import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { BreakPoint } from '../breakpoints/break-point'; import { BreakPointRegistry } from '../breakpoints/break-point-registry'; import { MatchMedia } from '../match-media/match-media'; import { MediaChange } from '../media-change'; import { PrintHook } from './print-hook'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; declare type ClearCallback = () => void; declare type UpdateCallback = (val: any) => void; export interface ElementMatcher { element: HTMLElement; key: string; value: any; } /** * MediaMarshaller - register responsive values from directives and * trigger them based on media query events */ export declare class MediaMarshaller { protected matchMedia: MatchMedia; protected breakpoints: BreakPointRegistry; protected hook: PrintHook; private _useFallbacks; private _activatedBreakpoints; private elementMap; private elementKeyMap; private watcherMap; private updateMap; private clearMap; private subject; get activatedAlias(): string; set activatedBreakpoints(bps: BreakPoint[]); get activatedBreakpoints(): BreakPoint[]; set useFallbacks(value: boolean); constructor(matchMedia: MatchMedia, breakpoints: BreakPointRegistry, hook: PrintHook); /** * Update styles on breakpoint activates or deactivates * @param mc */ onMediaChange(mc: MediaChange): void; /** * initialize the marshaller with necessary elements for delegation on an element * @param element * @param key * @param updateFn optional callback so that custom bp directives don't have to re-provide this * @param clearFn optional callback so that custom bp directives don't have to re-provide this * @param extraTriggers other triggers to force style updates (e.g. layout, directionality, etc) */ init(element: HTMLElement, key: string, updateFn?: UpdateCallback, clearFn?: ClearCallback, extraTriggers?: Observable[]): void; /** * get the value for an element and key and optionally a given breakpoint * @param element * @param key * @param bp */ getValue(element: HTMLElement, key: string, bp?: string): any; /** * whether the element has values for a given key * @param element * @param key */ hasValue(element: HTMLElement, key: string): boolean; /** * Set the value for an input on a directive * @param element the element in question * @param key the type of the directive (e.g. flex, layout-gap, etc) * @param bp the breakpoint suffix (empty string = default) * @param val the value for the breakpoint */ setValue(element: HTMLElement, key: string, val: any, bp: string): void; /** Track element value changes for a specific key */ trackValue(element: HTMLElement, key: string): Observable; /** update all styles for all elements on the current breakpoint */ updateStyles(): void; /** * clear the styles for a given element * @param element * @param key */ clearElement(element: HTMLElement, key: string): void; /** * update a given element with the activated values for a given key * @param element * @param key * @param value */ updateElement(element: HTMLElement, key: string, value: any): void; /** * release all references to a given element * @param element */ releaseElement(element: HTMLElement): void; /** * trigger an update for a given element and key (e.g. layout) * @param element * @param key */ triggerUpdate(element: HTMLElement, key?: string): void; /** Cross-reference for HTMLElement with directive key */ private buildElementKeyMap; /** * Other triggers that should force style updates: * - directionality * - layout changes * - mutationobserver updates */ private watchExtraTriggers; /** Breakpoint locator by mediaQuery */ private findByQuery; /** * get the fallback breakpoint for a given element, starting with the current breakpoint * @param bpMap * @param key */ private getActivatedValues; /** * Watch for mediaQuery breakpoint activations */ private observeActivations; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration; } export {};