import { AxiosPromise } from "axios"; import { WrapOptions } from "retry"; /** * Scheme and hostname (authority) of the Atomist webhook URL. */ export declare function webhookBaseUrl(): string; /** * Atomist webhooks supported by these functions. */ export declare type AtomistWebhookType = "application" | "build" | "link-image"; /** * Post payload to the Atomist webhook URL. It will retry * several times. * * @param webhook type of webhook * @param payload object to post * @param teamId Atomist team ID * @param retryOptions change default retry options * @return response of post operation */ export declare function postAtomistWebhook(webhook: AtomistWebhookType, payload: any, teamId: string, retryOptions?: WrapOptions): AxiosPromise; /** * Atomist generic build webhook payload repository structure. */ export interface AtomistBuildRepository { owner_name: string; name: string; } /** * Atomist generic build trigger types. */ export declare type AtomistBuildType = "cron" | "pull_request" | "push" | "tag" | "manual"; /** * Atomist generic build statuses. */ export declare type AtomistBuildStatus = "started" | "failed" | "error" | "passed" | "canceled"; /** * Atomist generic build post payload structure. */ export interface AtomistBuild { repository: AtomistBuildRepository; number?: number; name?: string; compare_url?: string; type: AtomistBuildType; pull_request_number?: number; build_url?: string; status: AtomistBuildStatus; id?: string; commit: string; tag?: string; branch?: string; provider?: string; } /** * Atomist link image commit information structure. */ export interface AtomistLinkImageGit { owner: string; repo: string; sha: string; } /** * Atomist link image image information structure. */ export interface AtomistLinkImageDocker { image: string; } /** * Atomist link image post payload structure. */ export interface AtomistLinkImage { git: AtomistLinkImageGit; docker: AtomistLinkImageDocker; type: "link-image"; } //#