"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { AndVariable: () => AndVariable, CombinedVariable: () => CombinedVariable, CompoundVariable: () => CompoundVariable, ConstVar: () => ConstantVariable, ConstVariable: () => ConstantVariable, ConstantVariable: () => ConstantVariable, DelegateVariable: () => DelegateVariable, DirectVariable: () => DirectVariable, EventDispatcher: () => EventDispatcher, EventObserver: () => EventObserver, EventObserverStub: () => EventObserverStub, FuncVar: () => FuncVariable, FuncVariable: () => FuncVariable, ImmutableVar: () => ConstantVariable, InvertVariable: () => InvertVariable, LazyEventDispatcher: () => LazyEventDispatcher, LazyVariable: () => FuncVariable, LinkedChain: () => LinkedChain, MapVariable: () => MapVariable, MaxVariable: () => MaxVariable, MinVariable: () => MinVariable, MutableVar: () => MutableVariable, MutableVariable: () => MutableVariable, ObservableList: () => ObservableList, OrVariable: () => OrVariable, ReadonlyVar: () => ConstantVariable, SealVariable: () => SealVariable, SumVariable: () => SumVariable, SwitchMapVariable: () => SwitchMapVariable, ThrottledVariable: () => ThrottledVariable, Var: () => Variable, Variable: () => Variable, Vary: () => MutableVariable, and: () => and, arrayEqualityComparer: () => arrayEqualityComparer, combine: () => combine, createConst: () => createConst, createConstVar: () => createConst, createDelayDispatcher: () => createDelayDispatcher, createDelegate: () => createDelegate, createDelegateVar: () => createDelegate, createDirect: () => createDirect, createDirectVar: () => createDirect, createFuncVar: () => createFuncVar, createLazyVar: () => createFuncVar, createVar: () => createVar, defaultEqualityComparer: () => defaultEqualityComparer, functionEqualityComparer: () => functionEqualityComparer, generalEqualityComparer: () => generalEqualityComparer, isDelegateVariable: () => isDelegateVariable, isMutableVariable: () => isMutableVariable, isVariable: () => isVariable, isVariableOf: () => isVariableOf, max: () => max, merge: () => merge, min: () => min, objectEqualityComparer: () => objectEqualityComparer, or: () => or, simpleEqualityComparer: () => simpleEqualityComparer, strictEqualityComparer: () => strictEqualityComparer, sum: () => sum }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/variable.ts var Variable = class { /** * Overload of the `toString` method. Returns the string representation of the value of the variable * @returns the string representation of the value of the variable */ toString() { const _value = this.value; if (_value === null || _value === void 0) { return `${_value}`; } return _value.toString(); } /** * Overload of the `valueOf` method. Converts the variable to a primitive value, in this case, the value of the variable * @returns the primitive value of the variable */ valueOf() { return this.value; } }; // src/comparer.ts function strictEqualityComparer(a, b) { return a === b; } function simpleEqualityComparer(a, b) { return a == b; } var defaultEqualityComparer = strictEqualityComparer; function functionEqualityComparer(a, b) { return a === b; } function generalEqualityComparer(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } const typeA = typeof a; const typeB = typeof b; if (typeA !== typeB) { return false; } if (typeA === "object") { return objectEqualityComparer(a, b); } if (typeA === "function") { return functionEqualityComparer(a, b); } return simpleEqualityComparer(a, b); } function objectEqualityComparer(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } if (!a || !b) { return false; } let arrayA = Array.isArray(a); let arrayB = Array.isArray(b); if (arrayA !== arrayB) { return false; } if (arrayA) { return arrayEqualityComparer(a, b); } const keysA = Object.keys(a); const keysB = Object.keys(b); if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) { return false; } for (const key of keysA) { if (!keysB.includes(key)) { return false; } const valueA = a[key]; const valueB = b[key]; if (!generalEqualityComparer(valueA, valueB)) { return false; } } return true; } function arrayEqualityComparer(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } if (!a || !b) { return false; } if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (!generalEqualityComparer(a[i], b[i])) { return false; } } return true; } // src/linked-chain.ts var import_disposiq = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var LinkedChain = class _LinkedChain { constructor(equalityComparer) { /** * @internal */ this._head = null; /** * @internal */ this._tail = null; /** * @internal */ this._invoking = false; /** * @internal */ this._pendingHead = null; /** * @internal */ this._pendingTail = null; /** * @internal */ this._actionHead = null; this._equalityComparer = equalityComparer != null ? equalityComparer : defaultEqualityComparer; } /** * Checks if the chain has any elements */ get hasAny() { return this._head !== null || this._pendingHead !== null; } /** * Checks if the chain is empty */ get empty() { return this._head === null && this._pendingHead === null; } /** * Gets the number of elements in the chain * @remarks This getter should be used only for debugging purposes */ get count() { let count = 0; let node = this._head; if (node !== null) { do { ++count; node = node.next; } while (node !== null); } node = this._pendingHead; if (node !== null) { do { count++; node = node.next; } while (node !== null); } return count; } /** * Converts the chain to an array * @returns an array containing the elements of the chain * @remarks This method should be used only for debugging purposes */ toArray() { const count = this.count; if (count === 0) { return []; } const array = new Array(count); let node = this._head; let index = 0; if (node !== null) { do { array[index++] = node.value; node = node.next; } while (node !== null); } node = this._pendingHead; if (node !== null) { do { array[index++] = node.value; node = node.next; } while (node !== null); } return array; } /** * Adds an element to the chain. If the element is already in the chain, it will not be added again. * @param value the element to add * @returns an array containing the subscription and a boolean value indicating if the element was added */ addUnique(value) { const existing = this._findNode(value); if (existing !== null) { return [new import_disposiq.DisposableAction(() => this._unlinkNode(existing)), false]; } return [this.add(value), true]; } /** * Adds an element to the end of the chain * @param value the element to add * @returns a subscription that can be used to remove the element from the chain */ add(value) { let node; if (this._invoking) { if (this._pendingHead === null) { node = new ChainNode(value); this._pendingHead = node; this._pendingTail = node; } else { node = new ChainNode(value, this._pendingTail, null); this._pendingTail.next = node; this._pendingTail = node; } return new import_disposiq.DisposableAction(() => this._unlinkNode(node)); } if (this._head === null) { node = new ChainNode(value); this._head = node; this._tail = node; } else { node = new ChainNode(value, this._tail, null); this._tail.next = node; this._tail = node; } return new import_disposiq.DisposableAction(() => this._unlinkNode(node)); } /** * Adds an element to the beginning of the chain. If the element is already in the chain, it will not be added again. * @param value the element to add * @returns an array containing the subscription and a boolean value indicating if the element was added */ addToBeginUnique(value) { const existing = this._findNode(value); if (existing !== null) { return [new import_disposiq.DisposableAction(() => this._unlinkNode(existing)), false]; } return [this.addToBegin(value), true]; } /** * Adds an element to the beginning of the chain * @param value the element to add * @returns a subscription that can be used to remove the element from the chain */ addToBegin(value) { let node; if (this._head === null) { node = new ChainNode(value); this._head = node; this._tail = node; } else { node = new ChainNode(value, null, this._head); this._head.previous = node; this._head = node; } return new import_disposiq.DisposableAction(() => this._unlinkNode(node)); } /** * Adds a node and its children to the end of the chain * @param node * @remarks This method does not check if the node is already in a chain */ addToBeginNode(node) { let chainNode = _LinkedChain._clearNode(node); if (chainNode === null) { return; } if (this._head === null) { this._head = chainNode; while (chainNode.next !== null) { chainNode = chainNode.next; } this._tail = chainNode; return; } let tail = chainNode; while (tail.next !== null) { tail = tail.next; } tail.next = this._head; this._head.previous = tail; this._head = chainNode; } /** * Removes an element from the chain * @param value the element to remove * @returns true if the element was removed, false otherwise */ remove(value) { let checkNode = this._head; while (checkNode !== null) { if (this._equalityComparer(checkNode.value, value)) { this._unlinkNode(checkNode); return true; } checkNode = checkNode.next; } checkNode = this._pendingHead; while (checkNode !== null) { if (this._equalityComparer(checkNode.value, value)) { this._unlinkNode(checkNode); return true; } checkNode = checkNode.next; } return false; } /** * Removes all elements from the chain */ clear() { let node = this._head; if (node !== null) { while (node !== null) { node.disposed = true; node = node.next; } this._head = null; this._tail = null; } node = this._pendingHead; if (node !== null) { while (node !== null) { node.disposed = true; node = node.next; } this._pendingHead = null; this._pendingTail = null; } } /** * Removes all elements from the chain and returns the head node * @returns the head node of the chain or null if the chain is empty */ removeAll() { let node = this._head; this._head = null; this._tail = null; return node; } /** * Iterates over the elements of the chain and invokes the specified action for each element * @param valueHandler the action to invoke for each element */ forEach(valueHandler) { while (valueHandler !== null) { if (this._head !== null) { if (this._invoking) { if (this._actionHead == null) { this._actionHead = new ChainNode(valueHandler); return; } let actionTail = this._actionHead; while (actionTail.next !== null) { actionTail = actionTail.next; } actionTail.next = new ChainNode(valueHandler, actionTail, null); return; } this._invoking = true; let node = this._head; while (node !== null) { if (!node.disposed) { valueHandler(node.value); } node = node.next; } this._invoking = false; if (this._pendingHead != null) { if (this._head == null) { this._head = this._pendingHead; this._tail = this._pendingTail; } else { this._pendingHead.previous = this._tail; this._tail.next = this._pendingHead; this._tail = this._pendingTail; } this._pendingHead = null; this._pendingTail = null; } } if (this._actionHead == null) { return; } let nextActionNode = this._actionHead; nextActionNode.disposed = true; this._actionHead = nextActionNode.next; if (this._actionHead != null) { this._actionHead.previous = null; nextActionNode.next = null; } valueHandler = nextActionNode.value; } } /** * @internal */ _findNode(value) { let checkNode = this._head; while (checkNode !== null) { if (this._equalityComparer(checkNode.value, value)) { return checkNode; } checkNode = checkNode.next; } if (this._invoking) { checkNode = this._pendingHead; while (checkNode !== null) { if (this._equalityComparer(checkNode.value, value)) { return checkNode; } checkNode = checkNode.next; } } return null; } /** * @internal */ _unlinkNode(node) { if (node.disposed) { return; } node.disposed = true; if (node === this._head) { if (node.next === null) { this._head = null; this._tail = null; return; } this._head = node.next; this._head.previous = null; return; } if (node === this._tail) { this._tail = node.previous; this._tail.next = null; return; } if (node === this._pendingHead) { if (node.next == null) { this._pendingHead = null; this._pendingTail = null; return; } this._pendingHead = node.next; this._pendingHead.previous = null; return; } if (node === this._pendingTail) { this._pendingTail = node.previous; this._pendingTail.next = null; return; } if (node.previous !== null) { node.previous.next = node.next; } if (node.next !== null) { node.next.previous = node.previous; } } /** * @internal */ static _clearNode(node) { let root = null; let tail = null; let next = node; while (next !== null) { node = next; next = node.next; if (node.disposed) { continue; } if (root === null) { root = node; tail = node; node.previous = null; continue; } tail.next = node; node.previous = tail; tail = node; } if (tail !== null) { tail.next = null; } return root; } }; var ChainNode = class { constructor(value, previous, next) { this.disposed = false; this.value = value; this.previous = previous != null ? previous : null; this.next = next != null ? next : null; } }; // src/vars/compound.ts var import_disposiq2 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var CompoundVariable = class extends Variable { constructor(initValue, equalityComparer) { super(); /** * @internal */ this._chain = new LinkedChain(functionEqualityComparer); this._value = initValue; this._equalityComparer = equalityComparer != null ? equalityComparer : defaultEqualityComparer; } /** * Checks if there are any subscriptions * @returns true if there are any subscriptions, false otherwise */ get active() { return this._chain.hasAny; } get value() { if (this._chain.hasAny) { return this._value; } return this.getExactValue(); } /** * Sets the value of the variable. If the value is the same as the current value, the method will do nothing * @param value the new value of the variable * @protected internal use only */ set value(value) { if (this._equalityComparer(value, this._value)) { return; } this._value = value; this._chain.forEach((a) => a(value)); } subscribe(callback) { if (this._chain.empty) { this.activate(); } const [disposable, added] = this._chain.addUnique(callback); if (added) { callback(this._value); } return new import_disposiq2.DisposableAction(() => { disposable.dispose(); if (this._chain.empty) { this.deactivate(); } }); } subscribeSilent(callback) { if (this._chain.empty) { this.activate(); } const disposable = this._chain.addUnique(callback)[0]; return new import_disposiq2.DisposableAction(() => { disposable.dispose(); if (this._chain.empty) { this.deactivate(); } }); } /** * A method for getting the exact value of the variable. It is called when there are no subscriptions * @protected internal use only * @returns the default behavior is to return the current (last) value of the variable * @remarks this method should be implemented in the derived class */ getExactValue() { return this._value; } /** * A method for setting the value of the variable without notifying subscribers * @protected internal use only * @param value the new value of the variable */ setValueSilent(value) { this._value = value; } /** * A method for setting the value of the variable and notifying subscribers without checking the equality * @protected internal use only * @param value the new value of the variable */ setValueForce(value) { this._value = value; this._chain.forEach((a) => a(value)); } /** * A method for notifying subscribers about the value change * @protected internal use only */ notify() { const value = this._value; this._chain.forEach((a) => a(value)); } }; // src/vars/and.ts var import_disposiq3 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var AndVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(variables) { super(false); /** * @internal */ this._subscriptions = []; this._variables = variables; } activate() { this._listen(0); } deactivate() { (0, import_disposiq3.disposeAll)(this._subscriptions); } getExactValue() { const variables = this._variables; for (let i = 0; i < variables.length; ++i) { if (!variables[i].value) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @internal */ _listen(index) { if (index >= this._variables.length) { this.value = true; return; } if (this._subscriptions.length > index) { return; } const __listener = (value) => { if (value) { this._listen(index + 1); } else { this._unsubscribeFrom(index + 1); this.value = false; } }; const variable = this._variables[index]; this._subscriptions.push(variable.subscribeSilent(__listener)); __listener(variable.value); return; } /** * @internal */ _unsubscribeFrom(index) { var _a; while (index < this._subscriptions.length) { (_a = this._subscriptions.pop()) == null ? void 0 : _a.dispose(); } } }; // src/vars/combined.ts var import_disposiq4 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var CombinedVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(vars) { if (!(vars == null ? void 0 : vars.length)) { throw new Error("No variables provided"); } super(stubArray, arrayEqualityComparer); /** * @internal */ this._subscriptions = new import_disposiq4.DisposableStore(); this._vars = vars.slice(); } activate() { this._subscriptions.disposeCurrent(); const length = this._vars.length; const result = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const vary = this._vars[i]; this._subscriptions.add(vary.subscribeSilent((value) => { result[i] = value; this.setValueForce(result); })); result[i] = vary.value; } this.setValueForce(result); } deactivate() { this._subscriptions.disposeCurrent(); } getExactValue() { const length = this._vars.length; const result = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { result[i] = this._vars[i].value; } return result; } }; var stubArray = Object.freeze([]); // src/vars/constant.ts var import_disposiq5 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var ConstantVariable = class extends Variable { constructor(value, equalityComparer) { super(); this._value = value; this._equalityComparer = equalityComparer != null ? equalityComparer : defaultEqualityComparer; } get value() { return this._value; } get equalityComparer() { return this._equalityComparer; } subscribe(callback) { callback(this._value); return import_disposiq5.emptyDisposable; } subscribeSilent(_) { return import_disposiq5.emptyDisposable; } }; // src/vars/delegate.ts var import_disposiq6 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var DelegateVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(sourceOrDefaultValue) { super(sourceOrDefaultValue instanceof Variable ? null : sourceOrDefaultValue != void 0 ? sourceOrDefaultValue : null); /** * @internal */ this._sourceSubscription = new import_disposiq6.DisposableContainer(); if (sourceOrDefaultValue instanceof Variable) { this._source = sourceOrDefaultValue; } else { this._source = null; } } /** * Sets the source variable. The source variable will be used to get the value for the delegate variable * @param source the source variable or null to remove the source * @returns a disposable that will remove the source when disposed */ setSource(source) { if (!source) { if (this._source) { this.value = this._source.value; this._source = null; } this._sourceSubscription.disposeCurrent(); return import_disposiq6.emptyDisposable; } this._source = source; this._sourceSubscription.disposeCurrent(); if (this.active) { this._sourceSubscription.set(source.subscribeSilent((v) => this.setValueForce(v))); this.value = source.value; } return new import_disposiq6.DisposableAction(() => { if (this._source !== source) { return; } this.setSource(null); }); } activate() { if (this._source === null) { return; } this._sourceSubscription.disposeCurrent(); this._sourceSubscription.set(this._source.subscribeSilent((v) => this.setValueForce(v))); this.value = this._source.value; } deactivate() { if (this._source === null) { return; } this._sourceSubscription.disposeCurrent(); } getExactValue() { return this._source !== null ? this._source.value : super.getExactValue(); } }; // src/vars/direct.ts var DirectVariable = class extends Variable { constructor(initialValue, equalityComparer) { super(); /** * @internal */ this._chain = new LinkedChain(functionEqualityComparer); this._value = initialValue; this._equalityComparer = equalityComparer != null ? equalityComparer : defaultEqualityComparer; } get value() { return this._value; } /** * Sets the value of the variable and notifies all subscribers without checking the equality * @param value the new value for the variable */ set value(value) { this._value = value; this._chain.forEach((a) => a(value)); } get equalityComparer() { return this._equalityComparer; } subscribe(callback) { const [disposable, added] = this._chain.addUnique(callback); if (added) { callback(this._value); } return disposable; } subscribeSilent(callback) { return this._chain.addUnique(callback)[0]; } /** * Sets the value of the variable without notifying the subscribers * @param value the new value for the variable * @remarks Use this method only if you are sure what you are doing. Combine this method with the `notify` method */ setSilent(value) { this._value = value; } /** * Notifies all subscribers about the change of the value forcibly * @remarks Use this method only if you are sure what you are doing. Combine this method with the `setSilent` method */ notify() { const value = this._value; this._chain.forEach((a) => a(value)); } }; // src/vars/func.ts var import_disposiq7 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var FuncVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(activate, exactValue) { super(null); const disposable = new import_disposiq7.DisposableContainer(); this._activator = (self) => { disposable.disposeCurrent(); disposable.set((0, import_disposiq7.toDisposable)(activate(self))); }; this._deactivator = () => { disposable.disposeCurrent(); }; this._exactValue = exactValue; } get value() { return super.value; } /** * Sets the value of the variable. If the value is the same as the current value, the method will do nothing * @param value the new value of the variable */ set value(value) { super.value = value; } /** * A method for setting the value of the variable and notifying subscribers without checking the equality * @param value the new value of the variable */ setValueForce(value) { super.setValueForce(value); } /** * A method for setting the value of the variable without notifying subscribers * @param value the new value of the variable */ setValueSilent(value) { super.setValueSilent(value); } /** * A method for notifying subscribers about the value change */ notify() { super.notify(); } activate() { this._activator(this); } deactivate() { this._deactivator(this); } getExactValue() { return this._exactValue(); } }; // src/vars/invert.ts var import_disposiq8 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var InvertVariable = class extends Variable { constructor(variable) { super(); /** * @internal */ this._chain = new LinkedChain(functionEqualityComparer); /** * @internal */ this._value = false; /** * @internal */ this._subscription = new import_disposiq8.DisposableContainer(); this._variable = variable; } get value() { if (this._chain.hasAny) { return this._value; } return !this._variable.value; } subscribe(callback) { if (this._chain.empty) { this._activate(); } const [disposable, added] = this._chain.addUnique(callback); if (added) { callback(this._value); } return new import_disposiq8.DisposableAction(() => { disposable.dispose(); if (this._chain.empty) { this._deactivate(); } }); } subscribeSilent(callback) { return this._variable.subscribeSilent((value) => callback(!value)); } /** * @internal */ _activate() { this._subscription.disposeCurrent(); this._subscription.set(this._variable.subscribeSilent((v) => { const value = this._value = !v; this._chain.forEach((a) => a(value)); })); this._value = !this._variable.value; } /** * @internal */ _deactivate() { this._subscription.disposeCurrent(); } }; // src/vars/map.ts var import_disposiq9 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var MapVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(variable, mapper, equalityComparer) { super(mapper(variable.value), equalityComparer); /** * @internal */ this._subscription = new import_disposiq9.DisposableContainer(); /** * @internal */ this._listener = (value) => { this.value = this._mapper(value); }; this._variable = variable; this._mapper = mapper; } activate() { this._subscription.disposeCurrent(); this._subscription.set(this._variable.subscribeSilent(this._listener)); this._listener(this._variable.value); } deactivate() { this._subscription.disposeCurrent(); } getExactValue() { return this._mapper(this._variable.value); } }; // src/vars/max.ts var import_disposiq10 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var MaxVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(vars) { super(0); /** * @internal */ this._subscriptions = new import_disposiq10.DisposableStore(); this._vars = vars.slice(); } activate() { const vars = this._vars; const length = vars.length; const subscriptions = this._subscriptions; subscriptions.disposeCurrent(); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { subscriptions.add(vars[i].subscribeSilent(() => { this.postValue(); })); } this.postValue(); } deactivate() { this._subscriptions.dispose(); } getExactValue() { const vars = this._vars; const length = vars.length; let result = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { result = Math.max(result, vars[i].value); } return result; } postValue() { const vars = this._vars; const length = vars.length; let result = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { result = Math.max(result, vars[i].value); } this.value = result; } }; // src/vars/min.ts var import_disposiq11 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var MinVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(vars) { super(0); /** * @internal */ this._subscriptions = new import_disposiq11.DisposableStore(); this._vars = vars.slice(); } activate() { const vars = this._vars; const length = vars.length; const subscriptions = this._subscriptions; subscriptions.disposeCurrent(); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { subscriptions.add(vars[i].subscribeSilent(() => { this.postValue(); })); } this.postValue(); } deactivate() { this._subscriptions.dispose(); } getExactValue() { const vars = this._vars; const length = vars.length; let result = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { result = Math.min(result, vars[i].value); } return result; } postValue() { const vars = this._vars; const length = vars.length; let result = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { result = Math.min(result, vars[i].value); } this.value = result; } }; // src/vars/mutable.ts var MutableVariable = class extends Variable { constructor(value, equalityComparer) { super(); /** * @internal */ this._chain = new LinkedChain(functionEqualityComparer); this._value = value; this._equalityComparer = equalityComparer != null ? equalityComparer : defaultEqualityComparer; } get value() { return this._value; } /** * Sets the value of the variable. The value will be changed only if the new value is different from the old value * @param value the new value for the variable */ set value(value) { if (this._equalityComparer(value, this._value)) { return; } this._value = value; this._chain.forEach((a) => a(value)); } get equalityComparer() { return this._equalityComparer; } subscribe(callback) { const [disposable, added] = this._chain.addUnique(callback); if (added) { callback(this._value); } return disposable; } subscribeSilent(callback) { return this._chain.addUnique(callback)[0]; } /** * Sets the value of the variable without notifying the subscribers * @param value the new value for the variable * @remarks Use this method only if you are sure what you are doing. Combine this method with the `notify` method */ setSilent(value) { this._value = value; } /** * Notifies all subscribers about the change of the value forcibly * @remarks Use this method only if you are sure what you are doing. Combine this method with the `setSilent` method */ notify() { const value = this._value; this._chain.forEach((a) => a(value)); } }; // src/vars/or.ts var import_disposiq12 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var OrVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(variables) { super(false); /** * @internal */ this._subscriptions = []; this._variables = variables; } activate() { this._listen(0); } deactivate() { (0, import_disposiq12.disposeAll)(this._subscriptions); } getExactValue() { const variables = this._variables; for (let i = 0; i < variables.length; ++i) { if (variables[i].value) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @internal */ _listen(index) { if (index >= this._variables.length) { this.value = false; return; } if (this._subscriptions.length > index) { return; } const __listener = (value) => { if (value) { this._unsubscribeFrom(index + 1); this.value = true; } else { this._listen(index + 1); } }; const variable = this._variables[index]; this._subscriptions.push(variable.subscribeSilent(__listener)); __listener(variable.value); return; } /** * @internal */ _unsubscribeFrom(index) { var _a; while (index < this._subscriptions.length) { (_a = this._subscriptions.pop()) == null ? void 0 : _a.dispose(); } } }; // src/vars/seal.ts var import_disposiq13 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var SealVariable = class extends Variable { constructor(vary, equalityComparer) { super(); /** * @internal */ this._chain = new LinkedChain(functionEqualityComparer); /** * @internal */ this._varSubscription = new import_disposiq13.DisposableContainer(); /** * @internal */ this._value = null; /** * @internal */ this._sealed = false; this._var = vary; this._equalityComparer = typeof equalityComparer === "function" ? equalityComparer : defaultEqualityComparer; } get value() { if (this._sealed) { return this._value; } if (this._chain.empty) { return this._var.value; } return this._value; } get equalityComparer() { return this._equalityComparer; } subscribe(callback) { if (this._sealed) { callback(this._value); return import_disposiq13.emptyDisposable; } if (this._chain.empty) { this._activate(); } const [disposable, added] = this._chain.addUnique(callback); if (added) { callback(this._value); } return new import_disposiq13.DisposableAction(() => { disposable.dispose(); if (!this._sealed && this._chain.empty) { this._deactivate(); } }); } subscribeSilent(callback) { if (this._sealed) { return import_disposiq13.emptyDisposable; } if (this._chain.empty) { this._activate(); } const disposable = this._chain.addUnique(callback)[0]; return new import_disposiq13.DisposableAction(() => { disposable.dispose(); if (!this._sealed && this._chain.empty) { this._deactivate(); } }); } /** * Seals the variable. If the variable is already sealed, the method will do nothing * @param valueToSeal the value to seal. If the value is not provided, the current value of the variable will be * sealed * @returns true if the variable was sealed, false if the variable was already sealed */ seal(valueToSeal) { if (this._sealed) { return false; } this._sealed = true; this._varSubscription.dispose(); if (arguments.length === 0) { let currentValue = this._chain.empty ? this._var.value : this._value; this._varSubscription.dispose(); this._sealValue(currentValue); return true; } this._varSubscription.dispose(); this._sealValue(valueToSeal); return true; } /** * @internal */ _activate() { this._varSubscription.disposeCurrent(); this._varSubscription.set(this._var.subscribeSilent((v) => { this._value = v; this._chain.forEach((a) => a(v)); })); this._value = this._var.value; } /** * @internal */ _deactivate() { this._varSubscription.disposeCurrent(); } /** * @internal */ _sealValue(value) { if (this._equalityComparer(value, this._value)) { this._chain.clear(); return; } this._value = value; this._chain.forEach((a) => a(value)); this._chain.clear(); } }; // src/vars/sum.ts var import_disposiq14 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var SumVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(vars) { super(0); /** * @internal */ this._subscriptions = new import_disposiq14.DisposableStore(); this._vars = vars.slice(); } activate() { const vars = this._vars; const length = vars.length; const subscriptions = this._subscriptions; subscriptions.disposeCurrent(); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const variable = vars[i]; subscriptions.add(variable.subscribeSilent(() => { this.postValue(); })); } this.postValue(); } deactivate() { this._subscriptions.dispose(); } getExactValue() { const vars = this._vars; const length = vars.length; let result = 0; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { result += vars[i].value; } return result; } postValue() { const vars = this._vars; const length = vars.length; let result = 0; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { result += vars[i].value; } this.value = result; } }; // src/vars/switch-map.ts var import_disposiq15 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var SwitchMapVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(vary, mapper) { super(null); /** * @internal */ this._switchSubscription = new import_disposiq15.DisposableContainer(); /** * @internal */ this._varSubscription = new import_disposiq15.DisposableContainer(); this._var = vary; this._mapper = mapper; } activate() { this._switchSubscription.disposeCurrent(); this._switchSubscription.set(this._var.subscribeSilent((i) => this._handleSwitch(i))); this._handleSwitch(this._var.value); } deactivate() { this._switchSubscription.disposeCurrent(); this._varSubscription.disposeCurrent(); } getExactValue() { return this._mapper(this._var.value).value; } /** * @internal */ _handleSwitch(input) { this._varSubscription.disposeCurrent(); const mappedVariable = this._mapper(input); this._varSubscription.set(mappedVariable.subscribeSilent((result) => this.value = result)); this.value = mappedVariable.value; } }; // src/vars/throttled.ts var import_disposiq16 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var noScheduledValue = Object.freeze({}); var ThrottledVariable = class extends CompoundVariable { constructor(vary, onUpdate, equalityComparer) { super(null, equalityComparer); /** * @internal */ this._subscription = new import_disposiq16.DisposableContainer(); /** * @internal */ this._updateSubscription = new import_disposiq16.DisposableContainer(); /** * @internal */ this._scheduledValue = noScheduledValue; this._var = vary; this._onUpdate = onUpdate; } activate() { this._subscription.disposeCurrent(); this._subscription.set(this._var.subscribeSilent((v) => { this._scheduleUpdate(v); })); this.value = this._var.value; } deactivate() { this._subscription.disposeCurrent(); this._updateSubscription.disposeCurrent(); } getExactValue() { return this._var.value; } /** * @internal */ _scheduleUpdate(value) { if (this._scheduledValue !== noScheduledValue) { this._scheduledValue = value; return; } this._scheduledValue = value; this._updateSubscription.disposeCurrent(); this._updateSubscription.set(this._onUpdate.subscribeOnce(() => { const val = this._scheduledValue; this._scheduledValue = noScheduledValue; this.value = val === noScheduledValue ? this._var.value : val; })); } }; // src/functions.ts var import_disposiq21 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); // src/events/observer.ts var EventObserver = class { }; // src/events/dispatcher.ts var EventDispatcher = class extends EventObserver { constructor() { super(...arguments); /** * @internal */ this._nodes = new LinkedChain(functionEqualityComparer); } subscribe(action) { return this._nodes.add(action); } /** * Dispatches the event to all subscribers * @param value the value of the event */ dispatch(value) { this._nodes.forEach((a) => a(value)); } /** * Checks if there are any subscriptions * @returns true if there are any subscriptions, false otherwise */ get hasSubscriptions() { return this._nodes.hasAny; } }; // src/events/stub.ts var import_disposiq17 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var EventObserverStub = class extends EventObserver { subscribe() { return import_disposiq17.emptyDisposable; } }; // src/events/lazy.ts var import_disposiq18 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); var LazyEventDispatcher = class extends EventObserver { constructor(activator) { super(); /** * @internal */ this._nodes = new LinkedChain(functionEqualityComparer); /** * @internal */ this._subscription = new import_disposiq18.DisposableContainer(); this._activator = activator; } /** * Checks if there are any subscriptions * @returns true if there are any subscriptions, false otherwise */ get hasSubscription() { return this._nodes.hasAny; } subscribe(callback) { let subscription; if (this._nodes.empty) { subscription = this._nodes.add(callback); this._activate(); } else { subscription = this._nodes.add(callback); } return new import_disposiq18.DisposableAction(() => { subscription.dispose(); if (this._nodes.hasAny) { return; } this._deactivate(); }); } /** * Dispatches the event to all subscribers * @param value the value of the event */ dispatch(value) { this._nodes.forEach((a) => a(value)); } /** * @internal */ _activate() { this._subscription.disposeCurrent(); this._subscription.set((0, import_disposiq18.toDisposable)(this._activator(this))); } /** * @internal */ _deactivate() { this._subscription.disposeCurrent(); } }; // src/events/functions.ts var import_disposiq19 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); function merge(...observers) { return new LazyEventDispatcher((dispatcher) => { const disposableStore = new import_disposiq19.DisposableStore(); for (const t of observers) { disposableStore.add(t.subscribe((v) => dispatcher.dispatch(v))); } return disposableStore; }); } // src/events/extensions.ts var import_disposiq20 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); EventObserver.prototype.subscribeOnce = function(callback) { const subscription = new import_disposiq20.DisposableContainer(); subscription.set(this.subscribe((value) => { subscription.dispose(); callback(value); })); return subscription; }; EventObserver.prototype.subscribeOnceWhere = function(callback, condition) { const subscription = new import_disposiq20.DisposableContainer(); subscription.set(this.subscribe((value) => { if (!condition(value)) { return; } subscription.dispose(); callback(value); })); return subscription; }; EventObserver.prototype.subscribeWhere = function(callback, condition) { return this.subscribe((value) => { if (condition(value)) { callback(value); } }); }; EventObserver.prototype.subscribeOn = function(callback, condition) { return condition.subscribeDisposable((value) => value ? this.subscribe(callback) : import_disposiq20.emptyDisposable); }; EventObserver.prototype.map = function(mapper) { return new LazyEventDispatcher((dispatcher) => this.subscribe((value) => dispatcher.dispatch(mapper(value)))); }; EventObserver.prototype.where = function(condition) { return new LazyEventDispatcher((dispatcher) => this.subscribe((value) => { if (condition(value)) { dispatcher.dispatch(value); } })); }; EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchSafe = function(value) { try { this.dispatch(value); } catch (e) { } }; // src/functions.ts function createVar(initialValue) { return new MutableVariable(initialValue); } function createFuncVar(activator, exactValue) { return new FuncVariable(activator, exactValue); } function createConst(value) { return new ConstantVariable(value); } function createDelegate(sourceOrDefaultValue) { return new DelegateVariable(sourceOrDefaultValue); } function createDirect(initialValue) { return new DirectVariable(initialValue); } function or(...variables) { return new OrVariable(variables); } function and(...variables) { return new AndVariable(variables); } function sum(...variables) { return new SumVariable(variables); } function min(...variables) { return new MinVariable(variables); } function max(...variables) { return new MaxVariable(variables); } function combine(...vars) { if (vars.length === 0) { throw new Error("At least one variable must be provided"); } if (vars.length === 1) { return vars[0]; } return new CombinedVariable(vars); } function createDelayDispatcher(delay) { return new LazyEventDispatcher((dispatcher) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => dispatcher.dispatch(), delay); return new import_disposiq21.DisposableAction(() => clearTimeout(timeout)); }); } // src/extensions.ts var import_disposiq22 = require("@tioniq/disposiq"); // src/noop.ts var noop = Object.freeze(function() { }); // src/extensions.ts Variable.prototype.subscribeDisposable = function(callback) { const container = new import_disposiq22.DisposableContainer(); const subscription = this.subscribe((v) => { container.disposeCurrent(); container.set((0, import_disposiq22.toDisposable)(callback(v))); }); return new import_disposiq22.DisposableAction(() => { subscription.dispose(); container.dispose(); }); }; Variable.prototype.subscribeOnceWhere = function(callback, condition) { const container = new import_disposiq22.DisposableContainer(); container.set(this.subscribeSilent((v) => { if (!condition(v)) { return; } container.dispose(); callback(v); })); const value = this.value; if (!condition(value)) { return container; } container.dispose(); callback(value); return import_disposiq22.emptyDisposable; }; Variable.prototype.map = function(mapper) { return new MapVariable(this, mapper); }; Variable.prototype.or = function(other) { return new OrVariable([this, other]); }; Variable.prototype.and = function(other) { return new AndVariable([this, other]); }; Variable.prototype.invert = function() { return new InvertVariable(this); }; Variable.prototype.with = function(...others) { return new CombinedVariable([this, ...others]); }; Variable.prototype.switchMap = function(mapper) { return new SwitchMapVariable(this, mapper); }; Variable.prototype.throttle = function(delay, equalityComparer) { if (typeof delay === "number") { return new ThrottledVariable(this, createDelayDispatcher(delay), equalityComparer); } return new ThrottledVariable(this, delay, equalityComparer); }; Variable.prototype.streamTo = function(receiver) { return this.subscribe((value) => receiver.value = value); }; Variable.prototype.startPersistent = function() { return this.subscribeSilent(noop); }; Variable.prototype.plus = function(other) { if (other instanceof Variable) { return new SumVariable([this, other]); } return new MapVariable(this, (v) => v + other); }; Variable.prototype.minus = function(other) { if (other instanceof Variable) { return new SumVariable([this, new MapVariable(other, (v) => -v)]); } return new MapVariable(this, (v) => v - other); }; Variable.prototype.multiply = function(other) { if (other instanceof Variable) { return this.with(other).map(([a, b]) => a * b); } return new MapVariable(this, (v) => v * other); }; Variable.prototype.divide = function(other) { if (other instanceof Variable) { return this.with(other).map(([a, b]) => a / b); } return new MapVariable(this, (v) => v / other); }; Variable.prototype.round = function() { return new MapVariable(this, Math.round); }; Variable.prototype.moreThan = function(other) { if (other instanceof Variable) { return this.with(other).map(([a, b]) => a > b); } return new MapVariable(this, (v) => v > other); }; Variable.prototype.lessThan = function(other) { if (other instanceof Variable) { return this.with(other).map(([a, b]) => a < b); } return new MapVariable(this, (v) => v < other); }; Variable.prototype.moreOrEqual = function(other) { if (other instanceof Variable) { return this.with(other).map(([a, b]) => a >= b); } return new MapVariable(this, (v) => v >= other); }; Variable.prototype.lessOrEqual = function(other) { if (other instanceof Variable) { return this.with(other).map(([a, b]) => a <= b); } return new MapVariable(this, (v) => v <= other); }; Variable.prototype.equal = function(other, equalityComparer) { if (!equalityComparer) { equalityComparer = defaultEqualityComparer; } if (other instanceof Variable) { return this.with(other).map(([a, b]) => equalityComparer(a, b)); } return new MapVariable(this, (v) => equalityComparer(v, other)); }; Variable.prototype.sealed = function() { return new ConstantVariable(this.value); }; Variable.prototype.sealWhen = function(condition, equalityComparer) { if (!equalityComparer) { equalityComparer = defaultEqualityComparer; } const vary = new SealVariable(this, equalityComparer); if (typeof condition === "function") { vary.subscribeOnceWhere((v) => vary.seal(v), condition); return vary; } vary.subscribeOnceWhere((v) => vary.seal(v), (v) => equalityComparer(v, condition)); return vary; }; // src/is.ts function isVariable(value) { return value instanceof Variable; } function isVariableOf(value, typeCheckerOrExampleValue) { if (!(value instanceof Variable)) { return false; } if (typeCheckerOrExampleValue == void 0) { return true; } let checker; if (typeof typeCheckerOrExampleValue === "function") { checker = typeCheckerOrExampleValue; } else { checker = (v) => typeof v === typeof typeCheckerOrExampleValue; } return checker(value.value); } function isMutableVariable(value) { return value instanceof MutableVariable; } function isDelegateVariable(value) { return value instanceof DelegateVariable; } // src/list/observable-list.ts var ObservableList = class { constructor(items) { /** * @internal */ this._onRemove = new EventDispatcher(); /** * @internal */ /** * @internal */ this._onAdd = new EventDispatcher(); /** * @internal */ this._onReplace = new EventDispatcher(); /** * @internal */ this._onMove = new EventDispatcher(); /** * @internal */ this._onAnyChange = new EventDispatcher(); this._list = Array.isArray(items) ? [...items] : []; } /** * An event that is triggered when an item is removed from the list */ get onRemove() { return this._onRemove; } /** * An event that is triggered when an item is added to the list */ get onAdd() { return this._onAdd; } /** * An event that is triggered when an item is replaced in the list */ get onReplace() { return this._onReplace; } /** * An event that is triggered when an item is moved in the list */ get onMove() { return this._onMove; } /** * An event that is triggered when any change is made to the list */ get onAnyChange() { return this._onAnyChange; } /** * The number of items in the list */ get length() { return this._list.length; } /** * Gets the item at the specified index * @param index the index of the item * @returns the item at the specified index */ get(index) { return this._list[index]; } /** * Sets the item at the specified index * @param index the index of the item * @param value the new value of the item */ set(index, value) { const hasSubscriptions = this._onReplace.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; if (!hasSubscriptions) { this._list[index] = value; return; } const old = this._list[index]; this._list[index] = value; const event = { type: "replace", oldItems: [old], newItems: [value], startIndex: index }; this._onReplace.dispatch(event); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event); } /** * Adds vararg items to the list * @param items */ push(...items) { this.pushAll(items); } /** * Adds items to the list * @param items */ pushAll(items) { if (items === void 0 || items.length === 0) { return; } if (items.length === 1) { const item = items[0]; const hasSubscriptions2 = this._onAdd.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; this._list.push(item); if (!hasSubscriptions2) { return; } const event2 = { type: "add", items: [item], startIndex: this._list.length - 1 }; this._onAdd.dispatch(event2); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event2); return; } const hasSubscriptions = this._onAdd.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; this._list.push(...items); if (!hasSubscriptions) { return; } const event = { type: "add", items: [...items], startIndex: this._list.length - items.length }; this._onAdd.dispatch(event); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event); } /** * Copies the items to the specified array * @param array the array to copy the items to */ copyTo(array) { array.push(...this._list); } /** * Gets a range of items from the list * @param index the index of the first item * @param count the number of items to get */ getRange(index, count) { return this._list.slice(index, index + count); } /** * Insert items at the specified index * @param index the index to insert the items at * @param items the items to insert */ insertRange(index, items) { const hasSubscriptions = this._onAdd.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; if (!hasSubscriptions) { this._list.splice(index, 0, ...items); return; } this._list.splice(index, 0, ...items); const event = { type: "add", items: [...items], startIndex: index }; this._onAdd.dispatch(event); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event); } /** * Removes the specified item from the list * @param item the item to remove * @returns true if the item was removed, false otherwise */ remove(item) { const hasSubscriptions = this._onRemove.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; const index = this._list.indexOf(item); if (index === -1) { return false; } this._list.splice(index, 1); if (!hasSubscriptions) { return true; } const event = { type: "remove", items: [item], startIndex: index }; this._onRemove.dispatch(event); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event); return true; } /** * Removes a range of items from the list * @param index the index of the first item to remove * @param count the number of items to remove */ removeRange(index, count) { const hasSubscriptions = this._onRemove.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; if (!hasSubscriptions) { this._list.splice(index, count); return; } const items = this._list.slice(index, index + count); this._list.splice(index, count); const event = { type: "remove", items, startIndex: index }; this._onRemove.dispatch(event); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event); } /** * Creates a new array with the items of the list */ toArray() { return this._list.slice(); } get _hasAnySubscription() { return this._onRemove.hasSubscriptions || this._onAdd.hasSubscriptions || this._onReplace.hasSubscriptions || this._onMove.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; } /** * Replaces the items in the list with the specified items * @param replacement the items to replace the current items with */ replace(replacement) { if (!this._hasAnySubscription) { this._list.length = 0; this._list.push(...replacement); return; } if (this._list.length === 0) { this.insertRange(0, replacement); return; } for (let i = this._list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const t = this._list[i]; const index = replacement.indexOf(t); if (index !== -1) { continue; } this.removeAt(i); } for (let i = 0; i < replacement.length; i++) { const t = replacement[i]; const index = this._list.indexOf(t); if (index !== -1) { continue; } this.insert(i, t); } const changedItems = []; for (let i = 0; i < replacement.length; i++) { const t = replacement[i]; const resultIndex = this._list.indexOf(t); if (resultIndex === i) { continue; } this._list.splice(resultIndex, 1); this._list.splice(i, 0, t); changedItems.push({ item: t, from: resultIndex, to: i }); } if (changedItems.length <= 0) { return; } const event = { type: "move", items: changedItems }; this._onMove.dispatch(event); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event); } /** * Gets the index of the specified item * @param item the item to get the index of */ indexOf(item) { return this._list.indexOf(item); } /** * Gets the last index of the specified item * @param item the item to get the last index of */ lastIndexOf(item) { return this._list.lastIndexOf(item); } /** * Checks if the list contains the specified item * @param item the item to check */ contains(item) { return this._list.indexOf(item) !== -1; } /** * Inserts the specified item at the specified index * @param index the index to insert the item at * @param item the item to insert */ insert(index, item) { const hasSubscriptions = this._onAdd.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; this._list.splice(index, 0, item); if (!hasSubscriptions) { return; } const event = { type: "add", items: [item], startIndex: index }; this._onAdd.dispatch(event); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event); } /** * Removes the item at the specified index * @param index the index of the item to remove */ removeAt(index) { const hasSubscriptions = this._onRemove.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; if (!hasSubscriptions) { this._list.splice(index, 1); return; } const removed = this._list.splice(index, 1); if (removed.length === 0) { return; } const event = { type: "remove", items: removed, startIndex: index }; this._onRemove.dispatch(event); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event); } /** * Gets a readonly array of the current items in the list */ get asReadonly() { return Object.freeze([...this._list]); } /** * Sorts the list * @param compareFn the compare function to use for sorting the list */ sort(compareFn) { const hasSubscriptions = this._onMove.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; if (!hasSubscriptions) { this._list.sort(compareFn); return; } const array = this._list.slice(); array.sort(compareFn); this.updateSorted(array); } /** * Clears the list */ clear() { const hasSubscriptions = this._onRemove.hasSubscriptions || this._onAnyChange.hasSubscriptions; if (!hasSubscriptions) { this._list.length = 0; return; } const items = this._list.slice(); this._list.length = 0; const event = { type: "remove", items, startIndex: 0 }; this._onRemove.dispatch(event); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event); } updateSorted(sortedItems) { const itemCount = sortedItems.length; const items = []; for (let i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { const item = this._list[i]; const endPosition = sortedItems.indexOf(item); const distance = endPosition - i; items.push({ item, index: i, distance, distanceMoved: 0 }); } while (true) { let maxDistance = 0; let index = void 0; let hasDistanceMoved = false; for (const it of items) { let distance = it.distance; if (distance < 0) { distance = -distance; } if (distance <= maxDistance) { continue; } if (it.distanceMoved !== 0) { hasDistanceMoved = true; } maxDistance = distance; index = it; } if (maxDistance === 0) { if (hasDistanceMoved) { console.error("Bad state: hasDistanceMoved is true but maxDistance is 0"); } break; } const item = index; const dist = item.distance; item.distance = 0; item.distanceMoved += dist; const moveFrom = item.index; item.index += dist; if (dist > 0) { let nextNode = index; const indexIndex = items.indexOf(item); for (let i = 0; i < dist; i++) { nextNode = items[indexIndex + i + 1]; nextNode.distance++; nextNode.index--; } items.splice(indexIndex, 1); const nextNodeIndex = items.indexOf(nextNode); items.splice(nextNodeIndex + 1, 0, item); } else { let prevNode = index; const indexIndex = items.indexOf(item); for (let i = 0; i < -dist; i++) { prevNode = items[indexIndex - i - 1]; prevNode.distance--; prevNode.index++; } items.splice(indexIndex, 1); const prevNodeIndex = items.indexOf(prevNode); items.splice(prevNodeIndex, 0, item); } const event = { type: "move", items: [{ item: item.item, from: moveFrom, to: item.index }] }; this._list.splice(moveFrom, 1); this._list.splice(item.index, 0, item.item); this._onMove.dispatch(event); this._onAnyChange.dispatch(event); } } }; // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { AndVariable, CombinedVariable, CompoundVariable, ConstVar, ConstVariable, ConstantVariable, DelegateVariable, DirectVariable, EventDispatcher, EventObserver, EventObserverStub, FuncVar, FuncVariable, ImmutableVar, InvertVariable, LazyEventDispatcher, LazyVariable, LinkedChain, MapVariable, MaxVariable, MinVariable, MutableVar, MutableVariable, ObservableList, OrVariable, ReadonlyVar, SealVariable, SumVariable, SwitchMapVariable, ThrottledVariable, Var, Variable, Vary, and, arrayEqualityComparer, combine, createConst, createConstVar, createDelayDispatcher, createDelegate, createDelegateVar, createDirect, createDirectVar, createFuncVar, createLazyVar, createVar, defaultEqualityComparer, functionEqualityComparer, generalEqualityComparer, isDelegateVariable, isMutableVariable, isVariable, isVariableOf, max, merge, min, objectEqualityComparer, or, simpleEqualityComparer, strictEqualityComparer, sum });