import {Command, flags} from '@anycli/command' <%_ const klass = _.upperFirst(_.camelCase(name)) _%> <%_ if (type === 'single') { _%> class <%- klass %> extends Command { <%_ } else { _%> export default class <%- klass %> extends Command { <%_ } _%> static title = 'scaffolded command that says hello' <%_ if (type !== 'single') { _%> // hide the command from help // can also set hidden on args and flags // static hidden = true <%_ } _%> // usage is set by default // add your own by setting this variable // can be a string or array // static usage = 'title of command' static description = ` Add a longer description here ... ... ` static examples = [ `$ <%- cmd %> hello world from <%- name %>! `, `$ <%- cmd %> --name myname hello myname from <%- name %>! `, '$ <%- cmd %> file outputs "hello world!" to file', '$ <%- cmd %> --force', '$ <%- cmd %> --help', ] <%_ if (type !== 'single') { _%> // allow running this command by running `$ <%- bin %> foobar` // static aliases = ['foobar'] <%_ } _%> static flags = { <%_ if (type === 'single') { _%> // add --version flag to show CLI version version: flags.version(), // add --help flag to show CLI version help:, <%_ } _%> // flag with a value (-n, --name=VALUE) name: flags.string({ char: 'n', // shorter flag version description: 'name to print', // help description for flag hidden: false, // hide from help required: false, // make flag required (probably should use an arg instead of a required flag though) multiple: false, // allow setting this flag multiple times // options: ['a', 'b'], // only allow the value to be from a discrete set // parse: input => 'output', // instead of the user input, return a differnt value // default: 'world', // default value if flag not passed }), // flag with no value (-f, --force) force: flags.boolean({ char: 'f', // by default boolean flags may also be reversed with `--no-` (in this case: `--no-force`) // the flag will be set to false if reversed // set this to false to disable this functionality // allowNo: false, }), } static args = [ { name: 'file', // name of arg to show in help and reference with this.options.args[name] required: false, // make the arg required with `required: true` description: 'file to output', // help description // hidden: true, // hide this flag from help // parse: input => 'output', // instead of the user input, return a differnt value // default: 'world', // default value if no arg input // options: ['a', 'b'], // only allow input to be from a discrete set }, ] // this makes the parser not fail when it receives invalid arguments // set it to off if you need to accept variable arguments // static strict = false // entry point of command async run() { const {args, flags} = this.parse(<%- klass %>) const name = || 'world' this.log(`hello ${name} from <%- name %>!`) if (args.file && flags.force) { this.log(`you input ${args.file}`) } } } <%_ if (type === 'single') { _%> export = <%- klass %> <%_ } _%>