interface Options { /** The string to use for the indent. @default ' ' */ readonly indent?: string; /** Also indent empty lines. @default false */ readonly includeEmptyLines?: boolean; } /** Indent each line in a string. @param string - The string to indent. @param count - How many times you want `options.indent` repeated. Default: `1`. @example ``` import indentString = require('indent-string'); indentString('Unicorns\nRainbows', 4); //=> ' Unicorns\n Rainbows' indentString('Unicorns\nRainbows', 4, {indent: '♥'}); //=> '♥♥♥♥Unicorns\n♥♥♥♥Rainbows' ``` */ export declare const indentString: (string: string, count?: number, options?: Options) => string; export {};