// src/index.ts var import_fs = require("fs"); var import_path = require("path"); var import_url = require("url"); var import_core = require("@swc/core"); var import_module = require("module"); var import_meta = {}; var runtimePublicPath = "/@react-refresh"; var preambleCode = `import { injectIntoGlobalHook } from "__PATH__"; injectIntoGlobalHook(window); window.$RefreshReg$ = () => {}; window.$RefreshSig$ = () => (type) => type;`; var _dirname = typeof __dirname !== "undefined" ? __dirname : (0, import_path.dirname)((0, import_url.fileURLToPath)(import_meta.url)); var resolve = (0, import_module.createRequire)( typeof __filename !== "undefined" ? __filename : import_meta.url ).resolve; var reactCompRE = /extends\s+(?:React\.)?(?:Pure)?Component/; var refreshContentRE = /\$Refresh(?:Reg|Sig)\$\(/; var _a, _b; var isWebContainer = (_b = (_a = globalThis.process) == null ? void 0 : _a.versions) == null ? void 0 : _b["webcontainer"]; var react = (_options) => { let hmrDisabled = false; const options = { jsxImportSource: (_options == null ? void 0 : _options.jsxImportSource) ?? "react", tsDecorators: _options == null ? void 0 : _options.tsDecorators, plugins: (_options == null ? void 0 : _options.plugins) ? _options == null ? void 0 : _options.plugins.map((el) => [resolve(el[0]), el[1]]) : void 0, devTarget: (_options == null ? void 0 : _options.devTarget) ?? "es2020", parserConfig: _options == null ? void 0 : _options.parserConfig, useAtYourOwnRisk_mutateSwcOptions: _options == null ? void 0 : _options.useAtYourOwnRisk_mutateSwcOptions }; return [ { name: "vite:react-swc:resolve-runtime", apply: "serve", enforce: "pre", // Run before Vite default resolve to avoid syscalls resolveId: (id) => id === runtimePublicPath ? id : void 0, load: (id) => id === runtimePublicPath ? (0, import_fs.readFileSync)((0, import_path.join)(_dirname, "refresh-runtime.js"), "utf-8") : void 0 }, { name: "vite:react-swc", apply: "serve", config: () => ({ esbuild: false, optimizeDeps: { include: [`${options.jsxImportSource}/jsx-dev-runtime`], esbuildOptions: { jsx: "automatic" } } }), configResolved(config) { if (config.server.hmr === false) hmrDisabled = true; const mdxIndex = config.plugins.findIndex( (p) => p.name === "@mdx-js/rollup" ); if (mdxIndex !== -1 && mdxIndex > config.plugins.findIndex((p) => p.name === "vite:react-swc")) { throw new Error( "[vite:react-swc] The MDX plugin should be placed before this plugin" ); } if (isWebContainer) { config.logger.warn( "[vite:react-swc] SWC is currently not supported in WebContainers. You can use the default React plugin instead." ); } }, transformIndexHtml: (_, config) => [ { tag: "script", attrs: { type: "module" }, children: preambleCode.replace( "__PATH__", config.server.config.base + runtimePublicPath.slice(1) ) } ], async transform(code, _id, transformOptions) { const id = _id.split("?")[0]; const refresh = !(transformOptions == null ? void 0 : transformOptions.ssr) && !hmrDisabled; const result = await transformWithOptions( id, code, options.devTarget, options, { refresh, development: true, runtime: "automatic", importSource: options.jsxImportSource } ); if (!result) return; if (!refresh) return result; const hasRefresh = refreshContentRE.test(result.code); if (!hasRefresh && !reactCompRE.test(result.code)) return result; const sourceMap = JSON.parse(result.map); sourceMap.mappings = ";;" + sourceMap.mappings; result.code = `import * as RefreshRuntime from "${runtimePublicPath}"; ${result.code}`; if (hasRefresh) { sourceMap.mappings = ";;;;;;" + sourceMap.mappings; result.code = `if (!window.$RefreshReg$) throw new Error("React refresh preamble was not loaded. Something is wrong."); const prevRefreshReg = window.$RefreshReg$; const prevRefreshSig = window.$RefreshSig$; window.$RefreshReg$ = RefreshRuntime.getRefreshReg("${id}"); window.$RefreshSig$ = RefreshRuntime.createSignatureFunctionForTransform; ${result.code} window.$RefreshReg$ = prevRefreshReg; window.$RefreshSig$ = prevRefreshSig; `; } result.code += ` RefreshRuntime.__hmr_import(import.meta.url).then((currentExports) => { RefreshRuntime.registerExportsForReactRefresh("${id}", currentExports); import.meta.hot.accept((nextExports) => { if (!nextExports) return; const invalidateMessage = RefreshRuntime.validateRefreshBoundaryAndEnqueueUpdate("${id}", currentExports, nextExports); if (invalidateMessage) import.meta.hot.invalidate(invalidateMessage); }); }); `; return { code: result.code, map: sourceMap }; } }, options.plugins ? { name: "vite:react-swc", apply: "build", enforce: "pre", // Run before esbuild config: (userConfig) => ({ build: silenceUseClientWarning(userConfig) }), transform: (code, _id) => transformWithOptions(_id.split("?")[0], code, "esnext", options, { runtime: "automatic", importSource: options.jsxImportSource }) } : { name: "vite:react-swc", apply: "build", config: (userConfig) => ({ build: silenceUseClientWarning(userConfig), esbuild: { jsx: "automatic", jsxImportSource: options.jsxImportSource, tsconfigRaw: { compilerOptions: { useDefineForClassFields: true } } } }) } ]; }; var transformWithOptions = async (id, code, target, options, reactConfig) => { const decorators = (options == null ? void 0 : options.tsDecorators) ?? false; const parser = options.parserConfig ? options.parserConfig(id) : id.endsWith(".tsx") ? { syntax: "typescript", tsx: true, decorators } : id.endsWith(".ts") || id.endsWith(".mts") ? { syntax: "typescript", tsx: false, decorators } : id.endsWith(".jsx") ? { syntax: "ecmascript", jsx: true } : id.endsWith(".mdx") ? ( // JSX is required to trigger fast refresh transformations, even if MDX already transforms it { syntax: "ecmascript", jsx: true } ) : void 0; if (!parser) return; let result; try { const swcOptions = { filename: id, swcrc: false, configFile: false, sourceMaps: true, jsc: { target, parser, experimental: { plugins: options.plugins }, transform: { useDefineForClassFields: true, react: reactConfig } } }; if (options.useAtYourOwnRisk_mutateSwcOptions) { options.useAtYourOwnRisk_mutateSwcOptions(swcOptions); } result = await (0, import_core.transform)(code, swcOptions); } catch (e) { const message = e.message; const fileStartIndex = message.indexOf("\u256D\u2500["); if (fileStartIndex !== -1) { const match = message.slice(fileStartIndex).match(/:(\d+):(\d+)]/); if (match) { e.line = match[1]; e.column = match[2]; } } throw e; } return result; }; var silenceUseClientWarning = (userConfig) => ({ rollupOptions: { onwarn(warning, defaultHandler) { var _a2, _b2; if (warning.code === "MODULE_LEVEL_DIRECTIVE" && warning.message.includes("use client")) { return; } if (warning.code === "SOURCEMAP_ERROR" && warning.message.includes("resolve original location") && warning.pos === 0) { return; } if ((_b2 = (_a2 = userConfig.build) == null ? void 0 : _a2.rollupOptions) == null ? void 0 : _b2.onwarn) { userConfig.build.rollupOptions.onwarn(warning, defaultHandler); } else { defaultHandler(warning); } } } }); var src_default = react; // module.exports = src_default; module.exports.default = src_default;