import { CommandFlag } from '../Contracts'; export declare const flags: { /** * Create a flag that excepts string values */ string(options?: Partial> | undefined): (target: TTarget, propertyName: TKey) => void; /** * Create a flag that excepts numeric values */ number(options?: Partial> | undefined): (target: TTarget_1, propertyName: TKey_1) => void; /** * Create a flag that excepts boolean values */ boolean(options?: Partial> | undefined): (target: TTarget_2, propertyName: TKey_2) => void; /** * Create a flag that excepts array of string values */ array(options?: Partial> | undefined): (target: TTarget_3, propertyName: TKey_3) => void; /** * Create a flag that excepts array of numeric values */ numArray(options?: Partial> | undefined): (target: TTarget_4, propertyName: TKey_4) => void; };