import { ExtensionPack } from "@atomist/sdm"; import { SdmPackK8sOptions } from "./config"; /** * Register Kubernetes deployment support for provided goals. Any * provided `options` are merged with any found in the SDM * configuration at `sdm.k8s.options`, i.e., * `sdm.configuration.sdm.k8s.options` if accessing from the SDM * object, with those passed in taking precedence. * * If the merged options result in a truthy `addCommands`, then the * [[kubernetesUndeploy]] and [[kubernetesSync]] commands are added to * the SDM with intents. * * The [[kubernetesDeployHandler]] event handler for this SDM is added * to the SDM. * * If `sync.repo` is a valid repo ref, synchronizing Kubernetes * resources with a Git repository is enabled. * * The [[minikubeStartupListener]] is added to the SDM to assist * running in local mode against a * [minikube]( cluster. * * @param options SDM Pack K8s options, see [[SdmPackK8sOptions]]. * @returns SDM extension pack. */ export declare function k8sSupport(options?: SdmPackK8sOptions): ExtensionPack; //#