const moment = require("moment"); const fs = require("fs"); const chalk = require("chalk"); const util = require("util"); let logR; let dateFormat; function textModify(type, color, data) { const modifiedData = []; if (typeof data === "object") for (const nData of data) if (typeof nData === "number") modifiedData.push(BigInt(nData)); else modifiedData.push(nData); else modifiedData.push(data); let format = `[${moment().format(dateFormat)}] ${type ? `[${type}] ` : ""}- `; Array.isArray(color) ? => format = chalk[c](format)) : format = chalk[color](format); const conversion = `${format}${modifiedData.join("\n").replace(/\n/gm, `\n${format}`)}\n`; process.stdout.write(conversion); writeLog(conversion); } function writeLog(tTt) { if (logR) fs.writeFileSync(logR, (fs.readFileSync(logR) + tTt).replace(/\033\[.*?m/gm, "")); } function generateStack(data, title) { const modifiedData = (typeof data === "number" ? BigInt(data) : data).toString(); const stackArray = new Error().stack.split("\n"); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) stackArray.shift(); const stackTrace = stackArray.join("\n").replace(/\G {4}/g, ""); return `${title}: ${modifiedData}\n${stackTrace}`; } for (const event of ["exit", "SIGINT", "SIGUSR1", "SIGUSR2", "uncaughtException", "unhandledRejection", "SIGTERM"]) { process.on(event, (code) => { if (event === "uncaughtException" || event === "unhandledRejection") console.error(true, code); if ((event !== "unhandledRejection") || (event === "unhandledRejection" && process.listeners("unhandledRejection").length === 1)) { writeLog(`---- [${moment().format(dateFormat)}] Exit triggered with code ${code}, event: ${event} ----\n`); process.exit(0); } }); } /** * log package startup and configuration. * @param {{logRoute: string || null, keepLogs: boolean || null, dateFormat: string || null, ignoreLimits: boolean || null}} options - Options for what it's going to print and log in to the console. **/ module.exports = options => { options ??= {logRoute: null, keepLogs: false, dateFormat: null}; logR = options.logRoute; dateFormat = options.dateFormat ?? "h:mm:ss"; console = { /** * @override * logs something in the console adding the log tag. * @param {any} args - What it is going to print in the console. **/ log: (...args) => textModify("log", "green", args), /** * logs something in the console adding the trace tag and tracing the log. * @param {any} args - What it is going to print in the console before the trace. * @override **/ trace: (...args) => textModify("trace", "magenta", generateStack(args, "Traceback")), /** * logs something in the console adding the error tag, useful for logging custom errors. * @param {boolean || any} enableTrace - Define if it is going to show the stack trace (optional) * @param {any} args - What it is going to print in the console * @override **/ error: (enableTrace, ...args) => textModify("error", "red", (enableTrace === true ? generateStack(args, "Error") : [enableTrace, ...args].splice(0, args.length + 1).join("\n"))), /** * logs something in the console adding the warning tag. * @param {any} args - What it is going to print in the console * @override **/ warn: (...args) => textModify("warning", "yellow", args), /** * logs something in the console adding the info tag. * @param {any} args - What it is going to print in the console * @override **/ info: (...args) => textModify("info", "cyan", args), /** * logs something in the console adding the debug tag, used for debugging your code and marking it as it. * @param {any} args - What it is going to print in the console * @override **/ debug: (...args) => textModify("debug", "white", args), /** * logs something in the console adding the info tag. * @param {{color: string || null, text: string || null, stack: boolean || null}} conf - Configuration with 3 params * @param {any} args - What it is going to print in the console **/ customLog: (conf, ...args) => { if (typeof conf !== "object") { args.unshift(conf); conf = {}; } args = args.join("\n"); try { textModify(conf.text ? conf.text : null, Array.isArray(conf.color) ? conf.color : colors[conf.color ?? "white"], conf.stack ? generateStack(args, conf.text) : args); } catch (err) { console.normalLog(err); process.stdout.write(`[invalid config] - ${util.format(args)}\n`); } }, /** * logs something in the console without any custom tag this library can offer. * @param {any} data - What it is going to print in the console **/ normalLog: ( => { for (const i of data) { process.stdout.write(util.format(i) + '\n'); writeLog(`${i}\n`); } }, }; if (logR) { let lr = logR.split(/[\\/]/gmi); lr.pop(); lr = lr.join("/"); if (!fs.existsSync(lr)) fs.mkdirSync(lr, {recursive: true}); if (options.keepLogs && fs.existsSync(logR)) fs.renameSync(logR, logR.substring(0, logR.lastIndexOf('.')) + "-" + new Date().toString().replace(/[ :]/g, "").substring(0, 20) + logR.substring(logR.lastIndexOf('.'))); fs.writeFileSync(logR, `---- [${moment().format(dateFormat)}] Run triggered ----\n`); const logFilesRead = fs.readdirSync(logR.substring(0, logR.lastIndexOf('/'))); if (logFilesRead.length > 10 && !options.ignoreLimits) { console.warn("Log limit of 10 files reached, deleting the oldest log file - if you want to ignore this warning set ignoreLimits param to true"); let fileStats = => { return fs.statSync(`./${lr}/${file}`).isFile() ? { path: `./${lr}/${file}`, stat: fs.statSync(`./${lr}/${file}`) } : null }); fileStats = fileStats.filter(file => file).sort((a, b) => a.stat.mtime - b.stat.mtime); fs.unlinkSync(fileStats[0].path); } } return true; };