/// import { BIP32Interface } from "bip32"; import { IKeyPair } from "../interfaces"; export declare class HDWallet { static readonly slip44 = 111; /** * Get root node from the given mnemonic with an optional passphrase. */ static fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string, passphrase?: string): BIP32Interface; /** * Get bip32 node from keys. */ static fromKeys(keys: IKeyPair, chainCode: Buffer): BIP32Interface; /** * Get key pair from the given node. */ static getKeys(node: BIP32Interface): IKeyPair; /** * Derives a node from the coin type as specified by slip44. */ static deriveSlip44(root: BIP32Interface, hardened?: boolean): BIP32Interface; /** * Derives a node from the network as specified by AIP20. */ static deriveNetwork(root: BIP32Interface): BIP32Interface; }