/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ export { AotCompilerHost, AotCompilerHost as StaticReflectorHost, StaticReflector, StaticSymbol } from '@angular/compiler'; export { DiagnosticTemplateInfo, getExpressionScope, getTemplateExpressionDiagnostics } from './src/diagnostics/expression_diagnostics'; export { AstType, ExpressionDiagnosticsContext } from './src/diagnostics/expression_type'; export { BuiltinType, DeclarationKind, Definition, PipeInfo, Pipes, Signature, Span, Symbol, SymbolDeclaration, SymbolQuery, SymbolTable } from './src/diagnostics/symbols'; export { getClassMembersFromDeclaration, getPipesTable, getSymbolQuery } from './src/diagnostics/typescript_symbols'; export { VERSION } from './src/version'; export * from './src/metadata'; export * from './src/transformers/api'; export * from './src/transformers/entry_points'; export * from './src/perform_compile'; export { CompilerOptions as AngularCompilerOptions } from './src/transformers/api'; export { NgTools_InternalApi_NG_2 as __NGTOOLS_PRIVATE_API_2 } from './src/ngtools_api'; export { ngToTsDiagnostic } from './src/transformers/util';