/** * @license Angular v8.1.3 * (c) 2010-2019 Google LLC. https://angular.io/ * License: MIT */ import { ComponentRef } from '@angular/core'; import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core'; import { UpgradeModule } from '@angular/upgrade/static'; /** * Creates an initializer that sets up `ngRoute` integration * along with setting up the Angular router. * * @usageNotes * * * @NgModule({ * imports: [ * RouterModule.forRoot(SOME_ROUTES), * UpgradeModule * ], * providers: [ * RouterUpgradeInitializer * ] * }) * export class AppModule { * ngDoBootstrap() {} * } * * * @publicApi */ export declare const RouterUpgradeInitializer: { provide: InjectionToken<((compRef: ComponentRef) => void)[]>; multi: boolean; useFactory: (ngUpgrade: UpgradeModule) => () => void; deps: (typeof UpgradeModule)[]; }; /** * Sets up a location change listener to trigger `history.pushState`. * Works around the problem that `onPopState` does not trigger `history.pushState`. * Must be called *after* calling `UpgradeModule.bootstrap`. * * @param ngUpgrade The upgrade NgModule. * @param urlType The location strategy. * @see `HashLocationStrategy` * @see `PathLocationStrategy` * * @publicApi */ export declare function setUpLocationSync(ngUpgrade: UpgradeModule, urlType?: 'path' | 'hash'): void; export { }