var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // dist/index.js var dist_exports = {}; __export(dist_exports, { Euler: () => Euler, Matrix3: () => Matrix3, Matrix4: () => Matrix4, Pose: () => Pose, Quaternion: () => Quaternion, SphericalCoordinates: () => SphericalCoordinates, Vector2: () => Vector2, Vector3: () => Vector3, Vector4: () => Vector4, _Euler: () => Euler, _MathUtils: () => math_utils_exports, _Pose: () => Pose, _SphericalCoordinates: () => SphericalCoordinates, acos: () => acos, asin: () => asin, assert: () => assert, atan: () => atan, clamp: () => clamp, clone: () => clone, config: () => config, configure: () => configure, cos: () => cos, degrees: () => degrees, equals: () => equals, exactEquals: () => exactEquals, formatValue: () => formatValue, isArray: () => isArray, lerp: () => lerp, mat3: () => mat3_exports, mat4: () => mat4_exports, quat: () => quat_exports, radians: () => radians, sin: () => sin, tan: () => tan, toDegrees: () => toDegrees, toRadians: () => toRadians, vec2: () => vec2_exports, vec3: () => vec3_exports, vec4: () => vec4_exports, withEpsilon: () => withEpsilon }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(dist_exports); // dist/lib/common.js var RADIANS_TO_DEGREES = 1 / Math.PI * 180; var DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = 1 / 180 * Math.PI; var DEFAULT_CONFIG = { EPSILON: 1e-12, debug: false, precision: 4, printTypes: false, printDegrees: false, printRowMajor: true, _cartographicRadians: false }; globalThis.mathgl = globalThis.mathgl || { config: { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG } }; var config = globalThis.mathgl.config; function configure(options) { Object.assign(config, options); return config; } function formatValue(value, { precision = config.precision } = {}) { value = round(value); return `${parseFloat(value.toPrecision(precision))}`; } function isArray(value) { return Array.isArray(value) || ArrayBuffer.isView(value) && !(value instanceof DataView); } function clone(array) { return "clone" in array ? array.clone() : array.slice(); } function toRadians(degrees2) { return radians(degrees2); } function toDegrees(radians2) { return degrees(radians2); } function radians(degrees2, result) { return map(degrees2, (degrees3) => degrees3 * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, result); } function degrees(radians2, result) { return map(radians2, (radians3) => radians3 * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, result); } function sin(radians2, result) { return map(radians2, (angle3) => Math.sin(angle3), result); } function cos(radians2, result) { return map(radians2, (angle3) => Math.cos(angle3), result); } function tan(radians2, result) { return map(radians2, (angle3) => Math.tan(angle3), result); } function asin(radians2, result) { return map(radians2, (angle3) => Math.asin(angle3), result); } function acos(radians2, result) { return map(radians2, (angle3) => Math.acos(angle3), result); } function atan(radians2, result) { return map(radians2, (angle3) => Math.atan(angle3), result); } function clamp(value, min4, max4) { return map(value, (value2) => Math.max(min4, Math.min(max4, value2))); } function lerp(a, b, t) { if (isArray(a)) { return, i) => lerp(ai, b[i], t)); } return t * b + (1 - t) * a; } function equals(a, b, epsilon) { const oldEpsilon = config.EPSILON; if (epsilon) { config.EPSILON = epsilon; } try { if (a === b) { return true; } if (isArray(a) && isArray(b)) { if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (!equals(a[i], b[i])) { return false; } } return true; } if (a && a.equals) { return a.equals(b); } if (b && b.equals) { return b.equals(a); } if (typeof a === "number" && typeof b === "number") { return Math.abs(a - b) <= config.EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a), Math.abs(b)); } return false; } finally { config.EPSILON = oldEpsilon; } } function exactEquals(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } if (a && typeof a === "object" && b && typeof b === "object") { if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) { return false; } if (a.exactEquals) { return a.exactEquals(b); } } if (isArray(a) && isArray(b)) { if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (!exactEquals(a[i], b[i])) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } function withEpsilon(epsilon, func) { const oldPrecision = config.EPSILON; config.EPSILON = epsilon; let value; try { value = func(); } finally { config.EPSILON = oldPrecision; } return value; } function round(value) { return Math.round(value / config.EPSILON) * config.EPSILON; } function duplicateArray(array) { return array.clone ? array.clone() : new Array(array.length); } function map(value, func, result) { if (isArray(value)) { const array = value; result = result || duplicateArray(array); for (let i = 0; i < result.length && i < array.length; ++i) { const val = typeof value === "number" ? value : value[i]; result[i] = func(val, i, result); } return result; } return func(value); } // dist/classes/base/math-array.js var MathArray = class extends Array { // Common methods /** * Clone the current object * @returns a new copy of this object */ clone() { return new this.constructor().copy(this); } fromArray(array, offset = 0) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] = array[i + offset]; } return this.check(); } toArray(targetArray = [], offset = 0) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { targetArray[offset + i] = this[i]; } return targetArray; } toObject(targetObject) { return targetObject; } from(arrayOrObject) { return Array.isArray(arrayOrObject) ? this.copy(arrayOrObject) : ( // @ts-ignore this.fromObject(arrayOrObject) ); } to(arrayOrObject) { if (arrayOrObject === this) { return this; } return isArray(arrayOrObject) ? this.toArray(arrayOrObject) : this.toObject(arrayOrObject); } toTarget(target) { return target ? : this; } /** @deprecated */ toFloat32Array() { return new Float32Array(this); } toString() { return this.formatString(config); } /** Formats string according to options */ formatString(opts) { let string = ""; for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { string += (i > 0 ? ", " : "") + formatValue(this[i], opts); } return `${opts.printTypes ? : ""}[${string}]`; } equals(array) { if (!array || this.length !== array.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { if (!equals(this[i], array[i])) { return false; } } return true; } exactEquals(array) { if (!array || this.length !== array.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { if (this[i] !== array[i]) { return false; } } return true; } // Modifiers /** Negates all values in this object */ negate() { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] = -this[i]; } return this.check(); } lerp(a, b, t) { if (t === void 0) { return this.lerp(this, a, b); } for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { const ai = a[i]; const endValue = typeof b === "number" ? b : b[i]; this[i] = ai + t * (endValue - ai); } return this.check(); } /** Minimal */ min(vector) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] = Math.min(vector[i], this[i]); } return this.check(); } /** Maximal */ max(vector) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] = Math.max(vector[i], this[i]); } return this.check(); } clamp(minVector, maxVector) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] = Math.min(Math.max(this[i], minVector[i]), maxVector[i]); } return this.check(); } add(...vectors) { for (const vector of vectors) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] += vector[i]; } } return this.check(); } subtract(...vectors) { for (const vector of vectors) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] -= vector[i]; } } return this.check(); } scale(scale7) { if (typeof scale7 === "number") { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] *= scale7; } } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS && i < scale7.length; ++i) { this[i] *= scale7[i]; } } return this.check(); } /** * Multiplies all elements by `scale` * Note: `Matrix4.multiplyByScalar` only scales its 3x3 "minor" */ multiplyByScalar(scalar) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] *= scalar; } return this.check(); } // Debug checks /** Throws an error if array length is incorrect or contains illegal values */ check() { if (config.debug && !this.validate()) { throw new Error(` ${} some fields set to invalid numbers'`); } return this; } /** Returns false if the array length is incorrect or contains illegal values */ validate() { let valid = this.length === this.ELEMENTS; for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { valid = valid && Number.isFinite(this[i]); } return valid; } // three.js compatibility /** @deprecated */ sub(a) { return this.subtract(a); } /** @deprecated */ setScalar(a) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] = a; } return this.check(); } /** @deprecated */ addScalar(a) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] += a; } return this.check(); } /** @deprecated */ subScalar(a) { return this.addScalar(-a); } /** @deprecated */ multiplyScalar(scalar) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] *= scalar; } return this.check(); } /** @deprecated */ divideScalar(a) { return this.multiplyByScalar(1 / a); } /** @deprecated */ clampScalar(min4, max4) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] = Math.min(Math.max(this[i], min4), max4); } return this.check(); } /** @deprecated */ get elements() { return this; } }; // dist/lib/validators.js function validateVector(v, length5) { if (v.length !== length5) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) { if (!Number.isFinite(v[i])) { return false; } } return true; } function checkNumber(value) { if (!Number.isFinite(value)) { throw new Error(`Invalid number ${JSON.stringify(value)}`); } return value; } function checkVector(v, length5, callerName = "") { if (config.debug && !validateVector(v, length5)) { throw new Error(` ${callerName} some fields set to invalid numbers'`); } return v; } // dist/lib/assert.js function assert(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(` assertion ${message}`); } } // dist/classes/base/vector.js var Vector = class extends MathArray { // ACCESSORS get x() { return this[0]; } set x(value) { this[0] = checkNumber(value); } get y() { return this[1]; } set y(value) { this[1] = checkNumber(value); } /** * Returns the length of the vector from the origin to the point described by this vector * * @note `length` is a reserved word for Arrays, so `v.length()` will return number of elements * Instead we provide `len` and `magnitude` */ len() { return Math.sqrt(this.lengthSquared()); } /** * Returns the length of the vector from the origin to the point described by this vector */ magnitude() { return this.len(); } /** * Returns the squared length of the vector from the origin to the point described by this vector */ lengthSquared() { let length5 = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { length5 += this[i] * this[i]; } return length5; } /** * Returns the squared length of the vector from the origin to the point described by this vector */ magnitudeSquared() { return this.lengthSquared(); } distance(mathArray) { return Math.sqrt(this.distanceSquared(mathArray)); } distanceSquared(mathArray) { let length5 = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { const dist4 = this[i] - mathArray[i]; length5 += dist4 * dist4; } return checkNumber(length5); } dot(mathArray) { let product = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { product += this[i] * mathArray[i]; } return checkNumber(product); } // MODIFIERS normalize() { const length5 = this.magnitude(); if (length5 !== 0) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] /= length5; } } return this.check(); } multiply(...vectors) { for (const vector of vectors) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] *= vector[i]; } } return this.check(); } divide(...vectors) { for (const vector of vectors) { for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { this[i] /= vector[i]; } } return this.check(); } // THREE.js compatibility lengthSq() { return this.lengthSquared(); } distanceTo(vector) { return this.distance(vector); } distanceToSquared(vector) { return this.distanceSquared(vector); } getComponent(i) { assert(i >= 0 && i < this.ELEMENTS, "index is out of range"); return checkNumber(this[i]); } setComponent(i, value) { assert(i >= 0 && i < this.ELEMENTS, "index is out of range"); this[i] = value; return this.check(); } addVectors(a, b) { return this.copy(a).add(b); } subVectors(a, b) { return this.copy(a).subtract(b); } multiplyVectors(a, b) { return this.copy(a).multiply(b); } addScaledVector(a, b) { return this.add(new this.constructor(a).multiplyScalar(b)); } }; // dist/gl-matrix/vec2.js var vec2_exports = {}; __export(vec2_exports, { add: () => add, angle: () => angle, ceil: () => ceil, clone: () => clone2, copy: () => copy, create: () => create, cross: () => cross, dist: () => dist, distance: () => distance, div: () => div, divide: () => divide, dot: () => dot, equals: () => equals2, exactEquals: () => exactEquals2, floor: () => floor, forEach: () => forEach, fromValues: () => fromValues, inverse: () => inverse, len: () => len, length: () => length, lerp: () => lerp2, max: () => max, min: () => min, mul: () => mul, multiply: () => multiply, negate: () => negate, normalize: () => normalize, random: () => random, rotate: () => rotate, round: () => round3, scale: () => scale, scaleAndAdd: () => scaleAndAdd, set: () => set, sqrDist: () => sqrDist, sqrLen: () => sqrLen, squaredDistance: () => squaredDistance, squaredLength: () => squaredLength, str: () => str, sub: () => sub, subtract: () => subtract, transformMat2: () => transformMat2, transformMat2d: () => transformMat2d, transformMat3: () => transformMat3, transformMat4: () => transformMat4, zero: () => zero }); // dist/gl-matrix/common.js var EPSILON = 1e-6; var ARRAY_TYPE = typeof Float32Array !== "undefined" ? Float32Array : Array; var RANDOM = Math.random; function round2(a) { if (a >= 0) return Math.round(a); return a % 0.5 === 0 ? Math.floor(a) : Math.round(a); } var degree = Math.PI / 180; // dist/gl-matrix/vec2.js function create() { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(2); if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; } return out; } function clone2(a) { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(2); out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; return out; } function fromValues(x, y) { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(2); out[0] = x; out[1] = y; return out; } function copy(out, a) { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; return out; } function set(out, x, y) { out[0] = x; out[1] = y; return out; } function add(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0]; out[1] = a[1] + b[1]; return out; } function subtract(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] - b[0]; out[1] = a[1] - b[1]; return out; } function multiply(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b[0]; out[1] = a[1] * b[1]; return out; } function divide(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] / b[0]; out[1] = a[1] / b[1]; return out; } function ceil(out, a) { out[0] = Math.ceil(a[0]); out[1] = Math.ceil(a[1]); return out; } function floor(out, a) { out[0] = Math.floor(a[0]); out[1] = Math.floor(a[1]); return out; } function min(out, a, b) { out[0] = Math.min(a[0], b[0]); out[1] = Math.min(a[1], b[1]); return out; } function max(out, a, b) { out[0] = Math.max(a[0], b[0]); out[1] = Math.max(a[1], b[1]); return out; } function round3(out, a) { out[0] = round2(a[0]); out[1] = round2(a[1]); return out; } function scale(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b; out[1] = a[1] * b; return out; } function scaleAndAdd(out, a, b, scale7) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0] * scale7; out[1] = a[1] + b[1] * scale7; return out; } function distance(a, b) { const x = b[0] - a[0]; const y = b[1] - a[1]; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); } function squaredDistance(a, b) { const x = b[0] - a[0]; const y = b[1] - a[1]; return x * x + y * y; } function length(a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); } function squaredLength(a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; return x * x + y * y; } function negate(out, a) { out[0] = -a[0]; out[1] = -a[1]; return out; } function inverse(out, a) { out[0] = 1 / a[0]; out[1] = 1 / a[1]; return out; } function normalize(out, a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; let len5 = x * x + y * y; if (len5 > 0) { len5 = 1 / Math.sqrt(len5); } out[0] = a[0] * len5; out[1] = a[1] * len5; return out; } function dot(a, b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1]; } function cross(out, a, b) { const z = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]; out[0] = out[1] = 0; out[2] = z; return out; } function lerp2(out, a, b, t) { const ax = a[0]; const ay = a[1]; out[0] = ax + t * (b[0] - ax); out[1] = ay + t * (b[1] - ay); return out; } function random(out, scale7) { scale7 = scale7 === void 0 ? 1 : scale7; const r = RANDOM() * 2 * Math.PI; out[0] = Math.cos(r) * scale7; out[1] = Math.sin(r) * scale7; return out; } function transformMat2(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; out[0] = m[0] * x + m[2] * y; out[1] = m[1] * x + m[3] * y; return out; } function transformMat2d(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; out[0] = m[0] * x + m[2] * y + m[4]; out[1] = m[1] * x + m[3] * y + m[5]; return out; } function transformMat3(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; out[0] = m[0] * x + m[3] * y + m[6]; out[1] = m[1] * x + m[4] * y + m[7]; return out; } function transformMat4(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; out[0] = m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[12]; out[1] = m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[13]; return out; } function rotate(out, a, b, rad) { const p0 = a[0] - b[0]; const p1 = a[1] - b[1]; const sinC = Math.sin(rad); const cosC = Math.cos(rad); out[0] = p0 * cosC - p1 * sinC + b[0]; out[1] = p0 * sinC + p1 * cosC + b[1]; return out; } function angle(a, b) { const x1 = a[0]; const y1 = a[1]; const x2 = b[0]; const y2 = b[1]; const mag = Math.sqrt((x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2)); const cosine = mag && (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2) / mag; return Math.acos(Math.min(Math.max(cosine, -1), 1)); } function zero(out) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; return out; } function str(a) { return `vec2(${a[0]}, ${a[1]})`; } function exactEquals2(a, b) { return a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1]; } function equals2(a, b) { const a0 = a[0]; const a1 = a[1]; const b0 = b[0]; const b1 = b[1]; return Math.abs(a0 - b0) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a0), Math.abs(b0)) && Math.abs(a1 - b1) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a1), Math.abs(b1)); } var len = length; var sub = subtract; var mul = multiply; var div = divide; var dist = distance; var sqrDist = squaredDistance; var sqrLen = squaredLength; var forEach = function() { const vec = create(); return function(a, stride, offset, count, fn, arg) { let i; let l; if (!stride) { stride = 2; } if (!offset) { offset = 0; } if (count) { l = Math.min(count * stride + offset, a.length); } else { l = a.length; } for (i = offset; i < l; i += stride) { vec[0] = a[i]; vec[1] = a[i + 1]; fn(vec, vec, arg); a[i] = vec[0]; a[i + 1] = vec[1]; } return a; }; }(); // dist/lib/gl-matrix-extras.js function vec2_transformMat4AsVector(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const w = m[3] * x + m[7] * y || 1; out[0] = (m[0] * x + m[4] * y) / w; out[1] = (m[1] * x + m[5] * y) / w; return out; } function vec3_transformMat4AsVector(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; const w = m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[11] * z || 1; out[0] = (m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[8] * z) / w; out[1] = (m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[9] * z) / w; out[2] = (m[2] * x + m[6] * y + m[10] * z) / w; return out; } function vec3_transformMat2(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; out[0] = m[0] * x + m[2] * y; out[1] = m[1] * x + m[3] * y; out[2] = a[2]; return out; } function vec4_transformMat2(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; out[0] = m[0] * x + m[2] * y; out[1] = m[1] * x + m[3] * y; out[2] = a[2]; out[3] = a[3]; return out; } function vec4_transformMat3(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; out[0] = m[0] * x + m[3] * y + m[6] * z; out[1] = m[1] * x + m[4] * y + m[7] * z; out[2] = m[2] * x + m[5] * y + m[8] * z; out[3] = a[3]; return out; } // dist/classes/vector2.js var Vector2 = class extends Vector { // Creates a new, empty vec2 constructor(x = 0, y = 0) { super(2); if (isArray(x) && arguments.length === 1) { this.copy(x); } else { if (config.debug) { checkNumber(x); checkNumber(y); } this[0] = x; this[1] = y; } } set(x, y) { this[0] = x; this[1] = y; return this.check(); } copy(array) { this[0] = array[0]; this[1] = array[1]; return this.check(); } fromObject(object) { if (config.debug) { checkNumber(object.x); checkNumber(object.y); } this[0] = object.x; this[1] = object.y; return this.check(); } toObject(object) { object.x = this[0]; object.y = this[1]; return object; } // Getters/setters get ELEMENTS() { return 2; } /** * Returns angle from x axis * @returns */ horizontalAngle() { return Math.atan2(this.y, this.x); } /** * Returns angle from y axis * @returns */ verticalAngle() { return Math.atan2(this.x, this.y); } // Transforms /** * Transforms as point * @param matrix4 * @returns */ transform(matrix4) { return this.transformAsPoint(matrix4); } /** * transforms as point (4th component is implicitly 1) * @param matrix4 * @returns */ transformAsPoint(matrix4) { transformMat4(this, this, matrix4); return this.check(); } /** * transforms as vector (4th component is implicitly 0, ignores translation. slightly faster) * @param matrix4 * @returns */ transformAsVector(matrix4) { vec2_transformMat4AsVector(this, this, matrix4); return this.check(); } transformByMatrix3(matrix3) { transformMat3(this, this, matrix3); return this.check(); } transformByMatrix2x3(matrix2x3) { transformMat2d(this, this, matrix2x3); return this.check(); } transformByMatrix2(matrix2) { transformMat2(this, this, matrix2); return this.check(); } }; // dist/gl-matrix/vec3.js var vec3_exports = {}; __export(vec3_exports, { add: () => add2, angle: () => angle2, bezier: () => bezier, ceil: () => ceil2, clone: () => clone3, copy: () => copy2, create: () => create2, cross: () => cross2, dist: () => dist2, distance: () => distance2, div: () => div2, divide: () => divide2, dot: () => dot2, equals: () => equals3, exactEquals: () => exactEquals3, floor: () => floor2, forEach: () => forEach2, fromValues: () => fromValues2, hermite: () => hermite, inverse: () => inverse2, len: () => len2, length: () => length2, lerp: () => lerp3, max: () => max2, min: () => min2, mul: () => mul2, multiply: () => multiply2, negate: () => negate2, normalize: () => normalize2, random: () => random2, rotateX: () => rotateX, rotateY: () => rotateY, rotateZ: () => rotateZ, round: () => round4, scale: () => scale2, scaleAndAdd: () => scaleAndAdd2, set: () => set2, slerp: () => slerp, sqrDist: () => sqrDist2, sqrLen: () => sqrLen2, squaredDistance: () => squaredDistance2, squaredLength: () => squaredLength2, str: () => str2, sub: () => sub2, subtract: () => subtract2, transformMat3: () => transformMat32, transformMat4: () => transformMat42, transformQuat: () => transformQuat, zero: () => zero2 }); function create2() { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(3); if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; } return out; } function clone3(a) { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(3); out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; return out; } function length2(a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); } function fromValues2(x, y, z) { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(3); out[0] = x; out[1] = y; out[2] = z; return out; } function copy2(out, a) { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; return out; } function set2(out, x, y, z) { out[0] = x; out[1] = y; out[2] = z; return out; } function add2(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0]; out[1] = a[1] + b[1]; out[2] = a[2] + b[2]; return out; } function subtract2(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] - b[0]; out[1] = a[1] - b[1]; out[2] = a[2] - b[2]; return out; } function multiply2(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b[0]; out[1] = a[1] * b[1]; out[2] = a[2] * b[2]; return out; } function divide2(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] / b[0]; out[1] = a[1] / b[1]; out[2] = a[2] / b[2]; return out; } function ceil2(out, a) { out[0] = Math.ceil(a[0]); out[1] = Math.ceil(a[1]); out[2] = Math.ceil(a[2]); return out; } function floor2(out, a) { out[0] = Math.floor(a[0]); out[1] = Math.floor(a[1]); out[2] = Math.floor(a[2]); return out; } function min2(out, a, b) { out[0] = Math.min(a[0], b[0]); out[1] = Math.min(a[1], b[1]); out[2] = Math.min(a[2], b[2]); return out; } function max2(out, a, b) { out[0] = Math.max(a[0], b[0]); out[1] = Math.max(a[1], b[1]); out[2] = Math.max(a[2], b[2]); return out; } function round4(out, a) { out[0] = round2(a[0]); out[1] = round2(a[1]); out[2] = round2(a[2]); return out; } function scale2(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b; out[1] = a[1] * b; out[2] = a[2] * b; return out; } function scaleAndAdd2(out, a, b, scale7) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0] * scale7; out[1] = a[1] + b[1] * scale7; out[2] = a[2] + b[2] * scale7; return out; } function distance2(a, b) { const x = b[0] - a[0]; const y = b[1] - a[1]; const z = b[2] - a[2]; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); } function squaredDistance2(a, b) { const x = b[0] - a[0]; const y = b[1] - a[1]; const z = b[2] - a[2]; return x * x + y * y + z * z; } function squaredLength2(a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; return x * x + y * y + z * z; } function negate2(out, a) { out[0] = -a[0]; out[1] = -a[1]; out[2] = -a[2]; return out; } function inverse2(out, a) { out[0] = 1 / a[0]; out[1] = 1 / a[1]; out[2] = 1 / a[2]; return out; } function normalize2(out, a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; let len5 = x * x + y * y + z * z; if (len5 > 0) { len5 = 1 / Math.sqrt(len5); } out[0] = a[0] * len5; out[1] = a[1] * len5; out[2] = a[2] * len5; return out; } function dot2(a, b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]; } function cross2(out, a, b) { const ax = a[0]; const ay = a[1]; const az = a[2]; const bx = b[0]; const by = b[1]; const bz = b[2]; out[0] = ay * bz - az * by; out[1] = az * bx - ax * bz; out[2] = ax * by - ay * bx; return out; } function lerp3(out, a, b, t) { const ax = a[0]; const ay = a[1]; const az = a[2]; out[0] = ax + t * (b[0] - ax); out[1] = ay + t * (b[1] - ay); out[2] = az + t * (b[2] - az); return out; } function slerp(out, a, b, t) { const angle3 = Math.acos(Math.min(Math.max(dot2(a, b), -1), 1)); const sinTotal = Math.sin(angle3); const ratioA = Math.sin((1 - t) * angle3) / sinTotal; const ratioB = Math.sin(t * angle3) / sinTotal; out[0] = ratioA * a[0] + ratioB * b[0]; out[1] = ratioA * a[1] + ratioB * b[1]; out[2] = ratioA * a[2] + ratioB * b[2]; return out; } function hermite(out, a, b, c, d, t) { const factorTimes2 = t * t; const factor1 = factorTimes2 * (2 * t - 3) + 1; const factor2 = factorTimes2 * (t - 2) + t; const factor3 = factorTimes2 * (t - 1); const factor4 = factorTimes2 * (3 - 2 * t); out[0] = a[0] * factor1 + b[0] * factor2 + c[0] * factor3 + d[0] * factor4; out[1] = a[1] * factor1 + b[1] * factor2 + c[1] * factor3 + d[1] * factor4; out[2] = a[2] * factor1 + b[2] * factor2 + c[2] * factor3 + d[2] * factor4; return out; } function bezier(out, a, b, c, d, t) { const inverseFactor = 1 - t; const inverseFactorTimesTwo = inverseFactor * inverseFactor; const factorTimes2 = t * t; const factor1 = inverseFactorTimesTwo * inverseFactor; const factor2 = 3 * t * inverseFactorTimesTwo; const factor3 = 3 * factorTimes2 * inverseFactor; const factor4 = factorTimes2 * t; out[0] = a[0] * factor1 + b[0] * factor2 + c[0] * factor3 + d[0] * factor4; out[1] = a[1] * factor1 + b[1] * factor2 + c[1] * factor3 + d[1] * factor4; out[2] = a[2] * factor1 + b[2] * factor2 + c[2] * factor3 + d[2] * factor4; return out; } function random2(out, scale7) { scale7 = scale7 === void 0 ? 1 : scale7; const r = RANDOM() * 2 * Math.PI; const z = RANDOM() * 2 - 1; const zScale = Math.sqrt(1 - z * z) * scale7; out[0] = Math.cos(r) * zScale; out[1] = Math.sin(r) * zScale; out[2] = z * scale7; return out; } function transformMat42(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; let w = m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[11] * z + m[15]; w = w || 1; out[0] = (m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[8] * z + m[12]) / w; out[1] = (m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[9] * z + m[13]) / w; out[2] = (m[2] * x + m[6] * y + m[10] * z + m[14]) / w; return out; } function transformMat32(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; out[0] = x * m[0] + y * m[3] + z * m[6]; out[1] = x * m[1] + y * m[4] + z * m[7]; out[2] = x * m[2] + y * m[5] + z * m[8]; return out; } function transformQuat(out, a, q) { const qx = q[0]; const qy = q[1]; const qz = q[2]; const qw = q[3]; const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; let uvx = qy * z - qz * y; let uvy = qz * x - qx * z; let uvz = qx * y - qy * x; let uuvx = qy * uvz - qz * uvy; let uuvy = qz * uvx - qx * uvz; let uuvz = qx * uvy - qy * uvx; const w2 = qw * 2; uvx *= w2; uvy *= w2; uvz *= w2; uuvx *= 2; uuvy *= 2; uuvz *= 2; out[0] = x + uvx + uuvx; out[1] = y + uvy + uuvy; out[2] = z + uvz + uuvz; return out; } function rotateX(out, a, b, rad) { const p = []; const r = []; p[0] = a[0] - b[0]; p[1] = a[1] - b[1]; p[2] = a[2] - b[2]; r[0] = p[0]; r[1] = p[1] * Math.cos(rad) - p[2] * Math.sin(rad); r[2] = p[1] * Math.sin(rad) + p[2] * Math.cos(rad); out[0] = r[0] + b[0]; out[1] = r[1] + b[1]; out[2] = r[2] + b[2]; return out; } function rotateY(out, a, b, rad) { const p = []; const r = []; p[0] = a[0] - b[0]; p[1] = a[1] - b[1]; p[2] = a[2] - b[2]; r[0] = p[2] * Math.sin(rad) + p[0] * Math.cos(rad); r[1] = p[1]; r[2] = p[2] * Math.cos(rad) - p[0] * Math.sin(rad); out[0] = r[0] + b[0]; out[1] = r[1] + b[1]; out[2] = r[2] + b[2]; return out; } function rotateZ(out, a, b, rad) { const p = []; const r = []; p[0] = a[0] - b[0]; p[1] = a[1] - b[1]; p[2] = a[2] - b[2]; r[0] = p[0] * Math.cos(rad) - p[1] * Math.sin(rad); r[1] = p[0] * Math.sin(rad) + p[1] * Math.cos(rad); r[2] = p[2]; out[0] = r[0] + b[0]; out[1] = r[1] + b[1]; out[2] = r[2] + b[2]; return out; } function angle2(a, b) { const ax = a[0]; const ay = a[1]; const az = a[2]; const bx = b[0]; const by = b[1]; const bz = b[2]; const mag = Math.sqrt((ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az) * (bx * bx + by * by + bz * bz)); const cosine = mag && dot2(a, b) / mag; return Math.acos(Math.min(Math.max(cosine, -1), 1)); } function zero2(out) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; return out; } function str2(a) { return `vec3(${a[0]}, ${a[1]}, ${a[2]})`; } function exactEquals3(a, b) { return a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1] && a[2] === b[2]; } function equals3(a, b) { const a0 = a[0]; const a1 = a[1]; const a2 = a[2]; const b0 = b[0]; const b1 = b[1]; const b2 = b[2]; return Math.abs(a0 - b0) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a0), Math.abs(b0)) && Math.abs(a1 - b1) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a1), Math.abs(b1)) && Math.abs(a2 - b2) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a2), Math.abs(b2)); } var sub2 = subtract2; var mul2 = multiply2; var div2 = divide2; var dist2 = distance2; var sqrDist2 = squaredDistance2; var len2 = length2; var sqrLen2 = squaredLength2; var forEach2 = function() { const vec = create2(); return function(a, stride, offset, count, fn, arg) { let i; let l; if (!stride) { stride = 3; } if (!offset) { offset = 0; } if (count) { l = Math.min(count * stride + offset, a.length); } else { l = a.length; } for (i = offset; i < l; i += stride) { vec[0] = a[i]; vec[1] = a[i + 1]; vec[2] = a[i + 2]; fn(vec, vec, arg); a[i] = vec[0]; a[i + 1] = vec[1]; a[i + 2] = vec[2]; } return a; }; }(); // dist/classes/vector3.js var ORIGIN = [0, 0, 0]; var ZERO; var Vector3 = class extends Vector { static get ZERO() { if (!ZERO) { ZERO = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); Object.freeze(ZERO); } return ZERO; } /** * @class * @param x * @param y * @param z */ constructor(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) { super(-0, -0, -0); if (arguments.length === 1 && isArray(x)) { this.copy(x); } else { if (config.debug) { checkNumber(x); checkNumber(y); checkNumber(z); } this[0] = x; this[1] = y; this[2] = z; } } set(x, y, z) { this[0] = x; this[1] = y; this[2] = z; return this.check(); } copy(array) { this[0] = array[0]; this[1] = array[1]; this[2] = array[2]; return this.check(); } fromObject(object) { if (config.debug) { checkNumber(object.x); checkNumber(object.y); checkNumber(object.z); } this[0] = object.x; this[1] = object.y; this[2] = object.z; return this.check(); } toObject(object) { object.x = this[0]; object.y = this[1]; object.z = this[2]; return object; } // Getters/setters get ELEMENTS() { return 3; } get z() { return this[2]; } set z(value) { this[2] = checkNumber(value); } // ACCESSORS angle(vector) { return angle2(this, vector); } // MODIFIERS cross(vector) { cross2(this, this, vector); return this.check(); } rotateX({ radians: radians2, origin = ORIGIN }) { rotateX(this, this, origin, radians2); return this.check(); } rotateY({ radians: radians2, origin = ORIGIN }) { rotateY(this, this, origin, radians2); return this.check(); } rotateZ({ radians: radians2, origin = ORIGIN }) { rotateZ(this, this, origin, radians2); return this.check(); } // Transforms // transforms as point (4th component is implicitly 1) transform(matrix4) { return this.transformAsPoint(matrix4); } // transforms as point (4th component is implicitly 1) transformAsPoint(matrix4) { transformMat42(this, this, matrix4); return this.check(); } // transforms as vector (4th component is implicitly 0, ignores translation. slightly faster) transformAsVector(matrix4) { vec3_transformMat4AsVector(this, this, matrix4); return this.check(); } transformByMatrix3(matrix3) { transformMat32(this, this, matrix3); return this.check(); } transformByMatrix2(matrix2) { vec3_transformMat2(this, this, matrix2); return this.check(); } transformByQuaternion(quaternion) { transformQuat(this, this, quaternion); return this.check(); } }; // dist/classes/vector4.js var ZERO2; var Vector4 = class extends Vector { static get ZERO() { if (!ZERO2) { ZERO2 = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0); Object.freeze(ZERO2); } return ZERO2; } constructor(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0) { super(-0, -0, -0, -0); if (isArray(x) && arguments.length === 1) { this.copy(x); } else { if (config.debug) { checkNumber(x); checkNumber(y); checkNumber(z); checkNumber(w); } this[0] = x; this[1] = y; this[2] = z; this[3] = w; } } set(x, y, z, w) { this[0] = x; this[1] = y; this[2] = z; this[3] = w; return this.check(); } copy(array) { this[0] = array[0]; this[1] = array[1]; this[2] = array[2]; this[3] = array[3]; return this.check(); } fromObject(object) { if (config.debug) { checkNumber(object.x); checkNumber(object.y); checkNumber(object.z); checkNumber(object.w); } this[0] = object.x; this[1] = object.y; this[2] = object.z; this[3] = object.w; return this; } toObject(object) { object.x = this[0]; object.y = this[1]; object.z = this[2]; object.w = this[3]; return object; } // Getters/setters /* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces, brace-style, no-return-assign */ get ELEMENTS() { return 4; } get z() { return this[2]; } set z(value) { this[2] = checkNumber(value); } get w() { return this[3]; } set w(value) { this[3] = checkNumber(value); } transform(matrix4) { transformMat42(this, this, matrix4); return this.check(); } transformByMatrix3(matrix3) { vec4_transformMat3(this, this, matrix3); return this.check(); } transformByMatrix2(matrix2) { vec4_transformMat2(this, this, matrix2); return this.check(); } transformByQuaternion(quaternion) { transformQuat(this, this, quaternion); return this.check(); } // three.js compatibility applyMatrix4(m) { m.transform(this, this); return this; } }; // dist/classes/base/matrix.js var Matrix = class extends MathArray { // fromObject(object) { // const array = object.elements; // return this.fromRowMajor(array); // } // toObject(object) { // const array = object.elements; // this.toRowMajor(array); // return object; // } // TODO better override formatString? toString() { let string = "["; if (config.printRowMajor) { string += "row-major:"; for (let row = 0; row < this.RANK; ++row) { for (let col = 0; col < this.RANK; ++col) { string += ` ${this[col * this.RANK + row]}`; } } } else { string += "column-major:"; for (let i = 0; i < this.ELEMENTS; ++i) { string += ` ${this[i]}`; } } string += "]"; return string; } getElementIndex(row, col) { return col * this.RANK + row; } // By default assumes row major indices getElement(row, col) { return this[col * this.RANK + row]; } // By default assumes row major indices setElement(row, col, value) { this[col * this.RANK + row] = checkNumber(value); return this; } getColumn(columnIndex, result = new Array(this.RANK).fill(-0)) { const firstIndex = columnIndex * this.RANK; for (let i = 0; i < this.RANK; ++i) { result[i] = this[firstIndex + i]; } return result; } setColumn(columnIndex, columnVector) { const firstIndex = columnIndex * this.RANK; for (let i = 0; i < this.RANK; ++i) { this[firstIndex + i] = columnVector[i]; } return this; } }; // dist/gl-matrix/mat3.js var mat3_exports = {}; __export(mat3_exports, { add: () => add3, adjoint: () => adjoint, clone: () => clone4, copy: () => copy3, create: () => create3, determinant: () => determinant, equals: () => equals4, exactEquals: () => exactEquals4, frob: () => frob, fromMat2d: () => fromMat2d, fromMat4: () => fromMat4, fromQuat: () => fromQuat, fromRotation: () => fromRotation, fromScaling: () => fromScaling, fromTranslation: () => fromTranslation, fromValues: () => fromValues3, identity: () => identity, invert: () => invert, mul: () => mul3, multiply: () => multiply3, multiplyScalar: () => multiplyScalar, multiplyScalarAndAdd: () => multiplyScalarAndAdd, normalFromMat4: () => normalFromMat4, projection: () => projection, rotate: () => rotate2, scale: () => scale3, set: () => set3, str: () => str3, sub: () => sub3, subtract: () => subtract3, translate: () => translate, transpose: () => transpose }); function create3() { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(9); if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) { out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[5] = 0; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; } out[0] = 1; out[4] = 1; out[8] = 1; return out; } function fromMat4(out, a) { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; out[3] = a[4]; out[4] = a[5]; out[5] = a[6]; out[6] = a[8]; out[7] = a[9]; out[8] = a[10]; return out; } function clone4(a) { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(9); out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; out[3] = a[3]; out[4] = a[4]; out[5] = a[5]; out[6] = a[6]; out[7] = a[7]; out[8] = a[8]; return out; } function copy3(out, a) { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; out[3] = a[3]; out[4] = a[4]; out[5] = a[5]; out[6] = a[6]; out[7] = a[7]; out[8] = a[8]; return out; } function fromValues3(m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22) { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(9); out[0] = m00; out[1] = m01; out[2] = m02; out[3] = m10; out[4] = m11; out[5] = m12; out[6] = m20; out[7] = m21; out[8] = m22; return out; } function set3(out, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22) { out[0] = m00; out[1] = m01; out[2] = m02; out[3] = m10; out[4] = m11; out[5] = m12; out[6] = m20; out[7] = m21; out[8] = m22; return out; } function identity(out) { out[0] = 1; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 1; out[5] = 0; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 1; return out; } function transpose(out, a) { if (out === a) { const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a12 = a[5]; out[1] = a[3]; out[2] = a[6]; out[3] = a01; out[5] = a[7]; out[6] = a02; out[7] = a12; } else { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[3]; out[2] = a[6]; out[3] = a[1]; out[4] = a[4]; out[5] = a[7]; out[6] = a[2]; out[7] = a[5]; out[8] = a[8]; } return out; } function invert(out, a) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a10 = a[3]; const a11 = a[4]; const a12 = a[5]; const a20 = a[6]; const a21 = a[7]; const a22 = a[8]; const b01 = a22 * a11 - a12 * a21; const b11 = -a22 * a10 + a12 * a20; const b21 = a21 * a10 - a11 * a20; let det = a00 * b01 + a01 * b11 + a02 * b21; if (!det) { return null; } det = 1 / det; out[0] = b01 * det; out[1] = (-a22 * a01 + a02 * a21) * det; out[2] = (a12 * a01 - a02 * a11) * det; out[3] = b11 * det; out[4] = (a22 * a00 - a02 * a20) * det; out[5] = (-a12 * a00 + a02 * a10) * det; out[6] = b21 * det; out[7] = (-a21 * a00 + a01 * a20) * det; out[8] = (a11 * a00 - a01 * a10) * det; return out; } function adjoint(out, a) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a10 = a[3]; const a11 = a[4]; const a12 = a[5]; const a20 = a[6]; const a21 = a[7]; const a22 = a[8]; out[0] = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21; out[1] = a02 * a21 - a01 * a22; out[2] = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11; out[3] = a12 * a20 - a10 * a22; out[4] = a00 * a22 - a02 * a20; out[5] = a02 * a10 - a00 * a12; out[6] = a10 * a21 - a11 * a20; out[7] = a01 * a20 - a00 * a21; out[8] = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10; return out; } function determinant(a) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a10 = a[3]; const a11 = a[4]; const a12 = a[5]; const a20 = a[6]; const a21 = a[7]; const a22 = a[8]; return a00 * (a22 * a11 - a12 * a21) + a01 * (-a22 * a10 + a12 * a20) + a02 * (a21 * a10 - a11 * a20); } function multiply3(out, a, b) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a10 = a[3]; const a11 = a[4]; const a12 = a[5]; const a20 = a[6]; const a21 = a[7]; const a22 = a[8]; const b00 = b[0]; const b01 = b[1]; const b02 = b[2]; const b10 = b[3]; const b11 = b[4]; const b12 = b[5]; const b20 = b[6]; const b21 = b[7]; const b22 = b[8]; out[0] = b00 * a00 + b01 * a10 + b02 * a20; out[1] = b00 * a01 + b01 * a11 + b02 * a21; out[2] = b00 * a02 + b01 * a12 + b02 * a22; out[3] = b10 * a00 + b11 * a10 + b12 * a20; out[4] = b10 * a01 + b11 * a11 + b12 * a21; out[5] = b10 * a02 + b11 * a12 + b12 * a22; out[6] = b20 * a00 + b21 * a10 + b22 * a20; out[7] = b20 * a01 + b21 * a11 + b22 * a21; out[8] = b20 * a02 + b21 * a12 + b22 * a22; return out; } function translate(out, a, v) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a10 = a[3]; const a11 = a[4]; const a12 = a[5]; const a20 = a[6]; const a21 = a[7]; const a22 = a[8]; const x = v[0]; const y = v[1]; out[0] = a00; out[1] = a01; out[2] = a02; out[3] = a10; out[4] = a11; out[5] = a12; out[6] = x * a00 + y * a10 + a20; out[7] = x * a01 + y * a11 + a21; out[8] = x * a02 + y * a12 + a22; return out; } function rotate2(out, a, rad) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a10 = a[3]; const a11 = a[4]; const a12 = a[5]; const a20 = a[6]; const a21 = a[7]; const a22 = a[8]; const s = Math.sin(rad); const c = Math.cos(rad); out[0] = c * a00 + s * a10; out[1] = c * a01 + s * a11; out[2] = c * a02 + s * a12; out[3] = c * a10 - s * a00; out[4] = c * a11 - s * a01; out[5] = c * a12 - s * a02; out[6] = a20; out[7] = a21; out[8] = a22; return out; } function scale3(out, a, v) { const x = v[0]; const y = v[1]; out[0] = x * a[0]; out[1] = x * a[1]; out[2] = x * a[2]; out[3] = y * a[3]; out[4] = y * a[4]; out[5] = y * a[5]; out[6] = a[6]; out[7] = a[7]; out[8] = a[8]; return out; } function fromTranslation(out, v) { out[0] = 1; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 1; out[5] = 0; out[6] = v[0]; out[7] = v[1]; out[8] = 1; return out; } function fromRotation(out, rad) { const s = Math.sin(rad); const c = Math.cos(rad); out[0] = c; out[1] = s; out[2] = 0; out[3] = -s; out[4] = c; out[5] = 0; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 1; return out; } function fromScaling(out, v) { out[0] = v[0]; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = v[1]; out[5] = 0; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 1; return out; } function fromMat2d(out, a) { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = 0; out[3] = a[2]; out[4] = a[3]; out[5] = 0; out[6] = a[4]; out[7] = a[5]; out[8] = 1; return out; } function fromQuat(out, q) { const x = q[0]; const y = q[1]; const z = q[2]; const w = q[3]; const x2 = x + x; const y2 = y + y; const z2 = z + z; const xx = x * x2; const yx = y * x2; const yy = y * y2; const zx = z * x2; const zy = z * y2; const zz = z * z2; const wx = w * x2; const wy = w * y2; const wz = w * z2; out[0] = 1 - yy - zz; out[3] = yx - wz; out[6] = zx + wy; out[1] = yx + wz; out[4] = 1 - xx - zz; out[7] = zy - wx; out[2] = zx - wy; out[5] = zy + wx; out[8] = 1 - xx - yy; return out; } function normalFromMat4(out, a) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a03 = a[3]; const a10 = a[4]; const a11 = a[5]; const a12 = a[6]; const a13 = a[7]; const a20 = a[8]; const a21 = a[9]; const a22 = a[10]; const a23 = a[11]; const a30 = a[12]; const a31 = a[13]; const a32 = a[14]; const a33 = a[15]; const b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10; const b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10; const b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10; const b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11; const b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11; const b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12; const b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30; const b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30; const b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30; const b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31; const b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31; const b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32; let det = b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06; if (!det) { return null; } det = 1 / det; out[0] = (a11 * b11 - a12 * b10 + a13 * b09) * det; out[1] = (a12 * b08 - a10 * b11 - a13 * b07) * det; out[2] = (a10 * b10 - a11 * b08 + a13 * b06) * det; out[3] = (a02 * b10 - a01 * b11 - a03 * b09) * det; out[4] = (a00 * b11 - a02 * b08 + a03 * b07) * det; out[5] = (a01 * b08 - a00 * b10 - a03 * b06) * det; out[6] = (a31 * b05 - a32 * b04 + a33 * b03) * det; out[7] = (a32 * b02 - a30 * b05 - a33 * b01) * det; out[8] = (a30 * b04 - a31 * b02 + a33 * b00) * det; return out; } function projection(out, width, height) { out[0] = 2 / width; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = -2 / height; out[5] = 0; out[6] = -1; out[7] = 1; out[8] = 1; return out; } function str3(a) { return `mat3(${a[0]}, ${a[1]}, ${a[2]}, ${a[3]}, ${a[4]}, ${a[5]}, ${a[6]}, ${a[7]}, ${a[8]})`; } function frob(a) { return Math.sqrt(a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2] + a[3] * a[3] + a[4] * a[4] + a[5] * a[5] + a[6] * a[6] + a[7] * a[7] + a[8] * a[8]); } function add3(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0]; out[1] = a[1] + b[1]; out[2] = a[2] + b[2]; out[3] = a[3] + b[3]; out[4] = a[4] + b[4]; out[5] = a[5] + b[5]; out[6] = a[6] + b[6]; out[7] = a[7] + b[7]; out[8] = a[8] + b[8]; return out; } function subtract3(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] - b[0]; out[1] = a[1] - b[1]; out[2] = a[2] - b[2]; out[3] = a[3] - b[3]; out[4] = a[4] - b[4]; out[5] = a[5] - b[5]; out[6] = a[6] - b[6]; out[7] = a[7] - b[7]; out[8] = a[8] - b[8]; return out; } function multiplyScalar(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b; out[1] = a[1] * b; out[2] = a[2] * b; out[3] = a[3] * b; out[4] = a[4] * b; out[5] = a[5] * b; out[6] = a[6] * b; out[7] = a[7] * b; out[8] = a[8] * b; return out; } function multiplyScalarAndAdd(out, a, b, scale7) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0] * scale7; out[1] = a[1] + b[1] * scale7; out[2] = a[2] + b[2] * scale7; out[3] = a[3] + b[3] * scale7; out[4] = a[4] + b[4] * scale7; out[5] = a[5] + b[5] * scale7; out[6] = a[6] + b[6] * scale7; out[7] = a[7] + b[7] * scale7; out[8] = a[8] + b[8] * scale7; return out; } function exactEquals4(a, b) { return a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1] && a[2] === b[2] && a[3] === b[3] && a[4] === b[4] && a[5] === b[5] && a[6] === b[6] && a[7] === b[7] && a[8] === b[8]; } function equals4(a, b) { const a0 = a[0]; const a1 = a[1]; const a2 = a[2]; const a3 = a[3]; const a4 = a[4]; const a5 = a[5]; const a6 = a[6]; const a7 = a[7]; const a8 = a[8]; const b0 = b[0]; const b1 = b[1]; const b2 = b[2]; const b3 = b[3]; const b4 = b[4]; const b5 = b[5]; const b6 = b[6]; const b7 = b[7]; const b8 = b[8]; return Math.abs(a0 - b0) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a0), Math.abs(b0)) && Math.abs(a1 - b1) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a1), Math.abs(b1)) && Math.abs(a2 - b2) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a2), Math.abs(b2)) && Math.abs(a3 - b3) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a3), Math.abs(b3)) && Math.abs(a4 - b4) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a4), Math.abs(b4)) && Math.abs(a5 - b5) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a5), Math.abs(b5)) && Math.abs(a6 - b6) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a6), Math.abs(b6)) && Math.abs(a7 - b7) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a7), Math.abs(b7)) && Math.abs(a8 - b8) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a8), Math.abs(b8)); } var mul3 = multiply3; var sub3 = subtract3; // dist/classes/matrix3.js var INDICES; (function(INDICES3) { INDICES3[INDICES3["COL0ROW0"] = 0] = "COL0ROW0"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL0ROW1"] = 1] = "COL0ROW1"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL0ROW2"] = 2] = "COL0ROW2"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL1ROW0"] = 3] = "COL1ROW0"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL1ROW1"] = 4] = "COL1ROW1"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL1ROW2"] = 5] = "COL1ROW2"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL2ROW0"] = 6] = "COL2ROW0"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL2ROW1"] = 7] = "COL2ROW1"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL2ROW2"] = 8] = "COL2ROW2"; })(INDICES || (INDICES = {})); var IDENTITY_MATRIX = Object.freeze([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]); var Matrix3 = class extends Matrix { static get IDENTITY() { return getIdentityMatrix(); } static get ZERO() { return getZeroMatrix(); } get ELEMENTS() { return 9; } get RANK() { return 3; } get INDICES() { return INDICES; } constructor(array, ...args) { super(-0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0); if (arguments.length === 1 && Array.isArray(array)) { this.copy(array); } else if (args.length > 0) { this.copy([array, ...args]); } else { this.identity(); } } copy(array) { this[0] = array[0]; this[1] = array[1]; this[2] = array[2]; this[3] = array[3]; this[4] = array[4]; this[5] = array[5]; this[6] = array[6]; this[7] = array[7]; this[8] = array[8]; return this.check(); } // Constructors identity() { return this.copy(IDENTITY_MATRIX); } /** * * @param object * @returns self */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars fromObject(object) { return this.check(); } /** Calculates a 3x3 matrix from the given quaternion * q quat Quaternion to create matrix from */ fromQuaternion(q) { fromQuat(this, q); return this.check(); } /** * accepts column major order, stores in column major order */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-params set(m00, m10, m20, m01, m11, m21, m02, m12, m22) { this[0] = m00; this[1] = m10; this[2] = m20; this[3] = m01; this[4] = m11; this[5] = m21; this[6] = m02; this[7] = m12; this[8] = m22; return this.check(); } /** * accepts row major order, stores as column major */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-params setRowMajor(m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22) { this[0] = m00; this[1] = m10; this[2] = m20; this[3] = m01; this[4] = m11; this[5] = m21; this[6] = m02; this[7] = m12; this[8] = m22; return this.check(); } // Accessors determinant() { return determinant(this); } // Modifiers transpose() { transpose(this, this); return this.check(); } /** Invert a matrix. Note that this can fail if the matrix is not invertible */ invert() { invert(this, this); return this.check(); } // Operations multiplyLeft(a) { multiply3(this, a, this); return this.check(); } multiplyRight(a) { multiply3(this, this, a); return this.check(); } rotate(radians2) { rotate2(this, this, radians2); return this.check(); } scale(factor) { if (Array.isArray(factor)) { scale3(this, this, factor); } else { scale3(this, this, [factor, factor]); } return this.check(); } translate(vec) { translate(this, this, vec); return this.check(); } // Transforms transform(vector, result) { let out; switch (vector.length) { case 2: out = transformMat3(result || [-0, -0], vector, this); break; case 3: out = transformMat32(result || [-0, -0, -0], vector, this); break; case 4: out = vec4_transformMat3(result || [-0, -0, -0, -0], vector, this); break; default: throw new Error("Illegal vector"); } checkVector(out, vector.length); return out; } /** @deprecated */ transformVector(vector, result) { return this.transform(vector, result); } /** @deprecated */ transformVector2(vector, result) { return this.transform(vector, result); } /** @deprecated */ transformVector3(vector, result) { return this.transform(vector, result); } }; var ZERO_MATRIX3; var IDENTITY_MATRIX3 = null; function getZeroMatrix() { if (!ZERO_MATRIX3) { ZERO_MATRIX3 = new Matrix3([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); Object.freeze(ZERO_MATRIX3); } return ZERO_MATRIX3; } function getIdentityMatrix() { if (!IDENTITY_MATRIX3) { IDENTITY_MATRIX3 = new Matrix3(); Object.freeze(IDENTITY_MATRIX3); } return IDENTITY_MATRIX3; } // dist/gl-matrix/mat4.js var mat4_exports = {}; __export(mat4_exports, { add: () => add4, adjoint: () => adjoint2, clone: () => clone5, copy: () => copy4, create: () => create4, decompose: () => decompose, determinant: () => determinant2, equals: () => equals5, exactEquals: () => exactEquals5, frob: () => frob2, fromQuat: () => fromQuat3, fromQuat2: () => fromQuat2, fromRotation: () => fromRotation2, fromRotationTranslation: () => fromRotationTranslation, fromRotationTranslationScale: () => fromRotationTranslationScale, fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin: () => fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin, fromScaling: () => fromScaling2, fromTranslation: () => fromTranslation2, fromValues: () => fromValues4, fromXRotation: () => fromXRotation, fromYRotation: () => fromYRotation, fromZRotation: () => fromZRotation, frustum: () => frustum, getRotation: () => getRotation, getScaling: () => getScaling, getTranslation: () => getTranslation, identity: () => identity2, invert: () => invert2, lookAt: () => lookAt, mul: () => mul4, multiply: () => multiply4, multiplyScalar: () => multiplyScalar2, multiplyScalarAndAdd: () => multiplyScalarAndAdd2, ortho: () => ortho, orthoNO: () => orthoNO, orthoZO: () => orthoZO, perspective: () => perspective, perspectiveFromFieldOfView: () => perspectiveFromFieldOfView, perspectiveNO: () => perspectiveNO, perspectiveZO: () => perspectiveZO, rotate: () => rotate3, rotateX: () => rotateX2, rotateY: () => rotateY2, rotateZ: () => rotateZ2, scale: () => scale4, set: () => set4, str: () => str4, sub: () => sub4, subtract: () => subtract4, targetTo: () => targetTo, translate: () => translate2, transpose: () => transpose2 }); function create4() { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(16); if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) { out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = 0; out[11] = 0; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = 0; } out[0] = 1; out[5] = 1; out[10] = 1; out[15] = 1; return out; } function clone5(a) { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(16); out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; out[3] = a[3]; out[4] = a[4]; out[5] = a[5]; out[6] = a[6]; out[7] = a[7]; out[8] = a[8]; out[9] = a[9]; out[10] = a[10]; out[11] = a[11]; out[12] = a[12]; out[13] = a[13]; out[14] = a[14]; out[15] = a[15]; return out; } function copy4(out, a) { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; out[3] = a[3]; out[4] = a[4]; out[5] = a[5]; out[6] = a[6]; out[7] = a[7]; out[8] = a[8]; out[9] = a[9]; out[10] = a[10]; out[11] = a[11]; out[12] = a[12]; out[13] = a[13]; out[14] = a[14]; out[15] = a[15]; return out; } function fromValues4(m00, m01, m02, m03, m10, m11, m12, m13, m20, m21, m22, m23, m30, m31, m32, m33) { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(16); out[0] = m00; out[1] = m01; out[2] = m02; out[3] = m03; out[4] = m10; out[5] = m11; out[6] = m12; out[7] = m13; out[8] = m20; out[9] = m21; out[10] = m22; out[11] = m23; out[12] = m30; out[13] = m31; out[14] = m32; out[15] = m33; return out; } function set4(out, m00, m01, m02, m03, m10, m11, m12, m13, m20, m21, m22, m23, m30, m31, m32, m33) { out[0] = m00; out[1] = m01; out[2] = m02; out[3] = m03; out[4] = m10; out[5] = m11; out[6] = m12; out[7] = m13; out[8] = m20; out[9] = m21; out[10] = m22; out[11] = m23; out[12] = m30; out[13] = m31; out[14] = m32; out[15] = m33; return out; } function identity2(out) { out[0] = 1; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = 1; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = 0; out[10] = 1; out[11] = 0; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = 0; out[15] = 1; return out; } function transpose2(out, a) { if (out === a) { const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a03 = a[3]; const a12 = a[6]; const a13 = a[7]; const a23 = a[11]; out[1] = a[4]; out[2] = a[8]; out[3] = a[12]; out[4] = a01; out[6] = a[9]; out[7] = a[13]; out[8] = a02; out[9] = a12; out[11] = a[14]; out[12] = a03; out[13] = a13; out[14] = a23; } else { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[4]; out[2] = a[8]; out[3] = a[12]; out[4] = a[1]; out[5] = a[5]; out[6] = a[9]; out[7] = a[13]; out[8] = a[2]; out[9] = a[6]; out[10] = a[10]; out[11] = a[14]; out[12] = a[3]; out[13] = a[7]; out[14] = a[11]; out[15] = a[15]; } return out; } function invert2(out, a) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a03 = a[3]; const a10 = a[4]; const a11 = a[5]; const a12 = a[6]; const a13 = a[7]; const a20 = a[8]; const a21 = a[9]; const a22 = a[10]; const a23 = a[11]; const a30 = a[12]; const a31 = a[13]; const a32 = a[14]; const a33 = a[15]; const b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10; const b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10; const b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10; const b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11; const b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11; const b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12; const b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30; const b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30; const b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30; const b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31; const b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31; const b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32; let det = b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06; if (!det) { return null; } det = 1 / det; out[0] = (a11 * b11 - a12 * b10 + a13 * b09) * det; out[1] = (a02 * b10 - a01 * b11 - a03 * b09) * det; out[2] = (a31 * b05 - a32 * b04 + a33 * b03) * det; out[3] = (a22 * b04 - a21 * b05 - a23 * b03) * det; out[4] = (a12 * b08 - a10 * b11 - a13 * b07) * det; out[5] = (a00 * b11 - a02 * b08 + a03 * b07) * det; out[6] = (a32 * b02 - a30 * b05 - a33 * b01) * det; out[7] = (a20 * b05 - a22 * b02 + a23 * b01) * det; out[8] = (a10 * b10 - a11 * b08 + a13 * b06) * det; out[9] = (a01 * b08 - a00 * b10 - a03 * b06) * det; out[10] = (a30 * b04 - a31 * b02 + a33 * b00) * det; out[11] = (a21 * b02 - a20 * b04 - a23 * b00) * det; out[12] = (a11 * b07 - a10 * b09 - a12 * b06) * det; out[13] = (a00 * b09 - a01 * b07 + a02 * b06) * det; out[14] = (a31 * b01 - a30 * b03 - a32 * b00) * det; out[15] = (a20 * b03 - a21 * b01 + a22 * b00) * det; return out; } function adjoint2(out, a) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a03 = a[3]; const a10 = a[4]; const a11 = a[5]; const a12 = a[6]; const a13 = a[7]; const a20 = a[8]; const a21 = a[9]; const a22 = a[10]; const a23 = a[11]; const a30 = a[12]; const a31 = a[13]; const a32 = a[14]; const a33 = a[15]; const b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10; const b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10; const b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10; const b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11; const b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11; const b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12; const b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30; const b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30; const b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30; const b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31; const b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31; const b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32; out[0] = a11 * b11 - a12 * b10 + a13 * b09; out[1] = a02 * b10 - a01 * b11 - a03 * b09; out[2] = a31 * b05 - a32 * b04 + a33 * b03; out[3] = a22 * b04 - a21 * b05 - a23 * b03; out[4] = a12 * b08 - a10 * b11 - a13 * b07; out[5] = a00 * b11 - a02 * b08 + a03 * b07; out[6] = a32 * b02 - a30 * b05 - a33 * b01; out[7] = a20 * b05 - a22 * b02 + a23 * b01; out[8] = a10 * b10 - a11 * b08 + a13 * b06; out[9] = a01 * b08 - a00 * b10 - a03 * b06; out[10] = a30 * b04 - a31 * b02 + a33 * b00; out[11] = a21 * b02 - a20 * b04 - a23 * b00; out[12] = a11 * b07 - a10 * b09 - a12 * b06; out[13] = a00 * b09 - a01 * b07 + a02 * b06; out[14] = a31 * b01 - a30 * b03 - a32 * b00; out[15] = a20 * b03 - a21 * b01 + a22 * b00; return out; } function determinant2(a) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a03 = a[3]; const a10 = a[4]; const a11 = a[5]; const a12 = a[6]; const a13 = a[7]; const a20 = a[8]; const a21 = a[9]; const a22 = a[10]; const a23 = a[11]; const a30 = a[12]; const a31 = a[13]; const a32 = a[14]; const a33 = a[15]; const b0 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10; const b1 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10; const b2 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11; const b3 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30; const b4 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30; const b5 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31; const b6 = a00 * b5 - a01 * b4 + a02 * b3; const b7 = a10 * b5 - a11 * b4 + a12 * b3; const b8 = a20 * b2 - a21 * b1 + a22 * b0; const b9 = a30 * b2 - a31 * b1 + a32 * b0; return a13 * b6 - a03 * b7 + a33 * b8 - a23 * b9; } function multiply4(out, a, b) { const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a03 = a[3]; const a10 = a[4]; const a11 = a[5]; const a12 = a[6]; const a13 = a[7]; const a20 = a[8]; const a21 = a[9]; const a22 = a[10]; const a23 = a[11]; const a30 = a[12]; const a31 = a[13]; const a32 = a[14]; const a33 = a[15]; let b0 = b[0]; let b1 = b[1]; let b2 = b[2]; let b3 = b[3]; out[0] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30; out[1] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31; out[2] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32; out[3] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33; b0 = b[4]; b1 = b[5]; b2 = b[6]; b3 = b[7]; out[4] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30; out[5] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31; out[6] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32; out[7] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33; b0 = b[8]; b1 = b[9]; b2 = b[10]; b3 = b[11]; out[8] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30; out[9] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31; out[10] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32; out[11] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33; b0 = b[12]; b1 = b[13]; b2 = b[14]; b3 = b[15]; out[12] = b0 * a00 + b1 * a10 + b2 * a20 + b3 * a30; out[13] = b0 * a01 + b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31; out[14] = b0 * a02 + b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32; out[15] = b0 * a03 + b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33; return out; } function translate2(out, a, v) { const x = v[0]; const y = v[1]; const z = v[2]; let a00; let a01; let a02; let a03; let a10; let a11; let a12; let a13; let a20; let a21; let a22; let a23; if (a === out) { out[12] = a[0] * x + a[4] * y + a[8] * z + a[12]; out[13] = a[1] * x + a[5] * y + a[9] * z + a[13]; out[14] = a[2] * x + a[6] * y + a[10] * z + a[14]; out[15] = a[3] * x + a[7] * y + a[11] * z + a[15]; } else { a00 = a[0]; a01 = a[1]; a02 = a[2]; a03 = a[3]; a10 = a[4]; a11 = a[5]; a12 = a[6]; a13 = a[7]; a20 = a[8]; a21 = a[9]; a22 = a[10]; a23 = a[11]; out[0] = a00; out[1] = a01; out[2] = a02; out[3] = a03; out[4] = a10; out[5] = a11; out[6] = a12; out[7] = a13; out[8] = a20; out[9] = a21; out[10] = a22; out[11] = a23; out[12] = a00 * x + a10 * y + a20 * z + a[12]; out[13] = a01 * x + a11 * y + a21 * z + a[13]; out[14] = a02 * x + a12 * y + a22 * z + a[14]; out[15] = a03 * x + a13 * y + a23 * z + a[15]; } return out; } function scale4(out, a, v) { const x = v[0]; const y = v[1]; const z = v[2]; out[0] = a[0] * x; out[1] = a[1] * x; out[2] = a[2] * x; out[3] = a[3] * x; out[4] = a[4] * y; out[5] = a[5] * y; out[6] = a[6] * y; out[7] = a[7] * y; out[8] = a[8] * z; out[9] = a[9] * z; out[10] = a[10] * z; out[11] = a[11] * z; out[12] = a[12]; out[13] = a[13]; out[14] = a[14]; out[15] = a[15]; return out; } function rotate3(out, a, rad, axis) { let x = axis[0]; let y = axis[1]; let z = axis[2]; let len5 = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); let c; let s; let t; let a00; let a01; let a02; let a03; let a10; let a11; let a12; let a13; let a20; let a21; let a22; let a23; let b00; let b01; let b02; let b10; let b11; let b12; let b20; let b21; let b22; if (len5 < EPSILON) { return null; } len5 = 1 / len5; x *= len5; y *= len5; z *= len5; s = Math.sin(rad); c = Math.cos(rad); t = 1 - c; a00 = a[0]; a01 = a[1]; a02 = a[2]; a03 = a[3]; a10 = a[4]; a11 = a[5]; a12 = a[6]; a13 = a[7]; a20 = a[8]; a21 = a[9]; a22 = a[10]; a23 = a[11]; b00 = x * x * t + c; b01 = y * x * t + z * s; b02 = z * x * t - y * s; b10 = x * y * t - z * s; b11 = y * y * t + c; b12 = z * y * t + x * s; b20 = x * z * t + y * s; b21 = y * z * t - x * s; b22 = z * z * t + c; out[0] = a00 * b00 + a10 * b01 + a20 * b02; out[1] = a01 * b00 + a11 * b01 + a21 * b02; out[2] = a02 * b00 + a12 * b01 + a22 * b02; out[3] = a03 * b00 + a13 * b01 + a23 * b02; out[4] = a00 * b10 + a10 * b11 + a20 * b12; out[5] = a01 * b10 + a11 * b11 + a21 * b12; out[6] = a02 * b10 + a12 * b11 + a22 * b12; out[7] = a03 * b10 + a13 * b11 + a23 * b12; out[8] = a00 * b20 + a10 * b21 + a20 * b22; out[9] = a01 * b20 + a11 * b21 + a21 * b22; out[10] = a02 * b20 + a12 * b21 + a22 * b22; out[11] = a03 * b20 + a13 * b21 + a23 * b22; if (a !== out) { out[12] = a[12]; out[13] = a[13]; out[14] = a[14]; out[15] = a[15]; } return out; } function rotateX2(out, a, rad) { const s = Math.sin(rad); const c = Math.cos(rad); const a10 = a[4]; const a11 = a[5]; const a12 = a[6]; const a13 = a[7]; const a20 = a[8]; const a21 = a[9]; const a22 = a[10]; const a23 = a[11]; if (a !== out) { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; out[3] = a[3]; out[12] = a[12]; out[13] = a[13]; out[14] = a[14]; out[15] = a[15]; } out[4] = a10 * c + a20 * s; out[5] = a11 * c + a21 * s; out[6] = a12 * c + a22 * s; out[7] = a13 * c + a23 * s; out[8] = a20 * c - a10 * s; out[9] = a21 * c - a11 * s; out[10] = a22 * c - a12 * s; out[11] = a23 * c - a13 * s; return out; } function rotateY2(out, a, rad) { const s = Math.sin(rad); const c = Math.cos(rad); const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a03 = a[3]; const a20 = a[8]; const a21 = a[9]; const a22 = a[10]; const a23 = a[11]; if (a !== out) { out[4] = a[4]; out[5] = a[5]; out[6] = a[6]; out[7] = a[7]; out[12] = a[12]; out[13] = a[13]; out[14] = a[14]; out[15] = a[15]; } out[0] = a00 * c - a20 * s; out[1] = a01 * c - a21 * s; out[2] = a02 * c - a22 * s; out[3] = a03 * c - a23 * s; out[8] = a00 * s + a20 * c; out[9] = a01 * s + a21 * c; out[10] = a02 * s + a22 * c; out[11] = a03 * s + a23 * c; return out; } function rotateZ2(out, a, rad) { const s = Math.sin(rad); const c = Math.cos(rad); const a00 = a[0]; const a01 = a[1]; const a02 = a[2]; const a03 = a[3]; const a10 = a[4]; const a11 = a[5]; const a12 = a[6]; const a13 = a[7]; if (a !== out) { out[8] = a[8]; out[9] = a[9]; out[10] = a[10]; out[11] = a[11]; out[12] = a[12]; out[13] = a[13]; out[14] = a[14]; out[15] = a[15]; } out[0] = a00 * c + a10 * s; out[1] = a01 * c + a11 * s; out[2] = a02 * c + a12 * s; out[3] = a03 * c + a13 * s; out[4] = a10 * c - a00 * s; out[5] = a11 * c - a01 * s; out[6] = a12 * c - a02 * s; out[7] = a13 * c - a03 * s; return out; } function fromTranslation2(out, v) { out[0] = 1; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = 1; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = 0; out[10] = 1; out[11] = 0; out[12] = v[0]; out[13] = v[1]; out[14] = v[2]; out[15] = 1; return out; } function fromScaling2(out, v) { out[0] = v[0]; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = v[1]; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = 0; out[10] = v[2]; out[11] = 0; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = 0; out[15] = 1; return out; } function fromRotation2(out, rad, axis) { let x = axis[0]; let y = axis[1]; let z = axis[2]; let len5 = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); let c; let s; let t; if (len5 < EPSILON) { return null; } len5 = 1 / len5; x *= len5; y *= len5; z *= len5; s = Math.sin(rad); c = Math.cos(rad); t = 1 - c; out[0] = x * x * t + c; out[1] = y * x * t + z * s; out[2] = z * x * t - y * s; out[3] = 0; out[4] = x * y * t - z * s; out[5] = y * y * t + c; out[6] = z * y * t + x * s; out[7] = 0; out[8] = x * z * t + y * s; out[9] = y * z * t - x * s; out[10] = z * z * t + c; out[11] = 0; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = 0; out[15] = 1; return out; } function fromXRotation(out, rad) { const s = Math.sin(rad); const c = Math.cos(rad); out[0] = 1; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = c; out[6] = s; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = -s; out[10] = c; out[11] = 0; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = 0; out[15] = 1; return out; } function fromYRotation(out, rad) { const s = Math.sin(rad); const c = Math.cos(rad); out[0] = c; out[1] = 0; out[2] = -s; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = 1; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = s; out[9] = 0; out[10] = c; out[11] = 0; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = 0; out[15] = 1; return out; } function fromZRotation(out, rad) { const s = Math.sin(rad); const c = Math.cos(rad); out[0] = c; out[1] = s; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = -s; out[5] = c; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = 0; out[10] = 1; out[11] = 0; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = 0; out[15] = 1; return out; } function fromRotationTranslation(out, q, v) { const x = q[0]; const y = q[1]; const z = q[2]; const w = q[3]; const x2 = x + x; const y2 = y + y; const z2 = z + z; const xx = x * x2; const xy = x * y2; const xz = x * z2; const yy = y * y2; const yz = y * z2; const zz = z * z2; const wx = w * x2; const wy = w * y2; const wz = w * z2; out[0] = 1 - (yy + zz); out[1] = xy + wz; out[2] = xz - wy; out[3] = 0; out[4] = xy - wz; out[5] = 1 - (xx + zz); out[6] = yz + wx; out[7] = 0; out[8] = xz + wy; out[9] = yz - wx; out[10] = 1 - (xx + yy); out[11] = 0; out[12] = v[0]; out[13] = v[1]; out[14] = v[2]; out[15] = 1; return out; } function fromQuat2(out, a) { const translation = new ARRAY_TYPE(3); const bx = -a[0]; const by = -a[1]; const bz = -a[2]; const bw = a[3]; const ax = a[4]; const ay = a[5]; const az = a[6]; const aw = a[7]; const magnitude = bx * bx + by * by + bz * bz + bw * bw; if (magnitude > 0) { translation[0] = (ax * bw + aw * bx + ay * bz - az * by) * 2 / magnitude; translation[1] = (ay * bw + aw * by + az * bx - ax * bz) * 2 / magnitude; translation[2] = (az * bw + aw * bz + ax * by - ay * bx) * 2 / magnitude; } else { translation[0] = (ax * bw + aw * bx + ay * bz - az * by) * 2; translation[1] = (ay * bw + aw * by + az * bx - ax * bz) * 2; translation[2] = (az * bw + aw * bz + ax * by - ay * bx) * 2; } fromRotationTranslation(out, a, translation); return out; } function getTranslation(out, mat) { out[0] = mat[12]; out[1] = mat[13]; out[2] = mat[14]; return out; } function getScaling(out, mat) { const m11 = mat[0]; const m12 = mat[1]; const m13 = mat[2]; const m21 = mat[4]; const m22 = mat[5]; const m23 = mat[6]; const m31 = mat[8]; const m32 = mat[9]; const m33 = mat[10]; out[0] = Math.sqrt(m11 * m11 + m12 * m12 + m13 * m13); out[1] = Math.sqrt(m21 * m21 + m22 * m22 + m23 * m23); out[2] = Math.sqrt(m31 * m31 + m32 * m32 + m33 * m33); return out; } function getRotation(out, mat) { const scaling = new ARRAY_TYPE(3); getScaling(scaling, mat); const is1 = 1 / scaling[0]; const is2 = 1 / scaling[1]; const is3 = 1 / scaling[2]; const sm11 = mat[0] * is1; const sm12 = mat[1] * is2; const sm13 = mat[2] * is3; const sm21 = mat[4] * is1; const sm22 = mat[5] * is2; const sm23 = mat[6] * is3; const sm31 = mat[8] * is1; const sm32 = mat[9] * is2; const sm33 = mat[10] * is3; const trace = sm11 + sm22 + sm33; let S = 0; if (trace > 0) { S = Math.sqrt(trace + 1) * 2; out[3] = 0.25 * S; out[0] = (sm23 - sm32) / S; out[1] = (sm31 - sm13) / S; out[2] = (sm12 - sm21) / S; } else if (sm11 > sm22 && sm11 > sm33) { S = Math.sqrt(1 + sm11 - sm22 - sm33) * 2; out[3] = (sm23 - sm32) / S; out[0] = 0.25 * S; out[1] = (sm12 + sm21) / S; out[2] = (sm31 + sm13) / S; } else if (sm22 > sm33) { S = Math.sqrt(1 + sm22 - sm11 - sm33) * 2; out[3] = (sm31 - sm13) / S; out[0] = (sm12 + sm21) / S; out[1] = 0.25 * S; out[2] = (sm23 + sm32) / S; } else { S = Math.sqrt(1 + sm33 - sm11 - sm22) * 2; out[3] = (sm12 - sm21) / S; out[0] = (sm31 + sm13) / S; out[1] = (sm23 + sm32) / S; out[2] = 0.25 * S; } return out; } function decompose(out_r, out_t, out_s, mat) { out_t[0] = mat[12]; out_t[1] = mat[13]; out_t[2] = mat[14]; const m11 = mat[0]; const m12 = mat[1]; const m13 = mat[2]; const m21 = mat[4]; const m22 = mat[5]; const m23 = mat[6]; const m31 = mat[8]; const m32 = mat[9]; const m33 = mat[10]; out_s[0] = Math.sqrt(m11 * m11 + m12 * m12 + m13 * m13); out_s[1] = Math.sqrt(m21 * m21 + m22 * m22 + m23 * m23); out_s[2] = Math.sqrt(m31 * m31 + m32 * m32 + m33 * m33); const is1 = 1 / out_s[0]; const is2 = 1 / out_s[1]; const is3 = 1 / out_s[2]; const sm11 = m11 * is1; const sm12 = m12 * is2; const sm13 = m13 * is3; const sm21 = m21 * is1; const sm22 = m22 * is2; const sm23 = m23 * is3; const sm31 = m31 * is1; const sm32 = m32 * is2; const sm33 = m33 * is3; const trace = sm11 + sm22 + sm33; let S = 0; if (trace > 0) { S = Math.sqrt(trace + 1) * 2; out_r[3] = 0.25 * S; out_r[0] = (sm23 - sm32) / S; out_r[1] = (sm31 - sm13) / S; out_r[2] = (sm12 - sm21) / S; } else if (sm11 > sm22 && sm11 > sm33) { S = Math.sqrt(1 + sm11 - sm22 - sm33) * 2; out_r[3] = (sm23 - sm32) / S; out_r[0] = 0.25 * S; out_r[1] = (sm12 + sm21) / S; out_r[2] = (sm31 + sm13) / S; } else if (sm22 > sm33) { S = Math.sqrt(1 + sm22 - sm11 - sm33) * 2; out_r[3] = (sm31 - sm13) / S; out_r[0] = (sm12 + sm21) / S; out_r[1] = 0.25 * S; out_r[2] = (sm23 + sm32) / S; } else { S = Math.sqrt(1 + sm33 - sm11 - sm22) * 2; out_r[3] = (sm12 - sm21) / S; out_r[0] = (sm31 + sm13) / S; out_r[1] = (sm23 + sm32) / S; out_r[2] = 0.25 * S; } return out_r; } function fromRotationTranslationScale(out, q, v, s) { const x = q[0]; const y = q[1]; const z = q[2]; const w = q[3]; const x2 = x + x; const y2 = y + y; const z2 = z + z; const xx = x * x2; const xy = x * y2; const xz = x * z2; const yy = y * y2; const yz = y * z2; const zz = z * z2; const wx = w * x2; const wy = w * y2; const wz = w * z2; const sx = s[0]; const sy = s[1]; const sz = s[2]; out[0] = (1 - (yy + zz)) * sx; out[1] = (xy + wz) * sx; out[2] = (xz - wy) * sx; out[3] = 0; out[4] = (xy - wz) * sy; out[5] = (1 - (xx + zz)) * sy; out[6] = (yz + wx) * sy; out[7] = 0; out[8] = (xz + wy) * sz; out[9] = (yz - wx) * sz; out[10] = (1 - (xx + yy)) * sz; out[11] = 0; out[12] = v[0]; out[13] = v[1]; out[14] = v[2]; out[15] = 1; return out; } function fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin(out, q, v, s, o) { const x = q[0]; const y = q[1]; const z = q[2]; const w = q[3]; const x2 = x + x; const y2 = y + y; const z2 = z + z; const xx = x * x2; const xy = x * y2; const xz = x * z2; const yy = y * y2; const yz = y * z2; const zz = z * z2; const wx = w * x2; const wy = w * y2; const wz = w * z2; const sx = s[0]; const sy = s[1]; const sz = s[2]; const ox = o[0]; const oy = o[1]; const oz = o[2]; const out0 = (1 - (yy + zz)) * sx; const out1 = (xy + wz) * sx; const out2 = (xz - wy) * sx; const out4 = (xy - wz) * sy; const out5 = (1 - (xx + zz)) * sy; const out6 = (yz + wx) * sy; const out8 = (xz + wy) * sz; const out9 = (yz - wx) * sz; const out10 = (1 - (xx + yy)) * sz; out[0] = out0; out[1] = out1; out[2] = out2; out[3] = 0; out[4] = out4; out[5] = out5; out[6] = out6; out[7] = 0; out[8] = out8; out[9] = out9; out[10] = out10; out[11] = 0; out[12] = v[0] + ox - (out0 * ox + out4 * oy + out8 * oz); out[13] = v[1] + oy - (out1 * ox + out5 * oy + out9 * oz); out[14] = v[2] + oz - (out2 * ox + out6 * oy + out10 * oz); out[15] = 1; return out; } function fromQuat3(out, q) { const x = q[0]; const y = q[1]; const z = q[2]; const w = q[3]; const x2 = x + x; const y2 = y + y; const z2 = z + z; const xx = x * x2; const yx = y * x2; const yy = y * y2; const zx = z * x2; const zy = z * y2; const zz = z * z2; const wx = w * x2; const wy = w * y2; const wz = w * z2; out[0] = 1 - yy - zz; out[1] = yx + wz; out[2] = zx - wy; out[3] = 0; out[4] = yx - wz; out[5] = 1 - xx - zz; out[6] = zy + wx; out[7] = 0; out[8] = zx + wy; out[9] = zy - wx; out[10] = 1 - xx - yy; out[11] = 0; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = 0; out[15] = 1; return out; } function frustum(out, left, right, bottom, top, near, far) { const rl = 1 / (right - left); const tb = 1 / (top - bottom); const nf = 1 / (near - far); out[0] = near * 2 * rl; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = near * 2 * tb; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = (right + left) * rl; out[9] = (top + bottom) * tb; out[10] = (far + near) * nf; out[11] = -1; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = far * near * 2 * nf; out[15] = 0; return out; } function perspectiveNO(out, fovy, aspect, near, far) { const f = 1 / Math.tan(fovy / 2); out[0] = f / aspect; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = f; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = 0; out[11] = -1; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[15] = 0; if (far != null && far !== Infinity) { const nf = 1 / (near - far); out[10] = (far + near) * nf; out[14] = 2 * far * near * nf; } else { out[10] = -1; out[14] = -2 * near; } return out; } var perspective = perspectiveNO; function perspectiveZO(out, fovy, aspect, near, far) { const f = 1 / Math.tan(fovy / 2); out[0] = f / aspect; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = f; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = 0; out[11] = -1; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[15] = 0; if (far != null && far !== Infinity) { const nf = 1 / (near - far); out[10] = far * nf; out[14] = far * near * nf; } else { out[10] = -1; out[14] = -near; } return out; } function perspectiveFromFieldOfView(out, fov, near, far) { const upTan = Math.tan(fov.upDegrees * Math.PI / 180); const downTan = Math.tan(fov.downDegrees * Math.PI / 180); const leftTan = Math.tan(fov.leftDegrees * Math.PI / 180); const rightTan = Math.tan(fov.rightDegrees * Math.PI / 180); const xScale = 2 / (leftTan + rightTan); const yScale = 2 / (upTan + downTan); out[0] = xScale; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = yScale; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = -((leftTan - rightTan) * xScale * 0.5); out[9] = (upTan - downTan) * yScale * 0.5; out[10] = far / (near - far); out[11] = -1; out[12] = 0; out[13] = 0; out[14] = far * near / (near - far); out[15] = 0; return out; } function orthoNO(out, left, right, bottom, top, near, far) { const lr = 1 / (left - right); const bt = 1 / (bottom - top); const nf = 1 / (near - far); out[0] = -2 * lr; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = -2 * bt; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = 0; out[10] = 2 * nf; out[11] = 0; out[12] = (left + right) * lr; out[13] = (top + bottom) * bt; out[14] = (far + near) * nf; out[15] = 1; return out; } var ortho = orthoNO; function orthoZO(out, left, right, bottom, top, near, far) { const lr = 1 / (left - right); const bt = 1 / (bottom - top); const nf = 1 / (near - far); out[0] = -2 * lr; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = 0; out[5] = -2 * bt; out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 0; out[9] = 0; out[10] = nf; out[11] = 0; out[12] = (left + right) * lr; out[13] = (top + bottom) * bt; out[14] = near * nf; out[15] = 1; return out; } function lookAt(out, eye, center, up) { let len5; let x0; let x1; let x2; let y0; let y1; let y2; let z0; let z1; let z2; const eyex = eye[0]; const eyey = eye[1]; const eyez = eye[2]; const upx = up[0]; const upy = up[1]; const upz = up[2]; const centerx = center[0]; const centery = center[1]; const centerz = center[2]; if (Math.abs(eyex - centerx) < EPSILON && Math.abs(eyey - centery) < EPSILON && Math.abs(eyez - centerz) < EPSILON) { return identity2(out); } z0 = eyex - centerx; z1 = eyey - centery; z2 = eyez - centerz; len5 = 1 / Math.sqrt(z0 * z0 + z1 * z1 + z2 * z2); z0 *= len5; z1 *= len5; z2 *= len5; x0 = upy * z2 - upz * z1; x1 = upz * z0 - upx * z2; x2 = upx * z1 - upy * z0; len5 = Math.sqrt(x0 * x0 + x1 * x1 + x2 * x2); if (!len5) { x0 = 0; x1 = 0; x2 = 0; } else { len5 = 1 / len5; x0 *= len5; x1 *= len5; x2 *= len5; } y0 = z1 * x2 - z2 * x1; y1 = z2 * x0 - z0 * x2; y2 = z0 * x1 - z1 * x0; len5 = Math.sqrt(y0 * y0 + y1 * y1 + y2 * y2); if (!len5) { y0 = 0; y1 = 0; y2 = 0; } else { len5 = 1 / len5; y0 *= len5; y1 *= len5; y2 *= len5; } out[0] = x0; out[1] = y0; out[2] = z0; out[3] = 0; out[4] = x1; out[5] = y1; out[6] = z1; out[7] = 0; out[8] = x2; out[9] = y2; out[10] = z2; out[11] = 0; out[12] = -(x0 * eyex + x1 * eyey + x2 * eyez); out[13] = -(y0 * eyex + y1 * eyey + y2 * eyez); out[14] = -(z0 * eyex + z1 * eyey + z2 * eyez); out[15] = 1; return out; } function targetTo(out, eye, target, up) { const eyex = eye[0]; const eyey = eye[1]; const eyez = eye[2]; const upx = up[0]; const upy = up[1]; const upz = up[2]; let z0 = eyex - target[0]; let z1 = eyey - target[1]; let z2 = eyez - target[2]; let len5 = z0 * z0 + z1 * z1 + z2 * z2; if (len5 > 0) { len5 = 1 / Math.sqrt(len5); z0 *= len5; z1 *= len5; z2 *= len5; } let x0 = upy * z2 - upz * z1; let x1 = upz * z0 - upx * z2; let x2 = upx * z1 - upy * z0; len5 = x0 * x0 + x1 * x1 + x2 * x2; if (len5 > 0) { len5 = 1 / Math.sqrt(len5); x0 *= len5; x1 *= len5; x2 *= len5; } out[0] = x0; out[1] = x1; out[2] = x2; out[3] = 0; out[4] = z1 * x2 - z2 * x1; out[5] = z2 * x0 - z0 * x2; out[6] = z0 * x1 - z1 * x0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = z0; out[9] = z1; out[10] = z2; out[11] = 0; out[12] = eyex; out[13] = eyey; out[14] = eyez; out[15] = 1; return out; } function str4(a) { return `mat4(${a[0]}, ${a[1]}, ${a[2]}, ${a[3]}, ${a[4]}, ${a[5]}, ${a[6]}, ${a[7]}, ${a[8]}, ${a[9]}, ${a[10]}, ${a[11]}, ${a[12]}, ${a[13]}, ${a[14]}, ${a[15]})`; } function frob2(a) { return Math.sqrt(a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2] + a[3] * a[3] + a[4] * a[4] + a[5] * a[5] + a[6] * a[6] + a[7] * a[7] + a[8] * a[8] + a[9] * a[9] + a[10] * a[10] + a[11] * a[11] + a[12] * a[12] + a[13] * a[13] + a[14] * a[14] + a[15] * a[15]); } function add4(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0]; out[1] = a[1] + b[1]; out[2] = a[2] + b[2]; out[3] = a[3] + b[3]; out[4] = a[4] + b[4]; out[5] = a[5] + b[5]; out[6] = a[6] + b[6]; out[7] = a[7] + b[7]; out[8] = a[8] + b[8]; out[9] = a[9] + b[9]; out[10] = a[10] + b[10]; out[11] = a[11] + b[11]; out[12] = a[12] + b[12]; out[13] = a[13] + b[13]; out[14] = a[14] + b[14]; out[15] = a[15] + b[15]; return out; } function subtract4(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] - b[0]; out[1] = a[1] - b[1]; out[2] = a[2] - b[2]; out[3] = a[3] - b[3]; out[4] = a[4] - b[4]; out[5] = a[5] - b[5]; out[6] = a[6] - b[6]; out[7] = a[7] - b[7]; out[8] = a[8] - b[8]; out[9] = a[9] - b[9]; out[10] = a[10] - b[10]; out[11] = a[11] - b[11]; out[12] = a[12] - b[12]; out[13] = a[13] - b[13]; out[14] = a[14] - b[14]; out[15] = a[15] - b[15]; return out; } function multiplyScalar2(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b; out[1] = a[1] * b; out[2] = a[2] * b; out[3] = a[3] * b; out[4] = a[4] * b; out[5] = a[5] * b; out[6] = a[6] * b; out[7] = a[7] * b; out[8] = a[8] * b; out[9] = a[9] * b; out[10] = a[10] * b; out[11] = a[11] * b; out[12] = a[12] * b; out[13] = a[13] * b; out[14] = a[14] * b; out[15] = a[15] * b; return out; } function multiplyScalarAndAdd2(out, a, b, scale7) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0] * scale7; out[1] = a[1] + b[1] * scale7; out[2] = a[2] + b[2] * scale7; out[3] = a[3] + b[3] * scale7; out[4] = a[4] + b[4] * scale7; out[5] = a[5] + b[5] * scale7; out[6] = a[6] + b[6] * scale7; out[7] = a[7] + b[7] * scale7; out[8] = a[8] + b[8] * scale7; out[9] = a[9] + b[9] * scale7; out[10] = a[10] + b[10] * scale7; out[11] = a[11] + b[11] * scale7; out[12] = a[12] + b[12] * scale7; out[13] = a[13] + b[13] * scale7; out[14] = a[14] + b[14] * scale7; out[15] = a[15] + b[15] * scale7; return out; } function exactEquals5(a, b) { return a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1] && a[2] === b[2] && a[3] === b[3] && a[4] === b[4] && a[5] === b[5] && a[6] === b[6] && a[7] === b[7] && a[8] === b[8] && a[9] === b[9] && a[10] === b[10] && a[11] === b[11] && a[12] === b[12] && a[13] === b[13] && a[14] === b[14] && a[15] === b[15]; } function equals5(a, b) { const a0 = a[0]; const a1 = a[1]; const a2 = a[2]; const a3 = a[3]; const a4 = a[4]; const a5 = a[5]; const a6 = a[6]; const a7 = a[7]; const a8 = a[8]; const a9 = a[9]; const a10 = a[10]; const a11 = a[11]; const a12 = a[12]; const a13 = a[13]; const a14 = a[14]; const a15 = a[15]; const b0 = b[0]; const b1 = b[1]; const b2 = b[2]; const b3 = b[3]; const b4 = b[4]; const b5 = b[5]; const b6 = b[6]; const b7 = b[7]; const b8 = b[8]; const b9 = b[9]; const b10 = b[10]; const b11 = b[11]; const b12 = b[12]; const b13 = b[13]; const b14 = b[14]; const b15 = b[15]; return Math.abs(a0 - b0) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a0), Math.abs(b0)) && Math.abs(a1 - b1) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a1), Math.abs(b1)) && Math.abs(a2 - b2) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a2), Math.abs(b2)) && Math.abs(a3 - b3) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a3), Math.abs(b3)) && Math.abs(a4 - b4) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a4), Math.abs(b4)) && Math.abs(a5 - b5) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a5), Math.abs(b5)) && Math.abs(a6 - b6) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a6), Math.abs(b6)) && Math.abs(a7 - b7) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a7), Math.abs(b7)) && Math.abs(a8 - b8) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a8), Math.abs(b8)) && Math.abs(a9 - b9) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a9), Math.abs(b9)) && Math.abs(a10 - b10) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a10), Math.abs(b10)) && Math.abs(a11 - b11) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a11), Math.abs(b11)) && Math.abs(a12 - b12) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a12), Math.abs(b12)) && Math.abs(a13 - b13) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a13), Math.abs(b13)) && Math.abs(a14 - b14) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a14), Math.abs(b14)) && Math.abs(a15 - b15) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a15), Math.abs(b15)); } var mul4 = multiply4; var sub4 = subtract4; // dist/gl-matrix/vec4.js var vec4_exports = {}; __export(vec4_exports, { add: () => add5, ceil: () => ceil3, clone: () => clone6, copy: () => copy5, create: () => create5, cross: () => cross3, dist: () => dist3, distance: () => distance3, div: () => div3, divide: () => divide3, dot: () => dot3, equals: () => equals6, exactEquals: () => exactEquals6, floor: () => floor3, forEach: () => forEach3, fromValues: () => fromValues5, inverse: () => inverse3, len: () => len3, length: () => length3, lerp: () => lerp4, max: () => max3, min: () => min3, mul: () => mul5, multiply: () => multiply5, negate: () => negate3, normalize: () => normalize3, random: () => random3, round: () => round5, scale: () => scale5, scaleAndAdd: () => scaleAndAdd3, set: () => set5, sqrDist: () => sqrDist3, sqrLen: () => sqrLen3, squaredDistance: () => squaredDistance3, squaredLength: () => squaredLength3, str: () => str5, sub: () => sub5, subtract: () => subtract5, transformMat4: () => transformMat43, transformQuat: () => transformQuat2, zero: () => zero3 }); function create5() { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(4); if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; } return out; } function clone6(a) { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(4); out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; out[3] = a[3]; return out; } function fromValues5(x, y, z, w) { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(4); out[0] = x; out[1] = y; out[2] = z; out[3] = w; return out; } function copy5(out, a) { out[0] = a[0]; out[1] = a[1]; out[2] = a[2]; out[3] = a[3]; return out; } function set5(out, x, y, z, w) { out[0] = x; out[1] = y; out[2] = z; out[3] = w; return out; } function add5(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0]; out[1] = a[1] + b[1]; out[2] = a[2] + b[2]; out[3] = a[3] + b[3]; return out; } function subtract5(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] - b[0]; out[1] = a[1] - b[1]; out[2] = a[2] - b[2]; out[3] = a[3] - b[3]; return out; } function multiply5(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b[0]; out[1] = a[1] * b[1]; out[2] = a[2] * b[2]; out[3] = a[3] * b[3]; return out; } function divide3(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] / b[0]; out[1] = a[1] / b[1]; out[2] = a[2] / b[2]; out[3] = a[3] / b[3]; return out; } function ceil3(out, a) { out[0] = Math.ceil(a[0]); out[1] = Math.ceil(a[1]); out[2] = Math.ceil(a[2]); out[3] = Math.ceil(a[3]); return out; } function floor3(out, a) { out[0] = Math.floor(a[0]); out[1] = Math.floor(a[1]); out[2] = Math.floor(a[2]); out[3] = Math.floor(a[3]); return out; } function min3(out, a, b) { out[0] = Math.min(a[0], b[0]); out[1] = Math.min(a[1], b[1]); out[2] = Math.min(a[2], b[2]); out[3] = Math.min(a[3], b[3]); return out; } function max3(out, a, b) { out[0] = Math.max(a[0], b[0]); out[1] = Math.max(a[1], b[1]); out[2] = Math.max(a[2], b[2]); out[3] = Math.max(a[3], b[3]); return out; } function round5(out, a) { out[0] = round2(a[0]); out[1] = round2(a[1]); out[2] = round2(a[2]); out[3] = round2(a[3]); return out; } function scale5(out, a, b) { out[0] = a[0] * b; out[1] = a[1] * b; out[2] = a[2] * b; out[3] = a[3] * b; return out; } function scaleAndAdd3(out, a, b, scale7) { out[0] = a[0] + b[0] * scale7; out[1] = a[1] + b[1] * scale7; out[2] = a[2] + b[2] * scale7; out[3] = a[3] + b[3] * scale7; return out; } function distance3(a, b) { const x = b[0] - a[0]; const y = b[1] - a[1]; const z = b[2] - a[2]; const w = b[3] - a[3]; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w); } function squaredDistance3(a, b) { const x = b[0] - a[0]; const y = b[1] - a[1]; const z = b[2] - a[2]; const w = b[3] - a[3]; return x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w; } function length3(a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; const w = a[3]; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w); } function squaredLength3(a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; const w = a[3]; return x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w; } function negate3(out, a) { out[0] = -a[0]; out[1] = -a[1]; out[2] = -a[2]; out[3] = -a[3]; return out; } function inverse3(out, a) { out[0] = 1 / a[0]; out[1] = 1 / a[1]; out[2] = 1 / a[2]; out[3] = 1 / a[3]; return out; } function normalize3(out, a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; const w = a[3]; let len5 = x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w; if (len5 > 0) { len5 = 1 / Math.sqrt(len5); } out[0] = x * len5; out[1] = y * len5; out[2] = z * len5; out[3] = w * len5; return out; } function dot3(a, b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3]; } function cross3(out, u, v, w) { const A = v[0] * w[1] - v[1] * w[0]; const B = v[0] * w[2] - v[2] * w[0]; const C = v[0] * w[3] - v[3] * w[0]; const D = v[1] * w[2] - v[2] * w[1]; const E = v[1] * w[3] - v[3] * w[1]; const F = v[2] * w[3] - v[3] * w[2]; const G = u[0]; const H = u[1]; const I = u[2]; const J = u[3]; out[0] = H * F - I * E + J * D; out[1] = -(G * F) + I * C - J * B; out[2] = G * E - H * C + J * A; out[3] = -(G * D) + H * B - I * A; return out; } function lerp4(out, a, b, t) { const ax = a[0]; const ay = a[1]; const az = a[2]; const aw = a[3]; out[0] = ax + t * (b[0] - ax); out[1] = ay + t * (b[1] - ay); out[2] = az + t * (b[2] - az); out[3] = aw + t * (b[3] - aw); return out; } function random3(out, scale7) { scale7 = scale7 === void 0 ? 1 : scale7; let v1; let v2; let v3; let v4; let s1; let s2; do { v1 = RANDOM() * 2 - 1; v2 = RANDOM() * 2 - 1; s1 = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2; } while (s1 >= 1); do { v3 = RANDOM() * 2 - 1; v4 = RANDOM() * 2 - 1; s2 = v3 * v3 + v4 * v4; } while (s2 >= 1); const d = Math.sqrt((1 - s1) / s2); out[0] = scale7 * v1; out[1] = scale7 * v2; out[2] = scale7 * v3 * d; out[3] = scale7 * v4 * d; return out; } function transformMat43(out, a, m) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; const w = a[3]; out[0] = m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[8] * z + m[12] * w; out[1] = m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[9] * z + m[13] * w; out[2] = m[2] * x + m[6] * y + m[10] * z + m[14] * w; out[3] = m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[11] * z + m[15] * w; return out; } function transformQuat2(out, a, q) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; const qx = q[0]; const qy = q[1]; const qz = q[2]; const qw = q[3]; const ix = qw * x + qy * z - qz * y; const iy = qw * y + qz * x - qx * z; const iz = qw * z + qx * y - qy * x; const iw = -qx * x - qy * y - qz * z; out[0] = ix * qw + iw * -qx + iy * -qz - iz * -qy; out[1] = iy * qw + iw * -qy + iz * -qx - ix * -qz; out[2] = iz * qw + iw * -qz + ix * -qy - iy * -qx; out[3] = a[3]; return out; } function zero3(out) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0; return out; } function str5(a) { return `vec4(${a[0]}, ${a[1]}, ${a[2]}, ${a[3]})`; } function exactEquals6(a, b) { return a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1] && a[2] === b[2] && a[3] === b[3]; } function equals6(a, b) { const a0 = a[0]; const a1 = a[1]; const a2 = a[2]; const a3 = a[3]; const b0 = b[0]; const b1 = b[1]; const b2 = b[2]; const b3 = b[3]; return Math.abs(a0 - b0) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a0), Math.abs(b0)) && Math.abs(a1 - b1) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a1), Math.abs(b1)) && Math.abs(a2 - b2) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a2), Math.abs(b2)) && Math.abs(a3 - b3) <= EPSILON * Math.max(1, Math.abs(a3), Math.abs(b3)); } var sub5 = subtract5; var mul5 = multiply5; var div3 = divide3; var dist3 = distance3; var sqrDist3 = squaredDistance3; var len3 = length3; var sqrLen3 = squaredLength3; var forEach3 = function() { const vec = create5(); return function(a, stride, offset, count, fn, arg) { let i; let l; if (!stride) { stride = 4; } if (!offset) { offset = 0; } if (count) { l = Math.min(count * stride + offset, a.length); } else { l = a.length; } for (i = offset; i < l; i += stride) { vec[0] = a[i]; vec[1] = a[i + 1]; vec[2] = a[i + 2]; vec[3] = a[i + 3]; fn(vec, vec, arg); a[i] = vec[0]; a[i + 1] = vec[1]; a[i + 2] = vec[2]; a[i + 3] = vec[3]; } return a; }; }(); // dist/classes/matrix4.js var INDICES2; (function(INDICES3) { INDICES3[INDICES3["COL0ROW0"] = 0] = "COL0ROW0"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL0ROW1"] = 1] = "COL0ROW1"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL0ROW2"] = 2] = "COL0ROW2"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL0ROW3"] = 3] = "COL0ROW3"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL1ROW0"] = 4] = "COL1ROW0"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL1ROW1"] = 5] = "COL1ROW1"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL1ROW2"] = 6] = "COL1ROW2"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL1ROW3"] = 7] = "COL1ROW3"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL2ROW0"] = 8] = "COL2ROW0"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL2ROW1"] = 9] = "COL2ROW1"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL2ROW2"] = 10] = "COL2ROW2"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL2ROW3"] = 11] = "COL2ROW3"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL3ROW0"] = 12] = "COL3ROW0"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL3ROW1"] = 13] = "COL3ROW1"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL3ROW2"] = 14] = "COL3ROW2"; INDICES3[INDICES3["COL3ROW3"] = 15] = "COL3ROW3"; })(INDICES2 || (INDICES2 = {})); var DEFAULT_FOVY = 45 * Math.PI / 180; var DEFAULT_ASPECT = 1; var DEFAULT_NEAR = 0.1; var DEFAULT_FAR = 500; var IDENTITY_MATRIX2 = Object.freeze([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]); var Matrix4 = class extends Matrix { static get IDENTITY() { return getIdentityMatrix2(); } static get ZERO() { return getZeroMatrix2(); } get ELEMENTS() { return 16; } get RANK() { return 4; } get INDICES() { return INDICES2; } constructor(array) { super(-0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0); if (arguments.length === 1 && Array.isArray(array)) { this.copy(array); } else { this.identity(); } } copy(array) { this[0] = array[0]; this[1] = array[1]; this[2] = array[2]; this[3] = array[3]; this[4] = array[4]; this[5] = array[5]; this[6] = array[6]; this[7] = array[7]; this[8] = array[8]; this[9] = array[9]; this[10] = array[10]; this[11] = array[11]; this[12] = array[12]; this[13] = array[13]; this[14] = array[14]; this[15] = array[15]; return this.check(); } // eslint-disable-next-line max-params set(m00, m10, m20, m30, m01, m11, m21, m31, m02, m12, m22, m32, m03, m13, m23, m33) { this[0] = m00; this[1] = m10; this[2] = m20; this[3] = m30; this[4] = m01; this[5] = m11; this[6] = m21; this[7] = m31; this[8] = m02; this[9] = m12; this[10] = m22; this[11] = m32; this[12] = m03; this[13] = m13; this[14] = m23; this[15] = m33; return this.check(); } // accepts row major order, stores as column major // eslint-disable-next-line max-params setRowMajor(m00, m01, m02, m03, m10, m11, m12, m13, m20, m21, m22, m23, m30, m31, m32, m33) { this[0] = m00; this[1] = m10; this[2] = m20; this[3] = m30; this[4] = m01; this[5] = m11; this[6] = m21; this[7] = m31; this[8] = m02; this[9] = m12; this[10] = m22; this[11] = m32; this[12] = m03; this[13] = m13; this[14] = m23; this[15] = m33; return this.check(); } toRowMajor(result) { result[0] = this[0]; result[1] = this[4]; result[2] = this[8]; result[3] = this[12]; result[4] = this[1]; result[5] = this[5]; result[6] = this[9]; result[7] = this[13]; result[8] = this[2]; result[9] = this[6]; result[10] = this[10]; result[11] = this[14]; result[12] = this[3]; result[13] = this[7]; result[14] = this[11]; result[15] = this[15]; return result; } // Constructors /** Set to identity matrix */ identity() { return this.copy(IDENTITY_MATRIX2); } /** * * @param object * @returns self */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars fromObject(object) { return this.check(); } /** * Calculates a 4x4 matrix from the given quaternion * @param quaternion Quaternion to create matrix from * @returns self */ fromQuaternion(quaternion) { fromQuat3(this, quaternion); return this.check(); } /** * Generates a frustum matrix with the given bounds * @param view.left - Left bound of the frustum * @param view.right - Right bound of the frustum * @param view.bottom - Bottom bound of the frustum * @param - Top bound of the frustum * @param view.near - Near bound of the frustum * @param view.far - Far bound of the frustum. Can be set to Infinity. * @returns self */ frustum(view) { const { left, right, bottom, top, near = DEFAULT_NEAR, far = DEFAULT_FAR } = view; if (far === Infinity) { computeInfinitePerspectiveOffCenter(this, left, right, bottom, top, near); } else { frustum(this, left, right, bottom, top, near, far); } return this.check(); } /** * Generates a look-at matrix with the given eye position, focal point, * and up axis * @param view.eye - (vector) Position of the viewer * @param - (vector) Point the viewer is looking at * @param view.up - (vector) Up axis * @returns self */ lookAt(view) { const { eye, center = [0, 0, 0], up = [0, 1, 0] } = view; lookAt(this, eye, center, up); return this.check(); } /** * Generates a orthogonal projection matrix with the given bounds * from "traditional" view space parameters * @param view.left - Left bound of the frustum * @param view.right number Right bound of the frustum * @param view.bottom - Bottom bound of the frustum * @param number Top bound of the frustum * @param view.near - Near bound of the frustum * @param view.far number Far bound of the frustum * @returns self */ ortho(view) { const { left, right, bottom, top, near = DEFAULT_NEAR, far = DEFAULT_FAR } = view; ortho(this, left, right, bottom, top, near, far); return this.check(); } /** * Generates an orthogonal projection matrix with the same parameters * as a perspective matrix (plus focalDistance) * @param view.fovy Vertical field of view in radians * @param view.aspect Aspect ratio. Typically viewport width / viewport height * @param view.focalDistance Distance in the view frustum used for extent calculations * @param view.near Near bound of the frustum * @param view.far Far bound of the frustum * @returns self */ orthographic(view) { const { fovy = DEFAULT_FOVY, aspect = DEFAULT_ASPECT, focalDistance = 1, near = DEFAULT_NEAR, far = DEFAULT_FAR } = view; checkRadians(fovy); const halfY = fovy / 2; const top = focalDistance * Math.tan(halfY); const right = top * aspect; return this.ortho({ left: -right, right, bottom: -top, top, near, far }); } /** * Generates a perspective projection matrix with the given bounds * @param view.fovy Vertical field of view in radians * @param view.aspect Aspect ratio. typically viewport width/height * @param view.near Near bound of the frustum * @param view.far Far bound of the frustum * @returns self */ perspective(view) { const { fovy = 45 * Math.PI / 180, aspect = 1, near = 0.1, far = 500 } = view; checkRadians(fovy); perspective(this, fovy, aspect, near, far); return this.check(); } // Accessors determinant() { return determinant2(this); } /** * Extracts the non-uniform scale assuming the matrix is an affine transformation. * The scales are the "lengths" of the column vectors in the upper-left 3x3 matrix. * @param result * @returns self */ getScale(result = [-0, -0, -0]) { result[0] = Math.sqrt(this[0] * this[0] + this[1] * this[1] + this[2] * this[2]); result[1] = Math.sqrt(this[4] * this[4] + this[5] * this[5] + this[6] * this[6]); result[2] = Math.sqrt(this[8] * this[8] + this[9] * this[9] + this[10] * this[10]); return result; } /** * Gets the translation portion, assuming the matrix is a affine transformation matrix. * @param result * @returns self */ getTranslation(result = [-0, -0, -0]) { result[0] = this[12]; result[1] = this[13]; result[2] = this[14]; return result; } /** * Gets upper left 3x3 pure rotation matrix (non-scaling), assume affine transformation matrix * @param result * @param scaleResult * @returns self */ getRotation(result, scaleResult) { result = result || [-0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0]; scaleResult = scaleResult || [-0, -0, -0]; const scale7 = this.getScale(scaleResult); const inverseScale0 = 1 / scale7[0]; const inverseScale1 = 1 / scale7[1]; const inverseScale2 = 1 / scale7[2]; result[0] = this[0] * inverseScale0; result[1] = this[1] * inverseScale1; result[2] = this[2] * inverseScale2; result[3] = 0; result[4] = this[4] * inverseScale0; result[5] = this[5] * inverseScale1; result[6] = this[6] * inverseScale2; result[7] = 0; result[8] = this[8] * inverseScale0; result[9] = this[9] * inverseScale1; result[10] = this[10] * inverseScale2; result[11] = 0; result[12] = 0; result[13] = 0; result[14] = 0; result[15] = 1; return result; } /** * * @param result * @param scaleResult * @returns self */ getRotationMatrix3(result, scaleResult) { result = result || [-0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0]; scaleResult = scaleResult || [-0, -0, -0]; const scale7 = this.getScale(scaleResult); const inverseScale0 = 1 / scale7[0]; const inverseScale1 = 1 / scale7[1]; const inverseScale2 = 1 / scale7[2]; result[0] = this[0] * inverseScale0; result[1] = this[1] * inverseScale1; result[2] = this[2] * inverseScale2; result[3] = this[4] * inverseScale0; result[4] = this[5] * inverseScale1; result[5] = this[6] * inverseScale2; result[6] = this[8] * inverseScale0; result[7] = this[9] * inverseScale1; result[8] = this[10] * inverseScale2; return result; } // Modifiers transpose() { transpose2(this, this); return this.check(); } invert() { invert2(this, this); return this.check(); } // Operations multiplyLeft(a) { multiply4(this, a, this); return this.check(); } multiplyRight(a) { multiply4(this, this, a); return this.check(); } // Rotates a matrix by the given angle around the X axis rotateX(radians2) { rotateX2(this, this, radians2); return this.check(); } // Rotates a matrix by the given angle around the Y axis. rotateY(radians2) { rotateY2(this, this, radians2); return this.check(); } /** * Rotates a matrix by the given angle around the Z axis. * @param radians * @returns self */ rotateZ(radians2) { rotateZ2(this, this, radians2); return this.check(); } /** * * @param param0 * @returns self */ rotateXYZ(angleXYZ) { return this.rotateX(angleXYZ[0]).rotateY(angleXYZ[1]).rotateZ(angleXYZ[2]); } /** * * @param radians * @param axis * @returns self */ rotateAxis(radians2, axis) { rotate3(this, this, radians2, axis); return this.check(); } /** * * @param factor * @returns self */ scale(factor) { scale4(this, this, Array.isArray(factor) ? factor : [factor, factor, factor]); return this.check(); } /** * * @param vec * @returns self */ translate(vector) { translate2(this, this, vector); return this.check(); } // Transforms /** * Transforms any 2, 3 or 4 element vector. 2 and 3 elements are treated as points * @param vector * @param result * @returns self */ transform(vector, result) { if (vector.length === 4) { result = transformMat43(result || [-0, -0, -0, -0], vector, this); checkVector(result, 4); return result; } return this.transformAsPoint(vector, result); } /** * Transforms any 2 or 3 element array as point (w implicitly 1) * @param vector * @param result * @returns self */ transformAsPoint(vector, result) { const { length: length5 } = vector; let out; switch (length5) { case 2: out = transformMat4(result || [-0, -0], vector, this); break; case 3: out = transformMat42(result || [-0, -0, -0], vector, this); break; default: throw new Error("Illegal vector"); } checkVector(out, vector.length); return out; } /** * Transforms any 2 or 3 element array as vector (w implicitly 0) * @param vector * @param result * @returns self */ transformAsVector(vector, result) { let out; switch (vector.length) { case 2: out = vec2_transformMat4AsVector(result || [-0, -0], vector, this); break; case 3: out = vec3_transformMat4AsVector(result || [-0, -0, -0], vector, this); break; default: throw new Error("Illegal vector"); } checkVector(out, vector.length); return out; } /** @deprecated */ transformPoint(vector, result) { return this.transformAsPoint(vector, result); } /** @deprecated */ transformVector(vector, result) { return this.transformAsPoint(vector, result); } /** @deprecated */ transformDirection(vector, result) { return this.transformAsVector(vector, result); } // three.js math API compatibility makeRotationX(radians2) { return this.identity().rotateX(radians2); } makeTranslation(x, y, z) { return this.identity().translate([x, y, z]); } }; var ZERO3; var IDENTITY; function getZeroMatrix2() { if (!ZERO3) { ZERO3 = new Matrix4([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); Object.freeze(ZERO3); } return ZERO3; } function getIdentityMatrix2() { if (!IDENTITY) { IDENTITY = new Matrix4(); Object.freeze(IDENTITY); } return IDENTITY; } function checkRadians(possiblyDegrees) { if (possiblyDegrees > Math.PI * 2) { throw Error("expected radians"); } } function computeInfinitePerspectiveOffCenter(result, left, right, bottom, top, near) { const column0Row0 = 2 * near / (right - left); const column1Row1 = 2 * near / (top - bottom); const column2Row0 = (right + left) / (right - left); const column2Row1 = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom); const column2Row2 = -1; const column2Row3 = -1; const column3Row2 = -2 * near; result[0] = column0Row0; result[1] = 0; result[2] = 0; result[3] = 0; result[4] = 0; result[5] = column1Row1; result[6] = 0; result[7] = 0; result[8] = column2Row0; result[9] = column2Row1; result[10] = column2Row2; result[11] = column2Row3; result[12] = 0; result[13] = 0; result[14] = column3Row2; result[15] = 0; return result; } // dist/gl-matrix/quat.js var quat_exports = {}; __export(quat_exports, { add: () => add6, calculateW: () => calculateW, clone: () => clone7, conjugate: () => conjugate, copy: () => copy6, create: () => create6, dot: () => dot4, equals: () => equals7, exactEquals: () => exactEquals7, exp: () => exp, fromMat3: () => fromMat3, fromValues: () => fromValues6, getAngle: () => getAngle, getAxisAngle: () => getAxisAngle, identity: () => identity3, invert: () => invert3, len: () => len4, length: () => length4, lerp: () => lerp5, ln: () => ln, mul: () => mul6, multiply: () => multiply6, normalize: () => normalize4, pow: () => pow, rotateX: () => rotateX3, rotateY: () => rotateY3, rotateZ: () => rotateZ3, rotationTo: () => rotationTo, scale: () => scale6, set: () => set6, setAxes: () => setAxes, setAxisAngle: () => setAxisAngle, slerp: () => slerp2, sqlerp: () => sqlerp, sqrLen: () => sqrLen4, squaredLength: () => squaredLength4, str: () => str6 }); function create6() { const out = new ARRAY_TYPE(4); if (ARRAY_TYPE != Float32Array) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; } out[3] = 1; return out; } function identity3(out) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 1; return out; } function setAxisAngle(out, axis, rad) { rad = rad * 0.5; const s = Math.sin(rad); out[0] = s * axis[0]; out[1] = s * axis[1]; out[2] = s * axis[2]; out[3] = Math.cos(rad); return out; } function getAxisAngle(out_axis, q) { const rad = Math.acos(q[3]) * 2; const s = Math.sin(rad / 2); if (s > EPSILON) { out_axis[0] = q[0] / s; out_axis[1] = q[1] / s; out_axis[2] = q[2] / s; } else { out_axis[0] = 1; out_axis[1] = 0; out_axis[2] = 0; } return rad; } function getAngle(a, b) { const dotproduct = dot4(a, b); return Math.acos(2 * dotproduct * dotproduct - 1); } function multiply6(out, a, b) { const ax = a[0]; const ay = a[1]; const az = a[2]; const aw = a[3]; const bx = b[0]; const by = b[1]; const bz = b[2]; const bw = b[3]; out[0] = ax * bw + aw * bx + ay * bz - az * by; out[1] = ay * bw + aw * by + az * bx - ax * bz; out[2] = az * bw + aw * bz + ax * by - ay * bx; out[3] = aw * bw - ax * bx - ay * by - az * bz; return out; } function rotateX3(out, a, rad) { rad *= 0.5; const ax = a[0]; const ay = a[1]; const az = a[2]; const aw = a[3]; const bx = Math.sin(rad); const bw = Math.cos(rad); out[0] = ax * bw + aw * bx; out[1] = ay * bw + az * bx; out[2] = az * bw - ay * bx; out[3] = aw * bw - ax * bx; return out; } function rotateY3(out, a, rad) { rad *= 0.5; const ax = a[0]; const ay = a[1]; const az = a[2]; const aw = a[3]; const by = Math.sin(rad); const bw = Math.cos(rad); out[0] = ax * bw - az * by; out[1] = ay * bw + aw * by; out[2] = az * bw + ax * by; out[3] = aw * bw - ay * by; return out; } function rotateZ3(out, a, rad) { rad *= 0.5; const ax = a[0]; const ay = a[1]; const az = a[2]; const aw = a[3]; const bz = Math.sin(rad); const bw = Math.cos(rad); out[0] = ax * bw + ay * bz; out[1] = ay * bw - ax * bz; out[2] = az * bw + aw * bz; out[3] = aw * bw - az * bz; return out; } function calculateW(out, a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; out[0] = x; out[1] = y; out[2] = z; out[3] = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(1 - x * x - y * y - z * z)); return out; } function exp(out, a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; const w = a[3]; const r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); const et = Math.exp(w); const s = r > 0 ? et * Math.sin(r) / r : 0; out[0] = x * s; out[1] = y * s; out[2] = z * s; out[3] = et * Math.cos(r); return out; } function ln(out, a) { const x = a[0]; const y = a[1]; const z = a[2]; const w = a[3]; const r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); const t = r > 0 ? Math.atan2(r, w) / r : 0; out[0] = x * t; out[1] = y * t; out[2] = z * t; out[3] = 0.5 * Math.log(x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w); return out; } function pow(out, a, b) { ln(out, a); scale6(out, out, b); exp(out, out); return out; } function slerp2(out, a, b, t) { const ax = a[0]; const ay = a[1]; const az = a[2]; const aw = a[3]; let bx = b[0]; let by = b[1]; let bz = b[2]; let bw = b[3]; let cosom; let omega; let scale0; let scale1; let sinom; cosom = ax * bx + ay * by + az * bz + aw * bw; if (cosom < 0) { cosom = -cosom; bx = -bx; by = -by; bz = -bz; bw = -bw; } if (1 - cosom > EPSILON) { omega = Math.acos(cosom); sinom = Math.sin(omega); scale0 = Math.sin((1 - t) * omega) / sinom; scale1 = Math.sin(t * omega) / sinom; } else { scale0 = 1 - t; scale1 = t; } out[0] = scale0 * ax + scale1 * bx; out[1] = scale0 * ay + scale1 * by; out[2] = scale0 * az + scale1 * bz; out[3] = scale0 * aw + scale1 * bw; return out; } function invert3(out, a) { const a0 = a[0]; const a1 = a[1]; const a2 = a[2]; const a3 = a[3]; const dot5 = a0 * a0 + a1 * a1 + a2 * a2 + a3 * a3; const invDot = dot5 ? 1 / dot5 : 0; out[0] = -a0 * invDot; out[1] = -a1 * invDot; out[2] = -a2 * invDot; out[3] = a3 * invDot; return out; } function conjugate(out, a) { out[0] = -a[0]; out[1] = -a[1]; out[2] = -a[2]; out[3] = a[3]; return out; } function fromMat3(out, m) { const fTrace = m[0] + m[4] + m[8]; let fRoot; if (fTrace > 0) { fRoot = Math.sqrt(fTrace + 1); out[3] = 0.5 * fRoot; fRoot = 0.5 / fRoot; out[0] = (m[5] - m[7]) * fRoot; out[1] = (m[6] - m[2]) * fRoot; out[2] = (m[1] - m[3]) * fRoot; } else { let i = 0; if (m[4] > m[0]) i = 1; if (m[8] > m[i * 3 + i]) i = 2; const j = (i + 1) % 3; const k = (i + 2) % 3; fRoot = Math.sqrt(m[i * 3 + i] - m[j * 3 + j] - m[k * 3 + k] + 1); out[i] = 0.5 * fRoot; fRoot = 0.5 / fRoot; out[3] = (m[j * 3 + k] - m[k * 3 + j]) * fRoot; out[j] = (m[j * 3 + i] + m[i * 3 + j]) * fRoot; out[k] = (m[k * 3 + i] + m[i * 3 + k]) * fRoot; } return out; } function str6(a) { return `quat(${a[0]}, ${a[1]}, ${a[2]}, ${a[3]})`; } var clone7 = clone6; var fromValues6 = fromValues5; var copy6 = copy5; var set6 = set5; var add6 = add5; var mul6 = multiply6; var scale6 = scale5; var dot4 = dot3; var lerp5 = lerp4; var length4 = length3; var len4 = length4; var squaredLength4 = squaredLength3; var sqrLen4 = squaredLength4; var normalize4 = normalize3; var exactEquals7 = exactEquals6; function equals7(a, b) { return Math.abs(dot3(a, b)) >= 1 - EPSILON; } var rotationTo = function() { const tmpvec3 = create2(); const xUnitVec3 = fromValues2(1, 0, 0); const yUnitVec3 = fromValues2(0, 1, 0); return function(out, a, b) { const dot5 = dot2(a, b); if (dot5 < -0.999999) { cross2(tmpvec3, xUnitVec3, a); if (len2(tmpvec3) < 1e-6) cross2(tmpvec3, yUnitVec3, a); normalize2(tmpvec3, tmpvec3); setAxisAngle(out, tmpvec3, Math.PI); return out; } else if (dot5 > 0.999999) { out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; out[3] = 1; return out; } cross2(tmpvec3, a, b); out[0] = tmpvec3[0]; out[1] = tmpvec3[1]; out[2] = tmpvec3[2]; out[3] = 1 + dot5; return normalize4(out, out); }; }(); var sqlerp = function() { const temp1 = create6(); const temp2 = create6(); return function(out, a, b, c, d, t) { slerp2(temp1, a, d, t); slerp2(temp2, b, c, t); slerp2(out, temp1, temp2, 2 * t * (1 - t)); return out; }; }(); var setAxes = function() { const matr = create3(); return function(out, view, right, up) { matr[0] = right[0]; matr[3] = right[1]; matr[6] = right[2]; matr[1] = up[0]; matr[4] = up[1]; matr[7] = up[2]; matr[2] = -view[0]; matr[5] = -view[1]; matr[8] = -view[2]; return normalize4(out, fromMat3(out, matr)); }; }(); // dist/classes/quaternion.js var IDENTITY_QUATERNION = [0, 0, 0, 1]; var Quaternion = class extends MathArray { constructor(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 1) { super(-0, -0, -0, -0); if (Array.isArray(x) && arguments.length === 1) { this.copy(x); } else { this.set(x, y, z, w); } } copy(array) { this[0] = array[0]; this[1] = array[1]; this[2] = array[2]; this[3] = array[3]; return this.check(); } set(x, y, z, w) { this[0] = x; this[1] = y; this[2] = z; this[3] = w; return this.check(); } fromObject(object) { this[0] = object.x; this[1] = object.y; this[2] = object.z; this[3] = object.w; return this.check(); } /** * Creates a quaternion from the given 3x3 rotation matrix. * NOTE: The resultant quaternion is not normalized, so you should * be sure to renormalize the quaternion yourself where necessary. * @param m * @returns */ fromMatrix3(m) { fromMat3(this, m); return this.check(); } fromAxisRotation(axis, rad) { setAxisAngle(this, axis, rad); return this.check(); } /** Set a quat to the identity quaternion */ identity() { identity3(this); return this.check(); } // Set the components of a quat to the given values // set(i, j, k, l) { // quat_set(this, i, j, k, l); // return this.check(); // } // Sets a quat from the given angle and rotation axis, then returns it. setAxisAngle(axis, rad) { return this.fromAxisRotation(axis, rad); } // Getters/setters get ELEMENTS() { return 4; } get x() { return this[0]; } set x(value) { this[0] = checkNumber(value); } get y() { return this[1]; } set y(value) { this[1] = checkNumber(value); } get z() { return this[2]; } set z(value) { this[2] = checkNumber(value); } get w() { return this[3]; } set w(value) { this[3] = checkNumber(value); } // Calculates the length of a quat len() { return length4(this); } // Calculates the squared length of a quat lengthSquared() { return squaredLength4(this); } // Calculates the dot product of two quat's // @return {Number} dot(a) { return dot4(this, a); } // Gets the rotation axis and angle for a given quaternion. // If a quaternion is created with setAxisAngle, this method will // return the same values as providied in the original parameter // list OR functionally equivalent values. // Example: The quaternion formed by axis [0, 0, 1] and angle -90 // is the same as the quaternion formed by [0, 0, 1] and 270. // This method favors the latter. // @return {{[x,y,z], Number}} // getAxisAngle() { // const axis = []; // // const angle = quat_getAxisAngle(axis, this); // return {axis, angle}; // } // MODIFIERS // Sets a quaternion to represent the shortest rotation from one vector // to another. Both vectors are assumed to be unit length. rotationTo(vectorA, vectorB) { rotationTo(this, vectorA, vectorB); return this.check(); } // Sets the specified quaternion with values corresponding to the given axes. // Each axis is a vec3 and is expected to be unit length and perpendicular // to all other specified axes. // setAxes() { // Number // } // Performs a spherical linear interpolation with two control points // sqlerp() { // Number; // } // Adds two quat's add(a) { add6(this, this, a); return this.check(); } // Calculates the W component of a quat from the X, Y, and Z components. // Any existing W component will be ignored. calculateW() { calculateW(this, this); return this.check(); } // Calculates the conjugate of a quat If the quaternion is normalized, // this function is faster than quat_invert and produces the same result. conjugate() { conjugate(this, this); return this.check(); } // Calculates the inverse of a quat invert() { invert3(this, this); return this.check(); } // Performs a linear interpolation between two quat's lerp(a, b, t) { if (t === void 0) { return this.lerp(this, a, b); } lerp5(this, a, b, t); return this.check(); } // Multiplies two quat's multiplyRight(a) { multiply6(this, this, a); return this.check(); } multiplyLeft(a) { multiply6(this, a, this); return this.check(); } // Normalize a quat normalize() { const length5 = this.len(); const l = length5 > 0 ? 1 / length5 : 0; this[0] = this[0] * l; this[1] = this[1] * l; this[2] = this[2] * l; this[3] = this[3] * l; if (length5 === 0) { this[3] = 1; } return this.check(); } // Rotates a quaternion by the given angle about the X axis rotateX(rad) { rotateX3(this, this, rad); return this.check(); } // Rotates a quaternion by the given angle about the Y axis rotateY(rad) { rotateY3(this, this, rad); return this.check(); } // Rotates a quaternion by the given angle about the Z axis rotateZ(rad) { rotateZ3(this, this, rad); return this.check(); } // Scales a quat by a scalar number scale(b) { scale6(this, this, b); return this.check(); } // Performs a spherical linear interpolation between two quat slerp(arg0, arg1, arg2) { let start; let target; let ratio; switch (arguments.length) { case 1: ({ start = IDENTITY_QUATERNION, target, ratio } = arg0); break; case 2: start = this; target = arg0; ratio = arg1; break; default: start = arg0; target = arg1; ratio = arg2; } slerp2(this, start, target, ratio); return this.check(); } transformVector4(vector, result = new Vector4()) { transformQuat2(result, vector, this); return checkVector(result, 4); } // THREE.js Math API compatibility lengthSq() { return this.lengthSquared(); } setFromAxisAngle(axis, rad) { return this.setAxisAngle(axis, rad); } premultiply(a) { return this.multiplyLeft(a); } multiply(a) { return this.multiplyRight(a); } }; // dist/classes/spherical-coordinates.js var EPSILON2 = 1e-6; var EARTH_RADIUS_METERS = 6371e3; var SphericalCoordinates = class { // bearing: number; // pitch: number; // altitude: number; // lnglatZ coordinates // longitude: number; // latitude: number; // lng: number; // lat: number; // z: number; /** * Creates a new SphericalCoordinates object * @param options * @param [options.phi] =0 - rotation around X (latitude) * @param [options.theta] =0 - rotation around Y (longitude) * @param [options.radius] =1 - Distance from center * @param [options.bearing] * @param [options.pitch] * @param [options.altitude] * @param [options.radiusScale] =1 */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity constructor({ phi = 0, theta = 0, radius = 1, bearing, pitch, altitude, radiusScale = EARTH_RADIUS_METERS } = {}) { this.phi = phi; this.theta = theta; this.radius = radius || altitude || 1; this.radiusScale = radiusScale || 1; if (bearing !== void 0) { this.bearing = bearing; } if (pitch !== void 0) { this.pitch = pitch; } this.check(); } toString() { return this.formatString(config); } formatString({ printTypes = false }) { const f = formatValue; return `${printTypes ? "Spherical" : ""}[rho:${f(this.radius)},theta:${f(this.theta)},phi:${f(this.phi)}]`; } equals(other) { return equals(this.radius, other.radius) && equals(this.theta, other.theta) && equals(this.phi, other.phi); } exactEquals(other) { return this.radius === other.radius && this.theta === other.theta && this.phi === other.phi; } /* eslint-disable brace-style */ // Cartographic (bearing 0 north, pitch 0 look from above) get bearing() { return 180 - degrees(this.phi); } set bearing(v) { this.phi = Math.PI - radians(v); } get pitch() { return degrees(this.theta); } set pitch(v) { this.theta = radians(v); } // get pitch() { return 90 - degrees(this.phi); } // set pitch(v) { this.phi = radians(v) + Math.PI / 2; } // get altitude() { return this.radius - 1; } // relative altitude // lnglatZ coordinates get longitude() { return degrees(this.phi); } get latitude() { return degrees(this.theta); } get lng() { return degrees(this.phi); } get lat() { return degrees(this.theta); } get z() { return (this.radius - 1) * this.radiusScale; } /* eslint-enable brace-style */ set(radius, phi, theta) { this.radius = radius; this.phi = phi; this.theta = theta; return this.check(); } clone() { return new SphericalCoordinates().copy(this); } copy(other) { this.radius = other.radius; this.phi = other.phi; this.theta = other.theta; return this.check(); } fromLngLatZ([lng, lat, z]) { this.radius = 1 + z / this.radiusScale; this.phi = radians(lat); this.theta = radians(lng); return this.check(); } fromVector3(v) { this.radius = length2(v); if (this.radius > 0) { this.theta = Math.atan2(v[0], v[1]); this.phi = Math.acos(clamp(v[2] / this.radius, -1, 1)); } return this.check(); } toVector3() { return new Vector3(0, 0, this.radius).rotateX({ radians: this.theta }).rotateZ({ radians: this.phi }); } // restrict phi to be betwee EPS and PI-EPS makeSafe() { this.phi = Math.max(EPSILON2, Math.min(Math.PI - EPSILON2, this.phi)); return this; } check() { if (!Number.isFinite(this.phi) || !Number.isFinite(this.theta) || !(this.radius > 0)) { throw new Error("SphericalCoordinates: some fields set to invalid numbers"); } return this; } }; // dist/classes/euler.js var ERR_UNKNOWN_ORDER = "Unknown Euler angle order"; var ALMOST_ONE = 0.99999; var RotationOrder; (function(RotationOrder2) { RotationOrder2[RotationOrder2["ZYX"] = 0] = "ZYX"; RotationOrder2[RotationOrder2["YXZ"] = 1] = "YXZ"; RotationOrder2[RotationOrder2["XZY"] = 2] = "XZY"; RotationOrder2[RotationOrder2["ZXY"] = 3] = "ZXY"; RotationOrder2[RotationOrder2["YZX"] = 4] = "YZX"; RotationOrder2[RotationOrder2["XYZ"] = 5] = "XYZ"; })(RotationOrder || (RotationOrder = {})); var Euler = class extends MathArray { // Constants static get ZYX() { return RotationOrder.ZYX; } static get YXZ() { return RotationOrder.YXZ; } static get XZY() { return RotationOrder.XZY; } static get ZXY() { return RotationOrder.ZXY; } static get YZX() { return RotationOrder.YZX; } static get XYZ() { return RotationOrder.XYZ; } static get RollPitchYaw() { return RotationOrder.ZYX; } static get DefaultOrder() { return RotationOrder.ZYX; } static get RotationOrders() { return RotationOrder; } static rotationOrder(order) { return RotationOrder[order]; } get ELEMENTS() { return 4; } /** * @class * @param {Number | Number[]} x * @param {Number=} [y] * @param {Number=} [z] * @param {Number=} [order] */ constructor(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, order = Euler.DefaultOrder) { super(-0, -0, -0, -0); if (arguments.length > 0 && Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { this.fromVector3(...arguments); } else { this.set(x, y, z, order); } } fromQuaternion(quaternion) { const [x, y, z, w] = quaternion; const ysqr = y * y; const t0 = -2 * (ysqr + z * z) + 1; const t1 = 2 * (x * y + w * z); let t2 = -2 * (x * z - w * y); const t3 = 2 * (y * z + w * x); const t4 = -2 * (x * x + ysqr) + 1; t2 = t2 > 1 ? 1 : t2; t2 = t2 < -1 ? -1 : t2; const roll = Math.atan2(t3, t4); const pitch = Math.asin(t2); const yaw = Math.atan2(t1, t0); return this.set(roll, pitch, yaw, Euler.RollPitchYaw); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars fromObject(object) { throw new Error("not implemented"); } // fromQuaternion(q, order) { // this._fromRotationMat[-0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0]; // return this.check(); // } // If copied array does contain fourth element, preserves currently set order copy(array) { this[0] = array[0]; this[1] = array[1]; this[2] = array[2]; this[3] = Number.isFinite(array[3]) || this.order; return this.check(); } // Sets the three angles, and optionally sets the rotation order // If order is not specified, preserves currently set order set(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, order) { this[0] = x; this[1] = y; this[2] = z; this[3] = Number.isFinite(order) ? order : this[3]; return this.check(); } validate() { return validateOrder(this[3]) && Number.isFinite(this[0]) && Number.isFinite(this[1]) && Number.isFinite(this[2]); } // Does not copy the orientation element toArray(array = [], offset = 0) { array[offset] = this[0]; array[offset + 1] = this[1]; array[offset + 2] = this[2]; return array; } // Copies the orientation element toArray4(array = [], offset = 0) { array[offset] = this[0]; array[offset + 1] = this[1]; array[offset + 2] = this[2]; array[offset + 3] = this[3]; return array; } toVector3(result = [-0, -0, -0]) { result[0] = this[0]; result[1] = this[1]; result[2] = this[2]; return result; } /* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces, brace-style, no-return-assign */ // x, y, z angle notation (note: only corresponds to axis in XYZ orientation) get x() { return this[0]; } set x(value) { this[0] = checkNumber(value); } get y() { return this[1]; } set y(value) { this[1] = checkNumber(value); } get z() { return this[2]; } set z(value) { this[2] = checkNumber(value); } // alpha, beta, gamma angle notation get alpha() { return this[0]; } set alpha(value) { this[0] = checkNumber(value); } get beta() { return this[1]; } set beta(value) { this[1] = checkNumber(value); } get gamma() { return this[2]; } set gamma(value) { this[2] = checkNumber(value); } // phi, theta, psi angle notation get phi() { return this[0]; } set phi(value) { this[0] = checkNumber(value); } get theta() { return this[1]; } set theta(value) { this[1] = checkNumber(value); } get psi() { return this[2]; } set psi(value) { this[2] = checkNumber(value); } // roll, pitch, yaw angle notation get roll() { return this[0]; } set roll(value) { this[0] = checkNumber(value); } get pitch() { return this[1]; } set pitch(value) { this[1] = checkNumber(value); } get yaw() { return this[2]; } set yaw(value) { this[2] = checkNumber(value); } // rotation order, in all three angle notations get order() { return this[3]; } set order(value) { this[3] = checkOrder(value); } // Constructors fromVector3(v, order) { return this.set(v[0], v[1], v[2], Number.isFinite(order) ? order : this[3]); } // TODO - with and without 4th element fromArray(array, offset = 0) { this[0] = array[0 + offset]; this[1] = array[1 + offset]; this[2] = array[2 + offset]; if (array[3] !== void 0) { this[3] = array[3]; } return this.check(); } // Common ZYX rotation order fromRollPitchYaw(roll, pitch, yaw) { return this.set(roll, pitch, yaw, RotationOrder.ZYX); } fromRotationMatrix(m, order = Euler.DefaultOrder) { this._fromRotationMatrix(m, order); return this.check(); } // ACCESSORS getRotationMatrix(m) { return this._getRotationMatrix(m); } // TODO - move to Quaternion getQuaternion() { const q = new Quaternion(); switch (this[3]) { case RotationOrder.XYZ: return q.rotateX(this[0]).rotateY(this[1]).rotateZ(this[2]); case RotationOrder.YXZ: return q.rotateY(this[0]).rotateX(this[1]).rotateZ(this[2]); case RotationOrder.ZXY: return q.rotateZ(this[0]).rotateX(this[1]).rotateY(this[2]); case RotationOrder.ZYX: return q.rotateZ(this[0]).rotateY(this[1]).rotateX(this[2]); case RotationOrder.YZX: return q.rotateY(this[0]).rotateZ(this[1]).rotateX(this[2]); case RotationOrder.XZY: return q.rotateX(this[0]).rotateZ(this[1]).rotateY(this[2]); default: throw new Error(ERR_UNKNOWN_ORDER); } } // INTERNAL METHODS // Conversion from Euler to rotation matrix and from matrix to Euler // Adapted from three.js under MIT license // // WARNING: this discards revolution information -bhouston // reorder(newOrder) { // const q = new Quaternion().setFromEuler(this); // return this.setFromQuaternion(q, newOrder); /* eslint-disable complexity, max-statements, one-var */ _fromRotationMatrix(m, order = Euler.DefaultOrder) { const m11 = m[0], m12 = m[4], m13 = m[8]; const m21 = m[1], m22 = m[5], m23 = m[9]; const m31 = m[2], m32 = m[6], m33 = m[10]; order = order || this[3]; switch (order) { case Euler.XYZ: this[1] = Math.asin(clamp(m13, -1, 1)); if (Math.abs(m13) < ALMOST_ONE) { this[0] = Math.atan2(-m23, m33); this[2] = Math.atan2(-m12, m11); } else { this[0] = Math.atan2(m32, m22); this[2] = 0; } break; case Euler.YXZ: this[0] = Math.asin(-clamp(m23, -1, 1)); if (Math.abs(m23) < ALMOST_ONE) { this[1] = Math.atan2(m13, m33); this[2] = Math.atan2(m21, m22); } else { this[1] = Math.atan2(-m31, m11); this[2] = 0; } break; case Euler.ZXY: this[0] = Math.asin(clamp(m32, -1, 1)); if (Math.abs(m32) < ALMOST_ONE) { this[1] = Math.atan2(-m31, m33); this[2] = Math.atan2(-m12, m22); } else { this[1] = 0; this[2] = Math.atan2(m21, m11); } break; case Euler.ZYX: this[1] = Math.asin(-clamp(m31, -1, 1)); if (Math.abs(m31) < ALMOST_ONE) { this[0] = Math.atan2(m32, m33); this[2] = Math.atan2(m21, m11); } else { this[0] = 0; this[2] = Math.atan2(-m12, m22); } break; case Euler.YZX: this[2] = Math.asin(clamp(m21, -1, 1)); if (Math.abs(m21) < ALMOST_ONE) { this[0] = Math.atan2(-m23, m22); this[1] = Math.atan2(-m31, m11); } else { this[0] = 0; this[1] = Math.atan2(m13, m33); } break; case Euler.XZY: this[2] = Math.asin(-clamp(m12, -1, 1)); if (Math.abs(m12) < ALMOST_ONE) { this[0] = Math.atan2(m32, m22); this[1] = Math.atan2(m13, m11); } else { this[0] = Math.atan2(-m23, m33); this[1] = 0; } break; default: throw new Error(ERR_UNKNOWN_ORDER); } this[3] = order; return this; } _getRotationMatrix(result) { const te = result || [-0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -0]; const x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z; const a = Math.cos(x); const c = Math.cos(y); const e = Math.cos(z); const b = Math.sin(x); const d = Math.sin(y); const f = Math.sin(z); switch (this[3]) { case Euler.XYZ: { const ae = a * e, af = a * f, be = b * e, bf = b * f; te[0] = c * e; te[4] = -c * f; te[8] = d; te[1] = af + be * d; te[5] = ae - bf * d; te[9] = -b * c; te[2] = bf - ae * d; te[6] = be + af * d; te[10] = a * c; break; } case Euler.YXZ: { const ce = c * e, cf = c * f, de = d * e, df = d * f; te[0] = ce + df * b; te[4] = de * b - cf; te[8] = a * d; te[1] = a * f; te[5] = a * e; te[9] = -b; te[2] = cf * b - de; te[6] = df + ce * b; te[10] = a * c; break; } case Euler.ZXY: { const ce = c * e, cf = c * f, de = d * e, df = d * f; te[0] = ce - df * b; te[4] = -a * f; te[8] = de + cf * b; te[1] = cf + de * b; te[5] = a * e; te[9] = df - ce * b; te[2] = -a * d; te[6] = b; te[10] = a * c; break; } case Euler.ZYX: { const ae = a * e, af = a * f, be = b * e, bf = b * f; te[0] = c * e; te[4] = be * d - af; te[8] = ae * d + bf; te[1] = c * f; te[5] = bf * d + ae; te[9] = af * d - be; te[2] = -d; te[6] = b * c; te[10] = a * c; break; } case Euler.YZX: { const ac = a * c, ad = a * d, bc = b * c, bd = b * d; te[0] = c * e; te[4] = bd - ac * f; te[8] = bc * f + ad; te[1] = f; te[5] = a * e; te[9] = -b * e; te[2] = -d * e; te[6] = ad * f + bc; te[10] = ac - bd * f; break; } case Euler.XZY: { const ac = a * c, ad = a * d, bc = b * c, bd = b * d; te[0] = c * e; te[4] = -f; te[8] = d * e; te[1] = ac * f + bd; te[5] = a * e; te[9] = ad * f - bc; te[2] = bc * f - ad; te[6] = b * e; te[10] = bd * f + ac; break; } default: throw new Error(ERR_UNKNOWN_ORDER); } te[3] = 0; te[7] = 0; te[11] = 0; te[12] = 0; te[13] = 0; te[14] = 0; te[15] = 1; return te; } toQuaternion() { const cy = Math.cos(this.yaw * 0.5); const sy = Math.sin(this.yaw * 0.5); const cr = Math.cos(this.roll * 0.5); const sr = Math.sin(this.roll * 0.5); const cp = Math.cos(this.pitch * 0.5); const sp = Math.sin(this.pitch * 0.5); const w = cy * cr * cp + sy * sr * sp; const x = cy * sr * cp - sy * cr * sp; const y = cy * cr * sp + sy * sr * cp; const z = sy * cr * cp - cy * sr * sp; return new Quaternion(x, y, z, w); } }; function validateOrder(value) { return value >= 0 && value < 6; } function checkOrder(value) { if (value < 0 && value >= 6) { throw new Error(ERR_UNKNOWN_ORDER); } return value; } // dist/classes/pose.js var Pose = class { constructor({ x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, roll = 0, pitch = 0, yaw = 0, position, orientation } = {}) { if (Array.isArray(position) && position.length === 3) { this.position = new Vector3(position); } else { this.position = new Vector3(x, y, z); } if (Array.isArray(orientation) && orientation.length === 4) { this.orientation = new Euler(orientation, orientation[3]); } else { this.orientation = new Euler(roll, pitch, yaw, Euler.RollPitchYaw); } } get x() { return this.position.x; } set x(value) { this.position.x = value; } get y() { return this.position.y; } set y(value) { this.position.y = value; } get z() { return this.position.z; } set z(value) { this.position.z = value; } get roll() { return this.orientation.roll; } set roll(value) { this.orientation.roll = value; } get pitch() { return this.orientation.pitch; } set pitch(value) { this.orientation.pitch = value; } get yaw() { return this.orientation.yaw; } set yaw(value) { this.orientation.yaw = value; } getPosition() { return this.position; } getOrientation() { return this.orientation; } equals(pose) { if (!pose) { return false; } return this.position.equals(pose.position) && this.orientation.equals(pose.orientation); } exactEquals(pose) { if (!pose) { return false; } return this.position.exactEquals(pose.position) && this.orientation.exactEquals(pose.orientation); } getTransformationMatrix() { const sr = Math.sin(this.roll); const sp = Math.sin(this.pitch); const sw = Math.sin(this.yaw); const cr = Math.cos(this.roll); const cp = Math.cos(this.pitch); const cw = Math.cos(this.yaw); return new Matrix4().setRowMajor( cw * cp, // 0,0 -sw * cr + cw * sp * sr, // 0,1 sw * sr + cw * sp * cr, // 0,2 this.x, // 0,3 sw * cp, // 1,0 cw * cr + sw * sp * sr, // 1,1 -cw * sr + sw * sp * cr, // 1,2 this.y, // 1,3 -sp, // 2,0 cp * sr, // 2,1 cp * cr, // 2,2 this.z, // 2,3 0, 0, 0, 1 ); } getTransformationMatrixFromPose(pose) { return new Matrix4().multiplyRight(this.getTransformationMatrix()).multiplyRight(pose.getTransformationMatrix().invert()); } getTransformationMatrixToPose(pose) { return new Matrix4().multiplyRight(pose.getTransformationMatrix()).multiplyRight(this.getTransformationMatrix().invert()); } }; // dist/lib/math-utils.js var math_utils_exports = {}; __export(math_utils_exports, { EPSILON1: () => EPSILON1, EPSILON10: () => EPSILON10, EPSILON11: () => EPSILON11, EPSILON12: () => EPSILON12, EPSILON13: () => EPSILON13, EPSILON14: () => EPSILON14, EPSILON15: () => EPSILON15, EPSILON16: () => EPSILON16, EPSILON17: () => EPSILON17, EPSILON18: () => EPSILON18, EPSILON19: () => EPSILON19, EPSILON2: () => EPSILON22, EPSILON20: () => EPSILON20, EPSILON3: () => EPSILON3, EPSILON4: () => EPSILON4, EPSILON5: () => EPSILON5, EPSILON6: () => EPSILON6, EPSILON7: () => EPSILON7, EPSILON8: () => EPSILON8, EPSILON9: () => EPSILON9, PI_OVER_FOUR: () => PI_OVER_FOUR, PI_OVER_SIX: () => PI_OVER_SIX, PI_OVER_TWO: () => PI_OVER_TWO, TWO_PI: () => TWO_PI }); var EPSILON1 = 0.1; var EPSILON22 = 0.01; var EPSILON3 = 1e-3; var EPSILON4 = 1e-4; var EPSILON5 = 1e-5; var EPSILON6 = 1e-6; var EPSILON7 = 1e-7; var EPSILON8 = 1e-8; var EPSILON9 = 1e-9; var EPSILON10 = 1e-10; var EPSILON11 = 1e-11; var EPSILON12 = 1e-12; var EPSILON13 = 1e-13; var EPSILON14 = 1e-14; var EPSILON15 = 1e-15; var EPSILON16 = 1e-16; var EPSILON17 = 1e-17; var EPSILON18 = 1e-18; var EPSILON19 = 1e-19; var EPSILON20 = 1e-20; var PI_OVER_TWO = Math.PI / 2; var PI_OVER_FOUR = Math.PI / 4; var PI_OVER_SIX = Math.PI / 6; var TWO_PI = Math.PI * 2; //#