import { Syringe } from 'mana-syringe'; import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3'; import type { vec2 } from 'gl-matrix'; import { mat4, vec3 } from 'gl-matrix'; import type { Landmark } from './Landmark'; import { Frustum } from '../shapes'; import type { Canvas } from '../Canvas'; import type { TypeEasingFunction } from '../utils/custom-easing'; export declare const DefaultCamera: Syringe.DefinedToken; export declare enum CameraType { /** * Performs all the rotational operations with the focal point instead of the camera position. * This type of camera is useful in applications(like CAD) where 3D objects are being designed or explored. * Camera cannot orbits over the north & south poles. * @see * * In Three.js it's used in OrbitControls. * @see */ ORBITING = 0, /** * It's similar to the ORBITING camera, but it allows the camera to orbit over the north or south poles. * * In Three.js it's used in OrbitControls. * @see */ EXPLORING = 1, /** * Performs all the rotational operations with the camera position. * It's useful in first person shooting games. * Camera cannot orbits over the north & south poles. * * In Three.js it's used in FirstPersonControls. * @see */ TRACKING = 2 } /** * CameraType must be TRACKING */ export declare enum CameraTrackingMode { DEFAULT = 0, ROTATIONAL = 1, TRANSLATIONAL = 2, CINEMATIC = 3 } export declare enum CameraProjectionMode { ORTHOGRAPHIC = 0, PERSPECTIVE = 1 } export declare const CameraEvent: { UPDATED: string; }; /** * 参考「WebGL Insights - 23.Designing Cameras for WebGL Applications」,基于 Responsible Camera 思路设计 * @see * * 保存相机参数,定义相机动作: * 1. dolly 沿 n 轴移动 * 2. pan 沿 u v 轴移动 * 3. rotate 以方位角旋转 * 4. 移动到 Landmark,具有平滑的动画效果,其间禁止其他用户交互 */ export declare class Camera extends EventEmitter { canvas: Canvas; /** * 相机矩阵 */ matrix: mat4; /** * u 轴 * @see */ private right; /** * v 轴 +Y is down */ private up; /** * n 轴 +Z is inside */ private forward; /** * 相机位置 */ private position; /** * 视点位置 */ private focalPoint; /** * 视点到相机位置的向量 * focalPoint - position */ private distanceVector; /** * 相机位置到视点距离 * length(focalPoint - position) */ private distance; /** * @see */ private azimuth; private elevation; private roll; private relAzimuth; private relElevation; private relRoll; /** * 沿 n 轴移动时,保证移动速度从快到慢 */ private dollyingStep; private maxDistance; private minDistance; /** * zoom factor of the camera, default is 1 * eg. */ private zoom; /** * invert the horizontal coordinate system HCS */ private rotateWorld; /** * 投影矩阵参数 */ /** * field of view [0-360] * @see */ private fov; private near; private far; private aspect; private left; private rright; private top; private bottom; private projectionMatrix; private projectionMatrixInverse; private jitteredProjectionMatrix; private view; private enableUpdate; private type; private trackingMode; private projectionMode; /** * for culling use */ private frustum; /** * switch between multiple landmarks */ private landmarks; private landmarkAnimationID; /** * ortho matrix for Canvas2D & SVG */ private orthoMatrix; constructor(type?: CameraType, trackingMode?: CameraTrackingMode); isOrtho(): boolean; getProjectionMode(): CameraProjectionMode; getPerspective(): mat4; getPerspectiveInverse(): mat4; getFrustum(): Frustum; getPosition(): vec3; getFocalPoint(): vec3; getDollyingStep(): number; getNear(): number; getFar(): number; getZoom(): number; getOrthoMatrix(): mat4; getView(): { enabled: boolean; fullWidth: number; fullHeight: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; width: number; height: number; }; setEnableUpdate(enabled: boolean): void; setType(type: CameraType, trackingMode?: CameraTrackingMode): this; setProjectionMode(projectionMode: CameraProjectionMode): this; setTrackingMode(trackingMode: CameraTrackingMode): this; /** * If flag is true, it reverses the azimuth and elevation angles. * Subsequent calls to rotate, setAzimuth, setElevation, * changeAzimuth or changeElevation will cause the inverted effect. * setRoll or changeRoll is not affected by this method. * * This inversion is useful when one wants to simulate that the world * is moving, instead of the camera. * * By default the camera angles are not reversed. * @param {Boolean} flag the boolean flag to reverse the angles. */ setWorldRotation(flag: boolean): this; /** * 计算 MV 矩阵,为相机矩阵的逆矩阵 */ getViewTransform(): mat4; getWorldTransform(): mat4; jitterProjectionMatrix(x: number, y: number): void; clearJitterProjectionMatrix(): void; /** * 设置相机矩阵 */ setMatrix(matrix: mat4): this; setFov(fov: number): this; setAspect(aspect: number): this; setNear(near: number): this; setFar(far: number): this; /** * Sets an offset in a larger frustum, used in PixelPicking */ setViewOffset(fullWidth: number, fullHeight: number, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): this; clearViewOffset(): this; setZoom(zoom: number): this; setPerspective(near: number, far: number, fov: number, aspect: number): this; setOrthographic(l: number, r: number, t: number, b: number, near: number, far: number): this; /** * Move the camera in world coordinates. * It will keep looking at the current focal point. * * support scalars or vectors. * @example * setPosition(1, 2, 3); * setPosition([1, 2, 3]); */ setPosition(x: number | vec2 | vec3, y?: number, z?: number): this; /** * Sets the focal point of this camera in world coordinates. * * support scalars or vectors. * @example * setFocalPoint(1, 2, 3); * setFocalPoint([1, 2, 3]); */ setFocalPoint(x: number | vec2 | vec3, y?: number, z?: number): this; getDistance(): number; /** * Moves the camera towards/from the focal point. */ setDistance(d: number): this; setMaxDistance(d: number): this; setMinDistance(d: number): this; /** * 设置相机方位角,不同相机模式下需要重新计算相机位置或者是视点位置 * the azimuth in degrees */ setAzimuth(az: number): this; getAzimuth(): number; /** * 设置相机方位角,不同相机模式下需要重新计算相机位置或者是视点位置 */ setElevation(el: number): this; getElevation(): number; /** * 设置相机方位角,不同相机模式下需要重新计算相机位置或者是视点位置 */ setRoll(angle: number): this; getRoll(): number; /** * Changes the azimuth and elevation with respect to the current camera axes * @param {Number} azimuth the relative azimuth * @param {Number} elevation the relative elevation * @param {Number} roll the relative roll */ rotate(azimuth: number, elevation: number, roll: number): this; /** * 沿水平(right) & 垂直(up)平移相机 */ pan(tx: number, ty: number): this; /** * 沿 n 轴移动,当距离视点远时移动速度较快,离视点越近速度越慢 */ dolly(value: number): this; createLandmark(name: string, params?: Partial<{ position: vec3 | vec2; focalPoint: vec3 | vec2; zoom: number; roll: number; }>): Landmark; gotoLandmark(name: string | Landmark, options?: number | Partial<{ easing: string; easingFunction: TypeEasingFunction; duration: number; onfinish: () => void; }>): void; /** * 根据相机矩阵重新计算各种相机参数 */ private _update; /** * 计算相机矩阵 */ private computeMatrix; /** * Sets the camera position in the camera matrix */ private _setPosition; /** * Recalculates axes based on the current matrix */ private _getAxes; /** * Recalculates euler angles based on the current state */ private _getAngles; /** * 重新计算相机位置,只有 ORBITING 模式相机位置才会发生变化 */ private _getPosition; /** * 重新计算视点,只有 TRACKING 模式视点才会发生变化 */ private _getFocalPoint; /** * 重新计算视距 */ private _getDistance; private _getOrthoMatrix; private triggerUpdate; private syncFromLandmark; }