import { AccountsOauth } from '../src'; const user = { id: '1', username: 'neo', email: '', }; const mockStore = { findUserByServiceId: jest.fn(() => user), findUserByEmail: jest.fn(), findUserByUsername: jest.fn(), findUserById: jest.fn(), findUserByEmailVerificationToken: jest.fn(), findSessionById: jest.fn(), createUser: jest.fn(), setUsername: jest.fn(), setService: jest.fn(), findPasswordHash: jest.fn(), findUserByResetPasswordToken: jest.fn(), setPassword: jest.fn(), addResetPasswordToken: jest.fn(), setResetPassword: jest.fn(), addEmail: jest.fn(), removeEmail: jest.fn(), verifyEmail: jest.fn(), addEmailVerificationToken: jest.fn(), createSession: jest.fn(), updateSession: jest.fn(), invalidateSession: jest.fn(), invalidateAllSessions: jest.fn(), }; describe('AccountsOauth', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('authenticate', () => { it('should throw invalid provider', async () => { const oauth = new AccountsOauth({}); await expect( oauth.authenticate({ provider: 'facebook', }) ).rejects.toThrowError('Invalid provider'); }); it('should throw invalid provider if user provider was not supplied', async () => { const options = { facebook: {}, }; const oauth = new AccountsOauth(options as any); await expect( oauth.authenticate({ provider: 'facebook', }) ).rejects.toThrowError('Invalid provider'); }); it("should call provider's authenticate method in order to get the user itself", async () => { const authSpy = jest.fn(() => ({ id: '312312', name: 'Mr. Anderson', email: '', })); const oauth = new AccountsOauth({ facebook: { authenticate: authSpy as any, }, }); oauth.setStore(mockStore as any); const params = { provider: 'facebook', }; await oauth.authenticate(params); expect(authSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(params); }); it('should find a user by service id or email', async () => { const authSpy = jest.fn(() => ({ id: '312312', name: 'Mr. Anderson', email: '', })); const oauth = new AccountsOauth({ facebook: { authenticate: authSpy as any, }, }); const store = { ...mockStore, findUserByServiceId: jest.fn(), findUserByEmail: jest.fn(() => user), }; oauth.setStore(store as any); const params = { provider: 'facebook', }; await oauth.authenticate(params); expect(authSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(params); expect(store.findUserByServiceId).toHaveBeenCalledWith('facebook', '312312'); expect(store.findUserByEmail).toHaveBeenCalledWith(''); }); it('should create a user if not found on the accounts db', async () => { const user2 = { id: '2', name: 'Ms. Anderson', email: '', }; const authSpy = jest.fn(() => user2); const oauth = new AccountsOauth({ facebook: { authenticate: authSpy as any, }, }); const store = { ...mockStore, findUserByServiceId: jest.fn(), findUserByEmail: jest.fn(), createUser: jest.fn(() => '34123'), findUserById: jest.fn(() => ({ id: '34123', email:, })), }; oauth.setStore(store as any); const params = { provider: 'facebook', }; await oauth.authenticate(params); expect(authSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(params); expect(store.findUserByServiceId).toHaveBeenCalledWith('facebook', '2'); expect(store.findUserByEmail).toHaveBeenCalledWith(''); expect(store.createUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ email: }); expect(store.findUserById).toHaveBeenCalledWith('34123'); expect(store.setService).toHaveBeenCalledWith('34123', 'facebook', user2); }); }); it("should not update the user's profile if logged in after change in profile", async () => { const userChanged = { id: '312312', name: 'Mr. Anderson', email: '', profile: { gender: 'other', }, }; const authSpy = jest.fn(() => userChanged); const oauth = new AccountsOauth({ facebook: { authenticate: authSpy as any, }, }); oauth.setStore(mockStore as any); const params = { provider: 'facebook', }; await oauth.authenticate(params); expect(authSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(params); expect(mockStore.findUserByServiceId).toHaveBeenCalledWith('facebook', '312312'); expect(mockStore.setService).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, 'facebook', userChanged); }); }); describe('unlink', () => { const oauth = new AccountsOauth({ facebook: { authenticate: jest.fn(), }, }); oauth.setStore(mockStore as any); it('should throw if given wrong provider', async () => { await expect(oauth.unlink('1', 'twitter')).rejects.toThrowError('Invalid provider'); }); it('should unset data of oauth provider', async () => { await oauth.unlink('1', 'facebook'); expect(mockStore.setService).toHaveBeenCalledWith('1', 'facebook', null); }); });