/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import { AnimationPlayer } from '@angular/core'; export declare class MockAnimationPlayer implements AnimationPlayer { startingStyles: { [key: string]: string | number; }; keyframes: Array<[number, { [style: string]: string | number; }]>; private _onDoneFns; private _onStartFns; private _finished; private _destroyed; private _started; parentPlayer: AnimationPlayer; previousStyles: { [styleName: string]: string | number; }; log: any[]; constructor(startingStyles?: { [key: string]: string | number; }, keyframes?: Array<[number, { [style: string]: string | number; }]>, previousPlayers?: AnimationPlayer[]); private _onFinish(); init(): void; onDone(fn: () => void): void; onStart(fn: () => void): void; hasStarted(): boolean; play(): void; pause(): void; restart(): void; finish(): void; reset(): void; destroy(): void; setPosition(p: number): void; getPosition(): number; private _captureStyles(); }