function normalize(strArray: string[]): string { const resultArray: string[] = []; if (strArray.length === 0) { return ""; } if (typeof strArray[0] !== "string") { throw new TypeError(`Url must be a string. Received ${strArray[0]}`); } // If the first part is a plain protocol, we combine it with the next part. if (strArray[0].match(/^[^/:]+:\/*$/) && strArray.length > 1) { strArray[0] = strArray.shift() + strArray[0]; } // There must be two or three slashes in the file protocol, two slashes in anything else. if (strArray[0].match(/^file:\/\/\//)) { strArray[0] = strArray[0].replace(/^([^/:]+):\/*/, "$1:///"); } else { strArray[0] = strArray[0].replace(/^([^/:]+):\/*/, "$1://"); } for (let i = 0; i < strArray.length; i++) { let component = strArray[i]; if (typeof component !== "string") { throw new TypeError(`Url must be a string. Received ${component}`); } if (component === "") { continue; } if (i > 0) { // Removing the starting slashes for each component but the first. component = component.replace(/^[/]+/, ""); } if (i < strArray.length - 1) { // Removing the ending slashes for each component but the last. component = component.replace(/[/]+$/, ""); } else { // For the last component we will combine multiple slashes to a single one. component = component.replace(/[/]+$/, "/"); } resultArray.push(component); } let str = resultArray.join("/"); // Each input component is now separated by a single slash except the possible first plain protocol part. // remove trailing slash before parameters or hash str = str.replace(/\/(\?|&|#[^!])/g, "$1"); // replace ? in parameters with & const parts = str.split("?"); str = parts.shift() + (parts.length > 0 ? "?" : "") + parts.join("&"); return str; } export default function urlJoin(...args: (string | string[])[]): string { const parts = args.flat(); return normalize(parts); }