/// import { Numberish } from './types'; export declare const hexUtils: { concat: typeof concat; random: typeof random; leftPad: typeof leftPad; rightPad: typeof rightPad; invert: typeof invert; slice: typeof slice; hash: typeof hash; size: typeof size; toHex: typeof toHex; isHex: typeof isHex; }; /** * Concatenate all arguments as a hex string. */ declare function concat(...args: Array): string; /** * Generate a random hex string. */ declare function random(_size?: number): string; /** * Left-pad a hex number to a number of bytes. */ declare function leftPad(n: Numberish, _size?: number): string; /** * Right-pad a hex number to a number of bytes. */ declare function rightPad(n: Numberish, _size?: number): string; /** * Inverts a hex word. */ declare function invert(n: Numberish, _size?: number): string; /** * Slices a hex number. */ declare function slice(n: Numberish, start: number, end?: number): string; /** * Get the keccak hash of some data. */ declare function hash(n: Numberish | Buffer): string; /** * Get the length, in bytes, of a hex string. */ declare function size(hex: string): number; /** * Convert a string, a number, a Buffer, or a BigNumber into a hex string. * Works with negative numbers, as well. */ declare function toHex(n: Numberish | Buffer, _size?: number): string; /** * Check if a string is a hex string. */ declare function isHex(s: string): boolean; export {}; //# sourceMappingURL=hex_utils.d.ts.map