import { ConnectionInformations, CreateUser, DatabaseInterface, Session, User, } from '@accounts/types'; import { get, merge } from 'lodash'; import { Collection, Db, ObjectID, IndexOptions } from 'mongodb'; import { AccountsMongoOptions, MongoUser } from './types'; const toMongoID = (objectId: string | ObjectID) => { if (typeof objectId === 'string') { return new ObjectID(objectId); } return objectId; }; const defaultOptions = { collectionName: 'users', sessionCollectionName: 'sessions', timestamps: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt', }, convertUserIdToMongoObjectId: true, convertSessionIdToMongoObjectId: true, caseSensitiveUserName: true, dateProvider: (date?: Date) => (date ? date.getTime() :, }; export class Mongo implements DatabaseInterface { // Options of Mongo class private options: AccountsMongoOptions & typeof defaultOptions; // Db object private db: Db; // Account collection private collection: Collection; // Session collection private sessionCollection: Collection; constructor(db: any, options?: AccountsMongoOptions) { this.options = merge({ ...defaultOptions }, options); if (!db) { throw new Error('A database connection is required'); } this.db = db; this.collection = this.db.collection(this.options.collectionName); this.sessionCollection = this.db.collection(this.options.sessionCollectionName); } /** * Setup the mongo indexes needed. * @param options Options passed to the mongo native `createIndex` method. */ public async setupIndexes(options: Omit = {}): Promise { await this.sessionCollection.createIndex('token', { ...options, unique: true, sparse: true, }); await this.collection.createIndex('username', { ...options, unique: true, sparse: true, }); await this.collection.createIndex('emails.address', { ...options, unique: true, sparse: true, }); // Index related to the password service await this.collection.createIndex('', { ...options, sparse: true, }); await this.collection.createIndex('services.password.reset.token', { ...options, sparse: true, }); } public async createUser({ password, username, email, ...cleanUser }: CreateUser): Promise { const user: MongoUser = { ...cleanUser, services: {}, [this.options.timestamps.createdAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }; if (password) { = { bcrypt: password }; } if (username) { user.username = username; } if (email) { user.emails = [{ address: email.toLowerCase(), verified: false }]; } if (this.options.idProvider) { user._id = this.options.idProvider(); } const ret = await this.collection.insertOne(user); return (ret.ops[0]._id as ObjectID).toString(); } public async findUserById(userId: string): Promise { const id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; const user = await this.collection.findOne({ _id: id }); if (user) { = user._id.toString(); } return user; } public async findUserByEmail(email: string): Promise { const user = await this.collection.findOne({ 'emails.address': email.toLowerCase(), }); if (user) { = user._id.toString(); } return user; } public async findUserByUsername(username: string): Promise { const filter = this.options.caseSensitiveUserName ? { username } : { $where: `obj.username && (obj.username.toLowerCase() === "${username.toLowerCase()}")`, }; const user = await this.collection.findOne(filter); if (user) { = user._id.toString(); } return user; } public async findPasswordHash(userId: string): Promise { const user = await this.findUserById(userId); if (user) { return get(user, 'services.password.bcrypt'); } return null; } public async findUserByEmailVerificationToken(token: string): Promise { const user = await this.collection.findOne({ '': token, }); if (user) { = user._id.toString(); } return user; } public async findUserByResetPasswordToken(token: string): Promise { const user = await this.collection.findOne({ 'services.password.reset.token': token, }); if (user) { = user._id.toString(); } return user; } public async findUserByServiceId(serviceName: string, serviceId: string): Promise { const user = await this.collection.findOne({ [`services.${serviceName}.id`]: serviceId, }); if (user) { = user._id.toString(); } return user; } public async addEmail(userId: string, newEmail: string, verified: boolean): Promise { const id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; const ret = await this.collection.updateOne( { _id: id }, { $addToSet: { emails: { address: newEmail.toLowerCase(), verified, }, }, $set: { [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, } ); if (ret.result.nModified === 0) { throw new Error('User not found'); } } public async removeEmail(userId: string, email: string): Promise { const id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; const ret = await this.collection.updateOne( { _id: id }, { $pull: { emails: { address: email.toLowerCase() } }, $set: { [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, } ); if (ret.result.nModified === 0) { throw new Error('User not found'); } } public async verifyEmail(userId: string, email: string): Promise { const id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; const ret = await this.collection.updateOne( { _id: id, 'emails.address': email }, { $set: { 'emails.$.verified': true, [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, $pull: { '': { address: email } }, } ); if (ret.result.nModified === 0) { throw new Error('User not found'); } } public async setUsername(userId: string, newUsername: string): Promise { const id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; const ret = await this.collection.updateOne( { _id: id }, { $set: { username: newUsername, [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, } ); if (ret.result.nModified === 0) { throw new Error('User not found'); } } public async setPassword(userId: string, newPassword: string): Promise { const id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; const ret = await this.collection.updateOne( { _id: id }, { $set: { 'services.password.bcrypt': newPassword, [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, $unset: { 'services.password.reset': '', }, } ); if (ret.result.nModified === 0) { throw new Error('User not found'); } } public async setService(userId: string, serviceName: string, service: object): Promise { const id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; await this.collection.updateOne( { _id: id }, { $set: { [`services.${serviceName}`]: service, [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, } ); } public async unsetService(userId: string, serviceName: string): Promise { const id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; await this.collection.updateOne( { _id: id }, { $set: { [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, $unset: { [`services.${serviceName}`]: '', }, } ); } public async setUserDeactivated(userId: string, deactivated: boolean): Promise { const id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; await this.collection.updateOne( { _id: id }, { $set: { deactivated, [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, } ); } public async createSession( userId: string, token: string, connection: ConnectionInformations = {}, extraData?: object ): Promise { const session = { userId, token, userAgent: connection.userAgent, ip: connection.ip, extraData, valid: true, [this.options.timestamps.createdAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }; if (this.options.idProvider) { session._id = this.options.idProvider(); } const ret = await this.sessionCollection.insertOne(session); return (ret.ops[0]._id as ObjectID).toString(); } public async updateSession( sessionId: string, connection: ConnectionInformations, newToken?: string ): Promise { const updateClause = { $set: { userAgent: connection.userAgent, ip: connection.ip, [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, }; if (newToken) { updateClause.$set.token = newToken; } const _id = this.options.convertSessionIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(sessionId) : sessionId; await this.sessionCollection.updateOne({ _id }, updateClause); } public async invalidateSession(sessionId: string): Promise { const _id = this.options.convertSessionIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(sessionId) : sessionId; await this.sessionCollection.updateOne( { _id }, { $set: { valid: false, [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, } ); } public async invalidateAllSessions(userId: string, excludedSessionIds?: string[]): Promise { const selector: { userId: string; _id?: object } = { userId }; if (excludedSessionIds && excludedSessionIds.length > 0) { let excludedObjectIds: string[] | ObjectID[] = excludedSessionIds; if (this.options.convertSessionIdToMongoObjectId) { excludedObjectIds = => { return toMongoID(sessionId); }); } selector._id = { $nin: excludedObjectIds, }; } await this.sessionCollection.updateMany(selector, { $set: { valid: false, [this.options.timestamps.updatedAt]: this.options.dateProvider(), }, }); } public async removeAllResetPasswordTokens(userId: string): Promise { const id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; await this.collection.updateOne( { _id: id }, { $unset: { 'services.password.reset': '', }, } ); } public async findSessionByToken(token: string): Promise { const session = await this.sessionCollection.findOne({ token }); if (session) { = session._id.toString(); } return session; } public async findSessionById(sessionId: string): Promise { const _id = this.options.convertSessionIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(sessionId) : sessionId; const session = await this.sessionCollection.findOne({ _id }); if (session) { = session._id.toString(); } return session; } public async addEmailVerificationToken( userId: string, email: string, token: string ): Promise { const _id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; await this.collection.updateOne( { _id }, { $push: { '': { token, address: email.toLowerCase(), when: this.options.dateProvider(), }, }, } ); } public async addResetPasswordToken( userId: string, email: string, token: string, reason: string ): Promise { const _id = this.options.convertUserIdToMongoObjectId ? toMongoID(userId) : userId; await this.collection.updateOne( { _id }, { $push: { 'services.password.reset': { token, address: email.toLowerCase(), when: this.options.dateProvider(), reason, }, }, } ); } public async setResetPassword(userId: string, email: string, newPassword: string): Promise { await this.setPassword(userId, newPassword); } }