/** * Context common to an event or command handler. */ import { Source } from "../transport/RequestProcessor"; export interface Contextual { /** * ID of the Atomist Workspace * @deprecated use workspaceId instead */ teamId?: string; /** * ID of the Atomist Workspace */ workspaceId: string; /** * Correlation Id for this invocation * Note: there can be more then one handler invocations per unique * correlation id occurring. */ correlationId: string; /** * Client internal unique Id of the current handler invocation */ invocationId?: string; /** * Source of the request, eg. Slack, Dashboard or HTTP */ source?: Source; } export interface Invocation { /** * Name of operation to invoke */ name: string; mappedParameters?: Arg[]; secrets?: Secret[]; } /** * Argument to a command handler */ export interface Arg { name: string; value: string | string[]; } /** * Secret to a command handler */ export interface Secret { uri: string; value: string | string[]; } /** * Command handler, editor or generator invocation */ export interface CommandInvocation extends Invocation { args: Arg[]; } //# sourceMappingURL=Payload.d.ts.map