import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject'; export { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; export { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject'; export { PromiseCompleter, PromiseWrapper } from './promise'; export declare class TimerWrapper { static setTimeout(fn: (...args: any[]) => void, millis: number): number; static clearTimeout(id: number): void; static setInterval(fn: (...args: any[]) => void, millis: number): number; static clearInterval(id: number): void; } export declare class ObservableWrapper { static subscribe(emitter: any, onNext: (value: T) => void, onError?: (exception: any) => void, onComplete?: () => void): Object; static isObservable(obs: any): boolean; /** * Returns whether `obs` has any subscribers listening to events. */ static hasSubscribers(obs: EventEmitter): boolean; static dispose(subscription: any): void; /** * @deprecated - use callEmit() instead */ static callNext(emitter: EventEmitter, value: any): void; static callEmit(emitter: EventEmitter, value: any): void; static callError(emitter: EventEmitter, error: any): void; static callComplete(emitter: EventEmitter): void; static fromPromise(promise: Promise): Observable; static toPromise(obj: Observable): Promise; } /** * Use by directives and components to emit custom Events. * * ### Examples * * In the following example, `Zippy` alternatively emits `open` and `close` events when its * title gets clicked: * * ``` * @Component({ * selector: 'zippy', * template: ` *
* *
`}) * export class Zippy { * visible: boolean = true; * @Output() open: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); * @Output() close: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); * * toggle() { * this.visible = !this.visible; * if (this.visible) { *; * } else { * this.close.emit(null); * } * } * } * ``` * * The events payload can be accessed by the parameter `$event` on the components output event * handler: * * ``` * * ``` * * Uses Rx.Observable but provides an adapter to make it work as specified here: * * * Once a reference implementation of the spec is available, switch to it. * @stable */ export declare class EventEmitter extends Subject { __isAsync: boolean; /** * Creates an instance of [EventEmitter], which depending on [isAsync], * delivers events synchronously or asynchronously. */ constructor(isAsync?: boolean); emit(value: T): void; /** * @deprecated - use .emit(value) instead */ next(value: any): void; subscribe(generatorOrNext?: any, error?: any, complete?: any): any; }