/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import { OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { MediaChange } from '../media-change'; import { BreakPoint } from '../breakpoints/break-point'; import { LayoutConfigOptions } from '../tokens/library-config'; import { BreakPointRegistry, OptionalBreakPoint } from '../breakpoints/break-point-registry'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; /** * Interface to apply PrintHook to call anonymous `target.updateStyles()` */ export interface HookTarget { activatedBreakpoints: BreakPoint[]; updateStyles(): void; } export declare const BREAKPOINT_PRINT: { alias: string; mediaQuery: string; priority: number; }; /** * PrintHook - Use to intercept print MediaQuery activations and force * layouts to render with the specified print alias/breakpoint * * Used in MediaMarshaller and MediaObserver */ export declare class PrintHook implements OnDestroy { protected breakpoints: BreakPointRegistry; protected layoutConfig: LayoutConfigOptions; protected _document: any; constructor(breakpoints: BreakPointRegistry, layoutConfig: LayoutConfigOptions, _document: any); /** Add 'print' mediaQuery: to listen for matchMedia activations */ withPrintQuery(queries: string[]): string[]; /** Is the MediaChange event for any 'print' @media */ isPrintEvent(e: MediaChange): boolean; /** What is the desired mqAlias to use while printing? */ get printAlias(): string[]; /** Lookup breakpoints associated with print aliases. */ get printBreakPoints(): BreakPoint[]; /** Lookup breakpoint associated with mediaQuery */ getEventBreakpoints({ mediaQuery }: MediaChange): BreakPoint[]; /** Update event with printAlias mediaQuery information */ updateEvent(event: MediaChange): MediaChange; private registeredBeforeAfterPrintHooks; private isPrintingBeforeAfterEvent; private beforePrintEventListeners; private afterPrintEventListeners; private formerActivations; registerBeforeAfterPrintHooks(target: HookTarget): void; /** * Prepare RxJS tap operator with partial application * @return pipeable tap predicate */ interceptEvents(target: HookTarget): (event: MediaChange) => void; /** Stop mediaChange event propagation in event streams */ blockPropagation(): (event: MediaChange) => boolean; /** * Save current activateBreakpoints (for later restore) * and substitute only the printAlias breakpoint */ protected startPrinting(target: HookTarget, bpList: OptionalBreakPoint[]): void; /** For any print de-activations, reset the entire print queue */ protected stopPrinting(target: HookTarget): void; /** * To restore pre-Print Activations, we must capture the proper * list of breakpoint activations BEFORE print starts. OnBeforePrint() * is supported; so 'print' mediaQuery activations are used as a fallback * in browsers without `beforeprint` support. * * > But activated breakpoints are deactivated BEFORE 'print' activation. * * Let's capture all de-activations using the following logic: * * When not printing: * - clear cache when activating non-print breakpoint * - update cache (and sort) when deactivating * * When printing: * - sort and save when starting print * - restore as activatedTargets and clear when stop printing */ collectActivations(target: HookTarget, event: MediaChange): void; /** Teardown logic for the service. */ ngOnDestroy(): void; private isPrinting; private queue; private deactivations; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration; }