/** * @license Angular v13.3.9 * (c) 2010-2022 Google LLC. https://angular.io/ * License: MIT */ import { Injector } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { Type } from '@angular/core'; import { Version } from '@angular/core'; /** * @description Creates a custom element class based on an Angular component. * * Builds a class that encapsulates the functionality of the provided component and * uses the configuration information to provide more context to the class. * Takes the component factory's inputs and outputs to convert them to the proper * custom element API and add hooks to input changes. * * The configuration's injector is the initial injector set on the class, * and used by default for each created instance.This behavior can be overridden with the * static property to affect all newly created instances, or as a constructor argument for * one-off creations. * * @see [Angular Elements Overview](guide/elements "Turning Angular components into custom elements") * * @param component The component to transform. * @param config A configuration that provides initialization information to the created class. * @returns The custom-element construction class, which can be registered with * a browser's `CustomElementRegistry`. * * @publicApi */ export declare function createCustomElement

(component: Type, config: NgElementConfig): NgElementConstructor

; /** * Implements the functionality needed for a custom element. * * @publicApi */ export declare abstract class NgElement extends HTMLElement { /** * The strategy that controls how a component is transformed in a custom element. */ protected abstract ngElementStrategy: NgElementStrategy; /** * A subscription to change, connect, and disconnect events in the custom element. */ protected ngElementEventsSubscription: Subscription | null; /** * Prototype for a handler that responds to a change in an observed attribute. * @param attrName The name of the attribute that has changed. * @param oldValue The previous value of the attribute. * @param newValue The new value of the attribute. * @param namespace The namespace in which the attribute is defined. * @returns Nothing. */ abstract attributeChangedCallback(attrName: string, oldValue: string | null, newValue: string, namespace?: string): void; /** * Prototype for a handler that responds to the insertion of the custom element in the DOM. * @returns Nothing. */ abstract connectedCallback(): void; /** * Prototype for a handler that responds to the deletion of the custom element from the DOM. * @returns Nothing. */ abstract disconnectedCallback(): void; } /** * A configuration that initializes an NgElementConstructor with the * dependencies and strategy it needs to transform a component into * a custom element class. * * @publicApi */ export declare interface NgElementConfig { /** * The injector to use for retrieving the component's factory. */ injector: Injector; /** * An optional custom strategy factory to use instead of the default. * The strategy controls how the transformation is performed. */ strategyFactory?: NgElementStrategyFactory; } /** * Prototype for a class constructor based on an Angular component * that can be used for custom element registration. Implemented and returned * by the {@link createCustomElement createCustomElement() function}. * * @see [Angular Elements Overview](guide/elements "Turning Angular components into custom elements") * * @publicApi */ export declare interface NgElementConstructor

{ /** * An array of observed attribute names for the custom element, * derived by transforming input property names from the source component. */ readonly observedAttributes: string[]; /** * Initializes a constructor instance. * @param injector If provided, overrides the configured injector. */ new (injector?: Injector): NgElement & WithProperties

; } /** * Underlying strategy used by the NgElement to create/destroy the component and react to input * changes. * * @publicApi */ export declare interface NgElementStrategy { events: Observable; connect(element: HTMLElement): void; disconnect(): void; getInputValue(propName: string): any; setInputValue(propName: string, value: string): void; } /** * Interface for the events emitted through the NgElementStrategy. * * @publicApi */ export declare interface NgElementStrategyEvent { name: string; value: any; } /** * Factory used to create new strategies for each NgElement instance. * * @publicApi */ export declare interface NgElementStrategyFactory { /** Creates a new instance to be used for an NgElement. */ create(injector: Injector): NgElementStrategy; } /** * @publicApi */ export declare const VERSION: Version; /** * Additional type information that can be added to the NgElement class, * for properties that are added based * on the inputs and methods of the underlying component. * * @publicApi */ export declare type WithProperties

= { [property in keyof P]: P[property]; }; export { }