import { BaseParameter, BaseValue } from "./internal/metadata/decoratorSupport"; /** * Decorator for parameters. Adds to object properties */ export declare function Parameter(details?: BaseParameter): (target: any, propertyKey: string) => void; /** * Map a local field to some other configuration item in a different system */ export declare function MappedParameter(uri: string, required?: boolean): (target: any, name: string) => void; /** * Declare a secret an automation wants to use */ export declare function Secret(uri: string): (target: any, name: string) => void; /** * Inject a config value from the automation-client configuration */ export declare function Value(pathOrValue: string | BaseValue): (target: any, name: string) => void; /** * Decorator for a command handler class. Implements HandleCommand * @param {string} description * @param {string[] | string} intent * @return {(obj: any) => any} * @constructor */ export declare function CommandHandler(description: string, ...intent: string[]): (obj: any) => void; /** * Decorator for a configurable command handler class. Implements HandleCommand * @param {string} description * @param {string[] | string} intent * @return {(obj: any) => any} * @constructor */ export declare function ConfigurableCommandHandler(description: string, options: { intent?: string | string[]; autoSubmit?: boolean; }): (obj: any) => void; /** * Decorator for a parameter class that doesn't contain handler logic * @return {(obj: any) => any} * @constructor */ export declare function Parameters(): (obj: any) => void; export declare function EventHandler(description: string, subscription?: string): (obj: object) => void; /** * Decorator for tags. Sets tags on the class */ export declare function Tags(...tags: string[]): (target: any) => void; export declare abstract class MappedParameters { static readonly GitHubOwner: string; static readonly GitHubOwnerWithUser: string; static readonly GitHubRepository: string; static readonly GitHubAllRepositories: string; static readonly GitHubRepositoryProvider: string; static readonly GitHubWebHookUrl: string; static readonly GitHubUrl: string; static readonly GitHubApiUrl: string; static readonly GitHubUserLogin: string; /** * @deprecated no alternative available */ static readonly GitHubDefaultRepositoryVisibility: string; static readonly SlackChannel: string; static readonly SlackChannelName: string; static readonly SlackTeam: string; static readonly SlackUser: string; static readonly SlackUserName: string; static readonly AtomistWebhookUrlBase: string; } export declare abstract class Secrets { static readonly OrgToken: string; static readonly UserToken: string; static userToken(scopes: string | string[]): string; } //#