'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var globals = require('../utilities/globals'); var tslib = require('tslib'); var core = require('../link/core'); var http = require('../link/http'); var equality = require('@wry/equality'); var cache = require('../cache'); var utilities = require('../utilities'); var errors = require('../errors'); var graphql = require('graphql'); var utils = require('../link/utils'); var tsInvariant = require('ts-invariant'); var graphqlTag = require('graphql-tag'); var version = '3.7.10'; function isNonEmptyArray(value) { return Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 0; } function isNonNullObject(obj) { return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object'; } var hasOwnProperty$2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var defaultReconciler = function (target, source, property) { return this.merge(target[property], source[property]); }; var DeepMerger = (function () { function DeepMerger(reconciler) { if (reconciler === void 0) { reconciler = defaultReconciler; } this.reconciler = reconciler; this.isObject = isNonNullObject; this.pastCopies = new Set(); } DeepMerger.prototype.merge = function (target, source) { var _this = this; var context = []; for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { context[_i - 2] = arguments[_i]; } if (isNonNullObject(source) && isNonNullObject(target)) { Object.keys(source).forEach(function (sourceKey) { if (hasOwnProperty$2.call(target, sourceKey)) { var targetValue = target[sourceKey]; if (source[sourceKey] !== targetValue) { var result = _this.reconciler.apply(_this, tslib.__spreadArray([target, source, sourceKey], context, false)); if (result !== targetValue) { target = _this.shallowCopyForMerge(target); target[sourceKey] = result; } } } else { target = _this.shallowCopyForMerge(target); target[sourceKey] = source[sourceKey]; } }); return target; } return source; }; DeepMerger.prototype.shallowCopyForMerge = function (value) { if (isNonNullObject(value)) { if (!this.pastCopies.has(value)) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { value = value.slice(0); } else { value = tslib.__assign({ __proto__: Object.getPrototypeOf(value) }, value); } this.pastCopies.add(value); } } return value; }; return DeepMerger; }()); function isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult(value) { return "incremental" in value; } function isExecutionPatchInitialResult(value) { return "hasNext" in value && "data" in value; } function isExecutionPatchResult(value) { return (isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult(value) || isExecutionPatchInitialResult(value)); } function mergeIncrementalData(prevResult, result) { var mergedData = prevResult; var merger = new DeepMerger(); if (isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult(result) && isNonEmptyArray(result.incremental)) { result.incremental.forEach(function (_a) { var data = _a.data, path = _a.path; for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var key = path[i]; var isNumericKey = !isNaN(+key); var parent_1 = isNumericKey ? [] : {}; parent_1[key] = data; data = parent_1; } mergedData = merger.merge(mergedData, data); }); } return mergedData; } exports.NetworkStatus = void 0; (function (NetworkStatus) { NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["loading"] = 1] = "loading"; NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["setVariables"] = 2] = "setVariables"; NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["fetchMore"] = 3] = "fetchMore"; NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["refetch"] = 4] = "refetch"; NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["poll"] = 6] = "poll"; NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["ready"] = 7] = "ready"; NetworkStatus[NetworkStatus["error"] = 8] = "error"; })(exports.NetworkStatus || (exports.NetworkStatus = {})); function isNetworkRequestInFlight(networkStatus) { return networkStatus ? networkStatus < 7 : false; } var assign = Object.assign, hasOwnProperty$1 = Object.hasOwnProperty; var ObservableQuery = (function (_super) { tslib.__extends(ObservableQuery, _super); function ObservableQuery(_a) { var queryManager = _a.queryManager, queryInfo = _a.queryInfo, options = _a.options; var _this = _super.call(this, function (observer) { try { var subObserver = observer._subscription._observer; if (subObserver && !subObserver.error) { subObserver.error = defaultSubscriptionObserverErrorCallback; } } catch (_a) { } var first = !_this.observers.size; _this.observers.add(observer); var last = _this.last; if (last && last.error) { observer.error && observer.error(last.error); } else if (last && last.result) { observer.next && observer.next(last.result); } if (first) { _this.reobserve().catch(function () { }); } return function () { if (_this.observers.delete(observer) && !_this.observers.size) { _this.tearDownQuery(); } }; }) || this; _this.observers = new Set(); _this.subscriptions = new Set(); _this.queryInfo = queryInfo; _this.queryManager = queryManager; _this.isTornDown = false; var _b = queryManager.defaultOptions.watchQuery, _c = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b, _d = _c.fetchPolicy, defaultFetchPolicy = _d === void 0 ? "cache-first" : _d; var _e = options.fetchPolicy, fetchPolicy = _e === void 0 ? defaultFetchPolicy : _e, _f = options.initialFetchPolicy, initialFetchPolicy = _f === void 0 ? (fetchPolicy === "standby" ? defaultFetchPolicy : fetchPolicy) : _f; _this.options = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, options), { initialFetchPolicy: initialFetchPolicy, fetchPolicy: fetchPolicy }); _this.queryId = queryInfo.queryId || queryManager.generateQueryId(); var opDef = utilities.getOperationDefinition(_this.query); _this.queryName = opDef && opDef.name && opDef.name.value; return _this; } Object.defineProperty(ObservableQuery.prototype, "query", { get: function () { return this.queryManager.transform(this.options.query).document; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(ObservableQuery.prototype, "variables", { get: function () { return this.options.variables; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); ObservableQuery.prototype.result = function () { var _this = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var observer = { next: function (result) { resolve(result); _this.observers.delete(observer); if (!_this.observers.size) { _this.queryManager.removeQuery(_this.queryId); } setTimeout(function () { subscription.unsubscribe(); }, 0); }, error: reject, }; var subscription = _this.subscribe(observer); }); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.getCurrentResult = function (saveAsLastResult) { if (saveAsLastResult === void 0) { saveAsLastResult = true; } var lastResult = this.getLastResult(true); var networkStatus = this.queryInfo.networkStatus || (lastResult && lastResult.networkStatus) || exports.NetworkStatus.ready; var result = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, lastResult), { loading: isNetworkRequestInFlight(networkStatus), networkStatus: networkStatus }); var _a = this.options.fetchPolicy, fetchPolicy = _a === void 0 ? "cache-first" : _a; if (fetchPolicy === 'network-only' || fetchPolicy === 'no-cache' || fetchPolicy === 'standby' || this.queryManager.transform(this.options.query).hasForcedResolvers) ; else { var diff = this.queryInfo.getDiff(); if (diff.complete || this.options.returnPartialData) { result.data = diff.result; } if (equality.equal(result.data, {})) { result.data = void 0; } if (diff.complete) { delete result.partial; if (diff.complete && result.networkStatus === exports.NetworkStatus.loading && (fetchPolicy === 'cache-first' || fetchPolicy === 'cache-only')) { result.networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.ready; result.loading = false; } } else { result.partial = true; } if (__DEV__ && !diff.complete && !this.options.partialRefetch && !result.loading && !result.data && !result.error) { logMissingFieldErrors(diff.missing); } } if (saveAsLastResult) { this.updateLastResult(result); } return result; }; ObservableQuery.prototype.isDifferentFromLastResult = function (newResult, variables) { return (!this.last || !equality.equal(this.last.result, newResult) || (variables && !equality.equal(this.last.variables, variables))); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.getLast = function (key, variablesMustMatch) { var last = this.last; if (last && last[key] && (!variablesMustMatch || equality.equal(last.variables, this.variables))) { return last[key]; } }; ObservableQuery.prototype.getLastResult = function (variablesMustMatch) { return this.getLast("result", variablesMustMatch); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.getLastError = function (variablesMustMatch) { return this.getLast("error", variablesMustMatch); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.resetLastResults = function () { delete this.last; this.isTornDown = false; }; ObservableQuery.prototype.resetQueryStoreErrors = function () { this.queryManager.resetErrors(this.queryId); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.refetch = function (variables) { var _a; var reobserveOptions = { pollInterval: 0, }; var fetchPolicy = this.options.fetchPolicy; if (fetchPolicy === 'cache-and-network') { reobserveOptions.fetchPolicy = fetchPolicy; } else if (fetchPolicy === 'no-cache') { reobserveOptions.fetchPolicy = 'no-cache'; } else { reobserveOptions.fetchPolicy = 'network-only'; } if (__DEV__ && variables && hasOwnProperty$1.call(variables, "variables")) { var queryDef = utilities.getQueryDefinition(this.query); var vars = queryDef.variableDefinitions; if (!vars || !vars.some(function (v) { return v.variable.name.value === "variables"; })) { __DEV__ && globals.invariant.warn("Called refetch(".concat(JSON.stringify(variables), ") for query ").concat(((_a = queryDef.name) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value) || JSON.stringify(queryDef), ", which does not declare a $variables variable.\nDid you mean to call refetch(variables) instead of refetch({ variables })?")); } } if (variables && !equality.equal(this.options.variables, variables)) { reobserveOptions.variables = this.options.variables = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, this.options.variables), variables); } this.queryInfo.resetLastWrite(); return this.reobserve(reobserveOptions, exports.NetworkStatus.refetch); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.fetchMore = function (fetchMoreOptions) { var _this = this; var combinedOptions = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, (fetchMoreOptions.query ? fetchMoreOptions : tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, this.options), { query: this.query }), fetchMoreOptions), { variables: tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, this.options.variables), fetchMoreOptions.variables) }))), { fetchPolicy: "no-cache" }); var qid = this.queryManager.generateQueryId(); var queryInfo = this.queryInfo; var originalNetworkStatus = queryInfo.networkStatus; queryInfo.networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.fetchMore; if (combinedOptions.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange) { this.observe(); } var updatedQuerySet = new Set(); return this.queryManager.fetchQuery(qid, combinedOptions, exports.NetworkStatus.fetchMore).then(function (fetchMoreResult) { _this.queryManager.removeQuery(qid); if (queryInfo.networkStatus === exports.NetworkStatus.fetchMore) { queryInfo.networkStatus = originalNetworkStatus; } _this.queryManager.cache.batch({ update: function (cache) { var updateQuery = fetchMoreOptions.updateQuery; if (updateQuery) { cache.updateQuery({ query: _this.query, variables: _this.variables, returnPartialData: true, optimistic: false, }, function (previous) { return updateQuery(previous, { fetchMoreResult: fetchMoreResult.data, variables: combinedOptions.variables, }); }); } else { cache.writeQuery({ query: combinedOptions.query, variables: combinedOptions.variables, data: fetchMoreResult.data, }); } }, onWatchUpdated: function (watch) { updatedQuerySet.add(watch.query); }, }); return fetchMoreResult; }).finally(function () { if (!updatedQuerySet.has(_this.query)) { reobserveCacheFirst(_this); } }); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.subscribeToMore = function (options) { var _this = this; var subscription = this.queryManager .startGraphQLSubscription({ query: options.document, variables: options.variables, context: options.context, }) .subscribe({ next: function (subscriptionData) { var updateQuery = options.updateQuery; if (updateQuery) { _this.updateQuery(function (previous, _a) { var variables = _a.variables; return updateQuery(previous, { subscriptionData: subscriptionData, variables: variables, }); }); } }, error: function (err) { if (options.onError) { options.onError(err); return; } __DEV__ && globals.invariant.error('Unhandled GraphQL subscription error', err); }, }); this.subscriptions.add(subscription); return function () { if (_this.subscriptions.delete(subscription)) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } }; }; ObservableQuery.prototype.setOptions = function (newOptions) { return this.reobserve(newOptions); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.setVariables = function (variables) { if (equality.equal(this.variables, variables)) { return this.observers.size ? this.result() : Promise.resolve(); } this.options.variables = variables; if (!this.observers.size) { return Promise.resolve(); } return this.reobserve({ fetchPolicy: this.options.initialFetchPolicy, variables: variables, }, exports.NetworkStatus.setVariables); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.updateQuery = function (mapFn) { var queryManager = this.queryManager; var result = queryManager.cache.diff({ query: this.options.query, variables: this.variables, returnPartialData: true, optimistic: false, }).result; var newResult = mapFn(result, { variables: this.variables, }); if (newResult) { queryManager.cache.writeQuery({ query: this.options.query, data: newResult, variables: this.variables, }); queryManager.broadcastQueries(); } }; ObservableQuery.prototype.startPolling = function (pollInterval) { this.options.pollInterval = pollInterval; this.updatePolling(); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.stopPolling = function () { this.options.pollInterval = 0; this.updatePolling(); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.applyNextFetchPolicy = function (reason, options) { if (options.nextFetchPolicy) { var _a = options.fetchPolicy, fetchPolicy = _a === void 0 ? "cache-first" : _a, _b = options.initialFetchPolicy, initialFetchPolicy = _b === void 0 ? fetchPolicy : _b; if (fetchPolicy === "standby") ; else if (typeof options.nextFetchPolicy === "function") { options.fetchPolicy = options.nextFetchPolicy(fetchPolicy, { reason: reason, options: options, observable: this, initialFetchPolicy: initialFetchPolicy, }); } else if (reason === "variables-changed") { options.fetchPolicy = initialFetchPolicy; } else { options.fetchPolicy = options.nextFetchPolicy; } } return options.fetchPolicy; }; ObservableQuery.prototype.fetch = function (options, newNetworkStatus) { this.queryManager.setObservableQuery(this); return this.queryManager.fetchQueryObservable(this.queryId, options, newNetworkStatus); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.updatePolling = function () { var _this = this; if (this.queryManager.ssrMode) { return; } var _a = this, pollingInfo = _a.pollingInfo, pollInterval = _a.options.pollInterval; if (!pollInterval) { if (pollingInfo) { clearTimeout(pollingInfo.timeout); delete this.pollingInfo; } return; } if (pollingInfo && pollingInfo.interval === pollInterval) { return; } __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(pollInterval, 'Attempted to start a polling query without a polling interval.') : globals.invariant(pollInterval, 13); var info = pollingInfo || (this.pollingInfo = {}); info.interval = pollInterval; var maybeFetch = function () { if (_this.pollingInfo) { if (!isNetworkRequestInFlight(_this.queryInfo.networkStatus)) { _this.reobserve({ fetchPolicy: _this.options.initialFetchPolicy === 'no-cache' ? 'no-cache' : 'network-only', }, exports.NetworkStatus.poll).then(poll, poll); } else { poll(); } } }; var poll = function () { var info = _this.pollingInfo; if (info) { clearTimeout(info.timeout); info.timeout = setTimeout(maybeFetch, info.interval); } }; poll(); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.updateLastResult = function (newResult, variables) { if (variables === void 0) { variables = this.variables; } this.last = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, this.last), { result: this.queryManager.assumeImmutableResults ? newResult : utilities.cloneDeep(newResult), variables: variables }); if (!utilities.isNonEmptyArray(newResult.errors)) { delete this.last.error; } return this.last; }; ObservableQuery.prototype.reobserve = function (newOptions, newNetworkStatus) { var _this = this; this.isTornDown = false; var useDisposableConcast = newNetworkStatus === exports.NetworkStatus.refetch || newNetworkStatus === exports.NetworkStatus.fetchMore || newNetworkStatus === exports.NetworkStatus.poll; var oldVariables = this.options.variables; var oldFetchPolicy = this.options.fetchPolicy; var mergedOptions = utilities.compact(this.options, newOptions || {}); var options = useDisposableConcast ? mergedOptions : assign(this.options, mergedOptions); if (!useDisposableConcast) { this.updatePolling(); if (newOptions && newOptions.variables && !equality.equal(newOptions.variables, oldVariables) && options.fetchPolicy !== "standby" && options.fetchPolicy === oldFetchPolicy) { this.applyNextFetchPolicy("variables-changed", options); if (newNetworkStatus === void 0) { newNetworkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.setVariables; } } } var variables = options.variables && tslib.__assign({}, options.variables); var concast = this.fetch(options, newNetworkStatus); var observer = { next: function (result) { _this.reportResult(result, variables); }, error: function (error) { _this.reportError(error, variables); }, }; if (!useDisposableConcast) { if (this.concast && this.observer) { this.concast.removeObserver(this.observer); } this.concast = concast; this.observer = observer; } concast.addObserver(observer); return concast.promise; }; ObservableQuery.prototype.observe = function () { this.reportResult(this.getCurrentResult(false), this.variables); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.reportResult = function (result, variables) { var lastError = this.getLastError(); if (lastError || this.isDifferentFromLastResult(result, variables)) { if (lastError || !result.partial || this.options.returnPartialData) { this.updateLastResult(result, variables); } utilities.iterateObserversSafely(this.observers, 'next', result); } }; ObservableQuery.prototype.reportError = function (error, variables) { var errorResult = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, this.getLastResult()), { error: error, errors: error.graphQLErrors, networkStatus: exports.NetworkStatus.error, loading: false }); this.updateLastResult(errorResult, variables); utilities.iterateObserversSafely(this.observers, 'error', this.last.error = error); }; ObservableQuery.prototype.hasObservers = function () { return this.observers.size > 0; }; ObservableQuery.prototype.tearDownQuery = function () { if (this.isTornDown) return; if (this.concast && this.observer) { this.concast.removeObserver(this.observer); delete this.concast; delete this.observer; } this.stopPolling(); this.subscriptions.forEach(function (sub) { return sub.unsubscribe(); }); this.subscriptions.clear(); this.queryManager.stopQuery(this.queryId); this.observers.clear(); this.isTornDown = true; }; return ObservableQuery; }(utilities.Observable)); utilities.fixObservableSubclass(ObservableQuery); function reobserveCacheFirst(obsQuery) { var _a = obsQuery.options, fetchPolicy = _a.fetchPolicy, nextFetchPolicy = _a.nextFetchPolicy; if (fetchPolicy === "cache-and-network" || fetchPolicy === "network-only") { return obsQuery.reobserve({ fetchPolicy: "cache-first", nextFetchPolicy: function () { this.nextFetchPolicy = nextFetchPolicy; if (typeof nextFetchPolicy === "function") { return nextFetchPolicy.apply(this, arguments); } return fetchPolicy; }, }); } return obsQuery.reobserve(); } function defaultSubscriptionObserverErrorCallback(error) { __DEV__ && globals.invariant.error('Unhandled error', error.message, error.stack); } function logMissingFieldErrors(missing) { if (__DEV__ && missing) { __DEV__ && globals.invariant.debug("Missing cache result fields: ".concat(JSON.stringify(missing)), missing); } } var LocalState = (function () { function LocalState(_a) { var cache = _a.cache, client = _a.client, resolvers = _a.resolvers, fragmentMatcher = _a.fragmentMatcher; this.selectionsToResolveCache = new WeakMap(); this.cache = cache; if (client) { this.client = client; } if (resolvers) { this.addResolvers(resolvers); } if (fragmentMatcher) { this.setFragmentMatcher(fragmentMatcher); } } LocalState.prototype.addResolvers = function (resolvers) { var _this = this; this.resolvers = this.resolvers || {}; if (Array.isArray(resolvers)) { resolvers.forEach(function (resolverGroup) { _this.resolvers = utilities.mergeDeep(_this.resolvers, resolverGroup); }); } else { this.resolvers = utilities.mergeDeep(this.resolvers, resolvers); } }; LocalState.prototype.setResolvers = function (resolvers) { this.resolvers = {}; this.addResolvers(resolvers); }; LocalState.prototype.getResolvers = function () { return this.resolvers || {}; }; LocalState.prototype.runResolvers = function (_a) { var document = _a.document, remoteResult = _a.remoteResult, context = _a.context, variables = _a.variables, _b = _a.onlyRunForcedResolvers, onlyRunForcedResolvers = _b === void 0 ? false : _b; return tslib.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return tslib.__generator(this, function (_c) { if (document) { return [2, this.resolveDocument(document, remoteResult.data, context, variables, this.fragmentMatcher, onlyRunForcedResolvers).then(function (localResult) { return (tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, remoteResult), { data: localResult.result })); })]; } return [2, remoteResult]; }); }); }; LocalState.prototype.setFragmentMatcher = function (fragmentMatcher) { this.fragmentMatcher = fragmentMatcher; }; LocalState.prototype.getFragmentMatcher = function () { return this.fragmentMatcher; }; LocalState.prototype.clientQuery = function (document) { if (utilities.hasDirectives(['client'], document)) { if (this.resolvers) { return document; } } return null; }; LocalState.prototype.serverQuery = function (document) { return utilities.removeClientSetsFromDocument(document); }; LocalState.prototype.prepareContext = function (context) { var cache = this.cache; return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, context), { cache: cache, getCacheKey: function (obj) { return cache.identify(obj); } }); }; LocalState.prototype.addExportedVariables = function (document, variables, context) { if (variables === void 0) { variables = {}; } if (context === void 0) { context = {}; } return tslib.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return tslib.__generator(this, function (_a) { if (document) { return [2, this.resolveDocument(document, this.buildRootValueFromCache(document, variables) || {}, this.prepareContext(context), variables).then(function (data) { return (tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, variables), data.exportedVariables)); })]; } return [2, tslib.__assign({}, variables)]; }); }); }; LocalState.prototype.shouldForceResolvers = function (document) { var forceResolvers = false; graphql.visit(document, { Directive: { enter: function (node) { if (node.name.value === 'client' && node.arguments) { forceResolvers = node.arguments.some(function (arg) { return arg.name.value === 'always' && arg.value.kind === 'BooleanValue' && arg.value.value === true; }); if (forceResolvers) { return graphql.BREAK; } } }, }, }); return forceResolvers; }; LocalState.prototype.buildRootValueFromCache = function (document, variables) { return this.cache.diff({ query: utilities.buildQueryFromSelectionSet(document), variables: variables, returnPartialData: true, optimistic: false, }).result; }; LocalState.prototype.resolveDocument = function (document, rootValue, context, variables, fragmentMatcher, onlyRunForcedResolvers) { if (context === void 0) { context = {}; } if (variables === void 0) { variables = {}; } if (fragmentMatcher === void 0) { fragmentMatcher = function () { return true; }; } if (onlyRunForcedResolvers === void 0) { onlyRunForcedResolvers = false; } return tslib.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var mainDefinition, fragments, fragmentMap, selectionsToResolve, definitionOperation, defaultOperationType, _a, cache, client, execContext, isClientFieldDescendant; return tslib.__generator(this, function (_b) { mainDefinition = utilities.getMainDefinition(document); fragments = utilities.getFragmentDefinitions(document); fragmentMap = utilities.createFragmentMap(fragments); selectionsToResolve = this.collectSelectionsToResolve(mainDefinition, fragmentMap); definitionOperation = mainDefinition.operation; defaultOperationType = definitionOperation ? definitionOperation.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + definitionOperation.slice(1) : 'Query'; _a = this, cache = _a.cache, client = _a.client; execContext = { fragmentMap: fragmentMap, context: tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, context), { cache: cache, client: client }), variables: variables, fragmentMatcher: fragmentMatcher, defaultOperationType: defaultOperationType, exportedVariables: {}, selectionsToResolve: selectionsToResolve, onlyRunForcedResolvers: onlyRunForcedResolvers, }; isClientFieldDescendant = false; return [2, this.resolveSelectionSet(mainDefinition.selectionSet, isClientFieldDescendant, rootValue, execContext).then(function (result) { return ({ result: result, exportedVariables: execContext.exportedVariables, }); })]; }); }); }; LocalState.prototype.resolveSelectionSet = function (selectionSet, isClientFieldDescendant, rootValue, execContext) { return tslib.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var fragmentMap, context, variables, resultsToMerge, execute; var _this = this; return tslib.__generator(this, function (_a) { fragmentMap = execContext.fragmentMap, context = execContext.context, variables = execContext.variables; resultsToMerge = [rootValue]; execute = function (selection) { return tslib.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () { var fragment, typeCondition; return tslib.__generator(this, function (_a) { if (!isClientFieldDescendant && !execContext.selectionsToResolve.has(selection)) { return [2]; } if (!utilities.shouldInclude(selection, variables)) { return [2]; } if (utilities.isField(selection)) { return [2, this.resolveField(selection, isClientFieldDescendant, rootValue, execContext).then(function (fieldResult) { var _a; if (typeof fieldResult !== 'undefined') { resultsToMerge.push((_a = {}, _a[utilities.resultKeyNameFromField(selection)] = fieldResult, _a)); } })]; } if (utilities.isInlineFragment(selection)) { fragment = selection; } else { fragment = fragmentMap[selection.name.value]; __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(fragment, "No fragment named ".concat(selection.name.value)) : globals.invariant(fragment, 11); } if (fragment && fragment.typeCondition) { typeCondition = fragment.typeCondition.name.value; if (execContext.fragmentMatcher(rootValue, typeCondition, context)) { return [2, this.resolveSelectionSet(fragment.selectionSet, isClientFieldDescendant, rootValue, execContext).then(function (fragmentResult) { resultsToMerge.push(fragmentResult); })]; } } return [2]; }); }); }; return [2, Promise.all(selectionSet.selections.map(execute)).then(function () { return utilities.mergeDeepArray(resultsToMerge); })]; }); }); }; LocalState.prototype.resolveField = function (field, isClientFieldDescendant, rootValue, execContext) { return tslib.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var variables, fieldName, aliasedFieldName, aliasUsed, defaultResult, resultPromise, resolverType, resolverMap, resolve; var _this = this; return tslib.__generator(this, function (_a) { if (!rootValue) { return [2, null]; } variables = execContext.variables; fieldName = field.name.value; aliasedFieldName = utilities.resultKeyNameFromField(field); aliasUsed = fieldName !== aliasedFieldName; defaultResult = rootValue[aliasedFieldName] || rootValue[fieldName]; resultPromise = Promise.resolve(defaultResult); if (!execContext.onlyRunForcedResolvers || this.shouldForceResolvers(field)) { resolverType = rootValue.__typename || execContext.defaultOperationType; resolverMap = this.resolvers && this.resolvers[resolverType]; if (resolverMap) { resolve = resolverMap[aliasUsed ? fieldName : aliasedFieldName]; if (resolve) { resultPromise = Promise.resolve(cache.cacheSlot.withValue(this.cache, resolve, [ rootValue, utilities.argumentsObjectFromField(field, variables), execContext.context, { field: field, fragmentMap: execContext.fragmentMap }, ])); } } } return [2, resultPromise.then(function (result) { var _a, _b; if (result === void 0) { result = defaultResult; } if (field.directives) { field.directives.forEach(function (directive) { if (directive.name.value === 'export' && directive.arguments) { directive.arguments.forEach(function (arg) { if (arg.name.value === 'as' && arg.value.kind === 'StringValue') { execContext.exportedVariables[arg.value.value] = result; } }); } }); } if (!field.selectionSet) { return result; } if (result == null) { return result; } var isClientField = (_b = (_a = field.directives) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.some(function (d) { return d.name.value === 'client'; })) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false; if (Array.isArray(result)) { return _this.resolveSubSelectedArray(field, isClientFieldDescendant || isClientField, result, execContext); } if (field.selectionSet) { return _this.resolveSelectionSet(field.selectionSet, isClientFieldDescendant || isClientField, result, execContext); } })]; }); }); }; LocalState.prototype.resolveSubSelectedArray = function (field, isClientFieldDescendant, result, execContext) { var _this = this; return Promise.all(result.map(function (item) { if (item === null) { return null; } if (Array.isArray(item)) { return _this.resolveSubSelectedArray(field, isClientFieldDescendant, item, execContext); } if (field.selectionSet) { return _this.resolveSelectionSet(field.selectionSet, isClientFieldDescendant, item, execContext); } })); }; LocalState.prototype.collectSelectionsToResolve = function (mainDefinition, fragmentMap) { var isSingleASTNode = function (node) { return !Array.isArray(node); }; var selectionsToResolveCache = this.selectionsToResolveCache; function collectByDefinition(definitionNode) { if (!selectionsToResolveCache.has(definitionNode)) { var matches_1 = new Set(); selectionsToResolveCache.set(definitionNode, matches_1); graphql.visit(definitionNode, { Directive: function (node, _, __, ___, ancestors) { if (node.name.value === 'client') { ancestors.forEach(function (node) { if (isSingleASTNode(node) && graphql.isSelectionNode(node)) { matches_1.add(node); } }); } }, FragmentSpread: function (spread, _, __, ___, ancestors) { var fragment = fragmentMap[spread.name.value]; __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(fragment, "No fragment named ".concat(spread.name.value)) : globals.invariant(fragment, 12); var fragmentSelections = collectByDefinition(fragment); if (fragmentSelections.size > 0) { ancestors.forEach(function (node) { if (isSingleASTNode(node) && graphql.isSelectionNode(node)) { matches_1.add(node); } }); matches_1.add(spread); fragmentSelections.forEach(function (selection) { matches_1.add(selection); }); } } }); } return selectionsToResolveCache.get(definitionNode); } return collectByDefinition(mainDefinition); }; return LocalState; }()); var destructiveMethodCounts = new (utilities.canUseWeakMap ? WeakMap : Map)(); function wrapDestructiveCacheMethod(cache, methodName) { var original = cache[methodName]; if (typeof original === "function") { cache[methodName] = function () { destructiveMethodCounts.set(cache, (destructiveMethodCounts.get(cache) + 1) % 1e15); return original.apply(this, arguments); }; } } function cancelNotifyTimeout(info) { if (info["notifyTimeout"]) { clearTimeout(info["notifyTimeout"]); info["notifyTimeout"] = void 0; } } var QueryInfo = (function () { function QueryInfo(queryManager, queryId) { if (queryId === void 0) { queryId = queryManager.generateQueryId(); } this.queryId = queryId; this.listeners = new Set(); this.document = null; this.lastRequestId = 1; this.subscriptions = new Set(); this.stopped = false; this.dirty = false; this.observableQuery = null; var cache = this.cache = queryManager.cache; if (!destructiveMethodCounts.has(cache)) { destructiveMethodCounts.set(cache, 0); wrapDestructiveCacheMethod(cache, "evict"); wrapDestructiveCacheMethod(cache, "modify"); wrapDestructiveCacheMethod(cache, "reset"); } } QueryInfo.prototype.init = function (query) { var networkStatus = query.networkStatus || exports.NetworkStatus.loading; if (this.variables && this.networkStatus !== exports.NetworkStatus.loading && !equality.equal(this.variables, query.variables)) { networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.setVariables; } if (!equality.equal(query.variables, this.variables)) { this.lastDiff = void 0; } Object.assign(this, { document: query.document, variables: query.variables, networkError: null, graphQLErrors: this.graphQLErrors || [], networkStatus: networkStatus, }); if (query.observableQuery) { this.setObservableQuery(query.observableQuery); } if (query.lastRequestId) { this.lastRequestId = query.lastRequestId; } return this; }; QueryInfo.prototype.reset = function () { cancelNotifyTimeout(this); this.dirty = false; }; QueryInfo.prototype.getDiff = function (variables) { if (variables === void 0) { variables = this.variables; } var options = this.getDiffOptions(variables); if (this.lastDiff && equality.equal(options, this.lastDiff.options)) { return this.lastDiff.diff; } this.updateWatch(this.variables = variables); var oq = this.observableQuery; if (oq && oq.options.fetchPolicy === "no-cache") { return { complete: false }; } var diff = this.cache.diff(options); this.updateLastDiff(diff, options); return diff; }; QueryInfo.prototype.updateLastDiff = function (diff, options) { this.lastDiff = diff ? { diff: diff, options: options || this.getDiffOptions(), } : void 0; }; QueryInfo.prototype.getDiffOptions = function (variables) { var _a; if (variables === void 0) { variables = this.variables; } return { query: this.document, variables: variables, returnPartialData: true, optimistic: true, canonizeResults: (_a = this.observableQuery) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.options.canonizeResults, }; }; QueryInfo.prototype.setDiff = function (diff) { var _this = this; var oldDiff = this.lastDiff && this.lastDiff.diff; this.updateLastDiff(diff); if (!this.dirty && !equality.equal(oldDiff && oldDiff.result, diff && diff.result)) { this.dirty = true; if (!this.notifyTimeout) { this.notifyTimeout = setTimeout(function () { return _this.notify(); }, 0); } } }; QueryInfo.prototype.setObservableQuery = function (oq) { var _this = this; if (oq === this.observableQuery) return; if (this.oqListener) { this.listeners.delete(this.oqListener); } this.observableQuery = oq; if (oq) { oq["queryInfo"] = this; this.listeners.add(this.oqListener = function () { var diff = _this.getDiff(); if (diff.fromOptimisticTransaction) { oq["observe"](); } else { reobserveCacheFirst(oq); } }); } else { delete this.oqListener; } }; QueryInfo.prototype.notify = function () { var _this = this; cancelNotifyTimeout(this); if (this.shouldNotify()) { this.listeners.forEach(function (listener) { return listener(_this); }); } this.dirty = false; }; QueryInfo.prototype.shouldNotify = function () { if (!this.dirty || !this.listeners.size) { return false; } if (isNetworkRequestInFlight(this.networkStatus) && this.observableQuery) { var fetchPolicy = this.observableQuery.options.fetchPolicy; if (fetchPolicy !== "cache-only" && fetchPolicy !== "cache-and-network") { return false; } } return true; }; QueryInfo.prototype.stop = function () { if (!this.stopped) { this.stopped = true; this.reset(); this.cancel(); this.cancel = QueryInfo.prototype.cancel; this.subscriptions.forEach(function (sub) { return sub.unsubscribe(); }); var oq = this.observableQuery; if (oq) oq.stopPolling(); } }; QueryInfo.prototype.cancel = function () { }; QueryInfo.prototype.updateWatch = function (variables) { var _this = this; if (variables === void 0) { variables = this.variables; } var oq = this.observableQuery; if (oq && oq.options.fetchPolicy === "no-cache") { return; } var watchOptions = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, this.getDiffOptions(variables)), { watcher: this, callback: function (diff) { return _this.setDiff(diff); } }); if (!this.lastWatch || !equality.equal(watchOptions, this.lastWatch)) { this.cancel(); this.cancel = this.cache.watch(this.lastWatch = watchOptions); } }; QueryInfo.prototype.resetLastWrite = function () { this.lastWrite = void 0; }; QueryInfo.prototype.shouldWrite = function (result, variables) { var lastWrite = this.lastWrite; return !(lastWrite && lastWrite.dmCount === destructiveMethodCounts.get(this.cache) && equality.equal(variables, lastWrite.variables) && equality.equal(result.data, lastWrite.result.data)); }; QueryInfo.prototype.markResult = function (result, document, options, cacheWriteBehavior) { var _this = this; var merger = new utilities.DeepMerger(); var graphQLErrors = utilities.isNonEmptyArray(result.errors) ? result.errors.slice(0) : []; this.reset(); if ('incremental' in result && utilities.isNonEmptyArray(result.incremental)) { var mergedData = mergeIncrementalData(this.getDiff().result, result); result.data = mergedData; } else if ('hasNext' in result && result.hasNext) { var diff = this.getDiff(); result.data = merger.merge(diff.result, result.data); } this.graphQLErrors = graphQLErrors; if (options.fetchPolicy === 'no-cache') { this.updateLastDiff({ result: result.data, complete: true }, this.getDiffOptions(options.variables)); } else if (cacheWriteBehavior !== 0) { if (shouldWriteResult(result, options.errorPolicy)) { this.cache.performTransaction(function (cache) { if (_this.shouldWrite(result, options.variables)) { cache.writeQuery({ query: document, data: result.data, variables: options.variables, overwrite: cacheWriteBehavior === 1, }); _this.lastWrite = { result: result, variables: options.variables, dmCount: destructiveMethodCounts.get(_this.cache), }; } else { if (_this.lastDiff && _this.lastDiff.diff.complete) { result.data = _this.lastDiff.diff.result; return; } } var diffOptions = _this.getDiffOptions(options.variables); var diff = cache.diff(diffOptions); if (!_this.stopped) { _this.updateWatch(options.variables); } _this.updateLastDiff(diff, diffOptions); if (diff.complete) { result.data = diff.result; } }); } else { this.lastWrite = void 0; } } }; QueryInfo.prototype.markReady = function () { this.networkError = null; return this.networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.ready; }; QueryInfo.prototype.markError = function (error) { this.networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.error; this.lastWrite = void 0; this.reset(); if (error.graphQLErrors) { this.graphQLErrors = error.graphQLErrors; } if (error.networkError) { this.networkError = error.networkError; } return error; }; return QueryInfo; }()); function shouldWriteResult(result, errorPolicy) { if (errorPolicy === void 0) { errorPolicy = "none"; } var ignoreErrors = errorPolicy === "ignore" || errorPolicy === "all"; var writeWithErrors = !utilities.graphQLResultHasError(result); if (!writeWithErrors && ignoreErrors && result.data) { writeWithErrors = true; } return writeWithErrors; } var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var QueryManager = (function () { function QueryManager(_a) { var cache = _a.cache, link = _a.link, defaultOptions = _a.defaultOptions, _b = _a.queryDeduplication, queryDeduplication = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, onBroadcast = _a.onBroadcast, _c = _a.ssrMode, ssrMode = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, _d = _a.clientAwareness, clientAwareness = _d === void 0 ? {} : _d, localState = _a.localState, assumeImmutableResults = _a.assumeImmutableResults; this.clientAwareness = {}; this.queries = new Map(); this.fetchCancelFns = new Map(); this.transformCache = new (utilities.canUseWeakMap ? WeakMap : Map)(); this.queryIdCounter = 1; this.requestIdCounter = 1; this.mutationIdCounter = 1; this.inFlightLinkObservables = new Map(); this.cache = cache; this.link = link; this.defaultOptions = defaultOptions || Object.create(null); this.queryDeduplication = queryDeduplication; this.clientAwareness = clientAwareness; this.localState = localState || new LocalState({ cache: cache }); this.ssrMode = ssrMode; this.assumeImmutableResults = !!assumeImmutableResults; if ((this.onBroadcast = onBroadcast)) { this.mutationStore = Object.create(null); } } QueryManager.prototype.stop = function () { var _this = this; this.queries.forEach(function (_info, queryId) { _this.stopQueryNoBroadcast(queryId); }); this.cancelPendingFetches(__DEV__ ? new globals.InvariantError('QueryManager stopped while query was in flight') : new globals.InvariantError(14)); }; QueryManager.prototype.cancelPendingFetches = function (error) { this.fetchCancelFns.forEach(function (cancel) { return cancel(error); }); this.fetchCancelFns.clear(); }; QueryManager.prototype.mutate = function (_a) { var _b, _c; var mutation = _a.mutation, variables = _a.variables, optimisticResponse = _a.optimisticResponse, updateQueries = _a.updateQueries, _d = _a.refetchQueries, refetchQueries = _d === void 0 ? [] : _d, _e = _a.awaitRefetchQueries, awaitRefetchQueries = _e === void 0 ? false : _e, updateWithProxyFn = _a.update, onQueryUpdated = _a.onQueryUpdated, _f = _a.fetchPolicy, fetchPolicy = _f === void 0 ? ((_b = this.defaultOptions.mutate) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.fetchPolicy) || "network-only" : _f, _g = _a.errorPolicy, errorPolicy = _g === void 0 ? ((_c = this.defaultOptions.mutate) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.errorPolicy) || "none" : _g, keepRootFields = _a.keepRootFields, context = _a.context; return tslib.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var mutationId, _h, document, hasClientExports, mutationStoreValue, self; return tslib.__generator(this, function (_j) { switch (_j.label) { case 0: __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(mutation, 'mutation option is required. You must specify your GraphQL document in the mutation option.') : globals.invariant(mutation, 15); __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(fetchPolicy === 'network-only' || fetchPolicy === 'no-cache', "Mutations support only 'network-only' or 'no-cache' fetchPolicy strings. The default `network-only` behavior automatically writes mutation results to the cache. Passing `no-cache` skips the cache write.") : globals.invariant(fetchPolicy === 'network-only' || fetchPolicy === 'no-cache', 16); mutationId = this.generateMutationId(); _h = this.transform(mutation), document = _h.document, hasClientExports = _h.hasClientExports; mutation = this.cache.transformForLink(document); variables = this.getVariables(mutation, variables); if (!hasClientExports) return [3, 2]; return [4, this.localState.addExportedVariables(mutation, variables, context)]; case 1: variables = (_j.sent()); _j.label = 2; case 2: mutationStoreValue = this.mutationStore && (this.mutationStore[mutationId] = { mutation: mutation, variables: variables, loading: true, error: null, }); if (optimisticResponse) { this.markMutationOptimistic(optimisticResponse, { mutationId: mutationId, document: mutation, variables: variables, fetchPolicy: fetchPolicy, errorPolicy: errorPolicy, context: context, updateQueries: updateQueries, update: updateWithProxyFn, keepRootFields: keepRootFields, }); } this.broadcastQueries(); self = this; return [2, new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { return utilities.asyncMap(self.getObservableFromLink(mutation, tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, context), { optimisticResponse: optimisticResponse }), variables, false), function (result) { if (utilities.graphQLResultHasError(result) && errorPolicy === 'none') { throw new errors.ApolloError({ graphQLErrors: utilities.getGraphQLErrorsFromResult(result), }); } if (mutationStoreValue) { mutationStoreValue.loading = false; mutationStoreValue.error = null; } var storeResult = tslib.__assign({}, result); if (typeof refetchQueries === "function") { refetchQueries = refetchQueries(storeResult); } if (errorPolicy === 'ignore' && utilities.graphQLResultHasError(storeResult)) { delete storeResult.errors; } return self.markMutationResult({ mutationId: mutationId, result: storeResult, document: mutation, variables: variables, fetchPolicy: fetchPolicy, errorPolicy: errorPolicy, context: context, update: updateWithProxyFn, updateQueries: updateQueries, awaitRefetchQueries: awaitRefetchQueries, refetchQueries: refetchQueries, removeOptimistic: optimisticResponse ? mutationId : void 0, onQueryUpdated: onQueryUpdated, keepRootFields: keepRootFields, }); }).subscribe({ next: function (storeResult) { self.broadcastQueries(); if (!('hasNext' in storeResult) || storeResult.hasNext === false) { resolve(storeResult); } }, error: function (err) { if (mutationStoreValue) { mutationStoreValue.loading = false; mutationStoreValue.error = err; } if (optimisticResponse) { self.cache.removeOptimistic(mutationId); } self.broadcastQueries(); reject(err instanceof errors.ApolloError ? err : new errors.ApolloError({ networkError: err, })); }, }); })]; } }); }); }; QueryManager.prototype.markMutationResult = function (mutation, cache) { var _this = this; if (cache === void 0) { cache = this.cache; } var result = mutation.result; var cacheWrites = []; var skipCache = mutation.fetchPolicy === "no-cache"; if (!skipCache && shouldWriteResult(result, mutation.errorPolicy)) { if (!isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult(result)) { cacheWrites.push({ result: result.data, dataId: 'ROOT_MUTATION', query: mutation.document, variables: mutation.variables, }); } if (isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult(result) && utilities.isNonEmptyArray(result.incremental)) { var diff = cache.diff({ id: "ROOT_MUTATION", query: this.transform(mutation.document).asQuery, variables: mutation.variables, optimistic: false, returnPartialData: true, }); var mergedData = void 0; if (diff.result) { mergedData = mergeIncrementalData(diff.result, result); } if (typeof mergedData !== 'undefined') { result.data = mergedData; cacheWrites.push({ result: mergedData, dataId: 'ROOT_MUTATION', query: mutation.document, variables: mutation.variables, }); } } var updateQueries_1 = mutation.updateQueries; if (updateQueries_1) { this.queries.forEach(function (_a, queryId) { var observableQuery = _a.observableQuery; var queryName = observableQuery && observableQuery.queryName; if (!queryName || !hasOwnProperty.call(updateQueries_1, queryName)) { return; } var updater = updateQueries_1[queryName]; var _b = _this.queries.get(queryId), document = _b.document, variables = _b.variables; var _c = cache.diff({ query: document, variables: variables, returnPartialData: true, optimistic: false, }), currentQueryResult = _c.result, complete = _c.complete; if (complete && currentQueryResult) { var nextQueryResult = updater(currentQueryResult, { mutationResult: result, queryName: document && utilities.getOperationName(document) || void 0, queryVariables: variables, }); if (nextQueryResult) { cacheWrites.push({ result: nextQueryResult, dataId: 'ROOT_QUERY', query: document, variables: variables, }); } } }); } } if (cacheWrites.length > 0 || mutation.refetchQueries || mutation.update || mutation.onQueryUpdated || mutation.removeOptimistic) { var results_1 = []; this.refetchQueries({ updateCache: function (cache) { if (!skipCache) { cacheWrites.forEach(function (write) { return cache.write(write); }); } var update = mutation.update; var isFinalResult = !isExecutionPatchResult(result) || (isExecutionPatchIncrementalResult(result) && !result.hasNext); if (update) { if (!skipCache) { var diff = cache.diff({ id: "ROOT_MUTATION", query: _this.transform(mutation.document).asQuery, variables: mutation.variables, optimistic: false, returnPartialData: true, }); if (diff.complete) { result = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, result), { data: diff.result }); if ('incremental' in result) { delete result.incremental; } if ('hasNext' in result) { delete result.hasNext; } } } if (isFinalResult) { update(cache, result, { context: mutation.context, variables: mutation.variables, }); } } if (!skipCache && !mutation.keepRootFields && isFinalResult) { cache.modify({ id: 'ROOT_MUTATION', fields: function (value, _a) { var fieldName = _a.fieldName, DELETE = _a.DELETE; return fieldName === "__typename" ? value : DELETE; }, }); } }, include: mutation.refetchQueries, optimistic: false, removeOptimistic: mutation.removeOptimistic, onQueryUpdated: mutation.onQueryUpdated || null, }).forEach(function (result) { return results_1.push(result); }); if (mutation.awaitRefetchQueries || mutation.onQueryUpdated) { return Promise.all(results_1).then(function () { return result; }); } } return Promise.resolve(result); }; QueryManager.prototype.markMutationOptimistic = function (optimisticResponse, mutation) { var _this = this; var data = typeof optimisticResponse === "function" ? optimisticResponse(mutation.variables) : optimisticResponse; return this.cache.recordOptimisticTransaction(function (cache) { try { _this.markMutationResult(tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, mutation), { result: { data: data } }), cache); } catch (error) { __DEV__ && globals.invariant.error(error); } }, mutation.mutationId); }; QueryManager.prototype.fetchQuery = function (queryId, options, networkStatus) { return this.fetchQueryObservable(queryId, options, networkStatus).promise; }; QueryManager.prototype.getQueryStore = function () { var store = Object.create(null); this.queries.forEach(function (info, queryId) { store[queryId] = { variables: info.variables, networkStatus: info.networkStatus, networkError: info.networkError, graphQLErrors: info.graphQLErrors, }; }); return store; }; QueryManager.prototype.resetErrors = function (queryId) { var queryInfo = this.queries.get(queryId); if (queryInfo) { queryInfo.networkError = undefined; queryInfo.graphQLErrors = []; } }; QueryManager.prototype.transform = function (document) { var transformCache = this.transformCache; if (!transformCache.has(document)) { var transformed = this.cache.transformDocument(document); var noConnection = utilities.removeConnectionDirectiveFromDocument(transformed); var clientQuery = this.localState.clientQuery(transformed); var serverQuery = noConnection && this.localState.serverQuery(noConnection); var cacheEntry_1 = { document: transformed, hasClientExports: utilities.hasClientExports(transformed), hasForcedResolvers: this.localState.shouldForceResolvers(transformed), clientQuery: clientQuery, serverQuery: serverQuery, defaultVars: utilities.getDefaultValues(utilities.getOperationDefinition(transformed)), asQuery: tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, transformed), { definitions: transformed.definitions.map(function (def) { if (def.kind === "OperationDefinition" && def.operation !== "query") { return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, def), { operation: "query" }); } return def; }) }) }; var add = function (doc) { if (doc && !transformCache.has(doc)) { transformCache.set(doc, cacheEntry_1); } }; add(document); add(transformed); add(clientQuery); add(serverQuery); } return transformCache.get(document); }; QueryManager.prototype.getVariables = function (document, variables) { return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, this.transform(document).defaultVars), variables); }; QueryManager.prototype.watchQuery = function (options) { options = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, options), { variables: this.getVariables(options.query, options.variables) }); if (typeof options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange === 'undefined') { options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange = false; } var queryInfo = new QueryInfo(this); var observable = new ObservableQuery({ queryManager: this, queryInfo: queryInfo, options: options, }); this.queries.set(observable.queryId, queryInfo); queryInfo.init({ document: observable.query, observableQuery: observable, variables: observable.variables, }); return observable; }; QueryManager.prototype.query = function (options, queryId) { var _this = this; if (queryId === void 0) { queryId = this.generateQueryId(); } __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(options.query, 'query option is required. You must specify your GraphQL document ' + 'in the query option.') : globals.invariant(options.query, 17); __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(options.query.kind === 'Document', 'You must wrap the query string in a "gql" tag.') : globals.invariant(options.query.kind === 'Document', 18); __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(!options.returnPartialData, 'returnPartialData option only supported on watchQuery.') : globals.invariant(!options.returnPartialData, 19); __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(!options.pollInterval, 'pollInterval option only supported on watchQuery.') : globals.invariant(!options.pollInterval, 20); return this.fetchQuery(queryId, options).finally(function () { return _this.stopQuery(queryId); }); }; QueryManager.prototype.generateQueryId = function () { return String(this.queryIdCounter++); }; QueryManager.prototype.generateRequestId = function () { return this.requestIdCounter++; }; QueryManager.prototype.generateMutationId = function () { return String(this.mutationIdCounter++); }; QueryManager.prototype.stopQueryInStore = function (queryId) { this.stopQueryInStoreNoBroadcast(queryId); this.broadcastQueries(); }; QueryManager.prototype.stopQueryInStoreNoBroadcast = function (queryId) { var queryInfo = this.queries.get(queryId); if (queryInfo) queryInfo.stop(); }; QueryManager.prototype.clearStore = function (options) { if (options === void 0) { options = { discardWatches: true, }; } this.cancelPendingFetches(__DEV__ ? new globals.InvariantError('Store reset while query was in flight (not completed in link chain)') : new globals.InvariantError(21)); this.queries.forEach(function (queryInfo) { if (queryInfo.observableQuery) { queryInfo.networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.loading; } else { queryInfo.stop(); } }); if (this.mutationStore) { this.mutationStore = Object.create(null); } return this.cache.reset(options); }; QueryManager.prototype.getObservableQueries = function (include) { var _this = this; if (include === void 0) { include = "active"; } var queries = new Map(); var queryNamesAndDocs = new Map(); var legacyQueryOptions = new Set(); if (Array.isArray(include)) { include.forEach(function (desc) { if (typeof desc === "string") { queryNamesAndDocs.set(desc, false); } else if (utilities.isDocumentNode(desc)) { queryNamesAndDocs.set(_this.transform(desc).document, false); } else if (utilities.isNonNullObject(desc) && desc.query) { legacyQueryOptions.add(desc); } }); } this.queries.forEach(function (_a, queryId) { var oq = _a.observableQuery, document = _a.document; if (oq) { if (include === "all") { queries.set(queryId, oq); return; } var queryName = oq.queryName, fetchPolicy = oq.options.fetchPolicy; if (fetchPolicy === "standby" || (include === "active" && !oq.hasObservers())) { return; } if (include === "active" || (queryName && queryNamesAndDocs.has(queryName)) || (document && queryNamesAndDocs.has(document))) { queries.set(queryId, oq); if (queryName) queryNamesAndDocs.set(queryName, true); if (document) queryNamesAndDocs.set(document, true); } } }); if (legacyQueryOptions.size) { legacyQueryOptions.forEach(function (options) { var queryId = utilities.makeUniqueId("legacyOneTimeQuery"); var queryInfo = _this.getQuery(queryId).init({ document: options.query, variables: options.variables, }); var oq = new ObservableQuery({ queryManager: _this, queryInfo: queryInfo, options: tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, options), { fetchPolicy: "network-only" }), }); globals.invariant(oq.queryId === queryId); queryInfo.setObservableQuery(oq); queries.set(queryId, oq); }); } if (__DEV__ && queryNamesAndDocs.size) { queryNamesAndDocs.forEach(function (included, nameOrDoc) { if (!included) { __DEV__ && globals.invariant.warn("Unknown query ".concat(typeof nameOrDoc === "string" ? "named " : "").concat(JSON.stringify(nameOrDoc, null, 2), " requested in refetchQueries options.include array")); } }); } return queries; }; QueryManager.prototype.reFetchObservableQueries = function (includeStandby) { var _this = this; if (includeStandby === void 0) { includeStandby = false; } var observableQueryPromises = []; this.getObservableQueries(includeStandby ? "all" : "active").forEach(function (observableQuery, queryId) { var fetchPolicy = observableQuery.options.fetchPolicy; observableQuery.resetLastResults(); if (includeStandby || (fetchPolicy !== "standby" && fetchPolicy !== "cache-only")) { observableQueryPromises.push(observableQuery.refetch()); } _this.getQuery(queryId).setDiff(null); }); this.broadcastQueries(); return Promise.all(observableQueryPromises); }; QueryManager.prototype.setObservableQuery = function (observableQuery) { this.getQuery(observableQuery.queryId).setObservableQuery(observableQuery); }; QueryManager.prototype.startGraphQLSubscription = function (_a) { var _this = this; var query = _a.query, fetchPolicy = _a.fetchPolicy, errorPolicy = _a.errorPolicy, variables = _a.variables, _b = _a.context, context = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b; query = this.transform(query).document; variables = this.getVariables(query, variables); var makeObservable = function (variables) { return _this.getObservableFromLink(query, context, variables).map(function (result) { if (fetchPolicy !== 'no-cache') { if (shouldWriteResult(result, errorPolicy)) { _this.cache.write({ query: query, result: result.data, dataId: 'ROOT_SUBSCRIPTION', variables: variables, }); } _this.broadcastQueries(); } if (utilities.graphQLResultHasError(result)) { throw new errors.ApolloError({ graphQLErrors: result.errors, }); } return result; }); }; if (this.transform(query).hasClientExports) { var observablePromise_1 = this.localState.addExportedVariables(query, variables, context).then(makeObservable); return new utilities.Observable(function (observer) { var sub = null; observablePromise_1.then(function (observable) { return sub = observable.subscribe(observer); }, observer.error); return function () { return sub && sub.unsubscribe(); }; }); } return makeObservable(variables); }; QueryManager.prototype.stopQuery = function (queryId) { this.stopQueryNoBroadcast(queryId); this.broadcastQueries(); }; QueryManager.prototype.stopQueryNoBroadcast = function (queryId) { this.stopQueryInStoreNoBroadcast(queryId); this.removeQuery(queryId); }; QueryManager.prototype.removeQuery = function (queryId) { this.fetchCancelFns.delete(queryId); if (this.queries.has(queryId)) { this.getQuery(queryId).stop(); this.queries.delete(queryId); } }; QueryManager.prototype.broadcastQueries = function () { if (this.onBroadcast) this.onBroadcast(); this.queries.forEach(function (info) { return info.notify(); }); }; QueryManager.prototype.getLocalState = function () { return this.localState; }; QueryManager.prototype.getObservableFromLink = function (query, context, variables, deduplication) { var _this = this; var _a; if (deduplication === void 0) { deduplication = (_a = context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.queryDeduplication) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.queryDeduplication; } var observable; var serverQuery = this.transform(query).serverQuery; if (serverQuery) { var _b = this, inFlightLinkObservables_1 = _b.inFlightLinkObservables, link = _b.link; var operation = { query: serverQuery, variables: variables, operationName: utilities.getOperationName(serverQuery) || void 0, context: this.prepareContext(tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, context), { forceFetch: !deduplication })), }; context = operation.context; if (deduplication) { var byVariables_1 = inFlightLinkObservables_1.get(serverQuery) || new Map(); inFlightLinkObservables_1.set(serverQuery, byVariables_1); var varJson_1 = cache.canonicalStringify(variables); observable = byVariables_1.get(varJson_1); if (!observable) { var concast = new utilities.Concast([ core.execute(link, operation) ]); byVariables_1.set(varJson_1, observable = concast); concast.beforeNext(function () { if (byVariables_1.delete(varJson_1) && byVariables_1.size < 1) { inFlightLinkObservables_1.delete(serverQuery); } }); } } else { observable = new utilities.Concast([ core.execute(link, operation) ]); } } else { observable = new utilities.Concast([ utilities.Observable.of({ data: {} }) ]); context = this.prepareContext(context); } var clientQuery = this.transform(query).clientQuery; if (clientQuery) { observable = utilities.asyncMap(observable, function (result) { return _this.localState.runResolvers({ document: clientQuery, remoteResult: result, context: context, variables: variables, }); }); } return observable; }; QueryManager.prototype.getResultsFromLink = function (queryInfo, cacheWriteBehavior, options) { var requestId = queryInfo.lastRequestId = this.generateRequestId(); var linkDocument = this.cache.transformForLink(this.transform(queryInfo.document).document); return utilities.asyncMap(this.getObservableFromLink(linkDocument, options.context, options.variables), function (result) { var graphQLErrors = utilities.getGraphQLErrorsFromResult(result); var hasErrors = graphQLErrors.length > 0; if (requestId >= queryInfo.lastRequestId) { if (hasErrors && options.errorPolicy === "none") { throw queryInfo.markError(new errors.ApolloError({ graphQLErrors: graphQLErrors, })); } queryInfo.markResult(result, linkDocument, options, cacheWriteBehavior); queryInfo.markReady(); } var aqr = { data: result.data, loading: false, networkStatus: exports.NetworkStatus.ready, }; if (hasErrors && options.errorPolicy !== "ignore") { aqr.errors = graphQLErrors; aqr.networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.error; } return aqr; }, function (networkError) { var error = errors.isApolloError(networkError) ? networkError : new errors.ApolloError({ networkError: networkError }); if (requestId >= queryInfo.lastRequestId) { queryInfo.markError(error); } throw error; }); }; QueryManager.prototype.fetchQueryObservable = function (queryId, options, networkStatus) { var _this = this; if (networkStatus === void 0) { networkStatus = exports.NetworkStatus.loading; } var query = this.transform(options.query).document; var variables = this.getVariables(query, options.variables); var queryInfo = this.getQuery(queryId); var defaults = this.defaultOptions.watchQuery; var _a = options.fetchPolicy, fetchPolicy = _a === void 0 ? defaults && defaults.fetchPolicy || "cache-first" : _a, _b = options.errorPolicy, errorPolicy = _b === void 0 ? defaults && defaults.errorPolicy || "none" : _b, _c = options.returnPartialData, returnPartialData = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, _d = options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange, notifyOnNetworkStatusChange = _d === void 0 ? false : _d, _e = options.context, context = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e; var normalized = Object.assign({}, options, { query: query, variables: variables, fetchPolicy: fetchPolicy, errorPolicy: errorPolicy, returnPartialData: returnPartialData, notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: notifyOnNetworkStatusChange, context: context, }); var fromVariables = function (variables) { normalized.variables = variables; var concastSources = _this.fetchQueryByPolicy(queryInfo, normalized, networkStatus); if (normalized.fetchPolicy !== "standby" && concastSources.length > 0 && queryInfo.observableQuery) { queryInfo.observableQuery["applyNextFetchPolicy"]("after-fetch", options); } return concastSources; }; var cleanupCancelFn = function () { return _this.fetchCancelFns.delete(queryId); }; this.fetchCancelFns.set(queryId, function (reason) { cleanupCancelFn(); setTimeout(function () { return concast.cancel(reason); }); }); var concast = new utilities.Concast(this.transform(normalized.query).hasClientExports ? this.localState.addExportedVariables(normalized.query, normalized.variables, normalized.context).then(fromVariables) : fromVariables(normalized.variables)); concast.promise.then(cleanupCancelFn, cleanupCancelFn); return concast; }; QueryManager.prototype.refetchQueries = function (_a) { var _this = this; var updateCache = _a.updateCache, include = _a.include, _b = _a.optimistic, optimistic = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, _c = _a.removeOptimistic, removeOptimistic = _c === void 0 ? optimistic ? utilities.makeUniqueId("refetchQueries") : void 0 : _c, onQueryUpdated = _a.onQueryUpdated; var includedQueriesById = new Map(); if (include) { this.getObservableQueries(include).forEach(function (oq, queryId) { includedQueriesById.set(queryId, { oq: oq, lastDiff: _this.getQuery(queryId).getDiff(), }); }); } var results = new Map; if (updateCache) { this.cache.batch({ update: updateCache, optimistic: optimistic && removeOptimistic || false, removeOptimistic: removeOptimistic, onWatchUpdated: function (watch, diff, lastDiff) { var oq = watch.watcher instanceof QueryInfo && watch.watcher.observableQuery; if (oq) { if (onQueryUpdated) { includedQueriesById.delete(oq.queryId); var result = onQueryUpdated(oq, diff, lastDiff); if (result === true) { result = oq.refetch(); } if (result !== false) { results.set(oq, result); } return result; } if (onQueryUpdated !== null) { includedQueriesById.set(oq.queryId, { oq: oq, lastDiff: lastDiff, diff: diff }); } } }, }); } if (includedQueriesById.size) { includedQueriesById.forEach(function (_a, queryId) { var oq = _a.oq, lastDiff = _a.lastDiff, diff = _a.diff; var result; if (onQueryUpdated) { if (!diff) { var info = oq["queryInfo"]; info.reset(); diff = info.getDiff(); } result = onQueryUpdated(oq, diff, lastDiff); } if (!onQueryUpdated || result === true) { result = oq.refetch(); } if (result !== false) { results.set(oq, result); } if (queryId.indexOf("legacyOneTimeQuery") >= 0) { _this.stopQueryNoBroadcast(queryId); } }); } if (removeOptimistic) { this.cache.removeOptimistic(removeOptimistic); } return results; }; QueryManager.prototype.fetchQueryByPolicy = function (queryInfo, _a, networkStatus) { var _this = this; var query = _a.query, variables = _a.variables, fetchPolicy = _a.fetchPolicy, refetchWritePolicy = _a.refetchWritePolicy, errorPolicy = _a.errorPolicy, returnPartialData = _a.returnPartialData, context = _a.context, notifyOnNetworkStatusChange = _a.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange; var oldNetworkStatus = queryInfo.networkStatus; queryInfo.init({ document: this.transform(query).document, variables: variables, networkStatus: networkStatus, }); var readCache = function () { return queryInfo.getDiff(variables); }; var resultsFromCache = function (diff, networkStatus) { if (networkStatus === void 0) { networkStatus = queryInfo.networkStatus || exports.NetworkStatus.loading; } var data = diff.result; if (__DEV__ && !returnPartialData && !equality.equal(data, {})) { logMissingFieldErrors(diff.missing); } var fromData = function (data) { return utilities.Observable.of(tslib.__assign({ data: data, loading: isNetworkRequestInFlight(networkStatus), networkStatus: networkStatus }, (diff.complete ? null : { partial: true }))); }; if (data && _this.transform(query).hasForcedResolvers) { return _this.localState.runResolvers({ document: query, remoteResult: { data: data }, context: context, variables: variables, onlyRunForcedResolvers: true, }).then(function (resolved) { return fromData(resolved.data || void 0); }); } if (errorPolicy === 'none' && networkStatus === exports.NetworkStatus.refetch && Array.isArray(diff.missing)) { return fromData(void 0); } return fromData(data); }; var cacheWriteBehavior = fetchPolicy === "no-cache" ? 0 : (networkStatus === exports.NetworkStatus.refetch && refetchWritePolicy !== "merge") ? 1 : 2; var resultsFromLink = function () { return _this.getResultsFromLink(queryInfo, cacheWriteBehavior, { variables: variables, context: context, fetchPolicy: fetchPolicy, errorPolicy: errorPolicy, }); }; var shouldNotify = notifyOnNetworkStatusChange && typeof oldNetworkStatus === "number" && oldNetworkStatus !== networkStatus && isNetworkRequestInFlight(networkStatus); switch (fetchPolicy) { default: case "cache-first": { var diff = readCache(); if (diff.complete) { return [ resultsFromCache(diff, queryInfo.markReady()), ]; } if (returnPartialData || shouldNotify) { return [ resultsFromCache(diff), resultsFromLink(), ]; } return [ resultsFromLink(), ]; } case "cache-and-network": { var diff = readCache(); if (diff.complete || returnPartialData || shouldNotify) { return [ resultsFromCache(diff), resultsFromLink(), ]; } return [ resultsFromLink(), ]; } case "cache-only": return [ resultsFromCache(readCache(), queryInfo.markReady()), ]; case "network-only": if (shouldNotify) { return [ resultsFromCache(readCache()), resultsFromLink(), ]; } return [resultsFromLink()]; case "no-cache": if (shouldNotify) { return [ resultsFromCache(queryInfo.getDiff()), resultsFromLink(), ]; } return [resultsFromLink()]; case "standby": return []; } }; QueryManager.prototype.getQuery = function (queryId) { if (queryId && !this.queries.has(queryId)) { this.queries.set(queryId, new QueryInfo(this, queryId)); } return this.queries.get(queryId); }; QueryManager.prototype.prepareContext = function (context) { if (context === void 0) { context = {}; } var newContext = this.localState.prepareContext(context); return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, newContext), { clientAwareness: this.clientAwareness }); }; return QueryManager; }()); var hasSuggestedDevtools = false; var ApolloClient = (function () { function ApolloClient(options) { var _this = this; this.resetStoreCallbacks = []; this.clearStoreCallbacks = []; var uri = options.uri, credentials = options.credentials, headers = options.headers, cache = options.cache, _a = options.ssrMode, ssrMode = _a === void 0 ? false : _a, _b = options.ssrForceFetchDelay, ssrForceFetchDelay = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = options.connectToDevTools, connectToDevTools = _c === void 0 ? typeof window === 'object' && !window.__APOLLO_CLIENT__ && __DEV__ : _c, _d = options.queryDeduplication, queryDeduplication = _d === void 0 ? true : _d, defaultOptions = options.defaultOptions, _e = options.assumeImmutableResults, assumeImmutableResults = _e === void 0 ? false : _e, resolvers = options.resolvers, typeDefs = options.typeDefs, fragmentMatcher = options.fragmentMatcher, clientAwarenessName = options.name, clientAwarenessVersion = options.version; var link = options.link; if (!link) { link = uri ? new http.HttpLink({ uri: uri, credentials: credentials, headers: headers }) : core.ApolloLink.empty(); } if (!cache) { throw __DEV__ ? new globals.InvariantError("To initialize Apollo Client, you must specify a 'cache' property " + "in the options object. \n" + "For more information, please visit: https://go.apollo.dev/c/docs") : new globals.InvariantError(9); } this.link = link; this.cache = cache; this.disableNetworkFetches = ssrMode || ssrForceFetchDelay > 0; this.queryDeduplication = queryDeduplication; this.defaultOptions = defaultOptions || Object.create(null); this.typeDefs = typeDefs; if (ssrForceFetchDelay) { setTimeout(function () { return (_this.disableNetworkFetches = false); }, ssrForceFetchDelay); } this.watchQuery = this.watchQuery.bind(this); this.query = this.query.bind(this); this.mutate = this.mutate.bind(this); this.resetStore = this.resetStore.bind(this); this.reFetchObservableQueries = this.reFetchObservableQueries.bind(this); if (connectToDevTools && typeof window === 'object') { window.__APOLLO_CLIENT__ = this; } if (!hasSuggestedDevtools && connectToDevTools && __DEV__) { hasSuggestedDevtools = true; if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.top === window.self && !window.__APOLLO_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) { var nav = window.navigator; var ua = nav && nav.userAgent; var url = void 0; if (typeof ua === "string") { if (ua.indexOf("Chrome/") > -1) { url = "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/" + "apollo-client-developer-t/jdkknkkbebbapilgoeccciglkfbmbnfm"; } else if (ua.indexOf("Firefox/") > -1) { url = "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/apollo-developer-tools/"; } } if (url) { __DEV__ && globals.invariant.log("Download the Apollo DevTools for a better development " + "experience: " + url); } } } this.version = version; this.localState = new LocalState({ cache: cache, client: this, resolvers: resolvers, fragmentMatcher: fragmentMatcher, }); this.queryManager = new QueryManager({ cache: this.cache, link: this.link, defaultOptions: this.defaultOptions, queryDeduplication: queryDeduplication, ssrMode: ssrMode, clientAwareness: { name: clientAwarenessName, version: clientAwarenessVersion, }, localState: this.localState, assumeImmutableResults: assumeImmutableResults, onBroadcast: connectToDevTools ? function () { if (_this.devToolsHookCb) { _this.devToolsHookCb({ action: {}, state: { queries: _this.queryManager.getQueryStore(), mutations: _this.queryManager.mutationStore || {}, }, dataWithOptimisticResults: _this.cache.extract(true), }); } } : void 0, }); } ApolloClient.prototype.stop = function () { this.queryManager.stop(); }; ApolloClient.prototype.watchQuery = function (options) { if (this.defaultOptions.watchQuery) { options = utilities.mergeOptions(this.defaultOptions.watchQuery, options); } if (this.disableNetworkFetches && (options.fetchPolicy === 'network-only' || options.fetchPolicy === 'cache-and-network')) { options = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, options), { fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' }); } return this.queryManager.watchQuery(options); }; ApolloClient.prototype.query = function (options) { if (this.defaultOptions.query) { options = utilities.mergeOptions(this.defaultOptions.query, options); } __DEV__ ? globals.invariant(options.fetchPolicy !== 'cache-and-network', 'The cache-and-network fetchPolicy does not work with client.query, because ' + 'client.query can only return a single result. Please use client.watchQuery ' + 'to receive multiple results from the cache and the network, or consider ' + 'using a different fetchPolicy, such as cache-first or network-only.') : globals.invariant(options.fetchPolicy !== 'cache-and-network', 10); if (this.disableNetworkFetches && options.fetchPolicy === 'network-only') { options = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, options), { fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' }); } return this.queryManager.query(options); }; ApolloClient.prototype.mutate = function (options) { if (this.defaultOptions.mutate) { options = utilities.mergeOptions(this.defaultOptions.mutate, options); } return this.queryManager.mutate(options); }; ApolloClient.prototype.subscribe = function (options) { return this.queryManager.startGraphQLSubscription(options); }; ApolloClient.prototype.readQuery = function (options, optimistic) { if (optimistic === void 0) { optimistic = false; } return this.cache.readQuery(options, optimistic); }; ApolloClient.prototype.readFragment = function (options, optimistic) { if (optimistic === void 0) { optimistic = false; } return this.cache.readFragment(options, optimistic); }; ApolloClient.prototype.writeQuery = function (options) { var ref = this.cache.writeQuery(options); if (options.broadcast !== false) { this.queryManager.broadcastQueries(); } return ref; }; ApolloClient.prototype.writeFragment = function (options) { var ref = this.cache.writeFragment(options); if (options.broadcast !== false) { this.queryManager.broadcastQueries(); } return ref; }; ApolloClient.prototype.__actionHookForDevTools = function (cb) { this.devToolsHookCb = cb; }; ApolloClient.prototype.__requestRaw = function (payload) { return core.execute(this.link, payload); }; ApolloClient.prototype.resetStore = function () { var _this = this; return Promise.resolve() .then(function () { return _this.queryManager.clearStore({ discardWatches: false, }); }) .then(function () { return Promise.all(_this.resetStoreCallbacks.map(function (fn) { return fn(); })); }) .then(function () { return _this.reFetchObservableQueries(); }); }; ApolloClient.prototype.clearStore = function () { var _this = this; return Promise.resolve() .then(function () { return _this.queryManager.clearStore({ discardWatches: true, }); }) .then(function () { return Promise.all(_this.clearStoreCallbacks.map(function (fn) { return fn(); })); }); }; ApolloClient.prototype.onResetStore = function (cb) { var _this = this; this.resetStoreCallbacks.push(cb); return function () { _this.resetStoreCallbacks = _this.resetStoreCallbacks.filter(function (c) { return c !== cb; }); }; }; ApolloClient.prototype.onClearStore = function (cb) { var _this = this; this.clearStoreCallbacks.push(cb); return function () { _this.clearStoreCallbacks = _this.clearStoreCallbacks.filter(function (c) { return c !== cb; }); }; }; ApolloClient.prototype.reFetchObservableQueries = function (includeStandby) { return this.queryManager.reFetchObservableQueries(includeStandby); }; ApolloClient.prototype.refetchQueries = function (options) { var map = this.queryManager.refetchQueries(options); var queries = []; var results = []; map.forEach(function (result, obsQuery) { queries.push(obsQuery); results.push(result); }); var result = Promise.all(results); result.queries = queries; result.results = results; result.catch(function (error) { __DEV__ && globals.invariant.debug("In client.refetchQueries, Promise.all promise rejected with error ".concat(error)); }); return result; }; ApolloClient.prototype.getObservableQueries = function (include) { if (include === void 0) { include = "active"; } return this.queryManager.getObservableQueries(include); }; ApolloClient.prototype.extract = function (optimistic) { return this.cache.extract(optimistic); }; ApolloClient.prototype.restore = function (serializedState) { return this.cache.restore(serializedState); }; ApolloClient.prototype.addResolvers = function (resolvers) { this.localState.addResolvers(resolvers); }; ApolloClient.prototype.setResolvers = function (resolvers) { this.localState.setResolvers(resolvers); }; ApolloClient.prototype.getResolvers = function () { return this.localState.getResolvers(); }; ApolloClient.prototype.setLocalStateFragmentMatcher = function (fragmentMatcher) { this.localState.setFragmentMatcher(fragmentMatcher); }; ApolloClient.prototype.setLink = function (newLink) { this.link = this.queryManager.link = newLink; }; return ApolloClient; }()); tsInvariant.setVerbosity(globals.DEV ? "log" : "silent"); exports.ApolloCache = cache.ApolloCache; exports.Cache = cache.Cache; exports.InMemoryCache = cache.InMemoryCache; exports.MissingFieldError = cache.MissingFieldError; exports.defaultDataIdFromObject = cache.defaultDataIdFromObject; exports.makeVar = cache.makeVar; exports.Observable = utilities.Observable; exports.isReference = utilities.isReference; exports.makeReference = utilities.makeReference; exports.mergeOptions = utilities.mergeOptions; exports.ApolloError = errors.ApolloError; exports.isApolloError = errors.isApolloError; exports.fromError = utils.fromError; exports.fromPromise = utils.fromPromise; exports.throwServerError = utils.throwServerError; exports.toPromise = utils.toPromise; exports.setLogVerbosity = tsInvariant.setVerbosity; exports.disableExperimentalFragmentVariables = graphqlTag.disableExperimentalFragmentVariables; exports.disableFragmentWarnings = graphqlTag.disableFragmentWarnings; exports.enableExperimentalFragmentVariables = graphqlTag.enableExperimentalFragmentVariables; exports.gql = graphqlTag.gql; exports.resetCaches = graphqlTag.resetCaches; exports.ApolloClient = ApolloClient; exports.ObservableQuery = ObservableQuery; for (var k in core) { if (k !== 'default' && !exports.hasOwnProperty(k)) exports[k] = core[k]; } for (var k in http) { if (k !== 'default' && !exports.hasOwnProperty(k)) exports[k] = http[k]; } //# sourceMappingURL=core.cjs.map