import type LocalForage from 'localforage' import NodeFs from 'fs' import NodePath from 'path' import { CID } from 'multiformats' import { CryptoSystem, HashAlg, KeyUse } from 'keystore-idb/types.js' import KeystoreConfig from 'keystore-idb/config.js' import IDB from 'keystore-idb/idb.js' import RSAKeys from 'keystore-idb/rsa/keys.js' import RSAKeyStore from 'keystore-idb/rsa/keystore.js' import * as DagPB from '@ipld/dag-pb' import * as Raw from 'multiformats/codecs/raw' import { sha256 } from 'multiformats/hashes/sha2' import * as Auth from '@oddjs/odd/components/auth/implementation' import * as Crypto from '@oddjs/odd/components/crypto/implementation' import * as Capabilities from '@oddjs/odd/components/capabilities/implementation' import * as Depot from '@oddjs/odd/components/depot/implementation' import * as Reference from '@oddjs/odd/components/reference/implementation' import * as Storage from '@oddjs/odd/components/storage/implementation' import * as BaseReference from '@oddjs/odd/components/reference/implementation/base' import * as BrowserCrypto from '@oddjs/odd/components/crypto/implementation/browser' import * as MemoryStorage from '@oddjs/odd/components/storage/implementation/memory' import * as ProperManners from '@oddjs/odd/components/manners/implementation/base' import * as WnfsAuth from '@oddjs/odd/components/auth/implementation/wnfs' import * as Codecs from '@oddjs/odd/dag/codecs' import * as DID from '@oddjs/odd/did/index' import { CodecIdentifier } from '@oddjs/odd/dag/codecs' import { Components } from '@oddjs/odd/components' import { Configuration } from '@oddjs/odd/configuration' import { Ucan } from '@oddjs/odd/ucan/types' import { decodeCID, EMPTY_CID } from '@oddjs/odd/common/cid' import { Storage as LocalForageStore } from './localforage/in-memory-storage.js' const configuration: Configuration = { namespace: { name: 'ODD SDK Tests', creator: 'Fission' }, debug: false, fileSystem: { loadImmediately: false }, } // CRYPTO async function createCryptoComponent (): Promise { const cfg = KeystoreConfig.normalize({ type: CryptoSystem.RSA, charSize: 8, hashAlg: HashAlg.SHA_256, storeName: 'tests', exchangeKeyName: 'exchange-key', writeKeyName: 'write-key', }) const { rsaSize, hashAlg, /* storeName, */ exchangeKeyName, writeKeyName } = cfg const store = new LocalForageStore() as unknown as LocalForage // NOTE: This would be a more type safe solution, // but somehow localforage won't accept the driver. // await store.defineDriver(memoryDriver) // const store = localforage.createInstance({ name: storeName, driver: memoryDriver._driver }) await IDB.createIfDoesNotExist(exchangeKeyName, () => ( RSAKeys.makeKeypair(rsaSize, hashAlg, KeyUse.Exchange) ), store) await IDB.createIfDoesNotExist(writeKeyName, () => ( RSAKeys.makeKeypair(rsaSize, hashAlg, KeyUse.Write) ), store) const ks = new RSAKeyStore(cfg, store) return { aes: BrowserCrypto.aes, did: BrowserCrypto.did, hash: BrowserCrypto.hash, misc: BrowserCrypto.misc, rsa: BrowserCrypto.rsa, keystore: { clearStore: () => BrowserCrypto.ksClearStore(ks), decrypt: (...args) => BrowserCrypto.ksDecrypt(ks, ...args), exportSymmKey: (...args) => BrowserCrypto.ksExportSymmKey(ks, ...args), getAlgorithm: (...args) => BrowserCrypto.ksGetAlgorithm(ks, ...args), getUcanAlgorithm: (...args) => BrowserCrypto.ksGetUcanAlgorithm(ks, ...args), importSymmKey: (...args) => BrowserCrypto.ksImportSymmKey(ks, ...args), keyExists: (...args) => BrowserCrypto.ksKeyExists(ks, ...args), publicExchangeKey: (...args) => BrowserCrypto.ksPublicExchangeKey(ks, ...args), publicWriteKey: (...args) => BrowserCrypto.ksPublicWriteKey(ks, ...args), sign: (...args) => BrowserCrypto.ksSign(ks, ...args), }, } } const crypto = await createCryptoComponent() // DEPOT export const inMemoryDepot: Record = {} const depot: Depot.Implementation = { // Get the data behind a CID getBlock: (cid: CID) => { const data = inMemoryDepot[cid.toString()] if (!data) throw new Error('CID not stored in depot') return Promise.resolve(data) }, getUnixFile: (cid: CID) => depot.getBlock(cid), // @ts-ignore getUnixDirectory: async (cid: CID) => { const dag = DagPB.decode(await depot.getBlock(cid)) // Not technically correct but might be good enough for testing? return => ({ cid: link.Hash, name: link.Name || '', size: link.Tsize || 0, isFile: link.Hash.code === Raw.code })) }, // Keep data around putBlock: async (data: Uint8Array, codecId: CodecIdentifier) => { const codec = Codecs.getByIdentifier(codecId) const multihash = await sha256.digest(data) const cid = CID.createV1(codec.code, multihash) inMemoryDepot[cid.toString()] = data return cid }, putChunked: async (data: Uint8Array) => { // Not sure what the max size is here, this might not work. // Might need to use instead. const multihash = await sha256.digest(data) const cid = CID.createV1(Raw.code, multihash) inMemoryDepot[cid.toString()] = data return { cid, size: data.length, isFile: true } }, // Stats size: async (cid: CID) => { const data = await depot.getBlock(cid) return data.length } } // // STORAGE const storage: Storage.Implementation = MemoryStorage.implementation() // MANNERS const manners = { ...ProperManners.implementation({ configuration }), wnfsWasmLookup: async () => { const pathToThisModule = new URL(import.meta.url).pathname const dirOfThisModule = NodePath.parse(pathToThisModule).dir return NodeFs.readFileSync(NodePath.join(dirOfThisModule, '../../node_modules/wnfs/wasm_wnfs_bg.wasm')) } } // // REFERENCE const baseReference = await BaseReference.implementation({ crypto, manners, storage }) const inMemoryReference = { dataRoot: decodeCID(EMPTY_CID) } const reference: Reference.Implementation = { ...baseReference, dataRoot: { domain: () => 'localhost', lookup: () => Promise.resolve(inMemoryReference.dataRoot), update: (cid: CID, proof: Ucan) => { inMemoryReference.dataRoot = cid; return Promise.resolve({ success: true }) } }, didRoot: { lookup: () => DID.write(crypto) }, } // CAPABILITIES const capabilities: Capabilities.Implementation = { collect: () => { throw new Error('Not implemented') }, request: (options: Capabilities.RequestOptions) => { throw new Error('Not implemented') }, } // AUTH const auth: Auth.Implementation = WnfsAuth.implementation({ crypto, reference, storage }) // export const username = 'test' // export const account = { // rootDID: await reference.didRoot.lookup(username), // username // } // // 🛳 const components = { auth, capabilities, crypto, depot, manners, reference, storage } export { components, createCryptoComponent // auth, // capabilities, // crypto, // depot, // manners, // reference, // storage }