import { GoalInvocation } from "@atomist/sdm"; import { GlobPatterns } from "./publishToS3"; /** * Specify how to publish a project's output to S3. */ export interface PublishToS3Options { /** * Name of this publish operation. Make it unique per push. */ uniqueName: string; /** * Name of the bucket. For example: */ bucketName: string; /** * AWS region. For example: us-west-2 * This is used to construct a URL that the goal will link to */ region: string; /** * Select the files to publish. This is an array of glob patterns. * For example: [ "target/**\/*", "index.html" ], */ filesToPublish: GlobPatterns; /** * Function from a file path within this project to a key (path * within the bucket) where it belongs on S3. You can use the * invocation to see the SHA and branch, in case you want to * upload to a branch- or commit-specific place inside the bucket. */ pathTranslation?: (filePath: string, inv: GoalInvocation) => string; /** * The file or path within the project represents the root of the * uploaded site. This is a path within the project. It will be * passed to pathTranslation to get the path within the bucket * when generating the link to the completed goal. If it is not * provided, no externalUrl is provided in the goal result. */ pathToIndex?: string; /** * A label for the link to the uploaded files. This will appear * on the successful goal in a push notification (when pathToIndex is defined). * Default is "S3 Website" */ linkLabel?: string; /** * If true, delete objects from S3 bucket that do not map to files * in the repository being copied to the bucket. If false, files * from the repository are copied to the bucket but no existing * objects in the bucket are deleted. */ sync?: boolean; /** * If set, look for hidden files with this extension (otherwise * matching the names of files to be uploaded) for additional * parameter properties to supply to the argument of S3.putObject. * * For example, if a file "X" is being uploaded and the value of * `paramsExt` is ".s3params" and there is a file ".X.s3params" in * the same directory, the contents of the ".X.s3params" file are * parsed as JSON and merged into the parameters used as the * argument to the S3.putObject function with the former taking * precedence, i.e., the values in ".X.s3params" take override the * default property values. */ paramsExt?: string; }