var core = require('@gltf-transform/core'); var ktxParse = require('ktx-parse'); const EXT_MESH_GPU_INSTANCING = 'EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing'; const EXT_MESHOPT_COMPRESSION = 'EXT_meshopt_compression'; const EXT_TEXTURE_WEBP = 'EXT_texture_webp'; const EXT_TEXTURE_AVIF = 'EXT_texture_avif'; const KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION = 'KHR_draco_mesh_compression'; const KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL = 'KHR_lights_punctual'; const KHR_MATERIALS_ANISOTROPY = 'KHR_materials_anisotropy'; const KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT = 'KHR_materials_clearcoat'; const KHR_MATERIALS_DIFFUSE_TRANSMISSION = 'KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission'; const KHR_MATERIALS_DISPERSION = 'KHR_materials_dispersion'; const KHR_MATERIALS_EMISSIVE_STRENGTH = 'KHR_materials_emissive_strength'; const KHR_MATERIALS_IOR = 'KHR_materials_ior'; const KHR_MATERIALS_IRIDESCENCE = 'KHR_materials_iridescence'; const KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS = 'KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness'; const KHR_MATERIALS_SHEEN = 'KHR_materials_sheen'; const KHR_MATERIALS_SPECULAR = 'KHR_materials_specular'; const KHR_MATERIALS_TRANSMISSION = 'KHR_materials_transmission'; const KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT = 'KHR_materials_unlit'; const KHR_MATERIALS_VOLUME = 'KHR_materials_volume'; const KHR_MATERIALS_VARIANTS = 'KHR_materials_variants'; const KHR_MESH_QUANTIZATION = 'KHR_mesh_quantization'; const KHR_TEXTURE_BASISU = 'KHR_texture_basisu'; const KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM = 'KHR_texture_transform'; const KHR_XMP_JSON_LD = 'KHR_xmp_json_ld'; // See BufferViewUsage in `writer-context.ts`. const INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE = 'INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE'; /** * Defines GPU instances of a {@link Mesh} under one {@link Node}. See {@link EXTMeshGPUInstancing}. */ class InstancedMesh extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = EXT_MESH_GPU_INSTANCING; this.propertyType = 'InstancedMesh'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.NODE]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { attributes: new core.RefMap() }); } /** Returns an instance attribute as an {@link Accessor}. */ getAttribute(semantic) { return this.getRefMap('attributes', semantic); } /** * Sets an instance attribute to an {@link Accessor}. All attributes must have the same * instance count. */ setAttribute(semantic, accessor) { return this.setRefMap('attributes', semantic, accessor, { usage: INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE }); } /** * Lists all instance attributes {@link Accessor}s associated with the InstancedMesh. Order * will be consistent with the order returned by {@link .listSemantics}(). */ listAttributes() { return this.listRefMapValues('attributes'); } /** * Lists all instance attribute semantics associated with the primitive. Order will be * consistent with the order returned by {@link .listAttributes}(). */ listSemantics() { return this.listRefMapKeys('attributes'); } } InstancedMesh.EXTENSION_NAME = EXT_MESH_GPU_INSTANCING; const NAME$o = EXT_MESH_GPU_INSTANCING; /** * [`EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing`]( * prepares mesh data for efficient GPU instancing. * * GPU instancing allows engines to render many copies of a single mesh at once using a small number * of draw calls. Instancing is particularly useful for things like trees, grass, road signs, etc. * Keep in mind that predefined batches, as used in this extension, may prevent frustum culling * within a batch. Dividing batches into collocated cells may be preferable to using a single large * batch. * * > _**NOTICE:** While this extension stores mesh data optimized for GPU instancing, it * > is important to note that (1) GPU instancing and other optimizations are possible — and * > encouraged — even without this extension, and (2) other common meanings of the term * > "instancing" exist, distinct from this extension. See * > [Appendix: Motivation and Purpose]( * > of the `EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing` specification._ * * Properties: * - {@link InstancedMesh} * * ### Example * * The `EXTMeshGPUInstancing` class provides a single {@link ExtensionProperty} type, `InstancedMesh`, * which may be attached to any {@link Node} instance. For example: * * ```typescript * import { EXTMeshGPUInstancing } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create standard mesh, node, and scene hierarchy. * // ... * * // Assign positions for each instance. * const batchPositions = doc.createAccessor('instance_positions') * .setArray(new Float32Array([ * 0, 0, 0, * 1, 0, 0, * 2, 0, 0, * ])) * .setType(Accessor.Type.VEC3) * .setBuffer(buffer); * * // Assign IDs for each instance. * const batchIDs = doc.createAccessor('instance_ids') * .setArray(new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2])) * .setType(Accessor.Type.SCALAR) * .setBuffer(buffer); * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const batchExtension = document.createExtension(EXTMeshGPUInstancing) * .setRequired(true); * const batch = batchExtension.createInstancedMesh() * .setAttribute('TRANSLATION', batchPositions) * .setAttribute('_ID', batchIDs); * * node * .setMesh(mesh) * .setExtension('EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing', batch); * ``` * * Standard instance attributes are `TRANSLATION`, `ROTATION`, and `SCALE`, and support the accessor * types allowed by the extension specification. Custom instance attributes are allowed, and should * be prefixed with an underscore (`_*`). */ class EXTMeshGPUInstancing extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$o; /** @hidden */ this.provideTypes = [core.PropertyType.NODE]; /** @hidden */ this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR]; } /** Creates a new InstancedMesh property for use on a {@link Node}. */ createInstancedMesh() { return new InstancedMesh(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const nodeDefs = jsonDoc.json.nodes || []; nodeDefs.forEach((nodeDef, nodeIndex) => { if (!nodeDef.extensions || !nodeDef.extensions[NAME$o]) return; const instancedMeshDef = nodeDef.extensions[NAME$o]; const instancedMesh = this.createInstancedMesh(); for (const semantic in instancedMeshDef.attributes) { instancedMesh.setAttribute(semantic, context.accessors[instancedMeshDef.attributes[semantic]]); } context.nodes[nodeIndex].setExtension(NAME$o, instancedMesh); }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { // Set usage for instance attribute accessors, so they are stored in separate buffer // views grouped by parent reference. context.accessorUsageGroupedByParent.add(INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE); for (const prop of { for (const attribute of prop.listAttributes()) { context.addAccessorToUsageGroup(attribute, INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE); } } return this; } /** @hidden */ write(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listNodes().forEach(node => { const instancedMesh = node.getExtension(NAME$o); if (instancedMesh) { const nodeIndex = context.nodeIndexMap.get(node); const nodeDef = jsonDoc.json.nodes[nodeIndex]; const instancedMeshDef = { attributes: {} }; instancedMesh.listSemantics().forEach(semantic => { const attribute = instancedMesh.getAttribute(semantic); instancedMeshDef.attributes[semantic] = context.accessorIndexMap.get(attribute); }); nodeDef.extensions = nodeDef.extensions || {}; nodeDef.extensions[NAME$o] = instancedMeshDef; } }); return this; } } EXTMeshGPUInstancing.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$o; var EncoderMethod$1; (function (EncoderMethod) { EncoderMethod["QUANTIZE"] = "quantize"; EncoderMethod["FILTER"] = "filter"; })(EncoderMethod$1 || (EncoderMethod$1 = {})); var MeshoptMode; (function (MeshoptMode) { MeshoptMode["ATTRIBUTES"] = "ATTRIBUTES"; MeshoptMode["TRIANGLES"] = "TRIANGLES"; MeshoptMode["INDICES"] = "INDICES"; })(MeshoptMode || (MeshoptMode = {})); var MeshoptFilter; (function (MeshoptFilter) { /** No filter — quantize only. */ MeshoptFilter["NONE"] = "NONE"; /** Four 8- or 16-bit normalized values. */ MeshoptFilter["OCTAHEDRAL"] = "OCTAHEDRAL"; /** Four 16-bit normalized values. */ MeshoptFilter["QUATERNION"] = "QUATERNION"; /** K single-precision floating point values. */ MeshoptFilter["EXPONENTIAL"] = "EXPONENTIAL"; })(MeshoptFilter || (MeshoptFilter = {})); const { BYTE, SHORT, FLOAT } = core.Accessor.ComponentType; const { encodeNormalizedInt, decodeNormalizedInt } = core.MathUtils; /** Pre-processes array with required filters or padding. */ function prepareAccessor(accessor, encoder, mode, filterOptions) { const { filter, bits } = filterOptions; const result = { array: accessor.getArray(), byteStride: accessor.getElementSize() * accessor.getComponentSize(), componentType: accessor.getComponentType(), normalized: accessor.getNormalized() }; if (mode !== MeshoptMode.ATTRIBUTES) return result; if (filter !== MeshoptFilter.NONE) { let array = accessor.getNormalized() ? decodeNormalizedIntArray(accessor) : new Float32Array(result.array); switch (filter) { case MeshoptFilter.EXPONENTIAL: // → K single-precision floating point values. result.byteStride = accessor.getElementSize() * 4; result.componentType = FLOAT; result.normalized = false; result.array = encoder.encodeFilterExp(array, accessor.getCount(), result.byteStride, bits); break; case MeshoptFilter.OCTAHEDRAL: // → four 8- or 16-bit normalized values. result.byteStride = bits > 8 ? 8 : 4; result.componentType = bits > 8 ? SHORT : BYTE; result.normalized = true; array = accessor.getElementSize() === 3 ? padNormals(array) : array; result.array = encoder.encodeFilterOct(array, accessor.getCount(), result.byteStride, bits); break; case MeshoptFilter.QUATERNION: // → four 16-bit normalized values. result.byteStride = 8; result.componentType = SHORT; result.normalized = true; result.array = encoder.encodeFilterQuat(array, accessor.getCount(), result.byteStride, bits); break; default: throw new Error('Invalid filter.'); } result.min = accessor.getMin([]); result.max = accessor.getMax([]); if (accessor.getNormalized()) { result.min = => decodeNormalizedInt(v, accessor.getComponentType())); result.max = => decodeNormalizedInt(v, accessor.getComponentType())); } if (result.normalized) { result.min = => encodeNormalizedInt(v, result.componentType)); result.max = => encodeNormalizedInt(v, result.componentType)); } } else if (result.byteStride % 4) { result.array = padArrayElements(result.array, accessor.getElementSize()); result.byteStride = result.array.byteLength / accessor.getCount(); } return result; } function decodeNormalizedIntArray(attribute) { const componentType = attribute.getComponentType(); const srcArray = attribute.getArray(); const dstArray = new Float32Array(srcArray.length); for (let i = 0; i < srcArray.length; i++) { dstArray[i] = decodeNormalizedInt(srcArray[i], componentType); } return dstArray; } /** Pads array to 4 byte alignment, required for Meshopt ATTRIBUTE buffer views. */ function padArrayElements(srcArray, elementSize) { const byteStride = core.BufferUtils.padNumber(srcArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * elementSize); const elementStride = byteStride / srcArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const elementCount = srcArray.length / elementSize; const dstArray = new srcArray.constructor(elementCount * elementStride); for (let i = 0; i * elementSize < srcArray.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) { dstArray[i * elementStride + j] = srcArray[i * elementSize + j]; } } return dstArray; } /** Pad normals with a .w component for octahedral encoding. */ function padNormals(srcArray) { const dstArray = new Float32Array(srcArray.length * 4 / 3); for (let i = 0, il = srcArray.length / 3; i < il; i++) { dstArray[i * 4] = srcArray[i * 3]; dstArray[i * 4 + 1] = srcArray[i * 3 + 1]; dstArray[i * 4 + 2] = srcArray[i * 3 + 2]; } return dstArray; } function getMeshoptMode(accessor, usage) { if (usage === core.WriterContext.BufferViewUsage.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) { const isTriangles = accessor.listParents().some(parent => { return parent instanceof core.Primitive && parent.getMode() === core.Primitive.Mode.TRIANGLES; }); return isTriangles ? MeshoptMode.TRIANGLES : MeshoptMode.INDICES; } return MeshoptMode.ATTRIBUTES; } function getMeshoptFilter(accessor, doc) { const refs = doc.getGraph().listParentEdges(accessor).filter(edge => !(edge.getParent() instanceof core.Root)); for (const ref of refs) { const refName = ref.getName(); const refKey = ref.getAttributes().key || ''; const isDelta = ref.getParent().propertyType === core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE_TARGET; // Indices. if (refName === 'indices') return { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE }; // Attributes. // // NOTES: // - Vertex attributes should be filtered IFF they are _not_ quantized in // 'packages/cli/src/transforms/meshopt.ts'. // - POSITION and TEXCOORD_0 could use exponential filtering, but this produces broken // output in some cases (e.g. Matilda.glb), for unknown reasons. gltfpack uses manual // quantization for these attributes. // - NORMAL and TANGENT attributes use Octahedral filters, but deltas in morphs do not. // - When specifying bit depth for vertex attributes, check the defaults in `quantize.ts` // and overrides in `meshopt.ts`. Don't store deltas at higher precision than base. if (refName === 'attributes') { if (refKey === 'POSITION') return { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE }; if (refKey === 'TEXCOORD_0') return { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE }; if (refKey.startsWith('JOINTS_')) return { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE }; if (refKey.startsWith('WEIGHTS_')) return { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE }; if (refKey === 'NORMAL' || refKey === 'TANGENT') { return isDelta ? { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE } : { filter: MeshoptFilter.OCTAHEDRAL, bits: 8 }; } } // Animation. if (refName === 'output') { const targetPath = getTargetPath(accessor); if (targetPath === 'rotation') return { filter: MeshoptFilter.QUATERNION, bits: 16 }; if (targetPath === 'translation') return { filter: MeshoptFilter.EXPONENTIAL, bits: 12 }; if (targetPath === 'scale') return { filter: MeshoptFilter.EXPONENTIAL, bits: 12 }; return { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE }; } // See: if (refName === 'input') return { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE }; if (refName === 'inverseBindMatrices') return { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE }; } return { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE }; } function getTargetPath(accessor) { for (const sampler of accessor.listParents()) { if (!(sampler instanceof core.AnimationSampler)) continue; for (const channel of sampler.listParents()) { if (!(channel instanceof core.AnimationChannel)) continue; return channel.getTargetPath(); } } return null; } /** * Returns true for a fallback buffer, else false. * * - All references to the fallback buffer must come from bufferViews that * have a EXT_meshopt_compression extension specified. * - No references to the fallback buffer may come from * EXT_meshopt_compression extension JSON. */ function isFallbackBuffer(bufferDef) { if (!bufferDef.extensions || !bufferDef.extensions[EXT_MESHOPT_COMPRESSION]) return false; const fallbackDef = bufferDef.extensions[EXT_MESHOPT_COMPRESSION]; return !!fallbackDef.fallback; } const NAME$n = EXT_MESHOPT_COMPRESSION; const DEFAULT_ENCODER_OPTIONS$1 = { method: EncoderMethod$1.QUANTIZE }; /** * [`EXT_meshopt_compression`]( * provides compression and fast decoding for geometry, morph targets, and animations. * * Meshopt compression (based on the [meshoptimizer]( * library) offers a lightweight decoder with very fast runtime decompression, and is * appropriate for models of any size. Meshopt can reduce the transmission sizes of geometry, * morph targets, animation, and other numeric data stored in buffer views. When textures are * large, other complementary compression methods should be used as well. * * For the full benefits of meshopt compression, **apply gzip, brotli, or another lossless * compression method** to the resulting .glb, .gltf, or .bin files. Meshopt specifically * pre-optimizes assets for this purpose — without this secondary compression, the size * reduction is considerably less. * * Be aware that decompression happens before uploading to the GPU. While Meshopt decoding is * considerably faster than Draco decoding, neither compression method will improve runtime * performance directly. To improve framerate, you'll need to simplify the geometry by reducing * vertex count or draw calls — not just compress it. Finally, be aware that Meshopt compression is * lossy: repeatedly compressing and decompressing a model in a pipeline will lose precision, so * compression should generally be the last stage of an art workflow, and uncompressed original * files should be kept. * * The meshoptimizer library ([github](, * [npm]( is a required dependency for reading or * writing files, and must be provided by the application. Compression may alternatively be applied * with the [gltfpack]( tool. * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { NodeIO } from '@gltf-transform/core'; * import { reorder, quantize } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * import { EXTMeshoptCompression } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * import { MeshoptDecoder, MeshoptEncoder } from 'meshoptimizer'; * * await MeshoptDecoder.ready; * await MeshoptEncoder.ready; * * const io = new NodeIO() * .registerExtensions([EXTMeshoptCompression]) * .registerDependencies({ * 'meshopt.decoder': MeshoptDecoder, * 'meshopt.encoder': MeshoptEncoder, * }); * * // Read and decode. * const document = await'compressed.glb'); * * // Write and encode. (Medium, -c) * await document.transform( * reorder({encoder: MeshoptEncoder}), * quantize() * ); * document.createExtension(EXTMeshoptCompression) * .setRequired(true) * .setEncoderOptions({ method: EXTMeshoptCompression.EncoderMethod.QUANTIZE }); * await io.write('compressed-medium.glb', document); * * // Write and encode. (High, -cc) * await document.transform( * reorder({encoder: MeshoptEncoder}), * quantize({pattern: /^(POSITION|TEXCOORD|JOINTS|WEIGHTS)(_\d+)?$/}), * ); * document.createExtension(EXTMeshoptCompression) * .setRequired(true) * .setEncoderOptions({ method: EXTMeshoptCompression.EncoderMethod.FILTER }); * await io.write('compressed-high.glb', document); * ``` */ class EXTMeshoptCompression extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$n; /** @hidden */ this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.BUFFER, core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE]; /** @hidden */ this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.BUFFER, core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR]; /** @hidden */ this.readDependencies = ['meshopt.decoder']; /** @hidden */ this.writeDependencies = ['meshopt.encoder']; this._decoder = null; this._decoderFallbackBufferMap = new Map(); this._encoder = null; this._encoderOptions = DEFAULT_ENCODER_OPTIONS$1; this._encoderFallbackBuffer = null; this._encoderBufferViews = {}; this._encoderBufferViewData = {}; this._encoderBufferViewAccessors = {}; } /** @hidden */ install(key, dependency) { if (key === 'meshopt.decoder') { this._decoder = dependency; } if (key === 'meshopt.encoder') { this._encoder = dependency; } return this; } /** * Configures Meshopt options for quality/compression tuning. The two methods rely on different * pre-processing before compression, and should be compared on the basis of (a) quality/loss * and (b) final asset size after _also_ applying a lossless compression such as gzip or brotli. * * - QUANTIZE: Default. Pre-process with {@link quantize quantize()} (lossy to specified * precision) before applying lossless Meshopt compression. Offers a considerable compression * ratio with or without further supercompression. Equivalent to `gltfpack -c`. * - FILTER: Pre-process with lossy filters to improve compression, before applying lossless * Meshopt compression. While output may initially be larger than with the QUANTIZE method, * this method will benefit more from supercompression (e.g. gzip or brotli). Equivalent to * `gltfpack -cc`. * * Output with the FILTER method will generally be smaller after supercompression (e.g. gzip or * brotli) is applied, but may be larger than QUANTIZE output without it. Decoding is very fast * with both methods. * * Example: * * ```ts * import { EXTMeshoptCompression } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * doc.createExtension(EXTMeshoptCompression) * .setRequired(true) * .setEncoderOptions({ * method: EXTMeshoptCompression.EncoderMethod.QUANTIZE * }); * ``` */ setEncoderOptions(options) { this._encoderOptions = { ...DEFAULT_ENCODER_OPTIONS$1, ...options }; return this; } /********************************************************************************************** * Decoding. */ /** @internal Checks preconditions, decodes buffer views, and creates decoded primitives. */ preread(context, propertyType) { if (!this._decoder) { if (!this.isRequired()) return this; throw new Error(`[${NAME$n}] Please install extension dependency, "meshopt.decoder".`); } if (!this._decoder.supported) { if (!this.isRequired()) return this; throw new Error(`[${NAME$n}]: Missing WASM support.`); } if (propertyType === core.PropertyType.BUFFER) { this._prereadBuffers(context); } else if (propertyType === core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE) { this._prereadPrimitives(context); } return this; } /** @internal Decode buffer views. */ _prereadBuffers(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const viewDefs = jsonDoc.json.bufferViews || []; viewDefs.forEach((viewDef, index) => { if (!viewDef.extensions || !viewDef.extensions[NAME$n]) return; const meshoptDef = viewDef.extensions[NAME$n]; const byteOffset = meshoptDef.byteOffset || 0; const byteLength = meshoptDef.byteLength || 0; const count = meshoptDef.count; const stride = meshoptDef.byteStride; const result = new Uint8Array(count * stride); const bufferDef = jsonDoc.json.buffers[meshoptDef.buffer]; // TODO(cleanup): Should be encapsulated in writer-context.ts. const resource = bufferDef.uri ? jsonDoc.resources[bufferDef.uri] : jsonDoc.resources[core.GLB_BUFFER]; const source = core.BufferUtils.toView(resource, byteOffset, byteLength); this._decoder.decodeGltfBuffer(result, count, stride, source, meshoptDef.mode, meshoptDef.filter); context.bufferViews[index] = result; }); } /** * Mark fallback buffers and replacements. * * Note: Alignment with primitives is arbitrary; this just needs to happen * after Buffers have been parsed. * @internal */ _prereadPrimitives(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const viewDefs = jsonDoc.json.bufferViews || []; // viewDefs.forEach(viewDef => { if (!viewDef.extensions || !viewDef.extensions[NAME$n]) return; const meshoptDef = viewDef.extensions[NAME$n]; const buffer = context.buffers[meshoptDef.buffer]; const fallbackBuffer = context.buffers[viewDef.buffer]; const fallbackBufferDef = jsonDoc.json.buffers[viewDef.buffer]; if (isFallbackBuffer(fallbackBufferDef)) { this._decoderFallbackBufferMap.set(fallbackBuffer, buffer); } }); } /** @hidden Removes Fallback buffers, if extension is required. */ read(_context) { if (!this.isRequired()) return this; // Replace fallback buffers. for (const [fallbackBuffer, buffer] of this._decoderFallbackBufferMap) { for (const parent of fallbackBuffer.listParents()) { if (parent instanceof core.Accessor) { parent.swap(fallbackBuffer, buffer); } } fallbackBuffer.dispose(); } return this; } /********************************************************************************************** * Encoding. */ /** @internal Claims accessors that can be compressed and writes compressed buffer views. */ prewrite(context, propertyType) { if (propertyType === core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR) { this._prewriteAccessors(context); } else if (propertyType === core.PropertyType.BUFFER) { this._prewriteBuffers(context); } return this; } /** @internal Claims accessors that can be compressed. */ _prewriteAccessors(context) { const json = context.jsonDoc.json; const encoder = this._encoder; const options = this._encoderOptions; const graph = this.document.getGraph(); const fallbackBuffer = this.document.createBuffer(); // Disposed on write. const fallbackBufferIndex = this.document.getRoot().listBuffers().indexOf(fallbackBuffer); let nextID = 1; const parentToID = new Map(); const getParentID = property => { for (const parent of graph.listParents(property)) { if (parent.propertyType === core.PropertyType.ROOT) continue; let id = parentToID.get(property); if (id === undefined) parentToID.set(property, id = nextID++); return id; } return -1; }; this._encoderFallbackBuffer = fallbackBuffer; this._encoderBufferViews = {}; this._encoderBufferViewData = {}; this._encoderBufferViewAccessors = {}; for (const accessor of this.document.getRoot().listAccessors()) { // See: // Example: if (getTargetPath(accessor) === 'weights') continue; // See: if (accessor.getSparse()) continue; const usage = context.getAccessorUsage(accessor); const parentID = context.accessorUsageGroupedByParent.has(usage) ? getParentID(accessor) : null; const mode = getMeshoptMode(accessor, usage); const filter = options.method === EncoderMethod$1.FILTER ? getMeshoptFilter(accessor, this.document) : { filter: MeshoptFilter.NONE }; const preparedAccessor = prepareAccessor(accessor, encoder, mode, filter); const { array, byteStride } = preparedAccessor; const buffer = accessor.getBuffer(); if (!buffer) throw new Error(`${NAME$n}: Missing buffer for accessor.`); const bufferIndex = this.document.getRoot().listBuffers().indexOf(buffer); // Buffer view grouping key. const key = [usage, parentID, mode, filter.filter, byteStride, bufferIndex].join(':'); let bufferView = this._encoderBufferViews[key]; let bufferViewData = this._encoderBufferViewData[key]; let bufferViewAccessors = this._encoderBufferViewAccessors[key]; // Write new buffer view, if needed. if (!bufferView || !bufferViewData) { bufferViewAccessors = this._encoderBufferViewAccessors[key] = []; bufferViewData = this._encoderBufferViewData[key] = []; bufferView = this._encoderBufferViews[key] = { buffer: fallbackBufferIndex, target: core.WriterContext.USAGE_TO_TARGET[usage], byteOffset: 0, byteLength: 0, byteStride: usage === core.WriterContext.BufferViewUsage.ARRAY_BUFFER ? byteStride : undefined, extensions: { [NAME$n]: { buffer: bufferIndex, byteOffset: 0, byteLength: 0, mode: mode, filter: filter.filter !== MeshoptFilter.NONE ? filter.filter : undefined, byteStride: byteStride, count: 0 } } }; } // Write accessor. const accessorDef = context.createAccessorDef(accessor); accessorDef.componentType = preparedAccessor.componentType; accessorDef.normalized = preparedAccessor.normalized; accessorDef.byteOffset = bufferView.byteLength; if (accessorDef.min && preparedAccessor.min) accessorDef.min = preparedAccessor.min; if (accessorDef.max && preparedAccessor.max) accessorDef.max = preparedAccessor.max; context.accessorIndexMap.set(accessor, json.accessors.length); json.accessors.push(accessorDef); bufferViewAccessors.push(accessorDef); // Update buffer view. bufferViewData.push(new Uint8Array(array.buffer, array.byteOffset, array.byteLength)); bufferView.byteLength += array.byteLength; bufferView.extensions.EXT_meshopt_compression.count += accessor.getCount(); } } /** @internal Writes compressed buffer views. */ _prewriteBuffers(context) { const encoder = this._encoder; for (const key in this._encoderBufferViews) { const bufferView = this._encoderBufferViews[key]; const bufferViewData = this._encoderBufferViewData[key]; const buffer = this.document.getRoot().listBuffers()[bufferView.extensions[NAME$n].buffer]; const otherBufferViews = context.otherBufferViews.get(buffer) || []; const { count, byteStride, mode } = bufferView.extensions[NAME$n]; const srcArray = core.BufferUtils.concat(bufferViewData); const dstArray = encoder.encodeGltfBuffer(srcArray, count, byteStride, mode); const compressedData = core.BufferUtils.pad(dstArray); bufferView.extensions[NAME$n].byteLength = dstArray.byteLength; bufferViewData.length = 0; bufferViewData.push(compressedData); otherBufferViews.push(compressedData); context.otherBufferViews.set(buffer, otherBufferViews); } } /** @hidden Puts encoded data into glTF output. */ write(context) { let fallbackBufferByteOffset = 0; // Write final encoded buffer view properties. for (const key in this._encoderBufferViews) { const bufferView = this._encoderBufferViews[key]; const bufferViewData = this._encoderBufferViewData[key][0]; const bufferViewIndex = context.otherBufferViewsIndexMap.get(bufferViewData); const bufferViewAccessors = this._encoderBufferViewAccessors[key]; for (const accessorDef of bufferViewAccessors) { accessorDef.bufferView = bufferViewIndex; } const finalBufferViewDef = context.jsonDoc.json.bufferViews[bufferViewIndex]; const compressedByteOffset = finalBufferViewDef.byteOffset || 0; Object.assign(finalBufferViewDef, bufferView); finalBufferViewDef.byteOffset = fallbackBufferByteOffset; const bufferViewExtensionDef = finalBufferViewDef.extensions[NAME$n]; bufferViewExtensionDef.byteOffset = compressedByteOffset; fallbackBufferByteOffset += core.BufferUtils.padNumber(bufferView.byteLength); } // Write final fallback buffer. const fallbackBuffer = this._encoderFallbackBuffer; const fallbackBufferIndex = context.bufferIndexMap.get(fallbackBuffer); const fallbackBufferDef = context.jsonDoc.json.buffers[fallbackBufferIndex]; fallbackBufferDef.byteLength = fallbackBufferByteOffset; fallbackBufferDef.extensions = { [NAME$n]: { fallback: true } }; fallbackBuffer.dispose(); return this; } } EXTMeshoptCompression.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$n; EXTMeshoptCompression.EncoderMethod = EncoderMethod$1; const NAME$m = EXT_TEXTURE_AVIF; class AVIFImageUtils { match(array) { return array.length >= 12 && core.BufferUtils.decodeText(array.slice(4, 12)) === 'ftypavif'; } /** * Probes size of AVIF or HEIC image. Assumes a single static image, without * orientation or other metadata that would affect dimensions. */ getSize(array) { if (!this.match(array)) return null; // References: // - // - const view = new DataView(array.buffer, array.byteOffset, array.byteLength); let box = unbox(view, 0); if (!box) return null; let offset = box.end; while (box = unbox(view, offset)) { if (box.type === 'meta') { offset = box.start + 4; // version + flags } else if (box.type === 'iprp' || box.type === 'ipco') { offset = box.start; } else if (box.type === 'ispe') { return [view.getUint32(box.start + 4), view.getUint32(box.start + 8)]; } else if (box.type === 'mdat') { break; // mdat should be last, unlikely to find metadata past here. } else { offset = box.end; } } return null; } getChannels(_buffer) { return 4; } } /** * [`EXT_texture_avif`]( * enables AVIF images for any material texture. * * AVIF offers greatly reduced transmission size, but * [requires browser support]( Like PNG and JPEG, an AVIF image is * *fully decompressed* when uploaded to the GPU, which increases upload time and GPU memory cost. * For seamless uploads and minimal GPU memory cost, it is necessary to use a GPU texture format * like Basis Universal, with the `KHR_texture_basisu` extension. * * Defining no {@link ExtensionProperty} types, this {@link Extension} is simply attached to the * {@link Document}, and affects the entire Document by allowing use of the `image/avif` MIME type * and passing AVIF image data to the {@link Texture.setImage} method. Without the Extension, the * same MIME types and image data would yield an invalid glTF document, under the stricter core glTF * specification. * * Properties: * - N/A * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { TextureAVIF } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const avifExtension = document.createExtension(TextureAVIF) * .setRequired(true); * document.createTexture('MyAVIFTexture') * .setMimeType('image/avif') * .setImage(fs.readFileSync('my-texture.avif')); * ``` * * AVIF conversion is not done automatically when adding the extension as shown above — you must * convert the image data first, then pass the `.avif` payload to {@link Texture.setImage}. * * When the `EXT_texture_avif` extension is added to a file by glTF-Transform, the extension should * always be required. This tool does not support writing assets that "fall back" to optional PNG or * JPEG image data. */ class EXTTextureAVIF extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$m; /** @hidden */ this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.TEXTURE]; } /** @hidden */ static register() { core.ImageUtils.registerFormat('image/avif', new AVIFImageUtils()); } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const textureDefs = context.jsonDoc.json.textures || []; textureDefs.forEach(textureDef => { if (textureDef.extensions && textureDef.extensions[NAME$m]) { textureDef.source = textureDef.extensions[NAME$m].source; } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars read(context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listTextures().forEach(texture => { if (texture.getMimeType() === 'image/avif') { const imageIndex = context.imageIndexMap.get(texture); const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; textureDefs.forEach(textureDef => { if (textureDef.source === imageIndex) { textureDef.extensions = textureDef.extensions || {}; textureDef.extensions[NAME$m] = { source: textureDef.source }; delete textureDef.source; } }); } }); return this; } } EXTTextureAVIF.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$m; function unbox(data, offset) { if (data.byteLength < 4 + offset) return null; // size includes first 4 bytes (length) const size = data.getUint32(offset); if (data.byteLength < size + offset || size < 8) return null; return { type: core.BufferUtils.decodeText(new Uint8Array(data.buffer, data.byteOffset + offset + 4, 4)), start: offset + 8, end: offset + size }; } const NAME$l = EXT_TEXTURE_WEBP; class WEBPImageUtils { match(array) { return array.length >= 12 && array[8] === 87 && array[9] === 69 && array[10] === 66 && array[11] === 80; } getSize(array) { // Reference: const RIFF = core.BufferUtils.decodeText(array.slice(0, 4)); const WEBP = core.BufferUtils.decodeText(array.slice(8, 12)); if (RIFF !== 'RIFF' || WEBP !== 'WEBP') return null; const view = new DataView(array.buffer, array.byteOffset); // Reference: let offset = 12; while (offset < view.byteLength) { const chunkId = core.BufferUtils.decodeText(new Uint8Array([view.getUint8(offset), view.getUint8(offset + 1), view.getUint8(offset + 2), view.getUint8(offset + 3)])); const chunkByteLength = view.getUint32(offset + 4, true); if (chunkId === 'VP8 ') { const width = view.getInt16(offset + 14, true) & 0x3fff; const height = view.getInt16(offset + 16, true) & 0x3fff; return [width, height]; } else if (chunkId === 'VP8L') { const b0 = view.getUint8(offset + 9); const b1 = view.getUint8(offset + 10); const b2 = view.getUint8(offset + 11); const b3 = view.getUint8(offset + 12); const width = 1 + ((b1 & 0x3f) << 8 | b0); const height = 1 + ((b3 & 0xf) << 10 | b2 << 2 | (b1 & 0xc0) >> 6); return [width, height]; } offset += 8 + chunkByteLength + chunkByteLength % 2; } return null; } getChannels(_buffer) { return 4; } } /** * [`EXT_texture_webp`]( * enables WebP images for any material texture. * * WebP offers greatly reduced transmission size, but * [requires browser support]( Like PNG and JPEG, a WebP image is * *fully decompressed* when uploaded to the GPU, which increases upload time and GPU memory cost. * For seamless uploads and minimal GPU memory cost, it is necessary to use a GPU texture format * like Basis Universal, with the `KHR_texture_basisu` extension. * * Defining no {@link ExtensionProperty} types, this {@link Extension} is simply attached to the * {@link Document}, and affects the entire Document by allowing use of the `image/webp` MIME type * and passing WebP image data to the {@link Texture.setImage} method. Without the Extension, the * same MIME types and image data would yield an invalid glTF document, under the stricter core glTF * specification. * * Properties: * - N/A * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { EXTTextureWebP } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const webpExtension = document.createExtension(EXTTextureWebP) * .setRequired(true); * document.createTexture('MyWebPTexture') * .setMimeType('image/webp') * .setImage(fs.readFileSync('my-texture.webp')); * ``` * * WebP conversion is not done automatically when adding the extension as shown above — you must * convert the image data first, then pass the `.webp` payload to {@link Texture.setImage}. * * When the `EXT_texture_webp` extension is added to a file by glTF-Transform, the extension should * always be required. This tool does not support writing assets that "fall back" to optional PNG or * JPEG image data. */ class EXTTextureWebP extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$l; /** @hidden */ this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.TEXTURE]; } /** @hidden */ static register() { core.ImageUtils.registerFormat('image/webp', new WEBPImageUtils()); } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const textureDefs = context.jsonDoc.json.textures || []; textureDefs.forEach(textureDef => { if (textureDef.extensions && textureDef.extensions[NAME$l]) { textureDef.source = textureDef.extensions[NAME$l].source; } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars read(context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listTextures().forEach(texture => { if (texture.getMimeType() === 'image/webp') { const imageIndex = context.imageIndexMap.get(texture); const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; textureDefs.forEach(textureDef => { if (textureDef.source === imageIndex) { textureDef.extensions = textureDef.extensions || {}; textureDef.extensions[NAME$l] = { source: textureDef.source }; delete textureDef.source; } }); } }); return this; } } EXTTextureWebP.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$l; const NAME$k = KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION; let decoderModule; // Initialized when decoder module loads. let COMPONENT_ARRAY; let DATA_TYPE; function decodeGeometry(decoder, data) { const buffer = new decoderModule.DecoderBuffer(); try { buffer.Init(data, data.length); const geometryType = decoder.GetEncodedGeometryType(buffer); if (geometryType !== decoderModule.TRIANGULAR_MESH) { throw new Error(`[${NAME$k}] Unknown geometry type.`); } const dracoMesh = new decoderModule.Mesh(); const status = decoder.DecodeBufferToMesh(buffer, dracoMesh); if (!status.ok() || dracoMesh.ptr === 0) { throw new Error(`[${NAME$k}] Decoding failure.`); } return dracoMesh; } finally { decoderModule.destroy(buffer); } } function decodeIndex(decoder, mesh) { const numFaces = mesh.num_faces(); const numIndices = numFaces * 3; let ptr; let indices; if (mesh.num_points() <= 65534) { const byteLength = numIndices * Uint16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; ptr = decoderModule._malloc(byteLength); decoder.GetTrianglesUInt16Array(mesh, byteLength, ptr); indices = new Uint16Array(decoderModule.HEAPU16.buffer, ptr, numIndices).slice(); } else { const byteLength = numIndices * Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; ptr = decoderModule._malloc(byteLength); decoder.GetTrianglesUInt32Array(mesh, byteLength, ptr); indices = new Uint32Array(decoderModule.HEAPU32.buffer, ptr, numIndices).slice(); } decoderModule._free(ptr); return indices; } function decodeAttribute(decoder, mesh, attribute, accessorDef) { const dataType = DATA_TYPE[accessorDef.componentType]; const ArrayCtor = COMPONENT_ARRAY[accessorDef.componentType]; const numComponents = attribute.num_components(); const numPoints = mesh.num_points(); const numValues = numPoints * numComponents; const byteLength = numValues * ArrayCtor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const ptr = decoderModule._malloc(byteLength); decoder.GetAttributeDataArrayForAllPoints(mesh, attribute, dataType, byteLength, ptr); const array = new ArrayCtor(decoderModule.HEAPF32.buffer, ptr, numValues).slice(); decoderModule._free(ptr); return array; } function initDecoderModule(_decoderModule) { decoderModule = _decoderModule; COMPONENT_ARRAY = { [core.Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT]: Float32Array, [core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT]: Uint32Array, [core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT]: Uint16Array, [core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE]: Uint8Array, [core.Accessor.ComponentType.SHORT]: Int16Array, [core.Accessor.ComponentType.BYTE]: Int8Array }; DATA_TYPE = { [core.Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT]: decoderModule.DT_FLOAT32, [core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT]: decoderModule.DT_UINT32, [core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT]: decoderModule.DT_UINT16, [core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE]: decoderModule.DT_UINT8, [core.Accessor.ComponentType.SHORT]: decoderModule.DT_INT16, [core.Accessor.ComponentType.BYTE]: decoderModule.DT_INT8 }; } let encoderModule; var EncoderMethod; (function (EncoderMethod) { EncoderMethod[EncoderMethod["EDGEBREAKER"] = 1] = "EDGEBREAKER"; EncoderMethod[EncoderMethod["SEQUENTIAL"] = 0] = "SEQUENTIAL"; })(EncoderMethod || (EncoderMethod = {})); var AttributeEnum; (function (AttributeEnum) { AttributeEnum["POSITION"] = "POSITION"; AttributeEnum["NORMAL"] = "NORMAL"; AttributeEnum["COLOR"] = "COLOR"; AttributeEnum["TEX_COORD"] = "TEX_COORD"; AttributeEnum["GENERIC"] = "GENERIC"; })(AttributeEnum || (AttributeEnum = {})); const DEFAULT_QUANTIZATION_BITS = { [AttributeEnum.POSITION]: 14, [AttributeEnum.NORMAL]: 10, [AttributeEnum.COLOR]: 8, [AttributeEnum.TEX_COORD]: 12, [AttributeEnum.GENERIC]: 12 }; const DEFAULT_ENCODER_OPTIONS = { decodeSpeed: 5, encodeSpeed: 5, method: EncoderMethod.EDGEBREAKER, quantizationBits: DEFAULT_QUANTIZATION_BITS, quantizationVolume: 'mesh' }; function initEncoderModule(_encoderModule) { encoderModule = _encoderModule; } /** * References: * - * - */ function encodeGeometry(prim, _options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = DEFAULT_ENCODER_OPTIONS; } const options = { ...DEFAULT_ENCODER_OPTIONS, ..._options }; options.quantizationBits = { ...DEFAULT_QUANTIZATION_BITS, ..._options.quantizationBits }; const builder = new encoderModule.MeshBuilder(); const mesh = new encoderModule.Mesh(); const encoder = new encoderModule.ExpertEncoder(mesh); const attributeIDs = {}; const dracoBuffer = new encoderModule.DracoInt8Array(); const hasMorphTargets = prim.listTargets().length > 0; let hasSparseAttributes = false; for (const semantic of prim.listSemantics()) { const attribute = prim.getAttribute(semantic); if (attribute.getSparse()) { hasSparseAttributes = true; continue; } const attributeEnum = getAttributeEnum(semantic); const attributeID = addAttribute(builder, attribute.getComponentType(), mesh, encoderModule[attributeEnum], attribute.getCount(), attribute.getElementSize(), attribute.getArray()); if (attributeID === -1) throw new Error(`Error compressing "${semantic}" attribute.`); attributeIDs[semantic] = attributeID; if (options.quantizationVolume === 'mesh' || semantic !== 'POSITION') { encoder.SetAttributeQuantization(attributeID, options.quantizationBits[attributeEnum]); } else if (typeof options.quantizationVolume === 'object') { const { quantizationVolume } = options; const range = Math.max(quantizationVolume.max[0] - quantizationVolume.min[0], quantizationVolume.max[1] - quantizationVolume.min[1], quantizationVolume.max[2] - quantizationVolume.min[2]); encoder.SetAttributeExplicitQuantization(attributeID, options.quantizationBits[attributeEnum], attribute.getElementSize(), quantizationVolume.min, range); } else { throw new Error('Invalid quantization volume state.'); } } const indices = prim.getIndices(); if (!indices) throw new EncodingError('Primitive must have indices.'); builder.AddFacesToMesh(mesh, indices.getCount() / 3, indices.getArray()); encoder.SetSpeedOptions(options.encodeSpeed, options.decodeSpeed); encoder.SetTrackEncodedProperties(true); // TODO(cleanup): Use edgebreaker without deduplication if possible. // See if (options.method === EncoderMethod.SEQUENTIAL || hasMorphTargets || hasSparseAttributes) { encoder.SetEncodingMethod(encoderModule.MESH_SEQUENTIAL_ENCODING); } else { encoder.SetEncodingMethod(encoderModule.MESH_EDGEBREAKER_ENCODING); } // Encode, preserving vertex order for primitives with morph targets and sparse accessors. const byteLength = encoder.EncodeToDracoBuffer(!(hasMorphTargets || hasSparseAttributes), dracoBuffer); if (byteLength <= 0) throw new EncodingError('Error applying Draco compression.'); const data = new Uint8Array(byteLength); for (let i = 0; i < byteLength; ++i) { data[i] = dracoBuffer.GetValue(i); } const numVertices = encoder.GetNumberOfEncodedPoints(); const numIndices = encoder.GetNumberOfEncodedFaces() * 3; encoderModule.destroy(dracoBuffer); encoderModule.destroy(mesh); encoderModule.destroy(builder); encoderModule.destroy(encoder); return { numVertices, numIndices, data, attributeIDs }; } function getAttributeEnum(semantic) { if (semantic === 'POSITION') { return AttributeEnum.POSITION; } else if (semantic === 'NORMAL') { return AttributeEnum.NORMAL; } else if (semantic.startsWith('COLOR_')) { return AttributeEnum.COLOR; } else if (semantic.startsWith('TEXCOORD_')) { return AttributeEnum.TEX_COORD; } return AttributeEnum.GENERIC; } function addAttribute(builder, componentType, mesh, attribute, count, itemSize, array) { switch (componentType) { case core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE: return builder.AddUInt8Attribute(mesh, attribute, count, itemSize, array); case core.Accessor.ComponentType.BYTE: return builder.AddInt8Attribute(mesh, attribute, count, itemSize, array); case core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT: return builder.AddUInt16Attribute(mesh, attribute, count, itemSize, array); case core.Accessor.ComponentType.SHORT: return builder.AddInt16Attribute(mesh, attribute, count, itemSize, array); case core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT: return builder.AddUInt32Attribute(mesh, attribute, count, itemSize, array); case core.Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT: return builder.AddFloatAttribute(mesh, attribute, count, itemSize, array); default: throw new Error(`Unexpected component type, "${componentType}".`); } } class EncodingError extends Error {} const NAME$j = KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION; /** * [`KHR_draco_mesh_compression`]( * provides advanced compression for mesh geometry. * * For models where geometry is a significant factor (>1 MB), Draco can reduce filesize by ~95% * in many cases. When animation or textures are large, other complementary compression methods * should be used as well. For geometry <1MB, the size of the WASM decoder library may outweigh * size savings. * * Be aware that decompression happens before uploading to the GPU — this will add some latency to * the parsing process, and means that compressing geometry with Draco does _not_ affect runtime * performance. To improve framerate, you'll need to simplify the geometry by reducing vertex count * or draw calls — not just compress it. Finally, be aware that Draco compression is lossy: * repeatedly compressing and decompressing a model in a pipeline will lose precision, so * compression should generally be the last stage of an art workflow, and uncompressed original * files should be kept. * * A decoder or encoder from the `draco3dgltf` npm module for Node.js (or * [elsewhere for web]( is required for reading and writing, * and must be provided by the application. * * ### Encoding options * * Two compression methods are available: 'edgebreaker' and 'sequential'. The * edgebreaker method will give higher compression in general, but changes the * order of the model's vertices. To preserve index order, use sequential * compression. When a mesh uses morph targets, or a high decoding speed is * selected, sequential compression will automatically be chosen. * * Both speed options affect the encoder's choice of algorithms. For example, a * requirement for fast decoding may prevent the encoder from using the best * compression methods even if the encoding speed is set to 0. In general, the * faster of the two options limits the choice of features that can be used by the * encoder. Setting --decodeSpeed to be faster than the --encodeSpeed may allow * the encoder to choose the optimal method out of the available features for the * given --decodeSpeed. * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { NodeIO } from '@gltf-transform/core'; * import { KHRDracoMeshCompression } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * import draco3d from 'draco3dgltf'; * * // ... * * const io = new NodeIO() * .registerExtensions([KHRDracoMeshCompression]) * .registerDependencies({ * 'draco3d.decoder': await draco3d.createDecoderModule(), // Optional. * 'draco3d.encoder': await draco3d.createEncoderModule(), // Optional. * }); * * // Read and decode. * const document = await'compressed.glb'); * * // Write and encode. * document.createExtension(KHRDracoMeshCompression) * .setRequired(true) * .setEncoderOptions({ * method: KHRDracoMeshCompression.EncoderMethod.EDGEBREAKER, * encodeSpeed: 5, * decodeSpeed: 5, * }); * await io.write('compressed.glb', document); * ``` */ class KHRDracoMeshCompression extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$j; /** @hidden */ this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE]; /** @hidden */ this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR]; /** @hidden */ this.readDependencies = ['draco3d.decoder']; /** @hidden */ this.writeDependencies = ['draco3d.encoder']; this._decoderModule = null; this._encoderModule = null; this._encoderOptions = {}; } /** @hidden */ install(key, dependency) { if (key === 'draco3d.decoder') { this._decoderModule = dependency; initDecoderModule(this._decoderModule); } if (key === 'draco3d.encoder') { this._encoderModule = dependency; initEncoderModule(this._encoderModule); } return this; } /** * Sets Draco compression options. Compression does not take effect until the Document is * written with an I/O class. * * Defaults: * ``` * decodeSpeed?: number = 5; * encodeSpeed?: number = 5; * method?: EncoderMethod = EncoderMethod.EDGEBREAKER; * quantizationBits?: {[ATTRIBUTE_NAME]: bits}; * quantizationVolume?: 'mesh' | 'scene' | bbox = 'mesh'; * ``` */ setEncoderOptions(options) { this._encoderOptions = options; return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { if (!this._decoderModule) { throw new Error(`[${NAME$j}] Please install extension dependency, "draco3d.decoder".`); } const logger = this.document.getLogger(); const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const dracoMeshes = new Map(); try { const meshDefs = jsonDoc.json.meshes || []; for (const meshDef of meshDefs) { for (const primDef of meshDef.primitives) { if (!primDef.extensions || !primDef.extensions[NAME$j]) continue; const dracoDef = primDef.extensions[NAME$j]; let [decoder, dracoMesh] = dracoMeshes.get(dracoDef.bufferView) || []; if (!dracoMesh || !decoder) { const bufferViewDef = jsonDoc.json.bufferViews[dracoDef.bufferView]; const bufferDef = jsonDoc.json.buffers[bufferViewDef.buffer]; // TODO(cleanup): Should be encapsulated in writer-context.ts. const resource = bufferDef.uri ? jsonDoc.resources[bufferDef.uri] : jsonDoc.resources[core.GLB_BUFFER]; const byteOffset = bufferViewDef.byteOffset || 0; const byteLength = bufferViewDef.byteLength; const compressedData = core.BufferUtils.toView(resource, byteOffset, byteLength); decoder = new this._decoderModule.Decoder(); dracoMesh = decodeGeometry(decoder, compressedData); dracoMeshes.set(dracoDef.bufferView, [decoder, dracoMesh]); logger.debug(`[${NAME$j}] Decompressed ${compressedData.byteLength} bytes.`); } // Attributes. for (const semantic in primDef.attributes) { const accessorDef = context.jsonDoc.json.accessors[primDef.attributes[semantic]]; const dracoAttribute = decoder.GetAttributeByUniqueId(dracoMesh, dracoDef.attributes[semantic]); const attributeArray = decodeAttribute(decoder, dracoMesh, dracoAttribute, accessorDef); context.accessors[primDef.attributes[semantic]].setArray(attributeArray); } // Indices. Optional, see if (primDef.indices !== undefined) { context.accessors[primDef.indices].setArray(decodeIndex(decoder, dracoMesh)); } } } } finally { for (const [decoder, dracoMesh] of Array.from(dracoMeshes.values())) { this._decoderModule.destroy(decoder); this._decoderModule.destroy(dracoMesh); } } return this; } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context, _propertyType) { if (!this._encoderModule) { throw new Error(`[${NAME$j}] Please install extension dependency, "draco3d.encoder".`); } const logger = this.document.getLogger(); logger.debug(`[${NAME$j}] Compression options: ${JSON.stringify(this._encoderOptions)}`); const primitiveHashMap = listDracoPrimitives(this.document); const primitiveEncodingMap = new Map(); let quantizationVolume = 'mesh'; if (this._encoderOptions.quantizationVolume === 'scene') { if (this.document.getRoot().listScenes().length !== 1) { logger.warn(`[${NAME$j}]: quantizationVolume=scene requires exactly 1 scene.`); } else { quantizationVolume = core.getBounds(this.document.getRoot().listScenes().pop()); } } for (const prim of Array.from(primitiveHashMap.keys())) { const primHash = primitiveHashMap.get(prim); if (!primHash) throw new Error('Unexpected primitive.'); // Reuse an existing EncodedPrimitive, if possible. if (primitiveEncodingMap.has(primHash)) { primitiveEncodingMap.set(primHash, primitiveEncodingMap.get(primHash)); continue; } const indices = prim.getIndices(); // Condition for listDracoPrimitives(). const accessorDefs = context.jsonDoc.json.accessors; // Create a new EncodedPrimitive. let encodedPrim; try { encodedPrim = encodeGeometry(prim, { ...this._encoderOptions, quantizationVolume }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof EncodingError) { logger.warn(`[${NAME$j}]: ${e.message} Skipping primitive compression.`); continue; } throw e; } primitiveEncodingMap.set(primHash, encodedPrim); // Create indices definition, update count. const indicesDef = context.createAccessorDef(indices); indicesDef.count = encodedPrim.numIndices; context.accessorIndexMap.set(indices, accessorDefs.length); accessorDefs.push(indicesDef); // In rare cases Draco increases vertex count, requiring a larger index component type. // if (encodedPrim.numVertices > 65534 && core.Accessor.getComponentSize(indicesDef.componentType) <= 2) { indicesDef.componentType = core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT; } else if (encodedPrim.numVertices > 254 && core.Accessor.getComponentSize(indicesDef.componentType) <= 1) { indicesDef.componentType = core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT; } // Create attribute definitions, update count. for (const semantic of prim.listSemantics()) { const attribute = prim.getAttribute(semantic); if (encodedPrim.attributeIDs[semantic] === undefined) continue; // sparse const attributeDef = context.createAccessorDef(attribute); attributeDef.count = encodedPrim.numVertices; context.accessorIndexMap.set(attribute, accessorDefs.length); accessorDefs.push(attributeDef); } // Map compressed buffer view to a Buffer. const buffer = prim.getAttribute('POSITION').getBuffer() || this.document.getRoot().listBuffers()[0]; if (!context.otherBufferViews.has(buffer)) context.otherBufferViews.set(buffer, []); context.otherBufferViews.get(buffer).push(; } logger.debug(`[${NAME$j}] Compressed ${primitiveHashMap.size} primitives.`); context.extensionData[NAME$j] = { primitiveHashMap, primitiveEncodingMap }; return this; } /** @hidden */ write(context) { const dracoContext = context.extensionData[NAME$j]; for (const mesh of this.document.getRoot().listMeshes()) { const meshDef = context.jsonDoc.json.meshes[context.meshIndexMap.get(mesh)]; for (let i = 0; i < mesh.listPrimitives().length; i++) { const prim = mesh.listPrimitives()[i]; const primDef = meshDef.primitives[i]; const primHash = dracoContext.primitiveHashMap.get(prim); if (!primHash) continue; const encodedPrim = dracoContext.primitiveEncodingMap.get(primHash); if (!encodedPrim) continue; primDef.extensions = primDef.extensions || {}; primDef.extensions[NAME$j] = { bufferView: context.otherBufferViewsIndexMap.get(, attributes: encodedPrim.attributeIDs }; } } // Omit the extension if nothing was compressed. if (!dracoContext.primitiveHashMap.size) { const json = context.jsonDoc.json; json.extensionsUsed = (json.extensionsUsed || []).filter(name => name !== NAME$j); json.extensionsRequired = (json.extensionsRequired || []).filter(name => name !== NAME$j); } return this; } } /** * Returns a list of Primitives compatible with Draco compression. If any required preconditions * fail, and would break assumptions required for compression, this function will throw an error. */ KHRDracoMeshCompression.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$j; /** * Compression method. `EncoderMethod.EDGEBREAKER` usually provides a higher compression ratio, * while `EncoderMethod.SEQUENTIAL` better preserves original vertex order. */ KHRDracoMeshCompression.EncoderMethod = EncoderMethod; function listDracoPrimitives(doc) { const logger = doc.getLogger(); const included = new Set(); const excluded = new Set(); let nonIndexed = 0; let nonTriangles = 0; // Support compressing only indexed, mode=TRIANGLES primitives. for (const mesh of doc.getRoot().listMeshes()) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { if (!prim.getIndices()) { excluded.add(prim); nonIndexed++; } else if (prim.getMode() !== core.Primitive.Mode.TRIANGLES) { excluded.add(prim); nonTriangles++; } else { included.add(prim); } } } if (nonIndexed > 0) { logger.warn(`[${NAME$j}] Skipping Draco compression of ${nonIndexed} non-indexed primitives.`); } if (nonTriangles > 0) { logger.warn(`[${NAME$j}] Skipping Draco compression of ${nonTriangles} non-TRIANGLES primitives.`); } // Create an Accessor->index mapping. const accessors = doc.getRoot().listAccessors(); const accessorIndices = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < accessors.length; i++) accessorIndices.set(accessors[i], i); // For each compressed Primitive, create a hash key identifying its accessors. Map each // compressed Primitive and Accessor to this hash key. const includedAccessors = new Map(); const includedHashKeys = new Set(); const primToHashKey = new Map(); for (const prim of Array.from(included)) { let hashKey = createHashKey(prim, accessorIndices); // If accessors of an identical primitive have already been checked, we're done. if (includedHashKeys.has(hashKey)) { primToHashKey.set(prim, hashKey); continue; } // If any accessors are already in use, but the same hashKey hasn't been written, then we // need to create copies of these accessors for the current encoded primitive. We can't // reuse the same compressed accessor for two encoded primitives, because Draco might // change the vertex count, change the vertex order, or cause other conflicts. if (includedAccessors.has(prim.getIndices())) { const indices = prim.getIndices(); // Condition for 'included' list. const dstIndices = indices.clone(); accessorIndices.set(dstIndices, doc.getRoot().listAccessors().length - 1); prim.swap(indices, dstIndices); // TODO(cleanup): I/O should not modify Document. } for (const attribute of prim.listAttributes()) { if (includedAccessors.has(attribute)) { const dstAttribute = attribute.clone(); accessorIndices.set(dstAttribute, doc.getRoot().listAccessors().length - 1); prim.swap(attribute, dstAttribute); // TODO(cleanup): I/O should not modify Document. } } // With conflicts resolved, compute the hash key again. hashKey = createHashKey(prim, accessorIndices); // Commit the primitive and its accessors to the hash key. includedHashKeys.add(hashKey); primToHashKey.set(prim, hashKey); includedAccessors.set(prim.getIndices(), hashKey); for (const attribute of prim.listAttributes()) { includedAccessors.set(attribute, hashKey); } } // For each compressed Accessor, ensure that it isn't used except by a Primitive. for (const accessor of Array.from(includedAccessors.keys())) { const parentTypes = new Set(accessor.listParents().map(prop => prop.propertyType)); if (parentTypes.size !== 2 || !parentTypes.has(core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE) || !parentTypes.has(core.PropertyType.ROOT)) { throw new Error(`[${NAME$j}] Compressed accessors must only be used as indices or vertex attributes.`); } } // For each compressed Primitive, ensure that Accessors are mapped only to the same hash key. for (const prim of Array.from(included)) { const hashKey = primToHashKey.get(prim); const indices = prim.getIndices(); // Condition for 'included' list. if (includedAccessors.get(indices) !== hashKey || prim.listAttributes().some(attr => includedAccessors.get(attr) !== hashKey)) { throw new Error(`[${NAME$j}] Draco primitives must share all, or no, accessors.`); } } // For each excluded Primitive, ensure that no Accessors are compressed. for (const prim of Array.from(excluded)) { const indices = prim.getIndices(); // Condition for 'included' list. if (includedAccessors.has(indices) || prim.listAttributes().some(attr => includedAccessors.has(attr))) { throw new Error(`[${NAME$j}] Accessor cannot be shared by compressed and uncompressed primitives.`); } } return primToHashKey; } function createHashKey(prim, indexMap) { const hashElements = []; const indices = prim.getIndices(); // Condition for 'included' list. hashElements.push(indexMap.get(indices)); for (const attribute of prim.listAttributes()) { hashElements.push(indexMap.get(attribute)); } return hashElements.sort().join('|'); } /** * Defines a light attached to a {@link Node}. See {@link KHRLightsPunctual}. */ class Light extends core.ExtensionProperty { /********************************************************************************************** * INSTANCE. */ init() { this.extensionName = KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL; this.propertyType = 'Light'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.NODE]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { color: [1, 1, 1], intensity: 1, type: Light.Type.POINT, range: null, innerConeAngle: 0, outerConeAngle: Math.PI / 4 }); } /********************************************************************************************** * COLOR. */ /** Light color; Linear-sRGB components. */ getColor() { return this.get('color'); } /** Light color; Linear-sRGB components. */ setColor(color) { return this.set('color', color); } /********************************************************************************************** * INTENSITY. */ /** * Brightness of light. Units depend on the type of light: point and spot lights use luminous * intensity in candela (lm/sr) while directional lights use illuminance in lux (lm/m2). */ getIntensity() { return this.get('intensity'); } /** * Brightness of light. Units depend on the type of light: point and spot lights use luminous * intensity in candela (lm/sr) while directional lights use illuminance in lux (lm/m2). */ setIntensity(intensity) { return this.set('intensity', intensity); } /********************************************************************************************** * TYPE. */ /** Type. */ getType() { return this.get('type'); } /** Type. */ setType(type) { return this.set('type', type); } /********************************************************************************************** * RANGE. */ /** * Hint defining a distance cutoff at which the light's intensity may be considered to have * reached zero. Supported only for point and spot lights. Must be > 0. When undefined, range * is assumed to be infinite. */ getRange() { return this.get('range'); } /** * Hint defining a distance cutoff at which the light's intensity may be considered to have * reached zero. Supported only for point and spot lights. Must be > 0. When undefined, range * is assumed to be infinite. */ setRange(range) { return this.set('range', range); } /********************************************************************************************** * SPOT LIGHT PROPERTIES */ /** * Angle, in radians, from centre of spotlight where falloff begins. Must be >= 0 and * < outerConeAngle. */ getInnerConeAngle() { return this.get('innerConeAngle'); } /** * Angle, in radians, from centre of spotlight where falloff begins. Must be >= 0 and * < outerConeAngle. */ setInnerConeAngle(angle) { return this.set('innerConeAngle', angle); } /** * Angle, in radians, from centre of spotlight where falloff ends. Must be > innerConeAngle and * <= PI / 2.0. */ getOuterConeAngle() { return this.get('outerConeAngle'); } /** * Angle, in radians, from centre of spotlight where falloff ends. Must be > innerConeAngle and * <= PI / 2.0. */ setOuterConeAngle(angle) { return this.set('outerConeAngle', angle); } } Light.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL; /********************************************************************************************** * CONSTANTS. */ Light.Type = { POINT: 'point', SPOT: 'spot', DIRECTIONAL: 'directional' }; const NAME$i = KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL; /** * [`KHR_lights_punctual`]( defines three "punctual" light types: directional, point and * spot. * * Punctual lights are parameterized, infinitely small points that emit light in * well-defined directions and intensities. Lights are referenced by nodes and inherit the transform * of that node. * * Properties: * - {@link Light} * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRLightsPunctual, Light, LightType } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const lightsExtension = document.createExtension(KHRLightsPunctual); * * // Create a Light property. * const light = lightsExtension.createLight() * .setType(LightType.POINT) * .setIntensity(2.0) * .setColor([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]); * * // Attach the property to a Material. * node.setExtension('KHR_lights_punctual', light); * ``` */ class KHRLightsPunctual extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$i; } /** Creates a new punctual Light property for use on a {@link Node}. */ createLight(name) { if (name === void 0) { name = ''; } return new Light(this.document.getGraph(), name); } /** @hidden */ read(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; if (!jsonDoc.json.extensions || !jsonDoc.json.extensions[NAME$i]) return this; const rootDef = jsonDoc.json.extensions[NAME$i]; const lightDefs = rootDef.lights || []; const lights = => { var _lightDef$spot, _lightDef$spot2; const light = this.createLight().setName( || '').setType(lightDef.type); if (lightDef.color !== undefined) light.setColor(lightDef.color); if (lightDef.intensity !== undefined) light.setIntensity(lightDef.intensity); if (lightDef.range !== undefined) light.setRange(lightDef.range); if (((_lightDef$spot = == null ? void 0 : _lightDef$spot.innerConeAngle) !== undefined) { light.setInnerConeAngle(; } if (((_lightDef$spot2 = == null ? void 0 : _lightDef$spot2.outerConeAngle) !== undefined) { light.setOuterConeAngle(; } return light; }); jsonDoc.json.nodes.forEach((nodeDef, nodeIndex) => { if (!nodeDef.extensions || !nodeDef.extensions[NAME$i]) return; const lightNodeDef = nodeDef.extensions[NAME$i]; context.nodes[nodeIndex].setExtension(NAME$i, lights[lightNodeDef.light]); }); return this; } /** @hidden */ write(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; if ( === 0) return this; const lightDefs = []; const lightIndexMap = new Map(); for (const property of { const light = property; const lightDef = { type: light.getType() }; if (!core.MathUtils.eq(light.getColor(), [1, 1, 1])) lightDef.color = light.getColor(); if (light.getIntensity() !== 1) lightDef.intensity = light.getIntensity(); if (light.getRange() != null) lightDef.range = light.getRange(); if (light.getName()) = light.getName(); if (light.getType() === Light.Type.SPOT) { = { innerConeAngle: light.getInnerConeAngle(), outerConeAngle: light.getOuterConeAngle() }; } lightDefs.push(lightDef); lightIndexMap.set(light, lightDefs.length - 1); } this.document.getRoot().listNodes().forEach(node => { const light = node.getExtension(NAME$i); if (light) { const nodeIndex = context.nodeIndexMap.get(node); const nodeDef = jsonDoc.json.nodes[nodeIndex]; nodeDef.extensions = nodeDef.extensions || {}; nodeDef.extensions[NAME$i] = { light: lightIndexMap.get(light) }; } }); jsonDoc.json.extensions = jsonDoc.json.extensions || {}; jsonDoc.json.extensions[NAME$i] = { lights: lightDefs }; return this; } } KHRLightsPunctual.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$i; const { R: R$7, G: G$7, B: B$5 } = core.TextureChannel; /** * Defines anisotropy (directionally-dependent reflections) on a PBR {@link Material}. See * {@link KHRMaterialsAnisotropy}. */ class Anisotropy extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_ANISOTROPY; this.propertyType = 'Anisotropy'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { anisotropyStrength: 0.0, anisotropyRotation: 0.0, anisotropyTexture: null, anisotropyTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'anisotropyTextureInfo') }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Anisotropy strength. */ /** Anisotropy strength. */ getAnisotropyStrength() { return this.get('anisotropyStrength'); } /** Anisotropy strength. */ setAnisotropyStrength(strength) { return this.set('anisotropyStrength', strength); } /********************************************************************************************** * Anisotropy rotation. */ /** Anisotropy rotation; linear multiplier. */ getAnisotropyRotation() { return this.get('anisotropyRotation'); } /** Anisotropy rotation; linear multiplier. */ setAnisotropyRotation(rotation) { return this.set('anisotropyRotation', rotation); } /********************************************************************************************** * Anisotropy texture. */ /** * Anisotropy texture. Red and green channels represent the anisotropy * direction in [-1, 1] tangent, bitangent space, to be rotated by * anisotropyRotation. The blue channel contains strength as [0, 1] to be * multiplied by anisotropyStrength. */ getAnisotropyTexture() { return this.getRef('anisotropyTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its anisotropy texture. If no * texture is attached, {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getAnisotropyTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('anisotropyTexture') ? this.getRef('anisotropyTextureInfo') : null; } /** Anisotropy texture. See {@link Anisotropy.getAnisotropyTexture getAnisotropyTexture}. */ setAnisotropyTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('anisotropyTexture', texture, { channels: R$7 | G$7 | B$5 }); } } Anisotropy.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_ANISOTROPY; const NAME$h = KHR_MATERIALS_ANISOTROPY; /** * [`KHR_materials_anisotropy`]( * defines anisotropy (directionally-dependent reflections) on a PBR material. * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-anisotropy.jpg) * * > _**Figure:** Effect of each color channel in the anisotropyTexture. Left * > to right: the full anisotropy texture, filling the red channel with black, * > filling the green channel with black, filling the blue channel with black. * > Source: [Khronos Group & Wayfair]( * * This extension defines the anisotropic property of a material as observable with brushed metals * for instance. An asymmetric specular lobe model is introduced to allow for such phenomena. The * visually distinct feature of that lobe is the elongated appearance of the specular reflection. * For a single punctual light source, the specular reflection will eventually degenerate into a * zero width line in the limit, that is where the material is fully anisotropic, as opposed to be * fully isotropic in which case the specular reflection is radially symmetric. * * Properties: * - {@link Anisotropy} * * ### Example * * The `KHRMaterialsAnisotropy` class provides a single {@link ExtensionProperty} type, `Anisotropy`, * which may be attached to any {@link Material} instance. For example: * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsAnisotropy, Anisotropy } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const anisotropyExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsAnisotropy); * * // Create an Anisotropy property. * const anisotropy = anisotropyExtension.createAnisotropy() * .setAnisotropyStrength(1.0) * .setAnisotropyRotation(Math.PI / 4); * * // Attach the property to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_anisotropy', anisotropy); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsAnisotropy extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$h; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new Anisotropy property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createAnisotropy() { return new Anisotropy(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$h]) { const anisotropy = this.createAnisotropy(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$h, anisotropy); const anisotropyDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$h]; // Factors. if (anisotropyDef.anisotropyStrength !== undefined) { anisotropy.setAnisotropyStrength(anisotropyDef.anisotropyStrength); } if (anisotropyDef.anisotropyRotation !== undefined) { anisotropy.setAnisotropyRotation(anisotropyDef.anisotropyRotation); } // Textures. if (anisotropyDef.anisotropyTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = anisotropyDef.anisotropyTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; anisotropy.setAnisotropyTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(anisotropy.getAnisotropyTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const anisotropy = material.getExtension(NAME$h); if (anisotropy) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. const anisotropyDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$h] = {}; if (anisotropy.getAnisotropyStrength() > 0) { anisotropyDef.anisotropyStrength = anisotropy.getAnisotropyStrength(); } if (anisotropy.getAnisotropyRotation() !== 0) { anisotropyDef.anisotropyRotation = anisotropy.getAnisotropyRotation(); } // Textures. if (anisotropy.getAnisotropyTexture()) { const texture = anisotropy.getAnisotropyTexture(); const textureInfo = anisotropy.getAnisotropyTextureInfo(); anisotropyDef.anisotropyTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsAnisotropy.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$h; const { R: R$6, G: G$6, B: B$4 } = core.TextureChannel; /** * Defines clear coat for a PBR material. See {@link KHRMaterialsClearcoat}. */ class Clearcoat extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT; this.propertyType = 'Clearcoat'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { clearcoatFactor: 0, clearcoatTexture: null, clearcoatTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'clearcoatTextureInfo'), clearcoatRoughnessFactor: 0, clearcoatRoughnessTexture: null, clearcoatRoughnessTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'clearcoatRoughnessTextureInfo'), clearcoatNormalScale: 1, clearcoatNormalTexture: null, clearcoatNormalTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'clearcoatNormalTextureInfo') }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Clearcoat. */ /** Clearcoat; linear multiplier. See {@link Clearcoat.getClearcoatTexture getClearcoatTexture}. */ getClearcoatFactor() { return this.get('clearcoatFactor'); } /** Clearcoat; linear multiplier. See {@link Clearcoat.getClearcoatTexture getClearcoatTexture}. */ setClearcoatFactor(factor) { return this.set('clearcoatFactor', factor); } /** * Clearcoat texture; linear multiplier. The `r` channel of this texture specifies an amount * [0-1] of coating over the surface of the material, which may have its own roughness and * normal map properties. */ getClearcoatTexture() { return this.getRef('clearcoatTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its clearcoat texture. If no texture is attached, * {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getClearcoatTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('clearcoatTexture') ? this.getRef('clearcoatTextureInfo') : null; } /** Sets clearcoat texture. See {@link Clearcoat.getClearcoatTexture getClearcoatTexture}. */ setClearcoatTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('clearcoatTexture', texture, { channels: R$6 }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Clearcoat roughness. */ /** * Clearcoat roughness; linear multiplier. * See {@link Clearcoat.getClearcoatRoughnessTexture getClearcoatRoughnessTexture}. */ getClearcoatRoughnessFactor() { return this.get('clearcoatRoughnessFactor'); } /** * Clearcoat roughness; linear multiplier. * See {@link Clearcoat.getClearcoatRoughnessTexture getClearcoatRoughnessTexture}. */ setClearcoatRoughnessFactor(factor) { return this.set('clearcoatRoughnessFactor', factor); } /** * Clearcoat roughness texture; linear multiplier. The `g` channel of this texture specifies * roughness, independent of the base layer's roughness. */ getClearcoatRoughnessTexture() { return this.getRef('clearcoatRoughnessTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its clearcoat roughness texture. If no texture is * attached, {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getClearcoatRoughnessTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('clearcoatRoughnessTexture') ? this.getRef('clearcoatRoughnessTextureInfo') : null; } /** * Sets clearcoat roughness texture. * See {@link Clearcoat.getClearcoatRoughnessTexture getClearcoatRoughnessTexture}. */ setClearcoatRoughnessTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('clearcoatRoughnessTexture', texture, { channels: G$6 }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Clearcoat normals. */ /** Clearcoat normal scale. See {@link Clearcoat.getClearcoatNormalTexture getClearcoatNormalTexture}. */ getClearcoatNormalScale() { return this.get('clearcoatNormalScale'); } /** Clearcoat normal scale. See {@link Clearcoat.getClearcoatNormalTexture getClearcoatNormalTexture}. */ setClearcoatNormalScale(scale) { return this.set('clearcoatNormalScale', scale); } /** * Clearcoat normal map. Independent of the material base layer normal map. */ getClearcoatNormalTexture() { return this.getRef('clearcoatNormalTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its clearcoat normal texture. If no texture is * attached, {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getClearcoatNormalTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('clearcoatNormalTexture') ? this.getRef('clearcoatNormalTextureInfo') : null; } /** Sets clearcoat normal texture. See {@link Clearcoat.getClearcoatNormalTexture getClearcoatNormalTexture}. */ setClearcoatNormalTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('clearcoatNormalTexture', texture, { channels: R$6 | G$6 | B$4 }); } } Clearcoat.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT; const NAME$g = KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT; /** * [KHR_materials_clearcoat]( * defines a clear coating on a glTF PBR material. * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-clearcoat.png) * * > _**Figure:** Comparison of a carbon-fiber material without clearcoat (left) and with clearcoat * > (right). Source: [Filament]( * * A clear coat is a common technique used in Physically-Based * Rendering for a protective layer applied to a base material. * Commonly used to represent car paint, carbon fiber, or thin lacquers. * * Properties: * - {@link Clearcoat} * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsClearcoat, Clearcoat } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const clearcoatExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsClearcoat); * * // Create Clearcoat property. * const clearcoat = clearcoatExtension.createClearcoat() * .setClearcoatFactor(1.0); * * // Assign to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_clearcoat', clearcoat); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsClearcoat extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$g; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new Clearcoat property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createClearcoat() { return new Clearcoat(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$g]) { const clearcoat = this.createClearcoat(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$g, clearcoat); const clearcoatDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$g]; // Factors. if (clearcoatDef.clearcoatFactor !== undefined) { clearcoat.setClearcoatFactor(clearcoatDef.clearcoatFactor); } if (clearcoatDef.clearcoatRoughnessFactor !== undefined) { clearcoat.setClearcoatRoughnessFactor(clearcoatDef.clearcoatRoughnessFactor); } // Textures. if (clearcoatDef.clearcoatTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = clearcoatDef.clearcoatTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; clearcoat.setClearcoatTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(clearcoat.getClearcoatTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } if (clearcoatDef.clearcoatRoughnessTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = clearcoatDef.clearcoatRoughnessTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; clearcoat.setClearcoatRoughnessTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(clearcoat.getClearcoatRoughnessTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } if (clearcoatDef.clearcoatNormalTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = clearcoatDef.clearcoatNormalTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; clearcoat.setClearcoatNormalTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(clearcoat.getClearcoatNormalTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); if (textureInfoDef.scale !== undefined) { clearcoat.setClearcoatNormalScale(textureInfoDef.scale); } } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const clearcoat = material.getExtension(NAME$g); if (clearcoat) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. const clearcoatDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$g] = { clearcoatFactor: clearcoat.getClearcoatFactor(), clearcoatRoughnessFactor: clearcoat.getClearcoatRoughnessFactor() }; // Textures. if (clearcoat.getClearcoatTexture()) { const texture = clearcoat.getClearcoatTexture(); const textureInfo = clearcoat.getClearcoatTextureInfo(); clearcoatDef.clearcoatTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } if (clearcoat.getClearcoatRoughnessTexture()) { const texture = clearcoat.getClearcoatRoughnessTexture(); const textureInfo = clearcoat.getClearcoatRoughnessTextureInfo(); clearcoatDef.clearcoatRoughnessTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } if (clearcoat.getClearcoatNormalTexture()) { const texture = clearcoat.getClearcoatNormalTexture(); const textureInfo = clearcoat.getClearcoatNormalTextureInfo(); clearcoatDef.clearcoatNormalTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); if (clearcoat.getClearcoatNormalScale() !== 1) { clearcoatDef.clearcoatNormalTexture.scale = clearcoat.getClearcoatNormalScale(); } } } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsClearcoat.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$g; const { R: R$5, G: G$5, B: B$3, A: A$3 } = core.TextureChannel; /** * Defines diffuse transmission on a PBR {@link Material}. See {@link KHRMaterialsDiffuseTransmission}. * * @experimental KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission is not yet ratified by the Khronos Group. */ class DiffuseTransmission extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_DIFFUSE_TRANSMISSION; this.propertyType = 'DiffuseTransmission'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { diffuseTransmissionFactor: 0.0, diffuseTransmissionTexture: null, diffuseTransmissionTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'diffuseTransmissionTextureInfo'), diffuseTransmissionColorFactor: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], diffuseTransmissionColorTexture: null, diffuseTransmissionColorTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'diffuseTransmissionColorTextureInfo') }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Diffuse transmission. */ /** * Percentage of reflected, non-specularly reflected light that is transmitted through the * surface via the Lambertian diffuse transmission, i.e., the strength of the diffuse * transmission effect. */ getDiffuseTransmissionFactor() { return this.get('diffuseTransmissionFactor'); } /** * Percentage of reflected, non-specularly reflected light that is transmitted through the * surface via the Lambertian diffuse transmission, i.e., the strength of the diffuse * transmission effect. */ setDiffuseTransmissionFactor(factor) { return this.set('diffuseTransmissionFactor', factor); } /** * Texture that defines the strength of the diffuse transmission effect, stored in the alpha (A) * channel. Will be multiplied by the diffuseTransmissionFactor. */ getDiffuseTransmissionTexture() { return this.getRef('diffuseTransmissionTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its diffuse transmission texture. If no texture is attached, * {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getDiffuseTransmissionTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('diffuseTransmissionTexture') ? this.getRef('diffuseTransmissionTextureInfo') : null; } /** * Texture that defines the strength of the diffuse transmission effect, stored in the alpha (A) * channel. Will be multiplied by the diffuseTransmissionFactor. */ setDiffuseTransmissionTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('diffuseTransmissionTexture', texture, { channels: A$3 }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Diffuse transmission color. */ /** Color of the transmitted light; Linear-sRGB components. */ getDiffuseTransmissionColorFactor() { return this.get('diffuseTransmissionColorFactor'); } /** Color of the transmitted light; Linear-sRGB components. */ setDiffuseTransmissionColorFactor(factor) { return this.set('diffuseTransmissionColorFactor', factor); } /** * Texture that defines the color of the transmitted light, stored in the RGB channels and * encoded in sRGB. This texture will be multiplied by diffuseTransmissionColorFactor. */ getDiffuseTransmissionColorTexture() { return this.getRef('diffuseTransmissionColorTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its diffuse transmission color texture. If no * texture is attached, {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getDiffuseTransmissionColorTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('diffuseTransmissionColorTexture') ? this.getRef('diffuseTransmissionColorTextureInfo') : null; } /** * Texture that defines the color of the transmitted light, stored in the RGB channels and * encoded in sRGB. This texture will be multiplied by diffuseTransmissionColorFactor. */ setDiffuseTransmissionColorTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('diffuseTransmissionColorTexture', texture, { channels: R$5 | G$5 | B$3 }); } } DiffuseTransmission.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_DIFFUSE_TRANSMISSION; const NAME$f = KHR_MATERIALS_DIFFUSE_TRANSMISSION; /** * [KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission]( * defines diffuse transmission on a glTF PBR material. * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-diffuse-transmission.png) * * > _**Figure:** Sphere using `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` with varying roughness (0.0, 0.2, 0.4). * > Source: Khronos Group._ * * Adds a Lambertian diffuse transmission BSDF to the metallic-roughness * material. Thin, dielectric objects like leaves or paper diffusely transmit * incoming light to the opposite side of the surface. For optically thick * media (volumes) with short scattering distances and therefore dense * scattering behavior, a diffuse transmission lobe is a phenomenological * plausible and cheap approximation. * * Properties: * - {@link DiffuseTransmission} * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsDiffuseTransmission, DiffuseTransmission } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const diffuseTransmissionExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsDiffuseTransmission); * * // Create DiffuseTransmission property. * const diffuseTransmission = diffuseTransmission.createDiffuseTransmission() * .setDiffuseTransmissionFactor(1.0); * * // Assign to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission', diffuseTransmission); * ``` * * @experimental KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission is not yet ratified by the Khronos Group. */ class KHRMaterialsDiffuseTransmission extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$f; } /** Creates a new DiffuseTransmission property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createDiffuseTransmission() { return new DiffuseTransmission(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$f]) { const transmission = this.createDiffuseTransmission(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$f, transmission); const transmissionDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$f]; // Factors. if (transmissionDef.diffuseTransmissionFactor !== undefined) { transmission.setDiffuseTransmissionFactor(transmissionDef.diffuseTransmissionFactor); } if (transmissionDef.diffuseTransmissionColorFactor !== undefined) { transmission.setDiffuseTransmissionColorFactor(transmissionDef.diffuseTransmissionColorFactor); } // Textures. if (transmissionDef.diffuseTransmissionTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = transmissionDef.diffuseTransmissionTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; transmission.setDiffuseTransmissionTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(transmission.getDiffuseTransmissionTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } if (transmissionDef.diffuseTransmissionColorTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = transmissionDef.diffuseTransmissionColorTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; transmission.setDiffuseTransmissionColorTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(transmission.getDiffuseTransmissionColorTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ write(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; for (const material of this.document.getRoot().listMaterials()) { const transmission = material.getExtension(NAME$f); if (!transmission) continue; const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. const transmissionDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$f] = { diffuseTransmissionFactor: transmission.getDiffuseTransmissionFactor(), diffuseTransmissionColorFactor: transmission.getDiffuseTransmissionColorFactor() }; // Textures. if (transmission.getDiffuseTransmissionTexture()) { const texture = transmission.getDiffuseTransmissionTexture(); const textureInfo = transmission.getDiffuseTransmissionTextureInfo(); transmissionDef.diffuseTransmissionTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } if (transmission.getDiffuseTransmissionColorTexture()) { const texture = transmission.getDiffuseTransmissionColorTexture(); const textureInfo = transmission.getDiffuseTransmissionColorTextureInfo(); transmissionDef.diffuseTransmissionColorTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } } return this; } } KHRMaterialsDiffuseTransmission.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$f; /** * Defines dispersion for a PBR {@link Material}. See {@link KHRMaterialsDispersion}. */ class Dispersion extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_DISPERSION; this.propertyType = 'Dispersion'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { dispersion: 0 }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Dispersion. */ /** Dispersion. */ getDispersion() { return this.get('dispersion'); } /** Dispersion. */ setDispersion(dispersion) { return this.set('dispersion', dispersion); } } Dispersion.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_DISPERSION; const NAME$e = KHR_MATERIALS_DISPERSION; /** * [KHR_materials_dispersion]( * defines dispersion on a glTF PBR material. * * ![illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-dispersion.jpg) * * > _**Figure:** Prisms demonstrating volumetric refraction and dispersion, for varying * > values of dispersion and IOR. Source: Khronos Group, rendered in Adobe Stager._ * * Dispersion enables configuring the strength of the angular separation of colors (chromatic * aberration) transmitting through a relatively clear volume. It is an enhancement to the * default `KHR_materials_volume` transmission model which assumes no dispersion. * * Properties: * - {@link Dispersion} * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsDispersion, Dispersion } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const dispersionExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsDispersion); * * // Create Dispersion property. * const dispersion = dispersionExtension.createDispersion().setDispersion(1.0); * * // Assign to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_dispersion', dispersion); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsDispersion extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$e; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new Dispersion property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createDispersion() { return new Dispersion(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$e]) { const dispersion = this.createDispersion(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$e, dispersion); const dispersionDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$e]; // Factors. if (dispersionDef.dispersion !== undefined) { dispersion.setDispersion(dispersionDef.dispersion); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const dispersion = material.getExtension(NAME$e); if (dispersion) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. materialDef.extensions[NAME$e] = { dispersion: dispersion.getDispersion() }; } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsDispersion.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$e; /** * Defines emissive strength for a PBR {@link Material}, allowing high-dynamic-range * (HDR) emissive materials. See {@link KHRMaterialsEmissiveStrength}. */ class EmissiveStrength extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_EMISSIVE_STRENGTH; this.propertyType = 'EmissiveStrength'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { emissiveStrength: 1.0 }); } /********************************************************************************************** * EmissiveStrength. */ /** EmissiveStrength. */ getEmissiveStrength() { return this.get('emissiveStrength'); } /** EmissiveStrength. */ setEmissiveStrength(strength) { return this.set('emissiveStrength', strength); } } EmissiveStrength.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_EMISSIVE_STRENGTH; const NAME$d = KHR_MATERIALS_EMISSIVE_STRENGTH; /** * [KHR_materials_emissive_strength]( * defines emissive strength and enables high-dynamic-range (HDR) emissive materials. * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-emissive-strength.jpg) * * > _**Figure:** Cubes with emissive color #59BCF3 and emissive strength * > increasing from 1 to 256 nits, left to right. Rendered in [three.js](, * > with independent point lighting and a bloom effect. * > Source: [Don McCurdy]( * * The core glTF 2.0 material model includes {@link Material.setEmissiveFactor `emissiveFactor`} * and {@link Material.setEmissiveTexture `emissiveTexture`} to control the color and intensity * of the light being emitted by the material, clamped to the range [0.0, 1.0]. However, in * PBR environments with HDR reflections and lighting, stronger emission effects may be desirable. * * In this extension, a new {@link EmissiveStrength.setEmissiveStrength `emissiveStrength`} scalar * factor is supplied, which governs the upper limit of emissive strength per material and may be * given arbitrarily high values. * * For implementations where a physical light unit is needed, the units for the multiplicative * product of the emissive texture and factor are candela per square meter (cd / m2), sometimes * called _nits_. Many realtime rendering engines simplify this calculation by assuming that an * emissive factor of 1.0 results in a fully exposed pixel. * * Properties: * - {@link EmissiveStrength} * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsEmissiveStrength, EmissiveStrength } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const emissiveStrengthExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsEmissiveStrength); * * // Create EmissiveStrength property. * const emissiveStrength = emissiveStrengthExtension * .createEmissiveStrength().setEmissiveStrength(5.0); * * // Assign to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_emissive_strength', emissiveStrength); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsEmissiveStrength extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$d; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new EmissiveStrength property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createEmissiveStrength() { return new EmissiveStrength(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$d]) { const emissiveStrength = this.createEmissiveStrength(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$d, emissiveStrength); const emissiveStrengthDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$d]; // Factors. if (emissiveStrengthDef.emissiveStrength !== undefined) { emissiveStrength.setEmissiveStrength(emissiveStrengthDef.emissiveStrength); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const emissiveStrength = material.getExtension(NAME$d); if (emissiveStrength) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. materialDef.extensions[NAME$d] = { emissiveStrength: emissiveStrength.getEmissiveStrength() }; } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsEmissiveStrength.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$d; /** * Defines index of refraction for a PBR {@link Material}. See {@link KHRMaterialsIOR}. */ class IOR extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_IOR; this.propertyType = 'IOR'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { ior: 1.5 }); } /********************************************************************************************** * IOR. */ /** IOR. */ getIOR() { return this.get('ior'); } /** IOR. */ setIOR(ior) { return this.set('ior', ior); } } IOR.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_IOR; const NAME$c = KHR_MATERIALS_IOR; /** * [KHR_materials_ior]( * defines index of refraction on a glTF PBR material. * * The dielectric BRDF of the metallic-roughness material in glTF uses a fixed value of 1.5 for the * index of refraction. This is a good fit for many plastics and glass, but not for other materials * like water or asphalt, sapphire or diamond. `KHR_materials_ior` allows users to set the index of * refraction to a certain value. * * Properties: * - {@link IOR} * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsIOR, IOR } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const iorExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsIOR); * * // Create IOR property. * const ior = iorExtension.createIOR().setIOR(1.0); * * // Assign to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_ior', ior); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsIOR extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$c; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new IOR property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createIOR() { return new IOR(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$c]) { const ior = this.createIOR(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$c, ior); const iorDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$c]; // Factors. if (iorDef.ior !== undefined) { ior.setIOR(iorDef.ior); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const ior = material.getExtension(NAME$c); if (ior) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. materialDef.extensions[NAME$c] = { ior: ior.getIOR() }; } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsIOR.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$c; const { R: R$4, G: G$4 } = core.TextureChannel; /** * Defines iridescence (thin film interference) on a PBR {@link Material}. See {@link KHRMaterialsIridescence}. */ class Iridescence extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_IRIDESCENCE; this.propertyType = 'Iridescence'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { iridescenceFactor: 0.0, iridescenceTexture: null, iridescenceTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'iridescenceTextureInfo'), iridescenceIOR: 1.3, iridescenceThicknessMinimum: 100, iridescenceThicknessMaximum: 400, iridescenceThicknessTexture: null, iridescenceThicknessTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'iridescenceThicknessTextureInfo') }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Iridescence. */ /** Iridescence; linear multiplier. See {@link Iridescence.getIridescenceTexture getIridescenceTexture}. */ getIridescenceFactor() { return this.get('iridescenceFactor'); } /** Iridescence; linear multiplier. See {@link Iridescence.getIridescenceTexture getIridescenceTexture}. */ setIridescenceFactor(factor) { return this.set('iridescenceFactor', factor); } /** * Iridescence intensity. * * Only the red (R) channel is used for iridescence intensity, but this texture may optionally * be packed with additional data in the other channels. */ getIridescenceTexture() { return this.getRef('iridescenceTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its iridescence texture. If no texture is attached, * {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getIridescenceTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('iridescenceTexture') ? this.getRef('iridescenceTextureInfo') : null; } /** Iridescence intensity. See {@link Iridescence.getIridescenceTexture getIridescenceTexture}. */ setIridescenceTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('iridescenceTexture', texture, { channels: R$4 }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Iridescence IOR. */ /** Index of refraction of the dielectric thin-film layer. */ getIridescenceIOR() { return this.get('iridescenceIOR'); } /** Index of refraction of the dielectric thin-film layer. */ setIridescenceIOR(ior) { return this.set('iridescenceIOR', ior); } /********************************************************************************************** * Iridescence thickness. */ /** Minimum thickness of the thin-film layer, in nanometers (nm). */ getIridescenceThicknessMinimum() { return this.get('iridescenceThicknessMinimum'); } /** Minimum thickness of the thin-film layer, in nanometers (nm). */ setIridescenceThicknessMinimum(thickness) { return this.set('iridescenceThicknessMinimum', thickness); } /** Maximum thickness of the thin-film layer, in nanometers (nm). */ getIridescenceThicknessMaximum() { return this.get('iridescenceThicknessMaximum'); } /** Maximum thickness of the thin-film layer, in nanometers (nm). */ setIridescenceThicknessMaximum(thickness) { return this.set('iridescenceThicknessMaximum', thickness); } /** * The green channel of this texture defines the thickness of the * thin-film layer by blending between the minimum and maximum thickness. */ getIridescenceThicknessTexture() { return this.getRef('iridescenceThicknessTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its iridescence thickness texture. * If no texture is attached, {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getIridescenceThicknessTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('iridescenceThicknessTexture') ? this.getRef('iridescenceThicknessTextureInfo') : null; } /** * Sets iridescence thickness texture. * See {@link Iridescence.getIridescenceThicknessTexture getIridescenceThicknessTexture}. */ setIridescenceThicknessTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('iridescenceThicknessTexture', texture, { channels: G$4 }); } } Iridescence.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_IRIDESCENCE; const NAME$b = KHR_MATERIALS_IRIDESCENCE; /** * [`KHR_materials_iridescence`]( * defines iridescence (thin film interference) on a PBR material. * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-iridescence.png) * * > _**Figure:** Varying levels of iridescence IOR values. * > Source: [Khronos Group]( * * Iridescence describes an effect where hue varies depending on the viewing * angle and illumination angle: A thin-film of a semi-transparent layer * results in inter-reflections and due to thin-film interference, certain * wavelengths get absorbed or amplified. Iridescence can be seen on soap * bubbles, oil films, or on the wings of many insects. With this extension, * thickness and index of refraction (IOR) of the thin-film can be specified, * enabling iridescent materials. * * Properties: * - {@link Iridescence} * * ### Example * * The `KHRMaterialsIridescence` class provides a single {@link ExtensionProperty} type, `Iridescence`, * which may be attached to any {@link Material} instance. For example: * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsIridescence, Iridescence } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const iridescenceExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsIridescence); * * // Create an Iridescence property. * const iridescence = iridescenceExtension.createIridescence() * .setIridescenceFactor(1.0) * .setIridescenceIOR(1.8); * * // Attach the property to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_iridescence', iridescence); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsIridescence extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$b; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new Iridescence property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createIridescence() { return new Iridescence(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$b]) { const iridescence = this.createIridescence(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$b, iridescence); const iridescenceDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$b]; // Factors. if (iridescenceDef.iridescenceFactor !== undefined) { iridescence.setIridescenceFactor(iridescenceDef.iridescenceFactor); } if (iridescenceDef.iridescenceIor !== undefined) { iridescence.setIridescenceIOR(iridescenceDef.iridescenceIor); } if (iridescenceDef.iridescenceThicknessMinimum !== undefined) { iridescence.setIridescenceThicknessMinimum(iridescenceDef.iridescenceThicknessMinimum); } if (iridescenceDef.iridescenceThicknessMaximum !== undefined) { iridescence.setIridescenceThicknessMaximum(iridescenceDef.iridescenceThicknessMaximum); } // Textures. if (iridescenceDef.iridescenceTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = iridescenceDef.iridescenceTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; iridescence.setIridescenceTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(iridescence.getIridescenceTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } if (iridescenceDef.iridescenceThicknessTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = iridescenceDef.iridescenceThicknessTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; iridescence.setIridescenceThicknessTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(iridescence.getIridescenceThicknessTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const iridescence = material.getExtension(NAME$b); if (iridescence) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. const iridescenceDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$b] = {}; if (iridescence.getIridescenceFactor() > 0) { iridescenceDef.iridescenceFactor = iridescence.getIridescenceFactor(); } if (iridescence.getIridescenceIOR() !== 1.3) { iridescenceDef.iridescenceIor = iridescence.getIridescenceIOR(); } if (iridescence.getIridescenceThicknessMinimum() !== 100) { iridescenceDef.iridescenceThicknessMinimum = iridescence.getIridescenceThicknessMinimum(); } if (iridescence.getIridescenceThicknessMaximum() !== 400) { iridescenceDef.iridescenceThicknessMaximum = iridescence.getIridescenceThicknessMaximum(); } // Textures. if (iridescence.getIridescenceTexture()) { const texture = iridescence.getIridescenceTexture(); const textureInfo = iridescence.getIridescenceTextureInfo(); iridescenceDef.iridescenceTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } if (iridescence.getIridescenceThicknessTexture()) { const texture = iridescence.getIridescenceThicknessTexture(); const textureInfo = iridescence.getIridescenceThicknessTextureInfo(); iridescenceDef.iridescenceThicknessTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsIridescence.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$b; const { R: R$3, G: G$3, B: B$2, A: A$2 } = core.TextureChannel; /** * Converts a {@link Material} to a spec/gloss workflow. See {@link KHRMaterialsPBRSpecularGlossiness}. */ class PBRSpecularGlossiness extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS; this.propertyType = 'PBRSpecularGlossiness'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { diffuseFactor: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], diffuseTexture: null, diffuseTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'diffuseTextureInfo'), specularFactor: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], glossinessFactor: 1.0, specularGlossinessTexture: null, specularGlossinessTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'specularGlossinessTextureInfo') }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Diffuse. */ /** Diffuse; Linear-sRGB components. See {@link PBRSpecularGlossiness.getDiffuseTexture getDiffuseTexture}. */ getDiffuseFactor() { return this.get('diffuseFactor'); } /** Diffuse; Linear-sRGB components. See {@link PBRSpecularGlossiness.getDiffuseTexture getDiffuseTexture}. */ setDiffuseFactor(factor) { return this.set('diffuseFactor', factor); } /** * Diffuse texture; sRGB. Alternative to baseColorTexture, used within the * spec/gloss PBR workflow. */ getDiffuseTexture() { return this.getRef('diffuseTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its diffuse texture. If no texture is attached, * {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getDiffuseTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('diffuseTexture') ? this.getRef('diffuseTextureInfo') : null; } /** Sets diffuse texture. See {@link PBRSpecularGlossiness.getDiffuseTexture getDiffuseTexture}. */ setDiffuseTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('diffuseTexture', texture, { channels: R$3 | G$3 | B$2 | A$2, isColor: true }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Specular. */ /** Specular; linear multiplier. */ getSpecularFactor() { return this.get('specularFactor'); } /** Specular; linear multiplier. */ setSpecularFactor(factor) { return this.set('specularFactor', factor); } /********************************************************************************************** * Glossiness. */ /** Glossiness; linear multiplier. */ getGlossinessFactor() { return this.get('glossinessFactor'); } /** Glossiness; linear multiplier. */ setGlossinessFactor(factor) { return this.set('glossinessFactor', factor); } /********************************************************************************************** * Specular/Glossiness. */ /** Spec/gloss texture; linear multiplier. */ getSpecularGlossinessTexture() { return this.getRef('specularGlossinessTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its spec/gloss texture. If no texture is attached, * {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getSpecularGlossinessTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('specularGlossinessTexture') ? this.getRef('specularGlossinessTextureInfo') : null; } /** Spec/gloss texture; linear multiplier. */ setSpecularGlossinessTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('specularGlossinessTexture', texture, { channels: R$3 | G$3 | B$2 | A$2 }); } } PBRSpecularGlossiness.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS; const NAME$a = KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS; /** * [`KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness`]( * converts a PBR material from the default metal/rough workflow to a spec/gloss workflow. * * > _**NOTICE:** The spec/gloss workflow does _not_ support other PBR extensions such as clearcoat, * > transmission, IOR, etc. For the complete PBR feature set and specular data, use the * > {@link KHRMaterialsSpecular} extension instead, which provides specular data within a metal/rough * > workflow._ * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-material-pbr-specular-glossiness.png) * * > _**Figure:** Components of a PBR spec/gloss material. Source: Khronos Group._ * * Properties: * - {@link PBRSpecularGlossiness} * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsPBRSpecularGlossiness } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const specGlossExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsPBRSpecularGlossiness); * * // Create a PBRSpecularGlossiness property. * const specGloss = specGlossExtension.createPBRSpecularGlossiness() * .setSpecularFactor(1.0); * * // // Assign to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness', specGloss); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsPBRSpecularGlossiness extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$a; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new PBRSpecularGlossiness property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createPBRSpecularGlossiness() { return new PBRSpecularGlossiness(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$a]) { const specGloss = this.createPBRSpecularGlossiness(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$a, specGloss); const specGlossDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$a]; // Factors. if (specGlossDef.diffuseFactor !== undefined) { specGloss.setDiffuseFactor(specGlossDef.diffuseFactor); } if (specGlossDef.specularFactor !== undefined) { specGloss.setSpecularFactor(specGlossDef.specularFactor); } if (specGlossDef.glossinessFactor !== undefined) { specGloss.setGlossinessFactor(specGlossDef.glossinessFactor); } // Textures. if (specGlossDef.diffuseTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = specGlossDef.diffuseTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; specGloss.setDiffuseTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(specGloss.getDiffuseTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } if (specGlossDef.specularGlossinessTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = specGlossDef.specularGlossinessTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; specGloss.setSpecularGlossinessTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(specGloss.getSpecularGlossinessTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const specGloss = material.getExtension(NAME$a); if (specGloss) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. const specGlossDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$a] = { diffuseFactor: specGloss.getDiffuseFactor(), specularFactor: specGloss.getSpecularFactor(), glossinessFactor: specGloss.getGlossinessFactor() }; // Textures. if (specGloss.getDiffuseTexture()) { const texture = specGloss.getDiffuseTexture(); const textureInfo = specGloss.getDiffuseTextureInfo(); specGlossDef.diffuseTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } if (specGloss.getSpecularGlossinessTexture()) { const texture = specGloss.getSpecularGlossinessTexture(); const textureInfo = specGloss.getSpecularGlossinessTextureInfo(); specGlossDef.specularGlossinessTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsPBRSpecularGlossiness.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$a; const { R: R$2, G: G$2, B: B$1, A: A$1 } = core.TextureChannel; /** * Defines sheen on a PBR {@link Material}. See {@link KHRMaterialsSheen}. */ class Sheen extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_SHEEN; this.propertyType = 'Sheen'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { sheenColorFactor: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], sheenColorTexture: null, sheenColorTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'sheenColorTextureInfo'), sheenRoughnessFactor: 0.0, sheenRoughnessTexture: null, sheenRoughnessTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'sheenRoughnessTextureInfo') }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Sheen color. */ /** Sheen; linear multiplier. */ getSheenColorFactor() { return this.get('sheenColorFactor'); } /** Sheen; linear multiplier. */ setSheenColorFactor(factor) { return this.set('sheenColorFactor', factor); } /** * Sheen color texture, in sRGB colorspace. */ getSheenColorTexture() { return this.getRef('sheenColorTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its sheen color texture. If no texture is attached, * {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getSheenColorTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('sheenColorTexture') ? this.getRef('sheenColorTextureInfo') : null; } /** Sets sheen color texture. See {@link Sheen.getSheenColorTexture getSheenColorTexture}. */ setSheenColorTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('sheenColorTexture', texture, { channels: R$2 | G$2 | B$1, isColor: true }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Sheen roughness. */ /** Sheen roughness; linear multiplier. See {@link Sheen.getSheenRoughnessTexture getSheenRoughnessTexture}. */ getSheenRoughnessFactor() { return this.get('sheenRoughnessFactor'); } /** Sheen roughness; linear multiplier. See {@link Sheen.getSheenRoughnessTexture getSheenRoughnessTexture}. */ setSheenRoughnessFactor(factor) { return this.set('sheenRoughnessFactor', factor); } /** * Sheen roughness texture; linear multiplier. The `a` channel of this texture specifies * roughness, independent of the base layer's roughness. */ getSheenRoughnessTexture() { return this.getRef('sheenRoughnessTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its sheen roughness texture. If no texture is * attached, {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getSheenRoughnessTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('sheenRoughnessTexture') ? this.getRef('sheenRoughnessTextureInfo') : null; } /** * Sets sheen roughness texture. The `a` channel of this texture specifies * roughness, independent of the base layer's roughness. */ setSheenRoughnessTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('sheenRoughnessTexture', texture, { channels: A$1 }); } } Sheen.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_SHEEN; const NAME$9 = KHR_MATERIALS_SHEEN; /** * [`KHR_materials_sheen`]( * defines a velvet-like sheen layered on a glTF PBR material. * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-sheen.png) * * > _**Figure:** A cushion, showing high material roughness and low sheen roughness. Soft * > highlights at edges of the material show backscattering from microfibers. Source: Khronos * > Group._ * * A sheen layer is a common technique used in Physically-Based Rendering to represent * cloth and fabric materials. * * Properties: * - {@link Sheen} * * ### Example * * The `KHRMaterialsSheen` class provides a single {@link ExtensionProperty} type, `Sheen`, * which may be attached to any {@link Material} instance. For example: * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsSheen, Sheen } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const sheenExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsSheen); * * // Create a Sheen property. * const sheen = sheenExtension.createSheen() * .setSheenColorFactor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]); * * // Attach the property to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_sheen', sheen); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsSheen extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$9; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new Sheen property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createSheen() { return new Sheen(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$9]) { const sheen = this.createSheen(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$9, sheen); const sheenDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$9]; // Factors. if (sheenDef.sheenColorFactor !== undefined) { sheen.setSheenColorFactor(sheenDef.sheenColorFactor); } if (sheenDef.sheenRoughnessFactor !== undefined) { sheen.setSheenRoughnessFactor(sheenDef.sheenRoughnessFactor); } // Textures. if (sheenDef.sheenColorTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = sheenDef.sheenColorTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; sheen.setSheenColorTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(sheen.getSheenColorTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } if (sheenDef.sheenRoughnessTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = sheenDef.sheenRoughnessTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; sheen.setSheenRoughnessTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(sheen.getSheenRoughnessTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const sheen = material.getExtension(NAME$9); if (sheen) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. const sheenDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$9] = { sheenColorFactor: sheen.getSheenColorFactor(), sheenRoughnessFactor: sheen.getSheenRoughnessFactor() }; // Textures. if (sheen.getSheenColorTexture()) { const texture = sheen.getSheenColorTexture(); const textureInfo = sheen.getSheenColorTextureInfo(); sheenDef.sheenColorTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } if (sheen.getSheenRoughnessTexture()) { const texture = sheen.getSheenRoughnessTexture(); const textureInfo = sheen.getSheenRoughnessTextureInfo(); sheenDef.sheenRoughnessTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsSheen.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$9; const { R: R$1, G: G$1, B, A } = core.TextureChannel; /** * Defines specular reflectivity on a PBR {@link Material}. See {@link KHRMaterialsSpecular}. */ class Specular extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_SPECULAR; this.propertyType = 'Specular'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { specularFactor: 1.0, specularTexture: null, specularTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'specularTextureInfo'), specularColorFactor: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], specularColorTexture: null, specularColorTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'specularColorTextureInfo') }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Specular. */ /** Specular; linear multiplier. See {@link Specular.getSpecularTexture getSpecularTexture}. */ getSpecularFactor() { return this.get('specularFactor'); } /** Specular; linear multiplier. See {@link Specular.getSpecularTexture getSpecularTexture}. */ setSpecularFactor(factor) { return this.set('specularFactor', factor); } /** Specular color; Linear-sRGB components. See {@link Specular.getSpecularTexture getSpecularTexture}. */ getSpecularColorFactor() { return this.get('specularColorFactor'); } /** Specular color; Linear-sRGB components. See {@link Specular.getSpecularTexture getSpecularTexture}. */ setSpecularColorFactor(factor) { return this.set('specularColorFactor', factor); } /** * Specular texture; linear multiplier. Configures the strength of the specular reflection in * the dielectric BRDF. A value of zero disables the specular reflection, resulting in a pure * diffuse material. * * Only the alpha (A) channel is used for specular strength, but this texture may optionally * be packed with specular color (RGB) into a single texture. */ getSpecularTexture() { return this.getRef('specularTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its specular texture. If no texture is attached, * {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getSpecularTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('specularTexture') ? this.getRef('specularTextureInfo') : null; } /** Sets specular texture. See {@link Specular.getSpecularTexture getSpecularTexture}. */ setSpecularTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('specularTexture', texture, { channels: A }); } /** * Specular color texture; linear multiplier. Defines the F0 color of the specular reflection * (RGB channels, encoded in sRGB) in the the dielectric BRDF. * * Only RGB channels are used here, but this texture may optionally be packed with a specular * factor (A) into a single texture. */ getSpecularColorTexture() { return this.getRef('specularColorTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its specular color texture. If no texture is * attached, {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getSpecularColorTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('specularColorTexture') ? this.getRef('specularColorTextureInfo') : null; } /** Sets specular color texture. See {@link Specular.getSpecularColorTexture getSpecularColorTexture}. */ setSpecularColorTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('specularColorTexture', texture, { channels: R$1 | G$1 | B, isColor: true }); } } Specular.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_SPECULAR; const NAME$8 = KHR_MATERIALS_SPECULAR; /** * [`KHR_materials_specular`]( * adjusts the strength of the specular reflection in the dielectric BRDF. * * KHRMaterialsSpecular is a better alternative to the older * {@link KHRMaterialsPBRSpecularGlossiness KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness} extension, and * provides specular information while remaining within a metal/rough PBR workflow. A * value of zero disables the specular reflection, resulting in a pure diffuse material. * * Properties: * - {@link Specular} * * ### Example * * The `KHRMaterialsSpecular` class provides a single {@link ExtensionProperty} type, `Specular`, * which may be attached to any {@link Material} instance. For example: * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsSpecular, Specular } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const specularExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsSpecular); * * // Create a Specular property. * const specular = specularExtension.createSpecular() * .setSpecularFactor(1.0); * * // Attach the property to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_specular', specular); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsSpecular extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$8; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new Specular property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createSpecular() { return new Specular(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$8]) { const specular = this.createSpecular(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$8, specular); const specularDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$8]; // Factors. if (specularDef.specularFactor !== undefined) { specular.setSpecularFactor(specularDef.specularFactor); } if (specularDef.specularColorFactor !== undefined) { specular.setSpecularColorFactor(specularDef.specularColorFactor); } // Textures. if (specularDef.specularTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = specularDef.specularTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; specular.setSpecularTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(specular.getSpecularTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } if (specularDef.specularColorTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = specularDef.specularColorTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; specular.setSpecularColorTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(specular.getSpecularColorTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const specular = material.getExtension(NAME$8); if (specular) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. const specularDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$8] = {}; if (specular.getSpecularFactor() !== 1) { specularDef.specularFactor = specular.getSpecularFactor(); } if (!core.MathUtils.eq(specular.getSpecularColorFactor(), [1, 1, 1])) { specularDef.specularColorFactor = specular.getSpecularColorFactor(); } // Textures. if (specular.getSpecularTexture()) { const texture = specular.getSpecularTexture(); const textureInfo = specular.getSpecularTextureInfo(); specularDef.specularTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } if (specular.getSpecularColorTexture()) { const texture = specular.getSpecularColorTexture(); const textureInfo = specular.getSpecularColorTextureInfo(); specularDef.specularColorTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsSpecular.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$8; const { R } = core.TextureChannel; /** * Defines optical transmission on a PBR {@link Material}. See {@link KHRMaterialsTransmission}. */ class Transmission extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_TRANSMISSION; this.propertyType = 'Transmission'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { transmissionFactor: 0.0, transmissionTexture: null, transmissionTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'transmissionTextureInfo') }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Transmission. */ /** Transmission; linear multiplier. See {@link Transmission.getTransmissionTexture getTransmissionTexture}. */ getTransmissionFactor() { return this.get('transmissionFactor'); } /** Transmission; linear multiplier. See {@link Transmission.getTransmissionTexture getTransmissionTexture}. */ setTransmissionFactor(factor) { return this.set('transmissionFactor', factor); } /** * Transmission texture; linear multiplier. The `r` channel of this texture specifies * transmission [0-1] of the material's surface. By default this is a thin transparency * effect, but volume effects (refraction, subsurface scattering) may be introduced with the * addition of the `KHR_materials_volume` extension. */ getTransmissionTexture() { return this.getRef('transmissionTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its transmission texture. If no texture is attached, * {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getTransmissionTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('transmissionTexture') ? this.getRef('transmissionTextureInfo') : null; } /** Sets transmission texture. See {@link Transmission.getTransmissionTexture getTransmissionTexture}. */ setTransmissionTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('transmissionTexture', texture, { channels: R }); } } Transmission.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_TRANSMISSION; const NAME$7 = KHR_MATERIALS_TRANSMISSION; /** * [`KHR_materials_transmission`]( * provides a common type of optical transparency: infinitely-thin materials with no refraction, * scattering, or dispersion. * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-transmission.png) * * > _**Figure:** Sphere using `KHR_materials_transmission` with varying roughness (0.0, 0.2, 0.4). * > Source: Khronos Group._ * * While default PBR materials using alpha blending become invisible as their opacity approaches * zero, a transmissive material continues to reflect light in a glass-like manner, even at low * transmission values. When combined with {@link KHRMaterialsVolume}, transmission may be used for * thicker materials and refractive effects. * * Properties: * - {@link Transmission} * * ### Example * * The `KHRMaterialsTransmission` class provides a single {@link ExtensionProperty} type, * `Transmission`, which may be attached to any {@link Material} instance. For example: * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsTransmission, Transmission } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const transmissionExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsTransmission); * * // Create a Transmission property. * const transmission = transmissionExtension.createTransmission() * .setTransmissionFactor(1.0); * * // Attach the property to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_transmission', transmission); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsTransmission extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$7; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new Transmission property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createTransmission() { return new Transmission(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$7]) { const transmission = this.createTransmission(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$7, transmission); const transmissionDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$7]; // Factors. if (transmissionDef.transmissionFactor !== undefined) { transmission.setTransmissionFactor(transmissionDef.transmissionFactor); } // Textures. if (transmissionDef.transmissionTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = transmissionDef.transmissionTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; transmission.setTransmissionTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(transmission.getTransmissionTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const transmission = material.getExtension(NAME$7); if (transmission) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. const transmissionDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$7] = { transmissionFactor: transmission.getTransmissionFactor() }; // Textures. if (transmission.getTransmissionTexture()) { const texture = transmission.getTransmissionTexture(); const textureInfo = transmission.getTransmissionTextureInfo(); transmissionDef.transmissionTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsTransmission.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$7; /** * Converts a PBR {@link Material} to an unlit shading model. See {@link KHRMaterialsUnlit}. */ class Unlit extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT; this.propertyType = 'Unlit'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } } Unlit.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT; const NAME$6 = KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT; /** * [`KHR_materials_unlit`]( * defines an unlit shading model for use in glTF 2.0 materials. * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-unlit.png) * * > _**Figure:** Unlit materials are useful for flat shading, stylized effects, and for improving * > performance on mobile devices. Source: [Model by Hayden VanEarden]( * * Unlit (also "Shadeless" or "Constant") materials provide a simple alternative to the Physically * Based Rendering (PBR) shading models provided by the core specification. Unlit materials are * often useful for cheaper rendering on performance-contrained devices, e.g. mobile phones. * Additionally, unlit materials can be very useful in achieving stylized, non-photo-realistic * effects like hand painted illustrative styles or baked toon shaders. * * Properties: * - {@link Unlit} * * ### Example * * The `KHRMaterialsUnlit` class provides a single {@link ExtensionProperty} type, `Unlit`, which may * be attached to any {@link Material} instance. For example: * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsUnlit, Unlit } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const unlitExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsUnlit); * * // Create an Unlit property. * const unlit = unlitExtension.createUnlit(); * * // Attach the property to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_unlit', unlit); * ``` */ class KHRMaterialsUnlit extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$6; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new Unlit property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createUnlit() { return new Unlit(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const materialDefs = context.jsonDoc.json.materials || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$6]) { context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$6, this.createUnlit()); } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { if (material.getExtension(NAME$6)) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; materialDef.extensions[NAME$6] = {}; } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsUnlit.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$6; /** * Maps {@link Variant}s to {@link Material}s. See {@link KHRMaterialsVariants}. */ class Mapping extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_VARIANTS; this.propertyType = 'Mapping'; this.parentTypes = ['MappingList']; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { material: null, variants: new core.RefSet() }); } /** The {@link Material} designated for this {@link Primitive}, under the given variants. */ getMaterial() { return this.getRef('material'); } /** The {@link Material} designated for this {@link Primitive}, under the given variants. */ setMaterial(material) { return this.setRef('material', material); } /** Adds a {@link Variant} to this mapping. */ addVariant(variant) { return this.addRef('variants', variant); } /** Removes a {@link Variant} from this mapping. */ removeVariant(variant) { return this.removeRef('variants', variant); } /** Lists {@link Variant}s in this mapping. */ listVariants() { return this.listRefs('variants'); } } Mapping.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_VARIANTS; /** * List of material variant {@link Mapping}s. See {@link KHRMaterialsVariants}. */ class MappingList extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_VARIANTS; this.propertyType = 'MappingList'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { mappings: new core.RefSet() }); } /** Adds a {@link Mapping} to this mapping. */ addMapping(mapping) { return this.addRef('mappings', mapping); } /** Removes a {@link Mapping} from the list for this {@link Primitive}. */ removeMapping(mapping) { return this.removeRef('mappings', mapping); } /** Lists {@link Mapping}s in this {@link Primitive}. */ listMappings() { return this.listRefs('mappings'); } } MappingList.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_VARIANTS; /** * Defines a variant of a {@link Material}. See {@link KHRMaterialsVariants}. */ class Variant extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_VARIANTS; this.propertyType = 'Variant'; this.parentTypes = ['MappingList']; } } Variant.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_VARIANTS; const NAME$5 = KHR_MATERIALS_VARIANTS; /** * [`KHR_materials_variants`]( * defines alternate {@link Material} states for any {@link Primitive} in the scene. * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-variants.jpg) * * > _**Figure:** A sneaker, in three material variants. Source: Khronos Group._ * * Uses include product configurators, night/day states, healthy/damaged states, etc. The * `KHRMaterialsVariants` class provides three {@link ExtensionProperty} types: `Variant`, `Mapping`, * and `MappingList`. When attached to {@link Primitive} properties, these offer flexible ways of * defining the variants available to an application. Triggering a variant is out of scope of this * extension, but could be handled in the application with a UI dropdown, particular game states, * and so on. * * Mesh geometry cannot be changed by this extension, although another extension * (tentative: `KHR_mesh_variants`) is under consideration by the Khronos Group, for that purpose. * * Properties: * - {@link Variant} * - {@link Mapping} * - {@link MappingList} * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsVariants } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const variantExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsVariants); * * // Create some Variant states. * const healthyVariant = variantExtension.createVariant('Healthy'); * const damagedVariant = variantExtension.createVariant('Damaged'); * * // Create mappings from a Variant state to a Material. * const healthyMapping = variantExtension.createMapping() * .addVariant(healthyVariant) * .setMaterial(healthyMat); * const damagedMapping = variantExtension.createMapping() * .addVariant(damagedVariant) * .setMaterial(damagedMat); * * // Attach the mappings to a Primitive. * primitive.setExtension( * 'KHR_materials_variants', * variantExtension.createMappingList() * .addMapping(healthyMapping) * .addMapping(damagedMapping) * ); * ``` * * A few notes about this extension: * * 1. Viewers that don't recognized this extension will show the default material for each primitive * instead, so assign that material accordingly. This material can be — but doesn't have to be — * associated with one of the available variants. * 2. Mappings can list multiple Variants. In that case, the first Mapping containing an active * Variant will be chosen by the viewer. * 3. Variant names are how these states are identified, so choose informative names. * 4. When writing the file to an unpacked `.gltf`, instead of an embedded `.glb`, viewers will have * the option of downloading only textures associated with the default state, and lazy-loading * any textures for inactive Variants only when they are needed. */ class KHRMaterialsVariants extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$5; } /** Creates a new MappingList property. */ createMappingList() { return new MappingList(this.document.getGraph()); } /** Creates a new Variant property. */ createVariant(name) { if (name === void 0) { name = ''; } return new Variant(this.document.getGraph(), name); } /** Creates a new Mapping property. */ createMapping() { return new Mapping(this.document.getGraph()); } /** Lists all Variants on the current Document. */ listVariants() { return Array.from( => prop instanceof Variant); } /** @hidden */ read(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; if (!jsonDoc.json.extensions || !jsonDoc.json.extensions[NAME$5]) return this; // Read all top-level variant names. const variantsRootDef = jsonDoc.json.extensions[NAME$5]; const variantDefs = variantsRootDef.variants || []; const variants = => this.createVariant().setName( || '')); // For each mesh primitive, read its material/variant mappings. const meshDefs = jsonDoc.json.meshes || []; meshDefs.forEach((meshDef, meshIndex) => { const mesh = context.meshes[meshIndex]; const primDefs = meshDef.primitives || []; primDefs.forEach((primDef, primIndex) => { if (!primDef.extensions || !primDef.extensions[NAME$5]) { return; } const mappingList = this.createMappingList(); const variantPrimDef = primDef.extensions[NAME$5]; for (const mappingDef of variantPrimDef.mappings) { const mapping = this.createMapping(); if (mappingDef.material !== undefined) { mapping.setMaterial(context.materials[mappingDef.material]); } for (const variantIndex of mappingDef.variants || []) { mapping.addVariant(variants[variantIndex]); } mappingList.addMapping(mapping); } mesh.listPrimitives()[primIndex].setExtension(NAME$5, mappingList); }); }); return this; } /** @hidden */ write(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const variants = this.listVariants(); if (!variants.length) return this; // Write all top-level variant names. const variantDefs = []; const variantIndexMap = new Map(); for (const variant of variants) { variantIndexMap.set(variant, variantDefs.length); variantDefs.push(context.createPropertyDef(variant)); } // For each mesh primitive, write its material/variant mappings. for (const mesh of this.document.getRoot().listMeshes()) { const meshIndex = context.meshIndexMap.get(mesh); mesh.listPrimitives().forEach((prim, primIndex) => { const mappingList = prim.getExtension(NAME$5); if (!mappingList) return; const primDef = context.jsonDoc.json.meshes[meshIndex].primitives[primIndex]; const mappingDefs = mappingList.listMappings().map(mapping => { const mappingDef = context.createPropertyDef(mapping); const material = mapping.getMaterial(); if (material) { mappingDef.material = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); } mappingDef.variants = mapping.listVariants().map(variant => variantIndexMap.get(variant)); return mappingDef; }); primDef.extensions = primDef.extensions || {}; primDef.extensions[NAME$5] = { mappings: mappingDefs }; }); } jsonDoc.json.extensions = jsonDoc.json.extensions || {}; jsonDoc.json.extensions[NAME$5] = { variants: variantDefs }; return this; } } KHRMaterialsVariants.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$5; const { G } = core.TextureChannel; /** * Defines volume on a PBR {@link Material}. See {@link KHRMaterialsVolume}. */ class Volume extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_MATERIALS_VOLUME; this.propertyType = 'Volume'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { thicknessFactor: 0.0, thicknessTexture: null, thicknessTextureInfo: new core.TextureInfo(this.graph, 'thicknessTexture'), attenuationDistance: Infinity, attenuationColor: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Thickness. */ /** * Thickness of the volume beneath the surface in meters in the local coordinate system of the * node. If the value is 0 the material is thin-walled. Otherwise the material is a volume * boundary. The doubleSided property has no effect on volume boundaries. */ getThicknessFactor() { return this.get('thicknessFactor'); } /** * Thickness of the volume beneath the surface in meters in the local coordinate system of the * node. If the value is 0 the material is thin-walled. Otherwise the material is a volume * boundary. The doubleSided property has no effect on volume boundaries. */ setThicknessFactor(factor) { return this.set('thicknessFactor', factor); } /** * Texture that defines the thickness, stored in the G channel. This will be multiplied by * thicknessFactor. */ getThicknessTexture() { return this.getRef('thicknessTexture'); } /** * Settings affecting the material's use of its thickness texture. If no texture is attached, * {@link TextureInfo} is `null`. */ getThicknessTextureInfo() { return this.getRef('thicknessTexture') ? this.getRef('thicknessTextureInfo') : null; } /** * Texture that defines the thickness, stored in the G channel. This will be multiplied by * thicknessFactor. */ setThicknessTexture(texture) { return this.setRef('thicknessTexture', texture, { channels: G }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Attenuation. */ /** * Density of the medium given as the average distance in meters that light travels in the * medium before interacting with a particle. */ getAttenuationDistance() { return this.get('attenuationDistance'); } /** * Density of the medium given as the average distance in meters that light travels in the * medium before interacting with a particle. */ setAttenuationDistance(distance) { return this.set('attenuationDistance', distance); } /** * Color (linear) that white light turns into due to absorption when reaching the attenuation * distance. */ getAttenuationColor() { return this.get('attenuationColor'); } /** * Color (linear) that white light turns into due to absorption when reaching the attenuation * distance. */ setAttenuationColor(color) { return this.set('attenuationColor', color); } } Volume.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_MATERIALS_VOLUME; const NAME$4 = KHR_MATERIALS_VOLUME; /** * [KHR_materials_volume]( * adds refraction, absorption, or scattering to a glTF PBR material already using transmission or * translucency. * * ![Illustration](/media/extensions/khr-materials-volume.png) * * > _**Figure:** Base color changes the amount of light passing through the volume boundary * > (left). The overall color of the object is the same everywhere, as if the object is covered * > with a colored, transparent foil. Absorption changes the amount of light traveling through the * > volume (right). The overall color depends on the distance the light traveled through it; at * > small distances (tail of the dragon) less light is absorbed and the color is brighter than at * > large distances. Source: Khronos Group._ * * By default, a glTF 2.0 material describes the scattering properties of a surface enclosing an * infinitely thin volume. The surface defined by the mesh represents a thin wall. The volume * extension makes it possible to turn the surface into an interface between volumes. The mesh to * which the material is attached defines the boundaries of an homogeneous medium and therefore must * be manifold. Volumes provide effects like refraction, absorption and scattering. Scattering * effects will require future (TBD) extensions. * * The volume extension must be combined with {@link KHRMaterialsTransmission} or * `KHR_materials_translucency` in order to define entry of light into the volume. * * Properties: * - {@link Volume} * * ### Example * * The `KHRMaterialsVolume` class provides a single {@link ExtensionProperty} type, `Volume`, which * may be attached to any {@link Material} instance. For example: * * ```typescript * import { KHRMaterialsVolume, Volume } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const volumeExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMaterialsVolume); * * // Create a Volume property. * const volume = volumeExtension.createVolume() * .setThicknessFactor(1.0) * .setThicknessTexture(texture) * .setAttenuationDistance(1.0) * .setAttenuationColorFactor([1, 0.5, 0.5]); * * // Attach the property to a Material. * material.setExtension('KHR_materials_volume', volume); * ``` * * A thickness texture is required in most realtime renderers, and can be baked in software such as * Blender or Substance Painter. When `thicknessFactor = 0`, all volumetric effects are disabled. */ class KHRMaterialsVolume extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$4; this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; this.prewriteTypes = [core.PropertyType.MESH]; } /** Creates a new Volume property for use on a {@link Material}. */ createVolume() { return new Volume(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; const materialDefs = jsonDoc.json.materials || []; const textureDefs = jsonDoc.json.textures || []; materialDefs.forEach((materialDef, materialIndex) => { if (materialDef.extensions && materialDef.extensions[NAME$4]) { const volume = this.createVolume(); context.materials[materialIndex].setExtension(NAME$4, volume); const volumeDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$4]; // Factors. if (volumeDef.thicknessFactor !== undefined) { volume.setThicknessFactor(volumeDef.thicknessFactor); } if (volumeDef.attenuationDistance !== undefined) { volume.setAttenuationDistance(volumeDef.attenuationDistance); } if (volumeDef.attenuationColor !== undefined) { volume.setAttenuationColor(volumeDef.attenuationColor); } // Textures. if (volumeDef.thicknessTexture !== undefined) { const textureInfoDef = volumeDef.thicknessTexture; const texture = context.textures[textureDefs[textureInfoDef.index].source]; volume.setThicknessTexture(texture); context.setTextureInfo(volume.getThicknessTextureInfo(), textureInfoDef); } } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ prewrite(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { const volume = material.getExtension(NAME$4); if (volume) { const materialIndex = context.materialIndexMap.get(material); const materialDef = jsonDoc.json.materials[materialIndex]; materialDef.extensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; // Factors. const volumeDef = materialDef.extensions[NAME$4] = {}; if (volume.getThicknessFactor() > 0) { volumeDef.thicknessFactor = volume.getThicknessFactor(); } if (Number.isFinite(volume.getAttenuationDistance())) { volumeDef.attenuationDistance = volume.getAttenuationDistance(); } if (!core.MathUtils.eq(volume.getAttenuationColor(), [1, 1, 1])) { volumeDef.attenuationColor = volume.getAttenuationColor(); } // Textures. if (volume.getThicknessTexture()) { const texture = volume.getThicknessTexture(); const textureInfo = volume.getThicknessTextureInfo(); volumeDef.thicknessTexture = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo); } } }); return this; } } KHRMaterialsVolume.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$4; const NAME$3 = KHR_MESH_QUANTIZATION; /** * [`KHR_mesh_quantization`]( * expands allowed component types for vertex attributes to include 16- and 8-bit storage. * * Quantization provides a memory/precision tradeoff — depending on the application needs, 16-bit or * 8-bit storage can be sufficient for mesh geometry, at 1/2 or 1/4 the size. For example, a 10x10 * mesh might be written to a uint16 {@link Accessor}, with values `0–65536`, normalized to be * interpreted as `0–1`. With an additional 10x scale on any node {@link Node} instantiating the * quantized {@link Mesh}, the model retains its original scale with a minimal quality loss and * up to 50% file size reduction. * * Defining no {@link ExtensionProperty} types, this {@link Extension} is simply attached to the * {@link Document}, and affects the entire Document by allowing more flexible use of * {@link Accessor} types for vertex attributes. Without the Extension, the same use of these data * types would yield an invalid glTF document, under the stricter core glTF specification. * * Properties: * - N/A * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRMeshQuantization } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * import { quantize } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const quantizationExtension = document.createExtension(KHRMeshQuantization).setRequired(true); * * // Use Uint16Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, and Int8Array in vertex accessors manually, * // or apply the provided quantize() function to compute quantized accessors automatically: * await document.transform(quantize({ * quantizePosition: 16, * quantizeNormal: 12, * quantizeTexcoord: 14 * })); * ``` * * For more documentation about automatic quantization, see the {@link quantize} function. */ class KHRMeshQuantization extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$3; } /** @hidden */ read(_) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(_) { return this; } } KHRMeshQuantization.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$3; const NAME$2 = KHR_TEXTURE_BASISU; class KTX2ImageUtils { match(array) { return array[0] === 0xab && array[1] === 0x4b && array[2] === 0x54 && array[3] === 0x58 && array[4] === 0x20 && array[5] === 0x32 && array[6] === 0x30 && array[7] === 0xbb && array[8] === 0x0d && array[9] === 0x0a && array[10] === 0x1a && array[11] === 0x0a; } getSize(array) { const container =; return [container.pixelWidth, container.pixelHeight]; } getChannels(array) { const container =; const dfd = container.dataFormatDescriptor[0]; if (dfd.colorModel === ktxParse.KHR_DF_MODEL_ETC1S) { return dfd.samples.length === 2 && (dfd.samples[1].channelType & 0xf) === 15 ? 4 : 3; } else if (dfd.colorModel === ktxParse.KHR_DF_MODEL_UASTC) { return (dfd.samples[0].channelType & 0xf) === 3 ? 4 : 3; } throw new Error(`Unexpected KTX2 colorModel, "${dfd.colorModel}".`); } getVRAMByteLength(array) { const container =; const hasAlpha = this.getChannels(array) > 3; let uncompressedBytes = 0; for (let i = 0; i < container.levels.length; i++) { const level = container.levels[i]; // Use level.uncompressedByteLength for UASTC; for ETC1S it's 0. if (level.uncompressedByteLength) { uncompressedBytes += level.uncompressedByteLength; } else { const levelWidth = Math.max(1, Math.floor(container.pixelWidth / Math.pow(2, i))); const levelHeight = Math.max(1, Math.floor(container.pixelHeight / Math.pow(2, i))); const blockSize = hasAlpha ? 16 : 8; uncompressedBytes += levelWidth / 4 * (levelHeight / 4) * blockSize; } } return uncompressedBytes; } } /** * [`KHR_texture_basisu`]( * enables KTX2 GPU textures with Basis Universal supercompression for any material texture. * * GPU texture formats, unlike traditional image formats, remain compressed in GPU memory. As a * result, they (1) upload to the GPU much more quickly, and (2) require much less GPU memory. In * certain cases they may also have smaller filesizes than PNG or JPEG textures, but this is not * guaranteed. GPU textures often require more careful tuning during compression to maintain image * quality, but this extra effort is worthwhile for applications that need to maintain a smooth * framerate while uploading images, or where GPU memory is limited. * * Defining no {@link ExtensionProperty} types, this {@link Extension} is simply attached to the * {@link Document}, and affects the entire Document by allowing use of the `image/ktx2` MIME type * and passing KTX2 image data to the {@link Texture.setImage} method. Without the Extension, the * same MIME types and image data would yield an invalid glTF document, under the stricter core glTF * specification. * * Properties: * - N/A * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRTextureBasisu } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const basisuExtension = document.createExtension(KHRTextureBasisu) * .setRequired(true); * document.createTexture('MyCompressedTexture') * .setMimeType('image/ktx2') * .setImage(fs.readFileSync('my-texture.ktx2')); * ``` * * Compression is not done automatically when adding the extension as shown above — you must * compress the image data first, then pass the `.ktx2` payload to {@link Texture.setImage}. The * glTF Transform CLI has functions to help with this, or any similar KTX2-capable * utility will work. * * When the `KHR_texture_basisu` extension is added to a file by glTF Transform, the extension * should always be required. This tool does not support writing assets that "fall back" to optional * PNG or JPEG image data. * * > _**NOTICE:** Compressing some textures — particularly 3-component (RGB) normal maps, and * > occlusion/roughness/metalness maps, may give poor results with the ETC1S compression option. * > These issues can often be avoided with the larger UASTC compression option, or by upscaling the * > texture before compressing it. * > * > For best results when authoring new textures, use * > [texture dilation]( and minimize * > prominent UV seams._ */ class KHRTextureBasisu extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$2; /** @hidden */ this.prereadTypes = [core.PropertyType.TEXTURE]; } /** @hidden */ static register() { core.ImageUtils.registerFormat('image/ktx2', new KTX2ImageUtils()); } /** @hidden */ preread(context) { context.jsonDoc.json.textures.forEach(textureDef => { if (textureDef.extensions && textureDef.extensions[NAME$2]) { const basisuDef = textureDef.extensions[NAME$2]; textureDef.source = basisuDef.source; } }); return this; } /** @hidden */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars read(context) { return this; } /** @hidden */ write(context) { const jsonDoc = context.jsonDoc; this.document.getRoot().listTextures().forEach(texture => { if (texture.getMimeType() === 'image/ktx2') { const imageIndex = context.imageIndexMap.get(texture); jsonDoc.json.textures.forEach(textureDef => { if (textureDef.source === imageIndex) { textureDef.extensions = textureDef.extensions || {}; textureDef.extensions[NAME$2] = { source: textureDef.source }; delete textureDef.source; } }); } }); return this; } } KHRTextureBasisu.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$2; /** * Defines UV transform for a {@link TextureInfo}. See {@link KHRTextureTransform}. */ class Transform extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM; this.propertyType = 'Transform'; this.parentTypes = [core.PropertyType.TEXTURE_INFO]; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { offset: [0.0, 0.0], rotation: 0, scale: [1.0, 1.0], texCoord: null }); } getOffset() { return this.get('offset'); } setOffset(offset) { return this.set('offset', offset); } getRotation() { return this.get('rotation'); } setRotation(rotation) { return this.set('rotation', rotation); } getScale() { return this.get('scale'); } setScale(scale) { return this.set('scale', scale); } getTexCoord() { return this.get('texCoord'); } setTexCoord(texCoord) { return this.set('texCoord', texCoord); } } Transform.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM; const NAME$1 = KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM; /** * [`KHR_texture_transform`]( * adds offset, rotation, and scale to {@link TextureInfo} properties. * * Affine UV transforms are useful for reducing the number of textures the GPU must load, improving * performance when used in techniques like texture atlases. UV transforms cannot be animated at * this time. * * Properties: * - {@link Transform} * * ### Example * * The `KHRTextureTransform` class provides a single {@link ExtensionProperty} type, `Transform`, which * may be attached to any {@link TextureInfo} instance. For example: * * ```typescript * import { KHRTextureTransform } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const transformExtension = document.createExtension(KHRTextureTransform) * .setRequired(true); * * // Create a reusable Transform. * const transform = transformExtension.createTransform() * .setScale([100, 100]); * * // Apply the Transform to a Material's baseColorTexture. * document.createMaterial() * .setBaseColorTexture(myTexture) * .getBaseColorTextureInfo() * .setExtension('KHR_texture_transform', transform); * ``` */ class KHRTextureTransform extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME$1; } /** Creates a new Transform property for use on a {@link TextureInfo}. */ createTransform() { return new Transform(this.document.getGraph()); } /** @hidden */ read(context) { for (const [textureInfo, textureInfoDef] of Array.from(context.textureInfos.entries())) { if (!textureInfoDef.extensions || !textureInfoDef.extensions[NAME$1]) continue; const transform = this.createTransform(); const transformDef = textureInfoDef.extensions[NAME$1]; if (transformDef.offset !== undefined) transform.setOffset(transformDef.offset); if (transformDef.rotation !== undefined) transform.setRotation(transformDef.rotation); if (transformDef.scale !== undefined) transform.setScale(transformDef.scale); if (transformDef.texCoord !== undefined) transform.setTexCoord(transformDef.texCoord); textureInfo.setExtension(NAME$1, transform); } return this; } /** @hidden */ write(context) { const textureInfoEntries = Array.from(context.textureInfoDefMap.entries()); for (const [textureInfo, textureInfoDef] of textureInfoEntries) { const transform = textureInfo.getExtension(NAME$1); if (!transform) continue; textureInfoDef.extensions = textureInfoDef.extensions || {}; const transformDef = {}; const eq = core.MathUtils.eq; if (!eq(transform.getOffset(), [0, 0])) transformDef.offset = transform.getOffset(); if (transform.getRotation() !== 0) transformDef.rotation = transform.getRotation(); if (!eq(transform.getScale(), [1, 1])) transformDef.scale = transform.getScale(); if (transform.getTexCoord() != null) transformDef.texCoord = transform.getTexCoord(); textureInfoDef.extensions[NAME$1] = transformDef; } return this; } } KHRTextureTransform.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME$1; const PARENT_TYPES = [core.PropertyType.ROOT, core.PropertyType.SCENE, core.PropertyType.NODE, core.PropertyType.MESH, core.PropertyType.MATERIAL, core.PropertyType.TEXTURE, core.PropertyType.ANIMATION]; /** * Defines an XMP packet associated with a Document or Property. See {@link KHRXMP}. */ class Packet extends core.ExtensionProperty { init() { this.extensionName = KHR_XMP_JSON_LD; this.propertyType = 'Packet'; this.parentTypes = PARENT_TYPES; } getDefaults() { return Object.assign(super.getDefaults(), { context: {}, properties: {} }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Context. */ /** * Returns the XMP context definition URL for the given term. * See: * @param term Case-sensitive term. Usually a concise, lowercase, alphanumeric identifier. */ getContext() { return this.get('context'); } /** * Sets the XMP context definition URL for the given term. * See: * * Example: * * ```typescript * packet.setContext({ * dc: '', * model3d: '', * }); * ``` * * @param term Case-sensitive term. Usually a concise, lowercase, alphanumeric identifier. * @param definition URI for XMP namespace. */ setContext(context) { return this.set('context', { ...context }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Properties. */ /** * Lists properties defined in this packet. * * Example: * * ```typescript * packet.listProperties(); // → ['dc:Language', 'dc:Creator', 'xmp:CreateDate'] * ``` */ listProperties() { return Object.keys(this.get('properties')); } /** * Returns the value of a property, as a literal or JSONLD object. * * Example: * * ```typescript * packet.getProperty('dc:Creator'); // → {"@list": ["Acme, Inc."]} * packet.getProperty('dc:Title'); // → {"@type": "rdf:Alt", "rdf:_1": {"@language": "en-US", "@value": "Lamp"}} * packet.getProperty('xmp:CreateDate'); // → "2022-01-01" * ``` */ getProperty(name) { const properties = this.get('properties'); return name in properties ? properties[name] : null; } /** * Sets the value of a property, as a literal or JSONLD object. * * Example: * * ```typescript * packet.setProperty('dc:Creator', {'@list': ['Acme, Inc.']}); * packet.setProperty('dc:Title', { * '@type': 'rdf:Alt', * 'rdf:_1': {'@language': 'en-US', '@value': 'Lamp'} * }); * packet.setProperty('model3d:preferredSurfaces', {'@list': ['vertical']}); * ``` */ setProperty(name, value) { this._assertContext(name); const properties = { ...this.get('properties') }; if (value) { properties[name] = value; } else { delete properties[name]; } return this.set('properties', properties); } /********************************************************************************************** * Serialize / Deserialize. */ /** * Serializes the packet context and properties to a JSONLD object. */ toJSONLD() { const context = copyJSON(this.get('context')); const properties = copyJSON(this.get('properties')); return { '@context': context, }; } /** * Deserializes a JSONLD packet, then overwrites existing context and properties with * the new values. */ fromJSONLD(jsonld) { jsonld = copyJSON(jsonld); // Context. const context = jsonld['@context']; if (context) this.set('context', context); delete jsonld['@context']; // Properties. return this.set('properties', jsonld); } /********************************************************************************************** * Validation. */ /** @hidden */ _assertContext(name) { const prefix = name.split(':')[0]; if (!(prefix in this.get('context'))) { throw new Error(`${KHR_XMP_JSON_LD}: Missing context for term, "${name}".`); } } } Packet.EXTENSION_NAME = KHR_XMP_JSON_LD; function copyJSON(object) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object)); } const NAME = KHR_XMP_JSON_LD; /** * [KHR_xmp_json_ld]( * defines XMP metadata associated with a glTF asset. * * XMP metadata provides standardized fields describing the content, provenance, usage * restrictions, or other attributes of a 3D model. XMP metadata does not generally affect the * parsing or runtime behavior of the content — for that, use custom extensions, custom vertex * attributes, or extras. Similarly, storage mechanisms other than XMP should be preferred * for binary content like mesh data, animations, or textures. * * Generally XMP metadata is associated with the entire glTF asset by attaching an XMP {@link Packet} * to the document {@link Root}. In less common cases where metadata must be associated with * specific subsets of a document, XMP Packets may be attached to {@link Scene}, {@link Node}, * {@link Mesh}, {@link Material}, {@link Texture}, or {@link Animation} properties. * * Within each packet, XMP properties become available when an * [XMP namespace]( is registered * with {@link Packet.setContext}. Packets cannot use properties whose namespaces are not * registered as context. While not all XMP namespaces are relevant to 3D assets, some common * namespaces provide useful metadata about authorship and provenance. Additionally, the `model3d` * namespace provides certain properties specific to 3D content, such as Augmented Reality (AR) * orientation data. * * Common XMP contexts for 3D models include: * * | Prefix | URI | Name | * |:------------|:--------------------------------------------|:-------------------------------| * | `dc` | | Dublin Core | * | `model3d` | | Model 3D | * | `rdf` | | Resource Description Framework | * | `xmp` | | XMP | * | `xmpRights` | | XMP Rights Management | * * Only the XMP contexts required for a packet should be assigned, and different packets * in the same asset may use different contexts. For greater detail on available XMP * contexts and how to use them in glTF assets, see the * [3DC Metadata Recommendations]( * * Properties: * - {@link Packet} * * ### Example * * ```typescript * import { KHRXMP, Packet } from '@gltf-transform/extensions'; * * // Create an Extension attached to the Document. * const xmpExtension = document.createExtension(KHRXMP); * * // Create Packet property. * const packet = xmpExtension.createPacket() * .setContext({ * dc: '', * }) * .setProperty('dc:Creator', {"@list": ["Acme, Inc."]}); * * // Option 1: Assign to Document Root. * document.getRoot().setExtension('KHR_xmp_json_ld', packet); * * // Option 2: Assign to a specific Property. * texture.setExtension('KHR_xmp_json_ld', packet); * ``` */ class KHRXMP extends core.Extension { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.extensionName = NAME; } /** Creates a new XMP packet, to be linked with a {@link Document} or {@link Property Properties}. */ createPacket() { return new Packet(this.document.getGraph()); } /** Lists XMP packets currently defined in a {@link Document}. */ listPackets() { return Array.from(; } /** @hidden */ read(context) { var _context$jsonDoc$json; const extensionDef = (_context$jsonDoc$json = context.jsonDoc.json.extensions) == null ? void 0 : _context$jsonDoc$json[NAME]; if (!extensionDef || !extensionDef.packets) return this; // Deserialize packets. const json = context.jsonDoc.json; const root = this.document.getRoot(); const packets = => this.createPacket().fromJSONLD(packetDef)); const defLists = [[json.asset], json.scenes, json.nodes, json.meshes, json.materials, json.images, json.animations]; const propertyLists = [[root], root.listScenes(), root.listNodes(), root.listMeshes(), root.listMaterials(), root.listTextures(), root.listAnimations()]; // Assign packets. for (let i = 0; i < defLists.length; i++) { const defs = defLists[i] || []; for (let j = 0; j < defs.length; j++) { const def = defs[j]; if (def.extensions && def.extensions[NAME]) { const xmpDef = def.extensions[NAME]; propertyLists[i][j].setExtension(NAME, packets[xmpDef.packet]); } } } return this; } /** @hidden */ write(context) { const { json } = context.jsonDoc; const packetDefs = []; for (const packet of { // Serialize packets. packetDefs.push(packet.toJSONLD()); // Assign packets. for (const parent of packet.listParents()) { let parentDef; switch (parent.propertyType) { case core.PropertyType.ROOT: parentDef = json.asset; break; case core.PropertyType.SCENE: parentDef = json.scenes[context.sceneIndexMap.get(parent)]; break; case core.PropertyType.NODE: parentDef = json.nodes[context.nodeIndexMap.get(parent)]; break; case core.PropertyType.MESH: parentDef = json.meshes[context.meshIndexMap.get(parent)]; break; case core.PropertyType.MATERIAL: parentDef = json.materials[context.materialIndexMap.get(parent)]; break; case core.PropertyType.TEXTURE: parentDef = json.images[context.imageIndexMap.get(parent)]; break; case core.PropertyType.ANIMATION: parentDef = json.animations[context.animationIndexMap.get(parent)]; break; default: parentDef = null; this.document.getLogger().warn(`[${NAME}]: Unsupported parent property, "${parent.propertyType}"`); break; } if (!parentDef) continue; parentDef.extensions = parentDef.extensions || {}; parentDef.extensions[NAME] = { packet: packetDefs.length - 1 }; } } if (packetDefs.length > 0) { json.extensions = json.extensions || {}; json.extensions[NAME] = { packets: packetDefs }; } return this; } } KHRXMP.EXTENSION_NAME = NAME; const KHRONOS_EXTENSIONS = [KHRDracoMeshCompression, KHRLightsPunctual, KHRMaterialsAnisotropy, KHRMaterialsClearcoat, KHRMaterialsDiffuseTransmission, KHRMaterialsDispersion, KHRMaterialsEmissiveStrength, KHRMaterialsIOR, KHRMaterialsIridescence, KHRMaterialsPBRSpecularGlossiness, KHRMaterialsSpecular, KHRMaterialsSheen, KHRMaterialsTransmission, KHRMaterialsUnlit, KHRMaterialsVariants, KHRMaterialsVolume, KHRMeshQuantization, KHRTextureBasisu, KHRTextureTransform, KHRXMP]; const ALL_EXTENSIONS = [EXTMeshGPUInstancing, EXTMeshoptCompression, EXTTextureAVIF, EXTTextureWebP, ...KHRONOS_EXTENSIONS]; exports.ALL_EXTENSIONS = ALL_EXTENSIONS; exports.Anisotropy = Anisotropy; exports.Clearcoat = Clearcoat; exports.DiffuseTransmission = DiffuseTransmission; exports.Dispersion = Dispersion; exports.EXTMeshGPUInstancing = EXTMeshGPUInstancing; exports.EXTMeshoptCompression = EXTMeshoptCompression; exports.EXTTextureAVIF = EXTTextureAVIF; exports.EXTTextureWebP = EXTTextureWebP; exports.EmissiveStrength = EmissiveStrength; exports.INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE = INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTE; exports.IOR = IOR; exports.InstancedMesh = InstancedMesh; exports.Iridescence = Iridescence; exports.KHRDracoMeshCompression = KHRDracoMeshCompression; exports.KHRLightsPunctual = KHRLightsPunctual; exports.KHRMaterialsAnisotropy = KHRMaterialsAnisotropy; exports.KHRMaterialsClearcoat = KHRMaterialsClearcoat; exports.KHRMaterialsDiffuseTransmission = KHRMaterialsDiffuseTransmission; exports.KHRMaterialsDispersion = KHRMaterialsDispersion; exports.KHRMaterialsEmissiveStrength = KHRMaterialsEmissiveStrength; exports.KHRMaterialsIOR = KHRMaterialsIOR; exports.KHRMaterialsIridescence = KHRMaterialsIridescence; exports.KHRMaterialsPBRSpecularGlossiness = KHRMaterialsPBRSpecularGlossiness; exports.KHRMaterialsSheen = KHRMaterialsSheen; exports.KHRMaterialsSpecular = KHRMaterialsSpecular; exports.KHRMaterialsTransmission = KHRMaterialsTransmission; exports.KHRMaterialsUnlit = KHRMaterialsUnlit; exports.KHRMaterialsVariants = KHRMaterialsVariants; exports.KHRMaterialsVolume = KHRMaterialsVolume; exports.KHRMeshQuantization = KHRMeshQuantization; exports.KHRONOS_EXTENSIONS = KHRONOS_EXTENSIONS; exports.KHRTextureBasisu = KHRTextureBasisu; exports.KHRTextureTransform = KHRTextureTransform; exports.KHRXMP = KHRXMP; exports.Light = Light; exports.Mapping = Mapping; exports.MappingList = MappingList; exports.PBRSpecularGlossiness = PBRSpecularGlossiness; exports.Packet = Packet; exports.Sheen = Sheen; exports.Specular = Specular; exports.Transform = Transform; exports.Transmission = Transmission; exports.Unlit = Unlit; exports.Variant = Variant; exports.Volume = Volume; //#