/** * This file has been duplicated in packages/linking-platform/link-picker/src/common/utils/url.ts * Any changes made here should be mirrored there. */ import LinkifyIt from 'linkify-it'; /** * Please notify the Editor Mobile team (Slack: #help-mobilekit) if the logic for this changes. */ export declare const isSafeUrl: (url: string) => boolean; export interface Match { schema: any; index: number; lastIndex: number; raw: string; text: string; url: string; length?: number; input?: string; } export declare const linkify: LinkifyIt.LinkifyIt; export declare const LINK_REGEXP: RegExp; export declare const linkifyMatch: (text: string) => Match[]; export declare function getLinkMatch(str?: string): Match | null; /** * Adds protocol to url if needed. */ export declare function normalizeUrl(url?: string): string; /** * checks if root relative link */ export declare function isRootRelative(url: string): boolean;