import { GraphQLSchema, extendSchema, Kind, isTypeDefinitionNode, isTypeExtensionNode, GraphQLError, GraphQLNamedType, isObjectType, FieldDefinitionNode, InputValueDefinitionNode, DocumentNode, GraphQLObjectType, specifiedDirectives, TypeDefinitionNode, DirectiveDefinitionNode, TypeExtensionNode, ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, NamedTypeNode, lexicographicSortSchema, } from 'graphql'; // Importing from 'dist' is not actually supported as part of the public API, // but this allows us not to duplicate things in the meantime while the // @apollo/federation package still exists. import { transformSchema } from '@apollo/subgraph/dist/schema-helper'; import { directivesWithNoDefinitionNeeded, isDirectiveWithNoDefinitionNeeded, directivesWithAutoIncludedDefinitions, } from '@apollo/subgraph/dist/directives'; import { findDirectivesOnNode, isStringValueNode, mapFieldNamesToServiceName, stripExternalFieldsFromTypeDefs, typeNodesAreEquivalent, executableDirectiveLocations, stripTypeSystemDirectivesFromTypeDefs, defaultRootOperationNameLookup, getFederationMetadata, CompositionResult, isDirectiveDefinitionNode, parseFieldSet, } from './utils'; import { ServiceDefinition, ExternalFieldDefinition, FederationDirective, } from './types'; import type { FederationField, FederationType, ServiceNameToKeyDirectivesMap, } from '../composition/types'; import { validateSDL } from 'graphql/validation/validate'; import { compositionRules } from './rules'; import { printSupergraphSdl } from '../service/printSupergraphSdl'; import { mapValues } from '../utilities'; import { DirectiveMetadata } from './DirectiveMetadata'; import { getJoinDefinitions } from '../joinSpec'; import { CoreDirective } from '../coreSpec'; const EmptyQueryDefinition: TypeDefinitionNode = { kind: Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, name: { kind: Kind.NAME, value: defaultRootOperationNameLookup.query }, fields: [], serviceName: null, }; const EmptyMutationDefinition: TypeDefinitionNode = { kind: Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, name: { kind: Kind.NAME, value: defaultRootOperationNameLookup.mutation }, fields: [], serviceName: null, }; // Map of all type definitions to eventually be passed to extendSchema interface TypeDefinitionsMap { [name: string]: TypeDefinitionNode[]; } // Map of all type extensions to eventually be passed to extendSchema interface TypeExtensionsMap { [name: string]: TypeExtensionNode[]; } // Map of all directive definitions to eventually be passed to extendSchema interface DirectiveDefinitionsMap { [name: string]: { [serviceName: string]: DirectiveDefinitionNode }; } /** * A map of base types to their owning service. Used by query planner to direct traffic. * This contains the base type's "owner". Any fields that extend this type in another service * are listed under "extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap". extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap are in the format { myField: my-service-name } * * Example resulting typeToServiceMap shape: * * const typeToServiceMap = { * Product: { * serviceName: "ProductService", * extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap: { * reviews: "ReviewService", // comes from the ReviewService * dimensions: "ShippingService", * weight: "ShippingService" * } * } * } */ interface TypeToServiceMap { [typeName: string]: { owningService?: string; extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap: { [fieldName: string]: string }; }; } /* * Map of types to their key directives (maintains association to their services) * * Example resulting KeyDirectivesMap shape: * * const keyDirectives = { * Product: { * serviceA: ["sku", "upc"] * serviceB: ["color {id value}"] // Selection node simplified for readability * } * } */ export interface KeyDirectivesMap { [typeName: string]: ServiceNameToKeyDirectivesMap; } /** * A set of type names that have been determined to be a value type, a type * shared across at least 2 services. */ type ValueTypes = Set; /** * Loop over each service and process its typeDefs (`definitions`) * - build up typeToServiceMap * - push individual definitions onto either typeDefinitionsMap or typeExtensionsMap */ export function buildMapsFromServiceList(serviceList: ServiceDefinition[]) { const typeDefinitionsMap: TypeDefinitionsMap = Object.create(null); const typeExtensionsMap: TypeExtensionsMap = Object.create(null); const directiveDefinitionsMap: DirectiveDefinitionsMap = Object.create(null); const typeToServiceMap: TypeToServiceMap = Object.create(null); const externalFields: ExternalFieldDefinition[] = []; const keyDirectivesMap: KeyDirectivesMap = Object.create(null); const valueTypes: ValueTypes = new Set(); const directiveMetadata = new DirectiveMetadata(serviceList); for (const { typeDefs, name: serviceName } of serviceList) { // Build a new SDL with @external fields removed, as well as information about // the fields that were removed. const { typeDefsWithoutExternalFields, strippedFields, } = stripExternalFieldsFromTypeDefs(typeDefs, serviceName); externalFields.push(...strippedFields); // Type system directives from downstream services are not a concern of the // gateway, but rather the services on which the fields live which serve // those types. In other words, its up to an implementing service to // act on such directives, not the gateway. const typeDefsWithoutTypeSystemDirectives = stripTypeSystemDirectivesFromTypeDefs(typeDefsWithoutExternalFields); for (const definition of typeDefsWithoutTypeSystemDirectives.definitions) { if ( definition.kind === Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION || definition.kind === Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION // || definition.kind === Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION ) { const typeName =; for (const keyDirective of findDirectivesOnNode(definition, 'key')) { if ( keyDirective.arguments && isStringValueNode(keyDirective.arguments[0].value) ) { // Initialize the entry for this type if necessary keyDirectivesMap[typeName] = keyDirectivesMap[typeName] || {}; // Initialize the entry for this service if necessary keyDirectivesMap[typeName][serviceName] = keyDirectivesMap[typeName][serviceName] || []; // Add @key metadata to the array keyDirectivesMap[typeName][serviceName]!.push( parseFieldSet(keyDirective.arguments[0].value.value), ); } } } if (isTypeDefinitionNode(definition)) { const typeName =; /** * This type is a base definition (not an extension). If this type is already in the typeToServiceMap, then * 1. It was declared by a previous service, but this newer one takes precedence, or... * 2. It was extended by a service before declared */ if (!typeToServiceMap[typeName]) { typeToServiceMap[typeName] = { extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap: Object.create(null), }; } typeToServiceMap[typeName].owningService = serviceName; /** * If this type already exists in the definitions map, push this definition to the array (newer defs * take precedence). If the types are determined to be identical, add the type name * to the valueTypes Set. * * If not, create the definitions array and add it to the typeDefinitionsMap. */ if (typeDefinitionsMap[typeName]) { const isValueType = typeNodesAreEquivalent( typeDefinitionsMap[typeName][ typeDefinitionsMap[typeName].length - 1 ], definition, ); if (isValueType) { valueTypes.add(typeName); } typeDefinitionsMap[typeName].push({ ...definition, serviceName }); } else { typeDefinitionsMap[typeName] = [{ ...definition, serviceName }]; } } else if (isTypeExtensionNode(definition)) { const typeName =; /** * This definition is an extension of an OBJECT type defined in another service. * TODO: handle extensions of non-object types? */ if ( definition.kind === Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION || definition.kind === Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION ) { if (!definition.fields) break; const fields = mapFieldNamesToServiceName< FieldDefinitionNode | InputValueDefinitionNode >(definition.fields, serviceName); /** * If the type already exists in the typeToServiceMap, add the extended fields. If not, create the object * and add the extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap, but don't add a serviceName. That will be added once that service * definition is processed. */ if (typeToServiceMap[typeName]) { typeToServiceMap[typeName].extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap = { ...typeToServiceMap[typeName].extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap, ...fields, }; } else { typeToServiceMap[typeName] = { extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap: fields, }; } } if (definition.kind === Kind.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION) { if (!definition.values) break; const values = mapFieldNamesToServiceName( definition.values, serviceName, ); if (typeToServiceMap[typeName]) { typeToServiceMap[typeName].extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap = { ...typeToServiceMap[typeName].extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap, ...values, }; } else { typeToServiceMap[typeName] = { extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap: values, }; } } /** * If an extension for this type already exists in the extensions map, push this extension to the * array (since a type can be extended by multiple services). If not, create the extensions array * and add it to the typeExtensionsMap. */ if (typeExtensionsMap[typeName]) { typeExtensionsMap[typeName].push({ ...definition, serviceName }); } else { typeExtensionsMap[typeName] = [{ ...definition, serviceName }]; } } else if (isDirectiveDefinitionNode(definition)) { const directiveName =; // The composed schema should only contain directives and their // ExecutableDirectiveLocations. This filters out any TypeSystemDirectiveLocations. // A new DirectiveDefinitionNode with this filtered list will be what is // added to the schema. const executableLocations = definition.locations.filter(location => executableDirectiveLocations.includes(location.value), ); // If none of the directive's locations are executable, we don't need to // include it in the composed schema at all. if (executableLocations.length === 0) continue; const definitionWithExecutableLocations: DirectiveDefinitionNode = { ...definition, locations: executableLocations, }; if (directiveDefinitionsMap[directiveName]) { directiveDefinitionsMap[directiveName][ serviceName ] = definitionWithExecutableLocations; } else { directiveDefinitionsMap[directiveName] = { [serviceName]: definitionWithExecutableLocations, }; } } } } // Since all Query/Mutation definitions in service schemas are treated as // extensions, we don't have a Query or Mutation DEFINITION in the definitions // list. Without a Query/Mutation definition, we can't _extend_ the type. // extendSchema will complain about this. We can't add an empty // GraphQLObjectType to the schema constructor, so we add an empty definition // here. We only add mutation if there is a mutation extension though. if (!typeDefinitionsMap.Query) typeDefinitionsMap.Query = [EmptyQueryDefinition]; if (typeExtensionsMap.Mutation && !typeDefinitionsMap.Mutation) typeDefinitionsMap.Mutation = [EmptyMutationDefinition]; return { typeToServiceMap, typeDefinitionsMap, typeExtensionsMap, directiveDefinitionsMap, externalFields, keyDirectivesMap, valueTypes, directiveMetadata }; } export function buildSchemaFromDefinitionsAndExtensions({ typeDefinitionsMap, typeExtensionsMap, directiveDefinitionsMap, directiveMetadata, serviceList, }: { typeDefinitionsMap: TypeDefinitionsMap; typeExtensionsMap: TypeExtensionsMap; directiveDefinitionsMap: DirectiveDefinitionsMap; directiveMetadata: DirectiveMetadata; serviceList: ServiceDefinition[]; }) { let errors: GraphQLError[] | undefined = undefined; // We only want to include the definitions of auto-included Apollo directives // (just @tag) if there are usages. const autoIncludedDirectiveDefinitions = directivesWithAutoIncludedDefinitions.filter((directive) => directiveMetadata.hasUsages(, ); const { FieldSetScalar, JoinFieldDirective, JoinTypeDirective, JoinOwnerDirective, JoinGraphEnum, JoinGraphDirective, } = getJoinDefinitions(serviceList); let schema = new GraphQLSchema({ query: undefined, directives: [ CoreDirective, JoinFieldDirective, JoinTypeDirective, JoinOwnerDirective, JoinGraphDirective, ...specifiedDirectives, ...directivesWithNoDefinitionNeeded, ...autoIncludedDirectiveDefinitions, ], types: [FieldSetScalar, JoinGraphEnum], }); // This interface and predicate is a TS / graphql-js workaround for now while // we're using a local graphql version < v15. This predicate _could_ be: // `node is ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode` in the // future to be more semantic. However this gives us type safety and flexibility // for now. interface HasInterfaces { interfaces?: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode['interfaces']; } function nodeHasInterfaces(node: any): node is HasInterfaces { return 'interfaces' in node; } // Extend the blank schema with the base type definitions (as an AST node) const definitionsDocument: DocumentNode = { kind: Kind.DOCUMENT, definitions: [ ...Object.values(typeDefinitionsMap).flatMap((typeDefinitions) => { // See if any of our Objects or Interfaces implement any interfaces at all. // If not, we can return early. if (!typeDefinitions.some(nodeHasInterfaces)) return typeDefinitions; const uniqueInterfaces: Map = ( typeDefinitions as HasInterfaces[] ).reduce((map, objectTypeDef) => { objectTypeDef.interfaces?.forEach((iface) => map.set(, iface), ); return map; }, new Map()); // No interfaces, no aggregation - just return what we got. if (uniqueInterfaces.size === 0) return typeDefinitions; const [first,] = typeDefinitions; return [, { ...first, interfaces: Array.from(uniqueInterfaces.values()), }, ]; }), ...Object.values(directiveDefinitionsMap).map( (definitions) => Object.values(definitions)[0], ), ], }; errors = validateSDL(definitionsDocument, schema, compositionRules) as GraphQLError[]; try { schema = extendSchema(schema, definitionsDocument, { assumeValidSDL: true, }); } catch (e) {} // Extend the schema with the extension definitions (as an AST node) const extensionsDocument: DocumentNode = { kind: Kind.DOCUMENT, definitions: Object.values(typeExtensionsMap).flat(), }; errors.push(...validateSDL(extensionsDocument, schema, compositionRules)); try { schema = extendSchema(schema, extensionsDocument, { assumeValidSDL: true, }); } catch {} // Remove apollo type system directives from the final schema schema = new GraphQLSchema({ ...schema.toConfig(), directives: [ ...schema .getDirectives() .filter((x) => !isDirectiveWithNoDefinitionNeeded(x)), ], }); return { schema, errors }; } /** * Using the various information we've collected about the schema, augment the * `schema` itself with `federation` metadata to the types and fields */ export function addFederationMetadataToSchemaNodes({ schema, typeToServiceMap, externalFields, keyDirectivesMap, valueTypes, directiveDefinitionsMap, directiveMetadata, }: { schema: GraphQLSchema; typeToServiceMap: TypeToServiceMap; externalFields: ExternalFieldDefinition[]; keyDirectivesMap: KeyDirectivesMap; valueTypes: ValueTypes; directiveDefinitionsMap: DirectiveDefinitionsMap; directiveMetadata: DirectiveMetadata; }) { for (const [ typeName, { owningService, extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap }, ] of Object.entries(typeToServiceMap)) { const namedType = schema.getType(typeName) as GraphQLNamedType; if (!namedType) continue; // Extend each type in the GraphQLSchema with the serviceName that owns it // and the key directives that belong to it const isValueType = valueTypes.has(typeName); const serviceName = isValueType ? null : owningService; const federationMetadata: FederationType = { ...getFederationMetadata(namedType), serviceName, isValueType, ...(keyDirectivesMap[typeName] && { keys: keyDirectivesMap[typeName], }), }; namedType.extensions = { ...namedType.extensions, federation: federationMetadata, }; // For object types, add metadata for all the @provides directives from its fields if (isObjectType(namedType)) { for (const field of Object.values(namedType.getFields())) { const [providesDirective] = findDirectivesOnNode( field.astNode, 'provides', ); if ( providesDirective && providesDirective.arguments && isStringValueNode(providesDirective.arguments[0].value) ) { const fieldFederationMetadata: FederationField = { ...getFederationMetadata(field), serviceName, provides: parseFieldSet( providesDirective.arguments[0].value.value, ), belongsToValueType: isValueType, }; field.extensions = { ...field.extensions, federation: fieldFederationMetadata, }; } } } /** * For extension fields, do 2 things: * 1. Add serviceName metadata to all fields that belong to a type extension * 2. add metadata from the @requires directive for each field extension */ for (const [fieldName, extendingServiceName] of Object.entries( extensionFieldsToOwningServiceMap, )) { // TODO: Why don't we need to check for non-object types here if (isObjectType(namedType)) { const field = namedType.getFields()[fieldName]; if (!field) continue; const fieldFederationMetadata: FederationField = { ...getFederationMetadata(field), serviceName: extendingServiceName, }; field.extensions = { ...field.extensions, federation: fieldFederationMetadata, }; const [requiresDirective] = findDirectivesOnNode( field.astNode, 'requires', ); if ( requiresDirective && requiresDirective.arguments && isStringValueNode(requiresDirective.arguments[0].value) ) { const fieldFederationMetadata: FederationField = { ...getFederationMetadata(field), requires: parseFieldSet( requiresDirective.arguments[0].value.value, ), }; field.extensions = { ...field.extensions, federation: fieldFederationMetadata, }; } } } } // add externals metadata for (const field of externalFields) { const namedType = schema.getType(field.parentTypeName); if (!namedType) continue; const existingMetadata = getFederationMetadata(namedType); const typeFederationMetadata: FederationType = { ...existingMetadata, externals: { ...existingMetadata?.externals, [field.serviceName]: [ ...(existingMetadata?.externals?.[field.serviceName] || []), field, ], }, }; namedType.extensions = { ...namedType.extensions, federation: typeFederationMetadata, }; } // add all definitions of a specific directive for validation later for (const directiveName of Object.keys(directiveDefinitionsMap)) { const directive = schema.getDirective(directiveName); if (!directive) continue; const directiveFederationMetadata: FederationDirective = { ...getFederationMetadata(directive), directiveDefinitions: directiveDefinitionsMap[directiveName], }; directive.extensions = { ...directive.extensions, federation: directiveFederationMetadata, }; } // currently this is only used to capture @tag metadata but could be used // for others directives in the future directiveMetadata.applyMetadataToSupergraphSchema(schema); } export function composeServices(services: ServiceDefinition[]): CompositionResult { const { typeToServiceMap, typeDefinitionsMap, typeExtensionsMap, directiveDefinitionsMap, externalFields, keyDirectivesMap, valueTypes, directiveMetadata, } = buildMapsFromServiceList(services); let { schema, errors } = buildSchemaFromDefinitionsAndExtensions({ typeDefinitionsMap, typeExtensionsMap, directiveDefinitionsMap, directiveMetadata, serviceList: services, }); // TODO: We should fix this to take non-default operation root types in // implementing services into account. schema = new GraphQLSchema({ ...schema.toConfig(), ...mapValues(defaultRootOperationNameLookup, typeName => typeName ? (schema.getType(typeName) as GraphQLObjectType) : undefined, ), extensions: { serviceList: services } }); // If multiple type definitions and extensions for the same type implement the // same interface, it will get added to the constructed object multiple times, // resulting in a schema validation error. We therefore need to remove // duplicate interfaces from object types manually. schema = transformSchema(schema, type => { if (isObjectType(type)) { const config = type.toConfig(); return new GraphQLObjectType({ ...config, interfaces: Array.from(new Set(config.interfaces)), }); } return undefined; }); schema = lexicographicSortSchema(schema); addFederationMetadataToSchemaNodes({ schema, typeToServiceMap, externalFields, keyDirectivesMap, valueTypes, directiveDefinitionsMap, directiveMetadata, }); const { graphNameToEnumValueName } = getJoinDefinitions(services); if (errors.length > 0) { return { schema, errors }; } else { return { schema, supergraphSdl: printSupergraphSdl(schema, graphNameToEnumValueName), }; } }