import Document, { AdjacentBoundaryBehaviour, Annotation, AnnotationJSON, ParseAnnotation } from '@atjson/document'; import HTMLSource from '@atjson/source-html'; import * as entities from 'entities'; import * as sax from 'sax'; import { Article, Description, Media, Message, Title } from './annotations'; function prefix(vendorPrefix: string, attributes: any): any { if (Array.isArray(attributes)) { return any) => prefix(vendorPrefix, item)); } else if (typeof attributes === 'object' && attributes != null) { return Object.keys(attributes).reduce((prefixedAttributes: any, namespacedKey: string) => { let [namespace, key] = namespacedKey.split(':'); if (key == null) { key = namespace; namespace = vendorPrefix; } prefixedAttributes[`-${namespace}-${key}`] = prefix(vendorPrefix, attributes[key]); return prefixedAttributes; }, {} as any); } else { return attributes; } } function getVendorPrefix(tagName: string) { let [namespace, tag] = tagName.split(':'); if (tag == null) { return 'html'; } else { return namespace; } } function getType(tagName: string) { let parts = tagName.split(':'); return parts[parts.length - 1]; } export default class PRISMSource extends Document { static contentType = 'application/vnd.atjson+prism'; static schema = [...HTMLSource.schema].concat([ Article, Description, Media, Message, Title ]); static fromRaw(xml: string) { let parser = sax.parser(false, { trim: false, normalize: false, lowercase: true, xmlns: false, position: true }); let content = xml; let annotations: Array = []; let xmlStart = xml.indexOf('', xmlStart) + 2; if (xmlStart > -1 && xmlEnd > 1) { annotations.push(new ParseAnnotation({ start: xmlStart, end: xmlEnd, attributes: { reason: '' } })); } let partialAnnotations: Array> = []; parser.onopentag = node => { let vendorPrefix = getVendorPrefix(; let type = getType(; if (node.isSelfClosing) { annotations.push({ type: `-${vendorPrefix}-${type}`, start: parser.startTagPosition - 1, end: parser.position, attributes: prefix(vendorPrefix, node.attributes) }, new ParseAnnotation({ start: parser.startTagPosition - 1, end: parser.position, attributes: { reason: `<${}/>` } })); } else { partialAnnotations.push({ type: `-${vendorPrefix}-${type}`, start: parser.startTagPosition - 1, attributes: prefix(vendorPrefix, node.attributes) }); annotations.push(new ParseAnnotation({ start: parser.startTagPosition - 1, end: parser.position, attributes: { reason: `<${}>` } })); } }; parser.onclosetag = tagName => { let annotation = partialAnnotations.pop()!; // The annotation was short closed and got a duplicate close tag action if (annotation.type !== `-${getVendorPrefix(tagName)}-${getType(tagName)}`) { partialAnnotations.push(annotation); return; } annotation.end = parser.position; annotations.push( annotation as AnnotationJSON, new ParseAnnotation({ start: parser.startTagPosition - 1, end: parser.position, attributes: { reason: `` } }) ); }; parser.write(xml).close(); let prism = new this({ content, annotations }); prism.match(/(&((#[\d]+)|(#x[\da-f]+)|(amp)|(quot)|(apos)|(lt)|(gt));)/ig) .reverse() .forEach(({ start, end, matches }) => { let entity = entities.decodeXML(matches[0]); prism.insertText(start, entity, AdjacentBoundaryBehaviour.preserve); prism.deleteText(start + entity.length, end + entity.length); }); return prism; } }