import { Exception } from '@poppinss/utils'; export declare const E_PROMPT_CANCELLED: new (args?: any, options?: ErrorOptions | undefined) => import("@poppinss/utils").Exception; /** * Command is missing the static property command name */ export declare const E_MISSING_COMMAND_NAME: new (args: [command: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception; /** * Cannot find a command for the given name */ export declare const E_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND: { new (args: [command: string]): { commandName: string; name: string; help?: string; code?: string; status: number; toString(): string; readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string; message: string; stack?: string; cause?: unknown; }; status: number; help?: string; code?: string; message?: string; captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void; prepareStackTrace?: ((err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) => any) | undefined; stackTraceLimit: number; }; /** * Missing a required flag when running the command */ export declare const E_MISSING_FLAG: new (args: [flag: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception; /** * Missing value for a flag that accepts values */ export declare const E_MISSING_FLAG_VALUE: new (args: [flag: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception; /** * Missing a required argument when running the command */ export declare const E_MISSING_ARG: new (args: [arg: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception; /** * Missing value for an argument */ export declare const E_MISSING_ARG_VALUE: new (args: [arg: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception; /** * An unknown flag was mentioned */ export declare const E_UNKNOWN_FLAG: new (args: [flag: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception; /** * Invalid value provided for the flag */ export declare const E_INVALID_FLAG: new (args: [flag: string, expectedDataType: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;