import { GraphQLDirective, DirectiveLocation, GraphQLEnumType, GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLString, GraphQLNonNull, } from 'graphql'; import { ServiceDefinition } from './composition'; import { mapGetOrSet } from './utilities/mapGetOrSet'; const FieldSetScalar = new GraphQLScalarType({ name: 'join__FieldSet', }); const JoinGraphDirective = new GraphQLDirective({ name: "join__graph", locations: [DirectiveLocation.ENUM_VALUE], args: { name: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString), }, url: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString), }, } }); /** * Expectations * 1. The input is first sorted using `String.localeCompare`, so the output is deterministic * 2. Non-Alphanumeric characters are replaced with _ (alphaNumericUnderscoreOnly) * 3. Numeric first characters are prefixed with _ (noNumericFirstChar) * 4. Names ending in an underscore followed by numbers `_\d+` are suffixed with _ (noUnderscoreNumericEnding) * 5. Names are uppercased (toUpper) * 6. After transformations 1-5, duplicates are suffixed with _{n} where {n} is number of times we've seen the dupe * * Note: Collisions with name's we've generated are also accounted for */ function getJoinGraphEnum(serviceList: ServiceDefinition[]) { const sortedServiceList = serviceList .slice() .sort((a, b) =>; function sanitizeGraphQLName(name: string) { // replace all non-word characters (\W). Word chars are _a-zA-Z0-9 const alphaNumericUnderscoreOnly = name.replace(/[\W]/g, '_'); // prefix a digit in the first position with an _ const noNumericFirstChar = alphaNumericUnderscoreOnly.match(/^\d/) ? '_' + alphaNumericUnderscoreOnly : alphaNumericUnderscoreOnly; // suffix an underscore + digit in the last position with an _ const noUnderscoreNumericEnding = noNumericFirstChar.match(/_\d+$/) ? noNumericFirstChar + '_' : noNumericFirstChar; // toUpper not really necessary but follows convention of enum values const toUpper = noUnderscoreNumericEnding.toLocaleUpperCase(); return toUpper; } // duplicate enum values can occur due to sanitization and must be accounted for // collect the duplicates in an array so we can uniquify them in a second pass. const sanitizedNameToServiceDefinitions: Map< string, ServiceDefinition[] > = new Map(); for (const service of sortedServiceList) { const { name } = service; const sanitized = sanitizeGraphQLName(name); mapGetOrSet(sanitizedNameToServiceDefinitions, sanitized, []).push(service); } // if no duplicates for a given name, add it as is // if duplicates exist, append _{n} (index-1) to each duplicate in the array const enumValueNameToServiceDefinition: Record< string, ServiceDefinition > = Object.create(null); for (const [sanitizedName, services] of sanitizedNameToServiceDefinitions) { if (services.length === 1) { enumValueNameToServiceDefinition[sanitizedName] = services[0]; } else { for (const [index, service] of services.entries()) { enumValueNameToServiceDefinition[ `${sanitizedName}_${index + 1}` ] = service; } } } const entries = Object.entries(enumValueNameToServiceDefinition); return { graphNameToEnumValueName: Object.fromEntries([enumValueName, service]) => [, enumValueName]), ), JoinGraphEnum: new GraphQLEnumType({ name: 'join__Graph', values: Object.fromEntries([enumValueName, service]) => [ enumValueName, { value: service }, ]), ), }), }; } function getJoinFieldDirective(JoinGraphEnum: GraphQLEnumType) { return new GraphQLDirective({ name: 'join__field', locations: [DirectiveLocation.FIELD_DEFINITION], args: { graph: { type: JoinGraphEnum, }, requires: { type: FieldSetScalar, }, provides: { type: FieldSetScalar, }, }, }); } function getJoinOwnerDirective(JoinGraphEnum: GraphQLEnumType) { return new GraphQLDirective({ name: 'join__owner', locations: [DirectiveLocation.OBJECT, DirectiveLocation.INTERFACE], args: { graph: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(JoinGraphEnum), }, }, }); } export function getJoinDefinitions(serviceList: ServiceDefinition[]) { const { graphNameToEnumValueName, JoinGraphEnum } = getJoinGraphEnum(serviceList); const JoinFieldDirective = getJoinFieldDirective(JoinGraphEnum); const JoinOwnerDirective = getJoinOwnerDirective(JoinGraphEnum); const JoinTypeDirective = new GraphQLDirective({ name: 'join__type', locations: [DirectiveLocation.OBJECT, DirectiveLocation.INTERFACE], isRepeatable: true, args: { graph: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(JoinGraphEnum), }, key: { type: FieldSetScalar, }, }, }); return { graphNameToEnumValueName, FieldSetScalar, JoinTypeDirective, JoinFieldDirective, JoinOwnerDirective, JoinGraphEnum, JoinGraphDirective, }; }