var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { HttpServer: () => HttpServer, Line: () => types_exports, LineBot: () => LineBot, LineMessageEncoder: () => LineMessageEncoder, adaptMessage: () => adaptMessage, adaptSessions: () => adaptSessions, default: () => src_default, escape: () => escape, unescape: () => unescape }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/bot.ts var import_core5 = require("@satorijs/core"); // src/http.ts var import_core2 = require("@satorijs/core"); var import_node_crypto = __toESM(require("node:crypto"), 1); // src/utils.ts var import_core = require("@satorijs/core"); async function adaptMessage(bot, message) { const result = []; if (message.type === "text") { const splits = []; let nowPos = 0; const finalLen = message.text.length; for (const emoji of message.emojis ?? []) { splits.push(emoji.index); } for (const mention of message.mention?.mentionees ?? []) { splits.push(mention.index); } if (splits.length === 0) return [import_core.h.text(message.text)]; do { const nextPos = splits.shift() ?? finalLen; if (nextPos !== nowPos) { result.push(import_core.h.text(message.text.substring(nowPos, nextPos))); nowPos = nextPos; } if (message.emojis) { const emoji = message.emojis.find((v) => v.index === nextPos); if (emoji) { result.push((0, import_core.h)("face", { id: `e:${emoji.productId}:${emoji.emojiId}`, platform: bot.platform })); nowPos = nowPos + emoji.length; } } if (message.mention) { const mention = message.mention.mentionees.find((v) => v.index === nextPos); if (mention) { if (mention.type === "all") { result.push((0, import_core.h)("at", { type: "all" })); } else { result.push((0, import_core.h)("at", { name: message.text.slice(nowPos + 1, nowPos + mention.length) })); } nowPos = nowPos + mention.length; } } } while (nowPos !== finalLen); } else if (message.type === "image") { if (message.contentProvider.type === "line") { return [import_core.h.image(`${bot.ctx.server.config.selfUrl}/line/assets/${bot.selfId}/${}`)]; } else { return [import_core.h.image(message.contentProvider.originalContentUrl)]; } } else if (message.type === "video") { if (message.contentProvider.type === "line") { return [`${bot.ctx.server.config.selfUrl}/line/assets/${bot.selfId}/${}`)]; } else { return []; } } else if (message.type === "sticker") { return [(0, import_core.h)("face", { type: "sticker", id: `s:${message.packageId}:${message.stickerId}`, platform: bot.platform })]; } else if (message.type === "file") { return [import_core.h.file(`${bot.ctx.server.config.selfUrl}/line/assets/${bot.selfId}/${}`)]; } return result; } __name(adaptMessage, "adaptMessage"); async function adaptSessions(bot, body) { const result = [bot.session({ type: "internal", _type: `line/${(0, import_core.hyphenate)(body.type)}`, _data: body })]; const session = bot.session(); session.setInternal("line", body); session.timestamp = +body.timestamp; if (body.source.type === "user") { session.userId = body.source.userId; session.channelId = body.source.userId; } else if (body.source.type === "group") { session.guildId = body.source.groupId; session.channelId = body.source.groupId; session.userId = body.source.userId; } else if (body.source.type === "room") { session.guildId = body.source.roomId; session.channelId = body.source.roomId; session.userId = body.source.userId; } if (body.type === "message") { session.type = "message"; session.isDirect = body.source.type === "user"; session.messageId =; session.elements = await adaptMessage(bot, body.message); session.content = session.elements.join(""); } else if (body.type === "memberJoined") { session.type = "guild-member-added"; for (const user of body.joined.members) { const tmpSession = Object.assign({}, session); tmpSession.userId = user.userId; result.push(tmpSession); } } else if (body.type === "memberLeft") { session.type = "guild-member-deleted"; for (const user of body.left.members) { const tmpSession = Object.assign({}, session); tmpSession.userId = user.userId; result.push(tmpSession); } } else if (body.type === "follow") { session.type = "friend-added"; session.userId = body.source.userId; } else if (body.type === "unfollow") { session.type = "friend-deleted"; session.userId = body.source.userId; } else if (body.type === "unsend") { session.type = "message-deleted"; session.messageId = body.unsend.messageId; } else if (body.type === "join") { session.type = "guild-added"; } else if (body.type === "leave") { session.type = "guild-deleted"; } else if (body.type === "postback") { session.type = "interaction/button"; session.messageId = body.webhookEventId; session.event.button = { id: }; } if (session.type) result.push(session); return result; } __name(adaptSessions, "adaptSessions"); // src/http.ts var HttpServer = class extends import_core2.Adapter { static { __name(this, "HttpServer"); } static inject = ["server"]; async connect(bot) {"/line", async (ctx) => { const sign = ctx.headers["x-line-signature"]?.toString(); const parsed = ctx.request.body; const { destination } = parsed; const bot2 = this.bots.find((bot3) => bot3.selfId === destination); if (!bot2) return ctx.status = 403; const hash = import_node_crypto.default.createHmac("SHA256", bot2?.config?.secret).update(ctx.request.body[Symbol.for("unparsedBody")] || "").digest("base64"); if (hash !== sign) { return ctx.status = 403; } bot2.logger.debug(parsed); for (const event of { const sessions = await adaptSessions(bot2, event); if (sessions.length) sessions.forEach(bot2.dispatch.bind(bot2)); bot2.logger.debug(sessions); } ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = "ok"; }); bot.ctx.server.get("/line/assets/:self_id/:message_id", async (ctx) => { const messageId = ctx.params.message_id; const selfId = ctx.params.self_id; const bot2 = this.bots.find((bot3) => bot3.selfId === selfId); if (!bot2) return ctx.status = 404; const resp = await bot2.contentHttp.axios(`/v2/bot/message/${messageId}/content`, { method: "GET", responseType: "stream" }); ctx.type = resp.headers.get("content-type"); ctx.set("cache-control", resp.headers.get("cache-control")); ctx.response.body =; ctx.status = 200; }); await bot.getLogin(); await bot.internal.setWebhookEndpoint({ endpoint: bot.ctx.server.config.selfUrl + "/line" }); bot.logger.debug("listening updates %c", "line:" + bot.selfId);; } }; // src/types/index.ts var types_exports = {}; __export(types_exports, { Internal: () => Internal }); // src/types/internal.ts var import_core3 = require("@satorijs/core"); var Internal = class _Internal { constructor(http) { this.http = http; } static { __name(this, "Internal"); } static define(routes) { for (const path in routes) { for (const key in routes[path]) { const method = key; for (const name of (0, import_core3.makeArray)(routes[path][method])) { _Internal.prototype[name] = async function(...args) { const raw = args.join(", "); const url = path.replace(/\{([^}]+)\}/g, () => { if (!args.length) throw new Error(`too few arguments for ${path}, received ${raw}`); return args.shift(); }); const config = {}; if (args.length === 1) { if (method === "GET" || method === "DELETE") { config.params = args[0]; } else { = args[0]; } } else if (args.length === 2 && method !== "GET" && method !== "DELETE") { = args[0]; config.params = args[1]; } else if (args.length > 1) { throw new Error(`too many arguments for ${path}, received ${raw}`); } try { return (await this.http(method, url, config)).data; } catch (error) { if (!this.http.isError(error) || !error.response) throw error; throw new Error(`[${error.response.status}] ${JSON.stringify(}`); } }; } } } } }; Internal.define({ "/v2/bot/channel/webhook/endpoint": { GET: "getWebhookEndpoint", PUT: "setWebhookEndpoint" }, "/v2/bot/channel/webhook/test": { POST: "testWebhookEndpoint" }, "/v2/bot/message/{messageId}/content": { GET: "getMessageContent" }, "/v2/bot/message/{messageId}/content/preview": { GET: "getMessageContentPreview" }, "/v2/bot/message/{messageId}/content/transcoding": { GET: "getMessageContentTranscodingByMessageId" }, "/v2/bot/message/reply": { POST: "replyMessage" }, "/v2/bot/message/push": { POST: "pushMessage" }, "/v2/bot/message/multicast": { POST: "multicast" }, "/v2/bot/message/narrowcast": { POST: "narrowcast" }, "/v2/bot/message/progress/narrowcast": { GET: "getNarrowcastProgress" }, "/v2/bot/message/broadcast": { POST: "broadcast" }, "/v2/bot/message/quota": { GET: "getMessageQuota" }, "/v2/bot/message/quota/consumption": { GET: "getMessageQuotaConsumption" }, "/v2/bot/message/delivery/reply": { GET: "getNumberOfSentReplyMessages" }, "/v2/bot/message/delivery/push": { GET: "getNumberOfSentPushMessages" }, "/v2/bot/message/delivery/multicast": { GET: "getNumberOfSentMulticastMessages" }, "/v2/bot/message/delivery/broadcast": { GET: "getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessages" }, "/v2/bot/message/validate/reply": { POST: "validateReply" }, "/v2/bot/message/validate/push": { POST: "validatePush" }, "/v2/bot/message/validate/multicast": { POST: "validateMulticast" }, "/v2/bot/message/validate/narrowcast": { POST: "validateNarrowcast" }, "/v2/bot/message/validate/broadcast": { POST: "validateBroadcast" }, "/v2/bot/message/aggregation/info": { GET: "getAggregationUnitUsage" }, "/v2/bot/message/aggregation/list": { GET: "getAggregationUnitNameList" }, "/v2/bot/profile/{userId}": { GET: "getProfile" }, "/v2/bot/followers/ids": { GET: "getFollowers" }, "/v2/bot/info": { GET: "getBotInfo" }, "/v2/bot/group/{groupId}/member/{userId}": { GET: "getGroupMemberProfile" }, "/v2/bot/room/{roomId}/member/{userId}": { GET: "getRoomMemberProfile" }, "/v2/bot/group/{groupId}/members/ids": { GET: "getGroupMembersIds" }, "/v2/bot/room/{roomId}/members/ids": { GET: "getRoomMembersIds" }, "/v2/bot/group/{groupId}/leave": { POST: "leaveGroup" }, "/v2/bot/room/{roomId}/leave": { POST: "leaveRoom" }, "/v2/bot/group/{groupId}/summary": { GET: "getGroupSummary" }, "/v2/bot/group/{groupId}/members/count": { GET: "getGroupMemberCount" }, "/v2/bot/room/{roomId}/members/count": { GET: "getRoomMemberCount" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu": { POST: "createRichMenu" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/validate": { POST: "validateRichMenuObject" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/{richMenuId}/content": { GET: "getRichMenuImage", POST: "setRichMenuImage" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/{richMenuId}": { GET: "getRichMenu", DELETE: "deleteRichMenu" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/list": { GET: "getRichMenuList" }, "/v2/bot/user/all/richmenu/{richMenuId}": { POST: "setDefaultRichMenu" }, "/v2/bot/user/all/richmenu": { GET: "getDefaultRichMenuId", DELETE: "cancelDefaultRichMenu" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/alias": { POST: "createRichMenuAlias" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/alias/{richMenuAliasId}": { GET: "getRichMenuAlias", POST: "updateRichMenuAlias", DELETE: "deleteRichMenuAlias" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/alias/list": { GET: "getRichMenuAliasList" }, "/v2/bot/user/{userId}/richmenu": { GET: "getRichMenuIdOfUser", DELETE: "unlinkRichMenuIdFromUser" }, "/v2/bot/user/{userId}/richmenu/{richMenuId}": { POST: "linkRichMenuIdToUser" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/bulk/link": { POST: "linkRichMenuIdToUsers" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/bulk/unlink": { POST: "unlinkRichMenuIdFromUsers" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/batch": { POST: "richMenuBatch" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/validate/batch": { POST: "validateRichMenuBatchRequest" }, "/v2/bot/richmenu/progress/batch": { GET: "getRichMenuBatchProgress" }, "/v2/bot/user/{userId}/linkToken": { POST: "issueLinkToken" }, "/v2/bot/message/markAsRead": { POST: "markMessagesAsRead" }, "/bot/pnp/push": { POST: "pushMessagesByPhone" }, "/bot/ad/multicast/phone": { POST: "audienceMatch" }, "/v2/bot/message/delivery/pnp": { GET: "getPNPMessageStatistics" }, "/v2/bot/message/delivery/ad_phone": { GET: "getAdPhoneMessageStatistics" } }); // src/message.ts var import_core4 = require("@satorijs/core"); var escape = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((val) => val.replace(/(? val.replace(/\u200b([\*_~`])/g, "$1"), "unescape"); var LineMessageEncoder = class extends import_core4.MessageEncoder { static { __name(this, "LineMessageEncoder"); } buffer = ""; blocks = []; sender = {}; emojis = []; buttons = []; async flush() { await this.insertBlock(); for (let i = 0; i < this.buttons.length; i += 4) { this.blocks.push({ type: "template", altText: "Buttons", template: { type: "buttons", text: "Please select", actions: this.buttons.slice(i, i + 4) } }); } for (let i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i += 5) { const { sentMessages } = await{ to: this.channelId, messages: this.blocks.slice(i, i + 5) }); for (const sent of sentMessages) { const session =; session.messageId =; this.results.push(session.event.message);, "send", session); } } } async insertBlock() { if (this.buffer.length) { this.blocks.push({ ...{ type: "text", text: escape(this.buffer), sender: { ...this.sender } }, ...this.emojis.length ? { emojis: this.emojis } : {} }); this.buffer = ""; this.emojis = []; } } decodeButton(attrs, label) { if (attrs.type === "input") { return { type: "message", text: attrs.text, label }; } else if (attrs.type === "link") { return { type: "uri", label, uri: attrs.href }; } else { return { type: "postback", label, data: }; } } async visit(element) { const { type, attrs, children } = element; if (type === "text") { this.buffer += attrs.content; } else if (type === "br") { this.buffer += "\n"; } else if (type === "p") { if (!this.buffer.endsWith("\n")) this.buffer += "\n"; await this.render(children); if (!this.buffer.endsWith("\n")) this.buffer += "\n"; } else if ((type === "img" || type === "image") && (attrs.src || attrs.url)) { await this.insertBlock(); this.blocks.push({ type: "image", originalContentUrl: attrs.src || attrs.url, previewImageUrl: attrs.poster }); } else if (type === "video" && (attrs.src || attrs.url)) { await this.insertBlock(); this.blocks.push({ type: "video", originalContentUrl: attrs.src || attrs.url, previewImageUrl: attrs.poster }); } else if (type === "audio" && (attrs.src || attrs.url)) { await this.insertBlock(); this.blocks.push({ type: "audio", originalContentUrl: attrs.src || attrs.url, duration: attrs.duration }); } else if (type === "face") { if ("s")) { await this.insertBlock(); this.blocks.push({ type: "sticker", packageId:":")[1], stickerId:":")[2] }); } else { this.emojis.push({ index: this.buffer.length, productId:":")[1], emojiId:":")[2] }); this.buffer += "$"; } } else if (type === "author") { = attrs.nickname; this.sender.iconUrl = attrs.avatar; } else if (type === "button-group") { await this.render(children); } else if (type === "button") { this.buttons.push(this.decodeButton(attrs, children.join(""))); } else if (type === "message") { const sender = { ...this.sender }; await this.insertBlock(); await this.render(children); await this.insertBlock(); if (this.sender.iconUrl || { this.sender = { ...sender }; } } } }; // src/bot.ts var LineBot = class extends import_core5.Bot { static { __name(this, "LineBot"); } static inject = ["server", "http"]; static MessageEncoder = LineMessageEncoder; http; contentHttp; internal; constructor(ctx, config) { super(ctx, config, "line"); if (!ctx.server.config.selfUrl) { this.logger.warn("selfUrl is not set, some features may not work"); } this.http = ctx.http.extend({ ...config.api, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${config.token}` } }); this.contentHttp = ctx.http.extend({ ...config.content, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${config.token}` } }); this.internal = new Internal(this.http); ctx.plugin(HttpServer, this); } // async getLogin() { const { userId, displayName, pictureUrl } = await this.internal.getBotInfo(); = userId; = displayName; this.user.avatar = pictureUrl; return this.toJSON(); } async getFriendList(start) { const { userIds, next } = await this.internal.getFollowers({ start, limit: 1e3 }); return { data: => ({ id: v, userId: v })), next }; } async getGuild(guildId) { const res = await this.internal.getGroupSummary(guildId); return { id: res.groupId, name: res.groupName }; } async getGuildMemberList(guildId, start) { const { memberIds, next } = await this.internal.getGroupMembersIds(guildId, { start }); return { data: => ({ user: { id }, userId: id })), next }; } async getGuildMember(guildId, userId) { const res = await this.internal.getGroupMemberProfile(guildId, userId); return { user: { id: res.userId, name: res.displayName, avatar: res.pictureUrl }, userId: res.userId, nickname: res.displayName, avatar: res.pictureUrl }; } }; ((LineBot2) => { LineBot2.Config = import_core5.Schema.intersect([ import_core5.Schema.object({ token: import_core5.Schema.string().required().description("机器人令牌。"), secret: import_core5.Schema.string().required().description("机器人密钥。") }), import_core5.Schema.object({ api: import_core5.HTTP.createConfig("") }), import_core5.Schema.object({ content: import_core5.HTTP.createConfig("") }) ]); })(LineBot || (LineBot = {})); // src/index.ts var src_default = LineBot; // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { HttpServer, Line, LineBot, LineMessageEncoder, adaptMessage, adaptSessions, escape, unescape }); //#