import { ContractAbi, DataItem, MethodAbi } from 'ethereum-types'; declare type ParamName = null | string | NestedParamName; interface NestedParamName { name: string | null; names: ParamName[]; } declare function parseEthersParams(params: DataItem[]): { names: ParamName[]; types: string[]; }; declare function isAbiDataEqual(name: ParamName, type: string, x: any, y: any): boolean; declare function splitTupleTypes(type: string): string[]; export declare const abiUtils: { parseEthersParams: typeof parseEthersParams; isAbiDataEqual: typeof isAbiDataEqual; splitTupleTypes: typeof splitTupleTypes; parseFunctionParam(param: DataItem): string; getFunctionSignature(methodAbi: MethodAbi): string; /** * Solidity supports function overloading whereas TypeScript does not. * See: * In order to support overloaded functions, we suffix overloaded function names with an index. * This index should be deterministic, regardless of function ordering within the smart contract. To do so, * we assign indexes based on the alphabetical order of function signatures. * * E.g * ['f(uint)', 'f(uint,byte32)'] * Should always be renamed to: * ['f1(uint)', 'f2(uint,byte32)'] * Regardless of the order in which these these overloaded functions are declared within the contract ABI. */ renameOverloadedMethods(inputContractAbi: ContractAbi): ContractAbi; }; export {}; //#