var core = require('@gltf-transform/core'); var ndarrayPixels = require('ndarray-pixels'); var extensions = require('@gltf-transform/extensions'); var ktxParse = require('ktx-parse'); var ndarray = require('ndarray'); var ndarrayLanczos = require('ndarray-lanczos'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } var ndarray__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(ndarray); /** * Maps pixels from source to target textures, with a per-pixel callback. * @hidden */ const rewriteTexture = function (source, target, fn) { try { if (!source) return Promise.resolve(null); const srcImage = source.getImage(); if (!srcImage) return Promise.resolve(null); return Promise.resolve(ndarrayPixels.getPixels(srcImage, source.getMimeType())).then(function (pixels) { for (let i = 0; i < pixels.shape[0]; ++i) { for (let j = 0; j < pixels.shape[1]; ++j) { fn(pixels, i, j); } } return Promise.resolve(ndarrayPixels.savePixels(pixels, 'image/png')).then(function (dstImage) { return target.setImage(dstImage).setMimeType('image/png'); }); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }; /** @hidden */ const { POINTS: POINTS$1, LINES: LINES$2, LINE_STRIP: LINE_STRIP$3, LINE_LOOP: LINE_LOOP$3, TRIANGLES: TRIANGLES$2, TRIANGLE_STRIP: TRIANGLE_STRIP$3, TRIANGLE_FAN: TRIANGLE_FAN$3 } = core.Primitive.Mode; /** * Prepares a function used in an {@link Document#transform} pipeline. Use of this wrapper is * optional, and plain functions may be used in transform pipelines just as well. The wrapper is * used internally so earlier pipeline stages can detect and optimize based on later stages. * @hidden */ function createTransform(name, fn) { Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', { value: name }); return fn; } /** @hidden */ function isTransformPending(context, initial, pending) { if (!context) return false; const initialIndex = context.stack.lastIndexOf(initial); const pendingIndex = context.stack.lastIndexOf(pending); return initialIndex < pendingIndex; } /** * Performs a shallow merge on an 'options' object and a 'defaults' object. * Equivalent to `{...defaults, ...options}` _except_ that `undefined` values * in the 'options' object are ignored. * * @hidden */ function assignDefaults(defaults, options) { const result = { ...defaults }; for (const key in options) { if (options[key] !== undefined) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any result[key] = options[key]; } } return result; } function getGLPrimitiveCount(prim) { const indices = prim.getIndices(); const position = prim.getAttribute('POSITION'); // Reference: switch (prim.getMode()) { case core.Primitive.Mode.POINTS: return indices ? indices.getCount() : position.getCount(); case core.Primitive.Mode.LINES: return indices ? indices.getCount() / 2 : position.getCount() / 2; case core.Primitive.Mode.LINE_LOOP: return indices ? indices.getCount() : position.getCount(); case core.Primitive.Mode.LINE_STRIP: return indices ? indices.getCount() - 1 : position.getCount() - 1; case core.Primitive.Mode.TRIANGLES: return indices ? indices.getCount() / 3 : position.getCount() / 3; case core.Primitive.Mode.TRIANGLE_STRIP: case core.Primitive.Mode.TRIANGLE_FAN: return indices ? indices.getCount() - 2 : position.getCount() - 2; default: throw new Error('Unexpected mode: ' + prim.getMode()); } } /** @hidden */ class SetMap { constructor() { this._map = new Map(); } get size() { return this._map.size; } has(k) { return this._map.has(k); } add(k, v) { let entry = this._map.get(k); if (!entry) { entry = new Set(); this._map.set(k, entry); } entry.add(v); return this; } get(k) { return this._map.get(k) || new Set(); } keys() { return this._map.keys(); } } /** @hidden */ function formatBytes(bytes, decimals) { if (decimals === void 0) { decimals = 2; } if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes'; const k = 1000; const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals; const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k)); return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i]; } const _longFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: 0 }); /** @hidden */ function formatLong(x) { return _longFormatter.format(x); } /** @hidden */ function formatDelta(a, b, decimals) { if (decimals === void 0) { decimals = 2; } const prefix = a > b ? '–' : '+'; const suffix = '%'; return prefix + (Math.abs(a - b) / a * 100).toFixed(decimals) + suffix; } /** @hidden */ function formatDeltaOp(a, b) { return `${formatLong(a)} → ${formatLong(b)} (${formatDelta(a, b)})`; } /** * Returns a list of all unique vertex attributes on the given primitive and * its morph targets. * @hidden */ function deepListAttributes(prim) { const accessors = []; for (const attribute of prim.listAttributes()) { accessors.push(attribute); } for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { for (const attribute of target.listAttributes()) { accessors.push(attribute); } } return Array.from(new Set(accessors)); } /** @hidden */ function deepSwapAttribute(prim, src, dst) { prim.swap(src, dst); for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { target.swap(src, dst); } } /** @hidden */ function shallowEqualsArray(a, b) { if (a == null && b == null) return true; if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.length !== b.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; } return true; } /** Clones an {@link Accessor} without creating a copy of its underlying TypedArray data. */ function shallowCloneAccessor(document, accessor) { return document.createAccessor(accessor.getName()).setArray(accessor.getArray()).setType(accessor.getType()).setBuffer(accessor.getBuffer()).setNormalized(accessor.getNormalized()).setSparse(accessor.getSparse()); } /** @hidden */ function createIndices(count, maxIndex) { if (maxIndex === void 0) { maxIndex = count; } const array = createIndicesEmpty(count, maxIndex); for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i] = i; return array; } /** @hidden */ function createIndicesEmpty(count, maxIndex) { if (maxIndex === void 0) { maxIndex = count; } return maxIndex <= 65534 ? new Uint16Array(count) : new Uint32Array(count); } /** @hidden */ function isUsed(prop) { return prop.listParents().some(parent => parent.propertyType !== core.PropertyType.ROOT); } /** @hidden */ function isEmptyObject(object) { for (const key in object) return false; return true; } /** * Creates a unique key associated with the structure and draw call characteristics of * a {@link Primitive}, independent of its vertex content. Helper method, used to * identify candidate Primitives for joining. * @hidden */ function createPrimGroupKey(prim) { const document = core.Document.fromGraph(prim.getGraph()); const material = prim.getMaterial(); const materialIndex = document.getRoot().listMaterials().indexOf(material); const mode = BASIC_MODE_MAPPING[prim.getMode()]; const indices = !!prim.getIndices(); const attributes = prim.listSemantics().sort().map(semantic => { const attribute = prim.getAttribute(semantic); const elementSize = attribute.getElementSize(); const componentType = attribute.getComponentType(); return `${semantic}:${elementSize}:${componentType}`; }).join('+'); const targets = prim.listTargets().map(target => { return target.listSemantics().sort().map(semantic => { const attribute = prim.getAttribute(semantic); const elementSize = attribute.getElementSize(); const componentType = attribute.getComponentType(); return `${semantic}:${elementSize}:${componentType}`; }).join('+'); }).join('~'); return `${materialIndex}|${mode}|${indices}|${attributes}|${targets}`; } /** * Scales `size` NxN dimensions to fit within `limit` NxN dimensions, without * changing aspect ratio. If `size` <= `limit` in all dimensions, returns `size`. * @hidden */ function fitWithin(size, limit) { const [maxWidth, maxHeight] = limit; const [srcWidth, srcHeight] = size; if (srcWidth <= maxWidth && srcHeight <= maxHeight) return size; let dstWidth = srcWidth; let dstHeight = srcHeight; if (dstWidth > maxWidth) { dstHeight = Math.floor(dstHeight * (maxWidth / dstWidth)); dstWidth = maxWidth; } if (dstHeight > maxHeight) { dstWidth = Math.floor(dstWidth * (maxHeight / dstHeight)); dstHeight = maxHeight; } return [dstWidth, dstHeight]; } /** * Scales `size` NxN dimensions to the specified power of two. * @hidden */ function fitPowerOfTwo(size, method) { if (isPowerOfTwo(size[0]) && isPowerOfTwo(size[1])) { return size; } switch (method) { case 'nearest-pot': return; case 'ceil-pot': return$1); case 'floor-pot': return; } } function isPowerOfTwo(value) { if (value <= 2) return true; return (value & value - 1) === 0 && value !== 0; } function nearestPowerOfTwo(value) { if (value <= 4) return 4; const lo = floorPowerOfTwo(value); const hi = ceilPowerOfTwo$1(value); if (hi - value > value - lo) return lo; return hi; } function floorPowerOfTwo(value) { return Math.pow(2, Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2)); } function ceilPowerOfTwo$1(value) { return Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2)); } /** * Mapping from any glTF primitive mode to its equivalent basic mode, as returned by * {@link convertPrimitiveMode}. * @hidden */ const BASIC_MODE_MAPPING = { [POINTS$1]: POINTS$1, [LINES$2]: LINES$2, [LINE_STRIP$3]: LINES$2, [LINE_LOOP$3]: LINES$2, [TRIANGLES$2]: TRIANGLES$2, [TRIANGLE_STRIP$3]: TRIANGLES$2, [TRIANGLE_FAN$3]: TRIANGLES$2 }; const NAME$p = 'center'; const CENTER_DEFAULTS = { pivot: 'center' }; /** * Centers the {@link Scene} at the origin, or above/below it. Transformations from animation, * skinning, and morph targets are not taken into account. * * Example: * * ```ts * await document.transform(center({pivot: 'below'})); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function center(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = CENTER_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(CENTER_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$p, doc => { const logger = doc.getLogger(); const root = doc.getRoot(); const isAnimated = root.listAnimations().length > 0 || root.listSkins().length > 0; doc.getRoot().listScenes().forEach((scene, index) => { logger.debug(`${NAME$p}: Scene ${index + 1} / ${root.listScenes().length}.`); let pivot; if (typeof options.pivot === 'string') { const bbox = core.getBounds(scene); pivot = [(bbox.max[0] - bbox.min[0]) / 2 + bbox.min[0], (bbox.max[1] - bbox.min[1]) / 2 + bbox.min[1], (bbox.max[2] - bbox.min[2]) / 2 + bbox.min[2]]; if (options.pivot === 'above') pivot[1] = bbox.max[1]; if (options.pivot === 'below') pivot[1] = bbox.min[1]; } else { pivot = options.pivot; } logger.debug(`${NAME$p}: Pivot "${pivot.join(', ')}".`); const offset = [-1 * pivot[0], -1 * pivot[1], -1 * pivot[2]]; if (isAnimated) { logger.debug(`${NAME$p}: Model contains animation or skin. Adding a wrapper node.`); const offsetNode = doc.createNode('Pivot').setTranslation(offset); scene.listChildren().forEach(child => offsetNode.addChild(child)); scene.addChild(offsetNode); } else { logger.debug(`${NAME$p}: Skipping wrapper, offsetting all root nodes.`); scene.listChildren().forEach(child => { const t = child.getTranslation(); child.setTranslation([t[0] + offset[0], t[1] + offset[1], t[2] + offset[2]]); }); } }); logger.debug(`${NAME$p}: Complete.`); }); } /** * Finds the parent {@link Scene Scenes} associated with the given {@link Node}. * In most cases a Node is associated with only one Scene, but it is possible * for a Node to be located in two or more Scenes, or none at all. * * Example: * * ```typescript * import { listNodeScenes } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const node = document.getRoot().listNodes() * .find((node) => node.getName() === 'MyNode'); * * const scenes = listNodeScenes(node); * ``` */ function listNodeScenes(node) { const visited = new Set(); let child = node; let parent; while (parent = child.getParentNode()) { if (visited.has(parent)) { throw new Error('Circular dependency in scene graph.'); } visited.add(parent); child = parent; } return child.listParents().filter(parent => parent instanceof core.Scene); } /** * Clears the parent of the given {@link Node}, leaving it attached * directly to its {@link Scene}. Inherited transforms will be applied * to the Node. This operation changes the Node's local transform, * but leaves its world transform unchanged. * * Example: * * ```typescript * import { clearNodeParent } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * scene.traverse((node) => { ... }); // Scene → … → Node * * clearNodeParent(node); * * scene.traverse((node) => { ... }); // Scene → Node * ``` * * To clear _all_ transforms of a Node, first clear its inherited transforms with * {@link clearNodeParent}, then clear the local transform with {@link clearNodeTransform}. */ function clearNodeParent(node) { const scenes = listNodeScenes(node); const parent = node.getParentNode(); if (!parent) return node; // Apply inherited transforms to local matrix. Skinned meshes are not affected // by the node parent's transform, and can be ignored. Updates to IBMs and TRS // animations are out of scope in this context. node.setMatrix(node.getWorldMatrix()); // Add to Scene roots. parent.removeChild(node); for (const scene of scenes) scene.addChild(node); return node; } /** * Common utilities * @module glMatrix */ var ARRAY_TYPE = typeof Float32Array !== 'undefined' ? Float32Array : Array; if (!Math.hypot) Math.hypot = function () { var y = 0, i = arguments.length; while (i--) { y += arguments[i] * arguments[i]; } return Math.sqrt(y); }; /** * Inverts a mat4 * * @param {mat4} out the receiving matrix * @param {ReadonlyMat4} a the source matrix * @returns {mat4} out */ function invert$1(out, a) { var a00 = a[0], a01 = a[1], a02 = a[2], a03 = a[3]; var a10 = a[4], a11 = a[5], a12 = a[6], a13 = a[7]; var a20 = a[8], a21 = a[9], a22 = a[10], a23 = a[11]; var a30 = a[12], a31 = a[13], a32 = a[14], a33 = a[15]; var b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10; var b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10; var b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10; var b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11; var b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11; var b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12; var b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30; var b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30; var b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30; var b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31; var b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31; var b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32; // Calculate the determinant var det = b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06; if (!det) { return null; } det = 1.0 / det; out[0] = (a11 * b11 - a12 * b10 + a13 * b09) * det; out[1] = (a02 * b10 - a01 * b11 - a03 * b09) * det; out[2] = (a31 * b05 - a32 * b04 + a33 * b03) * det; out[3] = (a22 * b04 - a21 * b05 - a23 * b03) * det; out[4] = (a12 * b08 - a10 * b11 - a13 * b07) * det; out[5] = (a00 * b11 - a02 * b08 + a03 * b07) * det; out[6] = (a32 * b02 - a30 * b05 - a33 * b01) * det; out[7] = (a20 * b05 - a22 * b02 + a23 * b01) * det; out[8] = (a10 * b10 - a11 * b08 + a13 * b06) * det; out[9] = (a01 * b08 - a00 * b10 - a03 * b06) * det; out[10] = (a30 * b04 - a31 * b02 + a33 * b00) * det; out[11] = (a21 * b02 - a20 * b04 - a23 * b00) * det; out[12] = (a11 * b07 - a10 * b09 - a12 * b06) * det; out[13] = (a00 * b09 - a01 * b07 + a02 * b06) * det; out[14] = (a31 * b01 - a30 * b03 - a32 * b00) * det; out[15] = (a20 * b03 - a21 * b01 + a22 * b00) * det; return out; } /** * Calculates the determinant of a mat4 * * @param {ReadonlyMat4} a the source matrix * @returns {Number} determinant of a */ function determinant(a) { var a00 = a[0], a01 = a[1], a02 = a[2], a03 = a[3]; var a10 = a[4], a11 = a[5], a12 = a[6], a13 = a[7]; var a20 = a[8], a21 = a[9], a22 = a[10], a23 = a[11]; var a30 = a[12], a31 = a[13], a32 = a[14], a33 = a[15]; var b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10; var b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10; var b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10; var b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11; var b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11; var b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12; var b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30; var b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30; var b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30; var b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31; var b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31; var b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32; // Calculate the determinant return b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06; } /** * Multiplies two mat4s * * @param {mat4} out the receiving matrix * @param {ReadonlyMat4} a the first operand * @param {ReadonlyMat4} b the second operand * @returns {mat4} out */ function multiply$2(out, a, b) { var a00 = a[0], a01 = a[1], a02 = a[2], a03 = a[3]; var a10 = a[4], a11 = a[5], a12 = a[6], a13 = a[7]; var a20 = a[8], a21 = a[9], a22 = a[10], a23 = a[11]; var a30 = a[12], a31 = a[13], a32 = a[14], a33 = a[15]; // Cache only the current line of the second matrix var b0 = b[0], b1 = b[1], b2 = b[2], b3 = b[3]; out[0] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30; out[1] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31; out[2] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32; out[3] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33; b0 = b[4]; b1 = b[5]; b2 = b[6]; b3 = b[7]; out[4] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30; out[5] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31; out[6] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32; out[7] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33; b0 = b[8]; b1 = b[9]; b2 = b[10]; b3 = b[11]; out[8] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30; out[9] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31; out[10] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32; out[11] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33; b0 = b[12]; b1 = b[13]; b2 = b[14]; b3 = b[15]; out[12] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30; out[13] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31; out[14] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32; out[15] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33; return out; } /** * Creates a matrix from a vector scaling * This is equivalent to (but much faster than): * * mat4.identity(dest); * mat4.scale(dest, dest, vec); * * @param {mat4} out mat4 receiving operation result * @param {ReadonlyVec3} v Scaling vector * @returns {mat4} out */ function fromScaling(out, v) { out[0] = v[0]; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = v[1]; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = 0; out[10] = v[2]; out[11] = 0; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = 0; out[15] = 1; return out; } /** * Creates a matrix from a quaternion rotation, vector translation and vector scale * This is equivalent to (but much faster than): * * mat4.identity(dest); * mat4.translate(dest, vec); * let quatMat = mat4.create(); * quat4.toMat4(quat, quatMat); * mat4.multiply(dest, quatMat); * mat4.scale(dest, scale) * * @param {mat4} out mat4 receiving operation result * @param {quat4} q Rotation quaternion * @param {ReadonlyVec3} v Translation vector * @param {ReadonlyVec3} s Scaling vector * @returns {mat4} out */ function fromRotationTranslationScale(out, q, v, s) { // Quaternion math var x = q[0], y = q[1], z = q[2], w = q[3]; var x2 = x + x; var y2 = y + y; var z2 = z + z; var xx = x * x2; var xy = x * y2; var xz = x * z2; var yy = y * y2; var yz = y * z2; var zz = z * z2; var wx = w * x2; var wy = w * y2; var wz = w * z2; var sx = s[0]; var sy = s[1]; var sz = s[2]; out[0] = (1 - (yy + zz)) * sx; out[1] = (xy + wz) * sx; out[2] = (xz - wy) * sx; out[3] = 0; out[4] = (xy - wz) * sy; out[5] = (1 - (xx + zz)) * sy; out[6] = (yz + wx) * sy; out[7] = 0; out[8] = (xz + wy) * sz; out[9] = (yz - wx) * sz; out[10] = (1 - (xx + yy)) * sz; out[11] = 0; out[12] = v[0]; out[13] = v[1]; out[14] = v[2]; out[15] = 1; return out; } /** * 3x3 Matrix * @module mat3 */ /** * Creates a new identity mat3 * * @returns {mat3} a new 3x3 matrix */ function create$2() { var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(9); if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) { out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[5] = 0; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; } out[0] = 1; out[4] = 1; out[8] = 1; return out; } /** * Copies the upper-left 3x3 values into the given mat3. * * @param {mat3} out the receiving 3x3 matrix * @param {ReadonlyMat4} a the source 4x4 matrix * @returns {mat3} out */ function fromMat4(out, a) { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; out[3] = a[4]; out[4] = a[5]; out[5] = a[6]; out[6] = a[8]; out[7] = a[9]; out[8] = a[10]; return out; } /** * Transpose the values of a mat3 * * @param {mat3} out the receiving matrix * @param {ReadonlyMat3} a the source matrix * @returns {mat3} out */ function transpose(out, a) { // If we are transposing ourselves we can skip a few steps but have to cache some values if (out === a) { var a01 = a[1], a02 = a[2], a12 = a[5]; out[1] = a[3]; out[2] = a[6]; out[3] = a01; out[5] = a[7]; out[6] = a02; out[7] = a12; } else { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[3]; out[2] = a[6]; out[3] = a[1]; out[4] = a[4]; out[5] = a[7]; out[6] = a[2]; out[7] = a[5]; out[8] = a[8]; } return out; } /** * Inverts a mat3 * * @param {mat3} out the receiving matrix * @param {ReadonlyMat3} a the source matrix * @returns {mat3} out */ function invert(out, a) { var a00 = a[0], a01 = a[1], a02 = a[2]; var a10 = a[3], a11 = a[4], a12 = a[5]; var a20 = a[6], a21 = a[7], a22 = a[8]; var b01 = a22 * a11 - a12 * a21; var b11 = -a22 * a10 + a12 * a20; var b21 = a21 * a10 - a11 * a20; // Calculate the determinant var det = a00 * b01 + a01 * b11 + a02 * b21; if (!det) { return null; } det = 1.0 / det; out[0] = b01 * det; out[1] = (-a22 * a01 + a02 * a21) * det; out[2] = (a12 * a01 - a02 * a11) * det; out[3] = b11 * det; out[4] = (a22 * a00 - a02 * a20) * det; out[5] = (-a12 * a00 + a02 * a10) * det; out[6] = b21 * det; out[7] = (-a21 * a00 + a01 * a20) * det; out[8] = (a11 * a00 - a01 * a10) * det; return out; } /** * 3 Dimensional Vector * @module vec3 */ /** * Creates a new, empty vec3 * * @returns {vec3} a new 3D vector */ function create$1() { var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(3); if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; } return out; } /** * Multiplies two vec3's * * @param {vec3} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec3} a the first operand * @param {ReadonlyVec3} b the second operand * @returns {vec3} out */ function multiply$1(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b[0]; out[1] = a[1] * b[1]; out[2] = a[2] * b[2]; return out; } /** * Returns the minimum of two vec3's * * @param {vec3} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec3} a the first operand * @param {ReadonlyVec3} b the second operand * @returns {vec3} out */ function min(out, a, b) { out[0] = Math.min(a[0], b[0]); out[1] = Math.min(a[1], b[1]); out[2] = Math.min(a[2], b[2]); return out; } /** * Returns the maximum of two vec3's * * @param {vec3} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec3} a the first operand * @param {ReadonlyVec3} b the second operand * @returns {vec3} out */ function max(out, a, b) { out[0] = Math.max(a[0], b[0]); out[1] = Math.max(a[1], b[1]); out[2] = Math.max(a[2], b[2]); return out; } /** * Scales a vec3 by a scalar number * * @param {vec3} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec3} a the vector to scale * @param {Number} b amount to scale the vector by * @returns {vec3} out */ function scale$1(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b; out[1] = a[1] * b; out[2] = a[2] * b; return out; } /** * Normalize a vec3 * * @param {vec3} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec3} a vector to normalize * @returns {vec3} out */ function normalize(out, a) { var x = a[0]; var y = a[1]; var z = a[2]; var len = x * x + y * y + z * z; if (len > 0) { //TODO: evaluate use of glm_invsqrt here? len = 1 / Math.sqrt(len); } out[0] = a[0] * len; out[1] = a[1] * len; out[2] = a[2] * len; return out; } /** * Transforms the vec3 with a mat4. * 4th vector component is implicitly '1' * * @param {vec3} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec3} a the vector to transform * @param {ReadonlyMat4} m matrix to transform with * @returns {vec3} out */ function transformMat4(out, a, m) { var x = a[0], y = a[1], z = a[2]; var w = m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[11] * z + m[15]; w = w || 1.0; out[0] = (m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[8] * z + m[12]) / w; out[1] = (m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[9] * z + m[13]) / w; out[2] = (m[2] * x + m[6] * y + m[10] * z + m[14]) / w; return out; } /** * Transforms the vec3 with a mat3. * * @param {vec3} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec3} a the vector to transform * @param {ReadonlyMat3} m the 3x3 matrix to transform with * @returns {vec3} out */ function transformMat3(out, a, m) { var x = a[0], y = a[1], z = a[2]; out[0] = x * m[0] + y * m[3] + z * m[6]; out[1] = x * m[1] + y * m[4] + z * m[7]; out[2] = x * m[2] + y * m[5] + z * m[8]; return out; } /** * Alias for {@link vec3.multiply} * @function */ var mul$1 = multiply$1; /** * Perform some operation over an array of vec3s. * * @param {Array} a the array of vectors to iterate over * @param {Number} stride Number of elements between the start of each vec3. If 0 assumes tightly packed * @param {Number} offset Number of elements to skip at the beginning of the array * @param {Number} count Number of vec3s to iterate over. If 0 iterates over entire array * @param {Function} fn Function to call for each vector in the array * @param {Object} [arg] additional argument to pass to fn * @returns {Array} a * @function */ (function () { var vec = create$1(); return function (a, stride, offset, count, fn, arg) { var i, l; if (!stride) { stride = 3; } if (!offset) { offset = 0; } if (count) { l = Math.min(count * stride + offset, a.length); } else { l = a.length; } for (i = offset; i < l; i += stride) { vec[0] = a[i]; vec[1] = a[i + 1]; vec[2] = a[i + 2]; fn(vec, vec, arg); a[i] = vec[0]; a[i + 1] = vec[1]; a[i + 2] = vec[2]; } return a; }; })(); const NAME$o = 'dedup'; const DEDUP_DEFAULTS = { keepUniqueNames: false, propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR, core.PropertyType.MESH, core.PropertyType.TEXTURE, core.PropertyType.MATERIAL, core.PropertyType.SKIN] }; /** * Removes duplicate {@link Accessor}, {@link Mesh}, {@link Texture}, and {@link Material} * properties. Partially based on a * [gist by mattdesl]( Only * accessors in mesh primitives, morph targets, and animation samplers are processed. * * Example: * * ```ts * document.getRoot().listMeshes(); // → [Mesh, Mesh, Mesh] * * await document.transform(dedup({propertyTypes: [PropertyType.MESH]})); * * document.getRoot().listMeshes(); // → [Mesh] * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function dedup(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = DEDUP_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(DEDUP_DEFAULTS, _options); const propertyTypes = new Set(options.propertyTypes); for (const propertyType of options.propertyTypes) { if (!DEDUP_DEFAULTS.propertyTypes.includes(propertyType)) { throw new Error(`${NAME$o}: Unsupported deduplication on type "${propertyType}".`); } } return createTransform(NAME$o, document => { const logger = document.getLogger(); if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR)) dedupAccessors(document); if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.TEXTURE)) dedupImages(document, options); if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.MATERIAL)) dedupMaterials(document, options); if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.MESH)) dedupMeshes(document, options); if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.SKIN)) dedupSkins(document, options); logger.debug(`${NAME$o}: Complete.`); }); } function dedupAccessors(document) { const logger = document.getLogger(); // Find all accessors used for mesh and animation data. const indicesMap = new Map(); const attributeMap = new Map(); const inputMap = new Map(); const outputMap = new Map(); const meshes = document.getRoot().listMeshes(); meshes.forEach(mesh => { mesh.listPrimitives().forEach(primitive => { primitive.listAttributes().forEach(accessor => hashAccessor(accessor, attributeMap)); hashAccessor(primitive.getIndices(), indicesMap); }); }); for (const animation of document.getRoot().listAnimations()) { for (const sampler of animation.listSamplers()) { hashAccessor(sampler.getInput(), inputMap); hashAccessor(sampler.getOutput(), outputMap); } } // Add accessor to the appropriate hash group. Hashes are _non-unique_, // intended to quickly compare everything accept the underlying array. function hashAccessor(accessor, group) { if (!accessor) return; const hash = [accessor.getCount(), accessor.getType(), accessor.getComponentType(), accessor.getNormalized(), accessor.getSparse()].join(':'); let hashSet = group.get(hash); if (!hashSet) group.set(hash, hashSet = new Set()); hashSet.add(accessor); } // Find duplicate accessors of a given type. function detectDuplicates(accessors, duplicates) { for (let i = 0; i < accessors.length; i++) { const a = accessors[i]; const aData = core.BufferUtils.toView(a.getArray()); if (duplicates.has(a)) continue; for (let j = i + 1; j < accessors.length; j++) { const b = accessors[j]; if (duplicates.has(b)) continue; // Just compare the arrays — everything else was covered by the // hash. Comparing uint8 views is faster than comparing the // original typed arrays. if (core.BufferUtils.equals(aData, core.BufferUtils.toView(b.getArray()))) { duplicates.set(b, a); } } } } let total = 0; const duplicates = new Map(); for (const group of [attributeMap, indicesMap, inputMap, outputMap]) { for (const hashGroup of group.values()) { total += hashGroup.size; detectDuplicates(Array.from(hashGroup), duplicates); } } logger.debug(`${NAME$o}: Merged ${duplicates.size} of ${total} accessors.`); // Dissolve duplicate vertex attributes and indices. meshes.forEach(mesh => { mesh.listPrimitives().forEach(primitive => { primitive.listAttributes().forEach(accessor => { if (duplicates.has(accessor)) { primitive.swap(accessor, duplicates.get(accessor)); } }); const indices = primitive.getIndices(); if (indices && duplicates.has(indices)) { primitive.swap(indices, duplicates.get(indices)); } }); }); // Dissolve duplicate animation sampler inputs and outputs. for (const animation of document.getRoot().listAnimations()) { for (const sampler of animation.listSamplers()) { const input = sampler.getInput(); const output = sampler.getOutput(); if (input && duplicates.has(input)) { sampler.swap(input, duplicates.get(input)); } if (output && duplicates.has(output)) { sampler.swap(output, duplicates.get(output)); } } } Array.from(duplicates.keys()).forEach(accessor => accessor.dispose()); } function dedupMeshes(document, options) { const logger = document.getLogger(); const root = document.getRoot(); // Create Reference -> ID lookup table. const refs = new Map(); root.listAccessors().forEach((accessor, index) => refs.set(accessor, index)); root.listMaterials().forEach((material, index) => refs.set(material, index)); // For each mesh, create a hashkey. const numMeshes = root.listMeshes().length; const uniqueMeshes = new Map(); for (const src of root.listMeshes()) { // For each mesh, create a hashkey. const srcKeyItems = []; for (const prim of src.listPrimitives()) { srcKeyItems.push(createPrimitiveKey(prim, refs)); } // If another mesh exists with the same key, replace all instances with that, and dispose // of the duplicate. If not, just cache it. let meshKey = ''; if (options.keepUniqueNames) meshKey += src.getName() + ';'; meshKey += srcKeyItems.join(';'); if (uniqueMeshes.has(meshKey)) { const targetMesh = uniqueMeshes.get(meshKey); src.listParents().forEach(parent => { if (parent.propertyType !== core.PropertyType.ROOT) { parent.swap(src, targetMesh); } }); src.dispose(); } else { uniqueMeshes.set(meshKey, src); } } logger.debug(`${NAME$o}: Merged ${numMeshes - uniqueMeshes.size} of ${numMeshes} meshes.`); } function dedupImages(document, options) { const logger = document.getLogger(); const root = document.getRoot(); const textures = root.listTextures(); const duplicates = new Map(); // Compare each texture to every other texture — O(n²) — and mark duplicates for replacement. for (let i = 0; i < textures.length; i++) { const a = textures[i]; const aData = a.getImage(); if (duplicates.has(a)) continue; for (let j = i + 1; j < textures.length; j++) { const b = textures[j]; const bData = b.getImage(); if (duplicates.has(b)) continue; // URIs are intentionally not compared. if (a.getMimeType() !== b.getMimeType()) continue; if (options.keepUniqueNames && a.getName() !== b.getName()) continue; const aSize = a.getSize(); const bSize = b.getSize(); if (!aSize || !bSize) continue; if (aSize[0] !== bSize[0]) continue; if (aSize[1] !== bSize[1]) continue; if (!aData || !bData) continue; if (core.BufferUtils.equals(aData, bData)) { duplicates.set(b, a); } } } logger.debug(`${NAME$o}: Merged ${duplicates.size} of ${root.listTextures().length} textures.`); Array.from(duplicates.entries()).forEach(_ref => { let [src, dst] = _ref; src.listParents().forEach(property => { if (!(property instanceof core.Root)) property.swap(src, dst); }); src.dispose(); }); } function dedupMaterials(document, options) { const logger = document.getLogger(); const root = document.getRoot(); const materials = root.listMaterials(); const duplicates = new Map(); const modifierCache = new Map(); const skip = new Set(); if (!options.keepUniqueNames) { skip.add('name'); } // Compare each material to every other material — O(n²) — and mark duplicates for replacement. for (let i = 0; i < materials.length; i++) { const a = materials[i]; if (duplicates.has(a)) continue; if (hasModifier(a, modifierCache)) continue; for (let j = i + 1; j < materials.length; j++) { const b = materials[j]; if (duplicates.has(b)) continue; if (hasModifier(b, modifierCache)) continue; if (a.equals(b, skip)) { duplicates.set(b, a); } } } logger.debug(`${NAME$o}: Merged ${duplicates.size} of ${materials.length} materials.`); Array.from(duplicates.entries()).forEach(_ref2 => { let [src, dst] = _ref2; src.listParents().forEach(property => { if (!(property instanceof core.Root)) property.swap(src, dst); }); src.dispose(); }); } function dedupSkins(document, options) { const logger = document.getLogger(); const root = document.getRoot(); const skins = root.listSkins(); const duplicates = new Map(); const skip = new Set(['joints']); if (!options.keepUniqueNames) { skip.add('name'); } for (let i = 0; i < skins.length; i++) { const a = skins[i]; if (duplicates.has(a)) continue; for (let j = i + 1; j < skins.length; j++) { const b = skins[j]; if (duplicates.has(b)) continue; // Check joints with shallow equality, not deep equality. // See: if (a.equals(b, skip) && shallowEqualsArray(a.listJoints(), b.listJoints())) { duplicates.set(b, a); } } } logger.debug(`${NAME$o}: Merged ${duplicates.size} of ${skins.length} skins.`); Array.from(duplicates.entries()).forEach(_ref3 => { let [src, dst] = _ref3; src.listParents().forEach(property => { if (!(property instanceof core.Root)) property.swap(src, dst); }); src.dispose(); }); } /** Generates a key unique to the content of a primitive or target. */ function createPrimitiveKey(prim, refs) { const primKeyItems = []; for (const semantic of prim.listSemantics()) { const attribute = prim.getAttribute(semantic); primKeyItems.push(semantic + ':' + refs.get(attribute)); } if (prim instanceof core.Primitive) { const indices = prim.getIndices(); if (indices) { primKeyItems.push('indices:' + refs.get(indices)); } const material = prim.getMaterial(); if (material) { primKeyItems.push('material:' + refs.get(material)); } primKeyItems.push('mode:' + prim.getMode()); for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { primKeyItems.push('target:' + createPrimitiveKey(target, refs)); } } return primKeyItems.join(','); } /** * Detects dependencies modified by a parent reference, to conservatively prevent merging. When * implementing extensions like KHR_animation_pointer, the 'modifyChild' attribute should be added * to graph edges connecting the animation channel to the animated target property. * * NOTICE: Implementation is conservative, and could prevent merging two materials sharing the * same animated "Clearcoat" ExtensionProperty. While that scenario is possible for an in-memory * glTF Transform graph, valid glTF input files do not have that risk. */ function hasModifier(prop, cache) { if (cache.has(prop)) return cache.get(prop); const graph = prop.getGraph(); const visitedNodes = new Set(); const edgeQueue = graph.listParentEdges(prop); // Search dependency subtree for 'modifyChild' attribute. while (edgeQueue.length > 0) { const edge = edgeQueue.pop(); if (edge.getAttributes().modifyChild === true) { cache.set(prop, true); return true; } const child = edge.getChild(); if (visitedNodes.has(child)) continue; for (const childEdge of graph.listChildEdges(child)) { edgeQueue.push(childEdge); } } cache.set(prop, false); return false; } /** * 4 Dimensional Vector * @module vec4 */ /** * Creates a new, empty vec4 * * @returns {vec4} a new 4D vector */ function create() { var out = new ARRAY_TYPE(4); if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; } return out; } /** * Adds two vec4's * * @param {vec4} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec4} a the first operand * @param {ReadonlyVec4} b the second operand * @returns {vec4} out */ function add(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0]; out[1] = a[1] + b[1]; out[2] = a[2] + b[2]; out[3] = a[3] + b[3]; return out; } /** * Subtracts vector b from vector a * * @param {vec4} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec4} a the first operand * @param {ReadonlyVec4} b the second operand * @returns {vec4} out */ function subtract(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] - b[0]; out[1] = a[1] - b[1]; out[2] = a[2] - b[2]; out[3] = a[3] - b[3]; return out; } /** * Multiplies two vec4's * * @param {vec4} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec4} a the first operand * @param {ReadonlyVec4} b the second operand * @returns {vec4} out */ function multiply(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b[0]; out[1] = a[1] * b[1]; out[2] = a[2] * b[2]; out[3] = a[3] * b[3]; return out; } /** * Scales a vec4 by a scalar number * * @param {vec4} out the receiving vector * @param {ReadonlyVec4} a the vector to scale * @param {Number} b amount to scale the vector by * @returns {vec4} out */ function scale(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b; out[1] = a[1] * b; out[2] = a[2] * b; out[3] = a[3] * b; return out; } /** * Calculates the length of a vec4 * * @param {ReadonlyVec4} a vector to calculate length of * @returns {Number} length of a */ function length(a) { var x = a[0]; var y = a[1]; var z = a[2]; var w = a[3]; return Math.hypot(x, y, z, w); } /** * Alias for {@link vec4.subtract} * @function */ var sub = subtract; /** * Alias for {@link vec4.multiply} * @function */ var mul = multiply; /** * Alias for {@link vec4.length} * @function */ var len = length; /** * Perform some operation over an array of vec4s. * * @param {Array} a the array of vectors to iterate over * @param {Number} stride Number of elements between the start of each vec4. If 0 assumes tightly packed * @param {Number} offset Number of elements to skip at the beginning of the array * @param {Number} count Number of vec4s to iterate over. If 0 iterates over entire array * @param {Function} fn Function to call for each vector in the array * @param {Object} [arg] additional argument to pass to fn * @returns {Array} a * @function */ (function () { var vec = create(); return function (a, stride, offset, count, fn, arg) { var i, l; if (!stride) { stride = 4; } if (!offset) { offset = 0; } if (count) { l = Math.min(count * stride + offset, a.length); } else { l = a.length; } for (i = offset; i < l; i += stride) { vec[0] = a[i]; vec[1] = a[i + 1]; vec[2] = a[i + 2]; vec[3] = a[i + 3]; fn(vec, vec, arg); a[i] = vec[0]; a[i + 1] = vec[1]; a[i + 2] = vec[2]; a[i + 3] = vec[3]; } return a; }; })(); const SRGB_PATTERN = /color|emissive|diffuse/i; /** * Returns the color space (if any) implied by the {@link Material} slots to * which a texture is assigned, or null for non-color textures. If the texture * is not connected to any {@link Material}, this function will also return * null — any metadata in the image file will be ignored. * * Under current glTF specifications, only 'srgb' and non-color (null) textures * are used. * * Example: * * ```typescript * import { getTextureColorSpace } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const baseColorTexture = material.getBaseColorTexture(); * const normalTexture = material.getNormalTexture(); * * getTextureColorSpace(baseColorTexture); // → 'srgb' * getTextureColorSpace(normalTexture); // → null * ``` */ function getTextureColorSpace(texture) { const graph = texture.getGraph(); const edges = graph.listParentEdges(texture); const isSRGB = edges.some(edge => { return edge.getAttributes().isColor || SRGB_PATTERN.test(edge.getName()); }); return isSRGB ? 'srgb' : null; } /** * Lists all {@link TextureInfo} definitions associated with a given * {@link Texture}. May be used to determine which UV transforms * and texCoord indices are applied to the material, without explicitly * checking the material properties and extensions. * * Example: * * ```typescript * // Find TextureInfo instances associated with the texture. * const results = listTextureInfo(texture); * * // Find which UV sets (TEXCOORD_0, TEXCOORD_1, ...) are required. * const texCoords = => info.getTexCoord()); * // → [0, 1] * ``` */ function listTextureInfo(texture) { const graph = texture.getGraph(); const results = new Set(); for (const textureEdge of graph.listParentEdges(texture)) { const parent = textureEdge.getParent(); const name = textureEdge.getName() + 'Info'; for (const edge of graph.listChildEdges(parent)) { const child = edge.getChild(); if (child instanceof core.TextureInfo && edge.getName() === name) { results.add(child); } } } return Array.from(results); } /** * Lists all {@link TextureInfo} definitions associated with any {@link Texture} * on the given {@link Material}. May be used to determine which UV transforms * and texCoord indices are applied to the material, without explicitly * checking the material properties and extensions. * * Example: * * ```typescript * const results = listTextureInfoByMaterial(material); * * const texCoords = => info.getTexCoord()); * // → [0, 1] * ``` */ function listTextureInfoByMaterial(material) { const graph = material.getGraph(); const visited = new Set(); const results = new Set(); function traverse(prop) { const textureInfoNames = new Set(); for (const edge of graph.listChildEdges(prop)) { if (edge.getChild() instanceof core.Texture) { textureInfoNames.add(edge.getName() + 'Info'); } } for (const edge of graph.listChildEdges(prop)) { const child = edge.getChild(); if (visited.has(child)) continue; visited.add(child); if (child instanceof core.TextureInfo && textureInfoNames.has(edge.getName())) { results.add(child); } else if (child instanceof core.ExtensionProperty) { traverse(child); } } } traverse(material); return Array.from(results); } /** * Returns names of all texture slots using the given texture. * * Example: * * ```js * const slots = listTextureSlots(texture); * // → ['occlusionTexture', 'metallicRoughnesTexture'] * ``` */ function listTextureSlots(texture) { const document = core.Document.fromGraph(texture.getGraph()); const root = document.getRoot(); const slots = texture.getGraph().listParentEdges(texture).filter(edge => edge.getParent() !== root).map(edge => edge.getName()); return Array.from(new Set(slots)); } function _catch(body, recover) { try { var result = body(); } catch (e) { return recover(e); } if (result && result.then) { return result.then(void 0, recover); } return result; } const maybeGetPixels = function (texture) { return Promise.resolve(_catch(function () { return Promise.resolve(ndarrayPixels.getPixels(texture.getImage(), texture.getMimeType())); }, function () { return null; })); }; const getTextureFactor = function (texture) { return Promise.resolve(maybeGetPixels(texture)).then(function (pixels) { if (!pixels) return null; const min = [Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]; const max = [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]; const target = [0, 0, 0, 0]; const [width, height] = pixels.shape; for (let i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (let k = 0; k < 4; k++) { min[k] = Math.min(min[k], pixels.get(i, j, k)); max[k] = Math.max(max[k], pixels.get(i, j, k)); } } if (len(sub(target, max, min)) / 255 > EPS) { return null; } } return scale(target, add(target, max, min), 0.5 / 255); }); }; /********************************************************************************************** * Prune solid (single-color) textures. */ const pruneSolidTextures = function (document) { try { const root = document.getRoot(); const graph = document.getGraph(); const logger = document.getLogger(); const textures = root.listTextures(); const pending = (texture) { return Promise.resolve(getTextureFactor(texture)).then(function (factor) { var _texture$getSize; if (!factor) return; if (getTextureColorSpace(texture) === 'srgb') { core.ColorUtils.convertSRGBToLinear(factor, factor); } const name = texture.getName() || texture.getURI(); const size = (_texture$getSize = texture.getSize()) == null ? void 0 : _texture$getSize.join('x'); const slots = listTextureSlots(texture); for (const edge of graph.listParentEdges(texture)) { const parent = edge.getParent(); if (parent !== root && applyMaterialFactor(parent, factor, edge.getName(), logger)) { edge.dispose(); } } if (texture.listParents().length === 1) { texture.dispose(); logger.debug(`${NAME$n}: Removed solid-color texture "${name}" (${size}px ${slots.join(', ')})`); } }); }); return Promise.resolve(Promise.all(pending)).then(function () {}); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }; const NAME$n = 'prune'; const EPS = 3 / 255; const PRUNE_DEFAULTS = { propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.NODE, core.PropertyType.SKIN, core.PropertyType.MESH, core.PropertyType.CAMERA, core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE, core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE_TARGET, core.PropertyType.ANIMATION, core.PropertyType.MATERIAL, core.PropertyType.TEXTURE, core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR, core.PropertyType.BUFFER], keepLeaves: false, keepAttributes: false, keepIndices: false, keepSolidTextures: false, keepExtras: false }; /** * Removes properties from the file if they are not referenced by a {@link Scene}. Commonly helpful * for cleaning up after other operations, e.g. allowing a node to be detached and any unused * meshes, materials, or other resources to be removed automatically. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { PropertyType } from '@gltf-transform/core'; * import { prune } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * document.getRoot().listMaterials(); // → [Material, Material] * * await document.transform( * prune({ * propertyTypes: [PropertyType.MATERIAL], * keepExtras: true * }) * ); * * document.getRoot().listMaterials(); // → [Material] * ``` * * By default, pruning will aggressively remove most unused resources. Use * {@link PruneOptions} to limit what is considered for pruning. * * @category Transforms */ function prune(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = PRUNE_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(PRUNE_DEFAULTS, _options); const propertyTypes = new Set(options.propertyTypes); const keepExtras = options.keepExtras; return createTransform(NAME$n, function (document) { try { function _temp3() { if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR)) { root.listAccessors().forEach(accessor => treeShake(accessor, keepExtras)); } if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.BUFFER)) { root.listBuffers().forEach(buffer => treeShake(buffer, keepExtras)); } // TODO(bug): This process does not identify unused ExtensionProperty instances. That could // be a future enhancement, either tracking unlinked properties as if they were connected // to the Graph, or iterating over a property list provided by the Extension. Properties in // use by an Extension are correctly preserved, in the meantime. // TODO(cleanup): Publish GraphEvent / GraphEventListener types from 'property-graph'. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any graph.removeEventListener('node:dispose', onDispose); if (!counter.empty()) { const str = counter.entries().map(_ref => { let [type, count] = _ref; return `${type} (${count})`; }).join(', ');`${NAME$n}: Removed types... ${str}`); } else { logger.debug(`${NAME$n}: No unused properties found.`); } logger.debug(`${NAME$n}: Complete.`); } const logger = document.getLogger(); const root = document.getRoot(); const graph = document.getGraph(); const counter = new DisposeCounter(); const onDispose = event => counter.dispose(; // TODO(cleanup): Publish GraphEvent / GraphEventListener types from 'property-graph'. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any graph.addEventListener('node:dispose', onDispose); // Prune top-down, so that low-level properties like accessors can be removed if the // properties referencing them are removed. // Prune empty Meshes. if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.MESH)) { for (const mesh of root.listMeshes()) { if (mesh.listPrimitives().length > 0) continue; mesh.dispose(); } } if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.NODE)) { if (!options.keepLeaves) { for (const scene of root.listScenes()) { nodeTreeShake(graph, scene, keepExtras); } } for (const node of root.listNodes()) { treeShake(node, keepExtras); } } if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.SKIN)) { for (const skin of root.listSkins()) { treeShake(skin, keepExtras); } } if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.MESH)) { for (const mesh of root.listMeshes()) { treeShake(mesh, keepExtras); } } if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.CAMERA)) { for (const camera of root.listCameras()) { treeShake(camera, keepExtras); } } if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE)) { indirectTreeShake(graph, core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE, keepExtras); } if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE_TARGET)) { indirectTreeShake(graph, core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE_TARGET, keepExtras); } // Prune unused vertex attributes. if (!options.keepAttributes && propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR)) { const materialPrims = new Map(); for (const mesh of root.listMeshes()) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { const material = prim.getMaterial(); if (!material) continue; const required = listRequiredSemantics(document, prim, material); const unused = listUnusedSemantics(prim, required); pruneAttributes(prim, unused); prim.listTargets().forEach(target => pruneAttributes(target, unused)); materialPrims.has(material) ? materialPrims.get(material).add(prim) : materialPrims.set(material, new Set([prim])); } } for (const [material, prims] of materialPrims) { shiftTexCoords(material, Array.from(prims)); } } // Prune unused mesh indices. if (!options.keepIndices && propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR)) { for (const mesh of root.listMeshes()) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { pruneIndices(prim); } } } // Pruning animations is a bit more complicated: // (1) Remove channels without target nodes. // (2) Remove animations without channels. // (3) Remove samplers orphaned in the process. if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.ANIMATION)) { for (const anim of root.listAnimations()) { for (const channel of anim.listChannels()) { if (!channel.getTargetNode()) { channel.dispose(); } } if (!anim.listChannels().length) { const samplers = anim.listSamplers(); treeShake(anim, keepExtras); samplers.forEach(sampler => treeShake(sampler, keepExtras)); } else { anim.listSamplers().forEach(sampler => treeShake(sampler, keepExtras)); } } } if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.MATERIAL)) { root.listMaterials().forEach(material => treeShake(material, keepExtras)); } const _temp2 = function () { if (propertyTypes.has(core.PropertyType.TEXTURE)) { root.listTextures().forEach(texture => treeShake(texture, keepExtras)); const _temp = function () { if (!options.keepSolidTextures) { return Promise.resolve(pruneSolidTextures(document)).then(function () {}); } }(); if (_temp && _temp.then) return _temp.then(function () {}); } }(); return Promise.resolve(_temp2 && _temp2.then ? _temp2.then(_temp3) : _temp3(_temp2)); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } /********************************************************************************************** * Utility for disposing properties and reporting statistics afterward. */ class DisposeCounter { constructor() { this.disposed = {}; } empty() { for (const key in this.disposed) return false; return true; } entries() { return Object.entries(this.disposed); } /** Records properties disposed by type. */ dispose(prop) { this.disposed[prop.propertyType] = this.disposed[prop.propertyType] || 0; this.disposed[prop.propertyType]++; } } /********************************************************************************************** * Helper functions for the {@link prune} transform. * * IMPORTANT: These functions were previously declared in function scope, but * broke in the CommonJS build due to a buggy Babel transform. See: * */ /** Disposes of the given property if it is unused. */ function treeShake(prop, keepExtras) { // Consider a property unused if it has no references from another property, excluding // types Root and AnimationChannel. const parents = prop.listParents().filter(p => !(p instanceof core.Root || p instanceof core.AnimationChannel)); const needsExtras = keepExtras && !isEmptyObject(prop.getExtras()); if (!parents.length && !needsExtras) { prop.dispose(); } } /** * For property types the Root does not maintain references to, we'll need to search the * graph. It's possible that objects may have been constructed without any outbound links, * but since they're not on the graph they don't need to be tree-shaken. */ function indirectTreeShake(graph, propertyType, keepExtras) { for (const edge of graph.listEdges()) { const parent = edge.getParent(); if (parent.propertyType === propertyType) { treeShake(parent, keepExtras); } } } /** Iteratively prunes leaf Nodes without contents. */ function nodeTreeShake(graph, prop, keepExtras) { prop.listChildren().forEach(child => nodeTreeShake(graph, child, keepExtras)); if (prop instanceof core.Scene) return; const isUsed = graph.listParentEdges(prop).some(e => { const ptype = e.getParent().propertyType; return ptype !== core.PropertyType.ROOT && ptype !== core.PropertyType.SCENE && ptype !== core.PropertyType.NODE; }); const isEmpty = graph.listChildren(prop).length === 0; const needsExtras = keepExtras && !isEmptyObject(prop.getExtras()); if (isEmpty && !isUsed && !needsExtras) { prop.dispose(); } } function pruneAttributes(prim, unused) { for (const semantic of unused) { prim.setAttribute(semantic, null); } } function pruneIndices(prim) { const indices = prim.getIndices(); const indicesArray = indices && indices.getArray(); const attribute = prim.listAttributes()[0]; if (!indicesArray || !attribute) { return; } if (indices.getCount() !== attribute.getCount()) { return; } for (let i = 0, il = indicesArray.length; i < il; i++) { if (i !== indicesArray[i]) { return; } } prim.setIndices(null); } /** * Lists vertex attribute semantics that are unused when rendering a given primitive. */ function listUnusedSemantics(prim, required) { const unused = []; for (const semantic of prim.listSemantics()) { if (semantic === 'NORMAL' && !required.has(semantic)) { unused.push(semantic); } else if (semantic === 'TANGENT' && !required.has(semantic)) { unused.push(semantic); } else if (semantic.startsWith('TEXCOORD_') && !required.has(semantic)) { unused.push(semantic); } else if (semantic.startsWith('COLOR_') && semantic !== 'COLOR_0') { unused.push(semantic); } } return unused; } /** * Lists vertex attribute semantics required by a material. Does not include * attributes that would be used unconditionally, like POSITION or NORMAL. */ function listRequiredSemantics(document, prim, material, semantics) { if (semantics === void 0) { semantics = new Set(); } const graph = document.getGraph(); const edges = graph.listChildEdges(material); const textureNames = new Set(); for (const edge of edges) { if (edge.getChild() instanceof core.Texture) { textureNames.add(edge.getName()); } } for (const edge of edges) { const name = edge.getName(); const child = edge.getChild(); if (child instanceof core.TextureInfo) { if (textureNames.has(name.replace(/Info$/, ''))) { semantics.add(`TEXCOORD_${child.getTexCoord()}`); } } if (child instanceof core.Texture && name.match(/normalTexture/i)) { semantics.add('TANGENT'); } if (child instanceof core.ExtensionProperty) { listRequiredSemantics(document, prim, child, semantics); } // TODO(#748): Does KHR_materials_anisotropy imply required vertex attributes? } const isLit = material instanceof core.Material && !material.getExtension('KHR_materials_unlit'); const isPoints = prim.getMode() === core.Primitive.Mode.POINTS; if (isLit && !isPoints) { semantics.add('NORMAL'); } return semantics; } /** * Shifts texCoord indices on the given material and primitives assigned to * that material, such that indices start at zero and ascend without gaps. * Prior to calling this function, the implementation must ensure that: * - All TEXCOORD_n attributes on these prims are used by the material. * - Material does not require any unavailable TEXCOORD_n attributes. * * TEXCOORD_n attributes on morph targets are shifted alongside the parent * prim, but gaps may remain in their semantic lists. */ function shiftTexCoords(material, prims) { // Create map from srcTexCoord → dstTexCoord. const textureInfoList = listTextureInfoByMaterial(material); const texCoordSet = new Set( => info.getTexCoord())); const texCoordList = Array.from(texCoordSet).sort(); const texCoordMap = new Map(, index) => [texCoord, index])); const semanticMap = new Map(, index) => [`TEXCOORD_${texCoord}`, `TEXCOORD_${index}`])); // Update material. for (const textureInfo of textureInfoList) { const texCoord = textureInfo.getTexCoord(); textureInfo.setTexCoord(texCoordMap.get(texCoord)); } // Update prims. for (const prim of prims) { const semantics = prim.listSemantics().filter(semantic => semantic.startsWith('TEXCOORD_')).sort(); updatePrim(prim, semantics); prim.listTargets().forEach(target => updatePrim(target, semantics)); } function updatePrim(prim, srcSemantics) { for (const srcSemantic of srcSemantics) { const uv = prim.getAttribute(srcSemantic); if (!uv) continue; const dstSemantic = semanticMap.get(srcSemantic); if (dstSemantic === srcSemantic) continue; prim.setAttribute(dstSemantic, uv); prim.setAttribute(srcSemantic, null); } } } function applyMaterialFactor(material, factor, slot, logger) { if (material instanceof core.Material) { switch (slot) { case 'baseColorTexture': material.setBaseColorFactor(mul(factor, factor, material.getBaseColorFactor())); return true; case 'emissiveTexture': material.setEmissiveFactor(mul$1([0, 0, 0], factor.slice(0, 3), material.getEmissiveFactor())); return true; case 'occlusionTexture': return Math.abs(factor[0] - 1) <= EPS; case 'metallicRoughnessTexture': material.setRoughnessFactor(factor[1] * material.getRoughnessFactor()); material.setMetallicFactor(factor[2] * material.getMetallicFactor()); return true; case 'normalTexture': return len(sub(create(), factor, [0.5, 0.5, 1, 1])) <= EPS; } } logger.warn(`${NAME$n}: Detected single-color ${slot} texture. Pruning ${slot} not yet supported.`); return false; } /** Flags 'empty' values in a Uint32Array index. */ const EMPTY_U32$1 = 2 ** 32 - 1; class VertexStream { constructor(prim) { this.attributes = []; /** Temporary vertex views in 4-byte-aligned memory. */ this.u8 = void 0; this.u32 = void 0; let byteStride = 0; for (const attribute of deepListAttributes(prim)) { byteStride += this._initAttribute(attribute); } this.u8 = new Uint8Array(byteStride); this.u32 = new Uint32Array(this.u8.buffer); } _initAttribute(attribute) { const array = attribute.getArray(); const u8 = new Uint8Array(array.buffer, array.byteOffset, array.byteLength); const byteStride = attribute.getElementSize() * attribute.getComponentSize(); const paddedByteStride = core.BufferUtils.padNumber(byteStride); this.attributes.push({ u8, byteStride, paddedByteStride }); return paddedByteStride; } hash(index) { // Load vertex into 4-byte-aligned view. let byteOffset = 0; for (const { u8, byteStride, paddedByteStride } of this.attributes) { for (let i = 0; i < paddedByteStride; i++) { if (i < byteStride) { this.u8[byteOffset + i] = u8[index * byteStride + i]; } else { this.u8[byteOffset + i] = 0; } } byteOffset += paddedByteStride; } // Compute hash. return murmurHash2(0, this.u32); } equal(a, b) { for (const { u8, byteStride } of this.attributes) { for (let j = 0; j < byteStride; j++) { if (u8[a * byteStride + j] !== u8[b * byteStride + j]) { return false; } } } return true; } } /** * References: * - * - */ function murmurHash2(h, key) { // MurmurHash2 const m = 0x5bd1e995; const r = 24; for (let i = 0, il = key.length; i < il; i++) { let k = key[i]; k = Math.imul(k, m) >>> 0; k = (k ^ k >> r) >>> 0; k = Math.imul(k, m) >>> 0; h = Math.imul(h, m) >>> 0; h = (h ^ k) >>> 0; } return h; } function hashLookup(table, buckets, stream, key, empty) { if (empty === void 0) { empty = EMPTY_U32$1; } const hashmod = buckets - 1; const hashval = stream.hash(key); let bucket = hashval & hashmod; for (let probe = 0; probe <= hashmod; probe++) { const item = table[bucket]; if (item === empty || stream.equal(item, key)) { return bucket; } bucket = bucket + probe + 1 & hashmod; // Hash collision. } throw new Error('Hash table full.'); } /** * Various methods of estimating a vertex count. For some background on why * multiple definitions of a vertex count should exist, see [_Vertex Count * Higher in Engine than in 3D Software_]( * Totals for a {@link Scene}, {@link Node}, or {@link Mesh} will not * necessarily match the sum of the totals for each {@link Primitive}. Choose * the appropriate method for a relevant total or estimate: * * - {@link getSceneVertexCount} * - {@link getNodeVertexCount} * - {@link getMeshVertexCount} * - {@link getPrimitiveVertexCount} * * Many rendering features, such as volumetric transmission, may lead * to additional passes over some or all vertices. These tradeoffs are * implementation-dependent, and not considered here. */ exports.VertexCountMethod = void 0; (function (VertexCountMethod) { /** * Expected number of vertices processed by the vertex shader for one render * pass, without considering the vertex cache. */ VertexCountMethod["RENDER"] = "render"; /** * Expected number of vertices processed by the vertex shader for one render * pass, assuming an Average Transform to Vertex Ratio (ATVR) of 1. Approaching * this result requires optimizing for locality of vertex references (see * {@link reorder}). * * References: * - [ACMR and ATVR](, Real-Time Rendering */ VertexCountMethod["RENDER_CACHED"] = "render-cached"; /** * Expected number of vertices uploaded to the GPU, assuming that a client * uploads each unique {@link Accessor} only once. Unless glTF vertex * attributes are pre-processed to a known buffer layout, and the client is * optimized for that buffer layout, this total will be optimistic. */ VertexCountMethod["UPLOAD"] = "upload"; /** * Expected number of vertices uploaded to the GPU, assuming that a client * uploads each unique {@link Primitive} individually, duplicating vertex * attribute {@link Accessor Accessors} shared by multiple primitives, but * never uploading the same Mesh or Primitive to GPU memory more than once. */ VertexCountMethod["UPLOAD_NAIVE"] = "upload-naive"; /** * Total number of unique vertices represented, considering all attributes of * each vertex, and removing any duplicates. Has no direct relationship to * runtime characteristics, but may be helpful in identifying asset * optimization opportunities. * * @hidden TODO(feat): Not yet implemented. * @internal */ VertexCountMethod["DISTINCT"] = "distinct"; /** * Total number of unique vertices represented, considering only vertex * positions, and removing any duplicates. Has no direct relationship to * runtime characteristics, but may be helpful in identifying asset * optimization opportunities. * * @hidden TODO(feat): Not yet implemented. * @internal */ VertexCountMethod["DISTINCT_POSITION"] = "distinct-position"; /** * Number of vertex positions never used by any {@link Primitive}. If all * vertices are unused, this total will match `UPLOAD`. */ VertexCountMethod["UNUSED"] = "unused"; })(exports.VertexCountMethod || (exports.VertexCountMethod = {})); /** * Computes total number of vertices in a {@link Scene}, by the * specified method. Totals for the Scene will not necessarily match the sum * of the totals for each {@link Mesh} or {@link Primitive} within it. See * {@link VertexCountMethod} for available methods. */ function getSceneVertexCount(scene, method) { return _getSubtreeVertexCount(scene, method); } /** * Computes total number of vertices in a {@link Node}, by the * specified method. Totals for the node will not necessarily match the sum * of the totals for each {@link Mesh} or {@link Primitive} within it. See * {@link VertexCountMethod} for available methods. */ function getNodeVertexCount(node, method) { return _getSubtreeVertexCount(node, method); } function _getSubtreeVertexCount(node, method) { const instancedMeshes = []; const nonInstancedMeshes = []; const meshes = []; node.traverse(node => { const mesh = node.getMesh(); const batch = node.getExtension('EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing'); if (batch && mesh) { meshes.push(mesh); instancedMeshes.push([batch.listAttributes()[0].getCount(), mesh]); } else if (mesh) { meshes.push(mesh); nonInstancedMeshes.push(mesh); } }); const prims = meshes.flatMap(mesh => mesh.listPrimitives()); const positions = => prim.getAttribute('POSITION')); const uniquePositions = Array.from(new Set(positions)); const uniqueMeshes = Array.from(new Set(meshes)); const uniquePrims = Array.from(new Set(uniqueMeshes.flatMap(mesh => mesh.listPrimitives()))); switch (method) { case exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER: case exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER_CACHED: return _sum( => getMeshVertexCount(mesh, method))) + _sum( => { let [batch, mesh] = _ref; return batch * getMeshVertexCount(mesh, method); })); case exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD_NAIVE: return _sum( => getMeshVertexCount(mesh, method))); case exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD: return _sum( => attribute.getCount())); case exports.VertexCountMethod.DISTINCT: case exports.VertexCountMethod.DISTINCT_POSITION: return _assertNotImplemented(method); case exports.VertexCountMethod.UNUSED: return _sumUnused(uniquePrims); default: return _assertUnreachable(method); } } /** * Computes total number of vertices in a {@link Mesh}, by the * specified method. Totals for the Mesh will not necessarily match the sum * of the totals for each {@link Primitive} within it. See * {@link VertexCountMethod} for available methods. */ function getMeshVertexCount(mesh, method) { const prims = mesh.listPrimitives(); const uniquePrims = Array.from(new Set(prims)); const uniquePositions = Array.from(new Set( => prim.getAttribute('POSITION')))); switch (method) { case exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER: case exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER_CACHED: case exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD_NAIVE: return _sum( => getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, method))); case exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD: return _sum( => attribute.getCount())); case exports.VertexCountMethod.DISTINCT: case exports.VertexCountMethod.DISTINCT_POSITION: return _assertNotImplemented(method); case exports.VertexCountMethod.UNUSED: return _sumUnused(uniquePrims); default: return _assertUnreachable(method); } } /** * Computes total number of vertices in a {@link Primitive}, by the * specified method. See {@link VertexCountMethod} for available methods. */ function getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, method) { const position = prim.getAttribute('POSITION'); const indices = prim.getIndices(); switch (method) { case exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER: return indices ? indices.getCount() : position.getCount(); case exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER_CACHED: return indices ? new Set(indices.getArray()).size : position.getCount(); case exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD_NAIVE: case exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD: return position.getCount(); case exports.VertexCountMethod.DISTINCT: case exports.VertexCountMethod.DISTINCT_POSITION: return _assertNotImplemented(method); case exports.VertexCountMethod.UNUSED: return indices ? position.getCount() - new Set(indices.getArray()).size : 0; default: return _assertUnreachable(method); } } function _sum(values) { let total = 0; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { total += values[i]; } return total; } function _sumUnused(prims) { const attributeIndexMap = new Map(); for (const prim of prims) { const position = prim.getAttribute('POSITION'); const indices = prim.getIndices(); const indicesSet = attributeIndexMap.get(position) || new Set(); indicesSet.add(indices); attributeIndexMap.set(position, indicesSet); } let unused = 0; for (const [position, indicesSet] of attributeIndexMap) { if (indicesSet.has(null)) continue; const usedIndices = new Uint8Array(position.getCount()); for (const indices of indicesSet) { const indicesArray = indices.getArray(); for (let i = 0, il = indicesArray.length; i < il; i++) { usedIndices[indicesArray[i]] = 1; } } for (let i = 0, il = position.getCount(); i < il; i++) { if (usedIndices[i] === 0) unused++; } } return unused; } function _assertNotImplemented(x) { throw new Error(`Not implemented: ${x}`); } function _assertUnreachable(x) { throw new Error(`Unexpected value: ${x}`); } /** * Rewrites a {@link Primitive} such that all unused vertices in its vertex * attributes are removed. When multiple Primitives share vertex attributes, * each indexing only a few, compaction can be used to produce Primitives * each having smaller, independent vertex streams instead. * * Regardless of whether the Primitive is indexed or contains unused vertices, * compaction will clone every {@link Accessor}. The resulting Primitive will * share no Accessors with other Primitives, allowing later changes to * the vertex stream to be applied in isolation. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { compactPrimitive, transformMesh } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * import { fromTranslation } from 'gl-matrix/mat4'; * * const mesh = document.getRoot().listMeshes().find((mesh) => mesh.getName() === 'MyMesh'); * const prim = mesh.listPrimitives().find((prim) => { ... }); * * // Compact primitive, removing unused vertices and detaching shared vertex * // attributes. Without compaction, `transformPrimitive` might affect other * // primitives sharing the same vertex attributes. * compactPrimitive(prim); * * // Transform primitive vertices, y += 10. * transformPrimitive(prim, fromTranslation([], [0, 10, 0])); * ``` * * Parameters 'remap' and 'dstVertexCount' are optional. When either is * provided, the other must be provided as well. If one or both are missing, * both will be computed from the mesh indices. * * @param remap - Mapping. Array index represents vertex index in the source * attributes, array value represents index in the resulting compacted * primitive. When omitted, calculated from indices. * @param dstVertexcount - Number of unique vertices in compacted primitive. * When omitted, calculated from indices. */ // TODO(cleanup): Additional signatures currently break greendoc/parse. // export function compactPrimitive(prim: Primitive): Primitive; // export function compactPrimitive(prim: Primitive, remap: TypedArray, dstVertexCount: number): Primitive; function compactPrimitive(prim, remap, dstVertexCount) { const document = core.Document.fromGraph(prim.getGraph()); if (!remap || !dstVertexCount) { [remap, dstVertexCount] = createCompactPlan(prim); } // Remap indices. const srcIndices = prim.getIndices(); const srcIndicesArray = srcIndices ? srcIndices.getArray() : null; const srcIndicesCount = getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER); const dstIndices = document.createAccessor(); const dstIndicesCount = srcIndicesCount; // primitive count does not change. const dstIndicesArray = createIndicesEmpty(dstIndicesCount, dstVertexCount); for (let i = 0; i < dstIndicesCount; i++) { dstIndicesArray[i] = remap[srcIndicesArray ? srcIndicesArray[i] : i]; } prim.setIndices(dstIndices.setArray(dstIndicesArray)); // Remap vertices. const srcAttributesPrev = deepListAttributes(prim); for (const srcAttribute of prim.listAttributes()) { const dstAttribute = shallowCloneAccessor(document, srcAttribute); compactAttribute(srcAttribute, srcIndices, remap, dstAttribute, dstVertexCount); prim.swap(srcAttribute, dstAttribute); } for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { for (const srcAttribute of target.listAttributes()) { const dstAttribute = shallowCloneAccessor(document, srcAttribute); compactAttribute(srcAttribute, srcIndices, remap, dstAttribute, dstVertexCount); target.swap(srcAttribute, dstAttribute); } } // Clean up accessors. if (srcIndices && srcIndices.listParents().length === 1) { srcIndices.dispose(); } for (const srcAttribute of srcAttributesPrev) { if (srcAttribute.listParents().length === 1) { srcAttribute.dispose(); } } return prim; } /** * Copies srcAttribute to dstAttribute, using the given indices and remap (srcIndex -> dstIndex). * Any existing array in dstAttribute is replaced. Vertices not used by the index are eliminated, * leaving a compact attribute. * @hidden * @internal */ function compactAttribute(srcAttribute, srcIndices, remap, dstAttribute, dstVertexCount) { const elementSize = srcAttribute.getElementSize(); const srcArray = srcAttribute.getArray(); const srcIndicesArray = srcIndices ? srcIndices.getArray() : null; const srcIndicesCount = srcIndices ? srcIndices.getCount() : srcAttribute.getCount(); const dstArray = new srcArray.constructor(dstVertexCount * elementSize); const dstDone = new Uint8Array(dstVertexCount); for (let i = 0; i < srcIndicesCount; i++) { const srcIndex = srcIndicesArray ? srcIndicesArray[i] : i; const dstIndex = remap[srcIndex]; if (dstDone[dstIndex]) continue; for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) { dstArray[dstIndex * elementSize + j] = srcArray[srcIndex * elementSize + j]; } dstDone[dstIndex] = 1; } return dstAttribute.setArray(dstArray); } /** * Creates a 'remap' and 'dstVertexCount' plan for indexed primitives, * such that they can be rewritten with {@link compactPrimitive} removing * any non-rendered vertices. * @hidden * @internal */ function createCompactPlan(prim) { const srcVertexCount = getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD); const indices = prim.getIndices(); const indicesArray = indices ? indices.getArray() : null; if (!indices || !indicesArray) { return [createIndices(srcVertexCount, 1_000_000), srcVertexCount]; } const remap = new Uint32Array(srcVertexCount).fill(EMPTY_U32$1); let dstVertexCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < indicesArray.length; i++) { const srcIndex = indicesArray[i]; if (remap[srcIndex] === EMPTY_U32$1) { remap[srcIndex] = dstVertexCount++; } } return [remap, dstVertexCount]; } /** * CONTRIBUTOR NOTES * * Ideally a weld() implementation should be fast, robust, and tunable. The * writeup below tracks my attempts to solve for these constraints. * * (Approach #1) Follow the mergeVertices() implementation of three.js, * hashing vertices with a string concatenation of all vertex attributes. * The approach does not allow per-attribute tolerance in local units. * * (Approach #2) Sort points along the X axis, then make cheaper * searches up/down the sorted list for merge candidates. While this allows * simpler comparison based on specified tolerance, it's much slower, even * for cases where choice of the X vs. Y or Z axes is reasonable. * * (Approach #3) Attempted a Delaunay triangulation in three dimensions, * expecting it would be an n * log(n) algorithm, but the only implementation * I found (with delaunay-triangulate) appeared to be much slower than that, * and was notably slower than the sort-based approach, just building the * Delaunay triangulation alone. * * (Approach #4) Hybrid of (1) and (2), assigning vertices to a spatial * grid, then searching the local neighborhood (27 cells) for weld candidates. * * (Approach #5) Based on Meshoptimizer's implementation, when tolerance=0 * use a hashtable to find bitwise-equal vertices quickly. Vastly faster than * previous approaches, but without tolerance options. * * RESULTS: For the "Lovecraftian" sample model linked below, after joining, * a primitive with 873,000 vertices can be welded down to 230,000 vertices. * * * - (1) Not tested, but prior results suggest not robust enough. * - (2) 30s * - (3) 660s * - (4) 5s exhaustive, 1.5s non-exhaustive * - (5) 0.2s * * As of April 2024, the lossy weld was removed, leaving only approach #5. An * upcoming Meshoptimizer release will include a simplifyWithAttributes * function allowing simplification with weighted consideration of vertex * attributes, which I hope to support. With that, weld() may remain faster, * simpler, and more maintainable. */ const NAME$m = 'weld'; const WELD_DEFAULTS = { overwrite: true, cleanup: true }; /** * Welds {@link Primitive Primitives}, merging bitwise identical vertices. When * merged and indexed, data is shared more efficiently between vertices. File size * can be reduced, and the GPU uses the vertex cache more efficiently. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { weld, getSceneVertexCount, VertexCountMethod } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const scene = document.getDefaultScene(); * const srcVertexCount = getSceneVertexCount(scene, VertexCountMethod.GPU); * await document.transform(weld()); * const dstVertexCount = getSceneVertexCount(scene, VertexCountMethod.GPU); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function weld(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = WELD_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(WELD_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$m, function (doc) { try { function _temp2() { logger.debug(`${NAME$m}: Complete.`); } const logger = doc.getLogger(); for (const mesh of doc.getRoot().listMeshes()) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { weldPrimitive(prim, options); if (getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER) === 0) { prim.dispose(); } } if (mesh.listPrimitives().length === 0) mesh.dispose(); } // Welding removes degenerate meshes; prune leaf nodes afterward. const _temp = function () { if (options.cleanup) { return Promise.resolve(doc.transform(prune({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR, core.PropertyType.NODE], keepAttributes: true, keepIndices: true, keepLeaves: false }), dedup({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR] }))).then(function () {}); } }(); return Promise.resolve(_temp && _temp.then ? _temp.then(_temp2) : _temp2(_temp)); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } /** * Welds a {@link Primitive}, merging bitwise identical vertices. When merged * and indexed, data is shared more efficiently between vertices. File size can * be reduced, and the GPU uses the vertex cache more efficiently. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { weldPrimitive, getMeshVertexCount, VertexCountMethod } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const mesh = document.getRoot().listMeshes() * .find((mesh) => mesh.getName() === 'Gizmo'); * * const srcVertexCount = getMeshVertexCount(mesh, VertexCountMethod.GPU); * * for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { * weldPrimitive(prim); * } * * const dstVertexCount = getMeshVertexCount(mesh, VertexCountMethod.GPU); * ``` */ function weldPrimitive(prim, _options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = WELD_DEFAULTS; } const graph = prim.getGraph(); const document = core.Document.fromGraph(graph); const logger = document.getLogger(); const options = { ...WELD_DEFAULTS, ..._options }; if (prim.getIndices() && !options.overwrite) return; if (prim.getMode() === core.Primitive.Mode.POINTS) return; const srcVertexCount = prim.getAttribute('POSITION').getCount(); const srcIndices = prim.getIndices(); const srcIndicesArray = srcIndices == null ? void 0 : srcIndices.getArray(); const srcIndicesCount = srcIndices ? srcIndices.getCount() : srcVertexCount; const stream = new VertexStream(prim); const tableSize = ceilPowerOfTwo$1(srcVertexCount + srcVertexCount / 4); const table = new Uint32Array(tableSize).fill(EMPTY_U32$1); const writeMap = new Uint32Array(srcVertexCount).fill(EMPTY_U32$1); // oldIndex → newIndex // (1) Compare and identify indices to weld. let dstVertexCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < srcIndicesCount; i++) { const srcIndex = srcIndicesArray ? srcIndicesArray[i] : i; if (writeMap[srcIndex] !== EMPTY_U32$1) continue; const hashIndex = hashLookup(table, tableSize, stream, srcIndex, EMPTY_U32$1); const dstIndex = table[hashIndex]; if (dstIndex === EMPTY_U32$1) { table[hashIndex] = srcIndex; writeMap[srcIndex] = dstVertexCount++; } else { writeMap[srcIndex] = writeMap[dstIndex]; } } logger.debug(`${NAME$m}: ${formatDeltaOp(srcVertexCount, dstVertexCount)} vertices.`); compactPrimitive(prim, writeMap, dstVertexCount); } const { FLOAT } = core.Accessor.ComponentType; /** * Applies a transform matrix to a {@link Primitive}. * * All vertex attributes on the Primitive and its * {@link PrimitiveTarget PrimitiveTargets} are modified in place. If vertex * streams are shared with other Primitives, and overwriting the shared vertex * attributes is not desired, use {@link compactPrimitive} to pre-process * the Primitive or call {@link transformMesh} instead. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { fromTranslation } from 'gl-matrix/mat4'; * import { transformPrimitive } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * // offset vertices, y += 10. * transformPrimitive(prim, fromTranslation([], [0, 10, 0])); * ``` * * @param prim * @param matrix */ function transformPrimitive(prim, matrix) { // Apply transform to base attributes. const position = prim.getAttribute('POSITION'); if (position) { applyMatrix(matrix, position); } const normal = prim.getAttribute('NORMAL'); if (normal) { applyNormalMatrix(matrix, normal); } const tangent = prim.getAttribute('TANGENT'); if (tangent) { applyTangentMatrix(matrix, tangent); } // Apply transform to morph attributes. for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { const position = target.getAttribute('POSITION'); if (position) { applyMatrix(matrix, position); } const normal = target.getAttribute('NORMAL'); if (normal) { applyNormalMatrix(matrix, normal); } const tangent = target.getAttribute('TANGENT'); if (tangent) { applyTangentMatrix(matrix, tangent); } } // Reverse winding order if scale is negative. // See: if (determinant(matrix) < 0) { reversePrimitiveWindingOrder(prim); } } function applyMatrix(matrix, attribute) { const componentType = attribute.getComponentType(); const normalized = attribute.getNormalized(); const srcArray = attribute.getArray(); const dstArray = componentType === FLOAT ? srcArray : new Float32Array(srcArray.length); const vector = create$1(); for (let i = 0, il = attribute.getCount(); i < il; i++) { if (normalized) { vector[0] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(srcArray[i * 3], componentType); vector[1] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(srcArray[i * 3 + 1], componentType); vector[2] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(srcArray[i * 3 + 2], componentType); } else { vector[0] = srcArray[i * 3]; vector[1] = srcArray[i * 3 + 1]; vector[2] = srcArray[i * 3 + 2]; } transformMat4(vector, vector, matrix); dstArray[i * 3] = vector[0]; dstArray[i * 3 + 1] = vector[1]; dstArray[i * 3 + 2] = vector[2]; } attribute.setArray(dstArray).setNormalized(false); } function applyNormalMatrix(matrix, attribute) { const array = attribute.getArray(); const normalized = attribute.getNormalized(); const componentType = attribute.getComponentType(); const normalMatrix = create$2(); fromMat4(normalMatrix, matrix); invert(normalMatrix, normalMatrix); transpose(normalMatrix, normalMatrix); const vector = create$1(); for (let i = 0, il = attribute.getCount(); i < il; i++) { if (normalized) { vector[0] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(array[i * 3], componentType); vector[1] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(array[i * 3 + 1], componentType); vector[2] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(array[i * 3 + 2], componentType); } else { vector[0] = array[i * 3]; vector[1] = array[i * 3 + 1]; vector[2] = array[i * 3 + 2]; } transformMat3(vector, vector, normalMatrix); normalize(vector, vector); if (normalized) { array[i * 3] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(vector[0], componentType); array[i * 3 + 1] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(vector[1], componentType); array[i * 3 + 2] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(vector[2], componentType); } else { array[i * 3] = vector[0]; array[i * 3 + 1] = vector[1]; array[i * 3 + 2] = vector[2]; } } } function applyTangentMatrix(matrix, attribute) { const array = attribute.getArray(); const normalized = attribute.getNormalized(); const componentType = attribute.getComponentType(); const v3 = create$1(); for (let i = 0, il = attribute.getCount(); i < il; i++) { if (normalized) { v3[0] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(array[i * 4], componentType); v3[1] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(array[i * 4 + 1], componentType); v3[2] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(array[i * 4 + 2], componentType); } else { v3[0] = array[i * 4]; v3[1] = array[i * 4 + 1]; v3[2] = array[i * 4 + 2]; } // mat4 affine matrix applied to vector, vector interpreted as a direction. // Reference: v3[0] = matrix[0] * v3[0] + matrix[4] * v3[1] + matrix[8] * v3[2]; v3[1] = matrix[1] * v3[0] + matrix[5] * v3[1] + matrix[9] * v3[2]; v3[2] = matrix[2] * v3[0] + matrix[6] * v3[1] + matrix[10] * v3[2]; normalize(v3, v3); if (normalized) { array[i * 4] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(v3[0], componentType); array[i * 4 + 1] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(v3[1], componentType); array[i * 4 + 2] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(v3[2], componentType); } else { array[i * 4] = v3[0]; array[i * 4 + 1] = v3[1]; array[i * 4 + 2] = v3[2]; } } } function reversePrimitiveWindingOrder(prim) { if (prim.getMode() !== core.Primitive.Mode.TRIANGLES) return; if (!prim.getIndices()) weldPrimitive(prim); const indices = prim.getIndices(); for (let i = 0, il = indices.getCount(); i < il; i += 3) { const a = indices.getScalar(i); const c = indices.getScalar(i + 2); indices.setScalar(i, c); indices.setScalar(i + 2, a); } } /** * Applies a transform matrix to every {@link Primitive} in the given {@link Mesh}. * * For every Primitive in the Mesh, the operation first applies * {@link compactPrimitive} to isolate vertex streams, then calls * {@link transformPrimitive}. Transformed Mesh will no longer share vertex * attributes with any other Meshes — attributes are cloned before * transformation. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { fromTranslation } from 'gl-matrix/mat4'; * import { transformMesh } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * // offset vertices, y += 10. * transformMesh(mesh, fromTranslation([], [0, 10, 0])); * ``` * * @param mesh * @param matrix */ function transformMesh(mesh, matrix) { // If primitives or morph targets are shared by other meshes, detach them. for (const srcPrim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { const dstPrim = shallowClonePrimitive(srcPrim, mesh); if (srcPrim !== dstPrim) { mesh.removePrimitive(srcPrim).addPrimitive(dstPrim); } } // Isolate vertex streams, remove unused vertices, and transform. for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { compactPrimitive(prim); transformPrimitive(prim, matrix); } } /** * Conditionally clones a {@link Primitive} and its * {@link PrimitiveTarget PrimitiveTargets}, if any are shared with other * parents. If nothing is shared, nothing is cloned. Accessors and materials * are not cloned. * * @hidden * @internal */ function shallowClonePrimitive(prim, parentMesh) { const isSharedPrimitive = prim.listParents().some(parent => parent instanceof core.Mesh && parent !== parentMesh); if (isSharedPrimitive) { prim = prim.clone(); } for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { const isSharedTarget = target.listParents().some(parent => parent instanceof core.Primitive && parent !== prim); if (isSharedTarget) { prim.removeTarget(target).addTarget(target.clone()); } } return prim; } // prettier-ignore const IDENTITY = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; /** * Clears local transform of the {@link Node}, applying the transform to children and meshes. * * - Applies transform to children * - Applies transform to {@link Mesh mesh} * - Resets {@link Light lights}, {@link Camera cameras}, and other attachments to the origin * * Example: * * ```typescript * import { clearNodeTransform } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * node.getTranslation(); // → [ 5, 0, 0 ] * node.getMesh(); // → vertex data centered at origin * * clearNodeTransform(node); * * node.getTranslation(); // → [ 0, 0, 0 ] * node.getMesh(); // → vertex data centered at [ 5, 0, 0 ] * ``` * * To clear _all_ transforms of a Node, first clear its inherited transforms with * {@link clearNodeParent}, then clear the local transform with {@link clearNodeTransform}. */ function clearNodeTransform(node) { const mesh = node.getMesh(); const localMatrix = node.getMatrix(); if (mesh && !core.MathUtils.eq(localMatrix, IDENTITY)) { transformMesh(mesh, localMatrix); } for (const child of node.listChildren()) { const matrix = child.getMatrix(); multiply$2(matrix, matrix, localMatrix); child.setMatrix(matrix); } return node.setMatrix(IDENTITY); } const { LINES: LINES$1, LINE_STRIP: LINE_STRIP$2, LINE_LOOP: LINE_LOOP$2, TRIANGLES: TRIANGLES$1, TRIANGLE_STRIP: TRIANGLE_STRIP$2, TRIANGLE_FAN: TRIANGLE_FAN$2 } = core.Primitive.Mode; /** * Converts a LINE_STRIP or LINE_LOOP {@link Primitive} to LINES, which is * more widely supported. Any other topology given as input (points or * triangles) will throw an error. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { convertPrimitiveToLines } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * console.log(prim.getMode()); // 2 (LINE_LOOP) * convertPrimitiveToLines(prim); * console.log(prim.getMode()); // 1 (LINES) * ``` */ function convertPrimitiveToLines(prim) { const graph = prim.getGraph(); const document = core.Document.fromGraph(graph); // Ensure indexed primitive. if (!prim.getIndices()) { weldPrimitive(prim); } // Allocate indices new GL primitives. const srcIndices = prim.getIndices(); const srcIndicesArray = srcIndices.getArray(); const dstGLPrimitiveCount = getGLPrimitiveCount(prim); const IndicesArray = core.ComponentTypeToTypedArray[srcIndices.getComponentType()]; const dstIndicesArray = new IndicesArray(dstGLPrimitiveCount * 2); // Generate GL primitives. const srcMode = prim.getMode(); if (srcMode === LINE_STRIP$2) { // for (let i = 0; i < dstGLPrimitiveCount; i++) { dstIndicesArray[i * 2] = srcIndicesArray[i]; dstIndicesArray[i * 2 + 1] = srcIndicesArray[i + 1]; } } else if (srcMode === LINE_LOOP$2) { // for (let i = 0; i < dstGLPrimitiveCount; i++) { if (i < dstGLPrimitiveCount - 1) { dstIndicesArray[i * 2] = srcIndicesArray[i]; dstIndicesArray[i * 2 + 1] = srcIndicesArray[i + 1]; } else { dstIndicesArray[i * 2] = srcIndicesArray[i]; dstIndicesArray[i * 2 + 1] = srcIndicesArray[0]; } } } else { throw new Error('Only LINE_STRIP and LINE_LOOP may be converted to LINES.'); } // Update prim mode and indices. prim.setMode(LINES$1); const root = document.getRoot(); if (srcIndices.listParents().some(parent => parent !== root && parent !== prim)) { prim.setIndices(shallowCloneAccessor(document, srcIndices).setArray(dstIndicesArray)); } else { srcIndices.setArray(dstIndicesArray); } } /** * Converts a TRIANGLE_STRIP or TRIANGLE_LOOP {@link Primitive} to TRIANGLES, * which is more widely supported. Any other topology given as input (points or * lines) will throw an error. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { convertPrimitiveToTriangles } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * console.log(prim.getMode()); // 5 (TRIANGLE_STRIP) * convertPrimitiveToTriangles(prim); * console.log(prim.getMode()); // 4 (TRIANGLES) * ``` */ function convertPrimitiveToTriangles(prim) { const graph = prim.getGraph(); const document = core.Document.fromGraph(graph); // Ensure indexed primitive. if (!prim.getIndices()) { weldPrimitive(prim); } // Allocate indices new GL primitives. const srcIndices = prim.getIndices(); const srcIndicesArray = srcIndices.getArray(); const dstGLPrimitiveCount = getGLPrimitiveCount(prim); const IndicesArray = core.ComponentTypeToTypedArray[srcIndices.getComponentType()]; const dstIndicesArray = new IndicesArray(dstGLPrimitiveCount * 3); // Generate GL primitives. const srcMode = prim.getMode(); if (srcMode === TRIANGLE_STRIP$2) { // for (let i = 0, il = srcIndicesArray.length; i < il - 2; i++) { if (i % 2) { dstIndicesArray[i * 3] = srcIndicesArray[i + 1]; dstIndicesArray[i * 3 + 1] = srcIndicesArray[i]; dstIndicesArray[i * 3 + 2] = srcIndicesArray[i + 2]; } else { dstIndicesArray[i * 3] = srcIndicesArray[i]; dstIndicesArray[i * 3 + 1] = srcIndicesArray[i + 1]; dstIndicesArray[i * 3 + 2] = srcIndicesArray[i + 2]; } } } else if (srcMode === TRIANGLE_FAN$2) { // for (let i = 0; i < dstGLPrimitiveCount; i++) { dstIndicesArray[i * 3] = srcIndicesArray[0]; dstIndicesArray[i * 3 + 1] = srcIndicesArray[i + 1]; dstIndicesArray[i * 3 + 2] = srcIndicesArray[i + 2]; } } else { throw new Error('Only TRIANGLE_STRIP and TRIANGLE_FAN may be converted to TRIANGLES.'); } // Update prim mode and indices. prim.setMode(TRIANGLES$1); const root = document.getRoot(); if (srcIndices.listParents().some(parent => parent !== root && parent !== prim)) { prim.setIndices(shallowCloneAccessor(document, srcIndices).setArray(dstIndicesArray)); } else { srcIndices.setArray(dstIndicesArray); } } const NAME$l = 'dequantize'; const DEQUANTIZE_DEFAULTS = { pattern: /^((?!JOINTS_).)*$/ }; /** * Dequantize {@link Primitive Primitives}, removing {@link KHRMeshQuantization `KHR_mesh_quantization`} * if present. Dequantization will increase the size of the mesh on disk and in memory, but may be * necessary for compatibility with applications that don't support quantization. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { dequantizePrimitive } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await document.transform(dequantize()); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function dequantize(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = DEQUANTIZE_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(DEQUANTIZE_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$l, doc => { const logger = doc.getLogger(); for (const mesh of doc.getRoot().listMeshes()) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { dequantizePrimitive(prim, options); } } doc.createExtension(extensions.KHRMeshQuantization).dispose(); logger.debug(`${NAME$l}: Complete.`); }); } /** * Dequantize a single {@link Primitive}, converting all vertex attributes to float32. Dequantization * will increase the size of the mesh on disk and in memory, but may be necessary for compatibility * with applications that don't support quantization. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { dequantizePrimitive } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const mesh = document.getRoot().listMeshes().find((mesh) => mesh.getName() === 'MyMesh'); * * for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { * dequantizePrimitive(prim); * } * ``` */ function dequantizePrimitive(prim, _options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = DEQUANTIZE_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(DEQUANTIZE_DEFAULTS, _options); for (const semantic of prim.listSemantics()) { if (options.pattern.test(semantic)) { dequantizeAttribute(prim.getAttribute(semantic)); } } for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { for (const semantic of target.listSemantics()) { if (options.pattern.test(semantic)) { dequantizeAttribute(target.getAttribute(semantic)); } } } } function dequantizeAttribute(attribute) { const srcArray = attribute.getArray(); if (!srcArray) return; const dstArray = dequantizeAttributeArray(srcArray, attribute.getComponentType(), attribute.getNormalized()); attribute.setArray(dstArray).setNormalized(false); } function dequantizeAttributeArray(srcArray, componentType, normalized) { const dstArray = new Float32Array(srcArray.length); for (let i = 0, il = srcArray.length; i < il; i++) { if (normalized) { dstArray[i] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(srcArray[i], componentType); } else { dstArray[i] = srcArray[i]; } } return dstArray; } const { TEXTURE_INFO, ROOT: ROOT$1 } = core.PropertyType; const NO_TRANSFER_TYPES = new Set([TEXTURE_INFO, ROOT$1]); /** * Clones source {@link Document}, copying all properties and extensions within * it. Source document remains unchanged, and the two may be modified * independently after cloning. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { cloneDocument } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const targetDocument = cloneDocument(sourceDocument); * ``` */ function cloneDocument(source) { const target = new core.Document().setLogger(source.getLogger()); const resolve = createDefaultPropertyResolver(target, source); mergeDocuments(target, source, resolve); // Root properties (name, asset, default scene, extras) are not overwritten by // mergeDocuments(), and should be explicitly copied when cloning. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any target.getRoot().copy(source.getRoot(), resolve); return target; } /** * Merges contents of source {@link Document} into target Document, without * modifying the source. Any extensions missing from the target will be added * {@link Scene Scenes} and {@link Buffer Buffers} are not combined — * the target Document may contain multiple Scenes and Buffers after this * operation. These may be cleaned up manually (see {@link unpartition}), * or document contents may be merged more granularly using * {@link copyToDocument}. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { mergeDocuments, unpartition } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * // Merge contents of sourceDocument into targetDocument. * mergeDocuments(targetDocument, sourceDocument); * * // (Optional) Remove all but one Buffer from the target Document. * await targetDocument.transform(unpartition()); * ``` * * To merge several Scenes into one: * * ```javascript * import { mergeDocuments } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const map = mergeDocuments(targetDocument, sourceDocument); * * // Find original Scene. * const sceneA = targetDocument.getRoot().listScenes()[0]; * * // Find counterpart of the source Scene in the target Document. * const sceneB = map.get(sourceDocument.getRoot().listScenes()[0]); * * // Create a Node, and append source Scene's direct children. * const rootNode = targetDocument.createNode() * .setName('SceneB') * .setPosition([10, 0, 0]); * for (const node of sceneB.listChildren()) { * rootNode.addChild(node); * } * * // Append Node to original Scene, and dispose the empty Scene. * sceneA.addChild(rootNode); * sceneB.dispose(); * ``` */ function mergeDocuments(target, source, resolve) { resolve || (resolve = createDefaultPropertyResolver(target, source)); for (const sourceExtension of source.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed()) { const targetExtension = target.createExtension(sourceExtension.constructor); if (sourceExtension.isRequired()) targetExtension.setRequired(true); } // Root properties (name, asset, default scene, extras) are not overwritten. return _copyToDocument(target, source, listNonRootProperties(source), resolve); } /** * Moves the specified {@link Property Properties} from the source * {@link Document} to the target Document, and removes them from the source. * Dependencies of the source properties will be copied into the * target, but not removed from the source. Returns a Map from source * properties to their counterparts in the target Document. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { moveToDocument, prune } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * // Move all materials from sourceDocument to targetDocument. * const map = moveToDocument(targetDocument, sourceDocument, sourceDocument.listMaterials()); * * // Find the new counterpart of `sourceMaterial` in the target Document. * const targetMaterial = map.get(sourceMaterial); * * // (Optional) Remove any resources (like Textures) that may now be unused * // in the source Document after their parent Materials have been moved. * await sourceDocument.transform(prune()); * ``` * * Moving a {@link Mesh}, {@link Animation}, or another resource depending on * a {@link Buffer} will create a copy of the source Buffer in the target * Document. If the target Document should contain only one Buffer, call * {@link unpartition} after moving properties. * * Repeated use of `moveToDocument` may create multiple copies of some * resources, particularly shared dependencies like {@link Texture Textures} or * {@link Accessor Accessors}. While duplicates can be cleaned up with * {@link dedup}, it is also possible to prevent duplicates by creating and * reusing the same resolver for all calls to `moveToDocument`: * * ```javascript * import { moveToDocument, createDefaultPropertyResolver } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const resolve = createDefaultPropertyResolver(targetDocument, sourceDocument); * * // Move materials individually, without creating duplicates of shared textures. * moveToDocument(targetDocument, sourceDocument, materialA, resolve); * moveToDocument(targetDocument, sourceDocument, materialB, resolve); * moveToDocument(targetDocument, sourceDocument, materialC, resolve); * ``` * * If the transferred properties include {@link ExtensionProperty ExtensionProperties}, * the associated {@link Extension Extensions} must be added to the target * Document first: * * ```javascript * for (const sourceExtension of source.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed()) { * const targetExtension = target.createExtension(sourceExtension.constructor); * if (sourceExtension.isRequired()) targetExtension.setRequired(true); * } * ``` * * {@link Root} properties cannot be moved. * * {@link TextureInfo} properties cannot be given in the property list, but * are handled automatically when moving a {@link Material}. * * To copy properties without removing them from the source Document, see * {@link copyToDocument}. * * @experimental */ function moveToDocument(target, source, sourceProperties, resolve) { const targetProperties = copyToDocument(target, source, sourceProperties, resolve); for (const property of sourceProperties) { property.dispose(); } return targetProperties; } /** * Copies the specified {@link Property Properties} from the source * {@link Document} to the target Document, leaving originals in the source. * Dependencies of the source properties will also be copied into the * target. Returns a Map from source properties to their counterparts in the * target Document. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { copyToDocument } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * // Copy all materials from sourceDocument to targetDocument. * const map = copyToDocument(targetDocument, sourceDocument, sourceDocument.listMaterials()); * * // Find the new counterpart of `sourceMaterial` in the target Document. * const targetMaterial = map.get(sourceMaterial); * ``` * * Copying a {@link Mesh}, {@link Animation}, or another resource depending on * a {@link Buffer} will create a copy of the source Buffer in the target * Document. If the target Document should contain only one Buffer, call * {@link unpartition} after copying properties. * * Repeated use of `copyToDocument` may create multiple copies of some * resources, particularly shared dependencies like {@link Texture Textures} or * {@link Accessor Accessors}. While duplicates can be cleaned up with * {@link dedup}, it is also possible to prevent duplicates by creating and * reusing the same resolver for all calls to `copyToDocument`: * * ```javascript * import { copyToDocument, createDefaultPropertyResolver } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const resolve = createDefaultPropertyResolver(targetDocument, sourceDocument); * * // Copy materials individually, without creating duplicates of shared textures. * copyToDocument(targetDocument, sourceDocument, materialA, resolve); * copyToDocument(targetDocument, sourceDocument, materialB, resolve); * copyToDocument(targetDocument, sourceDocument, materialC, resolve); * ``` * * If the transferred properties include {@link ExtensionProperty ExtensionProperties}, * the associated {@link Extension Extensions} must be added to the target * Document first: * * ```javascript * for (const sourceExtension of source.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed()) { * const targetExtension = target.createExtension(sourceExtension.constructor); * if (sourceExtension.isRequired()) targetExtension.setRequired(true); * } * ``` * * {@link Root} properties cannot be copied. * * {@link TextureInfo} properties cannot be given in the property list, but * are handled automatically when copying a {@link Material}. * * To move properties to the target Document without leaving copies behind in * the source Document, use {@link moveToDocument} or dispose the properties * after copying. * * @experimental */ function copyToDocument(target, source, sourceProperties, resolve) { const sourcePropertyDependencies = new Set(); for (const property of sourceProperties) { if (NO_TRANSFER_TYPES.has(property.propertyType)) { throw new Error(`Type "${property.propertyType}" cannot be transferred.`); } listPropertyDependencies(property, sourcePropertyDependencies); } return _copyToDocument(target, source, Array.from(sourcePropertyDependencies), resolve); } /** @internal */ function _copyToDocument(target, source, sourceProperties, resolve) { resolve || (resolve = createDefaultPropertyResolver(target, source)); // Create stub classes for every Property in other Document. const propertyMap = new Map(); for (const sourceProp of sourceProperties) { // TextureInfo copy handled by Material or ExtensionProperty. if (!propertyMap.has(sourceProp) && sourceProp.propertyType !== TEXTURE_INFO) { propertyMap.set(sourceProp, resolve(sourceProp)); } } // Assemble relationships between Properties. for (const [sourceProp, targetProp] of propertyMap.entries()) { targetProp.copy(sourceProp, resolve); } return propertyMap; } /** * Creates a default `resolve` implementation. May be used when moving * properties between {@link Document Documents} with {@link mergeDocuments}, * {@link copyToDocument}, and {@link moveToDocument}. When the same resolver * is passed to multiple invocations, these functions will reuse previously- * transferred resources. * * @experimental */ function createDefaultPropertyResolver(target, source) { const propertyMap = new Map([[source.getRoot(), target.getRoot()]]); return sourceProp => { // TextureInfo lifecycle is bound to a Material or ExtensionProperty. if (sourceProp.propertyType === TEXTURE_INFO) return sourceProp; let targetProp = propertyMap.get(sourceProp); if (!targetProp) { // Create stub class, defer copying properties. const PropertyClass = sourceProp.constructor; targetProp = new PropertyClass(target.getGraph()); propertyMap.set(sourceProp, targetProp); } return targetProp; }; } /** @internal */ function listPropertyDependencies(parent, visited) { const graph = parent.getGraph(); const queue = [parent]; let next = undefined; while (next = queue.pop()) { visited.add(next); for (const child of graph.listChildren(next)) { if (!visited.has(child)) { queue.push(child); } } } return visited; } /** @internal */ function listNonRootProperties(document) { const visited = new Set(); for (const edge of document.getGraph().listEdges()) { visited.add(edge.getChild()); } return Array.from(visited); } const NAME$k = 'draco'; const DRACO_DEFAULTS = { method: 'edgebreaker', encodeSpeed: 5, decodeSpeed: 5, quantizePosition: 14, quantizeNormal: 10, quantizeColor: 8, quantizeTexcoord: 12, quantizeGeneric: 12, quantizationVolume: 'mesh' }; /** * Applies Draco compression using {@link KHRDracoMeshCompression KHR_draco_mesh_compression}. * This type of compression can reduce the size of triangle geometry. * * This function is a thin wrapper around the {@link KHRDracoMeshCompression} extension itself. * * @category Transforms */ function draco(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = DRACO_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(DRACO_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$k, function (document) { try { return Promise.resolve(document.transform(weld())).then(function () { document.createExtension(extensions.KHRDracoMeshCompression).setRequired(true).setEncoderOptions({ method: options.method === 'edgebreaker' ? extensions.KHRDracoMeshCompression.EncoderMethod.EDGEBREAKER : extensions.KHRDracoMeshCompression.EncoderMethod.SEQUENTIAL, encodeSpeed: options.encodeSpeed, decodeSpeed: options.decodeSpeed, quantizationBits: { POSITION: options.quantizePosition, NORMAL: options.quantizeNormal, COLOR: options.quantizeColor, TEX_COORD: options.quantizeTexcoord, GENERIC: options.quantizeGeneric }, quantizationVolume: options.quantizationVolume }); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } const NAME$j = 'flatten'; const FLATTEN_DEFAULTS = { cleanup: true }; /** * Flattens the scene graph, leaving {@link Node Nodes} with * {@link Mesh Meshes}, {@link Camera Cameras}, and other attachments * as direct children of the {@link Scene}. Skeletons and their * descendants are left in their original Node structure. * * {@link Animation} targeting a Node or its parents will * prevent that Node from being moved. * * Example: * * ```ts * import { flatten } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await document.transform(flatten()); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function flatten(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = FLATTEN_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(FLATTEN_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$j, function (document) { try { function _temp2() { logger.debug(`${NAME$j}: Complete.`); } const root = document.getRoot(); const logger = document.getLogger(); // (1) Mark joints. const joints = new Set(); for (const skin of root.listSkins()) { for (const joint of skin.listJoints()) { joints.add(joint); } } // (2) Mark nodes with TRS animation. const animated = new Set(); for (const animation of root.listAnimations()) { for (const channel of animation.listChannels()) { const node = channel.getTargetNode(); if (node && channel.getTargetPath() !== 'weights') { animated.add(node); } } } // (3) Mark descendants of joints and animated nodes. const hasJointParent = new Set(); const hasAnimatedParent = new Set(); for (const scene of root.listScenes()) { scene.traverse(node => { const parent = node.getParentNode(); if (!parent) return; if (joints.has(parent) || hasJointParent.has(parent)) { hasJointParent.add(node); } if (animated.has(parent) || hasAnimatedParent.has(parent)) { hasAnimatedParent.add(node); } }); } // (4) For each affected node, in top-down order, clear parents. for (const scene of root.listScenes()) { scene.traverse(node => { if (animated.has(node)) return; if (hasJointParent.has(node)) return; if (hasAnimatedParent.has(node)) return; clearNodeParent(node); }); } // TODO(feat): Transform animation channels, accounting for previously inherited transforms. if (animated.size) { logger.debug(`${NAME$j}: Flattening node hierarchies with TRS animation not yet supported.`); } // (5) Clean up leaf nodes. const _temp = function () { if (options.cleanup) { return Promise.resolve(document.transform(prune({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.NODE], keepLeaves: false }))).then(function () {}); } }(); return Promise.resolve(_temp && _temp.then ? _temp.then(_temp2) : _temp2(_temp)); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } /** * Computes bounding box (AABB) in world space for the given {@link Node} or {@link Scene}. * * Example: * * ```ts * import { getBounds } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const {min, max} = getBounds(scene); * ``` */ function getBounds(node) { return core.getBounds(node); } /** Inspects the contents of a glTF file and returns a JSON report. */ function inspect(doc) { return { scenes: listScenes(doc), meshes: listMeshes(doc), materials: listMaterials(doc), textures: listTextures(doc), animations: listAnimations(doc) }; } /** List scenes. */ function listScenes(doc) { const scenes = doc.getRoot().listScenes().map(scene => { const root = scene.listChildren()[0]; const sceneBounds = core.getBounds(scene); return { name: scene.getName(), rootName: root ? root.getName() : '', bboxMin: toPrecision(sceneBounds.min), bboxMax: toPrecision(sceneBounds.max), renderVertexCount: getSceneVertexCount(scene, exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER), uploadVertexCount: getSceneVertexCount(scene, exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD), uploadNaiveVertexCount: getSceneVertexCount(scene, exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD_NAIVE) }; }); return { properties: scenes }; } /** List meshes. */ function listMeshes(doc) { const meshes = doc.getRoot().listMeshes().map(mesh => { const instances = mesh.listParents().filter(parent => parent.propertyType !== core.PropertyType.ROOT).length; let glPrimitives = 0; const semantics = new Set(); const meshIndices = new Set(); const meshAccessors = new Set(); mesh.listPrimitives().forEach(prim => { for (const semantic of prim.listSemantics()) { const attr = prim.getAttribute(semantic); semantics.add(semantic + ':' + accessorToTypeLabel(attr)); meshAccessors.add(attr); } for (const targ of prim.listTargets()) { targ.listAttributes().forEach(attr => meshAccessors.add(attr)); } const indices = prim.getIndices(); if (indices) { meshIndices.add(accessorToTypeLabel(indices)); meshAccessors.add(indices); } glPrimitives += getGLPrimitiveCount(prim); }); let size = 0; Array.from(meshAccessors).forEach(a => size += a.getArray().byteLength); const modes = mesh.listPrimitives().map(prim => MeshPrimitiveModeLabels[prim.getMode()]); return { name: mesh.getName(), mode: Array.from(new Set(modes)), meshPrimitives: mesh.listPrimitives().length, glPrimitives: glPrimitives, vertices: getMeshVertexCount(mesh, exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD), indices: Array.from(meshIndices).sort(), attributes: Array.from(semantics).sort(), instances: instances, size: size }; }); return { properties: meshes }; } /** List materials. */ function listMaterials(doc) { const materials = doc.getRoot().listMaterials().map(material => { const instances = material.listParents().filter(parent => parent.propertyType !== core.PropertyType.ROOT).length; // Find all texture slots attached to this material or its extensions. const extensions = new Set(material.listExtensions()); const slots = doc.getGraph().listEdges().filter(ref => { const child = ref.getChild(); const parent = ref.getParent(); if (child instanceof core.Texture && parent === material) { return true; } if (child instanceof core.Texture && parent instanceof core.ExtensionProperty && extensions.has(parent)) { return true; } return false; }).map(ref => ref.getName()); return { name: material.getName(), instances, textures: slots, alphaMode: material.getAlphaMode(), doubleSided: material.getDoubleSided() }; }); return { properties: materials }; } /** List textures. */ function listTextures(doc) { const textures = doc.getRoot().listTextures().map(texture => { const instances = texture.listParents().filter(parent => parent.propertyType !== core.PropertyType.ROOT).length; const slots = doc.getGraph().listParentEdges(texture).filter(edge => edge.getParent().propertyType !== core.PropertyType.ROOT).map(edge => edge.getName()); const resolution = core.ImageUtils.getSize(texture.getImage(), texture.getMimeType()); let compression = ''; if (texture.getMimeType() === 'image/ktx2') { const container =; const dfd = container.dataFormatDescriptor[0]; if (dfd.colorModel === ktxParse.KHR_DF_MODEL_ETC1S) { compression = 'ETC1S'; } else if (dfd.colorModel === ktxParse.KHR_DF_MODEL_UASTC) { compression = 'UASTC'; } } return { name: texture.getName(), uri: texture.getURI(), slots: Array.from(new Set(slots)), instances, mimeType: texture.getMimeType(), compression, resolution: resolution ? resolution.join('x') : '', size: texture.getImage().byteLength, gpuSize: core.ImageUtils.getVRAMByteLength(texture.getImage(), texture.getMimeType()) }; }); return { properties: textures }; } /** List animations. */ function listAnimations(doc) { const animations = doc.getRoot().listAnimations().map(anim => { let minTime = Infinity; let maxTime = -Infinity; anim.listSamplers().forEach(sampler => { const input = sampler.getInput(); if (!input) return; minTime = Math.min(minTime, input.getMin([])[0]); maxTime = Math.max(maxTime, input.getMax([])[0]); }); let size = 0; let keyframes = 0; const accessors = new Set(); anim.listSamplers().forEach(sampler => { const input = sampler.getInput(); const output = sampler.getOutput(); if (!input) return; keyframes += input.getCount(); accessors.add(input); if (!output) return; accessors.add(output); }); Array.from(accessors).forEach(accessor => { size += accessor.getArray().byteLength; }); return { name: anim.getName(), channels: anim.listChannels().length, samplers: anim.listSamplers().length, duration: Math.round((maxTime - minTime) * 1000) / 1000, keyframes: keyframes, size: size }; }); return { properties: animations }; } const MeshPrimitiveModeLabels = ['POINTS', 'LINES', 'LINE_LOOP', 'LINE_STRIP', 'TRIANGLES', 'TRIANGLE_STRIP', 'TRIANGLE_FAN']; const NumericTypeLabels = { Float32Array: 'f32', Uint32Array: 'u32', Uint16Array: 'u16', Uint8Array: 'u8', Int32Array: 'i32', Int16Array: 'i16', Int8Array: 'i8' }; /** Maps values in a vector to a finite precision. */ function toPrecision(v) { for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { if (v[i].toFixed) v[i] = Number(v[i].toFixed(5)); } return v; } function accessorToTypeLabel(accessor) { const array = accessor.getArray(); const base = NumericTypeLabels[] || '?'; const suffix = accessor.getNormalized() ? '_norm' : ''; return base + suffix; } const NAME$i = 'instance'; const INSTANCE_DEFAULTS = { min: 5 }; /** * Creates GPU instances (with {@link EXTMeshGPUInstancing}) for shared {@link Mesh} references. In * engines supporting the extension, reused Meshes will be drawn with GPU instancing, greatly * reducing draw calls and improving performance in many cases. If you're not sure that identical * Meshes share vertex data and materials ("linked duplicates"), run {@link dedup} first to link them. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { dedup, instance } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await document.transform( * dedup(), * instance({min: 5}), * ); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function instance(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = INSTANCE_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(INSTANCE_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$i, doc => { const logger = doc.getLogger(); const root = doc.getRoot(); if (root.listAnimations().length) { logger.warn(`${NAME$i}: Instancing is not currently supported for animated models.`); logger.debug(`${NAME$i}: Complete.`); return; } const batchExtension = doc.createExtension(extensions.EXTMeshGPUInstancing); let numBatches = 0; let numInstances = 0; for (const scene of root.listScenes()) { // Gather a one-to-many Mesh/Node mapping, identifying what we can instance. const meshInstances = new Map(); scene.traverse(node => { const mesh = node.getMesh(); if (!mesh) return; if (node.getExtension('EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing')) return; meshInstances.set(mesh, (meshInstances.get(mesh) || new Set()).add(node)); }); // For each Mesh, create an InstancedMesh and collect transforms. const modifiedNodes = []; for (const mesh of Array.from(meshInstances.keys())) { const nodes = Array.from(meshInstances.get(mesh)); if (nodes.length < options.min) continue; if (nodes.some(node => node.getSkin())) continue; // Cannot preserve volumetric effects when instancing with varying scale. // See: if (mesh.listPrimitives().some(hasVolume) && nodes.some(hasScale)) continue; const batch = createBatch(doc, batchExtension, mesh, nodes.length); const batchTranslation = batch.getAttribute('TRANSLATION'); const batchRotation = batch.getAttribute('ROTATION'); const batchScale = batch.getAttribute('SCALE'); const batchNode = doc.createNode().setMesh(mesh).setExtension('EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing', batch); scene.addChild(batchNode); let needsTranslation = false; let needsRotation = false; let needsScale = false; // For each Node, write TRS properties into instance attributes. for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { let t, r, s; const node = nodes[i]; batchTranslation.setElement(i, t = node.getWorldTranslation()); batchRotation.setElement(i, r = node.getWorldRotation()); batchScale.setElement(i, s = node.getWorldScale()); if (!core.MathUtils.eq(t, [0, 0, 0])) needsTranslation = true; if (!core.MathUtils.eq(r, [0, 0, 0, 1])) needsRotation = true; if (!core.MathUtils.eq(s, [1, 1, 1])) needsScale = true; } if (!needsTranslation) batchTranslation.dispose(); if (!needsRotation) batchRotation.dispose(); if (!needsScale) batchScale.dispose(); if (!needsTranslation && !needsRotation && !needsScale) { batchNode.dispose(); batch.dispose(); continue; } // Mark nodes for cleanup. for (const node of nodes) { node.setMesh(null); modifiedNodes.push(node); } numBatches++; numInstances += nodes.length; } pruneUnusedNodes(modifiedNodes, logger); } if (numBatches > 0) {`${NAME$i}: Created ${numBatches} batches, with ${numInstances} total instances.`); } else {`${NAME$i}: No meshes with >=${options.min} parent nodes were found.`); } if (batchExtension.listProperties().length === 0) { batchExtension.dispose(); } logger.debug(`${NAME$i}: Complete.`); }); } function pruneUnusedNodes(nodes, logger) { let node; let unusedNodes = 0; while (node = nodes.pop()) { if (node.listChildren().length || node.getCamera() || node.getMesh() || node.getSkin() || node.listExtensions().length) { continue; } const nodeParent = node.getParentNode(); if (nodeParent) nodes.push(nodeParent); node.dispose(); unusedNodes++; } logger.debug(`${NAME$i}: Removed ${unusedNodes} unused nodes.`); } function hasVolume(prim) { const material = prim.getMaterial(); return !!(material && material.getExtension('KHR_materials_volume')); } function hasScale(node) { const scale = node.getWorldScale(); return !core.MathUtils.eq(scale, [1, 1, 1]); } function createBatch(doc, batchExtension, mesh, count) { const buffer = mesh.listPrimitives()[0].getAttribute('POSITION').getBuffer(); const batchTranslation = doc.createAccessor().setType('VEC3').setArray(new Float32Array(3 * count)).setBuffer(buffer); const batchRotation = doc.createAccessor().setType('VEC4').setArray(new Float32Array(4 * count)).setBuffer(buffer); const batchScale = doc.createAccessor().setType('VEC3').setArray(new Float32Array(3 * count)).setBuffer(buffer); return batchExtension.createInstancedMesh().setAttribute('TRANSLATION', batchTranslation).setAttribute('ROTATION', batchRotation).setAttribute('SCALE', batchScale); } const JOIN_PRIMITIVE_DEFAULTS = { skipValidation: false }; const EMPTY_U32 = 2 ** 32 - 1; const { LINE_STRIP: LINE_STRIP$1, LINE_LOOP: LINE_LOOP$1, TRIANGLE_STRIP: TRIANGLE_STRIP$1, TRIANGLE_FAN: TRIANGLE_FAN$1 } = core.Primitive.Mode; /** * Given a list of compatible Mesh {@link Primitive Primitives}, returns new Primitive * containing their vertex data. Compatibility requires that all Primitives share the * same {@link Material Materials}, draw mode, and vertex attribute types. Primitives * using morph targets cannot currently be joined. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { joinPrimitives } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * // Succeeds if Primitives are compatible, or throws an error. * const result = joinPrimitives(mesh.listPrimitives()); * * for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { * prim.dispose(); * } * * mesh.addPrimitive(result); * ``` */ function joinPrimitives(prims, _options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = {}; } const options = assignDefaults(JOIN_PRIMITIVE_DEFAULTS, _options); const templatePrim = prims[0]; const document = core.Document.fromGraph(templatePrim.getGraph()); // (1) Validation. if (!options.skipValidation && new Set( > 1) { throw new Error('' + 'Requires >=2 Primitives, sharing the same Material ' + 'and Mode, with compatible vertex attributes and indices.'); } // (2) Convert all prims to POINTS, LINES, or TRIANGLES. for (const prim of prims) { switch (prim.getMode()) { case LINE_STRIP$1: case LINE_LOOP$1: convertPrimitiveToLines(prim); break; case TRIANGLE_STRIP$1: case TRIANGLE_FAN$1: convertPrimitiveToTriangles(prim); break; } } const primRemaps = []; // remap[srcIndex] → dstIndex, by prim const primVertexCounts = new Uint32Array(prims.length); // vertex count, by prim let dstVertexCount = 0; let dstIndicesCount = 0; // (3) Build remap lists. for (let primIndex = 0; primIndex < prims.length; primIndex++) { const srcPrim = prims[primIndex]; const srcIndices = srcPrim.getIndices(); const srcVertexCount = srcPrim.getAttribute('POSITION').getCount(); const srcIndicesArray = srcIndices ? srcIndices.getArray() : null; const srcIndicesCount = srcIndices ? srcIndices.getCount() : srcVertexCount; const remap = new Uint32Array(srcVertexCount).fill(EMPTY_U32); for (let i = 0; i < srcIndicesCount; i++) { const index = srcIndicesArray ? srcIndicesArray[i] : i; if (remap[index] === EMPTY_U32) { remap[index] = dstVertexCount++; primVertexCounts[primIndex]++; } } primRemaps.push(remap); dstIndicesCount += srcIndicesCount; } // (4) Allocate joined attributes. const dstPrim = document.createPrimitive().setMode(templatePrim.getMode()).setMaterial(templatePrim.getMaterial()); for (const semantic of templatePrim.listSemantics()) { const tplAttribute = templatePrim.getAttribute(semantic); const AttributeArray = core.ComponentTypeToTypedArray[tplAttribute.getComponentType()]; const dstAttribute = shallowCloneAccessor(document, tplAttribute).setArray(new AttributeArray(dstVertexCount * tplAttribute.getElementSize())); dstPrim.setAttribute(semantic, dstAttribute); } // (5) Allocate joined indices. const tplIndices = templatePrim.getIndices(); const dstIndices = tplIndices ? shallowCloneAccessor(document, tplIndices).setArray(createIndicesEmpty(dstIndicesCount, dstVertexCount)) : null; dstPrim.setIndices(dstIndices); // (6) Remap attributes into joined Primitive. let dstIndicesOffset = 0; for (let primIndex = 0; primIndex < primRemaps.length; primIndex++) { const srcPrim = prims[primIndex]; const srcIndices = srcPrim.getIndices(); const srcIndicesCount = srcIndices ? srcIndices.getCount() : -1; const remap = primRemaps[primIndex]; if (srcIndices && dstIndices) { remapIndices(srcIndices, remap, dstIndices, dstIndicesOffset); dstIndicesOffset += srcIndicesCount; } for (const semantic of dstPrim.listSemantics()) { const srcAttribute = srcPrim.getAttribute(semantic); const dstAttribute = dstPrim.getAttribute(semantic); remapAttribute(srcAttribute, srcIndices, remap, dstAttribute); } } return dstPrim; } /** * Internal variant of {@link compactAttribute}. Unlike compactAttribute, * assumes the vertex count cannot change, and avoids cloning attributes. * @hidden * @internal */ function remapAttribute(srcAttribute, srcIndices, remap, dstAttribute) { const elementSize = srcAttribute.getElementSize(); const srcIndicesArray = srcIndices ? srcIndices.getArray() : null; const srcVertexCount = srcAttribute.getCount(); const srcArray = srcAttribute.getArray(); const dstArray = dstAttribute.getArray(); const done = new Uint8Array(srcAttribute.getCount()); for (let i = 0, il = srcIndices ? srcIndices.getCount() : srcVertexCount; i < il; i++) { const srcIndex = srcIndicesArray ? srcIndicesArray[i] : i; const dstIndex = remap[srcIndex]; if (done[dstIndex]) continue; for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) { dstArray[dstIndex * elementSize + j] = srcArray[srcIndex * elementSize + j]; } done[dstIndex] = 1; } } /** * Internal variant of {@link compactPrimitive}'s index remapping. Avoids * cloning indices; writes directly to `dstIndices`. * @hidden * @internal */ function remapIndices(srcIndices, remap, dstIndices, dstOffset) { const srcCount = srcIndices.getCount(); const srcArray = srcIndices.getArray(); const dstArray = dstIndices.getArray(); for (let i = 0; i < srcCount; i++) { const srcIndex = srcArray[i]; const dstIndex = remap[srcIndex]; dstArray[dstOffset + i] = dstIndex; } } const NAME$h = 'join'; const { ROOT, NODE, MESH, PRIMITIVE, ACCESSOR } = core.PropertyType; // prettier-ignore const _matrix = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; const JOIN_DEFAULTS = { keepMeshes: false, keepNamed: false, cleanup: true }; /** * Joins compatible {@link Primitive Primitives} and reduces draw calls. * Primitives are eligible for joining if they are members of the same * {@link Mesh} or, optionally, attached to sibling {@link Node Nodes} * in the scene hierarchy. For best results, apply {@link dedup} and * {@link flatten} first to maximize the number of Primitives that * can be joined. * * NOTE: In a Scene that heavily reuses the same Mesh data, joining may * increase vertex count. Consider alternatives, like * {@link instance instancing} with {@link EXTMeshGPUInstancing}. * * Example: * * ```ts * import { PropertyType } from '@gltf-transform/core'; * import { join, flatten, dedup } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await document.transform( * dedup({ propertyTypes: [PropertyType.MATERIAL] }), * flatten(), * join({ keepNamed: false }), * ); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function join(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = JOIN_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(JOIN_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$h, function (document) { try { function _temp2() { logger.debug(`${NAME$h}: Complete.`); } const root = document.getRoot(); const logger = document.getLogger(); // Join. for (const scene of root.listScenes()) { _joinLevel(document, scene, options); scene.traverse(node => _joinLevel(document, node, options)); } // Clean up. const _temp = function () { if (options.cleanup) { return Promise.resolve(document.transform(prune({ propertyTypes: [NODE, MESH, PRIMITIVE, ACCESSOR], keepAttributes: true, keepIndices: true, keepLeaves: false }))).then(function () {}); } }(); return Promise.resolve(_temp && _temp.then ? _temp.then(_temp2) : _temp2(_temp)); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } function _joinLevel(document, parent, options) { const logger = document.getLogger(); const groups = {}; // Scan for compatible Primitives. const children = parent.listChildren(); for (let nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < children.length; nodeIndex++) { const node = children[nodeIndex]; // Skip animated nodes. const isAnimated = node.listParents().some(p => p instanceof core.AnimationChannel); if (isAnimated) continue; // Skip nodes without meshes. const mesh = node.getMesh(); if (!mesh) continue; // Skip nodes with instancing; unsupported. if (node.getExtension('EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing')) continue; // Skip nodes with skinning; unsupported. if (node.getSkin()) continue; for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { // Skip prims with morph targets; unsupported. if (prim.listTargets().length > 0) continue; // Skip prims with volumetric materials; unsupported. const material = prim.getMaterial(); if (material && material.getExtension('KHR_materials_volume')) continue; compactPrimitive(prim); dequantizeTransformableAttributes(prim); let key = createPrimGroupKey(prim); const isNamed = mesh.getName() || node.getName(); if (options.keepMeshes || options.keepNamed && isNamed) { key += `|${nodeIndex}`; } if (!(key in groups)) { groups[key] = { prims: [], primMeshes: [], primNodes: [], dstNode: node, dstMesh: undefined }; } const group = groups[key]; group.prims.push(prim); group.primNodes.push(node); } } // Discard single-Primitive groups. const joinGroups = Object.values(groups).filter(_ref => { let { prims } = _ref; return prims.length > 1; }); // Unlink all affected Meshes at current level, before modifying Primitives. const srcNodes = new Set(joinGroups.flatMap(group => group.primNodes)); for (const node of srcNodes) { const mesh = node.getMesh(); const isSharedMesh = mesh.listParents().some(parent => { return parent.propertyType !== ROOT && node !== parent; }); if (isSharedMesh) { node.setMesh(mesh.clone()); } } // Update Meshes in groups. for (const group of joinGroups) { const { dstNode, primNodes } = group; group.dstMesh = dstNode.getMesh(); group.primMeshes = => node.getMesh()); } // Join Primitives. for (const group of joinGroups) { const { prims, primNodes, primMeshes, dstNode, dstMesh } = group; const dstMatrix = dstNode.getMatrix(); for (let i = 0; i < prims.length; i++) { const primNode = primNodes[i]; const primMesh = primMeshes[i]; let prim = prims[i]; primMesh.removePrimitive(prim); // If Primitive is still in use after being removed from the // current mesh, above, make a deep copy. Because compactPrimitive() // was applied earlier in join(), we know the full vertex streams are // used, and no accessors are shared. if (isUsed(prim)) { prim = prims[i] = _deepClonePrimitive(prims[i]); } // Transform Primitive into new local coordinate space. if (primNode !== dstNode) { multiply$2(_matrix, invert$1(_matrix, dstMatrix), primNode.getMatrix()); transformPrimitive(prim, _matrix); } } const dstPrim = joinPrimitives(prims); const dstVertexCount = dstPrim.listAttributes()[0].getCount(); dstMesh.addPrimitive(dstPrim); logger.debug(`${NAME$h}: Joined Primitives (${prims.length}) containing ` + `${formatLong(dstVertexCount)} vertices under Node "${dstNode.getName()}".`); } } function _deepClonePrimitive(src) { // compactPrimitive already applied; no vertices are unused. const dst = src.clone(); for (const semantic of dst.listSemantics()) { dst.setAttribute(semantic, dst.getAttribute(semantic).clone()); } const indices = dst.getIndices(); if (indices) dst.setIndices(indices.clone()); return dst; } /** * Dequantize attributes that would be affected by {@link transformPrimitive}, * to avoid invalidating our primitive group keys. * * See: */ function dequantizeTransformableAttributes(prim) { for (const semantic of ['POSITION', 'NORMAL', 'TANGENT']) { const attribute = prim.getAttribute(semantic); if (attribute) dequantizeAttribute(attribute); } } /** * Returns a list of {@link TextureChannel TextureChannels} used by the given * texture. Determination is based only on the _role_ of the textures, e.g. * a texture used for the `occlusionTexture` will have (at least) a red channel * in use. See {@link getTextureChannelMask} for bitmask alternative. * * Example: * * ```js * const channels = listTextureChannels(texture); * if (channels.includes(TextureChannel.R)) { * console.log('texture red channel used'); * } * ``` */ function listTextureChannels(texture) { const mask = getTextureChannelMask(texture); const channels = []; if (mask & core.TextureChannel.R) channels.push(core.TextureChannel.R); if (mask & core.TextureChannel.G) channels.push(core.TextureChannel.G); if (mask & core.TextureChannel.B) channels.push(core.TextureChannel.B); if (mask & core.TextureChannel.A) channels.push(core.TextureChannel.A); return channels; } /** * Returns bitmask of all {@link TextureChannel TextureChannels} used by the * given texture. Determination is based only on the _role_ of the textures, e.g. * a texture used for the `occlusionTexture` will have (at least) a red channel. * See {@link listTextureChannels} for an array alternative. * * Example: * * ```js * const mask = getTextureChannelMask(texture); * if (mask & TextureChannel.R) { * console.log('texture red channel used'); * } * ``` */ function getTextureChannelMask(texture) { const document = core.Document.fromGraph(texture.getGraph()); let mask = 0x0000; for (const edge of document.getGraph().listParentEdges(texture)) { const parent = edge.getParent(); let { channels } = edge.getAttributes(); if (channels && edge.getName() === 'baseColorTexture' && parent instanceof core.Material && parent.getAlphaMode() === core.Material.AlphaMode.OPAQUE) { channels &= ~core.TextureChannel.A; } if (channels) { mask |= channels; continue; } if (parent.propertyType !== core.PropertyType.ROOT) { document.getLogger().warn(`Missing attribute ".channels" on edge, "${edge.getName()}".`); } } return mask; } const NAME$g = 'reorder'; const REORDER_DEFAULTS = { target: 'size', cleanup: true }; /** * Optimizes {@link Mesh} {@link Primitive Primitives} for locality of reference. Choose whether * the order should be optimal for transmission size (recommended for Web) or for GPU rendering * performance. Requires a MeshoptEncoder instance from the Meshoptimizer library. * * Example: * * ```ts * import { MeshoptEncoder } from 'meshoptimizer'; * import { reorder } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await MeshoptEncoder.ready; * * await document.transform( * reorder({encoder: MeshoptEncoder}) * ); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function reorder(_options) { const options = assignDefaults(REORDER_DEFAULTS, _options); const encoder = options.encoder; if (!encoder) { throw new Error(`${NAME$g}: encoder dependency required — install "meshoptimizer".`); } return createTransform(NAME$g, function (document) { try { const logger = document.getLogger(); return Promise.resolve(encoder.ready).then(function () { function _temp2() { if (!plan.indicesToAttributes.size) { logger.warn(`${NAME$g}: No qualifying primitives found; may need to weld first.`); } else { logger.debug(`${NAME$g}: Complete.`); } } const plan = createLayoutPlan(document); for (const srcIndices of plan.indicesToAttributes.keys()) { let indicesArray = srcIndices.getArray(); if (!(indicesArray instanceof Uint32Array)) { indicesArray = new Uint32Array(indicesArray); } else { indicesArray = indicesArray.slice(); } // Compute optimal order. const [remap, unique] = encoder.reorderMesh(indicesArray, plan.indicesToMode.get(srcIndices) === core.Primitive.Mode.TRIANGLES, === 'size'); const dstIndices = shallowCloneAccessor(document, srcIndices); dstIndices.setArray(unique <= 65534 ? new Uint16Array(indicesArray) : indicesArray); // Update affected primitives. for (const srcAttribute of plan.indicesToAttributes.get(srcIndices)) { const dstAttribute = shallowCloneAccessor(document, srcAttribute); compactAttribute(srcAttribute, srcIndices, remap, dstAttribute, unique); for (const prim of plan.indicesToPrimitives.get(srcIndices)) { if (prim.getIndices() === srcIndices) { prim.swap(srcIndices, dstIndices); } prim.swap(srcAttribute, dstAttribute); for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { target.swap(srcAttribute, dstAttribute); } } } } // Clean up any attributes left unused by earlier cloning. const _temp = function () { if (options.cleanup) { return Promise.resolve(document.transform(prune({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR], keepAttributes: true, keepIndices: true }))).then(function () {}); } }(); return _temp && _temp.then ? _temp.then(_temp2) : _temp2(_temp); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } /** * Constructs a plan for processing vertex streams, based on unique * index:attribute[] groups. Where different indices are used with the same * attributes, we'll end up splitting the primitives to not share attributes, * which appears to be consistent with the Meshopt implementation. * * @hidden */ function createLayoutPlan(document) { const indicesToMode = new Map(); const indicesToPrimitives = new SetMap(); const indicesToAttributes = new SetMap(); const attributesToPrimitives = new SetMap(); for (const mesh of document.getRoot().listMeshes()) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { const indices = prim.getIndices(); if (!indices) continue; indicesToMode.set(indices, prim.getMode()); indicesToPrimitives.add(indices, prim); for (const attribute of deepListAttributes(prim)) { indicesToAttributes.add(indices, attribute); attributesToPrimitives.add(attribute, prim); } } } return { indicesToPrimitives, indicesToAttributes, indicesToMode, attributesToPrimitives }; } /** * Sorts skinning weights from high to low, for each vertex of the input * {@link Primitive} or {@link PrimitiveTarget}, and normalizes the weights. * Optionally, uses the given 'limit' to remove least-significant joint * influences such that no vertex has more than 'limit' influences. * * Most realtime engines support a limited number of joint influences per vertex, * often 4 or 8. Sorting and removing the additional influences can reduce file * size and improve compatibility. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { sortPrimitiveWeights } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * const limit = 4; * for (const mesh of document.getRoot().listMeshes()) { * for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { * sortPrimitiveWeights(prim, limit); * } * } * ``` * * @param prim Input, to be modified in place. * @param limit Maximum number of joint influences per vertex. Must be a multiple of four. */ function sortPrimitiveWeights(prim, limit) { if (limit === void 0) { limit = Infinity; } if (Number.isFinite(limit) && limit % 4 || limit <= 0) { throw new Error(`Limit must be positive multiple of four.`); } const vertexCount = prim.getAttribute('POSITION').getCount(); const setCount = prim.listSemantics().filter(name => name.startsWith('WEIGHTS_')).length; // (1) Sort. const indices = new Uint16Array(setCount * 4); const srcWeights = new Float32Array(setCount * 4); const dstWeights = new Float32Array(setCount * 4); const srcJoints = new Uint32Array(setCount * 4); const dstJoints = new Uint32Array(setCount * 4); for (let i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { getVertexArray(prim, i, 'WEIGHTS', srcWeights); getVertexArray(prim, i, 'JOINTS', srcJoints); // Sort indices to create a lookup table, indices[dstIndex] → srcIndex, // indexed into the weights and joints arrays. for (let j = 0; j < setCount * 4; j++) indices[j] = j; indices.sort((a, b) => srcWeights[a] > srcWeights[b] ? -1 : 1); // Sort weights and joints. for (let j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) { dstWeights[j] = srcWeights[indices[j]]; dstJoints[j] = srcJoints[indices[j]]; } setVertexArray(prim, i, 'WEIGHTS', dstWeights); setVertexArray(prim, i, 'JOINTS', dstJoints); } // (2) Limit. for (let i = setCount; i * 4 > limit; i--) { const weights = prim.getAttribute(`WEIGHTS_${i - 1}`); const joints = prim.getAttribute(`JOINTS_${i - 1}`); prim.setAttribute(`WEIGHTS_${i - 1}`, null); prim.setAttribute(`JOINTS_${i - 1}`, null); if (weights.listParents().length === 1) weights.dispose(); if (joints.listParents().length === 1) joints.dispose(); } // (3) Normalize. normalizePrimitiveWeights(prim); } function normalizePrimitiveWeights(prim) { // TODO(feat): Convert attributes to same component types when necessary. if (!isNormalizeSafe(prim)) return; const vertexCount = prim.getAttribute('POSITION').getCount(); const setCount = prim.listSemantics().filter(name => name.startsWith('WEIGHTS_')).length; const templateAttribute = prim.getAttribute('WEIGHTS_0'); const templateArray = templateAttribute.getArray(); const componentType = templateAttribute.getComponentType(); const normalized = templateAttribute.getNormalized(); const normalizedComponentType = normalized ? componentType : undefined; const delta = normalized ? core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(1, componentType) : Number.EPSILON; const joints = new Uint32Array(setCount * 4).fill(0); const weights = templateArray.slice(0, setCount * 4).fill(0); for (let i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { getVertexArray(prim, i, 'JOINTS', joints); getVertexArray(prim, i, 'WEIGHTS', weights, normalizedComponentType); let weightsSum = sum(weights, normalizedComponentType); if (weightsSum !== 0 && weightsSum !== 1) { // (1) If sum of weights not within δ of 1, renormalize all weights. if (Math.abs(1 - weightsSum) > delta) { for (let j = 0; j < weights.length; j++) { if (normalized) { const floatValue = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(weights[j], componentType); weights[j] = core.MathUtils.encodeNormalizedInt(floatValue / weightsSum, componentType); } else { weights[j] /= weightsSum; } } } weightsSum = sum(weights, normalizedComponentType); // (2) Sum of normalized weights may still be off by δ. Compensate // in least-significant weight. if (normalized && weightsSum !== 1) { for (let j = weights.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (weights[j] > 0) { // Normalized integer encoding will clamp negative values, so separate the sign. const delta = 1 - weightsSum; weights[j] += Math.sign(delta) * core.MathUtils.encodeNormalizedInt(Math.abs(delta), componentType); break; } } } } // (3) Remove joint indices whose weights have fallen to zero. for (let j = weights.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (weights[j] === 0) { joints[j] = 0; } } setVertexArray(prim, i, 'JOINTS', joints); setVertexArray(prim, i, 'WEIGHTS', weights, normalizedComponentType); } } /** Lists all values of a multi-set vertex attribute (WEIGHTS_#, ...) for given vertex. */ function getVertexArray(prim, vertexIndex, prefix, target, normalizedComponentType) { let weights; const el = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for (let i = 0; weights = prim.getAttribute(`${prefix}_${i}`); i++) { weights.getElement(vertexIndex, el); for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (normalizedComponentType) { target[i * 4 + j] = core.MathUtils.encodeNormalizedInt(el[j], normalizedComponentType); } else { target[i * 4 + j] = el[j]; } } } return target; } /** Sets all values of a multi-set vertex attribute (WEIGHTS_#, ...) for given vertex. */ function setVertexArray(prim, vertexIndex, prefix, values, normalizedComponentType) { let weights; const el = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for (let i = 0; weights = prim.getAttribute(`${prefix}_${i}`); i++) { for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (normalizedComponentType) { el[j] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(values[i * 4 + j], normalizedComponentType); } else { el[j] = values[i * 4 + j]; } } weights.setElement(vertexIndex, el); } } /** Sum an array of numbers. */ function sum(values, normalizedComponentType) { let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (normalizedComponentType) { sum += core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(values[i], normalizedComponentType); } else { sum += values[i]; } } return sum; } /** Returns true if attribute normalization is supported for this primitive. */ function isNormalizeSafe(prim) { const attributes = prim.listSemantics().filter(name => name.startsWith('WEIGHTS_')).map(name => prim.getAttribute(name)); const normList = => a.getNormalized()); const typeList = => a.getComponentType()); return new Set(normList).size === 1 && new Set(typeList).size === 1; } const NAME$f = 'quantize'; const SIGNED_INT = [Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array]; const { TRANSLATION, ROTATION, SCALE, WEIGHTS } = core.AnimationChannel.TargetPath; const TRS_CHANNELS = [TRANSLATION, ROTATION, SCALE]; const QUANTIZE_DEFAULTS = { pattern: /.*/, quantizationVolume: 'mesh', quantizePosition: 14, quantizeNormal: 10, quantizeTexcoord: 12, quantizeColor: 8, quantizeWeight: 8, quantizeGeneric: 12, normalizeWeights: true, cleanup: true }; /** * References: * - * - * - * - */ /** * Quantizes vertex attributes with `KHR_mesh_quantization`, reducing the size and memory footprint * of the file. Conceptually, quantization refers to snapping values to regular intervals; vertex * positions are snapped to a 3D grid, UVs to a 2D grid, and so on. When quantized to <= 16 bits, * larger component types may be more compactly stored as 16-bit or 8-bit attributes. * * Often, it can be useful to quantize to precision lower than the maximum allowed by the component * type. Positions quantized to 14 bits in a 16-bit accessor will occupy 16 bits in VRAM, but they * can be compressed further for network compression with lossless encodings such as ZSTD. * * Vertex positions are shifted into [-1,1] or [0,1] range before quantization. Compensating for * that shift, a transform is applied to the parent {@link Node}, or inverse bind matrices for a * {@link Skin} if applicable. Materials using {@link KHRMaterialsVolume} are adjusted to maintain * appearance. In future releases, UVs may also be transformed with {@link KHRTextureTransform}. * Currently UVs outside of [0,1] range are not quantized. * * In most cases, quantization requires {@link KHRMeshQuantization}; the extension will be added * automatically when `quantize()` is applied. When applying meshopt compression with * {@link EXTMeshoptCompression}, quantization is usually applied before compression. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { quantize } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await document.transform( * quantize({ * quantizePosition: 14, * quantizeNormal: 10, * }), * ); * ``` * * For the inverse operation, see {@link dequantize}. * * @category Transforms */ function quantize(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = QUANTIZE_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(QUANTIZE_DEFAULTS, { patternTargets: _options.pattern || QUANTIZE_DEFAULTS.pattern, ..._options }); return createTransform(NAME$f, function (document) { try { function _temp2() { logger.debug(`${NAME$f}: Complete.`); } const logger = document.getLogger(); const root = document.getRoot(); // Compute vertex position quantization volume. let nodeTransform = undefined; if (options.quantizationVolume === 'scene') { nodeTransform = getNodeTransform(expandBounds(root.listMeshes().map(getPositionQuantizationVolume))); } // Quantize mesh primitives. for (const mesh of document.getRoot().listMeshes()) { if (options.quantizationVolume === 'mesh') { nodeTransform = getNodeTransform(getPositionQuantizationVolume(mesh)); } if (nodeTransform && options.pattern.test('POSITION')) { transformMeshParents(document, mesh, nodeTransform); transformMeshMaterials(mesh, 1 / nodeTransform.scale); } for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { const renderCount = getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER); const uploadCount = getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD); if (renderCount < uploadCount / 2) { compactPrimitive(prim); } quantizePrimitive(document, prim, nodeTransform, options); for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { quantizePrimitive(document, target, nodeTransform, options); } } } const needsExtension = root.listMeshes().flatMap(mesh => mesh.listPrimitives()).some(isQuantizedPrimitive); if (needsExtension) { document.createExtension(extensions.KHRMeshQuantization).setRequired(true); } const _temp = function () { if (options.cleanup) { return Promise.resolve(document.transform(prune({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR, core.PropertyType.SKIN, core.PropertyType.MATERIAL], keepAttributes: true, keepIndices: true, keepLeaves: true, keepSolidTextures: true }), dedup({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR, core.PropertyType.MATERIAL, core.PropertyType.SKIN], keepUniqueNames: true }))).then(function () {}); } }(); return Promise.resolve(_temp && _temp.then ? _temp.then(_temp2) : _temp2(_temp)); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } function quantizePrimitive(doc, prim, nodeTransform, options) { const isTarget = prim instanceof core.PrimitiveTarget; const logger = doc.getLogger(); for (const semantic of prim.listSemantics()) { if (!isTarget && !options.pattern.test(semantic)) continue; if (isTarget && !options.patternTargets.test(semantic)) continue; const srcAttribute = prim.getAttribute(semantic); const { bits, ctor } = getQuantizationSettings(semantic, srcAttribute, logger, options); if (!ctor) continue; if (bits < 8 || bits > 16) throw new Error(`${NAME$f}: Requires bits = 8–16.`); if (srcAttribute.getComponentSize() <= bits / 8) continue; const dstAttribute = srcAttribute.clone(); // Remap position data. if (semantic === 'POSITION') { const scale = nodeTransform.scale; const transform = []; // Morph targets are relative offsets, don't translate them. prim instanceof core.Primitive ? invert$1(transform, fromTransform(nodeTransform)) : fromScaling(transform, [1 / scale, 1 / scale, 1 / scale]); for (let i = 0, el = [0, 0, 0], il = dstAttribute.getCount(); i < il; i++) { dstAttribute.getElement(i, el); dstAttribute.setElement(i, transformMat4(el, el, transform)); } } // Quantize the vertex attribute. quantizeAttribute(dstAttribute, ctor, bits); prim.setAttribute(semantic, dstAttribute); } // Normalize skinning weights. if (options.normalizeWeights && prim.getAttribute('WEIGHTS_0')) { sortPrimitiveWeights(prim, Infinity); } if (prim instanceof core.Primitive && prim.getIndices() && prim.listAttributes().length && prim.listAttributes()[0].getCount() < 65535) { const indices = prim.getIndices(); indices.setArray(new Uint16Array(indices.getArray())); } } /** Computes node quantization transforms in local space. */ function getNodeTransform(volume) { const { min, max } = volume; // Scaling factor transforms [-1,1] box to the mesh AABB in local space. // See: const scale = Math.max((max[0] - min[0]) / 2, // Divide because interval [-1,1] has length 2. (max[1] - min[1]) / 2, (max[2] - min[2]) / 2); // Original center of the mesh, in local space. const offset = [min[0] + (max[0] - min[0]) / 2, min[1] + (max[1] - min[1]) / 2, min[2] + (max[2] - min[2]) / 2]; return { offset, scale }; } /** Applies corrective scale and offset to nodes referencing a quantized Mesh. */ function transformMeshParents(doc, mesh, nodeTransform) { const transformMatrix = fromTransform(nodeTransform); for (const parent of mesh.listParents()) { if (!(parent instanceof core.Node)) continue; const animChannels = parent.listParents().filter(p => p instanceof core.AnimationChannel); const isAnimated = animChannels.some(channel => TRS_CHANNELS.includes(channel.getTargetPath())); const isParentNode = parent.listChildren().length > 0; const skin = parent.getSkin(); if (skin) { parent.setSkin(transformSkin(skin, nodeTransform)); continue; } const batch = parent.getExtension('EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing'); if (batch) { parent.setExtension('EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing', transformBatch(batch, nodeTransform)); continue; } let targetNode; if (isParentNode || isAnimated) { targetNode = doc.createNode('').setMesh(mesh); parent.addChild(targetNode).setMesh(null); animChannels.filter(channel => channel.getTargetPath() === WEIGHTS).forEach(channel => channel.setTargetNode(targetNode)); } else { targetNode = parent; } const nodeMatrix = targetNode.getMatrix(); multiply$2(nodeMatrix, nodeMatrix, transformMatrix); targetNode.setMatrix(nodeMatrix); } } /** Applies corrective scale and offset to skin IBMs. */ function transformSkin(skin, nodeTransform) { skin = skin.clone(); // quantize() does cleanup. const transformMatrix = fromTransform(nodeTransform); const inverseBindMatrices = skin.getInverseBindMatrices().clone(); const ibm = []; for (let i = 0, count = inverseBindMatrices.getCount(); i < count; i++) { inverseBindMatrices.getElement(i, ibm); multiply$2(ibm, ibm, transformMatrix); inverseBindMatrices.setElement(i, ibm); } return skin.setInverseBindMatrices(inverseBindMatrices); } /** Applies corrective scale and offset to GPU instancing batches. */ function transformBatch(batch, nodeTransform) { var _batch$getAttribute, _batch$getAttribute2, _batch$getAttribute3; if (!batch.getAttribute('TRANSLATION') && !batch.getAttribute('ROTATION') && !batch.getAttribute('SCALE')) { return batch; } batch = batch.clone(); // quantize() does cleanup. const instanceTranslation = (_batch$getAttribute = batch.getAttribute('TRANSLATION')) == null ? void 0 : _batch$getAttribute.clone(); const instanceRotation = (_batch$getAttribute2 = batch.getAttribute('ROTATION')) == null ? void 0 : _batch$getAttribute2.clone(); const instanceScale = (_batch$getAttribute3 = batch.getAttribute('SCALE')) == null ? void 0 : _batch$getAttribute3.clone(); const tpl = instanceTranslation || instanceRotation || instanceScale; const T_IDENTITY = [0, 0, 0]; const R_IDENTITY = [0, 0, 0, 1]; const S_IDENTITY = [1, 1, 1]; const t = [0, 0, 0]; const r = [0, 0, 0, 1]; const s = [1, 1, 1]; // prettier-ignore const instanceMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; const transformMatrix = fromTransform(nodeTransform); for (let i = 0, count = tpl.getCount(); i < count; i++) { core.MathUtils.compose(instanceTranslation ? instanceTranslation.getElement(i, t) : T_IDENTITY, instanceRotation ? instanceRotation.getElement(i, r) : R_IDENTITY, instanceScale ? instanceScale.getElement(i, s) : S_IDENTITY, instanceMatrix); multiply$2(instanceMatrix, instanceMatrix, transformMatrix); core.MathUtils.decompose(instanceMatrix, t, r, s); if (instanceTranslation) instanceTranslation.setElement(i, t); if (instanceRotation) instanceRotation.setElement(i, r); if (instanceScale) instanceScale.setElement(i, s); } if (instanceTranslation) batch.setAttribute('TRANSLATION', instanceTranslation); if (instanceRotation) batch.setAttribute('ROTATION', instanceRotation); if (instanceScale) batch.setAttribute('SCALE', instanceScale); return batch; } /** Applies corrective scale to volumetric materials, which give thickness in local units. */ function transformMeshMaterials(mesh, scale) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { let material = prim.getMaterial(); if (!material) continue; let volume = material.getExtension('KHR_materials_volume'); if (!volume || volume.getThicknessFactor() <= 0) continue; // quantize() does cleanup. volume = volume.clone().setThicknessFactor(volume.getThicknessFactor() * scale); material = material.clone().setExtension('KHR_materials_volume', volume); prim.setMaterial(material); } } /** * Quantizes an attribute to the given parameters. * * Uniformly remap 32-bit floats to reduced-precision 8- or 16-bit integers, so * that there are only 2^N unique values, for N within [8, 16]. * * See: */ function quantizeAttribute(attribute, ctor, bits) { const dstArray = new ctor(attribute.getArray().length); const signBits = SIGNED_INT.includes(ctor) ? 1 : 0; const quantBits = bits - signBits; const storageBits = ctor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 8 - signBits; const scale = Math.pow(2, quantBits) - 1; const lo = storageBits - quantBits; const hi = 2 * quantBits - storageBits; const range = [signBits > 0 ? -1 : 0, 1]; for (let i = 0, di = 0, el = []; i < attribute.getCount(); i++) { attribute.getElement(i, el); for (let j = 0; j < el.length; j++) { // Clamp to range. let value = clamp(el[j], range); // Map [0.0 ... 1.0] to [0 ... scale]. value = Math.round(Math.abs(value) * scale); // Replicate msb to missing lsb. value = value << lo | value >> hi; // Restore sign. dstArray[di++] = value * Math.sign(el[j]); } } // TODO(feat): Support sparse accessors, attribute.setArray(dstArray).setNormalized(true).setSparse(false); } function getQuantizationSettings(semantic, attribute, logger, options) { const min = attribute.getMinNormalized([]); const max = attribute.getMaxNormalized([]); let bits; let ctor; if (semantic === 'POSITION') { bits = options.quantizePosition; ctor = bits <= 8 ? Int8Array : Int16Array; } else if (semantic === 'NORMAL' || semantic === 'TANGENT') { bits = options.quantizeNormal; ctor = bits <= 8 ? Int8Array : Int16Array; } else if (semantic.startsWith('COLOR_')) { bits = options.quantizeColor; ctor = bits <= 8 ? Uint8Array : Uint16Array; } else if (semantic.startsWith('TEXCOORD_')) { if (min.some(v => v < 0) || max.some(v => v > 1)) { logger.warn(`${NAME$f}: Skipping ${semantic}; out of [0,1] range.`); return { bits: -1 }; } bits = options.quantizeTexcoord; ctor = bits <= 8 ? Uint8Array : Uint16Array; } else if (semantic.startsWith('JOINTS_')) { bits = Math.max(...attribute.getMax([])) <= 255 ? 8 : 16; ctor = bits <= 8 ? Uint8Array : Uint16Array; if (attribute.getComponentSize() > bits / 8) { attribute.setArray(new ctor(attribute.getArray())); } return { bits: -1 }; } else if (semantic.startsWith('WEIGHTS_')) { if (min.some(v => v < 0) || max.some(v => v > 1)) { logger.warn(`${NAME$f}: Skipping ${semantic}; out of [0,1] range.`); return { bits: -1 }; } bits = options.quantizeWeight; ctor = bits <= 8 ? Uint8Array : Uint16Array; } else if (semantic.startsWith('_')) { if (min.some(v => v < -1) || max.some(v => v > 1)) { logger.warn(`${NAME$f}: Skipping ${semantic}; out of [-1,1] range.`); return { bits: -1 }; } bits = options.quantizeGeneric; ctor = min.some(v => v < 0) ? ctor = bits <= 8 ? Int8Array : Int16Array : ctor = bits <= 8 ? Uint8Array : Uint16Array; } else { throw new Error(`${NAME$f}: Unexpected semantic, "${semantic}".`); } return { bits, ctor }; } function getPositionQuantizationVolume(mesh) { const positions = []; const relativePositions = []; for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { const attribute = prim.getAttribute('POSITION'); if (attribute) positions.push(attribute); for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { const attribute = target.getAttribute('POSITION'); if (attribute) relativePositions.push(attribute); } } if (positions.length === 0) { throw new Error(`${NAME$f}: Missing "POSITION" attribute.`); } const bbox = flatBounds(positions, 3); // Morph target quantization volume is computed differently. First, ensure that the origin // <0, 0, 0> is in the quantization volume. Because we can't offset target positions (they're // relative deltas), default remapping will only map to a [-2, 2] AABB. Double the bounding box // to ensure scaling puts them within a [-1, 1] AABB instead. if (relativePositions.length > 0) { const { min: relMin, max: relMax } = flatBounds(relativePositions, 3); min(bbox.min, bbox.min, min(relMin, scale$1(relMin, relMin, 2), [0, 0, 0])); max(bbox.max, bbox.max, max(relMax, scale$1(relMax, relMax, 2), [0, 0, 0])); } return bbox; } function isQuantizedAttribute(semantic, attribute) { // const componentSize = attribute.getComponentSize(); if (semantic === 'POSITION') return componentSize < 4; if (semantic === 'NORMAL') return componentSize < 4; if (semantic === 'TANGENT') return componentSize < 4; if (semantic.startsWith('TEXCOORD_')) { const componentType = attribute.getComponentType(); const normalized = attribute.getNormalized(); return componentSize < 4 && !(normalized && componentType === core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE) && !(normalized && componentType === core.Accessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT); } return false; } function isQuantizedPrimitive(prim) { for (const semantic of prim.listSemantics()) { const attribute = prim.getAttribute('POSITION'); if (isQuantizedAttribute(semantic, attribute)) { return true; } } if (prim.propertyType === core.PropertyType.PRIMITIVE) { return prim.listTargets().some(isQuantizedPrimitive); } return false; } /** Computes total min and max of all Accessors in a list. */ function flatBounds(accessors, elementSize) { const min = new Array(elementSize).fill(Infinity); const max = new Array(elementSize).fill(-Infinity); const tmpMin = []; const tmpMax = []; for (const accessor of accessors) { accessor.getMinNormalized(tmpMin); accessor.getMaxNormalized(tmpMax); for (let i = 0; i < elementSize; i++) { min[i] = Math.min(min[i], tmpMin[i]); max[i] = Math.max(max[i], tmpMax[i]); } } return { min, max }; } function expandBounds(bboxes) { const result = bboxes[0]; for (const bbox of bboxes) { min(result.min, result.min, bbox.min); max(result.max, result.max, bbox.max); } return result; } function fromTransform(transform) { return fromRotationTranslationScale([], [0, 0, 0, 1], transform.offset, [transform.scale, transform.scale, transform.scale]); } function clamp(value, range) { return Math.min(Math.max(value, range[0]), range[1]); } const MESHOPT_DEFAULTS = { level: 'high', ...QUANTIZE_DEFAULTS }; const NAME$e = 'meshopt'; /** * Applies Meshopt compression using {@link EXTMeshoptCompression EXT_meshopt_compression}. * This type of compression can reduce the size of point, line, and triangle geometry, * morph targets, and animation data. * * This function is a thin wrapper around {@link reorder}, {@link quantize}, and * {@link EXTMeshoptCompression}, and exposes relatively few configuration options. * To access more options (like quantization bits) direct use of the underlying * functions is recommended. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { MeshoptEncoder } from 'meshoptimizer'; * import { meshopt } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await MeshoptEncoder.ready; * * await document.transform( * meshopt({encoder: MeshoptEncoder, level: 'medium'}) * ); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function meshopt(_options) { const options = assignDefaults(MESHOPT_DEFAULTS, _options); const encoder = options.encoder; if (!encoder) { throw new Error(`${NAME$e}: encoder dependency required — install "meshoptimizer".`); } return createTransform(NAME$e, function (document) { try { let pattern; let patternTargets; let quantizeNormal = options.quantizeNormal; if (document.getRoot().listAccessors().length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } // IMPORTANT: Vertex attributes should be quantized in 'high' mode IFF they are // _not_ filtered in 'packages/extensions/src/ext-meshopt-compression/encoder.ts'. // Note that normals and tangents use octahedral filters, but _morph_ normals // and tangents do not. // See: if (options.level === 'medium') { pattern = /.*/; patternTargets = /.*/; } else { pattern = /^(POSITION|TEXCOORD|JOINTS|WEIGHTS|COLOR)(_\d+)?$/; patternTargets = /^(POSITION|TEXCOORD|JOINTS|WEIGHTS|COLOR|NORMAL|TANGENT)(_\d+)?$/; quantizeNormal = Math.min(quantizeNormal, 8); // See meshopt::getMeshoptFilter. } return Promise.resolve(document.transform(reorder({ encoder: encoder, target: 'size' }), quantize({ ...options, pattern, patternTargets, quantizeNormal }))).then(function () { document.createExtension(extensions.EXTMeshoptCompression).setRequired(true).setEncoderOptions({ method: options.level === 'medium' ? extensions.EXTMeshoptCompression.EncoderMethod.QUANTIZE : extensions.EXTMeshoptCompression.EncoderMethod.FILTER }); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } const _iteratorSymbol = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" ? Symbol.iterator || (Symbol.iterator = Symbol("Symbol.iterator")) : "@@iterator"; function _settle(pact, state, value) { if (!pact.s) { if (value instanceof _Pact) { if (value.s) { if (state & 1) { state = value.s; } value = value.v; } else { value.o = _settle.bind(null, pact, state); return; } } if (value && value.then) { value.then(_settle.bind(null, pact, state), _settle.bind(null, pact, 2)); return; } pact.s = state; pact.v = value; const observer = pact.o; if (observer) { observer(pact); } } } const _Pact = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function _Pact() {} _Pact.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) { const result = new _Pact(); const state = this.s; if (state) { const callback = state & 1 ? onFulfilled : onRejected; if (callback) { try { _settle(result, 1, callback(this.v)); } catch (e) { _settle(result, 2, e); } return result; } else { return this; } } this.o = function (_this) { try { const value = _this.v; if (_this.s & 1) { _settle(result, 1, onFulfilled ? onFulfilled(value) : value); } else if (onRejected) { _settle(result, 1, onRejected(value)); } else { _settle(result, 2, value); } } catch (e) { _settle(result, 2, e); } }; return result; }; return _Pact; }(); function _isSettledPact(thenable) { return thenable instanceof _Pact && thenable.s & 1; } function _forTo(array, body, check) { var i = -1, pact, reject; function _cycle(result) { try { while (++i < array.length && (!check || !check())) { result = body(i); if (result && result.then) { if (_isSettledPact(result)) { result = result.v; } else { result.then(_cycle, reject || (reject = _settle.bind(null, pact = new _Pact(), 2))); return; } } } if (pact) { _settle(pact, 1, result); } else { pact = result; } } catch (e) { _settle(pact || (pact = new _Pact()), 2, e); } } _cycle(); return pact; } const NAME$d = 'metalRough'; function _forOf(target, body, check) { if (typeof target[_iteratorSymbol] === "function") { var iterator = target[_iteratorSymbol](), step, pact, reject; function _cycle(result) { try { while (!(step = && (!check || !check())) { result = body(step.value); if (result && result.then) { if (_isSettledPact(result)) { result = result.v; } else { result.then(_cycle, reject || (reject = _settle.bind(null, pact = new _Pact(), 2))); return; } } } if (pact) { _settle(pact, 1, result); } else { pact = result; } } catch (e) { _settle(pact || (pact = new _Pact()), 2, e); } } _cycle(); if (iterator.return) { var _fixup = function (value) { try { if (!step.done) { iterator.return(); } } catch (e) {} return value; }; if (pact && pact.then) { return pact.then(_fixup, function (e) { throw _fixup(e); }); } _fixup(); } return pact; } // No support for Symbol.iterator if (!("length" in target)) { throw new TypeError("Object is not iterable"); } // Handle live collections properly var values = []; for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) { values.push(target[i]); } return _forTo(values, function (i) { return body(values[i]); }, check); } /** * Convert {@link Material}s from spec/gloss PBR workflow to metal/rough PBR workflow, * removing `KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness` and adding `KHR_materials_ior` and * `KHR_materials_specular`. The metal/rough PBR workflow is preferred for most use cases, * and is a prerequisite for other advanced PBR extensions provided by glTF. * * No options are currently implemented for this function. * * @category Transforms */ function metalRough(_options) { return createTransform(NAME$d, function (doc) { try { function _temp4() { // Remove KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness from the document. specGlossExtension.dispose(); // Clean up unused textures. for (const tex of inputTextures) { if (tex && tex.listParents().length === 1) tex.dispose(); } logger.debug(`${NAME$d}: Complete.`); } const logger = doc.getLogger(); const extensionsUsed = doc.getRoot().listExtensionsUsed().map(ext => ext.extensionName); if (!extensionsUsed.includes('KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness')) { logger.warn(`${NAME$d}: KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness not found on document.`); return Promise.resolve(); } const iorExtension = doc.createExtension(extensions.KHRMaterialsIOR); const specExtension = doc.createExtension(extensions.KHRMaterialsSpecular); const specGlossExtension = doc.createExtension(extensions.KHRMaterialsPBRSpecularGlossiness); const inputTextures = new Set(); const _temp3 = _forOf(doc.getRoot().listMaterials(), function (material) { function _temp2() { // Remove KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness from the material. material.setExtension('KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness', null); } const specGloss = material.getExtension('KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness'); if (!specGloss) return; // Create specular extension. const specular = specExtension.createSpecular().setSpecularFactor(1.0).setSpecularColorFactor(specGloss.getSpecularFactor()); // Stash textures that might become unused, to check and clean up later. inputTextures.add(specGloss.getSpecularGlossinessTexture()); inputTextures.add(material.getBaseColorTexture()); inputTextures.add(material.getMetallicRoughnessTexture()); // Set up a metal/rough PBR material with IOR=Infinity (or 0), metallic=0. This // representation is precise and reliable, but perhaps less convenient for artists // than deriving a metalness value. Unfortunately we can't do that without imprecise // heuristics, and perhaps user tuning. // See: material.setBaseColorFactor(specGloss.getDiffuseFactor()).setMetallicFactor(0).setRoughnessFactor(1).setExtension('KHR_materials_ior', iorExtension.createIOR().setIOR(1000)).setExtension('KHR_materials_specular', specular); // Move diffuse -> baseColor. const diffuseTexture = specGloss.getDiffuseTexture(); if (diffuseTexture) { material.setBaseColorTexture(diffuseTexture); material.getBaseColorTextureInfo().copy(specGloss.getDiffuseTextureInfo()); } // Move specular + gloss -> specular + roughness. const sgTexture = specGloss.getSpecularGlossinessTexture(); const _temp = function () { if (sgTexture) { // specularGlossiness -> specular. const sgTextureInfo = specGloss.getSpecularGlossinessTextureInfo(); const specularTexture = doc.createTexture(); return Promise.resolve(rewriteTexture(sgTexture, specularTexture, (pixels, i, j) => { pixels.set(i, j, 3, 255); // Remove glossiness. })).then(function () { specular.setSpecularTexture(specularTexture); specular.setSpecularColorTexture(specularTexture); specular.getSpecularTextureInfo().copy(sgTextureInfo); specular.getSpecularColorTextureInfo().copy(sgTextureInfo); // specularGlossiness -> roughness. const glossinessFactor = specGloss.getGlossinessFactor(); const metalRoughTexture = doc.createTexture(); return Promise.resolve(rewriteTexture(sgTexture, metalRoughTexture, (pixels, i, j) => { // Invert glossiness. const roughness = 255 - Math.round(pixels.get(i, j, 3) * glossinessFactor); pixels.set(i, j, 0, 0); pixels.set(i, j, 1, roughness); pixels.set(i, j, 2, 0); pixels.set(i, j, 3, 255); })).then(function () { material.setMetallicRoughnessTexture(metalRoughTexture); material.getMetallicRoughnessTextureInfo().copy(sgTextureInfo); }); }); } else { specular.setSpecularColorFactor(specGloss.getSpecularFactor()); material.setRoughnessFactor(1 - specGloss.getGlossinessFactor()); } }(); return _temp && _temp.then ? _temp.then(_temp2) : _temp2(_temp); }); return Promise.resolve(_temp3 && _temp3.then ? _temp3.then(_temp4) : _temp4(_temp3)); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } const NAME$c = 'unweld'; /** * De-index {@link Primitive}s, disconnecting any shared vertices. This operation will generally * increase the number of vertices in a mesh, but may be helpful for some geometry operations or * for creating hard edges. * * No options are currently implemented for this function. * * @category Transforms */ function unweld(_options) { return createTransform(NAME$c, doc => { const logger = doc.getLogger(); const visited = new Map(); for (const mesh of doc.getRoot().listMeshes()) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { unweldPrimitive(prim, visited); } } logger.debug(`${NAME$c}: Complete.`); }); } /** * @hidden * @internal */ function unweldPrimitive(prim, visited) { if (visited === void 0) { visited = new Map(); } const indices = prim.getIndices(); if (!indices) return; const graph = prim.getGraph(); const document = core.Document.fromGraph(graph); const logger = document.getLogger(); const srcVertexCount = prim.getAttribute('POSITION').getCount(); // Vertex attributes. for (const srcAttribute of prim.listAttributes()) { prim.swap(srcAttribute, unweldAttribute(document, srcAttribute, indices, visited)); // Clean up. if (srcAttribute.listParents().length === 1) srcAttribute.dispose(); } // Morph target vertex attributes. for (const target of prim.listTargets()) { for (const srcAttribute of target.listAttributes()) { target.swap(srcAttribute, unweldAttribute(document, srcAttribute, indices, visited)); // Clean up. if (srcAttribute.listParents().length === 1) srcAttribute.dispose(); } } const dstVertexCount = prim.getAttribute('POSITION').getCount(); logger.debug(`${NAME$c}: ${formatDeltaOp(srcVertexCount, dstVertexCount)} vertices.`); // Clean up. prim.setIndices(null); if (indices.listParents().length === 1) indices.dispose(); } function unweldAttribute(document, srcAttribute, indices, visited) { if (visited.has(srcAttribute) && visited.get(srcAttribute).has(indices)) { return visited.get(srcAttribute).get(indices); } const srcArray = srcAttribute.getArray(); const TypedArray = srcArray.constructor; const dstArray = new TypedArray(indices.getCount() * srcAttribute.getElementSize()); const indicesArray = indices.getArray(); const elementSize = srcAttribute.getElementSize(); for (let i = 0, il = indices.getCount(); i < il; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < elementSize; j++) { dstArray[i * elementSize + j] = srcArray[indicesArray[i] * elementSize + j]; } } if (!visited.has(srcAttribute)) visited.set(srcAttribute, new Map()); const dstAttribute = shallowCloneAccessor(document, srcAttribute).setArray(dstArray); visited.get(srcAttribute).set(indices, dstAttribute); return dstAttribute; } const NAME$b = 'normals'; const NORMALS_DEFAULTS = { overwrite: false }; /** * Generates flat vertex normals for mesh primitives. * * Example: * * ```ts * import { normals } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await document.transform(normals({overwrite: true})); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function normals(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = NORMALS_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(NORMALS_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$b, function (document) { try { const logger = document.getLogger(); let modified = 0; return Promise.resolve(document.transform(unweld())).then(function () { for (const mesh of document.getRoot().listMeshes()) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { const position = prim.getAttribute('POSITION'); let normal = prim.getAttribute('NORMAL'); if (options.overwrite && normal) { normal.dispose(); } else if (normal) { logger.debug(`${NAME$b}: Skipping primitive: NORMAL found.`); continue; } normal = document.createAccessor().setArray(new Float32Array(position.getCount() * 3)).setType('VEC3'); const a = [0, 0, 0]; const b = [0, 0, 0]; const c = [0, 0, 0]; for (let i = 0; i < position.getCount(); i += 3) { position.getElement(i + 0, a); position.getElement(i + 1, b); position.getElement(i + 2, c); const faceNormal = computeNormal(a, b, c); normal.setElement(i + 0, faceNormal); normal.setElement(i + 1, faceNormal); normal.setElement(i + 2, faceNormal); } prim.setAttribute('NORMAL', normal); modified++; } } if (!modified) { logger.warn(`${NAME$b}: No qualifying primitives found. See debug output.`); } else { logger.debug(`${NAME$b}: Complete.`); } }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } // function computeNormal(a, b, c) { const A = [b[0] - a[0], b[1] - a[1], b[2] - a[2]]; const B = [c[0] - a[0], c[1] - a[1], c[2] - a[2]]; const n = [A[1] * B[2] - A[2] * B[1], // A[2] * B[0] - A[0] * B[2], A[0] * B[1] - A[1] * B[0]]; return normalize([0, 0, 0], n); } const NAME$a = 'palette'; const PALETTE_DEFAULTS = { blockSize: 4, min: 5, keepAttributes: false, cleanup: true }; /** * Creates palette textures containing all unique values of scalar * {@link Material} properties within the scene, then merges materials. For * scenes with many solid-colored materials (often found in CAD, architectural, * or low-poly styles), texture palettes can reduce the number of materials * used, and significantly increase the number of {@link Mesh} objects eligible * for {@link join} operations. * * Materials already containing texture coordinates (UVs) are not eligible for * texture palette optimizations. Currently only a material's base color, * alpha, emissive factor, metallic factor, and roughness factor are converted * to palette textures. * * Example: * * ```typescript * import { palette, flatten, dequantize, join } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await document.transform( * palette({ min: 5 }), * flatten(), * dequantize(), * join() * ); * ``` * * The illustration below shows a typical base color palette texture: * * Row of colored blocks * * @category Transforms */ function palette(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = PALETTE_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(PALETTE_DEFAULTS, _options); const blockSize = Math.max(options.blockSize, 1); const min = Math.max(options.min, 1); return createTransform(NAME$a, function (document) { try { function _temp10() { function _temp8() { function _temp6() { function _temp4() { function _temp2() { logger.debug(`${NAME$a}: Complete.`); } // (6) Create palette materials, generate UVs, and assign both to prims. let nextPaletteMaterialIndex = 1; for (const prim of prims) { const srcMaterial = prim.getMaterial(); const key = materialKeyMap.get(srcMaterial); const blockIndex = materialIndices.get(key); // UVs are centered horizontally in each block, descending vertically // to form a diagonal line in the UV layout. Easy and compressible. const baseUV = (blockIndex + 0.5) / keyCount; const padUV = baseUV * (w - padWidth) / w; const position = prim.getAttribute('POSITION'); const buffer = position.getBuffer(); const array = new Float32Array(position.getCount() * 2).fill(padUV); const uv = document.createAccessor().setType('VEC2').setArray(array).setBuffer(buffer); let dstMaterial; for (const material of paletteMaterials) { if (material.equals(srcMaterial, skipProps)) { dstMaterial = material; } } if (!dstMaterial) { const suffix = (nextPaletteMaterialIndex++).toString().padStart(3, '0'); dstMaterial = srcMaterial.clone().setName(`PaletteMaterial${suffix}`); if (baseColorTexture) { dstMaterial.setBaseColorFactor([1, 1, 1, 1]).setBaseColorTexture(baseColorTexture).getBaseColorTextureInfo().setMinFilter(core.TextureInfo.MinFilter.NEAREST).setMagFilter(core.TextureInfo.MagFilter.NEAREST); } if (emissiveTexture) { dstMaterial.setEmissiveFactor([1, 1, 1]).setEmissiveTexture(emissiveTexture).getEmissiveTextureInfo().setMinFilter(core.TextureInfo.MinFilter.NEAREST).setMagFilter(core.TextureInfo.MagFilter.NEAREST); } if (metallicRoughnessTexture) { dstMaterial.setMetallicFactor(1).setRoughnessFactor(1).setMetallicRoughnessTexture(metallicRoughnessTexture).getMetallicRoughnessTextureInfo().setMinFilter(core.TextureInfo.MinFilter.NEAREST).setMagFilter(core.TextureInfo.MagFilter.NEAREST); } paletteMaterials.push(dstMaterial); } prim.setMaterial(dstMaterial).setAttribute('TEXCOORD_0', uv); } const _temp = function () { if (options.cleanup) { return Promise.resolve(document.transform(prune({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.MATERIAL] }))).then(function () {}); } }(); return _temp && _temp.then ? _temp.then(_temp2) : _temp2(_temp); } const _temp3 = function () { if (metallicRoughnessTexture) { return Promise.resolve(ndarrayPixels.savePixels(paletteTexturePixels.metallicRoughness, mimeType)).then(function (image) { metallicRoughnessTexture.setImage(image).setMimeType(mimeType); }); } }(); return _temp3 && _temp3.then ? _temp3.then(_temp4) : _temp4(_temp3); } const _temp5 = function () { if (emissiveTexture) { return Promise.resolve(ndarrayPixels.savePixels(paletteTexturePixels.emissive, mimeType)).then(function (image) { emissiveTexture.setImage(image).setMimeType(mimeType); }); } }(); return _temp5 && _temp5.then ? _temp5.then(_temp6) : _temp6(_temp5); } const prims = new Set(); const materials = new Set(); // (1) Gather list of eligible prims and materials. // (2) Gather list of distinct material properties. // logger.debug(`${NAME}:\n${Array.from(materialKeys.values()).join('\n')}`); // (3) Allocate palette textures. // Properties skipped for material equality comparisons. // (4) Write blocks to palette textures. // (5) Compress palette textures and assign to palette materials. for (const mesh of root.listMeshes()) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { const material = prim.getMaterial(); if (!material || !!prim.getAttribute('TEXCOORD_0')) continue; prims.add(prim); materials.add(material); } } const materialKeys = new Set(); const materialKeyMap = new Map(); const materialProps = { baseColor: new Set(), emissive: new Set(), metallicRoughness: new Set() }; for (const material of materials) { const baseColor = encodeRGBA(material.getBaseColorFactor().slice()); const emissive = encodeRGBA([...material.getEmissiveFactor(), 1]); const roughness = encodeFloat(material.getRoughnessFactor()); const metallic = encodeFloat(material.getMetallicFactor()); const key = `baseColor:${baseColor},emissive:${emissive},metallicRoughness:${metallic}${roughness}`; materialProps.baseColor.add(baseColor); materialProps.emissive.add(emissive); materialProps.metallicRoughness.add(metallic + '+' + roughness); materialKeys.add(key); materialKeyMap.set(material, key); } const keyCount = materialKeys.size; if (keyCount < min) { logger.debug(`${NAME$a}: Found <${min} unique material properties. Exiting.`); return; } const w = ceilPowerOfTwo(keyCount * blockSize); const h = ceilPowerOfTwo(blockSize); const padWidth = w - keyCount * blockSize; const paletteTexturePixels = { baseColor: null, emissive: null, metallicRoughness: null }; const skipProps = new Set(['name', 'extras']); const skip = function () { return [] => skipProps.add(prop)); }; let baseColorTexture = null; let emissiveTexture = null; let metallicRoughnessTexture = null; if (materialProps.baseColor.size >= min) { const name = 'PaletteBaseColor'; baseColorTexture = document.createTexture(name).setURI(`${name}.png`); paletteTexturePixels.baseColor = ndarray__default["default"](new Uint8Array(w * h * 4), [w, h, 4]); skip('baseColorFactor', 'baseColorTexture', 'baseColorTextureInfo'); } if (materialProps.emissive.size >= min) { const name = 'PaletteEmissive'; emissiveTexture = document.createTexture(name).setURI(`${name}.png`); paletteTexturePixels.emissive = ndarray__default["default"](new Uint8Array(w * h * 4), [w, h, 4]); skip('emissiveFactor', 'emissiveTexture', 'emissiveTextureInfo'); } if (materialProps.metallicRoughness.size >= min) { const name = 'PaletteMetallicRoughness'; metallicRoughnessTexture = document.createTexture(name).setURI(`${name}.png`); paletteTexturePixels.metallicRoughness = ndarray__default["default"](new Uint8Array(w * h * 4), [w, h, 4]); skip('metallicFactor', 'roughnessFactor', 'metallicRoughnessTexture', 'metallicRoughnessTextureInfo'); } if (!(baseColorTexture || emissiveTexture || metallicRoughnessTexture)) { logger.debug(`${NAME$a}: No material property has >=${min} unique values. Exiting.`); return; } const visitedKeys = new Set(); const materialIndices = new Map(); const paletteMaterials = []; let nextIndex = 0; for (const material of materials) { const key = materialKeyMap.get(material); if (visitedKeys.has(key)) continue; const index = nextIndex++; if (paletteTexturePixels.baseColor) { const pixels = paletteTexturePixels.baseColor; const baseColor = [...material.getBaseColorFactor()]; core.ColorUtils.convertLinearToSRGB(baseColor, baseColor); writeBlock(pixels, index, baseColor, blockSize); } if (paletteTexturePixels.emissive) { const pixels = paletteTexturePixels.emissive; const emissive = [...material.getEmissiveFactor(), 1]; core.ColorUtils.convertLinearToSRGB(emissive, emissive); writeBlock(pixels, index, emissive, blockSize); } if (paletteTexturePixels.metallicRoughness) { const pixels = paletteTexturePixels.metallicRoughness; const metallic = material.getMetallicFactor(); const roughness = material.getRoughnessFactor(); writeBlock(pixels, index, [0, roughness, metallic, 1], blockSize); } visitedKeys.add(key); materialIndices.set(key, index); } const mimeType = 'image/png'; const _temp7 = function () { if (baseColorTexture) { return Promise.resolve(ndarrayPixels.savePixels(paletteTexturePixels.baseColor, mimeType)).then(function (image) { baseColorTexture.setImage(image).setMimeType(mimeType); }); } }(); return _temp7 && _temp7.then ? _temp7.then(_temp8) : _temp8(_temp7); } const logger = document.getLogger(); const root = document.getRoot(); // Find and remove unused TEXCOORD_n attributes. const _temp9 = function () { if (!options.keepAttributes) { return Promise.resolve(document.transform(prune({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR], keepAttributes: false, keepIndices: true, keepLeaves: true }))).then(function () {}); } }(); return Promise.resolve(_temp9 && _temp9.then ? _temp9.then(_temp10) : _temp10(_temp9)); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } /** Encodes a floating-point value on the interval [0,1] at 8-bit precision. */ function encodeFloat(value) { const hex = Math.round(value * 255).toString(16); return hex.length === 1 ? '0' + hex : hex; } /** Encodes an RGBA color in Linear-sRGB-D65 color space. */ function encodeRGBA(value) { core.ColorUtils.convertLinearToSRGB(value, value); return''); } /** Returns the nearest higher power of two. */ function ceilPowerOfTwo(value) { return Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2)); } /** Writes an NxN block of pixels to an image, at the given block index. */ function writeBlock(pixels, index, value, blockSize) { for (let i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < blockSize; j++) { pixels.set(index * blockSize + i, j, 0, value[0] * 255); pixels.set(index * blockSize + i, j, 1, value[1] * 255); pixels.set(index * blockSize + i, j, 2, value[2] * 255); pixels.set(index * blockSize + i, j, 3, value[3] * 255); } } } const NAME$9 = 'partition'; const PARTITION_DEFAULTS = { animations: true, meshes: true }; /** * Partitions the binary payload of a glTF file so separate mesh or animation data is in separate * `.bin` {@link Buffer}s. This technique may be useful for engines that support lazy-loading * specific binary resources as needed over the application lifecycle. * * Example: * * ```ts * document.getRoot().listBuffers(); // → [Buffer] * * await document.transform(partition({meshes: true})); * * document.getRoot().listBuffers(); // → [Buffer, Buffer, ...] * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function partition(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = PARTITION_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(PARTITION_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$9, function (doc) { try { const logger = doc.getLogger(); if (options.meshes !== false) partitionMeshes(doc, logger, options); if (options.animations !== false) partitionAnimations(doc, logger, options); if (!options.meshes && !options.animations) { logger.warn(`${NAME$9}: Select animations or meshes to create a partition.`); } return Promise.resolve(doc.transform(prune({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.BUFFER] }))).then(function () { logger.debug(`${NAME$9}: Complete.`); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } function partitionMeshes(doc, logger, options) { const existingURIs = new Set(doc.getRoot().listBuffers().map(b => b.getURI())); doc.getRoot().listMeshes().forEach((mesh, meshIndex) => { if (Array.isArray(options.meshes) && !options.meshes.includes(mesh.getName())) { logger.debug(`${NAME$9}: Skipping mesh #${meshIndex} with name "${mesh.getName()}".`); return; } logger.debug(`${NAME$9}: Creating buffer for mesh "${mesh.getName()}".`); const buffer = doc.createBuffer(mesh.getName()).setURI(createBufferURI(mesh.getName() || 'mesh', existingURIs)); mesh.listPrimitives().forEach(primitive => { const indices = primitive.getIndices(); if (indices) indices.setBuffer(buffer); primitive.listAttributes().forEach(attribute => attribute.setBuffer(buffer)); primitive.listTargets().forEach(primTarget => { primTarget.listAttributes().forEach(attribute => attribute.setBuffer(buffer)); }); }); }); } function partitionAnimations(doc, logger, options) { const existingURIs = new Set(doc.getRoot().listBuffers().map(b => b.getURI())); doc.getRoot().listAnimations().forEach((anim, animIndex) => { if (Array.isArray(options.animations) && !options.animations.includes(anim.getName())) { logger.debug(`${NAME$9}: Skipping animation #${animIndex} with name "${anim.getName()}".`); return; } logger.debug(`${NAME$9}: Creating buffer for animation "${anim.getName()}".`); const buffer = doc.createBuffer(anim.getName()).setURI(createBufferURI(anim.getName() || 'animation', existingURIs)); anim.listSamplers().forEach(sampler => { const input = sampler.getInput(); const output = sampler.getOutput(); if (input) input.setBuffer(buffer); if (output) output.setBuffer(buffer); }); }); } const SANITIZE_BASENAME_RE = /[^\w0–9-]+/g; function createBufferURI(basename, existing) { basename = basename.replace(SANITIZE_BASENAME_RE, ''); let uri = `${basename}.bin`; let i = 1; while (existing.has(uri)) uri = `${basename}_${i++}.bin`; existing.add(uri); return uri; } var InterpolationInternal; (function (InterpolationInternal) { InterpolationInternal[InterpolationInternal["STEP"] = 0] = "STEP"; InterpolationInternal[InterpolationInternal["LERP"] = 1] = "LERP"; InterpolationInternal[InterpolationInternal["SLERP"] = 2] = "SLERP"; })(InterpolationInternal || (InterpolationInternal = {})); const EPSILON = 0.000001; /* Implementation */ function resampleDebug(input, output, interpolation, tolerance = 1e-4) { const elementSize = output.length / input.length; const tmp = new Array(elementSize).fill(0); const value = new Array(elementSize).fill(0); const valueNext = new Array(elementSize).fill(0); const valuePrev = new Array(elementSize).fill(0); const lastIndex = input.length - 1; let writeIndex = 1; for (let i = 1; i < lastIndex; ++i) { const timePrev = input[writeIndex - 1]; const time = input[i]; const timeNext = input[i + 1]; const t = (time - timePrev) / (timeNext - timePrev); let keep = false; // Remove unnecessary adjacent keyframes. if (time !== timeNext && (i !== 1 || time !== input[0])) { getElement(output, writeIndex - 1, valuePrev); getElement(output, i, value); getElement(output, i + 1, valueNext); if (interpolation === 'slerp') { // Prune keyframes colinear with prev/next keyframes. const sample = slerp(tmp, valuePrev, valueNext, t); const angle = getAngle(valuePrev, value) + getAngle(value, valueNext); keep = !eq(value, sample, tolerance) || angle + Number.EPSILON >= Math.PI; } else if (interpolation === 'lerp') { // Prune keyframes colinear with prev/next keyframes. const sample = vlerp(tmp, valuePrev, valueNext, t); keep = !eq(value, sample, tolerance); } else if (interpolation === 'step') { // Prune keyframes identical to prev/next keyframes. keep = !eq(value, valuePrev) || !eq(value, valueNext); } } // In-place compaction. if (keep) { if (i !== writeIndex) { input[writeIndex] = input[i]; setElement(output, writeIndex, getElement(output, i, tmp)); } writeIndex++; } } // Flush last keyframe (compaction looks ahead). if (lastIndex > 0) { input[writeIndex] = input[lastIndex]; setElement(output, writeIndex, getElement(output, lastIndex, tmp)); writeIndex++; } return writeIndex; } /* Utilities */ function getElement(array, index, target) { for (let i = 0, elementSize = target.length; i < elementSize; i++) { target[i] = array[index * elementSize + i]; } return target; } function setElement(array, index, value) { for (let i = 0, elementSize = value.length; i < elementSize; i++) { array[index * elementSize + i] = value[i]; } } function eq(a, b, tolerance = 0) { if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (Math.abs(a[i] - b[i]) > tolerance) { return false; } } return true; } function lerp(v0, v1, t) { return v0 * (1 - t) + v1 * t; } function vlerp(out, a, b, t) { for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) out[i] = lerp(a[i], b[i], t); return out; } // From gl-matrix. function slerp(out, a, b, t) { // benchmarks: // let ax = a[0], ay = a[1], az = a[2], aw = a[3]; let bx = b[0], by = b[1], bz = b[2], bw = b[3]; let omega, cosom, sinom, scale0, scale1; // calc cosine cosom = ax * bx + ay * by + az * bz + aw * bw; // adjust signs (if necessary) if (cosom < 0.0) { cosom = -cosom; bx = -bx; by = -by; bz = -bz; bw = -bw; } // calculate coefficients if (1.0 - cosom > EPSILON) { // standard case (slerp) omega = Math.acos(cosom); sinom = Math.sin(omega); scale0 = Math.sin((1.0 - t) * omega) / sinom; scale1 = Math.sin(t * omega) / sinom; } else { // "from" and "to" quaternions are very close // ... so we can do a linear interpolation scale0 = 1.0 - t; scale1 = t; } // calculate final values out[0] = scale0 * ax + scale1 * bx; out[1] = scale0 * ay + scale1 * by; out[2] = scale0 * az + scale1 * bz; out[3] = scale0 * aw + scale1 * bw; return out; } function getAngle(a, b) { const dotproduct = dot(a, b); return Math.acos(2 * dotproduct * dotproduct - 1); } function dot(a, b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3]; } const NAME$8 = 'resample'; const EMPTY_ARRAY = new Float32Array(0); const RESAMPLE_DEFAULTS = { ready: Promise.resolve(), resample: resampleDebug, tolerance: 1e-4, cleanup: true }; /** * Resample {@link AnimationChannel AnimationChannels}, losslessly deduplicating keyframes to * reduce file size. Duplicate keyframes are commonly present in animation 'baked' by the * authoring software to apply IK constraints or other software-specific features. * * Optionally, a WebAssembly implementation from the * [`keyframe-resample`]( library may be * provided. The WebAssembly version is usually much faster at processing large animation * sequences, but may not be compatible with all runtimes and JavaScript build tools. * * Result: (0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) → (0,0,1,1,0,0) * * Example: * * ``` * import { resample } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * import { ready, resample as resampleWASM } from 'keyframe-resample'; * * // JavaScript (slower) * await document.transform(resample()); * * // WebAssembly (faster) * await document.transform(resample({ ready, resample: resampleWASM })); * ``` * * @privateRemarks Implementation based on THREE.KeyframeTrack#optimize(). * @category Transforms */ function resample(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = RESAMPLE_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(RESAMPLE_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$8, function (document) { try { const accessorsVisited = new Set(); const srcAccessorCount = document.getRoot().listAccessors().length; const logger = document.getLogger(); const ready = options.ready; const resample = options.resample; return Promise.resolve(ready).then(function () { function _temp2() { logger.debug(`${NAME$8}: Complete.`); } for (const animation of document.getRoot().listAnimations()) { const samplerTargetPaths = new Map(); for (const channel of animation.listChannels()) { samplerTargetPaths.set(channel.getSampler(), channel.getTargetPath()); } for (const sampler of animation.listSamplers()) { const samplerInterpolation = sampler.getInterpolation(); if (samplerInterpolation === 'STEP' || samplerInterpolation === 'LINEAR') { const input = sampler.getInput(); const output = sampler.getOutput(); accessorsVisited.add(input); accessorsVisited.add(output); // prettier-ignore const tmpTimes = toFloat32Array(input.getArray(), input.getComponentType(), input.getNormalized()); const tmpValues = toFloat32Array(output.getArray(), output.getComponentType(), output.getNormalized()); const elementSize = tmpValues.length / tmpTimes.length; const srcCount = tmpTimes.length; let dstCount; if (samplerInterpolation === 'STEP') { dstCount = resample(tmpTimes, tmpValues, 'step', options.tolerance); } else if (samplerTargetPaths.get(sampler) === 'rotation') { dstCount = resample(tmpTimes, tmpValues, 'slerp', options.tolerance); } else { dstCount = resample(tmpTimes, tmpValues, 'lerp', options.tolerance); } if (dstCount < srcCount) { // Clone the input/output accessors, without cloning their underlying // arrays. Then assign the resampled data. const srcTimes = input.getArray(); const srcValues = output.getArray(); const dstTimes = fromFloat32Array(new Float32Array(tmpTimes.buffer, tmpTimes.byteOffset, dstCount), input.getComponentType(), input.getNormalized()); const dstValues = fromFloat32Array(new Float32Array(tmpValues.buffer, tmpValues.byteOffset, dstCount * elementSize), output.getComponentType(), output.getNormalized()); input.setArray(EMPTY_ARRAY); output.setArray(EMPTY_ARRAY); sampler.setInput(input.clone().setArray(dstTimes)); sampler.setOutput(output.clone().setArray(dstValues)); input.setArray(srcTimes); output.setArray(srcValues); } } } } for (const accessor of Array.from(accessorsVisited.values())) { const used = accessor.listParents().some(p => !(p instanceof core.Root)); if (!used) accessor.dispose(); } // Resampling may result in duplicate input or output sampler // accessors. Find and remove the duplicates after processing. const dstAccessorCount = document.getRoot().listAccessors().length; const _temp = function () { if (dstAccessorCount > srcAccessorCount && options.cleanup) { return Promise.resolve(document.transform(dedup({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR] }))).then(function () {}); } }(); return _temp && _temp.then ? _temp.then(_temp2) : _temp2(_temp); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } /** Returns a copy of the source array, as a denormalized Float32Array. */ function toFloat32Array(srcArray, componentType, normalized) { if (srcArray instanceof Float32Array) return srcArray.slice(); const dstArray = new Float32Array(srcArray); if (!normalized) return dstArray; for (let i = 0; i < dstArray.length; i++) { dstArray[i] = core.MathUtils.decodeNormalizedInt(dstArray[i], componentType); } return dstArray; } /** Returns a copy of the source array, with specified component type and normalization. */ function fromFloat32Array(srcArray, componentType, normalized) { if (componentType === core.Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT) return srcArray.slice(); const TypedArray = core.ComponentTypeToTypedArray[componentType]; const dstArray = new TypedArray(srcArray.length); for (let i = 0; i < dstArray.length; i++) { dstArray[i] = normalized ? core.MathUtils.encodeNormalizedInt(srcArray[i], componentType) : srcArray[i]; } return dstArray; } const NAME$7 = 'sequence'; const SEQUENCE_DEFAULTS = { name: '', fps: 10, pattern: /.*/, sort: true }; /** * Creates an {@link Animation} displaying each of the specified {@link Node}s sequentially. * * @category Transforms */ function sequence(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = SEQUENCE_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(SEQUENCE_DEFAULTS, _options); return createTransform(NAME$7, doc => { const logger = doc.getLogger(); const root = doc.getRoot(); const fps = options.fps; // Collect sequence nodes. const sequenceNodes = root.listNodes().filter(node => node.getName().match(options.pattern)); // Sort by node name. if (options.sort) { sequenceNodes.sort((a, b) => a.getName() > b.getName() ? 1 : -1); } // Create animation cycling visibility of each node. const anim = doc.createAnimation(; const animBuffer = root.listBuffers()[0]; sequenceNodes.forEach((node, i) => { // Create keyframe tracks that show each node for a single frame. let inputArray; let outputArray; if (i === 0) { inputArray = [i / fps, (i + 1) / fps]; outputArray = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]; } else if (i === sequenceNodes.length - 1) { inputArray = [(i - 1) / fps, i / fps]; outputArray = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]; } else { inputArray = [(i - 1) / fps, i / fps, (i + 1) / fps]; outputArray = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]; } // Append channel to animation sequence. const input = doc.createAccessor().setArray(new Float32Array(inputArray)).setBuffer(animBuffer); const output = doc.createAccessor().setArray(new Float32Array(outputArray)).setBuffer(animBuffer).setType(core.Accessor.Type.VEC3); const sampler = doc.createAnimationSampler().setInterpolation(core.AnimationSampler.Interpolation.STEP).setInput(input).setOutput(output); const channel = doc.createAnimationChannel().setTargetNode(node).setTargetPath(core.AnimationChannel.TargetPath.SCALE).setSampler(sampler); anim.addSampler(sampler).addChannel(channel); }); logger.debug(`${NAME$7}: Complete.`); }); } const NAME$6 = 'simplify'; const { POINTS, LINES, LINE_STRIP, LINE_LOOP, TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN } = core.Primitive.Mode; const SIMPLIFY_DEFAULTS = { ratio: 0.0, error: 0.0001, lockBorder: false, cleanup: true }; /** * Simplification algorithm, based on meshoptimizer, producing meshes with fewer * triangles and vertices. Simplification is lossy, but the algorithm aims to * preserve visual quality as much as possible for given parameters. * * The algorithm aims to reach the target 'ratio', while minimizing error. If * error exceeds the specified 'error' threshold, the algorithm will quit * before reaching the target ratio. Examples: * * - ratio=0.0, error=0.0001: Aims for maximum simplification, constrained to 0.01% error. * - ratio=0.5, error=0.0001: Aims for 50% simplification, constrained to 0.01% error. * - ratio=0.5, error=1: Aims for 50% simplification, unconstrained by error. * * Topology, particularly split vertices, will also limit the simplifier. For * best results, apply a {@link weld} operation before simplification. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { simplify, weld } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * import { MeshoptSimplifier } from 'meshoptimizer'; * * await document.transform( * weld({}), * simplify({ simplifier: MeshoptSimplifier, ratio: 0.75, error: 0.001 }) * ); * ``` * * References: * - * * @category Transforms */ function simplify(_options) { const options = assignDefaults(SIMPLIFY_DEFAULTS, _options); const simplifier = options.simplifier; if (!simplifier) { throw new Error(`${NAME$6}: simplifier dependency required — install "meshoptimizer".`); } return createTransform(NAME$6, function (document) { try { const logger = document.getLogger(); return Promise.resolve(simplifier.ready).then(function () { return Promise.resolve(document.transform(weld({ overwrite: false, cleanup: options.cleanup }))).then(function () { function _temp2() { logger.debug(`${NAME$6}: Complete.`); } let numUnsupported = 0; // Simplify mesh primitives. // Where simplification removes meshes, we may need to prune leaf nodes. for (const mesh of document.getRoot().listMeshes()) { for (const prim of mesh.listPrimitives()) { const mode = prim.getMode(); if (mode === TRIANGLES || mode === TRIANGLE_STRIP || mode === TRIANGLE_FAN) { simplifyPrimitive(prim, options); if (getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER) === 0) { prim.dispose(); } } else if (prim.getMode() === POINTS && !!simplifier.simplifyPoints) { simplifyPrimitive(prim, options); if (getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER) === 0) { prim.dispose(); } } else { numUnsupported++; } } if (mesh.listPrimitives().length === 0) mesh.dispose(); } if (numUnsupported > 0) { logger.warn(`${NAME$6}: Skipping simplification of ${numUnsupported} primitives: Unsupported draw mode.`); } const _temp = function () { if (options.cleanup) { return Promise.resolve(document.transform(prune({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR, core.PropertyType.NODE], keepAttributes: true, keepIndices: true, keepLeaves: false }), dedup({ propertyTypes: [core.PropertyType.ACCESSOR] }))).then(function () {}); } }(); return _temp && _temp.then ? _temp.then(_temp2) : _temp2(_temp); }); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } /** @hidden */ function simplifyPrimitive(prim, _options) { const options = { ...SIMPLIFY_DEFAULTS, ..._options }; const simplifier = options.simplifier; const graph = prim.getGraph(); const document = core.Document.fromGraph(graph); const logger = document.getLogger(); switch (prim.getMode()) { case POINTS: return _simplifyPoints(document, prim, options); case LINES: case LINE_STRIP: case LINE_LOOP: logger.warn(`${NAME$6}: Skipping primitive simplification: Unsupported draw mode.`); return prim; case TRIANGLE_STRIP: case TRIANGLE_FAN: convertPrimitiveToTriangles(prim); break; } // (1) If primitive draws <50% of its vertex stream, compact before simplification. const srcVertexCount = getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD); const srcIndexCount = getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, exports.VertexCountMethod.RENDER); if (srcIndexCount < srcVertexCount / 2) { compactPrimitive(prim); } const position = prim.getAttribute('POSITION'); const srcIndices = prim.getIndices(); let positionArray = position.getArray(); let indicesArray = srcIndices.getArray(); // (2) Gather attributes and indices in Meshopt-compatible format. if (!(positionArray instanceof Float32Array)) { positionArray = dequantizeAttributeArray(positionArray, position.getComponentType(), position.getNormalized()); } if (!(indicesArray instanceof Uint32Array)) { indicesArray = new Uint32Array(indicesArray); } // (3) Run simplification. const targetCount = Math.floor(options.ratio * srcIndexCount / 3) * 3; const flags = options.lockBorder ? ['LockBorder'] : []; const [dstIndicesArray, error] = simplifier.simplify(indicesArray, positionArray, 3, targetCount, options.error, flags); // (4) Assign subset of indexes; compact primitive. prim.setIndices(shallowCloneAccessor(document, srcIndices).setArray(dstIndicesArray)); if (srcIndices.listParents().length === 1) srcIndices.dispose(); compactPrimitive(prim); const dstVertexCount = getPrimitiveVertexCount(prim, exports.VertexCountMethod.UPLOAD); if (dstVertexCount <= 65534) { prim.getIndices().setArray(new Uint16Array(prim.getIndices().getArray())); } logger.debug(`${NAME$6}: ${formatDeltaOp(srcVertexCount, dstVertexCount)} vertices, error: ${error.toFixed(4)}.`); return prim; } function _simplifyPoints(document, prim, options) { const simplifier = options.simplifier; const logger = document.getLogger(); const indices = prim.getIndices(); if (indices) unweldPrimitive(prim); const position = prim.getAttribute('POSITION'); const color = prim.getAttribute('COLOR_0'); const srcVertexCount = position.getCount(); let positionArray = position.getArray(); let colorArray = color ? color.getArray() : undefined; const colorStride = color ? color.getComponentSize() : undefined; // (1) Gather attributes in Meshopt-compatible format. if (!(positionArray instanceof Float32Array)) { positionArray = dequantizeAttributeArray(positionArray, position.getComponentType(), position.getNormalized()); } if (colorArray && !(colorArray instanceof Float32Array)) { colorArray = dequantizeAttributeArray(colorArray, position.getComponentType(), position.getNormalized()); } // (2) Run simplification. simplifier.useExperimentalFeatures = true; const targetCount = Math.floor(options.ratio * srcVertexCount); const dstIndicesArray = simplifier.simplifyPoints(positionArray, 3, targetCount, colorArray, colorStride); simplifier.useExperimentalFeatures = false; // (3) Write vertex attributes. const [remap, unique] = simplifier.compactMesh(dstIndicesArray); logger.debug(`${NAME$6}: ${formatDeltaOp(position.getCount(), unique)} vertices.`); for (const srcAttribute of deepListAttributes(prim)) { const dstAttribute = shallowCloneAccessor(document, srcAttribute); compactAttribute(srcAttribute, null, remap, dstAttribute, unique); deepSwapAttribute(prim, srcAttribute, dstAttribute); if (srcAttribute.listParents().length === 1) srcAttribute.dispose(); } return prim; } const NAME$5 = 'sparse'; const SPARSE_DEFAULTS = { ratio: 1 / 3 }; /** * Scans all {@link Accessor Accessors} in the Document, detecting whether each Accessor * would benefit from sparse data storage. Currently, sparse data storage is used only * when many values (>= ratio) are zeroes. Particularly for assets using morph target * ("shape key") animation, sparse data storage may significantly reduce file sizes. * * Example: * * ```ts * import { sparse } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * accessor.getArray(); // → [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25.0, 0, 0, ... ] * accessor.getSparse(); // → false * * await document.transform(sparse({ratio: 1 / 10})); * * accessor.getSparse(); // → true * ``` * * @experimental * @category Transforms */ function sparse(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = SPARSE_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(SPARSE_DEFAULTS, _options); const ratio = options.ratio; if (ratio < 0 || ratio > 1) { throw new Error(`${NAME$5}: Ratio must be between 0 and 1.`); } return createTransform(NAME$5, document => { const root = document.getRoot(); const logger = document.getLogger(); let modifiedCount = 0; for (const accessor of root.listAccessors()) { const count = accessor.getCount(); const base = Array(accessor.getElementSize()).fill(0); const el = Array(accessor.getElementSize()).fill(0); let nonZeroCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { accessor.getElement(i, el); if (!core.MathUtils.eq(el, base, 0)) nonZeroCount++; if (nonZeroCount / count >= ratio) break; } const sparse = nonZeroCount / count < ratio; if (sparse !== accessor.getSparse()) { accessor.setSparse(sparse); modifiedCount++; } } logger.debug(`${NAME$5}: Updated ${modifiedCount} accessors.`); logger.debug(`${NAME$5}: Complete.`); }); } const _encodeWithNdarrayPixels = function (srcImage, srcMimeType, dstMimeType, options) { try { return Promise.resolve(ndarrayPixels.getPixels(srcImage, srcMimeType)).then(function (srcPixels) { if (options.resize) { const [w, h] = srcPixels.shape; const dstSize = Array.isArray(options.resize) ? fitWithin([w, h], options.resize) : fitPowerOfTwo([w, h], options.resize); const dstPixels = ndarray__default["default"](new Uint8Array(dstSize[0] * dstSize[1] * 4), [...dstSize, 4]); options.resizeFilter === exports.TextureResizeFilter.LANCZOS3 ? ndarrayLanczos.lanczos3(srcPixels, dstPixels) : ndarrayLanczos.lanczos2(srcPixels, dstPixels); return ndarrayPixels.savePixels(dstPixels, dstMimeType); } return ndarrayPixels.savePixels(srcPixels, dstMimeType); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }; const _encodeWithSharp = function (srcImage, _srcMimeType, dstMimeType, options) { try { const encoder = options.encoder; let encoderOptions = {}; const dstFormat = getFormatFromMimeType(dstMimeType); switch (dstFormat) { case 'jpeg': encoderOptions = { quality: options.quality }; break; case 'png': encoderOptions = { quality: options.quality, effort: remap(options.effort, 100, 10) }; break; case 'webp': encoderOptions = { quality: options.quality, effort: remap(options.effort, 100, 6), lossless: options.lossless, nearLossless: options.nearLossless }; break; case 'avif': encoderOptions = { quality: options.quality, effort: remap(options.effort, 100, 9), lossless: options.lossless }; break; } const limitInputPixels = options.limitInputPixels; const instance = encoder(srcImage, { limitInputPixels }).toFormat(dstFormat, encoderOptions); if (options.resize) { const srcSize = core.ImageUtils.getSize(srcImage, _srcMimeType); const dstSize = Array.isArray(options.resize) ? fitWithin(srcSize, options.resize) : fitPowerOfTwo(srcSize, options.resize); instance.resize(dstSize[0], dstSize[1], { fit: 'fill', kernel: options.resizeFilter }); } const _toView = core.BufferUtils.toView; return Promise.resolve(instance.toBuffer()).then(function (_instance$toBuffer) { return, _instance$toBuffer); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }; /** * Optimizes a single {@link Texture}, optionally resizing or converting to JPEG, PNG, WebP, or AVIF formats. * * For best results use a Node.js environment, install the `sharp` module, and * provide an encoder. When the encoder is omitted — `sharp` works only in Node.js — * the implementation will use a platform-specific fallback encoder, and most * quality- and compression-related options are ignored. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { compressTexture } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * import sharp from 'sharp'; * * const texture = document.getRoot().listTextures() * .find((texture) => texture.getName() === 'MyTexture'); * * // (A) Node.js. * await compressTexture(texture, { * encoder: sharp, * targetFormat: 'webp', * resize: [1024, 1024] * }); * * // (B) Web. * await compressTexture(texture, { * targetFormat: 'webp', * resize: [1024, 1024] * }); * ``` */ const compressTexture = function (texture, _options) { try { const options = { ...TEXTURE_COMPRESS_DEFAULTS, ..._options }; const encoder = options.encoder; const srcURI = texture.getURI(); const srcFormat = getFormat(texture); const dstFormat = options.targetFormat || srcFormat; const srcMimeType = texture.getMimeType(); const dstMimeType = `image/${dstFormat}`; const srcImage = texture.getImage(); return Promise.resolve(encoder ? _encodeWithSharp(srcImage, srcMimeType, dstMimeType, options) : _encodeWithNdarrayPixels(srcImage, srcMimeType, dstMimeType, options)).then(function (dstImage) { const srcByteLength = srcImage.byteLength; const dstByteLength = dstImage.byteLength; if (srcMimeType === dstMimeType && dstByteLength >= srcByteLength && !options.resize) {} else if (srcMimeType === dstMimeType) { // Overwrite if src/dst formats match and dst is smaller than the original. texture.setImage(dstImage); } else { // Overwrite, then update path and MIME type if src/dst formats differ. const srcExtension = srcURI ? core.FileUtils.extension(srcURI) : core.ImageUtils.mimeTypeToExtension(srcMimeType); const dstExtension = core.ImageUtils.mimeTypeToExtension(dstMimeType); const dstURI = texture.getURI().replace(new RegExp(`\\.${srcExtension}$`), `.${dstExtension}`); texture.setImage(dstImage).setMimeType(dstMimeType).setURI(dstURI); } }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }; const NAME$4 = 'textureCompress'; const TEXTURE_COMPRESS_SUPPORTED_FORMATS = ['jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'avif']; const SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/webp', 'image/avif']; /** Resampling filter methods. LANCZOS3 is sharper, LANCZOS2 is smoother. */ exports.TextureResizeFilter = void 0; (function (TextureResizeFilter) { /** Lanczos3 (sharp) */ TextureResizeFilter["LANCZOS3"] = "lanczos3"; /** Lanczos2 (smooth) */ TextureResizeFilter["LANCZOS2"] = "lanczos2"; })(exports.TextureResizeFilter || (exports.TextureResizeFilter = {})); // IMPORTANT: No defaults for quality flags, see const TEXTURE_COMPRESS_DEFAULTS = { resizeFilter: exports.TextureResizeFilter.LANCZOS3, pattern: undefined, formats: undefined, slots: undefined, quality: undefined, effort: undefined, lossless: false, nearLossless: false, limitInputPixels: true }; /** * Optimizes images, optionally resizing or converting to JPEG, PNG, WebP, or AVIF formats. * * For best results use a Node.js environment, install the `sharp` module, and * provide an encoder. When the encoder is omitted — `sharp` works only in Node.js — * the implementation will use a platform-specific fallback encoder, and most * quality- and compression-related options are ignored. * * Example: * * ```javascript * import { textureCompress } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * import sharp from 'sharp'; * * // (A) Optimize without conversion. * await document.transform( * textureCompress({encoder: sharp}) * ); * * // (B) Optimize and convert images to WebP. * await document.transform( * textureCompress({ * encoder: sharp, * targetFormat: 'webp', * slots: /^(?!normalTexture).*$/ // exclude normal maps * }) * ); * * // (C) Resize and convert images to WebP in a browser, without a Sharp * // encoder. Most quality- and compression-related options are ignored. * await document.transform( * textureCompress({ targetFormat: 'webp', resize: [1024, 1024] }) * ); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function textureCompress(_options) { const options = assignDefaults(TEXTURE_COMPRESS_DEFAULTS, _options); const targetFormat = options.targetFormat; const patternRe = options.pattern; const formatsRe = options.formats; const slotsRe = options.slots; return createTransform(NAME$4, function (document) { try { const logger = document.getLogger(); const textures = document.getRoot().listTextures(); return Promise.resolve(Promise.all( (texture, textureIndex) { try { const slots = listTextureSlots(texture); const channels = getTextureChannelMask(texture); const textureLabel = texture.getURI() || texture.getName() || `${textureIndex + 1}/${document.getRoot().listTextures().length}`; const prefix = `${NAME$4}(${textureLabel})`; // FILTER: Exclude textures that don't match (a) 'slots' or (b) expected formats. if (!SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES.includes(texture.getMimeType())) { logger.debug(`${prefix}: Skipping, unsupported texture type "${texture.getMimeType()}".`); return Promise.resolve(); } else if (patternRe && !patternRe.test(texture.getName()) && !patternRe.test(texture.getURI())) { logger.debug(`${prefix}: Skipping, excluded by "pattern" parameter.`); return Promise.resolve(); } else if (formatsRe && !formatsRe.test(texture.getMimeType())) { logger.debug(`${prefix}: Skipping, "${texture.getMimeType()}" excluded by "formats" parameter.`); return Promise.resolve(); } else if (slotsRe && slots.length && !slots.some(slot => slotsRe.test(slot))) { logger.debug(`${prefix}: Skipping, [${slots.join(', ')}] excluded by "slots" parameter.`); return Promise.resolve(); } else if (options.targetFormat === 'jpeg' && channels & core.TextureChannel.A) { logger.warn(`${prefix}: Skipping, [${slots.join(', ')}] requires alpha channel.`); return Promise.resolve(); } const srcFormat = getFormat(texture); const dstFormat = targetFormat || srcFormat; logger.debug(`${prefix}: Format = ${srcFormat} → ${dstFormat}`); logger.debug(`${prefix}: Slots = [${slots.join(', ')}]`); const srcImage = texture.getImage(); const srcByteLength = srcImage.byteLength; return Promise.resolve(compressTexture(texture, options)).then(function () { const dstImage = texture.getImage(); const dstByteLength = dstImage.byteLength; const flag = srcImage === dstImage ? ' (SKIPPED' : ''; logger.debug(`${prefix}: Size = ${formatBytes(srcByteLength)} → ${formatBytes(dstByteLength)}${flag}`); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }))).then(function () { // Attach EXT_texture_webp if needed. const webpExtension = document.createExtension(extensions.EXTTextureWebP); if (textures.some(texture => texture.getMimeType() === 'image/webp')) { webpExtension.setRequired(true); } else { webpExtension.dispose(); } // Attach EXT_texture_avif if needed. const avifExtension = document.createExtension(extensions.EXTTextureAVIF); if (textures.some(texture => texture.getMimeType() === 'image/avif')) { avifExtension.setRequired(true); } else { avifExtension.dispose(); } logger.debug(`${NAME$4}: Complete.`); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } function getFormat(texture) { return getFormatFromMimeType(texture.getMimeType()); } function getFormatFromMimeType(mimeType) { const format = mimeType.split('/').pop(); if (!format || !TEXTURE_COMPRESS_SUPPORTED_FORMATS.includes(format)) { throw new Error(`Unknown MIME type "${mimeType}".`); } return format; } function remap(value, srcMax, dstMax) { if (value == null) return undefined; return Math.round(value / srcMax * dstMax); } const NAME$3 = 'tangents'; const TANGENTS_DEFAULTS = { overwrite: false }; /** * Generates MikkTSpace vertex tangents for mesh primitives, which may fix rendering issues * occuring with some baked normal maps. Requires access to the [mikktspace]( * WASM package, or equivalent. * * Example: * * ```ts * import { generateTangents } from 'mikktspace'; * import { tangents } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await document.transform( * tangents({generateTangents}) * ); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function tangents(_options) { if (_options === void 0) { _options = TANGENTS_DEFAULTS; } const options = assignDefaults(TANGENTS_DEFAULTS, _options); if (!options.generateTangents) { throw new Error(`${NAME$3}: generateTangents callback required — install "mikktspace".`); } return createTransform(NAME$3, doc => { const logger = doc.getLogger(); const attributeIDs = new Map(); const tangentCache = new Map(); let modified = 0; for (const mesh of doc.getRoot().listMeshes()) { const meshName = mesh.getName(); const meshPrimitives = mesh.listPrimitives(); for (let i = 0; i < meshPrimitives.length; i++) { const prim = meshPrimitives[i]; // Skip primitives for which we can't compute tangents. if (!filterPrimitive(prim, logger, meshName, i, options.overwrite)) continue; const texcoordSemantic = getNormalTexcoord(prim); // Nullability conditions checked by filterPrimitive() above. const position = prim.getAttribute('POSITION').getArray(); const normal = prim.getAttribute('NORMAL').getArray(); const texcoord = prim.getAttribute(texcoordSemantic).getArray(); // Compute UUIDs for each attribute. const positionID = attributeIDs.get(position) || core.uuid(); attributeIDs.set(position, positionID); const normalID = attributeIDs.get(normal) || core.uuid(); attributeIDs.set(normal, normalID); const texcoordID = attributeIDs.get(texcoord) || core.uuid(); attributeIDs.set(texcoord, texcoordID); // Dispose of previous TANGENT accessor if only used by this primitive (and Root). const prevTangent = prim.getAttribute('TANGENT'); if (prevTangent && prevTangent.listParents().length === 2) prevTangent.dispose(); // If we've already computed tangents for this pos/norm/uv set, reuse them. const attributeHash = `${positionID}|${normalID}|${texcoordID}`; let tangent = tangentCache.get(attributeHash); if (tangent) { logger.debug(`${NAME$3}: Found cache for primitive ${i} of mesh "${meshName}".`); prim.setAttribute('TANGENT', tangent); modified++; continue; } // Otherwise, generate tangents with the 'mikktspace' WASM library. logger.debug(`${NAME$3}: Generating for primitive ${i} of mesh "${meshName}".`); const tangentBuffer = prim.getAttribute('POSITION').getBuffer(); const tangentArray = options.generateTangents(position instanceof Float32Array ? position : new Float32Array(position), normal instanceof Float32Array ? normal : new Float32Array(normal), texcoord instanceof Float32Array ? texcoord : new Float32Array(texcoord)); // See: for (let i = 3; i < tangentArray.length; i += 4) tangentArray[i] *= -1; tangent = doc.createAccessor().setBuffer(tangentBuffer).setArray(tangentArray).setType('VEC4'); prim.setAttribute('TANGENT', tangent); tangentCache.set(attributeHash, tangent); modified++; } } if (!modified) { logger.warn(`${NAME$3}: No qualifying primitives found. See debug output.`); } else { logger.debug(`${NAME$3}: Complete.`); } }); } function getNormalTexcoord(prim) { const material = prim.getMaterial(); if (!material) return 'TEXCOORD_0'; const normalTextureInfo = material.getNormalTextureInfo(); if (!normalTextureInfo) return 'TEXCOORD_0'; const texcoord = normalTextureInfo.getTexCoord(); const semantic = `TEXCOORD_${texcoord}`; if (prim.getAttribute(semantic)) return semantic; return 'TEXCOORD_0'; } function filterPrimitive(prim, logger, meshName, i, overwrite) { if (prim.getMode() !== core.Primitive.Mode.TRIANGLES || !prim.getAttribute('POSITION') || !prim.getAttribute('NORMAL') || !prim.getAttribute('TEXCOORD_0')) { logger.debug(`${NAME$3}: Skipping primitive ${i} of mesh "${meshName}": primitives must` + ' have attributes=[POSITION, NORMAL, TEXCOORD_0] and mode=TRIANGLES.'); return false; } if (prim.getAttribute('TANGENT') && !overwrite) { logger.debug(`${NAME$3}: Skipping primitive ${i} of mesh "${meshName}": TANGENT found.`); return false; } if (prim.getIndices()) { logger.warn(`${NAME$3}: Skipping primitive ${i} of mesh "${meshName}": primitives must` + ' be unwelded.'); return false; } return true; } const NAME$2 = 'uninstance'; /** * Removes extension {@link EXTMeshGPUInstancing}, reversing the effects of the * {@link instance} transform or similar instancing operations. For each {@link Node} * associated with an {@link InstancedMesh}, the Node's {@link Mesh} and InstancedMesh will * be detached. In their place, one Node per instance will be attached to the original * Node as children, associated with the same Mesh. The extension, `EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing`, * will be removed from the {@link Document}. * * In applications that support `EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing`, removing the extension * is likely to substantially increase draw calls and reduce performance. Removing * the extension may be helpful for compatibility in applications without such support. * * Example: * * ```ts * import { uninstance } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * document.getRoot().listNodes(); // → [ Node x 10 ] * * await document.transform(uninstance()); * * document.getRoot().listNodes(); // → [ Node x 1000 ] * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function uninstance(_options) { return createTransform(NAME$2, function (document) { try { const logger = document.getLogger(); const root = document.getRoot(); const instanceAttributes = new Set(); for (const srcNode of document.getRoot().listNodes()) { const batch = srcNode.getExtension('EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing'); if (!batch) continue; // For each instance, attach a new Node under the source Node. for (const instanceNode of createInstanceNodes(srcNode)) { srcNode.addChild(instanceNode); } for (const instanceAttribute of batch.listAttributes()) { instanceAttributes.add(instanceAttribute); } srcNode.setMesh(null); batch.dispose(); } // Clean up unused instance attributes. for (const attribute of instanceAttributes) { if (attribute.listParents().every(parent => parent === root)) { attribute.dispose(); } } // Remove Extension from Document. document.createExtension(extensions.EXTMeshGPUInstancing).dispose(); logger.debug(`${NAME$2}: Complete.`); return Promise.resolve(); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } /** * Given a {@link Node} with an {@link InstancedMesh} extension, returns a list * containing one Node per instance in the InstancedMesh. Each Node will have * the transform (translation/rotation/scale) of the corresponding instance, * and will be assigned to the same {@link Mesh}. * * May be used to unpack instancing previously applied with {@link instance} * and {@link EXTMeshGPUInstancing}. For a transform that applies this operation * to the entire {@link Document}, see {@link uninstance}. * * Example: * ```javascript * import { createInstanceNodes } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * for (const instanceNode of createInstanceNodes(batchNode)) { * batchNode.addChild(instanceNode); * } * * batchNode.setMesh(null).setExtension('EXTMeshGPUInstancing', null); * ``` */ function createInstanceNodes(batchNode) { const batch = batchNode.getExtension('EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing'); if (!batch) return []; const semantics = batch.listSemantics(); if (semantics.length === 0) return []; const document = core.Document.fromGraph(batchNode.getGraph()); const instanceCount = batch.listAttributes()[0].getCount(); const instanceCountDigits = String(instanceCount).length; const mesh = batchNode.getMesh(); const batchName = batchNode.getName(); const instanceNodes = []; // For each instance construct a Node, assign attributes, and push to list. for (let i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) { const instanceNode = document.createNode().setMesh(mesh); // MyNode_001, MyNode_002, ... if (batchName) { const paddedIndex = String(i).padStart(instanceCountDigits, '0'); instanceNode.setName(`${batchName}_${paddedIndex}`); } // TRS attributes are applied to node transform; all other attributes are extras. for (const semantic of semantics) { const attribute = batch.getAttribute(semantic); switch (semantic) { case 'TRANSLATION': instanceNode.setTranslation(attribute.getElement(i, [0, 0, 0])); break; case 'ROTATION': instanceNode.setRotation(attribute.getElement(i, [0, 0, 0, 1])); break; case 'SCALE': instanceNode.setScale(attribute.getElement(i, [1, 1, 1])); break; default: _setInstanceExtras(instanceNode, semantic, attribute, i); } } instanceNodes.push(instanceNode); } return instanceNodes; } function _setInstanceExtras(node, semantic, attribute, index) { const value = attribute.getType() === 'SCALAR' ? attribute.getScalar(index) : attribute.getElement(index, []); node.setExtras({ ...node.getExtras(), [semantic]: value }); } /** * @category Transforms */ function unlit() { return doc => { const unlitExtension = doc.createExtension(extensions.KHRMaterialsUnlit); const unlit = unlitExtension.createUnlit(); doc.getRoot().listMaterials().forEach(material => { material.setExtension('KHR_materials_unlit', unlit); }); }; } const NAME$1 = 'unpartition'; /** * Removes partitions from the binary payload of a glTF file, so that the asset * contains at most one (1) `.bin` {@link Buffer}. This process reverses the * changes from a {@link partition} transform. * * Example: * * ```ts * document.getRoot().listBuffers(); // → [Buffer, Buffer, ...] * * await document.transform(unpartition()); * * document.getRoot().listBuffers(); // → [Buffer] * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function unpartition(_options) { return createTransform(NAME$1, function (document) { try { const logger = document.getLogger(); const buffer = document.getRoot().listBuffers()[0]; document.getRoot().listAccessors().forEach(a => a.setBuffer(buffer)); document.getRoot().listBuffers().forEach((b, index) => index > 0 ? b.dispose() : null); logger.debug(`${NAME$1}: Complete.`); return Promise.resolve(); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }); } const NAME = 'vertexColorSpace'; /** * Vertex color color space correction. The glTF format requires vertex colors to be stored * in Linear Rec. 709 D65 color space, and this function provides a way to correct vertex * colors that are (incorrectly) stored in sRGB. * * Example: * * ```typescript * import { vertexColorSpace } from '@gltf-transform/functions'; * * await document.transform( * vertexColorSpace({ inputColorSpace: 'srgb' }) * ); * ``` * * @category Transforms */ function vertexColorSpace(options) { return createTransform(NAME, doc => { const logger = doc.getLogger(); const inputColorSpace = (options.inputColorSpace || '').toLowerCase(); if (inputColorSpace === 'srgb-linear') {`${NAME}: Vertex colors already linear. Skipping conversion.`); return; } if (inputColorSpace !== 'srgb') { logger.error(`${NAME}: Unknown input color space "${inputColorSpace}" – should be "srgb" or ` + '"srgb-linear". Skipping conversion.'); return; } const converted = new Set(); // Source: THREE.Color function sRGBToLinear(c) { return c < 0.04045 ? c * 0.0773993808 : Math.pow(c * 0.9478672986 + 0.0521327014, 2.4); } function updatePrimitive(primitive) { const color = [0, 0, 0]; let attribute; for (let i = 0; attribute = primitive.getAttribute(`COLOR_${i}`); i++) { if (converted.has(attribute)) continue; for (let j = 0; j < attribute.getCount(); j++) { attribute.getElement(j, color); color[0] = sRGBToLinear(color[0]); color[1] = sRGBToLinear(color[1]); color[2] = sRGBToLinear(color[2]); attribute.setElement(j, color); } converted.add(attribute); } } doc.getRoot().listMeshes().forEach(mesh => mesh.listPrimitives().forEach(updatePrimitive)); logger.debug(`${NAME}: Complete.`); }); } exports.DRACO_DEFAULTS = DRACO_DEFAULTS; exports.FLATTEN_DEFAULTS = FLATTEN_DEFAULTS; exports.INSTANCE_DEFAULTS = INSTANCE_DEFAULTS; exports.JOIN_DEFAULTS = JOIN_DEFAULTS; exports.MESHOPT_DEFAULTS = MESHOPT_DEFAULTS; exports.PALETTE_DEFAULTS = PALETTE_DEFAULTS; exports.PRUNE_DEFAULTS = PRUNE_DEFAULTS; exports.QUANTIZE_DEFAULTS = QUANTIZE_DEFAULTS; exports.SIMPLIFY_DEFAULTS = SIMPLIFY_DEFAULTS; exports.TEXTURE_COMPRESS_DEFAULTS = TEXTURE_COMPRESS_DEFAULTS; exports.TEXTURE_COMPRESS_SUPPORTED_FORMATS = TEXTURE_COMPRESS_SUPPORTED_FORMATS; exports.WELD_DEFAULTS = WELD_DEFAULTS; exports.assignDefaults = assignDefaults; = center; exports.clearNodeParent = clearNodeParent; exports.clearNodeTransform = clearNodeTransform; exports.cloneDocument = cloneDocument; exports.compactAttribute = compactAttribute; exports.compactPrimitive = compactPrimitive; exports.compressTexture = compressTexture; exports.convertPrimitiveToLines = convertPrimitiveToLines; exports.convertPrimitiveToTriangles = convertPrimitiveToTriangles; exports.copyToDocument = copyToDocument; exports.createDefaultPropertyResolver = createDefaultPropertyResolver; exports.createInstanceNodes = createInstanceNodes; exports.createTransform = createTransform; exports.dedup = dedup; exports.dequantize = dequantize; exports.dequantizePrimitive = dequantizePrimitive; exports.draco = draco; exports.fitPowerOfTwo = fitPowerOfTwo; exports.fitWithin = fitWithin; exports.flatten = flatten; exports.getBounds = getBounds; exports.getGLPrimitiveCount = getGLPrimitiveCount; exports.getMeshVertexCount = getMeshVertexCount; exports.getNodeVertexCount = getNodeVertexCount; exports.getPrimitiveVertexCount = getPrimitiveVertexCount; exports.getSceneVertexCount = getSceneVertexCount; exports.getTextureChannelMask = getTextureChannelMask; exports.getTextureColorSpace = getTextureColorSpace; exports.inspect = inspect; exports.instance = instance; exports.isTransformPending = isTransformPending; exports.join = join; exports.joinPrimitives = joinPrimitives; exports.listNodeScenes = listNodeScenes; exports.listTextureChannels = listTextureChannels; exports.listTextureInfo = listTextureInfo; exports.listTextureInfoByMaterial = listTextureInfoByMaterial; exports.listTextureSlots = listTextureSlots; exports.mergeDocuments = mergeDocuments; exports.meshopt = meshopt; exports.metalRough = metalRough; exports.moveToDocument = moveToDocument; exports.normals = normals; exports.palette = palette; exports.partition = partition; exports.prune = prune; exports.quantize = quantize; exports.reorder = reorder; exports.resample = resample; exports.sequence = sequence; exports.simplify = simplify; exports.simplifyPrimitive = simplifyPrimitive; exports.sortPrimitiveWeights = sortPrimitiveWeights; exports.sparse = sparse; exports.tangents = tangents; exports.textureCompress = textureCompress; exports.transformMesh = transformMesh; exports.transformPrimitive = transformPrimitive; exports.uninstance = uninstance; exports.unlit = unlit; exports.unpartition = unpartition; exports.unweld = unweld; exports.unweldPrimitive = unweldPrimitive; exports.vertexColorSpace = vertexColorSpace; exports.weld = weld; exports.weldPrimitive = weldPrimitive; //#