var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { DingtalkBot: () => DingtalkBot, DingtalkMessageEncoder: () => DingtalkMessageEncoder, HttpServer: () => HttpServer, decodeMessage: () => decodeMessage, default: () => src_default, escape: () => escape, unescape: () => unescape }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/bot.ts var import_core5 = require("@satorijs/core"); // src/http.ts var import_core2 = require("@satorijs/core"); var import_node_crypto = __toESM(require("node:crypto"), 1); // src/utils.ts var import_core = require("@satorijs/core"); async function decodeMessage(bot, body) { const session = bot.session(); session.type = "message"; session.messageId = body.msgId; session.guildId = body.chatbotCorpId; session.event.user = { id: body.senderStaffId, name: body.senderNick }; if (body.conversationType === "1") { session.channelId = session.userId; session.isDirect = true; } else { const atUsers = body.atUsers.filter((v) => v.dingtalkId !== body.chatbotUserId).map((v) =>; session.elements = [, ...atUsers]; session.channelId = body.conversationId; session.isDirect = false; } if (body.conversationTitle) { = body.conversationTitle; } session.event.member = { roles: body.isAdmin ? ["admin"] : [] }; session.timestamp = +body.createAt; if (body.msgtype === "text") { session.elements = [import_core.h.text(body.text.content)]; } else if (body.msgtype === "richText") { const elements = []; for (const item of body.content.richText) { if (item.text) elements.push(import_core.h.text(item.text)); if (item.downloadCode) { const url = await bot.downloadFile(item.downloadCode); elements.push(import_core.h.image(url)); } } session.elements = elements; } else if (body.msgtype === "picture") { session.elements = [import_core.h.image(await bot.downloadFile(body.content.downloadCode))]; } else if (body.msgtype === "file") { session.elements = [import_core.h.file(await bot.downloadFile(body.content.downloadCode))]; } else { return; } session.content = session.elements.join(""); return session; } __name(decodeMessage, "decodeMessage"); // src/http.ts var HttpServer = class extends import_core2.Adapter { static { __name(this, "HttpServer"); } static inject = ["server"]; logger; constructor(ctx, bot) { super(ctx); this.logger = ctx.logger("dingtalk"); } async connect(bot) { await bot.refreshToken(); await bot.getLogin();;"/dingtalk", async (ctx) => { const timestamp = ctx.get("timestamp"); const sign = ctx.get("sign"); if (!timestamp || !sign) return ctx.status = 403; const timeDiff = Math.abs( - Number(timestamp)); if (timeDiff > 36e5) return ctx.status = 401; const signContent = timestamp + "\n" + bot.config.secret; const computedSign = import_node_crypto.default.createHmac("sha256", bot.config.secret).update(signContent).digest("base64"); if (computedSign !== sign) return ctx.status = 403; const body = ctx.request.body; this.logger.debug(body); const session = await decodeMessage(bot, body); this.logger.debug(session); if (session) bot.dispatch(session); }); } }; // src/message.ts var import_core3 = require("@satorijs/core"); var escape = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((val) => val.replace(/(?])/g, "\\$&").replace(/([\-\*]|\d\.) /g, "​$&").replace(/^(\s{4})/gm, "​    "), "escape"); var unescape = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((val) => val.replace(/\u200b([\*_~`])/g, "$1"), "unescape"); var DingtalkMessageEncoder = class extends import_core3.MessageEncoder { static { __name(this, "DingtalkMessageEncoder"); } buffer = ""; /** * Markdown: */ hasRichContent = true; async flush() { if (this.buffer.length && !this.hasRichContent) { await this.sendMessage("sampleText", { content: this.buffer }); } else if (this.buffer.length && this.hasRichContent) { await this.sendMessage("sampleMarkdown", { text: this.buffer.replace(/\n/g, "\n\n") }); } } // async sendMessage(msgType, msgParam) { const { processQueryKey } = this.session.isDirect ? await{ msgKey: msgType, msgParam: JSON.stringify(msgParam), robotCode:, userIds: [this.session.channelId] }) : await{ // msgKey: msgType, msgParam: JSON.stringify(msgParam), robotCode:, openConversationId: this.channelId }); const session =; session.messageId = processQueryKey; session.channelId = this.session.channelId; session.guildId = this.session.guildId;, "send", session); this.results.push({ id: processQueryKey }); } // async uploadMedia(attrs) { const { data, type } = await || attrs.url, attrs); const form = new FormData(); const value = new Blob([data], { type }); let mediaType; if (type.startsWith("image/") || type.startsWith("video/")) { mediaType = type.split("/")[0]; } else if (type.startsWith("audio/")) { mediaType = "voice"; } else { mediaType = "file"; } form.append("type", mediaType); form.append("media", value); const { media_id } = await"/media/upload", form); return media_id; } listType = null; async visit(element) { const { type, attrs, children } = element; if (type === "text") { this.buffer += escape(attrs.content); } else if ((type === "img" || type === "image") && (attrs.src || attrs.url)) { const src = attrs.src || attrs.url; if (await { const temp ="server.temp"); if (!temp) { return"missing temporary file service, cannot send assets with private url"); } const entry = await temp.create(src); this.buffer += `![${attrs.alt ?? ""}](${entry.url})`; } else { this.buffer += `![${attrs.alt ?? ""}](${src})`; } } else if (type === "message") { await this.flush(); await this.render(children); } else if (type === "at") { this.buffer += `@${}`; } else if (type === "br") { this.buffer += "\n"; } else if (type === "p") { if (!this.buffer.endsWith("\n")) this.buffer += "\n"; await this.render(children); if (!this.buffer.endsWith("\n")) this.buffer += "\n"; this.buffer += "\n"; } else if (type === "b" || type === "strong") { this.buffer += ` **`; await this.render(children); this.buffer += `** `; } else if (type === "i" || type === "em") { this.buffer += ` *`; await this.render(children); this.buffer += `* `; } else if (type === "a" && attrs.href) { this.buffer += `[`; await this.render(children); this.buffer += `](${encodeURI(attrs.href)})`; } else if (type === "ul" || type === "ol") { this.listType = type; await this.render(children); this.listType = null; } else if (type === "li") { if (!this.buffer.endsWith("\n")) this.buffer += "\n"; if (this.listType === "ol") { this.buffer += `1. `; } else if (this.listType === "ul") { this.buffer += "- "; } this.render(children); this.buffer += "\n"; } else if (type === "blockquote") { if (!this.buffer.endsWith("\n")) this.buffer += "\n"; this.buffer += "> "; await this.render(children); this.buffer += "\n\n"; } } }; // src/ws.ts var import_core4 = require("@satorijs/core"); var WsClient = class extends import_core4.Adapter.WsClient { static { __name(this, "WsClient"); } async prepare() { await; await; const { endpoint, ticket } = await"/gateway/connections/open", { clientId:, clientSecret:, subscriptions: [ { type: "CALLBACK", topic: "/v1.0/im/bot/messages/get" } ] }); return`${endpoint}?ticket=${ticket}`); } accept() {; this.socket.addEventListener("message", async ({ data }) => { const parsed = JSON.parse(data.toString());; if (parsed.type === "SYSTEM") { if (parsed.headers.topic === "ping") { this.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ code: 200, headers: parsed.headers, message: "OK", data: })); } } else if (parsed.type === "CALLBACK") {; const session = await decodeMessage(, JSON.parse(; if (session);; } }); } }; ((WsClient2) => { WsClient2.Options = import_core4.Schema.intersect([ import_core4.Adapter.WsClientConfig ]); })(WsClient || (WsClient = {})); // src/internal.ts var Internal = class _Internal { constructor(bot) { = bot; } static { __name(this, "Internal"); } static define(routes) { for (const path in routes) { for (const key in routes[path]) { const method = key; for (const name of Object.keys(routes[path][method])) { const isOldApi = routes[path][method][name]; _Internal.prototype[name] = async function(...args) { const raw = args.join(", "); const url = path.replace(/\{([^}]+)\}/g, () => { if (!args.length) throw new Error(`too few arguments for ${path}, received ${raw}`); return args.shift(); }); const config = {}; if (args.length === 1) { if (method === "GET" || method === "DELETE") { config.params = args[0]; } else { = args[0]; } } else if (args.length === 2 && method !== "GET" && method !== "DELETE") { = args[0]; config.params = args[1]; } else if (args.length > 1) { throw new Error(`too many arguments for ${path}, received ${raw}`); } const quester = isOldApi ? :; if (isOldApi) { config.params = { ...config.params, access_token: }; } try { return (await quester(method, url, config)).data; } catch (error) { if (! || !error.response) throw error; throw new Error(`[${error.response.status}] ${JSON.stringify(}`); } }; } } } } }; // src/bot.ts var DingtalkBot = class extends import_core5.Bot { static { __name(this, "DingtalkBot"); } static MessageEncoder = DingtalkMessageEncoder; static inject = ["http"]; oldHttp; http; internal; refreshTokenTimer; constructor(ctx, config) { super(ctx, config, "dingtalk"); this.selfId = config.appkey; this.http = ctx.http.extend(config.api); this.oldHttp = ctx.http.extend(config.oldApi); this.internal = new Internal(this); if (config.protocol === "http") { ctx.plugin(HttpServer, this); } else if (config.protocol === "ws") { ctx.plugin(WsClient, this); } } async getLogin() { try { const { appList } = await this.internal.listAllInnerApps(); const self2 = appList.find((v) => v.agentId === this.config.agentId); if (self2) { =; this.user.avatar = self2.icon; return this.toJSON(); } } catch (e) { this.logger.warn(e); } const data = await this.internal.oapiMicroappList(); if (!data.appList) { this.logger.error("getLogin failed: %o", data); return this.toJSON(); } const self = data.appList.find((v) => v.agentId === this.config.agentId); if (self) { =; this.user.avatar = self.appIcon; } return this.toJSON(); } stop() { clearTimeout(this.refreshTokenTimer); return super.stop(); } token; async refreshToken() { const data = await this.internal.getAccessToken({ appKey: this.config.appkey, appSecret: this.config.secret }); this.logger.debug("gettoken result: %o", data); this.token = data.accessToken; this.http = this.http.extend({ headers: { "x-acs-dingtalk-access-token": data.accessToken } }).extend(this.config.api); this.refreshTokenTimer = setTimeout(this.refreshToken.bind(this), (data.expireIn - 10) * 1e3); } // async downloadFile(downloadCode) { const { downloadUrl } = await this.internal.robotMessageFileDownload({ downloadCode, robotCode: this.selfId }); return downloadUrl; } async deleteMessage(channelId, messageId) { if (channelId.startsWith("cid")) { await this.internal.orgGroupRecall({ robotCode: this.selfId, processQueryKeys: [messageId], openConversationId: channelId }); } else { await this.internal.batchRecallOTO({ robotCode: this.selfId, processQueryKeys: [messageId] }); } } }; ((DingtalkBot2) => { DingtalkBot2.Config = import_core5.Schema.intersect([ import_core5.Schema.object({ protocol: process.env.KOISHI_ENV === "browser" ? import_core5.Schema.const("ws").default("ws") : import_core5.Schema.union(["http", "ws"]).description("选择要使用的协议。").required() }), import_core5.Schema.object({ secret: import_core5.Schema.string().required().description("机器人密钥。"), agentId: import_core5.Schema.number().description("AgentId"), appkey: import_core5.Schema.string().required(), api: import_core5.HTTP.createConfig(""), oldApi: import_core5.HTTP.createConfig("") }), WsClient.Options ]); })(DingtalkBot || (DingtalkBot = {})); // src/api/oauth2.ts Internal.define({ "/oauth2/jsapiTickets": { POST: { createJsapiTicket: false } }, "/oauth2/ssoAccessToken": { POST: { getSsoAccessToken: false } }, "/oauth2/authRules/user": { GET: { getPersonalAuthRule: false } }, "/oauth2/accessToken": { POST: { getAccessToken: false } }, "/oauth2/corpAccessToken": { POST: { getCorpAccessToken: false } }, "/oauth2/userAccessToken": { POST: { getUserToken: false } }, "/oauth2/ssoUserInfo": { GET: { getSsoUserInfo: false } } }); // src/api/oapi.ts Internal.define({ "/service/get_corp_token": { POST: { oapiServiceGetCorpToken: true } }, "/sso/gettoken": { GET: { oapiSsoGettoken: true } }, "/get_jsapi_ticket": { GET: { oapiGetJsapiTicket: true } }, "/gettoken": { GET: { oapiGettoken: true } }, "/v2/user/getuserinfo": { POST: { oapiV2UserGetuserinfo: true } }, "/sns/getuserinfo_bycode": { POST: { oapiSnsGetuserinfoBycode: true } }, "/sso/getuserinfo": { GET: { oapiSsoGetuserinfo: true } }, "/service/get_auth_info": { POST: { oapiServiceGetAuthInfo: true } }, "/v2/user/update": { POST: { oapiV2UserUpdate: true } }, "/v2/user/create": { POST: { oapiV2UserCreate: true } }, "/org/union/trunk/get": { POST: { oapiOrgUnionTrunkGet: true } }, "/smartwork/hrm/roster/meta/get": { POST: { oapiSmartworkHrmRosterMetaGet: true } }, "/smartwork/hrm/employee/v2/list": { POST: { oapiSmartworkHrmEmployeeV2List: true } }, "/smartwork/hrm/employee/v2/update": { POST: { oapiSmartworkHrmEmployeeV2Update: true } }, "/smartwork/hrm/employee/field/grouplist": { POST: { oapiSmartworkHrmEmployeeFieldGrouplist: true } }, "/smartwork/hrm/employee/update": { POST: { oapiSmartworkHrmEmployeeUpdate: true } }, "/smartwork/hrm/employee/queryonjob": { POST: { oapiSmartworkHrmEmployeeQueryonjob: true } }, "/smartwork/hrm/employee/querypreentry": { POST: { oapiSmartworkHrmEmployeeQuerypreentry: true } }, "/smartwork/hrm/employee/addpreentry": { POST: { oapiSmartworkHrmEmployeeAddpreentry: true } }, "/smartwork/hrm/employee/list": { POST: { oapiSmartworkHrmEmployeeList: true } }, "/report/template/getbyname": { POST: { oapiReportTemplateGetbyname: true } }, "/report/create": { POST: { oapiReportCreate: true } }, "/report/savecontent": { POST: { oapiReportSavecontent: true } }, "/report/simplelist": { POST: { oapiReportSimplelist: true } }, "/report/statistics/listbytype": { POST: { oapiReportStatisticsListbytype: true } }, "/report/receiver/list": { POST: { oapiReportReceiverList: true } }, "/report/comment/list": { POST: { oapiReportCommentList: true } }, "/report/statistics": { POST: { oapiReportStatistics: true } }, "/report/getunreadcount": { POST: { oapiReportGetunreadcount: true } }, "/report/list": { POST: { oapiReportList: true } }, "/report/template/listbyuserid": { POST: { oapiReportTemplateListbyuserid: true } }, "/checkin/record/get": { POST: { oapiCheckinRecordGet: true } }, "/checkin/record": { GET: { oapiCheckinRecord: true } }, "/blackboard/category/list": { POST: { oapiBlackboardCategoryList: true } }, "/blackboard/update": { POST: { oapiBlackboardUpdate: true } }, "/blackboard/delete": { POST: { oapiBlackboardDelete: true } }, "/blackboard/get": { POST: { oapiBlackboardGet: true } }, "/blackboard/listids": { POST: { oapiBlackboardListids: true } }, "/blackboard/create": { POST: { oapiBlackboardCreate: true } }, "/blackboard/listtopten": { POST: { oapiBlackboardListtopten: true } }, "/health/stepinfo/getuserstatus": { POST: { oapiHealthStepinfoGetuserstatus: true } }, "/health/stepinfo/listbyuserid": { POST: { oapiHealthStepinfoListbyuserid: true } }, "/health/stepinfo/list": { POST: { oapiHealthStepinfoList: true } }, "/microapp/list_by_userid": { GET: { oapiMicroappListByUserid: true } }, "/microapp/list": { POST: { oapiMicroappList: true } }, "/microapp/delete": { POST: { oapiMicroappDelete: true } }, "/microapp/set_visible_scopes": { POST: { oapiMicroappSetVisibleScopes: true } }, "/microapp/visible_scopes": { POST: { oapiMicroappVisibleScopes: true } }, "/asr/voice/translate": { POST: { oapiAsrVoiceTranslate: true } }, "/ai/mt/translate": { POST: { oapiAiMtTranslate: true } }, "/ocr/structured/recognize": { POST: { oapiOcrStructuredRecognize: true } }, "/im/chat/scencegroup/message/send_v2": { POST: { oapiImChatScencegroupMessageSendV2: true } }, "/im/chat/scenegroup/template/close": { POST: { oapiImChatScenegroupTemplateClose: true } }, "/im/chat/scenegroup/template/apply": { POST: { oapiImChatScenegroupTemplateApply: true } }, "/im/chat/scencegroup/interactivecard/callback/register": { POST: { oapiImChatScencegroupInteractivecardCallbackRegister: true } }, "/im/chat/scenegroup/create": { POST: { oapiImChatScenegroupCreate: true } }, "/im/chat/scenegroup/member/add": { POST: { oapiImChatScenegroupMemberAdd: true } }, "/im/chat/scenegroup/member/get": { POST: { oapiImChatScenegroupMemberGet: true } }, "/im/chat/scenegroup/update": { POST: { oapiImChatScenegroupUpdate: true } }, "/im/chat/scenegroup/member/delete": { POST: { oapiImChatScenegroupMemberDelete: true } }, "/im/chat/scenegroup/get": { POST: { oapiImChatScenegroupGet: true } }, "/robot/send": { POST: { oapiRobotSend: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/invoice/setting/rule": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripInvoiceSettingRule: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/invoice/setting/add": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripInvoiceSettingAdd: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/project/delete": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripProjectDelete: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/project/modify": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripProjectModify: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/project/add": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripProjectAdd: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/invoice/setting/delete": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripInvoiceSettingDelete: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/invoice/setting/modify": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripInvoiceSettingModify: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/price/query": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripPriceQuery: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/train/city/suggest": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripTrainCitySuggest: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/monthbill/url/get": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripMonthbillUrlGet: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/address/get": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripAddressGet: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/approval/modify": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripApprovalModify: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/flight/city/suggest": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripFlightCitySuggest: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/vehicle/order/search": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripVehicleOrderSearch: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/cost/center/query": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripCostCenterQuery: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/approval/update": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripApprovalUpdate: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/cost/center/new": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripCostCenterNew: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/cost/center/modify": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripCostCenterModify: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/cost/center/delete": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripCostCenterDelete: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/cost/center/entity/set": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripCostCenterEntitySet: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/hotel/order/search": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripHotelOrderSearch: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/train/order/search": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripTrainOrderSearch: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/flight/order/search": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripFlightOrderSearch: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/invoice/search": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripInvoiceSearch: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/cost/center/transfer": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripCostCenterTransfer: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/apply/get": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripApplyGet: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/apply/search": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripApplySearch: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/approval/new": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripApprovalNew: true } }, "/alitrip/btrip/cost/center/entity/delete": { POST: { oapiAlitripBtripCostCenterEntityDelete: true } }, "/workspace/auditlog/list": { POST: { oapiWorkspaceAuditlogList: true } }, "/edu/cert/get": { POST: { oapiEduCertGet: true } }, "/edu/user/list": { POST: { oapiEduUserList: true } }, "/smartdevice/device/querybyid": { POST: { oapiSmartdeviceDeviceQuerybyid: true } }, "/smartdevice/device/querylist": { POST: { oapiSmartdeviceDeviceQuerylist: true } }, "/smartdevice/device/query": { POST: { oapiSmartdeviceDeviceQuery: true } }, "/smartdevice/device/updatenick": { POST: { oapiSmartdeviceDeviceUpdatenick: true } }, "/smartdevice/device/unbind": { POST: { oapiSmartdeviceDeviceUnbind: true } }, "/smartdevice/external/bind": { POST: { oapiSmartdeviceExternalBind: true } }, "/crm/objectdata/contact/delete": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectdataContactDelete: true } }, "/crm/objectdata/customobject/create": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectdataCustomobjectCreate: true } }, "/crm/objectdata/customobject/update": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectdataCustomobjectUpdate: true } }, "/crm/objectdata/list": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectdataList: true } }, "/crm/objectdata/query": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectdataQuery: true } }, "/crm/objectmeta/describe": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectmetaDescribe: true } }, "/crm/objectdata/contact/query": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectdataContactQuery: true } }, "/crm/objectdata/followrecord/list": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectdataFollowrecordList: true } }, "/crm/objectdata/followrecord/query": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectdataFollowrecordQuery: true } }, "/crm/objectdata/contact/list": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectdataContactList: true } }, "/crm/objectmeta/contact/describe": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectmetaContactDescribe: true } }, "/crm/objectmeta/followrecord/describe": { POST: { oapiCrmObjectmetaFollowrecordDescribe: true } }, "/cspace/add_to_single_chat": { POST: { oapiCspaceAddToSingleChat: true } }, "/cspace/grant_custom_space": { GET: { oapiCspaceGrantCustomSpace: true } }, "/cspace/get_custom_space": { GET: { oapiCspaceGetCustomSpace: true } }, "/cspace/add": { GET: { oapiCspaceAdd: true } }, "/chat/subadmin/update": { POST: { oapiChatSubadminUpdate: true } }, "/chat/qrcode/get": { POST: { oapiChatQrcodeGet: true } }, "/chat/member/friendswitch/update": { POST: { oapiChatMemberFriendswitchUpdate: true } }, "/chat/updategroupnick": { POST: { oapiChatUpdategroupnick: true } }, "/chat/update": { POST: { oapiChatUpdate: true } }, "/chat/create": { POST: { oapiChatCreate: true } }, "/chat/get": { GET: { oapiChatGet: true } }, "/smartbot/msg/push": { POST: { oapiSmartbotMsgPush: true } } }); // src/api/contact.ts Internal.define({ "/contact/organizations/authInfos": { GET: { getOrgAuthInfo: false } }, "/contact/cooperateCorps/unionApplications/approve": { POST: { batchApproveUnionApply: false } } }); // src/api/swform.ts Internal.define({ "/swform/instances/{formInstanceId}": { GET: { getFormInstance: false } }, "/swform/forms/{formCode}/instances": { GET: { listFormInstances: false } }, "/swform/users/forms": { GET: { listFormSchemasByCreator: false } } }); // src/api/hrm.ts Internal.define({ "/hrm/processes/employees/terminations": { PUT: { hrmProcessUpdateTerminationInfo: false } }, "/hrm/processes/regulars/become": { POST: { hrmProcessRegular: false } }, "/hrm/employees/dismissions": { GET: { queryDismissionStaffIdList: false } }, "/hrm/rosters/meta/fields/options": { PUT: { rosterMetaFieldOptionsUpdate: false } }, "/hrm/processes/transfer": { POST: { hrmProcessTransfer: false } }, "/hrm/employees/dimissionInfos": { GET: { queryHrmEmployeeDismissionInfo: false } }, "/hrm/jobs": { GET: { queryJobs: false } }, "/hrm/jobRanks": { GET: { queryJobRanks: false } }, "/hrm/positions/query": { POST: { queryPositions: false } } }); // src/api/todo.ts Internal.define({ "/todo/users/{unionId}/org/tasks/query": { POST: { queryOrgTodoTasks: false } }, "/todo/users/{unionId}/tasks/{taskId}/executorStatus": { PUT: { updateTodoTaskExecutorStatus: false } }, "/todo/users/{unionId}/tasks": { POST: { createTodoTask: false } }, "/todo/users/{unionId}/tasks/{taskId}": { PUT: 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PUT: { updateCard: false }, POST: { createCard: false } }, "/card/instances/createAndDeliver": { POST: { createAndDeliver: false } }, "/card/callbacks/register": { POST: { registerCallback: false } }, "/card/instances/spaces": { PUT: { appendSpace: false } }, "/card/instances/deliver": { POST: { deliverCard: false } } }); // src/api/rooms.ts Internal.define({ "/rooms/devices/properties/query": { POST: { queryDeviceProperties: false } }, "/rooms/devices": { GET: { queryMeetingRoomDevice: false } }, "/rooms/groups/{groupId}": { DELETE: { deleteMeetingRoomGroup: false }, GET: { queryMeetingRoomGroup: false } }, "/rooms/groups": { PUT: { updateMeetingRoomGroup: false }, POST: { createMeetingRoomGroup: false } }, "/rooms/groupLists": { GET: { queryMeetingRoomGroupList: false } }, "/rooms/meetingRooms/{roomId}": { DELETE: { deleteMeetingRoom: false }, GET: { queryMeetingRoom: false } }, "/rooms/meetingRoomLists": { GET: { queryMeetingRoomList: false } }, "/rooms/meetingRooms": { PUT: { 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