var propertyGraph = require('property-graph');
function _interopNamespace(e) {
if (e && e.__esModule) return e;
var n = Object.create(null);
if (e) {
Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) {
if (k !== 'default') {
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k);
Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : {
enumerable: true,
get: function () { return e[k]; }
n["default"] = e;
return n;
* Current version of the package.
* @hidden
const VERSION = `v${"4.1.1"}`;
/** @hidden */
const GLB_BUFFER = '@glb.bin';
/** String IDs for core {@link Property} types. */
exports.PropertyType = void 0;
(function (PropertyType) {
PropertyType["ACCESSOR"] = "Accessor";
PropertyType["ANIMATION"] = "Animation";
PropertyType["ANIMATION_CHANNEL"] = "AnimationChannel";
PropertyType["ANIMATION_SAMPLER"] = "AnimationSampler";
PropertyType["BUFFER"] = "Buffer";
PropertyType["CAMERA"] = "Camera";
PropertyType["MATERIAL"] = "Material";
PropertyType["MESH"] = "Mesh";
PropertyType["PRIMITIVE"] = "Primitive";
PropertyType["PRIMITIVE_TARGET"] = "PrimitiveTarget";
PropertyType["NODE"] = "Node";
PropertyType["ROOT"] = "Root";
PropertyType["SCENE"] = "Scene";
PropertyType["SKIN"] = "Skin";
PropertyType["TEXTURE"] = "Texture";
PropertyType["TEXTURE_INFO"] = "TextureInfo";
})(exports.PropertyType || (exports.PropertyType = {}));
/** Vertex layout method. */
exports.VertexLayout = void 0;
(function (VertexLayout) {
* Stores vertex attributes in a single buffer view per mesh primitive. Interleaving vertex
* data may improve performance by reducing page-thrashing in GPU memory.
VertexLayout["INTERLEAVED"] = "interleaved";
* Stores each vertex attribute in a separate buffer view. May decrease performance by causing
* page-thrashing in GPU memory. Some 3D engines may prefer this layout, e.g. for simplicity.
VertexLayout["SEPARATE"] = "separate";
})(exports.VertexLayout || (exports.VertexLayout = {}));
/** Accessor usage. */
var BufferViewUsage$1;
(function (BufferViewUsage) {
BufferViewUsage["OTHER"] = "OTHER";
BufferViewUsage["SPARSE"] = "SPARSE";
})(BufferViewUsage$1 || (BufferViewUsage$1 = {}));
/** Texture channels. */
exports.TextureChannel = void 0;
(function (TextureChannel) {
TextureChannel[TextureChannel["R"] = 4096] = "R";
TextureChannel[TextureChannel["G"] = 256] = "G";
TextureChannel[TextureChannel["B"] = 16] = "B";
TextureChannel[TextureChannel["A"] = 1] = "A";
})(exports.TextureChannel || (exports.TextureChannel = {}));
exports.Format = void 0;
(function (Format) {
Format["GLTF"] = "GLTF";
Format["GLB"] = "GLB";
})(exports.Format || (exports.Format = {}));
const ComponentTypeToTypedArray = {
'5120': Int8Array,
'5121': Uint8Array,
'5122': Int16Array,
'5123': Uint16Array,
'5125': Uint32Array,
'5126': Float32Array
* Common utilities
* @module glMatrix
var ARRAY_TYPE = typeof Float32Array !== 'undefined' ? Float32Array : Array;
if (!Math.hypot) Math.hypot = function () {
var y = 0,
i = arguments.length;
while (i--) {
y += arguments[i] * arguments[i];
return Math.sqrt(y);
* 3 Dimensional Vector
* @module vec3
* Creates a new, empty vec3
* @returns {vec3} a new 3D vector
function create() {
var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(3);
if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) {
out[0] = 0;
out[1] = 0;
out[2] = 0;
return out;
* Calculates the length of a vec3
* @param {ReadonlyVec3} a vector to calculate length of
* @returns {Number} length of a
function length(a) {
var x = a[0];
var y = a[1];
var z = a[2];
return Math.hypot(x, y, z);
* Transforms the vec3 with a mat4.
* 4th vector component is implicitly '1'
* @param {vec3} out the receiving vector
* @param {ReadonlyVec3} a the vector to transform
* @param {ReadonlyMat4} m matrix to transform with
* @returns {vec3} out
function transformMat4(out, a, m) {
var x = a[0],
y = a[1],
z = a[2];
var w = m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[11] * z + m[15];
w = w || 1.0;
out[0] = (m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[8] * z + m[12]) / w;
out[1] = (m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[9] * z + m[13]) / w;
out[2] = (m[2] * x + m[6] * y + m[10] * z + m[14]) / w;
return out;
* Perform some operation over an array of vec3s.
* @param {Array} a the array of vectors to iterate over
* @param {Number} stride Number of elements between the start of each vec3. If 0 assumes tightly packed
* @param {Number} offset Number of elements to skip at the beginning of the array
* @param {Number} count Number of vec3s to iterate over. If 0 iterates over entire array
* @param {Function} fn Function to call for each vector in the array
* @param {Object} [arg] additional argument to pass to fn
* @returns {Array} a
* @function
(function () {
var vec = create();
return function (a, stride, offset, count, fn, arg) {
var i, l;
if (!stride) {
stride = 3;
if (!offset) {
offset = 0;
if (count) {
l = Math.min(count * stride + offset, a.length);
} else {
l = a.length;
for (i = offset; i < l; i += stride) {
vec[0] = a[i];
vec[1] = a[i + 1];
vec[2] = a[i + 2];
fn(vec, vec, arg);
a[i] = vec[0];
a[i + 1] = vec[1];
a[i + 2] = vec[2];
return a;
/** @hidden Implemented in /core for use by /extensions, publicly exported from /functions. */
function getBounds(node) {
const resultBounds = createBounds();
const parents = node.propertyType === exports.PropertyType.NODE ? [node] : node.listChildren();
for (const parent of parents) {
parent.traverse(node => {
const mesh = node.getMesh();
if (!mesh) return;
// Compute mesh bounds and update result.
const meshBounds = getMeshBounds(mesh, node.getWorldMatrix());
if (meshBounds.min.every(isFinite) && meshBounds.max.every(isFinite)) {
expandBounds(meshBounds.min, resultBounds);
expandBounds(meshBounds.max, resultBounds);
return resultBounds;
/** Computes mesh bounds in world space. */
function getMeshBounds(mesh, worldMatrix) {
const meshBounds = createBounds();
// We can't transform a local AABB into world space and still have a tight AABB in world space,
// so we need to compute the world AABB vertex by vertex here.
for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) {
const position = prim.getAttribute('POSITION');
const indices = prim.getIndices();
if (!position) continue;
let localPos = [0, 0, 0];
let worldPos = [0, 0, 0];
for (let i = 0, il = indices ? indices.getCount() : position.getCount(); i < il; i++) {
const index = indices ? indices.getScalar(i) : i;
localPos = position.getElement(index, localPos);
worldPos = transformMat4(worldPos, localPos, worldMatrix);
expandBounds(worldPos, meshBounds);
return meshBounds;
/** Expands bounds of target by given source. */
function expandBounds(point, target) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
target.min[i] = Math.min(point[i], target.min[i]);
target.max[i] = Math.max(point[i], target.max[i]);
/** Creates new bounds with min=Infinity, max=-Infinity. */
function createBounds() {
return {
min: [Infinity, Infinity, Infinity],
max: [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]
* *Common utilities for working with Uint8Array and Buffer objects.*
* @category Utilities
class BufferUtils {
/** Creates a byte array from a Data URI. */
static createBufferFromDataURI(dataURI) {
if (typeof Buffer === 'undefined') {
// Browser.
const byteString = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]);
const ia = new Uint8Array(byteString.length);
for (let i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) {
ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
return ia;
} else {
// Node.js.
const data = dataURI.split(',')[1];
const isBase64 = dataURI.indexOf('base64') >= 0;
return Buffer.from(data, isBase64 ? 'base64' : 'utf8');
/** Encodes text to a byte array. */
static encodeText(text) {
return new TextEncoder().encode(text);
/** Decodes a byte array to text. */
static decodeText(array) {
return new TextDecoder().decode(array);
* Concatenates N byte arrays.
static concat(arrays) {
let totalByteLength = 0;
for (const array of arrays) {
totalByteLength += array.byteLength;
const result = new Uint8Array(totalByteLength);
let byteOffset = 0;
for (const array of arrays) {
result.set(array, byteOffset);
byteOffset += array.byteLength;
return result;
* Pads a Uint8Array to the next 4-byte boundary.
* Reference: [glTF → Data Alignment](
static pad(srcArray, paddingByte) {
if (paddingByte === void 0) {
paddingByte = 0;
const paddedLength = this.padNumber(srcArray.byteLength);
if (paddedLength === srcArray.byteLength) return srcArray;
const dstArray = new Uint8Array(paddedLength);
if (paddingByte !== 0) {
for (let i = srcArray.byteLength; i < paddedLength; i++) {
dstArray[i] = paddingByte;
return dstArray;
/** Pads a number to 4-byte boundaries. */
static padNumber(v) {
return Math.ceil(v / 4) * 4;
/** Returns true if given byte array instances are equal. */
static equals(a, b) {
if (a === b) return true;
if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) return false;
let i = a.byteLength;
while (i--) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
return true;
* Returns a Uint8Array view of a typed array, with the same underlying ArrayBuffer.
* A shorthand for:
* ```js
* const buffer = new Uint8Array(
* array.buffer,
* array.byteOffset + byteOffset,
* Math.min(array.byteLength, byteLength)
* );
* ```
static toView(a, byteOffset, byteLength) {
if (byteOffset === void 0) {
byteOffset = 0;
if (byteLength === void 0) {
byteLength = Infinity;
return new Uint8Array(a.buffer, a.byteOffset + byteOffset, Math.min(a.byteLength, byteLength));
static assertView(view) {
if (view && !ArrayBuffer.isView(view)) {
throw new Error(`Method requires Uint8Array parameter; received "${typeof view}".`);
return view;
* *Common utilities for working with colors in vec3, vec4, or hexadecimal form.*
* Provides methods to convert linear components (vec3, vec4) to sRGB hex values. All colors in
* the glTF specification, excluding color textures, are linear. Hexadecimal values, in sRGB
* colorspace, are accessible through helper functions in the API as a convenience.
* ```typescript
* // Hex (sRGB) to factor (linear).
* const factor = ColorUtils.hexToFactor(0xFFCCCC, []);
* // Factor (linear) to hex (sRGB).
* const hex = ColorUtils.factorToHex([1, .25, .25])
* ```
* @category Utilities
class ColorUtils {
* Converts sRGB hexadecimal to linear components.
* @typeParam T vec3 or vec4 linear components.
static hexToFactor(hex, target) {
hex = Math.floor(hex);
const _target = target;
_target[0] = (hex >> 16 & 255) / 255;
_target[1] = (hex >> 8 & 255) / 255;
_target[2] = (hex & 255) / 255;
return this.convertSRGBToLinear(target, target);
* Converts linear components to sRGB hexadecimal.
* @typeParam T vec3 or vec4 linear components.
static factorToHex(factor) {
const target = [...factor];
const [r, g, b] = this.convertLinearToSRGB(factor, target);
return r * 255 << 16 ^ g * 255 << 8 ^ b * 255 << 0;
* Converts sRGB components to linear components.
* @typeParam T vec3 or vec4 linear components.
static convertSRGBToLinear(source, target) {
const _source = source;
const _target = target;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
_target[i] = _source[i] < 0.04045 ? _source[i] * 0.0773993808 : Math.pow(_source[i] * 0.9478672986 + 0.0521327014, 2.4);
return target;
* Converts linear components to sRGB components.
* @typeParam T vec3 or vec4 linear components.
static convertLinearToSRGB(source, target) {
const _source = source;
const _target = target;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
_target[i] = _source[i] < 0.0031308 ? _source[i] * 12.92 : 1.055 * Math.pow(_source[i], 0.41666) - 0.055;
return target;
/** JPEG image support. */
class JPEGImageUtils {
match(array) {
return array.length >= 3 && array[0] === 255 && array[1] === 216 && array[2] === 255;
getSize(array) {
// Skip 4 chars, they are for signature
let view = new DataView(array.buffer, array.byteOffset + 4);
let i, next;
while (view.byteLength) {
// read length of the next block
i = view.getUint16(0, false);
// i = buffer.readUInt16BE(0);
// ensure correct format
validateJPEGBuffer(view, i);
// 0xFFC0 is baseline standard(SOF)
// 0xFFC1 is baseline optimized(SOF)
// 0xFFC2 is progressive(SOF2)
next = view.getUint8(i + 1);
if (next === 0xc0 || next === 0xc1 || next === 0xc2) {
return [view.getUint16(i + 7, false), view.getUint16(i + 5, false)];
// move to the next block
view = new DataView(array.buffer, view.byteOffset + i + 2);
throw new TypeError('Invalid JPG, no size found');
getChannels(_buffer) {
return 3;
* PNG image support.
* PNG signature: 'PNG\r\n\x1a\n'
* PNG image header chunk name: 'IHDR'
class PNGImageUtils {
match(array) {
return array.length >= 8 && array[0] === 0x89 && array[1] === 0x50 && array[2] === 0x4e && array[3] === 0x47 && array[4] === 0x0d && array[5] === 0x0a && array[6] === 0x1a && array[7] === 0x0a;
getSize(array) {
const view = new DataView(array.buffer, array.byteOffset);
const magic = BufferUtils.decodeText(array.slice(12, 16));
if (magic === PNGImageUtils.PNG_FRIED_CHUNK_NAME) {
return [view.getUint32(32, false), view.getUint32(36, false)];
return [view.getUint32(16, false), view.getUint32(20, false)];
getChannels(_buffer) {
return 4;
* *Common utilities for working with image data.*
* @category Utilities
// Used to detect "fried" png's:
class ImageUtils {
/** Registers support for a new image format; useful for certain extensions. */
static registerFormat(mimeType, impl) {
this.impls[mimeType] = impl;
* Returns detected MIME type of the given image buffer. Note that for image
* formats with support provided by extensions, the extension must be
* registered with an I/O class before it can be detected by ImageUtils.
static getMimeType(buffer) {
for (const mimeType in this.impls) {
if (this.impls[mimeType].match(buffer)) {
return mimeType;
return null;
/** Returns the dimensions of the image. */
static getSize(buffer, mimeType) {
if (!this.impls[mimeType]) return null;
return this.impls[mimeType].getSize(buffer);
* Returns a conservative estimate of the number of channels in the image. For some image
* formats, the method may return 4 indicating the possibility of an alpha channel, without
* the ability to guarantee that an alpha channel is present.
static getChannels(buffer, mimeType) {
if (!this.impls[mimeType]) return null;
return this.impls[mimeType].getChannels(buffer);
/** Returns a conservative estimate of the GPU memory required by this image. */
static getVRAMByteLength(buffer, mimeType) {
if (!this.impls[mimeType]) return null;
if (this.impls[mimeType].getVRAMByteLength) {
return this.impls[mimeType].getVRAMByteLength(buffer);
let uncompressedBytes = 0;
const channels = 4; // See
const resolution = this.getSize(buffer, mimeType);
if (!resolution) return null;
while (resolution[0] > 1 || resolution[1] > 1) {
uncompressedBytes += resolution[0] * resolution[1] * channels;
resolution[0] = Math.max(Math.floor(resolution[0] / 2), 1);
resolution[1] = Math.max(Math.floor(resolution[1] / 2), 1);
uncompressedBytes += 1 * 1 * channels;
return uncompressedBytes;
/** Returns the preferred file extension for the given MIME type. */
static mimeTypeToExtension(mimeType) {
if (mimeType === 'image/jpeg') return 'jpg';
return mimeType.split('/').pop();
/** Returns the MIME type for the given file extension. */
static extensionToMimeType(extension) {
if (extension === 'jpg') return 'image/jpeg';
if (!extension) return '';
return `image/${extension}`;
ImageUtils.impls = {
'image/jpeg': new JPEGImageUtils(),
'image/png': new PNGImageUtils()
function validateJPEGBuffer(view, i) {
// index should be within buffer limits
if (i > view.byteLength) {
throw new TypeError('Corrupt JPG, exceeded buffer limits');
// Every JPEG block must begin with a 0xFF
if (view.getUint8(i) !== 0xff) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid JPG, marker table corrupted');
return view;
* *Utility class for working with file systems and URI paths.*
* @category Utilities
class FileUtils {
* Extracts the basename from a file path, e.g. "folder/model.glb" -> "model".
* See: {@link HTTPUtils.basename}
static basename(uri) {
const fileName = uri.split(/[\\/]/).pop();
return fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.'));
* Extracts the extension from a file path, e.g. "folder/model.glb" -> "glb".
* See: {@link HTTPUtils.extension}
static extension(uri) {
if (uri.startsWith('data:image/')) {
const mimeType = uri.match(/data:(image\/\w+)/)[1];
return ImageUtils.mimeTypeToExtension(mimeType);
} else if (uri.startsWith('data:model/gltf+json')) {
return 'gltf';
} else if (uri.startsWith('data:model/gltf-binary')) {
return 'glb';
} else if (uri.startsWith('data:application/')) {
return 'bin';
return uri.split(/[\\/]/).pop().split(/[.]/).pop();
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
// Reference:
function isObject(o) {
return === '[object Object]';
function isPlainObject(o) {
if (isObject(o) === false) return false;
// If has modified constructor
const ctor = o.constructor;
if (ctor === undefined) return true;
// If has modified prototype
const prot = ctor.prototype;
if (isObject(prot) === false) return false;
// If constructor does not have an Object-specific method
if (, 'isPrototypeOf') === false) {
return false;
// Most likely a plain Object
return true;
var _Logger;
/** Logger verbosity thresholds. */
exports.Verbosity = void 0;
(function (Verbosity) {
/** No events are logged. */
Verbosity[Verbosity["SILENT"] = 4] = "SILENT";
/** Only error events are logged. */
Verbosity[Verbosity["ERROR"] = 3] = "ERROR";
/** Only error and warn events are logged. */
Verbosity[Verbosity["WARN"] = 2] = "WARN";
/** Only error, warn, and info events are logged. (DEFAULT) */
Verbosity[Verbosity["INFO"] = 1] = "INFO";
/** All events are logged. */
Verbosity[Verbosity["DEBUG"] = 0] = "DEBUG";
})(exports.Verbosity || (exports.Verbosity = {}));
* *Logger utility class.*
* @category Utilities
class Logger {
/** Constructs a new Logger instance. */
constructor(verbosity) {
this.verbosity = void 0;
this.verbosity = verbosity;
/** Logs an event at level {@link Logger.Verbosity.DEBUG}. */
debug(text) {
if (this.verbosity <= Logger.Verbosity.DEBUG) {
/** Logs an event at level {@link Logger.Verbosity.INFO}. */
info(text) {
if (this.verbosity <= Logger.Verbosity.INFO) {;
/** Logs an event at level {@link Logger.Verbosity.WARN}. */
warn(text) {
if (this.verbosity <= Logger.Verbosity.WARN) {
/** Logs an event at level {@link Logger.Verbosity.ERROR}. */
error(text) {
if (this.verbosity <= Logger.Verbosity.ERROR) {
_Logger = Logger;
/** Logger verbosity thresholds. */
Logger.Verbosity = exports.Verbosity;
/** Default logger instance. */
Logger.DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new _Logger(_Logger.Verbosity.INFO);
* Calculates the determinant of a mat4
* @param {ReadonlyMat4} a the source matrix
* @returns {Number} determinant of a
function determinant(a) {
var a00 = a[0],
a01 = a[1],
a02 = a[2],
a03 = a[3];
var a10 = a[4],
a11 = a[5],
a12 = a[6],
a13 = a[7];
var a20 = a[8],
a21 = a[9],
a22 = a[10],
a23 = a[11];
var a30 = a[12],
a31 = a[13],
a32 = a[14],
a33 = a[15];
var b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10;
var b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10;
var b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10;
var b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11;
var b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11;
var b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12;
var b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30;
var b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30;
var b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30;
var b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31;
var b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31;
var b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32; // Calculate the determinant
return b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06;
* Multiplies two mat4s
* @param {mat4} out the receiving matrix
* @param {ReadonlyMat4} a the first operand
* @param {ReadonlyMat4} b the second operand
* @returns {mat4} out
function multiply(out, a, b) {
var a00 = a[0],
a01 = a[1],
a02 = a[2],
a03 = a[3];
var a10 = a[4],
a11 = a[5],
a12 = a[6],
a13 = a[7];
var a20 = a[8],
a21 = a[9],
a22 = a[10],
a23 = a[11];
var a30 = a[12],
a31 = a[13],
a32 = a[14],
a33 = a[15]; // Cache only the current line of the second matrix
var b0 = b[0],
b1 = b[1],
b2 = b[2],
b3 = b[3];
out[0] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;
out[1] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;
out[2] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;
out[3] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;
b0 = b[4];
b1 = b[5];
b2 = b[6];
b3 = b[7];
out[4] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;
out[5] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;
out[6] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;
out[7] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;
b0 = b[8];
b1 = b[9];
b2 = b[10];
b3 = b[11];
out[8] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;
out[9] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;
out[10] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;
out[11] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;
b0 = b[12];
b1 = b[13];
b2 = b[14];
b3 = b[15];
out[12] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30;
out[13] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31;
out[14] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32;
out[15] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33;
return out;
* Returns the scaling factor component of a transformation
* matrix. If a matrix is built with fromRotationTranslationScale
* with a normalized Quaternion paramter, the returned vector will be
* the same as the scaling vector
* originally supplied.
* @param {vec3} out Vector to receive scaling factor component
* @param {ReadonlyMat4} mat Matrix to be decomposed (input)
* @return {vec3} out
function getScaling(out, mat) {
var m11 = mat[0];
var m12 = mat[1];
var m13 = mat[2];
var m21 = mat[4];
var m22 = mat[5];
var m23 = mat[6];
var m31 = mat[8];
var m32 = mat[9];
var m33 = mat[10];
out[0] = Math.hypot(m11, m12, m13);
out[1] = Math.hypot(m21, m22, m23);
out[2] = Math.hypot(m31, m32, m33);
return out;
* Returns a quaternion representing the rotational component
* of a transformation matrix. If a matrix is built with
* fromRotationTranslation, the returned quaternion will be the
* same as the quaternion originally supplied.
* @param {quat} out Quaternion to receive the rotation component
* @param {ReadonlyMat4} mat Matrix to be decomposed (input)
* @return {quat} out
function getRotation(out, mat) {
var scaling = new ARRAY_TYPE(3);
getScaling(scaling, mat);
var is1 = 1 / scaling[0];
var is2 = 1 / scaling[1];
var is3 = 1 / scaling[2];
var sm11 = mat[0] * is1;
var sm12 = mat[1] * is2;
var sm13 = mat[2] * is3;
var sm21 = mat[4] * is1;
var sm22 = mat[5] * is2;
var sm23 = mat[6] * is3;
var sm31 = mat[8] * is1;
var sm32 = mat[9] * is2;
var sm33 = mat[10] * is3;
var trace = sm11 + sm22 + sm33;
var S = 0;
if (trace > 0) {
S = Math.sqrt(trace + 1.0) * 2;
out[3] = 0.25 * S;
out[0] = (sm23 - sm32) / S;
out[1] = (sm31 - sm13) / S;
out[2] = (sm12 - sm21) / S;
} else if (sm11 > sm22 && sm11 > sm33) {
S = Math.sqrt(1.0 + sm11 - sm22 - sm33) * 2;
out[3] = (sm23 - sm32) / S;
out[0] = 0.25 * S;
out[1] = (sm12 + sm21) / S;
out[2] = (sm31 + sm13) / S;
} else if (sm22 > sm33) {
S = Math.sqrt(1.0 + sm22 - sm11 - sm33) * 2;
out[3] = (sm31 - sm13) / S;
out[0] = (sm12 + sm21) / S;
out[1] = 0.25 * S;
out[2] = (sm23 + sm32) / S;
} else {
S = Math.sqrt(1.0 + sm33 - sm11 - sm22) * 2;
out[3] = (sm12 - sm21) / S;
out[0] = (sm31 + sm13) / S;
out[1] = (sm23 + sm32) / S;
out[2] = 0.25 * S;
return out;
/** @hidden */
class MathUtils {
static identity(v) {
return v;
static eq(a, b, tolerance) {
if (tolerance === void 0) {
tolerance = 10e-6;
if (a.length !== b.length) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs(a[i] - b[i]) > tolerance) return false;
return true;
static clamp(value, min, max) {
if (value < min) return min;
if (value > max) return max;
return value;
// TODO(perf): Compare performance if we replace the switch with individual functions.
static decodeNormalizedInt(i, componentType) {
// Hardcode enums from accessor.ts to avoid a circular dependency.
switch (componentType) {
case 5126:
return i;
case 5123:
return i / 65535.0;
case 5121:
return i / 255.0;
case 5122:
return Math.max(i / 32767.0, -1.0);
case 5120:
return Math.max(i / 127.0, -1.0);
throw new Error('Invalid component type.');
// TODO(perf): Compare performance if we replace the switch with individual functions.
static encodeNormalizedInt(f, componentType) {
// Hardcode enums from accessor.ts to avoid a circular dependency.
switch (componentType) {
case 5126:
return f;
case 5123:
return Math.round(MathUtils.clamp(f, 0, 1) * 65535.0);
case 5121:
return Math.round(MathUtils.clamp(f, 0, 1) * 255.0);
case 5122:
return Math.round(MathUtils.clamp(f, -1, 1) * 32767.0);
case 5120:
return Math.round(MathUtils.clamp(f, -1, 1) * 127.0);
throw new Error('Invalid component type.');
* Decompose a mat4 to TRS properties.
* Equivalent to the Matrix4 decompose() method in three.js, and intentionally not using the
* gl-matrix version. See:
* @param srcMat Matrix element, to be decomposed to TRS properties.
* @param dstTranslation Translation element, to be overwritten.
* @param dstRotation Rotation element, to be overwritten.
* @param dstScale Scale element, to be overwritten.
static decompose(srcMat, dstTranslation, dstRotation, dstScale) {
let sx = length([srcMat[0], srcMat[1], srcMat[2]]);
const sy = length([srcMat[4], srcMat[5], srcMat[6]]);
const sz = length([srcMat[8], srcMat[9], srcMat[10]]);
// if determine is negative, we need to invert one scale
const det = determinant(srcMat);
if (det < 0) sx = -sx;
dstTranslation[0] = srcMat[12];
dstTranslation[1] = srcMat[13];
dstTranslation[2] = srcMat[14];
// scale the rotation part
const _m1 = srcMat.slice();
const invSX = 1 / sx;
const invSY = 1 / sy;
const invSZ = 1 / sz;
_m1[0] *= invSX;
_m1[1] *= invSX;
_m1[2] *= invSX;
_m1[4] *= invSY;
_m1[5] *= invSY;
_m1[6] *= invSY;
_m1[8] *= invSZ;
_m1[9] *= invSZ;
_m1[10] *= invSZ;
getRotation(dstRotation, _m1);
dstScale[0] = sx;
dstScale[1] = sy;
dstScale[2] = sz;
* Compose TRS properties to a mat4.
* Equivalent to the Matrix4 compose() method in three.js, and intentionally not using the
* gl-matrix version. See:
* @param srcTranslation Translation element of matrix.
* @param srcRotation Rotation element of matrix.
* @param srcScale Scale element of matrix.
* @param dstMat Matrix element, to be modified and returned.
* @returns dstMat, overwritten to mat4 equivalent of given TRS properties.
static compose(srcTranslation, srcRotation, srcScale, dstMat) {
const te = dstMat;
const x = srcRotation[0],
y = srcRotation[1],
z = srcRotation[2],
w = srcRotation[3];
const x2 = x + x,
y2 = y + y,
z2 = z + z;
const xx = x * x2,
xy = x * y2,
xz = x * z2;
const yy = y * y2,
yz = y * z2,
zz = z * z2;
const wx = w * x2,
wy = w * y2,
wz = w * z2;
const sx = srcScale[0],
sy = srcScale[1],
sz = srcScale[2];
te[0] = (1 - (yy + zz)) * sx;
te[1] = (xy + wz) * sx;
te[2] = (xz - wy) * sx;
te[3] = 0;
te[4] = (xy - wz) * sy;
te[5] = (1 - (xx + zz)) * sy;
te[6] = (yz + wx) * sy;
te[7] = 0;
te[8] = (xz + wy) * sz;
te[9] = (yz - wx) * sz;
te[10] = (1 - (xx + yy)) * sz;
te[11] = 0;
te[12] = srcTranslation[0];
te[13] = srcTranslation[1];
te[14] = srcTranslation[2];
te[15] = 1;
return te;
function equalsRef(refA, refB) {
if (!!refA !== !!refB) return false;
const a = refA.getChild();
const b = refB.getChild();
return a === b || a.equals(b);
function equalsRefSet(refSetA, refSetB) {
if (!!refSetA !== !!refSetB) return false;
const refValuesA = refSetA.values();
const refValuesB = refSetB.values();
if (refValuesA.length !== refValuesB.length) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < refValuesA.length; i++) {
const a = refValuesA[i];
const b = refValuesB[i];
if (a.getChild() === b.getChild()) continue;
if (!a.getChild().equals(b.getChild())) return false;
return true;
function equalsRefMap(refMapA, refMapB) {
if (!!refMapA !== !!refMapB) return false;
const keysA = refMapA.keys();
const keysB = refMapB.keys();
if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) return false;
for (const key of keysA) {
const refA = refMapA.get(key);
const refB = refMapB.get(key);
if (!!refA !== !!refB) return false;
const a = refA.getChild();
const b = refB.getChild();
if (a === b) continue;
if (!a.equals(b)) return false;
return true;
function equalsArray(a, b) {
if (a === b) return true;
if (!!a !== !!b || !a || !b) return false;
if (a.length !== b.length) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
return true;
function equalsObject(_a, _b) {
if (_a === _b) return true;
if (!!_a !== !!_b) return false;
if (!isPlainObject(_a) || !isPlainObject(_b)) {
return _a === _b;
const a = _a;
const b = _b;
let numKeysA = 0;
let numKeysB = 0;
let key;
for (key in a) numKeysA++;
for (key in b) numKeysB++;
if (numKeysA !== numKeysB) return false;
for (key in a) {
const valueA = a[key];
const valueB = b[key];
if (isArray(valueA) && isArray(valueB)) {
if (!equalsArray(valueA, valueB)) return false;
} else if (isPlainObject(valueA) && isPlainObject(valueB)) {
if (!equalsObject(valueA, valueB)) return false;
} else {
if (valueA !== valueB) return false;
return true;
function isArray(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) || ArrayBuffer.isView(value);
const ALPHABET = '23456789abdegjkmnpqrvwxyzABDEGJKMNPQRVWXYZ';
const UNIQUE_RETRIES = 999;
const ID_LENGTH = 6;
const previousIDs = new Set();
const generateOne = function () {
let rtn = '';
for (let i = 0; i < ID_LENGTH; i++) {
rtn += ALPHABET.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * ALPHABET.length));
return rtn;
* Short ID generator.
* Generated IDs are short, easy to type, and unique for the duration of the program's execution.
* Uniqueness across multiple program executions, or on other devices, is not guaranteed. Based on
* [Short ID Generation in JavaScript](,
* with alterations.
* @category Utilities
* @hidden
const uuid = function () {
for (let retries = 0; retries < UNIQUE_RETRIES; retries++) {
const id = generateOne();
if (!previousIDs.has(id)) {
return id;
return '';
// Need a placeholder domain to construct a URL from a relative path. We only
// access `url.pathname`, so the domain doesn't matter.
const NULL_DOMAIN = 'https://null.example';
* *Utility class for working with URLs.*
* @category Utilities
class HTTPUtils {
static dirname(path) {
const index = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (index === -1) return './';
return path.substring(0, index + 1);
* Extracts the basename from a URL, e.g. "folder/model.glb" -> "model".
* See: {@link FileUtils.basename}
static basename(uri) {
return FileUtils.basename(new URL(uri, NULL_DOMAIN).pathname);
* Extracts the extension from a URL, e.g. "folder/model.glb" -> "glb".
* See: {@link FileUtils.extension}
static extension(uri) {
return FileUtils.extension(new URL(uri, NULL_DOMAIN).pathname);
static resolve(base, path) {
if (!this.isRelativePath(path)) return path;
const stack = base.split('/');
const parts = path.split('/');
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i] === '.') continue;
if (parts[i] === '..') {
} else {
return stack.join('/');
* Returns true for URLs containing a protocol, and false for both
* absolute and relative paths.
static isAbsoluteURL(path) {
return this.PROTOCOL_REGEXP.test(path);
* Returns true for paths that are declared relative to some unknown base
* path. For example, "foo/bar/" is relative both "/foo/bar/" is not.
static isRelativePath(path) {
return !/^(?:[a-zA-Z]+:)?\//.test(path);
HTTPUtils.PROTOCOL_REGEXP = /^[a-zA-Z]+:\/\//;
const COPY_IDENTITY = t => t;
const EMPTY_SET = new Set();
* *Properties represent distinct resources in a glTF asset, referenced by other properties.*
* For example, each material and texture is a property, with material properties holding
* references to the textures. All properties are created with factory methods on the
* {@link Document} in which they should be constructed. Properties are destroyed by calling
* {@link Property.dispose}().
* Usage:
* ```ts
* const texture = doc.createTexture('myTexture');
* doc.listTextures(); // → [texture x 1]
* // Attach a texture to a material.
* material.setBaseColorTexture(texture);
* material.getBaseColortexture(); // → texture
* // Detaching a texture removes any references to it, except from the doc.
* texture.detach();
* material.getBaseColorTexture(); // → null
* doc.listTextures(); // → [texture x 1]
* // Disposing a texture removes all references to it, and its own references.
* texture.dispose();
* doc.listTextures(); // → []
* ```
* Reference:
* - [glTF → Concepts](
* @category Properties
class Property extends propertyGraph.GraphNode {
/** @hidden */
constructor(graph, name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
this[propertyGraph.$attributes]['name'] = name;
type: 'create'
* Returns the Graph associated with this Property. For internal use.
* @hidden
* @experimental
getGraph() {
return this.graph;
* Returns default attributes for the property. Empty lists and maps should be initialized
* to empty arrays and objects. Always invoke `super.getDefaults()` and extend the result.
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
name: '',
extras: {}
/** @hidden */
set(attribute, value) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) value = value.slice(); // copy vector, quat, color …
return super.set(attribute, value);
* Name.
* Returns the name of this property. While names are not required to be unique, this is
* encouraged, and non-unique names will be overwritten in some tools. For custom data about
* a property, prefer to use Extras.
getName() {
return this.get('name');
* Sets the name of this property. While names are not required to be unique, this is
* encouraged, and non-unique names will be overwritten in some tools. For custom data about
* a property, prefer to use Extras.
setName(name) {
return this.set('name', name);
* Extras.
* Returns a reference to the Extras object, containing application-specific data for this
* Property. Extras should be an Object, not a primitive value, for best portability.
getExtras() {
return this.get('extras');
* Updates the Extras object, containing application-specific data for this Property. Extras
* should be an Object, not a primitive value, for best portability.
setExtras(extras) {
return this.set('extras', extras);
* Graph state.
* Makes a copy of this property, with the same resources (by reference) as the original.
clone() {
const PropertyClass = this.constructor;
return new PropertyClass(this.graph).copy(this, COPY_IDENTITY);
* Copies all data from another property to this one. Child properties are copied by reference,
* unless a 'resolve' function is given to override that.
* @param other Property to copy references from.
* @param resolve Function to resolve each Property being transferred. Default is identity.
copy(other, resolve) {
if (resolve === void 0) {
resolve = COPY_IDENTITY;
// Remove previous references.
for (const key in this[propertyGraph.$attributes]) {
const value = this[propertyGraph.$attributes][key];
if (value instanceof propertyGraph.GraphEdge) {
if (!this[propertyGraph.$immutableKeys].has(key)) {
} else if (value instanceof propertyGraph.RefList || value instanceof propertyGraph.RefSet) {
for (const ref of value.values()) {
} else if (value instanceof propertyGraph.RefMap) {
for (const ref of value.values()) {
// Add new references.
for (const key in other[propertyGraph.$attributes]) {
const thisValue = this[propertyGraph.$attributes][key];
const otherValue = other[propertyGraph.$attributes][key];
if (otherValue instanceof propertyGraph.GraphEdge) {
if (this[propertyGraph.$immutableKeys].has(key)) {
const ref = thisValue;
ref.getChild().copy(resolve(otherValue.getChild()), resolve);
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
this.setRef(key, resolve(otherValue.getChild()), otherValue.getAttributes());
} else if (otherValue instanceof propertyGraph.RefSet || otherValue instanceof propertyGraph.RefList) {
for (const ref of otherValue.values()) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
this.addRef(key, resolve(ref.getChild()), ref.getAttributes());
} else if (otherValue instanceof propertyGraph.RefMap) {
for (const subkey of otherValue.keys()) {
const ref = otherValue.get(subkey);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
this.setRefMap(key, subkey, resolve(ref.getChild()), ref.getAttributes());
} else if (isPlainObject(otherValue)) {
this[propertyGraph.$attributes][key] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(otherValue));
} else if (Array.isArray(otherValue) || otherValue instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(otherValue)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
this[propertyGraph.$attributes][key] = otherValue.slice();
} else {
this[propertyGraph.$attributes][key] = otherValue;
return this;
* Returns true if two properties are deeply equivalent, recursively comparing the attributes
* of the properties. Optionally, a 'skip' set may be included, specifying attributes whose
* values should not be considered in the comparison.
* Example: Two {@link Primitive Primitives} are equivalent if they have accessors and
* materials with equivalent content — but not necessarily the same specific accessors
* and materials.
equals(other, skip) {
if (skip === void 0) {
skip = EMPTY_SET;
if (this === other) return true;
if (this.propertyType !== other.propertyType) return false;
for (const key in this[propertyGraph.$attributes]) {
if (skip.has(key)) continue;
const a = this[propertyGraph.$attributes][key];
const b = other[propertyGraph.$attributes][key];
if (a instanceof propertyGraph.GraphEdge || b instanceof propertyGraph.GraphEdge) {
if (!equalsRef(a, b)) {
return false;
} else if (a instanceof propertyGraph.RefSet || b instanceof propertyGraph.RefSet || a instanceof propertyGraph.RefList || b instanceof propertyGraph.RefList) {
if (!equalsRefSet(a, b)) {
return false;
} else if (a instanceof propertyGraph.RefMap || b instanceof propertyGraph.RefMap) {
if (!equalsRefMap(a, b)) {
return false;
} else if (isPlainObject(a) || isPlainObject(b)) {
if (!equalsObject(a, b)) return false;
} else if (isArray(a) || isArray(b)) {
if (!equalsArray(a, b)) return false;
} else {
// Literal.
if (a !== b) return false;
return true;
detach() {
// Detaching should keep properties in the same Document, and attached to its root.
this.graph.disconnectParents(this, n => n.propertyType !== 'Root');
return this;
* Returns a list of all properties that hold a reference to this property. For example, a
* material may hold references to various textures, but a texture does not hold references
* to the materials that use it.
* It is often necessary to filter the results for a particular type: some resources, like
* {@link Accessor}s, may be referenced by different types of properties. Most properties
* include the {@link Root} as a parent, which is usually not of interest.
* Usage:
* ```ts
* const materials = texture
* .listParents()
* .filter((p) => p instanceof Material)
* ```
listParents() {
return this.graph.listParents(this);
* *A {@link Property} that can have {@link ExtensionProperty} instances attached.*
* Most properties are extensible. See the {@link Extension} documentation for information about
* how to use extensions.
* @category Properties
class ExtensibleProperty extends Property {
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
extensions: new propertyGraph.RefMap()
/** Returns an {@link ExtensionProperty} attached to this Property, if any. */
getExtension(name) {
return this.getRefMap('extensions', name);
* Attaches the given {@link ExtensionProperty} to this Property. For a given extension, only
* one ExtensionProperty may be attached to any one Property at a time.
setExtension(name, extensionProperty) {
if (extensionProperty) extensionProperty._validateParent(this);
return this.setRefMap('extensions', name, extensionProperty);
/** Lists all {@link ExtensionProperty} instances attached to this Property. */
listExtensions() {
return this.listRefMapValues('extensions');
* *Accessors store lists of numeric, vector, or matrix elements in a typed array.*
* All large data for {@link Mesh}, {@link Skin}, and {@link Animation} properties is stored in
* {@link Accessor}s, organized into one or more {@link Buffer}s. Each accessor provides data in
* typed arrays, with two abstractions:
* *Elements* are the logical divisions of the data into useful types: `"SCALAR"`, `"VEC2"`,
* `"VEC3"`, `"VEC4"`, `"MAT3"`, or `"MAT4"`. The element type can be determined with the
* {@link Accessor.getType getType}() method, and the number of elements in the accessor determine its
* {@link Accessor.getCount getCount}(). The number of components in an element — e.g. 9 for `"MAT3"` — are its
* {@link Accessor.getElementSize getElementSize}(). See {@link Accessor.Type}.
* *Components* are the numeric values within an element — e.g. `.x` and `.y` for `"VEC2"`. Various
* component types are available: `BYTE`, `UNSIGNED_BYTE`, `SHORT`, `UNSIGNED_SHORT`,
* `UNSIGNED_INT`, and `FLOAT`. The component type can be determined with the
* {@link Accessor.getComponentType getComponentType} method, and the number of bytes in each component determine its
* {@link Accessor.getComponentSize getComponentSize}. See {@link Accessor.ComponentType}.
* Usage:
* ```typescript
* const accessor = doc.createAccessor('myData')
* .setArray(new Float32Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]))
* .setType(Accessor.Type.VEC3)
* .setBuffer(doc.getRoot().listBuffers()[0]);
* accessor.getCount(); // → 4
* accessor.getElementSize(); // → 3
* accessor.getByteLength(); // → 48
* accessor.getElement(1, []); // → [4, 5, 6]
* accessor.setElement(0, [10, 20, 30]);
* ```
* Data access through the {@link Accessor.getElement getElement} and {@link Accessor.setElement setElement}
* methods reads or overwrites the content of the underlying typed array. These methods use
* element arrays intended to be compatible with the [gl-matrix](
* library, or with the `toArray`/`fromArray` methods of libraries like three.js and babylon.js.
* Each Accessor must be assigned to a {@link Buffer}, which determines where the accessor's data
* is stored in the final file. Assigning Accessors to different Buffers allows the data to be
* written to different `.bin` files.
* glTF Transform does not expose many details of sparse, normalized, or interleaved accessors
* through its API. It reads files using those techniques, presents a simplified view of the data
* for editing, and attempts to write data back out with optimizations. For example, vertex
* attributes will typically be interleaved by default, regardless of the input file.
* References:
* - [glTF → Accessors](
* @category Properties
class Accessor extends ExtensibleProperty {
* Instance.
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.ACCESSOR;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
array: null,
type: Accessor.Type.SCALAR,
componentType: Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT,
normalized: false,
sparse: false,
buffer: null
* Static.
/** Returns size of a given element type, in components. */
static getElementSize(type) {
switch (type) {
case Accessor.Type.SCALAR:
return 1;
case Accessor.Type.VEC2:
return 2;
case Accessor.Type.VEC3:
return 3;
case Accessor.Type.VEC4:
return 4;
case Accessor.Type.MAT2:
return 4;
case Accessor.Type.MAT3:
return 9;
case Accessor.Type.MAT4:
return 16;
throw new Error('Unexpected type: ' + type);
/** Returns size of a given component type, in bytes. */
static getComponentSize(componentType) {
switch (componentType) {
case Accessor.ComponentType.BYTE:
return 1;
case Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE:
return 1;
case Accessor.ComponentType.SHORT:
return 2;
case Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT:
return 2;
case Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT:
return 4;
case Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT:
return 4;
throw new Error('Unexpected component type: ' + componentType);
* Min/max bounds.
* Minimum value of each component in this attribute. Unlike in a final glTF file, values
* returned by this method will reflect the minimum accounting for {@link .normalized}
* state.
getMinNormalized(target) {
const normalized = this.getNormalized();
const elementSize = this.getElementSize();
const componentType = this.getComponentType();
if (normalized) {
for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) {
target[j] = MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(target[j], componentType);
return target;
* Minimum value of each component in this attribute. Values returned by this method do not
* reflect normalization: use {@link .getMinNormalized} in that case.
getMin(target) {
const array = this.getArray();
const count = this.getCount();
const elementSize = this.getElementSize();
for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) target[j] = Infinity;
for (let i = 0; i < count * elementSize; i += elementSize) {
for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) {
const value = array[i + j];
if (Number.isFinite(value)) {
target[j] = Math.min(target[j], value);
return target;
* Maximum value of each component in this attribute. Unlike in a final glTF file, values
* returned by this method will reflect the minimum accounting for {@link .normalized}
* state.
getMaxNormalized(target) {
const normalized = this.getNormalized();
const elementSize = this.getElementSize();
const componentType = this.getComponentType();
if (normalized) {
for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) {
target[j] = MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(target[j], componentType);
return target;
* Maximum value of each component in this attribute. Values returned by this method do not
* reflect normalization: use {@link .getMinNormalized} in that case.
getMax(target) {
const array = this.get('array');
const count = this.getCount();
const elementSize = this.getElementSize();
for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) target[j] = -Infinity;
for (let i = 0; i < count * elementSize; i += elementSize) {
for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) {
const value = array[i + j];
if (Number.isFinite(value)) {
target[j] = Math.max(target[j], value);
return target;
* Layout.
* Number of elements in the accessor. An array of length 30, containing 10 `VEC3` elements,
* will have a count of 10.
getCount() {
const array = this.get('array');
return array ? array.length / this.getElementSize() : 0;
/** Type of element stored in the accessor. `VEC2`, `VEC3`, etc. */
getType() {
return this.get('type');
* Sets type of element stored in the accessor. `VEC2`, `VEC3`, etc. Array length must be a
* multiple of the component size (`VEC2` = 2, `VEC3` = 3, ...) for the selected type.
setType(type) {
return this.set('type', type);
* Number of components in each element of the accessor. For example, the element size of a
* `VEC2` accessor is 2. This value is determined automatically based on array length and
* accessor type, specified with {@link Accessor.setType setType()}.
getElementSize() {
return Accessor.getElementSize(this.get('type'));
* Size of each component (a value in the raw array), in bytes. For example, the
* `componentSize` of data backed by a `float32` array is 4 bytes.
getComponentSize() {
return this.get('array').BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
* Component type (float32, uint16, etc.). This value is determined automatically, and can only
* be modified by replacing the underlying array.
getComponentType() {
return this.get('componentType');
* Normalization.
* Specifies whether integer data values should be normalized (true) to [0, 1] (for unsigned
* types) or [-1, 1] (for signed types), or converted directly (false) when they are accessed.
* This property is defined only for accessors that contain vertex attributes or animation
* output data.
getNormalized() {
return this.get('normalized');
* Specifies whether integer data values should be normalized (true) to [0, 1] (for unsigned
* types) or [-1, 1] (for signed types), or converted directly (false) when they are accessed.
* This property is defined only for accessors that contain vertex attributes or animation
* output data.
setNormalized(normalized) {
return this.set('normalized', normalized);
* Data access.
* Returns the scalar element value at the given index. For
* {@link Accessor.getNormalized normalized} integer accessors, values are
* decoded and returned in floating-point form.
getScalar(index) {
const elementSize = this.getElementSize();
const componentType = this.getComponentType();
const array = this.getArray();
if (this.getNormalized()) {
return MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(array[index * elementSize], componentType);
return array[index * elementSize];
* Assigns the scalar element value at the given index. For
* {@link Accessor.getNormalized normalized} integer accessors, "value" should be
* given in floating-point form — it will be integer-encoded before writing
* to the underlying array.
setScalar(index, x) {
const elementSize = this.getElementSize();
const componentType = this.getComponentType();
const array = this.getArray();
if (this.getNormalized()) {
array[index * elementSize] = MathUtils.encodeNormalizedInt(x, componentType);
} else {
array[index * elementSize] = x;
return this;
* Returns the vector or matrix element value at the given index. For
* {@link Accessor.getNormalized normalized} integer accessors, values are
* decoded and returned in floating-point form.
* Example:
* ```javascript
* import { add } from 'gl-matrix/add';
* const element = [];
* const offset = [1, 1, 1];
* for (let i = 0; i < accessor.getCount(); i++) {
* accessor.getElement(i, element);
* add(element, element, offset);
* accessor.setElement(i, element);
* }
* ```
getElement(index, target) {
const normalized = this.getNormalized();
const elementSize = this.getElementSize();
const componentType = this.getComponentType();
const array = this.getArray();
for (let i = 0; i < elementSize; i++) {
if (normalized) {
target[i] = MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(array[index * elementSize + i], componentType);
} else {
target[i] = array[index * elementSize + i];
return target;
* Assigns the vector or matrix element value at the given index. For
* {@link Accessor.getNormalized normalized} integer accessors, "value" should be
* given in floating-point form — it will be integer-encoded before writing
* to the underlying array.
* Example:
* ```javascript
* import { add } from 'gl-matrix/add';
* const element = [];
* const offset = [1, 1, 1];
* for (let i = 0; i < accessor.getCount(); i++) {
* accessor.getElement(i, element);
* add(element, element, offset);
* accessor.setElement(i, element);
* }
* ```
setElement(index, value) {
const normalized = this.getNormalized();
const elementSize = this.getElementSize();
const componentType = this.getComponentType();
const array = this.getArray();
for (let i = 0; i < elementSize; i++) {
if (normalized) {
array[index * elementSize + i] = MathUtils.encodeNormalizedInt(value[i], componentType);
} else {
array[index * elementSize + i] = value[i];
return this;
* Raw data storage.
* Specifies whether the accessor should be stored sparsely. When written to a glTF file, sparse
* accessors store only values that differ from base values. When loaded in glTF Transform (or most
* runtimes) a sparse accessor can be treated like any other accessor. Currently, glTF Transform always
* uses zeroes for the base values when writing files.
* @experimental
getSparse() {
return this.get('sparse');
* Specifies whether the accessor should be stored sparsely. When written to a glTF file, sparse
* accessors store only values that differ from base values. When loaded in glTF Transform (or most
* runtimes) a sparse accessor can be treated like any other accessor. Currently, glTF Transform always
* uses zeroes for the base values when writing files.
* @experimental
setSparse(sparse) {
return this.set('sparse', sparse);
/** Returns the {@link Buffer} into which this accessor will be organized. */
getBuffer() {
return this.getRef('buffer');
/** Assigns the {@link Buffer} into which this accessor will be organized. */
setBuffer(buffer) {
return this.setRef('buffer', buffer);
/** Returns the raw typed array underlying this accessor. */
getArray() {
return this.get('array');
/** Assigns the raw typed array underlying this accessor. */
setArray(array) {
this.set('componentType', array ? arrayToComponentType(array) : Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT);
this.set('array', array);
return this;
/** Returns the total bytelength of this accessor, exclusive of padding. */
getByteLength() {
const array = this.get('array');
return array ? array.byteLength : 0;
* Accessor utilities.
/** @internal */
* Constants.
/** Element type contained by the accessor (SCALAR, VEC2, ...). */
Accessor.Type = {
/** Scalar, having 1 value per element. */
/** 2-component vector, having 2 components per element. */
VEC2: 'VEC2',
/** 3-component vector, having 3 components per element. */
VEC3: 'VEC3',
/** 4-component vector, having 4 components per element. */
VEC4: 'VEC4',
/** 2x2 matrix, having 4 components per element. */
MAT2: 'MAT2',
/** 3x3 matrix, having 9 components per element. */
MAT3: 'MAT3',
/** 4x3 matrix, having 16 components per element. */
MAT4: 'MAT4'
/** Data type of the values composing each element in the accessor. */
Accessor.ComponentType = {
* 1-byte signed integer, stored as
* {@link Int8Array}.
BYTE: 5120,
* 1-byte unsigned integer, stored as
* {@link Uint8Array}.
* 2-byte signed integer, stored as
* {@link Int16Array}.
SHORT: 5122,
* 2-byte unsigned integer, stored as
* {@link Uint16Array}.
* 4-byte unsigned integer, stored as
* {@link Uint32Array}.
* 4-byte floating point number, stored as
* {@link Float32Array}.
FLOAT: 5126
function arrayToComponentType(array) {
switch (array.constructor) {
case Float32Array:
return Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT;
case Uint32Array:
return Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT;
case Uint16Array:
return Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
case Uint8Array:
return Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
case Int16Array:
return Accessor.ComponentType.SHORT;
case Int8Array:
return Accessor.ComponentType.BYTE;
throw new Error('Unknown accessor componentType.');
* *Reusable collections of {@link AnimationChannel}s, together representing a discrete animation
* clip.*
* One Animation represents one playable unit in an animation system. Each may contain channels
* affecting multiple paths (`translation`, `rotation`, `scale`, or `weights`) on multiple
* {@link Node}s. An Animation's channels must be played together, and do not have any meaning in
* isolation.
* Multiple Animations _may_ be played together: for example, one character's _Walk_ animation
* might play while another character's _Run_ animation plays. Or a single character might have
* both an _Idle_ and a _Talk_ animation playing at the same time. However, glTF does not define
* any particular relationship between top-level Animations, or any particular playback behavior
* like looping or sequences of Animations. General-purpose viewers typically autoplay the first
* animation and provide UI controls for choosing another. Game engines may have significantly
* more advanced methods of playing and blending animations.
* For example, a very simple skinned {@link Mesh} might have two Animations, _Idle_ and _Walk_.
* Each of those Animations might affect the rotations of two bones, _LegL_ and _LegR_, where the
* keyframes for each target-path pair are stored in {@link AnimationChannel} instances. In total,
* this model would contain two Animations and Four {@link AnimationChannel}s.
* Usage:
* ```ts
* const animation = doc.createAnimation('machineRun')
* .addChannel(rotateCog1)
* .addChannel(rotateCog2)
* .addChannel(rotateCog3);
* ```
* Reference
* - [glTF → Animations](
* @category Properties
class Animation extends ExtensibleProperty {
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.ANIMATION;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
channels: new propertyGraph.RefSet(),
samplers: new propertyGraph.RefSet()
/** Adds an {@link AnimationChannel} to this Animation. */
addChannel(channel) {
return this.addRef('channels', channel);
/** Removes an {@link AnimationChannel} from this Animation. */
removeChannel(channel) {
return this.removeRef('channels', channel);
/** Lists {@link AnimationChannel}s in this Animation. */
listChannels() {
return this.listRefs('channels');
/** Adds an {@link AnimationSampler} to this Animation. */
addSampler(sampler) {
return this.addRef('samplers', sampler);
/** Removes an {@link AnimationSampler} from this Animation. */
removeSampler(sampler) {
return this.removeRef('samplers', sampler);
/** Lists {@link AnimationSampler}s in this Animation. */
listSamplers() {
return this.listRefs('samplers');
* *A target-path pair within a larger {@link Animation}, which refers to an
* {@link AnimationSampler} storing the keyframe data for that pair.*
* A _target_ is always a {@link Node}, in the core glTF spec. A _path_ is any property of that
* Node that can be affected by animation: `translation`, `rotation`, `scale`, or `weights`. An
* {@link Animation} affecting the positions and rotations of several {@link Node}s would contain
* one channel for each Node-position or Node-rotation pair. The keyframe data for an
* AnimationChannel is stored in an {@link AnimationSampler}, which must be attached to the same
* {@link Animation}.
* Usage:
* ```ts
* const node = doc.getRoot()
* .listNodes()
* .find((node) => node.getName() === 'Cog');
* const channel = doc.createAnimationChannel('cogRotation')
* .setTargetPath('rotation')
* .setTargetNode(node)
* .setSampler(rotateSampler);
* ```
* Reference
* - [glTF → Animations](
* @category Properties
class AnimationChannel extends ExtensibleProperty {
* Instance.
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.ANIMATION_CHANNEL;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
targetPath: null,
targetNode: null,
sampler: null
* Properties.
* Path (property) animated on the target {@link Node}. Supported values include:
* `translation`, `rotation`, `scale`, or `weights`.
getTargetPath() {
return this.get('targetPath');
* Path (property) animated on the target {@link Node}. Supported values include:
* `translation`, `rotation`, `scale`, or `weights`.
setTargetPath(targetPath) {
return this.set('targetPath', targetPath);
/** Target {@link Node} animated by the channel. */
getTargetNode() {
return this.getRef('targetNode');
/** Target {@link Node} animated by the channel. */
setTargetNode(targetNode) {
return this.setRef('targetNode', targetNode);
* Keyframe data input/output values for the channel. Must be attached to the same
* {@link Animation}.
getSampler() {
return this.getRef('sampler');
* Keyframe data input/output values for the channel. Must be attached to the same
* {@link Animation}.
setSampler(sampler) {
return this.setRef('sampler', sampler);
* Constants.
/** Name of the property to be modified by an animation channel. */
AnimationChannel.TargetPath = {
/** Channel targets {@link Node.setTranslation}. */
TRANSLATION: 'translation',
/** Channel targets {@link Node.setRotation}. */
ROTATION: 'rotation',
/** Channel targets {@link Node.setScale}. */
SCALE: 'scale',
/** Channel targets {@link Node.setWeights}, affecting {@link PrimitiveTarget} weights. */
WEIGHTS: 'weights'
* *Reusable collection of keyframes affecting particular property of an object.*
* Each AnimationSampler refers to an input and an output {@link Accessor}. Input contains times
* (in seconds) for each keyframe. Output contains values (of any {@link Accessor.Type}) for the
* animated property at each keyframe. Samplers using `CUBICSPLINE` interpolation will also contain
* in/out tangents in the output, with the layout:
* in1, value1, out1,
* in2, value2, out2,
* in3, value3, out3, ...
* Usage:
* ```ts
* // Create accessor containing input times, in seconds.
* const input = doc.createAccessor('bounceTimes')
* .setArray(new Float32Array([0, 1, 2]))
* .setType(Accessor.Type.SCALAR);
* // Create accessor containing output values, in local units.
* const output = doc.createAccessor('bounceValues')
* .setArray(new Float32Array([
* 0, 0, 0, // y = 0
* 0, 1, 0, // y = 1
* 0, 0, 0, // y = 0
* ]))
* .setType(Accessor.Type.VEC3);
* // Create sampler.
* const sampler = doc.createAnimationSampler('bounce')
* .setInput(input)
* .setOutput(output)
* .setInterpolation('LINEAR');
* ```
* Reference
* - [glTF → Animations](
* @category Properties
class AnimationSampler extends ExtensibleProperty {
* Instance.
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.ANIMATION_SAMPLER;
getDefaultAttributes() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
interpolation: AnimationSampler.Interpolation.LINEAR,
input: null,
output: null
* Static.
/** Interpolation mode: `STEP`, `LINEAR`, or `CUBICSPLINE`. */
getInterpolation() {
return this.get('interpolation');
/** Interpolation mode: `STEP`, `LINEAR`, or `CUBICSPLINE`. */
setInterpolation(interpolation) {
return this.set('interpolation', interpolation);
/** Times for each keyframe, in seconds. */
getInput() {
return this.getRef('input');
/** Times for each keyframe, in seconds. */
setInput(input) {
return this.setRef('input', input, {
usage: BufferViewUsage$1.OTHER
* Values for each keyframe. For `CUBICSPLINE` interpolation, output also contains in/out
* tangents.
getOutput() {
return this.getRef('output');
* Values for each keyframe. For `CUBICSPLINE` interpolation, output also contains in/out
* tangents.
setOutput(output) {
return this.setRef('output', output, {
usage: BufferViewUsage$1.OTHER
* Constants.
/** Interpolation method. */
AnimationSampler.Interpolation = {
/** Animated values are linearly interpolated between keyframes. */
/** Animated values remain constant from one keyframe until the next keyframe. */
/** Animated values are interpolated according to given cubic spline tangents. */
* *Buffers are low-level storage units for binary data.*
* glTF 2.0 has three concepts relevant to binary storage: accessors, buffer views, and buffers.
* In glTF Transform, an {@link Accessor} is referenced by any property that requires numeric typed
* array data. Meshes, Primitives, and Animations all reference Accessors. Buffers define how that
* data is organized into transmitted file(s). A `.glb` file has only a single Buffer, and when
* exporting to `.glb` your resources should be grouped accordingly. A `.gltf` file may reference
* one or more `.bin` files — each `.bin` is a Buffer — and grouping Accessors under different
* Buffers allow you to specify that structure.
* For engines that can dynamically load portions of a glTF file, splitting data into separate
* buffers can allow you to avoid loading data until it is needed. For example, you might put
* binary data for specific meshes into a different `.bin` buffer, or put each animation's binary
* payload into its own `.bin`.
* Buffer Views define how Accessors are organized within a given Buffer. glTF Transform creates an
* efficient Buffer View layout automatically at export: there is no Buffer View property exposed
* by the glTF Transform API, simplifying data management.
* Usage:
* ```ts
* // Create two buffers with custom filenames.
* const buffer1 = doc.createBuffer('buffer1')
* .setURI('part1.bin');
* const buffer2 = doc.createBuffer('buffer2')
* .setURI('part2.bin');
* // Assign the attributes of two meshes to different buffers. If the meshes
* // had indices or morph target attributes, you would also want to relocate
* // those accessors.
* mesh1
* .listPrimitives()
* .forEach((primitive) => primitive.listAttributes()
* .forEach((attribute) => attribute.setBuffer(buffer1)));
* mesh2
* .listPrimitives()
* .forEach((primitive) => primitive.listAttributes()
* .forEach((attribute) => attribute.setBuffer(buffer2)));
* // Write to disk. Each mesh's binary data will be in a separate binary file;
* // any remaining accessors will be in a third (default) buffer.
* await new NodeIO().write('scene.gltf', doc);
* // → scene.gltf, part1.bin, part2.bin
* ```
* References:
* - [glTF → Buffers and Buffer Views](
* - [glTF → Accessors](
* @category Properties
class Buffer$1 extends ExtensibleProperty {
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.BUFFER;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
uri: ''
* Returns the URI (or filename) of this buffer (e.g. 'myBuffer.bin'). URIs are strongly
* encouraged to be relative paths, rather than absolute. Use of a protocol (like `file://`)
* is possible for custom applications, but will limit the compatibility of the asset with most
* tools.
* Buffers commonly use the extension `.bin`, though this is not required.
getURI() {
return this.get('uri');
* Sets the URI (or filename) of this buffer (e.g. 'myBuffer.bin'). URIs are strongly
* encouraged to be relative paths, rather than absolute. Use of a protocol (like `file://`)
* is possible for custom applications, but will limit the compatibility of the asset with most
* tools.
* Buffers commonly use the extension `.bin`, though this is not required.
setURI(uri) {
return this.set('uri', uri);
* *Cameras are perspectives through which the {@link Scene} may be viewed.*
* Projection can be perspective or orthographic. Cameras are contained in nodes and thus can be
* transformed. The camera is defined such that the local +X axis is to the right, the lens looks
* towards the local -Z axis, and the top of the camera is aligned with the local +Y axis. If no
* transformation is specified, the location of the camera is at the origin.
* Usage:
* ```typescript
* const camera = doc.createCamera('myCamera')
* .setType(GLTF.CameraType.PERSPECTIVE)
* .setZNear(0.1)
* .setZFar(100)
* .setYFov(Math.PI / 4)
* .setAspectRatio(1.5);
* node.setCamera(camera);
* ```
* References:
* - [glTF → Cameras](
* @category Properties
class Camera extends ExtensibleProperty {
* Instance.
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.CAMERA;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
// Common.
type: Camera.Type.PERSPECTIVE,
znear: 0.1,
zfar: 100,
// Perspective.
aspectRatio: null,
yfov: Math.PI * 2 * 50 / 360,
// 50º
// Orthographic.
xmag: 1,
ymag: 1
* Common.
/** Specifies if the camera uses a perspective or orthographic projection. */
getType() {
return this.get('type');
/** Specifies if the camera uses a perspective or orthographic projection. */
setType(type) {
return this.set('type', type);
/** Floating-point distance to the near clipping plane. */
getZNear() {
return this.get('znear');
/** Floating-point distance to the near clipping plane. */
setZNear(znear) {
return this.set('znear', znear);
* Floating-point distance to the far clipping plane. When defined, zfar must be greater than
* znear. If zfar is undefined, runtime must use infinite projection matrix.
getZFar() {
return this.get('zfar');
* Floating-point distance to the far clipping plane. When defined, zfar must be greater than
* znear. If zfar is undefined, runtime must use infinite projection matrix.
setZFar(zfar) {
return this.set('zfar', zfar);
* Perspective.
* Floating-point aspect ratio of the field of view. When undefined, the aspect ratio of the
* canvas is used.
getAspectRatio() {
return this.get('aspectRatio');
* Floating-point aspect ratio of the field of view. When undefined, the aspect ratio of the
* canvas is used.
setAspectRatio(aspectRatio) {
return this.set('aspectRatio', aspectRatio);
/** Floating-point vertical field of view in radians. */
getYFov() {
return this.get('yfov');
/** Floating-point vertical field of view in radians. */
setYFov(yfov) {
return this.set('yfov', yfov);
* Orthographic.
* Floating-point horizontal magnification of the view, and half the view's width
* in world units.
getXMag() {
return this.get('xmag');
* Floating-point horizontal magnification of the view, and half the view's width
* in world units.
setXMag(xmag) {
return this.set('xmag', xmag);
* Floating-point vertical magnification of the view, and half the view's height
* in world units.
getYMag() {
return this.get('ymag');
* Floating-point vertical magnification of the view, and half the view's height
* in world units.
setYMag(ymag) {
return this.set('ymag', ymag);
* Constants.
Camera.Type = {
/** A perspective camera representing a perspective projection matrix. */
PERSPECTIVE: 'perspective',
/** An orthographic camera representing an orthographic projection matrix. */
ORTHOGRAPHIC: 'orthographic'
* *Base class for all {@link Property} types that can be attached by an {@link Extension}.*
* After an {@link Extension} is attached to a glTF {@link Document}, the Extension may be used to
* construct ExtensionProperty instances, to be referenced throughout the document as prescribed by
* the Extension. For example, the `KHR_materials_clearcoat` Extension defines a `Clearcoat`
* ExtensionProperty, which is referenced by {@link Material} Properties in the Document, and may
* contain references to {@link Texture} properties of its own.
* For more information on available extensions and their usage, see [Extensions](/extensions).
* Reference:
* - [glTF → Extensions](
* @category Properties
class ExtensionProperty extends Property {
/** @hidden */
_validateParent(parent) {
if (!this.parentTypes.includes(parent.propertyType)) {
throw new Error(`Parent "${parent.propertyType}" invalid for child "${this.propertyType}".`);
ExtensionProperty.EXTENSION_NAME = void 0;
* *Settings associated with a particular use of a {@link Texture}.*
* Different materials may reuse the same texture but with different texture coordinates,
* minFilter/magFilter, or wrapS/wrapT settings. The TextureInfo class contains settings
* derived from both the "TextureInfo" and "Sampler" properties in the glTF specification,
* consolidated here for simplicity.
* TextureInfo properties cannot be directly created. For any material texture slot, such as
* baseColorTexture, there will be a corresponding method to obtain the TextureInfo for that slot.
* For example, see {@link Material.getBaseColorTextureInfo}.
* References:
* - [glTF → Texture Info](
* @category Properties
class TextureInfo extends ExtensibleProperty {
* Instance.
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.TEXTURE_INFO;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
texCoord: 0,
magFilter: null,
minFilter: null,
wrapS: TextureInfo.WrapMode.REPEAT,
wrapT: TextureInfo.WrapMode.REPEAT
* Texture coordinates.
/** Returns the texture coordinate (UV set) index for the texture. */
getTexCoord() {
return this.get('texCoord');
/** Sets the texture coordinate (UV set) index for the texture. */
setTexCoord(texCoord) {
return this.set('texCoord', texCoord);
* Min/mag filter.
/** Returns the magnification filter applied to the texture. */
getMagFilter() {
return this.get('magFilter');
/** Sets the magnification filter applied to the texture. */
setMagFilter(magFilter) {
return this.set('magFilter', magFilter);
/** Sets the minification filter applied to the texture. */
getMinFilter() {
return this.get('minFilter');
/** Returns the minification filter applied to the texture. */
setMinFilter(minFilter) {
return this.set('minFilter', minFilter);
* UV wrapping.
/** Returns the S (U) wrapping mode for UVs used by the texture. */
getWrapS() {
return this.get('wrapS');
/** Sets the S (U) wrapping mode for UVs used by the texture. */
setWrapS(wrapS) {
return this.set('wrapS', wrapS);
/** Returns the T (V) wrapping mode for UVs used by the texture. */
getWrapT() {
return this.get('wrapT');
/** Sets the T (V) wrapping mode for UVs used by the texture. */
setWrapT(wrapT) {
return this.set('wrapT', wrapT);
* Constants.
/** UV wrapping mode. Values correspond to WebGL enums. */
TextureInfo.WrapMode = {
/** */
/** */
/** */
REPEAT: 10497
/** Magnification filter. Values correspond to WebGL enums. */
TextureInfo.MagFilter = {
/** */
NEAREST: 9728,
/** */
LINEAR: 9729
/** Minification filter. Values correspond to WebGL enums. */
TextureInfo.MinFilter = {
/** */
NEAREST: 9728,
/** */
LINEAR: 9729,
/** */
/** */
/** */
/** */
const {
} = exports.TextureChannel;
* *Materials describe a surface's appearance and response to light.*
* Each {@link Primitive} within a {@link Mesh} may be assigned a single Material. The number of
* GPU draw calls typically increases with both the numbers of Primitives and of Materials in an
* asset; Materials should be reused wherever possible. Techniques like texture atlasing and vertex
* colors allow objects to have varied appearances while technically sharing a single Material.
* Material properties are modified by both scalars (like `baseColorFactor`) and textures (like
* `baseColorTexture`). When both are available, factors are considered linear multipliers against
* textures of the same name. In the case of base color, vertex colors (`COLOR_0` attributes) are
* also multiplied.
* Textures containing color data (`baseColorTexture`, `emissiveTexture`) are sRGB. All other
* textures are linear. Like other resources, textures should be reused when possible.
* Usage:
* ```typescript
* const material = doc.createMaterial('myMaterial')
* .setBaseColorFactor([1, 0.5, 0.5, 1]) // RGBA
* .setOcclusionTexture(aoTexture)
* .setOcclusionStrength(0.5);
* mesh.listPrimitives()
* .forEach((prim) => prim.setMaterial(material));
* ```
* @category Properties
class Material extends ExtensibleProperty {
* Instance.
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.MATERIAL;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
alphaMode: Material.AlphaMode.OPAQUE,
alphaCutoff: 0.5,
doubleSided: false,
baseColorFactor: [1, 1, 1, 1],
baseColorTexture: null,
baseColorTextureInfo: new TextureInfo(this.graph, 'baseColorTextureInfo'),
emissiveFactor: [0, 0, 0],
emissiveTexture: null,
emissiveTextureInfo: new TextureInfo(this.graph, 'emissiveTextureInfo'),
normalScale: 1,
normalTexture: null,
normalTextureInfo: new TextureInfo(this.graph, 'normalTextureInfo'),
occlusionStrength: 1,
occlusionTexture: null,
occlusionTextureInfo: new TextureInfo(this.graph, 'occlusionTextureInfo'),
roughnessFactor: 1,
metallicFactor: 1,
metallicRoughnessTexture: null,
metallicRoughnessTextureInfo: new TextureInfo(this.graph, 'metallicRoughnessTextureInfo')
* Double-sided / culling.
/** Returns true when both sides of triangles should be rendered. May impact performance. */
getDoubleSided() {
return this.get('doubleSided');
/** Sets whether to render both sides of triangles. May impact performance. */
setDoubleSided(doubleSided) {
return this.set('doubleSided', doubleSided);
* Alpha.
/** Returns material alpha, equivalent to baseColorFactor[3]. */
getAlpha() {
return this.get('baseColorFactor')[3];
/** Sets material alpha, equivalent to baseColorFactor[3]. */
setAlpha(alpha) {
const baseColorFactor = this.get('baseColorFactor').slice();
baseColorFactor[3] = alpha;
return this.set('baseColorFactor', baseColorFactor);
* Returns the mode of the material's alpha channels, which are provided by `baseColorFactor`
* and `baseColorTexture`.
* - `OPAQUE`: Alpha value is ignored and the rendered output is fully opaque.
* - `BLEND`: Alpha value is used to determine the transparency each pixel on a surface, and
* the fraction of surface vs. background color in the final result. Alpha blending creates
* significant edge cases in realtime renderers, and some care when structuring the model is
* necessary for good results. In particular, transparent geometry should be kept in separate
* meshes or primitives from opaque geometry. The `depthWrite` or `zWrite` settings in engines
* should usually be disabled on transparent materials.
* - `MASK`: Alpha value is compared against `alphaCutoff` threshold for each pixel on a
* surface, and the pixel is either fully visible or fully discarded based on that cutoff.
* This technique is useful for things like leafs/foliage, grass, fabric meshes, and other
* surfaces where no semitransparency is needed. With a good choice of `alphaCutoff`, surfaces
* that don't require semitransparency can avoid the performance penalties and visual issues
* involved with `BLEND` transparency.
* Reference:
* - [glTF → material.alphaMode](
getAlphaMode() {
return this.get('alphaMode');
/** Sets the mode of the material's alpha channels. See {@link Material.getAlphaMode getAlphaMode} for details. */
setAlphaMode(alphaMode) {
return this.set('alphaMode', alphaMode);
/** Returns the visibility threshold; applied only when `.alphaMode='MASK'`. */
getAlphaCutoff() {
return this.get('alphaCutoff');
/** Sets the visibility threshold; applied only when `.alphaMode='MASK'`. */
setAlphaCutoff(alphaCutoff) {
return this.set('alphaCutoff', alphaCutoff);
* Base color.
* Base color / albedo factor; Linear-sRGB components.
* See {@link Material.getBaseColorTexture getBaseColorTexture}.
getBaseColorFactor() {
return this.get('baseColorFactor');
* Base color / albedo factor; Linear-sRGB components.
* See {@link Material.getBaseColorTexture getBaseColorTexture}.
setBaseColorFactor(baseColorFactor) {
return this.set('baseColorFactor', baseColorFactor);
* Base color / albedo. The visible color of a non-metallic surface under constant ambient
* light would be a linear combination (multiplication) of its vertex colors, base color
* factor, and base color texture. Lighting, and reflections in metallic or smooth surfaces,
* also effect the final color. The alpha (`.a`) channel of base color factors and textures
* will have varying effects, based on the setting of {@link Material.getAlphaMode getAlphaMode}.
* Reference:
* - [glTF → material.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor](
getBaseColorTexture() {
return this.getRef('baseColorTexture');
* Settings affecting the material's use of its base color texture. If no texture is attached,
* {@link TextureInfo} is `null`.
getBaseColorTextureInfo() {
return this.getRef('baseColorTexture') ? this.getRef('baseColorTextureInfo') : null;
/** Sets base color / albedo texture. See {@link Material.getBaseColorTexture getBaseColorTexture}. */
setBaseColorTexture(texture) {
return this.setRef('baseColorTexture', texture, {
channels: R | G | B | A,
isColor: true
* Emissive.
/** Emissive color; Linear-sRGB components. See {@link Material.getEmissiveTexture getEmissiveTexture}. */
getEmissiveFactor() {
return this.get('emissiveFactor');
/** Emissive color; Linear-sRGB components. See {@link Material.getEmissiveTexture getEmissiveTexture}. */
setEmissiveFactor(emissiveFactor) {
return this.set('emissiveFactor', emissiveFactor);
* Emissive texture. Emissive color is added to any base color of the material, after any
* lighting/shadowing are applied. An emissive color does not inherently "glow", or affect
* objects around it at all. To create that effect, most viewers must also enable a
* post-processing effect called "bloom".
* Reference:
* - [glTF → material.emissiveTexture](
getEmissiveTexture() {
return this.getRef('emissiveTexture');
* Settings affecting the material's use of its emissive texture. If no texture is attached,
* {@link TextureInfo} is `null`.
getEmissiveTextureInfo() {
return this.getRef('emissiveTexture') ? this.getRef('emissiveTextureInfo') : null;
/** Sets emissive texture. See {@link Material.getEmissiveTexture getEmissiveTexture}. */
setEmissiveTexture(texture) {
return this.setRef('emissiveTexture', texture, {
channels: R | G | B,
isColor: true
* Normal.
/** Normal (surface detail) factor; linear multiplier. Affects `.normalTexture`. */
getNormalScale() {
return this.get('normalScale');
/** Normal (surface detail) factor; linear multiplier. Affects `.normalTexture`. */
setNormalScale(scale) {
return this.set('normalScale', scale);
* Normal (surface detail) texture.
* A tangent space normal map. The texture contains RGB components. Each texel represents the
* XYZ components of a normal vector in tangent space. Red [0 to 255] maps to X [-1 to 1].
* Green [0 to 255] maps to Y [-1 to 1]. Blue [128 to 255] maps to Z [1/255 to 1]. The normal
* vectors use OpenGL conventions where +X is right and +Y is up. +Z points toward the viewer.
* Reference:
* - [glTF → material.normalTexture](
getNormalTexture() {
return this.getRef('normalTexture');
* Settings affecting the material's use of its normal texture. If no texture is attached,
* {@link TextureInfo} is `null`.
getNormalTextureInfo() {
return this.getRef('normalTexture') ? this.getRef('normalTextureInfo') : null;
/** Sets normal (surface detail) texture. See {@link Material.getNormalTexture getNormalTexture}. */
setNormalTexture(texture) {
return this.setRef('normalTexture', texture, {
channels: R | G | B
* Occlusion.
/** (Ambient) Occlusion factor; linear multiplier. Affects `.occlusionTexture`. */
getOcclusionStrength() {
return this.get('occlusionStrength');
/** Sets (ambient) occlusion factor; linear multiplier. Affects `.occlusionTexture`. */
setOcclusionStrength(strength) {
return this.set('occlusionStrength', strength);
* (Ambient) Occlusion texture, generally used for subtle 'baked' shadowing effects that are
* independent of an object's position, such as shading in inset areas and corners. Direct
* lighting is not affected by occlusion, so at least one indirect light source must be present
* in the scene for occlusion effects to be visible.
* The occlusion values are sampled from the R channel. Higher values indicate areas that
* should receive full indirect lighting and lower values indicate no indirect lighting.
* Reference:
* - [glTF → material.occlusionTexture](
getOcclusionTexture() {
return this.getRef('occlusionTexture');
* Settings affecting the material's use of its occlusion texture. If no texture is attached,
* {@link TextureInfo} is `null`.
getOcclusionTextureInfo() {
return this.getRef('occlusionTexture') ? this.getRef('occlusionTextureInfo') : null;
/** Sets (ambient) occlusion texture. See {@link Material.getOcclusionTexture getOcclusionTexture}. */
setOcclusionTexture(texture) {
return this.setRef('occlusionTexture', texture, {
channels: R
* Metallic / roughness.
* Roughness factor; linear multiplier. Affects roughness channel of
* `metallicRoughnessTexture`. See {@link Material.getMetallicRoughnessTexture getMetallicRoughnessTexture}.
getRoughnessFactor() {
return this.get('roughnessFactor');
* Sets roughness factor; linear multiplier. Affects roughness channel of
* `metallicRoughnessTexture`. See {@link Material.getMetallicRoughnessTexture getMetallicRoughnessTexture}.
setRoughnessFactor(factor) {
return this.set('roughnessFactor', factor);
* Metallic factor; linear multiplier. Affects roughness channel of
* `metallicRoughnessTexture`. See {@link Material.getMetallicRoughnessTexture getMetallicRoughnessTexture}.
getMetallicFactor() {
return this.get('metallicFactor');
* Sets metallic factor; linear multiplier. Affects roughness channel of
* `metallicRoughnessTexture`. See {@link Material.getMetallicRoughnessTexture getMetallicRoughnessTexture}.
setMetallicFactor(factor) {
return this.set('metallicFactor', factor);
* Metallic roughness texture. The metalness values are sampled from the B channel. The
* roughness values are sampled from the G channel. When a material is fully metallic,
* or nearly so, it may require image-based lighting (i.e. an environment map) or global
* illumination to appear well-lit.
* Reference:
* - [glTF → material.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture](
getMetallicRoughnessTexture() {
return this.getRef('metallicRoughnessTexture');
* Settings affecting the material's use of its metallic/roughness texture. If no texture is
* attached, {@link TextureInfo} is `null`.
getMetallicRoughnessTextureInfo() {
return this.getRef('metallicRoughnessTexture') ? this.getRef('metallicRoughnessTextureInfo') : null;
* Sets metallic/roughness texture.
* See {@link Material.getMetallicRoughnessTexture getMetallicRoughnessTexture}.
setMetallicRoughnessTexture(texture) {
return this.setRef('metallicRoughnessTexture', texture, {
channels: G | B
* Constants.
Material.AlphaMode = {
* The alpha value is ignored and the rendered output is fully opaque
* The rendered output is either fully opaque or fully transparent depending on the alpha
* value and the specified alpha cutoff value
* The alpha value is used to composite the source and destination areas. The rendered
* output is combined with the background using the normal painting operation (i.e. the
* Porter and Duff over operator)
* *Meshes define reusable geometry (triangles, lines, or points) and are instantiated by
* {@link Node}s.*
* Each draw call required to render a mesh is represented as a {@link Primitive}. Meshes typically
* have only a single {@link Primitive}, but may have more for various reasons. A mesh manages only
* a list of primitives — materials, morph targets, and other properties are managed on a per-
* primitive basis.
* When the same geometry and material should be rendered at multiple places in the scene, reuse
* the same Mesh instance and attach it to multiple nodes for better efficiency. Where the geometry
* is shared but the material is not, reusing {@link Accessor}s under different meshes and
* primitives can similarly improve transmission efficiency, although some rendering efficiency is
* lost as the number of materials in a scene increases.
* Usage:
* ```ts
* const primitive = doc.createPrimitive()
* .setAttribute('POSITION', positionAccessor)
* .setAttribute('TEXCOORD_0', uvAccessor);
* const mesh = doc.createMesh('myMesh')
* .addPrimitive(primitive);
* node.setMesh(mesh);
* ```
* References:
* - [glTF → Geometry](
* @category Properties
class Mesh extends ExtensibleProperty {
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.MESH;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
weights: [],
primitives: new propertyGraph.RefSet()
/** Adds a {@link Primitive} to the mesh's draw call list. */
addPrimitive(primitive) {
return this.addRef('primitives', primitive);
/** Removes a {@link Primitive} from the mesh's draw call list. */
removePrimitive(primitive) {
return this.removeRef('primitives', primitive);
/** Lists {@link Primitive} draw calls of the mesh. */
listPrimitives() {
return this.listRefs('primitives');
* Initial weights of each {@link PrimitiveTarget} on this mesh. Each {@link Primitive} must
* have the same number of targets. Most engines only support 4-8 active morph targets at a
* time.
getWeights() {
return this.get('weights');
* Initial weights of each {@link PrimitiveTarget} on this mesh. Each {@link Primitive} must
* have the same number of targets. Most engines only support 4-8 active morph targets at a
* time.
setWeights(weights) {
return this.set('weights', weights);
* *Nodes are the objects that comprise a {@link Scene}.*
* Each Node may have one or more children, and a transform (position, rotation, and scale) that
* applies to all of its descendants. A Node may also reference (or "instantiate") other resources
* at its location, including {@link Mesh}, Camera, Light, and Skin properties. A Node cannot be
* part of more than one {@link Scene}.
* A Node's local transform is represented with array-like objects, intended to be compatible with
* [gl-matrix](, or with the `toArray`/`fromArray` methods of
* libraries like three.js and babylon.js.
* Usage:
* ```ts
* const node = doc.createNode('myNode')
* .setMesh(mesh)
* .setTranslation([0, 0, 0])
* .addChild(otherNode);
* ```
* References:
* - [glTF → Nodes and Hierarchy](
* @category Properties
class Node extends ExtensibleProperty {
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.NODE;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
translation: [0, 0, 0],
rotation: [0, 0, 0, 1],
scale: [1, 1, 1],
weights: [],
camera: null,
mesh: null,
skin: null,
children: new propertyGraph.RefSet()
copy(other, resolve) {
if (resolve === void 0) {
resolve = COPY_IDENTITY;
// Node cannot be copied, only cloned. Copying is shallow, but Nodes cannot have more than
// one parent. Rather than leaving one of the two Nodes without children, throw an error here.
if (resolve === COPY_IDENTITY) throw new Error('Node cannot be copied.');
return super.copy(other, resolve);
* Local transform.
/** Returns the translation (position) of this Node in local space. */
getTranslation() {
return this.get('translation');
/** Returns the rotation (quaternion) of this Node in local space. */
getRotation() {
return this.get('rotation');
/** Returns the scale of this Node in local space. */
getScale() {
return this.get('scale');
/** Sets the translation (position) of this Node in local space. */
setTranslation(translation) {
return this.set('translation', translation);
/** Sets the rotation (quaternion) of this Node in local space. */
setRotation(rotation) {
return this.set('rotation', rotation);
/** Sets the scale of this Node in local space. */
setScale(scale) {
return this.set('scale', scale);
/** Returns the local matrix of this Node. */
getMatrix() {
return MathUtils.compose(this.get('translation'), this.get('rotation'), this.get('scale'), []);
/** Sets the local matrix of this Node. Matrix will be decomposed to TRS properties. */
setMatrix(matrix) {
const translation = this.get('translation').slice();
const rotation = this.get('rotation').slice();
const scale = this.get('scale').slice();
MathUtils.decompose(matrix, translation, rotation, scale);
return this.set('translation', translation).set('rotation', rotation).set('scale', scale);
* World transform.
/** Returns the translation (position) of this Node in world space. */
getWorldTranslation() {
const t = [0, 0, 0];
MathUtils.decompose(this.getWorldMatrix(), t, [0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]);
return t;
/** Returns the rotation (quaternion) of this Node in world space. */
getWorldRotation() {
const r = [0, 0, 0, 1];
MathUtils.decompose(this.getWorldMatrix(), [0, 0, 0], r, [1, 1, 1]);
return r;
/** Returns the scale of this Node in world space. */
getWorldScale() {
const s = [1, 1, 1];
MathUtils.decompose(this.getWorldMatrix(), [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], s);
return s;
/** Returns the world matrix of this Node. */
getWorldMatrix() {
// Build ancestor chain.
const ancestors = [];
for (let node = this; node != null; node = node.getParentNode()) {
// Compute world matrix.
let ancestor;
const worldMatrix = ancestors.pop().getMatrix();
while (ancestor = ancestors.pop()) {
multiply(worldMatrix, worldMatrix, ancestor.getMatrix());
return worldMatrix;
* Scene hierarchy.
* Adds the given Node as a child of this Node.
* Requirements:
* 1. Nodes MAY be root children of multiple {@link Scene Scenes}
* 2. Nodes MUST NOT be children of >1 Node
* 3. Nodes MUST NOT be children of both Nodes and {@link Scene Scenes}
* The `addChild` method enforces these restrictions automatically, and will
* remove the new child from previous parents where needed. This behavior
* may change in future major releases of the library.
addChild(child) {
// Remove existing parents.
const parentNode = child.getParentNode();
if (parentNode) parentNode.removeChild(child);
for (const parent of child.listParents()) {
if (parent.propertyType === exports.PropertyType.SCENE) {
return this.addRef('children', child);
/** Removes a Node from this Node's child Node list. */
removeChild(child) {
return this.removeRef('children', child);
/** Lists all child Nodes of this Node. */
listChildren() {
return this.listRefs('children');
* Returns the Node's unique parent Node within the scene graph. If the
* Node has no parents, or is a direct child of the {@link Scene}
* ("root node"), this method returns null.
* Unrelated to {@link Property.listParents}, which lists all resource
* references from properties of any type ({@link Skin}, {@link Root}, ...).
getParentNode() {
for (const parent of this.listParents()) {
if (parent.propertyType === exports.PropertyType.NODE) {
return parent;
return null;
* Attachments.
/** Returns the {@link Mesh}, if any, instantiated at this Node. */
getMesh() {
return this.getRef('mesh');
* Sets a {@link Mesh} to be instantiated at this Node. A single mesh may be instatiated by
* multiple Nodes; reuse of this sort is strongly encouraged.
setMesh(mesh) {
return this.setRef('mesh', mesh);
/** Returns the {@link Camera}, if any, instantiated at this Node. */
getCamera() {
return this.getRef('camera');
/** Sets a {@link Camera} to be instantiated at this Node. */
setCamera(camera) {
return this.setRef('camera', camera);
/** Returns the {@link Skin}, if any, instantiated at this Node. */
getSkin() {
return this.getRef('skin');
/** Sets a {@link Skin} to be instantiated at this Node. */
setSkin(skin) {
return this.setRef('skin', skin);
* Initial weights of each {@link PrimitiveTarget} for the mesh instance at this Node.
* Most engines only support 4-8 active morph targets at a time.
getWeights() {
return this.get('weights');
* Initial weights of each {@link PrimitiveTarget} for the mesh instance at this Node.
* Most engines only support 4-8 active morph targets at a time.
setWeights(weights) {
return this.set('weights', weights);
* Helpers.
/** Visits this {@link Node} and its descendants, top-down. */
traverse(fn) {
for (const child of this.listChildren()) child.traverse(fn);
return this;
* *Primitives are individual GPU draw calls comprising a {@link Mesh}.*
* Meshes typically have only a single Primitive, although various cases may require more. Each
* primitive may be assigned vertex attributes, morph target attributes, and a material. Any of
* these properties should be reused among multiple primitives where feasible.
* Primitives cannot be moved independently of other primitives within the same mesh, except
* through the use of morph targets and skinning. If independent movement or other runtime
* behavior is necessary (like raycasting or collisions) prefer to assign each primitive to a
* different mesh. The number of GPU draw calls is typically not affected by grouping or
* ungrouping primitives to a mesh.
* Each primitive may optionally be deformed by one or more morph targets, stored in a
* {@link PrimitiveTarget}.
* Usage:
* ```ts
* const primitive = doc.createPrimitive()
* .setAttribute('POSITION', positionAccessor)
* .setAttribute('TEXCOORD_0', uvAccessor)
* .setMaterial(material);
* mesh.addPrimitive(primitive);
* node.setMesh(mesh);
* ```
* References:
* - [glTF → Geometry](
* @category Properties
class Primitive extends ExtensibleProperty {
* Instance.
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
mode: Primitive.Mode.TRIANGLES,
material: null,
indices: null,
attributes: new propertyGraph.RefMap(),
targets: new propertyGraph.RefSet()
* Primitive data.
/** Returns an {@link Accessor} with indices of vertices to be drawn. */
getIndices() {
return this.getRef('indices');
* Sets an {@link Accessor} with indices of vertices to be drawn. In `TRIANGLES` draw mode,
* each set of three indices define a triangle. The front face has a counter-clockwise (CCW)
* winding order.
setIndices(indices) {
return this.setRef('indices', indices, {
usage: BufferViewUsage$1.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER
/** Returns a vertex attribute as an {@link Accessor}. */
getAttribute(semantic) {
return this.getRefMap('attributes', semantic);
* Sets a vertex attribute to an {@link Accessor}. All attributes must have the same vertex
* count.
setAttribute(semantic, accessor) {
return this.setRefMap('attributes', semantic, accessor, {
usage: BufferViewUsage$1.ARRAY_BUFFER
* Lists all vertex attribute {@link Accessor}s associated with the primitive, excluding any
* attributes used for morph targets. For example, `[positionAccessor, normalAccessor,
* uvAccessor]`. Order will be consistent with the order returned by {@link .listSemantics}().
listAttributes() {
return this.listRefMapValues('attributes');
* Lists all vertex attribute semantics associated with the primitive, excluding any semantics
* used for morph targets. For example, `['POSITION', 'NORMAL', 'TEXCOORD_0']`. Order will be
* consistent with the order returned by {@link .listAttributes}().
listSemantics() {
return this.listRefMapKeys('attributes');
/** Returns the material used to render the primitive. */
getMaterial() {
return this.getRef('material');
/** Sets the material used to render the primitive. */
setMaterial(material) {
return this.setRef('material', material);
* Mode.
* Returns the GPU draw mode (`TRIANGLES`, `LINES`, `POINTS`...) as a WebGL enum value.
* Reference:
* - [glTF → `primitive.mode`](
getMode() {
return this.get('mode');
* Sets the GPU draw mode (`TRIANGLES`, `LINES`, `POINTS`...) as a WebGL enum value.
* Reference:
* - [glTF → `primitive.mode`](
setMode(mode) {
return this.set('mode', mode);
* Morph targets.
/** Lists all morph targets associated with the primitive. */
listTargets() {
return this.listRefs('targets');
* Adds a morph target to the primitive. All primitives in the same mesh must have the same
* number of targets.
addTarget(target) {
return this.addRef('targets', target);
* Removes a morph target from the primitive. All primitives in the same mesh must have the same
* number of targets.
removeTarget(target) {
return this.removeRef('targets', target);
* Constants.
/** Type of primitives to render. All valid values correspond to WebGL enums. */
Primitive.Mode = {
/** Draw single points. */
/** Draw lines. Each vertex connects to the one after it. */
* Draw lines. Each set of two vertices is treated as a separate line segment.
* @deprecated See {@link KhronosGroup/glTF#1883}.
/** Draw a connected group of line segments from the first vertex to the last, */
/** Draw triangles. Each set of three vertices creates a separate triangle. */
/** Draw a connected strip of triangles. */
* Draw a connected group of triangles. Each vertex connects to the previous and the first
* vertex in the fan.
* @deprecated See {@link KhronosGroup/glTF#1883}.
* *Morph target or shape key used to deform one {@link Primitive} in a {@link Mesh}.*
* A PrimitiveTarget contains a `POSITION` attribute (and optionally `NORMAL` and `TANGENT`) that
* can additively deform the base attributes on a {@link Mesh} {@link Primitive}. Vertex values
* of `0, 0, 0` in the target will have no effect, whereas a value of `0, 1, 0` would offset that
* vertex in the base geometry by y+=1. Morph targets can be fully or partially applied: their
* default state is controlled by {@link Mesh.getWeights}, which can also be overridden for a
* particular instantiation of a {@link Mesh}, using {@link Node.getWeights}.
* Reference:
* - [glTF → Morph Targets](
* @category Properties
class PrimitiveTarget extends Property {
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE_TARGET;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
attributes: new propertyGraph.RefMap()
/** Returns a morph target vertex attribute as an {@link Accessor}. */
getAttribute(semantic) {
return this.getRefMap('attributes', semantic);
* Sets a morph target vertex attribute to an {@link Accessor}.
setAttribute(semantic, accessor) {
return this.setRefMap('attributes', semantic, accessor, {
usage: BufferViewUsage$1.ARRAY_BUFFER
* Lists all morph target vertex attribute {@link Accessor}s associated. Order will be
* consistent with the order returned by {@link .listSemantics}().
listAttributes() {
return this.listRefMapValues('attributes');
* Lists all morph target vertex attribute semantics associated. Order will be
* consistent with the order returned by {@link .listAttributes}().
listSemantics() {
return this.listRefMapKeys('attributes');
* *Scenes represent a set of visual objects to render.*
* Typically a glTF file contains only a single Scene, although more are allowed and useful in some
* cases. No particular meaning is associated with additional Scenes, except as defined by the
* application. Scenes reference {@link Node}s, and a single Node cannot be a member of more than
* one Scene.
* References:
* - [glTF → Scenes](
* - [glTF → Coordinate System and Units](
* @category Properties
class Scene extends ExtensibleProperty {
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.SCENE;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
children: new propertyGraph.RefSet()
copy(other, resolve) {
if (resolve === void 0) {
resolve = COPY_IDENTITY;
// Scene cannot be copied, only cloned. Copying is shallow, but nodes cannot have more than
// one parent. Rather than leaving one of the two Scenes without children, throw an error here.
if (resolve === COPY_IDENTITY) throw new Error('Scene cannot be copied.');
return super.copy(other, resolve);
* Adds a {@link Node} to the Scene.
* Requirements:
* 1. Nodes MAY be root children of multiple {@link Scene Scenes}
* 2. Nodes MUST NOT be children of >1 Node
* 3. Nodes MUST NOT be children of both Nodes and {@link Scene Scenes}
* The `addChild` method enforces these restrictions automatically, and will
* remove the new child from previous parents where needed. This behavior
* may change in future major releases of the library.
addChild(node) {
// Remove existing parent.
const parentNode = node.getParentNode();
if (parentNode) parentNode.removeChild(node);
return this.addRef('children', node);
/** Removes a {@link Node} from the Scene. */
removeChild(node) {
return this.removeRef('children', node);
* Lists all direct child {@link Node Nodes} in the Scene. Indirect
* descendants (children of children) are not returned, but may be
* reached recursively or with {@link Scene.traverse} instead.
listChildren() {
return this.listRefs('children');
/** Visits each {@link Node} in the Scene, including descendants, top-down. */
traverse(fn) {
for (const node of this.listChildren()) node.traverse(fn);
return this;
* *Collection of {@link Node} joints and inverse bind matrices used with skinned {@link Mesh}
* instances.*
* Reference
* - [glTF → Skins](
* @category Properties
class Skin extends ExtensibleProperty {
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.SKIN;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
skeleton: null,
inverseBindMatrices: null,
joints: new propertyGraph.RefSet()
* {@link Node} used as a skeleton root. The node must be the closest common root of the joints
* hierarchy or a direct or indirect parent node of the closest common root.
getSkeleton() {
return this.getRef('skeleton');
* {@link Node} used as a skeleton root. The node must be the closest common root of the joints
* hierarchy or a direct or indirect parent node of the closest common root.
setSkeleton(skeleton) {
return this.setRef('skeleton', skeleton);
* {@link Accessor} containing the floating-point 4x4 inverse-bind matrices. The default is
* that each matrix is a 4x4 identity matrix, which implies that inverse-bind matrices were
* pre-applied.
getInverseBindMatrices() {
return this.getRef('inverseBindMatrices');
* {@link Accessor} containing the floating-point 4x4 inverse-bind matrices. The default is
* that each matrix is a 4x4 identity matrix, which implies that inverse-bind matrices were
* pre-applied.
setInverseBindMatrices(inverseBindMatrices) {
return this.setRef('inverseBindMatrices', inverseBindMatrices, {
usage: BufferViewUsage$1.INVERSE_BIND_MATRICES
/** Adds a joint {@link Node} to this {@link Skin}. */
addJoint(joint) {
return this.addRef('joints', joint);
/** Removes a joint {@link Node} from this {@link Skin}. */
removeJoint(joint) {
return this.removeRef('joints', joint);
/** Lists joints ({@link Node}s used as joints or bones) in this {@link Skin}. */
listJoints() {
return this.listRefs('joints');
* *Texture, or images, referenced by {@link Material} properties.*
* Textures in glTF Transform are a combination of glTF's `texture` and `image` properties, and
* should be unique within a document, such that no other texture contains the same
* {@link Texture.getImage getImage()} data. Where duplicates may already exist, the `dedup({textures: true})`
* transform can remove them. A {@link Document} with N texture properties will be exported to a
* glTF file with N `image` properties, and the minimum number of `texture` properties necessary
* for the materials that use it.
* For properties associated with a particular _use_ of a texture, see {@link TextureInfo}.
* Reference:
* - [glTF → Textures](
* - [glTF → Images](
* @category Properties
class Texture extends ExtensibleProperty {
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.TEXTURE;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
image: null,
mimeType: '',
uri: ''
* MIME type / format.
/** Returns the MIME type for this texture ('image/jpeg' or 'image/png'). */
getMimeType() {
return this.get('mimeType') || ImageUtils.extensionToMimeType(FileUtils.extension(this.get('uri')));
* Sets the MIME type for this texture ('image/jpeg' or 'image/png'). If the texture does not
* have a URI, a MIME type is required for correct export.
setMimeType(mimeType) {
return this.set('mimeType', mimeType);
* URI / filename.
/** Returns the URI (e.g. 'path/to/file.png') for this texture. */
getURI() {
return this.get('uri');
* Sets the URI (e.g. 'path/to/file.png') for this texture. If the texture does not have a MIME
* type, a URI is required for correct export.
setURI(uri) {
this.set('uri', uri);
const mimeType = ImageUtils.extensionToMimeType(FileUtils.extension(uri));
if (mimeType) this.set('mimeType', mimeType);
return this;
* Image data.
/** Returns the raw image data for this texture. */
getImage() {
return this.get('image');
/** Sets the raw image data for this texture. */
setImage(image) {
return this.set('image', BufferUtils.assertView(image));
/** Returns the size, in pixels, of this texture. */
getSize() {
const image = this.get('image');
if (!image) return null;
return ImageUtils.getSize(image, this.getMimeType());
* *Root property of a glTF asset.*
* Any properties to be exported with a particular asset must be referenced (directly or
* indirectly) by the root. Metadata about the asset's license, generator, and glTF specification
* version are stored in the asset, accessible with {@link Root.getAsset}.
* Properties are added to the root with factory methods on its {@link Document}, and removed by
* calling {@link Property.dispose}() on the resource. Any properties that have been created but
* not disposed will be included when calling the various `root.list*()` methods.
* A document's root cannot be removed, and no other root may be created. Unlike other
* {@link Property} types, the `.dispose()`, `.detach()` methods have no useful function on a
* Root property.
* Usage:
* ```ts
* const root = document.getRoot();
* const scene = document.createScene('myScene');
* const node = document.createNode('myNode');
* scene.addChild(node);
* console.log(root.listScenes()); // → [scene x 1]
* ```
* Reference: [glTF → Concepts](
* @category Properties
class Root extends ExtensibleProperty {
init() {
this.propertyType = exports.PropertyType.ROOT;
getDefaults() {
return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), {
asset: {
generator: `glTF-Transform ${VERSION}`,
version: '2.0'
defaultScene: null,
accessors: new propertyGraph.RefSet(),
animations: new propertyGraph.RefSet(),
buffers: new propertyGraph.RefSet(),
cameras: new propertyGraph.RefSet(),
materials: new propertyGraph.RefSet(),
meshes: new propertyGraph.RefSet(),
nodes: new propertyGraph.RefSet(),
scenes: new propertyGraph.RefSet(),
skins: new propertyGraph.RefSet(),
textures: new propertyGraph.RefSet()
/** @internal */
constructor(graph) {
this._extensions = new Set();
graph.addEventListener('node:create', event => {
clone() {
throw new Error('Root cannot be cloned.');
copy(other, resolve) {
if (resolve === void 0) {
resolve = COPY_IDENTITY;
// Root cannot be cloned in isolation: only with its Document. Extensions are managed by
// the Document during cloning. The Root, and only the Root, should keep existing
// references while copying to avoid overwriting during a merge.
if (resolve === COPY_IDENTITY) throw new Error('Root cannot be copied.');
// IMPORTANT: Root cannot call super.copy(), which removes existing references.
this.set('asset', {
this.setDefaultScene(other.getDefaultScene() ? resolve(other.getDefaultScene()) : null);
for (const extensionName of other.listRefMapKeys('extensions')) {
const otherExtension = other.getExtension(extensionName);
this.setExtension(extensionName, resolve(otherExtension));
return this;
_addChildOfRoot(child) {
if (child instanceof Scene) {
this.addRef('scenes', child);
} else if (child instanceof Node) {
this.addRef('nodes', child);
} else if (child instanceof Camera) {
this.addRef('cameras', child);
} else if (child instanceof Skin) {
this.addRef('skins', child);
} else if (child instanceof Mesh) {
this.addRef('meshes', child);
} else if (child instanceof Material) {
this.addRef('materials', child);
} else if (child instanceof Texture) {
this.addRef('textures', child);
} else if (child instanceof Animation) {
this.addRef('animations', child);
} else if (child instanceof Accessor) {
this.addRef('accessors', child);
} else if (child instanceof Buffer$1) {
this.addRef('buffers', child);
// No error for untracked property types.
return this;
* Returns the `asset` object, which specifies the target glTF version of the asset. Additional
* metadata can be stored in optional properties such as `generator` or `copyright`.
* Reference: [glTF → Asset](
getAsset() {
return this.get('asset');
* Extensions.
/** Lists all {@link Extension Extensions} enabled for this root. */
listExtensionsUsed() {
return Array.from(this._extensions);
/** Lists all {@link Extension Extensions} enabled and required for this root. */
listExtensionsRequired() {
return this.listExtensionsUsed().filter(extension => extension.isRequired());
/** @internal */
_enableExtension(extension) {
return this;
/** @internal */
_disableExtension(extension) {
return this;
* Properties.
/** Lists all {@link Scene} properties associated with this root. */
listScenes() {
return this.listRefs('scenes');
/** Default {@link Scene} associated with this root. */
setDefaultScene(defaultScene) {
return this.setRef('defaultScene', defaultScene);
/** Default {@link Scene} associated with this root. */
getDefaultScene() {
return this.getRef('defaultScene');
/** Lists all {@link Node} properties associated with this root. */
listNodes() {
return this.listRefs('nodes');
/** Lists all {@link Camera} properties associated with this root. */
listCameras() {
return this.listRefs('cameras');
/** Lists all {@link Skin} properties associated with this root. */
listSkins() {
return this.listRefs('skins');
/** Lists all {@link Mesh} properties associated with this root. */
listMeshes() {
return this.listRefs('meshes');
/** Lists all {@link Material} properties associated with this root. */
listMaterials() {
return this.listRefs('materials');
/** Lists all {@link Texture} properties associated with this root. */
listTextures() {
return this.listRefs('textures');
/** Lists all {@link Animation} properties associated with this root. */
listAnimations() {
return this.listRefs('animations');
/** Lists all {@link Accessor} properties associated with this root. */
listAccessors() {
return this.listRefs('accessors');
/** Lists all {@link Buffer} properties associated with this root. */
listBuffers() {
return this.listRefs('buffers');
* *Wraps a glTF asset and its resources for easier modification.*
* Documents manage glTF assets and the relationships among dependencies. The document wrapper
* allow tools to read and write changes without dealing with array indices or byte offsets, which
* would otherwise require careful management over the course of a file modification. An internal
* graph structure allows any property in the glTF file to maintain references to its dependencies,
* and makes it easy to determine where a particular property dependency is being used. For
* example, finding a list of materials that use a particular texture is as simple as calling
* {@link Texture.listParents}().
* A new resource {@link Property} (e.g. a {@link Mesh} or {@link Material}) is created by calling
* 'create' methods on the document. Resources are destroyed by calling {@link Property.dispose}().
* ```ts
* import fs from 'fs/promises';
* import { Document } from '@gltf-transform/core';
* import { dedup } from '@gltf-transform/functions';
* const document = new Document();
* const texture1 = document.createTexture('myTexture')
* .setImage(await fs.readFile('path/to/image.png'))
* .setMimeType('image/png');
* const texture2 = document.createTexture('myTexture2')
* .setImage(await fs.readFile('path/to/image2.png'))
* .setMimeType('image/png');
* // Document containing duplicate copies of the same texture.
* document.getRoot().listTextures(); // → [texture x 2]
* await document.transform(
* dedup({textures: true}),
* // ...
* );
* // Document with duplicate textures removed.
* document.getRoot().listTextures(); // → [texture x 1]
* ```
* Reference:
* - [glTF → Basics](
* - [glTF → Concepts](
* @category Documents
const _iteratorSymbol$1 = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" ? Symbol.iterator || (Symbol.iterator = Symbol("Symbol.iterator")) : "@@iterator";
function _settle$2(pact, state, value) {
if (!pact.s) {
if (value instanceof _Pact$2) {
if (value.s) {
if (state & 1) {
state = value.s;
value = value.v;
} else {
value.o = _settle$2.bind(null, pact, state);
if (value && value.then) {
value.then(_settle$2.bind(null, pact, state), _settle$2.bind(null, pact, 2));
pact.s = state;
pact.v = value;
const observer = pact.o;
if (observer) {
const _Pact$2 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function _Pact() {}
_Pact.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
const result = new _Pact();
const state = this.s;
if (state) {
const callback = state & 1 ? onFulfilled : onRejected;
if (callback) {
try {
_settle$2(result, 1, callback(this.v));
} catch (e) {
_settle$2(result, 2, e);
return result;
} else {
return this;
this.o = function (_this) {
try {
const value = _this.v;
if (_this.s & 1) {
_settle$2(result, 1, onFulfilled ? onFulfilled(value) : value);
} else if (onRejected) {
_settle$2(result, 1, onRejected(value));
} else {
_settle$2(result, 2, value);
} catch (e) {
_settle$2(result, 2, e);
return result;
return _Pact;
function _isSettledPact$1(thenable) {
return thenable instanceof _Pact$2 && thenable.s & 1;
function _forTo$1(array, body, check) {
var i = -1,
function _cycle(result) {
try {
while (++i < array.length && (!check || !check())) {
result = body(i);
if (result && result.then) {
if (_isSettledPact$1(result)) {
result = result.v;
} else {
result.then(_cycle, reject || (reject = _settle$2.bind(null, pact = new _Pact$2(), 2)));
if (pact) {
_settle$2(pact, 1, result);
} else {
pact = result;
} catch (e) {
_settle$2(pact || (pact = new _Pact$2()), 2, e);
return pact;
function _forOf$1(target, body, check) {
if (typeof target[_iteratorSymbol$1] === "function") {
var iterator = target[_iteratorSymbol$1](),
function _cycle(result) {
try {
while (!(step = && (!check || !check())) {
result = body(step.value);
if (result && result.then) {
if (_isSettledPact$1(result)) {
result = result.v;
} else {
result.then(_cycle, reject || (reject = _settle$2.bind(null, pact = new _Pact$2(), 2)));
if (pact) {
_settle$2(pact, 1, result);
} else {
pact = result;
} catch (e) {
_settle$2(pact || (pact = new _Pact$2()), 2, e);
if (iterator.return) {
var _fixup = function (value) {
try {
if (!step.done) {
} catch (e) {}
return value;
if (pact && pact.then) {
return pact.then(_fixup, function (e) {
throw _fixup(e);
return pact;
// No support for Symbol.iterator
if (!("length" in target)) {
throw new TypeError("Object is not iterable");
// Handle live collections properly
var values = [];
for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {
return _forTo$1(values, function (i) {
return body(values[i]);
}, check);
class Document {
* Returns the Document associated with a given Graph, if any.
* @hidden
* @experimental
static fromGraph(graph) {
return Document._GRAPH_DOCUMENTS.get(graph) || null;
/** Creates a new Document, representing an empty glTF asset. */
constructor() {
this._graph = new propertyGraph.Graph();
this._root = new Root(this._graph);
this._logger = Logger.DEFAULT_INSTANCE;
Document._GRAPH_DOCUMENTS.set(this._graph, this);
/** Returns the glTF {@link Root} property. */
getRoot() {
return this._root;
* Returns the {@link Graph} representing connectivity of resources within this document.
* @hidden
getGraph() {
return this._graph;
/** Returns the {@link Logger} instance used for any operations performed on this document. */
getLogger() {
return this._logger;
* Overrides the {@link Logger} instance used for any operations performed on this document.
* Usage:
* ```ts
* doc
* .setLogger(new Logger(Logger.Verbosity.SILENT))
* .transform(dedup(), weld());
* ```
setLogger(logger) {
this._logger = logger;
return this;
* Clones this Document, copying all resources within it.
* @deprecated Use 'cloneDocument(document)' from '@gltf-transform/functions'.
* @hidden
* @internal
clone() {
throw new Error(`Use 'cloneDocument(source)' from '@gltf-transform/functions'.`);
* Merges the content of another Document into this one, without affecting the original.
* @deprecated Use 'mergeDocuments(target, source)' from '@gltf-transform/functions'.
* @hidden
* @internal
merge(_other) {
throw new Error(`Use 'mergeDocuments(target, source)' from '@gltf-transform/functions'.`);
* Applies a series of modifications to this document. Each transformation is asynchronous,
* takes the {@link Document} as input, and returns nothing. Transforms are applied in the
* order given, which may affect the final result.
* Usage:
* ```ts
* await doc.transform(
* dedup(),
* prune()
* );
* ```
* @param transforms List of synchronous transformation functions to apply.
transform() {
try {
const _arguments = arguments,
_this = this;
var transforms = [];
const stack = =>;
const _temp = _forOf$1(transforms, function (transform) {
return Promise.resolve(transform(_this, {
})).then(function () {});
return Promise.resolve(_temp && _temp.then ? _temp.then(function () {
return _this;
}) : _this);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
* Extension factory method.
* Creates a new {@link Extension}, for the extension type of the given constructor. If the
* extension is already enabled for this Document, the previous Extension reference is reused.
createExtension(ctor) {
const extensionName = ctor.EXTENSION_NAME;
const prevExtension = this.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().find(ext => ext.extensionName === extensionName);
return prevExtension || new ctor(this);
* Property factory methods.
/** Creates a new {@link Scene} attached to this document's {@link Root}. */
createScene(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new Scene(this._graph, name);
/** Creates a new {@link Node} attached to this document's {@link Root}. */
createNode(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new Node(this._graph, name);
/** Creates a new {@link Camera} attached to this document's {@link Root}. */
createCamera(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new Camera(this._graph, name);
/** Creates a new {@link Skin} attached to this document's {@link Root}. */
createSkin(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new Skin(this._graph, name);
/** Creates a new {@link Mesh} attached to this document's {@link Root}. */
createMesh(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new Mesh(this._graph, name);
* Creates a new {@link Primitive}. Primitives must be attached to a {@link Mesh}
* for use and export; they are not otherwise associated with a {@link Root}.
createPrimitive() {
return new Primitive(this._graph);
* Creates a new {@link PrimitiveTarget}, or morph target. Targets must be attached to a
* {@link Primitive} for use and export; they are not otherwise associated with a {@link Root}.
createPrimitiveTarget(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new PrimitiveTarget(this._graph, name);
/** Creates a new {@link Material} attached to this document's {@link Root}. */
createMaterial(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new Material(this._graph, name);
/** Creates a new {@link Texture} attached to this document's {@link Root}. */
createTexture(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new Texture(this._graph, name);
/** Creates a new {@link Animation} attached to this document's {@link Root}. */
createAnimation(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new Animation(this._graph, name);
* Creates a new {@link AnimationChannel}. Channels must be attached to an {@link Animation}
* for use and export; they are not otherwise associated with a {@link Root}.
createAnimationChannel(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new AnimationChannel(this._graph, name);
* Creates a new {@link AnimationSampler}. Samplers must be attached to an {@link Animation}
* for use and export; they are not otherwise associated with a {@link Root}.
createAnimationSampler(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new AnimationSampler(this._graph, name);
/** Creates a new {@link Accessor} attached to this document's {@link Root}. */
createAccessor(name, buffer) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
if (buffer === void 0) {
buffer = null;
if (!buffer) {
buffer = this.getRoot().listBuffers()[0];
return new Accessor(this._graph, name).setBuffer(buffer);
/** Creates a new {@link Buffer} attached to this document's {@link Root}. */
createBuffer(name) {
if (name === void 0) {
name = '';
return new Buffer$1(this._graph, name);
* Enables lookup of a Document from its Graph. For internal use, only.
* @internal
* @experimental
Document._GRAPH_DOCUMENTS = new WeakMap();
* *Base class for all Extensions.*
* Extensions enhance a glTF {@link Document} with additional features and schema, beyond the core
* glTF specification. Common extensions may be imported from the `@gltf-transform/extensions`
* package, or custom extensions may be created by extending this base class.
* An extension is added to a Document by calling {@link Document.createExtension} with the
* extension constructor. The extension object may then be used to construct
* {@link ExtensionProperty} instances, which are attached to properties throughout the Document
* as prescribed by the extension itself.
* For more information on available extensions and their usage, see [Extensions](/extensions).
* Reference:
* - [glTF → Extensions](
* - [glTF Extension Registry](
* @category Extensions
class Extension {
/** @hidden */
constructor(document) {
/** Official name of the extension. */
this.extensionName = '';
* Before reading, extension should be called for these {@link Property} types. *Most
* extensions don't need to implement this.*
* @hidden
this.prereadTypes = [];
* Before writing, extension should be called for these {@link Property} types. *Most
* extensions don't need to implement this.*
* @hidden
this.prewriteTypes = [];
/** @hidden Dependency IDs needed to read this extension, to be installed before I/O. */
this.readDependencies = [];
/** @hidden Dependency IDs needed to write this extension, to be installed before I/O. */
this.writeDependencies = [];
/** @hidden */
this.document = void 0;
/** @hidden */
this.required = false;
/** @hidden */ = new Set();
/** @hidden */
this._listener = void 0;
this.document = document;
this._listener = _event => {
const event = _event;
const target =;
if (target instanceof ExtensionProperty && target.extensionName === this.extensionName) {
if (event.type === 'node:create') this._addExtensionProperty(target);
if (event.type === 'node:dispose') this._removeExtensionProperty(target);
const graph = document.getGraph();
graph.addEventListener('node:create', this._listener);
graph.addEventListener('node:dispose', this._listener);
/** Disables and removes the extension from the Document. */
dispose() {
const graph = this.document.getGraph();
graph.removeEventListener('node:create', this._listener);
graph.removeEventListener('node:dispose', this._listener);
for (const property of {
/** @hidden Performs first-time setup for the extension. Must be idempotent. */
static register() {}
* Indicates to the client whether it is OK to load the asset when this extension is not
* recognized. Optional extensions are generally preferred, if there is not a good reason
* to require a client to completely fail when an extension isn't known.
isRequired() {
return this.required;
* Indicates to the client whether it is OK to load the asset when this extension is not
* recognized. Optional extensions are generally preferred, if there is not a good reason
* to require a client to completely fail when an extension isn't known.
setRequired(required) {
this.required = required;
return this;
* Lists all {@link ExtensionProperty} instances associated with, or created by, this
* extension. Includes only instances that are attached to the Document's graph; detached
* instances will be excluded.
listProperties() {
return Array.from(;
* ExtensionProperty management.
/** @internal */
_addExtensionProperty(property) {;
return this;
/** @internal */
_removeExtensionProperty(property) {;
return this;
* I/O implementation.
/** @hidden Installs dependencies required by the extension. */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
install(key, dependency) {
return this;
* Used by the {@link PlatformIO} utilities when reading a glTF asset. This method may
* optionally be implemented by an extension, and should then support any property type
* declared by the Extension's {@link Extension.prereadTypes} list. The Extension will
* be given a ReaderContext instance, and is expected to update either the context or its
* {@link JSONDocument} with resources known to the Extension. *Most extensions don't need to
* implement this.*
* @hidden
preread(_readerContext, _propertyType) {
return this;
* Used by the {@link PlatformIO} utilities when writing a glTF asset. This method may
* optionally be implemented by an extension, and should then support any property type
* declared by the Extension's {@link Extension.prewriteTypes} list. The Extension will
* be given a WriterContext instance, and is expected to update either the context or its
* {@link JSONDocument} with resources known to the Extension. *Most extensions don't need to
* implement this.*
* @hidden
prewrite(_writerContext, _propertyType) {
return this;
/** Official name of the extension. */
Extension.EXTENSION_NAME = void 0;
* Model class providing glTF Transform objects representing each definition in the glTF file, used
* by a {@link GLTFReader} and its {@link Extension} implementations. Indices of all properties will be
* consistent with the glTF file.
* @hidden
class ReaderContext {
constructor(jsonDoc) {
this.jsonDoc = void 0;
this.buffers = [];
this.bufferViews = [];
this.bufferViewBuffers = [];
this.accessors = [];
this.textures = [];
this.textureInfos = new Map();
this.materials = [];
this.meshes = [];
this.cameras = [];
this.nodes = [];
this.skins = [];
this.animations = [];
this.scenes = [];
this.jsonDoc = jsonDoc;
setTextureInfo(textureInfo, textureInfoDef) {
this.textureInfos.set(textureInfo, textureInfoDef);
if (textureInfoDef.texCoord !== undefined) {
if (textureInfoDef.extras !== undefined) {
const textureDef = this.jsonDoc.json.textures[textureInfoDef.index];
if (textureDef.sampler === undefined) return;
const samplerDef = this.jsonDoc.json.samplers[textureDef.sampler];
if (samplerDef.magFilter !== undefined) {
if (samplerDef.minFilter !== undefined) {
if (samplerDef.wrapS !== undefined) {
if (samplerDef.wrapT !== undefined) {
logger: Logger.DEFAULT_INSTANCE,
extensions: [],
dependencies: {}
const SUPPORTED_PREREAD_TYPES = new Set([exports.PropertyType.BUFFER, exports.PropertyType.TEXTURE, exports.PropertyType.MATERIAL, exports.PropertyType.MESH, exports.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE, exports.PropertyType.NODE, exports.PropertyType.SCENE]);
/** @internal */
class GLTFReader {
static read(jsonDoc, _options) {
if (_options === void 0) {
const options = {
const {
} = jsonDoc;
const document = new Document().setLogger(options.logger);
this.validate(jsonDoc, options);
/* Reader context. */
const context = new ReaderContext(jsonDoc);
/** Asset. */
const assetDef = json.asset;
const asset = document.getRoot().getAsset();
if (assetDef.copyright) asset.copyright = assetDef.copyright;
if (assetDef.extras) asset.extras = assetDef.extras;
if (json.extras !== undefined) {
/** Extensions (1/2). */
const extensionsUsed = json.extensionsUsed || [];
const extensionsRequired = json.extensionsRequired || [];
options.extensions.sort((a, b) => a.EXTENSION_NAME > b.EXTENSION_NAME ? 1 : -1);
for (const Extension of options.extensions) {
if (extensionsUsed.includes(Extension.EXTENSION_NAME)) {
// Create extension.
const extension = document.createExtension(Extension).setRequired(extensionsRequired.includes(Extension.EXTENSION_NAME));
// Warn on unsupported preread hooks.
const unsupportedHooks = extension.prereadTypes.filter(type => !SUPPORTED_PREREAD_TYPES.has(type));
if (unsupportedHooks.length) {
options.logger.warn(`Preread hooks for some types (${unsupportedHooks.join()}), requested by extension ` + `${extension.extensionName}, are unsupported. Please file an issue or a PR.`);
// Install dependencies.
for (const key of extension.readDependencies) {
extension.install(key, options.dependencies[key]);
/** Buffers. */
const bufferDefs = json.buffers || [];
document.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().filter(extension => extension.prereadTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.BUFFER)).forEach(extension => extension.preread(context, exports.PropertyType.BUFFER));
context.buffers = => {
const buffer = document.createBuffer(;
if (bufferDef.extras) buffer.setExtras(bufferDef.extras);
if (bufferDef.uri && bufferDef.uri.indexOf('__') !== 0) {
return buffer;
/** Buffer views. */
const bufferViewDefs = json.bufferViews || [];
context.bufferViewBuffers =, index) => {
if (!context.bufferViews[index]) {
const bufferDef = jsonDoc.json.buffers[bufferViewDef.buffer];
const resource = bufferDef.uri ? jsonDoc.resources[bufferDef.uri] : jsonDoc.resources[GLB_BUFFER];
const byteOffset = bufferViewDef.byteOffset || 0;
context.bufferViews[index] = BufferUtils.toView(resource, byteOffset, bufferViewDef.byteLength);
return context.buffers[bufferViewDef.buffer];
/** Accessors. */
// Accessor .count and .componentType properties are inferred dynamically.
const accessorDefs = json.accessors || [];
context.accessors = => {
const buffer = context.bufferViewBuffers[accessorDef.bufferView];
const accessor = document.createAccessor(, buffer).setType(accessorDef.type);
if (accessorDef.extras) accessor.setExtras(accessorDef.extras);
if (accessorDef.normalized !== undefined) {
// Sparse accessors, KHR_draco_mesh_compression, and EXT_meshopt_compression.
if (accessorDef.bufferView === undefined) return accessor;
// NOTICE: We mark sparse accessors at the end of the I/O reading process. Consider an
// accessor to be 'sparse' if it (A) includes sparse value overrides, or (B) does not
// define .bufferView _and_ no extension provides that data.
accessor.setArray(getAccessorArray(accessorDef, context));
return accessor;
/** Textures. */
// glTF Transform's "Texture" properties correspond 1:1 with glTF "Image" properties, and
// with image files. The glTF file may contain more one texture per image, where images
// are reused with different sampler properties.
const imageDefs = json.images || [];
const textureDefs = json.textures || [];
document.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().filter(extension => extension.prereadTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.TEXTURE)).forEach(extension => extension.preread(context, exports.PropertyType.TEXTURE));
context.textures = => {
const texture = document.createTexture(;
// glTF Image corresponds 1:1 with glTF Transform Texture. See `writer.ts`.
if (imageDef.extras) texture.setExtras(imageDef.extras);
if (imageDef.bufferView !== undefined) {
const bufferViewDef = json.bufferViews[imageDef.bufferView];
const bufferDef = jsonDoc.json.buffers[bufferViewDef.buffer];
const bufferData = bufferDef.uri ? jsonDoc.resources[bufferDef.uri] : jsonDoc.resources[GLB_BUFFER];
const byteOffset = bufferViewDef.byteOffset || 0;
const byteLength = bufferViewDef.byteLength;
const imageData = bufferData.slice(byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength);
} else if (imageDef.uri !== undefined) {
if (imageDef.uri.indexOf('__') !== 0) {
if (imageDef.mimeType !== undefined) {
} else if (imageDef.uri) {
const extension = FileUtils.extension(imageDef.uri);
return texture;
/** Materials. */
document.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().filter(extension => extension.prereadTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.MATERIAL)).forEach(extension => extension.preread(context, exports.PropertyType.MATERIAL));
const materialDefs = json.materials || [];
context.materials = => {
const material = document.createMaterial(;
if (materialDef.extras) material.setExtras(materialDef.extras);
// Program state & blending.
if (materialDef.alphaMode !== undefined) {
if (materialDef.alphaCutoff !== undefined) {
if (materialDef.doubleSided !== undefined) {
// Factors.
const pbrDef = materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness || {};
if (pbrDef.baseColorFactor !== undefined) {
if (materialDef.emissiveFactor !== undefined) {
if (pbrDef.metallicFactor !== undefined) {
if (pbrDef.roughnessFactor !== undefined) {
// Textures.
if (pbrDef.baseColorTexture !== undefined) {
const textureInfoDef = pbrDef.baseColorTexture;
const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source];
context.setTextureInfo(material.getBaseColorTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef);
if (materialDef.emissiveTexture !== undefined) {
const textureInfoDef = materialDef.emissiveTexture;
const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source];
context.setTextureInfo(material.getEmissiveTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef);
if (materialDef.normalTexture !== undefined) {
const textureInfoDef = materialDef.normalTexture;
const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source];
context.setTextureInfo(material.getNormalTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef);
if (materialDef.normalTexture.scale !== undefined) {
if (materialDef.occlusionTexture !== undefined) {
const textureInfoDef = materialDef.occlusionTexture;
const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source];
context.setTextureInfo(material.getOcclusionTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef);
if (materialDef.occlusionTexture.strength !== undefined) {
if (pbrDef.metallicRoughnessTexture !== undefined) {
const textureInfoDef = pbrDef.metallicRoughnessTexture;
const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source];
context.setTextureInfo(material.getMetallicRoughnessTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef);
return material;
/** Meshes. */
document.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().filter(extension => extension.prereadTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.MESH)).forEach(extension => extension.preread(context, exports.PropertyType.MESH));
const meshDefs = json.meshes || [];
document.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().filter(extension => extension.prereadTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE)).forEach(extension => extension.preread(context, exports.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE));
context.meshes = => {
const mesh = document.createMesh(;
if (meshDef.extras) mesh.setExtras(meshDef.extras);
if (meshDef.weights !== undefined) {
const primitiveDefs = meshDef.primitives || [];
primitiveDefs.forEach(primitiveDef => {
const primitive = document.createPrimitive();
if (primitiveDef.extras) primitive.setExtras(primitiveDef.extras);
if (primitiveDef.material !== undefined) {
if (primitiveDef.mode !== undefined) {
for (const [semantic, index] of Object.entries(primitiveDef.attributes || {})) {
primitive.setAttribute(semantic, context.accessors[index]);
if (primitiveDef.indices !== undefined) {
const targetNames = meshDef.extras && meshDef.extras.targetNames || [];
const targetDefs = primitiveDef.targets || [];
targetDefs.forEach((targetDef, targetIndex) => {
const targetName = targetNames[targetIndex] || targetIndex.toString();
const target = document.createPrimitiveTarget(targetName);
for (const [semantic, accessorIndex] of Object.entries(targetDef)) {
target.setAttribute(semantic, context.accessors[accessorIndex]);
return mesh;
/** Cameras. */
const cameraDefs = json.cameras || [];
context.cameras = => {
const camera = document.createCamera(;
if (cameraDef.extras) camera.setExtras(cameraDef.extras);
if (cameraDef.type === Camera.Type.PERSPECTIVE) {
const perspectiveDef = cameraDef.perspective;
if (perspectiveDef.zfar !== undefined) {
if (perspectiveDef.aspectRatio !== undefined) {
} else {
const orthoDef = cameraDef.orthographic;
return camera;
/** Nodes. */
const nodeDefs = json.nodes || [];
document.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().filter(extension => extension.prereadTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.NODE)).forEach(extension => extension.preread(context, exports.PropertyType.NODE));
context.nodes = => {
const node = document.createNode(;
if (nodeDef.extras) node.setExtras(nodeDef.extras);
if (nodeDef.translation !== undefined) {
if (nodeDef.rotation !== undefined) {
if (nodeDef.scale !== undefined) {
if (nodeDef.matrix !== undefined) {
const translation = [0, 0, 0];
const rotation = [0, 0, 0, 1];
const scale = [1, 1, 1];
MathUtils.decompose(nodeDef.matrix, translation, rotation, scale);
if (nodeDef.weights !== undefined) {
// Attachments (mesh, camera, skin) defined later in reading process.
return node;
/** Skins. */
const skinDefs = json.skins || [];
context.skins = => {
const skin = document.createSkin(;
if (skinDef.extras) skin.setExtras(skinDef.extras);
if (skinDef.inverseBindMatrices !== undefined) {
if (skinDef.skeleton !== undefined) {
for (const nodeIndex of skinDef.joints) {
return skin;
/** Node attachments. */, nodeIndex) => {
const node = context.nodes[nodeIndex];
const children = nodeDef.children || [];
children.forEach(childIndex => node.addChild(context.nodes[childIndex]));
if (nodeDef.mesh !== undefined) node.setMesh(context.meshes[nodeDef.mesh]);
if ( !== undefined) node.setCamera(context.cameras[]);
if ( !== undefined) node.setSkin(context.skins[]);
/** Animations. */
const animationDefs = json.animations || [];
context.animations = => {
const animation = document.createAnimation(;
if (animationDef.extras) animation.setExtras(animationDef.extras);
const samplerDefs = animationDef.samplers || [];
const samplers = => {
const sampler = document.createAnimationSampler().setInput(context.accessors[samplerDef.input]).setOutput(context.accessors[samplerDef.output]).setInterpolation(samplerDef.interpolation || AnimationSampler.Interpolation.LINEAR);
if (samplerDef.extras) sampler.setExtras(samplerDef.extras);
return sampler;
const channels = animationDef.channels || [];
channels.forEach(channelDef => {
const channel = document.createAnimationChannel().setSampler(samplers[channelDef.sampler]).setTargetPath(;
if ( !== undefined) channel.setTargetNode(context.nodes[]);
if (channelDef.extras) channel.setExtras(channelDef.extras);
return animation;
/** Scenes. */
const sceneDefs = json.scenes || [];
document.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().filter(extension => extension.prereadTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.SCENE)).forEach(extension => extension.preread(context, exports.PropertyType.SCENE));
context.scenes = => {
const scene = document.createScene(;
if (sceneDef.extras) scene.setExtras(sceneDef.extras);
const children = sceneDef.nodes || []; => context.nodes[nodeIndex]).forEach(node => scene.addChild(node));
return scene;
if (json.scene !== undefined) {
/** Extensions (2/2). */
document.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().forEach(extension =>;
/** Post-processing. */
// Consider an accessor to be 'sparse' if it (A) includes sparse value overrides,
// or (B) does not define .bufferView _and_ no extension provides that data. Case
// (B) represents a zero-filled accessor.
accessorDefs.forEach((accessorDef, index) => {
const accessor = context.accessors[index];
const hasSparseValues = !!accessorDef.sparse;
const isZeroFilled = !accessorDef.bufferView && !accessor.getArray();
if (hasSparseValues || isZeroFilled) {
accessor.setSparse(true).setArray(getSparseArray(accessorDef, context));
return document;
static validate(jsonDoc, options) {
const json = jsonDoc.json;
if (json.asset.version !== '2.0') {
throw new Error(`Unsupported glTF version, "${json.asset.version}".`);
if (json.extensionsRequired) {
for (const extensionName of json.extensionsRequired) {
if (!options.extensions.find(extension => extension.EXTENSION_NAME === extensionName)) {
throw new Error(`Missing required extension, "${extensionName}".`);
if (json.extensionsUsed) {
for (const extensionName of json.extensionsUsed) {
if (!options.extensions.find(extension => extension.EXTENSION_NAME === extensionName)) {
options.logger.warn(`Missing optional extension, "${extensionName}".`);
* Returns the contents of an interleaved accessor, as a typed array.
* @internal
function getInterleavedArray(accessorDef, context) {
const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc;
const bufferView = context.bufferViews[accessorDef.bufferView];
const bufferViewDef = jsonDoc.json.bufferViews[accessorDef.bufferView];
const TypedArray = ComponentTypeToTypedArray[accessorDef.componentType];
const elementSize = Accessor.getElementSize(accessorDef.type);
const componentSize = TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
const accessorByteOffset = accessorDef.byteOffset || 0;
const array = new TypedArray(accessorDef.count * elementSize);
const view = new DataView(bufferView.buffer, bufferView.byteOffset, bufferView.byteLength);
const byteStride = bufferViewDef.byteStride;
for (let i = 0; i < accessorDef.count; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) {
const byteOffset = accessorByteOffset + i * byteStride + j * componentSize;
let value;
switch (accessorDef.componentType) {
case Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT:
value = view.getFloat32(byteOffset, true);
case Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT:
value = view.getUint32(byteOffset, true);
case Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT:
value = view.getUint16(byteOffset, true);
case Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE:
value = view.getUint8(byteOffset);
case Accessor.ComponentType.SHORT:
value = view.getInt16(byteOffset, true);
case Accessor.ComponentType.BYTE:
value = view.getInt8(byteOffset);
throw new Error(`Unexpected componentType "${accessorDef.componentType}".`);
array[i * elementSize + j] = value;
return array;
* Returns the contents of an accessor, as a typed array.
* @internal
function getAccessorArray(accessorDef, context) {
const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc;
const bufferView = context.bufferViews[accessorDef.bufferView];
const bufferViewDef = jsonDoc.json.bufferViews[accessorDef.bufferView];
const TypedArray = ComponentTypeToTypedArray[accessorDef.componentType];
const elementSize = Accessor.getElementSize(accessorDef.type);
const componentSize = TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
const elementStride = elementSize * componentSize;
// Interleaved buffer view.
if (bufferViewDef.byteStride !== undefined && bufferViewDef.byteStride !== elementStride) {
return getInterleavedArray(accessorDef, context);
const byteOffset = bufferView.byteOffset + (accessorDef.byteOffset || 0);
const byteLength = accessorDef.count * elementSize * componentSize;
// Might optimize this to avoid deep copy later, but it's useful for now and not a known
// bottleneck. See
return new TypedArray(bufferView.buffer.slice(byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength));
* Returns the contents of a sparse accessor, as a typed array.
* @internal
function getSparseArray(accessorDef, context) {
const TypedArray = ComponentTypeToTypedArray[accessorDef.componentType];
const elementSize = Accessor.getElementSize(accessorDef.type);
let array;
if (accessorDef.bufferView !== undefined) {
array = getAccessorArray(accessorDef, context);
} else {
array = new TypedArray(accessorDef.count * elementSize);
const sparseDef = accessorDef.sparse;
if (!sparseDef) return array; // Zero-filled accessor.
const count = sparseDef.count;
const indicesDef = {
type: 'SCALAR'
const valuesDef = {
const indices = getAccessorArray(indicesDef, context);
const values = getAccessorArray(valuesDef, context);
// Override indices given in the sparse data.
for (let i = 0; i < indicesDef.count; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) {
array[indices[i] * elementSize + j] = values[i * elementSize + j];
return array;
var BufferViewTarget;
(function (BufferViewTarget) {
BufferViewTarget[BufferViewTarget["ARRAY_BUFFER"] = 34962] = "ARRAY_BUFFER";
BufferViewTarget[BufferViewTarget["ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"] = 34963] = "ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER";
})(BufferViewTarget || (BufferViewTarget = {}));
* Model class providing writing state to a {@link GLTFWriter} and its {@link Extension}
* implementations.
* @hidden
class WriterContext {
constructor(_doc, jsonDoc, options) {
this._doc = void 0;
this.jsonDoc = void 0;
this.options = void 0;
this.accessorIndexMap = new Map();
this.animationIndexMap = new Map();
this.bufferIndexMap = new Map();
this.cameraIndexMap = new Map();
this.skinIndexMap = new Map();
this.materialIndexMap = new Map();
this.meshIndexMap = new Map();
this.nodeIndexMap = new Map();
this.imageIndexMap = new Map();
this.textureDefIndexMap = new Map();
// textureDef JSON -> index
this.textureInfoDefMap = new Map();
this.samplerDefIndexMap = new Map();
// samplerDef JSON -> index
this.sceneIndexMap = new Map();
this.imageBufferViews = [];
this.otherBufferViews = new Map();
this.otherBufferViewsIndexMap = new Map();
this.extensionData = {};
this.bufferURIGenerator = void 0;
this.imageURIGenerator = void 0;
this.logger = void 0;
this._accessorUsageMap = new Map();
this.accessorUsageGroupedByParent = new Set(['ARRAY_BUFFER']);
this.accessorParents = new Map();
this._doc = _doc;
this.jsonDoc = jsonDoc;
this.options = options;
const root = _doc.getRoot();
const numBuffers = root.listBuffers().length;
const numImages = root.listTextures().length;
this.bufferURIGenerator = new UniqueURIGenerator(numBuffers > 1, () => options.basename || 'buffer');
this.imageURIGenerator = new UniqueURIGenerator(numImages > 1, texture => getSlot(_doc, texture) || options.basename || 'texture');
this.logger = _doc.getLogger();
* Creates a TextureInfo definition, and any Texture or Sampler definitions it requires. If
* possible, Texture and Sampler definitions are shared.
createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo) {
const samplerDef = {
magFilter: textureInfo.getMagFilter() || undefined,
minFilter: textureInfo.getMinFilter() || undefined,
wrapS: textureInfo.getWrapS(),
wrapT: textureInfo.getWrapT()
const samplerKey = JSON.stringify(samplerDef);
if (!this.samplerDefIndexMap.has(samplerKey)) {
this.samplerDefIndexMap.set(samplerKey, this.jsonDoc.json.samplers.length);
const textureDef = {
source: this.imageIndexMap.get(texture),
sampler: this.samplerDefIndexMap.get(samplerKey)
const textureKey = JSON.stringify(textureDef);
if (!this.textureDefIndexMap.has(textureKey)) {
this.textureDefIndexMap.set(textureKey, this.jsonDoc.json.textures.length);
const textureInfoDef = {
index: this.textureDefIndexMap.get(textureKey)
if (textureInfo.getTexCoord() !== 0) {
textureInfoDef.texCoord = textureInfo.getTexCoord();
if (Object.keys(textureInfo.getExtras()).length > 0) {
textureInfoDef.extras = textureInfo.getExtras();
this.textureInfoDefMap.set(textureInfo, textureInfoDef);
return textureInfoDef;
createPropertyDef(property) {
const def = {};
if (property.getName()) { = property.getName();
if (Object.keys(property.getExtras()).length > 0) {
def.extras = property.getExtras();
return def;
createAccessorDef(accessor) {
const accessorDef = this.createPropertyDef(accessor);
accessorDef.type = accessor.getType();
accessorDef.componentType = accessor.getComponentType();
accessorDef.count = accessor.getCount();
const needsBounds = this._doc.getGraph().listParentEdges(accessor).some(edge => edge.getName() === 'attributes' && edge.getAttributes().key === 'POSITION' || edge.getName() === 'input');
if (needsBounds) {
accessorDef.max = accessor.getMax([]).map(Math.fround);
accessorDef.min = accessor.getMin([]).map(Math.fround);
if (accessor.getNormalized()) {
accessorDef.normalized = accessor.getNormalized();
return accessorDef;
createImageData(imageDef, data, texture) {
if (this.options.format === exports.Format.GLB) {
imageDef.bufferView = this.jsonDoc.json.bufferViews.length;
buffer: 0,
byteOffset: -1,
// determined while iterating buffers, in Writer.ts.
byteLength: data.byteLength
} else {
const extension = ImageUtils.mimeTypeToExtension(texture.getMimeType());
imageDef.uri = this.imageURIGenerator.createURI(texture, extension);
this.assignResourceURI(imageDef.uri, data, false);
assignResourceURI(uri, data, throwOnConflict) {
const resources = this.jsonDoc.resources;
if (!(uri in resources)) {
resources[uri] = data;
if (data === resources[uri]) {
this.logger.warn(`Duplicate resource URI, "${uri}".`);
const conflictMessage = `Resource URI "${uri}" already assigned to different data.`;
if (!throwOnConflict) {
throw new Error(conflictMessage);
* Returns implicit usage type of the given accessor, related to grouping accessors into
* buffer views. Usage is a superset of buffer view target, including ARRAY_BUFFER and
* ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, but also usages that do not match GPU buffer view targets such as
* IBMs. Additional usages are defined by extensions, like `EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing`.
getAccessorUsage(accessor) {
const cachedUsage = this._accessorUsageMap.get(accessor);
if (cachedUsage) return cachedUsage;
if (accessor.getSparse()) return BufferViewUsage$1.SPARSE;
for (const edge of this._doc.getGraph().listParentEdges(accessor)) {
const {
} = edge.getAttributes();
if (usage) return usage;
if (edge.getParent().propertyType !== exports.PropertyType.ROOT) {
this.logger.warn(`Missing attribute ".usage" on edge, "${edge.getName()}".`);
// Group accessors with no specified usage into a miscellaneous buffer view.
return BufferViewUsage$1.OTHER;
* Sets usage for the given accessor. Some accessor types must be grouped into
* buffer views with like accessors. This includes the specified buffer view "targets", but
* also implicit usage like IBMs or instanced mesh attributes. If unspecified, an accessor
* will be grouped with other accessors of unspecified usage.
addAccessorToUsageGroup(accessor, usage) {
const prevUsage = this._accessorUsageMap.get(accessor);
if (prevUsage && prevUsage !== usage) {
throw new Error(`Accessor with usage "${prevUsage}" cannot be reused as "${usage}".`);
this._accessorUsageMap.set(accessor, usage);
return this;
/** Explicit buffer view targets defined by glTF specification. */
WriterContext.BufferViewTarget = BufferViewTarget;
* Implicit buffer view usage, not required by glTF specification, but nonetheless useful for
* proper grouping of accessors into buffer views. Additional usages are defined by extensions,
* like `EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing`.
WriterContext.BufferViewUsage = BufferViewUsage$1;
/** Maps usage type to buffer view target. Usages not mapped have undefined targets. */
WriterContext.USAGE_TO_TARGET = {
[BufferViewUsage$1.ARRAY_BUFFER]: BufferViewTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER,
class UniqueURIGenerator {
constructor(multiple, basename) {
this.multiple = void 0;
this.basename = void 0;
this.counter = {};
this.multiple = multiple;
this.basename = basename;
createURI(object, extension) {
if (object.getURI()) {
return object.getURI();
} else if (!this.multiple) {
return `${this.basename(object)}.${extension}`;
} else {
const basename = this.basename(object);
this.counter[basename] = this.counter[basename] || 1;
return `${basename}_${this.counter[basename]++}.${extension}`;
/** Returns the first slot (by name) to which the texture is assigned. */
function getSlot(document, texture) {
const edge = document.getGraph().listParentEdges(texture).find(edge => edge.getParent() !== document.getRoot());
return edge ? edge.getName().replace(/texture$/i, '') : '';
const {
} = WriterContext;
const {
} = Accessor.ComponentType;
const SUPPORTED_PREWRITE_TYPES = new Set([exports.PropertyType.ACCESSOR, exports.PropertyType.BUFFER, exports.PropertyType.MATERIAL, exports.PropertyType.MESH]);
* @internal
* @hidden
class GLTFWriter {
static write(doc, options) {
const graph = doc.getGraph();
const root = doc.getRoot();
const json = {
asset: {
generator: `glTF-Transform ${VERSION}`,
extras: {
const jsonDoc = {
resources: {}
const context = new WriterContext(doc, jsonDoc, options);
const logger = options.logger || Logger.DEFAULT_INSTANCE;
/* Extensions (1/2). */
// Extensions present on the Document are not written unless they are also registered with
// the I/O class. This ensures that setup in `extension.register()` is completed, and
// allows a Document to be written with specific extensions disabled.
const extensionsRegistered = new Set( => ext.EXTENSION_NAME));
const extensionsUsed = doc.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().filter(ext => extensionsRegistered.has(ext.extensionName)).sort((a, b) => a.extensionName > b.extensionName ? 1 : -1);
const extensionsRequired = doc.getRoot().listExtensionsRequired().filter(ext => extensionsRegistered.has(ext.extensionName)).sort((a, b) => a.extensionName > b.extensionName ? 1 : -1);
if (extensionsUsed.length < doc.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().length) {
logger.warn('Some extensions were not registered for I/O, and will not be written.');
for (const extension of extensionsUsed) {
// Warn on unsupported prewrite hooks.
const unsupportedHooks = extension.prewriteTypes.filter(type => !SUPPORTED_PREWRITE_TYPES.has(type));
if (unsupportedHooks.length) {
logger.warn(`Prewrite hooks for some types (${unsupportedHooks.join()}), requested by extension ` + `${extension.extensionName}, are unsupported. Please file an issue or a PR.`);
// Install dependencies.
for (const key of extension.writeDependencies) {
extension.install(key, options.dependencies[key]);
* Pack a group of accessors into a sequential buffer view. Appends accessor and buffer view
* definitions to the root JSON lists.
* @param accessors Accessors to be included.
* @param bufferIndex Buffer to write to.
* @param bufferByteOffset Current offset into the buffer, accounting for other buffer views.
* @param bufferViewTarget (Optional) target use of the buffer view.
function concatAccessors(accessors, bufferIndex, bufferByteOffset, bufferViewTarget) {
const buffers = [];
let byteLength = 0;
// Create accessor definitions, determining size of final buffer view.
for (const accessor of accessors) {
const accessorDef = context.createAccessorDef(accessor);
accessorDef.bufferView = json.bufferViews.length;
const accessorArray = accessor.getArray();
const data = BufferUtils.pad(BufferUtils.toView(accessorArray));
accessorDef.byteOffset = byteLength;
byteLength += data.byteLength;
context.accessorIndexMap.set(accessor, json.accessors.length);
// Create buffer view definition.
const bufferViewData = BufferUtils.concat(buffers);
const bufferViewDef = {
buffer: bufferIndex,
byteOffset: bufferByteOffset,
byteLength: bufferViewData.byteLength
if (bufferViewTarget) = bufferViewTarget;
return {
* Pack a group of accessors into an interleaved buffer view. Appends accessor and buffer
* view definitions to the root JSON lists. Buffer view target is implicitly attribute data.
* References:
* - [Apple • Best Practices for Working with Vertex Data](
* - [Khronos • Vertex Specification Best Practices](
* @param accessors Accessors to be included.
* @param bufferIndex Buffer to write to.
* @param bufferByteOffset Offset into the buffer, accounting for other buffer views.
function interleaveAccessors(accessors, bufferIndex, bufferByteOffset) {
const vertexCount = accessors[0].getCount();
let byteStride = 0;
// Create accessor definitions, determining size and stride of final buffer view.
for (const accessor of accessors) {
const accessorDef = context.createAccessorDef(accessor);
accessorDef.bufferView = json.bufferViews.length;
accessorDef.byteOffset = byteStride;
const elementSize = accessor.getElementSize();
const componentSize = accessor.getComponentSize();
byteStride += BufferUtils.padNumber(elementSize * componentSize);
context.accessorIndexMap.set(accessor, json.accessors.length);
// Allocate interleaved buffer view.
const byteLength = vertexCount * byteStride;
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteLength);
const view = new DataView(buffer);
// Write interleaved accessor data to the buffer view.
for (let i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
let vertexByteOffset = 0;
for (const accessor of accessors) {
const elementSize = accessor.getElementSize();
const componentSize = accessor.getComponentSize();
const componentType = accessor.getComponentType();
const array = accessor.getArray();
for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) {
const viewByteOffset = i * byteStride + vertexByteOffset + j * componentSize;
const value = array[i * elementSize + j];
switch (componentType) {
case Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT:
view.setFloat32(viewByteOffset, value, true);
case Accessor.ComponentType.BYTE:
view.setInt8(viewByteOffset, value);
case Accessor.ComponentType.SHORT:
view.setInt16(viewByteOffset, value, true);
case Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE:
view.setUint8(viewByteOffset, value);
case Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT:
view.setUint16(viewByteOffset, value, true);
case Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT:
view.setUint32(viewByteOffset, value, true);
throw new Error('Unexpected component type: ' + componentType);
vertexByteOffset += BufferUtils.padNumber(elementSize * componentSize);
// Create buffer view definition.
const bufferViewDef = {
buffer: bufferIndex,
byteOffset: bufferByteOffset,
byteLength: byteLength,
byteStride: byteStride,
target: WriterContext.BufferViewTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER
return {
buffers: [new Uint8Array(buffer)]
* Pack a group of sparse accessors. Appends accessor and buffer view
* definitions to the root JSON lists.
* @param accessors Accessors to be included.
* @param bufferIndex Buffer to write to.
* @param bufferByteOffset Current offset into the buffer, accounting for other buffer views.
function concatSparseAccessors(accessors, bufferIndex, bufferByteOffset) {
const buffers = [];
let byteLength = 0;
const sparseData = new Map();
let maxIndex = -Infinity;
let needSparseWarning = false;
// (1) Write accessor definitions, gathering indices and values.
for (const accessor of accessors) {
const accessorDef = context.createAccessorDef(accessor);
context.accessorIndexMap.set(accessor, json.accessors.length - 1);
const indices = [];
const values = [];
const el = [];
const base = new Array(accessor.getElementSize()).fill(0);
for (let i = 0, il = accessor.getCount(); i < il; i++) {
accessor.getElement(i, el);
if (MathUtils.eq(el, base, 0)) continue;
maxIndex = Math.max(i, maxIndex);
for (let j = 0; j < el.length; j++) values.push(el[j]);
const count = indices.length;
const data = {
sparseData.set(accessor, data);
if (count === 0) continue;
if (count > accessor.getCount() / 2) {
needSparseWarning = true;
const ValueArray = ComponentTypeToTypedArray[accessor.getComponentType()];
data.indices = indices;
data.values = new ValueArray(values);
// (2) Early exit if all sparse accessors are just zero-filled arrays.
if (!Number.isFinite(maxIndex)) {
return {
if (needSparseWarning) {
logger.warn(`Some sparse accessors have >50% non-zero elements, which may increase file size.`);
// (3) Write index buffer view.
const IndexArray = maxIndex < 255 ? Uint8Array : maxIndex < 65535 ? Uint16Array : Uint32Array;
const IndexComponentType = maxIndex < 255 ? UNSIGNED_BYTE : maxIndex < 65535 ? UNSIGNED_SHORT : UNSIGNED_INT;
const indicesBufferViewDef = {
buffer: bufferIndex,
byteOffset: bufferByteOffset + byteLength,
byteLength: 0
for (const accessor of accessors) {
const data = sparseData.get(accessor);
if (data.count === 0) continue;
data.indicesByteOffset = indicesBufferViewDef.byteLength;
const buffer = BufferUtils.pad(BufferUtils.toView(new IndexArray(data.indices)));
byteLength += buffer.byteLength;
indicesBufferViewDef.byteLength += buffer.byteLength;
const indicesBufferViewIndex = json.bufferViews.length - 1;
// (4) Write value buffer view.
const valuesBufferViewDef = {
buffer: bufferIndex,
byteOffset: bufferByteOffset + byteLength,
byteLength: 0
for (const accessor of accessors) {
const data = sparseData.get(accessor);
if (data.count === 0) continue;
data.valuesByteOffset = valuesBufferViewDef.byteLength;
const buffer = BufferUtils.pad(BufferUtils.toView(data.values));
byteLength += buffer.byteLength;
valuesBufferViewDef.byteLength += buffer.byteLength;
const valuesBufferViewIndex = json.bufferViews.length - 1;
// (5) Write accessor sparse entries.
for (const accessor of accessors) {
const data = sparseData.get(accessor);
if (data.count === 0) continue;
data.accessorDef.sparse = {
count: data.count,
indices: {
bufferView: indicesBufferViewIndex,
byteOffset: data.indicesByteOffset,
componentType: IndexComponentType
values: {
bufferView: valuesBufferViewIndex,
byteOffset: data.valuesByteOffset
return {
json.accessors = [];
json.bufferViews = [];
/* Textures. */
// glTF Transform's "Texture" properties correspond 1:1 with glTF "Image" properties, and
// with image files. The glTF file may contain more one texture per image, where images
// are reused with different sampler properties.
json.samplers = [];
json.textures = [];
json.images = root.listTextures().map((texture, textureIndex) => {
const imageDef = context.createPropertyDef(texture);
if (texture.getMimeType()) {
imageDef.mimeType = texture.getMimeType();
const image = texture.getImage();
if (image) {
context.createImageData(imageDef, image, texture);
context.imageIndexMap.set(texture, textureIndex);
return imageDef;
/* Accessors. */
extensionsUsed.filter(extension => extension.prewriteTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.ACCESSOR)).forEach(extension => extension.prewrite(context, exports.PropertyType.ACCESSOR));
root.listAccessors().forEach(accessor => {
// Attributes are grouped and interleaved in one buffer view per mesh primitive.
// Indices for all primitives are grouped into a single buffer view. IBMs are grouped
// into a single buffer view. Other usage (if specified by extensions) also goes into
// a dedicated buffer view. Everything else goes into a miscellaneous buffer view.
// Certain accessor usage should group data into buffer views by the accessor parent.
// The `accessorParents` map uses the first parent of each accessor for this purpose.
const groupByParent = context.accessorUsageGroupedByParent;
const accessorParents = context.accessorParents;
// Skip if already written by an extension.
if (context.accessorIndexMap.has(accessor)) return;
// Assign usage for core accessor usage types (explicit targets and implicit usage).
const usage = context.getAccessorUsage(accessor);
context.addAccessorToUsageGroup(accessor, usage);
// For accessor usage that requires grouping by parent (vertex and instance
// attributes) organize buffer views accordingly.
if (groupByParent.has(usage)) {
const parent = graph.listParents(accessor).find(parent => parent.propertyType !== exports.PropertyType.ROOT);
accessorParents.set(accessor, parent);
/* Buffers, buffer views. */
extensionsUsed.filter(extension => extension.prewriteTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.BUFFER)).forEach(extension => extension.prewrite(context, exports.PropertyType.BUFFER));
const needsBuffer = root.listAccessors().length > 0 || context.otherBufferViews.size > 0 || root.listTextures().length > 0 && options.format === exports.Format.GLB;
if (needsBuffer && root.listBuffers().length === 0) {
throw new Error('Buffer required for Document resources, but none was found.');
json.buffers = [];
root.listBuffers().forEach((buffer, index) => {
const bufferDef = context.createPropertyDef(buffer);
const groupByParent = context.accessorUsageGroupedByParent;
const accessors = buffer.listParents().filter(property => property instanceof Accessor);
const uniqueParents = new Set( => context.accessorParents.get(accessor)));
const parentToIndex = new Map(Array.from(uniqueParents).map((parent, index) => [parent, index]));
const accessorGroups = {};
for (const accessor of accessors) {
var _key;
// Skip if already written by an extension.
if (context.accessorIndexMap.has(accessor)) continue;
const usage = context.getAccessorUsage(accessor);
let key = usage;
if (groupByParent.has(usage)) {
const parent = context.accessorParents.get(accessor);
key += `:${parentToIndex.get(parent)}`;
accessorGroups[_key = key] || (accessorGroups[_key] = {
accessors: []
// Write accessor groups to buffer views.
const buffers = [];
const bufferIndex = json.buffers.length;
let bufferByteLength = 0;
for (const {
accessors: groupAccessors
} of Object.values(accessorGroups)) {
if (usage === BufferViewUsage.ARRAY_BUFFER && options.vertexLayout === exports.VertexLayout.INTERLEAVED) {
// (1) Interleaved vertex attributes.
const result = interleaveAccessors(groupAccessors, bufferIndex, bufferByteLength);
bufferByteLength += result.byteLength;
for (const buffer of result.buffers) {
} else if (usage === BufferViewUsage.ARRAY_BUFFER) {
// (2) Non-interleaved vertex attributes.
for (const accessor of groupAccessors) {
// We 'interleave' a single accessor because the method pads to
// 4-byte boundaries, which concatAccessors() does not.
const result = interleaveAccessors([accessor], bufferIndex, bufferByteLength);
bufferByteLength += result.byteLength;
for (const buffer of result.buffers) {
} else if (usage === BufferViewUsage.SPARSE) {
// (3) Sparse accessors.
const result = concatSparseAccessors(groupAccessors, bufferIndex, bufferByteLength);
bufferByteLength += result.byteLength;
for (const buffer of result.buffers) {
} else if (usage === BufferViewUsage.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) {
// (4) Indices.
const target = WriterContext.BufferViewTarget.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER;
const result = concatAccessors(groupAccessors, bufferIndex, bufferByteLength, target);
bufferByteLength += result.byteLength;
for (const buffer of result.buffers) {
} else {
// (5) Other.
const result = concatAccessors(groupAccessors, bufferIndex, bufferByteLength);
bufferByteLength += result.byteLength;
for (const buffer of result.buffers) {
// We only support embedded images in GLB, where the embedded buffer must be the first.
// Additional buffers are currently left empty (see EXT_meshopt_compression fallback).
if (context.imageBufferViews.length && index === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < context.imageBufferViews.length; i++) {
json.bufferViews[json.images[i].bufferView].byteOffset = bufferByteLength;
bufferByteLength += context.imageBufferViews[i].byteLength;
if (bufferByteLength % 8) {
// See:
const imagePadding = 8 - bufferByteLength % 8;
bufferByteLength += imagePadding;
buffers.push(new Uint8Array(imagePadding));
if (context.otherBufferViews.has(buffer)) {
for (const data of context.otherBufferViews.get(buffer)) {
buffer: bufferIndex,
byteOffset: bufferByteLength,
byteLength: data.byteLength
context.otherBufferViewsIndexMap.set(data, json.bufferViews.length - 1);
bufferByteLength += data.byteLength;
if (bufferByteLength) {
// Assign buffer URI.
let uri;
if (options.format === exports.Format.GLB) {
} else {
uri = context.bufferURIGenerator.createURI(buffer, 'bin');
bufferDef.uri = uri;
// Write buffer views to buffer.
bufferDef.byteLength = bufferByteLength;
context.assignResourceURI(uri, BufferUtils.concat(buffers), true);
context.bufferIndexMap.set(buffer, index);
if (root.listAccessors().find(a => !a.getBuffer())) {
logger.warn('Skipped writing one or more Accessors: no Buffer assigned.');
/* Materials. */
extensionsUsed.filter(extension => extension.prewriteTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.MATERIAL)).forEach(extension => extension.prewrite(context, exports.PropertyType.MATERIAL));
json.materials = root.listMaterials().map((material, index) => {
const materialDef = context.createPropertyDef(material);
// Program state & blending.
if (material.getAlphaMode() !== Material.AlphaMode.OPAQUE) {
materialDef.alphaMode = material.getAlphaMode();
if (material.getAlphaMode() === Material.AlphaMode.MASK) {
materialDef.alphaCutoff = material.getAlphaCutoff();
if (material.getDoubleSided()) materialDef.doubleSided = true;
// Factors.
materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness = {};
if (!MathUtils.eq(material.getBaseColorFactor(), [1, 1, 1, 1])) {
materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor = material.getBaseColorFactor();
if (!MathUtils.eq(material.getEmissiveFactor(), [0, 0, 0])) {
materialDef.emissiveFactor = material.getEmissiveFactor();
if (material.getRoughnessFactor() !== 1) {
materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness.roughnessFactor = material.getRoughnessFactor();
if (material.getMetallicFactor() !== 1) {
materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicFactor = material.getMetallicFactor();
// Textures.
if (material.getBaseColorTexture()) {
const texture = material.getBaseColorTexture();
const textureInfo = material.getBaseColorTextureInfo();
materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo);
if (material.getEmissiveTexture()) {
const texture = material.getEmissiveTexture();
const textureInfo = material.getEmissiveTextureInfo();
materialDef.emissiveTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo);
if (material.getNormalTexture()) {
const texture = material.getNormalTexture();
const textureInfo = material.getNormalTextureInfo();
const textureInfoDef = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo);
if (material.getNormalScale() !== 1) {
textureInfoDef.scale = material.getNormalScale();
materialDef.normalTexture = textureInfoDef;
if (material.getOcclusionTexture()) {
const texture = material.getOcclusionTexture();
const textureInfo = material.getOcclusionTextureInfo();
const textureInfoDef = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo);
if (material.getOcclusionStrength() !== 1) {
textureInfoDef.strength = material.getOcclusionStrength();
materialDef.occlusionTexture = textureInfoDef;
if (material.getMetallicRoughnessTexture()) {
const texture = material.getMetallicRoughnessTexture();
const textureInfo = material.getMetallicRoughnessTextureInfo();
materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo);
context.materialIndexMap.set(material, index);
return materialDef;
/* Meshes. */
extensionsUsed.filter(extension => extension.prewriteTypes.includes(exports.PropertyType.MESH)).forEach(extension => extension.prewrite(context, exports.PropertyType.MESH));
json.meshes = root.listMeshes().map((mesh, index) => {
const meshDef = context.createPropertyDef(mesh);
let targetNames = null;
meshDef.primitives = mesh.listPrimitives().map(primitive => {
const primitiveDef = {
attributes: {}
primitiveDef.mode = primitive.getMode();
const material = primitive.getMaterial();
if (material) {
primitiveDef.material = context.materialIndexMap.get(material);
if (Object.keys(primitive.getExtras()).length) {
primitiveDef.extras = primitive.getExtras();
const indices = primitive.getIndices();
if (indices) {
primitiveDef.indices = context.accessorIndexMap.get(indices);
for (const semantic of primitive.listSemantics()) {
primitiveDef.attributes[semantic] = context.accessorIndexMap.get(primitive.getAttribute(semantic));
for (const target of primitive.listTargets()) {
const targetDef = {};
for (const semantic of target.listSemantics()) {
targetDef[semantic] = context.accessorIndexMap.get(target.getAttribute(semantic));
primitiveDef.targets = primitiveDef.targets || [];
if (primitive.listTargets().length && !targetNames) {
targetNames = primitive.listTargets().map(target => target.getName());
return primitiveDef;
if (mesh.getWeights().length) {
meshDef.weights = mesh.getWeights();
if (targetNames) {
meshDef.extras = meshDef.extras || {};
meshDef.extras['targetNames'] = targetNames;
context.meshIndexMap.set(mesh, index);
return meshDef;
/** Cameras. */
json.cameras = root.listCameras().map((camera, index) => {
const cameraDef = context.createPropertyDef(camera);
cameraDef.type = camera.getType();
if (cameraDef.type === Camera.Type.PERSPECTIVE) {
cameraDef.perspective = {
znear: camera.getZNear(),
zfar: camera.getZFar(),
yfov: camera.getYFov()
const aspectRatio = camera.getAspectRatio();
if (aspectRatio !== null) {
cameraDef.perspective.aspectRatio = aspectRatio;
} else {
cameraDef.orthographic = {
znear: camera.getZNear(),
zfar: camera.getZFar(),
xmag: camera.getXMag(),
ymag: camera.getYMag()
context.cameraIndexMap.set(camera, index);
return cameraDef;
/* Nodes. */
json.nodes = root.listNodes().map((node, index) => {
const nodeDef = context.createPropertyDef(node);
if (!MathUtils.eq(node.getTranslation(), [0, 0, 0])) {
nodeDef.translation = node.getTranslation();
if (!MathUtils.eq(node.getRotation(), [0, 0, 0, 1])) {
nodeDef.rotation = node.getRotation();
if (!MathUtils.eq(node.getScale(), [1, 1, 1])) {
nodeDef.scale = node.getScale();
if (node.getWeights().length) {
nodeDef.weights = node.getWeights();
// Attachments (mesh, camera, skin) defined later in writing process.
context.nodeIndexMap.set(node, index);
return nodeDef;
/** Skins. */
json.skins = root.listSkins().map((skin, index) => {
const skinDef = context.createPropertyDef(skin);
const inverseBindMatrices = skin.getInverseBindMatrices();
if (inverseBindMatrices) {
skinDef.inverseBindMatrices = context.accessorIndexMap.get(inverseBindMatrices);
const skeleton = skin.getSkeleton();
if (skeleton) {
skinDef.skeleton = context.nodeIndexMap.get(skeleton);
skinDef.joints = skin.listJoints().map(joint => context.nodeIndexMap.get(joint));
context.skinIndexMap.set(skin, index);
return skinDef;
/** Node attachments. */
root.listNodes().forEach((node, index) => {
const nodeDef = json.nodes[index];
const mesh = node.getMesh();
if (mesh) {
nodeDef.mesh = context.meshIndexMap.get(mesh);
const camera = node.getCamera();
if (camera) { = context.cameraIndexMap.get(camera);
const skin = node.getSkin();
if (skin) { = context.skinIndexMap.get(skin);
if (node.listChildren().length > 0) {
nodeDef.children = node.listChildren().map(node => context.nodeIndexMap.get(node));
/** Animations. */
json.animations = root.listAnimations().map((animation, index) => {
const animationDef = context.createPropertyDef(animation);
const samplerIndexMap = new Map();
animationDef.samplers = animation.listSamplers().map((sampler, samplerIndex) => {
const samplerDef = context.createPropertyDef(sampler);
samplerDef.input = context.accessorIndexMap.get(sampler.getInput());
samplerDef.output = context.accessorIndexMap.get(sampler.getOutput());
samplerDef.interpolation = sampler.getInterpolation();
samplerIndexMap.set(sampler, samplerIndex);
return samplerDef;
animationDef.channels = animation.listChannels().map(channel => {
const channelDef = context.createPropertyDef(channel);
channelDef.sampler = samplerIndexMap.get(channel.getSampler()); = {
node: context.nodeIndexMap.get(channel.getTargetNode()),
path: channel.getTargetPath()
return channelDef;
context.animationIndexMap.set(animation, index);
return animationDef;
/* Scenes. */
json.scenes = root.listScenes().map((scene, index) => {
const sceneDef = context.createPropertyDef(scene);
sceneDef.nodes = scene.listChildren().map(node => context.nodeIndexMap.get(node));
context.sceneIndexMap.set(scene, index);
return sceneDef;
const defaultScene = root.getDefaultScene();
if (defaultScene) {
json.scene = root.listScenes().indexOf(defaultScene);
/* Extensions (2/2). */
json.extensionsUsed = => ext.extensionName);
json.extensionsRequired = => ext.extensionName);
extensionsUsed.forEach(extension => extension.write(context));
return jsonDoc;
* Removes empty and null values from an object.
* @param object
* @internal
function clean(object) {
const unused = [];
for (const key in object) {
const value = object[key];
if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0) {
} else if (value === null || value === '') {
} else if (value && typeof value === 'object' && Object.keys(value).length === 0) {
for (const key of unused) {
delete object[key];
var ChunkType;
(function (ChunkType) {
ChunkType[ChunkType["JSON"] = 1313821514] = "JSON";
ChunkType[ChunkType["BIN"] = 5130562] = "BIN";
})(ChunkType || (ChunkType = {}));
* *Abstract I/O service.*
* The most common use of the I/O service is to read/write a {@link Document} with a given path.
* Methods are also available for converting in-memory representations of raw glTF files, both
* binary (*Uint8Array*) and JSON ({@link JSONDocument}).
* For platform-specific implementations, see {@link NodeIO}, {@link WebIO}, and {@link DenoIO}.
* @category I/O
class PlatformIO {
constructor() {
this._logger = Logger.DEFAULT_INSTANCE;
this._extensions = new Set();
this._dependencies = {};
this._vertexLayout = exports.VertexLayout.INTERLEAVED;
/** @hidden */
this.lastReadBytes = 0;
/** @hidden */
this.lastWriteBytes = 0;
/** Sets the {@link Logger} used by this I/O instance. Defaults to Logger.DEFAULT_INSTANCE. */
setLogger(logger) {
this._logger = logger;
return this;
/** Registers extensions, enabling I/O class to read and write glTF assets requiring them. */
registerExtensions(extensions) {
for (const extension of extensions) {
return this;
/** Registers dependencies used (e.g. by extensions) in the I/O process. */
registerDependencies(dependencies) {
Object.assign(this._dependencies, dependencies);
return this;
* Sets the vertex layout method used by this I/O instance. Defaults to
* VertexLayout.INTERLEAVED.
setVertexLayout(layout) {
this._vertexLayout = layout;
return this;
* Public Read API.
/** Reads a {@link Document} from the given URI. */
read(uri) {
try {
const _this = this;
const _readJSON = _this.readJSON;
return Promise.resolve(_this.readAsJSON(uri)).then(function (_this$readAsJSON) {
return Promise.resolve(, _this$readAsJSON));
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
/** Loads a URI and returns a {@link JSONDocument} struct, without parsing. */
readAsJSON(uri) {
try {
const _this2 = this;
return Promise.resolve(_this2.readURI(uri, 'view')).then(function (view) {
_this2.lastReadBytes = view.byteLength;
const jsonDoc = isGLB(view) ? _this2._binaryToJSON(view) : {
json: JSON.parse(BufferUtils.decodeText(view)),
resources: {}
// Read external resources first, before Data URIs are replaced.
return Promise.resolve(_this2._readResourcesExternal(jsonDoc, _this2.dirname(uri))).then(function () {
return jsonDoc;
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
/** Converts glTF-formatted JSON and a resource map to a {@link Document}. */
readJSON(jsonDoc) {
try {
const _this3 = this;
jsonDoc = _this3._copyJSON(jsonDoc);
return Promise.resolve(, {
extensions: Array.from(_this3._extensions),
dependencies: _this3._dependencies,
logger: _this3._logger
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
/** Converts a GLB-formatted Uint8Array to a {@link JSONDocument}. */
binaryToJSON(glb) {
try {
const _this4 = this;
const jsonDoc = _this4._binaryToJSON(BufferUtils.assertView(glb));
const json = jsonDoc.json;
// Check for external references, which can't be resolved by this method.
if (json.buffers && json.buffers.some(bufferDef => isExternalBuffer(jsonDoc, bufferDef))) {
throw new Error('Cannot resolve external buffers with binaryToJSON().');
} else if (json.images && json.images.some(imageDef => isExternalImage(jsonDoc, imageDef))) {
throw new Error('Cannot resolve external images with binaryToJSON().');
return Promise.resolve(jsonDoc);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
/** Converts a GLB-formatted Uint8Array to a {@link Document}. */
readBinary(glb) {
try {
const _this5 = this;
const _readJSON2 = _this5.readJSON;
return Promise.resolve(_this5.binaryToJSON(BufferUtils.assertView(glb))).then(function (_this5$binaryToJSON) {
return, _this5$binaryToJSON);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
* Public Write API.
/** Converts a {@link Document} to glTF-formatted JSON and a resource map. */
writeJSON(doc, _options) {
if (_options === void 0) {
_options = {};
try {
const _this6 = this;
if (_options.format === exports.Format.GLB && doc.getRoot().listBuffers().length > 1) {
throw new Error('GLB must have 0–1 buffers.');
return Promise.resolve(GLTFWriter.write(doc, {
format: _options.format || exports.Format.GLTF,
basename: _options.basename || '',
logger: _this6._logger,
vertexLayout: _this6._vertexLayout,
dependencies: {
extensions: Array.from(_this6._extensions)
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
/** Converts a {@link Document} to a GLB-formatted Uint8Array. */
writeBinary(doc) {
try {
const _this7 = this;
return Promise.resolve(_this7.writeJSON(doc, {
format: exports.Format.GLB
})).then(function (_ref) {
let {
} = _ref;
const header = new Uint32Array([0x46546c67, 2, 12]);
const jsonText = JSON.stringify(json);
const jsonChunkData = BufferUtils.pad(BufferUtils.encodeText(jsonText), 0x20);
const jsonChunkHeader = BufferUtils.toView(new Uint32Array([jsonChunkData.byteLength, 0x4e4f534a]));
const jsonChunk = BufferUtils.concat([jsonChunkHeader, jsonChunkData]);
header[header.length - 1] += jsonChunk.byteLength;
const binBuffer = Object.values(resources)[0];
if (!binBuffer || !binBuffer.byteLength) {
return BufferUtils.concat([BufferUtils.toView(header), jsonChunk]);
const binChunkData = BufferUtils.pad(binBuffer, 0x00);
const binChunkHeader = BufferUtils.toView(new Uint32Array([binChunkData.byteLength, 0x004e4942]));
const binChunk = BufferUtils.concat([binChunkHeader, binChunkData]);
header[header.length - 1] += binChunk.byteLength;
return BufferUtils.concat([BufferUtils.toView(header), jsonChunk, binChunk]);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
* Internal.
_readResourcesExternal(jsonDoc, base) {
try {
const _this8 = this;
const images = jsonDoc.json.images || [];
const buffers = jsonDoc.json.buffers || [];
const pendingResources = [...images, ...buffers].map(function (resource) {
try {
const uri = resource.uri;
if (!uri || uri.match(/data:/)) return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.resolve(_this8.readURI(_this8.resolve(base, uri), 'view')).then(function (_this8$readURI) {
jsonDoc.resources[uri] = _this8$readURI;
_this8.lastReadBytes += jsonDoc.resources[uri].byteLength;
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
return Promise.resolve(Promise.all(pendingResources)).then(function () {});
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
_readResourcesInternal(jsonDoc) {
// NOTICE: This method may be called more than once during the loading
// process (e.g. and should handle that safely.
function resolveResource(resource) {
if (!resource.uri) return;
if (resource.uri in jsonDoc.resources) {
if (resource.uri.match(/data:/)) {
// Rewrite Data URIs to something short and unique.
const resourceUUID = `__${uuid()}.${FileUtils.extension(resource.uri)}`;
jsonDoc.resources[resourceUUID] = BufferUtils.createBufferFromDataURI(resource.uri);
resource.uri = resourceUUID;
// Unpack images.
const images = jsonDoc.json.images || [];
images.forEach(image => {
if (image.bufferView === undefined && image.uri === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing resource URI or buffer view.');
// Unpack buffers.
const buffers = jsonDoc.json.buffers || [];
* Creates a shallow copy of glTF-formatted {@link JSONDocument}.
* Images, Buffers, and Resources objects are deep copies so that PlatformIO can safely
* modify them during the parsing process. Other properties are shallow copies, and buffers
* are passed by reference.
_copyJSON(jsonDoc) {
const {
} = jsonDoc.json;
jsonDoc = {
json: {
resources: {
if (images) {
jsonDoc.json.images = => ({
if (buffers) {
jsonDoc.json.buffers = => ({
return jsonDoc;
/** Internal version of binaryToJSON; does not warn about external resources. */
_binaryToJSON(glb) {
// Decode and verify GLB header.
if (!isGLB(glb)) {
throw new Error('Invalid glTF 2.0 binary.');
// Decode JSON chunk.
const jsonChunkHeader = new Uint32Array(glb.buffer, glb.byteOffset + 12, 2);
if (jsonChunkHeader[1] !== ChunkType.JSON) {
throw new Error('Missing required GLB JSON chunk.');
const jsonByteOffset = 20;
const jsonByteLength = jsonChunkHeader[0];
const jsonText = BufferUtils.decodeText(BufferUtils.toView(glb, jsonByteOffset, jsonByteLength));
const json = JSON.parse(jsonText);
// Decode BIN chunk.
const binByteOffset = jsonByteOffset + jsonByteLength;
if (glb.byteLength <= binByteOffset) {
return {
resources: {}
const binChunkHeader = new Uint32Array(glb.buffer, glb.byteOffset + binByteOffset, 2);
if (binChunkHeader[1] !== ChunkType.BIN) {
// Allow GLB files without BIN chunk, but with unknown chunk
// Spec:
return {
resources: {}
const binByteLength = binChunkHeader[0];
const binBuffer = BufferUtils.toView(glb, binByteOffset + 8, binByteLength);
return {
resources: {
[GLB_BUFFER]: binBuffer
function isExternalBuffer(jsonDocument, bufferDef) {
return bufferDef.uri !== undefined && !(bufferDef.uri in jsonDocument.resources);
function isExternalImage(jsonDocument, imageDef) {
return imageDef.uri !== undefined && !(imageDef.uri in jsonDocument.resources) && imageDef.bufferView === undefined;
function isGLB(view) {
if (view.byteLength < 3 * Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) return false;
const header = new Uint32Array(view.buffer, view.byteOffset, 3);
return header[0] === 0x46546c67 && header[1] === 2;
* *I/O service for Node.js.*
* The most common use of the I/O service is to read/write a {@link Document} with a given path.
* Methods are also available for converting in-memory representations of raw glTF files, both
* binary (*Uint8Array*) and JSON ({@link JSONDocument}).
* Usage:
* ```typescript
* import { NodeIO } from '@gltf-transform/core';
* const io = new NodeIO();
* // Read.
* let document;
* document = await'model.glb'); // → Document
* document = await io.readBinary(glb); // Uint8Array → Document
* // Write.
* await io.write('model.glb', document); // → void
* const glb = await io.writeBinary(document); // Document → Uint8Array
* ```
* By default, NodeIO can only read/write paths on disk. To enable network requests, provide a Fetch
* API implementation (global [`fetch()`]( is stable in
* Node.js v21+, or [`node-fetch`]( may be installed) and enable
* {@link NodeIO.setAllowNetwork setAllowNetwork}. Network requests may optionally be configured with
* [RequestInit]( parameters.
* ```typescript
* const io = new NodeIO(fetch, {headers: {...}}).setAllowNetwork(true);
* const document = await'');
* ```
* @category I/O
function _settle$1(pact, state, value) {
if (!pact.s) {
if (value instanceof _Pact$1) {
if (value.s) {
if (state & 1) {
state = value.s;
value = value.v;
} else {
value.o = _settle$1.bind(null, pact, state);
if (value && value.then) {
value.then(_settle$1.bind(null, pact, state), _settle$1.bind(null, pact, 2));
pact.s = state;
pact.v = value;
const observer = pact.o;
if (observer) {
/** Divides a flat input array into batches of size `batchSize`. */
const _Pact$1 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function _Pact() {}
_Pact.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
const result = new _Pact();
const state = this.s;
if (state) {
const callback = state & 1 ? onFulfilled : onRejected;
if (callback) {
try {
_settle$1(result, 1, callback(this.v));
} catch (e) {
_settle$1(result, 2, e);
return result;
} else {
return this;
this.o = function (_this) {
try {
const value = _this.v;
if (_this.s & 1) {
_settle$1(result, 1, onFulfilled ? onFulfilled(value) : value);
} else if (onRejected) {
_settle$1(result, 1, onRejected(value));
} else {
_settle$1(result, 2, value);
} catch (e) {
_settle$1(result, 2, e);
return result;
return _Pact;
function _switch$1(discriminant, cases) {
var dispatchIndex = -1;
var awaitBody;
outer: {
for (var i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) {
var test = cases[i][0];
if (test) {
var testValue = test();
if (testValue && testValue.then) {
break outer;
if (testValue === discriminant) {
dispatchIndex = i;
} else {
// Found the default case, set it as the pending dispatch case
dispatchIndex = i;
if (dispatchIndex !== -1) {
do {
var body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
while (!body) {
body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
var result = body();
if (result && result.then) {
awaitBody = true;
break outer;
var fallthroughCheck = cases[dispatchIndex][2];
} while (fallthroughCheck && !fallthroughCheck());
return result;
const pact = new _Pact$1();
const reject = _settle$1.bind(null, pact, 2);
(awaitBody ? result.then(_resumeAfterBody) : testValue.then(_resumeAfterTest)).then(void 0, reject);
return pact;
function _resumeAfterTest(value) {
for (;;) {
if (value === discriminant) {
dispatchIndex = i;
if (++i === cases.length) {
if (dispatchIndex !== -1) {
} else {
_settle$1(pact, 1, result);
test = cases[i][0];
if (test) {
value = test();
if (value && value.then) {
value.then(_resumeAfterTest).then(void 0, reject);
} else {
dispatchIndex = i;
do {
var body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
while (!body) {
body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
var result = body();
if (result && result.then) {
result.then(_resumeAfterBody).then(void 0, reject);
var fallthroughCheck = cases[dispatchIndex][2];
} while (fallthroughCheck && !fallthroughCheck());
_settle$1(pact, 1, result);
function _resumeAfterBody(result) {
for (;;) {
var fallthroughCheck = cases[dispatchIndex][2];
if (!fallthroughCheck || fallthroughCheck()) {
var body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
while (!body) {
body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
result = body();
if (result && result.then) {
result.then(_resumeAfterBody).then(void 0, reject);
_settle$1(pact, 1, result);
const _iteratorSymbol = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" ? Symbol.iterator || (Symbol.iterator = Symbol("Symbol.iterator")) : "@@iterator";
function _isSettledPact(thenable) {
return thenable instanceof _Pact$1 && thenable.s & 1;
function _forTo(array, body, check) {
var i = -1,
function _cycle(result) {
try {
while (++i < array.length && (!check || !check())) {
result = body(i);
if (result && result.then) {
if (_isSettledPact(result)) {
result = result.v;
} else {
result.then(_cycle, reject || (reject = _settle$1.bind(null, pact = new _Pact$1(), 2)));
if (pact) {
_settle$1(pact, 1, result);
} else {
pact = result;
} catch (e) {
_settle$1(pact || (pact = new _Pact$1()), 2, e);
return pact;
function _forOf(target, body, check) {
if (typeof target[_iteratorSymbol] === "function") {
var iterator = target[_iteratorSymbol](),
function _cycle(result) {
try {
while (!(step = && (!check || !check())) {
result = body(step.value);
if (result && result.then) {
if (_isSettledPact(result)) {
result = result.v;
} else {
result.then(_cycle, reject || (reject = _settle$1.bind(null, pact = new _Pact$1(), 2)));
if (pact) {
_settle$1(pact, 1, result);
} else {
pact = result;
} catch (e) {
_settle$1(pact || (pact = new _Pact$1()), 2, e);
if (iterator.return) {
var _fixup = function (value) {
try {
if (!step.done) {
} catch (e) {}
return value;
if (pact && pact.then) {
return pact.then(_fixup, function (e) {
throw _fixup(e);
return pact;
// No support for Symbol.iterator
if (!("length" in target)) {
throw new TypeError("Object is not iterable");
// Handle live collections properly
var values = [];
for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {
return _forTo(values, function (i) {
return body(values[i]);
}, check);
class NodeIO extends PlatformIO {
* Constructs a new NodeIO service. Instances are reusable. By default, only NodeIO can only
* read/write paths on disk. To enable HTTP requests, provide a Fetch API implementation and
* enable {@link NodeIO.setAllowNetwork setAllowNetwork}.
* @param fetch Implementation of Fetch API.
* @param fetchConfig Configuration object for Fetch API.
constructor(_fetch, _fetchConfig) {
if (_fetch === void 0) {
_fetch = null;
if (_fetchConfig === void 0) {
_fetchConfig = HTTPUtils.DEFAULT_INIT;
this._fetch = void 0;
this._fetchConfig = void 0;
this._init = void 0;
this._fetchEnabled = false;
this._fetch = _fetch;
this._fetchConfig = _fetchConfig;
this._init = this.init();
init() {
try {
const _this = this;
if (_this._init) return Promise.resolve(_this._init);
return Promise.all([Promise.resolve().then(function () { return /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(require('fs')); }), Promise.resolve().then(function () { return /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(require('path')); })]).then(_ref => {
let [fs, path] = _ref;
_this._fs = fs.promises;
_this._path = path;
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
setAllowNetwork(allow) {
if (allow && !this._fetch) {
throw new Error('NodeIO requires a Fetch API implementation for HTTP requests.');
this._fetchEnabled = allow;
return this;
readURI(uri, type) {
try {
const _this2 = this;
return Promise.resolve(_this2.init()).then(function () {
return function () {
if (HTTPUtils.isAbsoluteURL(uri)) {
if (!_this2._fetchEnabled || !_this2._fetch) {
throw new Error('Network request blocked. Allow HTTP requests explicitly, if needed.');
return Promise.resolve(_this2._fetch(uri, _this2._fetchConfig)).then(function (response) {
return _switch$1(type, [[function () {
return 'view';
}, function () {
return Promise.resolve(response.arrayBuffer()).then(function (_response$arrayBuffer) {
return new Uint8Array(_response$arrayBuffer);
}], [function () {
return 'text';
}, function () {
return response.text();
} else {
switch (type) {
case 'view':
return _this2._fs.readFile(uri);
case 'text':
return _this2._fs.readFile(uri, 'utf8');
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
resolve(base, path) {
if (HTTPUtils.isAbsoluteURL(base) || HTTPUtils.isAbsoluteURL(path)) {
return HTTPUtils.resolve(base, path);
return this._path.resolve(base, decodeURIComponent(path));
dirname(uri) {
if (HTTPUtils.isAbsoluteURL(uri)) {
return HTTPUtils.dirname(uri);
return this._path.dirname(uri);
* Public.
/** Writes a {@link Document} instance to a local path. */
write(uri, doc) {
try {
const _this3 = this;
return Promise.resolve(_this3.init()).then(function () {
const isGLB = !!uri.match(/\.glb$/);
return Promise.resolve(isGLB ? _this3._writeGLB(uri, doc) : _this3._writeGLTF(uri, doc)).then(function () {});
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
* Private.
/** @internal */
_writeGLTF(uri, doc) {
try {
const _this4 = this;
_this4.lastWriteBytes = 0;
return Promise.resolve(_this4.writeJSON(doc, {
format: exports.Format.GLTF,
basename: FileUtils.basename(uri)
})).then(function (_ref2) {
let {
} = _ref2;
const {
_fs: fs,
_path: path
} = _this4;
const dir = path.dirname(uri);
// write json
const jsonContent = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2);
return Promise.resolve(fs.writeFile(uri, jsonContent)).then(function () {
_this4.lastWriteBytes += jsonContent.length;
// write resources
const _temp = _forOf(listBatches(Object.keys(resources), 10), function (batch) {
return Promise.resolve(Promise.all( (resourceURI) {
try {
if (HTTPUtils.isAbsoluteURL(resourceURI)) {
if (HTTPUtils.extension(resourceURI) === 'bin') {
throw new Error(`Cannot write buffer to path "${resourceURI}".`);
return Promise.resolve();
const resourcePath = path.join(dir, decodeURIComponent(resourceURI));
return Promise.resolve(fs.mkdir(path.dirname(resourcePath), {
recursive: true
})).then(function () {
return Promise.resolve(fs.writeFile(resourcePath, resources[resourceURI])).then(function () {
_this4.lastWriteBytes += resources[resourceURI].byteLength;
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
}))).then(function () {});
if (_temp && _temp.then) return _temp.then(function () {});
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
/** @internal */
_writeGLB(uri, doc) {
try {
const _this5 = this;
return Promise.resolve(_this5.writeBinary(doc)).then(function (buffer) {
return Promise.resolve(_this5._fs.writeFile(uri, buffer)).then(function () {
_this5.lastWriteBytes = buffer.byteLength;
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
function listBatches(array, batchSize) {
const batches = [];
for (let i = 0, il = array.length; i < il; i += batchSize) {
const batch = [];
for (let j = 0; j < batchSize && i + j < il; j++) {
batch.push(array[i + j]);
return batches;
* *I/O service for [Deno](*
* The most common use of the I/O service is to read/write a {@link Document} with a given path.
* Methods are also available for converting in-memory representations of raw glTF files, both
* binary (*Uint8Array*) and JSON ({@link JSONDocument}).
* _*NOTICE:* Support for the Deno environment is currently experimental. See
* [glTF-Transform#457](
* Usage:
* ```typescript
* import { DenoIO } from '';
* import * as path from '';
* const io = new DenoIO(path);
* // Read.
* let document;
* document ='model.glb'); // → Document
* document = io.readBinary(glb); // Uint8Array → Document
* // Write.
* const glb = io.writeBinary(document); // Document → Uint8Array
* ```
* @category I/O
class DenoIO extends PlatformIO {
constructor(path) {
this._path = void 0;
this._path = path;
readURI(uri, type) {
try {
switch (type) {
case 'view':
return Promise.resolve(Deno.readFile(uri));
case 'text':
return Promise.resolve(Deno.readTextFile(uri));
return Promise.resolve();
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
resolve(base, path) {
return this._path.resolve(base, decodeURIComponent(path));
dirname(uri) {
return this._path.dirname(uri);
* *I/O service for Web.*
* The most common use of the I/O service is to read/write a {@link Document} with a given path.
* Methods are also available for converting in-memory representations of raw glTF files, both
* binary (*Uint8Array*) and JSON ({@link JSONDocument}).
* Usage:
* ```typescript
* import { WebIO } from '@gltf-transform/core';
* const io = new WebIO({credentials: 'include'});
* // Read.
* let document;
* document = await'model.glb'); // → Document
* document = await io.readBinary(glb); // Uint8Array → Document
* // Write.
* const glb = await io.writeBinary(document); // Document → Uint8Array
* ```
* @category I/O
function _settle(pact, state, value) {
if (!pact.s) {
if (value instanceof _Pact) {
if (value.s) {
if (state & 1) {
state = value.s;
value = value.v;
} else {
value.o = _settle.bind(null, pact, state);
if (value && value.then) {
value.then(_settle.bind(null, pact, state), _settle.bind(null, pact, 2));
pact.s = state;
pact.v = value;
const observer = pact.o;
if (observer) {
const _Pact = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function _Pact() {}
_Pact.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
const result = new _Pact();
const state = this.s;
if (state) {
const callback = state & 1 ? onFulfilled : onRejected;
if (callback) {
try {
_settle(result, 1, callback(this.v));
} catch (e) {
_settle(result, 2, e);
return result;
} else {
return this;
this.o = function (_this) {
try {
const value = _this.v;
if (_this.s & 1) {
_settle(result, 1, onFulfilled ? onFulfilled(value) : value);
} else if (onRejected) {
_settle(result, 1, onRejected(value));
} else {
_settle(result, 2, value);
} catch (e) {
_settle(result, 2, e);
return result;
return _Pact;
function _switch(discriminant, cases) {
var dispatchIndex = -1;
var awaitBody;
outer: {
for (var i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) {
var test = cases[i][0];
if (test) {
var testValue = test();
if (testValue && testValue.then) {
break outer;
if (testValue === discriminant) {
dispatchIndex = i;
} else {
// Found the default case, set it as the pending dispatch case
dispatchIndex = i;
if (dispatchIndex !== -1) {
do {
var body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
while (!body) {
body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
var result = body();
if (result && result.then) {
awaitBody = true;
break outer;
var fallthroughCheck = cases[dispatchIndex][2];
} while (fallthroughCheck && !fallthroughCheck());
return result;
const pact = new _Pact();
const reject = _settle.bind(null, pact, 2);
(awaitBody ? result.then(_resumeAfterBody) : testValue.then(_resumeAfterTest)).then(void 0, reject);
return pact;
function _resumeAfterTest(value) {
for (;;) {
if (value === discriminant) {
dispatchIndex = i;
if (++i === cases.length) {
if (dispatchIndex !== -1) {
} else {
_settle(pact, 1, result);
test = cases[i][0];
if (test) {
value = test();
if (value && value.then) {
value.then(_resumeAfterTest).then(void 0, reject);
} else {
dispatchIndex = i;
do {
var body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
while (!body) {
body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
var result = body();
if (result && result.then) {
result.then(_resumeAfterBody).then(void 0, reject);
var fallthroughCheck = cases[dispatchIndex][2];
} while (fallthroughCheck && !fallthroughCheck());
_settle(pact, 1, result);
function _resumeAfterBody(result) {
for (;;) {
var fallthroughCheck = cases[dispatchIndex][2];
if (!fallthroughCheck || fallthroughCheck()) {
var body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
while (!body) {
body = cases[dispatchIndex][1];
result = body();
if (result && result.then) {
result.then(_resumeAfterBody).then(void 0, reject);
_settle(pact, 1, result);
class WebIO extends PlatformIO {
* Constructs a new WebIO service. Instances are reusable.
* @param fetchConfig Configuration object for Fetch API.
constructor(fetchConfig) {
if (fetchConfig === void 0) {
fetchConfig = HTTPUtils.DEFAULT_INIT;
this._fetchConfig = void 0;
this._fetchConfig = fetchConfig;
readURI(uri, type) {
try {
const _this = this;
return Promise.resolve(fetch(uri, _this._fetchConfig)).then(function (response) {
return _switch(type, [[function () {
return 'view';
}, function () {
return Promise.resolve(response.arrayBuffer()).then(function (_response$arrayBuffer) {
return new Uint8Array(_response$arrayBuffer);
}], [function () {
return 'text';
}, function () {
return response.text();
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
resolve(base, path) {
return HTTPUtils.resolve(base, path);
dirname(uri) {
return HTTPUtils.dirname(uri);
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'Graph', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () { return propertyGraph.Graph; }
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'GraphEdge', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () { return propertyGraph.GraphEdge; }
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'RefList', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () { return propertyGraph.RefList; }
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'RefMap', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () { return propertyGraph.RefMap; }
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'RefSet', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () { return propertyGraph.RefSet; }
exports.Accessor = Accessor;
exports.Animation = Animation;
exports.AnimationChannel = AnimationChannel;
exports.AnimationSampler = AnimationSampler;
exports.Buffer = Buffer$1;
exports.BufferUtils = BufferUtils;
exports.Camera = Camera;
exports.ColorUtils = ColorUtils;
exports.ComponentTypeToTypedArray = ComponentTypeToTypedArray;
exports.DenoIO = DenoIO;
exports.Document = Document;
exports.ExtensibleProperty = ExtensibleProperty;
exports.Extension = Extension;
exports.ExtensionProperty = ExtensionProperty;
exports.FileUtils = FileUtils;
exports.HTTPUtils = HTTPUtils;
exports.ImageUtils = ImageUtils;
exports.Logger = Logger;
exports.Material = Material;
exports.MathUtils = MathUtils;
exports.Mesh = Mesh;
exports.Node = Node;
exports.NodeIO = NodeIO;
exports.PlatformIO = PlatformIO;
exports.Primitive = Primitive;
exports.PrimitiveTarget = PrimitiveTarget;
exports.Property = Property;
exports.ReaderContext = ReaderContext;
exports.Root = Root;
exports.Scene = Scene;
exports.Skin = Skin;
exports.Texture = Texture;
exports.TextureInfo = TextureInfo;
exports.WebIO = WebIO;
exports.WriterContext = WriterContext;
exports.getBounds = getBounds;
exports.uuid = uuid;