/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ export declare enum TokenType { Character = 0, Identifier = 1, PrivateIdentifier = 2, Keyword = 3, String = 4, Operator = 5, Number = 6, Error = 7 } export declare class Lexer { tokenize(text: string): Token[]; } export declare class Token { index: number; end: number; type: TokenType; numValue: number; strValue: string; constructor(index: number, end: number, type: TokenType, numValue: number, strValue: string); isCharacter(code: number): boolean; isNumber(): boolean; isString(): boolean; isOperator(operator: string): boolean; isIdentifier(): boolean; isPrivateIdentifier(): boolean; isKeyword(): boolean; isKeywordLet(): boolean; isKeywordAs(): boolean; isKeywordNull(): boolean; isKeywordUndefined(): boolean; isKeywordTrue(): boolean; isKeywordFalse(): boolean; isKeywordThis(): boolean; isError(): boolean; toNumber(): number; toString(): string | null; } export declare const EOF: Token; export declare function isIdentifier(input: string): boolean;