"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __knownSymbol = (name, symbol) => (symbol = Symbol[name]) ? symbol : Symbol.for("Symbol." + name); var __typeError = (msg) => { throw TypeError(msg); }; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var __decoratorStart = (base) => { var _a2; return [, , , __create((_a2 = base == null ? void 0 : base[__knownSymbol("metadata")]) != null ? _a2 : null)]; }; var __decoratorStrings = ["class", "method", "getter", "setter", "accessor", "field", "value", "get", "set"]; var __expectFn = (fn) => fn !== void 0 && typeof fn !== "function" ? __typeError("Function expected") : fn; var __decoratorContext = (kind, name, done, metadata, fns) => ({ kind: __decoratorStrings[kind], name, metadata, addInitializer: (fn) => done._ ? __typeError("Already initialized") : fns.push(__expectFn(fn || null)) }); var __decoratorMetadata = (array, target) => __defNormalProp(target, __knownSymbol("metadata"), array[3]); var __runInitializers = (array, flags, self, value) => { for (var i = 0, fns = array[flags >> 1], n = fns && fns.length; i < n; i++) flags & 1 ? fns[i].call(self) : value = fns[i].call(self, value); return value; }; var __decorateElement = (array, flags, name, decorators, target, extra) => { var fn, it, done, ctx, access, k = flags & 7, s = !!(flags & 8), p = !!(flags & 16); var j = k > 3 ? array.length + 1 : k ? s ? 1 : 2 : 0, key = __decoratorStrings[k + 5]; var initializers = k > 3 && (array[j - 1] = []), extraInitializers = array[j] || (array[j] = []); var desc = k && (!p && !s && (target = target.prototype), k < 5 && (k > 3 || !p) && __getOwnPropDesc(k < 4 ? target : { get [name]() { return __privateGet(this, extra); }, set [name](x) { return __privateSet(this, extra, x); } }, name)); k ? p && k < 4 && __name(extra, (k > 2 ? "set " : k > 1 ? "get " : "") + name) : __name(target, name); for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ctx = __decoratorContext(k, name, done = {}, array[3], extraInitializers); if (k) { ctx.static = s, ctx.private = p, access = ctx.access = { has: p ? (x) => __privateIn(target, x) : (x) => name in x }; if (k ^ 3) access.get = p ? (x) => (k ^ 1 ? __privateGet : __privateMethod)(x, target, k ^ 4 ? extra : desc.get) : (x) => x[name]; if (k > 2) access.set = p ? (x, y) => __privateSet(x, target, y, k ^ 4 ? extra : desc.set) : (x, y) => x[name] = y; } it = (0, decorators[i])(k ? k < 4 ? p ? extra : desc[key] : k > 4 ? void 0 : { get: desc.get, set: desc.set } : target, ctx), done._ = 1; if (k ^ 4 || it === void 0) __expectFn(it) && (k > 4 ? initializers.unshift(it) : k ? p ? extra = it : desc[key] = it : target = it); else if (typeof it !== "object" || it === null) __typeError("Object expected"); else __expectFn(fn = it.get) && (desc.get = fn), __expectFn(fn = it.set) && (desc.set = fn), __expectFn(fn = it.init) && initializers.unshift(fn); } return k || __decoratorMetadata(array, target), desc && __defProp(target, name, desc), p ? k ^ 4 ? extra : desc : target; }; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); var __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => member.has(obj) || __typeError("Cannot " + msg); var __privateIn = (member, obj) => Object(obj) !== obj ? __typeError('Cannot use the "in" operator on this value') : member.has(obj); var __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "read from private field"), getter ? getter.call(obj) : member.get(obj)); var __privateSet = (obj, member, value, setter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "write to private field"), setter ? setter.call(obj, value) : member.set(obj, value), value); var __privateMethod = (obj, member, method) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "access private method"), method); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { CollaborationExtension: () => CollaborationExtension }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/collaboration-extension.ts var import_core = require("@remirror/core"); var import_collab = require("@remirror/pm/collab"); var import_transform = require("@remirror/pm/transform"); var _flushSendableSteps_dec, _cancelSendableSteps_dec, _sendCollaborationUpdate_dec, _a, _CollaborationExtension_decorators, _init; _CollaborationExtension_decorators = [(0, import_core.extension)({ defaultOptions: { version: 0, clientID: (0, import_core.uniqueId)(), debounceMs: 250 }, staticKeys: ["version", "clientID", "debounceMs"], handlerKeys: ["onSendableReceived"] })]; var CollaborationExtension = class extends (_a = import_core.PlainExtension, _sendCollaborationUpdate_dec = [(0, import_core.command)()], _cancelSendableSteps_dec = [(0, import_core.command)()], _flushSendableSteps_dec = [(0, import_core.command)()], _a) { constructor() { super(...arguments); __runInitializers(_init, 5, this); __publicField(this, "_debounceGetSendableSteps"); } get name() { return "collaboration"; } get debounceGetSendableSteps() { if (!this._debounceGetSendableSteps) { this._debounceGetSendableSteps = (0, import_core.debounce)( this.options.debounceMs, this.getSendableSteps.bind(this) ); } return this._debounceGetSendableSteps; } sendCollaborationUpdate(attributes) { return ({ state, dispatch }) => { (0, import_core.invariant)(isValidCollaborationAttributes(attributes), { message: "Invalid attributes passed to the collaboration command." }); const { version, steps } = attributes; if ((0, import_collab.getVersion)(state) > version) { return false; } if (dispatch) { dispatch( (0, import_collab.receiveTransaction)( state, steps.map((item) => import_transform.Step.fromJSON(this.store.schema, item)), steps.map((item) => item.clientID) ) ); } return true; }; } cancelSendableSteps() { return () => { var _a2; (_a2 = this.debounceGetSendableSteps) == null ? void 0 : _a2.cancel(); return true; }; } flushSendableSteps() { return ({ state }) => { var _a2; (_a2 = this.debounceGetSendableSteps) == null ? void 0 : _a2.cancel(); this.getSendableSteps(state); return true; }; } createExternalPlugins() { const { version, clientID } = this.options; const plugin = (0, import_collab.collab)({ version, clientID }); return [plugin]; } onStateUpdate(props) { var _a2; (_a2 = this.debounceGetSendableSteps) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(this, props.state); } onDestroy() { this.store.commands.flushSendableSteps(); } /** * This passes the sendable steps into the `onSendableReceived` handler defined in the * options when there is something to send. */ getSendableSteps(state) { const sendable = (0, import_collab.sendableSteps)(state); if (sendable) { const jsonSendable = { version: sendable.version, steps: sendable.steps.map((step) => step.toJSON()), clientID: sendable.clientID }; this.options.onSendableReceived({ sendable, jsonSendable }); } } }; _init = __decoratorStart(_a); __decorateElement(_init, 1, "sendCollaborationUpdate", _sendCollaborationUpdate_dec, CollaborationExtension); __decorateElement(_init, 1, "cancelSendableSteps", _cancelSendableSteps_dec, CollaborationExtension); __decorateElement(_init, 1, "flushSendableSteps", _flushSendableSteps_dec, CollaborationExtension); CollaborationExtension = __decorateElement(_init, 0, "CollaborationExtension", _CollaborationExtension_decorators, CollaborationExtension); __runInitializers(_init, 1, CollaborationExtension); var isValidCollaborationAttributes = (attributes) => !(!attributes || !(0, import_core.isArray)(attributes.steps) || !(0, import_core.isNumber)(attributes.version)); // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { CollaborationExtension });