import { InterfaceTypeExtensionNode, FieldDefinitionNode, Kind, StringValueNode, NameNode, DocumentNode, visit, ObjectTypeExtensionNode, DirectiveNode, GraphQLNamedType, GraphQLError, GraphQLSchema, isObjectType, GraphQLObjectType, getNamedType, GraphQLField, isEqualType, FieldNode, TypeDefinitionNode, InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode, InputValueDefinitionNode, TypeExtensionNode, BREAK, print, ASTNode, DirectiveDefinitionNode, GraphQLDirective, OperationTypeNode, isDirective, isNamedType, stripIgnoredCharacters, NonNullTypeNode, NamedTypeNode, TokenKind, } from 'graphql'; import { ExternalFieldDefinition, DefaultRootOperationTypeName, Maybe, FederationDirective, ServiceDefinition, } from './types'; import type { FederationType, FederationField, FieldSet } from './types'; // Importing from 'dist' is not actually supported as part of the public API, // but this allows us not to duplicate things in the meantime while the // @apollo/federation package still exists. import type { ASTNodeWithDirectives } from '@apollo/subgraph/dist/directives'; import { knownSubgraphDirectives } from '@apollo/subgraph/dist/directives'; import { assert, isNotNullOrUndefined } from '../utilities'; import { Parser } from 'graphql/language/parser'; export function isStringValueNode(node: any): node is StringValueNode { return node.kind === Kind.STRING; } export function isDirectiveDefinitionNode(node: any): node is DirectiveDefinitionNode { return node.kind === Kind.DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION; } export function isNonNullTypeNode(node: any): node is NonNullTypeNode { return node.kind === Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE; } export function isNamedTypeNode(node: any): node is NamedTypeNode { return node.kind === Kind.NAMED_TYPE; } // Create a map of { fieldName: serviceName } for each field. export function mapFieldNamesToServiceName( fields: ReadonlyArray, serviceName: string, ) { return fields.reduce((prev, next) => { prev[] = serviceName; return prev; }, Object.create(null)); } export function findDirectivesOnNode( node: Maybe< ASTNodeWithDirectives >, directiveName: string, ) { return ( node?.directives?.filter( (directive) => === directiveName, ) ?? [] ); } /** * Core change: print fieldsets for @join__field's @key, @requires, and @provides args * * @param selections */ export function printFieldSet(selections: FieldSet): string { return selections .map((selection) => stripIgnoredCharacters(print(selection))) .join(' '); } /** * Find a matching selection set on a node given it's string form, * directive name and the node to search on * * @param node * @param directiveName * @param printedSelectionSet * @returns */ export function findSelectionSetOnNode( node: Maybe< ASTNodeWithDirectives >, directiveName: string, printedSelectionSet: string, ) { return node?.directives?.find( directive => === directiveName && directive.arguments?.some( argument => isStringValueNode(argument.value) && argument.value.value === printedSelectionSet ))?.arguments?.find( argument => === 'fields')?.value; } export function stripExternalFieldsFromTypeDefs( typeDefs: DocumentNode, serviceName: string, ): { typeDefsWithoutExternalFields: DocumentNode; strippedFields: ExternalFieldDefinition[]; } { const strippedFields: ExternalFieldDefinition[] = []; const typeDefsWithoutExternalFields = visit(typeDefs, { ObjectTypeExtension: removeExternalFieldsFromExtensionVisitor( strippedFields, serviceName, ), InterfaceTypeExtension: removeExternalFieldsFromExtensionVisitor( strippedFields, serviceName, ), }) as DocumentNode; return { typeDefsWithoutExternalFields, strippedFields }; } export function stripTypeSystemDirectivesFromTypeDefs(typeDefs: DocumentNode) { const typeDefsWithoutTypeSystemDirectives = visit(typeDefs, { Directive(node) { // The `deprecated` directive is an exceptional case that we want to leave in if ( === 'deprecated' || === 'specifiedBy') return; const isKnownSubgraphDirective = knownSubgraphDirectives.some( ({ name }) => name ===, ); // Returning `null` to a visit will cause it to be removed from the tree. return isKnownSubgraphDirective ? undefined : null; }, }) as DocumentNode; return typeDefsWithoutTypeSystemDirectives; } /** * Returns a closure that strips fields marked with `@external` and adds them * to an array. * @param collector * @param serviceName */ function removeExternalFieldsFromExtensionVisitor< T extends InterfaceTypeExtensionNode | ObjectTypeExtensionNode >(collector: ExternalFieldDefinition[], serviceName: string) { return (node: T) => { let fields = node.fields; if (fields) { fields = fields.filter(field => { const externalDirectives = findDirectivesOnNode(field, 'external'); if (externalDirectives.length > 0) { collector.push({ field, parentTypeName:, serviceName, }); return false; } return true; }); } return { ...node, fields, }; }; } /** * For lack of a "home of federation utilities", this function is copy/pasted * verbatim across the federation and query-planner packages. Any changes * made here should be reflected in the other location as well. * * @param source A string representing a FieldSet * @returns A parsed FieldSet */ export function parseFieldSet(source: string): FieldSet { const parser = new Parser(`{${source}}`); parser.expectToken(TokenKind.SOF) const selectionSet = parser.parseSelectionSet(); try { parser.expectToken(TokenKind.EOF); } catch { throw new Error(`Invalid FieldSet provided: '${source}'. FieldSets may not contain operations within them.`); } const selections = selectionSet.selections; // I'm not sure this case is possible - an empty string will first throw a // graphql syntax error. Can you get 0 selections any other way? assert(selections.length > 0, `Field sets may not be empty`); visit(selectionSet, { FragmentSpread() { throw Error( `Field sets may not contain fragment spreads, but found: "${source}"`, ); }, }); // This cast is asserted above by the visitor, ensuring that both `selections` // and any recursive `selections` are not `FragmentSpreadNode`s return selections as FieldSet; } export function hasMatchingFieldInDirectives({ directives, fieldNameToMatch, namedType, }: { directives: DirectiveNode[]; fieldNameToMatch: String; namedType: GraphQLNamedType; }) { return Boolean( namedType.astNode && directives // for each key directive, get the fields arg .map(keyDirective => keyDirective.arguments && isStringValueNode(keyDirective.arguments[0].value) ? { typeName: namedType.astNode!.name.value, keyArgument: keyDirective.arguments[0].value.value, } : null, ) // filter out any null/undefined args .filter(isNotNullOrUndefined) // flatten all selections of the "fields" arg to a list of fields .flatMap(selection => parseFieldSet(selection.keyArgument)) // find a field that matches the @external field .some( field => field.kind === Kind.FIELD && === fieldNameToMatch, ), ); } export const logServiceAndType = ( serviceName: string, typeName: string, fieldName?: string, ) => `[${serviceName}] ${typeName}${fieldName ? `.${fieldName} -> ` : ' -> '}`; export function logDirective(directiveName: string) { return `[@${directiveName}] -> `; } // TODO: allow passing of the other args here, rather than just message and code export function errorWithCode( code: string, message: string, nodes?: ReadonlyArray | ASTNode | undefined, ) { return new GraphQLError( message, nodes, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, { code, }, ); } export function findTypesContainingFieldWithReturnType( schema: GraphQLSchema, node: GraphQLField, ): GraphQLObjectType[] { const returnType = getNamedType(node.type); if (!isObjectType(returnType)) return []; const containingTypes: GraphQLObjectType[] = []; const types = schema.getTypeMap(); for (const selectionSetType of Object.values(types)) { // Only object types have fields if (!isObjectType(selectionSetType)) continue; const allFields = selectionSetType.getFields(); // only push types that have a field which returns the returnType Object.values(allFields).forEach(field => { const fieldReturnType = getNamedType(field.type); if (fieldReturnType === returnType) { containingTypes.push(fieldReturnType); } }); } return containingTypes; } /** * Used for finding a field on the `schema` that returns `typeToFind` * * Used in validation of external directives to find uses of a field in a * `@provides` on another type. */ export function findFieldsThatReturnType({ schema, typeToFind, }: { schema: GraphQLSchema; typeToFind: GraphQLNamedType; }): GraphQLField[] { if (!isObjectType(typeToFind)) return []; const fieldsThatReturnType: GraphQLField[] = []; const types = schema.getTypeMap(); for (const selectionSetType of Object.values(types)) { // for our purposes, only object types have fields that we care about. if (!isObjectType(selectionSetType)) continue; const fieldsOnNamedType = selectionSetType.getFields(); // push fields that have return `typeToFind` Object.values(fieldsOnNamedType).forEach(field => { const fieldReturnType = getNamedType(field.type); if (fieldReturnType === typeToFind) { fieldsThatReturnType.push(field); } }); } return fieldsThatReturnType; } /** * Searches recursively to see if a selection set includes references to * `typeToFind.fieldToFind`. * * Used in validation of external fields to find where/if a field is referenced * in a nested selection set for `@requires` * * For every selection, look at the root of the selection's type. * 1. If it's the type we're looking for, check its fields. * Return true if field matches. Skip to step 3 if not * 2. If it's not the type we're looking for, skip to step 3 * 3. Get the return type for each subselection and run this function on the subselection. */ export function selectionIncludesField({ selections, selectionSetType, typeToFind, fieldToFind, }: { selections: FieldSet; selectionSetType: GraphQLObjectType; // type which applies to `selections` typeToFind: GraphQLObjectType; // type where the `@external` lives fieldToFind: string; }): boolean { for (const selection of selections as FieldNode[]) { const selectionName: string =; // if the selected field matches the fieldname we're looking for, // and its type is correct, we're done. Return true; if ( selectionName === fieldToFind && isEqualType(selectionSetType, typeToFind) ) return true; // if the field selection has a subselection, check each field recursively // check to make sure the parent type contains the field const typeIncludesField = selectionName && Object.keys(selectionSetType.getFields()).includes(selectionName); if (!selectionName || !typeIncludesField) continue; // get the return type of the selection const returnType = getNamedType( selectionSetType.getFields()[selectionName].type, ); if (!returnType || !isObjectType(returnType)) continue; const subselections = selection.selectionSet && (selection.selectionSet.selections as FieldSet); // using the return type of a given selection and all the subselections, // recursively search for matching selections. typeToFind and fieldToFind // stay the same if (subselections) { const selectionDoesIncludeField = selectionIncludesField({ selectionSetType: returnType, selections: subselections, typeToFind, fieldToFind, }); if (selectionDoesIncludeField) return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns true if a @key directive is found on the type node * * @param node TypeDefinitionNode | TypeExtensionNode * @returns boolean */ export function isTypeNodeAnEntity( node: TypeDefinitionNode | TypeExtensionNode, ) { let isEntity = false; visit(node, { Directive(directive) { if ( === 'key') { isEntity = true; return BREAK; } }, }); return isEntity; } /** * Diff two type nodes. This returns an object consisting of useful properties and their differences * - name: An array of length 0 or 2. If their type names are different, they will be added to the array. * (['Product', 'Product']) * - fields: An entry in the fields object can mean two things: * 1) a field was found on one type, but not the other (fieldName: ['String!']) * 2) a common field was found, but their types differ (fieldName: ['String!', 'Int!']) * - kind: An array of length 0 or 2. If their kinds are different, they will be added to the array. * (['InputObjectTypeDefinition', 'InterfaceTypeDefinition']) * * @param firstNode TypeDefinitionNode | TypeExtensionNode | DirectiveDefinitionNode * @param secondNode TypeDefinitionNode | TypeExtensionNode | DirectiveDefinitionNode */ export function diffTypeNodes( firstNode: TypeDefinitionNode | TypeExtensionNode | DirectiveDefinitionNode, secondNode: TypeDefinitionNode | TypeExtensionNode | DirectiveDefinitionNode, ) { // The fieldsDiff diff entries will contain both object type definitions // differences, and input object type definitions differences const fieldsDiff: { [fieldName: string]: string[]; } = Object.create(null); const unionTypesDiff: { [typeName: string]: boolean; } = Object.create(null); const locationsDiff: Set = new Set(); // Arguments need to be compared on per-field basis, so that arguments from // one field don't get conflated with arguments from a different field. Here // we setup an object-of-objects, where each top-level key is the field name, // and sub-keys are the argument name. const fieldArgsDiff: { [fieldName: string]: { [argumentName: string]: string[]; } } = Object.create(null); // Since directive arguments aren't field-scoped, we keep a diff of them // separate from the field arguments diff. const directiveArgsDiff: { [argumentName: string]: string[]; } = Object.create(null); const document: DocumentNode = { kind: Kind.DOCUMENT, definitions: [firstNode, secondNode], }; // Input objects fields aren't allowed to have arguments, // so we use a simpler version of `fieldVisitor` that // only looks at the name and types of the fields. function inputFieldVisitor(node: InputValueDefinitionNode) { const fieldName =; const type = print(node.type); if (!fieldsDiff[fieldName]) { fieldsDiff[fieldName] = [type]; return; } const fieldTypes = fieldsDiff[fieldName]; if (fieldTypes[0] === type) { delete fieldsDiff[fieldName]; } else { fieldTypes.push(type); } } function fieldVisitor(node: FieldDefinitionNode) { const fieldName =; const type = print(node.type); if (!fieldsDiff[fieldName]) { // If the field has no entry in the diff, it means we've never encountered // the field before. We'll add the field and type into our diff object fieldsDiff[fieldName] = [type]; } else { // If the field has already been seen, we need to compare the previously // recorded type with the current type. If the types match, we'll remove // the diff entry, to signal they are equivalent. Otherwise, we'll append // the newly recorded type into the array so it can be reported later. const fieldTypes = fieldsDiff[fieldName]; if (fieldTypes[0] === type) { delete fieldsDiff[fieldName]; } else { fieldTypes.push(type); } } // Each field may have 1 or more arguments, and those arguments need to compared // on a per-field basis, so that arguments from 1 field aren't conflated with // arguments from other fields. Here we're setting the empty field-specific // diff object to track the arguments by name. if (!fieldArgsDiff[fieldName]) { fieldArgsDiff[fieldName] = Object.create(null); } const argumentsDiff = fieldArgsDiff[fieldName]; const nodeArgs = Array.isArray(node.arguments) ? node.arguments : []; nodeArgs.forEach(argument => { const argumentName =; const printedType = print(argument.type); if (!argumentsDiff[argumentName]) { // If this argument has never been seen on this field, we keep track of it's // name and type so it can be compared later. argumentsDiff[argumentName] = [printedType]; } else { // If the argument name has already been seen on this field, we need to compare // the types of the argument. If the types match, we remove the argument name // from the diff object, to signal they are equivalent. If they types don't match, // we append the type of the current field so they can be reported later if (printedType === argumentsDiff[argumentName][0]) { delete argumentsDiff[argumentName]; } else { argumentsDiff[argumentName].push(printedType); } } }); // If there are no entries in the arguments diff object for this specific field, // it means either the field had no arguments, or the arguments were equivalent. if (Object.keys(argumentsDiff).length === 0) { delete fieldArgsDiff[fieldName]; } } visit(document, { FieldDefinition: fieldVisitor, InputObjectTypeDefinition(node: InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode) { if (Array.isArray(node.fields)) { node.fields.forEach(inputFieldVisitor) } }, UnionTypeDefinition(node) { if (!node.types) return BREAK; for (const namedTypeNode of node.types) { const name =; if (unionTypesDiff[name]) { delete unionTypesDiff[name]; } else { unionTypesDiff[name] = true; } } }, DirectiveDefinition(node) { node.locations.forEach(location => { const locationName = location.value; // If a location already exists in the Set, then we've seen it once. // This means we can remove it from the final diff, since both directives // have this location in common. if (locationsDiff.has(locationName)) { locationsDiff.delete(locationName); } else { locationsDiff.add(locationName); } }); if (!node.arguments) return; // Arguments must have the same name and type. As matches are found, they // are deleted from the diff. Anything left in the diff after looping // represents a discrepancy between the two sets of arguments. node.arguments.forEach(argument => { const argumentName =; const printedType = print(argument.type); if (directiveArgsDiff[argumentName]) { if (printedType === directiveArgsDiff[argumentName][0]) { // If the existing entry is equal to printedType, it means there's no // diff, so we can remove the entry from the diff object delete directiveArgsDiff[argumentName]; } else { directiveArgsDiff[argumentName].push(printedType); } } else { directiveArgsDiff[argumentName] = [printedType]; } }); }, }); const typeNameDiff = === ? [] : [,]; const kindDiff: any[] = firstNode.kind === secondNode.kind ? [] : [firstNode.kind, secondNode.kind]; return { name: typeNameDiff, kind: kindDiff, fields: fieldsDiff, fieldArgs: fieldArgsDiff, unionTypes: unionTypesDiff, locations: Array.from(locationsDiff), directiveArgs: directiveArgsDiff }; } /** * A common implementation of diffTypeNodes to ensure two type nodes are equivalent * * @param firstNode TypeDefinitionNode | TypeExtensionNode | DirectiveDefinitionNode * @param secondNode TypeDefinitionNode | TypeExtensionNode | DirectiveDefinitionNode */ export function typeNodesAreEquivalent( firstNode: TypeDefinitionNode | TypeExtensionNode | DirectiveDefinitionNode, secondNode: TypeDefinitionNode | TypeExtensionNode | DirectiveDefinitionNode, ) { const { name, kind, fields, fieldArgs, unionTypes, locations, directiveArgs } = diffTypeNodes( firstNode, secondNode, ); return ( name.length === 0 && kind.length === 0 && Object.keys(fields).length === 0 && Object.keys(fieldArgs).length === 0 && Object.keys(unionTypes).length === 0 && locations.length === 0 && Object.keys(directiveArgs).length === 0 ); } export function findTypeNodeInServiceList(typeName: string, serviceName: string, serviceList: ServiceDefinition[]) { return serviceList.find( service => === serviceName )?.typeDefs.definitions.find( definition => 'name' in definition && === typeName ); } /** * A map of `Kind`s from their definition to their respective extensions */ export const defKindToExtKind: { [kind: string]: string } = { [Kind.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION]: Kind.SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION, [Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION]: Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, [Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION]: Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION, [Kind.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION]: Kind.UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION, [Kind.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION]: Kind.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION, [Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION]: Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, }; export const executableDirectiveLocations = [ 'QUERY', 'MUTATION', 'SUBSCRIPTION', 'FIELD', 'FRAGMENT_DEFINITION', 'FRAGMENT_SPREAD', 'INLINE_FRAGMENT', 'VARIABLE_DEFINITION', ]; export const reservedRootFields = ['_service', '_entities']; // Map of OperationTypeNode to its respective default root operation type name export const defaultRootOperationNameLookup: { [node in OperationTypeNode]: DefaultRootOperationTypeName; } = { query: 'Query', mutation: 'Mutation', subscription: 'Subscription', }; export type CompositionResult = CompositionFailure | CompositionSuccess; // Yes, it's a bit awkward that we still return a schema when errors occur. // This is old behavior that I'm choosing not to modify for now. export interface CompositionFailure { /** @deprecated Use supergraphSdl instead */ schema: GraphQLSchema; errors: GraphQLError[]; supergraphSdl?: undefined; } export interface CompositionSuccess { /** @deprecated Use supergraphSdl instead */ schema: GraphQLSchema; supergraphSdl: string; errors?: undefined; } export function compositionHasErrors( compositionResult: CompositionResult, ): compositionResult is CompositionFailure { return 'errors' in compositionResult && !!compositionResult.errors; } // This assertion function should be used for the sake of convenient type refinement. // It should not be depended on for causing a test to fail. If an error is thrown // from here, its use should be reconsidered. export function assertCompositionSuccess( compositionResult: CompositionResult, message?: string, ): asserts compositionResult is CompositionSuccess { if (compositionHasErrors(compositionResult)) { throw new Error(message || 'Unexpected test failure'); } } // This assertion function should be used for the sake of convenient type refinement. // It should not be depended on for causing a test to fail. If an error is thrown // from here, its use should be reconsidered. export function assertCompositionFailure( compositionResult: CompositionResult, message?: string, ): asserts compositionResult is CompositionFailure { if (!compositionHasErrors(compositionResult)) { throw new Error(message || 'Unexpected test failure'); } } // This function is overloaded for 3 different input types. Each input type // maps to a particular return type, hence the overload. export function getFederationMetadata(obj: GraphQLNamedType): FederationType | undefined; export function getFederationMetadata(obj: GraphQLField): FederationField | undefined; export function getFederationMetadata(obj: GraphQLDirective): FederationDirective | undefined; export function getFederationMetadata(obj: any) { if (typeof obj === "undefined") return undefined; else if (isNamedType(obj)) return obj.extensions?.federation as FederationType | undefined; else if (isDirective(obj)) return obj.extensions?.federation as FederationDirective | undefined; else return obj.extensions?.federation as FederationField | undefined; }