'use strict'; const COPY_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.copy.label', comment: 'Label for copy command.', message: 'Copy' }; const COPY_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.copy.description', comment: 'Description for copy command.', message: 'Copy the selected text' }; const CUT_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.cut.label', comment: 'Label for cut command.', message: 'Cut' }; const CUT_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.cut.description', comment: 'Description for cut command.', message: 'Cut the selected text' }; const PASTE_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.paste.label', comment: 'Label for paste command.', message: 'Paste' }; const PASTE_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.paste.description', comment: 'Description for paste command.', message: 'Paste content into the editor' }; const SELECT_ALL_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.select-all.label', comment: 'Label for select all command.', message: 'Select all' }; const SELECT_ALL_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.select-all.description', comment: 'Description for select all command.', message: 'Select all content within the editor' }; var coreMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, COPY_DESCRIPTION: COPY_DESCRIPTION, COPY_LABEL: COPY_LABEL, CUT_DESCRIPTION: CUT_DESCRIPTION, CUT_LABEL: CUT_LABEL, PASTE_DESCRIPTION: PASTE_DESCRIPTION, PASTE_LABEL: PASTE_LABEL, SELECT_ALL_DESCRIPTION: SELECT_ALL_DESCRIPTION, SELECT_ALL_LABEL: SELECT_ALL_LABEL }); const ESCAPE_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.escape', comment: 'Label for escape key in shortcuts.', message: 'Enter' }; const COMMAND_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.command', comment: 'Label for command key in shortcuts.', message: 'Command' }; const CONTROL_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.control', comment: 'Label for control key in shortcuts.', message: 'Control' }; const ENTER_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.enter', comment: 'Label for enter key in shortcuts.', message: 'Enter' }; const SHIFT_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.shift', comment: 'Label for shift key in shortcuts.', message: 'Shift' }; const ALT_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.alt', comment: 'Label for alt key in shortcuts.', message: 'Alt' }; const CAPS_LOCK_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.capsLock', comment: 'Label for caps lock key in shortcuts.', message: 'Caps Lock' }; const BACKSPACE_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.backspace', comment: 'Label for backspace key in shortcuts.', message: 'Backspace' }; const TAB_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.tab', comment: 'Label for tab key in shortcuts.', message: 'Tab' }; const SPACE_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.space', comment: 'Label for space key in shortcuts.', message: 'Space' }; const DELETE_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.delete', comment: 'Label for delete key in shortcuts.', message: 'Delete' }; const PAGE_UP_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.pageUp', comment: 'Label for page up key in shortcuts.', message: 'Page Up' }; const PAGE_DOWN_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.pageDown', comment: 'Label for page down key in shortcuts.', message: 'Page Down' }; const HOME_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.home', comment: 'Label for home key in shortcuts.', message: 'Home' }; const END_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.end', comment: 'Label for end key in shortcuts.', message: 'End' }; const ARROW_LEFT_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.arrowLeft', comment: 'Label for arrow left key in shortcuts.', message: 'Arrow Left' }; const ARROW_RIGHT_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.arrowRight', comment: 'Label for arrow right key in shortcuts.', message: 'Arrow Right' }; const ARROW_UP_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.arrowUp', comment: 'Label for arrow up key in shortcuts.', message: 'Arrow Up' }; const ARROW_DOWN_KEY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'keyboard.shortcut.arrowDown', comment: 'Label for arrowDown key in shortcuts.', message: 'Arrow Down' }; var coreUtilsMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, ALT_KEY: ALT_KEY, ARROW_DOWN_KEY: ARROW_DOWN_KEY, ARROW_LEFT_KEY: ARROW_LEFT_KEY, ARROW_RIGHT_KEY: ARROW_RIGHT_KEY, ARROW_UP_KEY: ARROW_UP_KEY, BACKSPACE_KEY: BACKSPACE_KEY, CAPS_LOCK_KEY: CAPS_LOCK_KEY, COMMAND_KEY: COMMAND_KEY, CONTROL_KEY: CONTROL_KEY, DELETE_KEY: DELETE_KEY, END_KEY: END_KEY, ENTER_KEY: ENTER_KEY, ESCAPE_KEY: ESCAPE_KEY, HOME_KEY: HOME_KEY, PAGE_DOWN_KEY: PAGE_DOWN_KEY, PAGE_UP_KEY: PAGE_UP_KEY, SHIFT_KEY: SHIFT_KEY, SPACE_KEY: SPACE_KEY, TAB_KEY: TAB_KEY }); const ADD_ANNOTATION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.add-annotation.label', comment: 'Label for adding an annotation.', message: 'Add annotation' }; const UPDATE_ANNOTATION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.update-annotation.label', comment: 'Label for updating an annotation.', message: 'Update annotation' }; const REMOVE_ANNOTATION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.remove-annotation.label', comment: 'Label for removing an annotation.', message: 'Remove annotation' }; var extensionAnnotationMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, ADD_ANNOTATION: ADD_ANNOTATION, REMOVE_ANNOTATION: REMOVE_ANNOTATION, UPDATE_ANNOTATION: UPDATE_ANNOTATION }); const LABEL$f = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.set-text-direction.label', comment: 'Label for setting the text direction.', message: `{dir, select, ltr {Left-To-Right} rtl {Right-To-Left} other {Reset Direction}}` }; const DESCRIPTION$c = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.set-text-direction.description', comment: 'Description for setting the text direction.', message: `{dir, select, ltr {Set the text direction from left to right} rtl {Set the text direction from right to left} other {Reset text direction}}` }; var extensionBidiMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$c, LABEL: LABEL$f }); const LABEL$e = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-blockquote.label', comment: 'Label for blockquote formatting command.', message: 'Blockquote' }; const DESCRIPTION$b = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-blockquote.description', comment: 'Description for blockquote formatting command.', message: 'Add blockquote formatting to the selected text' }; var extensionBlockquoteMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$b, LABEL: LABEL$e }); const LABEL$d = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-bold.label', comment: 'Label for bold formatting command.', message: 'Bold' }; const DESCRIPTION$a = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-bold.description', comment: 'Description for bold formatting command.', message: 'Add bold formatting to the selected text' }; var extensionBoldMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$a, LABEL: LABEL$d }); const LABEL$c = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-callout.label', comment: 'Label for callout command with support for callout types.', message: `{type, select, info {Information Callout} warning {Warning Callout} error {Error Callout} success {Success Callout} other {Callout}}` }; const DESCRIPTION$9 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-callout.description', comment: 'Description of the callout command with support for callout types.', message: `{type, select, info {Create an information callout block} warning {Create a warning callout block} error {Create an error callout block} success {Create a success callout block} other {Create a callout block}}` }; var extensionCalloutMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$9, LABEL: LABEL$c }); const LABEL$b = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-code-block.label', comment: 'Label for the code block command.', message: 'Codeblock' }; const DESCRIPTION$8 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-code-block.description', comment: 'Description for the code block command.', message: 'Add a code block' }; var extensionCodeBlockMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$8, LABEL: LABEL$b }); const LABEL$a = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-code.label', comment: 'Label for the inline code formatting.', message: 'Code' }; const DESCRIPTION$7 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-code.description', comment: 'Description for the inline code formatting command.', message: 'Add inline code formatting to the selected text' }; var extensionCodeMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$7, LABEL: LABEL$a }); const LABEL$9 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-columns.label', comment: 'Label for columns command with support for number of columns counts.', message: `{count, select, 2 {Two Column Block} 3 {Three Column Block} 4 {Four Column Block} other {Multi Column Block}}` }; const DESCRIPTION$6 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-columns.description', comment: 'Description of the columns command with support for number of columns counts.', message: `{count, select, 2 {Split the block into two columns} 3 {Split the current block into three columns} 4 {Split the current block into four columns} other {Split the current block into multiple columns}}` }; var extensionColumnsMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$6, LABEL: LABEL$9 }); const INSERT_EMOJI_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.insert-emoji.label', comment: 'Label for inserting an emoji.', message: 'Insert Emoji' }; var extensionEmojiMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, INSERT_EMOJI_LABEL: INSERT_EMOJI_LABEL }); const SET_LABEL$1 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.set-font-size.label', comment: 'Label for adding a font size.', message: 'Font size' }; const SET_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.set-font-size.description', comment: 'Description for adding a font size.', message: 'Set the font size for the selected text.' }; const INCREASE_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.increase-font-size.label', comment: 'Label for increasing the font size.', message: 'Increase' }; const INCREASE_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.increase-font-size.description', comment: 'Description for increasing the font size.', message: 'Increase the font size' }; const DECREASE_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.decrease-font-size.label', comment: 'Label for decreasing the font size.', message: 'Decrease' }; const DECREASE_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.decrease-font-size.description', comment: 'Description for decreasing the font size.', message: 'Decrease the font size.' }; var extensionFontSizeMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DECREASE_DESCRIPTION: DECREASE_DESCRIPTION, DECREASE_LABEL: DECREASE_LABEL, INCREASE_DESCRIPTION: INCREASE_DESCRIPTION, INCREASE_LABEL: INCREASE_LABEL, SET_DESCRIPTION: SET_DESCRIPTION, SET_LABEL: SET_LABEL$1 }); const LABEL$8 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-heading.label', comment: 'Label for heading command with support for levels.', message: `{level, select, 1 {Heading 1} 2 {Heading 2} 3 {Heading 3} 4 {Heading 4} 5 {Heading 5} 6 {Heading 6} other {Heading}}` }; var extensionHeadingMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, LABEL: LABEL$8 }); const UNDO_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.undo.label', comment: 'Label for undo.', message: 'Undo' }; const UNDO_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.undo.description', comment: 'Description for undo.', message: 'Undo the most recent action' }; const REDO_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.redo.label', comment: 'Label for redo.', message: 'Redo' }; const REDO_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.redo.description', comment: 'Description for redo.', message: 'Redo the most recent action' }; var extensionHistoryMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, REDO_DESCRIPTION: REDO_DESCRIPTION, REDO_LABEL: REDO_LABEL, UNDO_DESCRIPTION: UNDO_DESCRIPTION, UNDO_LABEL: UNDO_LABEL }); const LABEL$7 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.insert-horizontal-rule.label', comment: 'Label for inserting a horizontal rule (divider) command.', message: 'Divider' }; const DESCRIPTION$5 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.insert-horizontal-rule.description', comment: 'Description for inserting a horizontal rule (divider) command.', message: 'Separate content with a diving horizontal line' }; var extensionHorizontalRuleMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$5, LABEL: LABEL$7 }); const LABEL$6 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-italic.label', comment: 'Label for italic formatting command.', message: 'Italic' }; const DESCRIPTION$4 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-italic.description', comment: 'Description for italic formatting command.', message: 'Italicize the selected text' }; var extensionItalicMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$4, LABEL: LABEL$6 }); const ORDERED_LIST_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-ordered-list.label', comment: 'Label for inserting an ordered list into the editor.', message: 'Ordered list' }; const BULLET_LIST_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-bullet-list.description', comment: 'Description for inserting a bullet list into the editor.', message: 'Bulleted list' }; const TASK_LIST_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-task-list.description', comment: 'Description for inserting a task list into the editor.', message: 'Tasked list' }; var extensionListMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, BULLET_LIST_LABEL: BULLET_LIST_LABEL, ORDERED_LIST_LABEL: ORDERED_LIST_LABEL, TASK_LIST_LABEL: TASK_LIST_LABEL }); const INCREASE_INDENT_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.increase-indent.label', comment: 'Label for increasing the indentation level.', message: 'Increase indentation' }; const DECREASE_INDENT_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.decrease-indent.label', comment: 'Label for decreasing the indentation level of the current node block.', message: 'Decrease indentation' }; const CENTER_ALIGN_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.center-align.label', comment: 'Center align the text in the current node.', message: 'Center align' }; const JUSTIFY_ALIGN_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.justify-align.label', comment: 'Justify the alignment of the selected nodes.', message: 'Justify' }; const RIGHT_ALIGN_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.right-align.label', comment: 'Right align the selected nodes.', message: 'Right align' }; const LEFT_ALIGN_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.left-align.label', comment: 'Left align the selected nodes.', message: 'Left align' }; var extensionNodeFormattingMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, CENTER_ALIGN_LABEL: CENTER_ALIGN_LABEL, DECREASE_INDENT_LABEL: DECREASE_INDENT_LABEL, INCREASE_INDENT_LABEL: INCREASE_INDENT_LABEL, JUSTIFY_ALIGN_LABEL: JUSTIFY_ALIGN_LABEL, LEFT_ALIGN_LABEL: LEFT_ALIGN_LABEL, RIGHT_ALIGN_LABEL: RIGHT_ALIGN_LABEL }); const INSERT_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.insert-paragraph.label', comment: 'Label for inserting a paragraph.', message: 'Insert Paragraph' }; const INSERT_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.insert-paragraph.description', comment: 'Description for inserting a paragraph.', message: 'Insert a new paragraph' }; const CONVERT_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.convert-paragraph.label', comment: 'Label for converting the current node into a paragraph.', message: 'Convert Paragraph' }; const CONVERT_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.convert-paragraph.description', comment: 'Description for converting a paragraph.', message: 'Convert current block into a paragraph block.' }; var extensionParagraphMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, CONVERT_DESCRIPTION: CONVERT_DESCRIPTION, CONVERT_LABEL: CONVERT_LABEL, INSERT_DESCRIPTION: INSERT_DESCRIPTION, INSERT_LABEL: INSERT_LABEL }); const LABEL$5 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-strike.label', comment: 'Label for strike formatting command.', message: 'Strikethrough' }; const DESCRIPTION$3 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-strike.description', comment: 'Description for strike formatting command.', message: 'Strikethrough the selected text' }; var extensionStrikeMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$3, LABEL: LABEL$5 }); const LABEL$4 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-subscript.label', comment: 'Label for toggling a subscript.', message: 'Subscript' }; var extensionSubMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, LABEL: LABEL$4 }); const LABEL$3 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-superscript.label', comment: 'Label for toggling a superscript.', message: 'Superscript' }; var extensionSupMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, LABEL: LABEL$3 }); const CREATE_COMMAND_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.create-table.label', comment: 'Label for creating a table', message: 'Create table' }; const CREATE_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.create-table.description', comment: 'Description for creating a table', message: 'Create a table with set number of rows and columns.' }; /** * Takes a `{ count: number }` value to denote the number of columns. */ const COLUMN_COUNT = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.table.column_count', comment: 'The number of columns', message: '{count, plural, one {# column} other {# columns}}' }; /** * Takes a `{ count: number }` value to denote the number of rows. */ const ROW_COUNT = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.table.row_count', comment: 'The number of rows', message: '{count, plural, one {# row} other {# rows}}' }; var extensionTablesMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, COLUMN_COUNT: COLUMN_COUNT, CREATE_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION: CREATE_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION, CREATE_COMMAND_LABEL: CREATE_COMMAND_LABEL, ROW_COUNT: ROW_COUNT }); const TOGGLE_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-upper-case.label', comment: 'Label for toggling between upper and lower case.', message: `{case, select, upper {Uppercase} lower {Lowercase} capitalize {Sentence case} smallCaps {Small caps} other {Text case}}` }; const SET_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.set-casing.label', comment: 'Label for setting the case.', message: 'Set text case' }; var extensionTextCaseMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, SET_LABEL: SET_LABEL, TOGGLE_LABEL: TOGGLE_LABEL }); const SET_COLOR_LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.set-text-color.label', comment: 'Label for color formatting command.', message: 'Text color' }; const SET_COLOR_DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.set-text-color.description', comment: 'Description for color formatting command.', message: 'Set the text color for the selected text.' }; const TRANSPARENT = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.transparent', comment: 'Transparent color label.', message: 'Transparent' }; const WHITE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.white', comment: 'White color.', message: 'White' }; const BLACK = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.black', comment: 'Black color.', message: 'Black' }; const GRAY = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.gray', comment: 'Gray color.', message: `Gray` }; const GRAY_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.gray.hue', comment: 'Gray color hues.', message: `Gray {hue}` }; const RED = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.red', comment: 'Red color.', message: `Red` }; const RED_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.red.hue', comment: 'Red color hues.', message: `Red {hue}` }; const PINK = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.pink', comment: 'Pink color.', message: `Pink` }; const PINK_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.pink.hue', comment: 'Pink color hues.', message: `Pink {hue}` }; const GRAPE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.grape', comment: 'Grape color.', message: `Grape` }; const GRAPE_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.grape.hue', comment: 'Grape color hues.', message: `Grape {hue}` }; const VIOLET = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.violet', comment: 'Violet color.', message: `Violet` }; const VIOLET_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.violet.hue', comment: 'Violet color hues.', message: `Violet {hue}` }; const INDIGO = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.indigo', comment: 'Indigo color.', message: `Indigo` }; const INDIGO_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.indigo.hue', comment: 'Indigo color hues.', message: `Indigo {hue}` }; const BLUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.blue', comment: 'Blue color.', message: `Blue` }; const BLUE_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.blue.hue', comment: 'Blue color hues.', message: `Blue {hue}` }; const CYAN = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.cyan', comment: 'Cyan color.', message: `Cyan` }; const CYAN_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.cyan.hue', comment: 'Cyan color hues.', message: `Cyan {hue}` }; const TEAL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.teal', comment: 'Teal color.', message: `Teal` }; const TEAL_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.teal.hue', comment: 'Teal color hues.', message: `Teal {hue}` }; const GREEN = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.green', comment: 'Green color.', message: `Green` }; const GREEN_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.green.hue', comment: 'Green color hues.', message: `Green {hue}` }; const LIME = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.lime', comment: 'Lime color.', message: `Lime` }; const LIME_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.lime.hue', comment: 'Lime color hues.', message: `Lime {hue}` }; const YELLOW = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.yellow', comment: 'Yellow color.', message: `Yellow` }; const YELLOW_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.yellow.hue', comment: 'Yellow color hues.', message: `Yellow {hue}` }; const ORANGE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.orange', comment: 'Orange color.', message: `Orange` }; const ORANGE_HUE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'ui.text-color.orange.hue', comment: 'Orange color hues.', message: `Orange {hue}` }; var extensionTextColorMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, BLACK: BLACK, BLUE: BLUE, BLUE_HUE: BLUE_HUE, CYAN: CYAN, CYAN_HUE: CYAN_HUE, GRAPE: GRAPE, GRAPE_HUE: GRAPE_HUE, GRAY: GRAY, GRAY_HUE: GRAY_HUE, GREEN: GREEN, GREEN_HUE: GREEN_HUE, INDIGO: INDIGO, INDIGO_HUE: INDIGO_HUE, LIME: LIME, LIME_HUE: LIME_HUE, ORANGE: ORANGE, ORANGE_HUE: ORANGE_HUE, PINK: PINK, PINK_HUE: PINK_HUE, RED: RED, RED_HUE: RED_HUE, SET_COLOR_DESCRIPTION: SET_COLOR_DESCRIPTION, SET_COLOR_LABEL: SET_COLOR_LABEL, TEAL: TEAL, TEAL_HUE: TEAL_HUE, TRANSPARENT: TRANSPARENT, VIOLET: VIOLET, VIOLET_HUE: VIOLET_HUE, WHITE: WHITE, YELLOW: YELLOW, YELLOW_HUE: YELLOW_HUE }); const LABEL$2 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.set-text-highlight.label', comment: 'Label for adding a text highlight.', message: 'Text highlight' }; const DESCRIPTION$2 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.set-text-highlight.description', comment: 'Description for adding a text highlight.', message: 'Set the text highlight color for the selected text.' }; var extensionTextHighlightMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$2, LABEL: LABEL$2 }); const LABEL$1 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-underline.label', comment: 'Label for underline formatting command.', message: 'Underline' }; const DESCRIPTION$1 = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-underline.description', comment: 'Description for underline formatting command.', message: 'Underline the selected text' }; var extensionUnderlineMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION$1, LABEL: LABEL$1 }); const LABEL = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-whitespace.label', comment: 'Label for displaying whitespace characters.', message: 'Toggle Whitespace' }; const DESCRIPTION = /*i18n*/{ id: 'extension.command.toggle-whitespace.description', comment: 'Description for displaying whitespace characters.', message: 'Show hidden whitespace characters in your editor.' }; var extensionWhitespaceMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION, LABEL: LABEL }); const NO_ITEMS_AVAILABLE = /*i18n*/{ id: 'react-components.mention-atom-component.zero-items', comment: 'Shown when no popup items are available', message: 'No items available' }; var reactComponentsMessages = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, NO_ITEMS_AVAILABLE: NO_ITEMS_AVAILABLE }); exports.CoreMessages = coreMessages; exports.CoreUtilsMessages = coreUtilsMessages; exports.ExtensionAnnotationMessages = extensionAnnotationMessages; exports.ExtensionBidiMessages = extensionBidiMessages; exports.ExtensionBlockquoteMessages = extensionBlockquoteMessages; exports.ExtensionBoldMessages = extensionBoldMessages; exports.ExtensionCalloutMessages = extensionCalloutMessages; exports.ExtensionCodeBlockMessages = extensionCodeBlockMessages; exports.ExtensionCodeMessages = extensionCodeMessages; exports.ExtensionColumnsMessages = extensionColumnsMessages; exports.ExtensionEmojiMessages = extensionEmojiMessages; exports.ExtensionFontSizeMessages = extensionFontSizeMessages; exports.ExtensionHeadingMessages = extensionHeadingMessages; exports.ExtensionHistoryMessages = extensionHistoryMessages; exports.ExtensionHorizontalRuleMessages = extensionHorizontalRuleMessages; exports.ExtensionItalicMessages = extensionItalicMessages; exports.ExtensionListMessages = extensionListMessages; exports.ExtensionNodeFormattingMessages = extensionNodeFormattingMessages; exports.ExtensionParagraphMessages = extensionParagraphMessages; exports.ExtensionStrikeMessages = extensionStrikeMessages; exports.ExtensionSubMessages = extensionSubMessages; exports.ExtensionSupMessages = extensionSupMessages; exports.ExtensionTablesMessages = extensionTablesMessages; exports.ExtensionTextCaseMessages = extensionTextCaseMessages; exports.ExtensionTextColorMessages = extensionTextColorMessages; exports.ExtensionTextHighlightMessages = extensionTextHighlightMessages; exports.ExtensionUnderlineMessages = extensionUnderlineMessages; exports.ExtensionWhitespaceMessages = extensionWhitespaceMessages; exports.ReactComponentMessages = reactComponentsMessages;