variant: {{VALUE}}`, letterSpacing: `letter-spacing: {{VALUE}}px`, align: `text-align: {{VALUE}}`, padding: `padding: {{VALUE}}px`, whiteSpace: `white-space: {{VALUE}}`, lineHeight: `line-height: {{VALUE}}px`, wordWrapWidth: `max-width: {{VALUE}}px` }; transform = { fill: (value) => `color: ${Color.shared.setValue(value).toHex()}`, breakWords: (value) => `word-wrap: ${value ? "break-all" : "break-word"}`, stroke: strokeToCSS, dropShadow: dropShadowToCSS }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/HtmlTextStyle.mjs var HTMLTextStyle; var init_HtmlTextStyle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/HtmlTextStyle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_warn(); init_TextStyle(); init_generateTextStyleKey(); init_textStyleToCSS(); HTMLTextStyle = class _HTMLTextStyle extends TextStyle { constructor(options = {}) { super(options); this._cssOverrides = []; this.cssOverrides ?? (this.cssOverrides = options.cssOverrides); this.tagStyles = options.tagStyles ?? {}; } /** List of style overrides that will be applied to the HTML text. */ set cssOverrides(value) { this._cssOverrides = value instanceof Array ? value : [value]; this.update(); } get cssOverrides() { return this._cssOverrides; } _generateKey() { this._styleKey = generateTextStyleKey(this) + this._cssOverrides.join("-"); return this._styleKey; } update() { this._cssStyle = null; super.update(); } /** * Creates a new HTMLTextStyle object with the same values as this one. * @returns New cloned HTMLTextStyle object */ clone() { return new _HTMLTextStyle({ align: this.align, breakWords: this.breakWords, dropShadow: this.dropShadow ? { ...this.dropShadow } : null, fill: this._fill, fontFamily: this.fontFamily, fontSize: this.fontSize, fontStyle: this.fontStyle, fontVariant: this.fontVariant, fontWeight: this.fontWeight, letterSpacing: this.letterSpacing, lineHeight: this.lineHeight, padding: this.padding, stroke: this._stroke, whiteSpace: this.whiteSpace, wordWrap: this.wordWrap, wordWrapWidth: this.wordWrapWidth, cssOverrides: this.cssOverrides }); } get cssStyle() { if (!this._cssStyle) { this._cssStyle = textStyleToCSS(this); } return this._cssStyle; } /** * Add a style override, this can be any CSS property * it will override any built-in style. This is the * property and the value as a string (e.g., `color: red`). * This will override any other internal style. * @param {string} value - CSS style(s) to add. * @example * style.addOverride('background-color: red'); */ addOverride(...value) { const toAdd = value.filter((v2) => !this.cssOverrides.includes(v2)); if (toAdd.length > 0) { this.cssOverrides.push(...toAdd); this.update(); } } /** * Remove any overrides that match the value. * @param {string} value - CSS style to remove. * @example * style.removeOverride('background-color: red'); */ removeOverride(...value) { const toRemove = value.filter((v2) => this.cssOverrides.includes(v2)); if (toRemove.length > 0) { this.cssOverrides = this.cssOverrides.filter((v2) => !toRemove.includes(v2)); this.update(); } } set fill(value) { if (typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "number") { warn("[HTMLTextStyle] only color fill is not supported by HTMLText"); } super.fill = value; } set stroke(value) { if (value && typeof value !== "string" && typeof value !== "number") { warn("[HTMLTextStyle] only color stroke is not supported by HTMLText"); } super.stroke = value; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/extractFontFamilies.mjs function extractFontFamilies(text, style) { const fontFamily = style.fontFamily; const fontFamilies = []; const dedupe = {}; const regex = /font-family:([^;"\s]+)/g; const matches = text.match(regex); function addFontFamily(fontFamily2) { if (!dedupe[fontFamily2]) { fontFamilies.push(fontFamily2); dedupe[fontFamily2] = true; } } if (Array.isArray(fontFamily)) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < fontFamily.length; i3++) { addFontFamily(fontFamily[i3]); } } else { addFontFamily(fontFamily); } if (matches) { matches.forEach((match) => { const fontFamily2 = match.split(":")[1].trim(); addFontFamily(fontFamily2); }); } for (const i3 in style.tagStyles) { const fontFamily2 = style.tagStyles[i3].fontFamily; addFontFamily(fontFamily2); } return fontFamilies; } var init_extractFontFamilies = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/extractFontFamilies.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/loadFontAsBase64.mjs async function loadFontAsBase64(url) { const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url); const blob = await response.blob(); const reader = new FileReader(); const dataSrc = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result); reader.onerror = reject; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); return dataSrc; } var init_loadFontAsBase64 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/loadFontAsBase64.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/loadFontCSS.mjs async function loadFontCSS(style, url) { const dataSrc = await loadFontAsBase64(url); return `@font-face { font-family: "${style.fontFamily}"; src: url('${dataSrc}'); font-weight: ${style.fontWeight}; font-style: ${style.fontStyle}; }`; } var init_loadFontCSS = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/loadFontCSS.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_loadFontAsBase64(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/getFontCss.mjs async function getFontCss(fontFamilies, style, defaultOptions) { const fontPromises = fontFamilies.filter((fontFamily) => Cache.has(`${fontFamily}-and-url`)).map((fontFamily, i3) => { if (!FontStylePromiseCache.has(fontFamily)) { const { url } = Cache.get(`${fontFamily}-and-url`); if (i3 === 0) { FontStylePromiseCache.set(fontFamily, loadFontCSS({ fontWeight: style.fontWeight, fontStyle: style.fontStyle, fontFamily }, url)); } else { FontStylePromiseCache.set(fontFamily, loadFontCSS({ fontWeight: defaultOptions.fontWeight, fontStyle: defaultOptions.fontStyle, fontFamily }, url)); } } return FontStylePromiseCache.get(fontFamily); }); return (await Promise.all(fontPromises)).join("\n"); } var FontStylePromiseCache; var init_getFontCss = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/getFontCss.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Cache(); init_loadFontCSS(); FontStylePromiseCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/getSVGUrl.mjs function getSVGUrl(text, style, resolution, fontCSS, htmlTextData) { const { domElement, styleElement, svgRoot } = htmlTextData; domElement.innerHTML = `
`; domElement.setAttribute("style", `transform: scale(${resolution});transform-origin: top left; display: inline-block`); styleElement.textContent = fontCSS; const { width, height } = htmlTextData.image; svgRoot.setAttribute("width", width.toString()); svgRoot.setAttribute("height", height.toString()); return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svgRoot); } var init_getSVGUrl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/getSVGUrl.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/getTemporaryCanvasFromImage.mjs function getTemporaryCanvasFromImage(image, resolution) { const canvasAndContext = CanvasPool.getOptimalCanvasAndContext( image.width, image.height, resolution ); const { context: context2 } = canvasAndContext; context2.clearRect(0, 0, image.width, image.height); context2.drawImage(image, 0, 0); return canvasAndContext; } var init_getTemporaryCanvasFromImage = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/getTemporaryCanvasFromImage.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_CanvasPool(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/loadSVGImage.mjs function loadSVGImage(image, url, delay) { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { if (delay) { await new Promise((resolve2) => setTimeout(resolve2, 100)); } image.onload = () => { resolve(); }; image.src = `data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,${encodeURIComponent(url)}`; image.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; }); } var init_loadSVGImage = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/loadSVGImage.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/measureHtmlText.mjs function measureHtmlText(text, style, fontStyleCSS, htmlTextRenderData) { htmlTextRenderData = htmlTextRenderData || tempHTMLTextRenderData || (tempHTMLTextRenderData = new HTMLTextRenderData()); const { domElement, styleElement, svgRoot } = htmlTextRenderData; domElement.innerHTML = `
`; domElement.setAttribute("style", "transform-origin: top left; display: inline-block"); if (fontStyleCSS) { styleElement.textContent = fontStyleCSS; } document.body.appendChild(svgRoot); const contentBounds = domElement.getBoundingClientRect(); svgRoot.remove(); const doublePadding = style.padding * 2; return { width: contentBounds.width - doublePadding, height: contentBounds.height - doublePadding }; } var tempHTMLTextRenderData; var init_measureHtmlText = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/utils/measureHtmlText.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_HTMLTextRenderData(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/HTMLTextSystem.mjs var HTMLTextSystem; var init_HTMLTextSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/HTMLTextSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_CanvasPool(); init_TexturePool(); init_types2(); init_isSafari(); init_warn(); init_PoolGroup(); init_getPo2TextureFromSource(); init_HTMLTextRenderData(); init_HtmlTextStyle(); init_extractFontFamilies(); init_getFontCss(); init_getSVGUrl(); init_getTemporaryCanvasFromImage(); init_loadSVGImage(); init_measureHtmlText(); HTMLTextSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._activeTextures = {}; this._renderer = renderer; this._createCanvas = renderer.type === RendererType.WEBGPU; } getTexture(options) { return this._buildTexturePromise( options.text, options.resolution, options.style ); } getManagedTexture(text, resolution, style, textKey) { if (this._activeTextures[textKey]) { this._increaseReferenceCount(textKey); return this._activeTextures[textKey].promise; } const promise2 = this._buildTexturePromise(text, resolution, style).then((texture) => { this._activeTextures[textKey].texture = texture; return texture; }); this._activeTextures[textKey] = { texture: null, promise: promise2, usageCount: 1 }; return promise2; } async _buildTexturePromise(text, resolution, style) { const htmlTextData = BigPool.get(HTMLTextRenderData); const fontFamilies = extractFontFamilies(text, style); const fontCSS = await getFontCss( fontFamilies, style, HTMLTextStyle.defaultTextStyle ); const measured = measureHtmlText(text, style, fontCSS, htmlTextData); const width = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, measured.width) + style.padding * 2) * resolution); const height = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.max(1, measured.height) + style.padding * 2) * resolution); const image = htmlTextData.image; const uvSafeOffset = 2; image.width = (width | 0) + uvSafeOffset; image.height = (height | 0) + uvSafeOffset; const svgURL = getSVGUrl(text, style, resolution, fontCSS, htmlTextData); await loadSVGImage(image, svgURL, isSafari() && fontFamilies.length > 0); const resource = image; let canvasAndContext; if (this._createCanvas) { canvasAndContext = getTemporaryCanvasFromImage(image, resolution); } const texture = getPo2TextureFromSource( canvasAndContext ? canvasAndContext.canvas : resource, image.width - uvSafeOffset, image.height - uvSafeOffset, resolution ); if (this._createCanvas) { this._renderer.texture.initSource(texture.source); CanvasPool.returnCanvasAndContext(canvasAndContext); } BigPool.return(htmlTextData); return texture; } _increaseReferenceCount(textKey) { this._activeTextures[textKey].usageCount++; } decreaseReferenceCount(textKey) { const activeTexture = this._activeTextures[textKey]; if (!activeTexture) return; activeTexture.usageCount--; if (activeTexture.usageCount === 0) { if (activeTexture.texture) { this._cleanUp(activeTexture); } else { activeTexture.promise.then((texture) => { activeTexture.texture = texture; this._cleanUp(activeTexture); }).catch(() => { warn("HTMLTextSystem: Failed to clean texture"); }); } this._activeTextures[textKey] = null; } } _cleanUp(activeTexture) { TexturePool.returnTexture(activeTexture.texture); activeTexture.texture.source.resource = null; activeTexture.texture.source.uploadMethodId = "unknown"; } getReferenceCount(textKey) { return this._activeTextures[textKey].usageCount; } destroy() { this._activeTextures = null; } }; HTMLTextSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem, ExtensionType.CanvasSystem ], name: "htmlText" }; HTMLTextSystem.defaultFontOptions = { fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/init.mjs var init_init11 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_HTMLTextPipe(); init_HTMLTextSystem(); extensions.add(HTMLTextSystem); extensions.add(HTMLTextPipe); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/shared/MeshGeometry.mjs var _MeshGeometry, MeshGeometry; var init_MeshGeometry = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/shared/MeshGeometry.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Buffer(); init_const4(); init_Geometry(); init_deprecation(); _MeshGeometry = class _MeshGeometry2 extends Geometry { constructor(...args) { let options = args[0] ?? {}; if (options instanceof Float32Array) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "use new MeshGeometry({ positions, uvs, indices }) instead"); options = { positions: options, uvs: args[1], indices: args[2] }; } options = { ..._MeshGeometry2.defaultOptions, ...options }; const positions = options.positions || new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]); const uvs = options.uvs || new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]); const indices = options.indices || new Uint32Array([0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3]); const shrinkToFit = options.shrinkBuffersToFit; const positionBuffer = new Buffer2({ data: positions, label: "attribute-mesh-positions", shrinkToFit, usage: BufferUsage.VERTEX | BufferUsage.COPY_DST }); const uvBuffer = new Buffer2({ data: uvs, label: "attribute-mesh-uvs", shrinkToFit, usage: BufferUsage.VERTEX | BufferUsage.COPY_DST }); const indexBuffer = new Buffer2({ data: indices, label: "index-mesh-buffer", shrinkToFit, usage: BufferUsage.INDEX | BufferUsage.COPY_DST }); super({ attributes: { aPosition: { buffer: positionBuffer, format: "float32x2", stride: 2 * 4, offset: 0 }, aUV: { buffer: uvBuffer, format: "float32x2", stride: 2 * 4, offset: 0 } }, indexBuffer, topology: options.topology }); this.batchMode = "auto"; } /** The positions of the mesh. */ get positions() { return this.attributes.aPosition.buffer.data; } set positions(value) { this.attributes.aPosition.buffer.data = value; } /** The UVs of the mesh. */ get uvs() { return this.attributes.aUV.buffer.data; } set uvs(value) { this.attributes.aUV.buffer.data = value; } /** The indices of the mesh. */ get indices() { return this.indexBuffer.data; } set indices(value) { this.indexBuffer.data = value; } }; _MeshGeometry.defaultOptions = { topology: "triangle-list", shrinkBuffersToFit: false }; MeshGeometry = _MeshGeometry; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/localUniformBit.mjs var localUniformBit, localUniformBitGroup2, localUniformBitGl; var init_localUniformBit = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/localUniformBit.mjs"() { "use strict"; localUniformBit = { name: "local-uniform-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` struct LocalUniforms { uTransformMatrix:mat3x3, uColor:vec4, uRound:f32, } @group(1) @binding(0) var localUniforms : LocalUniforms; ` ), main: ( /* wgsl */ ` vColor *= localUniforms.uColor; modelMatrix *= localUniforms.uTransformMatrix; ` ), end: ( /* wgsl */ ` if(localUniforms.uRound == 1) { vPosition = vec4(roundPixels(vPosition.xy, globalUniforms.uResolution), vPosition.zw); } ` ) } }; localUniformBitGroup2 = { ...localUniformBit, vertex: { ...localUniformBit.vertex, // replace the group! header: localUniformBit.vertex.header.replace("group(1)", "group(2)") } }; localUniformBitGl = { name: "local-uniform-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` uniform mat3 uTransformMatrix; uniform vec4 uColor; uniform float uRound; ` ), main: ( /* glsl */ ` vColor *= uColor; modelMatrix = uTransformMatrix; ` ), end: ( /* glsl */ ` if(uRound == 1.) { gl_Position.xy = roundPixels(gl_Position.xy, uResolution); } ` ) } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/shader/tilingBit.mjs var tilingBit, tilingBitGl; var init_tilingBit = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/shader/tilingBit.mjs"() { "use strict"; tilingBit = { name: "tiling-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` struct TilingUniforms { uMapCoord:mat3x3, uClampFrame:vec4, uClampOffset:vec2, uTextureTransform:mat3x3, uSizeAnchor:vec4 }; @group(2) @binding(0) var tilingUniforms: TilingUniforms; @group(2) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d; @group(2) @binding(2) var uSampler: sampler; ` ), main: ( /* wgsl */ ` uv = (tilingUniforms.uTextureTransform * vec3(uv, 1.0)).xy; position = (position - tilingUniforms.uSizeAnchor.zw) * tilingUniforms.uSizeAnchor.xy; ` ) }, fragment: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` struct TilingUniforms { uMapCoord:mat3x3, uClampFrame:vec4, uClampOffset:vec2, uTextureTransform:mat3x3, uSizeAnchor:vec4 }; @group(2) @binding(0) var tilingUniforms: TilingUniforms; @group(2) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d; @group(2) @binding(2) var uSampler: sampler; ` ), main: ( /* wgsl */ ` var coord = vUV + ceil(tilingUniforms.uClampOffset - vUV); coord = (tilingUniforms.uMapCoord * vec3(coord, 1.0)).xy; var unclamped = coord; coord = clamp(coord, tilingUniforms.uClampFrame.xy, tilingUniforms.uClampFrame.zw); var bias = 0.; if(unclamped.x == coord.x && unclamped.y == coord.y) { bias = -32.; } outColor = textureSampleBias(uTexture, uSampler, coord, bias); ` ) } }; tilingBitGl = { name: "tiling-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` uniform mat3 uTextureTransform; uniform vec4 uSizeAnchor; ` ), main: ( /* glsl */ ` uv = (uTextureTransform * vec3(aUV, 1.0)).xy; position = (position - uSizeAnchor.zw) * uSizeAnchor.xy; ` ) }, fragment: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` uniform sampler2D uTexture; uniform mat3 uMapCoord; uniform vec4 uClampFrame; uniform vec2 uClampOffset; ` ), main: ( /* glsl */ ` vec2 coord = vUV + ceil(uClampOffset - vUV); coord = (uMapCoord * vec3(coord, 1.0)).xy; vec2 unclamped = coord; coord = clamp(coord, uClampFrame.xy, uClampFrame.zw); outColor = texture(uTexture, coord, unclamped == coord ? 0.0 : -32.0);// lod-bias very negative to force lod 0 ` ) } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/shader/TilingSpriteShader.mjs var gpuProgram2, glProgram2, TilingSpriteShader; var init_TilingSpriteShader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/shader/TilingSpriteShader.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_compileHighShaderToProgram(); init_localUniformBit(); init_roundPixelsBit(); init_Shader(); init_UniformGroup(); init_Texture(); init_tilingBit(); TilingSpriteShader = class extends Shader { constructor() { gpuProgram2 ?? (gpuProgram2 = compileHighShaderGpuProgram({ name: "tiling-sprite-shader", bits: [ localUniformBit, tilingBit, roundPixelsBit ] })); glProgram2 ?? (glProgram2 = compileHighShaderGlProgram({ name: "tiling-sprite-shader", bits: [ localUniformBitGl, tilingBitGl, roundPixelsBitGl ] })); const tilingUniforms = new UniformGroup({ uMapCoord: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uClampFrame: { value: new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 1]), type: "vec4" }, uClampOffset: { value: new Float32Array([0, 0]), type: "vec2" }, uTextureTransform: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uSizeAnchor: { value: new Float32Array([100, 100, 0.5, 0.5]), type: "vec4" } }); super({ glProgram: glProgram2, gpuProgram: gpuProgram2, resources: { localUniforms: new UniformGroup({ uTransformMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uColor: { value: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), type: "vec4" }, uRound: { value: 0, type: "f32" } }), tilingUniforms, uTexture: Texture.EMPTY.source, uSampler: Texture.EMPTY.source.style } }); } updateUniforms(width, height, matrix, anchorX, anchorY, texture) { const tilingUniforms = this.resources.tilingUniforms; const textureWidth = texture.width; const textureHeight = texture.height; const textureMatrix = texture.textureMatrix; const uTextureTransform = tilingUniforms.uniforms.uTextureTransform; uTextureTransform.set( matrix.a * textureWidth / width, matrix.b * textureWidth / height, matrix.c * textureHeight / width, matrix.d * textureHeight / height, matrix.tx / width, matrix.ty / height ); uTextureTransform.invert(); tilingUniforms.uniforms.uMapCoord = textureMatrix.mapCoord; tilingUniforms.uniforms.uClampFrame = textureMatrix.uClampFrame; tilingUniforms.uniforms.uClampOffset = textureMatrix.uClampOffset; tilingUniforms.uniforms.uTextureTransform = uTextureTransform; tilingUniforms.uniforms.uSizeAnchor[0] = width; tilingUniforms.uniforms.uSizeAnchor[1] = height; tilingUniforms.uniforms.uSizeAnchor[2] = anchorX; tilingUniforms.uniforms.uSizeAnchor[3] = anchorY; if (texture) { this.resources.uTexture = texture.source; this.resources.uSampler = texture.source.style; } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/utils/QuadGeometry.mjs var QuadGeometry; var init_QuadGeometry = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/utils/QuadGeometry.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_MeshGeometry(); QuadGeometry = class extends MeshGeometry { constructor() { super({ positions: new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), uvs: new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), indices: new Uint32Array([0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3]) }); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/utils/setPositions.mjs function setPositions(tilingSprite, positions) { const anchorX = tilingSprite.anchor.x; const anchorY = tilingSprite.anchor.y; positions[0] = -anchorX * tilingSprite.width; positions[1] = -anchorY * tilingSprite.height; positions[2] = (1 - anchorX) * tilingSprite.width; positions[3] = -anchorY * tilingSprite.height; positions[4] = (1 - anchorX) * tilingSprite.width; positions[5] = (1 - anchorY) * tilingSprite.height; positions[6] = -anchorX * tilingSprite.width; positions[7] = (1 - anchorY) * tilingSprite.height; } var init_setPositions = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/utils/setPositions.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/utils/applyMatrix.mjs function applyMatrix(array, stride, offset, matrix) { let index = 0; const size = array.length / (stride || 2); const a2 = matrix.a; const b2 = matrix.b; const c2 = matrix.c; const d2 = matrix.d; const tx = matrix.tx; const ty = matrix.ty; offset *= stride; while (index < size) { const x2 = array[offset]; const y2 = array[offset + 1]; array[offset] = a2 * x2 + c2 * y2 + tx; array[offset + 1] = b2 * x2 + d2 * y2 + ty; offset += stride; index++; } } var init_applyMatrix = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/utils/applyMatrix.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/utils/setUvs.mjs function setUvs(tilingSprite, uvs) { const texture = tilingSprite.texture; const width = texture.frame.width; const height = texture.frame.height; let anchorX = 0; let anchorY = 0; if (tilingSprite._applyAnchorToTexture) { anchorX = tilingSprite.anchor.x; anchorY = tilingSprite.anchor.y; } uvs[0] = uvs[6] = -anchorX; uvs[2] = uvs[4] = 1 - anchorX; uvs[1] = uvs[3] = -anchorY; uvs[5] = uvs[7] = 1 - anchorY; const textureMatrix = Matrix.shared; textureMatrix.copyFrom(tilingSprite._tileTransform.matrix); textureMatrix.tx /= tilingSprite.width; textureMatrix.ty /= tilingSprite.height; textureMatrix.invert(); textureMatrix.scale(tilingSprite.width / width, tilingSprite.height / height); applyMatrix(uvs, 2, 0, textureMatrix); } var init_setUvs = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/utils/setUvs.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_applyMatrix(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/TilingSpritePipe.mjs var sharedQuad, TilingSpritePipe; var init_TilingSpritePipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/TilingSpritePipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(); init_State(); init_types2(); init_colorToUniform(); init_BatchableMesh(); init_MeshGeometry(); init_TilingSpriteShader(); init_QuadGeometry(); init_setPositions(); init_setUvs(); sharedQuad = new QuadGeometry(); TilingSpritePipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._state = State.default2d; this._tilingSpriteDataHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this); this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_tilingSpriteDataHash"); } validateRenderable(renderable) { const tilingSpriteData = this._getTilingSpriteData(renderable); const couldBatch = tilingSpriteData.canBatch; this._updateCanBatch(renderable); const canBatch = tilingSpriteData.canBatch; if (canBatch && canBatch === couldBatch) { const { batchableMesh } = tilingSpriteData; if (batchableMesh && batchableMesh.texture._source !== renderable.texture._source) { return !batchableMesh._batcher.checkAndUpdateTexture(batchableMesh, renderable.texture); } } return couldBatch !== canBatch; } addRenderable(tilingSprite, instructionSet) { const batcher = this._renderer.renderPipes.batch; this._updateCanBatch(tilingSprite); const tilingSpriteData = this._getTilingSpriteData(tilingSprite); const { geometry, canBatch } = tilingSpriteData; if (canBatch) { tilingSpriteData.batchableMesh || (tilingSpriteData.batchableMesh = new BatchableMesh()); const batchableMesh = tilingSpriteData.batchableMesh; if (tilingSprite.didViewUpdate) { this._updateBatchableMesh(tilingSprite); batchableMesh.geometry = geometry; batchableMesh.renderable = tilingSprite; batchableMesh.transform = tilingSprite.groupTransform; batchableMesh.texture = tilingSprite._texture; } batchableMesh.roundPixels = this._renderer._roundPixels | tilingSprite._roundPixels; batcher.addToBatch(batchableMesh, instructionSet); } else { batcher.break(instructionSet); tilingSpriteData.shader || (tilingSpriteData.shader = new TilingSpriteShader()); this.updateRenderable(tilingSprite); instructionSet.add(tilingSprite); } } execute(tilingSprite) { const { shader } = this._tilingSpriteDataHash[tilingSprite.uid]; shader.groups[0] = this._renderer.globalUniforms.bindGroup; const localUniforms = shader.resources.localUniforms.uniforms; localUniforms.uTransformMatrix = tilingSprite.groupTransform; localUniforms.uRound = this._renderer._roundPixels | tilingSprite._roundPixels; color32BitToUniform( tilingSprite.groupColorAlpha, localUniforms.uColor, 0 ); this._state.blendMode = getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(tilingSprite.groupBlendMode, tilingSprite.texture._source); this._renderer.encoder.draw({ geometry: sharedQuad, shader, state: this._state }); } updateRenderable(tilingSprite) { const tilingSpriteData = this._getTilingSpriteData(tilingSprite); const { canBatch } = tilingSpriteData; if (canBatch) { const { batchableMesh } = tilingSpriteData; if (tilingSprite.didViewUpdate) this._updateBatchableMesh(tilingSprite); batchableMesh._batcher.updateElement(batchableMesh); } else if (tilingSprite.didViewUpdate) { const { shader } = tilingSpriteData; shader.updateUniforms( tilingSprite.width, tilingSprite.height, tilingSprite._tileTransform.matrix, tilingSprite.anchor.x, tilingSprite.anchor.y, tilingSprite.texture ); } } destroyRenderable(tilingSprite) { const tilingSpriteData = this._getTilingSpriteData(tilingSprite); tilingSpriteData.batchableMesh = null; tilingSpriteData.shader?.destroy(); this._tilingSpriteDataHash[tilingSprite.uid] = null; tilingSprite.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); } _getTilingSpriteData(renderable) { return this._tilingSpriteDataHash[renderable.uid] || this._initTilingSpriteData(renderable); } _initTilingSpriteData(tilingSprite) { const geometry = new MeshGeometry({ indices: sharedQuad.indices, positions: sharedQuad.positions.slice(), uvs: sharedQuad.uvs.slice() }); this._tilingSpriteDataHash[tilingSprite.uid] = { canBatch: true, renderable: tilingSprite, geometry }; tilingSprite.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); return this._tilingSpriteDataHash[tilingSprite.uid]; } _updateBatchableMesh(tilingSprite) { const renderableData = this._getTilingSpriteData(tilingSprite); const { geometry } = renderableData; const style = tilingSprite.texture.source.style; if (style.addressMode !== "repeat") { style.addressMode = "repeat"; style.update(); } setUvs(tilingSprite, geometry.uvs); setPositions(tilingSprite, geometry.positions); } destroy() { for (const i3 in this._tilingSpriteDataHash) { this.destroyRenderable(this._tilingSpriteDataHash[i3].renderable); } this._tilingSpriteDataHash = null; this._renderer = null; } _updateCanBatch(tilingSprite) { const renderableData = this._getTilingSpriteData(tilingSprite); const texture = tilingSprite.texture; let _nonPowOf2wrapping = true; if (this._renderer.type === RendererType.WEBGL) { _nonPowOf2wrapping = this._renderer.context.supports.nonPowOf2wrapping; } renderableData.canBatch = texture.textureMatrix.isSimple && (_nonPowOf2wrapping || texture.source.isPowerOfTwo); return renderableData.canBatch; } }; TilingSpritePipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "tilingSprite" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/init.mjs var init_init12 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_TilingSpritePipe(); extensions.add(TilingSpritePipe); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-plane/PlaneGeometry.mjs var _PlaneGeometry, PlaneGeometry; var init_PlaneGeometry = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-plane/PlaneGeometry.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_deprecation(); init_MeshGeometry(); _PlaneGeometry = class _PlaneGeometry2 extends MeshGeometry { constructor(...args) { super({}); let options = args[0] ?? {}; if (typeof options === "number") { deprecation(v8_0_0, "PlaneGeometry constructor changed please use { width, height, verticesX, verticesY } instead"); options = { width: options, height: args[1], verticesX: args[2], verticesY: args[3] }; } this.build(options); } /** * Refreshes plane coordinates * @param options - Options to be applied to plane geometry */ build(options) { options = { ..._PlaneGeometry2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this.verticesX = this.verticesX ?? options.verticesX; this.verticesY = this.verticesY ?? options.verticesY; this.width = this.width ?? options.width; this.height = this.height ?? options.height; const total = this.verticesX * this.verticesY; const verts = []; const uvs = []; const indices = []; const verticesX = this.verticesX - 1; const verticesY = this.verticesY - 1; const sizeX = this.width / verticesX; const sizeY = this.height / verticesY; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < total; i3++) { const x2 = i3 % this.verticesX; const y2 = i3 / this.verticesX | 0; verts.push(x2 * sizeX, y2 * sizeY); uvs.push(x2 / verticesX, y2 / verticesY); } const totalSub = verticesX * verticesY; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < totalSub; i3++) { const xpos = i3 % verticesX; const ypos = i3 / verticesX | 0; const value = ypos * this.verticesX + xpos; const value2 = ypos * this.verticesX + xpos + 1; const value3 = (ypos + 1) * this.verticesX + xpos; const value4 = (ypos + 1) * this.verticesX + xpos + 1; indices.push( value, value2, value3, value2, value4, value3 ); } this.buffers[0].data = new Float32Array(verts); this.buffers[1].data = new Float32Array(uvs); this.indexBuffer.data = new Uint32Array(indices); this.buffers[0].update(); this.buffers[1].update(); this.indexBuffer.update(); } }; _PlaneGeometry.defaultOptions = { width: 100, height: 100, verticesX: 10, verticesY: 10 }; PlaneGeometry = _PlaneGeometry; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-nine-slice/NineSliceGeometry.mjs var _NineSliceGeometry, NineSliceGeometry; var init_NineSliceGeometry = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-nine-slice/NineSliceGeometry.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_PlaneGeometry(); _NineSliceGeometry = class _NineSliceGeometry2 extends PlaneGeometry { constructor(options = {}) { options = { ..._NineSliceGeometry2.defaultOptions, ...options }; super({ width: options.width, height: options.height, verticesX: 4, verticesY: 4 }); this.update(options); } /** * Updates the NineSliceGeometry with the options. * @param options - The options of the NineSliceGeometry. */ update(options) { this.width = options.width ?? this.width; this.height = options.height ?? this.height; this._originalWidth = options.originalWidth ?? this._originalWidth; this._originalHeight = options.originalHeight ?? this._originalHeight; this._leftWidth = options.leftWidth ?? this._leftWidth; this._rightWidth = options.rightWidth ?? this._rightWidth; this._topHeight = options.topHeight ?? this._topHeight; this._bottomHeight = options.bottomHeight ?? this._bottomHeight; this.updateUvs(); this.updatePositions(); } /** Updates the positions of the vertices. */ updatePositions() { const positions = this.positions; const w2 = this._leftWidth + this._rightWidth; const scaleW = this.width > w2 ? 1 : this.width / w2; const h2 = this._topHeight + this._bottomHeight; const scaleH = this.height > h2 ? 1 : this.height / h2; const scale = Math.min(scaleW, scaleH); positions[9] = positions[11] = positions[13] = positions[15] = this._topHeight * scale; positions[17] = positions[19] = positions[21] = positions[23] = this.height - this._bottomHeight * scale; positions[25] = positions[27] = positions[29] = positions[31] = this.height; positions[2] = positions[10] = positions[18] = positions[26] = this._leftWidth * scale; positions[4] = positions[12] = positions[20] = positions[28] = this.width - this._rightWidth * scale; positions[6] = positions[14] = positions[22] = positions[30] = this.width; this.getBuffer("aPosition").update(); } /** Updates the UVs of the vertices. */ updateUvs() { const uvs = this.uvs; uvs[0] = uvs[8] = uvs[16] = uvs[24] = 0; uvs[1] = uvs[3] = uvs[5] = uvs[7] = 0; uvs[6] = uvs[14] = uvs[22] = uvs[30] = 1; uvs[25] = uvs[27] = uvs[29] = uvs[31] = 1; const _uvw = 1 / this._originalWidth; const _uvh = 1 / this._originalHeight; uvs[2] = uvs[10] = uvs[18] = uvs[26] = _uvw * this._leftWidth; uvs[9] = uvs[11] = uvs[13] = uvs[15] = _uvh * this._topHeight; uvs[4] = uvs[12] = uvs[20] = uvs[28] = 1 - _uvw * this._rightWidth; uvs[17] = uvs[19] = uvs[21] = uvs[23] = 1 - _uvh * this._bottomHeight; this.getBuffer("aUV").update(); } }; _NineSliceGeometry.defaultOptions = { /** The width of the NineSlicePlane, setting this will actually modify the vertices and UV's of this plane. */ width: 100, /** The height of the NineSlicePlane, setting this will actually modify the vertices and UV's of this plane. */ height: 100, /** The width of the left column. */ leftWidth: 10, /** The height of the top row. */ topHeight: 10, /** The width of the right column. */ rightWidth: 10, /** The height of the bottom row. */ bottomHeight: 10, /** The original width of the texture */ originalWidth: 100, /** The original height of the texture */ originalHeight: 100 }; NineSliceGeometry = _NineSliceGeometry; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-nine-slice/NineSliceSpritePipe.mjs var NineSliceSpritePipe; var init_NineSliceSpritePipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-nine-slice/NineSliceSpritePipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_PoolGroup(); init_BatchableMesh(); init_NineSliceGeometry(); NineSliceSpritePipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._gpuSpriteHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this); this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuSpriteHash"); } addRenderable(sprite, instructionSet) { const gpuSprite = this._getGpuSprite(sprite); if (sprite.didViewUpdate) this._updateBatchableSprite(sprite, gpuSprite); this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.addToBatch(gpuSprite, instructionSet); } updateRenderable(sprite) { const gpuSprite = this._gpuSpriteHash[sprite.uid]; if (sprite.didViewUpdate) this._updateBatchableSprite(sprite, gpuSprite); gpuSprite._batcher.updateElement(gpuSprite); } validateRenderable(sprite) { const texture = sprite._texture; const gpuSprite = this._getGpuSprite(sprite); if (gpuSprite.texture._source !== texture._source) { return !gpuSprite._batcher.checkAndUpdateTexture(gpuSprite, texture); } return false; } destroyRenderable(sprite) { const batchableMesh = this._gpuSpriteHash[sprite.uid]; BigPool.return(batchableMesh.geometry); BigPool.return(batchableMesh); this._gpuSpriteHash[sprite.uid] = null; sprite.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); } _updateBatchableSprite(sprite, batchableSprite) { batchableSprite.geometry.update(sprite); batchableSprite.texture = sprite._texture; } _getGpuSprite(sprite) { return this._gpuSpriteHash[sprite.uid] || this._initGPUSprite(sprite); } _initGPUSprite(sprite) { const batchableMesh = BigPool.get(BatchableMesh); batchableMesh.geometry = BigPool.get(NineSliceGeometry); batchableMesh.renderable = sprite; batchableMesh.transform = sprite.groupTransform; batchableMesh.texture = sprite._texture; batchableMesh.roundPixels = this._renderer._roundPixels | sprite._roundPixels; this._gpuSpriteHash[sprite.uid] = batchableMesh; if (!sprite.didViewUpdate) { this._updateBatchableSprite(sprite, batchableMesh); } sprite.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); return batchableMesh; } destroy() { for (const i3 in this._gpuSpriteHash) { const batchableMesh = this._gpuSpriteHash[i3]; batchableMesh.geometry.destroy(); } this._gpuSpriteHash = null; this._renderer = null; } }; NineSliceSpritePipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "nineSliceSprite" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-nine-slice/init.mjs var init_init13 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-nine-slice/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_NineSliceSpritePipe(); extensions.add(NineSliceSpritePipe); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/FilterPipe.mjs var FilterPipe; var init_FilterPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/FilterPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); FilterPipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; } push(filterEffect, container, instructionSet) { const renderPipes3 = this._renderer.renderPipes; renderPipes3.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "filter", canBundle: false, action: "pushFilter", container, filterEffect }); } pop(_filterEffect, _container, instructionSet) { this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "filter", action: "popFilter", canBundle: false }); } execute(instruction) { if (instruction.action === "pushFilter") { this._renderer.filter.push(instruction); } else if (instruction.action === "popFilter") { this._renderer.filter.pop(); } } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } }; FilterPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "filter" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/getFastGlobalBounds.mjs function getFastGlobalBounds(target, bounds) { bounds.clear(); _getGlobalBoundsRecursive(target, bounds); if (!bounds.isValid) { bounds.set(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (!target.renderGroup) { bounds.applyMatrix(target.parentRenderGroup.worldTransform); } else { bounds.applyMatrix(target.renderGroup.localTransform); } return bounds; } function _getGlobalBoundsRecursive(target, bounds) { if (target.localDisplayStatus !== 7 || !target.measurable) { return; } const manageEffects = !!target.effects.length; let localBounds = bounds; if (target.renderGroup || manageEffects) { localBounds = boundsPool.get().clear(); } if (target.boundsArea) { bounds.addRect(target.boundsArea, target.worldTransform); } else { if (target.renderPipeId) { const viewBounds = target.bounds; localBounds.addFrame( viewBounds.minX, viewBounds.minY, viewBounds.maxX, viewBounds.maxY, target.groupTransform ); } const children = target.children; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { _getGlobalBoundsRecursive(children[i3], localBounds); } } if (manageEffects) { let advanced = false; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < target.effects.length; i3++) { if (target.effects[i3].addBounds) { if (!advanced) { advanced = true; localBounds.applyMatrix(target.parentRenderGroup.worldTransform); } target.effects[i3].addBounds(localBounds, true); } } if (advanced) { localBounds.applyMatrix(target.parentRenderGroup.worldTransform.copyTo(tempMatrix4).invert()); bounds.addBounds(localBounds, target.relativeGroupTransform); } bounds.addBounds(localBounds); boundsPool.return(localBounds); } else if (target.renderGroup) { bounds.addBounds(localBounds, target.relativeGroupTransform); boundsPool.return(localBounds); } } var tempMatrix4; var init_getFastGlobalBounds = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/getFastGlobalBounds.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_matrixAndBoundsPool(); tempMatrix4 = new Matrix(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/getRenderableBounds.mjs function getGlobalRenderableBounds(renderables, bounds) { bounds.clear(); const tempMatrix7 = bounds.matrix; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < renderables.length; i3++) { const renderable = renderables[i3]; if (renderable.globalDisplayStatus < 7) { continue; } bounds.matrix = renderable.worldTransform; renderable.addBounds(bounds); } bounds.matrix = tempMatrix7; return bounds; } var init_getRenderableBounds = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/bounds/getRenderableBounds.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/FilterSystem.mjs var quadGeometry, FilterSystem; var init_FilterSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/FilterSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Matrix(); init_Point(); init_BindGroup(); init_Geometry(); init_UniformGroup(); init_Texture(); init_TexturePool(); init_types2(); init_Bounds(); init_getFastGlobalBounds(); init_getRenderableBounds(); init_warn(); quadGeometry = new Geometry({ attributes: { aPosition: { buffer: new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), format: "float32x2", stride: 2 * 4, offset: 0 } }, indexBuffer: new Uint32Array([0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3]) }); FilterSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._filterStackIndex = 0; this._filterStack = []; this._filterGlobalUniforms = new UniformGroup({ uInputSize: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4" }, uInputPixel: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4" }, uInputClamp: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4" }, uOutputFrame: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4" }, uGlobalFrame: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4" }, uOutputTexture: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4" } }); this._globalFilterBindGroup = new BindGroup({}); this.renderer = renderer; } /** * The back texture of the currently active filter. Requires the filter to have `blendRequired` set to true. * @readonly */ get activeBackTexture() { return this._activeFilterData?.backTexture; } push(instruction) { const renderer = this.renderer; const filters2 = instruction.filterEffect.filters; if (!this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex]) { this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex] = this._getFilterData(); } const filterData = this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex]; this._filterStackIndex++; if (filters2.length === 0) { filterData.skip = true; return; } const bounds = filterData.bounds; if (instruction.renderables) { getGlobalRenderableBounds(instruction.renderables, bounds); } else if (instruction.filterEffect.filterArea) { bounds.clear(); bounds.addRect(instruction.filterEffect.filterArea); bounds.applyMatrix(instruction.container.worldTransform); } else { getFastGlobalBounds(instruction.container, bounds); } const colorTextureSource = renderer.renderTarget.renderTarget.colorTexture.source; let resolution = Infinity; let padding = 0; let antialias = true; let blendRequired = false; let enabled = false; let clipToViewport = true; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < filters2.length; i3++) { const filter = filters2[i3]; resolution = Math.min(resolution, filter.resolution === "inherit" ? colorTextureSource._resolution : filter.resolution); padding += filter.padding; if (filter.antialias === "off") { antialias = false; } else if (filter.antialias === "inherit") { antialias && (antialias = colorTextureSource.antialias); } if (!filter.clipToViewport) { clipToViewport = false; } const isCompatible = !!(filter.compatibleRenderers & renderer.type); if (!isCompatible) { enabled = false; break; } if (filter.blendRequired && !(renderer.backBuffer?.useBackBuffer ?? true)) { warn("Blend filter requires backBuffer on WebGL renderer to be enabled. Set `useBackBuffer: true` in the renderer options."); enabled = false; break; } enabled = filter.enabled || enabled; blendRequired = blendRequired || filter.blendRequired; } if (!enabled) { filterData.skip = true; return; } bounds.scale(resolution); if (clipToViewport) { const viewPort = renderer.renderTarget.rootViewPort; bounds.fitBounds(0, viewPort.width, 0, viewPort.height); } bounds.ceil().scale(1 / resolution).pad(padding | 0); if (!bounds.isPositive) { filterData.skip = true; return; } filterData.skip = false; filterData.bounds = bounds; filterData.blendRequired = blendRequired; filterData.container = instruction.container; filterData.filterEffect = instruction.filterEffect; filterData.previousRenderSurface = renderer.renderTarget.renderSurface; filterData.inputTexture = TexturePool.getOptimalTexture( bounds.width, bounds.height, resolution, antialias ); renderer.renderTarget.bind(filterData.inputTexture, true); renderer.globalUniforms.push({ offset: bounds }); } pop() { const renderer = this.renderer; this._filterStackIndex--; const filterData = this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex]; if (filterData.skip) { return; } this._activeFilterData = filterData; const inputTexture = filterData.inputTexture; const bounds = filterData.bounds; let backTexture = Texture.EMPTY; renderer.renderTarget.finishRenderPass(); if (filterData.blendRequired) { const previousBounds = this._filterStackIndex > 0 ? this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex - 1].bounds : null; const renderTarget = renderer.renderTarget.getRenderTarget(filterData.previousRenderSurface); backTexture = this.getBackTexture(renderTarget, bounds, previousBounds); } filterData.backTexture = backTexture; const filters2 = filterData.filterEffect.filters; this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(inputTexture.source.style, 2); this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(backTexture.source, 3); renderer.globalUniforms.pop(); if (filters2.length === 1) { filters2[0].apply(this, inputTexture, filterData.previousRenderSurface, false); TexturePool.returnTexture(inputTexture); } else { let flip = filterData.inputTexture; let flop = TexturePool.getOptimalTexture( bounds.width, bounds.height, flip.source._resolution, false ); let i3 = 0; for (i3 = 0; i3 < filters2.length - 1; ++i3) { const filter = filters2[i3]; filter.apply(this, flip, flop, true); const t2 = flip; flip = flop; flop = t2; } filters2[i3].apply(this, flip, filterData.previousRenderSurface, false); TexturePool.returnTexture(flip); TexturePool.returnTexture(flop); } if (filterData.blendRequired) { TexturePool.returnTexture(backTexture); } } getBackTexture(lastRenderSurface, bounds, previousBounds) { const backgroundResolution = lastRenderSurface.colorTexture.source._resolution; const backTexture = TexturePool.getOptimalTexture( bounds.width, bounds.height, backgroundResolution, false ); let x2 = bounds.minX; let y2 = bounds.minY; if (previousBounds) { x2 -= previousBounds.minX; y2 -= previousBounds.minY; } x2 = Math.floor(x2 * backgroundResolution); y2 = Math.floor(y2 * backgroundResolution); const width = Math.ceil(bounds.width * backgroundResolution); const height = Math.ceil(bounds.height * backgroundResolution); this.renderer.renderTarget.copyToTexture( lastRenderSurface, backTexture, { x: x2, y: y2 }, { width, height }, { x: 0, y: 0 } ); return backTexture; } applyFilter(filter, input, output, clear) { const renderer = this.renderer; const filterData = this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex]; const bounds = filterData.bounds; const offset = Point.shared; const previousRenderSurface = filterData.previousRenderSurface; const isFinalTarget = previousRenderSurface === output; let resolution = this.renderer.renderTarget.rootRenderTarget.colorTexture.source._resolution; let currentIndex = this._filterStackIndex - 1; while (currentIndex > 0 && this._filterStack[currentIndex].skip) { --currentIndex; } if (currentIndex > 0) { resolution = this._filterStack[currentIndex].inputTexture.source._resolution; } const filterUniforms = this._filterGlobalUniforms; const uniforms = filterUniforms.uniforms; const outputFrame = uniforms.uOutputFrame; const inputSize = uniforms.uInputSize; const inputPixel = uniforms.uInputPixel; const inputClamp = uniforms.uInputClamp; const globalFrame = uniforms.uGlobalFrame; const outputTexture = uniforms.uOutputTexture; if (isFinalTarget) { let lastIndex = this._filterStackIndex; while (lastIndex > 0) { lastIndex--; const filterData2 = this._filterStack[this._filterStackIndex - 1]; if (!filterData2.skip) { offset.x = filterData2.bounds.minX; offset.y = filterData2.bounds.minY; break; } } outputFrame[0] = bounds.minX - offset.x; outputFrame[1] = bounds.minY - offset.y; } else { outputFrame[0] = 0; outputFrame[1] = 0; } outputFrame[2] = input.frame.width; outputFrame[3] = input.frame.height; inputSize[0] = input.source.width; inputSize[1] = input.source.height; inputSize[2] = 1 / inputSize[0]; inputSize[3] = 1 / inputSize[1]; inputPixel[0] = input.source.pixelWidth; inputPixel[1] = input.source.pixelHeight; inputPixel[2] = 1 / inputPixel[0]; inputPixel[3] = 1 / inputPixel[1]; inputClamp[0] = 0.5 * inputPixel[2]; inputClamp[1] = 0.5 * inputPixel[3]; inputClamp[2] = input.frame.width * inputSize[2] - 0.5 * inputPixel[2]; inputClamp[3] = input.frame.height * inputSize[3] - 0.5 * inputPixel[3]; const rootTexture = this.renderer.renderTarget.rootRenderTarget.colorTexture; globalFrame[0] = offset.x * resolution; globalFrame[1] = offset.y * resolution; globalFrame[2] = rootTexture.source.width * resolution; globalFrame[3] = rootTexture.source.height * resolution; const renderTarget = this.renderer.renderTarget.getRenderTarget(output); renderer.renderTarget.bind(output, !!clear); if (output instanceof Texture) { outputTexture[0] = output.frame.width; outputTexture[1] = output.frame.height; } else { outputTexture[0] = renderTarget.width; outputTexture[1] = renderTarget.height; } outputTexture[2] = renderTarget.isRoot ? -1 : 1; filterUniforms.update(); if (renderer.renderPipes.uniformBatch) { const batchUniforms = renderer.renderPipes.uniformBatch.getUboResource(filterUniforms); this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(batchUniforms, 0); } else { this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(filterUniforms, 0); } this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(input.source, 1); this._globalFilterBindGroup.setResource(input.source.style, 2); filter.groups[0] = this._globalFilterBindGroup; renderer.encoder.draw({ geometry: quadGeometry, shader: filter, state: filter._state, topology: "triangle-list" }); if (renderer.type === RendererType.WEBGL) { renderer.renderTarget.finishRenderPass(); } } _getFilterData() { return { skip: false, inputTexture: null, bounds: new Bounds(), container: null, filterEffect: null, blendRequired: false, previousRenderSurface: null }; } /** * Multiply _input normalized coordinates_ to this matrix to get _sprite texture normalized coordinates_. * * Use `outputMatrix * vTextureCoord` in the shader. * @param outputMatrix - The matrix to output to. * @param {Sprite} sprite - The sprite to map to. * @returns The mapped matrix. */ calculateSpriteMatrix(outputMatrix, sprite) { const data = this._activeFilterData; const mappedMatrix = outputMatrix.set( data.inputTexture._source.width, 0, 0, data.inputTexture._source.height, data.bounds.minX, data.bounds.minY ); const worldTransform = sprite.worldTransform.copyTo(Matrix.shared); worldTransform.invert(); mappedMatrix.prepend(worldTransform); mappedMatrix.scale( 1 / sprite.texture.frame.width, 1 / sprite.texture.frame.height ); mappedMatrix.translate(sprite.anchor.x, sprite.anchor.y); return mappedMatrix; } }; FilterSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "filter" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/init.mjs var init_init14 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/init.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_FilterPipe(); init_FilterSystem(); extensions.add(FilterSystem); extensions.add(FilterPipe); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-browser/browserAll.mjs var browserAll_exports = {}; var init_browserAll = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-browser/browserAll.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_init(); init_init2(); init_init3(); init_init4(); init_init5(); init_init6(); init_init7(); init_init8(); init_init9(); init_init10(); init_init11(); init_init12(); init_init13(); init_init14(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-browser/browserExt.mjs var browserExt; var init_browserExt = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-browser/browserExt.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); browserExt = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.Environment, name: "browser", priority: -1 }, test: () => true, load: async () => { await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_browserAll(), browserAll_exports)); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-webworker/webworkerAll.mjs var webworkerAll_exports = {}; var init_webworkerAll = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-webworker/webworkerAll.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_init2(); init_init4(); init_init5(); init_init6(); init_init7(); init_init8(); init_init9(); init_init10(); init_init11(); init_init12(); init_init13(); init_init14(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-webworker/webworkerExt.mjs var webworkerExt; var init_webworkerExt = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-webworker/webworkerExt.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); webworkerExt = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.Environment, name: "webworker", priority: 0 }, test: () => typeof self !== "undefined" && self.WorkerGlobalScope !== void 0, load: async () => { await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_webworkerAll(), webworkerAll_exports)); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/Filter.mjs var _Filter, Filter; var init_Filter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/Filter.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_GlProgram(); init_GpuProgram(); init_Shader(); init_State(); _Filter = class _Filter2 extends Shader { /** * @param options - The optional parameters of this filter. */ constructor(options) { options = { ..._Filter2.defaultOptions, ...options }; super(options); this.enabled = true; this._state = State.for2d(); this.blendMode = options.blendMode; this.padding = options.padding; if (typeof options.antialias === "boolean") { this.antialias = options.antialias ? "on" : "off"; } else { this.antialias = options.antialias; } this.resolution = options.resolution; this.blendRequired = options.blendRequired; this.clipToViewport = options.clipToViewport; this.addResource("uTexture", 0, 1); } /** * Applies the filter * @param filterManager - The renderer to retrieve the filter from * @param input - The input render target. * @param output - The target to output to. * @param clearMode - Should the output be cleared before rendering to it */ apply(filterManager, input, output, clearMode) { filterManager.applyFilter(this, input, output, clearMode); } /** * Get the blend mode of the filter. * @default "normal" */ get blendMode() { return this._state.blendMode; } /** Sets the blend mode of the filter. */ set blendMode(value) { this._state.blendMode = value; } /** * A short hand function to create a filter based of a vertex and fragment shader src. * @param options * @returns A shiny new PixiJS filter! */ static from(options) { const { gpu, gl, ...rest } = options; let gpuProgram3; let glProgram3; if (gpu) { gpuProgram3 = GpuProgram.from(gpu); } if (gl) { glProgram3 = GlProgram.from(gl); } return new _Filter2({ gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, glProgram: glProgram3, ...rest }); } }; _Filter.defaultOptions = { blendMode: "normal", resolution: 1, padding: 0, antialias: "off", blendRequired: false, clipToViewport: true }; Filter = _Filter; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/blend-template.frag.mjs var blendTemplateFrag; var init_blend_template_frag = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/blend-template.frag.mjs"() { "use strict"; blendTemplateFrag = "\nin vec2 vTextureCoord;\nin vec4 vColor;\n\nout vec4 finalColor;\n\nuniform float uBlend;\n\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform sampler2D uBackTexture;\n\n{FUNCTIONS}\n\nvoid main()\n{ \n vec4 back = texture(uBackTexture, vTextureCoord);\n vec4 front = texture(uTexture, vTextureCoord);\n float blendedAlpha = front.a + back.a * (1.0 - front.a);\n \n {MAIN}\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/blend-template.vert.mjs var blendTemplateVert; var init_blend_template_vert = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/blend-template.vert.mjs"() { "use strict"; blendTemplateVert = "in vec2 aPosition;\nout vec2 vTextureCoord;\nout vec2 backgroundUv;\n\nuniform vec4 uInputSize;\nuniform vec4 uOutputFrame;\nuniform vec4 uOutputTexture;\n\nvec4 filterVertexPosition( void )\n{\n vec2 position = aPosition * uOutputFrame.zw + uOutputFrame.xy;\n \n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*uOutputTexture.z / uOutputTexture.y) - uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nvec2 filterTextureCoord( void )\n{\n return aPosition * (uOutputFrame.zw * uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = filterVertexPosition();\n vTextureCoord = filterTextureCoord();\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/blend-template.wgsl.mjs var blendTemplate; var init_blend_template_wgsl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/blend-template.wgsl.mjs"() { "use strict"; blendTemplate = "\nstruct GlobalFilterUniforms {\n uInputSize:vec4,\n uInputPixel:vec4,\n uInputClamp:vec4,\n uOutputFrame:vec4,\n uGlobalFrame:vec4,\n uOutputTexture:vec4,\n};\n\nstruct BlendUniforms {\n uBlend:f32,\n};\n\n@group(0) @binding(0) var gfu: GlobalFilterUniforms;\n@group(0) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d;\n@group(0) @binding(2) var uSampler : sampler;\n@group(0) @binding(3) var uBackTexture: texture_2d;\n\n@group(1) @binding(0) var blendUniforms : BlendUniforms;\n\n\nstruct VSOutput {\n @builtin(position) position: vec4,\n @location(0) uv : vec2\n };\n\nfn filterVertexPosition(aPosition:vec2) -> vec4\n{\n var position = aPosition * gfu.uOutputFrame.zw + gfu.uOutputFrame.xy;\n\n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / gfu.uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*gfu.uOutputTexture.z / gfu.uOutputTexture.y) - gfu.uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nfn filterTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return aPosition * (gfu.uOutputFrame.zw * gfu.uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\nfn globalTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return (aPosition.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw) + (gfu.uGlobalFrame.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw); \n}\n \n@vertex\nfn mainVertex(\n @location(0) aPosition : vec2, \n) -> VSOutput {\n return VSOutput(\n filterVertexPosition(aPosition),\n filterTextureCoord(aPosition)\n );\n}\n\n{FUNCTIONS}\n\n@fragment\nfn mainFragment(\n @location(0) uv: vec2\n) -> @location(0) vec4 {\n\n\n var back = textureSample(uBackTexture, uSampler, uv);\n var front = textureSample(uTexture, uSampler, uv);\n var blendedAlpha = front.a + back.a * (1.0 - front.a);\n \n var out = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);\n\n {MAIN}\n\n return out;\n}"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/BlendModeFilter.mjs function compileBlendModeShader(options) { const { source: source7, functions, main } = options; return source7.replace("{FUNCTIONS}", functions).replace("{MAIN}", main); } var BlendModeFilter; var init_BlendModeFilter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/BlendModeFilter.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_GlProgram(); init_GpuProgram(); init_UniformGroup(); init_Texture(); init_Filter(); init_blend_template_frag(); init_blend_template_vert(); init_blend_template_wgsl(); BlendModeFilter = class extends Filter { constructor(options) { const gpuOptions = options.gpu; const gpuSource = compileBlendModeShader({ source: blendTemplate, ...gpuOptions }); const gpuProgram3 = GpuProgram.from({ vertex: { source: gpuSource, entryPoint: "mainVertex" }, fragment: { source: gpuSource, entryPoint: "mainFragment" } }); const glOptions = options.gl; const glSource = compileBlendModeShader({ source: blendTemplateFrag, ...glOptions }); const glProgram3 = GlProgram.from({ vertex: blendTemplateVert, fragment: glSource }); const uniformGroup = new UniformGroup({ uBlend: { value: 1, type: "f32" } }); super({ gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, glProgram: glProgram3, blendRequired: true, resources: { blendUniforms: uniformGroup, uBackTexture: Texture.EMPTY } }); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/hls/GLhls.mjs var hslgl; var init_GLhls = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/hls/GLhls.mjs"() { "use strict"; hslgl = ` float getLuminosity(vec3 c) { return 0.3 * c.r + 0.59 * c.g + 0.11 * c.b; } vec3 setLuminosity(vec3 c, float lum) { float modLum = lum - getLuminosity(c); vec3 color = c.rgb + vec3(modLum); // clip back into legal range modLum = getLuminosity(color); vec3 modLumVec = vec3(modLum); float cMin = min(color.r, min(color.g, color.b)); float cMax = max(color.r, max(color.g, color.b)); if(cMin < 0.0) { color = mix(modLumVec, color, modLum / (modLum - cMin)); } if(cMax > 1.0) { color = mix(modLumVec, color, (1.0 - modLum) / (cMax - modLum)); } return color; } float getSaturation(vec3 c) { return max(c.r, max(c.g, c.b)) - min(c.r, min(c.g, c.b)); } vec3 setSaturationMinMidMax(vec3 cSorted, float s) { vec3 colorSorted = cSorted; if(colorSorted.z > colorSorted.x) { colorSorted.y = (((colorSorted.y - colorSorted.x) * s) / (colorSorted.z - colorSorted.x)); colorSorted.z = s; } else { colorSorted.y = 0.0; colorSorted.z = 0.0; } colorSorted.x = 0.0; return colorSorted; } vec3 setSaturation(vec3 c, float s) { vec3 color = c; if(color.r <= color.g && color.r <= color.b) { if(color.g <= color.b) { color = setSaturationMinMidMax(color.rgb, s).rgb; } else { color = setSaturationMinMidMax(color.rbg, s).rbg; } } else if(color.g <= color.r && color.g <= color.b) { if(color.r <= color.b) { color = setSaturationMinMidMax(color.grb, s).grb; } else { color = setSaturationMinMidMax(color.gbr, s).gbr; } } else { // Using bgr for both fixes part of hue if(color.r <= color.g) { color = setSaturationMinMidMax(color.brg, s).brg; } else { color = setSaturationMinMidMax(color.bgr, s).bgr; } } return color; } `; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/hls/GPUhls.mjs var hslgpu; var init_GPUhls = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/hls/GPUhls.mjs"() { "use strict"; hslgpu = ` fn getLuminosity(c: vec3) -> f32 { return 0.3*c.r + 0.59*c.g + 0.11*c.b; } fn setLuminosity(c: vec3, lum: f32) -> vec3 { var modLum: f32 = lum - getLuminosity(c); var color: vec3 = c.rgb + modLum; // clip back into legal range modLum = getLuminosity(color); let modLumVec = vec3(modLum); let cMin: f32 = min(color.r, min(color.g, color.b)); let cMax: f32 = max(color.r, max(color.g, color.b)); if(cMin < 0.0) { color = mix(modLumVec, color, modLum / (modLum - cMin)); } if(cMax > 1.0) { color = mix(modLumVec, color, (1 - modLum) / (cMax - modLum)); } return color; } fn getSaturation(c: vec3) -> f32 { return max(c.r, max(c.g, c.b)) - min(c.r, min(c.g, c.b)); } fn setSaturationMinMidMax(cSorted: vec3, s: f32) -> vec3 { var colorSorted = cSorted; if(colorSorted.z > colorSorted.x) { colorSorted.y = (((colorSorted.y - colorSorted.x) * s) / (colorSorted.z - colorSorted.x)); colorSorted.z = s; } else { colorSorted.y = 0; colorSorted.z = 0; } colorSorted.x = 0; return colorSorted; } fn setSaturation(c: vec3, s: f32) -> vec3 { var color = c; if (color.r <= color.g && color.r <= color.b) { if (color.g <= color.b) { color = vec3(setSaturationMinMidMax(color.rgb, s)).rgb; } else { color = vec3(setSaturationMinMidMax(color.rbg, s)).rbg; } } else if (color.g <= color.r && color.g <= color.b) { if (color.r <= color.b) { color = vec3(setSaturationMinMidMax(color.grb, s)).grb; } else { color = vec3(setSaturationMinMidMax(color.gbr, s)).gbr; } } else { // Using bgr for both fixes part of hue if (color.r <= color.g) { color = vec3(setSaturationMinMidMax(color.brg, s)).brg; } else { color = vec3(setSaturationMinMidMax(color.bgr, s)).bgr; } } return color; } `; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/ColorBlend.mjs var ColorBlend; var init_ColorBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/ColorBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); init_GLhls(); init_GPUhls(); ColorBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` ${hslgl} vec3 blendColor(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { return (setLuminosity(blend, getLuminosity(base)) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendColor(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` ${hslgpu} fn blendColorOpacity(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { return (setLuminosity(blend, getLuminosity(base)) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendColorOpacity(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; ColorBlend.extension = { name: "color", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/ColorBurnBlend.mjs var ColorBurnBlend; var init_ColorBurnBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/ColorBurnBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); ColorBurnBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float colorBurn(float base, float blend) { return max((1.0 - ((1.0 - base) / blend)), 0.0); } vec3 blendColorBurn(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( colorBurn(base.r, blend.r), colorBurn(base.g, blend.g), colorBurn(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendColorBurn(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn colorBurn(base:f32, blend:f32) -> f32 { return max((1.0-((1.0-base)/blend)),0.0); } fn blendColorBurn(base: vec3, blend: vec3, opacity: f32) -> vec3 { let blended = vec3( colorBurn(base.r, blend.r), colorBurn(base.g, blend.g), colorBurn(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendColorBurn(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; ColorBurnBlend.extension = { name: "color-burn", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/ColorDodgeBlend.mjs var ColorDodgeBlend; var init_ColorDodgeBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/ColorDodgeBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); ColorDodgeBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float colorDodge(float base, float blend) { return base / (1.0 - blend); } vec3 blendColorDodge(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( colorDodge(base.r, blend.r), colorDodge(base.g, blend.g), colorDodge(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendColorDodge(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn colorDodge(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return base / (1.0 - blend); } fn blendColorDodge(base: vec3, blend: vec3, opacity: f32) -> vec3 { let blended = vec3( colorDodge(base.r, blend.r), colorDodge(base.g, blend.g), colorDodge(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendColorDodge(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; ColorDodgeBlend.extension = { name: "color-dodge", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/DarkenBlend.mjs var DarkenBlend; var init_DarkenBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/DarkenBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); DarkenBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` vec3 blendDarken(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { return (min(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendDarken(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn blendDarken(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { return (min(blend,base) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendDarken(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; DarkenBlend.extension = { name: "darken", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/DifferenceBlend.mjs var DifferenceBlend; var init_DifferenceBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/DifferenceBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); DifferenceBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` vec3 blendDifference(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { return (abs(blend - base) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendDifference(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn blendDifference(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { return (abs(blend - base) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendDifference(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; DifferenceBlend.extension = { name: "difference", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/DivideBlend.mjs var DivideBlend; var init_DivideBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/DivideBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); DivideBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float divide(float base, float blend) { return (blend > 0.0) ? clamp(base / blend, 0.0, 1.0) : 1.0; } vec3 blendDivide(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( divide(base.r, blend.r), divide(base.g, blend.g), divide(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendDivide(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn divide(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return select(1.0, clamp(base / blend, 0.0, 1.0), blend > 0.0); } fn blendDivide(base: vec3, blend: vec3, opacity: f32) -> vec3 { let blended = vec3( divide(base.r, blend.r), divide(base.g, blend.g), divide(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendDivide(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; DivideBlend.extension = { name: "divide", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/ExclusionBlend.mjs var ExclusionBlend; var init_ExclusionBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/ExclusionBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); ExclusionBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` vec3 exclusion(vec3 base, vec3 blend) { return base + blend - 2.0 * base * blend; } vec3 blendExclusion(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { return (exclusion(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendExclusion(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn exclusion(base: vec3, blend: vec3) -> vec3 { return base+blend-2.0*base*blend; } fn blendExclusion(base: vec3, blend: vec3, opacity: f32) -> vec3 { return (exclusion(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendExclusion(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; ExclusionBlend.extension = { name: "exclusion", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/HardLightBlend.mjs var HardLightBlend; var init_HardLightBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/HardLightBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); HardLightBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float hardLight(float base, float blend) { return (blend < 0.5) ? 2.0 * base * blend : 1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend); } vec3 blendHardLight(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( hardLight(base.r, blend.r), hardLight(base.g, blend.g), hardLight(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendHardLight(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn hardLight(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return select(1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend), 2.0 * base * blend, blend < 0.5); } fn blendHardLight(base: vec3, blend: vec3, opacity: f32) -> vec3 { let blended = vec3( hardLight(base.r, blend.r), hardLight(base.g, blend.g), hardLight(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendHardLight(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; HardLightBlend.extension = { name: "hard-light", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/HardMixBlend.mjs var HardMixBlend; var init_HardMixBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/HardMixBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); HardMixBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float hardMix(float base, float blend) { return (base + blend >= 1.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } vec3 blendHardMix(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( hardMix(base.r, blend.r), hardMix(base.g, blend.g), hardMix(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendHardMix(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn hardMix(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return select(0.0, 1.0, base + blend >= 1.0); } fn blendHardMix(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { let blended: vec3 = vec3( hardMix(base.r, blend.r), hardMix(base.g, blend.g), hardMix(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendHardMix(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; HardMixBlend.extension = { name: "hard-mix", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/LightenBlend.mjs var LightenBlend; var init_LightenBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/LightenBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); LightenBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` vec3 blendLighten(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { return (max(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendLighten(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn blendLighten(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { return (max(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendLighten(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; LightenBlend.extension = { name: "lighten", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/LinearBurnBlend.mjs var LinearBurnBlend; var init_LinearBurnBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/LinearBurnBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); LinearBurnBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float linearBurn(float base, float blend) { return max(0.0, base + blend - 1.0); } vec3 blendLinearBurn(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( linearBurn(base.r, blend.r), linearBurn(base.g, blend.g), linearBurn(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendLinearBurn(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn linearBurn(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return max(0.0, base + blend - 1.0); } fn blendLinearBurn(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { let blended = vec3( linearBurn(base.r, blend.r), linearBurn(base.g, blend.g), linearBurn(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendLinearBurn(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; LinearBurnBlend.extension = { name: "linear-burn", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/LinearDodgeBlend.mjs var LinearDodgeBlend; var init_LinearDodgeBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/LinearDodgeBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); LinearDodgeBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float linearDodge(float base, float blend) { return min(1.0, base + blend); } vec3 blendLinearDodge(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( linearDodge(base.r, blend.r), linearDodge(base.g, blend.g), linearDodge(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendLinearDodge(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn linearDodge(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return min(1, base + blend); } fn blendLinearDodge(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { let blended = vec3( linearDodge(base.r, blend.r), linearDodge(base.g, blend.g), linearDodge(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendLinearDodge(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; LinearDodgeBlend.extension = { name: "linear-dodge", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/LinearLightBlend.mjs var LinearLightBlend; var init_LinearLightBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/LinearLightBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); LinearLightBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float linearBurn(float base, float blend) { return max(0.0, base + blend - 1.0); } float linearDodge(float base, float blend) { return min(1.0, base + blend); } float linearLight(float base, float blend) { return (blend <= 0.5) ? linearBurn(base,2.0*blend) : linearBurn(base,2.0*(blend-0.5)); } vec3 blendLinearLight(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( linearLight(base.r, blend.r), linearLight(base.g, blend.g), linearLight(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendLinearLight(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn linearBurn(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return max(0.0, base + blend - 1.0); } fn linearDodge(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return min(1.0, base + blend); } fn linearLight(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return select(linearBurn(base,2.0*(blend-0.5)), linearBurn(base,2.0*blend), blend <= 0.5); } fn blendLinearLightOpacity(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { let blended = vec3( linearLight(base.r, blend.r), linearLight(base.g, blend.g), linearLight(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendLinearLightOpacity(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; LinearLightBlend.extension = { name: "linear-light", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/LuminosityBlend.mjs var LuminosityBlend; var init_LuminosityBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/LuminosityBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); init_GLhls(); init_GPUhls(); LuminosityBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` ${hslgl} vec3 blendLuminosity(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blendLuminosity = setLuminosity(base, getLuminosity(blend)); return (blendLuminosity * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendLuminosity(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` ${hslgpu} fn blendLuminosity(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { let blendLuminosity: vec3 = setLuminosity(base, getLuminosity(blend)); return (blendLuminosity * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendLuminosity(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; LuminosityBlend.extension = { name: "luminosity", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/NegationBlend.mjs var NegationBlend; var init_NegationBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/NegationBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); NegationBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` vec3 negation(vec3 base, vec3 blend) { return 1.0-abs(1.0-base-blend); } vec3 blendNegation(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { return (negation(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendNegation(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn blendNegation(base: vec3, blend: vec3) -> vec3 { return 1.0-abs(1.0-base-blend); } fn blendNegationOpacity(base: vec3, blend: vec3, opacity: f32) -> vec3 { return (blendNegation(base, blend) * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendNegationOpacity(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; NegationBlend.extension = { name: "negation", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/OverlayBlend.mjs var OverlayBlend; var init_OverlayBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/OverlayBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); OverlayBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float overlay(float base, float blend) { return (base < 0.5) ? (2.0*base*blend) : (1.0-2.0*(1.0-base)*(1.0-blend)); } vec3 blendOverlay(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( overlay(base.r, blend.r), overlay(base.g, blend.g), overlay(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendOverlay(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn overlay(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return select((1.0-2.0*(1.0-base)*(1.0-blend)), (2.0*base*blend), base < 0.5); } fn blendOverlay(base: vec3, blend: vec3, opacity: f32) -> vec3 { let blended = vec3( overlay(base.r, blend.r), overlay(base.g, blend.g), overlay(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendOverlay(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; OverlayBlend.extension = { name: "overlay", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/PinLightBlend.mjs var PinLightBlend; var init_PinLightBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/PinLightBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); PinLightBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float pinLight(float base, float blend) { return (blend <= 0.5) ? min(base, 2.0 * blend) : max(base, 2.0 * (blend - 0.5)); } vec3 blendPinLight(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( pinLight(base.r, blend.r), pinLight(base.g, blend.g), pinLight(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendPinLight(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn pinLight(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return select(max(base,2.0*(blend-0.5)), min(base,2.0*blend), blend <= 0.5); } fn blendPinLight(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { let blended = vec3( pinLight(base.r, blend.r), pinLight(base.g, blend.g), pinLight(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendPinLight(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; PinLightBlend.extension = { name: "pin-light", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/SaturationBlend.mjs var SaturationBlend; var init_SaturationBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/SaturationBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); init_GLhls(); init_GPUhls(); SaturationBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` ${hslgl} vec3 blendSaturation(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blendSaturation = setLuminosity(setSaturation(base, getSaturation(blend)), getLuminosity(base)); return (blendSaturation * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendSaturation(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` ${hslgpu} fn blendSaturation(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { let blendSaturation = setLuminosity(setSaturation(base, getSaturation(blend)), getLuminosity(base)); return (blendSaturation * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendSaturation(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; SaturationBlend.extension = { name: "saturation", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/SoftLightBlend.mjs var SoftLightBlend; var init_SoftLightBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/SoftLightBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); SoftLightBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float softLight(float base, float blend) { return (blend < 0.5) ? (2.0 * base * blend + base * base * (1.0 - 2.0 * blend)) : (sqrt(base) * (2.0 * blend - 1.0) + 2.0 * base * (1.0 - blend)); } vec3 blendSoftLight(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( softLight(base.r, blend.r), softLight(base.g, blend.g), softLight(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendSoftLight(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn softLight(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return select(2.0 * base * blend + base * base * (1.0 - 2.0 * blend), sqrt(base) * (2.0 * blend - 1.0) + 2.0 * base * (1.0 - blend), blend < 0.5); } fn blendSoftLight(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { let blended: vec3 = vec3( softLight(base.r, blend.r), softLight(base.g, blend.g), softLight(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendSoftLight(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; SoftLightBlend.extension = { name: "soft-light", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/SubtractBlend.mjs var SubtractBlend; var init_SubtractBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/SubtractBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); SubtractBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float subtract(float base, float blend) { return max(0.0, base - blend); } vec3 blendSubtract(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( subtract(base.r, blend.r), subtract(base.g, blend.g), subtract(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendSubtract(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn subtract(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return max(0, base - blend); } fn blendSubtract(base:vec3, blend:vec3, opacity:f32) -> vec3 { let blended = vec3( subtract(base.r, blend.r), subtract(base.g, blend.g), subtract(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendSubtract(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; SubtractBlend.extension = { name: "subtract", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/VividLightBlend.mjs var VividLightBlend; var init_VividLightBlend = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/advanced-blend-modes/VividLightBlend.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_BlendModeFilter(); VividLightBlend = class extends BlendModeFilter { constructor() { super({ gl: { functions: ` float colorBurn(float base, float blend) { return max((1.0-((1.0-base)/blend)),0.0); } float colorDodge(float base, float blend) { return min(1.0, base / (1.0-blend)); } float vividLight(float base, float blend) { return (blend < 0.5) ? colorBurn(base,(2.0*blend)) : colorDodge(base,(2.0*(blend-0.5))); } vec3 blendVividLight(vec3 base, vec3 blend, float opacity) { vec3 blended = vec3( vividLight(base.r, blend.r), vividLight(base.g, blend.g), vividLight(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` finalColor = vec4(blendVividLight(back.rgb, front.rgb,front.a), blendedAlpha) * uBlend; ` }, gpu: { functions: ` fn colorBurn(base:f32, blend:f32) -> f32 { return max((1.0-((1.0-base)/blend)),0.0); } fn colorDodge(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return min(1.0, base / (1.0-blend)); } fn vividLight(base: f32, blend: f32) -> f32 { return select(colorDodge(base,(2.0*(blend-0.5))), colorBurn(base,(2.0*blend)), blend<0.5); } fn blendVividLight(base: vec3, blend: vec3, opacity: f32) -> vec3 { let blended: vec3 = vec3( vividLight(base.r, blend.r), vividLight(base.g, blend.g), vividLight(base.b, blend.b) ); return (blended * opacity + base * (1.0 - opacity)); } `, main: ` out = vec4(blendVividLight(back.rgb, front.rgb, front.a), blendedAlpha) * blendUniforms.uBlend; ` } }); } }; VividLightBlend.extension = { name: "vivid-light", type: ExtensionType.BlendMode }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment/autoDetectEnvironment.mjs async function loadEnvironmentExtensions(skip) { if (skip) return; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < environments.length; i3++) { const env = environments[i3]; if (env.value.test()) { await env.value.load(); return; } } } async function autoDetectEnvironment(add) { return loadEnvironmentExtensions(!add); } var environments; var init_autoDetectEnvironment = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment/autoDetectEnvironment.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); environments = []; extensions.handleByNamedList(ExtensionType.Environment, environments); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/unsafeEvalSupported.mjs function unsafeEvalSupported() { if (typeof unsafeEval === "boolean") { return unsafeEval; } try { const func = new Function("param1", "param2", "param3", "return param1[param2] === param3;"); unsafeEval = func({ a: "b" }, "a", "b") === true; } catch (e2) { unsafeEval = false; } return unsafeEval; } var unsafeEval; var init_unsafeEvalSupported = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/unsafeEvalSupported.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/const.mjs var CLEAR; var init_const7 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; CLEAR = /* @__PURE__ */ ((CLEAR2) => { CLEAR2[CLEAR2["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; CLEAR2[CLEAR2["COLOR"] = 16384] = "COLOR"; CLEAR2[CLEAR2["STENCIL"] = 1024] = "STENCIL"; CLEAR2[CLEAR2["DEPTH"] = 256] = "DEPTH"; CLEAR2[CLEAR2["COLOR_DEPTH"] = 16640] = "COLOR_DEPTH"; CLEAR2[CLEAR2["COLOR_STENCIL"] = 17408] = "COLOR_STENCIL"; CLEAR2[CLEAR2["DEPTH_STENCIL"] = 1280] = "DEPTH_STENCIL"; CLEAR2[CLEAR2["ALL"] = 17664] = "ALL"; return CLEAR2; })(CLEAR || {}); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/system/SystemRunner.mjs var SystemRunner; var init_SystemRunner = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/system/SystemRunner.mjs"() { "use strict"; SystemRunner = class { /** * @param name - The function name that will be executed on the listeners added to this Runner. */ constructor(name) { this.items = []; this._name = name; } /* eslint-disable jsdoc/require-param, jsdoc/check-param-names */ /** * Dispatch/Broadcast Runner to all listeners added to the queue. * @param {...any} params - (optional) parameters to pass to each listener */ /* eslint-enable jsdoc/require-param, jsdoc/check-param-names */ emit(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { const { name, items } = this; for (let i3 = 0, len = items.length; i3 < len; i3++) { items[i3][name](a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); } return this; } /** * Add a listener to the Runner * * Runners do not need to have scope or functions passed to them. * All that is required is to pass the listening object and ensure that it has contains a function that has the same name * as the name provided to the Runner when it was created. * * Eg A listener passed to this Runner will require a 'complete' function. * * ``` * import { Runner } from 'pixi.js'; * * const complete = new Runner('complete'); * ``` * * The scope used will be the object itself. * @param {any} item - The object that will be listening. */ add(item) { if (item[this._name]) { this.remove(item); this.items.push(item); } return this; } /** * Remove a single listener from the dispatch queue. * @param {any} item - The listener that you would like to remove. */ remove(item) { const index = this.items.indexOf(item); if (index !== -1) { this.items.splice(index, 1); } return this; } /** * Check to see if the listener is already in the Runner * @param {any} item - The listener that you would like to check. */ contains(item) { return this.items.indexOf(item) !== -1; } /** Remove all listeners from the Runner */ removeAll() { this.items.length = 0; return this; } /** Remove all references, don't use after this. */ destroy() { this.removeAll(); this.items = null; this._name = null; } /** * `true` if there are no this Runner contains no listeners * @readonly */ get empty() { return this.items.length === 0; } /** * The name of the runner. * @readonly */ get name() { return this._name; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/system/AbstractRenderer.mjs var defaultRunners, _AbstractRenderer, AbstractRenderer; var init_AbstractRenderer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/system/AbstractRenderer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_autoDetectEnvironment(); init_Container(); init_unsafeEvalSupported(); init_deprecation(); init_const7(); init_SystemRunner(); init_eventemitter3(); defaultRunners = [ "init", "destroy", "contextChange", "resolutionChange", "reset", "renderEnd", "renderStart", "render", "update", "postrender", "prerender" ]; _AbstractRenderer = class _AbstractRenderer2 extends eventemitter3_default { /** * Set up a system with a collection of SystemClasses and runners. * Systems are attached dynamically to this class when added. * @param config - the config for the system manager */ constructor(config) { super(); this.runners = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.renderPipes = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._initOptions = {}; this._systemsHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.type = config.type; this.name = config.name; this.config = config; const combinedRunners = [...defaultRunners, ...this.config.runners ?? []]; this._addRunners(...combinedRunners); this._unsafeEvalCheck(); } /** * Initialize the renderer. * @param options - The options to use to create the renderer. */ async init(options = {}) { const skip = options.skipExtensionImports === true ? true : options.manageImports === false; await loadEnvironmentExtensions(skip); this._addSystems(this.config.systems); this._addPipes(this.config.renderPipes, this.config.renderPipeAdaptors); for (const systemName in this._systemsHash) { const system = this._systemsHash[systemName]; const defaultSystemOptions = system.constructor.defaultOptions; options = { ...defaultSystemOptions, ...options }; } options = { ..._AbstractRenderer2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this._roundPixels = options.roundPixels ? 1 : 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.runners.init.items.length; i3++) { await this.runners.init.items[i3].init(options); } this._initOptions = options; } render(args, deprecated) { let options = args; if (options instanceof Container) { options = { container: options }; if (deprecated) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "passing a second argument is deprecated, please use render options instead"); options.target = deprecated.renderTexture; } } options.target || (options.target = this.view.renderTarget); if (options.target === this.view.renderTarget) { this._lastObjectRendered = options.container; options.clearColor = this.background.colorRgba; } if (options.clearColor) { const isRGBAArray = Array.isArray(options.clearColor) && options.clearColor.length === 4; options.clearColor = isRGBAArray ? options.clearColor : Color.shared.setValue(options.clearColor).toArray(); } if (!options.transform) { options.container.updateLocalTransform(); options.transform = options.container.localTransform; } this.runners.prerender.emit(options); this.runners.renderStart.emit(options); this.runners.render.emit(options); this.runners.renderEnd.emit(options); this.runners.postrender.emit(options); } /** * Resizes the WebGL view to the specified width and height. * @param desiredScreenWidth - The desired width of the screen. * @param desiredScreenHeight - The desired height of the screen. * @param resolution - The resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer. */ resize(desiredScreenWidth, desiredScreenHeight, resolution) { const previousResolution = this.view.resolution; this.view.resize(desiredScreenWidth, desiredScreenHeight, resolution); this.emit("resize", this.view.screen.width, this.view.screen.height, this.view.resolution); if (resolution !== void 0 && resolution !== previousResolution) { this.runners.resolutionChange.emit(resolution); } } clear(options = {}) { const renderer = this; options.target || (options.target = renderer.renderTarget.renderTarget); options.clearColor || (options.clearColor = this.background.colorRgba); options.clear ?? (options.clear = CLEAR.ALL); const { clear, clearColor, target } = options; Color.shared.setValue(clearColor ?? this.background.colorRgba); renderer.renderTarget.clear(target, clear, Color.shared.toArray()); } /** The resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer. */ get resolution() { return this.view.resolution; } set resolution(value) { this.view.resolution = value; this.runners.resolutionChange.emit(value); } /** * Same as view.width, actual number of pixels in the canvas by horizontal. * @member {number} * @readonly * @default 800 */ get width() { return this.view.texture.frame.width; } /** * Same as view.height, actual number of pixels in the canvas by vertical. * @default 600 */ get height() { return this.view.texture.frame.height; } // NOTE: this was `view` in v7 /** * The canvas element that everything is drawn to. * @type {environment.ICanvas} */ get canvas() { return this.view.canvas; } /** * the last object rendered by the renderer. Useful for other plugins like interaction managers * @readonly */ get lastObjectRendered() { return this._lastObjectRendered; } /** * Flag if we are rendering to the screen vs renderTexture * @readonly * @default true */ get renderingToScreen() { const renderer = this; return renderer.renderTarget.renderingToScreen; } /** * Measurements of the screen. (0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight). * * Its safe to use as filterArea or hitArea for the whole stage. */ get screen() { return this.view.screen; } /** * Create a bunch of runners based of a collection of ids * @param runnerIds - the runner ids to add */ _addRunners(...runnerIds) { runnerIds.forEach((runnerId) => { this.runners[runnerId] = new SystemRunner(runnerId); }); } _addSystems(systems3) { let i3; for (i3 in systems3) { const val = systems3[i3]; this._addSystem(val.value, val.name); } } /** * Add a new system to the renderer. * @param ClassRef - Class reference * @param name - Property name for system, if not specified * will use a static `name` property on the class itself. This * name will be assigned as s property on the Renderer so make * sure it doesn't collide with properties on Renderer. * @returns Return instance of renderer */ _addSystem(ClassRef, name) { const system = new ClassRef(this); if (this[name]) { throw new Error(`Whoops! The name "${name}" is already in use`); } this[name] = system; this._systemsHash[name] = system; for (const i3 in this.runners) { this.runners[i3].add(system); } return this; } _addPipes(pipes, pipeAdaptors) { const adaptors = pipeAdaptors.reduce((acc, adaptor) => { acc[adaptor.name] = adaptor.value; return acc; }, {}); pipes.forEach((pipe) => { const PipeClass = pipe.value; const name = pipe.name; const Adaptor = adaptors[name]; this.renderPipes[name] = new PipeClass( this, Adaptor ? new Adaptor() : null ); }); } destroy(options = false) { this.runners.destroy.items.reverse(); this.runners.destroy.emit(options); Object.values(this.runners).forEach((runner) => { runner.destroy(); }); this._systemsHash = null; this.renderPipes = null; } /** * Generate a texture from a container. * @param options - options or container target to use when generating the texture * @returns a texture */ generateTexture(options) { return this.textureGenerator.generateTexture(options); } /** * Whether the renderer will round coordinates to whole pixels when rendering. * Can be overridden on a per scene item basis. */ get roundPixels() { return !!this._roundPixels; } /** * Overridable function by `pixi.js/unsafe-eval` to silence * throwing an error if platform doesn't support unsafe-evals. * @private * @ignore */ _unsafeEvalCheck() { if (!unsafeEvalSupported()) { throw new Error("Current environment does not allow unsafe-eval, please use pixi.js/unsafe-eval module to enable support."); } } }; _AbstractRenderer.defaultOptions = { /** * Default resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer. * @default 1 */ resolution: 1, /** * Should the `failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat` flag be enabled as a context option used in the `isWebGLSupported` * function. If set to true, a WebGL renderer can fail to be created if the browser thinks there could be * performance issues when using WebGL. * * In PixiJS v6 this has changed from true to false by default, to allow WebGL to work in as many * scenarios as possible. However, some users may have a poor experience, for example, if a user has a gpu or * driver version blacklisted by the * browser. * * If your application requires high performance rendering, you may wish to set this to false. * We recommend one of two options if you decide to set this flag to false: * * 1: Use the Canvas renderer as a fallback in case high performance WebGL is * not supported. * * 2: Call `isWebGLSupported` (which if found in the utils package) in your code before attempting to create a * PixiJS renderer, and show an error message to the user if the function returns false, explaining that their * device & browser combination does not support high performance WebGL. * This is a much better strategy than trying to create a PixiJS renderer and finding it then fails. * @default false */ failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: false, /** * Should round pixels be forced when rendering? * @default false */ roundPixels: false }; AbstractRenderer = _AbstractRenderer; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/isWebGLSupported.mjs function isWebGLSupported(failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat) { if (_isWebGLSupported !== void 0) return _isWebGLSupported; _isWebGLSupported = (() => { const contextOptions = { stencil: true, failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat ?? AbstractRenderer.defaultOptions.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat }; try { if (!DOMAdapter.get().getWebGLRenderingContext()) { return false; } const canvas2 = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(); let gl = canvas2.getContext("webgl", contextOptions); const success = !!gl?.getContextAttributes()?.stencil; if (gl) { const loseContext = gl.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context"); if (loseContext) { loseContext.loseContext(); } } gl = null; return success; } catch (e2) { return false; } })(); return _isWebGLSupported; } var _isWebGLSupported; var init_isWebGLSupported = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/isWebGLSupported.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_AbstractRenderer(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/isWebGPUSupported.mjs async function isWebGPUSupported(options = {}) { if (_isWebGPUSupported !== void 0) return _isWebGPUSupported; _isWebGPUSupported = await (async () => { const gpu = DOMAdapter.get().getNavigator().gpu; if (!gpu) { return false; } try { const adapter = await gpu.requestAdapter(options); await adapter.requestDevice(); return true; } catch (e2) { return false; } })(); return _isWebGPUSupported; } var _isWebGPUSupported; var init_isWebGPUSupported = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/browser/isWebGPUSupported.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/gpu/GpuGraphicsAdaptor.mjs var GpuGraphicsAdaptor; var init_GpuGraphicsAdaptor = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/gpu/GpuGraphicsAdaptor.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Matrix(); init_maxRecommendedTextures(); init_getTextureBatchBindGroup(); init_compileHighShaderToProgram(); init_colorBit(); init_generateTextureBatchBit(); init_localUniformBit(); init_roundPixelsBit(); init_Shader(); init_UniformGroup(); GpuGraphicsAdaptor = class { init() { const localUniforms = new UniformGroup({ uTransformMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uColor: { value: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), type: "vec4" }, uRound: { value: 0, type: "f32" } }); const gpuProgram3 = compileHighShaderGpuProgram({ name: "graphics", bits: [ colorBit, generateTextureBatchBit(getMaxTexturesPerBatch()), localUniformBitGroup2, roundPixelsBit ] }); this.shader = new Shader({ gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, resources: { // added on the fly! localUniforms } }); } execute(graphicsPipe, renderable) { const context2 = renderable.context; const shader = context2.customShader || this.shader; const renderer = graphicsPipe.renderer; const contextSystem = renderer.graphicsContext; const { batcher, instructions } = contextSystem.getContextRenderData(context2); const encoder = renderer.encoder; encoder.setPipelineFromGeometryProgramAndState( batcher.geometry, shader.gpuProgram, graphicsPipe.state ); encoder.setGeometry(batcher.geometry, shader.gpuProgram); const globalUniformsBindGroup = renderer.globalUniforms.bindGroup; encoder.setBindGroup(0, globalUniformsBindGroup, shader.gpuProgram); const localBindGroup = renderer.renderPipes.uniformBatch.getUniformBindGroup(shader.resources.localUniforms, true); encoder.setBindGroup(2, localBindGroup, shader.gpuProgram); const batches = instructions.instructions; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < instructions.instructionSize; i3++) { const batch = batches[i3]; shader.groups[1] = batch.bindGroup; if (!batch.gpuBindGroup) { const textureBatch = batch.textures; batch.bindGroup = getTextureBatchBindGroup(textureBatch.textures, textureBatch.count); batch.gpuBindGroup = renderer.bindGroup.getBindGroup( batch.bindGroup, shader.gpuProgram, 1 ); } encoder.setBindGroup(1, batch.bindGroup, shader.gpuProgram); encoder.renderPassEncoder.drawIndexed(batch.size, 1, batch.start); } } destroy() { this.shader.destroy(true); this.shader = null; } }; GpuGraphicsAdaptor.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUPipesAdaptor ], name: "graphics" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/textureBit.mjs var textureBit, textureBitGl; var init_textureBit = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/shader-bits/textureBit.mjs"() { "use strict"; textureBit = { name: "texture-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` struct TextureUniforms { uTextureMatrix:mat3x3, } @group(2) @binding(2) var textureUniforms : TextureUniforms; ` ), main: ( /* wgsl */ ` uv = (textureUniforms.uTextureMatrix * vec3(uv, 1.0)).xy; ` ) }, fragment: { header: ( /* wgsl */ ` @group(2) @binding(0) var uTexture: texture_2d; @group(2) @binding(1) var uSampler: sampler; ` ), main: ( /* wgsl */ ` outColor = textureSample(uTexture, uSampler, vUV); ` ) } }; textureBitGl = { name: "texture-bit", vertex: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` uniform mat3 uTextureMatrix; ` ), main: ( /* glsl */ ` uv = (uTextureMatrix * vec3(uv, 1.0)).xy; ` ) }, fragment: { header: ( /* glsl */ ` uniform sampler2D uTexture; ` ), main: ( /* glsl */ ` outColor = texture(uTexture, vUV); ` ) } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/gpu/GpuMeshAdapter.mjs var GpuMeshAdapter; var init_GpuMeshAdapter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/gpu/GpuMeshAdapter.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Matrix(); init_compileHighShaderToProgram(); init_localUniformBit(); init_roundPixelsBit(); init_textureBit(); init_Shader(); init_Texture(); init_warn(); GpuMeshAdapter = class { init() { const gpuProgram3 = compileHighShaderGpuProgram({ name: "mesh", bits: [ localUniformBit, textureBit, roundPixelsBit ] }); this._shader = new Shader({ gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, resources: { uTexture: Texture.EMPTY._source, uSampler: Texture.EMPTY._source.style, textureUniforms: { uTextureMatrix: { type: "mat3x3", value: new Matrix() } } } }); } execute(meshPipe, mesh) { const renderer = meshPipe.renderer; let shader = mesh._shader; if (!shader) { shader = this._shader; shader.groups[2] = renderer.texture.getTextureBindGroup(mesh.texture); } else if (!shader.gpuProgram) { warn("Mesh shader has no gpuProgram", mesh.shader); return; } const gpuProgram3 = shader.gpuProgram; if (gpuProgram3.autoAssignGlobalUniforms) { shader.groups[0] = renderer.globalUniforms.bindGroup; } if (gpuProgram3.autoAssignLocalUniforms) { const localUniforms = meshPipe.localUniforms; shader.groups[1] = renderer.renderPipes.uniformBatch.getUniformBindGroup(localUniforms, true); } renderer.encoder.draw({ geometry: mesh._geometry, shader, state: mesh.state }); } destroy() { this._shader.destroy(true); this._shader = null; } }; GpuMeshAdapter.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUPipesAdaptor ], name: "mesh" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gpu/GpuBatchAdaptor.mjs var tempState, GpuBatchAdaptor; var init_GpuBatchAdaptor = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gpu/GpuBatchAdaptor.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_State(); init_getTextureBatchBindGroup(); tempState = State.for2d(); GpuBatchAdaptor = class { start(batchPipe, geometry, shader) { const renderer = batchPipe.renderer; const encoder = renderer.encoder; const program = shader.gpuProgram; this._shader = shader; this._geometry = geometry; encoder.setGeometry(geometry, program); tempState.blendMode = "normal"; renderer.pipeline.getPipeline( geometry, program, tempState ); const globalUniformsBindGroup = renderer.globalUniforms.bindGroup; encoder.resetBindGroup(1); encoder.setBindGroup(0, globalUniformsBindGroup, program); } execute(batchPipe, batch) { const program = this._shader.gpuProgram; const renderer = batchPipe.renderer; const encoder = renderer.encoder; if (!batch.bindGroup) { const textureBatch = batch.textures; batch.bindGroup = getTextureBatchBindGroup(textureBatch.textures, textureBatch.count); } tempState.blendMode = batch.blendMode; const gpuBindGroup = renderer.bindGroup.getBindGroup( batch.bindGroup, program, 1 ); const pipeline = renderer.pipeline.getPipeline( this._geometry, program, tempState ); batch.bindGroup._touch(renderer.textureGC.count); encoder.setPipeline(pipeline); encoder.renderPassEncoder.setBindGroup(1, gpuBindGroup); encoder.renderPassEncoder.drawIndexed(batch.size, 1, batch.start); } }; GpuBatchAdaptor.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUPipesAdaptor ], name: "batch" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/CustomRenderPipe.mjs var CustomRenderPipe; var init_CustomRenderPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/CustomRenderPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); CustomRenderPipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; } updateRenderable() { } destroyRenderable() { } validateRenderable() { return false; } addRenderable(container, instructionSet) { this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add(container); } execute(container) { if (!container.isRenderable) return; container.render(this._renderer); } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } }; CustomRenderPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "customRender" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/executeInstructions.mjs function executeInstructions(renderGroup, renderer) { const instructionSet = renderGroup.instructionSet; const instructions = instructionSet.instructions; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < instructionSet.instructionSize; i3++) { const instruction = instructions[i3]; renderer[instruction.renderPipeId].execute(instruction); } } var init_executeInstructions = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/executeInstructions.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/RenderGroupPipe.mjs var RenderGroupPipe; var init_RenderGroupPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/RenderGroupPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_executeInstructions(); RenderGroupPipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; } addRenderGroup(renderGroup, instructionSet) { this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add(renderGroup); } execute(renderGroup) { if (!renderGroup.isRenderable) return; this._renderer.globalUniforms.push({ worldTransformMatrix: renderGroup.worldTransform, worldColor: renderGroup.worldColorAlpha }); executeInstructions(renderGroup, this._renderer.renderPipes); this._renderer.globalUniforms.pop(); } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } }; RenderGroupPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "renderGroup" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/buildInstructions.mjs function buildInstructions(renderGroup, rendererOrPipes) { const root = renderGroup.root; const instructionSet = renderGroup.instructionSet; instructionSet.reset(); const renderer = rendererOrPipes.renderPipes ? rendererOrPipes : rendererOrPipes.batch.renderer; const renderPipes3 = renderer.renderPipes; renderPipes3.batch.buildStart(instructionSet); renderPipes3.blendMode.buildStart(); renderPipes3.colorMask.buildStart(); if (root.sortableChildren) { root.sortChildren(); } collectAllRenderablesAdvanced(root, instructionSet, renderer, true); renderPipes3.batch.buildEnd(instructionSet); renderPipes3.blendMode.buildEnd(instructionSet); } function collectAllRenderables(container, instructionSet, rendererOrPipes) { const renderer = rendererOrPipes.renderPipes ? rendererOrPipes : rendererOrPipes.batch.renderer; if (container.globalDisplayStatus < 7 || !container.includeInBuild) return; if (container.sortableChildren) { container.sortChildren(); } if (container.isSimple) { collectAllRenderablesSimple(container, instructionSet, renderer); } else { collectAllRenderablesAdvanced(container, instructionSet, renderer, false); } } function collectAllRenderablesSimple(container, instructionSet, renderer) { if (container.renderPipeId) { const renderable = container; const { renderPipes: renderPipes3, renderableGC } = renderer; renderPipes3.blendMode.setBlendMode(renderable, container.groupBlendMode, instructionSet); const rp = renderPipes3; rp[renderable.renderPipeId].addRenderable(renderable, instructionSet); renderableGC.addRenderable(renderable, instructionSet); renderable.didViewUpdate = false; } if (!container.renderGroup) { const children = container.children; const length = children.length; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) { collectAllRenderables(children[i3], instructionSet, renderer); } } } function collectAllRenderablesAdvanced(container, instructionSet, renderer, isRoot) { const { renderPipes: renderPipes3, renderableGC } = renderer; if (!isRoot && container.renderGroup) { renderPipes3.renderGroup.addRenderGroup(container.renderGroup, instructionSet); } else { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < container.effects.length; i3++) { const effect = container.effects[i3]; const pipe = renderPipes3[effect.pipe]; pipe.push(effect, container, instructionSet); } const renderable = container; const renderPipeId = renderable.renderPipeId; if (renderPipeId) { renderPipes3.blendMode.setBlendMode(renderable, renderable.groupBlendMode, instructionSet); const pipe = renderPipes3[renderPipeId]; pipe.addRenderable(renderable, instructionSet); renderableGC.addRenderable(renderable, instructionSet); renderable.didViewUpdate = false; } const children = container.children; if (children.length) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { collectAllRenderables(children[i3], instructionSet, renderer); } } for (let i3 = container.effects.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) { const effect = container.effects[i3]; const pipe = renderPipes3[effect.pipe]; pipe.pop(effect, container, instructionSet); } } } var init_buildInstructions = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/buildInstructions.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/clearList.mjs function clearList(list, index) { index || (index = 0); for (let j2 = index; j2 < list.length; j2++) { if (list[j2]) { list[j2] = null; } else { break; } } } var init_clearList = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/clearList.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/collectRenderGroups.mjs function collectRenderGroups(renderGroup, out2 = []) { out2.push(renderGroup); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < renderGroup.renderGroupChildren.length; i3++) { collectRenderGroups(renderGroup.renderGroupChildren[i3], out2); } return out2; } var init_collectRenderGroups = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/collectRenderGroups.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/mixHexColors.mjs function mixHexColors(color1, color2, ratio) { const r1 = color1 >> 16 & 255; const g1 = color1 >> 8 & 255; const b1 = color1 & 255; const r2 = color2 >> 16 & 255; const g2 = color2 >> 8 & 255; const b2 = color2 & 255; const r3 = r1 + (r2 - r1) * ratio; const g3 = g1 + (g2 - g1) * ratio; const b3 = b1 + (b2 - b1) * ratio; return (r3 << 16) + (g3 << 8) + b3; } var init_mixHexColors = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/mixHexColors.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/mixColors.mjs function mixColors(localBGRColor, parentBGRColor) { if (localBGRColor === WHITE_BGR || parentBGRColor === WHITE_BGR) { return localBGRColor + parentBGRColor - WHITE_BGR; } return mixHexColors(localBGRColor, parentBGRColor, 0.5); } function mixStandardAnd32BitColors(localColorRGB, localAlpha, parentColor) { const parentAlpha = (parentColor >> 24 & 255) / 255; const globalAlpha = localAlpha * parentAlpha * 255; const localBGRColor = ((localColorRGB & 255) << 16) + (localColorRGB & 65280) + (localColorRGB >> 16 & 255); const parentBGRColor = parentColor & 16777215; let sharedBGRColor; if (localBGRColor === WHITE_BGR || parentBGRColor === WHITE_BGR) { sharedBGRColor = localBGRColor + parentBGRColor - WHITE_BGR; } else { sharedBGRColor = mixHexColors(localBGRColor, parentBGRColor, 0.5); } return sharedBGRColor + (globalAlpha << 24); } var WHITE_BGR; var init_mixColors = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/mixColors.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_mixHexColors(); WHITE_BGR = 16777215; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/updateRenderGroupTransforms.mjs function updateRenderGroupTransforms(renderGroup, updateChildRenderGroups = false) { updateRenderGroupTransform(renderGroup); const childrenToUpdate = renderGroup.childrenToUpdate; const updateTick = renderGroup.updateTick++; for (const j2 in childrenToUpdate) { const renderGroupDepth = Number(j2); const childrenAtDepth = childrenToUpdate[j2]; const list = childrenAtDepth.list; const index = childrenAtDepth.index; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < index; i3++) { const child = list[i3]; if (child.parentRenderGroup === renderGroup && child.relativeRenderGroupDepth === renderGroupDepth) { updateTransformAndChildren(child, updateTick, 0); } } clearList(list, index); childrenAtDepth.index = 0; } if (updateChildRenderGroups) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < renderGroup.renderGroupChildren.length; i3++) { updateRenderGroupTransforms(renderGroup.renderGroupChildren[i3], updateChildRenderGroups); } } } function updateRenderGroupTransform(renderGroup) { const root = renderGroup.root; let worldAlpha; if (renderGroup.renderGroupParent) { const renderGroupParent = renderGroup.renderGroupParent; renderGroup.worldTransform.appendFrom( root.relativeGroupTransform, renderGroupParent.worldTransform ); renderGroup.worldColor = mixColors( root.groupColor, renderGroupParent.worldColor ); worldAlpha = root.groupAlpha * renderGroupParent.worldAlpha; } else { renderGroup.worldTransform.copyFrom(root.localTransform); renderGroup.worldColor = root.localColor; worldAlpha = root.localAlpha; } worldAlpha = worldAlpha < 0 ? 0 : worldAlpha > 1 ? 1 : worldAlpha; renderGroup.worldAlpha = worldAlpha; renderGroup.worldColorAlpha = renderGroup.worldColor + ((worldAlpha * 255 | 0) << 24); } function updateTransformAndChildren(container, updateTick, updateFlags) { if (updateTick === container.updateTick) return; container.updateTick = updateTick; container.didChange = false; const localTransform = container.localTransform; container.updateLocalTransform(); const parent = container.parent; if (parent && !parent.renderGroup) { updateFlags = updateFlags | container._updateFlags; container.relativeGroupTransform.appendFrom( localTransform, parent.relativeGroupTransform ); if (updateFlags & UPDATE_BLEND_COLOR_VISIBLE) { updateColorBlendVisibility(container, parent, updateFlags); } } else { updateFlags = container._updateFlags; container.relativeGroupTransform.copyFrom(localTransform); if (updateFlags & UPDATE_BLEND_COLOR_VISIBLE) { updateColorBlendVisibility(container, tempContainer, updateFlags); } } if (!container.renderGroup) { const children = container.children; const length = children.length; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) { updateTransformAndChildren(children[i3], updateTick, updateFlags); } const renderGroup = container.parentRenderGroup; const renderable = container; if (renderable.renderPipeId && !renderGroup.structureDidChange) { renderGroup.updateRenderable(renderable); } } } function updateColorBlendVisibility(container, parent, updateFlags) { if (updateFlags & UPDATE_COLOR) { container.groupColor = mixColors( container.localColor, parent.groupColor ); let groupAlpha = container.localAlpha * parent.groupAlpha; groupAlpha = groupAlpha < 0 ? 0 : groupAlpha > 1 ? 1 : groupAlpha; container.groupAlpha = groupAlpha; container.groupColorAlpha = container.groupColor + ((groupAlpha * 255 | 0) << 24); } if (updateFlags & UPDATE_BLEND) { container.groupBlendMode = container.localBlendMode === "inherit" ? parent.groupBlendMode : container.localBlendMode; } if (updateFlags & UPDATE_VISIBLE) { container.globalDisplayStatus = container.localDisplayStatus & parent.globalDisplayStatus; } container._updateFlags = 0; } var tempContainer, UPDATE_BLEND_COLOR_VISIBLE; var init_updateRenderGroupTransforms = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/updateRenderGroupTransforms.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Container(); init_clearList(); init_mixColors(); tempContainer = new Container(); UPDATE_BLEND_COLOR_VISIBLE = UPDATE_VISIBLE | UPDATE_COLOR | UPDATE_BLEND; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/validateRenderables.mjs function validateRenderables(renderGroup, renderPipes3) { const { list, index } = renderGroup.childrenRenderablesToUpdate; let rebuildRequired = false; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < index; i3++) { const container = list[i3]; const renderable = container; const pipe = renderPipes3[renderable.renderPipeId]; rebuildRequired = pipe.validateRenderable(container); if (rebuildRequired) { break; } } renderGroup.structureDidChange = rebuildRequired; return rebuildRequired; } var init_validateRenderables = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/validateRenderables.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/RenderGroupSystem.mjs function updateRenderables(renderGroup) { const { list, index } = renderGroup.childrenRenderablesToUpdate; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < index; i3++) { const container = list[i3]; if (container.didViewUpdate) { renderGroup.updateRenderable(container); } } clearList(list, index); } var tempMatrix5, RenderGroupSystem; var init_RenderGroupSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/RenderGroupSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Matrix(); init_buildInstructions(); init_clearList(); init_collectRenderGroups(); init_executeInstructions(); init_updateRenderGroupTransforms(); init_validateRenderables(); tempMatrix5 = new Matrix(); RenderGroupSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; } render({ container, transform: transform2 }) { container.isRenderGroup = true; const parent = container.parent; const renderGroupParent = container.renderGroup.renderGroupParent; container.parent = null; container.renderGroup.renderGroupParent = null; const renderer = this._renderer; const renderGroups = collectRenderGroups(container.renderGroup, []); let originalLocalTransform = tempMatrix5; if (transform2) { originalLocalTransform = originalLocalTransform.copyFrom(container.renderGroup.localTransform); container.renderGroup.localTransform.copyFrom(transform2); } const renderPipes3 = renderer.renderPipes; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < renderGroups.length; i3++) { const renderGroup = renderGroups[i3]; renderGroup.runOnRender(); renderGroup.instructionSet.renderPipes = renderPipes3; if (!renderGroup.structureDidChange) { validateRenderables(renderGroup, renderPipes3); } else { clearList(renderGroup.childrenRenderablesToUpdate.list, 0); } updateRenderGroupTransforms(renderGroup); if (renderGroup.structureDidChange) { renderGroup.structureDidChange = false; buildInstructions(renderGroup, renderer); } else { updateRenderables(renderGroup); } renderGroup.childrenRenderablesToUpdate.index = 0; renderer.renderPipes.batch.upload(renderGroup.instructionSet); } renderer.globalUniforms.start({ worldTransformMatrix: transform2 ? container.renderGroup.localTransform : container.renderGroup.worldTransform, worldColor: container.renderGroup.worldColorAlpha }); executeInstructions(container.renderGroup, renderPipes3); if (renderPipes3.uniformBatch) { renderPipes3.uniformBatch.renderEnd(); } if (transform2) { container.renderGroup.localTransform.copyFrom(originalLocalTransform); } container.parent = parent; container.renderGroup.renderGroupParent = renderGroupParent; } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } }; RenderGroupSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem, ExtensionType.CanvasSystem ], name: "renderGroup" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite/SpritePipe.mjs var SpritePipe; var init_SpritePipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite/SpritePipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_PoolGroup(); init_BatchableSprite(); SpritePipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._gpuSpriteHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._destroyRenderableBound = this.destroyRenderable.bind(this); this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuSpriteHash"); } addRenderable(sprite, instructionSet) { const gpuSprite = this._getGpuSprite(sprite); if (sprite.didViewUpdate) this._updateBatchableSprite(sprite, gpuSprite); this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.addToBatch(gpuSprite, instructionSet); } updateRenderable(sprite) { const gpuSprite = this._gpuSpriteHash[sprite.uid]; if (sprite.didViewUpdate) this._updateBatchableSprite(sprite, gpuSprite); gpuSprite._batcher.updateElement(gpuSprite); } validateRenderable(sprite) { const texture = sprite._texture; const gpuSprite = this._getGpuSprite(sprite); if (gpuSprite.texture._source !== texture._source) { return !gpuSprite._batcher.checkAndUpdateTexture(gpuSprite, texture); } return false; } destroyRenderable(sprite) { const batchableSprite = this._gpuSpriteHash[sprite.uid]; BigPool.return(batchableSprite); this._gpuSpriteHash[sprite.uid] = null; sprite.off("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); } _updateBatchableSprite(sprite, batchableSprite) { batchableSprite.bounds = sprite.bounds; batchableSprite.texture = sprite._texture; } _getGpuSprite(sprite) { return this._gpuSpriteHash[sprite.uid] || this._initGPUSprite(sprite); } _initGPUSprite(sprite) { const batchableSprite = BigPool.get(BatchableSprite); batchableSprite.renderable = sprite; batchableSprite.transform = sprite.groupTransform; batchableSprite.texture = sprite._texture; batchableSprite.bounds = sprite.bounds; batchableSprite.roundPixels = this._renderer._roundPixels | sprite._roundPixels; this._gpuSpriteHash[sprite.uid] = batchableSprite; sprite.on("destroyed", this._destroyRenderableBound); return batchableSprite; } destroy() { for (const i3 in this._gpuSpriteHash) { BigPool.return(this._gpuSpriteHash[i3]); } this._gpuSpriteHash = null; this._renderer = null; } }; SpritePipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "sprite" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/const.mjs var DATA_URI, VERSION; var init_const8 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); DATA_URI = /^\s*data:(?:([\w-]+)\/([\w+.-]+))?(?:;charset=([\w-]+))?(?:;(base64))?,(.*)/i; VERSION = "8.5.2"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/global/globalHooks.mjs var ApplicationInitHook, RendererInitHook; var init_globalHooks = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/global/globalHooks.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_const8(); ApplicationInitHook = class { static init() { globalThis.__PIXI_APP_INIT__?.(this, VERSION); } static destroy() { } }; ApplicationInitHook.extension = ExtensionType.Application; RendererInitHook = class { constructor(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; } init() { globalThis.__PIXI_RENDERER_INIT__?.(this._renderer, VERSION); } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } }; RendererInitHook.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "initHook", priority: -10 }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/BatcherPipe.mjs var _BatcherPipe, BatcherPipe; var init_BatcherPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/shared/BatcherPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_State(); init_DefaultBatcher(); _BatcherPipe = class _BatcherPipe2 { constructor(renderer, adaptor) { this.state = State.for2d(); this._batchersByInstructionSet = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._activeBatches = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.renderer = renderer; this._adaptor = adaptor; this._adaptor.init?.(this); } static getBatcher(name) { return new this._availableBatchers[name](); } buildStart(instructionSet) { let batchers = this._batchersByInstructionSet[instructionSet.uid]; if (!batchers) { batchers = this._batchersByInstructionSet[instructionSet.uid] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); batchers.default || (batchers.default = new DefaultBatcher()); } this._activeBatches = batchers; this._activeBatch = this._activeBatches.default; for (const i3 in this._activeBatches) { this._activeBatches[i3].begin(); } } addToBatch(batchableObject, instructionSet) { if (this._activeBatch.name !== batchableObject.batcherName) { this._activeBatch.break(instructionSet); let batch = this._activeBatches[batchableObject.batcherName]; if (!batch) { batch = this._activeBatches[batchableObject.batcherName] = _BatcherPipe2.getBatcher(batchableObject.batcherName); batch.begin(); } this._activeBatch = batch; } this._activeBatch.add(batchableObject); } break(instructionSet) { this._activeBatch.break(instructionSet); } buildEnd(instructionSet) { this._activeBatch.break(instructionSet); const batches = this._activeBatches; for (const i3 in batches) { const batch = batches[i3]; const geometry = batch.geometry; geometry.indexBuffer.setDataWithSize(batch.indexBuffer, batch.indexSize, true); geometry.buffers[0].setDataWithSize(batch.attributeBuffer.float32View, batch.attributeSize, false); } } upload(instructionSet) { const batchers = this._batchersByInstructionSet[instructionSet.uid]; for (const i3 in batchers) { const batcher = batchers[i3]; const geometry = batcher.geometry; if (batcher.dirty) { batcher.dirty = false; geometry.buffers[0].update(batcher.attributeSize * 4); } } } execute(batch) { if (batch.action === "startBatch") { const batcher = batch.batcher; const geometry = batcher.geometry; const shader = batcher.shader; this._adaptor.start(this, geometry, shader); } this._adaptor.execute(this, batch); } destroy() { this.state = null; this.renderer = null; this._adaptor = null; for (const i3 in this._activeBatches) { this._activeBatches[i3].destroy(); } this._activeBatches = null; } }; _BatcherPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "batch" }; _BatcherPipe._availableBatchers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); BatcherPipe = _BatcherPipe; extensions.handleByMap(ExtensionType.Batcher, BatcherPipe._availableBatchers); extensions.add(DefaultBatcher); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/mask/mask.frag.mjs var fragment2; var init_mask_frag = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/mask/mask.frag.mjs"() { "use strict"; fragment2 = "in vec2 vMaskCoord;\nin vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform sampler2D uMaskTexture;\n\nuniform float uAlpha;\nuniform vec4 uMaskClamp;\nuniform float uInverse;\n\nout vec4 finalColor;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n float clip = step(3.5,\n step(uMaskClamp.x, vMaskCoord.x) +\n step(uMaskClamp.y, vMaskCoord.y) +\n step(vMaskCoord.x, uMaskClamp.z) +\n step(vMaskCoord.y, uMaskClamp.w));\n\n // TODO look into why this is needed\n float npmAlpha = uAlpha;\n vec4 original = texture(uTexture, vTextureCoord);\n vec4 masky = texture(uMaskTexture, vMaskCoord);\n float alphaMul = 1.0 - npmAlpha * (1.0 - masky.a);\n\n float a = alphaMul * masky.r * npmAlpha * clip;\n\n if (uInverse == 1.0) {\n a = 1.0 - a;\n }\n\n finalColor = original * a;\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/mask/mask.vert.mjs var vertex2; var init_mask_vert = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/mask/mask.vert.mjs"() { "use strict"; vertex2 = "in vec2 aPosition;\n\nout vec2 vTextureCoord;\nout vec2 vMaskCoord;\n\n\nuniform vec4 uInputSize;\nuniform vec4 uOutputFrame;\nuniform vec4 uOutputTexture;\nuniform mat3 uFilterMatrix;\n\nvec4 filterVertexPosition( vec2 aPosition )\n{\n vec2 position = aPosition * uOutputFrame.zw + uOutputFrame.xy;\n \n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*uOutputTexture.z / uOutputTexture.y) - uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nvec2 filterTextureCoord( vec2 aPosition )\n{\n return aPosition * (uOutputFrame.zw * uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\nvec2 getFilterCoord( vec2 aPosition )\n{\n return ( uFilterMatrix * vec3( filterTextureCoord(aPosition), 1.0) ).xy;\n} \n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = filterVertexPosition(aPosition);\n vTextureCoord = filterTextureCoord(aPosition);\n vMaskCoord = getFilterCoord(aPosition);\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/mask/mask.wgsl.mjs var source; var init_mask_wgsl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/mask/mask.wgsl.mjs"() { "use strict"; source = "struct GlobalFilterUniforms {\n uInputSize:vec4,\n uInputPixel:vec4,\n uInputClamp:vec4,\n uOutputFrame:vec4,\n uGlobalFrame:vec4,\n uOutputTexture:vec4,\n};\n\nstruct MaskUniforms {\n uFilterMatrix:mat3x3,\n uMaskClamp:vec4,\n uAlpha:f32,\n uInverse:f32,\n};\n\n@group(0) @binding(0) var gfu: GlobalFilterUniforms;\n@group(0) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d;\n@group(0) @binding(2) var uSampler : sampler;\n\n@group(1) @binding(0) var filterUniforms : MaskUniforms;\n@group(1) @binding(1) var uMaskTexture: texture_2d;\n\nstruct VSOutput {\n @builtin(position) position: vec4,\n @location(0) uv : vec2,\n @location(1) filterUv : vec2,\n};\n\nfn filterVertexPosition(aPosition:vec2) -> vec4\n{\n var position = aPosition * gfu.uOutputFrame.zw + gfu.uOutputFrame.xy;\n\n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / gfu.uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*gfu.uOutputTexture.z / gfu.uOutputTexture.y) - gfu.uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nfn filterTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return aPosition * (gfu.uOutputFrame.zw * gfu.uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\nfn globalTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return (aPosition.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw) + (gfu.uGlobalFrame.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw);\n}\n\nfn getFilterCoord(aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return ( filterUniforms.uFilterMatrix * vec3( filterTextureCoord(aPosition), 1.0) ).xy;\n}\n\nfn getSize() -> vec2\n{\n return gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw;\n}\n\n@vertex\nfn mainVertex(\n @location(0) aPosition : vec2,\n) -> VSOutput {\n return VSOutput(\n filterVertexPosition(aPosition),\n filterTextureCoord(aPosition),\n getFilterCoord(aPosition)\n );\n}\n\n@fragment\nfn mainFragment(\n @location(0) uv: vec2,\n @location(1) filterUv: vec2,\n @builtin(position) position: vec4\n) -> @location(0) vec4 {\n\n var maskClamp = filterUniforms.uMaskClamp;\n var uAlpha = filterUniforms.uAlpha;\n\n var clip = step(3.5,\n step(maskClamp.x, filterUv.x) +\n step(maskClamp.y, filterUv.y) +\n step(filterUv.x, maskClamp.z) +\n step(filterUv.y, maskClamp.w));\n\n var mask = textureSample(uMaskTexture, uSampler, filterUv);\n var source = textureSample(uTexture, uSampler, uv);\n var alphaMul = 1.0 - uAlpha * (1.0 - mask.a);\n\n var a: f32 = alphaMul * mask.r * uAlpha * clip;\n\n if (filterUniforms.uInverse == 1.0) {\n a = 1.0 - a;\n }\n\n return source * a;\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/mask/MaskFilter.mjs var MaskFilter; var init_MaskFilter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/mask/MaskFilter.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_GlProgram(); init_GpuProgram(); init_UniformGroup(); init_TextureMatrix(); init_Filter(); init_mask_frag(); init_mask_vert(); init_mask_wgsl(); MaskFilter = class extends Filter { constructor(options) { const { sprite, ...rest } = options; const textureMatrix = new TextureMatrix(sprite.texture); const filterUniforms = new UniformGroup({ uFilterMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uMaskClamp: { value: textureMatrix.uClampFrame, type: "vec4" }, uAlpha: { value: 1, type: "f32" }, uInverse: { value: options.inverse ? 1 : 0, type: "f32" } }); const gpuProgram3 = GpuProgram.from({ vertex: { source, entryPoint: "mainVertex" }, fragment: { source, entryPoint: "mainFragment" } }); const glProgram3 = GlProgram.from({ vertex: vertex2, fragment: fragment2, name: "mask-filter" }); super({ ...rest, gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, glProgram: glProgram3, resources: { filterUniforms, uMaskTexture: sprite.texture.source } }); this.sprite = sprite; this._textureMatrix = textureMatrix; } set inverse(value) { this.resources.filterUniforms.uniforms.uInverse = value ? 1 : 0; } get inverse() { return this.resources.filterUniforms.uniforms.uInverse === 1; } apply(filterManager, input, output, clearMode) { this._textureMatrix.texture = this.sprite.texture; filterManager.calculateSpriteMatrix( this.resources.filterUniforms.uniforms.uFilterMatrix, this.sprite ).prepend(this._textureMatrix.mapCoord); this.resources.uMaskTexture = this.sprite.texture.source; filterManager.applyFilter(this, input, output, clearMode); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/alpha/AlphaMaskPipe.mjs var tempBounds3, AlphaMaskEffect, AlphaMaskPipe; var init_AlphaMaskPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/alpha/AlphaMaskPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_FilterEffect(); init_MaskFilter(); init_Bounds(); init_getGlobalBounds(); init_buildInstructions(); init_Sprite(); init_PoolGroup(); init_Texture(); init_TexturePool(); init_types2(); tempBounds3 = new Bounds(); AlphaMaskEffect = class extends FilterEffect { constructor() { super(); this.filters = [new MaskFilter({ sprite: new Sprite(Texture.EMPTY), inverse: false, resolution: "inherit", antialias: "inherit" })]; } get sprite() { return this.filters[0].sprite; } set sprite(value) { this.filters[0].sprite = value; } get inverse() { return this.filters[0].inverse; } set inverse(value) { this.filters[0].inverse = value; } }; AlphaMaskPipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._activeMaskStage = []; this._renderer = renderer; } push(mask, maskedContainer, instructionSet) { const renderer = this._renderer; renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "alphaMask", action: "pushMaskBegin", mask, inverse: maskedContainer._maskOptions.inverse, canBundle: false, maskedContainer }); mask.inverse = maskedContainer._maskOptions.inverse; if (mask.renderMaskToTexture) { const maskContainer = mask.mask; maskContainer.includeInBuild = true; collectAllRenderables( maskContainer, instructionSet, renderer ); maskContainer.includeInBuild = false; } renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "alphaMask", action: "pushMaskEnd", mask, maskedContainer, inverse: maskedContainer._maskOptions.inverse, canBundle: false }); } pop(mask, _maskedContainer, instructionSet) { const renderer = this._renderer; renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "alphaMask", action: "popMaskEnd", mask, inverse: _maskedContainer._maskOptions.inverse, canBundle: false }); } execute(instruction) { const renderer = this._renderer; const renderMask = instruction.mask.renderMaskToTexture; if (instruction.action === "pushMaskBegin") { const filterEffect = BigPool.get(AlphaMaskEffect); filterEffect.inverse = instruction.inverse; if (renderMask) { instruction.mask.mask.measurable = true; const bounds = getGlobalBounds(instruction.mask.mask, true, tempBounds3); instruction.mask.mask.measurable = false; bounds.ceil(); const colorTextureSource = renderer.renderTarget.renderTarget.colorTexture.source; const filterTexture = TexturePool.getOptimalTexture( bounds.width, bounds.height, colorTextureSource._resolution, colorTextureSource.antialias ); renderer.renderTarget.push(filterTexture, true); renderer.globalUniforms.push({ offset: bounds, worldColor: 4294967295 }); const sprite = filterEffect.sprite; sprite.texture = filterTexture; sprite.worldTransform.tx = bounds.minX; sprite.worldTransform.ty = bounds.minY; this._activeMaskStage.push({ filterEffect, maskedContainer: instruction.maskedContainer, filterTexture }); } else { filterEffect.sprite = instruction.mask.mask; this._activeMaskStage.push({ filterEffect, maskedContainer: instruction.maskedContainer }); } } else if (instruction.action === "pushMaskEnd") { const maskData = this._activeMaskStage[this._activeMaskStage.length - 1]; if (renderMask) { if (renderer.type === RendererType.WEBGL) { renderer.renderTarget.finishRenderPass(); } renderer.renderTarget.pop(); renderer.globalUniforms.pop(); } renderer.filter.push({ renderPipeId: "filter", action: "pushFilter", container: maskData.maskedContainer, filterEffect: maskData.filterEffect, canBundle: false }); } else if (instruction.action === "popMaskEnd") { renderer.filter.pop(); const maskData = this._activeMaskStage.pop(); if (renderMask) { TexturePool.returnTexture(maskData.filterTexture); } BigPool.return(maskData.filterEffect); } } destroy() { this._renderer = null; this._activeMaskStage = null; } }; AlphaMaskPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "alphaMask" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/color/ColorMaskPipe.mjs var ColorMaskPipe; var init_ColorMaskPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/color/ColorMaskPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); ColorMaskPipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._colorStack = []; this._colorStackIndex = 0; this._currentColor = 0; this._renderer = renderer; } buildStart() { this._colorStack[0] = 15; this._colorStackIndex = 1; this._currentColor = 15; } push(mask, _container, instructionSet) { const renderer = this._renderer; renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); const colorStack = this._colorStack; colorStack[this._colorStackIndex] = colorStack[this._colorStackIndex - 1] & mask.mask; const currentColor = this._colorStack[this._colorStackIndex]; if (currentColor !== this._currentColor) { this._currentColor = currentColor; instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "colorMask", colorMask: currentColor, canBundle: false }); } this._colorStackIndex++; } pop(_mask, _container, instructionSet) { const renderer = this._renderer; renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); const colorStack = this._colorStack; this._colorStackIndex--; const currentColor = colorStack[this._colorStackIndex - 1]; if (currentColor !== this._currentColor) { this._currentColor = currentColor; instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "colorMask", colorMask: currentColor, canBundle: false }); } } execute(instruction) { const renderer = this._renderer; renderer.colorMask.setMask(instruction.colorMask); } destroy() { this._colorStack = null; } }; ColorMaskPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "colorMask" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/stencil/StencilMaskPipe.mjs var StencilMaskPipe; var init_StencilMaskPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/stencil/StencilMaskPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_buildInstructions(); init_const7(); init_const3(); StencilMaskPipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._maskStackHash = {}; this._maskHash = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); this._renderer = renderer; } push(mask, _container, instructionSet) { var _a; const effect = mask; const renderer = this._renderer; renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); renderer.renderPipes.blendMode.setBlendMode(effect.mask, "none", instructionSet); instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "stencilMask", action: "pushMaskBegin", mask, inverse: _container._maskOptions.inverse, canBundle: false }); const maskContainer = effect.mask; maskContainer.includeInBuild = true; if (!this._maskHash.has(effect)) { this._maskHash.set(effect, { instructionsStart: 0, instructionsLength: 0 }); } const maskData = this._maskHash.get(effect); maskData.instructionsStart = instructionSet.instructionSize; collectAllRenderables( maskContainer, instructionSet, renderer ); maskContainer.includeInBuild = false; renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "stencilMask", action: "pushMaskEnd", mask, inverse: _container._maskOptions.inverse, canBundle: false }); const instructionsLength = instructionSet.instructionSize - maskData.instructionsStart - 1; maskData.instructionsLength = instructionsLength; const renderTargetUid = renderer.renderTarget.renderTarget.uid; (_a = this._maskStackHash)[renderTargetUid] ?? (_a[renderTargetUid] = 0); } pop(mask, _container, instructionSet) { const effect = mask; const renderer = this._renderer; renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); renderer.renderPipes.blendMode.setBlendMode(effect.mask, "none", instructionSet); instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "stencilMask", action: "popMaskBegin", inverse: _container._maskOptions.inverse, canBundle: false }); const maskData = this._maskHash.get(mask); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < maskData.instructionsLength; i3++) { instructionSet.instructions[instructionSet.instructionSize++] = instructionSet.instructions[maskData.instructionsStart++]; } instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "stencilMask", action: "popMaskEnd", canBundle: false }); } execute(instruction) { var _a; const renderer = this._renderer; const renderTargetUid = renderer.renderTarget.renderTarget.uid; let maskStackIndex = (_a = this._maskStackHash)[renderTargetUid] ?? (_a[renderTargetUid] = 0); if (instruction.action === "pushMaskBegin") { renderer.renderTarget.ensureDepthStencil(); renderer.stencil.setStencilMode(STENCIL_MODES.RENDERING_MASK_ADD, maskStackIndex); maskStackIndex++; renderer.colorMask.setMask(0); } else if (instruction.action === "pushMaskEnd") { if (instruction.inverse) { renderer.stencil.setStencilMode(STENCIL_MODES.INVERSE_MASK_ACTIVE, maskStackIndex); } else { renderer.stencil.setStencilMode(STENCIL_MODES.MASK_ACTIVE, maskStackIndex); } renderer.colorMask.setMask(15); } else if (instruction.action === "popMaskBegin") { renderer.colorMask.setMask(0); if (maskStackIndex !== 0) { renderer.stencil.setStencilMode(STENCIL_MODES.RENDERING_MASK_REMOVE, maskStackIndex); } else { renderer.renderTarget.clear(null, CLEAR.STENCIL); renderer.stencil.setStencilMode(STENCIL_MODES.DISABLED, maskStackIndex); } maskStackIndex--; } else if (instruction.action === "popMaskEnd") { if (instruction.inverse) { renderer.stencil.setStencilMode(STENCIL_MODES.INVERSE_MASK_ACTIVE, maskStackIndex); } else { renderer.stencil.setStencilMode(STENCIL_MODES.MASK_ACTIVE, maskStackIndex); } renderer.colorMask.setMask(15); } this._maskStackHash[renderTargetUid] = maskStackIndex; } destroy() { this._renderer = null; this._maskStackHash = null; this._maskHash = null; } }; StencilMaskPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "stencilMask" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/background/BackgroundSystem.mjs var _BackgroundSystem, BackgroundSystem; var init_BackgroundSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/background/BackgroundSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_Extensions(); _BackgroundSystem = class _BackgroundSystem2 { constructor() { this.clearBeforeRender = true; this._backgroundColor = new Color(0); this.color = this._backgroundColor; this.alpha = 1; } /** * initiates the background system * @param options - the options for the background colors */ init(options) { options = { ..._BackgroundSystem2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this.clearBeforeRender = options.clearBeforeRender; this.color = options.background || options.backgroundColor || this._backgroundColor; this.alpha = options.backgroundAlpha; this._backgroundColor.setAlpha(options.backgroundAlpha); } /** The background color to fill if not transparent */ get color() { return this._backgroundColor; } set color(value) { this._backgroundColor.setValue(value); } /** The background color alpha. Setting this to 0 will make the canvas transparent. */ get alpha() { return this._backgroundColor.alpha; } set alpha(value) { this._backgroundColor.setAlpha(value); } /** The background color as an [R, G, B, A] array. */ get colorRgba() { return this._backgroundColor.toArray(); } /** * destroys the background system * @internal * @ignore */ destroy() { } }; _BackgroundSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem, ExtensionType.CanvasSystem ], name: "background", priority: 0 }; _BackgroundSystem.defaultOptions = { /** * {@link WebGLOptions.backgroundAlpha} * @default 1 */ backgroundAlpha: 1, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.backgroundColor} * @default 0x000000 */ backgroundColor: 0, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.clearBeforeRender} * @default true */ clearBeforeRender: true }; BackgroundSystem = _BackgroundSystem; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/blendModes/BlendModePipe.mjs var BLEND_MODE_FILTERS, BlendModePipe; var init_BlendModePipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/blendModes/BlendModePipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_FilterEffect(); init_warn(); BLEND_MODE_FILTERS = {}; extensions.handle(ExtensionType.BlendMode, (value) => { if (!value.name) { throw new Error("BlendMode extension must have a name property"); } BLEND_MODE_FILTERS[value.name] = value.ref; }, (value) => { delete BLEND_MODE_FILTERS[value.name]; }); BlendModePipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._isAdvanced = false; this._filterHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._renderer = renderer; } /** * This ensures that a blendMode switch is added to the instruction set if the blend mode has changed. * @param renderable - The renderable we are adding to the instruction set * @param blendMode - The blend mode of the renderable * @param instructionSet - The instruction set we are adding to */ setBlendMode(renderable, blendMode, instructionSet) { if (this._activeBlendMode === blendMode) { if (this._isAdvanced) this._renderableList.push(renderable); return; } this._activeBlendMode = blendMode; if (this._isAdvanced) { this._endAdvancedBlendMode(instructionSet); } this._isAdvanced = !!BLEND_MODE_FILTERS[blendMode]; if (this._isAdvanced) { this._beginAdvancedBlendMode(instructionSet); this._renderableList.push(renderable); } } _beginAdvancedBlendMode(instructionSet) { this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); const blendMode = this._activeBlendMode; if (!BLEND_MODE_FILTERS[blendMode]) { warn(`Unable to assign BlendMode: '${blendMode}'. You may want to include: import 'pixi.js/advanced-blend-modes'`); return; } let filterEffect = this._filterHash[blendMode]; if (!filterEffect) { filterEffect = this._filterHash[blendMode] = new FilterEffect(); filterEffect.filters = [new BLEND_MODE_FILTERS[blendMode]()]; } const instruction = { renderPipeId: "filter", action: "pushFilter", renderables: [], filterEffect, canBundle: false }; this._renderableList = instruction.renderables; instructionSet.add(instruction); } _endAdvancedBlendMode(instructionSet) { this._renderableList = null; this._renderer.renderPipes.batch.break(instructionSet); instructionSet.add({ renderPipeId: "filter", action: "popFilter", canBundle: false }); } /** * called when the instruction build process is starting this will reset internally to the default blend mode * @internal * @ignore */ buildStart() { this._isAdvanced = false; } /** * called when the instruction build process is finished, ensuring that if there is an advanced blend mode * active, we add the final render instructions added to the instruction set * @param instructionSet - The instruction set we are adding to * @internal * @ignore */ buildEnd(instructionSet) { if (this._isAdvanced) { this._endAdvancedBlendMode(instructionSet); } } /** * @internal * @ignore */ destroy() { this._renderer = null; this._renderableList = null; for (const i3 in this._filterHash) { this._filterHash[i3].destroy(); } this._filterHash = null; } }; BlendModePipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, ExtensionType.CanvasPipes ], name: "blendMode" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/extract/ExtractSystem.mjs var imageTypes, _ExtractSystem, ExtractSystem; var init_ExtractSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/extract/ExtractSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Container(); init_Texture(); imageTypes = { png: "image/png", jpg: "image/jpeg", webp: "image/webp" }; _ExtractSystem = class _ExtractSystem2 { /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; } _normalizeOptions(options, defaults = {}) { if (options instanceof Container || options instanceof Texture) { return { target: options, ...defaults }; } return { ...defaults, ...options }; } /** * Will return a HTML Image of the target * @param options - The options for creating the image, or the target to extract * @returns - HTML Image of the target */ async image(options) { const image = new Image(); image.src = await this.base64(options); return image; } /** * Will return a base64 encoded string of this target. It works by calling * `Extract.canvas` and then running toDataURL on that. * @param options - The options for creating the image, or the target to extract */ async base64(options) { options = this._normalizeOptions( options, _ExtractSystem2.defaultImageOptions ); const { format, quality } = options; const canvas2 = this.canvas(options); if (canvas2.toBlob !== void 0) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { canvas2.toBlob((blob) => { if (!blob) { reject(new Error("ICanvas.toBlob failed!")); return; } const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result); reader.onerror = reject; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }, imageTypes[format], quality); }); } if (canvas2.toDataURL !== void 0) { return canvas2.toDataURL(imageTypes[format], quality); } if (canvas2.convertToBlob !== void 0) { const blob = await canvas2.convertToBlob({ type: imageTypes[format], quality }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result); reader.onerror = reject; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); } throw new Error("Extract.base64() requires ICanvas.toDataURL, ICanvas.toBlob, or ICanvas.convertToBlob to be implemented"); } /** * Creates a Canvas element, renders this target to it and then returns it. * @param options - The options for creating the canvas, or the target to extract * @returns - A Canvas element with the texture rendered on. */ canvas(options) { options = this._normalizeOptions(options); const target = options.target; const renderer = this._renderer; if (target instanceof Texture) { return renderer.texture.generateCanvas(target); } const texture = renderer.textureGenerator.generateTexture(options); const canvas2 = renderer.texture.generateCanvas(texture); texture.destroy(); return canvas2; } /** * Will return a one-dimensional array containing the pixel data of the entire texture in RGBA * order, with integer values between 0 and 255 (included). * @param options - The options for extracting the image, or the target to extract * @returns - One-dimensional array containing the pixel data of the entire texture */ pixels(options) { options = this._normalizeOptions(options); const target = options.target; const renderer = this._renderer; const texture = target instanceof Texture ? target : renderer.textureGenerator.generateTexture(options); const pixelInfo = renderer.texture.getPixels(texture); if (target instanceof Container) { texture.destroy(); } return pixelInfo; } /** * Will return a texture of the target * @param options - The options for creating the texture, or the target to extract * @returns - A texture of the target */ texture(options) { options = this._normalizeOptions(options); if (options.target instanceof Texture) return options.target; return this._renderer.textureGenerator.generateTexture(options); } /** * Will extract a HTMLImage of the target and download it * @param options - The options for downloading and extracting the image, or the target to extract */ download(options) { options = this._normalizeOptions(options); const canvas2 = this.canvas(options); const link = document.createElement("a"); link.download = options.filename ?? "image.png"; link.href = canvas2.toDataURL("image/png"); document.body.appendChild(link); link.click(); document.body.removeChild(link); } /** * Logs the target to the console as an image. This is a useful way to debug what's happening in the renderer. * @param options - The options for logging the image, or the target to log */ log(options) { const width = options.width ?? 200; options = this._normalizeOptions(options); const canvas2 = this.canvas(options); const base64 = canvas2.toDataURL(); console.log(`[Pixi Texture] ${canvas2.width}px ${canvas2.height}px`); const style = [ "font-size: 1px;", `padding: ${width}px ${300}px;`, `background: url(${base64}) no-repeat;`, "background-size: contain;" ].join(" "); console.log("%c ", style); } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } }; _ExtractSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "extract" }; _ExtractSystem.defaultImageOptions = { /** The format of the image. */ format: "png", /** The quality of the image. */ quality: 1 }; ExtractSystem = _ExtractSystem; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/RenderTexture.mjs var RenderTexture; var init_RenderTexture = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/RenderTexture.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_TextureSource(); init_Texture(); RenderTexture = class _RenderTexture extends Texture { static create(options) { return new _RenderTexture({ source: new TextureSource(options) }); } /** * Resizes the render texture. * @param width - The new width of the render texture. * @param height - The new height of the render texture. * @param resolution - The new resolution of the render texture. * @returns This texture. */ resize(width, height, resolution) { this.source.resize(width, height, resolution); return this; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/extract/GenerateTextureSystem.mjs var tempRect2, tempBounds4, noColor, GenerateTextureSystem; var init_GenerateTextureSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/extract/GenerateTextureSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_Extensions(); init_Matrix(); init_Rectangle(); init_Bounds(); init_getLocalBounds(); init_Container(); init_RenderTexture(); tempRect2 = new Rectangle(); tempBounds4 = new Bounds(); noColor = [0, 0, 0, 0]; GenerateTextureSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; } /** * A Useful function that returns a texture of the display object that can then be used to create sprites * This can be quite useful if your container is complicated and needs to be reused multiple times. * @param {GenerateTextureOptions | Container} options - Generate texture options. * @param {Container} [options.container] - If not given, the renderer's resolution is used. * @param {Rectangle} options.region - The region of the container, that shall be rendered, * @param {number} [options.resolution] - The resolution of the texture being generated. * if no region is specified, defaults to the local bounds of the container. * @param {GenerateTextureSourceOptions} [options.textureSourceOptions] - Texture options for GPU. * @returns a shiny new texture of the container passed in */ generateTexture(options) { if (options instanceof Container) { options = { target: options, frame: void 0, textureSourceOptions: {}, resolution: void 0 }; } const resolution = options.resolution || this._renderer.resolution; const antialias = options.antialias || this._renderer.view.antialias; const container = options.target; let clearColor = options.clearColor; if (clearColor) { const isRGBAArray = Array.isArray(clearColor) && clearColor.length === 4; clearColor = isRGBAArray ? clearColor : Color.shared.setValue(clearColor).toArray(); } else { clearColor = noColor; } const region = options.frame?.copyTo(tempRect2) || getLocalBounds(container, tempBounds4).rectangle; region.width = Math.max(region.width, 1 / resolution) | 0; region.height = Math.max(region.height, 1 / resolution) | 0; const target = RenderTexture.create({ ...options.textureSourceOptions, width: region.width, height: region.height, resolution, antialias }); const transform2 = Matrix.shared.translate(-region.x, -region.y); this._renderer.render({ container, transform: transform2, target, clearColor }); target.source.updateMipmaps(); return target; } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } }; GenerateTextureSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "textureGenerator" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/renderTarget/GlobalUniformSystem.mjs var GlobalUniformSystem; var init_GlobalUniformSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/renderTarget/GlobalUniformSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Matrix(); init_Point(); init_colorToUniform(); init_BindGroup(); init_types2(); init_UniformGroup(); GlobalUniformSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._stackIndex = 0; this._globalUniformDataStack = []; this._uniformsPool = []; this._activeUniforms = []; this._bindGroupPool = []; this._activeBindGroups = []; this._renderer = renderer; } reset() { this._stackIndex = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._activeUniforms.length; i3++) { this._uniformsPool.push(this._activeUniforms[i3]); } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._activeBindGroups.length; i3++) { this._bindGroupPool.push(this._activeBindGroups[i3]); } this._activeUniforms.length = 0; this._activeBindGroups.length = 0; } start(options) { this.reset(); this.push(options); } bind({ size, projectionMatrix, worldTransformMatrix, worldColor, offset }) { const renderTarget = this._renderer.renderTarget.renderTarget; const currentGlobalUniformData = this._stackIndex ? this._globalUniformDataStack[this._stackIndex - 1] : { projectionData: renderTarget, worldTransformMatrix: new Matrix(), worldColor: 4294967295, offset: new Point() }; const globalUniformData = { projectionMatrix: projectionMatrix || this._renderer.renderTarget.projectionMatrix, resolution: size || renderTarget.size, worldTransformMatrix: worldTransformMatrix || currentGlobalUniformData.worldTransformMatrix, worldColor: worldColor || currentGlobalUniformData.worldColor, offset: offset || currentGlobalUniformData.offset, bindGroup: null }; const uniformGroup = this._uniformsPool.pop() || this._createUniforms(); this._activeUniforms.push(uniformGroup); const uniforms = uniformGroup.uniforms; uniforms.uProjectionMatrix = globalUniformData.projectionMatrix; uniforms.uResolution = globalUniformData.resolution; uniforms.uWorldTransformMatrix.copyFrom(globalUniformData.worldTransformMatrix); uniforms.uWorldTransformMatrix.tx -= globalUniformData.offset.x; uniforms.uWorldTransformMatrix.ty -= globalUniformData.offset.y; color32BitToUniform( globalUniformData.worldColor, uniforms.uWorldColorAlpha, 0 ); uniformGroup.update(); let bindGroup; if (this._renderer.renderPipes.uniformBatch) { bindGroup = this._renderer.renderPipes.uniformBatch.getUniformBindGroup(uniformGroup, false); } else { bindGroup = this._bindGroupPool.pop() || new BindGroup(); this._activeBindGroups.push(bindGroup); bindGroup.setResource(uniformGroup, 0); } globalUniformData.bindGroup = bindGroup; this._currentGlobalUniformData = globalUniformData; } push(options) { this.bind(options); this._globalUniformDataStack[this._stackIndex++] = this._currentGlobalUniformData; } pop() { this._currentGlobalUniformData = this._globalUniformDataStack[--this._stackIndex - 1]; if (this._renderer.type === RendererType.WEBGL) { this._currentGlobalUniformData.bindGroup.resources[0].update(); } } get bindGroup() { return this._currentGlobalUniformData.bindGroup; } get globalUniformData() { return this._currentGlobalUniformData; } get uniformGroup() { return this._currentGlobalUniformData.bindGroup.resources[0]; } _createUniforms() { const globalUniforms = new UniformGroup({ uProjectionMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uWorldTransformMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, // TODO - someone smart - set this to be a unorm8x4 rather than a vec4 uWorldColorAlpha: { value: new Float32Array(4), type: "vec4" }, uResolution: { value: [0, 0], type: "vec2" } }, { isStatic: true }); return globalUniforms; } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } }; GlobalUniformSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem, ExtensionType.CanvasSystem ], name: "globalUniforms" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/SchedulerSystem.mjs var uid2, SchedulerSystem; var init_SchedulerSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/SchedulerSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Ticker(); uid2 = 1; SchedulerSystem = class { constructor() { this._tasks = []; this._offset = 0; } /** Initializes the scheduler system and starts the ticker. */ init() { Ticker.system.add(this._update, this); } /** * Schedules a repeating task. * @param func - The function to execute. * @param duration - The interval duration in milliseconds. * @param useOffset - this will spread out tasks so that they do not all run at the same time * @returns The unique identifier for the scheduled task. */ repeat(func, duration, useOffset = true) { const id3 = uid2++; let offset = 0; if (useOffset) { this._offset += 1e3; offset = this._offset; } this._tasks.push({ func, duration, start: performance.now(), offset, last: performance.now(), repeat: true, id: id3 }); return id3; } /** * Cancels a scheduled task. * @param id - The unique identifier of the task to cancel. */ cancel(id3) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._tasks.length; i3++) { if (this._tasks[i3].id === id3) { this._tasks.splice(i3, 1); return; } } } /** * Updates and executes the scheduled tasks. * @private */ _update() { const now = performance.now(); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._tasks.length; i3++) { const task = this._tasks[i3]; if (now - task.offset - task.last >= task.duration) { const elapsed = now - task.start; task.func(elapsed); task.last = now; } } } /** * Destroys the scheduler system and removes all tasks. * @internal * @ignore */ destroy() { Ticker.system.remove(this._update, this); this._tasks.length = 0; } }; SchedulerSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem, ExtensionType.CanvasSystem ], name: "scheduler", priority: 0 }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/sayHello.mjs function sayHello(type) { if (saidHello) { return; } if (DOMAdapter.get().getNavigator().userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") > -1) { const args = [ `%c %c %c %c %c PixiJS %c v${VERSION} (${type}) http://www.pixijs.com/ `, "background: #E72264; padding:5px 0;", "background: #6CA2EA; padding:5px 0;", "background: #B5D33D; padding:5px 0;", "background: #FED23F; padding:5px 0;", "color: #FFFFFF; background: #E72264; padding:5px 0;", "color: #E72264; background: #FFFFFF; padding:5px 0;" ]; globalThis.console.log(...args); } else if (globalThis.console) { globalThis.console.log(`PixiJS ${VERSION} - ${type} - http://www.pixijs.com/`); } saidHello = true; } var saidHello; var init_sayHello = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/sayHello.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_const8(); saidHello = false; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/startup/HelloSystem.mjs var HelloSystem; var init_HelloSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/startup/HelloSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_sayHello(); init_types2(); HelloSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; } /** * It all starts here! This initiates every system, passing in the options for any system by name. * @param options - the config for the renderer and all its systems */ init(options) { if (options.hello) { let name = this._renderer.name; if (this._renderer.type === RendererType.WEBGL) { name += ` ${this._renderer.context.webGLVersion}`; } sayHello(name); } } }; HelloSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem, ExtensionType.CanvasSystem ], name: "hello", priority: -2 }; HelloSystem.defaultOptions = { /** {@link WebGLOptions.hello} */ hello: false }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/data/clean.mjs function cleanHash(hash) { let clean = false; for (const i3 in hash) { if (hash[i3] == void 0) { clean = true; break; } } if (!clean) return hash; const cleanHash2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); for (const i3 in hash) { const value = hash[i3]; if (value) { cleanHash2[i3] = value; } } return cleanHash2; } function cleanArray(arr) { let offset = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < arr.length; i3++) { if (arr[i3] == void 0) { offset++; } else { arr[i3 - offset] = arr[i3]; } } arr.length = arr.length - offset; return arr; } var init_clean = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/data/clean.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/RenderableGCSystem.mjs var _RenderableGCSystem, RenderableGCSystem; var init_RenderableGCSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/RenderableGCSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_clean(); _RenderableGCSystem = class _RenderableGCSystem2 { /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(renderer) { this._managedRenderables = []; this._managedHashes = []; this._managedArrays = []; this._renderer = renderer; } init(options) { options = { ..._RenderableGCSystem2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this.maxUnusedTime = options.renderableGCMaxUnusedTime; this._frequency = options.renderableGCFrequency; this.enabled = options.renderableGCActive; } get enabled() { return !!this._handler; } set enabled(value) { if (this.enabled === value) return; if (value) { this._handler = this._renderer.scheduler.repeat( () => this.run(), this._frequency, false ); this._hashHandler = this._renderer.scheduler.repeat( () => { for (const hash of this._managedHashes) { hash.context[hash.hash] = cleanHash(hash.context[hash.hash]); } }, this._frequency ); this._arrayHandler = this._renderer.scheduler.repeat( () => { for (const array of this._managedArrays) { cleanArray(array.context[array.hash]); } }, this._frequency ); } else { this._renderer.scheduler.cancel(this._handler); this._renderer.scheduler.cancel(this._hashHandler); this._renderer.scheduler.cancel(this._arrayHandler); } } addManagedHash(context2, hash) { this._managedHashes.push({ context: context2, hash }); } addManagedArray(context2, hash) { this._managedArrays.push({ context: context2, hash }); } prerender() { this._now = performance.now(); } addRenderable(renderable, instructionSet) { if (!this.enabled) return; renderable._lastUsed = this._now; if (renderable._lastInstructionTick === -1) { this._managedRenderables.push(renderable); renderable.once("destroyed", this._removeRenderable, this); } renderable._lastInstructionTick = instructionSet.tick; } /** Runs the scheduled garbage collection */ run() { const now = performance.now(); const managedRenderables = this._managedRenderables; const renderPipes3 = this._renderer.renderPipes; let offset = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < managedRenderables.length; i3++) { const renderable = managedRenderables[i3]; if (renderable === null) { offset++; continue; } const renderGroup = renderable.renderGroup ?? renderable.parentRenderGroup; const currentIndex = renderGroup?.instructionSet?.tick ?? -1; if (renderable._lastInstructionTick !== currentIndex && now - renderable._lastUsed > this.maxUnusedTime) { if (!renderable.destroyed) { const rp = renderPipes3; rp[renderable.renderPipeId].destroyRenderable(renderable); } renderable._lastInstructionTick = -1; offset++; renderable.off("destroyed", this._removeRenderable, this); } else { managedRenderables[i3 - offset] = renderable; } } managedRenderables.length = managedRenderables.length - offset; } destroy() { this.enabled = false; this._renderer = null; this._managedRenderables.length = 0; this._managedHashes.length = 0; this._managedArrays.length = 0; } _removeRenderable(renderable) { const index = this._managedRenderables.indexOf(renderable); if (index >= 0) { renderable.off("destroyed", this._removeRenderable, this); this._managedRenderables[index] = null; } } }; _RenderableGCSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "renderableGC", priority: 0 }; _RenderableGCSystem.defaultOptions = { /** * If set to true, this will enable the garbage collector on the GPU. * @default true */ renderableGCActive: true, /** * The maximum idle frames before a texture is destroyed by garbage collection. * @default 60 * 60 */ renderableGCMaxUnusedTime: 6e4, /** * Frames between two garbage collections. * @default 600 */ renderableGCFrequency: 3e4 }; RenderableGCSystem = _RenderableGCSystem; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/TextureGCSystem.mjs var _TextureGCSystem, TextureGCSystem; var init_TextureGCSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/TextureGCSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); _TextureGCSystem = class _TextureGCSystem2 { /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; this.count = 0; this.checkCount = 0; } init(options) { options = { ..._TextureGCSystem2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this.checkCountMax = options.textureGCCheckCountMax; this.maxIdle = options.textureGCAMaxIdle ?? options.textureGCMaxIdle; this.active = options.textureGCActive; } /** * Checks to see when the last time a texture was used. * If the texture has not been used for a specified amount of time, it will be removed from the GPU. */ postrender() { if (!this._renderer.renderingToScreen) { return; } this.count++; if (!this.active) return; this.checkCount++; if (this.checkCount > this.checkCountMax) { this.checkCount = 0; this.run(); } } /** * Checks to see when the last time a texture was used. * If the texture has not been used for a specified amount of time, it will be removed from the GPU. */ run() { const managedTextures = this._renderer.texture.managedTextures; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < managedTextures.length; i3++) { const texture = managedTextures[i3]; if (texture.autoGarbageCollect && texture.resource && texture._touched > -1 && this.count - texture._touched > this.maxIdle) { texture._touched = -1; texture.unload(); } } } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } }; _TextureGCSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "textureGC" }; _TextureGCSystem.defaultOptions = { /** * If set to true, this will enable the garbage collector on the GPU. * @default true */ textureGCActive: true, /** * @deprecated since 8.3.0 * @see {@link TextureGCSystem.textureGCMaxIdle} */ textureGCAMaxIdle: null, /** * The maximum idle frames before a texture is destroyed by garbage collection. * @default 60 * 60 */ textureGCMaxIdle: 60 * 60, /** * Frames between two garbage collections. * @default 600 */ textureGCCheckCountMax: 600 }; TextureGCSystem = _TextureGCSystem; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/renderTarget/RenderTarget.mjs var _RenderTarget, RenderTarget; var init_RenderTarget = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/renderTarget/RenderTarget.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_uid(); init_TextureSource(); init_Texture(); _RenderTarget = class _RenderTarget2 { /** * @param [descriptor] - Options for creating a render target. */ constructor(descriptor = {}) { this.uid = uid("renderTarget"); this.colorTextures = []; this.dirtyId = 0; this.isRoot = false; this._size = new Float32Array(2); this._managedColorTextures = false; descriptor = { ..._RenderTarget2.defaultOptions, ...descriptor }; this.stencil = descriptor.stencil; this.depth = descriptor.depth; this.isRoot = descriptor.isRoot; if (typeof descriptor.colorTextures === "number") { this._managedColorTextures = true; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < descriptor.colorTextures; i3++) { this.colorTextures.push( new TextureSource({ width: descriptor.width, height: descriptor.height, resolution: descriptor.resolution, antialias: descriptor.antialias }) ); } } else { this.colorTextures = [...descriptor.colorTextures.map((texture) => texture.source)]; const colorSource = this.colorTexture.source; this.resize(colorSource.width, colorSource.height, colorSource._resolution); } this.colorTexture.source.on("resize", this.onSourceResize, this); if (descriptor.depthStencilTexture || this.stencil) { if (descriptor.depthStencilTexture instanceof Texture || descriptor.depthStencilTexture instanceof TextureSource) { this.depthStencilTexture = descriptor.depthStencilTexture.source; } else { this.ensureDepthStencilTexture(); } } } get size() { const _size = this._size; _size[0] = this.pixelWidth; _size[1] = this.pixelHeight; return _size; } get width() { return this.colorTexture.source.width; } get height() { return this.colorTexture.source.height; } get pixelWidth() { return this.colorTexture.source.pixelWidth; } get pixelHeight() { return this.colorTexture.source.pixelHeight; } get resolution() { return this.colorTexture.source._resolution; } get colorTexture() { return this.colorTextures[0]; } onSourceResize(source7) { this.resize(source7.width, source7.height, source7._resolution, true); } /** * This will ensure a depthStencil texture is created for this render target. * Most likely called by the mask system to make sure we have stencil buffer added. * @internal * @ignore */ ensureDepthStencilTexture() { if (!this.depthStencilTexture) { this.depthStencilTexture = new TextureSource({ width: this.width, height: this.height, resolution: this.resolution, format: "depth24plus-stencil8", autoGenerateMipmaps: false, antialias: false, mipLevelCount: 1 // sampleCount: handled by the render target system.. }); } } resize(width, height, resolution = this.resolution, skipColorTexture = false) { this.dirtyId++; this.colorTextures.forEach((colorTexture, i3) => { if (skipColorTexture && i3 === 0) return; colorTexture.source.resize(width, height, resolution); }); if (this.depthStencilTexture) { this.depthStencilTexture.source.resize(width, height, resolution); } } destroy() { this.colorTexture.source.off("resize", this.onSourceResize, this); if (this._managedColorTextures) { this.colorTextures.forEach((texture) => { texture.destroy(); }); } if (this.depthStencilTexture) { this.depthStencilTexture.destroy(); delete this.depthStencilTexture; } } }; _RenderTarget.defaultOptions = { /** the width of the RenderTarget */ width: 0, /** the height of the RenderTarget */ height: 0, /** the resolution of the RenderTarget */ resolution: 1, /** an array of textures, or a number indicating how many color textures there should be */ colorTextures: 1, /** should this render target have a stencil buffer? */ stencil: false, /** should this render target have a depth buffer? */ depth: false, /** should this render target be antialiased? */ antialias: false, // save on perf by default! /** is this a root element, true if this is gl context owners render target */ isRoot: false }; RenderTarget = _RenderTarget; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/utils/getCanvasTexture.mjs function getCanvasTexture(canvas2, options) { if (!canvasCache.has(canvas2)) { const texture = new Texture({ source: new CanvasSource({ resource: canvas2, ...options }) }); const onDestroy = () => { if (canvasCache.get(canvas2) === texture) { canvasCache.delete(canvas2); } }; texture.once("destroy", onDestroy); texture.source.once("destroy", onDestroy); canvasCache.set(canvas2, texture); } return canvasCache.get(canvas2); } function hasCachedCanvasTexture(canvas2) { return canvasCache.has(canvas2); } var canvasCache; var init_getCanvasTexture = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/utils/getCanvasTexture.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_CanvasSource(); init_Texture(); canvasCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/view/ViewSystem.mjs var _ViewSystem, ViewSystem; var init_ViewSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/view/ViewSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_Rectangle(); init_deprecation(); init_RenderTarget(); init_getCanvasTexture(); _ViewSystem = class _ViewSystem2 { /** * Whether CSS dimensions of canvas view should be resized to screen dimensions automatically. * @member {boolean} */ get autoDensity() { return this.texture.source.autoDensity; } set autoDensity(value) { this.texture.source.autoDensity = value; } /** The resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer. */ get resolution() { return this.texture.source._resolution; } set resolution(value) { this.texture.source.resize( this.texture.source.width, this.texture.source.height, value ); } /** * initiates the view system * @param options - the options for the view */ init(options) { options = { ..._ViewSystem2.defaultOptions, ...options }; if (options.view) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "ViewSystem.view has been renamed to ViewSystem.canvas"); options.canvas = options.view; } this.screen = new Rectangle(0, 0, options.width, options.height); this.canvas = options.canvas || DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(); this.antialias = !!options.antialias; this.texture = getCanvasTexture(this.canvas, options); this.renderTarget = new RenderTarget({ colorTextures: [this.texture], depth: !!options.depth, isRoot: true }); this.texture.source.transparent = options.backgroundAlpha < 1; this.resolution = options.resolution; } /** * Resizes the screen and canvas to the specified dimensions. * @param desiredScreenWidth - The new width of the screen. * @param desiredScreenHeight - The new height of the screen. * @param resolution */ resize(desiredScreenWidth, desiredScreenHeight, resolution) { this.texture.source.resize(desiredScreenWidth, desiredScreenHeight, resolution); this.screen.width = this.texture.frame.width; this.screen.height = this.texture.frame.height; } /** * Destroys this System and optionally removes the canvas from the dom. * @param {options | false} options - The options for destroying the view, or "false". * @param options.removeView - Whether to remove the view element from the DOM. Defaults to `false`. */ destroy(options = false) { const removeView = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : !!options?.removeView; if (removeView && this.canvas.parentNode) { this.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas); } } }; _ViewSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem, ExtensionType.CanvasSystem ], name: "view", priority: 0 }; _ViewSystem.defaultOptions = { /** * {@link WebGLOptions.width} * @default 800 */ width: 800, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.height} * @default 600 */ height: 600, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.autoDensity} * @default false */ autoDensity: false, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.antialias} * @default false */ antialias: false }; ViewSystem = _ViewSystem; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/system/SharedSystems.mjs var SharedSystems, SharedRenderPipes; var init_SharedSystems = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/system/SharedSystems.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_CustomRenderPipe(); init_RenderGroupPipe(); init_RenderGroupSystem(); init_SpritePipe(); init_globalHooks(); init_BatcherPipe(); init_AlphaMaskPipe(); init_ColorMaskPipe(); init_StencilMaskPipe(); init_BackgroundSystem(); init_BlendModePipe(); init_ExtractSystem(); init_GenerateTextureSystem(); init_GlobalUniformSystem(); init_SchedulerSystem(); init_HelloSystem(); init_RenderableGCSystem(); init_TextureGCSystem(); init_ViewSystem(); SharedSystems = [ BackgroundSystem, GlobalUniformSystem, HelloSystem, ViewSystem, RenderGroupSystem, TextureGCSystem, GenerateTextureSystem, ExtractSystem, RendererInitHook, RenderableGCSystem, SchedulerSystem ]; SharedRenderPipes = [ BlendModePipe, BatcherPipe, SpritePipe, RenderGroupPipe, AlphaMaskPipe, StencilMaskPipe, ColorMaskPipe, CustomRenderPipe ]; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/BindGroupSystem.mjs var BindGroupSystem; var init_BindGroupSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/BindGroupSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); BindGroupSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._hash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_hash"); } contextChange(gpu) { this._gpu = gpu; } getBindGroup(bindGroup, program, groupIndex) { bindGroup._updateKey(); const gpuBindGroup = this._hash[bindGroup._key] || this._createBindGroup(bindGroup, program, groupIndex); return gpuBindGroup; } _createBindGroup(group, program, groupIndex) { const device = this._gpu.device; const groupLayout = program.layout[groupIndex]; const entries = []; const renderer = this._renderer; for (const j2 in groupLayout) { const resource = group.resources[j2] ?? group.resources[groupLayout[j2]]; let gpuResource; if (resource._resourceType === "uniformGroup") { const uniformGroup = resource; renderer.ubo.updateUniformGroup(uniformGroup); const buffer = uniformGroup.buffer; gpuResource = { buffer: renderer.buffer.getGPUBuffer(buffer), offset: 0, size: buffer.descriptor.size }; } else if (resource._resourceType === "buffer") { const buffer = resource; gpuResource = { buffer: renderer.buffer.getGPUBuffer(buffer), offset: 0, size: buffer.descriptor.size }; } else if (resource._resourceType === "bufferResource") { const bufferResource = resource; gpuResource = { buffer: renderer.buffer.getGPUBuffer(bufferResource.buffer), offset: bufferResource.offset, size: bufferResource.size }; } else if (resource._resourceType === "textureSampler") { const sampler = resource; gpuResource = renderer.texture.getGpuSampler(sampler); } else if (resource._resourceType === "textureSource") { const texture = resource; gpuResource = renderer.texture.getGpuSource(texture).createView({}); } entries.push({ binding: groupLayout[j2], resource: gpuResource }); } const layout = renderer.shader.getProgramData(program).bindGroups[groupIndex]; const gpuBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({ layout, entries }); this._hash[group._key] = gpuBindGroup; return gpuBindGroup; } destroy() { for (const key of Object.keys(this._hash)) { this._hash[key] = null; } this._hash = null; this._renderer = null; } }; BindGroupSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "bindGroup" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/buffer/GpuBufferSystem.mjs var GpuBufferSystem; var init_GpuBufferSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/buffer/GpuBufferSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_fastCopy(); GpuBufferSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._gpuBuffers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._managedBuffers = []; renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuBuffers"); } contextChange(gpu) { this._gpu = gpu; } getGPUBuffer(buffer) { return this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid] || this.createGPUBuffer(buffer); } updateBuffer(buffer) { const gpuBuffer = this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid] || this.createGPUBuffer(buffer); const data = buffer.data; if (buffer._updateID && data) { buffer._updateID = 0; this._gpu.device.queue.writeBuffer( gpuBuffer, 0, data.buffer, 0, // round to the nearest 4 bytes (buffer._updateSize || data.byteLength) + 3 & ~3 ); } return gpuBuffer; } /** dispose all WebGL resources of all managed buffers */ destroyAll() { for (const id3 in this._gpuBuffers) { this._gpuBuffers[id3].destroy(); } this._gpuBuffers = {}; } createGPUBuffer(buffer) { if (!this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid]) { buffer.on("update", this.updateBuffer, this); buffer.on("change", this.onBufferChange, this); buffer.on("destroy", this.onBufferDestroy, this); this._managedBuffers.push(buffer); } const gpuBuffer = this._gpu.device.createBuffer(buffer.descriptor); buffer._updateID = 0; if (buffer.data) { fastCopy(buffer.data.buffer, gpuBuffer.getMappedRange()); gpuBuffer.unmap(); } this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid] = gpuBuffer; return gpuBuffer; } onBufferChange(buffer) { const gpuBuffer = this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid]; gpuBuffer.destroy(); buffer._updateID = 0; this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid] = this.createGPUBuffer(buffer); } /** * Disposes buffer * @param buffer - buffer with data */ onBufferDestroy(buffer) { this._managedBuffers.splice(this._managedBuffers.indexOf(buffer), 1); this._destroyBuffer(buffer); } destroy() { this._managedBuffers.forEach((buffer) => this._destroyBuffer(buffer)); this._managedBuffers = null; this._gpuBuffers = null; } _destroyBuffer(buffer) { const gpuBuffer = this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid]; gpuBuffer.destroy(); buffer.off("update", this.updateBuffer, this); buffer.off("change", this.onBufferChange, this); buffer.off("destroy", this.onBufferDestroy, this); this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid] = null; } }; GpuBufferSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "buffer" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuColorMaskSystem.mjs var GpuColorMaskSystem; var init_GpuColorMaskSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuColorMaskSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); GpuColorMaskSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._colorMaskCache = 15; this._renderer = renderer; } setMask(colorMask) { if (this._colorMaskCache === colorMask) return; this._colorMaskCache = colorMask; this._renderer.pipeline.setColorMask(colorMask); } destroy() { this._renderer = null; this._colorMaskCache = null; } }; GpuColorMaskSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "colorMask" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuDeviceSystem.mjs var GpuDeviceSystem; var init_GpuDeviceSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuDeviceSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); GpuDeviceSystem = class { /** * @param {WebGPURenderer} renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(renderer) { this._renderer = renderer; } async init(options) { if (this._initPromise) return this._initPromise; this._initPromise = this._createDeviceAndAdaptor(options).then((gpu) => { this.gpu = gpu; this._renderer.runners.contextChange.emit(this.gpu); }); return this._initPromise; } /** * Handle the context change event * @param gpu */ contextChange(gpu) { this._renderer.gpu = gpu; } /** * Helper class to create a WebGL Context * @param {object} options - An options object that gets passed in to the canvas element containing the * context attributes * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/getContext * @returns {WebGLRenderingContext} the WebGL context */ async _createDeviceAndAdaptor(options) { const adapter = await DOMAdapter.get().getNavigator().gpu.requestAdapter({ powerPreference: options.powerPreference, forceFallbackAdapter: options.forceFallbackAdapter }); const requiredFeatures = [ "texture-compression-bc", "texture-compression-astc", "texture-compression-etc2" ].filter((feature) => adapter.features.has(feature)); const device = await adapter.requestDevice({ requiredFeatures }); return { adapter, device }; } destroy() { this.gpu = null; this._renderer = null; } }; GpuDeviceSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "device" }; GpuDeviceSystem.defaultOptions = { /** * {@link WebGPUOptions.powerPreference} * @default default */ powerPreference: void 0, /** * Force the use of the fallback adapter * @default false */ forceFallbackAdapter: false }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuEncoderSystem.mjs var GpuEncoderSystem; var init_GpuEncoderSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuEncoderSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); GpuEncoderSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._boundBindGroup = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._boundVertexBuffer = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._renderer = renderer; } renderStart() { this.commandFinished = new Promise((resolve) => { this._resolveCommandFinished = resolve; }); this.commandEncoder = this._renderer.gpu.device.createCommandEncoder(); } beginRenderPass(gpuRenderTarget) { this.endRenderPass(); this._clearCache(); this.renderPassEncoder = this.commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(gpuRenderTarget.descriptor); } endRenderPass() { if (this.renderPassEncoder) { this.renderPassEncoder.end(); } this.renderPassEncoder = null; } setViewport(viewport) { this.renderPassEncoder.setViewport(viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.width, viewport.height, 0, 1); } setPipelineFromGeometryProgramAndState(geometry, program, state, topology) { const pipeline = this._renderer.pipeline.getPipeline(geometry, program, state, topology); this.setPipeline(pipeline); } setPipeline(pipeline) { if (this._boundPipeline === pipeline) return; this._boundPipeline = pipeline; this.renderPassEncoder.setPipeline(pipeline); } _setVertexBuffer(index, buffer) { if (this._boundVertexBuffer[index] === buffer) return; this._boundVertexBuffer[index] = buffer; this.renderPassEncoder.setVertexBuffer(index, this._renderer.buffer.updateBuffer(buffer)); } _setIndexBuffer(buffer) { if (this._boundIndexBuffer === buffer) return; this._boundIndexBuffer = buffer; const indexFormat = buffer.data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 2 ? "uint16" : "uint32"; this.renderPassEncoder.setIndexBuffer(this._renderer.buffer.updateBuffer(buffer), indexFormat); } resetBindGroup(index) { this._boundBindGroup[index] = null; } setBindGroup(index, bindGroup, program) { if (this._boundBindGroup[index] === bindGroup) return; this._boundBindGroup[index] = bindGroup; bindGroup._touch(this._renderer.textureGC.count); const gpuBindGroup = this._renderer.bindGroup.getBindGroup(bindGroup, program, index); this.renderPassEncoder.setBindGroup(index, gpuBindGroup); } setGeometry(geometry, program) { const buffersToBind = this._renderer.pipeline.getBufferNamesToBind(geometry, program); for (const i3 in buffersToBind) { this._setVertexBuffer(i3, geometry.attributes[buffersToBind[i3]].buffer); } if (geometry.indexBuffer) { this._setIndexBuffer(geometry.indexBuffer); } } _setShaderBindGroups(shader, skipSync) { for (const i3 in shader.groups) { const bindGroup = shader.groups[i3]; if (!skipSync) { this._syncBindGroup(bindGroup); } this.setBindGroup(i3, bindGroup, shader.gpuProgram); } } _syncBindGroup(bindGroup) { for (const j2 in bindGroup.resources) { const resource = bindGroup.resources[j2]; if (resource.isUniformGroup) { this._renderer.ubo.updateUniformGroup(resource); } } } draw(options) { const { geometry, shader, state, topology, size, start, instanceCount, skipSync } = options; this.setPipelineFromGeometryProgramAndState(geometry, shader.gpuProgram, state, topology); this.setGeometry(geometry, shader.gpuProgram); this._setShaderBindGroups(shader, skipSync); if (geometry.indexBuffer) { this.renderPassEncoder.drawIndexed( size || geometry.indexBuffer.data.length, instanceCount || geometry.instanceCount, start || 0 ); } else { this.renderPassEncoder.draw(size || geometry.getSize(), instanceCount || geometry.instanceCount, start || 0); } } finishRenderPass() { if (this.renderPassEncoder) { this.renderPassEncoder.end(); this.renderPassEncoder = null; } } postrender() { this.finishRenderPass(); this._gpu.device.queue.submit([this.commandEncoder.finish()]); this._resolveCommandFinished(); this.commandEncoder = null; } // restores a render pass if finishRenderPass was called // not optimised as really used for debugging! // used when we want to stop drawing and log a texture.. restoreRenderPass() { const descriptor = this._renderer.renderTarget.adaptor.getDescriptor( this._renderer.renderTarget.renderTarget, false, [0, 0, 0, 1] ); this.renderPassEncoder = this.commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(descriptor); const boundPipeline = this._boundPipeline; const boundVertexBuffer = { ...this._boundVertexBuffer }; const boundIndexBuffer = this._boundIndexBuffer; const boundBindGroup = { ...this._boundBindGroup }; this._clearCache(); const viewport = this._renderer.renderTarget.viewport; this.renderPassEncoder.setViewport(viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.width, viewport.height, 0, 1); this.setPipeline(boundPipeline); for (const i3 in boundVertexBuffer) { this._setVertexBuffer(i3, boundVertexBuffer[i3]); } for (const i3 in boundBindGroup) { this.setBindGroup(i3, boundBindGroup[i3], null); } this._setIndexBuffer(boundIndexBuffer); } _clearCache() { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < 16; i3++) { this._boundBindGroup[i3] = null; this._boundVertexBuffer[i3] = null; } this._boundIndexBuffer = null; this._boundPipeline = null; } destroy() { this._renderer = null; this._gpu = null; this._boundBindGroup = null; this._boundVertexBuffer = null; this._boundIndexBuffer = null; this._boundPipeline = null; } contextChange(gpu) { this._gpu = gpu; } }; GpuEncoderSystem.extension = { type: [ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem], name: "encoder", priority: 1 }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuStencilSystem.mjs var GpuStencilSystem; var init_GpuStencilSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuStencilSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_const3(); GpuStencilSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._renderTargetStencilState = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._renderer = renderer; renderer.renderTarget.onRenderTargetChange.add(this); } onRenderTargetChange(renderTarget) { let stencilState = this._renderTargetStencilState[renderTarget.uid]; if (!stencilState) { stencilState = this._renderTargetStencilState[renderTarget.uid] = { stencilMode: STENCIL_MODES.DISABLED, stencilReference: 0 }; } this._activeRenderTarget = renderTarget; this.setStencilMode(stencilState.stencilMode, stencilState.stencilReference); } setStencilMode(stencilMode, stencilReference) { const stencilState = this._renderTargetStencilState[this._activeRenderTarget.uid]; stencilState.stencilMode = stencilMode; stencilState.stencilReference = stencilReference; const renderer = this._renderer; renderer.pipeline.setStencilMode(stencilMode); renderer.encoder.renderPassEncoder.setStencilReference(stencilReference); } destroy() { this._renderer.renderTarget.onRenderTargetChange.remove(this); this._renderer = null; this._activeRenderTarget = null; this._renderTargetStencilState = null; } }; GpuStencilSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "stencil" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/UboSystem.mjs var UboSystem; var init_UboSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/UboSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_unsafeEvalSupported(); init_Buffer(); init_const4(); UboSystem = class { constructor(adaptor) { this._syncFunctionHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._adaptor = adaptor; this._systemCheck(); } /** * Overridable function by `pixi.js/unsafe-eval` to silence * throwing an error if platform doesn't support unsafe-evals. * @private */ _systemCheck() { if (!unsafeEvalSupported()) { throw new Error("Current environment does not allow unsafe-eval, please use pixi.js/unsafe-eval module to enable support."); } } ensureUniformGroup(uniformGroup) { const uniformData = this.getUniformGroupData(uniformGroup); uniformGroup.buffer || (uniformGroup.buffer = new Buffer2({ data: new Float32Array(uniformData.layout.size / 4), usage: BufferUsage.UNIFORM | BufferUsage.COPY_DST })); } getUniformGroupData(uniformGroup) { return this._syncFunctionHash[uniformGroup._signature] || this._initUniformGroup(uniformGroup); } _initUniformGroup(uniformGroup) { const uniformGroupSignature = uniformGroup._signature; let uniformData = this._syncFunctionHash[uniformGroupSignature]; if (!uniformData) { const elements = Object.keys(uniformGroup.uniformStructures).map((i3) => uniformGroup.uniformStructures[i3]); const layout = this._adaptor.createUboElements(elements); const syncFunction = this._generateUboSync(layout.uboElements); uniformData = this._syncFunctionHash[uniformGroupSignature] = { layout, syncFunction }; } return this._syncFunctionHash[uniformGroupSignature]; } _generateUboSync(uboElements) { return this._adaptor.generateUboSync(uboElements); } syncUniformGroup(uniformGroup, data, offset) { const uniformGroupData = this.getUniformGroupData(uniformGroup); uniformGroup.buffer || (uniformGroup.buffer = new Buffer2({ data: new Float32Array(uniformGroupData.layout.size / 4), usage: BufferUsage.UNIFORM | BufferUsage.COPY_DST })); data || (data = uniformGroup.buffer.data); offset || (offset = 0); uniformGroupData.syncFunction(uniformGroup.uniforms, data, offset); return true; } updateUniformGroup(uniformGroup) { if (uniformGroup.isStatic && !uniformGroup._dirtyId) return false; uniformGroup._dirtyId = 0; const synced = this.syncUniformGroup(uniformGroup); uniformGroup.buffer.update(); return synced; } destroy() { this._syncFunctionHash = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/createUboElementsWGSL.mjs function createUboElementsWGSL(uniformData) { const uboElements = uniformData.map((data) => ({ data, offset: 0, size: 0 })); let offset = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < uboElements.length; i3++) { const uboElement = uboElements[i3]; let size = WGSL_ALIGN_SIZE_DATA[uboElement.data.type].size; const align = WGSL_ALIGN_SIZE_DATA[uboElement.data.type].align; if (!WGSL_ALIGN_SIZE_DATA[uboElement.data.type]) { throw new Error(`[Pixi.js] WebGPU UniformBuffer: Unknown type ${uboElement.data.type}`); } if (uboElement.data.size > 1) { size = Math.max(size, align) * uboElement.data.size; } offset = Math.ceil(offset / align) * align; uboElement.size = size; uboElement.offset = offset; offset += size; } offset = Math.ceil(offset / 16) * 16; return { uboElements, size: offset }; } var WGSL_ALIGN_SIZE_DATA; var init_createUboElementsWGSL = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/createUboElementsWGSL.mjs"() { "use strict"; WGSL_ALIGN_SIZE_DATA = { i32: { align: 4, size: 4 }, u32: { align: 4, size: 4 }, f32: { align: 4, size: 4 }, f16: { align: 2, size: 2 }, "vec2": { align: 8, size: 8 }, "vec2": { align: 8, size: 8 }, "vec2": { align: 8, size: 8 }, "vec2": { align: 4, size: 4 }, "vec3": { align: 16, size: 12 }, "vec3": { align: 16, size: 12 }, "vec3": { align: 16, size: 12 }, "vec3": { align: 8, size: 6 }, "vec4": { align: 16, size: 16 }, "vec4": { align: 16, size: 16 }, "vec4": { align: 16, size: 16 }, "vec4": { align: 8, size: 8 }, "mat2x2": { align: 8, size: 16 }, "mat2x2": { align: 4, size: 8 }, "mat3x2": { align: 8, size: 24 }, "mat3x2": { align: 4, size: 12 }, "mat4x2": { align: 8, size: 32 }, "mat4x2": { align: 4, size: 16 }, "mat2x3": { align: 16, size: 32 }, "mat2x3": { align: 8, size: 16 }, "mat3x3": { align: 16, size: 48 }, "mat3x3": { align: 8, size: 24 }, "mat4x3": { align: 16, size: 64 }, "mat4x3": { align: 8, size: 32 }, "mat2x4": { align: 16, size: 32 }, "mat2x4": { align: 8, size: 16 }, "mat3x4": { align: 16, size: 48 }, "mat3x4": { align: 8, size: 24 }, "mat4x4": { align: 16, size: 64 }, "mat4x4": { align: 8, size: 32 } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/utils/uniformParsers.mjs var uniformParsers; var init_uniformParsers = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/utils/uniformParsers.mjs"() { "use strict"; uniformParsers = [ // uploading pixi matrix object to mat3 { type: "mat3x3", test: (data) => { const value = data.value; return value.a !== void 0; }, ubo: ` var matrix = uv[name].toArray(true); data[offset] = matrix[0]; data[offset + 1] = matrix[1]; data[offset + 2] = matrix[2]; data[offset + 4] = matrix[3]; data[offset + 5] = matrix[4]; data[offset + 6] = matrix[5]; data[offset + 8] = matrix[6]; data[offset + 9] = matrix[7]; data[offset + 10] = matrix[8]; `, uniform: ` gl.uniformMatrix3fv(ud[name].location, false, uv[name].toArray(true)); ` }, // uploading a pixi rectangle as a vec4 { type: "vec4", test: (data) => data.type === "vec4" && data.size === 1 && data.value.width !== void 0, ubo: ` v = uv[name]; data[offset] = v.x; data[offset + 1] = v.y; data[offset + 2] = v.width; data[offset + 3] = v.height; `, uniform: ` cv = ud[name].value; v = uv[name]; if (cv[0] !== v.x || cv[1] !== v.y || cv[2] !== v.width || cv[3] !== v.height) { cv[0] = v.x; cv[1] = v.y; cv[2] = v.width; cv[3] = v.height; gl.uniform4f(ud[name].location, v.x, v.y, v.width, v.height); } ` }, // uploading a pixi point as a vec2 { type: "vec2", test: (data) => data.type === "vec2" && data.size === 1 && data.value.x !== void 0, ubo: ` v = uv[name]; data[offset] = v.x; data[offset + 1] = v.y; `, uniform: ` cv = ud[name].value; v = uv[name]; if (cv[0] !== v.x || cv[1] !== v.y) { cv[0] = v.x; cv[1] = v.y; gl.uniform2f(ud[name].location, v.x, v.y); } ` }, // uploading a pixi color as a vec4 { type: "vec4", test: (data) => data.type === "vec4" && data.size === 1 && data.value.red !== void 0, ubo: ` v = uv[name]; data[offset] = v.red; data[offset + 1] = v.green; data[offset + 2] = v.blue; data[offset + 3] = v.alpha; `, uniform: ` cv = ud[name].value; v = uv[name]; if (cv[0] !== v.red || cv[1] !== v.green || cv[2] !== v.blue || cv[3] !== v.alpha) { cv[0] = v.red; cv[1] = v.green; cv[2] = v.blue; cv[3] = v.alpha; gl.uniform4f(ud[name].location, v.red, v.green, v.blue, v.alpha); } ` }, // uploading a pixi color as a vec3 { type: "vec3", test: (data) => data.type === "vec3" && data.size === 1 && data.value.red !== void 0, ubo: ` v = uv[name]; data[offset] = v.red; data[offset + 1] = v.green; data[offset + 2] = v.blue; `, uniform: ` cv = ud[name].value; v = uv[name]; if (cv[0] !== v.red || cv[1] !== v.green || cv[2] !== v.blue) { cv[0] = v.red; cv[1] = v.green; cv[2] = v.blue; gl.uniform3f(ud[name].location, v.red, v.green, v.blue); } ` } ]; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/utils/createUboSyncFunction.mjs function createUboSyncFunction(uboElements, parserCode, arrayGenerationFunction, singleSettersMap) { const funcFragments = [` var v = null; var v2 = null; var t = 0; var index = 0; var name = null; var arrayOffset = null; `]; let prev = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < uboElements.length; i3++) { const uboElement = uboElements[i3]; const name = uboElement.data.name; let parsed = false; let offset = 0; for (let j2 = 0; j2 < uniformParsers.length; j2++) { const uniformParser = uniformParsers[j2]; if (uniformParser.test(uboElement.data)) { offset = uboElement.offset / 4; funcFragments.push( `name = "${name}";`, `offset += ${offset - prev};`, uniformParsers[j2][parserCode] || uniformParsers[j2].ubo ); parsed = true; break; } } if (!parsed) { if (uboElement.data.size > 1) { offset = uboElement.offset / 4; funcFragments.push(arrayGenerationFunction(uboElement, offset - prev)); } else { const template = singleSettersMap[uboElement.data.type]; offset = uboElement.offset / 4; funcFragments.push( /* wgsl */ ` v = uv.${name}; offset += ${offset - prev}; ${template}; ` ); } } prev = offset; } const fragmentSrc = funcFragments.join("\n"); return new Function( "uv", "data", "offset", fragmentSrc ); } var init_createUboSyncFunction = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/utils/createUboSyncFunction.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_uniformParsers(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/utils/uboSyncFunctions.mjs function loopMatrix(col, row) { const total = col * row; return ` for (let i = 0; i < ${total}; i++) { data[offset + (((i / ${col})|0) * 4) + (i % ${col})] = v[i]; } `; } var uboSyncFunctionsSTD40, uboSyncFunctionsWGSL; var init_uboSyncFunctions = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/shader/utils/uboSyncFunctions.mjs"() { "use strict"; uboSyncFunctionsSTD40 = { f32: ` data[offset] = v;`, i32: ` data[offset] = v;`, "vec2": ` data[offset] = v[0]; data[offset + 1] = v[1];`, "vec3": ` data[offset] = v[0]; data[offset + 1] = v[1]; data[offset + 2] = v[2];`, "vec4": ` data[offset] = v[0]; data[offset + 1] = v[1]; data[offset + 2] = v[2]; data[offset + 3] = v[3];`, "mat2x2": ` data[offset] = v[0]; data[offset + 1] = v[1]; data[offset + 4] = v[2]; data[offset + 5] = v[3];`, "mat3x3": ` data[offset] = v[0]; data[offset + 1] = v[1]; data[offset + 2] = v[2]; data[offset + 4] = v[3]; data[offset + 5] = v[4]; data[offset + 6] = v[5]; data[offset + 8] = v[6]; data[offset + 9] = v[7]; data[offset + 10] = v[8];`, "mat4x4": ` for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { data[offset + i] = v[i]; }`, "mat3x2": loopMatrix(3, 2), "mat4x2": loopMatrix(4, 2), "mat2x3": loopMatrix(2, 3), "mat4x3": loopMatrix(4, 3), "mat2x4": loopMatrix(2, 4), "mat3x4": loopMatrix(3, 4) }; uboSyncFunctionsWGSL = { ...uboSyncFunctionsSTD40, "mat2x2": ` data[offset] = v[0]; data[offset + 1] = v[1]; data[offset + 2] = v[2]; data[offset + 3] = v[3]; ` }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/generateArraySyncWGSL.mjs function generateArraySyncWGSL(uboElement, offsetToAdd) { const { size, align } = WGSL_ALIGN_SIZE_DATA[uboElement.data.type]; const remainder = (align - size) / 4; return ` v = uv.${uboElement.data.name}; ${offsetToAdd !== 0 ? `offset += ${offsetToAdd};` : ""} arrayOffset = offset; t = 0; for(var i=0; i < ${uboElement.data.size * (size / 4)}; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < ${size / 4}; j++) { data[arrayOffset++] = v[t++]; } ${remainder !== 0 ? `arrayOffset += ${remainder};` : ""} } `; } var init_generateArraySyncWGSL = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/generateArraySyncWGSL.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_createUboElementsWGSL(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/createUboSyncFunctionWGSL.mjs function createUboSyncFunctionWGSL(uboElements) { return createUboSyncFunction( uboElements, "uboWgsl", generateArraySyncWGSL, uboSyncFunctionsWGSL ); } var init_createUboSyncFunctionWGSL = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/utils/createUboSyncFunctionWGSL.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_createUboSyncFunction(); init_uboSyncFunctions(); init_generateArraySyncWGSL(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuUboSystem.mjs var GpuUboSystem; var init_GpuUboSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuUboSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_UboSystem(); init_createUboElementsWGSL(); init_createUboSyncFunctionWGSL(); GpuUboSystem = class extends UboSystem { constructor() { super({ createUboElements: createUboElementsWGSL, generateUboSync: createUboSyncFunctionWGSL }); } }; GpuUboSystem.extension = { type: [ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem], name: "ubo" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/buffer/BufferResource.mjs var BufferResource; var init_BufferResource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/buffer/BufferResource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_eventemitter3(); init_uid(); BufferResource = class extends eventemitter3_default { /** * Create a new Buffer Resource. * @param options - The options for the buffer resource * @param options.buffer - The underlying buffer that this resource is using * @param options.offset - The offset of the buffer this resource is using. * If not provided, then it will use the offset of the buffer. * @param options.size - The size of the buffer this resource is using. * If not provided, then it will use the size of the buffer. */ constructor({ buffer, offset, size }) { super(); this.uid = uid("buffer"); this._resourceType = "bufferResource"; this._touched = 0; this._resourceId = uid("resource"); this._bufferResource = true; this.destroyed = false; this.buffer = buffer; this.offset = offset | 0; this.size = size; this.buffer.on("change", this.onBufferChange, this); } onBufferChange() { this._resourceId = uid("resource"); this.emit("change", this); } /** * Destroys this resource. Make sure the underlying buffer is not used anywhere else * if you want to destroy it as well, or code will explode * @param destroyBuffer - Should the underlying buffer be destroyed as well? */ destroy(destroyBuffer = false) { this.destroyed = true; if (destroyBuffer) { this.buffer.destroy(); } this.emit("change", this); this.buffer = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/buffer/UboBatch.mjs var UboBatch; var init_UboBatch = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/buffer/UboBatch.mjs"() { "use strict"; UboBatch = class { constructor({ minUniformOffsetAlignment: minUniformOffsetAlignment2 }) { this._minUniformOffsetAlignment = 256; this.byteIndex = 0; this._minUniformOffsetAlignment = minUniformOffsetAlignment2; this.data = new Float32Array(65535); } clear() { this.byteIndex = 0; } addEmptyGroup(size) { if (size > this._minUniformOffsetAlignment / 4) { throw new Error(`UniformBufferBatch: array is too large: ${size * 4}`); } const start = this.byteIndex; let newSize = start + size * 4; newSize = Math.ceil(newSize / this._minUniformOffsetAlignment) * this._minUniformOffsetAlignment; if (newSize > this.data.length * 4) { throw new Error("UniformBufferBatch: ubo batch got too big"); } this.byteIndex = newSize; return start; } addGroup(array) { const offset = this.addEmptyGroup(array.length); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < array.length; i3++) { this.data[offset / 4 + i3] = array[i3]; } return offset; } destroy() { this._buffer.destroy(); this._buffer = null; this.data = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuUniformBatchPipe.mjs var minUniformOffsetAlignment, GpuUniformBatchPipe; var init_GpuUniformBatchPipe = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/GpuUniformBatchPipe.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Buffer(); init_BufferResource(); init_const4(); init_UboBatch(); init_BindGroup(); minUniformOffsetAlignment = 128; GpuUniformBatchPipe = class { constructor(renderer) { this._bindGroupHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._buffers = []; this._bindGroups = []; this._bufferResources = []; this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_bindGroupHash"); this._batchBuffer = new UboBatch({ minUniformOffsetAlignment }); const totalBuffers = 256 / minUniformOffsetAlignment; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < totalBuffers; i3++) { let usage = BufferUsage.UNIFORM | BufferUsage.COPY_DST; if (i3 === 0) usage |= BufferUsage.COPY_SRC; this._buffers.push(new Buffer2({ data: this._batchBuffer.data, usage })); } } renderEnd() { this._uploadBindGroups(); this._resetBindGroups(); } _resetBindGroups() { for (const i3 in this._bindGroupHash) { this._bindGroupHash[i3] = null; } this._batchBuffer.clear(); } // just works for single bind groups for now getUniformBindGroup(group, duplicate) { if (!duplicate && this._bindGroupHash[group.uid]) { return this._bindGroupHash[group.uid]; } this._renderer.ubo.ensureUniformGroup(group); const data = group.buffer.data; const offset = this._batchBuffer.addEmptyGroup(data.length); this._renderer.ubo.syncUniformGroup(group, this._batchBuffer.data, offset / 4); this._bindGroupHash[group.uid] = this._getBindGroup(offset / minUniformOffsetAlignment); return this._bindGroupHash[group.uid]; } getUboResource(group) { this._renderer.ubo.updateUniformGroup(group); const data = group.buffer.data; const offset = this._batchBuffer.addGroup(data); return this._getBufferResource(offset / minUniformOffsetAlignment); } getArrayBindGroup(data) { const offset = this._batchBuffer.addGroup(data); return this._getBindGroup(offset / minUniformOffsetAlignment); } getArrayBufferResource(data) { const offset = this._batchBuffer.addGroup(data); const index = offset / minUniformOffsetAlignment; return this._getBufferResource(index); } _getBufferResource(index) { if (!this._bufferResources[index]) { const buffer = this._buffers[index % 2]; this._bufferResources[index] = new BufferResource({ buffer, offset: (index / 2 | 0) * 256, size: minUniformOffsetAlignment }); } return this._bufferResources[index]; } _getBindGroup(index) { if (!this._bindGroups[index]) { const bindGroup = new BindGroup({ 0: this._getBufferResource(index) }); this._bindGroups[index] = bindGroup; } return this._bindGroups[index]; } _uploadBindGroups() { const bufferSystem = this._renderer.buffer; const firstBuffer = this._buffers[0]; firstBuffer.update(this._batchBuffer.byteIndex); bufferSystem.updateBuffer(firstBuffer); const commandEncoder = this._renderer.gpu.device.createCommandEncoder(); for (let i3 = 1; i3 < this._buffers.length; i3++) { const buffer = this._buffers[i3]; commandEncoder.copyBufferToBuffer( bufferSystem.getGPUBuffer(firstBuffer), minUniformOffsetAlignment, bufferSystem.getGPUBuffer(buffer), 0, this._batchBuffer.byteIndex ); } this._renderer.gpu.device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]); } destroy() { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._bindGroups.length; i3++) { this._bindGroups[i3].destroy(); } this._bindGroups = null; this._bindGroupHash = null; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._buffers.length; i3++) { this._buffers[i3].destroy(); } this._buffers = null; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this._bufferResources.length; i3++) { this._bufferResources[i3].destroy(); } this._bufferResources = null; this._batchBuffer.destroy(); this._bindGroupHash = null; this._renderer = null; } }; GpuUniformBatchPipe.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes ], name: "uniformBatch" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/ensureAttributes.mjs function ensureAttributes(geometry, extractedData) { for (const i3 in geometry.attributes) { const attribute = geometry.attributes[i3]; const attributeData = extractedData[i3]; if (attributeData) { attribute.format ?? (attribute.format = attributeData.format); attribute.offset ?? (attribute.offset = attributeData.offset); attribute.instance ?? (attribute.instance = attributeData.instance); } else { warn(`Attribute ${i3} is not present in the shader, but is present in the geometry. Unable to infer attribute details.`); } } ensureStartAndStride(geometry); } function ensureStartAndStride(geometry) { const { buffers, attributes } = geometry; const tempStride = {}; const tempStart = {}; for (const j2 in buffers) { const buffer = buffers[j2]; tempStride[buffer.uid] = 0; tempStart[buffer.uid] = 0; } for (const j2 in attributes) { const attribute = attributes[j2]; tempStride[attribute.buffer.uid] += getAttributeInfoFromFormat(attribute.format).stride; } for (const j2 in attributes) { const attribute = attributes[j2]; attribute.stride ?? (attribute.stride = tempStride[attribute.buffer.uid]); attribute.start ?? (attribute.start = tempStart[attribute.buffer.uid]); tempStart[attribute.buffer.uid] += getAttributeInfoFromFormat(attribute.format).stride; } } var init_ensureAttributes = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/ensureAttributes.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_warn(); init_getAttributeInfoFromFormat(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/state/GpuStencilModesToPixi.mjs var GpuStencilModesToPixi; var init_GpuStencilModesToPixi = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/state/GpuStencilModesToPixi.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const3(); GpuStencilModesToPixi = []; GpuStencilModesToPixi[STENCIL_MODES.NONE] = void 0; GpuStencilModesToPixi[STENCIL_MODES.DISABLED] = { stencilWriteMask: 0, stencilReadMask: 0 }; GpuStencilModesToPixi[STENCIL_MODES.RENDERING_MASK_ADD] = { stencilFront: { compare: "equal", passOp: "increment-clamp" }, stencilBack: { compare: "equal", passOp: "increment-clamp" } }; GpuStencilModesToPixi[STENCIL_MODES.RENDERING_MASK_REMOVE] = { stencilFront: { compare: "equal", passOp: "decrement-clamp" }, stencilBack: { compare: "equal", passOp: "decrement-clamp" } }; GpuStencilModesToPixi[STENCIL_MODES.MASK_ACTIVE] = { stencilWriteMask: 0, stencilFront: { compare: "equal", passOp: "keep" }, stencilBack: { compare: "equal", passOp: "keep" } }; GpuStencilModesToPixi[STENCIL_MODES.INVERSE_MASK_ACTIVE] = { stencilWriteMask: 0, stencilFront: { compare: "not-equal", passOp: "replace" }, stencilBack: { compare: "not-equal", passOp: "replace" } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/pipeline/PipelineSystem.mjs function getGraphicsStateKey(geometryLayout, shaderKey, state, blendMode, topology) { return geometryLayout << 24 | shaderKey << 16 | state << 10 | blendMode << 5 | topology; } function getGlobalStateKey(stencilStateId, multiSampleCount, colorMask, renderTarget) { return colorMask << 6 | stencilStateId << 3 | renderTarget << 1 | multiSampleCount; } var topologyStringToId, PipelineSystem; var init_PipelineSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/pipeline/PipelineSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_warn(); init_ensureAttributes(); init_const3(); init_createIdFromString(); init_GpuStencilModesToPixi(); topologyStringToId = { "point-list": 0, "line-list": 1, "line-strip": 2, "triangle-list": 3, "triangle-strip": 4 }; PipelineSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._moduleCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._bufferLayoutsCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._bindingNamesCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._pipeCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._pipeStateCaches = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._colorMask = 15; this._multisampleCount = 1; this._renderer = renderer; } contextChange(gpu) { this._gpu = gpu; this.setStencilMode(STENCIL_MODES.DISABLED); this._updatePipeHash(); } setMultisampleCount(multisampleCount) { if (this._multisampleCount === multisampleCount) return; this._multisampleCount = multisampleCount; this._updatePipeHash(); } setRenderTarget(renderTarget) { this._multisampleCount = renderTarget.msaaSamples; this._depthStencilAttachment = renderTarget.descriptor.depthStencilAttachment ? 1 : 0; this._updatePipeHash(); } setColorMask(colorMask) { if (this._colorMask === colorMask) return; this._colorMask = colorMask; this._updatePipeHash(); } setStencilMode(stencilMode) { if (this._stencilMode === stencilMode) return; this._stencilMode = stencilMode; this._stencilState = GpuStencilModesToPixi[stencilMode]; this._updatePipeHash(); } setPipeline(geometry, program, state, passEncoder) { const pipeline = this.getPipeline(geometry, program, state); passEncoder.setPipeline(pipeline); } getPipeline(geometry, program, state, topology) { if (!geometry._layoutKey) { ensureAttributes(geometry, program.attributeData); this._generateBufferKey(geometry); } topology = topology || geometry.topology; const key = getGraphicsStateKey( geometry._layoutKey, program._layoutKey, state.data, state._blendModeId, topologyStringToId[topology] ); if (this._pipeCache[key]) return this._pipeCache[key]; this._pipeCache[key] = this._createPipeline(geometry, program, state, topology); return this._pipeCache[key]; } _createPipeline(geometry, program, state, topology) { const device = this._gpu.device; const buffers = this._createVertexBufferLayouts(geometry, program); const blendModes = this._renderer.state.getColorTargets(state); blendModes[0].writeMask = this._stencilMode === STENCIL_MODES.RENDERING_MASK_ADD ? 0 : this._colorMask; const layout = this._renderer.shader.getProgramData(program).pipeline; const descriptor = { // TODO later check if its helpful to create.. // layout, vertex: { module: this._getModule(program.vertex.source), entryPoint: program.vertex.entryPoint, // geometry.. buffers }, fragment: { module: this._getModule(program.fragment.source), entryPoint: program.fragment.entryPoint, targets: blendModes }, primitive: { topology, cullMode: state.cullMode }, layout, multisample: { count: this._multisampleCount }, // depthStencil, label: `PIXI Pipeline` }; if (this._depthStencilAttachment) { descriptor.depthStencil = { ...this._stencilState, format: "depth24plus-stencil8", depthWriteEnabled: state.depthTest, depthCompare: state.depthTest ? "less" : "always" }; } const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline(descriptor); return pipeline; } _getModule(code) { return this._moduleCache[code] || this._createModule(code); } _createModule(code) { const device = this._gpu.device; this._moduleCache[code] = device.createShaderModule({ code }); return this._moduleCache[code]; } _generateBufferKey(geometry) { const keyGen = []; let index = 0; const attributeKeys = Object.keys(geometry.attributes).sort(); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < attributeKeys.length; i3++) { const attribute = geometry.attributes[attributeKeys[i3]]; keyGen[index++] = attribute.offset; keyGen[index++] = attribute.format; keyGen[index++] = attribute.stride; keyGen[index++] = attribute.instance; } const stringKey = keyGen.join("|"); geometry._layoutKey = createIdFromString(stringKey, "geometry"); return geometry._layoutKey; } _generateAttributeLocationsKey(program) { const keyGen = []; let index = 0; const attributeKeys = Object.keys(program.attributeData).sort(); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < attributeKeys.length; i3++) { const attribute = program.attributeData[attributeKeys[i3]]; keyGen[index++] = attribute.location; } const stringKey = keyGen.join("|"); program._attributeLocationsKey = createIdFromString(stringKey, "programAttributes"); return program._attributeLocationsKey; } /** * Returns a hash of buffer names mapped to bind locations. * This is used to bind the correct buffer to the correct location in the shader. * @param geometry - The geometry where to get the buffer names * @param program - The program where to get the buffer names * @returns An object of buffer names mapped to the bind location. */ getBufferNamesToBind(geometry, program) { const key = geometry._layoutKey << 16 | program._attributeLocationsKey; if (this._bindingNamesCache[key]) return this._bindingNamesCache[key]; const data = this._createVertexBufferLayouts(geometry, program); const bufferNamesToBind = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); const attributeData = program.attributeData; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < data.length; i3++) { for (const j2 in attributeData) { if (attributeData[j2].location === i3) { bufferNamesToBind[i3] = j2; break; } } } this._bindingNamesCache[key] = bufferNamesToBind; return bufferNamesToBind; } _createVertexBufferLayouts(geometry, program) { if (!program._attributeLocationsKey) this._generateAttributeLocationsKey(program); const key = geometry._layoutKey << 16 | program._attributeLocationsKey; if (this._bufferLayoutsCache[key]) { return this._bufferLayoutsCache[key]; } const vertexBuffersLayout = []; geometry.buffers.forEach((buffer) => { const bufferEntry = { arrayStride: 0, stepMode: "vertex", attributes: [] }; const bufferEntryAttributes = bufferEntry.attributes; for (const i3 in program.attributeData) { const attribute = geometry.attributes[i3]; if ((attribute.divisor ?? 1) !== 1) { warn(`Attribute ${i3} has an invalid divisor value of '${attribute.divisor}'. WebGPU only supports a divisor value of 1`); } if (attribute.buffer === buffer) { bufferEntry.arrayStride = attribute.stride; bufferEntry.stepMode = attribute.instance ? "instance" : "vertex"; bufferEntryAttributes.push({ shaderLocation: program.attributeData[i3].location, offset: attribute.offset, format: attribute.format }); } } if (bufferEntryAttributes.length) { vertexBuffersLayout.push(bufferEntry); } }); this._bufferLayoutsCache[key] = vertexBuffersLayout; return vertexBuffersLayout; } _updatePipeHash() { const key = getGlobalStateKey( this._stencilMode, this._multisampleCount, this._colorMask, this._depthStencilAttachment ); if (!this._pipeStateCaches[key]) { this._pipeStateCaches[key] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } this._pipeCache = this._pipeStateCaches[key]; } destroy() { this._renderer = null; this._bufferLayoutsCache = null; } }; PipelineSystem.extension = { type: [ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem], name: "pipeline" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/renderTarget/calculateProjection.mjs function calculateProjection(pm, x2, y2, width, height, flipY) { const sign = flipY ? 1 : -1; pm.identity(); pm.a = 1 / width * 2; pm.d = sign * (1 / height * 2); pm.tx = -1 - x2 * pm.a; pm.ty = -sign - y2 * pm.d; return pm; } var init_calculateProjection = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/renderTarget/calculateProjection.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/renderTarget/isRenderingToScreen.mjs function isRenderingToScreen(renderTarget) { const resource = renderTarget.colorTexture.source.resource; return globalThis.HTMLCanvasElement && resource instanceof HTMLCanvasElement && document.body.contains(resource); } var init_isRenderingToScreen = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/renderTarget/isRenderingToScreen.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/renderTarget/RenderTargetSystem.mjs var RenderTargetSystem; var init_RenderTargetSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/renderTarget/RenderTargetSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_Rectangle(); init_const7(); init_calculateProjection(); init_SystemRunner(); init_CanvasSource(); init_TextureSource(); init_Texture(); init_getCanvasTexture(); init_isRenderingToScreen(); init_RenderTarget(); RenderTargetSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this.rootViewPort = new Rectangle(); this.viewport = new Rectangle(); this.onRenderTargetChange = new SystemRunner("onRenderTargetChange"); this.projectionMatrix = new Matrix(); this.defaultClearColor = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._renderSurfaceToRenderTargetHash = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._gpuRenderTargetHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._renderTargetStack = []; this._renderer = renderer; renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuRenderTargetHash"); } /** called when dev wants to finish a render pass */ finishRenderPass() { this.adaptor.finishRenderPass(this.renderTarget); } /** * called when the renderer starts to render a scene. * @param options * @param options.target - the render target to render to * @param options.clear - the clear mode to use. Can be true or a CLEAR number 'COLOR | DEPTH | STENCIL' 0b111 * @param options.clearColor - the color to clear to * @param options.frame - the frame to render to */ renderStart({ target, clear, clearColor, frame }) { this._renderTargetStack.length = 0; this.push( target, clear, clearColor, frame ); this.rootViewPort.copyFrom(this.viewport); this.rootRenderTarget = this.renderTarget; this.renderingToScreen = isRenderingToScreen(this.rootRenderTarget); } postrender() { this.adaptor.postrender?.(this.rootRenderTarget); } /** * Binding a render surface! This is the main function of the render target system. * It will take the RenderSurface (which can be a texture, canvas, or render target) and bind it to the renderer. * Once bound all draw calls will be rendered to the render surface. * * If a frame is not provide and the render surface is a texture, the frame of the texture will be used. * @param renderSurface - the render surface to bind * @param clear - the clear mode to use. Can be true or a CLEAR number 'COLOR | DEPTH | STENCIL' 0b111 * @param clearColor - the color to clear to * @param frame - the frame to render to * @returns the render target that was bound */ bind(renderSurface, clear = true, clearColor, frame) { const renderTarget = this.getRenderTarget(renderSurface); const didChange = this.renderTarget !== renderTarget; this.renderTarget = renderTarget; this.renderSurface = renderSurface; const gpuRenderTarget = this.getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); if (renderTarget.pixelWidth !== gpuRenderTarget.width || renderTarget.pixelHeight !== gpuRenderTarget.height) { this.adaptor.resizeGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); gpuRenderTarget.width = renderTarget.pixelWidth; gpuRenderTarget.height = renderTarget.pixelHeight; } const source7 = renderTarget.colorTexture; const viewport = this.viewport; const pixelWidth = source7.pixelWidth; const pixelHeight = source7.pixelHeight; if (!frame && renderSurface instanceof Texture) { frame = renderSurface.frame; } if (frame) { const resolution = source7._resolution; viewport.x = frame.x * resolution + 0.5 | 0; viewport.y = frame.y * resolution + 0.5 | 0; viewport.width = frame.width * resolution + 0.5 | 0; viewport.height = frame.height * resolution + 0.5 | 0; } else { viewport.x = 0; viewport.y = 0; viewport.width = pixelWidth; viewport.height = pixelHeight; } calculateProjection( this.projectionMatrix, 0, 0, viewport.width / source7.resolution, viewport.height / source7.resolution, !renderTarget.isRoot ); this.adaptor.startRenderPass(renderTarget, clear, clearColor, viewport); if (didChange) { this.onRenderTargetChange.emit(renderTarget); } return renderTarget; } clear(target, clear = CLEAR.ALL, clearColor) { if (!clear) return; if (target) { target = this.getRenderTarget(target); } this.adaptor.clear( target || this.renderTarget, clear, clearColor, this.viewport ); } contextChange() { this._gpuRenderTargetHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } /** * Push a render surface to the renderer. This will bind the render surface to the renderer, * @param renderSurface - the render surface to push * @param clear - the clear mode to use. Can be true or a CLEAR number 'COLOR | DEPTH | STENCIL' 0b111 * @param clearColor - the color to clear to * @param frame - the frame to use when rendering to the render surface */ push(renderSurface, clear = CLEAR.ALL, clearColor, frame) { const renderTarget = this.bind(renderSurface, clear, clearColor, frame); this._renderTargetStack.push({ renderTarget, frame }); return renderTarget; } /** Pops the current render target from the renderer and restores the previous render target. */ pop() { this._renderTargetStack.pop(); const currentRenderTargetData = this._renderTargetStack[this._renderTargetStack.length - 1]; this.bind(currentRenderTargetData.renderTarget, false, null, currentRenderTargetData.frame); } /** * Gets the render target from the provide render surface. Eg if its a texture, * it will return the render target for the texture. * If its a render target, it will return the same render target. * @param renderSurface - the render surface to get the render target for * @returns the render target for the render surface */ getRenderTarget(renderSurface) { if (renderSurface.isTexture) { renderSurface = renderSurface.source; } return this._renderSurfaceToRenderTargetHash.get(renderSurface) ?? this._initRenderTarget(renderSurface); } /** * Copies a render surface to another texture * @param sourceRenderSurfaceTexture - the render surface to copy from * @param destinationTexture - the texture to copy to * @param originSrc - the origin of the copy * @param originSrc.x - the x origin of the copy * @param originSrc.y - the y origin of the copy * @param size - the size of the copy * @param size.width - the width of the copy * @param size.height - the height of the copy * @param originDest - the destination origin (top left to paste from!) * @param originDest.x - the x origin of the paste * @param originDest.y - the y origin of the paste */ copyToTexture(sourceRenderSurfaceTexture, destinationTexture, originSrc, size, originDest) { if (originSrc.x < 0) { size.width += originSrc.x; originDest.x -= originSrc.x; originSrc.x = 0; } if (originSrc.y < 0) { size.height += originSrc.y; originDest.y -= originSrc.y; originSrc.y = 0; } const { pixelWidth, pixelHeight } = sourceRenderSurfaceTexture; size.width = Math.min(size.width, pixelWidth - originSrc.x); size.height = Math.min(size.height, pixelHeight - originSrc.y); return this.adaptor.copyToTexture( sourceRenderSurfaceTexture, destinationTexture, originSrc, size, originDest ); } /** * ensures that we have a depth stencil buffer available to render to * This is used by the mask system to make sure we have a stencil buffer. */ ensureDepthStencil() { if (!this.renderTarget.stencil) { this.renderTarget.stencil = true; this.adaptor.startRenderPass(this.renderTarget, false, null, this.viewport); } } /** nukes the render target system */ destroy() { this._renderer = null; this._renderSurfaceToRenderTargetHash.forEach((renderTarget, key) => { if (renderTarget !== key) { renderTarget.destroy(); } }); this._renderSurfaceToRenderTargetHash.clear(); this._gpuRenderTargetHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } _initRenderTarget(renderSurface) { let renderTarget = null; if (CanvasSource.test(renderSurface)) { renderSurface = getCanvasTexture(renderSurface).source; } if (renderSurface instanceof RenderTarget) { renderTarget = renderSurface; } else if (renderSurface instanceof TextureSource) { renderTarget = new RenderTarget({ colorTextures: [renderSurface] }); if (CanvasSource.test(renderSurface.source.resource)) { renderTarget.isRoot = true; } renderSurface.once("destroy", () => { renderTarget.destroy(); this._renderSurfaceToRenderTargetHash.delete(renderSurface); const gpuRenderTarget = this._gpuRenderTargetHash[renderTarget.uid]; if (gpuRenderTarget) { this._gpuRenderTargetHash[renderTarget.uid] = null; this.adaptor.destroyGpuRenderTarget(gpuRenderTarget); } }); } this._renderSurfaceToRenderTargetHash.set(renderSurface, renderTarget); return renderTarget; } getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget) { return this._gpuRenderTargetHash[renderTarget.uid] || (this._gpuRenderTargetHash[renderTarget.uid] = this.adaptor.initGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget)); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/renderTarget/GpuRenderTarget.mjs var GpuRenderTarget; var init_GpuRenderTarget = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/renderTarget/GpuRenderTarget.mjs"() { "use strict"; GpuRenderTarget = class { constructor() { this.contexts = []; this.msaaTextures = []; this.msaaSamples = 1; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/renderTarget/GpuRenderTargetAdaptor.mjs var GpuRenderTargetAdaptor; var init_GpuRenderTargetAdaptor = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/renderTarget/GpuRenderTargetAdaptor.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const7(); init_CanvasSource(); init_TextureSource(); init_GpuRenderTarget(); GpuRenderTargetAdaptor = class { init(renderer, renderTargetSystem) { this._renderer = renderer; this._renderTargetSystem = renderTargetSystem; } copyToTexture(sourceRenderSurfaceTexture, destinationTexture, originSrc, size, originDest) { const renderer = this._renderer; const baseGpuTexture = this._getGpuColorTexture( sourceRenderSurfaceTexture ); const backGpuTexture = renderer.texture.getGpuSource( destinationTexture.source ); renderer.encoder.commandEncoder.copyTextureToTexture( { texture: baseGpuTexture, origin: originSrc }, { texture: backGpuTexture, origin: originDest }, size ); return destinationTexture; } startRenderPass(renderTarget, clear = true, clearColor, viewport) { const renderTargetSystem = this._renderTargetSystem; const gpuRenderTarget = renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); const descriptor = this.getDescriptor(renderTarget, clear, clearColor); gpuRenderTarget.descriptor = descriptor; this._renderer.pipeline.setRenderTarget(gpuRenderTarget); this._renderer.encoder.beginRenderPass(gpuRenderTarget); this._renderer.encoder.setViewport(viewport); } finishRenderPass() { this._renderer.encoder.endRenderPass(); } /** * returns the gpu texture for the first color texture in the render target * mainly used by the filter manager to get copy the texture for blending * @param renderTarget * @returns a gpu texture */ _getGpuColorTexture(renderTarget) { const gpuRenderTarget = this._renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); if (gpuRenderTarget.contexts[0]) { return gpuRenderTarget.contexts[0].getCurrentTexture(); } return this._renderer.texture.getGpuSource( renderTarget.colorTextures[0].source ); } getDescriptor(renderTarget, clear, clearValue) { if (typeof clear === "boolean") { clear = clear ? CLEAR.ALL : CLEAR.NONE; } const renderTargetSystem = this._renderTargetSystem; const gpuRenderTarget = renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); const colorAttachments = renderTarget.colorTextures.map( (texture, i3) => { const context2 = gpuRenderTarget.contexts[i3]; let view; let resolveTarget; if (context2) { const currentTexture = context2.getCurrentTexture(); const canvasTextureView = currentTexture.createView(); view = canvasTextureView; } else { view = this._renderer.texture.getGpuSource(texture).createView({ mipLevelCount: 1 }); } if (gpuRenderTarget.msaaTextures[i3]) { resolveTarget = view; view = this._renderer.texture.getTextureView( gpuRenderTarget.msaaTextures[i3] ); } const loadOp = clear & CLEAR.COLOR ? "clear" : "load"; clearValue ?? (clearValue = renderTargetSystem.defaultClearColor); return { view, resolveTarget, clearValue, storeOp: "store", loadOp }; } ); let depthStencilAttachment; if ((renderTarget.stencil || renderTarget.depth) && !renderTarget.depthStencilTexture) { renderTarget.ensureDepthStencilTexture(); renderTarget.depthStencilTexture.source.sampleCount = gpuRenderTarget.msaa ? 4 : 1; } if (renderTarget.depthStencilTexture) { const stencilLoadOp = clear & CLEAR.STENCIL ? "clear" : "load"; const depthLoadOp = clear & CLEAR.DEPTH ? "clear" : "load"; depthStencilAttachment = { view: this._renderer.texture.getGpuSource(renderTarget.depthStencilTexture.source).createView(), stencilStoreOp: "store", stencilLoadOp, depthClearValue: 1, depthLoadOp, depthStoreOp: "store" }; } const descriptor = { colorAttachments, depthStencilAttachment }; return descriptor; } clear(renderTarget, clear = true, clearColor, viewport) { if (!clear) return; const { gpu, encoder } = this._renderer; const device = gpu.device; const standAlone = encoder.commandEncoder === null; if (standAlone) { const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder(); const renderPassDescriptor = this.getDescriptor(renderTarget, clear, clearColor); const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor); passEncoder.setViewport(viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.width, viewport.height, 0, 1); passEncoder.end(); const gpuCommands = commandEncoder.finish(); device.queue.submit([gpuCommands]); } else { this.startRenderPass(renderTarget, clear, clearColor, viewport); } } initGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget) { renderTarget.isRoot = true; const gpuRenderTarget = new GpuRenderTarget(); renderTarget.colorTextures.forEach((colorTexture, i3) => { if (CanvasSource.test(colorTexture.resource)) { const context2 = colorTexture.resource.getContext( "webgpu" ); const alphaMode = colorTexture.transparent ? "premultiplied" : "opaque"; try { context2.configure({ device: this._renderer.gpu.device, // eslint-disable-next-line max-len usage: GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST | GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC, format: "bgra8unorm", alphaMode }); } catch (e2) { console.error(e2); } gpuRenderTarget.contexts[i3] = context2; } gpuRenderTarget.msaa = colorTexture.source.antialias; if (colorTexture.source.antialias) { const msaaTexture = new TextureSource({ width: 0, height: 0, sampleCount: 4 }); gpuRenderTarget.msaaTextures[i3] = msaaTexture; } }); if (gpuRenderTarget.msaa) { gpuRenderTarget.msaaSamples = 4; if (renderTarget.depthStencilTexture) { renderTarget.depthStencilTexture.source.sampleCount = 4; } } return gpuRenderTarget; } destroyGpuRenderTarget(gpuRenderTarget) { gpuRenderTarget.contexts.forEach((context2) => { context2.unconfigure(); }); gpuRenderTarget.msaaTextures.forEach((texture) => { texture.destroy(); }); gpuRenderTarget.msaaTextures.length = 0; gpuRenderTarget.contexts.length = 0; } ensureDepthStencilTexture(renderTarget) { const gpuRenderTarget = this._renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); if (renderTarget.depthStencilTexture && gpuRenderTarget.msaa) { renderTarget.depthStencilTexture.source.sampleCount = 4; } } resizeGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget) { const gpuRenderTarget = this._renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); gpuRenderTarget.width = renderTarget.width; gpuRenderTarget.height = renderTarget.height; if (gpuRenderTarget.msaa) { renderTarget.colorTextures.forEach((colorTexture, i3) => { const msaaTexture = gpuRenderTarget.msaaTextures[i3]; msaaTexture?.resize( colorTexture.source.width, colorTexture.source.height, colorTexture.source._resolution ); }); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/renderTarget/GpuRenderTargetSystem.mjs var GpuRenderTargetSystem; var init_GpuRenderTargetSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/renderTarget/GpuRenderTargetSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_RenderTargetSystem(); init_GpuRenderTargetAdaptor(); GpuRenderTargetSystem = class extends RenderTargetSystem { constructor(renderer) { super(renderer); this.adaptor = new GpuRenderTargetAdaptor(); this.adaptor.init(renderer, this); } }; GpuRenderTargetSystem.extension = { type: [ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem], name: "renderTarget" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/GpuShaderSystem.mjs var GpuShaderSystem; var init_GpuShaderSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/shader/GpuShaderSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); GpuShaderSystem = class { constructor() { this._gpuProgramData = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } contextChange(gpu) { this._gpu = gpu; this.maxTextures = gpu.device.limits.maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage; } getProgramData(program) { return this._gpuProgramData[program._layoutKey] || this._createGPUProgramData(program); } _createGPUProgramData(program) { const device = this._gpu.device; const bindGroups = program.gpuLayout.map((group) => device.createBindGroupLayout({ entries: group })); const pipelineLayoutDesc = { bindGroupLayouts: bindGroups }; this._gpuProgramData[program._layoutKey] = { bindGroups, pipeline: device.createPipelineLayout(pipelineLayoutDesc) }; return this._gpuProgramData[program._layoutKey]; } destroy() { this._gpu = null; this._gpuProgramData = null; } }; GpuShaderSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "shader" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/state/GpuBlendModesToPixi.mjs var GpuBlendModesToPixi; var init_GpuBlendModesToPixi = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/state/GpuBlendModesToPixi.mjs"() { "use strict"; GpuBlendModesToPixi = {}; GpuBlendModesToPixi.normal = { alpha: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" }, color: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi.add = { alpha: { srcFactor: "src-alpha", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" }, color: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one", operation: "add" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi.multiply = { alpha: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" }, color: { srcFactor: "dst", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi.screen = { alpha: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" }, color: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one-minus-src", operation: "add" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi.overlay = { alpha: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" }, color: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one-minus-src", operation: "add" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi.none = { alpha: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" }, color: { srcFactor: "zero", dstFactor: "zero", operation: "add" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi["normal-npm"] = { alpha: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" }, color: { srcFactor: "src-alpha", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi["add-npm"] = { alpha: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one", operation: "add" }, color: { srcFactor: "src-alpha", dstFactor: "one", operation: "add" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi["screen-npm"] = { alpha: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" }, color: { srcFactor: "src-alpha", dstFactor: "one-minus-src", operation: "add" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi.erase = { alpha: { srcFactor: "zero", dstFactor: "one-minus-src-alpha", operation: "add" }, color: { srcFactor: "zero", dstFactor: "one-minus-src", operation: "add" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi.min = { alpha: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one", operation: "min" }, color: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one", operation: "min" } }; GpuBlendModesToPixi.max = { alpha: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one", operation: "max" }, color: { srcFactor: "one", dstFactor: "one", operation: "max" } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/state/GpuStateSystem.mjs var GpuStateSystem; var init_GpuStateSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/state/GpuStateSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_State(); init_GpuBlendModesToPixi(); GpuStateSystem = class { constructor() { this.defaultState = new State(); this.defaultState.blend = true; } contextChange(gpu) { this.gpu = gpu; } /** * Gets the blend mode data for the current state * @param state - The state to get the blend mode from */ getColorTargets(state) { const blend = GpuBlendModesToPixi[state.blendMode] || GpuBlendModesToPixi.normal; return [ { format: "bgra8unorm", writeMask: 0, blend } ]; } destroy() { this.gpu = null; } }; GpuStateSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "state" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/uploaders/gpuUploadBufferImageResource.mjs var gpuUploadBufferImageResource; var init_gpuUploadBufferImageResource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/uploaders/gpuUploadBufferImageResource.mjs"() { "use strict"; gpuUploadBufferImageResource = { type: "image", upload(source7, gpuTexture, gpu) { const resource = source7.resource; const total = (source7.pixelWidth | 0) * (source7.pixelHeight | 0); const bytesPerPixel = resource.byteLength / total; gpu.device.queue.writeTexture( { texture: gpuTexture }, resource, { offset: 0, rowsPerImage: source7.pixelHeight, bytesPerRow: source7.pixelHeight * bytesPerPixel }, { width: source7.pixelWidth, height: source7.pixelHeight, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 } ); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/uploaders/gpuUploadCompressedTextureResource.mjs var blockDataMap, defaultBlockData, gpuUploadCompressedTextureResource; var init_gpuUploadCompressedTextureResource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/uploaders/gpuUploadCompressedTextureResource.mjs"() { "use strict"; blockDataMap = { "bc1-rgba-unorm": { blockBytes: 8, blockWidth: 4, blockHeight: 4 }, "bc2-rgba-unorm": { blockBytes: 16, blockWidth: 4, blockHeight: 4 }, "bc3-rgba-unorm": { blockBytes: 16, blockWidth: 4, blockHeight: 4 }, "bc7-rgba-unorm": { blockBytes: 16, blockWidth: 4, blockHeight: 4 }, "etc1-rgb-unorm": { blockBytes: 8, blockWidth: 4, blockHeight: 4 }, "etc2-rgba8unorm": { blockBytes: 16, blockWidth: 4, blockHeight: 4 }, "astc-4x4-unorm": { blockBytes: 16, blockWidth: 4, blockHeight: 4 } }; defaultBlockData = { blockBytes: 4, blockWidth: 1, blockHeight: 1 }; gpuUploadCompressedTextureResource = { type: "compressed", upload(source7, gpuTexture, gpu) { let mipWidth = source7.pixelWidth; let mipHeight = source7.pixelHeight; const blockData = blockDataMap[source7.format] || defaultBlockData; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < source7.resource.length; i3++) { const levelBuffer = source7.resource[i3]; const bytesPerRow = Math.ceil(mipWidth / blockData.blockWidth) * blockData.blockBytes; gpu.device.queue.writeTexture( { texture: gpuTexture, mipLevel: i3 }, levelBuffer, { offset: 0, bytesPerRow }, { width: Math.ceil(mipWidth / blockData.blockWidth) * blockData.blockWidth, height: Math.ceil(mipHeight / blockData.blockHeight) * blockData.blockHeight, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 } ); mipWidth = Math.max(mipWidth >> 1, 1); mipHeight = Math.max(mipHeight >> 1, 1); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/uploaders/gpuUploadImageSource.mjs var gpuUploadImageResource; var init_gpuUploadImageSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/uploaders/gpuUploadImageSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; gpuUploadImageResource = { type: "image", upload(source7, gpuTexture, gpu) { const resource = source7.resource; if (!resource) return; const width = Math.min(gpuTexture.width, source7.resourceWidth || source7.pixelWidth); const height = Math.min(gpuTexture.height, source7.resourceHeight || source7.pixelHeight); const premultipliedAlpha = source7.alphaMode === "premultiply-alpha-on-upload"; gpu.device.queue.copyExternalImageToTexture( { source: resource }, { texture: gpuTexture, premultipliedAlpha }, { width, height } ); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/uploaders/gpuUploadVideoSource.mjs var gpuUploadVideoResource; var init_gpuUploadVideoSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/uploaders/gpuUploadVideoSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_gpuUploadImageSource(); gpuUploadVideoResource = { type: "video", upload(source7, gpuTexture, gpu) { gpuUploadImageResource.upload(source7, gpuTexture, gpu); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/utils/GpuMipmapGenerator.mjs var GpuMipmapGenerator; var init_GpuMipmapGenerator = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/utils/GpuMipmapGenerator.mjs"() { "use strict"; GpuMipmapGenerator = class { constructor(device) { this.device = device; this.sampler = device.createSampler({ minFilter: "linear" }); this.pipelines = {}; } _getMipmapPipeline(format) { let pipeline = this.pipelines[format]; if (!pipeline) { if (!this.mipmapShaderModule) { this.mipmapShaderModule = this.device.createShaderModule({ code: ( /* wgsl */ ` var pos : array, 3> = array, 3>( vec2(-1.0, -1.0), vec2(-1.0, 3.0), vec2(3.0, -1.0)); struct VertexOutput { @builtin(position) position : vec4, @location(0) texCoord : vec2, }; @vertex fn vertexMain(@builtin(vertex_index) vertexIndex : u32) -> VertexOutput { var output : VertexOutput; output.texCoord = pos[vertexIndex] * vec2(0.5, -0.5) + vec2(0.5); output.position = vec4(pos[vertexIndex], 0.0, 1.0); return output; } @group(0) @binding(0) var imgSampler : sampler; @group(0) @binding(1) var img : texture_2d; @fragment fn fragmentMain(@location(0) texCoord : vec2) -> @location(0) vec4 { return textureSample(img, imgSampler, texCoord); } ` ) }); } pipeline = this.device.createRenderPipeline({ layout: "auto", vertex: { module: this.mipmapShaderModule, entryPoint: "vertexMain" }, fragment: { module: this.mipmapShaderModule, entryPoint: "fragmentMain", targets: [{ format }] } }); this.pipelines[format] = pipeline; } return pipeline; } /** * Generates mipmaps for the given GPUTexture from the data in level 0. * @param {module:External.GPUTexture} texture - Texture to generate mipmaps for. * @returns {module:External.GPUTexture} - The originally passed texture */ generateMipmap(texture) { const pipeline = this._getMipmapPipeline(texture.format); if (texture.dimension === "3d" || texture.dimension === "1d") { throw new Error("Generating mipmaps for non-2d textures is currently unsupported!"); } let mipTexture = texture; const arrayLayerCount = texture.depthOrArrayLayers || 1; const renderToSource = texture.usage & GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT; if (!renderToSource) { const mipTextureDescriptor = { size: { width: Math.ceil(texture.width / 2), height: Math.ceil(texture.height / 2), depthOrArrayLayers: arrayLayerCount }, format: texture.format, usage: GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT, mipLevelCount: texture.mipLevelCount - 1 }; mipTexture = this.device.createTexture(mipTextureDescriptor); } const commandEncoder = this.device.createCommandEncoder({}); const bindGroupLayout = pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0); for (let arrayLayer = 0; arrayLayer < arrayLayerCount; ++arrayLayer) { let srcView = texture.createView({ baseMipLevel: 0, mipLevelCount: 1, dimension: "2d", baseArrayLayer: arrayLayer, arrayLayerCount: 1 }); let dstMipLevel = renderToSource ? 1 : 0; for (let i3 = 1; i3 < texture.mipLevelCount; ++i3) { const dstView = mipTexture.createView({ baseMipLevel: dstMipLevel++, mipLevelCount: 1, dimension: "2d", baseArrayLayer: arrayLayer, arrayLayerCount: 1 }); const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({ colorAttachments: [{ view: dstView, storeOp: "store", loadOp: "clear", clearValue: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0 } }] }); const bindGroup = this.device.createBindGroup({ layout: bindGroupLayout, entries: [{ binding: 0, resource: this.sampler }, { binding: 1, resource: srcView }] }); passEncoder.setPipeline(pipeline); passEncoder.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup); passEncoder.draw(3, 1, 0, 0); passEncoder.end(); srcView = dstView; } } if (!renderToSource) { const mipLevelSize = { width: Math.ceil(texture.width / 2), height: Math.ceil(texture.height / 2), depthOrArrayLayers: arrayLayerCount }; for (let i3 = 1; i3 < texture.mipLevelCount; ++i3) { commandEncoder.copyTextureToTexture({ texture: mipTexture, mipLevel: i3 - 1 }, { texture, mipLevel: i3 }, mipLevelSize); mipLevelSize.width = Math.ceil(mipLevelSize.width / 2); mipLevelSize.height = Math.ceil(mipLevelSize.height / 2); } } this.device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]); if (!renderToSource) { mipTexture.destroy(); } return texture; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/GpuTextureSystem.mjs var GpuTextureSystem; var init_GpuTextureSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/GpuTextureSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_UniformGroup(); init_CanvasPool(); init_BindGroup(); init_gpuUploadBufferImageResource(); init_gpuUploadCompressedTextureResource(); init_gpuUploadImageSource(); init_gpuUploadVideoSource(); init_GpuMipmapGenerator(); GpuTextureSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this.managedTextures = []; this._gpuSources = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._gpuSamplers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._bindGroupHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._textureViewHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._uploads = { image: gpuUploadImageResource, buffer: gpuUploadBufferImageResource, video: gpuUploadVideoResource, compressed: gpuUploadCompressedTextureResource }; this._renderer = renderer; renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuSources"); renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuSamplers"); renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_bindGroupHash"); renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_textureViewHash"); } contextChange(gpu) { this._gpu = gpu; } initSource(source7) { if (source7.autoGenerateMipmaps) { const biggestDimension = Math.max(source7.pixelWidth, source7.pixelHeight); source7.mipLevelCount = Math.floor(Math.log2(biggestDimension)) + 1; } let usage = GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST; if (source7.uploadMethodId !== "compressed") { usage |= GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT; usage |= GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC; } const blockData = blockDataMap[source7.format] || { blockBytes: 4, blockWidth: 1, blockHeight: 1 }; const width = Math.ceil(source7.pixelWidth / blockData.blockWidth) * blockData.blockWidth; const height = Math.ceil(source7.pixelHeight / blockData.blockHeight) * blockData.blockHeight; const textureDescriptor = { label: source7.label, size: { width, height }, format: source7.format, sampleCount: source7.sampleCount, mipLevelCount: source7.mipLevelCount, dimension: source7.dimension, usage }; const gpuTexture = this._gpu.device.createTexture(textureDescriptor); this._gpuSources[source7.uid] = gpuTexture; if (!this.managedTextures.includes(source7)) { source7.on("update", this.onSourceUpdate, this); source7.on("resize", this.onSourceResize, this); source7.on("destroy", this.onSourceDestroy, this); source7.on("unload", this.onSourceUnload, this); source7.on("updateMipmaps", this.onUpdateMipmaps, this); this.managedTextures.push(source7); } this.onSourceUpdate(source7); return gpuTexture; } onSourceUpdate(source7) { const gpuTexture = this.getGpuSource(source7); if (!gpuTexture) return; if (this._uploads[source7.uploadMethodId]) { this._uploads[source7.uploadMethodId].upload(source7, gpuTexture, this._gpu); } if (source7.autoGenerateMipmaps && source7.mipLevelCount > 1) { this.onUpdateMipmaps(source7); } } onSourceUnload(source7) { const gpuTexture = this._gpuSources[source7.uid]; if (gpuTexture) { this._gpuSources[source7.uid] = null; gpuTexture.destroy(); } } onUpdateMipmaps(source7) { if (!this._mipmapGenerator) { this._mipmapGenerator = new GpuMipmapGenerator(this._gpu.device); } const gpuTexture = this.getGpuSource(source7); this._mipmapGenerator.generateMipmap(gpuTexture); } onSourceDestroy(source7) { source7.off("update", this.onSourceUpdate, this); source7.off("unload", this.onSourceUnload, this); source7.off("destroy", this.onSourceDestroy, this); source7.off("resize", this.onSourceResize, this); source7.off("updateMipmaps", this.onUpdateMipmaps, this); this.managedTextures.splice(this.managedTextures.indexOf(source7), 1); this.onSourceUnload(source7); } onSourceResize(source7) { const gpuTexture = this._gpuSources[source7.uid]; if (!gpuTexture) { this.initSource(source7); } else if (gpuTexture.width !== source7.pixelWidth || gpuTexture.height !== source7.pixelHeight) { this._textureViewHash[source7.uid] = null; this._bindGroupHash[source7.uid] = null; this.onSourceUnload(source7); this.initSource(source7); } } _initSampler(sampler) { this._gpuSamplers[sampler._resourceId] = this._gpu.device.createSampler(sampler); return this._gpuSamplers[sampler._resourceId]; } getGpuSampler(sampler) { return this._gpuSamplers[sampler._resourceId] || this._initSampler(sampler); } getGpuSource(source7) { return this._gpuSources[source7.uid] || this.initSource(source7); } /** * this returns s bind group for a specific texture, the bind group contains * - the texture source * - the texture style * - the texture matrix * This is cached so the bind group should only be created once per texture * @param texture - the texture you want the bindgroup for * @returns the bind group for the texture */ getTextureBindGroup(texture) { return this._bindGroupHash[texture.uid] ?? this._createTextureBindGroup(texture); } _createTextureBindGroup(texture) { const source7 = texture.source; this._bindGroupHash[texture.uid] = new BindGroup({ 0: source7, 1: source7.style, 2: new UniformGroup({ uTextureMatrix: { type: "mat3x3", value: texture.textureMatrix.mapCoord } }) }); return this._bindGroupHash[texture.uid]; } getTextureView(texture) { const source7 = texture.source; return this._textureViewHash[source7.uid] ?? this._createTextureView(source7); } _createTextureView(texture) { this._textureViewHash[texture.uid] = this.getGpuSource(texture).createView(); return this._textureViewHash[texture.uid]; } generateCanvas(texture) { const renderer = this._renderer; const commandEncoder = renderer.gpu.device.createCommandEncoder(); const canvas2 = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(); canvas2.width = texture.source.pixelWidth; canvas2.height = texture.source.pixelHeight; const context2 = canvas2.getContext("webgpu"); context2.configure({ device: renderer.gpu.device, // eslint-disable-next-line max-len usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC, format: DOMAdapter.get().getNavigator().gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat(), alphaMode: "premultiplied" }); commandEncoder.copyTextureToTexture({ texture: renderer.texture.getGpuSource(texture.source), origin: { x: 0, y: 0 } }, { texture: context2.getCurrentTexture() }, { width: canvas2.width, height: canvas2.height }); renderer.gpu.device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]); return canvas2; } getPixels(texture) { const webGPUCanvas = this.generateCanvas(texture); const canvasAndContext = CanvasPool.getOptimalCanvasAndContext(webGPUCanvas.width, webGPUCanvas.height); const context2 = canvasAndContext.context; context2.drawImage(webGPUCanvas, 0, 0); const { width, height } = webGPUCanvas; const imageData = context2.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); const pixels = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); CanvasPool.returnCanvasAndContext(canvasAndContext); return { pixels, width, height }; } destroy() { this.managedTextures.slice().forEach((source7) => this.onSourceDestroy(source7)); this.managedTextures = null; for (const k2 of Object.keys(this._bindGroupHash)) { const key = Number(k2); const bindGroup = this._bindGroupHash[key]; bindGroup?.destroy(); this._bindGroupHash[key] = null; } this._gpu = null; this._mipmapGenerator = null; this._gpuSources = null; this._bindGroupHash = null; this._textureViewHash = null; this._gpuSamplers = null; } }; GpuTextureSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "texture" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/WebGPURenderer.mjs var WebGPURenderer_exports = {}; __export(WebGPURenderer_exports, { WebGPURenderer: () => WebGPURenderer }); var DefaultWebGPUSystems, DefaultWebGPUPipes, DefaultWebGPUAdapters, systems, renderPipes, renderPipeAdaptors, WebGPURenderer; var init_WebGPURenderer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/WebGPURenderer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_GpuGraphicsAdaptor(); init_GpuMeshAdapter(); init_GpuBatchAdaptor(); init_AbstractRenderer(); init_SharedSystems(); init_types2(); init_BindGroupSystem(); init_GpuBufferSystem(); init_GpuColorMaskSystem(); init_GpuDeviceSystem(); init_GpuEncoderSystem(); init_GpuStencilSystem(); init_GpuUboSystem(); init_GpuUniformBatchPipe(); init_PipelineSystem(); init_GpuRenderTargetSystem(); init_GpuShaderSystem(); init_GpuStateSystem(); init_GpuTextureSystem(); DefaultWebGPUSystems = [ ...SharedSystems, GpuUboSystem, GpuEncoderSystem, GpuDeviceSystem, GpuBufferSystem, GpuTextureSystem, GpuRenderTargetSystem, GpuShaderSystem, GpuStateSystem, PipelineSystem, GpuColorMaskSystem, GpuStencilSystem, BindGroupSystem ]; DefaultWebGPUPipes = [...SharedRenderPipes, GpuUniformBatchPipe]; DefaultWebGPUAdapters = [GpuBatchAdaptor, GpuMeshAdapter, GpuGraphicsAdaptor]; systems = []; renderPipes = []; renderPipeAdaptors = []; extensions.handleByNamedList(ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem, systems); extensions.handleByNamedList(ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, renderPipes); extensions.handleByNamedList(ExtensionType.WebGPUPipesAdaptor, renderPipeAdaptors); extensions.add(...DefaultWebGPUSystems, ...DefaultWebGPUPipes, ...DefaultWebGPUAdapters); WebGPURenderer = class extends AbstractRenderer { constructor() { const systemConfig = { name: "webgpu", type: RendererType.WEBGPU, systems, renderPipes, renderPipeAdaptors }; super(systemConfig); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/gl/GlGraphicsAdaptor.mjs var GlGraphicsAdaptor; var init_GlGraphicsAdaptor = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/gl/GlGraphicsAdaptor.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Matrix(); init_maxRecommendedTextures(); init_compileHighShaderToProgram(); init_colorBit(); init_generateTextureBatchBit(); init_localUniformBit(); init_roundPixelsBit(); init_getBatchSamplersUniformGroup(); init_Shader(); init_UniformGroup(); GlGraphicsAdaptor = class { init() { const uniforms = new UniformGroup({ uColor: { value: new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), type: "vec4" }, uTransformMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uRound: { value: 0, type: "f32" } }); const maxTextures2 = getMaxTexturesPerBatch(); const glProgram3 = compileHighShaderGlProgram({ name: "graphics", bits: [ colorBitGl, generateTextureBatchBitGl(maxTextures2), localUniformBitGl, roundPixelsBitGl ] }); this.shader = new Shader({ glProgram: glProgram3, resources: { localUniforms: uniforms, batchSamplers: getBatchSamplersUniformGroup(maxTextures2) } }); } execute(graphicsPipe, renderable) { const context2 = renderable.context; const shader = context2.customShader || this.shader; const renderer = graphicsPipe.renderer; const contextSystem = renderer.graphicsContext; const { batcher, instructions } = contextSystem.getContextRenderData(context2); shader.groups[0] = renderer.globalUniforms.bindGroup; renderer.state.set(graphicsPipe.state); renderer.shader.bind(shader); renderer.geometry.bind(batcher.geometry, shader.glProgram); const batches = instructions.instructions; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < instructions.instructionSize; i3++) { const batch = batches[i3]; if (batch.size) { for (let j2 = 0; j2 < batch.textures.count; j2++) { renderer.texture.bind(batch.textures.textures[j2], j2); } renderer.geometry.draw("triangle-list", batch.size, batch.start); } } } destroy() { this.shader.destroy(true); this.shader = null; } }; GlGraphicsAdaptor.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipesAdaptor ], name: "graphics" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/gl/GlMeshAdaptor.mjs var GlMeshAdaptor; var init_GlMeshAdaptor = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/gl/GlMeshAdaptor.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Matrix(); init_compileHighShaderToProgram(); init_localUniformBit(); init_roundPixelsBit(); init_textureBit(); init_Shader(); init_Texture(); init_warn(); GlMeshAdaptor = class { init() { const glProgram3 = compileHighShaderGlProgram({ name: "mesh", bits: [ localUniformBitGl, textureBitGl, roundPixelsBitGl ] }); this._shader = new Shader({ glProgram: glProgram3, resources: { uTexture: Texture.EMPTY.source, textureUniforms: { uTextureMatrix: { type: "mat3x3", value: new Matrix() } } } }); } execute(meshPipe, mesh) { const renderer = meshPipe.renderer; let shader = mesh._shader; if (!shader) { shader = this._shader; const texture = mesh.texture; const source7 = texture.source; shader.resources.uTexture = source7; shader.resources.uSampler = source7.style; shader.resources.textureUniforms.uniforms.uTextureMatrix = texture.textureMatrix.mapCoord; } else if (!shader.glProgram) { warn("Mesh shader has no glProgram", mesh.shader); return; } shader.groups[100] = renderer.globalUniforms.bindGroup; shader.groups[101] = meshPipe.localUniformsBindGroup; renderer.encoder.draw({ geometry: mesh._geometry, shader, state: mesh.state }); } destroy() { this._shader.destroy(true); this._shader = null; } }; GlMeshAdaptor.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipesAdaptor ], name: "mesh" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gl/GlBatchAdaptor.mjs var GlBatchAdaptor; var init_GlBatchAdaptor = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gl/GlBatchAdaptor.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_State(); GlBatchAdaptor = class { constructor() { this._didUpload = false; this._tempState = State.for2d(); } init(batcherPipe) { batcherPipe.renderer.runners.contextChange.add(this); } contextChange() { this._didUpload = false; } start(batchPipe, geometry, shader) { const renderer = batchPipe.renderer; renderer.shader.bind(shader, this._didUpload); renderer.shader.updateUniformGroup(renderer.globalUniforms.uniformGroup); renderer.geometry.bind(geometry, shader.glProgram); } execute(batchPipe, batch) { const renderer = batchPipe.renderer; this._didUpload = true; this._tempState.blendMode = batch.blendMode; renderer.state.set(this._tempState); const textures = batch.textures.textures; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < batch.textures.count; i3++) { renderer.texture.bind(textures[i3], i3); } renderer.geometry.draw("triangle-list", batch.size, batch.start); } }; GlBatchAdaptor.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLPipesAdaptor ], name: "batch" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/buffer/const.mjs var BUFFER_TYPE; var init_const9 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/buffer/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; BUFFER_TYPE = /* @__PURE__ */ ((BUFFER_TYPE2) => { BUFFER_TYPE2[BUFFER_TYPE2["ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"] = 34963] = "ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"; BUFFER_TYPE2[BUFFER_TYPE2["ARRAY_BUFFER"] = 34962] = "ARRAY_BUFFER"; BUFFER_TYPE2[BUFFER_TYPE2["UNIFORM_BUFFER"] = 35345] = "UNIFORM_BUFFER"; return BUFFER_TYPE2; })(BUFFER_TYPE || {}); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/buffer/GlBuffer.mjs var GlBuffer; var init_GlBuffer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/buffer/GlBuffer.mjs"() { "use strict"; GlBuffer = class { constructor(buffer, type) { this.buffer = buffer || null; this.updateID = -1; this.byteLength = -1; this.type = type; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/buffer/GlBufferSystem.mjs var GlBufferSystem; var init_GlBufferSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/buffer/GlBufferSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_const4(); init_const9(); init_GlBuffer(); GlBufferSystem = class { /** * @param {Renderer} renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(renderer) { this._gpuBuffers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._boundBufferBases = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_gpuBuffers"); } /** * @ignore */ destroy() { this._renderer = null; this._gl = null; this._gpuBuffers = null; this._boundBufferBases = null; } /** Sets up the renderer context and necessary buffers. */ contextChange() { this._gpuBuffers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._gl = this._renderer.gl; } getGlBuffer(buffer) { return this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid] || this.createGLBuffer(buffer); } /** * This binds specified buffer. On first run, it will create the webGL buffers for the context too * @param buffer - the buffer to bind to the renderer */ bind(buffer) { const { _gl: gl } = this; const glBuffer = this.getGlBuffer(buffer); gl.bindBuffer(glBuffer.type, glBuffer.buffer); } /** * Binds an uniform buffer to at the given index. * * A cache is used so a buffer will not be bound again if already bound. * @param buffer - the buffer to bind * @param index - the base index to bind it to. */ bindBufferBase(buffer, index) { const { _gl: gl } = this; if (this._boundBufferBases[index] !== buffer) { const glBuffer = this.getGlBuffer(buffer); this._boundBufferBases[index] = buffer; gl.bindBufferBase(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, index, glBuffer.buffer); } } /** * Binds a buffer whilst also binding its range. * This will make the buffer start from the offset supplied rather than 0 when it is read. * @param buffer - the buffer to bind * @param index - the base index to bind at, defaults to 0 * @param offset - the offset to bind at (this is blocks of 256). 0 = 0, 1 = 256, 2 = 512 etc */ bindBufferRange(buffer, index, offset) { const { _gl: gl } = this; offset = offset || 0; const glBuffer = this.getGlBuffer(buffer); gl.bindBufferRange(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, index || 0, glBuffer.buffer, offset * 256, 256); } /** * Will ensure the data in the buffer is uploaded to the GPU. * @param {Buffer} buffer - the buffer to update */ updateBuffer(buffer) { const { _gl: gl } = this; const glBuffer = this.getGlBuffer(buffer); if (buffer._updateID === glBuffer.updateID) { return glBuffer; } glBuffer.updateID = buffer._updateID; gl.bindBuffer(glBuffer.type, glBuffer.buffer); const data = buffer.data; if (glBuffer.byteLength >= buffer.data.byteLength) { gl.bufferSubData(glBuffer.type, 0, data, 0, buffer._updateSize / data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); } else { const drawType = buffer.descriptor.usage & BufferUsage.STATIC ? gl.STATIC_DRAW : gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW; glBuffer.byteLength = data.byteLength; gl.bufferData(glBuffer.type, data, drawType); } return glBuffer; } /** dispose all WebGL resources of all managed buffers */ destroyAll() { const gl = this._gl; for (const id3 in this._gpuBuffers) { gl.deleteBuffer(this._gpuBuffers[id3].buffer); } this._gpuBuffers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } /** * Disposes buffer * @param {Buffer} buffer - buffer with data * @param {boolean} [contextLost=false] - If context was lost, we suppress deleteVertexArray */ onBufferDestroy(buffer, contextLost) { const glBuffer = this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid]; const gl = this._gl; if (!contextLost) { gl.deleteBuffer(glBuffer.buffer); } this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid] = null; } /** * creates and attaches a GLBuffer object tied to the current context. * @param buffer * @protected */ createGLBuffer(buffer) { const { _gl: gl } = this; let type = BUFFER_TYPE.ARRAY_BUFFER; if (buffer.descriptor.usage & BufferUsage.INDEX) { type = BUFFER_TYPE.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER; } else if (buffer.descriptor.usage & BufferUsage.UNIFORM) { type = BUFFER_TYPE.UNIFORM_BUFFER; } const glBuffer = new GlBuffer(gl.createBuffer(), type); this._gpuBuffers[buffer.uid] = glBuffer; buffer.on("destroy", this.onBufferDestroy, this); return glBuffer; } }; GlBufferSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "buffer" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/context/GlContextSystem.mjs var _GlContextSystem, GlContextSystem; var init_GlContextSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/context/GlContextSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_warn(); _GlContextSystem = class _GlContextSystem2 { /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(renderer) { this.supports = { /** Support for 32-bit indices buffer. */ uint32Indices: true, /** Support for UniformBufferObjects */ uniformBufferObject: true, /** Support for VertexArrayObjects */ vertexArrayObject: true, /** Support for SRGB texture format */ srgbTextures: true, /** Support for wrapping modes if a texture is non-power of two */ nonPowOf2wrapping: true, /** Support for MSAA (antialiasing of dynamic textures) */ msaa: true, /** Support for mipmaps if a texture is non-power of two */ nonPowOf2mipmaps: true }; this._renderer = renderer; this.extensions = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.handleContextLost = this.handleContextLost.bind(this); this.handleContextRestored = this.handleContextRestored.bind(this); } /** * `true` if the context is lost * @readonly */ get isLost() { return !this.gl || this.gl.isContextLost(); } /** * Handles the context change event. * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - New WebGL context. */ contextChange(gl) { this.gl = gl; this._renderer.gl = gl; } init(options) { options = { ..._GlContextSystem2.defaultOptions, ...options }; let multiView = this.multiView = options.multiView; if (options.context && multiView) { warn("Renderer created with both a context and multiview enabled. Disabling multiView as both cannot work together."); multiView = false; } if (multiView) { this.canvas = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(this._renderer.canvas.width, this._renderer.canvas.height); } else { this.canvas = this._renderer.view.canvas; } if (options.context) { this.initFromContext(options.context); } else { const alpha = this._renderer.background.alpha < 1; const premultipliedAlpha = options.premultipliedAlpha ?? true; const antialias = options.antialias && !this._renderer.backBuffer.useBackBuffer; this.createContext(options.preferWebGLVersion, { alpha, premultipliedAlpha, antialias, stencil: true, preserveDrawingBuffer: options.preserveDrawingBuffer, powerPreference: options.powerPreference ?? "default" }); } } ensureCanvasSize(targetCanvas) { if (!this.multiView) { if (targetCanvas !== this.canvas) { warn("multiView is disabled, but targetCanvas is not the main canvas"); } return; } const { canvas: canvas2 } = this; if (canvas2.width < targetCanvas.width || canvas2.height < targetCanvas.height) { canvas2.width = Math.max(targetCanvas.width, targetCanvas.width); canvas2.height = Math.max(targetCanvas.height, targetCanvas.height); } } /** * Initializes the context. * @protected * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - WebGL context */ initFromContext(gl) { this.gl = gl; this.webGLVersion = gl instanceof DOMAdapter.get().getWebGLRenderingContext() ? 1 : 2; this.getExtensions(); this.validateContext(gl); this._renderer.runners.contextChange.emit(gl); const element = this._renderer.view.canvas; element.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", this.handleContextLost, false); element.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored", this.handleContextRestored, false); } /** * Initialize from context options * @protected * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/getContext * @param preferWebGLVersion * @param {object} options - context attributes */ createContext(preferWebGLVersion, options) { let gl; const canvas2 = this.canvas; if (preferWebGLVersion === 2) { gl = canvas2.getContext("webgl2", options); } if (!gl) { gl = canvas2.getContext("webgl", options); if (!gl) { throw new Error("This browser does not support WebGL. Try using the canvas renderer"); } } this.gl = gl; this.initFromContext(this.gl); } /** Auto-populate the {@link GlContextSystem.extensions extensions}. */ getExtensions() { const { gl } = this; const common = { anisotropicFiltering: gl.getExtension("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"), floatTextureLinear: gl.getExtension("OES_texture_float_linear"), s3tc: gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc"), s3tc_sRGB: gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb"), // eslint-disable-line camelcase etc: gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc"), etc1: gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1"), pvrtc: gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc") || gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc"), atc: gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc"), astc: gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc"), bptc: gl.getExtension("EXT_texture_compression_bptc"), rgtc: gl.getExtension("EXT_texture_compression_rgtc"), loseContext: gl.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context") }; if (this.webGLVersion === 1) { this.extensions = { ...common, drawBuffers: gl.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers"), depthTexture: gl.getExtension("WEBGL_depth_texture"), vertexArrayObject: gl.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object") || gl.getExtension("MOZ_OES_vertex_array_object") || gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_OES_vertex_array_object"), uint32ElementIndex: gl.getExtension("OES_element_index_uint"), // Floats and half-floats floatTexture: gl.getExtension("OES_texture_float"), floatTextureLinear: gl.getExtension("OES_texture_float_linear"), textureHalfFloat: gl.getExtension("OES_texture_half_float"), textureHalfFloatLinear: gl.getExtension("OES_texture_half_float_linear"), vertexAttribDivisorANGLE: gl.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays"), srgb: gl.getExtension("EXT_sRGB") }; } else { this.extensions = { ...common, colorBufferFloat: gl.getExtension("EXT_color_buffer_float") }; const provokeExt = gl.getExtension("WEBGL_provoking_vertex"); if (provokeExt) { provokeExt.provokingVertexWEBGL(provokeExt.FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_WEBGL); } } } /** * Handles a lost webgl context * @param {WebGLContextEvent} event - The context lost event. */ handleContextLost(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this._contextLossForced) { this._contextLossForced = false; setTimeout(() => { if (this.gl.isContextLost()) { this.extensions.loseContext?.restoreContext(); } }, 0); } } /** Handles a restored webgl context. */ handleContextRestored() { this._renderer.runners.contextChange.emit(this.gl); } destroy() { const element = this._renderer.view.canvas; this._renderer = null; element.removeEventListener("webglcontextlost", this.handleContextLost); element.removeEventListener("webglcontextrestored", this.handleContextRestored); this.gl.useProgram(null); this.extensions.loseContext?.loseContext(); } /** * this function can be called to force a webGL context loss * this will release all resources on the GPU. * Useful if you need to put Pixi to sleep, and save some GPU memory * * As soon as render is called - all resources will be created again. */ forceContextLoss() { this.extensions.loseContext?.loseContext(); this._contextLossForced = true; } /** * Validate context. * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - Render context. */ validateContext(gl) { const attributes = gl.getContextAttributes(); if (attributes && !attributes.stencil) { warn("Provided WebGL context does not have a stencil buffer, masks may not render correctly"); } const supports = this.supports; const isWebGl2 = this.webGLVersion === 2; const extensions3 = this.extensions; supports.uint32Indices = isWebGl2 || !!extensions3.uint32ElementIndex; supports.uniformBufferObject = isWebGl2; supports.vertexArrayObject = isWebGl2 || !!extensions3.vertexArrayObject; supports.srgbTextures = isWebGl2 || !!extensions3.srgb; supports.nonPowOf2wrapping = isWebGl2; supports.nonPowOf2mipmaps = isWebGl2; supports.msaa = isWebGl2; if (!supports.uint32Indices) { warn("Provided WebGL context does not support 32 index buffer, large scenes may not render correctly"); } } }; _GlContextSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "context" }; _GlContextSystem.defaultOptions = { /** * {@link WebGLOptions.context} * @default null */ context: null, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.premultipliedAlpha} * @default true */ premultipliedAlpha: true, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.preserveDrawingBuffer} * @default false */ preserveDrawingBuffer: false, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.powerPreference} * @default default */ powerPreference: void 0, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.webGLVersion} * @default 2 */ preferWebGLVersion: 2, /** * {@link WebGLOptions.multiView} * @default false */ multiView: false }; GlContextSystem = _GlContextSystem; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/const.mjs var GL_FORMATS, GL_TARGETS, GL_WRAP_MODES, GL_TYPES; var init_const10 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; GL_FORMATS = /* @__PURE__ */ ((GL_FORMATS2) => { GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["RGBA"] = 6408] = "RGBA"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["RGB"] = 6407] = "RGB"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["RG"] = 33319] = "RG"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["RED"] = 6403] = "RED"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["RGBA_INTEGER"] = 36249] = "RGBA_INTEGER"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["RGB_INTEGER"] = 36248] = "RGB_INTEGER"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["RG_INTEGER"] = 33320] = "RG_INTEGER"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["RED_INTEGER"] = 36244] = "RED_INTEGER"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["ALPHA"] = 6406] = "ALPHA"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["LUMINANCE"] = 6409] = "LUMINANCE"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["LUMINANCE_ALPHA"] = 6410] = "LUMINANCE_ALPHA"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["DEPTH_COMPONENT"] = 6402] = "DEPTH_COMPONENT"; GL_FORMATS2[GL_FORMATS2["DEPTH_STENCIL"] = 34041] = "DEPTH_STENCIL"; return GL_FORMATS2; })(GL_FORMATS || {}); GL_TARGETS = /* @__PURE__ */ ((GL_TARGETS2) => { GL_TARGETS2[GL_TARGETS2["TEXTURE_2D"] = 3553] = "TEXTURE_2D"; GL_TARGETS2[GL_TARGETS2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP"] = 34067] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP"; GL_TARGETS2[GL_TARGETS2["TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY"] = 35866] = "TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY"; GL_TARGETS2[GL_TARGETS2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X"] = 34069] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X"; GL_TARGETS2[GL_TARGETS2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X"] = 34070] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X"; GL_TARGETS2[GL_TARGETS2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y"] = 34071] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y"; GL_TARGETS2[GL_TARGETS2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y"] = 34072] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y"; GL_TARGETS2[GL_TARGETS2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z"] = 34073] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z"; GL_TARGETS2[GL_TARGETS2["TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z"] = 34074] = "TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z"; return GL_TARGETS2; })(GL_TARGETS || {}); GL_WRAP_MODES = /* @__PURE__ */ ((GL_WRAP_MODES2) => { GL_WRAP_MODES2[GL_WRAP_MODES2["CLAMP"] = 33071] = "CLAMP"; GL_WRAP_MODES2[GL_WRAP_MODES2["REPEAT"] = 10497] = "REPEAT"; GL_WRAP_MODES2[GL_WRAP_MODES2["MIRRORED_REPEAT"] = 33648] = "MIRRORED_REPEAT"; return GL_WRAP_MODES2; })(GL_WRAP_MODES || {}); GL_TYPES = /* @__PURE__ */ ((GL_TYPES2) => { GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["UNSIGNED_BYTE"] = 5121] = "UNSIGNED_BYTE"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["UNSIGNED_SHORT"] = 5123] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5"] = 33635] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4"] = 32819] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1"] = 32820] = "UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["UNSIGNED_INT"] = 5125] = "UNSIGNED_INT"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV"] = 35899] = "UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV"] = 33640] = "UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["UNSIGNED_INT_24_8"] = 34042] = "UNSIGNED_INT_24_8"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV"] = 35902] = "UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["BYTE"] = 5120] = "BYTE"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["SHORT"] = 5122] = "SHORT"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["INT"] = 5124] = "INT"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["FLOAT"] = 5126] = "FLOAT"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV"] = 36269] = "FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV"; GL_TYPES2[GL_TYPES2["HALF_FLOAT"] = 36193] = "HALF_FLOAT"; return GL_TYPES2; })(GL_TYPES || {}); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/geometry/utils/getGlTypeFromFormat.mjs function getGlTypeFromFormat(format) { return infoMap[format] ?? infoMap.float32; } var infoMap; var init_getGlTypeFromFormat = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/geometry/utils/getGlTypeFromFormat.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const10(); infoMap = { uint8x2: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_BYTE, uint8x4: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_BYTE, sint8x2: GL_TYPES.BYTE, sint8x4: GL_TYPES.BYTE, unorm8x2: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_BYTE, unorm8x4: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_BYTE, snorm8x2: GL_TYPES.BYTE, snorm8x4: GL_TYPES.BYTE, uint16x2: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_SHORT, uint16x4: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_SHORT, sint16x2: GL_TYPES.SHORT, sint16x4: GL_TYPES.SHORT, unorm16x2: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_SHORT, unorm16x4: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_SHORT, snorm16x2: GL_TYPES.SHORT, snorm16x4: GL_TYPES.SHORT, float16x2: GL_TYPES.HALF_FLOAT, float16x4: GL_TYPES.HALF_FLOAT, float32: GL_TYPES.FLOAT, float32x2: GL_TYPES.FLOAT, float32x3: GL_TYPES.FLOAT, float32x4: GL_TYPES.FLOAT, uint32: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_INT, uint32x2: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_INT, uint32x3: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_INT, uint32x4: GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_INT, sint32: GL_TYPES.INT, sint32x2: GL_TYPES.INT, sint32x3: GL_TYPES.INT, sint32x4: GL_TYPES.INT }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/geometry/GlGeometrySystem.mjs var topologyToGlMap, GlGeometrySystem; var init_GlGeometrySystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/geometry/GlGeometrySystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_getAttributeInfoFromFormat(); init_ensureAttributes(); init_getGlTypeFromFormat(); topologyToGlMap = { "point-list": 0, "line-list": 1, "line-strip": 3, "triangle-list": 4, "triangle-strip": 5 }; GlGeometrySystem = class { /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(renderer) { this._geometryVaoHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._renderer = renderer; this._activeGeometry = null; this._activeVao = null; this.hasVao = true; this.hasInstance = true; this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_geometryVaoHash"); } /** Sets up the renderer context and necessary buffers. */ contextChange() { const gl = this.gl = this._renderer.gl; if (!this._renderer.context.supports.vertexArrayObject) { throw new Error("[PixiJS] Vertex Array Objects are not supported on this device"); } const nativeVaoExtension = this._renderer.context.extensions.vertexArrayObject; if (nativeVaoExtension) { gl.createVertexArray = () => nativeVaoExtension.createVertexArrayOES(); gl.bindVertexArray = (vao) => nativeVaoExtension.bindVertexArrayOES(vao); gl.deleteVertexArray = (vao) => nativeVaoExtension.deleteVertexArrayOES(vao); } const nativeInstancedExtension = this._renderer.context.extensions.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE; if (nativeInstancedExtension) { gl.drawArraysInstanced = (a2, b2, c2, d2) => { nativeInstancedExtension.drawArraysInstancedANGLE(a2, b2, c2, d2); }; gl.drawElementsInstanced = (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2) => { nativeInstancedExtension.drawElementsInstancedANGLE(a2, b2, c2, d2, e2); }; gl.vertexAttribDivisor = (a2, b2) => nativeInstancedExtension.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE(a2, b2); } this._activeGeometry = null; this._activeVao = null; this._geometryVaoHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } /** * Binds geometry so that is can be drawn. Creating a Vao if required * @param geometry - Instance of geometry to bind. * @param program - Instance of program to use vao for. */ bind(geometry, program) { const gl = this.gl; this._activeGeometry = geometry; const vao = this.getVao(geometry, program); if (this._activeVao !== vao) { this._activeVao = vao; gl.bindVertexArray(vao); } this.updateBuffers(); } /** Reset and unbind any active VAO and geometry. */ reset() { this.unbind(); } /** Update buffers of the currently bound geometry. */ updateBuffers() { const geometry = this._activeGeometry; const bufferSystem = this._renderer.buffer; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < geometry.buffers.length; i3++) { const buffer = geometry.buffers[i3]; bufferSystem.updateBuffer(buffer); } } /** * Check compatibility between a geometry and a program * @param geometry - Geometry instance. * @param program - Program instance. */ checkCompatibility(geometry, program) { const geometryAttributes = geometry.attributes; const shaderAttributes = program._attributeData; for (const j2 in shaderAttributes) { if (!geometryAttributes[j2]) { throw new Error(`shader and geometry incompatible, geometry missing the "${j2}" attribute`); } } } /** * Takes a geometry and program and generates a unique signature for them. * @param geometry - To get signature from. * @param program - To test geometry against. * @returns - Unique signature of the geometry and program */ getSignature(geometry, program) { const attribs = geometry.attributes; const shaderAttributes = program._attributeData; const strings = ["g", geometry.uid]; for (const i3 in attribs) { if (shaderAttributes[i3]) { strings.push(i3, shaderAttributes[i3].location); } } return strings.join("-"); } getVao(geometry, program) { return this._geometryVaoHash[geometry.uid]?.[program._key] || this.initGeometryVao(geometry, program); } /** * Creates or gets Vao with the same structure as the geometry and stores it on the geometry. * If vao is created, it is bound automatically. We use a shader to infer what and how to set up the * attribute locations. * @param geometry - Instance of geometry to to generate Vao for. * @param program * @param _incRefCount - Increment refCount of all geometry buffers. */ initGeometryVao(geometry, program, _incRefCount = true) { const gl = this._renderer.gl; const bufferSystem = this._renderer.buffer; this._renderer.shader._getProgramData(program); this.checkCompatibility(geometry, program); const signature = this.getSignature(geometry, program); if (!this._geometryVaoHash[geometry.uid]) { this._geometryVaoHash[geometry.uid] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); geometry.on("destroy", this.onGeometryDestroy, this); } const vaoObjectHash = this._geometryVaoHash[geometry.uid]; let vao = vaoObjectHash[signature]; if (vao) { vaoObjectHash[program._key] = vao; return vao; } ensureAttributes(geometry, program._attributeData); const buffers = geometry.buffers; vao = gl.createVertexArray(); gl.bindVertexArray(vao); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < buffers.length; i3++) { const buffer = buffers[i3]; bufferSystem.bind(buffer); } this.activateVao(geometry, program); vaoObjectHash[program._key] = vao; vaoObjectHash[signature] = vao; gl.bindVertexArray(null); return vao; } /** * Disposes geometry. * @param geometry - Geometry with buffers. Only VAO will be disposed * @param [contextLost=false] - If context was lost, we suppress deleteVertexArray */ onGeometryDestroy(geometry, contextLost) { const vaoObjectHash = this._geometryVaoHash[geometry.uid]; const gl = this.gl; if (vaoObjectHash) { if (contextLost) { for (const i3 in vaoObjectHash) { if (this._activeVao !== vaoObjectHash[i3]) { this.unbind(); } gl.deleteVertexArray(vaoObjectHash[i3]); } } this._geometryVaoHash[geometry.uid] = null; } } /** * Dispose all WebGL resources of all managed geometries. * @param [contextLost=false] - If context was lost, we suppress `gl.delete` calls */ destroyAll(contextLost = false) { const gl = this.gl; for (const i3 in this._geometryVaoHash) { if (contextLost) { for (const j2 in this._geometryVaoHash[i3]) { const vaoObjectHash = this._geometryVaoHash[i3]; if (this._activeVao !== vaoObjectHash) { this.unbind(); } gl.deleteVertexArray(vaoObjectHash[j2]); } } this._geometryVaoHash[i3] = null; } } /** * Activate vertex array object. * @param geometry - Geometry instance. * @param program - Shader program instance. */ activateVao(geometry, program) { const gl = this._renderer.gl; const bufferSystem = this._renderer.buffer; const attributes = geometry.attributes; if (geometry.indexBuffer) { bufferSystem.bind(geometry.indexBuffer); } let lastBuffer = null; for (const j2 in attributes) { const attribute = attributes[j2]; const buffer = attribute.buffer; const glBuffer = bufferSystem.getGlBuffer(buffer); const programAttrib = program._attributeData[j2]; if (programAttrib) { if (lastBuffer !== glBuffer) { bufferSystem.bind(buffer); lastBuffer = glBuffer; } const location = programAttrib.location; gl.enableVertexAttribArray(location); const attributeInfo = getAttributeInfoFromFormat(attribute.format); const type = getGlTypeFromFormat(attribute.format); if (programAttrib.format?.substring(1, 4) === "int") { gl.vertexAttribIPointer( location, attributeInfo.size, type, attribute.stride, attribute.offset ); } else { gl.vertexAttribPointer( location, attributeInfo.size, type, attributeInfo.normalised, attribute.stride, attribute.offset ); } if (attribute.instance) { if (this.hasInstance) { const divisor = attribute.divisor ?? 1; gl.vertexAttribDivisor(location, divisor); } else { throw new Error("geometry error, GPU Instancing is not supported on this device"); } } } } } /** * Draws the currently bound geometry. * @param topology - The type primitive to render. * @param size - The number of elements to be rendered. If not specified, all vertices after the * starting vertex will be drawn. * @param start - The starting vertex in the geometry to start drawing from. If not specified, * drawing will start from the first vertex. * @param instanceCount - The number of instances of the set of elements to execute. If not specified, * all instances will be drawn. */ draw(topology, size, start, instanceCount) { const { gl } = this._renderer; const geometry = this._activeGeometry; const glTopology = topologyToGlMap[geometry.topology || topology]; instanceCount || (instanceCount = geometry.instanceCount); if (geometry.indexBuffer) { const byteSize = geometry.indexBuffer.data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const glType = byteSize === 2 ? gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT : gl.UNSIGNED_INT; if (instanceCount > 1) { gl.drawElementsInstanced(glTopology, size || geometry.indexBuffer.data.length, glType, (start || 0) * byteSize, instanceCount); } else { gl.drawElements(glTopology, size || geometry.indexBuffer.data.length, glType, (start || 0) * byteSize); } } else if (instanceCount > 1) { gl.drawArraysInstanced(glTopology, start || 0, size || geometry.getSize(), instanceCount); } else { gl.drawArrays(glTopology, start || 0, size || geometry.getSize()); } return this; } /** Unbind/reset everything. */ unbind() { this.gl.bindVertexArray(null); this._activeVao = null; this._activeGeometry = null; } destroy() { this._renderer = null; this.gl = null; this._activeVao = null; this._activeGeometry = null; } }; GlGeometrySystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "geometry" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlBackBufferSystem.mjs var bigTriangleGeometry, _GlBackBufferSystem, GlBackBufferSystem; var init_GlBackBufferSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlBackBufferSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_warn(); init_Geometry(); init_Shader(); init_State(); init_TextureSource(); init_Texture(); init_GlProgram(); bigTriangleGeometry = new Geometry({ attributes: { aPosition: [ -1, -1, // Bottom left corner 3, -1, // Bottom right corner, extending beyond right edge -1, 3 // Top left corner, extending beyond top edge ] } }); _GlBackBufferSystem = class _GlBackBufferSystem2 { constructor(renderer) { this.useBackBuffer = false; this._useBackBufferThisRender = false; this._renderer = renderer; } init(options = {}) { const { useBackBuffer, antialias } = { ..._GlBackBufferSystem2.defaultOptions, ...options }; this.useBackBuffer = useBackBuffer; this._antialias = antialias; if (!this._renderer.context.supports.msaa) { warn("antialiasing, is not supported on when using the back buffer"); this._antialias = false; } this._state = State.for2d(); const bigTriangleProgram = new GlProgram({ vertex: ` attribute vec2 aPosition; out vec2 vUv; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0.0, 1.0); vUv = (aPosition + 1.0) / 2.0; // flip dem UVs vUv.y = 1.0 - vUv.y; }`, fragment: ` in vec2 vUv; out vec4 finalColor; uniform sampler2D uTexture; void main() { finalColor = texture(uTexture, vUv); }`, name: "big-triangle" }); this._bigTriangleShader = new Shader({ glProgram: bigTriangleProgram, resources: { uTexture: Texture.WHITE.source } }); } /** * This is called before the RenderTargetSystem is started. This is where * we replace the target with the back buffer if required. * @param options - The options for this render. */ renderStart(options) { const renderTarget = this._renderer.renderTarget.getRenderTarget(options.target); this._useBackBufferThisRender = this.useBackBuffer && !!renderTarget.isRoot; if (this._useBackBufferThisRender) { const renderTarget2 = this._renderer.renderTarget.getRenderTarget(options.target); this._targetTexture = renderTarget2.colorTexture; options.target = this._getBackBufferTexture(renderTarget2.colorTexture); } } renderEnd() { this._presentBackBuffer(); } _presentBackBuffer() { const renderer = this._renderer; renderer.renderTarget.finishRenderPass(); if (!this._useBackBufferThisRender) return; renderer.renderTarget.bind(this._targetTexture, false); this._bigTriangleShader.resources.uTexture = this._backBufferTexture.source; renderer.encoder.draw({ geometry: bigTriangleGeometry, shader: this._bigTriangleShader, state: this._state }); } _getBackBufferTexture(targetSourceTexture) { this._backBufferTexture = this._backBufferTexture || new Texture({ source: new TextureSource({ width: targetSourceTexture.width, height: targetSourceTexture.height, resolution: targetSourceTexture._resolution, antialias: this._antialias }) }); this._backBufferTexture.source.resize( targetSourceTexture.width, targetSourceTexture.height, targetSourceTexture._resolution ); return this._backBufferTexture; } /** destroys the back buffer */ destroy() { if (this._backBufferTexture) { this._backBufferTexture.destroy(); this._backBufferTexture = null; } } }; _GlBackBufferSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "backBuffer", priority: 1 }; _GlBackBufferSystem.defaultOptions = { /** if true will use the back buffer where required */ useBackBuffer: false }; GlBackBufferSystem = _GlBackBufferSystem; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlColorMaskSystem.mjs var GlColorMaskSystem; var init_GlColorMaskSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlColorMaskSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); GlColorMaskSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._colorMaskCache = 15; this._renderer = renderer; } setMask(colorMask) { if (this._colorMaskCache === colorMask) return; this._colorMaskCache = colorMask; this._renderer.gl.colorMask( !!(colorMask & 8), !!(colorMask & 4), !!(colorMask & 2), !!(colorMask & 1) ); } }; GlColorMaskSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "colorMask" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlEncoderSystem.mjs var GlEncoderSystem; var init_GlEncoderSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlEncoderSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); GlEncoderSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this.commandFinished = Promise.resolve(); this._renderer = renderer; } setGeometry(geometry, shader) { this._renderer.geometry.bind(geometry, shader.glProgram); } finishRenderPass() { } draw(options) { const renderer = this._renderer; const { geometry, shader, state, skipSync, topology: type, size, start, instanceCount } = options; renderer.shader.bind(shader, skipSync); renderer.geometry.bind(geometry, renderer.shader._activeProgram); if (state) { renderer.state.set(state); } renderer.geometry.draw(type, size, start, instanceCount ?? geometry.instanceCount); } destroy() { this._renderer = null; } }; GlEncoderSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "encoder" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlStencilSystem.mjs var GlStencilSystem; var init_GlStencilSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlStencilSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_GpuStencilModesToPixi(); init_const3(); GlStencilSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._stencilCache = { enabled: false, stencilReference: 0, stencilMode: STENCIL_MODES.NONE }; this._renderTargetStencilState = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); renderer.renderTarget.onRenderTargetChange.add(this); } contextChange(gl) { this._gl = gl; this._comparisonFuncMapping = { always: gl.ALWAYS, never: gl.NEVER, equal: gl.EQUAL, "not-equal": gl.NOTEQUAL, less: gl.LESS, "less-equal": gl.LEQUAL, greater: gl.GREATER, "greater-equal": gl.GEQUAL }; this._stencilOpsMapping = { keep: gl.KEEP, zero: gl.ZERO, replace: gl.REPLACE, invert: gl.INVERT, "increment-clamp": gl.INCR, "decrement-clamp": gl.DECR, "increment-wrap": gl.INCR_WRAP, "decrement-wrap": gl.DECR_WRAP }; this._stencilCache.enabled = false; this._stencilCache.stencilMode = STENCIL_MODES.NONE; this._stencilCache.stencilReference = 0; } onRenderTargetChange(renderTarget) { if (this._activeRenderTarget === renderTarget) return; this._activeRenderTarget = renderTarget; let stencilState = this._renderTargetStencilState[renderTarget.uid]; if (!stencilState) { stencilState = this._renderTargetStencilState[renderTarget.uid] = { stencilMode: STENCIL_MODES.DISABLED, stencilReference: 0 }; } this.setStencilMode(stencilState.stencilMode, stencilState.stencilReference); } setStencilMode(stencilMode, stencilReference) { const stencilState = this._renderTargetStencilState[this._activeRenderTarget.uid]; const gl = this._gl; const mode = GpuStencilModesToPixi[stencilMode]; const _stencilCache = this._stencilCache; stencilState.stencilMode = stencilMode; stencilState.stencilReference = stencilReference; if (stencilMode === STENCIL_MODES.DISABLED) { if (this._stencilCache.enabled) { this._stencilCache.enabled = false; gl.disable(gl.STENCIL_TEST); } return; } if (!this._stencilCache.enabled) { this._stencilCache.enabled = true; gl.enable(gl.STENCIL_TEST); } if (stencilMode !== _stencilCache.stencilMode || _stencilCache.stencilReference !== stencilReference) { _stencilCache.stencilMode = stencilMode; _stencilCache.stencilReference = stencilReference; gl.stencilFunc(this._comparisonFuncMapping[mode.stencilBack.compare], stencilReference, 255); gl.stencilOp(gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP, this._stencilOpsMapping[mode.stencilBack.passOp]); } } }; GlStencilSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "stencil" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/utils/createUboElementsSTD40.mjs function createUboElementsSTD40(uniformData) { const uboElements = uniformData.map((data) => ({ data, offset: 0, size: 0 })); let size = 0; let chunkSize = 0; let offset = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < uboElements.length; i3++) { const uboElement = uboElements[i3]; size = WGSL_TO_STD40_SIZE[uboElement.data.type]; if (!size) { throw new Error(`Unknown type ${uboElement.data.type}`); } if (uboElement.data.size > 1) { size = Math.max(size, 16) * uboElement.data.size; } uboElement.size = size; if (chunkSize % size !== 0 && chunkSize < 16) { const lineUpValue = chunkSize % size % 16; chunkSize += lineUpValue; offset += lineUpValue; } if (chunkSize + size > 16) { offset = Math.ceil(offset / 16) * 16; uboElement.offset = offset; offset += size; chunkSize = size; } else { uboElement.offset = offset; chunkSize += size; offset += size; } } offset = Math.ceil(offset / 16) * 16; return { uboElements, size: offset }; } var WGSL_TO_STD40_SIZE; var init_createUboElementsSTD40 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/utils/createUboElementsSTD40.mjs"() { "use strict"; WGSL_TO_STD40_SIZE = { f32: 4, "vec2": 8, "vec3": 12, "vec4": 16, "mat2x2": 16 * 2, "mat3x3": 16 * 3, "mat4x4": 16 * 4 // TODO - not essential for now but support these in the future // int: 4, // ivec2: 8, // ivec3: 12, // ivec4: 16, // uint: 4, // uvec2: 8, // uvec3: 12, // uvec4: 16, // bool: 4, // bvec2: 8, // bvec3: 12, // bvec4: 16, // mat2: 16 * 2, // mat3: 16 * 3, // mat4: 16 * 4, }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/utils/generateArraySyncSTD40.mjs function generateArraySyncSTD40(uboElement, offsetToAdd) { const rowSize = Math.max(WGSL_TO_STD40_SIZE[uboElement.data.type] / 16, 1); const elementSize = uboElement.data.value.length / uboElement.data.size; const remainder = (4 - elementSize % 4) % 4; return ` v = uv.${uboElement.data.name}; offset += ${offsetToAdd}; arrayOffset = offset; t = 0; for(var i=0; i < ${uboElement.data.size * rowSize}; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < ${elementSize}; j++) { data[arrayOffset++] = v[t++]; } ${remainder !== 0 ? `arrayOffset += ${remainder};` : ""} } `; } var init_generateArraySyncSTD40 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/utils/generateArraySyncSTD40.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_createUboElementsSTD40(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/utils/createUboSyncSTD40.mjs function createUboSyncFunctionSTD40(uboElements) { return createUboSyncFunction( uboElements, "uboStd40", generateArraySyncSTD40, uboSyncFunctionsSTD40 ); } var init_createUboSyncSTD40 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/utils/createUboSyncSTD40.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_createUboSyncFunction(); init_uboSyncFunctions(); init_generateArraySyncSTD40(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlUboSystem.mjs var GlUboSystem; var init_GlUboSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlUboSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_UboSystem(); init_createUboElementsSTD40(); init_createUboSyncSTD40(); GlUboSystem = class extends UboSystem { constructor() { super({ createUboElements: createUboElementsSTD40, generateUboSync: createUboSyncFunctionSTD40 }); } }; GlUboSystem.extension = { type: [ExtensionType.WebGLSystem], name: "ubo" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlRenderTarget.mjs var GlRenderTarget; var init_GlRenderTarget = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/GlRenderTarget.mjs"() { "use strict"; GlRenderTarget = class { constructor() { this.width = -1; this.height = -1; this.msaa = false; this.msaaRenderBuffer = []; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/renderTarget/GlRenderTargetAdaptor.mjs var GlRenderTargetAdaptor; var init_GlRenderTargetAdaptor = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/renderTarget/GlRenderTargetAdaptor.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Rectangle(); init_warn(); init_CanvasSource(); init_const7(); init_GlRenderTarget(); GlRenderTargetAdaptor = class { constructor() { this._clearColorCache = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._viewPortCache = new Rectangle(); } init(renderer, renderTargetSystem) { this._renderer = renderer; this._renderTargetSystem = renderTargetSystem; renderer.runners.contextChange.add(this); } contextChange() { this._clearColorCache = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this._viewPortCache = new Rectangle(); } copyToTexture(sourceRenderSurfaceTexture, destinationTexture, originSrc, size, originDest) { const renderTargetSystem = this._renderTargetSystem; const renderer = this._renderer; const glRenderTarget = renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(sourceRenderSurfaceTexture); const gl = renderer.gl; this.finishRenderPass(sourceRenderSurfaceTexture); gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, glRenderTarget.resolveTargetFramebuffer); renderer.texture.bind(destinationTexture, 0); gl.copyTexSubImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, originDest.x, originDest.y, originSrc.x, originSrc.y, size.width, size.height ); return destinationTexture; } startRenderPass(renderTarget, clear = true, clearColor, viewport) { const renderTargetSystem = this._renderTargetSystem; const source7 = renderTarget.colorTexture; const gpuRenderTarget = renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); let viewPortY = viewport.y; if (renderTarget.isRoot) { viewPortY = source7.pixelHeight - viewport.height; } renderTarget.colorTextures.forEach((texture) => { this._renderer.texture.unbind(texture); }); const gl = this._renderer.gl; gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gpuRenderTarget.framebuffer); const viewPortCache = this._viewPortCache; if (viewPortCache.x !== viewport.x || viewPortCache.y !== viewPortY || viewPortCache.width !== viewport.width || viewPortCache.height !== viewport.height) { viewPortCache.x = viewport.x; viewPortCache.y = viewPortY; viewPortCache.width = viewport.width; viewPortCache.height = viewport.height; gl.viewport( viewport.x, viewPortY, viewport.width, viewport.height ); } if (!gpuRenderTarget.depthStencilRenderBuffer && (renderTarget.stencil || renderTarget.depth)) { this._initStencil(gpuRenderTarget); } this.clear(renderTarget, clear, clearColor); } finishRenderPass(renderTarget) { const renderTargetSystem = this._renderTargetSystem; const glRenderTarget = renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); if (!glRenderTarget.msaa) return; const gl = this._renderer.gl; gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, glRenderTarget.resolveTargetFramebuffer); gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, glRenderTarget.framebuffer); gl.blitFramebuffer( 0, 0, glRenderTarget.width, glRenderTarget.height, 0, 0, glRenderTarget.width, glRenderTarget.height, gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, gl.NEAREST ); gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, glRenderTarget.framebuffer); } initGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget) { const renderer = this._renderer; const gl = renderer.gl; const glRenderTarget = new GlRenderTarget(); const colorTexture = renderTarget.colorTexture; if (colorTexture.resource === renderer.canvas) { this._renderer.context.ensureCanvasSize(renderTarget.colorTexture.resource); glRenderTarget.framebuffer = null; return glRenderTarget; } this._initColor(renderTarget, glRenderTarget); gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null); return glRenderTarget; } destroyGpuRenderTarget(gpuRenderTarget) { const gl = this._renderer.gl; if (gpuRenderTarget.framebuffer) { gl.deleteFramebuffer(gpuRenderTarget.framebuffer); gpuRenderTarget.framebuffer = null; } if (gpuRenderTarget.resolveTargetFramebuffer) { gl.deleteFramebuffer(gpuRenderTarget.resolveTargetFramebuffer); gpuRenderTarget.resolveTargetFramebuffer = null; } if (gpuRenderTarget.depthStencilRenderBuffer) { gl.deleteRenderbuffer(gpuRenderTarget.depthStencilRenderBuffer); gpuRenderTarget.depthStencilRenderBuffer = null; } gpuRenderTarget.msaaRenderBuffer.forEach((renderBuffer) => { gl.deleteRenderbuffer(renderBuffer); }); gpuRenderTarget.msaaRenderBuffer = null; } clear(_renderTarget, clear, clearColor) { if (!clear) return; const renderTargetSystem = this._renderTargetSystem; if (typeof clear === "boolean") { clear = clear ? CLEAR.ALL : CLEAR.NONE; } const gl = this._renderer.gl; if (clear & CLEAR.COLOR) { clearColor ?? (clearColor = renderTargetSystem.defaultClearColor); const clearColorCache = this._clearColorCache; const clearColorArray = clearColor; if (clearColorCache[0] !== clearColorArray[0] || clearColorCache[1] !== clearColorArray[1] || clearColorCache[2] !== clearColorArray[2] || clearColorCache[3] !== clearColorArray[3]) { clearColorCache[0] = clearColorArray[0]; clearColorCache[1] = clearColorArray[1]; clearColorCache[2] = clearColorArray[2]; clearColorCache[3] = clearColorArray[3]; gl.clearColor(clearColorArray[0], clearColorArray[1], clearColorArray[2], clearColorArray[3]); } } gl.clear(clear); } resizeGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget) { if (renderTarget.isRoot) return; const renderTargetSystem = this._renderTargetSystem; const glRenderTarget = renderTargetSystem.getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); this._resizeColor(renderTarget, glRenderTarget); if (renderTarget.stencil || renderTarget.depth) { this._resizeStencil(glRenderTarget); } } _initColor(renderTarget, glRenderTarget) { const renderer = this._renderer; const gl = renderer.gl; const resolveTargetFramebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); glRenderTarget.resolveTargetFramebuffer = resolveTargetFramebuffer; gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, resolveTargetFramebuffer); glRenderTarget.width = renderTarget.colorTexture.source.pixelWidth; glRenderTarget.height = renderTarget.colorTexture.source.pixelHeight; renderTarget.colorTextures.forEach((colorTexture, i3) => { const source7 = colorTexture.source; if (source7.antialias) { if (renderer.context.supports.msaa) { glRenderTarget.msaa = true; } else { warn("[RenderTexture] Antialiasing on textures is not supported in WebGL1"); } } renderer.texture.bindSource(source7, 0); const glSource = renderer.texture.getGlSource(source7); const glTexture = glSource.texture; gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i3, 3553, // texture.target, glTexture, 0 ); }); if (glRenderTarget.msaa) { const viewFramebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer(); glRenderTarget.framebuffer = viewFramebuffer; gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, viewFramebuffer); renderTarget.colorTextures.forEach((_, i3) => { const msaaRenderBuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer(); glRenderTarget.msaaRenderBuffer[i3] = msaaRenderBuffer; }); } else { glRenderTarget.framebuffer = resolveTargetFramebuffer; } this._resizeColor(renderTarget, glRenderTarget); } _resizeColor(renderTarget, glRenderTarget) { const source7 = renderTarget.colorTexture.source; glRenderTarget.width = source7.pixelWidth; glRenderTarget.height = source7.pixelHeight; renderTarget.colorTextures.forEach((colorTexture, i3) => { if (i3 === 0) return; colorTexture.source.resize(source7.width, source7.height, source7._resolution); }); if (glRenderTarget.msaa) { const renderer = this._renderer; const gl = renderer.gl; const viewFramebuffer = glRenderTarget.framebuffer; gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, viewFramebuffer); renderTarget.colorTextures.forEach((colorTexture, i3) => { const source22 = colorTexture.source; renderer.texture.bindSource(source22, 0); const glSource = renderer.texture.getGlSource(source22); const glInternalFormat = glSource.internalFormat; const msaaRenderBuffer = glRenderTarget.msaaRenderBuffer[i3]; gl.bindRenderbuffer( gl.RENDERBUFFER, msaaRenderBuffer ); gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample( gl.RENDERBUFFER, 4, glInternalFormat, source22.pixelWidth, source22.pixelHeight ); gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i3, gl.RENDERBUFFER, msaaRenderBuffer ); }); } } _initStencil(glRenderTarget) { if (glRenderTarget.framebuffer === null) return; const gl = this._renderer.gl; const depthStencilRenderBuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer(); glRenderTarget.depthStencilRenderBuffer = depthStencilRenderBuffer; gl.bindRenderbuffer( gl.RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilRenderBuffer ); gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilRenderBuffer ); this._resizeStencil(glRenderTarget); } _resizeStencil(glRenderTarget) { const gl = this._renderer.gl; gl.bindRenderbuffer( gl.RENDERBUFFER, glRenderTarget.depthStencilRenderBuffer ); if (glRenderTarget.msaa) { gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample( gl.RENDERBUFFER, 4, gl.DEPTH24_STENCIL8, glRenderTarget.width, glRenderTarget.height ); } else { gl.renderbufferStorage( gl.RENDERBUFFER, this._renderer.context.webGLVersion === 2 ? gl.DEPTH24_STENCIL8 : gl.DEPTH_STENCIL, glRenderTarget.width, glRenderTarget.height ); } } postrender(renderTarget) { if (!this._renderer.context.multiView) return; if (CanvasSource.test(renderTarget.colorTexture.resource)) { const contextCanvas = this._renderer.context.canvas; const canvasSource = renderTarget.colorTexture; canvasSource.context2D.drawImage( contextCanvas, 0, canvasSource.pixelHeight - contextCanvas.height ); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/renderTarget/GlRenderTargetSystem.mjs var GlRenderTargetSystem; var init_GlRenderTargetSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/renderTarget/GlRenderTargetSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_RenderTargetSystem(); init_GlRenderTargetAdaptor(); GlRenderTargetSystem = class extends RenderTargetSystem { constructor(renderer) { super(renderer); this.adaptor = new GlRenderTargetAdaptor(); this.adaptor.init(renderer, this); } }; GlRenderTargetSystem.extension = { type: [ExtensionType.WebGLSystem], name: "renderTarget" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/GenerateShaderSyncCode.mjs function generateShaderSyncCode(shader, shaderSystem) { const funcFragments = []; const headerFragments = [` var g = s.groups; var sS = r.shader; var p = s.glProgram; var ugS = r.uniformGroup; var resources; `]; let addedTextreSystem = false; let blockIndex = 0; let textureCount = 0; const programData = shaderSystem._getProgramData(shader.glProgram); for (const i3 in shader.groups) { const group = shader.groups[i3]; funcFragments.push(` resources = g[${i3}].resources; `); for (const j2 in group.resources) { const resource = group.resources[j2]; if (resource instanceof UniformGroup) { if (resource.ubo) { funcFragments.push(` sS.bindUniformBlock( resources[${j2}], sS._uniformBindMap[${i3}[${j2}], ${blockIndex++} ); `); } else { funcFragments.push(` ugS.updateUniformGroup(resources[${j2}], p, sD); `); } } else if (resource instanceof BufferResource) { funcFragments.push(` sS.bindUniformBlock( resources[${j2}], sS._uniformBindMap[${i3}[${j2}], ${blockIndex++} ); `); } else if (resource instanceof TextureSource) { const uniformName = shader._uniformBindMap[i3][j2]; const uniformData = programData.uniformData[uniformName]; if (uniformData) { if (!addedTextreSystem) { addedTextreSystem = true; headerFragments.push(` var tS = r.texture; `); } shaderSystem._gl.uniform1i(uniformData.location, textureCount); funcFragments.push(` tS.bind(resources[${j2}], ${textureCount}); `); textureCount++; } } } } const functionSource = [...headerFragments, ...funcFragments].join("\n"); return new Function("r", "s", "sD", functionSource); } var init_GenerateShaderSyncCode = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/GenerateShaderSyncCode.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_BufferResource(); init_UniformGroup(); init_TextureSource(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/GlProgramData.mjs var IGLUniformData, GlProgramData; var init_GlProgramData = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/GlProgramData.mjs"() { "use strict"; IGLUniformData = class { }; GlProgramData = class { /** * Makes a new Pixi program. * @param program - webgl program * @param uniformData - uniforms */ constructor(program, uniformData) { this.program = program; this.uniformData = uniformData; this.uniformGroups = {}; this.uniformDirtyGroups = {}; this.uniformBlockBindings = {}; } /** Destroys this program. */ destroy() { this.uniformData = null; this.uniformGroups = null; this.uniformDirtyGroups = null; this.uniformBlockBindings = null; this.program = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/compileShader.mjs function compileShader(gl, type, src) { const shader = gl.createShader(type); gl.shaderSource(shader, src); gl.compileShader(shader); return shader; } var init_compileShader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/compileShader.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/defaultValue.mjs function booleanArray(size) { const array = new Array(size); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < array.length; i3++) { array[i3] = false; } return array; } function defaultValue(type, size) { switch (type) { case "float": return 0; case "vec2": return new Float32Array(2 * size); case "vec3": return new Float32Array(3 * size); case "vec4": return new Float32Array(4 * size); case "int": case "uint": case "sampler2D": case "sampler2DArray": return 0; case "ivec2": return new Int32Array(2 * size); case "ivec3": return new Int32Array(3 * size); case "ivec4": return new Int32Array(4 * size); case "uvec2": return new Uint32Array(2 * size); case "uvec3": return new Uint32Array(3 * size); case "uvec4": return new Uint32Array(4 * size); case "bool": return false; case "bvec2": return booleanArray(2 * size); case "bvec3": return booleanArray(3 * size); case "bvec4": return booleanArray(4 * size); case "mat2": return new Float32Array([ 1, 0, 0, 1 ]); case "mat3": return new Float32Array([ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]); case "mat4": return new Float32Array([ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]); } return null; } var init_defaultValue = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/defaultValue.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/mapType.mjs function mapType(gl, type) { if (!GL_TABLE) { const typeNames = Object.keys(GL_TO_GLSL_TYPES); GL_TABLE = {}; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < typeNames.length; ++i3) { const tn = typeNames[i3]; GL_TABLE[gl[tn]] = GL_TO_GLSL_TYPES[tn]; } } return GL_TABLE[type]; } function mapGlToVertexFormat(gl, type) { const typeValue = mapType(gl, type); return GLSL_TO_VERTEX_TYPES[typeValue] || "float32"; } var GL_TABLE, GL_TO_GLSL_TYPES, GLSL_TO_VERTEX_TYPES; var init_mapType = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/mapType.mjs"() { "use strict"; GL_TABLE = null; GL_TO_GLSL_TYPES = { FLOAT: "float", FLOAT_VEC2: "vec2", FLOAT_VEC3: "vec3", FLOAT_VEC4: "vec4", INT: "int", INT_VEC2: "ivec2", INT_VEC3: "ivec3", INT_VEC4: "ivec4", UNSIGNED_INT: "uint", UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2: "uvec2", UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3: "uvec3", UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4: "uvec4", BOOL: "bool", BOOL_VEC2: "bvec2", BOOL_VEC3: "bvec3", BOOL_VEC4: "bvec4", FLOAT_MAT2: "mat2", FLOAT_MAT3: "mat3", FLOAT_MAT4: "mat4", SAMPLER_2D: "sampler2D", INT_SAMPLER_2D: "sampler2D", UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D: "sampler2D", SAMPLER_CUBE: "samplerCube", INT_SAMPLER_CUBE: "samplerCube", UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE: "samplerCube", SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY: "sampler2DArray", INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY: "sampler2DArray", UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY: "sampler2DArray" }; GLSL_TO_VERTEX_TYPES = { float: "float32", vec2: "float32x2", vec3: "float32x3", vec4: "float32x4", int: "sint32", ivec2: "sint32x2", ivec3: "sint32x3", ivec4: "sint32x4", uint: "uint32", uvec2: "uint32x2", uvec3: "uint32x3", uvec4: "uint32x4", bool: "uint32", bvec2: "uint32x2", bvec3: "uint32x3", bvec4: "uint32x4" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/extractAttributesFromGlProgram.mjs function extractAttributesFromGlProgram(program, gl, sortAttributes = false) { const attributes = {}; const totalAttributes = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < totalAttributes; i3++) { const attribData = gl.getActiveAttrib(program, i3); if (attribData.name.startsWith("gl_")) { continue; } const format = mapGlToVertexFormat(gl, attribData.type); attributes[attribData.name] = { location: 0, // set further down.. format, stride: getAttributeInfoFromFormat(format).stride, offset: 0, instance: false, start: 0 }; } const keys = Object.keys(attributes); if (sortAttributes) { keys.sort((a2, b2) => a2 > b2 ? 1 : -1); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < keys.length; i3++) { attributes[keys[i3]].location = i3; gl.bindAttribLocation(program, i3, keys[i3]); } gl.linkProgram(program); } else { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < keys.length; i3++) { attributes[keys[i3]].location = gl.getAttribLocation(program, keys[i3]); } } return attributes; } var init_extractAttributesFromGlProgram = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/extractAttributesFromGlProgram.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_getAttributeInfoFromFormat(); init_mapType(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/getUboData.mjs function getUboData(program, gl) { if (!gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS) return {}; const uniformBlocks = {}; const totalUniformsBlocks = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < totalUniformsBlocks; i3++) { const name = gl.getActiveUniformBlockName(program, i3); const uniformBlockIndex = gl.getUniformBlockIndex(program, name); const size = gl.getActiveUniformBlockParameter(program, i3, gl.UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE); uniformBlocks[name] = { name, index: uniformBlockIndex, size }; } return uniformBlocks; } var init_getUboData = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/getUboData.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/getUniformData.mjs function getUniformData(program, gl) { const uniforms = {}; const totalUniforms = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < totalUniforms; i3++) { const uniformData = gl.getActiveUniform(program, i3); const name = uniformData.name.replace(/\[.*?\]$/, ""); const isArray = !!uniformData.name.match(/\[.*?\]$/); const type = mapType(gl, uniformData.type); uniforms[name] = { name, index: i3, type, size: uniformData.size, isArray, value: defaultValue(type, uniformData.size) }; } return uniforms; } var init_getUniformData = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/getUniformData.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_defaultValue(); init_mapType(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/logProgramError.mjs function logPrettyShaderError(gl, shader) { const shaderSrc = gl.getShaderSource(shader).split("\n").map((line, index) => `${index}: ${line}`); const shaderLog = gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader); const splitShader = shaderLog.split("\n"); const dedupe = {}; const lineNumbers = splitShader.map((line) => parseFloat(line.replace(/^ERROR\: 0\:([\d]+)\:.*$/, "$1"))).filter((n2) => { if (n2 && !dedupe[n2]) { dedupe[n2] = true; return true; } return false; }); const logArgs = [""]; lineNumbers.forEach((number) => { shaderSrc[number - 1] = `%c${shaderSrc[number - 1]}%c`; logArgs.push("background: #FF0000; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 10px", "font-size: 10px"); }); const fragmentSourceToLog = shaderSrc.join("\n"); logArgs[0] = fragmentSourceToLog; console.error(shaderLog); console.groupCollapsed("click to view full shader code"); console.warn(...logArgs); console.groupEnd(); } function logProgramError(gl, program, vertexShader, fragmentShader) { if (!gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) { if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vertexShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { logPrettyShaderError(gl, vertexShader); } if (!gl.getShaderParameter(fragmentShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { logPrettyShaderError(gl, fragmentShader); } console.error("PixiJS Error: Could not initialize shader."); if (gl.getProgramInfoLog(program) !== "") { console.warn("PixiJS Warning: gl.getProgramInfoLog()", gl.getProgramInfoLog(program)); } } } var init_logProgramError = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/logProgramError.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/generateProgram.mjs function generateProgram(gl, program) { const glVertShader = compileShader(gl, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, program.vertex); const glFragShader = compileShader(gl, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, program.fragment); const webGLProgram = gl.createProgram(); gl.attachShader(webGLProgram, glVertShader); gl.attachShader(webGLProgram, glFragShader); const transformFeedbackVaryings = program.transformFeedbackVaryings; if (transformFeedbackVaryings) { if (typeof gl.transformFeedbackVaryings !== "function") { warn(`TransformFeedback is not supported but TransformFeedbackVaryings are given.`); } else { gl.transformFeedbackVaryings( webGLProgram, transformFeedbackVaryings.names, transformFeedbackVaryings.bufferMode === "separate" ? gl.SEPARATE_ATTRIBS : gl.INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS ); } } gl.linkProgram(webGLProgram); if (!gl.getProgramParameter(webGLProgram, gl.LINK_STATUS)) { logProgramError(gl, webGLProgram, glVertShader, glFragShader); } program._attributeData = extractAttributesFromGlProgram( webGLProgram, gl, !/^[ \t]*#[ \t]*version[ \t]+300[ \t]+es[ \t]*$/m.test(program.vertex) ); program._uniformData = getUniformData(webGLProgram, gl); program._uniformBlockData = getUboData(webGLProgram, gl); gl.deleteShader(glVertShader); gl.deleteShader(glFragShader); const uniformData = {}; for (const i3 in program._uniformData) { const data = program._uniformData[i3]; uniformData[i3] = { location: gl.getUniformLocation(webGLProgram, i3), value: defaultValue(data.type, data.size) }; } const glProgram3 = new GlProgramData(webGLProgram, uniformData); return glProgram3; } var init_generateProgram = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/generateProgram.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_warn(); init_GlProgramData(); init_compileShader(); init_defaultValue(); init_extractAttributesFromGlProgram(); init_getUboData(); init_getUniformData(); init_logProgramError(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/GlShaderSystem.mjs var defaultSyncData, GlShaderSystem; var init_GlShaderSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/GlShaderSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_maxRecommendedTextures(); init_GenerateShaderSyncCode(); init_generateProgram(); defaultSyncData = { textureCount: 0, blockIndex: 0 }; GlShaderSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this._activeProgram = null; this._programDataHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._nextIndex = 0; this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._boundIndexToUniformsHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._shaderSyncFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_programDataHash"); } contextChange(gl) { this._gl = gl; this._maxBindings = gl.MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS ? gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS) : 0; this._programDataHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._boundIndexToUniformsHash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._shaderSyncFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._activeProgram = null; this.maxTextures = getMaxTexturesPerBatch(); } /** * Changes the current shader to the one given in parameter. * @param shader - the new shader * @param skipSync - false if the shader should automatically sync its uniforms. * @returns the glProgram that belongs to the shader. */ bind(shader, skipSync) { this._setProgram(shader.glProgram); if (skipSync) return; defaultSyncData.textureCount = 0; defaultSyncData.blockIndex = 0; let syncFunction = this._shaderSyncFunctions[shader.glProgram._key]; if (!syncFunction) { syncFunction = this._shaderSyncFunctions[shader.glProgram._key] = this._generateShaderSync(shader, this); } syncFunction(this._renderer, shader, defaultSyncData); } /** * Updates the uniform group. * @param uniformGroup - the uniform group to update */ updateUniformGroup(uniformGroup) { this._renderer.uniformGroup.updateUniformGroup(uniformGroup, this._activeProgram, defaultSyncData); } /** * Binds a uniform block to the shader. * @param uniformGroup - the uniform group to bind * @param name - the name of the uniform block * @param index - the index of the uniform block */ bindUniformBlock(uniformGroup, name, index = 0) { const bufferSystem = this._renderer.buffer; const programData = this._getProgramData(this._activeProgram); const isBufferResource = uniformGroup._bufferResource; if (isBufferResource) { this._renderer.ubo.updateUniformGroup(uniformGroup); } bufferSystem.updateBuffer(uniformGroup.buffer); let boundIndex = this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash[uniformGroup.uid]; if (boundIndex === void 0) { const nextIndex = this._nextIndex++ % this._maxBindings; const currentBoundUniformGroup = this._boundIndexToUniformsHash[nextIndex]; if (currentBoundUniformGroup) { this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash[currentBoundUniformGroup.uid] = void 0; } boundIndex = this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash[uniformGroup.uid] = nextIndex; this._boundIndexToUniformsHash[nextIndex] = uniformGroup; if (isBufferResource) { bufferSystem.bindBufferRange(uniformGroup.buffer, nextIndex, uniformGroup.offset); } else { bufferSystem.bindBufferBase(uniformGroup.buffer, nextIndex); } } const gl = this._gl; const uniformBlockIndex = this._activeProgram._uniformBlockData[name].index; if (programData.uniformBlockBindings[index] === boundIndex) return; programData.uniformBlockBindings[index] = boundIndex; gl.uniformBlockBinding(programData.program, uniformBlockIndex, boundIndex); } _setProgram(program) { if (this._activeProgram === program) return; this._activeProgram = program; const programData = this._getProgramData(program); this._gl.useProgram(programData.program); } /** * @param program - the program to get the data for * @internal * @private */ _getProgramData(program) { return this._programDataHash[program._key] || this._createProgramData(program); } _createProgramData(program) { const key = program._key; this._programDataHash[key] = generateProgram(this._gl, program); return this._programDataHash[key]; } destroy() { for (const key of Object.keys(this._programDataHash)) { const programData = this._programDataHash[key]; programData.destroy(); this._programDataHash[key] = null; } this._programDataHash = null; this._boundUniformsIdsToIndexHash = null; } /** * Creates a function that can be executed that will sync the shader as efficiently as possible. * Overridden by the unsafe eval package if you don't want eval used in your project. * @param shader - the shader to generate the sync function for * @param shaderSystem - the shader system to use * @returns - the generated sync function * @ignore */ _generateShaderSync(shader, shaderSystem) { return generateShaderSyncCode(shader, shaderSystem); } }; GlShaderSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "shader" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/utils/generateUniformsSyncTypes.mjs var UNIFORM_TO_SINGLE_SETTERS, UNIFORM_TO_ARRAY_SETTERS; var init_generateUniformsSyncTypes = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/utils/generateUniformsSyncTypes.mjs"() { "use strict"; UNIFORM_TO_SINGLE_SETTERS = { f32: `if (cv !== v) { cu.value = v; gl.uniform1f(location, v); }`, "vec2": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; gl.uniform2f(location, v[0], v[1]); }`, "vec3": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; gl.uniform3f(location, v[0], v[1], v[2]); }`, "vec4": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2] || cv[3] !== v[3]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; cv[3] = v[3]; gl.uniform4f(location, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); }`, i32: `if (cv !== v) { cu.value = v; gl.uniform1i(location, v); }`, "vec2": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; gl.uniform2i(location, v[0], v[1]); }`, "vec3": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; gl.uniform3i(location, v[0], v[1], v[2]); }`, "vec4": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2] || cv[3] !== v[3]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; cv[3] = v[3]; gl.uniform4i(location, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); }`, u32: `if (cv !== v) { cu.value = v; gl.uniform1ui(location, v); }`, "vec2": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; gl.uniform2ui(location, v[0], v[1]); }`, "vec3": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; gl.uniform3ui(location, v[0], v[1], v[2]); }`, "vec4": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2] || cv[3] !== v[3]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; cv[3] = v[3]; gl.uniform4ui(location, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); }`, bool: `if (cv !== v) { cu.value = v; gl.uniform1i(location, v); }`, "vec2": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; gl.uniform2i(location, v[0], v[1]); }`, "vec3": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; gl.uniform3i(location, v[0], v[1], v[2]); }`, "vec4": `if (cv[0] !== v[0] || cv[1] !== v[1] || cv[2] !== v[2] || cv[3] !== v[3]) { cv[0] = v[0]; cv[1] = v[1]; cv[2] = v[2]; cv[3] = v[3]; gl.uniform4i(location, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); }`, "mat2x2": `gl.uniformMatrix2fv(location, false, v);`, "mat3x3": `gl.uniformMatrix3fv(location, false, v);`, "mat4x4": `gl.uniformMatrix4fv(location, false, v);` }; UNIFORM_TO_ARRAY_SETTERS = { f32: `gl.uniform1fv(location, v);`, "vec2": `gl.uniform2fv(location, v);`, "vec3": `gl.uniform3fv(location, v);`, "vec4": `gl.uniform4fv(location, v);`, "mat2x2": `gl.uniformMatrix2fv(location, false, v);`, "mat3x3": `gl.uniformMatrix3fv(location, false, v);`, "mat4x4": `gl.uniformMatrix4fv(location, false, v);`, i32: `gl.uniform1iv(location, v);`, "vec2": `gl.uniform2iv(location, v);`, "vec3": `gl.uniform3iv(location, v);`, "vec4": `gl.uniform4iv(location, v);`, u32: `gl.uniform1iv(location, v);`, "vec2": `gl.uniform2iv(location, v);`, "vec3": `gl.uniform3iv(location, v);`, "vec4": `gl.uniform4iv(location, v);`, bool: `gl.uniform1iv(location, v);`, "vec2": `gl.uniform2iv(location, v);`, "vec3": `gl.uniform3iv(location, v);`, "vec4": `gl.uniform4iv(location, v);` }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/utils/generateUniformsSync.mjs function generateUniformsSync(group, uniformData) { const funcFragments = [` var v = null; var cv = null; var cu = null; var t = 0; var gl = renderer.gl; var name = null; `]; for (const i3 in group.uniforms) { if (!uniformData[i3]) { if (group.uniforms[i3] instanceof UniformGroup) { if (group.uniforms[i3].ubo) { funcFragments.push(` renderer.shader.bindUniformBlock(uv.${i3}, "${i3}"); `); } else { funcFragments.push(` renderer.shader.updateUniformGroup(uv.${i3}); `); } } else if (group.uniforms[i3] instanceof BufferResource) { funcFragments.push(` renderer.shader.bindBufferResource(uv.${i3}, "${i3}"); `); } continue; } const uniform = group.uniformStructures[i3]; let parsed = false; for (let j2 = 0; j2 < uniformParsers.length; j2++) { const parser = uniformParsers[j2]; if (uniform.type === parser.type && parser.test(uniform)) { funcFragments.push(`name = "${i3}";`, uniformParsers[j2].uniform); parsed = true; break; } } if (!parsed) { const templateType = uniform.size === 1 ? UNIFORM_TO_SINGLE_SETTERS : UNIFORM_TO_ARRAY_SETTERS; const template = templateType[uniform.type].replace("location", `ud["${i3}"].location`); funcFragments.push(` cu = ud["${i3}"]; cv = cu.value; v = uv["${i3}"]; ${template};`); } } return new Function("ud", "uv", "renderer", "syncData", funcFragments.join("\n")); } var init_generateUniformsSync = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/utils/generateUniformsSync.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_BufferResource(); init_UniformGroup(); init_uniformParsers(); init_generateUniformsSyncTypes(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/GlUniformGroupSystem.mjs var GlUniformGroupSystem; var init_GlUniformGroupSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/GlUniformGroupSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_generateUniformsSync(); GlUniformGroupSystem = class { /** @param renderer - The renderer this System works for. */ constructor(renderer) { this._cache = {}; this._uniformGroupSyncHash = {}; this._renderer = renderer; this.gl = null; this._cache = {}; } contextChange(gl) { this.gl = gl; } /** * Uploads the uniforms values to the currently bound shader. * @param group - the uniforms values that be applied to the current shader * @param program * @param syncData * @param syncData.textureCount */ updateUniformGroup(group, program, syncData) { const programData = this._renderer.shader._getProgramData(program); if (!group.isStatic || group._dirtyId !== programData.uniformDirtyGroups[group.uid]) { programData.uniformDirtyGroups[group.uid] = group._dirtyId; const syncFunc = this._getUniformSyncFunction(group, program); syncFunc(programData.uniformData, group.uniforms, this._renderer, syncData); } } /** * Overridable by the pixi.js/unsafe-eval package to use static syncUniforms instead. * @param group * @param program */ _getUniformSyncFunction(group, program) { return this._uniformGroupSyncHash[group._signature]?.[program._key] || this._createUniformSyncFunction(group, program); } _createUniformSyncFunction(group, program) { const uniformGroupSyncHash = this._uniformGroupSyncHash[group._signature] || (this._uniformGroupSyncHash[group._signature] = {}); const id3 = this._getSignature(group, program._uniformData, "u"); if (!this._cache[id3]) { this._cache[id3] = this._generateUniformsSync(group, program._uniformData); } uniformGroupSyncHash[program._key] = this._cache[id3]; return uniformGroupSyncHash[program._key]; } _generateUniformsSync(group, uniformData) { return generateUniformsSync(group, uniformData); } /** * Takes a uniform group and data and generates a unique signature for them. * @param group - The uniform group to get signature of * @param group.uniforms * @param uniformData - Uniform information generated by the shader * @param preFix * @returns Unique signature of the uniform group */ _getSignature(group, uniformData, preFix) { const uniforms = group.uniforms; const strings = [`${preFix}-`]; for (const i3 in uniforms) { strings.push(i3); if (uniformData[i3]) { strings.push(uniformData[i3].type); } } return strings.join("-"); } /** Destroys this System and removes all its textures. */ destroy() { this._renderer = null; this._cache = null; } }; GlUniformGroupSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "uniformGroup" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/state/mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi.mjs function mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi(gl) { const blendMap = {}; blendMap.normal = [gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA]; blendMap.add = [gl.ONE, gl.ONE]; blendMap.multiply = [gl.DST_COLOR, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA]; blendMap.screen = [gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA]; blendMap.none = [0, 0]; blendMap["normal-npm"] = [gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA]; blendMap["add-npm"] = [gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE]; blendMap["screen-npm"] = [gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA]; blendMap.erase = [gl.ZERO, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA]; const isWebGl2 = !(gl instanceof DOMAdapter.get().getWebGLRenderingContext()); if (isWebGl2) { blendMap.min = [gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.MIN, gl.MIN]; blendMap.max = [gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.MAX, gl.MAX]; } else { const ext = gl.getExtension("EXT_blend_minmax"); if (ext) { blendMap.min = [gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE, ext.MIN_EXT, ext.MIN_EXT]; blendMap.max = [gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE, ext.MAX_EXT, ext.MAX_EXT]; } } return blendMap; } var init_mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/state/mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/state/GlStateSystem.mjs var BLEND2, OFFSET2, CULLING2, DEPTH_TEST2, WINDING2, DEPTH_MASK2, _GlStateSystem, GlStateSystem; var init_GlStateSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/state/GlStateSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_State(); init_mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi(); BLEND2 = 0; OFFSET2 = 1; CULLING2 = 2; DEPTH_TEST2 = 3; WINDING2 = 4; DEPTH_MASK2 = 5; _GlStateSystem = class _GlStateSystem2 { constructor() { this.gl = null; this.stateId = 0; this.polygonOffset = 0; this.blendMode = "none"; this._blendEq = false; this.map = []; this.map[BLEND2] = this.setBlend; this.map[OFFSET2] = this.setOffset; this.map[CULLING2] = this.setCullFace; this.map[DEPTH_TEST2] = this.setDepthTest; this.map[WINDING2] = this.setFrontFace; this.map[DEPTH_MASK2] = this.setDepthMask; this.checks = []; this.defaultState = State.for2d(); } contextChange(gl) { this.gl = gl; this.blendModesMap = mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi(gl); this.reset(); } /** * Sets the current state * @param {*} state - The state to set. */ set(state) { state = state || this.defaultState; if (this.stateId !== state.data) { let diff2 = this.stateId ^ state.data; let i3 = 0; while (diff2) { if (diff2 & 1) { this.map[i3].call(this, !!(state.data & 1 << i3)); } diff2 = diff2 >> 1; i3++; } this.stateId = state.data; } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.checks.length; i3++) { this.checks[i3](this, state); } } /** * Sets the state, when previous state is unknown. * @param {*} state - The state to set */ forceState(state) { state = state || this.defaultState; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.map.length; i3++) { this.map[i3].call(this, !!(state.data & 1 << i3)); } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.checks.length; i3++) { this.checks[i3](this, state); } this.stateId = state.data; } /** * Sets whether to enable or disable blending. * @param value - Turn on or off WebGl blending. */ setBlend(value) { this._updateCheck(_GlStateSystem2._checkBlendMode, value); this.gl[value ? "enable" : "disable"](this.gl.BLEND); } /** * Sets whether to enable or disable polygon offset fill. * @param value - Turn on or off webgl polygon offset testing. */ setOffset(value) { this._updateCheck(_GlStateSystem2._checkPolygonOffset, value); this.gl[value ? "enable" : "disable"](this.gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } /** * Sets whether to enable or disable depth test. * @param value - Turn on or off webgl depth testing. */ setDepthTest(value) { this.gl[value ? "enable" : "disable"](this.gl.DEPTH_TEST); } /** * Sets whether to enable or disable depth mask. * @param value - Turn on or off webgl depth mask. */ setDepthMask(value) { this.gl.depthMask(value); } /** * Sets whether to enable or disable cull face. * @param {boolean} value - Turn on or off webgl cull face. */ setCullFace(value) { this.gl[value ? "enable" : "disable"](this.gl.CULL_FACE); } /** * Sets the gl front face. * @param {boolean} value - true is clockwise and false is counter-clockwise */ setFrontFace(value) { this.gl.frontFace(this.gl[value ? "CW" : "CCW"]); } /** * Sets the blend mode. * @param {number} value - The blend mode to set to. */ setBlendMode(value) { if (!this.blendModesMap[value]) { value = "normal"; } if (value === this.blendMode) { return; } this.blendMode = value; const mode = this.blendModesMap[value]; const gl = this.gl; if (mode.length === 2) { gl.blendFunc(mode[0], mode[1]); } else { gl.blendFuncSeparate(mode[0], mode[1], mode[2], mode[3]); } if (mode.length === 6) { this._blendEq = true; gl.blendEquationSeparate(mode[4], mode[5]); } else if (this._blendEq) { this._blendEq = false; gl.blendEquationSeparate(gl.FUNC_ADD, gl.FUNC_ADD); } } /** * Sets the polygon offset. * @param {number} value - the polygon offset * @param {number} scale - the polygon offset scale */ setPolygonOffset(value, scale) { this.gl.polygonOffset(value, scale); } // used /** Resets all the logic and disables the VAOs. */ reset() { this.gl.pixelStorei(this.gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false); this.forceState(this.defaultState); this._blendEq = true; this.blendMode = ""; this.setBlendMode("normal"); } /** * Checks to see which updates should be checked based on which settings have been activated. * * For example, if blend is enabled then we should check the blend modes each time the state is changed * or if polygon fill is activated then we need to check if the polygon offset changes. * The idea is that we only check what we have too. * @param func - the checking function to add or remove * @param value - should the check function be added or removed. */ _updateCheck(func, value) { const index = this.checks.indexOf(func); if (value && index === -1) { this.checks.push(func); } else if (!value && index !== -1) { this.checks.splice(index, 1); } } /** * A private little wrapper function that we call to check the blend mode. * @param system - the System to perform the state check on * @param state - the state that the blendMode will pulled from */ static _checkBlendMode(system, state) { system.setBlendMode(state.blendMode); } /** * A private little wrapper function that we call to check the polygon offset. * @param system - the System to perform the state check on * @param state - the state that the blendMode will pulled from */ static _checkPolygonOffset(system, state) { system.setPolygonOffset(1, state.polygonOffset); } /** * @ignore */ destroy() { this.gl = null; this.checks.length = 0; } }; _GlStateSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "state" }; GlStateSystem = _GlStateSystem; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/GlTexture.mjs var GlTexture; var init_GlTexture = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/GlTexture.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const10(); GlTexture = class { constructor(texture) { this.target = GL_TARGETS.TEXTURE_2D; this.texture = texture; this.width = -1; this.height = -1; this.type = GL_TYPES.UNSIGNED_BYTE; this.internalFormat = GL_FORMATS.RGBA; this.format = GL_FORMATS.RGBA; this.samplerType = 0; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/uploaders/glUploadBufferImageResource.mjs var glUploadBufferImageResource; var init_glUploadBufferImageResource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/uploaders/glUploadBufferImageResource.mjs"() { "use strict"; glUploadBufferImageResource = { id: "buffer", upload(source7, glTexture, gl) { if (glTexture.width === source7.width || glTexture.height === source7.height) { gl.texSubImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, source7.width, source7.height, glTexture.format, glTexture.type, source7.resource ); } else { gl.texImage2D( glTexture.target, 0, glTexture.internalFormat, source7.width, source7.height, 0, glTexture.format, glTexture.type, source7.resource ); } glTexture.width = source7.width; glTexture.height = source7.height; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/uploaders/glUploadCompressedTextureResource.mjs var compressedFormatMap, glUploadCompressedTextureResource; var init_glUploadCompressedTextureResource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/uploaders/glUploadCompressedTextureResource.mjs"() { "use strict"; compressedFormatMap = { "bc1-rgba-unorm": true, "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb": true, "bc2-rgba-unorm": true, "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb": true, "bc3-rgba-unorm": true, "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb": true, "bc4-r-unorm": true, "bc4-r-snorm": true, "bc5-rg-unorm": true, "bc5-rg-snorm": true, "bc6h-rgb-ufloat": true, "bc6h-rgb-float": true, "bc7-rgba-unorm": true, "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb": true, // ETC2 compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-etc2" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. "etc2-rgb8unorm": true, "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb": true, "etc2-rgb8a1unorm": true, "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb": true, "etc2-rgba8unorm": true, "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb": true, "eac-r11unorm": true, "eac-r11snorm": true, "eac-rg11unorm": true, "eac-rg11snorm": true, // ASTC compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-astc" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. "astc-4x4-unorm": true, "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-5x4-unorm": true, "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-5x5-unorm": true, "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-6x5-unorm": true, "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-6x6-unorm": true, "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-8x5-unorm": true, "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-8x6-unorm": true, "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-8x8-unorm": true, "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-10x5-unorm": true, "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-10x6-unorm": true, "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-10x8-unorm": true, "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-10x10-unorm": true, "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-12x10-unorm": true, "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb": true, "astc-12x12-unorm": true, "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb": true }; glUploadCompressedTextureResource = { id: "compressed", upload(source7, glTexture, gl) { gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); let mipWidth = source7.pixelWidth; let mipHeight = source7.pixelHeight; const compressed = !!compressedFormatMap[source7.format]; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < source7.resource.length; i3++) { const levelBuffer = source7.resource[i3]; if (compressed) { gl.compressedTexImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, i3, glTexture.internalFormat, mipWidth, mipHeight, 0, levelBuffer ); } else { gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, i3, glTexture.internalFormat, mipWidth, mipHeight, 0, glTexture.format, glTexture.type, levelBuffer ); } mipWidth = Math.max(mipWidth >> 1, 1); mipHeight = Math.max(mipHeight >> 1, 1); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/uploaders/glUploadImageResource.mjs var glUploadImageResource; var init_glUploadImageResource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/uploaders/glUploadImageResource.mjs"() { "use strict"; glUploadImageResource = { id: "image", upload(source7, glTexture, gl, webGLVersion) { const premultipliedAlpha = source7.alphaMode === "premultiply-alpha-on-upload"; gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, premultipliedAlpha); const glWidth = glTexture.width; const glHeight = glTexture.height; const textureWidth = source7.pixelWidth; const textureHeight = source7.pixelHeight; const resourceWidth = source7.resourceWidth; const resourceHeight = source7.resourceHeight; if (resourceWidth < textureWidth || resourceHeight < textureHeight) { if (glWidth !== textureWidth || glHeight !== textureHeight) { gl.texImage2D( glTexture.target, 0, glTexture.internalFormat, textureWidth, textureHeight, 0, glTexture.format, glTexture.type, null ); } if (webGLVersion === 2) { gl.texSubImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, resourceWidth, resourceHeight, glTexture.format, glTexture.type, source7.resource ); } else { gl.texSubImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, glTexture.format, glTexture.type, source7.resource ); } } else if (glWidth === textureWidth || glHeight === textureHeight) { gl.texSubImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, glTexture.format, glTexture.type, source7.resource ); } else if (webGLVersion === 2) { gl.texImage2D( glTexture.target, 0, glTexture.internalFormat, textureWidth, textureHeight, 0, glTexture.format, glTexture.type, source7.resource ); } else { gl.texImage2D( glTexture.target, 0, glTexture.internalFormat, glTexture.format, glTexture.type, source7.resource ); } glTexture.width = textureWidth; glTexture.height = textureHeight; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/uploaders/glUploadVideoResource.mjs var glUploadVideoResource; var init_glUploadVideoResource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/uploaders/glUploadVideoResource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_glUploadImageResource(); glUploadVideoResource = { id: "video", upload(source7, glTexture, gl, webGLVersion) { if (!source7.isValid) { gl.texImage2D( glTexture.target, 0, glTexture.internalFormat, 1, 1, 0, glTexture.format, glTexture.type, null ); return; } glUploadImageResource.upload(source7, glTexture, gl, webGLVersion); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/pixiToGlMaps.mjs var scaleModeToGlFilter, mipmapScaleModeToGlFilter, wrapModeToGlAddress, compareModeToGlCompare; var init_pixiToGlMaps = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/pixiToGlMaps.mjs"() { "use strict"; scaleModeToGlFilter = { linear: 9729, nearest: 9728 }; mipmapScaleModeToGlFilter = { linear: { linear: 9987, nearest: 9985 }, nearest: { linear: 9986, nearest: 9984 } }; wrapModeToGlAddress = { "clamp-to-edge": 33071, repeat: 10497, "mirror-repeat": 33648 }; compareModeToGlCompare = { never: 512, less: 513, equal: 514, "less-equal": 515, greater: 516, "not-equal": 517, "greater-equal": 518, always: 519 }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/applyStyleParams.mjs function applyStyleParams(style, gl, mipmaps, anisotropicExt, glFunctionName, firstParam, forceClamp, firstCreation) { const castParam = firstParam; if (!firstCreation || style.addressModeU !== "repeat" || style.addressModeV !== "repeat" || style.addressModeW !== "repeat") { const wrapModeS = wrapModeToGlAddress[forceClamp ? "clamp-to-edge" : style.addressModeU]; const wrapModeT = wrapModeToGlAddress[forceClamp ? "clamp-to-edge" : style.addressModeV]; const wrapModeR = wrapModeToGlAddress[forceClamp ? "clamp-to-edge" : style.addressModeW]; gl[glFunctionName](castParam, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, wrapModeS); gl[glFunctionName](castParam, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, wrapModeT); if (gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_R) gl[glFunctionName](castParam, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_R, wrapModeR); } if (!firstCreation || style.magFilter !== "linear") { gl[glFunctionName](castParam, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, scaleModeToGlFilter[style.magFilter]); } if (mipmaps) { if (!firstCreation || style.mipmapFilter !== "linear") { const glFilterMode = mipmapScaleModeToGlFilter[style.minFilter][style.mipmapFilter]; gl[glFunctionName](castParam, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, glFilterMode); } } else { gl[glFunctionName](castParam, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, scaleModeToGlFilter[style.minFilter]); } if (anisotropicExt && style.maxAnisotropy > 1) { const level = Math.min(style.maxAnisotropy, gl.getParameter(anisotropicExt.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT)); gl[glFunctionName](castParam, anisotropicExt.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, level); } if (style.compare) { gl[glFunctionName](castParam, gl.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, compareModeToGlCompare[style.compare]); } } var init_applyStyleParams = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/applyStyleParams.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_pixiToGlMaps(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/mapFormatToGlFormat.mjs function mapFormatToGlFormat(gl) { return { // 8-bit formats r8unorm: gl.RED, r8snorm: gl.RED, r8uint: gl.RED, r8sint: gl.RED, // 16-bit formats r16uint: gl.RED, r16sint: gl.RED, r16float: gl.RED, rg8unorm: gl.RG, rg8snorm: gl.RG, rg8uint: gl.RG, rg8sint: gl.RG, // 32-bit formats r32uint: gl.RED, r32sint: gl.RED, r32float: gl.RED, rg16uint: gl.RG, rg16sint: gl.RG, rg16float: gl.RG, rgba8unorm: gl.RGBA, "rgba8unorm-srgb": gl.RGBA, // Packed 32-bit formats rgba8snorm: gl.RGBA, rgba8uint: gl.RGBA, rgba8sint: gl.RGBA, bgra8unorm: gl.RGBA, "bgra8unorm-srgb": gl.RGBA, rgb9e5ufloat: gl.RGB, rgb10a2unorm: gl.RGBA, rg11b10ufloat: gl.RGB, // 64-bit formats rg32uint: gl.RG, rg32sint: gl.RG, rg32float: gl.RG, rgba16uint: gl.RGBA, rgba16sint: gl.RGBA, rgba16float: gl.RGBA, // 128-bit formats rgba32uint: gl.RGBA, rgba32sint: gl.RGBA, rgba32float: gl.RGBA, // Depth/stencil formats stencil8: gl.STENCIL_INDEX8, depth16unorm: gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT, depth24plus: gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT, "depth24plus-stencil8": gl.DEPTH_STENCIL, depth32float: gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT, "depth32float-stencil8": gl.DEPTH_STENCIL }; } var init_mapFormatToGlFormat = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/mapFormatToGlFormat.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/mapFormatToGlInternalFormat.mjs function mapFormatToGlInternalFormat(gl, extensions3) { let srgb = {}; let bgra8unorm = gl.RGBA; if (!(gl instanceof DOMAdapter.get().getWebGLRenderingContext())) { srgb = { "rgba8unorm-srgb": gl.SRGB8_ALPHA8, "bgra8unorm-srgb": gl.SRGB8_ALPHA8 }; bgra8unorm = gl.RGBA8; } else if (extensions3.srgb) { srgb = { "rgba8unorm-srgb": extensions3.srgb.SRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT, "bgra8unorm-srgb": extensions3.srgb.SRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT }; } return { // 8-bit formats r8unorm: gl.R8, r8snorm: gl.R8_SNORM, r8uint: gl.R8UI, r8sint: gl.R8I, // 16-bit formats r16uint: gl.R16UI, r16sint: gl.R16I, r16float: gl.R16F, rg8unorm: gl.RG8, rg8snorm: gl.RG8_SNORM, rg8uint: gl.RG8UI, rg8sint: gl.RG8I, // 32-bit formats r32uint: gl.R32UI, r32sint: gl.R32I, r32float: gl.R32F, rg16uint: gl.RG16UI, rg16sint: gl.RG16I, rg16float: gl.RG16F, rgba8unorm: gl.RGBA, ...srgb, // Packed 32-bit formats rgba8snorm: gl.RGBA8_SNORM, rgba8uint: gl.RGBA8UI, rgba8sint: gl.RGBA8I, bgra8unorm, rgb9e5ufloat: gl.RGB9_E5, rgb10a2unorm: gl.RGB10_A2, rg11b10ufloat: gl.R11F_G11F_B10F, // 64-bit formats rg32uint: gl.RG32UI, rg32sint: gl.RG32I, rg32float: gl.RG32F, rgba16uint: gl.RGBA16UI, rgba16sint: gl.RGBA16I, rgba16float: gl.RGBA16F, // 128-bit formats rgba32uint: gl.RGBA32UI, rgba32sint: gl.RGBA32I, rgba32float: gl.RGBA32F, // Depth/stencil formats stencil8: gl.STENCIL_INDEX8, depth16unorm: gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, depth24plus: gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT24, "depth24plus-stencil8": gl.DEPTH24_STENCIL8, depth32float: gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT32F, "depth32float-stencil8": gl.DEPTH32F_STENCIL8, // Compressed formats ...extensions3.s3tc ? { "bc1-rgba-unorm": extensions3.s3tc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT, "bc2-rgba-unorm": extensions3.s3tc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT, "bc3-rgba-unorm": extensions3.s3tc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT } : {}, ...extensions3.s3tc_sRGB ? { "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb": extensions3.s3tc_sRGB.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT, "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb": extensions3.s3tc_sRGB.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT, "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb": extensions3.s3tc_sRGB.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT } : {}, ...extensions3.rgtc ? { "bc4-r-unorm": extensions3.rgtc.COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1_EXT, "bc4-r-snorm": extensions3.rgtc.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_EXT, "bc5-rg-unorm": extensions3.rgtc.COMPRESSED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT, "bc5-rg-snorm": extensions3.rgtc.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT } : {}, ...extensions3.bptc ? { "bc6h-rgb-float": extensions3.bptc.COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT_EXT, "bc6h-rgb-ufloat": extensions3.bptc.COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_EXT, "bc7-rgba-unorm": extensions3.bptc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT, "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb": extensions3.bptc.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT } : {}, ...extensions3.etc ? { "etc2-rgb8unorm": extensions3.etc.COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2, "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb": extensions3.etc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2, "etc2-rgb8a1unorm": extensions3.etc.COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2, "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb": extensions3.etc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2, "etc2-rgba8unorm": extensions3.etc.COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC, "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb": extensions3.etc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC, "eac-r11unorm": extensions3.etc.COMPRESSED_R11_EAC, // 'eac-r11snorm' "eac-rg11unorm": extensions3.etc.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC // 'eac-rg11snorm' } : {}, ...extensions3.astc ? { "astc-4x4-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR, "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR, "astc-5x4-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR, "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR, "astc-5x5-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR, "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR, "astc-6x5-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR, "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR, "astc-6x6-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR, "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR, "astc-8x5-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR, "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR, "astc-8x6-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR, "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR, "astc-8x8-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR, "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR, "astc-10x5-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x5_KHR, "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_KHR, "astc-10x6-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR, "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR, "astc-10x8-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR, "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR, "astc-10x10-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR, "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR, "astc-12x10-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR, "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR, "astc-12x12-unorm": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR, "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb": extensions3.astc.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR } : {} }; } var init_mapFormatToGlInternalFormat = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/mapFormatToGlInternalFormat.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/mapFormatToGlType.mjs function mapFormatToGlType(gl) { return { // 8-bit formats r8unorm: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, r8snorm: gl.BYTE, r8uint: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, r8sint: gl.BYTE, // 16-bit formats r16uint: gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, r16sint: gl.SHORT, r16float: gl.HALF_FLOAT, rg8unorm: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rg8snorm: gl.BYTE, rg8uint: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rg8sint: gl.BYTE, // 32-bit formats r32uint: gl.UNSIGNED_INT, r32sint: gl.INT, r32float: gl.FLOAT, rg16uint: gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, rg16sint: gl.SHORT, rg16float: gl.HALF_FLOAT, rgba8unorm: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, "rgba8unorm-srgb": gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, // Packed 32-bit formats rgba8snorm: gl.BYTE, rgba8uint: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rgba8sint: gl.BYTE, bgra8unorm: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, "bgra8unorm-srgb": gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rgb9e5ufloat: gl.UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV, rgb10a2unorm: gl.UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV, rg11b10ufloat: gl.UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV, // 64-bit formats rg32uint: gl.UNSIGNED_INT, rg32sint: gl.INT, rg32float: gl.FLOAT, rgba16uint: gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, rgba16sint: gl.SHORT, rgba16float: gl.HALF_FLOAT, // 128-bit formats rgba32uint: gl.UNSIGNED_INT, rgba32sint: gl.INT, rgba32float: gl.FLOAT, // Depth/stencil formats stencil8: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, depth16unorm: gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, depth24plus: gl.UNSIGNED_INT, "depth24plus-stencil8": gl.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8, depth32float: gl.FLOAT, "depth32float-stencil8": gl.FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV }; } var init_mapFormatToGlType = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/mapFormatToGlType.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/unpremultiplyAlpha.mjs function unpremultiplyAlpha2(pixels) { if (pixels instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) { pixels = new Uint8Array(pixels.buffer); } const n2 = pixels.length; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < n2; i3 += 4) { const alpha = pixels[i3 + 3]; if (alpha !== 0) { const a2 = 255.001 / alpha; pixels[i3] = pixels[i3] * a2 + 0.5; pixels[i3 + 1] = pixels[i3 + 1] * a2 + 0.5; pixels[i3 + 2] = pixels[i3 + 2] * a2 + 0.5; } } } var init_unpremultiplyAlpha = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/unpremultiplyAlpha.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/GlTextureSystem.mjs var BYTES_PER_PIXEL, GlTextureSystem; var init_GlTextureSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/GlTextureSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_Texture(); init_GlTexture(); init_glUploadBufferImageResource(); init_glUploadCompressedTextureResource(); init_glUploadImageResource(); init_glUploadVideoResource(); init_applyStyleParams(); init_mapFormatToGlFormat(); init_mapFormatToGlInternalFormat(); init_mapFormatToGlType(); BYTES_PER_PIXEL = 4; GlTextureSystem = class { constructor(renderer) { this.managedTextures = []; this._glTextures = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._glSamplers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._boundTextures = []; this._activeTextureLocation = -1; this._boundSamplers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._uploads = { image: glUploadImageResource, buffer: glUploadBufferImageResource, video: glUploadVideoResource, compressed: glUploadCompressedTextureResource }; this._useSeparateSamplers = false; this._renderer = renderer; this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_glTextures"); this._renderer.renderableGC.addManagedHash(this, "_glSamplers"); } contextChange(gl) { this._gl = gl; if (!this._mapFormatToInternalFormat) { this._mapFormatToInternalFormat = mapFormatToGlInternalFormat(gl, this._renderer.context.extensions); this._mapFormatToType = mapFormatToGlType(gl); this._mapFormatToFormat = mapFormatToGlFormat(gl); } this._glTextures = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._glSamplers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._boundSamplers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < 16; i3++) { this.bind(Texture.EMPTY, i3); } } initSource(source7) { this.bind(source7); } bind(texture, location = 0) { const source7 = texture.source; if (texture) { this.bindSource(source7, location); if (this._useSeparateSamplers) { this._bindSampler(source7.style, location); } } else { this.bindSource(null, location); if (this._useSeparateSamplers) { this._bindSampler(null, location); } } } bindSource(source7, location = 0) { const gl = this._gl; source7._touched = this._renderer.textureGC.count; if (this._boundTextures[location] !== source7) { this._boundTextures[location] = source7; this._activateLocation(location); source7 = source7 || Texture.EMPTY.source; const glTexture = this.getGlSource(source7); gl.bindTexture(glTexture.target, glTexture.texture); } } _bindSampler(style, location = 0) { const gl = this._gl; if (!style) { this._boundSamplers[location] = null; gl.bindSampler(location, null); return; } const sampler = this._getGlSampler(style); if (this._boundSamplers[location] !== sampler) { this._boundSamplers[location] = sampler; gl.bindSampler(location, sampler); } } unbind(texture) { const source7 = texture.source; const boundTextures = this._boundTextures; const gl = this._gl; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < boundTextures.length; i3++) { if (boundTextures[i3] === source7) { this._activateLocation(i3); const glTexture = this.getGlSource(source7); gl.bindTexture(glTexture.target, null); boundTextures[i3] = null; } } } _activateLocation(location) { if (this._activeTextureLocation !== location) { this._activeTextureLocation = location; this._gl.activeTexture(this._gl.TEXTURE0 + location); } } _initSource(source7) { const gl = this._gl; const glTexture = new GlTexture(gl.createTexture()); glTexture.type = this._mapFormatToType[source7.format]; glTexture.internalFormat = this._mapFormatToInternalFormat[source7.format]; glTexture.format = this._mapFormatToFormat[source7.format]; if (source7.autoGenerateMipmaps && (this._renderer.context.supports.nonPowOf2mipmaps || source7.isPowerOfTwo)) { const biggestDimension = Math.max(source7.width, source7.height); source7.mipLevelCount = Math.floor(Math.log2(biggestDimension)) + 1; } this._glTextures[source7.uid] = glTexture; if (!this.managedTextures.includes(source7)) { source7.on("update", this.onSourceUpdate, this); source7.on("resize", this.onSourceUpdate, this); source7.on("styleChange", this.onStyleChange, this); source7.on("destroy", this.onSourceDestroy, this); source7.on("unload", this.onSourceUnload, this); source7.on("updateMipmaps", this.onUpdateMipmaps, this); this.managedTextures.push(source7); } this.onSourceUpdate(source7); this.updateStyle(source7, false); return glTexture; } onStyleChange(source7) { this.updateStyle(source7, false); } updateStyle(source7, firstCreation) { const gl = this._gl; const glTexture = this.getGlSource(source7); gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, glTexture.texture); this._boundTextures[this._activeTextureLocation] = source7; applyStyleParams( source7.style, gl, source7.mipLevelCount > 1, this._renderer.context.extensions.anisotropicFiltering, "texParameteri", gl.TEXTURE_2D, // will force a clamp to edge if the texture is not a power of two !this._renderer.context.supports.nonPowOf2wrapping && !source7.isPowerOfTwo, firstCreation ); } onSourceUnload(source7) { const glTexture = this._glTextures[source7.uid]; if (!glTexture) return; this.unbind(source7); this._glTextures[source7.uid] = null; this._gl.deleteTexture(glTexture.texture); } onSourceUpdate(source7) { const gl = this._gl; const glTexture = this.getGlSource(source7); gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, glTexture.texture); this._boundTextures[this._activeTextureLocation] = source7; if (this._uploads[source7.uploadMethodId]) { this._uploads[source7.uploadMethodId].upload(source7, glTexture, gl, this._renderer.context.webGLVersion); } else { gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, source7.pixelWidth, source7.pixelHeight, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null); } if (source7.autoGenerateMipmaps && source7.mipLevelCount > 1) { this.onUpdateMipmaps(source7, false); } } onUpdateMipmaps(source7, bind = true) { if (bind) this.bindSource(source7, 0); const glTexture = this.getGlSource(source7); this._gl.generateMipmap(glTexture.target); } onSourceDestroy(source7) { source7.off("destroy", this.onSourceDestroy, this); source7.off("update", this.onSourceUpdate, this); source7.off("resize", this.onSourceUpdate, this); source7.off("unload", this.onSourceUnload, this); source7.off("styleChange", this.onStyleChange, this); source7.off("updateMipmaps", this.onUpdateMipmaps, this); this.managedTextures.splice(this.managedTextures.indexOf(source7), 1); this.onSourceUnload(source7); } _initSampler(style) { const gl = this._gl; const glSampler = this._gl.createSampler(); this._glSamplers[style._resourceId] = glSampler; applyStyleParams( style, gl, this._boundTextures[this._activeTextureLocation].mipLevelCount > 1, this._renderer.context.extensions.anisotropicFiltering, "samplerParameteri", glSampler, false, true ); return this._glSamplers[style._resourceId]; } _getGlSampler(sampler) { return this._glSamplers[sampler._resourceId] || this._initSampler(sampler); } getGlSource(source7) { return this._glTextures[source7.uid] || this._initSource(source7); } generateCanvas(texture) { const { pixels, width, height } = this.getPixels(texture); const canvas2 = DOMAdapter.get().createCanvas(); canvas2.width = width; canvas2.height = height; const ctx = canvas2.getContext("2d"); if (ctx) { const imageData = ctx.createImageData(width, height); imageData.data.set(pixels); ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); } return canvas2; } getPixels(texture) { const resolution = texture.source.resolution; const frame = texture.frame; const width = Math.max(Math.round(frame.width * resolution), 1); const height = Math.max(Math.round(frame.height * resolution), 1); const pixels = new Uint8Array(BYTES_PER_PIXEL * width * height); const renderer = this._renderer; const renderTarget = renderer.renderTarget.getRenderTarget(texture); const glRenterTarget = renderer.renderTarget.getGpuRenderTarget(renderTarget); const gl = renderer.gl; gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, glRenterTarget.resolveTargetFramebuffer); gl.readPixels( Math.round(frame.x * resolution), Math.round(frame.y * resolution), width, height, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels ); if (false) { unpremultiplyAlpha(pixels); } return { pixels: new Uint8ClampedArray(pixels.buffer), width, height }; } destroy() { this.managedTextures.slice().forEach((source7) => this.onSourceDestroy(source7)); this.managedTextures = null; this._renderer = null; } }; GlTextureSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem ], name: "texture" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/WebGLRenderer.mjs var WebGLRenderer_exports = {}; __export(WebGLRenderer_exports, { WebGLRenderer: () => WebGLRenderer }); var DefaultWebGLSystems, DefaultWebGLPipes, DefaultWebGLAdapters, systems2, renderPipes2, renderPipeAdaptors2, WebGLRenderer; var init_WebGLRenderer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/WebGLRenderer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_GlGraphicsAdaptor(); init_GlMeshAdaptor(); init_GlBatchAdaptor(); init_AbstractRenderer(); init_SharedSystems(); init_types2(); init_GlBufferSystem(); init_GlContextSystem(); init_GlGeometrySystem(); init_GlBackBufferSystem(); init_GlColorMaskSystem(); init_GlEncoderSystem(); init_GlStencilSystem(); init_GlUboSystem(); init_GlRenderTargetSystem(); init_GlShaderSystem(); init_GlUniformGroupSystem(); init_GlStateSystem(); init_GlTextureSystem(); DefaultWebGLSystems = [ ...SharedSystems, GlUboSystem, GlBackBufferSystem, GlContextSystem, GlBufferSystem, GlTextureSystem, GlRenderTargetSystem, GlGeometrySystem, GlUniformGroupSystem, GlShaderSystem, GlEncoderSystem, GlStateSystem, GlStencilSystem, GlColorMaskSystem ]; DefaultWebGLPipes = [...SharedRenderPipes]; DefaultWebGLAdapters = [GlBatchAdaptor, GlMeshAdaptor, GlGraphicsAdaptor]; systems2 = []; renderPipes2 = []; renderPipeAdaptors2 = []; extensions.handleByNamedList(ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, systems2); extensions.handleByNamedList(ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, renderPipes2); extensions.handleByNamedList(ExtensionType.WebGLPipesAdaptor, renderPipeAdaptors2); extensions.add(...DefaultWebGLSystems, ...DefaultWebGLPipes, ...DefaultWebGLAdapters); WebGLRenderer = class extends AbstractRenderer { constructor() { const systemConfig = { name: "webgl", type: RendererType.WEBGL, systems: systems2, renderPipes: renderPipes2, renderPipeAdaptors: renderPipeAdaptors2 }; super(systemConfig); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/autoDetectRenderer.mjs async function autoDetectRenderer(options) { let preferredOrder = []; if (options.preference) { preferredOrder.push(options.preference); renderPriority.forEach((item) => { if (item !== options.preference) { preferredOrder.push(item); } }); } else { preferredOrder = renderPriority.slice(); } let RendererClass; let finalOptions = {}; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < preferredOrder.length; i3++) { const rendererType = preferredOrder[i3]; if (rendererType === "webgpu" && await isWebGPUSupported()) { const { WebGPURenderer: WebGPURenderer2 } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_WebGPURenderer(), WebGPURenderer_exports)); RendererClass = WebGPURenderer2; finalOptions = { ...options, ...options.webgpu }; break; } else if (rendererType === "webgl" && isWebGLSupported( options.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat ?? AbstractRenderer.defaultOptions.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat )) { const { WebGLRenderer: WebGLRenderer2 } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_WebGLRenderer(), WebGLRenderer_exports)); RendererClass = WebGLRenderer2; finalOptions = { ...options, ...options.webgl }; break; } else if (rendererType === "canvas") { finalOptions = { ...options }; throw new Error("CanvasRenderer is not yet implemented"); } } delete finalOptions.webgpu; delete finalOptions.webgl; if (!RendererClass) { throw new Error("No available renderer for the current environment"); } const renderer = new RendererClass(); await renderer.init(finalOptions); return renderer; } var renderPriority; var init_autoDetectRenderer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/autoDetectRenderer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_isWebGLSupported(); init_isWebGPUSupported(); init_AbstractRenderer(); renderPriority = ["webgl", "webgpu", "canvas"]; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/app/Application.mjs var _Application, Application; var init_Application = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/app/Application.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_autoDetectRenderer(); init_Container(); init_globalHooks(); init_deprecation(); _Application = class _Application2 { /** @ignore */ constructor(...args) { this.stage = new Container(); if (args[0] !== void 0) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Application constructor options are deprecated, please use Application.init() instead."); } } /** * @param options - The optional application and renderer parameters. */ async init(options) { options = { ...options }; this.renderer = await autoDetectRenderer(options); _Application2._plugins.forEach((plugin) => { plugin.init.call(this, options); }); } /** Render the current stage. */ render() { this.renderer.render({ container: this.stage }); } /** * Reference to the renderer's canvas element. * @readonly * @member {HTMLCanvasElement} */ get canvas() { return this.renderer.canvas; } /** * Reference to the renderer's canvas element. * @member {HTMLCanvasElement} * @deprecated since 8.0.0 */ get view() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Application.view is deprecated, please use Application.canvas instead."); return this.renderer.canvas; } /** * Reference to the renderer's screen rectangle. Its safe to use as `filterArea` or `hitArea` for the whole screen. * @readonly */ get screen() { return this.renderer.screen; } /** * Destroys the application and all of its resources. * @param {object|boolean}[rendererDestroyOptions=false] - The options for destroying the renderer. * @param {boolean}[rendererDestroyOptions.removeView=false] - Removes the Canvas element from the DOM. * @param {object|boolean} [options=false] - The options for destroying the stage. * @param {boolean} [options.children=false] - If set to true, all the children will have their destroy method * called as well. `options` will be passed on to those calls. * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Only used for children with textures e.g. Sprites. * If options.children is set to true, * it should destroy the texture of the child sprite. * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Only used for children with textures e.g. Sprites. * If options.children is set to true, * it should destroy the texture source of the child sprite. * @param {boolean} [options.context=false] - Only used for children with graphicsContexts e.g. Graphics. * If options.children is set to true, * it should destroy the context of the child graphics. */ destroy(rendererDestroyOptions = false, options = false) { const plugins = _Application2._plugins.slice(0); plugins.reverse(); plugins.forEach((plugin) => { plugin.destroy.call(this); }); this.stage.destroy(options); this.stage = null; this.renderer.destroy(rendererDestroyOptions); this.renderer = null; } }; _Application._plugins = []; Application = _Application; extensions.handleByList(ExtensionType.Application, Application._plugins); extensions.add(ApplicationInitHook); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/BitmapFont.mjs var BitmapFont; var init_BitmapFont = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/BitmapFont.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Rectangle(); init_Texture(); init_AbstractBitmapFont(); init_BitmapFontManager(); BitmapFont = class extends AbstractBitmapFont { constructor(options, url) { super(); const { textures, data } = options; Object.keys(data.pages).forEach((key) => { const pageData = data.pages[parseInt(key, 10)]; const texture = textures[pageData.id]; this.pages.push({ texture }); }); Object.keys(data.chars).forEach((key) => { const charData = data.chars[key]; const { frame: textureFrame, source: textureSource } = textures[charData.page]; const frameReal = new Rectangle( charData.x + textureFrame.x, charData.y + textureFrame.y, charData.width, charData.height ); const texture = new Texture({ source: textureSource, frame: frameReal }); this.chars[key] = { id: key.codePointAt(0), xOffset: charData.xOffset, yOffset: charData.yOffset, xAdvance: charData.xAdvance, kerning: charData.kerning ?? {}, texture }; }); this.baseRenderedFontSize = data.fontSize; this.baseMeasurementFontSize = data.fontSize; this.fontMetrics = { ascent: 0, descent: 0, fontSize: data.fontSize }; this.baseLineOffset = data.baseLineOffset; this.lineHeight = data.lineHeight; this.fontFamily = data.fontFamily; this.distanceField = data.distanceField ?? { type: "none", range: 0 }; this.url = url; } /** Destroys the BitmapFont object. */ destroy() { super.destroy(); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.pages.length; i3++) { const { texture } = this.pages[i3]; texture.destroy(true); } this.pages = null; } /** * Generates a bitmap-font for the given style and character set * @param options - Setup options for font generation. * @returns Font generated by style options. * @example * import { BitmapFont, BitmapText } from 'pixi.js'; * * BitmapFont.install('TitleFont', { * fontFamily: 'Arial', * fontSize: 12, * strokeThickness: 2, * fill: 'purple', * }); * * const title = new BitmapText({ text: 'This is the title', fontFamily: 'TitleFont' }); */ static install(options) { BitmapFontManager.install(options); } /** * Uninstalls a bitmap font from the cache. * @param {string} name - The name of the bitmap font to uninstall. */ static uninstall(name) { BitmapFontManager.uninstall(name); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/asset/bitmapFontTextParser.mjs var bitmapFontTextParser; var init_bitmapFontTextParser = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/asset/bitmapFontTextParser.mjs"() { "use strict"; bitmapFontTextParser = { test(data) { return typeof data === "string" && data.startsWith("info face="); }, parse(txt) { const items = txt.match(/^[a-z]+\s+.+$/gm); const rawData = { info: [], common: [], page: [], char: [], chars: [], kerning: [], kernings: [], distanceField: [] }; for (const i3 in items) { const name = items[i3].match(/^[a-z]+/gm)[0]; const attributeList = items[i3].match(/[a-zA-Z]+=([^\s"']+|"([^"]*)")/gm); const itemData = {}; for (const i22 in attributeList) { const split = attributeList[i22].split("="); const key = split[0]; const strValue = split[1].replace(/"/gm, ""); const floatValue = parseFloat(strValue); const value = isNaN(floatValue) ? strValue : floatValue; itemData[key] = value; } rawData[name].push(itemData); } const font = { chars: {}, pages: [], lineHeight: 0, fontSize: 0, fontFamily: "", distanceField: null, baseLineOffset: 0 }; const [info] = rawData.info; const [common] = rawData.common; const [distanceField] = rawData.distanceField ?? []; if (distanceField) { font.distanceField = { range: parseInt(distanceField.distanceRange, 10), type: distanceField.fieldType }; } font.fontSize = parseInt(info.size, 10); font.fontFamily = info.face; font.lineHeight = parseInt(common.lineHeight, 10); const page = rawData.page; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < page.length; i3++) { font.pages.push({ id: parseInt(page[i3].id, 10) || 0, file: page[i3].file }); } const map = {}; font.baseLineOffset = font.lineHeight - parseInt(common.base, 10); const char = rawData.char; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < char.length; i3++) { const charNode = char[i3]; const id3 = parseInt(charNode.id, 10); let letter = charNode.letter ?? charNode.char ?? String.fromCharCode(id3); if (letter === "space") letter = " "; map[id3] = letter; font.chars[letter] = { id: id3, // texture deets.. page: parseInt(charNode.page, 10) || 0, x: parseInt(charNode.x, 10), y: parseInt(charNode.y, 10), width: parseInt(charNode.width, 10), height: parseInt(charNode.height, 10), xOffset: parseInt(charNode.xoffset, 10), yOffset: parseInt(charNode.yoffset, 10), xAdvance: parseInt(charNode.xadvance, 10), kerning: {} }; } const kerning = rawData.kerning || []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < kerning.length; i3++) { const first = parseInt(kerning[i3].first, 10); const second = parseInt(kerning[i3].second, 10); const amount = parseInt(kerning[i3].amount, 10); font.chars[map[second]].kerning[map[first]] = amount; } return font; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/asset/bitmapFontXMLParser.mjs var bitmapFontXMLParser; var init_bitmapFontXMLParser = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/asset/bitmapFontXMLParser.mjs"() { "use strict"; bitmapFontXMLParser = { test(data) { const xml = data; return typeof xml !== "string" && "getElementsByTagName" in xml && xml.getElementsByTagName("page").length && xml.getElementsByTagName("info")[0].getAttribute("face") !== null; }, parse(xml) { const data = { chars: {}, pages: [], lineHeight: 0, fontSize: 0, fontFamily: "", distanceField: null, baseLineOffset: 0 }; const info = xml.getElementsByTagName("info")[0]; const common = xml.getElementsByTagName("common")[0]; const distanceField = xml.getElementsByTagName("distanceField")[0]; if (distanceField) { data.distanceField = { type: distanceField.getAttribute("fieldType"), range: parseInt(distanceField.getAttribute("distanceRange"), 10) }; } const page = xml.getElementsByTagName("page"); const char = xml.getElementsByTagName("char"); const kerning = xml.getElementsByTagName("kerning"); data.fontSize = parseInt(info.getAttribute("size"), 10); data.fontFamily = info.getAttribute("face"); data.lineHeight = parseInt(common.getAttribute("lineHeight"), 10); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < page.length; i3++) { data.pages.push({ id: parseInt(page[i3].getAttribute("id"), 10) || 0, file: page[i3].getAttribute("file") }); } const map = {}; data.baseLineOffset = data.lineHeight - parseInt(common.getAttribute("base"), 10); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < char.length; i3++) { const charNode = char[i3]; const id3 = parseInt(charNode.getAttribute("id"), 10); let letter = charNode.getAttribute("letter") ?? charNode.getAttribute("char") ?? String.fromCharCode(id3); if (letter === "space") letter = " "; map[id3] = letter; data.chars[letter] = { id: id3, // texture deets.. page: parseInt(charNode.getAttribute("page"), 10) || 0, x: parseInt(charNode.getAttribute("x"), 10), y: parseInt(charNode.getAttribute("y"), 10), width: parseInt(charNode.getAttribute("width"), 10), height: parseInt(charNode.getAttribute("height"), 10), // render deets.. xOffset: parseInt(charNode.getAttribute("xoffset"), 10), yOffset: parseInt(charNode.getAttribute("yoffset"), 10), // + baseLineOffset, xAdvance: parseInt(charNode.getAttribute("xadvance"), 10), kerning: {} }; } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < kerning.length; i3++) { const first = parseInt(kerning[i3].getAttribute("first"), 10); const second = parseInt(kerning[i3].getAttribute("second"), 10); const amount = parseInt(kerning[i3].getAttribute("amount"), 10); data.chars[map[second]].kerning[map[first]] = amount; } return data; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/asset/bitmapFontXMLStringParser.mjs var bitmapFontXMLStringParser; var init_bitmapFontXMLStringParser = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/asset/bitmapFontXMLStringParser.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_bitmapFontXMLParser(); bitmapFontXMLStringParser = { test(data) { if (typeof data === "string" && data.includes("")) { return bitmapFontXMLParser.test(DOMAdapter.get().parseXML(data)); } return false; }, parse(data) { return bitmapFontXMLParser.parse(DOMAdapter.get().parseXML(data)); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/asset/loadBitmapFont.mjs var validExtensions, bitmapFontCachePlugin, loadBitmapFont; var init_loadBitmapFont = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/asset/loadBitmapFont.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_LoaderParser(); init_copySearchParams(); init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_path(); init_BitmapFont(); init_bitmapFontTextParser(); init_bitmapFontXMLStringParser(); validExtensions = [".xml", ".fnt"]; bitmapFontCachePlugin = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.CacheParser, name: "cacheBitmapFont" }, test: (asset) => asset instanceof BitmapFont, getCacheableAssets(keys, asset) { const out2 = {}; keys.forEach((key) => { out2[key] = asset; out2[`${key}-bitmap`] = asset; }); out2[`${asset.fontFamily}-bitmap`] = asset; return out2; } }; loadBitmapFont = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.Normal }, name: "loadBitmapFont", test(url) { return validExtensions.includes(path.extname(url).toLowerCase()); }, async testParse(data) { return bitmapFontTextParser.test(data) || bitmapFontXMLStringParser.test(data); }, async parse(asset, data, loader) { const bitmapFontData = bitmapFontTextParser.test(asset) ? bitmapFontTextParser.parse(asset) : bitmapFontXMLStringParser.parse(asset); const { src } = data; const { pages } = bitmapFontData; const textureUrls = []; const textureOptions = bitmapFontData.distanceField ? { scaleMode: "linear", alphaMode: "premultiply-alpha-on-upload", autoGenerateMipmaps: false, resolution: 1 } : {}; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < pages.length; ++i3) { const pageFile = pages[i3].file; let imagePath = path.join(path.dirname(src), pageFile); imagePath = copySearchParams(imagePath, src); textureUrls.push({ src: imagePath, data: textureOptions }); } const loadedTextures = await loader.load(textureUrls); const textures = textureUrls.map((url) => loadedTextures[url.src]); const bitmapFont = new BitmapFont({ data: bitmapFontData, textures }, src); return bitmapFont; }, async load(url, _options) { const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url); return await response.text(); }, async unload(bitmapFont, _resolvedAsset, loader) { await Promise.all(bitmapFont.pages.map((page) => loader.unload(page.texture.source._sourceOrigin))); bitmapFont.destroy(); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/BackgroundLoader.mjs var BackgroundLoader; var init_BackgroundLoader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/BackgroundLoader.mjs"() { "use strict"; BackgroundLoader = class { /** * @param loader * @param verbose - should the loader log to the console */ constructor(loader, verbose = false) { this._loader = loader; this._assetList = []; this._isLoading = false; this._maxConcurrent = 1; this.verbose = verbose; } /** * Adds an array of assets to load. * @param assetUrls - assets to load */ add(assetUrls) { assetUrls.forEach((a2) => { this._assetList.push(a2); }); if (this.verbose) { console.log("[BackgroundLoader] assets: ", this._assetList); } if (this._isActive && !this._isLoading) { void this._next(); } } /** * Loads the next set of assets. Will try to load as many assets as it can at the same time. * * The max assets it will try to load at one time will be 4. */ async _next() { if (this._assetList.length && this._isActive) { this._isLoading = true; const toLoad = []; const toLoadAmount = Math.min(this._assetList.length, this._maxConcurrent); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < toLoadAmount; i3++) { toLoad.push(this._assetList.pop()); } await this._loader.load(toLoad); this._isLoading = false; void this._next(); } } /** * Activate/Deactivate the loading. If set to true then it will immediately continue to load the next asset. * @returns whether the class is active */ get active() { return this._isActive; } set active(value) { if (this._isActive === value) return; this._isActive = value; if (value && !this._isLoading) { void this._next(); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/cache/parsers/cacheTextureArray.mjs var cacheTextureArray; var init_cacheTextureArray = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/cache/parsers/cacheTextureArray.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Texture(); cacheTextureArray = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.CacheParser, name: "cacheTextureArray" }, test: (asset) => Array.isArray(asset) && asset.every((t2) => t2 instanceof Texture), getCacheableAssets: (keys, asset) => { const out2 = {}; keys.forEach((key) => { asset.forEach((item, i3) => { out2[key + (i3 === 0 ? "" : i3 + 1)] = item; }); }); return out2; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/utils/testImageFormat.mjs async function testImageFormat(imageData) { if ("Image" in globalThis) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const image = new Image(); image.onload = () => { resolve(true); }; image.onerror = () => { resolve(false); }; image.src = imageData; }); } if ("createImageBitmap" in globalThis && "fetch" in globalThis) { try { const blob = await (await fetch(imageData)).blob(); await createImageBitmap(blob); } catch (e2) { return false; } return true; } return false; } var init_testImageFormat = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/utils/testImageFormat.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectAvif.mjs var detectAvif; var init_detectAvif = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectAvif.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_testImageFormat(); detectAvif = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.DetectionParser, priority: 1 }, test: async () => testImageFormat( // eslint-disable-next-line max-len "" ), add: async (formats) => [...formats, "avif"], remove: async (formats) => formats.filter((f2) => f2 !== "avif") }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectDefaults.mjs var imageFormats, detectDefaults; var init_detectDefaults = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectDefaults.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); imageFormats = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]; detectDefaults = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.DetectionParser, priority: -1 }, test: () => Promise.resolve(true), add: async (formats) => [...formats, ...imageFormats], remove: async (formats) => formats.filter((f2) => !imageFormats.includes(f2)) }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/utils/testVideoFormat.mjs function testVideoFormat(mimeType) { if (inWorker) { return false; } const video = document.createElement("video"); return video.canPlayType(mimeType) !== ""; } var inWorker; var init_testVideoFormat = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/utils/testVideoFormat.mjs"() { "use strict"; inWorker = "WorkerGlobalScope" in globalThis && globalThis instanceof globalThis.WorkerGlobalScope; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectMp4.mjs var detectMp4; var init_detectMp4 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectMp4.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_testVideoFormat(); detectMp4 = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.DetectionParser, priority: 0 }, test: async () => testVideoFormat("video/mp4"), add: async (formats) => [...formats, "mp4", "m4v"], remove: async (formats) => formats.filter((f2) => f2 !== "mp4" && f2 !== "m4v") }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectOgv.mjs var detectOgv; var init_detectOgv = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectOgv.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_testVideoFormat(); detectOgv = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.DetectionParser, priority: 0 }, test: async () => testVideoFormat("video/ogg"), add: async (formats) => [...formats, "ogv"], remove: async (formats) => formats.filter((f2) => f2 !== "ogv") }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectWebm.mjs var detectWebm; var init_detectWebm = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectWebm.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_testVideoFormat(); detectWebm = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.DetectionParser, priority: 0 }, test: async () => testVideoFormat("video/webm"), add: async (formats) => [...formats, "webm"], remove: async (formats) => formats.filter((f2) => f2 !== "webm") }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectWebp.mjs var detectWebp; var init_detectWebp = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/detections/parsers/detectWebp.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_testImageFormat(); detectWebp = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.DetectionParser, priority: 0 }, test: async () => testImageFormat( "" ), add: async (formats) => [...formats, "webp"], remove: async (formats) => formats.filter((f2) => f2 !== "webp") }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/Loader.mjs var Loader; var init_Loader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/Loader.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_warn(); init_path(); init_convertToList(); init_isSingleItem(); Loader = class { constructor() { this._parsers = []; this._parsersValidated = false; this.parsers = new Proxy(this._parsers, { set: (target, key, value) => { this._parsersValidated = false; target[key] = value; return true; } }); this.promiseCache = {}; } /** function used for testing */ reset() { this._parsersValidated = false; this.promiseCache = {}; } /** * Used internally to generate a promise for the asset to be loaded. * @param url - The URL to be loaded * @param data - any custom additional information relevant to the asset being loaded * @returns - a promise that will resolve to an Asset for example a Texture of a JSON object */ _getLoadPromiseAndParser(url, data) { const result = { promise: null, parser: null }; result.promise = (async () => { let asset = null; let parser = null; if (data.loadParser) { parser = this._parserHash[data.loadParser]; if (!parser) { warn(`[Assets] specified load parser "${data.loadParser}" not found while loading ${url}`); } } if (!parser) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.parsers.length; i3++) { const parserX = this.parsers[i3]; if (parserX.load && parserX.test?.(url, data, this)) { parser = parserX; break; } } if (!parser) { warn(`[Assets] ${url} could not be loaded as we don't know how to parse it, ensure the correct parser has been added`); return null; } } asset = await parser.load(url, data, this); result.parser = parser; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.parsers.length; i3++) { const parser2 = this.parsers[i3]; if (parser2.parse) { if (parser2.parse && await parser2.testParse?.(asset, data, this)) { asset = await parser2.parse(asset, data, this) || asset; result.parser = parser2; } } } return asset; })(); return result; } async load(assetsToLoadIn, onProgress) { if (!this._parsersValidated) { this._validateParsers(); } let count2 = 0; const assets = {}; const singleAsset = isSingleItem(assetsToLoadIn); const assetsToLoad = convertToList(assetsToLoadIn, (item) => ({ alias: [item], src: item, data: {} })); const total = assetsToLoad.length; const promises = assetsToLoad.map(async (asset) => { const url = path.toAbsolute(asset.src); if (!assets[asset.src]) { try { if (!this.promiseCache[url]) { this.promiseCache[url] = this._getLoadPromiseAndParser(url, asset); } assets[asset.src] = await this.promiseCache[url].promise; if (onProgress) onProgress(++count2 / total); } catch (e2) { delete this.promiseCache[url]; delete assets[asset.src]; throw new Error(`[Loader.load] Failed to load ${url}. ${e2}`); } } }); await Promise.all(promises); return singleAsset ? assets[assetsToLoad[0].src] : assets; } /** * Unloads one or more assets. Any unloaded assets will be destroyed, freeing up memory for your app. * The parser that created the asset, will be the one that unloads it. * @example * // Single asset: * const asset = await Loader.load('cool.png'); * * await Loader.unload('cool.png'); * * console.log(asset.destroyed); // true * @param assetsToUnloadIn - urls that you want to unload, or a single one! */ async unload(assetsToUnloadIn) { const assetsToUnload = convertToList(assetsToUnloadIn, (item) => ({ alias: [item], src: item })); const promises = assetsToUnload.map(async (asset) => { const url = path.toAbsolute(asset.src); const loadPromise = this.promiseCache[url]; if (loadPromise) { const loadedAsset = await loadPromise.promise; delete this.promiseCache[url]; await loadPromise.parser?.unload?.(loadedAsset, asset, this); } }); await Promise.all(promises); } /** validates our parsers, right now it only checks for name conflicts but we can add more here as required! */ _validateParsers() { this._parsersValidated = true; this._parserHash = this._parsers.filter((parser) => parser.name).reduce((hash, parser) => { if (!parser.name) { warn(`[Assets] loadParser should have a name`); } else if (hash[parser.name]) { warn(`[Assets] loadParser name conflict "${parser.name}"`); } return { ...hash, [parser.name]: parser }; }, {}); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/checkDataUrl.mjs function checkDataUrl(url, mimes2) { if (Array.isArray(mimes2)) { for (const mime of mimes2) { if (url.startsWith(`data:${mime}`)) return true; } return false; } return url.startsWith(`data:${mimes2}`); } var init_checkDataUrl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/checkDataUrl.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/checkExtension.mjs function checkExtension(url, extension) { const tempURL = url.split("?")[0]; const ext = path.extname(tempURL).toLowerCase(); if (Array.isArray(extension)) { return extension.includes(ext); } return ext === extension; } var init_checkExtension = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/utils/checkExtension.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_path(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/loadJson.mjs var validJSONExtension, validJSONMIME, loadJson; var init_loadJson = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/loadJson.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_checkDataUrl(); init_checkExtension(); init_LoaderParser(); validJSONExtension = ".json"; validJSONMIME = "application/json"; loadJson = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.Low }, name: "loadJson", test(url) { return checkDataUrl(url, validJSONMIME) || checkExtension(url, validJSONExtension); }, async load(url) { const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url); const json = await response.json(); return json; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/loadTxt.mjs var validTXTExtension, validTXTMIME, loadTxt; var init_loadTxt = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/loadTxt.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_checkDataUrl(); init_checkExtension(); init_LoaderParser(); validTXTExtension = ".txt"; validTXTMIME = "text/plain"; loadTxt = { name: "loadTxt", extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.Low, name: "loadTxt" }, test(url) { return checkDataUrl(url, validTXTMIME) || checkExtension(url, validTXTExtension); }, async load(url) { const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url); const txt = await response.text(); return txt; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/loadWebFont.mjs function getFontFamilyName(url) { const ext = path.extname(url); const name = path.basename(url, ext); const nameWithSpaces = name.replace(/(-|_)/g, " "); const nameTokens = nameWithSpaces.toLowerCase().split(" ").map((word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)); let valid = nameTokens.length > 0; for (const token of nameTokens) { if (!token.match(CSS_IDENT_TOKEN_REGEX)) { valid = false; break; } } let fontFamilyName = nameTokens.join(" "); if (!valid) { fontFamilyName = `"${fontFamilyName.replace(/[\\"]/g, "\\$&")}"`; } return fontFamilyName; } function encodeURIWhenNeeded(uri) { if (validURICharactersRegex.test(uri)) { return uri; } return encodeURI(uri); } var validWeights, validFontExtensions, validFontMIMEs, CSS_IDENT_TOKEN_REGEX, validURICharactersRegex, loadWebFont; var init_loadWebFont = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/loadWebFont.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_warn(); init_path(); init_Cache(); init_checkDataUrl(); init_checkExtension(); init_LoaderParser(); validWeights = [ "normal", "bold", "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900" ]; validFontExtensions = [".ttf", ".otf", ".woff", ".woff2"]; validFontMIMEs = [ "font/ttf", "font/otf", "font/woff", "font/woff2" ]; CSS_IDENT_TOKEN_REGEX = /^(--|-?[A-Z_])[0-9A-Z_-]*$/i; validURICharactersRegex = /^[0-9A-Za-z%:/?#\[\]@!\$&'()\*\+,;=\-._~]*$/; loadWebFont = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.Low }, name: "loadWebFont", test(url) { return checkDataUrl(url, validFontMIMEs) || checkExtension(url, validFontExtensions); }, async load(url, options) { const fonts = DOMAdapter.get().getFontFaceSet(); if (fonts) { const fontFaces = []; const name = options.data?.family ?? getFontFamilyName(url); const weights = options.data?.weights?.filter((weight) => validWeights.includes(weight)) ?? ["normal"]; const data = options.data ?? {}; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < weights.length; i3++) { const weight = weights[i3]; const font = new FontFace(name, `url(${encodeURIWhenNeeded(url)})`, { ...data, weight }); await font.load(); fonts.add(font); fontFaces.push(font); } Cache.set(`${name}-and-url`, { url, fontFaces }); return fontFaces.length === 1 ? fontFaces[0] : fontFaces; } warn("[loadWebFont] FontFace API is not supported. Skipping loading font"); return null; }, unload(font) { (Array.isArray(font) ? font : [font]).forEach((t2) => { Cache.remove(t2.family); DOMAdapter.get().getFontFaceSet().delete(t2); }); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/network/getResolutionOfUrl.mjs function getResolutionOfUrl(url, defaultValue2 = 1) { const resolution = Resolver.RETINA_PREFIX?.exec(url); if (resolution) { return parseFloat(resolution[1]); } return defaultValue2; } var init_getResolutionOfUrl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/network/getResolutionOfUrl.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Resolver(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/textures/utils/createTexture.mjs function createTexture(source7, loader, url) { source7.label = url; source7._sourceOrigin = url; const texture = new Texture({ source: source7, label: url }); const unload = () => { delete loader.promiseCache[url]; if (Cache.has(url)) { Cache.remove(url); } }; texture.source.once("destroy", () => { if (loader.promiseCache[url]) { warn("[Assets] A TextureSource managed by Assets was destroyed instead of unloaded! Use Assets.unload() instead of destroying the TextureSource."); unload(); } }); texture.once("destroy", () => { if (!source7.destroyed) { warn("[Assets] A Texture managed by Assets was destroyed instead of unloaded! Use Assets.unload() instead of destroying the Texture."); unload(); } }); return texture; } var init_createTexture = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/textures/utils/createTexture.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Texture(); init_warn(); init_Cache(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/textures/loadSVG.mjs async function loadAsTexture(url, asset, loader, crossOrigin2) { const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url); const blob = await response.blob(); const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const image = new Image(); image.src = blobUrl; image.crossOrigin = crossOrigin2; await image.decode(); URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl); const canvas2 = document.createElement("canvas"); const context2 = canvas2.getContext("2d"); const resolution = asset.data?.resolution || getResolutionOfUrl(url); const width = asset.data?.width ?? image.width; const height = asset.data?.height ?? image.height; canvas2.width = width * resolution; canvas2.height = height * resolution; context2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width * resolution, height * resolution); const { parseAsGraphicsContext: _p, ...rest } = asset.data; const base = new ImageSource({ resource: canvas2, alphaMode: "premultiply-alpha-on-upload", resolution, ...rest }); return createTexture(base, loader, url); } async function loadAsGraphics(url) { const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url); const svgSource = await response.text(); const context2 = new GraphicsContext(); context2.svg(svgSource); return context2; } var validSVGExtension, validSVGMIME, loadSvg; var init_loadSVG = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/textures/loadSVG.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_ImageSource(); init_GraphicsContext(); init_getResolutionOfUrl(); init_checkDataUrl(); init_checkExtension(); init_LoaderParser(); init_createTexture(); validSVGExtension = ".svg"; validSVGMIME = "image/svg+xml"; loadSvg = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.Low, name: "loadSVG" }, name: "loadSVG", config: { crossOrigin: "anonymous", parseAsGraphicsContext: false }, test(url) { return checkDataUrl(url, validSVGMIME) || checkExtension(url, validSVGExtension); }, async load(url, asset, loader) { if (asset.data.parseAsGraphicsContext ?? this.config.parseAsGraphicsContext) { return loadAsGraphics(url); } return loadAsTexture(url, asset, loader, this.config.crossOrigin); }, unload(asset) { asset.destroy(true); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/_virtual/checkImageBitmap.worker.mjs var WORKER_CODE, WORKER_URL, WorkerInstance; var init_checkImageBitmap_worker = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/_virtual/checkImageBitmap.worker.mjs"() { "use strict"; WORKER_CODE = `(function () { 'use strict'; const WHITE_PNG = ""; async function checkImageBitmap() { try { if (typeof createImageBitmap !== "function") return false; const response = await fetch(WHITE_PNG); const imageBlob = await response.blob(); const imageBitmap = await createImageBitmap(imageBlob); return imageBitmap.width === 1 && imageBitmap.height === 1; } catch (e) { return false; } } void checkImageBitmap().then((result) => { self.postMessage(result); }); })(); `; WORKER_URL = null; WorkerInstance = class { constructor() { if (!WORKER_URL) { WORKER_URL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([WORKER_CODE], { type: "application/javascript" })); } this.worker = new Worker(WORKER_URL); } }; WorkerInstance.revokeObjectURL = function revokeObjectURL() { if (WORKER_URL) { URL.revokeObjectURL(WORKER_URL); WORKER_URL = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/_virtual/loadImageBitmap.worker.mjs var WORKER_CODE2, WORKER_URL2, WorkerInstance2; var init_loadImageBitmap_worker = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/_virtual/loadImageBitmap.worker.mjs"() { "use strict"; WORKER_CODE2 = '(function () {\n \'use strict\';\n\n async function loadImageBitmap(url, alphaMode) {\n const response = await fetch(url);\n if (!response.ok) {\n throw new Error(`[WorkerManager.loadImageBitmap] Failed to fetch ${url}: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);\n }\n const imageBlob = await response.blob();\n return alphaMode === "premultiplied-alpha" ? createImageBitmap(imageBlob, { premultiplyAlpha: "none" }) : createImageBitmap(imageBlob);\n }\n self.onmessage = async (event) => {\n try {\n const imageBitmap = await loadImageBitmap(event.data.data[0], event.data.data[1]);\n self.postMessage({\n data: imageBitmap,\n uuid: event.data.uuid,\n id: event.data.id\n }, [imageBitmap]);\n } catch (e) {\n self.postMessage({\n error: e,\n uuid: event.data.uuid,\n id: event.data.id\n });\n }\n };\n\n})();\n'; WORKER_URL2 = null; WorkerInstance2 = class { constructor() { if (!WORKER_URL2) { WORKER_URL2 = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([WORKER_CODE2], { type: "application/javascript" })); } this.worker = new Worker(WORKER_URL2); } }; WorkerInstance2.revokeObjectURL = function revokeObjectURL2() { if (WORKER_URL2) { URL.revokeObjectURL(WORKER_URL2); WORKER_URL2 = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/workers/WorkerManager.mjs var UUID, MAX_WORKERS, WorkerManagerClass, WorkerManager; var init_WorkerManager = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/workers/WorkerManager.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_checkImageBitmap_worker(); init_loadImageBitmap_worker(); UUID = 0; WorkerManagerClass = class { constructor() { this._initialized = false; this._createdWorkers = 0; this._workerPool = []; this._queue = []; this._resolveHash = {}; } isImageBitmapSupported() { if (this._isImageBitmapSupported !== void 0) return this._isImageBitmapSupported; this._isImageBitmapSupported = new Promise((resolve) => { const { worker } = new WorkerInstance(); worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => { worker.terminate(); WorkerInstance.revokeObjectURL(); resolve(event.data); }); }); return this._isImageBitmapSupported; } loadImageBitmap(src, asset) { return this._run("loadImageBitmap", [src, asset?.data?.alphaMode]); } async _initWorkers() { if (this._initialized) return; this._initialized = true; } _getWorker() { if (MAX_WORKERS === void 0) { MAX_WORKERS = navigator.hardwareConcurrency || 4; } let worker = this._workerPool.pop(); if (!worker && this._createdWorkers < MAX_WORKERS) { this._createdWorkers++; worker = new WorkerInstance2().worker; worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => { this._complete(event.data); this._returnWorker(event.target); this._next(); }); } return worker; } _returnWorker(worker) { this._workerPool.push(worker); } _complete(data) { if (data.error !== void 0) { this._resolveHash[data.uuid].reject(data.error); } else { this._resolveHash[data.uuid].resolve(data.data); } this._resolveHash[data.uuid] = null; } async _run(id3, args) { await this._initWorkers(); const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._queue.push({ id: id3, arguments: args, resolve, reject }); }); this._next(); return promise2; } _next() { if (!this._queue.length) return; const worker = this._getWorker(); if (!worker) { return; } const toDo = this._queue.pop(); const id3 = toDo.id; this._resolveHash[UUID] = { resolve: toDo.resolve, reject: toDo.reject }; worker.postMessage({ data: toDo.arguments, uuid: UUID++, id: id3 }); } }; WorkerManager = new WorkerManagerClass(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/textures/loadTextures.mjs async function loadImageBitmap(url, asset) { const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`[loadImageBitmap] Failed to fetch ${url}: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`); } const imageBlob = await response.blob(); return asset?.data?.alphaMode === "premultiplied-alpha" ? createImageBitmap(imageBlob, { premultiplyAlpha: "none" }) : createImageBitmap(imageBlob); } var validImageExtensions, validImageMIMEs, loadTextures; var init_loadTextures = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/textures/loadTextures.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); init_Extensions(); init_ImageSource(); init_getResolutionOfUrl(); init_checkDataUrl(); init_checkExtension(); init_WorkerManager(); init_LoaderParser(); init_createTexture(); validImageExtensions = [".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png", ".webp", ".avif"]; validImageMIMEs = [ "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/webp", "image/avif" ]; loadTextures = { name: "loadTextures", extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.High, name: "loadTextures" }, config: { preferWorkers: true, preferCreateImageBitmap: true, crossOrigin: "anonymous" }, test(url) { return checkDataUrl(url, validImageMIMEs) || checkExtension(url, validImageExtensions); }, async load(url, asset, loader) { let src = null; if (globalThis.createImageBitmap && this.config.preferCreateImageBitmap) { if (this.config.preferWorkers && await WorkerManager.isImageBitmapSupported()) { src = await WorkerManager.loadImageBitmap(url, asset); } else { src = await loadImageBitmap(url, asset); } } else { src = await new Promise((resolve) => { src = new Image(); src.crossOrigin = this.config.crossOrigin; src.src = url; if (src.complete) { resolve(src); } else { src.onload = () => { resolve(src); }; } }); } const base = new ImageSource({ resource: src, alphaMode: "premultiply-alpha-on-upload", resolution: asset.data?.resolution || getResolutionOfUrl(url), ...asset.data }); return createTexture(base, loader, url); }, unload(texture) { texture.destroy(true); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/textures/loadVideoTextures.mjs function crossOrigin(element, url, crossorigin) { if (crossorigin === void 0 && !url.startsWith("data:")) { element.crossOrigin = determineCrossOrigin(url); } else if (crossorigin !== false) { element.crossOrigin = typeof crossorigin === "string" ? crossorigin : "anonymous"; } } function preloadVideo(element) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { element.addEventListener("canplaythrough", loaded); element.addEventListener("error", error); element.load(); function loaded() { cleanup(); resolve(); } function error(err) { cleanup(); reject(err); } function cleanup() { element.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", loaded); element.removeEventListener("error", error); } }); } function determineCrossOrigin(url, loc = globalThis.location) { if (url.startsWith("data:")) { return ""; } loc = loc || globalThis.location; const parsedUrl = new URL(url, document.baseURI); if (parsedUrl.hostname !== loc.hostname || parsedUrl.port !== loc.port || parsedUrl.protocol !== loc.protocol) { return "anonymous"; } return ""; } var validVideoExtensions, validVideoMIMEs, loadVideoTextures; var init_loadVideoTextures = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/loader/parsers/textures/loadVideoTextures.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_VideoSource(); init_detectVideoAlphaMode(); init_getResolutionOfUrl(); init_checkDataUrl(); init_checkExtension(); init_createTexture(); validVideoExtensions = [".mp4", ".m4v", ".webm", ".ogg", ".ogv", ".h264", ".avi", ".mov"]; validVideoMIMEs = validVideoExtensions.map((ext) => `video/${ext.substring(1)}`); loadVideoTextures = { name: "loadVideo", extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, name: "loadVideo" }, test(url) { const isValidDataUrl = checkDataUrl(url, validVideoMIMEs); const isValidExtension = checkExtension(url, validVideoExtensions); return isValidDataUrl || isValidExtension; }, async load(url, asset, loader) { const options = { ...VideoSource.defaultOptions, resolution: asset.data?.resolution || getResolutionOfUrl(url), alphaMode: asset.data?.alphaMode || await detectVideoAlphaMode(), ...asset.data }; const videoElement = document.createElement("video"); const attributeMap = { preload: options.autoLoad !== false ? "auto" : void 0, "webkit-playsinline": options.playsinline !== false ? "" : void 0, playsinline: options.playsinline !== false ? "" : void 0, muted: options.muted === true ? "" : void 0, loop: options.loop === true ? "" : void 0, autoplay: options.autoPlay !== false ? "" : void 0 }; Object.keys(attributeMap).forEach((key) => { const value = attributeMap[key]; if (value !== void 0) videoElement.setAttribute(key, value); }); if (options.muted === true) { videoElement.muted = true; } crossOrigin(videoElement, url, options.crossorigin); const sourceElement = document.createElement("source"); let mime; if (url.startsWith("data:")) { mime = url.slice(5, url.indexOf(";")); } else if (!url.startsWith("blob:")) { const ext = url.split("?")[0].slice(url.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase(); mime = VideoSource.MIME_TYPES[ext] || `video/${ext}`; } sourceElement.src = url; if (mime) { sourceElement.type = mime; } return new Promise((resolve) => { const onCanPlay = async () => { const base = new VideoSource({ ...options, resource: videoElement }); videoElement.removeEventListener("canplay", onCanPlay); if (asset.data.preload) { await preloadVideo(videoElement); } resolve(createTexture(base, loader, url)); }; videoElement.addEventListener("canplay", onCanPlay); videoElement.appendChild(sourceElement); }); }, unload(texture) { texture.destroy(true); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/resolver/parsers/resolveTextureUrl.mjs var resolveTextureUrl; var init_resolveTextureUrl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/resolver/parsers/resolveTextureUrl.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_loadTextures(); init_Resolver(); resolveTextureUrl = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.ResolveParser, name: "resolveTexture" }, test: loadTextures.test, parse: (value) => ({ resolution: parseFloat(Resolver.RETINA_PREFIX.exec(value)?.[1] ?? "1"), format: value.split(".").pop(), src: value }) }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/resolver/parsers/resolveJsonUrl.mjs var resolveJsonUrl; var init_resolveJsonUrl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/resolver/parsers/resolveJsonUrl.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Resolver(); init_resolveTextureUrl(); resolveJsonUrl = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.ResolveParser, priority: -2, name: "resolveJson" }, test: (value) => Resolver.RETINA_PREFIX.test(value) && value.endsWith(".json"), parse: resolveTextureUrl.parse }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/Assets.mjs var AssetsClass, Assets, assetKeyMap; var init_Assets = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/assets/Assets.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_loadBitmapFont(); init_warn(); init_BackgroundLoader(); init_Cache(); init_cacheTextureArray(); init_detectAvif(); init_detectDefaults(); init_detectMp4(); init_detectOgv(); init_detectWebm(); init_detectWebp(); init_Loader(); init_loadJson(); init_loadTxt(); init_loadWebFont(); init_loadSVG(); init_loadTextures(); init_loadVideoTextures(); init_resolveJsonUrl(); init_resolveTextureUrl(); init_Resolver(); init_convertToList(); init_isSingleItem(); AssetsClass = class { constructor() { this._detections = []; this._initialized = false; this.resolver = new Resolver(); this.loader = new Loader(); this.cache = Cache; this._backgroundLoader = new BackgroundLoader(this.loader); this._backgroundLoader.active = true; this.reset(); } /** * Best practice is to call this function before any loading commences * Initiating is the best time to add any customization to the way things are loaded. * * you do not need to call this for the Assets class to work, only if you want to set any initial properties * @param options - options to initialize the Assets manager with */ async init(options = {}) { if (this._initialized) { warn("[Assets]AssetManager already initialized, did you load before calling this Assets.init()?"); return; } this._initialized = true; if (options.defaultSearchParams) { this.resolver.setDefaultSearchParams(options.defaultSearchParams); } if (options.basePath) { this.resolver.basePath = options.basePath; } if (options.bundleIdentifier) { this.resolver.setBundleIdentifier(options.bundleIdentifier); } if (options.manifest) { let manifest = options.manifest; if (typeof manifest === "string") { manifest = await this.load(manifest); } this.resolver.addManifest(manifest); } const resolutionPref = options.texturePreference?.resolution ?? 1; const resolution = typeof resolutionPref === "number" ? [resolutionPref] : resolutionPref; const formats = await this._detectFormats({ preferredFormats: options.texturePreference?.format, skipDetections: options.skipDetections, detections: this._detections }); this.resolver.prefer({ params: { format: formats, resolution } }); if (options.preferences) { this.setPreferences(options.preferences); } } /** * Allows you to specify how to resolve any assets load requests. * There are a few ways to add things here as shown below: * @example * import { Assets } from 'pixi.js'; * * // Simple * Assets.add({alias: 'bunnyBooBoo', src: 'bunny.png'}); * const bunny = await Assets.load('bunnyBooBoo'); * * // Multiple keys: * Assets.add({alias: ['burger', 'chicken'], src: 'bunny.png'}); * * const bunny = await Assets.load('burger'); * const bunny2 = await Assets.load('chicken'); * * // passing options to to the object * Assets.add({ * alias: 'bunnyBooBooSmooth', * src: 'bunny{png,webp}', * data: { scaleMode: SCALE_MODES.NEAREST }, // Base texture options * }); * * // Multiple assets * * // The following all do the same thing: * * Assets.add({alias: 'bunnyBooBoo', src: 'bunny{png,webp}'}); * * Assets.add({ * alias: 'bunnyBooBoo', * src: [ * 'bunny.png', * 'bunny.webp', * ], * }); * * const bunny = await Assets.load('bunnyBooBoo'); // Will try to load WebP if available * @param assets - the unresolved assets to add to the resolver */ add(assets) { this.resolver.add(assets); } async load(urls, onProgress) { if (!this._initialized) { await this.init(); } const singleAsset = isSingleItem(urls); const urlArray = convertToList(urls).map((url) => { if (typeof url !== "string") { const aliases = this.resolver.getAlias(url); if (aliases.some((alias) => !this.resolver.hasKey(alias))) { this.add(url); } return Array.isArray(aliases) ? aliases[0] : aliases; } if (!this.resolver.hasKey(url)) this.add({ alias: url, src: url }); return url; }); const resolveResults = this.resolver.resolve(urlArray); const out2 = await this._mapLoadToResolve(resolveResults, onProgress); return singleAsset ? out2[urlArray[0]] : out2; } /** * This adds a bundle of assets in one go so that you can load them as a group. * For example you could add a bundle for each screen in you pixi app * @example * import { Assets } from 'pixi.js'; * * Assets.addBundle('animals', [ * { alias: 'bunny', src: 'bunny.png' }, * { alias: 'chicken', src: 'chicken.png' }, * { alias: 'thumper', src: 'thumper.png' }, * ]); * // or * Assets.addBundle('animals', { * bunny: 'bunny.png', * chicken: 'chicken.png', * thumper: 'thumper.png', * }); * * const assets = await Assets.loadBundle('animals'); * @param bundleId - the id of the bundle to add * @param assets - a record of the asset or assets that will be chosen from when loading via the specified key */ addBundle(bundleId, assets) { this.resolver.addBundle(bundleId, assets); } /** * Bundles are a way to load multiple assets at once. * If a manifest has been provided to the init function then you can load a bundle, or bundles. * you can also add bundles via `addBundle` * @example * import { Assets } from 'pixi.js'; * * // Manifest Example * const manifest = { * bundles: [ * { * name: 'load-screen', * assets: [ * { * alias: 'background', * src: 'sunset.png', * }, * { * alias: 'bar', * src: 'load-bar.{png,webp}', * }, * ], * }, * { * name: 'game-screen', * assets: [ * { * alias: 'character', * src: 'robot.png', * }, * { * alias: 'enemy', * src: 'bad-guy.png', * }, * ], * }, * ] * }; * * await Assets.init({ manifest }); * * // Load a bundle... * loadScreenAssets = await Assets.loadBundle('load-screen'); * // Load another bundle... * gameScreenAssets = await Assets.loadBundle('game-screen'); * @param bundleIds - the bundle id or ids to load * @param onProgress - Optional function that is called when progress on asset loading is made. * The function is passed a single parameter, `progress`, which represents the percentage (0.0 - 1.0) * of the assets loaded. Do not use this function to detect when assets are complete and available, * instead use the Promise returned by this function. * @returns all the bundles assets or a hash of assets for each bundle specified */ async loadBundle(bundleIds, onProgress) { if (!this._initialized) { await this.init(); } let singleAsset = false; if (typeof bundleIds === "string") { singleAsset = true; bundleIds = [bundleIds]; } const resolveResults = this.resolver.resolveBundle(bundleIds); const out2 = {}; const keys = Object.keys(resolveResults); let count2 = 0; let total = 0; const _onProgress = () => { onProgress?.(++count2 / total); }; const promises = keys.map((bundleId) => { const resolveResult = resolveResults[bundleId]; total += Object.keys(resolveResult).length; return this._mapLoadToResolve(resolveResult, _onProgress).then((resolveResult2) => { out2[bundleId] = resolveResult2; }); }); await Promise.all(promises); return singleAsset ? out2[bundleIds[0]] : out2; } /** * Initiate a background load of some assets. It will passively begin to load these assets in the background. * So when you actually come to loading them you will get a promise that resolves to the loaded assets immediately * * An example of this might be that you would background load game assets after your initial load. * then when you got to actually load your game screen assets when a player goes to the game - the loading * would already have stared or may even be complete, saving you having to show an interim load bar. * @example * import { Assets } from 'pixi.js'; * * Assets.backgroundLoad('bunny.png'); * * // later on in your app... * await Assets.loadBundle('bunny.png'); // Will resolve quicker as loading may have completed! * @param urls - the url / urls you want to background load */ async backgroundLoad(urls) { if (!this._initialized) { await this.init(); } if (typeof urls === "string") { urls = [urls]; } const resolveResults = this.resolver.resolve(urls); this._backgroundLoader.add(Object.values(resolveResults)); } /** * Initiate a background of a bundle, works exactly like backgroundLoad but for bundles. * this can only be used if the loader has been initiated with a manifest * @example * import { Assets } from 'pixi.js'; * * await Assets.init({ * manifest: { * bundles: [ * { * name: 'load-screen', * assets: [...], * }, * ... * ], * }, * }); * * Assets.backgroundLoadBundle('load-screen'); * * // Later on in your app... * await Assets.loadBundle('load-screen'); // Will resolve quicker as loading may have completed! * @param bundleIds - the bundleId / bundleIds you want to background load */ async backgroundLoadBundle(bundleIds) { if (!this._initialized) { await this.init(); } if (typeof bundleIds === "string") { bundleIds = [bundleIds]; } const resolveResults = this.resolver.resolveBundle(bundleIds); Object.values(resolveResults).forEach((resolveResult) => { this._backgroundLoader.add(Object.values(resolveResult)); }); } /** * Only intended for development purposes. * This will wipe the resolver and caches. * You will need to reinitialize the Asset */ reset() { this.resolver.reset(); this.loader.reset(); this.cache.reset(); this._initialized = false; } get(keys) { if (typeof keys === "string") { return Cache.get(keys); } const assets = {}; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < keys.length; i3++) { assets[i3] = Cache.get(keys[i3]); } return assets; } /** * helper function to map resolved assets back to loaded assets * @param resolveResults - the resolve results from the resolver * @param onProgress - the progress callback */ async _mapLoadToResolve(resolveResults, onProgress) { const resolveArray = [...new Set(Object.values(resolveResults))]; this._backgroundLoader.active = false; const loadedAssets = await this.loader.load(resolveArray, onProgress); this._backgroundLoader.active = true; const out2 = {}; resolveArray.forEach((resolveResult) => { const asset = loadedAssets[resolveResult.src]; const keys = [resolveResult.src]; if (resolveResult.alias) { keys.push(...resolveResult.alias); } keys.forEach((key) => { out2[key] = asset; }); Cache.set(keys, asset); }); return out2; } /** * Unload an asset or assets. As the Assets class is responsible for creating the assets via the `load` function * this will make sure to destroy any assets and release them from memory. * Once unloaded, you will need to load the asset again. * * Use this to help manage assets if you find that you have a large app and you want to free up memory. * * - it's up to you as the developer to make sure that textures are not actively being used when you unload them, * Pixi won't break but you will end up with missing assets. Not a good look for the user! * @example * import { Assets } from 'pixi.js'; * * // Load a URL: * const myImageTexture = await Assets.load('http://some.url.com/image.png'); // => returns a texture * * await Assets.unload('http://some.url.com/image.png') * * // myImageTexture will be destroyed now. * * // Unload multiple assets: * const textures = await Assets.unload(['thumper', 'chicko']); * @param urls - the urls to unload */ async unload(urls) { if (!this._initialized) { await this.init(); } const urlArray = convertToList(urls).map((url) => typeof url !== "string" ? url.src : url); const resolveResults = this.resolver.resolve(urlArray); await this._unloadFromResolved(resolveResults); } /** * Bundles are a way to manage multiple assets at once. * this will unload all files in a bundle. * * once a bundle has been unloaded, you need to load it again to have access to the assets. * @example * import { Assets } from 'pixi.js'; * * Assets.addBundle({ * 'thumper': 'http://some.url.com/thumper.png', * }) * * const assets = await Assets.loadBundle('thumper'); * * // Now to unload... * * await Assets.unloadBundle('thumper'); * * // All assets in the assets object will now have been destroyed and purged from the cache * @param bundleIds - the bundle id or ids to unload */ async unloadBundle(bundleIds) { if (!this._initialized) { await this.init(); } bundleIds = convertToList(bundleIds); const resolveResults = this.resolver.resolveBundle(bundleIds); const promises = Object.keys(resolveResults).map((bundleId) => this._unloadFromResolved(resolveResults[bundleId])); await Promise.all(promises); } async _unloadFromResolved(resolveResult) { const resolveArray = Object.values(resolveResult); resolveArray.forEach((resolveResult2) => { Cache.remove(resolveResult2.src); }); await this.loader.unload(resolveArray); } /** * Detects the supported formats for the browser, and returns an array of supported formats, respecting * the users preferred formats order. * @param options - the options to use when detecting formats * @param options.preferredFormats - the preferred formats to use * @param options.skipDetections - if we should skip the detections altogether * @param options.detections - the detections to use * @returns - the detected formats */ async _detectFormats(options) { let formats = []; if (options.preferredFormats) { formats = Array.isArray(options.preferredFormats) ? options.preferredFormats : [options.preferredFormats]; } for (const detection of options.detections) { if (options.skipDetections || await detection.test()) { formats = await detection.add(formats); } else if (!options.skipDetections) { formats = await detection.remove(formats); } } formats = formats.filter((format, index) => formats.indexOf(format) === index); return formats; } /** All the detection parsers currently added to the Assets class. */ get detections() { return this._detections; } /** * General setter for preferences. This is a helper function to set preferences on all parsers. * @param preferences - the preferences to set */ setPreferences(preferences) { this.loader.parsers.forEach((parser) => { if (!parser.config) return; Object.keys(parser.config).filter((key) => key in preferences).forEach((key) => { parser.config[key] = preferences[key]; }); }); } }; Assets = new AssetsClass(); extensions.handleByList(ExtensionType.LoadParser, Assets.loader.parsers).handleByList(ExtensionType.ResolveParser, Assets.resolver.parsers).handleByList(ExtensionType.CacheParser, Assets.cache.parsers).handleByList(ExtensionType.DetectionParser, Assets.detections); extensions.add( cacheTextureArray, detectDefaults, detectAvif, detectWebp, detectMp4, detectOgv, detectWebm, loadJson, loadTxt, loadWebFont, loadSvg, loadTextures, loadVideoTextures, loadBitmapFont, bitmapFontCachePlugin, resolveTextureUrl, resolveJsonUrl ); assetKeyMap = { loader: ExtensionType.LoadParser, resolver: ExtensionType.ResolveParser, cache: ExtensionType.CacheParser, detection: ExtensionType.DetectionParser }; extensions.handle(ExtensionType.Asset, (extension) => { const ref = extension.ref; Object.entries(assetKeyMap).filter(([key]) => !!ref[key]).forEach(([key, type]) => extensions.add(Object.assign( ref[key], // Allow the function to optionally define it's own // ExtensionMetadata, the use cases here is priority for LoaderParsers { extension: ref[key].extension ?? type } ))); }, (extension) => { const ref = extension.ref; Object.keys(assetKeyMap).filter((key) => !!ref[key]).forEach((key) => extensions.remove(ref[key])); }); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/detectBasis.mjs var detectBasis; var init_detectBasis = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/detectBasis.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_isWebGLSupported(); init_isWebGPUSupported(); detectBasis = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.DetectionParser, priority: 3 }, test: async () => { if (await isWebGPUSupported()) return true; if (isWebGLSupported()) return true; return false; }, add: async (formats) => [...formats, "basis"], remove: async (formats) => formats.filter((f2) => f2 !== "basis") }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/CompressedSource.mjs var CompressedSource; var init_CompressedSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/sources/CompressedSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_TextureSource(); CompressedSource = class extends TextureSource { constructor(options) { super(options); this.uploadMethodId = "compressed"; this.resource = options.resource; this.mipLevelCount = this.resource.length; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/getSupportedGlCompressedTextureFormats.mjs function getSupportedGlCompressedTextureFormats() { if (supportedGLCompressedTextureFormats) return supportedGLCompressedTextureFormats; const canvas2 = document.createElement("canvas"); const gl = canvas2.getContext("webgl"); if (!gl) { return []; } supportedGLCompressedTextureFormats = [ // BC compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-bc" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. // 'bc6h-rgb-ufloat' // 'bc6h-rgb-float' // 'bc7-rgba-unorm', // 'bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb', ...gl.getExtension("EXT_texture_compression_bptc") ? [ "bc6h-rgb-ufloat", "bc6h-rgb-float", "bc7-rgba-unorm", "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb" ] : [], // BC compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-bc" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. // 'bc1-rgba-unorm', // 'bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb', // 'bc4-r-unorm' // 'bc4-r-snorm' // 'bc5-rg-unorm' // 'bc5-rg-snorm' ...gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc") ? [ "bc1-rgba-unorm", "bc2-rgba-unorm", "bc3-rgba-unorm" ] : [], ...gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb") ? [ "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb", "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb", "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb" ] : [], ...gl.getExtension("EXT_texture_compression_rgtc") ? [ "bc4-r-unorm", "bc4-r-snorm", "bc5-rg-unorm", "bc5-rg-snorm" ] : [], // ETC2 compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-etc2" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. ...gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc") ? [ "etc2-rgb8unorm", "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb", "etc2-rgba8unorm", "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb", "etc2-rgb8a1unorm", "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb", "eac-r11unorm", "eac-rg11unorm" ] : [], // 'eac-r11snorm', // 'eac-rg11snorm', // ASTC compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-astc" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. ...gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc") ? [ "astc-4x4-unorm", "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb", "astc-5x4-unorm", "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb", "astc-5x5-unorm", "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb", "astc-6x5-unorm", "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb", "astc-6x6-unorm", "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb", "astc-8x5-unorm", "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb", "astc-8x6-unorm", "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb", "astc-8x8-unorm", "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb", "astc-10x5-unorm", "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb", "astc-10x6-unorm", "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb", "astc-10x8-unorm", "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb", "astc-10x10-unorm", "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb", "astc-12x10-unorm", "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb", "astc-12x12-unorm", "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb" ] : [] ]; return supportedGLCompressedTextureFormats; } var supportedGLCompressedTextureFormats; var init_getSupportedGlCompressedTextureFormats = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/texture/utils/getSupportedGlCompressedTextureFormats.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/utils/getSupportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats.mjs async function getSupportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats() { if (supportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats) return supportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats; const adapter = await DOMAdapter.get().getNavigator().gpu.requestAdapter(); supportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats = [ ...adapter.features.has("texture-compression-bc") ? [ // BC compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-bc" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. "bc1-rgba-unorm", "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb", "bc2-rgba-unorm", "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb", "bc3-rgba-unorm", "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb", "bc4-r-unorm", "bc4-r-snorm", "bc5-rg-unorm", "bc5-rg-snorm", "bc6h-rgb-ufloat", "bc6h-rgb-float", "bc7-rgba-unorm", "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb" ] : [], ...adapter.features.has("texture-compression-etc2") ? [ // ETC2 compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-etc2" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. "etc2-rgb8unorm", "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb", "etc2-rgb8a1unorm", "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb", "etc2-rgba8unorm", "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb", "eac-r11unorm", "eac-r11snorm", "eac-rg11unorm", "eac-rg11snorm" ] : [], ...adapter.features.has("texture-compression-astc") ? [ // ASTC compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-astc" is both // supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice. "astc-4x4-unorm", "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb", "astc-5x4-unorm", "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb", "astc-5x5-unorm", "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb", "astc-6x5-unorm", "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb", "astc-6x6-unorm", "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb", "astc-8x5-unorm", "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb", "astc-8x6-unorm", "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb", "astc-8x8-unorm", "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb", "astc-10x5-unorm", "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb", "astc-10x6-unorm", "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb", "astc-10x8-unorm", "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb", "astc-10x10-unorm", "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb", "astc-12x10-unorm", "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb", "astc-12x12-unorm", "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb" ] : [] ]; return supportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats; } var supportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats; var init_getSupportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/texture/utils/getSupportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_adapter(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/utils/getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats.mjs async function getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats() { if (supportedCompressedTextureFormats !== void 0) return supportedCompressedTextureFormats; supportedCompressedTextureFormats = await (async () => { const _isWebGPUSupported2 = await isWebGPUSupported(); const _isWebGLSupported2 = isWebGLSupported(); if (_isWebGPUSupported2 && _isWebGLSupported2) { const gpuTextureFormats = await getSupportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats(); const glTextureFormats = getSupportedGlCompressedTextureFormats(); return gpuTextureFormats.filter((format) => glTextureFormats.includes(format)); } else if (_isWebGPUSupported2) { return await getSupportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats(); } else if (_isWebGLSupported2) { return getSupportedGlCompressedTextureFormats(); } return []; })(); return supportedCompressedTextureFormats; } var supportedCompressedTextureFormats; var init_getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/utils/getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_isWebGLSupported(); init_isWebGPUSupported(); init_getSupportedGlCompressedTextureFormats(); init_getSupportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/utils/getSupportedTextureFormats.mjs async function getSupportedTextureFormats() { if (supportedTextureFormats !== void 0) return supportedTextureFormats; const compressedTextureFormats = await getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats(); supportedTextureFormats = [ ...nonCompressedFormats, ...compressedTextureFormats ]; return supportedTextureFormats; } var nonCompressedFormats, supportedTextureFormats; var init_getSupportedTextureFormats = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/utils/getSupportedTextureFormats.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats(); nonCompressedFormats = [ // 8-bit formats "r8unorm", "r8snorm", "r8uint", "r8sint", // 16-bit formats "r16uint", "r16sint", "r16float", "rg8unorm", "rg8snorm", "rg8uint", "rg8sint", // 32-bit formats "r32uint", "r32sint", "r32float", "rg16uint", "rg16sint", "rg16float", "rgba8unorm", "rgba8unorm-srgb", "rgba8snorm", "rgba8uint", "rgba8sint", "bgra8unorm", "bgra8unorm-srgb", // Packed 32-bit formats "rgb9e5ufloat", "rgb10a2unorm", "rg11b10ufloat", // 64-bit formats "rg32uint", "rg32sint", "rg32float", "rgba16uint", "rgba16sint", "rgba16float", // 128-bit formats "rgba32uint", "rgba32sint", "rgba32float", // Depth/stencil formats "stencil8", "depth16unorm", "depth24plus", "depth24plus-stencil8", "depth32float", // "depth32float-stencil8" feature "depth32float-stencil8" ]; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/_virtual/basis.worker.mjs var WORKER_CODE3, WORKER_URL3, WorkerInstance3; var init_basis_worker = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/_virtual/basis.worker.mjs"() { "use strict"; WORKER_CODE3 = '(function () {\n \'use strict\';\n\n function createLevelBuffers(basisTexture, basisTranscoderFormat) {\n const images = basisTexture.getNumImages();\n const levels = basisTexture.getNumLevels(0);\n const success = basisTexture.startTranscoding();\n if (!success) {\n throw new Error("startTranscoding failed");\n }\n const levelBuffers = [];\n for (let levelIndex = 0; levelIndex < levels; ++levelIndex) {\n for (let sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < images; ++sliceIndex) {\n const transcodeSize = basisTexture.getImageTranscodedSizeInBytes(sliceIndex, levelIndex, basisTranscoderFormat);\n const levelBuffer = new Uint8Array(transcodeSize);\n const success2 = basisTexture.transcodeImage(levelBuffer, sliceIndex, levelIndex, basisTranscoderFormat, 1, 0);\n if (!success2) {\n throw new Error("transcodeImage failed");\n }\n levelBuffers.push(levelBuffer);\n }\n }\n return levelBuffers;\n }\n\n const gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormatMap = {\n "bc3-rgba-unorm": 3,\n // cTFBC3_RGBA\n "bc7-rgba-unorm": 6,\n // cTFBC7_RGBA,\n "etc2-rgba8unorm": 1,\n // cTFETC2_RGBA,\n "astc-4x4-unorm": 10,\n // cTFASTC_4x4_RGBA,\n // Uncompressed\n rgba8unorm: 13,\n // cTFRGBA32,\n rgba4unorm: 16\n // cTFRGBA4444,\n };\n function gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormat(transcoderFormat) {\n const format = gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormatMap[transcoderFormat];\n if (format) {\n return format;\n }\n throw new Error(`Unsupported transcoderFormat: ${transcoderFormat}`);\n }\n\n const settings = {\n jsUrl: "basis/basis_transcoder.js",\n wasmUrl: "basis/basis_transcoder.wasm"\n };\n let basisTranscoderFormat;\n let basisTranscodedTextureFormat;\n let basisPromise;\n async function getBasis() {\n if (!basisPromise) {\n const absoluteJsUrl = new URL(settings.jsUrl, location.origin).href;\n const absoluteWasmUrl = new URL(settings.wasmUrl, location.origin).href;\n importScripts(absoluteJsUrl);\n basisPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {\n BASIS({\n locateFile: (_file) => absoluteWasmUrl\n }).then((module) => {\n module.initializeBasis();\n resolve(module.BasisFile);\n });\n });\n }\n return basisPromise;\n }\n async function fetchBasisTexture(url, BasisTexture) {\n const basisResponse = await fetch(url);\n if (basisResponse.ok) {\n const basisArrayBuffer = await basisResponse.arrayBuffer();\n return new BasisTexture(new Uint8Array(basisArrayBuffer));\n }\n throw new Error(`Failed to load Basis texture: ${url}`);\n }\n const preferredTranscodedFormat = [\n "bc7-rgba-unorm",\n "astc-4x4-unorm",\n "etc2-rgba8unorm",\n "bc3-rgba-unorm",\n "rgba8unorm"\n ];\n async function load(url) {\n const BasisTexture = await getBasis();\n const basisTexture = await fetchBasisTexture(url, BasisTexture);\n const levelBuffers = createLevelBuffers(basisTexture, basisTranscoderFormat);\n return {\n width: basisTexture.getImageWidth(0, 0),\n height: basisTexture.getImageHeight(0, 0),\n format: basisTranscodedTextureFormat,\n resource: levelBuffers,\n alphaMode: "no-premultiply-alpha"\n };\n }\n async function init(jsUrl, wasmUrl, supportedTextures) {\n if (jsUrl)\n settings.jsUrl = jsUrl;\n if (wasmUrl)\n settings.wasmUrl = wasmUrl;\n basisTranscodedTextureFormat = preferredTranscodedFormat.filter((format) => supportedTextures.includes(format))[0];\n basisTranscoderFormat = gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormat(basisTranscodedTextureFormat);\n await getBasis();\n }\n const messageHandlers = {\n init: async (data) => {\n const { jsUrl, wasmUrl, supportedTextures } = data;\n await init(jsUrl, wasmUrl, supportedTextures);\n },\n load: async (data) => {\n try {\n const textureOptions = await load(data.url);\n return {\n type: "load",\n url: data.url,\n success: true,\n textureOptions,\n transferables: textureOptions.resource?.map((arr) => arr.buffer)\n };\n } catch (e) {\n throw e;\n }\n }\n };\n self.onmessage = async (messageEvent) => {\n const message = messageEvent.data;\n const response = await messageHandlers[message.type](message);\n if (response) {\n self.postMessage(response, response.transferables);\n }\n };\n\n})();\n'; WORKER_URL3 = null; WorkerInstance3 = class { constructor() { if (!WORKER_URL3) { WORKER_URL3 = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([WORKER_CODE3], { type: "application/javascript" })); } this.worker = new Worker(WORKER_URL3); } }; WorkerInstance3.revokeObjectURL = function revokeObjectURL3() { if (WORKER_URL3) { URL.revokeObjectURL(WORKER_URL3); WORKER_URL3 = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/utils/setBasisTranscoderPath.mjs function setBasisTranscoderPath(config) { Object.assign(basisTranscoderUrls, config); } var basisTranscoderUrls; var init_setBasisTranscoderPath = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/utils/setBasisTranscoderPath.mjs"() { "use strict"; basisTranscoderUrls = { jsUrl: "https://files.pixijs.download/transcoders/basis/basis_transcoder.js", wasmUrl: "https://files.pixijs.download/transcoders/basis/basis_transcoder.wasm" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/worker/loadBasisOnWorker.mjs function getBasisWorker(supportedTextures) { if (!basisWorker) { basisWorker = new WorkerInstance3().worker; basisWorker.onmessage = (messageEvent) => { const { success, url, textureOptions } = messageEvent.data; if (!success) { console.warn("Failed to load Basis texture", url); } urlHash[url](textureOptions); }; basisWorker.postMessage({ type: "init", jsUrl: basisTranscoderUrls.jsUrl, wasmUrl: basisTranscoderUrls.wasmUrl, supportedTextures }); } return basisWorker; } function loadBasisOnWorker(url, supportedTextures) { const ktxWorker2 = getBasisWorker(supportedTextures); return new Promise((resolve) => { urlHash[url] = resolve; ktxWorker2.postMessage({ type: "load", url }); }); } var basisWorker, urlHash; var init_loadBasisOnWorker = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/worker/loadBasisOnWorker.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_basis_worker(); init_setBasisTranscoderPath(); urlHash = {}; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/loadBasis.mjs var loadBasis; var init_loadBasis = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/loadBasis.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_LoaderParser(); init_createTexture(); init_checkExtension(); init_Extensions(); init_CompressedSource(); init_getSupportedTextureFormats(); init_loadBasisOnWorker(); loadBasis = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.High, name: "loadBasis" }, name: "loadBasis", test(url) { return checkExtension(url, [".basis"]); }, async load(url, _asset, loader) { const supportedTextures = await getSupportedTextureFormats(); const textureOptions = await loadBasisOnWorker(url, supportedTextures); const compressedTextureSource = new CompressedSource(textureOptions); return createTexture(compressedTextureSource, loader, url); }, unload(texture) { if (Array.isArray(texture)) { texture.forEach((t2) => t2.destroy(true)); } else { texture.destroy(true); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/utils/createLevelBuffers.mjs function createLevelBuffers(basisTexture, basisTranscoderFormat) { const images = basisTexture.getNumImages(); const levels = basisTexture.getNumLevels(0); const success = basisTexture.startTranscoding(); if (!success) { throw new Error("startTranscoding failed"); } const levelBuffers = []; for (let levelIndex = 0; levelIndex < levels; ++levelIndex) { for (let sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < images; ++sliceIndex) { const transcodeSize = basisTexture.getImageTranscodedSizeInBytes(sliceIndex, levelIndex, basisTranscoderFormat); const levelBuffer = new Uint8Array(transcodeSize); const success2 = basisTexture.transcodeImage(levelBuffer, sliceIndex, levelIndex, basisTranscoderFormat, 1, 0); if (!success2) { throw new Error("transcodeImage failed"); } levelBuffers.push(levelBuffer); } } return levelBuffers; } var init_createLevelBuffers = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/utils/createLevelBuffers.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/utils/gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormat.mjs function gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormat(transcoderFormat) { const format = gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormatMap[transcoderFormat]; if (format) { return format; } throw new Error(`Unsupported transcoderFormat: ${transcoderFormat}`); } var gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormatMap; var init_gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormat = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/basis/utils/gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormat.mjs"() { "use strict"; gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormatMap = { "bc3-rgba-unorm": 3, // cTFBC3_RGBA "bc7-rgba-unorm": 6, // cTFBC7_RGBA, "etc2-rgba8unorm": 1, // cTFETC2_RGBA, "astc-4x4-unorm": 10, // cTFASTC_4x4_RGBA, // Uncompressed rgba8unorm: 13, // cTFRGBA32, rgba4unorm: 16 // cTFRGBA4444, }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/dds/const.mjs function fourCCToInt32(value) { return value.charCodeAt(0) + (value.charCodeAt(1) << 8) + (value.charCodeAt(2) << 16) + (value.charCodeAt(3) << 24); } var DDS_HEADER_FIELDS, DDS_DX10_FIELDS, DXGI_FORMAT, D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION, D3DFMT, FOURCC_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT, DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT, DDS, TEXTURE_FORMAT_BLOCK_SIZE; var init_const11 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/dds/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; DDS_HEADER_FIELDS = { MAGIC: 0, SIZE: 1, FLAGS: 2, HEIGHT: 3, WIDTH: 4, MIPMAP_COUNT: 7, PIXEL_FORMAT: 19, PF_FLAGS: 20, FOURCC: 21, RGB_BITCOUNT: 22, R_BIT_MASK: 23, G_BIT_MASK: 24, B_BIT_MASK: 25, A_BIT_MASK: 26 }; DDS_DX10_FIELDS = { DXGI_FORMAT: 0, RESOURCE_DIMENSION: 1, MISC_FLAG: 2, ARRAY_SIZE: 3, MISC_FLAGS2: 4 }; DXGI_FORMAT = /* @__PURE__ */ ((DXGI_FORMAT2) => { DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN"] = 0] = "DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS"] = 1] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT"] = 2] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT"] = 3] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT"] = 4] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS"] = 5] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT"] = 6] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT"] = 7] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT"] = 8] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS"] = 9] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT"] = 10] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM"] = 11] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT"] = 12] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM"] = 13] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT"] = 14] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_TYPELESS"] = 15] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT"] = 16] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT"] = 17] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT"] = 18] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32G8X24_TYPELESS"] = 19] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32G8X24_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT"] = 20] = "DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS"] = 21] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_X32_TYPELESS_G8X24_UINT"] = 22] = "DXGI_FORMAT_X32_TYPELESS_G8X24_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_TYPELESS"] = 23] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM"] = 24] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT"] = 25] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT"] = 26] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS"] = 27] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM"] = 28] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB"] = 29] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT"] = 30] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM"] = 31] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SINT"] = 32] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_TYPELESS"] = 33] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT"] = 34] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM"] = 35] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT"] = 36] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM"] = 37] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT"] = 38] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS"] = 39] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT"] = 40] = "DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT"] = 41] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT"] = 42] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R32_SINT"] = 43] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R32_SINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R24G8_TYPELESS"] = 44] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R24G8_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT"] = 45] = "DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS"] = 46] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_X24_TYPELESS_G8_UINT"] = 47] = "DXGI_FORMAT_X24_TYPELESS_G8_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_TYPELESS"] = 48] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM"] = 49] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT"] = 50] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM"] = 51] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SINT"] = 52] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16_TYPELESS"] = 53] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT"] = 54] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM"] = 55] = "DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM"] = 56] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT"] = 57] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SNORM"] = 58] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SINT"] = 59] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8_TYPELESS"] = 60] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM"] = 61] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT"] = 62] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SNORM"] = 63] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SINT"] = 64] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SINT"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM"] = 65] = "DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R1_UNORM"] = 66] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R1_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP"] = 67] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_B8G8_UNORM"] = 68] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_B8G8_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_G8R8_G8B8_UNORM"] = 69] = "DXGI_FORMAT_G8R8_G8B8_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_TYPELESS"] = 70] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM"] = 71] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB"] = 72] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_TYPELESS"] = 73] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM"] = 74] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB"] = 75] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_TYPELESS"] = 76] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM"] = 77] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB"] = 78] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_TYPELESS"] = 79] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM"] = 80] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM"] = 81] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_TYPELESS"] = 82] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM"] = 83] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM"] = 84] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM"] = 85] = "DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM"] = 86] = "DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM"] = 87] = "DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM"] = 88] = "DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM"] = 89] = "DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS"] = 90] = "DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB"] = 91] = "DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_TYPELESS"] = 92] = "DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB"] = 93] = "DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_TYPELESS"] = 94] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16"] = 95] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16"] = 96] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_TYPELESS"] = 97] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_TYPELESS"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM"] = 98] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB"] = 99] = "DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_AYUV"] = 100] = "DXGI_FORMAT_AYUV"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_Y410"] = 101] = "DXGI_FORMAT_Y410"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_Y416"] = 102] = "DXGI_FORMAT_Y416"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_NV12"] = 103] = "DXGI_FORMAT_NV12"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_P010"] = 104] = "DXGI_FORMAT_P010"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_P016"] = 105] = "DXGI_FORMAT_P016"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_420_OPAQUE"] = 106] = "DXGI_FORMAT_420_OPAQUE"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_YUY2"] = 107] = "DXGI_FORMAT_YUY2"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_Y210"] = 108] = "DXGI_FORMAT_Y210"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_Y216"] = 109] = "DXGI_FORMAT_Y216"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_NV11"] = 110] = "DXGI_FORMAT_NV11"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_AI44"] = 111] = "DXGI_FORMAT_AI44"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_IA44"] = 112] = "DXGI_FORMAT_IA44"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_P8"] = 113] = "DXGI_FORMAT_P8"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_A8P8"] = 114] = "DXGI_FORMAT_A8P8"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM"] = 115] = "DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_P208"] = 116] = "DXGI_FORMAT_P208"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_V208"] = 117] = "DXGI_FORMAT_V208"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_V408"] = 118] = "DXGI_FORMAT_V408"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_MIN_MIP_OPAQUE"] = 119] = "DXGI_FORMAT_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_MIN_MIP_OPAQUE"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_MIP_REGION_USED_OPAQUE"] = 120] = "DXGI_FORMAT_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_MIP_REGION_USED_OPAQUE"; DXGI_FORMAT2[DXGI_FORMAT2["DXGI_FORMAT_FORCE_UINT"] = 121] = "DXGI_FORMAT_FORCE_UINT"; return DXGI_FORMAT2; })(DXGI_FORMAT || {}); D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION = /* @__PURE__ */ ((D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION2) => { D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION2[D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION2["DDS_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1D"] = 2] = "DDS_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1D"; D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION2[D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION2["DDS_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D"] = 3] = "DDS_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D"; D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION2[D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION2["DDS_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D"] = 6] = "DDS_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D"; return D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION2; })(D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION || {}); D3DFMT = ((D3DFMT2) => { D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["UNKNOWN"] = 0] = "UNKNOWN"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["R8G8B8"] = 20] = "R8G8B8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A8R8G8B8"] = 21] = "A8R8G8B8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["X8R8G8B8"] = 22] = "X8R8G8B8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["R5G6B5"] = 23] = "R5G6B5"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["X1R5G5B5"] = 24] = "X1R5G5B5"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A1R5G5B5"] = 25] = "A1R5G5B5"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A4R4G4B4"] = 26] = "A4R4G4B4"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["R3G3B2"] = 27] = "R3G3B2"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A8"] = 28] = "A8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A8R3G3B2"] = 29] = "A8R3G3B2"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["X4R4G4B4"] = 30] = "X4R4G4B4"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A2B10G10R10"] = 31] = "A2B10G10R10"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A8B8G8R8"] = 32] = "A8B8G8R8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["X8B8G8R8"] = 33] = "X8B8G8R8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["G16R16"] = 34] = "G16R16"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A2R10G10B10"] = 35] = "A2R10G10B10"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A16B16G16R16"] = 36] = "A16B16G16R16"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A8P8"] = 40] = "A8P8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["P8"] = 41] = "P8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["L8"] = 50] = "L8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A8L8"] = 51] = "A8L8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A4L4"] = 52] = "A4L4"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["V8U8"] = 60] = "V8U8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["L6V5U5"] = 61] = "L6V5U5"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["X8L8V8U8"] = 62] = "X8L8V8U8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["Q8W8V8U8"] = 63] = "Q8W8V8U8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["V16U16"] = 64] = "V16U16"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A2W10V10U10"] = 67] = "A2W10V10U10"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["Q16W16V16U16"] = 110] = "Q16W16V16U16"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["R16F"] = 111] = "R16F"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["G16R16F"] = 112] = "G16R16F"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A16B16G16R16F"] = 113] = "A16B16G16R16F"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["R32F"] = 114] = "R32F"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["G32R32F"] = 115] = "G32R32F"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["A32B32G32R32F"] = 116] = "A32B32G32R32F"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["UYVY"] = fourCCToInt32("UYVY")] = "UYVY"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["R8G8_B8G8"] = fourCCToInt32("RGBG")] = "R8G8_B8G8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["YUY2"] = fourCCToInt32("YUY2")] = "YUY2"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["D3DFMT_G8R8_G8B8"] = fourCCToInt32("GRGB")] = "D3DFMT_G8R8_G8B8"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["DXT1"] = fourCCToInt32("DXT1")] = "DXT1"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["DXT2"] = fourCCToInt32("DXT2")] = "DXT2"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["DXT3"] = fourCCToInt32("DXT3")] = "DXT3"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["DXT4"] = fourCCToInt32("DXT4")] = "DXT4"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["DXT5"] = fourCCToInt32("DXT5")] = "DXT5"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["ATI1"] = fourCCToInt32("ATI1")] = "ATI1"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["AT1N"] = fourCCToInt32("AT1N")] = "AT1N"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["ATI2"] = fourCCToInt32("ATI2")] = "ATI2"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["AT2N"] = fourCCToInt32("AT2N")] = "AT2N"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["BC4U"] = fourCCToInt32("BC4U")] = "BC4U"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["BC4S"] = fourCCToInt32("BC4S")] = "BC4S"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["BC5U"] = fourCCToInt32("BC5U")] = "BC5U"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["BC5S"] = fourCCToInt32("BC5S")] = "BC5S"; D3DFMT2[D3DFMT2["DX10"] = fourCCToInt32("DX10")] = "DX10"; return D3DFMT2; })(D3DFMT || {}); FOURCC_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT = { [D3DFMT.DXT1]: "bc1-rgba-unorm", [D3DFMT.DXT2]: "bc2-rgba-unorm", [D3DFMT.DXT3]: "bc2-rgba-unorm", [D3DFMT.DXT4]: "bc3-rgba-unorm", [D3DFMT.DXT5]: "bc3-rgba-unorm", [D3DFMT.ATI1]: "bc4-r-unorm", [D3DFMT.BC4U]: "bc4-r-unorm", [D3DFMT.BC4S]: "bc4-r-snorm", [D3DFMT.ATI2]: "bc5-rg-unorm", [D3DFMT.BC5U]: "bc5-rg-unorm", [D3DFMT.BC5S]: "bc5-rg-snorm", [ 36 /* A16B16G16R16 */ ]: "rgba16uint", [ 110 /* Q16W16V16U16 */ ]: "rgba16sint", [ 111 /* R16F */ ]: "r16float", [ 112 /* G16R16F */ ]: "rg16float", [ 113 /* A16B16G16R16F */ ]: "rgba16float", [ 114 /* R32F */ ]: "r32float", [ 115 /* G32R32F */ ]: "rg32float", [ 116 /* A32B32G32R32F */ ]: "rgba32float" }; DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT = { [ 70 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_TYPELESS */ ]: "bc1-rgba-unorm", [ 71 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM */ ]: "bc1-rgba-unorm", [ 72 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB */ ]: "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb", [ 73 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_TYPELESS */ ]: "bc2-rgba-unorm", [ 74 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM */ ]: "bc2-rgba-unorm", [ 75 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB */ ]: "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb", [ 76 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_TYPELESS */ ]: "bc3-rgba-unorm", [ 77 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM */ ]: "bc3-rgba-unorm", [ 78 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB */ ]: "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb", [ 79 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_TYPELESS */ ]: "bc4-r-unorm", [ 80 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM */ ]: "bc4-r-unorm", [ 81 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM */ ]: "bc4-r-snorm", [ 82 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_TYPELESS */ ]: "bc5-rg-unorm", [ 83 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM */ ]: "bc5-rg-unorm", [ 84 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM */ ]: "bc5-rg-snorm", [ 94 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_TYPELESS */ ]: "bc6h-rgb-ufloat", [ 95 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16 */ ]: "bc6h-rgb-ufloat", [ 96 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16 */ ]: "bc6h-rgb-float", [ 97 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_TYPELESS */ ]: "bc7-rgba-unorm", [ 98 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM */ ]: "bc7-rgba-unorm", [ 99 /* DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB */ ]: "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb", [ 28 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM */ ]: "rgba8unorm", [ 29 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB */ ]: "rgba8unorm-srgb", [ 87 /* DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM */ ]: "bgra8unorm", [ 91 /* DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB */ ]: "bgra8unorm-srgb", [ 41 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT */ ]: "r32float", [ 49 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM */ ]: "rg8unorm", [ 56 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM */ ]: "r16uint", [ 61 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM */ ]: "r8unorm", [ 24 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM */ ]: "rgb10a2unorm", [ 11 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM */ ]: "rgba16uint", [ 13 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM */ ]: "rgba16sint", [ 10 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT */ ]: "rgba16float", [ 54 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT */ ]: "r16float", [ 34 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT */ ]: "rg16float", [ 16 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT */ ]: "rg32float", [ 2 /* DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT */ ]: "rgba32float" }; DDS = { MAGIC_VALUE: 542327876, MAGIC_SIZE: 4, HEADER_SIZE: 124, HEADER_DX10_SIZE: 20, PIXEL_FORMAT_FLAGS: { // PIXEL_FORMAT flags // https://github.com/Microsoft/DirectXTex/blob/main/DirectXTex/DDS.h // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3ddds/dds-pixelformat ALPHAPIXELS: 1, ALPHA: 2, FOURCC: 4, RGB: 64, RGBA: 65, YUV: 512, LUMINANCE: 131072, LUMINANCEA: 131073 }, RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE: 4, HEADER_FIELDS: DDS_HEADER_FIELDS, HEADER_DX10_FIELDS: DDS_DX10_FIELDS, DXGI_FORMAT, D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION, D3DFMT }; TEXTURE_FORMAT_BLOCK_SIZE = { "bc1-rgba-unorm": 8, "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb": 8, "bc2-rgba-unorm": 16, "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb": 16, "bc3-rgba-unorm": 16, "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb": 16, "bc4-r-unorm": 8, "bc4-r-snorm": 8, "bc5-rg-unorm": 16, "bc5-rg-snorm": 16, "bc6h-rgb-ufloat": 16, "bc6h-rgb-float": 16, "bc7-rgba-unorm": 16, "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb": 16 }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/dds/parseDDS.mjs function parseDDS(arrayBuffer, supportedFormats) { const { format, fourCC, width, height, dataOffset, mipmapCount } = parseDDSHeader(arrayBuffer); if (!supportedFormats.includes(format)) { throw new Error(`Unsupported texture format: ${fourCC} ${format}, supported: ${supportedFormats}`); } if (mipmapCount <= 1) { return { format, width, height, resource: [new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, dataOffset)], alphaMode: "no-premultiply-alpha" }; } const levelBuffers = getMipmapLevelBuffers(format, width, height, dataOffset, mipmapCount, arrayBuffer); const textureOptions = { format, width, height, resource: levelBuffers, alphaMode: "no-premultiply-alpha" }; return textureOptions; } function getMipmapLevelBuffers(format, width, height, dataOffset, mipmapCount, arrayBuffer) { const levelBuffers = []; const blockBytes = TEXTURE_FORMAT_BLOCK_SIZE[format]; let mipWidth = width; let mipHeight = height; let offset = dataOffset; for (let level = 0; level < mipmapCount; ++level) { const byteLength = blockBytes ? Math.max(4, mipWidth) / 4 * Math.max(4, mipHeight) / 4 * blockBytes : mipWidth * mipHeight * 4; const levelBuffer = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, offset, byteLength); levelBuffers.push(levelBuffer); offset += byteLength; mipWidth = Math.max(mipWidth >> 1, 1); mipHeight = Math.max(mipHeight >> 1, 1); } return levelBuffers; } function parseDDSHeader(buffer) { const header = new Uint32Array(buffer, 0, DDS.HEADER_SIZE / Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); if (header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.MAGIC] !== DDS.MAGIC_VALUE) { throw new Error("Invalid magic number in DDS header"); } const height = header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.HEIGHT]; const width = header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.WIDTH]; const mipmapCount = Math.max(1, header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.MIPMAP_COUNT]); const flags = header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.PF_FLAGS]; const fourCC = header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.FOURCC]; const format = getTextureFormat(header, flags, fourCC, buffer); const dataOffset = DDS.MAGIC_SIZE + DDS.HEADER_SIZE + (fourCC === DDS.D3DFMT.DX10 ? DDS.HEADER_DX10_SIZE : 0); return { format, fourCC, width, height, dataOffset, mipmapCount }; } function getTextureFormat(header, flags, fourCC, buffer) { if (flags & DDS.PIXEL_FORMAT_FLAGS.FOURCC) { if (fourCC === DDS.D3DFMT.DX10) { const dx10Header = new Uint32Array( buffer, DDS.MAGIC_SIZE + DDS.HEADER_SIZE, // there is a 20-byte DDS_HEADER_DX10 after DDS_HEADER DDS.HEADER_DX10_SIZE / Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT ); const miscFlag = dx10Header[DDS.HEADER_DX10_FIELDS.MISC_FLAG]; if (miscFlag === DDS.RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE) { throw new Error("DDSParser does not support cubemap textures"); } const resourceDimension = dx10Header[DDS.HEADER_DX10_FIELDS.RESOURCE_DIMENSION]; if (resourceDimension === DDS.D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION.DDS_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D) { throw new Error("DDSParser does not supported 3D texture data"); } const dxgiFormat = dx10Header[DDS.HEADER_DX10_FIELDS.DXGI_FORMAT]; if (dxgiFormat in DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[dxgiFormat]; } throw new Error(`DDSParser cannot parse texture data with DXGI format ${dxgiFormat}`); } if (fourCC in FOURCC_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT) { return FOURCC_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[fourCC]; } throw new Error(`DDSParser cannot parse texture data with fourCC format ${fourCC}`); } if (flags & DDS.PIXEL_FORMAT_FLAGS.RGB || flags & DDS.PIXEL_FORMAT_FLAGS.RGBA) { return getUncompressedTextureFormat(header); } if (flags & DDS.PIXEL_FORMAT_FLAGS.YUV) { throw new Error("DDSParser does not supported YUV uncompressed texture data."); } if (flags & DDS.PIXEL_FORMAT_FLAGS.LUMINANCE || flags & DDS.PIXEL_FORMAT_FLAGS.LUMINANCEA) { throw new Error("DDSParser does not support single-channel (lumninance) texture data!"); } if (flags & DDS.PIXEL_FORMAT_FLAGS.ALPHA || flags & DDS.PIXEL_FORMAT_FLAGS.ALPHAPIXELS) { throw new Error("DDSParser does not support single-channel (alpha) texture data!"); } throw new Error("DDSParser failed to load a texture file due to an unknown reason!"); } function getUncompressedTextureFormat(header) { const bitCount = header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.RGB_BITCOUNT]; const rBitMask = header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.R_BIT_MASK]; const gBitMask = header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.G_BIT_MASK]; const bBitMask = header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.B_BIT_MASK]; const aBitMask = header[DDS.HEADER_FIELDS.A_BIT_MASK]; switch (bitCount) { case 32: if (rBitMask === 255 && gBitMask === 65280 && bBitMask === 16711680 && aBitMask === 4278190080) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM]; } if (rBitMask === 16711680 && gBitMask === 65280 && bBitMask === 255 && aBitMask === 4278190080) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM]; } if (rBitMask === 1072693248 && gBitMask === 1047552 && bBitMask === 1023 && aBitMask === 3221225472) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM]; } if (rBitMask === 65535 && gBitMask === 4294901760 && bBitMask === 0 && aBitMask === 0) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM]; } if (rBitMask === 4294967295 && gBitMask === 0 && bBitMask === 0 && aBitMask === 0) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT]; } break; case 24: if (rBitMask === 16711680 && gBitMask === 65280 && bBitMask === 255 && aBitMask === 32768) { } break; case 16: if (rBitMask === 31744 && gBitMask === 992 && bBitMask === 31 && aBitMask === 32768) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM]; } if (rBitMask === 63488 && gBitMask === 2016 && bBitMask === 31 && aBitMask === 0) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM]; } if (rBitMask === 3840 && gBitMask === 240 && bBitMask === 15 && aBitMask === 61440) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM]; } if (rBitMask === 255 && gBitMask === 0 && bBitMask === 0 && aBitMask === 65280) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM]; } if (rBitMask === 65535 && gBitMask === 0 && bBitMask === 0 && aBitMask === 0) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM]; } break; case 8: if (rBitMask === 255 && gBitMask === 0 && bBitMask === 0 && aBitMask === 0) { return DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT[DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM]; } break; } throw new Error(`DDSParser does not support uncompressed texture with configuration: bitCount = ${bitCount}, rBitMask = ${rBitMask}, gBitMask = ${gBitMask}, aBitMask = ${aBitMask}`); } var init_parseDDS = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/dds/parseDDS.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const11(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/dds/loadDDS.mjs var loadDDS; var init_loadDDS = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/dds/loadDDS.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_LoaderParser(); init_createTexture(); init_checkExtension(); init_Extensions(); init_CompressedSource(); init_getSupportedTextureFormats(); init_parseDDS(); loadDDS = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.High, name: "loadDDS" }, name: "loadDDS", test(url) { return checkExtension(url, [".dds"]); }, async load(url, _asset, loader) { const supportedTextures = await getSupportedTextureFormats(); const ddsResponse = await fetch(url); const ddsArrayBuffer = await ddsResponse.arrayBuffer(); const textureOptions = parseDDS(ddsArrayBuffer, supportedTextures); const compressedTextureSource = new CompressedSource(textureOptions); return createTexture(compressedTextureSource, loader, url); }, unload(texture) { if (Array.isArray(texture)) { texture.forEach((t2) => t2.destroy(true)); } else { texture.destroy(true); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/const.mjs var GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT, INTERNAL_FORMAT_TO_TEXTURE_FORMATS, FILE_IDENTIFIER, FIELDS, FILE_HEADER_SIZE, ENDIANNESS, TYPES_TO_BYTES_PER_COMPONENT, FORMATS_TO_COMPONENTS, TYPES_TO_BYTES_PER_PIXEL, INTERNAL_FORMAT_TO_BYTES_PER_PIXEL, KTX; var init_const12 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT = /* @__PURE__ */ ((GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2) => { GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["RGBA8_SNORM"] = 36759] = "RGBA8_SNORM"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["RGBA"] = 6408] = "RGBA"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["RGBA8UI"] = 36220] = "RGBA8UI"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["SRGB8_ALPHA8"] = 35907] = "SRGB8_ALPHA8"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["RGBA8I"] = 36238] = "RGBA8I"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["RGBA8"] = 32856] = "RGBA8"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT"] = 33776] = "COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT"] = 33777] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT"] = 33778] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT"] = 33779] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT"] = 35917] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT"] = 35918] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT"] = 35919] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT"] = 35916] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1_EXT"] = 36283] = "COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_EXT"] = 36284] = "COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT"] = 36285] = "COMPRESSED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT"] = 36286] = "COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_R11_EAC"] = 37488] = "COMPRESSED_R11_EAC"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC"] = 37489] = "COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC"] = 37490] = "COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC"] = 37491] = "COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2"] = 37492] = "COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC"] = 37496] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2"] = 37493] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC"] = 37497] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2"] = 37494] = "COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2"] = 37495] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR"] = 37808] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR"] = 37809] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR"] = 37810] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR"] = 37811] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR"] = 37812] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR"] = 37813] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR"] = 37814] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR"] = 37815] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x5_KHR"] = 37816] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x5_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR"] = 37817] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR"] = 37818] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR"] = 37819] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR"] = 37820] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR"] = 37821] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR"] = 37840] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR"] = 37841] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR"] = 37842] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR"] = 37843] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR"] = 37844] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR"] = 37845] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR"] = 37846] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR"] = 37847] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_KHR"] = 37848] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR"] = 37849] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR"] = 37850] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR"] = 37851] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR"] = 37852] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR"] = 37853] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT"] = 36492] = "COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT"] = 36493] = "COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT_EXT"] = 36494] = "COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT_EXT"; GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2[GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2["COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_EXT"] = 36495] = "COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_EXT"; return GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT2; })(GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT || {}); INTERNAL_FORMAT_TO_TEXTURE_FORMATS = { [ 33776 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ ]: "bc1-rgba-unorm", // TODO: ??? [ 33777 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ ]: "bc1-rgba-unorm", [ 33778 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT */ ]: "bc2-rgba-unorm", [ 33779 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT */ ]: "bc3-rgba-unorm", [ 35916 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ ]: "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb", // TODO: ??? [ 35917 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ ]: "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb", [ 35918 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT */ ]: "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb", [ 35919 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT */ ]: "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb", [ 36283 /* COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1_EXT */ ]: "bc4-r-unorm", [ 36284 /* COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_EXT */ ]: "bc4-r-snorm", [ 36285 /* COMPRESSED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT */ ]: "bc5-rg-unorm", [ 36286 /* COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT */ ]: "bc5-rg-snorm", [ 37488 /* COMPRESSED_R11_EAC */ ]: "eac-r11unorm", // [GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC]: 'eac-r11snorm', [ 37490 /* COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC */ ]: "eac-rg11snorm", // [GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC]: 'eac-rg11unorm', [ 37492 /* COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2 */ ]: "etc2-rgb8unorm", [ 37496 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC */ ]: "etc2-rgba8unorm", [ 37493 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2 */ ]: "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb", [ 37497 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC */ ]: "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb", [ 37494 /* COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 */ ]: "etc2-rgb8a1unorm", [ 37495 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 */ ]: "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb", [ 37808 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR */ ]: "astc-4x4-unorm", [ 37840 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR */ ]: "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb", [ 37809 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR */ ]: "astc-5x4-unorm", [ 37841 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR */ ]: "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb", [ 37810 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR */ ]: "astc-5x5-unorm", [ 37842 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR */ ]: "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb", [ 37811 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR */ ]: "astc-6x5-unorm", [ 37843 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR */ ]: "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb", [ 37812 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR */ ]: "astc-6x6-unorm", [ 37844 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR */ ]: "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb", [ 37813 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR */ ]: "astc-8x5-unorm", [ 37845 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR */ ]: "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb", [ 37814 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR */ ]: "astc-8x6-unorm", [ 37846 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR */ ]: "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb", [ 37815 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR */ ]: "astc-8x8-unorm", [ 37847 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR */ ]: "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb", [ 37816 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x5_KHR */ ]: "astc-10x5-unorm", [ 37848 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_KHR */ ]: "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb", [ 37817 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR */ ]: "astc-10x6-unorm", [ 37849 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR */ ]: "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb", [ 37818 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR */ ]: "astc-10x8-unorm", [ 37850 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR */ ]: "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb", [ 37819 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR */ ]: "astc-10x10-unorm", [ 37851 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR */ ]: "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb", [ 37820 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR */ ]: "astc-12x10-unorm", [ 37852 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR */ ]: "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb", [ 37821 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR */ ]: "astc-12x12-unorm", [ 37853 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR */ ]: "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb", [ 36492 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT */ ]: "bc7-rgba-unorm", [ 36493 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT */ ]: "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb", [ 36494 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT_EXT */ ]: "bc6h-rgb-float", [ 36495 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_EXT */ ]: "bc6h-rgb-ufloat", [ 35907 /* SRGB8_ALPHA8 */ ]: "rgba8unorm-srgb", [ 36759 /* RGBA8_SNORM */ ]: "rgba8snorm", [ 36220 /* RGBA8UI */ ]: "rgba8uint", [ 36238 /* RGBA8I */ ]: "rgba8sint", [ 6408 /* RGBA */ ]: "rgba8unorm" // [GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT.RGBA8]: 'bgra8unorm' }; FILE_IDENTIFIER = [171, 75, 84, 88, 32, 49, 49, 187, 13, 10, 26, 10]; FIELDS = { FILE_IDENTIFIER: 0, ENDIANNESS: 12, GL_TYPE: 16, GL_TYPE_SIZE: 20, GL_FORMAT: 24, GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT: 28, GL_BASE_INTERNAL_FORMAT: 32, PIXEL_WIDTH: 36, PIXEL_HEIGHT: 40, PIXEL_DEPTH: 44, NUMBER_OF_ARRAY_ELEMENTS: 48, NUMBER_OF_FACES: 52, NUMBER_OF_MIPMAP_LEVELS: 56, BYTES_OF_KEY_VALUE_DATA: 60 }; FILE_HEADER_SIZE = 64; ENDIANNESS = 67305985; TYPES_TO_BYTES_PER_COMPONENT = { [ 5121 /* UNSIGNED_BYTE */ ]: 1, [ 5123 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT */ ]: 2, [ 5124 /* INT */ ]: 4, [ 5125 /* UNSIGNED_INT */ ]: 4, [ 5126 /* FLOAT */ ]: 4, [ 36193 /* HALF_FLOAT */ ]: 8 }; FORMATS_TO_COMPONENTS = { [ 6408 /* RGBA */ ]: 4, [ 6407 /* RGB */ ]: 3, [ 33319 /* RG */ ]: 2, [ 6403 /* RED */ ]: 1, [ 6409 /* LUMINANCE */ ]: 1, [ 6410 /* LUMINANCE_ALPHA */ ]: 2, [ 6406 /* ALPHA */ ]: 1 }; TYPES_TO_BYTES_PER_PIXEL = { [ 32819 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 */ ]: 2, [ 32820 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 */ ]: 2, [ 33635 /* UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 */ ]: 2 }; INTERNAL_FORMAT_TO_BYTES_PER_PIXEL = { [ 33776 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ ]: 0.5, [ 33777 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ ]: 0.5, [ 33778 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT */ ]: 1, [ 33779 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT */ ]: 1, [ 35916 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ ]: 0.5, [ 35917 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ ]: 0.5, [ 35918 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT */ ]: 1, [ 35919 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT */ ]: 1, [ 36283 /* COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1_EXT */ ]: 0.5, [ 36284 /* COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_EXT */ ]: 0.5, [ 36285 /* COMPRESSED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT */ ]: 1, [ 36286 /* COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT */ ]: 1, [ 37488 /* COMPRESSED_R11_EAC */ ]: 0.5, [ 37489 /* COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC */ ]: 0.5, [ 37490 /* COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC */ ]: 1, [ 37491 /* COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC */ ]: 1, [ 37492 /* COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2 */ ]: 0.5, [ 37496 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC */ ]: 1, [ 37493 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2 */ ]: 0.5, [ 37497 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC */ ]: 1, [ 37494 /* COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 */ ]: 0.5, [ 37495 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 */ ]: 0.5, [ 37808 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR */ ]: 1, [ 37840 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR */ ]: 1, [ 37809 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR */ ]: 0.8, [ 37841 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR */ ]: 0.8, [ 37810 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR */ ]: 0.64, [ 37842 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR */ ]: 0.64, [ 37811 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR */ ]: 0.53375, [ 37843 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR */ ]: 0.53375, [ 37812 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR */ ]: 0.445, [ 37844 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR */ ]: 0.445, [ 37813 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR */ ]: 0.4, [ 37845 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR */ ]: 0.4, [ 37814 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR */ ]: 0.33375, [ 37846 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR */ ]: 0.33375, [ 37815 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR */ ]: 0.25, [ 37847 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR */ ]: 0.25, [ 37816 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x5_KHR */ ]: 0.32, [ 37848 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_KHR */ ]: 0.32, [ 37817 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR */ ]: 0.26625, [ 37849 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR */ ]: 0.26625, [ 37818 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR */ ]: 0.2, [ 37850 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR */ ]: 0.2, [ 37819 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR */ ]: 0.16, [ 37851 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR */ ]: 0.16, [ 37820 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR */ ]: 0.13375, [ 37852 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR */ ]: 0.13375, [ 37821 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR */ ]: 0.11125, [ 37853 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR */ ]: 0.11125, [ 36492 /* COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT */ ]: 1, [ 36493 /* COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT */ ]: 1, [ 36494 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT_EXT */ ]: 1, [ 36495 /* COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_EXT */ ]: 1 }; KTX = { FILE_HEADER_SIZE, FILE_IDENTIFIER, FORMATS_TO_COMPONENTS, INTERNAL_FORMAT_TO_BYTES_PER_PIXEL, INTERNAL_FORMAT_TO_TEXTURE_FORMATS, FIELDS, TYPES_TO_BYTES_PER_COMPONENT, TYPES_TO_BYTES_PER_PIXEL, ENDIANNESS }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx/parseKTX.mjs function parseKTX(arrayBuffer, supportedFormats) { const dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer); if (!validate(dataView)) { throw new Error("Invalid KTX identifier in header"); } const { littleEndian, glType, glFormat, glInternalFormat, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, numberOfMipmapLevels, offset } = parseKTXHeader(dataView); const textureFormat = KTX.INTERNAL_FORMAT_TO_TEXTURE_FORMATS[glInternalFormat]; if (!textureFormat) { throw new Error(`Unknown texture format ${glInternalFormat}`); } if (!supportedFormats.includes(textureFormat)) { throw new Error(`Unsupported texture format: ${textureFormat}, supportedFormats: ${supportedFormats}`); } const imagePixelByteSize = getImagePixelByteSize(glType, glFormat, glInternalFormat); const imageBuffers = getImageBuffers( dataView, glType, imagePixelByteSize, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, offset, numberOfMipmapLevels, littleEndian ); return { format: textureFormat, width: pixelWidth, height: pixelHeight, resource: imageBuffers, alphaMode: "no-premultiply-alpha" }; } function getImageBuffers(dataView, glType, imagePixelByteSize, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, offset, numberOfMipmapLevels, littleEndian) { const alignedWidth = pixelWidth + 3 & ~3; const alignedHeight = pixelHeight + 3 & ~3; let imagePixels = pixelWidth * pixelHeight; if (glType === 0) { imagePixels = alignedWidth * alignedHeight; } let mipByteSize = imagePixels * imagePixelByteSize; let mipWidth = pixelWidth; let mipHeight = pixelHeight; let alignedMipWidth = alignedWidth; let alignedMipHeight = alignedHeight; let imageOffset = offset; const imageBuffers = new Array(numberOfMipmapLevels); for (let mipmapLevel = 0; mipmapLevel < numberOfMipmapLevels; mipmapLevel++) { const imageSize = dataView.getUint32(imageOffset, littleEndian); let elementOffset = imageOffset + 4; imageBuffers[mipmapLevel] = new Uint8Array(dataView.buffer, elementOffset, mipByteSize); elementOffset += mipByteSize; imageOffset += imageSize + 4; imageOffset = imageOffset % 4 !== 0 ? imageOffset + 4 - imageOffset % 4 : imageOffset; mipWidth = mipWidth >> 1 || 1; mipHeight = mipHeight >> 1 || 1; alignedMipWidth = mipWidth + 4 - 1 & ~(4 - 1); alignedMipHeight = mipHeight + 4 - 1 & ~(4 - 1); mipByteSize = alignedMipWidth * alignedMipHeight * imagePixelByteSize; } return imageBuffers; } function getImagePixelByteSize(glType, glFormat, glInternalFormat) { let imagePixelByteSize = KTX.INTERNAL_FORMAT_TO_BYTES_PER_PIXEL[glInternalFormat]; if (glType !== 0) { if (KTX.TYPES_TO_BYTES_PER_COMPONENT[glType]) { imagePixelByteSize = KTX.TYPES_TO_BYTES_PER_COMPONENT[glType] * KTX.FORMATS_TO_COMPONENTS[glFormat]; } else { imagePixelByteSize = KTX.TYPES_TO_BYTES_PER_PIXEL[glType]; } } if (imagePixelByteSize === void 0) { throw new Error("Unable to resolve the pixel format stored in the *.ktx file!"); } return imagePixelByteSize; } function parseKTXHeader(dataView) { const littleEndian = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.ENDIANNESS, true) === KTX.ENDIANNESS; const glType = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.GL_TYPE, littleEndian); const glFormat = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.GL_FORMAT, littleEndian); const glInternalFormat = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT, littleEndian); const pixelWidth = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.PIXEL_WIDTH, littleEndian); const pixelHeight = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.PIXEL_HEIGHT, littleEndian) || 1; const pixelDepth = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.PIXEL_DEPTH, littleEndian) || 1; const numberOfArrayElements = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.NUMBER_OF_ARRAY_ELEMENTS, littleEndian) || 1; const numberOfFaces = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.NUMBER_OF_FACES, littleEndian); const numberOfMipmapLevels = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.NUMBER_OF_MIPMAP_LEVELS, littleEndian); const bytesOfKeyValueData = dataView.getUint32(KTX.FIELDS.BYTES_OF_KEY_VALUE_DATA, littleEndian); if (pixelHeight === 0 || pixelDepth !== 1) { throw new Error("Only 2D textures are supported"); } if (numberOfFaces !== 1) { throw new Error("CubeTextures are not supported by KTXLoader yet!"); } if (numberOfArrayElements !== 1) { throw new Error("WebGL does not support array textures"); } return { littleEndian, glType, glFormat, glInternalFormat, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, numberOfMipmapLevels, offset: KTX.FILE_HEADER_SIZE + bytesOfKeyValueData }; } function validate(dataView) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < KTX.FILE_IDENTIFIER.length; i3++) { if (dataView.getUint8(i3) !== KTX.FILE_IDENTIFIER[i3]) { return false; } } return true; } var init_parseKTX = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx/parseKTX.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const12(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx/loadKTX.mjs var loadKTX; var init_loadKTX = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx/loadKTX.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_LoaderParser(); init_createTexture(); init_checkExtension(); init_Extensions(); init_CompressedSource(); init_getSupportedTextureFormats(); init_parseKTX(); loadKTX = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.High, name: "loadKTX" }, name: "loadKTX", test(url) { return checkExtension(url, ".ktx"); }, async load(url, _asset, loader) { const supportedTextures = await getSupportedTextureFormats(); const ktxResponse = await fetch(url); const ktxArrayBuffer = await ktxResponse.arrayBuffer(); const textureOptions = parseKTX(ktxArrayBuffer, supportedTextures); const compressedTextureSource = new CompressedSource(textureOptions); return createTexture(compressedTextureSource, loader, url); }, unload(texture) { if (Array.isArray(texture)) { texture.forEach((t2) => t2.destroy(true)); } else { texture.destroy(true); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/_virtual/ktx.worker.mjs var WORKER_CODE4, WORKER_URL4, WorkerInstance4; var init_ktx_worker = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/_virtual/ktx.worker.mjs"() { "use strict"; WORKER_CODE4 = '(function () {\n \'use strict\';\n\n const converters = {\n rgb8unorm: {\n convertedFormat: "rgba8unorm",\n convertFunction: convertRGBtoRGBA\n },\n "rgb8unorm-srgb": {\n convertedFormat: "rgba8unorm-srgb",\n convertFunction: convertRGBtoRGBA\n }\n };\n function convertFormatIfRequired(textureOptions) {\n const format = textureOptions.format;\n if (converters[format]) {\n const convertFunction = converters[format].convertFunction;\n const levelBuffers = textureOptions.resource;\n for (let i = 0; i < levelBuffers.length; i++) {\n levelBuffers[i] = convertFunction(levelBuffers[i]);\n }\n textureOptions.format = converters[format].convertedFormat;\n }\n }\n function convertRGBtoRGBA(levelBuffer) {\n const pixelCount = levelBuffer.byteLength / 3;\n const levelBufferWithAlpha = new Uint32Array(pixelCount);\n for (let i = 0; i < pixelCount; ++i) {\n levelBufferWithAlpha[i] = levelBuffer[i * 3] + (levelBuffer[i * 3 + 1] << 8) + (levelBuffer[i * 3 + 2] << 16) + 4278190080;\n }\n return new Uint8Array(levelBufferWithAlpha.buffer);\n }\n\n function createLevelBuffersFromKTX(ktxTexture) {\n const levelBuffers = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < ktxTexture.numLevels; i++) {\n const imageData = ktxTexture.getImageData(i, 0, 0);\n const levelBuffer = new Uint8Array(imageData.byteLength);\n levelBuffer.set(imageData);\n levelBuffers.push(levelBuffer);\n }\n return levelBuffers;\n }\n\n const glFormatToGPUFormatMap = {\n 6408: "rgba8unorm",\n 32856: "bgra8unorm",\n //\n 32857: "rgb10a2unorm",\n 33189: "depth16unorm",\n 33190: "depth24plus",\n 33321: "r8unorm",\n 33323: "rg8unorm",\n 33325: "r16float",\n 33326: "r32float",\n 33327: "rg16float",\n 33328: "rg32float",\n 33329: "r8sint",\n 33330: "r8uint",\n 33331: "r16sint",\n 33332: "r16uint",\n 33333: "r32sint",\n 33334: "r32uint",\n 33335: "rg8sint",\n 33336: "rg8uint",\n 33337: "rg16sint",\n 33338: "rg16uint",\n 33339: "rg32sint",\n 33340: "rg32uint",\n 33778: "bc2-rgba-unorm",\n 33779: "bc3-rgba-unorm",\n 34836: "rgba32float",\n 34842: "rgba16float",\n 35056: "depth24plus-stencil8",\n 35898: "rg11b10ufloat",\n 35901: "rgb9e5ufloat",\n 35907: "rgba8unorm-srgb",\n // bgra8unorm-srgb\n 36012: "depth32float",\n 36013: "depth32float-stencil8",\n 36168: "stencil8",\n 36208: "rgba32uint",\n 36214: "rgba16uint",\n 36220: "rgba8uint",\n 36226: "rgba32sint",\n 36232: "rgba16sint",\n 36238: "rgba8sint",\n 36492: "bc7-rgba-unorm",\n 36756: "r8snorm",\n 36757: "rg8snorm",\n 36759: "rgba8snorm",\n 37496: "etc2-rgba8unorm",\n 37808: "astc-4x4-unorm"\n };\n function glFormatToGPUFormat(glInternalFormat) {\n const format = glFormatToGPUFormatMap[glInternalFormat];\n if (format) {\n return format;\n }\n throw new Error(`Unsupported glInternalFormat: ${glInternalFormat}`);\n }\n\n const vkFormatToGPUFormatMap = {\n 23: "rgb8unorm",\n // VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UNORM\n 37: "rgba8unorm",\n // VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM\n 43: "rgba8unorm-srgb"\n // VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB\n // TODO add more!\n };\n function vkFormatToGPUFormat(vkFormat) {\n const format = vkFormatToGPUFormatMap[vkFormat];\n if (format) {\n return format;\n }\n throw new Error(`Unsupported VkFormat: ${vkFormat}`);\n }\n\n function getTextureFormatFromKTXTexture(ktxTexture) {\n if (ktxTexture.classId === 2) {\n return vkFormatToGPUFormat(ktxTexture.vkFormat);\n }\n return glFormatToGPUFormat(ktxTexture.glInternalformat);\n }\n\n const gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormatMap = {\n "bc3-rgba-unorm": "BC3_RGBA",\n "bc7-rgba-unorm": "BC7_M5_RGBA",\n "etc2-rgba8unorm": "ETC2_RGBA",\n "astc-4x4-unorm": "ASTC_4x4_RGBA",\n // Uncompressed\n rgba8unorm: "RGBA32",\n rg11b10ufloat: "R11F_G11F_B10F"\n };\n function gpuFormatToKTXBasisTranscoderFormat(transcoderFormat) {\n const format = gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormatMap[transcoderFormat];\n if (format) {\n return format;\n }\n throw new Error(`Unsupported transcoderFormat: ${transcoderFormat}`);\n }\n\n const settings = {\n jsUrl: "",\n wasmUrl: ""\n };\n let basisTranscoderFormat;\n let basisTranscodedTextureFormat;\n let ktxPromise;\n async function getKTX() {\n if (!ktxPromise) {\n const absoluteJsUrl = new URL(settings.jsUrl, location.origin).href;\n const absoluteWasmUrl = new URL(settings.wasmUrl, location.origin).href;\n importScripts(absoluteJsUrl);\n ktxPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {\n LIBKTX({\n locateFile: (_file) => absoluteWasmUrl\n }).then((libktx) => {\n resolve(libktx);\n });\n });\n }\n return ktxPromise;\n }\n async function fetchKTXTexture(url, ktx) {\n const ktx2Response = await fetch(url);\n if (ktx2Response.ok) {\n const ktx2ArrayBuffer = await ktx2Response.arrayBuffer();\n return new ktx.ktxTexture(new Uint8Array(ktx2ArrayBuffer));\n }\n throw new Error(`Failed to load KTX(2) texture: ${url}`);\n }\n const preferredTranscodedFormat = [\n "bc7-rgba-unorm",\n "astc-4x4-unorm",\n "etc2-rgba8unorm",\n "bc3-rgba-unorm",\n "rgba8unorm"\n ];\n async function load(url) {\n const ktx = await getKTX();\n const ktxTexture = await fetchKTXTexture(url, ktx);\n let format;\n if (ktxTexture.needsTranscoding) {\n format = basisTranscodedTextureFormat;\n const transcodeFormat = ktx.TranscodeTarget[basisTranscoderFormat];\n const result = ktxTexture.transcodeBasis(transcodeFormat, 0);\n if (result !== ktx.ErrorCode.SUCCESS) {\n throw new Error("Unable to transcode basis texture.");\n }\n } else {\n format = getTextureFormatFromKTXTexture(ktxTexture);\n }\n const levelBuffers = createLevelBuffersFromKTX(ktxTexture);\n const textureOptions = {\n width: ktxTexture.baseWidth,\n height: ktxTexture.baseHeight,\n format,\n mipLevelCount: ktxTexture.numLevels,\n resource: levelBuffers,\n alphaMode: "no-premultiply-alpha"\n };\n convertFormatIfRequired(textureOptions);\n return textureOptions;\n }\n async function init(jsUrl, wasmUrl, supportedTextures) {\n if (jsUrl)\n settings.jsUrl = jsUrl;\n if (wasmUrl)\n settings.wasmUrl = wasmUrl;\n basisTranscodedTextureFormat = preferredTranscodedFormat.filter((format) => supportedTextures.includes(format))[0];\n basisTranscoderFormat = gpuFormatToKTXBasisTranscoderFormat(basisTranscodedTextureFormat);\n await getKTX();\n }\n const messageHandlers = {\n init: async (data) => {\n const { jsUrl, wasmUrl, supportedTextures } = data;\n await init(jsUrl, wasmUrl, supportedTextures);\n },\n load: async (data) => {\n try {\n const textureOptions = await load(data.url);\n return {\n type: "load",\n url: data.url,\n success: true,\n textureOptions,\n transferables: textureOptions.resource?.map((arr) => arr.buffer)\n };\n } catch (e) {\n throw e;\n }\n }\n };\n self.onmessage = async (messageEvent) => {\n const message = messageEvent.data;\n const response = await messageHandlers[message.type]?.(message);\n if (response) {\n self.postMessage(response, response.transferables);\n }\n };\n\n})();\n'; WORKER_URL4 = null; WorkerInstance4 = class { constructor() { if (!WORKER_URL4) { WORKER_URL4 = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([WORKER_CODE4], { type: "application/javascript" })); } this.worker = new Worker(WORKER_URL4); } }; WorkerInstance4.revokeObjectURL = function revokeObjectURL4() { if (WORKER_URL4) { URL.revokeObjectURL(WORKER_URL4); WORKER_URL4 = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/setKTXTranscoderPath.mjs function setKTXTranscoderPath(config) { Object.assign(ktxTranscoderUrls, config); } var ktxTranscoderUrls; var init_setKTXTranscoderPath = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/setKTXTranscoderPath.mjs"() { "use strict"; ktxTranscoderUrls = { jsUrl: "https://files.pixijs.download/transcoders/ktx/libktx.js", wasmUrl: "https://files.pixijs.download/transcoders/ktx/libktx.wasm" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/worker/loadKTX2onWorker.mjs function getKTX2Worker(supportedTextures) { if (!ktxWorker) { ktxWorker = new WorkerInstance4().worker; ktxWorker.onmessage = (messageEvent) => { const { success, url, textureOptions } = messageEvent.data; if (!success) { console.warn("Failed to load KTX texture", url); } urlHash2[url](textureOptions); }; ktxWorker.postMessage({ type: "init", jsUrl: ktxTranscoderUrls.jsUrl, wasmUrl: ktxTranscoderUrls.wasmUrl, supportedTextures }); } return ktxWorker; } function loadKTX2onWorker(url, supportedTextures) { const ktxWorker2 = getKTX2Worker(supportedTextures); return new Promise((resolve) => { urlHash2[url] = resolve; ktxWorker2.postMessage({ type: "load", url }); }); } var ktxWorker, urlHash2; var init_loadKTX2onWorker = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/worker/loadKTX2onWorker.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_ktx_worker(); init_setKTXTranscoderPath(); urlHash2 = {}; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/loadKTX2.mjs var loadKTX2; var init_loadKTX2 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/loadKTX2.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_LoaderParser(); init_createTexture(); init_checkExtension(); init_Extensions(); init_CompressedSource(); init_getSupportedTextureFormats(); init_loadKTX2onWorker(); loadKTX2 = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: LoaderParserPriority.High, name: "loadKTX2" }, name: "loadKTX2", test(url) { return checkExtension(url, ".ktx2"); }, async load(url, _asset, loader) { const supportedTextures = await getSupportedTextureFormats(); const textureOptions = await loadKTX2onWorker(url, supportedTextures); const compressedTextureSource = new CompressedSource(textureOptions); return createTexture(compressedTextureSource, loader, url); }, async unload(texture) { if (Array.isArray(texture)) { texture.forEach((t2) => t2.destroy(true)); } else { texture.destroy(true); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/convertFormatIfRequired.mjs function convertFormatIfRequired(textureOptions) { const format = textureOptions.format; if (converters[format]) { const convertFunction = converters[format].convertFunction; const levelBuffers = textureOptions.resource; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < levelBuffers.length; i3++) { levelBuffers[i3] = convertFunction(levelBuffers[i3]); } textureOptions.format = converters[format].convertedFormat; } } function convertRGBtoRGBA(levelBuffer) { const pixelCount = levelBuffer.byteLength / 3; const levelBufferWithAlpha = new Uint32Array(pixelCount); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < pixelCount; ++i3) { levelBufferWithAlpha[i3] = levelBuffer[i3 * 3] + (levelBuffer[i3 * 3 + 1] << 8) + (levelBuffer[i3 * 3 + 2] << 16) + 4278190080; } return new Uint8Array(levelBufferWithAlpha.buffer); } var converters; var init_convertFormatIfRequired = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/convertFormatIfRequired.mjs"() { "use strict"; converters = { rgb8unorm: { convertedFormat: "rgba8unorm", convertFunction: convertRGBtoRGBA }, "rgb8unorm-srgb": { convertedFormat: "rgba8unorm-srgb", convertFunction: convertRGBtoRGBA } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/createLevelBuffersFromKTX.mjs function createLevelBuffersFromKTX(ktxTexture) { const levelBuffers = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < ktxTexture.numLevels; i3++) { const imageData = ktxTexture.getImageData(i3, 0, 0); const levelBuffer = new Uint8Array(imageData.byteLength); levelBuffer.set(imageData); levelBuffers.push(levelBuffer); } return levelBuffers; } var init_createLevelBuffersFromKTX = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/createLevelBuffersFromKTX.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/glFormatToGPUFormat.mjs function glFormatToGPUFormat(glInternalFormat) { const format = glFormatToGPUFormatMap[glInternalFormat]; if (format) { return format; } throw new Error(`Unsupported glInternalFormat: ${glInternalFormat}`); } var glFormatToGPUFormatMap; var init_glFormatToGPUFormat = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/glFormatToGPUFormat.mjs"() { "use strict"; glFormatToGPUFormatMap = { 6408: "rgba8unorm", 32856: "bgra8unorm", // 32857: "rgb10a2unorm", 33189: "depth16unorm", 33190: "depth24plus", 33321: "r8unorm", 33323: "rg8unorm", 33325: "r16float", 33326: "r32float", 33327: "rg16float", 33328: "rg32float", 33329: "r8sint", 33330: "r8uint", 33331: "r16sint", 33332: "r16uint", 33333: "r32sint", 33334: "r32uint", 33335: "rg8sint", 33336: "rg8uint", 33337: "rg16sint", 33338: "rg16uint", 33339: "rg32sint", 33340: "rg32uint", 33778: "bc2-rgba-unorm", 33779: "bc3-rgba-unorm", 34836: "rgba32float", 34842: "rgba16float", 35056: "depth24plus-stencil8", 35898: "rg11b10ufloat", 35901: "rgb9e5ufloat", 35907: "rgba8unorm-srgb", // bgra8unorm-srgb 36012: "depth32float", 36013: "depth32float-stencil8", 36168: "stencil8", 36208: "rgba32uint", 36214: "rgba16uint", 36220: "rgba8uint", 36226: "rgba32sint", 36232: "rgba16sint", 36238: "rgba8sint", 36492: "bc7-rgba-unorm", 36756: "r8snorm", 36757: "rg8snorm", 36759: "rgba8snorm", 37496: "etc2-rgba8unorm", 37808: "astc-4x4-unorm" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/vkFormatToGPUFormat.mjs function vkFormatToGPUFormat(vkFormat) { const format = vkFormatToGPUFormatMap[vkFormat]; if (format) { return format; } throw new Error(`Unsupported VkFormat: ${vkFormat}`); } var vkFormatToGPUFormatMap; var init_vkFormatToGPUFormat = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/vkFormatToGPUFormat.mjs"() { "use strict"; vkFormatToGPUFormatMap = { 23: "rgb8unorm", // VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UNORM 37: "rgba8unorm", // VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM 43: "rgba8unorm-srgb" // VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB // TODO add more! }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/getTextureFormatFromKTXTexture.mjs function getTextureFormatFromKTXTexture(ktxTexture) { if (ktxTexture.classId === 2) { return vkFormatToGPUFormat(ktxTexture.vkFormat); } return glFormatToGPUFormat(ktxTexture.glInternalformat); } var init_getTextureFormatFromKTXTexture = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/getTextureFormatFromKTXTexture.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_glFormatToGPUFormat(); init_vkFormatToGPUFormat(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/gpuFormatToKTXBasisTranscoderFormat.mjs function gpuFormatToKTXBasisTranscoderFormat(transcoderFormat) { const format = gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormatMap2[transcoderFormat]; if (format) { return format; } throw new Error(`Unsupported transcoderFormat: ${transcoderFormat}`); } var gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormatMap2; var init_gpuFormatToKTXBasisTranscoderFormat = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/ktx2/utils/gpuFormatToKTXBasisTranscoderFormat.mjs"() { "use strict"; gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormatMap2 = { "bc3-rgba-unorm": "BC3_RGBA", "bc7-rgba-unorm": "BC7_M5_RGBA", "etc2-rgba8unorm": "ETC2_RGBA", "astc-4x4-unorm": "ASTC_4x4_RGBA", // Uncompressed rgba8unorm: "RGBA32", rg11b10ufloat: "R11F_G11F_B10F" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/shared/resolveCompressedTextureUrl.mjs var validFormats, resolveCompressedTextureUrl; var init_resolveCompressedTextureUrl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/shared/resolveCompressedTextureUrl.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Resolver(); init_checkExtension(); init_Extensions(); validFormats = ["basis", "bc7", "bc6h", "astc", "etc2", "bc5", "bc4", "bc3", "bc2", "bc1", "eac"]; resolveCompressedTextureUrl = { extension: ExtensionType.ResolveParser, test: (value) => checkExtension(value, [".ktx", ".ktx2", ".dds"]), parse: (value) => { let format; const splitValue = value.split("."); if (splitValue.length > 2) { const newFormat = splitValue[splitValue.length - 2]; if (validFormats.includes(newFormat)) { format = newFormat; } } else { format = splitValue[splitValue.length - 1]; } return { resolution: parseFloat(Resolver.RETINA_PREFIX.exec(value)?.[1] ?? "1"), format, src: value }; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/shared/detectCompressed.mjs function extractExtensionsForCompressedTextureFormats(formats) { const extensions3 = ["basis"]; const dupeMap = {}; formats.forEach((format) => { const extension = format.split("-")[0]; if (extension && !dupeMap[extension]) { dupeMap[extension] = true; extensions3.push(extension); } }); extensions3.sort((a2, b2) => { const aIndex = validFormats.indexOf(a2); const bIndex = validFormats.indexOf(b2); if (aIndex === -1) { return 1; } if (bIndex === -1) { return -1; } return aIndex - bIndex; }); return extensions3; } var compressedTextureExtensions, detectCompressed; var init_detectCompressed = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/compressed-textures/shared/detectCompressed.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats(); init_isWebGLSupported(); init_isWebGPUSupported(); init_resolveCompressedTextureUrl(); detectCompressed = { extension: { type: ExtensionType.DetectionParser, priority: 2 }, test: async () => { if (await isWebGPUSupported()) return true; if (isWebGLSupported()) return true; return false; }, add: async (formats) => { const supportedCompressedTextureFormats2 = await getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats(); compressedTextureExtensions = extractExtensionsForCompressedTextureFormats(supportedCompressedTextureFormats2); return [...compressedTextureExtensions, ...formats]; }, remove: async (formats) => { if (compressedTextureExtensions) { return formats.filter((f2) => !(f2 in compressedTextureExtensions)); } return formats; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/culling/Culler.mjs var tempBounds5, _Culler, Culler; var init_Culler = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/culling/Culler.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Bounds(); init_getGlobalBounds(); tempBounds5 = new Bounds(); _Culler = class _Culler2 { /** * Culls the children of a specific container based on the given view. This will also cull items that are not * being explicitly managed by the culler. * @param container - The container to cull. * @param view - The view rectangle. * @param skipUpdateTransform - Whether to skip updating the transform. */ cull(container, view, skipUpdateTransform = true) { this._cullRecursive(container, view, skipUpdateTransform); } _cullRecursive(container, view, skipUpdateTransform = true) { if (container.cullable && container.measurable && container.includeInBuild) { const bounds = container.cullArea ?? getGlobalBounds(container, skipUpdateTransform, tempBounds5); container.culled = bounds.x >= view.x + view.width || bounds.y >= view.y + view.height || bounds.x + bounds.width <= view.x || bounds.y + bounds.height <= view.y; } else { container.culled = false; } if (!container.cullableChildren || container.culled || !container.renderable || !container.measurable || !container.includeInBuild) return; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < container.children.length; i3++) { this._cullRecursive(container.children[i3], view, skipUpdateTransform); } } }; _Culler.shared = new _Culler(); Culler = _Culler; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/culling/CullerPlugin.mjs var CullerPlugin; var init_CullerPlugin = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/culling/CullerPlugin.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_Culler(); CullerPlugin = class { static init() { this._renderRef = this.render.bind(this); this.render = () => { Culler.shared.cull(this.stage, this.renderer.screen); this.renderer.render({ container: this.stage }); }; } static destroy() { this.render = this._renderRef; } }; CullerPlugin.extension = { priority: 10, type: ExtensionType.Application, name: "culler" }; } }); // node_modules/@xmldom/xmldom/lib/conventions.js var require_conventions = __commonJS({ "node_modules/@xmldom/xmldom/lib/conventions.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; function find(list, predicate, ac) { if (ac === void 0) { ac = Array.prototype; } if (list && typeof ac.find === "function") { return ac.find.call(list, predicate); } for (var i3 = 0; i3 < list.length; i3++) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(list, i3)) { var item = list[i3]; if (predicate.call(void 0, item, i3, list)) { return item; } } } } function freeze(object, oc) { if (oc === void 0) { oc = Object; } return oc && typeof oc.freeze === "function" ? oc.freeze(object) : object; } function assign(target, source7) { if (target === null || typeof target !== "object") { throw new TypeError("target is not an object"); } for (var key in source7) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source7, key)) { target[key] = source7[key]; } } return target; } var MIME_TYPE = freeze({ /** * `text/html`, the only mime type that triggers treating an XML document as HTML. * * @see DOMParser.SupportedType.isHTML * @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/html IANA MimeType registration * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML Wikipedia * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMParser/parseFromString MDN * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dynamic-markup-insertion.html#dom-domparser-parsefromstring WHATWG HTML Spec */ HTML: "text/html", /** * Helper method to check a mime type if it indicates an HTML document * * @param {string} [value] * @returns {boolean} * * @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/html IANA MimeType registration * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML Wikipedia * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMParser/parseFromString MDN * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dynamic-markup-insertion.html#dom-domparser-parsefromstring */ isHTML: function(value) { return value === MIME_TYPE.HTML; }, /** * `application/xml`, the standard mime type for XML documents. * * @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/xml IANA MimeType registration * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7303#section-9.1 RFC 7303 * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML_and_MIME Wikipedia */ XML_APPLICATION: "application/xml", /** * `text/html`, an alias for `application/xml`. * * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7303#section-9.2 RFC 7303 * @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/text/xml IANA MimeType registration * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML_and_MIME Wikipedia */ XML_TEXT: "text/xml", /** * `application/xhtml+xml`, indicates an XML document that has the default HTML namespace, * but is parsed as an XML document. * * @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/xhtml+xml IANA MimeType registration * @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-domimplementation-createdocument WHATWG DOM Spec * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XHTML Wikipedia */ XML_XHTML_APPLICATION: "application/xhtml+xml", /** * `image/svg+xml`, * * @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/image/svg+xml IANA MimeType registration * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/ W3C SVG 1.1 * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalable_Vector_Graphics Wikipedia */ XML_SVG_IMAGE: "image/svg+xml" }); var NAMESPACE = freeze({ /** * The XHTML namespace. * * @see http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml */ HTML: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", /** * Checks if `uri` equals `NAMESPACE.HTML`. * * @param {string} [uri] * * @see NAMESPACE.HTML */ isHTML: function(uri) { return uri === NAMESPACE.HTML; }, /** * The SVG namespace. * * @see http://www.w3.org/2000/svg */ SVG: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", /** * The `xml:` namespace. * * @see http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace */ XML: "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", /** * The `xmlns:` namespace * * @see https://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ */ XMLNS: "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" }); exports2.assign = assign; exports2.find = find; exports2.freeze = freeze; exports2.MIME_TYPE = MIME_TYPE; exports2.NAMESPACE = NAMESPACE; } }); // node_modules/@xmldom/xmldom/lib/dom.js var require_dom = __commonJS({ "node_modules/@xmldom/xmldom/lib/dom.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; var conventions = require_conventions(); var find = conventions.find; var NAMESPACE = conventions.NAMESPACE; function notEmptyString(input) { return input !== ""; } function splitOnASCIIWhitespace(input) { return input ? input.split(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/).filter(notEmptyString) : []; } function orderedSetReducer(current, element) { if (!current.hasOwnProperty(element)) { current[element] = true; } return current; } function toOrderedSet(input) { if (!input) return []; var list = splitOnASCIIWhitespace(input); return Object.keys(list.reduce(orderedSetReducer, {})); } function arrayIncludes(list) { return function(element) { return list && list.indexOf(element) !== -1; }; } function copy(src, dest) { for (var p2 in src) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(src, p2)) { dest[p2] = src[p2]; } } } function _extends(Class, Super) { var pt = Class.prototype; if (!(pt instanceof Super)) { let t3 = function() { }; var t2 = t3; ; t3.prototype = Super.prototype; t3 = new t3(); copy(pt, t3); Class.prototype = pt = t3; } if (pt.constructor != Class) { if (typeof Class != "function") { console.error("unknown Class:" + Class); } pt.constructor = Class; } } var NodeType = {}; var ELEMENT_NODE = NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE = 1; var ATTRIBUTE_NODE = NodeType.ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2; var TEXT_NODE = NodeType.TEXT_NODE = 3; var CDATA_SECTION_NODE = NodeType.CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4; var ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = NodeType.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5; var ENTITY_NODE = NodeType.ENTITY_NODE = 6; var PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = NodeType.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7; var COMMENT_NODE = NodeType.COMMENT_NODE = 8; var DOCUMENT_NODE = NodeType.DOCUMENT_NODE = 9; var DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = NodeType.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10; var DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = NodeType.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11; var NOTATION_NODE = NodeType.NOTATION_NODE = 12; var ExceptionCode = {}; var ExceptionMessage = {}; var INDEX_SIZE_ERR = ExceptionCode.INDEX_SIZE_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[1] = "Index size error", 1); var DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = ExceptionCode.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[2] = "DOMString size error", 2); var HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = ExceptionCode.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[3] = "Hierarchy request error", 3); var WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = ExceptionCode.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[4] = "Wrong document", 4); var INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[5] = "Invalid character", 5); var NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = ExceptionCode.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[6] = "No data allowed", 6); var NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = ExceptionCode.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[7] = "No modification allowed", 7); var NOT_FOUND_ERR = ExceptionCode.NOT_FOUND_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[8] = "Not found", 8); var NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = ExceptionCode.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[9] = "Not supported", 9); var INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = ExceptionCode.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[10] = "Attribute in use", 10); var INVALID_STATE_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_STATE_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[11] = "Invalid state", 11); var SYNTAX_ERR = ExceptionCode.SYNTAX_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[12] = "Syntax error", 12); var INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[13] = "Invalid modification", 13); var NAMESPACE_ERR = ExceptionCode.NAMESPACE_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[14] = "Invalid namespace", 14); var INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = (ExceptionMessage[15] = "Invalid access", 15); function DOMException(code, message) { if (message instanceof Error) { var error = message; } else { error = this; Error.call(this, ExceptionMessage[code]); this.message = ExceptionMessage[code]; if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, DOMException); } error.code = code; if (message) this.message = this.message + ": " + message; return error; } DOMException.prototype = Error.prototype; copy(ExceptionCode, DOMException); function NodeList() { } NodeList.prototype = { /** * The number of nodes in the list. The range of valid child node indices is 0 to length-1 inclusive. * @standard level1 */ length: 0, /** * Returns the indexth item in the collection. If index is greater than or equal to the number of nodes in the list, this returns null. * @standard level1 * @param index unsigned long * Index into the collection. * @return Node * The node at the indexth position in the NodeList, or null if that is not a valid index. */ item: function(index) { return index >= 0 && index < this.length ? this[index] : null; }, toString: function(isHTML, nodeFilter) { for (var buf = [], i3 = 0; i3 < this.length; i3++) { serializeToString(this[i3], buf, isHTML, nodeFilter); } return buf.join(""); }, /** * @private * @param {function (Node):boolean} predicate * @returns {Node[]} */ filter: function(predicate) { return Array.prototype.filter.call(this, predicate); }, /** * @private * @param {Node} item * @returns {number} */ indexOf: function(item) { return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this, item); } }; function LiveNodeList(node, refresh) { this._node = node; this._refresh = refresh; _updateLiveList(this); } function _updateLiveList(list) { var inc = list._node._inc || list._node.ownerDocument._inc; if (list._inc !== inc) { var ls = list._refresh(list._node); __set__(list, "length", ls.length); if (!list.$$length || ls.length < list.$$length) { for (var i3 = ls.length; i3 in list; i3++) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(list, i3)) { delete list[i3]; } } } copy(ls, list); list._inc = inc; } } LiveNodeList.prototype.item = function(i3) { _updateLiveList(this); return this[i3] || null; }; _extends(LiveNodeList, NodeList); function NamedNodeMap() { } function _findNodeIndex(list, node) { var i3 = list.length; while (i3--) { if (list[i3] === node) { return i3; } } } function _addNamedNode(el, list, newAttr, oldAttr) { if (oldAttr) { list[_findNodeIndex(list, oldAttr)] = newAttr; } else { list[list.length++] = newAttr; } if (el) { newAttr.ownerElement = el; var doc = el.ownerDocument; if (doc) { oldAttr && _onRemoveAttribute(doc, el, oldAttr); _onAddAttribute(doc, el, newAttr); } } } function _removeNamedNode(el, list, attr) { var i3 = _findNodeIndex(list, attr); if (i3 >= 0) { var lastIndex = list.length - 1; while (i3 < lastIndex) { list[i3] = list[++i3]; } list.length = lastIndex; if (el) { var doc = el.ownerDocument; if (doc) { _onRemoveAttribute(doc, el, attr); attr.ownerElement = null; } } } else { throw new DOMException(NOT_FOUND_ERR, new Error(el.tagName + "@" + attr)); } } NamedNodeMap.prototype = { length: 0, item: NodeList.prototype.item, getNamedItem: function(key) { var i3 = this.length; while (i3--) { var attr = this[i3]; if (attr.nodeName == key) { return attr; } } }, setNamedItem: function(attr) { var el = attr.ownerElement; if (el && el != this._ownerElement) { throw new DOMException(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR); } var oldAttr = this.getNamedItem(attr.nodeName); _addNamedNode(this._ownerElement, this, attr, oldAttr); return oldAttr; }, /* returns Node */ setNamedItemNS: function(attr) { var el = attr.ownerElement, oldAttr; if (el && el != this._ownerElement) { throw new DOMException(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR); } oldAttr = this.getNamedItemNS(attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName); _addNamedNode(this._ownerElement, this, attr, oldAttr); return oldAttr; }, /* returns Node */ removeNamedItem: function(key) { var attr = this.getNamedItem(key); _removeNamedNode(this._ownerElement, this, attr); return attr; }, // raises: NOT_FOUND_ERR,NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR //for level2 removeNamedItemNS: function(namespaceURI, localName) { var attr = this.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName); _removeNamedNode(this._ownerElement, this, attr); return attr; }, getNamedItemNS: function(namespaceURI, localName) { var i3 = this.length; while (i3--) { var node = this[i3]; if (node.localName == localName && node.namespaceURI == namespaceURI) { return node; } } return null; } }; function DOMImplementation() { } DOMImplementation.prototype = { /** * The DOMImplementation.hasFeature() method returns a Boolean flag indicating if a given feature is supported. * The different implementations fairly diverged in what kind of features were reported. * The latest version of the spec settled to force this method to always return true, where the functionality was accurate and in use. * * @deprecated It is deprecated and modern browsers return true in all cases. * * @param {string} feature * @param {string} [version] * @returns {boolean} always true * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMImplementation/hasFeature MDN * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html#ID-5CED94D7 DOM Level 1 Core * @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-domimplementation-hasfeature DOM Living Standard */ hasFeature: function(feature, version2) { return true; }, /** * Creates an XML Document object of the specified type with its document element. * * __It behaves slightly different from the description in the living standard__: * - There is no interface/class `XMLDocument`, it returns a `Document` instance. * - `contentType`, `encoding`, `mode`, `origin`, `url` fields are currently not declared. * - this implementation is not validating names or qualified names * (when parsing XML strings, the SAX parser takes care of that) * * @param {string|null} namespaceURI * @param {string} qualifiedName * @param {DocumentType=null} doctype * @returns {Document} * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMImplementation/createDocument MDN * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core.html#Level-2-Core-DOM-createDocument DOM Level 2 Core (initial) * @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-domimplementation-createdocument DOM Level 2 Core * * @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#validate-and-extract DOM: Validate and extract * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#NT-NameStartChar XML Spec: Names * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/#ns-qualnames XML Namespaces: Qualified names */ createDocument: function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype) { var doc = new Document(); doc.implementation = this; doc.childNodes = new NodeList(); doc.doctype = doctype || null; if (doctype) { doc.appendChild(doctype); } if (qualifiedName) { var root = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName); doc.appendChild(root); } return doc; }, /** * Returns a doctype, with the given `qualifiedName`, `publicId`, and `systemId`. * * __This behavior is slightly different from the in the specs__: * - this implementation is not validating names or qualified names * (when parsing XML strings, the SAX parser takes care of that) * * @param {string} qualifiedName * @param {string} [publicId] * @param {string} [systemId] * @returns {DocumentType} which can either be used with `DOMImplementation.createDocument` upon document creation * or can be put into the document via methods like `Node.insertBefore()` or `Node.replaceChild()` * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMImplementation/createDocumentType MDN * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core.html#Level-2-Core-DOM-createDocType DOM Level 2 Core * @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-domimplementation-createdocumenttype DOM Living Standard * * @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#validate-and-extract DOM: Validate and extract * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#NT-NameStartChar XML Spec: Names * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/#ns-qualnames XML Namespaces: Qualified names */ createDocumentType: function(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId) { var node = new DocumentType(); node.name = qualifiedName; node.nodeName = qualifiedName; node.publicId = publicId || ""; node.systemId = systemId || ""; return node; } }; function Node() { } Node.prototype = { firstChild: null, lastChild: null, previousSibling: null, nextSibling: null, attributes: null, parentNode: null, childNodes: null, ownerDocument: null, nodeValue: null, namespaceURI: null, prefix: null, localName: null, // Modified in DOM Level 2: insertBefore: function(newChild, refChild) { return _insertBefore(this, newChild, refChild); }, replaceChild: function(newChild, oldChild) { _insertBefore(this, newChild, oldChild, assertPreReplacementValidityInDocument); if (oldChild) { this.removeChild(oldChild); } }, removeChild: function(oldChild) { return _removeChild(this, oldChild); }, appendChild: function(newChild) { return this.insertBefore(newChild, null); }, hasChildNodes: function() { return this.firstChild != null; }, cloneNode: function(deep) { return cloneNode(this.ownerDocument || this, this, deep); }, // Modified in DOM Level 2: normalize: function() { var child = this.firstChild; while (child) { var next = child.nextSibling; if (next && next.nodeType == TEXT_NODE && child.nodeType == TEXT_NODE) { this.removeChild(next); child.appendData(next.data); } else { child.normalize(); child = next; } } }, // Introduced in DOM Level 2: isSupported: function(feature, version2) { return this.ownerDocument.implementation.hasFeature(feature, version2); }, // Introduced in DOM Level 2: hasAttributes: function() { return this.attributes.length > 0; }, /** * Look up the prefix associated to the given namespace URI, starting from this node. * **The default namespace declarations are ignored by this method.** * See Namespace Prefix Lookup for details on the algorithm used by this method. * * _Note: The implementation seems to be incomplete when compared to the algorithm described in the specs._ * * @param {string | null} namespaceURI * @returns {string | null} * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#Node3-lookupNamespacePrefix * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/namespaces-algorithms.html#lookupNamespacePrefixAlgo * @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-node-lookupprefix * @see https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/issues/322 */ lookupPrefix: function(namespaceURI) { var el = this; while (el) { var map = el._nsMap; if (map) { for (var n2 in map) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(map, n2) && map[n2] === namespaceURI) { return n2; } } } el = el.nodeType == ATTRIBUTE_NODE ? el.ownerDocument : el.parentNode; } return null; }, // Introduced in DOM Level 3: lookupNamespaceURI: function(prefix) { var el = this; while (el) { var map = el._nsMap; if (map) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(map, prefix)) { return map[prefix]; } } el = el.nodeType == ATTRIBUTE_NODE ? el.ownerDocument : el.parentNode; } return null; }, // Introduced in DOM Level 3: isDefaultNamespace: function(namespaceURI) { var prefix = this.lookupPrefix(namespaceURI); return prefix == null; } }; function _xmlEncoder(c2) { return c2 == "<" && "<" || c2 == ">" && ">" || c2 == "&" && "&" || c2 == '"' && """ || "&#" + c2.charCodeAt() + ";"; } copy(NodeType, Node); copy(NodeType, Node.prototype); function _visitNode(node, callback) { if (callback(node)) { return true; } if (node = node.firstChild) { do { if (_visitNode(node, callback)) { return true; } } while (node = node.nextSibling); } } function Document() { this.ownerDocument = this; } function _onAddAttribute(doc, el, newAttr) { doc && doc._inc++; var ns = newAttr.namespaceURI; if (ns === NAMESPACE.XMLNS) { el._nsMap[newAttr.prefix ? newAttr.localName : ""] = newAttr.value; } } function _onRemoveAttribute(doc, el, newAttr, remove) { doc && doc._inc++; var ns = newAttr.namespaceURI; if (ns === NAMESPACE.XMLNS) { delete el._nsMap[newAttr.prefix ? newAttr.localName : ""]; } } function _onUpdateChild(doc, el, newChild) { if (doc && doc._inc) { doc._inc++; var cs = el.childNodes; if (newChild) { cs[cs.length++] = newChild; } else { var child = el.firstChild; var i3 = 0; while (child) { cs[i3++] = child; child = child.nextSibling; } cs.length = i3; delete cs[cs.length]; } } } function _removeChild(parentNode, child) { var previous = child.previousSibling; var next = child.nextSibling; if (previous) { previous.nextSibling = next; } else { parentNode.firstChild = next; } if (next) { next.previousSibling = previous; } else { parentNode.lastChild = previous; } child.parentNode = null; child.previousSibling = null; child.nextSibling = null; _onUpdateChild(parentNode.ownerDocument, parentNode); return child; } function hasValidParentNodeType(node) { return node && (node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE); } function hasInsertableNodeType(node) { return node && (isElementNode(node) || isTextNode(node) || isDocTypeNode(node) || node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE); } function isDocTypeNode(node) { return node && node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE; } function isElementNode(node) { return node && node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE; } function isTextNode(node) { return node && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE; } function isElementInsertionPossible(doc, child) { var parentChildNodes = doc.childNodes || []; if (find(parentChildNodes, isElementNode) || isDocTypeNode(child)) { return false; } var docTypeNode = find(parentChildNodes, isDocTypeNode); return !(child && docTypeNode && parentChildNodes.indexOf(docTypeNode) > parentChildNodes.indexOf(child)); } function isElementReplacementPossible(doc, child) { var parentChildNodes = doc.childNodes || []; function hasElementChildThatIsNotChild(node) { return isElementNode(node) && node !== child; } if (find(parentChildNodes, hasElementChildThatIsNotChild)) { return false; } var docTypeNode = find(parentChildNodes, isDocTypeNode); return !(child && docTypeNode && parentChildNodes.indexOf(docTypeNode) > parentChildNodes.indexOf(child)); } function assertPreInsertionValidity1to5(parent, node, child) { if (!hasValidParentNodeType(parent)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Unexpected parent node type " + parent.nodeType); } if (child && child.parentNode !== parent) { throw new DOMException(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "child not in parent"); } if ( // 4. If `node` is not a DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, or CharacterData node, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException. !hasInsertableNodeType(node) || // 5. If either `node` is a Text node and `parent` is a document, // the sax parser currently adds top level text nodes, this will be fixed in 0.9.0 // || (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && parent.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) // or `node` is a doctype and `parent` is not a document, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException. isDocTypeNode(node) && parent.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE ) { throw new DOMException( HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Unexpected node type " + node.nodeType + " for parent node type " + parent.nodeType ); } } function assertPreInsertionValidityInDocument(parent, node, child) { var parentChildNodes = parent.childNodes || []; var nodeChildNodes = node.childNodes || []; if (node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { var nodeChildElements = nodeChildNodes.filter(isElementNode); if (nodeChildElements.length > 1 || find(nodeChildNodes, isTextNode)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "More than one element or text in fragment"); } if (nodeChildElements.length === 1 && !isElementInsertionPossible(parent, child)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Element in fragment can not be inserted before doctype"); } } if (isElementNode(node)) { if (!isElementInsertionPossible(parent, child)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Only one element can be added and only after doctype"); } } if (isDocTypeNode(node)) { if (find(parentChildNodes, isDocTypeNode)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Only one doctype is allowed"); } var parentElementChild = find(parentChildNodes, isElementNode); if (child && parentChildNodes.indexOf(parentElementChild) < parentChildNodes.indexOf(child)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Doctype can only be inserted before an element"); } if (!child && parentElementChild) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Doctype can not be appended since element is present"); } } } function assertPreReplacementValidityInDocument(parent, node, child) { var parentChildNodes = parent.childNodes || []; var nodeChildNodes = node.childNodes || []; if (node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { var nodeChildElements = nodeChildNodes.filter(isElementNode); if (nodeChildElements.length > 1 || find(nodeChildNodes, isTextNode)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "More than one element or text in fragment"); } if (nodeChildElements.length === 1 && !isElementReplacementPossible(parent, child)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Element in fragment can not be inserted before doctype"); } } if (isElementNode(node)) { if (!isElementReplacementPossible(parent, child)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Only one element can be added and only after doctype"); } } if (isDocTypeNode(node)) { let hasDoctypeChildThatIsNotChild2 = function(node2) { return isDocTypeNode(node2) && node2 !== child; }; var hasDoctypeChildThatIsNotChild = hasDoctypeChildThatIsNotChild2; if (find(parentChildNodes, hasDoctypeChildThatIsNotChild2)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Only one doctype is allowed"); } var parentElementChild = find(parentChildNodes, isElementNode); if (child && parentChildNodes.indexOf(parentElementChild) < parentChildNodes.indexOf(child)) { throw new DOMException(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "Doctype can only be inserted before an element"); } } } function _insertBefore(parent, node, child, _inDocumentAssertion) { assertPreInsertionValidity1to5(parent, node, child); if (parent.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { (_inDocumentAssertion || assertPreInsertionValidityInDocument)(parent, node, child); } var cp = node.parentNode; if (cp) { cp.removeChild(node); } if (node.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { var newFirst = node.firstChild; if (newFirst == null) { return node; } var newLast = node.lastChild; } else { newFirst = newLast = node; } var pre = child ? child.previousSibling : parent.lastChild; newFirst.previousSibling = pre; newLast.nextSibling = child; if (pre) { pre.nextSibling = newFirst; } else { parent.firstChild = newFirst; } if (child == null) { parent.lastChild = newLast; } else { child.previousSibling = newLast; } do { newFirst.parentNode = parent; } while (newFirst !== newLast && (newFirst = newFirst.nextSibling)); _onUpdateChild(parent.ownerDocument || parent, parent); if (node.nodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { node.firstChild = node.lastChild = null; } return node; } function _appendSingleChild(parentNode, newChild) { if (newChild.parentNode) { newChild.parentNode.removeChild(newChild); } newChild.parentNode = parentNode; newChild.previousSibling = parentNode.lastChild; newChild.nextSibling = null; if (newChild.previousSibling) { newChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild; } else { parentNode.firstChild = newChild; } parentNode.lastChild = newChild; _onUpdateChild(parentNode.ownerDocument, parentNode, newChild); return newChild; } Document.prototype = { //implementation : null, nodeName: "#document", nodeType: DOCUMENT_NODE, /** * The DocumentType node of the document. * * @readonly * @type DocumentType */ doctype: null, documentElement: null, _inc: 1, insertBefore: function(newChild, refChild) { if (newChild.nodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { var child = newChild.firstChild; while (child) { var next = child.nextSibling; this.insertBefore(child, refChild); child = next; } return newChild; } _insertBefore(this, newChild, refChild); newChild.ownerDocument = this; if (this.documentElement === null && newChild.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { this.documentElement = newChild; } return newChild; }, removeChild: function(oldChild) { if (this.documentElement == oldChild) { this.documentElement = null; } return _removeChild(this, oldChild); }, replaceChild: function(newChild, oldChild) { _insertBefore(this, newChild, oldChild, assertPreReplacementValidityInDocument); newChild.ownerDocument = this; if (oldChild) { this.removeChild(oldChild); } if (isElementNode(newChild)) { this.documentElement = newChild; } }, // Introduced in DOM Level 2: importNode: function(importedNode, deep) { return importNode(this, importedNode, deep); }, // Introduced in DOM Level 2: getElementById: function(id3) { var rtv = null; _visitNode(this.documentElement, function(node) { if (node.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) { if (node.getAttribute("id") == id3) { rtv = node; return true; } } }); return rtv; }, /** * The `getElementsByClassName` method of `Document` interface returns an array-like object * of all child elements which have **all** of the given class name(s). * * Returns an empty list if `classeNames` is an empty string or only contains HTML white space characters. * * * Warning: This is a live LiveNodeList. * Changes in the DOM will reflect in the array as the changes occur. * If an element selected by this array no longer qualifies for the selector, * it will automatically be removed. Be aware of this for iteration purposes. * * @param {string} classNames is a string representing the class name(s) to match; multiple class names are separated by (ASCII-)whitespace * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/getElementsByClassName * @see https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-getelementsbyclassname */ getElementsByClassName: function(classNames) { var classNamesSet = toOrderedSet(classNames); return new LiveNodeList(this, function(base) { var ls = []; if (classNamesSet.length > 0) { _visitNode(base.documentElement, function(node) { if (node !== base && node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { var nodeClassNames = node.getAttribute("class"); if (nodeClassNames) { var matches = classNames === nodeClassNames; if (!matches) { var nodeClassNamesSet = toOrderedSet(nodeClassNames); matches = classNamesSet.every(arrayIncludes(nodeClassNamesSet)); } if (matches) { ls.push(node); } } } }); } return ls; }); }, //document factory method: createElement: function(tagName) { var node = new Element(); node.ownerDocument = this; node.nodeName = tagName; node.tagName = tagName; node.localName = tagName; node.childNodes = new NodeList(); var attrs = node.attributes = new NamedNodeMap(); attrs._ownerElement = node; return node; }, createDocumentFragment: function() { var node = new DocumentFragment(); node.ownerDocument = this; node.childNodes = new NodeList(); return node; }, createTextNode: function(data) { var node = new Text2(); node.ownerDocument = this; node.appendData(data); return node; }, createComment: function(data) { var node = new Comment(); node.ownerDocument = this; node.appendData(data); return node; }, createCDATASection: function(data) { var node = new CDATASection(); node.ownerDocument = this; node.appendData(data); return node; }, createProcessingInstruction: function(target, data) { var node = new ProcessingInstruction(); node.ownerDocument = this; node.tagName = node.nodeName = node.target = target; node.nodeValue = node.data = data; return node; }, createAttribute: function(name) { var node = new Attr(); node.ownerDocument = this; node.name = name; node.nodeName = name; node.localName = name; node.specified = true; return node; }, createEntityReference: function(name) { var node = new EntityReference(); node.ownerDocument = this; node.nodeName = name; return node; }, // Introduced in DOM Level 2: createElementNS: function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) { var node = new Element(); var pl = qualifiedName.split(":"); var attrs = node.attributes = new NamedNodeMap(); node.childNodes = new NodeList(); node.ownerDocument = this; node.nodeName = qualifiedName; node.tagName = qualifiedName; node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI; if (pl.length == 2) { node.prefix = pl[0]; node.localName = pl[1]; } else { node.localName = qualifiedName; } attrs._ownerElement = node; return node; }, // Introduced in DOM Level 2: createAttributeNS: function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) { var node = new Attr(); var pl = qualifiedName.split(":"); node.ownerDocument = this; node.nodeName = qualifiedName; node.name = qualifiedName; node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI; node.specified = true; if (pl.length == 2) { node.prefix = pl[0]; node.localName = pl[1]; } else { node.localName = qualifiedName; } return node; } }; _extends(Document, Node); function Element() { this._nsMap = {}; } Element.prototype = { nodeType: ELEMENT_NODE, hasAttribute: function(name) { return this.getAttributeNode(name) != null; }, getAttribute: function(name) { var attr = this.getAttributeNode(name); return attr && attr.value || ""; }, getAttributeNode: function(name) { return this.attributes.getNamedItem(name); }, setAttribute: function(name, value) { var attr = this.ownerDocument.createAttribute(name); attr.value = attr.nodeValue = "" + value; this.setAttributeNode(attr); }, removeAttribute: function(name) { var attr = this.getAttributeNode(name); attr && this.removeAttributeNode(attr); }, //four real opeartion method appendChild: function(newChild) { if (newChild.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { return this.insertBefore(newChild, null); } else { return _appendSingleChild(this, newChild); } }, setAttributeNode: function(newAttr) { return this.attributes.setNamedItem(newAttr); }, setAttributeNodeNS: function(newAttr) { return this.attributes.setNamedItemNS(newAttr); }, removeAttributeNode: function(oldAttr) { return this.attributes.removeNamedItem(oldAttr.nodeName); }, //get real attribute name,and remove it by removeAttributeNode removeAttributeNS: function(namespaceURI, localName) { var old = this.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName); old && this.removeAttributeNode(old); }, hasAttributeNS: function(namespaceURI, localName) { return this.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName) != null; }, getAttributeNS: function(namespaceURI, localName) { var attr = this.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName); return attr && attr.value || ""; }, setAttributeNS: function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value) { var attr = this.ownerDocument.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName); attr.value = attr.nodeValue = "" + value; this.setAttributeNode(attr); }, getAttributeNodeNS: function(namespaceURI, localName) { return this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName); }, getElementsByTagName: function(tagName) { return new LiveNodeList(this, function(base) { var ls = []; _visitNode(base, function(node) { if (node !== base && node.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE && (tagName === "*" || node.tagName == tagName)) { ls.push(node); } }); return ls; }); }, getElementsByTagNameNS: function(namespaceURI, localName) { return new LiveNodeList(this, function(base) { var ls = []; _visitNode(base, function(node) { if (node !== base && node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && (namespaceURI === "*" || node.namespaceURI === namespaceURI) && (localName === "*" || node.localName == localName)) { ls.push(node); } }); return ls; }); } }; Document.prototype.getElementsByTagName = Element.prototype.getElementsByTagName; Document.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = Element.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS; _extends(Element, Node); function Attr() { } Attr.prototype.nodeType = ATTRIBUTE_NODE; _extends(Attr, Node); function CharacterData() { } CharacterData.prototype = { data: "", substringData: function(offset, count2) { return this.data.substring(offset, offset + count2); }, appendData: function(text) { text = this.data + text; this.nodeValue = this.data = text; this.length = text.length; }, insertData: function(offset, text) { this.replaceData(offset, 0, text); }, appendChild: function(newChild) { throw new Error(ExceptionMessage[HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR]); }, deleteData: function(offset, count2) { this.replaceData(offset, count2, ""); }, replaceData: function(offset, count2, text) { var start = this.data.substring(0, offset); var end = this.data.substring(offset + count2); text = start + text + end; this.nodeValue = this.data = text; this.length = text.length; } }; _extends(CharacterData, Node); function Text2() { } Text2.prototype = { nodeName: "#text", nodeType: TEXT_NODE, splitText: function(offset) { var text = this.data; var newText = text.substring(offset); text = text.substring(0, offset); this.data = this.nodeValue = text; this.length = text.length; var newNode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(newText); if (this.parentNode) { this.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, this.nextSibling); } return newNode; } }; _extends(Text2, CharacterData); function Comment() { } Comment.prototype = { nodeName: "#comment", nodeType: COMMENT_NODE }; _extends(Comment, CharacterData); function CDATASection() { } CDATASection.prototype = { nodeName: "#cdata-section", nodeType: CDATA_SECTION_NODE }; _extends(CDATASection, CharacterData); function DocumentType() { } DocumentType.prototype.nodeType = DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE; _extends(DocumentType, Node); function Notation() { } Notation.prototype.nodeType = NOTATION_NODE; _extends(Notation, Node); function Entity() { } Entity.prototype.nodeType = ENTITY_NODE; _extends(Entity, Node); function EntityReference() { } EntityReference.prototype.nodeType = ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE; _extends(EntityReference, Node); function DocumentFragment() { } DocumentFragment.prototype.nodeName = "#document-fragment"; DocumentFragment.prototype.nodeType = DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE; _extends(DocumentFragment, Node); function ProcessingInstruction() { } ProcessingInstruction.prototype.nodeType = PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE; _extends(ProcessingInstruction, Node); function XMLSerializer2() { } XMLSerializer2.prototype.serializeToString = function(node, isHtml, nodeFilter) { return nodeSerializeToString.call(node, isHtml, nodeFilter); }; Node.prototype.toString = nodeSerializeToString; function nodeSerializeToString(isHtml, nodeFilter) { var buf = []; var refNode = this.nodeType == 9 && this.documentElement || this; var prefix = refNode.prefix; var uri = refNode.namespaceURI; if (uri && prefix == null) { var prefix = refNode.lookupPrefix(uri); if (prefix == null) { var visibleNamespaces = [ { namespace: uri, prefix: null } //{namespace:uri,prefix:''} ]; } } serializeToString(this, buf, isHtml, nodeFilter, visibleNamespaces); return buf.join(""); } function needNamespaceDefine(node, isHTML, visibleNamespaces) { var prefix = node.prefix || ""; var uri = node.namespaceURI; if (!uri) { return false; } if (prefix === "xml" && uri === NAMESPACE.XML || uri === NAMESPACE.XMLNS) { return false; } var i3 = visibleNamespaces.length; while (i3--) { var ns = visibleNamespaces[i3]; if (ns.prefix === prefix) { return ns.namespace !== uri; } } return true; } function addSerializedAttribute(buf, qualifiedName, value) { buf.push(" ", qualifiedName, '="', value.replace(/[<>&"\t\n\r]/g, _xmlEncoder), '"'); } function serializeToString(node, buf, isHTML, nodeFilter, visibleNamespaces) { if (!visibleNamespaces) { visibleNamespaces = []; } if (nodeFilter) { node = nodeFilter(node); if (node) { if (typeof node == "string") { buf.push(node); return; } } else { return; } } switch (node.nodeType) { case ELEMENT_NODE: var attrs = node.attributes; var len = attrs.length; var child = node.firstChild; var nodeName = node.tagName; isHTML = NAMESPACE.isHTML(node.namespaceURI) || isHTML; var prefixedNodeName = nodeName; if (!isHTML && !node.prefix && node.namespaceURI) { var defaultNS; for (var ai = 0; ai < attrs.length; ai++) { if (attrs.item(ai).name === "xmlns") { defaultNS = attrs.item(ai).value; break; } } if (!defaultNS) { for (var nsi = visibleNamespaces.length - 1; nsi >= 0; nsi--) { var namespace = visibleNamespaces[nsi]; if (namespace.prefix === "" && namespace.namespace === node.namespaceURI) { defaultNS = namespace.namespace; break; } } } if (defaultNS !== node.namespaceURI) { for (var nsi = visibleNamespaces.length - 1; nsi >= 0; nsi--) { var namespace = visibleNamespaces[nsi]; if (namespace.namespace === node.namespaceURI) { if (namespace.prefix) { prefixedNodeName = namespace.prefix + ":" + nodeName; } break; } } } } buf.push("<", prefixedNodeName); for (var i3 = 0; i3 < len; i3++) { var attr = attrs.item(i3); if (attr.prefix == "xmlns") { visibleNamespaces.push({ prefix: attr.localName, namespace: attr.value }); } else if (attr.nodeName == "xmlns") { visibleNamespaces.push({ prefix: "", namespace: attr.value }); } } for (var i3 = 0; i3 < len; i3++) { var attr = attrs.item(i3); if (needNamespaceDefine(attr, isHTML, visibleNamespaces)) { var prefix = attr.prefix || ""; var uri = attr.namespaceURI; addSerializedAttribute(buf, prefix ? "xmlns:" + prefix : "xmlns", uri); visibleNamespaces.push({ prefix, namespace: uri }); } serializeToString(attr, buf, isHTML, nodeFilter, visibleNamespaces); } if (nodeName === prefixedNodeName && needNamespaceDefine(node, isHTML, visibleNamespaces)) { var prefix = node.prefix || ""; var uri = node.namespaceURI; addSerializedAttribute(buf, prefix ? "xmlns:" + prefix : "xmlns", uri); visibleNamespaces.push({ prefix, namespace: uri }); } if (child || isHTML && !/^(?:meta|link|img|br|hr|input)$/i.test(nodeName)) { buf.push(">"); if (isHTML && /^script$/i.test(nodeName)) { while (child) { if (child.data) { buf.push(child.data); } else { serializeToString(child, buf, isHTML, nodeFilter, visibleNamespaces.slice()); } child = child.nextSibling; } } else { while (child) { serializeToString(child, buf, isHTML, nodeFilter, visibleNamespaces.slice()); child = child.nextSibling; } } buf.push(""); } else { buf.push("/>"); } return; case DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: var child = node.firstChild; while (child) { serializeToString(child, buf, isHTML, nodeFilter, visibleNamespaces.slice()); child = child.nextSibling; } return; case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: return addSerializedAttribute(buf, node.name, node.value); case TEXT_NODE: return buf.push( node.data.replace(/[<&>]/g, _xmlEncoder) ); case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return buf.push(""); case COMMENT_NODE: return buf.push(""); case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: var pubid = node.publicId; var sysid = node.systemId; buf.push(""); } else if (sysid && sysid != ".") { buf.push(" SYSTEM ", sysid, ">"); } else { var sub = node.internalSubset; if (sub) { buf.push(" [", sub, "]"); } buf.push(">"); } return; case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return buf.push(""); case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return buf.push("&", node.nodeName, ";"); //case ENTITY_NODE: //case NOTATION_NODE: default: buf.push("??", node.nodeName); } } function importNode(doc, node, deep) { var node2; switch (node.nodeType) { case ELEMENT_NODE: node2 = node.cloneNode(false); node2.ownerDocument = doc; //var attrs = node2.attributes; //var len = attrs.length; //for(var i=0;i", lt: "<", quot: '"' }); exports2.HTML_ENTITIES = freeze({ Aacute: "\xC1", aacute: "\xE1", Abreve: "\u0102", abreve: "\u0103", ac: "\u223E", acd: "\u223F", acE: "\u223E\u0333", Acirc: "\xC2", acirc: "\xE2", acute: "\xB4", Acy: "\u0410", acy: "\u0430", AElig: "\xC6", aelig: "\xE6", af: "\u2061", Afr: "\u{1D504}", afr: "\u{1D51E}", Agrave: "\xC0", agrave: "\xE0", alefsym: "\u2135", aleph: "\u2135", Alpha: "\u0391", alpha: "\u03B1", Amacr: "\u0100", amacr: "\u0101", amalg: "\u2A3F", AMP: "&", amp: "&", And: "\u2A53", and: "\u2227", andand: "\u2A55", andd: "\u2A5C", andslope: "\u2A58", andv: "\u2A5A", ang: "\u2220", ange: "\u29A4", angle: "\u2220", angmsd: "\u2221", angmsdaa: "\u29A8", angmsdab: "\u29A9", angmsdac: "\u29AA", angmsdad: "\u29AB", angmsdae: "\u29AC", angmsdaf: "\u29AD", angmsdag: "\u29AE", angmsdah: "\u29AF", angrt: "\u221F", angrtvb: "\u22BE", angrtvbd: "\u299D", angsph: "\u2222", angst: "\xC5", angzarr: "\u237C", Aogon: "\u0104", aogon: "\u0105", Aopf: "\u{1D538}", aopf: "\u{1D552}", ap: "\u2248", apacir: "\u2A6F", apE: "\u2A70", ape: "\u224A", apid: "\u224B", apos: "'", ApplyFunction: "\u2061", approx: "\u2248", approxeq: "\u224A", Aring: "\xC5", aring: "\xE5", Ascr: "\u{1D49C}", ascr: "\u{1D4B6}", Assign: "\u2254", ast: "*", asymp: "\u2248", asympeq: "\u224D", Atilde: "\xC3", atilde: "\xE3", Auml: "\xC4", auml: "\xE4", awconint: "\u2233", awint: "\u2A11", backcong: "\u224C", backepsilon: "\u03F6", backprime: "\u2035", backsim: "\u223D", backsimeq: "\u22CD", Backslash: "\u2216", Barv: "\u2AE7", barvee: "\u22BD", Barwed: "\u2306", barwed: "\u2305", barwedge: "\u2305", bbrk: "\u23B5", bbrktbrk: "\u23B6", bcong: "\u224C", Bcy: "\u0411", bcy: "\u0431", bdquo: "\u201E", becaus: "\u2235", Because: "\u2235", because: "\u2235", bemptyv: "\u29B0", bepsi: "\u03F6", bernou: "\u212C", Bernoullis: "\u212C", Beta: "\u0392", beta: "\u03B2", beth: "\u2136", between: "\u226C", Bfr: "\u{1D505}", bfr: "\u{1D51F}", bigcap: "\u22C2", bigcirc: "\u25EF", bigcup: "\u22C3", bigodot: "\u2A00", bigoplus: "\u2A01", bigotimes: "\u2A02", bigsqcup: "\u2A06", bigstar: "\u2605", bigtriangledown: "\u25BD", bigtriangleup: "\u25B3", biguplus: "\u2A04", bigvee: "\u22C1", bigwedge: "\u22C0", bkarow: "\u290D", blacklozenge: "\u29EB", 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CenterDot: "\xB7", centerdot: "\xB7", Cfr: "\u212D", cfr: "\u{1D520}", CHcy: "\u0427", chcy: "\u0447", check: "\u2713", checkmark: "\u2713", Chi: "\u03A7", chi: "\u03C7", cir: "\u25CB", circ: "\u02C6", circeq: "\u2257", circlearrowleft: "\u21BA", circlearrowright: "\u21BB", circledast: "\u229B", circledcirc: "\u229A", circleddash: "\u229D", CircleDot: "\u2299", circledR: "\xAE", circledS: "\u24C8", CircleMinus: "\u2296", CirclePlus: "\u2295", CircleTimes: "\u2297", cirE: "\u29C3", cire: "\u2257", cirfnint: "\u2A10", cirmid: "\u2AEF", cirscir: "\u29C2", ClockwiseContourIntegral: "\u2232", CloseCurlyDoubleQuote: "\u201D", CloseCurlyQuote: "\u2019", clubs: "\u2663", clubsuit: "\u2663", Colon: "\u2237", colon: ":", Colone: "\u2A74", colone: "\u2254", coloneq: "\u2254", comma: ",", commat: "@", comp: "\u2201", compfn: "\u2218", complement: "\u2201", complexes: "\u2102", cong: "\u2245", congdot: "\u2A6D", Congruent: "\u2261", Conint: "\u222F", conint: "\u222E", ContourIntegral: "\u222E", 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"\u2010", Dashv: "\u2AE4", dashv: "\u22A3", dbkarow: "\u290F", dblac: "\u02DD", Dcaron: "\u010E", dcaron: "\u010F", Dcy: "\u0414", dcy: "\u0434", DD: "\u2145", dd: "\u2146", ddagger: "\u2021", ddarr: "\u21CA", DDotrahd: "\u2911", ddotseq: "\u2A77", deg: "\xB0", Del: "\u2207", Delta: "\u0394", delta: "\u03B4", demptyv: "\u29B1", dfisht: "\u297F", Dfr: "\u{1D507}", dfr: "\u{1D521}", dHar: "\u2965", dharl: "\u21C3", dharr: "\u21C2", DiacriticalAcute: "\xB4", DiacriticalDot: "\u02D9", DiacriticalDoubleAcute: "\u02DD", DiacriticalGrave: "`", DiacriticalTilde: "\u02DC", diam: "\u22C4", Diamond: "\u22C4", diamond: "\u22C4", diamondsuit: "\u2666", diams: "\u2666", die: "\xA8", DifferentialD: "\u2146", digamma: "\u03DD", disin: "\u22F2", div: "\xF7", divide: "\xF7", divideontimes: "\u22C7", divonx: "\u22C7", DJcy: "\u0402", djcy: "\u0452", dlcorn: "\u231E", dlcrop: "\u230D", dollar: "$", Dopf: "\u{1D53B}", dopf: "\u{1D555}", Dot: "\xA8", dot: "\u02D9", DotDot: "\u20DC", doteq: "\u2250", doteqdot: "\u2251", DotEqual: "\u2250", dotminus: "\u2238", dotplus: "\u2214", dotsquare: "\u22A1", doublebarwedge: "\u2306", DoubleContourIntegral: "\u222F", DoubleDot: "\xA8", DoubleDownArrow: "\u21D3", DoubleLeftArrow: "\u21D0", DoubleLeftRightArrow: "\u21D4", DoubleLeftTee: "\u2AE4", DoubleLongLeftArrow: "\u27F8", DoubleLongLeftRightArrow: "\u27FA", DoubleLongRightArrow: "\u27F9", DoubleRightArrow: "\u21D2", DoubleRightTee: "\u22A8", DoubleUpArrow: "\u21D1", DoubleUpDownArrow: "\u21D5", DoubleVerticalBar: "\u2225", DownArrow: "\u2193", Downarrow: "\u21D3", downarrow: "\u2193", DownArrowBar: "\u2913", DownArrowUpArrow: "\u21F5", DownBreve: "\u0311", downdownarrows: "\u21CA", downharpoonleft: "\u21C3", downharpoonright: "\u21C2", DownLeftRightVector: "\u2950", DownLeftTeeVector: "\u295E", DownLeftVector: "\u21BD", DownLeftVectorBar: "\u2956", DownRightTeeVector: "\u295F", DownRightVector: "\u21C1", DownRightVectorBar: "\u2957", DownTee: "\u22A4", DownTeeArrow: "\u21A7", drbkarow: "\u2910", drcorn: "\u231F", drcrop: "\u230C", Dscr: "\u{1D49F}", dscr: "\u{1D4B9}", DScy: "\u0405", dscy: "\u0455", dsol: "\u29F6", Dstrok: "\u0110", dstrok: "\u0111", dtdot: "\u22F1", dtri: "\u25BF", dtrif: "\u25BE", duarr: "\u21F5", duhar: "\u296F", dwangle: "\u29A6", DZcy: "\u040F", dzcy: "\u045F", dzigrarr: "\u27FF", Eacute: "\xC9", eacute: "\xE9", easter: "\u2A6E", Ecaron: "\u011A", ecaron: "\u011B", ecir: "\u2256", Ecirc: "\xCA", ecirc: "\xEA", ecolon: "\u2255", Ecy: "\u042D", ecy: "\u044D", eDDot: "\u2A77", Edot: "\u0116", eDot: "\u2251", edot: "\u0117", ee: "\u2147", efDot: "\u2252", Efr: "\u{1D508}", efr: "\u{1D522}", eg: "\u2A9A", Egrave: "\xC8", egrave: "\xE8", egs: "\u2A96", egsdot: "\u2A98", el: "\u2A99", Element: "\u2208", elinters: "\u23E7", ell: "\u2113", els: "\u2A95", elsdot: "\u2A97", Emacr: "\u0112", emacr: "\u0113", empty: "\u2205", emptyset: "\u2205", EmptySmallSquare: "\u25FB", emptyv: "\u2205", EmptyVerySmallSquare: "\u25AB", emsp: "\u2003", emsp13: "\u2004", emsp14: "\u2005", ENG: "\u014A", eng: "\u014B", ensp: "\u2002", Eogon: "\u0118", eogon: "\u0119", Eopf: "\u{1D53C}", eopf: "\u{1D556}", epar: "\u22D5", eparsl: "\u29E3", eplus: "\u2A71", epsi: "\u03B5", Epsilon: "\u0395", epsilon: "\u03B5", epsiv: "\u03F5", eqcirc: "\u2256", eqcolon: "\u2255", eqsim: "\u2242", eqslantgtr: "\u2A96", eqslantless: "\u2A95", Equal: "\u2A75", equals: "=", EqualTilde: "\u2242", equest: "\u225F", Equilibrium: "\u21CC", equiv: "\u2261", equivDD: "\u2A78", eqvparsl: "\u29E5", erarr: "\u2971", erDot: "\u2253", Escr: "\u2130", escr: "\u212F", esdot: "\u2250", Esim: "\u2A73", esim: "\u2242", Eta: "\u0397", eta: "\u03B7", ETH: "\xD0", eth: "\xF0", Euml: "\xCB", euml: "\xEB", euro: "\u20AC", excl: "!", exist: "\u2203", Exists: "\u2203", expectation: "\u2130", ExponentialE: "\u2147", exponentiale: "\u2147", fallingdotseq: "\u2252", Fcy: "\u0424", fcy: "\u0444", female: "\u2640", ffilig: "\uFB03", fflig: "\uFB00", ffllig: "\uFB04", Ffr: "\u{1D509}", ffr: "\u{1D523}", filig: "\uFB01", FilledSmallSquare: "\u25FC", FilledVerySmallSquare: "\u25AA", fjlig: "fj", flat: "\u266D", fllig: "\uFB02", fltns: "\u25B1", fnof: "\u0192", Fopf: "\u{1D53D}", fopf: "\u{1D557}", ForAll: "\u2200", forall: "\u2200", fork: "\u22D4", forkv: "\u2AD9", Fouriertrf: "\u2131", fpartint: "\u2A0D", frac12: "\xBD", frac13: "\u2153", frac14: "\xBC", frac15: "\u2155", frac16: "\u2159", frac18: "\u215B", frac23: "\u2154", frac25: "\u2156", frac34: "\xBE", frac35: "\u2157", frac38: "\u215C", frac45: "\u2158", frac56: "\u215A", frac58: "\u215D", frac78: "\u215E", frasl: "\u2044", frown: "\u2322", Fscr: "\u2131", fscr: "\u{1D4BB}", gacute: "\u01F5", Gamma: "\u0393", gamma: "\u03B3", Gammad: "\u03DC", gammad: "\u03DD", gap: "\u2A86", Gbreve: "\u011E", gbreve: "\u011F", Gcedil: "\u0122", Gcirc: "\u011C", gcirc: "\u011D", Gcy: "\u0413", gcy: "\u0433", Gdot: "\u0120", gdot: "\u0121", gE: "\u2267", ge: "\u2265", gEl: "\u2A8C", gel: "\u22DB", geq: "\u2265", geqq: "\u2267", geqslant: "\u2A7E", ges: "\u2A7E", gescc: "\u2AA9", gesdot: "\u2A80", gesdoto: "\u2A82", gesdotol: "\u2A84", gesl: "\u22DB\uFE00", gesles: "\u2A94", Gfr: "\u{1D50A}", gfr: "\u{1D524}", Gg: "\u22D9", gg: "\u226B", ggg: "\u22D9", gimel: "\u2137", GJcy: "\u0403", gjcy: "\u0453", gl: "\u2277", gla: "\u2AA5", glE: "\u2A92", glj: "\u2AA4", gnap: "\u2A8A", gnapprox: "\u2A8A", gnE: "\u2269", gne: "\u2A88", gneq: "\u2A88", gneqq: "\u2269", gnsim: "\u22E7", Gopf: "\u{1D53E}", gopf: "\u{1D558}", grave: "`", GreaterEqual: "\u2265", GreaterEqualLess: "\u22DB", GreaterFullEqual: "\u2267", GreaterGreater: "\u2AA2", GreaterLess: "\u2277", GreaterSlantEqual: "\u2A7E", GreaterTilde: "\u2273", Gscr: "\u{1D4A2}", gscr: "\u210A", gsim: "\u2273", gsime: "\u2A8E", gsiml: "\u2A90", Gt: "\u226B", GT: ">", gt: ">", gtcc: "\u2AA7", gtcir: "\u2A7A", gtdot: "\u22D7", gtlPar: "\u2995", gtquest: "\u2A7C", gtrapprox: "\u2A86", gtrarr: "\u2978", gtrdot: "\u22D7", gtreqless: "\u22DB", gtreqqless: "\u2A8C", gtrless: "\u2277", gtrsim: "\u2273", gvertneqq: "\u2269\uFE00", gvnE: "\u2269\uFE00", Hacek: "\u02C7", hairsp: "\u200A", half: "\xBD", hamilt: "\u210B", HARDcy: "\u042A", hardcy: "\u044A", hArr: "\u21D4", harr: "\u2194", harrcir: "\u2948", harrw: "\u21AD", Hat: "^", hbar: "\u210F", Hcirc: "\u0124", hcirc: "\u0125", hearts: "\u2665", heartsuit: "\u2665", hellip: "\u2026", hercon: "\u22B9", Hfr: "\u210C", hfr: "\u{1D525}", HilbertSpace: "\u210B", hksearow: "\u2925", hkswarow: "\u2926", hoarr: "\u21FF", homtht: "\u223B", hookleftarrow: "\u21A9", hookrightarrow: "\u21AA", Hopf: "\u210D", hopf: "\u{1D559}", horbar: "\u2015", HorizontalLine: "\u2500", Hscr: "\u210B", hscr: "\u{1D4BD}", hslash: "\u210F", Hstrok: "\u0126", hstrok: "\u0127", HumpDownHump: "\u224E", HumpEqual: "\u224F", hybull: "\u2043", hyphen: "\u2010", Iacute: "\xCD", iacute: "\xED", ic: "\u2063", Icirc: "\xCE", icirc: "\xEE", Icy: "\u0418", icy: "\u0438", Idot: "\u0130", IEcy: "\u0415", iecy: "\u0435", iexcl: "\xA1", iff: "\u21D4", Ifr: "\u2111", ifr: "\u{1D526}", Igrave: "\xCC", igrave: "\xEC", ii: "\u2148", iiiint: "\u2A0C", iiint: "\u222D", iinfin: "\u29DC", iiota: "\u2129", IJlig: "\u0132", ijlig: "\u0133", Im: "\u2111", Imacr: "\u012A", imacr: "\u012B", image: "\u2111", ImaginaryI: "\u2148", imagline: "\u2110", imagpart: "\u2111", imath: "\u0131", imof: "\u22B7", imped: "\u01B5", Implies: "\u21D2", in: "\u2208", incare: "\u2105", infin: "\u221E", infintie: "\u29DD", inodot: "\u0131", Int: "\u222C", int: "\u222B", intcal: "\u22BA", integers: "\u2124", Integral: "\u222B", intercal: "\u22BA", Intersection: "\u22C2", intlarhk: "\u2A17", intprod: "\u2A3C", InvisibleComma: "\u2063", InvisibleTimes: "\u2062", IOcy: "\u0401", iocy: "\u0451", Iogon: "\u012E", iogon: "\u012F", Iopf: "\u{1D540}", iopf: "\u{1D55A}", Iota: "\u0399", iota: "\u03B9", iprod: "\u2A3C", iquest: "\xBF", Iscr: "\u2110", iscr: "\u{1D4BE}", isin: "\u2208", isindot: "\u22F5", isinE: "\u22F9", isins: "\u22F4", isinsv: "\u22F3", isinv: "\u2208", it: "\u2062", Itilde: "\u0128", itilde: "\u0129", Iukcy: "\u0406", iukcy: "\u0456", Iuml: "\xCF", iuml: "\xEF", Jcirc: "\u0134", jcirc: "\u0135", Jcy: "\u0419", jcy: "\u0439", Jfr: "\u{1D50D}", jfr: "\u{1D527}", jmath: "\u0237", Jopf: "\u{1D541}", jopf: "\u{1D55B}", Jscr: "\u{1D4A5}", jscr: "\u{1D4BF}", Jsercy: "\u0408", jsercy: "\u0458", Jukcy: "\u0404", jukcy: "\u0454", Kappa: "\u039A", kappa: "\u03BA", kappav: "\u03F0", Kcedil: "\u0136", kcedil: "\u0137", Kcy: "\u041A", kcy: "\u043A", Kfr: "\u{1D50E}", kfr: "\u{1D528}", kgreen: "\u0138", KHcy: "\u0425", khcy: "\u0445", KJcy: "\u040C", kjcy: "\u045C", Kopf: "\u{1D542}", kopf: "\u{1D55C}", Kscr: "\u{1D4A6}", kscr: "\u{1D4C0}", lAarr: "\u21DA", Lacute: "\u0139", lacute: "\u013A", laemptyv: "\u29B4", lagran: "\u2112", Lambda: "\u039B", lambda: "\u03BB", Lang: "\u27EA", lang: "\u27E8", langd: "\u2991", langle: "\u27E8", lap: "\u2A85", Laplacetrf: "\u2112", laquo: "\xAB", Larr: "\u219E", lArr: "\u21D0", larr: "\u2190", larrb: "\u21E4", larrbfs: "\u291F", larrfs: "\u291D", larrhk: "\u21A9", larrlp: "\u21AB", larrpl: "\u2939", larrsim: "\u2973", larrtl: "\u21A2", lat: "\u2AAB", lAtail: "\u291B", latail: "\u2919", late: "\u2AAD", lates: "\u2AAD\uFE00", lBarr: "\u290E", lbarr: "\u290C", lbbrk: "\u2772", lbrace: "{", lbrack: "[", lbrke: "\u298B", lbrksld: "\u298F", lbrkslu: "\u298D", Lcaron: "\u013D", lcaron: "\u013E", Lcedil: "\u013B", lcedil: "\u013C", lceil: "\u2308", lcub: "{", Lcy: "\u041B", lcy: "\u043B", ldca: "\u2936", ldquo: "\u201C", ldquor: "\u201E", ldrdhar: "\u2967", ldrushar: "\u294B", ldsh: "\u21B2", lE: "\u2266", le: "\u2264", LeftAngleBracket: "\u27E8", LeftArrow: "\u2190", Leftarrow: "\u21D0", leftarrow: "\u2190", LeftArrowBar: "\u21E4", LeftArrowRightArrow: "\u21C6", leftarrowtail: "\u21A2", LeftCeiling: "\u2308", LeftDoubleBracket: "\u27E6", LeftDownTeeVector: "\u2961", LeftDownVector: "\u21C3", LeftDownVectorBar: "\u2959", LeftFloor: "\u230A", leftharpoondown: "\u21BD", leftharpoonup: "\u21BC", leftleftarrows: "\u21C7", LeftRightArrow: "\u2194", Leftrightarrow: "\u21D4", leftrightarrow: "\u2194", leftrightarrows: "\u21C6", leftrightharpoons: "\u21CB", leftrightsquigarrow: "\u21AD", LeftRightVector: "\u294E", LeftTee: "\u22A3", LeftTeeArrow: "\u21A4", LeftTeeVector: "\u295A", leftthreetimes: "\u22CB", LeftTriangle: "\u22B2", LeftTriangleBar: "\u29CF", LeftTriangleEqual: "\u22B4", LeftUpDownVector: "\u2951", LeftUpTeeVector: "\u2960", LeftUpVector: "\u21BF", LeftUpVectorBar: "\u2958", LeftVector: "\u21BC", LeftVectorBar: "\u2952", lEg: "\u2A8B", leg: "\u22DA", leq: "\u2264", leqq: "\u2266", leqslant: "\u2A7D", les: "\u2A7D", lescc: "\u2AA8", lesdot: "\u2A7F", lesdoto: "\u2A81", lesdotor: "\u2A83", lesg: "\u22DA\uFE00", lesges: "\u2A93", lessapprox: "\u2A85", lessdot: "\u22D6", lesseqgtr: "\u22DA", lesseqqgtr: "\u2A8B", LessEqualGreater: "\u22DA", LessFullEqual: "\u2266", LessGreater: "\u2276", lessgtr: "\u2276", LessLess: "\u2AA1", lesssim: "\u2272", LessSlantEqual: "\u2A7D", 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lotimes: "\u2A34", lowast: "\u2217", lowbar: "_", LowerLeftArrow: "\u2199", LowerRightArrow: "\u2198", loz: "\u25CA", lozenge: "\u25CA", lozf: "\u29EB", lpar: "(", lparlt: "\u2993", lrarr: "\u21C6", lrcorner: "\u231F", lrhar: "\u21CB", lrhard: "\u296D", lrm: "\u200E", lrtri: "\u22BF", lsaquo: "\u2039", Lscr: "\u2112", lscr: "\u{1D4C1}", Lsh: "\u21B0", lsh: "\u21B0", lsim: "\u2272", lsime: "\u2A8D", lsimg: "\u2A8F", lsqb: "[", lsquo: "\u2018", lsquor: "\u201A", Lstrok: "\u0141", lstrok: "\u0142", Lt: "\u226A", LT: "<", lt: "<", ltcc: "\u2AA6", ltcir: "\u2A79", ltdot: "\u22D6", lthree: "\u22CB", ltimes: "\u22C9", ltlarr: "\u2976", ltquest: "\u2A7B", ltri: "\u25C3", ltrie: "\u22B4", ltrif: "\u25C2", ltrPar: "\u2996", lurdshar: "\u294A", luruhar: "\u2966", lvertneqq: "\u2268\uFE00", lvnE: "\u2268\uFE00", macr: "\xAF", male: "\u2642", malt: "\u2720", maltese: "\u2720", Map: "\u2905", map: "\u21A6", mapsto: "\u21A6", mapstodown: "\u21A7", mapstoleft: "\u21A4", mapstoup: "\u21A5", marker: "\u25AE", mcomma: "\u2A29", Mcy: "\u041C", mcy: "\u043C", mdash: "\u2014", mDDot: "\u223A", measuredangle: "\u2221", MediumSpace: "\u205F", Mellintrf: "\u2133", Mfr: "\u{1D510}", mfr: "\u{1D52A}", mho: "\u2127", micro: "\xB5", mid: "\u2223", midast: "*", midcir: "\u2AF0", middot: "\xB7", minus: "\u2212", minusb: "\u229F", minusd: "\u2238", minusdu: "\u2A2A", MinusPlus: "\u2213", mlcp: "\u2ADB", mldr: "\u2026", mnplus: "\u2213", models: "\u22A7", Mopf: "\u{1D544}", mopf: "\u{1D55E}", mp: "\u2213", Mscr: "\u2133", mscr: "\u{1D4C2}", mstpos: "\u223E", Mu: "\u039C", mu: "\u03BC", multimap: "\u22B8", mumap: "\u22B8", nabla: "\u2207", Nacute: "\u0143", nacute: "\u0144", nang: "\u2220\u20D2", nap: "\u2249", napE: "\u2A70\u0338", napid: "\u224B\u0338", napos: "\u0149", napprox: "\u2249", natur: "\u266E", natural: "\u266E", naturals: "\u2115", nbsp: "\xA0", nbump: "\u224E\u0338", nbumpe: "\u224F\u0338", ncap: "\u2A43", Ncaron: "\u0147", ncaron: "\u0148", Ncedil: "\u0145", ncedil: "\u0146", ncong: "\u2247", ncongdot: "\u2A6D\u0338", ncup: "\u2A42", Ncy: "\u041D", ncy: "\u043D", ndash: "\u2013", ne: "\u2260", nearhk: "\u2924", neArr: "\u21D7", nearr: "\u2197", nearrow: "\u2197", nedot: "\u2250\u0338", NegativeMediumSpace: "\u200B", NegativeThickSpace: "\u200B", NegativeThinSpace: "\u200B", NegativeVeryThinSpace: "\u200B", nequiv: "\u2262", nesear: "\u2928", nesim: "\u2242\u0338", NestedGreaterGreater: "\u226B", NestedLessLess: "\u226A", NewLine: "\n", nexist: "\u2204", nexists: "\u2204", Nfr: "\u{1D511}", nfr: "\u{1D52B}", ngE: "\u2267\u0338", nge: "\u2271", ngeq: "\u2271", ngeqq: "\u2267\u0338", ngeqslant: "\u2A7E\u0338", nges: "\u2A7E\u0338", nGg: "\u22D9\u0338", ngsim: "\u2275", nGt: "\u226B\u20D2", ngt: "\u226F", ngtr: "\u226F", nGtv: "\u226B\u0338", nhArr: "\u21CE", nharr: "\u21AE", nhpar: "\u2AF2", ni: "\u220B", nis: "\u22FC", nisd: "\u22FA", niv: "\u220B", NJcy: "\u040A", njcy: "\u045A", nlArr: "\u21CD", nlarr: "\u219A", nldr: "\u2025", nlE: "\u2266\u0338", nle: "\u2270", nLeftarrow: "\u21CD", nleftarrow: "\u219A", nLeftrightarrow: "\u21CE", nleftrightarrow: "\u21AE", nleq: "\u2270", nleqq: "\u2266\u0338", nleqslant: "\u2A7D\u0338", nles: "\u2A7D\u0338", nless: "\u226E", nLl: "\u22D8\u0338", nlsim: "\u2274", nLt: "\u226A\u20D2", nlt: "\u226E", nltri: "\u22EA", nltrie: "\u22EC", nLtv: "\u226A\u0338", nmid: "\u2224", NoBreak: "\u2060", NonBreakingSpace: "\xA0", Nopf: "\u2115", nopf: "\u{1D55F}", Not: "\u2AEC", not: "\xAC", NotCongruent: "\u2262", NotCupCap: "\u226D", NotDoubleVerticalBar: "\u2226", NotElement: "\u2209", NotEqual: "\u2260", NotEqualTilde: "\u2242\u0338", NotExists: "\u2204", NotGreater: "\u226F", NotGreaterEqual: "\u2271", NotGreaterFullEqual: "\u2267\u0338", NotGreaterGreater: "\u226B\u0338", NotGreaterLess: "\u2279", NotGreaterSlantEqual: "\u2A7E\u0338", NotGreaterTilde: "\u2275", NotHumpDownHump: "\u224E\u0338", NotHumpEqual: "\u224F\u0338", notin: "\u2209", notindot: "\u22F5\u0338", notinE: "\u22F9\u0338", notinva: "\u2209", notinvb: "\u22F7", notinvc: "\u22F6", NotLeftTriangle: "\u22EA", NotLeftTriangleBar: "\u29CF\u0338", NotLeftTriangleEqual: "\u22EC", NotLess: "\u226E", NotLessEqual: "\u2270", NotLessGreater: "\u2278", NotLessLess: "\u226A\u0338", NotLessSlantEqual: "\u2A7D\u0338", NotLessTilde: "\u2274", NotNestedGreaterGreater: "\u2AA2\u0338", NotNestedLessLess: "\u2AA1\u0338", notni: "\u220C", notniva: "\u220C", notnivb: "\u22FE", notnivc: "\u22FD", NotPrecedes: "\u2280", NotPrecedesEqual: "\u2AAF\u0338", NotPrecedesSlantEqual: "\u22E0", NotReverseElement: "\u220C", NotRightTriangle: "\u22EB", NotRightTriangleBar: "\u29D0\u0338", NotRightTriangleEqual: "\u22ED", NotSquareSubset: "\u228F\u0338", NotSquareSubsetEqual: "\u22E2", NotSquareSuperset: "\u2290\u0338", NotSquareSupersetEqual: "\u22E3", NotSubset: "\u2282\u20D2", NotSubsetEqual: "\u2288", NotSucceeds: "\u2281", NotSucceedsEqual: "\u2AB0\u0338", NotSucceedsSlantEqual: "\u22E1", NotSucceedsTilde: "\u227F\u0338", NotSuperset: "\u2283\u20D2", NotSupersetEqual: "\u2289", NotTilde: "\u2241", NotTildeEqual: "\u2244", NotTildeFullEqual: "\u2247", NotTildeTilde: "\u2249", NotVerticalBar: "\u2224", npar: "\u2226", nparallel: "\u2226", nparsl: "\u2AFD\u20E5", npart: "\u2202\u0338", npolint: "\u2A14", npr: "\u2280", nprcue: "\u22E0", npre: "\u2AAF\u0338", nprec: "\u2280", npreceq: "\u2AAF\u0338", nrArr: "\u21CF", nrarr: "\u219B", nrarrc: "\u2933\u0338", nrarrw: "\u219D\u0338", nRightarrow: "\u21CF", nrightarrow: "\u219B", nrtri: "\u22EB", nrtrie: "\u22ED", nsc: "\u2281", nsccue: "\u22E1", nsce: "\u2AB0\u0338", Nscr: "\u{1D4A9}", nscr: "\u{1D4C3}", nshortmid: "\u2224", nshortparallel: "\u2226", nsim: "\u2241", nsime: "\u2244", nsimeq: "\u2244", nsmid: "\u2224", nspar: "\u2226", nsqsube: "\u22E2", nsqsupe: "\u22E3", nsub: "\u2284", nsubE: "\u2AC5\u0338", nsube: "\u2288", nsubset: "\u2282\u20D2", nsubseteq: "\u2288", nsubseteqq: "\u2AC5\u0338", nsucc: "\u2281", nsucceq: "\u2AB0\u0338", nsup: "\u2285", nsupE: "\u2AC6\u0338", nsupe: "\u2289", nsupset: "\u2283\u20D2", nsupseteq: "\u2289", nsupseteqq: "\u2AC6\u0338", ntgl: "\u2279", Ntilde: "\xD1", ntilde: "\xF1", ntlg: "\u2278", ntriangleleft: "\u22EA", ntrianglelefteq: "\u22EC", ntriangleright: "\u22EB", ntrianglerighteq: "\u22ED", Nu: "\u039D", nu: "\u03BD", num: "#", numero: "\u2116", numsp: "\u2007", nvap: "\u224D\u20D2", nVDash: "\u22AF", nVdash: "\u22AE", nvDash: "\u22AD", nvdash: "\u22AC", nvge: "\u2265\u20D2", nvgt: ">\u20D2", nvHarr: "\u2904", nvinfin: "\u29DE", nvlArr: "\u2902", nvle: "\u2264\u20D2", nvlt: "<\u20D2", nvltrie: "\u22B4\u20D2", nvrArr: "\u2903", nvrtrie: "\u22B5\u20D2", nvsim: "\u223C\u20D2", nwarhk: "\u2923", nwArr: "\u21D6", nwarr: "\u2196", nwarrow: "\u2196", nwnear: "\u2927", Oacute: "\xD3", oacute: "\xF3", oast: "\u229B", ocir: "\u229A", Ocirc: "\xD4", ocirc: "\xF4", Ocy: "\u041E", ocy: "\u043E", odash: "\u229D", Odblac: "\u0150", odblac: "\u0151", odiv: "\u2A38", odot: "\u2299", odsold: "\u29BC", OElig: "\u0152", oelig: "\u0153", ofcir: "\u29BF", Ofr: "\u{1D512}", ofr: "\u{1D52C}", ogon: "\u02DB", Ograve: "\xD2", ograve: "\xF2", ogt: "\u29C1", ohbar: "\u29B5", ohm: "\u03A9", oint: "\u222E", olarr: "\u21BA", olcir: "\u29BE", olcross: "\u29BB", oline: "\u203E", olt: "\u29C0", Omacr: "\u014C", omacr: "\u014D", Omega: "\u03A9", omega: "\u03C9", Omicron: "\u039F", omicron: "\u03BF", omid: "\u29B6", ominus: "\u2296", Oopf: "\u{1D546}", oopf: "\u{1D560}", opar: "\u29B7", OpenCurlyDoubleQuote: "\u201C", OpenCurlyQuote: "\u2018", operp: "\u29B9", oplus: "\u2295", Or: "\u2A54", or: "\u2228", orarr: "\u21BB", ord: "\u2A5D", order: "\u2134", orderof: "\u2134", ordf: "\xAA", ordm: "\xBA", origof: "\u22B6", oror: "\u2A56", orslope: "\u2A57", orv: "\u2A5B", oS: "\u24C8", Oscr: "\u{1D4AA}", oscr: "\u2134", Oslash: "\xD8", oslash: "\xF8", osol: "\u2298", Otilde: "\xD5", otilde: "\xF5", Otimes: "\u2A37", otimes: "\u2297", otimesas: "\u2A36", Ouml: "\xD6", ouml: "\xF6", ovbar: "\u233D", OverBar: "\u203E", OverBrace: "\u23DE", OverBracket: "\u23B4", OverParenthesis: "\u23DC", par: "\u2225", para: "\xB6", parallel: "\u2225", parsim: "\u2AF3", parsl: "\u2AFD", part: "\u2202", PartialD: "\u2202", Pcy: "\u041F", pcy: "\u043F", percnt: "%", period: ".", permil: "\u2030", perp: "\u22A5", pertenk: "\u2031", Pfr: "\u{1D513}", pfr: "\u{1D52D}", Phi: "\u03A6", phi: "\u03C6", phiv: "\u03D5", phmmat: "\u2133", phone: "\u260E", Pi: "\u03A0", pi: "\u03C0", pitchfork: "\u22D4", piv: "\u03D6", planck: "\u210F", planckh: "\u210E", plankv: "\u210F", plus: "+", plusacir: "\u2A23", plusb: "\u229E", pluscir: "\u2A22", plusdo: "\u2214", plusdu: "\u2A25", pluse: "\u2A72", PlusMinus: "\xB1", plusmn: "\xB1", plussim: "\u2A26", plustwo: "\u2A27", pm: "\xB1", Poincareplane: "\u210C", pointint: "\u2A15", Popf: "\u2119", popf: "\u{1D561}", pound: "\xA3", Pr: "\u2ABB", pr: "\u227A", prap: "\u2AB7", prcue: "\u227C", prE: "\u2AB3", pre: "\u2AAF", prec: "\u227A", precapprox: "\u2AB7", preccurlyeq: "\u227C", Precedes: "\u227A", PrecedesEqual: "\u2AAF", PrecedesSlantEqual: "\u227C", PrecedesTilde: "\u227E", preceq: "\u2AAF", precnapprox: "\u2AB9", precneqq: "\u2AB5", precnsim: "\u22E8", precsim: "\u227E", Prime: "\u2033", prime: "\u2032", primes: "\u2119", prnap: "\u2AB9", prnE: "\u2AB5", prnsim: "\u22E8", prod: "\u220F", Product: "\u220F", profalar: "\u232E", profline: "\u2312", profsurf: "\u2313", prop: "\u221D", Proportion: "\u2237", Proportional: "\u221D", propto: "\u221D", prsim: "\u227E", prurel: "\u22B0", Pscr: "\u{1D4AB}", pscr: "\u{1D4C5}", Psi: "\u03A8", psi: "\u03C8", puncsp: "\u2008", Qfr: "\u{1D514}", qfr: "\u{1D52E}", qint: "\u2A0C", Qopf: "\u211A", qopf: "\u{1D562}", qprime: "\u2057", Qscr: "\u{1D4AC}", qscr: "\u{1D4C6}", quaternions: "\u210D", quatint: "\u2A16", quest: "?", questeq: "\u225F", QUOT: '"', quot: '"', rAarr: "\u21DB", race: "\u223D\u0331", Racute: "\u0154", racute: "\u0155", radic: "\u221A", raemptyv: "\u29B3", Rang: "\u27EB", rang: "\u27E9", rangd: "\u2992", range: "\u29A5", rangle: "\u27E9", raquo: "\xBB", Rarr: "\u21A0", rArr: "\u21D2", rarr: "\u2192", rarrap: "\u2975", rarrb: "\u21E5", rarrbfs: "\u2920", rarrc: "\u2933", rarrfs: "\u291E", rarrhk: "\u21AA", rarrlp: "\u21AC", rarrpl: "\u2945", rarrsim: "\u2974", Rarrtl: "\u2916", rarrtl: "\u21A3", rarrw: "\u219D", rAtail: "\u291C", ratail: "\u291A", ratio: "\u2236", rationals: "\u211A", RBarr: "\u2910", rBarr: "\u290F", rbarr: "\u290D", rbbrk: "\u2773", rbrace: "}", rbrack: "]", rbrke: "\u298C", rbrksld: "\u298E", rbrkslu: "\u2990", Rcaron: "\u0158", rcaron: "\u0159", Rcedil: "\u0156", rcedil: "\u0157", rceil: "\u2309", rcub: "}", Rcy: "\u0420", rcy: "\u0440", rdca: "\u2937", rdldhar: "\u2969", rdquo: "\u201D", rdquor: "\u201D", rdsh: "\u21B3", Re: "\u211C", real: "\u211C", realine: "\u211B", realpart: "\u211C", reals: "\u211D", rect: "\u25AD", REG: "\xAE", reg: "\xAE", ReverseElement: "\u220B", ReverseEquilibrium: "\u21CB", ReverseUpEquilibrium: "\u296F", rfisht: "\u297D", rfloor: "\u230B", Rfr: "\u211C", rfr: "\u{1D52F}", rHar: "\u2964", rhard: "\u21C1", rharu: "\u21C0", rharul: "\u296C", Rho: "\u03A1", rho: "\u03C1", rhov: "\u03F1", RightAngleBracket: "\u27E9", RightArrow: "\u2192", Rightarrow: "\u21D2", rightarrow: "\u2192", RightArrowBar: "\u21E5", RightArrowLeftArrow: "\u21C4", rightarrowtail: "\u21A3", RightCeiling: "\u2309", RightDoubleBracket: "\u27E7", RightDownTeeVector: "\u295D", RightDownVector: "\u21C2", RightDownVectorBar: "\u2955", RightFloor: "\u230B", rightharpoondown: "\u21C1", rightharpoonup: "\u21C0", rightleftarrows: "\u21C4", rightleftharpoons: "\u21CC", rightrightarrows: "\u21C9", rightsquigarrow: "\u219D", RightTee: "\u22A2", RightTeeArrow: "\u21A6", RightTeeVector: "\u295B", rightthreetimes: "\u22CC", RightTriangle: "\u22B3", RightTriangleBar: "\u29D0", RightTriangleEqual: "\u22B5", RightUpDownVector: "\u294F", RightUpTeeVector: "\u295C", RightUpVector: "\u21BE", RightUpVectorBar: "\u2954", RightVector: "\u21C0", RightVectorBar: "\u2953", ring: "\u02DA", risingdotseq: "\u2253", rlarr: "\u21C4", rlhar: "\u21CC", rlm: "\u200F", rmoust: "\u23B1", rmoustache: "\u23B1", rnmid: "\u2AEE", roang: "\u27ED", roarr: "\u21FE", robrk: "\u27E7", ropar: "\u2986", Ropf: "\u211D", ropf: "\u{1D563}", roplus: "\u2A2E", rotimes: "\u2A35", RoundImplies: "\u2970", rpar: ")", rpargt: "\u2994", rppolint: "\u2A12", rrarr: "\u21C9", Rrightarrow: "\u21DB", rsaquo: "\u203A", Rscr: "\u211B", rscr: "\u{1D4C7}", Rsh: "\u21B1", rsh: "\u21B1", rsqb: "]", rsquo: "\u2019", rsquor: "\u2019", rthree: "\u22CC", rtimes: "\u22CA", rtri: "\u25B9", rtrie: "\u22B5", rtrif: "\u25B8", rtriltri: "\u29CE", RuleDelayed: "\u29F4", ruluhar: "\u2968", rx: "\u211E", Sacute: "\u015A", sacute: "\u015B", sbquo: "\u201A", Sc: "\u2ABC", sc: "\u227B", scap: "\u2AB8", Scaron: "\u0160", scaron: "\u0161", sccue: "\u227D", scE: "\u2AB4", sce: "\u2AB0", Scedil: "\u015E", scedil: "\u015F", Scirc: "\u015C", scirc: "\u015D", scnap: "\u2ABA", scnE: "\u2AB6", scnsim: "\u22E9", scpolint: "\u2A13", scsim: "\u227F", Scy: "\u0421", scy: "\u0441", sdot: "\u22C5", sdotb: "\u22A1", sdote: "\u2A66", searhk: "\u2925", seArr: "\u21D8", searr: "\u2198", searrow: "\u2198", sect: "\xA7", semi: ";", seswar: "\u2929", setminus: "\u2216", setmn: "\u2216", sext: "\u2736", Sfr: "\u{1D516}", sfr: "\u{1D530}", sfrown: "\u2322", sharp: "\u266F", SHCHcy: "\u0429", shchcy: "\u0449", SHcy: "\u0428", shcy: "\u0448", ShortDownArrow: "\u2193", ShortLeftArrow: "\u2190", shortmid: "\u2223", shortparallel: "\u2225", ShortRightArrow: "\u2192", ShortUpArrow: "\u2191", shy: "\xAD", Sigma: "\u03A3", sigma: "\u03C3", sigmaf: "\u03C2", sigmav: "\u03C2", sim: "\u223C", simdot: "\u2A6A", sime: "\u2243", simeq: "\u2243", simg: "\u2A9E", simgE: "\u2AA0", siml: "\u2A9D", simlE: "\u2A9F", simne: "\u2246", simplus: "\u2A24", simrarr: "\u2972", slarr: "\u2190", SmallCircle: "\u2218", smallsetminus: "\u2216", smashp: "\u2A33", smeparsl: "\u29E4", smid: "\u2223", smile: "\u2323", smt: "\u2AAA", smte: "\u2AAC", smtes: "\u2AAC\uFE00", SOFTcy: "\u042C", softcy: "\u044C", sol: "/", solb: "\u29C4", solbar: "\u233F", Sopf: "\u{1D54A}", sopf: "\u{1D564}", spades: "\u2660", spadesuit: "\u2660", spar: "\u2225", sqcap: "\u2293", sqcaps: "\u2293\uFE00", sqcup: "\u2294", sqcups: "\u2294\uFE00", Sqrt: "\u221A", sqsub: "\u228F", sqsube: "\u2291", sqsubset: "\u228F", sqsubseteq: "\u2291", sqsup: "\u2290", sqsupe: "\u2292", sqsupset: "\u2290", sqsupseteq: "\u2292", squ: "\u25A1", Square: "\u25A1", square: "\u25A1", SquareIntersection: "\u2293", SquareSubset: "\u228F", SquareSubsetEqual: "\u2291", SquareSuperset: "\u2290", SquareSupersetEqual: "\u2292", SquareUnion: "\u2294", squarf: "\u25AA", squf: "\u25AA", srarr: "\u2192", Sscr: "\u{1D4AE}", sscr: "\u{1D4C8}", ssetmn: "\u2216", ssmile: "\u2323", sstarf: "\u22C6", Star: "\u22C6", star: "\u2606", starf: "\u2605", straightepsilon: "\u03F5", straightphi: "\u03D5", strns: "\xAF", Sub: "\u22D0", sub: "\u2282", subdot: "\u2ABD", subE: "\u2AC5", sube: "\u2286", subedot: "\u2AC3", submult: "\u2AC1", subnE: "\u2ACB", subne: "\u228A", subplus: "\u2ABF", subrarr: "\u2979", Subset: "\u22D0", subset: "\u2282", subseteq: "\u2286", subseteqq: "\u2AC5", SubsetEqual: "\u2286", subsetneq: "\u228A", subsetneqq: "\u2ACB", subsim: "\u2AC7", subsub: "\u2AD5", subsup: "\u2AD3", succ: "\u227B", succapprox: "\u2AB8", succcurlyeq: "\u227D", Succeeds: "\u227B", SucceedsEqual: "\u2AB0", SucceedsSlantEqual: "\u227D", SucceedsTilde: "\u227F", succeq: "\u2AB0", succnapprox: "\u2ABA", succneqq: "\u2AB6", succnsim: "\u22E9", succsim: "\u227F", SuchThat: "\u220B", Sum: "\u2211", sum: "\u2211", sung: "\u266A", Sup: "\u22D1", sup: "\u2283", sup1: "\xB9", sup2: "\xB2", sup3: "\xB3", supdot: "\u2ABE", supdsub: "\u2AD8", supE: "\u2AC6", supe: "\u2287", supedot: "\u2AC4", Superset: "\u2283", SupersetEqual: "\u2287", suphsol: "\u27C9", suphsub: "\u2AD7", suplarr: "\u297B", supmult: "\u2AC2", supnE: "\u2ACC", supne: "\u228B", supplus: "\u2AC0", Supset: "\u22D1", supset: "\u2283", supseteq: "\u2287", supseteqq: "\u2AC6", supsetneq: "\u228B", supsetneqq: "\u2ACC", supsim: "\u2AC8", supsub: "\u2AD4", supsup: "\u2AD6", swarhk: "\u2926", swArr: "\u21D9", swarr: "\u2199", swarrow: "\u2199", swnwar: "\u292A", szlig: "\xDF", Tab: " ", target: "\u2316", Tau: "\u03A4", tau: "\u03C4", tbrk: "\u23B4", Tcaron: "\u0164", tcaron: "\u0165", Tcedil: "\u0162", tcedil: "\u0163", Tcy: "\u0422", tcy: "\u0442", tdot: "\u20DB", telrec: "\u2315", Tfr: "\u{1D517}", tfr: "\u{1D531}", there4: "\u2234", Therefore: "\u2234", therefore: "\u2234", Theta: "\u0398", theta: "\u03B8", thetasym: "\u03D1", thetav: "\u03D1", thickapprox: "\u2248", thicksim: "\u223C", ThickSpace: "\u205F\u200A", thinsp: "\u2009", ThinSpace: "\u2009", thkap: "\u2248", thksim: "\u223C", THORN: "\xDE", thorn: "\xFE", Tilde: "\u223C", tilde: "\u02DC", TildeEqual: "\u2243", TildeFullEqual: "\u2245", TildeTilde: "\u2248", times: "\xD7", timesb: "\u22A0", timesbar: "\u2A31", timesd: "\u2A30", tint: "\u222D", toea: "\u2928", top: "\u22A4", topbot: "\u2336", topcir: "\u2AF1", Topf: "\u{1D54B}", topf: "\u{1D565}", topfork: "\u2ADA", tosa: "\u2929", tprime: "\u2034", TRADE: "\u2122", trade: "\u2122", triangle: "\u25B5", triangledown: "\u25BF", triangleleft: "\u25C3", trianglelefteq: "\u22B4", triangleq: "\u225C", triangleright: "\u25B9", trianglerighteq: "\u22B5", tridot: "\u25EC", trie: "\u225C", triminus: "\u2A3A", TripleDot: "\u20DB", triplus: "\u2A39", trisb: "\u29CD", tritime: "\u2A3B", trpezium: "\u23E2", Tscr: "\u{1D4AF}", tscr: "\u{1D4C9}", TScy: "\u0426", tscy: "\u0446", TSHcy: "\u040B", tshcy: "\u045B", Tstrok: "\u0166", tstrok: "\u0167", twixt: "\u226C", twoheadleftarrow: "\u219E", twoheadrightarrow: "\u21A0", Uacute: "\xDA", uacute: "\xFA", Uarr: "\u219F", uArr: "\u21D1", uarr: "\u2191", Uarrocir: "\u2949", Ubrcy: "\u040E", ubrcy: "\u045E", Ubreve: "\u016C", ubreve: "\u016D", Ucirc: "\xDB", ucirc: "\xFB", Ucy: "\u0423", ucy: "\u0443", udarr: "\u21C5", Udblac: "\u0170", udblac: "\u0171", udhar: "\u296E", ufisht: "\u297E", Ufr: "\u{1D518}", ufr: "\u{1D532}", Ugrave: "\xD9", ugrave: "\xF9", uHar: "\u2963", uharl: "\u21BF", uharr: "\u21BE", uhblk: "\u2580", ulcorn: "\u231C", ulcorner: "\u231C", ulcrop: "\u230F", ultri: "\u25F8", Umacr: "\u016A", umacr: "\u016B", uml: "\xA8", UnderBar: "_", UnderBrace: "\u23DF", UnderBracket: "\u23B5", UnderParenthesis: "\u23DD", Union: "\u22C3", UnionPlus: "\u228E", Uogon: "\u0172", uogon: "\u0173", Uopf: "\u{1D54C}", uopf: "\u{1D566}", UpArrow: "\u2191", Uparrow: "\u21D1", uparrow: "\u2191", UpArrowBar: "\u2912", UpArrowDownArrow: "\u21C5", UpDownArrow: "\u2195", Updownarrow: "\u21D5", updownarrow: "\u2195", UpEquilibrium: "\u296E", upharpoonleft: "\u21BF", upharpoonright: "\u21BE", uplus: "\u228E", UpperLeftArrow: "\u2196", UpperRightArrow: "\u2197", Upsi: "\u03D2", upsi: "\u03C5", upsih: "\u03D2", Upsilon: "\u03A5", upsilon: "\u03C5", UpTee: "\u22A5", UpTeeArrow: "\u21A5", upuparrows: "\u21C8", urcorn: "\u231D", urcorner: "\u231D", urcrop: "\u230E", Uring: "\u016E", uring: "\u016F", urtri: "\u25F9", Uscr: "\u{1D4B0}", uscr: "\u{1D4CA}", utdot: "\u22F0", Utilde: "\u0168", utilde: "\u0169", utri: "\u25B5", utrif: "\u25B4", uuarr: "\u21C8", Uuml: "\xDC", uuml: "\xFC", uwangle: "\u29A7", vangrt: "\u299C", varepsilon: "\u03F5", varkappa: "\u03F0", varnothing: "\u2205", varphi: "\u03D5", varpi: "\u03D6", varpropto: "\u221D", vArr: "\u21D5", varr: "\u2195", varrho: "\u03F1", varsigma: "\u03C2", varsubsetneq: "\u228A\uFE00", varsubsetneqq: "\u2ACB\uFE00", varsupsetneq: "\u228B\uFE00", varsupsetneqq: "\u2ACC\uFE00", vartheta: "\u03D1", vartriangleleft: "\u22B2", vartriangleright: "\u22B3", Vbar: "\u2AEB", vBar: "\u2AE8", vBarv: "\u2AE9", Vcy: "\u0412", vcy: "\u0432", VDash: "\u22AB", Vdash: "\u22A9", vDash: "\u22A8", vdash: "\u22A2", Vdashl: "\u2AE6", Vee: "\u22C1", vee: "\u2228", veebar: "\u22BB", veeeq: "\u225A", vellip: "\u22EE", Verbar: "\u2016", verbar: "|", Vert: "\u2016", vert: "|", VerticalBar: "\u2223", VerticalLine: "|", VerticalSeparator: "\u2758", VerticalTilde: "\u2240", VeryThinSpace: "\u200A", Vfr: "\u{1D519}", vfr: "\u{1D533}", vltri: "\u22B2", vnsub: "\u2282\u20D2", vnsup: "\u2283\u20D2", Vopf: "\u{1D54D}", vopf: "\u{1D567}", vprop: "\u221D", vrtri: "\u22B3", Vscr: "\u{1D4B1}", vscr: "\u{1D4CB}", vsubnE: "\u2ACB\uFE00", vsubne: "\u228A\uFE00", vsupnE: "\u2ACC\uFE00", vsupne: "\u228B\uFE00", Vvdash: "\u22AA", vzigzag: "\u299A", Wcirc: "\u0174", wcirc: "\u0175", wedbar: "\u2A5F", Wedge: "\u22C0", wedge: "\u2227", wedgeq: "\u2259", weierp: "\u2118", Wfr: "\u{1D51A}", wfr: "\u{1D534}", Wopf: "\u{1D54E}", wopf: "\u{1D568}", wp: "\u2118", wr: "\u2240", wreath: "\u2240", Wscr: "\u{1D4B2}", wscr: "\u{1D4CC}", xcap: "\u22C2", xcirc: "\u25EF", xcup: "\u22C3", xdtri: "\u25BD", Xfr: "\u{1D51B}", xfr: "\u{1D535}", xhArr: "\u27FA", xharr: "\u27F7", Xi: "\u039E", xi: "\u03BE", xlArr: "\u27F8", xlarr: "\u27F5", xmap: "\u27FC", xnis: "\u22FB", xodot: "\u2A00", Xopf: "\u{1D54F}", xopf: "\u{1D569}", xoplus: "\u2A01", xotime: "\u2A02", xrArr: "\u27F9", xrarr: "\u27F6", Xscr: "\u{1D4B3}", xscr: "\u{1D4CD}", xsqcup: "\u2A06", xuplus: "\u2A04", xutri: "\u25B3", xvee: "\u22C1", xwedge: "\u22C0", Yacute: "\xDD", yacute: "\xFD", YAcy: "\u042F", yacy: "\u044F", Ycirc: "\u0176", ycirc: "\u0177", Ycy: "\u042B", ycy: "\u044B", yen: "\xA5", Yfr: "\u{1D51C}", yfr: "\u{1D536}", YIcy: "\u0407", yicy: "\u0457", Yopf: "\u{1D550}", yopf: "\u{1D56A}", Yscr: "\u{1D4B4}", yscr: "\u{1D4CE}", YUcy: "\u042E", yucy: "\u044E", Yuml: "\u0178", yuml: "\xFF", Zacute: "\u0179", zacute: "\u017A", Zcaron: "\u017D", zcaron: "\u017E", Zcy: "\u0417", zcy: "\u0437", Zdot: "\u017B", zdot: "\u017C", zeetrf: "\u2128", ZeroWidthSpace: "\u200B", Zeta: "\u0396", zeta: "\u03B6", Zfr: "\u2128", zfr: "\u{1D537}", ZHcy: "\u0416", zhcy: "\u0436", zigrarr: "\u21DD", Zopf: "\u2124", zopf: "\u{1D56B}", Zscr: "\u{1D4B5}", zscr: "\u{1D4CF}", zwj: "\u200D", zwnj: "\u200C" }); exports2.entityMap = exports2.HTML_ENTITIES; } }); // node_modules/@xmldom/xmldom/lib/sax.js var require_sax = __commonJS({ "node_modules/@xmldom/xmldom/lib/sax.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; var NAMESPACE = require_conventions().NAMESPACE; var nameStartChar = /[A-Z_a-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD]/; var nameChar = new RegExp("[\\-\\.0-9" + nameStartChar.source.slice(1, -1) + "\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040]"); var tagNamePattern = new RegExp("^" + nameStartChar.source + nameChar.source + "*(?::" + nameStartChar.source + nameChar.source + "*)?$"); var S_TAG = 0; var S_ATTR = 1; var S_ATTR_SPACE = 2; var S_EQ = 3; var S_ATTR_NOQUOT_VALUE = 4; var S_ATTR_END = 5; var S_TAG_SPACE = 6; var S_TAG_CLOSE = 7; function ParseError(message, locator) { this.message = message; this.locator = locator; if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, ParseError); } ParseError.prototype = new Error(); ParseError.prototype.name = ParseError.name; function XMLReader() { } XMLReader.prototype = { parse: function(source7, defaultNSMap, entityMap) { var domBuilder = this.domBuilder; domBuilder.startDocument(); _copy(defaultNSMap, defaultNSMap = {}); parse2( source7, defaultNSMap, entityMap, domBuilder, this.errorHandler ); domBuilder.endDocument(); } }; function parse2(source7, defaultNSMapCopy, entityMap, domBuilder, errorHandler) { function fixedFromCharCode(code) { if (code > 65535) { code -= 65536; var surrogate1 = 55296 + (code >> 10), surrogate2 = 56320 + (code & 1023); return String.fromCharCode(surrogate1, surrogate2); } else { return String.fromCharCode(code); } } function entityReplacer(a3) { var k2 = a3.slice(1, -1); if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(entityMap, k2)) { return entityMap[k2]; } else if (k2.charAt(0) === "#") { return fixedFromCharCode(parseInt(k2.substr(1).replace("x", "0x"))); } else { errorHandler.error("entity not found:" + a3); return a3; } } function appendText(end2) { if (end2 > start) { var xt = source7.substring(start, end2).replace(/&#?\w+;/g, entityReplacer); locator && position(start); domBuilder.characters(xt, 0, end2 - start); start = end2; } } function position(p2, m2) { while (p2 >= lineEnd && (m2 = linePattern.exec(source7))) { lineStart = m2.index; lineEnd = lineStart + m2[0].length; locator.lineNumber++; } locator.columnNumber = p2 - lineStart + 1; } var lineStart = 0; var lineEnd = 0; var linePattern = /.*(?:\r\n?|\n)|.*$/g; var locator = domBuilder.locator; var parseStack = [{ currentNSMap: defaultNSMapCopy }]; var closeMap = {}; var start = 0; while (true) { try { var tagStart = source7.indexOf("<", start); if (tagStart < 0) { if (!source7.substr(start).match(/^\s*$/)) { var doc = domBuilder.doc; var text = doc.createTextNode(source7.substr(start)); doc.appendChild(text); domBuilder.currentElement = text; } return; } if (tagStart > start) { appendText(tagStart); } switch (source7.charAt(tagStart + 1)) { case "/": var end = source7.indexOf(">", tagStart + 3); var tagName = source7.substring(tagStart + 2, end).replace(/[ \t\n\r]+$/g, ""); var config = parseStack.pop(); if (end < 0) { tagName = source7.substring(tagStart + 2).replace(/[\s<].*/, ""); errorHandler.error("end tag name: " + tagName + " is not complete:" + config.tagName); end = tagStart + 1 + tagName.length; } else if (tagName.match(/\s start) { start = end; } else { appendText(Math.max(tagStart, start) + 1); } } } function copyLocator(f2, t2) { t2.lineNumber = f2.lineNumber; t2.columnNumber = f2.columnNumber; return t2; } function parseElementStartPart(source7, start, el, currentNSMap, entityReplacer, errorHandler) { function addAttribute(qname, value2, startIndex) { if (el.attributeNames.hasOwnProperty(qname)) { errorHandler.fatalError("Attribute " + qname + " redefined"); } el.addValue( qname, // @see https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#AVNormalize // since the xmldom sax parser does not "interpret" DTD the following is not implemented: // - recursive replacement of (DTD) entity references // - trimming and collapsing multiple spaces into a single one for attributes that are not of type CDATA value2.replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, " ").replace(/&#?\w+;/g, entityReplacer), startIndex ); } var attrName; var value; var p2 = ++start; var s2 = S_TAG; while (true) { var c2 = source7.charAt(p2); switch (c2) { case "=": if (s2 === S_ATTR) { attrName = source7.slice(start, p2); s2 = S_EQ; } else if (s2 === S_ATTR_SPACE) { s2 = S_EQ; } else { throw new Error("attribute equal must after attrName"); } break; case "'": case '"': if (s2 === S_EQ || s2 === S_ATTR) { if (s2 === S_ATTR) { errorHandler.warning('attribute value must after "="'); attrName = source7.slice(start, p2); } start = p2 + 1; p2 = source7.indexOf(c2, start); if (p2 > 0) { value = source7.slice(start, p2); addAttribute(attrName, value, start - 1); s2 = S_ATTR_END; } else { throw new Error("attribute value no end '" + c2 + "' match"); } } else if (s2 == S_ATTR_NOQUOT_VALUE) { value = source7.slice(start, p2); addAttribute(attrName, value, start); errorHandler.warning('attribute "' + attrName + '" missed start quot(' + c2 + ")!!"); start = p2 + 1; s2 = S_ATTR_END; } else { throw new Error('attribute value must after "="'); } break; case "/": switch (s2) { case S_TAG: el.setTagName(source7.slice(start, p2)); case S_ATTR_END: case S_TAG_SPACE: case S_TAG_CLOSE: s2 = S_TAG_CLOSE; el.closed = true; case S_ATTR_NOQUOT_VALUE: case S_ATTR: break; case S_ATTR_SPACE: el.closed = true; break; //case S_EQ: default: throw new Error("attribute invalid close char('/')"); } break; case "": errorHandler.error("unexpected end of input"); if (s2 == S_TAG) { el.setTagName(source7.slice(start, p2)); } return p2; case ">": switch (s2) { case S_TAG: el.setTagName(source7.slice(start, p2)); case S_ATTR_END: case S_TAG_SPACE: case S_TAG_CLOSE: break; //normal case S_ATTR_NOQUOT_VALUE: //Compatible state case S_ATTR: value = source7.slice(start, p2); if (value.slice(-1) === "/") { el.closed = true; value = value.slice(0, -1); } case S_ATTR_SPACE: if (s2 === S_ATTR_SPACE) { value = attrName; } if (s2 == S_ATTR_NOQUOT_VALUE) { errorHandler.warning('attribute "' + value + '" missed quot(")!'); addAttribute(attrName, value, start); } else { if (!NAMESPACE.isHTML(currentNSMap[""]) || !value.match(/^(?:disabled|checked|selected)$/i)) { errorHandler.warning('attribute "' + value + '" missed value!! "' + value + '" instead!!'); } addAttribute(value, value, start); } break; case S_EQ: throw new Error("attribute value missed!!"); } return p2; /*xml space '\x20' | #x9 | #xD | #xA; */ case "\x80": c2 = " "; default: if (c2 <= " ") { switch (s2) { case S_TAG: el.setTagName(source7.slice(start, p2)); s2 = S_TAG_SPACE; break; case S_ATTR: attrName = source7.slice(start, p2); s2 = S_ATTR_SPACE; break; case S_ATTR_NOQUOT_VALUE: var value = source7.slice(start, p2); errorHandler.warning('attribute "' + value + '" missed quot(")!!'); addAttribute(attrName, value, start); case S_ATTR_END: s2 = S_TAG_SPACE; break; } } else { switch (s2) { //case S_TAG:void();break; //case S_ATTR:void();break; //case S_ATTR_NOQUOT_VALUE:void();break; case S_ATTR_SPACE: var tagName = el.tagName; if (!NAMESPACE.isHTML(currentNSMap[""]) || !attrName.match(/^(?:disabled|checked|selected)$/i)) { errorHandler.warning('attribute "' + attrName + '" missed value!! "' + attrName + '" instead2!!'); } addAttribute(attrName, attrName, start); start = p2; s2 = S_ATTR; break; case S_ATTR_END: errorHandler.warning('attribute space is required"' + attrName + '"!!'); case S_TAG_SPACE: s2 = S_ATTR; start = p2; break; case S_EQ: s2 = S_ATTR_NOQUOT_VALUE; start = p2; break; case S_TAG_CLOSE: throw new Error("elements closed character '/' and '>' must be connected to"); } } } p2++; } } function appendElement(el, domBuilder, currentNSMap) { var tagName = el.tagName; var localNSMap = null; var i3 = el.length; while (i3--) { var a2 = el[i3]; var qName = a2.qName; var value = a2.value; var nsp = qName.indexOf(":"); if (nsp > 0) { var prefix = a2.prefix = qName.slice(0, nsp); var localName = qName.slice(nsp + 1); var nsPrefix = prefix === "xmlns" && localName; } else { localName = qName; prefix = null; nsPrefix = qName === "xmlns" && ""; } a2.localName = localName; if (nsPrefix !== false) { if (localNSMap == null) { localNSMap = {}; _copy(currentNSMap, currentNSMap = {}); } currentNSMap[nsPrefix] = localNSMap[nsPrefix] = value; a2.uri = NAMESPACE.XMLNS; domBuilder.startPrefixMapping(nsPrefix, value); } } var i3 = el.length; while (i3--) { a2 = el[i3]; var prefix = a2.prefix; if (prefix) { if (prefix === "xml") { a2.uri = NAMESPACE.XML; } if (prefix !== "xmlns") { a2.uri = currentNSMap[prefix || ""]; } } } var nsp = tagName.indexOf(":"); if (nsp > 0) { prefix = el.prefix = tagName.slice(0, nsp); localName = el.localName = tagName.slice(nsp + 1); } else { prefix = null; localName = el.localName = tagName; } var ns = el.uri = currentNSMap[prefix || ""]; domBuilder.startElement(ns, localName, tagName, el); if (el.closed) { domBuilder.endElement(ns, localName, tagName); if (localNSMap) { for (prefix in localNSMap) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(localNSMap, prefix)) { domBuilder.endPrefixMapping(prefix); } } } } else { el.currentNSMap = currentNSMap; el.localNSMap = localNSMap; return true; } } function parseHtmlSpecialContent(source7, elStartEnd, tagName, entityReplacer, domBuilder) { if (/^(?:script|textarea)$/i.test(tagName)) { var elEndStart = source7.indexOf("", elStartEnd); var text = source7.substring(elStartEnd + 1, elEndStart); if (/[&<]/.test(text)) { if (/^script$/i.test(tagName)) { domBuilder.characters(text, 0, text.length); return elEndStart; } text = text.replace(/&#?\w+;/g, entityReplacer); domBuilder.characters(text, 0, text.length); return elEndStart; } } return elStartEnd + 1; } function fixSelfClosed(source7, elStartEnd, tagName, closeMap) { var pos = closeMap[tagName]; if (pos == null) { pos = source7.lastIndexOf(""); if (pos < elStartEnd) { pos = source7.lastIndexOf("", start + 4); if (end > start) { domBuilder.comment(source7, start + 4, end - start - 4); return end + 3; } else { errorHandler.error("Unclosed comment"); return -1; } } else { return -1; } default: if (source7.substr(start + 3, 6) == "CDATA[") { var end = source7.indexOf("]]>", start + 9); domBuilder.startCDATA(); domBuilder.characters(source7, start + 9, end - start - 9); domBuilder.endCDATA(); return end + 3; } var matchs = split(source7, start); var len = matchs.length; if (len > 1 && /!doctype/i.test(matchs[0][0])) { var name = matchs[1][0]; var pubid = false; var sysid = false; if (len > 3) { if (/^public$/i.test(matchs[2][0])) { pubid = matchs[3][0]; sysid = len > 4 && matchs[4][0]; } else if (/^system$/i.test(matchs[2][0])) { sysid = matchs[3][0]; } } var lastMatch = matchs[len - 1]; domBuilder.startDTD(name, pubid, sysid); domBuilder.endDTD(); return lastMatch.index + lastMatch[0].length; } } return -1; } function parseInstruction(source7, start, domBuilder) { var end = source7.indexOf("?>", start); if (end) { var match = source7.substring(start, end).match(/^<\?(\S*)\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*$/); if (match) { var len = match[0].length; domBuilder.processingInstruction(match[1], match[2]); return end + 2; } else { return -1; } } return -1; } function ElementAttributes() { this.attributeNames = {}; } ElementAttributes.prototype = { setTagName: function(tagName) { if (!tagNamePattern.test(tagName)) { throw new Error("invalid tagName:" + tagName); } this.tagName = tagName; }, addValue: function(qName, value, offset) { if (!tagNamePattern.test(qName)) { throw new Error("invalid attribute:" + qName); } this.attributeNames[qName] = this.length; this[this.length++] = { qName, value, offset }; }, length: 0, getLocalName: function(i3) { return this[i3].localName; }, getLocator: function(i3) { return this[i3].locator; }, getQName: function(i3) { return this[i3].qName; }, getURI: function(i3) { return this[i3].uri; }, getValue: function(i3) { return this[i3].value; } // ,getIndex:function(uri, localName)){ // if(localName){ // // }else{ // var qName = uri // } // }, // getValue:function(){return this.getValue(this.getIndex.apply(this,arguments))}, // getType:function(uri,localName){} // getType:function(i){}, }; function split(source7, start) { var match; var buf = []; var reg = /'[^']+'|"[^"]+"|[^\s<>\/=]+=?|(\/?\s*>|<)/g; reg.lastIndex = start; reg.exec(source7); while (match = reg.exec(source7)) { buf.push(match); if (match[1]) return buf; } } exports2.XMLReader = XMLReader; exports2.ParseError = ParseError; } }); // node_modules/@xmldom/xmldom/lib/dom-parser.js var require_dom_parser = __commonJS({ "node_modules/@xmldom/xmldom/lib/dom-parser.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; var conventions = require_conventions(); var dom = require_dom(); var entities = require_entities(); var sax = require_sax(); var DOMImplementation = dom.DOMImplementation; var NAMESPACE = conventions.NAMESPACE; var ParseError = sax.ParseError; var XMLReader = sax.XMLReader; function normalizeLineEndings(input) { return input.replace(/\r[\n\u0085]/g, "\n").replace(/[\r\u0085\u2028]/g, "\n"); } function DOMParser3(options) { this.options = options || { locator: {} }; } DOMParser3.prototype.parseFromString = function(source7, mimeType) { var options = this.options; var sax2 = new XMLReader(); var domBuilder = options.domBuilder || new DOMHandler(); var errorHandler = options.errorHandler; var locator = options.locator; var defaultNSMap = options.xmlns || {}; var isHTML = /\/x?html?$/.test(mimeType); var entityMap = isHTML ? entities.HTML_ENTITIES : entities.XML_ENTITIES; if (locator) { domBuilder.setDocumentLocator(locator); } sax2.errorHandler = buildErrorHandler(errorHandler, domBuilder, locator); sax2.domBuilder = options.domBuilder || domBuilder; if (isHTML) { defaultNSMap[""] = NAMESPACE.HTML; } defaultNSMap.xml = defaultNSMap.xml || NAMESPACE.XML; var normalize = options.normalizeLineEndings || normalizeLineEndings; if (source7 && typeof source7 === "string") { sax2.parse( normalize(source7), defaultNSMap, entityMap ); } else { sax2.errorHandler.error("invalid doc source"); } return domBuilder.doc; }; function buildErrorHandler(errorImpl, domBuilder, locator) { if (!errorImpl) { if (domBuilder instanceof DOMHandler) { return domBuilder; } errorImpl = domBuilder; } var errorHandler = {}; var isCallback = errorImpl instanceof Function; locator = locator || {}; function build(key) { var fn = errorImpl[key]; if (!fn && isCallback) { fn = errorImpl.length == 2 ? function(msg) { errorImpl(key, msg); } : errorImpl; } errorHandler[key] = fn && function(msg) { fn("[xmldom " + key + "] " + msg + _locator(locator)); } || function() { }; } build("warning"); build("error"); build("fatalError"); return errorHandler; } function DOMHandler() { this.cdata = false; } function position(locator, node) { node.lineNumber = locator.lineNumber; node.columnNumber = locator.columnNumber; } DOMHandler.prototype = { startDocument: function() { this.doc = new DOMImplementation().createDocument(null, null, null); if (this.locator) { this.doc.documentURI = this.locator.systemId; } }, startElement: function(namespaceURI, localName, qName, attrs) { var doc = this.doc; var el = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qName || localName); var len = attrs.length; appendElement(this, el); this.currentElement = el; this.locator && position(this.locator, el); for (var i3 = 0; i3 < len; i3++) { var namespaceURI = attrs.getURI(i3); var value = attrs.getValue(i3); var qName = attrs.getQName(i3); var attr = doc.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qName); this.locator && position(attrs.getLocator(i3), attr); attr.value = attr.nodeValue = value; el.setAttributeNode(attr); } }, endElement: function(namespaceURI, localName, qName) { var current = this.currentElement; var tagName = current.tagName; this.currentElement = current.parentNode; }, startPrefixMapping: function(prefix, uri) { }, endPrefixMapping: function(prefix) { }, processingInstruction: function(target, data) { var ins = this.doc.createProcessingInstruction(target, data); this.locator && position(this.locator, ins); appendElement(this, ins); }, ignorableWhitespace: function(ch, start, length) { }, characters: function(chars, start, length) { chars = _toString.apply(this, arguments); if (chars) { if (this.cdata) { var charNode = this.doc.createCDATASection(chars); } else { var charNode = this.doc.createTextNode(chars); } if (this.currentElement) { this.currentElement.appendChild(charNode); } else if (/^\s*$/.test(chars)) { this.doc.appendChild(charNode); } this.locator && position(this.locator, charNode); } }, skippedEntity: function(name) { }, endDocument: function() { this.doc.normalize(); }, setDocumentLocator: function(locator) { if (this.locator = locator) { locator.lineNumber = 0; } }, //LexicalHandler comment: function(chars, start, length) { chars = _toString.apply(this, arguments); var comm = this.doc.createComment(chars); this.locator && position(this.locator, comm); appendElement(this, comm); }, startCDATA: function() { this.cdata = true; }, endCDATA: function() { this.cdata = false; }, startDTD: function(name, publicId, systemId) { var impl = this.doc.implementation; if (impl && impl.createDocumentType) { var dt = impl.createDocumentType(name, publicId, systemId); this.locator && position(this.locator, dt); appendElement(this, dt); this.doc.doctype = dt; } }, /** * @see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler * @link http://www.saxproject.org/apidoc/org/xml/sax/ErrorHandler.html */ warning: function(error) { console.warn("[xmldom warning] " + error, _locator(this.locator)); }, error: function(error) { console.error("[xmldom error] " + error, _locator(this.locator)); }, fatalError: function(error) { throw new ParseError(error, this.locator); } }; function _locator(l2) { if (l2) { return "\n@" + (l2.systemId || "") + "#[line:" + l2.lineNumber + ",col:" + l2.columnNumber + "]"; } } function _toString(chars, start, length) { if (typeof chars == "string") { return chars.substr(start, length); } else { if (chars.length >= start + length || start) { return new java.lang.String(chars, start, length) + ""; } return chars; } } "endDTD,startEntity,endEntity,attributeDecl,elementDecl,externalEntityDecl,internalEntityDecl,resolveEntity,getExternalSubset,notationDecl,unparsedEntityDecl".replace(/\w+/g, function(key) { DOMHandler.prototype[key] = function() { return null; }; }); function appendElement(hander, node) { if (!hander.currentElement) { hander.doc.appendChild(node); } else { hander.currentElement.appendChild(node); } } exports2.__DOMHandler = DOMHandler; exports2.normalizeLineEndings = normalizeLineEndings; exports2.DOMParser = DOMParser3; } }); // node_modules/@xmldom/xmldom/lib/index.js var require_lib = __commonJS({ "node_modules/@xmldom/xmldom/lib/index.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; var dom = require_dom(); exports2.DOMImplementation = dom.DOMImplementation; exports2.XMLSerializer = dom.XMLSerializer; exports2.DOMParser = require_dom_parser().DOMParser; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-webworker/WebWorkerAdapter.mjs var import_xmldom, WebWorkerAdapter; var init_WebWorkerAdapter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/environment-webworker/WebWorkerAdapter.mjs"() { "use strict"; import_xmldom = __toESM(require_lib(), 1); WebWorkerAdapter = { createCanvas: (width, height) => new OffscreenCanvas(width ?? 0, height ?? 0), getCanvasRenderingContext2D: () => OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D, getWebGLRenderingContext: () => WebGLRenderingContext, getNavigator: () => navigator, getBaseUrl: () => globalThis.location.href, getFontFaceSet: () => globalThis.fonts, fetch: (url, options) => fetch(url, options), parseXML: (xml) => { const parser = new import_xmldom.DOMParser(); return parser.parseFromString(xml, "text/xml"); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/defaultFilter.vert.mjs var vertex3; var init_defaultFilter_vert = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/defaultFilter.vert.mjs"() { "use strict"; vertex3 = "in vec2 aPosition;\nout vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform vec4 uInputSize;\nuniform vec4 uOutputFrame;\nuniform vec4 uOutputTexture;\n\nvec4 filterVertexPosition( void )\n{\n vec2 position = aPosition * uOutputFrame.zw + uOutputFrame.xy;\n \n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*uOutputTexture.z / uOutputTexture.y) - uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nvec2 filterTextureCoord( void )\n{\n return aPosition * (uOutputFrame.zw * uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = filterVertexPosition();\n vTextureCoord = filterTextureCoord();\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/alpha/alpha.frag.mjs var fragment3; var init_alpha_frag = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/alpha/alpha.frag.mjs"() { "use strict"; fragment3 = "\nin vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nout vec4 finalColor;\n\nuniform float uAlpha;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\n\nvoid main()\n{\n finalColor = texture(uTexture, vTextureCoord) * uAlpha;\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/alpha/alpha.wgsl.mjs var source2; var init_alpha_wgsl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/alpha/alpha.wgsl.mjs"() { "use strict"; source2 = "struct GlobalFilterUniforms {\n uInputSize:vec4,\n uInputPixel:vec4,\n uInputClamp:vec4,\n uOutputFrame:vec4,\n uGlobalFrame:vec4,\n uOutputTexture:vec4,\n};\n\nstruct AlphaUniforms {\n uAlpha:f32,\n};\n\n@group(0) @binding(0) var gfu: GlobalFilterUniforms;\n@group(0) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d;\n@group(0) @binding(2) var uSampler : sampler;\n\n@group(1) @binding(0) var alphaUniforms : AlphaUniforms;\n\nstruct VSOutput {\n @builtin(position) position: vec4,\n @location(0) uv : vec2\n };\n\nfn filterVertexPosition(aPosition:vec2) -> vec4\n{\n var position = aPosition * gfu.uOutputFrame.zw + gfu.uOutputFrame.xy;\n\n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / gfu.uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*gfu.uOutputTexture.z / gfu.uOutputTexture.y) - gfu.uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nfn filterTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return aPosition * (gfu.uOutputFrame.zw * gfu.uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\nfn globalTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return (aPosition.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw) + (gfu.uGlobalFrame.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw); \n}\n\nfn getSize() -> vec2\n{\n return gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw;\n}\n \n@vertex\nfn mainVertex(\n @location(0) aPosition : vec2, \n) -> VSOutput {\n return VSOutput(\n filterVertexPosition(aPosition),\n filterTextureCoord(aPosition)\n );\n}\n\n@fragment\nfn mainFragment(\n @location(0) uv: vec2,\n @builtin(position) position: vec4\n) -> @location(0) vec4 {\n \n var sample = textureSample(uTexture, uSampler, uv);\n \n return sample * alphaUniforms.uAlpha;\n}"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/alpha/AlphaFilter.mjs var _AlphaFilter, AlphaFilter; var init_AlphaFilter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/alpha/AlphaFilter.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_GlProgram(); init_GpuProgram(); init_UniformGroup(); init_Filter(); init_defaultFilter_vert(); init_alpha_frag(); init_alpha_wgsl(); _AlphaFilter = class _AlphaFilter2 extends Filter { constructor(options) { options = { ..._AlphaFilter2.defaultOptions, ...options }; const gpuProgram3 = GpuProgram.from({ vertex: { source: source2, entryPoint: "mainVertex" }, fragment: { source: source2, entryPoint: "mainFragment" } }); const glProgram3 = GlProgram.from({ vertex: vertex3, fragment: fragment3, name: "alpha-filter" }); const { alpha, ...rest } = options; const alphaUniforms = new UniformGroup({ uAlpha: { value: alpha, type: "f32" } }); super({ ...rest, gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, glProgram: glProgram3, resources: { alphaUniforms } }); } /** * Coefficient for alpha multiplication * @default 1 */ get alpha() { return this.resources.alphaUniforms.uniforms.uAlpha; } set alpha(value) { this.resources.alphaUniforms.uniforms.uAlpha = value; } }; _AlphaFilter.defaultOptions = { /** Amount of alpha from 0 to 1, where 0 is transparent */ alpha: 1 }; AlphaFilter = _AlphaFilter; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/const.mjs var GAUSSIAN_VALUES; var init_const13 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; GAUSSIAN_VALUES = { 5: [0.153388, 0.221461, 0.250301], 7: [0.071303, 0.131514, 0.189879, 0.214607], 9: [0.028532, 0.067234, 0.124009, 0.179044, 0.20236], 11: [93e-4, 0.028002, 0.065984, 0.121703, 0.175713, 0.198596], 13: [2406e-6, 9255e-6, 0.027867, 0.065666, 0.121117, 0.174868, 0.197641], 15: [489e-6, 2403e-6, 9246e-6, 0.02784, 0.065602, 0.120999, 0.174697, 0.197448] }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/gl/generateBlurFragSource.mjs function generateBlurFragSource(kernelSize) { const kernel = GAUSSIAN_VALUES[kernelSize]; const halfLength = kernel.length; let fragSource = fragTemplate2; let blurLoop = ""; const template = "finalColor += texture(uTexture, vBlurTexCoords[%index%]) * %value%;"; let value; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < kernelSize; i3++) { let blur = template.replace("%index%", i3.toString()); value = i3; if (i3 >= halfLength) { value = kernelSize - i3 - 1; } blur = blur.replace("%value%", kernel[value].toString()); blurLoop += blur; blurLoop += "\n"; } fragSource = fragSource.replace("%blur%", blurLoop); fragSource = fragSource.replace("%size%", kernelSize.toString()); return fragSource; } var fragTemplate2; var init_generateBlurFragSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/gl/generateBlurFragSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_const13(); fragTemplate2 = [ "in vec2 vBlurTexCoords[%size%];", "uniform sampler2D uTexture;", "out vec4 finalColor;", "void main(void)", "{", " finalColor = vec4(0.0);", " %blur%", "}" ].join("\n"); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/gl/generateBlurVertSource.mjs function generateBlurVertSource(kernelSize, x2) { const halfLength = Math.ceil(kernelSize / 2); let vertSource = vertTemplate; let blurLoop = ""; let template; if (x2) { template = "vBlurTexCoords[%index%] = textureCoord + vec2(%sampleIndex% * pixelStrength, 0.0);"; } else { template = "vBlurTexCoords[%index%] = textureCoord + vec2(0.0, %sampleIndex% * pixelStrength);"; } for (let i3 = 0; i3 < kernelSize; i3++) { let blur = template.replace("%index%", i3.toString()); blur = blur.replace("%sampleIndex%", `${i3 - (halfLength - 1)}.0`); blurLoop += blur; blurLoop += "\n"; } vertSource = vertSource.replace("%blur%", blurLoop); vertSource = vertSource.replace("%size%", kernelSize.toString()); vertSource = vertSource.replace("%dimension%", x2 ? "z" : "w"); return vertSource; } var vertTemplate; var init_generateBlurVertSource = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/gl/generateBlurVertSource.mjs"() { "use strict"; vertTemplate = ` in vec2 aPosition; uniform float uStrength; out vec2 vBlurTexCoords[%size%]; uniform vec4 uInputSize; uniform vec4 uOutputFrame; uniform vec4 uOutputTexture; vec4 filterVertexPosition( void ) { vec2 position = aPosition * uOutputFrame.zw + uOutputFrame.xy; position.x = position.x * (2.0 / uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0; position.y = position.y * (2.0*uOutputTexture.z / uOutputTexture.y) - uOutputTexture.z; return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0); } vec2 filterTextureCoord( void ) { return aPosition * (uOutputFrame.zw * uInputSize.zw); } void main(void) { gl_Position = filterVertexPosition(); float pixelStrength = uInputSize.%dimension% * uStrength; vec2 textureCoord = filterTextureCoord(); %blur% }`; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/gl/generateBlurGlProgram.mjs function generateBlurGlProgram(horizontal, kernelSize) { const vertex5 = generateBlurVertSource(kernelSize, horizontal); const fragment7 = generateBlurFragSource(kernelSize); return GlProgram.from({ vertex: vertex5, fragment: fragment7, name: `blur-${horizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical"}-pass-filter` }); } var init_generateBlurGlProgram = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/gl/generateBlurGlProgram.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_GlProgram(); init_generateBlurFragSource(); init_generateBlurVertSource(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/gpu/blur-template.wgsl.mjs var source3; var init_blur_template_wgsl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/gpu/blur-template.wgsl.mjs"() { "use strict"; source3 = "\n\nstruct GlobalFilterUniforms {\n uInputSize:vec4,\n uInputPixel:vec4,\n uInputClamp:vec4,\n uOutputFrame:vec4,\n uGlobalFrame:vec4,\n uOutputTexture:vec4,\n};\n\nstruct BlurUniforms {\n uStrength:f32,\n};\n\n@group(0) @binding(0) var gfu: GlobalFilterUniforms;\n@group(0) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d;\n@group(0) @binding(2) var uSampler : sampler;\n\n@group(1) @binding(0) var blurUniforms : BlurUniforms;\n\n\nstruct VSOutput {\n @builtin(position) position: vec4,\n %blur-struct%\n };\n\nfn filterVertexPosition(aPosition:vec2) -> vec4\n{\n var position = aPosition * gfu.uOutputFrame.zw + gfu.uOutputFrame.xy;\n\n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / gfu.uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*gfu.uOutputTexture.z / gfu.uOutputTexture.y) - gfu.uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nfn filterTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return aPosition * (gfu.uOutputFrame.zw * gfu.uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\nfn globalTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return (aPosition.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw) + (gfu.uGlobalFrame.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw); \n}\n\nfn getSize() -> vec2\n{\n return gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw;\n}\n\n\n@vertex\nfn mainVertex(\n @location(0) aPosition : vec2, \n) -> VSOutput {\n\n let filteredCord = filterTextureCoord(aPosition);\n\n let pixelStrength = gfu.uInputSize.%dimension% * blurUniforms.uStrength;\n\n return VSOutput(\n filterVertexPosition(aPosition),\n %blur-vertex-out%\n );\n}\n\n@fragment\nfn mainFragment(\n @builtin(position) position: vec4,\n %blur-fragment-in%\n) -> @location(0) vec4 {\n\n var finalColor = vec4(0.0);\n\n %blur-sampling%\n\n return finalColor;\n}"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/gpu/generateBlurProgram.mjs function generateBlurProgram(horizontal, kernelSize) { const kernel = GAUSSIAN_VALUES[kernelSize]; const halfLength = kernel.length; const blurStructSource = []; const blurOutSource = []; const blurSamplingSource = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < kernelSize; i3++) { blurStructSource[i3] = `@location(${i3}) offset${i3}: vec2,`; if (horizontal) { blurOutSource[i3] = `filteredCord + vec2(${i3 - halfLength + 1} * pixelStrength, 0.0),`; } else { blurOutSource[i3] = `filteredCord + vec2(0.0, ${i3 - halfLength + 1} * pixelStrength),`; } const kernelIndex = i3 < halfLength ? i3 : kernelSize - i3 - 1; const kernelValue = kernel[kernelIndex].toString(); blurSamplingSource[i3] = `finalColor += textureSample(uTexture, uSampler, offset${i3}) * ${kernelValue};`; } const blurStruct = blurStructSource.join("\n"); const blurOut = blurOutSource.join("\n"); const blurSampling = blurSamplingSource.join("\n"); const finalSource = source3.replace("%blur-struct%", blurStruct).replace("%blur-vertex-out%", blurOut).replace("%blur-fragment-in%", blurStruct).replace("%blur-sampling%", blurSampling).replace("%dimension%", horizontal ? "z" : "w"); return GpuProgram.from({ vertex: { source: finalSource, entryPoint: "mainVertex" }, fragment: { source: finalSource, entryPoint: "mainFragment" } }); } var init_generateBlurProgram = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/gpu/generateBlurProgram.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_GpuProgram(); init_const13(); init_blur_template_wgsl(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/BlurFilterPass.mjs var _BlurFilterPass, BlurFilterPass; var init_BlurFilterPass = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/BlurFilterPass.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_TexturePool(); init_types2(); init_Filter(); init_generateBlurGlProgram(); init_generateBlurProgram(); _BlurFilterPass = class _BlurFilterPass2 extends Filter { /** * @param options * @param options.horizontal - Do pass along the x-axis (`true`) or y-axis (`false`). * @param options.strength - The strength of the blur filter. * @param options.quality - The quality of the blur filter. * @param options.kernelSize - The kernelSize of the blur filter.Options: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. */ constructor(options) { options = { ..._BlurFilterPass2.defaultOptions, ...options }; const glProgram3 = generateBlurGlProgram(options.horizontal, options.kernelSize); const gpuProgram3 = generateBlurProgram(options.horizontal, options.kernelSize); super({ glProgram: glProgram3, gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, resources: { blurUniforms: { uStrength: { value: 0, type: "f32" } } }, ...options }); this.horizontal = options.horizontal; this._quality = 0; this.quality = options.quality; this.blur = options.strength; this._uniforms = this.resources.blurUniforms.uniforms; } /** * Applies the filter. * @param filterManager - The manager. * @param input - The input target. * @param output - The output target. * @param clearMode - How to clear */ apply(filterManager, input, output, clearMode) { this._uniforms.uStrength = this.strength / this.passes; if (this.passes === 1) { filterManager.applyFilter(this, input, output, clearMode); } else { const tempTexture = TexturePool.getSameSizeTexture(input); let flip = input; let flop = tempTexture; this._state.blend = false; const shouldClear = filterManager.renderer.type === RendererType.WEBGPU; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.passes - 1; i3++) { filterManager.applyFilter(this, flip, flop, i3 === 0 ? true : shouldClear); const temp = flop; flop = flip; flip = temp; } this._state.blend = true; filterManager.applyFilter(this, flip, output, clearMode); TexturePool.returnTexture(tempTexture); } } /** * Sets the strength of both the blur. * @default 16 */ get blur() { return this.strength; } set blur(value) { this.padding = 1 + Math.abs(value) * 2; this.strength = value; } /** * Sets the quality of the blur by modifying the number of passes. More passes means higher * quality blurring but the lower the performance. * @default 4 */ get quality() { return this._quality; } set quality(value) { this._quality = value; this.passes = value; } }; _BlurFilterPass.defaultOptions = { /** The strength of the blur filter. */ strength: 8, /** The quality of the blur filter. */ quality: 4, /** The kernelSize of the blur filter.Options: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. */ kernelSize: 5 }; BlurFilterPass = _BlurFilterPass; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/BlurFilter.mjs var BlurFilter; var init_BlurFilter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/blur/BlurFilter.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_TexturePool(); init_types2(); init_deprecation(); init_Filter(); init_BlurFilterPass(); BlurFilter = class extends Filter { constructor(...args) { let options = args[0] ?? {}; if (typeof options === "number") { deprecation(v8_0_0, "BlurFilter constructor params are now options object. See params: { strength, quality, resolution, kernelSize }"); options = { strength: options }; if (args[1] !== void 0) options.quality = args[1]; if (args[2] !== void 0) options.resolution = args[2] || "inherit"; if (args[3] !== void 0) options.kernelSize = args[3]; } options = { ...BlurFilterPass.defaultOptions, ...options }; const { strength, strengthX, strengthY, quality, ...rest } = options; super({ ...rest, compatibleRenderers: RendererType.BOTH, resources: {} }); this._repeatEdgePixels = false; this.blurXFilter = new BlurFilterPass({ horizontal: true, ...options }); this.blurYFilter = new BlurFilterPass({ horizontal: false, ...options }); this.quality = quality; this.strengthX = strengthX ?? strength; this.strengthY = strengthY ?? strength; this.repeatEdgePixels = false; } /** * Applies the filter. * @param filterManager - The manager. * @param input - The input target. * @param output - The output target. * @param clearMode - How to clear */ apply(filterManager, input, output, clearMode) { const xStrength = Math.abs(this.blurXFilter.strength); const yStrength = Math.abs(this.blurYFilter.strength); if (xStrength && yStrength) { const tempTexture = TexturePool.getSameSizeTexture(input); this.blurXFilter.blendMode = "normal"; this.blurXFilter.apply(filterManager, input, tempTexture, true); this.blurYFilter.blendMode = this.blendMode; this.blurYFilter.apply(filterManager, tempTexture, output, clearMode); TexturePool.returnTexture(tempTexture); } else if (yStrength) { this.blurYFilter.blendMode = this.blendMode; this.blurYFilter.apply(filterManager, input, output, clearMode); } else { this.blurXFilter.blendMode = this.blendMode; this.blurXFilter.apply(filterManager, input, output, clearMode); } } updatePadding() { if (this._repeatEdgePixels) { this.padding = 0; } else { this.padding = Math.max(Math.abs(this.blurXFilter.blur), Math.abs(this.blurYFilter.blur)) * 2; } } /** * Sets the strength of both the blurX and blurY properties simultaneously * @default 8 */ get strength() { if (this.strengthX !== this.strengthY) { throw new Error("BlurFilter's strengthX and strengthY are different"); } return this.strengthX; } set strength(value) { this.blurXFilter.blur = this.blurYFilter.blur = value; this.updatePadding(); } /** * Sets the number of passes for blur. More passes means higher quality bluring. * @default 1 */ get quality() { return this.blurXFilter.quality; } set quality(value) { this.blurXFilter.quality = this.blurYFilter.quality = value; } /** * Sets the strength of horizontal blur * @default 8 */ get strengthX() { return this.blurXFilter.blur; } set strengthX(value) { this.blurXFilter.blur = value; this.updatePadding(); } /** * Sets the strength of the vertical blur * @default 8 */ get strengthY() { return this.blurYFilter.blur; } set strengthY(value) { this.blurYFilter.blur = value; this.updatePadding(); } /** * Sets the strength of both the blurX and blurY properties simultaneously * @default 2 * @deprecated since 8.3.0 * @see BlurFilter.strength */ get blur() { deprecation("8.3.0", "BlurFilter.blur is deprecated, please use BlurFilter.strength instead."); return this.strength; } set blur(value) { deprecation("8.3.0", "BlurFilter.blur is deprecated, please use BlurFilter.strength instead."); this.strength = value; } /** * Sets the strength of the blurX property * @default 2 * @deprecated since 8.3.0 * @see BlurFilter.strengthX */ get blurX() { deprecation("8.3.0", "BlurFilter.blurX is deprecated, please use BlurFilter.strengthX instead."); return this.strengthX; } set blurX(value) { deprecation("8.3.0", "BlurFilter.blurX is deprecated, please use BlurFilter.strengthX instead."); this.strengthX = value; } /** * Sets the strength of the blurY property * @default 2 * @deprecated since 8.3.0 * @see BlurFilter.strengthY */ get blurY() { deprecation("8.3.0", "BlurFilter.blurY is deprecated, please use BlurFilter.strengthY instead."); return this.strengthY; } set blurY(value) { deprecation("8.3.0", "BlurFilter.blurY is deprecated, please use BlurFilter.strengthY instead."); this.strengthY = value; } /** * If set to true the edge of the target will be clamped * @default false */ get repeatEdgePixels() { return this._repeatEdgePixels; } set repeatEdgePixels(value) { this._repeatEdgePixels = value; this.updatePadding(); } }; BlurFilter.defaultOptions = { /** The strength of the blur filter. */ strength: 8, /** The quality of the blur filter. */ quality: 4, /** The kernelSize of the blur filter.Options: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. */ kernelSize: 5 }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/color-matrix/colorMatrixFilter.frag.mjs var fragment4; var init_colorMatrixFilter_frag = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/color-matrix/colorMatrixFilter.frag.mjs"() { "use strict"; fragment4 = "\nin vec2 vTextureCoord;\nin vec4 vColor;\n\nout vec4 finalColor;\n\nuniform float uColorMatrix[20];\nuniform float uAlpha;\n\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\n\nfloat rand(vec2 co)\n{\n return fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n vec4 color = texture(uTexture, vTextureCoord);\n float randomValue = rand(gl_FragCoord.xy * 0.2);\n float diff = (randomValue - 0.5) * 0.5;\n\n if (uAlpha == 0.0) {\n finalColor = color;\n return;\n }\n\n if (color.a > 0.0) {\n color.rgb /= color.a;\n }\n\n vec4 result;\n\n result.r = (uColorMatrix[0] * color.r);\n result.r += (uColorMatrix[1] * color.g);\n result.r += (uColorMatrix[2] * color.b);\n result.r += (uColorMatrix[3] * color.a);\n result.r += uColorMatrix[4];\n\n result.g = (uColorMatrix[5] * color.r);\n result.g += (uColorMatrix[6] * color.g);\n result.g += (uColorMatrix[7] * color.b);\n result.g += (uColorMatrix[8] * color.a);\n result.g += uColorMatrix[9];\n\n result.b = (uColorMatrix[10] * color.r);\n result.b += (uColorMatrix[11] * color.g);\n result.b += (uColorMatrix[12] * color.b);\n result.b += (uColorMatrix[13] * color.a);\n result.b += uColorMatrix[14];\n\n result.a = (uColorMatrix[15] * color.r);\n result.a += (uColorMatrix[16] * color.g);\n result.a += (uColorMatrix[17] * color.b);\n result.a += (uColorMatrix[18] * color.a);\n result.a += uColorMatrix[19];\n\n vec3 rgb = mix(color.rgb, result.rgb, uAlpha);\n\n // Premultiply alpha again.\n rgb *= result.a;\n\n finalColor = vec4(rgb, result.a);\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/color-matrix/colorMatrixFilter.wgsl.mjs var source4; var init_colorMatrixFilter_wgsl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/color-matrix/colorMatrixFilter.wgsl.mjs"() { "use strict"; source4 = "struct GlobalFilterUniforms {\n uInputSize:vec4,\n uInputPixel:vec4,\n uInputClamp:vec4,\n uOutputFrame:vec4,\n uGlobalFrame:vec4,\n uOutputTexture:vec4,\n};\n\nstruct ColorMatrixUniforms {\n uColorMatrix:array, 5>,\n uAlpha:f32,\n};\n\n\n@group(0) @binding(0) var gfu: GlobalFilterUniforms;\n@group(0) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d;\n@group(0) @binding(2) var uSampler : sampler;\n@group(1) @binding(0) var colorMatrixUniforms : ColorMatrixUniforms;\n\n\nstruct VSOutput {\n @builtin(position) position: vec4,\n @location(0) uv : vec2,\n };\n \nfn filterVertexPosition(aPosition:vec2) -> vec4\n{\n var position = aPosition * gfu.uOutputFrame.zw + gfu.uOutputFrame.xy;\n\n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / gfu.uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*gfu.uOutputTexture.z / gfu.uOutputTexture.y) - gfu.uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nfn filterTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return aPosition * (gfu.uOutputFrame.zw * gfu.uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\n@vertex\nfn mainVertex(\n @location(0) aPosition : vec2, \n) -> VSOutput {\n return VSOutput(\n filterVertexPosition(aPosition),\n filterTextureCoord(aPosition),\n );\n}\n\n\n@fragment\nfn mainFragment(\n @location(0) uv: vec2,\n) -> @location(0) vec4 {\n\n\n var c = textureSample(uTexture, uSampler, uv);\n \n if (colorMatrixUniforms.uAlpha == 0.0) {\n return c;\n }\n\n \n // Un-premultiply alpha before applying the color matrix. See issue #3539.\n if (c.a > 0.0) {\n c.r /= c.a;\n c.g /= c.a;\n c.b /= c.a;\n }\n\n var cm = colorMatrixUniforms.uColorMatrix;\n\n\n var result = vec4(0.);\n\n result.r = (cm[0][0] * c.r);\n result.r += (cm[0][1] * c.g);\n result.r += (cm[0][2] * c.b);\n result.r += (cm[0][3] * c.a);\n result.r += cm[1][0];\n\n result.g = (cm[1][1] * c.r);\n result.g += (cm[1][2] * c.g);\n result.g += (cm[1][3] * c.b);\n result.g += (cm[2][0] * c.a);\n result.g += cm[2][1];\n\n result.b = (cm[2][2] * c.r);\n result.b += (cm[2][3] * c.g);\n result.b += (cm[3][0] * c.b);\n result.b += (cm[3][1] * c.a);\n result.b += cm[3][2];\n\n result.a = (cm[3][3] * c.r);\n result.a += (cm[4][0] * c.g);\n result.a += (cm[4][1] * c.b);\n result.a += (cm[4][2] * c.a);\n result.a += cm[4][3];\n\n var rgb = mix(c.rgb, result.rgb, colorMatrixUniforms.uAlpha);\n\n rgb.r *= result.a;\n rgb.g *= result.a;\n rgb.b *= result.a;\n\n return vec4(rgb, result.a);\n}"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/color-matrix/ColorMatrixFilter.mjs var ColorMatrixFilter; var init_ColorMatrixFilter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/color-matrix/ColorMatrixFilter.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_GlProgram(); init_GpuProgram(); init_UniformGroup(); init_Filter(); init_defaultFilter_vert(); init_colorMatrixFilter_frag(); init_colorMatrixFilter_wgsl(); ColorMatrixFilter = class extends Filter { constructor(options = {}) { const colorMatrixUniforms = new UniformGroup({ uColorMatrix: { value: [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], type: "f32", size: 20 }, uAlpha: { value: 1, type: "f32" } }); const gpuProgram3 = GpuProgram.from({ vertex: { source: source4, entryPoint: "mainVertex" }, fragment: { source: source4, entryPoint: "mainFragment" } }); const glProgram3 = GlProgram.from({ vertex: vertex3, fragment: fragment4, name: "color-matrix-filter" }); super({ ...options, gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, glProgram: glProgram3, resources: { colorMatrixUniforms } }); this.alpha = 1; } /** * Transforms current matrix and set the new one * @param {number[]} matrix - 5x4 matrix * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ _loadMatrix(matrix, multiply = false) { let newMatrix = matrix; if (multiply) { this._multiply(newMatrix, this.matrix, matrix); newMatrix = this._colorMatrix(newMatrix); } this.resources.colorMatrixUniforms.uniforms.uColorMatrix = newMatrix; this.resources.colorMatrixUniforms.update(); } /** * Multiplies two mat5's * @private * @param out - 5x4 matrix the receiving matrix * @param a - 5x4 matrix the first operand * @param b - 5x4 matrix the second operand * @returns {number[]} 5x4 matrix */ _multiply(out2, a2, b2) { out2[0] = a2[0] * b2[0] + a2[1] * b2[5] + a2[2] * b2[10] + a2[3] * b2[15]; out2[1] = a2[0] * b2[1] + a2[1] * b2[6] + a2[2] * b2[11] + a2[3] * b2[16]; out2[2] = a2[0] * b2[2] + a2[1] * b2[7] + a2[2] * b2[12] + a2[3] * b2[17]; out2[3] = a2[0] * b2[3] + a2[1] * b2[8] + a2[2] * b2[13] + a2[3] * b2[18]; out2[4] = a2[0] * b2[4] + a2[1] * b2[9] + a2[2] * b2[14] + a2[3] * b2[19] + a2[4]; out2[5] = a2[5] * b2[0] + a2[6] * b2[5] + a2[7] * b2[10] + a2[8] * b2[15]; out2[6] = a2[5] * b2[1] + a2[6] * b2[6] + a2[7] * b2[11] + a2[8] * b2[16]; out2[7] = a2[5] * b2[2] + a2[6] * b2[7] + a2[7] * b2[12] + a2[8] * b2[17]; out2[8] = a2[5] * b2[3] + a2[6] * b2[8] + a2[7] * b2[13] + a2[8] * b2[18]; out2[9] = a2[5] * b2[4] + a2[6] * b2[9] + a2[7] * b2[14] + a2[8] * b2[19] + a2[9]; out2[10] = a2[10] * b2[0] + a2[11] * b2[5] + a2[12] * b2[10] + a2[13] * b2[15]; out2[11] = a2[10] * b2[1] + a2[11] * b2[6] + a2[12] * b2[11] + a2[13] * b2[16]; out2[12] = a2[10] * b2[2] + a2[11] * b2[7] + a2[12] * b2[12] + a2[13] * b2[17]; out2[13] = a2[10] * b2[3] + a2[11] * b2[8] + a2[12] * b2[13] + a2[13] * b2[18]; out2[14] = a2[10] * b2[4] + a2[11] * b2[9] + a2[12] * b2[14] + a2[13] * b2[19] + a2[14]; out2[15] = a2[15] * b2[0] + a2[16] * b2[5] + a2[17] * b2[10] + a2[18] * b2[15]; out2[16] = a2[15] * b2[1] + a2[16] * b2[6] + a2[17] * b2[11] + a2[18] * b2[16]; out2[17] = a2[15] * b2[2] + a2[16] * b2[7] + a2[17] * b2[12] + a2[18] * b2[17]; out2[18] = a2[15] * b2[3] + a2[16] * b2[8] + a2[17] * b2[13] + a2[18] * b2[18]; out2[19] = a2[15] * b2[4] + a2[16] * b2[9] + a2[17] * b2[14] + a2[18] * b2[19] + a2[19]; return out2; } /** * Create a Float32 Array and normalize the offset component to 0-1 * @param {number[]} matrix - 5x4 matrix * @returns {number[]} 5x4 matrix with all values between 0-1 */ _colorMatrix(matrix) { const m2 = new Float32Array(matrix); m2[4] /= 255; m2[9] /= 255; m2[14] /= 255; m2[19] /= 255; return m2; } /** * Adjusts brightness * @param b - value of the brightness (0-1, where 0 is black) * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ brightness(b2, multiply) { const matrix = [ b2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, b2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, b2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Sets each channel on the diagonal of the color matrix. * This can be used to achieve a tinting effect on Containers similar to the tint field of some * display objects like Sprite, Text, Graphics, and Mesh. * @param color - Color of the tint. This is a hex value. * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ tint(color, multiply) { const [r2, g2, b2] = Color.shared.setValue(color).toArray(); const matrix = [ r2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, g2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, b2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Set the matrices in grey scales * @param scale - value of the grey (0-1, where 0 is black) * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ greyscale(scale, multiply) { const matrix = [ scale, scale, scale, 0, 0, scale, scale, scale, 0, 0, scale, scale, scale, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * for our american friends! * @param scale * @param multiply */ grayscale(scale, multiply) { this.greyscale(scale, multiply); } /** * Set the black and white matrice. * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ blackAndWhite(multiply) { const matrix = [ 0.3, 0.6, 0.1, 0, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.1, 0, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Set the hue property of the color * @param rotation - in degrees * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ hue(rotation, multiply) { rotation = (rotation || 0) / 180 * Math.PI; const cosR = Math.cos(rotation); const sinR = Math.sin(rotation); const sqrt = Math.sqrt; const w2 = 1 / 3; const sqrW = sqrt(w2); const a00 = cosR + (1 - cosR) * w2; const a01 = w2 * (1 - cosR) - sqrW * sinR; const a02 = w2 * (1 - cosR) + sqrW * sinR; const a10 = w2 * (1 - cosR) + sqrW * sinR; const a11 = cosR + w2 * (1 - cosR); const a12 = w2 * (1 - cosR) - sqrW * sinR; const a20 = w2 * (1 - cosR) - sqrW * sinR; const a21 = w2 * (1 - cosR) + sqrW * sinR; const a22 = cosR + w2 * (1 - cosR); const matrix = [ a00, a01, a02, 0, 0, a10, a11, a12, 0, 0, a20, a21, a22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Set the contrast matrix, increase the separation between dark and bright * Increase contrast : shadows darker and highlights brighter * Decrease contrast : bring the shadows up and the highlights down * @param amount - value of the contrast (0-1) * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ contrast(amount, multiply) { const v2 = (amount || 0) + 1; const o2 = -0.5 * (v2 - 1); const matrix = [ v2, 0, 0, 0, o2, 0, v2, 0, 0, o2, 0, 0, v2, 0, o2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Set the saturation matrix, increase the separation between colors * Increase saturation : increase contrast, brightness, and sharpness * @param amount - The saturation amount (0-1) * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ saturate(amount = 0, multiply) { const x2 = amount * 2 / 3 + 1; const y2 = (x2 - 1) * -0.5; const matrix = [ x2, y2, y2, 0, 0, y2, x2, y2, 0, 0, y2, y2, x2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** Desaturate image (remove color) Call the saturate function */ desaturate() { this.saturate(-1); } /** * Negative image (inverse of classic rgb matrix) * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ negative(multiply) { const matrix = [ -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Sepia image * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ sepia(multiply) { const matrix = [ 0.393, 0.7689999, 0.18899999, 0, 0, 0.349, 0.6859999, 0.16799999, 0, 0, 0.272, 0.5339999, 0.13099999, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Color motion picture process invented in 1916 (thanks Dominic Szablewski) * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ technicolor(multiply) { const matrix = [ 1.9125277891456083, -0.8545344976951645, -0.09155508482755585, 0, 11.793603434377337, -0.3087833385928097, 1.7658908555458428, -0.10601743074722245, 0, -70.35205161461398, -0.231103377548616, -0.7501899197440212, 1.847597816108189, 0, 30.950940869491138, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Polaroid filter * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ polaroid(multiply) { const matrix = [ 1.438, -0.062, -0.062, 0, 0, -0.122, 1.378, -0.122, 0, 0, -0.016, -0.016, 1.483, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Filter who transforms : Red -> Blue and Blue -> Red * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ toBGR(multiply) { const matrix = [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Color reversal film introduced by Eastman Kodak in 1935. (thanks Dominic Szablewski) * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ kodachrome(multiply) { const matrix = [ 1.1285582396593525, -0.3967382283601348, -0.03992559172921793, 0, 63.72958762196502, -0.16404339962244616, 1.0835251566291304, -0.05498805115633132, 0, 24.732407896706203, -0.16786010706155763, -0.5603416277695248, 1.6014850761964943, 0, 35.62982807460946, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Brown delicious browni filter (thanks Dominic Szablewski) * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ browni(multiply) { const matrix = [ 0.5997023498159715, 0.34553243048391263, -0.2708298674538042, 0, 47.43192855600873, -0.037703249837783157, 0.8609577587992641, 0.15059552388459913, 0, -36.96841498319127, 0.24113635128153335, -0.07441037908422492, 0.44972182064877153, 0, -7.562075277591283, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Vintage filter (thanks Dominic Szablewski) * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ vintage(multiply) { const matrix = [ 0.6279345635605994, 0.3202183420819367, -0.03965408211312453, 0, 9.651285835294123, 0.02578397704808868, 0.6441188644374771, 0.03259127616149294, 0, 7.462829176470591, 0.0466055556782719, -0.0851232987247891, 0.5241648018700465, 0, 5.159190588235296, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * We don't know exactly what it does, kind of gradient map, but funny to play with! * @param desaturation - Tone values. * @param toned - Tone values. * @param lightColor - Tone values, example: `0xFFE580` * @param darkColor - Tone values, example: `0xFFE580` * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ colorTone(desaturation, toned, lightColor, darkColor, multiply) { desaturation = desaturation || 0.2; toned = toned || 0.15; lightColor = lightColor || 16770432; darkColor = darkColor || 3375104; const temp = Color.shared; const [lR, lG, lB] = temp.setValue(lightColor).toArray(); const [dR, dG, dB] = temp.setValue(darkColor).toArray(); const matrix = [ 0.3, 0.59, 0.11, 0, 0, lR, lG, lB, desaturation, 0, dR, dG, dB, toned, 0, lR - dR, lG - dG, lB - dB, 0, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Night effect * @param intensity - The intensity of the night effect. * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ night(intensity, multiply) { intensity = intensity || 0.1; const matrix = [ intensity * -2, -intensity, 0, 0, 0, -intensity, 0, intensity, 0, 0, 0, intensity, intensity * 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * Predator effect * * Erase the current matrix by setting a new independent one * @param amount - how much the predator feels his future victim * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ predator(amount, multiply) { const matrix = [ // row 1 11.224130630493164 * amount, -4.794486999511719 * amount, -2.8746118545532227 * amount, 0 * amount, 0.40342438220977783 * amount, // row 2 -3.6330697536468506 * amount, 9.193157196044922 * amount, -2.951810836791992 * amount, 0 * amount, -1.316135048866272 * amount, // row 3 -3.2184197902679443 * amount, -4.2375030517578125 * amount, 7.476448059082031 * amount, 0 * amount, 0.8044459223747253 * amount, // row 4 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** * LSD effect * * Multiply the current matrix * @param multiply - if true, current matrix and matrix are multiplied. If false, * just set the current matrix with @param matrix */ lsd(multiply) { const matrix = [ 2, -0.4, 0.5, 0, 0, -0.5, 2, -0.4, 0, 0, -0.4, -0.5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, multiply); } /** Erase the current matrix by setting the default one. */ reset() { const matrix = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]; this._loadMatrix(matrix, false); } /** * The matrix of the color matrix filter * @member {number[]} * @default [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] */ get matrix() { return this.resources.colorMatrixUniforms.uniforms.uColorMatrix; } set matrix(value) { this.resources.colorMatrixUniforms.uniforms.uColorMatrix = value; } /** * The opacity value to use when mixing the original and resultant colors. * * When the value is 0, the original color is used without modification. * When the value is 1, the result color is used. * When in the range (0, 1) the color is interpolated between the original and result by this amount. * @default 1 */ get alpha() { return this.resources.colorMatrixUniforms.uniforms.uAlpha; } set alpha(value) { this.resources.colorMatrixUniforms.uniforms.uAlpha = value; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/displacement/displacement.frag.mjs var fragment5; var init_displacement_frag = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/displacement/displacement.frag.mjs"() { "use strict"; fragment5 = "\nin vec2 vTextureCoord;\nin vec2 vFilterUv;\n\nout vec4 finalColor;\n\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform sampler2D uMapTexture;\n\nuniform vec4 uInputClamp;\nuniform highp vec4 uInputSize;\nuniform mat2 uRotation;\nuniform vec2 uScale;\n\nvoid main()\n{\n vec4 map = texture(uMapTexture, vFilterUv);\n \n vec2 offset = uInputSize.zw * (uRotation * (map.xy - 0.5)) * uScale; \n\n finalColor = texture(uTexture, clamp(vTextureCoord + offset, uInputClamp.xy, uInputClamp.zw));\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/displacement/displacement.vert.mjs var vertex4; var init_displacement_vert = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/displacement/displacement.vert.mjs"() { "use strict"; vertex4 = "in vec2 aPosition;\nout vec2 vTextureCoord;\nout vec2 vFilterUv;\n\n\nuniform vec4 uInputSize;\nuniform vec4 uOutputFrame;\nuniform vec4 uOutputTexture;\n\nuniform mat3 uFilterMatrix;\n\nvec4 filterVertexPosition( void )\n{\n vec2 position = aPosition * uOutputFrame.zw + uOutputFrame.xy;\n \n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*uOutputTexture.z / uOutputTexture.y) - uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nvec2 filterTextureCoord( void )\n{\n return aPosition * (uOutputFrame.zw * uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\nvec2 getFilterCoord( void )\n{\n return ( uFilterMatrix * vec3( filterTextureCoord(), 1.0) ).xy;\n}\n\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = filterVertexPosition();\n vTextureCoord = filterTextureCoord();\n vFilterUv = getFilterCoord();\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/displacement/displacement.wgsl.mjs var source5; var init_displacement_wgsl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/displacement/displacement.wgsl.mjs"() { "use strict"; source5 = "\nstruct GlobalFilterUniforms {\n uInputSize:vec4,\n uInputPixel:vec4,\n uInputClamp:vec4,\n uOutputFrame:vec4,\n uGlobalFrame:vec4,\n uOutputTexture:vec4,\n};\n\nstruct DisplacementUniforms {\n uFilterMatrix:mat3x3,\n uScale:vec2,\n uRotation:mat2x2\n};\n\n\n\n@group(0) @binding(0) var gfu: GlobalFilterUniforms;\n@group(0) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d;\n@group(0) @binding(2) var uSampler : sampler;\n\n@group(1) @binding(0) var filterUniforms : DisplacementUniforms;\n@group(1) @binding(1) var uMapTexture: texture_2d;\n@group(1) @binding(2) var uMapSampler : sampler;\n\nstruct VSOutput {\n @builtin(position) position: vec4,\n @location(0) uv : vec2,\n @location(1) filterUv : vec2,\n };\n\nfn filterVertexPosition(aPosition:vec2) -> vec4\n{\n var position = aPosition * gfu.uOutputFrame.zw + gfu.uOutputFrame.xy;\n\n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / gfu.uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*gfu.uOutputTexture.z / gfu.uOutputTexture.y) - gfu.uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nfn filterTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return aPosition * (gfu.uOutputFrame.zw * gfu.uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\nfn globalTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return (aPosition.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw) + (gfu.uGlobalFrame.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw); \n}\n\nfn getFilterCoord(aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return ( filterUniforms.uFilterMatrix * vec3( filterTextureCoord(aPosition), 1.0) ).xy;\n}\n\nfn getSize() -> vec2\n{\n\n \n return gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw;\n}\n \n@vertex\nfn mainVertex(\n @location(0) aPosition : vec2, \n) -> VSOutput {\n return VSOutput(\n filterVertexPosition(aPosition),\n filterTextureCoord(aPosition),\n getFilterCoord(aPosition)\n );\n}\n\n@fragment\nfn mainFragment(\n @location(0) uv: vec2,\n @location(1) filterUv: vec2,\n @builtin(position) position: vec4\n) -> @location(0) vec4 {\n\n var map = textureSample(uMapTexture, uMapSampler, filterUv);\n\n var offset = gfu.uInputSize.zw * (filterUniforms.uRotation * (map.xy - 0.5)) * filterUniforms.uScale; \n \n return textureSample(uTexture, uSampler, clamp(uv + offset, gfu.uInputClamp.xy, gfu.uInputClamp.zw));\n}"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/displacement/DisplacementFilter.mjs var DisplacementFilter; var init_DisplacementFilter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/displacement/DisplacementFilter.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_Point(); init_GlProgram(); init_GpuProgram(); init_UniformGroup(); init_Sprite(); init_deprecation(); init_Filter(); init_displacement_frag(); init_displacement_vert(); init_displacement_wgsl(); DisplacementFilter = class extends Filter { constructor(...args) { let options = args[0]; if (options instanceof Sprite) { if (args[1]) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "DisplacementFilter now uses options object instead of params. {sprite, scale}"); } options = { sprite: options, scale: args[1] }; } const { sprite, scale: scaleOption, ...rest } = options; let scale = scaleOption ?? 20; if (typeof scale === "number") { scale = new Point(scale, scale); } const filterUniforms = new UniformGroup({ uFilterMatrix: { value: new Matrix(), type: "mat3x3" }, uScale: { value: scale, type: "vec2" }, uRotation: { value: new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0]), type: "mat2x2" } }); const glProgram3 = GlProgram.from({ vertex: vertex4, fragment: fragment5, name: "displacement-filter" }); const gpuProgram3 = GpuProgram.from({ vertex: { source: source5, entryPoint: "mainVertex" }, fragment: { source: source5, entryPoint: "mainFragment" } }); const textureSource = sprite.texture.source; super({ ...rest, gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, glProgram: glProgram3, resources: { filterUniforms, uMapTexture: textureSource, uMapSampler: textureSource.style } }); this._sprite = options.sprite; this._sprite.renderable = false; } /** * Applies the filter. * @param filterManager - The manager. * @param input - The input target. * @param output - The output target. * @param clearMode - clearMode. */ apply(filterManager, input, output, clearMode) { const uniforms = this.resources.filterUniforms.uniforms; filterManager.calculateSpriteMatrix( uniforms.uFilterMatrix, this._sprite ); const wt = this._sprite.worldTransform; const lenX = Math.sqrt(wt.a * wt.a + wt.b * wt.b); const lenY = Math.sqrt(wt.c * wt.c + wt.d * wt.d); if (lenX !== 0 && lenY !== 0) { uniforms.uRotation[0] = wt.a / lenX; uniforms.uRotation[1] = wt.b / lenX; uniforms.uRotation[2] = wt.c / lenY; uniforms.uRotation[3] = wt.d / lenY; } this.resources.uMapTexture = this._sprite.texture.source; filterManager.applyFilter(this, input, output, clearMode); } /** scaleX, scaleY for displacements */ get scale() { return this.resources.filterUniforms.uniforms.uScale; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/noise/noise.frag.mjs var fragment6; var init_noise_frag = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/noise/noise.frag.mjs"() { "use strict"; fragment6 = "\nin vec2 vTextureCoord;\nin vec4 vColor;\n\nout vec4 finalColor;\n\nuniform float uNoise;\nuniform float uSeed;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\n\nfloat rand(vec2 co)\n{\n return fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n vec4 color = texture(uTexture, vTextureCoord);\n float randomValue = rand(gl_FragCoord.xy * uSeed);\n float diff = (randomValue - 0.5) * uNoise;\n\n // Un-premultiply alpha before applying the color matrix. See issue #3539.\n if (color.a > 0.0) {\n color.rgb /= color.a;\n }\n\n color.r += diff;\n color.g += diff;\n color.b += diff;\n\n // Premultiply alpha again.\n color.rgb *= color.a;\n\n finalColor = color;\n}\n"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/noise/noise.wgsl.mjs var source6; var init_noise_wgsl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/noise/noise.wgsl.mjs"() { "use strict"; source6 = "\n\nstruct GlobalFilterUniforms {\n uInputSize:vec4,\n uInputPixel:vec4,\n uInputClamp:vec4,\n uOutputFrame:vec4,\n uGlobalFrame:vec4,\n uOutputTexture:vec4,\n};\n\nstruct NoiseUniforms {\n uNoise:f32,\n uSeed:f32,\n};\n\n@group(0) @binding(0) var gfu: GlobalFilterUniforms;\n@group(0) @binding(1) var uTexture: texture_2d;\n@group(0) @binding(2) var uSampler : sampler;\n\n@group(1) @binding(0) var noiseUniforms : NoiseUniforms;\n\nstruct VSOutput {\n @builtin(position) position: vec4,\n @location(0) uv : vec2\n };\n\nfn filterVertexPosition(aPosition:vec2) -> vec4\n{\n var position = aPosition * gfu.uOutputFrame.zw + gfu.uOutputFrame.xy;\n\n position.x = position.x * (2.0 / gfu.uOutputTexture.x) - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0*gfu.uOutputTexture.z / gfu.uOutputTexture.y) - gfu.uOutputTexture.z;\n\n return vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\n\nfn filterTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return aPosition * (gfu.uOutputFrame.zw * gfu.uInputSize.zw);\n}\n\nfn globalTextureCoord( aPosition:vec2 ) -> vec2\n{\n return (aPosition.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw) + (gfu.uGlobalFrame.xy / gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw); \n}\n\nfn getSize() -> vec2\n{\n return gfu.uGlobalFrame.zw;\n}\n \n@vertex\nfn mainVertex(\n @location(0) aPosition : vec2, \n) -> VSOutput {\n return VSOutput(\n filterVertexPosition(aPosition),\n filterTextureCoord(aPosition)\n );\n}\n\nfn rand(co:vec2) -> f32\n{\n return fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);\n}\n\n\n\n@fragment\nfn mainFragment(\n @location(0) uv: vec2,\n @builtin(position) position: vec4\n) -> @location(0) vec4 {\n\n var pixelPosition = globalTextureCoord(position.xy);// / (getSize());//- gfu.uOutputFrame.xy);\n \n \n var sample = textureSample(uTexture, uSampler, uv);\n var randomValue = rand(pixelPosition.xy * noiseUniforms.uSeed);\n var diff = (randomValue - 0.5) * noiseUniforms.uNoise;\n \n // Un-premultiply alpha before applying the color matrix. See issue #3539.\n if (sample.a > 0.0) {\n sample.r /= sample.a;\n sample.g /= sample.a;\n sample.b /= sample.a;\n }\n\n sample.r += diff;\n sample.g += diff;\n sample.b += diff;\n\n // Premultiply alpha again.\n sample.r *= sample.a;\n sample.g *= sample.a;\n sample.b *= sample.a;\n \n return sample;\n}"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/noise/NoiseFilter.mjs var _NoiseFilter, NoiseFilter; var init_NoiseFilter = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/defaults/noise/NoiseFilter.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_GlProgram(); init_GpuProgram(); init_UniformGroup(); init_Filter(); init_defaultFilter_vert(); init_noise_frag(); init_noise_wgsl(); _NoiseFilter = class _NoiseFilter2 extends Filter { /** * @param options - The options of the noise filter. */ constructor(options = {}) { options = { ..._NoiseFilter2.defaultOptions, ...options }; const gpuProgram3 = GpuProgram.from({ vertex: { source: source6, entryPoint: "mainVertex" }, fragment: { source: source6, entryPoint: "mainFragment" } }); const glProgram3 = GlProgram.from({ vertex: vertex3, fragment: fragment6, name: "noise-filter" }); const { noise, seed, ...rest } = options; super({ ...rest, gpuProgram: gpuProgram3, glProgram: glProgram3, resources: { noiseUniforms: new UniformGroup({ uNoise: { value: 1, type: "f32" }, uSeed: { value: 1, type: "f32" } }) } }); this.noise = noise; this.seed = seed ?? Math.random(); } /** * The amount of noise to apply, this value should be in the range (0, 1]. * @default 0.5 */ get noise() { return this.resources.noiseUniforms.uniforms.uNoise; } set noise(value) { this.resources.noiseUniforms.uniforms.uNoise = value; } /** A seed value to apply to the random noise generation. `Math.random()` is a good value to use. */ get seed() { return this.resources.noiseUniforms.uniforms.uSeed; } set seed(value) { this.resources.noiseUniforms.uniforms.uSeed = value; } }; _NoiseFilter.defaultOptions = { noise: 0.5 }; NoiseFilter = _NoiseFilter; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/hsl.wgsl.mjs var hsl; var init_hsl_wgsl = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/filters/blend-modes/hsl.wgsl.mjs"() { "use strict"; hsl = "fn getLuminosity(c: vec3) -> f32 {\n return 0.3 * c.r + 0.59 * c.g + 0.11 * c.b;\n}\n\nfn setLuminosity(c: vec3, lum: f32) -> vec3 {\n let d: f32 = lum - getLuminosity(c);\n let newColor: vec3 = c.rgb + vec3(d, d, d);\n\n // clip back into legal range\n let newLum: f32 = getLuminosity(newColor);\n let cMin: f32 = min(newColor.r, min(newColor.g, newColor.b));\n let cMax: f32 = max(newColor.r, max(newColor.g, newColor.b));\n\n let t1: f32 = newLum / (newLum - cMin);\n let t2: f32 = (1.0 - newLum) / (cMax - newLum);\n\n let finalColor = mix(vec3(newLum, newLum, newLum), newColor, select(select(1.0, t2, cMax > 1.0), t1, cMin < 0.0));\n\n return finalColor;\n}\n\nfn getSaturation(c: vec3) -> f32 {\n return max(c.r, max(c.g, c.b)) - min(c.r, min(c.g, c.b));\n}\n\n// Set saturation if color components are sorted in ascending order.\nfn setSaturationMinMidMax(cSorted: vec3, s: f32) -> vec3 {\n var result: vec3;\n if (cSorted.z > cSorted.x) {\n let newY = (((cSorted.y - cSorted.x) * s) / (cSorted.z - cSorted.x));\n result = vec3(0.0, newY, s);\n } else {\n result = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n }\n return vec3(result.x, result.y, result.z);\n}\n\nfn setSaturation(c: vec3, s: f32) -> vec3 {\n var result: vec3 = c;\n\n if (c.r <= c.g && c.r <= c.b) {\n if (c.g <= c.b) {\n result = setSaturationMinMidMax(result, s);\n } else {\n var temp: vec3 = vec3(result.r, result.b, result.g);\n temp = setSaturationMinMidMax(temp, s);\n result = vec3(temp.r, temp.b, temp.g);\n }\n } else if (c.g <= c.r && c.g <= c.b) {\n if (c.r <= c.b) {\n var temp: vec3 = vec3(result.g, result.r, result.b);\n temp = setSaturationMinMidMax(temp, s);\n result = vec3(temp.g, temp.r, temp.b);\n } else {\n var temp: vec3 = vec3(result.g, result.b, result.r);\n temp = setSaturationMinMidMax(temp, s);\n result = vec3(temp.g, temp.b, temp.r);\n }\n } else {\n if (c.r <= c.g) {\n var temp: vec3 = vec3(result.b, result.r, result.g);\n temp = setSaturationMinMidMax(temp, s);\n result = vec3(temp.b, temp.r, temp.g);\n } else {\n var temp: vec3 = vec3(result.b, result.g, result.r);\n temp = setSaturationMinMidMax(temp, s);\n result = vec3(temp.b, temp.g, temp.r);\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n}"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/point/pointInTriangle.mjs function pointInTriangle(px, py, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { const v2x = x3 - x1; const v2y = y3 - y1; const v1x = x2 - x1; const v1y = y2 - y1; const v0x = px - x1; const v0y = py - y1; const dot00 = v2x * v2x + v2y * v2y; const dot01 = v2x * v1x + v2y * v1y; const dot02 = v2x * v0x + v2y * v0y; const dot11 = v1x * v1x + v1y * v1y; const dot12 = v1x * v0x + v1y * v0y; const invDenom = 1 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01); const u2 = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom; const v2 = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom; return u2 >= 0 && v2 >= 0 && u2 + v2 < 1; } var init_pointInTriangle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/point/pointInTriangle.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/Triangle.mjs var Triangle; var init_Triangle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/maths/shapes/Triangle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_squaredDistanceToLineSegment(); init_Rectangle(); Triangle = class _Triangle { /** * @param x - The X coord of the first point. * @param y - The Y coord of the first point. * @param x2 - The X coord of the second point. * @param y2 - The Y coord of the second point. * @param x3 - The X coord of the third point. * @param y3 - The Y coord of the third point. */ constructor(x2 = 0, y2 = 0, x22 = 0, y22 = 0, x3 = 0, y3 = 0) { this.type = "triangle"; this.x = x2; this.y = y2; this.x2 = x22; this.y2 = y22; this.x3 = x3; this.y3 = y3; } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this triangle * @param x - The X coordinate of the point to test * @param y - The Y coordinate of the point to test * @returns Whether the x/y coordinates are within this Triangle */ contains(x2, y2) { const s2 = (this.x - this.x3) * (y2 - this.y3) - (this.y - this.y3) * (x2 - this.x3); const t2 = (this.x2 - this.x) * (y2 - this.y) - (this.y2 - this.y) * (x2 - this.x); if (s2 < 0 !== t2 < 0 && s2 !== 0 && t2 !== 0) { return false; } const d2 = (this.x3 - this.x2) * (y2 - this.y2) - (this.y3 - this.y2) * (x2 - this.x2); return d2 === 0 || d2 < 0 === s2 + t2 <= 0; } /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates given are contained within this triangle including the stroke. * @param pointX - The X coordinate of the point to test * @param pointY - The Y coordinate of the point to test * @param strokeWidth - The width of the line to check * @returns Whether the x/y coordinates are within this triangle */ strokeContains(pointX, pointY, strokeWidth) { const halfStrokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2; const halfStrokeWidthSquared = halfStrokeWidth * halfStrokeWidth; const { x: x2, x2: x22, x3, y: y2, y2: y22, y3 } = this; if (squaredDistanceToLineSegment(pointX, pointY, x2, y2, x22, y3) <= halfStrokeWidthSquared || squaredDistanceToLineSegment(pointX, pointY, x22, y22, x3, y3) <= halfStrokeWidthSquared || squaredDistanceToLineSegment(pointX, pointY, x3, y3, x2, y2) <= halfStrokeWidthSquared) { return true; } return false; } /** * Creates a clone of this Triangle * @returns a copy of the triangle */ clone() { const triangle = new _Triangle( this.x, this.y, this.x2, this.y2, this.x3, this.y3 ); return triangle; } /** * Copies another triangle to this one. * @param triangle - The triangle to copy from. * @returns Returns itself. */ copyFrom(triangle) { this.x = triangle.x; this.y = triangle.y; this.x2 = triangle.x2; this.y2 = triangle.y2; this.x3 = triangle.x3; this.y3 = triangle.y3; return this; } /** * Copies this triangle to another one. * @param triangle - The triangle to copy to. * @returns Returns given parameter. */ copyTo(triangle) { triangle.copyFrom(this); return triangle; } /** * Returns the framing rectangle of the triangle as a Rectangle object * @param out - optional rectangle to store the result * @returns The framing rectangle */ getBounds(out2) { out2 = out2 || new Rectangle(); const minX = Math.min(this.x, this.x2, this.x3); const maxX = Math.max(this.x, this.x2, this.x3); const minY = Math.min(this.y, this.y2, this.y3); const maxY = Math.max(this.y, this.y2, this.y3); out2.x = minX; out2.y = minY; out2.width = maxX - minX; out2.height = maxY - minY; return out2; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/prepare/PrepareBase.mjs var _PrepareBase, PrepareBase; var init_PrepareBase = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/prepare/PrepareBase.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Container(); init_const2(); init_Ticker(); _PrepareBase = class _PrepareBase2 { /** * @param {rendering.Renderer} renderer - A reference to the current renderer */ constructor(renderer) { this._tick = () => { this.timeout = setTimeout(this._processQueue, 0); }; this._processQueue = () => { const { queue } = this; let itemsProcessed = 0; while (queue.length && itemsProcessed < _PrepareBase2.uploadsPerFrame) { const queueItem = queue.shift(); this.uploadQueueItem(queueItem); itemsProcessed++; } if (queue.length) { Ticker.system.addOnce(this._tick, this, UPDATE_PRIORITY.UTILITY); } else { this._resolve(); } }; this.renderer = renderer; this.queue = []; this.resolves = []; } /** * Return a copy of the queue * @returns {PrepareQueueItem[]} The queue */ getQueue() { return [...this.queue]; } /** * Add a textures or graphics resource to the queue * @param {PrepareSourceItem | PrepareSourceItem[]} resource */ add(resource) { const resourceArray = Array.isArray(resource) ? resource : [resource]; for (const resourceItem of resourceArray) { if (resourceItem instanceof Container) { this._addContainer(resourceItem); } else { this.resolveQueueItem(resourceItem, this.queue); } } return this; } /** * Recursively add a container and its children to the queue * @param {Container} container - The container to add to the queue */ _addContainer(container) { this.resolveQueueItem(container, this.queue); for (const child of container.children) { this._addContainer(child); } } /** * Upload all the textures and graphics to the GPU (optionally add more resources to the queue first) * @param {PrepareSourceItem | PrepareSourceItem[] | undefined} resource */ upload(resource) { if (resource) { this.add(resource); } return new Promise((resolve) => { if (this.queue.length) { this.resolves.push(resolve); this.dedupeQueue(); Ticker.system.addOnce(this._tick, this, UPDATE_PRIORITY.UTILITY); } else { resolve(); } }); } /** eliminate duplicates before processing */ dedupeQueue() { const hash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); let nextUnique = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.queue.length; i3++) { const current = this.queue[i3]; if (!hash[current.uid]) { hash[current.uid] = true; this.queue[nextUnique++] = current; } } this.queue.length = nextUnique; } /** Call all the resolve callbacks */ _resolve() { const { resolves } = this; const array = resolves.slice(0); resolves.length = 0; for (const resolve of array) { resolve(); } } }; _PrepareBase.uploadsPerFrame = 4; PrepareBase = _PrepareBase; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/shared/Mesh.mjs var Mesh; var init_Mesh = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/shared/Mesh.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_pointInTriangle(); init_Geometry(); init_State(); init_Texture(); init_deprecation(); init_ViewContainer(); init_MeshGeometry(); Mesh = class extends ViewContainer { constructor(...args) { let options = args[0]; if (options instanceof Geometry) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Mesh: use new Mesh({ geometry, shader }) instead"); options = { geometry: options, shader: args[1] }; if (args[3]) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "Mesh: drawMode argument has been removed, use geometry.topology instead"); options.geometry.topology = args[3]; } } const { geometry, shader, texture, roundPixels, state, ...rest } = options; super({ label: "Mesh", ...rest }); this.renderPipeId = "mesh"; this._shader = null; this.allowChildren = false; this.shader = shader ?? null; this.texture = texture ?? shader?.texture ?? Texture.WHITE; this.state = state ?? State.for2d(); this._geometry = geometry; this._geometry.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); this.roundPixels = roundPixels ?? false; } /** Alias for {@link scene.Mesh#shader}. */ get material() { deprecation(v8_0_0, "mesh.material property has been removed, use mesh.shader instead"); return this._shader; } /** * Represents the vertex and fragment shaders that processes the geometry and runs on the GPU. * Can be shared between multiple Mesh objects. */ set shader(value) { if (this._shader === value) return; this._shader = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } get shader() { return this._shader; } /** * Includes vertex positions, face indices, colors, UVs, and * custom attributes within buffers, reducing the cost of passing all * this data to the GPU. Can be shared between multiple Mesh objects. */ set geometry(value) { if (this._geometry === value) return; this._geometry?.off("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); value.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); this._geometry = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } get geometry() { return this._geometry; } /** The texture that the Mesh uses. Null for non-MeshMaterial shaders */ set texture(value) { value || (value = Texture.EMPTY); const currentTexture = this._texture; if (currentTexture === value) return; if (currentTexture && currentTexture.dynamic) currentTexture.off("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); if (value.dynamic) value.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); if (this.shader) { this.shader.texture = value; } this._texture = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } get texture() { return this._texture; } get batched() { if (this._shader) return false; if ((this.state.data & 12) !== 0) return false; if (this._geometry instanceof MeshGeometry) { if (this._geometry.batchMode === "auto") { return this._geometry.positions.length / 2 <= 100; } return this._geometry.batchMode === "batch"; } return false; } /** * The local bounds of the mesh. * @type {rendering.Bounds} */ get bounds() { return this._geometry.bounds; } /** * Adds the bounds of this object to the bounds object. * @param bounds - The output bounds object. */ addBounds(bounds) { bounds.addBounds(this.geometry.bounds); } /** * Checks if the object contains the given point. * @param point - The point to check */ containsPoint(point) { const { x: x2, y: y2 } = point; if (!this.bounds.containsPoint(x2, y2)) return false; const vertices = this.geometry.getBuffer("aPosition").data; const step = this.geometry.topology === "triangle-strip" ? 3 : 1; if (this.geometry.getIndex()) { const indices = this.geometry.getIndex().data; const len = indices.length; for (let i3 = 0; i3 + 2 < len; i3 += step) { const ind0 = indices[i3] * 2; const ind1 = indices[i3 + 1] * 2; const ind2 = indices[i3 + 2] * 2; if (pointInTriangle( x2, y2, vertices[ind0], vertices[ind0 + 1], vertices[ind1], vertices[ind1 + 1], vertices[ind2], vertices[ind2 + 1] )) { return true; } } } else { const len = vertices.length / 2; for (let i3 = 0; i3 + 2 < len; i3 += step) { const ind0 = i3 * 2; const ind1 = (i3 + 1) * 2; const ind2 = (i3 + 2) * 2; if (pointInTriangle( x2, y2, vertices[ind0], vertices[ind0 + 1], vertices[ind1], vertices[ind1 + 1], vertices[ind2], vertices[ind2 + 1] )) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Destroys this sprite renderable and optionally its texture. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * have been set to that value * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the renderable as well * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the renderable as well */ destroy(options) { super.destroy(options); const destroyTexture = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.texture; if (destroyTexture) { const destroyTextureSource = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.textureSource; this._texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } this._geometry?.off("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); this._texture = null; this._geometry = null; this._shader = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-animated/AnimatedSprite.mjs var AnimatedSprite; var init_AnimatedSprite = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-animated/AnimatedSprite.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Texture(); init_const2(); init_Ticker(); init_Sprite(); AnimatedSprite = class _AnimatedSprite extends Sprite { /** @ignore */ constructor(...args) { let options = args[0]; if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { options = { textures: args[0], autoUpdate: args[1] }; } const { textures, autoUpdate, ...rest } = options; const [firstFrame] = textures; super({ ...rest, texture: firstFrame instanceof Texture ? firstFrame : firstFrame.texture }); this._textures = null; this._durations = null; this._autoUpdate = autoUpdate ?? true; this._isConnectedToTicker = false; this.animationSpeed = 1; this.loop = true; this.updateAnchor = false; this.onComplete = null; this.onFrameChange = null; this.onLoop = null; this._currentTime = 0; this._playing = false; this._previousFrame = null; this.textures = textures; } /** Stops the AnimatedSprite. */ stop() { if (!this._playing) { return; } this._playing = false; if (this._autoUpdate && this._isConnectedToTicker) { Ticker.shared.remove(this.update, this); this._isConnectedToTicker = false; } } /** Plays the AnimatedSprite. */ play() { if (this._playing) { return; } this._playing = true; if (this._autoUpdate && !this._isConnectedToTicker) { Ticker.shared.add(this.update, this, UPDATE_PRIORITY.HIGH); this._isConnectedToTicker = true; } } /** * Stops the AnimatedSprite and goes to a specific frame. * @param frameNumber - Frame index to stop at. */ gotoAndStop(frameNumber) { this.stop(); this.currentFrame = frameNumber; } /** * Goes to a specific frame and begins playing the AnimatedSprite. * @param frameNumber - Frame index to start at. */ gotoAndPlay(frameNumber) { this.currentFrame = frameNumber; this.play(); } /** * Updates the object transform for rendering. * @param ticker - the ticker to use to update the object. */ update(ticker) { if (!this._playing) { return; } const deltaTime = ticker.deltaTime; const elapsed = this.animationSpeed * deltaTime; const previousFrame = this.currentFrame; if (this._durations !== null) { let lag = this._currentTime % 1 * this._durations[this.currentFrame]; lag += elapsed / 60 * 1e3; while (lag < 0) { this._currentTime--; lag += this._durations[this.currentFrame]; } const sign = Math.sign(this.animationSpeed * deltaTime); this._currentTime = Math.floor(this._currentTime); while (lag >= this._durations[this.currentFrame]) { lag -= this._durations[this.currentFrame] * sign; this._currentTime += sign; } this._currentTime += lag / this._durations[this.currentFrame]; } else { this._currentTime += elapsed; } if (this._currentTime < 0 && !this.loop) { this.gotoAndStop(0); if (this.onComplete) { this.onComplete(); } } else if (this._currentTime >= this._textures.length && !this.loop) { this.gotoAndStop(this._textures.length - 1); if (this.onComplete) { this.onComplete(); } } else if (previousFrame !== this.currentFrame) { if (this.loop && this.onLoop) { if (this.animationSpeed > 0 && this.currentFrame < previousFrame || this.animationSpeed < 0 && this.currentFrame > previousFrame) { this.onLoop(); } } this._updateTexture(); } } /** Updates the displayed texture to match the current frame index. */ _updateTexture() { const currentFrame = this.currentFrame; if (this._previousFrame === currentFrame) { return; } this._previousFrame = currentFrame; this.texture = this._textures[currentFrame]; if (this.updateAnchor) { this.anchor.copyFrom(this.texture.defaultAnchor); } if (this.onFrameChange) { this.onFrameChange(this.currentFrame); } } /** Stops the AnimatedSprite and destroys it. */ destroy() { this.stop(); super.destroy(); this.onComplete = null; this.onFrameChange = null; this.onLoop = null; } /** * A short hand way of creating an AnimatedSprite from an array of frame ids. * @param frames - The array of frames ids the AnimatedSprite will use as its texture frames. * @returns - The new animated sprite with the specified frames. */ static fromFrames(frames) { const textures = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < frames.length; ++i3) { textures.push(Texture.from(frames[i3])); } return new _AnimatedSprite(textures); } /** * A short hand way of creating an AnimatedSprite from an array of image ids. * @param images - The array of image urls the AnimatedSprite will use as its texture frames. * @returns The new animate sprite with the specified images as frames. */ static fromImages(images) { const textures = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < images.length; ++i3) { textures.push(Texture.from(images[i3])); } return new _AnimatedSprite(textures); } /** * The total number of frames in the AnimatedSprite. This is the same as number of textures * assigned to the AnimatedSprite. * @readonly * @default 0 */ get totalFrames() { return this._textures.length; } /** The array of textures used for this AnimatedSprite. */ get textures() { return this._textures; } set textures(value) { if (value[0] instanceof Texture) { this._textures = value; this._durations = null; } else { this._textures = []; this._durations = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < value.length; i3++) { this._textures.push(value[i3].texture); this._durations.push(value[i3].time); } } this._previousFrame = null; this.gotoAndStop(0); this._updateTexture(); } /** The AnimatedSprite's current frame index. */ get currentFrame() { let currentFrame = Math.floor(this._currentTime) % this._textures.length; if (currentFrame < 0) { currentFrame += this._textures.length; } return currentFrame; } set currentFrame(value) { if (value < 0 || value > this.totalFrames - 1) { throw new Error(`[AnimatedSprite]: Invalid frame index value ${value}, expected to be between 0 and totalFrames ${this.totalFrames}.`); } const previousFrame = this.currentFrame; this._currentTime = value; if (previousFrame !== this.currentFrame) { this._updateTexture(); } } /** * Indicates if the AnimatedSprite is currently playing. * @readonly */ get playing() { return this._playing; } /** Whether to use Ticker.shared to auto update animation time. */ get autoUpdate() { return this._autoUpdate; } set autoUpdate(value) { if (value !== this._autoUpdate) { this._autoUpdate = value; if (!this._autoUpdate && this._isConnectedToTicker) { Ticker.shared.remove(this.update, this); this._isConnectedToTicker = false; } else if (this._autoUpdate && !this._isConnectedToTicker && this._playing) { Ticker.shared.add(this.update, this); this._isConnectedToTicker = true; } } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/misc/Transform.mjs var Transform; var init_Transform = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/misc/Transform.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Matrix(); init_ObservablePoint(); Transform = class { /** * @param options - Options for the transform. * @param options.matrix - The matrix to use. * @param options.observer - The observer to use. */ constructor({ matrix, observer } = {}) { this.dirty = true; this._matrix = matrix ?? new Matrix(); this.observer = observer; this.position = new ObservablePoint(this, 0, 0); this.scale = new ObservablePoint(this, 1, 1); this.pivot = new ObservablePoint(this, 0, 0); this.skew = new ObservablePoint(this, 0, 0); this._rotation = 0; this._cx = 1; this._sx = 0; this._cy = 0; this._sy = 1; } /** * This matrix is computed by combining this Transforms position, scale, rotation, skew, and pivot * properties into a single matrix. * @readonly */ get matrix() { const lt = this._matrix; if (!this.dirty) return lt; lt.a = this._cx * this.scale.x; lt.b = this._sx * this.scale.x; lt.c = this._cy * this.scale.y; lt.d = this._sy * this.scale.y; lt.tx = this.position.x - (this.pivot.x * lt.a + this.pivot.y * lt.c); lt.ty = this.position.y - (this.pivot.x * lt.b + this.pivot.y * lt.d); this.dirty = false; return lt; } /** * Called when a value changes. * @param point * @internal * @private */ _onUpdate(point) { this.dirty = true; if (point === this.skew) { this.updateSkew(); } this.observer?._onUpdate(this); } /** Called when the skew or the rotation changes. */ updateSkew() { this._cx = Math.cos(this._rotation + this.skew.y); this._sx = Math.sin(this._rotation + this.skew.y); this._cy = -Math.sin(this._rotation - this.skew.x); this._sy = Math.cos(this._rotation - this.skew.x); this.dirty = true; } toString() { return `[pixi.js/math:Transform position=(${this.position.x}, ${this.position.y}) rotation=${this.rotation} scale=(${this.scale.x}, ${this.scale.y}) skew=(${this.skew.x}, ${this.skew.y}) ]`; } /** * Decomposes a matrix and sets the transforms properties based on it. * @param matrix - The matrix to decompose */ setFromMatrix(matrix) { matrix.decompose(this); this.dirty = true; } /** The rotation of the object in radians. */ get rotation() { return this._rotation; } set rotation(value) { if (this._rotation !== value) { this._rotation = value; this._onUpdate(this.skew); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/TilingSprite.mjs var _TilingSprite, TilingSprite; var init_TilingSprite = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-tiling/TilingSprite.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Cache(); init_ObservablePoint(); init_Texture(); init_deprecation(); init_Transform(); init_ViewContainer(); _TilingSprite = class _TilingSprite2 extends ViewContainer { constructor(...args) { let options = args[0] || {}; if (options instanceof Texture) { options = { texture: options }; } if (args.length > 1) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "use new TilingSprite({ texture, width:100, height:100 }) instead"); options.width = args[1]; options.height = args[2]; } options = { ..._TilingSprite2.defaultOptions, ...options }; const { texture, anchor, tilePosition, tileScale, tileRotation, width, height, applyAnchorToTexture, roundPixels, ...rest } = options ?? {}; super({ label: "TilingSprite", ...rest }); this.renderPipeId = "tilingSprite"; this.batched = true; this.allowChildren = false; this._anchor = new ObservablePoint( { _onUpdate: () => { this.onViewUpdate(); } } ); this._applyAnchorToTexture = applyAnchorToTexture; this.texture = texture; this._width = width ?? texture.width; this._height = height ?? texture.height; this._tileTransform = new Transform({ observer: { _onUpdate: () => this.onViewUpdate() } }); if (anchor) this.anchor = anchor; this.tilePosition = tilePosition; this.tileScale = tileScale; this.tileRotation = tileRotation; this.roundPixels = roundPixels ?? false; } /** * Creates a new tiling sprite. * @param source - The source to create the texture from. * @param options - The options for creating the tiling sprite. * @returns A new tiling sprite. */ static from(source7, options = {}) { if (typeof source7 === "string") { return new _TilingSprite2({ texture: Cache.get(source7), ...options }); } return new _TilingSprite2({ texture: source7, ...options }); } /** * Changes frame clamping in corresponding textureMatrix * Change to -0.5 to add a pixel to the edge, recommended for transparent trimmed textures in atlas * @default 0.5 * @member {number} */ get clampMargin() { return this._texture.textureMatrix.clampMargin; } set clampMargin(value) { this._texture.textureMatrix.clampMargin = value; } /** * The anchor sets the origin point of the sprite. The default value is taken from the {@link Texture} * and passed to the constructor. * * The default is `(0,0)`, this means the sprite's origin is the top left. * * Setting the anchor to `(0.5,0.5)` means the sprite's origin is centered. * * Setting the anchor to `(1,1)` would mean the sprite's origin point will be the bottom right corner. * * If you pass only single parameter, it will set both x and y to the same value as shown in the example below. * @example * import { TilingSprite } from 'pixi.js'; * * const sprite = new TilingSprite({texture: Texture.WHITE}); * sprite.anchor.set(0.5); // This will set the origin to center. (0.5) is same as (0.5, 0.5). */ get anchor() { return this._anchor; } set anchor(value) { typeof value === "number" ? this._anchor.set(value) : this._anchor.copyFrom(value); } /** The offset of the image that is being tiled. */ get tilePosition() { return this._tileTransform.position; } set tilePosition(value) { this._tileTransform.position.copyFrom(value); } /** The scaling of the image that is being tiled. */ get tileScale() { return this._tileTransform.scale; } set tileScale(value) { typeof value === "number" ? this._tileTransform.scale.set(value) : this._tileTransform.scale.copyFrom(value); } set tileRotation(value) { this._tileTransform.rotation = value; } /** The rotation of the image that is being tiled. */ get tileRotation() { return this._tileTransform.rotation; } /** The transform of the image that is being tiled. */ get tileTransform() { return this._tileTransform; } /** * The local bounds of the sprite. * @type {rendering.Bounds} */ get bounds() { if (this._boundsDirty) { this._updateBounds(); this._boundsDirty = false; } return this._bounds; } set texture(value) { value || (value = Texture.EMPTY); const currentTexture = this._texture; if (currentTexture === value) return; if (currentTexture && currentTexture.dynamic) currentTexture.off("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); if (value.dynamic) value.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); this._texture = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** The texture that the sprite is using. */ get texture() { return this._texture; } /** The width of the tiling area. */ set width(value) { this._width = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } get width() { return this._width; } set height(value) { this._height = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** The height of the tiling area. */ get height() { return this._height; } /** * Sets the size of the TilingSprite to the specified width and height. * This is faster than setting the width and height separately. * @param value - This can be either a number or a [Size]{@link Size} object. * @param height - The height to set. Defaults to the value of `width` if not provided. */ setSize(value, height) { if (typeof value === "object") { height = value.height ?? value.width; value = value.width; } this._width = value; this._height = height ?? value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** * Retrieves the size of the TilingSprite as a [Size]{@link Size} object. * This is faster than get the width and height separately. * @param out - Optional object to store the size in. * @returns - The size of the TilingSprite. */ getSize(out2) { out2 || (out2 = {}); out2.width = this._width; out2.height = this._height; return out2; } _updateBounds() { const bounds = this._bounds; const anchor = this._anchor; const width = this._width; const height = this._height; bounds.maxX = -anchor._x * width; bounds.minX = bounds.maxX + width; bounds.maxY = -anchor._y * height; bounds.minY = bounds.maxY + height; } /** * Adds the bounds of this object to the bounds object. * @param bounds - The output bounds object. */ addBounds(bounds) { const _bounds = this.bounds; bounds.addFrame( _bounds.minX, _bounds.minY, _bounds.maxX, _bounds.maxY ); } /** * Checks if the object contains the given point. * @param point - The point to check */ containsPoint(point) { const width = this._width; const height = this._height; const x1 = -width * this._anchor._x; let y1 = 0; if (point.x >= x1 && point.x <= x1 + width) { y1 = -height * this._anchor._y; if (point.y >= y1 && point.y <= y1 + height) return true; } return false; } onViewUpdate() { this._boundsDirty = true; super.onViewUpdate(); } /** * Destroys this sprite renderable and optionally its texture. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * have been set to that value * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the renderable as well * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the renderable as well */ destroy(options = false) { super.destroy(options); this._anchor = null; this._tileTransform = null; this._bounds = null; const destroyTexture = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.texture; if (destroyTexture) { const destroyTextureSource = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.textureSource; this._texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } this._texture = null; } }; _TilingSprite.defaultOptions = { /** The texture to use for the sprite. */ texture: Texture.EMPTY, /** The anchor point of the sprite */ anchor: { x: 0, y: 0 }, /** The offset of the image that is being tiled. */ tilePosition: { x: 0, y: 0 }, /** Scaling of the image that is being tiled. */ tileScale: { x: 1, y: 1 }, /** The rotation of the image that is being tiled. */ tileRotation: 0, /** TODO */ applyAnchorToTexture: false }; TilingSprite = _TilingSprite; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/AbstractText.mjs function ensureOptions(args, name) { let options = args[0] ?? {}; if (typeof options === "string" || args[1]) { deprecation(v8_0_0, `use new ${name}({ text: "hi!", style }) instead`); options = { text: options, style: args[1] }; } return options; } var AbstractText; var init_AbstractText = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/AbstractText.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_ObservablePoint(); init_deprecation(); init_ViewContainer(); AbstractText = class extends ViewContainer { constructor(options, styleClass) { const { text, resolution, style, anchor, width, height, roundPixels, ...rest } = options; super({ ...rest }); this.batched = true; this._resolution = null; this._autoResolution = true; this._didTextUpdate = true; this._styleClass = styleClass; this.text = text ?? ""; this.style = style; this.resolution = resolution ?? null; this.allowChildren = false; this._anchor = new ObservablePoint( { _onUpdate: () => { this.onViewUpdate(); } } ); if (anchor) this.anchor = anchor; this.roundPixels = roundPixels ?? false; if (width !== void 0) this.width = width; if (height !== void 0) this.height = height; } /** * The anchor sets the origin point of the text. * The default is `(0,0)`, this means the text's origin is the top left. * * Setting the anchor to `(0.5,0.5)` means the text's origin is centered. * * Setting the anchor to `(1,1)` would mean the text's origin point will be the bottom right corner. * * If you pass only single parameter, it will set both x and y to the same value as shown in the example below. * @example * import { Text } from 'pixi.js'; * * const text = new Text('hello world'); * text.anchor.set(0.5); // This will set the origin to center. (0.5) is same as (0.5, 0.5). */ get anchor() { return this._anchor; } set anchor(value) { typeof value === "number" ? this._anchor.set(value) : this._anchor.copyFrom(value); } /** Set the copy for the text object. To split a line you can use '\n'. */ set text(value) { value = value.toString(); if (this._text === value) return; this._text = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } get text() { return this._text; } /** * The resolution / device pixel ratio of the canvas. * @default 1 */ set resolution(value) { this._autoResolution = value === null; this._resolution = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } get resolution() { return this._resolution; } get style() { return this._style; } /** * Set the style of the text. * * Set up an event listener to listen for changes on the style object and mark the text as dirty. * * If setting the `style` can also be partial {@link AnyTextStyleOptions}. * @type { * text.TextStyle | * Partial | * text.TextStyleOptions | * text.HTMLTextStyle | * Partial | * text.HTMLTextStyleOptions * } */ set style(style) { style = style || {}; this._style?.off("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); if (style instanceof this._styleClass) { this._style = style; } else { this._style = new this._styleClass(style); } this._style.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); this.onViewUpdate(); } /** * The local bounds of the Text. * @type {rendering.Bounds} */ get bounds() { if (this._boundsDirty) { this._updateBounds(); this._boundsDirty = false; } return this._bounds; } /** The width of the sprite, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set. */ get width() { return Math.abs(this.scale.x) * this.bounds.width; } set width(value) { this._setWidth(value, this.bounds.width); } /** The height of the sprite, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set. */ get height() { return Math.abs(this.scale.y) * this.bounds.height; } set height(value) { this._setHeight(value, this.bounds.height); } /** * Retrieves the size of the Text as a [Size]{@link Size} object. * This is faster than get the width and height separately. * @param out - Optional object to store the size in. * @returns - The size of the Text. */ getSize(out2) { out2 || (out2 = {}); out2.width = Math.abs(this.scale.x) * this.bounds.width; out2.height = Math.abs(this.scale.y) * this.bounds.height; return out2; } /** * Sets the size of the Text to the specified width and height. * This is faster than setting the width and height separately. * @param value - This can be either a number or a [Size]{@link Size} object. * @param height - The height to set. Defaults to the value of `width` if not provided. */ setSize(value, height) { if (typeof value === "object") { height = value.height ?? value.width; value = value.width; } else { height ?? (height = value); } value !== void 0 && this._setWidth(value, this.bounds.width); height !== void 0 && this._setHeight(height, this.bounds.height); } /** * Adds the bounds of this text to the bounds object. * @param bounds - The output bounds object. */ addBounds(bounds) { const _bounds = this.bounds; bounds.addFrame( _bounds.minX, _bounds.minY, _bounds.maxX, _bounds.maxY ); } /** * Checks if the text contains the given point. * @param point - The point to check */ containsPoint(point) { const width = this.bounds.width; const height = this.bounds.height; const x1 = -width * this.anchor.x; let y1 = 0; if (point.x >= x1 && point.x <= x1 + width) { y1 = -height * this.anchor.y; if (point.y >= y1 && point.y <= y1 + height) return true; } return false; } onViewUpdate() { this._boundsDirty = true; if (!this.didViewUpdate) this._didTextUpdate = true; super.onViewUpdate(); } _getKey() { return `${this.text}:${this._style.styleKey}:${this._resolution}`; } /** * Destroys this text renderable and optionally its style texture. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * have been set to that value * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the texture of the text style * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the text style * @param {boolean} [options.style=false] - Should it destroy the style of the text */ destroy(options = false) { super.destroy(options); this.owner = null; this._bounds = null; this._anchor = null; if (typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.style) { this._style.destroy(options); } this._style = null; this._text = null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/Text.mjs var Text; var init_Text = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/Text.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_AbstractText(); init_CanvasTextMetrics(); init_TextStyle(); Text = class extends AbstractText { constructor(...args) { const options = ensureOptions(args, "Text"); super(options, TextStyle); this.renderPipeId = "text"; } _updateBounds() { const bounds = this._bounds; const anchor = this._anchor; const canvasMeasurement = CanvasTextMetrics.measureText( this._text, this._style ); const { width, height } = canvasMeasurement; bounds.minX = -anchor._x * width; bounds.maxX = bounds.minX + width; bounds.minY = -anchor._y * height; bounds.maxY = bounds.minY + height; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/prepare/PrepareQueue.mjs var PrepareQueue; var init_PrepareQueue = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/prepare/PrepareQueue.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_TextureSource(); init_Texture(); init_Container(); init_Graphics(); init_GraphicsContext(); init_Mesh(); init_Sprite(); init_AnimatedSprite(); init_TilingSprite(); init_Text(); init_PrepareBase(); PrepareQueue = class extends PrepareBase { /** * Resolve the given resource type and return an item for the queue * @param source * @param queue */ resolveQueueItem(source7, queue) { if (source7 instanceof Container) { this.resolveContainerQueueItem(source7, queue); } else if (source7 instanceof TextureSource || source7 instanceof Texture) { queue.push(source7.source); } else if (source7 instanceof GraphicsContext) { queue.push(source7); } return null; } /** * Resolve the given container and return an item for the queue * @param container * @param queue */ resolveContainerQueueItem(container, queue) { if (container instanceof Sprite || container instanceof TilingSprite || container instanceof Mesh) { queue.push(container.texture.source); } else if (container instanceof Text) { queue.push(container); } else if (container instanceof Graphics) { queue.push(container.context); } else if (container instanceof AnimatedSprite) { container.textures.forEach((textureOrFrame) => { if (textureOrFrame.source) { queue.push(textureOrFrame.source); } else { queue.push(textureOrFrame.texture.source); } }); } } /** * Resolve the given graphics context and return an item for the queue * @param graphicsContext */ resolveGraphicsContextQueueItem(graphicsContext) { this.renderer.graphicsContext.getContextRenderData(graphicsContext); const { instructions } = graphicsContext; for (const instruction of instructions) { if (instruction.action === "texture") { const { image } = instruction.data; return image.source; } else if (instruction.action === "fill") { const { texture } = instruction.data.style; return texture.source; } } return null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/BitmapText.mjs var BitmapText; var init_BitmapText = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-bitmap/BitmapText.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_warn(); init_AbstractText(); init_TextStyle(); init_BitmapFontManager(); BitmapText = class extends AbstractText { constructor(...args) { var _a; const options = ensureOptions(args, "BitmapText"); options.style ?? (options.style = options.style || {}); (_a = options.style).fill ?? (_a.fill = 16777215); super(options, TextStyle); this.renderPipeId = "bitmapText"; } _updateBounds() { const bounds = this._bounds; const anchor = this._anchor; const bitmapMeasurement = BitmapFontManager.measureText(this.text, this._style); const scale = bitmapMeasurement.scale; const offset = bitmapMeasurement.offsetY * scale; let width = bitmapMeasurement.width * scale; let height = bitmapMeasurement.height * scale; const stroke = this._style._stroke; if (stroke) { width += stroke.width; height += stroke.width; } bounds.minX = -anchor._x * width; bounds.maxX = bounds.minX + width; bounds.minY = -anchor._y * (height + offset); bounds.maxY = bounds.minY + height; } /** * The resolution / device pixel ratio of the canvas. * @default 1 */ set resolution(value) { if (value !== null) { warn( // eslint-disable-next-line max-len "[BitmapText] dynamically updating the resolution is not supported. Resolution should be managed by the BitmapFont." ); } } get resolution() { return this._resolution; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/HTMLText.mjs var HTMLText; var init_HTMLText = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text-html/HTMLText.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_AbstractText(); init_HtmlTextStyle(); init_measureHtmlText(); HTMLText = class extends AbstractText { constructor(...args) { const options = ensureOptions(args, "HtmlText"); super(options, HTMLTextStyle); this.renderPipeId = "htmlText"; } _updateBounds() { const bounds = this._bounds; const anchor = this._anchor; const htmlMeasurement = measureHtmlText(this.text, this._style); const { width, height } = htmlMeasurement; bounds.minX = -anchor._x * width; bounds.maxX = bounds.minX + width; bounds.minY = -anchor._y * height; bounds.maxY = bounds.minY + height; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/prepare/PrepareUpload.mjs var PrepareUpload; var init_PrepareUpload = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/prepare/PrepareUpload.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_TextureSource(); init_GraphicsContext(); init_Text(); init_BitmapText(); init_HTMLText(); init_PrepareQueue(); PrepareUpload = class extends PrepareQueue { /** * Upload the given queue item * @param item */ uploadQueueItem(item) { if (item instanceof TextureSource) { this.uploadTextureSource(item); } else if (item instanceof Text) { this.uploadText(item); } else if (item instanceof HTMLText) { this.uploadHTMLText(item); } else if (item instanceof BitmapText) { this.uploadBitmapText(item); } else if (item instanceof GraphicsContext) { this.uploadGraphicsContext(item); } } uploadTextureSource(textureSource) { this.renderer.texture.initSource(textureSource); } uploadText(_text) { this.renderer.renderPipes.text.initGpuText(_text); } uploadBitmapText(_text) { this.renderer.renderPipes.bitmapText.initGpuText(_text); } uploadHTMLText(_text) { this.renderer.renderPipes.htmlText.initGpuText(_text); } /** * Resolve the given graphics context and return an item for the queue * @param graphicsContext */ uploadGraphicsContext(graphicsContext) { this.renderer.graphicsContext.getContextRenderData(graphicsContext); const { instructions } = graphicsContext; for (const instruction of instructions) { if (instruction.action === "texture") { const { image } = instruction.data; this.uploadTextureSource(image.source); } else if (instruction.action === "fill") { const { texture } = instruction.data.style; this.uploadTextureSource(texture.source); } } return null; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/prepare/PrepareSystem.mjs var PrepareSystem; var init_PrepareSystem = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/prepare/PrepareSystem.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Extensions(); init_PrepareUpload(); PrepareSystem = class extends PrepareUpload { /** Destroys the plugin, don't use after this. */ destroy() { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.renderer = null; this.queue = null; this.resolves = null; } }; PrepareSystem.extension = { type: [ ExtensionType.WebGLSystem, ExtensionType.WebGPUSystem ], name: "prepare" }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gpu/generateGPULayout.mjs function generateGPULayout(maxTextures2) { const gpuLayout = []; let bindIndex = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < maxTextures2; i3++) { gpuLayout[bindIndex] = { texture: { sampleType: "float", viewDimension: "2d", multisampled: false }, binding: bindIndex, visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT }; bindIndex++; gpuLayout[bindIndex] = { sampler: { type: "filtering" }, binding: bindIndex, visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT }; bindIndex++; } return gpuLayout; } var init_generateGPULayout = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gpu/generateGPULayout.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gpu/generateLayout.mjs function generateLayout(maxTextures2) { const layout = {}; let bindIndex = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < maxTextures2; i3++) { layout[`textureSource${i3 + 1}`] = bindIndex++; layout[`textureSampler${i3 + 1}`] = bindIndex++; } return layout; } var init_generateLayout = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/batcher/gpu/generateLayout.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/formatShader.mjs function formatShader(shader) { const spl = shader.split(/([\n{}])/g).map((a2) => a2.trim()).filter((a2) => a2.length); let indent = ""; const formatted = spl.map((a2) => { let indentedLine = indent + a2; if (a2 === "{") { indent += " "; } else if (a2 === "}") { indent = indent.substr(0, indent.length - 4); indentedLine = indent + a2; } return indentedLine; }).join("\n"); return formatted; } var init_formatShader = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/high-shader/compiler/utils/formatShader.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/scissor/ScissorMask.mjs var ScissorMask; var init_ScissorMask = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/mask/scissor/ScissorMask.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_addMaskBounds(); init_addMaskLocalBounds(); ScissorMask = class { constructor(mask) { this.priority = 0; this.pipe = "scissorMask"; this.mask = mask; this.mask.renderable = false; this.mask.measurable = false; } addBounds(bounds, skipUpdateTransform) { addMaskBounds(this.mask, bounds, skipUpdateTransform); } addLocalBounds(bounds, localRoot) { addMaskLocalBounds(this.mask, bounds, localRoot); } containsPoint(point, hitTestFn) { const mask = this.mask; return hitTestFn(mask, point); } reset() { this.mask.measurable = true; this.mask = null; } destroy() { this.reset(); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/migrateFragmentFromV7toV8.mjs function migrateFragmentFromV7toV8(fragmentShader) { fragmentShader = fragmentShader.replaceAll("texture2D", "texture").replaceAll("gl_FragColor", "finalColor").replaceAll("varying", "in"); fragmentShader = ` out vec4 finalColor; ${fragmentShader} `; return fragmentShader; } var init_migrateFragmentFromV7toV8 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/migrateFragmentFromV7toV8.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/mapSize.mjs function mapSize(type) { return GLSL_TO_SIZE[type]; } var GLSL_TO_SIZE; var init_mapSize = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gl/shader/program/mapSize.mjs"() { "use strict"; GLSL_TO_SIZE = { float: 1, vec2: 2, vec3: 3, vec4: 4, int: 1, ivec2: 2, ivec3: 3, ivec4: 4, uint: 1, uvec2: 2, uvec3: 3, uvec4: 4, bool: 1, bvec2: 2, bvec3: 3, bvec4: 4, mat2: 4, mat3: 9, mat4: 16, sampler2D: 1 }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/buffer/GpuReadBuffer.mjs function GpuReadBuffer(buffer, renderer) { const bufferSize = buffer.descriptor.size; const device = renderer.gpu.device; const stagingBuffer = new Buffer2({ data: new Float32Array(24e5), usage: BufferUsage.MAP_READ | BufferUsage.COPY_DST }); const stagingGPUBuffer = renderer.buffer.createGPUBuffer(stagingBuffer); const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder(); commandEncoder.copyBufferToBuffer( renderer.buffer.getGPUBuffer(buffer), 0, // Source offset stagingGPUBuffer, 0, // Destination offset bufferSize ); device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]); void stagingGPUBuffer.mapAsync( GPUMapMode.READ, 0, // Offset bufferSize // Length ).then(() => { stagingGPUBuffer.getMappedRange(0, bufferSize); stagingGPUBuffer.unmap(); }); } var init_GpuReadBuffer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/gpu/buffer/GpuReadBuffer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Buffer(); init_const4(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/const.mjs var DEPRECATED_DRAW_MODES, DRAW_MODES; var init_const14 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/geometry/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_deprecation(); DEPRECATED_DRAW_MODES = { POINTS: "point-list", LINES: "line-list", LINE_STRIP: "line-strip", TRIANGLES: "triangle-list", TRIANGLE_STRIP: "triangle-strip" }; DRAW_MODES = new Proxy(DEPRECATED_DRAW_MODES, { get(target, prop) { deprecation(v8_0_0, `DRAW_MODES.${prop} is deprecated, use '${DEPRECATED_DRAW_MODES[prop]}' instead`); return target[prop]; } }); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/renderTarget/viewportFromFrame.mjs function viewportFromFrame(viewport, source7, frame) { frame || (frame = fullFrame); const pixelWidth = source7.pixelWidth; const pixelHeight = source7.pixelHeight; viewport.x = frame.x * pixelWidth | 0; viewport.y = frame.y * pixelHeight | 0; viewport.width = frame.width * pixelWidth | 0; viewport.height = frame.height * pixelHeight | 0; return viewport; } var fullFrame; var init_viewportFromFrame = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/renderTarget/viewportFromFrame.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Rectangle(); fullFrame = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/const.mjs var MSAA_QUALITY, DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES, WRAP_MODES, DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES, SCALE_MODES; var init_const15 = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/const.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_deprecation(); MSAA_QUALITY = /* @__PURE__ */ ((MSAA_QUALITY2) => { MSAA_QUALITY2[MSAA_QUALITY2["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; MSAA_QUALITY2[MSAA_QUALITY2["LOW"] = 2] = "LOW"; MSAA_QUALITY2[MSAA_QUALITY2["MEDIUM"] = 4] = "MEDIUM"; MSAA_QUALITY2[MSAA_QUALITY2["HIGH"] = 8] = "HIGH"; return MSAA_QUALITY2; })(MSAA_QUALITY || {}); DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES = /* @__PURE__ */ ((DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES2) => { DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES2["CLAMP"] = "clamp-to-edge"; DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES2["REPEAT"] = "repeat"; DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES2["MIRRORED_REPEAT"] = "mirror-repeat"; return DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES2; })(DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES || {}); WRAP_MODES = new Proxy(DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES, { get(target, prop) { deprecation(v8_0_0, `DRAW_MODES.${prop} is deprecated, use '${DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES[prop]}' instead`); return target[prop]; } }); DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES = /* @__PURE__ */ ((DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES2) => { DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES2["NEAREST"] = "nearest"; DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES2["LINEAR"] = "linear"; return DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES2; })(DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES || {}); SCALE_MODES = new Proxy(DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES, { get(target, prop) { deprecation(v8_0_0, `DRAW_MODES.${prop} is deprecated, use '${DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES[prop]}' instead`); return target[prop]; } }); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/TextureUvs.mjs var TextureUvs; var init_TextureUvs = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/TextureUvs.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_groupD8(); TextureUvs = class { constructor() { this.x0 = 0; this.y0 = 0; this.x1 = 1; this.y1 = 0; this.x2 = 1; this.y2 = 1; this.x3 = 0; this.y3 = 1; this.uvsFloat32 = new Float32Array(8); } /** * Sets the texture Uvs based on the given frame information. * @protected * @param frame - The frame of the texture * @param baseFrame - The base frame of the texture * @param rotate - Rotation of frame, see {@link groupD8} */ set(frame, baseFrame, rotate) { const tw = baseFrame.width; const th = baseFrame.height; if (rotate) { const w2 = frame.width / 2 / tw; const h2 = frame.height / 2 / th; const cX = frame.x / tw + w2; const cY = frame.y / th + h2; rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, groupD8.NW); this.x0 = cX + w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate); this.y0 = cY + h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate); rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, 2); this.x1 = cX + w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate); this.y1 = cY + h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate); rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, 2); this.x2 = cX + w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate); this.y2 = cY + h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate); rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, 2); this.x3 = cX + w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate); this.y3 = cY + h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate); } else { this.x0 = frame.x / tw; this.y0 = frame.y / th; this.x1 = (frame.x + frame.width) / tw; this.y1 = frame.y / th; this.x2 = (frame.x + frame.width) / tw; this.y2 = (frame.y + frame.height) / th; this.x3 = frame.x / tw; this.y3 = (frame.y + frame.height) / th; } this.uvsFloat32[0] = this.x0; this.uvsFloat32[1] = this.y0; this.uvsFloat32[2] = this.x1; this.uvsFloat32[3] = this.y1; this.uvsFloat32[4] = this.x2; this.uvsFloat32[5] = this.y2; this.uvsFloat32[6] = this.x3; this.uvsFloat32[7] = this.y3; } toString() { return `[pixi.js/core:TextureUvs x0=${this.x0} y0=${this.y0} x1=${this.x1} y1=${this.y1} x2=${this.x2} y2=${this.y2} x3=${this.x3} y3=${this.y3}]`; } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/utils/generateUID.mjs function generateUID() { return uidCount++; } var uidCount; var init_generateUID = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/texture/utils/generateUID.mjs"() { "use strict"; uidCount = 0; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/utils/parseFunctionBody.mjs function parseFunctionBody(fn) { const fnStr = fn.toString(); const bodyStart = fnStr.indexOf("{"); const bodyEnd = fnStr.lastIndexOf("}"); if (bodyStart === -1 || bodyEnd === -1) { throw new Error("getFunctionBody: No body found in function definition"); } return fnStr.slice(bodyStart + 1, bodyEnd).trim(); } var init_parseFunctionBody = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/rendering/renderers/shared/utils/parseFunctionBody.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/RenderContainer.mjs var RenderContainer; var init_RenderContainer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/RenderContainer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Bounds(); init_Container(); RenderContainer = class extends Container { /** * @param options - The options for the container. */ constructor(options) { if (typeof options === "function") { options = { render: options }; } const { render: render2, ...rest } = options; super({ label: "RenderContainer", ...rest }); this.batched = false; this._lastUsed = 0; this._lastInstructionTick = -1; this.bounds = new Bounds(); this.canBundle = false; this.renderPipeId = "customRender"; if (render2) this.render = render2; this.containsPoint = options.containsPoint ?? (() => false); this.addBounds = options.addBounds ?? (() => false); } /** * An overridable function that can be used to render the object using the current renderer. * @param _renderer - The current renderer */ render(_renderer) { } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/updateLocalTransform.mjs function updateLocalTransform(lt, container) { const scale = container._scale; const pivot = container._pivot; const position = container._position; const sx = scale._x; const sy = scale._y; const px = pivot._x; const py = pivot._y; lt.a = container._cx * sx; lt.b = container._sx * sx; lt.c = container._cy * sy; lt.d = container._sy * sy; lt.tx = position._x - (px * lt.a + py * lt.c); lt.ty = position._y - (px * lt.b + py * lt.d); } var init_updateLocalTransform = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/updateLocalTransform.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/updateWorldTransform.mjs function updateWorldTransform(local, parent, world) { const lta = local.a; const ltb = local.b; const ltc = local.c; const ltd = local.d; const lttx = local.tx; const ltty = local.ty; const pta = parent.a; const ptb = parent.b; const ptc = parent.c; const ptd = parent.d; world.a = lta * pta + ltb * ptc; world.b = lta * ptb + ltb * ptd; world.c = ltc * pta + ltd * ptc; world.d = ltc * ptb + ltd * ptd; world.tx = lttx * pta + ltty * ptc + parent.tx; world.ty = lttx * ptb + ltty * ptd + parent.ty; } var init_updateWorldTransform = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/container/utils/updateWorldTransform.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/utils/buildGeometryFromPath.mjs function buildGeometryFromPath(options) { if (options instanceof GraphicsPath) { options = { path: options, textureMatrix: null, out: null }; } const vertices = []; const uvs = []; const indices = []; const shapePath = options.path.shapePath; const textureMatrix = options.textureMatrix; shapePath.shapePrimitives.forEach(({ shape, transform: matrix }) => { const indexOffset = indices.length; const vertOffset = vertices.length / 2; const points = []; const build = buildMap[shape.type]; build.build(shape, points); if (matrix) { transformVertices(points, matrix); } build.triangulate(points, vertices, 2, vertOffset, indices, indexOffset); const uvsOffset = uvs.length / 2; if (textureMatrix) { if (matrix) { textureMatrix.append(matrix.clone().invert()); } buildUvs(vertices, 2, vertOffset, uvs, uvsOffset, 2, vertices.length / 2 - vertOffset, textureMatrix); } else { buildSimpleUvs(uvs, uvsOffset, 2, vertices.length / 2 - vertOffset); } }); const out2 = options.out; if (out2) { out2.positions = new Float32Array(vertices); out2.uvs = new Float32Array(uvs); out2.indices = new Uint32Array(indices); return out2; } const geometry = new MeshGeometry({ positions: new Float32Array(vertices), uvs: new Float32Array(uvs), indices: new Uint32Array(indices) }); return geometry; } var buildMap; var init_buildGeometryFromPath = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/graphics/shared/utils/buildGeometryFromPath.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_buildUvs(); init_transformVertices(); init_MeshGeometry(); init_buildCircle(); init_buildPolygon(); init_buildRectangle(); init_buildTriangle(); init_GraphicsPath(); buildMap = { rectangle: buildRectangle, polygon: buildPolygon, triangle: buildTriangle, circle: buildCircle, ellipse: buildCircle, roundedRectangle: buildCircle }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-perspective/utils/applyProjectiveTransformationToPlane.mjs function applyProjectiveTransformationToPlane(width, height, geometry, transformationMatrix) { const buffer = geometry.buffers[0]; const vertices = buffer.data; const { verticesX, verticesY } = geometry; const sizeX = width / (verticesX - 1); const sizeY = height / (verticesY - 1); let index = 0; const a00 = transformationMatrix[0]; const a01 = transformationMatrix[1]; const a02 = transformationMatrix[2]; const a10 = transformationMatrix[3]; const a11 = transformationMatrix[4]; const a12 = transformationMatrix[5]; const a20 = transformationMatrix[6]; const a21 = transformationMatrix[7]; const a22 = transformationMatrix[8]; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < vertices.length; i3 += 2) { const x2 = index % verticesX * sizeX; const y2 = (index / verticesX | 0) * sizeY; const newX = a00 * x2 + a01 * y2 + a02; const newY = a10 * x2 + a11 * y2 + a12; const w2 = a20 * x2 + a21 * y2 + a22; vertices[i3] = newX / w2; vertices[i3 + 1] = newY / w2; index++; } buffer.update(); } var init_applyProjectiveTransformationToPlane = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-perspective/utils/applyProjectiveTransformationToPlane.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-perspective/utils/compute2DProjections.mjs function computeAdjugate(out2, matrix) { const a00 = matrix[0]; const a01 = matrix[1]; const a02 = matrix[2]; const a10 = matrix[3]; const a11 = matrix[4]; const a12 = matrix[5]; const a20 = matrix[6]; const a21 = matrix[7]; const a22 = matrix[8]; out2[0] = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21; out2[1] = a02 * a21 - a01 * a22; out2[2] = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11; out2[3] = a12 * a20 - a10 * a22; out2[4] = a00 * a22 - a02 * a20; out2[5] = a02 * a10 - a00 * a12; out2[6] = a10 * a21 - a11 * a20; out2[7] = a01 * a20 - a00 * a21; out2[8] = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10; return out2; } function multiplyMatrix3x3(out2, a2, b2) { const a00 = a2[0]; const a01 = a2[1]; const a02 = a2[2]; const a10 = a2[3]; const a11 = a2[4]; const a12 = a2[5]; const a20 = a2[6]; const a21 = a2[7]; const a22 = a2[8]; const b00 = b2[0]; const b01 = b2[1]; const b02 = b2[2]; const b10 = b2[3]; const b11 = b2[4]; const b12 = b2[5]; const b20 = b2[6]; const b21 = b2[7]; const b22 = b2[8]; out2[0] = b00 * a00 + b01 * a10 + b02 * a20; out2[1] = b00 * a01 + b01 * a11 + b02 * a21; out2[2] = b00 * a02 + b01 * a12 + b02 * a22; out2[3] = b10 * a00 + b11 * a10 + b12 * a20; out2[4] = b10 * a01 + b11 * a11 + b12 * a21; out2[5] = b10 * a02 + b11 * a12 + b12 * a22; out2[6] = b20 * a00 + b21 * a10 + b22 * a20; out2[7] = b20 * a01 + b21 * a11 + b22 * a21; out2[8] = b20 * a02 + b21 * a12 + b22 * a22; return out2; } function multiplyMatrixAndVector(out2, m2, v2) { const x2 = v2[0]; const y2 = v2[1]; const z = v2[2]; out2[0] = m2[0] * x2 + m2[1] * y2 + m2[2] * z; out2[1] = m2[3] * x2 + m2[4] * y2 + m2[5] * z; out2[2] = m2[6] * x2 + m2[7] * y2 + m2[8] * z; return out2; } function generateBasisToPointsMatrix(out2, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { const m2 = tempMatrix6; m2[0] = x1; m2[1] = x2; m2[2] = x3; m2[3] = y1; m2[4] = y2; m2[5] = y3; m2[6] = 1; m2[7] = 1; m2[8] = 1; const adjugateM = computeAdjugate( out2, // reusing out as adjugateM is only used once m2 ); tempVec2[0] = x4; tempVec2[1] = y4; tempVec2[2] = 1; const v2 = multiplyMatrixAndVector( tempVec, adjugateM, tempVec2 ); const diagonalMatrix = out2; out2[0] = v2[0]; out2[1] = 0; out2[2] = 0; out2[3] = 0; out2[4] = v2[1]; out2[5] = 0; out2[6] = 0; out2[7] = 0; out2[8] = v2[2]; return multiplyMatrix3x3(out2, diagonalMatrix, m2); } function compute2DProjection(out2, x1s, y1s, x1d, y1d, x2s, y2s, x2d, y2d, x3s, y3s, x3d, y3d, x4s, y4s, x4d, y4d) { const sourceMatrix = generateBasisToPointsMatrix( tempSourceMatrix, x1s, y1s, x2s, y2s, x3s, y3s, x4s, y4s ); const destinationMatrix = generateBasisToPointsMatrix( tempDestinationMatrix, x1d, y1d, x2d, y2d, x3d, y3d, x4d, y4d ); return multiplyMatrix3x3( out2, computeAdjugate(sourceMatrix, sourceMatrix), destinationMatrix ); } var tempMatrix6, tempVec, tempVec2, tempSourceMatrix, tempDestinationMatrix; var init_compute2DProjections = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-perspective/utils/compute2DProjections.mjs"() { "use strict"; tempMatrix6 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; tempVec = [0, 0, 0]; tempVec2 = [0, 0, 0]; tempSourceMatrix = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; tempDestinationMatrix = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-perspective/PerspectivePlaneGeometry.mjs var PerspectivePlaneGeometry; var init_PerspectivePlaneGeometry = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-perspective/PerspectivePlaneGeometry.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_PlaneGeometry(); init_applyProjectiveTransformationToPlane(); init_compute2DProjections(); PerspectivePlaneGeometry = class extends PlaneGeometry { /** * @param options - Options to be applied to MeshPlane * @param options.width - The width of the plane * @param options.height - The height of the plane * @param options.verticesX - The amount of vertices on the x axis * @param options.verticesY - The amount of vertices on the y axis */ constructor(options) { super(options); this._projectionMatrix = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; const { width, height } = options; this.corners = [0, 0, width, 0, width, height, 0, height]; } /** * Will set the corners of the quad to the given coordinates * Calculating the perspective so it looks correct! * @param x0 - x coordinate of the first corner * @param y0 - y coordinate of the first corner * @param x1 - x coordinate of the second corner * @param y1 - y coordinate of the second corner * @param x2 - x coordinate of the third corner * @param y2 - y coordinate of the third corner * @param x3 - x coordinate of the fourth corner * @param y3 - y coordinate of the fourth corner */ setCorners(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { const corners = this.corners; corners[0] = x0; corners[1] = y0; corners[2] = x1; corners[3] = y1; corners[4] = x2; corners[5] = y2; corners[6] = x3; corners[7] = y3; this.updateProjection(); } /** Update the projection matrix based on the corners */ updateProjection() { const { width, height } = this; const corners = this.corners; const projectionMatrix = compute2DProjection( this._projectionMatrix, 0, 0, // top-left source corners[0], corners[1], // top-left dest width, 0, // top-right source corners[2], corners[3], // top-right dest width, height, // bottom-right source corners[4], corners[5], // bottom-right dest 0, height, // bottom-left source corners[6], corners[7] // bottom-left dest ); applyProjectiveTransformationToPlane( width, height, this, projectionMatrix ); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-perspective/PerspectiveMesh.mjs var _PerspectiveMesh, PerspectiveMesh; var init_PerspectiveMesh = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-perspective/PerspectiveMesh.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Texture(); init_definedProps(); init_Mesh(); init_PerspectivePlaneGeometry(); _PerspectiveMesh = class _PerspectiveMesh2 extends Mesh { /** * @param options - Options to be applied to PerspectiveMesh */ constructor(options) { options = { ..._PerspectiveMesh2.defaultOptions, ...options }; const { texture, verticesX, verticesY, ...rest } = options; const planeGeometry = new PerspectivePlaneGeometry(definedProps({ width: texture.width, height: texture.height, verticesX, verticesY })); super(definedProps({ ...rest, geometry: planeGeometry })); this._texture = texture; this.geometry.setCorners( options.x0, options.y0, options.x1, options.y1, options.x2, options.y2, options.x3, options.y3 ); } /** Update the geometry when the texture is updated */ textureUpdated() { const geometry = this.geometry; if (!geometry) return; const { width, height } = this.texture; if (geometry.width !== width || geometry.height !== height) { geometry.width = width; geometry.height = height; geometry.updateProjection(); } } set texture(value) { if (this._texture === value) return; super.texture = value; this.textureUpdated(); } /** The texture that the mesh uses */ get texture() { return this._texture; } /** * Set the corners of the quad to the given coordinates * The mesh will then calculate the perspective so it looks correct! * @param x0 - x coordinate of the first corner * @param y0 - y coordinate of the first corner * @param x1 - x coordinate of the second corner * @param y1 - y coordinate of the second corner * @param x2 - x coordinate of the third corner * @param y2 - y coordinate of the third corner * @param x3 - x coordinate of the fourth corner * @param y3 - y coordinate of the fourth corner */ setCorners(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { this.geometry.setCorners(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); } }; _PerspectiveMesh.defaultOptions = { texture: Texture.WHITE, verticesX: 10, verticesY: 10, x0: 0, y0: 0, x1: 100, y1: 0, x2: 100, y2: 100, x3: 0, y3: 100 }; PerspectiveMesh = _PerspectiveMesh; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-plane/MeshPlane.mjs var MeshPlane; var init_MeshPlane = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-plane/MeshPlane.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_definedProps(); init_Mesh(); init_PlaneGeometry(); MeshPlane = class extends Mesh { /** * @param options - Options to be applied to MeshPlane */ constructor(options) { const { texture, verticesX, verticesY, ...rest } = options; const planeGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(definedProps({ width: texture.width, height: texture.height, verticesX, verticesY })); super(definedProps({ ...rest, geometry: planeGeometry, texture })); this.texture = texture; this.autoResize = true; } /** * Method used for overrides, to do something in case texture frame was changed. * Meshes based on plane can override it and change more details based on texture. */ textureUpdated() { const geometry = this.geometry; const { width, height } = this.texture; if (this.autoResize && (geometry.width !== width || geometry.height !== height)) { geometry.width = width; geometry.height = height; geometry.build({}); } } set texture(value) { this._texture?.off("update", this.textureUpdated, this); super.texture = value; value.on("update", this.textureUpdated, this); this.textureUpdated(); } /** The texture of the MeshPlane */ get texture() { return this._texture; } /** * Destroys this sprite renderable and optionally its texture. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * have been set to that value * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the renderable as well * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the renderable as well */ destroy(options) { this.texture.off("update", this.textureUpdated, this); super.destroy(options); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-simple/RopeGeometry.mjs var _RopeGeometry, RopeGeometry; var init_RopeGeometry = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-simple/RopeGeometry.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_MeshGeometry(); _RopeGeometry = class _RopeGeometry2 extends MeshGeometry { /** * @param options - Options to be applied to rope geometry */ constructor(options) { const { width, points, textureScale } = { ..._RopeGeometry2.defaultOptions, ...options }; super({ positions: new Float32Array(points.length * 4), uvs: new Float32Array(points.length * 4), indices: new Uint32Array((points.length - 1) * 6) }); this.points = points; this._width = width; this.textureScale = textureScale; this._build(); } /** * The width (i.e., thickness) of the rope. * @readonly */ get width() { return this._width; } /** Refreshes Rope indices and uvs */ _build() { const points = this.points; if (!points) return; const vertexBuffer = this.getBuffer("aPosition"); const uvBuffer = this.getBuffer("aUV"); const indexBuffer = this.getIndex(); if (points.length < 1) { return; } if (vertexBuffer.data.length / 4 !== points.length) { vertexBuffer.data = new Float32Array(points.length * 4); uvBuffer.data = new Float32Array(points.length * 4); indexBuffer.data = new Uint16Array((points.length - 1) * 6); } const uvs = uvBuffer.data; const indices = indexBuffer.data; uvs[0] = 0; uvs[1] = 0; uvs[2] = 0; uvs[3] = 1; let amount = 0; let prev = points[0]; const textureWidth = this._width * this.textureScale; const total = points.length; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < total; i3++) { const index = i3 * 4; if (this.textureScale > 0) { const dx = prev.x - points[i3].x; const dy = prev.y - points[i3].y; const distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); prev = points[i3]; amount += distance / textureWidth; } else { amount = i3 / (total - 1); } uvs[index] = amount; uvs[index + 1] = 0; uvs[index + 2] = amount; uvs[index + 3] = 1; } let indexCount = 0; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < total - 1; i3++) { const index = i3 * 2; indices[indexCount++] = index; indices[indexCount++] = index + 1; indices[indexCount++] = index + 2; indices[indexCount++] = index + 2; indices[indexCount++] = index + 1; indices[indexCount++] = index + 3; } uvBuffer.update(); indexBuffer.update(); this.updateVertices(); } /** refreshes vertices of Rope mesh */ updateVertices() { const points = this.points; if (points.length < 1) { return; } let lastPoint = points[0]; let nextPoint; let perpX = 0; let perpY = 0; const vertices = this.buffers[0].data; const total = points.length; const halfWidth = this.textureScale > 0 ? this.textureScale * this._width / 2 : this._width / 2; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < total; i3++) { const point = points[i3]; const index = i3 * 4; if (i3 < points.length - 1) { nextPoint = points[i3 + 1]; } else { nextPoint = point; } perpY = -(nextPoint.x - lastPoint.x); perpX = nextPoint.y - lastPoint.y; let ratio = (1 - i3 / (total - 1)) * 10; if (ratio > 1) { ratio = 1; } const perpLength = Math.sqrt(perpX * perpX + perpY * perpY); if (perpLength < 1e-6) { perpX = 0; perpY = 0; } else { perpX /= perpLength; perpY /= perpLength; perpX *= halfWidth; perpY *= halfWidth; } vertices[index] = point.x + perpX; vertices[index + 1] = point.y + perpY; vertices[index + 2] = point.x - perpX; vertices[index + 3] = point.y - perpY; lastPoint = point; } this.buffers[0].update(); } /** Refreshes Rope indices and uvs */ update() { if (this.textureScale > 0) { this._build(); } else { this.updateVertices(); } } }; _RopeGeometry.defaultOptions = { /** The width (i.e., thickness) of the rope. */ width: 200, /** An array of points that determine the rope. */ points: [], /** Rope texture scale, if zero then the rope texture is stretched. */ textureScale: 0 }; RopeGeometry = _RopeGeometry; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-simple/MeshRope.mjs var _MeshRope, MeshRope; var init_MeshRope = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-simple/MeshRope.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_definedProps(); init_Mesh(); init_RopeGeometry(); _MeshRope = class _MeshRope2 extends Mesh { /** * Note: The wrap mode of the texture is set to REPEAT if `textureScale` is positive. * @param options * @param options.texture - The texture to use on the rope. * @param options.points - An array of {@link math.Point} objects to construct this rope. * @param {number} options.textureScale - Optional. Positive values scale rope texture * keeping its aspect ratio. You can reduce alpha channel artifacts by providing a larger texture * and downsampling here. If set to zero, texture will be stretched instead. */ constructor(options) { const { texture, points, textureScale, ...rest } = { ..._MeshRope2.defaultOptions, ...options }; const ropeGeometry = new RopeGeometry(definedProps({ width: texture.height, points, textureScale })); if (textureScale > 0) { texture.source.style.addressMode = "repeat"; } super(definedProps({ ...rest, texture, geometry: ropeGeometry })); this.autoUpdate = true; this.onRender = this._render; } _render() { const geometry = this.geometry; if (this.autoUpdate || geometry._width !== this.texture.height) { geometry._width = this.texture.height; geometry.update(); } } }; _MeshRope.defaultOptions = { textureScale: 0 }; MeshRope = _MeshRope; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-simple/MeshSimple.mjs var MeshSimple; var init_MeshSimple = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh-simple/MeshSimple.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_definedProps(); init_Mesh(); init_MeshGeometry(); MeshSimple = class extends Mesh { /** * @param options - Options to be used for construction */ constructor(options) { const { texture, vertices, uvs, indices, topology, ...rest } = options; const geometry = new MeshGeometry(definedProps({ positions: vertices, uvs, indices, topology })); super(definedProps({ ...rest, texture, geometry })); this.autoUpdate = true; this.onRender = this._render; } /** * Collection of vertices data. * @type {Float32Array} */ get vertices() { return this.geometry.getBuffer("aPosition").data; } set vertices(value) { this.geometry.getBuffer("aPosition").data = value; } _render() { if (this.autoUpdate) { this.geometry.getBuffer("aPosition").update(); } } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/shared/getTextureDefaultMatrix.mjs function getTextureDefaultMatrix(texture, out2) { const { width, height } = texture.frame; out2.scale(1 / width, 1 / height); return out2; } var init_getTextureDefaultMatrix = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/mesh/shared/getTextureDefaultMatrix.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/Particle.mjs var _Particle, Particle; var init_Particle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/Particle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Color(); init_Texture(); init_assignWithIgnore(); _Particle = class _Particle2 { constructor(options) { if (options instanceof Texture) { this.texture = options; assignWithIgnore(this, _Particle2.defaultOptions, {}); } else { const combined = { ..._Particle2.defaultOptions, ...options }; assignWithIgnore(this, combined, {}); } } /** Gets or sets the alpha value of the particle. */ get alpha() { return this._alpha; } set alpha(value) { this._alpha = Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 1); this._updateColor(); } /** Gets or sets the tint color of the particle. */ get tint() { const bgr = this._tint; return ((bgr & 255) << 16) + (bgr & 65280) + (bgr >> 16 & 255); } set tint(value) { if (typeof value === "number") { this._tint = value; } else { this._tint = Color.shared.setValue(value ?? 16777215).toBgrNumber(); } this._updateColor(); } _updateColor() { this.color = this._tint + ((this._alpha * 255 | 0) << 24); } }; _Particle.defaultOptions = { anchorX: 0, anchorY: 0, x: 0, y: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotation: 0, tint: 16777215, alpha: 1 }; Particle = _Particle; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/particleData.mjs var particleData; var init_particleData = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/particleData.mjs"() { "use strict"; particleData = { vertex: { attributeName: "aVertex", format: "float32x2", code: ` const texture = p.texture; const sx = p.scaleX; const sy = p.scaleY; const ax = p.anchorX; const ay = p.anchorY; const trim = texture.trim; const orig = texture.orig; if (trim) { w1 = trim.x - (ax * orig.width); w0 = w1 + trim.width; h1 = trim.y - (ay * orig.height); h0 = h1 + trim.height; } else { w1 = -ax * (orig.width); w0 = w1 + orig.width; h1 = -ay * (orig.height); h0 = h1 + orig.height; } f32v[offset] = w1 * sx; f32v[offset + 1] = h1 * sy; f32v[offset + stride] = w0 * sx; f32v[offset + stride + 1] = h1 * sy; f32v[offset + (stride * 2)] = w0 * sx; f32v[offset + (stride * 2) + 1] = h0 * sy; f32v[offset + (stride * 3)] = w1 * sx; f32v[offset + (stride * 3) + 1] = h0 * sy; `, dynamic: false }, // positionData position: { attributeName: "aPosition", format: "float32x2", code: ` var x = p.x; var y = p.y; f32v[offset] = x; f32v[offset + 1] = y; f32v[offset + stride] = x; f32v[offset + stride + 1] = y; f32v[offset + (stride * 2)] = x; f32v[offset + (stride * 2) + 1] = y; f32v[offset + (stride * 3)] = x; f32v[offset + (stride * 3) + 1] = y; `, dynamic: true }, // rotationData rotation: { attributeName: "aRotation", format: "float32", code: ` var rotation = p.rotation; f32v[offset] = rotation; f32v[offset + stride] = rotation; f32v[offset + (stride * 2)] = rotation; f32v[offset + (stride * 3)] = rotation; `, dynamic: false }, // uvsData uvs: { attributeName: "aUV", format: "float32x2", code: ` var uvs = p.texture.uvs; f32v[offset] = uvs.x0; f32v[offset + 1] = uvs.y0; f32v[offset + stride] = uvs.x1; f32v[offset + stride + 1] = uvs.y1; f32v[offset + (stride * 2)] = uvs.x2; f32v[offset + (stride * 2) + 1] = uvs.y2; f32v[offset + (stride * 3)] = uvs.x3; f32v[offset + (stride * 3) + 1] = uvs.y3; `, dynamic: false }, // tintData color: { attributeName: "aColor", format: "unorm8x4", code: ` const c = p.color; u32v[offset] = c; u32v[offset + stride] = c; u32v[offset + (stride * 2)] = c; u32v[offset + (stride * 3)] = c; `, dynamic: false } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/ParticleContainer.mjs var emptyBounds, _ParticleContainer, ParticleContainer; var init_ParticleContainer = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/particle-container/shared/ParticleContainer.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_ViewContainer(); init_particleData(); emptyBounds = { minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: 0, maxY: 0 }; _ParticleContainer = class _ParticleContainer2 extends ViewContainer { /** * @param options - The options for creating the sprite. */ constructor(options = {}) { options = { ..._ParticleContainer2.defaultOptions, ...options, dynamicProperties: { ..._ParticleContainer2.defaultOptions.dynamicProperties, ...options?.dynamicProperties } }; const { dynamicProperties, shader, roundPixels, texture, particles, ...rest } = options; super({ label: "ParticleContainer", ...rest }); this.renderPipeId = "particle"; this.batched = false; this._childrenDirty = false; this.texture = texture || null; this.shader = shader; this._properties = {}; for (const key in particleData) { const property = particleData[key]; const dynamic = dynamicProperties[key]; this._properties[key] = { ...property, dynamic }; } this.allowChildren = true; this.roundPixels = roundPixels ?? false; this.particleChildren = particles ?? []; } /** * Adds one or more particles to the container. * * Multiple items can be added like so: `myContainer.addParticle(thingOne, thingTwo, thingThree)` * @param {...IParticle} children - The Particle(s) to add to the container * @returns {IParticle} - The first child that was added. */ addParticle(...children) { for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { this.particleChildren.push(children[i3]); } this.onViewUpdate(); return children[0]; } /** * Removes one or more particles from the container. * @param {...IParticle} children - The Particle(s) to remove * @returns {IParticle} The first child that was removed. */ removeParticle(...children) { let didRemove = false; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < children.length; i3++) { const index = this.particleChildren.indexOf(children[i3]); if (index > -1) { this.particleChildren.splice(index, 1); didRemove = true; } } if (didRemove) this.onViewUpdate(); return children[0]; } /** * Updates the particle container. * Please call this when you modify the particleChildren array. * or any static properties of the particles. */ update() { this._childrenDirty = true; } onViewUpdate() { this._childrenDirty = true; super.onViewUpdate(); } /** * ParticleContainer does not calculated bounds as it would slow things down, * its up to you to set this via the boundsArea property */ get bounds() { return emptyBounds; } /** * ParticleContainer does not calculated bounds as it would slow things down, * its up to you to set this via the boundsArea property * @param _bounds - The output bounds object. */ addBounds(_bounds) { } /** * Destroys this sprite renderable and optionally its texture. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * have been set to that value * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the renderable as well * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the renderable as well */ destroy(options = false) { super.destroy(options); const destroyTexture = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.texture; if (destroyTexture) { const destroyTextureSource = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.textureSource; const texture = this.texture ?? this.particleChildren[0]?.texture; if (texture) { texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } } this.texture = null; this.shader?.destroy(); } /** * Removes all particles from this container that are within the begin and end indexes. * @param beginIndex - The beginning position. * @param endIndex - The ending position. Default value is size of the container. * @returns - List of removed particles */ removeParticles(beginIndex, endIndex) { const children = this.particleChildren.splice(beginIndex, endIndex); this.onViewUpdate(); return children; } /** * Removes a particle from the specified index position. * @param index - The index to get the particle from * @returns The particle that was removed. */ removeParticleAt(index) { const child = this.particleChildren.splice(index, 1); this.onViewUpdate(); return child[0]; } /** * Adds a particle to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown. * If the particle is already in this container, it will be moved to the specified index. * @param {Container} child - The particle to add. * @param {number} index - The absolute index where the particle will be positioned at the end of the operation. * @returns {Container} The particle that was added. */ addParticleAt(child, index) { this.particleChildren.splice(index, 0, child); this.onViewUpdate(); return child; } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * * Calling this method will throw an error. Please use `ParticleContainer.addParticle()` instead. * @param {...any} _children * @throws {Error} Always throws an error as this method is not available. */ addChild(..._children) { throw new Error( "ParticleContainer.addChild() is not available. Please use ParticleContainer.addParticle()" ); } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * Calling this method will throw an error. Please use `ParticleContainer.removeParticle()` instead. * @param {...any} _children * @throws {Error} Always throws an error as this method is not available. */ removeChild(..._children) { throw new Error( "ParticleContainer.removeChild() is not available. Please use ParticleContainer.removeParticle()" ); } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * * Calling this method will throw an error. Please use `ParticleContainer.removeParticles()` instead. * @param {number} [_beginIndex] * @param {number} [_endIndex] * @throws {Error} Always throws an error as this method is not available. */ removeChildren(_beginIndex, _endIndex) { throw new Error( "ParticleContainer.removeChildren() is not available. Please use ParticleContainer.removeParticles()" ); } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * * Calling this method will throw an error. Please use `ParticleContainer.removeParticleAt()` instead. * @param {number} _index * @throws {Error} Always throws an error as this method is not available. */ removeChildAt(_index) { throw new Error( "ParticleContainer.removeChildAt() is not available. Please use ParticleContainer.removeParticleAt()" ); } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * * Calling this method will throw an error. Please use `ParticleContainer.getParticleAt()` instead. * @param {number} _index * @throws {Error} Always throws an error as this method is not available. */ getChildAt(_index) { throw new Error( "ParticleContainer.getChildAt() is not available. Please use ParticleContainer.getParticleAt()" ); } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * * Calling this method will throw an error. Please use `ParticleContainer.setParticleIndex()` instead. * @param {ContainerChild} _child * @param {number} _index * @throws {Error} Always throws an error as this method is not available. */ setChildIndex(_child, _index) { throw new Error( "ParticleContainer.setChildIndex() is not available. Please use ParticleContainer.setParticleIndex()" ); } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * * Calling this method will throw an error. Please use `ParticleContainer.getParticleIndex()` instead. * @param {ContainerChild} _child * @throws {Error} Always throws an error as this method is not available. */ getChildIndex(_child) { throw new Error( "ParticleContainer.getChildIndex() is not available. Please use ParticleContainer.getParticleIndex()" ); } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * * Calling this method will throw an error. Please use `ParticleContainer.addParticleAt()` instead. * @param {ContainerChild} _child * @param {number} _index * @throws {Error} Always throws an error as this method is not available. */ addChildAt(_child, _index) { throw new Error( "ParticleContainer.addChildAt() is not available. Please use ParticleContainer.addParticleAt()" ); } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * * Calling this method will throw an error. Please use `ParticleContainer.swapParticles()` instead. * @param {ContainerChild} _child * @param {ContainerChild} _child2 */ swapChildren(_child, _child2) { throw new Error( "ParticleContainer.swapChildren() is not available. Please use ParticleContainer.swapParticles()" ); } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * * Calling this method will throw an error. * @param _child - The child to reparent * @throws {Error} Always throws an error as this method is not available. */ reparentChild(..._child) { throw new Error("ParticleContainer.reparentChild() is not available with the particle container"); } /** * This method is not available in ParticleContainer. * * Calling this method will throw an error. * @param _child - The child to reparent * @param _index - The index to reparent the child to * @throws {Error} Always throws an error as this method is not available. */ reparentChildAt(_child, _index) { throw new Error("ParticleContainer.reparentChildAt() is not available with the particle container"); } }; _ParticleContainer.defaultOptions = { dynamicProperties: { vertex: false, // Indicates if vertex positions are dynamic. position: true, // Indicates if particle positions are dynamic. rotation: false, // Indicates if particle rotations are dynamic. uvs: false, // Indicates if UV coordinates are dynamic. color: false // Indicates if particle colors are dynamic. }, roundPixels: false // Indicates if pixels should be rounded for rendering. }; ParticleContainer = _ParticleContainer; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-nine-slice/NineSliceSprite.mjs var _NineSliceSprite, NineSliceSprite, NineSlicePlane; var init_NineSliceSprite = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/sprite-nine-slice/NineSliceSprite.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Texture(); init_deprecation(); init_ViewContainer(); init_NineSliceGeometry(); _NineSliceSprite = class _NineSliceSprite2 extends ViewContainer { /** * @param {scene.NineSliceSpriteOptions|Texture} options - Options to use * @param options.texture - The texture to use on the NineSliceSprite. * @param options.leftWidth - Width of the left vertical bar (A) * @param options.topHeight - Height of the top horizontal bar (C) * @param options.rightWidth - Width of the right vertical bar (B) * @param options.bottomHeight - Height of the bottom horizontal bar (D) * @param options.width - Width of the NineSliceSprite, * setting this will actually modify the vertices and not the UV's of this plane. * @param options.height - Height of the NineSliceSprite, * setting this will actually modify the vertices and not UV's of this plane. */ constructor(options) { if (options instanceof Texture) { options = { texture: options }; } const { width, height, leftWidth, rightWidth, topHeight, bottomHeight, texture, roundPixels, ...rest } = options; super({ label: "NineSliceSprite", ...rest }); this.renderPipeId = "nineSliceSprite"; this.batched = true; this._leftWidth = leftWidth ?? texture?.defaultBorders?.left ?? NineSliceGeometry.defaultOptions.leftWidth; this._topHeight = topHeight ?? texture?.defaultBorders?.top ?? NineSliceGeometry.defaultOptions.topHeight; this._rightWidth = rightWidth ?? texture?.defaultBorders?.right ?? NineSliceGeometry.defaultOptions.rightWidth; this._bottomHeight = bottomHeight ?? texture?.defaultBorders?.bottom ?? NineSliceGeometry.defaultOptions.bottomHeight; this.bounds.maxX = this._width = width ?? texture.width ?? NineSliceGeometry.defaultOptions.width; this.bounds.maxY = this._height = height ?? texture.height ?? NineSliceGeometry.defaultOptions.height; this.allowChildren = false; this.texture = texture ?? _NineSliceSprite2.defaultOptions.texture; this.roundPixels = roundPixels ?? false; } /** The local bounds of the view. */ get bounds() { return this._bounds; } /** The width of the NineSliceSprite, setting this will actually modify the vertices and UV's of this plane. */ get width() { return this._width; } set width(value) { this.bounds.maxX = this._width = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** The height of the NineSliceSprite, setting this will actually modify the vertices and UV's of this plane. */ get height() { return this._height; } set height(value) { this.bounds.maxY = this._height = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** * Sets the size of the NiceSliceSprite to the specified width and height. * setting this will actually modify the vertices and UV's of this plane * This is faster than setting the width and height separately. * @param value - This can be either a number or a [Size]{@link Size} object. * @param height - The height to set. Defaults to the value of `width` if not provided. */ setSize(value, height) { if (typeof value === "object") { height = value.height ?? value.width; value = value.width; } this.bounds.maxX = this._width = value; this.bounds.maxY = this._height = height ?? value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** * Retrieves the size of the NineSliceSprite as a [Size]{@link Size} object. * This is faster than get the width and height separately. * @param out - Optional object to store the size in. * @returns - The size of the NineSliceSprite. */ getSize(out2) { out2 || (out2 = {}); out2.width = this._width; out2.height = this._height; return out2; } /** The width of the left column (a) of the NineSliceSprite. */ get leftWidth() { return this._leftWidth; } set leftWidth(value) { this._leftWidth = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** The width of the right column (b) of the NineSliceSprite. */ get topHeight() { return this._topHeight; } set topHeight(value) { this._topHeight = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** The width of the right column (b) of the NineSliceSprite. */ get rightWidth() { return this._rightWidth; } set rightWidth(value) { this._rightWidth = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** The width of the right column (b) of the NineSliceSprite. */ get bottomHeight() { return this._bottomHeight; } set bottomHeight(value) { this._bottomHeight = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** The texture that the NineSliceSprite is using. */ get texture() { return this._texture; } set texture(value) { value || (value = Texture.EMPTY); const currentTexture = this._texture; if (currentTexture === value) return; if (currentTexture && currentTexture.dynamic) currentTexture.off("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); if (value.dynamic) value.on("update", this.onViewUpdate, this); this._texture = value; this.onViewUpdate(); } /** The original width of the texture */ get originalWidth() { return this._texture.width; } /** The original height of the texture */ get originalHeight() { return this._texture.height; } /** * Adds the bounds of this object to the bounds object. * @param bounds - The output bounds object. */ addBounds(bounds) { const _bounds = this.bounds; bounds.addFrame(_bounds.minX, _bounds.minY, _bounds.maxX, _bounds.maxY); } /** * Destroys this sprite renderable and optionally its texture. * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options * have been set to that value * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the renderable as well * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the renderable as well */ destroy(options) { super.destroy(options); const destroyTexture = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.texture; if (destroyTexture) { const destroyTextureSource = typeof options === "boolean" ? options : options?.textureSource; this._texture.destroy(destroyTextureSource); } this._texture = null; } }; _NineSliceSprite.defaultOptions = { /** @default Texture.EMPTY */ texture: Texture.EMPTY }; NineSliceSprite = _NineSliceSprite; NineSlicePlane = class extends NineSliceSprite { constructor(...args) { let options = args[0]; if (options instanceof Texture) { deprecation(v8_0_0, "NineSlicePlane now uses the options object {texture, leftWidth, rightWidth, topHeight, bottomHeight}"); options = { texture: options, leftWidth: args[1], topHeight: args[2], rightWidth: args[3], bottomHeight: args[4] }; } deprecation(v8_0_0, "NineSlicePlane is deprecated. Use NineSliceSprite instead."); super(options); } }; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/utils/ensureTextStyle.mjs function ensureTextStyle(renderMode, style) { if (style instanceof TextStyle || style instanceof HTMLTextStyle) { return style; } return renderMode === "html" ? new HTMLTextStyle(style) : new TextStyle(style); } var init_ensureTextStyle = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/scene/text/utils/ensureTextStyle.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_HtmlTextStyle(); init_TextStyle(); } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/logging/logDebugTexture.mjs async function logDebugTexture(texture, renderer, size = 200) { const base64 = await renderer.extract.base64(texture); await renderer.encoder.commandFinished; const width = size; console.log(`logging texture ${texture.source.width}px ${texture.source.height}px`); const style = [ "font-size: 1px;", `padding: ${width}px ${300}px;`, `background: url(${base64}) no-repeat;`, "background-size: contain;" ].join(" "); console.log("%c ", style); } var init_logDebugTexture = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/logging/logDebugTexture.mjs"() { "use strict"; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/logging/logScene.mjs function logScene(container, depth = 0, data = { color: "#000000" }) { if (container.renderGroup) { data.color = colors[colorTick++]; } let spaces = ""; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < depth; i3++) { spaces += " "; } let label = container.label; if (!label && container instanceof Sprite) { label = `sprite:${container.texture.label}`; } let output = `%c ${spaces}|- ${label} (worldX:${container.worldTransform.tx}, relativeRenderX:${container.relativeGroupTransform.tx}, renderX:${container.groupTransform.tx}, localX:${container.x})`; if (container.renderGroup) { output += " (RenderGroup)"; } if (container.filters) { output += "(*filters)"; } console.log(output, `color:${data.color}; font-weight:bold;`); depth++; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < container.children.length; i3++) { const child = container.children[i3]; logScene(child, depth, { ...data }); } } function logRenderGroupScene(renderGroup, depth = 0, data = { index: 0, color: "#000000" }) { let spaces = ""; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < depth; i3++) { spaces += " "; } const output = `%c ${spaces}- ${data.index}: ${renderGroup.root.label} worldX:${renderGroup.worldTransform.tx}`; console.log(output, `color:${data.color}; font-weight:bold;`); depth++; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < renderGroup.renderGroupChildren.length; i3++) { const child = renderGroup.renderGroupChildren[i3]; logRenderGroupScene(child, depth, { ...data, index: i3 }); } } var colors, colorTick; var init_logScene = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/utils/logging/logScene.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_Sprite(); colors = [ "#000080", // Navy Blue "#228B22", // Forest Green "#8B0000", // Dark Red "#4169E1", // Royal Blue "#008080", // Teal "#800000", // Maroon "#9400D3", // Dark Violet "#FF8C00", // Dark Orange "#556B2F", // Olive Green "#8B008B" // Dark Magenta ]; colorTick = 0; } }); // node_modules/pixi.js/lib/index.mjs var lib_exports = {}; __export(lib_exports, { AbstractBitmapFont: () => AbstractBitmapFont, AbstractRenderer: () => AbstractRenderer, AbstractText: () => AbstractText, AccessibilitySystem: () => AccessibilitySystem, AlphaFilter: () => AlphaFilter, AlphaMask: () => AlphaMask, AlphaMaskPipe: () => AlphaMaskPipe, AnimatedSprite: () => AnimatedSprite, Application: () => Application, ApplicationInitHook: () => ApplicationInitHook, Assets: () => Assets, AssetsClass: () => AssetsClass, BLEND_TO_NPM: () => BLEND_TO_NPM, BUFFER_TYPE: () => BUFFER_TYPE, BackgroundLoader: () => BackgroundLoader, BackgroundSystem: () => BackgroundSystem, Batch: () => Batch, BatchGeometry: () => BatchGeometry, BatchTextureArray: () => BatchTextureArray, BatchableGraphics: () => BatchableGraphics, BatchableMesh: () => BatchableMesh, BatchableSprite: () => BatchableSprite, Batcher: () => Batcher, BatcherPipe: () => BatcherPipe, BigPool: () => BigPool, BindGroup: () => BindGroup, BindGroupSystem: () => BindGroupSystem, BitmapFont: () => BitmapFont, BitmapFontManager: () => BitmapFontManager, BitmapText: () => BitmapText, BitmapTextPipe: () => BitmapTextPipe, BlendModeFilter: () => BlendModeFilter, BlendModePipe: () => BlendModePipe, BlurFilter: () => BlurFilter, BlurFilterPass: () => BlurFilterPass, Bounds: () => Bounds, BrowserAdapter: () => BrowserAdapter, Buffer: () => Buffer2, BufferImageSource: () => BufferImageSource, BufferResource: () => BufferResource, BufferUsage: () => BufferUsage, CLEAR: () => CLEAR, Cache: () => Cache, CanvasPool: () => CanvasPool, CanvasPoolClass: () => CanvasPoolClass, CanvasSource: () => CanvasSource, CanvasTextMetrics: () => CanvasTextMetrics, CanvasTextPipe: () => CanvasTextPipe, CanvasTextSystem: () => CanvasTextSystem, Circle: () => Circle, Color: () => Color, ColorBlend: () => ColorBlend, ColorBurnBlend: () => ColorBurnBlend, ColorDodgeBlend: () => ColorDodgeBlend, ColorMask: () => ColorMask, ColorMaskPipe: () => ColorMaskPipe, ColorMatrixFilter: () => ColorMatrixFilter, CompressedSource: () => CompressedSource, Container: () => Container, Culler: () => Culler, CullerPlugin: () => CullerPlugin, CustomRenderPipe: () => CustomRenderPipe, D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION: () => D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION, D3DFMT: () => D3DFMT, DATA_URI: () => DATA_URI, DDS: () => DDS, DEG_TO_RAD: () => DEG_TO_RAD, DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES: () => DEPRECATED_SCALE_MODES, DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES: () => DEPRECATED_WRAP_MODES, DOMAdapter: () => DOMAdapter, DRAW_MODES: () => DRAW_MODES, DXGI_FORMAT: () => DXGI_FORMAT, DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT: () => DXGI_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT, DarkenBlend: () => DarkenBlend, DefaultBatcher: () => DefaultBatcher, DefaultShader: () => DefaultShader, DifferenceBlend: () => DifferenceBlend, DisplacementFilter: () => DisplacementFilter, DivideBlend: () => DivideBlend, DynamicBitmapFont: () => DynamicBitmapFont, Ellipse: () => Ellipse, EventBoundary: () => EventBoundary, EventEmitter: () => eventemitter3_default, EventSystem: () => EventSystem, EventsTicker: () => EventsTicker, ExclusionBlend: () => ExclusionBlend, ExtensionType: () => ExtensionType, ExtractSystem: () => ExtractSystem, FOURCC_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT: () => FOURCC_TO_TEXTURE_FORMAT, FederatedContainer: () => FederatedContainer, FederatedEvent: () => FederatedEvent, FederatedMouseEvent: () => FederatedMouseEvent, FederatedPointerEvent: () => FederatedPointerEvent, FederatedWheelEvent: () => FederatedWheelEvent, FillGradient: () => FillGradient, FillPattern: () => FillPattern, Filter: () => Filter, FilterEffect: () => FilterEffect, FilterPipe: () => FilterPipe, FilterSystem: () => FilterSystem, FontStylePromiseCache: () => FontStylePromiseCache, GAUSSIAN_VALUES: () => GAUSSIAN_VALUES, GL_FORMATS: () => GL_FORMATS, GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT: () => GL_INTERNAL_FORMAT, GL_TARGETS: () => GL_TARGETS, GL_TYPES: () => GL_TYPES, GL_WRAP_MODES: () => GL_WRAP_MODES, GenerateTextureSystem: () => GenerateTextureSystem, Geometry: () => Geometry, GlBackBufferSystem: () => GlBackBufferSystem, GlBatchAdaptor: () => GlBatchAdaptor, GlBuffer: () => GlBuffer, GlBufferSystem: () => GlBufferSystem, GlColorMaskSystem: () => GlColorMaskSystem, GlContextSystem: () => GlContextSystem, GlEncoderSystem: () => GlEncoderSystem, GlGeometrySystem: () => GlGeometrySystem, GlGraphicsAdaptor: () => GlGraphicsAdaptor, GlMeshAdaptor: () => GlMeshAdaptor, GlParticleContainerAdaptor: () => GlParticleContainerAdaptor, GlParticleContainerPipe: () => GlParticleContainerPipe, GlProgram: () => GlProgram, GlProgramData: () => GlProgramData, GlRenderTarget: () => GlRenderTarget, GlRenderTargetAdaptor: () => GlRenderTargetAdaptor, GlRenderTargetSystem: () => GlRenderTargetSystem, GlShaderSystem: () => GlShaderSystem, GlStateSystem: () => GlStateSystem, GlStencilSystem: () => GlStencilSystem, GlTexture: () => GlTexture, GlTextureSystem: () => GlTextureSystem, GlUboSystem: () => GlUboSystem, GlUniformGroupSystem: () => GlUniformGroupSystem, GlobalUniformSystem: () => GlobalUniformSystem, GpuBatchAdaptor: () => GpuBatchAdaptor, GpuBlendModesToPixi: () => GpuBlendModesToPixi, GpuBufferSystem: () => GpuBufferSystem, GpuColorMaskSystem: () => GpuColorMaskSystem, GpuDeviceSystem: () => GpuDeviceSystem, GpuEncoderSystem: () => GpuEncoderSystem, GpuGraphicsAdaptor: () => GpuGraphicsAdaptor, GpuGraphicsContext: () => GpuGraphicsContext, GpuMeshAdapter: () => GpuMeshAdapter, GpuMipmapGenerator: () => GpuMipmapGenerator, GpuParticleContainerAdaptor: () => GpuParticleContainerAdaptor, GpuParticleContainerPipe: () => GpuParticleContainerPipe, GpuProgram: () => GpuProgram, GpuReadBuffer: () => GpuReadBuffer, GpuRenderTarget: () => GpuRenderTarget, GpuRenderTargetAdaptor: () => GpuRenderTargetAdaptor, GpuRenderTargetSystem: () => GpuRenderTargetSystem, GpuShaderSystem: () => GpuShaderSystem, GpuStateSystem: () => GpuStateSystem, GpuStencilModesToPixi: () => GpuStencilModesToPixi, GpuStencilSystem: () => GpuStencilSystem, GpuTextureSystem: () => GpuTextureSystem, GpuUboSystem: () => GpuUboSystem, GpuUniformBatchPipe: () => GpuUniformBatchPipe, Graphics: () => Graphics, GraphicsContext: () => GraphicsContext, GraphicsContextRenderData: () => GraphicsContextRenderData, GraphicsContextSystem: () => GraphicsContextSystem, GraphicsPath: () => GraphicsPath, GraphicsPipe: () => GraphicsPipe, HTMLText: () => HTMLText, HTMLTextPipe: () => HTMLTextPipe, HTMLTextRenderData: () => HTMLTextRenderData, HTMLTextStyle: () => HTMLTextStyle, HTMLTextSystem: () => HTMLTextSystem, HardLightBlend: () => HardLightBlend, HardMixBlend: () => HardMixBlend, HelloSystem: () => HelloSystem, IGLUniformData: () => IGLUniformData, ImageSource: () => ImageSource, InstructionSet: () => InstructionSet, KTX: () => KTX, LightenBlend: () => LightenBlend, LinearBurnBlend: () => LinearBurnBlend, LinearDodgeBlend: () => LinearDodgeBlend, LinearLightBlend: () => LinearLightBlend, Loader: () => Loader, LoaderParserPriority: () => LoaderParserPriority, LuminosityBlend: () => LuminosityBlend, MSAA_QUALITY: () => MSAA_QUALITY, MaskEffectManager: () => MaskEffectManager, MaskEffectManagerClass: () => MaskEffectManagerClass, MaskFilter: () => MaskFilter, Matrix: () => Matrix, Mesh: () => Mesh, MeshGeometry: () => MeshGeometry, MeshPipe: () => MeshPipe, MeshPlane: () => MeshPlane, MeshRope: () => MeshRope, MeshSimple: () => MeshSimple, NOOP: () => NOOP, NegationBlend: () => NegationBlend, NineSliceGeometry: () => NineSliceGeometry, NineSlicePlane: () => NineSlicePlane, NineSliceSprite: () => NineSliceSprite, NineSliceSpritePipe: () => NineSliceSpritePipe, NoiseFilter: () => NoiseFilter, ObservablePoint: () => ObservablePoint, OverlayBlend: () => OverlayBlend, PI_2: () => PI_2, Particle: () => Particle, ParticleBuffer: () => ParticleBuffer, ParticleContainer: () => ParticleContainer, ParticleContainerPipe: () => ParticleContainerPipe, ParticleShader: () => ParticleShader, PerspectiveMesh: () => PerspectiveMesh, PerspectivePlaneGeometry: () => PerspectivePlaneGeometry, PinLightBlend: () => PinLightBlend, PipelineSystem: () => PipelineSystem, PlaneGeometry: () => PlaneGeometry, Point: () => Point, Polygon: () => Polygon, Pool: () => Pool, PoolGroupClass: () => PoolGroupClass, PrepareBase: () => PrepareBase, PrepareQueue: () => PrepareQueue, PrepareSystem: () => PrepareSystem, PrepareUpload: () => PrepareUpload, QuadGeometry: () => QuadGeometry, RAD_TO_DEG: () => RAD_TO_DEG, Rectangle: () => Rectangle, RenderContainer: () => RenderContainer, RenderGroup: () => RenderGroup, RenderGroupPipe: () => RenderGroupPipe, RenderGroupSystem: () => RenderGroupSystem, RenderTarget: () => RenderTarget, RenderTargetSystem: () => RenderTargetSystem, RenderTexture: () => RenderTexture, RenderableGCSystem: () => RenderableGCSystem, RendererInitHook: () => RendererInitHook, RendererType: () => RendererType, ResizePlugin: () => ResizePlugin, Resolver: () => Resolver, RopeGeometry: () => RopeGeometry, RoundedRectangle: () => RoundedRectangle, SCALE_MODES: () => SCALE_MODES, STENCIL_MODES: () => STENCIL_MODES, SVGParser: () => SVGParser, SVGToGraphicsPath: () => SVGToGraphicsPath, SaturationBlend: () => SaturationBlend, SchedulerSystem: () => SchedulerSystem, ScissorMask: () => ScissorMask, SdfShader: () => SdfShader, Shader: () => Shader, ShaderStage: () => ShaderStage, ShapePath: () => ShapePath, SharedRenderPipes: () => SharedRenderPipes, SharedSystems: () => SharedSystems, SoftLightBlend: () => SoftLightBlend, Sprite: () => Sprite, SpritePipe: () => SpritePipe, Spritesheet: () => Spritesheet, State: () => State, StencilMask: () => StencilMask, StencilMaskPipe: () => StencilMaskPipe, SubtractBlend: () => SubtractBlend, SystemRunner: () => SystemRunner, TEXTURE_FORMAT_BLOCK_SIZE: () => TEXTURE_FORMAT_BLOCK_SIZE, Text: () => Text, TextStyle: () => TextStyle, Texture: () => Texture, TextureGCSystem: () => TextureGCSystem, TextureMatrix: () => TextureMatrix, TexturePool: () => TexturePool, TexturePoolClass: () => TexturePoolClass, TextureSource: () => TextureSource, TextureStyle: () => TextureStyle, TextureUvs: () => TextureUvs, Ticker: () => Ticker, TickerListener: () => TickerListener, TickerPlugin: () => TickerPlugin, TilingSprite: () => TilingSprite, TilingSpritePipe: () => TilingSpritePipe, TilingSpriteShader: () => TilingSpriteShader, Transform: () => Transform, Triangle: () => Triangle, UNIFORM_TO_ARRAY_SETTERS: () => UNIFORM_TO_ARRAY_SETTERS, UNIFORM_TO_SINGLE_SETTERS: () => UNIFORM_TO_SINGLE_SETTERS, UNIFORM_TYPES_MAP: () => UNIFORM_TYPES_MAP, UNIFORM_TYPES_VALUES: () => UNIFORM_TYPES_VALUES, UPDATE_BLEND: () => UPDATE_BLEND, UPDATE_COLOR: () => UPDATE_COLOR, UPDATE_PRIORITY: () => UPDATE_PRIORITY, UPDATE_TRANSFORM: () => UPDATE_TRANSFORM, UPDATE_VISIBLE: () => UPDATE_VISIBLE, UboBatch: () => UboBatch, UboSystem: () => UboSystem, UniformGroup: () => UniformGroup, VERSION: () => VERSION, VideoSource: () => VideoSource, ViewContainer: () => ViewContainer, ViewSystem: () => ViewSystem, ViewableBuffer: () => ViewableBuffer, VividLightBlend: () => VividLightBlend, WGSL_ALIGN_SIZE_DATA: () => WGSL_ALIGN_SIZE_DATA, WGSL_TO_STD40_SIZE: () => WGSL_TO_STD40_SIZE, WRAP_MODES: () => WRAP_MODES, WebGLRenderer: () => WebGLRenderer, WebGPURenderer: () => WebGPURenderer, WebWorkerAdapter: () => WebWorkerAdapter, WorkerManager: () => WorkerManager, _getGlobalBounds: () => _getGlobalBounds, _getGlobalBoundsRecursive: () => _getGlobalBoundsRecursive, accessibilityTarget: () => accessibilityTarget, addBits: () => addBits, addMaskBounds: () => addMaskBounds, addMaskLocalBounds: () => addMaskLocalBounds, addProgramDefines: () => addProgramDefines, alphaFrag: () => fragment3, alphaWgsl: () => source2, applyMatrix: () => applyMatrix, applyProjectiveTransformationToPlane: () => applyProjectiveTransformationToPlane, applyStyleParams: () => applyStyleParams, assignWithIgnore: () => assignWithIgnore, autoDetectEnvironment: () => autoDetectEnvironment, autoDetectRenderer: () => autoDetectRenderer, autoDetectSource: () => autoDetectSource, basisTranscoderUrls: () => basisTranscoderUrls, bitmapFontCachePlugin: () => bitmapFontCachePlugin, bitmapFontTextParser: () => bitmapFontTextParser, bitmapFontXMLParser: () => bitmapFontXMLParser, bitmapFontXMLStringParser: () => bitmapFontXMLStringParser, blendTemplateFrag: () => blendTemplateFrag, blendTemplateVert: () => blendTemplateVert, blendTemplateWgsl: () => blendTemplate, blockDataMap: () => blockDataMap, blurTemplateWgsl: () => source3, boundsPool: () => boundsPool, browserExt: () => browserExt, buildAdaptiveBezier: () => buildAdaptiveBezier, buildAdaptiveQuadratic: () => buildAdaptiveQuadratic, buildArc: () => buildArc, buildArcTo: () => buildArcTo, buildArcToSvg: () => buildArcToSvg, buildCircle: () => buildCircle, buildContextBatches: () => buildContextBatches, buildEllipse: () => buildEllipse, buildGeometryFromPath: () => buildGeometryFromPath, buildInstructions: () => buildInstructions, buildLine: () => buildLine, buildPolygon: () => buildPolygon, buildRectangle: () => buildRectangle, buildRoundedRectangle: () => buildRoundedRectangle, buildSimpleUvs: () => buildSimpleUvs, buildTriangle: () => buildTriangle, buildUvs: () => buildUvs, cacheTextureArray: () => cacheTextureArray, calculateProjection: () => calculateProjection, checkChildrenDidChange: () => checkChildrenDidChange, checkDataUrl: () => checkDataUrl, checkExtension: () => checkExtension, checkMaxIfStatementsInShader: () => checkMaxIfStatementsInShader, childrenHelperMixin: () => childrenHelperMixin, cleanArray: () => cleanArray, cleanHash: () => cleanHash, clearList: () => clearList, closePointEps: () => closePointEps, collectAllRenderables: () => collectAllRenderables, collectRenderGroups: () => collectRenderGroups, color32BitToUniform: () => color32BitToUniform, colorBit: () => colorBit, colorBitGl: () => colorBitGl, colorMatrixFilterFrag: () => fragment4, colorMatrixFilterWgsl: () => source4, colorToUniform: () => colorToUniform, compareModeToGlCompare: () => compareModeToGlCompare, compileHighShader: () => compileHighShader, compileHighShaderGl: () => compileHighShaderGl, compileHighShaderGlProgram: () => compileHighShaderGlProgram, compileHighShaderGpuProgram: () => compileHighShaderGpuProgram, compileHooks: () => compileHooks, compileInputs: () => compileInputs, compileOutputs: () => compileOutputs, compileShader: () => compileShader, compute2DProjection: () => compute2DProjection, convertFormatIfRequired: () => convertFormatIfRequired, convertToList: () => convertToList, copySearchParams: () => copySearchParams, createIdFromString: () => createIdFromString, createIndicesForQuads: () => createIndicesForQuads, createLevelBuffers: () => createLevelBuffers, createLevelBuffersFromKTX: () => createLevelBuffersFromKTX, createStringVariations: () => createStringVariations, createTexture: () => createTexture, createUboElementsSTD40: () => createUboElementsSTD40, createUboElementsWGSL: () => createUboElementsWGSL, createUboSyncFunction: () => createUboSyncFunction, createUboSyncFunctionSTD40: () => createUboSyncFunctionSTD40, createUboSyncFunctionWGSL: () => createUboSyncFunctionWGSL, crossOrigin: () => crossOrigin, cullingMixin: () => cullingMixin, curveEps: () => curveEps, defaultFilterVert: () => vertex3, defaultValue: () => defaultValue, definedProps: () => definedProps, deprecation: () => deprecation, detectAvif: () => detectAvif, detectBasis: () => detectBasis, detectCompressed: () => detectCompressed, detectDefaults: () => detectDefaults, detectMp4: () => detectMp4, detectOgv: () => detectOgv, detectVideoAlphaMode: () => detectVideoAlphaMode, detectWebm: () => detectWebm, detectWebp: () => detectWebp, determineCrossOrigin: () => determineCrossOrigin, displacementFrag: () => fragment5, displacementVert: () => vertex4, displacementWgsl: () => source5, earcut: () => import_earcut2.default, effectsMixin: () => effectsMixin, ensureAttributes: () => ensureAttributes, ensureIsBuffer: () => ensureIsBuffer, ensureOptions: () => ensureOptions, ensurePrecision: () => ensurePrecision, ensureTextStyle: () => ensureTextStyle, executeInstructions: () => executeInstructions, extensions: () => extensions, extractAttributesFromGlProgram: () => extractAttributesFromGlProgram, extractAttributesFromGpuProgram: () => extractAttributesFromGpuProgram, extractFontFamilies: () => extractFontFamilies, extractStructAndGroups: () => extractStructAndGroups, fastCopy: () => fastCopy, findHooksRx: () => findHooksRx, findMixin: () => findMixin, fontStringFromTextStyle: () => fontStringFromTextStyle, formatShader: () => formatShader, fragmentGPUTemplate: () => fragmentGPUTemplate, fragmentGlTemplate: () => fragmentGlTemplate, generateArraySyncSTD40: () => generateArraySyncSTD40, generateArraySyncWGSL: () => generateArraySyncWGSL, generateBlurFragSource: () => generateBlurFragSource, generateBlurGlProgram: () => generateBlurGlProgram, generateBlurProgram: () => generateBlurProgram, generateBlurVertSource: () => generateBlurVertSource, generateGPULayout: () => generateGPULayout, generateGpuLayoutGroups: () => generateGpuLayoutGroups, generateLayout: () => generateLayout, generateLayoutHash: () => generateLayoutHash, generateParticleUpdateFunction: () => generateParticleUpdateFunction, generateProgram: () => generateProgram, generateShaderSyncCode: () => generateShaderSyncCode, generateTextStyleKey: () => generateTextStyleKey, generateTextureBatchBit: () => generateTextureBatchBit, generateTextureBatchBitGl: () => generateTextureBatchBitGl, generateUID: () => generateUID, generateUniformsSync: () => generateUniformsSync, getAdjustedBlendModeBlend: () => getAdjustedBlendModeBlend, getAttributeInfoFromFormat: () => getAttributeInfoFromFormat, getBatchSamplersUniformGroup: () => getBatchSamplersUniformGroup, getBitmapTextLayout: () => getBitmapTextLayout, getCanvasBoundingBox: () => getCanvasBoundingBox, getCanvasFillStyle: () => getCanvasFillStyle, getCanvasTexture: () => getCanvasTexture, getDefaultUniformValue: () => getDefaultUniformValue, getFastGlobalBounds: () => getFastGlobalBounds, getFontCss: () => getFontCss, getFontFamilyName: () => getFontFamilyName, getGeometryBounds: () => getGeometryBounds, getGlTypeFromFormat: () => getGlTypeFromFormat, getGlobalBounds: () => getGlobalBounds, getGlobalRenderableBounds: () => getGlobalRenderableBounds, getLocalBounds: () => getLocalBounds, getMatrixRelativeToParent: () => getMatrixRelativeToParent, getMaxFragmentPrecision: () => getMaxFragmentPrecision, getMaxTexturesPerBatch: () => getMaxTexturesPerBatch, getOrientationOfPoints: () => getOrientationOfPoints, getParent: () => getParent, getPo2TextureFromSource: () => getPo2TextureFromSource, getResolutionOfUrl: () => getResolutionOfUrl, getSVGUrl: () => getSVGUrl, getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats: () => getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats, getSupportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats: () => getSupportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats, getSupportedGlCompressedTextureFormats: () => getSupportedGlCompressedTextureFormats, getSupportedTextureFormats: () => getSupportedTextureFormats, getTemporaryCanvasFromImage: () => getTemporaryCanvasFromImage, getTestContext: () => getTestContext, getTextureBatchBindGroup: () => getTextureBatchBindGroup, getTextureDefaultMatrix: () => getTextureDefaultMatrix, getTextureFormatFromKTXTexture: () => getTextureFormatFromKTXTexture, getUboData: () => getUboData, getUniformData: () => getUniformData, getUrlExtension: () => getUrlExtension, glFormatToGPUFormat: () => glFormatToGPUFormat, glUploadBufferImageResource: () => glUploadBufferImageResource, glUploadCompressedTextureResource: () => glUploadCompressedTextureResource, glUploadImageResource: () => glUploadImageResource, glUploadVideoResource: () => glUploadVideoResource, globalUniformsBit: () => globalUniformsBit, globalUniformsBitGl: () => globalUniformsBitGl, globalUniformsUBOBitGl: () => globalUniformsUBOBitGl, gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormat: () => gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormat, gpuFormatToKTXBasisTranscoderFormat: () => gpuFormatToKTXBasisTranscoderFormat, gpuUploadBufferImageResource: () => gpuUploadBufferImageResource, gpuUploadCompressedTextureResource: () => gpuUploadCompressedTextureResource, gpuUploadImageResource: () => gpuUploadImageResource, gpuUploadVideoResource: () => gpuUploadVideoResource, groupD8: () => groupD8, hasCachedCanvasTexture: () => hasCachedCanvasTexture, hslWgsl: () => hsl, hslgl: () => hslgl, hslgpu: () => hslgpu, injectBits: () => injectBits, insertVersion: () => insertVersion, isMobile: () => isMobile2, isPow2: () => isPow2, isRenderingToScreen: () => isRenderingToScreen, isSafari: () => isSafari, isSingleItem: () => isSingleItem, isWebGLSupported: () => isWebGLSupported, isWebGPUSupported: () => isWebGPUSupported, ktxTranscoderUrls: () => ktxTranscoderUrls, loadBasis: () => loadBasis, loadBasisOnWorker: () => loadBasisOnWorker, loadBitmapFont: () => loadBitmapFont, loadDDS: () => loadDDS, loadEnvironmentExtensions: () => loadEnvironmentExtensions, loadFontAsBase64: () => loadFontAsBase64, loadFontCSS: () => loadFontCSS, loadImageBitmap: () => loadImageBitmap, loadJson: () => loadJson, loadKTX: () => loadKTX, loadKTX2: () => loadKTX2, loadKTX2onWorker: () => loadKTX2onWorker, loadSVGImage: () => loadSVGImage, loadSvg: () => loadSvg, loadTextures: () => loadTextures, loadTxt: () => loadTxt, loadVideoTextures: () => loadVideoTextures, loadWebFont: () => loadWebFont, localUniformBit: () => localUniformBit, localUniformBitGl: () => localUniformBitGl, localUniformBitGroup2: () => localUniformBitGroup2, localUniformMSDFBit: () => localUniformMSDFBit, localUniformMSDFBitGl: () => localUniformMSDFBitGl, log2: () => log2, logDebugTexture: () => logDebugTexture, logProgramError: () => logProgramError, logRenderGroupScene: () => logRenderGroupScene, logScene: () => logScene, mSDFBit: () => mSDFBit, mSDFBitGl: () => mSDFBitGl, mapFormatToGlFormat: () => mapFormatToGlFormat, mapFormatToGlInternalFormat: () => mapFormatToGlInternalFormat, mapFormatToGlType: () => mapFormatToGlType, mapGlToVertexFormat: () => mapGlToVertexFormat, mapSize: () => mapSize, mapType: () => mapType, mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi: () => mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi, maskFrag: () => fragment2, maskVert: () => vertex2, maskWgsl: () => source, matrixPool: () => matrixPool, measureHtmlText: () => measureHtmlText, measureMixin: () => measureMixin, migrateFragmentFromV7toV8: () => migrateFragmentFromV7toV8, mipmapScaleModeToGlFilter: () => mipmapScaleModeToGlFilter, mixColors: () => mixColors, mixHexColors: () => mixHexColors, mixStandardAnd32BitColors: () => mixStandardAnd32BitColors, multiplyHexColors: () => multiplyHexColors, nextPow2: () => nextPow2, noiseFrag: () => fragment6, noiseWgsl: () => source6, nonCompressedFormats: () => nonCompressedFormats, normalizeExtensionPriority: () => normalizeExtensionPriority, nssvg: () => nssvg, nsxhtml: () => nsxhtml, onRenderMixin: () => onRenderMixin, parseDDS: () => parseDDS, parseFunctionBody: () => parseFunctionBody, parseKTX: () => parseKTX, particleData: () => particleData, particlesFrag: () => fragment, particlesVert: () => vertex, particlesWgsl: () => wgsl, path: () => path, pointInTriangle: () => pointInTriangle, preloadVideo: () => preloadVideo, removeItems: () => removeItems, removeStructAndGroupDuplicates: () => removeStructAndGroupDuplicates, resetUids: () => resetUids, resolveCharacters: () => resolveCharacters, resolveCompressedTextureUrl: () => resolveCompressedTextureUrl, resolveJsonUrl: () => resolveJsonUrl, resolveTextureUrl: () => resolveTextureUrl, resourceToTexture: () => resourceToTexture, roundPixelsBit: () => roundPixelsBit, roundPixelsBitGl: () => roundPixelsBitGl, roundedShapeArc: () => roundedShapeArc, roundedShapeQuadraticCurve: () => roundedShapeQuadraticCurve, sayHello: () => sayHello, scaleModeToGlFilter: () => scaleModeToGlFilter, setBasisTranscoderPath: () => setBasisTranscoderPath, setKTXTranscoderPath: () => setKTXTranscoderPath, setPositions: () => setPositions, setProgramName: () => setProgramName, setUvs: () => setUvs, shapeBuilders: () => shapeBuilders, sortMixin: () => sortMixin, spritesheetAsset: () => spritesheetAsset, squaredDistanceToLineSegment: () => squaredDistanceToLineSegment, stripVersion: () => stripVersion, testImageFormat: () => testImageFormat, testVideoFormat: () => testVideoFormat, textStyleToCSS: () => textStyleToCSS, textureBit: () => textureBit, textureBitGl: () => textureBitGl, textureFrom: () => textureFrom, tilingBit: () => tilingBit, tilingBitGl: () => tilingBitGl, toFillStyle: () => toFillStyle, toLocalGlobalMixin: () => toLocalGlobalMixin, toStrokeStyle: () => toStrokeStyle, transformVertices: () => transformVertices, triangulateWithHoles: () => triangulateWithHoles, uboSyncFunctionsSTD40: () => uboSyncFunctionsSTD40, uboSyncFunctionsWGSL: () => uboSyncFunctionsWGSL, uid: () => uid, uniformParsers: () => uniformParsers, unpremultiplyAlpha: () => unpremultiplyAlpha2, unsafeEvalSupported: () => unsafeEvalSupported, updateLocalTransform: () => updateLocalTransform, updateQuadBounds: () => updateQuadBounds, updateRenderGroupTransform: () => updateRenderGroupTransform, updateRenderGroupTransforms: () => updateRenderGroupTransforms, updateTransformAndChildren: () => updateTransformAndChildren, updateTransformBackwards: () => updateTransformBackwards, updateWorldTransform: () => updateWorldTransform, v8_0_0: () => v8_0_0, v8_3_4: () => v8_3_4, validFormats: () => validFormats, validateRenderables: () => validateRenderables, vertexGPUTemplate: () => vertexGPUTemplate, vertexGlTemplate: () => vertexGlTemplate, viewportFromFrame: () => viewportFromFrame, vkFormatToGPUFormat: () => vkFormatToGPUFormat, warn: () => warn, webworkerExt: () => webworkerExt, wrapModeToGlAddress: () => wrapModeToGlAddress }); var import_earcut2; var init_lib = __esm({ "node_modules/pixi.js/lib/index.mjs"() { "use strict"; init_browserExt(); init_webworkerExt(); init_Extensions(); init_Extensions(); init_init5(); init_init4(); init_AccessibilitySystem(); init_accessibilityTarget(); init_ColorBlend(); init_ColorBurnBlend(); init_ColorDodgeBlend(); init_DarkenBlend(); init_DifferenceBlend(); init_DivideBlend(); init_ExclusionBlend(); init_HardLightBlend(); init_HardMixBlend(); init_LightenBlend(); init_LinearBurnBlend(); init_LinearDodgeBlend(); init_LinearLightBlend(); init_LuminosityBlend(); init_NegationBlend(); init_OverlayBlend(); init_PinLightBlend(); init_SaturationBlend(); init_SoftLightBlend(); init_SubtractBlend(); init_VividLightBlend(); init_Application(); init_ResizePlugin(); init_TickerPlugin(); init_Assets(); init_BackgroundLoader(); init_Cache(); init_cacheTextureArray(); init_detectAvif(); init_detectDefaults(); init_detectMp4(); init_detectOgv(); init_detectWebm(); init_detectWebp(); init_testImageFormat(); init_testVideoFormat(); init_Loader(); init_LoaderParser(); init_loadJson(); init_loadTxt(); init_loadWebFont(); init_loadSVG(); init_loadTextures(); init_loadVideoTextures(); init_createTexture(); init_WorkerManager(); init_resolveJsonUrl(); init_resolveTextureUrl(); init_Resolver(); init_checkDataUrl(); init_checkExtension(); init_convertToList(); init_copySearchParams(); init_createStringVariations(); init_isSingleItem(); init_Color(); init_detectBasis(); init_loadBasis(); init_createLevelBuffers(); init_gpuFormatToBasisTranscoderFormat(); init_setBasisTranscoderPath(); init_loadBasisOnWorker(); init_const11(); init_loadDDS(); init_parseDDS(); init_loadKTX(); init_parseKTX(); init_const12(); init_loadKTX2(); init_convertFormatIfRequired(); init_createLevelBuffersFromKTX(); init_getTextureFormatFromKTXTexture(); init_glFormatToGPUFormat(); init_gpuFormatToKTXBasisTranscoderFormat(); init_setKTXTranscoderPath(); init_vkFormatToGPUFormat(); init_loadKTX2onWorker(); init_detectCompressed(); init_resolveCompressedTextureUrl(); init_Culler(); init_CullerPlugin(); init_cullingMixin(); init_adapter(); init_autoDetectEnvironment(); init_BrowserAdapter(); init_WebWorkerAdapter(); init_EventBoundary(); init_EventSystem(); init_EventTicker(); init_FederatedEvent(); init_FederatedEventTarget(); init_FederatedMouseEvent(); init_FederatedPointerEvent(); init_FederatedWheelEvent(); init_blend_template_frag(); init_blend_template_vert(); init_blend_template_wgsl(); init_hsl_wgsl(); init_alpha_frag(); init_alpha_wgsl(); init_blur_template_wgsl(); init_colorMatrixFilter_frag(); init_colorMatrixFilter_wgsl(); init_defaultFilter_vert(); init_displacement_frag(); init_displacement_vert(); init_displacement_wgsl(); init_noise_frag(); init_noise_wgsl(); init_mask_frag(); init_mask_vert(); init_mask_wgsl(); init_BlendModeFilter(); init_GLhls(); init_GPUhls(); init_AlphaFilter(); init_BlurFilter(); init_BlurFilterPass(); init_const13(); init_generateBlurFragSource(); init_generateBlurGlProgram(); init_generateBlurVertSource(); init_generateBlurProgram(); init_ColorMatrixFilter(); init_DisplacementFilter(); init_NoiseFilter(); init_Filter(); init_FilterEffect(); init_FilterPipe(); init_FilterSystem(); init_MaskFilter(); init_groupD8(); init_Matrix(); init_const(); init_pow2(); init_squaredDistanceToLineSegment(); init_ObservablePoint(); init_Point(); init_pointInTriangle(); init_Circle(); init_Ellipse(); init_Polygon(); init_Rectangle(); init_RoundedRectangle(); init_Triangle(); init_PrepareBase(); init_PrepareQueue(); init_PrepareSystem(); init_PrepareUpload(); init_GlBatchAdaptor(); init_checkMaxIfStatementsInShader(); init_maxRecommendedTextures(); init_generateGPULayout(); init_generateLayout(); init_getTextureBatchBindGroup(); init_GpuBatchAdaptor(); init_Batcher(); init_BatcherPipe(); init_BatchGeometry(); init_BatchTextureArray(); init_DefaultBatcher(); init_DefaultShader(); init_compileHighShaderToProgram(); init_compileHighShader(); init_addBits(); init_compileHooks(); init_compileInputs(); init_compileOutputs(); init_formatShader(); init_injectBits(); init_defaultProgramTemplate(); init_colorBit(); init_generateTextureBatchBit(); init_globalUniformsBit(); init_localUniformBit(); init_roundPixelsBit(); init_textureBit(); init_AlphaMask(); init_AlphaMaskPipe(); init_ColorMask(); init_ColorMaskPipe(); init_MaskEffectManager(); init_ScissorMask(); init_StencilMask(); init_StencilMaskPipe(); init_addMaskBounds(); init_addMaskLocalBounds(); init_autoDetectRenderer(); init_const9(); init_GlBuffer(); init_GlBufferSystem(); init_const7(); init_GlContextSystem(); init_GlGeometrySystem(); init_getGlTypeFromFormat(); init_GlBackBufferSystem(); init_GlColorMaskSystem(); init_GlEncoderSystem(); init_GlRenderTarget(); init_GlStencilSystem(); init_GlUboSystem(); init_GlRenderTargetAdaptor(); init_GlRenderTargetSystem(); init_GenerateShaderSyncCode(); init_getBatchSamplersUniformGroup(); init_GlProgram(); init_GlProgramData(); init_GlShaderSystem(); init_GlUniformGroupSystem(); init_migrateFragmentFromV7toV8(); init_compileShader(); init_defaultValue(); init_ensureAttributes(); init_extractAttributesFromGlProgram(); init_generateProgram(); init_getMaxFragmentPrecision(); init_getTestContext(); init_getUboData(); init_getUniformData(); init_logProgramError(); init_mapSize(); init_mapType(); init_addProgramDefines(); init_ensurePrecision(); init_insertVersion(); init_setProgramName(); init_stripVersion(); init_createUboElementsSTD40(); init_createUboSyncSTD40(); init_generateArraySyncSTD40(); init_generateUniformsSync(); init_generateUniformsSyncTypes(); init_GlStateSystem(); init_mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi(); init_const10(); init_GlTexture(); init_GlTextureSystem(); init_glUploadBufferImageResource(); init_glUploadCompressedTextureResource(); init_glUploadImageResource(); init_glUploadVideoResource(); init_applyStyleParams(); init_getSupportedGlCompressedTextureFormats(); init_mapFormatToGlFormat(); init_mapFormatToGlInternalFormat(); init_mapFormatToGlType(); init_pixiToGlMaps(); init_unpremultiplyAlpha(); init_WebGLRenderer(); init_BindGroupSystem(); init_GpuBufferSystem(); init_GpuReadBuffer(); init_UboBatch(); init_GpuColorMaskSystem(); init_GpuDeviceSystem(); init_GpuEncoderSystem(); init_GpuStencilSystem(); init_GpuUboSystem(); init_GpuUniformBatchPipe(); init_PipelineSystem(); init_calculateProjection(); init_GpuRenderTarget(); init_GpuRenderTargetAdaptor(); init_GpuRenderTargetSystem(); init_BindGroup(); init_GpuProgram(); init_GpuShaderSystem(); init_createUboElementsWGSL(); init_createUboSyncFunctionWGSL(); init_extractAttributesFromGpuProgram(); init_extractStructAndGroups(); init_generateArraySyncWGSL(); init_generateGpuLayoutGroups(); init_generateLayoutHash(); init_removeStructAndGroupDuplicates(); init_GpuBlendModesToPixi(); init_GpuStateSystem(); init_GpuStencilModesToPixi(); init_GpuTextureSystem(); init_gpuUploadBufferImageResource(); init_gpuUploadCompressedTextureResource(); init_gpuUploadImageSource(); init_gpuUploadVideoSource(); init_getSupportedGPUCompressedTextureFormats(); init_GpuMipmapGenerator(); init_WebGPURenderer(); init_BackgroundSystem(); init_BlendModePipe(); init_Buffer(); init_BufferResource(); init_const4(); init_fastCopy(); init_ExtractSystem(); init_GenerateTextureSystem(); init_const14(); init_Geometry(); init_buildUvs(); init_ensureIsBuffer(); init_getAttributeInfoFromFormat(); init_getGeometryBounds(); init_transformVertices(); init_InstructionSet(); init_GlobalUniformSystem(); init_isRenderingToScreen(); init_RenderTarget(); init_RenderTargetSystem(); init_viewportFromFrame(); init_SchedulerSystem(); init_const5(); init_Shader(); init_types(); init_UboSystem(); init_UniformGroup(); init_createUboSyncFunction(); init_getDefaultUniformValue(); init_uboSyncFunctions(); init_uniformParsers(); init_HelloSystem(); init_const3(); init_getAdjustedBlendModeBlend(); init_State(); init_AbstractRenderer(); init_SharedSystems(); init_SystemRunner(); init_CanvasPool(); init_const15(); init_RenderableGCSystem(); init_RenderTexture(); init_BufferImageSource(); init_CanvasSource(); init_CompressedSource(); init_ImageSource(); init_TextureSource(); init_VideoSource(); init_Texture(); init_TextureGCSystem(); init_TextureMatrix(); init_TexturePool(); init_TextureStyle(); init_TextureUvs(); init_generateUID(); init_getCanvasTexture(); init_getSupportedCompressedTextureFormats(); init_getSupportedTextureFormats(); init_textureFrom(); init_createIdFromString(); init_parseFunctionBody(); init_ViewSystem(); init_types2(); init_particles_frag(); init_particles_vert(); init_particles_wgsl(); init_Bounds(); init_getFastGlobalBounds(); init_getGlobalBounds(); init_getLocalBounds(); init_getRenderableBounds(); init_matrixAndBoundsPool(); init_childrenHelperMixin(); init_effectsMixin(); init_findMixin(); init_measureMixin(); init_onRenderMixin(); init_sortMixin(); init_toLocalGlobalMixin(); init_Container(); init_CustomRenderPipe(); init_RenderContainer(); init_RenderGroup(); init_RenderGroupPipe(); init_RenderGroupSystem(); init_assignWithIgnore(); init_buildInstructions(); init_checkChildrenDidChange(); init_clearList(); init_collectRenderGroups(); init_definedProps(); init_executeInstructions(); init_mixColors(); init_mixHexColors(); init_multiplyHexColors(); init_updateLocalTransform(); init_updateRenderGroupTransforms(); init_updateWorldTransform(); init_validateRenderables(); init_GlGraphicsAdaptor(); init_colorToUniform(); init_GpuGraphicsAdaptor(); init_BatchableGraphics(); init_buildAdaptiveBezier(); init_buildAdaptiveQuadratic(); init_buildArc(); init_buildArcTo(); init_buildArcToSvg(); init_buildCircle(); init_buildLine(); init_buildPolygon(); init_buildRectangle(); init_buildTriangle(); init_const6(); init_FillGradient(); init_FillPattern(); init_Graphics(); init_GraphicsContext(); init_GraphicsContextSystem(); init_GraphicsPipe(); init_GraphicsPath(); init_roundShape(); init_ShapePath(); init_SVGParser(); init_SVGToGraphicsPath(); init_buildContextBatches(); init_buildGeometryFromPath(); init_convertFillInputToFillStyle(); init_getOrientationOfPoints(); init_triangulateWithHoles(); init_PerspectiveMesh(); init_PerspectivePlaneGeometry(); init_applyProjectiveTransformationToPlane(); init_compute2DProjections(); init_MeshPlane(); init_PlaneGeometry(); init_MeshRope(); init_MeshSimple(); init_RopeGeometry(); init_GlMeshAdaptor(); init_GpuMeshAdapter(); init_BatchableMesh(); init_getTextureDefaultMatrix(); init_Mesh(); init_MeshGeometry(); init_MeshPipe(); init_GlParticleContainerAdaptor(); init_GpuParticleContainerAdaptor(); init_GlParticleContainerPipe(); init_GpuParticleContainerPipe(); init_Particle(); init_ParticleBuffer(); init_ParticleContainer(); init_ParticleContainerPipe(); init_particleData(); init_ParticleShader(); init_createIndicesForQuads(); init_generateParticleUpdateFunction(); init_AnimatedSprite(); init_NineSliceGeometry(); init_NineSliceSprite(); init_NineSliceSpritePipe(); init_tilingBit(); init_TilingSpriteShader(); init_TilingSprite(); init_TilingSpritePipe(); init_applyMatrix(); init_QuadGeometry(); init_setPositions(); init_setUvs(); init_BatchableSprite(); init_Sprite(); init_SpritePipe(); init_AbstractBitmapFont(); init_bitmapFontTextParser(); init_bitmapFontXMLParser(); init_bitmapFontXMLStringParser(); init_loadBitmapFont(); init_BitmapFont(); init_BitmapFontManager(); init_BitmapText(); init_BitmapTextPipe(); init_DynamicBitmapFont(); init_getBitmapTextLayout(); init_resolveCharacters(); init_HTMLText(); init_HTMLTextPipe(); init_HTMLTextRenderData(); init_HtmlTextStyle(); init_HTMLTextSystem(); init_extractFontFamilies(); init_getFontCss(); init_getSVGUrl(); init_getTemporaryCanvasFromImage(); init_loadFontAsBase64(); init_loadFontCSS(); init_loadSVGImage(); init_measureHtmlText(); init_textStyleToCSS(); init_AbstractText(); init_CanvasTextMetrics(); init_CanvasTextPipe(); init_CanvasTextSystem(); init_fontStringFromTextStyle(); init_getCanvasFillStyle(); init_SdfShader(); init_localUniformMSDFBit(); init_mSDFBit(); init_Text(); init_TextStyle(); init_ensureTextStyle(); init_generateTextStyleKey(); init_getPo2TextureFromSource(); init_ViewContainer(); init_Spritesheet(); init_spritesheetAsset(); init_const2(); init_Ticker(); init_TickerListener(); init_detectVideoAlphaMode(); init_isMobile2(); init_isSafari(); init_isWebGLSupported(); init_isWebGPUSupported(); init_unsafeEvalSupported(); init_getCanvasBoundingBox(); init_const8(); init_eventemitter3(); init_clean(); init_removeItems(); init_uid(); init_updateQuadBounds(); init_ViewableBuffer(); init_globalHooks(); init_deprecation(); init_logDebugTexture(); init_logScene(); init_warn(); init_NOOP(); init_Transform(); init_getResolutionOfUrl(); init_path(); init_Pool(); init_PoolGroup(); init_sayHello(); import_earcut2 = __toESM(require_earcut(), 1); extensions.add(browserExt, webworkerExt); } }); // node_modules/crypto-js/core.js var require_core = __commonJS({ "node_modules/crypto-js/core.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; (function(root, factory) { if (typeof exports2 === "object") { module2.exports = exports2 = factory(); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else { root.CryptoJS = factory(); } })(exports2, function() { var CryptoJS = CryptoJS || function(Math2, undefined2) { var crypto; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.crypto) { crypto = window.crypto; } if (typeof self !== "undefined" && self.crypto) { crypto = self.crypto; } if (typeof globalThis !== "undefined" && globalThis.crypto) { crypto = globalThis.crypto; } if (!crypto && typeof window !== "undefined" && window.msCrypto) { crypto = window.msCrypto; } if (!crypto && typeof global !== "undefined" && global.crypto) { crypto = global.crypto; } if (!crypto && typeof require === "function") { try { crypto = require("crypto"); } catch (err) { } } var cryptoSecureRandomInt = function() { if (crypto) { if (typeof crypto.getRandomValues === "function") { try { return crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0]; } catch (err) { } } if (typeof crypto.randomBytes === "function") { try { return crypto.randomBytes(4).readInt32LE(); } catch (err) { } } } throw new Error("Native crypto module could not be used to get secure random number."); }; var create = Object.create || /* @__PURE__ */ function() { function F() { } return function(obj) { var subtype; F.prototype = obj; subtype = new F(); F.prototype = null; return subtype; }; }(); var C = {}; var C_lib = C.lib = {}; var Base = C_lib.Base = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { return { /** * Creates a new object that inherits from this object. * * @param {Object} overrides Properties to copy into the new object. * * @return {Object} The new object. * * @static * * @example * * var MyType = CryptoJS.lib.Base.extend({ * field: 'value', * * method: function () { * } * }); */ extend: function(overrides) { var subtype = create(this); if (overrides) { subtype.mixIn(overrides); } if (!subtype.hasOwnProperty("init") || this.init === subtype.init) { subtype.init = function() { subtype.$super.init.apply(this, arguments); }; } subtype.init.prototype = subtype; subtype.$super = this; return subtype; }, /** * Extends this object and runs the init method. * Arguments to create() will be passed to init(). * * @return {Object} The new object. * * @static * * @example * * var instance = MyType.create(); */ create: function() { var instance2 = this.extend(); instance2.init.apply(instance2, arguments); return instance2; }, /** * Initializes a newly created object. * Override this method to add some logic when your objects are created. * * @example * * var MyType = CryptoJS.lib.Base.extend({ * init: function () { * // ... * } * }); */ init: function() { }, /** * Copies properties into this object. * * @param {Object} properties The properties to mix in. * * @example * * MyType.mixIn({ * field: 'value' * }); */ mixIn: function(properties) { for (var propertyName in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) { this[propertyName] = properties[propertyName]; } } if (properties.hasOwnProperty("toString")) { this.toString = properties.toString; } }, /** * Creates a copy of this object. * * @return {Object} The clone. * * @example * * var clone = instance.clone(); */ clone: function() { return this.init.prototype.extend(this); } }; }(); var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray = Base.extend({ /** * Initializes a newly created word array. * * @param {Array} words (Optional) An array of 32-bit words. * @param {number} sigBytes (Optional) The number of significant bytes in the words. * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(); * var wordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create([0x00010203, 0x04050607]); * var wordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create([0x00010203, 0x04050607], 6); */ init: function(words, sigBytes) { words = this.words = words || []; if (sigBytes != undefined2) { this.sigBytes = sigBytes; } else { this.sigBytes = words.length * 4; } }, /** * Converts this word array to a string. * * @param {Encoder} encoder (Optional) The encoding strategy to use. Default: CryptoJS.enc.Hex * * @return {string} The stringified word array. * * @example * * var string = wordArray + ''; * var string = wordArray.toString(); * var string = wordArray.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); */ toString: function(encoder) { return (encoder || Hex).stringify(this); }, /** * Concatenates a word array to this word array. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array to append. * * @return {WordArray} This word array. * * @example * * wordArray1.concat(wordArray2); */ concat: function(wordArray) { var thisWords = this.words; var thatWords = wordArray.words; var thisSigBytes = this.sigBytes; var thatSigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes; this.clamp(); if (thisSigBytes % 4) { for (var i3 = 0; i3 < thatSigBytes; i3++) { var thatByte = thatWords[i3 >>> 2] >>> 24 - i3 % 4 * 8 & 255; thisWords[thisSigBytes + i3 >>> 2] |= thatByte << 24 - (thisSigBytes + i3) % 4 * 8; } } else { for (var j2 = 0; j2 < thatSigBytes; j2 += 4) { thisWords[thisSigBytes + j2 >>> 2] = thatWords[j2 >>> 2]; } } this.sigBytes += thatSigBytes; return this; }, /** * Removes insignificant bits. * * @example * * wordArray.clamp(); */ clamp: function() { var words = this.words; var sigBytes = this.sigBytes; words[sigBytes >>> 2] &= 4294967295 << 32 - sigBytes % 4 * 8; words.length = Math2.ceil(sigBytes / 4); }, /** * Creates a copy of this word array. * * @return {WordArray} The clone. * * @example * * var clone = wordArray.clone(); */ clone: function() { var clone = Base.clone.call(this); clone.words = this.words.slice(0); return clone; }, /** * Creates a word array filled with random bytes. * * @param {number} nBytes The number of random bytes to generate. * * @return {WordArray} The random word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(16); */ random: function(nBytes) { var words = []; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < nBytes; i3 += 4) { words.push(cryptoSecureRandomInt()); } return new WordArray.init(words, nBytes); } }); var C_enc = C.enc = {}; var Hex = C_enc.Hex = { /** * Converts a word array to a hex string. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array. * * @return {string} The hex string. * * @static * * @example * * var hexString = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(wordArray); */ stringify: function(wordArray) { var words = wordArray.words; var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes; var hexChars = []; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < sigBytes; i3++) { var bite = words[i3 >>> 2] >>> 24 - i3 % 4 * 8 & 255; hexChars.push((bite >>> 4).toString(16)); hexChars.push((bite & 15).toString(16)); } return hexChars.join(""); }, /** * Converts a hex string to a word array. * * @param {string} hexStr The hex string. * * @return {WordArray} The word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(hexString); */ parse: function(hexStr) { var hexStrLength = hexStr.length; var words = []; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < hexStrLength; i3 += 2) { words[i3 >>> 3] |= parseInt(hexStr.substr(i3, 2), 16) << 24 - i3 % 8 * 4; } return new WordArray.init(words, hexStrLength / 2); } }; var Latin1 = C_enc.Latin1 = { /** * Converts a word array to a Latin1 string. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array. * * @return {string} The Latin1 string. * * @static * * @example * * var latin1String = CryptoJS.enc.Latin1.stringify(wordArray); */ stringify: function(wordArray) { var words = wordArray.words; var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes; var latin1Chars = []; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < sigBytes; i3++) { var bite = words[i3 >>> 2] >>> 24 - i3 % 4 * 8 & 255; latin1Chars.push(String.fromCharCode(bite)); } return latin1Chars.join(""); }, /** * Converts a Latin1 string to a word array. * * @param {string} latin1Str The Latin1 string. * * @return {WordArray} The word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.enc.Latin1.parse(latin1String); */ parse: function(latin1Str) { var latin1StrLength = latin1Str.length; var words = []; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < latin1StrLength; i3++) { words[i3 >>> 2] |= (latin1Str.charCodeAt(i3) & 255) << 24 - i3 % 4 * 8; } return new WordArray.init(words, latin1StrLength); } }; var Utf8 = C_enc.Utf8 = { /** * Converts a word array to a UTF-8 string. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array. * * @return {string} The UTF-8 string. * * @static * * @example * * var utf8String = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(wordArray); */ stringify: function(wordArray) { try { return decodeURIComponent(escape(Latin1.stringify(wordArray))); } catch (e2) { throw new Error("Malformed UTF-8 data"); } }, /** * Converts a UTF-8 string to a word array. * * @param {string} utf8Str The UTF-8 string. * * @return {WordArray} The word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(utf8String); */ parse: function(utf8Str) { return Latin1.parse(unescape(encodeURIComponent(utf8Str))); } }; var BufferedBlockAlgorithm = C_lib.BufferedBlockAlgorithm = Base.extend({ /** * Resets this block algorithm's data buffer to its initial state. * * @example * * bufferedBlockAlgorithm.reset(); */ reset: function() { this._data = new WordArray.init(); this._nDataBytes = 0; }, /** * Adds new data to this block algorithm's buffer. * * @param {WordArray|string} data The data to append. Strings are converted to a WordArray using UTF-8. * * @example * * bufferedBlockAlgorithm._append('data'); * bufferedBlockAlgorithm._append(wordArray); */ _append: function(data) { if (typeof data == "string") { data = Utf8.parse(data); } this._data.concat(data); this._nDataBytes += data.sigBytes; }, /** * Processes available data blocks. * * This method invokes _doProcessBlock(offset), which must be implemented by a concrete subtype. * * @param {boolean} doFlush Whether all blocks and partial blocks should be processed. * * @return {WordArray} The processed data. * * @example * * var processedData = bufferedBlockAlgorithm._process(); * var processedData = bufferedBlockAlgorithm._process(!!'flush'); */ _process: function(doFlush) { var processedWords; var data = this._data; var dataWords = data.words; var dataSigBytes = data.sigBytes; var blockSize = this.blockSize; var blockSizeBytes = blockSize * 4; var nBlocksReady = dataSigBytes / blockSizeBytes; if (doFlush) { nBlocksReady = Math2.ceil(nBlocksReady); } else { nBlocksReady = Math2.max((nBlocksReady | 0) - this._minBufferSize, 0); } var nWordsReady = nBlocksReady * blockSize; var nBytesReady = Math2.min(nWordsReady * 4, dataSigBytes); if (nWordsReady) { for (var offset = 0; offset < nWordsReady; offset += blockSize) { this._doProcessBlock(dataWords, offset); } processedWords = dataWords.splice(0, nWordsReady); data.sigBytes -= nBytesReady; } return new WordArray.init(processedWords, nBytesReady); }, /** * Creates a copy of this object. * * @return {Object} The clone. * * @example * * var clone = bufferedBlockAlgorithm.clone(); */ clone: function() { var clone = Base.clone.call(this); clone._data = this._data.clone(); return clone; }, _minBufferSize: 0 }); var Hasher = C_lib.Hasher = BufferedBlockAlgorithm.extend({ /** * Configuration options. */ cfg: Base.extend(), /** * Initializes a newly created hasher. * * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this hash computation. * * @example * * var hasher = CryptoJS.algo.SHA256.create(); */ init: function(cfg) { this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(cfg); this.reset(); }, /** * Resets this hasher to its initial state. * * @example * * hasher.reset(); */ reset: function() { BufferedBlockAlgorithm.reset.call(this); this._doReset(); }, /** * Updates this hasher with a message. * * @param {WordArray|string} messageUpdate The message to append. * * @return {Hasher} This hasher. * * @example * * hasher.update('message'); * hasher.update(wordArray); */ update: function(messageUpdate) { this._append(messageUpdate); this._process(); return this; }, /** * Finalizes the hash computation. * Note that the finalize operation is effectively a destructive, read-once operation. * * @param {WordArray|string} messageUpdate (Optional) A final message update. * * @return {WordArray} The hash. * * @example * * var hash = hasher.finalize(); * var hash = hasher.finalize('message'); * var hash = hasher.finalize(wordArray); */ finalize: function(messageUpdate) { if (messageUpdate) { this._append(messageUpdate); } var hash = this._doFinalize(); return hash; }, blockSize: 512 / 32, /** * Creates a shortcut function to a hasher's object interface. * * @param {Hasher} hasher The hasher to create a helper for. * * @return {Function} The shortcut function. * * @static * * @example * * var SHA256 = CryptoJS.lib.Hasher._createHelper(CryptoJS.algo.SHA256); */ _createHelper: function(hasher) { return function(message, cfg) { return new hasher.init(cfg).finalize(message); }; }, /** * Creates a shortcut function to the HMAC's object interface. * * @param {Hasher} hasher The hasher to use in this HMAC helper. * * @return {Function} The shortcut function. * * @static * * @example * * var HmacSHA256 = CryptoJS.lib.Hasher._createHmacHelper(CryptoJS.algo.SHA256); */ _createHmacHelper: function(hasher) { return function(message, key) { return new C_algo.HMAC.init(hasher, key).finalize(message); }; } }); var C_algo = C.algo = {}; return C; }(Math); return CryptoJS; }); } }); // node_modules/crypto-js/sha1.js var require_sha1 = __commonJS({ "node_modules/crypto-js/sha1.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; (function(root, factory) { if (typeof exports2 === "object") { module2.exports = exports2 = factory(require_core()); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["./core"], factory); } else { factory(root.CryptoJS); } })(exports2, function(CryptoJS) { (function() { var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var Hasher = C_lib.Hasher; var C_algo = C.algo; var W = []; var SHA1 = C_algo.SHA1 = Hasher.extend({ _doReset: function() { this._hash = new WordArray.init([ 1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520 ]); }, _doProcessBlock: function(M2, offset) { var H2 = this._hash.words; var a2 = H2[0]; var b2 = H2[1]; var c2 = H2[2]; var d2 = H2[3]; var e2 = H2[4]; for (var i3 = 0; i3 < 80; i3++) { if (i3 < 16) { W[i3] = M2[offset + i3] | 0; } else { var n2 = W[i3 - 3] ^ W[i3 - 8] ^ W[i3 - 14] ^ W[i3 - 16]; W[i3] = n2 << 1 | n2 >>> 31; } var t2 = (a2 << 5 | a2 >>> 27) + e2 + W[i3]; if (i3 < 20) { t2 += (b2 & c2 | ~b2 & d2) + 1518500249; } else if (i3 < 40) { t2 += (b2 ^ c2 ^ d2) + 1859775393; } else if (i3 < 60) { t2 += (b2 & c2 | b2 & d2 | c2 & d2) - 1894007588; } else { t2 += (b2 ^ c2 ^ d2) - 899497514; } e2 = d2; d2 = c2; c2 = b2 << 30 | b2 >>> 2; b2 = a2; a2 = t2; } H2[0] = H2[0] + a2 | 0; H2[1] = H2[1] + b2 | 0; H2[2] = H2[2] + c2 | 0; H2[3] = H2[3] + d2 | 0; H2[4] = H2[4] + e2 | 0; }, _doFinalize: function() { var data = this._data; var dataWords = data.words; var nBitsTotal = this._nDataBytes * 8; var nBitsLeft = data.sigBytes * 8; dataWords[nBitsLeft >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - nBitsLeft % 32; dataWords[(nBitsLeft + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = Math.floor(nBitsTotal / 4294967296); dataWords[(nBitsLeft + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 15] = nBitsTotal; data.sigBytes = dataWords.length * 4; this._process(); return this._hash; }, clone: function() { var clone = Hasher.clone.call(this); clone._hash = this._hash.clone(); return clone; } }); C.SHA1 = Hasher._createHelper(SHA1); C.HmacSHA1 = Hasher._createHmacHelper(SHA1); })(); return CryptoJS.SHA1; }); } }); // node_modules/deep-diff/index.js var require_deep_diff = __commonJS({ "node_modules/deep-diff/index.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; (function(root, factory) { var deepDiff = factory(root); if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("DeepDiff", function() { return deepDiff; }); } else if (typeof exports2 === "object" || typeof navigator === "object" && navigator.product.match(/ReactNative/i)) { module2.exports = deepDiff; } else { var _deepdiff = root.DeepDiff; deepDiff.noConflict = function() { if (root.DeepDiff === deepDiff) { root.DeepDiff = _deepdiff; } return deepDiff; }; root.DeepDiff = deepDiff; } })(exports2, function(root) { var validKinds = ["N", "E", "A", "D"]; function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor; ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { constructor: { value: ctor, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); } function Diff(kind, path2) { Object.defineProperty(this, "kind", { value: kind, enumerable: true }); if (path2 && path2.length) { Object.defineProperty(this, "path", { value: path2, enumerable: true }); } } function DiffEdit(path2, origin, value) { DiffEdit.super_.call(this, "E", path2); Object.defineProperty(this, "lhs", { value: origin, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(this, "rhs", { value, enumerable: true }); } inherits(DiffEdit, Diff); function DiffNew(path2, value) { DiffNew.super_.call(this, "N", path2); Object.defineProperty(this, "rhs", { value, enumerable: true }); } inherits(DiffNew, Diff); function DiffDeleted(path2, value) { DiffDeleted.super_.call(this, "D", path2); Object.defineProperty(this, "lhs", { value, enumerable: true }); } inherits(DiffDeleted, Diff); function DiffArray(path2, index, item) { DiffArray.super_.call(this, "A", path2); Object.defineProperty(this, "index", { value: index, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(this, "item", { value: item, enumerable: true }); } inherits(DiffArray, Diff); function arrayRemove(arr, from, to) { var rest = arr.slice((to || from) + 1 || arr.length); arr.length = from < 0 ? arr.length + from : from; arr.push.apply(arr, rest); return arr; } function realTypeOf(subject) { var type = typeof subject; if (type !== "object") { return type; } if (subject === Math) { return "math"; } else if (subject === null) { return "null"; } else if (Array.isArray(subject)) { return "array"; } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(subject) === "[object Date]") { return "date"; } else if (typeof subject.toString === "function" && /^\/.*\//.test(subject.toString())) { return "regexp"; } return "object"; } function hashThisString(string) { var hash = 0; if (string.length === 0) { return hash; } for (var i3 = 0; i3 < string.length; i3++) { var char = string.charCodeAt(i3); hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char; hash = hash & hash; } return hash; } function getOrderIndependentHash(object) { var accum = 0; var type = realTypeOf(object); if (type === "array") { object.forEach(function(item) { accum += getOrderIndependentHash(item); }); var arrayString = "[type: array, hash: " + accum + "]"; return accum + hashThisString(arrayString); } if (type === "object") { for (var key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var keyValueString = "[ type: object, key: " + key + ", value hash: " + getOrderIndependentHash(object[key]) + "]"; accum += hashThisString(keyValueString); } } return accum; } var stringToHash = "[ type: " + type + " ; value: " + object + "]"; return accum + hashThisString(stringToHash); } function deepDiff(lhs, rhs, changes, prefilter, path2, key, stack, orderIndependent) { changes = changes || []; path2 = path2 || []; stack = stack || []; var currentPath = path2.slice(0); if (typeof key !== "undefined" && key !== null) { if (prefilter) { if (typeof prefilter === "function" && prefilter(currentPath, key)) { return; } else if (typeof prefilter === "object") { if (prefilter.prefilter && prefilter.prefilter(currentPath, key)) { return; } if (prefilter.normalize) { var alt = prefilter.normalize(currentPath, key, lhs, rhs); if (alt) { lhs = alt[0]; rhs = alt[1]; } } } } currentPath.push(key); } if (realTypeOf(lhs) === "regexp" && realTypeOf(rhs) === "regexp") { lhs = lhs.toString(); rhs = rhs.toString(); } var ltype = typeof lhs; var rtype = typeof rhs; var i3, j2, k2, other; var ldefined = ltype !== "undefined" || stack && stack.length > 0 && stack[stack.length - 1].lhs && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(stack[stack.length - 1].lhs, key); var rdefined = rtype !== "undefined" || stack && stack.length > 0 && stack[stack.length - 1].rhs && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(stack[stack.length - 1].rhs, key); if (!ldefined && rdefined) { changes.push(new DiffNew(currentPath, rhs)); } else if (!rdefined && ldefined) { changes.push(new DiffDeleted(currentPath, lhs)); } else if (realTypeOf(lhs) !== realTypeOf(rhs)) { changes.push(new DiffEdit(currentPath, lhs, rhs)); } else if (realTypeOf(lhs) === "date" && lhs - rhs !== 0) { changes.push(new DiffEdit(currentPath, lhs, rhs)); } else if (ltype === "object" && lhs !== null && rhs !== null) { for (i3 = stack.length - 1; i3 > -1; --i3) { if (stack[i3].lhs === lhs) { other = true; break; } } if (!other) { stack.push({ lhs, rhs }); if (Array.isArray(lhs)) { if (orderIndependent) { lhs.sort(function(a2, b2) { return getOrderIndependentHash(a2) - getOrderIndependentHash(b2); }); rhs.sort(function(a2, b2) { return getOrderIndependentHash(a2) - getOrderIndependentHash(b2); }); } i3 = rhs.length - 1; j2 = lhs.length - 1; while (i3 > j2) { changes.push(new DiffArray(currentPath, i3, new DiffNew(void 0, rhs[i3--]))); } while (j2 > i3) { changes.push(new DiffArray(currentPath, j2, new DiffDeleted(void 0, lhs[j2--]))); } for (; i3 >= 0; --i3) { deepDiff(lhs[i3], rhs[i3], changes, prefilter, currentPath, i3, stack, orderIndependent); } } else { var akeys = Object.keys(lhs); var pkeys = Object.keys(rhs); for (i3 = 0; i3 < akeys.length; ++i3) { k2 = akeys[i3]; other = pkeys.indexOf(k2); if (other >= 0) { deepDiff(lhs[k2], rhs[k2], changes, prefilter, currentPath, k2, stack, orderIndependent); pkeys[other] = null; } else { deepDiff(lhs[k2], void 0, changes, prefilter, currentPath, k2, stack, orderIndependent); } } for (i3 = 0; i3 < pkeys.length; ++i3) { k2 = pkeys[i3]; if (k2) { deepDiff(void 0, rhs[k2], changes, prefilter, currentPath, k2, stack, orderIndependent); } } } stack.length = stack.length - 1; } else if (lhs !== rhs) { changes.push(new DiffEdit(currentPath, lhs, rhs)); } } else if (lhs !== rhs) { if (!(ltype === "number" && isNaN(lhs) && isNaN(rhs))) { changes.push(new DiffEdit(currentPath, lhs, rhs)); } } } function observableDiff(lhs, rhs, observer, prefilter, orderIndependent) { var changes = []; deepDiff(lhs, rhs, changes, prefilter, null, null, null, orderIndependent); if (observer) { for (var i3 = 0; i3 < changes.length; ++i3) { observer(changes[i3]); } } return changes; } function orderIndependentDeepDiff(lhs, rhs, changes, prefilter, path2, key, stack) { return deepDiff(lhs, rhs, changes, prefilter, path2, key, stack, true); } function accumulateDiff(lhs, rhs, prefilter, accum) { var observer = accum ? function(difference) { if (difference) { accum.push(difference); } } : void 0; var changes = observableDiff(lhs, rhs, observer, prefilter); return accum ? accum : changes.length ? changes : void 0; } function accumulateOrderIndependentDiff(lhs, rhs, prefilter, accum) { var observer = accum ? function(difference) { if (difference) { accum.push(difference); } } : void 0; var changes = observableDiff(lhs, rhs, observer, prefilter, true); return accum ? accum : changes.length ? changes : void 0; } function applyArrayChange(arr, index, change) { if (change.path && change.path.length) { var it = arr[index], i3, u2 = change.path.length - 1; for (i3 = 0; i3 < u2; i3++) { it = it[change.path[i3]]; } switch (change.kind) { case "A": applyArrayChange(it[change.path[i3]], change.index, change.item); break; case "D": delete it[change.path[i3]]; break; case "E": case "N": it[change.path[i3]] = change.rhs; break; } } else { switch (change.kind) { case "A": applyArrayChange(arr[index], change.index, change.item); break; case "D": arr = arrayRemove(arr, index); break; case "E": case "N": arr[index] = change.rhs; break; } } return arr; } function applyChange(target, source7, change) { if (typeof change === "undefined" && source7 && ~validKinds.indexOf(source7.kind)) { change = source7; } if (target && change && change.kind) { var it = target, i3 = -1, last = change.path ? change.path.length - 1 : 0; while (++i3 < last) { if (typeof it[change.path[i3]] === "undefined") { it[change.path[i3]] = typeof change.path[i3 + 1] !== "undefined" && typeof change.path[i3 + 1] === "number" ? [] : {}; } it = it[change.path[i3]]; } switch (change.kind) { case "A": if (change.path && typeof it[change.path[i3]] === "undefined") { it[change.path[i3]] = []; } applyArrayChange(change.path ? it[change.path[i3]] : it, change.index, change.item); break; case "D": delete it[change.path[i3]]; break; case "E": case "N": it[change.path[i3]] = change.rhs; break; } } } function revertArrayChange(arr, index, change) { if (change.path && change.path.length) { var it = arr[index], i3, u2 = change.path.length - 1; for (i3 = 0; i3 < u2; i3++) { it = it[change.path[i3]]; } switch (change.kind) { case "A": revertArrayChange(it[change.path[i3]], change.index, change.item); break; case "D": it[change.path[i3]] = change.lhs; break; case "E": it[change.path[i3]] = change.lhs; break; case "N": delete it[change.path[i3]]; break; } } else { switch (change.kind) { case "A": revertArrayChange(arr[index], change.index, change.item); break; case "D": arr[index] = change.lhs; break; case "E": arr[index] = change.lhs; break; case "N": arr = arrayRemove(arr, index); break; } } return arr; } function revertChange(target, source7, change) { if (target && source7 && change && change.kind) { var it = target, i3, u2; u2 = change.path.length - 1; for (i3 = 0; i3 < u2; i3++) { if (typeof it[change.path[i3]] === "undefined") { it[change.path[i3]] = {}; } it = it[change.path[i3]]; } switch (change.kind) { case "A": revertArrayChange(it[change.path[i3]], change.index, change.item); break; case "D": it[change.path[i3]] = change.lhs; break; case "E": it[change.path[i3]] = change.lhs; break; case "N": delete it[change.path[i3]]; break; } } } function applyDiff(target, source7, filter) { if (target && source7) { var onChange = function(change) { if (!filter || filter(target, source7, change)) { applyChange(target, source7, change); } }; observableDiff(target, source7, onChange); } } Object.defineProperties(accumulateDiff, { diff: { value: accumulateDiff, enumerable: true }, orderIndependentDiff: { value: accumulateOrderIndependentDiff, enumerable: true }, observableDiff: { value: observableDiff, enumerable: true }, orderIndependentObservableDiff: { value: orderIndependentDeepDiff, enumerable: true }, orderIndepHash: { value: getOrderIndependentHash, enumerable: true }, applyDiff: { value: applyDiff, enumerable: true }, applyChange: { value: applyChange, enumerable: true }, revertChange: { value: revertChange, enumerable: true }, isConflict: { value: function() { return typeof $conflict !== "undefined"; }, enumerable: true } }); accumulateDiff.DeepDiff = accumulateDiff; if (root) { root.DeepDiff = accumulateDiff; } return accumulateDiff; }); } }); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { Assets: () => Assets, CANVAS_APP_STAGE_ALIAS: () => CANVAS_APP_STAGE_ALIAS, CanvasBase: () => CanvasBase2, CanvasContainer: () => CanvasContainer, CanvasEvent: () => CanvasEvent, CanvasImage: () => CanvasImage, CanvasManagerStatic: () => CanvasManagerStatic, CanvasSprite: () => CanvasSprite, CanvasText: () => CanvasText, CanvasVideo: () => CanvasVideo, CharacterBaseModel: () => CharacterBaseModel, CharacterStoredClass: () => CharacterStoredClass, ChoiceMenuOption: () => ChoiceMenuOption, ChoiceMenuOptionClose: () => ChoiceMenuOptionClose, Close: () => Close, Dialogue: () => Dialogue, DialogueBaseModel: () => Dialogue, FadeAlphaTicker: () => FadeAlphaTicker, GameStepManager: () => NarrationManager, GameStorageManager: () => StorageManager, GameWindowManager: () => CanvasManager, Label: () => Label, LabelAbstract: () => LabelAbstract, MoveTicker: () => MoveTicker, NarrationManagerStatic: () => NarrationManagerStatic, Pause: () => Pause, Repeat: () => Repeat, RotateTicker: () => RotateTicker, Sound: () => Sound2, SoundManagerStatic: () => SoundManagerStatic, StorageManagerStatic: () => StorageManagerStatic, StoredClassModel: () => StoredClassModel, TickerBase: () => TickerBase, ZoomTicker: () => ZoomTicker, addImage: () => addImage, addVideo: () => addVideo, canvas: () => canvas, canvasElementDecorator: () => canvasElementDecorator, clearAllGameDatas: () => clearAllGameDatas, clearChoiceMenuOptions: () => clearChoiceMenuOptions, clearDialogue: () => clearDialogue, createExportableElement: () => createExportableElement, eventDecorator: () => eventDecorator, filters: () => filters, getAllCharacters: () => getAllCharacters, getCharacterById: () => getCharacterById, getChoiceMenuOptions: () => getChoiceMenuOptions, getDialogue: () => getDialogue, getFlag: () => getFlag, getLabelById: () => getLabelById, getSaveData: () => getSaveData, getSaveJson: () => getSaveJson, getTexture: () => getTexture, juliette: () => juliette, loadImage: () => loadImage, loadSaveData: () => loadSaveData, loadSaveJson: () => loadSaveJson, loadVideo: () => loadVideo, moveIn: () => moveIn, moveOut: () => moveOut, narration: () => narration, newLabel: () => newLabel, pixivnTestStartLabel: () => pixivnTestStartLabel, pushIn: () => pushIn, pushOut: () => pushOut, removeCanvasElement: () => removeCanvasElement, removeWithDissolveTransition: () => removeWithDissolveTransition, removeWithFadeTransition: () => removeWithFadeTransition, saveCharacter: () => saveCharacter, saveLabel: () => saveLabel, setChoiceMenuOptions: () => setChoiceMenuOptions, setDialogue: () => setDialogue, setFlag: () => setFlag, shakeEffect: () => shakeEffect, showImage: () => showImage, showVideo: () => showVideo, showWithDissolveTransition: () => showWithDissolveTransition, showWithFadeTransition: () => showWithFadeTransition, sound: () => sound2, storage: () => storage, tickerDecorator: () => tickerDecorator, zoomIn: () => zoomIn, zoomOut: () => zoomOut }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); init_lib(); // src/classes/canvas/CanvasAVideo.ts init_lib(); // src/classes/canvas/CanvasImage.ts init_lib(); // src/functions/texture-utility.ts init_lib(); async function getTexture(imageUrl) { if (Assets.cache.has(imageUrl)) { return Assets.get(imageUrl); } return Assets.load(imageUrl).then((texture) => { if (!texture) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Texture not found", imageUrl); return; } if (!(texture instanceof Texture)) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] File not is a image", imageUrl); return; } return texture; }).catch((e2) => { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error loading image", e2); return; }); } function getFillGradientFillPattern(prop, propName) { if (!(prop instanceof Object)) { return prop; } console.warn(`[Pixi\u2019VN] CanvasText.style.${propName} is a FillGradient or FillPattern, this is not supported yet.`, prop); return void 0; } function getTextStyle(style) { return { align: style.align, breakWords: style.breakWords, dropShadow: style.dropShadow, fill: getFillGradientFillPattern(style.stroke, "fill"), fontFamily: style.fontFamily, fontSize: style.fontSize, fontStyle: style.fontStyle, fontVariant: style.fontVariant, fontWeight: style.fontWeight, leading: style.leading, letterSpacing: style.letterSpacing, lineHeight: style.lineHeight, padding: style.padding, stroke: getFillGradientFillPattern(style.stroke, "stroke"), textBaseline: style.textBaseline, trim: style.trim, whiteSpace: style.whiteSpace, wordWrap: style.wordWrap, wordWrapWidth: style.wordWrapWidth }; } // src/classes/canvas/CanvasSprite.ts init_lib(); // src/decorators/event-decorator.ts var registeredEvents = {}; function eventDecorator(name) { return function(target) { if (!name) { name = target.name; } if (registeredEvents[name]) { console.info(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Event ${name} already exists, it will be overwritten`); } target.prototype.id = name; registeredEvents[name] = target; }; } function getEventTypeById(eventId) { try { let eventType = registeredEvents[eventId]; if (!eventType) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Event ${eventId} not found`); return; } new eventType(); return eventType; } catch (e2) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Error while getting Event ${eventId}`, e2); return; } } function getEventInstanceById(eventId) { try { let eventType = registeredEvents[eventId]; if (!eventType) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Event ${eventId} not found`); return; } let event = new eventType(); return event; } catch (e2) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Error while getting Event ${eventId}`, e2); return; } } // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/filters/index.mjs var filters_exports = {}; __export(filters_exports, { DistortionFilter: () => DistortionFilter, EqualizerFilter: () => EqualizerFilter, Filter: () => Filter2, MonoFilter: () => MonoFilter, ReverbFilter: () => ReverbFilter, StereoFilter: () => StereoFilter, StreamFilter: () => StreamFilter, TelephoneFilter: () => TelephoneFilter }); // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/instance.mjs var instance; function setInstance(sound3) { instance = sound3; return sound3; } function getInstance() { return instance; } // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/filters/Filter.mjs var Filter2 = class { /** * @param {AudioNode} destination - The audio node to use as the destination for the input AudioNode * @param {AudioNode} [source] - Optional output node, defaults to destination node. This is useful * when creating filters which contains multiple AudioNode elements chained together. */ constructor(destination, source7) { this.init(destination, source7); } /** Reinitialize */ init(destination, source7) { this.destination = destination; this.source = source7 || destination; } /** * Connect to the destination. * @param {AudioNode} destination - The destination node to connect the output to */ connect(destination) { this.source?.connect(destination); } /** Completely disconnect filter from destination and source nodes. */ disconnect() { this.source?.disconnect(); } /** Destroy the filter and don't use after this. */ destroy() { this.disconnect(); this.destination = null; this.source = null; } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/filters/DistortionFilter.mjs var DistortionFilter = class extends Filter2 { /** @param amount - The amount of distoration from 0 to 1. */ constructor(amount = 0) { let distortion; if (!getInstance().useLegacy) { const { audioContext } = getInstance().context; distortion = audioContext.createWaveShaper(); } super(distortion); this._distortion = distortion; this.amount = amount; } /** The amount of distortion to set. */ set amount(value) { this._amount = value; if (getInstance().useLegacy) { return; } const scaledValue = value * 1e3; const samples = 44100; const curve = new Float32Array(samples); const deg = Math.PI / 180; let i3 = 0; let x2; for (; i3 < samples; ++i3) { x2 = i3 * 2 / samples - 1; curve[i3] = (3 + scaledValue) * x2 * 20 * deg / (Math.PI + scaledValue * Math.abs(x2)); } this._distortion.curve = curve; this._distortion.oversample = "4x"; } get amount() { return this._amount; } destroy() { this._distortion = null; super.destroy(); } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/webaudio/WebAudioUtils.mjs var WebAudioUtils = class { /** * Dezippering is removed in the future Web Audio API, instead * we use the `setValueAtTime` method, however, this is not available * in all environments (e.g., Android webview), so we fallback to the `value` setter. * @param param - AudioNode parameter object * @param value - Value to set * @return The value set */ static setParamValue(param, value) { if (param.setValueAtTime) { const context2 = getInstance().context; param.setValueAtTime(value, context2.audioContext.currentTime); } else { param.value = value; } return value; } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/filters/EqualizerFilter.mjs var _EqualizerFilter = class extends Filter2 { /** * @param f32 - Default gain for 32 Hz * @param f64 - Default gain for 64 Hz * @param f125 - Default gain for 125 Hz * @param f250 - Default gain for 250 Hz * @param f500 - Default gain for 500 Hz * @param f1k - Default gain for 1000 Hz * @param f2k - Default gain for 2000 Hz * @param f4k - Default gain for 4000 Hz * @param f8k - Default gain for 8000 Hz * @param f16k - Default gain for 16000 Hz */ constructor(f32 = 0, f64 = 0, f125 = 0, f250 = 0, f500 = 0, f1k = 0, f2k = 0, f4k = 0, f8k = 0, f16k = 0) { let bands = []; const equalizerBands = [ { f: _EqualizerFilter.F32, type: "lowshelf", gain: f32 }, { f: _EqualizerFilter.F64, type: "peaking", gain: f64 }, { f: _EqualizerFilter.F125, type: "peaking", gain: f125 }, { f: _EqualizerFilter.F250, type: "peaking", gain: f250 }, { f: _EqualizerFilter.F500, type: "peaking", gain: f500 }, { f: _EqualizerFilter.F1K, type: "peaking", gain: f1k }, { f: _EqualizerFilter.F2K, type: "peaking", gain: f2k }, { f: _EqualizerFilter.F4K, type: "peaking", gain: f4k }, { f: _EqualizerFilter.F8K, type: "peaking", gain: f8k }, { f: _EqualizerFilter.F16K, type: "highshelf", gain: f16k } ]; if (!getInstance().useLegacy) { bands = equalizerBands.map((band) => { const node = getInstance().context.audioContext.createBiquadFilter(); node.type = band.type; WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(node.Q, 1); node.frequency.value = band.f; WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(node.gain, band.gain); return node; }); } super(bands[0], bands[bands.length - 1]); this.bands = bands; this.bandsMap = {}; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < this.bands.length; i3++) { const node = this.bands[i3]; if (i3 > 0) { this.bands[i3 - 1].connect(node); } this.bandsMap[node.frequency.value] = node; } } /** * Set gain on a specific frequency. * @param frequency - The frequency, see EqualizerFilter.F* for bands * @param gain - Recommended -40 to 40. */ setGain(frequency, gain = 0) { if (!this.bandsMap[frequency]) { throw new Error(`No band found for frequency ${frequency}`); } WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(this.bandsMap[frequency].gain, gain); } /** * Get gain amount on a specific frequency. * @return The amount of gain set. */ getGain(frequency) { if (!this.bandsMap[frequency]) { throw new Error(`No band found for frequency ${frequency}`); } return this.bandsMap[frequency].gain.value; } /** * Gain at 32 Hz frequencey. * @default 0 */ set f32(value) { this.setGain(_EqualizerFilter.F32, value); } get f32() { return this.getGain(_EqualizerFilter.F32); } /** * Gain at 64 Hz frequencey. * @default 0 */ set f64(value) { this.setGain(_EqualizerFilter.F64, value); } get f64() { return this.getGain(_EqualizerFilter.F64); } /** * Gain at 125 Hz frequencey. * @default 0 */ set f125(value) { this.setGain(_EqualizerFilter.F125, value); } get f125() { return this.getGain(_EqualizerFilter.F125); } /** * Gain at 250 Hz frequencey. * @default 0 */ set f250(value) { this.setGain(_EqualizerFilter.F250, value); } get f250() { return this.getGain(_EqualizerFilter.F250); } /** * Gain at 500 Hz frequencey. * @default 0 */ set f500(value) { this.setGain(_EqualizerFilter.F500, value); } get f500() { return this.getGain(_EqualizerFilter.F500); } /** * Gain at 1 KHz frequencey. * @default 0 */ set f1k(value) { this.setGain(_EqualizerFilter.F1K, value); } get f1k() { return this.getGain(_EqualizerFilter.F1K); } /** * Gain at 2 KHz frequencey. * @default 0 */ set f2k(value) { this.setGain(_EqualizerFilter.F2K, value); } get f2k() { return this.getGain(_EqualizerFilter.F2K); } /** * Gain at 4 KHz frequencey. * @default 0 */ set f4k(value) { this.setGain(_EqualizerFilter.F4K, value); } get f4k() { return this.getGain(_EqualizerFilter.F4K); } /** * Gain at 8 KHz frequencey. * @default 0 */ set f8k(value) { this.setGain(_EqualizerFilter.F8K, value); } get f8k() { return this.getGain(_EqualizerFilter.F8K); } /** * Gain at 16 KHz frequencey. * @default 0 */ set f16k(value) { this.setGain(_EqualizerFilter.F16K, value); } get f16k() { return this.getGain(_EqualizerFilter.F16K); } /** Reset all frequency bands to have gain of 0 */ reset() { this.bands.forEach((band) => { WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(band.gain, 0); }); } destroy() { this.bands.forEach((band) => { band.disconnect(); }); this.bands = null; this.bandsMap = null; } }; var EqualizerFilter = _EqualizerFilter; EqualizerFilter.F32 = 32; EqualizerFilter.F64 = 64; EqualizerFilter.F125 = 125; EqualizerFilter.F250 = 250; EqualizerFilter.F500 = 500; EqualizerFilter.F1K = 1e3; EqualizerFilter.F2K = 2e3; EqualizerFilter.F4K = 4e3; EqualizerFilter.F8K = 8e3; EqualizerFilter.F16K = 16e3; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/filters/MonoFilter.mjs var MonoFilter = class extends Filter2 { constructor() { let merger; let splitter; if (!getInstance().useLegacy) { const { audioContext } = getInstance().context; splitter = audioContext.createChannelSplitter(); merger = audioContext.createChannelMerger(); merger.connect(splitter); } super(merger, splitter); this._merger = merger; } destroy() { this._merger?.disconnect(); this._merger = null; super.destroy(); } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/filters/ReverbFilter.mjs var ReverbFilter = class extends Filter2 { /** * @param seconds - Seconds for reverb * @param decay - The decay length * @param reverse - Reverse reverb */ constructor(seconds = 3, decay = 2, reverse = false) { super(null); this._seconds = this._clamp(seconds, 1, 50); this._decay = this._clamp(decay, 0, 100); this._reverse = reverse; this._rebuild(); } /** * Clamp a value * @param value * @param min - Minimum value * @param max - Maximum value * @return Clamped number */ _clamp(value, min, max) { return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, value)); } /** * Length of reverb in seconds from 1 to 50 * @default 3 */ get seconds() { return this._seconds; } set seconds(seconds) { this._seconds = this._clamp(seconds, 1, 50); this._rebuild(); } /** * Decay value from 0 to 100 * @default 2 */ get decay() { return this._decay; } set decay(decay) { this._decay = this._clamp(decay, 0, 100); this._rebuild(); } /** * Reverse value from 0 to 1 * @default false */ get reverse() { return this._reverse; } set reverse(reverse) { this._reverse = reverse; this._rebuild(); } /** * Utility function for building an impulse response * from the module parameters. */ _rebuild() { if (getInstance().useLegacy) { return; } const { audioContext } = getInstance().context; const rate = audioContext.sampleRate; const length = rate * this._seconds; const impulse = audioContext.createBuffer(2, length, rate); const impulseL = impulse.getChannelData(0); const impulseR = impulse.getChannelData(1); let n2; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) { n2 = this._reverse ? length - i3 : i3; impulseL[i3] = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * Math.pow(1 - n2 / length, this._decay); impulseR[i3] = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * Math.pow(1 - n2 / length, this._decay); } const convolver = audioContext.createConvolver(); convolver.buffer = impulse; this.init(convolver); } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/filters/StereoFilter.mjs var StereoFilter = class extends Filter2 { /** @param pan - The amount of panning, -1 is left, 1 is right, 0 is centered. */ constructor(pan = 0) { let stereo; let panner; let destination; if (!getInstance().useLegacy) { const { audioContext } = getInstance().context; if (audioContext.createStereoPanner) { stereo = audioContext.createStereoPanner(); destination = stereo; } else { panner = audioContext.createPanner(); panner.panningModel = "equalpower"; destination = panner; } } super(destination); this._stereo = stereo; this._panner = panner; this.pan = pan; } /** Set the amount of panning, where -1 is left, 1 is right, and 0 is centered */ set pan(value) { this._pan = value; if (this._stereo) { WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(this._stereo.pan, value); } else if (this._panner) { this._panner.setPosition(value, 0, 1 - Math.abs(value)); } } get pan() { return this._pan; } destroy() { super.destroy(); this._stereo = null; this._panner = null; } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/filters/StreamFilter.mjs var StreamFilter = class extends Filter2 { constructor() { let destination; let source7; if (!getInstance().useLegacy) { const { audioContext } = getInstance().context; destination = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination(); source7 = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(destination.stream); } super(destination, source7); this._stream = destination?.stream; } get stream() { return this._stream; } destroy() { this._stream = null; super.destroy(); } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/filters/TelephoneFilter.mjs var TelephoneFilter = class extends Filter2 { constructor() { let destination; let source7; if (!getInstance().useLegacy) { const { audioContext } = getInstance().context; const lpf1 = audioContext.createBiquadFilter(); const lpf2 = audioContext.createBiquadFilter(); const hpf1 = audioContext.createBiquadFilter(); const hpf2 = audioContext.createBiquadFilter(); lpf1.type = "lowpass"; WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(lpf1.frequency, 2e3); lpf2.type = "lowpass"; WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(lpf2.frequency, 2e3); hpf1.type = "highpass"; WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(hpf1.frequency, 500); hpf2.type = "highpass"; WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(hpf2.frequency, 500); lpf1.connect(lpf2); lpf2.connect(hpf1); hpf1.connect(hpf2); destination = lpf1; source7 = hpf2; } super(destination, source7); } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/htmlaudio/HTMLAudioContext.mjs init_lib(); var HTMLAudioContext = class extends eventemitter3_default { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.speed = 1; this.muted = false; this.volume = 1; this.paused = false; } /** Internal trigger when volume, mute or speed changes */ refresh() { this.emit("refresh"); } /** Internal trigger paused changes */ refreshPaused() { this.emit("refreshPaused"); } /** * HTML Audio does not support filters, this is non-functional API. */ get filters() { console.warn("HTML Audio does not support filters"); return null; } set filters(_filters) { console.warn("HTML Audio does not support filters"); } /** * HTML Audio does not support `audioContext` * @readonly * @type {AudioContext} */ get audioContext() { console.warn("HTML Audio does not support audioContext"); return null; } /** * Toggles the muted state. * @return The current muted state. */ toggleMute() { this.muted = !this.muted; this.refresh(); return this.muted; } /** * Toggles the paused state. * @return The current paused state. */ togglePause() { this.paused = !this.paused; this.refreshPaused(); return this.paused; } /** Destroy and don't use after this */ destroy() { this.removeAllListeners(); } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/htmlaudio/HTMLAudioInstance.mjs init_lib(); var id = 0; var _HTMLAudioInstance = class extends eventemitter3_default { /** @param parent - Parent element */ constructor(parent) { super(); this.id = id++; this.init(parent); } /** * Set a property by name, this makes it easy to chain values * @param name - Name of the property to set * @param value - Value to set property to */ set(name, value) { if (this[name] === void 0) { throw new Error(`Property with name ${name} does not exist.`); } else { switch (name) { case "speed": this.speed = value; break; case "volume": this.volume = value; break; case "paused": this.paused = value; break; case "loop": this.loop = value; break; case "muted": this.muted = value; break; } } return this; } /** The current playback progress from 0 to 1. */ get progress() { const { currentTime } = this._source; return currentTime / this._duration; } /** Pauses the sound. */ get paused() { return this._paused; } set paused(paused) { this._paused = paused; this.refreshPaused(); } /** * Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/a/40370077 * @private */ _onPlay() { this._playing = true; } /** * Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/a/40370077 * @private */ _onPause() { this._playing = false; } /** * Initialize the instance. * @param {htmlaudio.HTMLAudioMedia} media - Same as constructor */ init(media) { this._playing = false; this._duration = media.source.duration; const source7 = this._source = media.source.cloneNode(false); source7.src = media.parent.url; source7.onplay = this._onPlay.bind(this); source7.onpause = this._onPause.bind(this); media.context.on("refresh", this.refresh, this); media.context.on("refreshPaused", this.refreshPaused, this); this._media = media; } /** * Stop the sound playing * @private */ _internalStop() { if (this._source && this._playing) { this._source.onended = null; this._source.pause(); } } /** Stop the sound playing */ stop() { this._internalStop(); if (this._source) { this.emit("stop"); } } /** Set the instance speed from 0 to 1 */ get speed() { return this._speed; } set speed(speed) { this._speed = speed; this.refresh(); } /** Get the set the volume for this instance from 0 to 1 */ get volume() { return this._volume; } set volume(volume) { this._volume = volume; this.refresh(); } /** If the sound instance should loop playback */ get loop() { return this._loop; } set loop(loop) { this._loop = loop; this.refresh(); } /** `true` if the sound is muted */ get muted() { return this._muted; } set muted(muted) { this._muted = muted; this.refresh(); } /** * HTML Audio does not support filters, this is non-functional API. */ get filters() { console.warn("HTML Audio does not support filters"); return null; } set filters(_filters) { console.warn("HTML Audio does not support filters"); } /** Call whenever the loop, speed or volume changes */ refresh() { const global2 = this._media.context; const sound3 = this._media.parent; this._source.loop = this._loop || sound3.loop; const globalVolume = global2.volume * (global2.muted ? 0 : 1); const soundVolume = sound3.volume * (sound3.muted ? 0 : 1); const instanceVolume = this._volume * (this._muted ? 0 : 1); this._source.volume = instanceVolume * globalVolume * soundVolume; this._source.playbackRate = this._speed * global2.speed * sound3.speed; } /** Handle changes in paused state, either globally or sound or instance */ refreshPaused() { const global2 = this._media.context; const sound3 = this._media.parent; const pausedReal = this._paused || sound3.paused || global2.paused; if (pausedReal !== this._pausedReal) { this._pausedReal = pausedReal; if (pausedReal) { this._internalStop(); this.emit("paused"); } else { this.emit("resumed"); this.play({ start: this._source.currentTime, end: this._end, volume: this._volume, speed: this._speed, loop: this._loop }); } this.emit("pause", pausedReal); } } /** Start playing the sound/ */ play(options) { const { start, end, speed, loop, volume, muted } = options; if (end) { console.assert(end > start, "End time is before start time"); } this._speed = speed; this._volume = volume; this._loop = !!loop; this._muted = muted; this.refresh(); if (this.loop && end !== null) { console.warn('Looping not support when specifying an "end" time'); this.loop = false; } this._start = start; this._end = end || this._duration; this._start = Math.max(0, this._start - _HTMLAudioInstance.PADDING); this._end = Math.min(this._end + _HTMLAudioInstance.PADDING, this._duration); this._source.onloadedmetadata = () => { if (this._source) { this._source.currentTime = start; this._source.onloadedmetadata = null; this.emit("progress", start / this._duration, this._duration); Ticker.shared.add(this._onUpdate, this); } }; this._source.onended = this._onComplete.bind(this); this._source.play(); this.emit("start"); } /** * Handle time update on sound. * @private */ _onUpdate() { this.emit("progress", this.progress, this._duration); if (this._source.currentTime >= this._end && !this._source.loop) { this._onComplete(); } } /** * Callback when completed. * @private */ _onComplete() { Ticker.shared.remove(this._onUpdate, this); this._internalStop(); this.emit("progress", 1, this._duration); this.emit("end", this); } /** Don't use after this. */ destroy() { Ticker.shared.remove(this._onUpdate, this); this.removeAllListeners(); const source7 = this._source; if (source7) { source7.onended = null; source7.onplay = null; source7.onpause = null; this._internalStop(); } this._source = null; this._speed = 1; this._volume = 1; this._loop = false; this._end = null; this._start = 0; this._duration = 0; this._playing = false; this._pausedReal = false; this._paused = false; this._muted = false; if (this._media) { this._media.context.off("refresh", this.refresh, this); this._media.context.off("refreshPaused", this.refreshPaused, this); this._media = null; } } /** * To string method for instance. * @return The string representation of instance. */ toString() { return `[HTMLAudioInstance id=${this.id}]`; } }; var HTMLAudioInstance = _HTMLAudioInstance; HTMLAudioInstance.PADDING = 0.1; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/htmlaudio/HTMLAudioMedia.mjs init_lib(); var HTMLAudioMedia = class extends eventemitter3_default { init(parent) { this.parent = parent; this._source = parent.options.source || new Audio(); if (parent.url) { this._source.src = parent.url; } } // Implement create create() { return new HTMLAudioInstance(this); } /** * If the audio media is playable (ready). * @readonly */ get isPlayable() { return !!this._source && this._source.readyState === 4; } /** * THe duration of the media in seconds. * @readonly */ get duration() { return this._source.duration; } /** * Reference to the context. * @readonly */ get context() { return this.parent.context; } /** The collection of filters, does not apply to HTML Audio. */ get filters() { return null; } set filters(_filters) { console.warn("HTML Audio does not support filters"); } // Override the destroy destroy() { this.removeAllListeners(); this.parent = null; if (this._source) { this._source.src = ""; this._source.load(); this._source = null; } } /** * Get the audio source element. * @type {HTMLAudioElement} * @readonly */ get source() { return this._source; } // Implement the method to being preloading load(callback) { const source7 = this._source; const sound3 = this.parent; if (source7.readyState === 4) { sound3.isLoaded = true; const instance2 = sound3.autoPlayStart(); if (callback) { setTimeout(() => { callback(null, sound3, instance2); }, 0); } return; } if (!sound3.url) { callback(new Error("sound.url or sound.source must be set")); return; } source7.src = sound3.url; const onLoad = () => { removeListeners(); sound3.isLoaded = true; const instance2 = sound3.autoPlayStart(); if (callback) { callback(null, sound3, instance2); } }; const onAbort = () => { removeListeners(); if (callback) { callback(new Error("Sound loading has been aborted")); } }; const onError = () => { removeListeners(); const message = `Failed to load audio element (code: ${source7.error.code})`; if (callback) { callback(new Error(message)); } else { console.error(message); } }; const removeListeners = () => { source7.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", onLoad); source7.removeEventListener("load", onLoad); source7.removeEventListener("abort", onAbort); source7.removeEventListener("error", onError); }; source7.addEventListener("canplaythrough", onLoad, false); source7.addEventListener("load", onLoad, false); source7.addEventListener("abort", onAbort, false); source7.addEventListener("error", onError, false); source7.load(); } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/Sound.mjs init_lib(); // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/SoundSprite.mjs var SoundSprite = class { /** * @param parent - The parent sound * @param options - Data associated with object. */ constructor(parent, options) { this.parent = parent; Object.assign(this, options); this.duration = this.end - this.start; console.assert(this.duration > 0, "End time must be after start time"); } /** * Play the sound sprite. * @param {Function} [complete] - Function call when complete * @return Sound instance being played. */ play(complete) { return this.parent.play({ complete, speed: this.speed || this.parent.speed, end: this.end, start: this.start, loop: this.loop }); } /** Destroy and don't use after this */ destroy() { this.parent = null; } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/utils/supported.mjs var extensions2 = [ "ogg", "oga", "opus", "m4a", "mp3", "mpeg", "wav", "aiff", "wma", "mid", "caf" ]; var mimes = [ "audio/mpeg", "audio/ogg" ]; var supported = {}; function validateFormats(typeOverrides) { const overrides = { m4a: "audio/mp4", oga: "audio/ogg", opus: 'audio/ogg; codecs="opus"', caf: 'audio/x-caf; codecs="opus"', ...typeOverrides || {} }; const audio = document.createElement("audio"); const formats = {}; const no = /^no$/; extensions2.forEach((ext) => { const canByExt = audio.canPlayType(`audio/${ext}`).replace(no, ""); const canByType = overrides[ext] ? audio.canPlayType(overrides[ext]).replace(no, "") : ""; formats[ext] = !!canByExt || !!canByType; }); Object.assign(supported, formats); } validateFormats(); // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/webaudio/WebAudioMedia.mjs init_lib(); // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/webaudio/WebAudioInstance.mjs init_lib(); var id2 = 0; var WebAudioInstance = class extends eventemitter3_default { constructor(media) { super(); this.id = id2++; this._media = null; this._paused = false; this._muted = false; this._elapsed = 0; this.init(media); } /** * Set a property by name, this makes it easy to chain values * @param name - Name of the property to set. * @param value - Value to set property to. */ set(name, value) { if (this[name] === void 0) { throw new Error(`Property with name ${name} does not exist.`); } else { switch (name) { case "speed": this.speed = value; break; case "volume": this.volume = value; break; case "muted": this.muted = value; break; case "loop": this.loop = value; break; case "paused": this.paused = value; break; } } return this; } /** Stops the instance, don't use after this. */ stop() { if (this._source) { this._internalStop(); this.emit("stop"); } } /** Set the instance speed from 0 to 1 */ get speed() { return this._speed; } set speed(speed) { this._speed = speed; this.refresh(); this._update(true); } /** Get the set the volume for this instance from 0 to 1 */ get volume() { return this._volume; } set volume(volume) { this._volume = volume; this.refresh(); } /** `true` if the sound is muted */ get muted() { return this._muted; } set muted(muted) { this._muted = muted; this.refresh(); } /** If the sound instance should loop playback */ get loop() { return this._loop; } set loop(loop) { this._loop = loop; this.refresh(); } /** The collection of filters. */ get filters() { return this._filters; } set filters(filters2) { if (this._filters) { this._filters?.filter((filter) => filter).forEach((filter) => filter.disconnect()); this._filters = null; this._source.connect(this._gain); } this._filters = filters2?.length ? filters2.slice(0) : null; this.refresh(); } /** Refresh loop, volume and speed based on changes to parent */ refresh() { if (!this._source) { return; } const global2 = this._media.context; const sound3 = this._media.parent; this._source.loop = this._loop || sound3.loop; const globalVolume = global2.volume * (global2.muted ? 0 : 1); const soundVolume = sound3.volume * (sound3.muted ? 0 : 1); const instanceVolume = this._volume * (this._muted ? 0 : 1); WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(this._gain.gain, instanceVolume * soundVolume * globalVolume); WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(this._source.playbackRate, this._speed * sound3.speed * global2.speed); this.applyFilters(); } /** Connect filters nodes to audio context */ applyFilters() { if (this._filters?.length) { this._source.disconnect(); let source7 = this._source; this._filters.forEach((filter) => { source7.connect(filter.destination); source7 = filter; }); source7.connect(this._gain); } } /** Handle changes in paused state, either globally or sound or instance */ refreshPaused() { const global2 = this._media.context; const sound3 = this._media.parent; const pausedReal = this._paused || sound3.paused || global2.paused; if (pausedReal !== this._pausedReal) { this._pausedReal = pausedReal; if (pausedReal) { this._internalStop(); this.emit("paused"); } else { this.emit("resumed"); this.play({ start: this._elapsed % this._duration, end: this._end, speed: this._speed, loop: this._loop, volume: this._volume }); } this.emit("pause", pausedReal); } } /** * Plays the sound. * @param options - Play options. */ play(options) { const { start, end, speed, loop, volume, muted, filters: filters2 } = options; if (end) { console.assert(end > start, "End time is before start time"); } this._paused = false; const { source: source7, gain } = this._media.nodes.cloneBufferSource(); this._source = source7; this._gain = gain; this._speed = speed; this._volume = volume; this._loop = !!loop; this._muted = muted; this._filters = filters2; this.refresh(); const duration = this._source.buffer.duration; this._duration = duration; this._end = end; this._lastUpdate = this._now(); this._elapsed = start; this._source.onended = this._onComplete.bind(this); if (this._loop) { this._source.loopEnd = end; this._source.loopStart = start; this._source.start(0, start); } else if (end) { this._source.start(0, start, end - start); } else { this._source.start(0, start); } this.emit("start"); this._update(true); this.enableTicker(true); } /** Start the update progress. */ enableTicker(enabled) { Ticker.shared.remove(this._updateListener, this); if (enabled) { Ticker.shared.add(this._updateListener, this); } } /** The current playback progress from 0 to 1. */ get progress() { return this._progress; } /** Pauses the sound. */ get paused() { return this._paused; } set paused(paused) { this._paused = paused; this.refreshPaused(); } /** Don't use after this. */ destroy() { this.removeAllListeners(); this._internalStop(); if (this._gain) { this._gain.disconnect(); this._gain = null; } if (this._media) { this._media.context.events.off("refresh", this.refresh, this); this._media.context.events.off("refreshPaused", this.refreshPaused, this); this._media = null; } this._filters?.forEach((filter) => filter.disconnect()); this._filters = null; this._end = null; this._speed = 1; this._volume = 1; this._loop = false; this._elapsed = 0; this._duration = 0; this._paused = false; this._muted = false; this._pausedReal = false; } /** * To string method for instance. * @return The string representation of instance. */ toString() { return `[WebAudioInstance id=${this.id}]`; } /** * Get the current time in seconds. * @return Seconds since start of context */ _now() { return this._media.context.audioContext.currentTime; } /** Callback for update listener */ _updateListener() { this._update(); } /** Internal update the progress. */ _update(force = false) { if (this._source) { const now = this._now(); const delta = now - this._lastUpdate; if (delta > 0 || force) { const speed = this._source.playbackRate.value; this._elapsed += delta * speed; this._lastUpdate = now; const duration = this._duration; let progress; if (this._source.loopStart) { const soundLength = this._source.loopEnd - this._source.loopStart; progress = (this._source.loopStart + this._elapsed % soundLength) / duration; } else { progress = this._elapsed % duration / duration; } this._progress = progress; this.emit("progress", this._progress, duration); } } } /** Initializes the instance. */ init(media) { this._media = media; media.context.events.on("refresh", this.refresh, this); media.context.events.on("refreshPaused", this.refreshPaused, this); } /** Stops the instance. */ _internalStop() { if (this._source) { this.enableTicker(false); this._source.onended = null; this._source.stop(0); this._source.disconnect(); try { this._source.buffer = null; } catch (err) { console.warn("Failed to set AudioBufferSourceNode.buffer to null:", err); } this._source = null; } } /** Callback when completed. */ _onComplete() { if (this._source) { this.enableTicker(false); this._source.onended = null; this._source.disconnect(); try { this._source.buffer = null; } catch (err) { console.warn("Failed to set AudioBufferSourceNode.buffer to null:", err); } } this._source = null; this._progress = 1; this.emit("progress", 1, this._duration); this.emit("end", this); } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/Filterable.mjs var Filterable = class { /** * @param input - The source audio node * @param output - The output audio node */ constructor(input, output) { this._output = output; this._input = input; } /** The destination output audio node */ get destination() { return this._input; } /** The collection of filters. */ get filters() { return this._filters; } set filters(filters2) { if (this._filters) { this._filters.forEach((filter) => { if (filter) { filter.disconnect(); } }); this._filters = null; this._input.connect(this._output); } if (filters2 && filters2.length) { this._filters = filters2.slice(0); this._input.disconnect(); let prevFilter = null; filters2.forEach((filter) => { if (prevFilter === null) { this._input.connect(filter.destination); } else { prevFilter.connect(filter.destination); } prevFilter = filter; }); prevFilter.connect(this._output); } } /** Cleans up. */ destroy() { this.filters = null; this._input = null; this._output = null; } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/webaudio/WebAudioNodes.mjs var _WebAudioNodes = class extends Filterable { /** * @param context - The audio context. */ constructor(context2) { const audioContext = context2.audioContext; const bufferSource = audioContext.createBufferSource(); const gain = audioContext.createGain(); const analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser(); bufferSource.connect(analyser); analyser.connect(gain); gain.connect(context2.destination); super(analyser, gain); this.context = context2; this.bufferSource = bufferSource; this.gain = gain; this.analyser = analyser; } /** * Get the script processor node. * @readonly */ get script() { if (!this._script) { this._script = this.context.audioContext.createScriptProcessor(_WebAudioNodes.BUFFER_SIZE); this._script.connect(this.context.destination); } return this._script; } /** Cleans up. */ destroy() { super.destroy(); this.bufferSource.disconnect(); if (this._script) { this._script.disconnect(); } this.gain.disconnect(); this.analyser.disconnect(); this.bufferSource = null; this._script = null; this.gain = null; this.analyser = null; this.context = null; } /** * Clones the bufferSource. Used just before playing a sound. * @returns {SourceClone} The clone AudioBufferSourceNode. */ cloneBufferSource() { const orig = this.bufferSource; const source7 = this.context.audioContext.createBufferSource(); source7.buffer = orig.buffer; WebAudioUtils.setParamValue(source7.playbackRate, orig.playbackRate.value); source7.loop = orig.loop; const gain = this.context.audioContext.createGain(); source7.connect(gain); gain.connect(this.destination); return { source: source7, gain }; } /** * Get buffer size of `ScriptProcessorNode`. * @readonly */ get bufferSize() { return this.script.bufferSize; } }; var WebAudioNodes = _WebAudioNodes; WebAudioNodes.BUFFER_SIZE = 0; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/webaudio/WebAudioMedia.mjs var WebAudioMedia = class { /** * Re-initialize without constructing. * @param parent - - Instance of parent Sound container */ init(parent) { this.parent = parent; this._nodes = new WebAudioNodes(this.context); this._source = this._nodes.bufferSource; this.source = parent.options.source; } /** Destructor, safer to use `SoundLibrary.remove(alias)` to remove this sound. */ destroy() { this.parent = null; this._nodes.destroy(); this._nodes = null; try { this._source.buffer = null; } catch (err) { console.warn("Failed to set AudioBufferSourceNode.buffer to null:", err); } this._source = null; this.source = null; } // Implement create create() { return new WebAudioInstance(this); } // Implement context get context() { return this.parent.context; } // Implement isPlayable get isPlayable() { return !!this._source && !!this._source.buffer; } // Implement filters get filters() { return this._nodes.filters; } set filters(filters2) { this._nodes.filters = filters2; } // Implements duration get duration() { console.assert(this.isPlayable, "Sound not yet playable, no duration"); return this._source.buffer.duration; } /** Gets and sets the buffer. */ get buffer() { return this._source.buffer; } set buffer(buffer) { this._source.buffer = buffer; } /** Get the current chained nodes object */ get nodes() { return this._nodes; } // Implements load load(callback) { if (this.source) { this._decode(this.source, callback); } else if (this.parent.url) { this._loadUrl(callback); } else if (callback) { callback(new Error("sound.url or sound.source must be set")); } else { console.error("sound.url or sound.source must be set"); } } /** Loads a sound using XHMLHttpRequest object. */ async _loadUrl(callback) { const url = this.parent.url; const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url); this._decode(await response.arrayBuffer(), callback); } /** * Decodes the array buffer. * @param arrayBuffer - From load. * @param {Function} callback - Callback optional */ _decode(arrayBuffer, callback) { const audioBufferReadyFn = (err, buffer) => { if (err) { if (callback) { callback(err); } } else { this.parent.isLoaded = true; this.buffer = buffer; const instance2 = this.parent.autoPlayStart(); if (callback) { callback(null, this.parent, instance2); } } }; if (arrayBuffer instanceof AudioBuffer) { audioBufferReadyFn(null, arrayBuffer); } else { const context2 = this.parent.context; context2.decode(arrayBuffer, audioBufferReadyFn); } } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/Sound.mjs var _Sound = class { /** * Create a new sound instance from source. * @param source - Either the path or url to the source file. * or the object of options to use. * @return Created sound instance. */ static from(source7) { let options = {}; if (typeof source7 === "string") { options.url = source7; } else if (source7 instanceof ArrayBuffer || source7 instanceof AudioBuffer || source7 instanceof HTMLAudioElement) { options.source = source7; } else if (Array.isArray(source7)) { options.url = source7; } else { options = source7; } options = { autoPlay: false, singleInstance: false, url: null, source: null, preload: false, volume: 1, speed: 1, complete: null, loaded: null, loop: false, ...options }; Object.freeze(options); const media = getInstance().useLegacy ? new HTMLAudioMedia() : new WebAudioMedia(); return new _Sound(media, options); } /** * Use `Sound.from` * @ignore */ constructor(media, options) { this.media = media; this.options = options; this._instances = []; this._sprites = {}; this.media.init(this); const complete = options.complete; this._autoPlayOptions = complete ? { complete } : null; this.isLoaded = false; this._preloadQueue = null; this.isPlaying = false; this.autoPlay = options.autoPlay; this.singleInstance = options.singleInstance; this.preload = options.preload || this.autoPlay; this.url = Array.isArray(options.url) ? this.preferUrl(options.url) : options.url; this.speed = options.speed; this.volume = options.volume; this.loop = options.loop; if (options.sprites) { this.addSprites(options.sprites); } if (this.preload) { this._preload(options.loaded); } } /** * Internal help for resolving which file to use if there are multiple provide * this is especially helpful for working with bundlers (non Assets loading). */ preferUrl(urls) { const [file] = urls.map((url) => ({ url, ext: path.extname(url).slice(1) })).filter(({ ext }) => supported[ext]).sort((a2, b2) => extensions2.indexOf(a2.ext) - extensions2.indexOf(b2.ext)); if (!file) { throw new Error("No supported file type found"); } return file.url; } /** Instance of the media context. */ get context() { return getInstance().context; } /** Stops all the instances of this sound from playing. */ pause() { this.isPlaying = false; this.paused = true; return this; } /** Resuming all the instances of this sound from playing */ resume() { this.isPlaying = this._instances.length > 0; this.paused = false; return this; } /** Stops all the instances of this sound from playing. */ get paused() { return this._paused; } set paused(paused) { this._paused = paused; this.refreshPaused(); } /** The playback rate. */ get speed() { return this._speed; } set speed(speed) { this._speed = speed; this.refresh(); } /** Set the filters. Only supported with WebAudio. */ get filters() { return this.media.filters; } set filters(filters2) { this.media.filters = filters2; } /** * @ignore */ addSprites(source7, data) { if (typeof source7 === "object") { const results = {}; for (const alias in source7) { results[alias] = this.addSprites(alias, source7[alias]); } return results; } console.assert(!this._sprites[source7], `Alias ${source7} is already taken`); const sprite = new SoundSprite(this, data); this._sprites[source7] = sprite; return sprite; } /** Destructor, safer to use `SoundLibrary.remove(alias)` to remove this sound. */ destroy() { this._removeInstances(); this.removeSprites(); this.media.destroy(); this.media = null; this._sprites = null; this._instances = null; } /** * Remove a sound sprite. * @param alias - The unique name of the sound sprite, if alias is omitted, removes all sprites. */ removeSprites(alias) { if (!alias) { for (const name in this._sprites) { this.removeSprites(name); } } else { const sprite = this._sprites[alias]; if (sprite !== void 0) { sprite.destroy(); delete this._sprites[alias]; } } return this; } /** If the current sound is playable (loaded). */ get isPlayable() { return this.isLoaded && this.media && this.media.isPlayable; } /** Stops all the instances of this sound from playing. */ stop() { if (!this.isPlayable) { this.autoPlay = false; this._autoPlayOptions = null; return this; } this.isPlaying = false; for (let i3 = this._instances.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) { this._instances[i3].stop(); } return this; } // Overloaded function play(source7, complete) { let options; if (typeof source7 === "string") { const sprite = source7; options = { sprite, loop: this.loop, complete }; } else if (typeof source7 === "function") { options = {}; options.complete = source7; } else { options = source7; } options = { complete: null, loaded: null, sprite: null, end: null, start: 0, volume: 1, speed: 1, muted: false, loop: false, ...options || {} }; if (options.sprite) { const alias = options.sprite; console.assert(!!this._sprites[alias], `Alias ${alias} is not available`); const sprite = this._sprites[alias]; options.start = sprite.start + (options.start || 0); options.end = sprite.end; options.speed = sprite.speed || 1; options.loop = sprite.loop || options.loop; delete options.sprite; } if (options.offset) { options.start = options.offset; } if (!this.isLoaded) { if (this._preloadQueue) { return new Promise((resolve) => { this._preloadQueue.push(() => { resolve(this.play(options)); }); }); } this._preloadQueue = []; this.autoPlay = true; this._autoPlayOptions = options; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._preload((err, sound3, media) => { this._preloadQueue.forEach((resolve2) => resolve2()); this._preloadQueue = null; if (err) { reject(err); } else { if (options.loaded) { options.loaded(err, sound3, media); } resolve(media); } }); }); } if (this.singleInstance || options.singleInstance) { this._removeInstances(); } const instance2 = this._createInstance(); this._instances.push(instance2); this.isPlaying = true; instance2.once("end", () => { if (options.complete) { options.complete(this); } this._onComplete(instance2); }); instance2.once("stop", () => { this._onComplete(instance2); }); instance2.play(options); return instance2; } /** Internal only, speed, loop, volume change occured. */ refresh() { const len = this._instances.length; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < len; i3++) { this._instances[i3].refresh(); } } /** Handle changes in paused state. Internal only. */ refreshPaused() { const len = this._instances.length; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < len; i3++) { this._instances[i3].refreshPaused(); } } /** Gets and sets the volume. */ get volume() { return this._volume; } set volume(volume) { this._volume = volume; this.refresh(); } /** Gets and sets the muted flag. */ get muted() { return this._muted; } set muted(muted) { this._muted = muted; this.refresh(); } /** Gets and sets the looping. */ get loop() { return this._loop; } set loop(loop) { this._loop = loop; this.refresh(); } /** Starts the preloading of sound. */ _preload(callback) { this.media.load(callback); } /** Gets the list of instances that are currently being played of this sound. */ get instances() { return this._instances; } /** Get the map of sprites. */ get sprites() { return this._sprites; } /** Get the duration of the audio in seconds. */ get duration() { return this.media.duration; } /** Auto play the first instance. */ autoPlayStart() { let instance2; if (this.autoPlay) { instance2 = this.play(this._autoPlayOptions); } return instance2; } /** Removes all instances. */ _removeInstances() { for (let i3 = this._instances.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) { this._poolInstance(this._instances[i3]); } this._instances.length = 0; } /** * Sound instance completed. * @param instance */ _onComplete(instance2) { if (this._instances) { const index = this._instances.indexOf(instance2); if (index > -1) { this._instances.splice(index, 1); } this.isPlaying = this._instances.length > 0; } this._poolInstance(instance2); } /** Create a new instance. */ _createInstance() { if (_Sound._pool.length > 0) { const instance2 = _Sound._pool.pop(); instance2.init(this.media); return instance2; } return this.media.create(); } /** * Destroy/recycling the instance object. * @param instance - Instance to recycle */ _poolInstance(instance2) { instance2.destroy(); if (_Sound._pool.indexOf(instance2) < 0) { _Sound._pool.push(instance2); } } }; var Sound = _Sound; Sound._pool = []; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/webaudio/WebAudioContext.mjs init_lib(); var WebAudioContext = class _WebAudioContext extends Filterable { constructor() { const win = window; const ctx = new _WebAudioContext.AudioContext(); const compressor = ctx.createDynamicsCompressor(); const analyser = ctx.createAnalyser(); analyser.connect(compressor); compressor.connect(ctx.destination); super(analyser, compressor); this.autoPause = true; this._ctx = ctx; this._offlineCtx = new _WebAudioContext.OfflineAudioContext( 1, 2, win.OfflineAudioContext ? Math.max(8e3, Math.min(96e3, ctx.sampleRate)) : 44100 ); this.compressor = compressor; this.analyser = analyser; this.events = new eventemitter3_default(); this.volume = 1; this.speed = 1; this.muted = false; this.paused = false; this._locked = ctx.state === "suspended" && ("ontouchstart" in globalThis || "onclick" in globalThis); if (this._locked) { this._unlock(); this._unlock = this._unlock.bind(this); document.addEventListener("mousedown", this._unlock, true); document.addEventListener("touchstart", this._unlock, true); document.addEventListener("touchend", this._unlock, true); } this.onFocus = this.onFocus.bind(this); this.onBlur = this.onBlur.bind(this); globalThis.addEventListener("focus", this.onFocus); globalThis.addEventListener("blur", this.onBlur); } /** Handle mobile WebAudio context resume */ onFocus() { if (!this.autoPause) { return; } const state = this._ctx.state; if (state === "suspended" || state === "interrupted" || !this._locked) { this.paused = this._pausedOnBlur; this.refreshPaused(); } } /** Handle mobile WebAudio context suspend */ onBlur() { if (!this.autoPause) { return; } if (!this._locked) { this._pausedOnBlur = this._paused; this.paused = true; this.refreshPaused(); } } /** * Try to unlock audio on iOS. This is triggered from either WebAudio plugin setup (which will work if inside of * a `mousedown` or `touchend` event stack), or the first document touchend/mousedown event. If it fails (touchend * will fail if the user presses for too long, indicating a scroll event instead of a click event. * * Note that earlier versions of iOS supported `touchstart` for this, but iOS9 removed this functionality. Adding * a `touchstart` event to support older platforms may preclude a `mousedown` even from getting fired on iOS9, so we * stick with `mousedown` and `touchend`. */ _unlock() { if (!this._locked) { return; } this.playEmptySound(); if (this._ctx.state === "running") { document.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._unlock, true); document.removeEventListener("touchend", this._unlock, true); document.removeEventListener("touchstart", this._unlock, true); this._locked = false; } } /** * Plays an empty sound in the web audio context. This is used to enable web audio on iOS devices, as they * require the first sound to be played inside of a user initiated event (touch/click). */ playEmptySound() { const source7 = this._ctx.createBufferSource(); source7.buffer = this._ctx.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050); source7.connect(this._ctx.destination); source7.start(0, 0, 0); if (source7.context.state === "suspended") { source7.context.resume(); } } /** * Get AudioContext class, if not supported returns `null` * @type {AudioContext} * @readonly */ static get AudioContext() { const win = window; return win.AudioContext || win.webkitAudioContext || null; } /** * Get OfflineAudioContext class, if not supported returns `null` * @type {OfflineAudioContext} * @readonly */ static get OfflineAudioContext() { const win = window; return win.OfflineAudioContext || win.webkitOfflineAudioContext || null; } /** Destroy this context. */ destroy() { super.destroy(); const ctx = this._ctx; if (typeof ctx.close !== "undefined") { ctx.close(); } globalThis.removeEventListener("focus", this.onFocus); globalThis.removeEventListener("blur", this.onBlur); this.events.removeAllListeners(); this.analyser.disconnect(); this.compressor.disconnect(); this.analyser = null; this.compressor = null; this.events = null; this._offlineCtx = null; this._ctx = null; } /** * The WebAudio API AudioContext object. * @readonly * @type {AudioContext} */ get audioContext() { return this._ctx; } /** * The WebAudio API OfflineAudioContext object. * @readonly * @type {OfflineAudioContext} */ get offlineContext() { return this._offlineCtx; } /** * Pauses all sounds, even though we handle this at the instance * level, we'll also pause the audioContext so that the * time used to compute progress isn't messed up. * @default false */ set paused(paused) { if (paused && this._ctx.state === "running") { this._ctx.suspend(); } else if (!paused && this._ctx.state === "suspended") { this._ctx.resume(); } this._paused = paused; } get paused() { return this._paused; } /** Emit event when muted, volume or speed changes */ refresh() { this.events.emit("refresh"); } /** Emit event when muted, volume or speed changes */ refreshPaused() { this.events.emit("refreshPaused"); } /** * Toggles the muted state. * @return The current muted state. */ toggleMute() { this.muted = !this.muted; this.refresh(); return this.muted; } /** * Toggles the paused state. * @return The current muted state. */ togglePause() { this.paused = !this.paused; this.refreshPaused(); return this._paused; } /** * Decode the audio data * @param arrayBuffer - Buffer from loader * @param callback - When completed, error and audioBuffer are parameters. */ decode(arrayBuffer, callback) { const handleError = (err) => { callback(new Error(err?.message || "Unable to decode file")); }; const result = this._offlineCtx.decodeAudioData( arrayBuffer, (buffer) => { callback(null, buffer); }, handleError ); if (result) { result.catch(handleError); } } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/SoundLibrary.mjs var SoundLibrary = class { constructor() { this.init(); } /** * Re-initialize the sound library, this will * recreate the AudioContext. If there's a hardware-failure * call `close` and then `init`. * @return Sound instance */ init() { if (this.supported) { this._webAudioContext = new WebAudioContext(); } this._htmlAudioContext = new HTMLAudioContext(); this._sounds = {}; this.useLegacy = !this.supported; return this; } /** * The global context to use. * @readonly */ get context() { return this._context; } /** * Apply filters to all sounds. Can be useful * for setting global planning or global effects. * **Only supported with WebAudio.** * @example * import { sound, filters } from '@pixi/sound'; * // Adds a filter to pan all output left * sound.filtersAll = [ * new filters.StereoFilter(-1) * ]; */ get filtersAll() { if (!this.useLegacy) { return this._context.filters; } return []; } set filtersAll(filtersAll) { if (!this.useLegacy) { this._context.filters = filtersAll; } } /** * `true` if WebAudio is supported on the current browser. */ get supported() { return WebAudioContext.AudioContext !== null; } /** * @ignore */ add(source7, sourceOptions) { if (typeof source7 === "object") { const results = {}; for (const alias in source7) { const options2 = this._getOptions( source7[alias], sourceOptions ); results[alias] = this.add(alias, options2); } return results; } console.assert(!this._sounds[source7], `Sound with alias ${source7} already exists.`); if (sourceOptions instanceof Sound) { this._sounds[source7] = sourceOptions; return sourceOptions; } const options = this._getOptions(sourceOptions); const sound3 = Sound.from(options); this._sounds[source7] = sound3; return sound3; } /** * Internal methods for getting the options object * @private * @param source - The source options * @param overrides - Override default options * @return The construction options */ _getOptions(source7, overrides) { let options; if (typeof source7 === "string") { options = { url: source7 }; } else if (Array.isArray(source7)) { options = { url: source7 }; } else if (source7 instanceof ArrayBuffer || source7 instanceof AudioBuffer || source7 instanceof HTMLAudioElement) { options = { source: source7 }; } else { options = source7; } options = { ...options, ...overrides || {} }; return options; } /** * Do not use WebAudio, force the use of legacy. This **must** be called before loading any files. */ get useLegacy() { return this._useLegacy; } set useLegacy(legacy) { this._useLegacy = legacy; this._context = !legacy && this.supported ? this._webAudioContext : this._htmlAudioContext; } /** * This disables auto-pause all playback when the window blurs (WebAudio only). * This is helpful to keep from playing sounds when the user switches tabs. * However, if you're running content within an iframe, this may be undesirable * and you should disable (set to `true`) this behavior. * @default false */ get disableAutoPause() { return !this._webAudioContext.autoPause; } set disableAutoPause(autoPause) { this._webAudioContext.autoPause = !autoPause; } /** * Removes a sound by alias. * @param alias - The sound alias reference. * @return Instance for chaining. */ remove(alias) { this.exists(alias, true); this._sounds[alias].destroy(); delete this._sounds[alias]; return this; } /** * Set the global volume for all sounds. To set per-sound volume see {@link SoundLibrary#volume}. */ get volumeAll() { return this._context.volume; } set volumeAll(volume) { this._context.volume = volume; this._context.refresh(); } /** * Set the global speed for all sounds. To set per-sound speed see {@link SoundLibrary#speed}. */ get speedAll() { return this._context.speed; } set speedAll(speed) { this._context.speed = speed; this._context.refresh(); } /** * Toggle paused property for all sounds. * @return `true` if all sounds are paused. */ togglePauseAll() { return this._context.togglePause(); } /** * Pauses any playing sounds. * @return Instance for chaining. */ pauseAll() { this._context.paused = true; this._context.refreshPaused(); return this; } /** * Resumes any sounds. * @return Instance for chaining. */ resumeAll() { this._context.paused = false; this._context.refreshPaused(); return this; } /** * Toggle muted property for all sounds. * @return `true` if all sounds are muted. */ toggleMuteAll() { return this._context.toggleMute(); } /** * Mutes all playing sounds. * @return Instance for chaining. */ muteAll() { this._context.muted = true; this._context.refresh(); return this; } /** * Unmutes all playing sounds. * @return Instance for chaining. */ unmuteAll() { this._context.muted = false; this._context.refresh(); return this; } /** * Stops and removes all sounds. They cannot be used after this. * @return Instance for chaining. */ removeAll() { for (const alias in this._sounds) { this._sounds[alias].destroy(); delete this._sounds[alias]; } return this; } /** * Stops all sounds. * @return Instance for chaining. */ stopAll() { for (const alias in this._sounds) { this._sounds[alias].stop(); } return this; } /** * Checks if a sound by alias exists. * @param alias - Check for alias. * @param assert - Whether enable console.assert. * @return true if the sound exists. */ exists(alias, assert = false) { const exists = !!this._sounds[alias]; if (assert) { console.assert(exists, `No sound matching alias '${alias}'.`); } return exists; } /** * Convenience function to check to see if any sound is playing. * @returns `true` if any sound is currently playing. */ isPlaying() { for (const alias in this._sounds) { if (this._sounds[alias].isPlaying) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Find a sound by alias. * @param alias - The sound alias reference. * @return Sound object. */ find(alias) { this.exists(alias, true); return this._sounds[alias]; } /** * Plays a sound. * @method play * @instance * @param {string} alias - The sound alias reference. * @param {string} sprite - The alias of the sprite to play. * @return {IMediaInstance|null} The sound instance, this cannot be reused * after it is done playing. Returns `null` if the sound has not yet loaded. */ /** * Plays a sound. * @param alias - The sound alias reference. * @param {PlayOptions|Function} options - The options or callback when done. * @return The sound instance, * this cannot be reused after it is done playing. Returns a Promise if the sound * has not yet loaded. */ play(alias, options) { return this.find(alias).play(options); } /** * Stops a sound. * @param alias - The sound alias reference. * @return Sound object. */ stop(alias) { return this.find(alias).stop(); } /** * Pauses a sound. * @param alias - The sound alias reference. * @return Sound object. */ pause(alias) { return this.find(alias).pause(); } /** * Resumes a sound. * @param alias - The sound alias reference. * @return Instance for chaining. */ resume(alias) { return this.find(alias).resume(); } /** * Get or set the volume for a sound. * @param alias - The sound alias reference. * @param volume - Optional current volume to set. * @return The current volume. */ volume(alias, volume) { const sound3 = this.find(alias); if (volume !== void 0) { sound3.volume = volume; } return sound3.volume; } /** * Get or set the speed for a sound. * @param alias - The sound alias reference. * @param speed - Optional current speed to set. * @return The current speed. */ speed(alias, speed) { const sound3 = this.find(alias); if (speed !== void 0) { sound3.speed = speed; } return sound3.speed; } /** * Get the length of a sound in seconds. * @param alias - The sound alias reference. * @return The current duration in seconds. */ duration(alias) { return this.find(alias).duration; } /** * Closes the sound library. This will release/destroy * the AudioContext(s). Can be used safely if you want to * initialize the sound library later. Use `init` method. */ close() { this.removeAll(); this._sounds = null; if (this._webAudioContext) { this._webAudioContext.destroy(); this._webAudioContext = null; } if (this._htmlAudioContext) { this._htmlAudioContext.destroy(); this._htmlAudioContext = null; } this._context = null; return this; } }; // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/utils/render.mjs init_lib(); // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/soundAsset.mjs init_lib(); var getAlias = (asset) => { const src = asset.src; let alias = asset?.alias?.[0]; if (!alias || asset.src === alias) { alias = path.basename(src, path.extname(src)); } return alias; }; var soundAsset = { extension: ExtensionType.Asset, detection: { test: async () => true, add: async (formats) => [...formats, ...extensions2.filter((ext) => supported[ext])], remove: async (formats) => formats.filter((ext) => formats.includes(ext)) }, loader: { name: "sound", extension: { type: [ExtensionType.LoadParser], priority: LoaderParserPriority.High }, /** Should we attempt to load this file? */ test(url) { const ext = path.extname(url).slice(1); return !!supported[ext] || mimes.some((mime) => url.startsWith(`data:${mime}`)); }, /** Load the sound file, this is mostly handled by Sound.from() */ async load(url, asset) { const sound3 = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => Sound.from({ ...asset.data, url, preload: true, loaded(err, sound22) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(sound22); } asset.data?.loaded?.(err, sound22); } })); getInstance().add(getAlias(asset), sound3); return sound3; }, /** Remove the sound from the library */ async unload(_sound, asset) { getInstance().remove(getAlias(asset)); } } }; extensions.add(soundAsset); // node_modules/@pixi/sound/lib/index.mjs var sound = setInstance(new SoundLibrary()); // package.json var version = "0.8.12"; // src/constants.ts var Repeat = "repeat"; function Pause(duration) { return { type: "pause", duration }; } var filters = { DistortionFilter: filters_exports.DistortionFilter, EqualizerFilter: filters_exports.EqualizerFilter, MonoFilter: filters_exports.MonoFilter, ReverbFilter: filters_exports.ReverbFilter, StereoFilter: filters_exports.StereoFilter, StreamFilter: filters_exports.StreamFilter, TelephoneFilter: filters_exports.TelephoneFilter }; var videoFormats = [ "webm", "mp4", "ogv", "mov", "avi", "wmv", "flv", "mkv", "3gp", "mpg", "mpeg", "m4v", "f4v", "m2v", "asf", "vob", "ts", "m2ts", "mts", "divx", "xvid", "rm", "rmvb", "dat", "swf", "mpv", "mxf", "vcd", "svcd", "dvd", "dv", "3g2", "m2p", "m2ts", "m2v", "m4v", "mpe", "mpg", "mpv2", "ogm", "qt", "rm", "ts", "vob", "wmv", "xvid", "flv", "mkv", "mov", "mp4", "webm", "avi", "ogv", "m4v", "f4v", "m2v", "asf", "vob", "ts", "m2ts", "mts", "divx", "xvid", "rm", "rmvb", "dat", "swf", "mpv", "mxf", "vcd", "svcd", "dvd", "dv", "3g2", "m2p", "m2ts", "m2v", "m4v", "mpe", "mpg", "mpv2", "ogm", "qt", "rm", "ts", "vob", "wmv", "xvid", "flv", "mkv", "mov", "mp4", "webm", "avi", "ogv", "m4v", "f4v", "m2v", "asf", "vob" ]; var CANVAS_APP_STAGE_ALIAS = "_stage_"; // src/managers/CanvasManager.ts init_lib(); // src/classes/canvas/CanvasContainer.ts init_lib(); // src/classes/canvas/CanvasText.ts init_lib(); var CANVAS_TEXT_ID = "Text"; var CanvasText = class extends Text { constructor(options) { super(options); this.pixivnId = this.constructor.prototype.pixivnId || CANVAS_TEXT_ID; } pixivnId = CANVAS_TEXT_ID; get memory() { return getMemoryText(this); } set memory(value) { setMemoryText(this, value); } _onEvents = {}; get onEvents() { return this._onEvents; } /** * is same function as on(), but it keeps in memory the children. * @param event The event type, e.g., 'click', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'pointerdown', etc. * @param eventClass The class that extends CanvasEvent. * @returns * @example * ```typescript * \@eventDecorator() * export class EventTest extends CanvasEvent { * override fn(event: CanvasEventNamesType, text: CanvasText): void { * if (event === 'pointerdown') { * text.scale.x *= 1.25; * text.scale.y *= 1.25; * } * } * } * ``` * * ```typescript * const text = new CanvasText(); * text.text = "Hello World" * * text.eventMode = 'static'; * text.cursor = 'pointer'; * text.onEvent('pointerdown', EventTest); * * canvas.add("text", text); * ``` */ onEvent(event, eventClass) { let id3 = eventClass.prototype.id; let instance2 = getEventInstanceById(id3); this._onEvents[event] = id3; if (instance2) { super.on(event, () => { instance2.fn(event, this); }); } return this; } /** * on() does not keep in memory the event class, use onEvent() instead * @deprecated * @private * @param event * @param fn * @param context */ on(event, fn, context2) { return super.on(event, fn, context2); } }; function getMemoryText(element) { let temp = getMemoryContainer(element); return { ...temp, pixivnId: element.pixivnId, anchor: { x: element.anchor.x, y: element.anchor.y }, text: element.text, resolution: element.resolution, style: getTextStyle(element.style), roundPixels: element.roundPixels, onEvents: element.onEvents }; } function setMemoryText(element, memory) { setMemoryContainer(element, memory); if ("anchor" in memory && memory.anchor) { if (typeof memory.anchor === "number") { element.anchor.set(memory.anchor, memory.anchor); } else { element.anchor.set(memory.anchor.x, memory.anchor.y); } } "text" in memory && memory.text && (element.text = memory.text); "resolution" in memory && memory.resolution && (element.resolution = memory.resolution); "style" in memory && memory.style && (element.style = memory.style); "roundPixels" in memory && memory.roundPixels && (element.roundPixels = memory.roundPixels); if ("onEvents" in memory) { for (let event in memory.onEvents) { let id3 = memory.onEvents[event]; let instance2 = getEventTypeById(id3); if (instance2) { element.onEvent(event, instance2); } } } } // src/decorators/canvas-element-decorator.ts var registeredCanvasElement = {}; function canvasElementDecorator(name) { return function(target) { if (!name) { name = target.name; } if (registeredCanvasElement[name]) { console.warn(`[Pixi\u2019VN] CanvasElement ${name} already registered`); } target.prototype.pixivnId = name; registeredCanvasElement[name] = target; }; } function getCanvasElementInstanceById(canvasId) { try { let eventType = registeredCanvasElement[canvasId]; if (!eventType) { if (canvasId === CANVAS_CONTAINER_ID) { eventType = CanvasContainer; } else if (canvasId === CANVAS_VIDEO_ID) { eventType = CanvasVideo; } else if (canvasId === CANVAS_IMAGE_ID) { eventType = CanvasImage; } else if (canvasId === CANVAS_SPRITE_ID) { eventType = CanvasSprite; } else if (canvasId === CANVAS_TEXT_ID) { eventType = CanvasText; } } if (!eventType) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] CanvasElement ${canvasId} not found`); return; } let canvasElement = new eventType(); return canvasElement; } catch (e2) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Error while getting CanvasElement ${canvasId}`, e2); return; } } // src/functions/canvas/canvas-memory-utility.ts function exportCanvasElement(element) { return element.memory; } function importCanvasElement(memory) { let element = getCanvasElementInstanceById(memory.pixivnId); if (element) { element.memory = memory; } else { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The element " + memory.pixivnId + " could not be created"); } return element; } // src/classes/canvas/CanvasContainer.ts var CANVAS_CONTAINER_ID = "Container"; var CanvasContainer = class extends Container { constructor(options) { super(options); this.pixivnId = this.constructor.prototype.pixivnId || CANVAS_CONTAINER_ID; } pixivnId = CANVAS_CONTAINER_ID; get memory() { let memory = getMemoryContainer(this); this.children.forEach((child) => { memory.elements.push(exportCanvasElement(child)); }); return memory; } set memory(value) { setMemoryContainer(this, value); value.elements.forEach((child) => { this.addChild(importCanvasElement(child)); }); } }; function getMemoryContainer(element) { let className = CANVAS_CONTAINER_ID; if (element.hasOwnProperty("pixivnId")) { className = element.pixivnId; } return { pixivnId: className, elements: [], width: element.width, height: element.height, isRenderGroup: element.isRenderGroup, blendMode: element.blendMode, tint: element.tint, alpha: element.alpha, angle: element.angle, renderable: element.renderable, rotation: element.rotation, scale: { x: element.scale.x, y: element.scale.y }, pivot: { x: element.pivot.x, y: element.pivot.y }, position: { x: element.position.x, y: element.position.y }, skew: { x: element.skew.x, y: element.skew.y }, visible: element.visible, x: element.x, y: element.y, boundsArea: element.boundsArea, cursor: element.cursor, eventMode: element.eventMode, interactive: element.interactive, interactiveChildren: element.interactiveChildren, hitArea: element.hitArea }; } function setMemoryContainer(element, memory) { "isRenderGroup" in memory && memory.isRenderGroup && (element.isRenderGroup = memory.isRenderGroup); "blendMode" in memory && memory.blendMode && (element.blendMode = memory.blendMode); "tint" in memory && memory.tint && (element.tint = memory.tint); "alpha" in memory && memory.alpha && (element.alpha = memory.alpha); "angle" in memory && memory.angle && (element.angle = memory.angle); "renderable" in memory && memory.renderable && (element.renderable = memory.renderable); "rotation" in memory && memory.rotation && (element.rotation = memory.rotation); if ("scale" in memory && memory.scale) { if (typeof memory.scale === "number") { element.scale.set(memory.scale, memory.scale); } else { element.scale.set(memory.scale.x, memory.scale.y); } } if ("pivot" in memory && memory.pivot) { if (typeof memory.pivot === "number") { element.pivot.set(memory.pivot, memory.pivot); } else { element.pivot.set(memory.pivot.x, memory.pivot.y); } } "position" in memory && memory.position && element.position.set(memory.position.x, memory.position.y); "skew" in memory && memory.skew && element.skew.set(memory.skew.x, memory.skew.y); "visible" in memory && memory.visible && (element.visible = memory.visible); "x" in memory && memory.x && (element.x = memory.x); "y" in memory && memory.y && (element.y = memory.y); "boundsArea" in memory && memory.boundsArea && (element.boundsArea = memory.boundsArea); "cursor" in memory && memory.cursor && (element.cursor = memory.cursor); "eventMode" in memory && memory.eventMode && (element.eventMode = memory.eventMode); "interactive" in memory && memory.interactive && (element.interactive = memory.interactive); "interactiveChildren" in memory && memory.interactiveChildren && (element.interactiveChildren = memory.interactiveChildren); "hitArea" in memory && memory.hitArea && (element.hitArea = memory.hitArea); "width" in memory && memory.width && (element.width = memory.width); "height" in memory && memory.height && (element.height = memory.height); } // src/classes/ticker/TickerBase.ts var TickerBase = class { /** * @param args The arguments that you want to pass to the ticker. * @param duration The duration of the ticker in seconds. If is undefined, the step will end only when the animation is finished (if the animation doesn't have a goal to reach then it won't finish). @default undefined * @param priority The priority of the ticker. @default UPDATE_PRIORITY.NORMAL */ constructor(args, duration, priority) { this.args = args; this.duration = duration; this.priority = priority; this.id = this.constructor.prototype.id; } /** * Get the id of the ticker. This variable is used in the system to get the ticker by id, {@link geTickerInstanceById} */ id = "ticker_id_not_set"; args; duration; priority; /** * The method that will be called every frame. * This method should be overridden and you can use {@link canvas.add()} to get the canvas element of the canvas, and edit them. * @param _ticker The ticker that is calling this method * @param _args The arguments that you passed when you added the ticker * @param _alias The alias of the canvas elements that are connected to this ticker * @param _tickerId The id of the ticker. You can use this to get the ticker from the {@link canvas.currentTickers} */ fn(_ticker, _args, _alias, _tickerId) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The method TickerBase.fn() must be overridden"); } /** * This method is called when the ticker is added to the canvas. * @param alias The alias of the canvas elements that are connected to this ticker * @param tickerId The id of the ticker. You can use this to get the ticker from the {@link canvas.currentTickers} * @param options The options that you passed when you added the ticker */ onEndOfTicker(_alias, tickerId, args) { let aliasToRemoveAfter2 = "aliasToRemoveAfter" in args && args.aliasToRemoveAfter || []; if (typeof aliasToRemoveAfter2 === "string") { aliasToRemoveAfter2 = [aliasToRemoveAfter2]; } let tickerAliasToResume = "tickerAliasToResume" in args && args.tickerAliasToResume || []; if (typeof tickerAliasToResume === "string") { tickerAliasToResume = [tickerAliasToResume]; } canvas.onEndOfTicker(tickerId, { aliasToRemoveAfter: aliasToRemoveAfter2, tickerAliasToResume }); } }; // src/decorators/ticker-decorator.ts var registeredTickers = {}; function tickerDecorator(name) { return function(target) { if (!name) { name = target.name; } if (registeredTickers[name]) { console.info(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Ticker ${name} already exists, it will be overwritten`); } target.prototype.id = name; registeredTickers[name] = target; }; } function geTickerInstanceById(tickerId, args, duration, priority) { try { let ticker = registeredTickers[tickerId]; if (!ticker) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Ticker ${tickerId} not found`); return; } return new ticker(args, duration, priority); } catch (e2) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Error while getting Ticker ${tickerId}`, e2); return; } } // src/functions/export-utility.ts function createExportableElement(element) { try { if (typeof element === "undefined") { return element; } let elementString = JSON.stringify(element); return JSON.parse(elementString); } catch (e2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error creating exportable element", element, e2); throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error creating exportable element"); } } // src/types/ticker/AliasToRemoveAfterType.ts var aliasToRemoveAfter = "aliasToRemoveAfter"; // node_modules/@pixi/devtools/dist/index.js async function i2(p2) { var a2; const e2 = { importPixi: false, ...p2 }; e2.app && (e2.renderer = e2.app.renderer, e2.stage = e2.app.stage), e2.importPixi && !e2.pixi && (e2.pixi = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_lib(), lib_exports))), window.__PIXI_DEVTOOLS__ = { ...window.__PIXI_DEVTOOLS__ || {}, app: e2.app, stage: e2.stage, renderer: e2.renderer, extensions: [...((a2 = window.__PIXI_DEVTOOLS__) == null ? void 0 : a2.extensions) || [], ...e2.extensions || []], plugins: {} }; } // src/managers/CanvasManagerStatic.ts var import_sha1 = __toESM(require_sha1(), 1); init_lib(); // src/functions/easter-egg.ts function asciiArtLog() { console.info(` ____ _ _ ___ ___ _ | _ \\(_)_ _(_| ) \\ / / \\ | | | |_) | \\ \\/ / |/ \\ \\ / /| \\| | | __/| |> <| | \\ V / | |\\ | |_| |_/_/\\_\\_| \\_/ |_| \\_| `); } // src/managers/CanvasManagerStatic.ts var CanvasManagerStatic = class _CanvasManagerStatic { constructor() { } static _app = void 0; static get app() { if (!_CanvasManagerStatic._app) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] CanvasManagerStatic.app is undefined"); } return _CanvasManagerStatic._app; } /** * This is the div that have same size of the canvas. * This is useful to put interface elements. * You can use React or other framework to put elements in this div. */ static htmlLayout; static canvasWidth = 300; static canvasHeight = 300; static _isInitialized = false; static async initialize(element, width, height, options) { _CanvasManagerStatic.canvasWidth = width; _CanvasManagerStatic.canvasHeight = height; _CanvasManagerStatic._app = new Application(); return _CanvasManagerStatic.app.init({ resolution: window.devicePixelRatio || 1, autoDensity: true, width, height, ...options }).then(() => { i2({ app: _CanvasManagerStatic.app }); _CanvasManagerStatic._isInitialized = true; _CanvasManagerStatic.addCanvasIntoHTMLElement(element); window.addEventListener("resize", _CanvasManagerStatic.resize); _CanvasManagerStatic.resize(); asciiArtLog(); }); } /** * Add the canvas into a html element. * @param element it is the html element where I will put the canvas. Example: document.body */ static addCanvasIntoHTMLElement(element) { if (_CanvasManagerStatic._isInitialized) { element.appendChild(_CanvasManagerStatic.app.canvas); } else { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] GameWindowManager is not initialized"); } } static initializeHTMLLayout(element) { let div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.pointerEvents = "none"; element.appendChild(div); _CanvasManagerStatic.htmlLayout = div; _CanvasManagerStatic.resize(); } /* Resize Metods */ /** * This method returns the scale of the screen. */ static get screenScale() { let screenWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0); let screenHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0); return Math.min(screenWidth / _CanvasManagerStatic.canvasWidth, screenHeight / _CanvasManagerStatic.canvasHeight); } /** * This method returns the width of the screen enlarged by the scale. */ static get screenWidth() { return Math.floor(_CanvasManagerStatic.screenScale * _CanvasManagerStatic.canvasWidth); } /** * This method returns the height of the screen enlarged by the scale. */ static get screenHeight() { return Math.floor(_CanvasManagerStatic.screenScale * _CanvasManagerStatic.canvasHeight); } /** * This method returns the horizontal margin of the screen. */ static get horizontalMargin() { let screenWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0); return (screenWidth - _CanvasManagerStatic.screenWidth) / 2; } /** * This method returns the vertical margin of the screen. */ static get verticalMargin() { let screenHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0); return (screenHeight - _CanvasManagerStatic.screenHeight) / 2; } /** * This method is called when the screen is resized. */ static resize() { if (_CanvasManagerStatic._isInitialized) { let style = _CanvasManagerStatic.app.canvas.style; style.width = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.screenWidth}px`; style.height = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.screenHeight}px`; style.marginLeft = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.horizontalMargin}px`; style.marginRight = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.horizontalMargin}px`; style.marginTop = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.verticalMargin}px`; style.marginBottom = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.verticalMargin}px`; } if (_CanvasManagerStatic.htmlLayout) { _CanvasManagerStatic.htmlLayout.style.width = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.screenWidth}px`; _CanvasManagerStatic.htmlLayout.style.height = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.screenHeight}px`; _CanvasManagerStatic.htmlLayout.style.marginLeft = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.horizontalMargin}px`; _CanvasManagerStatic.htmlLayout.style.marginRight = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.horizontalMargin}px`; _CanvasManagerStatic.htmlLayout.style.marginTop = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.verticalMargin}px`; _CanvasManagerStatic.htmlLayout.style.marginBottom = `${_CanvasManagerStatic.verticalMargin}px`; } } /* Edit Canvas Elements Methods */ static _children = {}; /** * The order of the elements in the canvas, is determined by the zIndex. */ static get childrenAliasesOrder() { return Object.entries(_CanvasManagerStatic._children).sort((a2, b2) => a2[1].zIndex - b2[1].zIndex).map(([alias, _]) => alias); } /** Edit Tickers Methods */ static get currentTickersWithoutCreatedBySteps() { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers).filter(([_, ticker]) => !ticker.createdByTicketSteps)); } static _currentTickers = {}; static _currentTickersSteps = {}; static _currentTickersTimeouts = {}; static _tickersMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = { tikersIds: [], stepAlias: [] }; static generateTickerId(tickerData) { try { return (0, import_sha1.default)(JSON.stringify(tickerData)).toString() + "_" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); } catch (e2) { throw new Error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Error to generate ticker id: ${e2}`); } } static addTickerTimeoutInfo(aliases, ticker, timeout, canBeDeletedBeforeEnd) { if (typeof aliases === "string") { aliases = [aliases]; } _CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts[timeout] = { aliases, ticker, canBeDeletedBeforeEnd }; } static removeTickerTimeoutInfo(timeout) { if (typeof timeout !== "string") { timeout = timeout.toString(); } if (_CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts[timeout]) { delete _CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts[timeout]; } } static removeTickerTimeout(timeout) { if (typeof timeout !== "string") { timeout = timeout.toString(); } clearTimeout(Number(timeout)); _CanvasManagerStatic.removeTickerTimeoutInfo(timeout); } static removeTickerTimeoutsByAlias(alias, checkCanBeDeletedBeforeEnd) { Object.entries(_CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts).forEach(([timeout, tickerTimeout]) => { let aliasesWithoutAliasToRemove = tickerTimeout.aliases.filter((t2) => t2 !== alias); if (aliasesWithoutAliasToRemove.length === 0) { let canBeDeletedBeforeEnd = tickerTimeout.canBeDeletedBeforeEnd; if (!checkCanBeDeletedBeforeEnd || canBeDeletedBeforeEnd) { _CanvasManagerStatic.removeTickerTimeout(timeout); } } else { _CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts[timeout].aliases = aliasesWithoutAliasToRemove; } }); } static _tickersOnPause = {}; }; // src/managers/CanvasManager.ts var CanvasManager = class { /** * The PIXI Application instance. * It not recommended to use this property directly. */ get app() { return CanvasManagerStatic.app; } /** * If the manager is initialized. */ get isInitialized() { return CanvasManagerStatic._isInitialized; } /** * This is the div that have same size of the canvas. * This is useful to put interface elements. * You can use React or other framework to put elements in this div. */ get htmlLayout() { return CanvasManagerStatic.htmlLayout; } set htmlLayout(value) { CanvasManagerStatic.htmlLayout = value; } get canvasWidth() { return CanvasManagerStatic.canvasWidth; } get canvasHeight() { return CanvasManagerStatic.canvasHeight; } set canvasWidth(value) { CanvasManagerStatic.canvasWidth = value; } set canvasHeight(value) { CanvasManagerStatic.canvasHeight = value; } get screen() { return this.app.screen; } /** * Initialize the PIXI Application and the interface div. * This method should be called before any other method. * @param element The html element where I will put the canvas. Example: document.body * @param width The width of the canvas * @param height The height of the canvas * @param options The options of PIXI Application * @example * ```typescript * const body = document.body * if (!body) { * throw new Error('body element not found') * } * await canvas.initialize(body, 1920, 1080, { * backgroundColor: "#303030" * }) * ``` */ async initialize(element, width, height, options) { return await CanvasManagerStatic.initialize(element, width, height, options); } /** * Initialize the interface div and add it into a html element. * @param element it is the html element where I will put the interface div. Example: document.getElementById('root') * @example * ```tsx * const root = document.getElementById('root') * if (!root) { * throw new Error('root element not found') * } * canvas.initializeHTMLLayout(root) * const reactRoot = createRoot(canvas.htmlLayout) * reactRoot.render( * * ) * ``` */ initializeHTMLLayout(element) { return CanvasManagerStatic.initializeHTMLLayout(element); } /* Edit Canvas Elements Methods */ /** * This is a dictionary that contains all Canvas Elements of Canvas, currently. */ get currentCanvasElements() { return CanvasManagerStatic._children; } /** * Copy the properties of an old canvas element to a new canvas element. * @param oldAlias Old alias * @param newAlias New alias * @returns */ copyCanvasElementProperty(oldAlias, newAlias) { if (typeof newAlias === "string") { let element = this.find(newAlias); if (element) { newAlias = element; } else { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Canvas element ${newAlias} not found`); return; } } if (typeof oldAlias === "string") { let element = this.find(oldAlias); if (element) { oldAlias = element; } else { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Canvas element ${oldAlias} not found`); return; } } if (oldAlias instanceof Container) { oldAlias = oldAlias.memory; } "isRenderGroup" in oldAlias && delete oldAlias.isRenderGroup; "scale" in oldAlias && delete oldAlias.scale; "visible" in oldAlias && delete oldAlias.visible; "boundsArea" in oldAlias && delete oldAlias.boundsArea; "textureImage" in oldAlias && delete oldAlias.textureImage; "text" in oldAlias && delete oldAlias.text; "resolution" in oldAlias && delete oldAlias.resolution; "style" in oldAlias && delete oldAlias.style; "height" in oldAlias && delete oldAlias.height; "width" in oldAlias && delete oldAlias.width; if (newAlias instanceof CanvasSprite) { setMemorySprite(newAlias, oldAlias); } else if (newAlias instanceof CanvasText) { setMemoryText(newAlias, oldAlias); } else if (newAlias instanceof Container) { setMemoryContainer(newAlias, oldAlias); } } /** * Transfer the tickers from an old alias to a new alias. * @param oldAlias Old alias * @param newAlias New alias * @param mode If "move", the old alias will be removed from the ticker. If "duplicate", the old alias will be kept in the ticker. */ transferTickers(oldAlias, newAlias, mode = "move") { if (CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[oldAlias]) { if (mode === "move") { CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[newAlias] = createExportableElement(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[oldAlias]); } else if (mode === "duplicate") { CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[newAlias] = createExportableElement(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[oldAlias]); } } Object.entries(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers).forEach(([id3, ticker]) => { if (ticker.createdByTicketSteps?.canvasElementAlias === oldAlias) { this.removeTicker(id3); } if (ticker.canvasElementAliases.includes(oldAlias)) { if (mode === "move") { ticker.canvasElementAliases = ticker.canvasElementAliases.map((t2) => t2 === oldAlias ? newAlias : t2); } else if (mode === "duplicate") { if (ticker.canvasElementAliases.find((t2) => t2 === oldAlias)) { ticker.canvasElementAliases.push(newAlias); } } if (ticker.args.hasOwnProperty(aliasToRemoveAfter)) { let aliasToRemoveAfter2 = ticker.args.aliasToRemoveAfter; if (typeof aliasToRemoveAfter2 === "string") { aliasToRemoveAfter2 = [aliasToRemoveAfter2]; } if (Array.isArray(aliasToRemoveAfter2)) { if (mode === "move") { ticker.args.aliasToRemoveAfter = aliasToRemoveAfter2.map((t2) => t2 === oldAlias ? newAlias : t2); } else if (mode === "duplicate") { if (aliasToRemoveAfter2.find((t2) => t2 === oldAlias)) { ticker.args.aliasToRemoveAfter = [...aliasToRemoveAfter2, newAlias]; } } } } } }); Object.values(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts).forEach((tickerTimeout) => { if (tickerTimeout.aliases.includes(oldAlias)) { if (mode === "move") { tickerTimeout.aliases = tickerTimeout.aliases.map((t2) => t2 === oldAlias ? newAlias : t2); } else if (mode === "duplicate") { if (tickerTimeout.aliases.find((t2) => t2 === oldAlias)) { tickerTimeout.aliases.push(newAlias); } } } }); if (CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[newAlias]) { Object.keys(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[newAlias]).forEach((key) => { this.runTickersSteps(newAlias, key); }); } if (mode === "duplicate" && CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[oldAlias]) { Object.keys(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[oldAlias]).forEach((key) => { this.runTickersSteps(oldAlias, key); }); } } /** * Add a canvas element to the canvas. * If there is a canvas element with the same alias, all "style", zIndex, and {@link TickerBase} will be transferred to the new canvas element, * and the old canvas element will be removed. * @param alias The alias of the canvas element. * @param canvasElement The canvas elements to be added. * @param options The options of the canvas element. * @example * ```typescript * const texture = await Assets.load('https://pixijs.com/assets/bunny.png'); * const sprite = CanvasSprite.from(texture); * canvas.add("bunny", sprite); * ``` */ add(alias, canvasElement, options = {}) { if (alias === CANVAS_APP_STAGE_ALIAS) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] The alias ${CANVAS_APP_STAGE_ALIAS} is reserved`); return; } let ignoreOldStyle = options?.ignoreOldStyle; let oldCanvasElement = this.find(alias); if (oldCanvasElement) { let zIndex = oldCanvasElement.zIndex; !ignoreOldStyle && this.copyCanvasElementProperty(oldCanvasElement, canvasElement); this.remove(alias, { ignoreTickers: true }); this.app.stage.addChildAt(canvasElement, zIndex); } else { this.app.stage.addChild(canvasElement); } CanvasManagerStatic._children[alias] = canvasElement; } /** * @deprecated use canvas.add */ addCanvasElement(alias, canvasElement) { this.add(alias, canvasElement); } /** * Remove a canvas element from the canvas. * And remove all tickers that are not connected to any canvas element. * @param alias The alias of the canvas element to be removed. * @param options The options of the canvas element. * @returns * @example * ```typescript * canvas.remove("bunny"); * ``` */ remove(alias, options = {}) { if (alias === CANVAS_APP_STAGE_ALIAS) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] The alias ${CANVAS_APP_STAGE_ALIAS} is reserved`); return; } let ignoreTickers = options.ignoreTickers; if (typeof alias === "string") { alias = [alias]; } alias.forEach((alias2) => { if (CanvasManagerStatic._children[alias2]) { this.app.stage.removeChild(CanvasManagerStatic._children[alias2]); delete CanvasManagerStatic._children[alias2]; !ignoreTickers && this.removeTickerByCanvasElement(alias2); } }); } /** * @deprecated use canvas.remove */ removeCanvasElement(alias) { this.remove(alias); } /** * Get a canvas element by the alias. * @param alias The alias of the canvas element. * @returns The canvas element. * @example * ```typescript * const sprite = canvas.find("bunny"); * ``` */ find(alias) { if (alias === CANVAS_APP_STAGE_ALIAS) { return this.app.stage; } return CanvasManagerStatic._children[alias]; } /** * @deprecated use canvas.find */ getCanvasElement(alias) { return this.find(alias); } /** * Check if a DisplayObject is on the canvas. * @param pixiElement The DisplayObject to be checked. * @returns If the DisplayObject is on the canvas. */ canvasElementIsOnCanvas(pixiElement) { return this.app.stage.children.includes(pixiElement); } /** * Remove all canvas elements from the canvas. * And remove all tickers that are not connected to any canvas element. */ removeAll() { this.app.stage.removeChildren(); CanvasManagerStatic._children = {}; this.removeAllTickers(); } /** * Edit the alias of a canvas element. The tickers that are connected to the canvas element will be transferred. * @param oldAlias The old alias of the canvas element. * @param newAlias The new alias of the canvas element. * @param options The options of the canvas element. */ editAlias(oldAlias, newAlias, options = {}) { if (CanvasManagerStatic._children[oldAlias]) { CanvasManagerStatic._children[newAlias] = CanvasManagerStatic._children[oldAlias]; delete CanvasManagerStatic._children[oldAlias]; } !options.ignoreTickers && this.transferTickers(oldAlias, newAlias, "move"); } /** Edit Tickers Methods */ /** * Currently tickers that are running. */ get currentTickers() { return CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers; } get currentTickersList() { return Object.values(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers); } /** * The steps of the tickers */ get currentTickersSteps() { return CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps; } /** * Run a ticker. You can run multiple addTicker with the same alias and different tickerClasses. * If you run a ticker with the same alias and tickerClass, the old ticker will be removed. * If already exists a sequence of tickers with the same alias, it will be removed. * @param canvasElementAlias The alias of the canvas element that will use the ticker. * @param ticker The ticker class to be run. * @returns The id of the ticker. * @example * ```typescript * canvas.addTicker("alien", new RotateTicker({ speed: 0.2 })) * ``` */ addTicker(canvasElementAlias, ticker) { let tickerId = ticker.id; if (typeof canvasElementAlias === "string") { canvasElementAlias = [canvasElementAlias]; } if (!geTickerInstanceById(tickerId, ticker.args, ticker.duration, ticker.priority)) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Ticker ${tickerId} not found`); return; } let tickerHistory = { fn: () => { }, id: tickerId, args: createExportableElement(ticker.args), canvasElementAliases: canvasElementAlias, priority: ticker.priority, duration: ticker.duration, onEndOfTicker: () => { } }; let id3 = CanvasManagerStatic.generateTickerId(tickerHistory); this.pushTicker(id3, tickerHistory, ticker); this.pushEndOfTicker(id3, tickerHistory, ticker); if (ticker.duration) { let timeout = setTimeout(() => { CanvasManagerStatic.removeTickerTimeoutInfo(timeout); let tickerTimeoutInfo = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts[timeout.toString()]; if (tickerTimeoutInfo) { this.onEndOfTicker( id3, { aliasToRemoveAfter: aliasToRemoveAfter in ticker.args ? ticker.args.aliasToRemoveAfter || [] : [], tickerAliasToResume: "tickerAliasToResume" in ticker.args ? ticker.args.tickerAliasToResume || [] : [], ignoreTickerSteps: true } ); } }, ticker.duration * 1e3); CanvasManagerStatic.addTickerTimeoutInfo(canvasElementAlias, tickerId, timeout.toString(), true); } return id3; } pushTicker(id3, tickerData, ticker) { CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers[id3] = tickerData; tickerData.fn = (t2) => { let data = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers[id3]; if (data) { let canvasElementAliases = data.canvasElementAliases; if (tickerData.createdByTicketSteps) { if (this.isTickerPaused(tickerData.createdByTicketSteps.canvasElementAlias, tickerData.createdByTicketSteps.id)) { return; } } else { canvasElementAliases = canvasElementAliases.filter((alias) => !this.isTickerPaused(alias, id3)); } ticker?.fn(t2, data.args, canvasElementAliases, id3); } }; this.app.ticker.add(tickerData.fn, void 0, tickerData.priority); } pushEndOfTicker(id3, tickerData, ticker) { tickerData.onEndOfTicker = () => { ticker.onEndOfTicker(tickerData.canvasElementAliases, id3, tickerData.args); }; } /** * Run a sequence of tickers. * @param alias The alias of canvas element that will use the tickers. * @param steps The steps of the tickers. * @param currentStepNumber The current step number. It is used to continue the sequence of tickers. * @returns The id of the sequence of tickers. * @example * ```typescript * canvas.addTickersSteps("alien", [ * new RotateTicker({ speed: 0.1, clockwise: true }, 2), // 2 seconds * Pause(1), // 1 second * new RotateTicker({ speed: 0.2, clockwise: false }, 2), * Repeat, * ]) * ``` */ addTickersSteps(alias, steps, currentStepNumber = 0) { if (steps.length == 0) { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] The steps of the tickers is empty"); return; } if (!(alias in CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps)) { CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias] = {}; } let step = { currentStepNumber, steps: steps.map((step2) => { if (step2 === Repeat) { return step2; } if (step2.hasOwnProperty("type") && step2.type === "pause") { return step2; } let tickerId = step2.id; return { ticker: tickerId, args: createExportableElement(step2.args), duration: step2.duration }; }) }; let key = CanvasManagerStatic.generateTickerId(step); CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key] = step; this.runTickersSteps(alias, key); return key; } runTickersSteps(alias, key) { if (!CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias] || !CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key]) { return; } let step = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key].steps[CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key].currentStepNumber]; if (step === Repeat) { step = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key].steps[0]; CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key].currentStepNumber = 0; if (step === Repeat) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] TikersSteps has a RepeatType in the first step"); return; } } if (step.hasOwnProperty("type") && step.type === "pause") { let timeout = setTimeout(() => { let tickerTimeoutInfo = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts[timeout.toString()]; if (tickerTimeoutInfo) { tickerTimeoutInfo.aliases.forEach((alias2) => { this.nextTickerStep(alias2, key); }); } CanvasManagerStatic.removeTickerTimeoutInfo(timeout); }, step.duration * 1e3); CanvasManagerStatic.addTickerTimeoutInfo(alias, "steps", timeout.toString(), false); return; } let ticker = geTickerInstanceById(step.ticker, step.args, step.duration, step.priority); if (!ticker) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Ticker ${step.ticker} not found`); return; } let tickerName = ticker.id; let tickerHistory = { fn: () => { }, id: tickerName, args: createExportableElement(ticker.args), canvasElementAliases: [alias], priority: ticker.priority, duration: ticker.duration, createdByTicketSteps: { canvasElementAlias: alias, id: key }, onEndOfTicker: () => { } }; let id3 = CanvasManagerStatic.generateTickerId(tickerHistory); this.pushTicker(id3, tickerHistory, ticker); if (ticker.duration) { let timeout = setTimeout(() => { let tickerTimeoutInfo = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts[timeout.toString()]; if (tickerTimeoutInfo) { this.onEndOfTicker( id3, { aliasToRemoveAfter: aliasToRemoveAfter in ticker.args ? ticker.args.aliasToRemoveAfter || [] : [], tickerAliasToResume: "tickerAliasToResume" in ticker.args ? ticker.args.tickerAliasToResume || [] : [], ignoreTickerSteps: true } ); tickerTimeoutInfo.aliases.forEach((alias2) => { this.nextTickerStep(alias2, key); }); } CanvasManagerStatic.removeTickerTimeoutInfo(timeout); }, ticker.duration * 1e3); CanvasManagerStatic.addTickerTimeoutInfo(alias, tickerName, timeout.toString(), false); } } nextTickerStep(alias, key) { if (CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias] && CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key]) { let steps = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key]; if (steps.currentStepNumber + 1 < steps.steps.length) { steps.currentStepNumber++; CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key] = steps; this.runTickersSteps(alias, key); } else { if (key && CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias] && CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key]) { delete CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias][key]; Object.entries(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers).forEach(([id3, ticker]) => { if (ticker.createdByTicketSteps?.canvasElementAlias === alias) { if (ticker.createdByTicketSteps.id === key) { this.removeTicker(id3); } } }); } } } } onEndOfTicker(tickerId, options) { let tickerData = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers[tickerId]; let ignoreTickerSteps = options.ignoreTickerSteps || false; this.remove(options.aliasToRemoveAfter); this.resumeTickerPaused(options.tickerAliasToResume); if (tickerData) { this.removeTicker(tickerId); if (!ignoreTickerSteps && tickerData.duration == void 0 && tickerData.createdByTicketSteps) { this.nextTickerStep(tickerData.createdByTicketSteps.canvasElementAlias, tickerData.createdByTicketSteps.id); } } } /** * Remove a connection between a canvas element and a ticker. * And remove the ticker if there is no canvas element connected to it. * @param alias The alias of the canvas element that will use the ticker. * @param ticker The ticker class to be removed. * @param options The options * @example * ```typescript * canvas.removeAssociationBetweenTickerCanvasElement("alien", RotateTicker) * ``` */ removeAssociationBetweenTickerCanvasElement(alias, ticker, options = {}) { let tickerId; if (typeof ticker === "string") { tickerId = ticker; } else if (ticker instanceof TickerBase) { tickerId = ticker.id; } else { tickerId = ticker.prototype.id; } if (typeof alias === "string") { alias = [alias]; } if (!options.ignoreTickerSteps) { alias.forEach((alias2) => { if (CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias2]) { Object.entries(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias2]).forEach(([id3, ticker2]) => { if (ticker2.steps.find((t2) => typeof t2 === "object" && "ticker" in t2 && t2.ticker === tickerId)) { delete CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias2][id3]; } }); } }); } Object.entries(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers).forEach(([id3, ticker2]) => { if (ticker2.id === tickerId) { CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers[id3].canvasElementAliases = ticker2.canvasElementAliases.filter((e2) => !alias.includes(e2)); } }); Object.entries(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts).forEach(([timeout, tickerTimeout]) => { if (tickerTimeout.ticker === tickerId && tickerTimeout.canBeDeletedBeforeEnd) { CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts[timeout].aliases = tickerTimeout.aliases.filter((t2) => !alias.includes(t2)); } }); this.removeTickersWithoutAssociatedCanvasElement(); } /** * Remove all tickers that are not connected to any existing canvas element. */ removeTickersWithoutAssociatedCanvasElement() { Object.entries(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers).forEach(([id3, ticker]) => { ticker.canvasElementAliases = ticker.canvasElementAliases.filter((e2) => CanvasManagerStatic._children[e2]); if (ticker.canvasElementAliases.length === 0) { this.onEndOfTicker( id3, { aliasToRemoveAfter: aliasToRemoveAfter in ticker.args ? ticker.args.aliasToRemoveAfter : [], tickerAliasToResume: "tickerAliasToResume" in ticker.args ? ticker.args.tickerAliasToResume : [], ignoreTickerSteps: true } ); } }); Object.entries(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps).forEach(([alias, ticker]) => { if (ticker === void 0) { delete CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias]; } }); Object.entries(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts).forEach(([timeout, { aliases }]) => { if (aliases.length === 0) { CanvasManagerStatic.removeTickerTimeout(timeout); } }); } /** * Remove all tickers from the canvas. */ removeAllTickers() { CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps = {}; Object.keys(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers).forEach((id3) => { this.removeTicker(id3); }); CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers = {}; for (let timeout in CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersTimeouts) { CanvasManagerStatic.removeTickerTimeout(timeout); } } /** * Remove all tickers from a canvas element. * @param alias The alias of the canvas element that will use the ticker. */ removeTickerByCanvasElement(alias) { if (typeof alias === "string") { alias = [alias]; } alias.forEach((alias2) => { Object.entries(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers).forEach(([id3, ticker]) => { if (ticker.canvasElementAliases.includes(alias2)) { if (ticker.canvasElementAliases.length === 1) { this.removeTicker(id3); } else { ticker.canvasElementAliases = ticker.canvasElementAliases.filter((t2) => t2 !== alias2); } } }); if (CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias2]) { delete CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias2]; } CanvasManagerStatic.removeTickerTimeoutsByAlias(alias2, false); delete CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias2]; }); } removeTicker(tickerId) { let ticker = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers[tickerId]; if (ticker) { if (ticker.args.hasOwnProperty(aliasToRemoveAfter)) { let aliasToRemoveAfter2 = ticker.args.aliasToRemoveAfter; this.remove(aliasToRemoveAfter2); } this.app.ticker.remove(ticker.fn); delete CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers[tickerId]; } } /** * Pause a ticker. If a paused ticker have a time to be removed, it will be removed after the time. * @param alias The alias of the canvas element that will use the ticker. * @param tickerIdsExcluded The tickers that will not be paused. */ putOnPauseTicker(alias, tickerIdsExcluded = []) { if (typeof tickerIdsExcluded === "string") { tickerIdsExcluded = [tickerIdsExcluded]; } CanvasManagerStatic._tickersOnPause[alias] = { tickerIdsExcluded }; } /** * Resume a ticker. * @param alias The alias of the canvas element that will use the ticker. * @param tickerId The ticker that will be resumed. */ resumeTickerPaused(alias) { if (typeof alias === "string") { alias = [alias]; } alias.forEach((alias2) => { delete CanvasManagerStatic._tickersOnPause[alias2]; }); } /** * Check if a ticker is paused. * @param alias The alias of the canvas element that will use the ticker. * @param tickerId The ticker that will be checked. * @returns If the ticker is paused. */ isTickerPaused(alias, tickerId) { if (CanvasManagerStatic._tickersOnPause[alias]) { if (tickerId) { return !CanvasManagerStatic._tickersOnPause[alias].tickerIdsExcluded.includes(tickerId); } return true; } return false; } /** * Add a ticker that must be completed before the next step. * This method is used for example into a transition between scenes. * @param step The step that the ticker must be completed before the next step. */ addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep(step) { if (step.alias) { CanvasManagerStatic._tickersMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep.stepAlias.push({ id: step.id, alias: step.alias }); } else { CanvasManagerStatic._tickersMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep.tikersIds.push({ id: step.id }); } } /** * This method force the completion of the tickers that are running. * This funcions is called in the next step. */ forceCompletionOfReportedTickers() { CanvasManagerStatic._tickersMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep.tikersIds.forEach(({ id: id3 }) => { let ticker = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickers[id3]; if (ticker) { ticker.onEndOfTicker(); } }); CanvasManagerStatic._tickersMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep.stepAlias.forEach(({ alias, id: id3 }) => { let ticker = CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias]; if (ticker && ticker[id3]) { if (ticker[id3].steps.includes(Repeat)) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] The ticker alias: ${alias} id: ${id3} contains a RepeatType, so it can't be forced to complete`, ticker[id3]); } else { ticker[id3].steps.forEach((step) => { if (typeof step === "object" && "ticker" in step) { let ticker2 = geTickerInstanceById(step.ticker, step.args, step.duration, step.priority); if (ticker2) { ticker2.onEndOfTicker([alias], id3, step.args); } } }); } } }); CanvasManagerStatic._tickersMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = { tikersIds: [], stepAlias: [] }; } /* Other Methods */ /** * Extract the canvas as an image. * @returns The image as a base64 string. */ async extractImage() { const image = await this.app.renderer.extract.image(this.app.stage); return image.src; } /** * Clear the canvas and the tickers. */ clear() { this.removeAll(); } /* Export and Import Methods */ /** * Export the canvas and the tickers to a JSON string. * @returns The JSON string. */ exportJson() { return JSON.stringify(this.export()); } /** * Export the canvas and the tickers to an object. * @returns The object. */ export() { let currentElements = {}; for (let alias in CanvasManagerStatic._children) { currentElements[alias] = exportCanvasElement(CanvasManagerStatic._children[alias]); } return { tickers: createExportableElement(CanvasManagerStatic.currentTickersWithoutCreatedBySteps), tickersSteps: createExportableElement(CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps), elements: createExportableElement(currentElements), stage: createExportableElement(getMemoryContainer(this.app.stage)), elementAliasesOrder: createExportableElement(CanvasManagerStatic.childrenAliasesOrder), tickersOnPause: createExportableElement(CanvasManagerStatic._tickersOnPause) }; } /** * Import the canvas and the tickers from a JSON string. * @param dataString The JSON string. */ importJson(dataString) { this.import(JSON.parse(dataString)); } /** * Import the canvas and the tickers from an object. * @param data The object. */ import(data) { this.clear(); try { let tickersOnPause = data["tickersOnPause"] || {}; if (data.hasOwnProperty("elementAliasesOrder") && data.hasOwnProperty("elements")) { let currentElements = data["elements"]; let elementAliasesOrder = data["elementAliasesOrder"]; elementAliasesOrder.forEach((alias) => { if (currentElements[alias]) { let element = importCanvasElement(currentElements[alias]); this.add(alias, element); CanvasManagerStatic.childrenAliasesOrder.push(alias); } }); } else { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The data does not have the properties elementAliasesOrder and elements"); return; } if (data.hasOwnProperty("stage") && data.hasOwnProperty("stage")) { setMemoryContainer(this.app.stage, data["stage"]); } else { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The data does not have the properties stage"); } if (data.hasOwnProperty("tickers")) { let tickers = data["tickers"]; Object.entries(tickers).forEach(([oldId, t2]) => { let aliases = t2.canvasElementAliases; let ticker = geTickerInstanceById(t2.id, t2.args, t2.duration, t2.priority); if (ticker) { let id3 = this.addTicker(aliases, ticker); if (id3) { aliases.forEach((alias) => { if (tickersOnPause[alias]) { tickersOnPause[alias].tickerIdsExcluded = tickersOnPause[alias].tickerIdsExcluded.map((t3) => t3 === oldId ? id3 : t3); } }); } } else { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Ticker ${t2.id} not found`); } }); } if (data.hasOwnProperty("tickersSteps")) { let tickersSteps = data["tickersSteps"]; Object.entries(tickersSteps).forEach(([alias, steps]) => { CanvasManagerStatic._currentTickersSteps[alias] = steps; Object.keys(steps).forEach((key) => { this.runTickersSteps(alias, key); }); }); } if (tickersOnPause) { CanvasManagerStatic._tickersOnPause = tickersOnPause; } } catch (e2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error importing data", e2); } } }; // src/managers/NarrationManager.ts var import_deep_diff = __toESM(require_deep_diff(), 1); // src/decorators/character-decorator.ts var registeredCharacters = {}; function saveCharacter(character) { if (Array.isArray(character)) { character.forEach((c2) => saveCharacter(c2)); return; } if (registeredCharacters[character.id]) { console.info(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Character id ${character.id} already exists, it will be overwritten`); } registeredCharacters[character.id] = character; } function getCharacterById(id3) { try { let character = registeredCharacters[id3]; if (!character) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Character ${id3} not found`); return; } return character; } catch (e2) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Error while getting Character ${id3}`, e2); return; } } function getAllCharacters() { return Object.values(registeredCharacters); } // src/decorators/label-decorator.ts var registeredLabels = {}; function newLabel(id3, steps, props) { if (registeredLabels[id3]) { console.info(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Label ${id3} already exists, it will be overwritten`); } let label = new Label(id3, steps, props); registeredLabels[id3] = label; return label; } function getLabelById(id3) { let label = registeredLabels[id3]; if (!label) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Label ${id3} not found`); return; } return label; } function saveLabel(label) { registeredLabels[label.id] = label; } // src/types/CloseType.ts var Close = "close"; // src/classes/Label.ts var import_sha12 = __toESM(require_sha1(), 1); // src/classes/LabelAbstract.ts var LabelAbstract = class { /** * @param id is the id of the label * @param props is the properties of the label */ constructor(id3, props) { this._id = id3; this._onStepStart = props?.onStepStart; this._onLoadStep = props?.onLoadStep; this._onStepEnd = props?.onStepEnd; this._choiseIndex = props?.choiseIndex; } _id; /** * Get the id of the label. This variable is used in the system to get the label by id, {@link getLabelById} */ get id() { return this._id; } /** * Get the corresponding steps number * @param externalStepSha1 * @returns Numer of corresponding steps, for example, if externalSteps is [ABC, DEF, GHI] and the steps of the label is [ABC, GHT], the result will be 1 */ getCorrespondingStepsNumber(externalStepSha1) { if (externalStepSha1.length === 0) { return 0; } let res = 0; externalStepSha1.forEach((stepSha1, index) => { let sha13 = this.getStepSha1(index); if (sha13 === stepSha1) { res = index; } }); return res; } _onStepStart; get onStepStart() { return async (stepIndex, label) => { if (this._onLoadStep) { await this._onLoadStep(stepIndex, label); } if (this._onStepStart) { return await this._onStepStart(stepIndex, label); } }; } _onLoadStep; get onLoadStep() { return this._onLoadStep; } _onStepEnd; get onStepEnd() { return this._onStepEnd; } _choiseIndex; get choiseIndex() { return this._choiseIndex; } }; // src/classes/Label.ts var Label = class extends LabelAbstract { /** * @param id is the id of the label * @param steps is the list of steps that the label will perform * @param props is the properties of the label */ constructor(id3, steps, props) { super(id3, props); this._steps = steps; } _steps; /** * Get the steps of the label. */ get steps() { if (typeof this._steps === "function") { return this._steps(); } return this._steps; } getStepSha1(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.steps.length) { return void 0; } let step = this.steps[index]; let sha1String = (0, import_sha12.default)(step.toString().toLocaleLowerCase()); return sha1String.toString(); } }; // src/classes/CloseLabel.ts var CLOSE_LABEL_ID = "__close-label-id__"; function newCloseLabel(choiseIndex) { return new Label(CLOSE_LABEL_ID, [], { choiseIndex }); } // src/classes/ChoiceMenuOption.ts var ChoiceMenuOption = class { /** * Text to be displayed in the menu */ text; _label; /** * Label to be opened when the option is selected */ get label() { let label = this._label; if (typeof label === "string") { let res = getLabelById(label); if (res) { label = res; } else { console.error(`Label ${label} not found, so it will be closed`); label = newCloseLabel(); } } return label; } /** * Type of the label to be opened */ type; /** * If this is true, the choice can only be made once. */ oneTime; /** * If this is true, the choice can see only if there are no other choices. For example, all choices are one-time choices and they are already selected. */ onlyHaveNoChoice; /** * If this is true and if is the only choice, it will be automatically selected, and call/jump to the label. */ autoSelect; /** * Properties to be passed to the label and olther parameters that you can use when get all the choice menu options. * @example * ```tsx * narration.choiceMenuOptions = [ * new ChoiceMenuOption("Hello", helloLabel, { disabled: true }), * ] * return * {narration.choiceMenuOptions?.map((item, index) => { * return ( * { * afterSelectChoice(item) * }} * > * {item.text} * * ) * })} * * ``` */ props = {}; /** * @param text Text to be displayed in the menu * @param label Label to be opened when the option is selected or the id of the label * @param props Properties to be passed to the label and olther parameters that you can use when get all the choice menu options. It be converted to a JSON string, so it cannot contain functions or classes. * @param options Options */ constructor(text, label, props, options) { this.text = text; this._label = label; this.type = options?.type || "call"; this.oneTime = options?.oneTime || false; this.onlyHaveNoChoice = options?.onlyHaveNoChoice || false; this.autoSelect = options?.autoSelect || false; if (props) { this.props = props; } } }; var ChoiceMenuOptionClose = class { /** * Label to be opened when the option is selected */ label = newCloseLabel(); /** * Text to be displayed in the menu */ text; /** * If true, the current label will be closed */ closeCurrentLabel; /** * Type of the label to be opened */ type = Close; /** * If this is true, the choice can only be made once. */ oneTime; /** * If this is true, the choice can see only if there are no other choices. For example, all choices are one-time choices and they are already selected. */ onlyHaveNoChoice; /** * If this is true and if is the only choice, it will be automatically selected, and call/jump to the label. */ autoSelect; /** * Properties to be passed to the label and olther parameters that you can use when get all the choice menu options. * @example * ```tsx * narration.choiceMenuOptions = [ * new ChoiceMenuOption("Hello", helloLabel, { disabled: true }), * ] * return * {narration.choiceMenuOptions?.map((item, index) => { * return ( * { * afterSelectChoice(item) * }} * > * {item.text} * * ) * })} * * ``` */ props = {}; /** * @param text Text to be displayed in the menu * @param closeCurrentLabel If true, the current label will be closed. @default false */ constructor(text, options) { this.text = text; this.closeCurrentLabel = options?.closeCurrentLabel || false; this.oneTime = options?.oneTime || false; this.onlyHaveNoChoice = options?.onlyHaveNoChoice || false; this.autoSelect = options?.autoSelect || false; } }; // src/classes/ticker/FadeAlphaTicker.ts init_lib(); var FadeAlphaTicker = class extends TickerBase { fn(ticker, args, aliases, tickerId) { let type = args.type === void 0 ? "hide" : args.type; let limit = this.getLimit(args); let duration = args.duration === void 0 ? 1 : args.duration; let speed = 1 / (duration * 60); let aliasToRemoveAfter2 = args.aliasToRemoveAfter || []; if (typeof aliasToRemoveAfter2 === "string") { aliasToRemoveAfter2 = [aliasToRemoveAfter2]; } let tickerAliasToResume = args.tickerAliasToResume || []; if (typeof tickerAliasToResume === "string") { tickerAliasToResume = [tickerAliasToResume]; } if (type === "hide" && limit < 0) { limit = 0; } if (type === "show" && limit > 1) { limit = 1; } aliases.filter((alias) => { let element = canvas.find(alias); if (args.startOnlyIfHaveTexture) { if (element && element instanceof Sprite && element.texture?.label == "EMPTY") { return false; } } return true; }).forEach((alias) => { let element = canvas.find(alias); if (element && element instanceof Container) { if (type === "show" && element.alpha < limit) { element.alpha += speed * ticker.deltaTime; } else if (type === "hide" && element.alpha > limit) { element.alpha -= speed * ticker.deltaTime; } if (type === "show" && element.alpha >= limit) { this.onEndOfTicker(alias, tickerId, args); } else if (type === "hide" && element.alpha <= limit) { this.onEndOfTicker(alias, tickerId, args); } } }); } onEndOfTicker(alias, tickerId, args) { if (typeof alias === "string") { alias = [alias]; } alias.forEach((alias2) => { let element = canvas.find(alias2); if (element) { let limit = this.getLimit(args); element.alpha = limit; } }); super.onEndOfTicker(alias, tickerId, args); } getLimit(args) { let type = args.type === void 0 ? "hide" : args.type; let limit = args.limit === void 0 ? type === "hide" ? 0 : 1 : args.limit; return limit; } }; FadeAlphaTicker = __decorateClass([ tickerDecorator() ], FadeAlphaTicker); // src/classes/ticker/MoveTicker.ts init_lib(); // src/functions/ticker-utility.ts function updateTickerProgression(args, propertyName, progression, valueConvert) { let limit = valueConvert && progression.limit ? valueConvert(progression.limit) : progression.limit; if (args[propertyName] === void 0 || !progression || args[propertyName] === limit) { return; } if (typeof args[propertyName] === "number") { if (progression.type === "linear") { args[propertyName] = getLinearProgression(args[propertyName], progression); } else if (progression.type === "exponential") { args[propertyName] = getExponentialProgression(args[propertyName], progression); } } else if (args[propertyName] !== void 0 && typeof args[propertyName] === "object" && args[propertyName].haveOwnProperty("x") && args[propertyName].haveOwnProperty("y") && typeof args[propertyName].x === "number" && typeof args[propertyName].y === "number") { if (progression.type === "linear") { args[propertyName].x = getLinearProgression(args[propertyName].x, progression); args[propertyName].y = getLinearProgression(args[propertyName].y, progression); } else if (progression.type === "exponential") { args[propertyName].x = getExponentialProgression(args[propertyName].x, progression); args[propertyName].y = getExponentialProgression(args[propertyName].y, progression); } } } function getLinearProgression(number, progression, valueConvert) { let limit = valueConvert && progression.limit ? valueConvert(progression.limit) : progression.limit; let amt = valueConvert ? valueConvert(progression.amt) : progression.amt; if (limit !== void 0) { if (number > limit && amt > 0) { return limit; } else if (number < limit && amt < 0) { return limit; } } return number + amt; } function getExponentialProgression(number, progression, valueConvert) { let limit = valueConvert && progression.limit ? valueConvert(progression.limit) : progression.limit; if (limit !== void 0) { if (number > limit && progression.percentage > 0) { return limit; } else if (number < limit && progression.percentage < 0) { return limit; } } return number + number * progression.percentage; } // src/classes/ticker/MoveTicker.ts var MoveTicker = class extends TickerBase { fn(ticker, args, aliases, tickerId) { let xSpeed = 10; let ySpeed = 10; if (args.speed) { if (typeof args.speed === "number") { xSpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed); ySpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed); } else { xSpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed.x); ySpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed.y); } } let destination = args.destination; let aliasToRemoveAfter2 = args.aliasToRemoveAfter || []; if (typeof aliasToRemoveAfter2 === "string") { aliasToRemoveAfter2 = [aliasToRemoveAfter2]; } let tickerAliasToResume = args.tickerAliasToResume || []; if (typeof tickerAliasToResume === "string") { tickerAliasToResume = [tickerAliasToResume]; } aliases.filter((alias) => { let element = canvas.find(alias); if (args.startOnlyIfHaveTexture) { if (element && element instanceof Sprite && element.texture?.label == "EMPTY") { return false; } } return true; }).forEach((alias) => { let element = canvas.find(alias); if (element && element instanceof Container) { let xDistance = destination.x - element.x > 0 ? 1 : -1; if (xDistance != 0) { element.x += xDistance * xSpeed * ticker.deltaTime; let newDistance = destination.x - element.x; if (xDistance < 0 && newDistance > 0 || xDistance > 0 && newDistance < 0) { element.x = destination.x; } } let yDistance = destination.y - element.y > 0 ? 1 : -1; if (yDistance != 0) { element.y += yDistance * ySpeed * ticker.deltaTime; let newDistance = destination.y - element.y; if (yDistance < 0 && newDistance > 0 || yDistance > 0 && newDistance < 0) { element.y = destination.y; } } if (element.x == destination.x && element.y == destination.y) { this.onEndOfTicker(alias, tickerId, args); } } }); if (args.speedProgression) updateTickerProgression(args, "speed", args.speedProgression, this.speedConvert); } onEndOfTicker(alias, tickerId, args) { if (typeof alias === "string") { alias = [alias]; } alias.forEach((alias2) => { let element = canvas.find(alias2); if (element) { let destination = args.destination; element.x = destination.x; element.y = destination.y; if (args.isPushInOut && element.children.length > 0) { let elementChild = element.children[0]; canvas.add(alias2, elementChild, { ignoreOldStyle: true }); } } }); super.onEndOfTicker(alias, tickerId, args); } speedConvert(speed) { return speed / 6; } }; MoveTicker = __decorateClass([ tickerDecorator() ], MoveTicker); // src/classes/ticker/RotateTicker.ts init_lib(); var RotateTicker = class extends TickerBase { fn(ticker, args, aliases, tickerId) { let speed = this.speedConvert(args.speed === void 0 ? 1 : args.speed); let clockwise = args.clockwise === void 0 ? true : args.clockwise; let aliasToRemoveAfter2 = args.aliasToRemoveAfter || []; if (typeof aliasToRemoveAfter2 === "string") { aliasToRemoveAfter2 = [aliasToRemoveAfter2]; } let tickerAliasToResume = args.tickerAliasToResume || []; if (typeof tickerAliasToResume === "string") { tickerAliasToResume = [tickerAliasToResume]; } aliases.filter((alias) => { let element = canvas.find(alias); if (args.startOnlyIfHaveTexture) { if (element && element instanceof Sprite && element.texture?.label == "EMPTY") { return false; } } return true; }).forEach((alias) => { let element = canvas.find(alias); if (element && element instanceof Container) { if (clockwise) element.rotation += speed * ticker.deltaTime; else element.rotation -= speed * ticker.deltaTime; if (speed < 1e-5 && !(args.speedProgression && args.speedProgression.type == "linear" && args.speedProgression.amt != 0)) { this.onEndOfTicker(alias, tickerId, args); } } }); if (args.speedProgression) updateTickerProgression(args, "speed", args.speedProgression, this.speedConvert); } speedConvert(speed) { return speed / 60; } }; RotateTicker = __decorateClass([ tickerDecorator() ], RotateTicker); // src/classes/ticker/ZoomTicker.ts init_lib(); var DEFAULT_SPEED = 0.1; var ZoomTicker = class extends TickerBase { fn(ticker, args, alias, tickerId) { let xSpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED; let ySpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED; if (args.speed) { if (typeof args.speed === "number") { xSpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed); ySpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed); } else { xSpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed.x); ySpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed.y); } } let aliasToRemoveAfter2 = args.aliasToRemoveAfter || []; if (typeof aliasToRemoveAfter2 === "string") { aliasToRemoveAfter2 = [aliasToRemoveAfter2]; } let tickerAliasToResume = args.tickerAliasToResume || []; if (typeof tickerAliasToResume === "string") { tickerAliasToResume = [tickerAliasToResume]; } let type = args.type || "zoom"; let limit = this.getLimit(args); alias.filter((alias2) => { let element = canvas.find(alias2); if (args.startOnlyIfHaveTexture) { if (element && element instanceof Sprite && element.texture?.label == "EMPTY") { return false; } } return true; }).forEach((alias2) => { let element = canvas.find(alias2); if (element && element instanceof Container) { if (type === "zoom" && (element.scale.x < limit.x || element.scale.y < limit.y)) { element.scale.x += xSpeed * ticker.deltaTime; element.scale.y += ySpeed * ticker.deltaTime; } else if (type === "unzoom" && (element.scale.x > limit.x || element.scale.y > limit.y)) { element.scale.x -= xSpeed * ticker.deltaTime; element.scale.y -= ySpeed * ticker.deltaTime; } if (type === "zoom") { if (element.scale.x > limit.x) { element.scale.x = limit.x; } if (element.scale.y > limit.y) { element.scale.y = limit.y; } if (element.scale.x >= limit.x && element.scale.y >= limit.y) { this.onEndOfTicker(alias2, tickerId, args); } } else if (type === "unzoom") { if (element.scale.x < limit.x) { element.scale.x = limit.x; } if (element.scale.y < limit.y) { element.scale.y = limit.y; } if (element.scale.x <= limit.x && element.scale.y <= limit.y) { this.onEndOfTicker(alias2, tickerId, args); } } if (this.isStop(args)) { this.onEndOfTicker(alias2, tickerId, args); } } }); if (args.speedProgression) updateTickerProgression(args, "speed", args.speedProgression, this.speedConvert); } speedConvert(speed) { return speed / 60; } onEndOfTicker(alias, tickerId, args) { if (typeof alias === "string") { alias = [alias]; } alias.forEach((alias2) => { let element = canvas.find(alias2); if (element) { if (!this.isStop(args)) { let limit = this.getLimit(args); element.scale.x = limit.x; element.scale.y = limit.y; } if (args.isZoomInOut && element.children.length > 0) { let elementChild = element.children[0]; canvas.add(alias2, elementChild, { ignoreOldStyle: true }); } } }); super.onEndOfTicker(alias, tickerId, args); } getLimit(args) { let type = args.type || "zoom"; let xLimit = type === "zoom" ? Infinity : 0; let yLimit = type === "zoom" ? Infinity : 0; if (args.limit) { if (typeof args.limit === "number") { xLimit = args.limit; yLimit = args.limit; } else { xLimit = args.limit.x; yLimit = args.limit.y; } } return { x: xLimit, y: yLimit }; } isStop(args) { let xSpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED; let ySpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED; if (args.speed) { if (typeof args.speed === "number") { xSpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed); ySpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed); } else { xSpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed.x); ySpeed = this.speedConvert(args.speed.y); } } if (xSpeed < 1e-5 && ySpeed < 1e-5 && !(args.speedProgression && args.speedProgression.type == "linear" && args.speedProgression.amt != 0)) { return true; } return false; } }; ZoomTicker = __decorateClass([ tickerDecorator() ], ZoomTicker); // src/functions/canvas/canvas-effect.ts async function shakeEffect(alias, props = {}, priority) { let elemet = canvas.find(alias); if (!elemet) { console.error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] The element with the alias ${alias} does not exist. So the shake effect can't be applied.`); return; } let position = { x: elemet.position.x, y: elemet.position.y }; let speed = props.speed || 20; let speedProgression = props.speedProgression || void 0; let startOnlyIfHaveTexture = props.startOnlyIfHaveTexture || false; let type = props.type || "horizontal"; let maximumShockSize = props.maximumShockSize || 10; let shocksNumber = (props.shocksNumber || 10) - 1; if (shocksNumber < 2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The number of shocks must be at least 3."); return; } let upshocksNumber = Math.floor(shocksNumber / 2); let downshocksNumber = Math.ceil(shocksNumber / 2); let moveTickers = []; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < upshocksNumber; i3++) { let destination = { x: position.x, y: position.y }; let shockSize = maximumShockSize * (i3 + 1) / upshocksNumber; if (type === "horizontal") { if (i3 % 2 !== 0) { destination.x = position.x + shockSize; } else { destination.x = position.x - shockSize; } } else { if (i3 % 2 !== 0) { destination.y = position.y + shockSize; } else { destination.y = position.y - shockSize; } } moveTickers.push(new MoveTicker({ destination, speed, speedProgression, startOnlyIfHaveTexture }, void 0, priority)); } let lastItemIsLeft = upshocksNumber % 2 === 0; for (let i3 = downshocksNumber; i3 > 0; i3--) { let destination = { x: position.x, y: position.y }; let shockSize = maximumShockSize * (i3 + 1) / (downshocksNumber - 1); if (type === "horizontal") { if (i3 % 2 === 0 && !lastItemIsLeft || i3 % 2 !== 0 && lastItemIsLeft) { destination.x = position.x - shockSize; } else { destination.x = position.x + shockSize; } } else { if (i3 % 2 === 0 && !lastItemIsLeft || i3 % 2 !== 0 && lastItemIsLeft) { destination.y = position.y - shockSize; } else { destination.y = position.y + shockSize; } } moveTickers.push(new MoveTicker({ destination, speed, speedProgression, startOnlyIfHaveTexture }, void 0, priority)); } moveTickers.push(new MoveTicker({ destination: position, speed, speedProgression, startOnlyIfHaveTexture, tickerAliasToResume: alias }, void 0, priority)); let id3 = canvas.addTickersSteps(alias, moveTickers); if (id3) { canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id3, alias }); canvas.putOnPauseTicker(alias, id3); } } // src/functions/canvas/image-utility.ts function addImage(alias, imageUrl) { let image = new CanvasImage(); image.imageLink = imageUrl; canvas.add(alias, image); return image; } async function loadImage(canvasImages) { if (!Array.isArray(canvasImages)) { return [canvasImages]; } let promises = Array(canvasImages.length); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < canvasImages.length; i3++) { promises[i3] = getTexture(canvasImages[i3].imageLink); } return Promise.all(promises).then((textures) => { return textures.map((texture, index) => { if (texture) { canvasImages[index].texture = texture; return canvasImages[index]; } canvasImages[index].load(); return canvasImages[index]; }); }); } async function showImage(alias, imageUrl) { let image = addImage(alias, imageUrl); await image.load(); return image; } // src/functions/canvas/video-utility.ts function addVideo(alias, videoUrl) { let video = new CanvasVideo(); video.videoLink = videoUrl; canvas.add(alias, video); return video; } async function loadVideo(canvasVideos) { if (!Array.isArray(canvasVideos)) { return [canvasVideos]; } let promises = Array(canvasVideos.length); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < canvasVideos.length; i3++) { promises[i3] = getTexture(canvasVideos[i3].videoLink); } return Promise.all(promises).then((textures) => { return textures.map((texture, index) => { if (texture) { canvasVideos[index].texture = texture; return canvasVideos[index]; } canvasVideos[index].load(); return canvasVideos[index]; }); }); } async function showVideo(alias, videoUrl) { let video = addVideo(alias, videoUrl); await video.load(); return video; } // src/functions/canvas/canvas-transition.ts async function showWithDissolveTransition(alias, image, props = {}, priority) { let mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = props.mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep ?? true; let oldCanvasAlias = void 0; if (canvas.find(alias)) { oldCanvasAlias = alias + "_temp_disolve"; canvas.editAlias(alias, oldCanvasAlias); } let canvasElement; if (typeof image === "string") { if (checkIfVideo(image)) { canvasElement = addVideo(alias, image); } else { canvasElement = addImage(alias, image); } } else { canvasElement = image; canvas.add(alias, canvasElement); } if (canvasElement instanceof CanvasImage && canvasElement.texture?.label == "EMPTY") { await canvasElement.load(); } oldCanvasAlias && canvas.copyCanvasElementProperty(oldCanvasAlias, alias); oldCanvasAlias && canvas.transferTickers(oldCanvasAlias, alias, "duplicate"); canvasElement.alpha = 0; let effect = new FadeAlphaTicker({ ...props, type: "show", aliasToRemoveAfter: oldCanvasAlias, startOnlyIfHaveTexture: true }, 10, priority); let id3 = canvas.addTicker(alias, effect); if (id3) { mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep && canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id3 }); return [id3]; } } function removeWithDissolveTransition(alias, props = {}, priority) { let mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = props.mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep ?? true; if (typeof alias === "string") { alias = [alias]; } let effect = new FadeAlphaTicker({ ...props, type: "hide", aliasToRemoveAfter: alias, startOnlyIfHaveTexture: true }, 10, priority); let id3 = canvas.addTicker(alias, effect); if (id3) { mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep && canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id3 }); return [id3]; } } async function showWithFadeTransition(alias, image, props = {}, priority) { if (!canvas.find(alias)) { return showWithDissolveTransition(alias, image, props, priority); } let mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = props.mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep ?? true; let oldCanvasAlias = alias + "_temp_fade"; canvas.editAlias(alias, oldCanvasAlias); let canvasElement; if (typeof image === "string") { if (checkIfVideo(image)) { canvasElement = addVideo(alias, image); } else { canvasElement = addImage(alias, image); } } else { canvasElement = image; canvas.add(alias, canvasElement); } if (canvasElement instanceof CanvasImage && canvasElement.texture?.label == "EMPTY") { await canvasElement.load(); } oldCanvasAlias && canvas.copyCanvasElementProperty(oldCanvasAlias, alias); oldCanvasAlias && canvas.transferTickers(oldCanvasAlias, alias, "duplicate"); canvasElement.alpha = 0; let id1 = canvas.addTickersSteps(oldCanvasAlias, [ new FadeAlphaTicker({ ...props, type: "hide", startOnlyIfHaveTexture: true }, void 0, priority) ]); let id22 = canvas.addTickersSteps(alias, [ Pause(props.duration || 1), new FadeAlphaTicker({ ...props, type: "show", startOnlyIfHaveTexture: true, aliasToRemoveAfter: oldCanvasAlias }, void 0, priority) ]); let res = void 0; if (id1) { res = [id1]; mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep && canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id1, alias }); } if (id22) { res ? res.push(id22) : res = [id22]; mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep && canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id22, alias }); } return res; } function removeWithFadeTransition(alias, props = {}, priority) { return removeWithDissolveTransition(alias, props, priority); } async function moveIn(alias, image, props = {}, priority) { let direction = props.direction || "right"; let mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = props.mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep ?? true; let tickerAliasToResume = typeof props.tickerAliasToResume === "string" ? [props.tickerAliasToResume] : props.tickerAliasToResume || []; tickerAliasToResume.push(alias); let canvasElement; if (typeof image === "string") { if (checkIfVideo(image)) { canvasElement = addVideo(alias, image); } else { canvasElement = addImage(alias, image); } } else { canvasElement = image; canvas.add(alias, canvasElement); } if (canvasElement instanceof CanvasImage && canvasElement.texture?.label == "EMPTY") { await canvasElement.load(); } let destination = { x: canvasElement.x, y: canvasElement.y }; switch (direction) { case "up": canvasElement.y = canvas.canvasHeight + canvasElement.height; break; case "down": canvasElement.y = -canvasElement.height; break; case "left": canvasElement.x = canvas.canvasWidth + canvasElement.width; break; case "right": canvasElement.x = -canvasElement.width; break; } let effect = new MoveTicker({ ...props, tickerAliasToResume, destination, startOnlyIfHaveTexture: true }, void 0, priority); let id3 = canvas.addTicker(alias, effect); if (id3) { canvas.putOnPauseTicker(alias, id3); mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep && canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id3 }); return [id3]; } } function moveOut(alias, props = {}, priority) { let direction = props.direction || "right"; let mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = props.mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep ?? true; let tickerAliasToResume = typeof props.tickerAliasToResume === "string" ? [props.tickerAliasToResume] : props.tickerAliasToResume || []; tickerAliasToResume.push(alias); let canvasElement = canvas.find(alias); if (!canvasElement) { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] The canvas element is not found."); return; } let destination = { x: canvasElement.x, y: canvasElement.y }; switch (direction) { case "up": destination.y = -canvasElement.height; break; case "down": destination.y = canvas.canvasHeight + canvasElement.height; break; case "left": destination.x = -canvasElement.width; break; case "right": destination.x = canvas.canvasWidth + canvasElement.width; break; } let effect = new MoveTicker({ ...props, tickerAliasToResume, destination, startOnlyIfHaveTexture: true, aliasToRemoveAfter: alias }, void 0, priority); let id3 = canvas.addTicker(alias, effect); if (id3) { canvas.putOnPauseTicker(alias, id3); mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep && canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id3 }); return [id3]; } } async function zoomIn(alias, image, props = { direction: "right" }, priority) { let mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = props.mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep ?? true; let tickerAliasToResume = typeof props.tickerAliasToResume === "string" ? [props.tickerAliasToResume] : props.tickerAliasToResume || []; tickerAliasToResume.push(alias); let canvasElement; if (typeof image === "string") { if (checkIfVideo(image)) { canvasElement = new CanvasVideo({}, image); } else { canvasElement = new CanvasImage({}, image); } } else { canvasElement = image; } if (canvas.find(alias)) { canvas.copyCanvasElementProperty(alias, canvasElement); } let container = new CanvasContainer(); container.addChild(canvasElement); container.height = canvas.canvasHeight; container.width = canvas.canvasWidth; canvas.add(alias, container, { ignoreOldStyle: true }); if (canvasElement instanceof CanvasImage && canvasElement.texture?.label == "EMPTY") { await canvasElement.load(); } if (props.direction == "up") { container.pivot.y = canvas.canvasHeight; container.pivot.x = canvas.canvasWidth / 2; container.y = canvas.canvasHeight; container.x = canvas.canvasWidth / 2; } else if (props.direction == "down") { container.pivot.y = 0; container.pivot.x = canvas.canvasWidth / 2; container.y = 0; container.x = canvas.canvasWidth / 2; } else if (props.direction == "left") { container.pivot.x = canvas.canvasWidth; container.pivot.y = canvas.canvasHeight / 2; container.x = canvas.canvasWidth; container.y = canvas.canvasHeight / 2; } else if (props.direction == "right") { container.pivot.x = 0; container.pivot.y = canvas.canvasHeight / 2; container.x = 0; container.y = canvas.canvasHeight / 2; } container.scale.set(0); let effect = new ZoomTicker({ ...props, tickerAliasToResume, startOnlyIfHaveTexture: true, type: "zoom", limit: 1, isZoomInOut: true }, void 0, priority); let id3 = canvas.addTicker(alias, effect); if (id3) { canvas.putOnPauseTicker(alias, id3); mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep && canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id3 }); return [id3]; } } function zoomOut(alias, props = { direction: "right" }, priority) { let mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = props.mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep ?? true; let tickerAliasToResume = typeof props.tickerAliasToResume === "string" ? [props.tickerAliasToResume] : props.tickerAliasToResume || []; tickerAliasToResume.push(alias); let canvasElement = canvas.find(alias); if (!canvasElement) { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] The canvas element is not found."); return; } let container = new CanvasContainer(); container.addChild(canvasElement); container.height = canvas.canvasHeight; container.width = canvas.canvasWidth; canvas.add(alias, container); if (props.direction == "up") { container.pivot.y = canvas.canvasHeight; container.pivot.x = canvas.canvasWidth / 2; container.y = canvas.canvasHeight; container.x = canvas.canvasWidth / 2; } else if (props.direction == "down") { container.pivot.y = 0; container.pivot.x = canvas.canvasWidth / 2; container.y = 0; container.x = canvas.canvasWidth / 2; } else if (props.direction == "left") { container.pivot.x = canvas.canvasWidth; container.pivot.y = canvas.canvasHeight / 2; container.x = canvas.canvasWidth; container.y = canvas.canvasHeight / 2; } else if (props.direction == "right") { container.pivot.x = 0; container.pivot.y = canvas.canvasHeight / 2; container.x = 0; container.y = canvas.canvasHeight / 2; } container.scale.set(1); let effect = new ZoomTicker({ ...props, tickerAliasToResume, startOnlyIfHaveTexture: true, type: "unzoom", limit: 0, aliasToRemoveAfter: alias, isZoomInOut: true }, void 0, priority); let id3 = canvas.addTicker(alias, effect); if (id3) { canvas.putOnPauseTicker(alias, id3); mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep && canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id3 }); return [id3]; } } async function pushIn(alias, image, props = { direction: "right" }, priority) { let oldCanvasAlias = alias + "_temp_push"; let mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = props.mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep ?? true; let tickerAliasToResume = typeof props.tickerAliasToResume === "string" ? [props.tickerAliasToResume] : props.tickerAliasToResume || []; tickerAliasToResume.push(alias); let canvasElement; if (typeof image === "string") { if (checkIfVideo(image)) { canvasElement = new CanvasVideo({}, image); } else { canvasElement = new CanvasImage({}, image); } } else { canvasElement = image; } let oldCanvas = canvas.find(alias); if (oldCanvas) { canvas.copyCanvasElementProperty(oldCanvas, canvasElement); canvas.editAlias(alias, oldCanvasAlias, { ignoreTickers: true }); pushOut(oldCanvasAlias, props, priority); } let container = new CanvasContainer(); container.height = canvas.canvasHeight; container.width = canvas.canvasWidth; container.addChild(canvasElement); canvas.add(alias, container, { ignoreOldStyle: true }); if (canvasElement instanceof CanvasImage && canvasElement.texture?.label == "EMPTY") { await canvasElement.load(); } if (props.direction == "up") { container.x = 0; container.y = -canvas.canvasHeight; } else if (props.direction == "down") { container.x = 0; container.y = canvas.canvasHeight; } else if (props.direction == "left") { container.x = canvas.canvasWidth; container.y = 0; } else if (props.direction == "right") { container.x = -canvas.canvasWidth; container.y = 0; } let effect = new MoveTicker({ ...props, tickerAliasToResume, startOnlyIfHaveTexture: true, isPushInOut: true, destination: { x: 0, y: 0 } }, void 0, priority); let id3 = canvas.addTicker(alias, effect); if (id3) { canvas.putOnPauseTicker(alias, id3); mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep && canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id3 }); return [id3]; } } function pushOut(alias, props = { direction: "right" }, priority) { let mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep = props.mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep ?? true; let tickerAliasToResume = typeof props.tickerAliasToResume === "string" ? [props.tickerAliasToResume] : props.tickerAliasToResume || []; tickerAliasToResume.push(alias); let canvasElement = canvas.find(alias); if (!canvasElement) { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] The canvas element is not found."); return; } let container = new CanvasContainer(); container.pivot.x = 0; container.pivot.y = 0; container.x = 0; container.y = 0; container.addChild(canvasElement); canvas.add(alias, container, { ignoreOldStyle: true }); let destination = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (props.direction == "up") { destination.y = canvas.canvasHeight; } else if (props.direction == "down") { destination.y = -canvas.canvasHeight; } else if (props.direction == "left") { destination.x = -canvas.canvasWidth; } else if (props.direction == "right") { destination.x = canvas.canvasWidth; } let effect = new MoveTicker({ ...props, tickerAliasToResume, startOnlyIfHaveTexture: true, destination, aliasToRemoveAfter: alias, isPushInOut: true }, void 0, priority); let id3 = canvas.addTicker(alias, effect); if (id3) { canvas.putOnPauseTicker(alias, id3); mustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep && canvas.addTickerMustBeCompletedBeforeNextStep({ id: id3 }); return [id3]; } } // src/functions/dialogue-utility.ts function setDialogue(props) { narration.dialogue = props; } function getDialogue() { return narration.dialogue; } function clearDialogue() { narration.dialogue = void 0; } function setChoiceMenuOptions(options) { narration.choiceMenuOptions = options; } function getChoiceMenuOptions() { return narration.choiceMenuOptions; } function clearChoiceMenuOptions() { narration.choiceMenuOptions = void 0; } // src/functions/flags-utility.ts function setFlag(name, value) { let flags = storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.FLAGS_CATEGORY_KEY) || []; if (value) { if (!flags.includes(name)) { flags.push(name); } } else { let index = flags.indexOf(name); if (index > -1) { flags.splice(index, 1); } } storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.FLAGS_CATEGORY_KEY, flags); } function getFlag(name) { let flags = storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.FLAGS_CATEGORY_KEY) || []; return flags.includes(name); } // src/functions/game-utility.ts function clearAllGameDatas() { storage.clear(); canvas.clear(); sound2.clear(); narration.clear(); } // src/functions/path-utility.ts function getGamePath() { let path2 = window.location.pathname + window.location.hash; if (path2.includes("#")) { path2 = path2.split("#")[1]; } return path2; } // src/functions/saves-utility.ts function getSaveData() { return { pixivn_version: version, stepData: narration.export(), storageData: storage.export(), canvasData: canvas.export(), soundData: sound2.export(), path: getGamePath() }; } function getSaveJson() { const saveData = getSaveData(); return JSON.stringify(saveData); } async function loadSaveData(data, navigate) { await narration.import(data.stepData); storage.import(data.storageData); canvas.import(data.canvasData); sound2.import(data.soundData); navigate(data.path); } async function loadSaveJson(dataString, navigate) { await loadSaveData(jsonToSaveData(dataString), navigate); } function jsonToSaveData(json) { return JSON.parse(json); } // src/functions/diff-utility.ts function restoreDeepDiffChanges(data, differences) { let result = createExportableElement(data); differences.forEach((diff2) => { let dataToEdit = result; if (diff2.path && diff2.path.length > 0) { diff2.path.forEach((path2, index) => { if (diff2.path && index === diff2.path.length - 1) { if (diff2.kind === "E" || diff2.kind === "D") { dataToEdit[path2] = diff2.lhs; } else if (diff2.kind === "N") { if (Number.isInteger(path2)) { if (Array.isArray(dataToEdit)) { dataToEdit.splice(path2, 1); } } else if (typeof path2 === "string") { delete dataToEdit[path2]; } } else if (diff2.kind === "A") { let index2 = diff2.index; if (diff2.item.kind === "N") { dataToEdit[path2].splice(index2, 1); } else if (diff2.item.kind === "E" || diff2.item.kind === "D") { dataToEdit[path2][index2] = diff2.item.lhs; } else if (diff2.item.kind === "A") { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] Nested array found, skipping diff", diff2); } else { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] No array found, skipping diff", diff2); } } } else { dataToEdit = dataToEdit[path2]; } }); } else { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] No path found, skipping diff", diff2); } }); return result; } // src/managers/NarrationManagerStatic.ts var NarrationManagerStatic = class _NarrationManagerStatic { constructor() { } static _stepsHistory = []; /** * Number of steps function that are running. * If you run a step that have a goNext, this number is > 1. */ static stepsRunning = 0; static choiseMadeTemp = void 0; /** * is a list of all labels that have been opened during the progression of the steps. * the key is the label id and the biggest step opened. */ static get allOpenedLabels() { return storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.OPENED_LABELS_COUNTER_KEY) || {}; } static set allOpenedLabels(value) { storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.OPENED_LABELS_COUNTER_KEY, value); } static getCurrentStepTimesCounterData(nestedId = "") { let currentLabelStepIndex = _NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex; if (currentLabelStepIndex === null) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] currentLabelStepIndex is null"); return null; } let currentLabelStepIndexId = `${currentLabelStepIndex}${nestedId}`; let labelId = _NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelId; let currentLabel = _NarrationManagerStatic._currentLabel; if (!labelId || currentLabelStepIndex === null || !currentLabel) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] currentLabelId or currentLabelStepIndex is null or currentLabel not found"); return null; } let stepSha1 = currentLabel.getStepSha1(currentLabelStepIndex) || "error"; let obj = storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_STEP_TIMES_COUNTER_KEY) || {}; if (!obj[labelId]) { obj[labelId] = {}; } if (!obj[labelId][currentLabelStepIndexId] || obj[labelId][currentLabelStepIndexId].stepSha1 != stepSha1) { obj[labelId][currentLabelStepIndexId] = { stepSha1 }; } return obj[labelId][currentLabelStepIndexId]; } static setCurrentStepTimesCounterData(nestedId = "", data) { let currentLabelStepIndex = _NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex; let currentLabelStepIndexId = currentLabelStepIndex + nestedId; let labelId = _NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelId; if (!labelId || currentLabelStepIndex === null) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] currentLabelId or currentLabelStepIndex is null"); return; } let obj = storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_STEP_TIMES_COUNTER_KEY) || {}; if (!obj[labelId]) { obj[labelId] = {}; } obj[labelId][currentLabelStepIndexId] = data; storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_STEP_TIMES_COUNTER_KEY, obj); } static getCurrentStepTimesCounter(nestedId = "") { let lastStep = _NarrationManagerStatic._lastStepIndex; let obj = _NarrationManagerStatic.getCurrentStepTimesCounterData(nestedId); if (!obj) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] getCurrentStepTimesCounter obj is null"); return 0; } let list = obj.lastStepIndexs || []; let listContainLastStep = list.find((item) => item === lastStep); if (!listContainLastStep) { list.push(lastStep); obj.lastStepIndexs = list; _NarrationManagerStatic.setCurrentStepTimesCounterData(nestedId, obj); } return list.length; } static getRandomNumber(min, max, options = {}) { let nestedId = options.nestedId || ""; let onceonly = options.onceOnly || false; if (onceonly) { let obj = _NarrationManagerStatic.getCurrentStepTimesCounterData(nestedId); if (!obj) { return void 0; } let usedRandomNumbers = obj.usedRandomNumbers || {}; let allNumbers = Array.from({ length: max - min + 1 }, (_, i3) => i3 + min).filter((item) => !usedRandomNumbers[`${min}-${max}`]?.includes(item)); if (allNumbers.length === 0) { return void 0; } let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * allNumbers.length); let randomNumber = allNumbers[randomIndex]; if (!usedRandomNumbers[`${min}-${max}`]) { usedRandomNumbers[`${min}-${max}`] = []; } usedRandomNumbers[`${min}-${max}`].push(randomNumber); obj.usedRandomNumbers = usedRandomNumbers; _NarrationManagerStatic.setCurrentStepTimesCounterData(nestedId, obj); return randomNumber; } return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } static resetCurrentStepTimesCounter(nestedId = "") { let currentLabelStepIndex = _NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex; let currentLabelStepIndexId = currentLabelStepIndex + nestedId; let labelId = _NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelId; if (!labelId || currentLabelStepIndex === null) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] currentLabelId or currentLabelStepIndex is null"); return; } let obj = storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_STEP_TIMES_COUNTER_KEY) || {}; if (!obj[labelId]) { obj[labelId] = {}; } obj[labelId][currentLabelStepIndexId] = { lastStepIndexs: [], stepSha1: "" }; storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_STEP_TIMES_COUNTER_KEY, obj); } /** * is a list of all choices made by the player during the progression of the steps. */ static get allChoicesMade() { return storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.ALL_CHOICES_MADE_KEY) || []; } static set allChoicesMade(value) { storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.ALL_CHOICES_MADE_KEY, value); } static _lastStepIndex = 0; /** * Increase the last step index that occurred during the progression of the steps. */ static increaseLastStepIndex() { _NarrationManagerStatic._lastStepIndex++; } static _openedLabels = []; static get _currentLabel() { if (_NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelId) { return getLabelById(_NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelId); } } /** * currentLabelId is the current label id that occurred during the progression of the steps. */ static get currentLabelId() { if (_NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels.length > 0) { let item = _NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels[_NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels.length - 1]; return item.label; } return void 0; } static get currentLabelStepIndex() { if (_NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels.length > 0) { let item = _NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels[_NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels.length - 1]; return item.currentStepIndex; } return null; } /** * lastHistoryStep is the last history step that occurred during the progression of the steps. */ static get lastHistoryStep() { if (_NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.length > 0) { return _NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory[_NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.length - 1]; } return null; } static _originalStepData = void 0; static get originalStepData() { if (!_NarrationManagerStatic._originalStepData) { return { path: "", storage: {}, canvas: { elementAliasesOrder: [], elements: {}, stage: {}, tickers: {}, tickersSteps: {}, tickersOnPause: {} }, sound: { soundAliasesOrder: [], sounds: {}, playInStepIndex: {} }, labelIndex: -1, openedLabels: [] }; } return createExportableElement(_NarrationManagerStatic._originalStepData); } static set originalStepData(value) { _NarrationManagerStatic._originalStepData = createExportableElement(value); } static get currentStepData() { let currentStepData = { path: getGamePath(), storage: storage.export(), canvas: canvas.export(), sound: sound2.removeOldSoundAndExport(), labelIndex: _NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex || 0, openedLabels: createExportableElement(_NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels) }; return currentStepData; } /* Edit History Methods */ /** * Add a label to the history. * @param label The label to add to the history. * @param stepIndex The step index of the label. * @param choiseMade The index of the choise made by the player. (This params is used in the choice menu) */ static addLabelHistory(label, stepIndex) { let allOpenedLabels = _NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels; let oldStepIndex = _NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels[label]?.biggestStep || 0; let openCount = _NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels[label]?.openCount || 0; if (!oldStepIndex || oldStepIndex < stepIndex) { allOpenedLabels[label] = { biggestStep: stepIndex, openCount }; _NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels = allOpenedLabels; } } static addChoicesMade(label, stepIndex, stepSha, choiseMade) { let allChoicesMade = _NarrationManagerStatic.allChoicesMade; let alredyMade = allChoicesMade.findIndex( (item) => item.labelId === label && item.stepIndex === stepIndex && item.choiceIndex === choiseMade && item.stepSha1 === stepSha ); if (alredyMade < 0) { allChoicesMade.push({ labelId: label, stepIndex, choiceIndex: choiseMade, stepSha1: stepSha, madeTimes: 1 }); } else { allChoicesMade[alredyMade].madeTimes++; } _NarrationManagerStatic.allChoicesMade = allChoicesMade; } /** * Add a label to the history. * @param label The label to add to the history. */ static pushNewLabel(label) { let currentLabel = getLabelById(label); if (!currentLabel) { throw new Error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Label ${label} not found`); } _NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels.push({ label, currentStepIndex: 0 }); let allOpenedLabels = _NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels; let biggestStep = _NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels[label]?.biggestStep || 0; let openCount = _NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels[label]?.openCount || 0; allOpenedLabels[label] = { biggestStep, openCount: openCount + 1 }; _NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels = allOpenedLabels; } /** * Increase the current step index of the current label. */ static increaseCurrentStepIndex() { if (_NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels.length > 0) { let item = _NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels[_NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels.length - 1]; _NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels[_NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels.length - 1] = { ...item, currentStepIndex: item.currentStepIndex + 1 }; } } static restoreLastLabelList() { _NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels = _NarrationManagerStatic.originalStepData.openedLabels; } /* Run Methods */ /* Go Back & Refresh Methods */ static goBackInternal(steps, restoredStep) { if (steps <= 0) { return restoredStep; } if (_NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.length == 0) { return restoredStep; } let lastHistoryStep = _NarrationManagerStatic.lastHistoryStep; if (lastHistoryStep) { try { let result = restoreDeepDiffChanges(restoredStep, lastHistoryStep.diff); _NarrationManagerStatic._lastStepIndex = lastHistoryStep.index; _NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.pop(); return _NarrationManagerStatic.goBackInternal(steps - 1, result); } catch (e2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error applying diff", e2); return restoredStep; } } else { return restoredStep; } } static async restoreFromHistoryStep(restoredStep, navigate) { _NarrationManagerStatic._originalStepData = restoredStep; _NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels = createExportableElement(restoredStep.openedLabels); if (_NarrationManagerStatic._currentLabel && _NarrationManagerStatic._currentLabel.onLoadStep) { await _NarrationManagerStatic._currentLabel.onLoadStep(_NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex || 0, _NarrationManagerStatic._currentLabel); } storage.import(createExportableElement(restoredStep.storage)); canvas.import(createExportableElement(restoredStep.canvas)); sound2.import(createExportableElement(restoredStep.sound), _NarrationManagerStatic._lastStepIndex - 1); navigate(restoredStep.path); } }; // src/managers/StorageManagerStatic.ts var StorageManagerStatic = class _StorageManagerStatic { static storage = {}; static baseStorage = {}; constructor() { } static get _keysSystem() { return { /** * The key of the current dialogue memory */ CURRENT_DIALOGUE_MEMORY_KEY: "___current_dialogue_memory___", /** * The key of the last dialogue added in the step memory */ LAST_DIALOGUE_ADDED_IN_STEP_MEMORY_KEY: "___last_dialogue_added_in_step_memory___", /** * The key of the current menu options memory */ CURRENT_MENU_OPTIONS_MEMORY_KEY: "___current_menu_options_memory___", /** * The key of the last menu options added in the step memory */ LAST_MENU_OPTIONS_ADDED_IN_STEP_MEMORY_KEY: "___last_menu_options_added_in_step_memory___", /** * The key of the input memory. This value can be read by pixi-vn json importer */ CURRENT_INPUT_VALUE_MEMORY_KEY: "_input_value_", /** * The key of the last input added in the step memory */ LAST_INPUT_ADDED_IN_STEP_MEMORY_KEY: "___last_input_added_in_step_memory___", /** * The key of the current input info */ CURRENT_INPUT_INFO_MEMORY_KEY: "___current_input_info_memory___", /** * The key of the characters memory */ CHARACTER_CATEGORY_KEY: "___character___", /** * The key of the flags memory */ FLAGS_CATEGORY_KEY: "___flags___", /** * This variable is used to add the next dialog text into the current dialog memory. * This value was added to introduce Ink Glue functionality https://github.com/inkle/ink/blob/master/Documentation/WritingWithInk.md#glue */ ADD_NEXT_DIALOG_TEXT_INTO_THE_CURRENT_DIALOG_FLAG_KEY: "___glue___", /** * The key of a list of all labels that have been opened during the progression of the steps. */ OPENED_LABELS_COUNTER_KEY: "___opened_labels_counter___", /** * The key of a list of all choices that have been made during the progression of the steps. */ ALL_CHOICES_MADE_KEY: "___all_choices_made___", /** * The key of the current step times counter. * This value was added to introduce Ink Sequences, cycles and other alternatives https://github.com/inkle/ink/blob/master/Documentation/WritingWithInk.md#sequences-cycles-and-other-alternatives */ CURRENT_STEP_TIMES_COUNTER_KEY: "___current_step_times_counter___", /** * The key of the current step memory */ TEMP_STORAGE_KEY: "___temp_storage___", /** * The key of the current step memory deadlines */ TEMP_STORAGE_DEADLINES_KEY: "___temp_storage_deadlines___" }; } static get tempStorage() { return _StorageManagerStatic.storage[_StorageManagerStatic._keysSystem.TEMP_STORAGE_KEY] || {}; } static set tempStorage(value) { _StorageManagerStatic.storage[_StorageManagerStatic._keysSystem.TEMP_STORAGE_KEY] = value; } static get tempStorageDeadlines() { return _StorageManagerStatic.storage[_StorageManagerStatic._keysSystem.TEMP_STORAGE_DEADLINES_KEY] || {}; } static set tempStorageDeadlines(value) { _StorageManagerStatic.storage[_StorageManagerStatic._keysSystem.TEMP_STORAGE_DEADLINES_KEY] = value; } static getTempVariable(key) { key = key.toLowerCase(); if (_StorageManagerStatic.tempStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return createExportableElement(_StorageManagerStatic.tempStorage[key]); } return void 0; } static clearOldTempVariables(openedLabelsNumber) { let tempStorage = _StorageManagerStatic.tempStorage; let tempStorageDeadlines = _StorageManagerStatic.tempStorageDeadlines; if (openedLabelsNumber === 0) { tempStorage = {}; tempStorageDeadlines = {}; } else { for (const key in tempStorageDeadlines) { if (tempStorageDeadlines[key] < openedLabelsNumber) { delete tempStorage[key]; delete tempStorageDeadlines[key]; } } } _StorageManagerStatic.tempStorage = tempStorage; _StorageManagerStatic.tempStorageDeadlines = tempStorageDeadlines; } static saveStorageAsBasicStorage() { _StorageManagerStatic.baseStorage = { ..._StorageManagerStatic.storage }; } }; // src/managers/NarrationManager.ts var NarrationManager = class { /** * stepHistory is a list of label events and steps that occurred during the progression of the steps. */ get stepsHistory() { return NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory; } /** * Counter of execution times of the current step. Current execution is also included. * **Attention**: if the step index is edited or the code of step is edited, the counter will be reset. * You can restart the counter in this way: * ```typescript * narration.currentStepTimesCounter = 0 * ``` */ get currentStepTimesCounter() { return NarrationManagerStatic.getCurrentStepTimesCounter(); } set currentStepTimesCounter(_) { NarrationManagerStatic.resetCurrentStepTimesCounter(); } /** * Get a random number between min and max. * @param min The minimum number. * @param max The maximum number. * @param options The options. * @returns The random number or undefined. If options.onceonly is true and all numbers between min and max have already been generated, it will return undefined. */ getRandomNumber(min, max, options = {}) { return NarrationManagerStatic.getRandomNumber(min, max, options); } /** * lastStepIndex is the last step index that occurred during the progression of the steps. **Not is the length of the stepsHistory - 1.** */ get lastStepIndex() { return NarrationManagerStatic._lastStepIndex; } /** * The stack of the opened labels. */ get openedLabels() { return NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels; } /** * currentLabel is the current label that occurred during the progression of the steps. */ get currentLabel() { return NarrationManagerStatic._currentLabel; } /* Edit History Methods */ /** * Add a label to the history. * @param label The label to add to the history. */ addStepHistory(stepSha, choiseMade) { let currentStepData = NarrationManagerStatic.currentStepData; if (NarrationManagerStatic.originalStepData) { if (NarrationManagerStatic.originalStepData.openedLabels.length === currentStepData.openedLabels.length) { try { let lastStepDataOpenedLabelsString = JSON.stringify(NarrationManagerStatic.originalStepData.openedLabels); let historyStepOpenedLabelsString = JSON.stringify(currentStepData.openedLabels); if (lastStepDataOpenedLabelsString === historyStepOpenedLabelsString && NarrationManagerStatic.originalStepData.path === currentStepData.path && NarrationManagerStatic.originalStepData.labelIndex === currentStepData.labelIndex) { return; } } catch (e2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error comparing openedLabels", e2); } } } let data = (0, import_deep_diff.diff)(NarrationManagerStatic.originalStepData, currentStepData); if (data) { let dialoge = void 0; let requiredChoices = void 0; let inputValue = void 0; if (storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.LAST_DIALOGUE_ADDED_IN_STEP_MEMORY_KEY) === this.lastStepIndex) { dialoge = this.dialogue; } if (storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.LAST_MENU_OPTIONS_ADDED_IN_STEP_MEMORY_KEY) === this.lastStepIndex) { requiredChoices = storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_MENU_OPTIONS_MEMORY_KEY); } if (storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.LAST_INPUT_ADDED_IN_STEP_MEMORY_KEY) === this.lastStepIndex) { inputValue = storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_INPUT_VALUE_MEMORY_KEY); } NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.push({ diff: data, currentLabel: NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelId, dialoge, choices: requiredChoices, stepSha1: stepSha, index: this.lastStepIndex, labelStepIndex: NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex, choiceIndexMade: choiseMade, inputValue, alreadyMadeChoices: this.alreadyCurrentStepMadeChoices }); NarrationManagerStatic.originalStepData = currentStepData; } NarrationManagerStatic.increaseLastStepIndex(); } /** * Close the current label and add it to the history. * @returns */ closeCurrentLabel() { if (!NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelId) { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] No label to close"); return; } if (!this.currentLabel) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] currentLabel not found"); return; } NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels.pop(); StorageManagerStatic.clearOldTempVariables(this.openedLabels.length); } /** * Close all labels and add them to the history. **Attention: This method can cause an unhandled game ending.** */ closeAllLabels() { while (NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels.length > 0) { this.closeCurrentLabel(); StorageManagerStatic.clearOldTempVariables(this.openedLabels.length); } } /** * Get the narrative history * @returns the history of the dialogues, choices and steps */ get narrativeHistory() { let list = []; NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.forEach((step) => { let dialoge = step.dialoge; let requiredChoices = step.choices; let inputValue = step.inputValue; if (list.length > 0 && list[list.length - 1].choices && !list[list.length - 1].playerMadeChoice && step.currentLabel) { let oldChoices = list[list.length - 1].choices; if (oldChoices) { let choiceMade = false; if (step.choiceIndexMade !== void 0 && oldChoices.length > step.choiceIndexMade) { oldChoices[step.choiceIndexMade].isResponse = true; choiceMade = true; } list[list.length - 1].playerMadeChoice = choiceMade; list[list.length - 1].choices = oldChoices; } } if (inputValue && list.length > 0) { list[list.length - 1].inputValue = inputValue; } if (dialoge || requiredChoices) { let choices = requiredChoices?.map((choice, index) => { let hidden = false; if (choice.oneTime && step.alreadyMadeChoices && step.alreadyMadeChoices.includes(index)) { hidden = true; } return { text: choice.text, type: choice.type, isResponse: false, hidden }; }); if (choices && choices.every((choice) => choice.hidden)) { let onlyHaveNoChoice = choices.find((choice) => choice.hidden === false); if (onlyHaveNoChoice) { onlyHaveNoChoice.hidden = false; } } list.push({ dialoge, playerMadeChoice: false, choices, stepIndex: step.index }); } }); return list; } /** * Delete the narrative history. * @param itemsNumber The number of items to delete. If undefined, all items will be deleted. */ removeNarrativeHistory(itemsNumber) { if (itemsNumber) { NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.splice(0, itemsNumber); } else { NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory = []; } } /** * Check if the label is already completed. * @param label The label to check. * @returns True if the label is already completed. */ isLabelAlreadyCompleted(label) { let labelId; if (typeof label === "string") { labelId = label; } else { labelId = label.id; } let allOpenedLabels = NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels; let lastStep = allOpenedLabels[labelId]?.biggestStep || 0; if (lastStep) { let currentLabel = getLabelById(labelId); if (currentLabel) { return currentLabel.steps.length <= lastStep; } } return false; } get alreadyCurrentStepMadeChoicesObj() { let currentLabelStepIndex = NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex; let currentLabel = this.currentLabel; if (currentLabelStepIndex === null || !currentLabel) { return; } let stepSha = currentLabel.getStepSha1(currentLabelStepIndex); if (!stepSha) { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] stepSha not found"); } return NarrationManagerStatic.allChoicesMade.filter((choice) => { return choice.labelId === currentLabel?.id && choice.stepIndex === currentLabelStepIndex && choice.stepSha1 === stepSha; }); } /** * Get the choices already made in the current step. **Attention**: if the choice step index is edited or the code of choice step is edited, the result will be wrong. * @returns The choices already made in the current step. If there are no choices, it will return undefined. */ get alreadyCurrentStepMadeChoices() { return this.alreadyCurrentStepMadeChoicesObj?.map((choice) => choice.choiceIndex); } /** * Check if the current step is already completed. * @returns True if the current step is already completed. */ get isCurrentStepAlreadyOpened() { let currentLabel = NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelId; if (currentLabel) { let lastStep = NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels[currentLabel]?.openCount || 0; if (NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex && lastStep >= NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get times a label has been opened * @returns times a label has been opened */ getTimesLabelOpened(label) { return NarrationManagerStatic.allOpenedLabels[label]?.openCount || 0; } /** * Get times a choice has been made in the current step. * @param index The index of the choice. * @returns The number of times the choice has been made. */ getTimesChoiceMade(index) { return this.alreadyCurrentStepMadeChoicesObj?.find((choice) => choice.choiceIndex === index)?.madeTimes || 0; } /* Run Methods */ /** * Return if can go to the next step. * @returns True if can go to the next step. */ get canGoNext() { let options = this.choiceMenuOptions; if (options && options.length > 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * Execute the next step and add it to the history. * @param props The props to pass to the step. * @param choiseMade The index of the choise made by the player. (This params is used in the choice menu) * @returns StepLabelResultType or undefined. * @example * ```typescript * function nextOnClick() { * setLoading(true) * narration.goNext(yourParams) * .then((result) => { * setUpdate((p) => p + 1) * setLoading(false) * if (result) { * // your code * } * }) * .catch((e) => { * setLoading(false) * console.error(e) * }) * } * ``` */ async goNext(props, choiseMade) { if (!this.canGoNext) { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] The player must make a choice"); return; } if (this.currentLabel && this.currentLabel.onStepEnd) { await this.currentLabel.onStepEnd(NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex || 0, this.currentLabel); } NarrationManagerStatic.increaseCurrentStepIndex(); return await this.runCurrentStep(props, choiseMade); } /** * Execute the current step and add it to the history. * @param props The props to pass to the step. * @param choiseMade The choise made by the player. * @returns StepLabelResultType or undefined. */ async runCurrentStep(props, choiseMade) { if (NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelId) { let currentLabelStepIndex = NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex; if (currentLabelStepIndex === null) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] currentLabelStepIndex is null"); return; } let currentLabel = NarrationManagerStatic._currentLabel; if (!currentLabel) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] currentLabel not found"); return; } if (currentLabel.steps.length > currentLabelStepIndex) { let onStepRun = currentLabel.onStepStart; if (onStepRun) { await onStepRun(currentLabelStepIndex, currentLabel); } let step = currentLabel.steps[currentLabelStepIndex]; let stepSha = currentLabel.getStepSha1(currentLabelStepIndex); if (!stepSha) { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] stepSha not found"); } try { if (NarrationManagerStatic.stepsRunning === 0) { canvas.forceCompletionOfReportedTickers(); } NarrationManagerStatic.stepsRunning++; let result = await step(props); if (this.choiceMenuOptions?.length === 1 && this.choiceMenuOptions[0].autoSelect) { let choice = this.choiceMenuOptions[0]; result = await this.selectChoice(choice, props); } if (choiseMade !== void 0 && NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.length > 0) { let lastHistoryStep = NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory[NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.length - 1]; NarrationManagerStatic.addChoicesMade( lastHistoryStep.currentLabel || "error", typeof lastHistoryStep.labelStepIndex === "number" ? lastHistoryStep.labelStepIndex : -1, lastHistoryStep.stepSha1 || "error", choiseMade ); NarrationManagerStatic.choiseMadeTemp = choiseMade; } NarrationManagerStatic.stepsRunning--; if (NarrationManagerStatic.stepsRunning === 0) { NarrationManagerStatic.addLabelHistory(currentLabel.id, currentLabelStepIndex); this.addStepHistory(stepSha || "error", NarrationManagerStatic.choiseMadeTemp); NarrationManagerStatic.choiseMadeTemp = void 0; } return result; } catch (e2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error running step", e2); if (this.onStepError) { this.onStepError(e2, props); } return; } } else if (this.openedLabels.length > 1) { this.closeCurrentLabel(); return await this.goNext(props, choiseMade); } else if (this.openedLabels.length === 1) { NarrationManagerStatic.restoreLastLabelList(); if (this.onGameEnd) { return await this.onGameEnd(props); } return; } } else if (this.openedLabels.length === 0) { NarrationManagerStatic.restoreLastLabelList(); if (this.onGameEnd) { return await this.onGameEnd(props); } console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The end of the game is not managed, so the game is blocked. Read this documentation to know how to manage the end of the game: https://pixi-vn.web.app/start/labels.html#how-manage-the-end-of-the-game"); return; } else { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] currentLabelId not found"); } } /** * Execute the label and add it to the history. (It's similar to Ren'Py's call function) * @param label The label to execute or the id of the label * @param props The props to pass to the label. * @returns StepLabelResultType or undefined. * @example * ```typescript * narration.callLabel(startLabel, yourParams).then((result) => { * if (result) { * // your code * } * }) * ``` * @example * ```typescript * // if you use it in a step label you should return the result. * return narration.callLabel(startLabel).then((result) => { * return result * }) * ``` */ async callLabel(label, props) { let choiseMade = void 0; let labelId; if (typeof label === "string") { labelId = label; } else { labelId = label.id; if (typeof label.choiseIndex === "number") { choiseMade = label.choiseIndex; } } try { if (labelId === CLOSE_LABEL_ID) { let closeCurrentLabel = newCloseLabel(choiseMade); let choice = { label: closeCurrentLabel, text: "", closeCurrentLabel: false, type: "close", oneTime: false, onlyHaveNoChoice: false, autoSelect: false, props: {} }; return this.closeChoiceMenu(choice, props); } let tempLabel = getLabelById(labelId); if (!tempLabel) { throw new Error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Label ${labelId} not found`); } if (this.currentLabel && this.currentLabel.onStepEnd) { await this.currentLabel.onStepEnd(NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex || 0, this.currentLabel); } NarrationManagerStatic.pushNewLabel(tempLabel.id); } catch (e2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error calling label", e2); return; } return await this.runCurrentStep(props, choiseMade); } /** * Execute the label, close the current label, execute the new label and add the new label to the history. (It's similar to Ren'Py's jump function) * @param label The label to execute. * @param props The props to pass to the label or the id of the label * @returns StepLabelResultType or undefined. * @example * ```typescript * narration.jumpLabel(startLabel, yourParams).then((result) => { * if (result) { * // your code * } * }) * ``` * @example * ```typescript * // if you use it in a step label you should return the result. * return narration.jumpLabel(startLabel).then((result) => { * return result * }) * ``` */ async jumpLabel(label, props) { this.closeCurrentLabel(); let choiseMade = void 0; let labelId; if (typeof label === "string") { labelId = label; } else { labelId = label.id; if (typeof label.choiseIndex === "number") { choiseMade = label.choiseIndex; } } try { if (labelId === CLOSE_LABEL_ID) { let closeCurrentLabel = newCloseLabel(choiseMade); let choice = { label: closeCurrentLabel, text: "", closeCurrentLabel: false, type: "close", oneTime: false, onlyHaveNoChoice: false, autoSelect: false, props: {} }; return this.closeChoiceMenu(choice, props); } let tempLabel = getLabelById(labelId); if (!tempLabel) { throw new Error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Label ${labelId} not found`); } if (this.currentLabel && this.currentLabel.onStepEnd) { await this.currentLabel.onStepEnd(NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex || 0, this.currentLabel); } NarrationManagerStatic.pushNewLabel(tempLabel.id); } catch (e2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error jumping label", e2); return; } return await this.runCurrentStep(props, choiseMade); } /** * Select a choice from the choice menu. and close the choice menu. * @param item * @param props * @returns * @example * ```typescript * narration.selectChoice(item, { * navigate: navigate, * // your props * ...item.props * }) * .then(() => { * // your code * }) * .catch((e) => { * // your code * }) * ``` */ async selectChoice(item, props) { this.choiceMenuOptions = void 0; if (item.type == "call") { return await this.callLabel(item.label, props); } else if (item.type == "jump") { return await this.jumpLabel(item.label, props); } else if (item.type == "close") { return await this.closeChoiceMenu(item, props); } else { throw new Error(`[Pixi\u2019VN] Type ${item.type} not found`); } } /** * When the player is in a choice menu, can use this function to exit to the choice menu. * @param choice * @param props * @returns StepLabelResultType or undefined. * @example * ```typescript * narration.closeChoiceMenu(yourParams).then((result) => { * if (result) { * // your code * } * }) * ``` */ async closeChoiceMenu(choice, props) { let label = choice.label; let choiseMade = void 0; if (typeof label.choiseIndex === "number") { choiseMade = label.choiseIndex; } if (choice.closeCurrentLabel) { this.closeCurrentLabel(); } return this.goNext(props, choiseMade); } /* Go Back & Refresh Methods */ /** * Go back to the last step and add it to the history. * @param navigate The navigate function. * @param steps The number of steps to go back. * @returns * @example * ```typescript * export function goBack(navigate: (path: string) => void, afterBack?: () => void) { * narration.goBack(navigate) * afterBack && afterBack() * } * ``` */ async goBack(navigate, steps = 1) { if (steps <= 0) { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] Steps must be greater than 0"); return; } if (NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.length <= 1) { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] No steps to go back"); return; } let restoredStep = NarrationManagerStatic.goBackInternal(steps, NarrationManagerStatic.originalStepData); if (restoredStep) { await NarrationManagerStatic.restoreFromHistoryStep(restoredStep, navigate); } else { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error going back"); } } /** * Return true if it is possible to go back. */ get canGoBack() { return NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory.length > 1; } /** * Function to be executed at the end of the game. It should be set in the game initialization. * @example * ```typescript * narration.onGameEnd = async (props) => { * props.navigate("/end") * } * ``` */ onGameEnd = void 0; /** * Function to be executed when an error occurs in the step. * @example * ```typescript * narration.onStepError = (error, props) => { * props.notify("An error occurred") * // send a notification to GlitchTip, Sentry, etc... * } * ``` */ onStepError = void 0; /** * Dialogue to be shown in the game */ get dialogue() { return storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_DIALOGUE_MEMORY_KEY); } set dialogue(props) { if (!props) { storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_DIALOGUE_MEMORY_KEY, void 0); return; } let text = ""; let character = void 0; let dialogue; if (typeof props === "string") { text = props; dialogue = new Dialogue(text, character); } else if (Array.isArray(props)) { text = props.join(); dialogue = new Dialogue(text, character); } else if (!(props instanceof Dialogue)) { if (Array.isArray(props.text)) { text = props.text.join(); } else { text = props.text; } if (props.character) { if (typeof props.character === "string") { character = props.character; } else { character = props.character.id; } } dialogue = new Dialogue(text, character); } else { dialogue = props; } if (getFlag(storage.keysSystem.ADD_NEXT_DIALOG_TEXT_INTO_THE_CURRENT_DIALOG_FLAG_KEY)) { let glueDialogue = storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_DIALOGUE_MEMORY_KEY); if (glueDialogue) { dialogue.text = `${glueDialogue.text}${dialogue.text}`; } setFlag(storage.keysSystem.ADD_NEXT_DIALOG_TEXT_INTO_THE_CURRENT_DIALOG_FLAG_KEY, false); } storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_DIALOGUE_MEMORY_KEY, dialogue); storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.LAST_DIALOGUE_ADDED_IN_STEP_MEMORY_KEY, this.lastStepIndex); } /** * The options to be shown in the game * @example * ```typescript * narration.choiceMenuOptions = [ * new ChoiceMenuOption("Events Test", EventsTestLabel, {}), * new ChoiceMenuOption("Show Image Test", ShowImageTest, { image: "imageId" }, "call"), * new ChoiceMenuOption("Ticker Test", TickerTestLabel, {}), * new ChoiceMenuOption("Tinting Test", TintingTestLabel, {}, "jump"), * new ChoiceMenuOption("Base Canvas Element Test", BaseCanvasElementTestLabel, {}) * ] * ``` */ get choiceMenuOptions() { let d2 = storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_MENU_OPTIONS_MEMORY_KEY); if (d2) { let options = []; let onlyHaveNoChoice = []; d2.forEach((option, index) => { if (option.type === Close) { let itemLabel = newCloseLabel(index); let choice = new ChoiceMenuOptionClose(option.text, { closeCurrentLabel: option.closeCurrentLabel, oneTime: option.oneTime, onlyHaveNoChoice: option.onlyHaveNoChoice, autoSelect: option.autoSelect }); choice.label = itemLabel; options.push(choice); return; } let label = getLabelById(option.label); if (label) { let itemLabel = new Label(label.id, label.steps, { onStepStart: label.onStepStart, choiseIndex: index }); options.push(new ChoiceMenuOption(option.text, itemLabel, option.props, { type: option.type, oneTime: option.oneTime, onlyHaveNoChoice: option.onlyHaveNoChoice, autoSelect: option.autoSelect })); } }); let alreadyChoices = this.alreadyCurrentStepMadeChoices; options = options.filter((option, index) => { if (option.oneTime) { if (alreadyChoices && alreadyChoices.includes(index)) { return false; } } if (option.onlyHaveNoChoice) { onlyHaveNoChoice.push(option); return false; } return true; }); if (options.length > 0) { return options; } else if (onlyHaveNoChoice.length > 0) { let firstOption = onlyHaveNoChoice[0]; return [firstOption]; } } return void 0; } set choiceMenuOptions(options) { if (!options) { storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_MENU_OPTIONS_MEMORY_KEY, void 0); return; } let value = options.map((option) => { if (option instanceof ChoiceMenuOptionClose) { return { text: option.text, type: Close, closeCurrentLabel: option.closeCurrentLabel, oneTime: option.oneTime, onlyHaveNoChoice: option.onlyHaveNoChoice, autoSelect: option.autoSelect }; } return { ...option, label: option.label.id }; }); storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_MENU_OPTIONS_MEMORY_KEY, value); storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.LAST_MENU_OPTIONS_ADDED_IN_STEP_MEMORY_KEY, this.lastStepIndex); } /** * The input value to be inserted by the player. */ get inputValue() { return storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_INPUT_VALUE_MEMORY_KEY); } set inputValue(value) { this.removeInputRequest(); storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_INPUT_VALUE_MEMORY_KEY, value); storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.LAST_INPUT_ADDED_IN_STEP_MEMORY_KEY, this.lastStepIndex); } /** * If true, the player must enter a value. */ get isRequiredInput() { return storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_INPUT_INFO_MEMORY_KEY)?.isRequired || false; } get inputType() { return storage.getVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_INPUT_INFO_MEMORY_KEY)?.type; } /** * Request input from the player. * @param info The input value to be inserted by the player. * @param defaultValue The default value to be inserted. */ requestInput(info, defaultValue2) { info.isRequired = true; storage.setVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_INPUT_INFO_MEMORY_KEY, info); if (defaultValue2 !== void 0) { this.inputValue = defaultValue2; } else { storage.removeVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_INPUT_VALUE_MEMORY_KEY); } } /** * Remove the input request. */ removeInputRequest() { storage.removeVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_INPUT_INFO_MEMORY_KEY); storage.removeVariable(storage.keysSystem.CURRENT_INPUT_VALUE_MEMORY_KEY); } /** * Add a label to the history. */ clear() { NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory = []; NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels = []; NarrationManagerStatic._lastStepIndex = 0; NarrationManagerStatic._originalStepData = void 0; } /* Export and Import Methods */ /** * Export the history to a JSON string. * @returns The history in a JSON string. */ exportJson() { return JSON.stringify(this.export()); } /** * Export the history to an object. * @returns The history in an object. */ export() { return { stepsHistory: NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory, openedLabels: NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels, lastStepIndex: this.lastStepIndex, originalStepData: NarrationManagerStatic._originalStepData }; } /** * Import the history from a JSON string. * @param dataString The history in a JSON string. */ async importJson(dataString) { await this.import(JSON.parse(dataString)); } /** * Import the history from an object. * @param data The history in an object. */ async import(data) { this.clear(); try { if (data.hasOwnProperty("stepsHistory")) { NarrationManagerStatic._stepsHistory = data["stepsHistory"]; } else { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] Could not import stepsHistory data, so will be ignored"); } if (data.hasOwnProperty("openedLabels")) { NarrationManagerStatic._openedLabels = data["openedLabels"]; } else { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] Could not import openedLabels data, so will be ignored"); } if (data.hasOwnProperty("lastStepIndex")) { NarrationManagerStatic._lastStepIndex = data["lastStepIndex"]; } else { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] Could not import lastStepIndex data, so will be ignored"); } if (data.hasOwnProperty("originalStepData")) { NarrationManagerStatic._originalStepData = data["originalStepData"]; } else { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] Could not import originalStepData data, so will be ignored"); } if (this.currentLabel && this.currentLabel.onLoadStep) { await this.currentLabel.onLoadStep(NarrationManagerStatic.currentLabelStepIndex || 0, this.currentLabel); } } catch (e2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error importing data", e2); } } }; // src/functions/sound-utility.ts function FilterMemoryToFilter(filter) { let res = []; for (let f2 of filter) { if (f2.type === "TelephoneFilter") { res.push(new filters_exports.TelephoneFilter()); } else if (f2.type === "StreamFilter") { res.push(new filters_exports.StreamFilter()); } else if (f2.type === "StereoFilter") { res.push(new filters_exports.StereoFilter(f2.pan)); } else if (f2.type === "ReverbFilter") { res.push(new filters_exports.ReverbFilter(f2.seconds, f2.decay, f2.reverse)); } else if (f2.type === "MonoFilter") { res.push(new filters_exports.MonoFilter()); } else if (f2.type === "EqualizerFilter") { res.push(new filters_exports.EqualizerFilter(f2.f32, f2.f64, f2.f125, f2.f250, f2.f500, f2.f1k, f2.f2k, f2.f4k, f2.f8k, f2.f16k)); } else if (f2.type === "DistortionFilter") { res.push(new filters_exports.DistortionFilter(f2.amount)); } else { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Unknown sound filter type"); } } return res; } function FilterToFilterMemory(filter) { if (!filter) return void 0; let res = []; for (let f2 of filter) { if (f2 instanceof filters_exports.TelephoneFilter) { res.push({ type: "TelephoneFilter" }); } else if (f2 instanceof filters_exports.StreamFilter) { res.push({ type: "StreamFilter" }); } else if (f2 instanceof filters_exports.StereoFilter) { res.push({ type: "StereoFilter", pan: f2.pan }); } else if (f2 instanceof filters_exports.ReverbFilter) { res.push({ type: "ReverbFilter", seconds: f2.seconds, decay: f2.decay, reverse: f2.reverse }); } else if (f2 instanceof filters_exports.MonoFilter) { res.push({ type: "MonoFilter" }); } else if (f2 instanceof filters_exports.EqualizerFilter) { res.push({ type: "EqualizerFilter", f32: f2.f32, f64: f2.f64, f125: f2.f125, f250: f2.f250, f500: f2.f500, f1k: f2.f1k, f2k: f2.f2k, f4k: f2.f4k, f8k: f2.f8k, f16k: f2.f16k }); } else if (f2 instanceof filters_exports.DistortionFilter) { res.push({ type: "DistortionFilter", amount: f2.amount }); } else { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Unknown sound filter type"); } } return res; } // src/managers/SoundManagerStatic.ts var SoundManagerStatic = class { constructor() { } static soundAliasesOrder = []; static playInStepIndex = {}; static sounds = {}; }; // src/managers/SoundManager.ts var SoundManager = class extends SoundLibrary { get context() { return sound.context; } get filtersAll() { return sound.filtersAll; } set filtersAll(filtersAll) { sound.filtersAll = filtersAll.filter((f2) => { return !(f2 instanceof filters_exports.Filter); }); } get supported() { return sound.supported; } /** * https://github.com/pixijs/sound/blob/main/src/SoundLibrary.ts#L187 */ getOptions(source7, overrides) { let options; if (typeof source7 === "string") { options = { url: source7 }; } else if (Array.isArray(source7)) { options = { url: source7 }; } else if (source7 instanceof ArrayBuffer || source7 instanceof AudioBuffer || source7 instanceof HTMLAudioElement) { options = { source: source7 }; } else { options = source7; } options = { ...options, ...overrides || {} }; return options; } add(alias, sourceOptions) { if (typeof alias === "object") { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The method add(map: SoundSourceMap, globalOptions?: Options) is deprecated. Use add(alias: string, options: Options | string | ArrayBuffer | AudioBuffer | HTMLAudioElement | Sound): Sound; instead."); } if (this.exists(alias)) { this.remove(alias); } if (sourceOptions instanceof Sound) { sourceOptions = sourceOptions.options; } let s2; if (sourceOptions instanceof Sound2) { s2 = sourceOptions; } else { let options = this.getOptions(sourceOptions || {}); s2 = Sound2.from(options); } s2.alias = alias; !SoundManagerStatic.soundAliasesOrder.includes(alias) && SoundManagerStatic.soundAliasesOrder.push(alias); SoundManagerStatic.sounds[alias] = s2; sound.add(alias, s2); return s2; } get useLegacy() { return sound.useLegacy; } set useLegacy(legacy) { sound.useLegacy = legacy; } get disableAutoPause() { return sound.disableAutoPause; } set disableAutoPause(autoPause) { sound.disableAutoPause = autoPause; } remove(alias) { SoundManagerStatic.soundAliasesOrder = SoundManagerStatic.soundAliasesOrder.filter((t2) => t2 !== alias); delete SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[alias]; delete SoundManagerStatic.sounds[alias]; return sound.remove(alias); } get volumeAll() { return sound.volumeAll; } set volumeAll(volume) { sound.volumeAll = volume; } get speedAll() { return sound.speedAll; } set speedAll(speed) { sound.speedAll = speed; } togglePauseAll() { return sound.togglePauseAll(); } pauseAll() { return sound.pauseAll(); } resumeAll() { return sound.resumeAll(); } toggleMuteAll() { return sound.toggleMuteAll(); } muteAll() { return sound.muteAll(); } unmuteAll() { return sound.unmuteAll(); } removeAll() { SoundManagerStatic.soundAliasesOrder = []; SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex = {}; SoundManagerStatic.sounds = {}; return sound.removeAll(); } stopAll() { for (let alias in SoundManagerStatic.sounds) { SoundManagerStatic.sounds[alias].stop(); } SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex = {}; return sound.stopAll(); } exists(alias, assert) { return sound.exists(alias, assert) && alias in SoundManagerStatic.sounds; } isPlaying() { return sound.isPlaying(); } find(alias) { return SoundManagerStatic.sounds[alias]; } play(alias, options) { SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[alias] = { stepIndex: narration.lastStepIndex, options, paused: false }; return sound.play(alias, options); } stop(alias) { delete SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[alias]; return sound.stop(alias); } pause(alias) { let item = SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[alias]; if (!item) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The alias is not found in the playInStepIndex."); } SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[alias] = { ...item, paused: true }; return sound.pause(alias); } resume(alias) { let item = SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[alias]; if (!item) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The alias is not found in the playInStepIndex."); } SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[alias] = { options: item.options, stepIndex: narration.lastStepIndex, paused: false }; return sound.resume(alias); } volume(alias, volume) { return sound.volume(alias, volume); } speed(alias, speed) { return sound.speed(alias, speed); } duration(alias) { return sound.duration(alias); } close() { return sound.close(); } clear() { this.stopAll(); this.removeAll(); } /* Export and Import Methods */ exportJson() { return JSON.stringify(this.export()); } export() { let soundElements = {}; for (let alias of SoundManagerStatic.soundAliasesOrder) { if (this.exists(alias)) { let item = this.find(alias); soundElements[alias] = { options: { ...item.options, autoPlay: item.autoPlay, loop: item.loop, preload: item.preload, singleInstance: item.singleInstance, url: item.options.url, volume: item.options.volume }, filters: FilterToFilterMemory(item.media.filters) }; } } return { sounds: soundElements, soundAliasesOrder: SoundManagerStatic.soundAliasesOrder, filters: FilterToFilterMemory(this.filtersAll), playInStepIndex: SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex }; } removeOldSoundAndExport() { return this.export(); } importJson(dataString) { this.import(JSON.parse(dataString)); } import(data, lastStepIndex = narration.lastStepIndex) { this.clear(); try { if (data.hasOwnProperty("soundAliasesOrder")) { SoundManagerStatic.soundAliasesOrder = data["soundAliasesOrder"]; } else { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The data does not have the properties soundAliasesOrder"); return; } if (data.hasOwnProperty("filters")) { let f2 = data["filters"]; if (f2) { this.filtersAll = FilterMemoryToFilter(f2); } } if (data.hasOwnProperty("playInStepIndex")) { SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex = data["playInStepIndex"]; } else { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The data does not have the properties playInStepIndex"); return; } if (data.hasOwnProperty("sounds")) { let sounds = data["sounds"]; for (let alias in sounds) { let item = sounds[alias]; let autoPlay = false; let s2 = this.add(alias, { ...item.options, autoPlay: false }); if (alias in SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex) { let step = SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[alias]; if (item.options.loop || step.options && typeof step.options === "object" && step.options.loop) { autoPlay = true; } else if (step.stepIndex === lastStepIndex) { autoPlay = true; } if (item.filters) { s2.filters = FilterMemoryToFilter(item.filters); } if (autoPlay) { s2.play(); } } } } else { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The data does not have the properties sounds"); return; } } catch (e2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error importing data", e2); } } }; // src/managers/StorageManager.ts var StorageManager = class { get keysSystem() { return StorageManagerStatic._keysSystem; } /** * Set a variable in the storage * @param key The key of the variable * @param value The value of the variable. If undefined, the variable will be removed * @returns */ setVariable(key, value) { key = key.toLowerCase(); if (value === void 0 || value === null) { if (StorageManagerStatic.storage.hasOwnProperty(key)) { delete StorageManagerStatic.storage[key]; } return; } StorageManagerStatic.storage[key] = value; } /** * Get a variable from the storage. If the variable is a temporary variable, it will return the temporary variable * @param key The key of the variable * @returns The value of the variable. If the variable does not exist, it will return undefined */ getVariable(key) { key = key.toLowerCase(); if (StorageManagerStatic.tempStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return StorageManagerStatic.getTempVariable(key); } if (StorageManagerStatic.storage.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return createExportableElement(StorageManagerStatic.storage[key]); } return void 0; } /** * Remove a variable from the storage * @param key The key of the variable * @returns */ removeVariable(key) { key = key.toLowerCase(); if (StorageManagerStatic.storage.hasOwnProperty(key)) { delete StorageManagerStatic.storage[key]; } } /** * Set a variable in the temporary storage. The lifespan of the variable is the number of opened labels. * To get the temporary variable, use {@link this.getVariable} * @param key The key of the temporary variable * @param value The value of the temporary variable. If undefined, the variable will be removed * @returns */ setTempVariable(key, value) { key = key.toLowerCase(); let tempStorage = StorageManagerStatic.tempStorage; let tempStorageDeadlines = StorageManagerStatic.tempStorageDeadlines; if (value === void 0 || value === null) { this.removeTempVariable(key); return; } else { tempStorage[key] = value; if (!tempStorageDeadlines.hasOwnProperty(key)) { tempStorageDeadlines[key] = narration.openedLabels.length; } } StorageManagerStatic.tempStorage = tempStorage; StorageManagerStatic.tempStorageDeadlines = tempStorageDeadlines; } /** * Remove a temporary variable * @param key The key of the temporary variable */ removeTempVariable(key) { key = key.toLowerCase(); let tempStorage = StorageManagerStatic.tempStorage; let tempStorageDeadlines = StorageManagerStatic.tempStorageDeadlines; if (tempStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)) { delete tempStorage[key]; delete tempStorageDeadlines[key]; } StorageManagerStatic.tempStorage = tempStorage; StorageManagerStatic.tempStorageDeadlines = tempStorageDeadlines; } /** * Clear the storage and the oidsUsed * @returns */ clear() { StorageManagerStatic.storage = { ...StorageManagerStatic.baseStorage }; } exportJson() { return JSON.stringify(this.export()); } export() { return createExportableElement(StorageManagerStatic.storage); } importJson(dataString) { this.import(JSON.parse(dataString)); } import(data) { this.clear(); try { if (data) { StorageManagerStatic.storage = data; } else { console.warn("[Pixi\u2019VN] No storage data found"); } } catch (e2) { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error importing data", e2); } } }; // src/managers/index.ts var sound2 = new SoundManager(); var narration = new NarrationManager(); var storage = new StorageManager(); var canvas = new CanvasManager(); // src/functions/canvas/canvas-utility.ts function getTextureMemory(texture) { let sourceTexture = texture.source; let textureMemory = { image: sourceTexture.label }; return textureMemory; } function removeCanvasElement(alias) { canvas.remove(alias); } function checkIfVideo(imageUrl) { if (imageUrl.match(new RegExp(`(${videoFormats.join("|")})$`))) { return true; } else { return false; } } // src/classes/canvas/CanvasSprite.ts var CANVAS_SPRITE_ID = "Sprite"; var CanvasSprite = class _CanvasSprite extends Sprite { constructor(options) { super(options); this.pixivnId = this.constructor.prototype.pixivnId || CANVAS_SPRITE_ID; } pixivnId = CANVAS_SPRITE_ID; get memory() { return getMemorySprite(this); } set memory(value) { setMemorySprite(this, value); } _onEvents = {}; get onEvents() { return this._onEvents; } /** * is same function as on(), but it keeps in memory the children. * @param event The event type, e.g., 'click', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'pointerdown', etc. * @param eventClass The class that extends CanvasEvent. * @returns * @example * ```typescript * \@eventDecorator() * export class EventTest extends CanvasEvent { * override fn(event: CanvasEventNamesType, sprite: CanvasSprite): void { * if (event === 'pointerdown') { * sprite.scale.x *= 1.25; * sprite.scale.y *= 1.25; * } * } * } * ``` * * ```typescript * let sprite = addImage("alien", 'https://pixijs.com/assets/eggHead.png') * await sprite.load() * * sprite.eventMode = 'static'; * sprite.cursor = 'pointer'; * sprite.onEvent('pointerdown', EventTest); * * canvas.add("bunny", sprite); * ``` */ onEvent(event, eventClass) { let id3 = eventClass.prototype.id; let instance2 = getEventInstanceById(id3); this._onEvents[event] = id3; if (instance2) { super.on(event, () => { instance2.fn(event, this); }); } return this; } /** * on() does not keep in memory the event class, use onEvent() instead * @deprecated * @private * @param event * @param fn * @param context */ on(event, fn, context2) { return super.on(event, fn, context2); } static from(source7, skipCache) { let sprite = Sprite.from(source7, skipCache); let mySprite = new _CanvasSprite(); mySprite.texture = sprite.texture; return mySprite; } }; function getMemorySprite(element) { let temp = getMemoryContainer(element); return { ...temp, pixivnId: element.pixivnId, textureImage: getTextureMemory(element.texture), anchor: { x: element.anchor.x, y: element.anchor.y }, roundPixels: element.roundPixels, onEvents: element.onEvents }; } function setMemorySprite(element, memory) { setMemoryContainer(element, memory); "textureImage" in memory && getTexture(memory.textureImage.image).then((texture) => { if (texture) { element.texture = texture; } }); if ("anchor" in memory && memory.anchor) { if (typeof memory.anchor === "number") { element.anchor.set(memory.anchor, memory.anchor); } else { element.anchor.set(memory.anchor.x, memory.anchor.y); } } "roundPixels" in memory && memory.roundPixels && (element.roundPixels = memory.roundPixels); if ("onEvents" in memory) { for (let event in memory.onEvents) { let id3 = memory.onEvents[event]; let instance2 = getEventTypeById(id3); if (instance2) { element.onEvent(event, instance2); } } } } // src/classes/canvas/CanvasImage.ts var CANVAS_IMAGE_ID = "Image"; var CanvasImage = class _CanvasImage extends CanvasSprite { pixivnId = CANVAS_IMAGE_ID; constructor(options, imageLink) { super(options); if (imageLink) { this.imageLink = imageLink; } } get memory() { return { ...getMemorySprite(this), pixivnId: this.pixivnId, imageLink: this.imageLink }; } set memory(memory) { setMemorySprite(this, memory); this.imageLink = memory.imageLink; } imageLink = ""; static from(source7, skipCache) { let sprite = Sprite.from(source7, skipCache); let mySprite = new _CanvasImage(); mySprite.texture = sprite.texture; return mySprite; } /** * Load the image from the link and set the texture of the sprite. * @param image The link of the image. If it is not set, it will use the imageLink property. * @returns A promise that resolves when the image is loaded. */ async load(image) { if (!image) { image = this.imageLink; } return getTexture(this.imageLink).then((texture) => { if (texture) { this.texture = texture; } }).catch((e2) => { console.error("[Pixi\u2019VN] Error into CanvasImage.load()", e2); }); } }; // src/classes/canvas/CanvasAVideo.ts var CANVAS_VIDEO_ID = "Video"; var CanvasVideo = class _CanvasVideo extends CanvasImage { pixivnId = CANVAS_VIDEO_ID; get memory() { return { ...super.memory, pixivnId: this.pixivnId, loop: this.loop, paused: this.paused, currentTime: this.currentTime }; } set memory(memory) { super.memory = memory; this.loop = memory.loop; this.currentTime = memory.currentTime; this.paused = memory.paused; this.load(); } set videoLink(value) { this.imageLink = value; } get videoLink() { return this.imageLink; } static from(source7, skipCache) { let sprite = Sprite.from(source7, skipCache); let mySprite = new _CanvasVideo(); mySprite.texture = sprite.texture; return mySprite; } async load() { await super.load(); this.loop = this._looop; this.currentTime = this._currentTime; this.paused = this._paused; } _looop = false; /** * Set to true if you want the video to loop. */ get loop() { return this.texture?.source?.resource?.loop || false; } set loop(value) { this._looop = value; if (this.texture?.source?.resource) { this.texture.source.resource.loop = value; } } _paused = false; /** * Set to true if you want the video to be paused. */ get paused() { return this.texture?.source?.resource?.paused || false; } set paused(value) { if (value) { this.pause(); } else { this.play(); } } /** * Pause the video. */ pause() { this._paused = true; if (this.texture?.source?.resource) { this.texture.source.resource.pause(); } } /** * Play the video. */ play() { this._paused = false; if (this.texture?.source?.resource) { this.texture.source.resource.play(); } } _currentTime = 0; /** * The current time of the video. */ get currentTime() { return this.texture?.source?.resource?.currentTime || 0; } set currentTime(value) { let duration = this.duration; if (duration && value >= duration) { value = 0; } this._currentTime = value; if (this.texture?.source?.resource) { this.texture.source.resource.currentTime = value; } } /** * Restart the video. */ restart() { this.currentTime = 0; } /** * The duration of the video. */ get duration() { if (this.texture?.source?.resource) { return this.texture.source.resource.duration || 0; } } }; // src/classes/canvas/CanvasBase.ts init_lib(); var CanvasBase2 = class extends Container { /** * This method return the memory of the canvas element. */ get memory() { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The method CanvasBase.memory must be overridden"); } /** * This method set the memory of the canvas element. */ set memory(_value) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The method CanvasBase.memory must be overridden"); } /** * Get the id of the canvas element. This variable is used in the system to get the canvas element by id, {@link getCanvasElementInstanceById} */ pixivnId = "canvas_element_id_not_set"; }; // src/classes/CanvasEvent.ts var CanvasEvent = class { constructor() { this.id = this.constructor.prototype.id; } fn(_event, _element) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The method CanvasEvent.fn() must be overridden"); } /** * Get the id of the event. This variable is used in the system to get the event by id, {@link getEventInstanceById} */ id = "event_id_not_set"; }; // src/classes/StoredClassModel.ts var StoredClassModel = class { /** * @param categoryId The id of the category. For example if you are storing a character class, you can use "characters" as categoryId. so all instances of the character class will be stored in the "characters" category. * @param id The id of instance of the class. This id must be unique for the category. */ constructor(categoryId, id3) { this.categoryId = categoryId; this._id = id3; } _id; /** * Is id of the stored class. is unique for this class. */ get id() { return this._id; } categoryId; /** * Update a property in the storage. * @param propertyName The name of the property to set. * @param value The value to set. If is undefined, the property will be removed from the storage. */ setStorageProperty(propertyName, value) { let storageValue = storage.getVariable(this.categoryId); if (!storageValue) { storageValue = {}; } if (!storageValue.hasOwnProperty(this.id)) { storageValue[this.id] = {}; } if (value === void 0 || value === null) { if (storageValue[this.id].hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) { delete storageValue[this.id][propertyName]; } } else { storageValue[this.id] = { ...storageValue[this.id], [propertyName]: value }; } if (Object.keys(storageValue[this.id]).length === 0) { delete storageValue[this.id]; } storage.setVariable(this.categoryId, storageValue); } /** * Get a property from the storage. * @param propertyName The name of the property to get. * @param idToUse The id of the instance to get the property. @default this.id * @returns The value of the property. If the property is not found, returns undefined. */ getStorageProperty(propertyName, idToUse = this.id) { let storageValue = storage.getVariable(this.categoryId); if (storageValue && storageValue.hasOwnProperty(idToUse) && storageValue[idToUse].hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) { return storageValue[idToUse][propertyName]; } return void 0; } }; // src/classes/CharacterStoredClass.ts var EMOTION_SEPARATOR = "@"; var CharacterStoredClass = class extends StoredClassModel { sourceId; constructor(id3, emotion = "") { super(storage.keysSystem.CHARACTER_CATEGORY_KEY, id3 + (emotion ? EMOTION_SEPARATOR + emotion : "")); this.sourceId = id3; } getStorageProperty(propertyName) { let value = super.getStorageProperty(propertyName); if (value === void 0) { value = super.getStorageProperty(propertyName, this.sourceId); } return value; } }; // src/classes/CharacterBaseModel.ts var CharacterBaseModel = class extends CharacterStoredClass { /** * @param id The id of the character. * @param props The properties of the character. */ constructor(id3, props) { super(typeof id3 === "string" ? id3 : id3.id, typeof id3 === "string" ? "" : id3.emotion); this.defaultName = props.name; this.defaultSurname = props.surname; this.defaultAge = props.age; this._icon = props.icon; this._color = props.color; } defaultName; /*** * The name of the character. * If you set undefined, it will return the default name. */ get name() { return this.getStorageProperty("name") || this.defaultName || this.id; } set name(value) { this.setStorageProperty("name", value); } defaultSurname; /** * The surname of the character. * If you set undefined, it will return the default surname. */ get surname() { return this.getStorageProperty("surname") || this.defaultSurname; } set surname(value) { this.setStorageProperty("surname", value); } defaultAge; /** * The age of the character. * If you set undefined, it will return the default age. */ get age() { return this.getStorageProperty("age") || this.defaultAge; } set age(value) { this.setStorageProperty("age", value); } _icon; /** * The icon of the character. */ get icon() { return this._icon; } _color; /** * The color of the character. */ get color() { return this._color; } }; // src/classes/Dialogue.ts var Dialogue = class { /** * @param text The text of the dialogue. * @param character The id of the character that is speaking. * @param oltherParams Other parameters that can be stored in the dialogue. */ constructor(text, character, oltherParams = {}) { if (typeof text === "string") { this.text = text; if (typeof character === "string") { this.character = character; } else { this.character = character?.id; } this.oltherParams = oltherParams; } else { this.text = text.text; if (text.character) { this.character = text.character; } this.oltherParams = text.oltherParams || {}; } } /** * The text of the dialogue. */ text = ""; /** * The id of the character that is speaking. */ character; /** * Other parameters that can be stored in the dialogue. */ oltherParams = {}; /** * Export the dialogue to a DialogueBaseData object. * * @returns The data of the dialogue. */ export() { return { text: this.text, character: this.character, oltherParams: this.oltherParams }; } }; // src/classes/Sound.ts var Sound2 = class _Sound2 extends Sound { alias; pause() { if (!this.alias) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The alias is not defined."); } let item = SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[this.alias]; if (!item) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The alias is not found in the playInStepIndex."); } SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[this.alias] = { ...item, paused: true }; return super.pause(); } resume() { if (!this.alias) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The alias is not defined."); } let item = SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[this.alias]; if (!item) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The alias is not found in the playInStepIndex."); } SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[this.alias] = { options: item.options, stepIndex: narration.lastStepIndex, paused: false }; return super.resume(); } destroy() { if (this.alias) { delete SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[this.alias]; } return super.destroy(); } stop() { if (!this.alias) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The alias is not defined."); } delete SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[this.alias]; return super.stop(); } play(options) { if (typeof options === "string") { this.alias = options; } if (!this.alias) { throw new Error("[Pixi\u2019VN] The alias is not defined."); } SoundManagerStatic.playInStepIndex[this.alias] = { stepIndex: narration.lastStepIndex, options, paused: false }; return super.play(options); } /** * https://github.com/pixijs/sound/blob/main/src/Sound.ts#L235 */ static from(source7) { let s2 = Sound.from(source7); return new _Sound2(s2.media, s2.options); } }; // src/labels/BaseCanvasElementTestLabel.ts init_lib(); // src/labels/TestConstant.ts var juliette = new CharacterBaseModel("___pixivn_juliette___", { name: "Juliette", age: 25, icon: "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/pixi-vn.appspot.com/o/public%2Fcharacters%2Fjuliette-square.webp?alt=media", color: "#ac0086" }); saveCharacter(juliette); var eggHeadImage = "https://pixijs.com/assets/eggHead.png"; var eggHeadName = `Egg Head`; var flowerTopImage = "https://pixijs.com/assets/flowerTop.png"; var flowerTopName = `Flower Top`; var helmlokImage = "https://pixijs.com/assets/helmlok.png"; var helmlokName = `Helmlok`; var skullyImage = "https://pixijs.com/assets/skully.png"; var skullyName = `Skully`; var bunnyImage = "https://pixijs.com/assets/bunny.png"; var bunnyName = `Bunny`; var videoLink = "https://pixijs.com/assets/video.mp4"; var musicalAudio = "https://pixijs.io/sound/examples/resources/musical.mp3"; // src/labels/BaseCanvasElementTestLabel.ts var BASE_CANVAS_ELEMENT_LABEL = "___pixi_vn_base_canvas_element_label___"; var baseCanvasElementTestLabel = newLabel( BASE_CANVAS_ELEMENT_LABEL, [ async () => { let number = 25; narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Here's what's going to happen: I'm going to create ${number} bunnies (CanvasSprites) and put them in a CanvasContainer.` }; const container = new CanvasContainer(); canvas.add("container", container); const texture = await Assets.load(bunnyImage); for (let i3 = 0; i3 < number; i3++) { const bunny = new CanvasSprite(texture); bunny.x = i3 % 5 * 40; bunny.y = Math.floor(i3 / 5) * 40; container.addChild(bunny); } container.x = canvas.screen.width / 2; container.y = canvas.screen.height / 2; container.pivot.x = container.width / 2; container.pivot.y = container.height / 2; canvas.addTicker("container", new RotateTicker({ speed: 1 })); }, async () => { canvas.remove("container"); narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Here's what's going to happen: I'm going to create some CanvasText with different styles and put them on the stage. But it will generate a warn message, because the FillGradient or FillPattern has not yet been supported by the Pixi\u2019VN ( you can see the status of the issue here: [#76](https://github.com/DRincs-Productions/pixi-vn/issues/76)).` }; const basicStyle = new TextStyle({ fill: "#ffffff" }); const basicText = new CanvasText({ text: "Basic text in pixi", style: basicStyle }); basicText.x = 50; basicText.y = 100; canvas.add("basicText", basicText); const fill = new FillGradient(0, 0, 0, 36 * 1.7 * 7); const colors2 = [16777215, 65433].map((color) => Color.shared.setValue(color).toNumber()); colors2.forEach((number, index) => { const ratio = index / colors2.length; fill.addColorStop(ratio, number); }); const style = new TextStyle({ fontFamily: "Arial", fontSize: 36, fontStyle: "italic", fontWeight: "bold", fill: { fill }, stroke: { color: "#4a1850", width: 5, join: "round" }, dropShadow: { color: "#ff5f74", blur: 4, angle: Math.PI / 6, distance: 6 }, wordWrap: true, wordWrapWidth: 440 }); const richText = new CanvasText({ text: "Rich text with a lot of options and across multiple lines", style }); richText.x = 50; richText.y = 220; canvas.add("richText", richText); const skewStyle = new TextStyle({ fontFamily: "Arial", dropShadow: { alpha: 0.8, angle: 2.1, blur: 4, color: "0x111111", distance: 10 }, fill: "#ffffff", stroke: { color: "#004620", width: 12, join: "round" }, fontSize: 60, fontWeight: "lighter" }); const skewText = new CanvasText({ text: "SKEW IS COOL", style: skewStyle }); skewText.skew.set(0.65, -0.3); skewText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); skewText.x = 300; skewText.y = 480; canvas.add("skewText", skewText); } ] ); // src/labels/CanvasEventsTestLabel.ts init_lib(); var EventTest1 = class extends CanvasEvent { fn(event, sprite) { if (event === "pointerdown") { sprite.scale.x *= 1.25; sprite.scale.y *= 1.25; } } }; EventTest1 = __decorateClass([ eventDecorator("___pixi_vn_canvas_events_test_event1___") ], EventTest1); var EventTest2 = class extends CanvasEvent { fn(event, sprite) { if (event === "pointerdown") { sprite.isdown = true; sprite.texture = Texture.from("https://pixijs.com/assets/button_down.png"); sprite.alpha = 1; } else if (event === "pointerup" || event === "pointerupoutside") { sprite.isdown = false; if (sprite.isOver) { sprite.texture = Texture.from("https://pixijs.com/assets/button_over.png"); } else { sprite.texture = Texture.from("https://pixijs.com/assets/button.png"); } } else if (event === "pointerover") { sprite.isOver = true; if (sprite.isdown) { return; } sprite.texture = Texture.from("https://pixijs.com/assets/button_over.png"); } else if (event === "pointerout") { sprite.isOver = false; if (sprite.isdown) { return; } sprite.texture = Texture.from("https://pixijs.com/assets/button.png"); } } }; EventTest2 = __decorateClass([ eventDecorator("___pixi_vn_canvas_events_test_event2___") ], EventTest2); var CANVAS_EVENTS_TEST_LABEL = "___pixi_vn_canvas_events_test___"; var canvasEventsTestLabel = newLabel( CANVAS_EVENTS_TEST_LABEL, [ () => narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "This is the test of clickable elements in a canvas." }, async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `This is my friend, ${bunnyName}. It's small now, but if you try to click on it it will get bigger and bigger. (This example is from the official [PixiJS website](https://pixijs.com/8.x/examples/events/click).)` }; const texture = await Assets.load(bunnyImage); const sprite = CanvasSprite.from(texture); sprite.scale.set(3); sprite.anchor.set(0.5); sprite.x = canvas.screen.width / 2; sprite.y = canvas.screen.height / 2; sprite.eventMode = "static"; sprite.cursor = "pointer"; sprite.onEvent("pointerdown", EventTest1); canvas.add("bunny", sprite); }, async () => { canvas.clear(); narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `This is the test of buttons in a canvas. (This example is from the official [PixiJS website](https://pixijs.com/8.x/examples/events/interactivity).)` }; const backgroundT = await Assets.load("https://pixijs.com/assets/bg_button.jpg"); const background = new CanvasSprite(backgroundT); background.width = canvas.screen.width; background.height = canvas.screen.height; canvas.add("bg", background); const textureButton = await Assets.load("https://pixijs.com/assets/button.png"); const buttons = []; const buttonPositions = [175, 75, 655, 75, 410, 325, 150, 465, 685, 445]; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < 5; i3++) { const button = new CanvasSprite(textureButton); button.anchor.set(0.5); button.x = buttonPositions[i3 * 2]; button.y = buttonPositions[i3 * 2 + 1]; button.eventMode = "static"; button.cursor = "pointer"; button.onEvent("pointerdown", EventTest2).onEvent("pointerup", EventTest2).onEvent("pointerupoutside", EventTest2).onEvent("pointerover", EventTest2).onEvent("pointerout", EventTest2); canvas.add("button" + i3, button); buttons.push(button); } buttons[0].scale.set(1.2); buttons[2].rotation = Math.PI / 10; buttons[3].scale.set(0.8); buttons[4].scale.set(0.8, 1.2); buttons[4].rotation = Math.PI; } ], { onLoadStep: async () => { await Assets.load([ "https://pixijs.com/assets/bg_button.jpg", "https://pixijs.com/assets/button.png", "https://pixijs.com/assets/button_down.png", "https://pixijs.com/assets/button_over.png" ]); } } ); // src/labels/CustomTickerCanvasElementTestLabel.ts init_lib(); var AlienTintingTest = class extends CanvasSprite { get memory() { return { ...super.memory, direction: this.direction, turningSpeed: this.turningSpeed, speed: this.speed }; } set memory(memory) { super.memory = memory; this.direction = memory.direction; this.turningSpeed = memory.turningSpeed; this.speed = memory.speed; } direction = 0; turningSpeed = 0; speed = 0; static from(source7, skipCache) { let sprite = CanvasSprite.from(source7, skipCache); let mySprite = new AlienTintingTest(); mySprite.texture = sprite.texture; return mySprite; } }; AlienTintingTest = __decorateClass([ canvasElementDecorator("___pixi_vn_custom_canvas_element___") ], AlienTintingTest); var TintingTestTicker = class extends TickerBase { fn(_t, _args, aliases) { aliases.forEach((alias) => { const dudeBoundsPadding = 100; const dudeBounds = new Rectangle( -dudeBoundsPadding, -dudeBoundsPadding, canvas.screen.width + dudeBoundsPadding * 2, canvas.screen.height + dudeBoundsPadding * 2 ); let dude = canvas.find(alias); if (dude && dude instanceof AlienTintingTest) { dude.direction += dude.turningSpeed * 0.01; dude.x += Math.sin(dude.direction) * dude.speed; dude.y += Math.cos(dude.direction) * dude.speed; dude.rotation = -dude.direction - Math.PI / 2; if (dude.x < dudeBounds.x) { dude.x += dudeBounds.width; } else if (dude.x > dudeBounds.x + dudeBounds.width) { dude.x -= dudeBounds.width; } if (dude.y < dudeBounds.y) { dude.y += dudeBounds.height; } else if (dude.y > dudeBounds.y + dudeBounds.height) { dude.y -= dudeBounds.height; } } }); } }; TintingTestTicker = __decorateClass([ tickerDecorator("___pixi_vn_custom_ticker___") ], TintingTestTicker); var CUSTOM_TICKER_CANVAS_ELEMENT_TEST_LABEL = "___pixi_vn_custom_ticker_canvas_element_test___"; var customTickerCanvasElementTestLabel = newLabel( CUSTOM_TICKER_CANVAS_ELEMENT_TEST_LABEL, [ async () => { const totalDudes = 100; for (let i3 = 0; i3 < totalDudes; i3++) { const texture = await Assets.load(eggHeadImage); const dude = AlienTintingTest.from(texture); dude.anchor.set(0.5); dude.scale.set(0.8 + Math.random() * 0.3); dude.x = Math.random() * canvas.screen.width; dude.y = Math.random() * canvas.screen.height; dude.tint = Math.random() * 16777215; dude.direction = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; dude.turningSpeed = Math.random() - 0.8; dude.speed = 2 + Math.random() * 2; canvas.add("alien" + i3, dude); let args = {}; canvas.addTicker("alien" + i3, new TintingTestTicker(args)); } narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `This is a test of custom ticker and canvas element. In this test, we have created ${totalDudes} ${eggHeadName} with random tint, scale, position, direction, turning speed, and speed. With the custom ticker, we are moving the custom canvas element in a random direction. (This example is from the official [PixiJS website](https://pixijs.com/8.x/examples/events/interactivity).)` }; } ] ); // src/labels/ImagesAnimationsTestLabel.ts var IMAGE_ANIMAIONS_TEST_LABEL = "___pixi_vn_images_animations_test___"; var imagesAnimationsTest = newLabel(IMAGE_ANIMAIONS_TEST_LABEL, [ async () => { canvas.removeAll(); narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `These are my 4 puppets: ${eggHeadName}, ${flowerTopName}, ${helmlokName} and ${skullyName}. They can appear, disappear and animate at my will.` }; let eggHead = addImage("eggHead", eggHeadImage); await eggHead.load(); eggHead.x = 100; eggHead.y = 100; let flowerTop = addImage("flowerTop", flowerTopImage); flowerTop.x = 300; flowerTop.y = 100; flowerTop.load(); let helmlok = addImage("helmlok", helmlokImage); helmlok.x = 100; helmlok.y = 300; let skully = addImage("skully", skullyImage); skully.x = 300; skully.y = 300; await loadImage([helmlok, skully]); }, async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "Here's what they can do." }; narration.choiceMenuOptions = [ new ChoiceMenuOption("Dissolve effect", imagesDissolveTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Fade effect", imagesFadeTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Rotate", imagesRotateTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Move", imagesMoveTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Zoom", imagesZoomTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Move in/out", imagesMoveInOutTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Zoom in/out", imagesZoomInOutTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Push in/out", imagesPushInOutTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Shake", shakeStageTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Add same alias", imagesAddSameAliasTestLabel, {}), new ChoiceMenuOptionClose("Cancel", { closeCurrentLabel: true }) ]; }, (props) => narration.jumpLabel(IMAGE_ANIMAIONS_TEST_LABEL, props) ]); var imagesDissolveTest = newLabel("___pixi_vn_images_dissolve_test___", [ () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Here's what's going to happen: - ${eggHeadName} will disappear with a dissolve effect. If you go next, ${eggHeadName} reappears with a dissolve effect without stopping the dissolve effect - ${eggHeadName} will appear instead of ${flowerTopName}. - ${helmlokName} will disappear with a fade effect and reappear with a fade effect, and repeat. - ${skullyName} will disappear with a fade effect, wait for 0.5 seconds, and reappear with a fade effect.` }; removeWithDissolveTransition(["eggHead"], { duration: 2 }); let eggHead = new CanvasImage({ x: 300, y: 100 }, eggHeadImage); showWithDissolveTransition("flowerTop", eggHead, { duration: 1 }); canvas.addTickersSteps( "helmlok", [ new FadeAlphaTicker({ duration: 1, type: "hide" }, 1), new FadeAlphaTicker({ duration: 1, type: "show" }, 1), Repeat ] ); canvas.addTickersSteps( "skully", [ new FadeAlphaTicker({ duration: 0.5, type: "hide", limit: 0.3 }, 1), Pause(0.5), new FadeAlphaTicker({ duration: 1, type: "show" }, 1) ] ); }, async () => { showWithDissolveTransition("eggHead", eggHeadImage, { duration: 0.5 }); } ]); var imagesFadeTest = newLabel("___pixi_vn_images_fade_test___", [ () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Here's what's going to happen: - ${eggHeadName} will disappear with a dissolve effect. If you go next, ${eggHeadName} reappears with a dissolve effect with stopping the dissolve effect - ${eggHeadName} will appear instead of ${flowerTopName}. - ${helmlokName} will disappear with a fade effect and reappear with a fade effect, and repeat. - ${skullyName} will disappear with a fade effect, wait for 0.5 seconds, and reappear with a fade effect.` }; removeWithFadeTransition(["eggHead"], { duration: 2 }); let eggHead = new CanvasImage({ x: 300, y: 100 }, eggHeadImage); showWithFadeTransition("flowerTop", eggHead, { duration: 1 }); canvas.addTickersSteps( "helmlok", [ new FadeAlphaTicker({ duration: 1, type: "hide" }), new FadeAlphaTicker({ duration: 1, type: "show" }), Repeat ] ); canvas.addTickersSteps( "skully", [ new FadeAlphaTicker({ duration: 0.5, type: "hide", limit: 0.3 }), Pause(0.5), new FadeAlphaTicker({ duration: 1, type: "show" }) ] ); }, async () => { let eggHeadOld = canvas.find("eggHead"); if (eggHeadOld) eggHeadOld.alpha = 0; showWithFadeTransition("eggHead", eggHeadImage, { duration: 0.5 }); } ]); var imagesRotateTest = newLabel("___pixi_vn_images_rotate_test___", [ () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Here's what's going to happen: - ${eggHeadName} will rotate with a anchor set to 0. - ${flowerTopName} will rotate with a anchor set to 0.5 and a exponential speed progression. - ${helmlokName} will rotate with a anchor set to 0.5, rotate clockwise for 2 seconds, rotate counterclockwise with a exponential (-0.05) speed progression, and when it reaches 0, it will repeat. - ${skullyName} will rotate with a anchor set to 1, rotate 3 seconds clockwise, wait for 0.5 seconds, and rotate 7 seconds counterclockwise.` }; let eggHead = canvas.find("eggHead"); if (eggHead) eggHead.anchor.set(0); let flowerTop = canvas.find("flowerTop"); if (flowerTop) flowerTop.anchor.set(0.5); let helmlok = canvas.find("helmlok"); if (helmlok) helmlok.anchor.set(0.5); let skully = canvas.find("skully"); if (skully) skully.anchor.set(1); canvas.addTicker("eggHead", new RotateTicker({ speed: 6, clockwise: true })); canvas.addTicker("flowerTop", new RotateTicker({ speed: 6, clockwise: false, speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.01, limit: 300 } })); canvas.addTickersSteps("helmlok", [ new RotateTicker({ speed: 6, clockwise: true }, 2), new RotateTicker({ speed: 100, clockwise: false, speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: -0.05 } }), Repeat ]); canvas.addTickersSteps("skully", [ new RotateTicker({ speed: 6, clockwise: true }, 3), Pause(0.5), new RotateTicker({ speed: 6, clockwise: false }, 7) ]); } ]); var imagesMoveTest = newLabel("___pixi_vn_images_move_test___", [ () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Here's what's going to happen: - ${eggHeadName} will move to { x: 500, y: 100 } with a speed of 24. - ${flowerTopName} will move to { x: 500, y: 300 } with a speed of 18. - ${helmlokName} will move to { x: 100, y: 500 } with a speed of 150 and a linear speed progression of -2 ( limit 10 ), and then move to { x: 1700, y: 500 } with a speed of 10 and a linear speed progression of 2 ( limit 150 ), and repeat. - ${skullyName} will move to { x: 500, y: 500 } with a speed of 40, wait for 0.5 seconds, and move to { x: 100, y: 100 } with a speed of 40.` }; canvas.addTicker("eggHead", new MoveTicker({ destination: { x: 500, y: 100 }, speed: 24 })); canvas.addTicker("flowerTop", new MoveTicker({ destination: { x: 500, y: 300 }, speed: 18 })); canvas.addTickersSteps("helmlok", [ new MoveTicker({ destination: { x: 100, y: 500 }, speed: 150, speedProgression: { type: "linear", amt: -2, limit: 10 } }), new MoveTicker({ destination: { x: 1700, y: 500 }, speed: 10, speedProgression: { type: "linear", amt: 2, limit: 150 } }), Repeat ]); canvas.addTickersSteps("skully", [ new MoveTicker({ destination: { x: 500, y: 500 }, speed: 40 }), Pause(0.5), new MoveTicker({ destination: { x: 100, y: 100 }, speed: 40 }) ]); } ]); var imagesZoomTest = newLabel("___pixi_vn_images_zoom_test___", [ () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Here's what's going to happen: - ${eggHeadName} will zoom out with a speed of 3 and a limit of -0.5. - ${flowerTopName} will zoom in with a speed of 3 and a limit of 2. - ${helmlokName} will unzoom with a speed of 3 and a limit of -1, and zoom in with a speed of 3 and a limit of 1, and repeat. - ${skullyName} will zoom in with a speed of 0.1 and a limit of 5, wait for 0.5 seconds, and zoom out with a speed of 3 and a limit of 1.` }; let eggHead = canvas.find("eggHead"); if (eggHead) eggHead.scale.set(2); let helmlok = canvas.find("helmlok"); if (helmlok) helmlok.anchor.set(0.5); canvas.addTicker("eggHead", new ZoomTicker({ speed: 3, limit: -0.5, type: "unzoom" })); canvas.addTicker("flowerTop", new ZoomTicker({ speed: 3, limit: 2 })); canvas.addTickersSteps("helmlok", [ new ZoomTicker({ speed: 3, limit: -1, type: "unzoom" }), new ZoomTicker({ speed: 3, limit: 1 }), Repeat ]); canvas.addTickersSteps("skully", [ new ZoomTicker({ speed: 0.1, limit: 5, speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }), Pause(0.5), new ZoomTicker({ "type": "unzoom", speed: 3, limit: 1 }) ]); } ]); var imagesMoveInOutTest = newLabel("___pixi_vn_images_move_in_out_test___", [ async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Here's what's going to happen: - ${eggHeadName} will move in from the top with a speed of 80. If you go next, ${eggHeadName} will move out from the bottom with a speed of 80. - ${flowerTopName} will move in from the right with a speed of 80 and a speed progression of 0.02. If you go next, ${flowerTopName} will move out from the left with a speed of 80 and a speed progression of 0.02. - ${helmlokName} will move in from the left with a speed of 80. If you go next, ${helmlokName} will move out from the right with a speed of 80. - ${skullyName} will move in from the bottom with a speed of 80 and a speed progression of 0.02. If you go next, ${skullyName} will move out from the top with a speed of 80 and a speed progression of 0.02.` }; let eggHead = new CanvasImage({ x: 100, y: 100 }, eggHeadImage); let flowerTop = new CanvasImage({ x: 300, y: 100 }, flowerTopImage); let helmlok = new CanvasImage({ x: 100, y: 300 }, helmlokImage); let skully = new CanvasImage({ x: 300, y: 300 }, skullyImage); moveIn("eggHead", eggHead, { speed: 80, direction: "down" }); moveIn("flowerTop", flowerTop, { speed: 80, direction: "left", speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }); moveIn("helmlok", helmlok, { speed: 80, direction: "right" }); moveIn("skully", skully, { speed: 80, direction: "up", speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }); }, () => { moveOut("eggHead", { speed: 80, direction: "down" }); moveOut("flowerTop", { speed: 80, direction: "left" }); moveOut("helmlok", { speed: 80, direction: "right" }); moveOut("skully", { speed: 80, direction: "up" }); } ]); var imagesZoomInOutTest = newLabel("___pixi_vn_images_zoom_in_out_test___", [ async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Here's what's going to happen: - ${eggHeadName} will zoom in with a speed of 3. If you go next, ${eggHeadName} will zoom out with a speed of 3. - ${flowerTopName} will zoom in with a speed of 3 and a speed progression of 0.02. If you go next, ${flowerTopName} will zoom out with a speed of 3. - ${helmlokName} will zoom in with a speed of 3. If you go next, ${helmlokName} will zoom out with a speed of 1. - ${skullyName} will zoom in with a speed of 3 and a speed progression of 0.02. If you go next, ${skullyName} will zoom out with a speed of 3 and a speed progression of 0.02.` }; canvas.removeAll(); let eggHead = new CanvasImage({ x: 100, y: 100 }, eggHeadImage); let flowerTop = new CanvasImage({ x: 300, y: 100 }, flowerTopImage); let helmlok = new CanvasImage({ x: 100, y: 300 }, helmlokImage); let skully = new CanvasImage({ x: 300, y: 300 }, skullyImage); zoomIn("eggHead", eggHead, { speed: 3, direction: "down" }); zoomIn("flowerTop", flowerTop, { speed: 3, direction: "left", speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }); zoomIn("helmlok", helmlok, { speed: 3, direction: "right" }); zoomIn("skully", skully, { speed: 3, direction: "up", speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }); }, async () => { zoomOut("eggHead", { speed: 3, direction: "down", speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }); zoomOut("flowerTop", { speed: 3, direction: "left" }); zoomOut("helmlok", { speed: 1, direction: "right" }); zoomOut("skully", { speed: 3, direction: "up", speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }); } ]); var imagesPushInOutTest = newLabel("___pixi_vn_images_push_in_out_test___", [ async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Here's what's going to happen:` }; let eggHead = new CanvasImage({ x: 100, y: 100 }, eggHeadImage); let flowerTop = new CanvasImage({ x: 300, y: 100 }, flowerTopImage); let helmlok = new CanvasImage({ x: 100, y: 300 }, helmlokImage); let skully = new CanvasImage({ x: 300, y: 300 }, skullyImage); pushIn("eggHead", eggHead, { speed: 20, direction: "down" }); pushIn("flowerTop", flowerTop, { speed: 3, direction: "left", speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }); pushIn("helmlok", helmlok, { speed: 30, direction: "right" }); pushIn("skully", skully, { speed: 3, direction: "up", speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }); }, async () => { pushOut("eggHead", { speed: 3, direction: "down", speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }); pushOut("flowerTop", { speed: 30, direction: "left" }); pushOut("helmlok", { speed: 10, direction: "right" }); pushOut("skully", { speed: 3, direction: "up", speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 0.02 } }); } ]); var imagesAddSameAliasTestLabel = newLabel("___pixi_vn_images_add_same_tag_test___", [ () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Now they will be added at each step with the same alias. Here's what's going to happen, All styles and tickers will be transferred to the new image.` }; canvas.remove("flowerTop"); canvas.remove("helmlok"); canvas.remove("skully"); let skully = canvas.find("eggHead"); if (skully) { skully.anchor.set(0.5); skully.alpha = 0.5; } canvas.addTicker("eggHead", new RotateTicker({ speed: 6 })); canvas.addTickersSteps("eggHead", [ new MoveTicker({ destination: { x: 100, y: 100 }, speed: 200 }), new MoveTicker({ destination: { x: 100, y: 500 }, speed: 200 }), new MoveTicker({ destination: { x: 1700, y: 500 }, speed: 200 }), new MoveTicker({ destination: { x: 1700, y: 100 }, speed: 200 }), Repeat ]); }, async () => await showImage("eggHead", flowerTopImage), async () => await showWithDissolveTransition("eggHead", helmlokImage), async () => await showWithFadeTransition("eggHead", skullyImage), async () => await moveIn("eggHead", eggHeadImage, { speed: 100 }), async () => await zoomIn("eggHead", eggHeadImage), async () => await pushIn("eggHead", eggHeadImage) ]); var shakeStageTest = newLabel("___pixi_vn_images_shake_stage_test___", [ () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Ok this is a test for the shake effect. The ${eggHeadName} will shake.` }; shakeEffect("eggHead"); }, () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Now the whole stage will shake.` }; shakeEffect(CANVAS_APP_STAGE_ALIAS); } ]); // src/labels/InputTestLabel.ts var INPUT_TEST_LABEL = "___pixi_vn_input_test___"; var inputTestLabel = newLabel( INPUT_TEST_LABEL, [ () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "What is your name?" }; narration.requestInput({ type: "string" }); }, () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Nice to meet you, ${narration.inputValue}!` }; } ] ); // src/labels/MarkdownTest.ts var MARKDOWN_TEST_LABEL = "___pixi_vn_markdown_test___"; var markdownTest = newLabel(MARKDOWN_TEST_LABEL, [ async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: ` # Markdown Test Hello, this is a test of the markdown parser. Pixi'VN does not manage markdown, but you can implement a markdown parser to display text with markdown syntax. For example in React, you can use the library [react-markdown](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-markdown). ## Colored Text some *blue* text. some *red* text. some *green* text. ## Bold Text **This is bold text.** ## Italic Text *This is italic text.* ## Delete Text ~~This is deleted text.~~ ## Link Test [Link to Google](https://www.google.com) ## H2 Test ### H3 Test #### H4 Test ## Code Test \`Hello World\` \`\`\`js console.log("Hello World") \`\`\` ## List Test - Item 1 * Item 2 - [x] Item 3 ## Table Test | Header 1 | Header 2 | | -------- | -------- | | Cell 1 | Cell 2 | ## Separator Test *** Footer ` }; } ]); // src/labels/SoundTestLabel.ts var SOUND_TEST_LABEL = "___pixi_vn_sound_test___"; var soundTestLabel = newLabel( SOUND_TEST_LABEL, [ () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "This is a sound test label. You should be hearing a loop1Audio sound." }; sound2.add("audio", musicalAudio); sound2.play("audio"); }, () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "Now the sound should be stopped." }; sound2.stop("audio"); }, () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "Now the sound should be playing again, with loop" }; let s2 = sound2.find("audio"); s2.loop = true; s2.play(); }, () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "Now the sound should be stopped." }; sound2.stop("audio"); }, () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "Now the sound should be playing again, with loop and ReverbFilter" }; let s2 = sound2.add("audio", { loop: true, url: musicalAudio }); s2.filters = [new filters.ReverbFilter()]; sound2.play("audio"); }, async (props) => { sound2.stop("audio"); await narration.goNext(props); } ] ); // src/labels/StepLabelTest.ts var STEP_LABEL_TEST_LABEL = "___pixi_vn_step_label_test___"; var stepLabelTestLAbel = newLabel(STEP_LABEL_TEST_LABEL, [ async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Pixi'VN manages the succession of "screens" with steps. Each step is a function that can be asynchronous.` }; }, async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "The labels are containers of steps, they are used to organize the steps in a more readable way. For start a steps sequence, you must call or jump to a label." }; }, async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "It is also possible to ask the player to make a choice." }; }, async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "Browsing through available tests is one way to test the steps/labels system." }; } ]); // src/labels/VideoTestLabel.ts var VIDEO_TEST_LABEL = "___pixi_vn_video_test___"; var videoTest = newLabel(VIDEO_TEST_LABEL, [ async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `This is the test of video elements in a canvas. I have added a video element to the canvas with dissolve transition.` }; showWithDissolveTransition("video", videoLink, { duration: 1 }); }, async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `The video is now paused.` }; let video = canvas.find("video"); if (video) { video.pause(); } }, async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `The video is now playing.` }; let video = canvas.find("video"); if (video) { video.play(); video.loop = true; } }, async () => { narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `The video is now restarted.` }; let video = canvas.find("video"); if (video) { video.restart(); } } ]); // src/labels/StartLabel.ts var pixivnTestStartLabel = newLabel( "___pixi_vn_example_start_label___", [ () => { let currentTimeName = ""; const hour = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getHours(); if (hour >= 5 && hour < 12) { currentTimeName = "morning\u{1F505}"; } else if (hour >= 12 && hour < 18) { currentTimeName = "afternoon\u{1F506}"; } else if (hour >= 18 && hour < 22) { currentTimeName = "evening\u26C5"; } else { currentTimeName = "night\u{1F319}"; } narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `Good ${currentTimeName}! I'm ${juliette.name}, your virtual assistant. I'm here to help you with your tests.` }; }, () => narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: `You are running the Pixi\u2019VN v${version} test. This test will guide you through the different features of the library.` }, (props) => narration.jumpLabel(pixivnTestStartLabel2, props) ] ); var openLink = newLabel( "___pixi_vn_open_link___", [ async (props) => { window.open(props.link); await narration.goNext(props); } ] ); var RESTART_TEST_LABEL = "___pixi_vn_restart_test_label___"; var pixivnTestStartLabel2 = newLabel( RESTART_TEST_LABEL, [ () => { canvas.clear(); narration.dialogue = { character: juliette, text: "Which test would you like to start with?" }; narration.choiceMenuOptions = [ new ChoiceMenuOption("Open Pixi\u2019VN Wiki", openLink, { link: "https://pixi-vn.web.app/" }), new ChoiceMenuOption("Open Pixi\u2019VN Discord", openLink, { link: "https://discord.gg/E95FZWakzp" }), new ChoiceMenuOption("Open Pixi\u2019VN Github Issues", openLink, { link: "https://github.com/DRincs-Productions/pixi-vn/issues" }), new ChoiceMenuOption("Images, Transitions and Animations Test", imagesAnimationsTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Video Test", videoTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Canvas Events Test", canvasEventsTestLabel, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Sound Test", soundTestLabel, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Base Canvas Element Test", baseCanvasElementTestLabel, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Custom Ticker Canvas Element Test", customTickerCanvasElementTestLabel, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Steps and Labels Test", stepLabelTestLAbel, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Markdown Test", markdownTest, {}), new ChoiceMenuOption("Input Test", inputTestLabel, {}) ]; }, (props) => narration.jumpLabel(RESTART_TEST_LABEL, props) ] ); // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { Assets, CANVAS_APP_STAGE_ALIAS, CanvasBase, CanvasContainer, CanvasEvent, CanvasImage, CanvasManagerStatic, CanvasSprite, CanvasText, CanvasVideo, CharacterBaseModel, CharacterStoredClass, ChoiceMenuOption, ChoiceMenuOptionClose, Close, Dialogue, DialogueBaseModel, FadeAlphaTicker, GameStepManager, GameStorageManager, GameWindowManager, Label, LabelAbstract, MoveTicker, NarrationManagerStatic, Pause, Repeat, RotateTicker, Sound, SoundManagerStatic, StorageManagerStatic, StoredClassModel, TickerBase, ZoomTicker, addImage, addVideo, canvas, canvasElementDecorator, clearAllGameDatas, clearChoiceMenuOptions, clearDialogue, createExportableElement, eventDecorator, filters, getAllCharacters, getCharacterById, getChoiceMenuOptions, getDialogue, getFlag, getLabelById, getSaveData, getSaveJson, getTexture, juliette, loadImage, loadSaveData, loadSaveJson, loadVideo, moveIn, moveOut, narration, newLabel, pixivnTestStartLabel, pushIn, pushOut, removeCanvasElement, removeWithDissolveTransition, removeWithFadeTransition, saveCharacter, saveLabel, setChoiceMenuOptions, setDialogue, setFlag, shakeEffect, showImage, showVideo, showWithDissolveTransition, showWithFadeTransition, sound, storage, tickerDecorator, zoomIn, zoomOut });