import type { GraphQLSchema } from "graphql"; import type { Resolvers } from "../../core/types.js"; type ProxiedSchema = GraphQLSchema & TestSchemaFns; interface TestSchemaFns { add: (addOptions: { resolvers: Resolvers; }) => ProxiedSchema; fork: (forkOptions?: { resolvers?: Resolvers; }) => ProxiedSchema; reset: () => void; } interface TestSchemaOptions { resolvers: Resolvers; scalars?: { [key: string]: any; }; } /** * A function that creates a [Proxy object]( * around a given `schema` with `resolvers`. This proxied schema can be used to * progressively layer resolvers on top of the original schema using the `add` * method. The `fork` method can be used to create a new proxied schema which * can be modified independently of the original schema. `reset` will restore * resolvers to the original proxied schema. * * @param schema - A `GraphQLSchema`. * @param options - An `options` object that accepts `scalars` and `resolvers` objects. * @returns A `ProxiedSchema` with `add`, `fork` and `reset` methods. * * @example * ```js * * const schema = createTestSchema(schemaWithTypeDefs, { * resolvers: { Query: { writer: () => ({ name: "Ada Lovelace", }), } }, scalars: { ID: () => "1", Int: () => 36, String: () => "String", Date: () => new Date("December 10, 1815 01:00:00").toJSON().split("T")[0], } }); * ``` * @since 3.9.0 * @alpha */ declare const createTestSchema: (schemaWithTypeDefs: GraphQLSchema, options: TestSchemaOptions) => ProxiedSchema; export { createTestSchema }; //#