import type { mat4 } from 'gl-matrix'; import { vec3 } from 'gl-matrix'; import type { Plane } from './Plane'; /** * Axis-Aligned Bounding Box * 为了便于后续 Frustum Culling,通过查找表定义 p-vertex 和 n-vertex * @see */ export declare class AABB { static isEmpty(aabb: AABB): boolean; center: vec3; halfExtents: vec3; min: vec3; max: vec3; constructor(center?: vec3, halfExtents?: vec3); update(center?: vec3, halfExtents?: vec3): void; setMinMax(min: vec3, max: vec3): void; getMin(): vec3; getMax(): vec3; add(aabb: AABB): void; setFromTransformedAABB(aabb: AABB, m: mat4): void; intersects(aabb: AABB): boolean; intersection(aabb: AABB): AABB | null; containsPoint(point: vec3): boolean; /** * get n-vertex * @param plane plane of CullingVolume */ getNegativeFarPoint(plane: Plane): vec3; /** * get p-vertex * @param plane plane of CullingVolume */ getPositiveFarPoint(plane: Plane): vec3; }