/*! * Photo Sphere Viewer 5.11.1 * @copyright 2014-2015 Jérémy Heleine * @copyright 2015-2024 Damien "Mistic" Sorel * @licence MIT (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) */ "use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { AbstractAdapter: () => AbstractAdapter, AbstractButton: () => AbstractButton, AbstractComponent: () => AbstractComponent, AbstractConfigurablePlugin: () => AbstractConfigurablePlugin, AbstractPlugin: () => AbstractPlugin, CONSTANTS: () => constants_exports, Cache: () => Cache, DEFAULTS: () => DEFAULTS, DualFisheyeAdapter: () => DualFisheyeAdapter, EquirectangularAdapter: () => EquirectangularAdapter, PSVError: () => PSVError, SYSTEM: () => SYSTEM, TypedEvent: () => TypedEvent, VERSION: () => VERSION, Viewer: () => Viewer, events: () => events_exports, registerButton: () => registerButton, utils: () => utils_exports }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/data/constants.ts var constants_exports = {}; __export(constants_exports, { ACTIONS: () => ACTIONS, ANIMATION_MIN_DURATION: () => ANIMATION_MIN_DURATION, CAPTURE_EVENTS_CLASS: () => CAPTURE_EVENTS_CLASS, CTRLZOOM_TIMEOUT: () => CTRLZOOM_TIMEOUT, DBLCLICK_DELAY: () => DBLCLICK_DELAY, DEFAULT_TRANSITION: () => DEFAULT_TRANSITION, EASINGS: () => EASINGS, ICONS: () => ICONS, IDS: () => IDS, KEY_CODES: () => KEY_CODES, LONGTOUCH_DELAY: () => LONGTOUCH_DELAY, MOVE_THRESHOLD: () => MOVE_THRESHOLD, SPHERE_RADIUS: () => SPHERE_RADIUS, TWOFINGERSOVERLAY_DELAY: () => TWOFINGERSOVERLAY_DELAY, VIEWER_DATA: () => VIEWER_DATA }); // src/icons/arrow.svg var arrow_default = '\n'; // src/icons/close.svg var close_default = ''; // src/icons/download.svg var download_default = '\n'; // src/icons/fullscreen-in.svg var fullscreen_in_default = '\n'; // src/icons/fullscreen-out.svg var fullscreen_out_default = '\n'; // src/icons/info.svg var info_default = '\n'; // src/icons/menu.svg var menu_default = '\n'; // src/icons/zoom-in.svg var zoom_in_default = '\n'; // src/icons/zoom-out.svg var zoom_out_default = '\n'; // src/data/constants.ts var DEFAULT_TRANSITION = 1500; var ANIMATION_MIN_DURATION = 500; var MOVE_THRESHOLD = 4; var DBLCLICK_DELAY = 300; var LONGTOUCH_DELAY = 500; var TWOFINGERSOVERLAY_DELAY = 100; var CTRLZOOM_TIMEOUT = 2e3; var SPHERE_RADIUS = 10; var VIEWER_DATA = "photoSphereViewer"; var CAPTURE_EVENTS_CLASS = "psv--capture-event"; var ACTIONS = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ACTIONS2) => { ACTIONS2["ROTATE_UP"] = "ROTATE_UP"; ACTIONS2["ROTATE_DOWN"] = "ROTATE_DOWN"; ACTIONS2["ROTATE_RIGHT"] = "ROTATE_RIGHT"; ACTIONS2["ROTATE_LEFT"] = "ROTATE_LEFT"; ACTIONS2["ZOOM_IN"] = "ZOOM_IN"; ACTIONS2["ZOOM_OUT"] = "ZOOM_OUT"; return ACTIONS2; })(ACTIONS || {}); var IDS = { MENU: "menu", TWO_FINGERS: "twoFingers", CTRL_ZOOM: "ctrlZoom", ERROR: "error", DESCRIPTION: "description" }; var KEY_CODES = { Enter: "Enter", Control: "Control", Escape: "Escape", Space: " ", PageUp: "PageUp", PageDown: "PageDown", ArrowLeft: "ArrowLeft", ArrowUp: "ArrowUp", ArrowRight: "ArrowRight", ArrowDown: "ArrowDown", Delete: "Delete", Plus: "+", Minus: "-" }; var ICONS = { arrow: arrow_default, close: close_default, download: download_default, fullscreenIn: fullscreen_in_default, fullscreenOut: fullscreen_out_default, info: info_default, menu: menu_default, zoomIn: zoom_in_default, zoomOut: zoom_out_default }; var EASINGS = { linear: (t) => t, inQuad: (t) => t * t, outQuad: (t) => t * (2 - t), inOutQuad: (t) => t < 0.5 ? 2 * t * t : -1 + (4 - 2 * t) * t, inCubic: (t) => t * t * t, outCubic: (t) => --t * t * t + 1, inOutCubic: (t) => t < 0.5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1, inQuart: (t) => t * t * t * t, outQuart: (t) => 1 - --t * t * t * t, inOutQuart: (t) => t < 0.5 ? 8 * t * t * t * t : 1 - 8 * --t * t * t * t, inQuint: (t) => t * t * t * t * t, outQuint: (t) => 1 + --t * t * t * t * t, inOutQuint: (t) => t < 0.5 ? 16 * t * t * t * t * t : 1 + 16 * --t * t * t * t * t, inSine: (t) => 1 - Math.cos(t * (Math.PI / 2)), outSine: (t) => Math.sin(t * (Math.PI / 2)), inOutSine: (t) => 0.5 - 0.5 * Math.cos(Math.PI * t), inExpo: (t) => Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)), outExpo: (t) => 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t), inOutExpo: (t) => (t = t * 2 - 1) < 0 ? 0.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * t) : 1 - 0.5 * Math.pow(2, -10 * t), inCirc: (t) => 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t), outCirc: (t) => Math.sqrt(1 - (t - 1) * (t - 1)), inOutCirc: (t) => (t *= 2) < 1 ? 0.5 - 0.5 * Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) : 0.5 + 0.5 * Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) }; // src/utils/index.ts var utils_exports = {}; __export(utils_exports, { Animation: () => Animation, Dynamic: () => Dynamic, MultiDynamic: () => MultiDynamic, PressHandler: () => PressHandler, Slider: () => Slider, SliderDirection: () => SliderDirection, addClasses: () => addClasses, angle: () => angle, applyEulerInverse: () => applyEulerInverse, checkClosedShadowDom: () => checkClosedShadowDom, checkStylesheet: () => checkStylesheet, checkVersion: () => checkVersion, cleanCssPosition: () => cleanCssPosition, clone: () => clone, createTexture: () => createTexture, cssPositionIsOrdered: () => cssPositionIsOrdered, dasherize: () => dasherize, deepEqual: () => deepEqual, deepmerge: () => deepmerge, distance: () => distance, exitFullscreen: () => exitFullscreen, firstNonNull: () => firstNonNull, getAbortError: () => getAbortError, getAngle: () => getAngle, getClosest: () => getClosest, getConfigParser: () => getConfigParser, getElement: () => getElement, getEventTarget: () => getEventTarget, getMatchingTarget: () => getMatchingTarget, getPosition: () => getPosition, getShortestArc: () => getShortestArc, getStyleProperty: () => getStyleProperty, getTouchData: () => getTouchData, getXMPValue: () => getXMPValue, greatArcDistance: () => greatArcDistance, hasParent: () => hasParent, invertResolvableBoolean: () => invertResolvableBoolean, isAbortError: () => isAbortError, isEmpty: () => isEmpty, isExtendedPosition: () => isExtendedPosition, isFullscreenEnabled: () => isFullscreenEnabled, isNil: () => isNil, isPlainObject: () => isPlainObject, logWarn: () => logWarn, mergePanoData: () => mergePanoData, parseAngle: () => parseAngle, parsePoint: () => parsePoint, parseSpeed: () => parseSpeed, removeClasses: () => removeClasses, requestFullscreen: () => requestFullscreen, resolveBoolean: () => resolveBoolean, speedToDuration: () => speedToDuration, sum: () => sum, throttle: () => throttle, toggleClass: () => toggleClass, wrap: () => wrap }); // src/utils/math.ts function wrap(value, max) { let result = value % max; if (result < 0) { result += max; } return result; } function sum(array) { return array.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); } function distance(p1, p2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1.x - p2.x, 2) + Math.pow(p1.y - p2.y, 2)); } function angle(p1, p2) { return Math.atan2(p2.y - p1.y, p2.x - p1.x); } function getShortestArc(from, to) { const candidates = [ 0, // direct Math.PI * 2, // clock-wise cross zero -Math.PI * 2 // counter-clock-wise cross zero ]; return candidates.reduce((value, candidate) => { const newCandidate = to - from + candidate; return Math.abs(newCandidate) < Math.abs(value) ? newCandidate : value; }, Infinity); } function getAngle(position1, position2) { return Math.acos( Math.cos(position1.pitch) * Math.cos(position2.pitch) * Math.cos(position1.yaw - position2.yaw) + Math.sin(position1.pitch) * Math.sin(position2.pitch) ); } function greatArcDistance([yaw1, pitch1], [yaw2, pitch2]) { if (yaw1 - yaw2 > Math.PI) { yaw1 -= 2 * Math.PI; } else if (yaw1 - yaw2 < -Math.PI) { yaw1 += 2 * Math.PI; } const x = (yaw2 - yaw1) * Math.cos((pitch1 + pitch2) / 2); const y = pitch2 - pitch1; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); } // src/utils/browser.ts function getElement(selector) { if (typeof selector === "string") { return selector.match(/^[a-z]/i) ? document.getElementById(selector) : document.querySelector(selector); } else { return selector; } } function toggleClass(element, className, active) { if (active === void 0) { element.classList.toggle(className); } else if (active) { element.classList.add(className); } else if (!active) { element.classList.remove(className); } } function addClasses(element, className) { element.classList.add(...className.split(" ").filter((c) => !!c)); } function removeClasses(element, className) { element.classList.remove(...className.split(" ").filter((c) => !!c)); } function hasParent(el, parent) { let test = el; do { if (test === parent) { return true; } test = test.parentElement; } while (test); return false; } function getClosest(el, selector) { if (!el?.matches) { return null; } let test = el; do { if (test.matches(selector)) { return test; } test = test.parentElement; } while (test); return null; } function getEventTarget(e) { return e?.composedPath()[0] || null; } function getMatchingTarget(e, selector) { if (!e) { return null; } return e.composedPath().find((el) => { if (!(el instanceof HTMLElement) && !(el instanceof SVGElement)) { return false; } return el.matches(selector); }); } function getPosition(el) { let x = 0; let y = 0; let test = el; while (test) { x += test.offsetLeft - test.scrollLeft + test.clientLeft; y += test.offsetTop - test.scrollTop + test.clientTop; test = test.offsetParent; } x -= window.scrollX; y -= window.scrollY; return { x, y }; } function getStyleProperty(elt, varname) { return window.getComputedStyle(elt).getPropertyValue(varname); } function getTouchData(e) { if (e.touches.length < 2) { return null; } const p1 = { x: e.touches[0].clientX, y: e.touches[0].clientY }; const p2 = { x: e.touches[1].clientX, y: e.touches[1].clientY }; return { distance: distance(p1, p2), angle: angle(p1, p2), center: { x: (p1.x + p2.x) / 2, y: (p1.y + p2.y) / 2 } }; } var fullscreenElement; function isFullscreenEnabled(elt, isIphone = false) { if (isIphone) { return elt === fullscreenElement; } else { return document.fullscreenElement === elt; } } function requestFullscreen(elt, isIphone = false) { if (isIphone) { fullscreenElement = elt; elt.classList.add("psv-fullscreen-emulation"); document.dispatchEvent(new Event("fullscreenchange")); } else { elt.requestFullscreen(); } } function exitFullscreen(isIphone = false) { if (isIphone) { fullscreenElement.classList.remove("psv-fullscreen-emulation"); fullscreenElement = null; document.dispatchEvent(new Event("fullscreenchange")); } else { document.exitFullscreen(); } } // src/utils/misc.ts function dasherize(str) { return str.replace(/[A-Z](?:(?=[^A-Z])|[A-Z]*(?=[A-Z][^A-Z]|$))/g, (s, i) => { return (i > 0 ? "-" : "") + s.toLowerCase(); }); } function throttle(callback, wait) { let paused = false; return function(...args) { if (!paused) { paused = true; setTimeout(() => { callback.apply(this, args); paused = false; }, wait); } }; } function isPlainObject(value) { if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null || Object.prototype.toString.call(value) !== "[object Object]") { return false; } if (Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === null) { return true; } let proto = value; while (Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) !== null) { proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); } return Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === proto; } function deepmerge(target, src) { const first = src; return function merge(target2, src2) { if (Array.isArray(src2)) { if (!target2 || !Array.isArray(target2)) { target2 = []; } else { target2.length = 0; } src2.forEach((e, i) => { target2[i] = merge(null, e); }); } else if (typeof src2 === "object") { if (!target2 || Array.isArray(target2)) { target2 = {}; } Object.keys(src2).forEach((key) => { if (typeof src2[key] !== "object" || !src2[key] || !isPlainObject(src2[key])) { target2[key] = src2[key]; } else if (src2[key] !== first) { if (!target2[key]) { target2[key] = merge(null, src2[key]); } else { merge(target2[key], src2[key]); } } }); } else { target2 = src2; } return target2; }(target, src); } function clone(src) { return deepmerge(null, src); } function isEmpty(obj) { return !obj || Object.keys(obj).length === 0 && obj.constructor === Object; } function isNil(val) { return val === null || val === void 0; } function firstNonNull(...values) { for (const val of values) { if (!isNil(val)) { return val; } } return null; } function deepEqual(obj1, obj2) { if (obj1 === obj2) { return true; } else if (isObject(obj1) && isObject(obj2)) { if (Object.keys(obj1).length !== Object.keys(obj2).length) { return false; } for (const prop of Object.keys(obj1)) { if (!deepEqual(obj1[prop], obj2[prop])) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } } function isObject(obj) { return typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null; } // src/utils/psv.ts var import_three = require("three"); // src/PSVError.ts var PSVError = class _PSVError extends Error { constructor(message, reason) { super(reason && reason instanceof Error ? `${message}: ${reason.message}` : message); this.name = "PSVError"; Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, _PSVError); } }; // src/utils/psv.ts function resolveBoolean(value, cb) { if (isPlainObject(value)) { cb(value.initial, true); value.promise.then((res) => cb(res, false)); } else { cb(value, true); } } function invertResolvableBoolean(value) { return { initial: !value.initial, promise: value.promise.then((res) => !res) }; } function getAbortError() { const error = new Error("Loading was aborted."); error.name = "AbortError"; return error; } function isAbortError(err) { return err?.name === "AbortError"; } function logWarn(message) { console.warn(`PhotoSphereViewer: ${message}`); } function isExtendedPosition(object) { if (!object || Array.isArray(object)) { return false; } return [ ["textureX", "textureY"], ["yaw", "pitch"] ].some(([key1, key2]) => { return object[key1] !== void 0 && object[key2] !== void 0; }); } function getXMPValue(data, attr, intVal = true) { let result = data.match("(.*)"); if (result !== null) { const val = intVal ? parseInt(result[1], 10) : parseFloat(result[1]); return isNaN(val) ? null : val; } result = data.match("GPano:" + attr + '="(.*?)"'); if (result !== null) { const val = intVal ? parseInt(result[1], 10) : parseFloat(result[1]); return isNaN(val) ? null : val; } return null; } var CSS_POSITIONS = { top: "0%", bottom: "100%", left: "0%", right: "100%", center: "50%" }; var X_VALUES = ["left", "center", "right"]; var Y_VALUES = ["top", "center", "bottom"]; var POS_VALUES = [...X_VALUES, ...Y_VALUES]; var CENTER = "center"; function parsePoint(value) { if (!value) { return { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }; } if (typeof value === "object") { return value; } let tokens = value.toLocaleLowerCase().split(" ").slice(0, 2); if (tokens.length === 1) { if (CSS_POSITIONS[tokens[0]]) { tokens = [tokens[0], CENTER]; } else { tokens = [tokens[0], tokens[0]]; } } const xFirst = tokens[1] !== "left" && tokens[1] !== "right" && tokens[0] !== "top" && tokens[0] !== "bottom"; tokens = tokens.map((token) => CSS_POSITIONS[token] || token); if (!xFirst) { tokens.reverse(); } const parsed = tokens.join(" ").match(/^([0-9.]+)% ([0-9.]+)%$/); if (parsed) { return { x: parseFloat(parsed[1]) / 100, y: parseFloat(parsed[2]) / 100 }; } else { return { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }; } } function cleanCssPosition(value, { allowCenter, cssOrder } = { allowCenter: true, cssOrder: true }) { if (!value) { return null; } if (typeof value === "string") { value = value.split(" "); } if (value.length === 1) { if (value[0] === CENTER) { value = [CENTER, CENTER]; } else if (X_VALUES.indexOf(value[0]) !== -1) { value = [CENTER, value[0]]; } else if (Y_VALUES.indexOf(value[0]) !== -1) { value = [value[0], CENTER]; } } if (value.length !== 2 || POS_VALUES.indexOf(value[0]) === -1 || POS_VALUES.indexOf(value[1]) === -1) { logWarn(`Unparsable position ${value}`); return null; } if (!allowCenter && value[0] === CENTER && value[1] === CENTER) { logWarn(`Invalid position center center`); return null; } if (cssOrder && !cssPositionIsOrdered(value)) { value = [value[1], value[0]]; } if (value[1] === CENTER && X_VALUES.indexOf(value[0]) !== -1) { value = [CENTER, value[0]]; } if (value[0] === CENTER && Y_VALUES.indexOf(value[1]) !== -1) { value = [value[1], CENTER]; } return value; } function cssPositionIsOrdered(value) { return Y_VALUES.indexOf(value[0]) !== -1 && X_VALUES.indexOf(value[1]) !== -1; } function parseSpeed(speed) { let parsed; if (typeof speed === "string") { const speedStr = speed.toString().trim(); let speedValue = parseFloat(speedStr.replace(/^(-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?).*$/, "$1")); const speedUnit = speedStr.replace(/^-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(.*)$/, "$1").trim(); if (speedUnit.match(/(pm|per minute)$/)) { speedValue /= 60; } switch (speedUnit) { case "dpm": case "degrees per minute": case "dps": case "degrees per second": parsed = import_three.MathUtils.degToRad(speedValue); break; case "rdpm": case "radians per minute": case "rdps": case "radians per second": parsed = speedValue; break; case "rpm": case "revolutions per minute": case "rps": case "revolutions per second": parsed = speedValue * Math.PI * 2; break; default: throw new PSVError(`Unknown speed unit "${speedUnit}"`); } } else { parsed = speed; } return parsed; } function speedToDuration(value, angle2) { if (typeof value !== "number") { const speed = parseSpeed(value); return angle2 / Math.abs(speed) * 1e3; } else { return Math.abs(value); } } function parseAngle(angle2, zeroCenter = false, halfCircle = zeroCenter) { let parsed; if (typeof angle2 === "string") { const match = angle2.toLowerCase().trim().match(/^(-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)(.*)$/); if (!match) { throw new PSVError(`Unknown angle "${angle2}"`); } const value = parseFloat(match[1]); const unit = match[2]; if (unit) { switch (unit) { case "deg": case "degs": parsed = import_three.MathUtils.degToRad(value); break; case "rad": case "rads": parsed = value; break; default: throw new PSVError(`Unknown angle unit "${unit}"`); } } else { parsed = value; } } else if (typeof angle2 === "number" && !isNaN(angle2)) { parsed = angle2; } else { throw new PSVError(`Unknown angle "${angle2}"`); } parsed = wrap(zeroCenter ? parsed + Math.PI : parsed, Math.PI * 2); return zeroCenter ? import_three.MathUtils.clamp(parsed - Math.PI, -Math.PI / (halfCircle ? 2 : 1), Math.PI / (halfCircle ? 2 : 1)) : parsed; } function createTexture(img, mimaps = false) { const texture = new import_three.Texture(img); texture.needsUpdate = true; texture.minFilter = mimaps ? import_three.LinearMipmapLinearFilter : import_three.LinearFilter; texture.generateMipmaps = mimaps; texture.anisotropy = mimaps ? 2 : 1; return texture; } var quaternion = new import_three.Quaternion(); function applyEulerInverse(vector, euler) { quaternion.setFromEuler(euler).invert(); vector.applyQuaternion(quaternion); } function getConfigParser(defaults, parsers) { const parser = function(userConfig) { const rawConfig = clone({ ...defaults, ...userConfig }); const config = {}; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(rawConfig)) { if (parsers && key in parsers) { value = parsers[key](value, { rawConfig, defValue: defaults[key] }); } else if (!(key in defaults)) { logWarn(`Unknown option ${key}`); continue; } config[key] = value; } return config; }; parser.defaults = defaults; parser.parsers = parsers || {}; return parser; } function checkStylesheet(element, name) { if (getStyleProperty(element, `--psv-${name}-loaded`) !== "true") { console.error(`PhotoSphereViewer: stylesheet "@photo-sphere-viewer/${name}/index.css" is not loaded`); } } function checkVersion(name, version, coreVersion) { if (version && version !== coreVersion) { console.error(`PhotoSphereViewer: @photo-sphere-viewer/${name} is in version ${version} but @photo-sphere-viewer/core is in version ${coreVersion}`); } } function checkClosedShadowDom(el) { do { if (el instanceof ShadowRoot && el.mode === "closed") { console.error(`PhotoSphereViewer: closed shadow DOM detected, the viewer might not work as expected`); return; } el = el.parentNode; } while (el); } function mergePanoData(width, height, newPanoData, xmpPanoData) { if (!newPanoData && !xmpPanoData) { const fullWidth = Math.max(width, height * 2); const fullHeight = Math.round(fullWidth / 2); const croppedX = Math.round((fullWidth - width) / 2); const croppedY = Math.round((fullHeight - height) / 2); newPanoData = { fullWidth, fullHeight, croppedWidth: width, croppedHeight: height, croppedX, croppedY }; } const panoData = { isEquirectangular: true, fullWidth: firstNonNull(newPanoData?.fullWidth, xmpPanoData?.fullWidth), fullHeight: firstNonNull(newPanoData?.fullHeight, xmpPanoData?.fullHeight), croppedWidth: firstNonNull(newPanoData?.croppedWidth, xmpPanoData?.croppedWidth, width), croppedHeight: firstNonNull(newPanoData?.croppedHeight, xmpPanoData?.croppedHeight, height), croppedX: firstNonNull(newPanoData?.croppedX, xmpPanoData?.croppedX, 0), croppedY: firstNonNull(newPanoData?.croppedY, xmpPanoData?.croppedY, 0), poseHeading: firstNonNull(newPanoData?.poseHeading, xmpPanoData?.poseHeading, 0), posePitch: firstNonNull(newPanoData?.posePitch, xmpPanoData?.posePitch, 0), poseRoll: firstNonNull(newPanoData?.poseRoll, xmpPanoData?.poseRoll, 0), initialHeading: xmpPanoData?.initialHeading, initialPitch: xmpPanoData?.initialPitch, initialFov: xmpPanoData?.initialFov }; if (!panoData.fullWidth && panoData.fullHeight) { panoData.fullWidth = panoData.fullHeight * 2; } else if (!panoData.fullWidth || !panoData.fullHeight) { panoData.fullWidth = panoData.fullWidth ?? width; panoData.fullHeight = panoData.fullHeight ?? height; } if (panoData.croppedWidth !== width || panoData.croppedHeight !== height) { logWarn(`Invalid panoData, croppedWidth/croppedHeight is not coherent with the loaded image. panoData: ${panoData.croppedWidth}x${panoData.croppedHeight}, image: ${width}x${height}`); } if (Math.abs(panoData.fullWidth - panoData.fullHeight * 2) > 1) { logWarn("Invalid panoData, fullWidth should be twice fullHeight"); panoData.fullHeight = Math.round(panoData.fullWidth / 2); } if (panoData.croppedX + panoData.croppedWidth > panoData.fullWidth) { logWarn("Invalid panoData, croppedX + croppedWidth > fullWidth"); panoData.croppedX = panoData.fullWidth - panoData.croppedWidth; } if (panoData.croppedY + panoData.croppedHeight > panoData.fullHeight) { logWarn("Invalid panoData, croppedY + croppedHeight > fullHeight"); panoData.croppedY = panoData.fullHeight - panoData.croppedHeight; } if (panoData.croppedX < 0) { logWarn("Invalid panoData, croppedX < 0"); panoData.croppedX = 0; } if (panoData.croppedY < 0) { logWarn("Invalid panoData, croppedY < 0"); panoData.croppedY = 0; } return panoData; } // src/utils/Animation.ts var Animation = class { constructor(options) { this.easing = EASINGS["linear"]; this.callbacks = []; this.resolved = false; this.cancelled = false; this.options = options; if (options) { if (options.easing) { this.easing = typeof options.easing === "function" ? options.easing : EASINGS[options.easing] || EASINGS["linear"]; } this.delayTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.delayTimeout = void 0; this.animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame((t) => this.__run(t)); }, options.delay || 0); } else { this.resolved = true; } } __run(timestamp) { if (this.cancelled) { return; } if (!this.start) { this.start = timestamp; } const progress = (timestamp - this.start) / this.options.duration; const current = {}; if (progress < 1) { for (const [name, prop] of Object.entries(this.options.properties)) { if (prop) { const value = prop.start + (prop.end - prop.start) * this.easing(progress); current[name] = value; } } this.options.onTick(current, progress); this.animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame((t) => this.__run(t)); } else { for (const [name, prop] of Object.entries(this.options.properties)) { if (prop) { current[name] = prop.end; } } this.options.onTick(current, 1); this.__resolve(true); this.animationFrame = void 0; } } __resolve(value) { if (value) { this.resolved = true; } else { this.cancelled = true; } this.callbacks.forEach((cb) => cb(value)); this.callbacks.length = 0; } /** * Promise chaining * @param [onFulfilled] - Called when the animation is complete (true) or cancelled (false) */ then(onFulfilled) { if (this.resolved || this.cancelled) { return Promise.resolve(this.resolved).then(onFulfilled); } return new Promise((resolve) => { this.callbacks.push(resolve); }).then(onFulfilled); } /** * Cancels the animation */ cancel() { if (!this.cancelled && !this.resolved) { this.__resolve(false); if (this.delayTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(this.delayTimeout); this.delayTimeout = void 0; } if (this.animationFrame) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.animationFrame); this.animationFrame = void 0; } } } }; // src/utils/Dynamic.ts var import_three2 = require("three"); var Dynamic = class { constructor(fn, config) { this.fn = fn; this.mode = 0 /* STOP */; this.speed = 0; this.speedMult = 0; this.currentSpeed = 0; this.target = 0; this.__current = 0; this.min = config.min; this.max = config.max; this.wrap = config.wrap; this.current = config.defaultValue; if (this.wrap && this.min !== 0) { throw new PSVError("invalid config"); } if (this.fn) { this.fn(this.current); } } get current() { return this.__current; } set current(current) { this.__current = current; } /** * Changes base speed */ setSpeed(speed) { this.speed = speed; } /** * Defines the target position */ goto(position, speedMult = 1) { this.mode = 2 /* POSITION */; this.target = this.wrap ? wrap(position, this.max) : import_three2.MathUtils.clamp(position, this.min, this.max); this.speedMult = speedMult; } /** * Increases/decreases the target position */ step(step, speedMult = 1) { if (speedMult === 0) { this.setValue(this.current + step); } else { if (this.mode !== 2 /* POSITION */) { this.target = this.current; } this.goto(this.target + step, speedMult); } } /** * Starts infinite movement */ roll(invert = false, speedMult = 1) { this.mode = 1 /* INFINITE */; this.target = invert ? -Infinity : Infinity; this.speedMult = speedMult; } /** * Stops movement */ stop() { this.mode = 0 /* STOP */; } /** * Defines the current position and immediately stops movement * @param {number} value */ setValue(value) { this.target = this.wrap ? wrap(value, this.max) : import_three2.MathUtils.clamp(value, this.min, this.max); this.mode = 0 /* STOP */; this.currentSpeed = 0; if (this.target !== this.current) { this.current = this.target; if (this.fn) { this.fn(this.current); } return true; } return false; } /** * @internal */ update(elapsed) { if (this.mode === 2 /* POSITION */) { if (this.wrap && Math.abs(this.target - this.current) > this.max / 2) { this.current = this.current < this.target ? this.current + this.max : this.current - this.max; } const dstStop = this.currentSpeed * this.currentSpeed / (this.speed * this.speedMult * 4); if (Math.abs(this.target - this.current) <= dstStop) { this.mode = 0 /* STOP */; } } let targetSpeed = this.mode === 0 /* STOP */ ? 0 : this.speed * this.speedMult; if (this.target < this.current) { targetSpeed = -targetSpeed; } if (this.currentSpeed < targetSpeed) { this.currentSpeed = Math.min( targetSpeed, this.currentSpeed + elapsed / 1e3 * this.speed * this.speedMult * 2 ); } else if (this.currentSpeed > targetSpeed) { this.currentSpeed = Math.max( targetSpeed, this.currentSpeed - elapsed / 1e3 * this.speed * this.speedMult * 2 ); } let next = null; if (this.current > this.target && this.currentSpeed) { next = Math.max(this.target, this.current + this.currentSpeed * elapsed / 1e3); } else if (this.current < this.target && this.currentSpeed) { next = Math.min(this.target, this.current + this.currentSpeed * elapsed / 1e3); } if (next !== null) { next = this.wrap ? wrap(next, this.max) : import_three2.MathUtils.clamp(next, this.min, this.max); if (next !== this.current) { this.current = next; if (this.fn) { this.fn(this.current); } return true; } } return false; } }; // src/utils/MultiDynamic.ts var MultiDynamic = class { constructor(fn, dynamics) { this.fn = fn; this.dynamics = dynamics; if (this.fn) { this.fn(this.current); } } get current() { return Object.entries(this.dynamics).reduce( (values, [name, dynamic]) => { values[name] = dynamic.current; return values; }, {} ); } /** * Changes base speed */ setSpeed(speed) { for (const d of Object.values(this.dynamics)) { d.setSpeed(speed); } } /** * Defines the target positions */ goto(positions, speedMult = 1) { for (const [name, position] of Object.entries(positions)) { this.dynamics[name].goto(position, speedMult); } } /** * Increase/decrease the target positions */ step(steps, speedMult = 1) { if (speedMult === 0) { this.setValue( Object.keys(steps).reduce( (values, name) => { values[name] = steps[name] + this.dynamics[name].current; return values; }, {} ) ); } else { for (const [name, step] of Object.entries(steps)) { this.dynamics[name].step(step, speedMult); } } } /** * Starts infinite movements */ roll(rolls, speedMult = 1) { for (const [name, roll] of Object.entries(rolls)) { this.dynamics[name].roll(roll, speedMult); } } /** * Stops movements */ stop() { for (const d of Object.values(this.dynamics)) { d.stop(); } } /** * Defines the current positions and immediately stops movements */ setValue(values) { let hasUpdates = false; for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(values)) { hasUpdates = this.dynamics[name].setValue(value) || hasUpdates; } if (hasUpdates && this.fn) { this.fn(this.current); } return hasUpdates; } /** * @internal */ update(elapsed) { let hasUpdates = false; for (const d of Object.values(this.dynamics)) { hasUpdates = d.update(elapsed) || hasUpdates; } if (hasUpdates && this.fn) { this.fn(this.current); } return hasUpdates; } }; // src/utils/PressHandler.ts var PressHandler = class { constructor(delay = 200) { this.delay = delay; this.time = 0; this.delay = delay; } get pending() { return this.time !== 0; } down(data) { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = void 0; } this.time = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(); this.data = data; } up(cb) { if (!this.time) { return; } const elapsed = Date.now() - this.time; if (elapsed < this.delay) { this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { cb(this.data); this.timeout = void 0; this.time = 0; this.data = void 0; }, this.delay); } else { cb(this.data); this.time = 0; this.data = void 0; } } }; // src/utils/Slider.ts var import_three3 = require("three"); var SliderDirection = /* @__PURE__ */ ((SliderDirection2) => { SliderDirection2["VERTICAL"] = "VERTICAL"; SliderDirection2["HORIZONTAL"] = "HORIZONTAL"; return SliderDirection2; })(SliderDirection || {}); var Slider = class { constructor(container, direction, listener) { this.container = container; this.direction = direction; this.listener = listener; this.mousedown = false; this.mouseover = false; this.container.addEventListener("click", this); this.container.addEventListener("mousedown", this); this.container.addEventListener("mouseenter", this); this.container.addEventListener("mouseleave", this); this.container.addEventListener("touchstart", this); this.container.addEventListener("mousemove", this, true); this.container.addEventListener("touchmove", this, true); window.addEventListener("mouseup", this); window.addEventListener("touchend", this); } get isVertical() { return this.direction === "VERTICAL" /* VERTICAL */; } get isHorizontal() { return this.direction === "HORIZONTAL" /* HORIZONTAL */; } destroy() { window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this); window.removeEventListener("touchend", this); } /** * @internal */ handleEvent(e) { switch (e.type) { case "click": e.stopPropagation(); break; case "mousedown": this.__onMouseDown(e); break; case "mouseenter": this.__onMouseEnter(e); break; case "mouseleave": this.__onMouseLeave(e); break; case "touchstart": this.__onTouchStart(e); break; case "mousemove": this.__onMouseMove(e); break; case "touchmove": this.__onTouchMove(e); break; case "mouseup": this.__onMouseUp(e); break; case "touchend": this.__onTouchEnd(e); break; } } __onMouseDown(evt) { this.mousedown = true; this.__update(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, true); } __onMouseEnter(evt) { this.mouseover = true; this.__update(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, true); } __onTouchStart(evt) { this.mouseover = true; this.mousedown = true; const touch = evt.changedTouches[0]; this.__update(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, true); } __onMouseMove(evt) { if (this.mousedown || this.mouseover) { evt.stopPropagation(); this.__update(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, true); } } __onTouchMove(evt) { if (this.mousedown || this.mouseover) { evt.stopPropagation(); const touch = evt.changedTouches[0]; this.__update(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, true); } } __onMouseUp(evt) { if (this.mousedown) { this.mousedown = false; this.__update(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, false); } } __onMouseLeave(evt) { if (this.mouseover) { this.mouseover = false; this.__update(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, true); } } __onTouchEnd(evt) { if (this.mousedown) { this.mouseover = false; this.mousedown = false; const touch = evt.changedTouches[0]; this.__update(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, false); } } __update(clientX, clientY, moving) { const boundingClientRect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect(); let val; if (this.isVertical) { val = import_three3.MathUtils.clamp((boundingClientRect.bottom - clientY) / boundingClientRect.height, 0, 1); } else { val = import_three3.MathUtils.clamp((clientX - boundingClientRect.left) / boundingClientRect.width, 0, 1); } this.listener({ value: val, click: !moving, mousedown: this.mousedown, mouseover: this.mouseover, cursor: { clientX, clientY } }); } }; // src/events.ts var events_exports = {}; __export(events_exports, { BeforeAnimateEvent: () => BeforeAnimateEvent, BeforeRenderEvent: () => BeforeRenderEvent, BeforeRotateEvent: () => BeforeRotateEvent, ClickEvent: () => ClickEvent, ConfigChangedEvent: () => ConfigChangedEvent, DoubleClickEvent: () => DoubleClickEvent, FullscreenEvent: () => FullscreenEvent, HideNotificationEvent: () => HideNotificationEvent, HideOverlayEvent: () => HideOverlayEvent, HidePanelEvent: () => HidePanelEvent, HideTooltipEvent: () => HideTooltipEvent, KeypressEvent: () => KeypressEvent, LoadProgressEvent: () => LoadProgressEvent, ObjectEnterEvent: () => ObjectEnterEvent, ObjectEvent: () => ObjectEvent, ObjectHoverEvent: () => ObjectHoverEvent, ObjectLeaveEvent: () => ObjectLeaveEvent, PanoramaErrorEvent: () => PanoramaErrorEvent, PanoramaLoadEvent: () => PanoramaLoadEvent, PanoramaLoadedEvent: () => PanoramaLoadedEvent, PositionUpdatedEvent: () => PositionUpdatedEvent, ReadyEvent: () => ReadyEvent, RenderEvent: () => RenderEvent, RollUpdatedEvent: () => RollUpdatedEvent, ShowNotificationEvent: () => ShowNotificationEvent, ShowOverlayEvent: () => ShowOverlayEvent, ShowPanelEvent: () => ShowPanelEvent, ShowTooltipEvent: () => ShowTooltipEvent, SizeUpdatedEvent: () => SizeUpdatedEvent, StopAllEvent: () => StopAllEvent, TransitionDoneEvent: () => TransitionDoneEvent, ViewerEvent: () => ViewerEvent, ZoomUpdatedEvent: () => ZoomUpdatedEvent }); // src/lib/TypedEventTarget.ts var TypedEvent = class extends Event { constructor(type, cancelable = false) { super(type, { cancelable }); } }; var TypedEventTarget = class extends EventTarget { dispatchEvent(e) { return super.dispatchEvent(e); } /** * @template T the name of event * @template E the class of the event */ addEventListener(type, callback, options) { super.addEventListener(type, callback, options); } /** * @template T the name of event * @template E the class of the event */ removeEventListener(type, callback, options) { super.removeEventListener(type, callback, options); } }; // src/events.ts var ViewerEvent = class extends TypedEvent { }; var _BeforeAnimateEvent = class _BeforeAnimateEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(position, zoomLevel) { super(_BeforeAnimateEvent.type, true); this.position = position; this.zoomLevel = zoomLevel; } }; _BeforeAnimateEvent.type = "before-animate"; var BeforeAnimateEvent = _BeforeAnimateEvent; var _BeforeRenderEvent = class _BeforeRenderEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(timestamp, elapsed) { super(_BeforeRenderEvent.type); this.timestamp = timestamp; this.elapsed = elapsed; } }; _BeforeRenderEvent.type = "before-render"; var BeforeRenderEvent = _BeforeRenderEvent; var _BeforeRotateEvent = class _BeforeRotateEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(position) { super(_BeforeRotateEvent.type, true); this.position = position; } }; _BeforeRotateEvent.type = "before-rotate"; var BeforeRotateEvent = _BeforeRotateEvent; var _ClickEvent = class _ClickEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(data) { super(_ClickEvent.type); this.data = data; } }; _ClickEvent.type = "click"; var ClickEvent = _ClickEvent; var _ConfigChangedEvent = class _ConfigChangedEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(options) { super(_ConfigChangedEvent.type); this.options = options; } /** * Checks if at least one of the `options` has been modified */ containsOptions(...options) { return options.some((option) => this.options.includes(option)); } }; _ConfigChangedEvent.type = "config-changed"; var ConfigChangedEvent = _ConfigChangedEvent; var _DoubleClickEvent = class _DoubleClickEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(data) { super(_DoubleClickEvent.type); this.data = data; } }; _DoubleClickEvent.type = "dblclick"; var DoubleClickEvent = _DoubleClickEvent; var _FullscreenEvent = class _FullscreenEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(fullscreenEnabled) { super(_FullscreenEvent.type); this.fullscreenEnabled = fullscreenEnabled; } }; _FullscreenEvent.type = "fullscreen"; var FullscreenEvent = _FullscreenEvent; var _HideNotificationEvent = class _HideNotificationEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(notificationId) { super(_HideNotificationEvent.type); this.notificationId = notificationId; } }; _HideNotificationEvent.type = "hide-notification"; var HideNotificationEvent = _HideNotificationEvent; var _HideOverlayEvent = class _HideOverlayEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(overlayId) { super(_HideOverlayEvent.type); this.overlayId = overlayId; } }; _HideOverlayEvent.type = "hide-overlay"; var HideOverlayEvent = _HideOverlayEvent; var _HidePanelEvent = class _HidePanelEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(panelId) { super(_HidePanelEvent.type); this.panelId = panelId; } }; _HidePanelEvent.type = "hide-panel"; var HidePanelEvent = _HidePanelEvent; var _HideTooltipEvent = class _HideTooltipEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(tooltipData) { super(_HideTooltipEvent.type); this.tooltipData = tooltipData; } }; _HideTooltipEvent.type = "hide-tooltip"; var HideTooltipEvent = _HideTooltipEvent; var _KeypressEvent = class _KeypressEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(key, originalEvent) { super(_KeypressEvent.type, true); this.key = key; this.originalEvent = originalEvent; } }; _KeypressEvent.type = "key-press"; var KeypressEvent = _KeypressEvent; var _LoadProgressEvent = class _LoadProgressEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(progress) { super(_LoadProgressEvent.type); this.progress = progress; } }; _LoadProgressEvent.type = "load-progress"; var LoadProgressEvent = _LoadProgressEvent; var _PanoramaLoadEvent = class _PanoramaLoadEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(panorama) { super(_PanoramaLoadEvent.type); this.panorama = panorama; } }; _PanoramaLoadEvent.type = "panorama-load"; var PanoramaLoadEvent = _PanoramaLoadEvent; var _PanoramaLoadedEvent = class _PanoramaLoadedEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(data) { super(_PanoramaLoadedEvent.type); this.data = data; } }; _PanoramaLoadedEvent.type = "panorama-loaded"; var PanoramaLoadedEvent = _PanoramaLoadedEvent; var _PanoramaErrorEvent = class _PanoramaErrorEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(panorama, error) { super(_PanoramaErrorEvent.type); this.panorama = panorama; this.error = error; } }; _PanoramaErrorEvent.type = "panorama-error"; var PanoramaErrorEvent = _PanoramaErrorEvent; var _TransitionDoneEvent = class _TransitionDoneEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(completed) { super(_TransitionDoneEvent.type); this.completed = completed; } }; _TransitionDoneEvent.type = "transition-done"; var TransitionDoneEvent = _TransitionDoneEvent; var _PositionUpdatedEvent = class _PositionUpdatedEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(position) { super(_PositionUpdatedEvent.type); this.position = position; } }; _PositionUpdatedEvent.type = "position-updated"; var PositionUpdatedEvent = _PositionUpdatedEvent; var _RollUpdatedEvent = class _RollUpdatedEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(roll) { super(_RollUpdatedEvent.type); this.roll = roll; } }; _RollUpdatedEvent.type = "roll-updated"; var RollUpdatedEvent = _RollUpdatedEvent; var _ReadyEvent = class _ReadyEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor() { super(_ReadyEvent.type); } }; _ReadyEvent.type = "ready"; var ReadyEvent = _ReadyEvent; var _RenderEvent = class _RenderEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor() { super(_RenderEvent.type); } }; _RenderEvent.type = "render"; var RenderEvent = _RenderEvent; var _ShowNotificationEvent = class _ShowNotificationEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(notificationId) { super(_ShowNotificationEvent.type); this.notificationId = notificationId; } }; _ShowNotificationEvent.type = "show-notification"; var ShowNotificationEvent = _ShowNotificationEvent; var _ShowOverlayEvent = class _ShowOverlayEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(overlayId) { super(_ShowOverlayEvent.type); this.overlayId = overlayId; } }; _ShowOverlayEvent.type = "show-overlay"; var ShowOverlayEvent = _ShowOverlayEvent; var _ShowPanelEvent = class _ShowPanelEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(panelId) { super(_ShowPanelEvent.type); this.panelId = panelId; } }; _ShowPanelEvent.type = "show-panel"; var ShowPanelEvent = _ShowPanelEvent; var _ShowTooltipEvent = class _ShowTooltipEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(tooltip, tooltipData) { super(_ShowTooltipEvent.type); this.tooltip = tooltip; this.tooltipData = tooltipData; } }; _ShowTooltipEvent.type = "show-tooltip"; var ShowTooltipEvent = _ShowTooltipEvent; var _SizeUpdatedEvent = class _SizeUpdatedEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(size) { super(_SizeUpdatedEvent.type); this.size = size; } }; _SizeUpdatedEvent.type = "size-updated"; var SizeUpdatedEvent = _SizeUpdatedEvent; var _StopAllEvent = class _StopAllEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor() { super(_StopAllEvent.type); } }; _StopAllEvent.type = "stop-all"; var StopAllEvent = _StopAllEvent; var _ZoomUpdatedEvent = class _ZoomUpdatedEvent extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(zoomLevel) { super(_ZoomUpdatedEvent.type); this.zoomLevel = zoomLevel; } }; _ZoomUpdatedEvent.type = "zoom-updated"; var ZoomUpdatedEvent = _ZoomUpdatedEvent; var ObjectEvent = class extends ViewerEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(type, originalEvent, object, viewerPoint, userDataKey) { super(type); this.originalEvent = originalEvent; this.object = object; this.viewerPoint = viewerPoint; this.userDataKey = userDataKey; } }; var _ObjectEnterEvent = class _ObjectEnterEvent extends ObjectEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(originalEvent, object, viewerPoint, userDataKey) { super(_ObjectEnterEvent.type, originalEvent, object, viewerPoint, userDataKey); } }; _ObjectEnterEvent.type = "enter-object"; var ObjectEnterEvent = _ObjectEnterEvent; var _ObjectLeaveEvent = class _ObjectLeaveEvent extends ObjectEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(originalEvent, object, viewerPoint, userDataKey) { super(_ObjectLeaveEvent.type, originalEvent, object, viewerPoint, userDataKey); } }; _ObjectLeaveEvent.type = "leave-object"; var ObjectLeaveEvent = _ObjectLeaveEvent; var _ObjectHoverEvent = class _ObjectHoverEvent extends ObjectEvent { /** @internal */ constructor(originalEvent, object, viewerPoint, userDataKey) { super(_ObjectHoverEvent.type, originalEvent, object, viewerPoint, userDataKey); } }; _ObjectHoverEvent.type = "hover-object"; var ObjectHoverEvent = _ObjectHoverEvent; // src/adapters/AbstractAdapter.ts var AbstractAdapter = class { constructor(viewer) { this.viewer = viewer; } /** * Initializes the adapter */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function init() { } /** * Destroys the adapter */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function destroy() { } /** * Indicates if the adapter supports transitions between panoramas */ // @ts-ignore unused parameter // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars supportsTransition(panorama) { return false; } /** * Indicates if the adapter supports preload of a panorama */ // @ts-ignore unused parameter // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars supportsPreload(panorama) { return false; } /** * Converts pixel texture coordinates to spherical radians coordinates * @throws {@link PSVError} when the current adapter does not support texture coordinates */ // @ts-ignore unused parameter // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars textureCoordsToSphericalCoords(point, data) { throw new PSVError("Current adapter does not support texture coordinates."); } /** * Converts spherical radians coordinates to pixel texture coordinates * @throws {@link PSVError} when the current adapter does not support texture coordinates */ // @ts-ignore unused parameter // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars sphericalCoordsToTextureCoords(position, data) { throw new PSVError("Current adapter does not support texture coordinates."); } }; /** * Indicates if the adapter supports panorama download natively */ AbstractAdapter.supportsDownload = false; function adapterInterop(adapter) { if (adapter) { for (const [, p] of [["_", adapter], ...Object.entries(adapter)]) { if (p.prototype instanceof AbstractAdapter) { checkVersion(p.id, p.VERSION, "5.11.1"); return p; } } } return null; } // src/adapters/DualFisheyeAdapter.ts var import_three5 = require("three"); // src/adapters/EquirectangularAdapter.ts var import_three4 = require("three"); // src/data/system.ts var LOCALSTORAGE_TOUCH_SUPPORT = `${VIEWER_DATA}_touchSupport`; var SYSTEM = { /** * Indicates if the system data has been loaded */ loaded: false, /** * Device screen pixel ratio */ pixelRatio: 1, /** * Device supports WebGL */ isWebGLSupported: false, /** * Maximum WebGL texture width */ maxTextureWidth: 0, /** * Device supports touch events */ isTouchEnabled: null, /** * @internal */ __maxCanvasWidth: null, /** * If the current device is an iPhone */ isIphone: false, /** * Maximum canvas width */ get maxCanvasWidth() { if (this.__maxCanvasWidth === null) { this.__maxCanvasWidth = getMaxCanvasWidth(this.maxTextureWidth); } return this.__maxCanvasWidth; }, /** * Loads the system if not already loaded * @internal */ load() { if (!this.loaded) { const ctx = getWebGLCtx(); this.pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; this.isWebGLSupported = !!ctx; this.maxTextureWidth = ctx ? ctx.getParameter(ctx.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE) : 0; this.isTouchEnabled = isTouchEnabled(); this.isIphone = /iPhone/i.test(navigator.userAgent); this.loaded = true; } if (!SYSTEM.isWebGLSupported) { throw new PSVError("WebGL 2 is not supported."); } if (SYSTEM.maxTextureWidth === 0) { throw new PSVError("Unable to detect system capabilities"); } } }; function getWebGLCtx() { try { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); return canvas.getContext("webgl2"); } catch (e) { return null; } } function isTouchEnabled() { let initial = "ontouchstart" in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0; if (LOCALSTORAGE_TOUCH_SUPPORT in localStorage) { initial = localStorage[LOCALSTORAGE_TOUCH_SUPPORT] === "true"; } const promise = new Promise((resolve) => { const clear = () => { window.removeEventListener("mousedown", listenerMouse); window.removeEventListener("touchstart", listenerTouch); clearTimeout(listenerTimeoutId); }; const listenerMouse = () => { clear(); localStorage[LOCALSTORAGE_TOUCH_SUPPORT] = false; resolve(false); }; const listenerTouch = () => { clear(); localStorage[LOCALSTORAGE_TOUCH_SUPPORT] = true; resolve(true); }; const listenerTimeout = () => { clear(); localStorage[LOCALSTORAGE_TOUCH_SUPPORT] = initial; resolve(initial); }; window.addEventListener("mousedown", listenerMouse, false); window.addEventListener("touchstart", listenerTouch, false); const listenerTimeoutId = setTimeout(listenerTimeout, 1e4); }); return { initial, promise }; } function getMaxCanvasWidth(maxWidth) { let width = maxWidth; let pass = false; while (width > 1024 && !pass) { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = width / 2; ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1); try { if (ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[0] > 0) { pass = true; } } catch (e) { } canvas.width = 0; canvas.height = 0; if (!pass) { width /= 2; } } if (pass) { return width; } else { throw new PSVError("Unable to detect system capabilities"); } } // src/adapters/EquirectangularAdapter.ts var getConfig = getConfigParser( { backgroundColor: null, interpolateBackground: false, resolution: 64, useXmpData: true, blur: false }, { resolution: (resolution) => { if (!resolution || !import_three4.MathUtils.isPowerOfTwo(resolution)) { throw new PSVError("EquirectangularAdapter resolution must be power of two."); } return resolution; }, backgroundColor: (backgroundColor) => { if (backgroundColor) { logWarn(`EquirectangularAdapter.backgroundColor is deprecated, use 'canvasBackground' main option instead.`); } return backgroundColor; }, interpolateBackground: (interpolateBackground) => { if (interpolateBackground) { logWarn(`EquirectangularAdapter.interpolateBackground is not supported anymore.`); } return false; } } ); var EquirectangularAdapter = class extends AbstractAdapter { constructor(viewer, config) { super(viewer); this.config = getConfig(config); this.SPHERE_SEGMENTS = this.config.resolution; this.SPHERE_HORIZONTAL_SEGMENTS = this.SPHERE_SEGMENTS / 2; if (this.config.backgroundColor) { viewer.config.canvasBackground = config.backgroundColor; } } supportsTransition() { return true; } supportsPreload() { return true; } textureCoordsToSphericalCoords(point, data) { if (isNil(point.textureX) || isNil(point.textureY)) { throw new PSVError(`Texture position is missing 'textureX' or 'textureY'`); } const relativeX = (point.textureX + data.croppedX) / data.fullWidth * Math.PI * 2; const relativeY = (point.textureY + data.croppedY) / data.fullHeight * Math.PI; return { yaw: relativeX >= Math.PI ? relativeX - Math.PI : relativeX + Math.PI, pitch: Math.PI / 2 - relativeY }; } sphericalCoordsToTextureCoords(position, data) { const relativeLong = position.yaw / Math.PI / 2 * data.fullWidth; const relativeLat = position.pitch / Math.PI * data.fullHeight; let textureX = Math.round(position.yaw < Math.PI ? relativeLong + data.fullWidth / 2 : relativeLong - data.fullWidth / 2) - data.croppedX; let textureY = Math.round(data.fullHeight / 2 - relativeLat) - data.croppedY; if (textureX < 0 || textureX > data.croppedWidth || textureY < 0 || textureY > data.croppedHeight) { textureX = textureY = void 0; } return { textureX, textureY }; } async loadTexture(panorama, loader = true, newPanoData, useXmpPanoData = this.config.useXmpData) { if (typeof panorama !== "string" && (typeof panorama !== "object" || !panorama.path)) { return Promise.reject(new PSVError("Invalid panorama url, are you using the right adapter?")); } let cleanPanorama; if (typeof panorama === "string") { cleanPanorama = { path: panorama, data: newPanoData }; } else { cleanPanorama = { data: newPanoData, ...panorama }; } const blob = await this.viewer.textureLoader.loadFile( cleanPanorama.path, loader ? (p) => this.viewer.loader.setProgress(p) : null, cleanPanorama.path ); const xmpPanoData = useXmpPanoData ? await this.loadXMP(blob) : null; const img = await this.viewer.textureLoader.blobToImage(blob); if (typeof cleanPanorama.data === "function") { cleanPanorama.data = cleanPanorama.data(img, xmpPanoData); } const panoData = mergePanoData(img.width, img.height, cleanPanorama.data, xmpPanoData); const texture = this.createEquirectangularTexture(img); return { panorama, texture, panoData, cacheKey: cleanPanorama.path }; } /** * Loads the XMP data of an image */ async loadXMP(blob) { const binary = await this.loadBlobAsString(blob); const a = binary.indexOf("", a); if (b === -1) { return null; } const data = binary.substring(a, b); if (!data.includes("GPano:")) { return null; } return { fullWidth: getXMPValue(data, "FullPanoWidthPixels"), fullHeight: getXMPValue(data, "FullPanoHeightPixels"), croppedWidth: getXMPValue(data, "CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels"), croppedHeight: getXMPValue(data, "CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels"), croppedX: getXMPValue(data, "CroppedAreaLeftPixels"), croppedY: getXMPValue(data, "CroppedAreaTopPixels"), poseHeading: getXMPValue(data, "PoseHeadingDegrees", false), posePitch: getXMPValue(data, "PosePitchDegrees", false), poseRoll: getXMPValue(data, "PoseRollDegrees", false), initialHeading: getXMPValue(data, "InitialViewHeadingDegrees", false), initialPitch: getXMPValue(data, "InitialViewPitchDegrees", false), initialFov: getXMPValue(data, "InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees", false) }; } /** * Reads a Blob as a string */ loadBlobAsString(blob) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result); reader.onerror = reject; reader.readAsText(blob); }); } /** * Creates the final texture from image and panorama data */ createEquirectangularTexture(img) { if (this.config.blur || img.width > SYSTEM.maxTextureWidth) { const ratio = Math.min(1, SYSTEM.maxCanvasWidth / img.width); const buffer = new OffscreenCanvas(Math.floor(img.width * ratio), Math.floor(img.height * ratio)); const ctx = buffer.getContext("2d"); if (this.config.blur) { ctx.filter = `blur(${buffer.width / 2048}px)`; } ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, buffer.width, buffer.height); return createTexture(buffer); } return createTexture(img); } createMesh(panoData) { const hStart = panoData.croppedX / panoData.fullWidth * 2 * Math.PI; const hLength = panoData.croppedWidth / panoData.fullWidth * 2 * Math.PI; const vStart = panoData.croppedY / panoData.fullHeight * Math.PI; const vLength = panoData.croppedHeight / panoData.fullHeight * Math.PI; const geometry = new import_three4.SphereGeometry( SPHERE_RADIUS, Math.round(this.SPHERE_SEGMENTS / (2 * Math.PI) * hLength), Math.round(this.SPHERE_HORIZONTAL_SEGMENTS / Math.PI * vLength), -Math.PI / 2 + hStart, hLength, vStart, vLength ).scale(-1, 1, 1); const material = new import_three4.MeshBasicMaterial({ depthTest: false, depthWrite: false }); return new import_three4.Mesh(geometry, material); } setTexture(mesh, textureData) { mesh.material.map = textureData.texture; } setTextureOpacity(mesh, opacity) { mesh.material.opacity = opacity; mesh.material.transparent = opacity < 1; } disposeTexture({ texture }) { texture.dispose(); } disposeMesh(mesh) { mesh.geometry.dispose(); mesh.material.dispose(); } }; EquirectangularAdapter.id = "equirectangular"; EquirectangularAdapter.VERSION = "5.11.1"; EquirectangularAdapter.supportsDownload = true; // src/adapters/DualFisheyeAdapter.ts var DualFisheyeAdapter = class extends EquirectangularAdapter { constructor(viewer, config) { super(viewer, { resolution: config?.resolution ?? 64, useXmpData: false }); } async loadTexture(panorama, loader) { const result = await super.loadTexture(panorama, loader, null, false); result.panoData = null; return result; } createMesh() { const geometry = new import_three5.SphereGeometry( SPHERE_RADIUS, this.SPHERE_SEGMENTS, this.SPHERE_HORIZONTAL_SEGMENTS ).scale(-1, 1, 1).toNonIndexed(); const uvs = geometry.getAttribute("uv"); const normals = geometry.getAttribute("normal"); for (let i = 0; i < uvs.count; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) { const index = i * 3 + j; const x = normals.getX(index); const y = normals.getY(index); const z = normals.getZ(index); const c = 0.947; if (i < uvs.count / 6) { const correction = x === 0 && z === 0 ? 1 : Math.acos(y) / Math.sqrt(x * x + z * z) * (2 / Math.PI); uvs.setXY( index, x * (c / 4) * correction + 1 / 4, z * (c / 2) * correction + 1 / 2 ); } else { const correction = x === 0 && z === 0 ? 1 : Math.acos(-y) / Math.sqrt(x * x + z * z) * (2 / Math.PI); uvs.setXY( index, -x * (c / 4) * correction + 3 / 4, z * (c / 2) * correction + 1 / 2 ); } } } geometry.rotateX(-Math.PI / 2); geometry.rotateY(Math.PI); const material = new import_three5.MeshBasicMaterial({ depthTest: false, depthWrite: false }); return new import_three5.Mesh(geometry, material); } }; DualFisheyeAdapter.id = "dual-fisheye"; DualFisheyeAdapter.VERSION = "5.11.1"; // src/components/AbstractComponent.ts var AbstractComponent = class _AbstractComponent { constructor(parent, config) { this.parent = parent; /** * All child components * @internal */ this.children = []; /** * Container element */ this.container = document.createElement("div"); /** * Internal properties * @internal */ this.state = { visible: true }; this.viewer = parent instanceof _AbstractComponent ? parent.viewer : parent; this.container.className = config.className || ""; this.parent.children.push(this); this.parent.container.appendChild(this.container); } /** * Destroys the component */ destroy() { this.parent.container.removeChild(this.container); const childIdx = this.parent.children.indexOf(this); if (childIdx !== -1) { this.parent.children.splice(childIdx, 1); } this.children.slice().forEach((child) => child.destroy()); this.children.length = 0; } /** * Displays or hides the component */ toggle(visible = !this.isVisible()) { if (!visible) { this.hide(); } else { this.show(); } } /** * Hides the component */ // @ts-ignore unused parameter // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars hide(options) { this.container.style.display = "none"; this.state.visible = false; } /** * Displays the component */ // @ts-ignore unused parameter // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars show(options) { this.container.style.display = ""; this.state.visible = true; } /** * Checks if the component is visible */ isVisible() { return this.state.visible; } }; // src/buttons/AbstractButton.ts var getConfig2 = getConfigParser({ id: null, className: null, title: null, hoverScale: false, collapsable: false, tabbable: true, icon: null, iconActive: null }); var AbstractButton = class extends AbstractComponent { constructor(navbar, config) { super(navbar, { className: `psv-button ${config.hoverScale ? "psv-button--hover-scale" : ""} ${config.className || ""}` }); /** * Internal properties */ this.state = { visible: true, enabled: true, supported: true, collapsed: false, active: false, width: 0 }; this.config = getConfig2(config); if (!config.id) { this.config.id = this.constructor.id; } if (config.icon) { this.__setIcon(config.icon); } this.state.width = this.container.offsetWidth; if (this.config.title) { this.container.title = this.viewer.config.lang[this.config.title] ?? this.config.title; } else if (this.id && this.id in this.viewer.config.lang) { this.container.title = this.viewer.config.lang[this.id]; } if (config.tabbable) { this.container.tabIndex = 0; } this.container.addEventListener("click", (e) => { if (this.state.enabled) { this.onClick(); } e.stopPropagation(); }); this.container.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { if (e.key === KEY_CODES.Enter && this.state.enabled) { this.onClick(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); } get id() { return this.config.id; } get title() { return this.container.title; } get content() { return this.container.innerHTML; } get width() { return this.state.width; } get collapsable() { return this.config.collapsable; } show(refresh = true) { if (!this.isVisible()) { this.state.visible = true; if (!this.state.collapsed) { this.container.style.display = ""; } if (refresh) { this.viewer.navbar.autoSize(); } } } hide(refresh = true) { if (this.isVisible()) { this.state.visible = false; this.container.style.display = "none"; if (refresh) { this.viewer.navbar.autoSize(); } } } /** * Hides/shows the button depending of the result of {@link isSupported} * @internal */ checkSupported() { resolveBoolean(this.isSupported(), (supported, init) => { if (!this.state) { return; } this.state.supported = supported; if (!init) { this.toggle(supported); } else if (!supported) { this.hide(); } }); } /** * Perform action when the navbar size/content changes * @internal */ autoSize() { } /** * Checks if the button can be displayed */ isSupported() { return true; } /** * Changes the active state of the button */ toggleActive(active = !this.state.active) { if (active !== this.state.active) { this.state.active = active; toggleClass(this.container, "psv-button--active", this.state.active); if (this.config.iconActive) { this.__setIcon(this.state.active ? this.config.iconActive : this.config.icon); } } } /** * Disables the button */ disable() { this.container.classList.add("psv-button--disabled"); this.state.enabled = false; } /** * Enables the button */ enable() { this.container.classList.remove("psv-button--disabled"); this.state.enabled = true; } /** * Collapses the button in the navbar menu */ collapse() { this.state.collapsed = true; this.container.style.display = "none"; } /** * Uncollapses the button from the navbar menu */ uncollapse() { this.state.collapsed = false; if (this.state.visible) { this.container.style.display = ""; } } __setIcon(icon) { this.container.innerHTML = icon; addClasses(this.container.querySelector("svg"), "psv-button-svg"); } }; // src/buttons/CustomButton.ts var CustomButton = class extends AbstractButton { constructor(navbar, config) { super(navbar, { id: config.id ?? `psvButton-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)}`, className: `psv-custom-button ${config.className || ""}`, hoverScale: false, collapsable: config.collapsable !== false, tabbable: config.tabbable !== false, title: config.title }); this.customOnClick = config.onClick; if (config.content) { if (typeof config.content === "string") { this.container.innerHTML = config.content; } else { this.container.classList.add("psv-custom-button--no-padding"); config.content.style.height = "100%"; config.content.attachViewer?.(this.viewer); this.container.appendChild(config.content); } } this.state.width = this.container.offsetWidth; if (config.disabled) { this.disable(); } if (config.visible === false) { this.hide(); } } onClick() { this.customOnClick?.(this.viewer); } }; // src/buttons/DescriptionButton.ts var DescriptionButton = class extends AbstractButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, { className: "psv-description-button", hoverScale: true, collapsable: false, tabbable: true, icon: ICONS.info }); this.mode = 0 /* NONE */; this.viewer.addEventListener(HideNotificationEvent.type, this); this.viewer.addEventListener(ShowNotificationEvent.type, this); this.viewer.addEventListener(HidePanelEvent.type, this); this.viewer.addEventListener(ShowPanelEvent.type, this); this.viewer.addEventListener(ConfigChangedEvent.type, this); } destroy() { this.viewer.removeEventListener(HideNotificationEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(ShowNotificationEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(HidePanelEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(ShowPanelEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(ConfigChangedEvent.type, this); super.destroy(); } handleEvent(e) { if (e instanceof ConfigChangedEvent) { e.containsOptions("description") && this.autoSize(true); return; } if (!this.mode) { return; } let closed = false; if (e instanceof HideNotificationEvent) { closed = this.mode === 1 /* NOTIF */; } else if (e instanceof ShowNotificationEvent) { closed = this.mode === 1 /* NOTIF */ && e.notificationId !== IDS.DESCRIPTION; } else if (e instanceof HidePanelEvent) { closed = this.mode === 2 /* PANEL */; } else if (e instanceof ShowPanelEvent) { closed = this.mode === 2 /* PANEL */ && e.panelId !== IDS.DESCRIPTION; } if (closed) { this.toggleActive(false); this.mode = 0 /* NONE */; } } onClick() { if (this.mode) { this.__close(); } else { this.__open(); } } hide(refresh) { super.hide(refresh); if (this.mode) { this.__close(); } } /** * This button can only be refreshed from NavbarCaption * @internal */ autoSize(refresh = false) { if (refresh) { const caption = this.viewer.navbar.getButton("caption", false); const captionHidden = caption && !caption.isVisible(); const hasDescription = !!this.viewer.config.description; if (captionHidden || hasDescription) { this.show(false); } else { this.hide(false); } } } __close() { switch (this.mode) { case 1 /* NOTIF */: this.viewer.notification.hide(IDS.DESCRIPTION); break; case 2 /* PANEL */: this.viewer.panel.hide(IDS.DESCRIPTION); break; default: } } __open() { this.toggleActive(true); if (this.viewer.config.description) { this.mode = 2 /* PANEL */; this.viewer.panel.show({ id: IDS.DESCRIPTION, content: (this.viewer.config.caption ? `


` : "") + this.viewer.config.description }); } else { this.mode = 1 /* NOTIF */; this.viewer.notification.show({ id: IDS.DESCRIPTION, content: this.viewer.config.caption }); } } }; DescriptionButton.id = "description"; // src/buttons/DownloadButton.ts var DownloadButton = class extends AbstractButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, { className: "psv-download-button", hoverScale: true, collapsable: true, tabbable: true, icon: ICONS.download }); this.viewer.addEventListener(ConfigChangedEvent.type, this); } destroy() { this.viewer.removeEventListener(ConfigChangedEvent.type, this); super.destroy(); } handleEvent(e) { if (e instanceof ConfigChangedEvent) { e.containsOptions("downloadUrl") && this.checkSupported(); } } onClick() { const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = this.viewer.config.downloadUrl || this.viewer.config.panorama; if (link.href.startsWith("data:") && !this.viewer.config.downloadName) { link.download = "panorama." + link.href.substring(0, link.href.indexOf(";")).split("/").pop(); } else { link.download = this.viewer.config.downloadName || link.href.split("/").pop(); } link.target = "_blank"; this.viewer.container.appendChild(link); link.click(); setTimeout(() => { this.viewer.container.removeChild(link); }, 100); } checkSupported() { const supported = this.viewer.adapter.constructor.supportsDownload || this.viewer.config.downloadUrl; if (supported) { this.show(); } else { this.hide(); } } }; DownloadButton.id = "download"; // src/buttons/FullscreenButton.ts var FullscreenButton = class extends AbstractButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, { className: "psv-fullscreen-button", hoverScale: true, collapsable: false, tabbable: true, icon: ICONS.fullscreenIn, iconActive: ICONS.fullscreenOut }); this.viewer.addEventListener(FullscreenEvent.type, this); } destroy() { this.viewer.removeEventListener(FullscreenEvent.type, this); super.destroy(); } handleEvent(e) { if (e instanceof FullscreenEvent) { this.toggleActive(e.fullscreenEnabled); } } onClick() { this.viewer.toggleFullscreen(); } }; FullscreenButton.id = "fullscreen"; // src/buttons/MenuButton.ts var BUTTON_DATA = "psvButton"; var MENU_TEMPLATE = (buttons, title) => `

${ICONS.menu} ${title}

`; var MenuButton = class extends AbstractButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, { className: "psv-menu-button", hoverScale: true, collapsable: false, tabbable: true, icon: ICONS.menu }); this.viewer.addEventListener(ShowPanelEvent.type, this); this.viewer.addEventListener(HidePanelEvent.type, this); super.hide(); } destroy() { this.viewer.removeEventListener(ShowPanelEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(HidePanelEvent.type, this); super.destroy(); } handleEvent(e) { if (e instanceof ShowPanelEvent) { this.toggleActive(e.panelId === IDS.MENU); } else if (e instanceof HidePanelEvent) { this.toggleActive(false); } } onClick() { if (this.state.active) { this.__hideMenu(); } else { this.__showMenu(); } } hide(refresh) { super.hide(refresh); this.__hideMenu(); } show(refresh) { super.show(refresh); if (this.state.active) { this.__showMenu(); } } __showMenu() { this.viewer.panel.show({ id: IDS.MENU, content: MENU_TEMPLATE(this.viewer.navbar.collapsed, this.viewer.config.lang.menu), noMargin: true, clickHandler: (target) => { const li = target ? getClosest(target, ".psv-panel-menu-item") : void 0; const buttonId = li ? li.dataset[BUTTON_DATA] : void 0; if (buttonId) { this.viewer.navbar.getButton(buttonId).onClick(); this.__hideMenu(); } } }); } __hideMenu() { this.viewer.panel.hide(IDS.MENU); } }; MenuButton.id = "menu"; // src/buttons/AbstractMoveButton.ts function getIcon(value) { let angle2 = 0; switch (value) { case 0 /* UP */: angle2 = 90; break; case 1 /* DOWN */: angle2 = -90; break; case 3 /* RIGHT */: angle2 = 180; break; default: angle2 = 0; break; } return ICONS.arrow.replace("rotate(0", `rotate(${angle2}`); } var AbstractMoveButton = class extends AbstractButton { constructor(navbar, direction) { super(navbar, { className: "psv-move-button", hoverScale: true, collapsable: false, tabbable: true, icon: getIcon(direction) }); this.direction = direction; this.handler = new PressHandler(); this.container.addEventListener("mousedown", this); this.container.addEventListener("keydown", this); this.container.addEventListener("keyup", this); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("mouseup", this); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("touchend", this); } destroy() { this.__onMouseUp(); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("mouseup", this); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("touchend", this); super.destroy(); } handleEvent(e) { switch (e.type) { case "mousedown": this.__onMouseDown(); break; case "mouseup": this.__onMouseUp(); break; case "touchend": this.__onMouseUp(); break; case "keydown": e.key === KEY_CODES.Enter && this.__onMouseDown(); break; case "keyup": e.key === KEY_CODES.Enter && this.__onMouseUp(); break; } } onClick() { } isSupported() { return invertResolvableBoolean(SYSTEM.isTouchEnabled); } __onMouseDown() { if (!this.state.enabled) { return; } const dynamicRoll = {}; switch (this.direction) { case 0 /* UP */: dynamicRoll.pitch = false; break; case 1 /* DOWN */: dynamicRoll.pitch = true; break; case 3 /* RIGHT */: dynamicRoll.yaw = false; break; default: dynamicRoll.yaw = true; break; } this.viewer.stopAll(); this.viewer.dynamics.position.roll(dynamicRoll); this.handler.down(); } __onMouseUp() { if (!this.state.enabled) { return; } this.handler.up(() => { this.viewer.dynamics.position.stop(); this.viewer.resetIdleTimer(); }); } }; AbstractMoveButton.groupId = "move"; // src/buttons/MoveDownButton.ts var MoveDownButton = class extends AbstractMoveButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, 1 /* DOWN */); } }; MoveDownButton.id = "moveDown"; // src/buttons/MoveLeftButton.ts var MoveLeftButton = class extends AbstractMoveButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, 2 /* LEFT */); } }; MoveLeftButton.id = "moveLeft"; // src/buttons/MoveRightButton.ts var MoveRightButton = class extends AbstractMoveButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, 3 /* RIGHT */); } }; MoveRightButton.id = "moveRight"; // src/buttons/MoveUpButton.ts var MoveUpButton = class extends AbstractMoveButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, 0 /* UP */); } }; MoveUpButton.id = "moveUp"; // src/buttons/AbstractZoomButton.ts var AbstractZoomButton = class extends AbstractButton { constructor(navbar, icon, direction) { super(navbar, { className: "psv-zoom-button", hoverScale: true, collapsable: false, tabbable: true, icon }); this.direction = direction; this.handler = new PressHandler(); this.container.addEventListener("mousedown", this); this.container.addEventListener("keydown", this); this.container.addEventListener("keyup", this); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("mouseup", this); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("touchend", this); } destroy() { this.__onMouseUp(); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("mouseup", this); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("touchend", this); super.destroy(); } handleEvent(e) { switch (e.type) { case "mousedown": this.__onMouseDown(); break; case "mouseup": this.__onMouseUp(); break; case "touchend": this.__onMouseUp(); break; case "keydown": e.key === KEY_CODES.Enter && this.__onMouseDown(); break; case "keyup": e.key === KEY_CODES.Enter && this.__onMouseUp(); break; } } onClick() { } isSupported() { return invertResolvableBoolean(SYSTEM.isTouchEnabled); } __onMouseDown() { if (!this.state.enabled) { return; } this.viewer.dynamics.zoom.roll(this.direction === 1 /* OUT */); this.handler.down(); } __onMouseUp() { if (!this.state.enabled) { return; } this.handler.up(() => this.viewer.dynamics.zoom.stop()); } }; AbstractZoomButton.groupId = "zoom"; // src/buttons/ZoomInButton.ts var ZoomInButton = class extends AbstractZoomButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, ICONS.zoomIn, 0 /* IN */); } }; ZoomInButton.id = "zoomIn"; // src/buttons/ZoomOutButton.ts var ZoomOutButton = class extends AbstractZoomButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, ICONS.zoomOut, 1 /* OUT */); } }; ZoomOutButton.id = "zoomOut"; // src/buttons/ZoomRangeButton.ts var ZoomRangeButton = class extends AbstractButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, { className: "psv-zoom-range", hoverScale: false, collapsable: false, tabbable: false }); this.zoomRange = document.createElement("div"); this.zoomRange.className = "psv-zoom-range-line"; this.container.appendChild(this.zoomRange); this.zoomValue = document.createElement("div"); this.zoomValue.className = "psv-zoom-range-handle"; this.zoomRange.appendChild(this.zoomValue); this.slider = new Slider(this.container, "HORIZONTAL" /* HORIZONTAL */, (data) => this.__onSliderUpdate(data)); this.mediaMinWidth = parseInt(getStyleProperty(this.container, "max-width"), 10); this.viewer.addEventListener(ZoomUpdatedEvent.type, this); if (this.viewer.state.ready) { this.__moveZoomValue(this.viewer.getZoomLevel()); } else { this.viewer.addEventListener(ReadyEvent.type, this); } } destroy() { this.slider.destroy(); this.viewer.removeEventListener(ZoomUpdatedEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(ReadyEvent.type, this); super.destroy(); } handleEvent(e) { if (e instanceof ZoomUpdatedEvent) { this.__moveZoomValue(e.zoomLevel); } else if (e instanceof ReadyEvent) { this.__moveZoomValue(this.viewer.getZoomLevel()); } } onClick() { } isSupported() { return invertResolvableBoolean(SYSTEM.isTouchEnabled); } autoSize() { if (this.state.supported) { if (this.viewer.state.size.width <= this.mediaMinWidth && this.state.visible) { this.hide(false); } else if (this.viewer.state.size.width > this.mediaMinWidth && !this.state.visible) { this.show(false); } } } __moveZoomValue(level) { this.zoomValue.style.left = level / 100 * this.zoomRange.offsetWidth - this.zoomValue.offsetWidth / 2 + "px"; } __onSliderUpdate(data) { if (data.mousedown) { this.viewer.zoom(data.value * 100); } } }; ZoomRangeButton.id = "zoomRange"; ZoomRangeButton.groupId = "zoom"; // src/data/config.ts var import_three6 = require("three"); // src/plugins/AbstractPlugin.ts var AbstractPlugin = class extends TypedEventTarget { constructor(viewer) { super(); this.viewer = viewer; } /** * Initializes the plugin */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function init() { } /** * Destroys the plugin */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function destroy() { } }; var AbstractConfigurablePlugin = class extends AbstractPlugin { constructor(viewer, config) { super(viewer); this.config = this.constructor.configParser(config); } /** * Update options */ setOption(option, value) { this.setOptions({ [option]: value }); } /** * Update options */ setOptions(options) { const rawConfig = { ...this.config, ...options }; const ctor = this.constructor; const parser = ctor.configParser; const readonly = ctor.readonlyOptions; const id = ctor.id; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) { if (!(key in parser.defaults)) { logWarn(`${id}: Unknown option "${key}"`); continue; } if (readonly.includes(key)) { logWarn(`${id}: Option "${key}" cannot be updated`); continue; } if (key in parser.parsers) { value = parser.parsers[key](value, { rawConfig, defValue: parser.defaults[key] }); } this.config[key] = value; } } }; AbstractConfigurablePlugin.readonlyOptions = []; function pluginInterop(plugin) { if (plugin) { for (const [, p] of [["_", plugin], ...Object.entries(plugin)]) { if (p.prototype instanceof AbstractPlugin) { checkVersion(p.id, p.VERSION, "5.11.1"); return p; } } } return null; } // src/data/config.ts var DEFAULTS = { panorama: null, container: null, adapter: [EquirectangularAdapter, null], plugins: [], caption: null, description: null, downloadUrl: null, downloadName: null, loadingImg: null, loadingTxt: "", // empty string => `lang.loading` size: null, fisheye: 0, minFov: 30, maxFov: 90, defaultZoomLvl: 50, defaultYaw: 0, defaultPitch: 0, sphereCorrection: null, moveSpeed: 1, zoomSpeed: 1, moveInertia: 0.8, mousewheel: true, mousemove: true, mousewheelCtrlKey: false, touchmoveTwoFingers: false, panoData: null, requestHeaders: null, canvasBackground: "#000", rendererParameters: { alpha: true, antialias: true }, withCredentials: false, // prettier-ignore navbar: [ "zoom", "move", "download", "description", "caption", "fullscreen" ], lang: { zoom: "Zoom", zoomOut: "Zoom out", zoomIn: "Zoom in", moveUp: "Move up", moveDown: "Move down", moveLeft: "Move left", moveRight: "Move right", description: "Description", download: "Download", fullscreen: "Fullscreen", loading: "Loading...", menu: "Menu", close: "Close", twoFingers: "Use two fingers to navigate", ctrlZoom: "Use ctrl + scroll to zoom the image", loadError: "The panorama cannot be loaded", webglError: "Your browser does not seem to support WebGL" }, keyboard: "fullscreen", keyboardActions: { [KEY_CODES.ArrowUp]: "ROTATE_UP" /* ROTATE_UP */, [KEY_CODES.ArrowDown]: "ROTATE_DOWN" /* ROTATE_DOWN */, [KEY_CODES.ArrowRight]: "ROTATE_RIGHT" /* ROTATE_RIGHT */, [KEY_CODES.ArrowLeft]: "ROTATE_LEFT" /* ROTATE_LEFT */, [KEY_CODES.PageUp]: "ZOOM_IN" /* ZOOM_IN */, [KEY_CODES.PageDown]: "ZOOM_OUT" /* ZOOM_OUT */, [KEY_CODES.Plus]: "ZOOM_IN" /* ZOOM_IN */, [KEY_CODES.Minus]: "ZOOM_OUT" /* ZOOM_OUT */ } }; var READONLY_OPTIONS = { panorama: "Use setPanorama method to change the panorama", panoData: "Use setPanorama method to change the panorama", container: "Cannot change viewer container", adapter: "Cannot change adapter", plugins: "Cannot change plugins" }; var CONFIG_PARSERS = { container: (container) => { if (!container) { throw new PSVError("No value given for container."); } return container; }, adapter: (adapter, { defValue }) => { if (!adapter) { adapter = defValue; } else if (Array.isArray(adapter)) { adapter = [adapterInterop(adapter[0]), adapter[1]]; } else { adapter = [adapterInterop(adapter), null]; } if (!adapter[0]) { throw new PSVError("An undefined value was given for adapter."); } if (!adapter[0].id) { throw new PSVError(`Adapter has no id.`); } if (adapter[0].id === "little-planet") { logWarn("LittlePlanetAdapter support has been removed, use `{ fisheye: 2, maxFov: 130 }` to achieve similar effect."); adapter = defValue; } return adapter; }, defaultYaw: (defaultYaw) => { return parseAngle(defaultYaw); }, defaultPitch: (defaultPitch) => { return parseAngle(defaultPitch, true); }, defaultZoomLvl: (defaultZoomLvl) => { return import_three6.MathUtils.clamp(defaultZoomLvl, 0, 100); }, minFov: (minFov, { rawConfig }) => { if (rawConfig.maxFov < minFov) { logWarn("maxFov cannot be lower than minFov"); minFov = rawConfig.maxFov; } return import_three6.MathUtils.clamp(minFov, 1, 179); }, maxFov: (maxFov, { rawConfig }) => { if (maxFov < rawConfig.minFov) { maxFov = rawConfig.minFov; } return import_three6.MathUtils.clamp(maxFov, 1, 179); }, moveInertia: (moveInertia, { defValue }) => { if (moveInertia === true) { return defValue; } if (moveInertia === false) { return 0; } return moveInertia; }, lang: (lang) => { return { ...DEFAULTS.lang, ...lang }; }, keyboard: (keyboard) => { if (!keyboard) { return false; } if (typeof keyboard === "object") { logWarn(`Use keyboardActions to configure the keyboard actions, keyboard option must be either true, false, 'fullscreen' or 'always'`); return "fullscreen"; } return keyboard === "always" ? "always" : "fullscreen"; }, keyboardActions: (keyboardActions, { rawConfig }) => { if (rawConfig.keyboard && typeof rawConfig.keyboard === "object") { return rawConfig.keyboard; } return keyboardActions; }, fisheye: (fisheye) => { if (fisheye === true) { return 1; } else if (fisheye === false) { return 0; } return fisheye; }, requestHeaders: (requestHeaders) => { if (requestHeaders && typeof requestHeaders === "object") { return () => requestHeaders; } if (typeof requestHeaders === "function") { return requestHeaders; } return null; }, rendererParameters: (rendererParameters, { defValue }) => ({ ...rendererParameters, ...defValue }), plugins: (plugins) => { return plugins.map((plugin, i) => { if (Array.isArray(plugin)) { plugin = [pluginInterop(plugin[0]), plugin[1]]; } else { plugin = [pluginInterop(plugin), null]; } if (!plugin[0]) { throw new PSVError(`An undefined value was given for plugin ${i}.`); } if (!plugin[0].id) { throw new PSVError(`Plugin ${i} has no id.`); } return plugin; }); }, navbar: (navbar) => { if (navbar === false) { return null; } if (navbar === true) { return clone(DEFAULTS.navbar); } if (typeof navbar === "string") { return navbar.split(/[ ,]/); } return navbar; } }; var getViewerConfig = getConfigParser(DEFAULTS, CONFIG_PARSERS); // src/components/NavbarCaption.ts var NavbarCaption = class extends AbstractButton { constructor(navbar) { super(navbar, { className: "psv-caption", hoverScale: false, collapsable: false, tabbable: true }); this.contentWidth = 0; this.state.width = 0; this.contentElt = document.createElement("div"); this.contentElt.className = "psv-caption-content"; this.container.appendChild(this.contentElt); this.setCaption(this.viewer.config.caption); } hide() { this.contentElt.style.display = "none"; this.state.visible = false; } show() { this.contentElt.style.display = ""; this.state.visible = true; } onClick() { } /** * Changes the caption */ setCaption(html) { this.show(); this.contentElt.innerHTML = html ?? ""; if (this.contentElt.innerHTML) { this.contentWidth = this.contentElt.offsetWidth; } else { this.contentWidth = 0; } this.autoSize(); } /** * Toggles content and icon depending on available space */ autoSize() { this.toggle(this.container.offsetWidth >= this.contentWidth); this.__refreshButton(); } __refreshButton() { this.viewer.navbar.getButton(DescriptionButton.id, false)?.autoSize(true); } }; NavbarCaption.id = "caption"; // src/components/Navbar.ts var AVAILABLE_BUTTONS = {}; var AVAILABLE_GROUPS = {}; function registerButton(button, defaultPosition) { if (!button.id) { throw new PSVError("Button id is required"); } AVAILABLE_BUTTONS[button.id] = button; if (button.groupId) { (AVAILABLE_GROUPS[button.groupId] = AVAILABLE_GROUPS[button.groupId] || []).push(button); } if (defaultPosition) { const navbar = DEFAULTS.navbar; switch (defaultPosition) { case "start": navbar.unshift(button.id); break; case "end": navbar.push(button.id); break; default: { const [id, pos] = defaultPosition.split(":"); const idx = navbar.indexOf(id); if (!id || !pos || idx === -1) { throw new PSVError(`Invalid defaultPosition ${defaultPosition}`); } navbar.splice(idx + (pos === "right" ? 1 : 0), 0, button.id); } } } } [ ZoomOutButton, ZoomRangeButton, ZoomInButton, DescriptionButton, NavbarCaption, DownloadButton, FullscreenButton, MoveLeftButton, MoveRightButton, MoveUpButton, MoveDownButton ].forEach((btn) => registerButton(btn)); var Navbar = class extends AbstractComponent { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer) { super(viewer, { className: `psv-navbar ${CAPTURE_EVENTS_CLASS}` }); /** * @internal */ this.collapsed = []; this.state.visible = false; } /** * Shows the navbar */ show() { this.viewer.container.classList.add("psv--has-navbar"); this.container.classList.add("psv-navbar--open"); this.state.visible = true; } /** * Hides the navbar */ hide() { this.viewer.container.classList.remove("psv--has-navbar"); this.container.classList.remove("psv-navbar--open"); this.state.visible = false; } /** * Change the buttons visible on the navbar */ setButtons(buttons) { this.children.slice().forEach((item) => item.destroy()); this.children.length = 0; if (buttons.indexOf(NavbarCaption.id) !== -1 && buttons.indexOf(DescriptionButton.id) === -1) { buttons.splice(buttons.indexOf(NavbarCaption.id), 0, DescriptionButton.id); } buttons.forEach((button) => { if (typeof button === "object") { new CustomButton(this, button); } else if (AVAILABLE_BUTTONS[button]) { new AVAILABLE_BUTTONS[button](this); } else if (AVAILABLE_GROUPS[button]) { AVAILABLE_GROUPS[button].forEach((buttonCtor) => { new buttonCtor(this); }); } else { logWarn(`Unknown button ${button}`); } }); new MenuButton(this); this.children.forEach((item) => { if (item instanceof AbstractButton) { item.checkSupported(); } }); this.autoSize(); } /** * Changes the navbar caption */ setCaption(html) { this.children.some((item) => { if (item instanceof NavbarCaption) { item.setCaption(html); return true; } else { return false; } }); } /** * Returns a button by its identifier */ getButton(id, warnNotFound = true) { const button = this.children.find((item) => { return item instanceof AbstractButton && item.id === id; }); if (!button && warnNotFound) { logWarn(`button "${id}" not found in the navbar`); } return button; } /** * Automatically collapses buttons * @internal */ autoSize() { this.children.forEach((child) => { if (child instanceof AbstractButton) { child.autoSize(); } }); const availableWidth = this.container.offsetWidth; let totalWidth = 0; const collapsableButtons = []; this.children.forEach((item) => { if (item.isVisible() && item instanceof AbstractButton) { totalWidth += item.width; if (item.collapsable) { collapsableButtons.push(item); } } }); if (totalWidth === 0) { return; } if (availableWidth < totalWidth && collapsableButtons.length > 0) { collapsableButtons.forEach((item) => item.collapse()); this.collapsed = collapsableButtons; this.getButton(MenuButton.id).show(false); } else if (availableWidth >= totalWidth && this.collapsed.length > 0) { this.collapsed.forEach((item) => item.uncollapse()); this.collapsed = []; this.getButton(MenuButton.id).hide(false); } this.getButton(NavbarCaption.id, false)?.autoSize(); } }; // src/data/cache.ts var import_three7 = require("three"); import_three7.Cache.enabled = false; var Cache = { enabled: true, maxItems: 10, ttl: 10 * 60, items: {}, purgeInterval: null, init() { if (import_three7.Cache.enabled) { logWarn("ThreeJS cache should be disabled"); import_three7.Cache.enabled = false; } if (!this.purgeInterval && this.enabled) { this.purgeInterval = setInterval(() => this.purge(), 60 * 1e3); } }, add(url, key, data) { if (this.enabled && key) { this.items[key] = this.items[key] ?? { files: {}, lastAccess: null }; this.items[key].files[url] = data; this.items[key].lastAccess = Date.now(); } }, get(url, key) { if (this.enabled && key && this.items[key]) { this.items[key].lastAccess = Date.now(); return this.items[key].files[url]; } }, remove(url, key) { if (this.enabled && key && this.items[key]) { delete this.items[key].files[url]; if (Object.keys(this.items[key].files).length === 0) { delete this.items[key]; } } }, purge() { Object.entries(this.items).sort(([, a], [, b]) => { return b.lastAccess - a.lastAccess; }).forEach(([key, { lastAccess }], index) => { if (index > 0 && (Date.now() - lastAccess >= this.ttl * 1e3 || index >= this.maxItems)) { delete this.items[key]; } }); } }; // src/components/Loader.ts var Loader = class extends AbstractComponent { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer) { super(viewer, { className: "psv-loader-container" }); this.loader = document.createElement("div"); this.loader.className = "psv-loader"; this.container.appendChild(this.loader); this.size = this.loader.offsetWidth; this.canvas = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"); this.canvas.setAttribute("class", "psv-loader-canvas"); this.canvas.setAttribute("viewBox", `0 0 ${this.size} ${this.size}`); this.loader.appendChild(this.canvas); this.textColor = getStyleProperty(this.loader, "color"); this.color = getStyleProperty(this.canvas, "color"); this.border = parseInt(getStyleProperty(this.loader, "--psv-loader-border"), 10); this.thickness = parseInt(getStyleProperty(this.loader, "--psv-loader-tickness"), 10); this.viewer.addEventListener(ConfigChangedEvent.type, this); this.__updateContent(); this.hide(); } /** * @internal */ destroy() { this.viewer.removeEventListener(ConfigChangedEvent.type, this); super.destroy(); } /** * @internal */ handleEvent(e) { if (e instanceof ConfigChangedEvent) { e.containsOptions("loadingImg", "loadingTxt") && this.__updateContent(); } } /** * Sets the loader progression */ setProgress(value) { const angle2 = Math.min(value, 99.999) / 100 * Math.PI * 2; const halfSize = this.size / 2; const startX = halfSize; const startY = this.thickness / 2 + this.border; const radius = (this.size - this.thickness) / 2 - this.border; const endX = Math.sin(angle2) * radius + halfSize; const endY = -Math.cos(angle2) * radius + halfSize; const largeArc = value > 50 ? "1" : "0"; this.canvas.innerHTML = ` `; this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new LoadProgressEvent(Math.round(value))); } __updateContent() { const current = this.loader.querySelector(".psv-loader-image, .psv-loader-text"); if (current) { this.loader.removeChild(current); } let inner; if (this.viewer.config.loadingImg) { inner = document.createElement("img"); inner.className = "psv-loader-image"; inner.src = this.viewer.config.loadingImg; } else if (this.viewer.config.loadingTxt !== null) { inner = document.createElement("div"); inner.className = "psv-loader-text"; inner.innerHTML = this.viewer.config.loadingTxt || this.viewer.config.lang.loading; } if (inner) { const size = Math.round(Math.sqrt(2 * Math.pow(this.size / 2 - this.thickness / 2 - this.border, 2))); inner.style.maxWidth = size + "px"; inner.style.maxHeight = size + "px"; this.loader.appendChild(inner); } } }; // src/components/Notification.ts var Notification = class extends AbstractComponent { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer) { super(viewer, { className: "psv-notification" }); /** * @internal */ this.state = { visible: false, contentId: null, timeout: null }; this.content = document.createElement("div"); this.content.className = "psv-notification-content"; this.container.appendChild(this.content); this.content.addEventListener("click", () => this.hide()); } /** * Checks if the notification is visible */ isVisible(id) { return this.state.visible && (!id || !this.state.contentId || this.state.contentId === id); } /** * @throws {@link PSVError} always * @internal */ toggle() { throw new PSVError("Notification cannot be toggled"); } /** * Displays a notification on the viewer * * @example * viewer.showNotification({ content: 'Hello world', timeout: 5000 }) * @example * viewer.showNotification('Hello world') */ show(config) { if (this.state.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.state.timeout); this.state.timeout = null; } if (typeof config === "string") { config = { content: config }; } this.state.contentId = config.id || null; this.content.innerHTML = config.content; this.container.classList.add("psv-notification--visible"); this.state.visible = true; this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new ShowNotificationEvent(config.id)); if (config.timeout) { this.state.timeout = setTimeout(() => this.hide(this.state.contentId), config.timeout); } } /** * Hides the notification */ hide(id) { if (this.isVisible(id)) { const contentId = this.state.contentId; this.container.classList.remove("psv-notification--visible"); this.state.visible = false; this.state.contentId = null; this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new HideNotificationEvent(contentId)); } } }; // src/components/Overlay.ts var Overlay = class extends AbstractComponent { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer) { super(viewer, { className: `psv-overlay ${CAPTURE_EVENTS_CLASS}` }); /** * @internal */ this.state = { visible: false, contentId: null, dissmisable: true }; this.image = document.createElement("div"); this.image.className = "psv-overlay-image"; this.container.appendChild(this.image); this.title = document.createElement("div"); this.title.className = "psv-overlay-title"; this.container.appendChild(this.title); this.text = document.createElement("div"); this.text.className = "psv-overlay-text"; this.container.appendChild(this.text); this.container.addEventListener("click", this); this.viewer.addEventListener(KeypressEvent.type, this); super.hide(); } /** * @internal */ destroy() { this.viewer.removeEventListener(KeypressEvent.type, this); super.destroy(); } /** * @internal */ handleEvent(e) { if (e.type === "click") { if (this.isVisible() && this.state.dissmisable) { this.hide(); e.stopPropagation(); } } else if (e instanceof KeypressEvent) { if (this.isVisible() && this.state.dissmisable && e.key === KEY_CODES.Escape) { this.hide(); e.preventDefault(); } } } /** * Checks if the overlay is visible */ isVisible(id) { return this.state.visible && (!id || !this.state.contentId || this.state.contentId === id); } /** * @throws {@link PSVError} always * @internal */ toggle() { throw new PSVError("Overlay cannot be toggled"); } /** * Displays an overlay on the viewer */ show(config) { if (typeof config === "string") { config = { title: config }; } this.state.contentId = config.id || null; this.state.dissmisable = config.dissmisable !== false; this.image.innerHTML = config.image || ""; this.title.innerHTML = config.title || ""; this.text.innerHTML = config.text || ""; super.show(); this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new ShowOverlayEvent(config.id)); } /** * Hides the overlay */ hide(id) { if (this.isVisible(id)) { const contentId = this.state.contentId; super.hide(); this.state.contentId = null; this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new HideOverlayEvent(contentId)); } } }; // src/components/Panel.ts var PANEL_MIN_WIDTH = 200; var PANEL_CLASS_NO_INTERACTION = "psv-panel-content--no-interaction"; var Panel = class extends AbstractComponent { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer) { super(viewer, { className: `psv-panel ${CAPTURE_EVENTS_CLASS}` }); /** * @internal */ this.state = { visible: false, contentId: null, mouseX: 0, mouseY: 0, mousedown: false, clickHandler: null, keyHandler: null, width: {} }; const resizer = document.createElement("div"); resizer.className = "psv-panel-resizer"; this.container.appendChild(resizer); const closeBtn = document.createElement("div"); closeBtn.className = "psv-panel-close-button"; closeBtn.innerHTML = ICONS.close; closeBtn.title = viewer.config.lang.close; this.container.appendChild(closeBtn); this.content = document.createElement("div"); this.content.className = "psv-panel-content"; this.container.appendChild(this.content); this.container.addEventListener("wheel", (e) => e.stopPropagation()); closeBtn.addEventListener("click", () => this.hide()); resizer.addEventListener("mousedown", this); resizer.addEventListener("touchstart", this); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("mouseup", this); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("touchend", this); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("mousemove", this); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("touchmove", this); this.viewer.addEventListener(KeypressEvent.type, this); } /** * @internal */ destroy() { this.viewer.removeEventListener(KeypressEvent.type, this); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("mousemove", this); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("touchmove", this); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("mouseup", this); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("touchend", this); super.destroy(); } /** * @internal */ handleEvent(e) { switch (e.type) { case "mousedown": this.__onMouseDown(e); break; case "touchstart": this.__onTouchStart(e); break; case "mousemove": this.__onMouseMove(e); break; case "touchmove": this.__onTouchMove(e); break; case "mouseup": this.__onMouseUp(e); break; case "touchend": this.__onTouchEnd(e); break; case KeypressEvent.type: this.__onKeyPress(e); break; } } /** * Checks if the panel is visible */ isVisible(id) { return this.state.visible && (!id || !this.state.contentId || this.state.contentId === id); } /** * @throws {@link PSVError} always * @internal */ toggle() { throw new PSVError("Panel cannot be toggled"); } /** * Shows the panel */ show(config) { if (typeof config === "string") { config = { content: config }; } const wasVisible = this.isVisible(config.id); this.state.contentId = config.id || null; this.state.visible = true; if (this.state.clickHandler) { this.content.removeEventListener("click", this.state.clickHandler); this.content.removeEventListener("keydown", this.state.keyHandler); this.state.clickHandler = null; this.state.keyHandler = null; } if (config.id && this.state.width[config.id]) { this.container.style.width = this.state.width[config.id]; } else if (config.width) { this.container.style.width = config.width; } else { this.container.style.width = null; } this.content.innerHTML = config.content; this.content.scrollTop = 0; this.container.classList.add("psv-panel--open"); toggleClass(this.content, "psv-panel-content--no-margin", config.noMargin === true); if (config.clickHandler) { this.state.clickHandler = (e) => { config.clickHandler(getEventTarget(e)); }; this.state.keyHandler = (e) => { if (e.key === KEY_CODES.Enter) { config.clickHandler(getEventTarget(e)); } }; this.content.addEventListener("click", this.state.clickHandler); this.content.addEventListener("keydown", this.state.keyHandler); if (!wasVisible) { setTimeout(() => { this.content.querySelector("a,button,[tabindex]")?.focus(); }, 300); } } this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new ShowPanelEvent(config.id)); } /** * Hides the panel */ hide(id) { if (this.isVisible(id)) { const contentId = this.state.contentId; this.state.visible = false; this.state.contentId = null; this.content.innerHTML = null; this.container.classList.remove("psv-panel--open"); if (this.state.clickHandler) { this.content.removeEventListener("click", this.state.clickHandler); this.state.clickHandler = null; } this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new HidePanelEvent(contentId)); } } __onMouseDown(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); this.__startResize(evt.clientX, evt.clientY); } __onTouchStart(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); if (evt.touches.length === 1) { const touch = evt.touches[0]; this.__startResize(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); } } __onMouseUp(evt) { if (this.state.mousedown) { evt.stopPropagation(); this.state.mousedown = false; this.content.classList.remove(PANEL_CLASS_NO_INTERACTION); } } __onTouchEnd(evt) { if (this.state.mousedown) { evt.stopPropagation(); if (evt.touches.length === 0) { this.state.mousedown = false; this.content.classList.remove(PANEL_CLASS_NO_INTERACTION); } } } __onMouseMove(evt) { if (this.state.mousedown) { evt.stopPropagation(); this.__resize(evt.clientX, evt.clientY); } } __onTouchMove(evt) { if (this.state.mousedown) { const touch = evt.touches[0]; this.__resize(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); } } __onKeyPress(evt) { if (this.isVisible() && evt.key === KEY_CODES.Escape) { this.hide(); evt.preventDefault(); } } __startResize(clientX, clientY) { this.state.mouseX = clientX; this.state.mouseY = clientY; this.state.mousedown = true; this.content.classList.add(PANEL_CLASS_NO_INTERACTION); } __resize(clientX, clientY) { const x = clientX; const y = clientY; const width = Math.max(PANEL_MIN_WIDTH, this.container.offsetWidth - (x - this.state.mouseX)) + "px"; if (this.state.contentId) { this.state.width[this.state.contentId] = width; } this.container.style.width = width; this.state.mouseX = x; this.state.mouseY = y; } }; // src/components/Tooltip.ts var Tooltip = class extends AbstractComponent { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer, config) { super(viewer, { className: "psv-tooltip" }); /** * @internal */ this.state = { visible: true, arrow: 0, border: 0, state: 0 /* NONE */, width: 0, height: 0, pos: "", config: null, data: null, hideTimeout: null }; this.content = document.createElement("div"); this.content.className = "psv-tooltip-content"; this.container.appendChild(this.content); this.arrow = document.createElement("div"); this.arrow.className = "psv-tooltip-arrow"; this.container.appendChild(this.arrow); this.container.addEventListener("transitionend", this); this.container.addEventListener("touchdown", (e) => e.stopPropagation()); this.container.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => e.stopPropagation()); this.container.style.top = "-1000px"; this.container.style.left = "-1000px"; this.show(config); } /** * @internal */ handleEvent(e) { if (e.type === "transitionend") { this.__onTransitionEnd(e); } } /** * @internal */ destroy() { clearTimeout(this.state.hideTimeout); delete this.state.data; super.destroy(); } /** * @throws {@link PSVError} always * @internal */ toggle() { throw new PSVError("Tooltip cannot be toggled"); } /** * Displays the tooltip on the viewer * @internal */ show(config) { if (this.state.state !== 0 /* NONE */) { throw new PSVError("Initialized tooltip cannot be re-initialized"); } if (config.className) { addClasses(this.container, config.className); } if (config.style) { Object.assign(this.container.style, config.style); } this.state.state = 3 /* READY */; this.update(config.content, config); this.state.data = config.data; this.state.state = 1 /* SHOWING */; this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new ShowTooltipEvent(this, this.state.data)); this.__waitImages(); } /** * Updates the content of the tooltip, optionally with a new position * @throws {@link PSVError} if the configuration is invalid */ update(content, config) { this.content.innerHTML = content; const rect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect(); this.state.width = rect.right - rect.left; this.state.height = rect.bottom - rect.top; this.state.arrow = parseInt(getStyleProperty(this.arrow, "border-top-width"), 10); this.state.border = parseInt(getStyleProperty(this.container, "border-top-left-radius"), 10); this.move(config ?? this.state.config); this.__waitImages(); } /** * Moves the tooltip to a new position * @throws {@link PSVError} if the configuration is invalid */ move(config) { if (this.state.state !== 1 /* SHOWING */ && this.state.state !== 3 /* READY */) { throw new PSVError("Uninitialized tooltip cannot be moved"); } config.box = config.box ?? this.state.config?.box ?? { width: 0, height: 0 }; this.state.config = config; const t = this.container; const a = this.arrow; const style = { posClass: cleanCssPosition(config.position, { allowCenter: false, cssOrder: false }) || ["top", "center"], width: this.state.width, height: this.state.height, top: 0, left: 0, arrowTop: 0, arrowLeft: 0 }; this.__computeTooltipPosition(style, config); let swapY = null; let swapX = null; if (style.top < 0) { swapY = "bottom"; } else if (style.top + style.height > this.viewer.state.size.height) { swapY = "top"; } if (style.left < 0) { swapX = "right"; } else if (style.left + style.width > this.viewer.state.size.width) { swapX = "left"; } if (swapX || swapY) { const ordered = cssPositionIsOrdered(style.posClass); if (swapY) { style.posClass[ordered ? 0 : 1] = swapY; } if (swapX) { style.posClass[ordered ? 1 : 0] = swapX; } this.__computeTooltipPosition(style, config); } t.style.top = style.top + "px"; t.style.left = style.left + "px"; a.style.top = style.arrowTop + "px"; a.style.left = style.arrowLeft + "px"; const newPos = style.posClass.join("-"); if (newPos !== this.state.pos) { t.classList.remove(`psv-tooltip--${this.state.pos}`); this.state.pos = newPos; t.classList.add(`psv-tooltip--${this.state.pos}`); } } /** * Hides the tooltip */ hide() { this.container.classList.remove("psv-tooltip--visible"); this.state.state = 2 /* HIDING */; this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new HideTooltipEvent(this.state.data)); const duration = parseFloat(getStyleProperty(this.container, "transition-duration")); this.state.hideTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.destroy(); }, duration * 2); } /** * Finalize transition */ __onTransitionEnd(e) { if (e.propertyName === "transform") { switch (this.state.state) { case 1 /* SHOWING */: this.container.classList.add("psv-tooltip--visible"); this.state.state = 3 /* READY */; break; case 2 /* HIDING */: this.state.state = 0 /* NONE */; this.destroy(); break; default: } } } /** * Computes the position of the tooltip and its arrow */ __computeTooltipPosition(style, config) { const arrow = this.state.arrow; const top = config.top; const height = style.height; const left = config.left; const width = style.width; const offsetSide = arrow + this.state.border; const offsetX = config.box.width / 2 + arrow * 2; const offsetY = config.box.height / 2 + arrow * 2; switch (style.posClass.join("-")) { case "top-left": style.top = top - offsetY - height; style.left = left + offsetSide - width; style.arrowTop = height; style.arrowLeft = width - offsetSide - arrow; break; case "top-center": style.top = top - offsetY - height; style.left = left - width / 2; style.arrowTop = height; style.arrowLeft = width / 2 - arrow; break; case "top-right": style.top = top - offsetY - height; style.left = left - offsetSide; style.arrowTop = height; style.arrowLeft = arrow; break; case "bottom-left": style.top = top + offsetY; style.left = left + offsetSide - width; style.arrowTop = -arrow * 2; style.arrowLeft = width - offsetSide - arrow; break; case "bottom-center": style.top = top + offsetY; style.left = left - width / 2; style.arrowTop = -arrow * 2; style.arrowLeft = width / 2 - arrow; break; case "bottom-right": style.top = top + offsetY; style.left = left - offsetSide; style.arrowTop = -arrow * 2; style.arrowLeft = arrow; break; case "left-top": style.top = top + offsetSide - height; style.left = left - offsetX - width; style.arrowTop = height - offsetSide - arrow; style.arrowLeft = width; break; case "center-left": style.top = top - height / 2; style.left = left - offsetX - width; style.arrowTop = height / 2 - arrow; style.arrowLeft = width; break; case "left-bottom": style.top = top - offsetSide; style.left = left - offsetX - width; style.arrowTop = arrow; style.arrowLeft = width; break; case "right-top": style.top = top + offsetSide - height; style.left = left + offsetX; style.arrowTop = height - offsetSide - arrow; style.arrowLeft = -arrow * 2; break; case "center-right": style.top = top - height / 2; style.left = left + offsetX; style.arrowTop = height / 2 - arrow; style.arrowLeft = -arrow * 2; break; case "right-bottom": style.top = top - offsetSide; style.left = left + offsetX; style.arrowTop = arrow; style.arrowLeft = -arrow * 2; break; } } /** * If the tooltip contains images, recompute its size once they are loaded */ __waitImages() { const images = this.content.querySelectorAll("img"); if (images.length > 0) { const promises = []; images.forEach((image) => { if (!image.complete) { promises.push( new Promise((resolve) => { image.onload = resolve; image.onerror = resolve; }) ); } }); if (promises.length) { Promise.all(promises).then(() => { if (this.state.state === 1 /* SHOWING */ || this.state.state === 3 /* READY */) { const rect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect(); this.state.width = rect.right - rect.left; this.state.height = rect.bottom - rect.top; this.move(this.state.config); } }); } } } }; // src/icons/error.svg var error_default = '\n'; // src/services/DataHelper.ts var import_three8 = require("three"); // src/services/AbstractService.ts var AbstractService = class { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer) { this.viewer = viewer; this.config = viewer.config; this.state = viewer.state; } /** * Destroys the service * @internal */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function destroy() { } }; // src/services/DataHelper.ts var vector3 = new import_three8.Vector3(); var EULER_ZERO = new import_three8.Euler(0, 0, 0, "ZXY"); var DataHelper = class extends AbstractService { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer) { super(viewer); } /** * Converts vertical FOV to zoom level */ fovToZoomLevel(fov) { const temp = Math.round((fov - this.config.minFov) / (this.config.maxFov - this.config.minFov) * 100); return import_three8.MathUtils.clamp(temp - 2 * (temp - 50), 0, 100); } /** * Converts zoom level to vertical FOV */ zoomLevelToFov(level) { return this.config.maxFov + level / 100 * (this.config.minFov - this.config.maxFov); } /** * Converts vertical FOV to horizontal FOV */ vFovToHFov(vFov) { return import_three8.MathUtils.radToDeg(2 * Math.atan(Math.tan(import_three8.MathUtils.degToRad(vFov) / 2) * this.state.aspect)); } /** * Converts horizontal FOV to vertical FOV */ hFovToVFov(hFov) { return import_three8.MathUtils.radToDeg(2 * Math.atan(Math.tan(import_three8.MathUtils.degToRad(hFov) / 2) / this.state.aspect)); } /** * @internal */ getAnimationProperties(speed, targetPosition, targetZoom) { const positionProvided = !isNil(targetPosition); const zoomProvided = !isNil(targetZoom); const properties = {}; let duration = null; if (positionProvided) { const currentPosition = this.viewer.getPosition(); const dYaw = getShortestArc(currentPosition.yaw, targetPosition.yaw); properties.yaw = { start: currentPosition.yaw, end: currentPosition.yaw + dYaw }; properties.pitch = { start: currentPosition.pitch, end: targetPosition.pitch }; duration = speedToDuration(speed, getAngle(currentPosition, targetPosition)); } if (zoomProvided) { const currentZoom = this.viewer.getZoomLevel(); const dZoom = Math.abs(targetZoom - currentZoom); properties.zoom = { start: currentZoom, end: targetZoom }; if (duration === null) { duration = speedToDuration(speed, Math.PI / 4 * dZoom / 100); } } if (duration === null) { if (typeof speed === "number") { duration = speed; } else { duration = ANIMATION_MIN_DURATION; } } else { duration = Math.max(ANIMATION_MIN_DURATION, duration); } return { duration, properties }; } /** * Converts pixel texture coordinates to spherical radians coordinates * @throws {@link PSVError} when the current adapter does not support texture coordinates */ textureCoordsToSphericalCoords(point) { if (!this.state.textureData?.panoData) { throw new PSVError("Current adapter does not support texture coordinates or no texture has been loaded"); } const result = this.viewer.adapter.textureCoordsToSphericalCoords(point, this.state.textureData.panoData); if (!EULER_ZERO.equals(this.viewer.renderer.panoramaPose) || !EULER_ZERO.equals(this.viewer.renderer.sphereCorrection)) { this.sphericalCoordsToVector3(result, vector3); vector3.applyEuler(this.viewer.renderer.panoramaPose); vector3.applyEuler(this.viewer.renderer.sphereCorrection); return this.vector3ToSphericalCoords(vector3); } else { return result; } } /** * Converts spherical radians coordinates to pixel texture coordinates * @throws {@link PSVError} when the current adapter does not support texture coordinates */ sphericalCoordsToTextureCoords(position) { if (!this.state.textureData?.panoData) { throw new PSVError("Current adapter does not support texture coordinates or no texture has been loaded"); } if (!EULER_ZERO.equals(this.viewer.renderer.panoramaPose) || !EULER_ZERO.equals(this.viewer.renderer.sphereCorrection)) { this.sphericalCoordsToVector3(position, vector3); applyEulerInverse(vector3, this.viewer.renderer.sphereCorrection); applyEulerInverse(vector3, this.viewer.renderer.panoramaPose); position = this.vector3ToSphericalCoords(vector3); } return this.viewer.adapter.sphericalCoordsToTextureCoords(position, this.state.textureData.panoData); } /** * Converts spherical radians coordinates to a Vector3 */ sphericalCoordsToVector3(position, vector, distance2 = SPHERE_RADIUS) { if (!vector) { vector = new import_three8.Vector3(); } vector.x = distance2 * -Math.cos(position.pitch) * Math.sin(position.yaw); vector.y = distance2 * Math.sin(position.pitch); vector.z = distance2 * Math.cos(position.pitch) * Math.cos(position.yaw); return vector; } /** * Converts a Vector3 to spherical radians coordinates */ vector3ToSphericalCoords(vector) { const phi = Math.acos(vector.y / Math.sqrt(vector.x * vector.x + vector.y * vector.y + vector.z * vector.z)); const theta = Math.atan2(vector.x, vector.z); return { yaw: theta < 0 ? -theta : Math.PI * 2 - theta, pitch: Math.PI / 2 - phi }; } /** * Converts position on the viewer to a THREE.Vector3 */ viewerCoordsToVector3(viewerPoint) { const sphereIntersect = this.viewer.renderer.getIntersections(viewerPoint).filter((i) => i.object.userData[VIEWER_DATA]); if (sphereIntersect.length) { return sphereIntersect[0].point; } else { return null; } } /** * Converts position on the viewer to spherical radians coordinates */ viewerCoordsToSphericalCoords(viewerPoint) { const vector = this.viewerCoordsToVector3(viewerPoint); return vector ? this.vector3ToSphericalCoords(vector) : null; } /** * Converts a Vector3 to position on the viewer */ vector3ToViewerCoords(vector) { const vectorClone = vector.clone(); vectorClone.project(this.viewer.renderer.camera); return { x: Math.round((vectorClone.x + 1) / 2 * this.state.size.width), y: Math.round((1 - vectorClone.y) / 2 * this.state.size.height) }; } /** * Converts spherical radians coordinates to position on the viewer */ sphericalCoordsToViewerCoords(position) { this.sphericalCoordsToVector3(position, vector3); return this.vector3ToViewerCoords(vector3); } /** * @internal */ isPointVisible(point) { let vector; let viewerPoint; if (point instanceof import_three8.Vector3) { vector = point; viewerPoint = this.vector3ToViewerCoords(point); } else if (isExtendedPosition(point)) { vector = this.sphericalCoordsToVector3(point, vector3); viewerPoint = this.vector3ToViewerCoords(vector); } else { return false; } return vector.dot(this.viewer.state.direction) > 0 && viewerPoint.x >= 0 && viewerPoint.x <= this.viewer.state.size.width && viewerPoint.y >= 0 && viewerPoint.y <= this.viewer.state.size.height; } /** * Converts pixel position to angles if present and ensure boundaries */ cleanPosition(position) { if ("yaw" in position || "pitch" in position) { if (!("yaw" in position) || !("pitch" in position)) { throw new PSVError(`Position is missing 'yaw' or 'pitch'`); } return { yaw: parseAngle(position.yaw), pitch: parseAngle(position.pitch, true) }; } else { return this.textureCoordsToSphericalCoords(position); } } /** * Ensure a SphereCorrection object is valid */ cleanSphereCorrection(sphereCorrection) { return { pan: parseAngle(sphereCorrection?.pan || 0), tilt: parseAngle(sphereCorrection?.tilt || 0, true), roll: parseAngle(sphereCorrection?.roll || 0, true, false) }; } /** * Parse the pose angles of the pano data */ cleanPanoramaPose(panoData) { return { pan: import_three8.MathUtils.degToRad(panoData?.poseHeading || 0), tilt: import_three8.MathUtils.degToRad(panoData?.posePitch || 0), roll: import_three8.MathUtils.degToRad(panoData?.poseRoll || 0) }; } /** * Update the panorama options if the panorama files contains "InitialView" metadata */ cleanPanoramaOptions(options, panoData) { if (!panoData?.isEquirectangular) { return options; } if (isNil(options.zoom) && !isNil(panoData.initialFov)) { options = { ...options, zoom: this.fovToZoomLevel(this.hFovToVFov(panoData.initialFov)) }; } if (isNil(options.position) && !isNil(panoData.initialHeading) && !isNil(panoData.initialPitch)) { options = { ...options, position: { yaw: parseAngle(panoData.initialHeading), pitch: parseAngle(panoData.initialPitch, true) } }; } return options; } }; // src/services/EventsHandler.ts var import_three9 = require("three"); // src/icons/gesture.svg var gesture_default = '\n'; // src/icons/mousewheel.svg var mousewheel_default = '\n'; // src/services/EventsHandler.ts var _Step = class _Step { constructor() { this.$ = _Step.IDLE; } is(...steps) { return steps.some((step) => this.$ & step); } set(step) { this.$ = step; } add(step) { this.$ |= step; } remove(step) { this.$ &= ~step; } }; _Step.IDLE = 0; _Step.CLICK = 1; _Step.MOVING = 2; var Step = _Step; var EventsHandler = class extends AbstractService { constructor(viewer) { super(viewer); this.data = { /** start x position of the click/touch */ startMouseX: 0, /** start y position of the click/touch */ startMouseY: 0, /** current x position of the cursor */ mouseX: 0, /** current y position of the cursor */ mouseY: 0, /** current distance between fingers */ pinchDist: 0, /** accumulator for smooth movement */ moveDelta: { yaw: 0, pitch: 0, zoom: 0 }, accumulatorFactor: 0, /** when the Ctrl key is pressed */ ctrlKeyDown: false, /** temporary storage of click data between two clicks */ dblclickData: null, dblclickTimeout: null, longtouchTimeout: null, twofingersTimeout: null, ctrlZoomTimeout: null }; this.step = new Step(); this.keyHandler = new PressHandler(); this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(throttle(() => this.viewer.autoSize(), 50)); this.moveThreshold = MOVE_THRESHOLD * SYSTEM.pixelRatio; } /** * @internal */ init() { window.addEventListener("keydown", this, { passive: false }); window.addEventListener("keyup", this); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("mousedown", this); window.addEventListener("mousemove", this, { passive: false }); window.addEventListener("mouseup", this); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("touchstart", this, { passive: false }); window.addEventListener("touchmove", this, { passive: false }); window.addEventListener("touchend", this, { passive: false }); this.viewer.container.addEventListener("wheel", this, { passive: false }); document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", this); this.resizeObserver.observe(this.viewer.container); this.viewer.addEventListener(BeforeRenderEvent.type, this); this.viewer.addEventListener(StopAllEvent.type, this); } destroy() { window.removeEventListener("keydown", this); window.removeEventListener("keyup", this); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("mousedown", this); window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this); window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("touchstart", this); window.removeEventListener("touchmove", this); window.removeEventListener("touchend", this); this.viewer.container.removeEventListener("wheel", this); document.removeEventListener("fullscreenchange", this); this.resizeObserver.disconnect(); this.viewer.removeEventListener(BeforeRenderEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(StopAllEvent.type, this); clearTimeout(this.data.dblclickTimeout); clearTimeout(this.data.longtouchTimeout); clearTimeout(this.data.twofingersTimeout); clearTimeout(this.data.ctrlZoomTimeout); super.destroy(); } /** * @internal */ handleEvent(evt) { switch (evt.type) { case "keydown": this.__onKeyDown(evt); break; case "keyup": this.__onKeyUp(); break; case "mousemove": this.__onMouseMove(evt); break; case "mouseup": this.__onMouseUp(evt); break; case "touchmove": this.__onTouchMove(evt); break; case "touchend": this.__onTouchEnd(evt); break; case "fullscreenchange": this.__onFullscreenChange(); break; case BeforeRenderEvent.type: this.__applyMoveDelta(); break; case StopAllEvent.type: this.__clearMoveDelta(); break; } if (!getMatchingTarget(evt, "." + CAPTURE_EVENTS_CLASS)) { switch (evt.type) { case "mousedown": this.__onMouseDown(evt); break; case "touchstart": this.__onTouchStart(evt); break; case "wheel": this.__onMouseWheel(evt); break; } } } /** * Handles keyboard events */ __onKeyDown(e) { if (this.config.mousewheelCtrlKey) { this.data.ctrlKeyDown = e.key === KEY_CODES.Control; if (this.data.ctrlKeyDown) { clearTimeout(this.data.ctrlZoomTimeout); this.viewer.overlay.hide(IDS.CTRL_ZOOM); } } if (!this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new KeypressEvent(e.key, e))) { return; } if (!this.state.keyboardEnabled) { return; } const action = this.config.keyboardActions?.[e.key]; if (typeof action === "function") { action(this.viewer, e); e.preventDefault(); return; } if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey) { return; } if (action && !this.keyHandler.pending) { if (action !== "ZOOM_IN" /* ZOOM_IN */ && action !== "ZOOM_OUT" /* ZOOM_OUT */) { this.viewer.stopAll(); } switch (action) { case "ROTATE_UP" /* ROTATE_UP */: this.viewer.dynamics.position.roll({ pitch: false }); break; case "ROTATE_DOWN" /* ROTATE_DOWN */: this.viewer.dynamics.position.roll({ pitch: true }); break; case "ROTATE_RIGHT" /* ROTATE_RIGHT */: this.viewer.dynamics.position.roll({ yaw: false }); break; case "ROTATE_LEFT" /* ROTATE_LEFT */: this.viewer.dynamics.position.roll({ yaw: true }); break; case "ZOOM_IN" /* ZOOM_IN */: this.viewer.dynamics.zoom.roll(false); break; case "ZOOM_OUT" /* ZOOM_OUT */: this.viewer.dynamics.zoom.roll(true); break; } this.keyHandler.down(action); e.preventDefault(); } } /** * Handles keyboard events */ __onKeyUp() { this.data.ctrlKeyDown = false; if (!this.state.keyboardEnabled) { return; } this.keyHandler.up((action) => { if (action === "ZOOM_IN" /* ZOOM_IN */ || action === "ZOOM_OUT" /* ZOOM_OUT */) { this.viewer.dynamics.zoom.stop(); } else { this.viewer.dynamics.position.stop(); this.viewer.resetIdleTimer(); } }); } /** * Handles mouse down events */ __onMouseDown(evt) { this.step.add(Step.CLICK); this.data.startMouseX = evt.clientX; this.data.startMouseY = evt.clientY; } /** *Handles mouse up events */ __onMouseUp(evt) { if (this.step.is(Step.CLICK, Step.MOVING)) { this.__stopMove(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, evt, evt.button === 2); } } /** * Handles mouse move events */ __onMouseMove(evt) { if (this.config.mousemove && this.step.is(Step.CLICK, Step.MOVING)) { evt.preventDefault(); this.__doMove(evt.clientX, evt.clientY); } this.__handleObjectsEvents(evt); } /** * Handles touch events */ __onTouchStart(evt) { if (evt.touches.length === 1) { this.step.add(Step.CLICK); this.data.startMouseX = evt.touches[0].clientX; this.data.startMouseY = evt.touches[0].clientY; if (!this.data.longtouchTimeout) { this.data.longtouchTimeout = setTimeout(() => { const touch = evt.touches[0]; this.__stopMove(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, evt, true); this.data.longtouchTimeout = null; }, LONGTOUCH_DELAY); } } else if (evt.touches.length === 2) { this.step.set(Step.IDLE); this.__cancelLongTouch(); if (this.config.mousemove) { this.__cancelTwoFingersOverlay(); this.__startMoveZoom(evt); evt.preventDefault(); } } } /** * Handles touch events */ __onTouchEnd(evt) { this.__cancelLongTouch(); if (this.step.is(Step.CLICK, Step.MOVING)) { evt.preventDefault(); this.__cancelTwoFingersOverlay(); if (evt.touches.length === 1) { this.__stopMove(this.data.mouseX, this.data.mouseY); } else if (evt.touches.length === 0) { const touch = evt.changedTouches[0]; this.__stopMove(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, evt); } } } /** * Handles touch move events */ __onTouchMove(evt) { this.__cancelLongTouch(); if (!this.config.mousemove) { return; } if (evt.touches.length === 1) { if (this.config.touchmoveTwoFingers) { if (this.step.is(Step.CLICK) && !this.data.twofingersTimeout) { this.data.twofingersTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.viewer.overlay.show({ id: IDS.TWO_FINGERS, image: gesture_default, title: this.config.lang.twoFingers }); }, TWOFINGERSOVERLAY_DELAY); } } else if (this.step.is(Step.CLICK, Step.MOVING)) { evt.preventDefault(); const touch = evt.touches[0]; this.__doMove(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); } } else { this.__doMoveZoom(evt); this.__cancelTwoFingersOverlay(); } } /** * Cancel the long touch timer if any */ __cancelLongTouch() { if (this.data.longtouchTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.data.longtouchTimeout); this.data.longtouchTimeout = null; } } /** * Cancel the two fingers overlay timer if any */ __cancelTwoFingersOverlay() { if (this.config.touchmoveTwoFingers) { if (this.data.twofingersTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.data.twofingersTimeout); this.data.twofingersTimeout = null; } this.viewer.overlay.hide(IDS.TWO_FINGERS); } } /** * Handles mouse wheel events */ __onMouseWheel(evt) { if (!this.config.mousewheel || !evt.deltaY) { return; } if (this.config.mousewheelCtrlKey && !this.data.ctrlKeyDown) { this.viewer.overlay.show({ id: IDS.CTRL_ZOOM, image: mousewheel_default, title: this.config.lang.ctrlZoom }); clearTimeout(this.data.ctrlZoomTimeout); this.data.ctrlZoomTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.viewer.overlay.hide(IDS.CTRL_ZOOM), CTRLZOOM_TIMEOUT); return; } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); const delta = evt.deltaY / Math.abs(evt.deltaY) * 5 * this.config.zoomSpeed; if (delta !== 0) { this.viewer.dynamics.zoom.step(-delta, 5); } } /** * Handles fullscreen events */ __onFullscreenChange() { const fullscreen = this.viewer.isFullscreenEnabled(); if (this.config.keyboard === "fullscreen") { if (fullscreen) { this.viewer.startKeyboardControl(); } else { this.viewer.stopKeyboardControl(); } } this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new FullscreenEvent(fullscreen)); } /** * Resets all state variables */ __resetMove() { this.step.set(Step.IDLE); this.data.mouseX = 0; this.data.mouseY = 0; this.data.startMouseX = 0; this.data.startMouseY = 0; } /** * Initializes the combines move and zoom */ __startMoveZoom(evt) { this.viewer.stopAll(); this.__resetMove(); const touchData = getTouchData(evt); this.step.set(Step.MOVING); this.data.accumulatorFactor = this.config.moveInertia; ({ distance: this.data.pinchDist, center: { x: this.data.mouseX, y: this.data.mouseY } } = touchData); } /** * Stops the movement * @description If the move threshold was not reached a click event is triggered */ __stopMove(clientX, clientY, event, rightclick = false) { if (this.step.is(Step.CLICK) && !this.__moveThresholdReached(clientX, clientY)) { this.__doClick(clientX, clientY, event, rightclick); } if (this.config.moveInertia) { this.data.accumulatorFactor = Math.pow(this.config.moveInertia, 0.5); } this.__resetMove(); this.viewer.resetIdleTimer(); } /** * Triggers an event with all coordinates when a simple click is performed */ __doClick(clientX, clientY, event, rightclick = false) { const boundingRect = this.viewer.container.getBoundingClientRect(); const viewerX = clientX - boundingRect.left; const viewerY = clientY - boundingRect.top; const intersections = this.viewer.renderer.getIntersections({ x: viewerX, y: viewerY }); const sphereIntersection = intersections.find((i) => i.object.userData[VIEWER_DATA]); if (sphereIntersection) { const sphericalCoords = this.viewer.dataHelper.vector3ToSphericalCoords(sphereIntersection.point); const data = { rightclick, originalEvent: event, target: getEventTarget(event), clientX, clientY, viewerX, viewerY, yaw: sphericalCoords.yaw, pitch: sphericalCoords.pitch, objects: intersections.map((i) => i.object).filter((o) => !o.userData[VIEWER_DATA]) }; try { const textureCoords = this.viewer.dataHelper.sphericalCoordsToTextureCoords(data); Object.assign(data, textureCoords); } catch (e) { } if (!this.data.dblclickTimeout) { this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new ClickEvent(data)); this.data.dblclickData = clone(data); this.data.dblclickTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.data.dblclickTimeout = null; this.data.dblclickData = null; }, DBLCLICK_DELAY); } else { if (Math.abs(this.data.dblclickData.clientX - data.clientX) < this.moveThreshold && Math.abs(this.data.dblclickData.clientY - data.clientY) < this.moveThreshold) { this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new DoubleClickEvent(this.data.dblclickData)); } clearTimeout(this.data.dblclickTimeout); this.data.dblclickTimeout = null; this.data.dblclickData = null; } } } /** * Trigger events for observed THREE objects */ __handleObjectsEvents(evt) { if (!isEmpty(this.state.objectsObservers) && evt.composedPath().includes(this.viewer.container)) { const viewerPos = getPosition(this.viewer.container); const viewerPoint = { x: evt.clientX - viewerPos.x, y: evt.clientY - viewerPos.y }; const intersections = this.viewer.renderer.getIntersections(viewerPoint); const emit = (object, key, evtCtor) => { this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new evtCtor(evt, object, viewerPoint, key)); }; for (const [key, object] of Object.entries(this.state.objectsObservers)) { const intersection = intersections.find((i) => i.object.userData[key]); if (intersection) { if (object && intersection.object !== object) { emit(object, key, ObjectLeaveEvent); this.state.objectsObservers[key] = null; } if (!object) { this.state.objectsObservers[key] = intersection.object; emit(intersection.object, key, ObjectEnterEvent); } else { emit(intersection.object, key, ObjectHoverEvent); } } else if (object) { emit(object, key, ObjectLeaveEvent); this.state.objectsObservers[key] = null; } } } } /** * Starts moving when crossing moveThreshold and performs movement */ __doMove(clientX, clientY) { if (this.step.is(Step.CLICK) && this.__moveThresholdReached(clientX, clientY)) { this.viewer.stopAll(); this.__resetMove(); this.step.set(Step.MOVING); this.data.mouseX = clientX; this.data.mouseY = clientY; this.data.accumulatorFactor = this.config.moveInertia; } else if (this.step.is(Step.MOVING)) { const x = (clientX - this.data.mouseX) * Math.cos(this.state.roll) - (clientY - this.data.mouseY) * Math.sin(this.state.roll); const y = (clientY - this.data.mouseY) * Math.cos(this.state.roll) + (clientX - this.data.mouseX) * Math.sin(this.state.roll); const rotation = { yaw: this.config.moveSpeed * (x / this.state.size.width) * import_three9.MathUtils.degToRad(this.state.hFov), pitch: this.config.moveSpeed * (y / this.state.size.height) * import_three9.MathUtils.degToRad(this.state.vFov) }; this.data.moveDelta.yaw += rotation.yaw; this.data.moveDelta.pitch += rotation.pitch; this.data.mouseX = clientX; this.data.mouseY = clientY; } } /** * Checks if the cursor was move beyond the move threshold */ __moveThresholdReached(clientX, clientY) { return Math.abs(clientX - this.data.startMouseX) >= this.moveThreshold || Math.abs(clientY - this.data.startMouseY) >= this.moveThreshold; } /** * Perfoms combined move and zoom */ __doMoveZoom(evt) { if (this.step.is(Step.MOVING)) { evt.preventDefault(); const touchData = getTouchData(evt); this.__doMove(touchData.center.x, touchData.center.y); this.data.moveDelta.zoom += this.config.zoomSpeed * ((touchData.distance - this.data.pinchDist) / SYSTEM.pixelRatio); this.data.pinchDist = touchData.distance; } } __applyMoveDelta() { const EPS = 1e-3; if (Math.abs(this.data.moveDelta.yaw) > 0 || Math.abs(this.data.moveDelta.pitch) > 0) { const currentPosition = this.viewer.getPosition(); this.viewer.rotate({ yaw: currentPosition.yaw - this.data.moveDelta.yaw * (1 - this.config.moveInertia), pitch: currentPosition.pitch + this.data.moveDelta.pitch * (1 - this.config.moveInertia) }); this.data.moveDelta.yaw *= this.data.accumulatorFactor; this.data.moveDelta.pitch *= this.data.accumulatorFactor; if (Math.abs(this.data.moveDelta.yaw) <= EPS) { this.data.moveDelta.yaw = 0; } if (Math.abs(this.data.moveDelta.pitch) <= EPS) { this.data.moveDelta.pitch = 0; } } if (Math.abs(this.data.moveDelta.zoom) > 0) { const currentZoom = this.viewer.getZoomLevel(); this.viewer.zoom(currentZoom + this.data.moveDelta.zoom * (1 - this.config.moveInertia)); this.data.moveDelta.zoom *= this.config.moveInertia; if (Math.abs(this.data.moveDelta.zoom) <= EPS) { this.data.moveDelta.zoom = 0; } } } __clearMoveDelta() { this.data.moveDelta.yaw = 0; this.data.moveDelta.pitch = 0; this.data.moveDelta.zoom = 0; } }; // src/services/Renderer.ts var import_three10 = require("three"); import_three10.ColorManagement.enabled = false; var vector2 = new import_three10.Vector2(); var matrix4 = new import_three10.Matrix4(); var box3 = new import_three10.Box3(); var Renderer = class extends AbstractService { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer) { super(viewer); this.frustumNeedsUpdate = true; this.renderer = new import_three10.WebGLRenderer(this.config.rendererParameters); this.renderer.setPixelRatio(SYSTEM.pixelRatio); this.renderer.outputColorSpace = import_three10.LinearSRGBColorSpace; this.renderer.domElement.className = "psv-canvas"; this.renderer.domElement.style.background = this.config.canvasBackground; this.scene = new import_three10.Scene(); this.camera = new import_three10.PerspectiveCamera(50, 16 / 9, 0.1, 2 * SPHERE_RADIUS); this.camera.matrixAutoUpdate = false; const raycasterMesh = new import_three10.Mesh( new import_three10.SphereGeometry(SPHERE_RADIUS).scale(-1, 1, 1), new import_three10.MeshBasicMaterial({ opacity: 0, transparent: true, depthTest: false, depthWrite: false }) ); raycasterMesh.userData = { [VIEWER_DATA]: true }; this.scene.add(raycasterMesh); this.raycaster = new import_three10.Raycaster(); this.frustum = new import_three10.Frustum(); this.container = document.createElement("div"); this.container.className = "psv-canvas-container"; this.container.appendChild(this.renderer.domElement); this.viewer.container.appendChild(this.container); this.viewer.addEventListener(SizeUpdatedEvent.type, this); this.viewer.addEventListener(ZoomUpdatedEvent.type, this); this.viewer.addEventListener(PositionUpdatedEvent.type, this); this.viewer.addEventListener(RollUpdatedEvent.type, this); this.viewer.addEventListener(ConfigChangedEvent.type, this); this.hide(); } get panoramaPose() { return this.mesh.rotation; } get sphereCorrection() { return this.meshContainer.rotation; } /** * @internal */ init() { this.show(); this.renderer.setAnimationLoop((t) => this.__renderLoop(t)); } /** * @internal */ destroy() { this.renderer.setAnimationLoop(null); this.cleanScene(this.scene); this.renderer.dispose(); this.viewer.container.removeChild(this.container); this.viewer.removeEventListener(SizeUpdatedEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(ZoomUpdatedEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(PositionUpdatedEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(RollUpdatedEvent.type, this); this.viewer.removeEventListener(ConfigChangedEvent.type, this); super.destroy(); } /** * @internal */ handleEvent(e) { switch (e.type) { case SizeUpdatedEvent.type: this.__onSizeUpdated(); break; case ZoomUpdatedEvent.type: this.__onZoomUpdated(); break; case PositionUpdatedEvent.type: this.__onPositionUpdated(); break; case RollUpdatedEvent.type: this.__onPositionUpdated(); break; case ConfigChangedEvent.type: if (e.containsOptions("fisheye")) { this.__onPositionUpdated(); } if (e.containsOptions("canvasBackground")) { this.renderer.domElement.style.background = this.config.canvasBackground; } break; } } /** * Hides the viewer */ hide() { this.container.style.opacity = "0"; } /** * Shows the viewer */ show() { this.container.style.opacity = "1"; } /** * Resets or replaces the THREE renderer by a custom one */ setCustomRenderer(factory) { if (factory) { this.customRenderer = factory(this.renderer); } else { this.customRenderer = null; } this.viewer.needsUpdate(); } /** * Updates the size of the renderer and the aspect of the camera */ __onSizeUpdated() { this.renderer.setSize(this.state.size.width, this.state.size.height); this.camera.aspect = this.state.aspect; this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); this.viewer.needsUpdate(); this.frustumNeedsUpdate = true; } /** * Updates the fov of the camera */ __onZoomUpdated() { this.camera.fov = this.state.vFov; this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); this.viewer.needsUpdate(); this.frustumNeedsUpdate = true; } /** * Updates the position of the camera */ __onPositionUpdated() { this.camera.position.set(0, 0, 0); this.camera.lookAt(this.state.direction); if (this.config.fisheye) { this.camera.position.copy(this.state.direction).multiplyScalar(this.config.fisheye / 2).negate(); } this.camera.rotateZ(-this.state.roll); this.camera.updateMatrix(); this.camera.updateMatrixWorld(); this.viewer.needsUpdate(); this.frustumNeedsUpdate = true; } /** * Main event loop, performs a render if `state.needsUpdate` is true */ __renderLoop(timestamp) { const elapsed = !this.timestamp ? 0 : timestamp - this.timestamp; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new BeforeRenderEvent(timestamp, elapsed)); this.viewer.dynamics.update(elapsed); if (this.state.needsUpdate || this.state.continuousUpdateCount > 0) { this.state.needsUpdate = false; (this.customRenderer || this.renderer).render(this.scene, this.camera); this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new RenderEvent()); } } /** * Applies the texture to the scene, creates the scene if needed * @internal */ setTexture(textureData) { if (!this.meshContainer) { this.meshContainer = new import_three10.Group(); this.scene.add(this.meshContainer); } if (this.state.textureData) { this.viewer.adapter.disposeTexture(this.state.textureData); } if (this.mesh) { this.meshContainer.remove(this.mesh); this.viewer.adapter.disposeMesh(this.mesh); } this.mesh = this.viewer.adapter.createMesh(textureData.panoData); this.viewer.adapter.setTexture(this.mesh, textureData, false); this.meshContainer.add(this.mesh); this.state.textureData = textureData; this.viewer.needsUpdate(); } /** * Applies a panorama data pose to a Mesh * @internal */ setPanoramaPose(panoData, mesh = this.mesh) { const cleanCorrection = this.viewer.dataHelper.cleanPanoramaPose(panoData); const i = (cleanCorrection.pan ? 1 : 0) + (cleanCorrection.tilt ? 1 : 0) + (cleanCorrection.roll ? 1 : 0); if (!Viewer.useNewAnglesOrder && i > 1) { logWarn(`'panoData' Euler angles have changed in version 5.11.0.`); logWarn(`Remove your 'useNewAnglesOrder' override to remove this warning (you might have to adapt your poseHeading/posePitch/poseRoll parameters).`); } if (Viewer.useNewAnglesOrder) { mesh.rotation.set(cleanCorrection.tilt, cleanCorrection.pan, cleanCorrection.roll, "YXZ"); } else { mesh.rotation.set(-cleanCorrection.tilt, -cleanCorrection.pan, -cleanCorrection.roll, "ZXY"); } } /** * Applies a SphereCorrection to a Group * @internal */ setSphereCorrection(sphereCorrection, group = this.meshContainer) { const cleanCorrection = this.viewer.dataHelper.cleanSphereCorrection(sphereCorrection); const i = (cleanCorrection.pan ? 1 : 0) + (cleanCorrection.tilt ? 1 : 0) + (cleanCorrection.roll ? 1 : 0); if (!Viewer.useNewAnglesOrder && i > 1) { logWarn(`'sphereCorrection' Euler angles have changed in version 5.11.0.`); logWarn(`Remove your 'useNewAnglesOrder' override to remove this warning (you might have to adapt your poseHeading/posePitch/poseRoll parameters).`); } if (Viewer.useNewAnglesOrder) { group.rotation.set(cleanCorrection.tilt, cleanCorrection.pan, cleanCorrection.roll, "YXZ"); } else { group.rotation.set(cleanCorrection.tilt, cleanCorrection.pan, cleanCorrection.roll, "ZXY"); } } /** * Performs transition between the current and a new texture * @internal */ transition(textureData, options) { const positionProvided = !isNil(options.position); const zoomProvided = !isNil(options.zoom); const e = new BeforeAnimateEvent( positionProvided ? this.viewer.dataHelper.cleanPosition(options.position) : void 0, options.zoom ); this.viewer.dispatchEvent(e); const meshContainer = new import_three10.Group(); const mesh = this.viewer.adapter.createMesh(textureData.panoData); this.viewer.adapter.setTexture(mesh, textureData, true); this.viewer.adapter.setTextureOpacity(mesh, 0); this.setPanoramaPose(textureData.panoData, mesh); this.setSphereCorrection(options.sphereCorrection, meshContainer); if (positionProvided && options.transition === "fade-only") { const currentPosition = this.viewer.getPosition(); const verticalAxis = new import_three10.Vector3(0, 1, 0); meshContainer.rotateOnWorldAxis(verticalAxis, e.position.yaw - currentPosition.yaw); const horizontalAxis = new import_three10.Vector3(0, 1, 0).cross(this.camera.getWorldDirection(new import_three10.Vector3())).normalize(); meshContainer.rotateOnWorldAxis(horizontalAxis, e.position.pitch - currentPosition.pitch); } meshContainer.add(mesh); this.scene.add(meshContainer); this.renderer.setRenderTarget(new import_three10.WebGLRenderTarget()); this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); this.renderer.setRenderTarget(null); const { duration, properties } = this.viewer.dataHelper.getAnimationProperties( options.speed, options.transition === true ? e.position : null, e.zoomLevel ); const animation = new Animation({ properties: { ...properties, opacity: { start: 0, end: 1 } }, duration, easing: "inOutCubic", onTick: (props) => { this.viewer.adapter.setTextureOpacity(mesh, props.opacity); if (positionProvided && options.transition === true) { this.viewer.dynamics.position.setValue({ yaw: props.yaw, pitch: props.pitch }); } if (zoomProvided) { this.viewer.dynamics.zoom.setValue(props.zoom); } this.viewer.needsUpdate(); } }); animation.then((completed) => { meshContainer.remove(mesh); this.scene.remove(meshContainer); if (completed) { this.viewer.adapter.disposeTexture(this.state.textureData); this.meshContainer.remove(this.mesh); this.viewer.adapter.disposeMesh(this.mesh); this.mesh = mesh; this.meshContainer.add(mesh); this.state.textureData = textureData; this.setPanoramaPose(textureData.panoData); this.setSphereCorrection(options.sphereCorrection); if (positionProvided && options.transition === "fade-only") { this.viewer.rotate(options.position); } } else { this.viewer.adapter.disposeTexture(textureData); this.viewer.adapter.disposeMesh(mesh); } }); return animation; } /** * Returns intersections with objects in the scene */ getIntersections(viewerPoint) { vector2.x = 2 * viewerPoint.x / this.state.size.width - 1; vector2.y = -2 * viewerPoint.y / this.state.size.height + 1; this.raycaster.setFromCamera(vector2, this.camera); const intersections = this.raycaster.intersectObjects(this.scene.children, true).filter((i) => i.object.visible).filter((i) => i.object.isMesh && !!i.object.userData); if (this.customRenderer?.getIntersections) { intersections.push(...this.customRenderer.getIntersections(this.raycaster, vector2)); } return intersections; } /** * Checks if an object/point is currently visible */ isObjectVisible(value) { if (!value) { return false; } if (this.frustumNeedsUpdate) { matrix4.multiplyMatrices(this.camera.projectionMatrix, this.camera.matrixWorldInverse); this.frustum.setFromProjectionMatrix(matrix4); this.frustumNeedsUpdate = false; } if (value.isVector3) { return this.frustum.containsPoint(value); } else if (value.isMesh && value.geometry) { const mesh = value; if (!mesh.geometry.boundingBox) { mesh.geometry.computeBoundingBox(); } box3.copy(mesh.geometry.boundingBox).applyMatrix4(mesh.matrixWorld); return this.frustum.intersectsBox(box3); } else if (value.isObject3D) { return this.frustum.intersectsObject(value); } else { return false; } } /** * Adds an object to the THREE scene */ addObject(object) { this.scene.add(object); } /** * Removes an object from the THREE scene */ removeObject(object) { this.scene.remove(object); } /** * Calls `dispose` on all objects and textures * @internal */ cleanScene(object) { const disposeMaterial = (material) => { material.map?.dispose(); if (material.uniforms) { Object.values(material.uniforms).forEach((uniform) => { uniform.value?.dispose?.(); }); } material.dispose(); }; object.traverse((item) => { item.geometry?.dispose(); if (item.material) { if (Array.isArray(item.material)) { item.material.forEach((material) => { disposeMaterial(material); }); } else { disposeMaterial(item.material); } } if (!(item instanceof import_three10.Scene)) { item.dispose?.(); } if (item !== object) { this.cleanScene(item); } }); } }; // src/lib/BlobLoader.ts var import_three11 = require("three"); var BlobLoader = class extends import_three11.Loader { // @ts-ignore load(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError, abortSignal) { const req = new Request(url, { headers: new Headers(this.requestHeader), credentials: this.withCredentials ? "include" : "same-origin" }); fetch(req, { signal: abortSignal }).then((response) => { if (response.status === 200 || response.status === 0) { const reader = response.body.getReader(); const contentLength = response.headers.get("Content-Length") || response.headers.get("X-File-Size"); const total = contentLength ? parseInt(contentLength) : 0; const lengthComputable = total !== 0; let loaded = 0; const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { readData(); function readData() { reader.read().then(({ done, value }) => { if (done) { controller.close(); } else { loaded += value.byteLength; const event = new ProgressEvent("progress", { lengthComputable, loaded, total }); onProgress(event); controller.enqueue(value); readData(); } }).catch((err) => { onError(err); }); } } }); return new Response(stream); } else { throw new Error(`fetch for "${response.url}" responded with ${response.status}: ${response.statusText}`); } }).then((response) => { return response.blob(); }).then((data) => { onLoad(data); }).catch((err) => { onError(err); }); } }; // src/lib/ImageLoader.ts var import_three12 = require("three"); var ImageLoader = class extends import_three12.Loader { // @ts-ignore load(url, onLoad, onError, abortSignal) { const image = document.createElement("img"); function onImageLoad() { removeEventListeners(); onLoad(this); } function onImageError(event) { removeEventListeners(); if (abortSignal?.aborted) { const e = new Error(); e.name = "AbortError"; e.message = "The operation was aborted."; onError(e); } else { onError(event); } } function onAbortSignal() { image.src = ""; } function removeEventListeners() { image.removeEventListener("load", onImageLoad, false); image.removeEventListener("error", onImageError, false); abortSignal?.removeEventListener("abort", onAbortSignal, false); } image.addEventListener("load", onImageLoad, false); image.addEventListener("error", onImageError, false); abortSignal?.addEventListener("abort", onAbortSignal, false); if (!url.startsWith("data:") && this.crossOrigin !== void 0) { image.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin; } image.src = url; return image; } }; // src/services/TextureLoader.ts var TextureLoader = class extends AbstractService { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer) { super(viewer); this.abortCtrl = {}; this.fileLoader = new BlobLoader(); this.imageLoader = new ImageLoader(); if (this.config.withCredentials) { this.fileLoader.setWithCredentials(true); this.imageLoader.setCrossOrigin("use-credentials"); } } /** * @internal */ destroy() { this.abortLoading(); super.destroy(); } /** * Cancels current HTTP requests * @internal */ abortLoading() { Object.values(this.abortCtrl).forEach((ctrl) => ctrl.abort()); this.abortCtrl = {}; } /** * Loads a Blob with FileLoader */ loadFile(url, onProgress, cacheKey) { const cached = Cache.get(url, cacheKey); if (cached) { if (cached instanceof Blob) { onProgress?.(100); return Promise.resolve(cached); } else { Cache.remove(url, cacheKey); } } if (this.config.requestHeaders) { this.fileLoader.setRequestHeader(this.config.requestHeaders(url)); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let progress = 0; onProgress?.(progress); this.fileLoader.load( url, (result) => { progress = 100; onProgress?.(progress); Cache.add(url, cacheKey, result); resolve(result); }, (e) => { if (e.lengthComputable) { const newProgress = e.loaded / e.total * 100; if (newProgress > progress) { progress = newProgress; onProgress?.(progress); } } }, (err) => { reject(err); }, this.__getAbortSignal(cacheKey) ); }); } /** * Loads an image with ImageLoader or with FileLoader if progress is tracked or if request headers are configured */ loadImage(url, onProgress, cacheKey) { const cached = Cache.get(url, cacheKey); if (cached) { onProgress?.(100); if (cached instanceof Blob) { return this.blobToImage(cached); } else { return Promise.resolve(cached); } } if (!onProgress && !this.config.requestHeaders) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.imageLoader.load( url, (result) => { Cache.add(url, cacheKey, result); resolve(result); }, (err) => { reject(err); }, this.__getAbortSignal(cacheKey) ); }); } else { return this.loadFile(url, onProgress, cacheKey).then((blob) => this.blobToImage(blob)); } } /** * Converts a file loaded with {@link loadFile} into an image */ blobToImage(blob) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const img = document.createElement("img"); img.onload = () => { URL.revokeObjectURL(img.src); resolve(img); }; img.onerror = reject; img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); }); } /** * Preload a panorama file without displaying it */ preloadPanorama(panorama) { if (this.viewer.adapter.supportsPreload(panorama)) { return this.viewer.adapter.loadTexture(panorama, false); } else { return Promise.reject(new PSVError("Current adapter does not support preload")); } } /** * Get an abort signal * the signal is shared accross all requests with the same cache key (for tiles adapters) */ __getAbortSignal(cacheKey) { if (cacheKey) { if (this.abortCtrl[cacheKey]?.signal.aborted) { delete this.abortCtrl[cacheKey]; } if (!this.abortCtrl[cacheKey]) { this.abortCtrl[cacheKey] = new AbortController(); } return this.abortCtrl[cacheKey].signal; } return null; } }; // src/services/ViewerDynamics.ts var import_three13 = require("three"); var ViewerDynamics = class extends AbstractService { /** * @internal */ constructor(viewer) { super(viewer); this.zoom = new Dynamic( (zoomLevel) => { this.viewer.state.vFov = this.viewer.dataHelper.zoomLevelToFov(zoomLevel); this.viewer.state.hFov = this.viewer.dataHelper.vFovToHFov(this.viewer.state.vFov); this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new ZoomUpdatedEvent(zoomLevel)); }, { defaultValue: this.viewer.config.defaultZoomLvl, min: 0, max: 100, wrap: false } ); this.position = new MultiDynamic( (position) => { this.viewer.dataHelper.sphericalCoordsToVector3(position, this.viewer.state.direction); this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new PositionUpdatedEvent(position)); }, { yaw: new Dynamic(null, { defaultValue: this.config.defaultYaw, min: 0, max: 2 * Math.PI, wrap: true }), pitch: new Dynamic(null, { defaultValue: this.config.defaultPitch, min: -Math.PI / 2, max: Math.PI / 2, wrap: false }) } ); this.roll = new Dynamic( (roll) => { this.viewer.state.roll = roll; this.viewer.dispatchEvent(new RollUpdatedEvent(roll)); }, { defaultValue: 0, min: -Math.PI, max: Math.PI, wrap: false } ); this.updateSpeeds(); } /** * @internal */ updateSpeeds() { this.zoom.setSpeed(this.config.zoomSpeed * 50); this.position.setSpeed(import_three13.MathUtils.degToRad(this.config.moveSpeed * 50)); this.roll.setSpeed(import_three13.MathUtils.degToRad(this.config.moveSpeed * 50)); } /** * @internal */ update(elapsed) { this.zoom.update(elapsed); this.position.update(elapsed); this.roll.update(elapsed); } }; // src/services/ViewerState.ts var import_three14 = require("three"); var ViewerState = class { /** * @internal */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function constructor() { /** * when all components are loaded */ this.ready = false; /** * if the view needs to be renderer */ this.needsUpdate = false; /** * number of plugins requesting to continuously render the scene */ this.continuousUpdateCount = 0; /** * if the keyboard events are currently listened to */ this.keyboardEnabled = false; /** * direction of the camera */ this.direction = new import_three14.Vector3(0, 0, SPHERE_RADIUS); /** * current camera roll */ this.roll = 0; /** * vertical FOV */ this.vFov = 60; /** * horizontal FOV */ this.hFov = 60; /** * renderer aspect ratio */ this.aspect = 1; /** * currently running animation */ this.animation = null; /** * currently running transition */ this.transitionAnimation = null; /** * promise of the last "setPanorama()" call */ this.loadingPromise = null; /** * time of the last user action */ this.idleTime = -1; /** * registered THREE objects observer */ this.objectsObservers = {}; /** * size of the container */ this.size = { width: 0, height: 0 }; } }; // src/Viewer.ts var Viewer = class extends TypedEventTarget { constructor(config) { super(); /** @internal */ this.plugins = {}; /** @internal */ this.children = []; this.onResize = throttle(() => this.navbar.autoSize(), 500); this.parent = getElement(config.container); if (!this.parent) { throw new PSVError(`"container" element not found.`); } this.parent[VIEWER_DATA] = this; this.container = document.createElement("div"); this.container.classList.add("psv-container"); this.parent.appendChild(this.container); checkClosedShadowDom(this.parent); checkStylesheet(this.container, "core"); this.state = new ViewerState(); this.config = getViewerConfig(config); this.__setSize(this.config.size); this.overlay = new Overlay(this); try { SYSTEM.load(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); this.showError(this.config.lang.webglError); return; } Cache.init(); this.adapter = new this.config.adapter[0](this, this.config.adapter[1]); this.renderer = new Renderer(this); this.textureLoader = new TextureLoader(this); this.eventsHandler = new EventsHandler(this); this.dataHelper = new DataHelper(this); this.dynamics = new ViewerDynamics(this); this.adapter.init?.(); this.loader = new Loader(this); this.navbar = new Navbar(this); this.panel = new Panel(this); this.notification = new Notification(this); this.autoSize(); this.setCursor(null); resolveBoolean(SYSTEM.isTouchEnabled, (enabled) => { toggleClass(this.container, "psv--is-touch", enabled); }); this.config.plugins.forEach(([plugin, opts]) => { this.plugins[plugin.id] = new plugin(this, opts); }); for (const plugin of Object.values(this.plugins)) { plugin.init?.(); } if (this.config.navbar) { this.navbar.setButtons(this.config.navbar); } if (!this.state.loadingPromise) { if (this.config.panorama) { this.setPanorama(this.config.panorama); } else { this.loader.show(); } } } /** * Destroys the viewer */ destroy() { this.stopAll(); this.stopKeyboardControl(); this.exitFullscreen(); for (const [id, plugin] of Object.entries(this.plugins)) { plugin.destroy(); delete this.plugins[id]; } this.children.slice().forEach((child) => child.destroy()); this.children.length = 0; this.eventsHandler?.destroy(); this.renderer?.destroy(); this.textureLoader?.destroy(); this.dataHelper?.destroy(); this.adapter?.destroy(); this.dynamics?.destroy(); this.parent.removeChild(this.container); delete this.parent[VIEWER_DATA]; } init() { this.eventsHandler.init(); this.renderer.init(); if (this.config.navbar) { this.navbar.show(); } if (this.config.keyboard === "always") { this.startKeyboardControl(); } this.resetIdleTimer(); this.state.ready = true; this.dispatchEvent(new ReadyEvent()); } /** * Restarts the idle timer * @internal */ resetIdleTimer() { this.state.idleTime = performance.now(); } /** * Stops the idle timer * @internal */ disableIdleTimer() { this.state.idleTime = -1; } /** * Returns the instance of a plugin if it exists * @example By plugin identifier * ```js * viewer.getPlugin('markers') * ``` * @example By plugin class with TypeScript support * ```ts * viewer.getPlugin(MarkersPlugin) * ``` */ getPlugin(pluginId) { if (typeof pluginId === "string") { return this.plugins[pluginId]; } else { const pluginCtor = pluginInterop(pluginId); return pluginCtor ? this.plugins[pluginCtor.id] : null; } } /** * Returns the current position of the camera */ getPosition() { return this.dataHelper.cleanPosition(this.dynamics.position.current); } /** * Returns the current zoom level */ getZoomLevel() { return this.dynamics.zoom.current; } /** * Returns the current viewer size */ getSize() { return { ...this.state.size }; } /** * Checks if the viewer is in fullscreen */ isFullscreenEnabled() { return isFullscreenEnabled(this.parent, SYSTEM.isIphone); } /** * Request a new render of the scene */ needsUpdate() { this.state.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Request the scene to be continuously renderer (when using videos) */ needsContinuousUpdate(enabled) { if (enabled) { this.state.continuousUpdateCount++; } else if (this.state.continuousUpdateCount > 0) { this.state.continuousUpdateCount--; } } /** * Resizes the scene if the viewer is resized */ autoSize() { if (this.container.clientWidth !== this.state.size.width || this.container.clientHeight !== this.state.size.height) { this.state.size.width = Math.round(this.container.clientWidth); this.state.size.height = Math.round(this.container.clientHeight); this.state.aspect = this.state.size.width / this.state.size.height; this.state.hFov = this.dataHelper.vFovToHFov(this.state.vFov); this.dispatchEvent(new SizeUpdatedEvent(this.getSize())); this.onResize(); } } /** * Loads a new panorama file * Loads a new panorama file, optionally changing the camera position/zoom and activating the transition animation.
* If the "options" parameter is not defined, the camera will not move and the ongoing animation will continue.
* If another loading is already in progress it will be aborted. * @returns promise resolved with false if the loading was aborted by another call */ setPanorama(path, options = {}) { this.textureLoader.abortLoading(); this.state.transitionAnimation?.cancel(); if (!this.state.ready) { ["sphereCorrection", "panoData"].forEach((opt) => { if (!(opt in options)) { options[opt] = this.config[opt]; } }); } if (options.transition === void 0) { options.transition = true; } if (options.speed === void 0) { options.speed = DEFAULT_TRANSITION; } if (options.showLoader === void 0) { options.showLoader = true; } if (options.caption === void 0) { options.caption = this.config.caption; } if (options.description === void 0) { options.description = this.config.description; } if (!options.panoData && typeof this.config.panoData === "function") { options.panoData = this.config.panoData; } this.hideError(); this.resetIdleTimer(); this.config.panorama = path; this.config.caption = options.caption; this.config.description = options.description; const done = (err) => { if (isAbortError(err)) { return false; } this.loader.hide(); this.state.loadingPromise = null; if (err) { this.navbar.setCaption(""); this.showError(this.config.lang.loadError); console.error(err); this.dispatchEvent(new PanoramaErrorEvent(path, err)); throw err; } else { this.navbar.setCaption(this.config.caption); return true; } }; this.navbar.setCaption(`${this.config.lang.loading}`); if (options.showLoader || !this.state.ready) { this.loader.show(); } this.dispatchEvent(new PanoramaLoadEvent(path)); const loadingPromise = this.adapter.loadTexture(this.config.panorama, true, options.panoData).then((textureData) => { if (textureData.panorama !== this.config.panorama) { this.adapter.disposeTexture(textureData); throw getAbortError(); } const cleanOptions = this.dataHelper.cleanPanoramaOptions(options, textureData.panoData); if (!isNil(cleanOptions.zoom) || !isNil(cleanOptions.position)) { this.stopAll(); } return { textureData, cleanOptions }; }); if (!options.transition || !this.state.ready || !this.adapter.supportsTransition(this.config.panorama)) { this.state.loadingPromise = loadingPromise.then(({ textureData, cleanOptions }) => { this.renderer.show(); this.renderer.setTexture(textureData); this.renderer.setPanoramaPose(textureData.panoData); this.renderer.setSphereCorrection(options.sphereCorrection); if (!this.state.ready) { this.init(); } this.dispatchEvent(new PanoramaLoadedEvent(textureData)); if (!isNil(cleanOptions.zoom)) { this.zoom(cleanOptions.zoom); } if (!isNil(cleanOptions.position)) { this.rotate(cleanOptions.position); } }).then( () => done(), (err) => done(err) ); } else { this.state.loadingPromise = loadingPromise.then(({ textureData, cleanOptions }) => { this.loader.hide(); this.dispatchEvent(new PanoramaLoadedEvent(textureData)); this.state.transitionAnimation = this.renderer.transition(textureData, cleanOptions); return this.state.transitionAnimation; }).then((completed) => { this.state.transitionAnimation = null; this.dispatchEvent(new TransitionDoneEvent(completed)); if (!completed) { throw getAbortError(); } }).then( () => done(), (err) => done(err) ); } return this.state.loadingPromise; } /** * Update options * @throws {@link PSVError} if the configuration is invalid */ setOptions(options) { const rawConfig = { ...this.config, ...options }; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) { if (!(key in DEFAULTS)) { logWarn(`Unknown option ${key}`); continue; } if (key in READONLY_OPTIONS) { logWarn(READONLY_OPTIONS[key]); continue; } if (key in CONFIG_PARSERS) { value = CONFIG_PARSERS[key](value, { rawConfig, defValue: DEFAULTS[key] }); } this.config[key] = value; switch (key) { case "mousemove": if (!this.state.cursorOverride) { this.setCursor(null); } break; case "caption": this.navbar.setCaption(this.config.caption); break; case "size": this.resize(this.config.size); break; case "sphereCorrection": this.renderer.setSphereCorrection(this.config.sphereCorrection); break; case "navbar": case "lang": this.navbar.setButtons(this.config.navbar); break; case "moveSpeed": case "zoomSpeed": this.dynamics.updateSpeeds(); break; case "minFov": case "maxFov": this.dynamics.zoom.setValue(this.dataHelper.fovToZoomLevel(this.state.vFov)); this.dispatchEvent(new ZoomUpdatedEvent(this.getZoomLevel())); break; case "keyboard": if (this.config.keyboard === "always") { this.startKeyboardControl(); } else { this.stopKeyboardControl(); } break; default: break; } } this.needsUpdate(); this.dispatchEvent(new ConfigChangedEvent(Object.keys(options))); } /** * Update options * @throws {@link PSVError} if the configuration is invalid */ setOption(option, value) { this.setOptions({ [option]: value }); } /** * Displays an error message over the viewer */ showError(message) { this.overlay.show({ id: IDS.ERROR, image: error_default, title: message, dissmisable: false }); } /** * Hides the error message */ hideError() { this.overlay.hide(IDS.ERROR); } /** * Rotates the view to specific position */ rotate(position) { const e = new BeforeRotateEvent(this.dataHelper.cleanPosition(position)); this.dispatchEvent(e); if (e.defaultPrevented) { return; } this.dynamics.position.setValue(e.position); } /** * Zooms to a specific level between `maxFov` and `minFov` */ zoom(level) { this.dynamics.zoom.setValue(level); } /** * Increases the zoom level */ zoomIn(step = 1) { this.dynamics.zoom.step(step); } /** * Decreases the zoom level */ zoomOut(step = 1) { this.dynamics.zoom.step(-step); } /** * Rotates and zooms the view with a smooth animation */ animate(options) { const positionProvided = isExtendedPosition(options); const zoomProvided = !isNil(options.zoom); const e = new BeforeAnimateEvent( positionProvided ? this.dataHelper.cleanPosition(options) : void 0, options.zoom ); this.dispatchEvent(e); if (e.defaultPrevented) { return; } this.stopAll(); const { duration, properties } = this.dataHelper.getAnimationProperties(options.speed, e.position, e.zoomLevel); if (!duration) { if (positionProvided) { this.rotate(e.position); } if (zoomProvided) { this.zoom(e.zoomLevel); } return new Animation(null); } this.state.animation = new Animation({ properties, duration, easing: options.easing || "inOutSine", onTick: (props) => { if (positionProvided) { this.dynamics.position.setValue({ yaw: props.yaw, pitch: props.pitch }); } if (zoomProvided) { this.dynamics.zoom.setValue(props.zoom); } } }); this.state.animation.then(() => { this.state.animation = null; this.resetIdleTimer(); }); return this.state.animation; } /** * Stops the ongoing animation * The return value is a Promise because the is no guaranty the animation can be stopped synchronously. */ stopAnimation() { if (this.state.animation) { this.state.animation.cancel(); return this.state.animation; } else { return Promise.resolve(); } } /** * Resizes the viewer */ resize(size) { this.__setSize(size); this.autoSize(); } __setSize(size) { const s = size; ["width", "height"].forEach((dim) => { if (size && s[dim]) { if (/^[0-9.]+$/.test(s[dim])) { s[dim] += "px"; } this.parent.style[dim] = s[dim]; } }); } /** * Enters the fullscreen mode */ enterFullscreen() { if (!this.isFullscreenEnabled()) { requestFullscreen(this.parent, SYSTEM.isIphone); } } /** * Exits the fullscreen mode */ exitFullscreen() { if (this.isFullscreenEnabled()) { exitFullscreen(SYSTEM.isIphone); } } /** * Enters or exits the fullscreen mode */ toggleFullscreen() { if (!this.isFullscreenEnabled()) { this.enterFullscreen(); } else { this.exitFullscreen(); } } /** * Enables the keyboard controls */ startKeyboardControl() { this.state.keyboardEnabled = true; } /** * Disables the keyboard controls */ stopKeyboardControl() { this.state.keyboardEnabled = false; } /** * Creates a new tooltip * Use {@link Tooltip.move} to update the tooltip without re-create * @throws {@link PSVError} if the configuration is invalid */ createTooltip(config) { return new Tooltip(this, config); } /** * Changes the global mouse cursor */ setCursor(cursor) { this.state.cursorOverride = cursor; if (!cursor) { this.container.style.cursor = this.config.mousemove ? "move" : "default"; } else { this.container.style.cursor = cursor; } } /** * Subscribes to events on objects in the three.js scene * @param userDataKey - only objects with the following `userData` will be observed */ observeObjects(userDataKey) { if (!this.state.objectsObservers[userDataKey]) { this.state.objectsObservers[userDataKey] = null; } } /** * Unsubscribes to events on objects */ unobserveObjects(userDataKey) { delete this.state.objectsObservers[userDataKey]; } /** * Stops all current animations * @internal */ stopAll() { this.dispatchEvent(new StopAllEvent()); this.disableIdleTimer(); return this.stopAnimation(); } }; /** * Change the order in which the panoData and sphereCorrection angles are applied from 'ZXY' to 'YXZ' * @deprecated Will be removed in version 5.12 */ Viewer.useNewAnglesOrder = true; // src/index.ts var VERSION = "5.11.1"; // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { AbstractAdapter, AbstractButton, AbstractComponent, AbstractConfigurablePlugin, AbstractPlugin, CONSTANTS, Cache, DEFAULTS, DualFisheyeAdapter, EquirectangularAdapter, PSVError, SYSTEM, TypedEvent, VERSION, Viewer, events, registerButton, utils }); //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map