import { CompileIdentifierMetadata } from './compile_metadata'; export declare class ParseLocation { file: ParseSourceFile; offset: number; line: number; col: number; constructor(file: ParseSourceFile, offset: number, line: number, col: number); toString(): string; moveBy(delta: number): ParseLocation; getContext(maxChars: number, maxLines: number): { before: string; after: string; } | null; } export declare class ParseSourceFile { content: string; url: string; constructor(content: string, url: string); } export declare class ParseSourceSpan { start: ParseLocation; end: ParseLocation; details: string | null; constructor(start: ParseLocation, end: ParseLocation, details?: string | null); toString(): string; } export declare const EMPTY_PARSE_LOCATION: ParseLocation; export declare const EMPTY_SOURCE_SPAN: ParseSourceSpan; export declare enum ParseErrorLevel { WARNING = 0, ERROR = 1 } export declare class ParseError { span: ParseSourceSpan; msg: string; level: ParseErrorLevel; constructor(span: ParseSourceSpan, msg: string, level?: ParseErrorLevel); contextualMessage(): string; toString(): string; } export declare function typeSourceSpan(kind: string, type: CompileIdentifierMetadata): ParseSourceSpan; /** * Generates Source Span object for a given R3 Type for JIT mode. * * @param kind Component or Directive. * @param typeName name of the Component or Directive. * @param sourceUrl reference to Component or Directive source. * @returns instance of ParseSourceSpan that represent a given Component or Directive. */ export declare function r3JitTypeSourceSpan(kind: string, typeName: string, sourceUrl: string): ParseSourceSpan;